A7 /1 Provisional Agenda

A7 /1 Corr.l - Corrigendum

A7/2 Amendments to the Constitution of the World Health Organization on Membership of the Executive Board Item proposed by the Governments of Belgium, France, Italy and the of Great Britain and Northern. Ireland

A7/2 Add.l` Amendments to the Constitution of the World Health Organization on Membership of the Executive Board Note by the Director- General

A7/2 Add.2 Amendments to the Constitution of the World Health Organization on Membership of the Executive Board Item proposed by the Governments of Belgium, France, Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

A7/3 Equitable Geographical Distribution in Membership of the Executive Board Proposal submitted by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines

A7/4 Leon Bernard Foundation Committee: Report on Meeting

A7/5 Amendments to the Constitution of the World Health Organization on Membership of the Executive Board Proposal by the Government of the Dominican Republic

A7/6 Application by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the admission to Associate Membership of the Federation of and

A7/6 Add.1' -ditto- Extracts from the Constitution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

A7/7 First Provisional List of Delegations and Observers

A7/7 Rev.l' Provisional List of Delegations and Observers

A7/7 Rev.2 List of Delegations and Observers

Al /? Q m.r 7 r.,.,.YÎ It tt It tt tt -- Corrigenda A7/41 page 2

A7/8 Adoption of Procedure for Consideration of Programme and Budget Estimates for 1955 Note by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

A7/9 Committee on Credentials - First Report

A7 /10 Committee on Nominations - Report

A7 /11 Procedure for Consideration of the 1955 Programme and Budget Estimates Amendment to Resolution EB13.R24 proposed by the Delegation of Norway

A7/12 Committee on Credentials - Second Report

A7/13 International Sanitary Regulations Reservations from the Government of the Netherlands in respect of

A7/14 Equitable Geographical Distribution in Membership of the Executive Board and Election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Roard

A7/15 Supplementary Agenda

A7/16 Committee on Credentials - Third Report

A7/17 First Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7/18 Second Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7/19 First Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/20 Scale of Assessments for 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958 Amendments submitted by the Delegation of South Africa to the Resolution recommended by the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/20 Rev.1 -ditto -

A7/21 Third Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7/22 Admission of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland to Associate Membership Proposal submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America A7/41 page 3

A7/23 Third Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget (Document A7/21) Amendment proposed by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

A7/24 Third Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget (Document A7 /21) Amendment proposed by the Delegation of the United States of America

A7/25 Third Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget (Document A7/21) Amendment proposed by the Delegation of India

A7/26 Future Scales of Assessments Resolution proposed by the Delegations of Canada, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America

A7/26 Add.1 -ditto-

A7/26 Rev.l Future Scales of Assessments Resolution proposed by the Delegations of Brazil, Canada, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as amended by the Delegations of and India

A7/27 Committee on Credentials - Fourth Report

A7/28 Second Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/29 Third Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/30 Technical Discussions at future Health Assemblies

A7/30 Rev.l L- .-ditto -

A7/31 Fourth Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/32 Fourth Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7/33 Consideration of the First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine and of Reservations to the International Sanitary Regulations submitted by the Government of the NetLerlands in respect of Surinam Report of the Working Party of the Seventh World Health Assembly A7/40. page 4

A7/34 Fifth Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/35 Amendment to the Draft Resolution relating to the First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine Submitted by the delegations of Belgium and the Netherlands

A7/36 Amendment to the Draft Resolution relating to the First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine Submitted by the delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru; and United States of America

A7/37 General Committee - Report

A7/38 Proposed Amendment to the Amendment to the Draft Resolution relating to the First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine (Document A7/35) Submitted by the delegation of Belgium

A7/39 Amendment to the Amendment to the Draft Resolution relating to the First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine submitted by the delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the United States of America Proposed by the Representative of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

