o fill T H E P O L Y W E S I AN August 16, 1856 - . I GENERAL MERCHANDISE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. HOTELS &.C. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. IIOUSKS. LANDS, art OLDEST HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY, THE ESTABLISHED GLASS WARE. WTINE just received per AGNES THE TO LET. LIBERTY HALL ""WAVE ON HAND the following assortment ox I TUMBLERS, of PORT from Tuke, Holdsworth & Co., of WHOLESALE DRUG 1 lately occupied by Mrs. McGre-- JbClV PURL1C HOUSK Maunakea Street, tbc Wt Wine, JLJL are offered for sale at reasona- HOUSE . i THE PREMISES on A tmtd KOVUNt London ; a small quantity of genuine Port in bot- Goods, which as Sailors' Home board- s, Cisar fcc. und. : WINE GLASSES. gor on Motel street, the LIS, ALLEY. rhd ... tles, of the same quality as that sold by Dr. Smyth ble rates, viz ON THE PACIFIC. ing house. For particulars applv to ""'"""J.es PAWg0y. last year, and at very reduced prices. CUlkiax. PORTER GLASSES, CLARK. Hotel St. J0HX H. SEDIXOTOX, AXDKKW J. XLMT, GEO. W. ll.tf GEO. ED. IIOFFSCilLAEGER & STAriS.MlUlUs I. Bales denims. red and Yellow Prints, 30 Sati m DECANTERS, EXCHANGE 4-- ZU2DZZ7GTOr; i be Let, MERCHANT'S inch Ginghams, 4 striped Holland, White & CO CANDLESTICKS, To w Fancy Canary Assor t, GLASS - BILLIARD SAL00, Jean, hite Marseilles, 1'nnW, 114 Battery-stree- San Francixco, a of five years, or more, on rcaon- 4- i For term vVanted to Borrow! ted Table Covers, Brown -4 Holland, Mens cotton OFFER FOR S.1LE, RECEIVED BY LATE CASTORS, ilX. able terms, that portion or ur Ai&Jrjn lui lal; W. E. CUTRELL, Proprietor. TT'OR which satisfactory security in Fee Simple Stock in gs.Kegatta Shirts, Men s cotton under Shirts Arrow r;iiii vin.tn fadiominz the lots on iv j 1'Tnrir.m.iiiia'nrin th PuLlic that he is Alum, Arsenic, Root, DRAM BOTTLES, .,.i,i , r sum ALCOHOL, Square,) and belonging, in fee simple, to is;:-- now ihesplemliJ Itiiilard Salwu snatched J Real Estate will be given the of Maaliaa. Balsam . Bay Rum Thomas' Prnetirl - 4' LIQUOR STANDS, JutJ. to hi." rotil. Ilwillb..pendayndevi-niiig;e-ry- TWO THOUSJLYD DOLLARS. 6-- 4 plain Cambrics, tape Checks, haircord Mus Borax, Brimstone. Calomel, Cream Tartar, CloW apply by letter, Uiing w ill hecoudiirted cu the nnl ajiiroved plan, and Mr. lins, Jacconet. Capsules, Castile Soap, Chloroform, For Terms and other particulars, biia-el- i aliall be waniiii)! eo render this person above amount. SALT CELLARS, &c. &c. - . pledrs f hat n.lliiuf Anr wishine to invest the addressed to Mr. J umi ii ni.."i iww,ri .n- . .M.,.inr i.ixre or resurt for all U are inclined to may hear of an opportunity on application at this AVvalcata Ether. Emery. Glue. Gum Arabic, sway an in lite delightlul and healthy exercUeof m 6-- Hops in Hops in papers. Iodine, Isinglass ornev care of the Postmaster, Honolulu. while hour 4J-j- 4 bales. CO. plnyinp. office. green Baize, green and scarlet Blankets, blue ' MELCHEltS k lillliaril large men s Irish Moss. Jujube Paste, Kreosote, Lint, The Rimhu will be under the oJe rharie of l. II. K. Swort twilled size Flannel. hite do. do., Nutmegs, FOR SALE. n liose ire.r.t jiopiilarity i a oufficient (juarantee of hii future worsted Stockings, blue Serge, superfine eloth Magnesia, Musk, Nitrate of Silver, it'irrens in caterins in "iht partiriilar department, lor the CLOTHING. Nux Vomica, Oatmeal, Oil of Lemon, .T?-T?r A T PmTiP.l!. SITES in the Vallcv ad- - 39 tf Trowsers, col'd alentias, blue Blankets large size, HOUSES, LANDS, kC. ainiixemrnt of the rilizeiisut llniinlnlu. t LARGE ASSORTMENT of fashionable, German made men's serge Drawers, do. Flannel do., fine white Oil of Btrgamot. Oil of Cloves, Oil of Orange, O joining the Village of Honolulu consisting of Clothing, atao, .Seamen' dothing. horsaleby Oil of Spruce, Oil of Pennyroyal, highly productive Kalo lands, witn never tailing il G. BL'IILE St I O., Flannel, men's blue cloth Jackets, men's red flan Lots, HOTEL, iT-- tf formerly C. Co. Potash, Iodide of Potash, Prussiate Potash, To Lease in water, and a fish pond. Also, a Tract ol ROYAL HAWAIIAN Kias at., T. Averberf t nel Shirts.fancy Vesting. TU1T PIVPP flF T.AVn. Corner of streams of Rad. Licquorice, RarL Orrice, Rad. Rhei, four lots on the plains, bounded by three streets. JOHN MAXEY, PROPRIETOR. Eartbeawmrr. Ipecac, .Apply t the j4-- Rad. Sarsaparilla, Rad. Rad. Jalap, Nuuanu aucLKing Streets. Tfli tt B Illlil oniiiJr fit nfKA. . . rums new AND SPLENDID Dissolution of Copartnership. Ewers k Basin assorted Butter boats, Milk Jugs, Rotten Stone, Saffron, Seidlitz Powders, T. MOSSMAN & SON, A U oprn to the Puhlic, toreof "ii'ihS I.ISIIMEXT now C un- - blue jJ heretofore existing and white Bowls. Chambers. 