Tri Courtty iF,hronic e ®

VOL. S. CASS CITY, MICH., FR~IDAY, SEPT. ~, ~9o3. NO. ~7.

BUR0t~RY AI PI(ig0N, When the people of Pigeon arose I ,EV EW OF THE WEEK from tlmlr nights' sleep on Wednesday morning, t, hey were startled by the o This and That wall sealing. The Ire department rope:% that burglars had entered Leipprant Bros.' general store during Pastor Jackson Tells VV'hy He is al races between Pontiac, Flint, Bay Items of Interest of a Local Natur.e (iathered City and Detroit were lmgely enjoyed the ni~l~t and robbed him safe or about by the crowds. On Wednesday there $200 in east,. Tile rumor spread like During the Week. ' ( Presbyterian. was a farmers' race wl~icl~ was decided- fire and by eigi~t o el? many of tile ly unique. The contestants drove to citizens had gathered in front of the tl~e judges stand and were required to storeand discussed the unexpected Michigan State Fair News== Pigeon 's (ierman Jubilee Gee. Bond of Argyle was in town Andrew Campbell, wllo has been en- unttarness and then harness their event.-The tt~ieves made their en- Tuesday. joying a vacation at his parental tlome a Big Success=~Burglary at Pigeon steeds bernre starting-. The first trance througlt tl~e back doors wt~icll t~ere, returned to Newberry last, Fri- time around tim track, li~e horses tlmy pried open witl~ tools taken from P.S. Rice is in Attica tt~is week on day. (iinseng Culture. were made to walk and the seeond a blaeksmitt~shop. The safe was open b usi n ess. half mile it was a speed contesL The and so the fellows had no difficulty in W. Wetts of Caseville was in town Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fairweatller getting to the money drawer. It so and daughter, Joyce, have returned VtHY AM I A PRESBYTERIAN? science and hath left it free from the winner was a stow walker but a fast on Tuesday. lmppened that about $200 was left in' imme from their extended eastern doctrines and commandments of men, pacer. The man that got away first Dr. Wm. Morris of Gagetown was in the store tl~e previous night, whicl~ trip. Was the Sub]ec~ o| Rev. Jackson's Talk at which are in anythin~ contrary to his came in last. The gexoes, who were town Tuesday. bgside some silverware and revolvers. the Presbyterian Church bunday. word, therefore they consider tlm at tlle fair last year, again delighted T, II. Ahr and his assistants, Chas. the burglars got away with. The John Hill transacted business in Such a question as this is not raised rights of private judgement in all the crowds by their scientiiie roller Patterson and Wm. Zinnecker, arc do- same fellows, expecting to make an- Hartt this week. to emphasize denominational lines matters ttmt respecl5 religion as uni- skating, hoop rolling and feats in ing carpenter work at Gagetown this Mrs. Howey was in Pontiac and De- but to awaken tl~e minds of its mem- versal and unalienable. They do not bicycle riding. A Jackson man by otl~er i~aul, broke into tl~e butcher week. shop but only got 35 cents for their troit this week. bers to find out wI~at is their own even wist~ to see any religious consti- tlm name of Musliner made a decided S. Ostrander returned home Tues- trouble. The authorities have the church's polity and what her doc- tution aided by civil power, further hit, witi~ his trained sheep and pigs. Win. Fairweatl~er is in Detroit and (lay from Tilsonburg, Out.. where lm case in hand but as yet no clue to the trines are. It is of little concern to than may be necessary for protection Tim most thrilling and foolhardy Pontiac this week. went to attend tile funeral of l~is rascals llave been found. us how our church differs from an- and security, and at the same time be stunt, on the program was a leap Harvey Baleh of Bay Port was in brotlmr. equal and common to al others." through mid-alr landing in a tank of otller in the non-essenti:tls of theo- town on Wednesday. Win. Seegar is enjoying a vacation How like a breath of free air from tl~e water by a Mr. Schreyer. Tile leap is logical belief. The fact that people Miss Alva Phillips is visiting friends from l~is duties at J. B. Cootes' lmrd- mountain top is that declaration. made from a bicycle, momentum 2 ÷ are so different explains the difference in Shabbona this week. ware store and is visiting friends in in the minor points of our Clwistian How it peals out religmus freedom. bein~ gained by maans of an inetined gburcb Not¢ T. H. Fritz was in Detroit and Pon- Detroit. belief. All evangelical ehurel~es be- 2. "They affirm tt~at in perfect con- track which resembles a tob,ggan tiac a few days this week. Miss Mary Ann Murphy, who re- lieve in the triune God, Father, Son sistency with tile above principle of slide. The top of the track is about -b-bw-t~++w-l-,b++÷÷+÷~-++.b+q~-÷+÷ cently underwent an operation at and Holy Spirit. Tt~ey all believe common right every Christian or 100 feet above the ground. Selweyer John Caldwell and H. H. Wilson Harper's hospital in Detroit, is recov- that Jesus Christ is ligl~t of life, light union of particular churctms is enti- climbed to the top, mounted l~is bi- were in Pontiac Wednesday. Rev, L. V. Soldan conducted quar- ering very nicely. of light, "very God of God, and tlmt tled to declare the terms of admission cycle and while the crowd held its terly meeting services at Elkton over Walter Shield of Avoca was a visitor Mrs. N. NcPhail and daughter, through Him only is tl~ere salvation into its communion and tlm qualiiica- breath, suddenly shot, downward and Sunday. in town a few days this week. lions of its ministers and members as when he reached the end of the track, Mrs. A. M'cBride, of Argyle were in from sin unto life eternal. They all Communion service at tim M. E. Mrs. N. Hill visited friends and wellas the whole system of its inter- whiei~ is forty feet from the ground. town Tuesday and left on the morn- believe in the power of tlm Holy church next Sunday morning after the relatives in Pontiac this week. nal government which Christ hath man and bicycle jumped into space, ing train for Pontiac. Spirit restraining men from evil, sermon. Mrs. J. Wolverton visited friends in turning them unto God and all postu- appointed; that in the exercise of both landing in the pool of water be- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, who The Detroit conference of theN. Gagetown several days this week. late that man is a sinner and cannot this right; they may notwithstanding low. 8ome day Mr. Schreyer will have been visiting at the former's E. church will convene at Flint next save himself. These are tile founda- err in making the terms of commun- daslfout his brains or have his neck Chas. Levagood of Pt. Huron visit- parental home here, returned to Wednesday at 8:30 a. m., Bishop a. N. tion belefs of our Christianity. Upon ion either too lax or too narrow, yet broken. What, fools these me> ed friends here a few days this week. Traverse City Tuesday. Walden presiding. these all evangelical churches agree. even in thss case they do not infringe tals a re. I.B. Auten and A. Frutctmy at- Ernest Reagh is emph,yed in H. 15. ut)on the liberties or rigiltS of otlmrs, Of course horse racing was also a The Baptist Social Workers' tea With regard to the non essentials, tended the fai~ at Pontiac this week. Hunt's store this week during the ab- but only make an improper use of feature of the show. Today Sphinx will be held at the home of Mrs. tlmre are and always will be differences Miss Lena Muck was tim guest of sence 0f Mr. and Mrs. Itunt who are their own." Again we kind tam princi- Ehnore will be cue or the attractions Arthur Jones on Wednesday, Sept. 16. of opinion. Thus different denomi- Argyle friends several days last week. in Pontiac and Detroit. ple of liberty set forth. No prescribed and many of his admirers from here Tea from 5:30. A very cordial invita- nations have arisen. Because people Win. Sehwegler, Ed. tIelwig, Win. form of worsbip, but eacl~ cl~urcll con- will be there to see him race. tion is extended to all. Louis Simpson of Peck was the do not think alike in order to d~aw Yose, Fred Jaus and ttle Misses Hat- ducting its service aecording to its The Ladies Aid Society of tile M. guest of Dalton Mosure over Sunday. out their energies in Christian activ- tic Muck and M~iry Schwegler attend- own pleasure. No pope to declare ab- P. O. & N. DEPOT COFIPLETED. E. church will give a Senses Social at ity, these denominations seem neces- The young people enjoyed a social ed the fair at Pontiac Wednesday. solutely how it shall administer its the residence of Mrs. D. J. Landon, sary and they slmuld not be the butts hop at the opera house Monday even- ~own affair. While it respects and pays Will Be Occupied This SVeek. Well Finished Friday evening, Sept. 18. An enjoy- Blake Gillies, who is dangerously of ridicule for the world; nor the ing. due attention to the wishes of tl~e and Neat in Appearance. able time is promised to all, Bill 150. ill with typhoid fever, is somewha~ cause of endless debate between Mrs. W. Rowley of Palms is visit- great General Assembly, nevertheless The new P. O. & N. depot which Everyone is invited. improved and the attending pl~ysician Clwistians. The world has its different ing friends and relatives l~ere this it is practically independent in the has been under way of construction has hopes for his ultimate recovery, parties, business organizations, social Rev. R. Weaver will preach on the wee k. administration of its affairs as touch- for s?me time has been completed and clubs, to suit different classes and following subjects next Sunday: Ted Shelling has severed his con- ing h)nn of worship, discipline and will be occupied this week. The Champion & Ball commenced post- different minds. Let the world rec- Mortiing~ "An incentive to,, Igigt~t;" neetion with tim Hotel Gordon and adrnissiou into its communion. building waserected on t~l~e old loca- ing bills for the CassCity fair this ognize that varied humanity explains evening, 'Seeing Jesus. B.Y.P.U. left fox' Pontiac on Tuesday, His po- We haven't time to give tim remain- tion and is~ a ~ wood structure. 112x30 week. different organizations and parties at (i:3~, topic "Feasting that makes sition is now occupied by Thos, Pew- ing principles in full but Imre are a reel in dimensions and is one story Chas. Klump left on Wednesday for and as well explains tile different de- tim soul lean." Temperance topic. ell. few statements from them. That high. The building comprises live Pontiac wlmre he has secured employ- nomination. Everyone must respect Roll call and monthly collection. Miss Mary Roe, daughter of Joseph while they think it, necessary to make rooms, two waiting rooms, one 20x30 mont. the honest opiniou of his fellow, and Every member urged to be present. Roe, died at Imr home in Canboro last effectual provision tidal nit wtlo are feet and the other 10x26 feet, which riley of tl~e Presbyterian and tlmy of The public is very cordially invited Miss Aaice Higgins of Rochester is Thursday and the remains were laid admitted as teacl~ers be sound in are finished with a bigll painted tim Baptist persuasions must remem- At the Presbyt)erian clmreh Sunday visiting at tim home ,~f J. F. tIen- to restin the Williamston cemetery faith, they als~ belleve that there are wainscoting and side walls and ceiling driek. :on Sunday. ber tl~at neither has a lock on all tim of ()il finish. morning, ttle pastor will preach upon (Continued on fourth page.) Chauncey Campbell of Detroit vis- truth, tltat neither is infallible. If The office is a large room 20x20 feet, the subject "Strategic Points in our Mr. Weldon, who has been staying itedat his parental home here over Christians would not only say "liar's finished in oil with a large blty window Home Mission Field," after which the at the home of his son, Win. Weldon, STATE FAIR NEWS. Sunday. true" but act out their statement, to tl~e west wl~ich gives plenty of annual olfering of ourehurch for home while receiving treatment of Dr. the lmrmony induced in our churcl~es missions will be taken. At the in- Miss Lucy Hatton of Detroit is vis- Treadgold. Ires returned u~ Iris home Cass City Was Well Represented by John light.. The baggage room, 20x30 feet, w~mld be like a second ringing out of formal evening hour at 7:30. a sh, n't Marshall and Son, leading from tbe olliee, is a large room iting at tile llome of her mnblmr, Mrs. in Kingston. tlle angels' message to men. "Peace selection entitled "Every Day" will Hatton. The 54th fair a~ Pontiac of tim with board lnisI1. Two double doors Mrs. M. Marten, who llas been vis- on earth, ~ood will tnwards men" and be read, This article gives a glimpse Michigan Agricultural Society will lead to this room from tim outside. Misses Rena and Blanche Densmnre iting friends in town and vicinity, Christendom united in spirit would be of the simple daily life of a father and pass into history today. It began last, To the south of tim building is the of Osc(,da are visiting at tl~e home of left, on Tuesday for Brown City fox" a a silent, mighty appeal to secret motl~er. The same tine of thought Monday and closes to-night. It was a freight house, size 50x30 feet witll. E. Yakes. visit, before returning to her home in Christians. yes, even to tim indifferent will be carried out by the pastor in big success in spite of the web weath- board tinisl~ and contains a large Mrs. C. M. Seeley is in Detroit this Oakland county. world. his addregs upon the topic, "A Labor er. ()n Wednesday tlm attendance Howe scales. Three lar~e double week purchasing her fall st0~k nf Miss Ella Stieridan, who has been of L(~ve." A cordial invitation is ex- 1 am not so "anxious that denomi- as estimated crowded the 25.000 . doors lead from this room to the millinery. spending the summer vacation at lmf national lines shall be obliterated as 1 platform which extends from tile tended to everyone to enjoy this lmur A Chronicle representative visited the Mr, and Mrs. A. Bond attended the florae llere, returned to_school at Mon- am that the charitable consecrated west around tlm south end to tl~e effst witll us. place and found everything as repre- wedding of a relative in Fairgrnve on roe ou Tuesday, She was accompan- purposeful spirit of Jesus Cllrist side. sented. Tim otlicers of tim associa- Wednesday. ied by Mr. Sileridan. shall fill the l~eartand dominate tlle The building in general is well gl0 SleC[SS. tion are unanimous in stating tidal On Monday evening, B.F. Benkel- life of every c/~urcl~ member of every tinished neat in appearance and Mr. and Mrs. I. l(. Reid and Mr. tim fair was tim best tlmt tim so~ iety and Pigeoq's German Jubilee held last man's horse, whicI~ was standing in Christian denominati(m, If a person will be lighted by electricity and and Mrs. G. Gulick were at Pontiac has ever offered. The present facili- Friday was to all appearances a b'g front or the store, became frigl~tened can work in one denomination better Wednesday. ties are altogether too small and tlm heated by stoves. In brief the build- success There were about 2.000 peo- wlmn tim six o'clock whistle blew and than in any ntlmr that's thedenomi~ Miss Sylva Nieols left on Wednes- s~ciety will be enmpelled to make ing is tim best on the road and wilt ple in attendance and they all lind a ran several blc~eks but n~ serious dam- nation in whicll tie ouuht to be and in day for Oxford where slm lr~s secured many el~anges and improvements. answer the purpose for many years to good time. The crowd was orderly age was done. that denomination be will be doin~ come. It is barely possible that some and no accident marred tim occasion. em ployment. More room is needed in every depart- Mrs. 1I. L. Pinney, who has been God's will as t~uly as in any otl~er. day the structure will be brick va- The feature of the dlty was a base ball Up to tim time tllat we go to press ment~ Pontiac should be made tl~e visiting lmr parents for several weeks, It is right that people should work neered whicl~ would give it a more tournament in which tim following 202 tickets were sold at tile local sta- permanent location for tim fair. If returned here on Wednesday evening. with wlmm timy ca.n work best. i aul modern appearance and satisfy the clubs participated: Elkton,.Casevflle, tion to Pontiac. tim location was settled then tim She expects to leave for Seattle, and Barnabas separated in order to wisl~es of the people in this com- Sebewaing and Gagetown. Elkton money that is spent eacl~ year in tom: D. Livingston and two daugl~ters, where Mr. Pinney is now engaged in work in diffet~ent ways and with dif- munity. and Caseville played in the forenoon, porary improvements would all go Hazel and Belle, attended tim fair at busindss, tlm first of October. ferent people and eacl~ was intent on to,yards permanent and lasting ~m- the score being 5 to 4 in favor of Elk- Pontiac this week. doing¢ earnestly the Lord's will. So if CO~¥[RT TO OIN$[l~O CU[TUR[. ton. In the afternoon Gagetown and It is reported that W. D. Hinkley, provements. H. Wettlaufer recently purchased ti~ere is a spiritof brothdHy love be- Sebewaing crossed bats, tim latter who has been interested in tile N()rth Cass City was fairly well represented Cass City can nnw boast of having a a cat" load of thoroughbred cattle from tween members of different denomi- Branch elevator, is about to engage in at the fail" by John Marshall & Son, convert to the Ginseng eulture, and team winning by a score of 6 to 4. In parties in Ontario. nations instead of each displaying a who exhibited two cat" loads of stock. h(~ is no mere enthusiast either. Any- the final game between Elkton and the grain and produce business at Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lee and daugtl- wortdty ~ spirit of strife in frontier As usual Mr. Marshall captured his thing that Amos Bnnd undertakes is Sebewaing, which was somewhat one- Owendale. He will have associated ter, Lela, were the guests of friends towns and on mission fields, I cannot sure to prove a success, lt's not craze sided, the boys from the sugar town witl~ him a Mr. Jones from Lenox, sl~are of prizes, eight in all, which in Owendale Sunday. but believe that God's approval rests speaks well for him as a stock raiser. with hi~n but a business proposition won by a score of 10 to 2. Sebewaing Mich. Mrs. H. S. Lee or Birminghamr who upon them. I don't believe tllat all The livestock entries and exhibits pure and simple. Since Mr. Bond re- was awarded first money and Elkton Dick Meredith, who tins been sick is visiting her son, F.C. Lee, is in people's minds can be run through the were-tbe best and most complete in tired from the drug business, he has second. for some time, was taken to tim Owendale this week. same mould. 