The Bridge is published by Barnabas Center Ministries Volume 12 Number 12 December 2015

THE FREE - TAKE ONE BRIDGEBuilding Community in Shreveport/Bossier Page 2 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport/Bossier

Contents Barnabas Center Ministries The Evil of Pornography and a Call to Hope...... 3 Publisher of THE BRIDGE Thinking Clearly about Incarnation. Procrastination - the Thief of Time It is our passion to encourage believers to take action on their faith. Operation Christmas Child Report We pray that this will result in the message of Christ being lived and Salvation Army...... 4 shared boldly in our community. The Talents Challenge All submissions become the property of BCM. We reserve the right The Praise Challenge to refuse to print any editorial, letter, advertisement or other submis- Create Family Memories...... 5 sion which seems to contradict the mission of this publication. Edi- Here’s an Invitation...... 6 torial viewpoints and opinions expressed are those of the respective Seven Goal Setting Areas...... 7 advertiser, columnist or writer and do not necessarily reflect those of Immanuel - God with Us...... 8 the Publisher or Editorial Staff. Life March 2016...... 10 Barnabas Center Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Through the Year...... 11 Donations are greatly appreciated. Advertising packages are available Church and Business Directory…………….…..……………………12-13 for your business or ministry. Support Group Information……………...... 14 Church and Community Calendar…………….…………...... 15 To contact our office call 318-861-1071 or email us at kbcl_radio@ KBCL Radio Schedule……………...... 16 Our studio is at 316 Gregg St. in Shreveport, LA 71104.

“What are we celebrating at Christmas? What is the message of Christmas? It is the birth of the One who promised peace, joy and love. Try as we will, we cannot realize such values without acknowledging the point of reference for these absolutes: the very person of God and his gift to us of a changed heart and will. That message needs to be heard around our world that is reeling with problems and rife with hate. For we have proven we are not fit to be God.” G.K. Chesterton was right: “The problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried.” - Ravi Zacharias Quote taken from “Evicting the Sacred” -


KBCL streams at from 6:00 a.m. Rex till midnight. Most of our morning shows are re- broadcast later in the day, either in the afternoon or evening. If there’s something of special interest that you’ve missed at the end of the day, you can visit the ministries’ websites. Their current and some past ra- dio programing is archived there. The ministries represented in KBCL’s daily sched- ule (shown on the back cover) are designed to be help- ful, encouraging and most of all, to help people rec- ognize the fact that Jesus Christ is the answer to the world’s problems, whether they be very personal or on a global scale. Here, we want to say thank you. We are so grateful for the donations made to our ministry. It is allowing us to upgrade to some much needed radio equipment and also to do some interior remodeling to the sta- tion. (The better to serve you with :) We are here to help get the word out. You may have never thought about it, but it’s true… a thirty minute program or a 30 second commercial could change your life.

(318) 212-1194 • Jean and Leon McKee THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 3

THE EVIL OF PORNOGRAPHY AND A munion. ….Because of the beautiful meaning and dignity communicated CALL TO HOPE by our bodies—which communicate our very selves—our bodies should be treated with the greatest respect.” ERIC METAXAS By contrast, the bishops wrote, pornography “presents and promotes a distorted view of human sexuality, in which the person portrayed, man or Amid all the bad news, there is one cultural shift underway that is a woman, is treated as merely a means of pleasure.” hopeful sign for our times. A key distinction between the Christian teaching on love and the per- A look back at 2,000 years of Christian history teaches many lessons, vasive mindset of culture is that people are persons to be loved and not but one that stands out to me is that when culture looks the darkest, the objects to be used and discarded. Of course, resisting the temptation to use Church often shines the brightest. From the conversion of pagan Rome, to another—for sexual pleasure or otherwise—can be very difficult for those the saving of civilization during the Dark Ages, to the abolition of slavery, who have grown up in a culture where such use is common and encour- and on and on. aged. However, as the bishops remind us, “No wound is so deep…as to be Here in today’s America, anyone can look around and see a growing out of the reach of Christ’s redeeming grace.” spiritual darkness, but I want to focus on just one issue that has plagued the Now, there are elements in this statement more ordered to a Catho- culture for more than 50 years now. lic audience, but it does a great job of summarizing the many harms of I’m talking about pornography, and I suspect I don’t have to convince pornography to men, women, and children. It also details pornography’s you that it has done untold damage to individuals, families, and a culture devastating impact on society, including its connection to sex trafficking, of life and dignity. But lately, I’m seeing some hope on this front. child exploitation, divorce, and even abortion. Two months ago, John Stonestreet reported that Hilton Hotels removed Perhaps the strongest part of the statement is where the bishops remind pornography from all guest rooms because it wasn’t consistent with their us that the church is meant to be a “field hospital” for the world’s wound- values. We’ve also seen great work done by the National Center on Sex- ed. Rather than issuing condemnation, the statement reminds us that all ual Exploitation, including their recent End Sexual Exploitation Summit, people have been harmed by sin. The statement ends with a profound call which drew experts and guests from around the world. of love and acceptance to those ensnared by pornography, including those Looking forward, Josh McDowell Ministries will hold a major event using it and those harmed in its making. next April to equip pastors to fight pornography. These are all signs of an Even though pornography is a “dark ‘sign’ of the modern world,” the impending social thaw on this issue. light of Christ shines brighter and allows us to “proclaim the truth of the To this list, I want to add a new statement just released by the U.S. human person in love,” and to “provide the Lord’s mercy and healing for Conference of Catholic Bishops. “Create in Me a Clean Heart” is a power- those wounded by pornography.” ful document regarding the evils of pornography and the pastoral action Come to and we’ll link you to the full statement, along needed to combat it. Those not of the Catholic faith may be tempted to with other resources for fighting pornography. dismiss this statement, but that would be a mistake. There is much for all Christians to appreciate here. The letter bases opposition to pornography in the great ‘yes’ that we all You can listen to BreakPoint Daily on KBCL, and you can also have it have in response to God’s call to love. Leading with a positive vision of delivered to your email box by visiting BreakPoint .org. BreakPoint This the human person, the statement says, “Because each of us is created in Week, a 30 minute program, can be heard on KBCL Sundays at 6:30 a.m. the image of God, we are given the call—the vocation—of love and com- and 6:30 p.m. Page 4 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Defending the Faith - Linking Culture with Truth important doctrines of Christology. If the human and divine natures of Christ seem a difficult concept to completely come to grips with, just re- member that theologians have debated the subject of Christology for over 2000 years. But here are some of the essentials: 1) Jesus the Son, is not a Thinking Clearly about the Incarnation created being but 2) has the very same, divine nature as the Father. He is Fully Human and Fully Divine not part man and part God but 3) fully Man and fully God. He is not just a by human person having taken on divine attributes. Stephen R. Patton, M.D. His personhood is that of the second person of the Trinity having two natures; one nature is fully human and the other nature is fully deity. Jesus At Christmas we turn our attention to the Christ child, Emanuel, God was not God who became man but God who added humanity to His na- with us, and affirm that Jesus was not just a babe born in Bethlehem that ture. He was not two persons; one human, the other divine which would grew to a man. We worship Him as God in the flesh. It is the task of Chris- be a logical contradiction. Jesus on earth was the second person of the tology to offer rational support for this belief as it is the divine nature of Godhead who took on complete human attributes while retaining the di- Christ that the rest of the world rejects about him. Muslims, for example, vine nature.. Jesus was one person with two natures; He was fully human accept Jesus’ human nature and revere Him as a prophet but reject the idea and fully God. of his deity. Christians accept Him as both fully human and fully divine He is fully God and truly worthy of worship even in his childhood or but sometimes de-emphasize his humanity. infant state. The wise men realized this and offered him gold because he The Bible documents His human nature as he experienced human birth was a king, frankincense because he was a priest and myrrh because He (Luke 2:7), temptation and hunger in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1), weari- was born to die. They bowed in worship and after encountering the Christ ness and thirst at the well (John 4:6) and had physical and mental limita- Child could not go back the same way they came. Just like them, after our tions (Luke 2:52) as he had to grow in stature and knowledge. As a fully encounter with the Christ we cannot go home by returning to the way we grown man he admitted He didn’t know the time or place of the second came but must return home by a different route (Matt 2:12). coming (Mark 13:32). He experienced death (Luke 23:46). From all of us at Shreveport-Bossier Reasons to Believe, we wish all the The Bible also demonstrates Jesus’ deity by documenting His control of readers of The Bridge and their families a very merry Christmas and best nature (Matt 8: 27), the ability to forgive sins (Matt 9:6), foresee the future wishes for the coming new year. ( John 2:19) and showing His power over death itself by raising Lazarus (John 11:38) and himself (Matt 28:6) from the dead. So how do we think For more information please visit rightly of Jesus’ as God and man? Is he a human with supernatural power? Shreveport-La-Chapter/458206870872208?ref=hl or email Shreveport@ Is He God with a human body and human nature. Is He part man and part God? Theologians, Millard Erikson (Christian Theology) and Norman Dr. Patton is a Christian apologist, practicing physician in Shreveport and Geisler (Systematic Theology), review the biblical text and discuss this member of Broadmoor Baptist Church.

