[Title 10, U.S.C., Section 9355(a)]

Wayne Allard, of C.W. Bill Young, of Florida Larry E. Craig, of Idaho Joel Hefley, of Colorado Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina Heather Wilson, of New Mexico Norman D. Dicks, of Washington Mike Thompson, of California


[Title 10, U.S.C., Section 4355(a)]

Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania Charles H. Taylor, of North Carolina Mike DeWine, of Ohio Sue Kelly, of New York Jack Reed, of Rhode Island John M. McHugh, of New York Mary Landrieu, of Louisiana Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York Ellen O. Tauscher, of California


[Title 10, U.S.C., Section 6968(a)]

John McCain, of Arizona Wayne T. Gilchrest, of Maryland Thad Cochran, of Mississippi Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California Paul Sarbanes, of Maryland Steny Hoyer, of Maryland Barbara Mikulski, of Maryland John S. Tanner, of Tennessee Mike McIntyre, of North Carolina


[Title 14 U.S.C., Section 194(a)]

John McCain, of Arizona Rob Simmons, of Connecticut Peter G. Fitzgerald, of Illinois Don Young, of Alaska Ernest F. Hollings, of South Carolina Howard Coble, of North Carolina Patty Murray, of Washington Bob Filner, of California Frank LoBiondo, of New Jersey 485 486 Congressional Directory

BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS 330 Independence Avenue SW., Suite 3360, 20237 phone 401–3736, fax 401–6605 [Created by Public Law 103–236]

Chairman.—Kenneth Y. Tomlinson.

GOVERNORS Edward E. Kaufman D. Jeffrey Hirschberg Robert M. Ledbetter, Jr. Steven J. Simmons Norm Pattiz Colin L. Powell Joaquin F. Blaya (ex officio) Blanquita Walsh Cullum

STAFF Executive Director.—Brian T. Conniff. Deputy Executive Director.—Bruce Sherman. Legal Counsel.—Carol Booker. Program Review Officer.—Bruce Sherman. Congressional Coordinator.—Susan Andross. Communications Coordinator.—Joan Mower. Chief Financial Officer.—Kelley Lehman Sullivan. Executive Assistant.—Brenda Hardnett. Research and Planning Coordinator.—Sherwood Demitz. Program Review and Planning Officer.—Jim Morrow. Special Projects Officer.—Oanh Tran. Program Coordinator.—Bonnie Thompson. Staff Assistants.—Mariam Azizkeya, Lori Dodson, Clark Pearson.

CANADA– INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Senate Hart Building, Room 808, 224–3047 [Created by Public Law 86–42, 22 U.S.C., 1928a–1928d, 276d–276g]

Senate Delegation: Chairman.—Mike Crapo, Senator from Idaho. Vice Chairman.—[Vacant]. Director, Interparliamentary Services.—Sally Walsh.

COMMISSION ON CONGRESSIONAL MAILING STANDARDS 1309 Longworth House Office Building, phone 225–9337 [Created by Public Law 93–191]

Chairman.—Robert W. Ney, Representative from Ohio. Robert B. Aderholt, Representative from Alabama. John E. Sweeney, Representative from New York. John B. Larson, Representative from Connecticut. Bennie G. Thompson, Representative from Mississippi. Rush D. Holt, Representative from New Jersey.

STAFF Staff Director.—Jack Dail, 225–9337. Staff Assistant.—Michael Frolich. Congressional Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Groups 487

COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE 234 Ford House Office Building, phone 225–1901, fax 226–4199

Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey, Chairman. , of Colorado, Co-Chairman.



Sam Brownback, of Kansas. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Gordon H. Smith, of Oregon. Bob Graham, of Florida. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. Russell D. Feingold, of . Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia. Hillary Rodham Clinton, of New York.


Frank R. Wolf, of Virginia. Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland. Joseph R. Pitts, of Pennsylvania. Louise McIntosh Slaughter, of New York. Robert B. Aderholt, of Alabama. Alcee L. Hastings, of Florida. Anne M. Northup, of Kentucky.


Department of State.—Lorne W. Craner. Department of Defense.—Jack Dyer Crouch II. Department of Commerce.—William Henry Lash III.


Chief of Staff.—Dorothy Douglas Taft. Deputy Chief of Staff.—Ronald J. McNamara. Communications Director.—Ben Anderson. Staff Assistants: Quena Gonzalez, Jennifer Winter. Senior Advisor.—Elizabeth B. Pryor. Staff Advisors: Orest Deychakiwsky, John Finerty, Chadwick R. Gore, Robert Hand, Janice Helwig, Michael Ochs. Counsel for International Law.—Erika B. Schlager. General Counsel.—Maureen T. Walsh. Counsels: Marlene Kaufmann, H. Knox Thames.

