& Wrekin Council Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 Contents

1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 4 1.1 Housing Requirement 4 1.2 Deliverable Housing Supply 5 1.3 Five Year Housing Land Supply 7 2 Appendices 11 2.1 Appendix 1 - Sites with Planning Permission and Resolution to Grant Permission 11 2.2 Appendix 2 - Local Plan Housing Allocations not yet approved 11 2.3 Appendix 3 - Contribution from Small Sites Under Construction and Not Started 11 2.4 Appendix 4 - TWC delivery rates analysis 11 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 3 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 1 4 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 1 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement

1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement

1.0.1 This statement sets out the housing land supply position for Telford & Wrekin as of April 2018. It clarifies the methodology and assumptions based on the National Planning Policy Framework's (NPPF) requirement to identify a minimum five years' worth of housing land supply against an area's housing requirements.

1.0.2 The Council may in future seek to confirm its five year supply position for a given year through an annual position statement. Recent revisions to the NPPF and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) set out how this can be achieved

1.1 Housing Requirement

1.1.1 The starting point with calculating the housing land supply is to determine the housing requirement. Where the Local Plan is less than five years old, this is set out in its adopted strategic policies. The Telford & Wrekin Local Plan was adopted in January 2018 and its housing requirement of 17,280 dwellings (864 dwellings annually for 2011-2031) is therefore used.

1.1.2 The NPPF and PPG require a minimum 5% buffer is added to the five year supply to ensure choice and competition in the market for land. A 10% buffer is applied only when the Council wishes to fix its supply for a year, or has a recently adopted plan by the NPPF definition. Neither scenario applies in Telford & Wrekin at present. Lastly, a 20% buffer is applied where delivery of housing over the previous three years has fallen below 85% of the requirement, as measured in the Government's Housing Delivery Test(1).

Table 1.1 Housing Delivery against Targets

Completions Target Comparison vs Cumulative 864 annual difference requirement

2011-12 720 864 -144 0

2012-13 607 864 -257 -401

2013-14 842 864 -22 -423

2014-15 1,074 864 +210 -213

2015-16 1,255 864 +391 +178

2016-17 1,148 864 +284 +462

2017-18 1,067 864 +203 +665

Total 2011-18 6,713 6,048 +665 (+95 average)

111% of requirement

1 Paragraph 75 National Planning Policy Framework and Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rule Book Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 5 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 1

Completions Target Comparison vs Cumulative 864 annual difference requirement

Total 2015-18 3,470 2,592 +878 (+293 average)

134% of requirement

1.1.3 Table 1.1 demonstrates there has been a cumulative surplus of housing supply against the requirement since the Local Plan start date (2011) and over the last three years. The issue of past under delivery was considered during a planning appeal at Kestrel Close / Beechfields Way, Newport in March 2017 (2) and also at the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan examination (3). In both cases the planning inspectors concluded that delivery during the first five years of the plan period did not amount to persistent under delivery and a 20% buffer should not be applied to the housing requirement. Consequently, a 5% buffer is applied which gives a housing requirement of 4,536 dwellings for 2018-23.

1.2 Deliverable Housing Supply

1.2.1 The NPPF (4) states that sites included in the five year housing supply must be deliverable and this means:

'...sites for housing should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years. Sites that are not major development, and sites with detailed planning permission, should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered within five years (e.g. they are no longer viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans). Sites with outline planning permission, permission in principle, allocated in the development plan or identified on a brownfield register should only be considered deliverable where there is clear evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years.'

1.2.2 PPG (5) sets out what information will need to be included in annual reviews of housing land supply. This can include the number of homes, planning status, timescales and information on delivery progress. The Council has included the following sources it considers to be deliverable in accordance with this policy and guidance:

Major development sites (10+ dwellings) with planning permission that are either fully or partly under construction; Major sites with planning permission that are yet to start. Both outline and full permissions are included and different assumptions provided for their contributions; Major sites with resolution to grant planning permission, subject to signing a legal (Section 106) agreement. Sites are included only where they have the potential to deliver over the next five years, once lead-in times and build-out rates are applied;

2 APP/C3240/W/16/3144445, para 95 3 Report on the Examination of the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 2011-31, paragraph 74 4 Annex 2: Glossary, definition of 'deliverable' 5 Paragraph 048 Reference ID: 3-048-20180913. Revision date: 13 09 2018 6 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 1 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement

Major sites allocated in the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan and 'made' Neighbourhood Plans. Several housing allocations in the Local Plan are either committed or have been completed; the remaining sites have been included in the five year supply where there is an expressed interest from the landowner to sell for development, or an applicant intends to submit a planning application in the near future; Small sites (under 10 dwellings with permission and/or under construction) are considered to be deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered within five years (as per the NPPF definition of deliverable sites); Analysis has shown that an average 30 dwellings each year have come forward on windfall sites since 2001. An allowance for contribution from small windfall sites is included in the last two years of the five year supply only (i.e. from 2021/22 to 2022/23). This is to avoid any double counting against small site commitments which are also included in the five year supply. The approach is consistent with other local planning authorities in who apply a windfall allowance for the last two years only.

1.2.3 The assumptions are based on research and survey work including information obtained from applicants and stakeholders. Details are provided on the number of homes under construction and completed, planning status, timescales and progress towards detailed permissions for outline applications. Demolitions and planned demolitions are also listed. Appendices 1-3 of this Statement list individual sites and their contribution to the five year supply.

1.2.4 In accordance with PPG advice, estimate lead-in times for site commencements have been provided. These are based on an analysis of bringing forward sites under construction (Appendix 1) (6) and information from applicants and agents where possible. Allowances have been included for signing legal agreements (six months in most cases), considering outline applications (six months from validation to committee), determination (four months), discharging pre-commencement conditions (six months for larger sites, three months for smaller sites) and for selling sites, where relevant (six months).

1.2.5 Assumptions for lead-in times to first dwelling completions vary between 3 and 12 months depending on the likely preparation work required. Build rates are applied for each site based on an assessment of recent delivery records in Telford & Wrekin as provided in Appendix 4.

1.2.6 Table 1.2 summarises the information in Appendices 1-3. This should be read alongside the figures provided in Table 2.8: Housing Land Provision, in the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The AMR figures have informed this statement but the figures in the five year supply calculation differ because they are an assessment of deliverable sites from the overall AMR figures. The assumptions outlined above are applied to the AMR figures to determine the five year supply of housing land. This statement also differentiates between major (10+ dwellings) and minor/small (9 or below) sites as the site categories in paragraph 3.2 show. Small sites are considered deliverable until until permission expires as per the NPPF definition of deliverable and should only be excluded if there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered within five years.

6 Informed by data submitted as part of planning appeal APP/C3240/W/16/3144445 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 7 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 1

Table 1.2 Deliverable Housing Supply 2018-23

Component 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Total of Supply

Major sites 804 671 333 69 40 1,917 under construction

Major sites 107 262 269 249 174 1,061 with full planning permission

Major sites 0 19 251 632 709 1,611 with outline planning permission

Major sites 0 50 52 79 102 283 with resolution to grant permission

Proposed 0 0 26 140 86 252 housing allocations

Small 98 98 98 99 99 492 deliverable sites (U/C & NYS)

Windfall 30 30 60

Total 1,009 1,100 1,029 1,298 1,240 5,676

1.3 Five Year Housing Land Supply

1.3.1 The Council's five year housing land supply position is set out in Tables 1.3-1.5. In determining the housing requirement a 5% buffer is added to the Local Plan figure (864 dwellings each year) which gives a five year figure of 4,535 dwellings (907 each year). The 5% buffer is applied because there has been no overall shortfall in completions and no under delivery (below 85% of the requirement over the previous three years) against the Housing Delivery Test.

1.3.2 Housing data from the 2018 Annual Monitoring Report has been reviewed to calculate individual sites' contribution to the five year deliverable supply. A total five year supply of 5,676 dwellings has been identified. 8 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 1 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement

1.3.3 The five year supply of deliverable sites exceeds the Local Plan housing requirement and equates to a supply of 6.26 years. The Council has in excess of a five year housing land supply and its housing supply policies are therefore considered up to date for decision taking purposes.

1.3.4 Had the 10% buffer been applied it is evident that the Council could still demonstrate a minimum five year housing land supply (6.05 years).

Table 1.3 Housing Requirement

Housing Requirement Comments

Local Plan annual housing 864 17,280 in the Local Plan requirement

Annual requirement + 5% 907 As per the NPPF buffer

Five year requirement with 4,535 As per the NPPF buffer

Table 1.4 Deliverable Housing Supply

Deliverable Housing Supply Comments

Dwellings on major sites partly 1,917 854 under construction; 1,063 or fully under construction not yet started

Dwellings on major sites with 1,061 Taken from 1,257 overall full planning permission supply on major sites

Dwellings on major sites with 1,611 Taken from 5,738 overall outline planning permission supply on major sites

Dwellings on major sites with 283 Taken from 778 overall supply resolution to grant permission on major sites

Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 252 Taken from 360 overall supply housing site allocations on major sites

Small sites contribution 492 197 under construction

295 not yet started (369 minus 20% non-implementation rate)

Windfall allowance 60 30 dwellings for each year - 2021-22 and 2022-23

Total deliverable supply 5,676 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 9 1 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 1

Table 1.5 Five Year Housing Land Supply

Five Year Housing Land Supply Comments

Five year housing requirement 4,535 Includes the 5% buffer

Annual rate 907 4,535 over the five years 2018-23

Five year housing deliverable 5,676 Assessment of deliverable supply supply

Total deliverable housing 6.26 5,676 / 907 land supply Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 10 2 Appendices 2 Telford & Wrekin Council - Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply Statement 2018-23 11 2 Appendices 2

2 Appendices

2.0.1 Several appendices are enclosed and they present the data which has been collected. Please note that more recent planning applications with the TWC prefix are reverted back to W prefix. For example TWC/2014/0001 becomes W2014/0001.