Great Report Procrastination-The Thief of Time from Operation Rick Grubbs Christmas Child Consequences of Procrastination National Collection Week for Procrastination is the assassination of your motivation. When God Operation Christmas Child gives a revelation of what He wants in our lives, we get filled with in- was very successful in North- spiration and pledge to do things beyond imagination, but then comes a west Louisiana. Our week ran hesitation and with it, an evaporation of that determination. To the stu- from Nov 16 - Nov 23. We col- dent, procrastination means the deterioration of your education which lected 21,118 shoeboxes for brings the defamation of your reputation. In the workplace it can lead distribution throughout the world. We had been praying to the termination of your occupation which means the elimination of for our set goal of 8% over last year. We actually achieved your compensation. Procrastinate on changing your oil, and you will a 9.8% increase. Thank you Northwest Louisiana and see the disintegration of your transportation. If it’s home repairs, it will East Texas. Charles Adcox – OCC Area Director be the dilapidation of your habitation. Procrastinate on spending time with your children, and you’ll expe- The Salvation Army is calling for givers to rience the alienation of cherished family relations. But the worst pro- share their personal reasons for donating to the crastination is when we procrastinate on the things of God, which may iconic Angel Tree and Red Kettle campaigns by lead to the expiration and revocation of God’s offer of salvation. So posting their reasons for giving on their Twitter, don’t procrastinate. Initiate! And redeem the time. Facebook or Instagram pages using the hashtag Take Action: Consider the accumulating consequences of your pro- #RedKettleReason or #AngelTree. Creativity in crastination. What will eventually happen if you don’t change? the spirit of giving is highly encouraged! This initiative was cre- ated to give community members a way to share their positive Rick Grubbs is president of LifeChangingSeminars and host of “Re- thoughts on holiday giving and encourage others to give. deeming the Time” a one-minute radio program. Volunteers are always welcome to assist as Bell Ringers and with Angel Tree. Call Jennifer at 424-3200. THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 5

Here are some meaningful activities you and your family might engage in this Christmas (Yeah, I know…as if there aren’t enough already, right?) The Talents Challenge

The “Talents Challenge” is taken from the Parable of the Talents that Jesus shared in Matthew 25:14-30. In that parable we are reminded that God has given all of us spiritual and natural resources to use for His kingdom. We are challenged to use the resources and creativity God has imparted to us to gain more souls for the Lord. Will you do that?

The challenge is simple - Will you spend $100 to fund your own gospel outreach in your community? It’s called a “micro-outreach” because it involves about 1-5 people with a budget of about $100.

Before you think, “Oh great, another annoying Facebook challenge!“ let us explain. Don’t challenge people on Facebook to do this – YOU do it. Only use social media to inspire others indirectly through photos and testimonies of what the Lord did. — TalentsChallenge/205413lents

For more information watch the short video at If you take up the challenge we’d like to hear your story. Email us at [email protected].

The Praise Challenge

This challenge is for 30 days. Starting as soon as possible, maybe today, set aside 20 minutes. This is not to be a minute or two spread throughout your daily activities) but a consecrated 20 minutes to give God the Father and Jesus Christ thanksgiving and praise. It’s called worship. This personal time with the Lord can certainly be customized and can include music, and scripture… It’s between you and Him. It may be difficult at first and a good portion of that time may be spent asking Him for help to accomplish the task. He will certainly hear and answer your prayer if you are serious about it. Don’t ask for anything else, unless it’s forgiveness for sinful attitudes and lack of this meaningful aspect of Christianity. This is not the time for prayer requests. This is a time set aside to honestly acknowledge Almighty God and his Son, Jesus Christ, and to give thanks. Besides salvation, and the peace, love, and joy that do come with it, we have much to be grateful for. If you are not experiencing that peace, love, and joy, it could be that praise and worship are the lacking components. You might want to keep a journal, not so much to record your prayer time, but to record what happens to you as the days pass. See if it changes your Christmas this year.

Create Family Memories Rick Grubbs What means more to a child, the things you give them or the time you spend with them? To answer that question I want to do a little experiment. Get a piece of paper today and write down all the Christmas and birthday gifts you received as a child. If you’re like most people, when you do this you’ll remember a few of them, but most were long ago forgotten. Then, on a second piece of paper, list all of the places you went on vacation with your family. Chances are you will be able to recall the great majority of them, even from when you were very young. That’s because what makes memories is not so much giv- ing things as it is doing things and spending time together. In the Old Testament, God established a number of special holidays for the Jewish people. I’m sure part of the reason for that was for the memories it would create, because taking time to create family memories will redeem the time. Rick Grubbs is president of LifeChangingSeminars and host of “Redeeming the Time” a one-minute radio program. PagePage 6 6 THETHE BRIDGEBRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier CEB) Here’s an Invitation.... The following principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ… Principle 1: God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. To the Jew… Principle 2: All of us sin and our sin has separated us from God. Principle 3: Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for our sin. Through Him The Jews say of Jesus: we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our life. • “He was a good rabbi. He taught everyone to be nice to one another.” Principle 4: We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; • “He was a good Jew, but Paul made him into a god for the Gentiles.” then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. • “He got in trouble with the authorities and became a political martyr.”

