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Annotated Catalog of Type Specimens in the Illinois Natural History Survey Fish Collection

Mark H. Sabaj, Kevin S. Cummings, and Lawrence M. Page

Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Volume 35, Article 5 October 1997 Illinois Natural History Survey, Edward J. Armbrust, Acting Chief A Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources

A catalog of the publications of the Illinois Natural History Survey is available without charge from the address, below.' A price list and an order blank are included with the catalog.

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• East Drive . 607 Peabody . Champaign, Illinois 61820

Citation: Sabaj, M.H., K.S. Cummings, and L.M. Page. 1997. Annotated Catalog of Type Specimens in the Illinois Natural History Survey Fish Collection. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 35(5):253-300.

Editor: Thomas E. Rice

US ISSN 0073-49 18 -

Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois


Annotated Catalog of Type Specimens in the Illinois Natural History Survey Fish Collection

Mark H. Sabaj, Kevin S. Cummings, and Lawrence M. Page Center for Biodiversity

Illinois Natural History Survey

Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Volume 35, Article 5 NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY October 1997 JAN 2 9 1999


Contents t-6

Acknowledgments iv Introduction 253 Facilities and Curation 253 General Holdings 253 Type Holdings 254 Organization 255 General Format 255 List of Types 260 ACIPENSERIDAE 260 CYPRINIDAE 260 CHARACIDAE 269 ICTALURIDAE 269 270 APHREDODERIDAE 272 AMBLYOPSIDAE 273 OPHIDIIDAE 274 FUNDULIDAE 274 CENTRARCHIDAE 275 277 ELASSOMATIDAE 285 ISLNH Types Missing from INHS 285 CYPRINIDAE 285 CATOSTOMIDAE 288 PERCIDAE 289 COTTIDAE 291 Literature Cited 292 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5


We would like to thank William N. Eschmeyer, California Academy of Sciences, and Carter R. Gilbert, Florida Museum of Natural History, for comments and suggestions on improving the manuscript. We would also like to thank Christine A. Mayer for assistance with INHS database records. Special thanks to Susan L. Jewett for assistance while visiting the U.S. National Museum of Natural History and Jeffrey T. Williams for advice on using the USNM on- line database. Annotated Catalog of Type Specimens in the Illinois Natural History Survey Fish Collection

The Fish Collection of the Illinois Natural expanded in the past three decades; the

History Survey (INHS) dates back to the late collection now contains about 7 1 1 ,000 cata-

1800s and the extensive surveys of Illinois loged specimens (over 7 1 ,000 lots) of more fishes led by Dr. Stephen A. Forbes, director of than 1,800 species. A recent literature survey the Survey's predecessor, the Illinois State identified over 250 publications citing the use Laboratory of Natural History (ISLNH). From of INHS specimens over the past 40 years. 1876 to 1903 Forbes, assisted by his esteemed Included are two publications that have greatly colleague Robert E. Richardson and numerous advanced both the professional and popular field and laboratory personnel, collected and understanding of North American fishes: the preserved over 200,000 specimens from more Handbook of Darters (Page 1983) and A Field than 450 localities distributed in 93 of the 102 Guide to Freshwater Fishes ofNorth America counties of Illinois. During this time, the North of Mexico (Page and Burr 1991). ISLNH Collection served as the basis for several catalogs of Illinois fishes (Nelson 1876; Facilities and Curation Jordan 1878a; Forbes 1884; Large 1903), and provided material for the description of at least Despite its long history, the INHS Fish Collec- 25 species. This work culminated in the classic tion has had only three curators: Dr. Stephen A. Fishes of Illinois written by Forbes and Forbes (1876-1930), Dr. Philip W. Smith Richardson, published by the Survey in 1909 (1950-1979), and Dr. Lawrence M. Page (1972- and reprinted in 1920 (although no publication present); and two collection managers, Kevin date is given for the original volume, H.C. S. Cummings (1983-1995) and Mark H. Sabaj Oesterling, former INHS editor, lists the date as ( 1995-present). Currently staffed and sup- 1909 in Howard 1932:46). Accompanied by a ported by the INHS Center for Biodiversity, the separate atlas of distribution maps of 98 collection occupies 888 square feet in the species, this comprehensive treatment of the basement of the Natural Resources Building, state's ichthyofauna still is recognized as one of 607 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois the finest publications on fishes. 61820. The INHS Fish Collection was expanded Computerization of the INHS collection by Dr. Philip W. Smith, who worked as a began in 1974 and was completed in 1990. The systematic biologist at the Survey from 1942 database is maintained by database manager until his retirement in 1979 (Burr and Page Christine A. Mayer ( 1987-present) and will be 1987). Over a period of 1 1 years from 1962 to accessible on the INHS Collections home page 1972, Smith assembled a large collection of via the World Wide Web in 1998. fishes from Illinois and neighboring states. The ichthyological surveys conducted by Smith, his students, and INHS staff led to the publication General Holdings of a second Fishes of Illinois (Smith 1979). Smith's monograph provided identification As of June 1997, the INHS Fish Collection

contained approximately 7 1 ,000 keys, information on the ecology and 1 cataloged of Illinois fishes, and detailed distribution maps specimens in over 71,000 lots representing 143 that documented changes in the state's fish families and more than 1,800 species. It was fauna that had occurred since the survey of ranked the 19th largest fish collection by lots Forbes and Richardson. (U.S. and Canada) in 1995 (Poss and Collette The size and geographic scope of the 1995) and the 8th largest collection of INHS collection have been considerably Neotropical fishes in North America in 1994 1

254 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

(NEODAT WWW site). Approximately half of the specimens are from Illinois; the remainder are from elsewhere in North America (30%), South America (18%), and the rest of the world (2%). The North American ichthyofauna is represented by collections from 47 of the 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and Puerto Rico. The South American material includes specimens from Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. The value of the INHS Acipenser stellatus Pallas 1771. Oldest specimen in collection is greatly enhanced by historical INHS Fish Collection. INHS 64423, Ural River, holdings of Illinois fishes dating from 1873 to former U.S.S.R.; Dr. Lewerzow; 1862. 1909. Referred to as the "Forbes and Richardson Collection," this material (20,385 specimens in 2,624 lots) represents about 10% of the original ISLNH fish collection and includes many species now extirpated or rare in Illinois. The oldest specimen in the INHS collec- tion is a sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus Pallas 1771, from the Ural River, former Soviet Union, collected by Dr. Lewerzow in 1862. This specimen and several other Soviet sturgeons were donated to ISLNH by Dr. Leo S. Berg from the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R. in Leningrad Moxostoma lacerum (Jordan and Brayton 1877). [= St. Petersburg]. Berg was an eminent Extinct species of North American sucker repre- teacher and ichthyologist who specialized in sented in museums by only 33 known nonfossil the classification and systematics of sturgeons specimens (Jenkins and Burkhead 1994). INHS (Family Acipenseridae). The donation was 27884, Cypress Creek, Florence, Lauderdale County. probably in exchange for syntypic material sent Alabama; C.H. Gilbert; summer 1889. to Berg of the pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus, a species described from Illinois by Forbes and Richardson in 1905. Also of

is the harelip exceptional value a specimen of 2 nominal subspecies (Table 1). Name-bearing sucker, Moxostoma lacerum (Jordan and type material includes 26 holotypes (24 Brayton 1 877), collected from Cypress Creek nominal species, 2 subspecies), 5 lectotypes, (Tennessee River drainage), Alabama. Re- and 5 series of syntypes (39 specimens). ceived from C.H. Gilbert, the specimen was Additional type material includes paratypes of collected during his ichthyological explorations 63 nominal species (883 specimens) and 2 of Alabama in the summer of 1889 (Gilbert subspecies (14 specimens).

1 891 : 147). The harelip sucker is the first and P.W. Smith and D.W. Bridges (1960) extinct in most widespread fish to have become compiled the first type catalog of specimens the United States in modern times (Williams formerly of the Illinois State Laboratory of Jenkins (in Jenkins and Burkhead 1994) 1977). Natural History. They identified types of 1 noted that there are only 33 extant nonfossil nominal species; ISLNH types of 4 additional specimens (deposited in 10 museums), and only species are documented in this paper. The 19 or 20 recorded captures of the harelip sucker State Laboratory type material represents spanning the years 1859 to 1893. species described from Illinois from 1 876 to

1 905 by Stephen A. Forbes (9 species), Forbes

), David Stan- Type Holdings and Robert E. Richardson ( 1 Jordan (2), Edward W. Nelson (2), and Jordan

). of type specimens The INHS Fish Collection contains 967 type and Nelson ( 1 A number specimens representing 69 nominal species and were presumably deposited in the State )

October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 255

Laboratory Collection but are not presently E. W. Nelson, and R.E. Richardson. Except for found in the Survey's Collection. This lost Parascaphirhynchus albus Forbes and material includes types of species described by Richardson 1905, these species were not

Forbes (4), Jordan ( 1 ), Jordan and A.W. figured in their original description and

Brayton (1), and Nelson (5 species + 1 variety). photographs of the type specimens have never Table 2 summarizes the status and disposi- been published. tion of type specimens of taxa described from Illinois to 1905. The type localities from 1876 General Format of these taxa are plotted on Map 1 .

