30 September 1981 LATE EOCENE AND EARLY OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE (: PROSOBRANCHIATA) OF THE BROWN'S CREEK AND GLEN AIRE CLAYS, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA By D. C. Long 20 Hall Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, England. Abstract Over 50 species of fossil gastropod belonging to the family Turridae or to turrid like genera occur in the late Eocene Brown's Creek Clay and the early Oligocene Glen Aire Clay of south west Victoria, Australia. As with other fossils from these deposits distinctive assemblages can be identified for various horizons — in this case BCl and BC3 in the Brown's Creek Clay, and the horizon present at Geological Survey of Victoria locality AWl in the Glen Aire Clay. Evidence from the turrids would thus give local

stratigraphic correlations and it tends to support wider correlations achieved by other means. One specific identification is made with a New Zealand fossil of approximately the same age and there is evidence of common elements, some localised, in the late Eocene turrid faunas of the two areas. At the generic level the turrid fauna indicates conservatism; twelve possibly, thirteen, of the genera reported in this paper are still present in Australasian and Indo-Pacific waters. New taxa proposed are: Comitas wynyardensis cudmorei subsp. nov., Makiyamaia victoriae sp. nov., Apiotoma? wilkinsoni sp. nov,, Johannaia darraghi gen. el. sp. nov., Marshallaria olwayensis sp. nov., Paramarshallena propebelloides gen. et. sp. nov.. Turhnosyrinx denticulala sp. nov., Gemmula (Clavogemmida) prima subgen et sp. nov., Borsonia tatei eocenica subsp. nov., Cryplocordieria variabilis $en. et sp. nov., hughesi sp. nov., Mauidrillia secta olwayensis subsp. nov., Conor- bis atractoides otwayensis subsp. nov. Guraleus eocenicus sp. nov., Macleola eocenica sp. nov., Syngenochilus johannaensis sp. nov., Parasyngenochilus eocenicus gen. et. sp. nov., P. angusdor sp. nov.

Introduction species of have yet been described

This paper is based on collections of fossils in from the Brown's Creek Clay though the fauna the National Museum of Victoria, with some is under study by T. A. Darragh, National additional material from the collection of the Museum of Victoria. That this fauna is in- writer. Three horizons are involved (Text completely described is owing partly to the size

Figure 1): of the problem facing palaeontologists working on the Australian Tertiary, partly owing to the Locality FLU, BCl, 7.6 m dark grey clay inaccessibility of some of the localities, and also with Turritella below greensand in Brown's to the difficulties faced by early workers in Creek Clay, Washout 1 nearest Brown's dating Australian marine Tertiary deposits on a Creek, Grid Reference Aire 277177; late global basis. It is the aim of this report to fill Eocene (Abelee/ a/., 1976:225); one gap by description of the late Eocene and Locality FL13, BC3, 16 m of dark gritty clay early Oligocene Turridae of Victoria. above greensand, Brown's Creek Clay, Washout 1, Aire 277177, and FL14, BC3, Classification dark gritty clay in Washout 2, forked gully nearest mouth of Johanna River, Aire The family Turridae Swainson, 1 840 276179; late Eocene (Abele et aL, 1976:225); (emended), with the and Terebridae part of the Superfamily Locality FL19, Geological Survey of Victoria forms a heterogenous the Prosobranch Suborder locaUty AWl, Glen Aire Clay, Point Conacea within Stenoglossa. It is distinguished by the members Flinders, Cape Otway, Victoria, Aire 367097; possessing a more or less toxoglossate radula early Oligocene (Abele et ai, 1976:226). fusiform shells with pro- Although nearly 120 molluscan species have and, in general, a nounced posterior sinus produced by the been described from the Australian Eocene and mantle edge curving round the anal siphon. The early Ohgocene, nearly all by Tate (1878, 1886, inner shell of the whorls is not, except in 1888. 1890, 1893) from Blanche Point, Aldinga the Conorbis, resorbed as it is in the Con- or from the Adelaide (Kent Town) Bore both Within these criteria the genera of the South Australia, these include only nine names idae. family exhibit a considerable variety of form proposed for members of the turridae. No new

15 Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria, No. 42, 1981. 16 D. C. LONG


Fig. 1. Late Eocene-Early Oligocene fossil localities. B = Blanche Point Aldinga. EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE n

often closely resembling genera of other Terminology and Definitions families such as the Pyrenidae, Mitridae, or For the Buccinidae. purposes of this report the shell is basically divided into two portions: Various features have been used to attempt subfamilial classifications of the Turridae-the (a) the which is the larval shell operculum and here includes parts or its absence (Fischer, 1887), the of the shell grown during the protoconch (Hedley, 1922, in conjunction with planktonic larval stage; the the differs from the operculum), the radula (Thiele, 1929), or, teleoconch; (b) the teleoconch more recently a combination of characters which includes the shell (Powell, formed during immaturity, 1942; Powell, 1966; McLean, 1971). adulthood and old age. These latter classifications appear to be a better approximation to natural groupings than the The junction between the protoconch and earlier ones, but all such classifications must teleoconch may be sharp and clearly defined, or contain areas of uncertainty which derive partly there may be no clear break as elements of the from the great fossil and Recent diversity of the teleoconch successively develop. Turridae and partly from the fact that the vast The term posterior sinus describes the majority of Recent species are still known only adapical curvature of the outer of the aper- from shells. ture. This may be located in a sulcus. Most of The position is further complicated when the fossils considered here have suffered aper- dealing with fossils because one is forced tural damage and the shape of the posterior ultimately to work from analogies with the sinus has had to be deduced from the curvature shells of the Recent fauna. With the Turridae of the axial growth lines. the only diagnostic shell feature for the family All measurements are in millimetres. is the posterior sinus, and though a clearly iden- L (Length) is the distance from the tip of the tifiable sinus is a positive indicator for the protoconch to the distal end of the anterior family placement, its absence does not defin- canal; itely eliminate a shell from consideration as a B (Breadth) is the maximum diameter of the turrid. For this reason the ascription of many body at its periphery; genera and species to the Turridae is doubtful, S (the Spire Height) is measured from the and further examples are given here, since a posterior at the top of the notable proportion of the Eocene and early to the tip of the protoconch. Oligocene turrid-like fossils found in Victoria Whori have a weak to very weak posterior sinus which counts are given separately for the protoconch and makes their subfamilial or even familial place- teleoconch. ment uncertain. Registration numbers prefixed whh a P are those of the The subfamilial divisions and order ad- National Museum of Victoria (NMV); numbers vocated by Powell (1966) have been used in this prefixed with EA, EB, or EW are for paper as they seem reasonably well adapted to material in the writer's collection. the Australasian region, although the species of Turrinosyrinx and Rugobela dealt with below Discussion illustrate the difficulty of relying on shell characters to determine subfamilial classifica- The major features of the three diverse tions in the Turridae. In the Victorian Eocene faunas reviewed here are generic conser- and early Oligocene turrids are found which vatism-many genera still five in Australasian would fall into the Subfamilies Cochle- spirinae, * Turrinae, Borsoniinae, Clavinae, * Following Cernohorsky (1972b: Conorbiinae Mangehinae and, atypically, the 127), Cochlespirinae Powell, 1942 IS used in preference to Turriculinae Powell Daphnellinae.* Species whose familial place- 1942 {non Turriculidae Carpenter, 1861, Turriculinae a' Adams, 1864). The writer uses ment is uncertain are dealt with at the end of Daphnellinae Casey, 1904 pending resolution of whether Raphitominae Bellardi' 1875 the systematic descriptions. has priority for this subfamily. ]8 D. C. LONG

This phenomenon is best and Indo-Pacific waters* or have long fossil South Australia. fauna; in BCl and AWl records! -coupled with relatively rapid specific marked in the BC3 species in common with the Blanche Point For- change as the listing of the fauna in Table 1 and nearly all recognizably different the species level comparisons in Table 2 show. mation are subspecifically. These findings are consistent These reflect abilities to simultaneously main- micro-palaeontological evidence (Abele er tain existing forms and evolve new lineages with and it is not surprising that which appear to be characteristic of the Tur- aL, 1976: 225-226), have some local correlative ridae throughout the Cenozoic since collation the turrids should already been demonstrated in of the time range data on the family, world- value as this has Australian Cenozoic mollusca wide, contained in Powell (1966) suggests that other south east 1971). the proportion of genera implied as surviving (Darragh 1969, from earlier epochs was about 5% in the The marked decrease in diversity in the AWl Paleocene, 15% in the Eocene, 56% in the turrid fauna compared with BC3-9 fewer Oligocene and Miocene, 82% in the Pliocene genera and 12 fewer species -may possibly be and 96% in the Pleistocene, while new genera associated with the major chmatic cooUng event appeared at an approximate rate of 1.3 genera: at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary for which MYr in the Paleocene, 3.8: MYr from the there is a mounting body of evidence (e.g. Eocene to the end of the Pliocene, and 2.7:MYr Keigwin, 1980). There is some evidence that in the Pleistocene. benthic moUuscan faunas were affected: Marin- Because of this generic conservatism the tur- covich (1977:200) reported than the greatest ex- rids are mostly poor indicators of general age. tinction among Cenozoic naticids of western However the presence of Johannaia (possibly North America occurred at the close of the allied to the Palaeocene Eopleurotoma) in BCl, Eocene, and that early Oligocene naticids in the Tholitoma (otherwise Paleocene — late Eocene area suggested a distinctly cooler shallow-water New Zealand) in BC3, Turrinosyhnx (else- hydro-climate than the late Eocene, and the where Palaeogene) in all three faunas. Mar- reduction in the number of Indo-Pacific shallaria (otherwise Palaeocene-Oligocene New migrants into the New Zealand fauna in the

Zealand) in AW 1 , and Conorbis (mainly Runangan stage (Fleming, 1967) may also be Cretaceous-Oligocene) in BC3 and AWl sug- related. Furthermore data in Powell (1966) sug- gests that the faunas are Palaeogene. gests that the Turridae in general were affected the genera whose presence Specific and subspecific changes between BCl since about 46% of did not survive into the BC3 and AWl clearly indicate that three is implied in the Eocene Oligocene- separate faunal horizons are involved. No Oligocene while the corresponding figure is about 12%. When considered horizon has more than 41% of its species in Miocene common with any other (BCl with BC3, Table in detail, however, the evidence from the AWl turrid fauna is inconclusive as an indicator of 2). No identifications have been made with any deterioration as species occurring later than the Longfordian major palaeoenvironmental the (early Miocene) — Syngenochilus radiapex, there is as yet insufficient information on again supporting a Palaeogene dating in distribution and temperature tolerances of the genera involved. general. More constraining is the specific iden- three turrid faunas are fairly typical of ticality of several turridsj with those occurring The the Palaeogene in that the Cochlespirinae, Bor- in the Blanche Point Formation at Aldinga, soniinae and Clavinae are well represented, the Daphnellinae very little (one typical genus — * Comitas, Apiotoma, Makiyamaia, Cochlespira, Bor- Asperdaphne) and the Mangeliinae not in large sonia, Mitrohunna, Splendrillia, perhaps Conorbis, numbers. With only two species of Turrinae Guraleus, Amiguraleus, Macieola, Etrema and Asper- (three if is the assemblage daphne. Johannaia included) t Veruturris, MauidriUia and Rugobela. differs from the European area where Gem- aldingensis, Makiyamaia victoriae, Cochle- t Comitas mula, Eopleurotoma and their relatives are spira semiplana, MauidriUia aldingensis, M. secta, Gu- raleus eocenicus. conspicuous; Clavogemmula and Johannaia EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 19

Table 1

Species of Turridae in the Brown's Creek and Glen Aire Clays

Recent Mioc. Plioc. Recent Else- Species BCl BC3 BP vWl Jan Aust. Aust. Aust. where

Comitas? sp. C. aldingensis G G G G G C.w.cudmorei ss SS n.gen.? sp. a. n.gen.? sp. b.

n.gen.? sp. c. Tholitoma sp. A/, victoriae 9. Apiotoma? sp. a. 10. Apiotoma? sp. b. 11. Apiotoma? wilkinsoni s 12. A. hassi s G 13. ?lnsolentia sp. s G 14. M. otwayensis s 15. P. propebel/oides S s 16. C. semiplana s G 17. T. denticulata s s 18. J. darraghi s 19. G. prima. s 20. Veruturris sp. s 21. ? sp. 22. C. cf protensa s 23. C. protensa G 24. ?C. sp. s G 25. B. t. eocenica ss SS G? G 26. ?B. sp. afftatei s 27. ?Mitrolumna sp. s G G G* __.28. C. variabilis s 29. ?Sp/endril/ia sp. s 30. S. hughesi G G G G G 31. ?Hauturua sp. s G G 32. A/, aldingensis s s G G G 33. M. secta ss ss ss ss 34. ?n. gen et sp. s G? 35 Conorbis sp. s 36 C. a. otwayensis ss 37 G. eocenicus s? s s G G G G G G* 38^„. Antiguraleus sp. a. s s G G G 39. Antiguraleus sp. b. s 40. ?Antiguraleus sp. c. s s eocenica. s G 41. A/, G G 42. Etrema sp. s G G SG G G 43. Asperdaphne sp. a. s G G G G 44. Asperdaphne sp. b. s s s 45. Asperdaphne sp. c. s 46. ^. humerosa s G G G G G 47. 5. johannaensis s s S 48. 5. radiapex 49. P. eocenicus s G 50. P. angustior S

51. .^P. sp. a.

52. .^P. sp. b. s

= species occurs; SS = subspecies occurs; BP^ Blanche Point Formation; G- genus occurs; SG = subgenus occurs; S Jan.^Janjukian; Aust. = Australia; *-New Zealand. 20 D. C. LONG

Table 2 which the same genus or related genera occur in both areas (Table Victorian Eocene-early Oligocene Turridae 3). Some of these have both cosmopolitan or Numbers and Percentages Indo-Pacific affinities and (in brackets) of Species in common local representatives {Apiotoma/Zemacies, Gemmula/G. (Clavogemmula), Cochlespira/ BCl BC3 AWl Janjukian Turrinosyrinx/Tahusyrinx and the Borso- niinae). Others are more local, BCl 22(100) 9(41) notably 4(18) I (4.7) BC3 9 Tholitoma, Rugobela and the (32) 28(100) 5(18) 0(0) problematic AWl 4(25) 5(31) 16(100) 2(13) Syngenochilus/Parasyngenochilus group, but caution must be exercised in claiming highly localized groups of genera as further work may be regarded as local equivalents of Gem- elsewhere may well rnula and reveal major extensions of Eopleurotoma but they have only range (as with Parasyrinx in Hickman, 1976 been found so far in or BCl . Cosmopolitan genera Turrinosyrinx, this paper). in the fauna There are also some amount to about 28% in BCl differences, in particular the presence of Conor- 25% in BC3 and 21% in AWl; Indo-Pacific bis, a more genera numerous Clavinid representation, 28%, 30% and 36%; genera so far Mangeliinae and Asperdaphne in south recorded only from Australia east and New Zealand Australia. In 18%, 25% and general all these late Eocene-early 29%, and genera apparently Oligocene turrid faunas reflect local develop- confined to southern Australia 28%, 20% and ment from a diversity of turrid 14%; these percentages should lineages that be treated with had already become widely, in some cases caution as they are based on the small numbers globally, dispersed by the of genera in each fauna late Eocene. and can easily be None of the fossils recorded in this paper affected (as is the case ex- of the southern tend the known Australian time range of the subfamilies element) by taxonomic decisions, recognised by Powell, 1966, but but the relatively high the presence of cosmopolitan element is Guraleus, probably Antiguraleus, roughly in accord with Darragh's and Mac- (1980) finding teola in the Australian on late Eocene is interesting the Cenozoic mollusca of south east since otherwise (Powell, Australia as a whole. 1966: 22-23) Eocene records of Mangeliinae are European Since Palaeogene marine deposits do and not ap- North American. A number pear to have been reported of generic ranges yet from the east are extended back in time- Veruturris Antarctic continental shelf the only (late geo- Eocene vice graphically early Miocene-Pliocene); Mitro- close faunas outside Australia lumna (possibly late which are well enough known Eocene, vice Oligocene- for comparison Recent), Asperdaphne are those of New Zealand -in (late Eocene, vice middle particular the Miocene-Recent) and Bortonian and Kaiatan Syngenochilus (late (late Eocene); only Eocene-late Auslrotonm Oligocene, vice late Oligocene was recorded from the New only). Additionally the range Zealand early Oligocene (Fleming, in Australia of 1966) but Rugobela, and probably P. A. Maxwell (pers. comm. Apiotoma is extended 5.1.1981)' also back to the reports Rugobela. late Eocene. Rugobela humerosa (Marwick, 1926) occurs Systematic Description both in the Kaiatan and BCl, but it has not so tar been Sub-family COCHLESPIRINAE possible to equate any other New Powell, 1942 Zealand Eocene turrid Genus Comitas Finlay, 1926 species with south east Australian fossils. Nevertheless there are Type species (o.d.) Surcula similarities; oamarutica Suter these stem in part from their i'iil Drdha having = fusiformis Hnnon, 1877. features in common with world-wide Palaeo- Diagnosis: gene turrid faunas, Protoconch papillate, of such as a strong representa- two smooth whorls, carinate tion ot Cochlespirinae, or subcarinate over and also in part from the ast whorl. Teleoconch elongate the presence of smaller phylogenetic fusiform with a groups in tall spire and moderately long, slightly flexed EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 21

Table 3

Comparison of the Bortonian and Kaiatan turrid faunas of New Zealand with the late Eocene and early Oligocene Turridae of Victoria, Australia

Bortonian BCl Kaiatan BC3 AWl

— Comitas? Comitas Comitas — — Tholitoma Tholitoma — - Makiyamaia — Makiyamaia _ Zemacies ?Apiotoma Zemacies ?Apiotoma Apiotoma Insolentia — — ?Insolentia — Cochlespirinae Marshallena Paramarshallena Marshallena Paramarshallena — Marshallaria — Marshalleria — Marshallaria Notogenota - Notogenota — — — Cochlespira — — — — Turrinosyhnx Tahusyrinx Turrinosyrinx Turrinosyrinx — Johannaia - - -

_ Eoturris Turrinae Gemmula G (Clavogemmula) Gemmula Veruturris -

Borsonia Borsonia _ ?Borsonia — ?Cordieria Cordieria Cordieria Cordieria Borsoniinae — Cryptocordieria — Cryptocordieria — _ — Eoscobinella _ — - - - ?Mitrolumna -

Clavinae — ?Splendrillia — ?Splendrillia Splendrillia — Inquisitor — — — — Mauidrillia — Mauidrillia Mauidrillia - - TahudrilUa - -

Conorbiinae - - - Conorbis Conorbis

_ Guraleus Guraleus Guraleus Mangeliinae — — — Antiguraleus Antiguraleus — — — Macteoia — - - - - Etrema

Daphnellinae Asperdaphne Asperdaphne Asperdaphne - Rugobela Rugobela — —

Uncertain Syngenochilus Syngenochilus — Parasyngenochilus Parasyngenochilus Parasyngen och ilus Parasyngenochilus

New Zealand data based on Fleming, 1966 with additions from P. Maxwell (pers. comm.).