A7/40 Procedural Decisions - Index to Resolutions

A7 /4l Final List of Documents


WHA7 .1 Establishment of Main Committees

WHA7.2 Terms of Reference of the Main Committees

WHA7.3 Award of the Leon Bernard Foundation Medal and Prize

WHA7.4 Budget Level and Effective Working Budget for 1955

WHA7.5 Campaign against Smallpox

WHA7.6 Conventions on Addiction -Producing Drugs A7/41 page 5

W7A707 1931 Convention on Narcotic Drugs: Interpretation of "Convertible Substances"

Tr.1 ili`ï.8 Selection of Recommended International Non -Proprietary Names for Drugs

WrA7 .9 General Programme of Work for a Specific Period

-TA7 10 Organizational Study on Programme Analysis and Evaluation

WHA7011 Agreement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

WHA7 . 12 Election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board

WH.A7 . 13 Admission of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland as an Associate Member of the World Health Organization

ZrJHA7. 14 Agreement with the Government of Egypt

UxA7.1S Scale of Assessments for 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958

WiA7.16 Future Scales of Assessments

WHA7 017 Assessment of China

WHArL18 Request concerning the Contribution of the Spanish Protectorate Zone in Morocco

WP1A.7.19 Status of Collection of Annual Contributions and Advances to the Working Capital Fund

':11-1A7.20 Arrears of Contributions in respect of the Office International d'Hygiène Publique

WI-iA7 ,21 Working Capital Fund for 1955

-::TH1.7,22 Publications Revolving Fund

WHA7e23 Special Fund for World Health Seals

iIHA7,>24 Executive Board Special Fund

,,lHA7,?5 Financial Report and Accounts for 1953: Report of the External Auditor

WHA7Q26 Sessions of Regional Committees at Regional Headquarters

WH.P.7 , 27 Payment of Travel Expenses of Representatives to Sessions of Regional Committees A7/41 page 6

WHAT ,28 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees

Wn-IA7 29 Place of Eighth World Health Assembly j-JHA7.30 Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly

WHii7 .31 Technical Discussions at Future Health .assemblies

WFiA7.32 Additional Use of the Spanish Language

WHA7.33 Regional Comnttoo for the Eastern Mediterranean

WHA7.34 Appropriation Resolution for the financial year 1955

'iHA7,35 Programme and Budget for 1955

WHA7.36 Form of Presentation of Annual Programme and Budget Estimates

WHA7.37 Procedure for the Consideration by the Executive Board of the 1956 Programme and Budget Estimates

`niHA7.38 Procedure for the Consideration.by the Eighth World Health Assembly of the 1956 Programme and Budget Estimates

',1íA7.39 Legislative Developments in the Technical Assistance Programme

NHA7.40 Modification in the Technical Assistance Programme for 1954

7A7.41 Technical Assistance Programme for 1955

WHA7.42 Local Costs in respect of International Project Personnel under the Regular Budget

`HA7.43 Local Costs in respect of International Project Personnel under the Technical Assistance Programme

WEA7044 Appointment of External Auditor

"'11A7.45 Cost -of- Living Adjustments

17.46 Appointments of Representa Jives on WHO Staff Pensioiz Committee

WHA7.47 Annual Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board

`JHA7.48 Amendments to Staff Rules

WHA7.49 Accommodation for Headquarters' Office f,7 /4l page 7

,f_Z ,50 Relations with UNICEF

Tit;7 51 Deci3tons of the United Nations and the Economic and Social Council


=7.537 .53 Environmental. Sanitation

"d1-2: -/ Imnnual Report of the Director -General for 1953

ML 755 Reports of the Executive Board on its Twelfth and Thirteenth Sessions

W}U 7.56 International Sanitary Regulations: First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine i "x':17,57 Reservations to International Sanitary Regulations (WHO Regulations Noy'-2) in respect of Overseas and Outlying Territories

P.rovi_si.onal. Verbatim Records:

L7/VR/1 First Plenary Meeting - 4 May 1954 at 10 a.m.

'::' /LR /2 Second Plenary Meeting -- 5 May 1954 at 10 a.m.

27 /VR /3 Third Plenary Meeting - 5 May 1954 at 3 p.m.

