
A Newspaper With A Constructive Policy JOU!VNACi PER COPY

VOLUME 19, NUMBER 34 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1950 price' five cents Seek Admissions Ask Federal Guard To Tenn Hi Schools For The Warings

NASHVILLE—Legal action seek­ ference and a member of the As­ NEW YORK - Walter White, I Negroes must be admitted to the ing admission ol Negro students sociation's national legal commit­ executive secretary of* the Nation­ Democratic party in South Caro­ to so-called white high schools in tee, notified county authorities al Association for Hie Advancement lina, he and Mrs. Waring have been couttties where equal educational that he is ready to file suit on be­ of Colored People, Friday culled subjected to threats and verbal facilities are not provided for Ne­ half of children seeking admis­ upon U 8 Attorney-General J Ho­ abuse by advocates of "white au- groes was being prepared this sion to the school There is no i-ward McGrath "to provide imme­ I premary" In the city and state. On week by the Tennessee State Con- high-scoo! fof Negroes in Ander diate protection" to Federal Judge one occasion a fiery cross was ferenceof branches of the Nation- son County, Mr Looby noted, and J. Waites Waring and Mrs. Waring, burned near their home. al Association for the Advance­ Negro students are sent to out­ whoso home in Charleston, 8. C., In Ins letter to Mr. McGrath, the ment of Colored People side counties where facilities are wu stoned by hoodlums on October NAACP official charged "that cer­ available The county pays tuition 8tate Attorney-General Roy H 9 tain federal employees In South Beeler, who recently ruled that fees for these students, but does1 Previously Mr White Hud wired Carolina are flagrantly violating not pay their transportation fares. I the University of Tennessee must President ‘I’ruiiian and Mi Mr • heir oaths of office to enforce and "Inasmuch as there is no other1 admit qualified Negro applicants Gratli. warning the»»*--tliui an at­ I uphold Hie law They ignore bla­ to its graduate and professional high school in the country wlch tack upon Hie Warings wax threat­ tantly I lie obligation not only to schools, notified Anderson County Negro students may attend," Mr ened over last week-end and urging apprehend and punish criminals but Attorney Sam K Carson that the Lobby declared, they have "a con i that ' nil necessary and proper pre­ iq prevent crime before if is com­ matter of Negro students seeking stitutlonal right" to be admitted cautions be taken to prevent what mitted They have gw into the admission to Anderson County Looby indicated that comparable may be a tragedy both tor the War­ public press to proclaim that they High School must be decided by conditions exist in other counties ings and the prestige of America" twill take no steps to protect Judge the county in Tennessee, and hat “several. These wires were sent on October 6. Waring, which can be construed aa Z Alexander Looby, chairman other small counties" will be In­ days later the unprotected open incitement to the Ku Klux of the legal redress committee of fluenced by the results of the ac­ I Waring home was attacked Klan, the Dixteerataand others to the Tennessee State NAACP Con- tion against Anderson County j Ever since Judge-Waring, u na- do what they will without fear of ! live of Charleston, ruled in 1947 Hiat apprehension or punishment." Governor Leads Off In "Crusade For Dawson Day To Be Held Freedom" At Tennessee State College

outstanding statesman, he along with members of his family, ha's In Chicago, Oct. 29 fought continually for freedom." M In his opening words, Governor Among the scores of national Browning said. 'These of us who leaders scheduled to speak on this believe in freedm given by Al­ occasion are: A T Walden,, At- mighty God and not man, in the lanta, Georgia: Percy Oreen», right to live our own lives and to Jackson. Mississippi; Dr Harry T. Memphis district number i I.eRoy Smith and G Norfleet Al- carry out our hopes, our dream-., It was a great day fur Miss Ella ace earners of the MEMPHIS nager, Penn, Roanoke. Virginia; Attorney I o pictured to the left of I O and our aspirations, have sat idly Mae Ervin, 2247 Cable Strict She WORLD, Ezzell Ervin.- one.___ _ . M Ambroe, ClLirleston, West Others in tin- picture are: Di ■Swlngler is Billie C O'kleberry. by too long and allowed the forces, was the lucky winner of a ban-ini Pictured above are: Mis. Ella Vir»|iuu; Hubm Taylor, Houston, C. C. Cox, who is’openlng the Cen­ assistant editor of the Memphit sinister and damnable, to enslave at groceries presented by the Un­ Mar Ervin, winner, and holding Texas; John McCrary, Columbus, tral Prescription laboratory, 2501 World the spirits and souls of mankind ion Protective Assurance company the basket; to the left, W. W South Carolina; Dr. Marshall Park Avenue, East Memphis; Eal Union Protective only recentli by telling their stores, .to the world During the three day sessioiTbf the Butler, director of agencies L 0 Shepherd, Philadelphia Penniyi- Memphis district offin worker opened up a new district office ii repeatedly. Hence, the decision Colored Trl-Slate Fair, a"guess Swinglcr, editor of Memphis World, vanla; Councilman Jean Murreil Mesdames: Bernice Woods. Ethel i Orange Mound, and presently i> was made to talk back to those se­ the amount of money in a jar" checking the lucky guess card, to Capers, Cleveland, Ohio; Attorney Harris, B M Slone, Mattle Bar­ i located on Paik Avenue in Hie ducers of truth, to defy those who contest was featured by- the -com­ Miss Ervin's fight, D H Hancock, Alexander P. Tuteand, New Or- ton, Lavonia Jones and Miss Chris­ louartecs of Central Prescription want to put mankind’s spirits in pany'. The jar held $49 94 Miss president of Greater Memphis leans Louisiana; Dr. John M Ro­ tine Cox Messieurs: Otis Johnson, Shop No 2 o( which Dr Cox is slavery and to tell the world that Ervin guessed $49.95 Miss Ervin Agency Force; and to the extreme| binson, Little Rock, Arkansas; Wil­ Ernest Cunningham, Onis Horne, \manager. • there is a cause of freedom among is a sister of one of Orange Mound's right, T.L Spencer, district ms-1 liam Lonsome, Charleston, West in whose ranks America bf- Virginia. longs." Repre antatlve Cornea! A. Davta, Retired Teachers ch»irman*of theTxecuUv» commit­ At the official launching of the tee and Miss M. Earnestlne B ee, Crusade for Freedom Drive last All-Stars To Council To Meet secretary,Wave completed plans for Tuesday, more than 2,000 heard * “* - - I— -■ a one Uiousand automobile pa­ Govrmor Browning the keynote address of Governor Wed. At The YMCA W L DAWSON rade; after testimonial, a public Browning, and as many signatures BY JIMMY GENTRY reception and many other social were - placed on the Freedom CHICAGO - On October 29111, activities for the national laaders. Schools, accompanied by cash con­ Play Memphis, Sunday Oct. 22nd Negro leaders from all over America Members of Hie advisory com- tributions. will .come to Chicago to how Re mittee-arc Mart; M. White, Maud» Baseball fan« of Memphis and pre-entative WILLIAM L. DAW- Dennis, Trudie T^lmm and Flo Seated on Ute platform with the SON for the splendid work he Is.Clements. Robert H. Miller Is Di­ • the Tri-State area will have a governor were: President Davis, ttoing for his people ip all parts of rector of Public Relation in the lit who represented the speaker. Lt. chance to .ree the greatest basebail the country principally in the Congressional District. Mrs. Helen Leslie E. Jett, general chairman attraction of all times, Sunday, Chicago Woman Minister South. Mr Dawson, according, to K Hall, State Central Committee of the Crusade for Freedom Drive, , October 22nd, when Jackie Robin- Southern leaders is most useful in woman is chairman of the filter - Robert A. Everett, administrative son and his All Stars, with Larry helping Negroes to use effectively talnment Committee; Dewey Brook» assistant to the governor, John W i Doby, the Cleveland Indians gieut Jheir voting