Species name Author(s) year. Organization Literature citation: page number, plate(s), figure(s).

This catalog is divided into two sections: ( 1 Type status type specimens presently located in the Fish museum acronym and catalog Collection of the Illinois Natural History number (number of specimens, Survey (INHS). and (2) type specimens length, sex); locality; collector(s) originally deposited in the Illinois State (field collection number); date; former Laboratory of Natural History (ISLNH), but not museum acronym and catalog number. currently found in the INHS collection (i.e., Information in brackets was not in the species whose types are either missing entirely original description but has been or represented only by ISLNH specimens added for completeness. donated to other museums). In both sections, Remarks: Clarification and correction species and subspecies are presented alphabeti- of data; explanation and documentation cally within families, and the families are of type status; comments on current arranged phylogenetically according to Nelson condition of specimens. (1994). Photographs of type specimens are Missing: Type specimens originally presented for 15 species described between cataloged at ISLNH, but whose precise

1876 and 1905 by S.A. Forbes, D.S. Jordan, locality is currently unknown.

Table 1. Summary of type material in the Illinois Natural History Survey Fish Collection. current status of name-bearing types taxonomic name Holotypes Lectotypes Syntypes Paratypes species in use 22 2 60

12 specimens in 3 lots 836 specimens in 87 lots

in synonymy 3 3

27 specimens in 4 lots 47 specimens in 6 lots

based on hybrid subspecies

in use

14 specimens in 3 lots total number of 26 5 5 65 taxa represented 39 specimens in 7 lots 897 specimens in 86 lots ) )

256 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Table 2. Status and disposition of type specimens of taxa described from Illinois from 1876 to 1905. Location(s) of type lot(s) indicated by museum acronym followed by the number of specimens per lot(s) in parentheses.

Author date name-bearing types original name current name Syntypes Holotype Lectotype Paralectotypes

Nelson 1876

• Noturus exilis Noturus exilis INHS

• Stemotremia isolepis Aphredoderus sayanus INHS INHS (2), MCZ(l). USNM(l) Phenacobius teretulus Phenacobius mirabilis missing

var. liosternus Ichthyobus cyanellus Ictiobus bubalus missing phoxocephalum phoxocephala UMMZ (2) Cottopsis ricei Cottus ricei missing

Jordan and Nelsonon 1877 • Lepiopomus ischyrus Lepomis cyanellus x INHS Lepomis macrochirus

Nelson 1877 Ichthyobus ischyrus Ictiobus bubalus missing Bubalichthys altus Ictiobus bubalus missing

Forbes 1878

• Episema jejuna Notropis blennius INHS ( 1 8), CAS (3, 2)

• Alburnops nubilus Notropis nubilus INHS (6, 1 Poecilichthys asprigenis Etheostoma asprigene CAS (2)

Boleosoma camurum Etheostoma chlorosomum CAS ( 1 ), MCZ (1), UMMZ (1), USNM (1, 2)

Jordan 1878 • Cyprinella forbesi Cyprinella lutrensis USNM INHS (6, 21), CAS (2)

• Pleurolepis asprellus asprella INHS Lythrurus atripes Lythrurus umbratilis USNM CAS (2)

Forbes 1882

• Chologaster papilliferus Forbesichthys agassizi INHS (3, 1 ), MCZ ( 1

Forbes 1883 • Trycherodon megalops Opsopoeodus emiliae USNM INHS (13, 1,4) CAS(l) • Platygobio pallidus Platygobio gracilis INHS

• Lepomis symmetricus Lepomis symmetricus INHS INHS (7, 2), MCZ(l)

CAS (3), USNM (1)

Forbes 1885 • Notropis anogenus Notropis anogenus INHS INHS (5). USNM (7) • Oxygeneum pulverulentum Campostoma anomalum x INHS Phoxinus eiythrogaster

• Lepomis garmani Lepomis miniatus INHS (5). CAS (l: Notropis macrolepidotus Lythrurus fumeus missing Notropis phenacobius Hybopsis amnis missing

Forbes and Richardson 1905

• Parascaphirhynchus albus Scaphirhynchus albus INHS (5)

(• = type specimen(s) in INHS Fish Collection) j

October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 257

Map 1: Type localities of species described from Illinois from 1876 to 1905. Unspecified type localities depicted by multiple dots, shaded outline of county, or highlighted stretch of stream Base map from Forbes and Richardson 1909.

Not Mapped Notropis macrolepidotus (= Lythrurus fumeus) Type Locality: Illinois River Etheostoma phoxocephalum (= Percina phoxocephala) Type Locality: Western Illinois including Illinois River

Episema jejuna Notropis anogenus (= Notropis blennius)

Cottopsis ricei (= Cottus ricei) Oxygeneum pulverulentum

( = Campostoms anomalum x Phoxinus erythrogaster) Alburnops nubilus (= Notropis nubilus) Notropis phenacobius (=Hybopsis annus)

Lepomis symmetricus Poecilicluhys asprigenis Ichthyobus cyanellus 1= Etheostoma asprigene) (= Ictiobus bubalus) Boleosoma camurum [in part Lepiopomus ischyrus (= Etheostoma (= Lepomis cyanellus x chlorosomum) L. macrochirus) Trycherodon megalops (= Opsopoeodus Phenacobius teretulus emiliae) var. liosternus (= P. mirabilis) Noturus exilis

Ichthyobus ischyrus (= Ictiobus bubalus)

Pleurolepis asprellus (= Crystallaria asprella)

Parascaphirhynchus albus (= Scaphirhynchus albus

Lepomis garmani (= L. miniatus) Chologaster papilliferus (= Forbesichthys agassizi) Boleosoma camurum 1= Etheostoma chlorosomum) Cyprinella forbesi (= C. lutrensis) in part]

Sternotremia isolepis (= Aphredoderus sayanus)

Platygobio pallidus (= P. gracilis) Lythrurus atripes 1= L. Bubalichlhys alius (= Ictiobus bubalus) umbratilis) 258 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Removed: Specimens previously, but by bibliographic reference to a prior publica- no longer, considered to be types. tion (see account for Lepiopomus ischyrus). Taxonomic status = Species name recognized Author Page number: Refers to the page on which the year (as cataloged in INHS collection). name first appears with the annotation "n. s.", Current status and summary of "n. sp.", "new species," or similar expression taxonomic history of and species and is followed directly by either the species'

if species name recognized differs from description or a bibliographic reference to the name appearing in original description. description. The names currently used in the INHS Fish Collection are based on three Figures and plates: Refers to plates and sources: A Field Guide to Freshwater figures appearing in the publication that Fishes of North America North of illustrate the taxon described as new. They

Mexico (Page and Burr 1 99 1 ), Common may be of the holotype, paratype, or non-type and Scientific Names of Fishes From material and include photographs and illustra- the U.S. and Canada (Robins et al. tions of entire specimens, external traits (e.g., 1991), and The Native Freshwater pigmentation), internal structures (e.g., bones), Fishes of North America (Mayden et al. and subcellular features (e.g., karyotypes). In 1992). Discrepancies in taxonomy with an original description, figures and plates are and between the above sources are generally (but not always or entirely) indicated noted. below the species name before the account of Donated Material type material and description. Distribution Type status maps, graphs, cladograms, and so on are not museum acronym and catalog cited here although they sometimes are number of specimens donated from indicated as figures below the species name. INHS (or ISLNH) to other institutions; (number of specimens, length, sex); Type status: Type material is broadly catego- locality; collector (field collection rized into name-bearing types (holotypes, number); date; ISLNH accession lectotypes, neotypes, and syntypes) and number or ex. INHS catalog number. paratypes (includes allotypes, paratopotypes, and paralectotypes). The definitions and proper Species name: The specific (or subspecific) applications of these terms are specified in the epithet is preceded by the genus (or species) in International Code of Zoological Nomenclature which the taxon was originally described as (ICZN) (Ride et al. 1985) adopted by the new. General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences. A brief interpretation of Author year: Refers to the surname(s) of the type nomenclature is provided below. author(s) of the taxonomic name and the year A species (or subspecies) name is physi- of publication of either the original description cally represented and uniquely identified by a or the proposal of the taxon as new (as is the single specimen (= holotype) designated by its case for species described by bibliographic original author at the time of publication of the reference). In an original description, the original description (or reference to such). author(s) is(are) generally (but not always) Prior to the widespread adoption of ICZN, a indicated after the taxonomic name at the species often was described from a series of beginning of the description. If the author(s) specimens (= syntypes) that may or may not is(are) not given, the author(s) of the publica- correspond to a single locality (= type locality). tion is(are) applied. Any subsequent author (preferably in a revisory work) may designate one specimen from a Literature citation: Refers to publication in syntypic series (= lectotype) to become the

which the taxon is first named and diagnosed as unique bearer of the species name (guidelines new (see Literature Cited for complete cita- for lectotype designation specified in ICZN). tion). For the most part, this publication The remaining specimens (former syntypes) includes the original description; however, a become paratypes specifically referred to as species may be proposed as new and described paralectotypes. If the holotype (or lectotype) is October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 259

