
Focal Segmental

What is FSGS? FSGS is a disease of the . It can only be FSGS usually causes protein in the diagnosed by a kidney biopsy. Its name describes (). This may be mild enough that it was what is seen in the kidney: noted on a routine urine test. FSGS commonly Focal: Not all of the glomeruli (filtering units) are causes heavy proteinuria that produces swelling involved; scarring in even 1 can make the diagnosis. from the . Segmental: Scarring involves only a portion of the No one knows what causes FSGS. There is nothing filtering unit. If the whole glomerulus were that could have been done to prevent it. While it involved, the scarring would be global. may respond to treatment, many cases do not. About half of children with FSGS will develop Glomerulusclerosis: This is the medical term for permanent within 5 years of their scarring of the filtration units (glomeruli) of the diagnosis of FSGS. kidney. Other findings may be present on the kidney biopsy that will help predict how your kidneys are going to do. How do you diagnose FSGS? FSGS is diagnosed by kidney biopsy in patients with Some patients with FSGS have a protein in their unusual forms of nephrotic syndrome or heavy blood that causes the kidney to leak protein. While proteinuria with no obvious cause. not widely available at this time, you may be asked to have a blood test for this protein. How do you treat FSGS? The nephrotic syndrome can be treated with In about half of all patients, none of these diuretics (water pills) such as hydrochlorothiazide treatments work to cure the FSGS. In this case, (Diuril) or (Lasix) to control swelling. If medications are very important to very severe, a protein called albumin may be given keep the kidneys working as long as possible. Other through the vein with furosemide to remove drugs may be needed to control swelling and the fat swelling. While these may control the swelling, they content of the blood. do not treat the FSGS itself. If the kidneys do fail, a kidney transplant can be Some cases of FSGS will resolve with treatment done. Unfortunately, FSGS may affect the with oral steroids (drugs such as prednisone). Often transplanted kidney and cause it to fail. This does this does not work and other agents are used not happen every time, and when it does there are including chemotherapy drugs such as therapies that may help delay or reverse FSGS in cyclophosphamide and immunosuppressant drugs the transplant. such as cyclosporine (Neoral™). Control of high blood pressure is also very important in preventing kidney failure. Drugs such as ACE inhibitors or others may be used to control this .

Pascale H. Lane, MD August 2, 2001