?Comitas sp. unnotched anterior canal. Adult sculpture of (Plate 4, figure long fold-like axials crossed by dense spiral 1) lirae. Suture marginated by a weak fold at Comments: A Comitas-\\kt shell characterised most. Sinus moderately deep, rather broadly by its long slightly concave shoulder slope and U-shaped, on the shoulder slope but nearer to 9-11 broad abapical ribs per whorl is known by the periphery than to the suture (after Powell, nine incomplete specimens from PL 11 (P33342 1966: 28). six, P33343 two, P33345 one). Extrapolation 22 D. C. LONG

indicates a length of about 49.0 mm for the Type Locality: Blanche Point Formation, largest specimen. It will not be possible to name Blanche Point, Aldinga Bay, S. Australia, or firmly place this species until complete Aldingan, late Eocene. material is available. Apart from the relatively

wide shoulder slope it appears to fit broadly Protoconch Teleoconch into Comitas. Dimensions: L. B. S. Whorls Who Holotype 6.8 2.9 Comitas aldingensis Powell, 1974 Paratype 7.75 3.0 (Plate 4. figures 2, 3) P33449 8.1 3.5 4.0 1.75 4.6 (topotypes) 8.3 3.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 1944: Comitas (Carinacomitas) aldingensis Powell; 7.3 Powell, Rec. 3.0 4.0 2.0 4.1 Auckland Inst. Mus. 3(1): 18-19 PI 1 6.9 fig. 7. ' 2.5 3.5 2.0 3.5 6.8 3.0 3.5 2.0 1969: Comitas aldingensis Powell 1944; Powell, Indo- 3.5 P33442 9.0 3.25 4.5 Pacific Mollusca 2(10): 292. 2.5 3.8 (3 of 7) 8.2 3.15 4.1 2.3 3.6 Description: Protoconch broadly dome-shaped specimens) 8.0 3.0 4.0 2.3 3.8 P33387 of 1 .75-2.5 smooth whorls with a median carina 12.2 5.0 6.5 2.2 5.0 developing on the first or second whorl, merg- Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. ing into the teleoconch by the gradual de- Material and Occurrence: velopment of adult sculpture with either a Blanche Point Fmn. sub-carinal or a supra-carinal spiral thread or -Blanche Point (P33449 five topo- types, EA002 axial ribs developing first. Teleoconch: one topotype), midway between Blanche Point fusiform, fairly thin; spire about 0.5 height of and Port Willunga (EWOOl two specimens, shell, turretted; whorls medially angulated, EW002 three fragments); Brown's Creek convex anteriorly with a concave shoulder Clay-FL14 (P33442 seven, P33412 two, slope; EB013 one specimen); suture well-marked, sloping, with a fine FL13 (P33383 one, P33387 one subsutural margining thread; ex- specimen). cavate anteriorly into a moderately long, Comments: One shell from Brown's Creek slightly flexed, open, unnotched anterior canal! (P33387) which is exceptionally large, lacks the Axial sculpture: 8-11 (usually 10-11) subsutural rounded, thread and has no sculpture at all on slightly opisthocline ribs per whorl, from the anterior canal; this latter feature may be periphery to suture on spire whorls, fading out due to senescence. on the body whorl just anterior to the periphery; numerous fine growth lines which Comitas wynyardensis cudmorei subsp. nov. may be slightly raised on the shoulder. Spiral (Plate 4, figures 4,5) sculpture: sharp narrow threads which develop Description: flattened Protoconch: 1.75-2.0 whorls, tubercles as they override the axials; smooth, shining, sub-cylindrical to beside the subsutural thread there are 0-3 slightly fine globose, threads apex flattened; tip slightly deviated; on the shoulder slope and, anterior to suture deep; first whorl may slightly the periphery, typically 3 but up to 6 threads overhang on second; spire merges into teleoconch by development whorls and 16-29 (usually 24-28) threads of axial sculpture, subsutural cord, on the body whorl and anterior canal. and spiral Aper- sculpture ture: in that order. Teleoconch: fusiform, lanceolate, elongated below into the anterior fairly thin; spire averaging 0.55-0.56 canal; slightly twisted; inner of shell length, lip a turretted; whorls convex, widest glaze on the columella extending to at the just bluntly below the angulate median periphery; end of the canal; outer lip sharp shoulder edged slightly concave; suture well-marked, with a well-marked U-shaped posterior sloping, smus with a weak subsutural margining cord on the shoulder, curved forward an- at the posterior teriorly, edge of each whorl, which is and straightening down the anterior strongest on the canal. early whorls; body whorl gently excavate anteriorly into a long, open, slightly Types: Holotype, TM-953, and flexuous one paratype, anterior canal, usually Auckland Museum. with a rounded end Ax- ial sculpture: 8-13, typically 10-12, rounded, EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 23

opisthocline ribs per whorl, about equal to in- sculpture compared with the regular develop- terspaces; from the subsutural cord to the ment of strong threads separated by several anterior suture on the first 2-3 whorls, finer ones in C. wynyardensis wynyardensis. thereafter reaching from just posterior to the The relationships between the various described periphery to the anterior suture, weakening on Australian late Oligocene Comitas spp. are not the body whorl in larger specimens, and not ex- clear from the material seen by the writer; C. tending to the anterior canal; numerous very wynyardensis wynyardensis^ C. torquayensis fine incised growth lines. Spiral sculpture: close Powell, 1944 and C pseudoclarae Powell, 1944 packed fine threads all over the teleoconch have been distinguished by the numbers of axial whorls, over-riding the axial ribs and extending ribs per whorl, details of the protoconch, and to the tip of the anterior canal; the threads are size. Assemblages from individual locations very fine on the shoulder, tending to become show variations in these characters, but a com- obsolete on the later whorls of large specimens, mon feature is that there are fewer axial ribs per stronger and slightly raised anterior to the whorl than C. wynyardensis cudmorei and the periphery, up to 50 on the body whorl and 40 spiral sculpture is generally stronger. The writer on the anterior canal; after about the third has so far been unable to recognise C. whorl the threads may become alternately crenularoides (Pritchard, 1896) which is based weaker and stronger. Aperture: lanceolate, on imperfect material or Turris altispira (May, elongated below into a large open anterior 1922) which may be a Comitas. Both subspecies canal; columella slightly twisted; inner lip a of C. wynyardensis are smaller than the recent smooth porcellanous glaze on the columella ex- Japonic C kaderlyi (Lischke, 1872), the south tending to just above the end of the anterior east Australian C. murrawolga (Garrard, 1961) canal; outer lip (none complete) probably sharp and the South African C. stolida (Hinds, 1843), edged, with a well-marked posterior sinus with and have a less concave shoulder slope. its apex in mid-shoulder occupying the whole C. wynyardensis cudmorei is variable both in shoulder slope, curved gently forward an- shape and in minor details of sculpture such as teriorly, straightening down the anterior canal. an occasional tendency for some of the spiral threads to strengthen presaging C wynyarden- Types: Holotype P42956, Paratype 1 P42957, sis wynyardensis. A few specimens (e.g. Paratype 2 P42958, all F. A. Cudmore collec- P42915, P42955) develop markedly angulated tion, National Museum of Victoria. whorls but otherwise have the protoconch and Locality: Geological Survey of Victoria Type sculpture of the subspecies. locality AWl, Point Flinders, Cape Otway, Victoria, Aire 367097. Genus ?nov. (allied to Comitas) Protoconch Teleoconch (Plate 4, figure 6)

Dimensions: L . B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 27.7 8.6 16.0 2.0 8.0 Comment: Fossils of three species, up to 9.0 8.0 Paratype 1 27.4 8.4 15.0 1.75 mm long from the Aldingan, late Eocene, Paratype 2 22.8 7.5 12.0 1.8 7.0 resemble Comitas but differ in the protoconch early Oligocene. Siratigraphic Range:Aldingan, having prosocline axial ribs on the last half Material and Occurrence: Type locality; types whorl. In no case is there sufficient material to plus numerous topotypes (P42913 15; P42914 name them. one; 7; 98; P42915 2; P42916 3; P42917 P42918 Material:ei. Blanche Point Formation, Blanche P42919 13; P42920 one; P42921 4; P42922 7; Point (EA003 two specimens); P42955 one). b. FL14 (P33429 one spire, P42912 Comments: C wynyardensis cudmorei differs one spire, EB(X)3 one specimen); from C. wynyardensis wynyardensis TdiSmdimdi c. FL14 (P42911, one specimen). (Pritchard, 1896) Fossil Bluff, Wynyard, Genus Thoiitoma Finlay and Marwick, 1937 Tasmania early Miocene in its greater number of axial ribs (typically 10-12 compared with Type species: (o.d.) T dolorosa Finlay and typically 9) and in the even, fine, spiral Marwick, 1937. 24 D. C. LONG

they tend to Tholitoma sp. canal on the body whorl, on which slightly un- (Plate 4, figure 7) fade. Spiral sculpture: numerous dulating spiral lines or very fine flattish cords, Material: Brown's Creek Clay BC3, FL14, very variable in strength from shell to shell and (P33417, one specimen). best developed on later whorls (25-39 on body Tholitoma was described from the Comments: whorl and anterior canal). Aperture pyriform; Paleocene of New Zealand. It also occurs there inner lip a glaze on the columella; outer lip ap- the late Eocene (Kaiatan) where probably in parently sharp; posterior sinus fairly narrow, represented (P. A. Maxwell two species are U-shaped, on the shoulder, nearer periphery pers. comm. 1 December 1980), one from than suture, with lip curving forward anterior GS4872 Port Ehzabeth beach near Greymouth long, to it. Anterior canal open, moderately other from GSl 1,200 (Kapua Westland, the end rounded. Tuffs, Waihao R., South Canterbury). The Types: Holotype P42834, Paratype 1 P42835, Brown's Creek fossil has weaker spiral Paratype 2 P42836, National Museum of Vic- sculpture and somewhat stronger axial sculp- toria, all coll. T. A. Darragh and H. E. Wilkin- ture than any of the New Zealand fossils but it son 6 December 1968. has a very similar shape to the species from GS4872. More material is necessary to evaluate Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, FL14. these records. Dimensions: Teleoconch Genus Makiyamaia MacNeil, 1960 Protoconch L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 8.0 3.0 4.3 1-75 4.8 . ) Pleurotoma coreanica Type species (o d . Paratype! 8.8 3.4 4.75 1.5 5.2 Adams and Reeve, 1850. Paratvpe2 8.7 3.5 4.5 1.5 5.0 Diagnosis: Pro^oconch: paucispiral, smooth, P33396 9.75 4.0 5.0 1.5 5.25 first post- subnaticoid, slightly wider than Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. nuclear whorl, Teleoconch: fusiform (resem- Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay; bling Turricula), spire pagodiform with a FLU (P42838 one); FL13 (P42837 one, P33396 usually nodulose peripheral angulation. An- one); FL14 (types plus topotypes-P33434 thir- terior canal fairly short; posterior sinus nar- teen, EB004 3, P33414 one; P42839 3, P42840 rowly U-shaped, on shoulder slope, nearer to one). Blanche Point Fmn, Blanche Point periphery than suture. (Operculum has a (EA004 one). medio-lateral nucleus on the columella side.) MacNeil, 1960 has Makiyamaia victoriae sp. nov. Comments: Makiyamaia been used for four species and two subspecies (Plate 4, figure 8) of Turriculinid turrids from the late Eocene to Description: Protoconch: smooth, glossy, Recent of the Japonic region, with one species naticoid, paucispiral 1.5-1.75 whorls; junction (M subdeclevis (Yokoyama, 1926)) extending with teleoconch often clear and sometimes ex- to the South China sea (Powell, 1969: 307-310). hibits a posterior sinus. Teleoconch: small (up All these are medium sized shells, 18-34 mm to 9.75 mm), dextral, fusiform, slightly long, but size alone is no criterion for rejecting pohshed; spire just over half length of shell (c. a generic placement, nor is geographical separa- 0.53), slightly turretted; whorls widest at tion; for instance the Australian Oligocene- periphery which is at or anterior to mid-whorl; Miocene genus Optoturris has been recorded shoulder shallowly concave; suture often in- from the Japanese Lower Pliocene (O. conspicuous, slightly margined by posterior kyushuensis Shuto, 1961). In protoconch, edge of whorl. Axial sculpture: 6-9, usually 8, teleoconch shape, sculpture, sinus, and anterior rounded sHghtly opisthocline ribs per whorl canal this new Australian species appears to fit which start at the periphery where they are best into Makiyamaia, but the margination of strongest and nodulose, just reach the suture on the suture is not typical. spire whorls, and die out before the anterior P42838 from FLU may be conspecific but ) )


has two protoconch whorls which are (probably Aperture: lanceolate; columella straight; inner pathologically) askew in relation to the lip a glaze on the columella; outer Up (not com- teleoconch; the spiral sculpture is very weak, so plete) evidently curved gently forward below is the axial sculpture which is reduced to a periphery; posterior sinus deep, narrow, in peripheral keel on the last two whorls. The one mid-shoulder. congeneric specimen available to the writer Types: Holotype P42832, Paratype 1 P42833 from Blanche Point (EA004) diflFers from both coll. T. A. Darragh and H. E. Wilkinson 6 Brown's Creek Clay material in having more December 1968, Paratype 2 P33403 coll. T. A. axials (11-12 per whorl) and relatively strong Darragh 20 November 1970, National Museum spiral sculpture, but without more Blanche of Victoria. Point material these differences cannot be evaluated. Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, FL14. Dimensions: Genus Apiotoma Cossmann, 1889 Protoconch Teleoconch L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Type species (o.d.) Pleurotoma pirulata Holotype 35.0 12.0 15.0 - 5.7

Deshayes, 1834. (apex ( + ( + preserved missing) Diagnosis: Shell attenuate-fusiform; spire tall Paratype 1 20.0 c.8.0 14.0 c.1.7 c.6.0( + ) of rapidly increasing whorls; anterior canal (incomplete long, unnotched; spiral sculpture usually domi- anteriorly) Paratype 2 29.8 nant; shoulder area with posterior sinus, more 9.8 14.0 c.1.7 6.5 (part of or less sunken; protoconch smooth, globose to outer lip narrowly conic, Wi-lVi whorls with small lost) assymetric tip. Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. Comments: In addition to A, bassi Pritchard, 1904 from AWl three species from the Brown's Material and Occurrence: Types plus 10 Creek Clay appear to belong to Apiotoma, but topotypes (P33436 5, P33410 3, EBOOl 2); FL13 the material for two of these, both from FLU (P33392 one). (a. P33353 (PL 4, fig. 13); b. P33356 (PI. 4, fig. Comments: Although every available specimen 14, 15)) is insufficient for full identification. of this fossil is imperfect there is enough material to reconstruct its appearance fairly fully. A ?, wilkinsoni seems to be related to Tur- Apiotoma? wilkinsoni sp. nov. ris janjukiensis Chappie, 1 934 (placed in (Plate 4, figures 9-11) Apiotoma by Powell, 1944:20) and also Description: Shell fusiform, anterior canal long possibly to Pleurotoma salebrosa Harris, 1897 nearly straight. Protoconch: 1.7-2.0 and (placed in Comitas by Powell, 1944:18 though whorls, smooth; first whorl rounded, second it has no axial sculpture). The generic place- sub-cylindrical; tip deviated and immersed; ment is tentative; the teleoconch of ^.^. wilkin- merges into teleoconch. Teleoconch: fusiform, soni resembles Turricula in many respects. spire slightly less than half height of shell; whorls shallowly concave above a rounded me- dian periphery, gently convex below; suture Apiotoma bassi Pritchard, 1904 flatly marginated by posterior edge of whorls. (Plate 4, figure 12)

Axial sculpture: very faint axial growth fines. 1904 Apiotoma bassi Pritchard; Pritchard, Proc. R. Soc. Spiral sculpture: very numerous low cords ex- Vict. 17:328, PI. 19, fig. 11. tending over whole whorl and to end of anterior 1914 Apiotoma bassi Pritchard; Chapman, Mem. natn Mus, Vic. 5:19 canal, usually 8 increasing to 13-15 on spire 1944 Apiotoma bassi Pritchard; Powell. Rec. Auckland the whorls; more numerous above than below Inst. Mus. 3(1):20 periphery and slightly more prominent anterior 1969 Apiotoma bassi Pritchard; Powell, Indo-Pacific Mollusca 2{\0):247. to it; 70 plus on body whorl and anterior canal. 26 D. C. LONG

Description: Protoconch mammilate, of 1.6-1.8 Protoconch Teleoconch smooth, rounded whorls; tip deviated and im- L. B. S. Whorls Whorls mersed; suture well-defined. Teleoconch: P42897 38.5 11.0 17.25 1.75 6.5 ( + ) elongately fusiform, moderately thin; spire tur- 35.5 10.0 16.5 c.1.7 7.0 retted, about 0.45 length of shell; whorls 35.5 9.25 18.0 c.1.7 7.0 develop a variable, usually well-marked, 25.3 7.2 11.5 c.1.8 5.5 postero-medial peripheral angulation, a 14.0 4.0 6.8 c.1.7 4.75 shallowly concave shoulder slope, and an Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early almost straight-sided anterior portion narrow- Oligocene.

ing slightly to the suture which is inclined, well- Material and Occurrence: Type Locality defined, and margined by a low subsutural fold (P42897, P42898, 159 topotypes coll. T. A. on later whorls; body whorl slightly convex, Darragh, T. Hughes, 1 December 1972). long, narrow, tapering with a slight excavation

