REVIEW ARTICLE Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology

Intestinal microbiota: The hidden gems in the gut?

Pipat Piewngam,1 François De Mets,2 and Michael Otto1


Within the last decade, our understanding of the role of the intestinal microbiota in health and disease has rapidly in- creased due to significant advances in next-generation sequencing technologies. Scientists have discovered more and more gut microbes with supposedly “beneficial” roles for human health and are starting to identify the underlying mechanisms. In this review, we summarize the latest knowledge about the human intestinal microbiota, including the intestinal bacteriome, virome and mycobiome. We discuss the function that recent studies attribute to the intestinal microbiota in preventing or controlling selected diseases and present recent research on biotherapeutic approaches to control these diseases.

Key words: Intestinal microbiota, Bacteriome, Virome, Mycobiome, Probiotic, Dysbiosis

From: Corresponding author: 1 Pathogen Molecular Genetics Section, Laboratory of Bacteriology, 1. Pipat Piewngam National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. National 50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA Institutes of Health, 50 South Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Biology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 2. Michael Otto 20057, USA 50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction The human microbiota is defined as all microorganisms, analysis of the metagenomes of genetic material recovered including a variety of bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists and vi- directly from environmental samples in a culture-indepen- ruses, found in a defined environment of the human body.1 dent manner, have gained enormous attraction and are now “Microbiome” often refers in a similar way to the microbial frequently used to study the taxonomic diversity and com- organisms that reside in an environmental niche, while strict- position of the intestinal microbiota of both culturable and ly speaking this term describes their collective genomes.2,3 unculturable microorganisms.11 This approach has been ma- There have been multiple reports in recent years that describe terial for the recently developed notion that the intestinal various ways in which the microbiota influences human microbiota has a substantial and far-reaching impact on hu- health and how the composition of the microbiota can confer man health and disease. In this review, groundbreaking re- resistance to or promote infection by pathogenic organisms.2 cent studies uncovering the link between human diseases Major factors that modulate the composition of the gut mi- and the intestinal bacteriome, virome and mycobiome will be crobiota in humans include the physical architecture of the presented. gut, diet, lifestyle, several intestinal and non-intestinal diseas- es, as well as antibiotic consumption and immunosuppressive The complexity of microbial ecosystems in the hu- therapy.4 The latter two factors can have a profound impact on microbial diversity by altering the nutritional landscape man gastrointestinal tract of the gut, potentially leading to the expansion of pathogenic The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is composed of mul- populations, of which some species can mount severe infec- tiple different organs and commonly divided into two areas: tions5-7 or cause fatal diseases such as cancer.8 the upper and lower GI tract. The upper GI tract includes the Scientists have traditionally sought to identify properties mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, while the lower GI tract includes the colon, rectum, and anus of the human intestinal microbiota by culture-based meth- 12 ods.9 Although advances in culturing members of the micro- (Figure 1). The GI tract is considered as the part of the hu- biota that have previously been deemed “unculturable” have man body with the highest microbial amount and complexity, been made, these approaches fail to adequately reflect the ex- harboring a large diversity of microorganisms including bac- ceptional diversity of the intestinal microbiota.10 For the past teria, archaea, and fungi (Figure 1). Although rapid- decade, however, sequencing-based metagenomics, i.e. the ly transiting in its characteristics toward the colon, the small Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-020720-0897

