~. 1945 en,,,.. Hes W~re It. MEATS, fATS, red .Io ... p. Q! Ihroarll 21m ••• A1 I lito., " k I .... ,.... raOCE88ED rOOD8. blae Istrict ~ .1..... Y2 Ibr •• ,b 212 an' Al Ihroa,h TI .. U' n .... 8Uo"a. b ••1t loar .I.mp a& ,ood I.r II •• poando Ibrouh A .... 81. 8801l!8. alrplan ••I.mp. I. e•••• d FaIr :hnsesl 'lift, • I. "ok Ihr•• ar. ,ood Indollallol1. GASOLINE, - an csvllIt 18-11. ... ro'" ,00' I.r .Il< ,aUon. o.oh; 8 -1. B-8, C-l IOWA: Generally ralr and cooler ..d C-8 Ctu,on. ,0" I •• II .. ,.Uonl ...... UEL lD \it. OIL. pari ••• 'hr.. ,b II ...o.po •• Ih •••,h DAILY exlreme ello'lL Vernon: 0.0 ,0" IOWAN Au,. ¥Ii p.rlo. 0 .. 1 oeupo.. lor Ih. lDU-4e .....n 0 U Ung. North are ne.. ,ood. La.' ),ear'. p.riod , ••, and five Iowa C "t Y, • M r n , n "11' '" e w • pap. r 'ace Larew C. BrOOk...... uplr. ~.r. II. ======-.======-======:=::=:::=:=::::::::::=:==::=:=:::::=:=-==:==:==:=:==:==:==:==:=:::::==~=::==::=:======:-:======-:;::::==~==;=:;=:======;=::::::~ I'ID UIOClA'rD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. AUGUst 8. 1945 ~ ANOQASD"- VOLUME m NUMBER 270 rrll10n II! ' FIVE CENTS I • 'la. ======-~< ==~======~==~~======~. ro;;t C~ War s~ asps,as om 's ower own ----~--~----~----~------*** *** New Surrender Runs for Mayor President Returns 'Witnesses Insist England Made LEADER IN ATOMIC BOMB DEVELOPMENT From Big 3Parley Tells Siory Ultimatum Aboard USS Augusta Secret Agreement With Vichy Of Experiences

Truman's Party Docks PARIS (AP) - Two witnesses. would refrain from attempting to Seen for Japs At Hampton Roads, testifying in defense or Marshal regain overseas areas then under Over Targel Henri PhiliPpe Petaln, insisted control of General D:l GallUe's Leaves for Washington yesterday that Britain concluded Free French forces. 4.1 Square Mile Area a secret agreement with the Vichy In return, both witnesses testi­ Concussion Felt Wiped Out in Raid NEWPORT NEWS. Va. (AP)­ government aft e r the fall of fied Britain consented to relax The U. S. S. Augusta, bearing France. One named Lord Halifax, her blockade and permit French Like Clo .. Explosions With Super Weapon shipping to pass t h r 0 ugh the President Truman and his party present British ambassador to Of Ack-Ack Fire Washington, as a principal inter­ straits of Gibraltar and bound returning from the Big Three con­ herself to furnish certain needed WASHINGTON (AP)- D mediary. GUAM (AP ) - America's ference at Potsdam. docked at foodstuffs to France. struetion of 60 pel' cent of a The allegations were made in n w w apon, th atomic bomb, The witnesses were Jacques Jap8nese city th siz of Mt'm­ Hampton Roads port of embarka­ the face of official British denials truck sq uarely in the center of pills by a , devastatiuA' tion, here yesterday at 4:25 central of such a secret negotia tion. Chevallier, former Vichy secre­ tary-general of education, and the industrial eity of Hiro hima atomic bomb \Indel't'lcored last war time. The agreement, the witnesses asserted. related mainly to obtain­ Admiral Jean Ferne!, former sec­ AujtUSt 6 (Pacific time) with a Bight predictions of It new sur· Tbe presidcnt and his party 1eet ing French assurances toat the retary general of the presidency flash and ca n c us II jon that render-or-die u 1 tim It t t1 m to immediately by special train lor French flcet would not bc used council. brought au xclamation of "My Japan. Washington. against the British, that colonial Fern~t testitied that Prof. Louis God" from a battle-hardened An area of fOll r lind one ten I h Mr. Truman, looking physically bases and areas would be denied Rougier (now in New York) ap­ Supenortress cr w 10 miles square miles of Hil'osllima wa..~ DISTRICT ATTORNEY William fit and smiling. came down the the Germans and that Vichy proached Petain July 22, with an away. O'Dwyer of Brooklyn prepares to reported by the 11 ited ,tate!! gang plank immediately behind offer to attempt to open negotia­ Cr wmen who carried the new move out of the D. A.'s office to army to have been wip d out by George Dresher, head of the secret tions with Britain. Rougier, the bomb which is declared to have the new bomb. dropped Monday. be«ln Job of campaiKnin«. now service detail. Behind him came witness said. claimed he had "val­ tha' he has becn elected Demo­ Sunday Fir,e Raid an explosive pow r the equiva­ The repOrt 01 the Unlted Admiral William Leahy, naval uable constracts" in London. and lent of bombs that 2,000 • uper­ Ilw.CeI IVa'erle alrlorce head­ cratic candidate for mayor of New chief of staff to the president; was given permission by Petain to l:ork. fortresses would have had to carry ,aarlen al Guam aid five Judge Samuel Rosenman, Secre­ On Kyushu Disclosed leave for London. previously although they were IIIIJor IDduslrlal lar,ets were tary of State James W. Byrnes, Fernet said he was present Nov. far away, felt the concussion like 'esiro,ed alld additional dam­ and other members of the presi- 10, ]940, when Professor Rougier a close explosion of anti-aircraft ICe was shown outside the Bomb Suggested I den tial party including Admi ral Four Cities Attacked returned from London and re­ fire. "eolllpleleb destroyed" area lo Jonas H. Ingram, commander in By Far East Airforce; ported to Petain on the progress Col. Paul W. Tibbets Jr. or Ihe IleMba dty of 343.000. chief. Atlantic fleet. who went of his negotiations. Rougier was SHOWN TANDING beside the cyclolron, which he developed dllrlnJ' 1629 S. W. Sixth street. MIami. lapanese broadcasts warned the As Weapon for Peace from Philadelphia to meet the Japs Strike at Okinawa said to have conferred with Prime research al Berkeley, Calif,. Is Dr, Ernest Orlando Lawrence, famed Fla.. who piloted the Super­ people to be ready for more Augusta .. Minister Winston Churchill and American scltnUst and pioneer atom-smasber. It Is believed \hat Dr. fortress and navy Capt, William IUperbomb raids, and the Japa­ Diplomats Propose As the president stepped on MANILA, WedneSday (AP)­ Minister of War Anthony Eden Lawrence's cyclotroll Is one of the ba Ic mechanisms In the perfeetlit" S- Parsons. of Santa Fe, N. M, oese cabinet was reported meet­ Police Force Equipped the pier he was greeted by More than 300 Liberators, Mitch­ and to have left with Petain a of the imaglnation-defyi.Jll1' "atomic bomb", revealed by Presldenl navy ordnance expert. described big in sped aI session. Rear-Admiral David McD.Le­ ells and Invaders of the far east three-point plan which was to Truman as beloe \lSCd against Japan wUh terrlbloJ' effect. the explosions as "tremendous airforces struck heavily at two NBC In New York picked up a With Deadly Secret bre&on. commandant of the serve as the basis of a "modus and awe-lnsplrlo«." southern Kyushu cities Monday vivendi" between the two govern­ Neilher man could give an esti­ SBC broadcast which said radio LONDON (AP)- The revolu­ firth naval distriot; Brig. Gen. with fire bombs and jellied gaso­ Tokyo indicated the cabinet had John R. Kilpatrick, command­ ments. At a Glanc.