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Siti Ermi Syahira Abdul Jamil, Mohd. Khairi Baharom, Nur Hisham Ibrahim & Ismail Samsuddin. (2018). Children’s Art Edutainment: The As A Creativity Enhancement Device. Idealogy, 3(1) : 80-88, 2018

Children’s Art Edutainment: The Origami Paper Sculpture As A Creativity Enhancement Device

Siti Ermi Syahira Abdul Jamil, Mohd. Khairi Baharom, Nur Hisham Ibrahim & Ismail Samsuddin

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Perak, Kampus Seri Iskandar, 32610, Seri Iskandar, Perak

[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] .my [email protected]

Abstrak. In nowadays art, the edutainment concept has established as one of the contemporary learning methods. The concept offers diversity forms of experiential learning elements such as exploration, experimenting and playing to gaining a new knowledge. Therefore the research intended to replicated the edutainment concept via sculptural art project (origami) for discover its potential towards intensifying children’s creativity skill. The research has employed the qualitative case study within the pragmatic paradigm, which it involved the documentation on the literature review and the observation instruments as for manage the depth study. The research outcomes have an immense potentiality to contribute a new knowledge towards Malaysian modern art movement, children’s psychology aspect, and as a reference in the academic studies.

Keywords: art edutainment, origami, sculpture & children’s creativity



Edutainment is a contemporary learning concept in Malaysian art scene.The term describes a diversity form of experiential learning techniques that are entertaining at the same time. The research has expended the concept to discover how the origami paper sculpture that integrated edutainment concept capable of enhancing children’s creative skills. In relation, the collaboration capable of creating a fun way and exciting learning environment.

Visual art is a unique field as it has a capability to educating the society in diversity perspectives. The two dimension and three dimension art activities offer difference art experiences, artistic skills, creative impact and critical thinking as it requires different task and senses. The research is intentionally designed to determine whether the origami paper sculpture competent to utilise as children’s creative device via edutainment learning concept.

The research is attempted to fabricate variety forms of paper based on the animal subjects, as it has an immense potential to inspired children’s to engage with the sculpture process. The foundation notion of the paper sculpture form is originated from the Japanese art approached which is known as the origami; a three-dimensional that constructed a wished-for shape from a single square paper (Gardiner, 2008). The origami paper sculpture is not only produced by hand but also engaged with specific art equipment as to enlighten the sculpture aesthetic value as well as to obtain children’s creativity possibly.

The research has engaged the qualitative case study which it involved the documentation on the literature review and the observation instruments as to manage the depth study. The research has conducted the origami paper sculpture class exclusively for children within ages four to seven years at the private kindergarten around Perak. The origami paper sculpture project that incorporated the edutainment concept would be a new style in Malaysia contemporary visual art learning method. The research outcomes have an enormous potential to contribute a new knowledge on various aspects of visual art and as a reference in academic studies.


2.1 The Play Concept

The research has focusing on children art edutainment concept, which it involved the play context. Berger (1998) verified that the play concept is the most crucial phase of childhood development. The play context occurred at every age of children, but the early childhood stage is the most playful years. Therefore, children will spend most of their time in play unconsciously, while develops their motor skills, cognitive development, language development, learning skills, humanism, and social skills.

Woolfolk (2004) also agreed with Berger (1998) that defined; play is an essential context in children development. Through play, the children’s brain will be easy to develop. Johnson, James and Yawkey (1999), also ascertained and agreed with


Berger (1998) and Wollfolk (2004), that the play context had attributed an important element in children inclusive education. Play context provides enormous opportunities in a diversity aspect towards enhancing children social interaction, relationship and friendship. Moreover, the play activity also capable of acting as an essential learning elements regarding children’s comprehension of human differences. The research found that the play context is the most important phase of children life. Providentially, the art edutainment concept that has been exploiting in the origami paper sculpture program offers the variety of playing elements that are capable of fulfilling children interest.

2.2 The Origami

Origami is a unique art that enriches Japanese philosophy and aesthetic values. The origami terminology derived from two combination Japanese words, ori (to cut) and gami (paper). Origami is a three dimensional (3D) paper art that focuses on the paper folding technique to construct an exquisite artwork (Bolito (2014), Mitchell (2010) Hiroshi Hayakawa (2009) & Gardiner (2008).

The origami artwork fabrication requires multiple folding techniques in a single squared paper. Bolitho (2014) affirmed that there were several origami folding techniques and base to construct a flawless origami artwork. The folding methods are basic fold (mountain and valley fold), reverse fold, crimp fold and sink fold. Besides, there are three fundamental origami bases such as preliminary, bird and waterbomb base. The combination of these processes will create an fascinating artwork that enriched with aesthetic, depth and dimension.

