Jun 08, 2012 22:26 BST Music Features Of The Excellent HTC One X

HTC has recently released its flagship Android phone for 2012, called the HTC One X. In this article I will take a closer look at how the handset performs when it comes to playing music.


It is essential for a to have ample levels of storage when you wish to store your music collection. The HTC One X does not disappoint in this department. Although it lacks a microSD slot as many may expect it to, it somewhat makes up for this with its 32GB of onboard storage, of which 26GB is user-available. This means you can comfortably store several thousand music tracks on your phone, while still leaving room for other files such as videos, photos and apps.

Music Transfer

Like many people, you will have your music collection stored on your computer. When you wish to put your music files onto your HTC One X, you will need to transfer the files from the computer onto the phone. Luckily this is a very simple task. All you have to do is connect the phone to your computer using the supplied USB charger cable. When you have done this, simply open the phone's music folder, and drag and drop your chosen music files from the computer's music folder. Media Player

When you have transferred the music onto the phone, you can then play the music using the handset's default HTC media player. Alternatives to this are available from Play and HTC Hub. The HTC media player carries out all the normal functions you would expect, but also has some nice additions such as coverflow which allows you to browse through your music library using album art.

Beats Audio

Arguably the most impressive feature of the HTC One X's music credentials is the inclusion of Beats Audio. This technology is the same as found on the popular Beats Headsets, and offers superior sound quality. This is exclusive to HTC phones, as it recently bought a controlling stake on the Beats company, so we can expect to see it in more HTC in the future.

As you can see, the HTC One X has everything you need to store and play your music using the phone. As a bonus, the features like Beats Audio and additional music apps from Google Play make it a very attractive choice for those who like to use their smartphone to store and play music on the go.

Check out some more HTC One X Reviews and HTC One X Offers

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