For paper of June 29

The Times POLL

June 21-26, 2005

Total N = 901 Registered N = 665

Results are based on the total citywide sample unless otherwise noted. An asterisk indicates registered respondents.


1. What's your long range view for the city -- do you think that ten or fifteen years from now, New York City will be a better place to live than it is now, a worse place, or about the same? Better Worse Same Better & worse DK/NA

11/731 38 32 26 4 8/77 27 42 18 13 12/77 38 34 17 11 12/7-14/81 30 40 22 7 1/5-10/85 30 31 27 5 6 1/4-6/87 26 35 31 4 5 1/10-12/88 24 42 28 6 6/11-17/89 22 48 24 1 5 6/17-10/90 20 51 24 4 11/2-12/91 19 58 17 5 5/10-14/93 22 50 23 - 5 3/1-6/97 28 36 29 1 6 8/5-12/01 34 25 32 1 9 10/6-9/01 54 11 26 1 8 10/27-11/1/01 51 12 26 2 9 6/4-9/02 41 20 31 1 6 8/25-29/02 33 23 38 1 6 1/11-15/03 34 26 32 2 7 6/6-11/03 30 33 29 1 7 8/31-9/4/03 34 31 26 1 8 4/16-21/04 33 28 32 2 6 8/20-25/04 30 32 30 1 6 2/4-13/05 28 29 36 3 4 6/21-26/05 31 29 33 2 5

1 Poll conducted by Yankelovich, Skelly & White.


Some people are registered to vote and others are not. Are you registered to vote in the election district where you now live, or aren't you?

Yes No DK/NA

6/21-28/05 66 34 -

THE ORDER OF QUESTIONS 2 TO 5 WAS ROTATED 2. Is your opinion of favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Fernando Ferrer yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

3/1-6/97* 23 9 18 50 1 8/5-12/01* 26 14 25 34 1 10/6-9/01* 30 27 26 15 2 4/16-21/04 25 12 18 43 1 2/4-13/05* 31 13 25 31 1 6/21-26/05* 23 20 28 27 1

3. Is your opinion of Virginia Fields favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Virginia Fields yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

4/16-21/04 12 6 15 66 2 2/4-13/05* 15 5 17 61 1 6/21-26/05* 16 8 23 53 1

4. Is your opinion of Gifford Miller favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Gifford Miller yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

4/16-21/04 5 5 15 73 1 2/4-13/05* 9 6 17 68 1 6/21-26/05* 8 10 22 59 1

5. Is your opinion of favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Anthony Weiner yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

4/16-21/04 7 4 14 73 2 2/4-13/05* 9 4 16 69 1 6/21-26/05* 9 8 19 63 1

6. Is your opinion of Thomas Ognibene favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Thomas Ognibene yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

2/4-13/05* 3 3 11 81 2 6/21-26/05* 3 5 9 82 1


7. Is your opinion of favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Michael Bloomberg yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused

8/5-12/01* 26 16 26 31 1 10/6-9/01* 26 16 27 29 2 10/27-11/1/01* 37 15 30 17 1 6/4-9/02* 39 13 18 30 - 1/11-15/03 26 30 28 15 1 8/31-9/4/03 21 39 28 9 2 4/16-21/04 28 33 23 13 3 8/20-25/04 28 34 24 13 1 2/4-13/05* 41 34 22 2 1 6/21-26/05* 48 33 17 1 -

9. IF FAVORABLE or NOT FAVORABLE, ASK: Was there any time since he was elected mayor when you had a (favorable/not favorable) opinion of Michael Bloomberg? IF YES, ASK: What made you change your opinion?

Favorable Not favorable

No change 50 72 Controls spending/handling of finances 2 2 Handles government like a business 1 - Smoking law 1 2 Jobs/unemployment 1 3 Dealings with the NYPD - Crime/safety 2 Taxes 2 3 Education 6 4 Tickets 1 Welfare/poor/downtrodden 1 Infrastructure - World Trade Center/9-11 1 1 General quality of life - 1 New sports stadiums 6 3 Middle class 1 General good 12 Other 3 6 DK/NA 11 2


10. How much attention have you been able to pay to this year's campaign for mayor of New York City - a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far?

