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ATW ^MrNatPNaal ' TbsliniiiBMr r r r r r r r Wanmbt at V.B. Woattat lemi ed ^ O cll J. Fulton, 54, of 115 rear right rtda of tha boa straek t • ■ ..1 Tho marrtafo of Mlaa M ^ J. West Center street, passed the the left firoat fsadar af*tba car. Kblr, aaal ito iR b lawM Hobba of Horton road mM.Dai^l Rally Ready, • ■ * - - , “ 8‘aHon swung back police aaML Miner damage was paaeenri In t o agpor SOe. Leonard Saymaanak of Mctldon. 9 win bo aolomnlaad tomorrow mom- E n t e n i t g M d l l l S t * to the ngbt ahead of the car, the you’re ‘ ow ttet Wo. % tiig at 9 o'clock in SL Biidgat'a Reilly Says MtmchmUtr--A City of Villago Chorm mimmm ■tela ManM AMOoistlon, o^ii Chureh. hold iU «imn*l m «tm * ot the A Connecticut Company hue collared by and a passenger car were m- w Ta C9iA. * Worth Pork ftrMt, Hobart M Munaon. CTSA. aon Purtell, Riblcoff to Be (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE C n fH flockttUe, fcpt- •* A hodkl l^ o of Mr. and Mra. Banjaimin J. Mun* volvad In a alight. aeddant on Ship’n Shore VOL. LXXL NO. 218 S) MANCHESTER. CONNn SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1882 a td M p. wiU boiPUowod by a aon of 585 Porter atroat, who ra- At Saturday Program; Main atreat south of Oak street ’ ‘ m m a f t at T p. m. cantty completed 11 waaka’ train* yesterday afternoon. Patrolman ina at Baiabrldga, Md., la hoam Fireworks Sch^nled rAPPING FAIR S U P P ^ ]iiw t)n M K smith of Wothaia; on a 14-day furloufh. While there Albert Scablea InveaUgatad but New U. S. MobUiEer M d win hmomo thibrMo ct ha haw the rank of racrult chief Ben. WIIHam A Purtell and nuuM no arrest. SEPTEMBERS MorsMt. ooa of Mr. and Mm. petty officer and had charge of Congreeaman A A. ItlMcoE at tha Sacondo RaltaH. U . of Bolton, S S m Morcao of Woodland a company of 66 man. He expeeta Flrat Cengreaalenal' Dlatrlat will was pulling out of a parking lot Fast Bus Ralii^ to proceed amith. Tha bus, oparaV’ snvio S-7 P.M. Mfoot. thla town, tomorrow mom- a new aaaignmant' to Qraat Lakoa headline tha poatponad Labor Day Harriman Raps Ike Aims 10 o'clock In Oofpui CSirUU or San Diego for a yaar’a atudy aSurch. WotharofMd. at the Wavy Clectronica Taeh* poliUeat rally being aponaorad Iqr lAKIO HAM nldana School. A graduate of Man* tha Taxtlla Workara Union Local ■AKIO HANS * POTATO SALAD CapC Robert «. Holmm of 58 cheater High School, he atudlad 65 tonuHTow night at MoaM>rlal 4 3 QhnAM Oak rtroet wffl rotum for a year at UCOnn, and had a Field. WAmm FAIR CAMAOi SALAD Truck, Hurt 'iuaday from a two wwk* oum- year aboard as well as two on the truck. State police said the bus f W m Him. Mlldrfd Tedfdrd will tor by Oovamor Lodge. Is the Re­ SAT. IV I.«^ 11 M. ADULTS S1J0—CHILDRIN UNDID 12 iDft the road after tha coUlal<»n,W ro a oomneUe demmMdraUon at SEPT. 6 Mary Buahn^lJ^eney AuxlH publican candidate for the' sbe-ySaar 1'" rollDd down n ton^foot tmtonnkfntni f p, m. and aayoAr intamted la •anata term and RlMCoff la ra- » ADPnSSlOW—56e •nd Into n iMd. Tho tnm t of Mio wralooma Ur attand thu maetlnt. .ary...... No. 18,U8WV. ' ‘ “ will hold lU drat meeting of the fall aeaaon, gnrtof aa tba favorite to wiAtha hut wM rommod bock to tho thud Damoeratle nomination tomorrow fOW of ODOit* India Storm Nomination Near Tlw Mafllanaao . Society will Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Twenty-two of tha Injured wore Adlu Blasts Eisenhower D cm ocratl the State Armory. for the unaxplrad four yaara ot tlrt Sold Ra rofular mooUn* thla Sun Uta San. Brian McMahon's Urm. boapItaUaad and at least one wSa 4ay at tho Raliaa-AdMirlean Oub Reilly said tha rally will grt g IDLES FBOM MANCHESTER listed as “vary crlUcaL'' ToUatSSO, «B Sldrldca atroat at 8:50 p.m. It underway at about 5 o'clock with The Pannaylvanla Orayhowd GOP Rians Bids 100% Told PoUef la Important that all membdra at UN Group Slates an organ rerttal by Ontln Drtgga waa rolling along tba tumpCka Sva toad thla important mootln(. Ra> and that a Sraworka dlaplay wlB mliaa acntUi of hare. fraahaitnti and "ablohlaraU" will Hare's the wioHari, •waalaat ’cohor yet.M • klouaa “Bhrarybody aaamad to be Many L o st Birthday Party cloea tha program. For C h s^ e Is ‘Me saaarvod. The union will atao usa.tha occa- Woinad hy knowing hondt iMo lho WHihwiI Enos ■alaap but me," OUbart T alto, 85, Price Prop don to Introduce its four cMdl- of Mannlngton. W. Va.. said. ; lira . iRobart O. Donton of 19 Dataa were aet for the UN dataa for diraetora nomlnstienai you've over tot oyot aw. Ivor lovely, araf woahoblo “I waa dosing oE and my wife, New Delhi, India, Sept. 4 Hartford, Sept Staphan atroat loft loot weak for Birthday party and the Forelgi Matthew IL Paten,' Arnold M. luttrout cotton broodclolk. A lomh when It comet to Gladys, waa aalaep In tba aaat by (JF) '—Newspapers reported Denver, Sept. •— Kssson • Dodge Center, V A roa «raaka vlaK trlth bar aon StvdenU Week End, at the Execu* Klalnaehmidt, Columbus J. Mur­ my aide. Adlai Stevenson atormed Minn., Sept 4--<)p)>-Dwight AvsrsII HuTiman said aM dMiMW-ln*law Mr. and Mra. Mundarihg. and vary Mtanlad in Iha woor-avaiywh w today at least 860 pilgrims Uva committee meeting of the phy and Henry J. Cormier,, who A UAL COUmifY FAM Paopla Berfom perished and many others are through the West today, t>. Eisenhower made his old Dwight D. Eissnhqwor’a - Rabait B. Donton of Ooaur United Nation Aaaocfatlon of have been entered In both the Re­ dapiartinant. Paorl holterM. kwrral auBi- WWla aSd •Tba Brat thing I knew, thara heaping coals of ridicule on sign policy speech in VAlana. Idaho. Ska Uraa aecora Mancheater Tueaday. The former publican and Damoeratle prim waa a tarrlbla crash. My wtfa miasing in a fierce atorm that aeoMd Henry B. Pawlea (above) j'or the important fsiin vote dauflitar, Mlaa will be held on Saturday Oct. 25, Wappiai GMBMaKy Hm u tad BnaMb— I Taili gatialt. Sliat 30 to 40. and I wars thrown, against tha aa DItocto of Mm OSlea of Da- the Republicans for "Ulfitting today with a plan which he phis was ”a lO-poiat l panM tjF ' arias. caught them on a trek toward fewae MaMIlaatlao Fawter, wba of *ms-teo’ gsnsralitiss.^ DMMthy Deal and the latter OcL 55 and 26. aaata In. front of ua. Olaaa abat- the sacred eeat of the Hindu seif - righteousness,” and said would guarantee present Philip Burgeaa of tha Canter Ihei^ tarad all around. Paopla aeraamad. baa bean DaSanaa PraduoMan ad- pledging himself to an all-out Harrtmnn wns to have am -J^mda^aEKlwania meeting at plana la committee chairman for UTURUY, SEPT. i-NOON TO lllimMIT paaaangara tumblad into tba alala. gods on the high, glacial mlnlatratar. la a WaaMagtan aaS pries supports for another koyw^ oddNoa lost nMbs to t ir Country Club will the birthday party. I Marie C Fogai^ty lip £r Shore Cottons "I opemad an amarganey door in slopes of the Himalayas. Vkginia attetway. BHa aaw Job war against corruption in two years and then would medal Damoemtia ataU ______from the Newington Mra. Stanley Lorenaen la com­ RAIN OR SHINS — * LAROi HNTS^ tho canter of tha bus u d mast A ' apokaaman for tlw Indian tomarily waa beM by Cbnriaa 5C. government. ead to higher pricsh for ths tian but maebanlaal Iv atafat o CHpplad ChUdren. It will mittee chairman for the Foreign If Shower Guest of tba pasaangera sMa to walk got govammant said ha doubted If an Wlbwo. wba raalgaed last Slareii. The Demoeratle preeldential I'ennsrs. glrauadad his plana at Ealti Mwalat«' of a apeaker and a piotura StudenU Weak End. Anyone wlah- White and paataU—short and long alaavoa. Stripes—long alosva out of It." accurate count of tba da^ waa candidate hurled cutting words at Ha. oallaS for a wider range af In tbs wsaeb ' Blowing tba work at the home. Ing to have a foreign atudent aa 88 to 40. Tha Tablera wars treated for poaalbla, bowevar, bacauaa the pU- the OOP oa three major campaign 'ariig erap supports Inehiding am. tsdsy, tta a houaa guaat may contact Mra MlM Marta C Fogarty of Ridga euta and brulaas at Burlington grima ware acattarSd over many lSiUD4* ‘ ir protaotlon" t o produean difaator “ IS a aak borTito Mr. and M ^ Lorenaen. etraat, whose marriage to Ray­ County Hospital, Mt. Holly and milaa of mountain trails whan tha la Denver liaat night he talked la products sMh aa E. Laa of Harttort at the mond D. Hffault win taka pUea post numaoeii Hiowa overtook W est Asks about "crooke in govemmeat," and la m bOw sbd The aacond and final meatinc • ralaaaed. ' _ eggs, fruits end vega. f iS ^ r d ftoapital A ^ .‘ SO hM for the organiaatlon of UNAM wlU In Novambar, waa guaat of honor 2 - 9 8 Tho bus driver, Jowph W..F<». them. kidded the Repubiloaaa foe their taMao. bdaOOadt SaM. namad Itobart B. Leo, Jr. be held on Tuaaday, Sept 9, in tha , at a recant mlseallanaoua ahownr. t of 8442 Englawood atroat, Phila­ Thay ware struggling toward alogan, "It'a time for a ehangs.” Moat EoSaS E ato w “ISoDto as ba v .- J M r€ /tm la the former Mlaa ^ n a Fa^ratlon Room at the Center [ Hoataaaaa ware her alatar. Mrt delphia, Was among thow Injured the haadwatsr region of the holy Ha was due In Kaaaon, Minn., 'MdKaoieti of Maachaater. Thay Oangaa river for the annual Maui Big 4 Talk before noon today to state hla po- Elaaahowar aald the fa o M t a ra- MWypi faUcy, Out•6-HP MP9V Church. Thla will be the laat op­ Joaaph Maloney of Milford, and * _ IXHIRITS------and SUta PoUca aald ha waa not A. A. MEIOOIT tUTM must ba boostM from tba aiad^uye a girl. portunity for people to Join UNAM her coualn, Mlaa Patricia Fogarty, In condition to tall them what Maheab faatival, which draws eiUon on a farm .program, Hla a v e b RiI^ Hdanaatiiir' ainTaut that tta , aidaa said that in this apaaeh, as uvaaont tS par aaat of ferity to a at RapwWteaM la aa charter membara. who wlU be her maid of honor, FABM and HOME PBODVOB, POUL'TBT, UVESTOCSL Bond Blouses happened. thousands at- pilgrims. Tba storm aowtoh-Oomall-Quay Amari and at whose home tha party waa whipped acroaa the highest paaaSa wall, ha would cany tha fight to niU 100 por eant—rbut br waj^ that dug In ttrir baala Thla mealing wUI be held to dla- HOBBIES. 4UNIOB EXHUHTS, NEW CABS. TRUCKS. William P. Jamas, Jr., 41, of On Austria would "mlnimiao govoramont oyn- adit legion Foot and AuxUUry cuaa add vote on the ravlaad pro- given. .. Lake road, Oongera. N. T., waa —18,005 feat above aaa laval—at tha Rapublicaaa, pointing the dlt- ■>■“• agahiBt what ba asHi_^ X ” House Group Cuts gested four-power telks £ Uan bad triad to make tha Amari* ■treyara at London, Sept. 29 to complete paign. he has devoted hla apaachaa Isactivation of iht 43rd In­ can . farmer a “political eapUvo,' Sooul, Korts, Sept ten,® A formar Maachaater raMdant,| largely to definitions of hla vlawa ‘T Srmiy baUavo that agrieul —The U. 8. Fifth Air Force nBOMPnoNS Dannie Q. Colauan. 29, was sen* the accord. on tha main laauaa. Hence, the fantry Division In Ckmnscti- "N eat' In Identical notes, tha three tura la antitlad ta a fair, fu^ riiara said UN fighter OsMfalr GoHROBiiiad ^ tanoad to alx months In tha county | "foundation apaachaa" about which cut as a National Guard or­ a t tba national UioonM," Hlaan- Jell for paaatng bad chacka whan} t ^ tho SovieU hla UeutananU have bean talking. ganisation #ii|h|«t imdgF'HiDr day amaahad a A ir Force 'MflIaiHtewevib war aald, ....” and n n ir share faced Oonunon Plaaa Court Ha haa taken IltUa, If any, no­ donday vmsB Headquarters la net merely 00 par cant of part- Koroan army 1 Judge'Alva P. LalBaUa In Hartford relttctanuy—to limit Austria's fu tice of the Republican chargee in tha ■ aacond atraignt day of tura armed forcea. Thay aau and Headquarters (^mpany ty—but fuU parttR” yoatarday, CMaman waa bald on against the Demoernta, nor of tha (FaHty rapraaante s fair return m ■lx eounU of obuintng numoy by Washington, Sapt, b -4 /e ^ K day the auboommlttea had bi they ahw were wUllng to demand direct attneka on hla own raeord (£ ths ^d Bsttslioa sf tM MHittgiBg iaaaulf north- aaaurad tha project waa dead tolls to tbaifSnnar In What ba ra- EM tK orM L falaa pratanaaS. Ha had bean Houaa watchdogdog SUauneommittaa i«- Uua an ladapondont Austria guaf'jin govammant tl0£M Infsatiy lteglnisBi.inU eSivaS t o hla eh>p In relation to ■ought for soma time. It nas won a yaar^ld vtMtlng Wright Field, Dayton, antaa firaa alactlona. basic frsa- But in oanvar, the govamor let M iillpeeted for roorgsnisa- At.UM sartm and at tba battle Ohio, racantly, Tblowog part of a tha things ba must buy.) fivat. n a. litli Diririoa Infantfy- Cblaman has a roeord in the isrrs--. u . Aii doms and antl-Nart maosurM. Sv with some ahiup-pMatad ahafta tion in ths Wsterbury Elsanhawar uhvallad bis SiVNKt yMI a s 6 in local court and waa also sought from aStabllahlng a aeparaU mul- two wSaka’ toUr of mSJor Inatal- Tba nbtaa, deUavsrad by tba at hU oppoattton. And, althou^ man hamaiartd baek.a poaunualat lattopa at SL LouU, Me„ tha San armory, horns bass of ths farm plea In a apasob .prepared attoek with SOU aad bSyoMU on b f other commuattlaa la tha state tl-bimon doUar "aupply amplra." waatam embaoaiaa to Soviet For­ ha spoke quleUy and with ra- for dalivary at tba naUenal plow­ ■a well aa In Springdald. Mau. The result, said Chairman Bon­ Franolaoo Bay area and Ogden, eign Minister Andral T. VlaMnsky, Btmlnt ha showed genuine feeling unit, by an inspector of the •and Bag bill, an AUM outpost Utah. ing eontast Kara—only a abort U. a. Air Tofoa; MariM sad Hiaganaralfiaal „ MROW PAR Whan apprahandad, Oalaman ap- ner (D-N. C.). will divert hun­ mat "the only points of objection" when he replied to eonM ot the Firgt Army hesijqusrters, time baforo Ubmoaratlc praaidan- paarad In tha BpriagSald court, dreds Of mlUiona of dollars that Bonner eald tha trip eonvtnead Rusala baa ralaad to tha West’s attacks on nlmaalf. The baUlIioft, under command Australian planaa hurtad bito •** to rtiow what ba in aeji .bp". would ba spent for overhead to him mlliUry offtdala are becom­ previous rscommsndatlons for ths tial nomlnaa Adlai Stavanaon waa plorivos, roefcate and maoblna gun coney' by taking a jt a a i ik E A iiierlw '8 ■arvad tlma for pawing had checks "ComjpUon In public office la of Major E. Donald Walsh, it due to dlseuaa bla farm pragram. eonaUi. On thU q tte e W « 5B i thara. • rttally noeded planea and technical ing more intareatad in altmlnating treatyraaty ands thus cleared the way treason to Demoerats oa wall Waterbuiy, tba dommandar of tba miUata at tba north Korean fifth oquipnient ^ ^ wasteful supply mathoda but are for a settlement. Republlcana. Chnllanga 50 DSmootMa Oorpa haadquarten near Xowon, ba no eompromiMt” ' n a Common Plaaa Court actloB organiaatlon during Its fodoral Elaanbowar’a apaaeh waa drat Yeaterday, Oandb jma whan Oolaman appablad | Bonner said top officials had moving too alowly. Aoeard Rainota "Any crooks I can find in the oarvlca in Germany, contains tha tba Air Force said. Ptiota said they assured hla expendlturaa auhcom* Oeuaral FlnlMga government will be expoeed-and on tha program and It waa on ■at 10 large Sraa damoltshad 50 cans nommatad PR from a Hartford Police Court eon- But a Snal agreement that following unite eompanlas E, F, G, open ehallanga to the Damocrata run to r tha SaaatajMMi victlon of 180 days in Jail oa the mlttaa the Air Force would aban­ Ha reported thaaa general eon- puniehed aa ruthleealy aa I’ve done H, and tha Medical Company. atrueturaa and damaged 90. don 'plaiM to set up tta own world­ cluelons: would end the postwar occupation In Illlnoia, to Republican! and for thh farm vote which In 1048 ‘Tha buildinga Just aaamad to by tha death nf il check obargas that totaled sum akirt, novelty cut pockets, wlaa color. of Austria looked about aa ramota Thara wiU ba two 45rd Infantry 8105. Hs< must anawar to similar wide supply system for clothing, The Army’s Medical depot at S t Democrats alike. And I think was eraditad by aoHM with glv cotUpao llha they ware mda of Brian McMaban. ^Bce equipment and other items Louis la coating 15 to 35 per oent os aver today. The waatetm ■Hla ■tata’s alj chargss In Btoamttald and Sima-1 notes contained proviaions which know more about catching Uitm playing oarda," said Capt FoUx bury whan ha Mfvaa htS tkrm la| Used commonly with other aerv- more to operate in its present 50- than my opponent « On PagaYaM) « Fqwlar, 14000 North Field avanua, Senator, WUttm . ■toty buUding than In a modem tha Russians era not likely to ning this year t o < tha county Jail. * ICM* agree to Immediately, If ever. OOP Ensenllty Clavaland, O. Sharkskin Skirts Instead, theae items will con- ona-atory supply depot Ha racom- Other Agbter bombers and B-50 year—or tong teri Cray, apun rayon, nicely tailored in claaalc Ilnaa. tlBue to ba handlad by tha General mtnded a thorough study to de­ They probably wiU raaant tha en­ “I fdlowad right yaara of m u ­ against WIIttam A. tire tone of the notes and may ro- nificent Republican raacality In u- light bombara bleated a tungsten i Bervicea administration and othar termine Whether Savings could ba nuns aoutbwsat at the nortbaaat- Charge Man Stole military aervlcea. ha aald. mo^. Jact them outright linoia. What’s more, I used on oxa (Oanttnaad an for misconduct, and I’ve used It on Europe Told Ike, Adlai am Koroan port of Wonsan. Fight­ The euboomrnlttee, vdilch haa The subcommittee found dupli­ er bombara alao < pounded West Cigarette Packs! been InveeUgatlng military waste, cating Army and Navy faciliUaa my own party man without fear or fbvor or haritation.” eoaat and other batUsfront Ur* Gabardine Teported last year It had uncov­ at Oakland, Calif., for manufac­ gate. Smart aUm Unaa, navy, bnwn. Sarad style. Navy, brown. Slaaa ered a Pentagon dlrectiva au- turing thousands of pairs of apac- Georgia Peach Stevenson than hit directly at Agree on Foreign Aims Vall^ Reiidi# Scheduled t o a court wpearonoa 84 to SO. tacles for aarvica peraonnal. Eisenhower. Heretofore, ha Imui re­ U. B. aabra let pilots raportad tomorrow morning la Cartas R. I thorlrtng a separate Air. Force frained from uttering any vary they probably mot doom aaa Rua- Travla, 88, of South Coventry, ar- supply system In Europe for com­ It also concluded the taxpayers paraonal remarks abMt his op­ alan-bttllt Mia and damaged an mon Iteme. Bonner said It waa tha are apending mlUlons of extra dol­ Tops Field for Washington, Sept. 6——Ona of 53 lovaly girls, the but I would thank him to read State Department radio . beamed moon of Tobacco harvest la on tta eatabllahlng a asparata plpelina mon Items waa diacovarad In larga this meosage abroad this wSek up a new unofficial record for a wane, tba crop la drying In^ttd prtWt t o wW ai ■ mm at e**4 ar. Ha pasted a 880 bond for bu pick of tha country’! baauty crop, mora carefully what I don’t bS' for common Items. * Invantorias at neighboring Army lieva ha would write hlmaalf." after the sharpest foreign poUcy Inform Voters ■uigla day when they downed 14 long bams, tba Unm for calabnr appaaranca In Town Court. Hla The subcommittee attacked tha and Navy warehouses In Ogden. win ba crownad Mlaa America.to- argument of the campain had HlOa—IS shot down and ona toWa far tarHat ika An** MHafa only statement, police aald. waa Umi la naar aA.>a plan In hearings and in amend- The aubcommlttee approved a teat nitot but a Georgia peach,- waa In developed over the Issue or Amer­ totob crashed without being hit. , And alt tbraugb tba xoltoy t o that ha laff hla cigarattaa la hla menta to appnmrlatlona biUa, and being conducted thara to stream­ ica’s atUtude toward liberation Plan Approvec Tba latter isn’t Urtad offldoJJy as , favored apoL' tide of prsparnttan la rising t o laaaud lar tawarh, Ma tli fiM car. ' F’ tha directive subeequently waa re­ line paper work and reduce stock for Ruoalan-cootrolled satellite a kUI. tba cigar hanrast fSotlval t o i t t called. levels. Brunette Nava Jana Langley, 19, of Macon, want up to tha finish peoples. .The ravlaad score resulted from wUl begin to flow throu^ t o wdtok. S3.9B FIRST Air Force officials testified that Another test, at Alameda, CoUf., News Tidbits Set Eeeord Straight At CFLrarlev a study of gun camera Olma which ■traate of Hartford Tuaaday alg88| they did not plan as extensive a sueeM^Uy showed that one aerv- Una with a double win In tha pra- The Voice broadcast Ite own ac­ Umlnariea after her victory last eonflrmad that Capt Norman U t o nlgbt ot tha opening parada,- change as the grouo contended. Called froM AP Wireo count of the debate in what It said New London, Sept. S— The Box. North Hollywood. OaMf.. rtiot In Uia wake of the great proeaa- Bonner eald In a statement te- (OsnHnned an Fag# Twa) night in tha bathing suit contest. waa an effort to "aet tha recqrd QUALITY Aa Mlaa Georgia, aha won a Ooimectlcut Federation of Labor down a MIG. Ha bagged anotbar aian wlU coma night after Algid, ■Ualght." (AFL) hoe approved a program Friday. of pageantry, dancing and ca»o% talent show Thuraday night. Senate watchdog group la Invao- A weakly summary of Voles many-—until t o laat event la aver She Is nva fast, S 1-3 inches UU, tlgatlng heavy airew t damage at In which they wilt "properly-In­ programs released at Uie State de­ form’’ voters about the records of g u n ^ afternoon. * weighs 118 and maasuras 85 at thn Carswril, Tax., Air Force boM this partment diaelosed the line ths In­ And even then It will not t t bust, 23 at tha waUt and 35 at week to see It loaaaa ware due to Oonnecticut Oougreasmen and LOOK Luxury ternational radio la taking. State RapreaentaUvar. flntahed. The groetlngs and g ^ Special Rackets Probes tha hips. Inadequate storm Wanriaga « to f- ♦The aummary reealla that at the win of the vafiey will be earrlad She waa the only aspirant meart or manpower. , .Republican American Legion convention in Voting at the Cloaing easslon of Bulletins acTOOs the land, to Mexico a ^ known to win two prallminary Senator William E. Janner of In­ New York last werii GOP candi­ the annual convention here yeater­ Canada by tha valley queen o i ^ tflU 0-nc Dropped by McGranery conteate up to thla morning. Win* diana reeumas campaign for ra- date Dwight Etsenbower raiaed day, delegatee approved the pro­ frail the AP Wires 21-day flying tour, wd t o t o SlylE #S5* nara in tha evening gown division election after declaring ha and the liberation queation and quoted gram recommended by tbelr members af her aU to *S Sheer are never announced but' their Gen. ElsenhOMcai' "•J* *• •F*" him aa saying among other things League for FotRical Iklucatioa. clioaan on t o aacond night ot t o points era computed In the finals. oa major poSclas. tIULt "We can never rest, and we Tba program also calls for the SH "REA Stt UP festival at ceremonlaa in Butnnpi Styl# #360 Washington, Sept. S~(g)— Tha^'racket unit' Labals won't do tba amaOlag Day MaJ. Gan. WUllam K. Harriaon. must so Inform the KremUn, . . . regtetration of non-voters, their Norfalk, t., Sapt S (PI— Park. Justice department haa dropped trick. Ws have lots of units In the It was to ba a gruelling day for senior UN delegate to Korean until the enslaved nationa of tha families aad friends. n a Handman taabar Fanm |g Floala In Uae the plan to have epeclol federal, criminal division, functioning af- Armlatjea UUca. promoted OVER tha contastante in tbdr quest for world have the fullest freedom. The CFL voted to Bnance the ttex Star brake In twe today In DataUa OT tha parade have b M grand Juriea In all parts of the facUvaly, and not known by Hrtly- Ueutenant General and gives aew the title which carriaa with it a Thla and related ramarfca set progarm by setting aside one-balf the atermy watan 186 allea cast gatorwl in flnll f ^ b y ^ country sit once a year to eurvey wood namea" aasigameat. . .U. 8. Supreme off an Immediate reaction abroad. festival leaders. In all, there w j| l Nylons Backs Jodge Moore 35,000 scholarahtp, 54,000 in cash oent ot the present per oaplUl tax •f Oharlsatan. 8. C. EM tte local crime conditions. and an automobiie. Court Juriiee WUllam O. Douglas, The Ruerian newspaper Pravda Coast Guard repartad a Nar- be se floats, each c a " Y ^ • T to S Atty-Gen. James P. McOranery In reaponae to an Inquiry, tha who three years ago advocated at Bra cents par mambar each candidate: and thara wUl ba 28. , c Attorney General eald bis poaiUosi Tha program caHad for tham to waa quoted In the State depart­ month, or tha equivalent ot an wegfaM venssl la standing by * 8 ® * # says it smacked of "showman* leave tmir hotels at 5:45 a. m. for writing off NatlonalUt China aa ment report aa saying Elaenhow- and bne plekad up aunrlvats. colorful bands. 18 drum oorpa; |K . With D ark S sa m s ablp" and that ha baliavea regular was the same aa that of Federal •’corrupt," today predicted that estimated 5800 monthly. marching unite, 10 unite mountas ginuid Juriea that alt month-in and District Judge Ben Moore of (Oaotlnoad am Tag* Twa) “free CMaa will eueeeed” la (OoaMnnrd mi Page Twe) About 20 reaolutlMU In sK ware RAIL STRIKE MALTED on horaeboqk and 48 vebielao. , 1950 month-out can handle things Juot aouthera West , one of struggle against Communism. voted on besides the reelsctlon of . Ill '■ ... - New FaU colora in 81 aeveral Judges whq refused to re­ Oemondo Lopes, vice president SprtegSeld, OL. Sapt d—(8^ rt# as weU. tha two top officers and tha nam­ —A otrike at laeamattva fire­ gauge 15 claniar. Sises He has disbanded tba IS-man spond to McGrath’s caU for apacial of PhUlppUies, said hie govern­ ing of IS vlce-presidsnteL 8H to 11. "racket unit" which la predeeea Juries . In each of the 94 Judicial ment wlU shortly transfer all Jap- U. S. Sabres Steal man that crippled aperathMs o f Hurricane Slowi NASH Richly Textured — Beldihg Corticelli s Miss Lawrence, 51*, A reaohitlon calling for a aevan- tba O b le ^ and DHaoia MMIani aor, J. Howard McGrath, aet up dlatricta. oneae war criminals It la holding hour day,'flve-day work week waa in the JusUce department last Judge Moors, noting the Mc- to Japaaeee prlsoos. . .Senator Rallraad yaatordny was ealled 4.DOOR SIDAN January to evaluate reports from i Gr*th raqneat, tod a regular Jury Stage Star, Passes William Benton schedules els tele- British Air Show voted down. Off today, and aervlee returned Off North Carolhui tbs special Juries and keep tba Panel that ba a x g o ^ ''conetent vtsloa appeanuMses in hla quest for Dalagatea sat asida a rasolution ta uormnL endoramg Rspubtican U. 8. Raprs- program In motion. vigUanea' and cam' New York. Sapt. S—>—Musical r«-ele9C Creca Staaipa after 8 am. She waa admitted to exhibition of fancy-ByIng were In tba alaotiono, Praaidant Tim­ The maadartn coUarad coot draw with IltUa Jeweled tah RoUed collar and pretty neckline cm our Jawat-castar but­ mandad by tha Kefauver crime in- to carry on law anforeemant Commission reelects Jeba B. Biad- American. Farnberengb air abow today In on advisory at 0 a. m. that/ ;tr«i|aar.hmaaNw8». toned draw made In acaUU and rayon matalaaea. OMors: through mass hysteria, or through tha hospital Aug. IS with yellow othy M. ColUna of TnimbuU waa dieturbanca ganaraUd.a.apt Open Thun„ Fri. TU $;30 ot alagaaca. nude in acaUta and rayon maUlaaaa. Oaiora:, Givea With Taatlgatlng committee. Jaundice. laee of Stonlngton as chairman. Ten Sabre Jets, used in Britain aftari a J ^ t at snperaonle ,aaf fw to fOMiMh aai Forwt green, black and navy. Asserting that hla faith Uaa newspaperewspapar propagahda,'propaganda, or through The SO-man conference board of granted a 10th term and Saers' only four to six mUas aa m AU D«y Sat: Til 5 Ballard blua, ferwt graaa, black. ny klnid of erumide.'’ Mlaa Lawrence, Engllab-bom and only by American and Canadian taiy-Traaaurer Joatpb M. Rourka Cash Sdea with tha regular Juriee to main­ the CIO ^tematlonal Urdon of fllera, stunted over the air ahow that there was a chaaea t M . M tain federal law enforcement on a In tba aama vain. McOraaary I a atm- of tha stags In both Eng­ lUectrical Workers moved yester­ of New Haven was alaeted to FEARS FOE WAR elighUy quickened pace la t o I ■aid today: land and America for many yaara, day to end contract with General yeaterday, thrilling apectatoiw but Mvtftth tMin. eontinulng barta, MeOranary told ■preading coMtemaUon among CMeoga. S ^ 12 hours. DRESSES—SECOND FLOOR newsman: "Tba function of tha grand Jury waa oa leave from tha starring gnectric Company Sept. 10. . . Tba conteate davaloped among Small craft front t o role In tha Rodgara and Hammar- British authoritlea who feared un- tha alacUon of vice prsoldant— centetHrSlnan, PreCTeeehre p e ^ “Showmanship ought not to ba la a haritega that we received Margie Miller, 24, and Donald adldate t o Preildent aoM to­ Carolina capes northward. GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ■ny part of tba administration of free man. It la tha most powerful ateln musical, ‘The King and V Houser, 2S, who went through the autboriaed flighte might cauaa ac­ Now Haven and Bridgeport. eaad______lanUe Oty. N. J., ware cidents. WUllam J. BgM ot Now Haven day that “tbe bt-partbwa pre- Justice. Such administration calls laatrument under tha OonoUtutlon baaed on tba book “Anna and tha marriage ceremony 3S times in a BepubUcana aad not to ventnia out Into King of musical comedy, will awke It aSI- This morning. American Air finally won reaiactlon b;by dafaating gram at tba iOM riwJWHAUea WITH CASH SALES for dignity and certainty." and laws of our RapubUe. Demecrato la lapdlng Aanerlaa Attantlc untU t o atom Force headquarters at South Jamas D. Kavanagh, M6 to m . roaRITPfHflT As to the "racket unit." the At- “An. affaettvaly functioning with tha actress at her badrida eUl whan they wed today la the I iT n bigger, n •aniay Ganstal aald; Little Brown Church of the Valley (C ^ J don’t aubaerlba to tho m u m on rage s< la Hollywood. .(Caa8 ■■ Fage Throa). (C 1 aa P bes Twa) .1 i ' mi ..i

■d" KANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. VANCRE8TER, iOONN, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 19B2 UANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1962 PAGE’ 'i ...... — '.kaor' I * Coventry ) a M ■toll IWfrtlMI U. S. Sabres Steal l ^ k r i l l e Borgia Peach India Storm M o u n ta in Trails^ Camping Szymaszek'Hobbs Nuptials n British Air Show yourth District Installation Tops Field for E nrollm ent H its N ew H igh; fight thdr In Scouts^ Swiss Journey CLARA SKRABAC ToU at 350, way toto Om Hlmatoyaa to w«^ I t Bridget’s Ohuteh was the (Oonttnned Prom Fage One) sMp nt OM of tho many akrtm acane of the wedding thto mmning Miss Am erica Meal Makssb. % Set for Legion^ Auxiliary 788 Pupils Attend Schools By KMILV SMITH 4 nle lunch there together end thM at Mlrn Mary Jean HebbA daugh­ Rutollp damittad Americans wsre Ttocherof Piono • of the spots to Gaa- Interlaken. Bwltaerland, Aug. walked down to itotolbediiii guilty of ths prank and said dis­ Many L ost BloM Om Momrtata ter of Mr. and Mra ’Thomaa Hobbs 11 « fraaa Page Owe) gotri. which msaae ssnes cf tha 81. Climbing mountains, camping ciplinary action waa being taken. ^kAckvill*. S m t « —(8p<»ctal)--4p^r«iwrt for aehoola. Kor. MmiHcc An SBroOment o f 7 lt pupUa wasAMra. Joaeph A. Moreau o f South (tougsA ths Itfs-flgliig rtrar. Ths Four adveaturoua glrto, Balkan at Id Horton road, and Daniel An American announcement breakfast oonfaranoaa with t reoorded tat loeal achoots Thursday•gM I C.... o v e i^ W am a tbs bride o f Mr. OM) ftdthM baltove iSsgMB Uve than out at night on lofty peaks and Kkmpoaburg, Carolyn Scott, Pat Leonard Baymoaiek, son of aeid: tha topic "Whara Bdueatlon Judges. Oanacal rrtiaaraal was sot I A Joosph Wilfred Bourey, son of M''. They also bsHsvi there to meeting Usnebeeter folks far from Jonto and Helen Davla elt out Michael Saymaanek of 484 Psrksr "An Investigation of the report­ Amertcan ana ordkig to Prlndpol Royal ■ way to beaaea thaa to dto on a mountain one night Thay TILIPHONI M 10 .AualUnnr offlcort wfll ba hoM to- Faith for noon and after aaadwlehos and VrgOa Boursy of 18 •ought refuge In eovoA Their fe lt home have greatly enhanced the avsnue, MsrldeA and the late Mra ed glghU of Sabre Jet aircraft post The Toung Paoplaa FallowaMp milk cams final rshsarsal and gen Flaher. ‘hw hlgbart prevtous an-; plaea, WUUmaattc. Bov. waa unkneem. Dthers died o f e i- tlwra w iisn tha Bpdi ItoA A hiked up to a nice spot JUst balow WOCTOW at ( p. m. at M>a Town adventure* o f the BMmbers o f tha rechy summit and settled BBjrmaansk. the Farnborough air ohow on Fri­ church srlll hold a plenlo at S p.m. ami kwtinettonB at 18:1S p. m. roUmant o f 740 was raesmisd lart o , Ireland^ mlalstsr, par- haustion on the return Journey to M atoiira X mM. Oseie Rav. Robert ChrroU performed day afternoon haa been made and 'Sail In Itoek*^ tomorrow. At 7:80 p.m. tba forarad tbs douMs ring •wuawny Senior Girl Scout TVoop 1 now down for the night Before they opaa- By this time tbs 10 samt-flaal- sprtag. Pirttmlnary raglstratku tbSpllUSBs a . Oieveea ■stoh ■>«tWT the ceremony at a Maas at 8 has raVealad that thay wsra made jaiom a lUmWawlc* of Rodcraio ing aarrtoa of the ganaral conven­ Ists have baaa salaetad but no an- laat year In Beptendler ems 707. with the brids givan in nuuntage Indian ofOctoto aaddng coafir- traveling In BwlUerland. dropped o ff to weep eome Bwtoe :,iv; will ba biatallad aa commasdar of House Group Cuts ladA who ecere up there erith their o’clock. Organist Arlyn* Garrity l»y American aIrcAft. tion win taka plaea In Booton with nounosms t at thalr idantttiaa 1s Ftsfier haa asked that any ehU- by her father. m of Uw reportad death ton “Lordly To “ Giary On Aug. 38 they moved on to a Idayed the traditional bridal music -aha rourtb dlatrict bjr a taam aevaral members o f tha parish in The ehurch was sttractlvrty dse- cattlA p l a ^ eome muato fo r them “Tha flight had been practicing baoiail by Dapartmant Oommand- mads until tha course o f tba eve­ draa wbo ara 111 or have not for handicapped hy the fact that Look At“ little viUage near Interlaken and and acoompanlad Clarence Tomm, for Its pert In the battle of Britain attandaaoa. ning performance. BO nsrita rsglataied at tha orated with vasaa at cut gtow>luA tha surrtrtng pllgruts erara seat- Air Force Waste TMlraltiliD A lk y- on an accordion and then Invited ^ Wdnay BImon o f Bridcaport the following morning aa EnUly them to a nearby hut for toA ’Ike who sang Av* MarlA White celebrations and paosad over the • • • • • • • A Bahaal Day At 8 p. m. tha g ^ aO have dhi' school, call at his attlaa by Mon­ Mta. Ruth Wallss PUbyaA organ- tarad to aumy amaU baadA Ths 4iH-8ito Smith and Claire Old* wer* *tand- chrysanthemums adorned ths al­ lUw. Chari aa Bain ‘ of lClUn(ton Bundmr Beboot rally day wUl ba nar at their hotels In formal day. Tbs Information la needed , tot, played ths traditional wedtkng only aouroee for news wara tha I triMriS-Otto Bwtos paaaaat drive their Ilve- air show at 8,000 fast The flight arin ba InaUllad aa praaldant of obaarvad at tha Flrat Bvangalleal towns. At 7 they leave for Convan to sot up aoenrato claasraom regia- > marchsA Mias Adallaa Huff eras saralvora or rescuo eraikaeA ruga Om ) Ing in front of a ahop window in •tock up to the green paatoroa on tar. leader to being officially repri­ iha Fourth Dlitiict. with _ part •wmAT that' tourlit c«nter, lomeona adid. Lutharaa church from 8 to 10 a.m. Ion Hall, report baoh stage at tafA I soloist. tho ranwto hlghlandi ara bayuad b **Cents** asA the mountains in the spring time Mr. Hobba presented hto daugh­ manded.'’ *9ipartmaat praaldant, Mra. Lawta tomorrow. At tba morning worablp Oonvantlon Kail at 7:15 and ) Ths mstren of honor was Mra tbe reaches o f motor highways aad too tflyM buy Bsodlnl Mipptlia tot “H that ian't romeon* we know." and stay up thara all summer ter In marriage, and her matron Ameriran authoritlaa withheld I t Ohapawn la rttarga of tba oar- •arrtca at 10:15 am .. Holy Corn- 8 p. m. tha finals baglA TIM achool lunch program for ' Theodora Plasa o f ColnmMA deter tdsgraph safvloA an thraa anna epaiattog to KoroA Turning around, tke Scout leader* watching thrtr herds. About one* of honor was the bridegroom's tha name of tha offending officer. ir*/*N*G*0 ^ amoBlaa. saw Mrs William Bell* and h*r a wask aoma member of ths party munlon wiU ba ealabratad and Crpwninf o f Miss Amarioa Is the George Henh«w Robertson and of tbo groom. Miss Mary Ann Mo­ Ona raaeusr, a Junlsr _ Tha Navy, however, was Urn an- Parfctog — AlrOMStleasd ■later, Mra Bdward Dare of Meri­ 9 Many pconlnant mambara of tbara win ba a aatmen by tba poa- •ohaduled for 11:80 p. m. center SdMMis will start Moooday, reau was bridaamald for her sis­ went o f ft c ^ eras ersdksd ertth eon, Harold, of Oakland Street, makes a trip down the mountain den, while Mr. DEkra served as ORANGE HALL ^ both tba ttfio n and AuaUIary ara tor. Rav. Cordon B. HonL Tba chargs wiU ba 81.38 a week,ikTto ter. Raymond Riquier at WUli- savtog 180 suffering pitortms be­ tkuriasile about tho outoauM at who are on a month'a tour of Eu­ to tha town to purchaae additieiwl beat man. Bridtmalda ware Mrs. Wind Insurance •spoetad to ba praaant At Uia Change In Barvfeea ba brought to achool la advnneo mantie was beat -man. Philip Pa- fore m Idmedf eollspeed and dtod thto as|ierla>M t a t ita arndtoal sta­ rope at the present timA It was food suppUea. Thaaa herdsman Jamas HebbA rister-in-Iaw of the tOpaneluaion of the inatallaMon the Rav, H, A. lopak, pastor o f St aach Friday. MUk wlU ba avallabla troa of WlUlmantlc waa uabor. from cold sadLsabsusUen. tion than tha Army sad Abr F bcoa certainly very strange for all four lead toflafy Uvea and thay s bride, and Mra. Robert Trudel of Plan Being Made TONIGHT AT 7:45 AND > facHlar monthly bualnaaa aaaaiona doaeph'a Church has announced Inform Voters for pupUa who bring h m ^ at n The bride wore a gown of ny­ It was raportsd that maay of ka said. . Mancheiter people to meet thou- very glad to see the American Meriden. Barvlng aa ushere ware wlU ba bald by both groupa and that Maaaaa wUl ba held at tha charge of SB cents a week. DouWa lon mnrqutoetta trlmmid with tba pilgrims tslilag drattar to oanda of mile* fro’m bomA vlaltoni camping up there ao high. James Hobbs, brother of ths bride, JbatraahmanU wUl ba aarvad with following hours on Bunday start­ children may purchase ChnntIUy laoe over aatln. Her flt- eaves paid guidss 10 lupiis irapeovtof property seeme to Travel by .Plane BIM Oablscar and Robert Trudel. W ork began yaatarday at an in-, evert SATURDAY NIGHT • be the act of eutUag down beautl* Mm Roekrtlla and BUIngtoa tom - ing tomorrow; 7:80,8:40 10 and 11 Plan Approved milk during recess at Om aama tod bodleo had a high neeliUne ($8.10) par baad for supptytag tkqr Mra. Bella and b*r son left town AU 18 of tho Scouts on another The bride's gown was of white ■urance industry meeting at tha bora aanrlnc aa hoata. A m. Tha sermon will ba In Polish prlea. with Bertha collar. Her full akirt fllOA fal Made trees and putttog up a about two weeks ago, and expect day took a eabiscar up the Bond Hotel In Hartford on aetUng s atatiea or gaiaga Chantilly lace and nylon net over • •• • • • • • •• •• •9 at 7*J0 and 11 A m, and ,m Bng< The regular staff of tha hot ended with a train. She wore a Ju­ As reports of pOgrlm to return in th* middle of Septem- Bngstllgenalp, about an hour’s UffetA The fitted bodice had a up plans to combat any poaalbl* An paranta at oC chlMran attaed lish at S:4B and 10 A m. Vaapars At CFL Parley. win bo Mi a Bay- liette Cap of Chantilly lace from tbo Himstoyaa storm jgoWirf . ber. ’They are doing most of their walk from the chalet A bMutlful (}uaea Anne collar, yoke and Connecticut' hurricane disaster. -lac ua M ^ Iatraat aebool ara will bo held at 8 p. m. chalrman, M n, trimmed with aead pearl to which, ____ foothill______towns____ into trip by plane and are covering, a watorfoll flows down thto moun- tight-fItUng sleeves of the lace.- Ths plan, sponaorad by the Oon- Invltad to atland thaBrat maatlnc CMIdran af Mary Mi a Helen Chia- , of tha Bseond Congregational «K d la tba aarlaa tram Ravalatlon having Uvad In thia town for many chslrmaa of tho Now Bnglsad Churdi wm menaor a "Dungarae ^ S ‘Tour Porarty and Tour yaars. Tha couple, Mr. and Mra. Groan Pastures committee. Hop" S e ^ 18 at g p. m. at tha Muchaa.* Tha choir wlU aing "Ha Victor Monti, of 87 Cottage atreet. Becond boaore in the alx-Btate Churoh Ownmunlty House. Al« rONDiTIONIO I I S w l Goma Doom lik a Rain" by was aceompaalad by Mr, and Mra. area went to Robert B. fioote airt Covmitnr Fragment Boclrty wlU rcndlay Buck. John Andtalo to New Tork. The •on,. Bdward, of Hebron, Conn. have en annuel meeting Wedtoe^ POSTPONED ah Tha Brat moating at tba Maa'a MmiUa boarded the liner 'Tnda- KondaU F. Crocker at Aabby, day at 8 p. m. at tha bocna W Mra. IpBub win ba bald at i p.m. on Tuaa. pandence" for Italy. MasA, eras third; Bumner B, C. Irving LoomlA Tea win ba V a^v in Alia cut sarved attar the meeting. LABOR D AY In tba church parlors. They will atay In AlalfUuiA Brown, Bwanaey, N. H., fourth: W Rav. HiggiBS la teaching at tba NattA a amaU town in northam Penua Moatelth, Bnoaburg Fans; Bunday Maaaaa at Bt M ^ iTTr*: pbauhi Pllgrl!lm Laadar's eonfST' Italy naar tha city of Monoolve. •Vt, Bfth and JaoOb Mansla, PortA Church to south Covwatry win be A I . ' ’ f ,k. 'S' I * ru venca .at Chmp Mohaark in Utch Mia Monti, who waa bom In Alal- mouth, R. L, Bixth. at 7:80 A m.. 8:80 a m.. and 10:80 ld.' yastardav and today. This flano, Natta, haa not boon la Italy Bhaw, a ^onaer for Improved A m.; nt Bt. Jooeph'a Church In two-day training eouraa for olfl atnee 1818 and la looking forward paaturoA raises purebred Hoi* BoglertUa at B:80 A m . »;jars In the Fellowship groupsto aaaing her relatlveA stolnA Hla bard of oome 78 milk- There wUl he a set-back party 4ACES B tou gbout Connaetlout. Monti waa bom In Oraasaaa. ere, Which has won many In B t Mary’s Church ban Wednsa- 0 ii." ii;t a liie-iS u.' ;e.v W Tha rtmlr will rahaarsa Thurada; Italy, and cama hsre in 1806 and la tha show ring, averaged 644 day at a p. m. In «harga erUl ba CELEBRATION jat7*A0at 7:80 p.m. The church school wi! mat hla wlfa In Manchastsr, ‘ pounds of buttsrfat ana nearly Mia a . Many W. Otora and Mta Bapt 81 at 8:80 Am. All 1818. 14,000 poands o f milk last year. Atox g ,! ^ j dIfdron m and youth In tha oommua The ooupia plan to atay for aav Ha la national preatdsnt of tho ' batwaan thraa years o f age and oral monOiB, and If thay Uk “ Holataia Aoaoclatian and la ths Girl Scoute of Troop 71 win ra- hdbool ago are Inrttad to an enough thay might Uve msra In fifth gansratlon at Bhaws on tho organlaa Sept 18, at n meeting Wa dsflmUly. Both wore employed Banford form. tram 7:80 to 8 p. m. at the Gmarge Choreh Baheole Beepaa by Cheney Brothera heiA Heieey Robertoon BchooL Mta Tba' Church School win reopen ThM>dora Mdwrg to the leader. k F8B Am. tomorrow at Bt. dchn's Too bad, but the average hcAne IR A Btoira Seeden K r u p a About T otm The executive board of the TONIGHT-MEMORIAL FIELD Church. At 11 Am. thata freeser lan't big enough for the Holy Oommunlan, with whole family to crawl Into thaaa Parent-Teacher Aaeodatlcn will FLIP PHILLIPS Tadleatloi)leathm aamca for taaehars, and daya Temple Chapter, No. 88. Order meet Monday at t p. m. at tM .•iTEDDY NAPOLEON STARTING AT 6 P. M. o f the Beatora Btar, wlU begin Its home o f Mr. and M ta Robert fan asaaon, Wadnasday, Bapt. 10, Wanagd. oo-praddento. Chairmen at g p. m. In the Maeonlc T w iipte. ' of committees will be accepted, as SPONSORED BY LOCAL T. W. U. A., C. I. O. At thle mooting aseodate eraU aa a tanUUve budget and a trons and asaodata patrons will tonUUve program. Suggastod pro­ ba guests of the ehaptor. After the jects for the year wUl ba decided budnaos iaasden ' a program ertU bo t^ioa aa eren as ssttlng a data for pieaaatad and refreohmenta served exacuttve board nMstingA A list BtHMmi TOMBNT by a commtttaa of which Mta of oommlttoo m«nbars of SamliiriMi Daa suirf VI Barah ClAy and Mra. BUaabatb dialnnan ond plsns of erork of the Hanrtaldaa ara eo-chalnntn. year from each chairman wlU be MOOBBN. FfMJtAB aad SqVABB DANCINQ ★ DAZZLING HREWORKS DISPLAY! ★ submitted. M r. and Mta HoUla C Mayor PMtanI a* Heepttal •FIN tPO O D of 83 Charter Oak atraat are oele- Mia Ina Kenay o f Main otraet bmttng thdr 48th wedding anni­ to a pattont at Windham Cbm- •LI9 ALBIVIRAGIS CALHEfiN ‘ GABoii versary today. They were married munlty Memorial Hospital where In Providence R. t , and have Hved dw to undergetog traatment Itoartag Bveiy Tkaraday, In Mencheeter for the past 15 PaUento at Manckaster Me­ Friday aad Bafartap N ^ VICTOR MOORE Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear! yeaiA Mr. Mayor to ompuyod by Chanty Brothan as a loom ftxor. morial Hospital Inchkto CSnrIsto- A family dlnnar wUl ba served |4ter Glennay, Lion Medtler, Sr., Rai*t Rastaaraat thto evening at thdr honw. and Mta Bvelyn Duktig- Mta OUver M. Brawn o f North The Woman’s AuxUlaiy o f Man- Coventry wUl tonve Monday for chaotor Memorial Hospital will re­ two w adu to New HampdUre WILLIAM A . PURTELL sume weakly tneetlngs Monday at where she wItt rtdt ralatlvee and NO DETOURS 8 p. m. In tha Auxiliary room, frtandA ^United Staios Senator w h «i surgical draaalnga vrlll ba Btoct Otttoo Bhde TO OOOD TOWN fddsd. Ths executivs board will ’The 81 Social Club of Oak Grove has alaetod new offloan as fhl- Wbo WM too kdbrr COLLIN DRIG(^ have a maating at 1:18. OOViRNMENT loera: Praddent, Mta Henry What WM iha aeerat \ • Bmanual Lutberon O h u r e h ’a Durkee; treasurer. Mi a Roy Pal­ behtad tha 1 r a a Senior Choir, at which darenoe W. mer; oo-oecretarteA Mi a Alfred Maskf Helatog to dlraetor, wU ba beard H. Slmpoon and Mta Thaodore "TH E LADY' tomorrow morning at t:80 In a HiatalA The Bonablna Oonunlttea IN THE A . A . RIBICOFF half hour radio program of choral has aa chalrtnoa Mi a Jamas Me- Ms Namaraa asal start ^ Mi a Ira IRON MASK" Berigart and Mra. Ttieodora W. with Congressman RTZPATRICK TVoop 47 of tho South Methedtot Mofaerg. Tha new offloera wlU Im M HAriWB Playing The Electric Organ Church asoamblo Tuesday at 7 p.m. take office the Ciat meeting on Fatriela Medtow for Its opening aeralon thto year. October. TIm next UMtlng on AND OTHiR PROMINENT SPEAKERS With a mambarahlp o f about 40 16 win be at the hooM of M a boyA Scoutmaster John Chamhra- Martin PteA Now mambara ara laln and assistant Richmond Perty piMitiwy to attend. Thera win be a t f r .M . will be looking for an active a white elephant sale. Ms a -TM a Featara 8 aad lilB season. James Irvins, Bob Hudson, Baaray-Maraan Nap ttoto Oe-Htt at 8i8O4t4B-Bid0 iJI JamM Ungham and tba troop The ITrat Ooagregatkmal Church 8TABTB TOMORBOW committee will all be back for the at South Coventry waa the a o ^ “BLACK SWAN” year. Plana will b# for a o f a lovaly late aununer weddbig I TODAY: HoMi H m f Everyone Welcome! Everything Free! No Collections! hike aocn and other aehadulaa win today at 11 A m, when Mtoa Ruth • «TU Ifea Shscea af XriPriP W ater be drawn upr B. Moreau, dangktor of Mr. and