Figure 1. The distribution of bacteria, viruses and fungi among the physiological niches of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The most common bacterial families (blue), viral families (grey) and fungal genus (red) in each GI tract location were present- ed. *Intestinal virome in colon were analyzed from fecal sample. intestine is an inhospitable, harsh environment for microbial and culminates in the colon (1011–1012 CFU/ml).13,15-19 The life due to high levels of oxygen and the presence of digestive intestinal bacteriome is dominated by four major phyla: enzymes, bile acids and antimicrobials.12,13 The microbiota of Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and .20-22 the small intestine, which is mainly composed of fast-grow- The Bacteroidetes phylum is composed of anaerobic, bile- ing facultative anaerobes, is believed to compete with the resistant, non-spore-forming, Gram-negative rod-shaped bac- host for nutrients. This may be the reason for the lower di- teria.23 Firmicutes is a diverse phylum composed of Gram-pos- versity of the small intestine’s microbiota as compared to that itive bacteria distributed over four classes: Bacilli, Clostridia, of the colon; however, it still contains members from various Erysipelotrichi, and Negativicutes.24 Actinobacteria are anaer- microbial phyla.13 Contrastingly, the large intestine or colon obic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, Gram-positive rod- represents a highly favorable niche for microorganisms as a shaped bacteria. Lastly, Proteobacteria are aerobic or faculta- result of a lower concentrations of antimicrobials, slower tran- tive anaerobic, Gram-negative non-spore-forming rod-shaped sit time and absence of digestive secretions. Accordingly, the bacteria. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria are the major phyla colon harbors a high microbial diversity and density. of the small intestine microbiota. However, the abundance of Proteobacteria decreases consistently from the ileum to the The intestinal bacteriome colon, whereas Firmicutes, already highly abundant in the Bacteria are considered the major class of microorganisms small intestine, are still the dominant phylum of bacteria in contributing to the intestinal microbiota, which is believed to the colon.18 In contrast, Bacteroidetes are present at low levels be composed of over 1,800 bacterial genera and over 35,000 in the upper GI tract but become a major part of the micro- different bacterial species.14 Bacterial concentration increases biota in the colon. Generally, the composition of the micro- gradually from the stomach (101 CFU/ml) to the duodenum biota markedly changes along the GI tract, with Veillonella- (103 CFU/ml), jejunum (104 CFU/ml) and ileum (107 CFU/ml), ceae, Pseudomonadaceae and Streptococcaceae representing Intestinal microbiota in health and disease