1 believe in ti~e rigl~t the history of tlm fair. Within the given much thougi~t and study to the The other spbrts consisted of horse county lmuse near Care by Supervisor kind of denominationalism and tidal past few years Michigan has advanced Ginseng culture, which is carried (m racing and Caledonian games. In the Lorn McIntyre and Miss Cassie Me- MeKenzie, yesterday. Mr. Meredith eacl~ clmrcl~ member should be loyal to the very front rank in the raising of exten~ively in tl~is country, and he evening a German quartette from Phail of Argyle were the guests of is allicted with cancer in the stok~ach to llis denomination. We ask the live stock. Tim donation by the state has come to tim conelusion t/~at it is a Saginaw gave several fine selectionS. friends here Sunday. and tllere seems to be no llope for question then that we .may seek a of $5000 annually to be paid in pre- profitable business. [t takes time, The Bad Axe band dispensed the mu- Ira H. Lee returned to his home in recovery. i'urtlmr knowledge of wiiat our 0eliefs sic during tim day and evening. miums by the state fail" association to money and patience to succeed as it Highland last week after a visit with A prett2 home wedding took place are. feel more Iqve for our cllnrcll and Michigan live stock, has undoubtedly takes several years to reacl~ the time Fo~ Sale. his brother, F. E, Lee. on Wednesday at the home t)f Mr. and thus show more loyalty for it. Eaclt done much to stimulate the raising of wlmn the returns begia to come in. 15 acres four miles north and ~ mile Arthur Booker, Miss Melissa Wait Mrs. Wait nearshabbona, when their denomination has its own boards and standard bred stock. The plant is slow of growth and quite east of Cass City with house and and Mrs. Peter Leslie of Shabbona youngest daughter, Melissa, was agenciesr througl~ wldch it does its Tim fruit display was exceedingly sensitive. Mr. Bond has purchased a young orchard. Price $400. Terms were in town on Saturday. united in wedlock to Atbern Welsh of work for the Lord and that these lille especially when it is considered lot on south Seegar street fr(~m T. H. to' suit the purclmser. Or will ex- Brockway, M ici~igan, Rev. ,l. W. Fenn boards may do their best and greatest Miss Irene Tindale, who returned tlmt the fair wits held much earlier Fritz which lm will use in part, for change for other property. performing tim ceremony. The happy work, unswerving loyalty must clmr- from East Jordan last week, is con- this year and some varieties of fruit the culture. He expects to begin at 8-28-tf E. Ii. PINNEY. couple were made tile recipients of a acterize its members. Why I am a lined to her bed witl~ a fever. are not yet ripe for exhibit, lone once by planting some roots and sow- number of-line presents. Hearty con- Presbyterian? Not necessarily that I Noli~;e to Oo~/~agtoll~s, Mrs. A. J. Knapp of Bad Axe visit- What is true of the live stock de- ing some seed. In tl~c spring tim gratulations and best wishes from t, llink its form of government most All bids on the carpenter and brick ed friends and relatives t~ere a few partment is also true or the vehicle grounds will be properly covered and their many friends will follow tltent to perfect or its doctrines most biblical work on the new Catlmlic elmrch at days tlle fore part of this week. and implement department. This then everything will be ready for the ti~eir new lmme at Brnckway. Cass City must be handed in by noon but because, Iirst 1 like its form of was an immense show in itself. It growing nr the Cilinese root. Master Philip Sheridan, who llas on Monday, Sept. 14o Rev. M. J. ~overnment best. i like tile prelim- was wortl~ any man's time and money been visiting relatives here, returned ~):'Mrs. T. Powell wisltes to an-. Cl~o WLEY. 9-11-1 inary principles which it starts out to see this part of the big silow. ~TI~e attention of our readers is to his home in Detroit Tuesday. nounee that she wilt open a restau- r mber. with, They are eigl~t in nu The special attractions were the called to an advertisement on last For Sale. John H Wooley has resigned his rant and bakery this week in tile The Presbyterian church affirms: best. ever° Tile Zonaves of Jackson page headed "Something new abuut A good Ilve year old mare. Enquire position as city marshal, tim resigna- building formerly occupied by W. 1. " 1; hat God alone is Lord of con- gave military drills and stunts in eyes and glasses. of A. D. MEADE. tion taking effect next ~nnday. Wells. .q-ll-2 ~ lri-{;0 ty Ctr0nide @ The hog yard of this year should be UNPRODUCTIVE ACRES. in some sort of crop next year. A The unproductive acre on the farm PU I/G/SlIED WEEKIJY. change of yards every season will do is a different proposition from the uh- much to insure the health of tim pigs. Subscription I)riee,--One year. $1.00; six [i6HTIN6 By productive cow in the dairy. Both are montl~s. 50 cents: Lhree ntonths. 25 cents. bad leaks, but with tim cow which does Advertisina rates made known on at)pit- ~NDREW WILSON, Suppose when you plant a tree for not pay for her board regeneration is ca, flea. DIS[AS[ wiT, Author and IGARbEI@. .TmGG. I shade or ornament you ldant either a Entered as second chiss matter ill the Scientist fruit or a nut tree. You thus are dou- iml~ossible, and she should be sent to postollice :it Cuss City, Miclli~:m. bly rewarded for your trouble and the feed yard. but the unproductive L ~[UMP, PuNisher. DISEASE work. acre cannot b(~ thus got rid of and @ becomes a problem involving regener- The agricultural department experts ation. It may be a hillside, poor soil, estimate the loss by waste of the barn- @@~@@@~@@@@@@@@~41~@@@@@@@ E are receiving scientific news of a character welt calcu- washing badly, for which one of two yard manure at $7,000,000 per annum. things may be done--it can be got into i J. H. HAYS, M. D., lated to create intense interest in the minds of nil We kIlOW of one lIlan %vho is responsi- grass and kept there, or it m'ty be Physi~:i:m and sur~eou S1)eci:,.l ut- ble for $50 of tiffs loss. who have the welfare of the race at heart. From planted with fruit or forest trees. The tentiolt ~iv¢)lt tO the eve, OffiCe ~tt res- acre may be a strip all round the line i¢leHce, over '2 Mucks' s|ore, @ @ Vienna comes news that Professor Behring has sue- Wimn a man pays Ills debts prompt- fence grown up to weed and i)ramble. ceeded in rendering the cow IMMUNE' "'~ TO THE ly, is honest in his dealings and has a This should be reelaimed by breaking helping hand for his neigllbor in trou- up and seeding down. It may be a wet ATTACK OF TU]3EI~CULOSIS, and from the ble it makes little difference whether acre in the middle of the iield which a * g Jenner institute in London emanates the intelligence that Dr. A. he attends camp meeting or not. little job of tiling will reclaim, or. if @ DR, NI. Ni. ~V1GKWARE this cannot done. it would grow a MeFadvean has produced an antitoxin caleulated to be of great be Physici~ll ;tnd sttr~coII. ()flice Itlld it takes 120,000 tons of binding twine lot of nice willows, Then it may be an'e over Auteu & See/ey's ]{~tlllG service not only in curing, but in preventing, typhoid fever. These to tie llp the great American crop of acre and perhap,~ mope whieh has been Otliee, hours--dl a, lm to 3 l/[11t, Itlld 7 tO S 1t IH These h(ltlrs wil be oilservcd two diseases are, of course, responsible for a large amovmt of present A bad egg is really the worst product eereals. Twenty years ago not a foot so starved and robbed ihat oats a foot a,s siT"icily :;; possitAe. Can ;~lso i)e of any farm. whether it is a hen's egg of twine was used for this purpose. It high or ten bushels of corn is all it will (} l'oui~d ill office at othvr *lines :llliess @ atLendina ,o outside ,m::s~ day mortality. It is .true the death rate from tuberculosis has been or just a boy. is in this way that new inventions produce, in which case seed down with decreasi~g since public attention was directed to the ways and means create new industries. clover and give it twenty-five b ,:' An income of $G00 a year on a small barnyard manure to the acre. ., whereby the distribution of the germs of tubercle ca:: be arrested. farm will emlble :t family to live bet- When in sweet corn we have one of still another acre bordering the ~,,:o~ie Typhoid fever }-:as also been considerably limited through our knowl- ter than could be done in a eity ou the very choicest forage plants for the highway which should be so lreated $1,200. use of the dairy eow. it is a pity that tlmt it will produce a ton or more of :~4- DR. A.N.,TREADOOLD i~ edge of its propagation by polluted water and allied media. more of it is not raised for this pur- good hay each year instead of a useless ~! t't~yM(dan and surzcou. Office over iii ACTING ON THIS KNOWLEDGE, WE DECREE THAT INFECTION The largest orelmrd in the state of pose. It will pay to feed from August, mass of weeds and rubbish. We~would P. Oo Residence on 5e~ ~arStreot. 1lear Virginia contains 30.000 apple trees, as soon as it is welt eared out. clear not /)e looking for more land until these *{" New S|ierid:tno Ph(me ill 'J(~llllecl~IOh, OF WATER SHALL BE STOPPED, AND IF THIS SOURCE OF TROUBLE hirgely tile famous Newtown Pippin; through until spring. unproductive acres were reclaimed and COULD BE EFFECTIVELY TACKLED WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO +~o-b+ow:--[mm-n-%m--~-~° .... t .... * * , 20,(;~0 peach trees and 8.000 pear trees. utilized If we were in your place. So REDUCE THE AILMENT TO A MISERABLE MINIMUM AS COMPARED It is Ioeated-upon the top of the Blue There are two things which we would far as the old cow is eotieerned, see WITH THE PRESENT RATE OF ITS OCCURRENCE. Ridge mountains, have in u house whether we had any that Chicago gets her and not your @ Po A. SCHENCK, D. D. b. company lmrlor or not~one a well light- neighbor or the local butcher. 1}ENTIST, ! America takes oneqmlf of nil the dia- ed eenlented cellar, the other an attic University of Michigan. ~'[ueh has been done of late years in science to attack disease monds produced each year. tt is no nno storeroom in which to store the old THE ~VIRE AGE. O|:ice 1K)Ul'S 7:;|0 3. IFio {O t2 hi. and :l ::30 colrln3on thill~ to see r::en here IlO: family truck which is of earthly We sometimes think that the [)resent @ to 5:301). m. 0flicc i~ Fritz Bh)ck. C:tss with ITS OWN WEAPONS. 5iv readers may know what is meant no City, Nichilz:mo worth $1.000 wearing a $250 gem. feb good and whiei~ we are all too stlngy to might properly be called tim wire age. by the %erum" treatment. It represents the attempt of science to lows who are bound to cut a sphtrge give away. Present progress would be impossible even if tl~ey never save a cent. hoist microbes with their own petard. A horse is inoculated with without wire. it carries our messages We are asked how many pairs of over hind and under the sea, permits the microbes of diphtheria. The animal remains strong and well We have a friend who has let the squabs a pair of tame pigeons will us to talk one with the other, thougt~ biaekberry bushes take possession of , DENT|bTRY. under this treatment. Then in blood drawn from it we find devel- raise in one year. It depends upon tlm a thousand miles apart, seizes the wa- L A~ l' |{|TZ~ I{|,]SIDENT DENTIST. his orchard. It is the old story. While kind of pigeons kept, thb temperature terfall in the ahnost inaccessible moun- Assist~d by P. l~. Fritz, t). I). S,, gr:t- oped in course of time what we call the "antitoxin" of the disease. he got some blackberries this year, he and their food. They have been known tain canyon and transmits its power a duate of 51ietfi~a~ Uuivcrsily. got ~mry an apple. It is prelty hard to to bring off ten broods in on(. year, bul Office over(tL t}{, Fritz's drug store. The germs multiplying in the serum or fluid of the blood have given hundred miles or more to centers of We solicit yo:tP p:Lt,ro:::~e whetl if: grow two crops on the land at the where funny birds ::re kept five would civilization. A wire makes possible the rise to this new substance. When the latter is inoculated a f:oed (1t' (ientai work. into same time be nearer the; fact. vast interurban trallie of the country, child suffering from diphtheria it cures the little patient. The anti- lhe li~lltin~, of our municipalities and i In the Wisconsin experinmntal or- The heavy draft horse is not a 10ng homes, the distribution of power in all toxin acti upon the microbes causing fell disorder, produces reaction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ chard the tilree most promising apples lived one. Possibly if he was treated places, wlmther far up or down deep in in the child, with the result that the DISEASE IS CtIECKED and are Northwestern Greenings. Patten's just as he should be he might live as the earth: it transmHs the news of tim ~: J()HN R. FOOTE, t7. D. ~! Greenings and Ol:abena. This oreh~rd long as smaller horse, but will recovery made possible. the l:e world, regulates the markets, forms ::~ (;ra,(hm~e ~;f i) Coih,~c or }I! is well north and results obtained not stand grief. The hot sun, the trot- the fencing of the nation, serves as i Medicine. C;~lls promptly answered there will be worth much to a very ting hinl when he should only walk burglar alarm, clothesline, sllip's rig- day or lllg'hbo Novesia, Mieh. q- Now, there follows upon this result another of much importance large section of the country. and the frequent tendency to overload ging and bed sprinas and in ahnost him l~ecanse he is big all tend to short- numberless ways indispensably minis- in respect of human health and protection from tuberculosis. It If your soil is suffering from an ex- en his days. tees to the comfort and prosperity of cess of hunms, evidenced Ily a too rank seems that cows so treated develop in 'their milk some principle or num. It is the wire age sure enough. growth of stall; and straw and imper- A friend asks wily it is tlmt the corn other which has the effect RENDERLN-G CHILDREN FED MMer, Wo01me~ o! Amcrica of fect filling of grain, nothing will regu- in his field seems to be better alongside WI1AT CURED I~ER. Meet the lhird Thursd~ty of e:~eh late It better than a crop of flax. Not a row of locust trees wllieh bor~|er his month:it, the Forester ltali, t~oardof UPON IT INSUSCEPTIBLE TO TU17ERCULAI:~ ATTACK. A young lady friend of ours, rather Ma, lm~ers:-.~.l. A. l{eukelman and 1. many men are troubled with this ex- field than it is elsewhere. The locust daintily brought up, developed a bad A. Fritz. If we can be assured on this point a great advance will have been eess of a good thing, but where it exist8 is a legume and has the same fertiliz- WILLIAM MESSNE1L Consul. ease of nervous prostration and in spite J.C, SEELEY Sec'yo made toward the prevention of the disease in early life, assuming, flax will put the soil in a normal and ing power where its roots extend that of the doctors seemed headed for the 0roduetlve condition. clover has. This fact probably ex- of course, that tuberculosis is capable of being caused in young cemetery. As a last resort slm was sent phtins why our friend's corn grows out into tim country and made to llve children by the giving to them of milk from cows whose udders are Almost evmT man is a bit cranky on bigger next the locust trees. out of doors as much as possible. To something, and we are cranky on the affeeted. Whether the same result would follow in the ease of adults theextent of her strength slle was giv- JOHN RIKER, matter of having sharp tools to work Passing by twenty farm homesteads en farm work to do. rode a sulky plow, is a matter awaiting further investigation, but at least ~ great gain with. Work at best is hard enough in a western county not long since it O° TONSOI{IA L ARTIST. i drove tim team while the hay and grain without having to do it with dull or would accrue to the civilized world IF TUBERCULOSIS WERE was a source of much pleasure to note were being gathered, as she grew stron- Firsl; class work. i unpolished tools. With tools kept in that nineteen of them had lawns which ger was made to ride after the eows MADE IMPOSSIBLE OF CONVEYANCE through the medium the shape they should be, much work were kept nicely trimmed witll a lawn and to the town on farm errands. Ap- of a fluid so universally used as milk. that is now rated as a burden may be mower. Probably one man started this petite soon returned, and a healthy tan transformed into n pleasure. method of beautifying the farm home. banished tile pallor from her cheeks. IASS lffY All IAII STAGE uNE and the others, seeing the good work. She gradually took up harder work and If one wishes to raise roots for the have followed ills example. Such things lI. E. IIOBA|{T. PI{OP. lined in the garden, milked the cows winter food of the dairy cow nothing are catching. and in the fall went to her city home a leaves Cass City ($ a, m. Sta~e ~tt will be better than mangel' wurzels, new woman in the best sense of the slandered time, arrivinv at Care aD the yield of which on good land may The distribution of rainfall has been term. She will never be the slave of 10 ~o ra easily be as much as thirty tons per very uneven in the northwest this sea ° pink teas, tight corsets, social lmmbug- Leaves Cam:) ab t:30 p. m. aid ar- 1)0 N01 [DU(;AI[ : e, OakPo|nt,|l. acre. While sugar beets and carrots son. While southern Minnesota, Iowa, rives C:tss City a,t 5:30 p. m. gery, again, for she has found out how at are a more nutritious ration, the man- Kansas and Nebraska have been al- Fare for one trip t() Car() or (;ass to live. Cigy, $1.00: round grip. $l.50. gel can be more easily grown and will most deluged with an excess of water. AM no pessimist or believer that the past has been bet- produce much more to tile acre. the crops of North Dakota. Manitoba P:~rcels c~wried al, reasom~blc rates, STICK TO TtlE ItOME CREA)I[ERY. ter than the present, nor do I laek faith that our col- and nortlmrn Minnesota have been AS it looks to us tliose farmers who An objection to trailing vines around greatly injured by drought. Water is leges are to send out men fitted for largo responsibili- witl~draw their patronage from tlleir +%.+.r+%-.:-%.%-.,..r+%"cw+'I'+'I'%'÷++÷+÷ the l:ouse is the pesky English sparrow, like wealth--there is plenty of it, only home creamery and sell their ereqm to ties, but I confess my own conviction thai the COL- which is bound to use the vines as a there is a lack of equity in the dish'ibm some big concern a hundred miles away * ii nesting place. We noted a large church tion of it. LEGE LIFE OF TODAY IS I~UNNING TOO are making a serious blunder. The H. AHI ,ii in tim city of Washington not long Imme creamery thus shorn of patron- MUCH TO FRATERNITIES AND SOFA CUSHIONS; too since largely covered with English ivy The railway corporations havingobeen I: ~;OI[F~IG[OF:1111 age will of necessity be compelled to wMch had so appropriated by the one of the most important agencies in Ii lfllui|der o . , .:": much to a course of training whose result is either the dilettante been shut down. When tiffs is done and the" sparrows with their nests that the side the destruction of our forests should If you b~teHd |o buihl, le|, the ti~urc :!: trust creameries control the situation with you. First class work~u:tranteed. pedant or the muscular bully and not enough to the discipline of of the elmreh looked almost like d hay., now take the lead in every effort made they will pay tile farmer what they Shop on Pine St. /h)side/~ce next Lo *I* stack. to retmir the losses. As a purely busi- *:* Dr. Demin~g's otliee, C:~ss Cily. * q- tim mind, the culture of the soul, the pursuit of knowledge and please for his product or give him the ness proposition they can well afford to poor alternative of selling l~is butter to the establishment of character. THESE ARE TItE REAL Some idea can be formed of how "set out large tracts, for instance, with the loeal merchant. Tlm sensible and much America does to clothe and feed catalpa, in any part of the south coun- THINGS FOR WHICH COLLEGES EXIST. Athletics and businesslike thing to do is to stand the world by noting tlm exports of cot - try and thus insure them a supply of heartily in sympathy with the home BLACKSN~THINO fratemiities and dubs and all the rest are of value in proportion ton the past year~7.000.000 bales of telegraph poles and tie timber forty institution no matter what tempting 500 pounds each. 200.000.000 bushels of years hence. AND REPAII~INO as they promote these things. Wherefore, in no spirit of pessimism, offers are made by the foreign con- wheat, 75,000,000 bushels of corn and receive our abtention six days in the but with a strong eonvicti'u of its truth, I send forth this appeal no end of meats, dairy products and It is a little singular that with the cerns. Some can't see it this way now. but it will all be phtin enough to them week. If youwish anytt~ing in that fruits. The world would set but a poultry business being one of the most for more of TI%UE EDUCATION in our colleges. by and by. line, ~ive tls ~t call. slim table were it not for the surplus Important or the state or Iowa no at- of good things obtained from this tention whatever is paid to old Biddy Tile HARVEST TI~E. Horseshoe|rig country. at the state agricultural college. In fact. It is harvest season with us~the lazy, Wiade a Specialty. the scientists there, we are informed. restful August days wllieh see the The possibilities of Argentina as a buy their eggs and have to candle them grain in the shock, the cornfield bulg- wibh us. Our sl:()p is on Main Street, meat producer are practically unlim- to see if they are fit to eat. There |ng with b~g cars, the apples reddening jus~ wesb of tt~e ~rist mill, ited. This country proves to be the should be poultry department at ev- a as they ripen, the big barn fragrant as natural l:ome of alfalfa, One of the ery agricultural college and some sci- MU¢_3 AS lit[ USBAND my lady's boudoir with the sweating JOHN RENsHLEI~. British consuls located there says that entific old rooster put at the head of it. dune cut lmy, spring chickens Just inside of ten years Argentina will be HE wife has her work to do. "WtIY SHOULDN'T ready for the frying [)an, tim flower able to furnish the English market DEP/IRT~ENT The state of Kansas boasts of more garden a kaleidoscope of color and bril- SHE BE PAID? For a woman to manage a family with 10,000.000 hundredweight of beef OF /glt L~S I C Wheat kilrgs than any other state. liance, goldenrod and aster abloom by and 5;000,000 hundredweight of mu> Thirty counties in tim soutlmastern St. Agatha's Sch001, fiaget0wa, Mich, of children and at the same time preside over a hand- the wayside and )ast a faint suggestion ton. or twice the anmunt needed to part of tim state embrace the finest mornings and nights of fall--best days Full Graded Course in Vocal ~md. some home takes as much energy

"% \ \ ......

