NATIONAL SURVEY OF NATIVE WOODLAND IN IRELAND Second Phase Report P.M. Perrin, S.J. Barron & J.R. Martin March 2006 BOTANICAL , ENVIRONMENTAL & CONSERVATION CONSULTANTS LTD 27 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 6328615/616, Fax: 01 6328601 Email:
[email protected] Contributors Mark Clancy, Edwina Cole, Mihai Coroi, Mairead Gabbett, Thérèse Higgins, Lisa Kilmartin, Maria Long, Stephen McCormack, Mark McCorry, Mieke Muyllaert, Saoirse O’ Donoghue, Fionnuala O’Neill, Jenni Roche and Louise Scally Acknowledgements This study has been funded by National Parks and Wildlife Service (Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government) with some assistance from COFORD. Many people gave their time and expertise for which we are very grateful. Thanks are due to John Cross, Andrew Fitzgerald, Naomi Kingston, Deirdre Lynn, George Smith, Daniel Kelly, Amanda Browne, Fiona Dunne, Niamh Roche, Sasha van der Sleesen, Steve Waldren, Howard Fox and Aileen O’ Sullivan. Thanks to the Forest Inventory and Planning Section of The Forest Service who provided The FIPS 1998 database and the Parent Materials Classification database and to Coillte for providing access to the Coillte database. We are indebted to the many landowners in counties Cavan, Dublin, Kildare, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon, Westmeath and Wicklow who allowed us to survey their lands and were forthcoming with background information. We are very grateful to regional NPWS Staff for their assistance during the