i I ’i - MANCHESTER EVENING HfRALD. MANCHESTER. CONNw SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER’S, 1951 McniraoK ICANCHCSTES EVENING HEEALD. MANCHESTra, CONN^ 8ATUBDAT. tEPTEMBEE t. IMS suto'eoUtoion 12A1, examine lew enforcement- aMlctals M im Lawrence. 51, ■hortly sftar llt-m lla. long McGranery Cuts end known underworld thstnotora, Valantctr TPraffk Ct»’ ^ ARC Checking tumptka was ensnsd. return Indictments whara fodsisl THE ARMY and NAVY WIB G* T* Cottft Eisenhow er Radio and r r Stage Star, Passf^B I t wen tha third bus etmth hi Bvt Special Probes violsUone could ba astebSahad, 4 3 rd Guard waaka to result to a high cssuslty and to provtda the Justice Depart- Nurse Service list. ment with date on local erima con- Tollhnd, flapt. A - A Juattea I Pugs OSS) Last Aug; 4 two Greyhound from Png* One) dIUona which would sh ow "# com- Oburt aithlgnmant Monday B iin o o ? ^ Manchest( buaaa eolUdad haed-cn near Wsoo, prehanalve' picture o f the ovarhU Reactivated tteom a Itoekvllta man who do­ WanlR to Know Num ber '■.Osvear. Aastk esm* ware her hua- Tax., killtog AS pwgena. On Aug. grsBd Jury neede no oppcisl noma ■itustkm in the . United Btstaa." odad that police naadad hia lUchsrA AMrlch, who to s as, s pubUe aentm coordinated Of csUiiig. It can bs sumnwmsd •aatatanea In tha matter m Ian, Bataa Kafeuyar (D., O f N u p r c r AvBllable to P ric e P ro p prakiear. sn4 two cloaa frlanda, transport bus went off s bridge to Into sxtotenes most readily when Tenn.), whoaa Bansto tovaatigst- OtaMonday traffic ragnlatioB along tha ibsU MsUese, Psmijr sad Osvtd BbUsmen. ■dgswstor, N J., ktUIng OM pss- s need to shown for It end th# BING Wnbur Croaa Highway. Addbl on Polio C b r c r Of Business tog oommtttaa fsvorad this sp- Tedsy's uawspspar sdvartto- aangsr sad tajuriiic It. usual regular tarms o f court ta the ptosch ss s follow-up on its wont, In fact, authoritWa have iMRts s ^ billsd her ss stsr ef various dtotricto of the Uhltod EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ^ « >Om ) Btstaa ere qults’ espshto of taking raoently foltarstod his fsiUi to the taken a A r y dim t WW o f Jd- During Uw firat part of AuguM It rm7"jUtohUfo The end I.” sit hough her spartsl grand Jury p la n ., STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP year-old Donald 1* law W when the potto epidemic began an- Wg P n alA it Truaaaa Ma Surpi k”7 ^ ‘ rale to heug tsksa by Oaastsnce cere of any sltustian hsvliig to do D M ik m tn tk* M d wttk Uw r«- vlmary. Wins Fellowship with vlolsUoR o f our fodarsTIswa." He said there hod been BA ape- 20 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPEDALS method and have achaduted auming Batiosal piwportiona, tha Osrpantsr. iiiidlMtlnd «f tlM MW Natimua two court appearancaa for him. Tka baMe Cana aaaamBdtUas Bfw McGranery recoiled that he hmi d a l grand Jury ssmiona to * the iQtItrd. Om . bow on bcUv* duty in American National Rad Chwa, un­ . idar fates mtppmtm am whaak **2? While stsrrtog ta her earrsnt In Public Nutrition spartnesUy instnieted all of the wake o f the eommittoo seaaiona— He ia charged with tmparaonat- role Miss Lswrence hsd been Oanaany tmdor conunand o f Major Ing a polica office aM lllagal der its agreamant to recruit aom, rtoe, edttaa, tchaaci aad pan- Operator Says Bottle Club \ BLEACHED EYEBROWS! 5: -a ty BsspitaL ^ lareaL 11.- B. Dtstrictr. Attorneys, ss- apparently Including those as- aula. Btaanbowar aSM sdfiiM ta va: MsaeiMst^ lasrhing s drsmstto’ clsm st Cb- selnbtod here after he was sworn ssmbtod in response to the Me- a n . XaBBath r . Oramar, wtn ba uae of a apoUlghl, The latter nurses for tha NaUonal Potto $nm Msrto Buckley, who to s charge la anawershla in Rock- should ba aataadad to such cr aps lu s r r •*. himbis Uulvsrsity; to lost l« to hm or reguiau bottu ciu m • Loudon—end st spsrtsl mstlnsss sity o f Tsnnassea tor one year. McGrath's cell for the spsrtsl ijiitatloBat waa taken into cuitody to faea nursing. UiU-WnC-Madlay nSm-Hal Kolb. Uon. ^ieago yastarday; tlda is a privato social club aad | uu Liquor Oootml Commiasioa or Ka«w Yaw M ««f Mm I * P Imii i M b b aaW Htotlag SiU^^iraitiS^!^CoiriMmra4aa Sarateto Bafofa Joining tha Dairy Council INSTRUMENTS LOANED T P IR P IN N n S HwaalMtion program could ba ar- the more aartoua charge. "White the naUahal epidemic i. Ha Indicated strongly ha providos a form of rtlauUes for* ■ |* luits tawa.laws. - AUTO SUFFLY K«4it AcqBdati i l U iS b -W D R C -l^ a 'a Ptotform.l « Page Obs) Btsff, Miss B u»lay was w isrspau- M B M IIB M . 6 162 fingad. tlw old 4Srd will retain haa almoat reached Uw severity o f might poaaiMy name a Nagm to Ita mambars.” ' What w ill happen in .tha' next m i Ba Aanouaoad. FOR TRIAL COURSE . g ^ taiaalgiin— ' for iiw yaart from the one In IN I . the moat aavara Live Bettei for Lam Buy • GBtMr W I WPItO—Aton Oaugharty. WCCO—Itallaa Llf*. tic diatitlsn st the Watarbqiy M AM f Uw caMnat or "to. any piaea" if ■ilvlo MandiU, ataward o f tha session o f tha Lagtalatura ia an- WTBT—ABC lata Naara WTHT-Nawa: Muale to tha Praaah dan. Tha truck turned over, Hospital. DEMOCRATIC Iha Unw It waa eallad Into aarvlea. In our naUon'a hiatory, Manchaa- ha found o m with "tho qualiftea- gunrtaa Chih, Inc., at SO .Oak other story. BotUa club operators AH Yaar M m t A t Urn Manner. . 36 Montha To WONR-Nava: Juin Bos. WOMA—Battl* of tbd^ Baritoaoa. ■pUltog Us losd 'ot begged onions ACCORDION Haadguartara aad Maadquartara tar haa no naed to panic, for the UOM naadad to aerva Uw Unitad atraat, told a rapoitar that a "lot certainly won't alt paaalvaly aad 4iia—WPRO—Hera* Baaaa. toto s Aald. VOTERS l^ompany in Waat Havtn, will ba inception o f potto here has dot WTHT-dporto. WHAT-t-LaParla Pregnun. Rtataa well." of paopjla may gat Uw wrong watch their lucrative buslneasaa .WTtO—To Ba Annonnead. _ . wnci-Juvaan* RanA Bum BasdUghta ' Holl Is Purchaser ■apaetad oa Tnaaday in Uw Stm Dem ocrats reachad apidemie proportions," t, Ha held out aa oUve branch Impraaslon" o f hia bualnaas, "Moat Icglalatod out of exUtaace. RUU L T . WOOD 4im -W DItC-P.r.C Bddto Ptohar. UiU-WHAT-Ooaaol* RapubUaa ELECTRIC GQITAR ^ ViREtuf Pa Maraiw ------‘ Uh dull. Uxtaan othara wars C ^ ta d for Saniort • candMutt qabUfted Notice > gavan Armory. LMnt. Col. Carl B. said Prank Moroaco, head o f tha to Rena tor Robert A- T a ft o f Ohio o f our mambara ara bualnaaoman liquor control suthorlUcn on Uw WWC—Muaiaana. , _ ^ minor eats sad brutoas st Zur- IfelaoB o f Hamdan, wUl bo acting LOCKER PLANT WTHT—IntemattoiMl Jam Clab. ^•w*, to Mrvq thB pMplA of Man- "Th * RkpubUcaa Btocfor* e f the Red Croaa Nursing Rervica com­ —whom ha dafaatad for the OOP who work to lata houra and other band, seam datarmlnad. 307 NO. N AIN ST. WKWB—Wawa; Raqotat Mall--**, ______Dknlntaa - Aawrkaa brugg Msmomtal hoqUial, fUvar- O f England Acres Mnamaadaa. mittee for this town. However, h« nomlnaUon—by saying: *Tn try and shin factory worhara. tk la Rbould ba a lot of aeUon. A MEAT HOUSE Hour. Town of Coventry are coqiisstad T o ld PoUcy 5 iSa—WPKO—To Be ABMuaetd^ ----- r—IrUh-Americaa Hour. side; 14 psassngsra w trt tskdn to chcattr aa a • Tha dSrd Haadquaran and Hoad- pointed out, it Is o f vital im to draw him onto my taam not club la the only chance many of 51 BIRRELL RT.—TE L. N24 Tel. 4848 WnO—Stiisle nitr a Meat. Burlington County hespitsi, Ml. to most In Nathan Hals COmmu- maaiara Company and tha military iwrtanoa that Ui't loeal Red Croaa only aa a consultant hut aa a man them hava to mlax aad anjoy KEEP AfXtUAINTED WTHT—Boaatond BBlIrooaa , Prominent local realtor Bdwsrd Monday, BapL 1 5 ^ WKNB-Newa: Raquaat HtUass. ___ ^ i S SsSe* fnmScandInavla. HoUy, sight- to Bt. Francis hespi J. HoU was tbs purchaasr o f the NdMa unit wlU ba tnjmhetad on I lad out the availability o f nurs­ to. lead a vary Important aaeUan Uwmaalvaa." • ilS ^ R A T —Crmbpe Qeartar. U lU -W D H (»h ll Cpataiio, Now*. tal, Trenton. STATE st a o'clock, p. m. 'for the lapt. « m tha Hartford armory, Is ‘Me-Too’ ing service locally or for aarvlct Of Uw fight.” RUta Liquor Control OommW- Says ‘Laxity’ . ills —WKAT—Band By Damand. WONB—Trank and Brnaet sppreoclmstsly 105 seres o f lend to purposec o f nomlnstlng esndidsUa Itfb-VirTHT-Kawa, Jsmaa told nawapaper reportara Vernon, Bolton end Oovantry, rba eaiilihahdlBg affldar. Iwa not away from home, Wonld Bahtnaa B n igN aioMr John C. K elly and Polica WCOC-Mluic. WOCC—Traaeb-Anwricaa Hour. for ReprsasntaUv**eprsi to tb* Oantral wt baan daUgpatad aa y a t pan. These atatementa cams during W nC—Tha Autoor Bp he saw hssdlights to hto mirror whoaa asla by the W. Harry Itog- REFRESENTAHVE Assembly, JuaUees o f Uis P*4toS, (Canttawd Pram Paga Oaa) T t must ba made d ear." . said Chief Harman O. Rchendal, among Delays lists MANCHESTER WDRO-Olc* Raeoo' WTIC-Now*. end shortly after felt tha bus hit hranwr, it waa lavaalad yamar- a pan rallv o f Rapuhilean laadam many other*, have a dtSaront Im­ WOMB—Bet CrMUl lend aststs was approved to Pro­ snd a Town COmmittos vlee-cha|r* Mr. Moroaco, "that thp Rad Croaa tha roar of hto truck. bate Court hero about two week* Iny. ^ a w to r a iiiia lrw lU r^ W B Hartford, who onw ia tntartm fl« data net hire nuraaa, Wa simply In which Biaanhowar told them: praaslon o f bottla clubs. Kelly/ . DON WILLIS •iU-WKAT--RMrto. WONB-Traak man. ' Mr ahathar yaar. Tha ttnH •VTf wa ana get common honesty William K. Vlans, who la run­ FRAMING WOKB—Paa 'Oia Raaa* Show, Injured ley shout In th# Said ago, HeU waa listed aa the pur- recruit nuraaa for thia need annmiiicad Tburaday that ha, will ' w n c—Tear Kay to Haalth. WXNB—NOW*; n iH Tarietlea. end skmgalda the road. Dstsd at Cioventry, Oona., Isp - iBmpoaad prtaeipdM with ator appMhtad by Gkw, Jeihn in govamdwnt, I beliava wa oan saak ta hava anaetsd at Uw next ning against Democratic raglatrar P ietn rtR MountctI and WTHT-Ouasi Star. I l ls—WTIC—Bahind th* Pas*a ehsaar on tha axocutor'a dead con­ tember Sth, 1BB2. ' through our Nursing Rarvics com- 6EH0E WTHT—Bammy Kay*. Ambulsacsa and rasOua teems veying tha property that was Slod awBta tra it «v a t)r dUta In Iwdgo. mittaa, and aur N u m Enrollment coma ctoM to balancing the saasion o f Uw RUta Lagtalatura of voters Edward P. Morlarty In Framed —- Old PramM Bvaalac WOWh-Wann-up mm*.- By order o f th* Towa 'OMnmit llin unWn. Tha batUa for the unaira budget without ever oner .radne- a law to ban or regulate such tha ivlnwry Tuesday, today diSa-WDRC-Nava liU-WONR-Boatoa Bravea ' seme from 10, nearby - municipalt- in Rockvtlto. tee, oommlttsa of whic^Norman Oa- 18 Mala St. Phone 2-4531 Repaired WOMB—Naara tlas. PloodUghta pisyed on tbe Holl said tbs new pises, known A data fa r hwpaetlan o f Uw two four-yaar tarm of Ran. McMahon M la chairman, fluch nursing tng nicaaaary axpanaan fo r tbp ehiha. Rehandtl agreed with ckargad tbs raglatrars of both WTHT—Nawa. WHAT-Rad Box va. St Loula (2). UllisB B. Hrtwny STS Mtbi a Wd artUary battaWoM tn Pair- w ill ba fought batwaan Buab and n armed forcaa." parties with-"Aagraat laxity" for Printa and Oil Paintiaga. W T H T -r Itlb-WOOC-Nawa; EcHat* of IralaaC rosdaids end the twisted motel of ss'itbs Utwincyk farm, wlU "St to aarvlea aa wa have Man able to K elly that botUa clubs ara a nurs- SfMcicNWiiD Ib w n c —Tavorltaa of tha TaSMu*. the wracked bus ss doctors end CbglnMui Id Oaunty, Uw Mftrd with uBiU Damocratic Bomlnea axpactad ta 1 1 1 0 gtnaral carHad hia attack thair lallura to provide prlntad For Sale W K K B ^aert Bporis; Kuala. nicaiy" with hto Rosadsls dsvslop- rserult is made avaljahia where •nca to tha waUara of Uw com­ WHAT—Nawa WDRC—To Be Announcad. Arst eld craws asslstad tha In­ mant. Ha said it brings , the totst Morwalh and IHnllunr and Uw ba named today by tha Demo­ Btadad and Is paid at prevailing on the adnllnistration Wto thia munity and baliavae thay exist to voters liato within thraa waaka WTIC—N«wa, lilS-WKNB-Nawa; Tanka va. Sens- in Stamfordpd aad uraanwlcti. MAKE SMVICE O rta . jured. scrasgs up to about 500 end per' m cratic convention. wngaa, not by the lU d Cross but farm atate by declaring: , ... aklrt axlatlng Uquor control tows. after thp last general vote-making • its -'UWNB-foor WH%—Rad Box va. Phlladalphla. not yot baan aat m yat. It la "Pear ia being hroadoaat by tha Albtrt Nackowtki w n C —Bob dtaele. Traffic puUad up for threa-qiisr- sllals, on tbs road, the lake front Moat obaarvara ballava tha con by Uwaa who need th# nursing. •Oporalo Within Law* day In accordance with state WHAT-^-BuBper 8»r*rada WDRC—Symphonette. tsrs o f s mUs to the tumplks south n o M m *;W;thd and vantion w ill nomlnata V. R. Bap. adminlatraUen aiid its phetwy MandiU, on tha othar hand, aaya aUtutas. Tha last gcMral voter- Cm I 38 Lockwood Street ttSa:-wnS-catbaHo Hour. ago of bis proparto In Vomon. ■ *Tf there am any avaUahta WPBC—Pair and Cooltr. Axaeriean Hbur. bound Isna. Ha aald ba win carve buildini; mthTumtTCol. Albert B. A. A. RlMcoff. nuraaa in this coanmuhity who front organlaaUona. tliay art try­ that “wa oparata within the llmlU making day waa J«5y 21 but tha d i t t - U ^ ’T-Weatber. ^ ------■ m----- QUO ■ TeL 2-4318 . Wno-Waathar. ______J la Ravlaw. The wreck occurred leas than lota out o f thajproparty and cui; John M. Bailay. tha Damocrata’ hate not baan oonta'etsd In this ing to aeSra you into veUng, not o f tha law and wa make sura that lists hava not yat been .printed. dtia-WTHT—Hawa, t iSS-WPBC-Tour InvIUUoa to Xuak. BOO feat from tha apot where Ava roads through tA the lake, to pro­ _ _ a«saa atate chairman, told the opening canvas, will thay phone 5111 for aa your oonsdanea dictataa, but wa do, bacausa , they're always Whan contaeiad Ui(a morning, WOMB—Bvenlax SUr. WTHT—Hersk.' of Truth, baaa Iwdaaignatad aa Uw com- w n c —Tour Box at tb* Optra, Msrinaa wars kUlad to s rasr-and vide direct sccaas to the water. ■aaaion of the eonvantlon laat Information about, this cam- aa they want you to vote. watching ns. Wa can't afford to Morlarty said, that ha and Rapubii- w n c Bummar 8ympfaoRy._ WCCC-Nawa; Kutie. offlear. night that ha himaelf had haan w jq B —Atara Baview th* Hito. ■ ■ ' ■/ ' p a lgn f" Mr. Moroaco conriudad. “Thay ara tailing you' *Uw Re- do anything wrong." Ha readily caa Raglatrar o f Voters Donald WDbO—Aperta Beoadap. • Oompanlaa 1 and M o f the IMnd, aakad by many to baeoma a can "It 1a of rrsva importance to our puhllcana w ill pull the rug out •dmittod that aoma botUa club# Hemingway ha^ auppllad the lists •i«a-W TH 'f-It't Tear Btwinaaa. Quit. Beadquartam In Anaonia. art aeshad- MMCHESTER tiSS-WCCO-Maalc.. dIdata for the aenatorlal nominal communitv and |o our nation that from under intu.* I hava an ansiver gat am brelM with tha law and to Uw printers "someUnw Mforc H IG H G R A D E WON8—Oiariaa Kaaher. WTHT—Around tb* World. •lad for iiwpaeUan during Uw tlon. wa ra cn iit. every num who- is . . . that answer ia ..hunki Juat said that such cluha give a black Aug, 20," but that tha printers had WnO-SttBie ROM. OBLIGATED... YES traak o f Rapt. tt. Ha aald, howaver, that he felt It avallahla foy (his work." bunkl." aye to lagltlmata <^aratora. baan "iw Jammed up" they haven't DRYCLENNEM tTORC-^tobe?* Oatoxy. would be In the Intareat of party But MandiU, a former Manchaa- PRINTING ^?5^IS.“ M .?:?'i.t»rd.y at SilS—w n O—Inttrmaaao. been able to furnish the prinfod tha Cbaa*. I l l s—w n c —Bob Conaodint, FLEDGED... YES unity If ha atayad out of tha pic tar raaidant now living In Hart­ copies. Ha said he and Hemingway 93 W rRs Straat WKNB-CouDty Pair. _ WTHT—Hour ol Daelaioa, tura, ford. straasad that "local or auta had provided tha town dark and JOB AND COMMERCIAL tilS—WONR—Hank Thompaon Ahew. WDRC—Mualc. TO SERVE THE FEOFU OF MANCHESTUI Messiah Choir *TMraam Baaidaot” AholitTow n authorttiaa ara tavltad to sand a the town chairmen arlth, typed PRINTING Tekpkeee 7284 WTHT-Bert Andrews t:4S-WCCC-Magtito« Muato. Daapita Uw problama created by Pet Parakeet w n n i—Armed Poreee Day. W nC -C rIU efi Large. > man to spend any number o f weeks copies ot tha Usta. tiSa-WONI—Down Ton Oo; Nawa. 4:M -W n c-T h * Teloon. ' V o te For McMabon'a death, aald Bailay, Uw Mrs. Minnie Morriaon o f N Ban- In this place to aaa exactly how Vlaiwsistatsd It WM this "laxity,” Pmnpt aad Effletoat Prtatlag WnO—To Be Aaaotmeed. iTOBC—B ^ o f Um Dey. Phm Underway dalagatae came to tha eonvtnUon we Mwrata. Wa hava nothing to at AU Wads WHAT—SyasphoCT Hall. WTHT—Rerfval Hour. V IN C E N T P. ton atraat haa baan admitted m a Saga-Ended? which, said. WM similarly Expert Dry WTBT—Dlmwr at Ib* Oraen BooSk WCCC—Mueie. aa a "unitad Damocratic party,*? patient to tha Hartford HoapitaL hide." damonatxatod tw o'years ago, that d is s ^ n c -yMarUn K m P ^l#^ KEEP YOUR •WDRC flaaamolw. Oonvantion Chalrnwn Jolm U w Sunrlaa Chih epaned haae M ePA D D EN A f A ll pdDpla la Uila araa who ara had prompted him to oppoqe WKNB-R%iik Hour. UD^B—Nawe; Sunday Saranada iin gfog anthualaata uow hava tha Rulitvan, Naw Britain's mayor, The Herald i^ a d the role of a Aug. 27 on the aaeond Aoor o f fl|a: Morthrty hM*baen rsgtotrar COMMUNITY PRESS f;W-WON^M*ara: » Queattona. aald that Uw Rapuhilean ronvan. The local branch o f tha WCTU ima Cleaning Service •ita—WTHT—Danetog Party, tWRC-Muale, Nstlm st Canaeetleat, Vstaraa dpteruinity to.fonrn a "Manchaa- will hold ita first fall m rati nr detaetiva today and made two Oak street building whara a pool atoca 1M2. der. No. Mala aad No. Rchbel WTIC—Jan* Ac*—Diac Jochay. WONS—Muaieal Conady TbveriUa. tion which bad moved out of Biiah parqpna vaiw happy. Twalva-yaar- room WM formerly located. Mam- Rtreeta — TUaphsM 5727 WDRC->Oeneltot!y. StlS-WONS-Newi. Wsrid War n. qrsdasts fialvsml- U r Maaatw O h i^ '* tinder tha di- nail Mamorial Hall only a ftw Tuaadav at 2:50 at tha South The statute involved aeys that S iss-w n c—Hol^ oea PUyhoua*. ty of Ponwylvaata sad Yhl* Law NoUoB o f ABdraw R. Wataon. old Ruaan Wakeman of Hebron .berahtp atoca that Ume. M en ^ l the ragtotrara shall provide ON THIS T Msthediit Church. Dalegatca to ____ WXNB—Nawa: laminy Kay*. BcIweL diver It yeors prsetietag houra bafora had "parpatratad a WiU reoeivb a naw parakaat to ra- ‘clalmad, has grown to .about IM . r- w n iT —Chautauqua lymiiltony. Wataoa haa baaq approachad by poilUcal fraud, upon Uw paonla o f tha atate convention win ha ao- uriDi 25 printed e A U MAKES OF ^ CMtotoasto OMducta. lawyer. With Vetemas Admtals- ;Rtvaral frlaada with Uw auggaa- pototad. and a report to Uw state placo the OM aba. lost In Hertford 'Anothar club ha oparatoa to Hart- .er the eorrseted UsU and the -Taisaa. WHAT—ChapM « tb« Airlanea. Connaeticut by nominaUng a had. ___ _„Mter ef the Air. WONB-Tba Shadow. ttnUea. Hartford. A yanrs. aetivo OF SIX SOUD RRFUIUCANI U m i df formlBg a atvlc choral organiaaUon prsDarad. Holiday and Mrs. A lfred Baton o f IS Bari Uw Waa Hours qub an Al­ man o f each M rty with m many W*nO-Btara to KbaU and Biue. WDBO- -Arthiir. O^ftay. «lvle sad eommoalty affairs, aw mom raaidant.” bany avanua, has a mambarship SEWING iiss-wnc-wiitehaii nu. group fo r tha purpoaa o f giving nn Tha B7-vaar-old Buah la a Oraan anvatopaa. not alraady sent to, ■treat, Mancbaatar, wUI gat hack M necessary '’within three weeks W H ^ —Piano Bpeafea; bar Btsts sad hIsBcheeter 1 IN THE FRIMARgS FRIDAY amitial perfermaae# of Handal'a should ba. brought to this maating. bar lost parakeet o f AGO. ha said. MandiU aUtaa ha JONES' . SfrHT—Datrias .Party. ITORC-Worid New*. wtch raaidant. but la a partpar after the complsUon o f each enroU- •loa—WDRC—Oanabnatara. WONB—Donblaa In Veeaia. asseelsHeas, Maiseheeter I "Miaalah." In tha Naw York Invaftmant bank Susan, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. has bean in tha buatoasa a yaar. ment." The fcAlowing section o f the Vtolt Jaiwa PaiuK MACHINES w n O—Ohio River Jamberae. I prsvemaat Aassnlstlsa, Anwriesa Wataon, who la antbuaad with ing Arm o f Bgown Brothera, Harrl Loyal CSrcIa of Kings Daughters Nail Wakaman o f GUaad road, Articlas of Bsaoeiatlon for tha statute says that the- .regtotrara lure'aad PkMr Cov­ WHAT-Newa; Racord Review. SiU^^tAT^^pl^llVht'on BporU. iLsglsB, Knights o f Cohnabas. tfeh idaa. emductad ‘Th e Meaaiah” local club ware Sled at tha town EXFERTLY REFAIRED S its - WDRC—New*. SilS—WDRC—Larrt Laau*or..N*wa tHEY HAVE NO AXES TO GRIND ANO man and Company. wilt meet Monday a v ^ n g at 7:45 Habitm, lost her bird while visit­ ara to deliver "a complete aet ef ering JItara far •iSa-WnC-Orand Old Opry. Baening ’ ;1R Maw Jaraty annually from IRIS ing at bar grandmother's to Hart­ C lark's effica on Aug. 20. The such lists to each candidata far tiM^WDRC-Mualc t Too. The Harriman o f tha Arm ia the in Uw Prdaratton Room of Oentrr Large Aseortmeat WDRC-Rnwdway’a My Beat. A Ba Sara to VOTE SapL 9th to IN I with larga ahoruaaa and Averill Harriman who kayncitad Church house. Mrs. Harold Bel ford o m wash ago. Tha Mrd w m ■rUclaa aUputotad that tha purpoaa any ottlce." WON8—Coy Lmabardn Bhew. WONB—^Bobby Banaen. Ifrafaaatonql aoieiata. of the club ta to provide social so- of Pine Ploer Cov­ SINGER ItiSa-W DRC-Kbert Q'a Waxworlu. WHAT—Newt, WILL WORK TOGETHER TO GET fHINOt; tha Damocratic oonvantion today. Cher, chairman o f the hestaases, purchased out o f an income ra- WON8—Chicago IlieaTer ef ti|i* Air. w n c -Naw*. t Claranei Malalng, organlat and DeddTar Hauaa w ill he asslstad by M rs C. M. calved by the Uttla girl while baby- tlvtUas and eatartainmant for BSOROB FLABB-U P ering. Oaa U s'fer - WTIC—Renben Reuben. WTHT—Oeorta B. Bokolaky. lebolrmaatar .of Uw Bnumel LuUi- Christensen and Mrs. Thomas ■ItUng this summer. mamtora and guaata. Lucy An- Manila, Rrpt. d—KC—To Be Annenaoed. TO BOWlilU SCHOOL: ford lawyer, will atioeood Ribleoff , Mr. and Mrs. Bllsworth Perkins kaat, eallad Lianda, dtoappaarad oa WTIC—Rhythm RamVaveua WONB-^iek Oerter. Wataon aald ha wanta to makt M Domocrattc candidate for Oan. tha othar two sigaata. up o f flghtlag on Jala lalaad in •A Oak R t, Maaeheotcr, Oean. PTtOJBCT ''NO 1 — ADDITION tU ir Ihqt aueh a group would o f Bolton, formerly o f Manchaa- Uw aanw day last weak whan PhaM 2-1241 U :■*—WDRC—Btara for Defanae. WTIC—The Flret NIghler, grooa from the Plrat Diatriet. tw, hava r*turned after a visit friends cams to caU. The Mrd Raw the aaotoarn PhlHpptoea. WTRT — Saturday Night Dancing WHAT—Bapoer. Bennad*. Sealed propOeals for the oon- M tiraly non-danominatlonal Heuts kt tha toeat club are from WTHT—Hera Come* th* Band. structlon of an sight clsaaroom Rtato Central eommittoo mem. with thair aon-to-law and daugh- through an open doer to fraadom WXNB—Forward America. wdiM bahmg to no' partleu- bara from tha district alraady have 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. eh week days SBBR ATO m I o a i d T. P. HOLLORAN Iliia^^V^NS—National Prod. Author- addition to th* Bowers School on ehanh or othar orgaiUaatlan. tor, Mr. and Mrs, Praneia C Me- Juat bafora tha heavy ralnatonn. t l^ t y Program •lW-WKNB-N*wa announcad they will nanw Dodd MuUan of Claarwatar, Pla. They Tha two-etty aaaieh far the birda aad 1 a-M. to 4 a.m. on Sundays. Ruprsma Headquarter*, AlUoA WTHT—Woman in Uniform. WONB-Nev*. Princeton Street, Manchester, 'or dll thoaa Intaraatad in thia UW club to decorated much Ilka Puwai a In Enrape, R(#t. • — FUNERAL HOME w n c —Alex Drier. 7US—WDRC—Jack Benny, COnn., In scoordsnes with plans Uw candidate if tha aenatorlal brought with them their grand- kept .potlca and Aranwn occuplad TREE PRUNINB WHAT—Bymphony Rail. !t a maaUng will ba .held nomination goaa to Ribtooll, a oocktaU lounge- Chib mambara den. J. Lawtan OrtUaa. U. R. tdsally leeefed—nonveelent aad UitS-WDBC--W D r “ Poblk Bervie* Pm- ALDEN E. BAILEY snd specificstlon* prepared by Ui at • n. m. (n tha Canter aan, Duncan MoMuIlca, for an in- for senw Uma; Rapmrto oanw ta Anay CNef of Rtatf, said today gram, WTIC—Hollywood Boai Ceeeerto. deftnita stay. Mrs. McMullen, the and guaata aiw aarved by a away f i m tha baay tborongh- U iw - w n c — Hollywood Pelladlnni WONB—Under Arreet. Carl J. Maimfaldt A Associstes, atlonal Church. Thoaa un- from outlying aacUona that North Atlaatie treaty forcea la Orehoetra. WTHT—Bophlitlentod Rhythm. REFUIUCAN CANDIDATE FOR former Pleranca Parktoa, attend­ Susan's parakeet (Tulluiak) h waltraaa. Md REMOVAL fare. OtotlaetlTe Renrlee. Mod-, AfcUtacU, SA Pearl Street, Hart­ „ attend this maating, but Mewini axplalaad how the club B n r^ aveataaUy will be aup- WONB—Midnight Matiee*. . WXNB—New*: Twin Bendatand. REFRESENTATIVE ford, tor the Town-of Manchester, WodU Uha to pMtieipaU in ed tha local high achoot. The haen ssan to Vemoa and other parted by atomle waapoaa. ara Partlltlea. WTHT—Hotel Booeerelt Orebeatr*. fits —WONB—Bobby ton*on. fam ily hM baan Uvbig in Clear­ opfnittit- ^ Have year trees pruned aat WDRO-Bvrapbony Rqll. Tils—WDRO—Dorl* Day, will be received on or before 4 dhomi' group, aiiOuid contact Court Case^ areas. It had a blue body and hrii "A prospective member has to Ities—wn c * — New*: Denee Again WTHT—Time Capeole. ABLE AND EFnClENT AS A MEMBER OF water for aavaral yaan. They have Uant markinga with a numbered removed by Ueeased and In- with rienagan. WHAT—Bymphony Hall, p. m. on Tuesday, Beptomber SOth, ba aponaoTed by an accaptad mem­ oared tiee eargeoM. T. P. HOLIA)RAN WDRC-Newa. WONB—Lutheran Roar. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 5 YEARS. st the office of the General Man­ anoUwp young aon, David, and n band on Its lag. Pancral Directer ? r A Ana o f f 100 was impoaad up­ new daughter, Data Unda, bom Another Haachaater raaidant. ber o f the ^ub and thm haa to U tlS - w n c - T tx Wllliaina end Or- ager, MUntrtpsI Building, 41 Cen­ on Prancta P. Unto, 55, of Rook- Aug. as. bo approved hy a five-man Board MANCHESTER’S ehertr*. Si^^^^y^nk^FPoW n* Bhow. BEST QUALIFIED TO REPRESENT YOUR IN ter Street. Msnehestor, OonnecU- Mra. Jacob P. Moaka, o f M North o f Govanwra. Mambara in good C. S. McHALE, Jr. It;l»-Wnc-N*wa atop the Motlc. $ew erBids villa ia 'Town Court thia moraing street, reported to p-MM that aha CARTER TREE WHAT—Plano Mlntotnra*. TERES1R. cut, apd then st Said office pub- tw Judge Charles N. Crochatt. Ur- T ali .Cedars o f Lebanon wUl Standing ran come and go m they RNEST REPAIR Liceneed Brnbahner dtU-wnC-Nmir%aic. w n c —Meredith Wltoen'e , Mueie Ucly opened snd read aloud. found a parakaat. green In color. please and are entitled to all the 7:Sa-wnC-Caralend* 6f Mnalo. Room. ■in waa found guilty of driving meat at the Maaonic Temple to­ 17S Center Rt PhoM tOdd 7:IS-WCCC-Hour of Bt Tranel*. WKNB—Twin Bandetande, CAPABLE . . . IN BUSINESS IN MANURES Plana snd spertficstioiw may be while Tils liaansa was under sus­ Thia daaeripUoa eaamad to St tha prlvtlegeo and actlvUlea that go E X P E R T C O . examined st the office of the Gen* Opened night at 7:50 to pay raapacta to Eaten Mrd but whan no ona cams SERVICE TiSS-WCCC- Outdoor* with Oiff WONB—Bllver TrumMU Hour. TER FOR 23 YEARS. pension and racklaas driving. 'Cha Uw lata Thor A. Ouatafsen. with a private aortal club." PHONE 7695 • ‘ to--WHAT—golden K m ecU In Bong ersl Manager at tb* shove sd- accused waa airtatadd by Pdtrol- to claim it aha daeldad to cMka tha The new aacmber recetvea a • a 'WaflhhrR, Toasterm w 5 ? n .r h .x fermptaonett*. •ijS—WDRC—Pleyhon**. dress, snd copies thereof ob­ Hebron girl a gift of it to replace WDRC-Muale Box w n c —Beet Play*. VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO'S FIRST Alaxaallar Jarvla Oanstrue- man Milton RtraUoa raoanUy a ft­ Lady Robarta Lodge wUl meet membership card which contains IroRR, SdwiiiB MadiincR, VitS-WDBO-Werid In Brief. WHAT—Hour of Faith. tained uphn payment o f $50.00 for AAMpany antarad tha low hid er a ebaaa up'Canter and Bast Tutaday evening St 7:50 at the bar lOas. his name, number and the rules Y rcr. Ate. •:*S-WOMB-Gbape< hi tb* Sky. WONB—True Deteetlv*. each set, which deposit w ill be re­ Mrs. Eaten, Tha Herald aad Mm. WTHT—New*. gim-WDRO-M*et MINI*. Uto eanat ruction of two atwer Canter straata at high rataa of home of Mrs. P. H. Parker of SO and regulattoM. Dues are $10 a w n c —New*; Oeorg* Crook. WTHT—Draw Pearaon. ALDEN E. BAILEY funded upon the prompt return o f ■ it wna raportpd yastarday. Ursin could n ot. pradiico Academy atraat Hoateaasa wiU ba Wakaman confarrad by telaphona year. The rulaa stlpulato that aU ABO * WDne-Newa. SH toj—To Be Anaouaeed. the documents tn g o ^ condition la fr a n five oompanlaa on the ..la ileeasa upon tnv aatlM Vton had Mrs. CaUiartoa Jack aad Mrs, thia morning and almoat poaltlva members and guests must ba 21 WHAT—Newa; Cborlater*. WONB—Green Horaat. TMUi ADVT. PAID FOB BY PBIBND8 subsequent to the bid openings. idanUScattoo of Uanda waa astab- w ccO-Maelc. Highway. ^ HaroM A. Arthnr J. Hsrrr J. ^ J a e ta war# opened in Gen- a further cht<% ravtalad tkthat, hia Margaret Jonas. years o f age, that no dtoturbance f B il^ W T B T —Cbrietlaa Selenea. PROJBCT NO. 2 — A d d it io n Aral Maaagar Richard Martin's of- Ucanao had baan auapandad fo l­ HMwd. She wiU ba retrieved tomor­ of any-aiatura sfUTba taleratad. APHIMWEM. **"■"" WDBO—Mumpera ftwelal AND ALTBRA'nONS TO tURKINGTON LeCLAIRE FIRATO iBea yastmrday at 0 o'clock. Of- lowing a Andtog of guilty of driv­ row. Utot membrra are responsibla for M»5 IllbehSL Blie—WONB—filedlo Ckraltra, Among paaaangtrs from WHAT-aemme CUaaleal*. SOITTH SCHOOL; AM ali aaM that the bids o f all the ing while under tha inAuanca to the Par Bast aboard Uw Navy But the story doaM't and there. conduct o f guaata, tha steward to w ee^N eam ; Hymn Tim*. - WONB-^hn J. ABthony'Haur. Sealed propossU for the coA- eompnalaa w ill ha studied before Old Lyme. Transport Hugh J. Qaffay arriving Mra. Batan wUI buy another para­ 1 to eject any member i " " * W n c M tobbatb Maaragr. S lie—WTHT—Three Bun*. structlon of a two-room addition the oentracta ara awarded. Johannas Aarik, 40, o f 105 Birch at tha SaatUa port of embarkaUon kaat and give It to Susan. Mean- any rule, any violator WTHT—Mutle for Buaday. P*«ri*» Act ties—WONS—Nawa.. WTHT—Paul Harvey. to and renovation of the South Tha Jarvia company antarad a atraat, waa found guilty and Anad yesterday were Sven Brlckaon of while, wMra's Tulhilah? Uftll ba auapeonded immediately and We Pay W nC—Hymn Tima. School on South Main Street, Md o f tlt,lM .T 0 for the construc­ $5 for driving a vahlcla .with da- M Btrch atraat and Paaquale B. tM mambarMrip fa# wlU not ba ra- •lie—Blble^aamiea. Manchester, Conn., in sccordancs tion o f 2ASI fast o f 12-tach aawer facUva brakes. A charge of vio­ ITuaaeanUUt of thia town-,. ( Where Pereeaal . • iSS-WDRC-Worl, NtWA tuadad, aad m aato or exchange of WCCC—String Tim*. Concert. " P / l take care with plana and specificatioiia pre­ batwaan Rummlt and Branford lation of rulsB of the road that ac- Hoipital Notef say aleehoUe bavaragea wUI be OeasMetaUea sew WONS—Sunrlaa Bcracad*. , WTHT—Oloria Parker. pared by Arnold Lawrence, Archi­ •treat and one for Nl.TTO for the eompaniad the previous charge Sons were bom at Uw Hartford toieratad oa tha chib premtoea. HIGHEST to A Tradittoa SttD. WTHT-Mttalnl Society, U lMt-WTHT-MU Tuaher. tt tect, 19 Bliss Street, Manchester, iastallatlon of a mile of six and when ha waa arraated following a Hospital WadMaday to M7. and w n c —World Newa Roundup. WDR( Jlen. at that tomorrow Tha mambara elect tha Board’o f 28 Weodbridge Shwt WHAT—Italian Pragraaa. WONB—: Trinity Bervk*. for the Town of Manchester, wiU sight lack sanitary aewar malna minor accident on Main atraat M n.. Milton Janaan o f AAR 1 PaUeala Teday Qovamort ahd the steward, Men- W TIC—i ____ 4S Forum of the Air. he received on- or before 4 p, m., aad I t manholaa In Broad, Little, Aug. 51. waa alao heard and Aarik atraat and Mr. and M m WUUam a d m i t t e d TBSTBRDAT: 400 Main Street 14:0 - W T H T - keathwland, v 7 B. The time to hsve year lawyer drew up s will-, iHIl atotad. Tha steward can be II lie—Newa on f ' -"'Tht sow. on Tuesday, September SOth, at' Bwaa and Durant straats. waa found not guUty. A. Rtmpson o f SS School atraat. George Rymlngton, 5d7 Parker voted our of offtco any time, he PRICES - U -- # -ll„Blq.U.na street; Mra. A b e t Wllaon, Rock- U tlS -W D R C -1 Frogran . :r. If eenditlone rhenge, have year totvyer the office of the General Manager, -Other bidders da Uw Rummit- Charles Cronin, 17, o f 14 Can­ lid, Maattoga ara held once a WTHT—Thonghto Ip Faming, Municipal Building, 41 Cantor terbury street, waa Aned $2 for Mlaa Bdith M Andlaia o f Wood-' vUte; CaaatoMira Hokkamaa. M For w n c —ciirton Utley. ehsage year trill to fit thoee altered-cMidl- Brantord sewer Una ware tha iak, M ai^U claimed, »**»• Hnna, Street, Manchester, and then st R. D, aad W. Conatniction Com- violation o f rules o f Uw road aa ■ bridge atraat and Donald Haugh- W hite atTMt; RuaanM Rmith, Bol- Television WOMB—Polltfeal Picture. toa; kCra. Bllsabath McOutonIa, 02 tka member oan bring o m or I l ita- '^ C - B e b Bayder Mtow. Nanw ns ss executor or coexeeator of your said office publicly opened snd |Bay o f Hartford, 125.420.75; the tha result of an accident on Beat ton o f CMmbrtdga, Maas, wilt ba more gueaU to tha chib, whaa ha WDRC—Art Waver Orcheatra. read aloud. Cantor this weak. unitad to marriaga, Monday at 10 Wadgawood drive; Mra Amy wUL Ask yonr lawyer about thto. O maoltdatad Constrtiotlon Corn- ordara drtnka, they ara taken from WHAT-Kooeilght Memories ‘ We are qmpewered by lew to serve ss execu­ Plans snd apeclfleations may be pany o f Hartford, $U,M7: and the Walter RogowaW, 25, of SA3 a.m. to S t Bridget’s Church. Hudson, 55 Tanner atraat; Win P. M. Orebeetras aton Bandall, AS UUay atraat. hia. bottle and served by the 1:00—Boetoe Btoekle. -News tor ef estates We de MQX draw will* nor examined at the office of tha den- A. Ralvatora and Rons Oonsthie- Adams atraat. waa santancad to waitreaa. The member to charged -.m—Indaetry on Parade. aarve 45 days in tha ootinty Jail A aurpriad party waa given fo r AlHCrrrBDTODAY: Mra Mary do we pmetlee law. AN legal msttera should arsl Manager St the shove sd- tkfo Company o f Hartford. N0.4N. IS dents for "aervica add att-ups." J;4S—Film Bhorte. IC—Paliadlunt Orcheatrs be has dled by your attorney. drasa, snd copies thereof obtained The second projaet was bid on aa a Aral offender m a common rrank Nyman and Marjorie Tap- Stewart. 215 Henry atraat. Can or Write 2:00—Wcetern Theater, 12iai-N*wt Set-nipa may Include icq. water, i;0O—Family Theater. ItiSS- w n c - New*. Koals. upon payment o f $25.00 for each ly tha Ralvatora company, N2,M 4; drunkard. ler, both of this town, Thursday DISCHARGBD YBRTBRDAY WDRC—N*ws Free Psridng Is Bear ef Bank M ra Arola Rasala, 51 Bank atraat glaqaaa, g t o ^ ala or Rnto. Whan 4:00—Myetery Theater. aet. which deposit w ill ba refund­ ^ U- and W. company, N4,- Lionel J. ArMwmbault, 2A, who night at tha Oardan o ro v t ia hanor the member aad guaata are ready SHIO—Hopelong Caaeldy. M : and the C L. Hate OonatruC- BOW raaldaa at 2 Hast] atreat of Uwlr coming marriage bn Rapt Alfred King, Birch Mountain Smta. lAWM mo t:d|l—Lon* Ranger. ed upon the prompt return o f the itioa Company o f ManMiaater, wM Aned 1 for failure to carry 20. Attandtog ware 100 of Prank’s road; Mra Dorothy Randall. Rock­ to leave, ha ts presented a check OSTRINSKY Top quality, perennial pruts -Ton Asked For IL Huiricane Slows • documents In good- condition su ^ aad pays. ,-Dsngeroaa AasInmenL ■aquent to the bid openings. .250. hia registration ■ aad IS for failure fallbw amptoyaa freaa Pratt and ville; Pred LeoM, Bast Hartford; 10^ 22,91 % weed-free. You ' ’:I0—One Man's Family. to notii^ tha Motor Vahtelaa fib- W itney Aircraft .in Bast Hart­ M ra Jean- Kodm 57 Edward ARhmigh the asamber to paying las BiaSBL LKT. . TKUSSen need lets of Scelli for full 1:00—AIl-Bter Revue. ------lOOK AHEAD — Bach bidder must deposit with r for-th e sat-upa, aatherittas alas- Off North Carolina CUffonl C. Jncob F. partment o f a change o f address. ford. A steak dinner w m followed atraat; John Slarala, 74 Harlan ptonHiqi becduM of the mltiton* •:00—Tour Bhow of Bbows. his bid security in the amount of Albert J. 20:10—Tour HK Parade. WITH MANCNISTER TRUST 10% o f his bid in tha form o f a MILLER Charles B. Travis. 55. of South by dancing. Tha guaata o f honor read; Mra Bvalyn Oabonw i QanHty — Hervteal ef sure prewinq seed* Jn each IIHIO-Wrettllng. TODD VARNEY Coventry, nrraatad for taking Rva racatved ^fU of lOggaga. son, 20 Pulton atraat; Baby boy 2t;00-Newa fosa Pngs One) V certified check or bid bond made pockego* (« payable to the Town o f hlanches- Obituary packs of elgarettas without pay­ Henry, 7 Nathan epad; Mra Js m A M. Baadey L lndstrom. Bast Hartford; LaaUe WilliMiH.SEMtM|t tIbSJJO 5 Hm - 17J5 ler. ing for them in tha Plrat NaUonal Tcenorrow momtog. after re- • ;|0-Drill Call. ■> A U gh prsaaurs srsn moved Store at tha Canter, waa Anad 115 rasatox during August, n on IRm- Hyde, Onace, Conn.; Mtehaat laajSpnme SWmPt 2M. RAR# nuts Miaofii 10:0^1huotler* of Faith. over ysstorday from the middle No bid may be withdrawn for s VOTE FOR THIS TERM OF DIRECTORS - for th e ft day ichool, Oeo^ and High Lombardi. South Coventry; -Ciral Provides luitlng neuriihmenl ' 10—Mr. Wlsud. Atlantic and New Atgland ststss period of 50 days after the oBm- Funeralg O O -FU u tog o f the bid*. Thomas Mosser. lA, of SI Oak atraats. w ill raauma aaaalons and^ Benton. M l Canter street; Mar­ needed ,le reilore lawn health to Mock the traptcsl storm sway garet McKtoMy. Rockville; Mm. 10—Xff OueoB. The Town of Manchester re­ atraat and Henry Klelnarhmidt WiU conttoua ito charttred hue i i « and cater. '25 ibs-|2.5D feed* M. from tbs Amsriesn cosstltoa sad > M m , BHaafeeth W. Jnaca IA, of N Wells atraat, war* turaad aarvlea for chtidran who llva at a Virginia Clapp aad son. South Cov­ 00-Ia th* Park. serves tha right to reject any snd IN THE REPUBLICRN PRIMARY TUESDRY.SEFT.C RILL'S TIRE 2500 sq lOJXK) *q ff |7.85 it ground almost to a atop. llw funaral o f Mrs. Buaabath over to Juvenile authorttiaa fo r diatanca or whose paranta cannot entry. tt, 1:10—Candy Oanlval. "If the hnrriesas to moving at sU bids and waive any informali­ ,P» ^anaa, who died Wednesday, AND ;S 0 3 lto tiM ffoiiMr. dlapoalUon o f a charge o f dis­ bring them or fear to send them DISCHAROBD TODAY: Mra jm S k sn tju ta u -KI f1*r—Aa R:S0 sjn . ifar l:flS-TT Ptayhones mitoa to the north and asst cut. this eth day of September, THIS ADVT. PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OP THE CANDIDATES rara ware NMaoa XUpatrlck, 1:0—Celebrity Time. ford. spaadtog. autonwhOa veered nereea Den- Wsdnaaday—RTaU Baby a t the Y A ccbsmtIm A SON • ■! nmter. TXntil th* high pramur* ares 1202. lUpatrlck. JoMph Watart, A charge o f rccklaaa drtvtog bury read hare early taday aad from a to 4 p.m. JOHliOM PRINT CO ly News BgeetoLBg« moves -out of th* way," Norton TOWN OP MANCHEarrER jyS fP * William Plah aad agatoat Harold J. Lavasqua, 51. o f etaahad lata a tma. MRfog Friday—Ckast at 2 a-m. hy ap- 180 SprncR StjfeC 18G MAIN ST. MAIN STREET CHESTER ngnetme. lid *We dent kaoqr what tha 923 MAIN STe PHONE 4171 By Richard Martin I'Tjlp® Burial w m la the Hartford, w m conUnuad uaUl next Samm Maete, g f, a< nM M gP, a aeiatmant only aad WaB Bahy at PtoDR 2-ot5r TEL. 8597 mnioBB* wm do.*^ Gensrsl Manager itb a Mast Canwtary. SalD^lay uadar ISO bead. the hospital from 2 to 4 pju. •T MANCHESTER EVENING H|?RALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER' 6, 1981 1IANCRE8TEA EVENINO HEBALD, MAKCHE8TEB. CONN^ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 9 it " 'iA ^ O E F O U R auto tUlWon in Daosmbar, 1181, axamlna law anforcamant ^flctais Miss Lawrence. 51, ahertly aftar tba llB-mila tong McGraneiy CuU aad known undararorld charaatora. Volimtcor T r ifle CfHf’ ARC Checking turnpika aras opasMd. return indlctmanU urhara federal THE ARM Y and N AVY Win Go T« C o «ri Eisenhower It aras the third bus eraah in five Special Probes |vto|atioiw could bo astabUahsd, i-i/. 3>3rd Guard a Rad^ amf TV Stage Star, Passes aradu to result In a high casualty and to provlda Ota JusUM Depart- mant with data on local erimo eon- Toilhnd, ‘ sapt. i ^ A JuaUca Nurse Service nst. f< I Fngu tma) Lrist Aug. 4 two Omyhound tram PngB Ona) dlUona which would ohow "a oo|n- m Obuii arrhlgnmant Monday Bids 100% Manchester Directory rtbt busts collided haadBa jMsr Waco, prahanalva' picturo o< the overall Reactivated tbiwa a Roekvilla man who da- Wants to Know Number 9i1 Oamtr. artMu daath eaaaa worn bar hus­ Tax., MUbif •• ptsBims. On Aug. grand jury needs no special name situation In tha United fitatos." eldad that polica naadad hla band, lUehatd Aldrich, who la a 38, a public aaratoa eoordinatod or caUiag. It oan N oummonod aaaiatanca In tha mattar of Ban. Baton Kafauyar (D., Of Nurses Avtilable to Pnee Prop pradttcar, aad taro deaa friends, transport bus amnt off a brtdga in into axiatanoa most raadUy whan Tann.), whoaa Sanata InvaaUgbt- traffic regulatlcn along tha Fanny and David Boltaman. Bdgawatsr, N.J.. kiUbig ana pas- Ml la shown for It aad tha Vtllbur Croaa Highway. Assist on Polio Guies Of Business usual regular terms c( court In the ing commtttaa fBvorad thla ap- Today's aawspapar advartU- tangar and injuring 18. proheh as a follow-up on Its work, In fact, authorlUea have « >OW) nanta atUI btllad her aa star of vartoua diatricta of the United racanUy foltoratod his faith in Uia EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ~ t f i m n | i O m ) During Um first part of August ■tatss are quite capable of taking Ukrn a iBry dim vlaw of JB- It] "The King and I," although bar spaclal grand jury plan. STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP H year-oM Donald L. tawia' whan tha polio aptdariie began na- Ing FraRSant Truman Ma care of aay aituatian having to do Blfiilaiu in th* fla\d with Um r«- vletMF. Bmrt . rale la bang taken by Oauatanca Wins Fellowship with violation of our fadaral lawa." Ha said them had baan M spe­ 29 REGULAR GAMBS-S 8PECULS mathod and hava achadulad auming national proportions, tha num aad Cbrpantar. anamtion M Um n«w NnUonnt two court appcarancaa for him, Tha baalc fan MeOranary racaSad that ha bdd cial grand jury aamlons In ' tha i.Gunrd* On«. now on a«uv« duty in Ha la charged with imparaonat- Amarican Natloiial Bad CNw, un­ WiBof price supporta ara wbaiil, rsaa* WbUa atarring In kar currant In Public Nutrition apaclficaliy instruetad all of tho wake of tha ooromittoa aaaslons-— 'B M isn y uadar conunand of Major Ing a polica office and illegal dar Ha agrMmanl to racnilt aorx, rlaa, eatton, tabaaee aad pea­ Operator Says Bottle Club BLEACHED EYEBROWS! •Cllr BospttaL ot_lieML roia Mias Lawrence had baan U. S. District/ Attorneys, as- apparently Including thoaa aa- w; MincMaty ■ taaiBhIiig a dramaUc'clam at Cb- samblad in respenaa to tha Mc­ ■ ■ ■ l i uae of a apoUight Tha.lat^r nuraaa for the ffaUMMi rollo nuts. Biaanbawar aaM stfpporta satnblad hero sftnr hs was sworn nun JUasath W. Cramr, will ba should ba axtandad ta suah erapa Aik ebeet ew BBlBiTl leetiBs Hat. Preperty iheped lumbla Unlvaralty, , Mtas Marta Buckley, aabo is a In liMt J^y, to keep fighting or- Grath call—and that soma 380 ^Emm na tha dSrd charge la uawerabta in Rock- Foundation, began to look for ' ^itawr S^ nutritloalat on tha (^nnacUcut i villa City Court, Sapt. 38. as aatA barlay, rye aad aw baana. Is *a Form of Relaxation’ SOVVPMiy FI®r0O| WW W V itl—WtTC—JukaI 3|m. I A ’vanatUa aetraaa, at one time gantaad crime and iatarotata rackataoring Indlctmanta roaultad. Army of tba Unltad «Utaa). nuraaa who would voluiHaer to Ha said semo way aaust ba found IW-WHAT—lUd Bra' TB PhUadtl-! Uil^^OCC—Nawa; Muala tnm Lae- Dairy and Food Council Staff, haa Lawia waa Uken into rua- I such rasas. Manchester, aa w playad a hilarious burleaqua baan awarded a fellowship in pub­ rackataartag on a continuing - i in Oannac^nt wUi ^ tha to gtva greater prataetioa to the • f yMir •yM.'- J role in the musical "Oh, Kay" In burtla I ntfaatiy Katimant i t a v t tody afUr aavaral motoriaU one of the eltlea In which a Bad 'Mufla. -Aae Maria Bear, lic health mitiition by the Univtr- ENROLIi complainad he had baan out on produean of pariahabla pcadueta 'HortMl OIrta. < -Vales ot pwabatr. Iriadoa—and at spaclal matinaas McOrath'a call for tha special NatioMi OMrd of tho'. tJnItod OtNM chapter is located, la now auidi aa asaat, mlUu, agga fruits o n ( M S'-!i3“ SS'T WOKS-BandaUad 0.AX Wpbt^PoHah Hour. During World War n aba anter- Aftar receiving her bahoalor of been announced baeauaa the Jus- offica. Bill, to indicata whether farm eooperaUi What does Um operator of Man- tojRug. \ V 99 East Centar Street WTHT—Paa Amarlcaa uidani Lsaa WONS^Potta ‘lim . tainad Anrartcan troops ovarsaaa Uea Dspertmsnt Just quit talk- FOR who wara oaUad into activa lIvitiM waa launched Labor they would ba avpllnbla for part WHAT—lUllaa PrograaL scianca dagma in FooBb and Nutri­ And U f laada, and, "developing rwal eloe- chaatar's bottle club have to » y But Um botUa chib oparatara / nnriD-4>ovB Hoaiari. WTHT—Ptaa Artt^IataL. ing about Uia jurtaa aftar Me- $12 95 luty Sapt. B, ItM , and who train- Day when he waa arraated for Uma or full Uma nursing for a trtSeation and te le p b ^ aarvioe." about bntUe clubs 7 and, apparantiy, tba axiaUng ata- tion from lit. Joseph Cotlaga, Waat ' at camp PIckatt, Va., unUI iliiigal uae of tha apetUght on lil»-W P »0 —Adtaatama ta Sriaaea. Wno-Wrrid at Muric. Hartford, Mias Buckley took fur- Granary took ever, on grounds mgYfixuBD n u a two months period; and. if UM Mngbl .Waam Nagw Wall, drat of all. ba objactA to tutaa aay that aat-upa, and not iiia-WCCO-Nsvi; Marie, Uim-WODO-Mowa;.Itataa Ufa. Fast Bus Rams that aU such aeaaiona ara aacrat laftfor Oanaany laat Oetobar. hia car. It waa latwnad that ha lattar, whathar thay would bo able Btaenhower apraod his farw pra- tba Urm •T»ttla club." "A bot^ .liquor art being aold. Tbersfore Fau Hava tba SaUafaettaa af w n c -^ . A Anar aaaA tTOBC^swa: lavitatlaa to Laam- thar training in diatatica at New n comptatcd thair aarvica WDRO-nadla yatartfaws.' InXa 4 York Hospital, and is a mamber It waa McOrath'a idea that tha atao haa been poatng aa an to accept service away from Man­ poaals to public view fbr Um Brat tia club U a piaca wbara you aall thiiMa cluba do not need liquor Bnawlag When Buytag Year *A lr C u d M Biih n WTHT—Lraa Pina aad Hla Maua- ChrtsUaa la Aetloo. FaU Tenul Ifairoad thay wara plaead in hold- auxiliary patrolman and ha WTBT- of tha American Dtatatlo Asaocla- special jurlfs alt in January of chester or must ba llmitad to local tlaw after making thaaa BMvaa in drtnka. Thia is not a botUa club, ueanaaa and ara not aubjact to Meat Bare. U'a Gat to Ba OooA talaaara. y Truck, 43 Hurjt each yaar. Thay wara auppoaad to CAMPBELL I it( aaetieaa until tha praaant ra- waa taken Into cuatody to faca nursing. JShieago yastarday: Tbit Is a private social club and j Liquor Oontrol Commisaion or Km w Y d b t M m R M m I * PiBwIiliig m d H b b Hih UiM-' -Hal Kolb. Uon. INSTRUMENTS LO AN tt TO KKaiHNKRl Manlaatlon program could ba ar­ tba more aarioua charge. "While tha national epidemic Bafom joining tha Dairy Council A U T O 4 U m .T L Ha iMUcatad 'atrongly bo provides a fonn of rataxaUen fof { ita lawa. (C Fugs Ous) Staff, Mlsa Burtclay waa tharapau- ranged. Tha old 48rd will ratain haa almost raachad tba savarity of might peaalbly name a N a ^ to tta mambara." ' What wiU happen in tha naxt Km p AcqaaiatBi l • OtittBr Work M ainnwx *Ye»>«n. nn FOR TRIAi. COORSK ta daaignititn for Bra yaara from Uva Batter for Leas Buy tlc dietitian at tha Watarbury tha one in 1B4B. the moat savara tha cabinet or "tai any place” if Silvio Mandlll. atsward WH9P» Hospital. 36 Months To Pay WOKS—Kawa; Juba Bax. WOMB-Battla of ihd BarltoBaa apUling its load'of baggad onlona Haadguartam and Haadguartara tar haa no need to pmic, for tha Uons needed to aerve Um United sUaat told a mportar that a "lot certainly won’t sii paaaivaly and diU—WDRO-Horss Knaaa into a Aald. VOTERS ACCORDION Sompany In Waat Havan, will ba Inception of polio here haa liot WTHT-—— HT-Seorta SUtaa well." of paopjla may gat the w iw g watch their lucrative , buatnaiaaa 1C—To Ba Anaounead._ . Saw BaadUghta ' M p a ^ on Tuaadav in Um Nw Democrats raachad apidamie proporUons, 8. He held out aa oUre branch impmaaion" of his busintaa, "Meat leglalatad out of axuitanca. State L T. W O O D ■WTlO-l ______i BapublMa Roll Is Purchaser ELECTRIC GUITAR ViMMt P. Maraiw 4!M-WDE^BC-P.P.C Bddia PtalMr. ___ ,^Jltb Quia Blxtaan otbam warn fraatsd for Siipport a candidfild qnfiUfifid| Notice Bavan Armory, t i ^ Cdl. Carl B. aald Frank Moreace, head of the to Senator Rohort A. Tbh of Ohio of our mambam am businaasman liquor control authoritlaa on tbs wn c —Maataaaa minor cuts and brulaaa at Zur- Walaon of Hamdan, will ba acUng LOCKER PLANT 807 NO. M A IN ST. WWTP—lataraaM„,'Intaraattoad_____ Jan Clab.___ UiM-WohC-Kawa to wnrg th* peopio of Man- "The ROMiblioan Ktactors ot tha Red Cmao Nursing Sarvica cem- whom ho dafaatad for Um OOF who work to taU bourn and sec­ other hanA aaam datarmlnad. WKKM-Kawa; lUqnaat Hatir-sa WOOO-Matrs; DkralaUn - AaMileaa bnigg Mamomial hoapital, Rivai^ Of Fngland Acres inrttt Told i»oUcy mlttaa for this town.‘'Howavar, ha nominaUen-—by saying: ‘T il try ond ahIR factory workara. Thia Should ba a let of action. A MEAT HOUSE W^roKC-To Ba juSwuneedr sida; 14 paasangara warn takan to chfifittr M a . Town of Ooventrt Bra raquastod „osrioaa Hour. » v o a 48rd Maadguaram and Hand pointed out, tt ta of vital Im- to draw Mm oato my taam not club is tha only chance many of Bl BISSKIX ST.-TEL. 8434 ^ Tel. 4848 w n o - Maric aritr a Hast. Burlington County heopltal, ML to meat in Nathan Haia Oommu- nartara Omnpaay and tha military i wrtanca that tha local Rad Croaa only aa a consultant but aa a man tham hava to mlax and enjoy BEEF AO«)UAlNTED WTHT—BoasUad' Ballroom. ___ ^ Ufht. Prominent local raaltor BdwaM I nito Oantos, Monday, fiapt IBui, WKKB-Kowa; lUqaaal Matiaaa W B A T - i ^ from BeandtaaTta Htdly, eigbt' to 8t. Frands hospi' J. HoU was the purchaser of the laUeb unit will ba Inanaetad on lad o«it the avallahillty of nurs­ to load a vary important aaetlon thamsaivas." •tU—WHAT-Craabpa Quartar. Ut4S-W im O-lHn pmtaUo, Kawa tai, imntoa. STATE IMU at 8 o'clock, p. m. fop the lapt. B In Um Hartford armory, Is ‘Me Too’ ing servlea locally or for sarvlea of tha fight." State Uquor Control Oommie- Says ‘Laxity’ . i:Sa—W ^ T —Band ay Oaraaod. WOKB-Prank aaOrnsat approxlmataly 108 acrw of land In purpose of nominating candldataa rba cbnlmandhtg affMar, haa not ■ ______m away from homa. WenM Bi ■ionar John C. Kelly and Polica WOOC-Hnria I laa-WTHT-Kawa Jamaa told nawtpaper mportam Vernon, Bolton and Covantry, I for Reprsoantatlvaa In tha Ganaral w n c —'Ths Author Bpooka WOCC—PraaetHAaMricaa Hour. ha saw headlights in bis mirror wheaa sale by tha W. Harry Eng­ REPRESENTATIVE lot boon daUgpatad aa yot. Oan. (Canttanad Fram Faga Oaa> "It must ba mads clear," said Thase statements came during Chief Harman O. Scbendal, among MANCHESTER WDKO-Oiu meato Mop, ,w n c -K a w a lAaoembly, JusUoas af tha Faooa, artBMT, it waa ravaalad yaatar- pan rallv of Rapubllean leaders many others, hava a different Im- Delays lists and shortly after fait tba bua hit land aatata was approved in Pro­ Mr. Moroaco, "that the Rad Croaa DON WILLIS WOMB—Bob .tooirtp Sbew. the rear of his truck. and a Taam Oommlttaa vlea-chaire lay, pbin» to r a m ^ wtUtiha unit deaa net hire nuraaa. Wa simply In which Blaanhowar told them: pmaston of bottle cluN. Kelly bata Court hero about two waaka man. Hartford, who onw la Intarim San' FRAMING Bbow. Injured lay about in tha field ago, HoU was listed aa tba por- ibnad for anottwr yaar. Tka uni laerutt nuraaa for thla need -/Tf wa aan gat cammon hanaaty announced Thursday that ha will William E. Vlana, who ta run­ ' w n c —Tour Kar to Haaltb. awn irana; rwti Tanau™, Datod at Oavantry, ODtiB., Bap* MW la. loompoaad ^ c i p a ^ wit ator appointed by Oov. John In govemibant, 1 ballava wa aan saak to hava anaetad at tha aext ning agalnat Democratic ragistmr Pictures Mounted and till—wn c —Bahind tha Pafsa and alongside tha road. chaaar oa the axacutor’s dead con­ through our Nurslag Sarvica com- QAIME WTHT—Ouaat BUr. WTHT—Bammy Kayi Ambulances and rescue teams tambar 6th, 1883. . wplaaamantt from mmry dw a i Lddga. mlttaa; and our Nursa BnroUmant coma does tb balancing tba •aaaion of tha Stats Laglslatum of voters Edward F. Moriarty in Framed — Old Frames Baaotas veying tha property that was- fllpd By Older of tho Toam OMfimit- budget without aver ones .reduc­ BiSe-WSRO-Nawa WOMB—Warm-up Tti , canM ttom. 10 nearby: muntcipall- in RockvUla. tiM nnlon. Tba battle for tHa unaxpirad eommittsa of which Norman O*- a law to ban or mguUta such tha primary Tuaaday, today 18 Main St- Phone 2-4531 Repaired WOKB-Mswa Ills—WOMB—Boston Braraa tfS. A data for Inapaetlen of tha two four-year term of San. McMahon ing neeaaMry axpansan for Uig clubs. Sehaadtl agraad with charged tha ragistram ef both raA T —Bad Box aa BL Louli (3). tias. FlobdUiliU playad-on tba Holl said tba new pisos, known boma ta chairman. Such nursing Prints aad Oil Paintinss- liW-WCCC—Kawa: KeHaaa of IralaaA roadsida and tha twisted mstal of as ,tbe LitWlncyk farm, wlU "fit in UlHan B. Matorajr. iM d arUUaty battallloaa In Fair- will ba fought hatwoan Buab and a wrvlca aa wa hava twan abla to armed foroaa." Kalty that botUa chibs am a nurs- parUes with-"Bagrant laxity" for SpsclollilBt hi w n c —Faaorltaa ot tho PuMua CSmUiumlii llaM.County, tba BMrd with uniU Damocratia nominee axpaetad to Hia ganaral carried hia attack anca to the walfam of tha com­ thair lailum to provide i^ ta d F o rS a lt _____Jfsws; Bpori*: Huala WDBC—To Ba Anneancad. the wracked bua as doctors and nlcaly" with his Rosadala dsvsiop- recruit is mads avallabla whara WHAT—Kawa first aid cmws aasistad Um in­ In Marwalk and Daabun and Uia ha named today by tha Dama- naadad and la paid at pravaliing on the adminlstraUon into this munity aad baltavas thay axUt to votam lists within three waaka w n c —Kawa ItiS—WKMB—Nanra; Tanks aa Bane* mant. Ha aald it brings Um total id in Itamford and Oraanwieh. crntlo oonvantion. farm state by declaring: after tli4 last ganaral vots-making BRAKE SMVICE (Its—WONB—^rta.- teiSa jured. aertaga up'to about 800 and par- wagaa, not by the Rad Cross but skirt axlattng liquor control laws. AHMrt Nackawiki WHAT—Bad Bra aa Phtladalpbla Traffic puUad up for thraa-quar- not yat baan oat aa yat. It la Moat obaarvara batiava tha con by thoaa who n4ad tha nuraing. "Fear is being broadonst by tha •Opamto WltUa Law* day in accordance with state WnC—Bob StMle. allals, on tba road, tha lake front­ WHAY-i-Booper Berarade. Wt>BC—Bympbonatte. tam qf a mila In tba turnpike south age of his proparto in Vamon. .^jetad^ taba iBmo aiitba and vantton will nominate If. S. Rap. "If thara ara any avallabia admintstnUon and its phanay Mandlll. on tha othar banA aaya statutaa Tha last mnarbi votar ITTvIls BINI 38 Lockwood Street WOBC—'Pair aad Coolar, btholta Hour. UM month. Liaui Ooi,' Albart A A. A. Rlbicoff. front organlaatlMM. Thay are try' that "wa opamta within tha limits making day waa July 31 but the Bits—WTHT—Waatbar. ______AaMrtoan Rbur. bound lane. Ha said be win carve buildihg nuraaa in this community who IOasnmSm abiIs Tcl.2-4313 WTHT—Marinas la Baataw. John M. Bailey, tha Damocrata' hate not baan eontactad in thla Ing to acara you lato voting, not of tha law and wa make sum that lists have not yat baan .printed. Wnc-Wasibar. U m arrack oc^rrad lass than lots out of tha jproporty . and out •;ie-WTHT—Maws, Iim-WOBO-Touir InalUtIra to Hutle.- BOO feat from tha apot whara five roads through to Um Uucs, to pro- alate chairman, told the opanlnj' canvas, wilt they phone B ill for as your oonaciaaeo dlcUtaa, but wa do becauso thay'm always Whan eontactad tbVi morning, WOMB—Brealns BUr. WTRT-HarsIC ot Truth, iMa boon Tadaalgaalad aa tha com aaMlon of tha convention laa. Information abont this cam­ aa they want you to vote. watching ua. Wa can't afford to Moriarty said.that ha and Republi­ w n c —Sununsr Sympbonr. w n c —Tour Box at tha Opara Marinas amra hillad in a raar-and Vida direct access to the water. mandlM officer. WIOfB—Btara Bariaw tha Blta WOOC-Mewa: Muata night that ha himaalf had baan paign 7" Mr. Moroaco concluded. "Thay ara tailing you' ‘tha Re- do anything wrong." Ha madlly can Registrar of Voters Donald WDRC—Sports Itraadap. • Oompanlaa I and M Of tha 103nd, aakad by many to hocoma a can' "It la of grava Importance to our pubilcana will pull tha mg out admitted that aama botUa cluba Hamingway ha^ suppliad the lists MANCHESTER •:4a—WTO'f—It's Tour Burinaia Quta feaadguartara la Aaaonia, ara Khad- didata for tha aanatortai nomlna community and to our nation that from undar you.’ 1 hava an answer gat ambrollad with tha MW and to tha prtntam "sombUma tofora HIGH GRADE WOMfr-Charlsa Kariwr. lita-WCOC-Muale.. tilad for InapaeUon during tba WpgO-Xarry taouiur Kawa WTHT—Arpund tba WorlA Uon. wa raeruit avary nuraa who- la . that answer la—bunk 1 Just said that auch oluba give a Mack Aug. 30,” but that the prtntam had Al Rafar. Bporta waak of Bapt. tt. Ha aald, however, that ha fait it avallabla fOy this work." bunk!." aye to lagittmata oparatom. SriKBCiS!l|ifi?irQaUay. OBUGATED... YES baan "ao jammed up” they haven't DRY CLEANERS t III—wn c —latataoeno. would ba in tha Intaraat of party But MandUI. a form**' Manchaa- baan able to furnish tha prinfod PRINTING V?$^3$tis‘lSlellw*'ikilurd8y at unity if ha atayad out of tha pie ths Chata ilia—WTIC—Bob Oonoodina Ur maldent now' living in Hart­ coplaa. Ha said ha and Hamingway 93 W b Ks StrtM t WKMB-Connty Pair. _ WTRT—Hour ol Daclrioa. PLEDGED.. a YES tura. ford. Btraaaad that "local or atata had provided the town dark m>d JOB AND COMMERCIAL fits—WOK8—Hank Thompson Bbow. WDRC—Marie; TO SKRVK THK FKOFU OF MANCHKSTKR Messiah Choir "Badraom BaaMoaf” Buthoritiaa am iavttad to aand a the town chairman with, typed PRINTING Tb M io m 7 R M WTHT—Sort Andrawa lifl-WCOC-Masariea Muata Daaplta tha problama eraatad by AhonlTown Pet Parakeet WKMB—AraMd Poreas Day. wnc-Critie at Larsa. ' man to spend any number of waaka copiaa of the lista, r» ■ 7iSB-rWOKB—Dawn You Qo; Ksara 4tSa-wnC-Tbs Paleon. McMabon'a daath, aald M lm . tha In thla place to aaa exactly how Frompt aad BtfieiaHt Friuttag af toe Day. Vote for Mra. Minnie Horriaon of BS Ban- Viana atatad it was thia "laxity.' w n c —To Ba Aasotmead. WTHT—Hawal I"- ^ Plan Underway daiagataa cam# to tha eoavantlen ton atraat haa baan admiftad aa a wa opamta. Wa hava nothing to 'which, ,ha sai<^ waa atmllarly at All Kinds ' WHAT-Byaopboey Hall. „ _____ J Hour. VINCENT P. Saga--Endedf WTRT—D|aner af tba Orsan Boool WCCC-Murie. aa a "united Damoeratlc party. ' paUant to tha Hartford Hospital. hide.'' damonstratad two yaam ago, that Expert Dry 4iM-WTXC^-^ltla K ^ KEEP YOUR E WDHO-OeiMrooka. Obnvantlon Chairman John Tba Sunrlaa Chib opened h «n , ■ra MePADDEN ^ All paopla In thia area who ara had prompted him to eppd|a wiQt^Haittaie Hour. WKMB—Nawat .Buaday Btranada Sullivan. New Britatn’a mayor, Tha Herald playad*Uia role of a Aug. 37 on tha aacond Boor of BNTiMoriarty who haa* baan mgiatrar OOMMUNITY PRESS 7;li-W W B --Kowa; 10 Qaastama •lagtng anthuaiaata uow bava tha aald that tha Rapubllean ronvan, Tha local branch of tha. WCTU Cleaning Service S:ta-wniT—OtMaa; Party, WDRC-Mmlc. NaUro af IfonaoeUeat, Vataraa w - ' 1-;' opportunity to form a "Mancbaa. will hold Its first fall maating datactiva today and made taro Oak atraat building wham a pool atnea 1883. dor. Na. Main and No, ScKboi w n c —Jana Acs—iHie Joeaay. tlcn which bad moved out of Miah. parqgna vary happy. Twalva-yaar- room waa formerly located. Mem­ Stmets — TMophiMa 8737 Worid War U. Oradnate Dalvsni- I tar Maaaian Chorua” undar tha dl' naU Memorial Hall only a raw Tuaadav at 8:30 at tha South Tha Statute involved says that 4itS-WTlC-HL-“ :otoroooo PUyhousa to of Faaasylvania aad Yale Law j Notion of Andraw R. Wataon Mathodlat Church. Daiagataa to old Suaan Waknnan of Habrqn bership alnca that time, Mendtlt tba mgistrars shall provlda I ON THIS TE WKKB—Wawstat Bammy Kays. houra bafora bad "parpatratad artll rbcai'Vb a new paraksat to ra- 'clainiad. has grown to about 100. SdwaL Gvar 13 yaan praeUatag { Wataott haa baag approachad by political fraud, upon tha paonla of tha stats convantton will ba ao- towAJwrk.wlUi 36 printed cop AU MARKS OF • lawyar. Wltk Vetoraas Admlnla- tpararal frianda with tha auggaa- pointed, and a report to tho atata place UM one aha loat in HAttfiM AnoUiar club ha opsrataa in Hart­ af UM torraetad lists and tha-cha Connecticut by nominating a bad' WOMB—Tbaater of ths Air. traUan. Hartford, 8 yaara, aattve 04 MX SOUS nruiucAm LtfiR of forming a aivio choral organlaation pranarad. Holiday and Mrs, Alfred Baton of Bs Bari ford, Uia Was Houm Club on Al­ man -of each party With aa many W np-Btara la Khrid aad Bins. VWRC -Art^O^frar. elvla aad eennmmlty affolra, msm loom raaldant." bany avenue, haa a mambarahtp SEWING lil>--WTIC-Wiltahall IMl. t group for tha purpoM of giving an Tba BT-vaar-old Buah la a Qraan anvaiopaa, not alread.v aant in, atraat, Mapebaatar, wQI gat bach as naeaaaary ‘‘within thma waaka ' .Be Bpaaka bar fitato aad Manrhaptor Bar I-annual parfermanca of Handel’a should be brought to thla maating. kar loat parakeet. of 600, ba said. Mandlll statas he JONES' . -BciBs Bartr. ^BO-Worid ifain - . m mi rasiutBS nwAY wich, raaldant, but la a partfMr aftar the compltUon of aach enroll' t:ta-wDBC-OaiitbnaUrs. JMB—DouNaa in Taenia AssoriaHansi MaBcbeator bn- "MaaaiaiL*' In tha New York Invaatmant hank SuNn, daughter of Bfr. and Mra haa bean In tha bualnaaa a year. mant." Tha fdlowing section of the ViMt Jonas Fural- MACHINES wno-ohlo Bhrar Jambaraa. WKn B' Piad WarrlBf. pravamaat AmotSmSkm, Amarleon Wataon. who la anthuaad with Ing firm of Rgown Brothara, Harri Loyal CIrcts of Kings Daughtera Nall Wakaman of Ollaad road, Artlclaa of association for the statute aaya that tha ragtatrara Inm and Flaor Cov- KXPKRTLY RKFAIRKD WHAT-Kawt; Bacord Barlav. ;i4f—^HAT.3poUlsht OB Bporta. Legion, Knlghte af Oehmibaa. tiw idaa, eonductad "Tha Maaaiah" Hebron, loat her bird while visit­ local club warn Bled at the town BiSS-WDBC—Nfwa. 4:4s—WDRC—Larri lMaaar,,Newa THEY HAVE NO AXES TO GRIND AND man and Company. will meet Monday evening at 7:45 am to ddiver "a complete set erhig 4 ta r a tar •:sa-w n c-0 rud old Opry. In Now iarary annually from IBSli in tha Federation Room of Onter ing at her graadmothar’s in Hart­ dark's offica on Aug. 30. The auch lists to each candidate for Tha Harrtman of tha Arm la tha Largo Asaortmant WDBC-Breadwair'a U r Baat. Be Sore to VOTE StfL 9th to 1B4B with largo ehoruaaa and Avaiill Harriman who kaynotad Church house. Mrs. Harold Bel' ford one waak ago. H m Mitl waa artlclaa sUpidatad that tha purpose aay offica." , V WOMB—OqylieiaBardn Bhow, frofaaalonat aoMta. ef Um dub la to provide sodai ac- of Fine Floor Cev- SINGER lt;ta—WDBt^Babart Q'a Wuwerfca WILL WORK TOGETHER TO GET THINGS tha Democratic oonvantion today. Cher, chairman of tha hoataaara, piuchaaed out of an income rt' WONB—Ghieaso Therier of tba Air. w n c -Kawa Claranod Hblang, organiat and Will be aaalatad by Mra C. M. calved by the iitUa girl while bal^- tlilUas and entartainmant for M0RO8 FLARB-Vr erlag. CaB Ua'iw NTHT—Oeorta B. Bokataky. cbotrmaatar tha Bmanal Luth- Dodd*far Hauaa w n c —Bauban Bsuhaa. Hie anticipated nomination of Christensen and Mra Thomaa aitUag thia aummer. mambam aad guaata. Lucy An- Manila, Sept. A—13R—HungtyS EsUmata. SEWING OENTER WTHT—Baturda'T *e tha Bbamrock. WKKB—Kawa; Ouy Ijombsrda Invitations to Bid aran Cbureh, haa alraady gtvan draoil of HarUord was named Mam baadlta ' aad b eslai^ WHAT—Many; Baeord Bartav, dill-WRAT—Ptopita Lobby. DONE QUICKLY ANQ ECONOMiCAMpV Rlbleofl by today's convantibn Donnelly, Mra. Satan, amptoyad by Arthur's FURNITURE STORK 832 Main St. T e l 8883 11 ;M—wn c —Cower Batin Btreat. wTV gfiV—»i n c—Tala Intatprets the Kewa . Advertlicnent MUI aupport to thla affort and hhaa means that Thomas J. Dodd. Hart' Dmg Store hart, aald her para- agent. Silvio MendiU and Alfred troops ladcad in flarca, bloody WTHT—Hotsl Actriphua Orebsatra. ^ WTHT—^Moaday___ Horntns Hcadllnea Ifarad nlaI Mrvleaai aa organiat. ford lawyer, will succeed Rlbicoff Andrmll, alao of HartforA warn coosbat today la a soddaB Saro- Daa Backer, Fmp. Manchenter WDRC—Danes Orehaetn. dlto-WPRC-'eRC—To Be Anneuaoed. TO BOWatS SCHOOL: Wataon aald a ha wanta to maka ^ Mr. and Mra latqworth Perkins kaat, called Uanda, diaappaarad on as Oak Bln Manebestar, Caum w n o —Rhythm BamasTeua WOOT^-Klebflck Carter. aa Damoeratlc oandidata for Con of Bolton, formerly of Manckaa Um mhm day last waak whan the othar two signam up af flghttog oa Jole laiaad in tlia4-WDBC-:gUra for Defaoae. ^ im----- c-Tha -Im firtt NIsbIer. PltOJICr ''^NO 1 — ADDITION laiiar that aueb a group would grass from tha First District, 7 Day Weak the southern PhlUpplaas. Phoaa 8-iail WHAT—Buppar. Sertntda. fiaalad propbaids for tha con- • anUraly non-danominatlonal ter, have returned after a visit friends canM.ta caU. Tha bird Saw WTHT — Baturday Klsht DaaclBS Stats Centra] commlUaa mam' with thair aon-tn-law and daugh' through an opae door to fraadom Houts bt the local'club am from •WTfHT—Hen Comes tba Band. atructlon' of an right claaoroom id wnidd. btlong to no' particu- bars from tha district' alraady hava 10 p.m. to 0 a.m. «• week days SBlOt ATOMIC AID T. Pe HOLLORAN 11*14—^6NB-Natlonal Prod. Autber- addition to tha Bowara School on ir charah or othar organiwttoh. tar, Mr. and Mra l^rancia C. Me juat bafora the heavy rainstorm. thorlty ProsnuiL announced thay will nanM Dodd MuUen of Claarwatar, Fla. Thay Tha two-aity aaarMi for Uia birds and 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Sundaya. Supreme Hradqnartrra, AlliaS WTRT—Woman In Unltona. WOKB^awa. Princeton Street, Manchmtar, ^Far nU thoaa Intaraatad in thla TM dub la dacoratad much lika Fowam la Eurapa; StSt. •— FUNKRAL HOMK Wnc-Alex Driar. Iito—WDRC—Jack Btnny, ojact n mtoUng will ba hold tha candidate If the senatorial brought with tham their grand kapt .police and Amman occupied WHATr-Bympbony Han. Conn., in accordance with plana nomination goaa to Rib|eoff, a aocktaU lounga Chib nMmbam Oea. 4.' Lawton' Ceuias, U. S. TREE PRUNINR lleally lacatad ■ couvealeBt and Iltl^W PB O - Publle Barriea P ALDEN E. BAILEY and specifications prspsred by Id at S n. m. in tha Cantor son, Duncan McMuUan, for an in- for aooM Uma; Baport* came In Army OMef of Staff, aald today WTIC—Hollywoot Bowl Conesrta deflBits stay. Mra. McMullen, the and guaata arff sarved by a awny from tha busy thorougb- UilE^wnc — Hollywood PnlUdlam WOMB—Under Arraat. Carl J. Malmfoldt A AssoclaUs, roiaUonal. Church. Thoaa un­ from outlying sactiona tbat Nartb AUaaUe treaty torem In Oreheatm. WTH'r—Bophlatlcatad Rhythm. RKFUBUCAN CANDIOATK l>OR former Florcnoe Parkirn, attend­ Susan's parakeet iTullulah) WSltfSiS. lam. DIstIneUve Sarvica. Mad­ Afchltacts. 3« Pearl Street, Hart­ to attend thla maating, hut Mradlll axplalnad how the dub BtarapO eventually will be snp- awi REiOVAL WOMB—MIdnIsbt' Mattnaa. . . WKKB—Kawa: Tarln Bandstand. REFRKSKNTATIVE bar would Uka to uarticipata In ed tha local Mgh school. Tho baan aaan in Vtmon and othar am FacUHlea. WTHT—Hotal Rooatmit Orebsatra. Iito-WONB—Bobby Boaaoe. ford, for the Town of Manehaatar, perted by atamie weapeaa, WDRO-Bamphony Hall 7i to-W PRC—Doris Day. will ba recaivad on or bafora 4 dhoral' group. mould contact family haa baan living in dear- artaa It had a blue body and bril­ ------;----y,------Hava your traaa pruned ant WTHT—Tima Capaula Court Cases water for several years. They have "A prospacUve laambar haa ta removed by Neenaed and tai' iiiia - w n c '— Newar^i:Dane* Afala ABLE AND EFFICIENT AS A MEMBER OF p. m. on Tuesday, Saptamber 80tb, liant markings with a numbered ba aponaomd by an accaptad mem­ T. P. HOLIAIRAN with Plaaasaa. WIMT-Byrnphony HtIL another young ton. David, and band on ita lag. ■nmd tma aurgaoua. WDRC—Maws. WOMB—Luthann Hour, BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 5 YEARS. at tha office of the General Maui- A Aim of 3100 waa impoaed up ber of the club and than haa to FUaaral INrootar tiiia-wnc-Tax WlllUmt. aad Or* ager. Munlclpad Bultdlng, 41 On- new daughter, Data Linda, bom Another Manehaatar raaldant eheatrt. «Mw. on Francis F. Uraln. 33, of Rook- Aug. 38. bo appreyad oy a five-man Board MJINQHESTER’S WTHT—Btop the Hualc. BEST QUALIFIED TO REFRE8ENT YOUR IN­ u ir Street. Manehaatar, Oonnactl- Mra. Jacob P. MiMka, of BO North of Oovemora. Mambam in good C. 8. M cH A LE , Jr. lliia - w n C - Kewa. villa In Town Court this morning atraat, mportad to pqllea that aha WHAT—Ptann Mlnlaturaa. TERESTS. cut apd than at Sold offica pub­ l^w erB ids by Judge Charlaa N. Crockett. Ur standing ran come and go as they nNEST REPAIR CARTER TREE Uceaaad Bmbatanar diSS-WnC-Kawa'! Music. Vmc-Meredith Wtlaon'a. Muata licly opened and read aloud. Tall ,Cedara of Lebanon will found a paraksat, groan in color. t:ta-WnC-Caaaleada of Marie. Room. sin waa found gulHy of driving moot at the Maacnic Tampla to­ please and am enUUed to all the I7B canter BL Phone 80M Ills—WCCC—Hour of Bt Praneli. WKKB—Twin BandaUads. CAPABLE . . . IN BUSINESS lH M AN C H E S­ Plans and spadfleatlona may be WMIa Ilia litanaa wds undar sua- Thia daacripUon aaamad to At tha prlvilegao and acUvlUea that go EXPERT CO. Jire Opened night at 7:80 to jw y raapacta to Baton bird but whan no one came SERVICE t:N-WCCC- Outdoors with aiB WOMB—Bllrtr Trumpata Hour, T E R FO R 23 Y E A R S . sxamined at tha offica of tha Gena panalon aad raekiesa dr|ytng. Tba Um lato Thor A, Ouatafaon. with a private social dub." PH O N E 7695 Knicht Sill—WHAT-Solden Mmaanta la Bong aral Manager at the above ad- accuaad was arraatad by Patrol­ to claim it aba' daeidad ta aaaka the YTm hew member racelvea a Ml'Washbn, Toasters, W n C—Btrtnn formphonatta. . •ito-WDBC—PliTbmhm Hebron girl a gift of It to mplaca WDBC—Mnale Bra wnc—Beat PlayPlnyt. VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO'S FIRST draaa, and copies thereof ob­ SfawilMg Jarvis Oonatruc- man Milton Stratton recantly aft- Lady Robarta Lodge vriil meat membership card which contains IroRS, S tw in f Msefalnes, f:IS-WDBC-Worid In Briat. WHAT—Hour—i.- ^ ----r of Faith.Tt tained upfin payment of 380.00 for nampnny antarad the low hid ;or a ebaaa up 'Canter and Bast bar loaa. hla name, number and the rules Vacs, etc. 1 Its - WOWB-Chapt' In Um Bky. WOMB—True Deleetne. each net which deposit wlil ba re­ TiMOday evening 4t 7:80 at the Mrs. Baton, Tha Herald aad Mra. WTRT-Kawa •il^W D RC-Haet HUUa. Um aoaatructioa of two nawer Centar atraata at high Ntaa of homa of Mrs. W. H. f^kar of 80 and regulaUcna. Dueaara $10 a w n c —Kawa; Oaorsa Crook. WTHT—Draw PaanM, . ALDEN E. BAILEY funded upon tha prompt Mtum of it WM raporto4 yastarday. speed. Urain obuld not produce Academy atraat. Hoata«MB will ba Wakamaa eonfarrad by telephone yaar. Tha mlaa sUpulato that all ABO - WDBC-Mawa W H ^—To Ba AnneaseaA tha doeumanta in good condition I fran five oompanlaa on' the Ma llcanaa upon InvaaUgttlon and Mra. Catharine Jack and Mra, this morning and almoat poaiUva mambam and guaata must ba 31 'WHAT—Kawa: Ghortatara WOMB—Qraan Honat THM ADVT. FAlD FOR BY FRIBNDfi subsequent to the bid openings IdantlAcaUon of Uanda waa astab. weed—Muale. Itis-WTHT-Ilslody Rlsbwsy. , HfiroM A. }, A rthur J. Hsrinr J. brojeeta'wara opened In Ocn- a furthar chacx ravaalad that hia Margaret Jonas. yearn of age, that no disturbance Smusr BiH^WTHT-arlatltn Belaaaa . WHAT—Palnil BallroooL PROJECT NO. 2 — Ad d it io n isral Manager Richard Martin's uf- licanao had baan suapandad fol­ liahad. She arlU ba mtriovad tomnr- of anyMiatum yrtlPba tdaratsA APHJANOE 00. WDBC A ogaara BpaeUI ills—WDRC—Plavbouaa. , AND ALTERA'nONS TO tU R K IN G T O N L e C L A IR E FIRATO jfica yastarday at B o'clock. Of- lowing a Andlng of guilty of driv­ Among 1,3M paaaangarim from that members am maponilbla for BiSS-WDNi-Kadlo CSiralara. WTIC^WBC Btrins B^pbontUt. M5I5 mbpItSk WHAT—Osmaw CUaaieale. WHAT—Baay Liataitlas. SOUTH SCHOOL; dlatalB said Uut tha bids of nU tha ing while undar tha InAuanca in tbs Far Bast aboard Umw Mavy But Um story doesn't and them, conduct of guaata, tha ataward is WCCO-Kaws; Hymn Tima. • hsihoer'Hour, Sealed proposals for tba coii- • 9 eempMias wiU ba atudlad before Old Lyme. Tranaport Hugh J. Qaffay atnvlagai Mra Batan wlU buy another para­ autfeortabd to eject any 'mambar WnC-fiabbtUi Meartsr. • i4S—WTHT—Thraa Buna. atructlon of a two-room pddltion tka caatracia are awarded. Johannaa Aarik. 40, of 100 Birch keet nod five it to Susan. Maan- WTBT-iMnsIc for, Buadty. 14:tS—WDBC—Newi. Tba Paoptaa Aet at Uia BaatUo port of amMrkaUen violating any rale, any violator BI44-WON8—Maw*. ‘ WniT—Paul Haney. to and renovation of the South Tha Jarvta company antarod a atraat. waa found guilty and Anad yaatarday warn Svan Brickson wbila, wbam’a Tultulah? will ba suapandad immsdiataly and We Pay W nc—Hymn Tlma School on South Main Street, kid -of B18.18B.70 for tho construc­ IB for driving a vahieia with da- 38 Birch atraat and F a a ^ a B. UM maanbarabip fas will not be ra- t:H—Bible Heiaesea ^llTArtbfKeii**-*"'"'' Manchester, Oonn„ In accordance facUva brakai. A charge of vie- f,aa-WDRC-Worli Neara tion of 3AM foot of 13'4nch aewer nuMacanUlU of this town. fiindsA and no aala or exchange of iiK g fe ggiiLSfe Oeaeart with plana and spedfleatlons pre­ katwaaii Summit and Branford lation of mlaa of tho road that sm- WCCC-BtrIns Time. " f i/ take care Hospital Notes any alcohoUc bavaaag'* Be WOMB—Bunriac Soracada n pared by Arnold Lawrence, Archi­ ■4 T atraat and one for B41.7T8 for tha companlad tha previous charge Sons warn bom at tha Hartford tolamtod on the dub pmmises. HIGHEST SCfo ** WTHT—Maulnl Boelety. ^ Tufbar, tect. 19 Bllsa Street, Manchester, taatadUtlen of n mile of six and when he was arraatad following a HospRal Wadneaday to Mr. and U m mambam elect the Board of wnc—World Newt Roundup. JItra. of that tomorrow PallaadaTaday .IBS WHAT-Italian Prosrma. WONB^Sfe^Trlnlty Banlea. tor the Town of Mandwster, will light inch sanitary sawar malna minor accident on Main strMt Mrs. Milton Janaan of 8BB Gkrtaraom and tha ataward. Men- ba received on or before 4 p. m. a ^ IB manholas in Broad, Uttia, Aug. 31, waa also haard and Aarik atraat and Mr.' and Mrs. William ADMITTBD YESTERDAY: The Uma to have your laaayer draw np a trill "dilt atateA Tha ataward can ba PRICES f • • 'Tht BOW. on Tuesday, September SOtb, at ■wax and Durant atraata. was found not guilty. A. Stmpooa of AS School atraat. Oaorga Symington, BS7 Parker voted out of otfico any Ume, ba straal; MraBthal Wilson. Itoeh .:r. If eandlUoaa change, hava your iaaryer the offica of the General Manager, ^O tM r biddara on the Summit- Charles Cronin, 17, of 14 Can­ MUA Maatinga am bald once a WTHT—Tboughta, In Panins. Municipal Building, . 41 Centar wanford aawar lina ware the terbury atraat, waa Aned $0 for Mlaa Bdith M. Andlaio of Wood-- villa; Caaslmalra Hokkamea. U Por W'i'lC—CUftoB Utley, change year trill ta fit thaaa altered comll- White attest; Susanna Smith. Bol­ wqek, MamUH claimed. WONB-PoUllnl Picture. Uana. Street, MoBchaatar, and then ar S. D. and W. Conatruction Com- violation of mlaa of the road aa brldga atraat and Donald Haugh' Thw member can bring one or Television the reault of an accidant on IMst ton (ff Oambridga, Masa, will bi ton; Mra Blimbath McGutnaia 33 ScFBp M bI b I b r 4 U ito -w n c -to b Baydar Bbow. Name aa aa asaentor or coaxaeator af yaur arid offica publicly opened and |«ny of Hartford, B35.430.TB; the mom guaata to Um dub. When ha TORC-Art Wjmr Orehaatra. read aloud. Oonwlldatod Conatmotion Com- Canter thla weak. unjtad In marriage, Monday at 10 Wedgawood drive; Mra Amy W ^ T —Keaollrtt Memerlaa.' wUL Aak year latvyar ahoot this. Hudaon, S3 Tanner atraat; Win- ordam diinka, thay am takan from Wa ara ampowared by law to serve aa axeca- Plana and specifications may be 1 | ^ of Hartford. 183,807; and the Walter Rogowakt, SB, of 303 a-m. in S t Bridgat'a Church. hla. botUa and aarvad by the P. M. ' . Orchaatna A- Salvatore and Sons Ooiutruc- Adams atraat, waa santancad to aton Bandall. S3 UHay atraat iwnOT* 1:00—Boatoa Blaebla 11 ilB—BfOMfi—Kawa tar af aotates. Wa da NQX draw triBa nor examined at tha office of tha Gen­ wailraaa. The member la charged l:to—Industry an Panda WHAT-jftwa da we praeUea law. AH legal matters ahould eral Manager at tha above ad- tton Company of Hartford, 840,404. aarva 45 days In tha ootmty jail A aurprtsd party waa given for AD3C1TTBD TODAY: Mra Mary 1:43—Film Bhorla Itrif-Winc-PalUdlum Orehaatra as a Arat offander as a common Stewart, tlS Henry atraat 88 oenta for "aarvica add aat-upa.” Call or Write 1:00—Western TlMater. lltSf-Nawt ba haadlaf by yaur attoraay. dram, and copies thereof obtained ascend project was bid on rraiik Nyman and Marjoria T a i­ 8at*upa may Induda ica, water, Utto> w n r —News, Huala Mr Um Mvatora company. 143,044; dmnkard. lor, both of this town, Thursday DISCHABOBD YBSTBRDAY: t-.OO—Family Theater. FMa Farldng la Rear of Bonk upon paiunent of 828.00 for earii gtaqaea. gtogar ala or Sada. When 4:00—Mystery Theater. WDRC—News set, whl^ deporiC will be refund­ UjO 8. D. and W, company, 844.- Lionel J. Arskafnbauit. 33, who night at tha OaMiaa Orova la hbner Mra Arola Itaaaia. 31 Bank atraat; SdIO—Hopalons Cassidy. W ; and tha C Hale Oonatruc- now raaldaa at t Haaal atraat of thair coming marriage nn Sapt Alfred King. Birch Mountain tha msmaar and guaata am mady JHUk lAWM SHP t;0O—Lena Rnasar. ed upon the prompt return of the ^ ^ O om p an y of Manehaatar, waa Anad 1 for failure to carry 30. Attending warn 100 of Frank's road; Mra Dorothy Randall, Rock- to Mava. he is praaantad a check OSTMNSKY. Tap quolily, paranniul grou i;)l>—Tou Aakad Por It ilocuments In good condition su^ and payA T:00—Daasaroua Aarinmant Hurricane Slows • aaquent to tha bid openings. hla raglatraUon - and 33 for fiUlun fMlbw amployaa from Pratt pnd villa; Fred Laoas, Bast Hartford; Danlem la Waato Matartala Mad, 89.91% wead-frea. You T:lP-OBa Man's family. ______- Mra Jeon K o i^ 37 Edward Although Um member la paying LOOK A H EA D ICach bidder must deposit with to notify tha Motmr Vahiclaa De­ Whitney Aircraft .in Bast Hart­ la i BtSBBL UtB. - n t - s s i s naod let! of Scollf for foil l:00-An-BUr Bent. Jacob F. partment of a change iff addrata atraat; John Ziarala. 74 Harlan for tha aat-upa, autbaritlae aim- t;00—Tour Show of Bbowa Off North Carolina hla bid sscurity In tha amount of AUm tI J. CUffoni C. ford. A steak dinner waa followed planHng bacduM of tho inlUlent :IO-Taur Hit Parada WITH MANCMiSTER TRUST Charlaa E. Travia, 83, of South by dancing. Tha guaata of honor road; Mra Evelyn Oaboma and Dapaniabli Qunllty — Sarvicot ef tura growing taodi in ooch ;0O-WreriHns. 10% ef hla bid in ths form of a TODD VARNEY MILLER oartiflad check or bid bond modo Coventry, arraatad for taking ffva raprivad gifts of lOggage. son, SO Fulton atraat; Baby boy package. S « FBgaOM) Obituary packs of dgarattas without pay­ Henry, 7 Nathan mad; Mm. Jana ;0O-Kewa payable to tho Town of Manches­ Lindatrom, Baat Hartford; Laalia WllliaM N. Sahitlitt I A-It JO 5At -|7J5 A. U. ter. ing for tham in tha First National Tomorrow morning, after re- t:|0-DrtlI CaU. A high praasuro area mov Store at the Center, waa Anad 318 raaaing during Augtut. ^ n1 ISin- Hyde, Onaco, Conn.; Mleliaal llB«Wptuui Btoaaf IM . SB rUNF MMlOfflt 10:00—Ftontlen of Faith. ovsr yastorday from tha middle Mo bid may ba withdrawn for a VOTE FOR THI$ TEMN OF DIRECTORS for theft' day School, O e o ^ and High Lombardi. South Coventry; CSrol Frevidet loiling neurlthtnanf io-lO-Mr. wlaard. Atiantie and New Itoglaiid statoa period of SO days after the oBan- Funends Benton. SOI Canter atraat; Mar- lliOO-FUau iagof the bids.. Thomaa Moaxcr, IB, of 31 Oak streets, will raaums aaoslona and naadad jo letters lawn haolth OuaoB. to block tho tropical storm away 3 street and Henry Kletaachinldt will contlaua Its chartamd bus gamt McKinney. Rockville; Mra 11:10-1010 Tha Town of Manchester re- end color.'35 At-|3JD faodt fram Um ABMrtoait ceastlioa and IN THE REPURLICNN PRIMARY TUESDAY, SEFt^^ i t Mia, JBtanheth W. Sanaa IB, of M Wells street ware turned aarvica foricbildran who live at Virginia Clapp aad aon, South Cov­ fi:0“.l:0O-Ia - tha Park. It ground atanost to a stop.. aarvas the right to reject any and -Tka funaral of Mrs. BUxabaUi BILL'S TIRE 2500 tq ft, lOfiOO $q H S7.SS over to juvenile authoriUaa for distance or whose parents cannot entry. 11:10—Crady Caniral. "If Um hurrioona la movliig at all bids and waive any informali­ Jpnat, who dlad Wadneaday, AND l;to^nric tba wiaatr. dlaposiUon of a charge of dis­ bring tham or fear to aend them DISCHAROBD TODAY: Mra j a m . SFMADffRS l:l»-Claeo Kid. all tt is movlBg vary, vary atowly ties in the bidding if it ba In the M bald yaatarday afUmoon at 3 charging Araomu in tba town, Suaaa Stager, 34 Aabwertk atraat 1t:00—Matloaal: 0' ------— Teanla flaala public interest to do so. baoauaa of traffic haxarda. This Oeiivar Bcettt at .acenomleol nortbwaid,"' sold M lsw a Chief THEYRE ALL QUALIFIED ■ r ^ f c firom tha Church of tba limits. free bus tranaportatioa aarvica BIRTH TBSTBRDAT: A daiMh- REPAIR SHOP at'a Tba Bama. storm forocastar Grady NortoiL The successful bidder or bidders MareiM with Rav. James R. Belt Continued unUI Monday ware tar to Mr." aad Mra Joseph Da- ratal, otiura raiulN from toad- Erwin Show. Bldatliig. waa begun in 1048. and has baan ■WilUm a Cnw, Pra,. Jtr CIreaa, Highest urlads. wara asttmatad arill be required to furnish a per­ the following eaaaa; Harrison WU- kapt up without intarmpUon. Qanna, 183 Summit atraat. lag. feeding or wood control, __ .jformatlaa Ptaan. at lOQ milaa par haur over a small formance bond in tba amount of AH biterMtod im the mltere awd yrMgruM o i lUeNwter. TiMjr mn tfmd Airing tba aarvica Ravarand aott, B7. no cartadn addreas, breach ( lubber Hrat 17.35 and 1I2J0 ■;10-Braak ‘riw Bank. ma4 mxpniemre to M p glv« MwaclMtor m UtUy mtOetmt Umm gnveirmpemt ■ V.' GUnle SebaOrta 7:00 Bupar OboaL area to the northaaat of tub storm not lam than 100% of the con­ Wl rendarad one of Mra. Janas' of peace; Philip Bourque, 17, Avon, BOXED nr GBASH Mwiday—Pre-natal at S am. centsr. Gstas axtsndad outward tract price. JwalU bymas, "Lova of Cod." U.I i:m -r S S U show ButUtaa stop sign violation, undar $8 bond; T uaaday Tbwail and adenoid at JOHNSeWOUIOn •:0a-Taast Of Tha Tewa. 180 mllm to Um sonthwsst aad 380 Dated at Manchester, Oonnactl- ■ p r Wood pcMldad at Um organ. FrancU I t Bartla, IB. Bast Hart­ BUgaWaH, Sapt S..O^ '-Ax S:30 a.m. R e iie b s •:09-TV Playbonn. arilaa to tha north and sasL THIS ADVT. PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OP THE CANDIDATBB J le e iw wara Halaoa XU ^rick, ilabrity Ttaw. cut this Bth day of September, ’ A " rf.'dra ford, apaading. autonaobOa vearsd acraaa Dan­ Wadneaday—WeU Baby at tha T AecMSBritt * * Tbaater. ‘OlnUl Um high pressure area 1962. WSa KUpiurtok. Joeeph ^ ta r t, A charge of tecklaaa driving bury read bare early taday aad from J to 4 p.m. * ASON Newt Iparial. Mvaa put of the aray,” Norton Ifc-TO eonk WUUara Fish and TOWN OP MANCHESTER Mainat Harold J. Lavaaqua. 31. of eraabad Into a tmA Friday—Cheat at 0 a.m. by ap- 180 Spmeu Street 180 M AIN ST. ■aid "wa doift k M r what the ■ Richard Martin < F p ^ ' Burial waa in tba Ilartford. was continusd uatU naxt M9 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 923 MAIN ST. ' PHONE 4171 Saaiwa Maafa. SI. a< n m O m . • pointnMnt only and WaS Baby at PhiiiM 2-0059; T E L . 9597 hunteaao wm ‘ Ganaral Manogar -tba BeM Canuitary. fSatu^pay undar |B0 bond, the hospital from 3 to 4 p.m. •;'.O' I ’■V- m.