lit IS SHE LOST? STATEFAIR OPENS. !C h HUNDilEIITHOUSANHgteamer Carrying 125 Passengers W,0P, KINgHEN'S Exhibition' Promises to Outshine Any Missing on Lake Erie. of Its Predecessors. Sandusky, 0., Sept. 8.~The steamer Pontiac, Mich.. Sept. 8.~The annual Estimatud That Nany Persons Louise, which left Sandusky for Lean> Prin0ipal Cities of State Made Dem- state fair opened Monday morning and ington, Ont., at 6:30 o'clock Monday promises to outshine any of its fifty- morning, had not arrived al that 1)or~ Greeted President 0nstrati0ns on Labor Day. three predecessors. The little city of at half-past 12 o'clock this (Tuesday) pine and canvas on the grounds is a morning. The distance is fifty miles and the run across is usually made in veritable bee hive of activity, amt the IN SYRACUSE LABOR DAY four or five hours. Telegrams from 5,000 IN DgTROIT'S PARADE thoroughfares of Pontiac, especially Wets Leamington at 1 o'clock this morning ~hose leading to the fair grounds, are s.tate that nothing has bean seen or much crowded with visitors and local GUARANTEED TO BE SUPERIOR Busy Day For Rooseve{t~Reviewed heard of the vessel, on wMeh are 125 Rain Handicapped Proceedings~Albi- TO ALL OTH= folks° Parade of Labor Unions, Another passengers. What has added fear to on Had a Mile Long Parade~Sev- The H{;wland building is the central E~ MACHINEb. One of National Letter Carriers~ the situation is that one of the tte~vi- esl storms in years has raged on Lal,:e eral Cities Represnted~Kaiamazoo hall of the exhibitmn structures, and Addressed Assemblage of 50,000, Erie during tt~e day. There is some and Grand Rapids Celebrated. is built in a radial fashion, each hope that the Louise may have gone branch being devoted to its particular into shelter at several points along kind of shows. The center is chiefly J. H. Stringier & S0n, A0eets Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 8.~President the route. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8,~Despite the devoted to the exhibition of furniture, Roosevelt Monday was accorded a bad weather hosts of workingmen obo ~toves and other domestic subjects, magnificent reception by the citizens HASTY ACTION REGRETTED. and the agricultural, floral and fishery served Labor day in a manner which of his own state. From the moment exhibit occupies the major part of the Colombia Bewails Sudden Putting showed the aggressive spirit of union- radiating wings of the large structure. ~f his arrival in this city in the morn- FULL LINE OF REPA P.5 . Aside of Canal Treaty. The visitor's mouth waters as he ing at 9:30, when he stepped aboard ism. %rashington, Sept. 8.~The state (tc~ The morning parade was picturesque wends his way between the long rows his special train at 10:30 last night to partment Monday received a routine and impressive, an altogether notable of the most inviting groups of fruits For Champion Machines begin his return trip to Oyster Bay, he and vegetables, There is the chain* message from Mr. Beaupre, the Amer- procession in view o~ the discourage° was given a continual ovation, ,, ican minister at Bogota, acknowledg- pica pumpkin, the giant squash and meats. Arrayed in fancy garbs befit- C A R R I E D B Y .....-'.'~ Syracuse never before held such a ing the receipt of Secretary Hay's the monster oyster plant alongside the tieg their callings, the scores of unions throng as assembled here to greet the cablegram of Aug. 26. stating that the tempting Oravestein apples and the Washington government would enter turned out strong and tool{ up a path almost irresistible pears, A battery president. Fully 100,000 persons from in the streets where admiring throngs into no engagement which would ham. of jugs and jars are in one end of the all sections Of New York state tested might give admiring applause, The per the president's freedom of action fruit palace, showing jellies and jams Striffler & McDermott the carrying eapacity of the various afternoon was spent at Belle Isle by under the law. tn pretty array, and in all the colors great crowds of holiday seekers. No lines of railroad and many additional This was all that the telegram of the speetralm. amount of rain and threatening clouds thousands came from the country in> stated, though it has been the basis The exhibit of the Michigan Fish %%%%%%%%%****%'**,%*m%%~d,%%*~,~.%***;, ~*****'.%%'.*.=*'~'.~,%%Y~%'~=~=,'~ seemed able to defeat their ends. mediately contigioue to the city'. for speculative reports about Mr. commission will today be completed I Only about half the numlmr of union- with another eartoad of live fish in Everywhere in ti~e mty and at the Beaupre's ideas of the Bogota situa- tion. The state department's attitude lsts turned out to join in the parade addition to a similar quantity placed grounds of the New York State Fair that would have been on hand but for is one of dignified patience. No indi. in position in time for the opening day. association the president was received cation of its course of action in the the rain. though 5,000 men were in Another highly interesting exhibit is Our customers are our best adeertisementso Every =~ line. As it was, several of the unions with notable enthusiasm. As he drove event that the Colombian congress re- that of the Michigan School for the pair of glasses fitted by us sell othel°S, % made a hit, even though part of their Deaf. Remarkable samples of work of through the streets the tens of thou- jects or amends lhe treaty will be Every day some one says, "Mrs. So and So is so well ~. fine appearance was hidden under the inmates, from the most elaborately sands of persons banked along the forthcoming until the time for the ex- o pleased with her glasses tDat I thought [ would come to ~ dripping umbrellas, The fifty pounds carved furniture to ~he daintiest pieces sidewalks greeted him twith chcers. change of ratifications expires, Sept, you." ;~ 22. It is known at the department of tobacco was awarded as first prize of burnt wood and fresco decorations, Business houses and residences were We are human though, never sdtisfied. We want to that the Colombian congress already is to the Amalgamated Steel and Iron as vccll as high class wood and basket ablaze wi~h bunting and ~he American regretting its hasty action in rejecb Workers for best appearance in the work can be seen. add you to our chain, To fit you is to fit your friends in ~= flag floated in the breeze from almost ing the treaty; but the state depart- parade, while the Brotherhood of The Michigan Agricultural college the future, "i every window. ment will suggest no remedy for the Painters and Decorators carried off has a fine exhibit, both educational We correct alt defects of the human eye that glasses :~ Syracuse ro~e to the occasion. Not mistake, Once and for all the state the Bruss, eD rug as second prize~ TvDo- and lndugtriaI. An interesting device a hitch occurred to mar the perfection department has announced that the grapbieat Union No. 18 won first prize, is an instrument for the instruction on gold watch, for havin~ the best of the arrangements. The great throng treaty as approved by the Washington a how to harness a horse and how to de- :." drilled coW, puny, and the Stove Mount- t~1 35: "lbcnbricl :":ill~ was handled admirably by the local government was ratified by the Amer- termine the best mode of harnessing m m police and militia and no serious ac- ican senate. It is up to the Bogota ers Union No. 1 was awarded tar par- and attaching a horse to a vehicle so cidents were recorded, governmew to ratify that identical lor table as second pAze. The Cigar- as to obtain the greatest pull with the For the president it was a busy day treaty if CoIombia desires an isthmian makers' iloat was voted the finest one least effort. as well as a day full of interesting in- canal. in line and that union was awarded The stables are jammed with fine cidents. In the morning soon after The state department regards al] the Peninsular stove, animals ard lhe bovines are mostly his arrival he reviewed from a beauti- reports as to the connection of thi" Albion. Mich., Sept, 8,~Albion's big all former pri~ winners fully decorated stand in Hanover government, or even its interest in Labor day celebration, participated in The New Sheridan Square a great parade of the labor or- the unrest in the isthmus as too trivia1 by Lansing, Battle Creel{, aackscn. SusMcion Foul Play. ganizations of the city; he then went for consideration, Marshall, Charlotte and Hillsdale, was Adrian. Mich,. Sept. 8.~Dell Dean N. Sheridan, Prop. to the state fair grounds, where he de- Dr. Herran. the Colombian charge. a great success in spite of the morn- and Joe Willis, the last known com. ing rain, and It is estimated that 5,000 livered, before 50,000 persons, an ad- indignantly scouts the idea that the panlons of Albert Lavender, who lies dress on good citizenship and the rela- United States wonld lend itself to the people were here from out of the dead at his father's house in Briton. tions of labor and capital to the state; encouragement of this unrest. city. are in jail at Monroe. They are held Handsome ne~, brick[building, Cen- he was the principal guest at a lunch- There were sports and attractions eon in the clubhouse in the grounds~ An American Regiment. galore, which held the attention of tim pending a decision of the coroner's trally located and up-to-date in a luncheon whiclt was attended by Chicago, Sept. 8.~Believing war great crowds from 9 o'clock in the jury, whose session was Monday ad- every important state official except with Turkey to be imminent. Chicago forenoon tmtil midnight. A labor and Journed without taking evidence, to all its equipments. Governor Odell. who could not be Bulgarians are organizing to give sup- Industrial parade over a mile in length, Wednesday morning. Sheriff Shep- present on account of a previous en- port to their native land and to send each delegatlon headed by its own hard returned last night from Dundee S2.OO PE;F~ IO/:&Y, gagement: reviewed a fine d)arade of fighting men to the field. A number band, occurred at 10 o'clock in the and says the authorities are satisfied the National Lett,er Carriers' associa- of Bulgarians have left for Philadel- forenoon. Marshall won the $25 prize there are numerous suspicious circum- tion and fraternal bodies of the city phia, where a regiment is being for having the largest union in line. stances to be explained away before and was the guest last night of former formed. while the Battle Creek bricklayers the prisoners can be liberated. A wild United States Senator Frank Hiscock toot{ a $20 prize for being the best ap- spree, in which they and Lavender pearing union, Many prizes were ******%%%'~****~%%*.***~.%**%%*~.%~*******%**%%*~.%%%%%%%~,***~****~%%*~. at a dinner which was attended by Literally Cut to Pieces. participated, resulted in the latter's m ii mI "about tI~irty persons, invited to meet New York. Sept. 8.~Charles Brm,- awaxded for minor sports. death. The last that is definitely m ~M the president. ning, 42 years old. committed suicide The racing matinee and two ball known of lhe three young men is that After the applause which greeted Monday by juml)ing in front of a hear games drew large crowds in addition they started home in a buggy Satur. ." Eo N al c Goob JBrcab o.'. to the downtown attractions. Band day afternoon. Several scuffles are his address had subsided the crowd ily loaded Third avenue elevated train. I~l I calIad for Senalor Chauneey M. De- Brunning was literally cut to pieces. concerts atl day and a $500 display of said to have occurred, during which pew. He spoke briefly and pronounced fireworks last evening added much to Lavender fell out of the vehicle. . One must have good flour. The best of the splendor and gaiety of the occa- the president's address tt~e best he 6ENERAL NARKETS. ,~ results have always been obtained by those who use ever had heard him deliver. sion. The celebration will be held in Won Match With Champion, II Tuesday, Sept. 8, Marshall next year. Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 8.~M. J. [] Kalamazoo. Mich, Sept. 8,~Two IVIII~IC WAR iN FRANCE, DETROIT.~Wheat: No. 2 red, Dwycr, Xhe old Grand Rapids boy. won thousand men marched in the Labor 84V~e: Dee., 86~/~c; May, 89e. Corn~- his match from Dan MeLted of Torch- Army of 120,000 Assembled For day parade. The celebration was a t), Canada. the champion heavyweight :. lNlbit c %i[? Sieur the No. 3 mixed. 53~.&e. Oats~No. 3 whit'e. grand .success and union labor made a m Maneuvers. 38c. Rye~No. ~2, 5Gc. Beans~Spot, catch-as-catch~can wrestler of the formidable showing. Excursion trains world, by staying the time limit. Mc- [] Paris. Sept. 8.~The grand atttumn $2.14; Nov,. $1.98. Clover~Oct.. $5.55. ~r brought in 5,000 visitors. Thomas P. Leod secured one fail at the end of maneuvers of the French army began CL ICAGO.~Wh eat: May, 84 ~ c; It is a Caps City product and is made from A No, 1 Byrnes. speaker of the day, urged the 5a minutes and 5 seconds, but was un- Monday in lhe central and southwest- Sept., 80SAc; Dec.. 88%e. Corn~Sept.. ~ wheat, Try it once and you will be sure to be a steady % adoption of the eight-hour day. Kala- able to make the second fall in the re- ern departments with Clermont Fer- 52~c; Dec., 52~Ae. Oats Sept., 36e: mazoo eorpenters have tried to inaugu- maining part of the hour. as called for user of White Lily~ % rand. Orange, Montelimar. Epinal, Di- Dec.. 37a~)c. Pork~Sept, $12.70. Lard rate this summer, but were beaten. in the articles of agreement. There jon and Rethel and the chief strategic --~Sept., $8.77: Dec.. $7.25. Ribs~ A record~hreaking fire team drill was a large crowd in attendance and points of the operations, in which four Sept., $8.07. Timothy~Oet., $3.10. was made. Three horses hitched to Dwyer was enthusiastically cheered at army corps, comprising over 120.000 Ciover~Oct,. $9, an engine ran a d~tanee of half a mile :." tin the ccb %inc .." men. are participating. the close of the match. Live Stock Markets. and had a stream turned on in seventy- The past few days have been em.. ." i: DETROIT.~Cattle: Choice steers, ployed in preliminary operations, the three seconds. Again Hurt In Runaway. i we have a complete stock consisting of Feed, Bran, Mid- ," $4.75; good to choice buieher steers mimic warfare beginning Monday in Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 8.--l,a- Sterling, Mich.. Sept, 8.~D~avid Kerr [email protected]; light to good butcher steers % dlings and Mixed Feeds which we are setliDg at lowest ~* the vicinity of Orange, where the bulk bet day was celebrated under favor- of Sterling, Mich,, who was recently and heifers• [email protected]: mixed butch- of one of the armies is concentrated, able weather ausplves with a monster thrown against a barbed wire fence in % cash prices, IlImI ers and fat cows, [email protected]. Veal and at Montelimar, where cavalry parade in the morning and sports and a runaway accident in such a way that " The farmers find it to their interest to calt on us. ,% a calves, [email protected]; milch cows and action has '-,pen in progress. picnics of all kinds in the afternoon. his throat was cut by the barbs, had springers, $25@50. Sheep and lambs In spite of the ram. which has great- Whe Maccabees. Oddfellows and Chris- just recovered enought strength to go ii !i °-Best lambs. $4.75@5; fair to good. ly marred the operations, the troops tian Alliance had picnics and the for another drive when his team ran [email protected]; yearlings, [email protected]; fair m are reported to lmve suffered much sports included baseball and trap away again. He was thrown out and to good butcher sheep, $2.50@3: Ctllls from the heat and many cases of sun- shooting. Business was suspended in injured so badly that he now lies at I I and come.on. $1 @2. Hogs~Light to stroke bare o.ecurred, as many as nearly every line. death's door. :. ";. good butchers, [email protected]; pigs. $5.(;0 Caaa git 1Roller fllSilla sixty-five soldiers in one regiment hav- Port Huron. Mich.. ~Sept. 8.~The ¢ 4 (0,5.65; Iight Yorkers, [email protected]: III ing to be taken tO the hospital. Sev- raln belt extended over this city Mon- Two Fine Horses Shot. :" a. ~. 1ben 2~ - det1% gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired~ evil forebodiaKs~ orders. Y[is assailants were promptly off during ~he afternoon. taken to a hospital. Doctors say he ~~ poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak~ dreams mid draitm BASEBALL. arrested. A body of scouts and coa- cannot live. at night, tired and weal< mornings, burning sensatioa, "I[?omake Monday, Sept. 7. . matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. t, tabular X combined have succeeded in Second Crop Strawberries, ~ ~Q~_xll I tried many doctors and raedleal firms---all failed till Ors. Ke~- scattering the insurrectos, who were American Lea~ue.~.St. Louis. 2-0; .St. Joseph, Mich., Sept. 8.~Straw* Arrested For Assault. ~ledy & Kergan took my case. In one week I felt better, and i~ a Detroit, 1-1. New York. 0-5; Boston. few weeks was entirely cured, They are the only reliable and reported a few days ago causing trou- berries are an unusual crop to have Lansing, Mich. Sept. 8.~Robert honest Specialists in .the country." ble in Cavite province, in the district 4-0, Philadalphia~ (;-3: VVashington. on the markat at-this season of the Terry, a white man, is under arrest READER~We guaraateeto cure you or rio pay. ~'ott ran no 0-2, CIeveland. 4-7; Chicago, 1-0. rimk. We lmve a reputation and bnsiaess at stake, Beware of fronting on Lagtlna de Bay. They year, but Berrien county is not to be for alleged attempted criminal assault. frauds and impostors, We will pay $1,000 for any case we take that oar NEW have been driven out of the mountain Nattona~ League.~Cineinnati. 1-7; denied and Fred Runge of Rayolton The complaining witnass is Miss NNTHOD TREATMENT will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varieocele, Stricture, Weak Part~, Kidney range to which they had fled for shel* St. Louis. 2-3. Boston. 4-5; Philadel- township is now picking his second Georgina Walker, colored, who and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free, Books free, Call or write tel Question ter. phia. 8-3, New York. C-0; Brooklyn. crop for this season and brougl~t a charges that Terry molested her while List for Home Treatment. 4-3, Pitt~burg, 8-7; Chicago, 13-6. case of lucious berries to this city. she was coming from her home in the Detro|t, Rltch, To Sho~t Lord Tennyson. The berries were sold in a hurry at Third ward to the business section. New York. Sept. 8.~A cable from The Weather~ 15 cents per quart. Melbourne says: An armed madman ~ashington, ~epu 8.~Forecast for Chase Osborn's Daughter to Wed, tried to force his way into the yew Wednesday: Evangelist Martin Dead, Sanlt Ste. Marie. Mich.. Sept. 8.~ ernme~t building, insisting that he Ohio~Rain and eooler: increasing Allegan, Mich.. ,Sept. 8.~Isalah Mar- The wedding of Ethel Imnise Osborn. must see Governor-General Lord Ten- south winds, becoming high on Lake tin. retired Methodist minister, living daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chase S. Os- nyson. Guards overpowered him after Erie. in Watson township, is dead in his 63d born. and Adam Ernest Ferguson is a hard fight and took from him a load- Lower and Upper Michigan~Falr year. He was for years an evangelist announced to occur "Wednesday. Sept. ed revolver. They believe that he in- in west, rain in east portion; brisk to ~nd traveled all over the state in that 16. at high noon, at St. James' Episco. tended te ~ho~t Lord Tennyson. high so~t.h win~s, becoming northwest. e~.~ncitvo pal church. , Try a Chronicle liner. \

