A Journal for the Church The Inside the Vatican Story

Our Beginnings we went to “the heart” of the Church—to the Vatican itself. We launched Inside the Vatican But we had to find a way to be independent enough to magazine in April, 1993, with carry out our mission. So we went to “the top.” Encouraged $4,720 in initial capital. Our goal by Pope John Paul II, by his personal secretary, then- was entirely evangelical—we Monsignor (now Cardinal) Stanislaw Dziwisz, and also by wanted to spread the Gospel, the then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), “good news” of Jesus Christ, in we decided to launch a completely new type of magazine: an increasingly secular age. We were moved to act by loyal to the Church and the Magisterium, but modern, what we saw and read in the mainstream media: daily alive, fresh, and not controlled by any interest group, inside distortions and mockery of the Church’s teachings. The or outside of the Church. So we began, and so we have faith was depicted as an impediment to happiness and continued. This has meant that we have functioned in great freedom, not as the one great source freedom, but also without any of the of true happiness and freedom. As institutional resources which support young, idealistic writers, we wished many other Catholic publications. to counteract this mockery and Our Content correct these distortions by offering Since 1993, our publication has our own new, clear, and (hopefully) provided unique comprehensive and compelling voice in the “war of ideas” balanced coverage on the Vatican. We of our time. Seeking to defend the provide thoughtful insight into the truth of Christ and of His Church, reasons behind

Robert Moynihan, Grzegorz Galazka and Pope John Paul II the actions of the Pope and offices—we received an email the Vatican, in contrast to in August 2010 from Cardinal much reporting in the secular Farina, head of the Vatican media. We have covered most Library: “I am grateful to you for of the great spiritual, cultural having dealt with this matter with and social issues of our time great tactfulness… only you could from a profoundly Catholic speak freely on this point. Thank perspective. Each month, we you!” Many bishops have praised explain many of the Pope’s our work, saying it helps connect Professor Mary Ann Glendon homilies and publish the Catholics back to the Pope and the Father Benedict Groeschel complete texts of some of the most important of them. Vatican—the heart of the Church. We defend the teachings of the Church through thoughtful Join us! reporting on Vatican affairs enabling Catholics to keep t Subscribe to Inside the Vatican in touch with their faith and the . We write in a t Sign up for the Moynihan Report, a free email clear, unbiased way, so the Church’s words and actions Newsletter from Dr Robert Moynihan, at are better understood, and therefore more easily accepted TheMoynihanReport.com and defended by Catholics everywhere. t Subscribe to our online and digital editions at Our Readers InsideTheVatican.com Our readers range from former US Ambassador to Join us on one of our pilgrimages to places the Vatican Mary Ann Glendon, now at Harvard of great beauty, holiness and solitude: School, to Father Benedict Groeschel, founder of a vibrant t to the heart of the Church (stay inside Vatican new branch of the , have said Inside the City and meet with Vatican officials) Vatican is a “marvelous contribution to the New t to important places in Europe and the Holy Evangelization” and “our favorite magazine.” Pope Land (meeting with Church leaders) Benedict XVI has told us he appreciates our work. t to Vatican City for our annual meeting, We have a solid base of 10,000 paid subscribers in attended by friends from around the world 100 countries, including Russia, India and China. Our readers are very loyal and supportive with For more information, please one of the highest renewal rates in the industry —75%.­­ We are closely read call 1-800-789-9494 or visit even “inside” the Vatican, all Vatican InsideTheVatican.com

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