March 2014 • Volume 18 • Number 1

n e r a b Ve le Rosalie THE TIME OF RECOGNITION… C a t é dron - Jet

Hélène Grégoire 1992 and were then followed by a theologians. The documents were then Positio, a brief biography of Rosalie’s tabled and sent to the Cardinals of the On December 9, 2013, Francis life and a summary of her virtues. Sacred Congregation for the causes gave us an extraordinary gift by of Saints who, in turn, examined the recognizing, through the signing of This account highlights the particular nature of the human journey of the per- life and work of Rosalie. More than a decree, the heroic virtues of our ten years can elapse between each of dear Mother Rosalie. By doing so, he son concerned – in this case Rosalie – from the Gospel point of view. In fact, these stages. Patience is an inevitable declared her venerable, a recognition disposition in this whole process. that we had all been waiting for, for the call of Jesus to love God and decades. neighbour finds answers everywhere But what a reward when the in the life of this witness, which is approbation is given by means of a This announcement alone was well reflected by a relentless commitment decree which tells us that beyond our worth a special issue of this bulletin to live the virtues – especially faith, community and our diocese, people published four times a year to make hope and love – in all aspects of in join us in recognizing the known and loved Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, life, especially in most difficult and remarkable life of Rosalie and thank foundress of the Misericordia Sisters demanding times. In fact, this is what God for her passage among us. so that we can turn to makes it possible to conclude that her in prayer. We can For the time being, this judgement these virtues have been observed remains that of humans and “God’s now say, Venerable in a heroic way by the Servant 1 Rosalie Cadron-Jetté. signature” is still to come. Nonetheless, of God. what a consensus! Theologians, The status of vene- In the file of our dear historians, cardinals from all horizons, rable comes about after Mother Rosalie, this and even an Argentinian Pope have a detailed examination conclusion was decreed that the life of Rosalie could of the life of a Servant first made by inspire men and women who, today, of God. In the case of historians and are still looking for meaning in their Rosalie, it first began with a then by life. This is why believers here and diocesan process in elsewhere will now be able to venerate in 1991. The Acts of this her in their personal prayer. process were sent to In this year 2014, which marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rome in 2 June Rosalie in the life of the Risen Lord , let us give thanks to God for the recognition, finally obtained, of the life and work of our dear and vene- rable Mother Rosalie. Magnificat! Alleluia!

1 Term often used when referring to the next step towards beatification that will be reached when a miracle will be attributed to the intercession of the person recognized venerable. 2 Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, Mother of the Nativity, died on April 5, 1864, in Montreal. Her last words were “My Jesus”. Let us walk with Rosalie…

