Effect of law changes on the innovation strategy of Chinese and Indian Life Science companie SCHUSEsSTI as reflected in US patent filings OC 2 201 by 0 CT 2 1 2010 by Meera S. Gupta LIBRARIES

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995



at the


September 2010

@2010 Meera S. Gupta All rights reserved.

The author hereby grants MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part.

Signature of Author: Harvard-MITiDivision of Health Sciences and Technology and MIT Sloan School of Management, July 2010

Certified by: iona Murray PhD. Associ(e Professor, MIT SloaSdol of Management

Certified by: Martha Gray PhD. Harvard-MIT Divsion of Health Sc ences and Technology

Accepted by: Ram Sasisekharan PhD. Director, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Health Sciences & Technology and Biological Engineering


I would like to thank my advisor and teacher, Fiona Murray for her vision, guidance and support throughout the execution of this research, and to Prof. Martha Gray for her support and comments. I am also thankful for the help of Devin Fensterheim and Kyle Jensen with the USPTO database download. I would also like to acknowledge the unconditional support of my parents and in-laws throughout the entire process. Without their help and encouragement, this would have been so much more difficult. I am also grateful for my BEP colleagues, Joanne Chang, Dan Wolf, Rafael Diaz, Lindsay Johnston, Andrew Koert, Zeenat Patrawala, and Ridhi Tariyal who made the journey interesting, fun and doable. Finally, to my kids without whom I would not have the desire to achieve this dream and to my husband, Siddhartha, whose unwavering love has made all this possible.

Page 2 Gupta, 2010 Page 2 Effect of patent law changes on the innovation strategy of Chinese and Indian Life Science companies as reflected in US patent filings by Meera S. Gupta


In this paper we evaluate how harmonization of patent laws in China and India to developed world standards has affected innovative research and development activity in the life sciences industry of those countries. The listed in the United States Patent and Office were used as a proxy to measure innovative activity. The number and types of patents filed over the period from 1976 through 2008 were analyzed for trends towards innovation. At a high level, we found that 'Drugs and Medical' account for only 6%of Chinese patents but make up 20% of the universe of Indian patents. When evaluating patent activity over time, we found that filings rose exponentially in the mid-nineties corresponding to the creation and implementation of product patent laws in both countries. India exhibited a much higher and steeper increase, likely due to its previously established capabilities as a generics manufacturer. When segmenting the data based on type of firms (academic, foreign multinationals and local private) we found that post product patent laws, local private firms exhibit more activity in India whereas local firms and multinationals show similar amounts of activity in China. In both countries, academic institutions show the greatest amount of activity compared to the multinationals and local private companies. We conclude that stronger IPlaws have resulted in greater innovative activity as seen in the exponential rise in patent filings in the life sciences industry in both China and India. Although India has shown greater activity compared to China possibly due to its established capabilities in the generics space as a result of its protective patent regime prior to the harmonization.

Thesis Advisor: Fiona Murray PhD. Title: Associate Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management

Thesis Advisor: Martha L.Gray, PhD. Title: Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Electrical and Medical Engineering, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

Page 3 Gupta, 2010 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS


LIST OF TABLES ...... 6 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 7 Chapter 2 INNOVATION & PATENTS......

Chapter 3 RESEARCH SETTING ...... 12 Chapter 4 EM PIRICAL DESIGN AND M ETHODS ...... 18

Chapter 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...... 21 Chapter 6 CONCLUSION & NEXT STEPS ...... 33 Chapter 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 34 Chapter 8 APPENDIX ...... 36

Page 4 Gupta, 2010 Page 4 LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1: Timeline of creation of patent laws of select developed countries... 12

Figure 2: Timeline of product patents in China and India ... 17

Figure 3: Number of life science related patents by country (by application year)... 21

Figure 4: Magnitude of increase in the number of life science related patents from China after creation of stronger patent laws... 22

Figure 5: Magnitude of increase in the number of life science related patents from India after creation of stronger patent laws... 23

Figure 6: Number of life-science related patents segmented by industry-type (China)... 24

Figure 7: Number of life-science related patents segmented by industry-type (India)... 24

Figure 8: Number of life science related patents by country with Foreign Assignee Type, sorted by application date... 25

Figure 9: Number of patents from China separated by assignee type... 27

Figure 10: Number of patents from India separated by assignee type... 27

Figure 11: Number of new entities with patents per application year... 29

Figure 12: Number of new entities filing patents, separated by category in China... 30

Figure 13: Number of new entities filing patents, separated by category, in India... 30

Page 5 Gupta, 2010 Page 5 LIST OF TABLES

Table 1: Summary of patent law history in China... 12

Table 2: Summary of patent law history in India... 16

Table 3: Overview of Indian and Chinese Patents... 21

Table 4: Overall distribution of patents amongst Public Institutions, Local private firms and foreign MNCs... 25

Table 5: The top 5 patent assignees in each country by category... 28

Table 6: List of patents from China and India in the Orange Book... 31

Page 6 Gupta, 2010 Page 6 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

Nearly every major pharma, biotech and medical device company is looking to the emerging markets as the next opportunity for growth. The traditional markets of US, Europe and Japan have saturated and the real growth is seen in the exploding middle classes of the emerging countries (Hill, 2009). This trend is evident by the number of companies that have expansion in these nations as a part of their strategy (Jarvis, 2010). More interesting is the number of companies that have set up research and development centers in these countries (Hanson, 2010). In general, investment in R&D by MNCs around the world has been steadily increasing with a large proportion of it going into India and China. In 2006, the world's top 1,250 firms invested US$510B in R&D in India and China (Parayil, 2008, Chapter 5, pg 289). It is clear that the MNCs are looking at emerging nations not only as markets where they can sell their drugs to a burgeoning middle class, but also as places with raw talent that can help them discover the next blockbuster drug or device to add to their bottom line.

This shift of moving innovative research and development activities to China and India has been precipitated by many factors such as a large supply of low-cost skilled professionals, compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO)'s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Rights (TRIPS) and the expanding numbers of middle class consumers (Parayil, 2008, Chapter 5). Of these, the TRIPS treaty has been particularly noteworthy. The treaty is an agreement that binds all members of the WTO to high IPstandards. It outlines minimum standards for protecting and enforcing rights including monopoly grants of limited duration, enforcement provisions and methods for IP dispute settlements. India signed off on the agreement in 1995 and was given 10 years to bring its laws into compliance. China signed off in December 2001.

This harmonization of IPlaws to developed world standards has been political and controversial and there are differences in opinion as to whether it is beneficial to the poorer, developing countries or not. Because patents eliminate generic competition during their terms leading to higher drug prices and reduced patient access, the policy hurts developing countries. On the other hand it is argued that patents create incentives for developing drugs for conditions that are endemic to those countries. In this scenario, patents may be tolerable despite the short term costs such as limited access to affordable medicines.

In this paper I will evaluate how the strengthening of IP laws in China and India has affected the level of innovative research and development in the life sciences industry of those countries. Stronger IP laws could lead to one of three scenarios:

e status quo -TRIPS leads to no changes in research and development activity, * Expanded local R&D by MNCs: pharmaceutical multinationals (MNCs) benefit by buying up local companies and establishing their presence to take advantage of the new markets for existing drugs e New and expanded R&D by local companies: local companies start to develop themselves as global research and development powerhouses

Gupta, 2010 Page 7 A comparative study of the impact of stronger patent laws on Chinese and Indian life sciences industry could lead to some useful insights. While a lot has been written about effect of stronger IP laws on the pharmaceutical industry of India, the China story remains unclear. We have chosen to study China and India together because both these countries are emerging nations (The New Champions, 2008) and both have recently harmonized their IP laws to developed world standards. Therefore, they are good comparative cases to evaluate whether strong IP laws have a positive correlation to innovation led economic growth.

We have used the patents database from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as a proxy to measure innovative activity. The USPTO database is rich in information and nicely organized allowing us to do multi-level analysis. The number and type of patents filed over the period from 1976 through 2008 were analyzed giving us more than 30 years of data to look for trends towards innovation.

The results indicate that innovative activity has exponentially increased in both countries since harmonization of patent laws. The magnitude of the increase is different and likely based on the development level of the industry in each country and on the details of the policies implemented by each country.

The next section contains a background on innovation and the effect of intellectual property (IP) on innovative activity. The section also includes a thorough literature review on the impact of strong IP laws on developing countries. Chapter 3 covers the research setting with a brief introduction to the history of intellectual property in the world with further detail on the evolution of IP laws in China and India to their current forms. The nature of the life sciences industry in these two countries is also discussed. Chapter 4 contains the empirical design and methods of data analysis. Chapter 5 lays out the results and discussion. The paper ends with Conclusion and Next Steps in Chapter 6.