strength. He' has help chairman of the Parade Commit­ Quinn, Jr , George Wilson of Har­ Wins Suit In Mob Case center fielder, with that great bat­ ed many white leaders to under­ tee; Robert Cross, chairman of th» ris Tennessee, R. F. Aden of Pari», tery Campanella of the Brooklyn stands the aspirations of Negroe- Program Committee; Dr. Jay J. Tennessee Prof. Merle R. Eppse, Dodgers; plus the famous Indiana­ and their desire to enjov everything Peters, chairman of the Arrange­ chairman of the college oommit» polis Clowns, featuring King Tut CHICAGO, Illinois-Rev. Clarice ad in her favor for 25,000 00 u a that American Democracy stand- ments Committee; Edward H Mc- tee, and Dr. H. F. Mells and Prof. as the world t greatest baseball co­ Moore, pastor of All Nations Holi­ result Of injuries sustained by her for. Through Congressman Daw­ Cree, chairman of the Publicity 0. W. Crump, committee mem­ median. ness church, 3622 South Dearborn in a riot on August 17, 1947. son’s close cooperation yvithi At Committee and Lawrence P. Davta, bers. Others members Include: Dr History was made when Jackie Street, Chicago, Illinois struck a The suit was filed in the Circuit torney General McOrath Presi­ chairman of the Young Democrats. Elsie M. Lewis, Miss Mazie O Robinson was signed by the Brook­ blow at mob violence last week, Court by Ulysses 8. Keys, attorney dent Truman and other law en­ Other member, of the committee Tyson, and Mr. Grady 8herrell lyn Dodgers, and that same Jackie when ah all-white jury of nine wo­ for Rev. Moore. Robinson will go down in history forcement-officers, lynching is vir­ are: Commissioner Kenneth I. men and three men returned a ver­ as one of the greatest players ol tually wiped out Quietly and tact­ Campbell, Senator Christopher C. » The case, which was heard in the dict against the City of Chicago all time-' Jackie Rblnsoii. uho-c fully, Dawson has opened doors for Wimbisli, Attorney James D. Race Naval Officer court room of Judge Ja.xib Merrill .pectacular exploits with the Dod­ Hie Negro throughout the nation. Crosson, Fred P Wall, Leroy D. Berkowitz was based on the ai)ti- The huge Testimonial will be held King, Clarence smith, William Will Seek Boys Here :ynch law passed by the Illuioli. gers opened the way for talented Negroes to play in the Major lea­ at tire Mammoth Corpus Christ Barnett, James Quisenberry, John Lay Plans For l^gt-lature providing that if any For Service Careers gue. He has already Joined the e- Auditorium, 4600 South Parkway Harris. J. D Jones, Jackie Mc­ person Is injured by a collection of MRS. E A. PERKINS i lect list of baseball immortals. The Sunday, October 29, 1950 at 3:00 P. Neal and Sanford 0 Neal. | people numbering five or more in When tile Retired Teachers The opportunity of a lifetime, if Orange Mound ! holder of practically every dia­ Prof Mere! E. Eppse their attempt to regulate or correct Council holds i its meeting Hits you are a high school senior i or mond honor: Robinson hit the peak Shown here are two key figures ! this action can recover from the Wednesday afternoon. October in the launchbig of the "Crusade graduate, a good studen', and can Nursery Bowl I of his career last year, wnen he city or county for ar.y d»ma|es lath al Lauderdale Branch YMCA Nobel Prize-Oslo Visit Planned for Freedom" on Tennessee State: meet the high physical require- was voted the most valuable play - . done to his person or property In an it Will be celebrating its fir«,: year pnniDus lust week Thpv in- merits, to compete for one of the The Orange Mound Civic and j er ol the year, after winning the SSfiSE.'MS. B„:U. Jg* «• “ amount up to $10,000.00 as an organisation The club was The awarding pl the Nobel Peace to thirty. Further detail» may be 1 batting championship and leading Prize to Dr Ralph Bunche of the obtained from Travel and Study, luncheon at the fieldhouse of Rev Moore testified that on Au-1 [he colorful Dodgers in the World (ornu-d by enterpri-lng Mrs. E A who is seen speaking before the scholarships. If you are successful, United Nations Is doubly important Inc., 110 East 57th Street, New Orange Mound Park, recently. Miss Perkins, of 1415 Rozelle, who felt entire student body and faculty; you may attend one of the 52 gust 17, she left her church will, yerie5 as it simultaneously honors for the York, 22 Gloria Brannon, last year's queen that such an organization would and Prof. M. E. Eppse. director NROTC colleges for four years. her husband Rev Butler Moore, Newcombe and Campanella form first time an outstanding Negro of the Nursery Bowl Class'"-» was serve t o give teachers retiring and her assistant pastor Rev. 8 the strongest battery in the lea- educator and a active Secretariat | of the division of history and Captain Dennis Nelson, U. S. -guest’Of.'honor by proxy. from classroom duties an oppor­ Southern and two missionaries, to ^ue, and ¡t is doubtful whether member of the International Peace geography Navy, will be in Memphis, Tuesday tunity to render public service. President Robert Wright, al- go to Harvey Illinois vhere Itev will sell the pall Organization. No member of the. Tennessee State A and 1 college and Wednesday. October 17 and 18, The Retired Teachers Council i though ill, came to the luncheon Southern lives She-said that at IK' for n million dollars. Dm won defunct League of Nations Secre-1 had as its speaker to launch the in interest of Negro high school meets monthly is becoming better , and gave the keynote address. 1 rd and Halsted Street three or four nineteen games and Campanella tariat has ever received this award Crusade for Freedom Drive, Go­ students in the Naval Reserve known as 19> members projei’J Wright, in his address; lauded the hundred people were milling . im thirty one home runs oif of Na- With this in mind, Travel and j vernor Gortton Browning In the themselves into various communi­ Officers Training Corps. several business and labor organ­ around all over the streets with tional League pitching, Study, Inc. An Organization for | introduction of the president of the ty activities. Last summer the izations who have pledged their Study Abroad, in New York City, college, Prof. Merle E. Eppse. di­ Captain Nelson will visit a num­ stick.« and stones in their hands Larry Doby is considered one ol , assistance in making the third an- counci, sponsored a picnic at has arranged to provide an oppor­ rector of the division ot history ber of high schools and LeMovne and uttering threats to colored mo« the best young outfielders Hi th ?i Orange Mound Park, and had a . nual Nursery Bowl the most out­ tunity for friends fo peace and of and geography, said, "I am happy college, while in Memphis His torists. She said Uiat more than standing. Among the cooperating game today With hi- speed of i number of special guests present, the United Nations everywhere, for to present a freg president of a headquarters will be at the Mem­ j fifty police officers were directing organizations are: the Union Pro­ foot, and his powerful throwing i Wednesday’s meeting will be be- American civic leaders, and for phis Urban League. 546 Beale Ave­ | traffic and preventing persons free school, in a free state, who will arm, and his battbig needs no in- j tween 1 and 4 p. m. the numerous friends and admir- tective Assurance Company, Paul's I from going through the crowd. The present His Excellency, a free go­ nue. Tailoring Company, Cash Oro- treduction. Fans are yet ogling ers nf Dr Ralph Bunche to be j automobile in which she was rid­ vernor, President Walter S. Da­ Applications for scholarships to' eery andI Sundry Store. Firestone about the two terrific drive.