son. It is brin~in~ tl~e will in har- mony with the divine will. living o according to tile directions and sug- gesthms of him wire is wiser tlmn we. <{< Tile doctrine of God's sovereignty makes necessary the doctrines of " For " man's inability to do any ~ood of l~im- self or to save himself, and election ! per yard, we are selling the BEST OUTINGS in dark and wt~icl~ is. tl]at salvation is wholly the light that can be bought for that price. They are twilled work of God's ~race. The experience of man is that to do rood is unnatural i, goods. We also have them at 5c and 8c per yard. ", to ll,m. Wl~en God's spirit left men, as Paul relates in the Romans, they became beastly. Man doesn't grow - Our Flen's 8o cent " l~eavenward unless tlm Father draws i~im and it is the testimony of men and women, who have experienced Labor Day, whi{:b was ob8erved spects a bunR]er. There are people dividuaIs, n{~, upon classes or sections. " Underwear : -tt~roulghout the length and breadth (}f wtm workas [[ riley had no t~eads. As soon as it becomes government by t.l~e power of Cltrist's salvation "ttlat is positively the greatest value wc have ever offered. Heavy ~ our ]and last Monday, brought to our Others are indifferent and careless. a class or by a seetinn it departs from tl)ey are wlmt they are by. tlm grace of God alone." "No man cometh mind anew the fact that civilized hu- A dishonest man is the most dishon- tl~e old Amerioanstandard," mottled garments with wool l~ece. Don't think that others ma~Aty lilts ~tl.ways [)eerl composed ol orable of all. IIe reaps where he has unto the l,'ather, except the Fatl~er are selting as good and not come to see ours. , different classes. In all time past not sown. takes wages which he has ]n connection witt~ the final selec- drawl~im." "By grace are ye saved there have been the poor and the rich, not earned and defrauds his best tion of one or the other of the tw{, and that not of yourself, it is the gift employers andernplovees, daylabnr- friends. ]t is tllerefore only tl~e hon- routes it is interestia~-to note tile of God," and no one can resist tile $ Bargains all the time in Shoes .* el's. meet]units, ar{ists, pr{ffessi~ma] est. industrious lab(~rer who is an power of the H(,}y Spirit when tie masterful opposition whicll has for s{~ See our leader in Men's 81.50 Shoe. See our leader in Wo- , and literary men, Every class tins honor h, himself and his felh}wmen. many years prevented canal ]egis]a[ exerts it to n}:t~,'s salvation. Con- need of every other class, and if {me ]tion. General Grant ~;trongly recom- side]'l'aui. God by ri~Iltof all that , man's $1.50 Shoe. makes him God accomplishes wilais(> seems less h{mnrable tt]an anotller, President Roosevelt it] his labor day mended an isthmian canal. The ever i~e wills to accomplish, and witll and is 8o regarded b3 amistaken pub- address at Nyracuse, N. Y.. gave some transcontinental raitr(md~ a[ {mee him right isn't founded on wilt but lic. it is nevertheless ~mcessarv and wholes(row advice. Ite deplnPed tl~e openly opposed ttle setteme. When it wiii on rigi}t. Because it. is by tl}e theref(n'e honorable, llence, it is dash between labor and capital; the became evident bhat the people favor- ! LA NQ & JANES, : powero! his grace that we are saved, neithe~ a misf{,rtune ,or dishon(,rable arrogance of the rich and tim of ed tile building of a canal tile rail- believers bare a sure sense oi seeurity • Bargain bhoe Dealers. * to beIona Loone of tile humbler classes the poor, and emphasized the fact, that roads organized a lobby and privately under all the assaults ~f temptation. of s(}eiety. each man musl be judged by Sis indi~ fougl]t the project inch by inclL For Saved to tim uttermust and saved for- ]n his natural wortl~ a~d dignity vidualworti~ in the following remarks° the last twenty years canal bills lmve ever. Tl~at's our belief. Tile saved every man is equal to every other "We can keep our government on a been introduced in every Congress. ones shall persevere: the Peters be- man, ~'With God there i~ no respect sane and healthy basis, we can make In 1895. a bill passed tl~e Senate but @ come rocks; tl~e thundering Johns, @ of persons." Our Declaration of In- and keep our social system what it failed in the House, and a~ain in 189!h @ patient and loving: the tempted and dependence declares that "all men are should be, only on condition by judg- the Nicaragua Canal bill met the @ tried, the white robed singers nf @ created free and equal and are endow- ing each man, not as a member of a same fate. The only favorable legis- heaven. There's comfort in our doc- CHOOL ed with certai~ alienable ri,dhts." class~ but on l~is worth us a man. It lation was the appointment of com- trine of election. It ~s refuge and ! At the beginning God gave his com- :is an infamous thing in our American missions. Finally tile Panama canal rest in the love and power of the @ mand alike to a,ll men, namely, to life. and fundamentally treacherous project was put forward to defeat tile @ great (?rod. o replenish and subdue the eartlL to our institutions, to apply t{~ any Nicarague canal route, probably in SUPPLIES @ Whoever strives to obey lllis com- (t'lHtL soul llhi|t Oil Jesus hath leat]ed for rc~ man any test save that of his personal the hope tlmt neit&er would be adopt- pose, mand, no matter whether he works ed, but public sentiment, became so Iwitl not, IwilInot desert io his foes. wortl~, or to draw between two sets That soul. though all hell should ende:tw)r with t~is hands or his head, writes of men any distinction save tim dis- strong that both routes were approv- to shake. We have taken the utmost I~i1 never, no llever, no never foPsa|¢e~ books or guides tile plow, swings tl~e ed as satisfactory to America and the @ tinction lof conduct, the distinction Thus I tmveaswell as [eouldina pains to bring our stock up to the hammer or pustles Llle plane, answers matter left largely with the Presi- that marks off tlmse who do well and short time answered. Why I am a tile object of I~is being and deserves dent,. Now the last move of tl~e rail- highest standard and now feel confident wisely from those who do ill and foolo Presbyterian. Their bold, broad fun- to be honored. A soot covered face road agents tlas been with the Colom- ishly. There are good citizens and damental principles appeals to my in- that we can supply your wants with the o and soiled m~rments are tam outward bian congress to prevent tl~e success @ bad citizens in every class as in every nate lave of liberty and right, I like signs of an honest purpose, and hard of the project which ttmy favored last @ locality and tile attitude of decent, their form (}2 government best. 1 hands betoken ofttimes a tender, af- )'ear in Wasl~ington. It would ap- @ people towards great public and social like their theoh~gy which breathes of fectinnate heart. No honorable man pear, however, that tltey are about at questions should be determined, not freedom and justice and love, is the Very Best (ioods undervalues his fellow citizen because the end of their rope. If the Colum- by the accidental questions of employ- friend of civil liberty and popular ed- he works with his lmnds, tl~ereby bian treaty fails, the President, with- ment {}r locality, but by tl~ose deep- ucation, proclaims a free salvation all rea|ly sparing him the sweatof l~is out, furttmr legislation, is authorized set principles which represent the in- of God, and bears the redeemed that money can buy and at the same time own brow, ~'Honor tO whonl boner is to build a canal on the Nicaragua nermost 8ou18 of men. thrdugh all the vicissitudes of life due. '~ And wily not? ][8 not every route. save you money. "The failure in public and in pri- into tim lmven of rest. We need o one wl~o by his:toil ligl~tens my bur- vate life thus to treat eaet~ man on his o dens and sweetens my life worthy, never set ourselves above any otl~er own merits, the recognition of tt~is There is no news regarding tim Pan- denomination, but we can be loyal to not only of his /lire, but also of my government as being either for tile ama Canal treaty; rumors in plenty. Christ ~nour denomination, and by respect? poor as such or rot the rich as such, The latest is tlmt the northern sec- studying systematized truth become L. I. WOOD & CO. @ But no laborer can expert to be ap- would prove fatal to our republic, as tion ob Colombia which includes the not, Presbyterians as tl~e proudest and preciated and respected simply be: sucl~ failure and such recognition have canal territory is rising in revolt, and Successors to A. Bond. i cause he is a laborer. He must show best, result, but stalwart christians always proved fatal in the past to after it has put down the rest of Co- himself wortt~y of respect by l~is in- growing in tt~e knowledge of God. otlmr republics. A healthy republi- lombia will offer tim canal to tl~e dustry and etliciency. Nobody re- can government must rest upon in- United States. A MiRACt[ WORK[R i~ CASS CITY. About nine years ago Detroit and Wi|R AM i h PR[SBYT[RIA~? terian, i like the absence ,,f excessive woman was but the slave or idol or Jackson papers told of a business man demonstration in tl~e worsl~ip. They amusement of man; wllen the worst of Grass Lake, Mich., (H. A. Calley) Conthllmd from tlrs~ page, area reasoning, deliberative people of vices were practiced, will, in tim do- lmving the sight restored to l~Is rigllt wire worsliip God just as sincerely as truths and forms with respect to mestic circle, the Calvinists formed eye in fifteen minutes. It had been It has tlmv wD~ display great emotion. If wt~ich men of good clmracter and out of a loose and corrupt society, the practically blind since childhood. ahything tl~ey err as a church on tim Automatic principles may differ. And in all hallowed sl~rine wlmre the holiest af- About seven years ago Quincy, The Signal side of too little ritual, but that is these, they think it tile duty bert] of fections are brought into play and Mich., papers told of a Mrs. Jacob better titan to lose heart worship in Signal, private Christians and societies to ex- Where the fondest recollections of Switz of that place, who lind suffered an excess of forms and ceremonies. ercise mutual forebearance toward man cluster. That they did tl~is one for years witll frequent spells of in- Again, 1 like tlmir sturdy theoh)gy. Spring each other. Again that all church thing, formed tt~e cl~ristian home, en- sanity following severe Jelling in the Mail Box God a God of infinite justice and at power wlmtlxer exercised by the body titles them to the unperishable grad back or the head and neck. Over Lock and the same time of infinite love. A in ~eneral -r in tile ~ay of representa- ttude of mankind. $1000 had been spent for medical stern judge to those wl~o knowingly is easily the [inest box yet tion by delegated authority is only The Presbyterian churctl ires repre- treatment witlmu~ avail. She was Celluloid trample upon his laws. A Father ministerial and declarative. That sented the Calvinistic system at tim cured within less than 48 hours and devised for Rural the lloly Scriptures are the only rule long-suffering and merciful to peni- expense of being falsely called stern Nameplate lms had no recurrence of tim trouble Delivery use of faith and manners, that no cllurch tent dUeS. Presbyterian tl~eology and harsh and cold in its teachings. s~ nee. judicatory ought to pretend to make glows with a love. not sickly or senti- These ideas of Calvin are embodied in Last winter Lapeer papers told of laws. to bind the conscience, in virtue mental, but a h,ve founded on justice, our Westminster Confession of Faith. Mrs. C. McGreggor of that city being of theirown authority, and tlmt all a love sacrificing beyond tl~e compre- the 250th anniversary of wliieh was so nearly blind tlmt she could not It will hold a market basket .@ decisions sh(mld be founded upon tt~e hension of Iini~e man. Tl]e Pl'esby- celebrated very recently. The ten- recognize members of her family five full of parcels which revealed word terian church is an exponent of tim deney today is to laugh at, creeds and of G~d." feet away. She lind consulted the I admire tlle great Presbyterian system oi' theology known as Calvin- do away with creeds and confessions. you may wish the best eye specialists in Lapeer and churcli for holding to such principles ism and Calvinism considered as a We do not say that that Confession is Flint with no results and finally, on carrier to bring @ as tlle bams of its govervment. They system of theology as contrasted with inspired, infallible or perfect, but we advice of her family pl}vsician, went are utterly opposed to narrowness or other Protestant systems llas one dotl~ink it to be the noblest expression to Detroit and consulted tlmt emi- bigotry. They are broad, universal characteristic prevading principle, of Biblical doctrines ever formulated nent specialist, Dr. Eugene Smith, prinmples of liberty and h)ve. We tllat of tile sovereignty of God. His by any assembly of men. The cures but the resultsiwere not satisfactory. GET ONE AT compel no {me to trim l~is vie{vs as re- unlimited control within the sphere of tile ills nf the state and nation are As a last resort she consulted a specla- gards the non-essentials of religion. of mind as well as matter. The sense to be round by holding to the l~igh list who was visiting Lapeer. He We do not i nterpret the Scriptures and of tl~e exaltation of tl~e Alm~gllty ideas of that creed. These people looked into lmr eyes with an instru. compel its acceptance as the only in- ruler and of llis intimate connection who p~ofess tlmt they want, no creed N, BIGELOW & SONS meat made especially for that pur- terpretation. We bar no believe]" in with the minutest incidents and ob- are not the strong, reliable citizens of pose, saw wtlat defects existed and Christ's atonement sin. trom ligations of lmman life, which this the state or the kingdom of God. for our put on a combination of glasses that communi(m. It is the Lord's table ttleology rosters in our minds, dwarfs Phillips Brooks has said: "Only from I I J corrected them and in less titan 15 and all lovers of nnr Lord and Savior all earthly potentates. An intense the solid ground or some clear creed m minutes slml was able to see people have equal ri~l~t toit. We make no spirituality, a consciousness tlmt this have men done good strong work in across the street and recognize ttmm life is but an infinitesimal part of tim world; only out of certainty comes requirements for entrance into tile and could read tim finest print. Presbyterian church Jesus Cl~rist truman existense dissipates the feeling power," and a study of histnry demon- tllat The man that handled tl~ese tl~ree of personal homage rot men and dulls strates how true is that statement. SCHOOL BOOKS did m}t make for entering into lmav- cases was Prof. Willard Hagadorn. the lustre of all earthly grandeur. As we have stated, the one char- en. It's "Believe on the Lord Jesus He is now in Cass City at tim New acteristic prevading principle of our Christ and thou shall be saved." Nev- Calvinism pertmps more than any Sheridan Hotel and will remain a few < NOW READY FOR ALL GRADES, Calvimstie creed is tim sovereignty of ( er can the complaint be made that the otlmr one thing advanced tim cause of days. He disclaims anything mir- God, and it seems to me that only in church is not liberal in govermnent. civil liberty. Men and women, who aculous in the above cases b~tt says A fine line of Tablets, Pencils, Pen Holders and Book the recognition of that sovereignty and in- theology it is as liberal as in became possessed with the idea of tim tim cause of blindness in the firsDand { Straps, A fine line of New Style Box does the clwistmn lind rest and com- God's word. To go beyond tfmt liber- sovereignty of God, would not, could last cases was a malformation of the fort "They that trust in tim Lord {~<~ Papers and Stationery. ality is to imperil its spiritual life. riot bow their minds or bodies before eye and the cause of the severe pains shall be as Mr. Zion which cannot be Again, i am a Presbyterian because any ci vii rulers or eartl~ly religi )us po- in tim back of tl~e l~ead and the con- {} COME IN AND SEE US ~ ~i; ~g moved." "Our God ruleth over all.'" it governs bY a board of elders. A tentates. Tim ideas of liberty, civil sequent insanity in tim second case "Le~ all tim eerth fear the Lord, let few men capable by education and and religious, sprang from tllat soil. wasan unbalanced condition of the all the inl~abitants of tile world stand natural lit.hess can administer the af- An alfiding protestantism, tim oppos- external muscles of the eyes and ~hey in awe of him for l~e spaRe and it was fairs of a clmrcti better than can a er of gomanism, a revised British could all be corrected with peculiarly i T, H, Fritz, D rugglst' done, he commanded and it stood congregation of hundreds of people, constitution, a republic of America, a ground glasses. IIis success lay in l~is system of free. popular education. fast." ]t is his sovereignty that calls :ill tmving different opinions and con> skill in diagnosing each case and ,.% out our simple trust and faitl~ and lug to an llarmonious agreement only llad Calvin or anyone like him not knowing what kind K glasses to pre- tills us with a sense of absolute secur- ÷÷÷++÷÷÷+÷÷÷q.q.÷÷÷÷+÷+÷÷++÷ ÷÷÷q-I.÷÷÷÷+÷÷÷÷÷÷++÷÷÷q_l.÷+ ÷ with ditliculty, if at all. Then there arisen we had had none of these fruits scribe. He can be consulted free of ity. Our hearts best, lind expression are matters whiet~ come up for dis- ~f liberty. Said Henry Ward Beecher charge from lto3and 6 to8 p. m. at in llymns confessing absolute depend- cussion and settlement, and which for at one time: "There is no system the Sheridan forafewdavs. He will :[" ence on God. the best good of the church should wt~ieh equals Calvinism in intensify- visit Cas8 City every ninety days. Cider' M£1' Open not be made public as they must nec- Jag tothe last degree ideas of moral tle this my joy, that.evermore essarily be if tim congregation is the excellence and purity of character. Thou rulest all things at thy win, TaRe ROtit;e, Thy sovereign wisdom I adore; Notice is herein given that there governing body. There never was a system since the And c~dmly, sweetly i, rust thee still. ii The undersigned have purctmsed the cider mill or J. tI. StriIller has been a dissolution of tlle Cass City T Again, government by elders was world began which putupon men such To obey and bow before the will of and wish to announce to the public that the mill is now (}pea and Cream Separator & Churn Co. of 6'ass tlm method of government in tim motives to holiness, or wl~ich builds 2~od was Calvin's supreme purpose in they are ready to convert apples into any of the following products: City, Mich., and tlmt all parties are apostolic church. By no means is it batteries whicl~ sweep the wlmle life, and for Cl~ristians the highest Cider, Apple Butter, Jelly, Apple Syrup and Vinegar. hereby warned not to extend any an infringement on the rigl~ts of ground of sin with sucl~ horrible ar- mark of faith i~ to do as Jesus con- A broom factory will also be established there in the near future. credit to any member of said company church members. The elders are tim tillery." Again another writer Ires fessed was tl~e purpose of his life on Local merchants will please bear this fact in mind. in the name of said company. -x- representatives of tlm church mem said: "When there was no such in- earth~to do the will of God: to live a Signed, A. N. TREADOOLD, berdhip. The church rubs through stitution in the world as lmme: when life or complete dependence on tim 8-7-tf ~ W:~. D. Dav~s. its representatives. tlm family existed without tim sacred heavenly Father. Doingthese things ' Denhauser & Oulnn e. Another reason why I am a Presby- ministries of-domestic life; when tl~e is not enslaving the will or the per- ~TSee Eltiott's rockers. 