Page 8 2010 Gupta, 2010 Page 8 Chapter 2 INNOVATION & PATENTS

According to Merriam Webster, innovation is defined as the introduction of something new - a new idea, method or device. It is derived from the Latin terms novus for new and innovatio for something newly created. Practically speaking, innovation refers to the economic realization of new ideas or knowledge in terms of products, processes or services (Beroggi, 2006).

Continuous innovation is necessary for the prosperity of individuals, companies and nations. Since ancient times, societies that have been able to continuously innovate are the ones that survive and thrive. Egyptians invented the pyramid, beer and learned anatomy but were overrun by the Greeks. The Greeks supported philosophical inquiry, art and drama as part of their economic and military success, but were conquered by the Romans. The Roman Empire expanded its territory with roads and other innovative infrastructure. The Ancient Chinese developed compasses and gunpowder. During ancient times, technical and cultural leadership passed from Africa (Egypt) to Europe (Greece and Rome) and then during the middle ages to Islamic societies and China. Europe dominated during the Renaissance and the US after that. Today, globalization has overcome geographic limitations. As Tom Friedman notes in his book 'The World is Flat', the playing field is now much more even for countries such as China and India and the key to dominance lies in the ability to innovate. Nations that are able to promote, reward and capture innovation will be the ones that are successful and prosperous (Gollin, 2008, pg 12).

Innovation is a complex process. Many factors drive innovation such as technical know-how, intellectual property laws, government support, university collaborations, risk-taking behavior, and availability of investment capital. Of these, intellectual property (IP)was specifically created as a key driving force for stimulating innovation. IPincludes patents, , trade secrets and . When a patent is awarded to the creator of a product, it excludes others from making, using, selling or importing the product for a pre-specified period of time (Chaudhuri, 2005, p 4). As a result, the creator is able to exercise monopoly over the product, charge high prices and reap the benefits of his/her innovation. IPaffects innovation by creating an incentive to invent. Additionally, by forcing disclosure it provides a mechanism to enable dissemination of the knowledge so that the innovation can move forward. In this way it captures, channels and shapes innovation (Gollin, 2008).

The pharmaceutical industry in particular is dependent upon IPprotection for innovation because it costs a lot more to research and develop drugs than to manufacture and sell them. In order to prevent others from imitating his/her invention, an who spends his time and money into discovering a therapy needs patent protection for a certain period of time for market exclusivity in order to recoup his/her R&D costs and enjoy profits. An empirical study by Taylor and Silberston (1973) for the UK industry showed that in the absence of patent protection, investment in pharmaceutical R&D would be significantly reduced (Chaudhuri, 2005).

Traditionally, each nation has been free to develop its own policies to dictate intellectual property protection. However, recently globalization has catapulted intellectual property to center

Gupta, 2010 Page 9 stage. As more and more companies go global, even subtle differences in IPlaws between nations have a big impact on the companies and subsequently on the larger economy.

In his prize winning book, Kicking Away the Ladder, Ha Joon Chang contends that IP protection, among other policies, are imposed upon the less developed world by the developed world in the name of 'good' policies however, when in fact these make it even more difficult for the developing countries to reach their economic goals. According to him, the developed countries did not get to their current level through the policies and institutions that they recommend to developing countries today. In fact, when these countries were still in the developing stage, their patent laws were very lax. For example, in the USA before 1836, patents were granted without any proof of originality. This led to patenting of imported technologies and encouraged racketeers to patent devices already in use and then demand money under threat of suit for infringement. Moreover, few countries allowed patents on chemical and pharmaceutical substances (only processes). As a result the patent laws offered very little protection. Moreover, in most countries, including Britain (before 1852), the , Austria and France, patenting by their nationals of imported inventions was often explicitly allowed. There were widespread and serious violations of IPR by even the most advanced developed country until the late nineteenth century and beyond. Therefore, Chang concludes that the developed world should not impose policies such as IPR on the developing countries and these countries should be allowed to adopt policies and institutions that are suitable to their stages of development.

In his book, The Development Dilemma, Robert Ostergard concludes that developed and developing countries purse different IPR polices based on their individual economic and political agendas. A developed country typically has established high technology industries, therefore a strong IPR regime is important for it to sustain its position in global markets. On the other hand, developing countries have low levels of technological development and no incentive to protect IPR. He uses case studies of South Africa and China to demonstrate the effect of IPR on developing countries with different circumstances. For China lax IPR protection was a means to support economic growth, whereas for South Africa a weak IPR regime was a means to protect its population against a deadly HIV epidemic. He concludes that the overall benefits for a developing country adopting a strong IPR regime are in marginal or even negative. Ultimately many ethical and moral dilemmas are created when the goals of developing and developed countries collide. Therefore the solution to the IPR issue is not a simple one and each country needs to be able to determine what policies are appropriate based on its own circumstance.

In his book, The WTO and India's Pharmaceuticals Industry, Sudip Chaudhuri also argues that the positive impact of TRIPS of stimulating research for innovation is questionable. The difference in research capabilities between the pharmaceutical industries of the developed and developing countries is so vast that patent protection only benefits the MNCs of the developed world. For the developing countries, the drug prices become high, limiting patient access and the diseases endemic to the developing world are not targeted for drug development. As a result, even though the local Indian companies may be successful in reaping financial returns, such gains are incomparably small compared to the cost of high drug prices. In addition, like Chang, Chaudhuri shows that most developed countries adopted pharmaceutical product patent protection after reaching a high degree of economic

Gupta, 2010 Page 10 development. Therefore he claims that it is morally and historically unfair to deny the developing countries the privileges that the developed world enjoyed at the corresponding stage of its development.

In their paper, "Strong Medicine: Patent Reform and the Emergence of a Research-Driven Pharamceutical Industry in India", Arora, Banerjee and Chaterjee looked at the impact of TRIPS and patent protection on the R&D returns of 315 publicly traded pharmaceutical firms in India. They found a positive correlation between patent reform and increase in R&D investment. They also measured private returns to R&D by using stock market valuations and found an increase in returns that corresponded with the strengthening of stronger patent laws -although this effect was found to be mostly concentrated in the most technologically progressive firms. They concluded that as a result of stronger patent laws, Indian pharmaceutical companies are increasing their research and development efforts and are seeing a net positive return on this investment.

Kyle and McGahan also looked into the relationship between patent protection and investment in new drug development. They found that patent protection is associated with an increase in research and development (R&D) effort, but only for diseases endemic to high income countries. The market potential of neglected diseases of the developing world is not high enough to promote research and development despite strong patent laws. They defined research and development effort by the number of new clinical trials initiated per year for a specific disease. To evaluate the potential market size for each disease, they used the number of people dying from a disease by country and year. They found that global patent protection is associated with increase in R&D effort of diseases associated with populations of high income countries. For less wealthy countries, R&D effort does not increase with increased patent protection.

Most of the research regarding the effect of stronger patent laws has forewarned negative effects on developing countries. In contrast, Arora's paper evaluated the Indian life sciences market and found a positive correlation between stronger patent laws and economic returns to domestic firms. We wanted to further evaluate the impact of stronger patent protection on innovative activity of developing nations using solid data analysis. The number of patents filed and granted is a good indicator to assess the level of inventive activity of a nation. Hence, via analysis of patent applications from both China and India we hoped to get insights into trends in innovative activity in developing nations after they harmonize their patent laws to developed world standards. In her paper, "The Impact of Higher Standards in Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical Industries under the TRIPS Agreement -A comparative study of China and India', Xuan Li conducted a similar analysis and studied the static effects on drug availability and prices as well as dynamic effects on amount of R&D investment and patent filing in both countries. She concluded that China has been suffering both static and dynamic losses compared to India. However, the specifics of the inventive activity remain unclear. This paper hopes to shed light on this issue by conducting a thorough data analysis of US patents filings.

Page 11 Gupta, 2010 Page 11 ...... :...... - ......