P A 0 B 8 IX MANCHBgVBB EVENOfO HEBALD. MANCBEnBK, OONN« 8ATUBDAY, BEriEMBBE $, I M t MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANGRBSTKB, OONN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 19S2 l-f< • ♦ 'J^iiUL .TEJTOfStRffU®' iiiati tinwtan to «nlm M tftMi ga can on Mm to*, aM thay hM bald at 10:40 a. m. wban Baly Oaaa- Oroto Notooa. a*rmon by dude the foUowiiffl: "Be ya ttore- Holy Bapttom wffl to administered Taxt: Luka 10: S8. M , 8t. Tham*: tw doadjr. Ito o* powaw, a vary pi*——* time togathar, to Pitsolta nmalen win ho admtotetorad. Rav. tto fonnar pastor, Rav. Raynald fen perfect evm aa your Fathor at 11 A aa. naxt Sunday. Jaaui said: "How Raadmt 'Diour Bolton . Thto Do aM Thou Shalt LIva w lllln f to do tkmn j o t maugb aM this Urn* OM Runtoug did go J. RlWard Taagar's comnwmton WRIGilTS AUTO POHY SHOP won o f Ridgway. Pa. Bar- which to in heaven to parfacL" Our Young P*onto*a Frilowahip madlatlaa wffl to ‘Ttod Would an t masting wffl be h*M Wada**- . Oo and Do Thotf lihawtoar* SDettiti0 l(naUi dowBStalra sM g*t photographad tppie, "Tb* Church of Jaoui (Matt 6:48). good t9 kog CbnuMMlan v n j . fOORAtlV py Mn. Mor- Have Ua Pntod." Chrtot.*' Oorretotlve paeaagia ftam the! day at T p. r n .N i aaitor, th* nr*ata wffl report to th*' iaat Sunday at 7J0, a JO fori" over WONS. acoaion o f chwch school at United 7:00 p.m. Lutbor Lnoaua maott A J O ilO J B a Mid IIJ O a.n It la worthy of noto aM com- a M aa ariort hasp to tho aauato (OoaDi. pariah buUfflag. Sunday, September 7th, ISth OsMarmA HMi SB to to Mathodtot elrarck tomorrow a t.tiM mont that tha NatUmal Aaaocln> down, tho balp of on* veluataor a W anted apankar, Earl Modaaa- Sunday after Trtaity. 88 Oahmy Bteeet tor. rami aamkm of our Rav. Sloaton Slryjowakl, P ariar m Martas A. Frfm, a M S:$0 to bring sought Anyoo* to botng hold to aequriat thorn emh Monday 7KM. Explorer Beeute , Mtoa Ofiwa Skrabno, Organtot vantlon aaaamMad In Now Toth th* toaeban, tha program aM AnViw Sunday School. wllUim to eontributo ttm* of a 7:80, Truateaa moettog. Rav. Arthur i 10:15 a. m., Worahip aerviee; Sapt 7—Th* ThIrteaaUi Sundaj purpooaa. A |day aaaricn wffl b* a t y , haa boon dondnatad by cm Yankee woqkV. monthly TbanuM Flalwrtjr Sopt. 7J0, Beethoven Ole* Chib Prsludo: "Adagio" from “ SecoM Sunday, Sapt. 7: aftev Trinity iiwftr % r basto askad to oaU Mm Balph bold on th* paraonogs teem for paaiion—to got rid of Pootmastar to Vuaoday OJO, Boy Booute Bev. Outate Syaaphomr’-—Charles Widor. t Am. MasA Quarterte Qnn- •JO A m. Sunday Sehool. (Note A . a . a Btrtcklsfld. children who would otborwia* i 8:00, Brothoihood. 8penlnr. Bari munton for Ademoon Seeioty and Fra* transportation bus sarvic* rtUl. Oanaral 3mm M. Ponaldaen. BdMNlBt# 1_ quin a baby sittor la ordar to fra* Sermon ‘:*Wtot We see." M m M SrrNI Or. Modoaa. BouM aim cn tto ~ Maeeec at 7:80, 8:80 a M 10:80 Anthem: "Jeeua ffliall Reign fonaral eonfamkwa. for children whoa* parents cannot P in t thay Moptod a rsaohitlan Th* PT/. win brid ito tmif mmt^ tn* pprenU for attandanc* at this bring tham or live at a dlstanes.) Btfora .there was n aaeoM sena­ Whee'er the Sun"—Erie Thiman. 10:80 Am. Htoh Mtos Inatructlng ihair offlotn to do Ing of tho aaaacn at tha seboel 't-teaehar maeting. tis Parker Stiart nary. 8M A an Adult BM * class. torial raaa, there was UtU* quae Wednesday 7:15, IM le a swrvtog Organ Offertory: “Andante Can- 1:80 pm. Morithg of truatoan home COMfOST Everett R. ovarytldag poadbla to got him n> Wedawdajr at • p. m. As ha* ba- jtor worship sarvlca will ba to n a church nuraery wffl matt la 4:00 p.m. Today, Omfsaatena of 10:00 ' a m. Divine worahip. Uon thar* would be aowapaparman eem* tha euatom, tha program Taleattvaia tablle—H. Ba^linann. morad from otflc*. to* nuraery tooaa. PoaUude: "PoaUude" -r Oarl W. youth of tto pariah. ■nough to Omaoetlcut' to go win b * k raooptlon fo r too now ' r e H i k i c a n c a n m d a t i f o r i h i Than. Juat to rub It la a M an* teaehon a M an open houoa vtow 7:80, Emamiel CBolr. Kaam. MORIARTY Brc around. Now that too no* hos to , l.'OO, Doreaa. 7 p. m , Luther League meeting lOARD OF ^MECTORS eaa thamaahraa la n dtffarcnt th* raoantly eonadoted aia-roam MNffliamll, Organkt B4. M aiyh 1 ' S C t N M h' mi doiiiMod, w o ate not 0 0 onra, adlHlcn th* qeh ^ Oh* ot to* TTien day 8:00, TiSrileo* AM. with pictures and nporte on Silver way, thay votad to authoria* thalr to Til • » I s A BMui drhast lift has bssii 4ddlcstsi ta tfas MTHifai mo o f uo miqr hove to do douM* Itoma of bustnaoa to b * ecaaldmed 8:00, MubIc committee. Bay and piano for FaU aetivltlea. praaidant to dactara a day of n * Frwtoy 7:00. Planntaf oommlt Sunday, SsptaaMar 7. Atfred his ftllow sm . CoaipsN liis mmrif thts ftvd kfaR; •aturdap, duty, oQpoclaly ataoo thore a n at th* buaiiMas maaUng wm ha DEMONSTRATION UJO a. m., Bsrvia* of Holy Saturday morning: Our men wiU Jolelng a M oalcbratlan a M hoH* tea for Laymen’s rally. do aome work on-tha paraonage ▼std f«r Bomlnation as dirsetor. aemo fa # o f oo who win atlU have tha alactlon of a rtm praaUtont TlfrYVOM II Ah ^lei / • The Rev. Jtomea K Neffl. OPEN* day if Donaldaon alipttld over ha . 8:00, Churdi OounelL iArihir Dnf Stom Bk M lirnirwiln AM«rkk n o U ^ to do with tho apaotolty Mka. Bphrahn Ooto waa atoetad to U m of Voting Mochinot in Prehid*. Deck ThysaU, My Soul —> ouatad. knoivod. Tto Rav. Jalp 3. Jehneeu, Out H HOURS Would tka raat uC Um urniM. ba Tha raadutioa oattiag for Tho unlveraal poarien aaaong Omter Hyma, W * Prato* Thaa O Ood-— eoadidatoa for puMie afftoa to. ft Tto SalvaHan Anny The ISth SundM after Trinity | •in ra U la judginf^ Atnoriea aM Donaldaon'a ouaCar ash| h* h M PRIMARY ELECpriONS lor. CRfferd TlNiriiRf,SR|(LI 1tHtRRfRliilp.RL ot th* LIvtng". 1():80 A m. Holinaae meeting. oU laana. Tboy know It quaUttos and attributes. OllUGBf# favor with tha puMle aM oo wH R[0^^towiba^w^^^w ^MiRh Offartory, Jssus Christ Our Savior 8:45 p. m. B e M street meet- ■When Oroto the Crowd*: fO R fW i IV w H WW BMHHHHVfHr 0H« WWI IVH Sunday, Sept. 7,8,0:16 a M 11:00 —Bwriehnd*. lit on or nmwy at an. but a trlbuted graaUy to tha driMriora* thTfonriaaa M tohaT ***’ *af‘ Way* of life" am* aerrieea Commualon Hynui, Whan 1 Sur­ I at national fraadom. Only Uon of that aarrioo.” FrMRftStpIqS .12RRRRliS:ll|LRi. ^ : 8 0 p. m. Bvengeltotle maeting. Offertory— HlfBfHiT Hi HH fllH THwH 1 pV^HIHHn» P n lu d a "OonamuBion'* . . . Ortocn vey tha Wondrous Creaa Watte. Ik e Week Mata Dapartmant aaama to W hat nwkoo thaM doTaiopmante ^ 'ila J m a to bo wel iurmoNYi Beriptun L im nn. Luke 88:7-30 "Lead Ms, Lord" ...... W*otoy| to ’mmwer Iho mm Th* Saeramant of Holy Oommua- Motidey, 7:80 p. m. Friendship Oommunton Hymn— > to raolUa that. It haa troubl* worthy o f note a M oommant la ERtorARfiStfLi 12RRRRiii:ilp.n. Hymn. "Holy, Holy, Holy" on. • Circto. H r U m b M fao ooMloolod o i o cooUMolo - Dykae "Hen. O My Lord" tha In yoat w oo ot tha tho fact thol Mr. DsnaMoon la Hymn. Hark, My Soul— Oowpar.’ Tueaday,. 8M5 p. m. Songster Anthem. “O Band Thy light Forth llAOOMiOIIAl~~ laaua In othar oountrlaa, oalabrated aa tha flfst roodam to ba totaWgant, to PosUDda, O L o ^ AU Olerloua— praeUcA "Stand Up, S teM Up, for Jeauo" I pw y fw IIWIIiNNmi WIMWIwO Wr h Q R W Ww IrWvHrOfH T^m Ri BHoHNIH VHflHo andTto Truth"...... Smith Bach. Thursday, S:15 p. m. Btraat t^a. postmaster gensral who was Offertory. "Meditation".. Netlcea; . than, to th* ordsal an can­ W wit VWIWw Wmw w M n W HI WHIHRHHlIHHw* IM B V The Waak meaUng. Confarenca on Holy Bapl who know that a non-poUttoal appointmant H * GRYK Oommunton M odltattoa "Ood Friday, S:00 ,p. m. HoUnaaa didates yaam fhc*. It abowa HHR^HHv EiH OHHv^HRI TH^HiHOF HfiWH# iHH Thursday, Bapt 11 7:10 p. m. (for paranta and Ood-toronte) wffl Ucal 63, T. W. ot traodom la tha mala was, at tha Urns h* waa namad bgr to •'TH IB A DVT. P A ID F t » B V A F R IE N D Make* tha DIfforoBco" nsatlng. what raguhur fanowa thay art, a M Celebration of Holy Oommunton OhurCk eeuneU SMate ta th* par­ be held Monday ovoalag at 7:80. U- with ragard to baa would Trumaa, n onraar man who hM sonage. * All who have not yot parttolpMod how damnatetle. to ba ooaaorting Hymn. "Breath On M a Breath of lAvar think ot going to Iran with tn on* of those confsruieea mould I workad hla way op la tha dspai^ wtth nowopmocman. aM bow oaa- CkMt" - ...... Jackaon Saturday. Sept 18, 7:18 p. m., Chriattoa’ Setonta Saetoty RICHARD MARTIN. O w lr rRiiRifitl attend aa well aa thoM contem­ a j propoaal for a eompromia* on mant Itaalt dM to truat tailr fates to such STATE Poatittde, "L argo" dafaadara of th* pnbuo wsaL plating baptisms to thrir fuqfflaa. .prlncipl* la on* haM nM a Bvan Mr. TVumnn's poUUonl 8 pin . Sunday, Teaehora’ In- N ow tho candktotoa thomaslvaa 4 Men As ■unday asrvtca, Sapt 7, 11:00 a. Proposes These monay gift in tha ethw saamlaa congratulated him, at tha REraESENTATIVE Adverlige in The Hendd— Paye aUtute. navar aoam to have any doubt Hto Waak m. Amarioaaa undarataM how Uma, on th* apooliithiant, which about thalr own espaelty fao* Stoeet aM Hartfsrd RaM to i - r t * Monday 7.-4S Loyal Orel* af Sunday School, 11:00 a m. th*l whan thay gat *m> waa n woteema tetorovamant orar such aa oidaal, and pass It with • ^had B . Edgar, IQadater Kings DanghUra buetoim maot- r n n y F . I E ^ Wadnaaday evanlng^ masting, on a prlncipl*, Thay kmilt th* traditional system by which flying colon. Such orif-oonadonaa 8:00 p. m. a , *v«a If yowaro Aottvhtad by to an right wtth ua. whmitto ***?‘jo Oardan Club meeting. Beading Ream Maun th* peat eras awardad, aoto- thalr*. Our worry U about us poor FILMS ajilnnia* atfort to balp auch pao- m sU c^. to tb* chlsf patranag* Tueaday B:00 Oraup D.D, M m 4 JO p. m. % • r- .>■ noerapaponban. In timaa past, on* John MriOraovy, leader. I ' Wsdnesdaya, 7JS-7:S8 p. m. DEVELOPED AND PM you hav* to b* oaraful to dlapanaar of Uw party widely hap* ---- ' tow—* dashing movto a daeada would taho tto tot meeting. Th* public is CMdially Invited oar* DC th* raputatloa of our p r^ day, Sapt 7— PRINTED alkaewladg* thalr traodom flrot, p * ^ to ba la powar. 8 JOTheUalted Hattons Aaaeria. My Ommuslon, S -and 10:48 to attend our oarvicso and urn our oM than offor tha hdp, with no Tat this la th* anaw man who faorion, bM teav* .us fras to go tlon of Manchester, mihUe 24m iEJISRVIO| along being outMnras. attoohad. AaMrleana dont now wins the wrath nM oendom* ■^’^Rli’STOck S 4 W l!r^'^ FO r i Dspoait B s e But to b* faarioaa, ladopendont, \9edneeday 7:80. Senior Choir Fnlude, "AndaaU”...... R ogen Lasson-Sarnitoi for SuMay, Sap- to ho bribad on prlnolpl* nation of ono largo group of Iho witty, IntaUlfont, and a good actor AtStdrsBatfSBes the Town af ManejbasteY aM thay dont Ilk* to rahoanaL Hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy," Nlcaea tw sbw 7,1868. Tha Ooldan Text to ompleyaa to hla dapartmant as writ, to b* an tboaa things not 7:45 Board of ChrisUan Educa- Offertory aoto, "Oom* Uate Him" from I Jrtu 8:1. "Behold, whet ono*. but aovoral Umas within ooa T M r Nanms Appear On Tim Cau€u$ lit la tha poalUoa ot trying to On* key to tha altuatlon may mosting. * • Dunn RMMrt J. Oordon, Jr„ manner of love th* Father heth short campaign aaason, that tha I othar paopt* on guaationa o f U* to tb* foct that th* latter cal'* to 8:00 Tbewtoas monthly maoUng: bariton* beatowed .upon im, that we should KEMP'S daawM upon partlelpattag now*- Praposaf U$i$ Of Beith Partlei riara wars mors diaturbad orar th* Thursday 7:80 Prudential Obm- Hyma, "O Master Lot M* Walk be called the eons of Ood." papanem. and, (ram our own par- Wtth Thee" ...... Maryton SriecUona from th* Bible i»- Mata Dapartmant la dU> curtaltmant of dOUvtriao than tha ' ailttee meeting. \ oonal point of vtow, wa would fanr 7:00 M m h Club Committee maea, "New la Th* TlmF’ Dr. Rt Under tha Inapiratlon of tor tho Mwapaporman much aaora public. Vyur'thoai, It maant a our* am atlng.' Frod Re chaoon. It la oiavar aM tallmant of Iho work amtlaMo. To than fo r th* oandUtotea. Thay a n OJOPraym Otoup, "The Begin­ yma, "TUwMy Ufo and Lat It to b* aapesad to all the trial* aM Ileal, aM It oaauman that of tho public it ha* not w* would nings", Mr. Simpson. B e" ...... M ieriah teats of nmaiag for offleo, with PoathidA "LentoT’ ...... W idor ' a buMward paopla Uka tha gosas, aiim id very much o f n m m d th* lewarda. Friday, Blood Bank 7:00 Ob-Wad faU picalc at Bol­ 10:45 b’ctock Sorvle* * mnot hava a dollar price hardriilp. But th en aeams Uttl* A w orking aewapafanaan YOU’VE SEEN THE “ Frehid*, Choral* Fn l ude on " S t OPEN LETTER ton Lnka onythiag thay poaaaaa, aM It guestlon that, tor one reason or a*t hava thas to ha foarlm a KUda" ...... Nobte that It can thraatan oM another, morale to tha dapari* rceeaeienel hymn, "Holy, Holy, I whaadla power and In­ .■aia*< i hhM af North 1 IMy" ...... Nlcaea meat baa sufterad during th* amky at Offertory anthom, "O t Thy MyaU- ter Amarlea without aror 447 North Mato Btoeot TO DEMOCRATS Donaldson regtma, with parhsps *N ATIVIO R WHtovi MeLaughB* . Mtototor cal Sttppar" ...... Lvbff a^jpoptag ao low aa to oonoada fuO soma raaultaat dscitoa to th* NOW MEET THE CAPTAINS Oommunton hymn, “O Master Let ofuaKty oM fraadom to othar pao* quaUtjr ot th* sarvlot to th* pub* hiBi, > ri HM Is amSiy • «Mw MANCHlSnR Holy Oommunlon, 8J0 a M 11 Me w A W ith Thee" . .Maryton SermoA "Now is Th* Time" Dr. He. ■M patafai pwaasa. IVe «ulto n aemuM aa aa. pat a a .t o * Ftod R. Edgar jXta torimlqttao aotuaUy maka ua Tha toteteaUag nuiral ofterad to *O RAD UAn *‘toriuda "Pnlud# t o O" paaeonallty aM ge sat aM aMas dark UaNoralty—AJk Dcgn* Procaaalonal Hymn, "Com a U t Reeeorional hymn. "Taka My > Irianda, aM or* buoy loatng ua by this rituntten la that thar* nr* hefsce tha paaam Trtaity Callage aM Now Brttal U s Tuns." U fo a M Let It Be" ....M e eelah Poathkto, "Allagro Mssateair aM potantlal frlandahlp times whan n UtOa ot tho iplltl' Tliara are a few natural atan I^rorBrurT CIrIIroo — 1BSrmnr9Sr( m m Anthem. May I I tho world. A M tha tragedy aatoag ua. who wffl, vn a n sura, — - Umvaralty ^af ObroircI Beripture Leaaon. I Pater l:l. dan la ail right after an. Th* The Week pretaet tha pMHe tateraat preb* r gchail LJ*1dB. Dsgiea Tnatallatinn of Woman’* Boetoty la that tf tha Stato Da* poutldaa may ba eoatly aM ovan ICoBddy-"" would only laam a Httl* tha oandldatoa to th* oars, a w tha offloera at the aecoad aervtca 1 antrnvagaat but h* Is. aWo a n in * Inetolve quaattoaa manage tha re> *PORMIR LOCAL Offertory, "Andante Oraaloa*"— 7J0 p. m.. Otflctal Board mast­ have your I ragard aM leapaot for prln- dlriduat who happou* to Ina vaalthg oommant. a M l* M to aU Widor. ing to Um (FiapoL 7:45 p. m., Otoansn Group, , n llttlo ot tha daoanoy o f ra* that Mb own terhmaa dopoM upon eaadlwtea ImpiwtlaUy a fair aban SCHOOL nACHIR Hyx^ "Jeaua tto Sinner’s of reflootod glary. Aa fo r th* rest Iriaiid ." todieo|N^or. which ora Inattnotlv* hla plaaatog tha poqdo. Mr. SJO p. m., Fellowahip Oroup tha Amorlcan paopla, w* o f ua, w a n juat tag a lo w n Uttle *ATTORNIYATLAW Sermon, "Mon Proeioua Than DoanMaon, aiming at ofllaUney to th* oMa a M a Uttto to the n a r, nim of Otyk aM Oiyk. Cold." meeting at'tho bom* of MrA Ruby support have gwr* aM battar aM and a balanoad hMgot may h* n Hymn, "M ay the Oraoe, of Van SyckoL Mn. Edith Ruck wffl ■ frlmda an arouM tha world, wondarful OKOcuttva cn pnpar* C hrist’’ CO hoitoii *V m R A N 8:00 p. m., Epwertk CtocI*. polloy la dMop aM cynical th* aswina maekta* eras In- WmM War n-lM »-tM g. Postlude, "Toocato In O’’—Du- c o l u Miu s m u r f h y aM to thsory. But, to aplte th* TtoeMay— MATTHEW FATON vaated In JflO — nothing funny BocaU pn|p-4tM-TM». Boto. in tho opportunlatlA aM It iant at aeelstoi wMch aumundod I Snaday Behoed, B:80, aU depart- 8:00 p. m.. W JLT.U. meeting, VlM pweldani of Local 48 for I . Sseratary af Lacal 88 for • yeai tho woy Amarlcana would Uka about that oncopt t b a t n ’a Im todtoo parlor. tarsstea la Iowa pkwaiag tiM aaada original appototBMBti tM latter woman la atitehm over ataee. *TAXPAYIR V BMnts. 18 ysnrA On* of Ito Brat b* In tha world. Tha graateat catrian tM othar day quite' Youth Fallowship wffl open next Wednesday— ntfen heard during WeiM War EL Takes towa far tb* t d t m m . Fannsr tewa | ■ w* oould aak of Mr. Acheaon Sunday. 8:00 p. m.. W ard Oroup. an aedva tateraat Ei all civle affairs. la S alar. pointedly lahalod aa aekaowlodgad T h u n d a y - ^ Primary? ba that ba gtra Amarlcana politician—Jamas A. Farioy. 8 JO p. m., Mbqwh Group moot- America tb* braak in the thrir favorite pootmaster gbaaraL tog at til* homo of Mt a John L> they daaarra, on thalr own Thay war* at pataa to point out I Neath Btaaato Von Dock. 11 Jean toad. I charactw, aM atap mlarapra- Bov. lelaM O. Buna Pastor m d a jK - that they atlU oenridar It n fin* Sunday, Sm t 7: 7:80 p. m. dMtr rabeaiaaL. iittllg oitf national character PAHRANKS KENNIDY After trying for aovaral hours to compos* a po­ Man to hnva n earaar man ap> FrapRriRf 0:80 am. Dtrin* Worship litical ad which would both attract tb* voters* at­ hta cynical oM ruthlaas pointed postmaster -genarnl. But Pratude—"Bleaaad Jaau, at Thy tention aM sattofy my coBactonee, I ftnany re- thalr tofarano* aasmad to bo that W ord," ...... „ i..B * e h b*D4d. Inotead I decidod to wylte you a abort letter Hymn—"Prato* th* Urd, V- Y* Rev. jOnoo—ter n flaaUng awmant— audi a csroar man ought to bn W. IfeKav. Orgaalst i to tell you on whet basis I am seekliig the Demo­ Hanvana Aden Him" .. .Hyfrydol Chair Dlnetor cratic nomination for state npreoentativs. •oerotary of Stato Aritawm held enough of a poUndan to hasp Ma Solo—"Th* Lord’s Prayer" oM the prindpi* that w* ahouM public ampler** purring aM hi* Ymir ...... Malotte I t haa always aaemad rather forileh to me for Mrs. Catharlns Johns, Contralto Sunday, Sapt 7: candidates to run the cuetomary ads full of edjee- b4 lataiaatod la othar paoplaa for pubUo patrons faaltog hanirloua. •J O A m. Oinrcfa BchooL Uvea Uk* "expiutoncad," "qualified," "honeet," "slii- Hymn—"Jaoua th* Vary Thought thalr own aaka-not piat to make of T h a o " ...... 8 t Agna* 11 JO A m. Momlng Worship- oen," etc. But in this se in many other tUiiga, Oibadlaat naa o f them. Tho Wooiag Of OM Hnsibiiv FrII rmI Wtetir Oflbrtory—"Etevatioii" OuUmsnt Prelude: "Adagio" Beethoven. politics has gotten into a roL The ideel thing, of •Hla brief uttaraao* of that aen- Hymn— "H ow Firm a Faunda- Proctoslenal Hymn: "Joyfffl, Joy* course, would he fo r each candidate to my, "Tou W * notloa, with soma amuaod M, We Aden Thee”. / . y know me and you know wliat I stand for. I hqp* ttlnant waa, of oouraa, haUad aa U oB "...... Portugnoa* Hynm dlamay, that both praridantlal Postlud*—"Cansona" Fraaeabaldi Anthem: “O Mom of BeaUtY * that you w ill want to vote fo r me on the besto o f Mmllatlo nonaanaa by aoma of our candidates a n buatly angagad to B:00 'p.m. Mu Bigma Chi moate SitoUus. that knowladg*." raMata. But the** raaUate need wooing Old Humbug, this nation'* at tha church. Offertory Anthem: * "Haric! The But wlien a town has grown as Urge as Man- WRidrabtf Vesper Hymn Is BteaUng", Rua- a«rar have wocriad about any graateat on* man prauaura group, The Waak ehaster It isn’t always poesihle for the eandtdatas attert on tha part of Mr. Tuesday 8J0 p.m. ston A ir. to do thlA 8e I would like to aSk you to call me on Barnard Barudi. Hyma of PraiM: Muter the tslephoa* (3-1S08) if you have any questions Apoaen to carry It out Rla own Y m en fao ROoilBK tkooo cooM orteblo o o o l. ★ FAIRBANK mooUng o f th* ManChaster Choral H* la a curious praasun group, SoCiaty, at th* church. Worinaaa”# about ray record on th* Board of Dirseton or my wjmta hava navar coo* boUiarad w b o n mlaaion to Ufa to to have It • w f o r D m oooL criap Dhjni okcod. Bottw Wednasday 8:00 pjn . Tha Hollis­ Sermon: T l i n * JSleariBgs". stand, on tosucA Reeeesienat Hyma: "O Master Lot h M alnca: Ids addiction has baan ganaraUy raoogntoad that ha oan m ter Oroup wffl BMcCst tha hoaM af FTcin experience hen in Maneheeter, 1 know tkat ta{ tha gam* of power poUUca In Noijr BOW fay coQiiig IDEAL. O v ddOod Mm Kitty Byma. 144 Oraan Man- Me Walk With Thee”. it to not poaeibt* for anyone to ostlMy all of the do everything batter than any­ Fosthide: “Postkids in O", Ai ltd moat alamantal form. Hla In- clooaow nod pnooiro will pot yoor warihrobo *o r road. voten nt an time*. But contrary to tto belief of body ala* to aver likdy to do It Th* Church school wffl rosum* ford. many eandldatea, I don’t think that th* vptera either tatraot In othor paoplao baa baen He aaca every ertoia coming, tto oaoilOBa on Sopt 81. , went, or expect their representatives to try to he Mjwd purely on tho guaaUon of ia tip-tof ohOH- praocrlbaa for It tho aotuUon no­ Ceveueat Oeagregatlenal ' "all things to aU men." tlAir poodblo no* aM valuo to ua, body over win adopt, a M than, CoB itfaS..or fltof ia o a d o o to 10% for BockriUe Metkodtot C h ^ tt SpruBi Steaet This to tb* only campaign promto* I could ever nifd It la his incraaaiag distortion when, th* erteto nriats, always .Bev. Oari W . i Bav, O, A, Sahar, make: I wffl do my beet to ho fair-minded about eU cooh oati carry. tosuM and conscientious la seeking aU tb* fheta on o^fvan Iho boat aM blgbaat alma aaya that ha fold ua ao. H* to a Busdsy, Bwt. 7 ovoty question. Then I w ill u m my best Judgment ARNOLD KLEINSCHMIDT HENRY A CORfaUER otfmir ft r * i| n pohey whldi prob* vary wtoa man la ovary laapaet % 10:4B a. m.. Ihto church wffl co­ Sunday. Sqpt 7 On how to vote in older to serve tha tntersste ot all Aetiva member *f Lseaf SS for the laal ua mors damage In tha axeapt one: He navar aaama to 10 JWT the cltiaenA I f you would Uke ma te represent you Onduata af Maaeheater High Sehaat FOR BOARD OF operate with tha Baptist and Con- aild* Sehool 8:48 a m. Sarvad in. tto A ir Fere* during |h* Seceni f yesTA I* a mlU engtaeer at Ckeaev Bna. today than Itaada ever racommaM to hto fallow > human Coah mad C a rry Qraaa Staaapa giegnttonal ehurehaa In a c ^ for an agoA on this been, wffl you oupport m* la tto Primary TVwdayT WetM War. laterestod ia vstoraas nttoln latoneted la tax pnbleaM aM inMc — do. bataga a policy which can actually munton aarvtos in tb* Bwttot Morning Worahip Sarvlca 11 JO aM g**4 toeal gatonunaaL peMItnns to " — Is no paoplo in tho world b* put into affect by human ba- FREE THINKING 0 TRULY REPRESENTATIVE Church. A m. Sai'itoia ‘% h a t tha Bibto which, from Mr. Achaoon’a toga. Taaebaa Oancamlng 4h* Haly Oammualoa." After tto sarinon AM Hdwe tfae Eedeneewnf ef Lecd 43 cd conduc t hao nny rooaon Wall, whan Oovacnor Stevanson H(dy Oommunkm w ill ba obasrvad. KATHERINE D. BOURN to|aaanma that ha haa regarded It waa la Haw Tortc, ha h M to caO a emmeei TAX CONSCIOUS # CIVIC MINDED O Sunday avaatog aervtoa 7:15. A I A rt Iwteresteil fai A fakwter FIm For M—efastter For Th* Nest 10 Yi am a people, mthar than aa a po.^ on Old Humbug, aM they hM a foCeuuuleretp Organ Va'aapara and 7 Jd Saugaplr- FOR I I s d ^ Oari Jahason Evfryeee SfaoeM Vote fai LeesI Frlsierisi sshi BsetfaNW » •H|t|al pawn In tha devdopmant ptoaaaat time togathor. But

•I ■ #, '*• 4-' *TI ' W


tOONBRVILLE FOLKS BY PONTAINB FOR FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL B Y D I 9 X T U R N E R t . New PRESS Sense iind Nonsenii-1 A nother Game -on the Skidding Dod&lf!|

Boy—What poaiUon Oo m y o u r gan ba taft la tha eontalaar. ua- iMiotlwr plaroB tho footliall toam r tU takaa out by tha purdnaar. Tha BatterymaieB Tomorrow CMtf—A aort of erouclMd, bont praaint practlM of wrapping oL POMUdO. . WHERE ARE THE Arch Rivals Open ^ gan iwUviduaOy in eaUephano or C ri^an Life Has Pitfall, Too other aanitary nwtariala daaraaaaa SlanbOardo ia public placM Mom WEST POINT to ottraet aayoM who hoa'a pan- thanaad fier aueh proviatena. Ma H t fadaral aUtuU or iiMaraal rava* caL Racaatly a naw ona waa la a Ousted Cadets Have Discovered CRIERS? smmjl Indiana town, and bafora nua raguUUon aaakaa it tUagnl to official noUcaa could bo poatad. a return to tha box U which they B y J U M S i - wars aUppad ornqulroa daalara to — etotod Fuat % mlAlatar paaaaA aaolng ita blank* eaF lliila l IB^ Sw CTalHa. ,-a lE 3- ped*B Score 6 to S acaa ha waota on it ’T pray for hold but tha box to anabla aostom- E D P r o r B NOTE! tbla ia avnal natoA *BIB Mask eollad aB They laughed Ih aU." and tignad hla nama. A law^ era to pick out the eigara thaaa* tha fifth of savan dlopatcbaa of no with Ibsoo oBara wMn aL Win Over Miller*s ether day whan XAS jrar, raadlng the minlatar'a nota aalTOa. ^ Uaitod Stataa T t m s * m n dramal 'J f o w r u i t i k t t sa id : ■■ addad, *'t 0 aad for aU.** Than a ury Dapartmant aaya: "It la bald of what baa to th e # o r i o o i U U ^ Doei'B Drivo-ln eliminated "U wo WM It agalB iMyMB } dnetor addad, ’T praacrtba ^ aU." that whara a cigar daalar makaa Waet Paint PTva ONrollad — MalavaaL Hart, MUler’a Raatourant from tho pio w ill cemmlt A.common citisen raadbit tha aalaa to a cuatomar and takaa a inglertoua dianalaaai • year '-aiid John MeBhulskla of Kaarnay, Rao Softhall playoffs last night T o d ' * ‘ handful of eigara from a bo« In •ga 'in tha erihbtag aaandal. ffX'Wffffr POINT, J., guard Bab Vokmaino of at tho Charter Oak Lets by b u t ni maaaagaa, addad hla own. It said, ih a ir Btortta era told la arotds "And I pay far it aU, inehidlnx hla ahow «aaa, toya tbam oa top MX-KANtAPtVtnrP, Pataaic, N. J.. and guard Bd Sto' g a in in g a 4 to B decision. Was OR tho BraOktM Bri thia apaca.” of tha caaa for tha cuatoaaer to and ahatrhws hy Marray OMar- 6 X-MI 6 6 iB B / N F r hura Of. Indiana, Pa. Oono PUIpaki W lUii Bovorloy booted Jorry THB DOOABBB.___ make hla aalactloa, and raturna tha mnr vatantila aparta wrltar- 6 T 4 T 6 gave It aarkMia thought bote qhagnon on. tho maunA Jot 18 1-2 -gam e m h I to t M •rttat for NBA Barvlea. In aarvlnf eigara daalara uaually unsold eigara again to the box, ehoooiiig ViUaaova. HaHbaak Horb Thompoon homorod for tho last yaar, lend their andi offer tha entire bmc to let tha cua* then la no vlolatioa of any intar* Jeknaon of Bandy, Ora., backed w ih n o n . six games hut their nal ravmus law or ragulatlon. By M VBBAY OLIMBBMAN © tomar make hla own m le ctio n . down to gat maniad, then was la Tuoaday night at 6 a t tha margin cauM be redueod Many paople baUava. thia practice New York—(NBA)— The wan­ a aarioua auto accident which Charter Oak LoU DaeCs wUl game by ’Tuesday la due to tha fact that a fadaral TO araryona wa with tora In derlust has salaad swaral of tha, andad his'football caraor. moot Fraakia’a In tho Brrt of a order to narrow , iho' g:ame am f the______Giants ______law makao it illegal to return ct* ovary brsaat, Ubarty in avaiy dlamlasad w est Point football crib, { Now only McShulakta' and Bta bate out of throe games asrisa ra to Uia box after they have heart, and Isamlng in ovary haad. hura w ill play. Tho latter first an for tho pteyoff ohamptottship. twoep a nva-gama sartto O M e banr. Five have iUttad from ona at the PoM Oreunda today Bttft « . a s 8 ^ ‘ HI ramoaed. Thera aaima to be rollad at lllinolA with a fan­ no raaaon for tho practice other Priaonar in call (throwing down school to snothsr since leaving tha fare af publici^ but Awttchad to douhlehsadcr. They etiaB Bk'. A than the dailra of daalara to magaaina)—Darn it. nothing but Academ y* ' Btote whan ha found out ha Nenn Hohenthal Oharito Kao nay single game Sunday tad < * "N t th« man Inatinct atarting to show opt** .tha vital oerlsa vKh a Z i ± s £ L i avoid handling eigara, unlaaa lo­ eontinuad storiaa and Tm to ba QvtUan Ufa has its plttailSi too, would be Inallglbla for two years cal aanitary laws raqoira that ci* hung next araak. at tha Big Tta achool. twin hill Meiulay. Uiay’va found out: Duroeher’a enUraaad A ease in point la Ray Malavaal, Tho marry-go-ronnd waa In ran OUR BOARDING HOUSE w it h MAJOR HOOPLE f y * » r v: rn > n a « ig y |)0 |> p ir r P T 1; awing when Velenalna pnBed a Miied within sin ffamef t f ' •OUT OUR W AY BY L R. W ILUAMS wbo typlSad tha footbaU fever that jDodgera yaotorday pervaded Waat Point Ha waa an af K-Btola nftor ona woek. He get Anewer la Pm leue P u t* kemealck ond want to YlUnnora. Twin Bill Sunday nuiadolphra Pha aU-New York matropoUtan area Ct^r. 1H» h*. BUn onothar awtteh was mads Brooklyn sufterad A , P O O S M 3 U R X KNOM/ WAHJT MOU'RB V ^ iO "M y 1 VM 4' w o t « r , c u z I o a r 7 m u » c i j b S( b jM KCTRSrCM . AtAOOffl ' F b a 6 £A6 0 »1 0 Fj'O B RAKBBS a visit by Army asffstant Johnny .tSUdHmjLROOM M3 U tsTID IT/ BUT OUT/ O B T T ir td ^posnrewris.« fw tw ro w aomdthing of a poraonpi. domoatio natura into my earn- Point. Ha first anrollad at Mia- Wllmer (VIm ■OBBKMTAL MThHlaad alloy Green detoured him to the citsdal For Alumni Nines TMnMBOArs nmDum AismucmB^MP CAMT-MDUaTAVUr )> HAFTA ^ AFIttyW AT A M D M V C M < ~M r o f t M9U O M paign promiaaa?*' tourl but taft after earn saanaatar pltchod tho S t W HSMYOuvisrr OUTKOANKAA ^OO^OOWN I M a iy la a M on the Kudaon. bacauaa, according to Big Sovan I a 4*0 vietery oM f ' A C C O U N T O B The rquat • l> 0-poundar was cheneeUSv iT K m R ri t. ■ fiM t A U U M I t r r r u e lo n o ta z «Rssr atetaBawtoia W ntO C A L Coatferanca ruiaa, hia taro aaaoehi A doublahaador achodulbd for ..MStnt l*l.- 8ert»iM> L 4. BThils (Mant fans Ween i 'BM/ V W D ^ H O C D esUed the best line proepect to at Army ruled him out for fawt M O M e ^ D B M SIDE GLANCES BY GALRIIAITH ttaUack* Undhridual Buhday aftoiWoon at Charter Oak l of another nUfaala- enter West Point during the ball. Conway tuned up at small E erHit riold WlU ring down the curtain pennant, roatergl Blaik regime and in his one ses* WUHam Jawall CoUaga as on tho Alum ni UtUo Loaguo haao- getting WteHM son proved it. Ha stso picked up b a ll." . and tacklca So back to K-State "math" major, and it waa rix ball aaaaon. Tho pracoods from ‘ dMaoea ai'' 4o4 a bad knee. He and rldekkk Hart left he and Hart wtU go. months before newspapers ever thrao-yaair rafgii' • D a v ila Bad Pitch the games win bo uood to help dW 9st|r S tfM t I ybariaar* la ADtoad W ltk *kia buddy, Gerry H art a achool last Msreh whsn studies Baneoa State waa an oHgiaal to- got wiss to tho switch. fray tho oxponsos of tho coming { MaiyltBdh •PNaaontory tackle from Brooklyn, Kay ee ' wsreh't going so good and, aays they trekked down to Misaisolppi C o nw ay i t 4-F ia t)w draft bb- boaqust. . pfinuripiilsdtlpbis 4. “ gSK! Ray frankly, "to ksep from ' go­ Stole for a apall. of *. Summer ’T 'iiib irs 1 tlUBaat a S h ip w e m frated to Kansao Stai^ after the eauaa of a bad knoo. But bad knoo Three>Ran Homer First Two teams of IB-yoar-olda w ill uls a, riiu b u ra h A I t 7Tabla«cnp a O c o M la n a i b a i _ c rib b in g blow up. H ie B ra t ao* ing to military Summer camp achool. Next Ray thought of going and alL hell close out his cel* open tho aftarnoon’s foatIvlUas at niy eemef *rh«4u M . (S o o t) OQiilrilioii meator ia elvll engineering he with my R O T C unit” They to Nowark. N. J., Collega of Bn- isgisto foetboU csrosr with W il­ Slugger Ever Got Off l i 46. Ooorga ■RgOah and Bd Ito- • N am aa gineering. But Coach BUI Meek r a ,,e r a .i4 '.1l ! T « ' w A UContimiad a G o n u a d f M naying card made three Ou and a D. He aim worked In construe tioo for a liam JswaU this Fait. m i l -Mr ------' vW win bs tha oonehat. O h a rlio fentreal 1-4. M lite et • Claws of Kaaaoa Btote offarod him a LiUBOX • m il aierce Ksenev wilt he an the ■ TAreme |,|- story lAErrate butter troga 41 T r ia l relajured the knee. w h ile. Kooney wilt ho on tho mound- for | nnciiestar 11:), O U saa 4^ Tho triompto: chance to contlnuo hla atudlaa TtOMMtOWI Pity Poor Prank lyrecuse . , is itim M a 0. U M Y a j a M a lANawaat (slan g ) aMaryland is aw aab lighUy "Just hbraing around." explain­ Then, at the invitation of former iy i 1 UGoasip n id m a m sd M Lock aC babr ed Ray. "Now I’m mined for foot­ Army coach* Murray Warmath, there if he'd coach tha guards L a n k y . Claveland, Bept B-tePt-'4— " I hpd' had Norm H ^ th a l wilt ha hla eateh-1 B T A N D I N O B U m b e m to ra M P a c o BsMen^ o r to,t IBTIarra dal liyvightsn tha “------— (S co t.) to hit a bad pitch to XSImphaiia EARL W. YOST New York, Bopt H k P)—G l u t land trimmed the wMto Bex, 8-0, H. Lnul* ...... M II hiiriar from a ftna trio consisting hllsdripble .... iM tto r . BOBU TMliyrVV»Mt»TOO BOOM a U a a • Sports Editor Turner wltt get a retuii f f c ra c k a t and moved to within 9 1-8 gam aa of ksnny Irish, Boh Paarsen or J iia t n Jmtiii**.. M G ib b o n N t Bobby Dykao in PhUadtIpbU aoxti Pennant Races of first plaeo Now York. Hank Eatkowaki. Dona Auatin l ilnclensti’ '.V. jO ta B te W6M is ' SIBkk • ■ . .“Tbo hall waa so ciooa I eaught W ill don tho catching tools. M a s ...... * ^ M X B Y O O M Road It, Kids! BY V. T. RAM UN menUi and U tho return la any-' iltsburirn a C o m p a ts .1 At a Glance it on Uw handlt hut real aolid," 14 it li SHOTS HERB AND THERE don’t take Uie time, thing ilka last night’s thriUsr, MOV,UXArTTMNTPLANS iHSeBEMBTO p o ifit m World Champion Loo Angalsa the Indian ftrat baseman contin­ Nev Terk ...... aHetregrada ST P Quaker City 6ght fans are in for a ued. "I hit that fella pretty good r‘«^JJETHINaP«NWOj League 'will pUy the New York Joy It," ^ ^ ^ ,__ By Th# AmociBtBd Ptbbb but right at aemebody most o f the tle sfs a v b r o ff N P P Gi^S at the Polo Grounds on BAUD ^ ***tUtM Dykes, a aix-toot bag of bonsa Natlanal Lsngno tbne. Ha's a good plieher, though. Local Sport hitsMlphla ..., (comb, form) with a sting in each hand, roared yf iTylet O.B. T.P. and tough for mo like ovarybody |JSt' _ ■ Thuwday night. Sept 18. OUw F«Jh# i!^Loois [woft tkfl K Oise." .MLand a m i y Giant home gmmea thie season ore the Boston ^ frqih hohlnd at Madlaon Square, ■moviya , n 44 .646 __ 24 •W ell ...... lO iBiite’ ewnB 66| i aHeavy blow scheduled against the Chlcagoisnce has yssed Uia j Nev/Ymk n 62 .400 6 84 Baater ia an axpart on how Chatter aa IfnhemmAtan h R t u n t • m p n a i k Cardinals Oct. 19. Phlladetphla lU too ll round doclalon over tho 21-yoar-old 1 lumalnlnn xamoo: tough the Box southpaw can bo. w tu i tw ii mp-i proaidant of t it le Eaxles OcL id. Son Franctaco'Braves cant boaat of the aam# PhlUMj^ia Negro It * ria,, Homa (18) Borton F o r 87 straight Umss—from mid- LEO BABianfr is prasif aBpenl.to.wBt I a P r o n g i H w K D 40e r i N o v . 9 . Green Pnekem | attendance fent The Bravea are w ^ 4,.CtoclnnaM 2. PhUa- season toot 'month-: the IMtlsh* AmoHcan CO ^ ' D a r t * li. '“WlShmttOT BeddHns’^ th 4.»poora*t drawing team tn_ the Lsogus. Au^la BIssoI•W <■ V ico I f t f l t M M U I M M 6 7 >U 4TKaot B n la l i L - i nor waa the 8 to 6 fav«nu. 'raiphU 8, Pittsburgh 8, Bt LOuls 8, Pisrea horaa-collarad him. Than sen and WaBwe 0 i i f BM | u (i (T m l . a x i n d a p a b n 4 a Dec. T, and aeveland Browns Dec.i major Isaguss .. Pltchtr Johnny Tha two woltorwotobt contend- A w a y ( ) B o sto n , Now York A laat monUi Boater got a single proaidont Jimmy MeCullough, era had signed to » fe r in a return 6 8 tta v s ... ntaW tbaffM 'fllM raf £ o MMbnyaflMei i m 1 4 . . .Next Friday night from , Llndell of tha Hollywood Stars of New York at Homs (81) B o sto n from Piorco and last week ho nit retary, and Tommy Blsvlna, troas-1 »rls«6«i0 11 w It raij';:::::::" i M & iliiM FUiM IlifltM l . Miidtaon Sbuare Garden teevee | the PaclAe Coejrt Inague has won within to daya and Goorgo Katn a triple against him at Chlimgo. ursr. Six teams with eight to 16 TODAT>« OANBfl are trdaad r i Turaor’a manager, aald his beatMi 8, Brooklyn 8, C h ica g o 8, C Inein- to Six Mte te.fBM Uff I T.HIMb. Ml I %i flxht fans can expect to view the | most valuable player hmors. Urn t i 1, Philadelphia 8, P itts b u rg h Last night tha big laft-handsd playora on each tetun will start BaMera m E 1 hiAW P By WRAMBmBB.il 4 lO-roimd bout betweeh middle-1 dell won J 1 gameg at last raport gladiator wUI bo ready. Dykes r infisider hit his 36th fevr-baso ploy in Oetobsr. Tha loogno has SI.). torjt aafl iiiBi, w ^ said he’d bo happy to obligt. B t. L o u is 3. A w a y ( 8 ) P h ila d e l­ sehsdulod matebss ovary Friday ainalto'to XtoUb’a M M ar aolale R weights Sammy Giuliani of Stam- with the Stora . He la the asms p h ia I . . blow of tha ssason. H feUow who piaye V lilX l NUMIR DA .I UMG«R«tMlD . RXACTW *. WILVV . the proper rest, old Sstchmo Uonslly and the slim crowd of 8 Bo low wao it that ruantn Bob­ ehamptoHshlp of Manehoster am with-tba aaiit^' n u E D o 3w m P i.M H » ia COWN6 dinner at Tale Unlvermty U sched­ d e lp h ia 8. A w a y ( 18) B o ston 8, _F TENS DfNOI 6 CM0 O 1., HMk \ VURD BDCH A V A M ^IC HM .GUjM Atft’.VlAfKTVy 6 0 0 0 O N V . uled to be held on Wednesday in Paige «« the Browns is the best 4,144 p a id 111,869. by Avila on third and Larry Doby eordiM to aa aanouaoomont ararABfl'M jlFt A tO N D l 1 M M lACW VDWt. TADAlBOiMbTWMto M O iXt CMVQRbW MKk M I R V The scrap, on the basis of the C h ica g o 3, Cloveland 1, D e tro it 3, 4) vs Kiirastsin ^ out anWitoMM IM to .. C ttM 6 0 MR 6 .RD 6 « 1.\ 6 !| New Haven. . University of Con­ pitcher in baseball today.. Art at first bold up to soo if a fteldsr B illy Paganl this morning. PKIstom St ill t—*- K * tP Z M AM OLD D l«»R E D MDIME. A IMAAWbHDNIE.EiSt 6 0 CA necticut 'wlU be host to tho scribes Kegle of the ’Travelers reports Bghters’ stylsS, flgurad to bo good Philadelphia 8, B t Louis 3, W a sh ­ would spaar It Ub-bnaklng nm. fftom r. MP THtIrfIKM —and it waa. Both aghtors and the in g to n 8. IckSM (14*1) VI H te AM AIZA CBWS. AAO«t .Mb MUtVItf.M U tM T on^’DirBdsy,.’8 ept. 16. , .O n e -tim i tha Red Box have been using throe A ll thraa got hits on n oorUh of HOLLY MANDLY and BtU aon than Wilfcafl to ItoBi K N AD TVMO • O b W I U t r ~ promoting International Boxing Cltveisnd at Homs ( 17) Boaton four throws. Chlesfe St DsiS 3E5 ...... -* iiinnihg rn iitiln ’ ilftffi L A N D AT I (bOMft .CO tM lmL R fE V T lightweight ^uunplon Lew Teadler platoons this season; ( 1 ) P la y e rs Thornton oomblnod to aheot a 14-r iT m k s (»*t»). w xecie* H O M K V - R U A X Y V ____ W 6 t M T picks W alcott to retain his crown on the 6 .eld. (2 ) the players ij- Club wore disappeintsd in the gate. 3, D e tro it 4. N ew Y o rk 1. P h ils - Tlio southpaw hold the Tribe hit* a s c e im x ^ Bach dghter received 88.600 aa h is d e lp h ia 8, B t Loots 8, W a sh in gto n 86— 7 0 . to gain a tie for m a^1) I mL Louis St CIsvsISBd—Brne (Alt) f t A T p T H E T R D T W agaUaftiNarciano. . .Yale issued oeivlng medlcel treatment and (IT loio unUI that fourth. Than Avila bonon in m Rocklodgo Invtta' invitations to 103 football esndi- the players commuting bstwesn share of the TV-radio receipts plus 3, Chicago A Away ( 8 ) D e tro it 3. singled down tbs third boso lino. tha Y a n k s. snbthsr ooupts of thousand each Uon Fourhalt Tournament yaoter datea this ttll. Coach Jordan Oil- Boston aiiN Loulsvills.. Although Doby let on# pitch go by and bolt­ d a y. var has XB Wtermen back at Tale. Wrlgley Field In ChieagO, is the out of the gats. LONG TIMB BETWBBN ed the second into right field for ■ C-i f T ^ CaiiAaates hail from 24 o f the 48 onfy park in the m aj^ Without Turner, In suffering tho second another singio. After that eamo defeat of hla young caraor after VNFIBBB donating thoir statbi. plus Hcholulu snd Wash­ ligbU the Cube expect,to go over Baton Rouge, La.—(NBA)— S s sts i/. loos for Bunday’s JUumni Littla| StttfAlO Rt m a j o r Li a Gif' ington, D. C . .Quick reports, the minion mark in paring faas w in n ittg 38 straight, needed two LbulidanB Btate and Kentucky, W ally WooUake doubled after ' aaguo doublohoader Includa Wally n "Butera foottwU is the moct ele­ again this eoason'... Rookie pitch stltchee to sew up a cut over his members of the same cenforancs that but Pierot retired the sido ba- Fortin, Bam VacaaU, Narnia Oio-I gant. Southwestern football Is the er Joe »ack of the Dodgers is a rtglit cheekbone and one stitch for for SO yean, didn’t moot in foot­ feta any mors damage woo done. vino and Dan Mullan. ■> * ..J. . i 1 moot colorful. Far Western foot­ product of- the Negro National a gs^ over hla left eye. b a ll untU 1949. * Theeo four hits wore all Claveland Furrier Three-Up Tha dsciatan was as eloas as you got in the seven ' innings Plarea MJL ball is the moat grandiose and THREE UMPIRBB havt h UiflEiBZBJBl *T,a.ai>.».a.it««L Midweatern footbaU ia the moat ****^OTBB OFF ’THB CUFF could msko IL Iteferoe PoUy TBAMMATB 8 w orked. iltll PRISCILLA’S POP PoliUcs A t Home BY AL VERMEER efficient.’’ . .Washing mschlnea Pratt And Whitney, champions Bcaito and Judge Harold Barnes jualgnod to all playoff gamoa In Albany Event Mttch< M ir’T'nr FINN W hen It Hurts! BY LANK LEONARD and Uiahwashera have created of the Hartford Dusty League and each voted for Dykes, a Texan Cincinnati— (NBA)—Dixie Row- PitUburgh Pirate 'rookie pitclief tha LIttIa Loaguo, Jfsw more women golfers than ever Manchester ’Twilight League. wlU now Uvlng In Miami, Fla. Judge cU. Reds’ catcher, and Shortstop Ron Naeelal (NBTCH-oyo) has Albany, N. T*. BopL fl-O N -A , ______^ ^ L W A T ■ O fO L U Y PO p F ^ 1^ AL ROGEMr has bosn shifted . REBAUCIlMeNMnNBI-- 1 WONT K O U n U V M O O I A before in the game’s history con­ play this afternoon at 8 o clock in Jack Gordon scorod for Turner, Poe Wee Reese of the Dodgetii I boon with fl«a diffsront teams since from an sad to tackle pootUen field trimmed to 60 goUen aimed 9 ***>to4L it; Avtia W O R R Y ..^ [ MUMPouLBe «nu.BONBMd NOB W U IK STTIW NOMA tends the popular weekly-which the Btote DusLv League finals at 8-4-1. The A P scoreboard gave It ire teammates on a LoulsvtDs hs began with Ballsbury, N 7C In today at Jlni Ferrier's 10-undsr- ****••• and THEM WANTS TO BE ANO^THL NEVER MUmaiBriNiNOBOIMBU adds that wrestling is losing ita Municipal Btadlum in Hartford. ' . with the (kmnocticut football team O E T A N Y J WBTM6 BOOM ABOUT ITl ANP to ^ l^ h aandlot tooin. 1660 B a r 180 in tho third round of thoj - - - ** PRiSSIOBNTii ftren R m pp-iw erwATioii appeal even as -a television farce. “Ihe Airmen w ill meet the winnw B SS-YBAB-OLD DYKBB, this-osason. A] was atngisd out iMoirrRBAumMTBiB by Coach Bob Ingalls as "om of 118,000 Bnipiro State Open. *1 N»ie. *4 nunricMPMKTinMi------AIWUNP TUB CgUMTUr ATTENDM6 - .Best quote of tho week fol­ of the game between Binger of Soared in the Bfth round from a tho tost boys wo havo this sto' The husky flu Franeiacan waa [ op THW COUNTY/ Bnuni/TNANa lows: "Too many fathers don’t Bridgeport ond the New Haven oerias of punehea, and a push, was AI WiUUms snd Doug WIsso three-up on hia closeot rlvalo— , m s k s th e U(m , too many mothers Telephone. .Bast Hartford Is trailing on the acoroesrds of nil Rubber Seen Replacing are other candidates from Maa- Blammln’ Sam Snead o6 W h ite I f f to***. : A vila. < planning snothsr semi-pro foot­ three officials going into the ninth Aamon^ Advertisement— chaster for ttoUConna. Rogonts Bprings, W. Va : . ball team this season while the round. The handsome, dork-hairod playtog his fourth year of footbaU Farina of Bchsnectedy and• T M ik a l Rockville American Legion is un­ Boutherner then took over the of- Pigskin in Footballs at Btorrs and bis third varsity san- Turneoa of Whits .^Mlna. . decided at thU time whether to fO M ive f r o m tho poco-sottlng Fsrrisr posted A S-undef-par 67 field a team or not. East Hart­ Turner and gave him a neat box­ ^ yMtorday to go with his rooord TrtoM ■InwesB.' (YsVeitoe ford and Roekvtite are natural ing lessen through tho 6noI tw o New York, flept ' 6—ON—To oaagamo Instead of ms)rbe throe or KARL BUSBIX Is the vsteran 68 In Uw opening round over the Blsm cr Mew T ^ . 16; F M . ObiesM r rivale for the BUk City A. C . . ^ h osts. h e f'our. o i Apart from Ite superiority, in Teuag, at Laois sad VeraM. WoB h Plainville High, onee a Clasa B extent Whieh might surprioe the of veter(uu in tho town tennis 6,776-]mrd Normansids County ia ito a . t. It waa Turnar'a Brat light sines average football fan, the baak- ra in andind enow, they to y that thoir tourney whieh got under way to- (8ub course, HemeH a Boss-i'Pehy, football powerhouse, has droppod ho wss stopped by welterweight bratachildchild stands up to six times day at the West Bida Ree courts, flnoad, ths gallery favorite and Berra Mew Tgrk. 6 ; footbaU bscause of a lack of por- champion K id Oavllsn last July. He fleldcr wbo takas out around ond that normal wear and tear of ite Earl hoa been in loeal not eompo- fifth leading meigoy winner at drisble. D i BMsr, sonnel. . .Only eight playen this coming fall aiid spooda toser, Clevsisid SM (regulars) are batting .300 o r bet­ w eighed 180H to 161 for Dykes titlon for Um p a s t 30 ye ars. 1114,841.66, carded a 66 to go with and Manager Kata said the weight through a broken Bold to a toueb- During Its Ug*Ume advant last I op en in g 67. Fartnn also shot a Bteles Besee—Mlaeea ( CAPTAIN EASY Snaaklng Out BY LhISLIB TURNER F^^CKLES AND HIS F ’lEKI?^’ Caught In The Act ter in the American League and dewn probably w ill not bo lugging Jsi^B. wStosteSTlt: •jJ!o BY M. C* B L 0 S 8 ER alowed down his Bghter. Turner season, college teams ware per­ DICK DAT, flrst botornsn with Terk. II; TlireMbeiTy, ■even top this m agii figure in tho tho leather at all. ‘ITia chanceo are mitted to use the rubber ball only HQVrO you UKBT 9 National League. w eighed 144>A for. Gavilan. Oecl’A auRsrod a fracturad left lUvvrs. (lhless% M. ■ eOTMRUTHEMcKSe A HOT HURRY/ Me^ STILL It was Dykes’ seventh straight good* that ho wllL li) reality, ba through tho spedat permieoion nf ankle in a recant Roe Softball rtuhljyt — Ceasaes BKAMCH PtANT MtTM victory I'nco ho droppod a split rambling wUb that old rubber. their .conference presidents. In its Lsaguo game at tho Charter Onk * i.oSf: Btaata ‘pL B T P I N S iO e / — It is ostimatsd by ths msntifsc- Msw Terk, „ MB TOMOmoWiBIlLr PROM o n e 01* OUR. AHn— dkclaion to Gavilan in February. major loaguo debut, Georgia Tecli L o ts . Sports Terl^ t. ,ftf; SPW5 AT w M ip a P ^ > f r Hia record now is 78-7-8.' tursr that the Voit rubber foot­ defeate(i Louisiana State by 37 to p x n o t./ 7 Sports Mirror ball, having proved itoelfI in big ______■ "••■ ■ ‘■•••■•■■■■■■■■MmawJl atrtkseots—- nsree,! ncvslsed tod C M M P t r 'Turner is one of tho roughcot 7. and both teams, especially MILLBB’S BBiFrAVRANT and] Sspt. 6 ihanii. Pblli•drishla. U i; Bsyasidx H L jr/ Ightera rvo mot." said BoW itlon lost y m t, will to ______‘iig .they tiM., thought it was a the Garden Restaurant w ill most I STw raa. Clevrisad. 13d; • • T o d a y A Y e a r A g o — U J I. to lfe r a "He'e easy to hit but he’s ao speedy used in something tike 1 0 8 0 0 rgr^it inventtoB. ' in a softball guao Sunday morning <^ds vs. Dod9^ , ' 4 - M a a s o r w lS 2JiZ"g^ ^ ^ 0 NV6 Fidld.*'■* ‘ NJlAti^ A T I M kL I ----- UteOCS mS mct/ defeated Canada. iM , in an tatef- It's hard to get in a real oeUd games this year, ranging from. m u u i the ball has to t* a t 10 o’cloek at toe Charter O U | Snndsy, flspd, 7 Bsttlas—Muslri. aL Lwiia ‘ OON 6 natlonal match precediiig Na­ shot. I wasn't knocked down in the ^ seboel dirough M NatloMl. m M o offletol hy *>1 the aatton'a Lota for the Iteotaurant Loaguo ...... I Klusswtkl. (^lanstl, .did; BaMi ,\DING Uonal Amateur golf tourney. Profeooionsl League. It was used le n flra g ergaaiiaftoae, .iaelufltoB Aluaul Uttls’ Ldagua aottbls-____ j Breokirn tad Maailtells. Cblesga. Bfth. It was a push. I felt sick in C ro w n . -C har- BebosadMast.' St Leria .Md. & Five Yeara Ago—S t Louis cut the sixth rounds maybe from tkS ia only about LOOO gaaws loot th o N n l •nal OcSegiate AthMIc hdaddr. First gases at .lilfl—Chsr V Brooklyn’s load to six games Iff soaen. tor Oak Lots. Burt — BoMnsoe, . BiaaM ra punches snd maybe from the otook AsooNatlea, and Ita uee vriU be D O D G E R S a n d CABOfMALS . Tasaflay, Sait • HMnu*. St. Lael*. M;... Laiikatia. defeating OnoinBatL 4-8 os N o w I ate earlier. But I usually feel After yenn of experlasentetten, eenUagMit only apon the re ns eat w ill clash in a U ttio Lsagus baser TetlL W; Muriel. BL LduSriFi 'l York boat the Brooks, 8-2. be rnnkera of the lehhar hna knw Dael’t vA Fraakls’A 6—Charter Brooklyn. Is, . _ aick once or twice in a Bght." of tho eppooiag ooaeheo. Aasong toll game this afteniocsi at 4 Oak. Runt BtUtd It—touen Chlctao, lls r Moo' Ghenti (above) of New Brit­ Tan Yssrs Ago—Tod WiUlams. Tharo was nothing wrong with Booten’o prop sehools, to give an e’etoek at Memorial FltM : Winaor IfodsM. to « e kty B ,% TbtsMMU HdW ain, outstondlng Now England Red Box slugger, led the Ameri­ oatrsaii evaiaple. ito nae w ill to Tork tad Bridk, Fbl)|.di)lbls; H: him at tha Balto, though. flagws toot H appor* 'Will gain second round honors la racer, PlalilvIUe and U 8 C R C c ir ­ can League in hitting with 8 4 9 . aiaaflatiry. So It will akw ho the- American U ttio Lodguo a cuit point leader, WUI plt his dar •Twenty Yeard Mto—BUswmilr ontiy M amaaM to tell toara mymti anseng a ll high oehoolo. Jaaior eel- dItsM. tt. Lerit, __ P t JONB 8 o m A W A B O by teal, samB or sIBi iwiss They the right to moot tho' Red Sex, Rookies of the . Year in g .id skUl ogrinst a fonnldaWo Vtora of iegae aafl small ooWogoo la the flrst round winners, nsxt wssk. rin n ttl. 11^ Lockwto, Ntv fstk, Gabriel Larine, Philadelphia. pass toe some, kick the sonse. aafl Athbum. PiilitdtilAte. Ml. „ V I C F L I N T BY MICHAEL OTSALLEY field of drivers when a big com­ 6*1 Shaomso-ott-Delaware. Pa., Sept. Stole of Washtagton Takina the Bait B U G S B U N N Y 6-0 , A lO , 7-8. ia a third-round honaeo the saase, if wo hove nod In Black and .White tAMtPLNT.THlB |BI ______bination stock car racing program •—(/PI—Bobby Jonas, tho grootast The Voit Company, which FIGHTS FRIDAY NIGHT r/^y/Tw anBi / AM«.— Iff)— Pueblo Black is Jos Black, act t«- well as beveral teama of |ho Mid­ seek top priad money when the Yerk'O paco-aotUng Tankoao. m ltte c . S obs*] SOO goifan and Among amaller acbools, partiev- U m Western Leogue told a . Hdf pitcher of too Braoklyn -JCBBTBIAKV la s t 8 acUen- packed midget racoa Bottlng: CUa| Hartong, Olgato (rtende attending tho Nattonal Old lariy, where money otlU is aomo- west Oonferencs, ctal msn’a night this scaoon—aN Dodgsra la the National League IT AUBHTTBU. you WHO IT of thraOasod takea place RmlghL —Slammed two-run two-out plaNi- Masters and BlU Walts Memorial thbig to trsnsurc, thia can prera Within five yenn, the rubber males wsaring white shirts wsra while Whits is Sammy White VMaBTHArHATIDHM Pont' time is 8 p. m. AdtabuJon: bit homer in eighth inning to load Champioluhip Touraamssite atten­ quite an_ item ___ . in the couree of _ a ball boosters predict, you w o n’t admitted fros. The home tows of. tho Amorleaa Loaguo Boo- nSriiTiL Ls m M te 81-80, ohUdren 80e ta x in - Now York to 8-4 v lc to ty m ded the ceramonloa last night at «. the rubber paopio point to able to And n loathor football Dodgen obliged i y booting Lira ton Rod Sox. MBdad, m o ;pnrUag. nwwBoa ton aafl Oeuatsy Chil|^aiit. Ton use only ona^hnlf porJonteMo too trophy easm oo ln S-4.^