Comments: A . bassi, the Janjukian (late into the long, almost straight, open, unnotched Oligocene) A, pritchardi Powell, 1944, and anterior canal. Axial sculpture: low variable what is probably another species from the opisthocline ribs from periphery rarely reaching Batesfordian (early Miocene) (FL43 Kennedy's the anterior suture, and often reduced to Creek) form a series that is very close in shape nodulations of the peripheral angulation; they to the type species of Apiotoma. are strongest on the second and third whorls where they number 14-19 per whorl, and may Genus Insolentia Finlay, 1926 persist for up to seven whorls or be completely Type species (o.d.) Pleurotoma pareoraensis obsolete; numerous very fine growth lines inter- Suter, 1907 rupt the spiral sculpture. Spiral sculpture: very numerous fine spiral threads of variable width but even strength cover the teleoconch, up to ?In$olentia sp. 100-105 on the body whorl and anterior canal. (Plate 4, figures 16, 17) Aperture: narrowly lanceolate, tapering into Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay; the anterior canal; inner hp a dull glaze on the FL13 (P33385, one specimen); FL14 (P33400 2, smooth tapering columella which is almost P33420 one, EB002 one, P33416 apex/spire straight or twisted anteriorly; outer lip curved only). back into a well-marked U-shaped posterior Comments: This moderately sinus occupying the shoulder slope, produced large 'turriculinid', probably gently forward below the periphery and 30. 0( + ) mm long, with axial sculpture on the straightening, with a very shallow concavity, spire only, is only represented down the anterior canal. by incomplete specimens. The only protoconch available (P33416) is turbinate, dome-shaped Types: Holotype, MUGD 1825 Melbourne above, of about 3 smooth whorls, tip not University Geology Department. deviated, merging into the teleoconch on which spiral sculpture appears before the axials; Type Locality: "the clays of the Cape Otway however it is associated with a few spire whorls section near Point Flinders" (Pritchard, only. If P33416 does come from this species, 1904:329) = Glen Aire Clay, GSV loc AWl. then the genus is not Comitas or Apiotoma. The shape of the teleoconch in the other Dimensions: "Average specimens have length specimens resembles Insolentia (Eocene-Mio- of about 33 mm by a breadth of 10 or 11 mm; cene New Zealand, late Oligocene Australia, length of aperture and canal 20 mm; greatest Powell, 1966), and Typhlosyrinx TYvi^X^, 1925, width of aperture about 3.5 mm. Specimens on not recorded as a fossil. the large side range from 45-50 mm in length by a breadth of about 13 mm, while small Genus Marshallaria Finlay and Marwick, 1937 specimens range about 24 in length mm by 8 Type species (o.d.) Verconella spiralis Allan, mm breadth." (Pritchard, 1904:329). 1926. EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 27

Diagnosis: Shell biconic-fusiform (buccini- Paralype 1 15.0 7.8 7.0 2.9 4.0 form), spire turretted with strong peripheral Paratype 2 33.2 10.5 c.15.0 3.0 4.75 (traces to angulation, and a capacious body whorl, 5.0) gradually contracted to a moderately long, un- Stratigraphic Aldingan, early notched, anterior canal. Adult sculpture fairly Range: Upper prominent axials overridden by numerous Oligocene. spiral cords and threads. Protoconch dome- Material and Occurrence: Type locality; types shaped, of about 3 V2 whorls, the first one and a plus 17 topotypes (P33333 5. P33335 9, P42935 half smooth, the remainder with strong spiral one, P42936 two). cords. Sinus regularly shallowly concave, oc- Comments: This species is not uncommon at cupying the shoulder slope. AWl, but its fragility has resulted in nearly all Marshallaria otwayensis sp. nov. available specimens being damaged. Mar- to a group (Plate 5, figures 3, 4) shallaria otwayensis clearly belongs of bucciniform turrids {Marshallena Allen, Description: Protoconch: 2.9-3.3 whorls, 1927:291, Marshallaria, Austrotoma Finlay, dome-shaped, tip exsert, whorls rounded, in- 1924: Belophos Cossmann, 1901:162, Lira- itially smooth, 5 gradually strengthening spiral tomina Powell, 1942: Belotomina Powell 1942, cords on last 0.3-0.9 of a whorl. Teleoconch: mostly characteristic of the New Zealand and thin, buccinoid; spire about half height of shell; Australian Tertiary, though Powell (1966, suture unmargined; shoulder slightly concave 1969) has also included several recent Indo- occupying about a third of whorl height; Pacific species in Marshallena. M. otwayensis periphery well marked but rounded; body lacks the subsutural margining fold, the notch- whorl large, tapering below into anterior canal. ing of the anterior canal and the ridge- margined Axial sculpture: numerous basically opis- fasciole of Austrotoma; the protoconch has 3, thocline ribs, narrower than interspaces, from not the 4-5 whorls of Austrotoma and it is not just above periphery to suture on spire whorls, smooth hke that of Marshallena; the teleoconch dying out above anterior canal on body whorl, has a gently concave shoulder slope, not the 17-23, mostly 19-21, per whorl; numerous fine, sloping shoulder slope of Marshallena, thread-like axial growth lines. Spiral sculpture Belophos has a notched anterior canal, a much overrides aixials: very numerous spiral threads, thicker shell, and a 4-5 whorled, not a about every tenth one stronger than those in- 3-whorled, protoconch. Belatomina and tervening, present over whole teleoconch. Liratomina have a very different teleoconch and Aperture pyriform; open below into a short, a paucispiral protoconch. Since the only round-ended anterior canal, inclined sHghtly to difference between Marshallaria as diagnosed left; inner lip a glaze on columella which is and M. otwayensis seems to be the weaker and slightly twisted, with a slight oblique fold near later development of spiral sculpture on the the base; outer lip curved gently forward below protoconch, the latter seems best placed in this periphery. Posterior sinus (indicated by growth genus. Marshallaria has not been previously lines) shallow, on shoulder slope, with a mid- recorded outside the Paleocene to late shoulder centre. Oligocene of New Zealand. Types: Holotype P42844, Paratype 1 P42845 both F. A. Cudmore collection, Paratype 2 P42846 coll. T. A. Darragh and T. Hughes 1 Genus Paramarshallena gen. nov. December 1972, National Museum of Victoria. Type species: Paramarshallena propebelloides Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, GSV locality AWl. sp. nov. Diagnosis: Shell buccinoid; spire turretted; Dimensions: whorls angulate at about one-third whorl Protoconch Teleoconch height, weakly margined posteriorly; spire L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 19.5 9.5 8.5 3.0 4.25 about half height of shell. Body whorl 28 D. C. LONG

capacious, tapering gently below into an open Paramarshallena propebelloides sp. nov. unnotched anterior canal. Posterior sinus on (Plate 5, figure 5) shoulder curved gently, very shallow, apex at Description: protoconch: dome-shaped, tip mid-shoulder. Protoconch paucispiral, dome- partly immersed, and oblique; 1.5-2.0 whorls, shaped, 1.5-2.0 whorls, tip partly immersed, the first smooth the second developing up to 10 first whorl smooth, second developing or- orthocline to slightly prosocline axial ribs thocline axial ribs before merging into before merging into the teleoconch. Teleo- teleoconch. Teleoconch thin; sculpture dom- conch: buccinoid; spire turretted about Vi inated by thin, opisthocline, axial ribs which ex- height of shell, post-medially angulated at tend above periphery to suture on spire whorls, about one-third whorl height below suture; but do not extend to anterior canal on body suture oblique with a weak margining fold on whorl. Aperture: narrow, ovate; inner lip a posterior edge of whorls. Body whorl pyriform, glaze on columella which is nearly straight and large, tapering gently below into short, open, inclined slightly to left; outer hp thin, sharp, unnotched anterior canal. Axial sculpture: nar- curved back in shallow sinus on shoulder, and row, sharp, spaced, axial ribs, prosocline and produced gently forward below. slightly curved on shoulder, slightly nodulose on Comments: The relationships of this small buc- periphery, opisthocline below periphery, from suture to suture ciniform turrid genus are uncertain; it re- on spire whorls, dying out on body whorl sembles two different groups of which the first above anterior canal, 10 increas- is the genus Marshallena Allan, 1926. Paramar- ing to up to 16 per whorl, tending to weaken shallena resembles Marshallena in the general after about 4 whorls; numerous close-set form and sculpture of the teleoconch, but growth lines. Spiral sculpture: very fine spiral diff'ers from Marshallena in having a pauci- threads, up to 10-12 below shoulder of spire spiral protoconch, a weak subsutural margining whorls, and weak posterior to shoulder, 30-35 fold, and more strongly opisthocHne sculpture. on body whorl and anterior canal; variable in strength and may be obsolete. Aperture: nar- The second group of genera consists of: rowly ovate, angulated posteriorly; inner lip a the 1. circum-arctic Pro/?e6e/a Iredale, 1918 glaze on the nearly straight columella which which is about the same size as Paramar- tapers off at the end of the anterior canal, and shallena (c.f. P. exquisita the Bartsch, on curve of the parietal region; outer lip (as 1941 -Powell PI 1966, 19, fig. 2), but the preserved) sharp, thin, with a shallow sinus on paucispiral protoconch of Propebela shoulder, and curved forward below the develops carinae and fine axial threads; Pro- periphery. pebeld% shoulder is more nearly flat, and the axial Types: Holotype P42847, sculpture is orthocline not basically Paratype 1 P42848 both opisthocline; coll. T. A. Darragh 24 February 1971; 2. the Paratype 2 P33375 coll. Japonic Nodotoma Bartsch, 1941, a T. A. Darragh 20 poorly defined genus; November 1970, National Museum of Victoria. 3. the Antarctic Belalora Powell, 1951 Type Locality: which Brown's Creek Clay, BCl has a diff'erent protoconch; FLU. 4. the Antarctic Lorabela Powell, 1951 in which the protoconch is described as nar- Dimensions: rowly papillate, and the posterior sinus deep Protoconch Teleoconch and rounded. L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 13.1 6.2 6.3 c.1.75 4.5 Paratype 1 8.6 4.9 None of this second group develops the 4.5 1.5 3.5 sub- Paratype 2 11.4 5.8 5.2 2.0 4.0 sutural margining of Paramarshallena. Until P33398 13.5 6.5 7.0 c.1.75 further 4.2 evidence emerges to enable its inclusion in another genus it appears best to isolate P. Stratigraphic Range: BC1-BC3, Aldingan, Late propebelloides in a genus of its own. Eocene, EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 29

Material and Occurrence: Type locality, types 3-4 weak spiral threads between the peripheral plus 14 topotypes (P33359 9, P33364 5); FLU and anterior keels; 17-21 smooth to finely gem- (P33391 one, P33398 one). mulate threads anterior to the second keel on Genus Cochlespira Conrad, 1865 the body whorl, extending down the anterior canal. Aperture: apparently lanceolate (matrix Type species (by virtual monotypy) Pleurotoma filled and fractured); cristata Comsid, 1847. outer lip with a U-shaped posterior sinus in the smooth shoulder area Diagnosis: Shell elongate-fusiform with a tall below the subsutural thread, and curved for- pagodiform spire, and long a body whorl ward anterior to the periphery. gradually tapered to a long unnotched anterior Type: Holotype, TM956, Auckland Institute canal. Protoconch subglobose or subcylin- (confirmed W. O. Cernohorsky in lit. 9 Feb drical, of two smooth whorls, sometimes 1978; TM957, Powell, 1969:402, is an error). angulate towards its termination. Adult whorls Type Locality: with a more or less median peripheral carina, Aldinga lower beds ( = Blanche flange-like, either serrated or coronated by Point Fmn, Blanche Point, Aldinga, S.A.). posteriorly directed spinose processes. Suture Dimensions: may be gemmately submarginated. Shoulder Protoconch Teleoconch slope concave, smooth or with spiral sculpture. L. B. S. Whorls Whorls — Anterior to the periphery, whorls may vary Holotype 9.6 3.9 1.5 4.0 P33446 11.0 4.8 S.5 2.0 5.0 from smooth to densely spirally sculptured, and EAOOl 11.0 — — — (in- may have a second keel above the start of the ( + ) complete) anterior canal. Sinus on the shoulder slope, P33445 10.0 4.5 5.0 2.0 c.4.0 broadly arcuate or restricted to above a median (in- lamella. complete) Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. Material and Occurrence: Type Locality Cochlespira semiplana (Powell, 1944) (P33446 1, EAOOl 1); Brown's Creek Clay FLl 1 (Plate 5, figure 6) (P33445 1). 1944 Coronasyrinx semiplana Powdl. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 3(1):22 PL 1, Fig. 2. Comments: Although much of the material is 1969 Cochlespira semiplana (Powell, 1944); Powell, Inda- damaged this is clearly a Cochlespira, C Mollusca Pacific 2(10): 402. venusta (Powell, 1944), late Oligocene-Middle Description: Protoconch: globose to sub- Miocene south east Australia has more numer-

globose, tip deviated, of 1 .5-2.0 smooth ous, but more conspicuously gemmulate, finer whorls, the second developing a median or sub- spiral threads, a much weaker anterior keel on median smooth keel; merges with the the body whorl, and a more flattened pro- teleoconch. Teleoconch: fusiform, thin, spire toconch on which the median keel develops on pagodiform; whorls with a prominent antero- the first whorl. median flanged peripheral keel long and a con- Genus Turrinosyrinx Hickman, 1976 cave shoulder slope; suture indistinct, margined above and below by a fine thread; body whorl Type species (o.d.) Turris packardi Weaver, with a second keel anterior to the peripheral 1916 keel, excavate anteriorly into a long, nearly Diagnosis: Protoconch: paucispiral, smooth. straight, anterior canal. Axial sculpture: 18-26 Teleoconch: fusiform; spire pagodiform with a posteriorly directed denticulations per whorl on prominent peripheral carina; body whorl nar- the peripheral keel; anterior keel on body whorl rowing rapidly below into a moderately long, smooth or finely denticulate; very faint growth open, round-ended, anterior canal. Posterior lines. Spiral sculpture: beside the peripheral sinus usually shallow, V-shaped, apex im- keel, fine sub-sutural and supra-sutural margin- mediately posterior to or on the peripheral ing threads develop which may be smooth or carina. Spiral sculpture more prominent than finely gemmulate; the body whorl may develop axial sculpture which is weakly developed. 30 D. C. LONG

Turrinosyrinx denticulata sp. nov. Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene- (Plate 5, figure 7) early Oligocene. Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, 1.5-1.75 Material and Occurrence: Type locality (Types whorls, tip deviated and slightly immersed; first plus P42849 one); FL13 (P33390 one); CSV loc. whorl globose, the second developing a AWl (P42929 one). rounded median angulation, and, usually 3-6, Comments: This species has the essential orthocUne axials which show traces of the generic characters of Turrinosyrinx which was posterior sinus just before the well-defined start erected by Hickman (1976) for a group of of the teleoconch. Teleoconch: fusiform; spire species of cochlespirine form from the early pagodiform, slightly under Vi height of shell; Oligocene of Oregon USA. It differs from them whorls with a denticulate, flanged, median keel in having a denticulate flanged peripheral keel and a long, nearly straight, shoulder slope. and in having the apex of the relatively deep Body whorl slightly ventricose just anterior to anal sinus on the centre of the peripheral keel the peripheral keel, then narrows rapidly into a and not posterior to it. As T denticulata is the long open anterior canal. Suture well-defined, stratigraphically earliest species so far assigned unmargined. Axial sculpture: numerous fine ax- to Turrinosyrinx this latter feature is consistent ial growth lines; 20-30 denticulations on the with the trend demonstrated by Hickman peripheral keel. Spiral sculpture: very weak (1976: 76) for the apex of the anal sinus to spiral cords with linear interspaces, usually only migrate posteriorly in successively later present, if at all, on the body whorl, and only species. T denticulata also provides a link additional to developed on the shoulder as a weak trace; those reported by Hickman {op, cit,) between Paratype 1 has three spirals on the peripheral the keel Paleogene Turridae of the north west on the penultimate and body whorls, five Pacific and the Australasian region. on the anterior part of the penultimate whorl, and 27 on the body whorl and anterior canal. Aperture: elongately wedge-shaped; outer lip Genus Johannaia gen. nov. (not fully preserved) probably thin, deeply cut Type by species: 7. darraghi sp. nov. a V-shaped sinus with its apex on the Diagnosis: Protoconch peripheral keel, and curved forward anteriorly; paucispiral, smooth; inner lip first whorl rounded, tip deviated; a glaze on the columella, which is second sub- cylindrical, with 3-5 vertical slightly sigmoidally curved, and tapers to a axial ribs in last Va whorl. Teleoconch point just above the end of the anterior canal. elongate-fusiform, spire tall anterior canal short; Anterior canal open, unnoiched, long, inclined whorls medially angu- lated. slightly to the left. Axial sculpture long flexuous ribs, not nodulated at periphery, more or less con- Types: Holotype P33354 coll. T. A. Darragh 24 tinuous from whorl February to whorl. Posterior sinus 1971; Paratype 1 P33361, Paratype 2 shallow occupying all of shoulder slope, apex P42850 both coll. T. A. Darragh 18 October just above the periphery. Aperture lanceolate. 1971, National Museum of Victoria. Comments: Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BCl Johannaia seems to have no close FLU, relatives in either the Australian or the New Zealand Tertiary, Dimensions: nor is it hke any genus recognized by Powell (1966, 1969) as falUng Protoconch Teleoconch within the sub-family L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Cochlespirinae with Holotype 10.5 which it seems to 4.8 5.0 L5 4.0 have features in common. On Paratype 1 9.4 4.1 4.3 the other 1.5 4.0 hand the style of sinus and axial Paralype 2 9.8 3.7 4.5 1.5 c.4.0 sculpture approach Eopleurotoma Cossmann, (slightly 1889 but it differs from Eopleurotoma broken) in its P42849 larger paucispiral 9.0 4.2 (5.0) c.2.0 c.4.0 protoconch with a few axial ribs on the (slightly last Va whorl, and in the strong broken) peripheral angulation of the protoconch. EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 31