12-t- cost in OPARTNERSHIP Sem. Caraway, Sem. Cardamon, Salts of Tartar f. Nuuanu Street. TO LET. yfvt and the proprietor has ared uo THE 111 friend and style of BOLLES & CO.,is this day ' commodious cottages, n good condition, ri.lm. vrv convenience for i der the dis llaralware. SalU, Epsom; Salts, Glauber's; Strychnine, raiHHEE nTpr solved bv mutual consent. All business connected Carpenter's adzes, Jews harps. Smoothing irons, Tapioca, Tin Foil, Tannin. Vanilla Beans, - and pleasantly situated mile from town, and va TO LET- .. f..r t.ii h.iue H ill he fiund abundant firm will be settled by B. F. Bolles. Files of kinds, Tea 4 6 8 Vallev," be leased by the month or ti. Inch the notea with said all flat bar Iron, Kettles and White Wax, Yellow Wax, Sands' Sarsaparilla EAGLE HOUSE, apply to S. JOHNSON, in Nuuanu will ried, nud ot that xterlili quality niot B. F BOLLES. Forks, rpHE .... .n f..miii- - The nr. urietor haviuc retiirued to quarts, ivory handled table Knives and do. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do., Corbett's do. 8-- tf bv year. Inquire of A. FORNAX DER. .lu X Carpenter, Merchant St. the i,. r.,n. . v tn JAMES WILSON. asst. ' ""New Era and Argus" office, corner of Marine ii. .ii I.i.iiil.in haiuoiiiDeruii auxnirniru Desert do., brass cased door Locks, Needles, Mustang Liniment, Osgood's Cholagogue, liissL.rk with the finest and most recheiche Wines and Liq Lahaina, June 7th, 1856. hand Saws, pit Saws, ladies Scissors, strong steel Thompson's Eye Water, Wright's Pills, LAND in and Nuuanu-street- s. uors eenerally, whirh his experience in the bu.'ineMi.and well VALUABLE STORE and LOT OF 28-t- Spades, do. Shovels, B. M. table Spoons, do. Tea a s Honolulu, Nov. 15, 185,3. f tn,. n ,..U...nt Pnnhled him to nelect. These will be iold Brandreth Fills, Jayne rills, Jayne's Medicines, J King street, will be sold on reasonable terms. to hi customers pure a imported and without adulteration; undersigned have do., brass butt Hinges, asst. plane Irons, truck Gnefenberg Medicines. Davis Pain Killer. Frontage 33 feet by 150 feet deep. Title tee simple. FOR SALE TO LEASE. and their uurivalled qualities! and moderate price will plare COP, day formed a Copartnership for the pur Wheels and axles. Hawse Pipes, carving Knives Bachelder's Hair Dye, Trusses. i d-- tf M. C. MOXSAUKAT. them first in the race ot compeiion ior pui.uc Apply to pose of transacting a Ship Chandlery and General and Forks, mortice Locks, asst. cut nails. Sauce- Together with a complete assortment i VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS near the Fort Grateful fur the kind and generoii patronage nemoweu on ijib of every hotel nee its openinr, the proprietor aures bia fneudu that Commission liusmess, under the name and style ot pans, crobs cut Saws, tenon Saws, brass wood thing in the Drug aud Medicine line required h T of Honolulu to lease, situate exactly in the of their aupport f and Premise in Mauna will todeiterve a continuance WILSON & COLRUKN, at the old premises of Screws, Iron do., plated Spurs, IX Tin, SDXW mi PHE LEASE of the Sure range of the intended Government improvements. he evertudv do.. the Trade. 1 Kea occupied Ayong. is for sale cl eap, ny the strictetit attention to their requiremi nu. B. F. Bolles & Co. JAMES WILSON, Hinges, knife Sharpeners, iron Crin- V--I street, br this office. Also, site lately iron butt pat. 5-- ' Plans to be seen at the Honolulu, uec inn, ifoo. onappUcation to tf M. C. MOXSAUKAT JOHNr.COLBURN. gles, chain Hooks. Oils, ' occupied by the Varieties Theatre, (destroyed by 7-- Faints, Window Glass, Vanushet, Lahaina, June 7th, 1866. At fire.) This central and extensive business stand is House. SaaMlerr. urasnes, etc. For Sal or Lease. American for lease and offers a great opportunity. Persons Corner of Kins and Maaaakra ! IIalala OTICE. The undersignod having disposed of Double rim Bridles, Single rim do., Felham Bri BROTHER k CO.. have for sale at 105 Estate and the Buildings wishing to or lease on or any a dles, STORY. C rlMlE valuable leasehold buy lands this other WELL KNOWN and popular Hotel aolieita nlmre N his late business to Messrs. WILSON & COL- - superior Saddles. Clav Street, San Francisco, Market. i on hand 1 thereon, on Quee;i street. o,toite the island ol the group, will be sure to hear of some- THIS the public patronage. There eon.tantly BURN, and feeling confident they will give entire Naval Siarca. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, in cases and bbls.. by Fddhci:n Co. Possession given thing adapted to their wish, whether they desire a the best liquors of the beit brands, and no paina will be n)w oecaptel couilortable. satisfaction to those who may entrust them with Assorted paint Brushes, hemp and cotton Canvass, Spirits Turpentine, in cases, on the first ox Ooober next. Applv to large land or a small by applying at this office. pared to render it customer Atlantic Lead, assorted packages, liore 10 Irt on the premises. J. A. BIKIHWl, their interest would solicit a continuance of the Yellow metal, copper Boat nails, sewing Palms4 in 5-- tf J. FULLER or J. W. MA USH. 1$. allvarietics and adapted to every 23 Proprietor. i N. Lands of Oci.ltth, ldtf. tf favors so liberally bestowed upon him. Kedpath s pat. Pumps, with fly wheel, asst. bolt French and German Window Glass, assorted sizes purpose are included in above offer. 