OR /4 Fourth Plenary Meeting - 6 May 1954 at 9.30 a.m.

') 'Ja/ 5 Fifth Plenary Meeting - 6 May 1954 at 2.30 p.m.

1i7 /VR /6 Sixth Plenary Meeting - 14 May 1954 at 2.30 p.m.

_7/VR /7 Seventh Plenary Meeting - 14 May 1954 at 9 p.m.

O /VR /8 Eighth Plenary Meeting - 15 May 1954 at 9.30 a.m.

A7iVIR /9 Ninth Plenary Meeting - 18 May 1954 at 5 p.m.

1.7;' VR /9 Corr.l Ninth Plenary Meeting -- Corrigenda

A7 /VR /10 Tenth Plenary Meeting - 20 May 1954 at 2.30 p.m.

A;?/ `TR,, /11 Eleventh Plenary Meeting - 21 May 1954 at 2.30 p.m. A7/41 page 8

Committee on Programme and Budget:

A7 /P &B /1 General Programme of Work for a Specific Period

A7 /P &B /2 Report on WH0 participation in the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance

A7/P&B/3 Modification in the Programme for 1954

A7 /P &B /4 First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine

A7 /P &B /4. Add.l` First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine Additional information concerning the Delineation of Yellow - Fever Endemic Zones and Receptive Areas

A7 /P &B /4. Add.2. First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine. Supplementary Information regarding Deratting of Rhine Vessels

A7 /P &B /4 Add.3 First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine Additional Information concerning the Delineation of Yellow - Fever Endemic Zones and Receptive Areas

A7/P&B/4 Add.4 ,. .dittó»

A7/P&B/5 Campaign against Smallpox

A7/P&B/6 Exercise by the World Health Organization of Functions conferred by Conventions on Addiction -Producing Drugs

A7/P&B/7 Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council affecting WHO activities

A7/P&B/8 Extension of the Agreement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

A7/P&B/9 Selection of Recommended International Non -Proprietary Names for Drugs

A7/P&B/10 Regular Programme and Budget Estimates for 1955 Decisions of the 16th Session of the Economic and Social Council and 8th General Assembly affecting WHO's activities Report on Relations with UNICEF

A7/P&B/10 Add.l -ditto-

A7/P&B/10 Add.l Rev.l . -ditto- A7/41 page 9

A7/P&B/1.1 Review and Approval of the Regular Programme and Budget Estimates for 1955 (Article 18(f)) Effect upon Proposed Regular Programme for 1955 of Modifications in Programme for 1954

A7/P&B/12 Review and Approval of the Regular Programme and Budget Estimates for 1955 (Article 18(f)) Supplemental information on estimated Governments' contributions in local currencies towards implementation of projects (Addendum to Official Record No, 50)

A7 /P &B /12 Add,l ` Review and Approval of the Regular Programme and Budget Estimates for 1955 (Article 18(f) ) Supplemental Information on Estimated Governments' Contributions in Local Currencies towards Implementation of Projects

A7 /P &B /13 Statement by the Director -General

A7 /P &B /14 Campaign against Smallpox Draft Resolution presented by the Delegation of the Netherlands

A7/P &B /15 Campaign against Smallpox Draft resolution proposed by Working Group

A7 /P &B/16 Draft First Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /P &B /17 First Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters to the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /P &B /18 Draft Second Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /P &B /19 Draft Resolution concerning Budget Level and Effective Working Budget for 1955 for Consideration in relation to the Budget Ceiling

A7 /P&B /20 Programme in Dental Health Proposal made by the Delegations of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland

A7 /P &B /21 Draft Resolution concerning Budget Level and Effecti ve Working Budget for 1955 for Considering in Relation to the Budget Ceiling Proposal by the Delegation of Lebanon A7/41 page 10

A7 /P &B/22 Relations with UNICEF Statement by the representative of the United Nations Children's Fund