2.1 Appendix 1 - Sites with Planning Permission and Resolution to Grant Permission

2.2 Appendix 2 - Local Plan Housing Allocations not yet approved

2.3 Appendix 3 - Contribution from Small Sites Under Construction and Not Started

2.4 Appendix 4 - TWC delivery rates analysis Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply - deliverable sites 2018-23 Appendix 1 - Sites with Planning Permission and Resolution to Grant Permission Full / Outline Planning Permission Reserved Matters Approval Status Planning Site Address Developer / builder Total units 5 year Land to be Estimated Full Planning Validation Committee Decision Validation Committee RM Decision Estimate time for Validation to Time required Time to Outline Time Total time Estimated Lead-in Build out 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Projected affordable Plots under Not Yet Application left Delivery sold? timescale for or Outline / RM discharge of Committee for to sign-off consider & approval to taken to (months) commencement times from rate per delivery 18-23 construction at Started Reference sale Reserved conditions Outline / Full Section 106 determine reserved consider time start on site annum 31.3.18 Matters Permission application matters reserved submission matters U/C TWC/2010/0487 Charlton Arms Hotel, Church TC Homes Ltd 12 12 n/a n/a FP 13/09/2010 24/10/2012 09/11/2012 Already on site 25.3 0.5 25.8 Already on site 12 units 12 4 8 Street, Wellington U/C TWC/2012/0419 Lawley Phase 6, Road, LVDG 3 3 n/a n/a OP/RM 18/08/2004 06/10/2004 21/10/2005 25/05/2012 22/08/2012 24/08/2012 Already on site 1.6 12.5 79.2 3 96.3 Already on site 120 units 3 3 0 Lawley, Telford U/C TWC/2013/0096 Ketley Millennium Village, Taylor Wimpey 120 120 n/a n/a FP 23/07/2013 24/07/2013 15/10/2013 Already on site 0 2.7 0 2.7 Already on site 40 units 40 40 40 7 21 99 Holyhead Road, Ketley, Telford

U/C TWC/2013/0306 27-31 High Street, Wellington Private 12 12 n/a n/a FP 19/04/2013 19/07/2013 Already on site 3 3 Already on site 12 units 6 6 12 0

U/C TWC/2013/0649 Land to rear of Holly Acres, Private 6 6 n/a n/a FP 15/10/2013 18/12/2013 23/12/2013 Already on site 2.1 0.2 2.3 Already on site 12 units 6 6 0 Long Lane, Telford U/C TWC/2013/0855 Land to the rear of Willow Tree Homes 26 26 n/a n/a FP 04/04/2016 20/07/2016 27/10/2016 Already on site 3.5 3.2 6.7 Already on site 20 units 20 6 6 13 13 Cottage, Station Road, Newport U/C TWC/2014/0237 Land at Doseley Works, David Wilson 91 91 n/a n/a OP/RM 21/08/2012 03/07/2013 10/03/2014 11/03/2014 06/08/2014 Already on site 10.4 8.2 0 4.9 23.5 Already on site 40 units 40 40 11 16 19 72 Doseley, Telford Homes U/C TWC/2014/0272 Ivydale, High Street, Coalport Peter Martin 12 12 n/a n/a FP 01/04/2014 03/06/2015 08/06/2015 Already on site 14 14.2 Already on site 12 units 6 6 12 0 Homes U/C TWC/2014/0323 Rough Park House, Woodside Private 18 18 n/a n/a FP 12/03/2015 16/04/2015 Already on site 1.1 1.1 Already on site 12 units 12 6 18 0 Avenue, Woodside, Telford

U/C TWC/2014/0656 Land Adjacent Stone House, Acorn Homes 2 2 n/a n/a FP 22/07/2014 25/02/2015 15/04/2015 Already on site 7.2 1.6 8.8 Already on site 12 units 2 2 0 Road, Priorslee, Telford

U/C TWC/2014/0998 Land adjacent Windermere Prestige Homes 3 3 n/a n/a FP 06/11/2014 25/02/2015 02/04/2015 Already on site 3.6 1.2 4.8 Already on site 12 units 3 3 0 House, Farm Lane, Horsehay, Telford U/C TWC/2014/1072 Land north of Lightmoor Way, Keepmoat Homes 155 155 n/a n/a OP/RM 08/04/2002 23/10/2002 23/09/2003 28/11/2004 27/11/2015 Already on site 6.5 12 134.2 12 164.7 Already on site 50 units 50 50 50 5 39 14 141 Lightmoor Village, Telford

U/C TWC/2014/1098 23 Walker Street, Wellington Bebbingtons 10 10 n/a n/a FP 09/12/2014 24/03/2015 Already on site 3.5 3.5 Already on site 12 units 10 10 0

U/C TWC/2014/1151 Telford Millennium Community Taylor Wimpey 66 66 n/a n/a FP Already on site Already on site 30 units 18 30 18 7 54 12 (Part of Phase 4), Ketley, Telford U/C TWC/2015/0233 Lawley Phase 8, Lawley, LVDG 289 289 n/a n/a OP/RM 18/08/2014 06/10/2004 21/10/2005 11/06/2015 15/07/2015 31/07/2015 Already on site 1.6 12.5 115.7 1.6 131.5 Already on site 100 units 100 100 89 40 87 202 Telford U/C TWC/2015/0255 Site of Adamson House, Bridge Horsehay Estates 10 10 n/a n/a FP 23/03/2015 25/08/2015 28/10/2015 Already on site 5 2 7 Already on site 12 units 5 5 4 6 Road, Horsehay, Telford