- mate of what damage the bomb tionary atomic bomb might become line, producing great fires and ex­ had wrought but they declared It ~n summoned to discuss the the peacc-onforcing weapon of the Ing general Hampton Roads plosiollS throughout the target Chevallier testiHed that he par­ Chinese Forces leW menace. l pOrt of efubarkation, and Rear­ ticipated more directly in talks "must have been extensive." United Nations through a special area. There is reason to believe. how­ Bow soon the' use of atomic Admiral P. N. L. Bellinrer. The manufactUring city of Ka­ between Britain and Vichy. He air police force equipped with the ever, that this southern Honshu I1eIablaf maT be follOWed by a secret, terrible missile by the commander. alrforce, AtlanUo goshima took the hardest impact claimed that Lord Halifax. the Todo'y's city of 343.000 no longer continues aew .mender uUimatum, or United States and Britain, some fleet as more than 200 Liberators and then British foreign minister, got Take Pori to exJst. • 'apanese decision to fI.M on diplomats suggested last night. The president returned a snap­ Mitchells of the Fifth and Seventh in touch with him through the If quit now. was hJrhly con­ Canadian min i s t e r to ViChy, "It was 0915 (9: 15 a. m.) when They also speculated that the py salute to General Kilpatrick AAPs, escorted by Thunderbolt jeetural. and immediately crossed the pier fighters, bombed its submarine as­ Pierre Dupuy, late in 1940. They Iowan we dropped our bomb and we bomb would raise the question of turned' the plane broadside to get 1M one able military authority putting all miUtarily-important to his train, which · was waiting sembly yardi, olt storage depots were friends since colleae days at Of Yeung kong 11m lilIid "inevitably" Japan will scienti fic Inventions under control him. followed by the remainder of and iron and s heet metal works. Oxford, Chevallier said. His testi­ the best view," said Captain Par­ be IIlId-qulckly-lhat she must of the United Nalions security his party. After bombing by instrument mony regardin¥ the terms of the Superfort crew* * gasps * at diSplay son. "Then we made as much dis­ because of heavy undcrcast, the alleged accord agreed substantial­ CHUNGKING CAP) - Chinese of power of atomic bomb. tance from the ball of lire as we quit or face the onslaught of the counell when the new world or­ The president b a a r de d the troops have captUred the south most terrible weapon ever de­ ganization is born. special train, which comprised a low flying Mitchells dived through ly with what Fernet had told the could. smoke and clouds for treetop court. China "i nvasion coast" port of New surrender ultimatum ex­ "We were at least ten miles vised. And another declared the One prime question was whether locomotive and eight pullmans. at Yeungkong west of Honk Kong Japanese may be expected to strafing of the city of 180,000. pected to result from use of away and there was a visual im­ the secret of the atomic bomb 4:25 p. m. CWT and left about 15 and are smashing on toward a stra­ make up their minds within six Pilots reported they saw many super !Heapon. . pact even thou,h every maa would be-or should be,-shared minutes later. tegic J ap,mese bastion only 88 weeks whether to get O'lt (>( the with other alUed nations, and fires in the wake of their bomb­ wore colored ,lasses for pro­ Jt was July 7 that Mr. Tru­ ing. 13 Known Dead miles from the teeming industrial WllneSl!es in Petain trial testify tection. We had braced our­ war or see their home Islands de~ whether Russia already had been city of Conton. the Chincse high vastated [rom the air. Ulan, sailed fi/lm Hampton The rail center of Miyakonojo secret agreement co ncluded be­ selves when the bomb was rone informed of the secret. Roads for his rneetln/l' with lhe command reported last night. The London press spoke of an 'lhere was general agreement was simultaneously by more As Explosion Wrecks tween England, Vichy alter fall for the shock and Tibbets sa'" ultimatum - one newspaper said the heads of the two other than 100 Seventh AAF Invaders Generalissimo Chi an g Kai­ of F'rance. 'close flak' and Ii was Just that that the weapon could become the greatest powers In the world. it would carry a 48-hour deadline "big slick" of peace and security. and Thunderbolts. Rockets and Shek's forces. tightening their grip -a. close bur t of anU-alrcralt [or acceptance. provided it did not fall into the Eight days later. he was in Ber­ jellied gaSOline bombs and straf­ Grain Elevator on a 50-mllc stretch of the invas­ Jaycees win coveted spittoon In fire, ~~,. lin and July 17 he began his talks ,S-e,,'" Yet there was a possibility wrong )'lands, and that it promised ing bullets swept railroad installa­ ion-vulnerable coastline by the oc­ hilarious 11-10 softball con test. "The crew said 'My God' and I~" ,rI lhat for the moment lhe ames to change radically the modern with Premier Stalin and Prime tions and factories on this fourth PORT ARTHUR, Onto (AP)­ cupation of the pol' t, seized couldn't believe what had hap­ I." P.. •SoJUt4oy .f the Pacific war wOllld be concepts of security and strategy. Minister Churchill. who was re­ largest ctty on Kyushu. Logging in­ Recovery of three additional bodies Yeungkong after a day of bitter pened . I ... ,rI _lent to capllali.e on the tre­ Some diplomats said that the placed later by his successor. stallations proved particularly last night brought to 13 the total street fighting. a communique said. "A mountain of smoke was .Sol.'" vulnerable to the jellied gasoline Maj. Richard Bong .1IOMOf lIleadoU proparanda value or Americans and British, even if Clement Attlee. known dead in the explosion that Yeungkong lies 12J miles south­ going up In a mushroom with the ISs.. lite ftnt atomic bomb strike they did not wish to reveal their The conference ended Aug. 1 on treatment. wrecked a 2.000,000 bushel grain west of Canton, next to Hong Kong .. s•• ., The enemy made a reprisal raid storage elevator yesterday, and stem coming down. At the top W... pol Sanclar on lhe army cUy of secret, might agree to furnish a a note of cordiality after a final the most important Japanese-held To Be Buried Today was white smoke but up to 1.000 •.• Ta. n. HIroshima, and on the threat on special airforce to the. security two-hour aller-dinner session. hy sending [our planes on a pre­ caused officials to revise down­ City in so uthern China. Sweeping ... Saw'" dawn attack on Okinawa Sunday. ward their previOUS estimate of at feet from the ground there was .... s... , repeat performances. council. Undcr such an arrange­ along the Canton highway across SUPERIOR, WIs. CAP) - Maj. swirling, boiling dust. Soon after­ t.,. Fri That would give Japan a chance menl, the international organiza­ One raider was destroyed and one Jeast 19 killed. the coastal plains of Kwangtung .s...... probably was downed by a Black It was believed that most, if not Richard Ira Bong, the nation's ace ward small fires sprang up on the tb,. ,,, /0 change its mind about accept­ tion would not be given the secret province, the Chinese battered edge of town but tbe town was ~ .. lid Date for Dropping Widow night fighter. all, of the workmen trapped in of aces who was killed Monday at Ing the "surrender now" decree of the bomb. but could use the air­ from Yeungkollg toward Yanping. Burbank, Calif .• when a jet-pro­ entirely obscured. We stayed already issued by Britain, China Coree wherever aggre!tion might First Atomic Bomb A night fiying Liberator sank a elevator No. 5 of the Saskatche­ 32 miles to the northeast. 