A lot Some Not much No attention DK/NA

4/27-5/3/85* 18 30 50 2 6/11-17/89* 25 39 29 7 1 5/10-14/93* 18 41 31 10 1 9/29-10/3/93* 41 41 15 3 1 10/20-24/93* 41 42 13 2 1 3/1-6/97* 14 35 32 17 2 10/13-18/97* 30 44 19 5 1 8/5-12/01* 19 39 31 11 - 2/4-13/05* 16 30 36 19 - 6/21-26/05* 18 38 29 14 -

11. How likely is it that you will vote in the 2001 election for Mayor this November -- would you say you will definitely vote, probably vote, probably not vote, or definitely not vote in the election for Mayor?

Definitely Probably Probably Definitely DK/NA vote vote not vote not vote

6/21-26/05* 74 21 2 2 1

THE ORDER OF QUESTIONS 12 TO 15 WAS ROTATED 12. If the 2005 election for Mayor were being held today, and the Democratic candidate was Fernando Ferrer and the Republican candidate was Michael Bloomberg, would you vote for Fernando Ferrer or Michael Bloomberg? Candidates’ names were rotated

Ferrer Bloomberg Other Won't vote DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 35 48 1 1 16

13. If the 2005 election for Mayor were being held today, and the Democratic candidate was Virginia Fields and the Republican candidate was Michael Bloomberg, would you vote for Virginia Fields or Michael Bloomberg? Candidates’ names were rotated

Fields Bloomberg Other Won't vote DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 33 47 - 2 18

14. If the 2005 election for Mayor were being held today, and the Democratic candidate was Gifford Miller and the Republican candidate was Michael Bloomberg, would you vote for Gifford Miller or Michael Bloomberg? Candidates’ names were rotated

Miller Bloomberg Other Won't vote DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 28 51 - 2 19

15. If the 2005 election for Mayor were being held today, and the Democratic candidate was Anthony Weiner and the Republican candidate was Michael Bloomberg, would you vote for Anthony Weiner or Michael Bloomberg? Candidates’ names were rotated

Weiner Bloomberg Other Won't vote DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 26 50 1 2 22


18. Are you registered in a specific party? IF YES, ASK: What party are you Registered in the Republican party, the Democratic party, the Conservative party, the Working Families party, or something else?

Rep Dem Cons WFP Other No DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 14 59 1 1 2 20 4

19. How likely is it that you will vote in Democratic primary for Mayor on September 11 would you say you will definitely vote, probably vote, probably not vote, or definitely not vote in the Democratic primary?

DEMOCRATS ONLY n=432 Definitely Probably Probably Definitely DK/NA vote vote not vote not vote

6/21-26/05* 62 25 7 3 3

20. If the Democratic primary were being held today, who would you vote for -- Fernando Ferrer, Virginia Fields, Gifford Miller or Anthony Weiner? Candidates’ names were rotated

DEMOCRATS ONLY n=432 Ferrer Fields Miller Weiner Other Won't vote DK/NA

2/4-13/05*1 36 12 7 6 2 4 30 6/21-25/05* 34 20 7 10 2 3 24

1 Question included Charles Baron, who received 2 percent.

19. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling his job as Mayor?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

6/4-9/02 48 26 26 8/25-29/02 47 31 22 10/12-16/02 47 41 12 1/11-15/03 31 53 16 6/6-11/03 24 65 11 7/13-27/03 25 67 8 8/31-9/4/03 32 57 11 4/16-21/04 38 46 16 8/20-25/04 40 49 11 2/4-13/05 43 45 12 6/21-26/05 50 35 15


20. Regardless of your overall opinion of Michael Bloomberg, what=s the BEST thing he has done since he became mayor? 4/16-21/04 2/4-13/05 6/21-26/05

Controls spending/handling of finances 6 8 4 Handles government like a business 1 1 1 Social promotion change/Board of Ed 2 - 1 Smoking law 4 3 2 Jobs/unemployment 1 2 1 Dealings with the NYPD 2 2 2 Crime/safety 3 3 10 Taxes 1 6 1 Education 14 7 17 Welfare/poor/downtrodden 1 - 1 Infrastructure - - - Race Relations - - - Transportation 1 2 - World Trade Center/9-11 1 1 3 Dealings with the FDNY - - Gay marriage - 1 Garbage pick-ups - 1 1 General quality of life 1 3 1 Starting the 311 system 1 - 1 Rent/Affordable housing - - 1 New stadiums 1 1 1 The Olympics - - General good 7 Everything - - Nothing 7 4 5 Other 4 6 2 DK/NA 48 49 39