14-- tf the B. F. BOLLES. Rope, bright Varnish, Black do., sheathing Cop- French and English Heavy Plate Glass, 12x13 to I 7-- 30x44. S;ile Horse Hotel. St Real Estate far or Lease. The White Lahaina, June 7th, 1856. per, Hambro' lines, Composition nails, copper Tacks i menus ana me puouc 5-- 7-- Ex. WUJ OR LEASE, on favorable terms Lot Dwelling Lots Sale. PEARSON beRg to inlurni Ills 8 and 8, Pitch, asst. Ratline, do Spunyarn, seam "Brewster" aad Fir TTtOR SALE for ne nag Tietnan's Oil Colors, assorted cans D JaL I offers for sale in to w eenerallv, inai inauo ihiji".:. " 1 1 14 No. 3 ol t.ie old Pmtchar Premises, fronting THE undersigned lot every .... "-- -- BOOKBINDING ing Twine, artificial horizon, Pump, feet. I i remises, and thai ne nan now ramiuuu.i.. Tieman's Water Colors, assorted cans, l, and 7o feet on the Alley. purchasers, several acres adjom-- m to be bad, turnUhe.l or unlurnished . 22 feet on Nuuanu Ria su't iui; and Ixidginp. Room in a variety of styles, neatly and Grarrrie-a- Tieman's Dry Colors, for scene and carriage painters o-- supplied with the choicest men, For terms apply to 3t HENRY SMITH. mr ri his residence in Nuuanu Valley. His Oar will be well DONE and on fair terms. Pamphlets, Law Preserved Meats, do. Vegetables, asst. Sauces of ' a view town and har- Spirits and .Malt Liquors. Tieman's Putty, in bladders, Each lot commands of the by. to the wants of bis bound to order. superior quality. springs or The Proprietor hopes strict attention Books, Music, Newspapers, &c, Tilden & Nephew's, Smith & Stratton's, Kimball'n, To or Let. bor, and can be supplied with water from customers to merit a share of public patronage. 23 tf Scrap Books, Herbariums and be Soli B. BATES. Also, Portfolios, Saailricn. and other Coach and Furniture Varnisho, Paris " Nuua- without cost. ASHER Drawing Books made to order. Gentlemen's Boots, do, Shoes, Highlander's play- LAX Jtni commodious residence in 5-- White, &c. Jnue 9, 1855. tf Honolulu, nd Kawai-aha- o. Horn nu V ah a mile and a half from town. National Hotel Billiard Saloon. Old Books at the Mission Office, ing Cards, fancy check Coat, Ivory combs, BKLSIIKS Ex. friends he Comb;, black Lace, white Thread, Stationery "Hollander." Terms moderate. Apply to . L. J KEEN . CHAMBERS, TWO IN SUITE. PROPttlETOR d.sires to inform his that Orders may also be left at II. M. Whitney's mane Adam's O. K. and Ex. Paint. Whitewash, Sluice lS-o- THE and entirely fitted the above estnhlwhment, m including and Pens, Gold I.ace. ivory tor Honolulu, June 14th, . 6- -t rebuilt rt Bookstore. S. BUSSELL. Books Counter. Patent Scrub. Napoleon Horse and Hotel TO BE LET EDEN CHAMBERS, on wiih all the latest improvement of the day. Thoe fond of Cases, hair (jjjii, of Kitliardx, will find every tiling toise shell Paner. knives ivorv card Boot Brushes. ALSO Lton's Tools and Feather Nuuanu street. Rent for every two rooms $20 the gentlemanly recreation Brushes, Horse do., Tooth do , sets Shoe do, iron HEAL ESTATE. payable in advance. requisite to their anins mi nt. The Bari supplied with the and Chains. Dusters Artists" Tube Colors and Materials. per mouth, c.ore U nies, Liquor,, Cgars c. Anchors mane Combs.Curry do., Flemish Tacks, white Tape, WENTZEL, who , VAKN1SHES. rgO LEASE, after the first of July next, the LIT Apply to Mr. GEORGE 'THE Agent of the Hudson's Bay Company offers col'd Thread, Whips, flint Decanters', wine Olax-- J3L 23-- tf Ex. "Florence Niz'itiiigale" Direct importation WHITE SWAN HOTEL and Premises. lives on the premises. 1 Cues-me- u, for sale sets of ivory lortoie :.e!l divssir. from lean.i II Lire's O. W. M AltSII. I!.-n- celebrated Fmgli,!, ro 4rf E. flALL or J. ANCHORS, from 900 to 2,900 lbs. ;ilt. Hard-Dry!!:;- Apply NATIONAL HOTEL, SIX weighing Combs ivory Fans, Sandwich :, Vi c;tiin'-"hily- . 3-- and Elastic Carriage and Hotel streets. FOUR CHAINS, assorted sizes, from 1 8 to 1 Houo ulu. August 1 17-t- f DrNV'PliTNBR Corner of Nuuanu : J:ij iin and Jy;i.t:,cr's Gold Size. 6, at the following cah prices E'OIl SALE OK LEASE. KESPECTFULLY informs the public ol I'NUEIJ.SHJXEI). Proprietor of the above Plain and Ornament;!! Nfitincil and enameiJed public, that m ith Chains per lb., 7 1- -2 cents. ERFCMERV Man Cftur- - o l i!nghe A establish-fro- m THE would inform his friend and the G.'ass. ACilES of Land on East he has removed his ll.id-- " Honolulu that best brands of Winrs and Liquors, 9 4C-- tf ones, for saie ov the Agent tiiv Vumpaay - his extensile sloik of the Anchors " cents. J 1 M Maui, adjoining Mr. Mi- fr H otel St.. to the lanre new fire new IJilliard saloon. Bowling Alleys, and gentlemanly attend- ner' Plautatiou, suitable for Grazing or rft'41 proof brick building of Capt. Makce, (next door ants, noihing is lell wanting for their comfort and amuse Oil haiiu. and for sale i'laniing. This land will be sold or leased Dr. Hoffmann's Drug Store,) in Kaah Jinanu mfM't. 23-l- y JOSEPH BOOTH. A NCIIORS and CHAINS for sale at the lowest above NOTICE. CY THE l'NDERMUl, Fancy Buscuits, Uur ax.i on vory reasonable terms. St., where he will be happy to see his friends and JL. market rates, by A NY PERSON tapping the Government Water Picnic cake- - in tins ot Jo lbs. each. Sardines uilr. n For particulars apply to L. L. Torbert, Esn.., East customers. His assortment of Watches and Jewel- HOTEL de LAHAINA, 47-- tf ROBERT C JANION. Pipes, from this date without a written permis bait iHiies, Enciish .Miisti,ril. ia pound and ball pwind buttlrf. Maui, or to undersigned at Honolulu. recently largely increased by a variety Soap in cases l 5o li s each. the been 23-- tl ry has Formerly the Hawaiian Hotel. sion from the Uarbor Master, will be prosecuted. VO. HOLT . HEl'CE. 1356. 