A brief history of Intellectual Property Laws:

Intellectual property protection has roots in early civilization. In medieval times, 500-1000 years ago craft guilds kept tight control over the transmission of knowledge within the apprentice system. The roots of intellectual property can be found in this practice of trade secrets as a way of maintaining advantage over others. The first formal intellectual , the Venetian patent decree, was passed in 1474. According to the law, anyone who disclosed a new 'ingenious device' was given the exclusive right to use the device. Others were forbidden from copying the device unless they licensed it from the inventor. As a result of this law, hundreds of patents were granted. During the Renaissance, use of and patent laws spread throughout Europe. In 1623, the English Court passed the 'Statue of Monopolies' that allowed the King to issue 'patent letters' to original inventions, but only for a fixed number of fourteen years. During the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714), an additional requirement for a written description of the invention was added. The led to continuous expansion of such laws and these became the foundation of the patent laws that were enacted in the US, New Zealand and Australia. Inthe US, the first was passed in 1790. In Australia, the system of granting patents was passed in 1624. The modern French patent law was created during the in 1790. The UK Patents Act which harmonized the UK patent law with the European Patent Convention was passed in 1977. In Japan, the Patent Monopoly Act was established in 1885 (Gollin, 2008)

Figure 1: Timeline of creation of patent laws of select developed countries

1474 16231624 1790 1885 1977

Page 12 Gupta, 2010 Page 12 Development of IPR protection in emerging market economies

Intellectual property laws are not as readily adopted in developing countries because their governments have to find a balance between industry protection and public health. Due to the pressure to give industries inexpensive access to technology and consumers inexpensive access to drugs, the governments of these countries typically resist imposing strict IPR protection. Copying successful innovations from elsewhere tends to be the least expensive way to meet this goal. Therefore the incentive for developing nations to impose a strong IPR regime does not exist.

Intellectual property law history and Pharmaceutical Industry in China:

China had no history of IPR protection. Chinese cultural legacy did not recognize private property rights. The Chinese considered past knowledge important public heritage and coupled with the need of elders to teach juniors through control and discipline, these cultural elements demanded the wide availability of intellectual information. When the intellectual property laws were developing in the West (mainly during the industrial revolution), there was no similar counterpart movement in China. Starting in the early 1900s when China's economic growth attracted foreign investments, foreign merchants started pressing for stronger IP rights in the country. A number of treaties were signed, including the Mackay Treaty of 1902, however they failed to be properly implemented. In 1904, the government enacted trademark protection and in 1910 the Da Quing copyright law, however, China's attempt to relegate foreign trademark and copyright holders to a secondary status led to the law's collapse. Attempts to revise these laws in 1923 and 1931 failed. In 1932, the government again enacted new patent laws however, their implementation failed due to lack of legal experience and knowledge. Following the Communist rule in 1949, two laws were passed according to which inventors received certifications of authorship and a monetary reward instead of the limited monopoly privilege. This system provided minimal incentives for innovation and hence produced little success. In the early 1960s, China underwent the Cultural Revolution and all patent laws were once again overhauled. The new regulation claimed that all inventions were the property of the state and no person could claim monopoly over them. The end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976 brought about a change in the IPR policy under the new leader, Deng Xiaoping. This time, the incentive to improve IPR was internally driven. Deng concluded that inventors needed incentives to innovate. China became part of the World Intellectual Property Rights Organization in 1980 and also established the Patent Bureau that year. In 1984, after extensive research of patent laws of other countries, China established their own Patent law. However, at that time the patent law excluded chemicals and pharmaceuticals, food, beverages and condiments as well as computer software. Pharmaceuticals were added to the law in 1992.

China implemented intellectual property rights (IPR) policy much earlier than TRIPS would have required it. Nevertheless, intellectual property rights in China are a recent phenomenon. Because pharmaceutical product patents were added to the law in 1992, we will take 1992 as the start year of pharmaceutical product patent protection in China.

Although the China's intellectual property laws are in place, their implementation and enforcement continues to be unknown and monitored by international and domestic players alike.

Gupta, 2010 Page 13 Pfizer's Viagra patent created headlines on this issue. The Viagra patent claims the use of sildenafil citrate, the active molecule in the drug, for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. In 2001, 12 domestic Chinese companies came together and filed an invalidation claim against this patent. Subsequently, the patent reexamination board issued a decision declaring the patent invalid. Pfizer appealed. In 2006, Beijing's Intermediate People's Court dismissed the invalidation decision and re- opened the case to evaluate the validity of the patent. An appeal has been filed from the Chinese companies to reverse this decision. The development of this case is being watched closely by Chinese and foreign companies alike as a test of China's IPR system (Langer 2007).

Table 1: Summary of patent law history inChina - Chinese cultural legacy does not recognize private property rights

e Several Trademark and Copyright Laws, 1904, 1910, 1928, 1931 * failed due to attempt to relegate foreign trademarks and copyrights to 2"ary status

* Patent law, 1932 * poor execution

* New law under Communist rule provided certificates and monetary compensation to inventors instead of monopoly privilege, 1949

- Cultural Revolution: all patent laws abolished.

* Current Patent Law, 1984 - Established Patent Bureau, 1980 * Extensive research of over 30 countries and internal experts

* Patent law amended to extend patent protection to drugs, 1992

e Law against unfair competition was enacted, 1993

- Further amendments enacted that harmonized China's patent system to WTO standards, 2000

Pharmaceutical Industry in China

China has a rapidly expanding pharmaceutical industry. China's pharmaceutical industry picked up growth after the mid-1980s when the government relaxed state-controls and generated competition among the suppliers. In 2003, there were almost 4,300 pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in China. Chinese firms are known for their expertise in manufacturing of bulk drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). China is the world's second largest producer of pharmaceutical ingredients, and the largest producer of many products such as penicillin, vitamin C, terramycin, doxycycline hydrochloride and cephalosporins. It is also promoting innovative research in the area of traditional Chinese medicines. However, the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is relatively small and highly fragmented (Parayil G., D'Costa, 2008).

Gupta, 2010 Page 14 Pharmaceutical industry and Intellectual property law history in India:

As part of the British colony, India was the beneficiary of the UK patent laws. The Patents and Design Act of 1911 guaranteed product patenting rights to drug companies. As a result, production and distribution of medicines in India was almost entirely under the control of MNCs and the prices of medicines in India were one of the highest in the world. By 1970, MNCs dominated with more than two- thirds market share in India. However, in 1970, twenty years after independence from the British, the Indian government passed the Indian Patent Act in which they did away with product patents. Under the Act, drugs could be patented only for a new method or process of manufacture and not for the product. The life of a patent was also reduced from about 16 years to five years from the date of sealing or seven years from the date of filing of complete specifications, whichever was shorter. For patents other than drugs, the duration was 14 years. As a result, indigenous firms were able to develop reverse engineering capabilities and innovate new processes of producing existing drugs (generics), thereby increasing competition to the MNCs. 'This resulted in a substantially declined market share for the MNCs. In 1970, before the patent law came into effect, MNCs occupied 68% of the Indian pharmaceutical market. In 1991, this declined to 40%. (Chaudhuri, 2005). Consequently, India developed a reputation as a producer of low-priced generic drugs. Infact, it is currently the biggest producer of generics by volume and the leading exporter of medicines to developing countries (Lee, 2008). In 1995 however, the Indian government became a member of the WTO and had to sign the TRIPS agreement which forced it to update its patent laws to conform to global patent standards by 2005.

India had ten years to come into compliance with TRIPs. Although the treaty was signed in 1995, the laws were put into effect over a period of 10 years through a number of amendments culminating in the final patent regime in January 1, 2005. The basic provision of TRIPS lies in Article 27.1 which states that all member nations must make patents available for all inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology. The provision also states that all members must provide full patent protection to pharmaceuticals (Lee, 2008). India brought its laws into compliance via three amendments:

1. The first amendment was passed in 1995 in which the Indian government implemented the "mailbox" rule. This rule provided a system for filing patent applications. Although these applications would only be examined after India started granting product patents. 2. The second amendment, passed in 2002, lengthened the patent term to 20 years and also modified the compulsory licensing requirements and the burdens of proof for . 3. The third and final amendment was passed in 2005, when the Indian started granting product patents.

Page 15 Gupta, 2010 Page 15 Because the TRIPS agreement was signed in 1994, the market had knowledge of the impending changes since then. As a result, starting as early as 1995, firms were able to change their internal strategies to take advantage of this impending shift in policy. Moreover, because drug discovery timelines often span more than ten years, firms would have had to react to such policy changes early enough in order to enjoy benefits by 2005. Therefore, we took 1995 as the date when the market started reacting to the new patent laws despite the uncertainty in implementation.

In 2005, a provision 3(d) was added with the final amendment that raised some controversy. This provision in Section 3(d) of the amendment states certain conditions which do not count as patentable inventions. For example, incremental improvements to existing therapies which do not afford significant improvement in efficacy may not count as a patentable invention. The purpose of this provision was to prevent frivolous patents that are only trivial modifications of existing inventions.