The origin of the origami subjects is animal such as tsuru (crane), neko (cat), usage (rabbit), sakana (fish), chocho (butterfly), tatsu (dragon), kame (turtle) and kaeru (frog). Every single subject has its characteristic that represents Japanese ethnicity and culture. For instance, tsuru is the most favourite subject among origami art. Japanese believes that 1000 origami tsuru will lead to a long-life and it also capable of bringing happiness, good luck and peaceful life. (

2.3 Theories and Models

The research has identified several theories and models that are relevant to the study. The Elements and Principles of Art and Design are a well-known model among fine artists and designers. The model includes two components such as the elements and principles. The element is the main art components that used to create an artwork, while principles describe how the artist utilities the elements in the artwork. The elements variables contain line, shape, form, value, colour, texture and space. The principles variables are proportion, rhythm, unity, variety, contrast, balance and pattern. (Frank, 2013 & Ocvirk, Stinson, Wig, Bone & Cayton, 1998). The Elements and Principles of Art and Design are the foundation model in the visual art field. The model plays an imperative role in the process of artwork creation. The combination of elements and principle variables are capable of producing an stupendous artwork that enveloped the aesthetic value.


Contiguous to the visual art theories, the research also focuses on the children psychology theories in various aspects such as childhood development, artistic and creativity development, cognitive and psychomotor development. Collin (2001) affirmed that the children psychology is a study of children behaviour, personality, intellectual, attitude, mental and development. While Wollfolk (2004), stated that psychology is a study of childhood development; physical development, personal growth, social development and cognitive development. Norzila Zakaria (2016) affirmed that there are three domain stages in children education such as cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The cognitive domain refers to mental activities that involved knowledge and intellectual development such as the ability to think, remember and problem-solving, which incorporated idea, theory and regulation. Active learning referred to children characters and behaviours that involved emotion, feeling, self-esteem, spirit, attitude and motivation. The psychomotor aspects relate to children interaction based on their cognitive and effective learning process.

Jean Piaget, the Swiss psychologist, has introduced children’s creative thinking stages in his theory; The Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. The theory has stated that there are four stages of children thinking such as sensor motor (0- 2 years), preoperational (2-7 years), concrete operational (7-11 years) and formal operational (11-adult) (Woolfolk, 2004).

Moreover, there are several studies on children artistic and creative development. In 1947, Viktor Lowenfeld developed The Lowenfeld’s Artistic Development Models. Ever since the model becomes the pioneer model among psychological study. Lowenfeld affirmed that there are five stages of artistic development such as scribble, pre-schematic, schematic, dawning realism and pseudo-realism. (Arthur, 2002 & Al Hurwitz & Day 2007). The model used as a primary research reference which is to classify children artistic and creative development.

Koster (2004), has initiated five elements that reflected children’s artistic and creative development; expressive, maturational, cognitive, perceptual and recapitulation. Besides, Kosters also established seven important elements that influenced children’s art products such as physical control, cognitive development, skill, emotional state, personal history, cultural context and social environment. The stated elements displayed a significant influence on children artistic development and artwork production.

There are numerous discussions on the topic of children psychology and visual art. For that reason, the research involved several art and children psychology models; Elements and Principles of Art and Design Model and Lowenfeld’s Artistic Development Model. The selected models have developed into the study phases as to enlighten research phenomena and as a studio project guideline.


The research has obtained the qualitative case study within the pragmatic paradigm research design. Therefore, the research has employed a series of

83 observational study and documentation on the literature review instrument as to achieve the essential data.

Figure 1: Research Design Framework

The research has begun to collect the primary and secondary data derived from differential literature instruments for instance journals, books, articles, art catalogue and online resources. The research has synthesised every data gather from the literature review to obtain the relevant point concerning the research objective.

The research’s primary data has collected through the observation method as to explore the nature of children’s characteristic when involved with the art edutainment learning concept and to discover how the origami paper sculpture art capable of enlightening children’s artistic skills. Therefore, the research has conducted the origami paper sculpture class exclusively in the private kindergarten around Perak. In order to conduct the art class the research has vigilant with several crucial elements such as the ethical issue and the safety element as the research involved with the children as the prior respondent.

The Ethical consideration is the essential element in constructing social science studies. Badrul Isa and Forrest (2011) affirm that the ethical regulation is necessary for social science research as it creates the awareness of human life and rights within the researcher and the participants. Concerning the issue, the research has designed the ethic outline to conducted the study as it involves children as major participants. Therefore, every research elements that related to the ethical issue address by provided consent form which it acts as the agreement between the researcher and the participants. The consent form utilised in the research methods before conducting the observation session and data documentation instruments; photographing, video and voice recording. The consent form clarifies a detail research background including the purpose, methods and all information necessary. The form requires the children’s guardian

84 signature as the agreement and permission concerning to the study. Every data gathered are classified as confidential as has been verifying in the consent form.

After completed the ethical issue, the research began to conduct the origami paper sculpture class. The activity was carried out in the classroom during the school session as the participants involved the early childhood stages. The undertaken activities had utilised the animal theme as the sculpture subject. During the event, the children are required to fold a single square paper to construct their favourite animal origami sculpture form using their interpretation. After the form is complete, the children are encouraged to express their artistic skills to decorate the sculpture form surface using varieties dry materials that have been provided by the researcher to create their masterpiece. The art materials and mediums engaged are safe and environmentally friendly. The conducted art class was recorded using video recording and photo shooting as the primary documentation process. Throughout the observation studied, the researcher has acted as a primary observer in every session as to achieve the comprehensible understanding of the real-life perspective.

