Esperiana Band 14: 7-533 Schwanfeld, 19. Dezember 2008 ISBN 3-938249-08-0

Revision of the Ochsenheimer, 1816 and the tribus Acontiini Guenée, 1841 (Old World) (: : )


Hermann H. Hacker, Albert Legrain and Michael Fibiger

Summary The monophyly of the genus Acontia is established here by the apomorphic presence of the high number of altogether seven autapomorphies, which are present in the majority of the Acontia species. The genus is widespread in both the Old, and The New World. The generic treatment of numerous generic taxa of the subfamily Acontiinae is discussed here; in the case of presence of the Acontia autapomorphies the generic taxa are synonymized to Acontia. Refering this the genus is subdivided into seven fundamental taxonomic lineages and the actual generic treatment recognized as follows:

1. subgenus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816. Type-species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766

= Hübner, [1823] 1816. Type-species: Noctua aprica Hübner, 1808 = Desmophora Stephens, 1829. Type-species: Phalaena catena Sowerby, 1805 = Euphasia Stephens, 1830. Type-species: Phalaena catena Sowerby, 1805 = Heliothera Sodoffsky, 1837. Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766 = Porrotha Gistl, 1848. Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766 = Tima Walker, [1858] 1857. Type-species: Phalaena margaritata Drury, 1782 = Pseudalypia Hy. Edwards, 1874. Type-species: Pseudalypia crotchii Hy. Edwards, 1874) syn. nov. = Grote, 1875. Type-species: Agrophila leo Guenée, 1852) syn. nov. = Trichotarache Grote, 1875. Type-species: Trichotarache assimilis Grote, 1875 = Hoplotarache Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache mionides Hampson, 1905 syn. nov. = Prociosis Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Procriosis dileuca Hampson, 1901 syn. nov. = Cardiosace Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache sphendonistis Hampson, 1902 syn. nov. = Fredina Brandt, 1939. Type-species: Fredina esmeralda Brandt, 1939 syn. nov.

2. subgenus Hübner, [1821] 1816. Type-species: sulphuralis Linnaeus, 1767

= Erotyla Hübner, 1822. Type-species: Phalaena trabealis Scopoli, 1763 = Agrophila Boisduval, 1840. Type-species: Phalaena trabealis Scopoli, 1763 = Herrich-Schäffer, 1868. Type-species: Ponometia ochricosta Herrich-Schäffer, 1868 syn. nov. = Fruva Grote, 1877. Type-species: Spragueia fasciatella Grote, 1875 syn. nov. = Heliodora Neumoegen, 1891. Type-species: Heliodora magnifica Neumoegen, 1891 syn. nov. = Graeperia Grote, 1895. Type-species: Heliodora magnifica Neumoegen, 1891 syn. nov. = Therasea Grote, 1895. Type-species: Tarache angustipennis Grote, 1875 syn. nov. = Hampson, 1898. Type-species: Tarachidia flavibasis Hampson, 1898 syn. nov. = Tornacontia Smith, 1900. Type-species: Tarache sutrix Grote, 1880 syn. nov. = Conacontia Smith, 1900. Type-species: Conacontia flavicosta Smith, 1900 syn. nov. = Conochares Smith, 1905. Type-species: Conochares acutus Smith, 1905 syn. nov. = Neptunia Barnes & McDunnough, 1911 (praeocc.). Type-species: Neptunia pulchra Barnes & McDunnough, 1911 syn. nov. = Hemispargueia Barnes & McDunnough, 1923. Type-species: Cerathosia idella Barnes, 1905 syn. nov.

Addresses of the authors:

Hermann H. Hacker: Kilianstraße 10, 96231 Bad Staffelstein, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]

Albert Legrain: Quai du Halage, 4681 Hermalle-sous-Argebteau. Belgium; e-mail: [email protected]

Michael Fibiger: Molbechsalle 49, 4180 Sorø, Denmark; e-mail: [email protected]

Text 1.indd 7 03.12.2008 17:07:01 Uhr = Acropserotarache Berio, 1937. Type-species: Acropserotarache elegantissima Berio, 1937 syn. nov. = Emmelacontia Beck, 2000. Type-species: Acontia viridisquama Guenée, 1852 syn. nov.

3. subgenus Metapioplasta Wallengren, 1865. Type-species: simo Wallengren, 1860

= Aulotarache Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache decoripennis Mabille, 1900 syn. nov.

4. subgenus Acontarache Berio, 1977. Type-species: somaliensis Berio, 1977

5. subgenus Olivacontia subgen. nov. Type-species: olivacea Hampson, 1891

6. subgenus Uracontia Beck, 1996. Type-species: urania Frivaldsky, 1835

7. subgenus Eusceptis Hübner, [1823]. Type-species: irretita Hübner, [1823]

= Eugraphia Guenée, 1852. Type-species: irretita Hübner, [1823]

One subgenus, 63 species and 8 subspecies are described as new for science:

1 subgenus nov. 44.) notha spec. nov. Olivacontia subgen. nov. 45.) bethunebakeri spec. nov. 63 species nov. 46.) purpurata spec. nov. 47.) robertbecki spec. nov. 1.) lactea spec. nov. 48.) subnotha spec. nov. 2.) nigrimacula spec. nov. 49.) manakhana spec. nov. 3.) uhlenhuthi spec. nov. 50.) saldaitis spec. nov. 4.) berioi spec. nov. 51.) aurivillii spec. nov. 5.) permutata spec. nov. 52.) amarei spec. nov. 6.) submutata spec. nov. 53.) bellula spec. nov. .) sublactea spec. nov. 54.) buchsbaumi spec. nov. 8.) peksi spec. nov. 55.) wallaceana spec. nov. 9.) hampsoni spec. nov. 56.) detritoides spec. nov. 10.) mukalla spec. nov. 57.) minuscula spec. nov. 11.) aurelia spec. nov. 58.) tabberti spec. nov. 12.) hoppei spec. nov. 59.) erronea spec. nov. 13.) solitaria spec. nov 60.) bechuana spec. nov. 14.) okahandja spec. nov. 61.) sollemnis Hacker & Holloway spec. nov. 15.) dorothea spec. nov. 62.) subolivacea Hacker & Holloway spec. nov. 16.) rigatoi spec. nov. 63.) goateri spec. nov. 17.) wiltshirei spec. nov. 18.) bollandi spec. nov. 19.) aarviki spec. nov. 9 subspecies nov. 20.) amhara spec. nov. 1.) opalinoides transafricana subspec. nov. 21.) mellicula spec. nov. 2.) opalinoides westafricana subspec. nov. 22.) oranjensis spec. nov. 3.) guttifera elegans subspec. nov. 23.) nambiensis spec. nov. 4.) caffraria knudlarseni subspec. nov. 24.) katrina spec. nov. 5.) basifera saotiagoensis subspec. nov. 25.) florentissima spec. nov. 6.) torrefacta politzari subspec. nov. 26.) santalucia spec. nov. .) antica subtilis subspec. nov. 27.) albatrigona spec. nov. 8.) natalis septentrionalis subspec. nov. 28.) proesei spec. nov. 9.) tanzaniae hampsoniana subspec. nov. 29.) paratrigona spec. nov. 30.) discoidoides spec. nov. 31.) capensis spec. nov. 32.) kruegeri spec. nov. 33.) purpureofacta spec. nov. 34.) paraalba spec. nov. 35.) praealba spec. nov. 36.) fuscoalba spec. nov. 37.) szunyoghyi spec. nov. 38.) fastrei spec. nov. 39.) obliqua spec. nov. 40.) veroxanthia spec. nov. 41.) stassarti spec. nov. 42.) esperiana spec. nov. 43.) schreieri spec. nov.

Text 1.indd 8 03.12.2008 17:07:01 Uhr Introduction and Classification

For many years the three of us have enjoyed and collected many different species of Acontia, sometimes together and at other times on our own, and we soon became keen to study them intensively, and to examine the described species and genera in other collections and museums. We then decided to amalgamate our experience and knowl- edge and write a paper on the species occurring in the biogeographical Ethiopian and Afrotropical regions, which include the areas of Yemen and SW Saudi Arabia, where Acontia species also occur in localities at lower altitudes. The work grew much more rapidly than we had imagined, and it became clear that a thorough revision of Acontia species throughout the Old World was needed, but still with the main emphasis on the Ethiopian region. We then found it necessary to examination all the type-species of the ‘genera’ and ‘subgenera’ described from the New World, including the whole of North, Central and South America. But we refrained from including all the exclusively New World taxa in the current work, which would have amounted to more than 100 extra described species and very many more still undescribed taxa, often held in private and public collections hard for us to access. In fact, much of the work on the North American species (almost 100 species) has already been prepared for publication, but has lain untouched for decades in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC (USNM). We hope that this present revision might inspire a similar work on the Acontia species of the New World.

The vast majority of species in the genus Acontia are spectacular bird-dropping mimics, which are often active both by day and at night. They have therefore traditionally been widely collected, and held in esteem by amateur lepidop- terists and museums alike. Unfortunately, this tradition has resulted in description of many taxa and the creation of a large number of synonyms. Certain conspicuous groups of Acontia species have given rise to descriptions of a lot of different genera, and it is the ‘splitters’ rather than the ‘lumpers’ among taxonomists who have been most active in work on the tribe Acontiini. This has been repeated with Acontia species on all continents. Most of these ‘genera’ do in fact share the usual seven autapomorphies of Acontia listed below, and so here, rather than maintain a lot of paraphyletic small ‘genera’ in Acontiini, we have preferred to place all the species in one large genus, Acontia, with numerous sub-genera and species groups, as done previously with the large genus Caradrina (Hacker 2004). We hope our contribution will inspire lepidopterists to extend our study in other regions of the world.

In the past, very many genera with small or rather small, conspicuously coloured day-flying species have been lumped within the subfamily Acontiinae, which therefore became a kind of a dustbin for such groups and their spe- cies. Even now, we are of the opinion that the Eustrotiinae might be paraphyletic or polyphyletic, and this subfamily is currently in urgent need of revision. The Acontiinae as a monophyletic unit was revised by Fibiger & Lafontaine (2005), and resulted in removal of a lot of both small and large groups of species from the subfamily, e.g. the large genus Eublemma was transferred to a very ancestral position among the quadrifine Noctuidae; the slimmer Ac- ontiinae were defined as trifine and monophyletic, and combined to include four tribes, Acontiini, Hypercalymniini, Armadini and Aediini, the last three of which are also quite colourful, but mainly in nuances of black and white. All of these share a number of peculiar autapomorphies, listed below, which link them unequivocally together. Each of these tribes, however, has its own character state for each apomorphic feature, e.g. the hair-like setae on scaphium, which in Armadini and Aediini are arranged in two tufts, and in Acontiini and Hypercalymniini with more spread hair-like setae. Further characteristics of the subfamily and its tribes are given by Fibiger & Lafontaine (2005). The present revision is restricted to the genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816.


Phylogeny of the genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766. L.t.: Germany, Berlin region.

World list of subgenera and synonyms of the genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 (figs I-XXX)

Subgenus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816. Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766 Synonyms of genus and subgenus Acontia:

= Tarache Hübner, [1823] 1816. Type-species: Noctua aprica Hübner, 1808 = Desmophora Stephens, 1829. Type-species: Phalaena catena Sowerby, 1805

Text 1.indd 9 03.12.2008 17:07:01 Uhr = Euphasia Stephens, 1830. Type-species: Phalaena catena Sowerby, 1805 = Heliothera Sodoffsky, 1837. Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766 = Porrotha Gistl, 1848. Type-species: Phalaena lucida Hufnagel, 1766 = Tima Walker, [1858] 1857. Type-species: Phalaena margaritata Drury, 1782 = Pseudalypia Hy. Edwards, 1874. Type-species: Pseudalypia crotchii Hy. Edwards, 1874 syn. nov. = Spragueia Grote, 1875. Type-species: Agrophila leo Guenée, 1852 syn. nov. = Trichotarache Grote, 1875. Type-species: Trichotarache assimilis Grote, 1875 = Hoplotarache Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache mionides Hampson, 1905 syn. nov. = Prociosis Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Procriosis dileuca Hampson, 1901 syn. nov. = Cardiosace Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache sphendonistis Hampson, 1902 syn. nov. = Fredina Brandt, 1939. Type-species: Fredina esmeralda Brandt, 1939 syn. nov.