A case in point has been the patent rejection of Novartis's Gleevec, a drug for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). In 1993, Novartis filed worldwide patents for the active molecule of the drug, imatinib, however it did not file in India because at the time the 1970 patent law of India did not allow patenting of product patents. In 1995, Novartis filed a "mailbox" patent in India for the salt form of the drug which was 30% more efficacious than the active molecule in the original 1993 . However, when the patent application was reviewed by the Indian patent in 2006, it was rejected on the grounds that the 1995 Indian application lacked originality and inventiveness compared to the original 1993 patent and because it did not meet the "enhanced" efficacy requirement of Provision 3(d). Novartis appealed on the grounds that Section 3(d) was not compliant with TRIPS and that it was vague and ambiguous and thus discriminatory against Novartis. The case is currently in review by a special tribunal of the Indian judicial system called the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB). India's patent laws need to be clear and reliable in order to effectively advance innovation. The result of such cases will determine how companies view the IP-related policy changes (Lee, 2008).

Table 2: Summary of patent Law history in India - British Patent and Design Act, 1911 - Product and process patent regime. - Life of drug patent: 14 yrs

- Patents Act, 1972 - Patent only method or process - Life of patent: 5-7 years - Only one method / process patentable

- Signing of the WTO TRIPS Treaty, 1995 * Patent Amendment Bill allowed filing and handling of product patent applications

- Product Patent regime in place, 2005 - Firms granted product patents in India

Page 16 Gupta, 2010 Page 16 Pharmaceutical Industry In India

As mentioned above, India is known worldwide as a prominent manufacturer of generic drugs. It supplies 22 percent of the world's output of generic drugs (Ch5 NAID, pg. 118). In 2005-06, India exported drugs, pharmaceuticals and chemicals worth $58 to a large number of countries including the United States, , Germany, Russia and China (Ch 5, NAID, pg 119). India has the largest number of FDA-approved manufacturing facilities besides the United States.

Both India and China are emerging economies that have recently come in line with the global patent laws. As a result, they are good models to assess whether or not harmonization of patent laws has been good for the host country in terms of fostering greater innovation.

Figure 2: Timeline of product patents in China and India


Effectively no patent laws Product patents



Product Process Transition Product patents patents period patents

1970 1995 2005

Page 17 Gupta, 2010 Page 17 Chapter 4 EMPIRICAL DESIGN AND METHODS

We chose to use patents as a proxy for measuring innovative activity of a nation. Unlike other forms of innovations such as trade secrets, journal articles, inventions that are not formally recorded etc., patents are quantifiable. Therefore by using patents it is possible to understand patterns and trends over time.

Ideally we would like to look at patents filed in the respective country. However, that data is not readily available. China has a patent website, however the patent filings are not broken down by industry type. The data from India's patent website is also limited. Therefore, we chose to look at patent filings in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The United States continues to be a leader in the market and therefore it is safe to assume that any innovation that has economic value will be filed with the USPTO. Moreover, the USPTO has been collecting patents data for over 100 years and has the data available in digital format since 1976, providing a solid length of time to do trend analysis. The patent data is also rich in information that enables us to dig deep and learn more about types of innovations, countries that they originate from etc.

We limited our study to the life sciences industry because of the particular importance of intellectual property to this industry. The life sciences industry is unique in that it takes a lot more investment to discover a drug than to produce it. Therefore it is very important for a company that discovers a therapy to be ensured market exclusivity so that it can recoup its investment. Limiting our search to the life sciences industry also helps eliminate any inter-industry variations allowing us to do a more in-depth analysis.

Hall, Jaffe and Trajtenberg in their NBER working paper series 8498, "The NBER patent Citations Data File: Lessons, Insights and Methodological Tools" have developed a very useful classification system that allows one to bucket patent data into broad categories of industries such as Chemicals, Computers and Communications, Drugs and Medical, Electrical and Electronic, Mechanical and Others. They use the classification codes of the USPTO to assign each patent into one of these categories. By using the classification codes for 'Drugs and Medical' we were able to limit our search to the life sciences industry.

We started by looking at the overall level of patent activity from each country. Using the advanced query feature of the USPTO website, we ran a search on all patents that had China or India as the assignee country or inventor country. The query was run on January 5, 2010 and includes all patents issued from 1976 through 2009.

Patent data was uploaded from the USPTO website as part of earlier works by Fensterheim (Fensterheim, 2009) and loaded onto an Ms SQL Server database. The dataset extends from January 29, 1974 till January 27, 2009 (38 years). It includes all patents granted during that period totaling 3,903,153 patents. Life sciences related patents coming from China and India were then filtered on the basis of the following criteria:

Gupta, 2010 Page 18 * Assignee Country or Inventor Country: The Assignee Country contains the country name of the patent assignee at the time of the patent issue. The Inventor Country contains the country of residence of the inventor at the time of the patent issue. We filtered for either of the two fields to be India (IN)or China (CN). * Classification codes: All patents are designated a code and subcode called the 'class' and 'subclass' according to the US Patent Classification system. This system is maintained by the Office of Patent Classification of the USPTO and is updated regularly to account for newly created and obsolete technologies and industries. The classification codes relating to 'Drugs and Medical' as outlined in the NBER working paper series by Hall, Jaffe and Trajtenberg were used. These included the following: * Drugs: '424', '514': * Surgery and Medical Instruments: '128', '600', '601', '602', '604', '606', '607' * Biotechnology: '435', '800' " Miscellaneous-Drugs and Medical: '351', '433', '623'

Based on the above mentioned criteria, a datafile of patents originating from India and China was created.

Dating of Patents and the Truncation problem:

Each patent includes the date of when the inventor filed for the patent (application date) and the date when the patent was granted (grant date or issue date). The application date is the closest date to when the patent was 'invented' and therefore the date of choice for our analysis. However, as one gets closer to the last date of the dataset, the data filtered on application date suffers from missing observations -patents that are applied for but not yet granted do not appear. On average it takes about three years for a patent to be granted although there is large variability. This truncation problem should be kept in mind when analyzing data segmented by application date.

We first used the datafile to look at the number of patents that were filed each year from China and India. As mentioned previously, we used 1992 as the year product patents started being recognized in China and 1995 as the year they started being recognized in India. We looked at the change in the number of patents per year post patent law changes to evaluate the trend in China and India.

We also used the sub classification codes to understand the distribution of patents within Drugs, Medical Devices (Surgery and Medical Instruments), and Biotechnology.

Finally, we wanted to learn about the type of companies that are filing patents -whether they are MNCs, domestic corporations or government-run public institutions. We first used the 'Assignee Type' field from the data file. This field designates whether the patents are from the United States or foreign and whether they are corporation, individual or government owned. We filtered our data for the following three fields: Foreign (3), Foreign Individual (5), Foreign Government (7) or unknown (-1). We found that using the assignee type field from the database was not useful as many assignees were clearly government institutions, but were assigned the code of foreign corporation. Therefore, we conducted our own search to bucket each assignee as either 'public institutions, 'local private' or

Gupta, 2010 Page 19 'foreign private'. Public institutions include government run universities and hospitals and non-profit institutions. 'Local private' are indigenous companies and 'foreign private' are multinationals. There were also some patents that were assigned to individuals and some that were from foreign public institutions. However their numbers were insignificantly small and therefore these were left out.

We dug deeper to see how many new companies were filing for patents each year. For each application year, we looked at all the assignee names and counted the patent only if the company or institution had never before filed for patents. This analysis we hoped would give us insight into whether stronger patent laws has spurred innovative activities by newer entities rather than companies with established R&D investments.

Finally, we looked at all the patents in FDA's current Orange Book and evaluated how many, if any, were from China and India. FDA's Orange Book contains a listing of all patents relating to approved drug products that are currently under patent protection. We hoped that this brief analysis would give us insight into whether the type of patents being filed from China and India have truly been innovative and led to therapeutic benefits.

Page 20 Gupta, 2010 Page 20 ...... -...... -_ _ _ .::_1-. 11 - I ., 11.1 1."......


The overall goal of this research is to understand the changes in innovative activity in China and India after strengthening of intellectual property laws in each country. To get an initial snapshot we looked at the total number of patents from China and India (table 3). Overall, China has 2.4 times more patents compared to India, but when we limit the search to the classification codes of 'Drugs and Medical', India comes out as having 1.4 times more patents than China. Overall, 'Drugs and Medical' form 6%of all Chinese patents and 20% of all Indian patents. Clearly, as an industry, it is much more prominent in India than in China.

