
Journal of Siberian Federal University. & Social 7 (2016 9) 1553-1561 ~ ~ ~

УДК 009:004.94

Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences

Willard McCarty* King’s College London, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL UK

Received 29.01.2016, received in revised form 13.05.2016, accepted 21.06.2016 Even a brief sketch of the history of simulation, given here for , climatology and , reveals from the perspective of the humanities possibilities for expansive and adventurous imaginative work. Despite the fact that simulation as we know it began its rapid and transformative growth with digital computing 70 years ago, it is only within the last decade that it has received critical attention in the humanities. Why this is so, given that simulation is so closely congruent with these disciplines, is a question worth pondering. Keywords: simulation, history of , imagination, humanities. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-7-1553-1561. area: culture studies.

Art, as though getting ready for an emergency, holds in steady readiness the intellectual equipment of creation in case (as seems now to be the case) there is a need to begin to look for and make recognizable the act of creating in the many other previously unacknowledged sites…. Art is our starting place. Elaine Scarry, ‘The made-up and the made-real’ (1992)

1. Introduction Speaking from the perspective of the humanities, My subject is that polymorphic bundle I will say what I think its potential is for these of techniques we call ‘simulation’. Simulation disciplines, drawing on its history in the sciences began at the end of World War II with digital for evidence of simulation as an imaginative computing, and by the end of the 1960s had form. My will be that simulation is a spread throughout the social sciences. But it has way, a technological logos, for “imagining what remained almost unknown to the humanities, you don’t know” (McGann 2002) and in some receiving minor critical attention only within the cases cannot know in any other way. last decade. My aim here is to lay a suggestive Simulation is closely twinned with basis for more and better critical attention to it. modelling, so I must say something at the