Josh McDowell Ministries

To the Thinkers and Influencers of Society One thing is certain; after two thousand years, Je- sus of Nazareth is still as controversial in the Jew- ish community as he was in the first century. Still, most hold to the traditional bottom line that what- ever he was, he wasn’t the expected Messiah. Jews for Jesus begs to differ. We believe that Jesus was, and still is, who he claimed to be - the Mes- siah of Israel and of all nations. At http://www. we present you with argu- A Christian organization dedicated to helping the thinker believe and the believer think ments for his Messiahship and respond to objections that you may have heard or raised. In this way, we join with those first-century Jews and The primary mission of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries is to reach Gentiles who found Jesus - in Hebrew, Y’shua - to be “the way, the truth, and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility and the life.” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Distinctive in its strong evangelistic and apologetic foundation, the ministry of RZIM is intended to touch both the heart and the intellect of the thinkers and influencers of society through To Our Muslim Friends the support of the visionary leadership of Ravi Zacharias. We at Crescent Project want to be clear Let My People Think and Just Thinking can be heard on KBCL. that we are not aiming to make converts of “While a Muslim in the anyone. Instead, we simply want to share Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes late 1980s, and seeking the hope and life transformation that we to the Father except by me. John 14:6 Good News Translation the truth within Islam, I have found in Jesus (Isa) the son of Mary. was faced with a number If you are seeking to learn more about of issues in defending Jesus (Isa) the Messiah, we invite you to . my faith. One such is- visit the website of our friends at Abra- To Anyone… sue was finding discrep- ham Connection, http://www.theabraha- ancies in the Quran…” May God bless you we invite you to taste Abraham Connection in your search. and see O taste and see To the Cultural and Nominal that the LORD Christians… is good; How blessed is the man How Can I Know God Personally? Devote yourself to unselfish religious deeds? who takes refuge Become a better person so that God will accept in Him! you? You may be surprised that none of those things will work. But God has made it very clear in the Bible Psalm 34:8 how we can know Him. In fact, God is passion- ate about a relationship with you! (Exodus 34:14 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 7

Seven Goal Setting Areas Rick Grubbs

Whenever I go to an all you can eat restaurant I’m always torn between the Biblical principle of temperance, or self-control, and the principle of good stewardship. Most of the time good stewardship ends up the winner. For every Biblical principle there is a balancing principle. Un- derstanding that fact can be a great help when determining how God wants us to spend our time. Satan often gets the Christian to waste time, by getting his life out of balance in one direction. But there are at least 7 areas of life where everyone should have goals and schedule activities. They are:

Spiritual Financial Family Career Health Social Intellectual

A well balanced person sets goals in each area. An out of balance person may limit their usefulness to God by excelling in one area at the expense of all others. Remember, spiritual, financial, family, career, health, social and in- tellectual goals will all help redeem the time.

Comprised of area singers from the 4th-8th grade, this children’s choir is sure to impress. Get in the Christmas spirit and join us at one of these holiday events!


Immanuel: God With Us baby was born. The essence is that God became a baby. God was in the crib. We read about this in the prophecy found in Isaiah, “For a child If you were to come over to my house around Christmas time, you will be born to us, a son will be given to us ….” (Isaiah 9:6) Keep in would notice a number of fairly large and wrapped gift boxes sitting mind that the child is born, but the Son is given. This is because the near the front door of our home. These gloriously decorated boxes Son existed before the child was born. The virgin gave birth to a child have all of the color of Christmas. They have all of the glitter and shine but the child that the virgin birthed existed before the virgin ever got associated with the most materialistic holiday of the season. They are pregnant. Therefore, the Son was given, not born. even all tied up with great big bows. In the book of Hebrews we are privy to a conversation between God, There is only one problem with the boxes in front of my house, the Father and Christ, the Son. In it, they talk about Christ coming to though. They are empty. If anyone were to come and take them when earth in the form of a man to do the Father’s will, “Therefore, when we weren’t looking, they would be taking nothing more than prettified He comes into the world, He says, ‘Sacrifice and offering You have not nothingness. The packages contain the fanfare and all of the ceremo- desired, but a body You have prepared for Me; in whole burnt offering nial aspects of Christmas, but have no meaning or value inside. and sacrifices for sin You have taken no pleasure. Then I said, ‘Behold, In many ways these packages reflect and represent a lot of Christians I have come (In the scroll of the book it is written of Me) to do Your today. They dress to the nines in the Christian paraphernalia of our will, O God.’” (Hebrews 10:5-7) culture. They carry a Bible underneath their arm, attend church, teach Not only did Jesus come to do the Father’s will, but He came to rep- Sunday School and all else. Yet, if we were to peal back the paper, resent God, the Father, so that we would know what it is like to have tape and bows, oftentimes we would not be able to locate the vibrant, God with us, as the name Immanuel defines. In Colossians, we read, life-giving and abundant life of Jesus Christ within. Without Jesus, “He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God ….” (Colossians 1:15) In Christianity is just another religion among many. After all, He is the Hebrews, “And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His glory and the exact very essence of God who came not only to take away the sins of the representation of His nature ….” (Hebrews 1:3) And in John, “In the world, but to reveal the Father to us in the flesh. beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word In the record of His birth, we read, was God …. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us …. No “‘She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the save His people from their sins.’ Now all this took place to fulfill what bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.” (John 1:1, 14, 18) was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall Jesus Christ is Immanuel: God with us. be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Im- For His kingdom, manuel,’ which translated means, ‘God with us.’” (Matthew 1:21-23) Tony Evans The essence of this passage and event in history is not merely that a

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We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Becky and Marshall Graham Page 10 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 11 After looking back over the year at previous issues of “The Bridge,” rehabilitate older homes through its Greater Blessings program. This al- we’ve chosen excerpts from a few articles that you might be interested in lows low-income home owners to get new roofs, plumbing, and electrical reading again. These are archived online at work that are beyond their budgets…. ********** Since August 2012, The Fuller Center Surplus Store has been accepting donations from both private and commercial sectors and in turn reselling Operation Heal Our Patriots the items to the general public. The store is full of lighting and plumbing January, 2015 fixtures as well as cabinets, drywall, doors, windows to name a few of the building materials available. The store located at 4221 Linwood…

According to the Department of Defense, over 48,000 U.S. service Personal Testimony members have been wounded or injured as a result of combat actions in of Vince Rhodes Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the global war on terror since the 9/11 June 2015 attacks. For these patriots, the road to recovery is long. Operation Heal …A case worker from Our Patriots, a ministry project of Samaritan’s Purse, focuses on bring- Northwest Human Ser- ing spiritual refreshment, physical renewal, and marriage enrichment to vices assured me during a wounded and injured U.S. military service members and their spouses. To visit that wherever I lived thank these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice, we offer in LA I could get psychi- programs uniquely developed to strengthen the marriage relationship and atric help for my depres- build hope for the future through the transforming power of God’s Word. sion. When she left I

turned the TV back on and Joyce Meyers was point- ing at me saying I was one of Jesus’ lost sheep, and that He was coming after me. What I saw on TV marked a new begin- ning. There was hope and I started feeling it. I was moved from the hospital to a small evalu- ation center in Monroe. There my case worker suggested a discipleship program called Zion Ridge in Greenwood, LA. I said, “I think this is for me,” and they put me on a bus to Shreveport.

Protecting Your Church or Ministry after the Alaskan wilderness retreat for military couples Same-Sex Marriage Decision August, 2015 The Fuller Center provides people with affordable housing April 2015 After the U.S. Supreme Court’s dangerous decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (June 26, 2015), there is increasing concern that “sexual liberty” will now trump religious freedom, and begin to directly impact churches, Zero to 52 in 10. That’s not jargon for automotive acceleration; it’s ministries and individual Christians across our nation… shorthand for the progress the Fuller Center for Housing of Northwest FREEDOM GUARD attorneys have worked with our colleagues at Louisiana has made in Shreveport/Bossier in 10 years…. the Alliance Defending Freedom, who have just published a very helpful In addition to building new houses and ramps, FCHNWLA also helps LEGAL GUIDE that includes an overview and specific policy models to help ensure that every church and ministry has the broadest religious lib- erty protections available under the law. This guide can be downloaded for free by visiting the “Helpful Resources” page at our website: www.