3-20- % £, "t~÷÷÷'I'-M~+÷÷÷÷÷÷.DI~-~~÷ ÷÷÷÷÷'I~÷÷÷÷+÷÷÷÷'M~÷÷,I~÷.t~ N ' g gNN gNNNN NNN L g gNNN NN N N g gN-, g g NN verwood spent Sunday with Mr. and SYNOPS|S 0[ (iAM[ L~WS. Transportation and Sale~Alt game, Mrs. J. J. IIarris. We give below a synopsis of the re- animals and birds transported under The quilting held on Friday at the vised game taws as amencled by the cover must be plainly marked on tile 5ave Your Children's Eyesight home of Mrs. S. F. Howard was welt last legislature, and whiet~ will be en- outside of package witl~ name or con- In every sol?eel room are boys and girls who suffer more or less wiLh headaches and are always cam attended and the quilt finished before forced by tl}e state game warden. All signor and consignee, the initial pvin~ pla{ning about titeir eyes hurtlng't.tiem and not, being able to see the blackboard. It would be well for the tea. sportsmen silould help to enforce the of billifig and destination, together i0arents to have their children s eyes examined and tested without delay, as }]~ most cases it will be round ~_ Mr. Simons and brother, Win. law and report violators to tale game witt~ an itemized su~tement nf con-- that defective vision is the cause of the trouble and should be attended to before other complications arise. tents, Must not be transported be-- Correctly fitted glasses, especially in the case of children, ir procured in time and worn constantly fnr a cer- Simons, spent Sunday here the guest wardens, as the laws are made to keep tain period, will not only banish the lleadaehes, t)tlt will restore the eyes to a l:)erIi(;,ctly normal condition, of the former's daugllter, Mrs. A, game from becoming extinct. vend boundaries of state at any time. when the ghtsses can be }-liscarded. If is a mistake to suppose that, in every case a person who once adopts Slmw. The sate of any protected game ani- glasses must wear tllem all tl~rou,~h life. mal or game bird is unlawful at any Lewis Bros. barn raising on Satur- Partridge, quail, spruce itch and ~ime. day afternoon proved to bea success. woodcock. Open season lower penin- A fine supper was provided for all sula, October 20th to November 30it}. present.. both dates inclusive. Upper penin- sulm partridge may be killed October PEOPLE OF THE DAY Joe Temple and Miss Nettie John- 1st to November 30tlL both inclusive. son were united in marriage Wednes- Ilia,tie ~eliild'8 Fztd, Prairie elfickens~ MoL~gohan or Eng- day, Sept. 2, at the i~ome of the bride's I[on. Charles Rothschild of London lish ptmasants, wild turkey and wild parents in Watertown. They will re- is rich enougll to indulge any whim, pigeons, not to be killed until 1910. but still people wilt tlfink it queer that side in Detroit. It is unlawful to capture, kill or de- any real} should adot~t as his special C. J. Beers has lately purchased the stroy any Antwerp or Homing pigeons fad fhe collecting of fleas. The hoI> ~0 acre lot. lying soutll of A. teller's. or m~mrnioa dove at any time. arable Charles goes in for line horses Mr. Beers has a number of men em- Ducks, geese and all wild water and elegant automobiles, but they are only to fill in the odd moments wheIt ployed clearing the lot ready for a fowN--Open season October 1st to Nov- wheat crop. there is nothing of eslmcial importance ember 30th inclusive, from oneqmlf in tim world of fleas to occupy IHs time. One of t,l]e ball players received a hour before sunrise to (me-half llour severe bl~,w in tile face durin~ bile after sunset. Jack , Blue Bill, game on Suoday. It is feared a b~ok- Cameras Back Wider(m, Pin Tail, ~ : ,, ,::,;,!;'; ,"'.;'.; /,x' /,;:%:::; ,~y-:?..> :, "~' ,':: ...... ,, ...... ~, .. :\ en ~l()se is tile result. "lgemember Wl~istler. Sp(.)n Bill. Butter Bail and ":':.:':: ~:;.:~E.`;C:`-: ~`.~V.È'~`~`..~L`..',?`~)t:~i~2:-)~;`F~.i/;~.~`~a[k`>:]2:.}?~:~/~/:`Ke~" ~h Q. "" ,, tlleSabbatl~ day Lo keep it holy." taw Bill clucks may be killed from March 2nd to Apriil0til eaci] year. ARGYLE, No floating c(mtrivance propelled by Miss Barbara Herdell is visiting- t~er steam, gasoline, etc., can be used. sister in Pt. Huron. . The gun must be held in the bands at The faint tinkle of wedding bells is time of tiring, and must not be larger heard in the distance. than ten calibre. [ X Ray Ophthalmoscope and Refinoscope No sane or insectivorous birds, ex- Lorn Melntyre and Miss Cassie Me- Used by Dr. H. /'I. VVard in making examinations. ~g cept black birds, gnglistl sparrows or Pbail Sunday in Cuss City. This instrument is employed in the leading hospital clinics throughout the United State.s. Dr. II. hi. crows may be captured or killed at, Bernice McMann of Cumber is vis- Ward fits glasses scientilicat]y and is just as part, icular in the proper uleasurement of )he frames as in the any time. fit~in~ of tlm lenses, and uses the very finest material in their construction. Brin,~ Voter ctfiidren to him iting her brother Jas. McMann. GAME A NINALS. and have their eyes examined and tested ))3' the latest improved instruments iu the hands of a skilled Chas. Striiller of Cass City trans- Deer.~Open season November 8it: operator. Dr. Ward will tell you witl~out asking a single question wl~etlmr or not t,l~e eyes are defective and will acted business in ~own test Friday. to 30tl~ inclusive, in each year, except explain in a comprehensive way to each pat,-ient ti~eir special defect, whi(fll lfis years of practical experience Miss Helen King is employed as on tt~e island of Lois Blanc and tim ttON. CHA1ZTf~ES I¢OTESCttILD. and t,hnrough knowledge of the %'e makes it possible for him to do. 4 clerk in one of the Stmbbona stores. counties of Lapeer, Huron, Monroe, He has thousands of fleas in his collec- Saailae. Tuscola, Macomb, Allegan, School opened on Monday with Mr. tion at tim famous zoological museum Ottawa and St. Clair, where deer are At Hotel Sheridan, Cass City, one day only Thornton of Deckervi]le as teacher. at Trine park, but he needs an arctic protected until 1906. and tile counties Tuesday, Sept. ~5- Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 P. m. aolm Freiburger transacted busi- fox flea to round out the collection. The g of Lake Osceota, Clare, Mason, Mauls- expe~lition of the arctic wlmler Forget- ness in Sanilac Centre last Thursday. %Vould advise those who wist~ to see Ifim to call early as the doctor is usually quite busy on this day. tee, Wexford. Missaukee, Newaygo, menot, whiel~ was sent by Mr. Roths- Miss Lena Muck of Cuss City was Mceosta, Isabella, Benzie, Leelanau, child in search of the polar flea, failed, the guest, of friends in this vicinity Grand Traverse, Oceans and Gladwin, and now the multimillionaire collector last week. wtmre deer cannot be killed until 1908. has offered a rt%vard of 85,000 for the coveted, in~ct. As fle'~s go--and they and F: ,l. Nash have gone to the State Mrs. J. McPtmil and Miss Ethel No person may kilt more than three ==[ usually go when you search for ihem-- Bond were callers in Cass City last deer in any one year. No person may fair. this is a pretty good prier, but arctle Cims. Youngs, wl~o is in very poor Thursday. lmnt deer witlmut first proeuring a fox fleas can't be picked from any old health, talks of moving away from Quite a number from Argyle were hunter's license. Resident licence yellow dog. this viciainy. amon~ the excursionists to the K. O. 750, non-resident, $25. The use of dogs is prohibited, and the killing of Thc President Callghl Ilirn. A man answering the description oi" T. M. picnic at Pb. Huron. any fawn in the spotted coat, or any It is said on excellent authority that Emil Waltz alias Chas. Prier passed Master Bert Hardwiek, who has deer in the red coat is unlawful. No every morning President Roosevelt aft- tt]rougi~ tllese parts last week. been visiting at a, Meredith's re- er glancing through several New York g deer or portion of a deer can be law- Dana Losey and wife have gone on turned to his home in Detroit last papers looks over tlm headlines of a Saturday. fully shipped without a license tag large stack of western publications, a visit to Lake, Oxford and I)e- accompanies same. says the New York Tribune. The sur- troll with tl~e intention of Oriving the Ambrose Kroetsch, who has been a Moose. Elk and Caribou are pro- prising part of this feat is that the great sufferer for several weeks passed wim]e distance. tected until 1911. president never appears to miss any- away last Wednesday, The funeral Fox, black and gray squirrels~Open thing of importance and never forgets was held at the R. C. church, key. NOVESTA, season October 15tl~ to November 30tl] what he reads nor where he saw it. Fr. Burke officiating. When he was in the far west he was A goodly number of neighbors and both inclusive, it is unlawful to cap- looking over an eastern newspaper of friends gathered at tl~e lmme of Mrs. ture, pursue, injure o~ kill any such EAST DAYTON. rather ancient vintage when he was Silas Fletcher of Novesta Tuesday squirrels at any time in any public or heard to utter a somewhat explosive evening to celebrate her 49th birth- Mrs. James Insel~o is on tim sick private park. ejaculation. Turning to one of the day. The evemng was spent socially list. FUg BEAI¢ING ANIYiALS. newspaper men present, he said, "Do among the older ones, games and The little child of Chas. Brady is Beaver killing unlawfu} until 190G you know Blurt.k?" On receiving an other amusements were participated sic,¢ at this writing. Otter, Fisher and Marten--Open affirmative reply he said: "Well, Blank in by the young people to wl~om Mrs. season November 15th to May 1st. is a fool. I had a little confidential The M. E. Aid will meet with Mrs. talk with him about six weeks ago. Fletcher ever has a warm heart and a Mink, Raccoon, Skunk, 5~uskrats- F. Chatterson, Sept. 17. He knew I didn't wanfhim to publish kind word. Refresl~ments were served Must not be taken during monlt~s of Mrs. Lucy Grey and grandson Tracy what I said, but now because I am a at a late hour, and at the time of dis- September and October. of Bay City are visiting relatives here. couple of thousand miles west and he persing Mrs. Fletclmr was presented Wolf, Lynx and Wildeats~Bounty imagines I do not see his paper he ha~ with a beautiful decorated water set. School commenced on Monday witll or ,15 on old wolf, $6 on wolf whelp put it all in print. The next time BUGGIE S Miss Editl~ Ash of Arbela as teaei~er. under tl~ree months old, $5 on lynx, Blank gets any tips from the Wtflte CUMBER. Miss A. Traver of Caro is spending ap.d 83 on wildcats. IIouse he'll be a much older man tlmn a few days at the home of Mrs. LiglH). FISIIES. he is today." When the president got AND SUR REYS Jos, Brown is very low at this writ- back Blank called at the "White House, T. Plain and wife or Mayville Speckled trout, Grayling, Land ing. as usual, but he didn't get an audience. We want to call your attention to the fact that we have a spent Friday and Saturday witl~ the Locked Salmon, California trout, Ger- The second crop of strawberries is man trnut. Open season May 1st to very large assortment of Buggies, Surreys and Spring Wagons on family of R. Plain. The Princess ~t Cook. now ri pc. September 1st, excepting Maple li{iver Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Maeomber are Kaiser Vfilhelm is having a kitchen hand which we want to close out before the fair. From now until The ta~e rainslmve started oats to in Emmett county, which is May 1st entertaining their daughter from the fitted out in the new palace at Pots- October 1, we will give growing. to August lst, only to be taken by soutl~ern part of the state. dam for his daughter, Princess Vieto- Mr. MeCallum of Deford is buying lmok and line, and it is unlawful to Na Louise. There the princess will Mrs. Gee. Roberts and daughters hay here this week. havein possession any of tt]ese kind learn to cook. When Salving the neces- $5.oo Off l egu|ar Price Dora and Persus of Deford were call- sary orders for the kitchen the kaiser Josiat~ Pratt lost a valuable circus of fish less than seven inclms in length ing on friends here Thursday. or eight inches if taken from tile Au said: "My daughter must be a modeI on any rig we sell. Also an additional FIVE PER CENT. OFF hnrse on Thursday last. German housewife and be able to fry John Lawrence, wife and children of Sable or trioutaries. It is unlawful Quite a number from here attended sausage, roast a joint or bake a cake FOR CASH. Our rigs are warranted to be just what we claim Columbia spen~ Thursday and Friday to take from any of the lakes, rivers the state fair at Pontiac. as though she had to earn her living for them. By buying now you willget a first-class job at a low last at the home of J. Wooacock. or streams of tills state, in one day as a cook. She must be a womamy Lydia and Alson Clark attended price. We sell the Clarence Crittendca has improved more than fifty fisl~ nf tim following woman of the good old fashioned sort." church in Argyle Sunday. his house by an addition to be used as varieties: Muscailonge, Black, Straw- /~ILLEI~ BEAN HAI~VESTER Mrs. A. A. Ewing returned home a kiteimn. Louis Lavalee is doing the berry, Green or White bass, or any ]H[itKhe r Educ~t|on. from tile Sea on Tuesday. work. Speckled or Brook trout, German Those who regard higimr education Why buy an imitation when you can have the real thing? In wag- as a social ornament, wflueless except Miss Bernice McMahon returned trout. California trout, Land Locked Mrs, Samuel Anderson star~ed on as n lmdge for the deligl~t of its pos- ons we have the Harrison and Studebaker~none better, llome from Argyle Tuesday. Salmon, Loll, Leven or Steel Head Saturday for Maple Ridge wi~ere she sessor, and those who regard culture Every implement that the farmer needs. ~rout or Grayling. Or to have in pos- School commenced Tuesday witl~ will visit with her parents for a few as the private perquisite of the eleet Mrs. Frank Brown fur teacher. weeks. session more titan one hundred fish of few are alike in the wrong. The pres- said kinds at any one time. Jas. McMahon, wife and children Mr. and Mrs. Chas Moshier of Wah- ence of men of culture and training raises the value of everything about Striffler & McDermott called at his father's home Sunday. jamegacalled on relatives in Wells Black bass may be taken with hook and line only from May 20th to April them. It insures the success of enter- Miss Electie Russell of Port Hunm and also attended the Maccabee picnic 1st following tlmreafter: and must not prise, the safety of person and prope> is visiting at Josiah Pratt's this week. on Thursday. ty. the eontact with rit:hteousness of be sold during the closed season. The people in this vicini3y purchas- Mrs. Alpl~onso Light entertained thou.alxt and action, whietl are tim ~F+++++++++++-, ++++++++++++ ed ttmir peaches for 50 cents a bushel. her niece, Miss Cooper, the last two mainspring of right thought and rigM weeks. Sl~e returned to her l~ome deed in the future. Josiah Pratt can boast of having in Novesta Sunday. Moreover. if clear tlfinking with clean MOXEY TO LOAX tim only wheat and rye up in tim vi- livin~ is good for the elee:t few. it is cinity. Edgar Pelt(m, wife and ~2children equally good for the mutable many. On Real Estate or Novesta called on friends here the +,I~F++q-+++++++++++++++++++~i Dr. Harrington of Bad Axe assisted Culture not only raises the man above fore part of the week. as they were the mass. but it turns the masses into by Dr. Holdenship of Ubly performed returning from an over-land trip ,bo men. That the multitude may imagine Parties requiring ,money may AKI~ON. an operation (,n Mrs. Ward Law on Genessee county. themselves men before they hold a W. Arclmr is on the sick list. Thursday of last week and si~e is im- man'S grasp on tife is the grievous dan- find it to their advantage to call Tile Betiml Aid at C. L. Stark's was proving nicely at, tiffs writing." ger of democracy. Here again the uni- at D. McArtnur was in Care Monday. p,.;stponed one week on account of tlle versity plays its part. teaching tim Mrs. J. Covey of Wisher was in NOKO. Maccabee picnic. The ~meetin~ will relative value of ideals. Under Its now be held Sept. 10 and all members criticism men learn that good results town Tuesday. Cool witl~ a slight frost yesterday. Tho hchangeBank are requested to be presen~ as ollicers are better go¢×l intentions, and Misses Mattie and Ethel Grat~am Miss E. Trainer is visil0mg l~er par- will be elected. timt they demand a far higher order enterred school on Monday. ents near Brown City. of skill and eourage.~President David Four per cent. interest paid on Wm. Tong of C!~atl~am, Ont., and Starr Jordan in Atlantic. time deposits for sums of one Robert Albertson and Laura Wilber Wm. Erwin, cattle buyer, 0assed Lida, second daughterof Sir. and Mrs. were united in marriage last Wednes- througl~ here this week. J. Malsbury, were married on Wed- dollar and upwards. Shook. day at tlm home of tile groom's Miss M. Cars(m of Yale visited nesday evening last a~ tl~e home of "Why, it does, and such a pain as Mollyo--You say you shook all over parents. They felt for Canada on the friends lmre for a few days. the bride's parents by gev. Powell. it was, too." when you proposed to her? E. [4, PINNEY, Banker, evening brain. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buss and baby of They left for Chatham on Friday.-*'-- For sprains, bruises, bites of ino (Jholly--Yes, I did. Molly~Aml how about the girl? Juhl visited Mrs. Buss' parents on sects, and for any trouble where a lini- We regret to hear of the untimely Cholly--Oh, she only shook her head. ELI(LAND. Sunday. death of Mrs. J. M. Ealy of Care, ment is needed, The W~Iking Act. --London Modern Society. James Diilman was drawing oats on A little girl was asked to write an Mr. and Mrs..Win. Oriflin or La- better known as Hettie McKayT~ PERRY DAVIS" essay about man. The following was Tuesday. matte visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Free- died at the hospital at Saginaw. Iler Tile Modern ~Vay, "I wish to marry your (laughter," her eomposition: "Man is a funny ani- Mr. and M. F.J. Nash visited a~ man Sunday. earlier years were spent here~()~ mal. He has eyes to see with, hands to said the young man. The old man wan John Spurgeons last week. Mrs. J. ~. Smith or Decker, who farm and she was known and loved feel with and is split up the middle "Painki te a sensible old man. Miss Kate McIntyre is assisting has been in ill health, is now able to by all. She leaves four brothers and "Can I support you in the style to ~nd walks on the split ends."--Glasgow two sisters and an aged~father. is the best. Times. Mrs. Fred Topping at present. be out again. which you have been accustomed?" he 25c. and 5oc. bottles. asked.---Puck. I. K. Reid and wire, Joseph Marius Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sugden of Sil- ~For furniture, see Elliott. a-20- /

trcit and other points, returning ;@-t.++++++++÷++÷+++++++-M-+++ Quite a number from this place are FOR THE HOUSEWIFE going to attend tl:e state fair at Pon- home Friday evening. They will be at. 1:pine to their friends after Oct. 1. tiac. Tabie Deeoraflonm May their wedded life be long and P. W. Stone and Miss Bertl~a Faust A form of table center that in fsh- spent Saturday and Sunday at Rose happy. Rev. Waller performed the tenable is eoml~oscd entire!y of r:ml *::: T he ~.+++++++++++÷++++++++++~e ceremony. e Island. flowers. ( England's Great ~ ¢" Rhododendron blos~onl is lmrtlcutar- Little Lorena Stone visited with PINGREE. WICKWARE. ly suitable for this. In a bright cerise 2: Saliabury her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. shade it looks most effective arrana'ed Fall wt:eat l]as been sown in this lo- School started Monday. Leach, Sunday. on the white cloth in tile form of a cality. Mat Parker and wife and W.A. D, Hartwick has raised his l:ouse. star. Cnt the star out in paper first Mrs. JohnConnel calledin Pingree ClOn8 ~Loekwood were in Cass @ty on Tues- Jake Maxwell returned from Dakn- and place it in the center of the table Friday. as a guide where to lint tlle blossoms. day with tw) loads of grain. ta Monday. Mrs. W. L. St:erman called in Pin- A star with four pouts is ~lle easiest Blossom and Glen Lockwood left Mrs. E. Sansburn spent Sunday witl~ to form. At each point stand a colmnn gree Friday. Thursday aftem(~on for Auburn, nine Mrs. Geo, t~ond candlesti('k nnd suspend ~arlands of IIE recent death of Robert Ce- He was shut up in Mafeking with Mrs. J, Kitchen still remains quite miles west, of Bay City, to visit their Geo. Cutting is worse and is not ex- narrow cerise and white ribhons fl'o~:I cil, ti:ird marquis of Salisbury, Colonel Baden-Powell and was wound- ~eriously sick. great gr~Lndn>tt:er, 5lrs. B. M. Spicer. pected to recover. ~ne to another, ath~ching them to eaclt dlief of four cabinets of the ed in one of tile sorties. He weal with candlestick, had at any lara'e flori.:t's T British empire and twelve years the expeilitlon to Dongola in 189(; and Stephen Peters and family Sunday- The long talked of F, R. D. has at Mrs. H. Keyser took in the excur- for a few cents, and decorate with :t premier of England, attracts attention was present at the taking of Omduro ed at Chester Wells'. last made its appearance. The people sion last, Wednesday. Spl'~ly OF the cerise blossoms. [ke to his eldest son and heir, formerly man and Khartum in 1898. Lord Ed- Chgs. I. Cooke bought s, me stock of in this part or at least some of @em Mrs. anal Mrs. B. Harrison spent white candles with cerise shades, and Visa:punt Cranborne, and induces spec- ward is a veritable son of Anak. and J. Connel] this week. are not satisfied with it as they have Sunday at R. Fuster's. tie tile cheese straws wlth ribhons to ulation as to whether he inherits his his height which is eonslderably over to g, one-quarter to one-half mile to matelt. six feet, makes him a noticeable figure School started Monday with Miss Mrs. Gee. Hitchcoek and family of father's commanding ability as well ns ~et their mail. Other flowers that look well in bowIs his title and estates. in any assembly, tie married in 1894 Edna Dean as teacl~er. Cuss City visited a~ her mother's Sun- are the purple iris, or flags, as they History has recorded until it has al- a daughter of Admiral 2~laxse of the Misses May and Etta Marks have day. are more generally called. To arrange most become an axiom that tlle sons of British navy. gone to Sanilac Centre to attend ~he CUMBER. The ladies meet at Mrs. W, M. Ben- tllese effectively