X .. A' )- KB

• — ^ JCANCH ESTEl EVENING H EBALD. M ANCHE 8TEB, CO N N , SATU ED AY. SEPTEM BER 9, 19M mm tAQIiTOI II SuborlHtti fwTElA > 7A H eosthold G oods 51 w tthfw t B eard B boImooo Sdrvkoo Offorod 13 H a(p W astsd-M sla 86 A rtld M fer Ssls 46 AataaarttllaB fa r M fj AntOM oM laa for Sak 4 lO M pisrtnltfM S 3 XURNIBRRD ROOM tovi T-mom|BROAp BROOK—PI USSD STORM • An ayportunity that aomea P O R T E R 9 n U 5E ^ ^ gla. Good oonditioL' iTRANSroitTATlOM Syaalala ~ DORSOIfimXB PhbMa Markat, BXPBItZBHCBD TM cb drtroex Onea ta a *THua Moon” GET BETTER VALU E ON IM l ratd BadM, Itao rta h ori ASHES AMO Varaaa aauatry atora far * aaJA wyalaA MuM .ba orar 91 yaan of MS TUaoky, 98 aad abewer. Private aatnuna. Iimi ■oappd wi(h-«Mttouto..^___ Phoaa t47Bl. COS SURard ysg. K Apply to l im a . Oulaan and 9-fSM. p a t THE 8TORAOB BILL n lol CkMteit ait C m m Charm ing six.room g ia ^ l ttonal teaturaa. OahtraUJr loeal A BETTER USED CAR Tttdar, itaa Chavroiat Sadoa. Mo» a n d u n p a id b a l a n c e Chira Auto, STS Mala atraat, Ga.,, 44 Stack Plaaa. ii^ ^ lsIo B attle oom Ni w ith ono car gn raM . N ow jH ns { near now school, launadtate occu-*^^ Manchaatar, Hudaoa Solaa aad POR t,s!A tB Mndam two bay POR SAUB — Lavatory loOat THR PURNITURB 18 TOURS a a a h a n d B-.w aM ripendhd raorsanoB room , poney. Asking 94,800. Owner. Tat Mvirtittnaiitt ■ A T ’ WANTED — A aarpMter. Large gtoMLpaaaL iaa Mr. Hayea Tea! I ll give aaay terina A p a H M S H t D .. F l a t D — ' Manchaatar l-WMS botwm 4 •arviaa, talayhoaa Oyaa •a atatlM by amjer ST h M tw R h e o o ’ ty. ‘til la y. m. O f f o r o d 1S*A yaay. Puny astospad. Bseallont pfaacki, SIS Ohntor atoaot' oa altorattea Job at Plaabuiut S ROOMS PUItNlTURE d 9H M d,{ D M utifuily Uuidacaped kS CLASSiPlBD ADVT. BALCH PONTIAC. Ine. iooiuion Naigbbarhead buotoaaa. WA Ocaaary. Mhg. boAttam auite, Nationally aU sm JtM r piplB g, w i t h 100’ frootago. R oaioa>]l 8n r M D B brick loBriwUr; WRAVDfO a f bnraa, moth kalaa known Uvlng room aUlte, 5 yiaea FURNISHED TWO room apart-1 . fln a BOLTON-Naw. axpaadaMa Capa DEPT. HOURS IlfM CHKVROUET t^daor aadOa, Maderata iaraotmant raguliuA a a i T s a i s 53 lably p r ii^ koma la vary Bna < Hart* C. Viviute < • tli A . M . <• 4 : M P . M . 941 P o n t i a e 4« D r . — 6 c y l . aaeallant coaditiaB, good tiraa and tom elotkiag. baafary nuai, Per Informtlea eaU Hartford T* WANTBD-PUU or part KODAK sasigaot. caaa. Saab hoid- dtoatte act "WaaUngbouaa" Elae- amat Adulte. HaV private r « ' . locatlaa o a tarintog ) Ood, four rooms edmplated. la* KtnchMliil radio, haatar. Phona Tt74 aftar 0 kaadbaga rayalrad, Myyor ro* SSSA grecary elarit CaU 9-S9S9 ar and yarta lenaea. AU aaw. Alaa tric Itef., "WaaUngbouaa” Laun­ ^ # A I 0 l l i C g ^ daaea. Phana 3-SlSL TBr i^>poliitas«at ARTH UR A. KNOFLA . anau*^ aroot oil heat artaatoh wtU. tOa PAWL a. WJ____ Standard ahift. y. m. ylaeaaiMM, uaibraUaa rayalrad, twaaa S a. a*, ta S y. at. Argue 09 aad Vakar yrojactor. dromat "Soloric” deluxe comUna- Sft plawa, cuHivW' C a R 8-4150 87# M a i n 8t — E a t ^ 1981 bath, lot IDS’ X 300'. Only 310,000^ (trail. 4t*acb«aur,j nMO'a ahlrt collaiv rararaad aad f BWL.T Oonatmctod aanriea ata> CaU 4SW after T. tloa range, "Mohawk” Axmlnatar PULLT PimNISHED, > awety ARDM_____ ORE R lL- 9t n p a a < a h 1 a s * m t ( Carlton W. Hutehtoa. Phoaa 111— OOPY CLOSING TIM E 961 Ford S*Dr. S a d a n • ter. daaoratad thraa rOcni aparinMnt | OM. Mraatoan HAVE SEVERAL 4. 0 OBd S-Wam Phono O ffiM 6440 . POR CLASSIFIED ADVT. IbM GWKVftOUBT naotUna. Ex raylaead. Maitow'd UtUa Maadtaff tiaa for laaaa by aMlw emayaay. WANTBD-Paintan lad carye»-i ruga •Hmaraon" telavWoa eat ORvar TPa ate. Iraptoaa. liR a g n o a ia. T-T384. M «ny tztrtf. aaltant. eofiditlaa. MAM origtaal Shay. Puny aquiyyad, Oood loeaUan. ten . Call 9-SSM. Maaehaoter' CLOTHES POLES. atralght "itaimana” mattraoa aad box TkaOMrCb., Ntoth Iw Stottadrtva^^^ r, 9U.QM. kaoMO to dMteriat toealtona. Prta* | E v e n i n g s 2*6988 o r 2*4878 I CTI ACRE M tote AT A dOtJAT M ON. TH RU PRL wllaai. Radio, haatar, aiaay airtraa, High yafimlltlaa far right awa. Boaflag Oa. ' atur«Uv. eraooote troateA fl# to* apriag, S lampo.* 1 cockteU UWe, W n t o m a t l e ^ buBtosoa glila. Niea ytoch aadigadoo ad to asIL ^par fuithar taiorm rids from Maaritester,^ o u t BOLTON—Now four room Oopa PLAT n m S H HdOaad Wfadc otollaA OaU S-SSSA 9 and tablea amokar, yieturaa and ------reu heated. aU uttUttw and ttaa oaB ChariM LBMfJtoMA Man* I Ood-with'axpandoUa attic, oU I t i M A . M . 1960 M t r e u r j r 4*D r. Sod«n-a>| ~ "O . Phona B-SdOI. Raaaooabta laraatBuat raquirad. 3317. TWOTBNBMBNTS, Sate, 0 and 9, | •<••• SATU R D AY# A. M . O iM ow ntr. low n flM g*. ffftit to VMMUHlt All Par tafonaaitloa call Hartfard T> apai* maple bedroom oat Too eon waahar. 33 Oaidto atraat ROOSIB-BIld^ haat tUa bath wltb ahowar, arte- IM l DR iOTO, 4 daor, duid *rlra aiatal vanatlaa bllada at a M CARPB#HfcMr WaatoA Apply atj WE WILL Pay up to D M to trada bOy alii or part w « « ootf«.»:.H «iiir>r. ■iaa waU. aero of tend with Jttdro. MM. for your aM hand mower f riMtoe tn a a Let M* x Ihiniranoa STST. 9709. ’ Hslp Wsslni—r«E sb 35 toyaa o ( aara. DUaa Saiaa ai aar’a T.V. Open Thnra, aad Fri­ N iw T u eB D , aad n o tal toatru* ■toarite driveway. L u ga SOT. Ptoa reatdmitiiri awSioa.| Charlea Laaparanoa, lltoachaatar | B eomblaatlon range, "Norge" waah- ■eopad lot with A s m rimSp _ oRDinta^ POR SA U B -O r WIN trada far a florists—Nnrssrfds 18 WAlTRESt WaSMA Apply ia par* Sirnea, Its Mato atroat day ’tU SM . Saturday 'Ul A tag machine. Modem bedroom aMotn RaaAt to * » ^ «**???!• PROPBdSIONAL OSloa ta Ma Near bna and aohooL* OuKoa.W. 9090.^ I D IAL 5121 eauya ~1M 9 Packard 4'door aMBSa OB a u m n iln Mathoda X a a m a d la ta HutehtoA Phena M S -T -T W . R osori P U Q torty T<»r E M s T 4 | W s a t o 6** 1teal Ib ta io ' n Silk City Dlaar..S41 Mato culte, S pleee innoraming Hvtag . ractery tralaad lapalrmaa. Ward rhaatir w— ‘"“’TtiTi Sar MANl&HBinrnt' — ' two badromn Mantclmi 8ttUaixw BALCH PONTIAC, loe. laa. All now tiraa. Radio aad OLADIOU BOUQUETS » Prwh* I M>dJ< SALE, 110 par lead room oulte. S piece Bake*A4Jte doctor or padUtHelaa. ■ .Rattral t o aad tbi Mnw la ty euL Chaleo ronatlaa Wood­ atraat '^ r a r a A CaU TIN batwaea S RT W atout SMS. I CAPE OOD—Six Sniahad roonw, houao. Ooppor tuWag. oity water POUR ROOM aottaga ouDgWriy tatfiMaat at toira i P h o n o t ^ 6 atraat PIm m SdTA ondar-Smlth Axmlnatar ruga u hot water oU heat Ideal paighbortwed. ImmaEate lot 100 X 198. A teal buy at S9.* Without obligation to you, yn dauy.- to boka yartrlaa. Apply to [ u s e d rOBniACB oU bumar. In Pkona 941A BOO. Carlton W. Hutehtoa. Phona | bhUlmantlc 9-9T9S — 9-IW . , butran. and 4bla i U M T '^ P A U JKX>K Ma. «M i s s i MOREL A pM. run- yanpa. Bilk City Dlaat, S44 Mata teiblo lampa atlvarwaro, also a 3 W s B i l B f A f 98w 5-F 8r s 57 larga ' eaauphhey. Aaktog IlSROO about wUl appraisa or maM you a oaOh Mile* o f , ItotlM fa haraby ftvatt that Paaa <)|m E vanlnga U ntil 10 P . M . ig eaaditlaa. ITS. ChU Obraa* [ood eoaditlan. Keith Puroiturt AIR CONDITIONED o a «a MAM hatakway, 39AOO donp. Swarta Real Batata. 119-V-T994. agar for propariJ. Soa ua. bafora for («ia toariaxlto OLAOIOLUS. Vary raaaonaMa at atroat HELP WANTED to horvoat lomyaay, 41W. Saa Mr. Johnooa. daca maria aota bad sat Tou can ah Naw MIM. by Tha try T-TTIS, SS4 Buab Hill IlMd, Man ch altar. Juy oil or part tor rant Dlvlda to auit CaU the oooamaauc Maitehaater f9TA ib ^ a r d S* Sabm rbaa'fer S alo. 76 ytaga M ak a( Manchaatar baa ISM RVKK «a< tSyaalali, boaeo. Phoaa 9-SS9S. I5M p u b Obot. oahtog 9M0. OOU TWOP^Iu E l Y Houaa — Eaehl *!w AXI*BURN REALTY B radia, haatar, dyaaSow,. Juat trad* Phoaa 4SS4. OFFICE W ORK iB O rS M " bleyela. o)actronie CAN RE BEEN DAT OR EVE. Jorvla Realty Oa Phono 4113. . . a t o r i a S193.______^artm eat haw Uriag roooa with! r a feaM laat and amMicatlaa hai is m ! H, ’41 cm fyiiourrs. APPUCAT10N8 an aow b ^ SHOWTTBT APPOINTMENT t - i S O L ______BAST RARTPORD, Pbona S9T9 ad far a aaw Hodcoa. Oaa owaar. Tudara, ehih amyaa. Excatlaat otova, Baoy Spte dry waahar, sraplaea, dtatag room, twin ataal ______JHM au«a fa aatd IwiA far ya r Part tim s, m orninfs aeoaptod for yoaitlOM aa g recary ONLT STORE 9DR Rant eemar Sprues IfXVR RM M B, dtoatte ana IDUKANT Straat—Pour room ria* Road, off Porbaa oftroot SR foom at utd toartnx. MaOlura Auta, Sft Mala atraat, traaayertatlaa. Pilead to aaU In Hotyotot waapw, walnut dtatag CHILD’S Brews gabardine storm ■ad BtaaaU atraata AvaUahla I With oaOto sad attte i m S i gte.ana.amr garaga, teU aallar, badraem, aabinet kitchan. Batob*' FOR QUICK RE8V<<‘ril to arillng ■iMt af lha aiabunt af dayafriC R o o flsff;^id tn f ’ 16 clarkA auUa and famala. Tha caat- raam oat two-burner oil parlor PHONE MR. ALBERT, ranch atyte PuU bnsamant hot JOHN J,. ManMaatar. Hudaan Saiaa aad hurry. Saa Boh OHrar today. only. Four or ftvs days eoat lagstosa. aUita, ataa 13. Sapt 30. Ideal locatten. -Phona Uvlwr laoat with Sraplaea. ptastarad waUa, autamatio .gas Uahad najghJBortioad. water afl M a t ahuntaum aterm proper^ • call Suburban ■arrlaa. T4L S*S449. Oyaa 'tU |S yaay ottara dra-day waak, good otova. CaU 9-S4S4. Hartford 9-93S9 afiduroy !«*«»«■ with ftpNUUMda CMl MsdtiUi# U )«T -FA M 'M X tK Na~ HXli Orntar Mator Saha; 4S1 Mala OltEAT EASTERN RooSag aad a w eek. Tjrping nscss* After 7 P. M. 4S-4SS0 301A Impilra U 3 Maaril atroat dtoaria, aUayacah a h Bvtag reaai iMt wNIm * wladowa houaa 10 asontM oM. & y Oo., Raaltora. 841 Mato Kattea la k m b y gtvaa that Paaa P ■ . OoBotructloa Co Ayyllcaton of wogoa, paid racatton and boU- vwriWa plaid top. N«a 10. Man’s Realtor, t^lS4S or 4STS.______atraat. dayo, fn a Ufa inouraaaa, Ubaral If you don’t have transportation, fraclariktaf break, hat water baaa* daora, aeraana, vanatlaa bllada. Immadtate ecoupanay. Bariata qtraat OoU.saiA ____ ^ Beali No. UtTS, taauad by tha Bird aad Pllatkota. Ouaraataad M ry. Shorthand pro* D isH H N idto-W B tebos— m send my cor for you, no obliga­ -btaa wool hacrimtlxma overcoat board radtotjon with oU buraar, an Largo yard, traaa., Uaal for ahU- at 9ia,(>00. OM M mm akytUM. •aflaia Bank 'af MynckaaUr baa mnSP ’IRANSPORTATIONr ItM BUICE Suyar four door. Ra­ am^yaa banaSta prognm. ■lac 40. AS to vary good eondlUaa. TWO-PAMILir Dupiaa. tour roacu BUTBRS WAITINO—Stegla and roofa aad aldiag. Ufo-UaM aluai- fs r ^ but noi^ saasntial. Plaaoant worktog condftkwa ta J e w e l r y 48 tion. H o for -RoRt . 85 draa. Cloaa to now crimaL Nleal and ptUa aaah a ^ steam Mat, Phona Hartford SASSS. ^ . Delete M M M t aad anaUcatlaa 1 gout Mua Snlah. Raw whitawall laum clayboard and eombtaatlea c a n 9 -ilM bat wan 8 aad T. eendttlon. Tmmadlati aOeupaacy,' tw«*fam>Iy homoo. For afnclant a m » Ri*>War.Oafa onO of New,, EagUtad'a Itatat and A—L - f l —E—R—T—’- 8 two-car giaragA atca ahadad lo t akd sanSdoAUiu rarrica aaU, A. laafi'bM a to aaU fink far yay* tiraa aad fuUy agutpyoA Bank atom wladowa and oeroana. Par G ood p s/r p isau n t w ork­ .LEONARD W. TOST, Jawalar, ra­ 43 Allyn St, Hartford M.OOOI O uh 99.000. What a buy. VERNON—Ptvo room taach Mma. JM It a f Mm aaaunt af dayaaft Saaaclag an aU a y earn; Saa Rah free aatlaMtaa can t t n . Eranlagr moat modem auyar markato. Ap­ LOVBLT h o m e far rant Par with ahada ti Aoktag prieo 919,SOO PIqaao call SO’ a 9P, a Mdroomo, 4 Raola. Rrokar. 9-tSlO. Of ( a Writtaa Ouamataaa in g eondithnns. ply to the grecary mdaogelr, P im yalra, adbwte watehaa axyartly. Open any eve. appointment OoU OoodehUd Agimey. TSI8 or L ILT.ilaOuto. Roaltor. T m Ollvar. Cantar Motor Saiaa, 4dl SSOI. Albert V lindaay, OwlRr. Raaaoaabla prioee. Open dally. W s a t s d - T s B b t 58 Iritad or unfuratobad. ToL B49L 914jWt| OTN aaytlma. oleoota t a bodrooaaa 'wttb sUdtag m s C K R V R ourr oL tm o o v p R I Mala atraat. National State Super MarkOt, ftAnw BUTBRS watting for 4, 8, ’Thunday avonlnga. 19S Spivca ttisw IDUR iroom.houoA aaii NEARLY NEET SDC room otagte deora U riag room with Sraplaea 0 and oavon'room 4toglaa aad 1 PONTIAC SBPAH WR SPBCIALOB tak laoSag aac 1041 Mata atraat Manchaatar. 9 CU. PT. RSfrigeralor and Magic WANTED—Used furaltuia, M** I s M E W QJMOMOH IS MINUTBS tn m Maaahaator— and piotura window. LauM'caW* 9 RtnCK CLVR OOVPR aidfaig. Highadt QuoSty nu W rits B o* T atraat Pbona 9-4M7. tog roMaThadroom, UtelMn ar lately turalahad. AU alactfla ter (two unSntahod), ObM donnar, twa*f«mUy houaaa t o ManteOater; Chef gaa at^a. CaU 2-96S0. Lovaiy oM oolonlal with pietur* Sraplaea, hot water oil M a t aol- aot kitchan. Pitn oeaerato MM* S PLYMOUTH TtnXtR ISSS iPORD. Pha«a 4MS. tartaiik Worknaaohiy guaran * catlra hanai helda. Let ua moke £lteban. -Plva mtoutaa from Eton* iTtoree hedbeemw with large a s m vtaw. BuUt approntoiaMy i BoHon, Oovmtry and w n o a . Tmnn>B(k>i!B^^t^^ mill affica. Slwrthaad, efftca « HOUSE POR Rant 1000’ awri of| leg a l M oltee W 4J CALSO SERVICB OBNTm yarianca anaatlal. Tact ragulrad Hayloft Oovantry. Barrtogtea. hadroom aad lavatory. IBU atUo bUek*a4whltayfiy> 'IH i > too, ylatfenne, dnniya, atay oa la any kind of atom, and I N A T I V E P O T A T O E S , 97S X e e a e y W E BUT and aaU good used fural- RooBM w tthm it B asrd 59 doeorated. Now I f L U t e ' raako. Maay to ehoeoa tn m . to deal with vtaitora, handia tala* D A T C A R E for child ta aty hexae, aad oaUar. Ooppar phipUitag. Hot will ouaUfy for tita to ayotty. Madar f t and 4Sd Cantar Stamt Suttara, eaaductora and roof ra- pbona ealta. Attnettva oklary, phone M ontm eter 9-STBA etreet Phone 444A tura, combination rangea. gasr S-ROOH ROME, PMtar S t aiaa. water aU heat Moot of the Soon MHuya Route M, RaekolUa. yalra. Can OougkUr TTOT. ICRASANT, l a r g e room for Maplaea, hath, lavatoiy, kpt*wMarl 91.BM d o ^ Can 7SM or m I M 4» iiaa. CttfM'a y *t Phona 41S4~tlA S M -d fis group taauroaco, piaaaant work­ ranges and heatera Jonaa Furai- two gantlaraaa. A t tha Oaater, U* Subw haa fer R ont are tbo origtaal wide boarda Jn* Bradtev PlblA Yvra badnom Phana S-SST4. Raelnrllla. M IDDUB-AOE W om en daelrei | PItoT HUMUS, exoaUent aoU con tura Store, 36 Oak. Phone S-KMl. laR iMat braaaaway aad gprata,| for anpototment Opan far taapoe* loxw. IH yean old. Large isi)^ boDOB eooya. PriaM ta aaS MANCHESTER — RooSag ing eondiUoaa. Apply ta poraoa dittoaaf and top draoatog. Moa- IS wadaworth’atraat tarter ha§^aaSaaa i tlon 9 to S p. BL Sunday. ranch no rt- at AMon Bpinntag Milla Gary. houeew ork for adult fam ily. U va| TO RENT—At Oovantry Loka. 0* attacMd garaga. Plagiitaaa tar*| Uriag rooM with Steplaoe, aU< a ^ k ly . Writtaa guarantaa. IlSS. siding Cm Alaa alla U tyyao t y y a o V yalat' ta and oolary. call C oventry T* chaster esiA ' PRANK’S AnUqua and Sacond- f-SWST"'- .U3S:| Traikra for Sals i*A lag aad rarmmtry work. Ouaraa* Taleottnua. Cbnn., or coU Man* A T n u e n V B Room for coupla. room turalahad houaa with ga­ race ovariotew the roUtog hills. PRICED AT 910A0O wRh down eleetrla cabtoat k lt^ and| Buy It oa yauff awa taraw. Obta T 9TS, M ra ‘D ^ e r. , haad furniture store at M Cooper rage, tooulated,.aiIhaat and othar diaotta. OJL dlrinraoMr, rink aad Matoro. 41S4. toad work. Fhoaa S-ISM far fyoo choater B13S. RIPE TOMATOES, 9 pounds for Complate light honiakaaptag fa- ^IMMODERN O D E B N S-ROOMS-BOOM koiaa. Sra*i Apprearimatriy Apennuiaiaty aS a ocraa ^ «af omarialaarad payment o f 91>M t o 91SM r*r TWO WHRBL Trailar, ataal kady, aoUmtao. 9Sa Orean temateaa BI bookat atraat (formerly The Old Red Tin etutlaa available. Orntrol loea* medsra tetprovanmata or wiS dtapoaaL Bnrioaad bcemMway aad WOMAN To Cloaa and Iron Mon­ Bara), buys and 'sails gOod uaed consider ranting ■ rooms toaaa, tUa bath. AttoehM garage, toad. A a l^ % *! quired. 9 rooma Dnlobad (4 bad* MOOLURR AUTO wfS fuaraMaa talaaiaya kaok*Hy. Caa ba aaan at WILL CARE POR chlldraa. daya Bring eontetaara ST fToraaea Uon. Mrq. Dorsey, 14 Arch street ^ iR a d ia iit boat w att to w aU carM t*| ...... pN atm ant aonU at E lya “Tyiar tI roonu) oU haat, fuU bath and attached gwragA Putt eattar.' wla oanaardaNvar a aOwaa Hudaua wltkla 1S4 Weodlaad atraat day, Wadaaaday and Prtday, S:M furaituro aad antiques Radroom > ■aoond Soar. furalahad. Wm. Rubtoew, Large tat Priced for oulek oala to llrSO. SIS a woak. Near Oreca while m thor wortta OoU 9-SSOl. atroat sate, and tables, nimpua room ta taiga U riag roam aad C £ .| ****• ______ahowar, fuU esUar, aU eity utUl* . ROMM yra.Wiid- IS dim aftar your ardor la R o s f i s f 16*A Main atraat AmaoUa drivewi^. PnUy Uoa This will go fori. TM Allan M owaar-brildar, 1 Itapmr oteeat al win t a ayya ftaaau. Prtooo' iaU rt daSvarad la Manor. Write Box Horald, O P P I O B w o r k : fu n b r p art (inia. ■ate at $30; all kinds of dlahea ■capod lot 100x995*. Immadlata ao*| ra w LMTINQS — Modairn six YTuxnpaonvflla.______j G srsm s— Sdrrtc*— ROOPntq SyaatoHalag la rayalr* H ousehold G oods 51 Houra S to 8:30 p. m. Tuaaday n o o u FOR RENT. Phono 3-018L room eolantal wttb attached ga*j RaaUy Ooa Raaltora, IM Omter •MthfarakUdrMmto A t ISJ41AS MaChwa lag raefa af oN ktnda. Aiao now WOMAN FOR yraaNssr waartag Experiancad ta tyytag, Ugbt I eiqpoMy. Priaa plfAOO. ■treat PMm 6108.. BOUrON-dBgli alowtlom acM | f yabtt^bid. Mib. d : U SMiiard, Auto Oaaiyaay,. STS Mata atraat, S l o r a t t 1# ataaogn ^ie aad U ^ t bookkaap* through Saturday. Phona 3936. Sommer Homoa for Beat 67 rage and targe; aeieeaed. poiM . roofa. Onttar work. Chimaya apparol to lanodry. A ^ iy to par* C oin p isto lin e o f C hildren’s M imOBLAND PARK—Ideal modsr- OonvanUnt t o new aehaM. bua.and oommuttog, haigay mamta. MM Iar. n Ukawaad Obrela. Maaabastar. Oyaa amringa tU claaaaA fMolrad. M yuan’ oa* oon. Maple Dry Ctoaaan i tag. S tate hours, satoiy sad par­ LAROB ROOM, e a a ^ oM block POUR ROOM eoay furntrimd cot­ LOOK, ONLY 911 A4o, 9 mom' r^/m a*iaN. #baaMartaUa« ar> M y. s i Tak S-S44E ticulars to B ox A . H aralA Fum iturs^ C ribs, M attresses, WHITE KITCHBN Range with BiaM homo ter larga faainy. S bad* riiapptag. lawMdlato oeaepaacy, dwalUng (9 uhgnlahad up) with OAIUOB POR RBNT. togulro W, iriaaea. PTaa aatiwataa. OaN Louadann. T9 Mayla atraat Silent Glow burner. Inquire at S3 frem Mato atraat ^ k t o g . Oca* tage. Plraplaca, alaetrie rafrigara* Priaa only 915,000. ITW appotot- tor. For e o u ^ . AvaUahla Sap* wmM, ff M l hatha, riaaplng pereh, tM followtog faatureo: hot water ISSI CRBVROUBT tuder dNuka, Parrott Sf USay atraat Eowtay, Maaebaatar SSSl. c o t t a d ™ lArtnmro , , I North School Street • tlcmaa. Phena 4794. ■team Ml haat Attaabtel garaga. maat t o toapobt coB Warten dtoarlmtaaltogI owaor.9 W^Bs« Immadtate] J BTBNOORAPHBR. Temporary or tembar 3rd on. Oovantry 7*0898. Howtaad Rarity 8300 ' axyttoaa. haat oil buraar, Sreplaaaa, storm BasoeM kia.. . Mica. id W groan. Pully eiutoyed, fully guar- pam anM t Exyarianaa aot'aaeaa* IroiHag dona to my homo. CkU 9 PLEASANT Room on bua Una. Ex- jtfr g a wan laadaeapad lot offota wtadowa and oerama, dormom awayv IT K d M . WhSm aataaA A baauwul edr. iW thla 4B8A furnishings for the entire CRAWFORD OAS range, ahm avarriSad rmataatlon. O w a a r K S yiu J?ittyarnw W telA OARAOR POR rant lasulra ISS H sstlsB — P lsaih lat 17 caiy. BkeaDant working coadi* Cpoaby rafrigarator. Phona caUant location M par waak. Itef- HOMB, POR O row iv fkaiOy. fUU oaltar. Only. T yaara okL Lo* 841 Mato s traMt a t'PMm IMB. . oaa oaa Rob OUvor. Rab Ottvor a)< Rldga atraat Uano^ Opportunity for advance* I hom e. A llia n ces and T V . nencaa axehangad. Pbona 8SS0. W anted to R ant 68 [totorimrad. Tmmadteto eeeupMmy. oatod on bua Una and near now waya koa Ohivtatata, 4S1 Mala C O. LORBNTBBN. AltoratlaoA ■ 2-SS 86. ' IStySOO. i Mght roema, four up> Ivur down. 1 meat CUnvaalaat downtown toea Attached garaga. - Attracttval school. Down payment from 919M | atraat aoyyor water plying. Now work tlon to HartfoiA Tbo Phidaatlal D ogs— B lrdm -Pcta 41 LARGB ROOM with complate MIDDLB-AOE Ooqpla aaoM quiet to 998M. YM AUan IteaRy ' Go., L sesIN bUos S4*hour aorricA Maaebaatar SSM. CHAM BERS FURNITURE kitchen prtvnagaa. Woman i roomy, unfuraMbad country I yard, t i n t w o o M loU. M3,000. E d r n t O0DO8 RAHBL Witek, hi W sntsi A stss— Inauraneo Oe.,’ o f America. Phoaa TROPICAL PISH, BOW ahtomeat A t T h e G reen O. B. Wa s h e r with wringer and O TN R Y ESOOTT AGENCY I 9-lSSO. ,______Itealtom IM Omter atraat Phona 1 'ifdafartwaalH. . Msisrejrciss It Hartford ASISS for tetarvlaw. pump. Call 9-3813. . young girt Phoaa 9-SUS after plate, or aparuaant, faeUltlaa.| voiy good oaadlUea. Maw yalai 8PPICIRNT Plumbing aad kaat Juat arrlvad. KeUy# Aquariuaa 9S p. m. '______baiD or garage, apay from trait* I * TMItea Jaffriaa BMoCt , MLiCim 'Oafhrd'aehoal iHth ra* Suaaat atmat 111 ... I II. I ...... payaMot eppreadmately 94.000. :lon la Van Chmy. Tel. 1-SS44, H elp W aatsd— M ils 86 of old gaaaa. Phona 9-3890 after WlU quattfy far Vataraa. OaU| atraat South Oevmtiy, CUU S-| atraat Maaehaetar, Hudaan Salao RBSHIORRATION Samea,*aem* MULT WbriOng girl prafarrad. Phono ‘ An Improvamaate aad staam M at, M o r a rayali •P-f** 403. YM Allan Realty Co., Raaltora, TOM t o 9-07M fo r Appototeaant IBOB after 4 p. m. to loanl A n tsshiM Iss Ibr S als 4 aad Samoa, talaybena S*S44S. BMrelal aad demaatle. Saa our OOMPLBTB PURNAOB W A N TB D -A -l nwchaalc. Steady 3*20 H onsos for Sals > 71 ter toapoetten S t o S p . m. Oyaa ‘til IS #, a t lag aarrlca. Oaa, aU or coata w ii H O M n . I s 190 Omter atraat Phana 8100. to 4i r i ’ diaylay o f fuaraataad need rafrig* work under Saa wariUag oaadt NICELY FURNISHED room t o SuaSay. • ISM OLOBMOBIUD ‘H r dUuxa Ur air eondltlonlag oyatoi tlona. Apply to yaraoa. Sol M s B c l n t t s r MANCHESTER—Now batog buUt OAKLAND Straat 100* x 900* lot ISW' ItubilON Oonnnedaca S ia* antora. Gaarga H. WlUlama Aa- A rticlM for Sals 45 largo private Mmo tm gaatlamaa. B_ _room___ _ r a n c k (8______bpdrooma)_ _t o POUR ROOMS plus 9 unOnlahad, f iSaar. A tberoughly oaeadaot abctataa, MS ToUaad Tumyika, otaNod aad aarrlaoA T, P. Altkla, Matota, SSS CMriar atraat TOM ORROW ’S LIVING AU tttUlUaa* ta. PhoM SSM. ' ^ *%itarX‘^AL«W . Joi.., ” s JOHN J. WALLSTT. loasAv UiitoiiaMla. Par tMa ana aaa Bab daa, radio, haatar, hydramatlo. S MeOaba atraat Phona STSA CBU at ilS Sprwea atraat______rood locatlM P ^ SaUto, plwtarl 9.frent.dorman, hot water aU Ono owaar,.Now ear guarantoa. Maacbaalar. Phaoa S*tSM, alghta sow OFF on famaua moke Bat- NEW MOON hot water Mat oU h u ^ | bmt. tUad te^ totea ^ klttean. TO D AY AT PRICES i^ D OMrar, Chatar Mater SalaR Mala LAROE ROOM, H bUxto from MaOhtra Auto, STS Mala atraat TSSl. OUARANTBBD Paat phimMng terlas. Written guoraateaa. 91.00 City aawar and water. Sola pr|aa flreptaoa, plaaterad waUa, Maaehaotar, Nudaaa Saiaa TRUCK DRIVER waataA Apply down, SI.W waaUy. Colso Sorv- RANOH otrsdl, Qaatlamaa, CoU X- DOW N PAYM ENT YOU ANTIQUES RiSulHiid. Ramlriag aad haatlag, altaratloa and aaw 94S Brood atraat m i only 911A00 with dawn payawnt bus Una. abopiitog eantar C A N A F F O R D Sarvla. Ulayhaaa S*S44I. Oyaa worA Paryw-glacA gaa, alaetrie iceater. Tal. 4184, 41|8. or 9-OOSO. 418$ to 4T% Charter Oak atraat o f 91800 to 92800. TM Allan Real­ ■ehoMa. Qulok occupancy. 910,700.1 B u y A " 0 ns O w nsr C sF* 'tU 1# y. m. on any furaituro. TIanuui, NOME hot water hoatare aald and la- MAN TO WORK ta eerviee ate* FOR ’^g e n t l e m a n , Pteasant ty Oo., Raaltom 100 OoBlar atroat Oiartai Liaporaaeo, Manchaatar within 10 nrilaa of Bari Hart­ IM South ~ atraat Phono LOAM, Dork rich culUvated Orada 9S90L E M y T s n n s IB4S CHIVROUBT StyMtoo 4h* otaUad at taaoenabla mtoA Tima tlaa and laraga. Steady work aad Na. 1, $3 CU. yard. Grade No. 3, T IM bath, hot-w atcr oil rooto next t o Mth. Near CMBay*a Phone 8108. ford Aircraft and on Conn. Co. yaymanu abraagaA BkaUay good pay for right man. Soo Van JStM X2lMp ISM Dodge S*Dr. — Rlua. Law luxo tudar. Radto, haatar. la alaa 33 CU. yard. DaUvafad ta truck h M t, fireplace in baaem ent aad Main atraat Pbona 9*0000. POUR ROOMS, 9 unSnlriiad. M cuadlUaa throughaut. Racy tanaa. STONB AND Brick maaoa, a Brea. t-STlA for latervlaw at Van’a Service VACANT—Five room oMMMI. IM Only |1,B(>0 down to 01 (M,8M mUaaga. Otaaa. load Iota Scroanad sand and aU and U vlng room , Youngstow n Oak straat Oarage, targe lo t donaar, garaga, atealy landeeap- to othara). 8 room ranch with at­ Saa Hanaat Daug, DouglM aamaat wark Valantlao BcMueel, Btetlea, 497 Hartford RoaA ■teas atone dallverad Order now. ad. taiYa lot quiet aalghMihood. M atrck atraat Pbona S*1SSL hltchen, fun Insulation and Lats^ News In Sspsrstes Phona 9-0777 or RockyUta 8-BOM tached garaga aow brings huUt IS gk POrd S, 44>r. SaSaa Mfs^g. Motara, BM Mala„ MOUiMry—DrsMSukisB 19 M ALE HELP W ANTED Nuaadorf Omatrnctioa Om Phona p lM t«M walla, laundry in owner. , 9 waaka occupancy. Priea 919JOO. Largo lo t Qtilek oeeupanoy. PuU 1S4T CMEVROUBT Sedan Dakrary [UCffirr TRUCBONO — Alao mh- 3403. b a M M c n t . 30-day occupancy. ' Choriaa Laoperaneo, Manchaatar aalo prtoo gltOOO- SMa priaa with­ hWi ramoroA Phona S-SNl ALTERATIONS and draaamaklng, F irst and second sh iftA 48 COLONIAl*—Brand new. 0 rooms •090. ■ out giurmgo (910J00). Monthly gbSA, Doara.yayaiant'ISA 1S4S MAKE MOWING A PUBASURX. with hot water OU M at tUo bath, SO U M EN E. Ine. Charrotat yaaoT fuB yrlaa MM. t*MSI. Raaaoaabla rataa. Call ^*4STA U o ^ x I S O payment abekit $M pine'taxes. k x - S r . h ou r w eek, fu ll insu rsn es p ro- 93 dowA 13 waakly. Buy tha paw first floor Uvatory. Tou and youra OTVNlUl WUX. m U ate room 3 ^ 91JM down payment t o D odts-nyiB outh C an- Good OMter; ITS dawn, buyu i t TOUR BNAPP Shea eouaaol Worcaatar PoVar Mower. Po* PRICE wlU Uka R1 Can MadbUna Smith, yaara old houao,at 448 Parkar 1S4T Studabakar iRckuy* radle, t r a m . OI (M.0M t o othara) 4 room rencli Jf^Rstsd Trucks Shaaa all oiaao, w l d ^ Alee Mov1Is s b t —’—T rs c l d s f — mens Brigga-Stratteii motor. Realtor- 9-1049 or 4070. ■tfoet Larga lot axtraa. Na ga­ now botog buttt. with bieoaawey haatar. Iaddar*nck, Hka i Pluma 41S4. rage. Aririag 914,000. Cril SdlSO ' 684 C sntsr S tm t beato. Oontoet W. P. SulUraa. M Sts toi r a ts 80 W s have asvsral opsninfs ■ad attxriiad garaga. PuU aota ISM and IM l OJC.C ytohuy Mauataia atraat RockrfUa. Tat for appolntmant prioa 910JM. PuU oala prite with* P h a n s 6101 o r S l O S trueka, both Uha n ow .. "Nobody for m en in our axpandint dp* B O L T O N — Building atone and S sfs P lsM T o B uy U ssd C srsI S*8SS4. I <■ AUBTm A. CHAMBERS 00, C h o r i t t Crocheted And Becoming - out braaaaway and garage 9SAOO. hut nfiwdy uadoraallo Bruaaar hi loeal aad long diataaca .awrlag, srations. F actory experience Sagatona. Boltea Notch Quarry. Loeatad on tanra lo t Monthly pay* Maaebaatar." Oyaa Tbure. PbotM S-OSIT. Staalay Pktaada ' ' V A C A N T 1S4S HUDSON Sodaa, owaad by POR b iL Riunar aorrtaa oadlaih yacking, atiMrage. CaN BIST. Han­ h elpfu l. A g e to 40 y s a r A manta about W phis taxao. fOtraar onoautlra. Juat traded for Pit, arontaga tlU t:BA Bat ‘tU atanation by M yaara apyar* ford S-14U. BRICK CAPE COD Only 91,9M dOpn to iQI (MAM A Tour "Moata Carlo Daotor.” POPCORN Maehtaa.S Now eeadl- a aaw Hudaan. Toy tn daa. NauM laneod oU buraar aarrlca aa A pply In Person thm. 8ter*A modeL Largo capa­ to othara) f«r S room ranch (9 yeur tom a. MeCtara Auto Oa., ca n Manohootar S*lTtl or S-SO UOHT TRUCBma, Woakto rub- .' Shod Dorm er badroems—1,1M aq. f t living 1S4S OHBVROUrr aadaa. bioh dlayiml Low rataa OiSan city. Big money maker. Juat to STS Mala.alraot Oyaa aranlaga clutdL batfeary,' ExaMant lima for county fairs had caral* B M em ent Ghrago a n a ) now bataf buttt on large lo t tU lA Phma S*S449. I CARPENTER wUt fr o m uaSnlah eloaaod, eomylato Janltof a SPENCER RUBBER a farm, a Ut Salo pilM 9n,9M aad monthly USA Muot oaU oa 1 MOMdUtfiy. ad uyatolra roam . too. Phona S-4SSA vato Phoaa SSTA Ipa^nont aboiit 9SS phm taxeo. Pmna BSSA at kwd to the good oM U. S. A.” .N ice N dghborfaood ISM StUDRSAlont Call S*4ISL PRW JUCTS CO. ROTAL AND Smith-Ooaoaa port­ aadaa, radio aad haatar, la haau* |THE ALLEN REALTY CO. m I WINDOW BRADB8 ntoda to order able oSd staadard typawrtten. T.j.cRodnm' * ' tlfut eoaditlan. orarSriva, now 1SS4 PLTMOUTH two-dear. Phono PaiatisB— Papsrinr II C hapsi Street AU makoa of adding maebtoaa U PDfNBT R e a l t o r s ; tiraa. New aaat aorata, Toy tradaa. aad InaUUad. Voaotlaa bUi _ G iMttaatorRtnot S4SA and curtain rode. 14 hour aarrlca. PAINTmQ, Bxtarior aad Interior, WANTED—Maa ta loara oU buni* aoM or rmted. Itepaira on aU ' H r a k e r . N aaM your taraM. MaOlura mokea. Marlow’a Evpa MaacMeter-^PhoM 'BIOS Auto Oa-. STS Mala atraat Cyan ISM PACItARD oaSaa. BM Batlmataa gladly gtraa. Pagan yayorhaagtag- OtfUaga raSaiok- ar laatallattaa aad airvtaa. Ex- 'wTT ReoltoF Wladow Shad* Oa, Itouta M at aA Walt yapar hooka aa raquaat yariaaea aot nacaoaary aa you wlU A (JOai) P h o n o 5416 MANCHESTER.— On tha aet* arwUaga ttt lA Phana PS44A malla clutcA Orardrtra, radto and Batlmataa tovea. PuUy toauroA RRUNSBiICK POOL UHaa for haatar,' aaw yalat PuU | Rattaa Natm. Phoaa S-44TA ba ylaaad with a factory tralaad ■Ola. in good condltloB. Inquire W a ltb N ULUAN G. GRANT E v o n i a g i 8761 I' akirta. ato room Oopo Cbd. Shod BBPORB TOU Buy a uoad ear CoU B d u ^ R. Priaa. 9-lOOA maekaolc. aay ylytag axyarioaca wwAiav^ OmaoMaaager dormor. oU M a t axeritaat loea* BUTS, ea ^ BITS deWa hu]fi It PLOOR PRORLBMS aolrad wltt M Oak alMot PboM 3-lML aaa Oerman Mator ‘ Saiaa. Bulek Rrunnar’a, BM Baot Oaatar atroat Exterior wm ba helpful. Steady omploy* JT amariale to Mka ttan, Appronimatoly ta-nare of #alaa aad Sorriaa, SSS Mala Haoloum, aaybalt tUa eountar. PRBB B8T1MATRS. -•rea MumlMwtar SIM I DOWERS SCHOOL Araa Savsn load. A rani ctttto for only SIO,* "Tour Manta Oorlo Dealer." Oyaa BKyart worhmaaahiy, fraa aoU- yataUag. Hava it A xmnt aaauraA guarantead oUal ■ MJC. MOVIE camera, Baatmi atn at Phona S*4ST1. Oyaa ora* room r Haod cOtatatoL attodiad OM.. Can foot OB thla ono. YM Thifre. and Prt ’tU S:tA S at ’HI A mataa. Oyaa araalaga. Joaaa Pur* h i o i i ^ - l M A XMm 44 houra par weak with tlm movla spUcar. Oealot 3*4 loagth aad one half ever 40 hourcL Ad- fur coa t woman’a wool auite, aUk inhathaa aad P toato-S toee isicr bratoc.:./ aad garage. Sret Soor EUaerortk Mlttea- Asancy, Raal­ Bltura. Oak atroat Pkona S*1041. has aatraneo' haU, toifga Uriag ISM OU>BMOBlUI M 4h PAOmNO aad yayarhaastaf- dlUonal baaaSte. OU Heat aad cotton draaam, aiaaa 1S*1A MT afato Straat, S-T IM — Bvaataga. i tora COM- ISM PLTMOUTH Tudor. .OaeA aadaa. Hydramtle,'radia, haotar, latarter aad axtarior. Cabtoat Englaaartag, In c, H Oak atraat Ladtaa hunting clothaa aad baota. ♦tMwa Witte" SiwtocA. foom low wlead tnaayorUtloq. fl4A Woldlag Sorriaa. with bay ntadow aad^oeraar|NEiUt WAin»LLaelMoL 3 fliMh only M.OM nUtaa, Oaad. tlroA PartaMa aqulynwat Oanoral buUdtag aad batldtag OMtiaat- Tht 9-lJSA TeL 3^3834. Writtaa guarantoa. N am yeur Vary data laalda aad ou t PuU tag. can cusr, 9*49sa elosat modem cablaot U tohaal od rooms, basamaat laundry. W HITE afrn.toraa. Oalao tarrlaaatar, 4M waUUax. boiler and furaaea wald* braaktaat rooa*. laundry Briea BSTS, worth BISTA "Nobody I tog. Phaaao S*1SM or S*STSA Large IE. Price gltSM. Dov* CMtor otoaat' S-OSSO. but nobody" uadanalla Bruahar| ta'vatory, alda pocek with aan paymoat S3SM. Monthly p t f -1 SOUTH STREFR#/ at Maaehaoter. OOMPLBTB Rayalra by Stuart R RsiM lIrisg MALE HELP WANTED .aad awntoim aaeoad Soor i m m t including taxaa apprcari-l ROCKVILLE, IS4S PmUae Chih Couya— Six riatoof throe targeAidrcema. mataly S38. e v u tofl«|ai«"* SmlUi. | CPIlaSir. Exeallaat aeodtUoa. Wolcott an waahtag maahinaa. MATTRESS. Tour old mttrooaaa INI CIlBVROUnr faur-Seor de­ vacuum claaBarA UMten, aaaaU 117 STRIGKUND STREET baUi with abmrar. PuU arite'aad I RooRer. S^lS49-or 4STS. I SEA/S^E E^^hlgEEf^M HEUaROHI ORA Two ISU Butck 4*Dta.—Oaa with luxe Luotraua black StoNi. wMte otarUtoad aad ramada Uka now. . erilar, Ttoikm-OIL buraar. Let ] ^ ^ ■ > wy wraB WBnw Tim aamw w w w e i w e ^ p a j n — 1 aypMaacaa. Pick up aad dahvbry. CUU Joaaa Puraitara aad Plaor DYE HOUSE WORK MANanMnSr'oMD^ Anal dyaaitow. Both eora la oxeallaat HanTa tM way to make yotw' IM X MO. PMao owaar 448S.' I ft tp fh s ErEsp gcH vE I m e m siw sgr gsgikililHE to W A *|irs< for 'grralgEt W rlra'"C ¥ Eift aaMmaa. Pifoad to oaU. Oovartag, M Oak. Tri. 9-1S41. FOR Only ISOOOlo 938M down poy- Ta L sam and O perate D ye*J% a— Third Shift ctathm budget g o a long way- IkA N C M EgtYab-D ttolax. IT I BMnt Imrgc 0 room Chpa OM| m I V M M w m m M iW * W M wM M flfM V M If M M K W r IH Ifo M M pM YM v W M avw ^*M Xw 9W n E Ollvar, Oaater Malar saw a Jw M aad skirt ta bacom- ISW CBamlat 4•Dr.-^A roal alaa UNfHJBUM Ramaaate 8Se aquara New ton A pply T o M r. K tO cy oot^HUdn. -OU iMntp noCdinnltc bot | with vooUbula tlta bath, AnplaM, IridirE e# M gllth lR C E ElW E iE R lE r I v E thp lEEEl E d‘ 1lE Idtchra w W A “ Tau'B.aarar huy a dud 1SS9 rORD CMvarttble, radlA Dana by tUUable. wriHrataod PIRST AND Saeaad martgagaa acraooa Muto tea* I buraar. Oood tat with aloa tieaa faatariag a amttarad roM ter variety. Thla pair la so turea Murt M asm to M ap-| Prteod below true markat valna U yott- hny a car from BuA** haatar, Pordamtla;. Juat traded ■aoB. AU Jabo guaraateaA HaU bought tor our owa acoouat Pant AMERICAN DYEING CORP. aaw aad mnort M mMV WW MHMMMg iOT IMM fbr a aaw Hudoaa Horaot (Now practataa Pub priea SlSAdOil YM 'AUaa RooRy Oa., R oa R m I Uaolaum Oa, M Outtaga atraat ooaSdMttot oarrlea. M aaehaoter Phttom N a SSTAls a aaw-rtta H k g E S i ^ . l S4t Dodge Club Couya—•PuSy ear guaraatea) McChiie Auto, Phoaa 9*4099, avaataga SIM ar Ihvaatmiat Oary, SST Mato C oTBcr o f E ast M ain and G rove 8treeta-*H ot|kT in e, C oH R . parteratod pMtani to atoaa I t 19,- sm AUea Ctempat ItaaRer. IM Conter,.riiept Vp/ma SIOO. agulyyBA STS Mata atraat Maachaator, SIM. atraat Phoaa S41A . cHgr watori 19, 14, IS, .IS, M. Stoa 19. IE I YUs Sritertag Mt wm aopoctal | I M M M t r f S w iM ,M |n M ipw ^TW . jnaam SNS yard TiiSer—six eyUadar. la Hudaoa Salao and Sarvlea. TaL yards o f M^toah ly daolgnad for tM mature erooa- IMNESI dEE E dA stl CPBVgElgECES* 9-S44A Oyaa.'tll 10 y. m. w i f f c j l A E l M E l f good aonditleB. Pattora Na S975 la a apw-rita a a It ta stniple to cforiwt aad I# fm M M f M i^iM M M nm •? peyefSd. N w m f f k B $ 1t , i 0 0 B parteratod pajtara ta riam I t 19. may M worn with the brim up arj ISM PlyaMuOi Tudor-OSod run* 1S41 CHHVROLVr Chib aa 19, 14. U , iiilM i Stoa 19; 9 yards down* R E Ei t t E E 30» a w iE E fst rn m W M C r o s s M', atag aanditlen. Priaad to aaU. Radia, haatar, origtaal Mack I SECRETARY NEEDED f w r S 12. 4M. a t Bi-tach. ’ Pattern Na SSM ecatatoa Salah. Late af goad traaayorta* AMESITE DRIVEWAY plate croehattag iaatruetioaa am* Wanted - Yard Man tE bE B StE F* FlICEd O f .Saa Bnd.Mlebalak tha worklag ^ thasa pattoma sand 90c for bmui'a jfriind. ■ ■" tlea to thto ana. Daugtaa Matara, IM l ba year eltp advaalagaa, yet to aadi. ta aeliia yaur aams; ad* tarta) raquiramoata stitch UJuatra* SSS Mato atraat - I N n X T U M U • S A V I 10% IT CAIU N « NOW tlona and finlahtog dtoeettana h a h t p o r d r o a d dram, atoaa datirad, and tM pat* . Familiar With LumbdF and o W ORK GUARANTEED tani auadMr to Sue Buraott TM Bead S8e ta eatoa yeur ai U S E D C A R S ISM CHEVnOLET. ta good : Manrhaatar Bvoatag atarald, 1180 eddraoa and tM Mttera uumMr atag condition. Now tiraa. Phaaaj * ^*»M S ARRANGED Soma Mill Work AT TH E CALSO STATION • EKPBMRNOB SDK* She. Amaricoa, Now York 30. N. to Anna Cabot YM MenrhaoSor H srtfprd Rond TlSt. with vWten. AttraeMva aatory, g r ISSSi X Bvontog Herald, lUO A va Aaiarl* m|y to y araaa oS Raody ter you aow*-Aiaie caa New York I t N. T. ISIS fHAllaBOBILB M club eeupA ISSO R tn e x OoavmtlHa. pray, fhohloa ter ’5t EaU aad T^tar. Anne Gabot’q New Album o f j W rifdB oxS r a ^ haatar, hydnamtlc. Juat Maek toy, white walla. ^u ippaA I SEiFFEinr TMa aaw ioaua la fUlqd with Idaax Wimdlework ia ehoek-fnU at _ ‘ "WS" " toadadtoraaaw Hanat Maauta WIU aacayt trade. Phoaa S^MSA AUPON SFINNIN* M HIS C O M . u s anucsoAN D DE M AiO BROS. far amart praetleal aawtog ter a daoIgBa phm avritlag teaturaa aad * c-d Tha H«rald H AR TFO IID i^O N II. TRUST C O . R LD a. Tn.ROCRW UjR 1 Ahte,STS Mato atraat * ' CALL ANYTIM I 7« f 1 saw iiaaen; pnt^ prtotod a gjh panacB. printed ta tM bode. Samoa. 1S41 PACKARD Spur dear ’til ls > m. fsOA Phoaa 9-ISSA

TO D o n Y Forgei io YoutxVote in the Primarii^ Tomorrow ....'-■.■fcYl PAGE TWELVE EATUBDAY, SEPTEMBEE 6, 1«S* Ebm rtrtotnr Eontins IpniU i

can't ha too eareful about toe oampany he keapa or P ^ cip iil Rfiinizi About Town about tha faeWnga and tateieaU M orggn-Sm idi Nuptials SOSBElieS Heard Ahng Mhin Street of particulac greupa, Thare'a the Mr. «od Mra. ThomM 1. Itacm labor vote h#haa to cultivate and PickB librariaiiR a t ha 800 BMt OMt«r atNH wiU And on Somo Mtmehoifor^$ Sido StrooUt Too toe induetry vote, toe Irtah vou ■t ImtM to UMir Mandf «m Ban* o / and toe Jewiah vote, toe veteanaa’ Ubmriaaa far ton foetoeoming M karlniSlFN toy from 4 unUl 8 o'clock In o(h voU and the Seventh Day Ad- pear at the WariUagton Sehori Mnraneo a i their 30th wedding imi* ventlata' vote. aava been aannwieed by M aripal ntrarMiy. Tama* a t tha Mala f prove mere tractable and laaa in- He haa to be careful that, in Viaeeat BanSri as friOews; l6a. Occaalanally yoii bear of a New oHfMd to hilt. appeaUng to one gmup, he daaan’t AimUlary PoUee wtu meet Mon­ England fanner who prefera to ’nrhem nmloa have peraenatity,” BMkakcto WaHera. Mis. OMluMe ^ - VOL. LXXL NO. 88» alienate aome other. Vennart, Mm. Leenard ClkarkM MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 (StXTEBN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENt I day Bight at the Finley atraot uae mule-power inatead of hqrae- our friend enclalmed, T ’ve aaan If be la aatute enough to atari a range (or target preetlea at 0:80 power around hie property and horaaa bolt and run Juat'becanae asu aad Mm Bleimrd Rachaagal aata paaaage through theao better Thaaa are voiuatoar workam F Bl. uaually he la quite aatudied with a apacrar croaaad th ^ path. But known poUticnl atraita, it the arrangement We any uaually you take a mule, new, be ^ amtoan ef ahlldraa in tha aehael E 2 3 1 REPAIR bo atiU Ma the bird vote and tha wko donate Uaw aarii vfoak to toa Wewly-eloeted offlcera of the bocauae there are excoptlona to naturally atone to think totoga eat vote to watch out for. WtCS of the Korth MeUiodiat every rule. over and dadde on the neat move. aahoel library. Adlai Raps Church win be officially inatanod But down aouUi and in other I admit they aren't aa graceful or In what muat be our politieal The Wariiinittcn School library ke Is Assured at the 11 a. m. aerrtee tomorrow. aectlbna of the country, the mule beautiful aa horeaa but they aura naivete, we didn’t raaliae that la a unique feature in Maarheataf political roaUty until Juat toe oth­ achaola, dwanced almost entirety ia a common (arm and work ani­ have a mind and a poraonality of er day, when a publicity niTITTTluiuRiT U. S. Press •nielr (liat dUld a eon, waa bom mal and the loarty creature with their own.” by toe efforts a t the achooi riill-i Power toe Frienda of the Bbda, Strike to Mr. and Mra. WUliam A. Simp- the long aara ia a familiar eight to Which wo have to admit aounda itaon aad tha FTA. It eirculatad '.f*. eon af 00 Sebool atraet at the travolera. * |like the truth. Inc., from out la Santa Barbara, last year alaoeat Sva ttiwiaand Iff s S k t A l l f ) Hartford KOepItal Sept 8. Wa peraonally know a tobacco Calif., croaeid our deak. books, toa majority of which wore O f Taft^s Help On Politics and cotton farmer near OoMaboro, I Tbi MwMtfthff The roleaae, which ia atgnad by nen-Aetiiai, whlrii indicataa a H f f n B v f f M/Sgt Herheit Crandall of tha N. C„ who wouldn’t trade hie A Boaton Olobe AtoTial writer Ckrtrude Oiamy, preridem, takea giant yaapimaa traaa tha chUdran. in tli TranaportatloB Trucking alowaat nwlo for the .beat draft haa caat fravo deubto upon the toe Damoeratle Fraaideatiat can­ Portland, Ore., S«pt. 8—(/F) Co. will return tomorrow after a horaa in the country. Tee, aqd he veracity of Omneetlcut m or^ll didate, Qovemor Adlai Stevonaon W M hington, Sept. 8 —(/F)bbroadcari ia toe mR too distant —^ v . Adlai Stevenson took aummar training eourao for even keapa a (aw horaaa on the era. Ha JuM-doaon't believe that of liUnola. to taak for hia veto future.” of aa niinola legialaUvo MU to -i^-Seo. Robert A. Taft laid a slap at the American press aarvaa att Oamp Dium, N. T. fahn to prove bia point. thu etaU happona to have today the Republican nation* The COP chairman had held two He doea, however, make one ex­ of toe Mggaat and atrangaat reatriet eat vagraney aa a meana nUtt4AMEIMS raeatlaga arith Taft before ha ra- today and said editors should ception to thia rule. He wanta it 2^tM ever to buan a hapleaa bald of conaervltig aong-inaactivoroua VLASB al committee haa aakad him eelvad reporters. "contemplate the very real thoroughly undaratood that oven Mrda. PARTS to make a national broadcaat Meat Ike Stratoglat dangers of the one-parfy a nmle haa to work omtime to 1 1 ^ what he haa to any and The diapatch from the bird and "apeak throughout the They had brsakfaat togetoar system in the press.” He ss- draw your awn eotielualena. frienda HQ atatea that aong-lnaao- Labor Hears . Both Sides get ahead of the little Morgan tivoroua Mrda ahould be proteteted AiH nut S i M i l country” but that hia role in and later met in Taft’s office. Tliey serted that “the overwhelm­ SERVICES horaaa from Vermont. The aouth- Taatlmeny from a New Jaraey were Joined there by Sen. Gariaon Foes Clash anpett (and none era more itdiy from eat attaeka aince toey-^the the political campaign will ing majority of the press” is That latsrpret The Wishos eraer regarto the Morgan aa "one Mrda, that ia—are a powerful (R-Kan), one of the top atrate- of the beat*’ with experianea on tola matter await a conference .with Gen. giste of toe Eisenhower campaign. opposing the Democratic Reported Pact Jeraeyttea) Infonna ua that weapon in the ta rm a ra Sght Of n o Fsarilr The taieo told about mulea and againat crop loaB due' to laaacta. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ih ft Taft himself declined to talk party. And he said: In D ark on their reputed atubbomneea are aeOloltaiia haa been known ”I am touched when I read In many and varied. They range from to Sy 100 milea to aoa, to welcome ’The ihapatch alao indloatea the got out a statement of com­ with reporters. Ha came here yes­ aong-kweetivoroua Mrda are need­ ment 'on meetings he had to­ terday after a vacation in Canada thaaa papers aoUettoua aditorials bullmag a fire under the more re­ inoomlng akipa. nita won’t aur about toa survival of the two-par­ calcitrant oneo to dangling a car­ priae f««k down Seituate aad'Hlng- ed ill defenae of the natlen’a for- day with (30P National and told newsmen who met his JOHN B. BURKE eata. which auffer ’’eight timaa aa plane, that he wanted to catcl^ up ty ayatem. I Am in favor of a Capitol HiU rot auapended from a pole before bam way, nor toe Saherman who Chairman Arthur Summer- two-party ayatem in politics. Aad the noea of olewpofcee. They may were driven aabora tola week from much tfrom inaeota” h from Sraa. pn the political aituatton before PUNHUL HOMI Now, perhapa the Mrd people field and Saitotor. Frank making any announcement of Ma I am frankly considerably con- be true. off the Oape by buaaing hordaa. eemtd whan I aaa toe extent to Seoul, Korea, Sept. 8— mmmom/hrnwt. M .W Once while vtaiting at thIa farm Aedae aoUleitana ha^ena to be have a point thara. But wbat about Carison of Kansas, onis of the plana. the eat paoplaf Wbat kind of wMch we are developing a one- —Chineie and South Korean Psrby, SUpt fitriks at ths Derby Oss aad Ela^ during tha Obriatmaa aaoeon, we a variety of BMoquito ourrantly top strategists of the Eisen­ Taft added then that bis post- g m y press in a two-party eoun- trie Company today pw aly^ in ^ try in tbrss Nauiatuek AJOKOAMaB m m n t m ware Invited to watch the plough­ blamed for afflietlona troubling meow do you auppoaa they’d have coivention pledge a t eupport for infantrj’men battled fiercely put up had Stavanaon not vatoad hower campaign. tonight for control of Capitol vallsy citisfi with a eombined populaHonpopulation (dof 48,000..48,0W..i%e Tlia strika t ~ i, ing of the winter crop. The mule Americana along the PaciSc Ooaat He said toey had ”a very friend­ the Elsenhowsr-Nixon ticket ’’still FSeli Oaneemad ehoaaa (or the one-noraa phnigh —too white bandad marah moa- toa MlIT stande.” ’ hill amid bursting sheila from called unfixpectedly■ after - the State - -Btoird of Mediation Why, wa ean hear thorn now, ly dtscoMlon” about ”isaUca o f (he “As an ax-nawspaperman and Arbitration had announeed an»...... » ■— ...... > (pardm ua) waa a huge (allow, iito to be enact New ■nglandara, . Wkat rota Taft might taka in aa a cltlsen, 1 am frankly con­ tremendous UN and Commu­ with thick, bony lega, h tg barrel Sua far blaaaadly immune from charging Stavanaon with cruelty— campaign, toe conduct of the the campal^ haa been a matter agresment ending tha dteputa, - cheat and droenng eara. R viNtationa of tola particular apoe- what with doga on tha on# hand .campaign and the part that I play cerned about the ImpUcatione of nist artillery barragea. Pfomptad toa eompany to notify t and toa eat traps on tha other, toa in i t ” of prime politcial speculatioa for thia one-party ayatem for our An American combat officer-ra- pietely fitted the ptctura iea; win heriUto to agree that our W M k a. ita industrial oonaumani that it| traditional aeutham mule. own varlotlaa have anything to fallnas didn’t stand a chance of Sulqmarfleld added to a nawa AnMrtcan praaa and our traa portad tof fighting waa largely eould not guarantee a aaittnued: aseapliig aatlnetion; invoking tha “rai Buggestinf that Some ardent Taft admirers have aoclety.” hand-to-hand — "with Iwyotfate, Ju ry Hobik While we watched, tha farmer learn from auch fancy, outland in confarenea; been reported dtagnmUed over the ipply ef electric power. i hitchad the mule to too plough aaeta. New Hngland aaoaquitoea proud baritaga of tha oatr-toa lion, take ne to lunch st Tha Democratic candidate spoke Hate, grenadaa, aatchtl-chargss, 1710 cities involved are Derby, toe king of tha ia tha aUay "I confldently ' axpact San. Taft befora a group a t Oregon nawapa- daggera and cluba.” ahsiton and Anaenis. and away they want through the worth/ of toe name can not only WiU offer to make a aatlon-wlda (Criittnued eu Page Eight) flelda for about three tuma Sudr r 100 milea to aea; they can acale cat's eourin, and ItaUng tba virtues NEW NORM’S DRIVE-IN RES­ per editors, publiehers and radio The officer said ”lt’a a hide and Layotfa atart 2 M olisterl denly Mr. Mule decided thgt he St Waahlngton, ride a aurf boat of the cat—hia rat-catching abU- man at a luncheon in Portland to­ seek affair at night, all hand-to- H h American Braaa company, waa entitled to a root and ao he and have even been reported hew­ ity, hia riaanllnaas, hia value aa a TAURANT!” . day. Ha aiTiv.ed here by plane hand because there's not anything Mggeat concarn affected, sent did }uat that He roated. ing timber along toe upper An- pat last night, extending Ms hard- to shoot at in the dark,” homa ita 1,300 day riitft werkara, F o r The farmer, upon aeeing tha droaeeggln. Bap Itatera, naturally At any rata, wblla Stavenaon’a Jos, Jar Pbote. driving eampalgn to tha Paclfle Ha aaid no one- contraUad the notified' 1,300 eeeond and tMrd mule oome to an abrupt halt made eenaarvntiva in auch nwttera, re­ veto may causa toa eat people to MRS. DAVID R. MORGAN coast crest of tha central front taasight shift workers not to report, and )uat one attempt to get him atart- main uneettvtoieed however about regard him as tob cat’s nmow, tha •MtoMMt JmI fMMtlNMla “It ia going to be a tough cam becauae of toa heavy artUlary’ iNU'- said ail oparaUons would b e m - ed again. When thte proved to be too clatma of toe man from Oon- Prlanda a t toa Birds, Inc., un- Miss G r a c e Bvalyn 8miai,nakiSt cap. She carried a erionlal wHbg wg paign, Stevenson said, ,”and I am rages from both aides. pended unUI toextrlke airis. unaueeaeaful, the farmer yanked noetleut who aaaarta that aix moa- doubUdly eonsidar Mm aa being bouquet of wMta gla^U and pmn- not kidding myself about toa dif- Tha U. 8. Eighth Amiy aariiar The ratrei-BirnUngham Cm - atricUy for toe Mrda~:and w# daughter of Mm Riohard M. Smith fleultias. indtetod tvo the reiaa ih the direction of the futtoea, of looal brood, ehaaad him of S8d Caiurch straat, WatharaSald, bad reported that the South Kor­ pony, makara of heavy caatlngs, Btable and the mule moved off the urto h langto of ateol pipe, bored don't mean eong-inaecttvoroua Ths honor attendant wore t DCSTAURANT For Egypt Reforms "We have a lot of ground to eans—who in three deys have at­ sent homa 1,808 amployts from its field. torough it in lelentleae pureuit M ^ either. 'baeaaia tha bride a t David Rua- of cottUUm Mua net with ' • (■-. M Tiittipikc make up. We have made up tacked five times in tha fees a t Anaonia and P e r^ plants, and toa On qneetioning him (the (armor, and, after he had damped down aell Morgan, son a t M r. aad Mm some. I figure that we atill have 48,000 rounds of artillery fire—had matching stole, aad hsF coUmlal hi: .11 k' ' e Sponge Rubber C^pany of Shel­ net toe mule) we learned that their driUe inaide with Ma ham­ Cbaatar IL Morgan of 876 Wood­ bouquet was ef yellow and plak TtL i l i l a little dlatanoa to But I flg reached the top only to be driven ton sent hmne 1,000. through enperienee he fowd that mer, earrted him and the pipe into It la one ^ our pleamiraa 'to land straat, this town, at a eare- toaaa. Tha Junior bridesmaid was Csiro, Egypt, Sept. 8—t) 'warned all Its houatoold rwniiimari INTHAL MEETING OF THE SEASON hospital aM canaad riiook damage to let ma know how I can get out toe sokUerB would oamp la and Tket and Tan. Tha new premier—toe seventh ttva milaa away from the aet around tha docks and start off first rince January—swore he would Bleating the recant Truman- Burbank. Calif., Sept. S—GB— Norfolk, V*,, Sept. 8—(/P)—Two more aurvlvori of the not to attompt to uaa toa onas oa of etaying. thing la toa morning. Ivar Chrlson, local ealeeman, ChurchiU.propoaal aa tha worat yat Pickets airieared at gates of tha hurricane-fltfifished tanker Foundation Star were picked up toalr atovaa. The top boaeta will Tha anplosioa occurred whan a waa dinlng'in a Pennsylvania towa tacMe |hraa main Jobs—” a purge Lockheed Aircraft Corp. plant to­ MONDAY, SEPT. 8 voluataar fire company from n “Imat night, attar 1 had (aUen Tha Ilautenant coloaal In charge of toe poUtieal setup, enforce­ made in tha dragged-out nagpUa- today by a Navy transport, the tfCIS Hollis. Nineteen other funettoa with natural gaA the nenrhy town rushed up to lender asleep, I waa awakened by some- wMla on Ma vacation recently tions. Moaaadaidi told newsmen day aa tha AFL International As­ Ribicoff Plans company said. —n Mg Mustery Moke with a adtan Ma attention was attraetad ment o t.h limitation on land own- sociation of Machinlato announced Aurvlvors were enroute to New YoHc a« search continued for h needed aid. The Maas had thing emwUng over nw. I Jumped bright. Good Conduct Medal Saab- erahlp aad a. curbing of the sky­ “the solution proposed in this mea- As u m a t toa strike aprasd, ht 7:80 P. M. In tht vestry of the by a sign that mad, ”Hard Boiled sage is not oiily altogether in- it waa striking the warplane plant, eight ahipmataa still missing in*...... housawivae Stokad to storaa to lay 1 in pregreee nheut 18 minutee out of bed and put toa Ugbt on. lag on hia chaft—inaiatad that ha rocketing coat of Uving.” toe rough AUanUe waters off! ^ ^ ^ « end toe newoomere didn’t know And io aad bahoM—BTOBIJOS! 8igg...... 8.01.” Attar a faacy aquitaUe, but more severe and im­ one of to4 nation’s laigaat. Major Drive in a auppiy of oandlas tn case afi EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH aad hia staff would spend the night douMetake, Ivar noticed the rest An army spokesman said Na- Approximately SO pickete took tont the flames weio magnesium- I waa imrrlfiad aad wouldn't in a nearby warehouae. It waa guU> would resign aa aoon aa nor­ practical than earlier proposals.” homa eiaetrle sarvica aads. of the sign. He waa ao impraaeed Mossadegh's poInt-by-point ra- places at tors# gates. Forty Bur­ th.'4a5 Rescued fed. As aom aa water touched tha go back into bad. I spent the alght empty ba said and thara waa no mal parliamentary ruia is restored Coast Guard in Norfolk it rMCued m « . • ma magnerium UW anploalan oe- trying. _ to sleep ' ia a ritalr. reason for Ma ataff to aleap on tha that ha copM It down on a ptaca JacUon of the British-American of­ bank police officers, moat of them Bush Territory Thara waa wldasprasd eeacera s p e a k e r ': of paper. Wa ware ao Impriaaid after forthcoming elections arc. la cere, began cruising in tha two of the Fdundatlon Stor’e men 1 Kgnf gaaegh •'agaiFIg* eumd. ”1 ainmly can’t endure tola for docks Uka ordinary GPa. held, not later, then Febvuary. fer waa contained in a three-paga 40 miles south at Cape Hatteraa. ■RFCJAtFx. C A laa. with .01 iUans. Indicating be .probably will charge d’affaires confamd for States Sefiato in toe home terri­ atraata are dsrkanad. ^ h t by tola troubled paeaon. Wear and Tsar on Han. .08 Bo You Kmw- more than an hour with Mosaadagh day, when the graveyard shift toe emashed taoker’a Wreckaga, [ Juneau. Alayka, Sept. came to ton qwi'td I ehouldats of tha (Ira-flghtan; they fresh copra, want tha erional and not depend entirely on •Oldtere’ went off duty. tory (Fairfield County) of Ms Re­ At Laura) Haighto BaaiUrium In GEORGE PAUL E. ware only doing torir duty. Hara*a what tha columnist aad to Fadaral T a x .... .01 I » at letter’s home. He refused Heads for Now TOrk The relentlees waters of a aoul Shslton, officiala appdalad to tha veatioa tetef. ' Ma retlnua. Ha had them aat up State Tax...... bayonets to push through his pro­ The lAM local voted over' publican rival. Tha other 19 aurvfoora were Mttem Alaska "ships graveyard” Few fliawMi VINCE r ERICKSON Jumping from TenH to New aay about too aituaUon. a maaa table aad cots near tha can- .01 Y m ito o c a gram; to divulge the nature ef the die- Ribicoff waa named by acclama­ State PuMie Works dapartmant to Jereey, lePa talk aomb mere about "Go out aad triephooa your County Tax...... 01 cusaion. whelmtngly at a maaa meeting aboard tha vestel whfch raacued, claimed anotoer Canadian Paetflo todny'i exsawi tar of toa Soor, ate a laiauraly din- Three of hia . new miniaters are yesterday to walk out at tha hour tion Saturday as tha Democratic them, tha Norwegian Bwu, which !un#a vtaaal ytaUrday—its flag- rush tn a pertabla ganarator to Ing. It had a .nutiiM 6808 8687 vohmtaer depuTtmeata. In Bargm family to send you a taUgram nar and prepared to. bunk down Salas Tax...... 01 glt m o 1 UbIoii seasoned tachriciana who were in Calls Parliament Mrty’s nominee for the four-year provida power. Income Tag .01 aet by Its strike committee, heed­ was bound for New York Inatoad sMp. tha Princaae KatMaan— but toBkerrow’s cr itw atloB eauM bn n County, toe area made noeeennble amlag jrau to coma home iBomadi- for tba night. toe outgoing government. Promi­ Mossadegh's etatement waa an ed by local preaidant John Snider. Senate term left vacant by the of for Norfolk as . orlglnany The Griffin Hoapttol in. Darby howlffr. ^ to the George Wnahington Bridge, ataly, (Ba ve^ careful to School Tax...... 01. expansion of Ma -off-tHa-Cuff ra- not a porson of 438 aboard ware Night fella swiftly and softly in nent among them was A'bdcl guelil The dispute ia over wages and 83 death of Sen. Brian McMahon. Ha planned. loat. already has euch genemtora.' Gov. Allan BMvers’ dacIBen to tome alao amUU a vriuntear eya- y tm riotoca aa you pack tham.") Total. 8.10 iT vkB «t IhrfM Opried Is tiw bBftia al Emery, an able economist, who JecUon Aug.' SO, whan the Joint of­ was unopposed at the apacial state Mayors Anthony Dirlonio of tem tont aaamn to aurvlya any at- tha J\^la iaianrta, It ia dacaiving other iaaues. 'Tha master of the Emu in­ A mils and a half off course, the urge ton convention to pMge K| Tkat’a putting it m il^ t in its luahnaaa and'tropical moona I n w b . wOl remain aa Snance miriater. In fer waa made. Ha haa also caUed Lockheed 'officiala have an­ Democratic convention in Hart­ formed the Coast Guard today be Darby, Mriachi LaMay of Shelton electors to toe neUenal party’s tempto to make toe departments TMa brings to mind something t m a poUtieal circles tola was looked -m a special pariiamentary aeasion ford. 8,908-ton Kathleen orunched and Frank,P. FiUq>atriak arranged function as paid groups. aad lulls the unwary nmvoomer nounced that they intend to con­ had decided to proceed to New aground with her bow almost un­ nomlnsee (or Preeidefit and Vlee of a Uke natugi that occurred on a into a faUM aanaa of aaeurity. "SchooldayB, aehooldaya, good M a sign Naguib wiU continue Wednaaday to frame a formal ra- tinue operations aad have taken Prescott Bush whom tha Repub­ York inatead of entering the Vir­ to diacusa toa eituation at a meet­ Preaident touched off Inud pro­ The aeetloa is not rami or aotttowest PaciSc Island during the old faahionad aehooidays, raadln’, A l woifc ff«M at UdoN Opfkd Co. io derneath a cliff at 3:18 a. m. Pat. ing In toe latter'e office. aparoety sattlM by a^ jm esM and About toraa boors later, loud precauUona to Insure the safety of licans named Friday aa their choice ginia Capes. (7:18 a. m.l. Earthquake-con­ tests from a coaaarvatlva faetipa war. Wa worn sUtioaad to m yaUa, tba iUekarkig of SaahUghU' and* writin’ and artthmatlc . . ^ " C am Pkga Eight) (Cantinned an Pngs EQUrt) workers who stay on the Job. to serve out the four years wMch The Xhnu rescued the 19 men scious Californians aboard arid toa Preaident Bacon of toa gaa and who* want the eosvaatien to ra- EVERSEU. ILUMinn a populnltkm Tba iplaad was oaUed Bfate. Thia famlHar chant was heard last The factory pi^uces Jet fight­ aiouadId a half km raaManta. I aad general eonfnslon fUlad toa after the Honduran Foundation blow felt like such a shock. pudlata jGov. Adlri Stavanaeo. _ capital of tha New Hsbrtdw quiet night. The warehouse waa Wadneaday which maiked the ers and trainers. Navy patrol (OMtomed on Page Etobt) ('Oiallaaed am ifapo Bight) AH towna throughoutt the area are opening of another aehool year. bombers and M g Conatellatlon Star broke in )wo Saturday. Tha Skip Atoadaaid Itojaeta lavltattsu « coatlgueueI and it is InipoaaiMa to tliat winds ita way up to tha Bole, a bedlam of activity. Cota were Coast Guard cutter (Therokee WitMn four hours, with Ctaat STORS mi SCREEN OONR. mNOOmi moan Uka moat islanda In that overtumsd, offtcara ware stamp­ Thera kr one UtUa girl wUe wlU tranaporte. While' this group held a serifo aeouratoly datenilae where ba tot subject of today's story. She Snider announced toe strike reached the tide of the Emu about Guard-aided raaeue efforts, the 807 of meetlnga last night, SMvera aa» eommualty eiada and another soetloa a t the PaolSe, toa mala in­ ing their feat and ahouUng foi' aid, McCarthy Job at Stake. so milea southesat of Cape Henry, passengers aboard ware gotten Before pnreliksiiiff your kluBtinnai stiorai wladows he < dustry was doaUag and aMpplng aomaoaa alaa shouted for tha Uvas on Chuich atrest. She at­ date last Saturday as a climax to nounced at a pnas conferenca that sore to see the E v e n ^ demonstmted 1b yo«r owa ho«e. b e g ^ tends toa Lincoln School and ia ta 10 wetks a t futile negotiations, Va.. a t '3:80 a. m, today. ashore, many of tba younger ones Atty. Gen. Price Daniel haa rajoct- T h a oouaty la tba ruling factor in copm Tha meat , product at guard. It waa planned to transfer the cttmMng down laddens to toe SMUiif ebe Uke it on the Btorket. Qohllty ht s teseoa- eoconuts. copra la uaad ia toa Wa could have told tham what the second grade. gessions ware held Iwre and at News Tidbits Bulletins ad an invitation to ba tha eoaivaii- toora and tha aiata oomaa asoesd Washington under federal media­ survivors from the Emu to the beach. Naar mid-day, Whan the Ucu’s keynote maritar. able prlee. For dcaioaatnitioa aad eidlaiate at no oUi- ' manufacture of soiva and various was too matter but thegr laeiBted Each day aba goes home for Tomorrow in Wisconsin Colled from AP Wires (^erokae, but sea conditions were rising tlds began to. 011 the bull, tnm the AP Wins axoapt for aid Mils aad other aaoas- on riaeJUng there. hmeh. Croaelag Center etrset an- tors. Asked why. Shivers aaiit the At- ghtioa 4«U Miy oantral govommant dlraetlon rill. unfavorable for attempting toe Capt. Graham O. Hughes ordered tomey General told Mm k# dMa't Attar tha coconut meat la cut up It took no apoctal sixth aense route home at noon aha is aasiat- The company has offered 7 cents Uka bureausi dlvlsioBa aad lagtrin- U nion O fucal Co. MUwaufcae, Sept. 8—(Jtt—Nenr-nothera were conducting a ’(amaar more qn hour, plus- an additional transfer. Some survivors were "abandon ship” and tba 118 offi­ have time to write ia apaach. and dried it in placed la heavy bur­ or perception to reconstruct what ad acroas toa atiuat ^ tha.ofttcar Nick G. Montoe, 35, described by reported to be in need of medical cers and crew ware also put • BBT SBBOES DATB turm had oeeurrad in tha warahousa to on duty. Oemlag back to aobool, Naariy a miUion voters are ex- McCarthy campaign." He called 3 cents under an eacaJator clause. SMvara had no addHianal oem- OHilC. WEUJUII, TEL NRN. l-ini , Bach little town is extramaly lap bags aad rierad in waratouaea •41 MAIN STREET. MANCIDESTBR TEL. ^3l28 The union demands 14 cento an the FBI aa one of the country's top attention. ashore. Now York, Sept 8—(P)— The to await ahipment Somatlmae eauaa tha ruekua. Oopraroachas! however, it’a a differant et«ry.' pacted to participate tomorrow in Bchmitt's lengthy radio perform­ Thare was no Indication ss to mant on tola faicidrirt, MR R atact- Jealous cf Its aaiMbor and each Wisconsin's primary election drawn ances "flagpole, sitting,” aad asked hour more, plus fringe benefits to- aafe cracken, ia added to bureau's The ship slipped from its ideky 1888 Wertd Series wU open Oet ed apaculatlon that the Damoem- a voluataar Sra dapartmant (aapeciaUy during tba war) it waa That's right! (topraroachea , . . Our subject stops at a sOTvice Ultng 1 1-4 cento, the escalator list of “ten most wanted men." when toe Emu would reach New berth and aank, with Ita bow go­ 1, In the heme park ef the Na- partleularty large and (iarca atatlon and always says ths'aame by the hot and bitter contest be­ who'a going to vote for a flagpole Uc nomlnaos for ttra of iho atato'a that trtaa to out-do tha other, months liafore a tramp ataamar tween Sen. Joseph McCarthy aad aitter for Senator.” , clausa and a union shop. Present . . . Dr. Herman N. (tender of York. ing high into toa air, In 80 fast tloari League cluunploa. aalesa H m you’ll Snd ao forest Sra would dock at toa tttUa wharf td brother to the American cock­ Una, ”RflU you plaaae eroaa me.” basic wages range from 81.38 to Candle, N. H., who once figured aa The Cboet Guard in New York of water at 1:40 p. m . Pat. (8:40 • playoff Is weeded to'daeMa IBa top posts. Gowntor and U. s. Bafo roach. During the day they aecret What little Blonidia wanta ia toe Leonard Schmitt for the Republl- Schmitt, unauccsssful candidate said tha messages did not Indicate ator, may have bad a f aUing out aqmpeqwnt or a eoavertad tank pick up tha copra. ean senatorial nomlnaUoa. in the gubernatorial primary two 83A2 hourly. the key person In famous murder p. m.) The apot was 18 rillea Natlenal League peanaat. la the truck. Most eommunlUea have tha Funny thing about copra. It themaelves in aiid arcund the bur­ service atatlon man to aaaiat her in At yesterday's lAM maaa meet­ trial, may be reiasteted into Hills­ Danitl was toa first to urge that lap bags. But at night they brid croailng Canter straat AU last McCarthy, whose Commuriat-in- years ago has relied prinripaUy event ef such a playMI. the epea- the state eonvention try to find a latest Sre-SgkUag aldea from hook gats real rip#.. . . let’s eaU it gamay on Ma radio work. Ha haa attacked ing, Tom MbNctt, union businees boro County Medical Society as (Coatlaned am Fage Two) (Ceat&eed aa Pago Throe) lag will be delayed mitl) Get. 3. ladders to glgaatto atrial . .aftat Ita bean kiekiag around for maneuvers on toe warrimiaa achooi year tha man triio pumps govemment charges hava made agent, cautioned toe . workers to group mulia raaolutlon submitted way to make Dwight EUnnhower floor. hripad tha UtUa girl and tha prae- BUY ' m a oontroversM Sgure, began McOartoy rapaatodly for what he toe state p aty s presidential nomi­ ■R I - i L/ We il Tracdc Top Price' trueka for tall huiUMiga. a wMle. It also attracts ratan and said were McCarthy’s "mierepre- cooperate with police and avoid for that purpose. - RED HALT FIZZLES YFS Tbs'right in question found tlca is conttmdag again this unn. camprign late becauae ba waa violenoe. He said a limited number nee, ratlitr than Stevaneon. SMvafs Voluataara are sworn in ta r a wonderful assortment of iweets them prevented from their twoai. —A Non, iperating from major surgery ■eatoUons” and “guilty by aaqo- Four persona die in automobile Genoa. Italy, Sept S—(P)~A BiK to aevea year period aad than who feed off toe dried meat When ciation" tachniqua in Ma ”Com- ef employes will be allowed to colllslott near Syracuse, N. T., ae aettvitiee Iv tha offlear driegatlon July. He haa been endoraed for work for aecurity purposes. First GOP9 Dem ocratic Test Comutuuiet-ruu twn-henr gen­ a a fa g u B M M ) roeeive what ia caUad aa "axampt toe wind is right you can amtU a that had taken over the ptaiee. So miiniaU in government campaign.” aberiiTa deputiaa work more than eral strike (huded )■ popnlsas « iromaa's eertllScato” which meana eopra warehouej several mllae ilection by RepuhUcan Volun­ hour to remove bodies from twist­ the copraroaehes watted until the MEMORiALS i tary Committee of Wisconsin. Schmitt said McCarthy "failed to Genaa previaes today. It waa they ean quit at any tkna after away. But when Siat put into the lights were out, advanced in a mU uncover a single Communist, let ed wreckage . . . About 70 mem­ estimated that bftweea 10 aad that if they daalra. Voting within bags it gathen a rather sweet Schmitt, an attarhey a t BerriU, bers of Odd Fellows from Stam­ Going on Today in Wc Need Your Cor! ttaiy body upon tha mass table and Wia., has bean staging marathon alone 205 he originaUy claimed Track Tips, Pins IS par seat ef the workers an- Two Hurt as Autp the Sro compeaias at offloar alee- odor that is distinctive to aay the ate every scrap at food that that WANTED OF PROVEN were-4n toe State department” ford return to mainland after twerad the atrika enlL -.s;. Y ES • tom time is comparMla to the hot- least' The ganmy ameU oomen JT- radio appaaraneea ia savaral parte being stormbenad ea Bloefc Island, '";k' waant bolted down. When toa ef state, staying bafora microphone I f Seek Sheriff Portland, 8*e., Sept. 8—(P)—^radlo etatione. U indicated victory teat Damocratlo or Republican later. toed was flriahsd and attraetad by The prediction of one miUion Driver 3 Hours B. I„ overnight. HEM> PUB KILUNO Hits Parkway: T r^ contaat aver stagod. as long aa 36 hours at a stretch Maine voters todsy elect a U. 8. for the OOP, ...... but with smaller ma­ One day to our island Jewri in to# odor of whita men, their uaxt to answer queetiene. votes waa made by Gaige Roberta, Youag King Huaaeia a t Jordan Senator, Governor and three U. 8. jorities than in raeent elections. Norwafo, Sept S^riP) Lele All this ia aa area that could toe PaclSo Same a detachment of obJaeUva waa toa offlcera’ cots. supervisor of elections in the Wis­ Windsor, Sept. S—(FI—A truck arrives in Rqme. Italy, while on Cnrtia, SS, a t Nqrwrib, whs la Stamford, Smt. '■An Jl Lj L/ We W c ll ii Deliver You A . easily ba Integcatad into one large SUPERIORITY Natlanwide Attonttea Representatives in the nation’s Oamocratie State Committee YFS fresh tnope fnaa the UMted Until you’ve aaan a CoproroacU w consin Secretary of State’s office. driver from Revere, Maas., spant plane enroute to London where he Srst test of Republican-Democra­ Chairmen Jamas O. Sawyer fore­ eharged with toe ”n«erey ktll- elderly PtalnSald, NX, ooupR nMtropriltaa area aarvsd by a States. NIm clean ualfarmak weU vM cant hnaghM their hoganaas. Thia contest Haa attracted na- Ha attributed toe pradictad In- tone painful hours pinned in the will enter military academy . . tic strength of the year. cast a vote of about 340,000. The Ing^tog" a 01 t her eaneer 'anffering wan injiimd .criUcaRy today whea regular Sro dapartmant ayatam un­ preasid and fuu of sparkle. It waa Two antanna. aloft from their tlonwlda attention because most ef craaae over the usual 600,000 or ao cab of his overturned truck here Louis O. Patton, West Hartford AtSSMt one hotly-debated local 1948 vote was 233,000. The GOP iKher, wae larged toair auto left the m l^ tt Phfk* der OM eantral coaunand. But it a pleaaure to see them. We made a ugly heads Uka a captive paraari. Oormtly dssigiwd sMamicBts graducta a f^ n f.i country’s leadiag newspapers and to the fact that 78 candidates are early today before he could be youth ehargsd with draft evaslen, issue aiMt clear, cool weather was margin then was a record 85,000— Norwalk Hospital baforabMore way bars and struah,«rjbap «a tan ia not to ba. Towns go on torir rather coatraating si|ht in our Wave to akd fro aa it movas. iataffignt M r. They hare beld^StiStS^H oolumriats, in addition to top seeking Job aa sheriff ia MUwau- freed. appears In U. 8. District Court at «xpecM to bring out a fririy for Margamt Chase Smith as today, and proasptly acheduleS- onater asplnande. plaeid way vaar after year, eon- mouldy, tattered ahorts, several Their bodiaB a n anywlmn from SHBBiag; tliaylisvt bsMty that wffl andarfr^” poUtieal Sguraa, hava taken.aidas kce, the state's most heavily popu­ Robert Kloaek, 34, toe driver, Hartford Sept. IS, following Ms heavy vote. Polls generally open ‘Senator, the Mggaat vote waa 311,- far a city court hearing later la; :^urdd wten hbHtK'OttaUam p . ' tent with toff votuateer ayatam aad dayn beard powto sad abaoMta for or againat MeOarthy. waa taken by ambulance to Hart­ indictment Saturday. the day. SmlUi, 60. of 21 Rc ------a t three and six inches tong and they lated area. at 7 a.m, with most of them cloa- 000 in ifSg. Sawyer aaid, however, NEW PONTIAC! rather proud tha knowiadga that lack of Ksprit da Corps. are cocoa color with axtremely CvttiBg Dsiac Ib 0«r Owa Shop Pma lha McCarthy told raUy Jura last Wisconsin haa about 3J00.000 ford hospital where he waa ad­ Midway point in. construction iog at 7 p.m. that local iqaues, rather than state niul boil hunbnnA’j •G. lUMfiSBCB RsIb M- NFVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVLRTRADLD' avaa for a arntropoUtaa a i^ auch At'that time wa ware stotkxMd hard sheila. Rsagb StsM To The FiaiahM ^eauM^ weak *1 need your votes badly.” aUgibie voters. mitted for injuries to Ma left lag. program to turn OMaawa late Repitoiicans expected to win all or national, would bring out many BODY RECOVERED Ikey wam as toaira, flra Inauraaca raAa are thara aa a sort of Uaiacm batwaan . A favorite sport of off-duty aol- Ma has said ha wanta as Mg a Wisconsin laws do not require Hia oondition is listed as satisfac­ atreag baotoer, amphlMeus aad at a minimum. major offlcaa, aa they hava done voters. Hyaaala, Maaa, Sapt Z—(Pk*- Uoirital tritei tha macial condlmhilum French-, dieta statloaad thara was to round APHY margin of victory aa poaaibla bc- registration by party aad votars tory. airborne haec, has been reached, regulariy since 1984. Republican State Chairman Hut­ Tka body of a Oriby OaUoffa tvHuad foe. ^ Volunteer departments' nuuls Britwi govammant aad V, 8. up a few of tham aad make beta cauaa it would be a vote of eenS- have a choice bi primary. Hence, Kloaek and hit partner, Alfred according to Army officials . . . OOF Wia Forecast chins antlclpatea a vote a t 890,000 prafamnr. Mat yaafaiday bi lag* Jurim, paqi BALCH PONTIAC, INC. tkts poeribie. tfOOpGe Our job WM to MG (hut an _ which would make toa loudaat___ _ danca in Ma clalnw thara era aub- Democrats could vote in the Re­ Allen. 24. of Chelsea. Maaa., were Soviet observer and astronomer Boirtaring their optimlam ivaa to 250,000. Ha based it on "intereat lag aaaq with a t l year aid eoalpound: '.TkttT . PHONL ; Mi tha man were quartered as com-L«ap«»t whan ito body was oraaba^ AAanchester Memorial Co varaiva tniiuancea in to# admlnls- publican primary, if they chose, carryin ga load ef equipment from says that Sytag aaaeers are epU- an Informal survey, compUsd oy stirred among RapuUtcaiia” by aenaolhey; was fonad today m Hwhusbai _ Vp Vetoat fortahiy and m quickly They sound exactly Uke flraeiack' CPIN 7IL 10 p M Wa'va alwa^ W n told—and A, H. AIMETTl. Pnp. * Notion. cal illation growing out of shear tha AsMcteted Press from opin­ tha beach at Stags Pelat, Flp- Ma with the leaai dlaturbanca to ere popping during a Fourth af 'IJIeCartoy. said Schmitt aad Vws) (I aa Faga Two) war psyckoris. ions gathered by newspapers and (Oauttiasd m Pago have bahevad—that a canridato the native populhtioB. J i ^ celebration. HARBBBON bTREET——MANChugf ijp ■) for am ea, aeparially a proridmtlal -Arrangamaaia had baatt inada to TMa was the ookxiel'a ioitlaUan I MciiWisciy.-seiKrte.'-iir^tr-i