21. Regardless of your overall opinion of Michael Bloomberg, what=s the WORST thing he has done since he became mayor? 4/16-21/04 2/4-13/05 6/21-26/05

Handling of finances 3 3 1 Handles government like a business 1 1 - Social promotion change/Board of Ed 2 - - Smoking law 9 3 2 Recycling 1 - Taxes 9 7 8 Jobs/unemployment 2 3 5 Dealings with the NYPD 2 1 1 Crime/safety - - - Transportation 3 6 3 Infrastructure - 1 World Trade Center/9-11 - - - Ticket blitz/ticketing in general 4 2 3 Education 9 7 8 Dealings with the FDNY 4 3 2 Gay marriage issue - 2 1 Garbage pick-ups - - 1 General quality of life - 1 1 Welfare/poor 2 2 1 Rent/Affordable housing 1 2 2 New stadiums 1 7 13 The middle class - 1 The Olympics - 1 Everything - 1 - Nothing 2 1 3 Other 5 8 7 DK/NA 39 40 35


22. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling the recovery efforts following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

8/25-29/02 57 24 18 8/31-9/4/03 49 29 22 8/20-25/04 55 33 12 6/21-26/05 68 21 11

23. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

6/21-26/05 46 36 19

24. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michael Bloomberg is handling the redevelopment of downtown Manhattan?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

6/21-26/05 52 30 18

25. How much have you heard or read about the Freedom Tower, the building planned for the World Trade Center site — a lot, some, not much or nothing at all?

A lot Some Not much Nothing at all DK/NA

6/21-26/05 25 40 23 10 1

26. Do you think the Freedom Tower should be built, or not? RESULTS DO NOT INCLUDE THOSE WHO SAID THEY KNOW NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT THE TOWER

Yes No DK/NA

6/21-26/05 57 31 12

27. Do you think the Freedom Tower WILL actually be built, or won’t it? RESULTS DO NOT INCLUDE THOSE WHO SAID THEY KNOW NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT THE TOWER

Yes No DK/NA

6/21-26/05 57 26 18

28. Do you think Mayor Bloomberg has done a good job of getting help from the federal government for New York City, or not?

Good job Not good job DK/NA

8/20-25/04 38 48 14 6/21-26/05 51 33 15

29. Do you think Mayor Bloomberg has done a good job of getting help for New York City from the state government in Albany, or not?

Good job Not good job DK/NA

6/21-26/05 42 35 23


34. Of all the problems facing New York City, which one do you most want the next mayor to concentrate on first?

10/6- 10/27- 6/4-1 1/11-1 6/6-1 4/16-1 2/4- 6/21- 9/01* 11/1/01* 9/02 15/03 11/03 21/04 12/05* 26/05*

Crime 21 22 17 10 5 9 9 6 Education 20 19 34 18 16 22 22 20 Unemployment 6 9 6 16 19 11 12 9 Poverty, homelessness 2 6 4 4 3 4 Infrastructure 2 2 3 5 6 Police 2 2 1 2 - - City economy 7 11 5 9 7 3 5 5 Economic issues 3 4 1 1 6 Budget 3 5 - 1 1 Taxes 3 9 3 5 3 Terrorism 2 2 4 1 2 Housing 3 3 3 6 10 13 Security 5 2 2 Rebuild the city 14 13 2 1 1 Transit fare 2 1 3 2 Other 7 8 13 13 14 16 13 12 DK/NA 10 8 10 8 10 11 8 8

1 Question read: " . . . which one do you want Mayor Bloomberg to concentrate on?”

35. Do you think Michael Bloomberg has performed his job as Mayor well enough to deserve re-election, OR do you think it's time to give a new person a chance?

Deserves re-election Time for new person DK/NA

4/16-21/04 27 64 9 8/20-25/04 27 67 7 6/21-26/05* 48 44 7

36. So far, has Michael Bloomberg's performance as Mayor been better than you expected, worse than you expected, or has it been about what you expected?

Better Worse About what expected DK/NA

6/4-9/02 13 15 56 16 1/11-15/03 13 29 48 10 4/16-21/04 16 25 54 6 8/20-25/04 16 24 56 4 6/21-26/05* 32 18 50 1


37. Looking ahead about four years, if it were entirely up to you, would you want to be living where you are now, or would you want to be living somewhere else in New York City, or outside the city?

