Jane Campbell Hutchison 204 Elvehjem Museum of Art Professor of Art History 800 University Avenue University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison WI 53706 Telephone: (608)-263-2349 (office) e-mail:< [email protected]> 233-1682 (home)

Citizenship: U.S. Birthplace: Washington, D.C.


German, Dutch and Flemish painting and graphic arts 15th-17th centuries; Albrecht Dü rer, Martin Schongauer

LANGUAGES: Dutch, German, French, Latin

EDUCATION: Ph.D., Art History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964. (James S. Watrous, Major Professor). Minor field: European intellectual history (George L. Mosse). Dissertation: The Hausbuchmeister: Studies in Style and Iconography.

Dissertation research: Kunsthistorisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht (), J.G. van Gelder, adviser), and Rijksprentenkabinet, (K.G. Boon).1960-61. (Fulbright Fellow)

M.A., Art History, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1958. (Wolfgang Stechow, adviser).

B.A., Fine Arts, Western Maryland College (now called MacDaniel College), Westminster, Maryland, 1954 (William A.MacDonald, adviser).

HONORS AND AWARDS: Print Council of America (the professional organization for curators of graphic art:elected 1993, one of first three academics ever voted to membership);Who=s Who in the World (2004); Who' s Who in America (2000); World Who' s Who of Women (12th edition); Who' s Who of American Women; Who' s Who in American Education; Western Maryland College Trustee Alumni Award (1987). Purchase prize, U.S. National Printmakers Exhibition, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. (for technical excellence in etching) 1956.

MAJOR GRANTS: Fulbright Fellow Netherlands (1960/61); Deutscher Akademischer 2

Austauschdienst (DAAD) (summer 1989); ACLS grant-in-aid (1984); NEH Research Tool Grant (1983- 84); University of Wisconsin Graduate School faculty research grants 1966, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998


Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Consulted by Curator, John O. Hand in connection with a 15th-century Flemish painting under consideration for purchase. (1977)

Washington, National Gallery of Art. Edited catalogue of Lucas van Leyden exhibition prepared by Ellen Jacobowitz and Stephanie Loeb, 1983, and gave lecture at the exhibition opening.

Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet der (funded by Rijksmuseum and ACLS to assist the museum' s Curator of Prints in mounting and preparing the catalogue for the 100th Anniversary exhibitions of prints, drawings, paintings and stained glass attributed to the anonymous 15th-century Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, and presenting a paper at the opening symposium (1984: see Publications.)

Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum. Participated in scholarly symposium presented in connection with the exhibition of the Wolfegg Hausbuch (Gave gallery talk.) (1998)

Frankfurt, Städelsches Kunstinstitut (participated in symposium accompanying exhibition of works by the Hausbuchmeister/ Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet (1984). (See Publications.)

Colmar (France). Musée Unterlinden. Gave invited paper on forgeries of by the 15th-century artist Martin Schongauer, as part of symposium connected with major exhibition honoring 500th anniversary of the artist' s death. (1991). (See Publications).

Cincinnati Art Museum (chose and catalogued 15th-century German, Dutch and Flemish master engravings for exhibition," 100 Master Prints" and gave lecture at the exhibition opening. 1993.)

Federal Court, Southern District of New York. Called by the prosecuting attorney, Alexander Shapiro, as expert witness in penalty phase of criminal case involving drawings 3

by Albrecht Dü rer stolen from the Bremen Museum at the close of World War II; re- stolen in 1997 from a museum in Baku, Azerbaijan; and recovered by United States Customs Service in New York. ( February, 2000.)