CONGRESSIONAL AWARD FOUNDATION 379 Ford House Office Building 20515, phone (202) 226–0130, fax (202) 226–0131 [Created by Public Law 96–114]

Chairman.—Thomas D. Campbell, Thomas D. Campbell and Associates Inc., (609) 823–8551. Vice Chairmen: John M. Falk, Esq., Compressus, Inc., (202) 742–4307. Charles F. Smithers, Jr., UBS PaineWebber, (212) 333–8900. Secretary.—Edwin S. Jayne, AFSCME, (202) 429–1188. Treasurer.—Kim Talley, American Airlines, (202) 496–5666. National Director.—William E. Kelley, (202) 226–0130. 488 Congressional Directory

Members: Paxton Baker, BET (202) 608–2052. Max Baucus, Senator from Montana, (202) 224–2651. Dolores M. Beilenson, Chevy Chase, MD, (301) 652–9125. Dr. Clinton Bristow, Jr., Alcorn State University, (601) 877–6131. Mary Bunning, (202) 224–4343. Michael Carozza, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, (202) 783–8659. Larry E. Craig, Senator from Idaho, (202) 224–2752. Barbara Cubin, Representative from Wyoming, (202) 225–2311. George B. Gould, National Association of Letter Carriers, (202) 662–2833. Janice Griffin, Griffin & Associates, (202) 785–6770. Robert B. Harding, Esq., (703) 241–7468. J. Steven Hart, Esq., Williams & Jensen, P.C., (202) 659–8201. David W. Hunt, Esq., White & Case, L.L.P., (202) 626–3604. Judy Istook, (202) 225–2132. Timothy J. Keating, Honeywell International, (202) 662–2613. Robert Kelley, St. Louis Labor Council, (202) 439–5001. William E. Kelley, Congressional Award Foundation, (202) 226–0130. General Richard L. Lawson, USAF (Ret.), (202) 822–6120. Kevin B. Lefton, (315) 422–6275. Reynaldo L. Martinez, Strategic Dimensions, (703) 941–4420. John A. McCallum, The TAG Foundation, (404) 817–3333. Linda Mitchell, Mississippi State University Extension Service, (662) 534–7776. Sir James Murray K.C.M.G., New York, NY, (718) 852–3320. Andrew F. Ortiz, J.D., M.P.A., Arizona Cleaning the Air, (602) 224–0524 ext. 2055. Nancy Gibson Prowitt, Alcade & Fay, (703) 841–0626. Altagracia Ramos, Hispanic Youth Foundation, (937) 427–3565. Galen J. Reser, Pepsi Co., Inc., (914) 253–2862. Felix R. Sanchez, TerraCom, Inc., (202) 965–5151. Daniel B. Scherder, The Willard Group, (703) 893–8409. William F. Sittmann, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, (703) 837–4161. Debbie Snyder, EDS, (972) 605–4432. Kimberly Talley, American Airlines, Inc., (202) 496–5666. Rex B. Wackerle, Prudential Insurance Co., (202) 293–1141.


2001 New Hampshire Avenue, NW., 20008, phone 332–1155, fax 797–0698

President.—Mary Lucas. Vice Presidents: (1st) Vicki Piahrt. (2d) Eulada Watt. (3d) Judy Istook. (4th) Sylvia Sabo. (5th) Lana Bethune. (6th) Vivia Bishop. Treasurer.—Lea Ann Edwards. Corresponding Secretary.—Laura Bateman. Recording Secretary.—Jinny Bartlett.


H–232 The Capitol, phone 225–0600

[Title 40, U.S.C. 175–176]

Chairman.—J. , Speaker of the House of Representatives. Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader. Congressional Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Groups 489

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAGE BOARD H–154 The Capitol, phone 225–7000 [Established by House Resolution 611, 97th Congress]

Chairman.—John Shimkus, Representative from Illinois. Members: Heather Wilson, Representative from New Mexico. Dale Kildee, Representative from Michigan. Jeff Trandahl, Clerk of the House. Wilson (Bill) Livingood, Sergeant at Arms of the House. Staff Contact: Grace Crews, Office of the Clerk, Page Program Coordinator.