either lost or destroyed, an author may desig- standard length (SL) in millimeters as opposed nate another specimen (= neotype) to be the to total length (TL) (Hubbs and Lagler 1947); name-bearing type only in connection with a however, older descriptions often reported revisory work as specified in ICZM A neotype lengths in inches without indicating the basis also can be designated for a taxon for which no for measurement. Sex and condition (e.g., type(s) ever existed. In connection with the breeding male) are often provided for name- original species description, an author may bearing types in the species description. identify any number of specimens (= paratypes) from various localities as specifically (or Locality, collector, and date: Locality and subspecifically) referable to the holotype collection data appear largely as published with specimen. Paratype specimens collected from slight rearrangements to suit the format the type locality are referred to as para- described above. Locality information is not topotypes. An allotype is a paratype of repeated for paratopotypes and allotypes; opposite sex to the holotype designated by the collector and date of collection are the same as author in the original species description. the holotype unless specified. Any information Paratypes have no special standing under ICZN that does not appear with the original species and do not qualify as name-bearing types. description but contributes to the identity of the type specimen(s) is given in brackets. Sources Name-bearing type(s): Information on the of such information include subsequent name-bearing type(s) is(are) provided for all publications, labels and tags found with the species represented in the INHS type collection specimens, the ISLNH accession catalog, and whether or not the name-bearing type(s) is(are) the current INHS database. Documentation and deposited at INHS. explanations of additional information are provided in the "Remarks." Paratypes: With the exception of allotypes, only paratype material either deposited at INHS Donated material: Type specimens (usually or donated from INHS (or ISLNH) to other paratypes) formerly deposited either at IHNS or institutions is listed (see original species ISLNH and subsequently donated to other description for complete list of paratype institutions. This list often does not represent material). Information on the allotype (if all the extant type material, and the original designated) follows the holotype. Collection species description should be consulted for a data for paratopotypes and allotypes are the complete list. same as that given for the holotype unless changes in collector and/or date are specified.

Museum acronym and catalog number: Museum acronyms follow Leviton et al. (1985) with the addition "ISLNH" for the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History and "IU" for the old Indiana University collection. ISLNH numbers refer to entries in an accession catalog which specify either a single specimen or a single collection of various specimens or species from a particular locality. Institutions and catalog numbers not specified for type specimens in the original description are set in brackets. Museum and catalog numbers formerly attributed to specimens are preceded by "ex.".

Length, sex: Appear either as published in the original species description or as determined by subsequent authors (the latter set in brackets). Measurements, for the most part, correspond to 260 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

List of Types 1904. (see Donated Material). Taxonomic Status ACIPENSERIDAE = Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson 1905) On their new species Forbes and Richardson (1905:38) commented: "Recognizing. ..the generic criteria proposed for the scaphirhynchoids by Berg ('04), we regard this form as generically distinct from species hitherto described." Forbes and Richardson (1905) thereby proposed Parascaphirhynchus as a new genus. According to Bailey and Cross (1954:173), Berg (191 1:138, 308-309, and 1948:104) did not support this decision and placed albus in Scaphirhynchus Heckel 1836. Bailey and Cross (1954) agreed and formally synonymized Parascaphirhynchus with Scaphirhynchus. Bailey and Cross also Parascaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson verified the specific distinctness of 1905. Syntypes. INHS 26944, Mississippi River at S. albus, dispelling previous doubts of or near Grafton, [Jersey County], Illinois

its validity. Hubbs ( 1 95 1 : 1 4) and (= Scaphirhynchus albus). Riggs and Moore (1951) pointed out that Scaphirhynchus is neuter and the Parascaphirhynchus albus Forbes and specific name is properly written as Richardson 1905. album. Despite such appeals the Forbes and Richardson 1905:38, Pis. 4 original spelling (albus) is currently (top), 5(1), 6(1), 7(1).

(Page and Burr ; Robins et al. Syntypes used 1991 1991;Maydenetal. 1992). [INHS 26944] ([3 entire + 2 heads Donated Material only], 19 to 43 in. to base of caudal fin, Bailey and Cross (1954:199) suspected all male); Mississippi River at or near the fish measured by Berg (1911:319) Grafton, [Jersey County], Illinois; re- to be from the original syntypic series. ceived from H.L. Ashlock; [18-27 May, specimen (or specimens?) was sent to 6 July, and 14 October 1904; ISLNH A him by Forbes and may correspond to ace. nos. 27765 (3), 27771 (1), and one of the missing syntypes listed 27773 (1), respectively]. above. The specimen was presumably Remarks: Original description based deposited in the Zoological Museum of on syntypic series of nine specimens, the Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., five of which were recovered by Smith Leningrad [= St. Petersburg]; however, and Bridges (1960:253); the others are its current status is unknown. listed as missing. Specimens are in very poor condition and stained green from the copper container in which they CYPRINIDAE were originally stored. A photograph

of an entire specimen was published Notropis albizonatus Warren and Burr 1 994.

with the description; however, it is in Warren, Burr and Grady 1994: 869, impossible to determine unequivocally Fig. 2. whether the photograph represents one Holotype of the extant syntypes. INHS 29588 (56.3 mm SL, breeding Missing: Syntypes ISLNH ace. no. male); Little South Fork Cumberland 27772 (3), 5 October 1904; and ISLNH River at ford at Ritner, 20.9 km E ace. no. 27773 (1 of 2), 14 October Monticello, 4.8 km N hwy 92 (36° October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 261

47'N, 84° 37'W), Wayne/McCreary Notropis cahabae Mayden and Kuhajda 1989. county line, Kentucky; B.M. Burr, D.A. Mayden and Kuhajda 1989: 3, Figs, la, 2a. Carney, P.A. Ceas, L.M. Page, and Holotype M.L. Warren, Jr.; 24 June 1990. UAIC 9119.01 (39.8 mm SL, breeding Paratopotypes male); Cahaba River, 7.2 km NNE INHS 58665 (21, 45.0-55.2 mm SL). Centreville, Sec. 32, T24N, R10E, Bibb County, Alabama; J.M. Pierson and S.G. Puleo; 22 June 1986. Paratypes INHS 65086 (3, 37.7-42.6 mm SL); Cahaba River at Co. Rd. 27, [6.5 mi NE Centreville], Sec. 33, T24N, R10E, Bibb County, Alabama; [R.L. Mayden, et al. (RLM 88-24)]; 20 May 1988; [ex. UAIC 8358.08].

Notropis cardinalis Mayden 1988. Mayden 1988:156, Fig. la, b. Holotype Notropis anogenus Forbes 1885. Lectotype. INHS KU 20963 (85.7 mm SL, breeding 26948, Fox River at McHenry, [McHenry County], male); Five Mile Creek, south of the Illinois. Kansas state line, Sec. 22, T29N, R24E, Ottawa County. ; R.L. Notropis anogenus Forbes 1885. Mayden and F.B. Cross; 9 May 1984. Forbes 1885:138. Paratopotypes Lectotype INHS 62291 (3, 76.7-84.8 mm SL). [INHS 26948 (43 mm SL, adult)]; Fox Taxonomic Status River [Illinois River drainage] at = Luxilus cardinalis (Mayden 1988).

McHenry, [McHenry County], Illinois; According to Gilbert ( 1 964: 1 1 0), [8-10 May 1880; ISLNH ace. no. 50]. Rafinesque (1820:47) described the

Remarks: Original description based genus Luxilus. Jordan ( 1 885) reclassi- on syntypic series of 24 specimens, 8 of fied Luxilus as a subgenus of Notropis which were recovered by Smith and Rafinesque 1818, following Gilbert's

Bridges (1960:253). Bailey (1959:120) ( 1884:201 ) proposal that a number of designated a lectotype and pointed out cyprinid species be combined under the that two of the eight specimens in the name Notropis. Despite early attempts

original syntypic series were Notropis to restore its generic status (Jordan keterodon (Cope 1865). Bailey 1929a:82; Jordan etal. 1930:128), considered Forbes" original description Luxilus was considered a subgenus of clearly to be based on individuals of N. Notropis by most workers (e.g., Gilbert anogenus. Type specimens are in poor 1964; Lee et al. 1980; Mayden 1988). condition (desiccated); measurements Phylogenetic studies of North Ameri- determined by Bailey (1959). can minnows by Mayden (1989) and Paralectotypes Coburn and Cavender (1992) recog- [INHS 26949 (5. 29-34 mm SL); nized Luxilus as a distinct genus and collection data same as lectotype; prompted widespread acceptance of its ISLNH ace. no. 50]. generic rank (e.g., Page and Burr

Donated Material 1991 ; Robins et al. 1991; Mayden et al. Paralectotypes 1992). [USNM 64153 (7); collection data same as lectotype; ISLNH ace. no. 50]. Remarks: USNM types located by Gilbert (1978:26). 262 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Notropis edwardraneyi Suttkus and Clemmer 1968.