U/C TWC/2015/0949 Land east of The Blue Pig, Tellord Homes 21 21 n/a n/a FP 15/10/2015 20/07/2016 29/07/2016 Already on site 9.5 9.5 Already on site 12 units 12 9 21 0 Capewell Road, Trench, Telford U/C TWC/2015/0997 Former Malinslee Primary Nuplace/Lovell 24 24 n/a n/a FP 03/11/2015 03/02/2016 23/03/2016 Already on site 3 1.6 4.6 4.6 Already on site 40 units 24 24 0 School, Matlock Avenue, Dawley, Telford U/C TWC/2015/1097 Land between 88 & View Private 10 10 n/a n/a FP 11/02/2016 22/02/2017 27/02/2017 Already on site 12.5 12.5 Already on site 12 units 10 10 0 House 103 Holyhead Road, Ketley, Telford U/C TWC/2016/0059 Phase 4, Land North, East & Persimmon 30 30 n/a n/a OP/RM 30/09/2011 01/08/2012 08/01/2013 22/01/2016 22/04/2016 Already on site 10.1 5.3 36.5 3 54.9 Already on site 40 units 30 30 0 South of Aston Grove, off Wellington Road, Newport U/C TWC/2016/0162 Land North of, Keepers Lioncourt Homes 23 23 n/a n/a FP 23/02/2015 02/11/2016 28/12/2016 Already on site 8.3 13.8 22.1 Already on site 20 units 20 3 19 4 Crescent & Daisy Bank Drive, St Georges, Telford U/C TWC/2016/0165 Former Madeley Court School, Nuplace/Lovell 36 36 n/a n/a FP 23/02/2016 29/06/2016 14/09/2016 Already on site 4.2 2.5 6.5 Already on site 40 units 36 36 0 Land off Parkway, Madeley, Telford U/C TWC/2016/0236 Site of 1 - 30, Powis Place, Wrekin Housing 21 21 n/a n/a FP 15/03/2016 29/06/2016 Already on site 3.5 3.5 Already on site 20 units 20 1 21 6 15 Dawley Bank, Telford Trust U/C TWC/2016/0316 Broomfield Rd, Newport Meres & Moses 33 33 n/a n/a FP 05/04/2016 20/07/2016 19/01/2017 Already on site 3.5 6 9.5 Already on site 12 units 12 12 9 33 28 5 HA U/C TWC/2016/0332 Land West of The Cedars, Nest Homes Ltd 13 13 n/a n/a OP/RM 01/07/2016 15/03/2016 24/03/2016 Already on site 8.5 0.3 8.8 Already on site 12 units 7 6 33 13 0 Rodington, Telford U/C TWC/2016/0560 Land between Beech Hill & Galliers Homes 12 12 n/a n/a FP 07/07/2016 02/11/2016 04/11/2016 Already on site 3.8 0.1 3.9 Already on site 20 units 12 12 0 Blue House Barns, Chetwynd Road, Newport U/C TWC/2016/0660 Lawley Phase 7, Lawley, LVDG 236 236 n/a n/a OP/RM Already on site Already on site 120 units 120 116 32 97 139 Telford U/C TWC/2016/0687 Land opposite Pear Tree GQ Homes 11 11 n/a n/a FP 02/08/2016 13/10/2016 Already on site 2.3 2.3 Already on site 12 units 5 6 0 11 0 Bridge Inn, Holyhead Road, U/C TWC/2016/0749 Land opposite Phoenix Wrekin Housing 18 18 n/a n/a FP 17/08/2016 22/02/2017 22/02/2017 Already on site 6. 2 0 6.2 Already on site 20 units 3 15 18 18 0 Academy, Duce Drive, Dawley, Trust Telford U/C TWC/2016/0772 Site of 15 - 32, Hall Gardens, Wrekin Housing 12 12 n/a n/a FP 17/08/2016 20/01/2017 Already on site 5.2 5.2 Already on site 20 units 3 9 12 12 0 Hadley, Telford Trust U/C TWC/2016/0786 Site of 1 - 8 Burway Flats, Wrekin Housing 12 12 n/a n/a FP 25/08/2016 10/11/2016 Already on site 2.5 2.5 Already on site 20 units 3 9 12 12 0 Severn Drive & 1 - 8 Dee Trust Close, Dothill U/C TWC/2016/0804 Land Rear of Units 1A-1C, Central & Country 20 20 n/a n/a OP/RM 09/07/2012 11/06/2014 25/09/2014 Already on site 23 3.5 23.1 5.7 55.3 Already on site 20 units 10 10 20 0 Gatcombe Way, Priorslee, Telford U/C TWC/2016/0918 Site of Red Lion, 15 Holly Bromford 14 14 n/a n/a FP 04/10/2016 11/01/2017 12/05/2017 Already on site 3.2 4 7.2 Already on site 20 units 7 7 14 0 Road, Little Dawley U/C TWC/2016/1099 Wrockwardine Wood Arts Trident HA 53 53 n/a n/a OP/RM 03/10/2013 05/02/2014 27/02/2017 02/11/2016 27/02/2017 Already on site 4 0.5 20.4 3.8 28.7 Already on site 20 units 20 20 13 40 53 0 College U/C TWC/2016/1127 Land corner of Back Shropshire Homes 25 25 n/a n/a OP/RM 21/03/2014 13/08/2014 17/02/2015 25/11/2016 17/05/2017 19/05/2017 Already on site 4.8 6.1 23.2 5.8 29 Already on site 20 units 5 20 10 8 17 Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport U/C TWC/2016/1197 Land to the rear of 3-7 Golf Taylor Wimpey 76 76 n/a n/a OP/RM 19/01/2012 28/03/2012 29/06/2012 29/12/2016 27/02/2017 Already on site 2.3 3 54 3 57 Already on site 40 units 20 40 16 12 16 60 Links Lane, Wellington U/C TWC/2017/0204 Land adjacent Belvedere Court, Countryside plc 144 144 n/a n/a OP/RM 26/07/2013 30/04/2014 03/10/2014 10/03/2017 19/07/2017 20/07/2017 Already on site 9.1 5.1 29.2 4.3 33.5 Already on site 40 units 40 40 40 24 64 80 Hinkshay Road, Dawley

U/C TWC/2017/0347 Priorslee East, Off Gatcombe Lovell 220 200 n/a n/a OP/RM 16/07/2012 25/09/2014 27/04/2017 09/08/2017 10/08/2017 Already on site 26.3 31 3.5 60.8 Already on site 40 units 40 40 40 40 40 55 10 210 Way/York Road/Hereford Drive/Lambeth Drive, Priorslee, Telford

U/C TWC/2017/0454 Site of The Vineyard, North Private 14 14 n/a n/a FP 06/06/2017 30/08/2017 05/10/2017 Already on site 2.8 1.2 4 Already on site 12 units 7 7 14 0 Road, Wellington, Telford U/C TWC/2017/0514 Land junction of, Alexandra TC Homes 24 24 n/a n/a FP 20/06/2017 22/11/2017 12/12/2017 Already on site 5 0.6 5.6 Already on site 12 units 12 12 6 24 0 Road/Haygate Road, Wellington Committed W2008/0108 Orleton Park, Orleton Lane, Lovell 165 165 OP/RM 01/09/2017 01/01/2018 01/07/2018 Ongoing 4 6 10 On-site 9 months 40 units 41 40 40 40 4 41 854 1083 Wellington, Telford Committed W2009/0326 Randlay Centre, Randlay J Ross 12 12 N n/a FP 21/04/2009 15/10/2009 27/10/2009 4.8 0.4 5.2 12 units 12 Community Centre, Randlay, Developments Ltd Telford Committed W2009/1015 Church Farm, Preston upon the Private - Amber 20 20 N n/a FP 20/11/2009 27/01/2010 3 months 2.2 2.2 Q2 2021/22 9 months 12 units 8 12 4 Weald Residential Properties Committed TWC/2011/0769 Homelands Caravan Park, Private 8 8 FP 05/09/2011 24/07/2013 30/07/2013 22.6 0.2 22.8 Q3 2018/19 8 Mossey Green, Telford Committed TWC/2013/0928 Phase 1, Wellington Road, Persimmon Homes 2 2 OP/RM 30/09/2011 01/08/2012 08/01/2013 10.1 5.3 10.8 4 30.1 Q3 2018/19 40 units 2 Newport Committed TWC/2014/0602 Plot E, Pool Hill/Doseley Road, Private - Amber 50 50 N n/a OP/RM 03/09/2007 10/12/2008 20/09/2011 03/07/2014 03/08/2015 15.2 33.3 33.5 13 95 Q3 2018/19 6 months 20 units 10 20 20 Dawley, Telford Residential Properties Committed TWC/2015/0836 Land between Arleston Lane & Helical/Redrow 145 116 Y FP 15/09/2015 18/05/2016 02/06/2016 3 months 9 8.6 8.6 Q2 2018/19 9 months 40 units 36 40 40 30 Dawley Road, Arleston, Telford Homes

Committed TWC/2015/0843 Land off Peregrine Way, Kier 100 100 OP/RM 21/09/2012 15 35.9 18 53.9 Already on site 40 units 40 40 20 20 Leegomery, Telford Committed TWC/2016/0125 Land at junction of, Moss Kendrick Homes 24 24 N n/a FP 15/02/2016 29/06/2016 07/10/2016 12 months 4.5 3.3 7.8 Q4 2018/19 9 months 12 units 3 12 9 Road/Rookery Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford

Committed TWC/2016/0260 Land adjacent The Knoll, Galliers Homes 17 17 OP/RM 31/12/2014 5.3 1.2 14.6 7.6 28.7 Already on site 20 units 17 6 Church Aston, Newport Committed TWC/2016/0293 Former Doseley Works (Phase David Wilson 268 120 N RM 22/08/2012 03/07/2013 10/03/2014 06/04/2016 30/06/2017 10.3 9.2 23.9 2.7 46.1 40 units 40 40 40 30 2), Doseley, Telford Homes Committed TWC/2016/0562 Site of Lincoln Grange Nursing Shropshire Homes 89 89 FP FP 27/06/2016 15/11/2016 2.8 1.8 4.6 Q3 2018/19 20 units 20 20 20 20 9 Home, Lincoln Hill, Ironbridge, Telford Committed TWC/2016/0797 Site of Haybridge Hall Flats, Wrekin Housing 10 10 FP 31/08/2016 09/12/2016 3 3 20 units 3 7 10 Haybridge Road, Hadley, Trust Telford Committed TWC/2016/0816 Royal Victoria Hotel, St Marys Town Centre 28 28 FP FP 24/04/2017 5.5 2 7.2 12 12 4 Street/16 & 17 Water Lane, Properties Newport Committed TWC/2016/0916 No-26 - 42, 19 - 35 Brook Wrekin Housing -52 -52 N n/a -52 -52 Road, 10 - 26, 13 - 29 Oak Trust Close, 17 - 31 & 61 - 75 Kemberton Drive, Madeley, Telford Committed TWC/2016/0917 Site of 1-71, St Matthews Wrekin Housing -36 -36 N n/a -36 -36 Road, Donnington, Telford Trust Committed TWC/2016/1192 Site of 26 - 42, 19 - 35 Brook Wrekin Housing 35 35 N FP 28/12/2016 24/03/2017 2.9 2.9 10 20 5 35 Road, 10 - 26, 13 - 29 Oak Trust Close, 17 - 31 & 61 - 75 Kemberton Drive, Madeley, Telford Committed TWC/2017/0194 Land rear of 41, 43, 45, 47 Private - Mr & Mrs 19 19 N RM 08/03/2017 19/07/2017 04/08/2017 3 months 4.5 5 5 19 Wellington Road, Muxton, Loveridge Telford Committed TWC/2017/0447 Site of Aston Grove, Moorfield Private 10 10 FP 30/05/2017 FP 26/10/2017 4.9 4.9 Q4 2018/19 2 5 3 Lane, Newport Committed TWC/2017/0465 Wesley House, 4 Station Hill, St Private 12 12 N FP 07/06/2017 05/07/2017 09/10/2017 3 months 1 3.1 4.1 Q3 2018/19 12 months 12 units 3 9 Georges, Telford Committed TWC/2017/0643 Land to the North of Haygate Bovis/Anwyl 289 270 OP/RM 20/12/2013 15/04/2016 27.8 16 7.2 51 60 units 30 60 60 60 60 72 Road, Wellington, Telford Homes