Table3: Overview of Indian and Chinese Patents

China India No. of all patents: 15,537 6,562 No. of patents by classification codes for Drugs and Medical 977 1,322 Drugs and Medical as a percentage: 6.29% 20.15%

Source: USPTO, Jan 5, 2010

We then took the universe of "Drugs and Medical" patents and segmented them based on application date (figure 3). Due to the truncation problem mentioned in the previous chapter, the number of patents is seen to decline from 2002 in China and 2003 in India. However, we can assume that in reality this number will keep rising as more and more patents from these years are issued. Nevertheless, the data is informative. In the early years from 1976 till the mid-eighties the number of patents from both countries was virtually nil. We see minor amounts of activity from the mid-eighties till the mid-nineties and after that there is an exponential rise in the number of patents. This rise corresponds to the creation and implementation of product patent laws.

Figure 3: Number of life science related patents by country (by application year) Number of Patents by Application Year 200 C 150 100 50 0 E ai 1974 1976 19781980 1982198419861988 1990 1992199419961998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Application Year

-India - China

Page 21 Gupta, 2010 Page 21 ......

The sheer number of patents is greater in India compared to China. This is likely due to the already established generics industry in India as a result of the patent law of 1970 which established technical know-how in the country and enabled the indigenous firms to use the stronger IP laws to their advantage. In his book, 'The Development Dilemma', Ostergard says that developing countries can only benefit from stronger IPlaws if they have an established knowledge industry in order to conduct research activity leading to innovations/inventions.

We dug a little deeper and evaluated the magnitude of increase in the number of patents from each country. Figures 4 and 5 show the number of patents per application year from China and India. A trendline was drawn for each country from the product patent start year (1992 for China and 1995 for India) till the year of maximum patents (2002 for China and 2003 for India). We evaluated the increase only till the year with maximum number of patents because we assumed that the decrease in patents was caused by the truncation problem and the number of patents in reality will keep increasing beyond those years and not dip down to zero as exhibited in the graphs. Both China and India show an upward spike following stronger patent laws. But, India has a significantly higher increase compared to China (23.2 vs. 8.0). The much steeper rise in the number of Indian patents can be explained by India's established capabilities as a generic manufacturer. The generics process enabled India to invest in research for reverse engineering existing drugs and thus gave it a head-start into innovative drug research. The Chinese life sciences sector on the other hand was more focused on manufacturing rather than reverse-engineering existing drugs and therefore did not develop such research capabilities.

Figure 4: Magnitude of increase in the number of life science related patents from China after creation of stronger patent laws.

Number of Patents from China by Application Year y =8.0091x - 8.8727 120 R2 0.7895 100 80 Product Patent Start Year

c; 40 z 20 0

r-4 4 vy4 4 "q v-4 v4 .4 -4 .4 vp4 vY4 A4vr4 p v4 a4 . v.4r 4a4 v.4 r4 v.4 v.4 ...... APP~catlof Yeaw

Page 22 Gupta, 2010 Page 22 e - =:=......

Figure 5: Magnitude of increase in the number of life science related patents from India after creation of stronger patent laws.

Number of Patents from India by Application Year 200 Product Patent Start Year 150



0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 19921994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Having established that the number of drug applications from both China and India are on the rise since the strengthening of patent laws, we wanted to get additional insights into which sub-industry and which kinds of firms are responsible for the increase.

Figures 6 and 7 show the original data file segmented by classification codes. Classification codes as outlined by Hall et. al. allow segmentation of life-science patents between pharmaceuticals (drugs), biotechnology and medical devices (surgery and instrumentation). The data show that the rise in the number of patent applications in both China and India seem to correspond primarily to Drugs and Biotech. In addition, China shows some activity in the 'Surgery and Medical Instruments' category whereas India has virtually no patents in medical devices. This further corresponds to our hypothesis that India's steeper increase is due to its established capabilities in generics manufacturing as medical devices are not subjected to generics competition. As a result, India does not inherently possess any capabilities in medical device innovation.

Page 23 Gupta, 2010 Page 23 Figure 6: Number of life-science related patents segmented by industry-type (China)

Chinese Patents by ClassificationCodes 70


g 50 a40 ~30 E# Z 20


0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

Application Year

--- Drugs - Biotech - Surg - Misc

Figure 7: Number of life-science related patents segmented by industry-type (India)

Indian Patents by Classification Codes 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 U 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Application Year

- Drugs -- Biotech - Surg - Misc

Page 24 Gupta, 2010 Page 24 Next, we wanted to understand which types of firms were responsible for the increase in both countries. We used the "Assignee Type" field in the database to separate firms that were designated as 'foreign'. The number of patents by application date from China and India with Assignee Types of 'Foreign' and either inventor country or assignee country as China or India is shown in Figure 8 below. These patents are more representative of indigenous firms or institutions from China and India and are therefore a better reflection of innovative activities in the host countries. The data in previous figures (4-6) includes US-based MNCs that have collaborations with firms in China or India or have set-up their own subsidiaries there. It must be kept in mind however that 'foreign' also applies to 'non-US' firms and therefore figure 8 also includes those MNCs that are not based in US such as European based MNCs. Nevertheless, figure 8 show a trend similar to figures 4-6. The number of patent filings is seen to explode from the mid-nineties onwards in both countries.

Figure 8: Number of life science related patents by country with Foreign Assignee Type, sorted by application date.

Number of Patents by Application year with Assignee Type of Foreign 200 150 100 50 -0 E z 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 19921994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Application Year

-India China

We then divided the patentees (or assignees) into three categories: Public Institutions, Local Private Firms and Foreign Private firms (see Methods section). Table 4 below is a summary of the overall distribution of patents by assignee type pre and post transition to product patents.

Table 4: Overall distribution of patents amongst Public institutions, Local private firms and foreign MNCs.

Overall Pre-transition Post-transition China India China India China India Public 206 (37%) 514 (47%) 21 (57%) 29 (23%) 185 (36%) 485 (51%)

Institutions I I Local Private 170(30%) 405 (37%) 3 (8%) 25 (20%) 167 (32%) 380(40%) Foreign Private 182 (33%) 166 (15%) 13 (35%) 74(58%) 169 (32%) 92 (10%)

Before product patents were introduced (pre-transition), public institutions had the highest percentage of patent applications in China (57%) whereas foreign private MNCs had the highest share

Gupta, 2010 Page 25 (58%) in India. This makes sense given the patent laws in each country in that era. India had strong patent laws and therefore attracted foreign multinationals who established their facilities to carry out drug research at low costs and sell drugs at high prices. On the other hand, China did not have a strong patent system and hence multinationals stayed away from that market. In this pre-transition period, the actual number of patents from public institutions is approximately the same between China and India.

Post-transition, public institutions have the highest proportion of patents in both countries. Also, in the post-transition period China has an equal number of patent applications from local and foreign firms whereas India has a significantly higher applicant pool from local than foreign private firms. The difference in the sheer number of patents in both countries pre and post transition is also significant. This much higher activity form local private firms in India is interesting. Even though both countries have strong patent laws, it seems that the local firms in China have not been able to capitalize on the opportunity of innovation led drug research as much as Indian firms. The most likely reason for this as mentioned before is because India already had established research capabilities due to its 1970 patent law that promoted local industries to copying existing drugs . Another explanation can be found in the type of R&D policies followed by each country. China requires that in order for MNCs to invest in the country, they need to conduct some R&D functions in China, as a return for market access (Parayil G., D'Costa A.P., 2008). In addition, the Chinese government offers tax incentives for MNCs to open up R&D facilities. This creates an additional incentive for multinationals to establish their research presence in exchange for low cost and market access. Whereas in India, the dominance of a local industry and lack of government incentives reduces the activity of foreign MNCs.

To understand this activity better, we segmented the above data by application year (Figures 9 & 10). The data confirms the significant role of public institutions in new patent generation in both countries. Table 5 below lists the most prominent institutions from each country filing patent applications. In India, the Center for Scientific and Industrial Research stands out as the largest IPfiler. In China, there is no one institution that is dominant over the others.

Figures 9 and 10 also show that while government is the biggest IP producer, local private industry has just started to become inventive in both countries recently (1990s). So even though China is not as developed in its patenting capabilities as India, nevertheless, its industry is moving in the right direction. In fact, in figure 9 we can see that the activity from local firms surpasses foreign firms starting at year 2000. Therefore, we can conclude that strengthening of patent laws has led to innovative activities in both countries regardless of their developmental level before the laws changed. From table 5, we can see that in India there are a few firms that are doing a lot of the inventive work (notably, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, and Biocon), whereas in China there are a lot many players with smaller contributions. This further confirms the fragmented nature of the Chinese life sciences sector.