A description of a genus covers in fact only the type-species. All other species subsequently placed in the same genus are interpreted as sharing the same autapomorphic characters as those of the type-species, though some- times in different states, and some of which might have been lost. The character states for each of the subgenera are listed below. Autapomorphic characters are written in bold. Single autapomorphc characters might occur also in other genera of other subfamilies, so-called convergences, listed here both in bold and also by (con.). The genus Acontia is strongly supported by many unusual and distinctive autapomorphic characters.


- Antennae of male and female simple (filiform), lacking pectination or ciliation (con.). - Eyes large, round. - Labial palpus porrect. - Second segment small, hairy beneath, third segment short and smooth. - Tibia without spines. - Hindlegs without spurs. - Wings below average size for noctuids, wingspan 25 to 35 mm. - Forewing colouration characteristically bird-dropping like, ground colour milky white, shiny; hindwing with sharply outlined, dark grey-brown submarginal shading. - Underside of wings with similar markings and colouration as the upper side, brownish and darker colours paler and partly reduced. - Sexual dimorphism prominent; females distinctly darker than males, especially on hindwings, but also in adjacent obscured areas of forewing. Sometimes this dimorphism is so strongly developed that it is difficult to associate males and females in the same species, and in several instances the two sexes were originally described as different species. - Tympanum with alula enlarged and forming a flap partially covering tympanic opening. - Tympanum with hood reduced or absent.


- Larvae with 2 SV setae on A1, thus differing from Eustrotiinae and Bagisarinae. - Larvae with posteriorly projecting D2 setae on A9, which form an anal fork (Crumb 1956). - SP short, ventral lip rounded, lateral teeth of hypopharynx in row, stipular setae long and SV group bisetose on Ab1 and trisetose on Ab2. Prolegs absent on Ab3-Ab4 (Ahola & Silvonen, 2005).

Male genitalia

-7th segement with two abdominal coremata of similar length to valvae; coremata fixed by a holding-device band, of similar diameter to 7th segment; coremata laterally projected during mating. - Bullae totally fused longitudinally. - Uncus very long, narrow, almost equally broad and bent in a smooth semicircle (con.). - Scaphium with two slightly sclerotised crests with dorso-lateral hair-like tufts, sometimes appearing strap-like. - Peniculus inconspicuous among other parts of tegumen. - Pleurite very short, free.


Text 1.indd 10 03.12.2008 17:07:02 Uhr - Vinculum as long as tegumen. - Juxta moderately long, broad, basally broadened with two lateral tips. - Valvae highly asymmetrical, broadest medially (con.). - Basal third of valva including sacculus relatively narrow; distal part two-thirds broader, apically rounded, without distinct corona. - Costal margin of sacculus with crest-like reinforcement; usually highly asymmetrical, often with more or less large spine-like or club-like process. - Costa broad, central part less heavily sclerotised. - Costal process/digitus apically free, pointed, ventrally directed, similar to that in many other noctuids, - Basal part of transtilla in valve and towards juxta stick-like, distal part long, membranous. - Central area of valva between sacculus and clasper with window, and weakly sclerotised. - Clasper large, plate-like, sometimes covering most of cucullus (con.). - Harpe/ampulla a tap-like process, inwardly directed; in many species with one or more flat processes, differently oriented, usually asymmetrical. - Aedeagus moderately long, caecum narrower than aedeagus tube, posterior part often with small carina spines. - Ductus ejaculatorius almost in central-dorsal position, very wide. - Vesica projected ventrally (con.). - Everted vesica moderately long, most spacious medially, curved, halfmoon-shaped; with a prominent narrow, sclerotised crest-like cornutus on top of a large diverticulum; and with another large diverticulum on ventral side, with an elongated spine-band.

Female genitalia

- Ostium membranous, very broad. - Apophyses slightly longer than 8th abdominal segment. - Antrum twice as long as wide, dorsal wall of the antrum sclerotised, ventral wall membranous. - Antrum ventro-laterally strengthened by two long and heavily sclerotised ribs from the 8th abdominal segment to the anterior end of sclerotised antrum. - Antrum and ductus bursae separated by a membranous band. - Ductus bursae fairly well sclerotised, short, flat, folded, and broad. - Ductus bursae anteriorly extended as a heavily sclerotised plate on ventral side from apical part of ductus bursae to basal part of corpus bursae. - Corpus bursae posteriorly with a large pouch covered with heavily sclerotised ribs. - Appendix bursae very small cone-like, ductus seminalis arises at tip. - Corpus bursae otherwise large, ovoid, membranous.

Subgenus Emmelia Hübner, [1821] 1816. Type-species: Phalaena trabealis Scopoli, 1763

The subgenus Emmelia is characterised by the following character states; autapomorphies are weak-listed in bold: - Imagines usually smaller than those in subgenus Acontia. - Wingpattern often unusual compared with those in subgenus Acontia, but colouration and genital structures still differ only slightly. - Valvae broad throughout, broadest apically, distally clothed densely with setae, but without a regular co- rona. - Asymmetrical structures on valva less prominent than those in subgenus Acontia. - Clasper–harpe/ampulla system elongated; major part parallel with ventral margin; apically tapered, pointed, often curved. - Dorsal part of juxta often asymmetrical.

Synonyms of subgenus Emmelia:

= Erotyla Hübner, 1822. Type-species: Phalaena trabealis Scopoli, 1763 = Agrophila Boisduval, 1840. Type-species: Phalaena trabealis Scopoli, 1763 = Ponometia Herrich-Schäffer, 1868. Type-species: Ponometia ochricosta Herrich-Schäffer, 1868 syn. nov.