3,OOO-ton transport-freighter and wan Wheat Pool Ltd., had been peiled P-80 "Shooting Star" plane around two or three minutes and ind the United Stat.es at the Pots­ break out. Set Over a Year Ago damaged another Sun day in The Japanese were said to be in exploded. will be buried today at by that time the smoke had risen dam conference. accounted for. Earlier. in the con­ Tsushima straits. fusion of the blast, fire and rescue flight toward Yanping, which ~s Poplar. Wis., cemeeery, two mJles to 40,000 feet. "As we watched Certainly the OWI was busy at • GUAM (AP) - B rig. Gen. 88 miles southwest of Canton and from the farm home where he was the top of the white cloud broke propaganda. It filled the air No Drastic Weather attempts, officials said the death ! Thomas F. Farrell disclosed yes­ toll might reach 20 to 35. guards a cluster of industrial born. of! and another soon formed." waves with Information on how Changes Forecast terday that the Aug. 5 (United towns around Toishan and Kung­ The body of the 24-year-old Dier Detalls of lhe bombln, were the atomic bomb rivals with reali­ I A score of seriously injured Stabes) date for dropping the first workers were taken to the hospi­ yifow. 57 miles southwest of Can­ who shot down 40 Japanese planes dlselosed a' a press conference ty the fantasy of some of junior's 8·29's Blast Our luck is still holding good. atomic bomb on the enemy was ton. before the army retired him from attended by Gen, Carl Sputa f.vorile comic strips. tal. Hours after the blast many It can be definitely said that it set "well over a year ago." persons still were missing, includ­ combat and made him a test pilot who lermed the new bomb ilIe AIId the aUack 00 HITOlIhima will be clear today; none of those Farrell, aide to Maj. Gen. Leslie ing a number of soldiers on leave was being flown to Superior la st "most revoluUonary develop­ IppWed calculated to lmpr lowering clouds today. The mer­ R. Groves, veteran army construc­ Yawata Area to work in Lakehead elevators. Soap Shortage night in an army transport plane. ment in the history of ilIe 'IPID·. clviUans ~ much as the cury seems to have been put in its tion engineer who was in charge Cause of the blast, which rocked His young widOW, the former Mar­ world," IIlU\arJ. Milllarl authorities PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Three place once and for all. It may re­ of the bomb development program. the twin clties of Port Arthur and jorie An Vattendahl, accompanied Spaatz was obviously highly •."eRN other and bluer key cover somewhat today but it cer­ said at a news conference that the GUAM, Wednesday (AP)­ Ft. WiJIjam shortly after 9 a. m. barrels of soap powder fell from the body. She was attended by an dlle. lII.11bt be the nut to a truck on a street here yesterday. elated at the new bomblog tainly won't turn hot. goal was set in orQ.er to layout a About 225 fighter-escorted Super­ (Central war time) was not im­ army nurse. weapon. He said had he had It In nller lIIe awful destrlleUon of Yesterday the mercury could schedule for completing the huge fortresses struck the industrial mediately determined. but it may NeighborhOOd women rushed to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bong, par­ IM.,No bombs. Europe "It would have shortened climb no higher than 71 .2 degrees project. areas of Yawata with heavy de­ have resulted from an accumula­ the scene with pols, pans and ents of Ihe flier, said tiley had the war six to eight months," Maj. Nevertheless, there were no in­ and Iowa Ci lians started wearing For a while, he indicated, Amer­ molition bombs this morning. tion of grain dust. The elevator boxes. been informed the plane would dcatons that the armed forces Gen. Curtis Lemay said that If sweaters and light coats again. ican and British scientists thought Yawata. on the northern tip of was located about three miles The truck driver salvaged one arrive either at Superior or Duluth this bomb had been available bad swerved in the Slightest trom they were racing against time with Yesterday morning it was 59 and Kyushu, has a population of from the center of Port Arthur. barrel which did not break open. at 8 o'clock this morning. there would have been "no need their promise of ultimate invasion the Germans who had been known at ]2:30 this morning it was down 261 ,000. to have had D-day in Europe." 01 the land of the setting sun. again to 60. Soon we will hear to have started work on an atomic ------The big sky dread naughts. fly­ to complaints that it is too cold. bomb of their own. Just what damage was done ing from the Marianas covered by General Spaatz Warns Jap Cities- Hiroshima was not known. Photo­ Thunderbolts from Okinawa, hit a graphs taken at the time of bomb­ UNRRA Will Need SERVICE FOR OKINAWA' CAPTIVES city which had been warned on ing showed only smoke. Photo­ Aug. 5 It was Ji steci..for B-29 bomb graphs taken four hours later • treatment. 8-29's Ready With Atomic Bomb showed smoke still obscurina the More Funds, Supplies Yawata was the first target ever city and rising to 40.000 feet. hit on Japan by the B-29's, having Japanese people knoW' they had crowded conference room at The Superfortreas whleh car­ LONDON (AP) - The United been attacked June 14, 1944, again GUAM (AP) - Gen. Carl A. ried &he bomb took off from " July 7 and a third time Aug. 20. Spaatz announced yesterday that been alom- bombed and could ex­ Spaatz' headquarters quonset hut Nations Relief and Rehabilitatlon pect mOl e in the future. Whether by -born navy Capt. Wil­ Marianas base and onl), three administration, beset by a tlnan­ by China-based B-29's. more B-29's are in readiness to men knew what they carried­ follow the "Enola which this meatn that specific cities will liam Sterlin Parsons, 44, who has clal crisis, wlu demand Increased It was the third straight B-29 Gar" Colonel Tibbets, Captain Par- raid in as many days on Japan. dropped the first atomic bomb on be warned in advance, as with the Ihe tiUe 01 "weaponeer." contributions of funds and sup­ 10l1li and the bombardier. Maj. Collowing a 580-plane attack in the Japanese city of Hiroshima B-29 fire raids, was not made The tall, balding navy officer pilei from nations able to pay. it with awesome explosive force. clear but it seemed unlikely in told of his reaction to his first Tbomas W. Ferebee. Mocu­ -.. made clear at yesterdaY's the pre-dawn of Aug. 6 with 3,850 Ville, N. C. Other crewmen knew tons of bombs on foul' cities and a The United States army strategic view of the special nature of the atomic bomb flight with the calm­ openlnr session of the organiza­ new explosive. ness of a professor lectUring to a only that It wa. a W.hb aeeref, tion'. third lnternatlona conven- coal liquefaction plant. and a airforce commander added that the Granting the tremendous power group of students on butterflies. Important milsion. tion. strike by about 121 B-29's at To­ atomic bombers would operate Tibbets had been trained spe­ yokawa naval arsenal Aug. 7. from 20th airtorce bases in the of the atomic bomb, General He is the man who actually de­ 'edng 8 tough wlnter's work in Spaatz refused to conjecture spe­ signed the bomb. cially for this mission, which IIIva,ed Europe and the far east, In this morning's raid the big Marianas. General Spaatz considered so vital bombers 10 0 sed apprOximately cifically on how it would ai.fect Beginning in June. 1943, he IIIe UNRl\A prolram through 191\6 To all questions as to how the he awarded Tibbets the Distin­ 1,500 tons of demolitlon bombs on the end of the war with Japan. worked to perfect an explosive of Il\ll requJre now contributions bomb is carried. how large it is or sueh tremendous force that could guished Service C r 0 s s as he '-n the pIlrtlclpatlng nations of Yawata "the Pit t s bur g h of from what altitude it was dropped, But the lean. tough general de­ stepped from his plane after the Japan." clared; be carried with comparative safety between $1,1100.000.000 and $2.