Johannaia darraghi sp. nov. Type species (s.d, Cossmann, 1896) Pleuro- (Plates, figures 1, 2) toma gemmata Reeve, 1843 = Gemmula hind- Description: Protoconch: paucispiral. two siana Berry, 1958. whorls, first smooth, rounded, tip deviated, Diagnosis: Shell elongate-fusiform, spire tall, second subcylindrical, smooth apart from 3-5 anterior canal long, straight, unnotched. Pro- vertical axial ribs in the last quarter whorl. toconch tall, conical, poiygyrate, axially Teleoconch: narrow, fusiform; surface rather costate. Adult sculpture is spiral keels and smooth and slightly polished; spire just over Va cords, with a gemmulated, often double, height of shell; whorls medially angulated, peripheral keel. Posterior sinus deep and nar- widest at periphery with a long nearly straight row, on the peripheral keel, usually rather shoulder slope. Body whorl tapered rapidly large, 24-88 mm. below to a moderately long, round-ended, anterior canal, curved slightly to the right. Ax- ial sculpture: low, rounded ribs, 7-12 per whorl, Subgenus Clavogemmula subgen. nov. prosocline adapically, angulated at the Type species: Gemmula (Clavogemmula) prima periphery and opisthocline abapically, from the sp. nov. posterior suture to the anterior suture, more or Diagnosis: Shell fusiform, spire tall, anterior less in alignment from whorl to whorl and dy- canal short, twisted slightly. Protoconch: con- ing out above the anterior canal; many fine oidal, poiygyrate, 5.5-6.0 whorls, the early growth lines on shoulder. Spiral sculpture: whorls smooth, the last whorl or so axially numerous striae usually present, extending to costate. Teleoconch has a dominant sculpture the end of the anterior canal; up to 22 on spire of spiral threads and cords; the posterior sinus whorls and c.30 on body whorl and canal. is deep, V-shaped, narrowed near the Aperture lanceolate, angulated posteriorly, periphery, with its apex on the peripheral cord with a short, open, square-ended, slightly in- which is heavily gemmate on the first clined anterior canal; inner lip a glaze on the teleoconch whorl. The gemmules weaken after columella; outer lip curved slightly forward 2-3 whorls to become at most barely discernible below periphery; posterior sinus shallow, occu- thickenings of the peripheral cord. pying all of shoulder slope, apex near periphery, not confluent with the axial ribs. Comments: Clavogemmula differs from Gem- mula s.s. by the mostly smooth protoconch, the Types: Holotype P42841, Paratype 1 P42842, short, twisted (not long and straight) anterior Paratype 2 P42843, all coll. T. A. Darragh 24 canal, and the rapid degeneration of the axial February 1971, National Museum of Victoria. gemmules. Unedogemmula MsicNeil, 1960 also has degenerating peripheral gemmulation Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay. BCl FLU. and a similar protoconch to Clavogemmula, but has a long Dimensions: straight anterior canal. Ptychosyrinx Thiele, 1925 has a teleoconch of similar form to Protoconch Teleoconch Clavogemmula, but L. B. S. Whorls Whorls with a broadly V-shaped Holotype 15.3 4.6 8.4 2.0 6.0 not very deep sinus and persistent peripheral

Paratype 1 16.0 4.25 8.5 2.0 6.0 gemmules; the protoconch of the species as- Paratype 2 18.8 5.1 10.5 2.0 6.2 cribed to Ptychosyrinx by Powell (1964) is not P33347 15.0 4.0 8.5 2.0 6.25 known except for the type species, P. bisinuata Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. (Martens, 1901), where it is narrowly conic, Material and Occurrence: Type locality, types poiygyrate, and closely axially ribbed. Clavo- plus nine topotypes (P33351 3, P33367 3, gemmula does not show any signs of the spout- P33349 2, P33347 one). like projection of the outer lip anterior to the sinus which is intermittently present in P. Sub-family TURRINAE Swainson, 1840 bisinuata and P. timorensis teschi (Powell Genus Gemmula Weinkauff, 1875 1964). 32 D. C. LONG

Clavogemmula is clearly very closely related lip smooth, porcellanous, slightly incised into to the widespread and geologically persistent body whorl; columella slightly twisted and at- group of Turrinae with a polygyrate pro- tenuating below into a short, straight ended toconch and gemmate peripheral keel of which anterior canal, twisted slightly to the left. Gemmula is the typical genus. In its claviform Types: Holotype P33350, Paratype 1 P42851, appearance with a long spire and short anterior Paratype 2 P42852, all collected T. A. Darragh canal it also resembles certain later Australian 24 February 1971, National Museum of Vic- Tertiary Turrinae {Veruturris spp.) in which toria. there may also be traces of peripheral gemmula- Type Locality: tion and an initially smooth, later axially Brown's Creek Clay, BCl, FLU. costate protoconch which is, however, pauci- spiral with a large immersed tip. Dimensions: Protoconch Teleoconch Gemmula (Clavogemmula) prima sp. nov. L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 13.4 5.0 8.75 4 5.75 (Plate 5, figures 9, 10) preserved Description: Protoconch: polygyrate, 5.0-5.7 Paratype 1 8.0 3.2 4.5 5.0 3.5 Paratype whorls, tip exposed, not deviated, conoidal, the 2 7.8 3.0 4.5 5.5 3 3 P42853 10.5 4.1 7.5+ 1.5 5.0 first 4.5 or so whorls smooth, the last L 1-1.3 preserved whorls with 20-24 gently curved orthocline axial P42853 7.0 2.9 4.0 5.7 3.0 ribs; the junction with the teleoconch is well Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. defined by the initiation of a shoulder sulcus and a subsutural margining cord. Teleoconch: Material and Occurrence: Type locality; types plus fusiform; spire long, pointed, about two-thirds P42853 (two topotypes). height of shell; whorls medially angulated, Comments: The salient points of this species widest at the periphery, shoulder are concave, those of the genus. The spiral sculpture is anterior portion almost straight; body whorl the major variable. short, excavated anteriorly into a short and Genus Veruturris Powell, 1944 twisted anterior canal. Axial sculpture: 15-20 Veruturris sp. gemmulations per whorl centred on the (Plate periphery, 5, figure 8) strong and elongate on the first 1-2 Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, whorls, becoming progressively weaker by the late Eocene fourth and later whorls; numerous close, very Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay fine growth lines. Spiral sculpture is narrow FL13 (P33393 one); FL14 (P33433). threads and the peripheral keel; one fairly pro- Comments: This is the earliest member of the minent thread submargins the suture, with a Veruturris line so far discovered. Compared gradually increasing number of weak threads, with other Veruturris species it has a relatively usually 2-3 but up to 7, on the shoulder; the globose protoconch, and short anterior canal, peripheral keel is either simple or double and the sculpture is simple with the spiral cords threaded (to produce a double row of weak not tending to be bi-partite. gemmulations); there is a gradually' increasing number, usually 1-3 but again up to 7, of threads Sub-family BORSONIINAE Bellardi, 1875 anterior to the periphery on spire whorls, 7-12 threads of varying strength on the Genus Cordieria Rouault, 1848 anterior of the body whorl (depending on age) Type species (s.d. Cossmann, 1896) Cordieria and 14-17 undulose threads on the anterior iberica Rouault, 1850. canal. Aperture: broadly lanceolate; outer lip Diagnosis: Protoconch small, IVi-l smooth probably sharp (all fractured) directed sharply whorls. Teleoconch ovate-fusiform with a tall back on shoulder to a narrow posterior sinus conical spire of weakly convex whorls; body with its apex on the peripheral keel and curved whorl elongate-ovate, hardly excavated gently forward below the posterior on sinus; inner merging into a short unnotched anterior canal; EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 33

axial sculpture broad axial folds; spiral periphery; the ribs may persist for up to 8 sculpture rather dense spiral lirations. Outer lip whorls or may start to fade after 5 and become thin edged, with a shallowly arcuate subsutural obsolete after 6 or so whorls; the ribs number

sinus; two oblique median plaits on the colu- 9-12 on the first whorl, 7-1 1 on the next two or mella. three, and then become fewer and broader; numerous very fine axial growth fines. Spiral ?Cordieria sp. a. sculpture: very fine very numerous spiral (Plate 5, figure 11) threads, overriding the axials, from suture to Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. suture on spire whorls and extending to the end Material and Occurrence: BCl, FLU (P33348 of the anterior canal on the body whorl. Aper- 5, P33373 1). ture narrowly lanceolate, open anteriorly into a square-ended anterior canal slightly shorter Comments: Though this small species (largest than, or about equal in length to the rest of the specimen L. 9.1 mm, B. 3.8 mm) has a better body whorl; outer lip sharp, curved backwards defined anterior canal than is perhaps typical into a gentle sinus which can be traced as persis- and a very weak posterior sinus, it, the BC3 tent back to the first teleoconch whorl and pro- fossil referred to below and ultimately Borsonia duced forwards in a gentle curve anteriorly, protensa Tate, 1898 relate to a series of New straightening down the anterior canal; inner lip Zealand fossils placed in Cordieria of which the a moderately broad glaze on the columellar and writer has seen C. ru(i/5 (Hutton, 1885), C. ver- parietal region, extending to near the tip of the rucosa (Finlay, 1930) and C haasti (Finlay, anterior canal and polished in well-preserved 1930). specimens; two oblique lamellae terminate at Cordieria protensa (Tate, 1898) the top of the columella just below its junction (Plate 5, figures 14-16) with the parietal lip and continue internally as 1898 Borsonia protensa Tate, Proc, R. Soc. N.S.W. strong parallel lamellae for at least 4-5 whorls 31:394, PI. 19, fig. 6. towards the apex. (In specimens with a com- 1898 Borsonia polycesta Tate, /i>/c^ 31:395, PI. 19, fig. 2. plete outer lip these lamellae appear in- 1898 Borsonia otwayensis Tate, /Z?/d/31:394, PI. 19, fig. 4. conspicuous as they merge into the columella at 1944 Borsonia protensa Tate; Powell, Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 3(1):42. the aperture.) 1944 Borsonia polycesta Tate; Powell, Ibid 3(1):42. Types: South Australian Museum: Holotype 1944 Borsonia otwayensis Tsiic; Powell, Ibid 3(iyA2, T340D, Holotype of Borsonia polycesta Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, 1.75- T327C, Holotype of B. otwayensis T320D. 2, 2. smooth whorls, subcylindrical, merging Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, GSV locality into teleoconch; top dome-shaped; tip deviated AWl, Pt. Flinders, near Cape Otway, Vic. and inroUed; suture distinct. Teleoconch: (given as 'Eocene, Cape Otway, Victoria' Tate, fusiform; spire acute, slightly more than Vi 1898). height of shell; whorls, especially the early Dimensions: ones, usually gently rounded, but a few Protoconch Teleoconch specimens develop a weak (polycesta) or even a L. B. S. Whorls Whorls well-marked peripheral angulation (otwayensis) Holotype 35.5 8.6 (L5) (8.0) producing a shoulder slope extending over the T327C 13.6 4.8 T320D 20.8 7.0 (7.0) posterior Yi or third of the whorl; upper whorls P42895 40.25 11.4 21.8 ?1.5 8.1 slightly polished; body whorl tapers gently (eroded) below to a square-ended, moderately long P42895 35.25 12.5 16.3 1.75 8.3 anterior canal curved slightly to the left; suture P42895 3 1 .9 10.3 16.25 ?1 .5 c.8.0 (eroded) distinct, margined on upper whorls. Axial P42895 21.0 6.2 11.0 1.8 6.4 rounded, slightly sculpture: spaced, P42895 18.0 6.0 9.5 1.75 6.25 opisthocline axial ribs best developed on the P42895 8.5 3.3 4.5 1.8 4.5 upper whorls where they help produce a narrow Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early concave shoulder and strongest below Oligocene. 34 D. C. LONG

Material and Occurrence: P42895, 65 topotypes subsutural cord margins the posterior edge of coll. T. A. Darragh, T. Hughes, 25.11.1975. each whorl; numerous fine spiral threads over- Comments: Like the other abundant Glen Aire ride the axials, from suture to suture on the Clay turrids Comitas wynyardensis cudmorei spire whorls and extending almost to the end of

and Apiotoma bassi, Cordieria protensa is very the anterior canal, about 5 on the first whorl in- variable, but the protoconch, early whorls, and creasing to 19-20 on the 5th, 40-50 on body the rate of growth are reasonably constant whorl, and 9-10 on anterior canal. Aperture

characters and indicate that only one species is narrow, lanceolate, open below; inner lip involved. Tate's three species are based on smooth; two oblique folds at the posterior end fairly large typical specimens {protensa), of the anterior canal; columella slopes slightly specimens with heavily angulated whorls {ot- to the left. Outer lip (fractured); growth lines wayensis), and a small specimen (polycesta). Of indicate a weak posterior sinus in the shoulder Tate's three mLxncs protensa takes page priority. sulcus, and a straight outer edge anterior C. protensa has been placed in Borsonia in the thereto; anterior canal short, open, round- past, as its large size and prominent anterior ended, inclined slightly to left. canal are characters often held to be charac- Dimensions: teristic of Borsonia. the However BC3 material Protoconch Teleoconch (see below) indicates that it probably developed L. B. S. Whorls Whorls from a Cordieria-like source similar to the late P33384 13.2 4.9 7.75 c.1.5 5 75 P33419 13.75 5.0 7.5 c,1.5(worn) 5.5 Eocene New Zealand fossil species also as- signed to Cordieria, C. rudis {Hutton, 1895), C. Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene haasti (Finlay, 1930), C, verrucosa (Finlay, Material and Occurrence: BC3 FL13 (P33384 1930) and C. Aw/^o/?/ (Finlay, 1930). The assign- 1), FL14 (P33419 1). ment of these Borsoniid turrids with two colu- Comments: The limited amount of BC3 mellar lamellae from Australia and New material only differs from the polymorphic C. Zealand into two different genera is an artifact protensa (Tate, 1898) in having a shorter, and tends to obscure their relationships. poorly defined anterior canal and is probably an early form Cordieria sp. cf. protensa (Tate, 1898) of that species, particularly as its dimensions (Plate 5, figure 12) fall within the range shown by C protensa. Compared with the New Zealand Description: Protoconch: c.1.5 whorls, species mentioned above (under ?Cordieria sp.) smooth, semi-cylindrical, first whorl dome- it shows a relatively shallow posterior sinus and shaped, tip slightly deviated, overhanging sec- a broader protoconch but the general morpho- ond whorl. Teleoconch: biconic-fusiform, spire logy is the same. about three-fifths height of shell; whorls nearly straight sided with a slightly concave shoulder ?Cordieria sp, b, and the periphery at about Va of the whorl (Plate 5, figure 13) height anterior to the suture; body whorl Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. rounded, narrowed gently below into a short, Material and Occurrence: open, anterior canal. Axial sculpture: broad, Brown's Creek Clay. FL14 (P33423 4). rounded, nearly orthocline ribs about equal to Comments: This interspaces, 8-11 per whorl, starting just below small fossil has a superficial resemblance the subsutural cord on the two upper whorls to Splendrillia Hedley, 1922 and Tahudrillia and at the periphery on later whorls, extending Powell, 1942 Kaiatan (late Eocene) New Zealand, to the suture anteriorly on spire whorls, neither of which has columellar lamellae whereas this noticeably fewer and weaker after about 5 species has two very faint oblique whorls, and dying out above the anterior canal plaits or a slight thickening about the middle of the columella. on the body whorl; numerous faint axial There is insufficient material to growth lines becoming fold-like on the end of fully describe it. the anterior canal. Spiral sculpture: a double Genus Borsonia Bellardi, 1839 EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 35

Type species (monotypy) Borsonia prima gradually to a point above the round-ended Bellardi, 1839 anterior canal. Diagnosis: Protoconch: small, c.1.5 smooth Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype whorls. Teleoconch: elongate-fusiform, whorls P42854, Paratype I P42853, Paratype 2 P42856 usually angulated. Aperture narrow, pyriform, all coll. T. A. Darragh 24 February 1971. with a slightly flexed unnotched anterior canal; Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BCl, typically one, sometimes two, lamellae at about FLU. the middle of the columella; outer lip sharp; Dimensions: posterior sinus broadly rounded and mod- Protoconch Teleoconch erately deep, covering the whole shoulder slope. L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 14.0 4.3 6.6 c.1.5 5.5

Borsonia tatei Powell, 1944 Paratype 1 16.0 4.5 8.25 c.1.3 6.0 Paratype 2 13.0 3.6 6.6 1.5 5.5 1944 Borsonia tatei Powell, Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 3(1):42, PI. 3, fig. 8. Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. Comment: As a new subspecies, B, tatei eocenica is proposed below, the Janjukian Material and Occurrence: Type locality, types fossil should be Borsonia tatei tatei Powell, and six topotypes (P33379 4, P33374 one, 1944, P33357 one). Comments: B. tatei eocenica differs from B. tatei in that the spiral sculpture of cords Borsonia tatei eocenica subsp. nov. tatei and threads is wider than or equal to the in- (Plate 5, figure 18) terspaces, and not narrower than or equal to Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, 1.0-1.5 the interspaces as in B. tatei tatei. There seem to whorls, rounded; first whorl smooth; the sec- be no other constant differences between BJ. ond has six axials before merging into the eocenica and B. t. tatei although the latter is teleoconch. Teleoconch: narrowly fusiform slightly larger as described (Powell, 1944:42), with a moderately long, straight, anterior but this may be because the measurements are canal. Axial sculpture: low, slightly opistho- of an aged specimen. The protoconch of B. t. cline ribs about equal to the interspaces, eocenica with its development of axial ribs in strongest anterior to the periphery but extend- the last half whorl is not strictly typical of Bor- ing almost to the suture on upper whorls, 7-10, sonia which is said to have a smooth pro- usually per whorl, weakening by the 6th 9, toconch. whorl and not extending far below the periphery on the body whorl; numerous very ?Borsonia sp. aff. B. tatei Powell, 1944 fine growth fines. Spiral sculpture: regular (Plate 5, figure 17) threads, strongest below the periphery where Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. they develop to weak cords on the body whorl, Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay wider than or equal to interspaces; on the BC3, FL13 (P33397 2); FL14 (P33437 3, shoulder there are usually one, sometimes two P33404 2, P33405 one, P42903 one). subsutural threads, and from nil to five other weak threads; there are one or two peripheral Comments: B. tatei eocenica has yet to be threads, and below the periphery 3-6 cords on recorded from the BC3 fauna, but this material the spire whorls and 20-35 cords on the body appears to be a development of it in which the whorl extending to the tip of the anterior canal. whorls have lost most of their median angula- Aperture: lanceolate, pointed above; outer fip tion, the spiral sculpture has become somewhat probably sharp, with a very shallow arcuate stronger especially above the periphery, and the posterior sinus occupying the whole of the weak posterior sinus has virtually disappeared. shoulder slope, slightly produced anteriorly; in- Although B. t. tatei and B, /. eocenica fit rea- ner Up a glaze; one oblique columellar lamella sonably into Borsonia as diagnosed, the BC3 at the top of the columella which tapers fossil has no strongly turrid characteristics and 36 D. C. LONG

raises doubts as to the validity of the familial narrowly pyriform to slightly rhomboid; colu- placement of the B. tatei complex. mella slightly concave anteriorly and twisted; outer lip sharp, simple, slightly curved forward Genus Mitrolumna Bucquoy, Dautzenberg and below periphery; posterior sinus shallow, on Dollfus, 1883 shoulder slope. Type species (o.d.) Mitra olivoidea Cantraine, Comments: The relationships of this genus are 1835 not clear. In the writer's view it resembles An- 1922 Mitrithara Hedley, Rec. AusL Mus. 13{6):233 tiguraleus Powell, 1942 which is placed in the Type species (o.d.) Columbella alba Petterd, subfamily Mangeliinae, but it is also a relatively 1879. large, thick-shelled, fossil with a shallow Comment: The writer agrees with Cernohorsky posterior sinus and a twisted, slightly thick- (1975:232) that there are no significant con- ened, columella suggestive of a link with Cor- chological differences between Mitrolumna and dieriay Borsonia and their allies. Mitrithara. Cryptocordieria variabilis sp. nov. (Plate 6, figures 2, 3) ?Mitroluinna sp.