A7 /P &B/23 Relations with UNICEF Resolution proposed by the Indian Delegation

A7 /P &B/24 Poliomyelitis Proposal made by the Delegations of Luxembourg and the Netherlands

A7 /P &B/25 Modifications in the Field Programme for 1954 and 1955

A7 /P &B/26 Second Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters to the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /P &B/27 Programme and Budget for 1955 Draft resolution proposed by the Delegation of Brazil as amended by the Delegation of Australia

A7 /P &B/28 Programme and Budget for 1955 Amendment proposed by the Delegation of the United States to the Draft Resolution proposed by the Delegation of Brazil (Document A7 /P &B/27)

A7 /P &B/29 Modifications in the Field Programme for 1955 (Regular Budget)

A7 /P &B /30 Draft Fourth Report of the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /P &B /31 Research Draft Resolution proposed by the Delegation of the United States of America

A7 /P &B/32 Research Amendment proposed by the Delegation of Morocco (French Zone) to the draft resolution proposed by the Delegation of the United States of America (document A7 /P &B /31)

Committee on Programme and Budget - Provisional Minutes:

A7 /P &B/Min /1 First Meeting - Thursday, 6 May 1954, at 4,.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min/2 Second Meeting - Friday, 7 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

A7 /P &B /Min /2 Corr .1L -ditto- - Corrigenda A7/41 page 11

A7/P&B/Min/3 Third Meeting - Friday, 7 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min/3 Corr.1 -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7/P&B/Min/3 Corr.2 -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7/P&B/Min/4 Fourth Meeting, Monday, 10 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7 /P &B /Min /4 Corr.l -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /P &B/Min /5 Fifth Meeting, Monday, 10 may 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min/5 Corr.1 Y` -ditt o- - Corrigenda

A7/P&B/Min/6 Sixth Meeting, Tuesday; 11 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/7 Seventh Meeting, Wednesday, 12 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/8 Eighth Meeting, Wednesday, 12 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min/9 Ninth Meeting, Thursday, 13 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/10 Tenth Meeting, Thursday, 13 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min /11 Eleventh Meeting, Friday, 14 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/12 Twelfth Meeting, Saturday, 15 May 1954, at 10.15 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/13 Thirteenth Meeting, Monday, 17 May 1954, at 11 a.m.

A7/P&-j/Min/14 Fourteenth Meeting, Monday, 17 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/P&B/Min/15 Fifteenth Meeting, Tuesday, 18 Mcy 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

A7/P&B/Min/16 Sixteenth Meeting, Tuesday, 18 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m. f.7/P&B/Min/17 Seventeenth Meeting, Wednesday, 19 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

Committee on Administration Finance and Legal Matters:

A7/AFL/1 Financial Problems in 1954

A7/AFL/2 Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly

A7/AFL/3 Place of Eighth World Health Assembly

A7/AFL/4 Withdrawal of Point 5 of the Notes Exchanged in connexion with the Host Agreement between the Government of Egypt and WHO A7/41 page 12

A7 /AFL /5 Collections of Annual Contributions and of Advances to the Working 'Capital Fund

A7 /AFL /6 Proposed Order of Items remaining on the Agenda of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters Proposal of the Chairman

A7 /AFL /6 Corr.l v' -ditto- - Corrigendum

A7 /AFL /7 Appointment of External Auditor

A7 /AFL /8 WHO Staff Pension Committee; Appointment of Representatives to replace Members whose period of Merrbership expires

A7/AFL/9 United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund - Annual Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board for 1952

A7/AFL/10 Financial Report and Accounts of WHO for 1953 and the Report of the External Auditor Report of the ad hoc Committee of the Executive Board

A7/AFL/1.1 Statement by the Assistant Director -General, Department of 'Administration and Finance

A7/AFL/12 Consideration of a System of Cost-of-Living Adjustments

A7/AFL/13 'Scales of Assessment Resolution proposed by the Indian Delegation

L7/AFL/14 Items referred directly to the Legal Sub -Committee

A7/AFL/15 Draft First Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters to the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7/AFL/16 Report of the Working Party on Assessments to the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/AFL/17 Scale of Assessment for 1955: Amendment to the Draft Resolution of the Working Party Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America