Editorial Board, SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL (2003----) Board of Directors, Sixteenth Century Studies Society (1996-99); Sixteenth Century Monograph Series Editorial Board (1998- ---) Treasurer, Historians of Netherlandish Art (1995-1999). (International professional society) Advisory Board: STUDIES IN ICONOGRAPHY(ongoing) SOURCE (ongoing) Editorial Board: The Illustrated Bartsch series (ongoing) Midwest Art History Society. (Past president; current Secretary)


Print Council of America; Medieval Academy of America; College Art Association; Historians of Netherlandish Art (Sec.-Treas. 1994-96; Treas. 1996--); American Association of Netherlandic Studies; American Association of Museums; Renaissance Society of America; Historians of Early Modern Europe--Sixteenth Century Studies Council (1996-99); International Society for the Classical Tradition; Authors' Guild and Authors League of America; Catholic Historical Association; Midwest Art History Society (Sec.-Treas. 1981-3; President 1983-5); AAUP (Madison Chapter President 1978-80, Wisconsin State President 1980-1).


The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas City, MO.) Collection catalogue: German section. Burton Dunbar and Molly Faries, eds. (In press, 2004)


ART BULLETIN; SPECULUM; SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL; STUDIES IN ICONOGRAPHY; RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY (Georgetown University), THE GERMAN QUARTERLY Renaissance Society of America, Princeton University Press; Pennsylvania State Press; University of Wisconsin Press; Prentice Hall; National Gallery of Art, Washington (1982/83), Ashgate Press (2002)

For tenure and promotion cases: University of Texas, Austin; University of Toronto; Lake Forest College (IL); Michigan State University; University of Michigan-Dearborn University of Iowa

For grants and Fellowships: Institute for International Education (Fulbright national screening committee for France, Belgium, Netherlands (1977, 1980, 1982, 1988, 1990, 1991) National Endowment for Humanities (1972-77; 2002, 2003)

Departmental evaluations: University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and University of Nebraska, Omaha

Max Kade Institute review (UW-Madison)




The Master of the Housebook. New York, Collectors Editions, 1972. 190 pp. 4to. (One of three volumes commissioned to supplement the reprint edition of Max Lehrs' s standard reference work, Geschichte und kritischer Katalog des deutschen, niederländischen und französischen Kupferstichs im 15. Jahrhundert, 10 vols. , 1908-34.)

Early German Artists: Master E.S. - Martin Schongauer (Editor). New York, Abaris Books, 1980, 316 pp. 4to. (The Illustrated Bartsch, Plate Volume 8).

Early German Artists: Israhel van Meckenem, Wenzel von Olmü tz and Monogrammists. New York, Abaris Books, 1981. 446 pp. 4to. (The Illustrated Bartsch, Plate Volume 9; co-edited with Fritz Koreny of the Albertina, Vienna, who contributed the section on Israhel van Meckenem).

Albrecht Dü rer: A Biography. Princeton University Press, 1990. 247 pp. 8vo. (Reviewed in The New York Times; Renaissance Quarterly; Mitteilungen des Vereins fü r Geschichte der Stadt Nü rnberg; German Studies Review; Print Quarterly; The Catholic Historical Review ; Frankfurter Allgemeine, and elsewhere. (A Japanese translation is under contract to Bijutsu Koron Sha, Tokyo.)

German edition: Albrecht Dü rer: Eine Biographie, trans. by Eva Gärtner, Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, 1994.

Early German Artists: Wenzel von Olmü tz, Mair von Landshut and Monogrammists. (Author). New York, Abaris Books, 1991 (The Illustrated Bartsch, Commentary Volume 9 Part II.) 419 pp. 4to.

Early German Artists: Martin Schongauer,Ludwig Schongauer and Copyists.(Author) New York, Abaris Books, 1996 (The Illustrated Bartsch, Commentary Volume 8 Part I).

Albrecht Dü rer: A Resource Manual. New York and , Garland/Taylor & Francis, 2000. (Art Resource Series, Wolfgang Freitag, General Editor.) 450 pp.


Early German Artists Commentary Volume 8 Part II, The Illustrated Bartsch (Master E.S., the Zwolle Master, Master FVB, bxg and others).