4-- U V. L. York , Boston and t May 29th, LEE. of fine articles received irom New above old established and well kuewn house has just ' PARR ED ROrE, Manilla Rope; Canvas, Paint HENRY J. II. HOLDSWORTH, 'M: He has also just received, ex ship THE titled up in a style of superior elegance 6-- Sar. Francisco. repaired and 1 and Boiled Oil, for sale by Honolulu, Junel6, 1S55. tf. Habor Master LET Apply assortment of Charts. Aneroid Barometers, and taste, which equal any hotel in the group. A. F. A. M. are hereby notified that O0M3 TO from $1 per week. Cato.an solicits patronage ol 47-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. JMIINMJN, Compasses, Uuadrants, Mast Head Telescopes TIik Proprietor, Mr. Eugene Hal, the Meetings of i.e Progres de L'Oceanie Lodge to S. Brass his friends, und others visiting l.ahaina. The tble Hill be (Makee & Anthon's Block.) R62-t- Xo Drug Store take place regularly at old Lodat f House Nautical Instruments. best affords. pains will be their Carpenter. and other supplied ith the the market received per for . the esicem and good will of patrons. HEMP BAGGING, 42 inches wide. 'I'HE i;.DERSIGED has just latr arrival, lUotii, and they are rcspecttully invited to attend. 5V Chronometers sale. iirclected to merit STRONG 1 Invoices .Medicines, fancy mIs. Perfumes 28-t- ECGEXE BAL. of Drue, 31-- 1 ,f Sacking and Osnaburgs for sale at econom- tf 1. Real Estate for Sale. Honolulu, Nov. 14, 1855. f Corn and other articles (a few of which are enumerated below.) Per order, W. ical rates, by 47-- tf ROBERT C JANION. As these tioods are imported diirct, and trim tne nesr. anu ACRES OF LAND, in Fee Simple, situate HOTEL. most celebrated manufacturers of the I'niled States and hali'-a-mi- BAY HORSE eoMile-nbl- y are hereby ourregntiir lc For at prices F. A.M. notified that monttiN in in WeliwelU Ivoloa, Kauai, Sale. leave to inform hi be is enabled to sell superior articles 11. begi (J fiBLS. of Oil Casks, j1o Cooper's Tools, .op G. V. i.OCGIlTAILIXG Mail-Carri- er sold in Honolulu. meetinstakes place on the first Mondav of rverv noai'b fromf Mill. There are two stone houses on .jArjrw he has opened Notice. lower than heretofore the Sugar Ir-'- and Rivcls. Apply to ,rV; trien is and the Public generally, that .Medicine Chests constantly on hand and lilted up imbe best and they arerespectfully invited to attea4 Per ordei the land one measuring 20 x 18, the other 20 x 16 12tb, 53 tf J. A. Bf'RKICK. the above House, and w ill be happy to receive any undersigned having been instructed by His manner lowest Physiciiins Si W. M. Ort. Ito. vivi.'.Trs Liquors, See.. "I'HE and most c.imlete at the rate, which were built within last three who mav eive him a call. The best of I Excellency the Minister of the Interior to re- put in the neatest manner and with the great- feet both of the be onstantly on hand. A BILLIARD n,' In Casks of 3J for by the Ag i.f of the in the market, will Mail Carriers-througho- ut est care. years, and enclosed by a good stone wall. There doz, sale I A It establish the overland the 10-tf- . I.E. i.n the premises. PORTER Ba Company. ir., " given of flav-n- Tartar. Acid, vials asst'd Cherry Pectoral, For Sale. are about 3 or 4 acres of kalo land included, which kingdom. Notice is bercby that after the 1st Sarsaparilla of all kinds, Olive Oil, Eur Utnter, mail-carrie- rs y.) QUANTITY Old Guns, will be dispatched as (thesr-ate-tremed- of formerly mounted are also enclosed in a stone wall. These very desir- HOTi:i. De FKAXCi:. French Hotel. January, 1855. Kn-s- ia Salve, Scales, Thorn's Extract, Barry's Trirpphe A on the Fort at Lahaina can be seen at the able premises are offered for sale t y private contract, SHOES! VICTOR CHANCER EL, Proprietor, below : Citric Acid, strychnine, oits, t. llydr. Poiassa, Hops, Quicksilver, Cork., Camphor, Fort in this city. For particulars, apply to the Adju- X either with or without the cattle and horses now on RECEIVED Per lladuga. and for Sale bv begs inform his friends and the public general Ox Kauai. Leaving Mr. Widemann's store every io Painkiller, Estr. Valerian, Bitters, Rowland' Kalydor. tant-General, at the Honolulu House. them. For further particulars and terms of sale, JUST J. T. SPALDING, Iv.that he has made extensive i nprovemei ts in Tuesday morning for Haualei, returning Wednes- Tooth Powdei and Paste, (lar;e asst.) Carlson. Annuoa. r li ifi. accommoda-JSsJurSm- 31-- tf apply on the place, or address to 23 CASES SHOES, ASSORTED STYLES. j jlf' '''' lio'el premises, mat he now has f days- Collodion KartineV Lotion, Lip Salve, Liniments, J. W. E. MAIKAL t lions for parti. of every description. Also, I I. Magnesia, Arid, 60-- tf ROBERT BROWN. 23, 1S56. 