the most prevalent bacterial families present in the upper GI explore the fungal ecosystem in the human GI tract. Although tract, while the lower GI tract is dominated by Lachnospiraceae, these techniques might seem obsolete, they can provide com- Bacteroidaceae and Ruminococcaceae.18 plementary information. However, the analysis of the intesti- nal mycobiota by culture-based methods has several limita- The intestinal virome tions due to the problems commonly associated with culturing Over the past decade, most studies on the intestinal mi- of fungal microorganisms.40 Recent advances in next-genera- crobiota were mainly focused on bacteria. Recently, advances tion sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis have in metagenomics have allowed in-depth analysis also of oth- shed light on the complexity of the intestinal mycobiome, lead- er microbial communities, especially the intestinal virome. ing to a better understanding of this yet poorly investigated The intestinal virome consists of a diverse collection of DNA part of the GI microbiota. and RNA viruses, including eukaryotic viruses, bacteriophag- The low pH of the stomach allows only a few acid-tolerant es and archaeal viruses.25-28 Transmission electron microscopy fungi, such as Candida and Phialemonium, to colonize.41 Due (TEM), which reveals -like particles (VLP), has been used to the difficulty in collecting samples, our knowledge about already before the introduction of metagenomics to identify the diversity of the mycobiome in the small intestine remains and characterize the intestinal virome. TEM has shown that scarce. Early studies of the human intestinal mycobiome, the human intestinal virome consists mostly of DNA bacte- which were based on culturable fungi obtained from intestinal riophages, the viruses that infect bacteria, reaching a num- biopsy samples of healthy individuals, revealed that the con- ber of at least 108–109 VLPs in the intestine.29 In these studies, centration of intestinal fungi is ~102 CFU/ml and Candida, the order along with members of the Myoviri- notably C. albicans, is the most frequent fungus in the jeju- dae, , Ackermannviridae and Herelleviridae fam- num and ileum.42 In a recent clinical study among patients ilies have been identified as major constituents of the intesti- with an intestinal allograft, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and nal virome.29,30 More recently, advances in high-throughput Kluyveromyces waltii were the dominant species in the ileum, sequencing technology overcame the limitation of available while Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans, Fusarium ox- tools for the study of the intestinal virome, leading to the dis- ysporum and Aspergillus clavatus appeared transiently after covery of new viral species in the human GI tract. Breitbart transplantation.43 The mycobiome of the human large intes- et al. reported the first metagenomic analysis of an uncul- tine and feces is however still largely unknown. Previous stud- tured viral community from human feces using partial shot- ies based on culture-based techniques revealed that Candida, gun sequencing, paving the way to a better understanding in particular C. albicans, is the most frequent fungus in the of the population structure and dynamics of the human in- colon.42 testinal virome. This study reported that the single sample It is widely recognized that the intestinal mycobiome ex- that was analyzed contained about 1,200 different virotypes, hibits less diversity than the intestinal bacteriome or virome. with the majority assigned to the family.31 Shotgun metagenomics sequencing analysis indicated that Eukaryotic viruses have also been detected in gut samples the mycobiome only accounts for nearly 0.1% of the total from healthy individuals, albeit at very low levels. Anelloviri- microorganisms in the intestine. In 2007, Nash et al. investi- dae, small single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses, are the most gated the intestinal mycobiome of the Human Microbiome common eukaryotic DNA viruses found in the GI tract and Project (HMP) cohort by sequencing the Internal Transcribed several other compartments of the human body.32 Based on Spacer 2 (ITS2) region and the 18S rRNA gene. This study metagenomic studies, 9 families of eukaryotic DNA viruses supported the aforementioned notion that the diversity of the have been detected in the GI tract, including , intestinal mycobiome is significantly lower than that of the , , , , Par- intestinal bacteriome. Saccharomyces (S. cerevisiae), Malassezia voviridae, , , and .33-35 (M. restricta), and Candida (C. albicans) were the most prev- In contrast to DNA viruses, RNA viruses have been largely alent genera.44 Several similar studies suggested that Ascomy- underappreciated. , Picobirnaviridae, Picornaviri- cota is the most predominant phylum in the intestinal niche, dae, and RNA viruses have been found in gut sam- followed by the phyla Zygomycota and Basidiomycota.45,46 ples.33,36,37 In addition, fungal species belonging to the genera Candida, Cryptococcus, Malassezia, Aspergillus, Saccharomyces, Galacto- The intestinal mycobiome myces, Trichosporon, and Cladosporium have been found.46 Besides bacteria and viruses, many species of fungi have been found in the human GI tract. The number of studies on Colonization resistance and intestinal dysbiosis the intestinal mycobiome and its potential role in human dis- The intestinal microbiota, particularly anaerobic bacteria, ease is rapidly increasing. It is noteworthy to highlight that provide for an important host defense mechanism by inhib- specific fungi can modulate the host immune response, result- iting colonization of potentially pathogenic microorganisms ing in increased risk for immunological disorders. Moreover, both directly and indirectly. This phenomenon, termed colo“ - the intestinal mycobiome may act as a reservoir for potential- nization resistance”, describes the prevention of overgrowth ly opportunistic pathogens in immunocompromised hosts of indigenous opportunistic pathogens as well as the inhibi- and may play a role in many diseases that are not obviously tion of exogenously introduced foreign organisms (Figure related to, or influenced by, the gut.38,39 Researchers have tra- 2).47 Bacteroides, the dominant genus of the intestinal mi- ditionally relied on culture-based methods such as microsco- crobiota, can directly inhibit intestinal pathogens by compet- py, biochemical assays, and/or growth on selective media to ing for nutrients or by inducing the production of inhibitory Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-020720-0897

