michael wilson michael Karin Bergquist, Linford detweiler over the rhine A veteran duo gets a boost from its fans and a helping hand from a new ally

After two decAdes And more share a meal and a good bottle of wine—or than a dozen albums, over the rhine three—in the evening,” she recalls. “there decided to take matters into its own hands were always old records playing.” with its latest, The Long Surrender—and into the title of The Long Surrender alludes the hands of its fans as well. the husband- to the inevitability of change—the growing and-wife duo of Linford detweiler and Karin realization that loved ones will be laid to rest, Bergquist turned to listeners for financing, a and that our priorities will evolve as a result. notion sparked by their newfound teaming “suddenly so much of what we cling to can with veteran producer Joe Henry. “when seem a little pointless,” detweiler says. JAN/FEB 2011 we had the opportunity to work with Joe, “And certain small pleasures take on new M MUSIC & MUSICIANS it felt like an adventure was unfolding, and significance.” the title also carries an echo of we wanted to invite fans of our music to be over the rhine’s own long history. “It refers MAGAZINE part of that adventure in real time,” Bergquist to the arc of a lifelong commitment to writing says. “the enthusiastic response from and performing, regardless of recognition,” our fans was overwhelming.” Bergquist adds. “Learning when to work the twosome was uncertain how hard and when to let go.” Henry’s production style would mesh with that commitment has been part of its trademark low-key style. “we couldn’t over the rhine’s mission all along. the quite imagine in advance what a Joe Henry– couple met in college and found an instant produced over the rhine record would connection in their music, one that’s served sound like,” Bergquist acknowledges. “we them well both personally and professionally wanted to be a little surprised and completely ever since. “we had a vision from the very open going in. But Joe quickly became a true beginning to write, record and get our music and rare ally.” the album was recorded over into the hands of anyone who might be five days with a studio crew that included interested,” detweiler says. “the important musicians , Patrick warren, thing is that we want the freedom to do the and Joe’s son, Levon. “we best work we’re capable of.” always ended in time to gather around and –Lee Zimmerman


M mag 9.indd 20 2/23/11 6:00:20 PM