■ > •i- \d ^L4^'- ■' • ' • ' ■ \ . J f ^ A V . SEPmiBEB ir IMS ' ■!, FAt^^|SK!HTEEN iOanrlrfBter Ettraing A btragt Diifly N tt PrsH Rbb Th« W«thtr Feieenet ef U. B. Wentkad Bhmni ■ ' ■ ■ •d bjr O d l Sr Fulton, 84. o l IIS right "Mda of tkiTtwa sfnirti -two-.—*— The marriage of Mlaa Mary J. Bus ScrapcM Car West Center itreet, peaeed 4b* the left front fender o(*tha car. IWr, eeel IMgfet. leeAal 9sm - Hobba of H i ^ road and Daniel StallyReady, car and, as Fulton swung beck police SaM. Minor damage was 10.337 p e tfie In tbe nsiper Sin. Butty A b o u t T o w n Ledhard Saymaaaek of Merlddn, to the right ahead of the car, the done. you’re w(ii be aoiemnlxed tomorrow morn- Entering Main St. - - | - " - r ------AnEI ' Ctotrlct Ko. a, OoonecUcut W at 9/o'clock In St. Brldgefa Reilly Says Ms^he§Ufr— A City of VUUsgo Charm •U t* Nurww Aafocistlon, Church. ' , hold iU aniiiwl meottng dt A oSnnectlcut Ctompeny but collared by « k '« CtuK • North P»rk and a paaaengcr car wer# in­ Robert B. Muneon, KT8A, eon Pnrtell, .Ribicoff, to Bp PRICE FIVE C E ^ Hodwm«* JfcjK. ••- of Mr. andMca. BtiUeimln J. Mun- volved. In a xUght .accident on VOL-LXXLNaSM S) MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER $, ltS2 (TWELVE PAGES) «t d:M p. m. wJU bo iollwod eon of 3dS Porter atreet, who re­ At Sifturdiy Progrsiti t Main street south of Oak ^ e rt Sb'ip^’n Shore tfiimor b t T p. m. / cently completed U weeke’ train­ ing at Balnbridge, Md., U horn# Fireworks Sch^uled yasterdey. afternoon. Patrolman rAPPINGFAIR anse arsee «. imlth of Wethere- on a 14-day furlough. While there Albert ScaMee InveaUgSited but Sen. ■ William a ! Purtell and made n« arrest New U. S. Mobilixer doid wlU boeomt UM bndo of he held tha rank of. recruit chirt . 1 2 . L : l^ S E P T I M B E R . 6 ^ lloMHi. oo» Of Mr. ond;'Mro. petty'"officer and had charge of Cfingraaamaii A. A. RlMcoff «T the ^ Sectmdd RMUrt, SB, of Botton, la S S m M o r r o o /^ WoodUnd a company of M men. He expecta Flrat Congraaalonal tMatiict will wee pulling ou(. of a parking lot to proceed aouthyllie bus, oparat- S-7 P, •tMot thlo town/tomorrow nom- e new asaignmenti to Greet Lakee haadllna the poatponed Labor Day Ihf a t 10 P '« b ^ W Owpuo CJirifti or San tHCgo fpr, a year'e atudy Church, WO^Oroflold. at tha Navy Blpctronlca Tach- political felly being sponeored by RAKED nlciant School, A graduate of Man- the/Textile Workera Union Local ■ \ . . - captr Hmmrt B. Hobnoa of" ss cheeter High School, he etudl^ •S/tomorrow night at BfamorUI RAKED lEANS X POTATO SALAD \ Chanor Oah atreot will rotum for a, year at UConn, end had a Field, VfAmilBFMR CASRAOE SALAD Buaday from a two n»oko »»»«• year of atudy at the CRL EleC' Preeldent Frank RrtUy of the inor V tralnln* eeuno at Camp tronica School,' Hertford. ^ local eald thla momihg both nmn, DANCE SUCED t o m a t o e s HOT RO LU Dnim, N. T. who era aeeklng aenate aeaU. ae> ’ Bordentown, N. J., S^t. A night expreas bus run­ I Sven ©.. Bricheon of J6 Birch cured Mm they would be avalleble ROUNO MrtI SQUARI PiACH SHORTCAKE ning from New York to Washington collided with the rear atreet entered ,the Navy yeeter- tomorrow night after the rally wee Max Kabrteh's Society Ctab / Pythian Slatora wlU “moot T u ^ reined out Monday. Purtell. who COPPEI ' m ilk of a truck today on4he New* Jersey turnpike, injuring all 41 day avonUif at S o'eloclc at Odd day and will proceed to the Naval Orebestrs Training SUtlon, Balnbridge, Md. was recently named Interim eena> aboard as well as two on the truck. State police said the bus raUom Hall. Mldrfd Tedford will tor by Governor Lodge, is the Re­ SAT. IV Iv -4 .1 2 R. M. i i n $1.5(M H iLDREN UNDER 12 .71 left the road after the collision,^ ro a eoamrtlc donaopatiaUim at Mary Buehiiell Cheney Auxlll publican eendIdeU for the slx-ye«r SEPT. • . roUad down a ten-foot embankment p. m. and anyond intomitxd la senate farm and RlMcoff Is re­ > • APOHSSlON—We and Into n fieUL The front of toe -wolcomo to attand thti mMUnp. ary. No. IS. USWV. will hold IU ------♦ r flret meeting of the fall eeaeon. garded as the favoriU to wift the bus was rammed back to toe third Democmtic Keynoter j Democratic nomination tomorrow tow of aante. India Storm NominRtion N eR ir Tbo Macllanaao Boclrty will Monday evening at S o'clock In Adlai Blasts Democrats the SUte Armory, for the uncxptred four yaaiii of the 'Twenty-two of toe injured were held Ita regular moeUng thla Sun­ late Sen. Brian McMahon's term. hospitallaed .nnd at lenat-one was day at the lUllan-Amorlean Tinuh Reilly said tha rally will -gat t MILES FKOM MAf^BlBSTBB Uated aa "very crtflcaL" ToU at 3 5 0 , ea,ndrldgo atrert at a:SO p.m. It underway at about S o’clock with 11m Pennsylvania Greyhound GOP Plans la Important that all rnombdra at­ UN Group Slates an organ recifal by Onlln DriggS , \ - - / /... - , ; _ ; ■■ was rolling along the turnpike Bve Bids 1 0 0 ^ Told PoUc| tend-thla impbrtant meeting. R«- and that a flraworks display w|D miles south of here. freehaaenta wd, ‘'ahlohleraU" will Birthday Parly close the program. Here'S the imoHest, sweetest eollor yet, on a bfeutn ••Bveiirtmriy seemed ‘ to he Many Lost hii aerved,.. ' The union v^I,also-nie the o«cca- W ^ad_by hnstwing bonds kilo -the trimmest Kites asleep but me,” Gilbert TaMr, >8, For Change Price Prop Is ‘Rie efon to Introduce-lU four of-MannIhgtnn, W . -Va., aalAj...— •: Mra. Hobart O. Denton of » Detee were pet for the UN dates for director* nornlnatkmi. — ^ * yl OiiMMiny Heaia aid Sisaid i—I Teebi Roslnh. Slies 30 to 40. and I wsM thrown, againat toe caught them on a trek toward aa DIreetsr of the Ofllee of De- the RepubiicMB for "illfittin) today with a plan wMch he phia waa "a 10-point Dofbthy Oenten. end the letter Oct.' i'38 s and M. aeaU In. front of ua. Glaaa ahat- the sacred seat of the Hindu tense MoMHuOan. Pewter, who self - rightMusness,” aiii aaid would guarantaa-^reaent of 'ma-too* ffsneralitli^' Philip BurgeM of the CenUr TheP- tered all around. J>eople acreamed. bnee Prednetlen ad- pledging himself to an all-out Harriman waa to have -Ittiedaire Wwalllj^ meeting a t plana la committee chairman for MTORDkY, SEFT. i-NOON TO MDNiniT P a ^ n g e r b ^ i S l ^ Into toe atUe. gods on the high, glaei bEDBE^V^WvUwr'' am S MBB prica gupporta for another, keyiieto eSdreae laat wFliguaSeptar. country Club will tha birthday party. Marie C. Fp^'rty Ship & Shore Cottons "I op«Md an. emergency door in slopes of the Himalayas. VlrgUia attorney. Bta new^Job Ivar against corruptioi^ in two yeara and then ial 'DeoMeratie ^alata * heSt aoagraui from the Newington Mra. Stanley Lorenien le com­ SAIN OR SHINI — * LASei n u n ' -the center of the bus and moat A ’ spokeeman for too Indli femMrty wee held by Otwriee & ■ibvemment, lead to higher priced for the but maehanical IttimSitot crippled Children, It will mittee-chairman for the Foreign of the paasengcM able to walk got gbvernmient sold he doubted If an Wileea, whe reeigned laat March. 'The Democratic preaidentlal rgrtmndad h>a plane at eenaiat df a apeaker and a picture Is Sliower Ones White end puteia—abort and long eleevee. Stripe#—long aleeva. farmers.^ StudenU Week End. Anyone wlah- out of It." accurmU count of the dead waa candidate hurled cutting words at He.qeUed for a wider range of In toe i R i ^ dell ahowli« the ipork at the home. ing to have a foreign atudent aa S3 .to-40,______: „. _ ...... ^ ' .The Tableia were- treated/_for possible, however, because the pil­ the GOP on three-major Campaign fecaq>' Crop supports. Including a-aa. today, tha Witual a houee guaat may contact Mra. Mlaa Marie C. Fogarty of Ridge cute and bniWa at BurUagton grims Were scattered over many ledue*."^:'^ "greeter protection" for producers diredtn' iial4 BaaaSawq*^ The BOB bom to Mr. and Mre. Lorenxen.' at Met, whose marriage to Ray- County HosplUl, Mt. HoUy and milea of mountain tratla whan the Iff , Denver laat lUght, he talked delpMa speech "did nist fiag milen B. Ue of Hartford at the W1est Asks ef perishable products such aa The eecond and final meeting m tod D.' TIffault will taka pMce .released,. . ^ _ post monsoon snows overtook about "crooks in government,” end meet, milk, eggs, frulta and vege­ ahola aatr and eimatru«srti Hoepltal Aug. SO hai for the organisation of UNAM wlfl. In November, wee guest of honor The bus driver, Joseph W.-Fox, them. kidded tha Republloena for their •jaradded: - . - botm named.Robert B. Lee, Jr. tables. ba held on Tueedey, Bept. 9, In Jtlie at a recent mlacelleneoue showey. of 3443 Englewqod street, phlle- They were struggling toward slogan, "It's time for a change. Mast Reset Retatwe rtpaotor as he ww limyLee U the former Mlaa Anna Federation Room at the CehUr Hoeteaaea were her aleter, Mra. delphia, waa among those injured the bsadweter region of the holy Big 4 Talk He was due In Kaaaon, Minn., Kleeahawat.. endereid « McKfOwn' of ManoheaUr. They Church. Thla will he tha HUt op- Joseph Maloney of Milford, and end SUte Police said he wee not Ganges river for tbe annuel Meni befbre noon today to sU te hi# ix>- A. B iR io o rr SUaenhowar eald the faw era re- fnretfa pellcy, butt.he. aiadhave a girl. * ------E X H IIIT S ------A. tuma must be booeted from the portunity for people toUNAM her cousin, Mies Patricia Fogarty, In condition. to tell them whet Maheeh ' festival, which draws sitlon on a -farm program. His W. AVnUOi. HAKMHAlir point aut that tha la m aa charter membera.^ who will be her maid of noner, thousands of pilgrims. ‘The storm aides eald that in-this speech, aa present SO per cent ef parity to a of RapahUeana tn Om Mworth-Oolimall-Quey Amerl- FABM and HOMS PBODUCE, POIIl TBT, UVESTOCK. Judy Bond Blouses happened. . ' . . Thla meeting wjtr be held to die- and at whose home tha party waa WlUlaih P. James, Jr.. 41, of whipped across the highest passes On Austria well he would carry.the fight to fuU 100 per cant—but In ways that dug' in .OiMr heataiAad edii Lagton Poet and Auxiliary cuaa and vote on the revlaad pro- givari. h o b b ie s , j u n i o r EXHIBITS, NEW CABS, TRUCKS, —18,004 feat above sea level—at the RepubUcena, pointing the dif­ wbuld "mlnlmiie govemment con­ »'et**«tly agalaat BMaaurea Nylon aheer. tricot, rayon crepe, tluiw fdllle, t^ o re d and take raad. Congers, N. T., wee ts ‘ ure.Toctlved a Joint Invitation to poaale which have gone out In the The decorations were highlight- f a r m m a c h in e r y . JIPPUANCES Hated by SUto Police aa driver of Shangarajot, 98 miles from Cham- ferences between their farm pro­ 4 3 rd'Guard trol a id protect faraMrs* tndipend- R o u t - - ;taM the inatallatlon of Afflcera mall, and (be pollolea dacidad upon Ml by « hrMal party of miatktdre drUey bioUMi. Sixes 33 too 88. the truck. James and hie wife. ba In Himachal Pradesh aUte. 'Moscow, Sept. ®—(/P)—The gram and tha Democrats'. enee.” UN Planes "Dooaa’t ha kaaw that tOrd PeaUI Popt. No- MS at tha mbeung will form tha baala dolts, which Miae fogarty gr­ FUN BOOTHS—REFRESHMENTS Survivors were quoted by New United Stotaii, Britain and From there, following a gruel­ AH I know of farmera con few moqtoa ago th* I Sept. 14. at t:4S p.m. at May, were treated for minor in­ vtacea aae," he Mid, "that they for the ^ m e n e n t by-lawa of in tna erchwly, with tha PARADE 2 P. M. juries at Cooper hoepltal Cam- Demrs paper as saying many France laat nisht handed ing achedule. he planned to fly to In oongnae, by toetr - -Hall. Hartford. The UNAM. shower bouquet etuehed Russia Austrian peace treaty Cheyenne, Wyo., for a night Reactivated weald rather earn their fair share Mutual fiiuuuly Act otficefa w u be In to the gtlta. OX DRAWING—THRESHER’S PONIES (Oenttfensd en Page Five) fOentlaaaff an Page ^ e ) speech, and then go on to BtlUngs, thas to have It as a govemaient Smasii Red to cripple our rttorte, to the ihatnllation eere< Mrs. Bernard Kehoe of Bast * -®* proposals that they claimed Mont.; to spend the night. ' hand-out," our friends and AJttNi' \ 1 2 9 >0 7 w m r G^ts Six Months Hertford poured at the beautifully Fair Admiasion 50c—-Children Under 12 Fjree^ met previous Soviet objec­ Laahea OppoalUoa OnMonday The OOP presidential nemlnse ening hoadoat in thsi m|F|Wfinsmqiappointed '• buffi*-imBSSW* ' table— nmei»>^ where tions to tha lohir-delayed eutltoed what he eatled a "aeuad, JHtarjttncaiiixMd:: Bteveiiieon wee a different men farmer-run" plea while charging dainty refrertimeate were served. pact. The western Allies sug­ In .Denver. i*want to Atlanta ts On ^heck Charge that toe Democratic adminiatra- againat what ha eaUS gested four-power talks in Up to this point In the cam­ Bridgeport, Kspt. 4—— tlen had tried to mahe tha Ameri- House paign, he has devoted bis apeechea Saoul, Koras, Sept. 4—(IF) atroywa ef deeeaey tt London, Sept. -29 ta complete Rsactivsiloo of tha 43rd In< ean farmer a "polltleai eaptive.’ ton." A former Manehcater resident largely to definitlona of hla views "I flrmiy hellave that a ^ e u l —The U. 8. Fifth Air Force HiEsaiiipnbN$ Dennis Q. Ooleman. 39. was een- r • the accord. on the main Ueu«e. Hence, toe fantry Division in Omnacti- Next Thesde: CsrsfsSr GoMponndml Uneed to ela montbi In the county In Identical notes, tha three cut as a National Guard or- tura is entitledIt...... to a fair,- fug ahars said UN fighter haphan to­ tlnued, "Sei "foundation apeechea’’ about which of the nattoul income," Usen- Jatl for paasmt bad cbecks when USd tbe-'ffovleta hie neuteaailM hiva hsen talking. ffanization?#HY|Vt vndar'HRl' day amsahed s be faced Common Pleas Court A ir Force wiiUaR^-hQwev4r hewer eald, . . . . " had a fair share He haa taken little'. If any, no­ Monday whan Headquarters Is not merely 90 per cetit of pari­ KbPesn army ismstx’ In i Stem Judge' AWa P, UtUelle in Hartford relurtahfly---to limit Austria's fu­ tice of toe Republican charges in tha second atmlght day of “ ThIeiatiMMiR yesterday, Coleman waa held on ture armed forces. They said against the Democrats, nor of toe and Headquartara (Company ty—hut full peritpi" Amertoa'a great e~ six oounU of obtaining money by Washington, Sept. 6—(P)—^A- day toe subcommittee had been toay also were wlUing to demand direct attacks on hie own record of the 2nd Battalion of the (Parity repreaeata a fair return wlthatinff- assault on north end Risenhowei'i false preteneee. He had been W jk House watchdog eubcommittae re- assured the project wee dead while that an Independent Auktria g ^ ': In govemmenU ' lOSnd Infantry Reftmant artu for thelferm er In What he re- oaet Koras. I Oeerge C.) 'Maas -/iVJ soQght.for some, time,...... _ ported today It has won a year-old viamng Wright Field, Dayton, itee free electlone, basic frae- esivaa fbr Me crop In relation to At toe eqatenhend of toe battle figura in a ’< But in Denver, toe gpvemor let ba inspected-for raorffaniaa- the things he nraet buy.) Clem en bee a record in the fM t to prevent toe Air' Force Ohto.'recently. Thla e«M< part of a itae isiid ahtl-Neri measurea. - fly with iMme -eharp-pointsid,aluy(ta D, 1.18lh IXvieloa Ihfantfy, and ear la faBiy aa Smart you oro... in local court and wee also sought from eiUbllBhlng a separate mul- t#o wecka’ tOUr of mijor Instal­ The notes, dellevered by the at hla opposition. And, although tion in the Waterbury BIsenlewer unveiled hie nSw men hammered back a Oommunlet dwarf-any pravtony auefe IV other communities In the state ti-bllHon doUar ‘‘supply empire.' lations a t S t Louie, Mo„ the San western embaaaiea to Soviet For­ he spoke quieUy and with re- armory, home 'baas of tha farm plan In a apeech .piapared attack with fleta aad bayonets on in toe hietory'of -ea well ale In SprlngSald, Mass. The result, said Chairman Bon­ Francisco Bay area and Ogden, eign Minister Andrei T. Viahinsky, atraiat, be showed gem^lne feeling unit, by an inspector of the for delivery at the national plow­ Sand Bag hill, an Allied outpost. Bata He C When apprehended, Cereman ap- ner (P-N. C.), will divert hun- Utah, met "toe only points of Objection” ing contest here—only a abort U, S. Air Force, Marine "The geileral U R O f P A R when he replied to soma of the First Armv Keadquarters, time before tJemoeratlc praeiden- naared In the SprlngSald court pnd dreds Of mlUlone of dollars that Bonner said the trip convinced Ruseta baa raised to the West’s attack! on himself. The betelllon. under commend Austreliaif planes hurled high ex- to show whet he m time fdr^iMllhg » r ehicke would-‘be spent for ^erhead--to him miUtary offlciala .am becom­ prertoua -recommendatlone -for the ‘-‘OoerupUon In- publie-effiee Is tim poniJn»e. W" sosssa nancy’ Iff JaklAg of Major--B, Domrid Vvaleh, Of due to dlacuea hie farm progiaih. there. . vitally needed pliheS' ihd technical ing ihore Interested In eliminating treaty and thus cleared toe way treason to Democrats ee urell as Waterbury, the dommender of toe bullets at the north Korean Fifth conitn. On thla q< The Common Pleas Court action •qulpnwnt* ■* / . , wasteful supply roathode but am for a aettlement. RepubUcena. , Clhalleaga to IMnacMarata Cbrpa headquarters near Kowoii, he no compromiae.' . ^ moving too slowly. orgentaetion during Its federal Elienhower’e. apeech wee Aral Y e a t^ y , OoaaaatMkR H |m4M). came when dolemen appealed Bonner" "iatd> Top officials had Aeeerd Remote "Any crooks I can,find In tha aarvica in Oel'niany, eontaina tha tbe Air. Force eald. PUoto said they from a Hartford Police Court con­ assured his expenditures eubcom- General Flndlnga government will be exposed-end on toe program and It was an Set 10 large Ares, demollabad OS cena toiMtoted PMaoott'jIdK I# mittee the Air Force would aban­ He reported these general con- But a llnal agreement .th ^ following units companies E, F, O, open Challenge to the Demoerete run for the Senate aSat viction of 180 Says in Jatl on the would end the postorar occupation ^ n ish ^ aa ruthlesaly as I've donis H, end the Medical Company. structures end damaged 30. bad chack chargee that totaled Slim eWrt. novelty cut pockeU, wine color. don plans to set up Its own world­ clueione; In Illinois, to Republicans and for tbs farm vote which In IMS "The bulldinga Just seemed to by toe death of DM wide' supply eyetem for tlothlng, <- The Army'i Medical depot at St, of Austria looked about as remote 'There wlU be two 43rd Infantry waa credited by some with glv Brian McMahon. glOB. He, mU4t gnewpr to sliMler as ever today. The weetetm Democrats alike. And 1 fhink I collapse' like they wets made of ‘charger-...In BloemSeld------and- SIme. office equipment end other Items LoUla la costing IS to 38 per cent know more about catching them playing cards" 'aeid. CapL. Pellx *nie etate'e otheir heed commonly with other eerv- more to operate In Its present 30- notes 'contalniM provliione whlrti (Oenttanad CM i^MoTrew) (Oantimiad -an Pago Pear) Seiiator, Wiluam M bury when he eervM hit term lit the Rueslans ere not likely to than my opponent. X FoiWler, 1400S North Field avenue, the county JelL * ICMIs atory building than in a modem Cleveland, 0. „ ning tola year tor Sharkskin Skirts Instead, these Iteme will con­ one-etory supply depot. He recom- agree to immediately. If ever. OOP Raaeallty ' / year—«r long tei ■ "Otny. spuh'Myon, nicely tailored In claeelc llaee. • tinue to be handled by toe General mended a thorough study to de­ They probably will resent the en­ "I foUowad sight yeara of nieg- Otoer fighter bomhereand B-3S igainat WUMani A Charge Man Stole Services administration and other termine whether savings could be tire tone of the notea and may re­ nlflcent' Republican reacallty In Il­ light hombara blasted, a tungsten military aervlcee, he eald. made. ject them outright. linois. What’s more, j ue4d en axe mine aeuthwest of toe nortoeest- (Oenttwied Oft_Pai»''fM9) for misconduct,-and rv e used It on Europe Told Bee, ern Korean port of Wonsan. F ilt­ -‘Ilie euboommlttee, which--has The -subcommittee found duplL er hamberg mlw pounded 'weet Cigarette Packs been InveeUgetoig mlUUry waste. eating Army and Navy facilities iny own ^ r t y meri vvlthotiT fear - Gabardine Skirts— ' yeportod lest year It had uncov­ at Oakland. Csdlf., for manufac­ of favor of healtatlpn." coast end' oilier bettlefront tor- Stevenson then hit — would cost hiliioni of doUars by -. A "great dupitcatioh" of com- (fP)—One of 83 lovely glrla, the StaU Department radio beamed f » XT' ' Sabre plloto laat Thuretoy rolled Tohaoch harvest la oa the of clgsMtiee from the aCore oount- waist, silver buttons. Black...... •SS.9I eatabllahlng a aeparate pipeline hut I. would thank him to read mdoii o f ' er. He posted n 980 bond for hie mbn items wee discovered In large more carefully what I don't, be­ this message sbroad /this week |t1Tgh1*in V up a new unofficial record for wane, tbe crop He drying to .toa .iMiRit mU'm m mm «f for common Iteme,—- inventorlee at neighboring Army pick of the country’! beauty crop, after toe sharpest foreign-policy. X-UK-tFl «■ ▼ W RCE O aiagle day when they downed_l4 appearance In Tonm Court, Hli and Navy warahouasa In Ogdan. will be crowned Mlaa America , to­ lieve he would write himself." kM«g bams, the ttnee for ^RSsRAi srppIah opfy etatement, police said, waa The lubcommlttee attacked the argument of the campaign had MIGe—IS shot down end one tlen le near. ^ plan In hearings and In amend­ The aubcommittee approved a teat night but a Georgia peach,-was in developed over the leeue of Amer­ which crashed without being hit. And aU through too valley t)W that he left his elgarettea In hie ments to eppreoriatlone blUs, and being conducted there to itreem- car. . favored spot ’ ica's attitude toward liberation Plan Approved The letter Isn't listed offIcieTly aa tide of prepa^lon la rialag fM 'taeewd iw meiAi tria.. Mi Ibw the directive eubaequenUy was re­ line papej^work and reduce stock for Russian-controlled sateUlU a kiU. toe olger harvest feettvnl w tM called. levels. Brunette Neva Jane Langley. '"leidail.if IrieMlnli. $31 ‘racket unit” which la predeces-; Juries in -each - of the 94 Judicial Miss Lawrence, 51y ment will shortly transfer all Jap­ U. S. Sabre# ^teal men that ertoyded epemtloMe of Hurricane Slow* A resolution celling'for a aevon- Ike eWeago bM IIUmlB MIdlaad aor, J. Howard McGrath,' set up dletricts. anese w v criminals It Is holding hour day, five-day work week waa 4^DOOR SEDAN In the Justice department laat Judge Moore, noting the Mc-^ to Japanepe prisons, . .Senator Rellread yesterday waa called January to avaluate reports from i Qr*tth reqnaat, told a regular Jury Stage Sta^, Passes Winiam Benton achedule* six tele- British Air Show voted down. aff today, aad service retntoed Off North Gardlii \ J the special Juries and keep toe Panel that ha cxpec expected "constant vision appearances In hla quest for Delegatee eet aside e resolution te normaL Hansom '^Puff program in motion. vigilance" in his district end com­ New York, Sept. S-WTl-rMuelcel re-eledtion. FarnboroMgh, Eng,, Sept. endorsing Republicein U. B. Repre- Miami, Fla.. Sept. S— -1 ’Ji" $297 n,™ .. pair . Bits MoGnito Flaa mented: comedy.'Star Gertrude Lawrence, General Electric's Home Laun­ ■—A contrite-eoiinding. U. 8, Air ■entotlve Horace S oely-B ro^ Jr., . „ JKT EXPLODES Atlani.lc.hurricane waa moviiiK i McGranery made it clear today "A ravlvel-meeUng' type of law 81, died today In a. New York dry Ek|ulpment department will Force officer confessto today that who aoeke reelectlon. Phabereogh, Eng„ Sept. S— a alow pace in a northaaetarty < FUU PRICE $1297 he does, not thlnh much of the enforcement may look well for a HMVe from Bridgeport to "AppU- The convention did qndorso an De HavinaMi II# Jet rection about 4$0 mliea east time, but Ita effect adbn waare off. hoepltal. '' the Sabre Jet fighters whICh gate- ■lI'DemocratIc elate of Congrea- StytoNBlSEf^SlM SiU^^Vb “ ^ Sty|fN».340^S|Ms: 14Va.24Vi apedal grand Jury Idea, originated The veraatils actreaa died shortly an«T Park" In Louisville, Ky, . . . crashed this supposedly aH-Britlsh fighter exploded h* toe air be­ Wilmington, N. C, early today. J «Mm m e teitmMM meme „ Let’n Trsde Today - Green Stawps ^ McGrath and strongly recom­ “It la not toe American way Atlantic SUte . Marine Fisheries slonal candidetei. fore lsa,aoa apectators at toe The Miami Weatoar Burean a HoUed coller and pretty neckline on owf lewel-eeaiter Jbut-„; to carry on law enforcement after 8 a.m.' She wali admitted to exhibition of fancy-flying wers In toe'elecUona. President Tim , ’bWMwkanMwi^... The mandarin collared coat d rsu wlih Uttle Jeweled tab mended hV the Kefauver crime in­ the hospital Aug. IS with' yellow Commission reelects John B. Blnd- Amsrican. Parahetongk air ahow today in an advisory at S A at. that Open Thun., Fri. ’Til 9:30 of elegance, madd In acetate end rayon matelasse. Oelora:, toned drsM made In acaUte and reyon mntelaaae. Colon: ^ Glvui With vestigating committee. through mass hysteria, or through losa of Stonington as chairman. othy M. CoUlns ef Trumbull waa after* a Agfct at aapefeenie dUturbance generated. a. epqSl > leM Barm iwwmnb * t • ■ Fonst green, black end navy. newspaper propaganda, or through Jaundice. Ten Sabre Jets, used In Britain granted a 10th term end" Secre­ -AH Day Sat. Til 5 ’ B a U ^ blub, forest green, black. Aeaerting that hla faith lies The SO-mkn conference board of only' by Amsrican and Canadian only four to six mllee aat hoof r itweBeawMot |50.00 Caah SalM with the regular Juries to main­ any kind of eruaadc.'" Mlaa Lawrence, English-bom and the CIO International Union of tory-Treasurer Joseph M. Rourks that -there wee a chancr In toe eeme vein, McGranery a star of toe stage in both Eng­ fltera, stunted over the air show of New Haven wee elected to tain federal law enforcement on a Electrical Workere moved yeaUr- PEAKS POK WAK allghUy quickened pace in tSa j 5^ eontlnulng baeis, McGranery told said today: land and America, for many years, day to end contrvt with General yesterday,'torilting spectatone. but seventh term. 13 hours. m--: DRESSEiS—SECOND FLOOR |\ "Tha function ot tha grand Jury was OB leave from the ■tvring Electric Company Sept. IS. . . ■preadlng consternation among , The conteeto developed among Ohieage, Sept, S— Vta- newsmen: ceoPIiSlaaii. Progieeetve n a ^ Smeir craft from to* - “ Showmanship ought hot to be la a heritime that we received ae role in'the Rodgere end Hammer- Margie Miller, 34, . and Donald British authoritlss who ftved un- the elecUoa of vice preeldent CaroUna iapea northw ard,la S M i- GREEN STAMPS GIVEN free men. It la tha moat powerful atein muelcel, “The King and I." Houser, 38. who went through the autoorixed fllghU might cause ac- New Haven and Bridgeport. .caadMate for Pieeldent. aaM to­ any part of the administration of day that n h e M-partMaa prw lanUc City. N. J., wera Juitice. Such administration call# inatrument under toe OonetltuUon based on the book "Anna and the marriage ceremony 36 Umce In a cldenU. \WiUlam J. Kgan of Now HeVan not to venture okt latAl WITH CASH SALES King of 81am." ' This morning. American Air finalty won rsoloctlon tv dofeatlim grans of the KepohUenM ^ ON PR ( for dignity and certainty.” and laws of our Republic. musical comedy, will make It offi­ oiuM crats Is leakling Ameriea Atlantic until toe 'As to toe ‘‘racket unit," the At- "Aa > effeeUvely fuactlontag With tha actrens a t her bedatde cial when they wed today In the Force headqurters at South James O. Kevaaegh, 34$ to ISf, Lattie Brown Cbyrcb of toe Valley flown the reafl l e a bigger, a lamey General said; fleadMer war." ,^(C||a«laaei aa i r "Z don’t aubacriba to the nsnM an ftfe fflmlt .

,1 ■ V . -X r '

^ 08'Md ItANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, tONN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER «, 19iS MANCHESTER ^EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1962 •-tl^lW ii.1 ...... ta a k s im aaaan than SOO SSIa* M l l lA n fA U a II Us Sd Sabres SleaL i^ k v iU e GoTenitry in^aStonnl ■trailA tk iy a a R Y acaatfiaodanj^ 1MNP" '■iuiM • ra n pUaa er boy s t a ^ fbada ‘IHuunlain^Frnils, Campit^^ Szymaszek'Hobbs ’ KuptiaFs K Tops Field for monntaki kandamsA I O H I British Air Show ^jfPourthJDistrict Installation Enrollment Hits New High; Badi yaar thoiiaandd flghF'thalr In Scouts* Swiss Journey CLARA xSKRAft ToU at J5 0 , eray Into tba Hlmalayaa S t Brldget’a Church was the (ConUaned From Page One) ship nt MM of tba S td S to U rt# v r r * scene of the wedding thla rooming Miss America lacnidPuy T By B M U -V SM ITH ,. , .nlc lunch there together and then of Mlwi Mary Jean Hebba, daugh­ Rulallp damitted Americans were Teacher of Pidno i Set for Legion^ Auxiliary 788 Pupils Attend Schools ‘nMi -boUast sf tl^spota la Oan- walked down to Adelboden. M a n y L o s t 1 -N ' . Interlaken, Switaerland, Aug. ter of Mr. and Mra, Thomaa Hobbs guilty of the prank and aald dla- tiwM fkqpi mstri, wMeh maqSn aaarea of the Sleep On Me— tain iilpUnary RCUon wan betog.takiB. X n anroUmsat of 719 ^piB iiM iabM iA Joleph A . MiSwau South -81. CSImbIng mountetoa,- camping ; F(tor adveafurous girU, BUkaira oT~ 16 HOftoti rodd. and’ Daniel Bs^lsiisrs *■■• IstEfHlMlfotBS ••* ■: t KockvlU*, s*pt e— -chort*; Mauirtw \ Oangee, the , , , _ An American aimoiincement f A lolat InataUaUonY. tfrUio— rourth rouikM, r«ctor will prMOii on breakfast eonfaraneaa with tba recorded In local1 Thuraday' Coventry became the bride of Mr, (( Om ) IMUtflU MHliM wW (M i llTi IMVi out at night on tofty peaks and KkmpeBburg, Carolyn Scott, Pat Leonard Saymasack, aon of aeld; Viatric^ Amcrtcwi Legion and the topic "Wh«ro Eduentlon u d judges. Oanacal rehearsal w m act aecordlag to Principalrinotnai RovmlRoyal O.0-| ^ w ilfre d _ B o i^ , eon Of ^ Mr, j , today. TlM f also believe there la . meeting Mancheeter folks (ar from Jottto and tlelein Dnvte alv>t out Michael Sxymasaek of 484 Parker "An Investigation of the report- AaxUlary offlcera v/Ill be held to- ralUl Maet.” for noon and after sandwlehee and sought refuge to eovea Their fal9 no iarer r t v to henvan than to die hCHM iaV FIfrta U y enhanced the on a mountain one night Hmy avenue, Meriden, and the late Mrs. '4d nights of Sabre jet aircraft past TELEPHONE MID The Young Pooplei foUowkhlp milk came final reheanal and gen­ Fisher. Tha hlghsat prmrtoua en^ |S ?k ^ p lilS rW lu S ^ waa unknown. Otbere dtod of ax- there i|lw e the gpda Mi a A Wa Frig ra m l hlkod up to a nice spot JUat balow iinorrow at S p. m. at the Town adventures of the. membera of Sajrmaaaek. ths Farnborough air ahow on Fri­ Ibdl lii RboKv^ church wUl ImM • p(cnl»«t g p,m. eral tawtraetiowh at 1 8:U p. aa^ roUmant of 740 was meoadad last Truman O. Intland, mintster, hauatlen en the return Journey to I ...... nMW.IBIMI. Ml . , . tha, rocky .summit and .aettlad tonoMfow. A t Y ^U -p jH . ^poi^. thls.ttiM the IS aenri-OnaJ- fonnad tha-doubla .ring. uareaMny XmB* Harm Sanlpr GUI. Scout .Troop 1 ' now down lo r the night Before they Rav. Robert Oarnfil pertomed day afternoon hafe been made xnd' iaroma Ramlilaiwldi of Roclctjne g, PraMmlwar y itaglatsaUM theplaiiia the ceremony at a Maaa at k l has 'tiiVealafi that tjiey ware made lag Mrvioo of tho-gconml convan', lata have been aalaeteg but «o an- year to Slls and her a week some member ot tha party atater,. Mra. Edward Dara o t Merl- $ Many prominent members o f there wiQ be a aemum by the pas- ■obeduled for 11:90 p. m. Centsr fiehools erffi start Monday. reau was bridesmaid for her sla­ ment cfftrtal. Jins cmdited son, HaroM, of Oakland street,, makes a trip down the mountain d<^, while Mr. D Ira served, as ORANGE HALL I both tba L ^ o n and Auxiliary are tor, Rcv. Cordon B. Hobl. Ths charge wtll ba 81.38 a waak, to ter. Raymond Rlquier of Willi eaviag 180 auKerlng pUgrimo 1 thuaiaatle about Um outeoma of who are on a month's lour of Eu­ to the-town to purchase additional bMt man. Ehidamalda wara Mrs. Wiml Insurance .espacted to ba present. A t the OuMge be Benrleca ba brought to-achool in advance mantle Wee beat man. PhiUp Pe­ fore he himnalf collapaad and S this aaparlmant at Us medical ato- rope at the present time. It was food supplies. These herdsmen James Hobbs, alater-lri-law of the manohiaion of the Installation the Rev. H . A. l.e]>ak, paator of St. each Priday. Milk wlU be avaUable tros of WUllmantic waa usher. from eotd'and.exhaustkm. tion than tba Arm y and A ir F w o a certainly very strange for all fimr lead knlcly lives and they wa bride, and Mrs. Robert Trude) of regular monthly bualnaM aeaslons ha aald, very glad to see the American Plan Being Made ’ TONIGHT AT 7:45 AND f Joseph's ChurcR>Jiaa announcad Inform .r- Voters for puplU who bring lunchee at a The bride wore a gown of ay It wm reportod that many Manchester people to meet thou­ Meriden. Serving aa uahers were will be held by both groups and that Maasaa. will be bald at tha charge of N cents afwaak. Double Ion marquisette nim m id with the pll^im a taking jM t e r sands of miles from home. visitors camrtng up there so high. James Hobbs, toother of the bride, TMreahmenta wUl be served with following hours oo Sund» start­ aaaaton children msY purchase ChantlUy lace over satin. Her flt- paid gutdea 10 rupaesl ImprovtBg praparty aStSM Travel by Plaae ' Bide OaMeW and Robart Trudel. Work began yaaterday a t an In­ ' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Ite Rockvina and Blllngton mem- ba tha act of cutting down beauti­ ing tomorrow: 7:80, 8:48 10.ahd 11 Plan Approved milk during'-racess at the aema ted bodice had a high nackUn* .10) per head for supplylBg m y j Mrs. Eella and her son left town A ll 16 of the Scouts on another The brlde'a gown was of white surance Industry meeting at tha ban aervlng as hoatA A m. Tha sermoA will ba In Polish price. with Bertha, collar. Her fuU skirt ful shade tread and putting up about two weeks ago, and expect day took a edblecar up the ChanUlly lace and nylon net over Bond Hotel to Hartford on aatttog • • o • I AH PamHa Umtad at 7:80 and 11 a tn, and ,ln Eng The tegular ataff of ths hot saded with a- train. She wore a Ji Aa raports of pilgrim dn gaa atatlon or gnragA to return In the pilddle of Septem- Bngatllgsnalp, about an hour's up plana to combat any noesibla Hah at 8:48 and 10 A |n. VaapeTs At CFL Parley lunch profirnm wlU ba MrA Ray- Uette Cap of ChanUlly li from the Himalayan storm poured taffeta. Tha fitted bodice had a AH parents of chlldrtn attand- . ber. They, are dOtng most of their walk from the chalet. A beautiflil Quaen. Anne collar, yoke and Connecticut * hurricane diaaster. -Mg tha Maple street school are will ba htid at 8 p. m. mood B. iW la r, chairman, Mt a trimmed irith seed pearl to which ' U toems into ffanbrlet trip by plane and are covering a waterfall flows dowm thla moun- Th f plan, sponsored by the Oon- Cblidran of Nnty A ndes Ltabman, Mis. Halan O iia- wae roatmKi her fingertip ^eU of canters offlclala aekaowledgad that | tight-fitting sleeves of the lacev Invited to attend the first meeting (OeattaHMi hwai Page Das) great deal of territory. They have tain, and at end of tho cable -car Tbs bouffant skirt terminated Id necticut Aainclation. of Insurance g p the Raient-Taaebar Asaodntkm The children of Mary of St. Bar- riato, MrA Henry fihannan. M ra French UlusioA Her hind/boiiquet thers bad been a major disaster. route la a large plateau, parha Agenti and sat up hy tha National nard's Church will hold thair flrat Barla W. Rose and M ra Lawisnfe waa of white roasA ^ But India hM UtUa orgaatoadl visited Paris, Algiers, (ieneva, a cathedral train. Her fingar-Up m ba held Monday at 9 p. in. at and Jamas J . Roblasen of Bridsp- Montrlux and Interlaken and plan two miles acroaa. Above the tree veil of French illusion Was draped Board of Flra Underwriters, ia to BMe aebOoL TMa will bam ^Xlet- of the faU aeason tomor­ a Latimer wUI h i part tlraa Aeeent Other eMsTow a riaticaa)'acalA and tha I EASTWOOD Itoa, the plateau, wallafi In on three aatabllah aboutSra^raglonal groupa REPyiUCAN CANDIDATE row foQowing the 9:80 a m, Maas. pOrt waa choaan to fUI the vacancy workarA raports of>maaa daatha to continued on to Lucerne and floAi a Circlet of satin and peart - - -qiiaintad?. nlghL when an op^ created by the daeisicn of 3xm$pa Mrs. Tbe matron of Zurich before flying to London,'and aldaa by rocky summits, is a nat­ aequins and she carried a cascade who would.handla lOsa adjuatmenta tunlty. wlU ba given parents to fmleStteula day voluntear workers wfll aUH and tbe brldasnmM wore ootlfUon slight atlf In ths national eapltel. I to their area promptly. FOR REPRlSlNTAtIVi Dr. Oarenoa B. Pstarson of this P. Cleary not to ba a candidate ba naadad to aaatst the committee. Officials of the central govern-] then sailing for home on the Queen ural graatog ground. Many cows bouquet of white pompons and * at each other, Inapact tha aohool due to pleasure of buslaeaa. bhie. Tfaelr fowfia were styled of were graaing there and tha owners Tha committee arranging the meat the various taachan. d ty WlU attand tha 98rd annual A ny persona interested e » m - nylon net tu rn e d edth ctaantiUy ment said they liad reoatved no ap-1 Rswatd Eliaabethi ' . ‘ atephanoUa with white orchid •aaaton of tha Amartean DoRtat Wirfrififfii, ttt% Ofst msmbw* o£ auestad to call’ MrA Albert-H. past-for hrtp-frw Hlmaehal Fra-| * The memlieni of Troop-1- epent- hpd the|r chalets hate .. and thaie cen ter. ■ ...... ------. plan le made up of men through- gain Air Fetee the Bridgeport Canentera Local to laoe; beUMha length, o ti^e a a - L w M r on the plain. 5 iJ r the Rtate. Ihcludlpg B tfa f lUnrmond B. Caldwell of Tolland Aaaoclatlaa at SL Louis, Mo. from imidreiMi, 7-69N. who wWJte A with stole/TTielr JuUette oapa were dash State and had only naerq>a-| five wonderful days A t "Our Mrs. Dara was gowned In laven­ H . Ctorka from Mancheeter. The B»pt. 9 to 11. Dr. Pstarson was ba elacted sines 1914>, won ov4r auheUtute workar. per reporta of the dies star. Look At” ‘ Oialet” in Adelboden, Switzerland. Four at tha Manchasteritea, Pat der lace over taffeta. She wore a adKobart CL Ahaart. .IM Qrova Oeostantlhe Ptetrinl and AathcBy of rgrlomnet to match' their gowna Shlrer, Carrt Ann Robtoaon, Em' oemmittea plana to meat''again Mt. lloekTlUe, bayebeen aant to appointad an altsmnta dalegata head custodian at ths R obartm The matron of honor carried a Ond reason for*iha high death] This international home of an Girl matchlhg pictura Hat and mrried from tha Connactlciit Stats Dentil Fredarlco. School WlU trawstort tho- hrt Uat waa that moat of tfioaa mak­ lly Smith and Maty Quintin aet yellow pompona. Mrs. James RiiU atudlo Oct, 18 at tha University Club to option center at iampiKm A ir To flU a new vice . c D lc ^ r bouquet of taUeman roam, Scouts and Girl Guides in aU parts Hartford. AaMctatton. Ha wtn tm sa»m> hmehes to the Orade One pupils ing ths diflicult Joumar are aged] . o SCN„ MOM„ TUBS n ..... W : the tvonff was given to the oui to reach one ol the ano.w cov­ Hobbs wora nuiiae lace o v m .taf­ MRS. DANIEL L. SZYMASZEK roe Baae, N . T „ fbr U i^ r ih a - spot la tha WllUmaatlc artA .Pat­ thyr bridesmaid a colonial bouquet ered peaks at the other end ol the ’ and training. panlad by Mt a Pstarson. ^ at tha Center-Schort. pink rosea. and Infirm persona aaeking a dlpj world organization by an American feta and Mra Trudel lime green JitSswM CotwmmIm rick J. DUlon waa tha unanimous P in t WeekTs Menu to tha Oangta or other holy wa-| "CARRIE" plateau. It waa a long, hard hike, lace over’ taffeta. Both brides- fin a l Sandee choice. *1710 bride’s mother wore a grey jMMtfar lanaa L, OBvter woman, Mre. Helen 8torrow|. who first acroaa. tha plateau add than Tlta final aarrlee In the eerlea of Mambars of Kiowa Oounetl, Da- The menu for the fltet weak tera before dying. also gave Storrowtown' at tha maids wora larga hate to match orchid corsage. On their return gres of Pocahontas wUl attend hnm*. Monday, fmnkfiirt I* print with white background dress For tbe Manl Maberti festival, 1 —'ALSO ------The beat p|etares are better on the up a ateep mountain side. Some thair gowna and carriad lavtnder they will live for tha praaant with Union fareloea will be of bamberg, black acceasorias and Eastern States Ehcpositlon ill of the walking was rather trsacb- eeremonlee at tha Wlahlng WaU at aUesd onion, cols stow,: “Dnal At SUvar Creek" Giant KwU WIndaor Semen . . Springfield, Mass. It ia .open most pompons. tha bridegroom’a father and ba at af. the Baptlat Church to- DUHan Parit, Mohawk Tra il to­ taH; Tossdiv, spashattt . a corsage of red loaaA Tlia groom’s ^------ftnwelar) ...... eroua, oven, rocks-and acroaa aiqi- «iw at 10;4B Am. The ecoaalon Europe Told Ike, mother wore a n ivy bluA lace Bam aeon . . . <%eve|y to Lm It ■ V of the year and members of the Mrs. Hobba selected for Her home to th air Yrtanda after Sapt. morrow when n stone from tha burg sanoA carrot attcMt JMlo. Aadle M aiphy-r, Denergna pery alataa, but tbrea ol tbs party. daughter’s wadding n gown of or­ 30 111 bring to aAbkw the S3nd aum- Rockville Ootmcll wtU b« dedi- dresA black accessories and a At" . . . •'Where’s Okartoyf’* . . . ^ - organization are-nee rly always fill­ Pat Shlrer, Carol Ann Robinson, ' obaarvatton'omidueted by the Woonosday, noodle a c ^ psanut ing the place to..Its capacity of 60. chid gaorgatta over taffeta, with Tha hrMe was grkduated from RANGtanl FUEL OIL CAt#d* Adlai Aims Alike butter and Jam san^yriebaA <^P- saga of pink rbaes. and Em ily Smith reached the anow ______lool - w ^ the hodlat, Obngrei^aaal and A reception for about 100 guests While the Manchester Scouts were matching accesaorlea and a cor- Manchsator High Schoi 71 Vetara Made t im m Iav. icbowpoy and made snowballs, and took pic­ sagt of yellow tea rosea. She class of 1949. and has haan em­ : Cburchee ofltocKvlIla Reglatrars who held a vo U r- toUoered the ceremony at tha there, there were English, French, tures of' snow in August It waa a ■ P N D O m ) STA sslAd. p s J«J^ 4 d js y . m ^ - STATE aaalstad the bridal party at a large ployed hy the Norton Electrical 24 Hour Doliyory Sorvieo Bdwln Brooka, paator of maklng seaaion for DobaonvlUe ronl afid tuna .fish salad, sand- Franoo-Amarlcan Social and CIvte Belgians, Swiss and Dutch at the most unusual sl|8it lor the Con' Baptlat Church will bring the Club to WlUimantlc. chalet. , necticut girls. ' . , reception in FalcfOn Hall, Meriden, Instrument company. Tha bride­ area reatdmts last night, reported ar*s -daslra was to oonquar aaatem wichSA toe CMS— SUNDAY after tbe ceremony. Tbe decora- groom ettonded Wilcox Technical ^ , _jidaaage for the morning,> th« that 71 ntw voters wart rtgla- Jamaa T . DUdlcw of tha faculty For going away the bride wore ENJOY LIFE T>'pical Swiss Chalet Enjoy Bna Trip r Iniieme of which will be "ftallglon Europe and Aala for ‘Tha Ameri­ a gray light wool suit, n a iy blue MON. isitf TUiS. The chalet itself is a typical tiona were white wedding bells and High School, Meriden, and la em­ terad. It was ravaalad that few re^ can empire." . donated ima^half bushel of onions A bus trip waa taksn another White atreamere. ployed aa an elactrlclan by tha l:K n > ,|4 ybrm ." Rev. Forreat Muaaar irted definite, party affiliation a accessories and a corsage from her SwlsB chalet, hlgh.iip on a moun­ MORIARH BROTHERS pbrti to tha ajfSol lunch “ is. day to Kandarsteg, where tha When tha couple leaves for a Now Departure Oompany of that'' the Congtegatlonel Cfiiureb and Tha eeaalon waa held at the new Newspapers In V**tem Europe r o w t a j^ d that other realfimta bouquet. Upon their return from EAT OUT OFTEN tain overlooking the smqtl resort IV. dart gaundera of the Method- wsfa daseribad aa axpraaalng oon- a waak motor trip they wUl make Full meal ar afteraeen anaek . . center, Adelboden. Mountains' are ascent up the mountains was again trip to Flortda the bride will wear city. SIS CENTER STREET TEL.. 6185 Vernon ElaanenUry School; The eara over what Blaanhowar'a ihtght have fresh vagatablM made by chair lift Alter a short a slatt 'g rsy auit trimmed with dhureh will aaalat In the aerv next votar-mpklng meeting wUl be would cars to gtvq may caH their home at 89 Windham road. yea’ll flad a mens af teeiqittog dtahm in back of the chalet and all : of the lio i^a au'pper.' erorda might mean In terms of WllUmahtlc. for yenr dialag pleasare. 'Bervtee is ground the valley, several of them walk a beautiful Irtca at tha fOot white, red aeceasdriea and white held Sept. 87 from 9 a m. to noon: ol some high peaks wak raaehad.. gehevaVa WItaaaaee Oct. 11 from 9 A m. to dp. m.: Ameriesn action. Coventry Cooperative Nureety The bride la a graduate of Wind a lw i^ prompt — diacreet Coom la capped ,wlth snow. The scene Is Actually, ths Voles told wsstem ham High School and la a secre­ often, and enjoy dtotog at Its beat! certainly impressive peaceful and Sqme of tha group want In awlm' There will be no local activity In and Oct. 19 from 9 a m. to fi p. m. Burops,' Blsanhowsry said nothing and Ktodergarten will b*jrin • mlng in tba icy water. After lunch ■, ,iv r'fevs Jabovah'a Wltnaeaea Kingdom Hall mt the town clerk's office In Roek- •ions Monday at 9 >*rA ^ tary la the office of WllUam Brand qU'iet, with tiny chalete' of the ImsomPTii^l In hla spsseh about using Amari- and Company, Inc., Willlmantle. , hard working peasants dotting the the group wee taken by bua to the RAY S. WARREN hla week end, due to tna’ dlatriot vlHe. ten- B. M oota Jr*. eriU t e i ^ tbe Blue Lake, which la vary blue due BflLCH is Your now underway at Port- MOVmUj flWIBIIil ■CpPri can annad power to Ubatater the The groom atteiided Windham . AHLOONDmONED landscape. Cswfnlly CoB«p4^^ Z Secrotsry of ths W. G. Gleimsy Co.^ Prsi^cst of fioriat-aateUltea. nuraary claaa; ****',®***,^®"*Vm Regional Technical School and Is The Senior Scouts found plenty to the cUclom tn it. 'Fishermen NOON TO One by . Jebom*a 'Wlt- MrA Virginia j7 YaakulkA au- Furtharmora, it said, RapubUean Bolton erlU taach tha two toll DANOmaTONtfiNT FO B TO U R would be very envious qr the large Eighth School and Utilities Dlstriet, Masih«r.^^. fM I and alao one In Bridgeport, e irlntendent of RockvUte City a of 18 puplla each of tha employed by Solomon and Knapp EATINa FIKABUBB to do at the chalet, with the MIDNIGHT ideas wars subaaquantly epaUad to WlUlmimtlc. He la a vateraa oif F B ID A T and S A TU B D A T weather gods favoring „them with trout seen to Oils little gem of Blsnchestcr Improvement Aesocistion, s d lY S lai ‘ , Similar aaaembilea are being oapltal today reported on actlvl- out by aa Blasnhowar foreign pol­ htodargartaa lake. TODAY World War H. warm, sunny days. One day they and frstemsl activities in Manchester, for SMBY T6B I in n other cItiM In tho United tlea a t that Inatltutton for August. icy advlaorr John Foster Dullaa, In Slart Fhn Sciednia TO THE MUSK) OF Btatea, Canada, and Bngland. Patients on Aug 1, 81:. during Rev. ‘Truman O. Irsland, n^te* Walked to Adelboden and then Reluctantly the Scouts left tha Member of the present Board of Directors. Toim a spaaeh at ------BuffalA N. Y., whan Mhackeater Evening Herald look a chair lift up a mountain on Chalet for WUderswlI, near Inter­ Wednaaday, t p.m.: gtudy In the tha month, 108: outpatiants, 9d: DuOas s|MAe of "paaoaful ravolu ter of the P lrrt C o n g ra g a tl^ PAUL MeCEARY Manchester.' . I veralon of "The Let Ood Be total treated, 839: discharged. 118, Church. wUl «• O ovm it» bereau. Mt a Ckatiea L. the other side of the valley. .Up so laken. but they were alao eager to jllon In captiva countrlaa." Uttle, 'tiel( ,sn i Tocalist Josniile. Rsjr high that they were th the cloude see the .place end to continue with % LAND SURYRVma WAPFlNeFAIR A GOOD CITIZEN—A GOOD REPUBUCjOi- : aceldenta 10: births, Studlaa wni be held at the X-rayed, 107; Blasnhowar and Dullaa, tha to tha Bmerging ClvUlaation” r t fepbene Ooveatry 7-6N1 oUowlng loeatlena: Kingdom Hall 18i imerattons. 13: laboratoM hla earmoo topic .Sunday. Tha • * t.1*/ * - much of the time they could not their a^entiires. WAPPING CENTER RAIN OR SHINS We need bueiness men in the Connccticnt testa, B N ; tieatad, (largaat nuln- broadcast continued, have not Sondsjr Dinners SttYcd eee the valley below. Mr. Warren has proYen his ability and dessniw Orchard atreet, Rockville: aS7 asked voters to balleva that thair S S viS Te d ll b a M the winter MiTBiaQANi Edworcl L DoviSi Jr. nd atreet, Mancheeter; IS har 48 and smalleat number 81) an and spring achadula at 10:48 a to StoNCHeSTS*. CONIC • Ani^er a group of Engllah Girl An Ohio dentist aaya tha tooth­ BETTER DEAL policy meana war for tba purpose Front 12 Noon to 8:30 P. M. GuldeFVrom Faversham, Kent, pick ia okay socially. It’s net sup­ Bagtotoroi UwS Surveyor vote. nary place, Maneheater. average of 88 each day. of Hbaratlon. Rev. Mand.has been «m • DONHT MISS IT! Plcalc Swaday vacaUem. Sunday wUl ba bla B rrt whom they visited when they were posed to be used, however, in tht PONTIAC DEALER IS Froetor BimM This Advt. Paid For By Friends Of Ths CsadNsI* Tbe ItookvtUa Chaptar of the The BeokvUle bwieain af. The aarmon stnoe U s v a c a tl^ Churth In'England came over to see the lobby , o f s. ritxy. hotel where you - T4,.761S. la holdlag a family Maneheater Bvatdng Herald la lo- School Is atlH In r a < ^ - ^ fh o rt .cMalet and both groupa tied a pic- are net ataylng. plcnlQ Sunday at Maahamauquatta eated at One. Market etreet. Tele­ Hebron Farmers rally will be Sept. M with classaa •ma stata Park, Route 44, Abington. phone BecfcvUle 8-818«. ' to ba rtsumad In October, . Oenttonons at 8il8 JljUMliMMMI StraNM SATURDAY the ISk'a home at 9;S0 Award Winners Rev. Reglnnld A . Merriflald, IS DANCE bringliig thair own picnic Local Couple Off mpilater of the Second Conggge^ .. AT,THB = ,'Ttechaptar'tt ona~df many AmhersL oStt'Chureh. 'wUl nae -“For Such Hw country devbt^ to barhar Harold J . ,Bhaw *T- of Sanford. A T lm t Aa ThlA " bla 11 a m. Mfay Louts A. Zahnar* of tha ‘Tha Christian Endeavor Soototy S e v . Oaorga B, Hlgglna la tna aac- viilt to thrir native country after Federal Reserve Bank, Boston, of the Second CongregaUonal LEO WATTS 9 n d In the aariM from Revelation having lived in thia town for many chairman of tha Now England Church wlU eponaor a “pungaree 'g. 8 "Tour Pov#rty> and Your years. Tha coupla, Mr. and Mrs. Orsai) Pastures conunlttes. Hop" Sept 13 at 8 p. m. at the MODERN. POLKAR omI SQUARE DANCING )Ueh«a*^ Tba choir alng "Ha Victor MonU, of 67 Cottaga atreet, Second honors to tha aix-state Church Community House. aButll coma Down tlka. Rain" hy was accompanied by Mr. and Mra. arts want to Robert B. Foots and Coventry Fragment Society ertH /■AFlHBPooe ^ ^Di^ay Buck. John Andlaio to New York. The •on, Bdward, of Hebron, Conn. have an annual maettof Wetaee- -SkThe Brat meeting of the..M«n!e Manila .boarded, tba. Jln a r. "lode* Kendall.JF.. ..Crockar. ..cd . .Aahlm, fiay.At 8.P, ih ,at..tlri,b«no C. Irving LoomlA Tea erlH lie ^ u b will be Keld at S p.m. on Tuea- pandenee" for Italy. Maaa, was third; Sumntr B. HARTFORD ,'day In ^ bhurch parlors. They will stay In Alalftano, Brown, Swanaey, ^N. H., fourth earVed after the meeting. Rlgglne la teaching at tha Natta, a .amall town In northern Peraua Montelth, Bnosburg FaUA Sunday Maeaee at St Mary’s r.TTnirij I. ... Alr-CoBdhlBBsJ Pilgrim Leader's confer. Italy Twar tha city of Monoolvo, ■Vt., fifth and Jacob Menala. Porte- Church to South Coventry wtU be : Camp Mohawk In Lttehi Mra. Monti, who was bom in Alai- mouth, R. I., sixth. at 7:80 a m., 9:80 a m.. and 10:80 yeativdpv and today; This Is flano, Natta, has not been In Italy Shaw, a pioneer for Improved A m.; at St. Joaeph’s Church to Shday tnlnlng. pouraft for. offl. BlncAJfilS^d.lA looking .forward paatursa,-.-ralaaa purebred Mot* BaglevlUe at 8:80 A m .-— .''^ r a In ..the Fellowship groups to saalhg her relatlveA steins. Hla hard of some 78 milk- . There erlH be a set-back party 4ACES vro u g h o u t Connecticut. Monti waa bom In Oranana •re. Which has won many prl: In S t Mary's Church hall Wednes­ M mi mi ■ i |X ^ T b a d w ir win rehearse Thursda; Italy, and came here in 1905 and In tha show ring, avamgad .'.lBM day at 8 p. m. In charga erUI be 'A t T:SO p.m.' Tha church school wll met his wife In Manchester, In pounds of butterfat and naarly Mra. A. Harry W . Olaen and Mt a j opan Sept. 81 at 9:80 a.m. AH 1018.V 14,000jponnda of mUk laat year. A)ax p . ProuIx. ^cMldran and youth In tha oommun The couple plan to stay for sav Ha ■ national president of the BeorsABisntlw Sal ajty between three years of age and oral montna, and If they Ilka It Holstein Asaoclatlon and la tha Q lrl Scodta of Ttoop 71 wlU ra- A\ARION M h * BChool egO" era Invited tv mr- enough they might live there In- Sfth ganaratlon of Sham on tha organlsa Bapt 18, at a meatlng daflmtely. Both were employed Sanford farm. from 7:M to 9 p. m. at tha Oeorae W Cbei'Ch Schools Beopen by Cheney Brothers hare. Heresy Roberteoa School. Mrs, S T b a Church School will reopen Theodore Moberg la the leader. W I L L iA A \ S T it 9A> Am. tomorrow at St. John's Too bad,, but the average hokie P T A SMea Beeelea K rupa MEMORIAL plsoopal Church. A t 11 Am. there freeaer Isn't big enough : for the A b o n tT o tm ■Ths executive board of the ~I he Holy Communion, with whole family to crawl Into thaaa Parent-Teacher Aaeoclatlon will FLIP PHILLIPS ^ Jleatlon eervtce for teachers, and daya Temple Chapter, No. U . Order meet Monday at S p. m. at the iTEDDY NAPOLCOIM of tha Baatarn Star, will begin tu home of Mr. and IfrA Robert ' P E C K - STARTING AT 8 P. M. 'ak ...... — fall aeaaon, Wednaaday, 10, Wanagel, eo-prealdente. Chairmen [iHlie M'/i at 8 p> m. In tha'Masonie Imnple. of committees wUl be accepted, i A t thla meeting aaaoctete ma­ welt as a teoUUva budget and SPONSORED BY LOCAL T. W. U. A , C. I. O. trons and aasotiate patrona will tentative program. Buggeated pro­ BRACKEN'GAVNOe ke gusata of tho chapter. Aftar the jects for tba year wlU be decided School of The Dance huwniea aeaelow a p ro g im w ill be Tfpen wi well w setttns a date for preeented and refreehmenta aervsd executive board meettogs. A Hat PANOINi TOmeilT by a cbmmittaa of which Mia of committee mambert of each ^ C M d V I ENROLL NOW POR PAU CLASSES UMPSkh oAy_ lin* EiUssbtth MeluriiiNf«,anfi*iianAAl.«rorfc ,af - ji** ywpiwMiiqwjmB...... year frem eatt-rtialrmaa erUl be* ...... '■IHJMtAt aa« '1 SqUXBB DANOINQ ALL PHASES OF THE Mr. and Xra7Ho{Ua C INpor * f m p o o D of 1H1 Cluurtar Oak atraat a n . c«ar. Mi a IBA Kattay cf MatejalMat bratlng thair 46th eraddtog aniti- la i patlant at Windham Com­ ^•UDiALltVfRAOtS DANCl TAUGHT - vanary today. They m ra married munity Memorial Hoapltal where to Providence R. I., and have Hved aha la undergoing treatment Daaclag Every TkataSay, In Maneheater for the peat IS Patlante at Maneheater Me­ Friday aad Salinday I ^ t VICTOR MOORE lALLROOM CLASS SCHEDULE yeoTA M a Mayor la employed by TUESDAY AND Th u r s d a y e y e n in g s Cheney Brothere aa a loom fixer. morial Hoepttal Include Christo- idler Olanney, L n b Medriar, Sr. Ray’s RtftMrait t A famUy dinner eHU be served and Mra. Evelyn Duktlg. tbla evening at their honm. MTA Oliver M. Brown of North O A K 8 TB B B T GRADE SCHOOL 4KIG-HIGH SCHOOL 7HI0 The Woman’s Auxiliary of Man- Covantry wlU leave Monday for ADULT SHIO ' .phestw Memorial Hospital erlU re- two weeks fen WILLIAM A . PURTELL aume weakly maetlnga Monday at where rtie erlU visit relatives and NO DETOURS 8 p. - m. In tho AiixUlary room, friciida. R EG IS m AT STUDIO when aurgleal dreestoga will be Btoct OfOee Slato I 139 MAIN STRECT ' yn ii^ States Senator TO OOOD TOWN folded, the axecutlve Ikoerd erUl The 81 Social aub of Oak Orove ■ • i - • ^ have a meeting at 1:18. baa alaoted new offlotra aa fol*< Whs was tha ladyr OOVIRNMENT loers: Piesldant, Mt a Henry What waa the aecret THURSDAY. SEPT. 4—2 P. M.-9 P. M. Emanuel Lutheran C hurch’s Durkaa: traaaurer, Mt a Roy Pal- behtad the Iran NOMINATE Senior Choir, of ediich Ctorence W. mart- co-sacretaricA - Mt a Alfred Maekf - p r id a y !SEPT.S-2 P.M.-4 P.M. ^ Helatog la director, wlH be heard H . Simpson and Mt a Theodore 'THE LADY' tomorrow morning at S;80 to a HtetalA Tha Sunahtoa Oommlttes Dr THE SATURDAY.SEPT.4—10A.M.“4 P.M. , A . A . RIBICOFF half hour radio program of ohoral. has as chairman Mt a Jamaa Mo- MELENM. music. , Namaris aartsted';^ Mi a Jra IRON MAST* Serlgart' and^te Tbaodora W. , with Or GssIslw Hew—TgL 4W1 er 24)449 ^ Congressman FITZPATRICK Troop 47 of tha South Methodist Mobarg. Tha new offlcera wUl Latoa Buemtd ’ Church aaaembla Tuesday at 7 p.BA take office tbe flrat meeting on FatrlctoMedton for Ite opening aaaalOB this yaor. October. The next mating on Sept. AND, OTHER PROMINENT SPIAKERS ^ BEMOQRAT With a membarahlp of about M 16 erlU be at the home of Mi a . To Donee boyA Sooutmaater John Chamber* Martin PtoA New membera sire r o a Ro o f lain and aaalatant Richmond Party planning to attend. Thera erlU be attr.M . fir Graco and Poise WlU ha looking for an aetiva a white rtephant aale. Man.-TnaA Featnia 9 and 9ilS DIRICTORS aaaapA Jamas Irvtoa, Bob Hudaon, Beaeey-Maieaa Napdala Oa-BBt nt 9t9»-Srt8,Sidi Mn. Pack is s siigibsr of the Dsadag Masters of Jamaa Ungham and tba troop Tba First Oongragatlonal Church STARTS TOMORROW ; TH U ADVT. PAID AbmHcs sal the Dwadair Tasdwr Chib of Coon. Ill ecmimlttea erlU aU ba back for tba at South Coventry waa the aoBne “BLACK SWAN" > StMB BT BIHBinMl year. Plana eriU ba made for a of a lovaly late summer wedding VODAY: "RoMb Hs s #* PepOs sf Mis. Psdi’s hsvs appeared 'em TV. W elcom e! ing F ree! No Collections! hike aeon and other schedules ertU today a t 11 A at, erhaa Mlsa Ruth *Te tke Skaeae ef I r t H T Wstar 1 be drawn u|v B. Mama A dauskter of 8 ^ . and I i «■ .-.J,. V - *■------3— .'