42-- tf Nawiliwili every Thursday morning for Spouse, Wai. nmlie Honolulu, Feb. a Billiard Saloon, titled up in superior style. Sleeping Leaving Oil, Medicine Chests, t "iVaimca, Fridays. Rrd Ink, Cod liver To i Rooms on the premises for families or single gentlemen. The Koloa, Hanapepfi and returning Soda Apparatus. Rose Water, Cr-a- of Tartar, Let. n with the choicest wines and liquors, and the of Govern- Nail ; r i r. in TO LET. lar is supplied tlx Oahu. The day of departure the Essential Oils, (ditT.) Straps, Hair. and Tooth Brushes, I iiom-- 'FFH'KS the building oDncsiie ik f H Hcilucctl, grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore en tend- Ivory Rii.js, Oiled Market, . hc m c C s I'riccs proprietor, ment Mail-Crri- r on Oahu is changed from Mon- Cmos, Pocket do., Knives, Silk, vcr store. iiqnire ol public no pains will be spared 0- -t EE & MARSHALL'S Circus. Apply to ed him, begs to assure the that Post-offi- Suspens. Kandagrs, Tarrant's Seltzer, LI I B the Honolulu Daguerreian Gallery. to leaving ce Trusses, J. Fl at o (jive satisfaction to them and strangers visiting Hon- day to THURSDAY of each week, the Nurse Lauios, II. MACFARLANE, entire Indelible Ink, licteals. : I SLTBSCKIRKR beg leave to inform the public and punctually at 0 A.M. Vanila Ii48-t- olulu. Pumps, Hair IHe. Beans. trfat 1IY Caj-T- f Commercial Hotel. THE visiting this port, that he has constructed some 12 mail-carri- Post-offic- e, 7ETOTICE iS IIKl:l 2ien that Thr.ni; P.S Entrance by Fort. Hole! and Union. tf er will leave the Flavoring Extracts, Gelatine. Kiesh liioves. adiniralilv adapted machinery for the purim-- e of ta- t. Ox Maul The X new anl morning, and passing .Mrs. Kidder's Cordial, isinglass, a Jv Ct hit n.v ;iiitf:ori7ed airent to transact al! king Daguerreotypes in the mint perfect and approved manner, Lahaina, every Tuesday - : : Hay's Liniment for PiUs, eit;i.evt'd w ti! the H. S. N. i.'o. during m TO LET. and that he is now ready with his greatly increased facilities A t H l 15 K I A L 1 1 0 T I I . . and Kahului, reach Makawao about through Wailuku F.urma Puuipsof all descriptions. 1 1 w all latent improvements, any kind , ihcrcc. Tn k aw a;; A.s Steam Navio,atio. v. . . NUUANU BATHING Establishment with to take picture ith the ia m i I III I MP 7 A.M., Wednesday, he will leave Mr. Court Pl.,ster, Lor.en-es- Surgicalinstraments, TpHE weather, and .....ri.' nn begs 6 P.M. At By Post-offic- e llyperon f luid. JNO. T. WRIGHT J a . I everything complete. Applv to GREATLY RF.DCCED PRl. F.S. anil peullemrn arriving Spencer's Store, which will be the for Rovle's .1T tnarquaini his frin!, H'istar's RaLaui Wild Cherry, llonofiiiv., Jan. 18th, 18i6. 37-- tf Agent. I II. MACFARLANE. He wosild call the attention of visitors especially the life- i i Honolulu, that lit hotel will be found to and passing through Kula, Torbcrts-vill- e t" in that district, Flesh Powder, t 43 Commercial Hotel, like appearance of the eye and depth of tone, which characteri- iof sf rvrry requinle accommodation. Wines, and Kalcnolcpo, return to Lahaina on Wednes erery usually kept at a Drug tf Views of gentlemen's vessels, ..f xutieri. r quality. Su And otheranicle Store. ses thfse pictures. residences, Sniriu. Me and Porter morning. 20 E. HOFFMANN, M. Notice. parts of the city Ac , taken correctly and vitlinut rctcrsine; perior Billiard Tables and Bowling Alleys. Hot, cold and day night or Thursday tf I. To Let. painting and Daguerreotype cnpied ; alsoStereoscopes,Chro shower Baths. Corner ot Iteretani a nil Nuuanu streets. Mails ox Hawaii. UK UNI EKMGNEH Assij ;nees of the Estate oi designs, in every variety and style J V 19 Mail-Carri- er - (4. n House and Premise on makai, inatic ar.d pictures of art Honolulu. it.9l. The between Kawaihae and Hilo UST RECEIVED ;md for Sa'e by the Under- I Jt.hn J.ewi. Bunknipt, hereby give cctict Dwellin open 9 o'clock A. M. tiil 4o lock P. M. h;i.f-Rt- " - mllE Rooms In. in L Law's Store at Kawaihae every signed. Tins smoked herrings, tj m-- to nil ii,. ')f, I to c said John to H side of Beretania street, lately occupied by Mr. Please call and exain.ne specimens. will leave ai.tain 9 t' G. I ewis THURSDAY, and returning leave ft. Pitman's Store kerel, sugar-enre- d hams, Westphalia ham n)i.('i, jiii.in.t- - .innu'iliure i trai ti A. P. EVEKE1T. Maxey. Apply to 45-- tf M. C. MONSARKAl. I'. STAXGEXWALD. Bathing Establishment. in Honolulu. Nov. 9th, 1?5j. 27 tf MONDAY. com starch, Pembroke salt, 1kx anl keg L. i Ho in Hilo every W. GREEN, AXD OLD BAI'llf, at all hur attii French 1 ! s-- HOT A Mail-Carri- er leaves Captain Law's Store at Ka- currants, raspberry and strawberry jnnn. ). tt Assignees. STORES TO LET. Money 2i'.-- Fire Proof safes. Molilh.y or weekly Ti kets at reasonnU? prices. tt Kailua and Kcalakeakua the first and tins, t lb. tins green peas, 1 lb. tins lobsters. 2 iH. SALE by waihae for Counters, Shelves, ir-din- Wooden Stores, with FOR St THURSDAY in each month, and leaves Capt. do. clams, 2 lb. tins salmon, 2 lb. tins pearhes VOX HOLT HEL'Cn. third B l.MiUSII 11 A MS, just received and for salt TWO Apply at the Commercial Hotel. BOARDING. Uumings' Store at Kealakeakua the first and third sago, ligs, canities, Jenny Lind cakes. a-:- resU-euc- e &li by MOSSMAN SON. is Also, a Lot of Land opposite the of Dr. each month. )icklcs, loaf and crushed sui;ar. cider and white wine tf. T. k J. R. Bo2d, r RS. THRUM'S private Boarding Hou-- e. Kir.;; Tl'ESDAY of Judd, in Nuuanu Valley. Apply as above. 