- he hi'., present at the ceremonial pre-en- ing was directed by the police tc vta." NROTC colleges must be submitt­ C I O Local, international Har- one in the YankeF Stadium, and tation of the Peace Prize go West on 103rd Street They President Davis introducing Go­ ed before November 18 High school vester C I O Local one in Griffin Stadium in D C Lauds Navy Secy. A special group organized by Tra­ went west to 107th Street and Vin- ...... __ vernor Browning, spoke of him as graduates may contact the nearest Mrs. Fans will have a chance to see vel and Study will leave New York Present at the meeting was cennes Avenue when another mob t|lfse htars action, Sunoav, being especially qualified to launch Navy Recruiting Station or the and at by air on December 7 for the cap­ AM;Shepherd, manager numbeng-about 75 to 100 white Martln stadium. the “Crusade for Freedom Drive" Memphis Urban League for further board member of, the -Orange ital of Ntrway. On December 10 people attacked with stick» and For Lifting in Oslo the group will witness the at Tennessee State, because as an information. Mound Nursery Bowl; D. H. Han­ stones. cock. Union Protective Assurance presentation of the P.’ace Prize to Company, who explained to the Rev. Moore testified that one of,Two Guilty Two Not Dr Bunche, which this year is the stones struck her in theth. eyeeve , ------Z valued at 231,000 They will also club the financial services his ATLANTA, Georgia - (SNS) New Death Dates Set and as a result of the b’oW, she Color Ban attend various other ceremonies company is now giving . and fu- Two of four persons placed on ture services it Is planning for the was deprived of the sight of he« tri'arVth^cowii^m *7 Fulton connected with the Fiftieth An­ NEW YORK — Secretary of the niversary of the Nobel Foundation. citizens of Memphis. eyetye and it was later removed. ¡CriminalCriminal Judge John 8. McClelland Navy Francis P. Matthews was MIS8 SaTTIE HOPKINS For Martinsville Seven Club members present Included The suit which was filed was the week were convicted on char- On or about December $ the commended by the Board of Di­ ¿roup wHl go to Sweden where spe­ Elder Victor H Williams. Rich­ second victory against the city for ggS growing mit of alleged viola­ Manassas High School Tigers, M rectors of the National Association cial programs have been arranged ard Cash,. Ezra Ford. Archie mob violence in Chicago In thirty' tions of the State Liquor Act 'or the Advancement of Colored an inspiration to turn back Merry RICHMOND. Va.— (ANP1— The presentr____ ) ______cases are concerned .1 there for them by private and govern­ .Jones, s A Bradley, Cecil D years In 1949 Attorney Keys re- in the arraignment William Ba- ’enple for prompt action in elimi­ High School gridders on the losing Martinsville Seven, Negroes sen­ is no evidence of any such discri-' mental institutions. There will be Goodlow. W N Van Lee. E covered-«-judgment of $2.000.00 in 1 ker and William Ramsey were nating a discriminatory practice end of their encounter this Friday tenced to death’ for the rape of a mlnatlon in fact. The records show- a special visit and reception to Howard, Rudolph L . Johnson; favor of Kenneth Kennedy for in-1 judged guilty John Vaugh and J b-werd the US8 Missouri following evening, October 20th, selected white girt, were denied a writ of careful examination of the jurors ^ear Countess Folke Bernadotte i Mesdames Josephine Winbush, juries sustained at the Airport P Warner were freed of the mis­ beautiful Hattie Hopkins, 11th habeas corpus here last week by ..and an exclusion of any one who ’Ilina of a complaint bv Dr? W. ' The stay in Sweden coincides with Margaret Goodlow, Corrlne New­ Home at 660th Street Chicago. demeanor charge renowned°Ludii TtoSdta- 0 prader, as their Homecoming Judge M. Ray Doubles. would in any way be said to have ton, Stella Johnson, John E Beck. commended Dr Cobb 'nr challeng- Queen. Judge Doubles further ordered a been disqualified in any respect. |Vian pre-Christmas Festival. Ar- Lessie O Bonnon, Carrie Shields. 'ng Hog discrimination. pew date of execution be set for “The exemplary manner in which Althea Pyles, E Howard. William , rangements are also made for the In rear» past die Manassa» Ti­ The n"o)utions or commendation the seven men. Their attorney the trial judge presided over and1 Wright; Misses Wflletta Springer, participants to discuss current eco­ gers have reigned supreme in prep Supreme Court Upholds vere pasred at the regulai month­ Martin A. Martin, said he will de­ supervised the conduct of the cases1 Dorothy Ewell. Chlmmie__ Bo.dey, nomic, political and cultural prob­ lootball circles from Bristol, in s' board meeting on October 9 after cide whether or not to appeal the is above criticism of any sort and and Lena Wrgiht. Others present lem« wlth'YFsponslble leaders and East Tennessee, to the foot Or. Cobb: u member of the board, decision after he reads the Judge's could well serve as a model for were: Bridget Pyles, Sampson Al­ experts in the countries visited. muddy Mississippi. This reported his experiences as a guest elght-page opinion trial judges throughout the com­ len, Theatrice T Bailey, and Ro­ Negroes In School Case After leaving Sweden, the group team is composed of nt Hoe Naw on the 1950 midship­ will spend a few days in Paris, re­ ------In taking this action. Judge monwealth.* bert Wright. youngsters, but they are , ■-______man’s cruise aboard the Missouri turning to New_York about De­ Attorney for the Martinsville WASHINGTON—(A’ N P)-The a decision by the Maryland Court ing in the traditional Doubles prated the conduct of Ariivina at Halifax, Canada. Dr cember 21 The'cost will be 2850. Seven argued that in Virginia | U. 8. Supreme court last week in of Appeals ordering the school to spirit of Manassas, nor the original trial. He said: Young Medio Plan Cobb reported, he found that spe­ and there will be optional exten- 1 its first session gave its approval admit Miss Esther McCready to its lost their sense of loveliness "The contention of the petition­ courts used a different code of cial arrangement« had been made (sion of the trip over the Christ- i To Open New Clinic ! to tne attendance of Negroes at nursing school. it comes to selecting a homecom­ er» necessarily rest» upon an u- principles in judging Negroes and for the entertainment of Negro per- ’ mas and‘ *New— ------Year holidays —The white universities in the South by ing queen One look at this at­ sumption that juries in Virginia whites in chargy of rape They Dr. W 0. Speight, Jr., left sonnel and that instead of being number of participants is limited tractive junior tass will convincs discriminate agMnit Negroes be­ noted that state records'show on­ Sunday, October 8. for Chicago. refusing to hear appeals in the In rejecting the Maryland case invited to attend the officers’ ball the most critical that the Tigan cause of their race in fixing the ly one white has been sentenced to' While in the “ Windy City," Dr | cases of Texas and Maryland. the court made it possible for Miss along with other guests, an attempt wired the Navy Department, re­ will "have something there” wtM punishment for rape, and that death for rape, and none had ever Speieht will take a post graduate The high court refused to hear a McCready to continue her study at was made to turn him over to a j new Texas appeal of the Herman counting the Incident and declaring they meet the strong Merry Rgl courts participate in such discri­ been executed. courie in eye surgery at the Chica­ the white school without the fear local Negro for entertainment ip his intention of leaving the ship ' Eleven Friday night at MkW mination by Instrwrting jurie» that On tre other hand, the plain­ go Eye, Nose and Throat College Sweatt case which resulted in Ne­ of being put out at any moment accordance with pre-arrangements immediately upon return to New the death pmalty lie given, and in tiff» claimed, 53 Negroes have groes enrolling in the University She had been admitted to the (by officers______of ______the ship as listed in I Stadium. w i and Hospital. York. In response Secretary Mat­ been sentenced to death for rapei Dr Speight, Jr., andTSr. A. L. of Texas this fall. school Sept. 5 without fanfare an official memorandum, 1 The two teams are long-time ri refusing to set aside verdicta of thews expressed "regreta for the un- ‘ the death