Figure 2. The intestinal microbiota enhances colonization resistance to intestinal pathogens by both indirect (immune-me- diated) and direct mechanisms of action. By direct mechanism, Bacteroides thuringiensis can produce bacteriocin that directly targets Clostridium difficile. By indirect mechanism, healthy microbiota, especially segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), can en- hance IgA production, T helper 17 (TH17) cell differentiation, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and epithelial production of antimicrobial peptides which against some Gram-negative bacteria such as Citrobacter rodentium and Escherichia coli. substances. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron can consume carbo- However, whether intestinal dysbiosis is a cause or a conse- hydrates needed for Citrobacter rodentium, which contributes quence of specific health conditions or diseases remains an to the competitive exclusion of this pathogen from the intes- often and controversially discussed issue. By their bacterio- tinal lumen. Another example involves Porphyromonadaceae static and/or bactericidal activities, antibiotics can alter the family members, which are closely related to Bacteroides spp. taxonomic, genomic and functional features of the microbio- and have been associated with protection against Salmonella ta. Specifically, antibiotics can significantly decrease the overall Typhimurium-induced colitis.48 amount and diversity of the microbiota, which compromises The delicate balance of the intestinal microbiota that resistance to colonization by incoming pathogenic bacteria. leads to colonization resistance can be disrupted by multiple Furthermore, several non-antibiotic drugs have recently been factors such as diet, lifestyle, antibiotic consumption or im- associated with changes in the gut microbiome composition.50 munosuppressive therapy, resulting in “intestinal dysbiosis”. Intestinal dysbiosis refers to an imbalance in the taxonom- The intestinal microbiota in infectious diseases ical composition and the metagenomic function of the mi- The microbiota that live naturally in the body has fre- crobial community. Intestinal dysbiosis can be caused by quently been associated with infectious diseases, as it can overgrowth of the parts of the intestinal microbiota that have provide colonization resistance against exogenous or endoge- the potential to cause disease, a phenomenon that has been nous, opportunistic pathogens. The underlying mechanisms called “bloom of pathobiont”, or by the reduction or complete are beginning to be unraveled and are manifold. The role of loss of normally residing members of the microbiota, termed the intestinal microbiota in infection prevention becomes “loss of commensal”, or both.49 Multiple studies have shown most clear in individuals that have received broad-spectrum that intestinal dysbiosis is associated with health conditions antibiotics, which virtually eliminate the intestinal microbio- in communicable and non-communicable diseases (Table 1). ta. This scenario leads to significantly decreased expression of Intestinal microbiota in health and disease

Table 1. Intestinal dysbiosis in health and condition and its possible mechanism

Disease/condition Change in intestinal microbiota composition Possible mechanism

Infectious disease

- Inhibition of RegIIIγ in small intestine Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) ii Gram-negative and positive bacteria - Inhibition of bile acid metabolism - Increasing of C. difficile spore germination

Enterococcal bacteremia ii Gram-negative bacteria - Inhibition of RegIIIγ in small intestine

hh Aspergillus, Candida, Galactomyces, Chronic hepatitis B virus infection Unknown Saccharomyces, Chaetomium