45-- tt Kau, Mail be candied citron, 50 lb. Suffolk 50 XD COXFF.' TK)XER,respectlully announce to .st., below tl.c M sin lloiel. Roo.ns to let, fur- - Between Hilo and the will sent vinegar, tins iiur, e i .LOTHING FOR SALE. The nndersigned hart COOK ol IK.nolulu and its vicinity, on Mon- J every fortnight, leaving Mr. Pitman's Store, at Hilo. lb. bags Oregon Hour, bbls. siij.er-fin- llaxall Hour, inhabitants that msheil, terms moderate. German-mad- Lease. .Mufliins 1 always on hand an assortment of e For Kent or day Oct. he will commenca the baking of and 37-t- the iirst and third MONDAY of each month, and Carolina rice, pie fruits in lxttle. olive oil. lb. and j Crumpets Honolulu, Jan. 19th, f Clothing, Coats, Cloaks different well-know-n Hospital Premises on Waikifci leaving Mr. Shipman's residence, at Kau, the first lb. bottles mustard. French capers, sperm and ada- and Pants of 'PHE Hours of baking from f to 9 A M-- . and from 4 to fi P. M. soft-she- ll styles VON HOLT k HEUCK. X Plains, with all the improvements necessary for gindsol"' V tir.d third THURSDAY of each month. mantine candles, filberts, nuts, ii IVEDi'IXt; CAKES and all OXFECTI' i.XKR BO VUDEItS, wanted in a t OR TilliEE u.ail-carrie- the comfort of a family. made to nlc r at the slmrtet-- notice, and on the mint reasona- rWO Ti e rs throughout the kingdom will be almonds, jujube paste, English dairy cheese, kegs premises comprise an area of about ten ble terms. A. pri ate family. Terms moderate. Appy to T carry small other than letters salt pork, tins lard, cod tish and haddock, lb. bot- 1T710R Sale by the undersigned These and Hotel allowed to package, - hip corner of Fort streets E. HAMILTON, corner of Alakea and Hotel Streets. a.- Tarred Cordage of a 1 3-- 4. 24-r- such charges as may be tles pepper and allspice, chocolate in tins. lj, Spnnjarn, crcs, and are well fenced. Applv to f and papers, subject to fixed 1, Honolulu, Oct. 17th. le5i. 10-- tf 42-t- f JOSEPH BOOTH, National Hotel. on hereafter. Snndrics. oaips xeiis. ainerent irea, ready-madeFla- JACKSON, Po.t-Mte- r. Bunting and fdifferent na- JOSEPH Chas, MRS. OLIVER PITT. Honolulu, Dec. 26, 1835. 34 tf Dickenson's chewing tobacco, in 20 lb. kegs, tions. 45 VON HOLT k HEUCK. TO LET. ATS and BONNETS of every description, care NOTICE. P. Ward's, do. do. in h lb. kegs, Jas. Thomaa,r., VERY pleasantly situated COT fully cleaned, trimmed and in a UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice tha4 he do. do. in 15 lb kegs, Pcmnrook's S hand smoking 4 Valley. 1 mile rriIE inti- - ' avi A TAGE in Nuuanu superior manner, at the old stand. Hotel street, ite intends to leave this Kingdom for a short ti;ne, ENRY ROBINSON begs respectfully to tobacco. Manila cigars, stone and clav nines. Manila BIJ.IS, atrsjrw from Honolulu. For particulars, applv i h rr.nln.rp. mat- ! 1 , thtf Hanseatie tltiw,arjd the l.'aijed ftate. street. All Ladies' mate to customers and mends generally, v wood and cane seat chairs, rolls - Smith kinds of Shawls and he has transfered his Commission Business to ,w r - i 1 m Ik E. BBOWN. that f R. V. WVLLIE. to cleaned. Also, Gentlemen's Clothes, rf ery MR. B. W. FIELD, that the partnership heretofore existing with Henry tine white and check, painted pails, cedar do., mar Honolulu, March. IS 33-- tf ltf All orders executed with dispatch. 4o-- tf who will act as his Attorney during his absence in Rhodes is this day terminated. ket baskets, cut nail nstd., sclf-beati- charcoal the transaction of his business. Parties having The old business, on the old terms and, for the irons, bedsteads, ewers and basins, and a general 'TO LET. Sleeping Uooms. Enquire of Mr. accounts are requested to settle their prici present, at the old stand, under the auction room of assortment of crockery. Boots and shoes, gents' TI1E nOXQM IX IR0. WORKS. 1- -t. PTNA GOODS. PINA GOODS . calf-ski- I HUMPHREYS. Garden street. to the 10th of March ensuing. A. P. Everett, near tne custom liouse, wm oe con- Congress and cloth caiters. kip brogans. n The undersigned is now prepared to manufacture TO THE LADIES. B. F. SNOW. tinued as before, exclusively on his own account, do., patent leather do., women's and children's shoes, j all kinds of . C. SPALDING, offers for sale at reduced . . , . i : : . l i J3TORAGE.-Th- B 42-- endeavor will be to keep his connection sup- r larjja anl commixlious cellar Honolulu, Feb. 21, 1856. tf and his dovs can ana goai oroganu, iui jmrn nu MACHINERY AND MILL WORK, Iining-Sdoo- J prices Pina Dresses, Mantillas, and Scarfs under the National i'otel For plied with the best articles, at the lowest market boota. 3 cuffs and collars. Jenny Lind and also all kinds of I box axd Brass Castisg if terms, apply o JOSEPH BOOTH, prices. T. MOSSMAN & SON. made toorder. Also, Sawisq or Luxbeb prompt- Honolulu, May 15, 1855. 2 tf and Cutlery. 32-- Na!ior.sl IJotcl. Hardware The stock at present consists of hhds. Martell's Dec. 14. 