German Painting and Graphics 1300-1550

A history of museums and collecting 7


Cincinnati Art Museum. Six Centuries of Master Prints: Treasures of the Herbert Greer French Collection. Kristin L. Spangenberg, ed., 1993. (Selected northern European works for the exhibition, and wrote entries on Master E.S., Schongauer, Master bxg, the Zwolle Master, Israhel van Meckenem, Mair von Landshut, Master Lcz, Alart du Hameel, Master i.e., Master MZ, Albrecht Dü rer, unidentified Master of the Blockbook Apocalypse, Master of the Meshed Backgrounds.)

Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum (March 14 - June 9, 1985). ' s Levens Felheid: De Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet of de Hausbuchmeester ca 1470-1500. Compiled by J.P. Filedt Kok. Maarsen, Gary Schwarz, 1985. Traveled in East and West Germany with the Dutch curator to select works from German museums for the exhibition, and wrote two substantial essays for the catalogue: "Ex ungue leonem: wie was de Meester van het Hausbuch?", pp. 41-61; and "Het Hausbuch," pp. 217-244. The exhibition was held over in Frankfurt am Main (Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Sept. 5- Nov. 3, 1985, at which time a German translation of the catalogue was published (Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt. A permanent English edition was published by Princeton University Press as The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet or Housebook (1985).

Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Graphic Art in the Age of Martin Luther. 1983. (Arranged and catalogued this loan exhibition of graphic art from the National Gallery of Art and Art Institute of Chicago, requested by the Institute for Research in Humanities to accompany the scholarly symposium honoring Martin Luther' s 500th birth anniversary.)

Dutch and Flemish Paintings: A Loan Exhibition. 1974. (Catalogued this exhibition of 17th century paintings from a private collection in the Netherlands, which came to Wisconsin on a ten-year loan.)


AThe Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, by Quentin Metsys A in The Folio Society Book of the 100 Greatest Portraits: Portraiture in the Western Tradition, 1300-1939. Jane Armstrong and Martin Bailey, eds. London, The Folio Society, 2004, 50-52.

"Albrecht Dü rer' s Melencolia I: An Omnium Gatherum," in Madness, Melancholy and the Limits of the Self. Andrew D. Weiner, ed., Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Law School, 1996 (Graven Images, Vol. 3) pp.27-40.


"Albrecht Dü rer, ' ehrlich gehalten nah und feren' ," in Responsibility and Commitment - Ethische Postulate der Kulturvermittlung. Festschrift fü r Jost Hermand. Klaus L. Berghahn, Robert C. Holub und Klaus Scherpe, eds. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag fü r Wissenschaften, 1996, pp.71-82.

"Martin Schongauer", in A Corpus of Drawings in Midwestern Collections, vol. 1, Early Drawings, Columbia MO, University of Missouri Press, 1996.

"Albrecht Dü rer: Praeceptor mundi," in Renaissance, Reform, Reflections in the Age of Dü rer, Bruegel and Rembrandt - Master Prints from the Albion College Collection. Shelley K. Perlove, ed., Dearborn MI, 1994, pp. 47-57.

"Schongauer Copies and Forgeries," in Colloque Internationale Schongauer, Musée d' Unterlinden, , [1994], pp.115-126.

"Albrecht Dü rer' s Praxitelean Aphrodite: The Sacramento Nude," DRAWING, New York, The Drawing Society, vol. XIII no. 3, Sept.- Oct. 1991, pp. 55-6.

"Expositions à l' étranger: Amsterdam -Le Maî tre du Cabinet d' Amsterdam au Rijksprentenkabinet," NOUVELLES DE L' ESTAMPE no. 80, mai 1985, pp. 32-36.

"Two early engravings by Lucas van Leyden," ELVEHJEM MUSEUM OF ART BULLETIN, 1981-83, PP. 21-28.

"Der vielgefeierte Dü rer," in Deutsche Feiern, Reinhold Grimm and Jost Hermand, eds., Wiesbaden, Athenaion, 1977, pp. 25-45 and 172-174.

"The Housebook Master and the Mainz Marienleben," in A Tribute to Wolfgang Stechow, Walter L. Strauss, ed., New York, 1976 (PRINT REVIEW, 5) pp. 96-113.