Colorectal cancer (CRC) hh enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis - Deconstruction of E-cadherin by B. fragilis toxin

hh Orthobunyavirus, ii Mulikevirus Unknown

- Elevation of tumor progression via MBL cascade Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) hh Malassezia in pancreas by intestinal fungi

ii Faecalibacterium, Bifidobacterium longum, Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) Collinsella aerofaciens, Enterococcus faecium Unknown non-responder and Akkermansia muciniphila

Neurological disorder

ii Prevotella, Corprococcus, Dialister Major depressive disorder (MDD) - Low production of microbial γ-aminobutyric acid and Faecalibacterium

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) hh Candida Unknown

Rett syndrome hh Candida Unknown

Gastrointestinal disorder

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) hh Enterobacteriaceae - Exacerbation of intestinal inflammation

ii Clostridial clusters IV and XIV, B. fragilis and F. prausnitzii

- Elevation of cytokine production from innate cells harbor- hh Malassezia restricta ing the IBD-linked polymorphism in CARD9

hh Ruminococcaceae and Clostridium cluster Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Unknown XIVa antimicrobial molecules in the intestinal mucosa, compro- Dysbiosis of the mycobiota was shown to affect host im- mising the intestinal innate immune defense and ultimately munity by promoting the progression and exacerbation of vi- leading to increased susceptibility to antibiotic-resistant mi- ral infections such as hepatitis B virus and HIV infections. crobes. The notion that alteration of the intestinal microbiota Chen et al. highlighted that high prevalence of Aspergillus, can increase susceptibility to a variety of infectious diseases Candida, Galactomyces, Saccharomyces, and Chaetomium is has been confirmed in gnotobiotic mice, i.e. mice in which positively correlated with disease progression in patients with the diverse intestinal microbiota is depleted or reduced to a chronic HBV infection;52 and several studies reported that single bacterial species.51 Pultz et al. reported that the anaer- there is high prevalence of Candida in the intestine of HIV- obic microbiota in the colon inhibits colonization with van- seropositive patients.53-55 comycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) by depleting nutrients within cecal contents, limiting the association of VRE with the The intestinal microbiota in cancer mucus layer. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that Gram- Various microbial species have been found in cancer tis- negative bacteria in the small intestine can produce RegIIIγ, sue. However, the precise roles of the microbiota in cancer an innate immune effector molecule that kills Gram-positive development are still unclear and both tumor-suppressive bacteria, including VRE.5 Clostridioides difficile, a Gram-posi- and oncogenic roles of the intestinal microbiota have been tive anaerobic spore-forming bacterium that can cause C. dif- described.56 Helicobacter pylori is a well-known example of a ficile infection (CDI), a leading cause of healthcare-associated carcinogenic bacterium and has been studied extensively in morbidity and mortality worldwide, is another prominent the context of gastric cancer.57 Interestingly, H. pylori infection example of the importance of niche availability in the patho- was found to be significantly correlated with the composition genesis of infectious diseases caused by antibiotic-caused of the fecal microbiota,7 although this bacterium lives in the depletion of the intestinal microbiota.6 stomach in contrast to most other bacteria, which colonize Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-020720-0897