some lead supports great men seldom become great, and it According to a story that emanated lfigh school, Gee. Cutting, tt:ree miles west of net's the third Wednesday in Septem- will be required. If they are plaeed ill seems to be the general opinion in from Lord Kitehen~r, Lord Edward de- these with plenty of their swordlike Heavy and continued rains togetlm" town, is very ill. ber. England that this axiom will not be re- serves as much credit as does Baden- leaves they have the appear:mee of versed in the case of the late marquis' PoweI1 for the defense of Mafeking. with coot weather in general bare Josiah Pratt made a Ilying trip to Mrs. John McPhail and daughter growIngo For luncheon parties these Lord Kitehencr relates that soon after greatly re~arded tl~e ripening of the Deford Sunday. heir. for, while the new holder of the Flora spent Saturday, Sunday and are mos~ useful, mauve being essen- reaching South Africa he came across corn and bean crops. L. Oliver and wife transacted busi- Monday in Care. tialIy a dayligllt color. a well known Dutchman who was fill- Burton Bullock. director of school ness in Ubly on ~[onday. Take a pretty shallow bowl, place Ing large contracts for provisioning the two or three lead supports in it, fill district number five, Evergreen, Josiah Pratt lnst a ruinable horse BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. British army, from whom he learned Has world-wide fame for marvellous with water and then arrange the flow- passed through Pingree Thursday last last week from a broken leg. this incident: Just before the breaking cures. It surpasses any otl:er salve, ers. Stand thisoin the center of the ta- taking the census list. out of hostilities the contractor re- C. Arn of Silver Hill, Ont., is visit- l~,~ion, vintment or balm for Cuts, ble and have trails of pale mauve clem- ceived instructions to send a certain The Bad Axe Comfort Produce Co. ing his sister, Mrs. Laura Brown. Corns, Burns. Boils 8ores, Felons, atis from the bowl to each corner of tile quantity of stores to Mafeklng. While is doing a good business in the man> Ulcers, Tetter, Salt 1,1heum, Fever Dr. Corcorin made a professional table, where it may be attached to a shipment was going forward Lord Ed- faeture of butter, their system being Sores, Chapped }lands. Skin Erupt- smaller bowl filled to eorrespond with call at A. A. Ewing's last Sunday. ions: infallible for Piles, Cure guar- ward Cecil called on tlte contraetor and the center one. convenient in all seasons of the year anteed, Only 25c at L. I. Wood & Co. asked for particulars of the stores. Mrs. Pearl Laing of Pontiac and C. The lead ~upports are reaIly invalu- for the farmers, Druggists. These being supplied, he said: Y. (~reenleaf of Detroit visited at able for ahnost any kind of ruble deep "Could you send four times as much ?" A BOY'S WILD I%IDE FOB LIFE. their parental home Snnday. ration. They may be purelmsed at any "Yes, if I had authority/' said the NOVESTA. large florist's for a few eems each. or With family around expectin~ him George Mull@', north of town. is contractor. Mrs. John Kitcl:en is reported very narrow strips of lead ean be procured to die, a@ a son riding for life, 18 d~wn witl: typhoid fever. Dr. Cor- "Very well." said Lord Edward; "you miles, to ~et Dr. King's New Discov- tow at this writing. at an ironmon~er's and are easily bent send four times as much as you have eorin of Ubly is in attendance. ery for Consumption, Coughs and Mr. and Mrs. h'a Ilowey are visiting to the shape required. order:~ for. nnd I will give my note for Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Mrs. A. A. Ewing, who for tl:e past friends in Detroit this week, the eost of the surplus quantity. If tl:e Ind,, endured deaths awlnies from six weeks has been visiting her sister A Ne~v Cabinet. government doesn't pay you, I will." asthma; bu~ this wonderful1 medicine Quite a number from here expect to As an accompaniment to the ramie gave instant relief and soon cured at the So(,, returned on Tuesday. Considering the fact that Lord Ed- attend the state fair this week. ture in bamboo, reed and willow and him. He writes:"l now sleep soundly Mrs. Stephen Oreenman and daugh- ward's financial resources were elfleily Win. Haekett is dangerously ill with the floor covering of matting to bc represented by his pay as major, an un- every night,." Like marvelous cures of ter, Mrs. Ed Loft of Lindenville, N. Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, appendicitis. Dr. Howell ~sthe at- found in tile majority of sunm:er cot ° dertaking to pay 8150,000 to $200.000 Y., are the guests of Miss Flora ,Jor- tag@ an enterprising manufacturer in Cough, Colds and Grip proves its tending pttysician. out of his private purse was character- matchless ~nerit for all Throat and dan this week. England llas brought out a cabinet of lstleatly daring. The contractor thougl:t Mrs. 1L Howey returned home from Lung' troubles. Gaurantecd bettles The six days s~eady rain last week matting framed and trimmed in barn- he was safe In dealing with the pre- 50c and $1.00. Trig} bottles free at Deekerville last Monday, where she mler's son and sent the stores. Mafe- L I. Wood & Co's drug store. left most farmers in bad shape, plenty of oats not being cut yet and more in has been visiting friends. king was stocked with provisions and Mrs. Sl:atrer of Ubly and Mrs. Gris- general stores four times as great in ELMWOOD. shock growing and badly colored. b) and daughter were the guests of quantity as tile authorities thought Mrs. Nancy Watson, who has been was sufIleient. Aeeording to Lord L.Z. Hiser l:as secured a job on tl~e 3Ira. O. Atwell, tl:e former's sister, visiting her brotl:er, Malcolm Mcln~ THE REW ~llqIIl8 OF SASISBUIIY. Kitehener's testimony, that is how railroad at Vassar. last week. tyre, for the past few weeks, has re- [Formerly viscount Cranborne.] Mafeking managed to hold out. M. R. Eastman and wife visited at turned to her home in Strathroy, Ont. The ice cream social which was held Lord Hugh Richard tteatheote Cecil. title is not without ability, he has as L. Huffman's on Sunday. a~ the parsonage last Friday night fifth and youngest son of the late pre- Dr. Harrington of Bad Axe and Dr. yet failed to show the qualities that Jas. Tennant and family visited at was well attended and all report a mier, ltke hls elder brother. Is a mem- Holdship of Ubly performed a very made Ilia father great. Wm. Ostrander's on Sunday. ber of parliament, having represei~ted successful opera~ion on Mrs. Law, pleasant time. James Edward Hubert Gaseoyne Ce- W. A. Lockwood and wife visited at north of town. The patient is gain- Laura and Lloyd Warner were re- ell, fourth marquis of Salisbury, Is file eldest of a family of seven~five sons N. 1%. King's Sunday night. ing nicely. membered by twenty-three of their John Leishman's little girl has been little friends last Monday, it being and two daughters. As the son and heir of the house of Ceetl he bore the on ti:e sick list the past week. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUllED their lltl: birtl:day. title Viscount Cranborne, whieh now by local applications as they cannot Frank IIendriek was in Cass City on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chui/chill re- goes to his son Robert. He began his reacl~ the diseased portion of the ear, turned home last week front Detroit ~tmrsday with a load of oats. There is only one way to cure deaf- career ill polities in 1885. when twenty- W, A. Lockwood and wife were in ness, and ~that is by constitutional and Mr. Clemens wltere they have four years of age, as mentber of parlia- menl for Lmmaster, but was retired i:~ Gagetown and Cass City on Wednes- remedies. Deafness is caused by an been visitin~ friends. inllamed condition of tl~e mucous lin- 1892. in 1893 lie was elected front Mrs. Gee. Boughton had a narrow day. in~ of tl~e Eustacllian tube. When Rochester. which constituency he still escape from death one day htst week, this tube is inflamed you have a rum- represents. bling sound or imperfect hearing, and being tl:rown from her buggy and sev- I)uring his career in parliament he wl:en it is entirely closed, deafness is MADE OF MATTING, BAMBOO TI{II~IklED. eral ribs broken. Sl~e is recovering has done nothing to distii~guish him° the result and unles the inllammation b00. It iS equally adapted to the living "YOUR I~ONEY IS can be taken out and this tube re- nicely. self eitller for brilliancy or ability as a room. library or veranda and admira- statesman. Since 1900 l~e has been un- NO GOOD" stored to i~s normal condition, hear- bly serves as a receptacle for music. ing will be destroyed forever. Nine &fr seeretar.v of state for foreign ,-if- and will be refunded to you if after using WHAT 1S LIFE? per:odieals or newspapers. As shown eases out of ten are caused bv catarrh fairs. In Jammry, 1902. Lord Cran- half a bottle of In the last analysis nobody knows, in tile illustration, the cabinet is of the wl~icl~ is nothing but an inIlamed con- borne attracted mucli attention in thls but we do know that it is under strict finest quality of Chinese matting, tile THE FAI~OUS dition of @e mucous services. law. Abuse Lhat law even slightly- country and abroad by a statement in We will give ~me lmndred dollars for pain rest:Its. Irregular living means only attem::t at decoration being the tile llouse of commons concerning tlle any ease of deafness (caused by ca- derangements of the organs, resulting diamond shaped strips of bamboo that attitude of England toward tlte United tarrh} t, ha t cannot be cured by Hall's in Constipation, [leadache or Liver adorn the front. States prior to the breaking out of the Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, trot:ble. Dr. King's New Life Pitls Spanish war. He said that immediateo fee< F.J. CHENEY & CO., quickly re-adjusts this. lts gentle Entbelll~iflng the Hnnnnock, ly before war was declared several Sold by druggists, %e. Tdedo, O. yet tl:orough. Only 25e at L. I. Wood Hamnmeks are greatly improved Hall's Family Pillsare bhe best. & Co's Drug Store. by communications were received by the a little deeoration. The easiest way of British government from othei' powers making a hammoek look gay and pret- suggesting tl:e presentation of a joint XINGSTON. BEAULEY. ty is to make a short flounce of flower- note to Pl~sldent MeKinhT. England RHEUHATISN and Leo Hopps was quite ill last week. School commences Monday. ed chintz and sew it on each side. then a~reed, expressing tile hope that fur- LORD IIUGH *JECIL. put in wooden extension sticks and ther negotiations might lead to a BLOOD CURE Edwin Hill returned to his work in John Becker of Detrnit called on Greenwich since 1895. He is a tYI)ieal make four cushions of the same ehintz~ peaceful settlement, but first took steps Cecil ill appearance and temperament 1Iliads Saturday. friends here this week. you are not satisfied with results. two at each end. Embroidered sail- to ascertain if such a note would be Those who are old enough to remem- This is our guarantee~ which goes with Mrs. E. Gage of Gagetown Galled on Miss Ella Ryekman entertained a cloth makes pretty hammocks. The acceptable to the president. ber his father as a young man say that every bottle. friends here on Thursday. sailcloth is eat the length required. lady friend from Alpena last week. Lord Cranborne added tllat the Brit- Lord Huglt is the very duplicate of his FOr Salg a/~/ G~at~Bt¢¢d Only ]]37 Some of our people are going to the and a pattern in outline stitch is work- ish government declined to associate famous progenitor. He is regarded as A Sunday School rally was held at ed on it with a large darning needle L. |. IA/ood ~ Co, state fair at Pontiac Wednesday. itself with other subsequent proposals tile enfant terrible of Ills party, but Koyl>n Center school house Sunday. and double wool. At each end which seemed open to the objection of was idolized by rite ohl mar~luis, who ~Wm. Murphy is with his sister, who a hem is made. large enough to slip a putting pressure on the American gov- looked upon the young man as the suc- The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet is in Harper's hospital in Detroit brass or wooden rod througlt. A small ernment. He declined to say by what cessor to the family honors in the po- this week with Mrs. McGutre on Edith Reader is apprentice in Miss curtain rod can be procured for this powers tile later proposals were made litical arena. The dead statesman, it is Wednesday. Robinson's dress making Aop in Cass purpose, cut the length desired, with or to publish any papers on tim sub- said. long ago gave up the hope once ball ornaments at either end. to screw ject. Harlo King has returned home from City. centered in his eldest son and heir. It on. A brass chain can be bought by Tlle new Marquis of Salisbury was is to Lord IIugh that tlm Ceeils look Toledo where l~e has been working Mrs. James Hartsell and daughters the yard and cut in thr~ lengths about educated at Eton and Oxford and was for theh' continued glorification. Grip this summer. age spending a few weeks with rela- three-quarters of a yard long, the cen- married to Cleely, daughter of tile fifth Tall, thhl as a reed, very pallid, very Wm. Ross and family returned home ti yes here. ter one a little slmrter, so that when earl of Arran. about twelve gears ago. nervous--his long, thin hands shake Brought On Sciatic fastened to the t~d and brought to a Monday evening from visiting friends The busy work of threshing still for half an hour before he is going to point on a ring the hammoek will hang P.heumatism. in the North. goes on, some wheat yielding 31 bush- make a speech--he looks more like a eomfortably. To the ring which holds hung~T curate than the free lance els to the acre. Nervous Prostration Mrs, A. B. Payne is entertaining her the chains ordinary hammock rope ean politician of thlrty4our. He has great sister, Mrs. Rider, and Miss Rider, a John Diekhou,t ha}; purchased H. L. be spliced and lmng in the usual way. powers of eloquence, is mmsually Fallowed. niece of York state. McDermott's farm and will move A small silk ruffle on either side of the quick, belligerent in manner, unre- embroidered sailcloth serves as a finish. Miss 1ha B. Torrey returned to her thereon tl:is fall. sponsive to the most urgent appeal for Dr. Miles' Nervine Gave moderation or reason other than that /mine in Flint Friday after a ten days' Miss Gertrude Bond and Mrs. L. Back Health. Toinato and Onion Pleldeu. which agrees with his own set views visit with friends l~ere, Dickl~out spent last week with James To make sweet green tomato and and has all unlmppy manner of mak- "I was laid up during the winter of 94~5 Bond and wife at Carsonville. with sciatic rheumatism a~:d nervous prostr> Mrs. Hicks and family returned onion: pickles tale one peek of green ing enemies of his intimate friends. tion brought on by a severe attack of La- i>me last week from visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. G. Burman returned tomatoes of a uniform size sliced one-- But he is a Cecil all over. even to the Grippe. The rheumatic pains were so se- to Millersburg (in Wednesday after a quarter of all incl~ thick and eight family stool) and the shabbiness of his vere at times that it was ~mpossible for me to at Roscommon and round-about. medium sized onions sliced the same. clothes. He was of course born iu poll- turn in bed. I was unable to sleep. I had The Misses I~andall and ,Jei:ery wit1 short visit among relatives l~ere. two of our best physicians in attendance, Sprinkle with one-half pint of salt and ties. After leaving school he was made be in Detroit this week purcl~as:ng Herbert Dulmedge of Canboro has took all the advert:sed remedies for troubles let stand overnight In tile morning private secretary to his father, who of this kind but got no help whatever until I winter millinery and will spend one purehed ~he Messner farm of L. J. took Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Six drain. Add to the pickles two quarts was then foreign minister, and. being bottles restored me to health; I am better day at tile state fair. Carroll and will move on it next of hot water and one quart of vinegar, a good TorL ,~ls well as his father, s lhan for years; in fact am entirely relieved. Pearl Randall and Mrs. A. Meyer @ring. put in porcelain preserving kettle, place son, was in due time elected member I can say with a clear°consci,mce that it was on range and boil twenty minutes. from ClreenwIcll~ He represented his Dr. Miles' RestoratWe Nervine that restored entertained a cbmpany of friends in Mrs. W. J. Moore spent Saturday electors so creditably and respectably, me to health. When the pains ot sciatica honor of Miss Inn Torrey last Thurs- witl: t:er sister, Mrs. Campbell, in Drain again in colander and throw and rheumatism were most severe I secured away liquor. Add to pickles two pounds for he always managed to get his name day evening at the home of Pearl Ran- Sebewaing and attended @e funeral almost immediate relief by the use of Dr. of sugar, two quarts of eider vinegar, into the papers, thus giving Greenwich Miles' Anti-Pain I ilk I have recommended dall. or her ~reat grandmother at Union- Dr. Miles' Remedies to many people."~Fred two tablespoonfuls each of ground cin- a boost in its own estimation, that he Myers, Redfield, S. D. The members and congregation o17 ville on Sunday.. namon, allspice, ginger, one :~nd a half was eleet(M again, and he bids fair to "l was taken with pain in my heart and the Baptist church g~ve an informal of cloves, one teaspoonful cayenne, one- represent Greenwich fox" tile rest of his under the left shoulder; with such heavy op- FEAgFuLoDDS AGAINST HIM. quarter pound whole willie mustard LOI{D EDWAI{D HEI[BEET OEOIL. political life, which promises to be pressed feeling in my chest that I could reception in h~mor of Rev. and Mrs. hardly breathe. I had palpitation so bad Wa}ler, at ttie close of the prayer Bedridden, alone and destitute. se~. Cook all togetller gently twenty Their eldest son, born in 1893, if he long, strenuous and Interesting. and ray heart would throb so that it would Such, in brief was the condition of an minutes, plaice in stone jars, cover se- survives his father, will one day be tlle The halo of the Cecil name protects meeting last Wednesday evening. shake my whole bed. I also had a weak, all old soldier by name oi" J, J. Havens. curely and put in cool, dry closet. fifth marquis of Salisbury. him from abuse, and the prestige of it gone feeling in the region of my heart. My About 70 were present. Ice cream and Veriailles, O. For years t:e was But two other sons of the late mar- gives him a power that another young doctor treated me for liver and stomach cake were served for refreshments. troubled with Kidney disease and trouble but I failed to receive any benefit The Serving 1Raehine. quis have come prominently before the man of equal ability could not com- until a friend recommended Dr. Miles' IIeart neitl:er doctors nor medicines gave public. They are Lord Edward Ilerbert mand. In England he is regarded as Justin Newman and R eRa SatWord, him relief. At length he tried Elect- V~Vheu the sewing machine runs hard Cure and Restorative Nervine. 1used both Cecil and Lord Hugh Cecil. Lord Ed. the ablest of the sons of the late leader and one box of the Antid~ain Piils. I well known ygung people of our vicin- ric Bitters. It put him on his feet in at~d seems to be gummed and dusty fill believe I am completdy and permanently ity, were united in marriage last sl:ort order and now he testifies. 'Tm a ~.gare oil can with gasoline, apply it ward iS the fourth son and has won and a possible prime minister In the considerable fame as a soldier. Ite Is distant future. But he has a long and cured./'~Mrs. J. W. Gdding, Nobtesville, Wedriesday evening at seven o'clock on tl:e road to complete recovery." freely to all the oiling places, then run Ind. Best, on earth for Liver and Kidney a major in tile Grenadier guards and rugged road ahead of hhn and many All druggists sell and guarantee f~st bob at tl~e newly furnished home of the the machine-rapidly for a few minutes. troubles and all forms of Stomach and After this oi1 as usual, and the before the opening of hostilities was dfflleulfles to overcome before he reach- fie Dr Miles' Remedies. Send for free book groom. The couple left on me morn- machine on Nervous and lteart Diseases. Address Bowel Complaints. Only 50e. Guar- will run with agreeable lightness. sent to South Africa on special service. es th~,t emlneuce, if he ever does. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. ing train for a trip to Pt, Huron, De- anteed by L. I. Wood & Co. Druggists.