Committed TWC/2017/0655 Site of 61,63, 65,67, 69,71, 73 Private - Pryce 3 3 N FP 16/08/2017 07/03/2018 3 months 7.5 7.5 12 units 3 Mill Bank, Wellington, Telford Builders Ltd

Committed TWC/2017/0714 Land junction of, Holyhead Nuplace/Lovell 39 39 N FP 26/09/2017 13/12/2017 12/03/2018 2.7 4 6.7 Q4 2017/18 6 months 40 units 10 29 6 Road/Snedshill Way, Snedshill, Telford Committed TWC/2002/0392 Land at Lightmoor, Telford BVT 320 100 Y By October OP 08/04/2002 23/09/2003 Commencement now estimated for mid 2019; site delivery is likely to be a national house builder. Q2 2018/19 6 months 40 units 30 30 40 30 2017

Committed TWC/2004/0980 Land at Lawley, the Rock Lawley Village 1610 340 N OP 18/08/2004 21/10/2005 The remaining site involves three national house builders with separate outlets and phased delivery. Phases 9 and 10 are now being designed for submission in due course. Assume delivery in last 170 170 85 Developers Group two years of the five year period (2021/23). (LVDG) Committed TWC/2011/0827 Land To The North of Audley St Modwen 215 130 Y 6 months OP 06/10/2011 24/06/2015 11/08/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 13 (to first 70 n/a n/a Q2 2019/20 6 months 40 units 10 40 40 40 37 Avenue, Newport Decision by Q4 2018/19 committee approval) Committed TWC/2011/1102 Land off Beech Road, Madeley, 92 0 Y OP 08/02/2012 06/02/2013 18/03/2015 Expires March 2020. 5 year commencement period due to relocation of existing users – no further update 6 months 40 units 0 0 0 0 0 Telford Committed TWC/2012/0530 Off Priorslee East, Gatcombe Homes England 155 85 Y 9 months OP 09/07/2012 11/06/2014 25/09/2014 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 23 3 26 n/a n/a Q3 2020/21 6 months 40 units 15 30 40 13 Way/York Road/Hereford Decision by Q2 2020/21 Drive, Priorslee, Telford

Committed TWC/2013/0809 The Former Swan Centre, TWC 21 21 Y 9 months OP 21/02/2014 21/05/2014 24/04/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 3 35.9 38.9 n/a n/a Q2 2020/21 9 months 20 units 9 12 Grange Avenue, Stirchley, Decision by Q1 2020/21 Telford Committed TWC/2013/0861 Sutherland Business & TWC 123 123 Y Jan-18 OP 29/07/2014 13/01/2016 31/05/2016 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 18 4.6 22.6 n/a n/a Q1 2019/20 9 months 40 units 3 40 40 40 Enterprise College, Gibbons Decision by Q3 2018/19 Road, Trench, Telford Committed TWC/2014/0113 Former British Sugar site, Northern Trust 470 50 Y n/a OP 19/05/2014 22/06/2015 09/05/2016 Estimate 6 months to determine R/M 6 months 13.1 10.6 23.7 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 9 months 50 units 10 40 34 Allscott, Telford Decision by Q1 2019/20 Committed TWC/2014/0671 Land adjacent to Cheshire Punch Taverns 13 13 Y 9 months OP 14/01/2015 03/06/2015 12/06/2015 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 4.5 3.7 8.2 n/a n/a Q3 2018/19 6 months 12 units 3 10 Cheese, Doseley Road, Decision by Q2 2018/19 Doseley, Telford Committed TWC/2014/0746 Maxell Europe Ltd, J Ross 495 50 N 12 months OP 11/12/2014 05/08/2015 30/09/2015 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 2.5 (to first 7.1 9.6 n/a n/a Q4 2018/19 12 months 20 units 10 20 20 Hortonwood, Telford Developments/ Decision by Q2 2018/19 committee) Pickstock Homes Ltd Committed TWC/2014/0980 Land between, Castle Farm Miller Homes 1100 165 N n/a OP 05/11/2014 25/08/2015 26/10/2016 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 12 months 8.5 14.1 22.6 n/a n/a Q1 2020/21 6 months 100 units 15 50 100 9 Way and A5, Priorslee, Telford Decision by Q1 2019/20 (if 2 outlets)

Committed TWC/2014/1080 Land south and west of Private 22 22 Y 12 months OP 02/12/2014 05/08/2015 08/03/2016 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 7.5 7.2 14.7 n/a n/a Q4 2018/19 6 months 12 units 3 12 7 Tibberton Motor Repairs, Mill Decision by Q3 2018/19 Lane, Tibberton, Newport

Committed TWC/2015/0057 Land South of Springfield TWC/St Modwen 120 60 Y 9 months OP 23/01/2015 28/02/2018 16/03/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 30.6 6.5 37.7 n/a n/a Q1 2021/22 6 months 40 units 20 40 26 Industrial Estate, Station Road, Decision by Q4 2019/20 Newport Committed TWC/2015/0157 Former Dairy Crest Ltd, Dairy Crest 111 50 n/a n/a OP 24/02/2015 13/11/2015 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 10.5 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 9 months 20 units 10 20 20 7 Crudgington, Telford Decision by Q1 2019/20 Committed TWC/2015/0369 Garfield Road, Ketley Bank 45 0 Y OP 06/05/2015 04/12/2015 Site is being marketed but no agreement on 6.8 n/a n/a offers; due to uncertainty and timescales, site is excluded from five year supply.

Committed TWC/2015/0728 Land corner of Redhill Way/A5, Northern Trust 450 70 Y 6 months OP 11/08/2015 30/08/2017 01/11/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 24.5 2 26.5 n/a n/a Q1 2020/21 12 months 40 units 30 40 18 Redhill, Telford Decision by Q4 2019/20 Committed TWC/2015/1111 Land adjacent 8 Walton Galliers Homes 45 45 N n/a OP 11/12/2015 21/09/2016 20/02/2017 Estimate 9 months to determine R/M 3 months 9.4 5 14.4 n/a n/a Q4 2018/19 6 months 20 units 3 20 20 2 Avenue & adjacent Ridgway, Decision by Q3 2018/19 High Ercall, Telford

Committed TWC/2016/0107 Lightmoor Road, Lightmoor Private 52 52 Y 6 months OP 08/02/2016 11/01/2017 29/08/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 11.1 7.5 18.6 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 9 months 20 units 12 20 20 Committed TWC/2016/0147 Land North of Grove Road, Private 80 36 Y 12 months OP 22/02/2016 18/05/2016 15/11/2016 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 2.9 5.9 8.8 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 6 months 12 units 12 12 12 18 Overdale, Telford Decision by Q1 2019/20 Committed TWC/2016/1124 Stadium Way, Hadley Private 14 14 Y 12 months OP 27/10/2016 22/02/2017 16/10/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 3.9 7.8 11.7 n/a n/a Q3 2020/21 6 months 20 units 3 11 Committed TWC/2016/0446 Land north of 61 Plantation Private 22 22 Y Jun-18 OP 20/05/2016 30/08/2017 27/03/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 15.3 6.9 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 6 months 12 units 3 12 7 9 Road, Tibberton, Newport Decision by Q1 2019/20 Committed TWC/2016/0785 Back Lane, Tibberton Private 14 14 Y Q2 2018/19 OP 18/08/2016 11/01/2017 13/10/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 6 months 4.8 13.8 n/a n/a Q4 2019/20 9 months 12 units 5 9 5 Committed TWC/2016/0801 Site of The Queens Arms, Bank Private 10 10 N n/a OP 30/08/2016 N/A 05/01/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months n/a n/a 16.2 Q4 2019/20 6 months 12 units 2 8 Road, Dawley Bank, Telford Decision by Q3 2019/20

Committed TWC/2016/0978 Land rear of 32 Bratton Road, Shropshire Homes 14 14 N n/a OP 17/10/2016 17/05/2017 13/09/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 7 3.9 n/a n/a Q3 2019/20 6 months 20 units 9 5 Bratton, Telford Decision by Q2 2019/20 Committed TWC/2017/0259 Site of Alver & land Private 17 17 Y 12 months OP 24/03/2017 30/08/2017 01/12/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 5.2 3.1 8.3 n/a n/a Q2 2020/21 6 months 12 units 9 8 4 adjacent/rear of Clews Wood Decision by Q1 2020/21 Court, Station Road, Madeley

Committed TWC/2017/0179 Land south of 28 Beechfields Private 19 19 N n/a OP 15/02/2017 30/08/2017 30/10/2017 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 6.5 2 8.5 n/a n/a Q4 2019/20 6 months 12 units 7 12 Way, Newport Decision by Q3 2019/20 Committed TWC/2017/0233 Site of Plough Farm Nursery, Elford Homes 55 55 N n/a OP 20/03/2017 30/08/2017 09/03/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 5.2 (to first 6.2 23.6 n/a n/a Q1 2019/20 6 months 20 units 3 20 20 12 19 Plough Lane, Newport Decision by Q4 2018/19 committee)