"The Housebook Master and the Folly of the Wise Man," ART BULLETIN vol. XLVIII (March 1966) pp. 73-79.


AAlbrecht Dü rer,@ AThe Cranach Family,@ AHans Holbein,@ APrints and Popular Imagery@, in Europe 1450-1789.. Encyclopedia of the Modern World. ( 5 vols., New . York and London, Scribner, 2004.

"Master E.S.", "Master of the Playing Cards," in Medieval Germany: An Encyclopedia. New York, Garland, 2001. 9

"Albrecht Dü rer," in Historia Universal de la Pintura, 10 vols., Barcelona, Plawerg Editores, 1999., vol. III, pp. 261-78.

Brief biographies of 50 artists in Who' s Who in Europe 1450-1750, Henry Kamen, editor, London, Routledge , 2000.

Neue Deutsche Biographie. Munich, Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991, vol. XVI, pp. 714-715, "Meister des Hausbuchs."

Art and Artists. London, St. James' s Press. "Master of the Housebook," Master Bertram," "Master Francke," "Lukas Moser,"Konrad Witz," "Michael Wolgemut," "Albrecht Dü rer," "Hans Holbein the Younger."

Grove Dictionary of Art, London, MacMillan & Co., 1996. "Quentin Metsys," (vol. 21, 352-57); "Pieter Coecke van Aelst," (vol. 7, 518-20); "Master of ," (vol. 20, 655-7); Master IP," (vol. 20, 800); "Leonhard Magt," (vol. 20, 104); "Johann Kroess," (vol. 18, 462); "Stephan Godl," (vol. 12, 838); "Theodor de Bry," (vol. 5, 62-3); "Gerhard Heinrich," (vol. 14, 316); "Lambert Suavius."(vol. 29, 885).

World Book Encyclopedia. "Albrecht Dü rer," "Matthias Grunewald," "The Holbein Family," "Martin Schongauer," "Lucas van Leyden."


ARembrandt=s Journey,@ gallery talk in the Rembrandt loan exhibition, Chicago Art Institute, 15 April 2004. (After hours event for Wisconsin Alumni Association -Chicago Chapter)

Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereeniging: Symposium organizer honoring Prof. Robert Bird (ChemEngr) on the occasion of his being knighted by order of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. ARederijkers and Painters in Flanders and Holland.@ (Scholarly paper on influence of Dutch Chambers of Rhetoric on the visual arts, 15th-17th centuries.) (Oct 3- 4., 2004)

Moderator, ARembrandt and Jews,@ Mosse-Weinstein Symposium, UW-Madison, 5 December 2002.


Organizer and Chair: Northern European Art session: Midwest Art History society annual meeting, Milwaukee Art Institute, April 4, 2002

Organizer and Chair: two sessions of papers on Northern European Art, annual meeting, Midwest Art History Society, Minneapolis Art Institute. April 2001

AAlbrecht Dü rer in Court@ (Paper invited for annual conference of Sixteenth Century Studies, Denver CO, October 13, 2001.)

AAlbrecht Dü rer=s Frauenbad. (Paper presented at spring meeting of Print Council of America, Madison, May, 2001)

"Numbered Peasants and Massacred Innocents: Pieter Bruegel and the Flemish Response to Tridentine Reform." (Paper invited for special session of Midwest Art History Society honoring Charles Cuttler. Presented Chicago, De Paul University, April 3, 1998.)

Gallery talk - Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, January 19, 1998, in connection with the exhibition of the Wolfegg Hausbuch, Gotha Lovers, and Amsterdam drypoints by the Hausbuchmeister.

Organizer and Chair - 16th Century Art in Germany and the Netherlands. Sixteenth Century Studies conference, Atlanta GA, October 23-5, 1997.

"Aspects of Print Collecting in the 1920' 3 and ' 30' s: Herbert Greer French," Pleanry lecture, Print Council of America Annual Meeting, Cincinnati Art Museum, April 28, 1995.