Text 1.indd 11 03.12.2008 17:07:02 Uhr = Fruva Grote, 1877. Type-species: Spragueia fasciatella Grote, 1875 syn. nov. = Heliodora Neumoegen, 1891. Type-species: Heliodora magnifica Neumoegen, 1891 syn. nov. = Graeperia Grote, 1895. Type-species: Heliodora magnifica Neumoegen, 1891 syn. nov. = Therasea Grote, 1895. Type-species: Tarache angustipennis Grote, 1875 syn. nov. = Tarachidia Hampson, 1898. Type-species: Tarachidia flavibasis Hampson, 1898 syn. nov. = Tornacontia Smith, 1900. Type-species: Tarache sutrix Grote, 1880 syn. nov. = Conacontia Smith, 1900. Type-species: Conacontia flavicosta Smith, 1900 syn. nov. = Conochares Smith, 1905. Type-species: Conochares acutus Smith, 1905 syn. nov. = Neptunia Barnes & McDunnough, 1911 (praeocc.). Type-species: Neptunia pulchra Barnes & McDunnough, 1911 syn. nov. = Hemispargueia Barnes & McDunnough, 1923. Type-species: Cerathosia idella Barnes, 1905 syn. nov. = Acropserotarache Berio, 1937. Type-species: Acropserotarache elegantissima Berio, 1937 syn. nov. = Emmelacontia Beck, 2000. Type-species: viridisquama Guenée, 1852 syn. nov.

Subgenus Metapioplasta Wallengren, 1865. Type-species: Acontia simo Wallengren, 1860

Synonyms of subgenus Metapioplasta:

= Aulotarache Hampson, 1910. Type-species: Tarache decoripennis Mabille, 1900 syn. nov.

The subgenus Metapioplasta is characterised by the following character states; autapomorphies are listed in bold:

- Genitalia of both sexes relatively small. - Costa of valvae broader than rest of valve. - Ventral and dorsal part of valve of unequal length. - Sacculus very short and narrow. - Harpe/ampulla curved dorsad; positioned medially on valve. - Aedeagus short, broad; vesica with several cornuti and spine fields. - Sclerotised part of corpus bursae larger than rest of corpus.

Subgenus Acontarache Berio, 1977. Type-species: Acontarche somaliensis Berio, 1977

The subgenus Acontarche is characterised by the following character states; autapomorphies are listed in bold:

- Imagines with weak pattern. - Postmedian line broad, double. - Two black streaks in subterminal area, one subcostal and one tornally. - Hindwing white, without markings.

Olivacontia subgen. nov. Type species: Cilix olivacea Hampson, 1891

The subgenus Acontarche is characterised by the following character states; autapomorphies are listed in bold:

- Two abdominal coremata of the 7th absent. - Scaphium with two lightly sclerotised crests with dorso-lateral hair-like tufts. - Valva lacking a well separated cucullus, usually completely without appendages; sacculi small or only indicated; clasper-harpe system inconspicuous, reduced to tiny, scarcely sclerotised and asymmetrical processes. - Ductus bursae and bursa copulatrix very long and narrow, completely membranous. Anterior part of bursa club- shaped, covered with granular structures.


Text 1.indd 12 03.12.2008 17:07:02 Uhr Subgenus Eusceptis Hübner, [1823]. Type-species: Eusceptis irretita Hübner, [1823]

Synonyms of subgenus Eusceptis: = Eugraphia Guenée, 1852. Type-species: Eusceptis irretita Hübner, [1823]

The subgenus Eusceptis is characterised by the following character states; autapomorphies are listed in bold: - Imagines with typical Acontia-pattern, but also with hieroglyph-like streaks. - Abdominal coremata present, but very short. - Uncus relatively short, dominated by the two large scaphial tufts. - Huge saccular coremata present basally. - Costa with free apex, with corona-like setae. - Sacculus heavily slerotised, often with long, narrow, spine-shaped processes. - Clasper-harpe/ampulla system long, bar-like, extended to apical edge of valva. - Juxta dorsally narrow, spine-like. - Vesica without large cornuti or spine-bands, but diverticula armed with spicules.

Subgenus Uracontia Beck, 1996. Type-species: Acontia urania Frivaldszky, 1835

The subgenus Uracontia is typical of the Acontia group, but differs from subgenus Acontia in lacking several of the usual abdominal and genitalia features, which are either not developed or lost, e.g. the abdominal pockets of the 7th abdominal segment are present but the brushes are lost; the sclerotised plate from the anterior part of ductus bursae to the posterior part of corpus bursae is present but very small and hardly attend- ing corpus; and the two sclerotised plates from 8th abdominal segment into antrum throughout its length are absolutely typical of Acontia; etc. In a phylogenetical analysis, this can be interpreted as an ancestral or a derived branching from the main Acontia-stem: if ancestral, Uracontia branched off early when only relatively few of the many autaporphies were present in the stem; if interpreted as a derived separation, some of the many Acontia autapomorphies have gradually been lost. Our suggestion is the latter, partly because of the present distribution, in an area which was covered with ice during the Ice Age. However, that fact alone does not support the erection of a subgenus. The description of Uracontia does not include a discussion. Beside the apomorphic features mentioned above, the subgenus can be characterised by the following character states; the other autapomorphies are listed in bold:

- Uncus typical of the genus Acontia. - Scaphial tufts lost. - Valva tapered, apex of costa free, pointed. - Window in middle of valva rather weak. - Saccular crest well sclerotised, asymmetrical. - Clasper-harpe/ampulla system normal of Acontia. - Aedeagus and vesica usual for Acontia. - Antrum plates prominent. - Ductus bursae short, membranous.

Acknowledgements We are sincerely indebted to the following persons for all the kind help, advices, information, and for loan of material for study and illustration: Leif Aarvik (Oslo, Norway); E. Aistleitner (Feldkirch, Austria); Francois Aulombard (Augoville-au-Plain, France); Gottfried Behounek (Grafing, Germany); Andreas Bischof (Bad Königshofen, Germany); Ulf Buchsbaum (ZSM); Ugo Dall’Asta (MRAC); Georg Derra (Reckendorf, Germany); Wolfram Eckloff (MNUL); Bert Gustafsson (NRM, Stockholm); Peter Gyulai (Miskolc, Hungary); Axel Hausmann (ZSM); Martin Honey (BMNH, London); Henry Hoppe (Klein-Pravtshagen, Germany); Jeremy Holloway (BMNH, London); Peter Hudson (SAM, Adelaide); Tim Karisch (MNVD); Ole Karsholt (ZMUK); Lutz W.R. Kobes (Göttingen, Germany); Martin Krüger (TMP); Don Lafontaine (Ottawa, Canada); Knud Larsen (Søborg, Denmark); Bernard Landry (MHNG); Hans Löbel (Sondershausen, Germany); Alexej Matov (ZI, St. Petersburg); Wolfram Mey (NHMU, Berlin); Jan Miatlewski (Kansas, Manhattan, USA); Joël Minet (MNHN); Wolfgang Nässig (SNG, Frankfurt); Heinz Peks (Schwanfeld, Germany); Fabricio Rigato (MCSN); Gabor Ronkay (Budapest, Hungary); Laszlo Ronkay (HNHM, Budapest); Aidas Saldaitis (Vilnius,


