Sketches of a Summer Trip to New York and the Canadas [Microform]

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X s PUBL i ^¥'- * - > SKETCHES OF A SUMMER TRIP TO NEW YORK AND THE CANADAS. BY D. W ILKIE. " So on 1 ramble, now and tlu'n narrating. Vow ponderiDcr "•*<,« KvncN. EDINBURGH: PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, LONDON ; J. ANDERSON, JUN., AND A. HILL, EDINBURGH ; i'-'H GEO. TAIT, HADDINGTON; AND lAFFREY AND REID, BERWICK. MDCCCXXXVir. ] ^f1f^f PC 72. L>-''^'t/ ^—~v. ..,...,,, ^,^___,^^^.^^^ I: it CO thi rel sty thr nee hav of] my who ; TO MRS HAMILTON NISBET FERGUSON, OP DIRLETON AND BELHAVEN. Madam, In presenting to your notice the following Sketches, it is without expectation that they will be found to contain information practically useful to any one the only interest they can possess will arise from their relation to that part of the world, so appropriately styled the " poor man's country." I hold in respect all who, in exerting their philan- thropy, smooth the way for the unfortunate whom necessity compels to search for a second home ; but having witnessed some of the hardships which many of my poor expatriated countrymen have to endure, my heart warms with a double fervency towards those who maintain a still higher position as benefactors of 11 DEDICATION. their humble neighboars, by making use of the powers and resources which Providence hath granted them, in rendering to the poor man his own fatherland a happy and abundant home. The pleasure and satisfaction I feel in paying a tribute of respect to one, foremost in such a laudable pursuit, are greatly enhanced by the knowledge, that I now bear along with me the hearts of many whose grateful feelings any language of mine would coldly express. I have the honour to be, With the highest respect, Madam, Your most obedient, And humble servant, D. WiLKIE. Tyne House, lOth December, 1836. —— h^t. awers m, in mppy in^ a lAHLK OF CONTENTS. idable , that IMff. \'' whose ( iiM'. I. — Starting — Canal 15oat — S|.rinj;inga Leak— Tontinf Hotel, Glasgow— SteaniiT to Grei'tmck — Kotlisay, Sec, coldly CiiAi". 11. — Waiting for a Fair Wind— Acciilents— Slipping our Cable— Irish Fishermen — Log Hook— Sea Sickness Ai'c'iik'nts — Calms — Gales — Hurricanes — Loss of ( ook ami Passenger in a Storm^Tliunder- Storms- Shipping seas— Mother Carey's Chickens — Last of the Log, . I.T t HAT. Ill Arrival at New York — Our first Breakfast — Theatre —The Fair Sex — I'layers — City Hall — Fulton Mar- ket—Museum— Lawrie Tod—Tea Parties — Hroad- way, \ . » Ci \ I. — Washington Hotel— Breakfast Table, &c. — Bar- Room and its Accompaniments— Elysian Fields, iSic..^ Anecdote of a Temperance-struck Irishman— Hobert Burns' House— Our Landlady—Steam Boat— Huds( Uiver— Dinner Table. C II A 1'. \ . — Albany—Theatre— Temperance- 1 louse — Bai 1 way — Schenectady —Characteristic Anecdote— Erie Canal — Ctica— Snow- Storm — Company — Buffalo— Lake Erie— Detroit, .... 72 CnAi'. VI, — Detroit Bugs— Niagara Falls— Canadian Story, !»4 I HAi'. \'II — Conclusion of Story, 117 Cmai-. \ III Last of the Oneidas, an Indian Tale, CiiAi-. IX General Brock's Monument — Extra — Double- Mi'dded Hoom— Night-Walking Adventure— Ameri- can Hotel Breakfast — Toronto— Hamilton Militia- Corduroy Hoad— Dining with Sipiire— Entry to the Bush— Back -Wood Life— Canadian Kirk — Sermon — Canadian Fair Sex— .Stumps— Fire Flies — Ameri- can Tourists—Mrs Wilson, &c., 14H CllAl'. X. — Letter— Steam Travelling— F. S.'s Log Hut Chopping Bee— Bush Festival— Guessing Frolic— Bee at S(|uire D. 'g, &c,, . 170 — — 11 ( ONTKNTS. r.«t" ( KA . XI Observations on Tdiir \\ ritinc: — llobett Burns — Toronto — Inland— Amc'tican Military - Crime and I'unitlinieMt— Hotels — Fire I'ublic MeetiniK — lull of ScalTolding, .... |K,^ -^ ( H M' , \I1.- N'arii'ts of Spcts (bildrcn of I'l'acf, alinx l)a\ iilites- - David Wilson - Political I'rocesHJon - ( »x Koastiiii; - Tlmnder-Storin - I)crt'a>e in the City — l)i'|i:irtur(' for tbe \\'oods again — .lourncy tliithcr, &c.. 2n\ CllAl', XIIl.— The Hush Kinployinint of our I'artv - I'igs — Natives — Harvest llurri<'am'— Hunting Hear — Life of Settlers— Visit to an Old Scotchman — Clerical Anecdote - Solitary (Jrave, &i'. - Observations on the indulgiiiif in Sentiment and Devotion- -Cleared Land — Snake-Fences — Cows nml lincloMires-- Frogs, Crickets, Flies, Snakes— Hen Hiintlnj,', •-'14 V HA I'.
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