Suttkus and Clemmer 1968:19, Figs. 1, 4, 7. Holotype TU 49485 (57.6 mm SL, adult); Alabama River at Yellow Jacket Bar, River Mile 129.8 (U.S. Corps of Engineers Navigation Chart, 1958), 1.2 miles downriver from Holly Ferry crossing or 12.5 miles east of Pine Hill, Wilcox County, Alabama; R.D. Suttkus and G.E. Gunning (RDS 4097); 8 March 1967 (2245 to 2345 hours). Paratypes channel of [INHS 76394] (20); main Cyprinella forbesi Jordan 1878. Paralectotypes. River at Watts Bar, 3.5 mi. Alabama INHS 86451, clear streams [= Clear Creek] of River Mile 204.5, Dallas above Cahaba, southern Illinois [Union County] (= Cyprinella R.D. Suttkus (RDS County, Alabama; lutrensis). 3515) [and Environmental Biology Class]; 29 June 1964; ex. TU 33381. Cyprinella forbesi Jordan 1878. Remarks: INHS paratypes removed Jordan 1878a:57. from TU 33381, the lot designated as Lectotype paratype material in published account. [USNM 29869 (1, 50.8 mm SL)]; clear streams [= Clear Creek, Mississippi 1967. Nocomis effusus Lachner and Jenkins River drainage] of southern Illinois Lachner and Jenkins 1967:560, Figs. 2-4, 5 [Union County]; S.A. Forbes; [16 July (top), 6 (top). 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 41]. Holotype Remarks: Original description based nuptial USNM 231703 (190 mm SL, on a syntypic series of "many speci- River drainage, male); Cumberland mens." No type was selected in the Logan County, Kentucky, Whippoor- original description, and Gilbert will Creek at Lickskillet near route (1978:43) considered USNM 29869 to 1041 bridge, 8 airmiles SW be a syntype. However, in the syn- Russellville; W.M. Clay, B.T. Carter, onymy of Notropis lutrensis (Baird and and Kentucky Department of Fish and Girard), Jordan and Evermann Wildlife Resources personnel; 6 May (1896:272) list Cyprinella forbesi with 1955. the parenthetical annotation "Type, No. Paratypes 29867 [= 29869]. Coll. Forbes." INHS [26969] (3, 64-157 mm SL); Bohlke (1953:31) corrected the USNM South Harpeth River (Cumberland number "mistakenly" reported by River drainage), Rt. 96 bridge 4.2 miles Jordan and Evermann and considered E Fairview, Williamson County, their reference to constitute a lectotype Tennessee; [M.M. Hensley and P.W. designation. According to ICZN Art. Smith]; 23 July 1965. 74b (1985:74), this designation can be considered valid. Gilbert (1978:43) listed the type lo- cality as "Illinois R., Union Co., Illinois" (presumably based on informa- tion with the syntypes). The Illinois River neither borders nor passes through Union County (which is in

southern Illinois) and is here omitted from the type locality. The USNM lectotype bears ISLNH ace. no. 41 1

October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 263

(Williams 1996). The corresponding 1929:75) provisionally recognized ISLNH catalog entry specifies collec- forbesi as a northern subspecies of tion date and locality as "Clear Creek, C. lutrensis, but lacked material to Union Co., Ill," which is apparently delimit its range. Matthews (1987) synonymous with Jordan's (1878a:58) studied geographic variation in and Jordan and Evermann's (1896:272) C. lutrensis and showed populations to reference to "clear streams in southern be relatively homogeneous in Illinois, Illinois." Measurement according to the upper Mississippi drainage, and Gilbert (1978). northeastern Missouri, differing from Paralectotypes those to the west in the Great Plains. [INHS 86401 (6, 36.5-48.3 mm SL)]; Matthews noted that a regional study of mud-holes on the bottoms [Union transition from Illinois to the Great County] Illinois; S.A. Forbes; [July Plains might reveal a geographically 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 216]. definable subspecies forbesi, but [INHS 86451 (21, 36.0-54.1 mm SL, he did not officially diagnose this form. several tuberculate adults); collection This subspecies is not currently data same as lectotype; ISLNH ace. recognized (e.g., Smith 1979; Mayden no. 41]. 1989). Remarks: Original description cites Donated Material "Many specimens obtained by Profes- Lectotype sor Forbes in clear streams of southern [USNM 29869] (see account above). Illinois, a few from mud-holes on the Paralectotypes bottoms." Twenty-seven specimens in [CAS-SU 1290 (2, 53.2-57.4 mm SL); two lots recently found in the INHS locality data probably same as INHS collection appear to be of the original 86401/86451]; S.A. Forbes; [summer syntypic series and are recognized as 1877]. paralectotypes. The specimens are in Remarks: Bohlke (1953:31) reported fair condition (somewhat desiccated), specimens as "lecto-paratypes" and many retain part of the original collected from Union County, Illinois, sheen (but none of the color) of in the summer of 1877 (ISLNH ace. no. Cyprinella lutrensis. INHS 8645 not indicated). Measurements accord- includes several tuberculate adults ing to Gilbert (1978). (tubercle pattern discussed by Jordan in original description). All of the Notropis hubbsi Bailey and Robison 1978. specimens are individually fitted with a Bailey and Robison 1978:3, PI. 1. tag indicating their ISLNH accession Holotype number. The pharyngeal arches of the UMMZ 197480 (48.1 mm SL, adult largest individual (54.1 mm SL, INHS pre-spawning male); Locust Bayou,

8645 1 ) have been removed, set in tributary to Ouachita River, 1 km W cotton, and returned to the specimen's Locust Bayou at Arkansas highway 4 gill chambers. The type status of INHS bridge, Calhoun County, Arkansas; S. 86401 (ISLNH ace. no. 216) is corrobo- Pelt and J. Stephen (SP 75-27); 10 May rated by its accession catalog entry 1975. "mud holes in bottoms, Union Co.", a Paratypes location repeated in Jordan's original INHS 18147 (50.5 mm SL); Wolf Lake description which presumably refers to [Mississippi River drainage], Union the floodplain of the Mississippi River. County, Illinois [Tl IS, R3W, Sec. 28]; Taxonomic Status B.M. Burr and L.M. Page; 21 June = Cyprinella lutrensis (Baird and 1973. Girard 1853) Remarks: Twenty-five additional According to Gilbert (1978), Jordan specimens were collected with this (1885:812) was first to synonymize paratype; however, their deposition is forbesi with Cyprinella lutrensis. unknown. Hubbs (in Hubbs and Ortenburger INHS 18152 (2, 50, 50 mm SL); 264 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

locality data same as INHS 18147; B.M. Burr, P.W. Smith, and L.M. Page; 25 July 1973. Remarks: Twenty-one additional specimens were collected with these paratypes and vouchered separately as nontypes (INHS 37648). INHS 18157 (1, 34 mm SL); locality data same as INHS 18147; B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, and J.A. Boyd; 29 Novem- ber 1973. INHS 75026 (3, 32-33 mm SL); Episema jejuna Forbes 1878. Syntypes. INHS locality data same as INHS 18147; 26947, Illinois River [at Henry, Marshall County], B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, and J.A. Boyd; Illinois (= Notropis blennius). 24 January 1974. INHS 75027 (2, 37-39 mm SL); Episema jejuna Forbes 1878. locality data same as INHS 18147; in Jordan 1878a:60. B.M. Burr, J.A. Boyd, and L.R. Davis; Syntypes 28 February 1974. [INHS 26947 (18, 31.8-58.6 mm SL)]; INHS 75028 (2, 37-39 mm SL); Illinois River, [at Henry, Marshall locality data same as INHS 18147; County], Illinois; [1 November 1877; B.M. Burr, J.A. Boyd, and L.R. Davis; ISLNH ace. no. 243]. 28 March 1974. Remarks: Original description based Taxonomic Status on syntypic series of an unknown = Pteronotropis hubbsi (Bailey and number of specimens. Smith and Robison) Bridges (1960:253) recovered a Fowler (1941:234) proposed collection of 17 type specimens Pteronotropis as a subgenus of (misreported as 16) to which another Notropis Rafinesque 1818. Mayden (55.8 mm SL) is here added. Range of (1989) and Mayden et al. (1992) SL measurements are from Gilbert recognized Pteronotropis as a distinct (1978:51). genus composed of four species, but Removed: Smith and Bridges (1960) did not include hubbsi. Page and Burr suggested that two specimens (INHS 26946) from the Illinois River, at ( 1 99 1 ) accepted the generic status of Pteronotropis and referred hubbsi to Pekin, Tazewell County, Illinois, might however, one of the two this genus. Robins et al. ( 1 99 1 ) did not be "types"; recognize the generic rank of bears a tag indicating ISLNH accession Pteronotropis. number 226, which corresponds to 2 June 1880 as the date of collection. As Smith and Bridges (1960) noted, this

date is subsequent to that of the original description (Forbes 1878). Because

there is currently no evidence to substantiate the type status of these specimens, they are herein removed from the syntypic series. Taxonomic Status

= Notropis blennius (Girard 1 856) Forbes' species description was followed by Jordan's (1878a:61) recommendation that Episema Cope

and Jordan in Jordan ( 1 877a) be restored to generic rank. Jordan and Evermann (1896:254) later synony- October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 265

mized Episema with Notropis genus and species based on syntypic Rafinesque 1818 and noted that the series of "several" specimens from name was preoccupied (Episema three different localities; length of Ochsenheimer 1816, a genus of largest specimen given as 2 1/5 inches. lepidopteran insect according to Gilbert and Bailey (1972:21) desig- Gilbert 1978:15). Hubbs (1926:43) nated the lectotype, thereby restricting subsequently synonymized Notropis the type locality to Illinois River, Long jejuna with N. blennius (Girard 1856). Lake, at Pekin.

