Legislative Assembly
7168 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Wednesday 9 November 2011 __________ The Speaker (The Hon. Shelley Elizabeth Hancock) took the chair at 10.00 a.m. The Speaker read the Prayer and acknowledgement of country. AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT The Clerk announced the receipt, pursuant to section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, of the report of the Auditor-General for 2011, volume five, received 9 November 2011. SPORTING VENUES AUTHORITIES AMENDMENT (VENUES NSW) BILL 2011 Agreement in Principle Debate resumed from 19 October 2011. Mr TIM OWEN (Newcastle) [10.02 a.m.]: I support the Sporting Venues Authorities (Venues NSW) Amendment Bill 2011, which was introduced by the great Minister for Sport and Recreation, who is seated at the table. The bill delivers key elements of the Government's policy agenda for building stronger, healthier and more engaged communities. Quite simply, the bill makes sense. Sport and entertainment are at the forefront of bringing regional communities together in good times and in bad. Sporting and entertainment venues—at which one cheers on the local under sevens, has the chance to see a major international performer without having to travel to Sydney, or watches the local footy team beat the opposing side—are the lifeblood of regional communities. The government-owned venues in my electorate that will come under Venues NSW include Ausgrid Stadium, the Newcastle Entertainment Centre and Newcastle Showground, as well as a number of other venues currently managed by the Hunter Region Sporting Venues Authority. The bill is focused on achieving the best performance of these venues for the people of Newcastle.
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