"Albrecht Dü rer: Praeceptor mundi." International symposium honoring Professor Jost Hermand' s 65th birthday, University of Wisconsin Department of German March 3, 1995.

"New Light on Lucas van Leyden' s Milkmaid." Midwest Art History Society Annual Meeting, Chicago Art Institute, March 1994.

"Early Northern European Prints from the Herbert Greer French Collection: Master E.S. to Albrecht Dü rer." Cincinnati Art Museum exhibition opening, March 6, 1993.

"Lucas van Leyden and the Classical Tradition in Holland." Invited paper, International Society for the Classical Tradition, Tü bingen University (Germany), August, 1992.

Chair - session on northern European art. Midwest Art History Society annual meeting, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, April, 1992.


Chair -Session on Art History. Sixth Wisconsin Symposium on Netherlandic Studies, Madison, March 19-21, 1992. (Also 1991, 1990).

"Schongauer Copies and Forgeries." Musée d' Unterlinden, Colmar (France). International Colloquium honoring the 500th death anniversary of the artist. September 30-October 3, 1991.

"Fifteenth Century Flemish Drawings," The Rambach Lecture, The Drawing Society, New York, February 20, 1991.

"Prints of the Reformation : Luther, Dü rer and Cranach." Opening lecture for an exhibition of graphic art from the collection of the Lutheran Brotherhood (Minneapolis). Augustana College, Rock Island IL. December 3, 1990.

"Albrecht Dü rer' s Family Chronicle." Midwest Art History Society Annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati, March 31, 1990.

"Albertus Durerus Noricus." Plenary lecture, Central Renaissance Conference, Nelson- Atkins Museum, Kansas City MO, April 7, 1989.

"The State of the Question." Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum 100th Anniversary symposium opening the exhibition, Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. March 14, 1985.

Panelist, Symposium on the exhibition, Der Hausbuchmeister, Frankfurt a.M., Städelsches Kunstinstitut, November 3-5, 1985.

"The Conflict Between Carnival and Lent in Pieter Bruegel' s Carnival." Burdick Memorial Symposium, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research in the Humanities, March 29, 1985. (Symposium topic: Popular Religion in Counter-Reformation Europe; chair: Prof. Henry Kamen, Barcelona.)

"Graphic Art in the Age of Martin Luther." Burdick Symposium: Martin Luther 500th Anniversary, University of Wisconsin Institute for Research in the Humanities, October 22, 1983. Opening of a loan exhibition of prints and rare books. "The Graphic Art of Lucas van Leyden." National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Opening lecture for the exhibition The Graphic Art of Lucas van Leyden, June 5, 1983.

"Adam and Eve, An Academy of the Nude." University of Iowa Museum, opening lecture for the exhibition Adam and Eve, circulated by the Smithsonian Institution, September 9, 1979.


Moderator, Colloquium on Flemish Prints and Drawings. University of Iowa Museum, opening of an exhibition sponsored by the Belgian Embassy and the City of , October 7-, 1977.

"The Celebrated Albrecht Dü rer." Eighth Wisconsin Workshop, Deutsche Feiern, sponsored by the Goethe Haus (New York) and by the University of Wisconsin Department of German. October 14, 1976.

Panelist, "The University and the Museum." Midwest Art History Society annual meeting, Cleveland Museum of Art, April 1976.

"Seventeenth century Dutch theater and its influence on the visual arts," American Theater Association Conference on Graduate Study. University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 1972. (Session chair: Oscar Brockett.)

"The Housebook Master and the Mainz Marienleben." College Art Association of America annual meeting, Chicago IL, January 31, 1971. (Session chair: Alan Shestack.)


Achim Simon, Österreichische Tafelmalerie der Spätgotik: Der niederländische Einfluss im 15. Jahrhundert.. (Reviewed in RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, lvii NO. 2, Summer 2004, 672-674.)

