Bishop James F. Checchio
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April 29, 2016 Bishop James F. Checchio Be Reconciled To God S2 — CATHOLIC STAR HERALD Congratulations APRIL 29, 2016 The Most Rev. Paul G. Bootkoski with the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Metuchen Bishop-electCONGRATULATE James F. Ch ecchio on your appointment by His Holiness Pope Francis as fifth bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen. WE WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS AND WE ASK GOD TO GUIDE YOU IN YOUR IMPORTANT WORK ON BEHALF OF THE CHURCH OF METUCHEN Be assured of our continued prayers and support for you as you assume the role of our chief shepherd. • APRIL 29, 2016 Bishop James F. Checchio CATHOLIC STAR HERALD — S3 Photo by James A. McBride Bishop Dennis Sullivan, Bishop-elect James F. Checchio and priests of the Diocese of Camden celebrate the Chrism Mass at Saint Agnes Church, Our Lady of Hope Parish, Blackwood, on March 22. ‘Until now,’ a priest of the Diocese of Camden When the Mandate from the Holy cal studies in the seminary and for family and then by parish priests, ment as the Rector of the North See transferring Bishop-elect James graduate school. He was accepted by priest teachers and Religious American College in Rome provided F. Checchio to the Diocese of the Diocese of Camden as a semi- women, all of whom encouraged him with administrative skills and Metuchen is read at his Episcopal narian for the priesthood and after his vocation to the priesthood. In talents that will also assist his over- Ordination, it will refer to him in this completing seminary formation his parish and diocesan assign- seeing the church in Metuchen. way, “until now a priest of Bishop James McHugh, ments the People of God with However, it is his upbringing, his the Diocese of Camden.” the fifth Bishop of whom he was associated in min- South Jersey neighbors, boyhood and Those words “a priest of Camden, on June 20th, istry would also influence his adolescent education experiences, the Diocese of Camden” 1992, ordained James growth as a priest. his diocesan assignments after ordi- are packed with signifi- Checchio a priest for the This local church is very proud of nation to the priesthood and the lay cance both for the Bishop- church of Camden. this priest of our diocese. He is one faithful of this local church of elect and for the Catholic As a priest he served the of us. His selection by our Holy Camden that have had a lasting and faithful of Camden. church of Camden in a Father Francis as a successor of the formative effect on him as a priest of Bishop Checchio was A MESSAGE variety of assignments, Apostles is a credit to his family and Jesus Christ and soon to be Bishop of Baptized, received First FROM THE including associate pastor; also to the church in Camden, its the Catholic Church. Holy Communion and secretary to the late priests, religious and laity. The fra- Count on our prayers, Bishop-elect Confirmation in parishes BISHOP Bishop James McHugh; ternal pride of his brother priests in Checchio. Count on our heartfelt of the Diocese of Camden. Bishop vice chancellor; and direc- him was very obvious at the dinner concern for you as you travel north The Diocese of Camden is tor of the Office of for the clergy following the Mass of to Central Jersey. We are delighted the place of his initiation Dennis J. Communications. Priests Chrism. He was graciously toasted; that you are near to home and in the into Christ and into the Sullivan of the diocese are among loudly applauded and rousingly summer look forward even to seeing Church. Both his primary his closest friends and the cheered by his brother priests who you down the shore. We are so very school education at Saint John’s, diocese is home for his parents and share in the joy of his selection as a proud that in Camden you learned Collingswood, and his secondary other family members. bishop of the church. to be a priest. The Holy Father’s education at Paul VI High School Being a priest of the Diocese of As the Bishop of Metuchen he will selection of you as a Bishop, a suc- took place in the diocese. His Camden is in the spiritual DNA of shepherd that flock with priestly fer- cessor of the Apostles, brings honor Catholic education provided him Bishop-elect Checchio. Here he was vor and a pastoral heart which were to our diocese and above all to you, with a solid academic and religious formed and grew in our faith. formed, developed and shaped in our until now a priest of the Diocese of foundation for college, for theologi- Influenced first by his parents