penalty. . since 18« In Virginia, and 46 havei Johnson are planning to open a It also refused to hear an appeal to remain there pending action by Declining to participate in this i vals and scrap with ancient van I geance, •Insofar as IM Jurie» in the been executed. pew clinlo'at 2r4 Vance Avenue. by the University of Maryland oil action by the Supreae court. Jim Crow arrangement, Dr. Cobb (Ctttinwd On Page Six) * ¿ as . • . J 4 MEMPHii viuiui « I ue*day, October 17,1950 SOUTH KOREANS ON ,,a, iv j»«. U.S. FORCES ÏÏM Two Women Convicted Request Dismissal HOLLYWOOD r-tANP)- "Why should I feel diseoutajad7” begins the hymn which Ethel Water sings in the closing -cene of The Member of the Wedding" her cur­ On Lottery Charges Of Race Test Case rent Broadway hit. Foi more than 3U performances, ATLANTA. Georgia - iSNSl —I identified as clerks who were al­ WASHINGTON - (8 N S> —The Pennsylvania and Seaboard. she's been asking that question of Tw'o Atlanta women, accused of legedly at work in a full-scale Interstate Commerce commission Mrs. Perez said that when the Empire theater audiences - and giving aid to the operation of a office downstairs drawing room. was asked yesterday by two rail­ train reached Virginia she was forc­ no one has yet felt it necessary to lottery in connection with the Ju­ Book' tickets and receipts show­ roads to diyniss a test case, involv- ed to give up Rier reserved coach answer ly 27 numbers raid on the old Ti- ing sweral hundred dollars for a *• discrimination because of ra- seat and transfer to a Jim Crow Di couraged? Out of the question. ,r'_1 ger Flowers' 20-room mansion on single day were put on exhibition clal segregation seat She also charged-that Negro On the year of her 33rd anniver­ ,‘r, i Simpscn road, were convicted it' in the court arraignment as the The Seaboard Air Line and the passengers were forced to make a sary in show business. Ethel Waters Fulton Criminal Court la-t week prosecutor preented his case Pennsylvania railroads charged change of trains at Wildwood, Fla., is a greater start than ever before. ■. and each sentences 12 months in against the defendants. that, the complaiht had been filed not required of white travelers on Successful as song-piugger, night -dJail. Attorney Carpenter based his oo iate tvl[h the ICC to be con­ the Meteor club entertainer, and stage and They were docketed as Mis es defense on the contention that the sidered Mrs Perez asked the IOC to is­ screen actress, she's, now preparing Mrs Lillie Belle Perez, of New Ethel Bell, of 105 Talliaferro St., arresting officers made unlawful sue a general order forbidding ra­ Co celebrate her 50th birthday by York City, filed the complaint with N W. and Venice Clemons, of 74 search' a fid seizure iif the exhibits cial segregation on intrastate opening in her own television -how, the commission in, August of \a>t [ trains. She noted that she has al­ Crumley Street, S E effereo a< evidence in the trial. “Beulah," wnieh can be seen Tues­ year She said that she wa- sub- ready filed suit against tire two Attorney faul-Carpenter, coun­ He »aid .the officer had no war­ days over the American Broadcast­ Cited to discrimination and humi- railrtTads for $100.000 damages sel for the defendants announced rant to search the residence, lienee ing Company's TV network Uon on a trip from New York The railroads said that the com- that he would appeal the case to the evidence submitted was not le­ In “Beulah," Miss Waters' new­ City to Tampa. Fla , on the Silver i plaints came more than two years' a higher court Roth women we- gal, Carpenter charged. est role, following her succes* as Meteor The train is operated by ■ after the events released on $1.000 appeal bonds The defense attorney challenged the kindhearted cookr Betmce, in posted by the Atlanta Bonam, the judge's ruling and said his The Member of the Wedding." Company. clients should not be sentenced 12 will be that of housekeeper in the Tlie criminal arraignment ul months In the absence of a pre­ home of the Hendersons -- Harry Returns $5,000 Verdict three other persons—Robert Lee vious criminal record Neither de­ (William Post. Jr.i, Alice (Ginger Taylor, Mrs Ophelia Jones and fendant had been arrested before. Jonesi, and the Henderson boy, William Eason—wa- postponed un­ Carpenter pointed "out. Donnie, who will be played by 11- In Mob Violence Case til further notice. They were at Judve McClelland _ declined to year-old Clifford Sales, late of the liberty under a $1.000 bond each lessen the penalty'“The evidence.”^ Broadway cast of "Annie Get Your Judge McClelland said, “shows that O FROM EVERY SECTION of South Korea came this long line of natives, eager to bring quick defeat to the Com. pending a trial hearing as com- CHICAGO*ANP.~ An all-white i The incident occurred during the . Gum ”, circuit court jury returned a $5000 ; outbreak of violence which followed munists forces north of the 38th Parallel. After reaching Seoul, the capital city, they are escorted by an Amer, panion accusants with the J.WO the two were operating a lottery Every day, except for matineet convicted women. ___ ..... damages verdict here last week in I the moving of eight Negro veterans ican lieutenant to the nearest processing station for integration in the U. S. 7th Division. (International) lu-adquarters and we give those of- Wednesdays, Miss Waters journeys Defense Attorney Paul Carpen- favor of the Rev Clarice Moore, I in the Fernwodd Veterans .Housing lenders 12 months straight.” pastor of All Nations Holiness I project The rioting continued for up to the Bronx, to the Becford (pr waivP(j a jury jj-jai Mid ar- "Is that a rule of law?” Attor­ church for the loss of her eye in many days Park Film studios, where Beulah gl|f^ h|g faep before Judge Raiph ney Car|)enter queried. 'August, 1947. a> a result of mob is being filmed by Pictorial Produc ygeClel’and "No,” the judge said, “It is un­ The current suit is the second Virginia Medical Group Fails tions, Inc. violence. ___ written law or custom in dealing to be decided in favor of a Neuro Starting with the premiere of the | Broadus Zellars, state prosecu- with lottery operators. We give The case, filed by Atty. Ulysses citizen-victim of mob violence in “Beulah” telecasts, October will be tor, outlined the ca-e which he writers -four months, pick up men S Keys, was based on the anti­ Chicago in the last 30 yeors. In quite a month for Miss Waters. said grew out of a daylight raid eight and bankers and lottery big lynch law passed by the Illinois 1949 Atty. Keys won a judgement On Oct. 31, Doubleday and com- on the residence once owned bv shots 12 months, straight," he legislature, which provides that: if ’$2.000 in favor of Kenneth Ken­ To Open Doors To Negroes i pany will publish ^er biography, the' Georgia middleweight boxing 1 pointed out. “If any person is injured by a col­ nedy for injuries sustained at the titled, after her hymn in “The champion. Attorney Carpenter said his re­ lection of people numbering two or Airport Homes project Member Of The Wedding" •- "His Arre-ting officers testified the course would lead to a higher court, more, in their attempt to regulate ROANOKE, Va - '(8NS1- Des­ Eye Is On The Sparrow The two women were apprehended at the Supreme Court if necessary, or correct this action (lynching), The city indicated it would ap- pite an urgent plea by its new pre-1 1048 he iaid. can recover from the city or county P*al the Moore case*. There are sident. the Medical society of Vir- j publication date will be Ethel's the old mansion located at 30 or more similar suits awaiting birthday. for any damages done to his per* gintn refused ye-terday to open the j GREETING AMBASSADOR O'DWYER son or property in an amount up trial. organization',^ ranks to Negroes 1 FROM THE CARNIVAL TO CARNEGIE to $10,000' The society's House of Delegates Bom in Chester. Penna , on Revoke Gilbert Sentence Rev Moore testified that on Au­ voted 55-30 to admit Negroes. How­ first gust 17, 1947, site left her church