Hubbs and Bonham ( 1 95 1 : 1 04) and Paralectotypes Hubbs and Lagler (1958:82) retained N. The following specimens were recov- b. jejunus as a valid subspecies; ered after Smith and Bridges' (1960) however, this was not substantiated by publication and apparently overlooked Suttkus and Clemmer (1968) and the by Gilbert and Bailey (1972) and subspecies name has since fallen from Gilbert (1978). They are herein use (e.g., Gilbert 1978; Smith 1979). recognized as paralectotypes. Donated Material [INHS 26956 (13, 36.5-42.1 mm SL); Syntypes collection data same as lectotype;

[CAS-SU 1278 (3, 54.0-60.2); (label in ISLNHacc.no. 180]. jar says "Illinois River, Illinois"); Remarks: Specimens in fair to poor ISLNH ace. no. 243?]. condition, somewhat desiccated. The [CAS 29302 ex. old IU 4725 (2, 51.8- jar bears an original label with the 54.0); (label in jar says simply "Illi- information "Trycherodon megalops

nois"); ISLNH ace. no. 243?]. Forbes, Long L., Pekin, 111., Oct. 27,

Remarks: Information on CAS 1 879." Two sets of pharyngeal arches specimens is from Gilbert (1978:51); are placed in separate glass vials. Five specimens are presumed to be of the individuals are fitted with tags bearing syntypic series originally accessioned their ISLNH accession number. as ISLNH 243. [INHS 26957 (1, 40.9 mm SL)]; Illinois River [Peoria Lake] at Peoria, [Peoria County, Illinois; H. Garman; 26-29 June 1878 or 1879; ISLNH ace. no. 26359]. Remarks: Specimen in poor condition, desiccated; head nearly detached. [INHS 26958 (4, 30.6-36.9 mm SL)]; Mackinaw Creek [= River, Illinois River drainage, plotted 4.5 km NE Congerville in Forbes and Richardson 1909: map XXX, Woodford County, Illinois; 9 April 1880; ISLNH ace. no. 27558]. Trycherodon megalops Forbes 1883. Paralectotype. Remarks: Specimens in poor condi-

INHS 26956, Illinois River [Long Lake] at Pekin, tion, desiccated; one set of pharyngeal [Tazewell County, Illinois] (= Opsopoeodus emiliae arches placed in a separate glass vial. emiliae). Taxonomic Status = Opsopoeodus emiliae emiliae Hay Trycherodon megalops Forbes 1883. 1881 in Jordan and Gilbert 1883:247. According to Gilbert (1978:61), Jordan Lectotype (1885:821) was first to synonymize

[USNM 28406 (40.4 mm SL)]; Illinois Trycherodon megalops Forbes 1 883 River [Long Lake] at Pekin, [Tazewell with Opsopoeodus emiliae Hay 1881. County, Illinois; S.A. Forbes; 27 Schrenkeisen (1938:107) subsequently

October 1879; ISLNH ace. no. 180]. regarded it as a northern subspecies O.

Remarks: Original description of e. megalops. Hubbs and Lagler 266 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

(1947:64) recognized the northern subspecies megalops and applied the

name O. e. emiliae to the form from Mississippi to Florida. Gilbert and Bailey (1972) described a new subspe-

cies, O. e. peninsularis, from peninsular Florida, but did not recognize subspe- cific differences between populations in Illinois and Mississippi and relegated megalops to the synonymy of Opsopoeodus emiliae emiliae (nomi- nate species originally described from Mississippi). Furthermore, Gilbert and Bailey interpreted emiliae as a special- ized derivitive of Notropis Rafinesque 1818 and downgraded Opsopoeodus to subgeneric status. Campos and Hubbs (1973) presented karyotypic evidence to re-establish the generic distinctive ness of Opsopoeodus. Their findings were corroborated later by osteology (Coburn and Cavender 1992) and reproductive behavior (Page and Alburnops nubilus Forbes 1878. Syntypes. INHS Johnston 1990). The generic status of 26945, Rock River [at Oregon], Ogle County, Opsopoedus was subsequently accepted Illinois (= Notropis nubilus). by Page and Burr (1991), Robins et al.

( 1 99 1 ) and Mayden et al. ( 1 992). Alburnops nubilus Forbes 1878. Donated Material in Jordan 1878a:56. Lectotype Syntypes [USNM 28406] (see account above). [INHS 26945 (6, 46.6-55.3 mm SL)]; Paralectotype Rock River [Mississippi River drain-

[CAS 13513 (1, 35 mm SL)]; collection age, at Oregon] Ogle County, Illinois; data same as INHS 26957; ISLNH ace. [5 June 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 28266]. no. 26359]. Remarks: Original description based Remarks: Gilbert and Bailey (1972:21) on syntypic series of 20 specimens; recognized this specimen as a paratype length given as "2 1/4 inches to the (= paralectotype) and cited locality as caudal" (Jordan 1878a:56). Smith and "Long River, Peoria, Illinois." "Long Bridges (1960:253) recovered a lot of River" presumably refers to the Illinois six specimens recorded in the ISLNH River at Peoria (also called Peoria accession catalog as "types of Lake), not Long Lake at Pekin (the type Hybognathus nubila, Forbes." The locality). specimens are in poor condition and one bears a tag with date barely readable as 1877. Measurements are from Gilbert (1978:65). Date of collection (6 May 1877) given by Gilbert (1978:65) based on erroneous label placed with specimens.

[INHS 86034 ( 1, 45.8 mm SL)]; Rock River [Pine Creek], Ogle County, Illinois; [E.W. Nelson; 15 July 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 1426]. Remarks: This specimen was presum- ably available to Forbes for the original October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 267

description and is here added to the there is no record of USNM 28410 or syntypic series. The specimen is in type material of A. nubilus currently at poor condition and bears a tag with USNM (Williams 1996). Gilbert accession number corresponding to the (unpublished) lists Jordan and entry "Rock River, Ogle County, 15 Evermann's (1896:215) "type" as July 1877." Also placed with the specimens collected in 1880 from the specimen is an original label with the Kishwaukee River, Illinois. Because pencil notation "Hybopsis fraetensis, the USNM material appears to have

Pine Cr., Ogle Co.," the species it was been collected from outside the type mistakenly identified as by Nelson locality after the published species (1876:47) and possibly Jordan description, they are not considered (1878a:57). valid types. Taxonomic Status = Notropis nubilus (Forbes 1878) The species nubilus was long assigned

to the genus Dionda Girard 1 856 (Jordan et al. 1930; Smith 1979) on the

basis of its elongate intestine. Swift (1970) transferred nubilus to the genus

Notropis Rafinesque 1 820, a place- ment that gained acceptance as additional studies questioned the taxonomic significance of gut morphol- ogy (e.g., Snelson 1971; Hubbs and Miller 1977). Notropis nubilus was adopted by Page and Burr (1991), Platygobio pallidus Forbes 1883. Holotype. INHS Robins et al. ( 1991 ), and Mayden et al. 26951, River at Cairo, [Alexander County, (1992). Donated Material Illinois] (= Platygobio gracilis gracilis). Pharyn- geal arches shown in glass vial. [CAS-SU 1280 (3); Kishwaukee River (Rock River drainage), at Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois; S.A. Forbes; Platygobio pallidus Forbes 1883. summer of 1877]. in Jordan and Gilbert 1883:220. Removed: Bohlke (1953:30) listed the Holotype specimens above as "Lecto-paratypes." [INHS 26951] (L. 2.5 inches); Ohio Gilbert (1978:65) noted that the River [Mississippi River drainage], at locality (Belvidere, Illinois) was not Cairo, [Alexander County, Illinois; 23 included in Forbes' original description September 1879; ISLNH ace. no. (this site was listed as a collecting 26403]. locality in Forbes 1884:60). Although Remarks: Original description based the specimens are from the Rock River on "one specimen from the Ohio River drainage and were almost certainly at Cairo" (holotype by monotypy). identified by S.A. Forbes, their collec- Smith and Bridges (1960:253) recov- tion locality (Boone County) was not ered a specimen considered to be the mentioned in the original description holotype despite some inconsistency and they are not considered valid with the original description. The

paralectotypes. specimen is in poor condition (desic-

[USNM 28410 (?); Kishwaukee River, cated) but clearly recognizable as

Illinois; 1880]. Platygobio gracilis. It measures 47.2

1/2 Removed: In their synonymy of mm ( 1 .86 in.) SL compared to "L. 2 Hybognathus nubila (Forbes), Jordan inches" given in the original descrip-

and Evermann ( 1 896:2 15) refer to tion. Although the caudal fin is USNM material of A. nubilus as "Type, missing, the specimen's present total No. 28410. Coll. Forbes." However, length would appear to be significantly 268 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