and diocese. Of course, his recent assign- Camden. “Be Reconciled To God” S4 — CATHOLIC STAR HERALD Congratulations APRIL 29, 2016 APRIL 29, 2016 Bishop James F. Checchio CATHOLIC STAR HERALD — S5 On Rome, home and parish ministry: An interview with Bishop-elect James F. Checchio Recently, the Catholic Star Herald sat kind of helps to have a broader down with Bishop-elect James F. vision in a sense. It’s a unique Checchio to discuss his recent appoint- opportunity for a man to experience ment as Bishop of Metuchen, as well as something different. his experience as a priest. Below are In addition, it’s close to the Holy excerpts from the conversation. Father, and he becomes a welcome friend and voice, (when men) go Catholic Star Herald: How did your every week to hear him speak, and experiences in Camden prepare you for receive his blessing. So much of the your assignment in Rome at North life of the church takes place in American College? Rome, the pope becomes a true Bishop-elect Checchio: While I was Father to us, by our proximity. a priest in Camden, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio sent me to LaSalle CSH: Are you going to miss Rome? University, where I received my Bishop-elect Checchio: I miss the Master’s in Business Administration. men at the college, and aspects of I first went to Rome to run the admin- the seminary life, but I was long istration of the college, and the busi- enough in Rome, and ready to come ness part of the college, (dealing home. with) employees, finances, buildingm Being the rector at NAC is going to and currency exchange. be one of the privileges of my life When I became rector (in 2006), I and my priestly ministry. To have spent most of my time training that job and the opportunity to inter- parish priests. From Camden, I act with the young men, to help form learned from the examples of older future priests and shepherds of the priests (who became my mentors), flock, be able to influence them a bit, working, watching, and observing, and how they will approach the and I took away how to be a parish priesthood, it certainly was an honor priest. and a privilege. The parish is the most important But I missed family and friends ministry in the diocese, where most primarily, and the opportunities for of the ministry takes place, where ministry. I have good friends here, people are nourished and fed, and but it’s not the same when you don’t counseled and assisted. I interacted interact with them regularly. I with parish families, saw their missed the parish experience. And I enthusiasm, their dedication to their BISHOP-ELECT JAMES F. CHECCHIO recently had the unique opportunity faith and to their development of to marry my nephews, my sister’s their friendship with Christ, and children, and baptize my great- how they accomplish that through niece. the church and sacraments, and give I’m so grateful for the experiences the same thing to their children. I had there over the years, but home I learned from the families, what “I’m so grateful for the experiences is home. they needed, and what would be helpful to assist them. I asked how I had there over the years, but CSH: What are your thoughts about the parish could coordinate our wor- the state of the Catholic Church, and ship, so that they were being fed where it is headed? spiritually, so that they were being home is home. Bishop-elect Checchio: It’s a great nourished for what they had to do, to time for the Catholic Church, I think. support their family and marriage, The church is growing throughout and to be the leaven in the society for the priesthood in Rome, as opposed eign culture, to study a foreign lan- the world, the message of the Gospel that the church asks them to be. to getting their formation in the United guage, and be in the mix of the” inter- is spreading. I’ve helped seminarians realize the States? national scene; people are there not The future of the church, the need to be good Catholics, to under- Bishop-elect Checchio: There are only from the city of Rome, but from future of the priesthood in the stand the things they need to take lots of benefits to studying to Rome. all over the world. United States is strong and growing. care, in their own lives, physically, Of course, there are similarities, in Pope Pius IX’s vision was to have During my time at NAC, the place mentally and spiritually, and pre- building up the four pillars of semi- all these national colleges in the city, went from 140 to 250 seminarians, pared them intellectually, and how nary formation: the intellectual, spir- so that countries don’t become iso- with 101 U.S.