There is one principle to giving yourself well. You must bear the love of the Father, the heart of the Father, and take on the role of servants. Your heart must be a Father's heart, but your body a servant's body. Go to humanity and give yourself! What is the most precious thing you have? Give that without regret. Among your most precious possessions are your tears, your sweat, and your blood. Give your sweat for all creation, your blood for heaven and your tears for humanity. This is the motto of the Divine Principle movement. The Way of Tradition, volume II, p. 185

Greetings! In True Father's guidance above, he speaks about "giving without regret" and concludes that this is the "motto of the Divine Principle movement." On April 28, 2008, Father spoke with deep feeling and joy that " the shining hope of tomorrow that is the representative of the kingship of hope, and the authority of the heir to that kingship, is here," referring to Hyung Jin Nim. He also said of Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim, "Thinking of this beautiful young man and woman standing here, representing Korea, the World, and furthermore the cosmos, they are the ones whom you can take pride in. They will become the pillars of our house in the future... At this time of transition today, this occasion is one where they can inherit the authority as the representatives and heirs who can attend to everything on behalf of True Parents." Interesting how it sometimes takes a decade or more for the truth to come out. Now, nearly 10 years later, the Han Mother confessed that she never shared Father's joy that he had found someone worthy to bear the "authority of the heir to that kingship." She never shared the pride that they would become "the pillars of our house in the future." On March 16, 2018, she declared in Las Vegas, "there can be no notion of heir or successor. Do you understand?" According to the Han Mother, True Father was wrong in his joy and pride to have found "heirs who can attend to everything on behalf of True Parents?" Father predicted that many would reject this appointment, saying "True Parents know that it will not be easy for these two, this son and daughter, to teach the authority that they inherit and hold on behalf of True Parents," but who knew it would be Mother herself who would lead this coup d'etat? She also explained "the Divine Principle will need a lot of updates." Good luck with that- how do you get from Jesus Christ to the Sinless Only Begotten Daughter without mentioning and his birth in 1920, since the new Han Mother theology is that Jesus and are the True Parents?

Text of Transfer of TPs Authority Ceremony


In his Sunday message, Hyung Jin Nim discussed how many Christians know this is a special time, but do not understand the prophecies about Lord coming from the East and with a new name. There is only one thing standing between citizens and tyrants, who don't fear God. The 2nd Amendment is the basis to protect all other rights. Conservative commentator Steven Crowder has been banned from Twitter and Facebook. So have other conservative voices. Youtube is partnering with Southern Poverty Law Center, a leftist group that views many groups affirming Biblical values as "hate groups."

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron 9 - March 18, 2018 - Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Unification Sanctuary, Newfoundland PA

Many Christians expect Jesus to come back using his supernatural power to impose a world of "peace," but the Book of Revelation states that even after 1,000 years of "peace," there will be a war of Gog and Magog in an area near to current- day Syria. This means that there will still be human beings susceptible to the temptations of evil even after many centuries of Christ's Kingdom. God's nature does not change. Since he did not force the first human ancestors to choose goodness, He will not impose this in the Last Days either. We still have to exercise goodness in the context of free will and nature processes. This is one of the reasons Jesus' parables often referred to the real world and its natural processes. As Jesus explained in Mark Chapter 4 with the parables of the Growing Seed and of the Mustard Seed, the growth of the Kingdom of God will involve natural processes. Hyung Jin Nim also discussed the history of gun control efforts in the United States. The first anti-gun laws were to keep liberated slaves after the Civil War from arming themselves. Republicans wanted Black people to be able to defend themselves. The first task of the Ku Klux Klan was to disarm the black population in the South. Few Americans realize that during the freedom struggles of the 1960s, civil rights workers of all races were protected by organized black militias in at least three Southern states. In spite of this heritage of responsible and effective use of firearms, equal citizenship has frequently been denied to black Americans through the use of gun control laws. Such laws were used to keep firearms out of the hands of African- Americans-to deny their very equality as human beings-from the earliest colonial days through the end of Jim Crow in 1965. Many would argue that even today, blacks continue to suffer disproportionate harm from gun control laws, as major cities deny legal firearms to the residents of high-crime urban neighborhoods.


Don't Be Blind! by Jim Stephens

"Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit." Matthew 15:14

If you doubt that God, Jesus, and Father Moon are working with the anointed heir, Hyung Jin Moon, you need to prayerfully consider of the following events.

Election of President Trump

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon felt strongly that God had chosen Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential election of 2016. He supported and strongly campaigned for Trump and encouraged his supporters to do the same all over this region of . Trump came to this out of the way area to hold big rallies. Trump's son even spent time with Hyung Jin Moon and his brother, Justin Moon.

This area of Northeastern Pennsylvania was flipped by 100,000 votes from Democrat to Republican compared to the last election. This was the deciding margin that flipped the State of Pennsylvania over to Donald Trump. Pennsylvania was the deciding state that pushed Donald Trump over the top of the 270 votes needed in the Electoral College to be elected President. The argument could be made that NE Pennsylvania brought the key votes that gave us Donald Trump and saved America and even the world from the likes of Hillary Clinton.

Maybe all this is coincidence. My faith says that God was working.

Rest of Jim Stephens' Essay, "Don't Be Blind!"


63 Talks by True Mother Kang


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Sincerely, Richard Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA Rod of Iron Ministries Highlights from the King's Reports KingdomReports.TV, Sanctuary on Vimeo Unification Sanctuary website, Sanctuary on Youtube, Spanish Sanctuary Sermons, Sanctuary on Facebook Korean Sermons on Youtube, Sanctuary Church - Japan "Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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