the intestine. Another bacterium whose colonization was mice.71 These findings support the notion that CRC develop- found to be associated with intestinal cancer is Fusobacterium ment can occur through intestinal dysbiosis by consumption nucleatum, which was detected frequently in colorectal cancer of unhealthy diets or excess alcohol consumption. However, patients.11 It is not clear whether these organisms are mere the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. opportunists in cancer scenarios, or whether they have on- The intestinal virome has also been associated with can- cogenic or perhaps even tumor development-delaying proper- cer. For example, the diversity of the gut bacteriophage com- ties. munity was significantly increased in patients with CRC as Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of compared to controls.72 Orthobunyavirus was significantly death due to cancer, causing about 900,000 deaths worldwide increased in CRC patients, whereas Mulikevirus was signifi- every year.58 Western-style diets (high-fat, low fiber, increased cantly decreased. Additionally, a dysbiotic gut virome was meat consumption) are important risk factors for CRC, while associated with early- and late-stage CRC.72,73 Streptococcus the consumption of fiber-rich foods is associated with a low- bacteriophages were the prevalent phages in early-stage CRC er risk of CRC.59 Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as ac- while Parabacteroides phages were the more abundant in late- etate, butyrate, and propionate, are the main fermentation stage CRC.72 Whether the observed alteration in the intes- products of dietary fiber produced by the intestinal micro- tinal bacteriophage composition reflects changes within the biota and play an important role in the maintenance of the mucosal bacterial communities remains unclear. intestinal immune homeostasis and the protection from in- Recently, it has been shown that the mycobiome can ac- flammation and carcinogenesis. The fecal concentrations of celerate the progression of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma SCFAs are higher in healthy individuals who generally con- (PDA). The mycobiome composition in PDA was found to sume low-fat, high-fiber diets,60 while recent studies show be distinct from that of the gut or normal pancreas, and the they decrease in patients with CRC.61 predominant fungal species was Malassezia. The underlying High consumption of red and processed meat can also af- mechanism has been described to include migration of fungi fect the composition of the intestinal microbiota in a way from the gut to the pancreas where they promote tumor pro- that promotes cancer. Red meat is specifically rich in L-car- gression through activation of the mannan-binding lectin nitine, which is metabolized by the gut microbiota to trime- (MBL) cascade.74 thylamine (TMA).62 TMA is absorbed from the intestine and Notwithstanding these reports, the International Cancer delivered to the liver and further oxidized by hepatic fla- Microbiome Consortium (ICMC) recently stated that there is vin-dependent monooxygenases (FMOs) to trimethylamine currently no direct evidence that the human commensal mi- N-oxide (TMAO).63 TMAO has been implicated in human crobiome is a key determinant in the pathogenesis of cancer.75 disease pathogenesis, including known risk factors for sever- On the contrary, there is evidence to support the notion that al diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease.64 In mice, the the human microbiota, in particular the intestinal microbi- composition of the intestinal microbiota was altered when ota, has a beneficial effect on cancer therapy. Treatment with L-carnitine was continually fed, resulting in elevated synthesis immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), which have emerged of TMA. It was also observed that the abundance of B. fragi- as a novel approach to treat melanoma and other cancers lis is significantly higher in individuals consuming a diet rich and for example target the cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associ- in beef compared to a vegetarian diet.65 B. fragilis is the least ated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) or programmed cell death protein common Bacteroides species in the fecal microbiota but the 1 (PD-1), was often found to be unsustainable, raising the most frequently isolated from clinical specimens, and can question whether the intestinal microbiota really consistent- be distinguished by the production of enterotoxins. Intestinal ly promotes anti-tumor immune responses.76-78 In one study, colonization by enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) is associat- the intestinal microbiota of melanoma patients undergoing ed with acute diarrheal diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases anti–programmed cell death 1 protein (PD-1) immunother- (IBD), and CRC.66,67 B. fragilis toxin destroys the adherens apy was found to be different between anti-PD-1 therapy re- junctions in the intestinal epithelium, which are insured by sponders and non-responders. The responder group showed cell adhesion molecules such as E-cadherin (E-cad). Surface significantly higher alpha diversity and a significant positive expression of E-cad on epithelial cells plays a central role in correlation between the number of CD8+ T cells infiltrating preventing cancer, and alteration of E-cad expression has the tumor and the abundance of the genus Faecalibacterium, been detected in a large number of cancer cases, which is why the family Ruminococcaceae, and the order Clostridiales in E-cad is known as an important tumor suppressor gene.68 the gut.76 Similarly, Matson et al. demonstrated that composi- Besides the consumption of low-fiber, high-fat, and red tion of commensal bacteria and the clinical response to anti- meat-rich diets, high consumption of alcohol also increases PD-1 immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma patients were the risk of CRC.69 Heavy drinkers have an intestinal microbi- strongly correlated, inasmuch as higher abundance of Bifido- ota composition that is different from that of non-drinkers bacterium longum, Collinsella aerofaciens, and Enterococcus and a higher incidence of CRC. Moreover, significant intes- faecium was observed in responder patients. Furthermore, tinal dysbiosis, for example an unusually high abundance of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) from responding pa- Proteobacteria,70 is observed in individuals with alcohol use tients into germ-free mice improved tumor control via en- disorder (AUD). Additionally, Chen et al. have shown that the hancement of T-cell responses, leading to a greater efficacy of abundance of Erysipelotrichaceae is increased in the lumen of anti-programmed cell death protein 1 ligand (PD-L1) ther- colorectal cancer patients as compared to healthy controls, apy.77 This major discovery made scientists hypothesize that which reflects similar results obtained in chronic alcohol-fed antibiotic treatment might affect the therapeutic efficacy of Intestinal microbiota in health and disease