pursues the good and chooses it in Virtues are little Francine Blais and Denise Tessier 1 concrete actions.” flowers of love… Mother Rosalie, model After this reading, we cannot help but Fr. Gilles Jeanguenin reminds us of heroic virtues… make the link with Rosalie’s virtuous that virtues are little flowers of love During this year of celebration and life. that add beauty to our souls and thanksgiving, the theme chosen Here is an excerpt from the Positio, file meaning to our lives. “Christian by the Misericordia Sisters and the on the virtues and her reputation for virtues, as varied and rich as flowers committed lay people of the Misericordia holiness which bears witness to Mother in the fields shine by their colors and Family is the following: Rosalie’s exemplary life: their perfumes which already enliven our soul with joy and happiness.” 3 “Mother Rosalie, model of heroic “Throughout her life, Rosalie was virtues… How are we going to live these attentive to all forms of misery around What joy to see that we too have virtues?” her as she constantly tried to model a “spiritual flower”. It is a violet her attitude on that of Christ’s and that leaves behind the fragrance of What a challenging and motivating spi- simplicity, humility and modesty for to practice evangelical virtues in an ritual journey for those who walk in the these were the virtues with which footsteps of the Risen Lord! exemplary way as a spouse, as the our Venerable Mother Rosalie was It therefore seems that the mother of a large family of eleven child- permeated. ren and as the foundress of a religious Venerability of Mother Rosalie, pro- “Mother Rosalie, model of heroic mulgated by Pope Francis in December institute dedicated to the service of single mothers and their children. virtues… How are we going to live 2013, invites the believers to rediscover these virtues?” virtues as a spiritual treasure which Rosalie’s whole life was that of seeking gives meaning to their Christian lives. It is up to us to rediscover God’s will for her in an effort to respond these spiritual treasures and To better practice these virtues in daily fully to his divine will. It is through to move forward on our path life, let us look at what is said in the various stages of physical and spiritual of humanity and holiness… Catechism of the : motherhood that she succeeded. Rosalie 1 Cadron was a fulfilled woman. She was Catechism of the Catholic Church, Librera Editrice “A virtue is the habitual and firm dispo- Vaticana, Vatican City, 1997, no. 1803. a Christian in the process of becoming 2 Positio, file on virtues and the reputation for holiness, sition to do the good. It allows the per- one as she journeyed toward something Volume I, page 363. son not only to perform good acts, but 3 more and better. The practice of virtues Fr. Gilles Jeanguenin, Les vertus dépoussiérées par saint to give the best of himself. The virtuous François de Sales, (Dusted off virtues by Francis de Sales) allowed her to become closer to the Éditions de l’Emmanuel, Paris, 2012. person tends toward the good with all 2 his sensory and spiritual powers; he perfect model that is Christ Jesus.”

For your intentions For prayer support, send your intentions to RCJC and these will be deposited on the tomb of Mother Rosalie. Rest assured that the large Misericordia Family, the Sisters and Lay People, will be united in prayer with you daily to ask God to help you. Every Friday, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. your prayer requests will also be placed on the altar of the chapel of the Motherhouse during the Misericordia Adoration hour.

Rosalie Cadron-Jetté 1794-1864 Secular Life Religious Life Cause • Rosalie is born in Lavaltrie • Rosalie opens the Hospice de • Documents on the heroic nature (Québec) on January 27, 1794. Sainte-Pélagie for single of Rosalie’s virtues were • She marries Jean-Marie Jetté on mothers, on May 1st, 1845. deposited at the Vatican in 1994. October 7, 1811. • She establishes the Misericordia • On December 9th, 2013, Pope • Together, they have 11 children. Sisters’ Community on Francis ordered the promulgation of the Decree of Venerability of Only six survive. January 16, 1848. Rosalie. • Jean-Marie dies of cholera on • Rosalie becomes “Mother of • The Roman postulator is June 14, 1832. the Nativity”. Mr. Éric Sylvestre, p.s.s.. • Once her family is grown-up, • She dies on April 5, 1864, • The vice-postulator is Rosalie takes care of the needy. at age 70. Mrs. Hélène Grégoire.

2 Prayer Martine Fradet You who gather in the marshes Come and teach us the love of dawns, Rosalie of life! Reeds crushed by the storms Of life, Life which is eager to spring up, Little flower, delicately perfumed, to open out Come and teach us how to restore Humble violet in a secret garden, Rosalie, Without breaking the spirit, Rosalie, without ever destroying it, Rosalie of life!

Come and teach us the subtle Rosalie, aroma Rosalie of Life! Yvon Langlois Of simple things, of fragile beings, You carry your lantern in the night, Rosalie, To bring light to the lifeless Rosalie of life! And wounded hearts,

Prayer Group of the Continuous Novena to Rosalie This prayer group was set up to bring together men and women of prayer who wish to participate in the Misericordia Family continuous novena. We need your spiritual breath. If you wish to be part of this prayer group, please phone the Rosalie-Cadron-Jetté Centre or send us your complete home address either by mail or the Internet. We will send you the nine days of prayer allotted to you and the novena booklet. United in prayer.