PLEASE NOTE that if your church, ministry or organization has specific questions or needs additional information or assistance with these mat- ters, our attorneys at FREEDOM GUARD are happy to help. You may reach us by calling (318) 658-9456. Our services are provided pro bono. Page 12 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier vice: 10:45 a.m. & Wed. 6:00 p.m. 949-3612 Worship 10:30 a.m. Looking for a church 742-3823 Love Chapel United Methodist 2001 Forest First Wesleyan 3200 Schuler Dr. Hills (Sun) 9 & 11am (318) 865-8414 in your area? (Sun) 10:30am, § 9:30am (Wed) 6:30 949-0430 First Baptist Church Cedar Grove Benton Area: 746-6991 New Beginnings Community Church 6906 Henderson Ave. Believer’s Worship Center 6068 Hwy 3 Greenacres Baptist 4802 Benton Rd. 225 Mahaffey SS 9:30 Worship 10:45 - Tues 6:30 965-2750 (Sun) 10:45am, 6pm, § 9:45am, (Wed) 7pm (Sun) 11:00am and 6:00pm Wed 6:30 pm 865-8894 Benton First Baptist 201 Bellevue 746-2291 393-2489 First United Methodist Head of Texas St. 965-2351 Harvest Temple COGIC 1633 Benton Rd. Open Road Fellowship Church, 780 Bodcau 424-7771 Benton Presbyterian - Church Corner of 742-7616 Station Rd. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Ford Park Baptist 5755 Yarbrough Rd Airline & Linton Rd. - 11:00 Sunday House of Purpose Full Gospel 805 Eatman 631-1177 747-2802 549-0303 Pease Chapel Assembly of God Fresh Fire International Bible Benton United Methodist 4615 Palmetto rd Immanuel Lutheran 2565 Airline Dr. 3384 Bellevue Road Holiday Inn Fin. Pla. 965-2273 (Sun) 8am, 10:30am. Sunday school 9:15. 949-4794 (Sun) 11 am; § 9:45 Cypress Baptist 4701 Palmetto Rd Website: Plain Dealing Galilee Baptist 1500 Pierre Ave. 965-2296 (Sun) 10:45am 746-2215 Salem Baptist Church 19620 E. LA Hwy.157 221-2629 Elizabeth Baptist 301 Old Bellevue Rd Living Word Family Church 4501 Shed Rd. (Sun) 10:00, 11:00 am (Wed) 6:30 pm Gateway Church 8925 Youree Dr. 965-2592 746-1793 318-349-9875 (Sun) 9 & 10:15am, (Wed) 7pm Fellowship Tabernacle 4709 Palmetto Rd Miracles Temple of Deliverance Princeton Area: 797-6337 (Sun) 11am, 6pm §: 9:45am 517 Barksdale Blvd. (Sun) 12:00 noon (Tues.) First Baptist Princeton 1298 Princeton Rd Glad Tidings Assembly of God 965-9324 7:00 p.m. 741-3224 (Sun)10:00 & 11:00 am, 6:00 pm (Wed) 7:00 957 Kingston Rd. Blanchard Area: New Beginnings Missionary Bap. 949-3682 688-3940 Church of the Nazarene 251 N. Main St. 2218 Barksdale Blvd. 752-2122 Shreveport Area: Grace Presbyterian 3201 Centenary 929-2831 New Vision Church of God 4200 Shed Rd Baptist Tabernacle / Shreveport Christian (Sun) 10:45am § 9:30am Cross Brand Cowboy Church - 742-8547 Academy. 8501 E. Kingston Road. 344-1232 7:00 p.m. Thursdays - 201 Attaway by the New Zion Baptist Church - 2535 Barbara 686-7551 Greater Faith Christian Church 6934 Jewella arena. 929-4312 Pot luck every other week. S. S. 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45a.m. Wed. 5:30 Bethel Assembly of God 5801 Bert Kouns (Sun) 11:00am, (Mon) 7pm, (Wed) 7pm Crossroads Assembly of God 356 Warriner prayer Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Loop § 9:30am (Sun) 10:30am, (Wed) 6:30pm 621-8998 929-4800 746-0750 - 687-4200 Greater Hope Baptist Church First Baptist 201 Attaway St. Northpoint Community Church Bright Star Baptist Church 3330 Meriwether 4355 Greenwood Rd (Sun) 10:30am, pm, (Wed) 6:30pm 4204 Airline Drive 742-9565 Rd. (Sun) 9:30 & 10:45 am (Sun) 9:00 am, 10:30 am, Wed 7 pm 929-2346 Open Door Bible Church, 950 Swan Lake Rd, 686-7924 635-9242 North Point United Methodist Church 9:30 am SS; 11:00 am Worship Service Broadmoor Baptist 4110 Youree Dr. Greenwood Acres Full Gospel Baptist Church 6675 Hwy. 1 Overcoming Faith 5140 Benton Rd 868-6552 7480 Greenwood Road (Sun) 9:30&10:30am youth 6:30 Wed 747-1700 Broadmoor Christian 6005 Youree Dr. (Sun) 8 & 10:30am, 6pm, (Wed) 7pm 929-2307 Pentecostals of Bossier City 2833 Viking Dr. 865-9431 938-1885 Northwood Baptist Church 5924 N. Market St. Sun.10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Broadmoor Methodist 3715 Youree Dr. Haynes Ave Baptist 610 Haynes (Sun) 10:30am, § 9:15am PM 6:00 (Wed) 6pm 742-9539 (Sun CS) 8:30 & 11am, (Wed) 5pm (Sun) 10:30am, 6pm, (Wed) 6pm 925-3592 Praise Temple Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral 861-0586 865-2307 Westlake Baptist 8379 N. Lakeshore East Location: 1760 East Texas Street Calvary Baptist 9333 Linwood Ave. H.E.L.P.S. Outreach Faith Temple 929-2237 Sundays 59’ Express 8 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:00 (Sun) 8:30 &10:40am, 6:30pm 6708 Southern Ave Bossier Area: a.m. Thurs. 7:00 p.m., Sat. 5:45 p.m. 687-4920 (Sun) 9:30 & 11:00am (Tue/Thur) 7pm Airline Baptist 4007 Airline Dr. 631-5683 Catholic Center-Diocese of Shreveport 861-9010 (Sun) 8:15 & 10:45am, 6pm, (Wed) 6pm Revival Tabernacle Foursquare 3500 Fairfield Avenue – 868-4441 Hearne Avenue Church of Christ - 6540 746-3495 900 Regenia St. 746-5022 Central Christian Church (DOC) 2010 Bert Hearne Avenue Sun. 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Airline Dr. Church of Christ 2125 Airline Dr. Savior’s House of Prayer 401 Hamilton Kouns (Sun) 10:45am Wed. 6:00 p.m. 635-6542 (Sun) 10:10am & 6pm § 9am, (Wed) 7pm 752-3711 686-3060 Heritage Baptist 2801 Creswell 746-2645 Simple Church LA Boardwalk Regal Christ Center 6808 Jefferson Paige 222-0868 Barksdale Baptist 1714 Jimmy Davis Hwy Theater (Sun) 9:30 and 10:30 am. (Sun) 10:30am (Wed) 7pm Highland Center 520 Olive St (Sun) SS 10:45am & 6pm, (Wed) 6:30pm 752-2320 (Also in Shreveport) 525-9033 221-8404 Stonewall Baptist 807 Eatman Christ Lutheran 290 Idema St Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 742-1641 742-0807 SS 9:00 Worship 10:30 8895 Youree Dr. 71115 Barksdale United Methodist Church South Bossier Baptist 1155 Sligo Rd 518-8767 SS 9:15 Worship 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 1465 Patricia Dr. SS 9:45 a.m. Worship 11:00 § 9:30am, (Sun) 10:45 741-5651 Christian Center of Shreveport 207 Idema 797-9402 Wed. - 7:00 pm 746-4987 Touching Lives Ministries 2414 Barbara Street 688-9250 Hope Community Church of God Bellaire Baptist 1210 Bellaire Blvd. Trinity Presbyterian 1944 Airline Dr. Church at Red River 230 Flournoy Lucas Rd 3247 Bert Kouns SS 9:30 Worship 10:30 a.m. 746-3914 746-2951 Sunday 10:00 a.m. Wed. 6-8:00 p.m. Wed 6:30 p.m. 688-4970 Bossier Church of the Nazarene Victory Life Center 3012 Shed Rd. 213-3600 Hosanna Family Worship Center 535 Modica St. (Sun) 10:30 §9:30 (Wed) 6:30 746-4750 Church of Christ/North 3401 N. Market St. 7420 St. Vincent 742-2144 Waller Baptist 456 Waller Ave. § 9:30am, (Sun) 10:30am, 6pm 861-0846 Central Assembly of God 700 Hwy 80 (Sun) 10:45am, 6:30pm, § at 9:30am 226-1305 HUB CHURCH 949-0010 746-2462 Church on the Rock 5035 North Market Saturdays at 5:30 pm Central Baptist 2225 Airline Dr. Fillmore Area: 227-2902 The Lovewell Center 742-6153 Fillmore Baptist 6304 Hwy. 80 Ellerbe Road Baptist Church 605 Cotton Street. Christview Christian 5503 Airline Dr. 949-3220 10705 Ellerbe Rd. Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer (Sun) 10:40 am § 9:30 am 746-1531 Haughton Area: 798-1988 5865 W 70th St. 671-7865 City Church 176 Scopena Circle Beulah Land Baptist Church Emmanuel Baptist 5850 Buncombe Rd. Jewell St. Missionary Baptist (Sun) 10 am 742-2297 3179 Sligo Rd. (Sun) 9:45, 11:00 am 5:30, 686-7548 2440 Darien St. 424-4655 Elm Grove Baptist 8180 Barksdale Blvd. 6:30 pm (Wed) 6:30 pm Emmanuel Christian Ministries 5700 Roberts John 3:16 Church (Sun) 10:45am, 6pm, § 9:30am 747-0089 Cowboy Outreach and Arena of Life Church 636-2567 6035 FairfieldAve Faith Temple Assembly of God 1130 Stewart Road, Sun. 10 a.m. 949-1539 Eternal Life Baptist Church Sundays 8:31 and 10:16 a.m. Wed 6:01 p.m. 4350 Panther Dr 747-2452 Eastwood Baptist Church 1744 Nicholson St. 219-2989 Fellowship United Methodist 2810 US Hwy 80 - (318) 949-9433 Sun. 10:45 a.m. - Wed 6:00 p.m. Kingston Road Baptist 8900 Kingston Rd 4750 Barksdale Blvd 746-4422 First Baptist 105 E. Washington 272-0923 (Sun)10:30am, 6pm, (Wed) 6:30pm First Baptist 2810 E Texas St 949-2441 Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church 687-9885 (Sun) 9:30am, (Wed) 6pm 752-6100 Galilee Baptist 339 Jones Rd. 3013 Fisher Street Lake Bethlehem Baptist Church First Christian 2205 Shed Road 949-0955 425-3390 2842 Dr Martin Luther King Dr 746-3382 God Did It Outreach Ministries - Faith Tabernacle 4901 Pine Hill Rd. ( 318) 221-1356 First Church of God 4601 Airline 1335 Bellevue Rd. (Sun) 11am Life Church 2222 Meriwether Rd. 747-2211 918-0415 227-2204 (Sun) 10am, (Wed) 6:30pm 687-7055 First United Methodist 201 John Wesley Blvd Haughton United Methodist 215 E. McKinley First Baptist Church Shreveport Light Hill Baptist 1823 Pine Hill Rd. (Sun) 8:45 am, 10:45 am; Contemporary Ser- Ave. (Sun) 11am 543 Ockley Drive, Bible Study 9:15, 222-0526 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 13 Lighthouse Baptist Church Northview Assembly of God 797-2226 The Simple Church 235 Flournoy Lucas 3627 N. Market St. Saint Paul’s Episcopal 275 Southfield Rd Shreveport Convention Center - 8:30, 9:30 and Shreveport - Sun. 9:30 10:45 & 6:00 p.m. 424-7580 (Sun) 8 & 10:30am, (Wed) 10am Tinseltown - 9:30, 10:30. 752-2320 Wed. 6:30 p.m. 686-2964 Oakmont Church of God 5925 W 70th St 865-8469 Trinity Baptist Church 5895 Bert Kouns Ind. Linwood Baptist 1622 Midway 687-5243 St. Paul Lutheran M S 4175 Lakeshore Dr. Loop, 71129. (Sun) 9:30am, 10:30am, 6:30 Sunday 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Paradise Baptist Church 1706 Hollywood (Sun)10:00 a.m, § 9:00am 636-2310 pm. Wednesday, 6:30pm. Thursday 6:oo p.m. 636-5356 Sunday: 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Mon- Salvation Army 686-2300 631-4467 day: Bible Study 6:00 p.m. 200 E. Stoner 429-7463 Trinity Heights Baptist Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, 5340 Pinecroft Baptist 8002 Jewella Ave Shiloh Baptist 421 Webster 3820 Old Mooringsport Jewella 636-6172 686-5200 (Sun) 11am, § 9:30am, (Wed, Thu) 6pm 221-2695 Sun. 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Wed. 11:45 a.m. and Pleasant Hill Baptist 4670 Lakeshore Dr. 635-8543 United House of Prayer 2888 Lakeview Rd 6:00 p.m. 636-6000 Showers of Blessing Ministries (Tues) 7pm, (Fri) 7pm, (Sun) 10am Mount Olive Baptist 740 Turner Lane Praise Temple Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral 6500 FairfieldAve 424-9555 861-2249 Corporate Headquarters (Sun) 9:30 & 11am, 7pm, (Thu) 7pm Unity of Faith Baptist Church 272 E. 78th St. New Creation Family 8410 Kingston Rd 4725 Greenwood Road 861-2472 SS 9:30 Worship 10:45 - Thurs. 6:00 p.m (Sun) 11am, (Tue) 7pm, (Wed) 6pm 631-5683 Shreve City Baptist 2810 Knight St 512-5366 671-9463 The Refuge, Meeting at Savoie’s, the Cater- 865-5661 University Church of Christ - 2045 E. 70th St. New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist ing Place, SS 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Shreveport Baptist Temple 288 Flournoy 797-6333 2332 Jewella Avenue and 6:00 p.m. Prayer meeting 5:45 Wed. Lucas, Shreveport 686-5538 Vineyard 613 Ashbourne Dr (Sun) 10:45am, § 9am, (Wed) 7pm Rose Park Baptist 5560 Buncombe Rd Shreveport Community Church (Sun) 10:30am 631-8070 687-8272 5720 Buncombe Rd 868-4991 New Life Center 4445 Meriwether Rd. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic 4736 Lyba 671-7100 Western Hills Baptist 4153 Pines Rd 686-8484 (Sat) 4:30pm (Sun) 9am, 11:30am. Springs of Grace 6300 Hearne Ave 636-2408 New Vision Community Church 635-2121 (Sun) 9:30am, 10:30am. Evening 5:00pm. Westview Christian 7188 Greenwood Rd Shreveport (CPP) St Andrew Presbyterian Church (Wed) 6:15 pm. 635-0356 727 Flournoy Lucas Road 3625 N. Market 635-9723 Willow Point Baptist 5500 S. Lakeshore Dr. 11:00 Sundays 221-3357 Stoner Hill Baptist Church (Sun) 10:45am, 5pm, (Wed) 6:15pm Norris Ferry Community Church St. Mary AME Church 1603 Rex Ave. 1201 Cornwell Ave. 631-8500 10509 Norris Ferry Rd. (Sun) 9:00; 10:30 a.m. S S 9:30am Worship 11am Wed B S 6:30. Sunday 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Wed. 6:00p.m. Woodridge Baptist 850 E. Bert Kouns 349-8473 222-3997 221-9871 861-3519 North Highlands United Methodist St. Matthias Episcopal Church Summer Grove Baptist Word of God Ministries 6645 Industrial Loop 835 Poleman. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 3301 St. Matthias Drive South Park Mall, 8924 Jewella Avenue Sun. 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.; Wed 6:30pm 10:30 a.m. Parlor Fellowship Wed., 6:00 pm, Sun., 8:00 am and 10:15 am 686-1470 364-8977 11:00 a.m.traditional Worship 318-635-5354 Summer Grove United Methodist Word of Deliverance Family Life Church - 221-4716 St Matthew Missionary Baptist Church 9119 Dean Rd. 5700 W 70th Wed 6:00 Sun 10:30 North Shreve Baptist 2240 David Raines Rd. (Sun) 9am, SS 10am, (CS) 11am, Y 4pm Word Of Life Center 4930 Old Mooringsport Sun. 8:00, 9:15 – Worship 11:00 a.m. 9:00 686-2514 4425 Meriwether Rd, 71109 425-2350 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 8:00 a.m. Sat. Male The Rock Family Center Sun. 9 & 10:45 a.m. Wed 7 p.m. North Star Baptist 5304 Jewella Ministry - [email protected] 2837 Summer Grove Dr. in Shreveport 688-4411 (Sun) 11am, § 9:30am St. Nicholas Orthodox Christian 9100 Youree (Sun) 10:30am, (Wed) 7pm 631-1154 (Sun)10:00 a.m., SS 11:30; Wed-Sat. 6:00 518-8603 THE BRIDGE can be found at the following businesses: Adam’s Eye Care Consider the Lillies Florist Gateway Tire and Service Center Kings Hwy. Exxon Car Care Pool of Siloam Medical Ministry Stormy’s Car Care ( Floyd’s) 1911 Benton Rd - Bossier 1500 Benton Road - Bossier 1005 Shreveport/Barksdale Hwy 760 Kings Hwy, Shreveport 4140 Greenwood Road - S’port Broadway and Greenwood Rd. Glass Services Kitchens, Benton, Kitchens, & Ainsworth Hair Color Salon Cormier Family Dentistry 2100 E Texas St - Bossier Black Ponder Power Equipment LLC Shreveport Teen Challenge 401 Hamilton Rd. Suite 118 -Bos. 5839 E. Kings Highway - S’port 1118 E. Bert Kouns - Shreveport 2120 Airline Dr - Bossier 3402 Industrial Drive - Bossier 452 Stoner in Shreveport Lake Life Development Center 673-8383 Azalea Estates Crisis Pregnancy Center Priority Medical Staffing Glenview Garden Retirement 700 Pierre Ave - Shreveport 516 E Flournoy Lucas Rd - S’port 921 S’port Barksdale Hwy - S’port 4828 Medical Dr - Bossier 8660 Fern - Shreveport The Arbor Lifeway Christian Store 4770 Brandon Blvd. - Bossier Azalea’s Cleaners Cross Lake Citgo Quality Sheet Metal Glenwood Village Tearoom 7050 Youree-Shreveport 732 Azalea Dr. - Shreveport 5785 South Lakeshore - S’port 3310 Line Ave. Shreveport 946 Linwood - Stonewall The Glen Retirement System Line Avenue Pharmacy 403 E Flournoy Lucas Rd - S’port Bill’s Cleaners Laundry Shoe Rep Daisy a Day Florist Good Life Health Foods & Deli - Realty Executives, T. Calhoun 1822 Line Ave - Shreveport 3566 Greenwood Rd - S’port 1525 N. Market – Shreveport 6132 Hearne Ave. Shreveport 3851 Gilbert - Shreveport The Ice House Dist. Live Oak Retirement Community 4514 Monkhouse Dr.