\ \ from under him. A moment later they ~heir marriage, and during tlmt year READY FOR THE PONTIAC, OXFOItO &, NORTHERN R, R, weye all sweeping forward over the PARTY. ~he learned many things about her THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. PASSENGER TIME CARD. ~over that she had not iireviously sus- spot where the house had stood, and ~ensible Notions For the Ho~se- a mass of wreckagc was phlnging and pected. He was a man whose nature LESSON Xl, THIRD QUARTER, INTER- keel)er of i~loder~tte ]|e~nu. Trains run on Central Standard Time, tossing in the current ahead of them, had not been softened 1)y the fierce NATIONAL SERIES, SEPT. 13. Young folks a~d lnexperleneed house- As soon as they had trilamed their raft illS JUST I struggles of his early life. Instead of ,vtves nmy fiud assistance in some GOING NC ..... )ING SOUTH. broadening him adversity had nmde so that there was no danger of its up- STATIONS. Frg~. Text of the Lesson, lI S~m. ii, 1-10, idnts from Table Talk about accom- him narrow and suspicious, and as setting McDonald again took the rud- No. 6 Memory Verse~, 1-3---Golden Text, plishing ltouse preparations for an en- ~oon as lie conceived he had the rlglit der and tried to steer for the shore, Detroit P~. exxxili, 1--Commentary Prep,~r- tertainment of any kind: It is never to dictate to imr he developed Into a but they had been caught in the cur- D.G. It. & M. ed by Rev. D. M. Stet~rns. best to economize too closely in the MielL Cent. R[WARD *ilealous tyrant. As postmaster he saw rent, that was rushing like a mill race, ..... By m[r M'ARmU all the letters she wrote and received and were being tossed along like a [Copyright, 1903, by American Press Association.] mutter of helpers who are strong of PONTIAC 4OO cork. Seeing that his wife and daugl> Eames* 35~2 q, and practically established a censor- 1. And it came to pass after this that ~rm and are accustomed to continuous cole* 32O ship over her mail. His was a love ter were safe. Lucas picked up the tan- David inquired of the Lord. saying, Shall hours of service. One cannot be clear 300 6ot~yrl~St. 1902, by eeter M'Mthur tern that had remained iigi~ted througll I go up into any of the cities o£ Judah? Oxford 150 that demanded sacrifices rather than headed, smiling and gracious as one Shoul) ~ all the turmoil and held it up so that The title of (,ur lesson is "David Be- made them, and Olive was beginning should be when entertaining if nerves Leon .rd 120 he could see the face of his rescuer. comes King," and it ~v~uld seem as if l)ryden 12 55 to realize her mistake wlmn Ihtrry are tingling with overfatigue, and a Imt:~y city 12 30 "It's Sam McDonald!" he shauted to Lure* il 55 OZRAH could hardly be de- Lawson, an old playniate who had the fifth chapter slloul~&have been ch(> bright and rested hostess Is the most i~is wife and daughter over the roar of £ings Mills* 11 40 scribed as a deserted village gone to Chicago some years ago, re- sen instead of this one, as therc David important part of an entertainment. ~"th Bran ch because it had never been fre- turned for a holiday. He was so de- the waters. clifford 30 i 10 29 is anointed king of all Israel. while in in eonimunitics where it is ditlieult or Kingston B quented. It consisted of one ligl~ted to find his little toniboy frtend "You have saved our lives. God bless (ills lesson im is only anoinled king of inipossible to hire assistance a spirit of Wllmot* 9a~ you! You were not a minute too soon/' store anal a station house on an inex- developed into a demure but lively eonimon helpfuh-iess sometimes pre- Deford* As Olive heard tile name of her res- Judah; but as chapter v is sugg(~ted as C;~SS C i ty eusable raih'oad that had been built beauty that he pronlI~tly test his heart Vails. Experience llas shown ttlat wo- Gagetown 75.5 cuer a sudden pain clutched her heart. a study in connection with this the during the railroad craze of a genera- to lter, and she reciprocated his affec~ men like to be asked to render these Owendalc 20~ 7 35 and she remembered, as one who was ground is tl~us covered. Some have Linkvttle* 3 2O. ~5I 7 25 tion ago. tion. services for one another, and no one Pi/Jeon 13 051 drowning might, all that she had ever wondered how David with suei~ a rec- 1 Tim 7 o'cloek express was pulling A couple ot~ days after Lawson had ~hould hesitate to invite assistance Berne* i3 001 done to train him. From time to time Caseville }2 45 ~58451 a away from the station and plunging retumted to the city a letter from him ord as hc has in Scrit)ture could ever from any mistaken notions of pride or ~r. Lv. I'M A.M.iA. g he was silhouetted agalust the sky by ~nto the darkness of an approaching ~rrived at the post office addressed to be called "a man after God's own Independence. thunderstorm. Sam 5IeDonald. the the receding flashes, and in *Flag slat, ions. Trains st, op only on sigmtL Olive. McDonald recognized the hand- heart" (I Sam, xiii, 14); Acts xiii, 22), One simuld never be asliamed of imr Trains No. 5 wilt run Monday. Wednesda storekeeper, who was also postmaster writing and was unusually surly as he but there arc at least two rays of light househohl belongings because they are and Friday. No. 6 Tuesday, Thursday :tn~ Saturday. All otlmr trains ~aily except Sun- and express ugent, was standing in his tlelivered the nitssive. Olive noticed on this. One is that tim evil in Da- not of tim latest pattern if they have doorway looking at the slaty curtain his anger and knew its cause and re- vid's life was the exception, not fhe been put in the best posslbte condition dIL~onneetions--Pontiae"" with Delroit. Grand of rain that was rlslng across the sky itaven and Mihvaukee 1{~. nod 51ieit. Air eelved the letter witli a defiant toss of rulc. and the other is that it was in by means of paint, val~flsh and furni- Liue Division of Ground elrunk l{y; Oxford under a fleecy arch of wind cloud. Ev- her head. The result was a bitter ture t)ollsh. These tlHngs wilt work witt~ tla? City division Mich. Cent.rid Ry; Im- the matter of tile kingdom and his re- lay Cit~ with Chicago & Grand Trunk Ry; ery moment the lightning was becom- quarrel and tim end of their engage- wonders not tO be believed by those ) ) liance upon and obedience to God that Clifford with I ere Marquette Ry; I igeon with ing more vivid and the thunder claps meat. Next day slm l)osted a letter to who have not tried their rertovating ~:~lnaw, TuseohL & tiuron Ry. W. C, SANFORD. Gem Supt. sounded nearer. He was on the point Lawson. and from that time on their he was a nmn after God's heart. See p oxv e I%. of retreating into the store when the correspondence was fast and furtous. how here and almost invariably tm Any decorative objects which show station master ca110d to him through If lie had dared. McDonald would takes no step without inquiring of tlm use and wear slm'fld be removed, espe- the tumult: have destroyed the letters; but. with Lord (I Sam. xxiii, 2, 4, 10-12; xxx, 8: eialiy front sleeping rooms, and when "Hey, Sam! ttere's an express par- all his faults, his sense of duty was II Sam, v, 19. 23). [L would be well the furniture is not new simple wlAte cel!'" too keen to allow him to commit such for us if we all lived according to for bureau and stand covers will be "Lock it up in the freight room for less likely to call attention to the fact a wrong. But to be obliged to take a Prey, iii. 5. (;. '19 .® the night!" he called back. love token from his rivat to Olive in- than colors. 2. 3. So David went up thither, * * * and For a Foot ~,~ ~|~./ Warrante~ "But this has a special order with it. A vase of flowers or a delicate grow- stead of merely handing it out at tile his men that were with him did David Drawer New k gM~. "fl Tea and it's insured," said the station mas- oiilce was simply maddening. bring up, every man with his tmusehold. lng plant may supply tile desired note MACItINE . ..v.>;/ Years. ter, coming toward the store at a run and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron. As he neared the riwu" fiats where of.color, and conil)incd with white will TWENTY KINDg to select from. Pr~ce~, $15.00 to $50.OGfo~ through the first heavy drops of the Not only hfs own household, but all give an air of elegance and reiinement, fancy ease~ PATENTS have explred. Big cu| |n tl~r|cbse Olive tired the storm was rolling away n~veyeu eeenthe No. 18 New Itome~ Nothing like ~L Ititl storm. to the east. and the moon in lmr first his faithful followers and their liouse~ I have seen an old teapot of flowing the greatest wo~der of the age. Call or ~0~4 for hargai~ lis~ Others ~ prices discounted, "The order says that it is to be de- quarter was casting a faint light holds, share with him his rest and l~is ~lesign in blue ware. tilled with yellow New Home Sewing Niachlne Co., ~ Chi¢~g~ livered tonight," he continued as they throngh tile broken clouds. A short kingdom: so shall it be wlmn tlm Son 1lowers and placed on the top of a both got under shelter, And he handed white chiffonier in a simply furnished distance from the river bank llis liorse of David (MatL i, 1) shall have come a little parcel to McDonald. stopped su~ldeniy and stared before room, wMeh seemed to eliange entirely to His kingdom~ All His faithful foL "Orders or no orders, it isn't going to hinl. McDonald raised 1Hs head and tim effect of the surromidings. lowers shall reign with Him (Rev. iii, be delivered in a ~torrn like this," Mc- peered sullenly into the seinidark- One notes with a feeling of pain the Donald growled, Then he lit a lamp, hess. The little valley through which 21; v, 9, 10; xx, G). Davtd's 600 were growing tendency whicli some young for tlte darkness of midnight had come the Spadinn wound was in reality the act always faitlifui to him (I Sam. girls have of wishing to relegate to the with tlte storm. *'Highest Grade Sewing Machine $5.00 on ~a~ channel it had originally cut for itself xxx, (;). and who is there among tlm attic or junk nlan every article which ~rmsand conditions, retails for $40.00 everywhere, "Wcll. it's no funeral of mine," said through the plateau vvhicli it drained. disciples of Ciirist who can truly say, they are pleasc~l to term old fasliionc~l. Ytee Trial ! No money in advance. We pay the freight.~ the station agent. "You have the par- The above are extracts from advertisernentasee~ As McDonald looked at it this valley "Surely the Captain may depend on forgetting that tf~is sort of thing is out ~very day. ~Vedo not advertise that way but stan~ cei. and it's your business to look after of cllaraeter. There is a safe rule to ready to diseoun~ any Of these Big offers, We however appeared to be filled witi~ a gray fog. lll0*~" NO one who knov;s unything of ~drait that we cannot sell you a 8~0.00 Naehine for $5:0~ lt/" "While he was wondering vaguely at follow in regard to this, and it is tlmt [nobody can) but we will sell you ~ $5,00 :machine for hhnself will ever talk of l~is faithful- ~L00, ancl the $65.00 machine they {~sk $23.00 for we will In the meantime McDonald looked at the unusual occurrence he became con- ness, but wilt rather rejoice in 1 CoL uny urliele wlmtsoever, if it be good of ~elt you for $19.00~ others in proportion. We manufao., ture 595 machines a day and guarabteo every one, Over the uddress and suddenly stood bolt np- seious of a dull continuous roar and i, 9; x, 13; l Thess. v, 24. its kind and cal)able o12 being put to ~0 different styles and prices to select fFo~a. "}Vrito us ~ror complete list or eMl on our dealer in your town rm,J right. After a brief pause he put the realized that what he saw gleaming 4. And tl~e men of Judah came. and any prot}er use, may be retained, ~ve money. ~See our No. 18 Dro~ head, it; is perfeetion~ parcel in his pocket and started toward before him was not mist, but water. \ there timy anointed David king over the There is much more gentilityin china the back door which led to the stable, \ house of Judah. tlmn in plated silverware. The one The little river was flooded and was k~ C. D. STRIFFLER, Agent "Where are you going?" asked tlie once more filling; its ancient channel. In ehapter v, 3, we read llta~ all the grows more valuable with every year station agent in sm~rlse. Lie then remembered that all the pre- elders of Israel anointed him king over of life, while ti~e other is soon out of Cass City, Mich. "To deliver this parcel!" McDonald vious night and previous day there had "YOU DI9 IT NEITHER FOR LOVE NOR Israel. hi I S-tin. xvi, 13. Samuel style and lit only to be east aside. TH ROUGH HU2ffANITY," called back with a savage laugh as he been an uneeasing series of thunder- anointed him king iu the midst of his A liberal allowiinen of outside air is buttoned his coat and [)lunged out into sternis sweeping across the north. those sudden glimpses his stern face brethren, so that lie was three times also needed to freslmn everything. Let the beating rain. A few minutes later where lay the sources of the river. seemed almost heroic. As she watched anointed. For tlie full light upon this the window remain open as long as tile station agent heard McDonald Owing to the improved drainage sys- him tugghtg at the oar slie realized as we must wait till Ite of wtmm David possible, remembering that there is a speaking fiercely to his horse as he tem the rainfall had all poured into the slm never had before tlie force of the was a type shall have come to His grea~ deal in atmosphere to promote mounted in the stable ~ yard and tlmn river at once. and the result was a flood man. Evert in their terrlble predica- kingdom. "While David was ktng at sociability. for a few moments heard the sphishing as sudden and overwhelming as eomes ment she felt a sense ot seeurity that Hebron over Judah one of Saul's sons of its feet as itgalloped away. with the breaking of a migMy dam, gave her leisure to doubt if she had was king of Israel and resisted him, Tom~to Salad. McDonald could see the road only in As he looked at the flood of water he really understood iHni and treated him but tim house of Saul waxed weaker Take six good sized tomatoes, skin glimpses when there was tl of knew tllat tim Lueas house on the river right. Try as sloe might, slie could and weaker, and David waxed stron- them and eat a hole in the top of each. IIghtnlng. His frightened horse was fiats must at least be surrounded by not imagine her soft spoken and white ger and stronger. So David went on Fill this with chopped celery and may- constantly stopping, as if overwhelmed water. Urging his horse to a gallop, he handed favored lover facing such dan- and grew great (going and growing), onnaise dressing. Arrange each tonmto by the rain. but still the rider leaned reaehed the river bank and found there get for her sake and showing himself and the Lord God of Hosts was with on a leaf of lettuce and s0rve. This against the storm and rode forward. a group of farmers who were looking so sternly miisterful. Of course the him (verses 8-10; chapter v. 3, 10). makes a dainty looking dish for lunch The storm in IHs heart was so fierce out on the scene of destruction. By the time was not one in which to decide the Though our Lord is still rejected and or tea, the grceu of the lettuce con- tlmt the tumult of the elements atmost dim moonlight and flashes of lightning future, but she felt an overpowering by the world disowned. He will surely trusting well with the red of the toma- That the kind you want. soothed him. Olive Lueas would have that were still vivid they could see all longing to at least beg tier rescuer's come to His ki~gdom and His throne. to and the yellow mayonnaise dressing. We keep all kinds her birthday present even if lie died iu kinds of wreckage floating in the boil- pardon and thank him even with ca- for God has said. "I will overturn. the atter~l~t to deliver it. ing torrent. The Lucas home was ale resses for having saved her llfe and the overturn, overturn it. and it shall be I L~undry Con~-enlenee, It was a strange fate that made Mc- ready submerged to the second story, lives or her parents. no more until He come whose rigl~t it The cut from Rural New Yorker Donald iA his eapaeity of postmaster and Olive nnd her parents could be in the meantime McDonald continued is, and I will give it Him" (Ezek. xxi, shows a elotties~basket made of inch Our location is easily round--across the terrible battle with the flood, but and express agent a go between for the seen buddied on the reg." awaiting a 271. He is now waiting on His Fa- square pine strips that can be hung to from tlm postollice. Give us a trial. scornful Olive and his rival. Letters rescue that scented int~Sssible. The not until a bend in tlie river was ther's throne (Re','. iii, 2I; Ps. cx, 1), the wail beside the ironing table in few boats owried by the farmers had reached was it possible for liim to but He will :is truly come io His owH the manner slmwn. TMs does away Central rn3eat Dar et been swept away by the waves ilmt swing the raft out of the current into throne as David did (Jer. iii, 17). with the need of an extra table, while an eddy and guide it the shorc. 3obn .~cbwa0¢rer, Drop. had rushed down the valley. Tim wa- to 5. 6. And now the Lord shew kindness ter had risen ten feet in as many ulln- ~Vlien it finally touched land he plung- and truth unto you. and I wiU also re- ed into tile water and pushed tile.raft quite you this kindness because ye have utes and was still rising. When Mc- done this thing. 0,% Donald realized the situation he was securely aground. As they all scram- These ltre some of tim words of Da- conscious of a fierce feeling of exulta- bled on to the hind tlmy began to over- Ti!e Grisw01d Hooae whehn hhn with thcir thanks, but all vid concerning the men of Jabesh tion. This new di~culty would only im said in reply was: Gilead who kindly buried tim bodies of serve to make his martyrdom nlore Saul and his sons (I Sam. xxxi. 11-1;3). ,& % Postal & M0rey, Proprietors complete, and Olive wouhl get her gift "I simply did my daffy. An express parcel came tonight for Miss Olive. Our Lord has Himself assured us that from his rival with a greater sacrifice with orders for it to be delivered at uot event u cup of water given in His ou his part. He felt that it would be a OETROIT once, and now I can deliver it." nauie shall lose its reward and that in glorious revenge. As he said this he handed the girl the time of recompenses, the resurrec- [Iaving been a raftsman on the lakes the little package. She detected the tion of the just, He will reward every AN I311:'I~OVED C~OTHES ~ASKET. lu his youth, the stormiest water imd note of cruel exultation In his voice. one according to his work (Mark ix. no terrors for him, and he began to the "basket" itself is very light and A strict, ly tirs~-class, modern, up-to- though lier parents did not. and she 41; Luke xiv. 14; Rev. xxii, 12). Since east about for some means of reaching convenient to handle. It can tie made date Hot, el, located in the Imarb of took the parcel from his hand mechan- these men are so kindly spoken of be- those wlio were in sucli deadly peril deeper or according to a difterent pat- t,l~e city. ically without speaking a word. At cause of their kindness to these dertd Ite remembered that the farmer whose tern if desired. The cut simply pre- this point a couple of farmers who had bodies, rescuing them from furtlmr dis- barn stood a few rods away had a tank sents a useful idea that may be car- been watching the flood and had seen honor, what stroll be said of Josepl~ wagon box that was used to carry wa- ried out to suit individual clreum~' them land with their lantern came and Ntcodenius, who rescued the body ter to the thrashing tnacl~ine engine. stances. running up. After con~gratulating tlmm of our Lord from a grave witl~ the Rates, $2, $2,50, $3 per 0ay, It was made water tight, and, as it on their rescue they insisted that they wicked and gave it a place of honor- could keep water In, it could also, if COIL GRAND 1lIVER AND Gg[SWOLD ST. should go up to the farmhouse and get able burial? lisa. lilt. 9.) Universal and Eternal. closed, keep water out. It would make dry clothes. Although McDonald's er- 7, Wherefore now let your hands be "Yes, life is universttl and eternal, for aa excellent float for a raft. rand was performed and he knew that strengthened, and be ye valiant. time is one of its factors: yesterday Calling on the men who were stand-- ~~~ 50 'gEARS' the right Lliiug for l~im to do was to Kings (lie, eireumstances ehange, the moon. today the earth, tomorrow tag on the river bank to come and help return to lds home. he could not resist friends, health and wealth may all fail, Jupiter. In sImee there are cradles and hlm, he ran to the barn. telling them the temptation to enjoy his triumpli but One has said that He will never tombs. The red carbon stars will soon on the way what he wished to do. even further; so he yielded to the im- fail us nor forsake us, so that we can be dead; the hydrogen sta~, like Vega Willing hands carried the tank to the portunities of the farmers and accom- always say, "Thou, O Lord, remainest and Sirius, are the stars of the future; edge of the water, and others lifted panied thenl. While Olive was chang- forever" (Heb. xiii. 5; i, 11; Lain. v, 19). Procyon, Copella, Arcturus are the one of the wide barn doors from Its ing her dress in the spare bedroom she Only as we see Itim. the King who stars of the present. Aldebaran seems hinges. This door they spiked secure- ~~~ TaAoE MARKS looked at the parcel that McDonald never dies. can we be strong and of to be alrc,Ldy an autumn fruit." So ly on the top of the tank, and with a ~~ O~mNs • had brought so herolcally and yet so good courage. Let us lay to heart the said Flammarion. few strokes of an ax McDonald made ungraciously. Then she tore it open. fol.lo~ying antony many of the encour- Anyone sending a sketch anddescrlptlqn may a rude oar from a plank. This oar he quickly ascertain our opinion ,roe whether a~ When she saw what it contained she aging words of Scripture for all believ- invention is probably patentable. Commun|ea. fastened to the end of the raft with a ttons strictly confidential HA}]DB0[}K on Patents was thrilled with a pleasure that made ers: Josh. i. 7. 