(Plate 6, figure 1) Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, 1.6-1.8 whorls, slightly assymetric, dome-shaped, flat- Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. tened above; tip semi-immersed, not deviated; Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, smooth; merging into teleoconch by develop- FL14 (P33435 3). ment of 10 or more rounded, nearly orthocline Comments: Although lacking internal lirations brephic ribs from suture to suture. Teleoconch: of the outer lip this fossil resembles Mitro- fusiform to ovate-fusiform; spire slightly more lumna. It has a small, elongate-ovate, fairly than half height of shell; whorls with a shallow strong, teleoconch; 1 1-14 low inconspicuous or- concave shoulder after about 2 whorls, widest thocline ribes per whorl produce tubercles at the rounded periphery; body whorl tapering where they cross the spiral cords. Its relatively gently below into a fairly short, broad, open, conspicuous domed protoconch resembles Itia round-ended anterior canal; suture margined Marwick, 1931 (type/. c/a/Z/ra/a Marwick 1931) by a narrow cord on upper two whorls. Axial which Powell (1966) regarded as a subgenus of sculpture: spaced, narrow, slightly sigmoidal Mitrithara, but lacks Ilia's half whorl of and opisthocline ribs traceable from suture to brephic axials. suture on spire whorls, dying out anterior to periphery when present on body whorl, Genus Cryptocordieria gen nov. elongately tuberculate on and near the Type species: Cryptocordieria variabilis sp. periphery; axials number 14-23 (including nov. brephic axials) on first whorl, and 10 or 1 1-7 per Diagnosis: Protoconch: paucispiral, smooth, whorl, tending to reduce with age, on suc- dome-shaped, 1.6-1.8 whorls followed by up to ceeding whorls; they may persist for up to 6 a whorl of brephic axials. Teleoconch: strong, whorls or weaken and gradually disappear after fusiform, tending to ovate- fusiform; spire 3.5-4.0 whorls (see comments); numerous about 0.5 height of shell; whorls supramedially threadlike growth lines allow the former angulated with a slightly concave shoulder posterior sinus position to be traced. Spiral slope; body whorl narrowing (scarcely ex- sculpture: numerous fine threads, strongest cavated below) into a short, open, round-ended below periphery over spire whorls and extend- anterior canal. Axial sculpture: slightly sig- ing to very near end of anterior canal, variable moidal and opisthocline axial ribs from suture in strength. In some specimens the growth lines to suture on spire whorls, becoming more and spiral threads create a reticulation. Aper- spaced and weaker with age. Spiral sculpture: ture: elongate, narrowly pyriform, slightly numerous fine cords of variable strength, rhomboid; inner lip a glaze on the columella sometimes obsolete over whole whorl. Aperture which is slightly twisted anteriorly and excavate EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 37

posteriorly with a tendency to a median swell- shoulder sulcus; shell surface typically smooth ing; outer lip thin, sharp-edged, curved back on and glossy (Medley's, 1922:250, distinguishing shoulder in a narrow posterior sinus with apex characteristic for Splendrillia; Powell, 1966:83, just above the periphery (traceable from start mentions that Splendrillia spp can develop of shoulder on teleoconch whorls), and curved spiral striae or lirations). Aperture: ovate very gently forward anteriorly; anterior canal lanceolate, open below into a short wide moderately long to short, nearly straight, open, anterior canal which is shallowly notched; outer unnotched. lip thin edged, slightly thickened behind, with a Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype slight stromboid notch; a heavy entering callus P33395, Paratype 1 P42857, Paratype 2 P33394 pad at the posterior end of the inner lip; all coll. T. A. Darragh, 20 November 1970. posterior sinus on the shoulder.

Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BC3, ?Splendrillia sp. FL13. (Plate 6, figures 4, 5)

Dimensions: Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. Protoconch Teleoconch Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay; L. B. S. Whorls Whorls FLU (P42860 1), FL 14 (P33409 1, P33422 2). Holotype 23.2 7.4 12.5 1 .8 6.2 Paratype 1 13.5 5.0 7.1 c.1.8 4.8 Comments: These four specimens clearly relate Paratype 2 11.0 4.3 6.0 1.85 4.1 to Splendrillia but have a porcellanous rather P33363 11.7 4.25 6.1 1.75 4.9 than a glossy surface, and lack both a parietal Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. callus pad and, apparently, a 'stromboid' notch Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay; on the outer hp.

FLU (P33363 1, P42859 2); Type locality Splendrillia hughesi sp. nov. (FL13) (types plus P42858 1, P33386 1); FL14 (Plate 6, figure 6) (P33402 2, P33413 1, P33418 4, P33439 10, EB007 1). Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, of 2 whorls; first whorl rounded above with tip par- Comments: Both the axial and the spiral tially immersed, may overhang second whorl; sculpture of Cryptocordieria variabilis varies in suture well defined; either merges into strength. The specimens available from FLU teleoconch or has a well defined junction with a and FL13 have relatively persistent axials, crisp rounded posterior sinus; smooth. Teleoconch: spiral sculpture, and well-marked growth lines, fusiform, glossy; spire about 0.6 height of shell; while those from FL14 have fine low spiral whorls widest at the rounded periphery which is sculpture (though the difference is somewhat median on upper whorls and slightly supra- exaggerated as specimens are often somewhat median and sharp on lower whorls; shoulder rolled), and a greater tendency for the axial concave; suture slightly oblique, weakly sculpture to weaken. However, all the material margined by posterior edge of whorls; body falls within a range of variation which it is whorl short, rendered ovate in section by a reasonable to expect in one species. prominent rounded varix-like rib about half a Subfamily: CLAVINAE Casey, 1904 whorl before the aperture (in the holotype— the only complete specimen) extending to the top of Genus Splendrillia Hedley, 1922 the anterior canal, excavated below into a Type species (o.d.) Drillia woodsi Beddome, short, nearly straight anterior canal. Axial 1883. sculpture: 10-14 rounded, opisthocline, slightly Diagnosis: Protoconch paucispiral, bluntly flexuous axial ribs per whorl, usually extending rounded, smooth. Teleoconch claviform; spire slightly above the periphery on early whorls but tall; body whorl rapidly contracted below into a cut off sharply at the periphery on the body short, rather straight, shallowly notched an- whorl, and there not extending far below it terior canal. Sculpture: prominent axial ribs (usually reaching anterior suture on upper separated from the posterior suture by the whorls), markedly weaker or obsolescent after

Dt 38 D. C. LONG

the prominent rib on the body whorl described names Austroclavus glaber Powell, 1944, A, above; very fine growth lines discordant with teres Powell, 1944, A. brevicaudalis Powell, the axial ribs. Spiral sculpture: 3-7, usually 6, 1944 and ?A. lygdinopsis Powell, 1944 have low cords on the anterior canal; subsutural been applied, have a paucispiral protoconch margining occasionally developed as a weak and are not typical of Austroclavus Powell, cord and, rarely, faint hnear traces of sculpture 1942; they also sometimes (coll. writer MM035, on the penultimate and body whorls. Aperture: MM076) exhibit a varix like fold on the body narrow, lanceolate; inner lip a relatively thick whorl and are probably congeneric with 5. glaze on the columella with, sometimes, a hughesi. Probably related early Miocene parietal callus; outer lip sharp, curved back and (Batesfordian) material occurs at Kennedy's reflected round a deep semicircular posterior Creek (FL43). On the other hand Austroclavus sinus occupying the whole of the shoulder, with a typical polygyrate protoconch occurs in strongly curved forward below the periphery; the early Miocene (Longfordian and Batesfor- there is a weak notch in the outer lip opposite dian) of Victoria (undescribed material, coll. the posterior end of the anterior canal; anterior writer. LF015, LF016, MK062, MK063, canal short, very weakly notched (notch only MK064). noted in holotype which has a complete aper- Subgenus ture). Hauturua Powell, 1942 Type species (o.d.) Syntomodrillia (Hauturua) Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype P42862, vivens Powell, 1942. Paratype 1 P42863, Paratype 2 P42864 all coll. T. Splendrillia A. Darragh and T. Hughes 1 (?Hauturua) sp. December 1972. (Plate 6, figure 7) Stratigraphic Range: Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, GSV Loc. Aldingan, late Eocene. AWl. Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay FL13 (P33381 Dimensions: 1); FL14 (P42890 1).

Protoconch Teleoconch Comments: This small fossil somewhat L. B. S. Whorls resembles Whorls Hauturua Powell, 1942 in its general Holotype 10.5 3.8 5.7 2.0 6.0 form and axial sculpture, but has definite spiral Paratype 1 1 1.6 3.9 6.6 2.0 7.0 sculpture Paratype 2 which Hauturua is said to lack. 9.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 5.9 There is insufficient material to describe it. Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan. early Oligocene. Genus Mauidrillia Powell, 1942 Type species (o.d.) Mangilia Material and Occurrence: Type locality (types praecophinodes and Suter, 1917. topotypes; P33340 13, P42933 15, P42934 7). Diagnosis: Protoconch: smooth, globular, of 2 whorls. Teleoconch: claviform; Comments: This species is named after one of spire turretted, the moderately tall; body whorl collectors of the types. It is not quite typical with a short, very of Splendrillia shallowly notched, anterior as the parietal callus pad is canal. Axial poorly sculpture: weak to developed and not always present, and moderately strong axials, mainly on periphery. there is a varix-like rib on the body whorl. The Spiral sculpture: dense only cords or threads overriding described Australian fossil Splendrillia axials; subsutural with similarly margining cord weak or absent. weak spiral sculpture is the Posterior sinus Pliocene S. trucidata broad, rather shallow, occupying (Ludbrook, 1941) which is most of larger shoulder area. Parietal and has a heavily developed parietal callus absent. callus. S. hughesi also resembles the Recent 5 Mauidrillia aldingensis Powell, 1944 lygdina (Hedley, 1922) which lacks the spiral (Plate 6, figure 8) sculpture on the anterior canal 1944 Mauidrillia aldingensis and the varix- Powell, Rec. Auckland Inst Mus. like rib on the body whorl. South-east 3(1): 36, PI. 4 fig. 6. Australian 1966 Mauidrillia aldingensis Powell, Middle Miocene fossils, to which the 1944; Powell Bull Auckland Inst, Mus. 5:87. EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 39

Description: Protoconch: 1 .3-c,2.0, usually Material and Occurrence: Type Locality 1 .5, whorls, dome-shaped, smooth, tip (P33447 2 topotypes); Brown's Creek Clay. deviated, slightly flattened; junction with FLU (P33443 6, EB005 4). teleoconch not distinct. Teleoconch: claviform; Comments: The large EB005 specimen whose spire about two-thirds height of shell; whorls dimensions are given above develops a broad slightly angled at the periphery with a weakly subsutural margining fold after the fourth and concave shoulder slope; body whorl very later whorls. M. aldingensis is likely to be slightly excavate into a short open anterior ancestral to the Oligocene-Miocene species M. canal, curved slightly to the left. Axial torquayensis Powell, 1944, M. pullulascens sculpture: low, rounded, slightly opisthocline (Tenison Woods, 1877), M, trispiralis Powell, axial ribs, somewhat tuberculate on the 1944, M. consutilis (Tenison Woods, 1879), M. periphery, 11-15 on first whorl, 8-14, usually partinoda Powell, 1 944 and M serrulata about 10, per whorl on succeeding whorls, from Powell, 1944. just above periphery to anterior suture on spire whorls but weakening and largely confined to Mauidrillia secta secta (Powell, 1944) the periphery by the fourth to fifth whorls; (Plate 6, figures 9, 10) numerous fine growth lines, slightly thread-like 1944 Mauidrillia secta Powell, Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. on the shoulder. Spiral sculpture: a narrow 3(1):37, PL 4, fig. 10. sharp subsutural cord followed on the shoulder 1966 Mauidrillia secta Powell, Powell, Bull. Auckland by spiral threads which increase in number Inst. Mus. 5:87. from one up to 5 with age; a cord the on Description: Protoconch 1.5 whorls, rounded, peripheral angulation is followed by 1-3 (usu- tip deviated slightly flattened; smooth with ally 2-3) fine cords anteriorly; on the body three weak corrugations just before the junc- whorl the subsutural is cord often no stronger tion with the teleoconch; suture well-marked; than the rest of the spiral sculpture on the junction with teleoconch well-defined, with a shoulder; on, and anterior to, the periphery posterior sinus. Teleoconch: fusiform; spire about 21-27 cords extend to the of the end turretted, about 0.54 height of shell; whorls anterior canal. Aperture; lanceolate, con- widest at periphery with a strong angulation, stricted at top of anterior canal; inner lip median on upper whorls, post-median on lower smooth, columella almost straight; outer lip whorls; shoulder concave; suture slightly ob- sharp edged, curved back on shoulder in a lique; body whorl angulated at periphery, round-apexed, V-shaped, posterior sinus with slightly excavated below into a short open the in gently for- apex mid-shoulder; curved anterior canal turned slightly to the left. Axial ward below periphery (no apparent 'stromboid' sculpture: 11-13 sharp opisthocline, abapical notch); anterior canal short, termination ribs, slightly tuberculate at shoulder; from slightly oblique and weakly notched. periphery to anterior suture on spire whorls, Types: Auckland Institute and Museum; and from periphery to top of anterior canal on Holotype TM1024, and one Paratype. body whorl. Spiral sculpture: a well-defined subsutural cord tending to fade on the body Type Locality: Blanche Point Formation, whorl; 2-3 faint incised lines on anterior slope Blanche Point, Aldinga, S. Australia. of spire whorls; 5 spiral lines on the body whorl Dimensions: below the periphery, and 4 on the upper part of Protoconch Teleoconch the anterior canal; 2-5 weak spiral ribs on the L. B. S. Whorls Whorls lower part of the anterior canal. Aperture (im- — - - Holotype 9.5 3.8 perfect and matrix-filled) pyriform, narrowed P33447 7.8 2.8 4.5 1.5 5.0 below into anterior canal; inner lip smooth, P33447 8.5 3.4 5.0 1.5 4.9 P33443 8.9 3.3 5.0 1.5 5.2 slightly incised into columella margin; outer lip P33443 7.6 2.9 4.3 1.5 4.5 probably sharp; well-defined rounded posterior EB005 11.5 4.2 6.5 ?2.0(worn) 6,0 sinus on shoulder, apex in mid-shoulder; lip Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. curved forward anteriorly. ,

40 D. C. LONG

Types: Auckland Institute and Museum; tending slightly above the periphery on the first HolotypeTM1031. whorl, not reaching the anterior suture and Type Locality: Blanche Point Formation, confined to the periphery by the body whorl, Blanche Point, Aldinga, S. Australia. 10-16, averaging about 14, per whorl. Spiral Dimensions: sculpture: a weak, slightly beaded subsutural cord which becomes obsolete after 4-5 whorls; Protoconch Teleoconch L. B. S. Whorls Whorls one or two faint traces of spiral lines on the (Holotype) 12.0 4.5 - - shoulder; 1-3 faint incised spiral lines develop (Powell, anteriorly to the periphery starting on the 1944:37) second-forth whorls; 10-12 low, slightly P33448 11.1 4.5 6.1 1.5 4 75 P33444 10.4 4.25 5.5 c.1.5 4.5 rounded to flat spiral cords on the anterior part of the body whorl and the anterior canal. Aper- Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene, ture (broken on all specimens): lanceolate; in- Material and Occurrence: Topotype, P33448 ner lip a glaze on the columella; the outer hp (G. B. Pritchard collection); Brown's Creek has a U-shaped posterior sinus occupying the Clay, FL14 (P33444 1, EB018 1 spire). whole shoulder slope, and is produced forward anteriorly. Comments: Mauidrillia secta secta seems not to be a common species. An early form from BCl Dimensions:

which may merit sub-specific separation is Protoconch Teleoconch recorded below, and a later form from AWl L. B. S. V^horls Whorls P33377 13.8 4.5 8.0 1.5 5.8 with more persistent and numerous axials is P33377 10.9 4.0 6.0 c.2.0 5.3 described as M secta otwayensis subsp. nov. P33377 11.0 3.8 6.3 1.5 5.6 The Mauidrillia secta series seems to have Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, Late Eocene, developed by a progressive strengthening of both the spiral and axial sculpture, and eastern Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay (Victorian) and western (S. Australian) popula- BCl FLU (P33377 3)- tions may also have separable differences but Comments: These stratigraphically earlier more material is necessary to verify this. The specimens diff"er from M secta secta in being holotype approaches the BCl material in hav- narrower in proportion to their length; in the ing axial ribs which do not reach the anterior weak and evanescent subsutural cord, in the suture, but in P33448, P33444 and EB018 the weak development of the axial ribs, and in a axials reach the anterior suture on the spire. relatively longer and less concave shoulder. It is Both BC3 specimens have more axials per probably subspecifically distinct from M. secta whorl than the holotype and topotype, 14-17 on secta but more material is needed to verify this. P33444and 15 on EB018. Mauidrillia secta otwayensis subsp, nov. Mauidrillia sp. cf. secta Powell, 1944 (Plate 6, figure 11) (Plate 6, figure 12) Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, 1.5-1.75 Description: Protoconch: 1.5-2,0 smooth whorls; tip slightly immersed; first whorl dome- rounded whorls, tip deviated, flattened on top; shaped, somewhat flattened on top, second sub- on one specimen the junction with the cyhndrical to slightly angulated; smooth apart teleoconch is well-defined and sinuate; another from occasional weak corrugations near the has brephic axials. Teleoconch: narrowly junction with the teleoconch; junction with claviform; spire about 0.56 height of shell, tur- teleoconch variable, either indistinct, or well- retted; whorls medially sharply angulate, widest defined with a rounded posterior sinus, at periphery; shoulder sloping, shallowly con- Teleoconch: fusiform; spire turretted, about cave; body whorl slightly excavate anteriorly 0.57 height of shell; whorls post-medially into a short, oblique-ended, unnotched, almost angulated with a narrow sulcate shoulder; body straight anterior canal. Axial sculpture: short, whorl excavate anteriorly into a fairly short, low, narrow, opisthocline, abapical ribs, ex- straight, unnotched anterior canal inclined EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 41