A7/AFL/18 Scales of Assessment Amendment to the Resolution proposed by the Indian Delegation (A7 /AFL /13). (Presented by the Delegation of Ceylon) A7/41 page 13

A7/AFL/19 Proposals concerning the Scale of Assessments, in Voting. Order (in accordance with Rules of Procedure 59 and 60)

Note by the Chairman


A7/AFL/21 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees Joint draft resolution submitted by the Delegations of Morocco and Tunisia

A7 /AFL /21 Rev. l° Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees Joint draft resolution submitted by the Delegations of Morocco (French Zone) and Tunisia

A7 /AFL /22 Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean Draft Resolution proposed by the Delegation of Lebanon

A7 /AFL /23 Draft First Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7 /AFL /24 Second Report of the Legal Sub -Committee

A7 /AFL /25 Form and Presentation of the Programme and Budget Draft resolution proposed by the Delegation of Lebanon

A7 /AFL /25 Rev.1 -ditto-

A7/AFL/26 Third Report of the Legal Sub -Committee

A7 /AFL /27 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees Proposal by the Delegations of Spain and of the Spanish Protectorate Zone in Morocco

A7/AFL/2g Form of Presentation of the Annual Programme and Budget Estimates of the Organization Note by the Director -General

A7 /AFL /29 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees (Proposal of the Delegation of the )

L,7 /AFL /30 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees Amendments proposed by the delegation of France to the proposal in Document A7 /AFL /27 A7/41 page 14

A7/1,71131,/31 Report on Revis ion of Staff Rules Proposal submitted by the Delegation of Spain

A7/AFL/32 Draft Second Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/AFL/33 Draft Second Report of the Committee on Admiristration, Finance and Legal Matters to the Committee on Programme and Budget

A7 /AFL /33 Corr.1 -ditto- - Corrigendum

A7/AFL/34 Form and Presentation of the Annual Programme and Budget Estimates (Proposal submitted by the Delegation of the Netherlands)

A7/LFL/35 Report of the Working Party on Meetings of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

A7/AFL/3 6 Draft Third Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/':FL/37 Draft Fourth Report of the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

A7/AFL/3 8 Fourth Report of the Legal Sub -Committee

Committee on Administration Finance and Leal Matters - Provisional Minutes:

A7 /AFL/Min /1 First Meeting - Thursday, 6 May 1954, at 4.30 p.m.

A7 /AFL /Min /2 Second Meeting - Friday, 7 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

A7 /AFL/Min /2 Corr.1 -dittb- - Corrigenda

A7 /AFL/Min /2 Corr.2 y -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /AFL /Min /3 Third Meeting - Friday, 7 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m. l' 7/1".FL/Min/4 Fourth Meeting - Monday, 10 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

'7 /AFL /Min /4 Corr.1 -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /AFL /Min /5 Fifth Meeting - Monday, 10 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/AFL/Min/5 Corr.1 - ditto- - Corrigenda A7 /4a. page 15

A7 /AFL/Min /6 Sixth Meeting - Tuesday, 11 May 1954, °at 10 a :m.

1.7 /AFL /Min /6 Corr.l -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /AFL /Min /7 Seventh Meeting - Tuesday, 11 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/AFL/Min/8 Eighth Meeting - Thursday, 13 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

L7 /AFL/Min /9 Ninth Meeting - Friday, 14 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7 /AFL/Min /10 Tenth Meeting - Saturday, 15 May 1954, at 10 a.m.

A7 /AFL/Min /11 Eleventh Meeting - Saturday, 15 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7 /AFL /Min /12 Twelfth Meeting - Monday, 17 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

A7 /AFL /Min /13 Thirteenth Meeting - Monday, 17 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7/AFL/Min/14 Fourteenth Meeting - Tuesday, 18 May 1954, at 9.30 a.m.