less than 2.5 inches. Present counts of studies of North American minnows by fin rays are at odds: 9 dorsal rays Mayden (1989) and Coburn and (compared to 8 reported), and 9 anal Cavender (1992) returned gracilis to rays (8 reported). However, there are the monotypic genus Platygobio. The about 55 scales in the as generic status of Platygobio was reported. The coelomic cavity is cut subsequently accepted by Page and

open and the pharyngeal arches are Burr ( 1 99 1 ), Robins et al. ( 1 99 1 ), and removed and placed in a separate glass Mayden etal. (1992). vial. The pharyngeal teeth are as Forbes described, "stout, 2,4-4,2, Campostoma pauciradii Burr and Cashner hooked," although two teeth (one in 1983. each row) are missing from one of the Burr and Cashner 1983:105, Figs, la, b, 2a. arches. The specimen bears minute Holotype tubercles scattered over the dorsal TU 117030 (106 mm SL, tuberculate surface of the head and snout, which is adult male); Altamaha (Oconee) River consistent with Forbes' mention of Drainage. Georgia, Hall County, "snout tuberculate." Two labels Candler Creek, 1.8 km W Gillsville on accompany the specimen, one with the Hwy. 52; R.D. Suttkus, D.C. Scott, F. ink notation "Platygobio pallidus Meyers, and S. Larson (RDS 7314); 24 Forbes," and the other specifying April 1980. Jordan and Evermann's (1896:326) Paratypes number for the species P. pallidus INHS 75130 (5); Apalachicola River (544). Its corresponding accession Drainage. Georgia, Habersham Co., catalog entry reads "Ohio River, Cairo, Soque R. [7 mi. NNW Clarkesville;

111., Sept. 23, 1879 Platygobio pallidus B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, and D.G. Buth;

Forbes." Further evidence of its 11 June 1976].

holotype status is provided by Forbes' Remarks: Ten specimens removed (1884:75) statement: "A single speci- from INHS 75130 and cataloged men of this very rare species [P. separately as nontypes (INHS 38848). pallidus], obtained in the Ohio River at

Cairo, is the only one hitherto taken." Taxonomic Status = Platygobio gracilis gracilis (Richardson 1836) Jordan and Evermann (1896:326) recognized Platygobio pallidus, but considered the species doubtful and perhaps based on the young of P. gracilis (Richardson 1836). Forbes and

Richardson ( 1 909: 171) later concurred and referred pallidus to P. gracilis.

Bailey ( 195 1 : 192) placed Platygobio (and several other "chub" genera) in the Oxygeneum pulverulentum Forbes 1885. Holotype. 1854). genus Hybopsis (Agassiz Olund INHS 26950, Illinois River at Peoria, [Peoria and Cross (1961) studied geographic County], Illinois (= Campostoma anomalum pullum variation in H. gracilis and recognized x Phoxinus eiythrogaster). two subspecies, H. g. gracilis and H. g. gulonella (Cope 1865), placing pallidus Oxygeneum pulverulentum Forbes 1885. in synonymy with the nominate form. Forbes 1885:136. Until recently, Hybopsis gracilis was Holotype largely recognized (e.g.. Smith 1979; [INHS 26950] (2.5 in long); Illinois

Lee et al. 1980 et seq.) despite McPhail River at Peoria, [Peoria County], and Lindsey's (1970:239) proposed re- Illinois; [June] 1878; [ISLNH ace. no. elevation of Platygobio. Systematic 28378]. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 269

Remarks: Original description based (20, 31-46 mm SL), UMMZ 213499 on one specimen considered the (20, 32-46 mm SL), USNM 278490 holotype by monotypy. Smith and (20, 31-41 mm SL) and UT 44.3460 Bridges (1960:253) recovered the (20, 30-42 mm SL); all ex. INHS holotype in fair condition (somewhat 69140. desiccated). Taxonomic Status CHARACIDAE = Campostoma anomalum pullum (Agassiz 1854) x Phoxinus Creagrutus melasma Vari, Harold and erythrogaster (Rafinesque 1820) Taphorn 1994. According to Hubbs and Bailey Vari, Harold, and Taphorn 1994:91, Fig. 1. (1952: 143), Oxygeneum pulverulentum Holotype was recognized by Jordan and MBUCV V-22198 (32.4 mm SL); Evermann (1896:207) and in various Venezuela, Estado Guarico, Parque checklists and manuals until Large Nacional Guatopo, Rio Orituco, first (1903:14) suggested that the name bridge along road from Santa Teresa to might have been based on a hybrid. Altagracia; H. Moreno and A. Hubbs and Bailey (1952:143) identified Machado-Allison; 20 May 1992. the INHS holotype as the intergeneric Paratypes hybrid Campostoma anomalum pullum INHS 60021 (10, 33.2-36.0 mm SL); x Chrosomus erythrogaster. Lago de Valencia basin, Rio Las Chrosomus was referred, as a subgenus, Penitas, Vigirima, Estado Carabobo, to Phoxinus by Banarescu (1964) with Venezuela (~ 10° 20'N, 67° 52' W); D. little comment (both names date from C. Taphorn, [L.M. Page, P.A. Ceas, and Rafinesque 1 820, and as first reviser M.E. Retzer]; 29 [December] 1990. Banarescu selected Phoxinus). Remarks: Collection date published incorrectly as 29 November 1990 in Notropis rupestris Page 1987. account of type material (Vari et al. in Page and Beckham 1987:659, Figs. 1 1994:91). (bottom), 2 (bottom), 3 (bottom), 4. Holotype INHS 61875 (44.3 mm SL, male); ICTALURIDAE West Fork Stones River at bridge on Rock Springs Road, 2 km E Rock Noturus albater Taylor 1969. Taylor 1969:144, frontispiece, PI. 4 (Fig. Springs (ca. 18 km SSE 4), Murfreesboro), Rutherford County, PI. 1 1 (Fig. 2). Tennessee; L.M. Page and C.W. Holotype Ronto;26May 1986. UMMZ 151171; White River, at Paratopotypes Forsyth, on Hwy. M80, Taney County, Missouri; G.V. Harry and M. Pellock; INHS 61876 (81, 32-52 mm SL). 4 August 1940. INHS 69140 ([164], 28-48 mm SL); L.M. Page and D.A. Carney; 18 Paratypes October 1985. INHS [26970] (3); Black River [White River drainage], Lesterville, Reynolds Remarks: Number of specimens in Missouri; Lowry; 12-15 INHS 69140 mistakenly published as County, E.M. 158 from an original collection of 278 October 1948. specimens. Original collection was of 284 specimens: 164 were vouchered as INHS 69140 and the remaining 120 were donated as paratypes. Donated Material Paratopotypes KU 21402 (20, 28-45 mm SL), SIUC 12976 (20, 29-49 mm SL), UF 44278 270 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

considered the probable type locality to be Mackinaw Creek (= River).

Noturus stanauli Etnier and Jenkins 1980.

Etnier and Jenkins 1980:19, Figs. 1, 2. Holotype TU 110929 (36.2 mm SL); Clinch River at Frost Ford, Clinch River Mile 181.1, 11.8airkmWSWofKyles

Noturus exilis Nelson 1 876. Lectotype. INHS Ford, Hancock County, Tennessee; 37651, [Mackinaw River], McLean County, Illinois. D.L. Batch, B.H. Bauer, B.A. Branson, R.T. Bryant, D.A. Etnier, J.L. Harris, Noturus exilis Nelson 1876. J. A. Louton, M.G. Ryon; 21 April Nelson 1876:51. 1978. Lectotype Paratopotype [INHS 37651 (78.4 mm SL)]; [Macki- INHS 83899 (1); [D.A. Etnier, J.L. naw River, Illinois River drainage] Harris, and Ichthyological Class]; 24 McLean County, Illinois; S.A. Forbes; October 1978. [ISLNHacc.no. 26407]. Remarks: Original description based LORICARIIDAE on syntypic series of three specimens, one of which was recently found in the Aphanotorulus ammophilus Armbruster and collection and is herein desig- INHS Page 1996. nated the lectotype (the other two Armbruster and Page 1996:385, Figs. 2, specimens have not been located and 3c, 4. are presumed lost). The specimen was Holotype incompletely preserved and is in poor INHS 32035 (86.0 mm SL); Venezu- condition. It bares a tag with the ink ela, Estado Cojedes, Rio San Carlos, notation "N. exilis, 111. R." and is Rio Portuguesa drainage, at Cano in accession referred to the ISLNH Hondo, 2 km west of Las Vegas on catalog as "Noturus exilis, type, Illinois road from Las Vegas to Campo River" (no date given). Forbes and Allegre, 9° 31' 51"N, 68° 39' 39"W; J. considered this Richardson (1909:199) Armbruster, M. Sabaj, K. Cummings, described "from speci- species to be and C. Mayer; 14 January 1994. mens found in the Illinois River." Paratopotypes However, Nelson's original description INHS 34784 (31, 18.3-38.8 mm SL, cited from County, specimens McLean juveniles). which places the type locality in the INHS 34738 (2, 89.4-102.2 mm SL); J. River (locality listed on Mackinaw pg. Armbruster, P. Ceas, K. Cummings, C. 33 of Nelson 1876). Because McLean Mayer; 28 January 1995. neither includes nor borders the County Paratypes Illinois River proper, references to INHS 29001 (1 cleared and stained, "Illinois River" are assumed to indicate 69.7 mm SL); Venezuela, Estado the drainage rather than the precise Cojedes, Rio San Carlos, Rio collecting locality. During his revision Portuguesa drainage, WNW Las Vegas, of Noturus, Taylor (1969:62) did not 9° 33' 40"N, 68° 38' 89"W; D. locate any type material of N. exilis and Taphorn, L. Page, K. Cummings, C. proposed that the specimens were Mayer, P. Ceas, J. Armbruster, and M. destroyed in the Indiana University fire Sabaj; 9 January 1993. of 1 883 (types of other species de- Donated Material at IU, scribed by Nelson were located Paratopotypes e.g., Etheostoma phoxocephalum). He ANSP 173089 (2, 66.9-72.4 mm SL), did not designate a neotype and and TU 173803 (3, 27.9-40.5 mm SL, 1

October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 271

juveniles); ex. INHS 34784. Lacerda; J.C. Garavello; 23 September-

MBUCV V-26460 (1, 89.5 mm SL), 10 October 1984.