slightly to left; suture slightly obHque, mar- available in its generally stronger sculpturing, gined anteriorly. Axial sculpture: dose opis- more numerous axial ribs (15-28 vice 11-17 per thocline slightly curved narrow ribs about equal whorl) which persist farther anteriorly, slightly to interspaces, from periphery to anterior narrower shoulder sulcus, and longer anterior suture on spire whorls and traceable to top of canal which carries 8-10 cords compared with anterior canal on body whorl, 15-24 (usually 2-5 in M, secta secta, in being slightly narrower more than 17 and occasionally up to 28) per in proportion to its height (breadth = c.0.37 of whorl. Spiral sculpture: a persistent subsutural height in A/, secta otwayensis, c.0.39 in M. sec- cord, usually finely beaded by the intersection ta secta), and in the spire being slightly longer of axial growth Hues; often 1-2 faint spiral lines in proportion to total length (0.58 total length on the shoulder; 1-4 (usually 2-3) incised spiral in M secta otwayensis, 0.54 in A/, secta secta). lines below the periphery spire on whorls; 5-6 Whether it is sufficiently different from M, secta deeply incised spiral lines on body whorl, the secta to be regarded as a separate species is interspaces becoming progressively more con- questionable; it does not depart from M. secta vex to develop as 8-10 cords on the anterior secta in developing any completely new canal. The degree of depth of sculpture varies, features, and it is possible that the BC3 popula- and in some cases, the interspaces between the tion of Af. secta will prove with more material spiral lines on the body whorl develop as con- to be intermediate between the population at vex cords anteriorly, and the intersection of the the type locality and that at GSV locality AWL spiral and axial sculpture often produces a Genus nov? reticulate tuberculation on the body whorl. Aperture: lanceolate, pointed posteriorly, open (Plate 6, figure 13) below into the anterior canal; inner lip a Comments: Three specimens, one from FL13 porcellanous glaze on the columella which (P33388 sinistral) and two from FL14 (P33427 tapers to a point at the termination of the sinistral, P33430 dextral) represent a genus of anterior canal; outer lip sharp, curved back in *clavinid' turrids. However no decscribed an open U-shaped posterior sinus, with a mid- 'clavinid' genus combines a protoconch fol- shoulder apex, occupying the whole shoulder, lowed by a half whorl of brephic axials, a produced in a strong forward curve anteriorly, relatively long shoulder slope, and variability in and curved back to the anterior canal. the direction of its coiling. Types: National Museum of Victoria, Holotype Subfamily CONORBIINAE Pilgrim in P42865, Paratype 1 P42866, Paratype 2 P42867, all collected T. A. Darragh, T. Hughes Vredenburg, 1925 1 December 1972. Genus Conorbis Swainson, 1840 Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, GSV locality Type Species (monotypy) dormitor AWL Solander, 1766. Diagnosis: Shell coniform. Dimensions: Protoconch smooth, broadly conical, paucispiral. Teleo- Protoconch Teleoconch conch: spire L. B. S. Whorls Whorls broadly conical; body whorl long Holotype ll.l 4.25 6.5 1.6 5.0 and evenly tapered; axial sculpture dense in- Paratype 1 10.6 4.0 6.2 1.5 5.0 terstitial growth lines; spiral sculpture Paratype 11.4 4.5 6.2 1.5 5.0 2 numerous cords. Aperture long, narrow, Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early parallel sided. Posterior sinus well marked with Oligocene. a straight, prosocline posterior edge and apex Material and Occurrence: Type locality (types just above periphery. Anterior lip produced forward in a sweeping plus topotypes: P33330 12, P33341 5, P42935 1, curve below the periphery. Inner lip a P42936 2). smooth glaze on the columella. Comments: M. secta otwayensis differs from the limited amount of A/, secta secta material Comment: Conorbis spp, are found both in the D2 42 D. C. LONG

Brown's Creek Clay (BC3) and the Glen Aire spiral cords with linear interspaces are crossed Clay; they are like, but not identical to, C by axial growth lines; the interspaces become airacioides Tate, 1890. wider anteriorly so that up to 14 low cords are Conorbis sp. developed on the anterior canal. Aperture: narrowly lanceolate, widening Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, slightly at the top of the anterior canal; FL14 (EB006 one complete, one crushed). inner lip a glaze on the Comments: columella, smooth (with traces of underly- The only complete specimen is ing spiral sculpture near probably the edge) forming a a juvenile. There is not enough callus on the anterior canal; outer lip sharp material to describe the BC3 fossils which differ edged; a wide, shallowly curved, posterior sinus from C atractoides Tate, 1890 in a more simply occupies the entire shoulder slope with its apex sculptured spire and spaced linear sculpture on slightly anterior to the mid-shoulder; the body whorl. the lip is then curved gently but pronouncedly forward Conorbis atractoides (Tate, 1890) in a long curve anteriorly. Anterior canal short, (Plate 6, figure 14) straight, open, square-ended.

1 890 Conus (Conorbis) atractoides Tale, Trans R Soc S Types: National Museum of Victoria, Holotype AusL 13(2):200, PI. 13, fig. 7. P42959, Paratype 1 P42960 both coll. T. A. 1944 Conorbis atractoides TbXq, 1890, Powell, Rec Auck- Darragh 10 March 1977; land Inst. Mus. 3(1):23. Paratype 2 P42868 coll. T. A. 1966 Conorbis atractoides Tate, 1890, Powell, BuU. Darragh and T. Hughes 1 December Auckland Inst. Mus. 5:95. 1972. Types: South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, CSV Locality Holotype T750A, Kent Town Bore, late AWL Eocene. Dimensions: Conorbis atractoides otwayensis subsp. nov. Protoconch Teleoconch (Plate 6, figure 15) L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Holotype 19.75 8.75 Description: 8.2 1.75 5.9 Protoconch: 1.75-2.0 whorls, Paratype 1 22.8 10.2 9.0 2.0 6.2 smooth, tip inrolled Paratype and slightly depressed; sec- 2 16.9 8.6 5.8 1.8 5.25 ond whorl rounded; suture distinct; junction Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, with teleoconch early straight, indicated by start of Oligocene. spiral sculpture. Teleoconch: biconic;. spire Material and Occurrence: Type locality conical, straight, or slightly convex or concave (Types plus topotypes sided P33332 12, P42869 1, P42870 depending on tightness of coiling of shell; 1 whorls P42937 32, P42938 9). rounded, in some specimens with an in- distinct Comments: periphery; body whorl with a rounded C. atractoides otwayensis differs posterior angulation, a short sloping shoulder from C atractoides s.s. in having a protoconch slope, of and a long posterior portion tapering 1.75-2.0 rather than 2.5 whorls, in being gradually slightly to a short open anterior canal. Axial wider in proportion to its length with a sculpture: relatively very numerous fine, incised axial more obtuse spire, in developing growth Unes, more numerous spiral most prominent as reticulations in cords (up to 1 1 vice 6 on the spire interspaces between cords on the upper part whorls), in the growth lines producing of the whorls reticulation but traceable to the end of the rather than punctuations in the anterior cord canal. Spiral sculpture: a sometimes interspaces on the spire whorls, and in the bifid subsutural cord is followed by up to four lack of punctuation of the cord interspaces on major the and two minor spiral cords with sulcate body whorl. interspaces on the shoulder; on the anterior oubfamily MANGELIINAE Fischer, part of the spire whorls and often obscured by 1887 succeeding whorls are up to seven close flat Genus Guraleus Hedley, 1918 spiral cords with linear interspaces, often in- Type species (o.d.) Mangelia picta Adams distinct; on the and body whorl up to 40 fine flat Angas, 1864. EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 43

Diagnosis: Shell small, elongate fusiform, spire whorl, increasing to 7-8 spirals on the shoulder tall, usually turretted; body whorl narrow, and up to 11 anteriorly on spire whorls, and up tapering to a relatively short, weakly notched to 20-30 variable threads on the body whorl, anterior canal. Protoconch small, broadly coni- plus 10-12 fine cords on the anterior canal. cal with a small, smooth, symmetrical nucleus; Aperture: narrowly rhomboidal; inner lip second whorl also smooth but much larger, the smooth, slightly incised on the parietal wall of third whorl with fine axial riblets gradually the body whorl; the glaze on the columella hp merging into the adult sculpture. Adult narrows anteriorly to disappear before the end sculpture with dominant axials usually crossed of the short, open, round-ended, unnotched by weak cords and fine threads. Aperture rather anterior canal; outer Hp sharp edged with a well narrow, outer lip thin. Posterior sinus a broad defined curved posterior sinus occupying the shallow excavation occupying most of the whole of the shoulder, apex in mid-shoulder shoulder slope. (traceable by growth lines to early whorls), and produced gently forward anteriorly with a sug- Guraleus eocenicus sp. nov. gestion of a weak sinus at the top of the (Plate 7, figure 2) anterior canal. Description: Protoconch: polygyrate, conoid, Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype 3.0-3.75 rounded whorls with a deep suture; P42871 coll. D. C. Long 11 June 1972,

mostly smooth but numerous (20-30) arcuate Paratype 1 P42872, Paratype 2 P42873 both axial ribs from suture to suture on the last half coll. T. A. Darragh and H. E. Wilkinson 6 whorl; tip exposed, slightly depressed below top December 1968. of protoconch and slightly deviated; pro- Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BC3, toconch merges gradually into teleoconch as ax- FL14. ials become more spaced. Teleoconch: small, Dimensions: buccinoid-fusiform; spire about, or slightly less Protoconch Teleoconch than, 0.5 height of shell; suture well marked, L. B. S. Whorls Whorls slightly obhque; first two spire whorls rounded; Holotype 6.2 2.75 3.0 c.3.75 3.0

a peripheral angulation and a shoulder slope, Paratype 1 4.5 2.1 2.4 c.3.3 2.6 which becomes shallowly concave, develop by Paratype 2 4.9 2.3 2.6 3.5 2.5 P33411 6.25 2.6 3.5 c.3.2 3.5 the third whorl and the anterior portion of the

whorl is then almost straight. Body whorl Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene—? angulated posteriorly, rounded anteriorly, and early Oligocene. gently excavated into a short anterior canal Material and Occurrence: Type locality (types

curved slightly to the left. Axial sculpture: plus EB008 7, P33411 1, P33425 2). Blanche 13-17, usually 10-13 narrow axial ribs per Point Formation; Blanche Point (EA005 2 whorl, with slightly wider interspaces, curved juveniles); cliff base Vi mile N. of Port on the upper part of the whorl and opisthocline Willunga (EW003 2 juveniles). Glen Aire Clay, spire anteriorly, from suture to suture on CSV locality AWl (7P42940 1 juvenile). whorls, and to just above the anterior canal on Comments: The material registered under the body whorl; by the third whorl the ribs are P33425 is intermediate in character between the much weaker on the shoulder, where they BCl specimens and the types. On balance the parallel the posterior sinus, and are slightly fossil appears to be Guraleus ss. See below for spinose on the whorl periphery; numerous fine comments on Australian fossil relations. axial growth lines indicate the position of the posterior sinus on early whorls and are not Guraleus sp. cf eocenicus nov. quite parallel with the axial ribs. Spiral (Plate 7, figure 1) sculpture: spiral threads overriding the axials, Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. finer on the upper part of the whorl and shoulder than anteriorly, and extending to the Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay end of the anterior canal; 7-13 on the first BCl, FLU (P33370 3). 44 D. C. LONG

Comments: This fossil differs from C. Comments: A small, ovately fusiform, shell eocenicus sp. nov. in the teleoconch whorls with a smooth paucispiral protoconch of being more strongly angulated, in having 1.5-1.75 whorls and teleoconch sculpture of slightly fewer axial ribs per whorl (10, not 14-16 flexuous ribs and numerous fine over-

13-17), and in having slightly more protoconch riding spiral threads; it has a weak but clear whorls. It is probably not specifically distinct posterior sinus on the shoulder. It appears to be from G. eocenicus. G. eocenicus is the first of a a typical Antiguraleus and differs from ?A, sp. series of fossil Australian Guraleus spp. with a a. in its fewer axial ribs and more prominent polygryate protoconch of which the early spiral sculpture.

whorls are smooth and the latter part is axially ?Antiguraleus sp. c. ribbed, and in which adult sculpture besides (Plate 7, figure axial ribs consists of fine spiral threads and 4) axial growth lines. Later fossils in this series oc- Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene- cur from at least the Janjukian (U. Oligocene) early Oligocene. to the Balcombian (M, Miocene) and include Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, the named species G. janjukiensis Powell, 1944 BC3, FL14 (P42892 4, 7EB011 1); Glen Aire and G. harrisi Powell, 1944; the main evolu- Clay, GSV locality AWl (P42941 4). tionary trend appears to be towards progres- Comments: A small, relatively thick-shelled sively less angulated whorls. AntiguraleusAik^ shell, with a very shallow Genus Antiguraleus Powell, 1942 posterior sinus. The 13-15 axial ribs dominate the sculpture of the slightly Type species (o.d.) Antiguraleus otagoensis poHshed teleoconch Powell, 1942. on which spiral sculpture is reduced to faint lines on the body whorl and low cords on the anterior canal. AWl material has even weaker ?Antiguraleus sp. a. spiral sculpture than that from FL14. It differs (Plate 7, figure 5) from species a. and b. above in the weaker Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene- spiral sculpture, shallower posterior sinus, early OHgocene. polished surface, and more turretted spire. Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, Genus Macteola Hedley, 1918 FL14 (EB009 one juvenile, one body whorl 4.0 mm long); Glen Aire Clay, GSV loc. AWl Type species (o.d.) Purpura (Cronia) anomala (P42889 1). Angas, 1877.

Comments: This small fossil with a paucispiral Diagnosis: Small; broadly biconical; pro- protoconch, 19-20 sinuous ribs per rounded toconch, 1.5-2.0 smooth whorls with a blunt teleoconch whorl, a spiral sculpture of 10-15 tip. Axial sculpture; broad ribs, absent from faint spiral lines on the anterior of the body the shoulder slope and fading over the base. whorl and 7-8 low cords on the canal is prob- Spiral sculpture: fine threads over whole sur- ably an Antiguraleus but there is insufficient face. Aperture subovate; anterior canal short, material to describe it or determine if the unnotched; outer lip thin with a very slight Brown's Creek Clay and Glen Aire Clay sinus occupying the shoulder slope. specimens are the same species, Macteola eocenica sp. nov. (Plate 7, fig. 6) Antiguraleus sp. b. Description: Protoconch: (Plate 7, figure 3) smooth, polished, subcyhndrical, usually 1.5 but up to 1.75 Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early whorls, first rather globose, Oligocene. tip slightly deviated and immersed; usually a slightly sinuate scar at Material and Occurrence: Glen Aire Clay, GSV the junction with the teleoconch. Teleoconch: locality AWl (P33338 2, P42942 1, P42943 1, small, fusiform, surface slightly polished, spire P42944 1). 0.5 height of shell; whorls turretted, with a well EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 45

defined slightly sulcate, almost level shoulder Comments: M. eocenica differs from typical slope, and supra-medial peripheral angulation, Macteola in that the axial ribs almost reach the straight sided and narrowing slightly from posterior suture, and the extremely shallow periphery to suture; body whorl capacious, ex- sinus has a low apex at the shoulder angulation. cavate below into a short anterior canal. Axial However, its other features are typical of the sculpture: 10-13 (usually 10-11) very slightly genus. Another possible generic placement is opisthocline, spaced, straight, narrow, axial Mangaoparia Vella, 1954, only species M. ribs per whorl, starting about 0.2 whorl after powelli Vella, 1954, late Miocene, New the protoconch scar, in alignment from whorl Zealand, in which however the aperture is not to whorl, from just below the posterior suture fully known and in which the axial ribs are ab-

to the anterior suture on spire whorls, dying out sent above the periphery, the protoconch is

at the top of the anterior canal on the body little more than one whorl, and there is a sub-

whorl, high and slightly coronated at the sutural fold. Powell (1966, 108) considered it peripheral angulation; very faint incised axial likely that Mangaoparia was related to growth lines. Spiral sculpture: incised spiral Macteola. No other fossil Macteola species lines over the whole of the spire whorls, the in- have yet been recorded. terspaces developed as very flat cords on the body whorl and low cords on the anterior Genus Etrema Hedley, 1918 canal, variable in strength, 0-5 hues posterior to Type species (o.d.) Mangilia (Glyphostoma) the peripheral angulation; up to seven lines aliciae Melvill and Standen, 1895. anterior to it on spire whorls, 12-18, usually Comments: Etrema has been diagnosed as hav- about 15, on the body whorl plus 7-10 low ing axial ribs which do not extend to either base cords on the anterior canal. Aperture: narrow, or suture (e.g. Powell, 1966:112). However, elongate, bluntly angulated posteriorly, open Hedley (1922, PI. 47, fig. 70) shows a specimen below; outer lip sharp, nearly straight, very of the type species in which the axial ribs extend slightly bent to back produce a broad shallow from near the posterior suture to the anterior posterior sinus with its apex the peripheral on suture on the spire and to the top of the anterior angulation and very slightly produced forward canal on the body whorl. The sixials also extend anteriorly; inner a flat matt Up glaze on the col- from suture to suture and to the top of the umella, slightly concave in the parietal region, anterior canal in for example E, capillata curved gently to the left along the columella; Hedley, 1922, £". catapasta Hedley, 1922, E, anterior canal, short, open, inclined slightly to culmea Hedley, 1922, E. curtisiana Hedley, the left, unnotched. 1922 and £". elegans Hedley, 1922. Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype

P42874, Paratype 1 P42875, Paratype 2 P42876 Etrema sp. all coll. T. A. Darragh and H. E, Wilkinson, 6 (Plate 7, figure 7) December 1968. Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BC3, Oligocene. FL14. Material and Occurrence: Glen Aire Clay, GSV Dimensions: loc. AWl (P33337 2, P42939 2). Protoconch Teleoconch Comments: This fossil is a typical It L. B. S. Whorls Whorls Etrema, Holotype 4.5 2.25 2.25 1.5 3.5 differs from £". janjukiensis Powell, 1944 (late

Paratype 1 4.5 2.0 2.25 1.5 3.5 Oligocene, Victoria) in developing more spiral Paratype 2 4.45 2.0 c.2.3. c.1.5 (worn) c.3.6 cords per whorl, in having secondary spiral P33371 4.8 1.9 c.2.5 2.0 3.5 threads, and in' having more markedly opistho- Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. cline axial ribs extending to the posterior Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, suture. More material is needed to fully this is BCl, FLl 1 (P33371 1); type locality (types plus describe species, which the earliest record P33432 12). of Etrema to date. 46 D. C. LONG

Subfamily DAPHNELLINAE Casey, 1904 posterior sinus. The Balcombian A, balcom- bensis Powell, 1944 and A, Genus Asperdaphne Hedley, 1922 contigua Rowell 1944 and undescribed Longfordian to Balcom- Norn. nov. for Scabrella Hedley, 1918, type bian material also show this band, though it is species (o.d.) Daphnella versivestita Hedley, generally narrower, and so does the poorly 1912 (non Scabrella Sacco, 1890). known Recent A. compacta Hedley, 1922.