Every data collection has associated with thematic approached as to identify the significant information for the content analysis. Throughout the thematic approach, the researchers determined the possible relationship between every data that was collected and built up the understanding within the study context. The thematic approached assisted the research in reducing the unnecessary data. The research has also utilised the Nvivo software as a procedure to analyse every data collected.


The research has described the potential of the origami paper sculpture incorporated the children art edutainment concept towards intensifying children creativity. The discussion discussed in two phases.

4.1 The origami paper sculpture as art device

The origami menagerie paper sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork. Regarding the analysis result, nowadays the children prefer a three-dimensional artwork compare to the two-dimensional artwork. These phenomena occur because, at the stages (children), they have the highest curiosity level. Therefore, the children are eager to explore their surroundings and environment using natural senses such as smell, touch, hear, sight and taste to satisfy the anxiety. Through the origami menagerie paper sculpture activity, the children capable of experimenting senses. In relation, the origami paper sculpture activity was also offering a differential skills learning experiences such as coordination, psychomotor, and critical thinking skills development.

During the activity, the children are capable of exploring the foundation of origami paper folding technique such as basic fold, mountain fold, valley fold, reverse fold, crimp fold and sink fold. The folding technique experience will enhance children fine motor skills as well as develop the coordination ability. As mentioned earlier, only the precise folding technique will create an exquisite

85 origami artwork that enriched aesthetic value. Consequently, the children need to think critically about how to apply the suitable folding technique to construct the intention sculptural form.

After the origami paper sculpture form completed, the children are required to decorate and design the sculpture surface based on their interpretation. The are children encouraged to express their artistic expression without any limits and boundaries using the art materials and mediums provided. Therefore, the children enjoyed exploring and experimenting the art materials and mediums while decorating the forming surface. The activity will develop children psycho-motor skills as well as enhance artistic skills. In relation to the activity, the children also have applied the elements and principles of art and design model (as mentioned in literature review). Consequently, the children have to gain the visual art knowledge based on the experiential learning concept.

The journey on how the children constructed the origami paper sculpture form and how they did apply and compose the art materials and mediums, and how they utilised the components of elements and principles of art and design model to decorate the sculptural form is where the creative process takes place. To employ all these features requires a critical thinking ability; which is the process capable to edify children artistic skills, psycho-motor, coordination and cognitive development.

Contiguous to the psychological aspect, the origami paper sculpture activity also proficient to act as the children therapeutic device. Once, the children caught up with the activity, instinctively, the therapy session will begin. During the involvement, children are encouraged to convey their expression and emotion throughout the origami paper sculpture surface. The practice method had made the children feel calm and cosy; as it helped the children release and untangle the unpleasant feeling. As a result, children comfortable and pleasurable during and after the origami paper sculpture activities.

4.2 The children’s art edutainment learning concept

The research found that the edutainment is the precise concept towards enhancing children creativity skills. The idea is paralleled with the children’s natural development, as they will spend most of the time playing and exploring their surroundings to gain new knowledge and experiences. As mentioned earlier, the concept offered an exciting learning element; playing, exploration, experimentation and personal interpretation which is capable to advance children fine motor skills. The mentioned elements are easy to achieve via edutainment concept rather than the conventional idea. Besides, the concept also capable of stimulating the children’s cognitive and coordination development as well as deepen the psycho-motor skills.

Concerning to the research finding, the children enjoy during involving with the concept as they were capable of exploring their coordination skills while having fun at the same time. The children also enjoy experimenting with the art materials and mediums provided using their senses such as smell, touch, hear, sight as well enjoying the taste sensation on the material surface texture. The concept is also

86 competent to develop children behaviourism. During participating with the concept, the children literally behave as they focused to constructed the origami paper sculpture form and having fun while exploring and experimenting with the art project compared before they involved with the concept.

Finally, the research found that the children are amused to play with the origami paper sculpture form as soon it completed design. Therefore the study found that through the edutainment concept, the children able to learn and have fun at the same, which is perfectly designed for children experiential learning method.


Visual art field plays an essential role in children life. Through art, children are capable of expressing their natural artistic skills while producing a remarkable masterpiece. The children who participated in various visual art activities through learning experiential method (edutainment) capable of progressing their creative abilities. Concerning the crucial facts, the implementation of art edutainment concept through origami paper sculpture activity has seen essential to be part of children visual art learning methods as it offers excellent opportunities for children’s perspective.


I express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Nur Hisham Ibrahim and co- supervisor Assoc. Prof Dr Ismail Samsuddin, as well as Dr Mohd. Khairi Baharom, who always give me a brilliant academic advice, luminous idea and encourage me in completing this paper. I also would like to express my appreciation to UiTM Cawangan Perak, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Faculty of Art and Design and UiTM Library staffs for their support. Finally a special thank my beloved families and friends for their motivation.



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