SIUC 23936 ( 1, 90.6 mm SL), UAIC Paratopotype 11126.01 (1, 92.8 mm SL), and USNM INHS 32943 (1,1 22.3 mm SL); ex. 335171 (2, 41.4-96.1 mm SL); all ex. MZUSP 37641. INHS 34738. Paratypes paraguayensis Retzer and Page FMNH 105064 (2, 66.5-93.6 mm SL). 1997. and MCNG 27678 (2, 65.8-79.8 mm Retzer and Page 1997:78, Fig. 54. SL); ex. INHS 29001. Holotype

UMMZ 228129 ( 143. 1 mm SL, male); Farlowella colombiensis Retzer and Page Paraguay, Canendiyu Department, 1997. Arroyo Carimbatay, 15.6 km WSW Retzer and Page 1997:62, Fig. 33. Curuguaty, 24° 31' 06" S, 56° 43' 30"

Holotype W; R. Bailey, J. Taylor, T. Grimshaw,

CAS 123733 ( 1 32.7 mm SL, male); G. Myers, and G. Creighton; 6 July Colombia, Meta Department, area of 1979. Guaicaramo, Rio Upia drainage; A. Paratopotypes Maria; January, 1928. INHS 32941 (2, 129.8-133.9 mm SL); Paratopotypes collection data same as holotype; ex. INHS 32939 (2, 134.0-153.9 mm SL, UMMZ 206291. males); N. Maria; 1932; ex. ANSP 88080. Farlowella platorynchus Retzer and Page 1997. Farlowella hahni Meinken 1937. Retzer and Page 1997:71, Fig. 44. Meinken 1937:77, Fig. 2. Holotype Syntypes MHNG 2389.57 (179.0 mm SL, male); Isbriicker (1980:98) listed two syntypes Peru, Ucayali Department, Pucallpa, (158 mm SL) from the type locality Yarinachocha, Rio Ucayali drainage, 8°

"mittleren Paranagebiete"; the speci- 23' S, 74° 32' W; H. Ortega; 1 mens were destroyed in World War II September 1986. (Isbriicker 1979). Paratypes Neotype INHS 32940 (2, 89.3-101.3 mm SL); UMMZ 228132 (201 .0 mm SL, male); Peru, Loreto Department, Yarinacocha, Paraguay, Misiones Department, Rio creek, 8° 16' S, 74° 36' W; R. Vari, H. Parana, approximately 2 km E. Ayolas, Ortega, and A. Gerberich; 26 August 27° 24' S, 56° 46' W; J. Taylor, T. 1986; ex. USNM 284840. Grimshaw, G. Smith, B. Smith, and G. Creighton; 25-26 August 1979. Farlowella taphorni Retzer and Page 1997. Remarks: Neotype designated in Retzer and Page 1997:51, Fig. 19.

Retzer and Page ( 1 997:76, Fig. 5 1 ). Holotype Paraneotypes INHS 60352 (135.3 mm SL, male);

INHS 32942 (2, 1 1 1.1-167.8 mm SL); Venezuela, Merida State, Rio Muyapas, collection data same as neotype; ex. (Rio Torondoy-Lago Maracaibo UMMZ 207469. drainage), 4.5 km S Nueva Bolivia on

Hwy 1; D.C. Taphorn, M.E. Retzer, Farlowella isbruckeri Retzer and Page 1997. L.M. Page, and P.A. Ceas; 6 January Retzer and Page 1997:55, Fig. 24. 1991. Holotype Paratopotypes

MZUSP 37641 ( 1 3 1 . 1 mm SL, male); INHS 32938 ( 1 6, 36.0- 1 1 1 .4 mm SL); Brazil, Mato Grosso State, small river ex. INHS 60352. on highway from Cuiaba to Porto Donated material Velho. approximately 32 km from Paratopotypes CAS 81628 (2, 101.3-1 17.3 mm SL), 272 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

MBUCV-V-24820 (2, 90.9-94.7 mm Lectotype SL), UMMZ 228130 (2, 82.3-98.2 mm [INHS 26952 (42.8 mm SL)]; small SL), USNM 330245 (2, 94.5-121.1 mm streams [possibly Callahan and Drury SL); all ex. INHS 60352. Creeks, Union County] in southern Illinois; [S.A. Forbes; ca. 1876; ISLNH

Chaetostoma yurubiense Ceas and Page 1 996. ace. no. 26373]. Ceas and Page 1996:672, Fig. 2 (top). Remarks: Original description based Holotype on a "dozen or more" specimens from a INHS 34942 (51.2 mm SL); Rio "small, weedy tributary to the Calumet Mayorica (Rio Yaracuy system) at Hwy river near Chicago, and small streams 3, 9 km N Albarico near the town of in South Illinois." Smith and Bridges Mayorica, State of Lara, Venezuela (1960:253) recovered three syntypic (10° 25' 43"N, 68° 40' 47"W); P.A. specimens in fair condition (desic- Ceas, D.C. Taphorn, L.M. Page, K.S. cated). One specimen bears a tag that Cummings, C.A. Mayer, J.W. reads "Aphredoderus sternotremia Armbruster, C.A. Laird, and M.H. isolepis, Union Co., 1877, type" and is Sabaj; 7 January 1993. herein designated the lectotype. The Paratopotype type locality is restricted thereby to INHS 28872 (1, 49.8 mm SL). small streams in Union County; Donated Material Callahan and Drury Creeks were listed Paratopotypes as collecting localities in Union County

MBUCV V-26455 (1, 47.0 mm SL), at the beginning of Nelson's catalog SIUC 24088 (1, 44.6 mm SL), TU (1876:33). The inexplicable discrep- 173801 (1, 41.9 mm SL), and UAIC ancy between the date of collection and 11131.01 (1, 46.4 mm SL); all ex. presumed date of publication was noted INHS 28872. by Smith and Bridges (1960). Paratypes Paralectotypes USNM 336693 (1, 49.5 mm SL); Rio [INHS 37830 (2, 32.9, 49.1 mm SL); Capa (Rio Urama system), town of collection data same as lectotype; Canoabo, State of Carabobo, Venezuela ISLNH ace. no. 26373]. (10° 18'N, 68° 17'W); P.A. Ceas, L.M. Taxonomic Status Page, D.C. Taphorn, and M.E. Retzer; = Aphredoderus sayanus gibbosus 30 December 1990; ex. INHS 59992. LeSueur 1833 According to Jordan (1877b:51), the APHREDODERIDAE conception of the name Sternotremia stemmed from Nelson's misunderstand- ing of the meaning of "sternon." Sternotremia was criticized as "ana-

tomically incorrect. . . the vent not being in the 'sternon', as in Aphododerus, but entirely behind it." Nelson in Jordan (1877b:51) responded with the more appropriate replacement name Asternotremia; however, this is an unjustified emendation of Sternotremia. Jordan (1878a:48) verified S.A. Forbes' observations that the position of the vent was age Sternotremia isolepis Nelson 1876. Lectotype. dependent and thereby "not a character INHS 26952, small streams [possibly Callahan and of generic importance." Jordan (1878a) Drury Creeks, Union County] in South Illinois (= subsequently synonymized Aphredoderus sayanus gibbosus). Sternotremia with Aphododerus (= Aphredoderus LeSueur 1833) but Sternotremia isolepis Nelson 1 876. retained A. isolepis as a valid species. Nelson 1876:39. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 273

Jordan and Gilbert (1883:461) and AMBLYOPSIDAE Jordan and Evermann (1896:787) later placed isolepis in the synonymy of A. sayanus (Gilliams 1824). In a study of geographic variation, Boltz and Stauffer (1993:81) recognized two valid

subspecies, A. s. sayanus and A. s.

