VENUE CODES & USEFUL NUMBERS OCA Oxmarket Centre of Arts CC Cathedral (01243) 782595 PH House (01798) 342207 CCM Chichester Cattle Market (023) 9223 3562 PHNR Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve (01243) 641508 CDM Museum (01243) 784683 SDPSC Planetarium & Science Centre CFT Chichester Festival Theatre (01243) 781312 (To reserve tickets) (01243) 774400 FRP Fishbourne Roman Palace (01243) 785859 WDOAM Weald & Downland Museum (01243) 811348 what’s on? GC Grange Centre, (01730) 816841 WSHOMS West History of Medicine Society MT Minerva Theatre (01243) 781312 (Rebecca Robinson Ext. 2730) (01243) 788122

For more information on SEPTEMBER 2005 25 Music on Sundays – 10th Anniversary these and other events, Concert. The Monington Ensemble. contact Chichester Tourist 15 Midhurst Market. GC. 8.30-2pm. 30 Music on Sundays. ‘Music from the Mists of Time’ – a lecture/recital of 10 Medieval Tournament. Find out about life in Venue: Oxmarket Centre of Arts, 2.30pm. music from 1450 to 1750 with period instruments. Venue: Oxmarket Centre of Information Centre on 15-16 Apple Affair at West Dean Gardens. medieval Chichester with the re-enactment (01243) 573005. Arts, 2.30pm. (01243) 573005. 01243 775888. Whilst every group Raven Tor. Tournaments (without (01243) 811301. effort has been made to 25 ‘The Northern Lights’. SDPSC, 3.30pm Prof Ross Laurenson: Colonial medicine in New Zealand. WSHOMS. horses), cookery and crafts. The Guildhall, 16 ‘Sea Dogs, Sailing and Stars’. SDPSC, 3.30pm. ensure the accuracy of this 10-12 noon. £5. information, Chichester 11am-4pm. CDM for details. 27 Lunchtime concert: Matthew Jones (viola) Dr Ann Fergusson: 1) Arrow poison to District Council cannot Table Top Sale. GC, 9-12pm. and Michael Hampton (piano). CC. 1.10pm. Collectomania. GC. 10-4pm. accept responsibility for any anaesthesia – a brief history of curare, 7 May-10 King Lear, CFT. 27-21 Jan Wartime Childhood. An exhibition of local 2) History of anatomy. errors, omissions or children’s experience of the two World Wars. inconvenience caused. WSHOMS. 10-12 noon, £5. 1 July-10 Lee Miller, CFT. Chichester District Museum. NOVEMBER 2005 20 Submission day for Chichester Open Art Apologies to those people 3 Small farm animals for smallholders: poultry handling. A half day who will get the magazine 10-11 Downland churches flower festival Exhibition 2005, Sussex County Rooms, session on how to handle poultry species and how to retail eggs. WDOAM. after some of the events at , North Marden and Stoughton. OCTOBER 2005 Goodwood Racecourse. Other submission 10.30-2.30pm, £40. (Booking essential) listed. The list runs from 10-5pm. Coffee, lunches, music, raffle, home points in London, Bristol and Manchester. when the first deliveries of produce and cooking. 1 The Big Draw. Come and celebrate the power Enquiries: (01243) 533028. 4 Farmers’ Market, Chichester Cattle Market car park. ‘initiatives’ are made, but of drawing at the Museum and Guildhall. CDM The Wood Show. All kinds of items made delivery to all properties ‘We Wunt Be Druv’ – an evening with The 5 Museum Murder Mystery. CDM – meet at 11am (2 hour event) Free. normally takes 2 weeks. from the woodlands – hurdles, turned bowls, 1-2 Autumn Countryside Celebration. Copper Family, singing country songs handed 5-19 Chichester Open Art exhibition 2005. (Details at top of page). wooden carvings, furniture, musical instruments Heavy horses, steam tractors, countryside down from one generation to the next. and much more, with special demonstrations skills and crafts and much more. WDOAM. Church, 7.30pm. Tel: (01798) 869454. 8-10 Lecture Lunches: Neville Shute, Customs & Curiosities, Montezuma’s in the Gridshell building. WDOAM. Chocolate, RY Britannia, Painting on Silk. Uppark. EVERY WEEK OR 2 July – British Studio Pottery: From Bernard Leach 21 Farmers’ Market, Chichester Cattle Market Various prices – phone (01730) 825256 for details. SEASONAL 16 Farmers’ Market, Chichester Cattle Market 2 Oct to Lucy Rie. The Treasury, Chichester Cathedral. car park. car park. 11 ‘Destination Mars’. SDPSC, 7.30pm. General Market 2 Prof Ewan Anderson: Quinine, from the 22 Farmers’ Market, Town Centre Car Park, Cattle Market Car Park, 16-18 Goodwood Revival. Contact (01243) 755055 Countess of Cinchona to Ronald Regan. Petworth. 12 Table Top Sale. GC. 9-12pm. or WSHOMS. 