t.l-. MANCHESTER EVENING H|»ALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER'6. 195S U ANCH ESm EVENING HEtALD.^I|ANCaE8TEB; CONW^ gATUBPAY> SEPTEMBER %, 19M PAGEFOUB itgb~e6lgwwrift~Diwemiifr.~ iw .- 'vdteATffA''I»reSfore8Wm'«H)miP IHfuB L a w reiici3 I, shortly after the 11S*mUe long M H^neryXuts and knovrti underworld charnetars. VolniitMf *Tr»f«e C«p’ ARC Chc^kihg turnpike wna opened. return Indictmento where fedonl THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB i r d G u a r d WIUGoTbCwift E is e n h o SZiX Radio and TV WHAY~B1A Stage Star, Passes It was the third bua. crash-in Bva Special Probes violnUons could bo patnbltohod, 4 3 WOOtWUlA , . W m te-M weeks to result In a high eoaunlty nnd to provide toe Justice Depart­ list. ment with data on loeni crimo con­ ToUhrnl. lUrpt •- A'juotico Nurse Service iPagoOM ) from Png* Owe) g w o r v , Court arrhlgnmont Monday B i d s 10(1 (C Lhst Aug. 4 tiro Greyhound ditions which would show "n com* Reactivated tocos a IWchvilU man who do- buaeo collided hand*on .nant Wnoo, prehanalva' picture of tba overall {WantA to Know Number ,'raa's Oaraar. wban dentil ensM ware her bus* Tax., killing >8 panons. On A t^ 'grmsl jury aaads no apoctol name altuntlbn ih toe United Stntea.'' ddod tlwt police needed hie ' Rtilsion. Rlchiurd Aldrloh. who is n Mir n putdle.narries.-coordlnntad. nr. cnlUng. u con be summonad oMlMaheo ih tho mattsr of CUvAry, ’ Bstaa Kefnuyer (O.,- O f Nunes Available to P r i c e P r o p Pmsijiai nraducer. and two close frienda, tronaport bua vrant off n bridge in into axiatanca meat rondlly whan Tenn.), wkoae Sonata invaatlgnt- traffic regulation otong the Fanny niid Dnvid Boltsmnn. Bdgawntar, N.J., kiUbig ana pas* n need to shown for It and tha WTIhur cross HIghwby. •bau Httiaaa. •ii lausnaira ing commiltaar favored tola np* AasIaI on Polio Caaes Today's nawapnpar ndvertto- sengar sad injuring It. usual regular terms of court In toa In fact, authorUleo hove • O w l various dtotricte of too United pronch aa a follow-dp on Ita work, (OMrtfeM^ tnm r * » OM) f UAI mants still bUlad her ss sUr of recently feitarntad bis faith in (ha EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT^ token S W T dim viow of 2B- During tha ftrst part of August BsrtfarA Jawtok I States are quite* enpnhia of taking i tog Praaidant Trtiaaaa 111 "Tha King and I," although her sp<^nt grand jury plan. STARTING AT 8:IS SHARP jfiUrWau in year-oW Dopold t*. /Irowlo" when the pc^io epidaintc began ns* 7 U ride Is lriiiig tokba by CbatUhCa' Wins Fellowsld] enroot may sltuntlon having to-Ak» method and have oChodnled vtolaqr*...... n t h with ylolntioa of our .fodoroi laws." HoBhld. tocn iiHL bo«li..8G spa-, CAMES-rS SPECIALS «ru lM U «i Bunilng hsUonal pri>porfions, the a a % i . OsTpontar. two court spposrsncos for him. .. Tha kWlc tom ______WMe McOranory roennod that ha bad dnl grand jUty ""Aeaelona in * the iJlwnL Om , ntn He is charged with imporoonat* Amartesn Nstkmai Rad Cross, un> ipidar prieo aopporU are whsbL at iMraaL WhUa Btnrriag In her emrant In Public Nutril apecIflcMly Instructed nil ot tha wake of toa commltteo aosalono— In Mton LnwTiBcn—had. , been, G^rmiuiy tindtr Ing o poli.<4 office and llfegol dsr iU agreement to recruit Cora, riea, eoUon. tobascs aad pea­ -U r - S>- Diatrtct r Attorneya, ly -Incl nuts. Biaanbawar aal* _____ -ItoUaa Maete. tanching a dramntto'clam at CO- samblad in reaponaa to the Me- use of a opotUght. The latter nursaa for the National PiPlo WBS&-- Id vagstablaa—which art M i I s Opon 7 thty$ a W that much (Uffarencs—that the B:IO-wI>BC-OrsBC CcBtnl StetMo. i4AT-WTIO-OUtat A r . apinsUr la Owen Dnvto's PuUtser saaalons in only about half toa M It wilt oonllnuo to. rocolv* Uw nursing fadliUea. m ua6ir price aupporta. WTHT—Preok ocO JedHon. 8too—WCOC—Moak freoi Londoa. and Mra. John Buckley of i l l f«d«f«l Mipport M the old ^leged apeodlng, paaaing and member might Just os well be prise wtaiUag drama ot -1B33, iValto atraoL gfaduntad from Man­ dtotricta. Tha exact figure and SEAT COVERS ; Wad cross or other registarsd Than ha sailed fer expanded in Hour$ of Early m. m. buying Uquor aad that thia la the WOCC-^twi; Miish!. Uita-W DBC^ Salt Lake City Taber* "leabeund." , , r ' Huiird. Tho Bwiwboro of tHo now fhor motor vehicle offCnaea. nursaa should phone the Rad Cross 8 :10—wonc—Bssort froai Oviiaaea chaatar High School.' toa results of their work has never farm faaaawA. otreagthaeiBA ef kx^ola in tha law that they want WONS—BendstonO U.KA.. Wo^^PolUb Boar. During World War II ska antor- After rncaivtng. her bnhcolor of been announced beonuae the Jus­ I imalwUon will bo principolty m inveatlgation Into hla ae> office, Ain, to indicau whether tom eftoperativaa. up-to-date to m What deao the O ra to r of Man- \V W East Centor Stmt ^ WTHT—Pen Anwrtcaa Usleet Lone WONB-Polke H im . FOB ^ tlMM wlM woro eallod Into octlvo tIvltiM waa launched Labor tojrtug. i tninad Amaricna tspoyia pvarsean Bctanoa degree In POods and Nutri­ tice Department juat quit talk­ they would be ayallaMa for part roede, aad. '‘developmg rural elee* cboatar'a botUa club have to say But the bottle club oparatomj. Woe. WHAT—lUltoa Program. ing about toa juriaa after Me* $1295 And Up ! luty SmX. S. INO, aiid who tnilff* Day Man he waa arrested for time Of' full tiros nursing for a trlAcaUon aad telephone aervlee.'* w n o —Dova HoeMia. WTHT-flce Aril QuIaUL tion from St. Joseph Cottoga, West about bettia ctubaf and, apparently, the exlatlng sta-‘ tIii-'WPEO—Adventures Ie Bdaeea. W n o-W rrlA ot Muale. Hartford, Mias Buckley took fur­ Oronary took over, on gfounda nfBTAULBD n u m t l i at ounp Ptckott. y*., until illogal M e of tho spotlight on two months period; alMl, if tha Might 'NanM Negro Wail. Aral of aU, bo objoeta to tutes si^ that set-upe,. and not tSe-WCCC-Newi: Muale. UiW-WOOO-News: lultaa Ute. i a»oy loft for Oormuiy loiit Octsbw. hlo ear. ikmaa loarnod that ho Sw n c —o. a. Amy Band. WDBC—Nawsj iBvttatlea to Lmra-1 Fast Bus Ramg ther training in diatatica nt New tost nil such aession* nre aecret latter, whether they wdOtd be ahta Eiaenhower apfend hla tom pro- the tarn "bottle club." "A bot­ liquor are, being aidd. Tbarefore Tan Hava the 8ntiafnsto« at It waa McOrnth's. idea that toe WVbM tboy.complotod tboir Oorvleo also has posing as aa to accept aervica away from Man­ Meats to public vlaw Ibr tba ArSt Enawhig Whim Baying Year WDBO—Rsdto Pam Nevra. York HoaplUl, and is a mambar F a U T e m r tle club ts-a |Uace wbara you m U thaoe cluM. do aot need Uquor * A lr CowditiBDlut WTHT—Lone Pina end Hto Keua* W rlitT—Cbriattoa In Aetlea. of tha American Dietetic Aaaoola- apacisl juries tot in January ot tAkroni Uioy word pUeod In hold* auxiliary patrolman and ha chester or must bo Hmitad to local lima after making tbaas drinks.______This_____ to- not . a botUa club. licenses and are not subject to Meat Hsffv It’s 0«4 to Be Good talDceri. Truck, 43 Hur,t CAMPBELL ( Bf aoctloMi until tho ptooont ro' was taken int^rustody to faco WOWB—gporti Pnndk . ttiei-Hal Kolb.] ^ . \ Uon. each yoar. They were eupposed to nursing. jCaHeago yoatarday: Thlai la a private social-club and: the Liquor Oontrol Commission or Kb e w M t a l M m ! * P^biiH i and HMtIiig Mrgaalaatlon progrom could' bo or- the mors ooriowKcharge, "While the national epidemic T o m •;U—WDBC—CoTtesyoadeata Seratto- Before joining tha Dairy Oouncll A U t O sum.T INSTRUMENTS LOANtD TO MOINNERS - I L Ha indlcatod strongly bo prwldas a form of relaxation for [ its laws. fram Png* Onn) Staff, Mlaa Bucltlay. waa tharspau- ’BBCOd. jTho old 4Srd will rotain has almost reached the iavarity of might possibly nassa a Nagro tojiu mambarato ■ AElWei#What, ...litwill happaa in the next Km p AcqEoiEfMl! lilS^To Be Anaounoed. Ptottom.1 l i f t FOR TRIAL COURSE to rd Haaddunrom and Hood* M nted out. i\ ta of vital im- to draw him onto my team net club to tha only chance many of 81 BtSSELL BTv—TEL. BAM TeL 4848 TIC—Muale witr e r—Irtob-Atnarieui Hour. to moat In Nathan Halo O^mu- _____r maiiiai ugM . Burlington County hospital. Mt. Prominent local raniter Edward RMirton Company and tlia,mltltary jSwtonca that .lhe Jocal Rad Cnm onlp aa.a eonaultont hut as a moa thaw -have to relax and anjpy KEEP ACDDAINTED WHAT-—Maale from Seaadtawvlo. nlty ONtter, Monday, SkpL 18th, WU«a unit will bo ilupaetod on Holly. ateht-to -St. Prancto hoapi* J. HoQ was Mm purchaaer of t)ia flAd out the availability of nura* to toad a vary Important aactlon thaouwlvaa.'’ s Ut4»-^fDnO-BUI OpStoUo. Ntwa. tol, it o n t ^ ^ ‘ STATE IMS at 8 o'clooh, p. m. fw tho tape B bi. tho Hartford armory. I s ‘M e T o o IngNwryiea locally or for aorvica of tha fight.' Atata Liquor Control Commto- WONS-Prsak aad Brnort. apprOKlmatsly 103 ocna of land ta purpoaa of nominating cnadldatss riM oMMaiidlBg Oftlear haa not away^rom homo Would BaMnea Budget WCCC-Hotlc. 1 tSa-WTHT^awn Jomaa toM nawspapar raportara Vernon, BMten nnd. povantry, alenar John C. Kelly and PoMca WTtC-Tho Author Spaoka, WOCC—Pieaeb-Aaiarieas Hour. ha saw- haodUghta In hto mirror for Ropnaontitlvon in too Qoiwnl « t boon dobigiiatad ao yat. Qon. "It must be mads clear," aald These Btatofficnta came during Chtof Herman O. Bchendal, among WTIO-Nowa. _ whose sale hy the W. Hnn^ Eng­ REraESENTATIVE Asaembly, Justioos of too PAnet, aaiar, It waa rovaalad motor* Mtr. MotAi m , "that tha.Rad Croaa a pen raUv nf Republican iaadara many others, have a diSarant im- Delays Lists WONS—Bob CMAlp now. nnd n Town COmmItUo ylco-oiinir» 1^, pteM to rottia^ witit IM unit In which Etoanhowar toM them: DON WILLIS •lU-WHAT-SaorU. W H A j-jdnato fsgjB SeaBdlBivto. tha rear of hto truck. bata Court hare nnout two wnaka Hartford, who onw Is interim am doss not mm nursas. Wa simply praaaion of bottle clubs. Kelly WONS—Poo Woo Bsaoe Show. man. kbo^ ler aaoUwr yoar. Tho unii wa can-rgat common honesty announced Thursday > that ha will William. E Vians', who to run­ FRAMING Iwetlen Injured Iny about in toe Said ago, HoU wsM. Itotad os tha pt^ music ator appoliitod by Oev, Jeibn jraerult -numm for this . need ' w n c —Tour Knr to Hoaltk. nnd nlongslda the rond. Dktod nt Goventry, Oonn., Zop MW la compoood principal wiib llhnwgh.imc.Jliinlag lMcyica.com In fovarnmant, 1 beltava wa can aeak to hava apaetad at tha wMt ning againat DaMoersUe raglatrsr Pictures Mounted/and . WTHT-JOuoatSUr. t lit —wn c —Behind the Pasea.. chsaar on toe exacutor'a dead con­ tember 8th, 1663. iigfiaiowawa TKRr ~m rjrn at« tii Lodge...... — '■ DU AfiE Bnatog WTHT—Saanay Kaye. Ambulancas and rosCus teams veying tha property tont -was SlpO mlUea, and ourNNuraa Enrollment coma ' 36m to'' bil«aidhg DM saaslon of tha AUta Lsgislatura of voters Edward P. Moriarty In Framed — Old Frames ^ WONS-Wam-np nme. By order of too Town <3Nnmlt- aa tmloo. Tho battW for tllo unoxpirad budget Without aver eaoa .reduc­ tha prlronry Tusodny, today Stt|;*-WDBC-Nows. aama from 10 nearby municipali- In RoCkvilla. . eommtttoa of wiMch Norman Os­ a tow to ban or ragulata such 18 Main St. Phone 2-4531 Repaired -Nowa. l:ts—WONS—Boatoa Brave*. tiaa. PloodUghta played on the too. ] A data for lhapoetimi of the two four*yoor term of Son. McMahon borns is chairma^SiKh nursing ing necaasary axpanaaa tor the Chiba. Bcheadal agreed with charged- tha rAgtotram of both fewa. WHAT—Itod Box V*. St Louli < ». Holl said toa new place, known / Ullinn B. MOlwny 871 Main ,rT«L Mis. 2.8414 ~ Whl*Mr f Wd artIUory batUlUoaa In Pair* will bo fought botwoon Bush and~r armed foroaa." parties %vith* "Aagmnt laxity" for Prints and Oil Paintings IfVSkie tilA-WOCC—New*; BekoeB ot Ireland, roadside and the twisted metal of ss ithe Litwincyk farm, will "St In sarvica as wa havaNpaan able to Kelly that bottle clubs are a nura- Sm c IoBiA mi Ie w n c —Pavofitea. of tbe PaaMiue. toe wrecked bus oa doctors and ' Chairman I Md County, Uia MSrd with ualta Domocratte nomlneo oxpoctod to The general carried his attack oaca to the waUars of tha com­ their failure to provide printed For Sait Wows; Bports: Muale. - WDBC—Te Be Announced, nicely" with hto Rosadnta develop­ recruit Is- mads ava^bla whsrs r—New*. Srat aid craws osalstad toe in­ ment. He said it brings toa total Hit Merfralk and OainMum and tho bs named today by the Domo* nsadad and is paid atNprcvsIlIng on the administration bfte this munity and bclievaa they exist to voters Hats within thraa waaka _, —New*. lif t —WKNB—Newe; Tanka v*. Seae- iftn d in fUmford and Oraanwlcli, erotic eonvontion. farm state by declaring: after the last general vote-making MAKE S M V IC E 3ilS-‘-WON8—itoort*. jured. , , scresgs up'to about 800 and par­ wages, not by the Red Croaa but skirt oxiatlng liquor control laws. AUm iI Naekowiki W^^::^1l*d‘ Sox T*. Philadelphia. Traffic pulled up for threa*quar- liu not yot hoon aot aa yot. U la Moot obaoryoro bollovo tho con* by thoaa who need the nursing. "Pear to being breaaceat by the -Operate WltMn Law* day in accordance with state WTtC-Bob. Steele. WDRC—Symphoaette, allels, on the road, tba Inke^ftoat- ''To lako pteca at Uw and P r a a t A B o m iM it WHAT^-Suaper 8*racfBa. tara of a mils in the turnplkg^uth age of hto proparto in Vernon. vaatkm wilt nominate U. A. Rap.' *Tf lhara art any araMMa administration and ito pheniy Mendlll, on the other band, says atatutaa. Tha last genarsl voter- End 38 Lockwood Street Wono-Pklr end CANsn^ tiaa-wnc-catboHc Hour. rtho month. Liout Col. Atbort K. A. A. RiMeoff. front organisations. They are try­ that "wa oparata within tha limiU making day was July 31 btit tha «:ti-WTHT-Weatbe». WCCO—Oermaa Aamrlean Hbur. bound lone. He anid he win carve building nursaa la thia community who T eL 2-4818 . j WTHT—Msrtnaa la Ravtaw. The wreck occurred leas than lots out of toe jHToperty and cut Hkicaat of Dan bury, who eom> John M. Bailey, the Domocrats' hate not bean eontoctad in tkii ing to scare you Into voting, net of thai law and wa make sura that lists hava not yat bam printed. O m e m I Rapair Warh WTTO-Weatber. pBwdod tho battamn In Oormany •sSa-WTHT—Newa l i iS-W DKO-Tour InvIUtloB to Huate. 800 fast from toa spot whara Sva roads through to toa inks, to pro­ stole chairman, told tho opening canvas, will they phone B ill foi aa your eonaelaaca dictalao, but wa do bocause they're alwaye - When contnetod this morning. WOnIb—BVenlag ' WTHT—Heraltf Ot Truth, f Mu boon/todoolgaatad aa tho com w n c —Tour Box at tba Opora. MorinaA ware killed In a raar-and vide direct access to tha water. sooflion of tho convention loot Information - about thia_ cam as they want you to vote. watching us.' We can't afford to Moriarty oud.thnt he and Republi­ WT1C—Sunuaer I _any. WOCC—Nawa; Muale.,. -^fmaadlng offlear. iHght thar hs himoeir had boon Aa tgh 7" Itii Moroaco cohrludad. V ’miay ara rou* 'iha'lte- do anjMfng arrong?"' Ha raadtty can Regtotjmf of Voters Donald t the aito. - f Oomp^oa 1 and M of tho I03nd, asked by many to become a can* ‘I t la of grave tmportonce to our pwMeans win pull the rug out admitted that -aoma bottle clubs . Ihoadquartaraln Anaonla. aroochod* Hemingway ha.{l supplied the ItoU MENCHESTER Taain***. ; t tea-wccc-Huaic.. v dtdato' for the senstoiial nomlna*. community and to our.natlon that frmn under you.’ I have an answer gat embroiled with tha law and to tha prmtars "sometime before HIGH GRADE WTHT—Around tha World, tblod for inapocUon duftnf tho tlon. ■ _ . wa recruit ovary nurse who- is . . . that anawar to—hunk! Just aaid that such clubs give a Mack fwaak of dapt. tl. Aug. 30,” but that -the printers had . Sport*. w n c —Khao Boptr. \ OBLIGATED.. o YES Ha sold, howovof'. that ho felt It svsilsbla for this work." bunki.X ays to lagitlmata oparaton. boon “so jammed up" they haven't DRY CLEANERS Orar. WDRC—oStoher'^s Oatoxy. would bo In the Intoroat of party ' Saturday at S:1S—W n o —Intemeno. t ’ . aotMandilL a former Manchaa-. bean able to furotoh the priatod PRINTING hi* X t ilO -W n o—Bob Cbnaodina. unity If ha iitayad out of the pic* ter raaldant now living In Hart­ copies. Ha said ha and Hemingway n WaRi Sfftar^ WTHT—Hour ot Doelolon. PLEDGED.. 0 YES tura.- ford. atraaaad that "local or. state JOB AND <%MMERCIAL ipeoB Shew. WDRC—Muale. hod provlaed tha town cterk and w -«— «- T M A I t f c S;U-WCCC-Muraalee Huito. TO SmVE THIFIOFLE OF MANCHISTHt IMessiah Choir "Bedroom Boaldoat'* authorttias are iavltod to sand a tho town chairmen with typed PRINTING a VlV|pM^HIw w - Doopito 'tho proMoms eroatod bp ^AhoutTown Pet Forakeet Doy. WTIC—CrJUe at Luge, .j man to spend ahy number of waaka copies o t the Hats. • f (Jo; Newa. diSa-W nC-Tha rOran. McMahon's death, said ‘Ballsy, the Mrs, Minnie Morriaon of BI Ben. in thia place to oaa exactly how Vlansalstated It waa thto "laxity." Prompt aad CflieiMt PrlnMag uneed. WDBC-Bead ot Um Day. V ote For jPlan Underway dalagatoo came to tho convontlnn ton straat has bean admitted aa a wa' ^larate. Wa hava nothing to ot Air Kinds HAH. ' WTHT-BevlTal Hour V IN C E N T P. as a "imitad Democratic party," Sdga-^nded?, which, ha said, was similarly Expert Dry th* Creea Boom. WCCC—Muale, X KEEP patient, to Uw. Hartford Hoapitol. hide.'__ . . tWO VAKTA -KAO. thAt dtoa^wxic -v^Msi^ \ All paepio In thia aroa who aro OfMivofltion ,Chairman John L. The Sunrisa Chib 0|^ad h w JU4 prompted him t o ^ o ^ lour. M e P A D D E N lulllyan. Now Britsln'o ifiayor, COMMUNITY PRESS Qoaatloaa W l& B —New*; Soadar Baiensd*. Vaincinx onthuolaata uow hava tho Tha loeal branch of tha WCTU Tha Herald |rtayad la role Of a Aug.ug. 27 on -...... the aacond Aoor of W|MortortyMorMrty Who has'boon ragtotrar WDRCVDRC—Hualc. *- • IbMportunlty to.form to.fom a 'Vanchoa* said that tho RopubUcan renvon* datactiva today and Ida two Oak atraat building wbara n pool dor. No. Main and No, Scbbol Cleaning Service WONS—Hualeal Comody ravoritoa KnUvo of OonnoeUctrt, Voteran tien which had moved out of Shtoh- will hold its first' fall meatlng otnea 1B83. •r^gfcar. Work) Way U. Orndnnto Unlvwsi- : tor Mooaloh Ohoruo' tmdor tho dl*. Tuesday at 3;S0 at tha South parApns vary happy. TwalVe-yaar* loom waa formerly located. Mam- Tha atotuta tnvolvad onyaI thatUWl Stoaets — Telapktoe BIXT 4 Ceaducta. WTHT—ChtuUuaue Bymiriioay. Inwryor. W itt Veterans Adm|nis- taomral frloads with tho mtggt»~ potntad. and a Iraport to tha state place tba one aba lost la Hartford; Another club ha opamtas In Hart­ af toe Corrected Usta and toa-chi VfHAT—Chapel ot tbo iUriepea Connacticut by pomlnatlng a bad* A Air. WONS—Tbe Shadow. trnttan, Hnrtfofd, I yenn. nAtive MX SOUS aMnUCANt j tloa of forming a civic choral organisation pranarad.' Holiday and Mrs. Alfred Baton of 83 Bari ford. tha Waa Hour* Club e « Al­ man of each jwirty With aa stbny WDRO- -Arthur. Ood troy. ! group for tho purpoao of giving an room raaldant.'' ‘ ' SEWING and Bin*. eivte and eaiunnitey affairs, mein- Tba S7*vaar*old Bush la a flraan* anvelopaa, not alraady-mnt In, straat, Manchaatar, wilt gat back bany avenue, has a membership as nacasosry "within thraa wetoa plnii Bpei iiio-wnc-mitohati im bor State nod Mnncbmtor Bar : annual ormanco of Handol'a JONES' Dac'Idas Party. WDRC-World New*. M THI NMAani moAV wich raaldant, but ta ,a partpar should be brought to this masting. her lost parakeet of 000. he said. Mendlll states he after the completion of each enroU- WONS—Doublea In Vocal*. AssorinUens, MnachsAter Im- ...... Suaan, daughtaf o f Mr. and Mrs, has been in toe bustmias a year, .manL" The fcilowing section, of .the VtaR Jenoa Fnral- MACHINES L>-Oansbaator*. I Watson, who is onthua^ with ■In , the New York -invastmanl bank* . .bio River Jambarta. nrovaoMnt AasoetnUoik, Anwrienn ing Arm of Brown Brothers, Harri Loyal Circis of Kings Daughters Nail Wakamsn of Qllaad road, Articles of atsocUUon for the statute aaya, that the registrars tnre nnd Floor Co v- EXFtRTLY REPAiRED .AT—New*: Record Review, Sidt^ fe t^^Tlsty Legion, Knigbto of 'CohNnteM. llho idoa. eonductod "Tho Mooalah y ^ i club ware Alad at the town -WDBC—N«w». I tU—WDRO—lam_,lMuour,, Nawa. THEY HAVE NO AXES TO GRIND AND .man .and. Company. mecL.UondaE.a.r-W HAT—Pwplea Lobby. DONE QUICKLY AND ECQil40MiCAUY Riblcoff by today's convention Donnelly. " “ t? Mrs. Bstan, employed by Arthur's Moro bandits"' aad .Aesiegiag 832 Main St. Tel. 8883 llito-Wnc-Loiower .Batin StreeL . W n C —Tel* Intelroreto.ltw------Newa rail aupport to this offort and has agent. Silvio MendlU and Alfred troops locked In fierce., bloody FURNITURE STORE j y ' A4Tertia«inciit laffomn mo torvleos aa organist. means that Thomas J. Dodd. Hart* Drug Store here, said her para­ WTHT—r-Hot*l ACuIpbu* Orcbeitra. ------ttarnln|[ Headllnta ford lawyer, wilt auecead RIbleoff keet. called Lianda, dtoappaarad on Andrcoll. also' of HarUord, ware eombat today In n sudden Anra-. Dan Backer, Prop. Manchester WDRC-i-D*iRC--H*wa Tba People* Act violating nny rule, any 'violator tiW—WONS—Nawa. WTHT—Paul Harvey, to and renovation of the South "The Jarvia company entared a street, waa found guilty and Anad yaaterday ware Avan Erickson of whtls, whara'a Tullulah 7 will ba aiiapandad immadiataly and WoPay . w n c —Hymn Time School on Routii Main Street, bid of HE1BS.70 for the construe* 10 for driving a vahlcla jsrith. da* SB Btrch atraat a ^ Paaouala E tbs mambarabtp fee will not ba ra- S;U—Bible Hetaafea. Manchester, Conn., in accordance tMn of 3JBB fset of lEineh sewer faetlve brakea. A charge of vio* M saacantiUi of thia town. - 3iS0-WDRC-Wori> Newa. temdad. and no aaia or exchange of- wocc-sirine Time. Coacert. "fff take core with plans and specifications pre­ batwacn Summit and Branford latlon of rules of tho road that aov- Hospital ?iotet ■ay aleaboUc bavaragea will be WONS—Sunriae Serenade. ’j . MT—Olorla Parker. pared by Arnold Lawrence, Archl- Mreet and one for |41,77S for the -companled the previous charge Bona ware horn at the Hartford teleraUd o « too club premtoea. HIGHEST seed. • " r WTHT-Maeilal Society, W iTO WTOT—Bill Tnabar. f t -WD ' — • tact, 19 BUu Street. Manchester. fiM iaO en e< a mil#, of nix And whan h« .waa^acraatod foUewing S: THoMRal Wadnaaday .toJ|f*,>aM.- -^-■m^ l i i i n W 'AlldB'-Tha Beard-^il^ w n c —World I' ■{ IroTSo Town of Manehroter',' wilt- c mint ihch aanltoiTf aewar Atoina atan. accident Mi Mata atmac MdLMtlUm JenawT '.a tim ,-A.** __ to D TB8TERDA fWarnbra and toe steward. Men- The toM to hnf% year lawyer draw up n wi#'’ to" WcAl'Yea oh or bAfore'4 'p. "m. ■ Wrt 1* ntonhoMa tn.WB)B(d. Uttla, Aug. 81, was atoo haard and Ai and Mr. and Mro-William ADMITTI dUl otatod. Tba steward can be QaorgA Symington, BBT Parker PRICES oa -"-'toM on Tucoday, September SOth, at- w as* and Durant atraeto. . was found not guUly. ' pson Ot Bd 8d^iMAfr«at voted out of offleo nny time, ha the office » f the General Manager, ^OtJkar-biddaiia Oa the Summit* . Charles Cronin. IT, of 14-Can­ straat; Mrs. n lw L Wilson, Rock- U tM-SWMtC—1 tf .e«sA9tions hareB-Yimr'OUT Inugm SdiK Maatinga ntw iiold qneo n Ftar ' WTHT—TBOii_ , change yoar will to fit aitefed' oondl- Muhictpaf^Bulldtair, 4i Ointor wanlord sowar Una warn -the terbury straat. .was Aned fO for Mtoa Edith M. Andtoio of Wood-' villa; Caasimaira Hokkamen. 44 aieva temC-Cllftoa Utley. wdto, Mantoll dalmed. WOHB—PolUleal Picture. Street, Manchester, and then at E D. and W. Ccnatniction Com- violation of rules of the rood as bridge straat and Donald Haugh* White atraat; Susanna Bmith, Bol­ Tba member onn bring one or IJny of Hartford, I3B.430.7B; the tha result of an accident on East ton of Oambrldga, Mass, will ha ton; Mra. Bllsnbath McOuimito, 83 Raws, Sciap Mafal aad 1135: w n p -B o b Snyoar BhoN. Name ns ns esecuter or coexeeutor ef your aald office publicly opened and Wadgawood .drive; Mn. Amy mora guostoto the. dub. Wban ho w S H ^ A rt Waver Orcboatr*. win. AsK yoM' lawyer nboot thto. - - read aloud. r OonaoUdatod Conatniotion Corn- Canter this week, i^tad in marriage, Monday at 10 ordon drinks, they s n tsk'sn from Walter RogowskI, 35. of 353 a.m. In At. Bridget's Church. Hudson, 33 Tanner straat; Win­ ,WONS-.DaBC* cbeatraa. We nre empowered by lew to serve a* execu­ Plans and speciflcailons may be May of Hartford. M8.M7; and the hto botUs and sorvad by toe P. if. E. Saivatom and Bona Construe- Adams street, was aantancad to ston BandnII, S3 Lillay atraat, 1:00—Boatoa Btoekie. Ut^WONl-Newa.' -WONl-Nt tor af eetates. W e da NQtr 'draw wUh nor examined at the offlee of the Gen­ wnitraas. The member is charged 1:SA—Indaatry on Panda, WHAT—ffJAT-Wewe. do we praetlee law. A ll legal mattora ahould eral Manager at the above ad­ ttm Company of Hartford, M0.4S4. serve 45 days in the ooOnty jail A surprIsA ^ r t y was given for ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Mnry l;4S-rtlro Bhorta. U to ^ W T IC —Palladium Orcheetra. Stewnrt. BIB Henry atraat. SB Oenta for ^aervica add set-ups." IIiM -Newe be handled by your attorney. dress, and copies theraof obtained • Tba second project was bid on Aral offender aa a common Prank Nyman and Marjoria Tay­ CnD or Write 3:00—Weatem Tkoater. ttSw^im r-b By tha Salvators company, t42.B44; drunkard. lor, both of this town, Thursday DISCHARQBO -YESTERDAYi Satmpa may Indude ice, water, t:00-Famlly Thaater. . -Newa. Muila. Free Parking In Rear of Bank < upon- payment of $35.0(1 for egch gtagMa, giagor ala or dbda. Wban ;00—Myatery Tbeatar. > J^llC-^Newsone—Newa. set, w hl^ deposit will to refund­ •tto 8. D. Slid W. company. Mi,- Lionel J. Arakambault, 83, .who n l^ t at the Oardaa Orova in honor Mrs. Aroln RaSato. 81 Bank atraat; JHM>—Hopelona Caaaidy. jam: and the C L. Hals Oonatruc- new reaidas at • Hosai straat Alfred King, Birch Mountain toe mambar nnd guaata are ready LAWN MID 4:00—Lena Itaaser. ed upon the prompt return of tha of thair coming marrlAga On Aapt to Isnva, ha is presented n check Pgi^^OMbphay of Manehestar, waa Anad 1 for failura to carry 30. Attending ware 100 of Prank's fond: Mra. Dorothy Rnndnll, Rock- OSTRINSKY Top qwolity, perennial gross “ -You Aakad For It. Hurricane Slows documents in good, condition sub- and pnytk .-Danreroua AotlnmtaL •oquent to the bid openings. hto ragistratlon - and IS for failura fallow amployas from Pratt and villa; find Leona, Bast Hartford; Danlen la Wnato Matoatnls seed, f9.91 % wbtd-free. You -One Han't Family. to notify the Motor Vahiclaa Da* Whitney Aircraft .in-^ Boat Hart* Mrs. Jana Kedaa, 37 IMwnrd Although the mambar to paying IAS BI88BL Unr. - XBk. 6B7B need less ef Scans for foil -All-Star Bavue._ lOOK AHEAD ------Itoch bidder must deposit with partmant of a changa of addrass. atraat; John Ztnrsin, 74 Narlnn for the aat-upa, nuthoritiaa nlm- ___ -Tour Show of Bbowa. Off North Carolina his bid security In the fuiiount of Albert CUffonl C. Jsceb F. fold. A aUak dinner waa followed pionHng becduM ot the mllltens |6:10—Tour Hit Ptredo. ^ WITH M ANCM ISYIE TEUST Charles B. Travis. S3, of South by dancing. 'Tha guaata of honor road; Mra. Evelyn Osborne qnnBty — Borvteel ot sure growing seeds In each ll:<»-WraatllBS. 10% ef hto bid In the form of n TODD VARNEY MILLER eertifled check or bid bond made Coventry, arrsatad fer taking Ava raqaivad gifts of lAggoga. son, 30 Pulton straat: Baby bey pocko9Qe tt;0»-Nawa fnos Pago Oaa) Obituary packs of oigarattss without pay- Henry, 7 Nathan QMd; Mra. Jans payable to tha Town of Mnnchea- ing for them In tha Pint National ' Tomorrow morning, attar .. Llndstrom, Boat Hartford; Laslto WllliiHN.SdiitMst M b-11.50 Sibi-S/JJ ter. - DrlH Call. high pressura nran moved Store at tha Cantor, w%d1nad 115 rasolng during Augnat. Zion lEui* Hyde, Onoco, Oona.; MIehaal im.B|rans Steaet Tot rURJ fUflOIR -Froatlen ot Faith. yeatmrdoy from tho middle No bid may ba withdrawn for a VOTE FOR THIS TERM OF DIRECTORS for theft. day School, O e o ^ and High Lmbardi. South Coventry; d r o l Provides lasting neurlshmeni - -Hr. WItard. Atlontle and New Wiglnnd.. states period of 80 days after the open­ Funerals Thomas Mossar. 18. of 31 Oak atraaU. will raauma aaaalohs and Benton. SBl Cantor straat; Mar­ . lOO-FBaw to Mock toe troplcnl storm nway ing of the bids. straat, and Henry Klelnaohmldt. will contlnna, Ito i^rtarsd' hut garet. McKinney, ROckvills; Mra. needed .to restore lawn haollh p iS ^ K ft Csraao. The Town of iMnnchester re­ -end color.'35 Ibt-|2.i0 faeds fram tbe Amortenn censtllne nnd i3tee,,BSaabaUi W. donee'. 16, of M Wells straat ware turned aarvicA.'for children who live at a Vlrglntn Clapp and aon. South Cov­ f BILL'S TIRE Il:< »^ lji the Park. It ground almost to n stop. serves the right tly reject nqy nnd IN THE REPUBLICRN PRIMARY TUESDAY, SEFt fi The funeral of Mrs. Elisabeth over to juvenile authoritlsa. for dtotanca or whoAa parantt cannot entry. 3500 sq ft, tOfiOO sq ft SJ.35 dy Carnival. nil bids and waive nny informnli- r. Jgnee. who died Wednesday, AND “ UM Sataaer. "If the harrleaae to 'saovtiv ,nt dIspoalUou of a . charge of die* bring them or fear to aand them DISCHAROBD TODAY: Mm SPKtAJMKS Kid. . . aU it to inaviag very, very slowly tlen In the bidding If It to in the ^JM starday aftornpon at S charging. -Araarina in tha townj bacaitias of traffic hasarda. Thto Suaan Stager, 34 Ashworth atraat. :00—Itatloaal Teaal* Flaala Daliver Stotts ot econoniiool northward," sold Miami's dhief public interest to do so. THEYHE ALL QUALIFIED MEN JAIoek Arom tba Church of tha lijnitsij' ^fraa bus iranaportatlon sarvica BIRTH TBSTBRDAY: A daugh­ REPAIR SHOP 4:l^NaBB*'t The Sam*. storm foroenster Grady Norton. The sOccesaful bidder or bidders Pwarans with Rev. James R. Bell Continued until Monday were ter to Mr.' aod Mm Joseph '■••th**.*/ rota’s, biiwre rasvlts front.seed* 3:00—Stu Bnria Show. Eldatlng. waa begun In 1048. and has bean -WilHsM H. Gtmm, Prap. arlll to required to furnish s per­ the following eases: HarriAon Wit kept up without intorrupUoiL Qanns, IBS Summit atraat. - formance bond in the amount of j^Urtng the aervica Raverand ■on, B7. no certain addrsAa, breach Otinto not Idas than 100% of the con­ Ml randorsd one of lira. Janes' of peace; Philip Bourque,'-17, Avon, KILLED IN CBtABH MondaiH-Pre-aatal at-KaJai- tract price. WOSlta hymns, “Love of Ood." U.! atop sign violation, under $5 bond; Tuesday T awail and adenoid at Dated nt Manchester, OoipiloetJ- Epy Wood prwidad at tha organ. ■Viuieto R. Barilo, 18, Bast Mart* :_BaaMra war* Neleon Kiloatrielc. cuL thto 0th day o f - September, 1862. TOWN OP MANCHESTER By Rlchnnl Martin ’ d*|nernl Manager _ ..try

,V-' /•

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1»6S HANCRE8TEB EVENING HERALD, KANCHE8TER. CQNN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER «, 19« r A G E r o t m TT.TT ^ li^ i -- __II amto WW M M i ■ TOW'c«niH<«rtt''pi^^ McGranery Cuts axatiilii* enttreamellt dCliaBli Miss laRwrehce. SI, shortly after to* llB-mil* kaig and known underworld character* THE ARMY and NAVY CLI V * Vdlrnittar Tmffle^Ckw*. __ ARC Checking jElseahow er yypi!-- . . . ----- .. Jgflrfio o n d ? y turnpik* was openad. LtetHm..tndlclma>te where federri ■‘I-" T^' - * 3 r d iG u a r d . Win Go To Court Stage Star, Paii^ It wax to* third hu* c ta u in Bv* Sjpf^at Probes vIolaUona could be , eatahUahod, wNJOOwmIi . w n o - i i M week* to rooult in * high cooualty and to provide tha Juimca Depart­ S'-'- Nurse Service Hat. ' ment with data on local crimo con­ Toltbnd, ’sep t B- A Juattc*. I imgoOao) Laot Aug. 4 two Greyhound (OM« from ftg o Obo) dition* which would riww "a cOpn- eburt ' arrtUgnmenl Monday B id s 1 0 0 ^ Manchester « e a c tiv a te d bua*a collided' head-mi .near Waco, prehMMiv*' i^ tu r* of th* ovoraU tocea a Rockvilln man who de* wbra drato cabm w*r* h*r hua- ‘Tax., killing t t paraona. On Aug. grand Jury nesds no apodal name rituation In toe United State*.” 'ddad Uiat PpUc* needed hi* W a n tB to Know Number baBd, lUtoard Aldrich, who ta A 38, a pubuhtt^c p e m * cooedbMtad or calling,. )t..«aii ho.Aummonod tan.. Date* Katmaypr aamatance fc th* ipaiWf o f producar, aad two clo** frtond* transport bus want off a bridge In Into sxiatenc* moat readily whan traffic regulation abmg th* Of Ntiiicn AviftibTe id P n m a * Tenn.), whooi*. Sanate lnv«*Ugat- tbaU Itotlaaa; laualNaw* Fanay and David BoUxman. Edgewatar, NJ., killMig on* paa- a need ta shown tor It rad the' ing commltt** favored thi* ao- wnbur Croe* Highway.' A b s IbI G m m JL Of Business on Polio A ~ Bear. T od ay'a new*pap«r advertla- sengar and injuring 18. usual regular terms of court In tha l>roaeh aa a follow-up on Ite work, In fact, auUiorltie* & have .to-*—— (C OMOU *UU bUl*d bar a* atar of vartoua distrtete of to* United ____ ‘WUd.r States ar* quit* capahl* of taking rocently toitarated hla faith in the EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ^ taken a ^ ry dim view of IB- Diiring the firat part of AuguM St Wai-tomd Jewish LU* "U m lUag OBd I," although hor s|>eeiri grand Jury plan. STARTING AT 8tl5 S B A R F ------^ year*^ Donald I. I>wir when th* polio epidemic began a*- l^g T fa i l i aMf Thiman Ma aurprtot cor* of ray situation having to do „B|v»ilojw > th« A«W irtth th* !■•- n l* la batag takra by O m atuc* Wins FisUowship with violation at our fodarol lawo,” Herald, toara had.bora BB apo­ 20 REGULAR GAME&-3 SY EdA ta-,. method and hove achadul*! auming n a tic ^ ^ p ortion *, ■ th* ■ .w itaay, ------Jkadlo PulpIL OOrpratar. |«t«MHtlM m! Um MW Nttionat two court appearance* for him. Th* haMe farm aowmadillaa now McOranory rocadad that he hXd dal gtond Jury aaorioRa In "Jh * ‘.Gbiari). 0««. now m aeuv* duty in H* I* charged with imperaohat* Am«rtc*n National lUd Omm, u m 4|Rdar ptiaa^aupporto aro «rha^ ttfS S n ^ ' ■' WhU* storring in bar currant lu Public Nutritioii sp^ricaHy Instructed all of too wak* o( toa conunlttae aeaalona— rmerutt aorn. iton-oetton, toboaeo and poa» tattle {^uh BLEACHED fYgRRQWST attaraal.— U.' ‘8. District/ Attonmys, ,**- apparently Including those **- flM inani' imilar rnm ir"'* ** Ing %’ poIlF* Office and 111***!' TO agreonwnt ttr WHAT—Italian M u^ tadehlng a dramatic‘ clam at Oo- uae of a apotllght. The latter Polio nuta. Blaanhowf aaid adpporta aalnbled her* after h* waa sworn a*mbled in reo|x>nse to the Mc­ rilMP XawMth r . Crwnor, will b j nurae* for th* National Aik «bMit M r MtMMl loohUM FrBfMriy dMpsd iumbia Uaivonrity. . Miaa Maria Buckley, who la a Grath call- rad that aome 380 M tlM dird iiivuion; AU8 charge la *a*w*rahl* In. Rw*- k a * - f b e ahouid h* aatandad to auah cropo in last May, to keep fighting or- PoundationrrouMa»^^ began ta«,lwflay. lyi aadxw-haaiu. Is W Fotm of Relaxation* iiw—wnc^im *» A vsraatu* B«ftoa. a r r a * aiiM autritkwiat on 4 h * OocuwcUcut ~gan(aed ' crim* rad interstate racketeering indtetmrate reaulted. Army of Ui« United SU U *).: ville City Ootirt, Sept, 33. bitoWB, BatHrally tkitatf. wEllHiiB Ik* m !1* in the musical "Oh, Kay" in basis. btfantiy Rofimmt aous tody -aftar aevtral motbriat* one of'the dtie* in which a Itod tlaiia Hoar. lic health mitrition by toe Univer­ complfclnad he had been out on producara of pariahsMa produeta SunriMO Cbth on XfoH at , : mg to ban or regulat* bottl* Club* ’ -HotiMl OIrls. < . wmii-vttct at Prepbaer. London—rad at spaclal mattnam McGrath’s call for th* opacial KnOoMl ' Ouard of th*. United Croaa chapt*r I* located. U now WM doaan't make ,-Frost ami OsnUr. WTHT—Jewish Program. sity ef Tanneasa* for one year.' ' s o o s e t e o f th* highway flagging them aueh as meat, milks, aggs, fruit*. -Mwleal Bcorsbear*; Mswa. w n c-A rt of Urine. also played th* cold rad aeveto Mias Buckley, the daughter of, Mr. Juries in January resuUad in such atM ). engaged In ranvaaalng th* local vagatahlast—which or* m t 1$ O p e n t MMty$ O W o t k It will MOtlmM to .r*c*lv* tiM down and acoiding them for al* that much dlff*renc»-T-that the IRC—OraaC Ceatral ;0-OU*at Star. spinater in Owen Davia’s Pulltoar and Mr* Joim Buckley of Ul saariona in only about'hrif the M nureing facilltlfa. mow uadar price supports. '' member might Juat m well be y rrm —rttak ssd JoOmm. umS^wgi -Mutk tram London. ,iM f*d*ral aupport aa the old laged apeading, paaaing and ____ -N«wa: Mosie. -prisa wianing drama of )P23, Wrila stroaL groduatsd from M u - diatricte. The exact figure and SEAT COVERS Red Croa* or other regiatared Then he called. for expanded lit Houri of Early tu rn. buying liquor and that' this 1* the ^ WCTO-K Ui«-WD1 - Salt Ltk* City Tabaf- ’’Icabouad." the reeulte of their 'Work haa never Th* member* of th* new' other motor vehicle offenaea, nureea ahouid phone th* Red Ooaa m .gtea-WDac—lUpert (ram Oveme* chsatar High School. farm raaeanh, atrengthenlag of looifftol* in Um law that they want WONS—Bandaiuid CAA. Wfjofc ■Pallth.Hour. Ourlag World War II aha enter- Attar r«calving her haherior of been announced because theXJiia. will b* principally An InvaaUgaUon into hla ac* offlca, B in , to Indicau whether farm oodp«r*tiv**,'up*to*d*U farm What does th* opatator of Man- 99 Ekit Center Street WTHT—Pea AmeiKaa tJBlmi Lea* WONB-Poika TUn*. who war*, called into active tojilug. . , I 1 taliMd Amfrtcan troop* oversea* aeiooc* dteire* in Foods and Nutri­ Uce D*i>artment Just quit tlviUaa .waa launched Labor they would be available for part reads, and, "davaloplng rural alas* ehecUlr** bottl* club hav* to aay But Um bottl* Club operators Fin* WHAT—Italian Program. — ------$12 95 And U luty B<^. V, ItOO, and who train* Day when he waa arreated for WTHT—Pie* A rts^lntat tion from St. Joseph Collag*, Watt ing about the Juries after 9 Um* or full Ume nufatng for a trlBcatlon and talephon* ssnrtea." about bottl* ciub*7 and, apparatffiy, th* sxiaUng sta­ ..SZ^SSTAd’^^M adw ri* ------“ Yrid of Huaic. Grraery took over, , on gtouni at camp Ptekott, va., until lllagal uae of th* apotllght on two month* period; and. if the iiS*-WCCO-N««a: Mwte. eiee—rM -Newa: Itellaa Uh. Hartford. Mim Buckley took fur- INSTAUJDD 9»BB M gbt Nam* Nagro W*U, «r»t of *11. h# objaets to tutes say that sstrups, and not Fast Bus Rams Uiar training in dietatlc* at New that ail such aeastons are secret r left for Qarmany laat Oetobor, hla car. 11 waa taarnad that h* latter, whether they would be able BUenbower spread hia farm,pro* Um tarm "bottl# club." VA bot- liquor ar* being sold. Tbarofpee Yen Have the SsUafactlen ef ,WDBO- lavttatlen lo Laan- I they «!ompl«t(>d their aervlc* ^^fe^Al^TOrmtilnri. ' _)jra. ■ York Hoaptiri,. and la a mambar It was McQrath'a idea that the _____ F a i n C f l ,, alao haa bean poalng aa a n , to accept aervlc* awayt from Man* poofda to'publir view tor Um mat Ua club U a pIsc* wbar* you sail these Club* do not need liquor Kaowing When Boytag Year • A ir C w i d l f l u liHi . WTHT—Loe* Ptoe aad His |lMia- __ Chrtitlan la Actio* d they war* plaead in hold- WTHT- of th* Americra Diatatic Aaaoels- *p*ctaV. Juries alt in January «( BuniHary patrolman and h* cheater or muat b* llmltad to local Jma aftar making tkaaa nmves Hi drink*... Thia------is------not * betU* chib. lioenaea and ar* not subject to Neat Here. It’s Gto to Be Ooed. iatneer* . , Tnicjk, 43 Hur,t each year. They wars auppoaad to CAMFlBELL aoetiona untU the preaant r«> waa taken Into cuatody to fac* WOHB^port* Farad* ' _ . ^ H a l Kolk Uon. nuratng. pbieago yastarday: Thia ta a privata social club and! tii« xjquor Control Commlaaion or K a « w y a m M m 9 M m I • Eloiiibiiif^ssMl HMtiM9 $iia—WDKC—Conrespoadeat's aersteh- INSTRUMENTS LOANED TO HMNNfiii ation program could b* ar- the more aerioua charge. "While th* national epidemic $. Ha Ifidicatad 'strongly k* provides a form of raloxaUoh for | its laws. AH*ni*aa Bsfotc Joining the Dairy Council A U T O S U F H Y Th* old 4Srd will retain ha* almoat reached th* acverity of Kssp AcqBsriBttd! diC^'To Be Aniiouat^ **ite—WDRO—Paopla’a Platform. from Fago Dm ) Staff, Mis* Bucklay was therapau- Bin FOR TRIAL e m s i might pooslbly name a Nagro to Its membara" What will happen In the next • O iittsr Worh WCOO-lt*Uau Life. tie dietitian at the Waterbury 1 daagnaUon for dr* yaar* from the on* In IMB! the moat aavar* * * t o i Live Bettor lOr Las* Buy WPBC-Stan Daugherty. th* cabinat or any plae*" If Silvio Mendllt. atewnrd of the sesalon of th* Legislature la an* WTHT—ABC Late Naw* WTRT-Newa; Mualc la tke Prcnck. 4 ^ Tha truck turned ovar, Hoapltal, . DEMOCRATIC ^ » tim* U waa called Into aervtce, in our naUon'a hiatory, Mancha** h* found OM with '‘th* qualifica­ Sunrise Club, liic., at 40 Oak other story. BotUe club operators AS Year Mast At Tha Haaacr. 36 Months To.Psy 'WONS-^ewa: JtdW Bo* WOMB-Battla of the Baritma* ■pUUag its lo*d*of haggad onion* . Headguartar* and Haadguartar* ter haa no need to panic, for th* tion* na*d*d to **rv* th* UdUd otoest; told a raportm that n "lot certainly won't sit paaaiv*ly mxl dtta-T-WPH— ---- _ ^ lleree Waee*.: i into a Said. ------VOTERS ACCORDION npany In Weat Havan. wfti b* WHAT—LaParia______PToqra Proqrain. .. D e m o c r a t s inception of polio her* haa dot Btat** w«lt." of paopjl* may get the wrong watch their lucrative busineoses Anuouneed.__ ffTIO—Juvaall*^0—Juvaall* Ranch, Saw BaadUghte ‘ WBtad on Tuaaday in th* New reached apidamic proportlona," t. H* bald out an ollva branch Improsaion" of hi* buoinaa*. "Most Isgislated out o f. exlitenea. BUte L T. W O O D .r.C. Bddi* Ftaher. UOa-WHAT—Coecolc-WHAT—Coecolc OOHnOOi BepubIWa Holl Is Piircj^ser ELECTRIC I t ^ l T A R ;^ avan Armory. Liant, Col. Carl B. ViREMt ft MarelR WOMB—Health QuiQui* Sixtoan oUwra wore frratod tor SuppoH B CBiididBte quBUfitd Notice aaid Prank Moroaco, head of th* to Banalor Robert A. Tkh of Ohio of our membaira ar* bustnoasmen liquor control authorities, on the WnC^Hoiteas* UlW-^BO-^ISW* minor out* rad hruia** at Zur- of H*md*n, will b* actli^ Red Croaa Nuraing 8ervlM_coin* LOCKER ELANT JP I J»Q!. 8/UM .Sr. _ WTHT—International J m CIn* to Berv* ths psoplo of Mb b - "The Republican Eteejera'i the .wbA woto Jo-Mto M “ri_.§«4 __ ------BrbdMAT-BdFhBMMI - ■— - WmiB-Nswer neqwst-lmth-ee, ...WC!QCr-Naam;..Ilki.Okroiniaii. -. Amarlcoa. hrugg- igamnQwiiai knudisl. River- Of England Acres MttealrOTlhla town. Ifowevar, Tie ond shift factory workers. Ykla Should b* a lot of action. oE E ww^fEE ■iCO—WPB C ^ o a* Aneemicto.- sid*: 14 paa**ng*ra w*r* taken to erfeventry ara ___4Srd Haadquarer* and Head- • T e l 4 8 M -AaMricaa Hour. ■(SirafwBB’i pointed out. It la of vital Im* to draw him onto my team not club ia th* only chane* many of 61 BISSEIX ST.—TBL. S4B4 ™~:Cr*Hualo wf,r • Neat. ' UghL Burlington County, hoapital, Mt. to moot In Nathan Halp''Oommu- nattara Company and th* military partane* that th* local Rad Croaa only oa a eonaultant but mt a man them have to rolax and enjoy K BBF ACQUAINTED -BoaeUad naUroam. . ; Prominent local rooltor Edward nitir Oanter, Monday,/8apL IBto, -Haws; Raqaaet Matlw* from Scaadintri* Holly, eight- to St. Francta hospi­ J. Holl was to* Burchaoer of Ui* oUoa unit will b* in i^ ta d amar, H wa* raraalad yaatar a pen rallv of Itepubilean loadart many other#, have a dlffarent Im* ly Ktratkoar. rad sfaorUy after frit th* bus hit laad eatata was approved in P i^ and a Town Dommittao vtco-ohalr- Mr. Moroaco, "th a t th* Rad Croaa DON WILLIS ___ ^ _ . j teem Scaadintri* to* rear of hla truck. bats Court bar* about two weak* 1^, ptenn to raiMitr wiUi.tha tuiH Hartford, who onw la Intarim B«n doaa not hire nuraaa. W* aimply Iq whMi Blaanhowar toM tham; praaalon of bottl* club*. Kelly SiW^WBAli WDWS-ytoak aTKnaat. rara. ibdoad for nnothar yaar. Tha unit -."If w* oaii get eommon honesty . William IL Vlen*. who i* run­ FRAMING — ^NS—Faa Wto Rmta Bbow. WKWB-ltew*; PNH Ysriatle* Injured lay about In to* fleld ago, HoU waa listed aa th* pur- ^ music ator appeitttod by Oov. John racnilt nuraaa for thia ne«C announead Thursday that h# will v mIC—Tour c —1 X a^ o HMith. and alongrid* to* road. Dated At Coventry, Oenn., Sop- low la loppipoagd nHnclpaav with through our Nuraing Sarvic* com, in govarwhant, I beM*v* -w* dM •ask to hav* anaetod at th* next ning against Democratic registrar 6ARME - Pietures Mounted snd WTHT-r —Quasi Sur.\ Ilia—Wn O—Balrind the Fagac. ebaaer on tha sxacutor’s dapd con­ temberlKh, 1882. raplaaamanta fioni avary dtata in Lieim*. com* doo* to balancing toe of votori Bdwsrd F. Morlsrty in Framed — Oh) Frames . SvHNtSRL WTHT—Saauay Kaye. Ambulraco* rad reacu* teams veying th* property that waa fllpd mitt**, and our Nuro* Ikirollment sassion of th* Btat* Legiciatur* WOW-Warm-up Tim*. cam* from 10 nearby munlcipall- By/bcdar of too Town ONnmit- h * union. Tha battle for tH* unexptrad Jmdget without ever ohn* .reduc th*' primary Tusadsy, today 18 Msin St. Phone 2-4531 •iM-wWDRC-Nm. ■ \ It**—WONS—Boatoo Bray** _ in RockvlU*. eommittaa of which Norman Oa* a law to ban" or rtgolato ouch Repaired WWOr-Newi, - > Ue* FloodUihU {flayed on the Holl aaid the naw pleca,-known / te * . . A.. dau< for Inapaotlon of th* two four*year term of Ben. McMahon bom* I* chairman. Buch nuraing Ing neeiaiaary expansaa for th f club*. Bchandal agr**d with charged to* registrars of both WTOT-^«Wla N what—Rad Sox *>. St LouU (». un ion B .’Holway 8 7 1 MbIb . T oL Mb b . 2-8414 — W Juinr laM artltlary battalUon* in Fair* armad fore**." psijies with, "flagrant laxity” for Trints snd Oil Paintings Ilia—WOep^awa; BcMota of Iraland roadside and toe twisted metal of aa >tha Utwincyk farm, wlU "lit In will h* fought batwaan Biuh and a aervlc* aa w* have b*«n able to Kelly that bottl* clubs ar* a nun* Spseld Mm III WnO—Farorlte* ot th* Famou* to* wrecked bus as doctors and . Obnirmnn ^ Md County, th* Mlrd with uniU Damoeratic nomine* axpactad to recruit t* mad* available where tlte geiMral caniad hla attack anc* to th# walfar# of- th* com­ their fsllur* to provide printed F o r S a h Itoeri*: Hu WDRC—TO B* Announead. nicely" with hia Rosadal* davalop- I ■ Norwalk and Oanbunr and th* b* namad today by th* Oamo* on the adminIstraUon hito this voters lists within three weeks 1ar- not yat baan aat aa y at It la Albtrt Naekowski WTIC-^Bob Btaele. \ WHAT—Red Sox va. Philadelpbl* Traffic pulled pp |or three-quar­ altel* on to*' road, th* lake front­ Moat obaervera ballev* tha con* by thod* who need th* nuraing. "Fear ia being brondonst by th* •Operoto WItoia Law* day in sccordanc* with state WHAT-i-Sunper 8»rarade. \ WDRC—Symphonette. ter* of a mil*'in tha turnpike south ^jctad<*to taka ulaaa a t tha and vantkm will nominate U. 8. R«p. "If there are aiqr avalUhl* adminlatraUon and its phoney statute* Th* last general voter- froBt End AHgemeiif 38 Lockwood Street trtO^WTipUtetkolio Hour. age of hla property la Vernon. Mandtil. on tha other hand, aaya WDKC—Fair aad Coolar. \ WOCO—German American Rbur, bound Irae. He arid h* will carv* building th* month. uawTCol.' Albert A A. A. lUbleoff. nurai* in thia community who front orgnnIinUona. They are toy­ that "w* oparat# wUhln th# limits msklng day was July. 21 but toe diW-WTHT—Wtatbar. nt of llanbury, who, Tei. 2-4313 wno-Waatbar. WTHT—Harlna* In Ravltw. The wreck occurred less than Iota out of toa^roparty rad John M. BtUley. the Demoerata' ha** not b*an eontectad in thia ing to scare you into voUng, not of th# law and w* maka aura that lists hsv* not yst been .printed. bMWMWI R v ^PW wwli •sia-WTHT-NaWa. W^WDRC-Tour InriUtloa to Huai* ; , : -*•’)< .-/ra the battanan In Qdmuuiy atato chairman, told th* opening r a r —Harali.’ of Tfuth. BOO fast from to* spot where five roads through .to tha loka, to pro­ oanvaa, win they phone B ill for your conacieno* dictaUa, but w* do heeaus* thay’r# always When contacted this morning, WOWS—Krenlaa SUr.^ Marines were klUad in a raar-end vide direct accaas to th* water. -s ■■ .Ifri b**n t*d**ifn*U d aa th* com* •aaalon of th* convention l*i» Information, about thia cam aa they want you to vote. watchIng.Mf. W* can’t afford to Ifortsrty. said,tost he rad Rspubli- w n c —SumoMr Symphony. C—Tour Box at th* Opar* simdSBi' offtCMTe 1 ■ "WKWB-^StiTr Ravlaw--Bm-gt* - — . _.X-.J(*wst Huaic,...... - k night that ha hlmaelf had 'babn paignf' Mr. Moroaco eoncludad. ‘Thay' ar* tailing you’ 'di# Be- do anything wrong." He readily CM ROgistriu' of ,'Votors DoiMld w DHC—Snorta Bpuadim • . • lilf-^COC-Mnsie. Oomp*nl*t I and i f of th* 103nd, aak*d by many to become a can* "It t* of gray* importance to our publicana will pull the nig out sdmittod that some botU* cluto Hemingway hs^ aupplied the list* AW—WTR'r—It’i Tour S^naai. g|i$rWOW8-H**lth Qui* fe*adquart*ra In AnaonI*. are ached, MRNCIIESTER ti4*-WCCG-Mu*le.. didaf* for th* aenatorial nemiiia* community and to our nation that from, under you.' 1 haVe an answer get embroiled with the law and to th* printers "somOtlme l^for* HIGH GRADE WONib-Cbarlea XOdiar. . Around th* World. hied for Inapectlon during th* Uon. , WpKQ-Lorry loauaur, Maw* w* racruU ,. avary nura* who* la . that SMwer la—bunkl: Juat said that such cluto give a black Aug..20." hut tost to* printers had tMe^Vrow S ^ I Hater, Sport* a a a wbek of dept I t. H* aaid, howaver. that he felt It available for |hli work." bunk!." ay* to Isgltlmato opsrstora. . baan. "so Jammed up" they haven't DRYGLENNERS WTHT—Talking It Ortr. _ "JkWbaiax,. OBLIGATED YES would be In th* Intareat of party PRINTING WDRC—nia I Btlldra; Saturday at I ilS—WTIA-Intermesse. A ' M SSt But MandUl, a form *' Manches­ bean abl* to furnish Ui* printod tha Chga* lb Coasodine. unity if h* atayad out of th* pic* ter reeldent now living in Hart­ copia* H* said he and Hemingway 9J WsRs Strast ^ WKNB—County Fnir. ^ <, 01 Daclatoa, > PLEDGED. a. YES tufa. ford, atraased that "local or atata JOB AND CdMMERaAL Messiab Choir had provided th* town clerk rad flit—WOWS—Hank Tbpmpaon Show. gtf*^W(XX^-AUgaiie« Muat* TO SERVE THE FEOFLE OF MANCHISTIR About To’ra Pet Parakeet authorttlsa ar* Invited to aand s to* town chairmen with, typed PRINTING TdspliOM 7ES4 WTHT—Barb Andrew* Daaplta th* problama eriiatad by WKNB—Armad Foreaa Day. WnC-GritieiU Large. man to spend any number of w«*Ka oopla* of tha list* fiia-W OWS-Down You Go; Naw* 4:**-WTIC-TlM>aieoii. 3... McMahon'a daath, aaid Ballay, th* in thi* place to *** exactly how Prompt aad Bfnelem PriaUag w n c —To Ba AnaounMd. WDBC—Band otXtlM Day. Vote For iPlan Underway Mra. Ifinnl* Norriaon of N Ban- VICnaalatotad it was tots "laxity." WTHT—Bevfvtl Hour. ___ ,V dalagataa cam* to th* oouvanUon ton atraat haa baan admitted a* a Saga-Ended? w* oiMrat*. W* have nothing to .which, ,ha aai4l«imok*. Oonvantlon Chairman John Th* Sunria* Chib op«n*d by WKNB—Re H ^ Haur. MePADDEN i All paopl* in thi* are* who ar* had pronqrted him to oppoqe B^iL-Ncw ai Suadky Scrensd* BulItvan, Naw Britain'* mayor, Tha Hdrald played to* h>>* of a Aug. 27 on th* second floor of ortnty Who haa* baan regiotrar eOSSONITV FRESS T:h —WONB—Nawt: 10 Quaatlon*’ ■ ^ * ■ { ainftng cnthuelaate uow hare th* aaid that th* Rapublletn ronvan* Th* local branch of th* WCTU Cleaning Serviee iiM^£WTHT—Danelnf Party, WDRO-Kuale. \ NoUvo of OMneetteut, VatornR !«p | ^ u alty to form a .“M*nch*a will hold ita ftrit tall me«Ung detactlv* today and mad* two Oak stroat building wbar* a pool ainc* 1B82. _ Cor. No. Mala aad N * Schbel w n c —Jana Aea—Illie Joehay. WONI^Mutieal Comedy Favorite* tlcn whlQh had movad out of Buah* perspn* very happy.'Twelve-year- Streets — ’relephoM 8727 «ili-WONS-M«w* Warid War U. Oradiwto Vnlvarri- ( t* r Maaelah Ohorua* under th* dl Tueadav at 2:30 at tha Bouth room was formerly located. Mem- ‘Th* stotuto involved aaya that WDBC-Oena dHa-WTIC-HditrWooo noyhout* nell Maniorlal Hall only a raw old Bl-m r Wakeman of M*bron . ty of PraraylvMln and Va)* Law ON THIS TEXP Itaotlon of Andrew R. Wataon. .torahlp alnc* that Uma, M en^l hour* bafor* had "p*n>*tr*t*d a Methodlat Church. Dalegataa to to* nsgiatrara shall provld* t)i* WKNB—Nawa; Sami ScImoL Over 11 yaara praetleing fWataon hat b**n approachad by tha atata eonvantlon will b* ao. Will rbceivb a new parak*«t to re­ W imad, haa grown to about 100. toroM jcrk.with 28 printsd co] , I. AU iRAKti OF r Coateiaaata CMduct* t lawyer. With Vsteraas Adnrial*- {•■raral frlanda with th* auggaa* political fraud, upon th* p*onl* of place Um on* dhc.ioqt la Hartford Another club h* operates in Hart­ -TAfARAa Coanacticut by nominating a bad* pointed, and a report to tha atata of tin eorracted Usto rad tha* ' -rtiaater of tha Air. traUsB, Hartford, S years, aottve OF SIX SOLID REmiMJCANi *MaA of forming a «lrlo cbioml room raaldant.."' organioation praoarad. Holiday and M r* A lfi^ Baton of 62 Bari ford. th* Wa* Hours Quh o«. Al­ m u of each party With aa many WTIC-Stera in Rhaki and Blna. WDRC-.Arthur, Ckidfr^ alvio ami oommualty aSaIrs, mem- m SEWING I:M-Wnc-Wh(t*hall Ott. ' group tor U purpoao of giving an The 57*vear*otd Buah la * Qrean* envelop*!, not already a«nt In, ■treat Mancheater, wOl get back bany avenue, has a mcihberahlp as necaaaary ‘-’within three weeks WHAT—Piano Speak* her State aad Bfanebester Bar IN THE FRIMAMPS I^DAY > annual parformaneo' Of Handal'i should ba brought to this m**tlng. S»r loet^raheet . ______of BOO. h* eald. MendlH aUW* h* A lter'to* completion of cadt randL-. JONES' i WTOT—Dacdng Party. WDRC-World Naw* \ Waaaiafi.” wlch raaldant, but la a partpar tsca-troBC-Oangbustam. WONS—DMiMaa In Vocal*-— In th* N*w York lttv*etm«nt hank* S ^ n ; daui^ler of Mr..and Mr* haa been In th* bu*ine«i meat,” The following section of the V iiit Jeatoi Fatal- MACHINES WTIO—Ohio Bhrar Jamberaa, WXNB-iyad Warring. . 4,^—=A 1 prevemrat Wataon, who la •nthuaad with Ing Arm of.. Blown Brother*, Harrt* Loyal drcls of King* Daughter* N*ll>Waic*man of Gilead road, Arttcl** of asaociaiton for to* statute says that the registrars Inre rad Floor Co.v- EXPERTLY REPAIRED WHAT—Newa: Bacard Bevlaw. Iitg^VHAT-Spotllght on iportir^. IU g ii^ Ktaghto Of, tha Idea, eonductad "The Meaaiah' local club were -flled a t the- town — rOsto-WDKC—Nawr. , ---- i—- SMg—WDBC—X-arr>. ..LatUour. .Naw* iMm-arid'Company...... —^ will' meet Monday evvninir a t T; 4S Hcbrem,-loot her bird whit* rtttt- ar'*'to aenvef "a complete set of ertag B t o r * for t:W-WTTC-Qraad Old Opry. . Kvanlag " THEY HAVE NQ A X K 'TO ftt'New i r Tiraey iiM i^ ing at her-grandmother's in Hart­ clerlL’e office on Aug. 20. .The such, lists to each candidate for diM^WDRC-Huilc Tor Tou. Th* Harriman of the firm I* th* in tha PrdaraUon Room of Center Large Aaaortment WDKC—Broadway'a Hy Baat Be Sura to VOTE Sept 9th to IBff with larg* ohorua** and Avarlll Harriman who keynotad Church house. Mrs. Harold Bel ford one weak ago. The bird waiv articles stipulated that th# purpose any office.” WONS—Oqy Lotabardn Show. WOWS—Bobby Btason,. frofMwlonal aoloiata. of to* club la to provide eoolal ae- of Fla* Floor Cov- tt:W-WDB)^Kobm Q’a Waxwork* WHAT-Ncw* ^ WILL WORK TOGETHER TO GET ‘THliflGSi th* DemRC^To Ba AnnSuaead, TO BOWERS SqHDOL; ~ ford lawyer, will aurce«d Ribicoff. Mr. and Mr*. Blh;worih Perkins keet, called Uendsji dtaspiwared oh WOWB-Nlek Carter, f Wataon tald h* want* to maka aa Damoeratic. oandidat* for Can. th* other two elgner* up ef flghtlBg on Jolo Islaad hi Jg Oak St., Maochestor, Ooao. w n c —Rhythm Rancbxrou* v PROJBCT ^NO 1 — ADDITION cNar tha,t aueh a group would of Bolton, formarly of Manches­ the same day n A week when PhoM 2-1041 II ;a»—WPRC—Start for Dafanaa. ^ i m c —Th* rirvt NIahler. gmaa from th* Pirat .Diatrlet. friend* cam* to calt Th* bird 4«w 1 nay Week toe souUMra Philippiae* , , \ W 7 ^ — Saturday Night Dancing WHAT—Buopar, Serenade. Sealed proposals for the oon- antiraty non•: *;iuM a coektaU loang* Chib memtor* Oea. J . taw tea' Cnlliii* V. S. TREE PRUNmO Ideally' locatod ■ ■ convenlewt sad lltl*-WDR<^- Publle Strrlea ■ PW- -WHaT—annehoiiv Ran.----- . -- JLLDEN E. BAILEY 111 at I n . m. in th* Cantar itOHilMtion goea to Rlb|«SK, son, Duncan ll^ iiU en . for an. i«- for aom* tIaM;. Itoporto cam* in xram. tvnt^HpIhrwood Bowl Conetrl* rad^epecincBtlona prepared by and guaota anr aerved by a Army CUef of Staff, *ald today away from the huay thoreagh- UiM -W nC — Hollywood Palladium WONS—Unmr Arrast- Carl J . Maimfridt A Aaaodatea, Uonal Church. Thoa* un deftnlt* stay. Mra. McMullen, th* from outlying sactlon* that North Atlantio treaty forces la Orcheatr* WTHT—iofolatleatad RhyUim. RIPUBUCAN CANDIDATE FOR to attand' thIa meeting, but former Florence Perkina, attend­ Susan's parakeet (TuUulah) had wtitroM- M i REMOVAL faro. DtotlaeUv* Berviee. Mod-' WQWS-MIdnlafat Maticaa. . WKNB—Newt; Tarln Bandatend. Atchltecte, 36 Pearl Street, Hart­ Mendlll captained how the club Barope eventually will be sup- / REFRESENTATIVE ford, for the iW n of Mancheater, ker would Ilka to ite In ed th* local high achM. Th* been seen In 'Vernon and other pertod by ntomle waapoo* ank raeUltl**' WTHT—Hotel RooaavaU Orchaatr* T ;ta—WONB—Bobby Banaoe. opfrfttm. f Have year treea and WDR(t—Svmidiony Hall. Til* —WDRC—Dorla Day. will be received on or befof* 4 dtoral'Aimgi, ai >uld contact Court Cases family haa bean Uvbig in Ol«*r- area* It had a blue body and .bril­ ------:------?•------U.-te-W nC'— Newa-^Danea Again WTHT—Tim* Capaule. ABLE AND EFFICIENT AS A MEMBER OF itdop. water for a*v«ral y«ara. They have "A proepecUve (aernhw haa to removed by la- p. m. on Tuesday, September 80th, liant marking* with a numborad be sponaored by an accepted mem­ T, P. HOLIJ9RAN with Planagan. • WHAT—SymphCny Hall. anotlMr young son. Dayld, and a band em its lag. aaiad tree sargeoa* WTmn—Wdiwe WOWS- -Lutheran Hour A 7 :BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR 5 YEARS. at the office of the General Man­ A Bn* of BlOO waa impoaed-up* new daughtor, Dal* Unde, born ber of the, club and than has. to Faaeral DIrectar _ U ise-r^ C -T a x wiiiiama.tnd Qr- ager. Muhlcipri Building, 41 Cen-: Another Manchastar rartdant, to approv^ by a five-man Board ehaatra. . fi^^^R^^nkjrmtria* BEST QUALlFIED^fO REPRESENT VOUR IN- on Franci* F. Uraln, 3$, iff Rook* Aug. 26. Mra. Jacob P, Mo#ke, of 10 North MANOHESTER’S ll:g*-wn:m-WDRC-Mtet HiUI* I tlia (naotottetion of two aawer Center atreeta nt high Irato* of horn* of Mr*, r . H. Pnrktr of 80 and regulation*. Due* are $10 a 'WnO—Nawa; Oaorga Crook. WTHT—Draw PaaiMn. ALDEN E. BAILEY funded upon the prompt return of ■ It waa raportto yaaterday. apead,^.- ; Uraln could not produc* : AcoSemy atreat. Hoati WUI b* Wakemaa cooferred by triepbon* year,.The rule* atlpulato that all WDBC-New* WHAT—To ^ Afiboulieid. the document* in good condition to Iraot Rv* companlaa on the hla llcena* upon IhvMtiMtlon and Mr* Catherin* Jack and Mra, this morning and almoat poaitlv* members and guest* muat to 21 ABO" , WHAY—Nawa; Cboriatar* . WOig-Oreeii H o ra itr^ THIS ADVT. PAID FOR BY FBIBNDS aubeequent to the bid opening*’ idanUfleaUoa of^Uand* wa* astab* ' WCOd-^uate. bto a ‘ Arthar J. brpjacto'waro opened In Oeh* a furUi*r check. ravaalcd that hM Margarat Jon**, years of age, that no disturbance •OI^WTHT-ChritUan Sdtne* PROJECT NO. 2 — ADDITION ^ H M . iiral Manager Richard Marlin'* of* llcena* had bean auapended fol­ liahsd. 8h* will to ratriavad tomor­ of anyRaUie* yriU'to tolaratod. AMJANCE 00. WDBp-Mtoonpara Special AND ALTERATIONS -TO ItJRKlNGTON L eC L A IR E iRca yaaterday at S o'clock. Of* lowing a finding of guilty of driv row. • itS-WONS-aSidla cSroitr* Among - 1.3BS poosengara from that members ar* reaponsibl* for 2-1575 21 8Ispi«St WHAT-Qmama Clawleale. ^AT-Buy Bsgiili* SOUTH SCHOOL: dlelalB aaid that the bid* of all the ing while under the Influence In the Par Bast aboard th* Navy But Um story- doaan't end there. conduct of gueata, to* aUward la WCCO—Nawa: Rnnh Tima. « WOWB;:j^n_J/ Anthony' Hour. „ Sealed proposals for the coO- eoaiMBi** wiU be studied before Old Lyme. Transport Hugh J. Gaffay arriving M r* Bateh srill buy another para­ authoriaad to eject any 'mamtor W n c -Sabbath Haaracr. ilia—WTHT—'Tlire* Suns. " struction of a two-room addition to* CMtracta ar* awarded. Johannea Aarik, 40, of 100 Birch keet qnd giv* it-to Buaaa. Mean­ WTHT-iMuaie for Sunday. te ica—WDRC—Nawa Th* PaopluAet a t th* Seattle port of embarkaUon violating any rule, any. violator •:W-WONB-Ntw* WTMT—Paul Harvey. to and renovation of the South • The Jarvla company entered a atreat, waa found guilty and flnad yeatorday were Sven Brick*on of while, wtora's TullulahT will to BUapmided'lmmadtatoly and We Pay WnC—Hymn Tim* School on South Main Street, old of f IS,18B.70 for U»* conotrue* $S’ for driving a vahteki yrith da* M BUreh street and Paaqual* B. til* memb*rsHip fe* will not to re- |;g*—Bible Jlaiaagaa, Mrachester, Ooan., in accordance —'#M*-WDBC-Worl> New* ttm of BJM feet of ll-tnek wrwtr faeUv* brakes. A charg* of yio* -fkaancantilU of t m ' tundSd, BB4 M su e or exchange of c . . . , with pliuis and apecIficaUona pre­ batwaan Summit and Branford laUon of rules of th* road that ac­ WCCC—Strtnx Time. -- "f// take care H^pitiU Nbtet any aloohoUc bavarages will to H IG H E S T WOWS—Bunriaa SoreEtd* ~T—Gloria Parker. I t pared by Arnold L*wrence.-^Archl- atreri: and one tor $4X,77B for th* companied the pravioua charge Rons war* born at th* Hartford , jOtoF<¥l|lS^-—Maaxini Society, ■ ~T--B!U Tuoher. tect, 18-BUaa Street. Mracheateh :^ aim»ai: « < .miia'af ■BtonKSB^B^iM':wM' ontodtollewtiiirB' llwqMtol iBtoduaadajfFto MB.-Rhd ^ H m -meinlim'aleci to* Board off ------— WTl&^-Woild: New* Roundup. joi that iomorpow. T or •mabt iach oanitary oewar- malM niaor aeddant. .OR Main street Mm Jimm jvm e Mpto PaManBa-VaSaff;-•.*4 * • A.«.*n*A«-* h «'m WHAT—'ilrilan Progran* _ VTONB—Holy. Trin'lty Barrie*. .tJOrtOlibr* aito toe Btaward, Men* - isf: itoe liiiiie to ftaro ymiir tewyer Iriw up a win bo~ TecelvwPrar o r’ lmtor*' d'-w;:; md IB manhole* la..Broad, LiUl*. Aug. 31, vCm aleo heard am) Aarik atroat and J » . and Mra.)William A D tnTTBD TBSTBRbAY: dill *totod. Tbis steward can be GMioiM Symington. B it Parker P t o C E T f ■ '■’tlit now. on Tueada'y, September SOth, at ■Men and D o n a t atr«eta. -''-‘ wa* found not g\«Jlty." A. Simpson Of SB School atr*«t votsd out of offic* any thne,' h« the office of the Oeneral Manager, ^Dthan biddar* on th* Bummttr ■ ■ cmarlas-OroniRt'>17« "iff- JO Onn*- MMSU------lto~lMw~owB$r~’br i.PniraMa, .,,,.,....;r,..W..ciradl.Uraa-clMMtg8.-lmyo,yaiur..|awyi?f... vlM*: Caaalmaira HiSikamen, '6$ "F 6 r chraga year win to flt tooae nlteted coodl- MthMeipil toantord oawar line war* th* terbury atr**t, was Jlned $0 for Miaa Bdith M. Andiai* of Wood-' tibrit. Mcndlir claimed. DUey. Street, Manchester, and then aC B. D. aad W. Qoaatruotion .Com- violation of rules of \the road aa bridge atorot and OonsM Haugh- Whit* a tm t; Susanna Smith, Bol ■ Ptetura. _ . tlraa. e . ton; M r* Bliaatoth MeGuinnt*, 82 The meintor can bring dm or l^iigg, Scrafi M stvi b b U , Saydtr BlteW. Nome M aa executor or coexeeutor of your aaid office publicly opened rad tm y of Hartford, 129,420.78; th« the result of, an aeotdant on Kaat ten of CMmbrtdge, Maas, will b* more'-guaata to to* club. When h* Bvar Orchaatra. Canter this week. unttad In in*rrU«*, Monday at IB Wedgewood drlva; Mr*. Amy win. Afk. your lawyer about this. read aloud. OonaoUdatad Conatruotton Com* orders drink* they are token from •llitr SBlirisafcli Plans Olid specifications may be 1 ^ of Hartford, BU.SB7; and the Walter Rogowakl, 2B, ^ofk M2 *m . In S t Bridgat'a Church. Hudson, 33 Ifannar atreat; Win­ We are empowered by law to eerve a* execu­ ston Bandall. 3B Lillay atraat. his.botU s end ssrved by the fsridris, tor of eetate*. We de NfKf draw win* nor examined at th* offlee of the Gen A. Salvator* and Bona Oonstruc- Adam* street, was sentenced to wsItreaS. Hw member is charged wa serve 4B daya in th* oeOnty JaU ADKITTBDTODAY: Mr*Mary U lM -W Y IC - do practice law. AH legal matter* ahouid oral Manager at to*.above *d- tlm Oomphny of Hartford. $40,464. A auTMtod party waa given for B6 osnta for "service odd set-ups." ■ T b * second project wa* bid on aa ar flrat offandar- as a comm- Frank Nyman and Marjorta Tay­ Stew art BIB Henry atraat ' Can or Write i;0O—Weatani Titeatar, lliM - Newa ho hinilled by your attorney.* dreoa, and copies thereof obtains OISCHARGKD YnTTUlDAY: Set-ups may include |c«, water, 3:00—Family Theater: H tr a WTIC—:-Nawa, Uutle, upon payment of $29.00 for each th* Salvator* ompapany, $42,644; drunkard. lor, both of town,'Thursday 4:0I>—Uyatary Theater. WDRC-Nawa. Froe Parking In Bear of |teak • * a* D. and W, compaay, $14,* Ltonat J . Arohambault, 2$, who night at the Ctoidan Orova in hMior Mrs. Arola Raaaia. SI .Bank atreat; glaqeas, fiaaer si* or B»da. Wton oet, whito depoeic will be refund­ Um msnitor and gusst* are ready Jim iAW M $HO 1:00—Hopalong Cataldy... and Um C. L. Hal* Oonatnie* now realdaa at B Haa*l street, of their coming marriage on Sapt Altrad King, Birch Mountain OSTRINSKY S;0a—Lon* Ranaar. ed upon the prompt retuni of the , ^Company of Maneh*at«r, was lined 1 tor failure to carry tiaad; M r* Dorothy Randall, Book- to lesve, to la presented a check Top quo.liiy, parandlat grata f ;{0-Tou Aakad Par I t document* in good condition *ub- 20. Attandlng were 100 of JTank'a and. pays' ? :0a—Dangarona Aeaigamant Hurricane Slows LBBO, hia teklatraUon., and $3 tor fBUuro fellow empmyaa fratn Pratt and vilto; Frad Laoaa, Boat Hartford; Dealers Ih Wbsla Matortala t * ^ ‘90.91% waad-fra*. You :g0—Ona Han’t ramily. aequent to th* bid openings. to notify Um StotM- Vahielaa Whitney Aircraft .Hi Bast Hart­ M r* Joan Kodaa. 17 Bdward AJtoough to* member I* paylag IBS BI8SBL U rr. T n .B g 7 t naad lata ef .Bcolla for fall i :00—All-Star B*tu#._ LOOK AHEAD . Each bidder must deposit with .partment of a chang* of address. street; John Sarol* | 74 Barton fo r'to * a*t-ttpa, CBtoorttMo aim- :0O—Tour Show of Show* Off Nnrtfa Carolina his bid aacurity Jn th* amount of AUtart . . CUfford C. Ja co b F . ford. A steak dinner was followed planHng bscOuM of th* mlllleni 10;l(k;-Tour Hit Farad* Charles B. Travia, 33, of South by dancing. H i* gueata of honor road; M r* Bv*lyn Ooborn* and Dapandakta QraHty •>- Service! of iuro growing M*di in each It ;i»-Wrestling. 10% of his hid in the form of T O D D " VARNEY MILLER rartifled check or bid bond made Coventry, arrested for taking, flv* t«calv*d gift* of lOgfag*. son, 20 Fulton atreet; Baby boy packoga. It:0*-Naw* « from Pag* Ona) Obituary packs of dgarettas without pay­ Hanry, 7 Nathan nmd; M r* Jan* ■uaday payable to th* Town of Alraches- LIndatrom, Bast Hartford; Lasli* WilliaM H. SRfcltM{t I t o l M O 5lbr-Sr.3S A. M. ite r . - ing for them In the First Nation*] Tomorrow morning, after t •:IO-DrUI Call. • A high proaoun arra movad Store at tha Center, waa flned $18 r«**lng during Augnat, Son Sm - Hyd* Oncco, CSona.; M le ^ l IMUiprow StosM IM. StN rum guaoiH i OiO^Proatlera of Feith. over yoaterdoy from the middle Mo bid may' be withdrawn for t VOTE FOR THIS TEAM OF DIRECTORS for theft day School, Oe«p*r and High Lombardi. South Covantry; GBrol Frovidai tailing nouriihmanf 0-m-Mr. Witard. AtlmUe and Naw Bnitand atntea period of 30 daya after the ofra- Funerals itog of the bids. 3 T h o n ^ Moaaer, .1$ of 31 Oak stroats. wilt, reaum* ■•••iona and’ Benton, 861 Center atraat; Mar­ naadad Jo faitor*-la%im health to Mock to* tropteol storm away atreet '’and Henry Kleioachmldt will v-coaUau«,..il* chartarod to garet McKlanay, ItockvlII*; Mia. from to* AaMriora eoaoUiiM and Th* Town of Manchester re- III THE REPUBLICAH PRIMARY TUESDAY; iWtfc.Uaaabeto W. Jan*a - IB, of M Well* street, wore turned VlrgHUa Clepp and aon- South Cov- and color. 23 lbi-12,30 feadi aierves the right to reject any !rad a*rvic* for ehlldron wK6 llv* at a IILLT TIRE iq H It ground almost to' a atop. l l u TUMral of Mrs. Kliaabath over to Juvenile authoriUe* for dUUnc* or who** parent* cannot •atiy. 3500 tq ft, lOJWO 17.85 I iOO-FUsm ‘Tf too knrirlcan* la movtiqr a t all bids and waive any informall- \ 4MM0. who died Wednesday, AND li«0-iarcarao* diapoeiUon of a charge of dlo* bring them or faar to send' ttom DttCHARGBD TODAY: Mia. Jim . sw A om *. H. - - oU tt ia mqvlng very, very slowly Ues in the bidding If it be in the ma nsld yastarday afurooon at S ohargipB flroarma In th* tiron Suaaa St*g*r, 34 Aahworfh atroat l;00-ln th* Park. public Interest to do so. bacaua* of traffic baaard* 'n ia Oaliver Scottf at .ocpnomieal nortowni4"' bald Hlamra'' ditef THETRE ALL QUAUFIEO MEE Week from tha Church of Um limits. ' . fra* bus tranaporUtloa aarvl BIRTH YBSTBRDAY: A daufh- .REPAIR SHOP. M;BI—Gandy Carnival. storm forocaater Grady Norton. The snccessful bidder or bidder* luaraM with Rav. Jamas R. Bell rate* otwro raiulli fro** goad- l:0»3W i Ito fi^ntr. Oontinuail unUl Monday were was begun in 1B4S. and haa b*< t*r to Mr,' aad M r* Jaa*ph AriiRaaa H. CrasSk Prat. . 1:10—Ctsoo Kid. Highest wlnda. war* •sttmated .will he required to furnixh a per­ I ffleiatinyr the following Caaea; Harrison Wil­ kapt up without intarrupUon. Gann*. IBS Summit str«*V log, feeding or waad motrol. 2;0e-Natloaal^nnla Final* at 100 asltos p«r hmir over a ainall formance bond in the amount of AH latemoted k rth e wrifare aad-progrera of Maartmater. TIiay ' are . i^wing tha aarvica Reverend son, 67, no cartain -addraa*. breach CBnle Sekidtoa C^lMiikfii MsydM * Rubber Hroi $7.35 and 113.50 Bk—Nama'a ’ni* Sam* aad raparlamIS te help give Maackeator a troiy effMrat tewa gaiwramaaL ; m ■rwin Show. area to the northoaat of tob storm not less than 100% of th* etm- Tondarad OM of Mrs. . Jan**’ of poaca; Philip Bourffba. 17; Avon, ■nxBD IN causa Monday—Pra-natol at B am . II 1“ — - ^ - — mr CIreUH. center. Orira *xtend*d outward tract pri^a. wmlto kymaa, "Lov* of God." stop sign violation, under $B bond T uesday TUnatl and adenoid at 1 '. 1 JOlwSaWOLoon -Inloimrtoe Plata*. 180 mltas to to* *outIiw*at aad 380 .Dated at-Mancheater, OonnacU- THIS ADVT. PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF THE CANDIDAT^jrAl U m M ood pnaidad at organ. Wanda R. Barilo, IB, IBnst Hart* Bldgeftald. B- t ff)-A n S;30 a.m. , . ’ ■ i U ? ;■>—Break Th* Bank. miles to th* north and east. cu t th | a BUi day’of September,' L gto>«n N«i*on Kilpatrick. :W Supar Ohoat / toeB.^ap*edlng. Wadaaoday—Wall B a!^ n t to* T ‘ A M M S ir tM A SON 7'.a»—fhla la Show jto la aaa* ■ "Until too h l^ praaourt' aran 1892. JQlpaUrtok. Joseph Watart, A charge of reckless driving raad he** *ar|y taday aad. from 1 to 4 p,m. PRINT c a S:W—Toast Of Th* Tew*movM otit of to* way,” Norton TOWN O F^A M Cm um CR WSUam Fish aad asUiu^’lHrald' J. Lavesque. $L ‘ ~ Frtday—ClMat at B *m . h« ap- 180 SorlMs. St 189 MAIN ST. •:0p—TV Playhoue*. arid "wo deat kaow what to* Bm M m a la tlM Mi MAIN STREET M MANCHESTER y i ( I«:K^I*bffty Ttma. 9 2 3 MAIN ST." PHONE 4171 By Richard Martin HarUegd, wa* contiau'ad uatil adet tMaaN. STrOi netoUneet *nly aad W*S Baby at ' PRsjf *-0f»; TEL. 8897 10:|5—pietilc Tkeatar. ^ httfitaBBa w ia S o .-'^ Gcnarml Manag*r ;.Uto.BBat CsBMtary. ffilii|^/ under $M bend. Um Jiaapital fTOm S to 4 pm. Newa ■ rm gl 1 MANGUESimi EVENIMO HEEALD« MANCHESTBE. OONN«