Committed TWC/2017/0367 Gower Street, St Georges Private 20 20 Y 3 months OP 03/05/2017 01/11/2017 26/03/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 5.9 4.8 10.7 n/a n/a Q3 2020/21 6 months 12 units 8 12 8 Committed TWC/2017/0316 Site of Peter Morris Cars, Private 14 14 N n/a OP 12/04/2017 09/08/2017 08/01/2018 Estimate 4 months to determine R/M 3 months 3.9 4.9 8.8 n/a n/a Q3 2020/21 6 months 12 units 7 7 Wellington, Telford Decision by Q1 2020/21 Resolution to Grant TWC/2011/0871 Station Road, Newport St.Modwen / 350 50 Y 6 months OP 04/11/2013 28/02/2018 TBC 4 months to consider R/M Q3 2019/20 6 months 1 (to first TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Q1 2020/21 9 months 40 units 10 40 18 Davidsons committee Development Ltd approval) Resolution to Grant TWC/2016/0886 New Road, Wrockwardine Private 12 12 Y 6 months FP 14/09/2016 22/02/2017 TBC 4 months to consider R/M Q3 2019/20 3 months 5 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Q4 2019/20 9 months 12 units 2 10 Wood Resolution to Grant TWC/2017/0706 Watling Street, Wellington Private 21 21 Y 12 months OP 30/08/2017 17/01/2018 TBC 4 months to consider R/M Q3 2019/20 6 months 4 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC Q3 2020/21 9 months 12 units 9 12 Resolution to Grant TWC/2017/0941 Castle Farm Way, Priorslee Redrow Homes 395 200 N n/a FP 21/11/2017 21/03/2018 TBC Develpment could commence during Q4 2018/19 subject to signing the agreement and discharging conditions (6 months total assumed). The first completions are anticipated within 12 50 units 50 50 50 50 50 months (Q4 2019/20). 911 1002 905 1029 1025 68 TOTAL 9710 4872

Under Construction 1937 1917 Full Planning / RM 1257 1061 Outline Planning 5738 1611

Resolution to Grant 778 283 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply - deliverable sites 2018-23 Appendix 2 - Local Plan Housing Allocations not yet approved - at the end of March 2018 Planning Site Address Develope Total left 5 year Intention Land to Estimated Full/Outline Full/Outline Full/Outline Full/Outline Reserved Reserved Outline to Reserved Time taken Reserved Matters Est. time for Est. Lead-in from Lead-in Build - Out Est. delivery 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Projected Application r/ builder delivery to be sold? timescale planning application planning planning Matters Matters Reserved Matters to consider determination dates discharge of commencement start to first times from Rate per 2018/19 affordable Reference sell/build for sale submitted? validated committee? decision? submitted? expected? Matters submission Reserved conditions time dwelling start on site annum per delivery 18- ? submission date Matters outlet 23 (months) TBC Former Phoenix TWC 200 86 YY Anticipated that the Local Development Order (LDO) will be adopted and site marketing during 2019 (Q1 2018/19) with details determined and site 6 months Q4 2019/20 6 months 6 months 40 units 6 40 40 10 School, Manor commencement during Q4 2019/20. First completions in 2020. Road, Dawley LDO

H3 Plot D, Pool Hill Homes 40 40 YY Site disposal led by Telford & Wrekin Council Estates team. The site will be marketed for residential use. Timescales assume the site is sold within the next 3 months Q2 2020/21 6 months 6 months 20 units 20 20 10 Road, Dawley (H3 England 12 months (Q1 2019/20), a full application is submitted within 6 months thereafter (Q3 2019/20) then determined within 4 months (Q1 2020/21). in adopted Local Commencement on site could follow during Q2 2020/21 once conditions have been discharged (3 months). Plan) TBC Holyhead Road, St Homes 70 76 YY Site disposal led by Telford & Wrekin Council Estates team. The site will be marketed for residential use. Pre-application discussions have taken place with 3 months Q1 2020/21 6 months 6 months 40 units 10 40 26 37 Georges (H9 in England an interested party. Accelerated delivery anticipated. Assuming an outline application is submitted and determined in 6 months (Q4 2018/19), reserved adopted Local Plan) matters would follow after 6 months (Q2 2019/20) and be determined after a further 4 months (Q4 2019/20). Commencement following discharge of conditions (Q1 2020/21). TBC Former Blessed Homes 50 50 YY Site disposal led by Telford & Wrekin Council Estates team. The site will be marketed for residential use. Pre-application discussions have taken place with 3 months Q1 202021 6 months 6 months 40 units 10 40 Robert Johnson England an interested party. An outline application is expected shortly and accelerated delivery anticipated. Assuming the outline application is submitted and School, Whitchurch determined in 6 months (Q4 2018/19), reserved matters would then follow after 6 months (Q2 2019/20) and be determiend after a further 4 months (Q4 Drive (H10 in 2019/20). Commencement following discharge of conditions (Q1 2020/21). adopted Local Plan)

TOTALS 360 252 0 0 26 140 86 57 Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply - deliverable sites 2018-23 Appendix 3 - Contribution from Small Sites Under Construction and Not Started