Julien Chaphuis, : Image Making in Fifteenth Century . Turnhout, Brepols, 2004, 331 pp. (Reviewed in HISTORIANS OF NETHERLANDISH ART NEWSLETTER vol. 21 no. 2, November 2004, 13-14.

Aus Albrecht Dü rers Welt. Festschrift fü r Fedja Anzelewski. Bodo Brinkman, Hartmut Krohm, Michael Roth eds., Turnhout (BE), Brepols, 2001. 224 pp. (Reviewed in HISTORIANS OF NETHERLANDISH ART NEWSLETTER, 2002.)

Thomas H. von der Dunk. Das deutsche Denkmal. Eine Geschichte in Bronze und Stein vom Mittelalter bis Barock. Köln/Weimar/Wien, Böhlau, 1999, 828pp. (Reviewed in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, vol. XXXII, Summer 2001, 463-465.)

Pia F. Cuneo. Art and Politics in Germany: Jörg Breu the Elder and the fashioning of Political Identity ca. 1475-1536. (Studies in Reformation Thought, 67). (in 13

RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, vol. 53, Fall 2000, pp. 270-271.)

Dagmar Eichberger and Charles Zika, eds. Dü rer and His Culture. Cambridge University Press, 1998. (in RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, vol. 53, Fall 2000, pp. 271- 272.)

John Roger Paas. The German Political Broadsheet 1600-1700, vol. 6 (1632). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1998, 403 pp. (in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, vol. XXXI no. 1, 2000, pp. 217-218.

Ulrike B. Wegener. Die Faszination des Masslosen: Der Turmbau zu Babel von Pieter Bruegel bis Athanasius Kircher. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 1995. (in RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, vol. 51 no. 1, Spring 1998). pp.70-72.

Peter Krü ger. Dü rers "Apokalypse". Zur poetischen Struktur einer Bilderzählung der Renaissance. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1996. (in RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, vol. 51 no. 1 (Spring 1998) pp.72-74.

Celeste Brusati. Artifice and Illusion: The Art and Writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten. University of Chicago Press, 1996 (in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, vol. XXVIII no. 3 (1997) pp. 1040-1041.)

Ron Spronk. More Than Meets the Eye. An Introduction to Technical Examination of Early Netherlandish Paintings in the Fogg Art Museum. HARVARD UNIVERSITY ART MUSEUMS BULLETIN, vol. V no. 1, Fall 1966. ( in HISTORIANS OF NETHERLANDISH ART NEWSLETTER, Fall 1997)

Giulia Bartrum. German Renaissance Prints. London, Published by the Trustees of the British Museum for the British Museum Press, c1995. (Reviewed in RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, Spring 1997, pp. 327-328.)

Realism and Invention in the Prints of Albrecht Dü rer. Essays by David R. Smith and Liz Guenther. Durham NH and London, University Press of New England, 1995. 78 pp. (Exhibition catalogue, University of New Hampshire Art Gallery. Reviewed in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, vol. 28 no. 1, pp. 336-337.)

John Roger Paas. The German Political Broadsheet 1600 - 1700: Volume 4, 1622- 1629. Wiesbaden, Harrasowitz Verlag, 1994. (Reviewed in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL vol. 27 no. 1, 1996, pp. 224-225.)

Steven Ozment. Three Behaim Boys: Growing Up in Early Modern Germany. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1991. (Reviewed in MONATSHEFTE, October 1993.


Linda Siegel. Dora Stock, Portrait Painter of the Körner Circle in Dresden (1785-1815). Lewiston, NY, Edwin Mellen, 1993. (Reviewed in MONATSHEFTE , vol. 86 no. 3, Fall 1994, pp. 461-62.)

Hans Schäufelein. Vorträge, gehalten anlässlich des Nördlinger Symposiums im Rahmen der 7. Rieser Kulturtage, 14 Mai, 1988. Walter Barsig and Karl-Heinz Schreyl, eds. Nördlingen, 1990. (Reviewed in SPECULUM, October, 1992.)