- the general said "no" crispsly and in a plane for as long as It takes flight. The plane was Damed 10.000,000, a responsible Amerl­ "definitely," or waved the query "It won't be pleasant for the to fly from the Marianas to Japan. "Enola Gay" alter Tibbets' mother fill lOun:e said. 'Up and Atom' aside altogether. Japanese to absorb." Parsons said it was good Psychol­ in Miami. The prospect was grImly put LOS ANGELES CAP) - The He told a news conference that Asked whether the atomic bomb ogy from th.e outset to have the There were many secrets about 1IIterday by Brltaln's new foreIgn I Herald-Express yesterday pub­ the force behind the single atomic Is still in th~ experimental stage, person in charge of deslaning the the flight and the bombing which -.tar)'. Ernest BevIn. when he • , . . . , lished an open letter to Lieut. Gen. bomb dropped on Hiroshima was Spaatz said "The experiment was bomb know that he was to go followed. One secret was the selec­ warned the 44-natlon parley that ...... ' ""w_w.' +.-.•., James H. Doolittle. conveying a the equivalent of the bombing over July 16." the date when the along on the first battle mission. tion of Hiroshima as the tar,et. a.er.ted Europe muat be alded l iN A PIl180N compound on Okinawa, Capt. V. L, Wuember,er, new slogan suggested by its tele­ power of 2,000 Superforts. first such explosive was set off in A little more than a year lapsed It was believed probably, how­ • the Dext 13 month, or be Au.lln. Texas. of the Army CQPlalo Corpl. condueb a Protealant araph editor far use in pep talks Spaatz, at the conclusion of the a remote area of New Mexico. between the first tryout in New ever, that it was selected Dot be- PIa,uad with "misery, diaease,!lervlce for ChrlaUan Japlneae war captlv.. At the orlln I. T /5 Phil to Jap-bombin, pilots; meetina. announced there would A part of the stOry behind the Mexico and the first atomic b'omb­ lllarehy and blodshed." Orelllhlw. Joplin. Mo. Official Unl&ecl 8lalei IIp,,1 corps photo. "Up and atom." be ~ letflet campaltn to let the first atomic bomb was told in the ina· (See EYEWITNESS, page S)

• ".CE TWO THt DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA ~~======~~~======~======r=====~~~====~======T==~======~==~~~~======~======""- Atlantic Charter Our Defense Against AtolD ANOTHER WAR WE'D LIKE TO SEE RUSSIA INTERVENE IN! OFFICIAt DAILY BULLETIN 'II. t1'N'InastT'I OALIUfDA ••re ..h •••I,. I. at .... President Truman dec Jared initial expenditure went into ex­ News '$'.' •••,', Offl,., 01. 0.,1101. n,... for 'II. Oll'llta.u. 1'1011011 .. th perimentation. That phase of de­ "'" ~, "-"p.. ... It•• "lib Ib, .lUIIplla a.It., .1 Tb. "aU, 10 .... ar .., .. yesterday that United States Pacific · {!I \~ pllNd 10 Ib, b." p,ewl... 10' lkelr '.p.,11 I. Ib, .m... " III and Great. Bril.ain must find velopment now Is near an end­ .,.' n.lI, 10.&D. OIl:NDAL NOTICJ.8 mall bll .1 Til' D.U, ...... ~ some protection against the for the military, at least. • ,~ .,1141 p. rD. lb. ".r pteudl .. , tlrll pabll_lloD; Dollo ••• 1I~or ij .J .... pted br 1.I.plooDI•••• "lilt b, TYPO O. 1.10.. "'1 IJIIIIIl atomic bomb belore its secret is It might be that the big power3 Behind Reporter ..4 810NID by • 'OI,oalllol. p...... ' liven to the world. , could control the sources of eVol . XXI. No. 2007 Wednesday. Au,osl.,. So we find that lhe great uranium, principle ingredient in "g!lmble" actually is only hall the new bomb. But one of the The News By OLEN* *CLEMENTS * UNIVERSITY CALENDAR won. We have created a mon­ chief sources is in a small, inde­ ADAK, Aleutians (AP)- Blind­ ster, and now we must find pendent power- Canada. ing, choking fumes ,tilled the de­ Wedne8day, Au,. 8 Friday, Au,. 10 some way to keep that monster Even if uraniu1'l2 were tied up, By Paul Mallon stroyer's number lour gun turret. Summer session term II ends. aem liter in colle,e of phal'lllll from being turn d against us. it is likely that a substitute can The gun captaLn gasped and 8 p. m. Com men c e men t - closes. The United States and the be found. Speaker: John Baillie, professor 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountalll8fl WASHINGTON* *- The* key to lhe blinked his burning eyes. "Keep ot world still are halling this tre­ SO IF THE R.(\CB FOR divinity ot University of Edin­ SJxth annual summer outlll'll A~ Polish setilement at Pol:3dam was 'em goingl-keep 'em goingl" he mendous success. It is a magnifi­ POWER CONTINUES, ALL burgh-Iowa Union. 10-26, Grand 'reton NatIonal p~ not found by the in-knowing shouted. # meet at engineerIng buildin,. cent advance for science. And lor NATIONS MAY LI V E IN crowd here to be in the chapter on Five-inch shells were poudng Thursday, Au,. 9 Wedne8day. Au,. 29 this warring nation, it almost FEAR OF BEING WIPED OUT that subject but was hidden or [I'om the gun, at lhe rate of one Summer session independent Summer seRs lon IndePeMtI certainly must mean that peace BY. A NElGB.BOR-OR ALL tucked in unobtrusively in the study unit begIns. s tudy unH ends. will come sooner. WILL BE WEIGIITED BY A repa ra lions provisions, to wit: every few seconds, Into the Japa­ But now we are faced with the STAGGERING ARM AMENT (Chapter IV, Section 2.) nese fishing porI and ail' base of CF... ,., .... _ ,.,...... datel beJond lbl• ..,bedRle, .. ,...... la &he om_ of tile PrelldeDt, Old (llptiel.) equally tremendous project of BURDEN. "The U.S.S.R. undertakes to Suribachi on Pal'amushiro island. {inding a defense against this The alternative remains true settle the reparation claims of Meclulllical Failure weapon. The Daily Iowan sug­ peace and true democracy. Free­ Poland f~om Its own share of GENERAL NOTICES reparations." Something had gone wrong in gested yesterday that OUR ONLY dom, as outlined in the At!antic In short, the German payments number foul' tU1'1'et artel' the first SUMMER COMMRNCUlENT CLOSING HOURS DEFENSE IS THE ATLANTIC Char er, is the only answer. for damages to Allied Poland, the round. A mechanical failure caused Wedoesday, AUIl. 8 at 8 p. m. in Special hours for gradu.~ CHARTER. TODAY. A F' T E R If the nations of the world can inv:tsion of which brought Britain the powder fumes and smoke to Iowa Union lounge, de.rrees and seniors Sunday, Monday and 'P\III. MORE NEWS OF THE UNBE­ Jive together without fighting, it (but not Russia) into lhe war, are certltica les w ill be conlerr-ed 00 day (Aug. 5, 6, 7) will be 12 mij. LIEVABLE J'OWER OF THE will give scientists a chance to to be handled by Russia. The text fill.lhe turret. The gun's rate of fIre laiged. students who bave completed their night. Hours lor all univeraib ATOM! BOMB, WE URGE IT spend their tim e 'developing of lhe chapter of lhe Polish politi­ A gunner's mate, Eugene P'. Er­ unlversHy work. Dr. John Baillie women Wednesday, Aug. 8, ,,~ EVEN MORE STRONGLY. alo~ic power for peaceful in- cal settlement expressed "pleas­ penbeck of Lakewood, Ohio, at a of the University of Edinburgh be 12 midnight, To try to "light fire with fire" stead of war uses. ure" at the formation of the new 40 millimeler gun post on the open will deliver the Commencement LORRAINE LUCAS -to build a strictly military de­ Apparently atomic power has Polish government, but no pleasure .addl·ess. Admission tickets will be Judiciary ' CIIainIa. was mentioned at the abandon­ deck. noted the lag. He crawled tense-against the atomic bomb into the lurrel to help. required up to 7:45 p. m. A limited nqt yet been s u c c e s s full y ment of pretense in handling number of tickets for facult.y and would mean an armament burden harnessed lor civilian consump- Poland's repayments due from On tbe bridge, Lieut. Cmdr. NEWMAN CLUB John P'rancis Ducey Jr., of Merion, publlc will be avnllJJble Aug. 7 at tbe like of which we have never tion. Dr. Qeorge W. Stewart, having been a baltle ground. Interpreting the War News the alumni office in Old Capitol. Final meeting of Newman cllil seen. It would mean the same head of the University of Iowa's Reds to Handle Cash Pa., and Northeast Harbor, Me., for Lh Slommer session will be the destroyer's skipper, also notoo F. G. B.WBKE lor the rest of the world. physics department, pointed out When it came to lhe cash, Rus- Dlreeior ot ConveoaUons Tuesday, Aug. 7, at 7:30 p. m.