Reference Location UC NS W2016/1185 Site of Silverdale, 49 Station Road, Admaston, Telford 1 0 W2014/0492 Lubstree Park, Humber Lane, Telford TF2 8LW 3 5 W2016/0034 Amber House, Littlehales Road, Chetwynd Aston, Newport TF10 9BF 1 1 W2016/1029 Land adjacent Mill Cottage, Mill Lane, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire 4 0 W2007/0667 Telford Islamic Centre, 88, King Street, Wellington 1 0 W2017/0696 Site OF 27 & 31 High Street, Wellington, Telford 1 0 W2017/0779 Former Charlton Arms Hotel, 18 Church Street, Wellington, Telford 8 0 W2008/0227 Land at, Urban Gardens, Wellington, Telford 2 0 W2017/0244 St Pauls Church, Aqueduct Road, Aqueduct, Telford 1 0 W2015/0618 Site of, 15 New Street, Dawley, Telford 1 0 W2015/0874 Land adjacent, 12 Jubilee Avenue, Donnington, Telford 1 0 W2014/0981 Swn Y Coed, Tibberton, Newport, TF10 8NN 1 0 W2015/0619 Land west of Cherrington Manor, Cherrington, Newport 1 0 W2017/1029 Land rear of 6 & 7 Blue House Barns, Chetwynd Road, Newport 2 0 W2017/0459 Woodcoat, Walton Avenue, High Ercall, Telford TF6 6AJ 1 0 W2016/1130 Lower House Farm, Waters Upton, Telford TF6 6PB 3 0 W2017/0346 Land adjacent 12 Tibberton, Newport 2 0 W2017/0547 Land adjacent, 332 Holyhead Road, Wellington, Telford 1 0 W2013/1038 The Quarry, Waters Upton, Telford TF6 6NP 1 0 W2016/0986 Eyton Hall, The Coach House, Eyton, Telford 1 0 W2018/0113 Land adjacent 12 Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2014/0733 Land South of White House Farm, Cold Hatton, Telford 1 1 W2015/0469 Builders Yard and land adjacent Fair View, Stars Lane, Cold Hatton, Telford 2 0 W2015/0405 Heath House, 17 Middle Lane, Cold Hatton Heath, Telford TF6 6QA 1 0 W2018/0006 Land adjoining 19 Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2016/1171 Site Of Meeson Hall, Meeson, Telford 6 0 W2017/0105 Garages between, 129 & 131 Crescent Road, Hadley, Telford 4 0 W2012/0493 Land To The Rear Of 26a-32, Mafeking Road, Hadley, Telford 4 0 W2008/0737 Manor Heights, Haybridge Road, Haybridge Road, Hadley, Telford 4 0 W2009/0546 5, Castle Street, Hadley, Telford 2 0 W2015/0225 Land South of, 52 Horton Lane, Horton, Telford 1 0 W2015/0662 11 - 13 Crown Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1LP 2 0 W2012/0851 Land adjacent to, 34, Wellington Road, Horsehay, Telford 1 0 W2014/0182 1 Glendale, Lawley Village, Telford TF4 2PJ 1 0 W2011/0993 Land adjacent, 4 St Lukes Road, Doseley, Telford TF4 3BE 1 0 W2017/0395 Annexe, Hartfield House, Pool Hill Road, Horsehay, Telford TF4 3AS 1 0 W2013/0961 Garage/annex adjacent to, Laburnum Cottage, Woodlands Road, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7QS 0 1 W2016/0091 Land adjacent The Old Toll House, High Street, Coalport, Telford 1 0 W2012/0485 Land Adjacent To, Humay, Hodge Bower, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7QQ 1 0 W2015/0672 Site of Woodlands Farm, Beech Road, Ironbridge, Telford 2 0 W2015/0924 Land adjacent & rear of Benbrook, Strethill Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford 1 0 W2014/0772 Sutton Wood Farm, Sutton Bank, Coalport, Telford TF11 9NJ 1 3 W2014/0055 Crown Inn, 10 Hodge Bower, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7QG 0 7 W2014/0212 The Grove Inn, Wellington Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford TF8 7DX 7 0 W2017/0908 27 High Street, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7AD 1 0 W2013/0222 7 Oxford Street, Oakengates 0 1 W2013/0330 17 Vicar Street, Oakengates, Telford TF2 6BJ 1 0 W2014/0261 Land north of Industry Nightclub, off Chapel Street, Oakengates, Telford, 3 0 W2014/1058 Land rear of 8 Ketley Vallens, Ketley, Telford 3 0 W2015/0328 Land adjacent 40 Holyhead Road, Oakengates, Telford 1 1 W2016/0197 Site of The Stafford Arms, Main Road, Ketley Bank, Telford 6 0 W2015/0881 Site of 11 Queen Street, Madeley, Telford 1 2 W2018/0065 Land adjacent Police Houses, 2 Park Lane, Woodside, Telford 1 0 W2016/0237 Land to the rear and side of 71 High Street, Madeley, Telford 1 0 W2017/0486 Land rear of 53, Park Street, Madeley, Telford 1 0 W2017/0156 Site Of Hazeldene, 22 Moor Road, Dawley, Telford 2 0 W2016/0597 Site of Fernleigh, The Fields, Donnington, Telford 1 0 W2017/0232 Site of 68 Wellington Road, Muxton, Telford 2 0 W2017/0126 Site of Watling Street Farm, Grange Lane, Red Hill, Telford 8 0 W2016/0227 Land adjacent The Gables, 54 Stafford Road, Newport 2 0 W2014/0204 Land To The Rear Of, Nix Service Station, Forton Road, Newport TF10 7JR 7 0 W2017/0257 Site of 65 Forton Road, Newport 1 0 W2017/0095 1 & 2 The Maltings, Springfields, Newport TF10 7EZ 4 0 W2015/0510 Land adjacent & rear of 11 & rear of Gable End, 9 Granville Avenue, Newport 1 1 W2014/1076 Land rear of 28 Beaumaris Road, Newport 2 0 W2017/0599 Site of former Wrockwardine Wood Arts College, New Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford 8 0 W2012/0243 The Hollies, Priorslee Village, Telford TF2 9NW 1 1 W2012/0993 Land adjacent 80, Freeston Avenue, St Georges, Telford 2 0 W2013/0053 Land adjacent, 14 The Nabb, St Georges, Telford TF2 9BY 3 0 W2015/0116 Land adjacent, 2 Moss Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford 2 0 W2017/0169 32 Stafford Street, St Georges, Telford TF2 9JQ 0 0 W2014/0429 A B C Day Nursery, The Village School, Wrockwardine, Telford TF6 5DG 2 0 W2016/1143 Land adjacent Falcon House, New Works Lane, Little Wenlock, Telford 1 0 W2016/1179 Site of Millcroft, Walcot, Telford 1 0 W2010/0017 Land at, Isombridge Farm, Isombridge 1 0 W2014/0805 The Patch, Land opposite 4 High Point, Little Wenlock, Telford TF6 5BT 1 1 W2015/1037 Longdon Livery Centre, Tern Lane, Longdon On Tern, Telford TF6 6LN 1 0 W2010/0593 The Former Methodist Chapel, Chapel Terrace, Wrockwardine Wood 0 4 W2017/0437 The Second Club, 148 Trench Road, Trench, Telford TF2 7DU 3 0 W2008/0059 Tern Farm, Longdon on Tern 0 7 W2016/0763 New Farm, Roden Lane, Roden, Telford TF6 6BS 1 0 W2014/0205 Windynook, Holly Road, Little Dawley, Telford TF4 3JE 1 0 W2017/0086 Land adjoining St Lawrences Church, Preston upon the Weald Moors, Telford 0 0 W2015/0581 Land adjacent 9 Hillside, Lilleshall, Newport 1 0 W2016/0240 Land adjacent 9 Hillside, Lilleshall, Newport 1 0 W2014/0906 Land adjacent 57 Limekiln Lane, Lilleshall, Newport 1 0 W2016/1138 Land adjacent Middle Farm, Off Field Aston Lane, Newport 5 0 W2016/0767 Land adjacent Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton, Newport 2 0 W2016/0249 Land adjacent Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2015/0628 Land North Of The Lilacs, Longwithy Lane, , Newport 1 0 W2017/0118 Lightwood, Road, Edgmond, Newport TF10 8HX 1 0 W2017/0407 Site of Pear Tree House, Waters Upton, Telford 3 0 W2017/0494 Land adjacent 44 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2017/0747 Land between Rose Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2017/0421 Site of 62 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport 1 0 W2017/0920 Site of 211 Holyhead Road, Wellington, Telford 1 0 W2015/0734 Land adjacent Roden Hall, site of Llanhaven & The Bungalow, Roden Lane, Roden, Telford 3 0 W2015/0910 Land adjoining Waters Upton Village Hall, Waters Upton, Telford 4 0 W2017/0718 Site of Marycroft, Haygate Road, Wellington, Telford 1 0 W2017/0434 Site of Clifton Cottage, Hillside Road, Ketley Bank, Telford 1 0 TWC/2017/0976 Former Charlton Arms Hotel, 18 Church Street, Wellington, Telford 0 5 TWC/2015/0908 Barn at Hay House, 12 Tibberton, Newport 0 1 TWC/2016/0137 Site of 8 Greenfinch Close, Apley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0485 The Old Rectory, Stirchley Village, Telford TF3 1DY 0 1 TWC/2016/0121 Site of, Tessant House, Dark Lane, Church Aston, Newport 0 1 TWC/2016/0186 Brockton Leasows Manor, Wellington Road, Lilleshall, Newport TF10 9AG 0 1 TWC/2017/0047 Site of Yew Tree Manor, Pave Lane, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0856 Moor Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport TF10 9HT 0 1 TWC/2017/0748 Site of 24 Finger Road, Dawley, Telford 0 3 TWC/2017/0525 The Grove, 74 King Street, Dawley, Telford TF4 2AQ 0 1 TWC/2015/0491 Site of 13 Hamilton Road, Dawley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0947 2 Southall, Dawley, Telford TF4 3NE 0 2 TWC/2015/0259 Former Lusaka, Church Road, Donnington, Telford 0 3 TWC/2017/0192 Site of 11 Queens Road, Donnington, Telford 0 1 TWC/2014/1134 Land opposite The Priory, Newport Road, Edgmond, Newport 0 1 TWC/2016/0973 Land rear of The Cottage, 2 Cheney Hill, Edgmond Road, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0425 Land between 1 - 2 Newtown & 66 Shrewsbury Road, Edgmond, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0479 Site of Crescent Farm, Waters Upton, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0923 Site of Long Lane Livery, Long Lane, Telford TF6 6HL 0 2 TWC/2017/0145 48 Shrewsbury Road, Edgmond, Newport TF10 8HX 0 1 TWC/2015/0392 Site of 34 Golf Links Lane, Wellington, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0001 Land rear of 3-7 Golf Links Lane, Wellington, Telford 0 4 TWC/2015/0403 Site of Rock Cottages, 10 Cold Hatton, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0351 Land adjacent 43 Hadley Park Road, Hadley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0237 Site of 2 White Row, Horton Lane, Horton, Telford 0 3 TWC/2017/0473 Land adjacent, 32 Victoria Court, Hadley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2018/0002 Site of Jordans Yard, Haybridge Road, Hadley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/1074 The Birches, 57 Wrockwardine Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 3DA 0 -1 TWC/2017/0174 Site of 5 Church Street, Wellington, Telford 0 6 TWC/2015/1098 Site of former All Labour in Vain, Wellington Road, Horsehay, Telford 0 9 TWC/2017/0967 Site of Culverlea, Wellington Road, Horsehay, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0847 6-14 Horsehay Court, Horsehay, Telford TF4 3PU 0 8 TWC/2017/1048 Site of Lincoln Grange Nursing Home, Lincoln Hill, Ironbridge, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/1153 Land Adjacent Old Wynd House, Crackshall Lane, Coalbrookdale, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0481 17 The Wharfage, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7AW 0 1 TWC/2016/0838 Land adjacent Old School House, School Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/1038 Site of Severn Garage, The Wharfage, Ironbridge, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0390 Site of 7 Severn Bank, Ironbridge, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0653 Riversmead, Waterloo Street, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7AA 0 1 TWC/2017/0840 The Horse and Jockey, Jockey Bank, Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7PD 0 1 TWC/2015/0719 Land between 29 & 33 Station Road, Ketley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0005 Site of 5A Church Parade, Wombridge, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0739 Former 17-19 Stafford Road, Oakengates, Telford 0 4 TWC/2015/1122 Land between, 5 & 11 Leonard Street, Oakengates, Telford 0 2 TWC/2016/1025 Land adjacent 36 Quarry Lane, Red Lake, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0705 Land rear of 11, Wrens Nest Lane, Ketley, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0438 Site of Upway Cottage, 51 The Rock, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0857 Easy Care Products Ltd, Chapel Workshops, Park Lane, Old Park, Telford TF3 4TE 0 0 TWC/2016/0280 Site Of Orchard House, Princes End, Dawley Bank, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/1079 Site of, 45 Clares Lane Close, The Rock, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0722 Site of Lee Dingle, 48 Lees Farm Drive, Madeley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0407 Former Severn Valley Motorsport Ltd/Madeley Testing Station, Ironbridge Road, Madeley, Telford 0 8