Text 1.indd 13 03.12.2008 17:07:03 Uhr Lithuania); Hans-Peter Schreier (Geisfeld, Germany); Robert Trusch (SMNK); Alberto Zilli (MCZR). The slides of a few specimens of the olivacea species group of the BMNH, London from Indonesia were prepared by Dr John Pollock and imaged by Maia Vaswani.

We are especially grateful to Mr Barry Goater (Eastleigh, England), for reading the manuscirpt, for critical comments and correcting English language.


ANIC Australian National Collection C.S.I.R.O., Canberra BMNH British Museum (Natural History), London CM Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest LS Linnean Society, London MCSN Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano MCZR Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel MCSN Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, Genoa MHNG Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève MNHN Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris MNVD Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, Dessau, Germany MNUL Museum für Natur und Umwelt, Lübeck MRAC Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren NHMO Naturhistorisk Museum, Oslo NHMU Naturhistorisches Museum der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin NRM Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm SAM South Australia Museum, Adelaide SMNK Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe SNG Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt TMP Transvaal Museum, Pretoria UMO University Museum, Oxford UZI Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, Lund ZI Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Peterburg ZMUK Zoological Museum of the University, Copenhagen ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, München

RSA Republic of South Africa UAE United Arab Emirates


Text 1.indd 14 03.12.2008 17:07:03 Uhr Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766

male genitalia straplike sclerotisation and the scaphium dorsal side

hair tufts scaphium ventral side


abdominal coremata subscaphium c 7th segment

holding device band for coremata



abdominal coremata Figur I

a) male genitalia of (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. H. Hacker 14593x, Greece: abdomen (lateral view); b) male genitalia of Acontia margaritata (Drury, 1782) gen.prep. H. Hacker 14622x, abdominal coremata (ventral view); c) scaphium with hair tufts - drawing;


Text 1.indd 15 03.12.2008 17:07:03 Uhr Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766


Central area of the valva between sacculus and clasper weakly sclerotised

Costal margin of the sacculus sclerotisedly strengthened

b Figur II

a) male genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. Hacker 13896x, Spain, prov. Cuenca; b) male genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. Hacker 13853x, Uzbekistan;


Text 1.indd 16 03.12.2008 17:07:04 Uhr Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766

a b

Figur III

a) female genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. H. Hacker 14594w, Turkey, Hakkari (dorsal view); b) female genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. H. Hacker 14603w, Algeria, Aures Mountains (dorsal view);


Text 1.indd 17 03.12.2008 17:07:04 Uhr Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766

papilla analis

apophysis posterioris

plate in the dorsal wall of the antrum

apophysis anterioris

sclerotised ribs of the antrum in ven- tral-lateral position

membranous area between antrum and ductus bursae

ductus bursae (free posterior part) appendix bursae

ductus seminalis

ductus bursae (anterior part which is inte- grated in the bursa copulatrix)

bursa copulatrix

Figur IV

female genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. H. Hacker 14607w, Italia, Toscana;


Text 1.indd 18 03.12.2008 17:07:04 Uhr Genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 Type species: lucida Hufnagel, 1766

a b

Figur V

a) female genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. Hacker 13897w, Spain,prov. Cuenca; b) female genitalia of Acontia lucida (Hufnagel, 1766), gen.prep. Hacker 13931w, Kashmir, 10 km n Srinagar;


Text 1.indd 19 03.12.2008 17:07:04 Uhr Syn. Tarache Hübner, [1823] 1816 Type species: aprica Hübner, 1808



Figur VI

a) male genitalia of Acontia aprica (Hübner, 1808), gen.prep. Hacker 14614x, USA, Kentucky (with coremata); b) female genitalia of Acontia aprica (Hübner, 1808), gen.prep. Hacker 13911w, USA, MO, Jefferson;


Text 1.indd 20 03.12.2008 17:07:05 Uhr Syn. Desmophora Stephens, 1829 = Euphasia Stephens, 1830 Type species: catena Sowerby, 1805



Figur VII

a) male genitalia of Acontia catena (Sowerby, 1805), gen.prep. Hacker 14649x, S-India, Madurai; b) female genitalia of Acontia catena (Sowerby, 1805), gen.prep. Hacker 15303w, S-India, Madurai;


Text 1.indd 21 03.12.2008 17:07:05 Uhr Syn. Tima Walker, [1858] 1857 Type species: margaritata Drury, 1782



Figur VIII

a) male genitalia of Acontia margaritata (Drury, 1782), gen.prep. Hacker 14622x; b)22 female genitalia of Acontia margaritata (Drury, 1782), gen.prep. Hacker 13907w;

Text 1.indd 22 03.12.2008 17:07:05 Uhr Syn. Pseudalypia Hy. Edwards, 1874 Type species: crotchii Hy. Edwards, 1874




Figur IX

a) male genitalia of Acontia crotchii (Hy. Edwards, 1874), b) female genitalia of Acontia crotchii (Hy. Edwards, 1874), c) male genitalia of Acontia crotchii (Hy. Edwards, 1874), gen.prep. Hacker 15180x;


Text 1.indd 23 03.12.2008 17:07:06 Uhr Syn. Spragueia Grote, 1875 Type species: leo Guenée, 1852




Figur X

a) male genitalia of Acontia leo Guenée, 1852, gen.prep. Hacker 15185x; b) female genitalia of Acontia leo Guenée, 1852, gen.prep. Hacker 15186w; c) male genitalia of Acontia leo Guenée, 1852, gen.prep. Hacker 15308x;