Page 26 Gupta, 2010 Page 26 ......

Figure 9: Number of patents from China separated by assignee type

Number of patents from China separated by assignee type 40 35 30 C 25 20 d 15 z 10 5 0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Application Year

- Public Institutions - Foreign Private - Local Private

Figure 10: Number of patents from India separated by assignee type Number of patents from India separated by assignee type 120






0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Application Year

- Public Institutions - Foreign Private - Local Private

2010 Page 27 Gupta, 2010 Page 27 ...... I I'll I ...... I., ......

Table 5: The top 5 patent assignees in each country by category

Pre-Transition Post-transition

IName patents Name patents Public Institutions 1 Center for Scientific and Industrial Research Center for Scientific and Industrial Research 377 2 National Institute of Immunology National Insitute of Immunology 10 3 All India Institute of Medical Sciences Univ of Delhi 4 Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics / Sree Chitra Tirunal Inst. for Medical Science & National Research Development Corporation / 4 Technology Department of Biotechnology 3 5 Sarabhai Research Centre Foreign Pnvate 1 Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft CV Therapeutics, Inc. 1g 2 Ciba-Geigy Corporation Natreon 9 3 Rohm and Haas Company AstraZeneca AB 7 4 Aktiebolaget Astra Sabinsa Corp 7 5 Conopco Uposome Company 7 Local Private 1 Cadlia Laboratories Limited Dr. Reddy's Laboratories 5g 2 Godrej Soaps Limited Ranbaxy 37 3 Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation Dabur Research Foundation 24 4 Zeneca Limited Panacea Biotech 18 Blocon 15

Public Institutions 1 China National Seed Corporation 2 Chinese Academy of Sciences 12 2 Tsinghua University 1 Univ of Hong Kong 12 3 Beijing Information Technology Institute 1 Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 10 Biomedical Engineering Development Center of Sun 4 Yat-Sen University ofMedical Science 1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 9 Third Military Medical University Chinese People's 5 many more at 1 1 Liberation Army 6 Foreign Private 1 TaIshi Foods Company Ltd. Bayer Corporation 2 Bayer Aktiengesellschaft The Procter & Gamble Company 3 many more at 1... Aviva Biosciences 4 Schering Corporation 5 Hoffman-La Roche Inc. Local Private 1 Wide Trade Foundation Ltd. & Export Corporation Shanghai Blo Road Gene Development, Ltd. 2 none Sun Hing Optical Manufactory Limited 3 Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 4 Wex Medical Instrumentation Co., Ltd. 5 Shanghai Zhongpd Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Nanning Maple Leaf Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ShanghalJiao D Onity Co., Ltd. ,,

Page 28 2010 Gupta, 2010 Page 28 Finally, we looked at the number of new entities filing for patents. For each application year, we only counted the entity if it had never owned a patent in previous years (figure 11). Again the data shows that both China and India have seen an exponential increase in the number of new entities filing for patents after the mid-nineties, corresponding to the creation and implementation of stronger patent laws. China shows a higher increase compared with India, however the difference is not significant. When separating these new entities by category, we see that India has a lot more local private firms filing patents compared with China (figures 12 and 13). In China, the increase in patent filing between public institutions, foreign multinationals and local private firms is almost equal. However, the Indian life sciences sector shows a significantly higher activity in patent filing from the local private firms compared to public institutions and foreign multinationals. This clearly reflects that developed nature of the domestic industry in India.

Figure 11: Number of new entities with patents per application year

Number of new entities with patents 70 * 60 .50

i 40 30 z 20 10 E.0 z 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Application Year

- China - India

Pae 2 Gupta, 2010 Gupt, 200 Page 29 Figure 12: Number of new entities filing patents, separated by category in China

Number of new entities filing patents separated by category in China 30 C . 20

10 z0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Application Year

- Public Institutions -Foreign Private - Local Private

Figure 13: Number of new entities filing patents, separated by category, in India

35 Number of new entities filing patents, separated by category in India on 30 c 25 20 15 d 10 25 0- 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Application Year

- Public Institutions - Foreign Private - Local Private

At the end, this patent activity is only meaningful if it leads to innovative therapies. Because we have focused our research on patents filed in the United States, it made sense to see if any of these patents had led to approved therapies in the US. FDA's Orange Book contains a listing of all patents relating to approved drug products that are currently under patent protection. There are a total of 6,540 patents listed. We looked into how many, if any, of these were from China and India. We found that 5 are from China and 4 from India. Table 6 lists these patents along with the assignee, category and name. In China, 3 of the 5 patents are from foreign private firms and the remaining 2 are from public institutions (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences). In contrast, 3 of the 4 in India are from foreign private firms and the remaining is from a local private firm (Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals). This difference

Gupta, 2010 Page 30 ......

further supports the established research capabilities of the local industry in India compared to China. Although, both countries have a long way to go before their life sciences industries can be truly considered innovative.

Table 6: List of patents from China and India in the Orange Book

Patent No. Asiggnee Name ael App Year Patent Name 5192535 Insite Vision IncorporatedFoegPrvt 1990 Ophthalmic suspensions Stable porfimer sodium compositions and methods 5438071 American Cyanamid Company Foreign Private 1993 for their manufacture 5677331 Ciba-Geigy AG Foreign Private 1994 Antimalarial compositions Cancer Institute (Hospital), Chinese Academy of 5795911 Medical Sciences Public Institution 1997 Composition for treating Condyloma acuminata Cancer Institute (Hospital), Chinese Academy of 5968973 Medical Sciences Public Institution 1998 Method fortreating hyperplasia

Patent No. Asiggnee Name Category App Year Patent Name Shelf storage stable iontophoresis reservoir-electrode and iontophoretic system incorporating the reservoir- 6629968 Vyteris Foreign Private 2000 electrode 6890957 Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Local Private 2003 Liquid formulation of metformin 7183264 CV Therapeutics Inc. Foreign Private 2003 N-pyrazole A2A receptor agonists 7144872 CV Therapeutics Inc. Foreign Private 2005 N-pyrazole A2A receptor agonists

So, can we conclude that stronger IPregimes have been beneficial for the host countries of China and India? Although there is a lot of literature concluding that strong IPlaws are more favorable to the developed world, our research shows that for China and India the story may be different. The local industry in both countries seems to have reacted positively to the policy shift. The industry in India is certainly seasoned to take advantage of the strengthened patents laws along with cost advantages and a rising middle class to take a central role in drug discovery and innovation (Timmons, 2010). China too shows a trend is the same direction and coupled with the other government policies that encourage establishment of research and development facilities by multinationals, China will take advantage of the strong IPlaws to translate into innovation led economic growth.

Using patents as a proxy for innovation has its limitations however. Patents only capture a subset of innovations. By definition, a patent in an invention that is novel, useful and non-obvious. There can be inventions that do not fit this narrow definition. Some inventions are business process oriented. Or a company can simply keep trade-secrets. Moreover, filing and maintaining patents is expensive and virtually all companies (and individuals) pick and choose which inventions to patent. Therefore, patents are likely a subset of the total universe of all inventions. However, given their secretive nature it is impossible to attempt to quantify the other inventions. Furthermore, there is also a difference between invention and innovation. While an invention is the first occurrence of an idea, an innovation is the first attempt to put it into use by commercializing it. We can assume though that if an entity makes the effort, in time and money, to patent something, it is most likely to realize its economic value by attempting to commercialize it. Therefore, patents can be taken as a good proxy of innovation.

Also, all patents are not equal. 'Composition of matter' patents are more innovative than 'method of use' patents. Similarly, product patents are superior to process patents. In my analysis, due

Gupt, 200 Pae 3 Gupta, 2010 Page 31 to a lack of a way of distinguishing the quality of patents, all patents received the same weight. It would be interesting to evaluate whether the type of patents originating from China and India are simply more quantities of process patents or whether there is level of novel research activity in those countries that is leading to disruptive inventions. Finally, there is an issue of law versus enforcement. Although the Chinese patent laws have all the characteristics of a strong IP protection, enforcement in that country is reported to be problematic. This weakness in IPR protection has been a major concern for many foreign companies (Cao, Simon, Suttmeier, 2009). India also poses the same problem. Moreover, there are subtleties within the patent laws that need to be understood and managed. Such subtle yet important details will determine the response of patent law on the Indian industry and its economy.