JAPAN–UNITED STATES FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION 1110 Vermont Avenue NW., Suite 800, 20005, phone 418–9800, fax 418–9802 [Created by Public Law 94–118]

Chairman.—Dr. Richard J. Samuels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Vice Chairman.—Dr. Amy Y. Heinrich, Columbia University. Executive Director.—Dr. Eric J. Gangloff. Assistant Executive Director.—Margaret P. Mihori. Assistant Executive Director, CULCON.—Pamela L. Fields. Secretary.—Sylvia L. Dandridge. Members: James A. Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. Department of State. The Honorable Dana Gioia, Chairman, National Endowment for the Arts. Bruce Cole, Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities. The Honorable Thomas Petri, U.S. House of Representatives. The Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV, U.S. Senate. Dr. Patricia Steinhoff, University of Hawaii. Dr. Linda Kerber, University of Iowa. Theodore R. Life, Filmmaker. Ira Wolf, Washington, D.C. The Honorable James McDermott, U.S House of Representatives. Dr. Richard E. Dyck, President, TCS Japan, KK The Honorable Patricia De Stacy Harrison, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. Doris O. Matsui, Senior Advisor, Collier, Shannon Scott PLLC Francis Y. Sogi, Life Partner, Kellev Dive & Warren. Frank P. Stanek, President, International Business Development, Universal Studios Recreation Group, Universal Studios. The Honorable Sally Stroup, Assistant Secretary of Education for Post-Secondary Education.

MEXICO–UNITED STATES INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP Senate Hart Building, Room 808, phone 224–3047 [Created by Public Law 82–420, 22 U.S.C. 276h–276k]

Senate Delegation: Chairman.—Jeff Sessions, of Alabama. Vice Chairman.—Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. House Delegation: Chairman.—Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. STAFF Contact, Interparliamentary Services.—Julia Hart. 490 Congressional Directory

MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVATION COMMISSION 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Room 622, Arlington, VA 22203 phone (703) 358–1716 fax (703) 358–2223 [Created by act of February 18, 1929, 16 U.S.C. 715a]

Chairman.—Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior. John Breaux, Senator from Louisiana. Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi. John D. Dingell, Representative from Michigan. Curt Weldon, Representative from Pennsylvania. Ann Veneman, Secretary of Agriculture. [Vacant], Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency. Secretary.—A. Eric Alvarez.

NATO PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY Headquarters: Place du Petit Sablon 3, B–1000 Brussels, Belgium [Created by Public Law 84–689, 22 U.S.C., 1928z]

Senate Delegation: Chairman.—Gordon Smith, Senator from Oregon. Vice Chairman.—Joseph Biden, Senator from Delaware. House of Representatives Delegation: Chairman.—Douglas Bereuter, Representative from Nebraska.

STAFF Secretary, Senate Delegation.—Julia Hart, Interparliamentary Services, SH–808, 224–3047. Secretary, House Delegation.—Susan Olsen, Office of Rep. Douglas Bereuter, 2184 Rayburn House Office Building, 20515, 225–4806.

PERMANENT COMMITTEE FOR THE OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES DEVISE FUND Library of Congress 20540, phone 707–5383 [Created by act of Congress approved Aug. 5, 1955 (Public Law 246, 84th Congress), to administer Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund, established by same act]

Chairman ex officio.—James H. Billington. Administrative Officer for the Devise.—James H. Hutson, 707–5383.

SENATE NATIONAL SECURITY WORKING GROUP 113 Dirksen Senate Office Building 20510, phone 224–3941

Administrative Co-Chairman.—Thad Cochran, Senator from Mississippi. Administrative Co-Chairman.—Robert C. Byrd, Senator from West Virginia. Co-Chairman.—Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska. Co-Chairman.—Jon Kyl, Senator from Arizona. Co-Chairman.—Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi. Co-Chairman.—Carl Levin, Senator from Michigan. Co-Chairman.—Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Senator from Delaware. Members: Bill Frist, Senator from Tennessee. , Senator from . Richard G. Lugar, Senator from Indiana. Edward M. Kennedy, Senator from John Warner, Senator from Virginia. Massachusetts. , Senator from Colorado. Paul S. Sarbanes, Senator from Maryland. Jeff Sessions, Senator from Alabama. John F. Kerry, Senator from Massachusetts. Don Nickles, Senator from . Richard J. Durbin, Senator from Illinois. Bryon L. Dorgan, Senator from North Dakota. Bill Nelson, Senator from Florida. Congressional Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Groups 491

STAFF Republican Staff Director.—Stewart Holmes, 224–3941. Democratic Staff Director.—Christina Evans, 224–3088.