• * * * * ~ * the lag. th Catholic student ceoter. It would no! be 10aic~1 I.q as- that the atomic bomb discharf(es .sia dil'eclly, and no doubt to her Appointment of Yoshizawa Max Mean New No Aid tor Crew MAUREEN McGlVJIN 81UIIe that we could keep tile a tremendous explosive power at own exclusive pleasure, v 0 I u n­ IOWA UNION Developments in Jcap's' Policy But he was busy keeping his SUMMBR CLOSING Secre\ar7 JJecret to ourselves. In the first a certain instant. leered to handle that end, although ship in the bombardment line and she worded hel' authorily rather Iowa Union wlll close lts pub­ place. we must rive U to the For i n d u s t I' i a I use, THE observing results in Su~ibachi, graciously, as if she would lake By JAMES D. WIDTE a country which must learn all lic service at 1 p. m. Tbursday, I against the background of Tata­ SWIMMING POOL world tor its benefits io man­ ATOM'S ENERGY MUST BE care o[ Poland out of what she Associated Press Statf Writer over again how to get along with Alii. 9. Ool,y tile. lobby, informa­ gami volcano He had no way of! The field house swimming \lOOI kind. Secondly. it would be CONTROLLED SO THAT IT Uon desk and director's offices would get anyway. A tiny, 71-year-old career dip- other people. aiding the turret crew. will be closed t.o university stu­ nearly Impossible to keep such CAN BE RELEASFD GRADU- will be open from Aug. to Sept. This is nol the only, or the most lomal has been slipped quietly LIberal Conservative The responsibility there feU on 9 dents and faculty during the indi­ a secrei from leaklnc out in the ALLY - giving off regulated important point or the Potsdam into the empol'er's privy council He has the mark of what passes the shoulders of youthJul Bennie 10. The Union will reopen for vidual study session, Aug. 9 to 21. laxity of peac:etlme. amounts of heat and power. Only plan wbich has caused it to be re- in Tokyo. in J apan for a liberal conserva- Mack Glover, the gun captain, public service Monday morning, E. G. SCBROmD Once the secret is out, it will when this is accomplished will ceived in congress and officialdom This probably has nothing to do tlve.. whose home is at Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 10, the cafeteria will reopen mean most of the large nations we be able to HE A T 0 U R with whal the British would call with atomic bombs, but it just He started as a secretary in the He wanted, above aU else, that his at 11:30 a. m. Tuesday, Sept. 11. will make strenuous efforts to HOMES AND PROPEL OUR "reserve." The explanation of- happens that diplomatic trouble- London embassy back in the days gun should fire its quota of shells. EARL E. HARPER IOWA UNION Dlreetor, Iowa Union develop and improve their own AUTOMOBILES wlth-,a to m i c Iered here (in administration shooter Kenklchi YoshizBwa is Ja- when Japan was a naval ally of ":Keep 'em going!" he shouted. atomic bombs. power. quarters) is that Truman was tied pan's most practised dissembler G1:eat Britain. He rose steadily to Choking, gaspinll. wiping their Monday- 1l-2, 4-6, 7-9. down by Yalla promises and had and probably the one most lrusted become minister in Peking during For the present production of streaming eyes, the men kepi feed­ Tu sday-11-2, 4-6, 7-9. Even this accomplishment will to permit what amounts to public by the throne. the early twenties when Japan the bomb probably will be too give us little cause for joy unless ing the gun. They threw in the Wednesday- Il-2, 4-6, 7-&. recognition of Russian aggrandize- It also happens that in the past was lending money to Chinese shells, closed the breach and fired. Many Former Sports great an underlaking for small we can enjoy" such new luxuries Thursdllly-1I- 2, 4-6, 7-1. menl, and our o[ficial backing of he has conducted with varying warlords with the idea o! getting Again and again! Fifteen minutes Frlday-1l-2, 3-5. 6-8. nations with limited resources. in the peace of a world without tbem for the first lime. (No won- success some very extensive negi- hold of China that way. of this strangling, groping effort Figures Holding High Saturday-1l-2, 3-~. They would nol be able to afford war. del' Moscow publicized the an- tiations with Britain, China, the While in Peking he was credited seemed endless. SWlday-1-5, 6-8. the high expenses. Again it is a case of the natural nouncement.) Not lhal anyone is United States, France and lhe with arranging with SOViet Minis­ Glover and John E. Bobel of The Philharmonic and BU'f EVENTU ALLY THE sciences outdistanci ng the social enthusiastically against it or for it, Netherlands-aU of whom are on ter Leo Karakhan for the estab­ Norlh Chicago, III, another gun­ Washington Positions symphonies may be heard in ilia COST OF PRODUCTION WILL sciences. Can the social sciences no strong political or other opposi- the winning end of Japan's war. lisbmenl of diplomatic relations ner, collapsed into unconscious­ music room Sunday afternoon at BE REDUCED MANY TIMES. lion is likely. He also has had some success with with Soviet Russia. ness They were pushed out of the By BUS HAM 2 and 4 o'clock respectively. catch up? Certainly they can­ The Gerffi1ln settlements (re- J Soviet Russia, which, apan fears, In 1932 his l'ob as empire trou- turret into helping hands (Jack SUnnett III on Vacation.) EARL E. 'JIA.UII Most of our two billion dollars but when? p~raLions and political) a. r II . might come inlo the war agamst ble-shooter got lough. As ambas­ Keep F",iu, WASHINGTON - It may seem Dlrectw, Iowa. UDIaI ra.ther generally agreed to be The gun kept firing, [or the full strange to some that men who busll1ess-llke, fair, enforcible. as her. . sador to France he was also Ja- 20 minutes of the bombardment, have reached the hi"hest offices Since Pearl Harbor, this widely pan's chief delegate at the Learrue SCRImULJI! Manpower Is Crisis,for Army, Too- far as the miJlt~ry wrote them, .. ~lthough th ree gunners were over­ in government ever had time to they are clear and precise. experienCed little man bas been of Nations. When the League con­ UNIVIR IT}!' LIBKAKY 110.. Christian ScLence Monitor: Ques­ and his future status as a civil- . d mentioned by authorities on Japan demned Japan's grab in Man- come by the (umes "play games." When the economists compa.r;e Last of all came Erpenbeck, the Ju.ne 13-Aul'. 