In conclusion, the effects of a country's patent system on its domestic industry and public health are evident. India built a sizable generics industry as a result of a deliberate move by the Indian government in establishing a conservative patent law in 1970. Today, China and India are at inroads to becoming strong economic powerhouses. As a consequence, stronger IP laws may benefit Chinese and Indian local industries by encouraging path breaking research and development. However, the devil lies in the detail and the implementation of these policies needs to be managed to ensure success. (Timmons, 2010)

Page 32 Gupta, 2010 Page 32 Chapter 6 CONCLUSION & NEXT STEPS

Both India and China show an explosion in the number of life-science related patent applications starting in the mid 1990s. This explosion corresponds to the timing of stronger IP laws in both countries. Therefore, we can conclude that stronger IP laws have resulted in greater innovation in both countries.

Based on our analysis we can conclude that both India and China have seen an explosion in the number of patent applications since their patent laws were harmonized with those detailed in the TRIPS agreement. However, the magnitude of the increase is different and likely due to the development level and research capabilities of each country as well as due to the subtle differences in policies followed by each country.

As a next step it would be interesting to see the trend of patent applications filed in China and India and if this also corresponds to the increase seen in the US patent filings. According to a recent article, China has witnessed a continuous growth in patent applications. In 2009, The State Intellectual Property Office of the PRC received a total of 976,686 patent applications (http://www.chinatrademarkoffice.com/). In 2008, the Indian Intellectual Patent Office (CGPDTM - Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks) received 35,812 applications (http://ipindia.nic.in/ipr/patent/patents.htm).

It would also be worthwhile to go into depth of the types of patents originating from each country. True innovation should result in new therapies for conditions with unmet medical needs. A detailed look into the patents will also help answer whether the innovations occurring in China and India are beneficial to the local people or whether they are simply catering to the richer west.

Page 33 Gupta, 2010 Page 33 Chapter 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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3. Parayil G., D'Costa A.P., "The New Asian Innovation Dynamics -China and India in Perspective", Macmillan, 2008

4. Chang H., "Kicking Away The Ladder", Anthem Press, 2002

5. Ostergard R.L., "The Development Dilemma", LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC, 2003

6. Fensterheim D. R., "Knowledge Production at the Global Frontier: The Case of China", MIT Masters Thesis, June 2009

7. Intellectual Property (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History of patent law)

8. FDA's Orange Book: http://www.accessdata.fda.Rov/scripts/cder/ob/default.cfm

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10. Hanson D.J., "Asia Rising", Chemical and Engineering New, Volume 88, Number 3, January 18, 2010

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13. The New Champions, Economist, Sept 18, 2008

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15. Gollin, M.A., "Driving Innovation", Cambridge University Press, 2008

Gupta, 2010 Page 34 16. Lee, L.L., "Trials and TRIP-ulations: Indian Patent Law and Novartis AG v. Union of India", Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Volume 23: 281, 2008.

17. World Trade Organisation, Overview: The TRIPS Agreement, [cited November 2005]; available from www.wto.orq/english/tratop e/trips e/intel2b e.htm

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21. http://ipindia.nic.in/ipr/patent/patents.htm

22. http://www.chinatrademarkoffice.com/

Page 35 Gupta, 2010 Page 35 Chapter 8 APPENDIX

SQL Query:

select distinct Patents.ID as PatentID, patents.number, year(Patents.IssueDate) as IssueDate, year(Patents.AppDate) as AppDate, Patents.Name as PatentName, AssigneeTypes.ID, AssigneeTypes.Description as AssigneeDesctiption, ApplicationTypes.Description as ApplicationType, Patents.AssigneeCountry, ClassificationClasses.id

from Patents, PatentClassifications, Classifications, AssigneeTypes, ApplicationTypes, Inventors, PatentInventors, ClassificationClasses where Patents.id = dbo.PatentClassifications.PatentID and dbo.PatentClassifications.ClassificationID = dbo.Classifications.ID and dbo.Patents.AssigneeType = dbo.AssigneeTypes.ID and dbo.Patents.AppType = dbo.ApplicationTypes.ID and Patents.ID = PatentInventors.PatentID and PatentInventors.InventorID = dbo.Inventors.ID and dbo.ClassificationClasses.ID = dbo.Classifications.class /*and dbo.Patents.AssigneeType in (-1, 3, 5, 7)*/ and dbo.ClassificationClasses.ID in ('424', '514', '128', '600' , '601', '602', '604', '606', '607','435', '800', '351', '433', '623') and (AssigneeCountry =CN' I inventors.country = 'CN')

For Asignee Types select ye (Patents.AppDate) as AppDate, Patents.AssigneeName, count(*) from Patents where Patents.ID in (-) group by .ar(Patents.AppDate), Patents.AssigneeName order by

Page 36 Gupta, 2010 Page 36 List of Patent IDs for India:

(37833,52816,55452,126225,158236,188064,204529,231023,226233,261204,401028,420003,423268,4 69672,548899,646062,657845,670773,780890,791744,801900,806449,847727,870585,1055758,106830 8,889707,1010730,967978,1078773,1179351,1179402,1208290,1208296,1288076,1159994,1167499,12 17727,1228616,1262237,1314820,1444051,1181498,1212290,1272235,1289990,1311363,1462743,172 6345,1925724,1305426,1316997,1318960,1334482,1336220,1349046,1356867,1362316,1390263,1428 321,1491012,1514362,1436476,1464734,1521877,1517930,1537692,1596436,1607552,1609730,16247 98,1677672,1821698,1633360,1650973,1690313,1719147,1725878,1809336,1822230,1878426,188452 4,1887598,1910221,2083356,1723877,1748894,1750998,1753510,1760702,1776172,1784881,1790237, 1793133,1795315,1803403,1815563,1835338,1858834,1903390,1908037,1941941,1981366,2028520,2 208257,2266213,2970828,1787692,1814631,1903353,1912026,1912899,1914759,1917752,1928234,19 32848,1944905,1944912,1953796,1956222,1972301,1975502,1981241,2004089,2018115,2020984,204 1416,2045690,2066518,2066523,2072990,2073404,2086225,2130032,2142458,2169760,2201929,2278 542,2293550,2297066,2545816,2001053,2007823,2017605,2036735,2063681,2071177,2086421,20925 66,2104257,2106973,2109855,2115471,2135490,2138847,2139289,2146120,2162598,2182165,218261 8,2185419,2211513,2211544,2211697,2245406,2248998,2251987,2269545,2280186,2283191,2293536, 2293878,2310069,2312851,2342647,2357516,2384078,2386010,2388201,2474204,2663797,2667191,2 127342,2141081,2142212,2162107,2213765,2217581,2231821,2239198,2242324,2248732,2266191,22 66226,2266241,2302657,2302657,2316162,2319214,2326003,2332180,2348025,2348197,2351519,235 7945,2363573,2367696,2373880,2374454,2377255,2380387,2397492,2397506,2438759,2446285,2446 521,2491595,2526570,2533135,2542797,2630028,2636396,2689056,2720249,2780589,2946151,29551 60,2988537,3004814,3009264,3086379,3567189,3866959,2276219,2283658,2316234,2322022,233244 6,2335669,2342903,2347992,2357960,2360793,2361181,2363802,2367498,2367576,2374254,2377077, 2388103,2391482,2397487,2408392,2413141,2416041,2416101,2416106,2416509,2419534,2419754,2 419961,2430465,2430539,2430803,2434344,2438496,2442704,2446520,2457571,2457601,2460770,24 60991,2470830,2470858,2471049,2474216,2474416,2498672,2501904,2509409,2512617,2516184,253 6443,2536468,2539774,2542587,2548460,2564917,2565123,2578586,2578834,2581482,2584797,2584 996,2588063,2591900,2599000,2609164,2616082,2623452,2636153,2639703,2639913,2646807,26496 47,2660775,2670644,2673967,2677434,2714022,2720267,2739447,2790364,2796382,2799894,284049 0,2861175,2877623,2882795,2907675,2946011,2976044,2985437,3018394,3028330,3038192,3101330, 3105141,3170597,3186752,3548624,3559127,3641946,3648213,3658789,3827172,2416316,2423635,2 430587,2435089,2438911,2454071,2454356,2461298,2464251,2470817,2477105,2479489,2479491,24 91101,2495082,2498663,2505670,2505672,2512794,2515541,2526289,2532916,2536688,2562209,256 2210,2565360,2568230,2578371,2578594,2581431,2584395,2584606,2587602,2591472,2595035,2598 081,2598340,2598554,2601859,2612592,2612815,2619657,2619839,2619873,2626798,2626835,26296 86,2630158,2632889,2633331,2639707,2643034,2649849,2655376,2658161,2658177,2660405,266340 2,2663621,2667387,2667540,2680502,2685282,2688496,2688723,2688746,2691831,2695468,2699601, 2699703,2706906,2719851,2730062,2736253,2742796,2746130,2752878,2759660,2759667,2759863,2 763430,2780088,2783542,2790064,2805867,2809029,2823310,2826573,2830186,2833296,2855086,28 58490,2858572,2861396,2871350,2880228,2895751,2896092,2904801,2930588,2951985,2954783,295 4783,2954947,2963109,2981965,2995230,2998318,3007151,3035951,3047201,3078835,3101506,3101