A7 /AFL /Min /15 Fifteenth Meeting - Tuesday, 18 May 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

A7 /AFL/Min /16 Sixteenth Meeting - Wednesday, 19 May 1954, at 9.30 p.m.

A7/AFL/Min/17 Seventeenth Meeting - Wednesday, 19 May 1954, at 3 p.m.

Legal Sub -Committee - Provisional Minutes:

A7 /L /Min /1 First Meeting - Tuesday,.. 11 May 1954; at 11 a.m.

A7/L/Min/1 Corr.1 f -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /L/Min /2 Second Meeting - Wednesday, 12 May 1954, at 8.30 a.m.

A7 /L/Min /2 Corr.l? -ditto- - Corrigenda

A7 /L /Min /3 Third Meeting - Wednesday, 12 May 1954, at 4.50 p.m.

A7 /L /Min /4 Fourth Meeting - Thursdáy, 13 May 1954, at 4.30 p.m.

A7 /L /Min /5 Fifth Meeting - Friday, 14 May 1954, at 8.30 a. in.

A7 /L/Min /6 Sixth Meeting - Tuesday, 18 May 1954, at 8.30. a.m.

A7 /L /Min /7 Seventh Meeting - Wednesday, 19 May 1954, at 8.30 a.m. A7/41 'age 16

General Committee -'Provisional Minutes: RESTRICTED

A7 /GC /Min /1 First Meeting - Wednesday, 5 May 1954, at 11.30 a.m.

A7 /GC /Min /2 Second Meeting - Thursday, 6 May 1954, at 11.15 a.m.

A7 /GC /Min /3 Third Meeting - Friday, 7-May 1954, at 12.5 p.m.

A7 /GC/Min /4 Fourth Meeting - Monday, 10 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7/GC/Min/5 Fifth Meeting - Tuesday, 11 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC /Min /6 Sixth Meeting - Wednesday, 12 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC /Min /7 Seventh Meeting - Thursday, 13 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC/Min /8 Eighth Meeting - Friday, 14 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC /Min /9 Ninth Meeting - Monday, 17 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC /Min /10 Tenth Meeting - Tuesday, 18 May 1954, at 12 noon

A7 /GC /Min /11 Eleventh Meeting - Wednesday, 19 May 1954, at 12.35 p.m.

A7 /GC /Min /12 Twelfth Meeting - Thursday, 20 May 1954, at 12 noon

Working Party to consider First Report of Committee on International Quarantine and Reservations to the International Sanitary 'Regulations:

117 /IQ/WP /1 First Report of the Committee on International Quarantine Additional information concerning the Delineation of Yellow -Fever endemic zones and receptive areas: document A7 /P &B /4 Add.l

A7 /IQ /WP /2 Definitionand Delineation of Yellow -Fever Endemic Zones Note by the Belgian Delegation

A7/IQ/WP/3 Southern Boundary of Yellow -Fever Endemic Zone in Africa as proposed in WH0 /IQ/13 page 43 Note presented by the delegation of

A7 /IQ/WP /4 Afdes Aegypti as a factor in the International Spread of Yellow- Fever Statement presented by the Delegations of Brazil, Cuba and Panama A7/41 page 17

Technical Discussions:

A7 /Technical Dis cussions /1 Background to Rural Health, by Professor A. Stamper

A7 /Technical Discussions /2 Rural Sanitation, by M. Petrik

A7/Technical Discussions /3 The Zoonoses in their Relation to Rural Health, by K.F. Meyer

A7 /Technical Discussions /4 The Development of Health Units, by Dr. Fraser Brockington

A7 /Technical Discussions /5 Demographic and Health Statistics relating to Urban and Rural Areas, by Dr. S. Swaroop

A7 /Technical Discussions /6 Rural Hygiene - A Selected Bibliography

A7/Technical Discussions /7 Proposed Arrangements for Technical Discussions to be held during the Seventh World Health Assembly

A7 /Technical Discussions /8 Report of Technical Discussions at the Seventh World Health Assembly