Asperdaphne sp. a. (Plate 7, figure 8) Genus Rugobela Finlay, 1924

Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. Type species (o.d.) Ptychatractus tenuiliratus Suter, 1917. Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay BCl, FLU (P42899 1). Diagnosis: Rather small, up to c. 15.0 mm. Protoconch conical, of 4-5 smooth whorls. Comments: The spiral sculpture of the pro- Teleoconch elongately ovate- fusiform resemb toconch with 4-5 sharp ridges per whorl is ling Daphnella; with rounded axial coarser than in any Australian Tertiary Asper- ribs which often die out on later whorls and subsidiary daphne spp, but the fossil otherwise fits best spirals; posterior sinus into Asperdaphne (see also general comment on adjacent to suture, shallow, Asperdaphne below). almost vertical; outer lip produced forwards in a broad arc anteriorly. There are Asperdaphne sp. b. usually several weak oblique plications on the (Plate 7, figure 9) inner lip near the base of the columella. Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan-Upper Aldin- Rugobela humerosa (Marwick, 1926) gan, late Eocene-early Oligocene. (Plate 7, figures 10, 11) Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, 1926: Clavatula humerosa Marwick. Trans. N Z Inst 56- BCl, FLU (P33368 1); Blanche Point Fmn, Vi 3LS PI. 72 f.l9. mile N. 1942: Rugobela humerosa of Port Wilunga (EW004 1); Glen Aire (Marwick^ 1926). Powell, Bu/I. Auckland Clay loc. Inst. Mus. 2: 160. CSV AW I (P42900 1 incomplete, 1966: Rugobela humerosa (Mamick, 1926). Fleming, Bull P42901 1, P42945 3 incomplete). N.7.. Dep. Sd. Ind. Res. 173: 76. 1966: Rugobela Comments: More material is needed to evaluate humerosa (Marwick, 1926). Powell, Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 5: 138. this species complex. Its characteristics are a protoconch with numerous spirals visible under Description: Protoconch: conoidal, smooth, magnification, rounded axial ribs, and more or about 3-4 whorls, tip inrolled and deviated; less closely suture spaced spiral cords. simple; junction with teleoconch in- distinct. Teleoconch: ovate-fusiform; spire sub- Asperdaphne sp. c. conoidal averaging 0.5 (0.46-0.54) height of Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. shell; whorls with a weak angulation at about Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay 0.3 whorl height below periphery producing a narrow BC3, FL14, (P33426 1). shoulder, and very slightly convex anteriorly; body whorl large, tapering with a Comments: Differs from Asperdaphne sp. a. in very slight, its excavation into a short anterior much smoother protoconch, smaller size, canal. Axial sculpture: 10-15, and more angulated whorls, and from Asper- usually 12-14, low rounded opisthocUne axial daphne sp. b. in the smoother protoconch, ribs from below the subsutural angulation of the whorl sharper axial ribs, and weaker sculpture of the to the anterior suture posterior sulcus. on the first two whorls; they become obsolete after 2-2 >/2 General Comments: whorls, or even These fossils carry the earlier; numerous very fine axial growth lines. history of Asperdaphne back to the late Spiral sculpture: a weak subsutural Eocene; margining they are all very similar in general mor- cord on the first two or so whorls; 3-4 faint phology -especially in possessing a distinctive spiral lines distributed above and below the sulcus band marking former positions of the shoulder on the first three or so whorls; 10-16 EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 47 flat weak spiral cords with linear interspaces on columbelloides (Tenison Woods, 1877) has a the lower half of the body whorl, and 10-15 low stronger spiral sculpture and columellar plica- oblique cords on the anterior canal. Aperture: tions; R. columbelloides appears to be a senior lanceolate; outer lip sharp with a narrow synonym of R, conospira (Tate, 1898, nom. U-shaped sinus immediately anterior to the nov. for Thala marginata Tenison Woods, suture, produced broadly forward anteriorly; 1877) as May (1919: 22) considered Thala inner lip smooth; anterior canal short, open, marginata a synonym of R. columbelloides unnotched. (Tenison Woods, 1877); (Daphnella col- Types: New Zealand Geological Survey; umbelloides Tenison Woods, 1877: 103 has HolotypeTM5791. page priority over Thala marginata Tenison Woods, 1877: 108). The writer has not been Type locality: NZGS macrofossil locality GS able to examine types or topotypes of R. col- 1100, tuffaceous conglomerate, slumped block umbelloides but Longfordian-Bairnsdalian on hillside above former Lome railway station material (coll. writer) does not appear to in- near Weston, North Otago-Waireka Volcanics clude more than one species of Rugobela. These formation, Kaiatan, late Eocene (P. A. Maxwell Victorian fossils not only differ from R. pers. comm. 5.1.1981). humerosa as does R. columbelloides, as Dimensions: described, but also differ in having a less round- Protoconch Teleoconch ed posterior sinus more like the genotype, in L. B. S. Whorls Whorls tending to develop axial ribs on the last half Holotype 11.5 5.0 c.4.0 5-0 Topotype whorl of the protoconch, and in having an ex- 9481 12.4 c.4.5 6.1 c.3.0. c.5.0. sert tip to the protoconch present in well Topotype preserved, usually juvenile, material. 9481 12.9 5.1 6.7 c.3.0. c.5.1. P42877 15.5 5.8 8.2 3.0 5.5 Doubtfully Turrid species P42878 12.5 5.4 6.3 2.0 5.0 preserved Genus Syngenochilus Powell, 1944 Stratigraphic Range: late Eocene (Kaiatan and Type species (o.d.) Syngenochilus radiapex Aldingan)-Early Oligocene (Runangan and Powell, 1944 possibly Whaingaroan) P. A. Maxwell pers. Diagnosis: Shell ovate-fusiform with a bluntly comm. 5.1.1981. rounded apex. Protoconch small, flattened, one Material and Occurrence: New Zealand: type half whorl with a flattened tip followed by a locality (NZGS Reg. Nr. 9481, 9 topotypes). whorl of usually slightly opisthocline axial ribs Victoria: BCl, FLU (P33355 5, P33362 1, merging into the teleoconch. Teleoconch P33376 1, P42877 1, P42878 1). whorls have a subsutural sulcus, anterior to Comments: R. humerosa has weaker spiral which whorls are straight sided; adult sculpture sculpture than other species of Rugobela; it is rounded axial ribs and narrow spiral cords or also characterised by a lack of oblique plica- incised lines. Aperture narrow; posterior sinus tions at the anterior end of the columellar lip. scarcely produced; weak oblique plications pre- The other Eocene species tentatively assigned to sent on the columella. Rugobela, ?R. oborni Marwick, 1960 has very Comments: Resembles Teleochilus Harris, 1897 strong columellar plications. /?. humerosa is the (Type species Daphnella gracillima Tenison only late Eocne New Zealand turrid species Woods, 1876) which has a spirally striate not a identified in this paper as also occurring in the radially costate protoconch, weak oblique colu- late Eocene of Victoria. From the limited mellar plications like Syngenochilus, and is a amount of material available no significant late Oligocene to Recent south east Australian differences are observable between New genus. The assignment of Teleochilus, and by Zealand and Victorian specimens. analogy, Syngenochilus, to the Turridae is com-

In Australia /?. exsculpta Powell, 1944 has mented on below under Parasyngenochilus gen. more numerous and persistent axial ribs. R, nov. 48 D. C. LONG

Syngenochilus johannaensis sp. nov. Material and Occurrence: Type locality; (Types (Plate 7, figure 12) plus P33378 3, P42880 1, P42881 1). Description: Protoconch: dome-shaped, about Comments: S. johannaensis differs from S. 1.5 whorls; the first half whorl is flat and radiapex Powell, 1944 in having widely spaced, smooth; the next full whorl develops 12-16 persistent, (not close and evanescent), axial rib- slightly curved axial ribs as it merges gradually bing; in having pronouncedly angulated, not into the teleoconch. Teleoconch: ovate rounded, whorls, and in the, at most, weak fusiform; spire 0.42-0.43 height of shell; whorls development of columellar plications. Never- post-medially angulate with a narrow sloping, theless the apex and general morphology of the slightly concave, shoulder, straight-sided shell are typical of Syngenochilus. anteriorly; body whorl large, tapered with a very slight excavation into a short anterior canal. Suture with a weak postero-marginal fold. Axial sculpture: 8-16, usually 10-12, Syngenochilus radiapex Powell, 1944 spaced low narrow axial ribs per whorl, slightly (Plate 7, figures 13-15) prosocline 1944 on the shoulder, orthocline an- Syngenochilus radiapex Powell, Rec. Auckland Inst teriorly; Mus. 3(1): 66, Fig 9, PI fig 4. from suture to suture on the spire 6 1966 Syngenochilus radiapex Powell; Powell, whorls, weaker and reaching to the top of the Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 5: 138. anterior canal on the body whorl; the ribs are weak on the shoulder slope and strongest on the Description: Protoconch: first whorl anterior of the whorl, appearing slightly tuber- flat, culate smooth; second radially costate, merging into at the whorl periphery; numerous fine ax- teleoconch. Teleoconch: ial growth lines. Spiral sculpture: numerous ovate-fusiform; spire about even incised 0.46 height of shell; whorls with a narrow spiral lines, 4, increasing to 10, subsutural margin followed by a close together on the posterior slope and 5-7 narrow sulcus, spaced otherwise straight-sided. Body whorl anteriorly on spire whorls; 23-29 on the rounded' straightening slightly into a short body whorl and 10-12 weak oblique cords on anterior canal. Axial sculpture: 14-21 strong the anterior canal. Aperture: elongate- rounded slightly opisthocline axial ribs per whorl, from lanceolate; outer lip sharp edged, straight; suture to posterior suture on spire whorls, becoming obsolete sinus a minor sutural identation; in- on the body whorl of larger ner lip a smooth glaze on the columella and specimens, otherwise parietal fading before reaching the anterior regions, with occasional (in two of canal; numerous growth lines. Spiral eight available specimens) weak traces of a few sculpture: crisp narrow spiral cords with linear oblique columellar plaits; anterior canal short, interspaces cover all whorls and extend straight, open, unnotched with a nearly square to the tip of the termination. anterior canal, 10-14 on spire whorls, 28-35 on body whorl, overriding Types: National Museifm of Victoria; Holotype axials. Aperture: nar- row, elongate-ovate, P33360 coll. T. A. Darragh 18 October 1971- angulate above with a Paratype minute sutural sinus; outer lip 1 P33380, Paratype 2 P42879 both sharp edged, almost straight, a coll. T. A. Darragh 24 February 1971. weak internal rib about 1.6 mm from the edge; inner lip slightly Type Locality: Brown's Creek incised into Clay, BCl the columellar and FLU. parietal regions, smooth ex- cept for 3, increasing with age up to 8, oblique Dimensions: plications on the lower part of the columella; anterior Protoconch Teleoconch canal very short, open, unnotched,' L- B. S. Whorls Whorls with an almost square end. Holotype 14.25 5.9 6.5 1.5 425 Paratype I 12.9 5.0 5.7 1.5 40 Types: Auckland Institute and Museum- Paratype 2 15.75 5.9 6.75 15 45 Holotype TM-1 123, and 4 Paratypes. P42880 12.3 4.2 5.3 1.5 4.0 Type Locality: Torquay Upper Beds, Victoria Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. (Puebla Formation ?). EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 49

Dimensions: Powell, 1944; however the smooth portion of Protoconch Teieocom the protoconch is dome-shaped and not flat, L. B. S. Whorls Whorls and the columella does not have oblique plica- Holotype 7.25 3.25 — 2.0 3.0 tions P33334 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 2.5 near its end, although some specimens of P33334 14.5 5.5 6.7 c.1.5 4.5 the type species have traces of weak lamellae P33334 13.2 5.0 6.2 c.1.5 4.5 near the mid-columella. Parasyngenochilus also Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan-Long- appears similar to Awateria Suter, 1917 (type fordian? (early Oligocene-early Miocene), species A. streptophora Suter, 1917; Miocene- Pleistocene, New Zealand) in which the pro- Material and Occurrence: Glen Aire Clay, CSV toconch is, however, "smooth, of 1 Vi carinated loc. AWl (P33334 18, P42946 17, P42947 6); whorls, the lilted puUus minute, its little apex Jan Juc formation, Bed BlOO, clay immediately erect, then immersed into the spire, rising below Ft. Addis Limestone, W. side Bell's again, leaving a semicircular depression" Headland, Victora (OB019 1 , coll. K. N. Bell 20 (Suter, 1917:57), and has some resemblance to January 1975); above ledge. Bird Rock Cliffs, late OUgocene-Miocene Australian fossils Torquay, F. A. Cudmore Collection, 2. placed in Scrinium Hedley, 1922 by Powell Comments: The holotype of S. radiapex is (1944) (S. duplicatum Powell, 1944 and S. probably not fully grown; however the Glen nanum Powell, 1944). Both Syngenochilus and Aire Clay material appears to be the same the conchologically similar Teleochilus Harris, species, and indicates that the axial sculpture 1897 (late Oligocene-Recent, Australia) have tends to disappear with age, feature also a been allied to Daphnella (e.g. by Powell, 1966: shown by the fossil from Bell's Headland. It 138) on account of their having a sculptured seems, from comparison with Powell (1944, PI protoconch and obHque folds on the columella, fig the Bell's 6, 4) and Headland specimen, that although Laseron (1954: 22) regarded Teleo- the Glen Aire material has a slightly wider chilus as a Borsoniinid. However, S. johan- shoulder sulcus, is less ovate and in form, but naensis sp. nov. has at best sporadic and weak more Janjukian-Longfordian material is columella plaits which indicates that they are needed to evaluate this. probably not original features of the Syngeno- chilus stock, but a later development and, Genus Parasyngenochilus gen. nov. hence, not necessarily of value in establishing Type species P. eocenicus sp. nov. the relationship of Syngenochilus at a sub- Diagnosis: Protoconch: paucispiral, about 1.5 familial level. The resemblance between whorls, dome-shaped, top flattened, tip Teleochilus, Syngenochilus, Parasyngeno- depressed, first whorl smooth, remainder with chilus, Awateria, and Scrinium, particularly the strangthening orthocline axial ribs merging into fossils tentatively ascribed to Scrinium such as ovate- fusiform; the teleoconch. Teleoconch: S. duplicatum Powell, 1 944, suggests the spire about half height of shell; whorls bluntly presence of a discrete group of Prosobranchs, angulate, with a subsutural margining fold and having small buccinoid shells with paucispiral concave shoulder slope, sulcate on earlier protoconchs and little or no posterior sinus, in whorls. Body whorl slightly contracted below Australasian waters since at least the late into a short open, unnotched, anterior canal. Eocene. To discover how these fossils relate to Sculpture of orthocline narrow ribs, often the Turridae requires further work; in par- slightly spinulose at the shoulder, with fine ticular an examination of the soft parts of spiral lines or flattened cords. Aperture ovate Teleochilus royanus Iredale, 1924 and lanceolate; outer Up straight, sharp; inner lip Scrinium brazieri (Smith, 1891) would be of smooth; columella slightly twisted and thick- value. One New Zealand species assigned to ened above termination; posterior sinus at most Scrinium, 5. neozelanica (Suter, 1908) has been a slight subsutural notch. verified as a Turrid (Powell, 1966: 66). Cer- Comments: The general morphology of tainly a close relationship between Syngeno- Parasyngenochilus is similar to Syngenochilus chilus and Teleochilus on the one hand and 50 D. C. LONG

Daphne/la on the other is, on balance, Dimensions: improbable. Protoconch Teleoconch Besides the Australian fossils reported below L. B. s. Whorls Whorls Holotype 9.4 4.5 4.75 Parasyngenochilus is also known by limited 1.5 3.5 Paratype 1 1 1.1 4.8 6.0 C.I.25 4.5 material from the late Eocene (Kaiatan)-one (worn) specimen -and late Oligocene (Waitakian)- Paratype 2 8.8 4.1 4.5 c.1.5 4.5 two specimens -of South Canterbury, New Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Zealand (P. A. Eocene. Maxwell pers. comm 1 December 1980). Material and Occurrence: Type Locality (types plus P33406 2, P33438 6). Comments: Parasyngenochilus eocenicus sp. nov. (see also under genus). In P33438 two specimens (Plate 7, figure 16) have two weak columellar lamellae just below the mid-columella, one has Description: Protoconch: paucispiral, about three; all of these have broken outer lips. 1.5 whorls; dome-shaped, top flattened, tip depressed; first whorl smooth, remainder with Parasyngenochilus angustior sp. nov. strengthening orthocline axials merging into the (Plate 7 figure 17) teleoconch. Teleoconch: ovate-fusiform, fairly strong; Description: spire 0.50-0.54 height of shell; whorls Protoconch: paucispiral, 1 '/2-2 whorls with a subsutural fold, a narrow concave dome-shaped, tip slightly immersed (in (sulcate) one case flattened), shoulder slope and an angulation at first whorl smooth, second with orthocline about 0.25 of whorl height below the suture; to slightly opisthocHne rounded strengthenng they narrow sHghtly from periphery to anterior axial ribs, merging gradually into the teleoconch. suture. Body whorl rounded, narrowing gently Teleoconch: elongately ovate- fusiform; anteriorly to a short, open canal. Axial spire about 0.55 height of shell; sculpture: whorls with a 10-14, occasionally up to 19, narrow narrowly sulcate shoulder slope and a subsutural orthocline ribs per whorl which nodulate the margining fold, almost subsutural fold and the whorl periphery, extend straight-sided anteriorly; suture well marked, very slightly from suture to suture on spire whorls and die obhque; body whorl slightly nar- out rowed anteriorly about the middle of the body whorl. Spiral into a short anterior canal. sculpture Axial sculpture: variable and weak; up to six faint in- 14-22 (usually 16-19) or- cised thocline ribs spiral lines below the periphery on spire per whorl, narrower than in- whorls, terspaces, and occasionally developed on the from suture to suture on spire shoulder slope on the penultimate and body whorls, dying out above the anterior canal on whorls; the body whorl, up to 20, usually fewer, faint spiral slightly nodulose on the sub- sutural lines anterior to the periphery on the body fold and on the cord margining the whorl, shoulder; and usually 6-8 (in one case two in numerous very fine axial growth lines. Spiral another c.l3) low fine oblique cords on the sculpture: numerous fine threads and cords anterior canal. Aperture: elongate-ovate; outer from suture to suture on spire whorls lip and extending sharp, almost straight, curved slightly back as fine cords on to the anterior on the canal; the anterior canal; inner lip, smooth, a dull threads may become doubled and glaze spaced, or on the columella, slightly curved; anterior closely crowded with linear in- terspaces; canal short, widely open, squarely truncated. up to 44 on the body whorl. Aper- ture: Posterior sinus not observed. narrow, lanceolate; outer lip sharp edged, curved very slightly forward Types: National Museum of Victoria; Holotype below the periphery P42882, and then slightly back to the anterior Paratype 1 P42883, Paratype 2 P42884, canal. Inner lip smooth, porcellanous, all coll. T. A. Darragh and H. E. slightly curved and slightly Wilkinson 6 December 1968. incised into the body whorl; two specimens show a weak median fold and Type Locality: Brown's Creek Clay, BC3 thickening on the columella, FL14. and one specimen has traces of two minute folds in the same posi- EOCENE OLIGOCENE TURRIDAE 51

tion; anterior canal short, open, scarcely ?Parasyngenochilus sp. b. distinguished from the body whorl, curved (Plate?, figure 18)

slightly to the left, end almost straight or with a Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. weakly concave edge. Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, Types: National Museum of Victoria: Holotype BCl, FLU (P42905 2); BC3, FL14 (P42906 1, P42961, Paratype 1 P42962, Paratype 2 P42963 7EB012 1). all F. A. Cudmore collection. Comments: Like Parasyngenochilus sp. a. this Type Locality: Glen Aire Clay, GSV locality fossil is more angulated than P. eocenicus or P. AWL angustior, with a faintly concave not sulcate Dimensions: shoulder slope; the protoconch and aperture Protoconch Teleoconch are, however, in agreement with Parasyngeno- L. B. S. Whorls Whorls chilus, Holotype 10.0 3.5 5.75 1.45 4.4