Gupta, 2010 Page 37 530,3101679,3109038,3135901,3146693,3153632,3153781,3160855,3177310,3189603,3189722,35743 84,3581614,3738919,2501958,2554369,2587886,2591788,2605614,2612589,2612999,2616088,261609 6,2623068,2636169,2640105,2643249,2646869,2660407,2663853,2667000,2667362,2667368,2673806, 2673972,2674218,2682844,2688537,2688539,2692254,2695880,2699136,2710695,2714163,2714194,2 716983,2720363,2723262,2726861,2726863,2735835,2736238,2736238,2739250,2739695,2756778,27 63314,2780455,2787169,2802683,2802992,2802992,2807614,2814443,2819899,2826786,2826957,282 9993,2833491,2836864,2840140,2874129,2880519,2882550,2882560,2887371,2895932,2895949,2901 601,2902016,2904601,2904605,2904776,2918810,2918833,2927892,2933573,2942787,2946017,29463 09,2955133,2960525,2965378,2965530,2972786,2973139,2978802,2978803,2978935,2991935,299845 7,2998530,3002620,3004967,3007143,3013860,3026157,3037983,3040629,3040633,3050394,3050666, 3063605,3067373,3086191,3086364,3093796,3101884,3105151,3119386,3119771,3122992,3123376,3 129788,3132107,3136153,3143056,3143241,3146306,3161008,3163991,3167177,3167293,3167317,31 77779,3522378,3523357,3537873,3555774,3559154,3563148,3581959,3585323,3614144,3621211,362 4585,3658788,3662469,3689973,3696955,3700729,3742331,3746085,3761274,3768844,3780877,3799 995,3821184,3834142,3844463,3850874,3897819,3916974,2732943,2850041,2861606,2877653,28804 06,2882445,2887554,2895934,2898717,2901999,2907831,2924945,2933951,2940086,2942788,294296 8,2945917,2946021,2954934,2962818,2963103,2995107,2998501,3009208,3015924,3026105,3037985, 3054182,3063607,3063943,3067229,3067377,3071215,3074689,3082836,3090134,3093778,3093978,3 097322,3101733,3105317,3109098,3109281,3112566,3119383,3122914,3126970,3129991,3132298,31 63701,3163806,3167485,3177453,3177596,3177596,3180821,3183686,3186781,3189769,3533713,353 3924,3542204,3548623,3552199,3563129,3567199,3574383,3574383,3581903,3585492,3607199,3607 375,3610441,3631504,3632691,3655410,3665833,3669593,3682593,3686453,3689789,3700714,37007 28,3704517,3717880,3723841,3723862,3726422,3746276,3757075,3761282,3814351,3824293,382661 2,3827438,3833950,3840953,3874645,3874953,3887368,3903808,3916646,3506752,3000792,3009549, 3011843,3028543,3031113,3037988,3054058,3060834,3105523,3109075,3119794,3122998,3135941,3 139503,3157308,3189612,3527552,3541854,3542158,3555540,3555794,3555933,3563138,3570852,35 74394,3574534,3589165,3596589,3600032,3614156,3621402,3627533,3627920,3645155,3669386,367 2573,3675606,3679017,3696795,3708060,3711491,3717586,3731774,3746234,3749856,3753623,3757 077,3757407,3788308,3792340,3796044,3796203,3796372,3816757,3817605,3820898,3855657,38557 38,3862595,3863106,3871041,3874504,3874835,3878686,3916763,3123316,3167528,3174092,357100 7,3589149,3592759,3621345,3621398,3627838,3693282,3757076,3780690,3784527,3784653,3796047, 3810525,3810652,3848122,3866645,3887052,3890821,3907116,3610593,3651634,3717716,3717898,3 753610,3760954,3792672,3800168,3803972,3807553,3810672,3814323,3851115,3858642,3862598,39 03640,3665980,3723306,3796048,3796375,3853270,3870581,3897792)

Page 38 Gupta, 2010 Page 38 List of Patent Ids for China:

(374528,490876,732503,689264,814882,820697,824527,873854,894220,906009,913504,937406,89501 0,933371,935507,938272,1002539,1092717,1143956,1121322,1096005,1144751,1160013,1221402,149 3034,1316744,1290578,1340067,1354920,1380867,1425002,1368193,1467072,1506942,1518059,1533 242,1564340,1605314,1609816,1679850,1482167,1521213,1529123,1533500,1581156,1636144,16468 84,1723647,1726221,1737624,1790574,1965889,2290456,1632825,1706918,1758458,1776532,180629 3,1841621,1942148,1758444,1762964,1841480,1846525,1871843,1891087,1903569,1922424,1925255, 2024521,2060437,1853664,1970087,1972289,1984791,2040927,2057357,2092516,2101439,2122040,2 162095,2235901,2251986,3123148,2024554,2063314,2068554,2075797,2128994,2133227,2166160,21 87664,2191671,2217279,2238767,2245396,2273016,2297098,2312788,2390140,2419486,2539928,256 5066,2823800,2855278,2973132,3136321,2155566,2194247,2249232,2249242,2262344,2292979,2309 642,2309796,2331606,2342339,2345540,2348032,2357959,2371165,2382588,2420189,2581818,29335 74,2942963,3074812,3617788,2322473,2389851,2393243,2401439,2442692,2450308,2457807,248674 7,2491583,2495075,2515392,2536402,2551093,2559436,2562550,2643423,2650010,2663113,2679551, 2682441,2682808,2687425,2699341,2732800,2735503,2756341,2852631,2867798,2873881,2957828,2 968118,2968452,3033344,3035848,3043801,3170613,3172349,3585182,3592428,3641615,3672565,24 79488,2487328,2490353,2491980,2522931,2526037,2526051,2529477,2536693,2564628,2565330,257 8625,2581224,2591442,2609377,2612561,2619661,2642986,2646437,2660976,2673772,2680515,2682 200,2691826,2702473,2706645,2710446,2720233,2747976,2749518,2753036,2763323,2769551,27770 50,2783952,2793323,2802672,2805491,2811515,2836671,2849873,2877752,2906077,2922065,293663 2,2946408,2951978,2970558,2992203,2998202,2998467,3002714,3050669,3105329,3130093,3142775, 3150035,3160646,3160850,3167473,3186929,3190075,3538382,3567212,3584755,3614097,3645104,3 658964,3803930,3817578,3830474,3505954,2655723,2682473,2705740,2739667,2766411,2797945,28 02799,2830412,2837067,2850025,2861372,2861596,2871083,2893594,2904366,2937037,2965335,297 0397,2991952,2995404,3005074,3009516,3011798,3021048,3028350,3040453,3040887,3040892,3047 029,3054186,3063935,3067696,3078570,3086570,3105342,3115703,3123332,3127025,3143049,31500 19,3153776,3167510,3186792,3534044,3545361,3559475,3563036,3588792,3592547,3603660,361024 2,3658966,3704250,3708213,3717620,3720982,3750271,3807331,2813798,2864818,2870335,2874557, 2907891,2991298,3013843,3025647,3063976,3074483,3086350,3097730,3097927,3098115,3101321,3 101666,3115886,3135764,3161036,3186512,3189748,3545389,3559138,3566972,3574378,3578299,35 88958,3592444,3624550,3627319,3631127,3649665,3652068,3666018,3669395,3731586,3735545,373 9052,3742486,3746272,3761109,3768685,3776723,3780543,3797698,3817606,3841244,3887392,3897 815,3918337,2892835,3009067,3018056,3032581,3112549,3115831,3139159,3142750,3146341,31776 08,3177608,3617499,3631287,3634885,3638551,3665804,3689682,3700509,3700521,3728581,375736 6,3765113,3799898,3807147,3817751,3834260,3866648,3870908,3903643,3153251,3533529,3555789, 3577612,3584751,3621552,3731622,3738822,3753503,3769045,3772597,3796170,3821003,3851202,3 887054,3900511,3903644,3904941,3913269,3613942,3644891,3661675,3726343,3817479,3870079,38 94035,3913064,3784530)


There were no conflicts of interest during the execution of this research.

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