Living Elsewhere in Outside where now in NYC NYC DK/NA

4/27-5/3/85 1 44 15 40 1 8/5-12/01 1 42 21 35 3 10/6-9/01 1 55 12 31 2 6/4-9/02 1 47 16 34 3 8/25-29/02 1 40 17 42 1 1/11-15/03 1 38 17 42 3 6/6-11/03 1 42 13 42 3 8/31-9/4/03 40 11 47 3 4/16-21/04 43 14 41 2 8/20-25/04 40 12 47 2 2/4-13/05 41 16 41 2 6/21-26/05 47 14 38 2

1 Question read: Looking ahead about four years, if it was entirely up to you, would you want to be living where you are now, or would you want to be living somewhere else in New York City, or outside the city?

Varied wording: Looking ahead about four years, if it was entirely up to you, would you want to be living in New York City, or would you want to be living somewhere else?

In NYC Somewhere else DK/NA 12/7-14/81 48 48 4 1/5-10/85 54 42 4 6/17-20/90 38 59 3 11/2-12/91 37 60 3 3/1-6/97 49 47 4 8/5-12/01 62 35 3 10/6-9/01 67 31 2 6/4-9/02 63 16 3 8/25-29/02 57 43 1 1/11-15/03 55 42 3 6/6-11/03 55 42 3 8/31-9/4/03 51 47 3 4/16-21/04 57 41 2 8/20-25/04 52 47 2 2/4-13/05 57 41 2 6/21-26/05 60 38 2

38. How would you rate the condition of the New York City economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad?

Very Fairly Fairly Very good good bad bad DK/NA

9/29-10/3/93 2 30 40 25 3 3/1-6/97 6 53 25 12 4 8/5-12/01* 12 66 13 5 4 10/6-9/01* 5 55 27 8 5 10/27-11/1/01* 4 54 30 9 2 6/4-9/02 4 46 34 12 4 1/11-15/03 2 28 42 24 3 6/4-11/03 2 22 43 30 3 4/16-21/04 2 43 33 19 3 8/20-25/04 3 44 32 19 2 2/4-13/05 3 51 27 17 2 6/21-26/05 4 51 28 14 2


39. In general, do you think New York City's economy is better, worse, or about the same as it was five years ago?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

11/2-12/91 4 86 9 2 3/1-6/97 38 27 28 6 8/5-12/01* 21 25 51 3 10/6-9/01* 21 35 38 5 10/27-11/1/01* 18 39 39 5 6/4-9/02 23 31 42 4 1/11-15/03 11 50 36 4 6/4-11/03 11 52 35 3 4/16-21/04 28 31 37 4 8/20-25/04 20 36 41 2 2/4-13/05 26 31 41 2 6/21-25/05 27 29 42 2

40. Are you generally satisfied with the quality of public schools in New York City, or are you not satisfied?

Satisfied Not satisfied DK/NA

5/10-14/93 14 72 13 9/29-10/3/93 13 73 14 6/12-15/94 20 71 12 3/1-6/97 21 67 13 10/13-18/97* 13 76 11 8/5-12/01* 15 73 12 10/27-11/01* 22 61 17 6/4-9/02 20 68 12 1/11-15/03 20 66 14 4/16-21/04 16 72 12 2/4-13/05* 16 68 15 6/21-26/05 24 64 12

41. Are you generally satisfied with the quality of public schools in your neighborhood, or are you not satisfied?

Satisfied Not satisfied DK/NA

4/27-5/3/85 38 34 28 9/29-10/3/93 35 47 18 3/1-6/97 39 46 15 2/4-13/05* 30 53 17 6/21-26/05 38 48 14

42. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joel Klein is handling his job as New York City Schools Chancellor?

Approve Disapprove DK/NA 1/11-15/03 38 25 37 4/16-21/04 32 35 33 2/4-13/05* 39 36 26 6/21-26/05 41 31 28


43. This year, there was an overall improvement in the standardized test scores of New York City public school students. Do you think standardized test scores are an accurate measure of how well students are actually learning, or not?

Accurate measure Not an accurate measure DK/NA

6/21-26/05 41 48 11

44. How much do you think the improvement in test scores has to do with the policies of the Bloomberg administration -- a lot, some, hardly any, or nothing at all?

A lot Some Hardly any Nothing DK/NA

6/21-26/05 25 41 16 9 9

45. Would you be willing or not willing to pay more in taxes to increase spending on public schools? Yes No DK/NA

6/21-26/05 53 43 4

Are you the parent or guardian of a child under 18 that lives with you?