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] – 1553 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences outset about modelling itself, and so about 2. Continuities ‘model’. of reasoning and practice T h e w o r d ‘ model’ is infamously polysemous The basic meaning of ‘simulation’ is and so requires some effort of definition. But traceable from primaeval ideas of similitude, the idea it points to is fundamental to scholarly analogy and figuration, its technical history from thought, as the great Lithuanian sociologist devices in antiquity used or specifically contrived Teodor Shanin has shown (Shanin 1972), and as analogies to physical objects, their functions, at the basis of all computing, hence largely processes and later the equations describing unnoticed and therefore a topic of considerable them. Unfortunately our common division of importance. But ‘model’ isn’t adequate, at least computing machinery into analogue (whose data not for digital humanities. As mere hardware varies continuously) and digital (which operates computers do nothing at all; as abstract by discrete steps) has by a confusion of referents formulations and their translations into code, for ‘analogue’ obscured the fact that both kinds of neither do computational models. It’s in the hardware implement analogical reasoning, though manipulating, in the enacting of the encoded in different ways. As a result ‘the continuity of model by hardware, that a model becomes practice’ they share has been obscured (Care a way of probing the known. Thus there are 2012), and so our view of simulation’s history deep reasons for centering not on ‘model’ blinkered. but on the recursive process of exploring The Oxford English Dictionary’s earliest an idea of something by manipulating a entry for ‘simulation’ in a positive sense doesn’t digitally operationalized representation of it, help: it suggests that before the likely-seeming date changing that representation as results dictate, of 1947 the word invariably meant deception, as it manipulating the altered representation and so continued to do in other contexts. But a closer look on. This process is what I mean by ‘modelling’ reveals straightforward uses of the term in early (McCarty 2005). My emphasis is not on 20th Century descriptions of electrical circuits a stable representation, such as a and of mechanics to simulate flight. There can be , but on the scholar’s work no question that de facto simulations – Babbage in the recursion of use, rethinking and re- notably describes one in the Ninth Bridgewater engineering. Treatise (1837)– go back as far as one cares to Simulation begins like modelling, with a look, but positive use of the word to denote them model of something and made from would appear to originate near the beginning of it. But unlike modelling, in which you isolate the last century. This usage became dominant an aspect of that which you wish to study and with the growth of digital computing. subject that aspect to close analysis, simulation Nevertheless a redolence of deceit lingers, addresses systems that cannot be known merely indeed is crucial to the total meaning of the word. from considering their parts in isolation – Thus RAND scientist David G. Hays remarked complex systems (Jervis 1997). Simulation that “What goes on in a simulation… is a sham instead models the system itself, its components and a pretense: imaginative play” (Hays 1965). and dynamic structures, then turns this model On the one hand the analogical, figurative loose to see what happens. It imitates what things nature of simulation makes it troublesome to do – but crucially not only allows for inventive believers in strict, objectivist realism, for whom play but invites it. it stands in much the same dubious position as – 1554 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences figurative, poetic language. On the other hand its von Neumann’s many distinctions we know him technoscientific basis makes it equally disturbing as the father of Artificial . Since then A-Life to whose for whom such belief is the enemy. Its has become an attempt to demonstrate via in dependence on skill and tacit knowledge moves it silico simulation that “life-as-we-know-it [can away from the theoretical to the practical, gives be located] within the larger picture of life-as-it- it the ambiguous status of an art or craft – for could be” (Langton 1989). But von Neumann’s one ecologist “more akin to making wine than aim was different. In 1949, working on the building a machine” (Peck 2008). Comparison to cellular automata from which A-Life arose, he artistic practice is commonplace. warned that, ‘By axiomatizing automata in this The telling point is simulation’s defining manner, one has thrown half of the problem out moment: when it becomes the only way to of the window, and it may be the more important know something or to form a coherent picture half’. We know from his final set of lectures (von from fragmentary knowledge. But at that point Neumann 1958) that his ultimate target was that we must ask, what kind of knowledge does the other half, the problem of simulating the human inferential bridge of simulation offer? How far organism in its physical totality. Elsewhere I can we go without it crumbling? I will return to have argued that the implications for human these questions. self-understanding and the expressions of these in works of art and literature are central to the 3. Continuity of intent humanities. So it begins to look like simulation Simulation was intellectually compelling belongs. But it is an indefatigable trouble-maker. from the outset. Rapid uptake into diverse