ever, amendments to the organlza- Oct. 31, 1900, Miss Waters with her husbond, Rev Butler Tries To Quell toin's cohsttiution require a two stage appearance was in IBalti- Moore; Rev Sampson Southern as­ thirds majority. more, when she was 17. True, the Requests NAACP Official sistant patsor; and two missionaries The group did adopt, however, a beginning was humble, in keeping to go to Harvey, Ill Al 103rd and with- the traditions ol show bud- resolution, permitting Negro phy- ■ WASHINGTON, - A request we urge that the’Department of Halsted streets, they came upon Feeling Over ■ sicians to attend “all regularly sche­ ncss As she puts it, “1 came from that the death sentence imposed the Aeray Immediately, announce “some 300 or 400 people" milling duled. scientific sessions." The au­ carnival to Carnegie." where she upbn Lieut. Leon Gilbert of the that he'will not be executed " around with stones' and sticks in thor fo the compromise was Dr has given concerts. I 24th Infantry In Korea be revoked <1 their hands and threaetning color­ I John T. T Hundley of Lynchburg, Then came years in The charges against Lieut. Gil- ed motorists was made this week of Secretary ol Prison System the scoiety's president-elect Alley, plugging songs. ("They call­ belt, the NAACP official noted She said more |than 50 police • I the Army Frank Pace. .Jr., by The Hundley resolution directed ed me Sweet Mama .String Bean "appear to be bused on th« same officers were directing traffic The i Clarence Mitchell, director ot the MONTGOMERY. Ala—* INS) - that the members of the Old Do­ in tho'e days I only weighed 89 factor« thut cause, armies to re­ automobile in which she was riding1 Washington Bureau of the National Alabama Prison Director Frank minion Medical Society, the state pounds!") Night clubs followed. treat wiTFi honor.’ Noting that the was routed west by the police. At Association ^ the Advancement 107th and Vincennes-another mob Boswell declared yesterday he organization for Negro doctors, be and Negro theaters . years of Association jja^recelved reports of invited to submit articies to the j of Colored. People, - , experience that gave her solid prejudice again11 N(gro servicemen of about 75 to 100 people attacked knew of no cause for the people Virginia Medical monthly "for pub-! i "Tlie news of the death their autombile with stones and | of Alabama to bo ashamed of their training as a trouper sen- in Korea and of accidental bomb­ licatlon if and as merited," rence.” Mr. Milchell wrote Secre­ sticks One of the stones, according prison system and charged that By 1927. she was readyt ings ol (he 24tli Infantry by our Dr Hundley opined that imme­ tary Pace, “was a severe shock to to minister struck her in the eye As the book “Scottsboro Boy" was Broadway, and Broadway own planes, Mi Mitchell asked diate steps to admit Negroes to the i colored people throughout tile a result of the blow she lost her Communist-inspired waiting for her She first appear­ “that the influence of these factors organization would be "impractical" j United States, especially when we sight in that eye and it wasJater for "social- and political as well as | ed there, in Daly's theater, in on Lieut. Gilbert and other ser- "Boswell’s -statement followed an "Africana." Two years later, cam“, have received so much information ! vlcemen be carei’.illy studied .... removed. medical reasons” extemporaneous speech by Gover­ r , her first motion picture. "On. With on the valiant record of lie 24th I hat a full inquiry be made . . to Eailier tbe organization's new nor-nominale Gordon Persons at The Show.” Ethei Water.-, was on Infantry Regimental Combal see that lie is not made the victim . TusealotKii hi which'Persons .-aid president Dr C Lydon Harrell, de- her way up. ... Team." of .unfair accusations and hasty ghe book paint a true picture of elated t|iat Negro doctors "are an- Musical comedies, revue.< movies I Citing Lieut Gilbert's excellent trial procedures ... and that he i penal condition’s xióus *to“ join our local1 ' 'and“J '"state followed almost pell-mell, and record in World War JI. Mr hall have every, opportunity to be societies which will make them. Motchell asserted: "To give him The prison director, who . term- ■ eligible to membership their titles add up to rich theater­ represented by adequate counsel.” „— ____ ,_____p in the I the Army; immediately announce cd "Sdotlsboro Boy” Heywood Pat.i¡American Medical association.” He going memdrie.s Robert I, Carter, NAACP aasls- . person iMir of the worst criminals I added: . combat record is .-o fantastic that 'added : . The stage shows? "Blackbirds- ol taut s|)ecW counsel, has been in 1 cijffh d in an Alabama pris- "I feel that they are jii’tifled in 1930” “Rhapsody In Black” . p -4- I . . touch will) Lii'ut Gilbert iukI has — reqmated a ¡cop; of ins trial re- fl , on.." >aid he was bucked "100 per their ambition and. request. As a "As Thou-ands Cheer ' Then there cord so that the As-ociation may1® • cent by the_ Communist Party " public measure we need more Ne­ was "At Homo Abroad.' And the moving theater, too, with such gro -physicians arid we need to keep two-year hit of the early 1940 s, film« as "Tales of Manhattan,' study tlie ca.-e more carefully. He added nTiat he was amazed them better trained ata'. they "Cabin In The Sky ” "Cairo,” "Cabin In The Sky,” that Persons dignified him «Pat­ start to practicing medicine." Tlie Empire theater seems to "Stage Dcor Canteen" and her terson) by referring to the book ■bear a charm for Miss Waters. In latest, much-talked of "'Pinky.” The Allen Hotel the' That record is a curious, silent “In this book. ‘Scottsboro Boy.' 1939, she helped earn New and Grill commentary on her confession. “1 there b lie after lie printed, and York Drama Crlics’ award for | •“Mamba's Daughters" have no acting technioue. 1 act One of Kentucky'« FYneat Hotels I was oping Heywood Patterson 35 Rounded Up SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Acheson congratulates the new and 10 years instinctively." But then, she Cases HATT;: SingleSingle .. gtJg was a dead laste in Alabama and bassador to Mexico. William O'Dwyer (right)., just after New York's i later, she duplicatea that beat DAILY DoubleDouble .. |3.W certainly hoped that he would when the newspapermen again the ikepticbm pf her listener by former mayor was sworn in at the State Department in Washington. 2516 W. MADISON STREET never again put his foot in Alai picked as tops the current Waters adding. "That's why I can't, play Looking on approvingly is Mrs. O'Dwyer. (International Soundphoto) LOUISVILLE 11, KENTUCKY bama " After Labor -triumph. "Member Of The Wed- ■ any role that ¡art baseo on some­ ^-ding." thing in my life. Boswell said he Is proud of the CRITICS ALWAYS To hear her talk, that "persua- Alabama prison system He admit­ REMEMBER HER I sive voice" of hers is just an audi­ ted that "there is a lot that can Disturbance Negro Farmers On March But that's long been the way tory illusion, too “I'm a delineator ■be "atr-cmplished." but added: with the critics They're accus­ of songs who doesn't know one note tomed to falling under the famous | from another," she claims. "It will take finances which tbe SAVANNAfr. Gr -(INS)- Sav- Waters spell Typical of their com­ "But the songs that she has in­ department does not . have at pre­ annah police rounded up 35 strikers For Better Living troduced and popularized sound sent at a lumber mill yesterday after ments on her appearance have I like an all-time hit parade: "Stormy the shotrun ambushing of 17 men , been these: Weather." "Having A Heat Wave," on their way to work at the plant When it comes to balanced farm- program shows that he raises a Bfooks Atkin'on in the New York i “Miss Otis Regrets" Am I Blue, Detective Chief John C McCar­ ing and conserving his soil. Jack |I variety of produces , cattle, hogs. Times: "She ought to receive a turkeys, sweetpotatoes, watermelons.’ Congressional Medal by I “Dinah," "St. Louis Blues," "Tak- thy blamed United Mine, Mill and Crump of Lloyd. Fla. has the an­ way of MAXri Hail MOOT» I ing a Chance On Love' and "Cabin Smelter Workers pickets lor the swers. says a report received last cabbage, turnips, onions, and other award ” The Herald-Tribune: One and ttmaoui attack just outside the pant of week by the U. S. Department of truck crops. He'stopped growing of the great women of the Ameri­ In The Sky LARGÌ SIU Agriculture from the Florida State cotton in 1943 "I figure cottou takes can stage " Robert Colemamdn the Pei haps her ttcce s in every ma­ the Reynolds and Manley Lum­ / ber Company Extension Service too much labor and it's card on my Mirrow: "When she sings, with jor field of entertainment ac­ Frank Smith, a Deputy Sheriff Mr. Crump, a $15.000-a-year live­ land." says Mr Crump rolling eyes, with persuasive voice, counts for Miss Waters' serene riding in a truck with the laborers stock. poultry, and truck crop farm­ Mr. and Mrs Crump started out there is magic in the theater. ” ' self-confidence or perhaps 0THE1 sizn said he fired twice at the as­ er, counts on no single crop for his . as tenants on his father's farm She has brought "magic" into the her self-confidence explains her 15‘ 25‘ 45' sailants, who used "a number of income Al the same time, he keeps hortlv after his return from World succev shotguns loaded with light shot." an eye on the conservation of his War I. At first, he was afraid to venture away from home because according to McCarthy None of land, says the report. Two years ago. to keep my corn yield up." says of his health Poison gas had taken the attested was wounded he was named Florida’s champion Mr. Crump of the winter legume Teri of the men were treated at one of his lungs during the war. colored conservation fanner. that Is becoming increasingly popu­ COLORHAIR However, by 1924. he felt suffi­ , the Georgia infirmary and released, A look at Mr Crump's cropping lar in the South. He boasts of bahia i but police said that one of them ciently strong to go into farming on i a somewhat larger scale. Scraping ' grass, carpet, bermuda, and love Lorento Fulk may lose an eye JET BLACK! ( Dincmc ar together their earnings in the fall c . .!’) "T- • _ Knew i*< ior \ McCarthy vaid the men round-* "Kill Me Kata" group down to the ones that fired from two bales of cotton, five hogs. ( „.A"nr 'JS? . £?fnt RwA M »loth T»nithr- ed Up by police will not be re­ the guns " civ Koort of r-ottio thov cnM Hartsfisld conducts a tour on Mr. 11 tout hair a dull, tided, etreaked. pay or d» and six head of cattle they sold. | Dixie Peach leased "until the mess is cleared Lumber company officials re­ C rump’s farm so that farmers thru- colored and » cauun you Io tote out in to»* the Crumps paid $722 down on a packed in up ” He said questioning will con­ dispute that has involved nearly out Leon county may observe how 160-acre farm that cost them $2,950 INI, NEWS: Now, foe only 6Oc plus tax, you tinue in an effort to “narrow the 100 workers at the plant i he has solved his problem of diver­ can tet the tenune »LACK STRAND Jet Black sanitary Two years later, they paid out. GLAMOUR sification and soil conservation. Hair Coloring from your dniggnt. See how easy glass Over a 20 year period. Mr and i it w to apply ... tee how the very lint applica- RAGE HOT While most of his farm Is devot­ BEGINS TO BRING Mrs Crump and their two children t** cok’" yo« hair wnooth, fallible at brought them close to $15.000. “We Colonnt (or only 6Oc pine your fwtrltl stock enterprise.' taa. from your drutmt If you are building up this farm for our dual (know the joyJ jut black five and dima Today; they own 440 acres near children," says Mr Crump. They hair ‘by t.xneht'' you (et iMdnt your money badr cheetlully, Tallahassee By following good soil exnect their son to take over tlie stori a practices, they have doubled their | farm tn a few years At present, lie BLACK STRAND “SPECIAL INGREDIENT” WORKS com yield, developed Improved pas-1iT,8 veteran*'— instructor------in on-the- I W)AM»...MIM, turea tor thblr 30 head of cattle, 70 farn} Da*1’nig. and their daughter I tort IMOam Irawa—UgM kwu I DIRECTLY ON THE COLOR liogs, and 85turkeys, and increased 'teaches at Florida A and M. Col- CAUTION—um only ee directed. IT1MD rtODIKII MJ in. cmm. |_< IN YOUR SKIN! theirthoir syeetevoat nntotnpotato vtaldyield fromfrnm 300 tnto 780 bushels per acre. District Ex­ Your skincan look shades lighter, tension Agent J. A. Gresham Sai’s I Mr. Crump Is one of the best sweet- ' smoother, softer! For Famous jKtato farmers in the State He at­ ITCHING, BURNING Black and White BleachingCream tributes his high yields to careful is 3 times stronger than before! selection of seed potatoes and to good soil'practices. And its direct bleaching anion In 1948. Mr Crump was named goes right into the layer in your Florida’s champion colored soil con­ J ASK \ BftlrQnaWy PAGE skin where skidcolor is regulated! servation farmer Most of the slopes CHIGNON-Fm like your on his farm are terraced and plow­ V «faunitr length.,.«.!» Yes, Black and White Bleaching F FOR ed on the contour and joli building BUMPS. natural bait n —(blackheads), aenft pimples, eczema, tetter, I Cream's amazing action—a result crops keep his farm production high. I of regular dressing table use as 'There’s nothing like blue lupine1 simple ringworm and ugly broken out skin ex­ GENUINE GutHr k i 4 C I .. UM directed—will help you have ternally caused. Black and White Ointment is I I V-ReO. .IMO shades lighter, smoother, softer soothing and antiseptic .which aids in healing.' » “•WHIT skin. Modern science knows no ATTENTION MENI So why suffer such discomfort any logger with­ tt faster method of lightening skin. No Need For Unruly Hair out help. Why be miserable yourself and tn onlr N minutes Dotlr Dimplfi Costs so little, buy a jar today! »-pay postwar, ou debury. smsilni new FIRMA STRAIT ashamed to- U around others. You can get real rre*m method perm meni I’ «traltht INTMEM ens even tbe shortest hair New wientitr treatment will lain you relief ’ike thousands of other people have! Yes, lone mMth HotoWM imt loin., HÄIR DO FASHIONS Dent COD tor I1.S« blue tovt. begin‘using Black and White Ointment today. BLACK B WHITE Charles DOU.V D1MFLI LAM - 112 St Nichdai Ave. ^NIW YOtK, Il t PO Boi MM. Atlant*. Oa 25c, 60c and 85c aims. Be sure that you buy the For dally skin deantìrtg bo uro Io ^BlERCHIIIG CRERms^ i One fend only Black and White Ointment Joday. um mild Bhd* «nd Whit» SUn Soop. Manassas Newsofficer$ On MemPhis club A'Sta,e Hershey Wants : | MEMPHIS WORLD • Tuaadoy, Octobar 17, 1950 W * 1 a K BoysBuvs and girls,ilris. HomecomingHomecomaiÄ DayDav 1 fl^^11 Savings By Policy Holders Is will on the way. All the happy Society Beacon On hours and good times that we have To Draft ^NEGROES SAVED OVER had’ up to now are but trivtel at­ 4 holders let their premiums get be­ tain wen compared with this gala •»7W MILLION LAST YEAR hind through negligence or be­ tiuit. On Friday, the 20th wc v.il. CHICAGO, HL — The National cause they simply forgot about 18-Year-Olds Negro Insurance Association which the policy, and. upon realizing be host to a group of Visiturs from The Mississippi recently opened it's national office their need for ^urance later on, Jackson, Tennessee, »«presenting I headquarters in Chicago at 4339 took out new policies, not realizing Merry High School from tha, vi­ WASHJNOTCJN—il N Si- The Gayo» Social and club held its annual tea, Sunday, Drexel Boulevard, announced this' that the passage of time demand cinity. The team .from Merry Hi Draft Director Hershey Indicate«* Welfare Club October 1, 4-7 p. m., at the week that the more titan four mil­ ed the payment of a higher pre­ ana Manassa» Hi will engage in yesterday tliat Hie United States YWCA lion Negroes holding policies' mium rate. (me battle which will afford plea­ probably could melt Its goal The Oayvso Social mid Welfare | Table decorations featured the Issued by the fifty-eight member "Life Insurance is the only com sure excitement, and enjoyment for of a three-million-maii armeo club held its regular meeting at clubs colors, maroon and white companies of the Association saved i modlty in these times which does everyone wIki attends, bo lollow force without calling veterans I; the home of its president. Mi».