-Shreveport Bossier Parish Libraries Danzell, John, MD Haughton Library Rose-Neath Funeral Home 600 E Flournoy Lucas Rd-S’port Check with your local branch 2500 Kings Hwy. - Shreveport 166 E. McKinley - Haughton 2201 Airline Drive - Bossier The Waterford at Shreveport Lookers Hair Design 2222 E Bert Kouns Industrial - Blanchard Elderly Apartments, Dooley’s Hairstyling Healing Heart Counseling Salvation Army 2118 Airline Dr - Bossier S’port 231 N. Main - Blanchard 1001 Benton Rd - Bossier Center 200 E. Stoner - Shreveport 820 Jordan St, Ste 401 S’port Thomas Kinstrey, M.D. Louisiana Baptist University Samaritan Counseling Services Brigham’s Family Dental Center Dupree Family Dental - 1945 E 2120 Bert Kouns Ind. Loop - 6301 Westport Ave - Shreveport 1525 Stephens St. - S’port 2281 Benton Rd - Bossier 70th, Suite F in Shreveport Heavenly Ham Shreveport 5739 Youree Drive - Shreveport The Lovewell Center - 605 Cotton Brookdale Bossier Saturday’s Family Hair Center Electric Supply Co., Inc. St in downtown Shreveport Time It Lube 2540 Beene Blvd. Highland Supercenter 2026 Airline Dr - Bossier 935 Texas - Shreveport 606-2512 6828 Pines Road - Shreveport 3001 Highland Ave. - Shreveport Caddo Council on Aging Shreveport Family Dental Care Eric LeBlanc Pediatic Dentistry Myrick’s Barber Shop Tri-State Physical Therapy 4015 Greenwood Road, S’port Home and Office Storage 910 Bert Kouns Ind. Loop 2285 Benton Rd- Bossier 3562 Greenwood Rd. -S’port 2250 Hospital Dr. #120 - Bossier 411 E. Bert Kouns - Shreveport S’port/Bossier Rescue Mission 1610 E Bert Kouns - Shreveport Caddo Paint 480 E. Bert Kouns Evergreen Presbyterian Minis- SCDAA / NW LA Chapter 2033 Texas Ave/901 McNeil . - Shreveport tries, 2101 Hwy 80 - Haughton IM Financial 24-7 Laundry 3658 Judson St. - Shreveport Shreveport 1945 E. 70th St., Suite E - S’port 163 E. Kings Hwy Caddo Parish Libraries Fairmont Apartments - Lobby Nicholls, Tim M.D. Shreveport Security Solutions Check with your local branch 726 Cotton St, Shreveport Innovative Therapies LLC Vitreo-Retinal Associates 2551 Greenwood Rd - Shrevepor 1431 Wilkerson - Shreveport 7330 Fern - Shreveport 836 Olive St.-Shreveport Chandler, John M.D. Foster’s Errand Expertise Northwest LA Baptist Assoc. Soap Opera 1519 Doctors Dr. - Bossier 222-1532 Shreveport Jean Simpson Personel - Walgreen Pharmacy 5875 W. 70th - Shreveport 1210 Airline Dr - Bossier 1318 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy 3555 Greenwood Rd. S’port Christian Services 835 Benton Rd - Bossier Fuller Center for Housing of Pierremont Eye Institute 1252 Sprague St Shreveport John McKee Pre-owned 8150 Jewella - Shreveport Northwest Louisiana 7607 Youree Dr. Warren West, M.D. 222-1256 2961 E. Texas in Bossier City 4221 Linwood, Shreveport Shreveport, LA 71105 7941 Youree Dr. - Shreveport Southern Maid Donut Co. Colonial Oaks Guest Care Center John Milkovich, Attorney 3505 Hearne Ave. - Shreveport Werntz & Associates, Inc. Frisk Airline Chiropractic Pines Super Center - 4921 Medical Dr. - Bossier 656 Jordan - Shreveport 9359 Mansfield Rd 2020 E. 70th - Shreveport 2159 Airline Dr. - Bossier 6259 Westport Shreveport Page 14 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Local Support Groups Abortion Recovery – Unplanned Pregnancy: ministry of First United Methodist Church, one also on Thursday from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. Help is available, free of charge. All calls are need not be a member to participate. All are Contact: (318)746-2645. confidential. Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy welcome! Contact Lisa Turnbull at lturnbull@ Airline Drive Church of Christ Center in Shreveport. 861-4600 or hotline for more info. 2125 Airline Drive in Bossier # 1-800-395-HELP. Parenting Education Free Grocery Registration and Distribution Overeaters Anonymous combined with emotional support and practical New Vision Community Church-Shreveport Local Hotline # 318-677-4002 assistance also available at the Ark-La-Tex is now an emergency food pantry for the Shreveport Meetings: Learning Center. 861-3232. Food Bank of NWLA. Our coverage areas Sunday - Broadmoor Library, 3:00 869-0120 Alzheimer Support –Noon, 2nd Wednesday are zip codes 71118, 71108 and 71109. Proof Monday – First United Methodist Church 7:00 each month. Hunter Bldg. room 104. Lunch of government assistance, income and a p.m. 424-7771 provided for $7.00. FMI email Pam Crews at valid ID are required to participate. The food Wed - Broadmoor Baptist, 5:30 p.m. [email protected] or call 424-7771. First distribution days are on the 3rd Saturday of 868-6552 Methodist Church, downtown Shreveport each month from 12-2:00pm. Contact 671- Thurs - St James Episcopal Church 6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery 4258 FMI. 686-1261 Bossier Meeting: Church at Red River, Faith-based 12 Step GEM’S Ministry for children with special Program. Fridays, 6:00 p.m. meal, 6:30 needs: We consider it a privilege and a direct Tuesday - Asbury United Methodist Church, program. 230 Flournoy Lucas Road in call from God to reach out to the families of 5:30 p.m. 746-5349 Shreveport. Free childcare. 213-3600 these children. Contact Mrs. Billie at btate@ Overcomers Recovery Support-12 Step First Baptist Bossier – Faith-based 12 Step or call 424-7771. Program Program. Mondays, meal at 5:30 prior to GriefShare: For more information call 686- Word of Life Center, 687-4777, 4425 meeting at 6:00 p.m. 2810 E. Texas in Bossier. 1470, Summer Grove Baptist Church, 8924 Merriwether Road, Shreveport, Mondays 7:00- Free childcare. 746-7940 Jewella in Shreveport (South Park Mall) 9:00 p.m. Building at back of church property. Airline Church of Christ – Faith-based 12 Step Cowboy Outreach and Arena of Life Church Program – Thursdays. Dinner at 5:30 prior to Harvest Kitchen 1130 Stewart Rd. in Haughton, 949-1539. Free Soup Kitchen for those in need 6:00 meeting. 2125 Airline in Bossier. 746- Pink Circle of Hope Cancer Ministry for 2645 Monday - Thursday from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Contact:(318)746-2645 Women- Christmas meeting December 7th. Clothing Closet: Each Tuesday from 11:00 Airline Drive Church of Christ FMI contact Lisa Craft – prayingthrough@ a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Airline Church of Christ, 2125 2125 Airline Drive in Bossier or Sandra Timmons at 453-0669 Airline in Bossier 746-2645 Heart for Heroes Program: Counseling for Reclaim Your Voice: From Surviving to Clothing Room: New Elizabeth Missionary military - individuals, couples, and families. Thriving, A Women’s Domestic Violence Baptist Church, 2332 Jewella in Shreveport. Samaritan Counseling Center, 1525 Stephens, Support Group. 5:30 p.m. Monday evenings. For more information call 631-8070. in Shreveport. For more information call 221- November 16 - December 21. Open sessions. Couples/Marital Counseling - Individual 6121 For more details, call (318) 221-6121 or visit Counseling for Children and Adults - Family Ministry of St. Vincent DePaul: Therapy Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. St. Luke’s Episcopal Mobile Medical Bellaire Baptist Church in Bossier. FMI call Groceries,clothing, shoes, and household items 698-1604 or email [email protected] Ministry ( offers given to those who need them. Sacred Heart free health screenings for blood pressure, Catholic Church, 4736 Lyba St. in Shreveport, Deaf Ministry - dDeaf Community (that’s elevated cholesterol, and diabetes, and also near the airport. Apply for assistance at 865- correct) exists to support the Deaf and Hard clinical breast exams to uninsured and 7807. of Hearing in the Ark-La-Tex through Friday low- income individuals in Shreveport/Bossier. evening socials, leadership opportunities, Mustard Seed No appointment necessary. serving in the community, worship, Bible Free medical care for those who can’t afford it. FMI see St. Luke’s Episcopal Mobile Medical study and more. While dDeaf Community is a First Saturday of each month from 9am-12 and Ministry on Facebook. (318) 674-9747