1855. tf ly attended to. UNDERSIGNED on a 43-t- riHIE bar. hand laree and wel'se 1-- Feb. 27, UiS. t Brandy, hhds. United Vineyard Proprietors, pipes tf D. ii, QUORS, English Groceries. Soap, for A lected assortment of Axes, with handles complete of bbls. Jamaca, WSTO. English different sues, Hatchets and Hammers, fumbling Hatchets, Holland's Gin, kegs Holland's Gin, Crockery and Glassware. sale by 47-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. Hasp" and r ilea asrt. sizes, nail round and nat, Paw riles, do. Rum, bbls. Monongahela Whiskey, cases Brandy, To Let. plates, do Soup do., asstd. Bowls, do. asst " do., Pockrt Knives, Ten Ki Sailor's Knives, Dinner known as the ol.l ives, Sheath cases Old Tom, cases Geneva, do. French Liqueurs, Cases complete, Superior Furniture. IOSE VALUABLE PREMMES Knives, Scissor', Needles No'a I to 5, Shovels of various de and Saucers, white aad col'd Toilet setts MahogMiy li i e in London do. Port, (do.do.) formed SALE BT THE lDERSIGXED, X Iloyjl .Scho,l (jremi-- containing H comiriociioui, Salmon, Shingles &c. scnpti'.us, llrasa and Iron Hingas of all do. do. Screws do. Sherry, (bottled ;) do. Chamber pots. A larae of cut aad lara ef iiz, aad patterns. Porter aad Cham- FOR very superior, 1 smaller one do. lj., Chest room aad a kitchen The ri.--li different Claret, do. Hock, do. Sauterne, do. Tumblers of various sizes m-- roo.ns b.'sidi a li"e diuins AGENT OF THE HUDSON'S BAY CO. Hooks, Picture Nails, fistula qualities. do. St. JuUen Drawers Mahogony. Bureaus, do.. Toilet Stands do., i I g'HE pagne glass Decanters. The above ia offered for waoi will b i Ujl!icr to any person waiting 23--tf VON HOLT & HEUCK Cordial, do. Absynth, do. Jamaica Rum. glasses, cut 3L has just received from Vancouver's Island, a Cherry - Rnsewood, Card Tables, do.. Arm CDairs, Kocking a tfravy i, aalr- of tlje ery rooms Ork-ne- at the store whole at a moacraie otherwise the of Ale and Porter, per ships v 23-t- Rosewood Eiteasioa, do., Parlor Chairs of varums pattrra. FRESH LOT OF SALMOS. Large invoices l OX HOLT HEl'CK. will be lei singly or in suit a may he ilesircJ. Enquire Lass and Queen, are daily expected. Mirrors, ditferent sizes. Hat aad Umbrella Stands, Cttap Department of i ubhc Also Horizontal Pianofortes of celebrated makers. it t ie lusiruction. SADDLE AND HARNES8 MANU- 18-5- 39-- tf 10-t- Honolulu, January 31, Housepaper Sul IS, 1335. f. BBLS. OF SMALL FISH. LIVKRY STABLE. Also a splendid assortment ol new pattern FACTORY. 23-t-f VON HOLT St 160 .Tf. CEDAR SHIXGLES, subscriber would respectfully inform his K..rder Htl't'K. Ti LET. all which he offers at the lowest market rates. rPIIE Subscribers respectfully announce to the cit M. A. DUTCIIER has on hand the fol- THE and the public that he still continues lzensoi Honolulu, and the public generally, that the & FURNITURE FOR SALE. - The Salmon being strongly hooped is suitable for MRSlowing assortment of goods for sale at the business at the ol.l stand tn Mauna Kea St., lANO FORTES A DRY GOODS STORE in Nuuanu street, ap- are prepared sale, exportation and can be recommended as of good thev now to manufacture Saddles, Bri Rose Cottage Store, Rose Lane, opposite the Bethel. opposite the residence of the late Capt. Maughn. I 1 be undersiaued have on hand and offer for ply to 11. AlACFAULANE, Harness and Military Accoutrements of Fortes, lL 20-- tf dies, every latest fashion, lace robes, for ladies or - erior IJosewootl and Mahogany Piano -- ti Co.nmercial Hotel. quality. Ladies' bonnets of the where the best of saddle horses srnt'e- ;i; Honolulu, Sept. 185.5. description, at the new stand, corner of Fort and Splendid evening dresses, latest styles. men can be procured . ieant Heavy Rosewood and Mahogany Ana Hotcl-st- s. Elegant muslin and sillt ball-dresse- s, richly em- Horses to let by the month, week or day .'hairs lo co do Rocking Chains. To be sold or let. Having a thorough practical knowledge of the with silk. Iron Rocking Chaitsand Iron Bedsteads. Zinc. broidered 1 hanking the public for the liberal patronage - fPWO VILL'Au, ea. h with every convenience for business, they hope to meet with a liberal share of skirts, 4- VON HOLT HEUCK. HAND AND FOR SALE 20 casks of Zinc for roofing Embroidered tulle illusion. heretofore hestowed upon this establishment, and k J. a faTuilv, Valley, close to Rosebank. O.V public patronage. ROBINSON & HUGHES. under-sleeve- s, ' Niiw.mu shcela of feet in length, and 30 in width. Silk blond lace, chemisettes and assuring them that no exprtinrn on bis part shall hi Apply MRS. PATY, B. Carriagetrimming to. 32-- tf to 23 tf VOX HOLT tt IIF.UCK. N. attended Silk shawls," plaid silks, white French satins. spared, a continuance ol their favors i res;ectiuliy Portraits of His Majesty. SB the premises or in onoluiu to White figuered satins, white ribbons, solicited. 