Text 1.indd 24 03.12.2008 17:07:06 Uhr Syn. Trichotarache Grote, 1875 Type species: assimilis Grote, 1875

a b

Figur XI

a) male genitalia of Acontia assimilis (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Fibiger x; b) female genitalia of Acontia assimilis (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Fibiger w;


Text 1.indd 25 03.12.2008 17:07:07 Uhr Syn. Hoplotarache Hampson, 1910 Type species: mionides Hampson, 1905



c Figur XII a) male genitalia of Acontia mionides (Hampson, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 13770x, RSA, Cape province, Beaufort W; b) male genitalia of Acontia mionides (Hampson, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 14659x, RSA, Cape province, Beaufort W (with coremata); c) female genitalia of Acontia mionides (Hampson, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 15299w, RSA;


Text 1.indd 26 03.12.2008 17:07:07 Uhr Syn. Prociosis Hampson, 1910 Type species: dileuca Hampson, 1901




Figur XIII

a) male genitalia of Acontia dileuca (Hampson, 1901), gen.prep. Hacker 13882x; b) female genitalia of Acontia dileuca (Hampson, 1901), gen.prep. Hacker 13862w; c) male genitalia of Acontia dileuca (Hampson, 1901), gen.prep. Hacker 15304x;


Text 1.indd 27 03.12.2008 17:07:08 Uhr Syn. Cardiosace Hampson, 1910 Type species: sphendonistis Hampson, 1902



Figur XIV b b a) male genitalia of Acontia sphendonistis (Hampson, 1902), gen.prep. Hacker 15335x; b) female genitalia of Acontia sphendonistis (Hampson, 1902), gen.prep. Hacker 14933w;


Text 1.indd 28 03.12.2008 17:07:08 Uhr Syn. Fredina Brandt, 1939 Type species: esmeralda Brandt, 1939



Figur XV

a) male genitalia of Acontia chiaromontei (Berio, 1936), gen.prep. Hacker 12565x, Iran, Beloutchistan, Bender Tchabahar; b) female genitalia of Acontia chiaromontei (Berio, 1936), gen.prep. Hacker 16173w, Ethiopia, Dire Daoua;


Text 1.indd 29 03.12.2008 17:07:08 Uhr Subgenus Emmelia Hübner, [1821] 1816 Type species: trabealis Scopoli, 1763

a b

Figur XVI

a) male genitalia of Acontia trabealis (Scopoli, 1763), gen.prep. Hacker 15656x, Spain; b) female genitalia of Acontia trabealis (Scopoli, 1763), gen.prep. Hacker 15657w, Spain;


Text 1.indd 30 03.12.2008 17:07:09 Uhr Syn. Ponometia Herrich-Schäffer, 1868 (Type species: ochricosta Herrich-Schäffer, 1868) = Heliodora Neumoegen, 1891 (Type species: magnifica Neumoegen, 1891) = Graeperia Grote, 1895 (Type species: magnifica Neumoegen, 1891) =Tornacontia Smith, 1900 (Type species: sutrix Grote, 1880)



Figur XVII

a) male genitalia of Acontia exigua (Fabricius, 1783) ( = magnifica Neumoegen, 1891), gen.prep. Hacker 15175x; b) female genitalia of Acontia exigua (Fabricius, 1783) ( = magnifica Neumoegen, 1891), gen.prep. Hacker 15183w;


Text 1.indd 31 03.12.2008 17:07:09 Uhr Syn. Fruva Grote, 1877 Type species: fascitella Grote, 1875





a) male genitalia of Acontia fascitella (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Hacker 15182x; b) female genitalia of Acontia fascitella (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Hacker 15195w; c) male genitalia of Acontia fascitella (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Fibiger x;


Text 1.indd 32 03.12.2008 17:07:09 Uhr Syn. Therasea Grote, 1895 Type species: angustipennis Grote, 1875


Syn. Tarachidia Hampson, 1898 Type species: flavibasis Hampson, 1898


c Figur XIX

a) male genitalia of Acontia angustipennis (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Fibiger x; b) female genitalia of Acontia angustipennis (Grote, 1875), gen.prep. Hacker 15017w; c) male genitalia of Acontia flavibasis (Hampson, 1898), gen.prep. Hacker 15193x, USA, St. Croix;


Text 1.indd 33 03.12.2008 17:07:10 Uhr Syn. Conochares Smith, 1905 Type species: acutus Smith, 1905



b d

Figur XX

a) male genitalia of Acontia acutus (Smith, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 15036x, USA, Arizona, Sells P.O., Indian Oasis; a) female genitalia of Acontia acutus (Smith, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 15024w, USA, Arizona, Sells P.O., Indian Oasis; c) male genitalia of Acontia acutus (Smith, 1905), gen.prep. Fibiger x, d) female genitalia of Acontia acutus (Smith, 1905), gen.prep. Fibiger w,


Text 1.indd 34 03.12.2008 17:07:11 Uhr Syn. Hemispargueia Barnes & McDunnough, 1923 Type species: idella Barnes, 1905



c Figur XXI

a) male genitalia of Acontia idella (Barnes, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 15030x; b) male genitalia of Acontia idella (Barnes, 1905), gen.prep. Fibiger x; c) female genitalia of Acontia idella (Barnes, 1905), gen.prep. Hacker 15033w;


Text 1.indd 35 03.12.2008 17:07:11 Uhr Syn. Acropserotarache Berio, 1937 Type species: elegantissima Berio, 1937




Figur XXII

a) male genitalia of Acontia karachiensis Swinhoe, 1889 (= elegantissima Berio, 1937), gen.prep. Hacker 12586x; b) male genitalia of Acontia karachiensis Swinhoe, 1889 (= elegantissima Berio, 1937), gen.prep. Hacker 15301x; c) female genitalia of Acontia karachiensis Swinhoe, 1889 (= elegantissima Berio, 1937), gen.prep. Hacker 15302w;


Text 1.indd 36 03.12.2008 17:07:11 Uhr Syn. Emmelacontia Beck, 2000 Type species: viridisquama Guenée, 1852




a) male genitalia of Acontia viridisquama Guenée, 1852, gen.prep. Hacker 16509x; b) female genitalia of Acontia viridisquama Guenée, 1852, gen.prep. Hacker 16510w;