NOW OPEN - We offer free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and help for women experiencing unexpected pregnancies in the Shreveport, Louisiana area.

Walk-ins welcome.

Located at 906 Margaret Place in Shreveport, we’re open Fridays from 9am-4pm and Saturdays from 9am-noon. Call us at (318) 220-8009. Email us at [email protected] THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport Bossier Page 15 Community Calendar Christmas Cantata: December 13 at 10:30 a.m. Haynes Avenue Bap- “Service Opportunities” tist Church, 610 Haynes Ave. in Shreveport. Serving our community again this Christmas season. If you’d like Choral Christmas Production: December 13 at 6:00 p.m. at “The to join the many volunteers who make our work possible, please call Church of the Cross,” 700 Hwy 80 in Bossier. The Salvation Army at 318-424-3200, ext 23. For more information about us, visit A Festive Choral Christmas A musical celebration utilizing all age level choirs from Middle school to senior adults, as well as both per- Youth Orchestra for Christ will be performing at various nursing cussion ensembles and the orchestra! Sunday, December 13th 6:00 PM homes on Wednesday, December 23rd. If you play a wind, brass, Worship Center North. Free, Broadmoor Baptist Church, 4110 Youree string or percussion instrument and would like to participate (and Dr. in Shreveport. earn some community service hours) please contact Angela Turner at 318-938-1885. YOFC is a ministry of Greenwood Acres Full Gospel “A Parody of Serious Comedy” (Proverbs 17:22a): A presenta- Baptist Church. tion by The Acres Playmakers Drama Ministry of Greenwood Acres Baptist Church. 6:00 p.m. Sunday, December 20th at the Family Life Christmas Love Feast: Christmas Day a free hot meal will be served Centre, 7530 Greenwood Road, in Shreveport. Free admission. Doors at 11:00 a.m. in Bain Hall at First United Methodist Church, down- open at 5:00 town Shreveport. Our guests include the hungry, lonely and homeless of all ages from the Shreveport/Bossier area. If you would like to Candle Light Christmas Eve Service: 5:00 p.m. First Baptist Shreve- participate as a volunteer worker please call 424-7771. Service op- port, 543 Ockley Drive portunities are from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service: December 24 at 5:30 p.m. Westview Chris- A Winter Need: The Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission is needing tian Church, 7188 Greenwood Rd. in Shreveport. FMI call 635-0356 coffee. Can you help? Family Christmas Eve Service: Thursday, December 24 @ 5:30 p.m. at Open Door Bible Church, 950 Swan Lake Road, Bossier City. Christian Comedian presents “A Very D.P. Christmas:” Decem- ber 4, at 6:00 p.m.. at East Bank Theatre in Bossier City. Featured Christmas Eve Services: 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 mid- Comedians: Ron Brown, Bro. Marcus, and Quan-B. Musical Guests: night. St John Berchmans Cathedral, 939 Jordan St. in Shreveport. Darilyn Robinson, Uniqua Richardson, and Gabriel “Saxman” John- Christmas Eve Special Music Service & Holy Eucharist: 10:30 p.m. son. Emcees: Pastor CeJay and Bishop Major. Other Guests: Lady at St Paul’s Episcopal Church, 275 Southfield Road in Shreveport. Munira, J. Kells, and Pastor Robert Batchelor. Tickets: $20.00. www. or (318) 564-3275 Christmas Eve Service: 5:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Childcare Youth Sponsored Rummage Sale: Dec. 5th, from 8:00 a.m. till 1:00 provided for ages birth - 2 years. Worship Center South at Broadmoor p.m. Huge inventory. Come see! Everyone welcome. Barksdale Bap- Baptist Church, 4110 Youree Dr. in Shreveport. tist Church, 1714 Jimmy Davis Hwy. in Bossier Candle Light Christmas Eve Service: Monday, December 24th at 5 Christmas at the Cross: A Living Nativity Drive Through. Decem- p.m. Join us for a one hour service as we celebrate the birthday of Our ber 18-20th from 6:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. Free admission. Central Lord and Savior, Jesus! Gateway Church, 8925 Youree Shreve- Assembly of God, “The Church of the Cross.” 700 Highway 80 in port. Bossier. 949-0010. Christmas Day Worship: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. New Elizabeth Christmas Cookie Bazaar: Saturday, December 12th from 10:00 a.m. Missionary Baptist Church, 2332 Jewella Avenue in Shreveport. to 2:00 p.m. Freshly baked Christmas cookies make wonderful gifts. Christmas Day Mass: 9:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 4736 Cookies on display can be purchased by the pound. All proceeds will Lyba, in Shreveport. be dedicated to sending the senior youth to the National Youth Gather- ing. Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2565 Airline in Bossier (across from Christmas Day Mass: 11:00 a.m. St John Berchmans Cathedral, 939 WalMart.) Jordan St. in Shreveport Songs of the Season Christmas Musical Extravaganza: 7:00 p.m. Christmas Day Holy Eucharist Service:5:00 p.m. at St Paul’s Epis- performances on Dec.11,12, 14, 18 and 19. On Saturdays, Dec 12th copal Church, 275 Southfield Road in Shreveport. and 19th at 2:00 p.m. Inside - the excitement of a Broadway show, New Year’s Celebration: Dec. 31 from 9 p.m. until midnight. New and the fun of Christmas, all wrapped up in one incredible production. Creation Family Church 8410 Kingston Road, Shreveport. For more Outside - good food, a petting zoo, pony rides, and a live nativity – fun information call 671-9463. for the entire family! Tickets: $30, $25 and $5. Available online or you can call 683-1562. Shreveport Community Church, 5720 Buncombe Watch Night Service: December 31st from 9:00 p.m. until 12:00 mid- Rd. night. New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, 2332 Jewella Ave. in Shreveport. The public is invited. Gloria: A Broadway –styled, multi-media Christmas Spectacular cel- ebrating the birth of Jesus. December 12 at 6:00 p.m. and at 3:00 p.m. Service on Watch Night 2015: Thursday: December 31 @ 7:00 p.m. on Sunday the 13th. Tickets are $10 or $8.50 for group of 20. Available with special guests, Evergreen Baptist Church and Saint Mary Bap- online at, or at First Baptist Bossier, 2810 E. tist Church. Rev. Arthur Douglas, Pastor of Evergreen B.C. is guest Texas. FMI call 746-7940. preacher. Galilee Baptist Church, 1500 Pierre in Shreveport. Page 16 THE BRIDGE - Building Community in Shreveport/Bossier Program Guide Monday - Friday KBCL 1070 AM In the Morning... Something worth listening to 6:00 Renewing Your Mind - R.C. Sproul 6:30 Precepts for Life - Kay Arthur 6:55 Mission Network News Saturday 7:00 Focus on the Family- Jim Daly In the Morning... he ar how 7:30 In Touch - Charles Stanley 6:00 T C S pirit of the utdoors im ewcomb 8:00 Grace to You - John MacArthur 7:00 S O - J N hristian orldview avid heaton 8:30 Love Worth Finding - Adrian Rogers 8:00 C W - D W oint of iew erby nderson 9:00 Just Thinking - Ravi Zacharias 9:00 P V - K A agle orum ive hyllis chlafly 9:15 Key Life - Steve Brown 11:00 E F L - P S 9:30 Family Life Today- Dennis Rainey In the Afternoon... ports pectrum now port org 10:00 Family Talk- James and Ryan Dobson 12:00 S S - S . alk in the ord ames ac onald 10:30 Revive Our Hearts- Nancy Leigh DeMoss 12:30 W W - J M D ashington atch eekly ony erkins 11:00 Walk in the Word - James MacDonald 1:00 W W W - T P recepts for ife ay rthur 11:30 WallBuilders Live - David Barton 1:30 P L - K A In the Afternoon... 2:00 Jonathan Park anger ill 12:00 Insight for Living - Charles Swindoll 2:30 R B dventures in dyssey 12:30 Turning Point - David Jeremiah 3:00 A O oad to eality ospel for sia 1:00 Point of View - Kerby Anderson 3:30 R R - G A et y eople hink avi acharias 2:05 The Dave Ramsey Show 4:00 L M P T - R Z he ave amsey how 4:00 Just Thinking - Ravi Zacharias 4:30 T D R S ign ff 4:15 Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission - Jim Brackman 5.30 S O 4:30 Focus on the Family- Jim Daly 5:00 Urban Alternative - Tony Evans 5:30 Sign Off Streaming at from 6:00 a.m. till midnight