* dahli.'s arranged with fem and 6789558,801 in Insurance during not increase in price unless you the crowd to Manasa, Homecm- the draft age were lowered to per Jewel Jones, 365 South Lauderdale pvy Music throughout the evening 1949 ~' allow your policy to lapse." stated ing Day game mit induction of 18-year-olds. Street, October 4 was given by Mrs Tate, pianist. Murray J Marvin, Executive Di­ Norman O Houston, President of Miss Hattie Hopkins, who was se­ Hostesses for the event were: Mrs Jerry Griffin will he hos­ rector of the association, reports the National Negro Insurance As­ lected queen of her home-roome The selective service chief pH Mesdame»' John L. Grandberry, tess to the club. October 18. a' her that the statistician's figures re­ sociation. "One out ol every twelve class, U-3A, has been chosen by dressed an American Veteran J W Foster. Phillip Cohran, Ir­ 1’ome, 88 North Rembert veal that over »300 million MORE Negroes hi this country lost an the football team to reign thru Committee -luncheon as President ma Maciln. Ruth Garrett, Irene could have been saved if an addi­ average of 8258.10 worth of life Friday a» their queen. Mrs. Othel­ Truman issued orders covering the Gamble ‘and Miss Gertrude Ed­ MYSTERIOVS TWENTY tional million policyholders had insurance last year." lo Shannon, home-room teacher of forthcoming draft of physicians wards. SOCIAL ( I t H 'not permitted their policies to "This year, during -your- this charming young lady, as dentists and hetermarians. Social ^Mrs L E Brown, prominent lapse. pollcy month," continued Mr worked tirelessly during the past Tiie Mysterious Twenty matron of tiie city, Rreeted visitors ♦<*■ ■ Houston, "The seven thousand rep­ Mr. Truman directed tliat 10 1^ • week toward the goal ol hu ir.g her J iote than une hundred were in “It is in the interest of saving resentatives of the fifty-eight mem j contestant crowned '"Mb* Junior" draft classification.» by set up tor this additional three hundred attendance. ber companies of the NNIA have and lo Mrs. Shannon, and Hattie. medical men and instructed loca’ million dollars that 'NATION­ been instructed to see the' more boards to call youngest registrants Mrs 0 Grandberry is president AL aAVE-\JO UJl—POLICY I say, best of luck to you. oi tiie Mysterious Twenty club. than ¿»he million policyholders who MK JOE KNOWS first. MONTH’ ts observed tills year allowed their policies to lapse, to­ To you who think you have seen October," stated Mr. Marvin. gether ...... with ...... the five million..... pulley Hershey lias said that to raise a : some loving, I'm telling you that “J D Grantham, Chairman 'Of holders who are now paying regu- three million man armed force TO BUY OR SELL you haven't seen anything unless The last quarterly conference ,,the national "save-your-policyi larly on their policies, and explain under the present 19 through 25 you saw live football players after was held at Lem Davis Memorial Bnonth" committee, pointed out' to them in detail how they save year draft age limits, the nation HOMES AND LOTS the game Friday night. Perhapa CME church. Felix and Baltimore ; Fthat an analysis of the causes for i themselves money by paying their probably will have to call Worli you .-aw the black grease the play- Ntreet, Bunday, October 15, at 3 Remember more people this tremendous loss through lap- premiums regularly." War II servicemen buck to duty i ers had on their facta and we all p m will recommend: ses is due to the fact that many "As a safeguard’ _ against_ the ______time und tighten up deferment policies know Matlie Cash doesn't play foot policyholders, when they moved, for unemployment." Mr Houston At '.he :amc meeting the Lay-1. Lue 0. Garner 5-0492 failed to forward their new ad- advised, 'we are urging our indus- ball, but she had her share. iNow, The draft Chief told the Vete , men of CME church held their pro- dresses to the home office of their trial policyholders to pay premiums where did she get it from?» Well, runs Committee, however, tha' Yev sir, if you want to buy gramme insurance company. Other policy- in advance." all right. , i - — Club officers of the recently, or- Bessie Thompson, secretary; and such stejis might be unnecessary it t a Home or you hove a Florine, Noel doesn't know it. ganlzed Memphis Club at A and I Ernest Young, dub president, in tiie one million youths who be­ Home for Sale the place to but. she is getting so late. Nick State College. Nashville They are the order named come 18 every year were made eli­ 4500,000 go or call in Shannon, you said you said were o . Charle Carter publicity; Miss gible for tiie draft. Tills would re­ Hershey said lie could not pre­ Ethel Waters Starts New ' cool with Joyce, but I see Vernon quire an amendment of the Draft dict whether it would be possible Lue 0. Garner 5-0492 I [ to meet tiie higher goal without Johnson was a little bit cooler Law by Congress.. 546 GOODWYN INSTITUTE Frank Burford, who won the con­ LeMoyne Announces Its | drafting veterans, even if 18-year- RITLDING , Career In Television test to get tiie most girls after the Hershey indicated tliat lowering ulds were inducted. game? Estes BuBoek. caught a the age limit would make a ■ izeable lovely touch down in the game, but I pool of manpower available to the NEW YORK -Success can sonic no actor, no matter how good, en­ none of ills passes for girl- after military services. He pointed i'll! times be the worst thing in the ters a new acting medium without : Season Film Festival the game were any good. 1 wonder that the rejection rate among 18- world for an actor. some trepidation. “Someiines it's why? Elijali Fleming,, don't you year-olds would be very low, ile- M i Keeps Your easier to stay out of a new field Following enthusiastic resume Ver 24 Rene Clair comedy with get cool because you ran tiie ice­ pendency practically wkiuld be non­ So says Ethel Waters, tiie in­ than to do tiie study and prepar­ to last seasons Festiva'. LeMoyue Allx'rt Prejean » 1927 silent!. * cream nan out of"ttisine, . Foot­ existent and the youths would not domitable star of vaudeville, stage ation it takes to go in!" college anuoun.'i the bookinr of DEAD OF THE NIGHT. Decem­ ball is Emmett Simon's game, but yet have acquired »kills which screen gnd radio who recently- another aerie** of lilms. iuidjcs*-cd to ber 8 With Michael Redgrave, cool lover is Ills new name. E started her TV career with "Beulah' Today, Ethel Waters, is one of a mature audience interested in Mervyn John.,. Google Witchers would not mail them es-entlal for (telecast Tuesdays, 7:30 p. tn EST. Meredith, lake your nose out of tin Other defense duties. the budest figures in , the acting ¡he cinema as an art form Not Admis-ion to these film, will be over ABC-T^r network.! Her role 1 cloud . because you might -tumble profession. She's starring in the usually available to neighburh >- The reservation form al the bottom Air: i Maj'.'l Clt'k footb.til tul because ICU Miss Waters goes cn to say that mestic with a talent for saying icmbei 10 With John Mills, Va­ of thi< article should be sent, along t< hi: triteat Ytung. Minron's wash it, wave it, or dress it in clever things. Then two hours af­ lerie Hob-on. Jean Simmons 7 lie with cash, cheek or money order, ( ,.i .aMr ii.cn!. lu'uu Busituvs any way and it will stay straight, ter I finish being »kitchen queen,! Academy Award Winner !i in la the Film Festival Committee Ler,.!( .1 America, Sunday -School I soft, and rasyln manage. Men, I take on a serious dramatic role! Melrose Holds Cabinet, mid Alpha tiie Alpha fra­ Charles Dlcem Un illin* novel No single admission ticket will be women, children use Pl'.KMA- DO YOU NEED in the theater." ternity; Mattie, Executive Commu­ ITALIAN STRAW IViT, Nov in- sold. S I R ATE-no hot comb needed PTA Meet Wed. te,» I: H's'ii v .