Paratype 1 10.5 3.8 6.0 1.75 4.0 Mitra citharelloides Tate, 1889 Paratype! 9.1 3.75 5.0 1.6 3.8 (Plate 7 figure 19) Stratigraphic Range: Upper Aldingan, early Type Locality: Lower beds, Aldinga. Oligocene. Comment: Cernohorsky (1972a) placed this Material and Occurrence: Type locality (Types species in the mitromorph Turridae, close to plus P42885 3, P42886 1, P42887 1, P42888 1, Vexithara Finlay, 1926 on the grounds of its P42948 14, P42949 1, F42955 2). possessing two columellar plaits, a siphonal

Comments: Differs from P. eocenicus in its spout and an unnotched and slightly reverted elongate form, more numerous axial ribs, and . The writer has seen no material better developed spiral sculpture. The indica- referable to his species. A photograph of the tion of columella thickening is more like the holotype (T63 1 B) shows it to have more fold on Borsonia and its allies than the plica- rounded whorls than Tate's figure (1889, PI 5 tions of the distal end seen in Syngenochilus fig. 11) suggests and than Vexithara nodo- and Teleochilus, One specimen of a solirata (Suter, 1917 Powell, 1966, PI 10 Parasyngenochilus from the late Eocene fig 8); the aperture is matrix filled, and there is (Kaiatan) of GS9508, McCulloch's Bridge, no clear evidence from the photograph of a Waihao R. South Canterbury, New Zealand (P. posterior sinus. A. Maxwell pers. comm. 1 December 1980) is Acknowledgements very similar to P. angustior but lacks the

nodulation of the subsutural fold and has more I would like to thank Mr T. A. Darragh, widely spaced, rounded, axial ribs. More Deputy Director, National Museum of Victoria

material is needed to establish its relationships. for the loan of most of the material described in this paper, for encouragement to write it, and for his many helpful comments on the draft. I ?Parasyngenochilus sp. a. would also Hke to thank Dr P. A. Jell, Curator Palaeontology, National Stratigraphic Range: Aldingan, late Eocene. of Invertebrate Mu- seum of Victoria, for the loan of specimens and Material and Occurrence: Brown's Creek Clay, invaluable help with the draft and photographs; Bl, FLU (P33369 2, P33365 2). the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural Comments: Differs from Parasyngenochilus in History) for access to comparative material and of the British the conspicuously twisted short anterior canal, literature; Mr C. P. Palmer (National History) for help in locating in the sharply angulate whorls, the sloping Museum references; Pledge of the rather than sulcate shoulder slope and in having specimens and Mr N. Australian Museum for details and a subsutural cord rather than a fold. There is South otherwise a general resemblance to Parasyn- photographs (by Mr J. Forrest) of Tate types; of the genochilus and this fossil may be allied to h. Dr W. O. Cernohorsky Auckland In- 52 D. C. LONG

stitute and Museum for loan of Powell (1944) Cernohorsky, W. O., 1975. The of some Indo- Pacific Mollusca. Part 3. with descriptions of new taxa types and information on Mitra citharelloides and remarks on an Ecuadorian fossil species of Tur- Tate; Dr P. A. Maxwell of the New Zealand ridae. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 12: 213-234. Geological Survey for valuable information on Chapman, F., 1914. On the Succession and Homotaxial Tholitoma and Parasyngenochilus and the loan Relationships of the Australian Cainozoic System. of topotypes of Rugobela humerosa (Marwick), Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 5: 5-52. Chapple, E. H. 1934. Additions to the Tertiary Mollusca Dr P. E. Long of Leicester University for draw- of Victoria. Mem. natn. Mus. Vict. 12: 119-124, pi 14. ing my attention to L. D. Keigwin's let- (1980) Conrad, T. A., 1847. Observations on the Eocene forma- ter, and Mrs Pat Powell for typing the first tion, and descriptions of one hundred and five new draft. fossils of that period, from the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi, with an Appendix. J. Acad. nat. Sci. References Philad. (new series) 1: 111-134, pi 11-34. Abele, C, Kenlev, p. R., Holdgate, G. and Ripper, D., Conrad, T. A., 1865. Catalogue of the Eocene and 1976. Otway Basin (in) Geology of Victoria: J. G. Oligocene Testacea of the United States. Am. J. Douglas and J. A. Ferguson Eds. Spec. Puhl. geol. Conch. 1: 1-35. Soc. AusL 5: 198-229. Cossmann, M., 1889. Catalogue illuslre des Coquilles Adams, A., and Reeve, L., 1850. Mollusca (in) The Fossiles de L'Eocene des Environs de Paris: Annls. Zoology of (he Voyage of H, M.S. Samarang. London: Soc. malac. Belg. 24: 3-381, pi 1-12. Reeve, Benham, and Reeve. Cossmann, M., 1896, Essais de Paleoconchologie Com- Adams, A., and Angas, G. F., 1864. Descriptions of new pared. Paris: Author: pp 179 pi 1-8. species of shells from the Australian seas in the collec- Cossmann, M., 1901. Essais de Paleoconchologie Corn- tions of George French Angas. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. paree 4. Paris: Author: pp 293, pi 1-10 (for 1863): Darragh, T. a., 1969. A revision of the family Colum- Allan, R. S., 1926. Fossil Mollusca from the Waihao bariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Proc. R. Soc. Vict. Greensands. Trans. N.Z. Inst. 56: 338-346, pi 76-77. 83: 63-114, pi 2-6.

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Soc. S. Aust. 65: 79-102, pi 4-5. Reeve, L., 1843. Pleurotoma. Conchologica Iconica 1, pi 10 f 83. McLean, J. H., 1971. A Revised Classification of the Family Turridae, with the Proposal of New Sub- Rouault, a., 1848. Description des fossiles du terrain families, Genera, and Subgenera from the Eastern eocene des environs de Pau. Bull. soc. geol. Fr. 2 (5): Pacific. Veliger 14 (1): 114-130, 4 pi. 207-208. MacNeil, F. S. 1960. Tertiary and Quaternary Gastropoda Rouault, A., 1850. Description des fossiles du terrain of Okinawa. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 339: pp 148, eocene des environs de Pau. Mem. Soc. geol. Fr. 3 (2): 31 pi. 457-502, pi 14-18. Marincovitch, L., 1976. Cenozoic Naticidae (Mollusca: Sacco, F., 1890. / molluschi del terreni terziarii del Gastropoda) of the Northeastern Pacific. Bull. Amer. Piemonte e della Liguria, descriti da Luigi Bellardi. Pt. Paleont. 70 (294): 169-494, pi 17-42. Vl. Torino: Carlo Clausen. VON Martens, E., 1901. Einige neue Meer-Conchylien von Shuto, T.. 1961. Conacean Gastropoda from the Miyazaki der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Sber. Ges. nalurf. Group 9. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kvushu Univ. Ser. D. Geol. Freunde. Berl.: 14-26. 11 (2): 71-150, pis 3-10. 1891. Marwick, J., 1926. Molluscan Fauna of the Waiarekan Smith, E. A., Descriptions of new species of Shells Stage of the Oamaru Series. Trans N.Z. Inst. 56: from New South Wales. New Guinea, the Caroline and 307-316, pi 72. Solomon Islands. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.: 486-491, pi 40. Marwick, J., 1931. The Tertiary Mollusca of the Gisborne District. Palaeont. BuiL Wellington 13: i-vii, 1-162. pi Solander, D. C, 1766. Fossilia Hantoniensis collecta, et in 1-18. Musaeo Brittanico deposita, a Gustavo Brander. 1907. Marwick, J., 1960. Early Tertiary Mollusca from Olaio Suter, H., Descriptions of some Tertiary shells from Gorge South Canterbury. Palaeont. Bull. Wellington New Zealand. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 1: 207-210. pi 33: 5-30, pi 1-2. 54 D. C. LONG

SuTER, H., 1908. Descriptions of New Zealand Marine Explanation of Plates Shells. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 8: 178-191, pi 7. PLATE 4 SuTER H., I9I7. Descriptions of new Tertiary Mollusca oc- curring in New Zealand, accompanied by a few notes Fig. I- ? Comitas sp., P33342, FL 11, x 2.3. Fig. 2- Comitas aldingensis on necessary changes in nomenclature. Palaeont. Bull. Powell 1944, paratype, Blanche Pt., Wellington 5: 1-93, pIl-13. x 9.6. Fig. 3- Comitas aldingensis Powell 1944, TM 953, SwAiNSON. W., 1840. A Treatise on Malacology. London: holotype, Blanche Pt., x 11. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman. Figs. 4, 5- Comitas wvnyardensis cudmorei supsp. nov., Tate, R., 1878. The fossil Marginellidae of Australasia. P42956, holotype, AW 1, x 2.5 and x 9. Trans, phil, Soc. Adelaide for 1877-78: 90-98. Fig. 6- Genus ? nov (allied to Comitas). P33429, BC 3, X 10. Tate, R., 1886. The Lamellibranchs of the Older Tertiary Fig. 7- Tholitoma sp., P33417, BC 3, x 4.6. of Australia (Part 1). Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust 8- Fig. 8- Makiyamaia victoriae sp. 96-158, pi 2-12. nov., P42834 holotype, BC 3, x 8. Tate, R., 1887. The pteropods of the Older Tertiary of Fig. 9- Apiotoma ? wilkinsoni sp. nov., P42832 Australia. Ibid. 9: 194-196, pi 20. holotype, BC 3. x 2. Tate, Figs. 10, R.. 1888. The Gastropods of the Older Tertiary of 11- Apiotoma ? wilkinsoni Australia- Part I. Ibid. 10: 91-176, pi 1-13. sp. nov. P42833, paratype, BC 3, x 3.5 Tate, R., 1889. The Gastropods and x 9. of the Older Tertiary of Fig. 12- Apiotoma bassi Pritchard 1904, MUGD Australia- Part 2. Ibid. 11: 116-174, pi 2-10. 1825, holotype, AW 1, x 2. Tate, R., 1890, The Gastropods Fig. 13- of the Older Tertiary of ?Apiotoma sp. a. P33353, BC 1, x 2.5. Australia-Part Figs. 14, 3. Ibid. 13: 185-235. Apiotoma sp. b. P33356, BC 1, X 4 and x Tate, 15- R., 1893. The Gastropods of the Older Tertiary of Fig. 16- ? Insolentia sp. P33416, BC 3, x 6.7. Australia- Part 4. Ibid. 17: 316-345, pi 6-10. Fig. 17- Insolentia Tate, ? sp. P33400, BC 3, x 2.8. R., 1898. A second supplement to a census of the fauna of the Older Tertiary of Australia. J. Proc R PLATE 5 Soc, N.S.W. 31: 381-416, pi 19-20. Figs. 1,2- Johannaia darraghi gen. el sp. nov., P4284I, Tenison Woods, J. E., 1876. On some Tertiary fossils from holotype, BC 1, x 5 and x 15. Table Cape. Pap. Proc. R. Figs. Soc. Tasm. for 1875: 13-26 3,4- Marshallaria otwayensis sp. nov., P42844, 3 pi. holotype, AW 1, x 3.3 and 7.4. Fig. Tenison Woods, J. 5- Paramarshallena E., 1877. Notes on the fossils re- propebelloides gen. et sp ferred to nov. P42847, holotype, BC 1, x 5.5. in the foregoing paper (i.e. by R. M. Fig. 6- Cochlespira semiplana Johnston). Ibid, for 1876: 91-116. (Powell 1944), TM 956, holotype, Blanche Point, x 8. Tenison Woods, J. E., 1879. On some Tertiary Fig. 7- fossils. Turrinosyrinx denticulata sp. nov., P33354 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 4(1): 1-20, pi 1-4. holotype BC 1, x 6. Thiele, Fig. 8- J., 1925. Gastropoda der deutschen tiefsee- Veruturris sp., P33433, BC 3, x 4. Fig. 9- expedition IL Deutsche Tiefsee -Expedition Gemmula (Clavogemmula) prima subgen et sp. nov.. 1898-1899, 17(2): 35-382, pi 25-27. P33350, holotype, BC 1, x 5. Fig. 10- Gemmula (Clavogemmula) prima subgen Thiele, J., 1929: Handbook der Systematische et sp. nov., P42851, paratype, Weichterkunde. BC 1, x 8.5 Jena: I. Fischer: pp. 376. Fig. 11- Cordieria ? sp. a., P33348, BC 1, x 7.5. Vella, p., 1954. Tertiary Fig. 12- Mollusca from South-East Cordieria sp. cf. protensa (Tate 1898) . Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. 81(4): 539-555 nl P33384, BC 3, x 6. 25-27. Fig. 13- Cordieria ? sp. b., P33423, BC 3, x 12. Fig. 14- Vredenburg, Cordieria protensa (Tate 1898), E., 1925. Description of Mollusca from the T340D post-Eocene holotype, AW 1, x 2. Tertiary formation of North-Western In- Fig. 15- Cordieria protensa (Tate dia: Cephalopoda, Opisthobranchiata, Siphonosto- 1898), T320D, AW mata. 1, X 4. (holotype of Borsonia otwayensis Mem. Geol. Surv. India 50 (1): i-xii, 1-350, In- Tate 1898, pi. 19, fig. 4). dex i-xvi, pis 1-13. Fig. 16- Cordieria protensa (Tate 1898), T327C, AW Weaver, C. E., 1916. Tertiary faunal horizons of western I. X 6.5. (holotype of Borsonia polycesta Washington. Univ. Washington Pubs. Geol 1 (!) 1-67 Tate 1898, pi. 19, fig. 2). Fig. 17- pis 1-5. ? Borsonia sp. cf. /o/e/ Powell 1944, P33405 BC 3, X 6. Weinkauff, H. C, 1875. Ueber eine Kritische Gruppe des Fig. 18- Genus Borsonia tatei eocenica subsp. nov., P42854 Pleurotoma Lam. sensu stricto. Jb. dt holotype, BC l,x 4.5. Malakozool. Ges. 2: 285-292, pi 9. WooDRiNG, W. P., 1928. Miocene Mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica, Pt. PLATE 6 2. Carnegie Inst. Washington publ. nr' 385: i-vii, 1-564, pi 1-40, Fig. 1- ? pp 3 text figs. Mitrolumna sp., P33435, BC 3, x II. Figs. 2,3- Cryptocordieria YoKOYAMA, M., 1926. Tertiary Mollusca from Southern variabilis gen. et sp nov P33395, " T5i6mi. holotype, BC 3, x 7.5 Tokyo Irnper. Univ. Faculty Sci. Journ sec 2 and x 3. Fig. 4- ? Splendrillia sp., P33422, 1 (9): 313-364, pi 38-41. BC 1, x 8 Fig. 5- Splendrillia ? sp., P33409, BCl, x 5 ,


Fig. Splendrillia 6- hughesi sp. nov., P42862, Fig. 3- A ntiguraleus sp. b., P33338, AW 1, x 6. holotype, AW 1, x 7. Fig. 4- lAntiguraleus sp. c, P42941, AW 1, x 10. Fig. 7 ? sp., Hauturua P33381, BC 3, x 12. Fig. 5- 1 A nt iguraleus sp. a., P42889, AW 1, x 10. Fig. 8 Mauidrillia aldingensis Powell 1944, TM Fig. 6- Macteola eocenica sp. nov. P42874, 1024, holotype, Blanche Point, x 8. holotype, BC 3, x 15. Fig. 9 Mauidrillia secta secta Powell 1944, TM Fig. 7- Etrema sp., P42939, AW 1, x 6. 1031, holotype, Blanch Point, x 7. Fig. 8- Asperdaphne sp. a., P42899, BC 1, x 8. Fig. 10 Mauidrillia secta secta Powell 1944, P33448, Fig. 9- Asperdaphne sp. b., P42901, AW 1, x 10. topotype, X 7. Fig. 10, 11 Rugobela humerosa (Marwick 1926), Fig. 11 Mauidrillia secta otwayensis subsp. nov. P42877, BC 1, X 5 and X 12. P42865, holotype, AW 1, x 6.3. Fig. 12- Syngenochilus johannaensis sp. nov., Fig. 12 Mauidrillia sp. cf. secta Powell 1944, P33377, P33360, holotype, BC 1, x 5. BC 1, X 5. Fig. 13, 14 Syngenochilus radiapex Powell 1944, Fig. 13 Genus nov. ?, P33388, BC 3, x 10. P42946, AW 1, X 6 and X 7.5. Fig. 14 Conorbis atractoides (Tate 1890), T750A, Fig. 15- Syngenochilus radiapex Powell 1944, TM holotype, Adelaide Bore, x 5. 1123, holotype, Upper Beds Torquay, x 9. Fig. 15— Conorbis atractoides otwayensis subsp. nov. Fig. 16- Parasyngenochilus eocenicus gen. et sp. nov., P42959, holotype, AW 1, x 4. P42882, holotype, BC 3, x 6. Fig. 17- Parasyngenochilus angustior gen. et sp. nov., PLATE 7 P42961, holotype, AW 1, x 6. Fig. 18- Parasyngenochilus sp. b., P42905, 3, x Fig. 1— Guraleus sp. cf. eocenicus sp. nov., P33370, BC 5. BC 1, X 10. Fig. 19- Mitra citharelloides Tate 1 899, T63 1 Fig. 2— Guraleus eocenicus sp. nov., P42871, B, holotype, Aldinga, x 7. holotype, BC 3, x 11. MEM. NAT. MUS. VICT. 42 PLATE 4