Text 1.indd 37 03.12.2008 17:07:12 Uhr Subgenus Metapioplasta Wallengren, 1865 Type species: simo Wallengren, 1860



Figur XXIV

a) male genitalia of Acontia insocia (Walker, [1858]), gen.prep. BMNH 5025x; b) female genitalia of Acontia insocia (Walker, [1858]), gen.prep. Hacker 15295w;


Text 1.indd 38 03.12.2008 17:07:12 Uhr Syn. Aulotarache Hampson, 1910 Type species: decoripennis Mabille, 1900



Figur XXV

a) male genitalia of Acontia microptera Mabille, 1879 (= decoripennis Mabille, 1900), gen.prep. Hacker 16285x, Grande Como- re; b) male genitalia of Acontia microptera Mabille, 1879 (= decoripennis Mabille, 1900), gen.prep. Hacker 16286w, Grande Como- re;


Text 1.indd 39 03.12.2008 17:07:12 Uhr Subgenus Acontarache Berio, 1977 Type species: somaliensis Berio, 1977



Figur XXVI

a) male genitalia of Acontia somaliensis (Berio, 1977) (Berio, 1977); b) male genitalia of Acontia bechuana spec. nov., gen.prep. Hacker 16136x, Botswana;


Text 1.indd 40 03.12.2008 17:07:13 Uhr Subgenus Olivacontia subgen. nov. Type species: olivacea Hampson, 1891




a) male genitalia of Acontia olivacea (Hampson, 1891), gen.prep. BMNH 20546x; b) female genitalia of Acontia olivacea (Hampson, 1891), gen.prep. Hacker 15618w, Taiwan;


Text 1.indd 41 03.12.2008 17:07:13 Uhr Subgenus Eusceptis Hübner, [1823] Type species: irretita Hübner, [1823]

a b


a) male genitalia of Acontia effusa (Druce, 1889), gen.prep. Hacker 14989x, USA, Texas; b) female genitalia of Acontia effusa (Druce, 1889), gen.prep. Hacker 14990w, USA, Texas;


Text 1.indd 42 03.12.2008 17:07:14 Uhr Subgenus Eusceptis Hübner, [1823] Type species: irretita Hübner, [1823]



Figur XXIX

a) male genitalia of Acontia irretita Hübner, [1823] (Todd, 1966); b) female genitalia of Acontia koehleri Todd, 1966 (Todd, 1966);


Text 1.indd 43 03.12.2008 17:07:14 Uhr Subgenus Uracontia Beck, 1996 Type species: titania Esper, [1798] (= urania Frivaldsky, 1835)


b Figur XXX

a) male genitalia of Acontia titania (Esper, [1798]) (=urania Frivaldsky, 1835), gen.prep. Hacker 13918x; a) female genitalia of Acontia titania (Esper, [1798]) (=urania Frivaldsky, 1835), gen.prep. Hacker 13923w;


Text 1.indd 44 03.12.2008 17:07:14 Uhr Checklist of species/subspecies/species groups Subgenus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816

A. lucida species group

1.) lucida (Hufnagel, 1766) 2.) biskrensis Oberthür, 1887 3.) hortensis Swinhoe, 1884 4.) lactea spec. nov. 5.) nigrimacula spec. nov.

A. sphendonistis species group

6.) sphendonistis (Hampson, 1902) 7.) uhlenhuthi spec. nov.

A. wahlbergi species group

8.) wahlbergi Wallengren, 1856

A. chiaromontei species group

9.) A. chiaromontei (Berio, 1936) 10.) A. berioi spec. nov.

A. crassivalva species group

11.) crassivalva (Wiltshire, 1947) 12.) yemenensis (Hampson, 1918)

A. catenula species group

13.) catenula (Walker, 1865) 14.) trimaculata Aurivillius, 1879 15.) umbrigera Felder & Rogenhofer, [1875] 16.) pauliani (Viette, 1965)

A. trychaenoides species group

17.) triphaenoides Wallengren, 1856 18.) permutata spec. nov. 19.) submutata spec. nov. 20.) sublactea spec. nov. 21.) miogona (Hampson, 1916)

A. catena species group

22.) catena (Sowerby, 1805) 23.) nitidula (Fabricius, 1787) 24.) peksi spec. nov. 25.) hampsoni spec. nov. 26.) vaualbum (Hampson, 1914)

A. notabilis species group

27.) notabilis (Walker, 1857) 28.) akbar Wiltshire, 1984 29.) mekkii (Rungs, 1953) 30.) mukalla spec. nov. 31.) buchanani (Rothschild, 1921)

A. malgassica species group

32.) malgassica Mabille, 1881


Text 1.indd 45 03.12.2008 17:07:14 Uhr 33.) aurelia spec. nov. 34.) malagasy (Viette, 1965) 35.) wallengreni Aurivillius, 1879

A. porphyrea species group

36.) porphyrea (Butler, 1898) 37.) rufitincta (Hampson, 1910) 38.) hoppei spec. nov. 39.) opalinoides opalinoides Guenée, 1852 opalinoides transafricana subspec. nov. opalinoides westafricana subspec. nov. 40.) cimbebasia Hacker, 2007

A. apatelia species group

41.) apatelia (Swinhoe, 1907) 42.) tinctilis Wallengren, 1875

A. caeruleopicta species group

43.) caeruleopicta (Hampson, 1916) 44.) asbenensis (Rothschild, 1921) 45.) solitaria spec. nov. 46.) okahandja spec. nov. 47.) annemaria Hacker, 2007 48.) dorothea spec. nov. 49.) dileuca (Hampson, 1910)

A. guttifera species group

50.) guttifera guttifera Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874 guttifera elegans subspec. nov. 51.) rigatoi spec. nov.