Yes No

6/21-25/05 42 58

46. IF PARENT, ASK: Are your children currently enrolled in public school, or private school or parochial school? Public Not Public Private Parochial & other School age DK/NA

6/21-25/05 62 12 4 2 20 1

47. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think quality of education at public school your children attend has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? PUBLIC SCHOOL PARENTS ONLY n=238

Better Worse Same DK/NA

6/21-26/05 35 12 49 5

48. Do you think New York City is more safe today, less safe today, or about as safe today as it was four years ago? ASKED OF PART OF THE SAMPLE N=625

More Less Same DK/NA

5/10-14/93 11 58 28 3 9/29-10/3/93* 12 61 26 2 10/20-24/93* 12 52 35 1 3/1-6/97 43 16 38 3 10/13-18/97* 54 14 30 2 3/8-14/99 49 13 35 3 8/5-12/01* 58 12 28 2 6/4-9/02 38 21 39 2 10/12-16/02 23 30 44 4 6/21-26/05 40 17 40 2


49. Do you think your neighborhood is more safe today, less safe today, or about as safe today as it was four years ago? ASKED OF PART OF THE SAMPLE N=625

More Less Same DK/NA 5/10-14/93 13 41 42 4 3/1-6/97 30 19 47 4 3/8-14/99 31 18 47 4 10/12-16/02 22 24 50 3 6/21-26/05 29 17 50 4

50. Compared to four years ago, do you think New York City is more safe from crime today, less safe today, or about as safe today as it was four years ago? ASKED OF PART OF THE SAMPLE N=276 More Less Same DK/NA

6/21-26/05 42 17 39 2

51. Compared to four years, do you think your neighborhood is more safe from crime today, less safe today, or about as safe today as it was four years ago? ASKED OF PART OF THE SAMPLE N=276 More Less Same DK/NA

6/21-26/05 35 16 47 1

52. How much do you think Michael Bloomberg cares about the needs and problems of people like yourself -- a lot, some, not much, or not at all?

A lot Some Not much Not at all DK/NA

7/13-27/03 10 26 27 32 6 4/16-21/04 11 32 30 24 3 2/4-13/05* 15 35 28 19 3 2/4-13/05* 17 41 23 17 2

53. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the overall quality of life in New York City has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 23 23 53 2 6/21-26/05* 27 16 54 3

54. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think, in general, city services have gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 16 30 51 3 6/21-26/05* 20 23 52 6

56. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the quality of public education in New York City has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

4/16-21/04 1 18 22 50 11 2/4-13/05* 23 33 34 10 6/21-25/05* 38 13 41 8

1 Question read: “Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the quality of PUBLIC EDUCATION in New York City has improved, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?”


57. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the economy of New York City has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 25 26 46 4 6/21-25/05* 26 25 45 4

58. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think crime in New York City has increased, decreased or stayed about the same?

Increased Decreased Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 17 35 45 3 6/21-25/05* 13 39 46 3

59. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, have your city taxes gone up, gone down or stayed about the same?

Gone up Gone down Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 54 2 35 9 6/21-26/05* 55 2 33 10

60. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think subway and bus service has gotten better, gotten worse or stayed about the same?

Better Worse Same DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 6 44 41 9 6/21-26/05* 13 35 45 7

61. Since Michael Bloomberg became Mayor, do you think the amount of affordable housing has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?

Increased Decreased Same DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 27 45 22 6

62. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Mayor Bloomberg pays too much attention to Manhattan and not enough to the other boroughs.

Agree Disagree DK/NA

12/7-14/81 1 54 36 10 6/6-11/03 62 28 10 6/21-26/05* 67 24 9

1 Question read: “Now I’m going to read you a few statements and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree. Mayor Koch . . .”

63. As far as you know, has Michael Bloomberg visited your neighborhood since he become mayor, or not? Yes No DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 31 56 14


64. How much have you heard or read about Fernando Ferrer’s comments regarding the case of Amadou Diallo, the African immigrant who was shot and killed by four white police officers in 1999 — a lot, some, not much or nothing at all?

A lot Some Not much Nothing at all DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 29 34 16 19 2

65. Do Fernando Ferrer’s comments regarding the Diallo case make you more likely to vote for him, less likely to vote for him or doesn't that make a difference in how you will vote? RESULTS DO NOT INCLUDE THOSE WHO SAID THEY KNOW NOTHING AT ALL

More likely Less likely No difference DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 6 25 62 7

66. Have you seen any commercials on television that support Michael Bloomberg’s re- election as Mayor? IF YES, ASK: Did those campaign commercials make you think better of Michael Bloomberg or worse of Michael Bloomberg?