DURING THIS TIME OF REJOICING, OUR MOST SINCERE GRATITUDE TO BISHOP IGNACE BOURGET… Today, if Rosalie is promulgated Bishop Bourget used to say, servant of God. This was to be the “Venerable” by Pope Francis, we “Mother of the Nativity has to first diocesan stage in the process owe it to Bishop Ignace Bourget, be canonized. Let me repeat it. of her canonization. the Bishop of Montreal from 1840 She no longer needs humility. The Church has pronounced to 1876. Bishop Bourget had You must have enough faith and itself… perceived Rosalie’s exceptional confidence in her protection to soul. He had recognized in her the obtain miracles and then the Bishop Bourget’s wish is being gifts of mercy with which God had Church will pronounce itself.” realized 150 years after Mother blessed her and he was inspired to Rosalie’s death. Bishop Ignace Bourget himself ask her to found the Community of gave testimonies of Mother of Many of us will be celebrating the the Misericordia Sisters. the Nativity. In his writings, he Venerability of our dear Mother After the death of Mother of the highlighted the virtues of the Rosalie, an exceptional event in Nativity, this visionary man had foundress. In 1879-1880, he the Church, and we are assured the intuition to ask the Sisters collaborated in the drafting of that Bishop Bourget will be in to gather testimonies which later the Constitutions of the Institute communion with us. made it possible for Rosalie, and in a prophetic initiative Mother of the Nativity, to be he encouraged people to give glorified. eye-witness accounts of the Lise Bouchard and Denise Tessier

IMPORTANT: PLEASE INFORM THE RCJC OF FAVOURS OBTAINED! 3 Bulletin Board Martine Fradet Events surrounding the the members of the Heritage Group and The Church is located at 1341, Notre-Dame the Francophone members of the Street; the room The Caribou, on 1991, Venerability of Rosalie Misericordia Family. rue Notre-Dame and the Maison Rosalie- Cadron, to 1997, Notre-Dame Street. The members of the Heritage Group of Other celebrations will be held in May. the International Misericordia Family You are invited to a special Mass at the On Sunday, September 28, 2014 at will be holding their annual meeting at the St. Antoine de Lavaltrie Church on 11:00, you are invited to another spe- Motherhouse of the Misericordia Sisters Saturday, May 24, 2014 at 10:30, to under- cial Eucharistic Celebration that will be on April 2, 3, 4, 2014. Approximately fifty line the venerability of Rosalie Cadron- held at the Notre-Dame Basilica in people will be gathering for a time of Jetté. Bishop Gilles Lussier of the Diocese Montreal. Bishop Christian Lépine will renewal, fraternity and celebration. of Joliette will preside this unique celebra- preside at Mass. tion in Mother Rosalie’s native village. April 5, 2014 is the 150th anniversary At noon, after Mass, a light lunch will be of the day Rosalie entered into the served at the community hall Le Caribou. It House of the Father and it marks the ope- will be followed by the opening of the exhi- For these celebrations we ning day for the celebrations of the bit Rosalie and the Misericordia Family at Venerability of Mother Rosalie. There will invite you to join us in your the Rosalie Cadron House at 2:00 p.m. The be a Eucharistic celebration presided by purpose of this exhibit is to highlight the thoughts and hearts and if Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte followed by life and work of this exceptional woman. a festive diner for the Misericordia Sisters, possible by your presence!

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Editorial Committee : Julie Beloin, Francine Blais, Lise Bouchard, Sylvie Faherty, Martine Fradet, Hélène Grégoire and Denise Tessier. R C Rosalie-Cadron-Jetté Illustrations : Page 1 and 3 : Sylvie Faherty. Centre Page 2 : Pierre Tousignant. C Translation : Monique Piché. Revision : Maggie O’Rourke, S. Marguerite Tremblay. Our coordinates: Conception, graphic design Rosalie-Cadron-Jetté Center and printing: 12435, avenue de la Miséricorde, Le Groupe Numérium inc. Montréal (Québec) H4J 2G3 ISSN 1718-7567 Telephone : 514-332-0550, ext. 1-330 The RCJC Newsletter is a E-mail : [email protected] member of the Association canadienne des périodiques catholiques (ACPC). Web site : www.centrerosaliecadronjette.org