Claude-Henri Rocquet. Bruegel, or The Workshop of Dreams. University of Chicago Press, 1991. (Reviewed in The New York Times Book Review, March 29, 1992.) Walter L. Strauss. The and Woodblocks of Albrecht Dü rer. New York, Abaris Books, 1980. (Reviewed in ART BULLETIN vol. 44, 1982, pp. 332-36.)

Wim Swaan. The Late Middle Ages: Art and Architecture from 1350 to the Advent of the Renaissance. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1977. (Reviewed in THE CATHOLIC HISTORICAL REVIEW, vol. 66, 1980, pp. 686-87.)

Jeremy D. Bangs. Cornelis Enghebrechtsz' s Leiden: Studies in Cultural History. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1979. (Reviewed in SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL, vol. 13, 1982, pp. 105-06.)


Julien Chaphuis, ed. (symposium papers) for RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY

Joseph Leo Koerner. Reformation of the Image. (For THE GERMAN QUARTERLY, Georgetown University)

Wayne Franits. Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting.New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004 ( for SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL)


Technical Illustrator, U.S. Navy Department Model Basin, Washington, D.C. (1954-55). Research Librarian, Toledo (Ohio) Museum of Art. (1957-59). 15

Instructor, Art History Department, UW-Madison. (1964) Assistant Professor " " " " (1965-68) Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History, Temple University (Summer 1968) Associate Professor, Art History, UW-Madison. (1969-75) Professor, " " " " (1975 -present) Departmental Chair (1977-80); (1992-93)


Ohio University (Athens, OH) (1964) University of Georgia (1964) National Gallery of Art (1968) Temple University (1968) Virginia Tech (invitation to apply for Dean) (1980) Princeton University (invitation to apply for endowed Chair) (1994)


Art History 330 -German Painting and Graphics 1350-1530 (taught in alternate years)

" " 331 -Netherlandish Painting of the 15th century ( " " " )

" " 332 -Northern European Painting and Graphics from Bosch and Breugel to Holbein

" " 333 -Seventeenth Century Netherlandish Painting and Graphics

" " 334 -Master Prints and Printmakers of the Western World (occasionally; alternate with

Prof. Dennis.)

" " 535 -Proseminar in Northern European Art (topics change: offered in alternate years.

Topics have included Arts of the Dutch Republic; Religious Iconography in Northern Art;

History of Museums.)

" " 835 -Graduate Seminar in Northern European Art (offered in alternate years. Topics 16

have included History of Museums and Collecting; Rembrandt; Vermeer; German

Prints & Drawings; Albrecht Dü rer; Dutch Genre Painting; Flemish Influence in 15th century Spain; Arts of the ; Court Painting in Northern

Europe, Christian Iconography, )

" " 202 -Renaissance to Modern Art (occasionally. This course rotates throughout the



Ph.D.: Jane Susan Peters. 1976 (Associate Professor of Art History, University of Kentucky,

Lexington. Editor of several volumes of The Illustrated Bartsch series)

Ph.D Pamela Hibbs DeCoteau 1975 (M.A. Michigan State; Associate Professor, Southern

Illinois-Edwardsville; author of respected monograph on the female 17th century

Netherlandish painter Clara Peeters.)

Ph.D. Barbara Ann Stanton-Hirst 1978. ( M.A. George Washington University;)Independent

scholar, New York City. Attended courses given at The Costume Institute, Metropolitan

Museum; and Sotheby=s auction house, London. Has provided background illustrations for

CBS News.

Ph.D. Morris Perinchief 1991 (M.A. University. of Chicago);Chairman, Department of Art,

Kutztown (PA) University

Ph.D. Braden Frieder.1997 (M.A. University of New Mexico); Assistant Professor, Georgia

Southern University.Received fellowship from American Numismatic Society, New York

Ph.D. Kevin McManamy.2000 (M.A. UW-Madison ) (DAAD grantee; dissertaton on the Apostle

sculptures of the church of St. Mary in the Meadow, Soest (Germany). Has taught at 17

University of Idaho (as ABD) and UW-Eau Claire (non-tenure track). Now interviewing.