Sunday Saturday PM Streaming Schedule In the Morning... 5:30 The Dave Ramsey Show (cont) 6:00 Grace To You - John MacArthur Weekday PM Streaming Schedule 7:30 6:30 BreakPoint This Week- Eric Metaxas 8:00 Adventures in Odyssey 7:00 Love Worth Finding - Adrian Rogers 5:30 Renewing Your Mind 8:30 Road to Reality - GFA 7:30 Family Life Today- Dennis Rainey 6:00 Grace to You 9:00 Crescent Project Radio 8:00 Let My People Think- Ravi Zacharias 6:30 Family Life Today 9:30 Let my People Think 8:30 In Touch - Charles Stanley 7:00 Revive our Hearts 10:00 Point of View 9:00 Focus on the Family Weekend 7:30 In Touch 12:00 Sign Off 10:00 The First Word - First Baptist Bossier 8:00 Precepts for Life 11:00 Turning Point Weekend 8:30 Family Talk Sunday PM Streaming Schedule 11:30 Precepts for Life - Kay Arthur 9:00 WallBuilders Live In the Afternoon... 5:30 Grace to You 9:30 Love Worth Finding 12:00 Washington Watch Weekly 6:00 Love Worth Finding 10:00 Walk in the Word - Tony Perkins 6:30 BreakPoint this Week 10:30 Turning Point 12:30 Christian Worldview - David Wheaton 7:00 Let My People Think 11:00 Just Thinking 1:30 Unshackled - Pacific Garden Missions 7:30 Washington Watch Weekly 11:15 Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission 2:00 Ranger Bill 8:00 Family Life Today 11:30 Urban Alternative 2:30 Adventures in Odyssey 8:30 First Word 12:00 Sign Off 3:00 Focus on the Family Weekend 9:30 Christian Worldview 4:00 Road to Reality- Gospel for Asia 10:30 Precepts for Life 4:30 In Touch - Charles Stanley 11:00 Adventures in Odyssey 5:00 Peace with God - Billy Graham 11:30 Unshackled 5:30 Sign Off 12:00 Sign Off