TWC/2016/0438 Site of 21 Bridle Road, Madeley, Telford 0 7 TWC/2016/0702 5 Court Street, Madeley, Telford TF7 5EB 0 1 TWC/2017/0640 Site of Rainbow House, 78 New Road, Madeley, Telford 0 4 TWC/2015/1042 Land adjacent 50 Wellington Road, Muxton, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0824 2 New Street, Newport TF10 7AX 0 -1 TWC/2017/0008 Land rear of 86-88 Church Parade, Wombridge, Telford 0 4 TWC/2018/0011 The Alexandra Inn, 10 Slaney Street, Oakengates, Telford TF2 6ET 0 4 TWC/2017/0128 Land corner of Bank Way/Mossey Green, Ketley Bank, Telford 0 6 TWC/2017/0401 Land adjacent 8 Wrockwardine Road, Wellington, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0507 Site of Premier stores, Unit 1, Calcott, Stirchley, Telford 0 6 TWC/2014/0662 Brook Lodge, Arleston Lane, Arleston, Telford TF1 2JY 0 1 TWC/2017/0088 New Works Farm, New Works, Telford TF6 5BP 0 2 TWC/2014/1078 Orchard Field (opposite The Mount Guest House), Dawley Road, Arleston, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0915 Site of The Mill House, Walcot, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0551 Highbury Villa, Drury Lane, Rodington, Telford SY4 4RG 0 -1 TWC/2016/0685 Land between, 20, 22 Bratton Road, Bratton, Telford 0 5 TWC/2017/0575 Land North of Tansy Mead, Rodington Heath, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0572 Former Old Shawbirch Inn, Trench Road, Trench, Telford TF2 7DX 0 4 TWC/2016/0747 Site of 17-24 James Close, Trench, Telford 0 7 TWC/2016/0370 Lower Farm, Longford Road, Newport TF10 8LP 0 1 TWC/2016/0746 17-24 James Close, Trench, Telford TF2 7HH 0 -8 TWC/2017/0006 Site of 8 & 10 Shawbirch Road, Admaston, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0724 Land adjacent 82A Limekiln Lane, Lilleshall, Newport 0 1 TWC/2018/0110 Site of 84 Limekiln Lane, Lilleshall, Newport 0 1 TWC/2015/1151 Land opposite College Farm House, Mill Lane, Wellington, Telford 0 5 TWC/2014/1053 Site of Masonic Building, Constitution Hill, Wellington, Telford 0 4 TWC/2015/0506 Land adjacent, 39 Shawfield Close, Sutton Hill, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0954 Land East of Southall Play Area, Southall Road, Aqueduct, Telford 0 3 TWC/2017/0029 Land opposite 93 & 95 Ash Lea Drive, Donnington, Telford 0 4 TWC/2016/0709 Site of 72 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport 0 1 TWC/2015/0950 Site of Honey House, Tibberton, Newport 0 2 TWC/2016/0365 Site of Sutherland Farm, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport 0 8 TWC/2017/0965 Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0836 Plot 2, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport TF10 8PD 0 1 TWC/2017/0499 Site of 64 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport 0 2 TWC/2017/0467 Site of 18 Crudgington, Telford 0 0 TWC/2017/0364 Site of 1 - 2 Newtown, Edgmond, Newport 0 1 TWC/2016/0285 Site of 17 Ercall Gardens, Wellington, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0220 Site of Roden Nurseries, Roden Lane, Roden, Telford 0 9 TWC/2016/0466 Site of 5 The Grove, Hadley, Telford 0 2 TWC/2015/1017 Land rear of 60 Castle Street, Hadley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/1163 Land adjacent 15 Manse Road, Hadley, Telford 0 2 TWC/2016/0221 Site of 25 Hadley Park Road, Hadley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0744 Land between Hayes Meadow and Uppatree, 33 Horton Lane, Horton, Telford 0 5 TWC/2017/0261 Site of Greyfriars, Waterloo Road, Ketley, Telford 0 5 TWC/2017/0826 Land between Horton Farm, 35 & 36 Horton Lane, Horton, Telford 0 4 TWC/2017/0302 Land between Uppatree, 33 & Horton Farm, 35, Horton Lane, Horton, Telford 0 3 TWC/2016/0533 Site of Sundown, Old Office Road, Dawley, Telford 0 8 TWC/2014/0770 Land at Hartfield House, Pool Hill Road, Dawley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0107 Former Concrete Works, Lightmoor Road, Lightmoor, Telford 0 0 TWC/2015/0488 Site of Oakleigh, Lawley Village, Telford 0 8 TWC/2015/1154 Site of The White Lion Inn, Holyhead Road, Ketley, Telford 0 2 TWC/2015/0629 Land Adjacent, 11 Withington Close, Oakengates, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0153 Site of The Wrens Nest, Wrens Nest Lane, Ketley, Telford 0 9 TWC/2017/0658 Land adjacent, 30 Hartley Close, Overdale, Telford 0 2 TWC/2017/0574 Land adjacent 34 Milners Lane, Dawley Bank, Telford 0 5 TWC/2016/0677 Site of Wrekin Pneumatics (Telford) Ltd/Wrekin Garden Machinery/Kleaning Equipment Western Ltd, 0 5 Park Road, Dawley Bank, Telford TWC/2015/0928 Land East of 21A St Michaels Close, Madeley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0763 Land South West of Lodge Cottage, 1 Lodge Road, Donnington Wood, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0691 Site of 25 Copperfield Drive, Muxton, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/1136 Site of 3 Forton Road, Newport 0 1 TWC/2016/1084 Site of The Acorns, Donnerville Gardens, Admaston, Telford 0 7 TWC/2017/0352 Land adjacent Rosehurst, Road, Madeley, Telford 0 8 TWC/2017/0987 Site of Greenhigh, Lodgewood Lane, St Georges, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0654 Land rear of, 66 and 68 Stafford Road, Oakengates, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/1006 Land to rear of Grove House, Grove Street, St Georges, Telford 0 1 TWC/2017/0367 Units 7 - 9, Gower Street Trading Estate, Gower Street, St Georges, Telford TF2 9HW 0 0 TWC/2015/1008 Former Garage, New Street, St Georges, Telford 0 6 TWC/2017/1056 Site of 32 Stafford Street, St Georges, Telford 0 0 TWC/2016/0052 Land adjacent The Bridge Inn, Wombridge Road, Trench, Telford 0 2 TWC/2015/0572 Site of Simply The Best Valeting, Plough Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford 0 5 TWC/2016/0799 Site of 11 & 11A Field Road, Trench, Telford 0 1 TWC/2014/1060 Land adjacent The Queens Head Car Park, Horton, Telford 0 0 TWC/2016/1078 Land adjacent 19 Aldermead Close, Admaston, Telford 0 8 TWC/2017/0092 Site of The Bungalow, Arleston Village, Arleston, Telford 0 3 TWC/2016/0682 Site of Village Farm, Preston Upon The Weald Moors, Telford 0 1 TWC/2018/0026 Site of Tessant House, Dark Lane, Church Aston, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0998 Site of 33 Portley Road, Dawley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2015/0582 Land adjacent 18 Cherrington, Cherrington 0 1 TWC/2015/0988 Site of 2 Sambrook, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0711 Land adjacent The Queens Head Car Park, Horton, Telford 0 0 TWC/2015/0455 Land adjacent to 28 Mill Lane, Kynnersley, Telford 0 3 TWC/2016/0180 Land adjacent Acorn Cottage, 36 Lawley Gate, Lawley, Telford 0 1 TWC/2018/0071 Site of 12 St Lukes Road, Doseley, Telford 0 3 TWC/2016/0529 Land adjacent 1 Station Road, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0766 Site of 1 The Oaklands, Springfields, Newport 0 1 TWC/2017/0931 Land rear of Mil-May, Lincoln Road, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0738 Site of Holly Tree House, Allscott, Telford 0 1 W2015/0994 Land to the south of St Michaels Church, Waters Upton, Telford 8 0 Ketley Community Recycling Centre (CRC), Whitchurch Drive, Telford TF1 5AB 0 4 16A Market Square, Wellington, Telford TF1 1BU 0 1 Former Stores, Village Way, Oakengates, Telford TF2 6TJ 0 1 TWC/2015/0599 7 Crown Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1LP 0 4 TWC/2018/0009 11 Church Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1DD 0 1 TWC/2015/0066 Former Dale End Garage Workshop, Dale End, Ironbridge, Telford 0 1 TWC/2016/0836 Site of 41 Riddings Close, Ketley, Telford 0 1