A. psaliphora species group

52.) psaliphora (Hampson, 1910) 53.) gradata Walker, [1858] 54.) carnescens (Hampson, 1910)

A. caffraria species group

55.) caffraria caffraria (Cramer, 1777) caffraria knudlarseni subspec. nov. 56.) bollandi spec. nov. 57.) wiltshirei spec. nov. 58.) chrysoproctis (Hampson, 1902) 59.) niphogona (Hampson, 1909) 60.) aarviki spec. nov. 61.) upsilon (Walker, 1865) 62.) deceprix (Warren, 1913)

A. secta species group

63.) secta (Guenée, 1852) 64.) albatrigona spec. nov. 65.) amhara spec. nov. 66.) proesei spec. nov. 67.) mellicula spec. nov. 68.) florentissima spec. nov. 69.) leucotrigona (Hampson, 1905) 70.) santalucia spec. nov.


Text 1.indd 46 03.12.2008 17:07:15 Uhr 71.) paratrigona spec. nov. 72.) wolframmeyi Hacker, 2007 73.) oranjensis spec. nov. 70.) spangbergi Aurivillius, 1879 75.) nambiensis spec. nov. 76.) katrina spec. nov. [undescribed sister species in Somalia]

A. dispar species group

77.) dispar Walker, [1858] 78.) citripennis (Hampson, 1910)

A. discoidea species group

79.) discoidea Hopffer, 1858 80.) albarabica Wiltshire, 1994 81.) discoidoides spec. nov.

A. margaritata species group

82.) margaritata (Drury, 1782) 83.) tetragonisa (Hampson, 1910) 84.) capensis spec. nov. 85.) kruegeri spec. nov. 86.) mionides (Hampson, 1905)

Subgenus Emmelia Hübner, [1821] 1816

A. trabealis species group

87.) trabealis (Scopoli, 1763) 88.) fascialis (Hampson, 1894) 89.) viridisquama Guenée, 1852 90.) bicolora Leech, 1889 91.) dichroa (Hampson, 1914) 92.) basifera basifera Walker, [1858] 1857 basifera sudarabica Wiltshire, 1982 basifera saotiagoensis subspec. nov.

A. aureola species group

93.) aureola Hacker, 2007 94.) flavitermina (Hampson, 1902) 95.) atripars (Hampson, 1914) 96.) torrefacta torrefacta (Distant, 1898) torrefacta politzari subspec. nov. 97.) purpureofacta spec. nov. 98.) bidentata (Hampson, 1902)

A. binominata species group

99.) binominata (Butler, 1892) 100.) semialba (Hampson, 1910) 101.) paraalba spec. nov. 102.) praealba spec. nov. 103.) fuscoalba spec. nov. 104.) philbyi (Wiltshire, 1988) 105.) szunyoghyi spec. nov. 106.) karachiensis (Hampson, 1910)


Text 1.indd 47 03.12.2008 17:07:15 Uhr A. hemixanthia species group

107.) hemixanthia (Hampson, 1910) 108.) fastrei spec. nov. 109.) obliqua spec. nov. 110.) veroxanthia spec. nov. 111.) stassarti spec. nov. 112.) esperiana spec. nov.

A. antica species group

113.) antica antica Walker, 1862 antica subtilis subspec. nov. 114.) schreieri spec. nov.

A. natalis species group

115.) natalis natalis Guenée, 1852 natalis septentrionalis subspec. nov. 116.) tanzaniae tanzaniae nom. nov. tanzaniae hampsoniana subspec. nov. 117.) notha spec. nov. 118.) hemiselenias (Hampson, 1918) 119.) citrelinea (Bethune-Baker, 1911) 120.) callima (Bethune-Bagker, 1911) 121.) bethunebakeri spec. nov. 122.) lunana (Fabricius, 1794)

A. candefacta species group

123.) candefacta (Hübner [1831] 1825)

A. nubilata species group

124.) nubilata (Hampson, 1902) 125.) purpurata spec. nov. 126.) delphinensis (Viette, 1968) 127.) nephele (Hampson, 1911) 128.) robertbecki spec. nov. 129.) subnotha spec. nov.

A. conifrons species group

130.) conifrons Aurivillius, 1879 131.) manakhana spec. nov. 132.) saldaitis spec. nov. 133.) aurivillii spec. nov. 134.) nubila (Hampson, 1910) 135.) lanzai (Berio, 1985) 136.) ectorrida (Hampson, 1916) 137.) mascheriniae (Berio, 1985) 138.) feae (Berio, 1937) 139.) amarei spec. nov.

A. homonyma species group 140.) homonyma nom. nov. 141.) bellula spec. nov.

A. imitatrix species group

142.) imitatrix Wallengren, 1856 143.) luteola Saalmüller, 1891 144.) crocata Guenée, 1852


Text 1.indd 48 03.12.2008 17:07:15 Uhr 145.) detrita Butler, 1886 146.) clerana Lower, 1901

A. transfigurata species group

147.) transfigurata transfigurata Wallengren, 1856 transfigurata stumpffi Saalmüller, 1891 148.) gratiosa Wallengren, 1856 149.) elaeoa (Hampson, 1910) 150.) buchsbaumi spec. nov. 151.) marmoralis (Fabricius, 1794) 152.) wallaceana spec. nov. 153.) detritoides spec. nov. 154.) sexpunctata (Fabricius, 1794) 155.) nivipicta Butler, 1886 156.) burmana (Swinhoe, 1905) 157.) semipallida (Warren, 1913) 158.) thapsina (Turner, 1902)

Subgenus Metapioplasta Wallengren, 1865

A. simo species group

159.) insocia Walker, [1858] 1857 160.) simo Wallengren, 1860 161.) minuscula spec. nov. 162.) microptera Mabille, 1879 163.) rachiastis (Hampson, 1908) 164.) tabberti spec. nov.

A. erronea species group 165.) erronea spec. nov.

Subgenus Acontarache Berio, 1977

166.) somaliensis (Berio, 1977) 167.) bechuana spec. nov.

Subgenus Olivacontia subgen. nov.

168.) olivacea (Hampson, 1891) 169.) sollemnis Hacker & Holloway spec. nov. 170.) subolivacea Hacker & Holloway spec. nov. 171.) cobourgensis Hacker & Holloway spec. nov.

Subgenus Uracontia Beck, 1996

172.) titania (Esper, [1798]) 173.) goateri spec. nov. 174.) melanura (Tauscher, 1809)


Text 1.indd 49 03.12.2008 17:07:15 Uhr