SENATE OFFICE BUILDING COMMISSION [Created by the act of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat. 481), as amended by the act of July 11, 1947 (61 Stat. 307), the act of August 1, 1953 (67 Stat. 328), and the act of August 3, 1956 (70 Stat. 966)]

[Membership Not Available At Press Time].

U.S. ASSOCIATION OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS 233 Pennsylvania Avenue SE., Suite 200, 20002–1107 phone (202) 543–8676, fax 543–7145

The nonpartisan United States Association of Former Members of Congress was founded in 1970 as a nonprofit, educational, research and social organization. It has been chartered by the United States Congress and has approximately 600 members who represented American citizens in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. The Association promotes improved public understanding of the role of Congress as a unique institution as well as the crucial importance of representative democracy as a system of government, both domesti- cally and internationally. President.—Larry LaRocco, of Idaho. Vice President.—Jack Buechner, of Missouri. Treasurer.—Jim Slattery, of Kansas. Secretary.—John J. Rhodes III, of Arizona. Immediate Past President.—John N. Erlenborn, of Illinois. Honorary Co-Chairmen: Gerald R. Ford, of Michigan; Walter F. Mondale, of . Executive Director.—Linda A. Reed. Counselors: Mark Andrews, of North Dakota; J. Glenn Beall, Jr., of Maryland; Donald G. Brotzman, of Colorado; Robert Kastenmeier, of Wisconsin; Matthew F. McHugh, of New York; Philip E. Ruppe, of Michigan; Carlton R. Sickles, of Maryland; James W. Symington, of Missouri.

U.S. CAPITOL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 200 Maryland Avenue NE., 20002, phone 543–8919, fax 544–8244 [Congressional Charter, October 20, 1978, Public Law 95–493, 95th Congress, 92 Stat. 1643]

Chairman of the Board.—The Honorable E. Thomas Coleman. President.—The Honorable Ron Sarasin. Treasurer.—L. Neale Cosby. General Secretary.—Suzanne C. Dicks. Vice Presidents: Brenda T. Day, The Honorable Thomas S. Foley, Erik Winborn, Jean Thompson, Robert E. Cole.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert E. Cole Jean Thompson The Honorable E. Thomas Coleman Erik Winborn L. Neale Cosby Sharon Archer Suzanne C. Dicks Brenda T. Day Michael Dineen The Honorable Thomas S. Foley The Honorable Ron Sarasin The Honorable Louis Stokes 492 Congressional Directory

STAFF Chief Historian.—Donald R. Kennon. Associate Historian and Communications Director.—Felicia Bell. Director of Development.—Rebecca Evans. Manager, Member Programs.—Oki Radich. Manager, Corporate Committee.—Marilyn Green. Director, Retail Sales.—Diana Wailes. Director of Finance.—Paul McGuire. Senior Manager for Special Projects.—Steve Livengood. Director of Outreach.—Andrew Dodge.

U.S. CAPITOL PRESERVATION COMMISSION [Created pursuant to Public Law 100–696] Co-Chairmen: J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House. Ted Stevens, Senate President Pro Tempore. House Members: Tom DeLay, Majority Leader. Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader. Robert W. Ney. John Larson. Chaka Fattah. C.W. Bill Young. John Mica. Steven LaTourette. Senate Members: Bill Frist, Majority Leader. Thomas A. Daschle, Minority Leader. Trent Lott. Christopher J. Dodd. Robert Bennett. Richard J. Durbin. Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Architect of the Capitol.—Alan M. Hantman.

U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FINE ARTS BOARD 1309 Longworth House Office Building, phone 225–8281 [Created by Public Law 101–696]

Chairman.—Robert W. Ney, of Ohio. Members: Vernon J. Ehlers, of Michigan. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. John B. Larson, of Connecticut. Juanita Millender-McDonald, of California.

U.S. SENATE COMMISSION ON ART S–411 The Capitol, phone 224–2955 [Created by Public Law 100–696]

Chairman.—Bill Frist, of Tennessee. Vice Chairman.—Thomas A. Daschle, of South Dakota. Members: Ted Stevens, of Alaska. Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut. Trent Lott, of Mississippi. Congressional Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Groups 493

STAFF Executive Secretary.—Emily J. Reynolds. Curator.—Diane K. Skvarla. Administrator.—Scott M. Strong. Associate Curator.—Melinda K. Smith. Registrar.—Deborah Wood. Museum Specialist.—Richard L. Doerner.