Better Worse No difference Saw no commercials DK/NA

6/21-26/05* 17 10 31 40 3

67. In general, do you think New York City is becoming too expensive for people like you to live in, or not?

Yes No Depends DK/NA

6/21-26/05 83 13 1 3

68. In general, do you think it is harder to make ends meet financially in New York City than it is in other American cities, or easier?

Harder Easier No difference DK/NA

6/21-26/05 78 7 6 9

70. Do you think Michael Bloomberg spent too much time and effort trying to build a sports stadium on the West Side of Manhattan for the Jets and the 2012 summer Olympics, and not enough on other issues, or was the balance about right?

Too much time on stadium Right balance DK/NA

6/21-26/04 67 25 8

71. What about the new proposal to build a new stadium in Willets Point, Queens, adjacent to Shea Stadium? Do you think the city and state should or not should not build a new sports stadium in Queens for the Mets and the 2012 summer Olympics?

Should Should not DK/NA

6/21-26/04 49 40 11

72. IF SHOULD, ASK: What if a new stadium in Queens cost New York City and New York State $180 million in public funds? Then do you think the city should or should not build a new stadium in Queens?

Should Should not DK/NA

6/21-26/04 27 17 4


73. Do you favor or oppose building a new arena in Brooklyn for the Nets?

Favor Oppose DK/NA

4/16-21/04 45 42 14 6/21-26/04 37 45 17

74. IF FAVOR, ASK: What if a new arena in Brooklyn cost $200 million in public funds? Then do you think the city should or should not build a new arena in Brooklyn?

Should Should not DK/NA

6/21-26/05 18 16 3

75. Do you favor or oppose New York City hosting the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Favor Oppose DK/NA

4/16-21/04 71 20 10 2/4-13/05* 67 27 7 6/21-25/05 62 29 9

76. Do you think New York City will be able to win its bid for the 2012 Olympics without building a new stadium, or is a new stadium crucial to New York City's bid for the Olympics? Able to win without stadium Stadium crucial DK/NA

2/4-13/05* 38 48 14 6/21-26/05 29 56 15

77. If New York City does NOT win its bid to host the 2012 Olympics, do you think the city should still help finance a new stadium in Queens, or shouldn't it?

Should Should not DK/NA

6/21-26/05 33 58 9

78. Did Michael Bloomberg's support for the West Side Stadium make you more likely to vote for him, less likely to vote for him, or doesn't that make a difference in how you will vote? More likely Less likely No difference DK/NA

6/21-26/05 7 25 62 5

82. Do you think that the efforts to redevelop the World Trade Center site are going too quickly, too slowly, or at about the right pace?

Too quickly Too slowly Right pace DK/NA

1/11-15/03 1 15 18 58 9 8/31-9/4/03 11 22 57 10 6/21-26/05 4 52 37 7

1 Question read: Do you think work on the redevelopment of the World Trade Center site is moving too fast or too slow or is it about right?


83. Who do you think is more responsible for how things are going in the redevelopment of the World Trade Center site -- Mayor Bloomberg or Governor Pataki?

Bloomberg Pataki Both equally Neither/other DK/NA

6/21-26/05 26 45 12 2 14

84. Would you be willing or not willing to work in one of the higher floors of a new building at the World Trade Center site?

Willing Not willing Don't work in office DK/NA

8/25-29/02 39 53 3 4 8/31-9/4/03 31 62 4 3 6/21-26/05 43 52 1 4

85. Do you think New York City is cleaner than it was a year ago, dirtier, or is New York City about as clean or dirty as it was a year ago?

Cleaner Dirtier Same Depends DK/NA

1/11-15/03 16 21 59 2 2 6/21-26/05 26 16 55 1 2

86. In the last few months, have you seen more homeless people in New York City, fewer homeless people, or has the number of homeless people you see in New York City stayed about the same? More Fewer Same DK/NA

6/4-9/02 22 24 48 6 1/11-15/03 34 12 49 6 6/4-11/03 36 10 48 6 6/21-26/05 22 28 45 5

87. Is your opinion of Rudolph Giuliani favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Rudolph Giuliani yet to have an opinion?