ICIs; and Routy et al. showed that intestinal dysbiosis in- The intestinal microbiota in gastrointestinal disor- duced by antibiotic treatment can affect primary resistance to 78 ders ICIs in cancer patients. FMT into germ-free or antibiotic- Several studies demonstrated that dysregulation of the in- treated mice from cancer patients responding to ICIs im- testinal microbiota may have detrimental effects on intesti- proved the effects of ICIs. Additionally, the abundance of Ak- nal homeostasis, potentially leading to the development of kermansia muciniphila increased in PD-1 blockade respond- inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. Inflammatory ers compared to non-responders. Finally, an elevation of bowel disease (IBD), a collective term for a group of intesti- + + + the recruitment of CCR9 CXCR3 CD4 T lymphocytes into nal disorders that cause prolonged inflammation of the diges- mouse tumor beds were observed after oral supplementation tive tract, is often associated with the overgrowth of Entero- with A. muciniphila into non-responder feces-fed mice, which bacteriaceae.86 Intestinal inflammation in IBD that is caused 78 restored the effectiveness of PD-1 blockade. by either environmental or nutritional change may confer a Although treatment with ICIs targeting CTLA-4 and PD-1/ growth advantage to Enterobacteriaceae by providing a more PD-L1 showed promising results in cancer immunotherapy, favorable environment for the expansion of especially adher- the treatment can cause serious immune-related adverse ef- ent-invasive E. coli (AIEC).87 It has been reported that AIEC fects in some patients, such as colitis. Reconstitution of the strains were found in 21.7% of ileal samples from patients intestinal microbiota by FMT elicited ICI-associated colitis, suffering from Crohn’s disease (CD), compared to 6.2% of through a relative increase in the proportion of regulatory healthy controls, and in 36.4% of neo-terminal ileal samples T-cells within the colonic mucosa. An expansion of Akkerman- compared to 22.2% of controls.88 Furthermore, IBD can arise sia, Bifidobacterium and Blautia was also observed in patients from the reduction of “protective” bacterial species. Several after FMT, which has been associated with reduced intestinal members of the intestinal microbiota can produce metabo- 79 inflammation. lites that display anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, when these bacteria are depleted, intestinal inflammation can be The intestinal microbiota in neurological disorders exacerbated, resulting in IBD and other intestinal inflam- Links between the intestinal microbiota and the nervous matory diseases. Clostridial clusters IV and XIV, Bacteroides system, in what has been called the microbiota-gut-brain axis, fragilis and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii for example are less have received increasing recent appreciation. Scientists have abundant in IBD patients compared to normal controls.89 In started to explore the role of the intestinal microbiota in a addition, a reduction of Firmicutes has been observed in pa- broad range of neurological and psychiatric disorders and tients with IBD, with a consequent relative increase of Entero- diseases. For example, antibiotic administration during the bacteriaceae. Bacteriophages have also been recently shown first year of life has been correlated with depression and to play a role in IBD. Bacteriophage numbers are higher at behavioral difficulties later in life.80 the intestinal mucosal surface and therefore strongly increase Major depressive disorder (MDD), a debilitating illness during IBD. However, the precise role bacteriophages play and the second leading global disease, is characterized by de- in IBD is not yet understood.90 Moreover, IBD is associat- pressed mood, diminished interests, impaired cognitive func- ed with changes in the composition of the mycobiota. An tion and vegetative symptoms, such as disturbed sleep or increased Basidiomycota/Ascomycota ratio, a decreased pro- appetite. MDD is associated with ~800,000 suicidal deaths an- portion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and an increased propor- nually and 20% of all people are estimated to fulfil the crite- tion of C. albicans were observed in IBD patients compared ria for MDD at some point in their lifetime.81 The etiology of with healthy controls.91 Intestinal colonization with Malasse- MDD is multifactorial and includes genetics, environmental zia restricta, a common skin resident fungus, is higher in CD factors, and structural brain alterations as causes.81 Recent- patients than in controls and also associated with S12N poly- ly, MDD has also been associated with the intestinal micro- morphism in the gene encoding CARD9, a signaling adap- biota. Prevotellaceae, Corprococcus, Dialister and Faecalibac- tor essential for anti-fungal innate immunity.92 Exacerbation terium were reported to be depleted and Flavonifractor and of colitis observed in M. restricta-infected mice is believed Bacteroides enterotype 2 to be increased in MDD patients.82 to be due to strong cytokine production from innate cells Interestingly, the potential of microbes to produce the dopa- harboring the IBD-linked polymorphism in CARD9.92 mine metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid may cor- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel dis- relate positively with mental quality of life and indicates a order that commonly causes abdominal pain. IBS pathogen- potential role of microbial γ-aminobutyric acid production in esis has been linked to intestinal dysbiosis based on the find- depression.83 ing that an expansion of Ruminococcaceae and Clostridium Dysbiosis of the intestinal mycobiota has also been report- cluster XIVa was found in IBS patients.93 Furthermore, meth- ed in neurological diseases. For example, high abundance of anogenic microorganisms may play a role in the pathogene- intestinal Candida might be associated with the pathogenesis sis of IBS, as Methanobrevibacter smithii, a dominant meth- of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), a group of neurode- anogen archaeon in the human gut, was shown to be more velopmental disorders with early-life onset that are charac- abundant in stool samples from patients with constipation terized by impaired social interactions and communication -predominant IBS.94 Constipation is one of the symptoms as well as restricted and repetitive behavior.84 Moreover, high often associated with IBS and correlated with high methane relative abundance of intestinal Candida was observed in concentration in the breath.95 Finally, intestinal infections with Rett syndrome patients, a severe and progressive neurological pathogenic enteric bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, disorder.85 and Shigella, can drive the development of IBS.96 Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-020720-0897

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