to ambraoa tham f » m b Ml him too, and tb «y had held at 10:4S a. m. whan RotV Caae- Grato NalsoA Barman by clude the foUowiagi **• 7* tkere- Holy Bapttam wUl be admlnlstorad Text: Luke 10( B8, 3$. 8t. TTieme: ly. Ha la, w a praauroa. a VW7 ptaaaaat tima- tegatlNr, immtoa wOl ba nfndatotarad. Rav. tha former paator, Rav. Raynold fata perfect aVaa as your Fatbai « t 11 A m. next Sunday. Jeeui said; "How Readeet ThouT ^‘Bolton . TMa Do and Thou Bhalt Uve do tham Ittct a a o «^ aad thia Uam Otd RMahuc did ga **N* ntSiaww J. Rlckud Taagar*s fcommualon 3 . t Johnaen o f Rldgway, p a Bar­ which ta to hasvaa ta ' p arfaet" Our Tounr Paetoa’a Ftotowahto NtAnABB cosuBtttsM.' cliMtnwMi WRiGHT'S AMTO BOH Smt maettog will ho haW Vtoa^ , , CNrmd DoTkmrUktortaer dowBitalm alid gtt pbotegnphad amdlaUsa wUl ha "Ood Would man topic, **nM Church o f Joaua (M att 8:48). to kaap eommnalam away. raoaatly awenunoad by Mra. M or­ Hava Ua PUtod." Chrlat.’*^ Oorrri$tiva paaaagss froat tba dur at 7 p. m. v Laadar, the Cu- Today eontimiea Annual Now Eng­ m m u c m with Om candldaU . land Dtatrict WaRhw League If thara Wara ao Oonununiat ton M. l iBsain, Jr., pramdant o f tha A .maattog o f tha SMmbamhlp ‘Hwimday, Bapt. l l i 7:10 p. m. Ckrtatiaa Sclanco textbook. "Bel* mto. Raw atamham .and Hl| throat thara, ha wouMa’t ha ta- Thla would ladloaU that Iha la local uatt. Inchida Mr. aad Mm. f . Duet hy Grata Nalson and Rika enca and Health w ith . Kay to S ^ eo l fraahmaa arc Convention at CMnp Maaen, Chea­ and'evangaUsm eommittaa wUI ha ter, Conn. (Bept. 6:7) taraatad in tham a t an. bla favorlta, hat wa dMibt tha U ln a A re Waldott Mtoar, program; Mra. held at the church Wadneadsy at Hsrvath. Rav. Johnaon will BcriptumO," by Mary Baker Ed­ tovltad. Ooaald r . TadfoitiC puhU ^; Mrs. oa *Tha Church at Fm yor." dy, ineiade the foilawtag { a 47$): Thursday wa plan to oalabrata 1:80 p. m. Lutheran Hour brand- whAwaMwaw*a aa T^wwwar lU■ w lll flaanty-at/*^ «»>Maa^Ha M i m W a. pi..aL to piapam (or n sp it^ ' Vote For uJBto hot imrit jfograMLiill..h# MI|MI KnOHUnNi^ ^ ! t N : a id B O r > dtTi ■JeoDi haiNkr toWetaaor «d -»a iv the H o ly OBaMwawtaa v t * a ito. 'Caat-over W IOR-— fh i ot, Um •WnMotof]f jtftwnl os Ufa mtoalon. Tha Oouplaa Cmh win —FWffay, Bapt i3;7rT30.prBc:Tka pHncipta waa a inwni nt which ■ajra that, whan ha mahaa hla flnal Mm. Roy Beoworth, haalUi; Mra. tWata Quartet w ill rin g two num- fact maa. whoo ahpeamdI to Mm tha astoa hour aa tba United 7:30 p. m. Luthama Hour, ahouUt hara laatad. Wa ahould ha chalea, ha win do ao li) an tm* Monday, aeoordtog to an announoa- .daew A tm ig . hom italito; Mm. meat on Friday at 8 p. tk at the bate. Rav, Johnaon'a aarmon where stoning imortal amnI appqam Thank-Offartog preaentathm oarv- WONB, Hartford, a church. • CAR and TRUCK FAd r $;00 p. m. Lutheran Hour, WOR, Intaraatad In halptag tha paopla of mlatahabla wajr, for. all tha nation maat by Mm. Bugaae flagllardaaa, Ralph B r^ historian; Mra Rob­ topic w ill ba. "Tha Church at to mortatarrtahw- In In this parfc lea In the Baatoa Garden, using ....'6WliUpM*4. ___ The_____ m ______ert L. Riehardaon. ratoeahmanto; Work." tba Bavtear saw OodB ewa like- the aama hymns and ordar. New York. incanaa thay naid haip, not. ta aaa. M an aw h ^ wa i>uq|iaot ha 8:80 Pr m. Outdoor Mitalon loa- Ranhsn. laglilaH ia; tffrr. # A R r a n d G A S W H L*!' Baturitay, Bopt. llR OdO aad thla corract view a f man thara' ara Oommuntata ta t o ^ tai fcaap M a g io ^ Bspt. JL TH■ 'Vataataara Maadad not bagto until tha and o f 8M!»4r, day iMtwaan the houra o f 10:00 Warit ..S t Okatch 8:50 a. ipL, flrat/aeoafonjuf our BIstlaa A. Erito, Orgialat Uqn of Inttar^ Carriara, In Connecticut and 1:00 Is batog aonght Anyona to hataig held to aequatat tham wlth A p p ly T o Mandur 7:00, Bsplorar geoutS'T Itoota 81 Bungay School. rentlon aaawnblad. In N tw Totk wllUito to eoatributa o f tha taacham, the program aad 7:00, Truatsas Btosttog. J. ■----- 10';15 A m., Worship aarvloa: Sept 7—The Thirteenth Bunday City, haa baaa dominated by oaa Yankee . waqkly, monthly or puipoaea A play aamton win ha Thomaa Flaharty Sopt. 7:00, Baethovan Glaa Chib Paator Prahida: "Adagio” from "Bacond Sunday, Bapt. 7: aftorTrtelty paaalon—to get rid of Matmaalar heals la aakad to oaU Mra. Ralph twid OB the paraonage town for V. RarvaBa, O im te 8 Am. Mm a Quarterly Cbm- 9:00 A m. Sunday School. (Note;. BtHckland. ffuaadhy OshO, Boy Beouta Symphony’*—Chartaa Widor. B y A . H . ^ _ riiildren who would otbarwisa ra- 0:00, Brotharbood. Bpaakar, Bart Bormon ’ :‘What Wa Baa." munton for Adoration Soelaty and Free tmaspwtatlon bus service Oanaral Jaaaa M. DenaMaop. Sehodalo flia i Maettaa qulm a baby aittar to order'to fma O iliR lil for children whoee parents cannot Plrat, thay adopted a raablptlaa BianI 0*. Modaan. Bound Blm on tha Baml- MOosas at 7:80l 8:30 aad 10:30 Anthem: "Jaaus Shall Reign ganaral cpnfaaatonA . Tha PT/. win bold ito M iim a s t­ the pprenta fo r attandanca at this A m . - \ 10:80 a.m. High Mias bring them or Uve at a diatanee.) iaatructing thair offleara to do , Before there w m Ta aaeond aaaa- ing o f tha season at ‘tha aebool 615 Parker Straat naiy. ^ Whar'ar the Bun”—Erie ’nUiqaA 9nw A m, Adult BWa data. p f -t-teachar Inaating, Wadnasday 7U0, U dlsa strvtog Organ Offertory: "Andante Caa- 1 ;80 p.to. Maattog o f trustaoa Everett R. toitol raaa, tlMfb Waa U^^gnaa- wadaaaday at B p. ak Aa haa ha- anadU—.mi^AAA.. 40h. 10:00 ' a m. Dlvtoa worahip- avarythlag poaWblo to gat him ao- ular wonliip sarvica win iB^ing aUnCB Wltt^nMVL IB tobila—H. BngilmanA 4iOO-p.aA TbdaaN-CtolfWMima of tlen thara would ho aowaipaporman eoma the custom, tho program Tataettviita youth of the pariih. moved from ofRea. will ba h recaption for tlM new tha hnrsary room. PoaUiida: "PosUude” — Carl W. RIRtllUCAN CANDmAn M 1HI enough ta Ctonaacticut to go 7:80, Enam iri Choir. Kaara. Than, Juat to rub it in and a*- taacham and an open house to vlow ■OARD OP MRICTOM around. Now that tha raoo b B.'OO, Dorcas. N 7 p. BL. Luther Lasgua meeting praaa thamaalvaa la a dlfforant tha- racantly ^ -- eonffdatad---»----n ato-rocoi John T s aOrganlat ' — -deukleA-wo-aiW'.weO-eo-eera,, OflQRlOA Iv Cp« SClIOOO wMOnOw^iBO —Tharaitoy gdlO. IridW -Ald.---- .jvlth ptetoraa aito MportorntgUver wiV.'lhey vbtM tt B:00, Music oommltUa. RMiaiAITERIEM A Min Kii MiK R68tMt6< o f ua miw have to do douUa Items o f husinaaa to bo ooaaMarad Sunday, Baptambar 7. and ptona for Fall acttvltlas. Alfrad L. prekdant to dadara a day of at tha buatnaaa masting win ba DEMONSTRATIOK IViday 7:00, Planning ooiunlt ;urday morning: Our men will Raeter A L L MAKES hla fallow Mcn. CoMpsr* hla m ord Uita ghrd Mai duty, aiparlally atoeo thara ara tsa fa r Layman’a raUy. U dO A aa, Barviaa af Holy joioing aad ctM tm lUm aad ■oma fa # o f ua who wtU oUll hava tba alaotloa of a vlea praiidant work on parsonage Tha Rav. Aamoa a MoML Fot* fo r B0Min»tk>n bb d irocto r. day If Donaidoni ahould ovar ^ MVa. Bphnlm Oeta waa alaetad to g:00. Church Oouaett. Worridp- grounds; lir tlif B rif;S torft Ik Mliw _|w iwifai, Aaidries n O tl^ to do wttb tha apaelalty Uft of Voting Mochinoj in Prriuda, Dock Thyself, My Soul — Rector oaatad,^:.-^.. Qruagar. The Rav. Jrtui J, Ski Wmdd liia laattiM wottd ba The "^fiaolnUen ealHng ttr Tho itBtvMMt pasMon among H yau, Wo Fralaa H u e O Ood— ■my •denrata ta Jndglnt AmaHea and Oonaldaon'a ouatar mti} ha had eondidatoa for puMlo oNtao la. It PRIMARY ELECTIONS BmJxSwsrd'fh^ Pastor Cody. Tha 18th Sundur after Trinity ■asms, to gat thamaalvaa facing a ■ a Bar, Old Tastamant Laosoa—Baakiel 11. a A m. H oly .Communlufi. AmarioMW b y aona o f tha fonfgn brought baritahlp on tatter ear- TV camera and a hattory of aows- DEMOCRATS 11 A m. Holy Communton with pfUey w m m wa JM hat Wa doubt Mtotatar af Now Tfotam m t Leaaoa Luka 8:- riara thamaalvaa by hU lOM ordar Municipal Building P r. W itaan W aedraW, 18-37. . ---- ■ermon by tha Ctamta,. eurtalltog poatal dsUvariea., aad t M s, they aootod to aay to the Y O U R von Anthass liualcafiUSlCBl 4outUna o f "this aarvloa: nAmarleana, wa thiak, know vwy that ha had ^Monawiaiiy thtoga to mtolta, Is tba way to ba sure that B. Watsan,, Bunday, Bapt 7 Prareaalonal— H b r * i t a BNM BO t |BBt M w m t B d h ( Communion . Meditation, "Tba Ood 9:80 A m. Bunday School. w)dl. what la at ataka la thn the eaadidato poaaessia various s RIQUBTID a f I f a ^ of tha livin g". "Holy FBthW, Groat Craatoi" brtog tho poatal aarvloa h|to dim quaUttos and attributes. Thariia|,Sc|rti4 ItRCMlakilikRi. 10:50 A ' m. HoUnaas maatlng, Baquenca— ' oU laiM Thay know It favor with the pubUo and eea- Offertory, Joaua Christ Our Savior $:'45 p. to. Band street meet ■a kas ta hs fcaitiwc, ta toes DOR I M IP w H OT iM M C M IY w r DVY WMQ vVPWn H Bunday. Bapt 7, t, 0:18 aad 11:00 • m a m CroCa th Crowded i*t aO or aiMtay at all, but a tributad greatly to tho dotottafa- a f tha —Buxtehude. Ways of Life" / am- aarvtoat. Oommunion -Hymn, Whm 1 Sur­ ^ : 8 0 p. m. EvangelioUc meeting. of natioau'traadom. Only Uon of that aarvloa.'* FrMa|,Sc|A,A 12RCMla5illF.Ri. MTOTOTT M M wW9 fwWm 1 prOBMninA Pratuda, "Oommunion’’ , . . Orison O f f a f ^ ^ Oa ha vey the.Wondrous Crom Watto. n u ) Week "Lead M4> Lord" . .Woalsy to What mahaa UMoa davatopmanta ANTHONY Ja Scrlptuni Dasaon, Isike 38:7-80 Tha Sacrament of Holy Oommun- Monday, T:80 p. m. Friendship to raaliaa that. R h ia troubla Hymn, "H oly, Holy, H oly" ■ ^ ^ ^Sommuntao Hymn— worthy o f notd and oammaat la Satirdc|,ScN*S IlM M ialsIlifiHi. loA * CirclA “ Haro, O M y Lord" tha Importanea of tha H « ahoBld b* ipaiiBarBd m a coBO datt fmr Mm Dykaii Hymn, Hark, My Soul—Cowpar.' Tuesday, $M5 p. m. Soi^fater Kha fact that Mr. Pcnaldw i hi ■ ) . Anthem, "O 8 ^ Thy light Forth RACualofURl—"" . laaua in othar oouatrl^ oalabratod as tha flfst ihodara Ms has la ha tolaSIgcat, to PhsUuda, O Lord, A ll Glorious-^ practlcA / "Stand Up, Stand Up, fo r Joaua" jPfTy pniIM fM wW MMisotoMI^PBWVMfWB■ ^P BBMBIM^BffBMBBBM|W fefBwPB Ea*ili^M^WPBEw Bwffs# ■wBB^PnPBwwBMDliwtws farB.BPV BBe WBPBP^VBBs#cwid fWTBinff^PBBffg# and Thy Truth” . , — . . . .Barith Thuraday, ■;15 p. n^. Street pMdmaattf . ganaral who was a 0op# w tlli UmIf wMa Bach. N oUm i : ^ ' BwwW "In' Oftertorv. "Meditation"..__ ■ ■ ■...... The W eak..... meeting. ------who know tha^ a non-poUtloal i^potoUnaat . Ha T M itliln . Is tha’Mdcal aS M e d 11 a 11 O B. "God Coafueica on Ktor -I S didataa yaam to face. R ahows Thursday, Bapt 11 7d0 p, aa F rld ^ , 8:00 p. - to. HoUn( (fo r paranta and God-phranU) win .U.A Y f m clwBca tB b««M M faBi l Br w M . tp p main was, at the time ha was named by THIB AOVT. PAID FOB BT A PBIEND Makea tha DIfferance" Church council maata to tha par- neetlng. . - what ragtttor fallowa thay ara, and ' r v » Criabratlon o f Holy OunmiinloB ba bald Monday evmuiig oit 7:80. would TVuman, a caraar man who had how domocratta, to ha oonsorting soaogA " All who havo not yat partMta I with Hymn, "Breath On U o, Brfath o f to o f thaaa cbnfercncca a i woikad hla way up to the dapai^ with nowspaparman, and how can- God" ...... Jackson Saturday, Sept IS, 7:18 p. m., Ohitottan' Beleaee flaetoty ipromiaa on dlil, to truot thair fates to auch STATE RICHARD lilARtIN; Choir rehearsal., attend aa waU oa thoaa oontom- mant itself. Poatlttda, "Largo" x ' Maaoata ‘Teaipla plating bopUama to tiiatr fhipRIm prlaolpta In opld hand aad a Bvan Mr. Truman's p^Uoal dafandara o f the publle waaL 8 p.m. Bunday, Taacham’ In- Now tha eandtdataa thamsalvas Men As sUtuta. Sunday service, Sept 7, 11:00 a In tha othar anemias congratulated him, at (ha never aaam to have any doubt AdverMie in The Herald— It Paye ^ Bsnth lilathodlst Oharch undaratand how Uma, on the apootottnant, which Qm Woik* Mala Btaaet aad Hartford B oU m. . 3; about thair own capacity to faoo Monday 7:«S Loyal CIrcte of Bunday School, 11:00 a m. thay gat aiii- such aa ordeal, and pass It with BoA FVed B. Edgar. BUntatef waa a walcoma igiprovamaat ovar Ktoga Daughters, buatoaas maat- Fatay F. Bmlth Wednesday . evenInS. maatlng; prinoigla. Thay knc^ tha traditional ayatdm 'by which fly to f oolora. Buck aalf-oonfldaaaa 8:00 p. m. 8 la au rtoht with us. whan It ta y Aaaaelata Mtotatar yaWaraittottvatad by the post was awarded, Qardm Club maettog. MMlierti A . FVaica- • -“ ■ Baadtog Beam Hsam theirs. Our wony Is about ua poor Tuaaday 8:0$ Group D, Mrs. 4:00 p. m. affort ta halp auch pao- maUcally, to the chief patronage nawspapanhsn.' In times past, ons Mtotat g a ^ Mmla - hava to ba oarafnl to JMm Memraavy, laadar. 4 »p o r- ’ Wadneadays, 7^10-7:58 p. m- (Uapwuer of the party whlM^hap*. dashing movie a dacada would taka taat mooUiiN* Sunday, Bapt. 7— Tha public is cwdially -invitod Iga thatr fraadom ftrat, peaad to ba to powar. care of tha rapuUtion of our pro- 8:00 T7w% itad Nations Asoaeia- - HMy Comtoueidn, 8 -w d 10:4$ to attend our sarvicas and uqp our than oMnr tha haip, with no Tat this to the iwma man who fMhm. and laavt ,UB fiqa to go tkm of Mancheatar ^maat- reading room. along hatog. ourMvaa. 24-nOURRB|VlCl attachad. Amarteana dunk' now wins tho wrath aad oendwa- "-"Man^^Tbe tSi aubAot of tiw F iln DapoNtXpiBR^ But to ho fearloia. todapandant. 7:80 Sfntor Choir IPrehtda, "Andante" ...... Rogam to ha bribad on prinotpla nation of one targe group of tho Laaaon-Bermon fo r Bunday, Bep- AtStors Entnim / ■ef the Tdwa witty, tatalllgsnt, and a good actor "H oly, Holy, Holy," Nleaaa dvaa, and thay dMi't hka to iol^oiiisL tem lm 7,1983. The Golden Text ii amployea to hla daportmant. aa wcU, to ba.aS thssa things not 7:48 Board Of Christian'Educa­ Offertory solo, "Coma Unto Him" from I John 3:1. "Behold, w b ft Their Appear Oh The Caucus ta tha poattion o f .trylag to onea, but aavaral timaa vrlthm one One key to tha attuatlon .may tion moating. ■ Dunn Itobart J. Gordon, Jr., manner o f love the Father hath KEMI% Iba othar paopla on quaatlona of short campaign season, that la tha 8:00 Thtsplsna monthly masting ; baritone...... hastowad .upon ua, that vm ahould Ua. .in the toct. thAt.tlMLtattin: ' npov partusipauhg hawi- i^raposal Lisis O f Bath Parties rlm .«a ra mMra.dtoturbod.jiTW tha Thuraday 7:80 Prudential Oom- Hynm. "O Master Let Me Walk ba called the sons o f God." papSTWin. aad, ftnes our own pao-. — - ^ - ...... Vnth TBaaa--.-.— —, Maryton State Dapwtmaat la ' dU- - gnttMi waawng» BeleetloBa • from- the- - Bifala in-~ curtailment o f doUvariM than tha aonal point o f view, wa would fear 7:00 Man’s d u b Oommlttaa Barmon,.-"Now la Tha Tima" Dr. t. Vadar tha toapiratloo of tor the aawapaparaMn much mom public. Pbr-thsm, It meant a eur- laaattog. Fred R. Edgar Adiaaca, it la davar and taUmant of the work avatlablo. To than fo r tha aandtdataa. Thay are 8HM Prayer^Sroup, "Tha Begin- Hymn, "Taka M y U fe and L et I t to ba aipeoid to all tha trials aad g*»» ...... Maaalah cal, aad It aaaumao Uiai o f ntogs". M r, wmpaon. the public It his not, wa would tasts o f tuBntog.JEor-offlQa, with PosUuda. "L m to " ...... WIdot abanliwanl pinipta hm ^tta guain aaamid vely ittueh oT v PVldBSi Blood » o ik cf tha rawarda. 7:00 Gb-Wad f l ^ pienlc at Bot- 10:45 o’clock Barvlca • muat hava a dollar price hardship. But thara saama Uttla A w arhin.g niwspaparmaa Frri:^, Chorals Frriuda on "St 31. YQU?VE SEEN THE ^TEAM” toi|. li k # . ' .' onythtog thay poiaeaa, and 11 quaation that, tor one reason or, havo ttma ta hs — . KUda" ...... Nobia . 4 f t that it oaa thraatan aad another, motata to the dapart- kidaiwniaat, witty, , Procaaalonal hymn, "H rty, Holy,. whaadla powar aad to- ■ a to a dan htod a f North Mathedtot Ohindi Holy” ...... — ;,... ctan la alt right, altar oU. 'Ria The Week a f it all ta that I f the Stata Da- foptact the puhlle tatamot. preha lent Ismr Bshoal IiliiB / Dagraa InatallaUon o f Woman’s Bbctaty poUtlctan may ha eoally and avtn IIM CBndUkBtM to WtO( oifc-th# otHoem a t the second aarvlec. plrfHiwit we«|d only team a; little 7to0 p. m., Otflctal Board maata antmvagaat, but ha la also aain- tacialva quaoUoaa, mahaga tha ra- "•fO RM EftO Cil “ Offertory, "Andante Graakiao"— h a y a y o t i r • tha regard aad rappact fo r prin< dlvldual who happens to vaallng aommaat. aad toad to all Widor. / tag to tha Chapel. - . . • ’’ 0 pta. a Uttlo o f tho daoaaoy o f ra­ candiwitaa Inmartlatty a tohr ahara ICHOOl, HACHIR Hymn, "Jesus, tha Binnar’s T:48 p. m., Olsanam Group, that hla oam fortuaso dapond itoon ladlas parlor, il ttapahlpa which are taatlncUvc of raflaetad ikry. Aa tof the rest friand.” his plaaatag tha p a o ^ Mr. *AnORNIYATUW Sermon, "Mom Prsctoua Than 8:00 p. m., Fallowahip Group « th tho Amarieaa people,. af ua, wa'U Juat lag akiag a little maaUng at the home o f M rs Ruby DdnaMaon, aiming at offtalaney to the aMe aaffto M ttatotha mar, . n m af Chyk aad Or}#. Gold." vtouM have toorc and batter aad and a balanoad tradgat; may ha a aa usuaL Hymn, "May the Grace of Van ByckaL M rs' Edith Buck wUl t tier frieada aU around the world. *VITIRAM O u la t" ba co-hoataaa. wondwtul axacttUvo-ea popWi . 8:00 p. m., Epworth CtacM. C ir peHcy ta ch a ^ k a i oynioal The Watld War n-lOM-tOOO. ^J|>oatluda, "Toccato G” —Du- MATTHEW PATON COLUMBUS MURPHY ^ and to thaory. A t , to salto tha _ Wat to­ to THojulty in the la ITM — nathtng funny Daty-IOM-IOOB. a d oppoctunlatlo, and it lank pt acelatoi which eunew ied Ms Bunday School, 9:80, all depart- 3:00 p. m., W.C.T.U: maaUng, Vlea prmdiaat af Local $$ for tha pool Beemtary of Local 8F far f jraar^ ta- , • tha way Amaricana would Uka about that axoapt thatlt'a toft lodiao parlor. 1$ yasTA One at toe dmt membara a f tha tarastaid la towa plaaaiag lha asads al tha original appototmenh ths totter to atttchaa over ataoa. *TAXFAYIR b ba to tha,vrorld. Tha graataat Touth Pallowahlp will opm next Wadnaaday— tattos board daring WarM War H. TSkas tows for lha fotarA Fanaar tawa hoakat- carriers tha othar day guito' 8:00 p. m.. Ward Group. fgver wa eeuld aak o f Mr. Acheron Bunday. aa acUva tatoraat to all dvle affalm. haB star. pointedly labalod aa aeknowladgad Thuraday— Primary? w raid ba that ha give Americana politician—Jamas A. Itorlay. 8:00 p. m., Mixpab Group maat­ a. Id Amartca the break to the thair favorite poatmaatar ganaral. tog at tha boms o f Mm. John U uwrid they deaarve, on their own 'Riay were at patao to point ont North Mato asA North Btraats Von Deck, 11 Joan road. tM a eharaetdr, aad atap mlarapra- / Bav. Intaad O. Hast, Friday— that thay sttU eonaldar |t a ftaa Bunday, Bapt 7: 7:80 p. m. choir mhaamoL . * iUag oiir national ehameter ~ A fter trying fo r aaveral hours to ebmposa a po­ Idea to have a caraar mi RRmuIk 9:10 Am.a. Dlvtoaftvto a Worship litical ad which would both attraat the votam' at- Ida cynical and nitkltaa polntad poatmaatar ganaral. But '-/rmiada—"Blaioad Jaau, $t Thy tentkm and aatiafy m y cohaelaaee, I finally ra- thair Infarenoa saamad to ha that W ord," ...... B a ch baU4d. Instead I daeidad to w rite you a short le tte r' . y --.HM m —"Pralsa the- L ord,''•T o W 'fiaattaff moinanb"— awh-apdaseer- «earrMaiig|*7qe-iie4 ----- ^o4aU.:yo>Mw-what haata Lam aaeltlng-lha Ofmo- . . . : cratjj! nomlnatl«m for state reprtoenUllw ' ^ ^ snough o f a politician ta hasp hla ■ SrirH-^nPha ■ Lord'a-Praysri’" ‘ . ntoto- Aehaaott hMd ; ' I t iuui niwiya ieemed rather ftaflah to" 'ine for tha prlnuipU that wa ahould pubUe amptojwa porchiff nnd hto • a « a e e-ra e,* a a a ^a - w a a a a a a • a.' ^ M M f f a m r w w Mrs. Cathariaa Jlahns. Contralto, Buaday, Bapt. 7: candidatea to run the cuotumuity ads full o f adjac* .._9:ia.a..m_amt(li:JBd3ngt,___ ...... itoaAlUM;Sakpaitwi»!aB.7ia$B8M^ ------■. • ' —r’-rj'r r’aiscati^ tlM r own aaka—not jqat to nu&« o f T h a a " , ...... ,.8t. Agnaa lltoO A m. Morning WomWp. cars/.’ ate. But to thla as in many othar UiingA Mbadiaat 'uaa o f them. 1^0 Wooing or OB Hoailnig Offertory—"MevatioB" Gullmsnt Prelude: "Adaglb" Beethoven. politics haa gotten into a m t The Ideal thing, o f Fill «ii VjllRlir Hymn—"How Firm a Pounda- Proceaelanal Hymn: "Joyful, Joy-, coursa,. would ba fo r each candldata to toy, "Tou brief utterance of that aan- Wa notice, with apma fal. We Adore Thee". y know me 'and you know what I stand for, 1 hqpa tl^nant waa, o f oourao, hailed aa tt o W ...... portugUMs Hymn dismay, that both praaldattUal Posthida—"Consona” Fraseobaldi Anthem: "O Mom of B ea^ y" * ' that you wiU want to vota for ma on tha basis Of Mtallatlo nanaanaa by aome o f our candldatot ara busily angagod to $:00 ‘p.m. Mu Blgnta'Chl maato BibeUua. that knowledga." , iboUata. But thaao raallata need at tho church. Offertory Anthem; "Haric! The But whan a town haa grown as large oa Man- ^ wooing Old Humbug, this natlcn's Vesper Hymn Is Stealing", Run- aoi^ havo worried about any graataat one man praosura group, WanIraiMt TiMi Wook cheater it isn't always poosiUo for the candidatea - Tuesday Id O p.m. Burinaat ■im Alr.^ to do thiA Bo 1 would like to aCk you to call me on sBloua a ffort on the pari^of Mr. Barnard Baruch. Hymn of Praise: "O Maatar the telephone (3-180$) I f you' have any questlona hfkaaen to carry It W Hla own Twm Dt Beeibr thoaa a ia f^ b lt weol- ; masting of the Manriiaatar ml Ha la a curioua praaaura group, - Boriaty, at the church. Workman” . about my racord on tha Board of DIrectora or my havo navar once bothered wbooa mission to Ufa is to have It «w for Mw cooi criif dsys alitaA. Bottor got Wadnaaday 8:00 pm. The H ollli- Sermon: ‘Three. BleselBgi", stand, on taaiK A iBoa; hla addlctloo haa bean gsnsrally racogatoad that ho tm Group wUl meat at tha homo of Receesloiud Hjmm: "O Master Let . Ftmn.axperlance hem in Manchaater, 1 know that , tha game o f power poUUca In NkCg Baw by caRinf IDEAL. Oar aidllad Mrs. K itty Byam, 144 Gram Man- Me Walk With Thaa". It is not pbaaiMa for anyone to s a t l^ oil o f the do everything bettor than any­ PosUude: "Poatlude ta CT, Ash­ ltd moat alamantal farm. Hla In- '*a r rood. votem at all Umaa. But contrary to ua baltaTof body else is aver likely to do It. cloaam kkA proaatra will pat yoar wardrobo Tha Chumh school wUI rssui ford. many candidatea. I don't think that the vptera cither tijraat to other peoplea haa been He Bees Cvery 'crisis coming, Ik tiptop abapo. tts aaaslons on -Bapt 81. want, or expect their representativea to try to ba hdmmd purely on the quaation o f praaoribcc for It the aohitton no­ '■ ----r —"— Cbvanaat Oangregntlanal. ' "a ll Uiinga to all n «n .'' p ^ b la uac aad value to ua. body ever wlU adopt; and CaM atop la and aavo 10% for BockvUto Methadlat.ammh 48 Bpraee Btiaat This is tha only campaign pramtaa t oould aver make; I wilt do my best to ba fhlr-mtodad about all aM it la hla toeraaatog diatortlon when, the crisis arlaaa, aiwaira caah aad cany.' - .Bav. Cart W. i Bav,. Q, A, toMar, Par o b to w tho Itaat and highari; alma Pbol FalgA Orgaak tasuaa and conacienUous in asaklng all' tba fmeto on says that ha jtold us ao. Ha to a ovary question. Then I w lii uae aiy beet Judgment ARNOLD KLEINSCHMIDT HENRY J. CORMIER >Wl tist and Con- Blbla Behool 9:48 a m. . the dtlsenA If you would«Uke ma to mpmsant you Servad to tka Air Faroe dortog (be gaaeat 8 yeatA la a mUl coitaaer at Chosay BrsA today than Ruaata ever racommand to his fiUoW. human Caab aad Cany: Giaoa SUamii FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS gragational ehorehsa to a , c ^ (o t all ogto. on this baris, w ill you oupport ma to the Primary Intaraatad ia tax -problaaia paMfe a »- aad ..'St T , TuaadayT World War. latereotad to vstaraas afialm do, halnga a poUcy which can actually nunlOB aarvloa to tha B ^U at Morning Warihlp Sarvica 11:00 aad goad lecsl gaverouaat. peatotaies to Maachaatar. ta no paopla to the world ha put Into affect by human hs- PREI TH INKING (i TRU LY REPRESENTATIVE Church. A m. Bannem *% bat tha Bihia whltti, from^lto, Aebaaon’a Ings. Tsnehaa QouMnitog Lha Holy Bnahtogham Oant mBak mal Oommunion." A fter the asfmon' AR Hovff tbff ERdbnMHHMif » f Local S3 ■f oeoduot, baa any reason Wall, whan Ctawmer Btavanaon Holy Oeouaunlen wUl ba ehnsrvad. KATNERINE b . BOURN toJoMiimi that ha haa regarded It a x m i n d e d Bandar avontog aarvtaa 7:16. A l Ara Infcrasrai la A Moifar Pfoa Por Monchwrar Por Tba Naxt 10 Yc was ta N fw Toric. ba had to eaS a e a m e e * T C IV IC • Bov. Ph M p B t Raaa- paopls, rather than aa a po- on Otd H ^b u g, and they had a Orgoa Vasaam aad 7H> laagaplr- P O t attak tod Vy Carl Johaoen sad Evfryooa Shoald Yota la Local Prioiarict ooil EIccHoot > to tha davalopmant pleasant tlmo togaOiar. But Old •uaday, Bapt 7: FOR 1IUNSP'. k «VM -V ' i' lTCSVWT-SSW rtr*-v5sa;^tS^un.'=iv:=


Boy—What peotUM doM your para be left in the containae. ua- brotliar pUy 'da Uht football Um ? Ui______taken out by the purchaaer. The itetIffiTiiiRles Tom orrow Qlrl A_jio*t of sroucboA-hPDt .yraseet praoUw ^ w r^ p taf ol* ■ WHERE ARj^nf gara tndtvlduaUy in ceilophana or “^iviHan Life H Too other aanitary materiale decreaaea , Slfnboarda in public placaa acpm . w thenaad for auch proviatona. No WEST POINT F i v e to attract anynka who haa'a p i^ ^^22225? levo- 0.1. ^ . u , w n«p JT v i2 *JT l!i O usted [Cadets H ave D iscovered — C R faE ilS ?. pmall Indiana town, and before n y ragulation mg y makaa tt iUogal to ‘ ___ official notice, could be poated, a iWQih~ qotthey> box to wMeh ^ 'B A L F * ' nlAltter paamd. Saeinc Ita blank* >pM or requlraa daalan to ...... xenira-k.xiirii.il P ^ ^ s Score 6 to 5 Axesetatei FrtoS 1 he wQMte iuM b ^ ' tha box tojpaablo euohnn- fe o n o ir a NOTBt This ia ' -Z.J > ICMk They laughed'!*hrSSLiym m ' ^ali,'* and aifnad hia name. A faW- M i'lb plek out tho'^'tfala thNB- dMpnteltas mt ns with Hrnee offer. wIMr al­ W in Over M iller’s other day wKfftft Lho D ttB«^ ' jrer, reading the mintater'a. note aalvaa. . ^ Unitod S ta te Treaa- In » dmamtte hntoMi. report Xow I'm fuinffcT ia had tortad aeldi • • ' 'i aAdad, *T plead for aU." Then .a ury Oepartmeht aaya: ‘I t ia bald of what baa -happened te the A m* iootbftJX'*— . m ai'x Driv#-ln eliminated "ff toi will It asain i m doctor ad M , ’1 preacribe for all.'’ that wharo a cigar daaler makaa West Retail eadeto alaea their : yiva enrolled — Malevte. Hart. Miller’* Reetaurant from tha pie will commit suio'' Axommon citlacn reaiAnc the aalas to a cuatomoc and takaa a uiiglertana ' ilentlaeel a year KAYMAL/yASh : end John McShulakla of Xoemey, Rat Softball playoffs last night Toda y Dodsar r maaaacea. added hia own. It aalA handful of Cigara from a box in •go 'ia 'the crtbMag ecaadal. gX-WB§r POINT, ' N. J„ guite Bob Voloontno of at t e Chitrtar Oa|t L ou by but nobody's thinking •AkOd I pay far tt all, including his ahow caaa, lays .tbam ea te> Their etorlee are told la werda »X‘ kAMtA0 gw ra, Paeedle, N; J.. and guard Ed Sta- gaining a 4 to "S declaion. Wae off the Brooklyn----- _ thia apace." of the caaa for tho cuatodier to a te eketehea by Murray Older- BX-MIPPIPttPPI hura Of Indiana, Pa. Gene flllpeki WiUie Bevertey beatad Jerry THE DODGERS, who make hie aeiecUon, and ratuma fh* niaa, venaUle aporta writer- 6 T A T 6 .gave it aertoua thought before Ctegnon oa, the mound. Joe 13 1-3-game lend to t e In acfvlaf cigara dCalera uaually una^ cigara agmijt to the bOx, nrUat far NEA Service. . [.choosing VUIenova. Heihmpk Herb Thompaon homered for the last year, lead their arch i there ia no violation of any intar- -} Joluison of Eendy, Ore., becked wtnnan. ^ six games but their eomfi \ offer the entire box to let the cua* \ By MUBRAY OLMDBMAN tomer make ^ hia own aeleotion. nal revanua law or regulation. < down to get married, tbep woe In Tueedny night (it 4 i t t e I margin iwuld be reduced Many poopla taatteya this practice New York—(NBA)-7-T h e waa- - a aertoua auto eeeklent—which O iirter Oak Lota Dect’a will { game by Tuesday merftlag. i» due to the fact that a federal To everyono wa wiah love In mwiuat haa aeiaed aeveral of the ended hia football caraor. meet Frankte’e to t e first of a On|pr to narrow t e ga l[ame the Giants will _ law makea it lUeg^ to return ci- every breaet, liberty In evefy. dtintfseed Weat Point football crib- ' Now only McShulakla'and Sta- bast out of throo gamee aertae gafs tb'tke box after they have heart, and learning in every liead. hura will play. The latter first en- ter the pUyeff ohamplenship. I weep a five-gams serlaa < been removed. There aeema to be bere. Five have flitted from one rolled at Illinold with a big fan­ et the P ^ Orounde today vmB a no reaaon for the practice other Piieoner In cell (throwing down echool t^x|wther alnce leaving the fare ef puhitetty but iwttehed to doubleheader, n a y clash tYiC ringle gama Sunday and cNff "It's th« man Imtinct atarting^^o thow upl” than the deaire of deaieip. to megeatne)—^Dem It. nothing but Acadeipy. x K-8tats when he found out he ^N•tai Hehenlhel CharBa Keeney avoid handling cigara. unleaa lo­ continued etorlee and I ’m to be would be Ineligible for two yeare the viul eertee wfOi a (ten avlUen life has ita plttaUa. too, at the Big Ten school. tMrt'n bill Monday. 'V. cal aanitary lawa require that cl- hung next week. .-they've found out. ■ i Urn morty-giHrente was in tall Durojher'a enthuaed^ A caaa in point ia Ray Halavast, lulled within six fame* . OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE nAire: rwinao^f^oy) pifypf p; who typified the footbaU'fevcr that swing when Velennino pnWed eat •OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS '■iv-i' of K-ainto^ntlHLen».iHelLjtoget tadftra yaatordsy, b« “ -^r-.—— 7—--' 'Anaww W P iietse "PBllte pervaded- Weet- Point,/Vi»- wee *n Philadelphia r «. ell-New York metroteliteifi area hemeelch end went to [Htri-H6H^VM&W*tlSTAH MAJOg. hf WIA lc«, Still another ewlteh- wae made Brooklya suffered a- ‘ Morykuid M wings guard at Clifton, S ./3 ., high echool by Al Conway of Avondale, Mo., a at the hands Of (ha ” W h«t waa my wWa do^ Hi* knee, while. Vs_ of Kaneae State offered him a U ltfiO X S D ill I 'l e r e e , K^ney wlll he an t e moand-tar Aneheater•r it J, Otianw 14. Ths triumphs Wytt’J HNawaat 30 Maryland ia 43Waah lightly "Ju st hortlng around." explain­ Then, at the lipmatlon of former cbanca to continue hie atudlea Teaaerrvwi nty'^Beef "Frank I------: Coach Bnglleh’a combine and lyraeuM• i. salUmar* 0. t e Yonlta Iaa4 to i d (alang) there if he'd coach the guards Leahy.- BTAinHNOS t e bombara dlaSMi'd ISGotoip ISPaca nicknamed 4SLori( of hair ed Bay. "Now I'm ruined for foot- Army coach- Mnrray Wenneth, aeveland. Sept g —W t—"I had < Norm HohenthSI will be hia catch- ItTierra dal the**------(Scot.) to hit a hiul pitch to do K," Luxe er. Kevls wUl .cennter with Ron­ sr to te Fhltattlriil* ISPMghtan - ' M diaei nie Simmons end Jim Mansggtn. PH. OBL Bastof’s tkrat»ti4l ' l^lego |Mian ■uddenly SUte" 4lT1buron Boater said today while dlaeusetog iMny m S3 Entertain Indian for which he had Waited Cherias BOggtoi and Dich Oobt nsheMtea N fourth innldg ftsnausfsH ITDIvlaianof M Dance atap will lead the two teams of 14-year the calyx airmten aumptuoualy 43 Light brown THE D ykes R allies, B eats X years. ►adln* ...... H H 05U II—with two aboard olds to the second game geaing laetaty ...... « . ItCard game lacufiriy 34 Click beetle 51 River in » ...... II Switnrland firat ha had Sver clouted underway at SiSO. Jnek NMfitind Mditon, M , to Jts i its SOTruagiOnlom . (cdLV SSEtenUty...... off the ifttchthg. o( Ctilcago’a BiUy or Eddie Wojcik will ta ln r the atreshtm ttO o if term Beraid Angte Pierce. A n d"te time etmoet made mound for t e Roggtnimen with mspori Rod 40*' 13 Number (pL) 4-—J T u r i i e r i n 1 r 4 1 4 r - r V ■ ■ - the wait wertit while. It produced Mike Beeaviteh behind the plate. Cuban Raul SaieMs. m a i l l t ^ MVipen r /' ■y all tha runs ta lt i ^ t aa Clave- Dick Cobb can ehodee hie starting first big Magus sta itT w e d d lriP vT BARLW.-YGBT New Tortt Sept. OHl|i huriarfrom A flni trto coniritmi hiMsf...... ------U L toa ” ■ H A IT 7 ^ Taad trimmiKt Ylie^W *^ .miladalphta ..Iladelphta ...... 1 -.- 8perte~BSItor Turner win get a retuwtfreck a t ; and moved to wttMa f 1-3 gomae of Kenny Irieh, Bob Peerton or Chleatn ., fv *w Just a jrsn^—- fiffs^thn ^5sd|psp*'SS4 WGibboa » e Bobby Dykaa In Philadalptala next Pennsnt Races of first place New Torit' Hank Eatkowekt. Dana Auetin CInirlimatl (Hants wart In tha ' ' tlS tek / . ."The bell wae ao cloee Light Will don tho catching tools ioetnnOffinn f • « > • sev t * s as ^ A L L E Y O O P S Raad It, Kida! BY V. T. HAMLIN month and if the return ts any-, FIMaburfli.^.imj ^ today. Both nCompaM le « H 1 SHOTS HEBE AND THEBE don't take the ^ At a Glance It on the handle but real aolilld,’’ U andhitd M / thing Ilka last hlght'a thriller, j ’.BUT poipt i 1 World Champion Loe Angeles their youngaUre t e Indian firet baaaman eofttta- (aw ira^b - hetdtognaii »«Y. LOOKIT THAT PLANE ) HC e o m e TO mtalTognMla Queher City fight fane ere in for a ued. "I hit that fella pretty gndg fi*ye(and THBIfi AH8 jugrcoM E pir...y Be POiKnNQ w a n n Rams of the National Football and the best way to help them en- toibMnatMi ElOHTM-1 . l*NO M J^lab month - League win play the New York joy w rxiM iji treat.. ^ B y The Aasoelstdii Prfias but right at eomebedy meet a t t e leatn MAaC I OTHCR S » n r off w % P GianU a t the Polo Grounds....on.... J ™ " ® * . Dykaa, a alx-foot 1 ^ of bones National Jtoagne time. He'i a good pitches though, L ocal Sport Phiiaadphiailladi ...... ri CUst JtoriWff j t t wjpflB i 'M m (comb, form) § ■-/ Thursday Mght. SepL 18. Other For the »«verito attalght year with a sttng in aacR hand; Toand and tough Ter me like werybody ^Koia'V.'.V.V.'.’.V 8 wtra to* d*4MUr 40 Land parte H So Giant home games this season are tha BMton ^ ffqm behind at Madison Square Brooklyn . T8 44 .444 — 34 elec.’’ / , Garden to gain X narrow, spilt ten- C j h d t t e r SetNt ...... L. 44 ;Ui r OtaSU’ conqisaatn g S S t W m 43 Heavy blow i scheduled against the Chicago ance has p a ^ t e m U ^ ^ r k . i New York 74 53 .400 4 34 Eaater le an expert on how \ - laWmaNeai tuag a m e k a g h 44MahainnHlden R tt. Cardinals Oct. 19, Philadelphia It a too bad t e ri^val Boston round dsetrion ovsr t e 31-year-pld Remaining garnet; lough t e Sox eouUipaw con be. loalreat with tw« nut a»4 title f Eagles O ct 3fl, San Francisco Bravea can't boast of the seme PhlUdelphla Negro. It was a s lv , Brooklyn at Horn# (14) Boston For 87 straight times—from mld- LEO BARRETTS t t is preaUient of n s S6 abnaid to win toavffffftos^^ 40Prongi IT * 1 1 49er| Nov. 9, Green Bey Packers ‘ attendance feat. The J J * tier aU the way and an unset. Tur­ 3, CMcAgo 4,,CMKtonaU 3, Phila* aaason f984-unUl -last -menth . t e Britiph'American Ghita'- Dart Ths vsUran battagydf ~ r “ TE.-' -Whailn^ton' Redaklnal th* *poorest drawing team in tha ner was t e 8 to 5 favdnte. I Pierce horae-eollared him. Then Laague. AuMto Btssell ft vies 4TROOC Snial <16 P dslphla 8, PItUburgh 3, St. LOult 3. ton and Walker ' an Wind o( palm s r t t . s Dec. T, and aeveland Browns Dec. I major leagues .. Pitcher Johnny TiM two weitsrwetobt contend­ Away (4) Boston 8, New York 4. laet month Easter got a single preeident, Jimmy McCullough, sa<- ers had signed to mqer to a return retary, and Tommy Blovtne, treas­ major lsagus ds i i ‘ 14. . .Next Friday night from. Undell of t e Hollsrwood Stara^of New York et Home (31) Boate from Pierce and last week he nit Sti^rid'.'.'ir.VyK (ti‘ M ,414 Lshman. wuson siitiUd______h Madison Square. Garden teevee jtha Pacifle Coast League haa won within to days and George Kats. a triplt against him at CTilcago. urer. Six teame with eight to 10 ’NUtArsUAMES a n trained at - V _ m 3, Brooklyn ff, Chicago 3, Cincin­ to six Mta to galniMr Hs llOl lfto* T. M. IMf. «. •* PM HK i fight fans can expect to view t e moat valuable player h o n ^ , Un- Turner’s manager, arid hU beaten nati 8, - Philadelphia 8. Pittsburgh Last night tha big Isft-handsd players on each team will Start ■R * ^ gladiator witi he .toady. Dykes -H eeriofarto-p,-sir). tofy ahd tm *f W tWi - 10-rCTinnt bout bitweob mWdlt- i ^ell won "2f t t iHHt 3, St. Louis E Away (8) TBIUdfl- Infielder -h it We 34th- fepr-heae play la- Octehar, Thw toasttw has said he'd be happy te oblige. blow of t e aeaaon. scheduled matchee ovary Friday aibenr. stngtsa to : M illar of oMe. t l areighta Sammy Giuliani of Stem- with the Stars. He le the same phia.8. , , wan ''tts "ta « S -v-taltorll? -- foM'aiiff'Hafdia Green- T"7Wqiil' “ -fiilow who -played t e oattald Tee ‘*WfTHvN4>V1BU»Wl»d low trajectory—juat "Ncleared the etoan Sunday morntef at 10 aell|'^ (3d) and Lanisr (M l) er Heern Kusavn and J s m » .s i t t n w ai BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ReaUy home town. ' ’* aeveland TT 01 ATO 3H 19 light field fence come 340 feet tha Tanka at P h ttW lfita RBISIm BY EDGAR MARTIN will not be televised. . .Annual indefinite period with a broken Rgmatotof games: o'clock at the Charter Oak LPU pre-eeaeon,preas football meeting- finger.. Diaay Dean claim# with Friday's hout was teiacsst na­ away. - ...... ' ♦ ■ ■ for the "Uvem and fril}'- solfhaR U-l»l< walhad Ahraa S ’iih rttfi 4hrtB.* 6CAM0«BCV» 4 t PUMtrESCllM/ gBUCmiilF Philadelphia 8, S t Louts 3,. Wash­ PKisLsirurfh at ill Louis — (BlgM)— TO T\VV T W R Mb O L«nRlT> MDOSiL. A IMMMbATTS^.Btn sucy necticut wlU be host to the scribes Siegle of the Travelers reports fightera’ atylaa, figured to be good would apear I t > ^ . OIckaoB»B (14-1) jr« Heddix (i-l), tlb-breskiag run. S h m ^ .lla b m ANP 0vrrr9norAiitt-wSi»eM TMIPPIKM —and it was. Both fighters and t e ington 3. son then walked to fesM m ss* His AMAIZA 'bcn.RW M CTA OITVCL d M O ^ . M b O ^ ra------sm iT , yMRIcmiOtoS CMb on l\ir^ay,.Sept. 18. .One-time the Red Sox have been using three, All three got hite on a eertee of ILLY MANDLY and BUI AaMfiMa EirHMeTr MAP tHO V M T — j t o promoting International Boxing aeveland at Home (17) Boston o h lea n ti D»trrit--: ibfon (131),v/ wtanlhg'. rnuatifi ' AMR ^KflhM* tANPAT PUATS TNfc TROTW agalMifc'Marciano. . .Tale Issued ceiving medical treatment and (3) leee until t e t fourth,I. Then AvUa honora^toTte Rockladga Invita­ victory sad SHffaf toa’siiapn avsf invitations to 103 football candl- the player# commuting, hetwean share of the TV-rsdie reacipts plus 3, Chicago 3. Away (3) Detroit 3. elngMled down t e third line. WaMIngUm—laJriii > another- couple of- thousand aaeb tion xistociL «a Meereea- ite ^ r— "dataa; tw r fill; Coacb Jordan OIL Boston aiW LouUvnr*.. Attimngh D « ^ let on# nitch go by and belt BaMaa-«(l)-~ich*ie . — r-r-yrShrr^T^ .> var haa 23 lettermen back at Tale. Wrtgley Field In caiteago.ia t e out of t e gate. LONG T n fB b e t w e e n ed the second Into right field for . —...- i31) va tarsi-lell CandUatea hail from 24 of the 48 only park to the m s l^ Without Turner. In. suffering the second another stogie. After that came }}f and Nixon (4-4). defeat of hU young csrser after VJffPIBES ^etiatihg their ssrv- fslatsaUesal states, plus Hohplulu and Wash­ Itghta the Cuba expect, to go over Baton' Rouge, La.—(NBA)— Beater. . . . ices for Stotday’ax Alumni Little Suffria at ipriaaieie. MAJOR UAGU* ington. D. C. . .Quick reports, the minion mark to paying fsa# winning 83 atralght, needed two Louipiana Stats tnd Kentucky, Wally WeetUke doubled after League doublteadtotetade Wally, "A stern football ia the most ele­ again this aeaaon.. Rookla pitch­ stltchea to sew up a cut over hia members of -the aame conference . that but Pierce retired the aide be- Forte Earn Vacaatl,ite*Ue wn probably wUt not be tagging deaidA " c5n«Ao ~tiiate'‘t i ^ PcT- ■ ..IMIX.JiAY...IrtOxtseman te lM te f ar all.'nic ctato^ mlttod to tiee ui* rubber bail only National League. weighed 141H for. OavUiia. Deci’a suffered a fractured left STILL It was Dykis* aavenlh iStralght goOiT that he ,win, ta reality, be | through the special permission nf ankle in a JAoent Rac Softbalil BtAucii.eiAur.Ai^ Ttalery t'n ft M i*"T y*’* >* "p*** ...... Plil-J l ihbtL...-.|.tl>ei<;.. coBfatanca.presidents...... Ia.i ■ -Ito; * •**gi(t-ffania^ tbt TYmrlfr IMrtOMOintOWiBllLT FROM ONS OP OUR. dsetate to Gavilan to Fsbruary. « *• sstimatsd by te^mamifse-T leagtia'dilbut, Georgia TecTech Lota. ‘ ' ‘ xnr*- ' LlkTBR MAVSE NG spies a r t e t His record now Is TS-T-0. 'te e r that the Volt rubber foot-{detaated______. Louleiane State by to 37 ' I SporU Mirror bell, having proved Itself to btgjy, both teams. esp«e<»Hy CTtvaiaeSaes ssS CRUMPlT . '*Turnar is one of the rougbaat MILLER’S BEmAUEANT and IMaviuTe (I miaalx. Phil, 1S4; - nsyaolgSax . HUTj T ^ a - * flfh tan I've met." said Bobby. tima compstitkm test ysar, wiU be Tech, eald they thought It wae a t e Garden RaeUuraat will meet N*tr Tork. I ’ras. Ctavriasd,la a d u i; Today A Year Ago—U B. folfto* "He’s easy to hit but ha's so speedy used to aoraethlng Hke lOJIOD gr^it inventiM. to a aoftball gama Sunday nwrntni Ctarde vs. Doflgemutl-Memorlal Oercla, ^*<*1 IM. t 0»N 6 t e S t t r ! defeated Canada, 104, to an Inter­ gaM this ytar. r^ ng from ^ baH i,* , bwm Pfsid. UUOCE^ It's h a rd .to 'g e t in a real solid i t 10 o’clock at the Charter Oal Baalns—til Larit. O O N 6 national match preceding Na­ high school thfougb thk National nmde offletnl by an the nation’s iuaday. Seipt. 7 Klu*i*ir*kl. ( ffMt. I wasn’t knoekod down in t e LoU for the Restaurant Laague Alumni Uttta Leagua doubie- d i n s tional Amateur golf tourney. •fth. I t was a push. I felt tick to Protasatonal League. It wae used lending .eeganlantlens, .iatedtog. Crown. . - SraoUrn tsS Five Tears Ago—S t Louis cut in aidy about LOOO games last header. First game at tilA —Char­ SehMndKasl.M. i------t uimi,—, .MS. OONS/V the sixth rounoL maybe from t e t e NnUonai Ooneglnte Athletle- ter Oak Lota. Sura — SoMnsoa. “ StaridyB oehtaB asO Brooklyn's lead to. eix games by ssesen. Aeeectntton. and Its nee will be Htmux. '81. Lraia, II; Lock;:10MB. NSW lunches and msyho from t e steak DODGEItn a n d CARDINALS . Taaaday> Esfft 4 defeating Ctoatonau..44 os New ate earlier. But I usually feel After years of axperfanentatton. contingent eialy spon 'the eonsent wui cleeh to a Uttta Laague baser otk, M; tiuslri. SL UMl*.xTh T hMMk ^ A *'* York beat t e Brooks, 8-2. Mm mnlMM of t e rnMiar baS have Decl’s v i Frankls's, 4—Cbartor Jreoklrn. M. '- T ...... ” sick ones of twice in a fight of t e oppoeing eenehee. Among bell game this afternoon nt 4 Oak. Tbn Tears Ago—Ted Williams. aneeseied hi .mnteMng t e eM rm Booton’a prep eehoota, to give an O’eldek et Memorial Field. Winner Moe Gherxi (aboveT of New Brit­ Thera was nothing wrong'with SnMa tantiter apheroM te siKb a ain, ouUtanding New England Red Sox'slugger, led the Ameri­ him at t e finish, though. axtranm example, Ito nee wW be >*111 kaln aecond round honors to rmqer, PlaiitvUle and U8CRC cir­ can League to hitting with .849. rinmrbalil* degree t e t It appnr- mnadatory. So It will also he the- American Littla. Lsagus and HiU-tinriri. IIS: fithe^ cuit point leader, win pit-hia dar Twenty -Tear# Ago—Ellsworth snUy ta dIfftouM to toll tftiqn apart among nil high eeheeta. Junlar eel- dUari, at Lasix. IW) kdxaM,' '.Qn- gONBS o m s AWARD by feel, oohS ae et e r wtae. They the right to meet t e ' Red Sex, Rookies of the Year legaa snd inmU eoltagea In t e first round srinntrs, next wsak, rlnnati. ISX; LockaMR, Nxw Tark. IN; ■■’s j Gabriel Lavine, Philsdalphla. 4-1. paea the aame, kick tha aame sad AxhburR. PhlUdriphla. Ul. - „ V IC FLIN T Takins The Bait BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY B U G S B U N N Y .field of drivers when a big com­ Shawnes-on-iDsisWare, Pa.,. Sept. bennaa t e same. If wa have net State ef WnshlagtoB. - '-r In Black and White bination stock car racing program 4-0, A-10. 7-0. in a third-round 4—(Ah—Bbbby Jonas,, t e grestsat The Voit . Company,- which FIGHTS FRIDAY' NIGSHt iAMC n-wr, ‘TMia la raA CH BaYiirir HB Mgr rr MiteS0T1DMoaHmTfHBiBPIIUN6-THI match, of tha National Tennis Steffi affipIdBMAlv PffSSW^BWa (.WpkU, H; SaotrtthM an M: tisax- featuring a 80 LAP MADCAP (imstaur golfer of all time, hat rd- pioneered all manner of rubber Mailbag yeatordsy included a nxT. Phlladrisbia, H. LOaBNEO CAUJgO. X Hah/B LOCKaff arbaeeiaM 6A L0M 7 TanruMbAiBounaR' r ppNfT M B M r m a . t s r w « « SPORTSMAN and a 28 LAP champieashipa. So why change? WaH for one (AirTHArrdLAVMf “ celved the first Frad .Waring thing, it soems that t e rubbar sports artlctaa; says that .every New York—Bobby Dykto, 1 0 1 , tatter from Jim O'Brisn of 144 Tripwe-i^Tbeaiexa, - Mjtm I t e aUFBUAUWKBT W teaa ------MODIFIED, ^ ptus a specUeular, school to the Pacifle Onaat Oimfer- kqsix, PhiUdtlshta I >C«TCH0E»N- y g yMR^ i f g ^ Sportsmanship Award, sat up as ball shads water batter. It gets Miami, Fla., out'pototed Oil Autumn street with his nom- Loolx. t; KluxaxwxL daring "D gaioM nO N RACE" to- "a means of fostering and perpe­ race has bought its footballs for Turner, 150 1-4, Philadelphia (10) Ineee for rookie of t e year voivieff 4 cart tomming, smashing, wet, but (t doesn’t absorb tha mois­ (osr slasxra Uxd_«lUi 7 i tuating t e spirit, t e totegrito xnd ture snA take on Wright. Never the coming season, and that the . San Diego, Calif.—Eddie Wit awarda in , the National and Ho»x Suas^Jtaqxr- crashing each other until only one,^ t e hoiwr of golf." Jonas, who at Washington Husklra will use-one Hams, 144, Tucson, Arls.,- out­ American tnague.^ , Klnar. pmxborfk. car rematos Vudhtog.' la staged at becomes waterlogged, 'rae makan ton, ISi Ofiooa, | t e age of 34 to 1430, aeprad golf- In their opener. In the South, they pointed Chu Cfiiu Jimenes, 14|, Jim’e letter rimito, "Beating Sm Iob. QUqsecxn^., the Plainvllla Stadium, tomorrow claim t e t one of them can ha dom’a grand slam, wiiintog the used right through s game when say it will be used by Alabama, Mexico a t y (10). t e ruih of oplnloiis, here to my ThoxnMn, Nxw T j^ J night Staning at 4 p. m. Thia is British and U.8. Opan and amateur Vanderbilt, Duke, North Chroltoa, one evaat you won't want to mlaa! Pitching: Barty Wynn, Indians the duclu are flying low and give eelactlon for baaoban's rookie# _ don, 84; -.-Pitchad a four hit 3-0 vlottry titiea, ircepted the award from precisely the senM performance to Tenneseee and other leaders.. The WHITE SHIRTS FRKB . of tbe yeer right here in "Black Axhbsra,. ' 80 top MARC midget drh’ers pass-happy Soutirweat Conference from New York. Connecticut. Mas- over Oiteago, enabling CIsvelahd Francis E. iCUiott chairman of the the last 4|usrtsr t e t 13 gave In t e and vnate." to pull to within 3H nm ea of Now National Old Masters (Lwards Oom- first. also is claimed aa a oonvsrt, as Pueblo,' (taio.—( ^ —Pueblo of Black ta Joe Black, aee re- ttaS: . aachuaetts and Pemuylvanla - will well as fteveral teams of t e Mid­ t e Western Lesfue held a sp4» saek top priag moiiky when t e York's pacs-sstting Tanksss mlttse. Some 300 golfen and Among amsller schools, partieu- Uef pitcher ef te Brooklyn friends attending t e National (Rd tarty, waers money sttu la soma- west Conference, cial mra'a night this season—aU Dodgare to t e National Laague !K ? t e r JON Marr A ffBOEirr piAffvt Batting: GUn^ Hartong. Giants M0, Boiltr. - rr M16HT TBU. lOtiWHO IT --Slammed two-run tero-out piMb- Masters and Bill Waite Memorial thinir to treasure, |h^ toui prove WlUiln five years, the rubber males wearing White shirts were while White is Sammy Whlta ^•tiiheent^ vuna THAir MATBP HPA hit -homer in- eighth inning to In ' diampionahjp TournamanU atten- quite an iteip In the course of a ball booaters predict, you won’t i admitted free. ^ Tlie -home towR of. t e Amsrtcaa Lsagua Bos­ titaxitlt Let ■NoueH i e wu. m x . adalts 31.00, ahtldren OOo tax to- New York to 3 4 victory or dim t e cetomeoies last night ,at t e -rubberjbber paopta point be able to find a loather fbotbaU lD o^ra Obliged by beating Lin- ton Rsd Box. cltiMdr F to t paiitiBS. • .V gffato. Bm anA' Country CSut^ eoL T m uss only asm •ban peo antolds te trofta^'eoMs.' eoSiS-4.^ ...... I III R i I- . I