■ u.ly Ca b. Tin • ‘.k / , MONEY? Etiiel Waters is startiiig a tele-1 (I.ic >!:<■» ; n Ciii'e editor, anil it cannot burn your skin. II Balloon Notes Refinanced. ■ vision care» r when she might well1 Afternoon, 2 P. M. Student Cou iiil, S mdt.j School PERMA-STRATEiabettertww I be content to sit back and rest on Refinance your Home. The PT A of Milrose high' school Melrose Hurdles Manassas; Cabinet, Spanish Club. History tlitin ever—works faster, easier i her laurels. But she explains it by I saying "I like working hard." will ivilti it monthly ire» tin? oi Study Club; N. C. Porter. Cres­ flj •! to uee, and leaves hair softer. Increase your loan and make cent Club president; William •mailer payments. Wednesday. October 18 In tiie new J < You'll like it-costs only about a Miss Waters' day is a laig and Melrose auditorium The meeting Franklin, Newman club, vice pre­ r Call or see: |ieuny a day. Get some NOW. arduous one. "Beulah" is being promises to be an intere ting one sident. History Study Club; Ha- , told Osborne. Sphinx Club. Chcm- Wv A. Comstock or filmed in tiie Bronze section of New with a program liigh''ght!ng Vne By EMMETT ItK’E lur 70 yard, and a score. Diltz add ' Ukologv Club; Charles Smith, York, and the actors rehearse from evening. ' i Melrose Golden Wildcats took tile etl insult lo injury by converting sphinx Club president sophomore Herbert Duncan 8:30 to 5:30 That means she is up Tiie parents and guardian? are by seven morning, work- all day, Measur.* of


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J •

i . i Wildcats Tiipple Dragons I Circling The Bas,, C™«1 For Second, SIAC Victory .i Crams Stadium B y MARION E. JACKSON FORT VALLEY, f Jrj.—Fort Valley State bounced back'Saturd J With The Red Sox itigh t from a 53-13 debacle at the hands of Florida A. and M. C For Homecoming lege, to rout a haplr,»» Lane College team 34-0, and to extend l' red-jisrsied Dragor.j winless skein over a period of two sea so 1 ATLANTA, Georgia -jSNS) - A colorful crowd or approximate­ The » ictory gave the Wildcats a 2-2 conference record. The Wildcats w ere held at bay ly 8.000 grid fans was on hand The Wildcats scored Utrpom!- »> ¡Saturday afternoon, at Herndon throughout the. first quarter, but the third period Milton Bond Stadium, to see tlye Florida A. and scored two .toll c1 ldowns and a safety Lane punted to Ted Bey, whu i M Rattlers employ superior wea­ within two m routes during the loped 54-yards to scare Mei jl pons to subdue the gallant Mor­ second .frame, to start the Dragons Young kicked the extra point. 1! “GOOSE” CURRY ris Brown Purple Wolverines 20 to on the road to defeat. Valley led 21-0. 0 in one of the most magnificent The \V ildc ats started out like The Wildcats' were back in homecoming celebrations in ,tht, -r, they inti Ind' *d to win Ted Bey, the scoring column tn the mie per history of the African Methodist in- Ohio Exi >lf ¿s took a Laue pun[. tri on the strength of a 5 yard pen Manager, Memphis Red i stitution the fir-'t quarter and blasted,his ty. and a 59-yard touchdown p J ; A bright sun and cloudless sky i way 66-y fa rds to score, only to see from Hollis to Btv Hollis’ try I , looked down as the “Men In his brill ant run go for naught be­ the PAT was good and the^dA 9 j Orange" extended their jinx over Sox Club cause of an offside penalty cats led 28-0. / the Purple Wolverines to nine Yet. the handwriting was on Uie The rout by this time was 11 straight games before Morris wall foi : the Dragons, after Lane's ing shape for Coach Julian B< 5 Brown alumni and an array of Milton Bond kicked to the Wild­ Lane College Dragons, who fail sports writers and coaches The Thc game of the century will be dium cats' 4 4-yard stripe Webb Hollis, to win a single game in 1949, t I Rattler« also made the members played in Memphis and fans will Larry Dobv, the great Cleveland Wildca ,t quarterback anowed a 15- who have yet to break-in the v of The Atlanta Daily World One have a chance to see the Jackie Indian center fielder, will be along yard lra’ss to Joe De.vls on the 31 tory column during the 1950 s Hundred Per Cent wrong Club eat Robinson All Stars' and an added too They are still arguing about Hollis then targeted another to Bey son crow . i- attraction t h e famous Indiani- that long home run, he. hit at for a first down on the 13> Bey The final Marker came al i PRE GAME PARADE polis Clowns along with ihe world’s Griffin Stadium. I have played then smashed his way to the 3. On Milton Bond punted t? Hnmrt , Touching off the homecoming greatest baseball comedian. Ku

icially participate in endorsing, I a. must continue to concern all of us. anctioning, promoting or subsidiz­ They are vital to our existence. ing affairs of local sponstrs in ex­ BY GEORGE A SEWELL er, but NOT ALWAY8 RECEIVING People must not be denied adequa le pending hospitality which involves a saliry, he has not generally ac­ HOUSING because they are poor: PROOI The three “Hs” of Negro well-be­ tidpation of the opening on Brad- or implies restrictions, segregation quired any large amount of goods. nor should they die for lack of Muriel Rahn and Lawrence Tib­ ing — Hoaxing. Health, and Hold­ or discrimination of racial or other proper medical attention. With ten bett at a recent benefit perfor­ wav scheduled for October 30 ings. And. because he does not possess mance backstage at the Metropoli­ Miss Rahn whom all Washington groupings." large taxable holdings, this h often ’ percent of the population, we only The Secretary said further that have two percent of the medical tan Opera H«u‘e critics praised unanimously for her THE NEGRO COMMUNITY is cited as justifiable "reason" for not After a sensational personal sue- heartbreaking performance in the lie had ordered iovestigation of the allowing him to enjoy the fruits of i doctors. How soon will there be ncldent and had "directed steps be something set apart. The “pattern" housing to absorb the thousands as the star of the Langston controversial music—drama having justice. taken to remove any repetitions or demands that it be so. Three very who were displaced to make for the ea—Jan Meyeroaitz music to do with mregenation tn the Implications of discriminatory or important areas in which this dis­ “THERE 18 NO BETTER INDI­ right of way of the North — South i “The Barrier..? Which open- South, had as her co-star. Liwrenct .-pedal treatment by crew mem- tinction is most notable are Hous­ CATOR OF THE GENERAL CON­ Highway? How many persons are a pre-Broadway tryout at Tibbett. the great American bari­ iers or guests ” He urged Doctor ing, HEALTH, and HOLDINGS DITION OF A PEOPLE THAN ITS denied treatment at Grady Hospital, ■ty Theatre tn Washington, tone of tie Metropolitan Opera nt w^k to a non-segregat- Cobb tu complete the cruise Mean­ Those three factors are to a very HEALTH." In the last forty year because of inadequate facilities? njfTUCIT WHISHT Company. while. officer» of the Missouri had large extent related to each other therejtas been commendable pro What part does CAPITALISM play mce, Murial _Bahn, noted -A BLEND ipotodzed to Dr Cobb and assured They are the points about which grass in the general health of oui in the total picture? Now abideth and opera etar, returned Critic Jay Carmody the Wash­ HOUSING, HEALTH, and HOLD- him that omission of his name from the vicious circle of race hate is people. But there la yet a consider- i Consolidated Distributors - Exclusiv» Distributors - Memphis for further revisions ington Evening Bur Hid. “Miasj the list of gufsQ for the officers often circumscribed. . able amount of work to be doo». In- I INGS, but is pot the greatest of of the show in an- Rahnlahn la1» a blesslnxblessing totn anvany «t*»estage. “ ball was "accidental " HA VINO ALWAYS been a work- ' fant mortality deoliaed 42 peroeat them "HOLDINGS": ______, , _____ * 6J% Orpin Neutral Spirit» .' * »■

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