197 369 Total Total small small sites U/C sites NYS Telford & Wrekin Housing Land Supply - deliverable sites 2018-23 Appendix 4 - TWC delivery rates analysis, updated to end of March 2018 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 Average build rate per year, per builder, from 1st Apr -up to 30th 1st Oct-up to 31st 1st Apr -up to 30th 1st Oct-up to 31st 1st Apr -up to 1st Oct-up to 31st 1st Apr -up to 30th 1st Oct-up to 31st 1st Apr -up to 1st Oct-up to first TWC Total No. of Sept Mar Sept Mar 30th Sept Mar Sept Mar 30th Sept 31st Mar Total in Delivery, in completion Delivery Plus / Planning Ref. Site Developer Units proposed ABABABABABABABABABAB period 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Years until last Rates Minus National Strategic Sites TWC/2011/0500 The Croppings, Lightmoor Village Keepmoat Homes 105 15 6 20 9 15 6 14 7 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 50 42 13 0 0 2.5 42 40 2 TWC/2011/0488 & TWC2013/700 Phases 3 & 4, Lawley Village LVDG 438 37 0 46 10 65 13 64 31 45 3 30 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 350 93 173 78 3 3 3 39 40 -1 TWC/2012/0419 Phase 6, Lawley Village LVDG 388 0 0 70 13 38 0 36 4 55 14 50 14 43 6 24 6 10 0 2 0 385 83 78 133 79 12 4 32 40 -8 TWC/2013/0096 Phase 3, TMC Taylor Wimpey 338 0 0 0 0 23 14 17 22 26 0 7 0 29 0 30 0 13 0 31 6 218 0 76 33 59 50 4 55 40 15 TWC/2015/0233 Phase 8, Lawley Village LVDG 561 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 2 35 6 75 7 7012 272 0 0 0 108164 2 45 40 5 Other Sites W2009/0051 Park Lane, Woodside Bellway Homes 181 5 0 6 18 18 0 22 0 30 0 23 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 29 40 53 31 0 3.5 44 40 4 TWC/2010/0200 Sommerfeld Road, Trench Lock Redrow Homes 234 16 10 12 22 16 4 16 0 17 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 60 36 41 0 0 3 46 40 6 TWC/2012/0211 Maynards Croft, Newport Taylor Wimpey 34 1 0 9 2 10 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 12 22 0 0 0 2 17 40 -23 TWC/2012/0587 Redhill Claypit, St.Georges Taylor Wimpey 108 10 0 16 4 24 6 17 0 15 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 30 47 31 0 0 3 36 40 -4 TWC/2013/0720 Sommerfeld Road, Telford Bovis Homes 125 0 0 0 0 3 0 27 0 22 0 22 0 19 0 19 0 13 0 0 0 125 0 30 44 38 13 3.5 36 40 -4 TWC/2013/0928 Wellington Road, Newport (Phase 1) Persimmon Homes 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 2217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 20 39 0 0 1.5 39 40 -1 TWC/2013/1003 Hadley Park West, Leegomery Redrow Homes 149 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 17 5 20 10 24 0 15 8 14 20 0 0 149 0 16 52 47 34 3 50 40 10 TWC/2014/0237 Frame Lane, Doseley David Wilson Homes 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 24 12 8 0 20 0 13 7 101 0 0 17 44 40 2.5 40 40 0 TWC/2014/0796 Hadley Park West, Leegomery Redrow Homes 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 2 4 5 0 1 4 0 0 56 0 0 40 11 5 2.5 22 40 -18 TWC/2014/0258 Brick Kiln Bank, Lightmoor Galliford Try 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 1310 13 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 42 30 0 1.5 48 40 8 TWC/2014/0401 Edgmond Road, Newport Bovis Homes 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 14 6 8 14 10 6 12 0 0 0 85 0 0 35 38 12 2.5 34 40 -6 TWC/2014/0437 Wellington Road, Newport (Phase 2) Charles Church 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 150 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 27 6 0 1.5 22 40 -18 TWC/2015/0028 Frome Way, Donnington Keepmoat Homes 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 2 18 1118 7 0 0 79 0 0 0 54 25 1.5 53 40 13 TWC/2015/0332 Wellington Rd, Newport (Phase 3A) Persimmon Homes 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00174 0 0 0 00000 21 0 0 21 0 0 0.5 42 40 2 TWC/2016/0059 Wellington Road, Newport (Phase 4) Persimmon Homes 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 14 33 17 17 3 104 0 0 0 34 70 2 52 40 12 TWC/2014/1122 Randlay Avenue, Randlay Nuplace 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 15 16 0 1 31 40 -9 TWC/2014/1124 Woodlands School, Woodside Nuplace 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 40 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 101 0 1 101 40 61 40 45 Regional TWC/2012/0103 Grooms Alley, Wellington Lioncourt Homes 40 0 0 19 213 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 21 19 0 0 0 1.5 27 20 7 TWC/2012/0886 Hadley Park Road, Hadley Lioncourt Homes 14 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 14 0 14 0 0 0 1 14 20 -6 TWC/2013/0997 Lawton Farm Way, Leegomery Lioncourt Homes 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 190 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 4 23 0 0 1.5 18 20 -2 TWC/2014/0221 Sommerfeld Road, Hadley Lioncourt Homes 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0130 12 0 10 016 0 4 0 60 0 0 18 22 20 3 20 20 0 TWC/2012/0408 Marshbrook Way, Muxton Bromford 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 12 12 0 0 0 0 1 12 20 -8 TWC/2013/0292 St.Matthews Road, Donnington Bromford 26 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 12 0 0 00 0 000000026 0260 0 0 1 26 20 6 TWC/2014/0289 Park Lane, Woodside Bromford 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01400 0 0 0 00000 14 0 0 14 0 0 1 14 20 -6 TWC/2014/0526 Snedshill Way, St.Georges Bromford 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 28 17 0 1.5 30 20 10 TWC/2013/0422 Churchill Drive, Ketley Wrekin Housing Trust 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01400 0 0 0 00000 14 0 0 14 0 0 1 14 20 -6 TWC/2013/0499 34-42 High Mount, Donnington Wrekin Housing Trust 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 16 0 16 0 0 0 1 16 20 -4 TWC/2013/0667 Coronation Crescent, Madeley Wrekin Housing Trust 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01100 0 0 0 00000 11 0 0 11 0 0 1 11 20 -9 TWC/2013/0801 Beaconsfield/Burford, Brookside Wrekin Housing Trust 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01800 0 0 0 00000 18 0 0 18 0 0 1 18 20 -2 TWC/2013/0995 Maddocks Sports & Social Club Wrekin Housing Trust 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 018 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 18 20 0 1.5 25 20 5 TWC/2014/0010 Chillcott Drive, Madeley Wrekin Housing Trust 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000440 0 0 00000 44 0 0 44 0 0 1 44 2024 TWC/2014/0444 Eyton Place, Dawley Wrekin Housing Trust 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000130 0 0 00000 13 0 0 13 0 0 1 13 20 -7 TWC/2014/0467 Haughmond Court, Dothill Wrekin Housing Trust 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000190 0 0 00000 19 0 0 19 0 0 1 19 20 -1 TWC/2014/0794 Charles St/Talbot Road, Trench Wrekin Housing Trust 22 00000000000220 000000022 0 0220 0 1 22 20 2 TWC/2014/0905 Glebelands/Common, Donnington Wrekin Housing Trust 20 00000000000200 000000020 0 0200 0 1 20 20 0 TWC/2015/0143 Charlton Street, Wellington Wrekin Housing Trust 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 310 00000 31 0 0 0 31 0 1 31 2011 TWC/2015/0177 Park Road, Malinslee Wrekin Housing Trust 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 081 81 0 0 0 0 81 1.5 54 20 34 TWC/2016/0615 Gordon Road, Trench Wrekin Housing Trust 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 00402731 0 0 0 0 31 1 31 2011 TWC/2015/0151 Dark Lane, Church Aston Cameron Homes 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003 0 100 80500 26 0 0 3 18 5 2 13 20 -7 22 52 Local W2010/0011 Watkins Nursery, Apley Shropshire Homes 21 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000 9 90000 1 9 10-1 TWC/2011/0334 Audley Road, Newport Shropshire Homes 61 0 0 14 0 16 1 14 4 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 14 35 12 0 0 2 31 10 21 TWC/2012/0139 Old Farm Lane, Lilleshall Shropshire Homes 21 0 0 0 0 10 6 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 21 0 20 1 0 0 1.5 14 10 4 TWC/2013/0855 Station Road, Newport Shropshire Homes 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0114 24 0 0 0 0 24 1 24 10 14 TWC/2010/0458 62 Wrekin Road, Wellington Days New Homes 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 00 0 000000014 0140 0 0 1 14 10 4 TWC/2014/0153 47 Wrekin Road, Wellington Days New Homes 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 140 00000 14 0 0 0 14 0 1 14 10 4 TWC/2014/0370 Limekiln Lane, Arleston Garvey Developments 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00140000 14 0 0 0 14 0 1 14 10 4 TWC/2014/0998 Farm Lane, Horsehay Prestige Homes 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000109010 0 0 0 010 1 10 10 0 TWC/2013/0265 The Mount, Wellington Hama 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 2 0 0 00 18 0 0 8 10 0 1.5 12 10 2 16 52 Definitions Key National House-Builders in the top 25 by turnover & Nuplace Totals 1559 1410 149 Regional House-Builders who operate across the area Local House-Builders who operate across the Marches LEP area A Private B Affordable Source: TWC