. t;.' '7.'-'; ' ' •4' ' ■ X. ■ 1; ^ Vrfgi.eiw •»•■»><*»■ ■V, t ...... ■ '.V -

X iiAMCHBsnar ] ). MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER «, IMS MANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALD. MANCHBSTEB. CONN^ SATUEDAY. EEFTPiBER 9, IH t 78 SnbiirlNui for Jale 75 #1 RmiBiBwHimnt Bemd M , JiiM iRi ta r Sals... for Sail 71 Hmm m f«r Ssls 71 Lots for 8sk HooMliold Gf WAXTKD — A earpaatar. Waa 4IM- ■ ______hast with conveeton, oil filed, leautifully Isndscsped kt _2 !l5 !______For- - *.l h*i wl».-. _ Offtfwl ll-A Kaaaht, Mb Cbatar atraot rbaaa ao altarattaa job at Ptoiakorot S ROOMS PURNITURB TOReEMBtS • t 9 m swawB a A smn|«M Mf Kid ruily tgiilpr**- BuoUnt ■B sopper idptag, near nsw with 100’ frontsirt* Beason-|wxnr ruhb -•Peai.awia briek MkneMMtr, Notfbborbood bualMM. tT7A araMHT. Mbg. bodroom suite, NaUonony m o o p a ja ra . Owner- TM tMnjM ».< jm A y iK Q iMinw. iMth JkM» jcaowa-Uytag room- OUita,. Jl. taaoa„ muORHED TWO raont Apori* - - — heme to very- Sae eendlttan. Fine t BOLTON—Hew.,- expendable Cepe .ItaHi cTWblie, o) Modorato Ibvaatamt ; iwpitoad. XOflAM M Slgaat. easa iaab hold, dtaatta aat "Waatlaghouaa” Bloc- BMot AduMa. Not privata loceUoo. OU buntag fnraaee, .ex*) Ood< four room* completed. la- Mid t«ni cMbWc, Iwiiry nwt, r o t bifonuUob call Hartlard f* W A N nO -lviSll' "or part" Uaw lieK.heater.ead>, hMidbcgi. r«f«li«d, ilpf«r grocery elcriL Can t-tM i be* or aad-porta lanaaa. AU aaw. Aloo trie Raf., “WasUnghousa” Lum- irggD p a b HCAU. wtth nw«ated daneo. Phoho S -im . Farr AppoliAppointment ARTHUR A. XNOFLA •aaetoa epeoe. tmaeffete oesu-t ditoet 'oil beet erteeUh woU, tUe PAVL a, tpn.. HaacbriRar ^Immima" mattraaa and box eO 0 .H i«tb Awndte ditvo. '.IU .000. Kbcftag Co. aturdyrs'Crinoota tree tad, f 11 ta- ■prtag, 6 lam ps,'T eotartan taMe, boriaoni gtrix NM poeeh' M.4M od to aril'Per tartber thfarBa' ride trom'ManWtatar. Ctatt l- jBOL'Itm-N«w rwt i HIgb poMtMillttaa for right awa. pnm$am isoMiaaic^ Man eaMChailee lAaperakse, Man- Oed -wtth • expandable etlta. oil nuAT r m i m houmm « m o w tuaaoiiabic Invaatiaaat tagiHrad. aUUad. Oril s-Mee. S and Ubleg amokar, ptetures and yard. Wril heated, all attUtlea aad TWO'TBNBMEHTS, Sata, I aad I, j 4*W ______, ■bbdM bWd* t« MMUIlhh All a p w niapla bedroom aat Tou can SSIT. ei^_wa|taOT. IS Gar lea atraat Inriy riMator*'SfSK • beet, tUa betb wtth ahowOT. erte- ^ ■ V -I I I a r» ■ HHU,^taytivt»R10t, triCtr M m ftr w Jod»«.-’-r—' ‘ — 7-*. i (Mi tm g o To , * 4mr;ramrm9« ibdtil tMkatten 1SiliW 0~r iaw Wantag. Apply i t boy olk'br'tilt' partially etow tunrathout. Mur bui sten etott. ’'it aem 6f lead - wW« ' Xeiate «4tT aftM-1. "Philo" Elaetrie Raf.. "Bengal" v K w T v n ti, rental tastni- for Rerit 44 CherTaa Laepereaee, Meaebeeter' 870t. ^ e*Ut.> te ti Hglp W aatgA-rgaigk U typaa o ( earn/.'IHlloa Salaa and gar'a T.V. Open thors., and Fri­ combination range, ‘ •Norge” wash- Pine reel den tliri eeetlon. _ o n o lfR l.-. meata. Roeta. SMitea, Btrtaep, INr'Vttli DNma Hear has bad ecbooU Oartten W. SISO. SaMembtr, Itlf. St ten roll BAtB~Or WUI trade for a riortBt*—-NarMrigg WAlTiUUg WantcA Apply In par. awwied. S it Makr atraat. day *tU IdM, gaturday 'U1 I. tag machine. Modem bedroom ~ Ieth & PROPEdSTONAL OOleo In itea- Xm'aeedlate Pfoporty 7oT8hl4 'f4| WRnto4—Real Estato 77 *aahh. nttM P»^te'~ coupa -.-IMl Packard 4.door suite, S plaee inperaprlng Uvlng gttndii M aeaeamriin. Mei ehoster. BxeoUsnt lecadlqn tor a Hutchtaa. ntaoe 111—r-’fSS4. ______Two bodfooro ___ OLADIOU BOUQUBtS •> Praolt. aon. glUi City Dinar.. 041 ~ racteiT trataad rapairmaB. Ward MAH^HnutrST Munlclenl mtiliiAx iO I aedaa. AU aaw tirac. Aadla and LOAM POR gALB, llO par load room suite, 5 piece Baka-A-Ltta doctor or pediatrician. .Batlm bouM. bppper'tuWng. city waUr I f OUR ROOM o o | tt* e j0 o m p »^ N" Im util the anoe u teVs ly cu t Obotea ranatlaa. Wood- atraat. 'dalivoNA Can 71M< between I g S S ? I t WalBut. I W . ICAPB COD—Ita SalriMd root . ------i „ .- .7 - , ■ 'CONStUERINO SEU4NO Inx »m lh«'#Rw*ne» W two baatars. tfaw aagiiM rritb Help Wintad—Milg Dinette set heavy Inlaid, "gaoly’ suite now being air condltlcned. and sewer. Hear bus aad - eobooL - - -furaiehofLOaof — - ——- - t o UR PROPBRTT7 tralion eoMtnit vUJi OardeM, IM Woodlaad I. Omtact T .' J. Croekett Ageney. BXFAHDABLB Chpa Cbd i tile betb, Srapleoe, targe kUehea, utnttKnt.of belr* MO arflta. Call J ill. || WANTED _ party tlaw or Fegigle 37 mattraaa and box spring, "Alax- daranre, hot water ett heew MMI prtittiNttrtMHWL teuiwdlBts tot too X ISO. A reel buy.At'SS.- Priej. .Without oUlgattpn to you, we atraat. Phono MT4. dally; to bake poxtriao. Apply in ander-Smlth AxminsUr mgs, Phone MIC 800. Carlton W. Hutohtaa.ihlM. Phono 1 WUllmantte g-STM — 1 - 3 0 7 1 . (,lwiu approtae or talbo you a cash 'bulien,.end 4hke IMI MOfWL. A r o t k Oood run* UgED FURNACE oU burner. In WemdRt Apt«el~FBiB #7 twaoRy le r ^ eebtast kttekea, eeeupaSi^. Aaktag glSdOO about paraon. bilk C ty Dinar, 141 Main table lamps, aitvarware. alao a 3 llS-g-TSM . le ir a r J o c propwiy. Boo ue before ntaig coodHIoo, ITA can Obvoa- good eondttion. Kaltb 'Puratturt lace mapia sofa bad sat Tou can ' I A m OOHDmONRD oOea apace " iriNT. Riepleee, hetshway, ale- 13.100 dMrit Bwarte Raal' Batata, known 4e be ent*iwa*e O L A m ou m . Vary raoaonabla at atraat. HELP WANTED to horvaot t»> Company, 4151. gas Mr, JohnSoa. Non remwiietten eerews and Maaehoiter SS74. BaAerd I- try i-m a , Sm Boab HUI Road. ManchoaUr. uy all or part for rent DMdo to autt. Call tho TWO-FAMILT House Bach Sabtiftoul for Salt 75 you i M*r eirihshMiod ' IN I WXnCK >r gadan (gpooiall, booeo. Phona S-NSl. IsM PUH Oeat. asktag MOO. Can Jarrie Realty Co. Phone 4113. SlSg. ^ RRAE-Bi)RH BEAUTY TnS'e ^py at uil* t radle, baatar, dynaiow. Juat trad­ Phoaa 4SM. O V n C E W O R K BOT’S M” MqWta, ajactranic CAN BE SEEN DAT OR EVE. MartaMttt haw Uvtag room Wttbl BART HARTFORD. 41 . ^ ______Pbone 837$ IMA '‘ai 'din^rnbunrg. APPUCATIQNS ON now briag SHOWN* BT APPOINTMENT 3-lSOL ed for a aaw Hudron. One owner, stove, Baay Spin dry washer, f i v e RBGMR. dtaatta, one gooi^. I DURANT gtrsot—Pear room sin­ Sreplaee. dining room, twin ol Tttgara, club eoupaa. Bseallant Part time, mominti oeeoptad for poriUona ea groeary ONLY — ru« - ' __ -*■___ : lProH E f o r neat, comer Spraee bedroom, cahlael kltoheab Betab-1 Raod^^oS Poibea street IH toom K , » Jii't(n» ot mid .. Madura Auto, art Mato atraa|, traiioportatloo. Pricad to call In HotpoWt waagar. walnut dining em um mwwa grtyame atom ^ streeU AveUehle With erilar aad attte. I hedreMM.1 Sta,.onegle, .one earsir garage, funfuU oellar, loaeb____ style. FbU, bneemeat bot |P6b •nUMPrORTATIOMt IN I BUlCX lupar four door. Ha- ampleyaa. banalta program. riao 40. A> in vary good coadlUoa. I Honaon for Rent ___ tuba. dren; Cleee to now oduioL Hloo roofa and riding. UfwUaM alum- fe r^ but no^ esMntigl. Pleasant working eondHiona in J ew cliy tion. ' oad ptUe each side, steam beet tn «^ Hartford I SMS- ,, two-family bomex For. efficient gant blue Intah. N*w whitewall taun clapboard and eembinatlea can 3-1168 botwoa S and T, hatchway ^ ->■ - condltloa. Tmiaodleto ooeupoacy, . 11*1 OHM .■ ■^ me A-*-L—B—E—R—T— ■ -8 tw tt^ gaagA Blci •baded.Jot I — ------* RuUSi^^l lid riialideitttat eerrico^eall, - A,. ______...... ' tlraa aod.duily agtdppag —Bank Good pay,.plegggni w ork-. of Naw„ Bag(bnd*f itaeet.attd PIV9 IvovTPHWl WMHWi atorm wtadowa and acraanri-Per Wi TOgT; 4iwalar, re- 4S Anyh Bt. HartfbSI M.OOOI caaii MODO. m u tt A buy. Aekiag price 118,300 Piaese ei Reals. Broker, S -m i. gaaneing oo all w y earv; gaa Bob ffaa an im su i eall tSTi. Evantega mMt modem auper markata. Ap­ I l o v e l y h o m e for nat. .ihm- ca n GoodebUd Agmey. TMl or 3- go* X M’. pri«b, I bedrooms, 4 ‘ Writtari Owrantaao ing comHtioni, ply to the grocery manager, rirOt patri, odjuata watehaa axpartly. Open any ave. appointment WsRtod—To Bay lehod or untumtabod. TeL MSI. R. T. k&Maid. ^ t o r . 7 ^ Ollvar, Oantar Motor lalaa. ■80S. Albert V IJndaay, Owa^r. RaosonaMa prioaa. Open dally. OTN aaytUae. rioeeto t a bedrooms wtth sUdtag c a s h BUTERR watting tor 4. 0, National gtaro -guper Market, — ,riUe ■ „ ...... — — I doore. Uvtag room wtth SrepUeo INI CMB^UCTOUni COUPS Main atraat. Tbunday avantago. 131 Spmea NEW POUR room, house, eoi NEARLY NEW SIX room otaglo O8 ana-and-aovon-room mrrwa ■■eiagloi and y o t i M # ' WE gP B aA U B B ta toagng and IM l Mata atraat, Manchaatcr. IJZU. -PT..BBrtig«ciitQC andJMsgl&. WAMmD"*4faod fumltuio. Liv* GAMURON lOHUXm tmta. Jtonehaatotrn wiadow. Large cabl- hoUKur 1# MtnCbaetori Write Box T atfaatHli0M~3-4IA7, tag r W Stfioom, HteSin-Wl -pteteiy furidilsrit'^Mr etwU w eecuaaney. (two YatfBMMMOTV IHMHtOOffBWr, twe^Tffiniy hoiwur to 3 SDIOM aa&g; ■ " Ou aBly = - Chef gas atova. Can 3-3SM. Lovely oM aolonlal with pletur- ftroptam, hot wator oil boat ool- net Fun Its Mae- Bolton, Dovoatrv atad t -Vonum. PL.TM0UTK IM I POND. Pbooa 4MI, lariaik WorkmanahlWorkmanahip guaran- ' Mtlro houaobolda. Lot us nako kltoben. Five mtautee from JMen- iwttbI laifo.______rieoeta._ eoque vtow. BuOt aMcoxUnately BMHt OU baseboard hot water c!o The Herald wra ad offer. The Woodshed. ebsotar. Adttlta only. CaU ’S -in e. eiMOta, -tfle iMth, lava* orod fUo bath. VaotlliiHla. open HowaiiHKMaittafAl8*1107. -O lT ' > ljaiT...trAXU r( In Itota irhaa^ PONTIAC tVDOIt tcaA A. A. Otan. lnc„lnc.i SM: Autumn SttBitiotw Wanted— Gardan Fang—Dairy 7H CUBIC p o o r COolerator re­ 330 yean ago. lo t Rorir:. hvtag etairway, bewitching kltoben, plo- heat A^riaa w ^ Lot lOO’ x IMI PL.TMOimi iNDAN atraat. Plwma 4SM. frigerator; 3 piece kltchan aat. ITwaaS-llM. ______room wtth Aroyiaoa, dtatag rooat SSf^ 1 1 4 ,^ . Itamadlato .ooou* t |Mr« -TIiMday avdgtag. FMdar TRU CKB-H . %. I’ ton piekupa, IBCRETART Naadod ta taxtita F c m ie Prodneta turs ' window, vMiettaa bUado.| mill blNea. ghorthand, offlca ax- Inquire 43S BrMd street. I ROUSE FOR Rant, lOOP oeat of hltobta and both. Sod Roar: - 4 ■ Log sl, VJ w b toiij ee d COLS MOTOm rack i panala, oadan dalirariaa, POR GUARANTEED ROOPB tkat bodroom and lavatory. Putt attte i4Ih e CAIAO m m c i OMNTW l ^ i I ton, platfonna. dnnipa, stay on ta any kind of oterm, and paricnea cnantlal. Tact required Rooaui wHheot Board 59 Hayloft, Coventry. Herrtagten. pnOMiTR told to deal with viritoro, handlo talo- DAT CARE for child ta my hoana, NATIVE POTATOEg, 371 Kaanay WE BUT and aaU good uaed furni­ *------' " and orilar. Ooppor plumMng. Hot for 00)" rnaka Many to ebooaa from. guttora, eonduetora aad roof re­ atraat. Phoaa SSW. ture, combination ranges, gav 4-ROOM ROMH, Porter R t water all beet Moot of tbo floora eui •1 and 4M Canter •tapat phona ealla. Attractiva salary, phone Manchaatar t-l7M . mwAnAHT. LARGE room fori Sroplaea, bath, lavatory, tot-dhtw l Phono 4114-1i d l n o - i m Champa lUwta M, ftoekrilla. pairs. Call CeugbUr 7707. rangaa and heataru Jones Pumi- Subnrhnn far Ront an the origtaal irido boofda. In­ S S » « ^ Phoaa 0-M74, Itockrilla. group inauranca, pleasant work­ PEAT HUMUa, exoaUent soU eon- two goaUoman. A t tho Cwtar, U- [ ett heat bcoeoeway aad gprage, WALurrr. ing eondiUons.. Apply In person MIDDLB-A.OE Woman dmlraa tura Store, SB Oak. Phone 3-1041. terior bee. been tedalahed. 1 ear } m I8 ''DCOaihaoiipA -Prioad-to'aatt MAMCHEBTER - R oeiag and beuoawerk for adult famliv. Uva dlttoaar and Itop draaring. Man- 16 wadewertb atroot TO RBNT—At C o ^ t r y Lake. 0- drtwiray, Xtat. sotajSok attachod' garage. Flagetewr tor- llvtof rook wtth'flrMleee, ell iriDCiW'''' o ^ k ly , WfKtMi guarantoo. IlN . ■Idtag Co, Alao all types o f p ^ t - at AMon Bpinntag Mills Oorp., ta and salary. Can Oovmtry 7- chestar 1515; Fries iiSAOe. TaleottvUla. Conn., or call Man- PRANK’S AnUqua and Bacond- ATTRACTIVB Room for couple. room furnished bouse with -ga­ roes overfoehe the roOtap bin* m C B D a t lio g o o Wtth i electiie cebinat kltoben and Bay It on your own taraia. Cola Tralteni for 8glg tag aad carpentry work. Guaran- 7J78, Mrs. Trotter. band furniture store at 88 Cooper rage, taeuleted,,ritbeet aad othar dtaette. G.B. diebwaaher, stab and toed work. Phono 8-INI for froo ehasUr BIU. RIPE TOMATOES, ■ pounds for Comploto Ugbt honsokeoptag ta- MODBRH B-ROOM hoow, Rro-I Approattamtety S oeree o f etaored payment of SlSOAto IIBOO —r i TWO WHBBD Trailer, otaal body, atraat (formerly The Old Rad Tin eUittaa avaUablo. Central leca- madam improvotnente, or win tooee, tile both. AttariMd gamga. land. Aaktag IS4JW0. Par am quiivd. 6 reomf flniohod.fd hod- dtopoaU. Eaetaeed breeaeway aad ooUmatoo. SOe. Oraan tamatoaa |1 basket Bam), buys and 'oells good used consider renting 5 rooms net attached gerege. FuU wtu ofRebrottl MoeUTliw AUTO wm goamataa talaacepa baok.up. Can be aeon at WOMAN To Claon and iron Mon­ WILL CARE POR ebUdran, days, Bring eontataara. 57 fleranea Hon. M n. Dorsey, 14 Arab street, Radtoat boat, watt to watt carpet­ potatmoat eontmot Blva Tylor It roome) oU bpat. fuU JMtth and IN WeoAaad atraat. day. Wadnaaday aad Friday, l:M furaltura and antiques Bedroom fumtabed. Wm. Rabtaow, MS Large tat Priced tor QuU T h e lw ie li! to daUvar a new HodOM wtthln while mother wariia. Call 3-SSOl. atraat eeeoad Beer, ing ta large Uvtair room and ban.' flbowor, full oeUor, aU city utUl- by owner-builder. 1 Po[^r etreet, y lliu « q f l i w BOBW pra-ldnd Ig daya after your R oofin g to 1S ;M. SIO a waaA Near Green sets, and tables, mmpua room Meta street Amsrite driveway. Funy L__ , tlea. This Witt go fa s t The AUsn _____...,-# 1 .1 : seta at 130; all kinds of dUhea ------' ...... NEW UBnNGR — Modorn rix tliompecnvlUx aa^mSr-' Msiior. Write Box U- Herald. OFFICE w o r k : fun br part {inm. toriped tat 100KS3S’. Tmmedlato oe- Rtalty O r lU^tore, IM Center plaead. Prlooe atatt, dakvarad in Giragag~4lorrlcg~- ROOPntO—BpaataHstag ta rapnlr- Hours I to B:S0 p. m. Tuaaday' r o o m POR RENT. Phone 3-OlSLi room ootantal wltk attaebad ga­ thar.%)06n'l ^ fiSiILriSktorehOilNsStrM MabiBeeter at |SA41.g0 Madura Bxpariancod ta typtag, light Houwhold Goods 51 cupoacy. Pries tllJKlO. etryfc Pheow W 8 . BOUrON—High elevatton, easy B to r a fi tag roofs of alt Mnda., Also aaw •WOMAN POR praastag waartng through Saturday. Phone . 3066. Sanmer Honm for Rmt f ’ rage oad largo, aetaoaad- porch, UoK’ eeaeOBt' wtth'irio-Sael^ JtiSlP 'gatax to M « > M g b » ^ m * . D. 1« Bollard, Auto OMnpaayi 171 Main atraat, atanographle and light bookkaap- Oonvenlent to now briwoL bus oad commuttag. healthy e tl^ . ueMdato'Mti roofs. Gutter work. Orimnoyo apparel ta laundry. A ^ ly in par­ tag. gtata hours, salary and par- Compieto line of ChOdreh’a HIOHIiAND PARK-^bleal Btader- LbOK, ONLY lUjdo, I row dilClW. Tt Ukgwnod CSrela ManebaaUr. Open arantnga tU claonoA ropalrod. M yoairi ox- aon. Maple Dry daanera m WHITE KITCHEN Range with T .n /in i r o o m , caatriA <»M bloek FOUR ROOM eoay tumtahed cot- alaed home fbr largo family, g bod- ehopplBg. Taimedlato ooenpaney. Lovely sew alx-rebta ranck h ^ SllitoTreM' w. m------In ^g^l*l|MM. lyoa^rtatian ar 10 p m. Tel, M44S, tleulara to Box A, Herald. Fumiturs, Cribs, Mittreises, tago. Flreplaco, eloetrle rsfrigoio- dwelling- ( t ub^alabed up) with wtth many extrex. BuUt frif e II penwiM OARAOB POR RBNT. Inquire W. parianea. rroo oatltaatos. Oan Laundamrs, 73 Maple atraat. Silent Glow burner. Inquire at S3 from Mala otroet Parklag. Gen ropaio, F fun bathe, Btaeptag peceh, Priea $10,100. Wot om riaV JSjbMlOWtegJMtarig: .hoi M l'hW .Barrett,. Ip UllayatraaC Kovrioy, Pliy-&fflt,JRIgh_CtoiiRx.Cgr- XvOrut BCflOOl BtrCCv. * * -UentaarWrineATSe. tor. F or xmiidd. .Ayellahle Jtap- w e n t'-ta —taneebt B ^ M n dtacrimtaettaf-ewBer. Immedtato keoee ri.be.^ 1001 ONvvllOEaBr tugor dmiim, CtmTAINS LAlAfDERED ang tembor Srd on. Oovantry 7-W35, atoem uS heat; AttariiaP gariiii; Jieat oU burner, Sreplaces, storm •“rrfr- fed ■TENOGRAPHER. Thmporary or Ironing dona ta. my boms. Can 3 rigfei, WslkOrs, etc. Complete tfr g a wen taadeeaiMd tat efteni Howland Hoid^ MOO uyttata. is the to -'ItIRBeArillOT'aaiiid to ~N takan' groan. Polly agutppad, fulhr guar* parmanont. ExpariomM not'naeaa' PLEASANT Robm oa bus line. Ex-1 wtadowa end oereetie, donasm Suburbea Realty 06. R su t^ mSA^wine * rt^etie* le -AMy. IT Mortlond Rood PhM antaag. A baauttful oar. ro r tbia 4SSS. furnishings for the . entire CntAWPORD OA8 range, alao celleat location f l per week. Ref-1 diverriSed rsereetun. Owner full oellar. Onlv T yeera oUL’ Lo- ew party leeq OARAGE POR rant Inquire 101 Haatlng—PhiaiMRg 17 rary. SSxecUant working coadl' Crosby refrigerator. Phene truiBfenrad. Imiqsdtato oeeupeaey. HOMS POR Gi 1541 1 1 Mela Mete atreetetreet Phene Phan* SSib.SSlI, l*«t. evimrt ta* rssulti tkt ana aaa Bob OUrar. Bob OUvar al' Ridge atraat______; . . tkfflBi Oppoftuntty for xlviitfff* home. Apidignces and TV, ereaeen exOhaaged, Phone SOSO.. Wkntbd to Rant It tooaw, tour up. four down, OQ bug. Hag gkd bm y new way* kai tkcwaM iarigr HaM ISSJKXL ’ ecbool. -Down payment from IlSOO ’ «b er bffer* I40UlOIMs- Invalid m>4 mant. Omvenlant downtown loca­ Docs—Birds—Pets 41 kcbpd garage. ' Attraetivn IW -- ueted-on iha-l atraat. copper water piptag. New worii. tion in Hartford, tha Prudential CHAMBERS FURNITURE LARGE eempleto | MIDDUB-ACHB Oouple oooba qutat' yard, n r o o woomd Iota; 118 .000, to 18800. The Atten Realty ' Ob.. ■ W iRti4 AatnB— S4-hOur asrvlea. Manchaatar SiM. kitchen privileges. Women or roomy, unfnralriwd country Rsfiltotoi IM Center atreet Phone wipin IN I DODOS RANBA tfruck, M Insuraneo Oo., of America. Phono TROPICAL PISH, new sbtpmant At The Green Q. K. Wa s h e r with wringer and young gliL Phone S -Illl after 4 HENRY ESCOTT AGENCY S-ISIO. 'k < )V ^ WiUULRNr, Hartford I-S185 for tatorvlcw. pump. Call S-8513. . placo, or aparcipent, faeiUtloa, Henry * TheUae Jeffries Beeott 810?, AT A OOXWT <>F.P»0^147;■^^*45l d e to O ^ M H . _ Dolly ride Mr two atu* Tcty good Oanditloa. Maw polat , M otaircyclM IS EFFICIENT Plumbing and beat- Just arrived. Kelly's Aquarium, 31 p. m. ______bans or garage, apay from trof- - - ■ w'toi* ta Okford'acbool iritb ra. gunsat stNat. Opaa 'tU I. REAL BaTA atraat, Manchaatar, Hudaon laloo W I I L T ^ WorUng girl ita^errod. PhoaS 3- AM Improveroeat* and eteam bent 7M8 or S-OTH for appbtttttritt. YSm after 4 p. m • RBPRIQSRATIOM garvleo,.eom I ^ |n. -S 443S, , , . H ie Allea R oal^ Co., RealtMO, and lorrieo, tataphana moretal and domaatle. gaa Our COMPLETE FURNACE repair- WANTED—A-1 nachontc. gtandy HOMES. Ir 3 * 2 0 Hoomr for S ill Opm $or taopoettan s to I p. in. AB tgsw M lM par B ah 4 Open til 10 p m . . tag aarvlca. Gas, oil or ooaL H . ISO.Omtor etreet fhoae 8108. dfaptay ofguerantaad uaad rafrig* worii undar ina worblag aeadl- MANCniBEra^^ bring built •Runaey.' ...... ' ' ItM OUDSMOBIUi T T dUitaa tar air eondlUontag syataam In- tiona. Apply ta paraon. Boland WHwclieitef OAKLAND fltreirt 100* X 300* tat INI HUDMN oimimodoia • I m aratora. Gaergt H. WlUiama As- Artidcg for Sgl# large private borne for geatlenuta. 5 room ranch (8 bodrooms) ta FOUR ROOMS plus 3 unSalibed. { AU utnitleF In. Phone 08M. , Adoor, A tbareughly eaeaticat aoeiataa, 3M Tolland Turnpike, stinad and aarviaad. T. P. Attkta, Motoro, SW Oantar stmat can ,at SIS Sjiruee rireet S.froat dornwre, hot water oO TOMORROW’S LIVING daa, radio, hootor, hydramotlo. • MeOaba atraat. Phone ITN. good location. PuU Sellar, plnrter ' olrtamobtla. Par tbla ana aaa Bob One owaor. Now ear guorantoa. Manahaatar. Phoaa l-SSM, nights SOW, DPP on famous make Bat- NEW MOON brnt. tiled betb. i i ^ kUchen, TODAY AT PRICES AND OUvar, Qnlar Motor gMog Mala walls, hot water beat ril burner, Madura Auta. ITI Main atraot TMl. QUARANTEBD Poot plumbing tariaa. Written guamnteaa. fl.OO . LAROB ROOM. H block fromj enty sewer and water. Sole pries ■replace, plastered walls, on DOWN PAYMENT YOU atraat. Manekaotar, Muwea Balaa ai TRUCK DRIVER wanted. down, 11.00 weakly. Calso Sarv- RANOH nPE Mala it iaet Geatlsmaa, Cell 3- bus line, ehopptag eeater and AHTIGVEB ItaiaialMA Rapalrtag and baattag, altsraUan and new 34b Broad atraat only $11,800 wtth doWB payment ^ C A N a f f o r d larvta, talapkona S*N4t. Opaa work. Parma-gtaoA gas, alaatrie icantar. Tal. 4164, 4145, or 3-OMO. 41M w 47% Charter Oak etresL of $1800 to IS800. Tbs ABea Real­ sebools. Qnlek oceupoacw. flO.TOO. I Buy A "Ong Owngr Cii^ 'tU I I A aa> dona an any fumUura. TIamaa, NOME ty Oo., Realtor^ iM Oeator rireet Gharfee Limwraaee, Mancheeter WtthJa 10 mllos o f Boot Hert- ISI Boiith Mata atraat Phono bet water kaatara ^ d aad tn- MAN TO WORK ta aarviea sU LOAM; Dark rich culttvatad OraN FOR: ^GBMTLBMAn' Pleaeant ; , Eggy T g m g . otallad at raaaonaUa ratoe. That Uon aad garage. Btandy work aad Tiled - bath,. hot-wster oil Ph one 81M. 8030. fipcd. A lrcn ft end on Cepn. Co, i#r. . Htt. iL M .eu . jrard^-Giada Ho. X rowd next to MUt J M e l S h i e ; '------T m tuoar. Radio, baatar. la alto ‘•abrangad. ^‘ ~Bba(' gooA N TH ir 'right'niKH.-Ssa Vkn S3 eu. yard. DoUvtrod ta truck hwL ftfsplsee ill hSMiMent aiM Mala atraot Phono i-08W. POUR ROOMR, 3 uaflalshed. abed IIM Dodge |.Dr. Bhw. Lisw ■TOMB AMD Brtek mason, t-S7l4. for taUrvtow. at Van's Sarvioa VACANT—rive room cotaAtal, IM O nly,II,600 down to .01 ItS.OOO mllaaga. daan. eendltten throuNmut Soar tanna. load ta|ta Nreanad sand and all ■nd living room, Youngstown Oak street Oerege, large lot dormer, gerage, nicely ludecep* to otaon). I room _ reach______wtth at- gaa Honaat Doug„ Dauglaa earn ant work Valentine Balluocl, SUtloa. 4 tf Hartford Road. ataas stone dallverail Order now. kUchen, fnll insulation and ed. t a ip lo t quiet ari|D»bMhooA bow bring built M Elreh olroot Phono AIM L L«tg^ N«ws In Snpsratgs Fbbno 3-1777 or RockvUle B-80U I t ^ Pocg A 44N. gadafr-lllpgtar, Matan. MS Mata. HmMwgry— Prsgw H Bktig IS Nuoodorf COnstraction Co,"Phoiie plsiter^ walls, laundry in 3 wtokn oeeuponey. Price S13J00. jA Quick oecupency. PuU MALE HELP WANTED S40S. ■ O’*"*''- L Chariea Losporanco. Mencbeeter ,^ ,* -rtce glLOOO. Solo prieo with* 1N7 .CHBVRfMJBT Bodaa DaUvary UOKT TRUCRSHG — Alan niA ement SO-dsy oecupnney.^ laatevoA Phono ASMl or I COLONIAL—Brand new. 0 rooaw “ “ " ‘ m i^ g ereg o (UOJOO). Monthly IMA Dowa.purataat SN- INO AtTBRA'hONB and draaoauktag. First and sicond ahifta. 4S MAKE MOWING A PLEASUHE. with hot wetor oil heat tOe bath, ‘ JSOLn4ENB. Ilic. S-BMS. Raaaonabla rataa, Call |-4870. U t ^ x I S O OWNER WILL ecu ata room 8H Ipeymeat 'abdut 888 pins taxes. CkavrMat paaoT fun priea NM. X hour wMk, full insurgnee pro­ IS down, S3 wtokly. Buy the paw Srst Boor lavatory. Tou aad yoitro Only $1,300 down Dodfg-4*Iysiottth Can Oaod nator, STI dowa, buya It PRICE yoars old houao.ot 445 Parker TOUR iSf APP «Mo counoolor. gram . Worcaatar Power Meiwor. Pa- WiU Uke tU Can Modbliae Smttb. Ol (fi.OOO to other*) 4 room i J^Rgtgd Trucks IMT Itudabakar ptekup- radio, MeviBf—TraddsiX meua Brigga-Stratten motor. Realtor, 8-1643 or 4071. otroet Largo tat extrao. No ga­ now bring buUt wtth brceieway kaator, loddar-raok, bka aaw. ■ I m all alaoa. wldthk Alao rage. Aaktag 114,000. CUl S-41M * BS4 Cfntgr Strggt beota. Contact W , P. .gulHvan, , W« hiva aavaral openings Phoaa 4114.. SIMM told attariied garage. PuU IM I aad IM l a.M .C ptahup S toragg t o for appotatmoat price . . FuU eele price wlth- w h u m g #101 o r B 1 0 2 , b ^ u ^ n atract RoricvUla. TeL BOLTOH — Holidtag stona and 110 100 trucka, both Uka aaw ,.. .*'NaMy AUgTlM A. CHAMBBRg ( for town in our exphoding dp- Crechntsd And Beicoming • out bceeaewey enf ferege SS.M0. figfg Plggg To Buy U ud Curs! but nobody uadaraMla Bninaar ta Sagatons. Bolton Notob Quarry.'^ M r liy C h o rlM tioeeted on large lot Monthly pay­ local' and long dtatanca moving, emtions. Factory experience Phone 3-0117. gtaalay PataOda. ' V A C A N T IN I RUDBON Began, owned by Maaebaatar." Opaa Thura. and POR b iL Rvunar aarviea aad ta- paeklag, otorago. Call Blt7. Han­ ments abOut 184 pliie taxes. helpful. Age to 40 yagri. BRICK CAPE COD paly $1,100 down to Q1 (ISJtaO former caacuttva. Juat traded for Pri„ avfHilnga Ull l:M , Bat tU ataOatlon by IS yaara akpar- ford S-14SS. POPCORN Maehtaa.S New oondl- A Tour *'MenU Oaria Dealer lanead ail burner aarvteo acan. e ^ to others) for 0 room ranch (S a aaw Hudaon. Top tradaa. Name' Apply In Person , tion. Star-A OMdaL Large eapa- Shod Dormer your tariaa. Medura Auta Oo., ca n Manahaatar S-lTIl W S-MM, UQHT TRUCKmO. Waakta tub- I bedroom*—LlOO oq. f t living IN I OHSVROUR aadan. Haw . --- ' city. Big money maker. -Juat la area) now botog built on largo lot ITS Main, atraat. Opaa avaolnga blob dtaposal Low ratoa.m OaUars timo for county falro Bnd eanii- Biuemeiit Gnrsce clutek. battery,' Baaotlant OMtor. OARPSHTBR vriU frame unlnlab- ' eloaaod. comptaU Jaaltar Igalo p rieo 311.800 aad monthly tU lA Pkaaa AN4S. |1M. Uluat aaU - twoMdlataly. SPENCER RUBBER vola. Phone SSM _ ia the wotlgi 'a keata, a tana, a bit ad upatalra rooata Raaachabla. tea. Phoaa S-4SiS. •Nice N oith b orh ood Ipaymtoit about MS phae taxoo. ItSO JTCDBBAKBR OoouiaBdar Phena MSA call S-4SI1, PRODUCTS OO. o f taad in tha soed oM D. B. A-” ROYAL AND Smltli-Ooroiia jmri* THE ALLEN REAL’TY CO. ’ aadaa,' ndio bad baatar, la beau. • • able aM standard typawritara. . T. J. CROCKEIT ’ I w m oow RHADBg mOda to order PgiaUns—Pgpiriiig SI .fBAHE ta PDiNET ^ __ VS . Resltors . ttful oonditian. ovardrivt, aaw. IbM PLYMOUTH twa-doar. Phono aad installad. Vanattan bUada Chgpg] Street ^LU ‘SmIu O Ct -flBAOlUSMI } tlraa. Mow aaat covaia, Top tradaa. MM. aoM «r raatad. Rapalra on an la Pprdio~’ ' Wnim ibottentor Stroot and aurtata rods. S4 hour sarvlca. PAIN Tm a, Batarior and Intarior. WANTBD—Man ta laara on bum- -Pbodo SlOB Hama your tarma. MoClura paparbaagtag. Oriltags ralaial makaa. Marlow*a aati R c J & l l o r Auta Oo, STS Mata atraat O N " INS PACSAHD oadaa. Bkwteo- RsOmataa gladly gtvao. Pagan ar taotallatlaa and aarviea. BX‘ Phone 5415 , _ _ WJadeiwJ0iada.CAUBnulAA4 at j A-Wa JL Npar hooka on loquw t ...... • (boot) MAHCHtt!8T|Ut — On the :gvaabiBattt4A Phoaa. AN4A maHccintcAOcoigriitATgglannd EbUSMttM glvta. Puny tantra' BRUHEWICE-POOL tablaa for ahirie, eta room Cepe Cbd. Rhed boator,' now paint PuH price BaKea HdteA-PtoWiT-NTA b e^ aeed with a factory trataad sola. la good condition. Inquire W a l t o N o . o b a h t ^j^Tudnffs W 51 BBPORB Tpu Buy a uoad car Call Edward I t Priqa. S-IOOS, macbanic, any piptag axparkmca dormer, oU beet excellent loee- •MMM Ugama^mamr AAcolaua. >m|mm MoaLbla .SU TAe^ SlTt dowa buya It FLOOR PROBLBMS solvad vriU SI Oak a lrw t Phono S-1041. Uon, j^n»tittatriyL-ikaacM.--jt .Jim ■ ; ...... ^ .rr^ -^ A a BOWRHXBOHOKIL'lBiir -Salaa-tag BatvtaA-NA-Matn ILM. MOVIE eamora. B oatman »■ .-e'-v^- nhli’jhttof *'Kifto toll ■ i taMr A robi - catfo: Jor> cn ^ MIL* ^TiiwifTtBWi CMle D am r.** Ogin *.1PImI ^OWBUBr-^ECMHiCr ooorloin •fiM"'W'Tiar««e "T w atraat Phone l-4|Tt, Opin~ova> ^^H iaraid m ’ttt ir N B at 't « A IVr eeat. w o a ^ a wool oulta. BUaworth Mitten*'Agency, Renl- ll-U . M7 llata .RtraaL mmtrna. tore.M90. -— iNAjnunKKnnr'Tagor; . lOaog;-______YntoOMajoiitholaitai. KAMOH1I0TRR WaUlag Roririoa. axtarior. O n with boy window c o ^ I n e a r WADDELL echOoL O f t ^ - low Pflead tranaportatkq, S14A mllaa. Good tlraa, and btiUdlag eeatiaet- Tal. S-llM . TaL S-IM4. ^ Wrlttan guarantee. Name your Portabla aqulpamat Gaaaral elooet modorm eoblaot kltcheB,| ed romae. baaement laundry. Vaiy etoea taoida and ou t Pull vraUUpK. boUar aad fuiggoa-wald- Otff, S-4SN. breakfast rose*. lenadry room, LatR* lot Price <11,000, -Down - apn forma. Calaa Nrvleaatar, 4M priea ttW , worth SlOtA "Nolwdy ^'-Oiatar atraat S-OSN.' taif. Phaaas S-IISI or I-I7IS. tavetory, alto porch with ocreiae payment SMM. Monthly pay­ SOUTH STRI but nobody” uadareollo' Brunbor ment iaeludiag Uxca. nppnq ot Monobootar. tOOMPURC Rapalra by Nuari It B ljg lr iR g MALE HELP WANTED sad owntaRs, second floor eoa- ' SNA Peatlmc d u b Coupe— gbi W okott an washing machlnaa, "riste of throe lorn Aodroomo.and mately IM . OtU Madriine BmtC '^Hilg|ir. Eaeallaat oondlUon. IM l CRBVHOUBT fear*door ga- MATTRESS. Tour old mattrooaaa b ^ with ahowtt. Pnll ettta end Roeltor, S^lMS-or 4 17 1. vacuum elaaaars, mators, anwll atarlltaad and romada Ilka aw erilar. TImlna-OU buraer. Let M 41 VRry liPfR 91 W nlfw WmW9fm9t,ymm9 wmW Wf99mmW I Two 1.NS Buick 4-Dra.—Oaa-ariUi h »e Luatroua .Maek Inlah, vriUto appkaacaa. Pick up and daUvbry. DYE HOUSE WORK l; IfANCHBRnai- GREEN gyaaitaw. 'Both eara ta amatlaat wall Urea. puUy aqulMod. Bk- Cali JecMa Pundtura aad Sloar 100 X SM. Phone owner 4408. * c t h f i t o Hw praspRCflvB iVRryllili i t» N 4*5irRd for A -l repair, lalaa. IW Mata. Oovartag, M Oak. TbL S-1041. way to make your Only fSOOOlo SSOOO dowa aaadmaa, .Prlead ta aalL capUonally elaaa. Par Chayndata Phone IMT. ' T i liisni. sad 0pci*t4 i>T**^iti—Third Shift at go a tang wny— m eat Large I roon ______41 Ib f_ b______JMB b ffiMl R r in wHIi HR IfBR ptctEiB w Ir < r w itteRTiRf 1 aaa Bob dtrar^ Omter Motor ICANCHBRTBR—Dwto«t ta Bio* i m Cbavrolat d-Df.- -A Mol nloa ; oa f Bktrt ta beeom- oendtttaa OO bent eutometic hot with TOoUbute; tita beth.i fcMlIiMef Ifaiithm BHwhli lRa f thfl r— i Bddi rf Btfwi9 0 ~ P u Ily oar guarantaa) Medura Auto, Cm b c t ^ East Bbio sad 6 i«v i Streets—.Roi^yBIe, Conn. Ahc* Clempet Realtor. S-454S. IM Cantor s tn o t Phone A106. Phaaa S-40CS, avaotaga tlM or lavaetmapt Oorpn M f Me -portorated pitttam ta otaoo IL !*• ' ctesf spMff RpiiRiit iB ffVBry WRRIM lw|?Rctid tMl aqaippM. _ STS Mata atraat, Manehaatar. SlW. itreet Pboao 041g. lA XL U . Sir Ml Rtao IS, 1ft Tlita Sottertog bat woe aspael SN3 Parg Tudar—Mx oyllagar. la Hudaon Balea and Barvlea. Tot yards o f B4-iarii. ly dsrigned for the mature wooe- diy lidM MdRwIt Im Iw h if RorN i— ffddRd coRVRidRBCii. Lar#* fonigt* Aa good aondiUea. S-b44S. Opan.'tu 10 p. m. Pottoni N a 8875 ta a apw-rite on. It ta atanpie to efodwt aad Id Iff «ivB Mm RtRMRf M fliR Rt«99 db^rM iM HiM fff psetoratod padtom ta 31. 1S> may be worn with the brim up or SMI PtymonUi Tuder-Odod nia- IN I CHBVROUBT Ckik eeUna, IS. Stas is; S yards down* I. Va'>Bdb from R«H»to 2 HflMlRt w a rn W l t w r i alng ooadIHen: Piteag to aall. Radio, boator, origtaal Haak Fnttenh Mo. MM oentatao ot W anted - Yard M m SECRETARY NEEDED \ ptato croebottag taetnwttans, i ■BdEfffff w ell Iff bes sifff. Frlcffd «9 I^B O O , Mm ■ Bn4 .Mlabalak tko warktag gnloA Lota of goad tranaperta* AMESITE DRIVEWAY . n r t b M s pottanu, sand SOe for tloa Ita thM ana. Dougtaa Motara, •SAVE 10% lY CALUN9 NOW oaoh, ta ooiaa, your namo, od- tmtal roquiteoMUto otlteb Ulustra* SM Mata -atroat - ^ . . „, w ^ ,.««««,:§• ugl. draos. otaoo doolrad, oad the pot- Uono and fintahtag diroettaas. Fomilior With Lumbir find "“ 'ifiS^B D BOAD o WORK ODABAHIBBD tam aumbor to Roo RumaCt The Send SSe ta eotae, your aai . IN I CMEVROUBT, ta good run 4 USED CARS mmNIi cWIm tiwt MmNL a TBBMS ABBANGEB Evening Morold, 1180 oddrsoo and the pattora numbor i SoiiM Mill Work JAT THE CALSO STATION ning condition. How tlraa. Pkeaa a EXPBBIEHOB R ll% Now York SO, K. to Anno Cabot Tho Monrhoi Hartford Rond______TlgA mna iMMidle wMA Attreeihrw mktn* Bvantag-Batold. IIM Avo. Amori- ploaeoat worldag. oeadHIioia Apply Id pomon al. Beady for 'you aow-#osta coo. Now York M, N. T. SNA MlAilOBIliS St club^;;;^ IMO BUIOX OonverUHe. gray. Puhkm tor ’l l . PeU oad Ytoator. Anne Ckbot'q Wow Attmm o f Write box S Mack lop. wkita walla. BquippoA % ta new tamw ta fUtad wlta Moos Wheftawork ta choch-foU o f gtouM kaator, kydromatte. Juat Will aeeapt trade. Rbaaa S-SHA . M ^ J e r a now Macaot Modura MJDON $PINNIN« MILLS CORE. tor eaeort praotleal saurtag tor a dorigno, phis exetttag-tonturoo aad c-o 1^ H«rqld HARTPORDi^ONN. TRUST C Q . ILDA, TVUROWillil ,^ M ^ n ,M a k i..ftta o t Maartiiap a gdt panom printed ta tbo hook, SMI PACKARD lour doer M-.qeate. - Pkona saow. --f I' 1- > ' Httli T; ^J^n*tJPprget l^o Cm ^Yoitr Vote in the Prim aries Tomorrow PAGE TWELVE ^ A Y , SEPTEMBER «, h -•■ lBmir|f»Btrr Eimtitig SmiUi 'M. — e . ^ ...... -• , , r- ■ ...i.iAliM rt III I I Iliiin iw w ...... ' ...... AetraiB Daily Nat Pnaa Rua -m m ir 4 » -Fer 8he WeMi Bade#- about> the eempany he keape or 'Sapt..6.-lMn AEkrafToim about tha faehngs and laterasU Morgan-Smith Nuptials w o to eo n M u . a m o e e m Heard Along M»in Street o f pmrtteuiar giw p a . T bera'gtbs Mr. and Mra. ThomM Jt. Rocara labor vote ho has tp cuHtvata and Pick! 10^25 of 800 BHt Omtar atraat will b* the induetry vote, tha Irish vote P m t aa«e»slLtaidg^t^!i||s,jii^; ■t horn* to Uwir frtanda on Sun­ And on Som an/ Mancha$ter*g Side Streets, Too w o f the Andit t'Wnrsssr TMfiay. ' ■ and the Jewieh vote. the vaterane' •f CkwrinMons day trpm 4 until S o’clock In ob- vou and the Ssvsnth Day Ad­ Manchester^A CU^ of ViUage Charm ■ - 1 - ^ acnraneo of their MUi wadding an- ventists' vote. nivarMry, Power of Mia Mala f prove more tractaMo and Isao In- He haa to be careful that, in OceaMonally yoii hear oCa Mow seilmmst wnr #ea smhwp ...... , ...... to one Ifioup, Ba dbem’t .Wahmi. 8rib aarcBcc VOL. LXKt. NOY m m ra g * 16) AuaiUary iPellca will meat Mon­ England fanner who jprafars to "Tham mules have peraonaltty," ■oms other. And svsn MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY, 8, 1988 (SIXTEEN PAGES) use mula-powar laataad of horaa- our friend exelslmsd. “I'vs seen ▼ennart, Mra. .Laonard Gharben- P R IC E n V i r day B igh t at the Rlnlay atraoC If bs is astats enough to steal a can and Mrs. Richard RaebaagsL ■JjeHiii Tin roBga for target pracUca at .6:80 powar around bis property and hersss bolt sad run just hscauss sals pasaags threugh thess batter These ars voluntesr workers, p. Bl. usually ha U quIU satisfied with a sparrsr crosaad thrir path. But known poUtioM straits. It the arrangement. Wa say usuaUy you tabs a muls, now, ho just mothars of children in tha school, REPAIR he null has the Mrd vote and the who doMrio-Uaso WMkWbMs-tn 1h» E S I Kawiy-Olaeted offlcara o f the because tnara are oxcaptlons to naturally stope lo^ think thmga cat vote to watch out for. ------W a c t o f the TCdrth MUthOdlat ovar and dadds on the. next move. Bbrary.-—— ... every rule. In what mitst be our poUUcal The Washta4 :ton Sdmof library caiurtt win- ba offletally Installed But down south and -In other I admit they aren't aa graceful or nalvsts, we didn’t raellae that at the 11 a< m. sandca tomorrow. sections of the country; ths mule baautiful ae horaea hut they eure la a unfapie feature Jn Mai> rly »er is a common farm and work ani­ have a mind and a peraonallty of pMttlsal reaMty unUI juat the oth­ aeboole, Snancod'--aknont' enttraly U. S. Prei Thdr first child a son, was bom tboir own." er day, when a publicity rMeash by the efforts o f tha school ehll*. mal and the lowly creature with from the Friends of the Birds, ^ ■ to Mr. and Mrs. WUllam A. Blmp- the long ears is a famllUr sight to Which wa have to admit aounda dnn snd tho PTA. It eirculatsd m -- aon of 66 School atreat at tna travsiera. ' ; like the truth. Inc., from out tn Santa Barbara, last ysair" alffloot Svs thousand Hartford Hospital Sept. 8. We personally know a tobacco Calif., crossed our dssk. boMn. ths majority of which wsra On Politics and cotton farmer near Ooldsboro, | The Maramriag Ths rslsass, which is signed by non-fli^aa. which indleatss a M/Sgt. Karbart Crandall of the N. tC „. rrtio wouldn't trade his A Boeton Globe editorial writer Gertruds Cbarny, president, takM jg r s a t ysspooso from tho ehUdren. ISdth TransporUtlon Trucking slow ^ mule for. the beat draft has eaet grave doubts upon the the Democratic Prsaidontial can- Portlsnd, Qi'e., Sdpt. 8—(/P) Co. will ratum tomorrow after a horse In the country. Tea, and he veraeity of Omnsetidut atorytsll- dldale. Governor Adlal Stevenson Waahiiiston, Sept. 8—(jP) ^ broadcast In ths pot too distent • ^ o v . Adlsi Stevenson took summer training eoursa for ra- even keeps a few horses on the •ni. Hs juat -doesn't bslisvs that of Illinois, to task for bis veto —Sen. Robert A. Taft aaid future." s slsp st the American press saraaa at Camp Drum, N, T . farm to prove his point. this stats happens to hsvs soms of an Illinois legislative bill 'to , Tha GOP chatnnaa had held two restrict eat vagrancy aa a means today the Republiium nation­ today and aaid editors should Ha does, however, make one ex­ of the biggest snd strongest mos- FHLIIB4IBMEIMS mestlnga with Taft bcfora he rc- ouitos svsr to buss a baplssa bald of conssrring song-lnascilvorous F L A S a BUEJM. CABBS. al committee haa aaked him csivsd reportsra. “ contemplate the very real ception to thU rule. He wants It Mrds. thoroughly understood that even head. MQiFaBBi PABTM to make a national broadcast Moot Ikb Mratogist dangers of the one-party Read what hs has to say and Ths dispatch from ’ tbs bird They had brsakfaat together a. mule has to work overtime to friends H() states that aong-lnsso- and “ speak throughout the system in the press.” He as­ get ahead of the little Morgan draw your own eonoluoiona. countiy* but that his role in and later met In Taft’s office. They n i-. Labor iiean.B olli Sldea SERVICES Tpstlmony from a Mew Jere^ tlvorous birds should hs protstetsd Arlhw Brag Siarit < serted that “the overwhelm­ Foes C lash horaea from Vermont. The south­ from eat attacks sines they—the the political campaign will were joined there by Sen. Carlson erner regards the Morgan as “one expert (and none are mora Itchy (R-Kan), one of the top strate- ing majprity of the presa" is That latarvrtt Tkt WIdMa with expolenee on thia matter Mrds, that ia^-ara a powerful await a conference .with Gen. opposing the . Democratic of the beat.” weapon In the farm ers Sght giata of the Elsenhower campaign. The tales Urfd about mules and than Jeneyltee) tnforma ue that Dwight D. Eisenhower. Taft Taft himself declined to talk party. And he said : In D a rk on 6 t TIm Paaillf against crop loss dus to Insects. their reputed stubbornness are aedee aonioitaaa baa bssa known with reporters. Hs cams here yes­ " I am touched when I read In to Sy 100 miles to sos, to woicomo Ths dispatch also Indicates ths got out a statement of com­ many and varied. They range from •ong.lnssctlvorous birdv ars need ment 'on meetings he .had to­ terday after a vacation in CTanada thaaa papera aolicitoua odltoriala building a fire under the more re­ Inoomlngling ahlpo. This won’t sur- and told newamen who met hla about the survival of the two-par- lOHN Ba BURKi calcitrant ones to dangling a ear- fd k down Scituato and-Hlng ed in defense of the nation's for- day with GOP National Capitol Hill sMs.-Which- ««iw— ”«igti> t>m— M that he wanted to ty system. I Am In fivor^of a Proves F rot-suspeBded-from a polo before' _ , - JHHir______much ifrom insects" as from tlrae. bn the political situation before tw o-party mrstsm In polIttcA And R m H U L H O M I the nose of slswpekes. They may wore drlvoB ashore this week from field and Senator Frank I am frankly eonstderabljr eon off tbs Okps by bussing hordss. Now, psrhaps ths bird people making any announcement of hla Seoul, Korefi, Sept. 8—00 rounds of artillery fire—had Sponge Rubber Company of Shel­ not the mule) wp isamod that thM drilla Inside with his ham­ OosnMwiriiM Cheater E. Morgan of 876 Wood­ bouquet waa of yellow and pink TM. S lt l sr S lot a little distance to go. But I fig­ reached the top only to be driven ton sent home 1,000. through skporionoa ho found that mer. sarrisd him and. the pips Into It Is one o f oUr pleasures to land strost, this town, at a cere-, roaes. The junior bridssmsid was Cairo, Egypt, Sept. 8—(/P)-^Egypt’B i|bw premier, Maj. ure,' too. that We are gaining offian hour latw. Some of the smaller plants In no amount of eajoling> bullying, the next county. Hint story Ip read a-newspaper colunm .that mony performed this morning at •imilsriy attired. Gen. Mohammeii Naguib, called the first meeting of his cabi­ ateadlly." The American said that UN ar- toe three communitlea . continued UiieaUnlng or aboas, would make prebablyly a Nutmeg Stats suag- caWra to those with a social prob­ a high Mass at .10 o'clock In Ths mother of ths brids rscalvsd net to^y ^apeed th* reforms he had-vowed wili-follow.Ws It was the first time Stevenaon tlllery ruined two Red battallona. to operate; others abut .down.__ B s M a a d tho mula budge if it Adn't wSnt to. geration.,tlon. lem and Ihtnga of fl{at natara. Corpus Christl Church, Webers- her guests in a two-plses .blus has puntclydlieaiaed theiirogren One was caugSnh a raVineliehtM n ii Ahsonia Sehtlnei, an after-; The only thlag to do was taks him Uke, what to do when ths ibnt le field,, by Rev. Frimols E. Nash. print dress with valvst acesssortss week-end sweep to power. The 61-year-oId army strong man. of the campaign. In saying, it is Capitol MU. and the other was noon dally, said It Waa racing to back to tho aUfMo. ' Vstaateor gir sroen three days overdue; how can you White gladioli decorated the altar. and corsage of pink roses. Ths who ousted ex-k ln g Farouk six-> going.'to be “tough,” he aleo paid a moving down a draw when AlUed get Ita edition on the prest befors Wo aakod why ho found It eon- In our county eorrospondsnee properly introduce twins (on a Presented tn marriage hy her bridegroom's mother wore a navy DONT LEARN ABOUT BAD weeks ago, moved swiftly and tribute to the Republican candi­ artillery xeroed in t>n them. ft loess Its power. ’ KEMP'S, Inc. veniont to hoop auoh a stuhbom we Qccaaionany run aeroea news seniority basis) If ths elder one uncle,. John J. Chii^ln, ths bride without bloodshed yesterday to date, Gen. Dwight D. Eiaenhower, ' Dewa Five MlOa Another race against time was and gold print drsss, navy aoees- aaylhg: it-M a i animal around when a horse would Itema that involve volunteer fire was bom only minutes before the was attended by her elster, MIm •orlss and Corsage of yellow roses. BRAKES BY AOOIDENT . conaolidata the army's grip on the The U. 8. Fifth Air Force aalfi underww where the Northei departmenta. Theaa are usually other; and what to do when you Dorothy Smith, as maid of honor. The ceremony was followed Im- flonntry. “My opponent le a great general ita Sabre jet pllote knocked flvd Gas 'Trsnsmisslon Cbmi locatsd In amallsr communltlsa want to break-off an engagement Mias Helen Smith, another sister, As ha rushed aside former Pre- who baa Served the Army and the MIOs out of the air today and ’ '"D em seraU e Rei A. A. RIMooff aad ReimMitiaa flew W uLui^lil natural gas plpeutns comes tato mediately by a reception fo r 188 mtor Aly Maher, took over the caaAOt afford or. lack the fa- upon thd diacovery that your was junior-bstdssmald. . gu eM eat Om turn* -of th* hiW c YOUR BRAKES REUNED nation woll.” -ir . -r damaged, riva otoara. la bafUes Fasteltr-terth for «.''•> Bew*Hte*t6'0*i- B'ffHfet ShsKon. Ittaa tor a rsgularty brganiaed. loved one once held down a job Joseph HuMard, Jr., waa best premiwiMp imd swbra In p nsw Hbits Court Tianste DivHM CIOF near toe Manchurian border. begfantng of as ipsaMt prsgraa-bt-fiM' motlwr. caMnst. tha- army roundad up 47 _R m S Mfitgrid 066 iM t paid dspartraant aa the bearded lady In n circus. man, and uahera wars Chccter For a wedding trip to Chicago, At THIS SFEOIAL FRIOE But Stevenson again taunted the The Bln,victorles raiasd the Sqn- n * a M l W «M erar* l»i^ a t m Moat reports ws rsoslvs Indicate There Is n definite need fbr this Morgan, brother of the bride­ Republlcsne on the groimtf that tember bag of RuulaH-btillt MtGs Texile^'^Ml the DteW (3as iM m ictri^ ni., the bride hM choaeh a gray tk*y sre apltt into two parties, THE that the local companlee art well type Of advice and we avidly read groom, and lUOutrd 9chaUer, aU eult, dark green accecaoriec and to 33 destroyed, one probably fijt e t e n PMy's tea piMdtse bw traUMd, work w ell' together and ^ variotu coHun|ia hoping some Among thosa arraatsd wera for­ Rule on Oil d te tra jid .aute--JA^-:alaina6ieA>Oklsk - .iMMf-ASc.gstr4Ma-'tiM -gnt.eMSte three of Manchester. w)Uta orchid cotfirngc. She attend^ mer Prcmlera Ahmed Hllaly and (Oentteusd eiis Pngei E ight) have an exoeUent knowledge of day to find a pretilam as peculiar The brids wore a baUerIna ad Boston Unlfinfty and Hillyer pace la wall ahead ef -the record BEETHOVEN CLEE CLUB ftre-flghtlng proceduree. as our own. But well savs that for BRAKES $ | > 9 5 A bnM m Abdel HadI and axrin- 44 MIGe destroyed In April. length gown of white OuuttlUy OUege. The bridegroom attends terior Minister Fuad- Serag Ed\ Tuhrui, Irsn, Supt. 8—(A’) SBjfweajr OiARlMCII HSLUMO, CONDUCTOR But eomettmee even the beet another day. lace with matching jacket Her ths National Oollsgs of (CBiroprac- Two of the MlRi reported ehot volunteer department oan come to We have come aoroes one prob­ din, boss of Egypt’s dominant po- — Premier Mohammed Mo8- down today were-icreiUted t« jet shoulder length veU of imported tie In CAlcago and la a rosmhsr o f HUcal« party •— the natlonaUaUc FiteMmt Arnold K 'M iq s « t woe. Thla is lUusratsd by a dla- lem that Is A dllly. Tbs psraon Uluskm was attached to. a laoo CM Rho Slgina Fratamlty. sadefh flathr rejected last Pickets March ace Major Fradenck Blessd of the Oasxnd BIsetria Oo|*pa*y patch rscalvsd from Fort Worth, seeking advlco writes: WafdlaU. Rbht the. British*American Richmond, Va„ and Phoenix, Aris. Also takan tn tha army dragnet that if air got into th* loou linss, INVITES T n., where et least Mas persons "I have just started what INCLUDES UNINC AND LAIOR offer to solve the Anirio- ITits raiaed his ' Score to . ssven it would taks three wsiks to rs- wars hosplUUasd in a firs sxplo- thought would bs a very pleasant transport tho troops to a bivouac to the Raclflc and he had no one were Prince Abbes HaUm and As Strike Ties planes downed and Upea damagi^ ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN MALE area hsvsral milsa inland, a paint, Prinea. Said Halim,both-.-third InuUait (fit aquabble, but hint­ •toM ESS service. slew that dsatraysd jyan. alroraft two-WiWk vbcatton' brltH Mettdii to write to for advloe. and mad* blm second only to Burners Ti IBs Uirss dQsa have ' ; r plant'a magnsalum worka. to which It waa nscesaary to walk. Naturally our deepest sympa­ YOlto DOLLARS NAVE MORE CENTS AT eeuains of Farouk. and Abdullah CHORUS SINGING TO ATTEND THE who have a houas in the country. ed Iran might agi^e to a Major George Davis, listed si hot yst bssa oonvsrtsd to the uss Ths Mast ripped apart a wars- But, Instead It haa turned Into a Bsc sfuss o f the la.teneaa o f the thy w «s with him. Sadek and Moqtafa Sadek, uncles court aettleroent of the mud­ A irplan e houas, asnt nine psraons to the hour the high braas decided that of ex-<)ueen Narriman. of natural gas, and ths company nightmaro. I am appealing to you dled issue.' (Coattaued oa Paga Bight) warhsd all ite houashold coasumsrs heapltal and ceueed ahook'damags the soldiera would camp In and Tkct and Tax. SERUICE VCha new premier—the seventh INI11AL MEETING OF THE SEASON to let me know how 1 can get out around thodocka and start off first Blasting the recent Truman- Burbank.. Calif.. -Sept- Norfolk, VA.^ Sept. 8-7-kled to the his rstlnus. He had them set up bayonets to push through his j^ro- The lA M lo(Mi voted over­ publlcan rival. The other 19 .sui rs ware eastern Alaska “ sM|m gravsyard" Few fiwsradoc'wsra ansttad hq Jumping from Trima t« New aay about ths aituaUon. a mces taMa and cots near ths cen­ StaU Tax.. .01 gram. to (Uvuiga the nature of the dis­ Ribicoff was named by acclama­ state Public Works department to VINCE r ERICKSON County T ax...... 01 ‘ Y«h too COB w e e moooy by fottiaf yoor whelmingly at a mass meeting eboanl the vessel whi :h rescued claimed aaetker Canadian Pacific todaYa sx«eath« Common mast- Jeraey, lera talk aome mora about “Go out and telephoos your ter of tha fioor, ata' a leisurely din­ Three of his new. ministers are cussion.. tion Saturday as the Democratic them, the Norwegian ^ u , which rush In a portable generator to B508 8527 ‘ Sales T ax...... 01 kmos of UiRor OpHed Co. . yesterday to walk out at the hour Unae veasel yoeterday—its flag DrovidD iMiw«r. ihg. It bed a raitins sg*tas, hut vohmtser departments, tn Bergen family to asnd you a tsls^m ner and prepared to bonk down 9 seasoned technicians whq were in Calls Parllameiit set by its strike committee, head­ party's nominee for the four-year was botmd for Nsw Tork Instead toatorrow's esavnatioa c « ^ bs a County, ths area mads acesssabis aaklag you to Corns horns iminsdi* Income Tag...... 01 Mossadegh'S statement was an sMp, the Princeaa' Kathleen— but for the night. the outgoing government. Prqmi- ed, by. local president John Snider. Senate ,t.erm left vacant by the of for Norfolk aa . origlnany not a parsdn of 438 aboard wera Th« Qriffln Houp4Ul in. D «rbr howler. T Ira ths Osorga Waahbigton Bridge, atsly, (Bs very careful to examine School Tax.l.>. . 0 1 * . nent among them was Abdel guelil expansion of his -off-Uia-cuff re­ death of Sen. Brien MbMahon. Hs already haa such generators. Night falls swlfUy and softly in Total...... 8<10 The dispute is over wages and S3 planned. iM t. / Gov. Allan SMvan’ dsrlffnn to thsrs also exists a voiuateer sya- your clothes as you pack them.’’) the jungle lalandh. It Is deceiving ^ Sorvko Uotoo Oprigol blliB host iB al Emery, an able economist, who jection Aug. 30, when the joint Of­ other Issues. - was unopposed at the spselal state The master of the Emu In- Mayors Anthony Olrlsnio ot etissem tem that assraa to aurvlys any at­ A mile and a half off course, the urge toe eimventlon to pMff* I" That’e putting it mildlyl In Its lushnsss and tropical moons will remain aa finance minister. In fer was made. He has also called Lockheed 'officlala have an­ Democratic - convention lA Hart- ftirmed the Coast Guard today bs Derby, MalacM Lskay of Shelton eMctors to the aatkiiial party's tempts to asake tha dspartmsnta U ttia Mias a special parliamentary aaaslon 8,908-ton KatMeen crunched and Frank p. Fltapatrisk airangsd Thla brmgB to mind aomethtng and luUa ths unwary nesroomsr political circlaa thla was looked nounced that they intend to con­ foid. had decided to proceed to. New aground With her bow alm ost/un­ nominees to r Prwddafit and Vice function aa paid groups. o f a Uke liatuBi that occurred on n into a false acnas of security. .“Schooldays, schooldays, good as a sign Naguib will continue Wednesday to frame a formal re- tinue operations and have taken Prescott Bush whom ths Repub­ Tork inatead of entering the Vir­ to discuss the dtuatlon at a meet­ H m aectloa is not rural wr ifw derneath a cliff at 3:1S a. m, Pst. ing In the latter's offfes. President touched off hnid pro­ aouUiwaat PaclSc laland during the About three hours latsr, loud old faahlonsd schooldays, raadln', AIM I ^ ^ ot Ualoo Optical Co. b precautions to Insure the safety of licans named Friday aa their choice ginia (tepes. (7:18 a. m.). Earthquaks-con- tests from a conssrvatlvs aparesly astUsd by any msaaa and war. Wa were aUUoaad there. •jur writin’ and arlUimstie . . ^ ” (OaatlBMg e« Page Bight) (Ceattoaafi ea Paga Eight) workers who stay on toe job. to serve out the four years which President Baesn of ths gas aad has a population that faordsra yells, tits fllcksring of flashlights Tha Emu rescued the 19 man icious Caliloirnlaiia aboard aaid the who-want tha convaatlon to ri- EVERSEU U.UMIMIN The Mlaad waa oaUed Bfkte. and general confusion filled ths This fam iliar chant waa heard laat The factory produces jet fight­ pudlata Gov. Adlal Stevanaon. - around a half.. mllUon rssidsnta. after the Honduran Fouadatkm blow felt like euch a shock. (OsaMansd a* JPag* B ight) < ^ tal of the New Mebrldeo quiet night. The warshouss waa Wednesday which maikcd the ers and trainers, Navy patrol (COBtinued ea Page Bight) Star broke in two Saturday. The BUb Atemfioaed All towns throughout ths area are opening of another school year. bombers snd big Constellation Bejooto lavttotiM a STORM M f SOREEN 00MB. WINDOWS ooaUguous and It la Imposalhls to that winds tta way, up t o the 8oh>- a bedlam of activity. <3ots were CooM b ood hovt Mr. ChrbtooMii odfint Coast Guard cUttey (%erokoe Within four bourn, with Obast WMls thla group held a 8oriO» XBona. like moat ftliuids In that overturned, officers ware stamp­ Hwra la one Uttia girl who wiu trahsporta. reached the side o( the Emu about aoeuratstar dstsrmtno where one ba the subject of today's story. Shs yoor fllowM fioo o# c b o rf» Snider announced the strike Guard-aided rescue efforts, the 307 of mssUngs laat night, SMveraam! — ■ERESwluRellBMt. RfdbMW mlsSSHRldMBMb. eesiSRwarty ends and •actioa of the fiariSe, the main In­ ing their feet and shouting for aid, McCarthy Job at Stake 60 mllca aouthcaat of Cepe Henry. peaaaegera aboard wera gotten nouaead at a presa (xmfsrsnca that p a w i ng ^OQT S lU B l im MUtUI HUHIUIfB PM i dustry was dealing and shipplag •rnneons slss ahoutsd tor ths Uvss on Church stnst.^ Bh* at­ date last Baturdsy as x ctimax to sore to sat the Evtrsesl dtMonsfifsttd in yoor own hoMt.. h e | ^ tends the Uncola School end' Is In 10 weeks o f futila negotiatic>ns. Va., et 3:80. a. m. today. ashore, many of the younger ones Atty. Gen. Price Daniel has reject­ Tha oounty la ths ruling factor tot copra. Ths meat product of guard. It was planned to transfer the climbing down ladders to ths B ulletins ed an Uivttattmr-t* he ths conveo- Nothing 6)n likt it on tho nuurMt.. Qoslity at a rtasoa- coconuts, copra is used In ths Ws could have told.them what ths second grads. 8essi(ms were held here and at News Tidbits there and the ^ t e oenMa eecoud Washington 'undar federal media­ ■uryivora from the Emu to the beach. Near mid-day, vrben the tion'B keynote neakar. ^ aUa piicc. For dt a onatration an#oatlaMrt# at no ahil-^■* mnnuf acturs xtf. ncapn .and various t t f B »| l«r >ut tlMF Insiated Bach day she gosa home .Aw ■ Tomorrow in Wisconsin t o r - ■ CaU*d fren AP Wireg ^ (7he'rokee.‘ but tea "OendtUona were risihir tide began to fill the huU, ffiSSillls AP WilM Asksd why, BtvimAiMr tiio AV somaiik’fBr'Bidtillis and other m cea- Otis. : cnwlsqfing thsrs. lunch. Croaslag Cwtar atraat an- gation (all sary central govemmant direeUen The company haa offered 7 cents unfavorable for ettempUng the Cept. Graham O. Hughes ordered torney General told Mm he dtdn-'t .After ths oosonut msat is cut uo It took no special sixth ssnae routa home at noon aha is assist- tranefer. Some survivora were “ aDhndon ship" and the 118 offi- Uka buraeua, dlvlatona and tegula------t what 6d acrois the strastjar ths.ofResr Milwaukee, .flapti a^-tffl—Near-y>thers wera conducting a “ameSr mora xn hour, plus an addittooal- have time to write m •y THhibb " -Jitelc G. JdPntos,a3r( M eOBt^-ramn^^lMo catW iop^ •ffilritOmr -i-i'Ju. TBL. 2-S1J8 tor partuapara u m oirow inp L8chmftt*a-Tenttnyo): radio' perfgrnrf^iTIie unlmi dewtai>ds-34 - cents an : mriit as tota tou^ifiB rW tj janknia of tta iwlghbor and aaieh to aarait ahipmant Sometimas isin'a primary election drawn ancca “flagpole, sitting," nnd asked hour more, plue fringe benefits-to- safe' Crackers, is added to bureau's . There’ was 'no indication as .to . Ths ship sUpjisd from Ita . rocky 1988 WetM SoriM wW ed IpecutatiM laai iha ff (sapecially during tha war) It waa Our subject .iti^ at a sarvtca list of "tea most wanted m tn." when the Emu would reach New berth end aarat, wrlth Ite bow s^ voluntaar fira dapartmaut tha hot and Utter bonteat be- tp r o A ag]^ a UUag .1 1-4 cento, the; escelator 1, la the botos park of the Na- tin WinHnesa f* __ __ ou t-d » thb^^vtosr^ ^ ataamMr MhtkXLhBd-alxtMaaaay a ___.1____ mdt3r.TMlnH:slMprJP»MeBr Dri* Hetnmiri:Nr:Band*K'(»^ T otlei tetei^tllg St l o tfesr ~AnnrieBii ana;- 'ilie Cbael ffuaril In NSw York - top peats. Ge7W ia^lBff^; ji.~l Hare you’U find no fwaat fire Would dock at the Uttia wharf ts Deonard Schmitt for the Republi­ Schmitt, unsuccessful candidate basic wages range from $1.3fi to Candia, N. H., who once figured as of'wefiV el p. m. Pst (5:40" a playoff le needed to decide She pick up the copria. roach. During theday they aeerat R^ht little Blondle wants la tha 83.82 hourly. the key person In'famous murder raid the mesaages unty Medical S(Klety as (OoBtlaued ea Fsg» Twa) (C oalk aed om Fags Tferaa) tag will he delayed antU Get. 3 .' . .aftar ite been kicking around for mnneuvera on tha warehouse school year tha man who pumps government charges have made' agent, ceutioped the . workers to noup mulls resolution , submitted way to make Dwight Btranhower and laddan to gigantic nartal floor. BUY ilm a oontroveratal flg(ure, began MeGarthy rep**tedly for what he YFS trucka fo r taU huikUngs. " a while. It alto attracte ratea and hMped tha little girl and the prac­ cooperate with police and avoid for that purpoM. RED HALT FIZZLES the state paly’s presidential nomi- X IJ O Wc li Trade Top P m c c ' The" night tn question found tice la coatlaaing again thia tana. j;ia campaign lata because he was said were McCarthy'a "misrepre- nse, rather than Stevenaon. Shivetp Volutttaara ara aworn in .for a a wonderful aaeortment of lasecte sentationa’’ and “guilty by asso­ violence. He sejd a limited number ;. Four peraons die In automobile them prevented from their usonl. Non, uperating from major surgery of employes will be allowed to Geaea. Italy, Sept. A aix to'atvan yaar period and than who feed off the dried meat Whan ciation" tschnique -M hia “Com- collision near Syracuse, N. Y., aa (tomamatal-rnn tw»-hoar gea- nctlvlUes hy the officer delegation July. He has' been MMlorsed fo r work for aecurlty purposes. First GOP9 Democratic Test (' raoalva whnt la callad an “axampt the wind la right, you can smeU a that had taken over the plaoe. So mimiats in government campaign.’.' sheriff's deputies work more Uun erai strike flxaled la pepwous ' flreaun'a cartuflenta" which meana copra warehousj several mllaa electkm iQr Republican Volun­ hour to remove bodiea from twlat- tho copraroaches waited until tha MEMORIALS tary Oommittee of Wiaconain. Schmitt aaid McCarthy "failed to Genoa provtace today. It was tbay oan quit at aay tlnra aftar away. But when firat put Into the lights ware out, advanced in n mil- uncover a tihgit Ckxiununlat. let ed wreckage . . , About 70 mem­ estimated that betweea 16 aad that If tbay dsalra. Voting vrithln bage it gathara a raUMr- sweet Schmitt an attorney of Berrtll. bers of Odd Fetiows from Stam­ Going on Today in Maine Wc Need Your Car! Hary body upon the maaa table and Wia., haa been staging marathon alone 80S he originally claimed Truck Tips, Pins IS per seat of the warkers an- Two Hurt R8 Auto YE S tha fira compaaiaa at offlcac alac- odor that la dtrtiacUva to aay tha OF PROVEN . were-ln the State department." ford return to mainland after awerad the strike eaU. . . nte every acrap of food that that WANTED radio appearanrum In savaral parte Uon tima la oomparabls to tot hot- leaat The gnmey smell oomw wasn’t bolted down. When the .. 76 Seek Sheriff being stormbooad ea Block lalaad, of state, staying bafora mlcrophcme Driver 3 Hours B. 1.. overnight;^ Porttand, Me., Sept.. 8—(ff')—< radio stations. It indicated victory HiU Parkwa}r T r ^ . taat Dsmocratlo or RapubUcan later. food waa flniahad and nttraetad by The prediction o f one mlUi(m Maine voters today elect e U. S. for the GOP, but with smeller me- HELD FOR KILLING eontaat avtr atagad. iim i fV Vi INK IN flNVlN as long aa 38 hOura at a stretch Young King Hussein of Jordan Ona day to our island jewel tn- tha odor of whHa men, thair uext to answer questions. votes was'made by Oalge Roberts, Senator, Governor and three U. 8. jorttles than tn reeent elections. - Norwalk, Sept. 8-riF)—Lele All thla in aa aran that could tha Raclflc Came a detachment o f objaetiva was the officers cote, supervisor o f elections in the *Vis- Windsor, Sept. S—(Fi-^A truck arrtvea in Rqme, Italy, while on Gartia, 88,-of Nqrwalk. who Is S t a m f 0 r d. YFS NatteowMa Attextloa Representatives In .the nation’s Democratic State Commtttee aaally ba intagrated Into one large X X.J L/ We llit Deliver You A fresh troopa from tho United UntU . you’ve seen a Coproroach SUPERIORITY consln Secretary of State's office. driver from Revere, Maas., ap«nC plane enroute to ^London where he first test of Republican-Democra­ Chairman James G. Sawyer fore­ eharged nith the •rm tty klU- elderly. Ptatafleu!^X metippolltaa area aarved by a States. Nice clean uniforms, waU you cast Imagine thair hugiaiss. Thia contest has attracted na­ He attributed the predicted In­ three painful hours pinned in the will enter mUltaiy academy. . . . tic strength of the year. cast a vote of about 240.000. Tho tag" at her eaneer aaffertag was tajursd ’ w S b rtgttlar fin dapartmant ayatam un- tionwide attention because moat of Louie O. Patton, Weet Hartford praaasd nitd fUU of sparkle. It was Two antenna, aloft from their OormUy dflsigiMd ssonameats arc >rodact8 of raMS„i crease over the usual 600,000 or so cab o f hia evfrtiin icd truck Itere At least one hotly-debated local 1948. vote^wae 238.000. The GOP father, was discharged traas thMr auto left th* ~ ' dar ona central command. But it a pleasure to aae them. We made a ugly heads Ilka a captive parasol, country's leading nawspapers and to the fact that 76 candidates am., early today before he could be youth charged with draft evaslea, issue and clear, oI weather wee mar^n Chen waa a rec(^ 95,000— Norwalk Hospital befere aoen way hen and atniili^a^Hp mt 4a not to ba. Towaa go on their rather contrasting sight tn our wave to ahd fro .** Jt movaa. faitellif«at stadp. Thtf khvo hsMiro, dirti^oTfSi oolumnlsts. In nddttlon to top seeking job as sheriff in Milwau­ f r ^ - appears in U. 8. District Court at expected to bring out a fairly for Margarat Qtaee ''’Smith ae today, aad promptly echedaied' oenter edpsitedc - placid way vaar aftar yoot, eon- mouldy, tattered ahorta, several Their bodies art anywhan from Bwmfaig; tb*p have baantp that win aadarc. ^ - poutlcal figyrao, hava tekwt.sldaa kee,, the state’s most heavily pepu- Kobert Kloeek, 84, tbs' driver, Hartford Sept. 15, follow ing Ma heavy vote. Polls generelly open 'Saiuitor, Um Mggest vets was 311,- tor a city court henrtag later to lttjurdd;;.W*m tant wltk tha voluntaer qmtam and day* beard growth and abaelute three-and six Inches4ong and Uiay for or against McCarthy. lated ares. wee taken by ambulance to Hart­ Indictment Sisturdey. at 7 a.m. with most of them clos­ OOO in 1936. Bawysr said, however, th ed a y . Smith, 60, o f 31 NEW PONTIAC! nthar proud o t tha knowledge that lack of Esprit da Corps. are cocoa color with . axtramaly Cottiat Dfloc la 0 «r Own Shoa Pma The McCarthy told rally Jwra last Wisconsin has about 3.300,000 ford boepitai where he was ad­ Midway point in. construction in g 'a t 7 p.m. that local iysuea, rather than State and hen taitoan NEVTR KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVIRTRADED ’ even for a metropolitan n ^ auch At' that time wa ware atatloned hard shells. ' RoBthStoacTdTheFiiiiahM^aBoiU waak *T naad your votea badly.". eligible voters. mitted for Injuries to his left leg. program to turn OMaawa late Repub"ie|xibUcans expected to win all or national, would bring out many aa them, fira Inauranee ralha are there as a aort of Italson bstwasn - A favorite sport ot off-duty soh He haa said he -wants .aa Ug a Wisconsin laws do not raquira His c(Mi.ditlon is listed as satisfac­ atroag bomber, amphlblaiM major offices, ss they have (tone voters. at a minimum. tha special condimlnlum Franch- diera stationed there wna to-round APPLY margin of victory na poasibla be­ registration by party and voters tory. ' alrbonie baac, haa been- reached, regulariy since 1984.. Republican State Chairman Hut­ treated for ^ V olu n tas d^MulaBSttta' made BrlUdi . govemmant nnd U. 8. up a few of them and maka bate cause it would be a vote of confl- have a choiet in primary. Hence, KloaCk and hla partner, Alfred ecco'rdtng to Army officials . GOP Wta Forecast chins antlclpstes a imte of 330,000 BAl.CH PONTIAC, INC. thto posslbla. troops. Our jo b was to aaa (Mri -«a which wmfid maka the loudest dCnca in Ms- claim s thara a rt aub- Democrats could vote M. ths Re­ Allen, 14, of CheIsm,’M iM , were Soviet obaerver and astrommier Boteterlng their optimtam eras to 250,000. Hs based it on “Interest f ' kUT f-HQNl ■■ :'.4^ -A-,. tha man wars quarterad as oon>. .rapert when Its body eras crashed., RUSH NRRIWME^ A^richestcr Memorial Co. xeratve iafiusneea In tha admlnis- publican primary. If thsy choec, eartyin ga load o t etpiipment from says thaUfiylag saucers are o ^ - an taformel survey, > comiUled oy stirred among RspubUcana" by Sentehlaff Up Vateaf fOrteMy and as quickly da poaal- TMy sound exactiy lUie flracrack- cal iUuaioB growing ou t ot sheer the Awoctated Praia from opin­ :.-PfN tVINIKk' ‘ Til • Wa'va (Uwnya bean told—and A. H. AIMBTTL tratlon. Me with the hpuit diaturbanee t* popping (hiring a Fourth af ’^KeCarthy aaid Bcbmltt and (CantiuMd ea.Fhff* CO*) i.oa'raga Two) war psychosis. ions B|tlMred by newspapers and* have bahaved—that a candidate tha nattva pomilatloa. ute MebraUosi. HARRISON STREET— BIANCHESTER for offleo, aaparlally a preMdaatlal Arrangamaiua hi n ia was tha.cokxial'a iMUatloa