9; II Chron. xv, 7; Hag. sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. rope, and, taking with him the lan- her forget her recent danger and it, 4; I Cor. xv, 58. Since it is written Patents taken through lViunn & Co. receive tern with which the farmer had been DR. ENNEI 'S special neff re, without charge, in the doubts and decided her as to what she that "He shall not fail nor be discour- THE CUI~I~:ENT l~O~qE THE I~AFT TOWARD lighting i~1m at his work, he got aboard should do. Returning to the general aged" (Isa. xlii, 41, thei~ is no good THE IAJCAS HOUSE. his strange craft and was pushed out $¢i¢niiIi¢ BNcrica,. room of the house, she found McDonald reason wily any of His redeemed A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest elr~ had been passing between her and into the stream. With his heavy oar, ealation of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a standing apart from the oth~rs and should ever be cast down (Ps. xlii, 5, year : four months, SL Sold by all newsdealers. Harry Lawson with ever increasing which he used chiefly as a rudder, he KI)NtI( noticed instantly the flash of bitter tri- 11; xliii, 5). rapidity, and he knew that the little worked hls raft out into the current, MUNN g, York umph in his eyes as he looked at her. 8-10. Saul, ish-bosheth and all other Branch Otliee, 625 F St., Washington, I). C. parcel he was carrylng was undoubted- which bore it toward the Lueas house. Walking directly up to him, she spoke enemies of God and His people from ly a love token for her birthday on the Mr. Lucas aIso had a lantern, and as quietly, so the others could not hear: Cain onward are forerumiers of the following day. he saw tlmt rescue was coming he Backache Are You Located on a Olive Lueas was the only daughter waved it frantically. Calculating hls "You have saved our lives, and for man of sin. the antichrist, the l'tst All diseases of Kidneys, ~-t~lg T ~ that we can never cease to be grateful, great eneniy of God and man, who Bladder, Urinary Organs. ~ r~ | of a farmer living on the rich flats of direction to a nicety and fighting the Also Rheumatism, Back ~ | Rural Free Delivery but you did it neither for love nor shall with his companion be cast alive the Spadina river. As it frequently unfamiliar currents with the skill of a ache,HeartDisease.Gravel,~ ~] | through humanity, but for hate and into the lake of fire when the Lord Dropsy, Female Troubles, V~' fell to her lot to go to the post office raftsman and the strength of a giant, Route ? spite, and for that you shall have your aesus shall emne in power and glory to for the weekly paper and the family McDonald forced tile angry water to Don't become discouraged. There 'is a If so, send us your address, includ- mail. and also to do a large part of the drive Mm straigl~t toward his destina- reward." overtlirow all His enemies and take cure for you. If necessary write Dr, Former Raising her Imnd, she showed him the kingdom (R~v. xix. 11~21). All such lie tu~s spent a life time curing Just such Ing tlm number of your rural route, family shopping, the taciturn young tion, The raft struck the house squar(> cases asyours. All consultations Free. Miopkeeper saw a great deal of lter ly, and as it did the building yielded that it contained a-diamond engage- enemies are controlled and possessed and you will receive full particulars and learned to 1eve her with all tile perceptibly and tottered to its founda- ment ring, and, looldng him fairly in by the de~l, the Iirst one who ever "Your Kidney and Backache Cl]re has regarding our the eyes with a level glance that told questioned the word of G'od and turned cured two very b:~d eases among our custo- intensity of his repressed nature. The tion, Realizing the danger, Lucas mers the past year whom the doctors had 'natural result of this propinquity was grasped Olive and hurled her forward him that she would rather be lying at man away from Him. but the devil given up, J.L. STILL & CO., Woodland, Is." the bottom of the river than to have and all his works, even death itself, Great Special Offers. to waken a responsive feeling in Olive, upon the barn door. where McDonald. Druggists. 50e., $I.. Ask for Cool: Ilook--Free. so that when McDonald declared his who had forsaken his oar for a moo received her life at his hands when he shall be swept off the face of the earth. imart with sudden vehemence she cow meat, caught her and laid her In safe- had saved it in such a spirit, she sllp- and Jesus slmll reign (I CoL xv, 25, ST VITUS'OA~E Sure Cure, Circular. Dr Address: pod ring on her finger and turned 26) in the new earth wherein dwelleth * Fenner, Fredonia.N,Y sented to be his wife; but, being young, ty. As Lucss followed with his wife the THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, she insisted on a year's delay before In his arms the roof seemed to alip away from him. righteousness. Sold by b. [. Wood & Co,, C~ss City, and F, A. Fra, neis, Kingston. Detroit, N/ch. !%

m a,.-++++++++÷+-~, ÷++÷+-M-÷++÷÷÷ Surprise l~Iu~kmelon. Pandowdies. I~MR P01RTHiS. Mark small musk/aieions into van- The real pandowdy, made after a Some pointers that you need to know ilykes so as to form a cover, remove good old New Hampshire rule, is sea- in regard to the coming Tuseola, ~eeds and fiber. Fill the centers with ocal soned with molasses instead of sugar. Huron and Sanilae district fair to be When it is done it resembles a big, un- ,t,+-M-++++÷+÷÷+÷+++~+++++~ held at Cass City Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. couth sandwich, reeking with Juice. To 1, 2. The premium list is ready for make It after this fashion put into a fleep baking dish slices of Juicy sour Alec McPhail of Argyle was in town distribution. The list of officers, di- apples, cover them with molasses and on Tuesday. rectors and superintendents are: season them with a trace of salt, dabs Miss Ida StritlIer is visiting friends Officers: President, P.A. Keopr- of butter and cinnamon or nutmeg. in Argyle this week. gen; Vice President, O. C. Wood: Ni Cover the dish with a rich biscuit crust Secretary, H.L. McDermott; Treas- Miss Rosa Moore returned home and bake in a slow oven until crust urer, W. a. Campbell. t@ from Detroit Saturday. and apples are done. Then remove the Directors: Fog ONE YEA.~t~--I. K. @ crust without breaking it and put half [.ook [or our... Miss Edith LaFave or Oavetown is Reid. Cass Citv; ILichard P~Lrr, Jr.. the apples on a plate. Place over them employed as clerk at J. S. McArthur's.* @ the crust, turned bottom upward, and Rescue; Gem. Moden, Gagetown. Fo~ on it spread the rest of the apples. Mrs. M. Dew and son, Roderie. of TWOYEARS~A. A. Livingst~m, Cass @ either ice cream or whipped cream gerve witl~ rich cream. Peaehes and Bad Axe visited friends here Tuesday. City; W. H. Murphy. Cass City; mixed with chopl)ed fruit. Replace the till kinds of berries are suited to the W. J. Campbell returned home from Ephriam Knigl~t, Cas~ City. Fen lld. flirt a bow loop on the lido---Detine- ~ame process. TIH{EE yEARSo~J0hn L~. Pettinger, l@ ator. l~is trip to Marstnn, Monk. Wednes- day. Cumber: A. E. Boulton, Cass. City: @ Pointer~ Fro~ the Cook~. J. D. Allin, Shabbona. f/Ill Sam'l Bigelow visited friends and "The only way" to beat eggs for a Save all pieees of lemons after the Superintendents: H~ ms~s-~Rieh- iuice has been extracted by a squeezer. relatives in Pontiac and H~lly this cake is wlth a fork. ard Parr, Jr., ~eo. Moden. CA'rTL~ .They are useful for removing stains of wee k. Arrowr~mt will give a more transpar- ~J. B. Pettinger, A. E. B~mlton. ent sauce than cornstareh. fruit or ink from the fingers. Dipped Mrs. Richard Lutze, wl~o lms been SnnnP~Ephriam Knitter. l@ h~ salt, they may be rubbed on kntfe SW INE~ Always cook eggs slowly and at a ill of typhoid fever the past two handles or egg spoons to remove stains. Win. H. Murphy. POULTnY~O. C. l@ ¢oraparatively low temperature. weeks, is convalescent. and used with finely powdered bath Wood. AGRICULTUI:~AL tIALL~A. A. 0P[ i {i Spices should permeate foods as in- brick they clean enameled saucepans, Mrs, M. a. McOitlw'ay, who has Livingston, J. D. Atlin. FLo~tAL N1 cense does the atmosphere, delicate, copper articles, burnt pie dishes, ete. been purchasing millinery goods in ~ALL~I. K. Reid, RAC~:s~E. A. impalpable and as indescribable as Detroit., returned home 5bmday. l@ they are requisite. McOeorge. .IVDGE~SIIarp Butter- ~ubtiuin~ ~ Refr~e~ory Serew. We see that Prof. Willard Hagadorn tielO, Windsor, Ont;. ~;Vhen apples have to be cored, but It is told that to remove a refractory Cr0sby g S0ft l@ the well known eye specialist is in Admission to the fair: Children served whole, it is advisable to core screw from wood one should heat a before peeling them. as they are then Cass City. Any of our readers needing under ten years free. Single ad- piece of iron red hot and hold it on top N1 less liable to break. ~f the s<,rew for a minute or two. then any attention in that line will do well mission for persons, team or single Orientals. who understand fhe nice- the screw driver will easily take out to consult him, lmrse, 25 cents. Team ticket during l@ ties of eating from a hygienic stand- the screw if used while the screw is The monthly business meeting of the fair, S0 cents. 3Iembership ticket ]point much better than we of the occi- warm. the Y. P. A. was held at the home of good for husband, wife and two N1 dent, always take salt with their cheese. IR John StriIller last Thursday evening, children $1. All entries must be One half cupful of sweet cream is made by 12 m. of the first day and all l@ ~dded by certain New England house- A~ Obedient ~oy. After the business session a social wives to the baked bean~ pot about a Merchant--Did you deliver my mes- time was enjoyed by the young peoNe. exhibits must be on the grounds half hour before it is taken from the sage to Mr. Smith ? Refreshments were ser,ed during the before 10 o'clock a. in. of the second oven. Boy~No, sir: he was out and the of- evening. day. flee was loeked up. Our grandmothers used to have the The following item or news is taken |ittle three minute sand glasses to boil Merchant~Well, why didn't you wait A pointer dog seven months old. for as I told you? from the Reed City Clarion: "Miss ~eggs by. and now the woman of fash- him. Enquire of John WHALE. 8-14-tf Pauline Sclmck will leave Friday ion covets them as an adjunct to her Boy---There was a notice on the door next chafing dish layopt. saying. "Return at onee." so I came for,~Charlevoix, where she has been SHOE I~EPAIR1N~. back as quick as I cou!d. engaged to teach the seeond grade in H. L. Sag~ repairs footwear at reasonable rates. Shop under Crosby's 50 " the public schools a~ tha~ place. Miss o Sehack is an excellent teacher, being shoe store. 12-5-tf a graduate of the Reed City High ~-~Home made Candies fresh and We wish to call your attention to our line of $2.50 Shoes School and the Mr. Pleasant State sweet. Candy Kitchen. 2-17-if. for men and women. For men we have Normal School. She has taught [v~The mail boxes to be delivered o various selmols in this vicinity, and by J. L. Hiteheock &Sons have ar- 8 was connected with the Cass City t 0meth ng rived. 9-4-3 =; schools for the past three years, gi ring = Kelth's Invincible o -- ABOUT~ excellent satisfaction in every ~>Sideboards, cu pboa~ ds :rod kitch- respect." en cabinets at Elliott s. 3-20- I which is the best that can be shown. For yeomen i The Sanilac County Republican ~%~Two colts for sale two-year old makes mention of tim following bit of and one-year old. SA31'LSTRIFFLER. "THE AMERICAN GIRL" $ news. "A. A. Ewing of Cumber, well 8-21-5 o o and favorably known tt~roughout the shoe cannot be equalled for the price. Call and let us prove ~°Peaehes from $.75 to $1 at F. E. and county, announces that he is acandi- }}Eyes iiiasses ~Lee 's. 9-11-1,~ these statements at date this fall before the board of su- pervisors for superintendent of the ~Meet me at Elliott's. 3-20- poor. Six yearsago Mr. Ewing was a ~-~%~$20 buys a good second-hand or- II F~RsT~Eyes with the most complicated defects can be candidate for the office, but was beat- gan. F. LENZNEi~. 7-3-tf OSTRANDER'S ! fitted Accurately, simply by looking into them ° enby D. MeIntyre, the present in- with the proper instruments by a person who cumbent. That Mr. Ewing would ~.~.~"A worker in Cass City" Uwto~date Shoe Store. is the heading of an article on another understands it. make a good and ellicient otlicial and page which you should read. Ii SEcoNI)~Children's eyes cannot be properly fitted by peform his duties in a faithful and any other method, as their pliable eyes will ad- able manner, we llave not the least ~Morton's Shaker Bread, Rye, just themselves to and accept a wrong glass as doubt, and sl~ould l~e win out, would Graham and Cream Bread. Candy readily and sometimes more readily than a right make a worthy successor to our pres- Kitet~en. 4-17-tf. ent capable and proficient superin- one. fF-~"Try our Cream Soda, it's a tendent. I! T~Ii~D--If your child's eyes are "crossed" they should peach. Candy Kitchen. 4-17-tf • be attended to at once, as the crossed eye will surely become blind if left uncorrected. Prof. SCHOOL NOTES CASS CITY MARKETS, ( ra i te ilard Hagadcrn can straighten them without opera- Cuss City, 3Ileh., Set)~. 11 1903. l tion or pain. ~foyou are in doubt about their Higl~ school students should write Wimat. No. 1 white ...... 77 eyes in any other respect, get him to examine for the Chronicle. Wheat, No, 2 red ...... 77 Rye, No. 2 ...... 50 them and be on the safe side. It wilt cost you Mrs. Knapp of Bad Axe called in White oats Nd. 3 ...... 35 nothing. the high room Monday. Choice Handpicked Scans ...... I 90 Cloverseeq ...... 5 00 t FouI~TH~Don't think that your eyes cannot be fitted Lila Tanner, Lloyd Armstrong and Hay ...... 5 00 7 0~ Ik PI S I because you have had them "tested" by some Eggs per doz ...... 16 ter Charles Patterson entered school on spectacle peddler or incompetent optician or Monday. Butter ...... 12 t3 } Live hogs, per cwt ...... 5 00 even a good specialist and met with failure, Some statement will begiven next Beet'. live weight ...... ~...... 3 00 3 50 [" Fmrri--No matte~ how good you see with the naked Sheep live weight, per Ib ...... 3 IT'S HAP D ...... ,,,,, week as too the number enrolled on Lambs ...... 4 4~4 ti eye or with the glasses you may have; if you do the high room register. Live Veal ...... 5 00 f not see easily and without straining the eyes, Dressed tIogs ...... 7 00 t Quite a number of the pupils have Just ten times as hard as you should consult a good specialist at once. Dressed Beef ...... 6 00 7 00 _t been inconvenienced on account of chicken ...... 7 s not being able to nbtain some of tlleir Ducks ...... ? old style plaster books. Oeese ...... 5 t SYI~IPTOI~I$ OF EYE STIKAIN. It the head Turkey ...... aches, eyes ache, water, burn, feel as if there is sand in A commibtee Ires been appointed Hides. green ...... 5 Lime plastered walls are the weakest part them. or feel sore or tired after using them, or the let- for the purpose of planning for a play It:OLLEt~ MILLS. of a building. First to require repair. Walls ters become misty or indistinct after reading awhile, White Lily, perbbl ...... 4 0 to be given by the boys of the Atl~let- Laurel ...... or the eyelids look sore or inflamed, eve strain is indi- ie Association some time in N(~vem- Economy per bbl ...... 43 0050 plastered with (II~ANIITE HARD PLASTER~ cated, and competent aid should be sought at once. ber. Graham flour per bb, ...... 4 00 Granulated meal, per kwt ...... ~ O0 will last as long as the building[ q?he pupilsof tim Cass City higl~ Feed lace ewt ...... I 25 school extend a cordial invitation to Meal per ewt ...... 1 30 their parents, guardians and friends Bran per owL ...... 1 00 i No Cracks, No Patches, Prof. Willard Hagadorn Middlings per ewt ...... 1 10 to come and visit them at any time Buekwlmat ...... 3 25 in tl~eir respective rooms. l Warm, Not Damaged by instructor and operator in optics is now in CASS CITY at the NEW SHERIDAN and he offers Be polite, young man, do not wait for your teachers to recognize you by l Water, Strong, Durable making their obeisance first. They Boys and Girls 5oo Dollars t .eward- are presumably your superiors and tim For sale by for at~y case of Eye Strain or Error of Refraction laws of etiquette make it obligatory Do you want to become rich? that he cannot correct with glasses. for you to show'your good breeding by exercising the civilities required. A member of the present senior CA$S CITY LUNBERAR[I COALCO, TESTS FOIL~ THE EYES. class is a genius in his way, a part of .... LINIITED .... Three4ourths o[ the cases of defec- which is the giving of definitions very tive vision require glasses ground es" peculiar and strictly original. The l Dealers in the latest styles and in all kind of Building Material. pecially for tim patient. other day in the logic class, he was asked to define a bill, After some The above should be read at twenty-four inches with mTHEI~ reflection, tie replied, "The end-~of a EYE ALONE. It also should be duck. read equally well at eight inches. If one of these discs seem blacker A professor, a teacl~er of German, than the other, Astigmatism is in- was once very mucl~ disturbed by an dicated. This test should be made i Call °n Mrs"-~o~ -O" W" O°ff i unruly bench full of Juniors. At last with EACh EYE ALONE, at a distance in his despair, he exclaimed: "That IN ZN of from eight to twent-four inches. bench vitl leave de room an rill stay This should be read at twenty This defect be permanently cannot out." Whereupon the young rascals F~ainy Day ~SMrts, . t feet with EITHER EYE ALONE. ] corrected with ready-made glasses. o carried out the bench and left it out- The history of the lives o[ all Sateen Petticoats and Wrap= i side, and blandly returned to otlmr pets and the Henderson Prof. Hagadorn's method of examining the eyes for glasses enables seats. "Nein, nein," said the pro- the great Builders of 1P ortunes him to make a th~rough diagnosis of the case, no matter how compli- Corset • cated, without asking the patient any questions, (This is of especial lessor, "I do not. mean dat. I mean proves the power of accumulated db t value in fitting the eyes of children,) aud to measure the fult amount of tim young men vilt go out but de savings. "One to-day is worth and in fact everything that you need to latent defects without the use of atropine or other drugs. bench vil] return." So the young two to-morrows." Can you af- make life happy. With his method evening is exactly as good as day time for having men brougl~t back the bench and sat ford to wait? Get one of our glasses fitted, thus enabling those who are engaged through the day to GROCERIE~ OF TIlE CIIOicEST consult him without loss of time. on it, as though that was all there was to it. Branch Banks and start a sav- SELECTION. $ II CONsuLTATION FREE ings account at once and you wit1 Poultry I/~anted. soon have an earnin~ asset ever A carload of poutbry wanted Thurs- / Mrs. (]. W. (ioff, od 2o2: m day, Sept. 24. Highest market price ready for use in case of emer- I paid. YOI~NG & BENI~EL3IAN, gency or business opportunity. I