Not Haven't Favorable favorable Undecided heard enough Refused 3/9-10/86* 27 7 11 55 - 1/4-6/87* 36 7 7 50 1 1/10-12/88* 46 4 9 39 1 6/11-17/89* 41 20 25 12 1 5/10-14/93* 30 34 26 10 - 9/29-10/3/93* 31 28 29 11 1 10/20-24/93* 30 32 29 7 1 4/26-30/95* 44 39 15 2 3/1-6/97* 39 22 21 15 2 10/13-18/97* 45 26 22 4 2 10/1-6/98* 49 37 12 1 1 3/8-14/99* 31 45 18 5 1 10/23-28/99* 33 52 11 3 1 2/16-22/00* 30 58 10 1 1 4/1-5/00* 26 60 13 - 1 6/4-10/00* 35 52 11 1 1 8/5-12/01* 50 38 11 1 - 6/4-9/02 72 16 8 2 1 8/31-9/4/03 66 16 13 4 1 8/20-25/04 60 24 11 5 1 6/21-26/05 48 22 14 13 3


89. Compared to a year ago, when you try to make ends meet financially, do you find it harder today, easier today, or is it about the same?

Harder Easier Same DK/NA

6/4-11/03 59 4 37 1 6/21-26/04 49 8 42 1

90. My last few questions are for background only. Are you currently employed, or are you temporarily out of work, or are you not in the market for work at all?

Currently employed Out of work Not in market DK/NA

10/6-9/01 59 13 28 - 6/4-9/02 60 13 27 - 8/25-29/02 56 13 31 - 1/11-15/03 54 20 26 - 6/6-11/03 53 21 26 - 7/13-27/03 59 16 24 1 8/31-9/4/03 49 22 28 - 4/16-21/04 56 15 29 - 8/20-25/04 58 14 27 - 2/4-13/05 58 17 24 1 6/21-26/05 59 15 26 -

91. How long have you lived in New York City?

Less than 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 Over 40 one year years years years years years DK/NA

6/21-25/05 1 22 15 17 15 29 1

In what borough do you NOW live?

Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island

6/21-26/05 16 30 21 28 6

Did you vote for Mayor in 2001, did something prevent you from voting, or did you choose not to vote for Mayor in 2001? IF VOTED, ASK: Did you vote for Mark Green, or Michael Bloomberg? Voted, won't say Green Bloomberg for whom or other Didn't vote Not in NYC then DK/NA

6/21-26/05 17 27 3 46 6 1

92. IF IN NYC THEN, ASK: Think back to 1997, when Rudolph Giuliani was re-elected mayor, defeating Ruth Messinger. Did you vote for Rudolph Giuliani for re-election in 1997, or not?

Yes No DK/NA

6/21-26/05 32 57 5

What is your religious preference today?

Protestant Catholic Jewish Muslim Other None DK/NA

6/21-25/05 23 42 8 3 5 14 4


Are you now married, widowed, divorced, or have you never been married?

Married Widowed Divorced Separated Never married DK/NA

6/21-25/05 44 7 9 4 35 -

Generally speaking, do you usually consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what?

Rep Dem Ind DK/NA

6/21-25/05 14 50 24 12

How would you describe your views on most political matters? Generally do you think of yourself as liberal, moderate, or conservative?

Liberal Moderate Conservative DK/NA

6/21-26/05 30 36 25 10

What was the last grade in school you completed?

Not a Some College H.S. grad H.S. grad college grad Post grad Refused

6/21-26/05 25 24 23 15 12 1

How old are you? 18-29 30-44 45-64 Over 64 Refused

6/21-26/05 23 33 28 16 1

Are you of Hispanic origin or descent, or not?

Hispanic Not Hispanic Interviewed in Spanish DK/NA

6/21-26/05 15 71 10 2

Are you white, black, or some other race?

White Black Asian Other Refused

6/21-26/05 47 26 5 20 3

Was your TOTAL family income in 2004 UNDER or OVER $50,000? IF UNDER, ASK: Was it under $15,000, between $15,000 and $30,000 or was it between $30,000 and $50,000? IF OVER, ASK: Was it between $50,000 and $75,000, or between $75,000 and $100,000, or was it over $100,000?

Under $15,000- $30,000- $50,000- $75,000- Over $15,000 $29,999 $49,999 $74,999 $100,000 $100,000 Refused

6/21-26/05 15 22 17 20 8 11 7

Gender Male Female

6/21-26/05 46 54