contexts tempts us to look for a common aim or 4. continuity of intent, which would be helpful for and nuclear weapons research anticipating its usefulness to the humanities. But Between Turing’s abstract analogical no one taxonomy fits the variety of applications: machine of 1936 and von Neumann’s 1945 differences from discipline to discipline translation of it into a design for hardware suggest distinct kinds, but the extensive cross- (Turing 1936-7; von Neumann 1945), World War disciplinary traffic of borrowings cannot be II intervened. The war-effort resulted in two ignored. Evelyn Fox Keller suggests following research programmes important here: Norbert quasi-disciplinary lines of development while Wiener’s cybernetics and nuclear weapons paying attention to the cross-talk (Keller 2003). development. I heed her advice as much as time will allow First cybernetics. Wiener named the new but attempt two shortcuts: an argument for a after the Greek word for ‘steersman’ continuity of simulation’s effect on the sciences, (kubernētēs), whose intimate relationship with at which I have already hinted, and the continuity the tiller of a boat provides a telling metaphor of intent I am about to venture. of its aims (Wiener 1948). Cybernetics began Consider John von Neumann’s in efforts to improve anti- artillery preoccupations with a question that might be during World War II by integrating human with regarded as the oldest and most fundamental machine. It succeeded, but it also resulted in of all questions about simulation, namely, how a comprehensive theoretical vision which for closely can a mechanical simulacrum be made a time seemed to promise a universal science to resemble an organism? (Keller 2003) Among (Dupuy 2000). Cybernetics did far more than is – 1555 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences usually remembered: it had deep and long-lasting was possible” (Freedman 2013). Prominent influence, bringing together common interests in American and British figures, such as Herman the medical, social, psychological and physical Kahn, argued for all manner of fantasies to be sciences toward an integrative view of the human. entertained and worked through in computer It provided a home for attention to kinaesthetic simulating nuclear war and its aftermath and cognitive human-machine integration in the (Ghamari-Tabrizi 2000). This happened, for fields of , human-computer interaction example, at the U.S. RAND Corporation. In and user-interface design. But I am getting ahead such a world it is not surprising that design of myself. for the first American civil defense system by Simulation began in earnest at the end of a scientific committee of the U.S. Air Force, World War II with the application of digital literally proposed a great anthropomorphic computing by the United States to develop cyborg (ADSEC 1950). The committee’s the atomic bomb, then to make possible the report was taken seriously, adopted immediately thermonuclear Super. As the historian of the and acted on. From its imaginings evolved in Manhattan Project wrote, the physical scientists, time the various forms of “a world-encompassing mathematicians and engineers of the Project were surveillance, communication and control system” initially stumped by phenomena “too far from (Edwards 2000), including Ronald Reagan’s the course of ordinary terrestrial experience to Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars”. “The be grasped immediately or easily” (Hawkins President’s proposal did not seem bizarre to a 1946). These phenomena generated “problems public used to science fiction and conditioned too complex for theory and too remote from by long exposure to Buck Rogers, Star Trek, and laboratory materials for ” (Galison Darth Vader to regard as a natural 1996). So the scientists had to imagine what they environment for war and counterwar”, George did not know – by simulation based on analogy to Ball wrote in the New York Review of Books. the effectively random interactions of subatomic “The President had told us that the Soviet Union particles during a thermonuclear reaction. And is an ‘evil empire’ and he was now warning so came about a decisive shift: “bit by bit (byte America that the ‘empire’ might ‘strike back’” by byte) computer designers deconstructed the (Ball 1985). notion of a tool itself as the computer came to stand My point is not a political one nor about the not for a tool, but for nature” (Galison 1996). We Cold War. It is to notice that in the most serious could say that the analogy was naturalized, but of circumstances the most practical sort of people the point I wish to make is different: simulation turned to simulation for what it does best and proved itself very early in its history as a way of most often: not to provide certainty or proof using what is known to imagine what is not and but for stories of the possible enacted in cannot otherwise be known. games. Writing about the threat of annihilation Climatology provides a similar example. In created by nuclear weaponry, British military the early years, as meteorologists extended their historian Lawrence Freedman comments that, models to the globe, the lack of uniform, reliable “When faced with the possibility of nuclear data became a problem. Hence the computer was war, an event for which there could be neither used to refine, correct and, Paul Edwards has noted, precedent nor experiment and which in its shape the data to fit the models (Edwards 1999). enormity challenged imagination, only simulation Again tool and nature blurred into each other. – 1556 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences

Thus the term ‘scenario’ entered climatology. Simulation is a different matter, far more As in other global sciences, it tells the familiar of a troublemaker. To date the most successful tale: of movement from the theory-like model that research in the interpretative disciplines converges on and formalizes a singular, agreed- continues to be with social or physical things upon understanding of an objective world to a (like populations or books) whose behaviour can narrative expressing the modeller’s assumptions, plausibly be generated by computational agents interests and agenda. In consequence, Edwards operating according to simple rules. This is has argued, “a different conception of the nature known in the trade as “agent-based modelling” of scientific work” is required (1999). But how (Troitzsch 2009). Archaeological and historical different? Ian Hacking’s famous question, “Do reconstructions, which simulate the experience we see through a microscope?” (Hacking 1983) of being in a vanished or ruined site, are now suggests to me that simulation does not so much quite popular. I do not want to gainsay their provoke a new question about knowledge as value nor the value of agent-based modelling to rewrite an old one. And so we ask, do we know the social sciences and humanities. But all these when look with a simulation? face a serious limiting condition: the current My last example is biology. We can take its limits of artificial intelligence. In the recent central question – what is life? – to get straight words of an archaeologist, these simulations fall to the point: are biological simulations alive? short because “we do not yet know how to model Keller suggests this may well turn out to be an human cognition on a computer in other than historical, not a philosophical question (2003). relatively superficial and oversimplified ways” So does Stefan Helmreich: he asks, “What was (Doran, q. Düring 2014). life?” (2011) before these simulations came But there’s much more to learn from gaming, along. If we recognize them as alive then we or by its proper name in the humanities, serio find ourselves alongside Dr Frankenstein, again ludere, “serious play” (Berger 1988). with the question of the human. Thus simulation In 1984 English teacher Edward Versluis enters the humanities properly. Simulation is ‘just pointed to the “emotionally rich thinking a tool’ if all it does is to produce more compelling experience” of such play, citing the notable representations that generate objects of study from ability of Joseph Weizenbaum’s psychoanalytic rules in software. It is of the humanities when it simulation Eliza to induce what Weizenbaum becomes a tool for raising the questions humans called “powerful delusional thinking” in those ask about human things, and for bringing forth who submitted themselves to the simulated in cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner’s potent analyst (Weizenbaum 1976). Versluis imagined phrase “the alternativeness of human possibility” an Eliza reconfigured in the service of teaching (1986). and research, delusion reconceived as imaginative fantasy exercised in order to elicit and make real 6. Simulation in the humanities that “alternativeness of human possibility”. In the humanities modelling is not really Eliza’s quite surprising power was not the a problem once it is understood: the analogical result of sophisticated artificial intelligence – bridge between computing and the interpretative first-year students write such disciplines keeps the digital construct separate, things today as an exercise – rather the product informing humanistic research both by what it of a non-autonomous, cooperative human- discovers and especially by what it cannot. machine simulation. Like all simulation it was – 1557 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences a trick, but it is also a clue to what could be You may wonder whether such a done. A similar set of ideas about computer- reconstructive simulation, implementing human cooperation underlies analogies to a past so imperfectly known, like Jerome McGann’s Ivanhoe , which amounts to no more than an entrancing deception. teasingly suggests what might be done. In this It is a deception. But it is much more than that game human players make algorithmic changes once we put the kinds of conjectures that it offers to a shared text as a way of exploring the effects us in the context of simulation. The history I of those changes on the literary ecology of text have briefly recounted argues that the kind of and reader (McGann 2014). The Ivanhoe Game counterfactuality or misleadingness deployed simulates criticism as a social activity. by Virtual Paul’s Cross must be understood, in Evelyn Fox Keller’s words, as “a positive virtue, 7. A concluding example not a negative one... [which makes] possible that Let me end with a current example chosen ‘willing suspension of disbelief’ that permits for the clarity of its dilemma: literary scholar uncertainty to remain out of focus, that allows the John Wall’s Virtual Paul’s Cross (Wall 2014). ‘as if’ to do the remarkable work it has so often This simulation digitally re-creates the English done in the past” (2002). poet and divine John Donne’s sermon of 5 November 1622 celebrating the failure of the 8. Conclusion plot 17 years earlier to blow up the British We are left, then, not just with big ideas Parliament with King James I attending. Virtual but with big questions and projects, concerning Paul’s Cross recreates the encompassing world the roles these two fundamental things you of this event: the improvisational performance can do with a computer – modelling and for which Donne was noted, spoken by an simulating – play or are to play in our practices accomplished actor; the distractions of a 17th- of enquiry, how we are to become self-aware century outdoor gathering – social interactions, practitioners of them and how they change dogs, horses and the many unsynchronized these practices and are changed by them. ‘[T] bells of nearby churches ringing cumulatively he use of computers’, Fr Roberto Busa wrote on the quarter-hour; and as much as can be in 1976, ‘is not aimed towards less human known or conjectured about the physical effort, or for doing things faster and with less environment adjacent to St Paul’s. Much is labour, but for more human work, more mental uncertain, some evidence contradictory. The effort….’ (Busa 1976). The question is, to what structures of stones, timbers, plaster, tiles, is that effort directed? Not, as modelling and metal and glass perished in the Great Fire of simulating both make clear, what the bereaved 1666. Four centuries of social change and call ‘closure’ but (once again) Bruner’s urban development far less reverent of the past ‘alternativeness of human possibility’, than we are have intervened. Even the location William Blake’s ‘expanding eyes’. Simulation is uncertain: the printed edition, sole evidence returns us to Aristotle’s function of poetry published years after Donne’s death, declares (Poetics 1451b), to describe not the thing that that contrary to normal practice the sermon has happened (genómena) but a kind of thing took place inside the Cathedral because of rain. that might happen (génoito), something more Virtual Paul’s Cross enacts it outside, where philosophical and worthy of serious attention, Donne intended it to be. he thought, even than history. – 1558 – Willard McCarty Fictions of Possibility: Simulation for the Humanities from its History in the Technosciences

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Невероятные возможности: история симуляции от технических наук к гуманитарным

Уиллард МакКарти Королевский колледж Лондона Соединенное Королевство, Лондон WC2B 5RL, Друри Лэйн 26-29

Даже краткий обзор истории симуляции, разработанной для физики, климатологии и биологии, открывает перспективы ее использования в гуманитарных науках для расширения возможностей работы воображения. Несмотря на то, что симуляция, как мы ее знаем, начала стремительно развиваться в программировании 70 лет назад, в области гуманитарных наук пристальное внимание ей стало уделяться только в последние годы. Почему так сложилось, учитывая, что симуляция тесно переплетается с этими дисциплинами, – хорошая тема для размышлений. Ключевые слова: симуляция, история технологий, воображение, гуманитарные науки. Научная специальность: 24.00.00 – культурология.