8, 1945 lions about the size of the army iao. the economic parts, they were as a possible postwar premier for churia, Hoshizawa walked out But the reporter who m:tkes lhe man who had lert his nonactive rounds from the White HOllse to Readln&' Rooms, MacbrJde Ball ... needs for the Japanese war verge THE NEEDS OF THE PA- vague abQut some th ings (specific- with his delegation. The League 40 millimeter post to help the five­ the ball park soon finds out that Library Anna on perilous ground The nation CIFIC WILL BFlCOI\JE MUCH ally whel'e lhe 75 per cent of in- directly and assuredly promised in and the world, he claimed, did inch crew. the bigwigs know what the score looks to the army to finish the CLEARER LON G BEFORE dustry goes from our zone, which the Potsdam plan. Rumania, Bul- not understand Japan's true in­ Monday -Thursdat Lieut. (JG) H. P. Chandler said is in any sport. 7:50 a. m.-12 M. war as quickly as possible and as THE ARMY COULD REDUCE GeTl\HlDY does not need and be- garia, Hungary and Finland - all ttntions. Erpenbeck had done the work of President Truman was not a 1- 6 p. m. CHEAPLY, IN TERMS OF ITS STRENGTII DANGER­ yond the 25 pel' ceDI which Russia occupied by' Russia and considered Hero to Japanese three men in the closing minutes does not get. her satellites-are to be welcomed He went home something of a star athlete in bis youth, but he 7-10 p. m. HUMAN LIFE AND LIMB. OUSLY EVEN BY A RADI­ of the bombardment July 22. Frida, A Pastoral Nation in at London, probably in Decem- hero Lot' thus defending his coun- bobbed up at fights, ball games It expects the generat staff to CAL L Y I.OWERED POINT The destroyer's doctor, Lieut. 7:50 a. m.-12 M. But these clearly purposed sec- ber at the first U. N. meeting. try in Il losing battle, was made a and so on before he became the timate !.he army's size wilhin SYSTEM. (JG) William John Olson of Berk­ chief executive ... and probably 1-6 p. m. tions of the Potsdam plan, will cer- These assembly votes-and Po- member of the house of p ers, and eley, CaUf., reported that ail of Saturday safe limits, and to preserve effi­ The crucial demand of today is tainly make Germany a pastoral land's, for whom Russia is han- became foreign minister under will again when the pressure of the men had recovered and would 7:50 a. m.-12 M. Cient organization and experi­ to keep railway wheels turning nation-or three nalional paslures, dling the cash-are to be added to Premier Count Inukai, his father­ wartime dutie eases up. su fier no lasting effects. J-5 p. enced leadership. It does not ex­ and to provide coal necessary to deindustrializ d, but by differ- the two extras allowed her by Mr. in-law. Army- Na.vy Game m. pect to have the detai Is of transport and industry. What ad- ent herdsmen, one American, one Roosevelt at Yalla in "recognition He relired from the diplomatic The inside story of the army­ GoVt'rnment Doc1JmeDIa Dtlll, Library Annu planned operation and the calcu­ vantage has an army of 7,000,000 British and one Russian, without of the great part" played by the service in January of this year, Southern C~uncil Turns na vy football game la t season is iations of needed forces which over one halt its size if it cannot slave labol'. Ukraine and White Russia in the but this spring was aPPOinted ad­ that Henry Morgenthau, then sec­ Monday-Friday must underline such estimates be moved and supplied according The other European polltlcal war. viser to Foreign Minister Sbigen- To Negro Vets' Problems retary of the treasury, saved one 8 a. m .- 12 M. 1-6 p. broadcast, [or the bene!it of settlements, however, attempted Russia is picking up power in ori Togo in the new Suzukl cabi- o! the biggest games or aU time m. to plan? 01' if the economy back ATLANTA (AP)-The South­ from the relative seclusion of Saturda, Japan. OJ' forecast by special mention, lhe post-war setup at such speed net. The Japanese press said in of it is shackled by avoidable will have a hard time gaining' as to possibly imperil control on view of his wide experience both ern Regional council, representing Annapolis. II a .. m.-12 M. Sut it rightfully insists that short!l8es? cbamp,Olls here. They obtained some issues, especially in view of at home and abroad Yoshizawa all fields of professional endeavor After a cabinet meeting he and 1-5 p. m. the army plan respon ibility, and Railroads and coal mining are largely passive acceptance by the new collaboration attilude of would be a "source o[ strength" in the south, is turning its at­ President Roosevelt chatted brief­ Education - PWIO&QPby - ••, .. with DUE REGARD TO THE primarily home-front responsi- men who think not much other- the British government toward to Foreign Minister Togo, who had tention to the problems 01 the ly aside. Morgenthau said he Ion Library, ialt lUll TOTAL NATION'S WAR-MAK­ bilities. But if by reason of the wise could be done in existing Russian aims in Europe, and lhe spent most of his time in Russia. returning GI, particularly the thought the big service game Monday-FrWa, ING POTENTIAL, and that the army\; appropriations of man- circumsbnces. development of governments there Yoshizawa's new place on the Negro. should be transferred 10 Baltimore Y:!IO •. rn.-10 p. m.. army satisfy the people's consti­ The organization, outirowth 01 as a war-loan feature,

,., . . - WED~ESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1945 PAGE SIX THE DAILY lOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA Infantry, Airborne DIVE BOMBER SHATTERED BY STORM R~ssia Encourages But Controls- -, TRAINER PLANE HITS DETROIT HOME Divisions En Route Berlin Political Parlies , Flourish To U. S. From Europe BERLIN (AP)-American, Brit- changed. Communists who once lack the magnetism, initiative and ish and French occupation forces urged extension of the Soviet idea consuming passion desired. B, THE AS oe l TED PRESS On the high seas en route to the arriving in bomb-cratered Berlin to Germany now disclaim such In- And rea 5 tlermelJ, Christian United States from Europe are the found three political parties - tentions "for the present" and Democratic union chieftain, Is Ninth army headquarters, the 28th Communist, Social Democrat and merely advocate an "anti-fascist best versed of all present Berlin infantry and 13th and 20th arm­ Christian Democrat union-going democratic regime with rights and leaders In government ~outine . ored divisions and adva nce units full blast. A fourth, Liberal Demo- freedom for the people." During the Weimar republic he of the 35th and 45th infantry and crat, was just getting uJ;lder way. SoelallM-Communiat Harmony was finance minister and agricul- 13th airborne. All were authorized by the Rus- Socialists have abandoned the ' ture and ,food minister- and one Already arrived in the Unifed sian military commander. poli~ of non-cooperation with of the leading politicos of the Cen- States from Europe were the fol­ There was nothin, left for the Communists and they nOw work trlsL party in the Rhineland. lowing army units: western powers except to acqul- In harmony, although planning no Waldemar Koch, 65, is a leader At New York-(aboard Mormac­ esce, although it was the reverse merger, at least for the time. of the Liberal Democrats. He is port) 109th infantry regiment of of their policy against political The Christian Democratic union married to a Jewess and formerly the 28th division, 308th and 310th parties in their zones. lays stress on conducting public Ibelonged to the conservativ1! Ger- miHtary police escort guard de­ It still remains