Ph.D. J. Michael Shin.2001 (DAAD grantee). Now teaching in Seoul, Korea, His dissertation

on Albrecht Durer=s Marienleben was recently published in Berlin.(2004)

Ph.D. Paul M. Bacon.2004 (M.A. University of Illinois). Dissertation on Frederick the Wise of

Saxony and his patronage of the Castle Church, Wittenberg. Taught at UW-LaCrosse as

ABD; now interviewing.

Ph.D. (ABD):

Thomas Gombar (Fulbright Fellow-University of Leiden; Curator of Slides, UW-Madison

Art History Dept.)

Linda Duychak (M.A., Library Science; Reference Librarian, Kohler art Library, UW)

Laurentia Cincoski (M.A. 1999; P.E.O. grantee for research in Netherlands on the female

17th century painter Maria van Oosterwijck. Now teaching at UW-Stout as ABD

Soo-Yeon Park. . Writing dissertation on Catholic imagery in the art of a 17th-century

Utrecht painter

Ph.D. beginning:

Sooyun Sohn (M.A. UW-Madison. Field of specialization: Dutch painting)

M.A. Marsely Kehoe (Field: Dutch painting)

M.A. 's Completed:

Dorothy Fletcher (M.A. 1972. Now teaching at Emory University, Atlanta)

Jane S. Peters (M.A. 1972; entered Ph.D. program, q.v.; winner of Rotary Club 18

fellowship for dissertation research in Munich)

Jill Fischer Kunsmann.(M.A. 1972) Lived abroad with German husband for many years;

now a docent at Milwaukee Art Institute

Thomas Gombar (Slide Curator -UW Art History)

Linda Duychak (Reference Librarian -Kohler Library, UW )

Wayne Sayles ( retired U.S. Army officer; editor of a newsletter for collectors of ancient

coins, and author of several books on numismatics and other topics.)

Loni Hayman (wife of Emeritus Professor David Hayman)

Mary E. Kirn (M.A. UW 1983; Ph.D. U. of Florida). Professor of art history at

Augustana College, Rock Island IL.

Ellen Winson Mayer (M.A. 1992: now teaching at Edgewood College, Madison)

Michael Gonzalez (M.A. 1994: now in Ph.D. program at Stonybrook)

Kari Sterling (M.A. 1994)

Laurentia Cincoski (now in UW Ph.D. program)

Soo-yeon Park (M.A. 1999; admitted to UW Ph.D. program)

Andrea Morrill (M.A. 200 internship at the Dallas Museum)

Sarah Cloud (M.A. 2000: ( internship Worcester (MA) Museum)

Sooyun Sohn (M.A. 2003). Admitted to Ph.D. program; Teaching Assistant, UW-Madison


University Committee (1972-74)

Humanities Divisional Committee (three terms: final year as co-Chair)

R.O.T.C.Officer Education Committee, Chair ( 2004). Member since 1995 19

Elvehjem Museum Accessions Committee (one year)

Library Committee

Faculty Senate (many terms); Senate alternate 2004-5

Equity and Diversity Committee(2001-2004)


Wisconsin State Legislative Council Committee on Sources of Funding for the Arts

American Association of University Professors (Past President, Madison chapter and

Wisconsin State Conference)

University Club -Board of Directors (Past President; current Board member)

Midwest Art History Society (Past President; currently Secretary)

Max Kade Institute referee (UW)


West Side Rotary, and West Town Rotary, invited talks on Albrecht Dü rer

Lectures invited for senior citizen groups at Oakwood ( 3; most recently 2004) Slide talks

on Albrecht Dü rer, Lucas Cranach, and Hieronymus Bosch.

Invited speaker at opening of the James Watrous Gallery (Wisconsin Academy of Sciences,

Letters and Arts, Overture Center) : donors= luncheon. AJames S. Watrous:

Mentor, Colleague and Friend.@

President, St. Andrew=s Society of Madison (ongoing)