1L C. WYLL1E, COPIED of the finely executed Welch STEAM COAL for sale bv MUSLINS SILKS LAWNS, &c. Union linen, Irish linen. Bishop's lawn, 24-- tf FRANK P. MAN INI. VFEW a or C C. HARRIS. portrait of Hi Majesty the King BEST 47-- tf White Swiss muslin, French jaconet muslin. SO-- ROBERT C. JAXIOy. by is Tl by Honolulu, Nov. 60, 1855. tf T70R SALE the Agent of the Hudson's Bay flowers, for sale by the subscriler. The picture Head dresses, artificial wnite feathers. or rt Company, the following choice assortment of ribbon, kid slippers. Ml" M. WEBSTER'S LIVERY STABLES inches in size, ;nd can be procured uniramed Velvet trames, neatly Offices to Let. OF VESSELS can obtain from J. Fancy Goods, viz., Mull Muslin, Book Muslin, Misses' colored gaiters, ladies' black gaiters, 1TJL Beretania street, adjoining the Commercia fine guilt made. CAPTAINS Swiss Book Muslin, Jacconet, Victoria Lawns, Mus- 5-- above is provided with Price in gilt $10,00 each, in the sheet Post S place, Kalihiwai, Kauai, the fol- tf HoteL The establishment frame, f fine Officii over the Office. Enquire lin Dresses, Lawn Handkerchiefs, Muslin Sleeves, Horses, to by $3,00 each. TWO 45-- lowing provision: Reef, superior Saddle and Carriage be let the f tf II. M. WHITNEY. fresh Pork, Mutton and hT Poultry, on reasonable terms. Guipure Sleeves, Limerick sleeves, Honiton hour, dav or week. Horses taken on Livery, and the Peoons ordering from the other Islands, can Sleeves, Lace Capes, Shot Silk, Check and Saddlery. portraits packed by vessel. Also, Fire-woo- d in any quantity. Figured The very best best of srooming, food and attention furnished. The the and sent the first Store to Silk, Tortoise Shell Comb, Real Lace. spring Stirrups. Spurs, riding and & oO- -f M. WHITNEY. Fire Proof Let Information regarding the harbor and anchorage. Thread SADDLES, Bridles. Bits, services of a competant Veterinarian Farrier, are en II. 11-- offered f..r sale at very moderate prices at LARGE ROOM oa the first floor of rapt Makee'a new Honolulu. Julv, 1855. tf are gaced. and the proprietor invites those who are fond TBC can be obtained at tne store ot K. (Joady & Co., Hon BUM LB St formerly C. T. Avernerg . cw. mug at, building, corner of Uueen and Kaaaumaau street", G. CO'?, exercises to try his Horses and jadge Messrs. Aldnch St Bishop. Applv on olu, Oahu. 15-- tf comer of Maunnkea. of equestrian Notice to Whale Siips. Trth nor of the by any Sl-t- f KOBEET C. JA.VIO.V. N. B. The alwve articles ol Sa.ldlery are naequalled forthemselves. Indies and Oentleman winning tneir Merchants, rmiM,to COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 27-- tf BALN k BURTT, General others, ever brought to Ibis place, horses sent to their residences, will please notify the MESSRS. residing " undersigned having and Commission Agents, THE purchased the large hour and equipment, either at the above establish tende' K0TICK commodious occupied B. Auckland. New Zealand, hereby respectfully I0R SALE. Store latelv bv Pit Monongahela Whiskey, at the Commercial Hotel. store undersigned is directed by the Managers Kmi., of mentor their best services for supplying ships with man. at the Port Kawaihae, Hawaii, and 23-- M. t riaoat BalMlaK Lat la Naaaaa Valler T1HE the Hawaiian Flour Company" Quality, just received per Frances tf M. WEBSTER. and refreshments of every kind, for purchasing e f sta'e also the Premises formerly occupied by Mncy & i THAT LOT OF LAND oppo-it- io Judee to 1MRST in packages ot 10 to 20 gallons. For sale bills of x ALL private their customers, that having resolved to sell their Louzada, of the same place, are now prepared to disposing of oil, bone, Ac, for cashing residence, exteoJins from the Nuuanu flour, bran and by JOSEPH BOOTH, national Hotel. all otber Road back to the River and Inn; between Governor shorts at the Mill at very moderate furnish Shipping touching at the above named Port ONOLULU BREWERY MALT BEEP change, and generally for the transaction of Kekuauaoa's House Lot and the property belonging to J. prices, and wishing to avoid the trouble of collecting, for supplies, with any thing that may he required. Honolulu, reo. i, isoti. The undersigned having established a Brew shipping and mercantile business. ?a. T! fVtv tVi AU Robinson Ol Co., containing an area of 3 acres. their sales are for cash onlv. at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable err in Honolulu, ron oi., opposite me xrencn f Va. ao;i;n Airtmrinnm ncrt of above lot is well watered, is a distance R. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. ME-VJ- command- The convenient terms that supplies can he obtained at any other g i LOBE STOKE, L. FRAN COM k A. C Hotel, are now prepared to supply families, hotels. land, Messrs Bain k Burtt, beg to refer town, commands an extensive magnificent Honolulu, 15, 11-- ' from the and July 1856. tf Port at Sandwich Islands. DAILLE, King Street. Honolulu, boarding houses and bar rooms, in kegs or in bottles. ers of whale ships, and other vessels to Henry view, ani is altogether one ol the most favorable locali- the Oahu. and Constantly on hand a good supply of Hawaiian General assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Pro All orders a ill be punctually attended to. cap Holdsworth, Captain of the port of Honolu ties for tgrilloiiian's residence in the neighborhood of at Laha Hoaolola. For particular apply to NGLISH. French, German and Chinese SILKS, Beef. GEORGE W. MACY, visions, etc. tains and passengers will be accommodated at the to the Consuls of the , W. WEBSTER. -- i The most COlHDlete assortment ever offprm? JAMES A. LAW. Ansortiment Genial it Provisions .Babilletnents, shortest notice. Hilo. -- 17-t- f. H-l- - Land to His eal 47-tf . 44-- tf I - J-- tr , Co. 28 August, 1855. . . - - Agat Mjty. or by ROBERT C JANIONv Kawaihae, February 26, 185:. . ; , mrticlts it ptrt Fcurtaui, tie. Mf J. J.BISCHOFF& Honolulu,

if 'V