mere acquiesc- affairs in a Christian spirit. Dom- man Nationalists. A merchant by tachments and 103rd medical bat­ ence, however. Party leaders hope inatlng the party are members of professLon, he has been hitherto talion. (Aboard Adula) 52 troops for contact with American and the former Catholic center, al- politically almost unknown, and for separation. (Aboard Edward British military authorities, but no though Protestants also are well his party does not seem destined Bellamy) 3 casuals-a day after invitation has been extended. represented, as are former Demo- to play II big role. schedule. (Aboard A mer i can Reds Take In&crest crats, Stresemann Popullsts and F'anner) 2 casuals. . The RUSSians, on the contrary, Conservatives impllcated in the At Boston take a very active interest, pro- 1944 attempt on Hitler's life. Lions to Hear of War At Boston - (aboard George vide all parties with headquarters The Democratic Liberal pat.ty in the Russian zone and persuaded Experiences Today Shiras) 24th medical section vet­ them to locate their editorial of- apparently was instigated by the eranary (aviation), 525th engineer Russians who wanted a counter­ light pontoon company, 553rd ord­ fices there. A println, plant bas weight to the ChrIstian Democratic At their weekly luncheon today, nance heavy automotive mainte­ been placed at thejr disposal. union. Its program Js orie of gen- Capt. Floyd J. Bjork, who Is now Those who approve the Russian eral humanitarianism. on 30-day leave, will tell members nallce company. (Aboard AJexan­ STANDING ON IT'S NOSE, with torn wings and a badly damaged tail, Is der Graham Bell) 1965th ordnance idea claim party affords an op- Acknowledre GaUl of Lions club about some of his a U. S. Navy dive bomber aIter a typhoon struck her carrier during re­ war experiences in Europe. depot company (aviation), I970th,. cem Qllerations in the Pacific. The plane had been parked on the flight portunlty of reeducating the Ber- All programs contain acknowl- lin masses, and also constitutes a edgement of Germany's guilt and Captain Bjork, who was gradu­ 2023rd, 2024th, 2030th q~artermlts­ deck wnen the storm winds came along and it was blown over the sblp's safety valve. They admit, how- ter truck companies (aviation) and side. This is nn official U. S NaVY photo. (International) ever, that the parties are not free pledge restitution. ated from the UniversIty of IOlNa alrforce personncl fo r reassign­ agents but strictly supervIsed by Both burgeois parties endorse college of medicine in 1939, went ment and duty. the Russians. trllde unionism, but also prIvate overseas III January, 1944, and At Hampton Roads, Va.- (aboard Opponents insist it is a mistake property. The two workers pat­ served as a medical officer with Patton's Third army from D-Day AN AT-6 TRAINER PLANE trom Romulus, Mich., air basc, crashed InLQ Cristobal ) 849th signal intelligence to introauce politics when the ties, on the other hand, demand the home 0( Mr. and Mrs. Eric Franzen In Detroit, kUling the two service, 59th ordnance bomb dis­ At~mic Bombs Mark Beginning in Normandy through France, paramount issue is to provide the far-reaching social experiments, flyers and narrowlY missing the Franzen family. In top photo, Mn posal squadron, 73rd statiol) hos­ barest necessities of life. including nationalization of all Luxemburg. Belgium, Bavaria Franzen Is helped by her husband trom the wreckage ot their home. pital, 23 t'd statistical control unit, Meelln(s Well Attended key il)dustries. and Austria. The plane tore through the bedroom, missing her and tier slx·year. 802n'd medical air evacuation Yet politics flourishes. AJI par- Of the party leaaers, Communist He wears the Presidential Unit uld daughter in the kitchen. Bottom view ahow. the remain. at the t Of New Science With Uranium squadron, 3587th qua r ermaster ties report that meetings are well Walter U1bright is easily the most citation and five battle sLars and plane. (International Soundphoto) trucking company, headquarters attended. outstanding. was recently awarded the Bronze ______340th bomber group, 530th army The platforms of the f\>ur par- Others Lack Leadership Star. postal uni t, 2nd machine record By 1I0WARD W. BLAKESLEE point. ties agree that Nazism must go, The Socialists lack powerful Call the Police the handcuffs were still on, and unit, 549th and 550th replacement As500lated Press Solonoe Editor Dr. Niels Bohr, DanislT physicist, that party differences must never leadership, and an effort is being Willie's frantic parents called in companies, 486th, 487th, 488th and NEW YORK (AP)-The atomic who a{terwal'd escaped the Nazis interfere with German unity. made to persuade the bespectacled Leave for Induction LAS vEGAS, Nev. (AP)- It the pOlice. bomb, by official description, is 489th bomber squadrons. (Aboard to bring his atomic bomb experi­ There is even a movement for septuagenarian Paul Loebe, an Monday night Melvin Frank was a great addition to the eops In a realistic climax to his game, West . Brooke Victory) 1,970 'rnllm­ probably just a beginning of a elections with a single agreed alert diplomat and former Reiche- Rotter and Robert 'George Umb- and robbers game when Willie Lee Willie got a ride to poUce head­ bers 86th mountain infantry regi­ new science, and not the terrific ments to England and the United candidate for every post. Critics tag president, to assume it. The Lyzar, 8, found a pair of handcuffs quarters In a police squad car, ment. (Aboard Bovard) 740 troops thing the size of a football or States, leamcd of Dr. Meitner's point out that this would be like present chairman, Otto Grotewhol, denstock left Iowa City for final in the alley behind the First Na - complete with siren and fJashilll of undesignated units, 9 liberated maybe a stove, that could wipe ca lculations. He broadcast them. Nazi elections. who is about 58, is credited with induction into the army at Jeffer- tional bank. red light, ~o the handcuffs lost. by ptisoners, 604th and 605th field ar­ New York off the map in one ex­ Inside two weeks the physicists Prewar political programs:...:::h=a:::v=e=pe=r~s=o=na=l=h=o=n~e=st=y=,=b=u=t =see=m=s=t=0==s=0=n~B=8~r=r=ac=k=s=,=M=:o= .======B::u::t=w:::h=e::;n=t=he= g=a=m=e= w=as=o=v=e:=r==a=d::c::t::Cc::t::iV::P=c::OU::I::d=be=r""em-=o::v=ed=.= tillery battalions and 75th field plosion. of Columbia univel'sity, Carnegie ======:::.;"'-:.,:::=----- artillery ballalion minus b 1\ t­ But it is the opening edge, and institute, 01 Washington, John t~ry B. the terrifying aspect at prescnt is Hopkins and other places, and of Also Arrived that no man can know how far iis England and France had made the The following army units also destructive effects may be devel­ test and proved the German arrived in the United States from oped. woman J·igbt. EU\'ope: What every woman wants to know · The prsident said this 'bomb is Incredible Shock . . At New York - (Aboard John 2,000 times more powerful than Ericsson) thc (ollowing units of the Out what an incl'ed.ible shock , the British earthquake bomb. But they got. They split uranium easily 20th armored division; Eighth, that does not meiln it can spread 60th and 65th armored infantry with neutron particle rays. And its destruction 2,000 times farLher. when one single uranium atom baUaJions; Ninth, 20th and 27th Air and earth cushion cxplosions, tank baLlalions, divisional head­ split, it rcleased 200,000,000 (two about her family's food this winter so that their effects fall off rapidly quarters and headquarters com­ hundred million) electron volts of in distance. energy. pany; headquarters and headquar­ Destruction of British Bomb ters company of combat command One pound of TNT releases five "A", 529th counter-intelligence The British bomb, for example, electron volls energy !O!' each' corps detachment, 74th order of was unOfficially given a radius of molecule of the explosive. And baltle team, 191 st photo interpret­ utter destructio n of . 