10-12 noon, £5. Chichester. Every 1 Wednesday and Saturday 23 A Civil War Murder Mystery at Petworth 19 Wildfowl & Wader Walk. PHNR. A 2 /2 hour amble along the West side to 17 St Wilfrids Hospice Coastal Challenge 20th Annual Wittering Walk. 3, 6 or 10 House. 2-3.30pm. Normal House admission. Church Norton. Meet at the Visitor Centre, , 10.15 for 10.30 start. Chichester Open Art Yacht Trophy. Organised by Shore Inn miles. Team prize for 10 mile walk – free day Exhibition 2004 Cruising Club. Bar, barbecue, live jazz band at trip to Calais. Start 10am Shore Road, E. Book Fair. GC, 10-4pm. The Chichester Singers in Chichester Cathedral – Christmas Oratorio by J S Bach. 7.30pm. Tickets £7-£18 (01243) 783390 / 572892 / 533264. Register your entry on Shore Hotel . 10am start, £20 Wittering. Sponsor forms (01243) 755827 or 24 Children’s Holiday Activities. CFT. 5-7 yr 20th October in the each boat entered. Contact Mark Taylor write to C. Neville, Coastal Challenge, olds, £24. email: [email protected] for Midhurst Market. GC. 8.30-2pm. Sussex County Rooms, (01243) 672237. c/o St. Wilfrid’s Hospice, Grosvenor Road, information. Goodwood. Exhibition to Chichester PO19 2EP. 19-20 ‘Pig to Pork’ Weekend at WDOAM. Midhurst Market. GC. 8.30-2pm. 24-28 Roman Army Week be held at Minerva Covers Challenge Trophy & Ladies Cup. 20 ‘Hubble’s Greatest Hits’. SDPSC, 3.30pm. 17-18 Underground Petworth. Explore the at Fishbourne Roman Palace. Theatre, CFT on 5-19 10 mile cross-country run. Slow runners underground tunnels of Petworth House. 25 ‘Venus at its Brightest’. SDPSC, 7.30pm. November. A total of welcome. Tel: (01243) 755827 for entry forms Half Term Activities for accompanied PH, 1pm-4.30pm. Normal House admission. £7,000 prize money will or write to C. Neville c/o St. Wilfrids Hospice, children at WDOAM. Contact (01243) 811348 27 Music on Sundays. ‘Great Violinists’ by Bryan Somerville plus AGM. be on offer to winners. 18 The Stansted Slog. Chichester Runners Chichester PO19 2EP. for details. Venue: Oxmarket Centre of Arts, 2.30 pm. (01243) 573005. Contact Nick Worthy raising money for the Samaritans with a half 2-20 Sea Britain Events Watercolours Exhibition. 25 ‘Journey Into Space’. SDPSC, 3.30pm. 01243 533028, marathon through the Estate. (023) 9241 2265 Uppark. Normal admission prices and times. for details. Bird Box & Feeder Bonanza – Making bird (Lecture Suppers 29 Sept & 6,13,20 Oct. food and nest boxes for the Reserve and to ‘Shine on Harvest Moon’. SDPSC, 3.30pm. Lecture £25 – phone for details) (01730) 825256. take home. 10-12pm. PHNR, Visitor Centre, Event of the Month ‘Antique and Collectors Fair’. Westgate 4 The Tudor Bakehouse. WDOAM. 10-4pm. Sidlesham. (Booking essential) The Big Draw Centre, Chichester. 10.30am-4.00pm. £1.50 £50. (01243) 811464 (Booking essential) Children’s Holiday Activities. CFT. 8-11 yr Enquiries (01243) 788596 On 1 October 2005 there will be a variety of 7 Farmers’ Market, Chichester Cattle Market olds, £24. email: [email protected] for information. events taking place locally for The Big Draw, a 20 Lunchtime concert: Ian Roberts (organ), CC. car park. national campaign to get everyone drawing. 1.10pm. 7/8/9 Working craftsmen, demonstrations, 25-29 Mikado by CAOS Musical Productions. MT, These will include drawing-based activities, with 22 Ghost walk. CDM, 11am. £2.50 adult/£1 child. food & drink and much more. 7.15pm Mon-Sat, also 2.15pm Sat. local artists, at Chichester District Museum and The Guildhall in Priory Park, Chichester. Stansted Park. (023) 9241 2265 for details. 26 Children’s Holiday Activities. CFT. 4 yr 23-25 Beer Festival at Cider Farm. The events will be taking place all day, and are Contact Julian Moore (01243) 773828 for details. 8 ‘The Starlit Skies of Autumn. SDPSC, 7.30pm. olds, £14. email: [email protected] for aimed at all ages and abilities. information. 24 Farmers’ Market, Capron House car park Table Top Sale. GC. 9-12pm. For the latest details of local events for The Big Midhurst. 27 The Roman Crisis, Chichester AD285-300, Draw, telephone Chichester District Museum on 14-16 Galloway Antiques Fair at Stansted Park. Carausius and Allectus – A talk by John Smith. (01243) 784683, or go to (023) 9241 2265 CDM. 7pm, £2 pp. (Booking essential)

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