100 yards, there are usually millions of atoms Inake ing team. Also Ninth army head­ l1)eaning a circle 200 yards in di­ in one moleculc. l (And how to sure YW family will have plenty olthe hest!) ameter. A bomb 2,000 times more quarLers, Ninth countcr"intelll­ All the scientists of all countries powerful would probably cause gence corps te.am and 130th evac­ sa w the result. Germany, England, equal destru'ction over a diameter uation hospital. France and thc United States went of a mile or a little more. Aboard Sea Pike to work. Japan may have done so ., The air waves would carry sec­ (Aboard Sea Pike) 669th, 1936th too. and 1946th quartermaster truck ondary destructive effects, like bowling over unstable walls and Only One ExplDdes companies, 3130th and 3133rd There are three kinds of uran­ quartermaster service companies, smashing windows for many miles. ium and the explosion occurred in 4357th quartermaster bakery com­ The ofIicial reports say that the atoms of only one. The three pany and infantry division reor­ uranium is t he basic atomic ma­ are uranium 235, 238 and 234. The ganization de t a c h men t "E". terial. This uranium drama began only known differences are in (Aboard Santa Paula) 578th, in the early thirties, in Haly, when 3 atomic weight. Only 235 exploded 2 585th, 586th, 600th, 608th , 609th, Enrico Fermi, physicist, now a Co­ QUISTION: 613th, 618lh, 663rd medical hospi­ lumbia university professor, was atomically. In one ton of com­ QUISTION: GUISTION I tal platoons, 550th field artillery using powerf~l electronic and mercial uranium there are 14 Firat of aU, will thete Won't the .ndin~ of What happens to us battaHon, infantry reorganization atomic rays to bombard solid mat­ pounds of 235 and two ounces of be more-or leN­ tIN "ar in Europe civilians? Where will 234. detachment "C", 14 officers and ter. He got what he reported to com mercially· canned cae the food .itUation? ". ~et all the canned 67 rations of the French navy and be a new chemical element, which The huge size of the American food available for ".~"t.ble8 and fruits ANSWlI: three United States navy officers. he called uranium 93. atomic bomb plants and the offi­ civilian. this winter? we need this winter? PhYSicists Went to Work cial descriptions of the great quan: No. The armed forcea At Boston - (Aboard Marine ANSWER : obin) infantry reorganization de­ In other world-famous labora­ lities of materials shipped into ANSWER: win .tin need more chment "Jzn detachment "C", tories physicists went to work and' them indicate that 235 probably Less. In fact, there may than ever before. And Home canning will have th armored division; 986th sig­ for nearly 10 years got nowhere. has been the main source of the be a8 much as a fourth remember, t/wr mutt to .upply most of them. I depot company (aviation); Then just as the present World new bomb. lets than last year. have food that can 53rd engineer depot truck com­ war was starting Lize Meitner, a The princi ple under which the travel and won't apoil. ny; 220th medical battalion, 20th German J ewess, a mathematician, earth qught to stay put is that what ored division. (Aboard Helen made a cLever ~ue ss. She said, if ex plodes one kind of atom does lnt Jackson) 658th and 687th your experimel)l,'3 are spljttinS /in pot necessarily explode any other material squadrons, 845th air atom of u ranium in about two kind, and there are 92 kinds. Ur­ I ~neer . squadron, 991st medica 1 equal parts, then all the puzzlcs anium is a comparatively rare .nital ship platoon (aboard can be explained. She made malh­ chemical clement. The 235 variety .. QUISTlON\ 5 QUISTION: 'QUlmON: 7 QUESTION , ~ 8 QUESTIONI K 'e Veniant) surplus person- ematical calcula tions to prove the is stUI more rare. If all the uran­ IlO't it beln, optimisbc It', all vtry well to Will there be enou~b Suppoee I can't buy, Here's the $6~ ques­ Drl ium was to blow up, it still would S;::har\eston, S. C.- (Aboard 327th, 33lth, 341st, 346th, 349th not be Ukely to start the atomic to expect 110(11" "ant to can-but im't pr... ure ccnnera? pressure canner- or tion: sU~lIr? ton n Steffens) entire 76th field and 351st military police escort fire that would disintegrate the O4Il\IMIn to lupply it a rather tou&b propo­ even borrow one? ANSWlI, ANSWIIt, guard detachments. rest, of the earth. 10 much food? \ition for til• • pelf Y battalion and 324th, ".rll" ANSWEIl : woman to under'"'' T1¥re'U be more prea' Your local Waf Price I." ANSWI.: tUre cannen made thi' Your local new. paper and R tioning Board Not i( you know Ameri­ ANSWII: yeu, and they won't be . or school may be able will allow extra sugar S~ PILOTS SEEK OUT CAMOUFLAGED NI'P CARRIERS cost in can women I L.. t year It', e8liel' than you ratic;!ned. (Preuure to direct you to a Com­ neectedJor canning up A Sovi half the canned vele· thinkl And thi. year; CfD¥n are needed only muni~ Canning Center. to 15 Ibt. per person. tablea and two-thirds cannlnl equipment wiD for. veletablea other reasoned cl the caDned fruits that be more pledtiful. tMsJ tomatoee.) thousand jury br ( dvUlin. ate were home • ccnned• Mr. T that lie ~ lin. The , have th I ~rtmenl . with the 9 QUISTION: 10 QUISTIONI It wa. Say, it dOtH look a. I( All richt, you've defi· make a home c:anninC mlcht be nitely interelted me In IB Smart to Can erallsslm ,/ more important this borne cannlnl. But ..• mleht In' year. But wltat do weU •.. I'm not quit. all you Can! report, I loan? to leave up on m,y oan~in, 'when th, t.ahnique. What AN SWIll do I do? Ita hele The excess (rom your charter , VICtory Garden. Or buy ANSWIII I------~------and recc Bome Cannin, v~etablea and fruita in !:apyl JUIt writlll to your I l1Iounllnl U. S. Department of A&rlculture aealOll and can them State AaricIIltural I while they're freah. CoU. for free oMcIaJ Washlniton 25. D. C. (Can all you can-nutri· information • : • or Plealc send fr ee Informalion on tUIlinl of fruita Param . . and vegetables. tion standard. call (or eeft4 in tbt CDUpaIl. at IUlt four and, if N~e ____~~ __------_ pouible, six to aeven ADAK aervinc, cl fruita and Str.. t dgfrnant vecetablea every day.) J 'II PUll ~: ___- --___ ~t~ _ _ _ idltnd. , IIIvy Pi!, hr, 20,O( The I .. IlUlet fr on Pari THI.D FLEIT carrler-bued planea UHd the camoullaged Japane.. alrcraft carrlel'lJ at Kure naval baH, !!lUet 01 Bo",hu. for target praeUce and the relult II ,hown above. At the lett one 01 the carriere Ia .urround· \be pilot THE DAILY IOWAN iava Wa ell by near millea and the other. upper right tip ot the large Island, Is concealed by netting runntn, from ehlp to ehore and hu In addition a number of huti built on Itl night deck to further hide It from THI8 ADVEIITl8EDNT PIIIPAUD roll THK WAil FOOD ADMIN18TIIATION BY THE WAil ADVERTI81NG COUNCIL IN lb. 111111 .1!!'e!'~r~ ,gnited State. p~ane •. J r -----" ~ -=..--- - (]ntern,.ion,1 ~,~ot9) (lO-OPKaA'I10N WITB U. Ol"l'lVK 0" WAR INFORMATION ..