gibbosus LeSueur 1833; isolepis is a

junior synonym of A. s. gibbosus. Donated Material Paralectotypes

[MCZ 8576 ( 1 )]; small, weedy tributary to the Calumet River near Chologaster papilliferus Forbes 1882. Chicago, [Cook County, Illinois; E.W. Syntypes. INHS 26953, spring at the base of a Nelson (EWN: Calumet)]. limestone bluff [Pine Hills] in southern Illinois, Remarks: Nelson's catalog (1876:33) Union County (= Forbesichthys agassizi). specifies Cook County for his collec- tions from the Calumet River and its Chologaster papilliferus Forbes 1882. tributaries. MCZ database (1994) Forbes 1882:2. indicates collecting locality as "Calu- Syntypes met River near Chicago" and collector [INHS 26953 (3, 20.9-36.5 mm SL)]; as E.W. Nelson (field no. "EWN: spring at the base of a limestone bluff Calumet") for specimen received 30 [Pine Hills] in southern Illinois, March 1877. [western] Union County; F.S. Earle; [USNM 17853 small, (1)]; weedy [1881; ISLNHacc.no. 26374]. tributary to the Calumet River near [INHS 86467 (1, 22.7 mm SL); locality Chicago, [Cook County, Illinois; D.S. and collector data same as INHS Jordan; July 1876]. 26953; August 1878; ISLNH ace. no Remarks: Information on USNM type 28305]. specimen is from the Fish NMNH Remarks: Described from a syntypic Collection's online database (Williams series of eight specimens (37 mm 1996), which indicates collecting average TL) all collected from the same locality as " Calumet Riv. Ills.", locality by F.S. Earle. Smith and collector as D.S. Jordan, and date as Bridges (1960:253) recovered a July 1876. collection of three specimens (INHS 26953) considered to be of the syntypic series. Another syntype (INHS 86467) was recently found and is apparently the original specimen presented to Forbes (see Forbes 1881). The largest individual (36.5 mm SL, INHS 26953) has a tag with the penciled notation "Types, S. A. F., Pine Hills, Union Co., Earle, 1881." The specimens are in fair to poor condition and were slightly distorted upon preservation. Taxonomic Status = Forbesichthys agassizi (Putnam 1872) Jordan and Evermann (1927:503) proposed the generic name Forbesella for papilliferus on the basis of this species' tactile papillae, which they considered absent in Chologaster 274 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

cornuta Agassiz 1853. Informed of FUNDULIDAE Forbesella's preoccupation (in the tunicates), Jordan (1929b:68) proposed Fundulus euryzonus Suttkus and Cashner Forbesichthys Jordan and Evermann as 1981. a replacement name. Woods and Inger Suttkus and Cashner 1981:2, Figs, la, 2a, (1957:235) verified the presence of 3a. tactile papillae in C cornuta and Holotype synonymized Forbesichthys with TU 116631 (65.4 mm SL, adult male); Chologaster despite acknowledging the East Fork Big Creek, trib Tangipahoa two as "quite distinct" morphologically. River 11.2 km E of Areola, Tangipahoa Woods and Inger (1957:238) also Parish, Louisiana; R.D. Suttkus, R. synonymized the species papilliferus Reynolds and J. Reynolds (RDS 7283); with Chologaster agassizi Putnam 4 March 1980.

1 872, considering differences between Paratypes the two nominal forms to be subspecific INHS 87086 (10, 25.9-59.6 mm SL); at most. In a phylogenetic analysis of East Fork Big Creek [Lake electrophoretic and morphological data, Ponchartrain drainage] 7.5 km E of Swofford (1982) found no evidence to Areola, Hwy 1054, Tangipahoa Parish, unequivocally support the congeneric Louisiana; R.D. Suttkus, et al. (RDS relationship of C agassizi and 5180); 10 March 1972. C cornuta and recommended the resurrection of Forbesichthys. Al- Fundulus julisia Williams and Etnier 1982.

though papilliferus remains in syn- Williams and Etnier 1982:1 1, Figs. 2 onymy, Forbesichthys agassizi is (bottom), 3. currently recognized by Page and Burr Holotype (1991), Mayden et al. (1992), and USNM 225997 (53.8 mm SL, adult Etnier and Starnes (1993). Robins et al. male); spring tributary to West Fork (1991) retained the genus Chologaster. Hickory Creek, Caney Fork River Donated Material system, Cumberland River drainage, at Syntype Tennessee Highway 55, 0.3 rd. mile [MCZ 25180 (1); collection data same northeast of junction with County Road as INHS 26953; ISLNH ace. no. 4292, Summitville, Coffee County, 26374]. Tennessee (spring originates from cave on Joseph R. Banks property on north OPHIDIIDAE side of Tennessee Highway 55); D. Etnier, R. Bouchard, and F.V. Oakberg;

1 April 1973. Neobythites unicolor Nielsen and Retzer 1994. Paratopotypes Nielsen and Retzer 1994:993, Fig. 2a. INHS 87282 [W.M. Howell and Holotype (2); S.K. Osborn]; 14 June 1979; originally FMNH 69349 (90 mm SL, female); E. property of Samford University, Caribbean Sea (17° 38' 30"N, 63° Birmingham, Alabama. 27'W), bottom trawl, 348 m {Oregon station 2633); 30 September 1959. Paratype INHS 32130 (1, 33 mm SL, sex unknown); West Caribbean Sea [off Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico] (20° 26.3'N, 87° 14.7'W), 10' otter trawl, 253-276 m (MBI station 167); [Marine Biomedical Institute

(field no. 6207)]; 1 1 April 1976; [ex. TCWC 6207.02]. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 275

CENTRARCHIDAE 1904:33). In an unpublished revision of Centrarchidae, Bailey (1938) placed L. miniatus in L. punctatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and

Valenciennes 1 83 1 ) recognizing Lepomis punctatus miniatus as a sub- species. This subspecies designation was commonly accepted until Warren (1992) demonstrated L. miniatus and L. punctatus to be distinct species, a

distinction accepted by Mayden et al. (1992) and Etnier and Starnes (1993). Donated Material Syntype

[CAS-SU 2414 ( 1 , 75.3 mm SL)]; Little Fox River at Phillipstown Lepomis garmani Forbes 1885. Syntypes. INHS [Wabash River Drainage, White

26955, Little Fox River at Phillipstown and Wabash County], Illinois; [H. Garman; 5

River and Drew Pond at Carmi, [White County], October 1882; ISLNH ace. no. 2836]. Illinois (= Lepomis miniatus). Remarks: Syntype reported by Bohlke (1953:71). Lepomis garmani Forbes 1885. Forbes 1885:135. Syntypes [INHS 26955 (5, 58.1-104.1 mm SL)]; Little Fox River at Phillipstown and Wabash River and Drew Pond at Carmi, [Wabash River drainage. White County], Illinois; [H. Garman; 3 and 5 October 1882; ISLNH ace. nos. 2828 and 2836]. Remarks: Original description based on syntypic series of 15 specimens, 5 of which were found by Smith and Lepiopomus ischyrus Jordan and Nelson 1877. Bridges (1960:254). Original label Lectotype. INHS 26954, Illinois River [between with lot specifies "types" from "Little LaSalle and Pekin], Illinois (= Lepomis cyanellus x Fox River and Drew Pond." Two L. macrochirus). specimens (58.3, 99.6 mm SL) bear tags indicating accession number 2828, Lepiopomus ischyrus Jordan and Nelson 1877. which corresponds to Wabash River in Jordan 1877b:25. and Drew Pond at Carmi, 3 October Lectotype 1882. The three remaining syntypes [INHS 26954] (7 in. long, adult); (58.1-104.1 mm SL) are without Illinois River [between LaSalle and accession tags attached but were Pekin], Illinois; [ISLNH ace. no. presumably accessioned as ISLNH 26408]. 2836, which specifies Little Fox River Remarks: Species based on two at Phillipstown, 5 October 1882. specimens, one of which was located Taxonomic Status by Smith and Bridges (1960:253) and is = Lepomis miniatus (Jordan 1877b) here designated the lectotype (see

Jordan and Evermann ( 1896: 1002) taxonomic status). The specimen questioned the distinctness of Lepomis (144.5 mm SL) is poorly preserved and garmani from L. miniatus (Jordan bears a cloth tag with "type" printed in

1877b), the species with which it was ink. A second handwritten tag placed eventually synonymized (Richardson with the specimen bears the informa- 276 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

tion "L. ischyrus = hybrid Apomotis cyanellus x Helioperca macrochira, R. M. Bailey, 16 January 1938." Paralectotype Missing: The second specimen, collected from the Fox River at Geneva, [Kane County], Illinois, was retained in E.W. Nelson's collection

(Nelson 1876:37) and is presumed lost. Taxonomic Status = Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque 1819 Lepomis symmetricus Forbes 1883. Lectotype.

x L. macrochirus Rafinesque 1819 INHS 75004, Illinois River [at Pekin, Tazewell

The taxonomic history of this name is County, Illinois]. convoluted. In a partial catalog of Illinois fishes, Nelson (1876:37) Lepomis symmetricus Forbes 1883. referred Pomotis aquilensis Baird and in Jordan and Gilbert 1883:473. Girard 1853 to the genus Ichthelis Lectotype Rafinesque 1820 as "I. aquiliensis [sic], [INHS 75004 (39.5 mm SL, juvenile)]; (Grd.) Nelson" based on two specimens Illinois River [(Mississippi River collected from the Illinois and Fox drainage) at Pekin, Tazewell County, rivers. Nelson's (1876:38) account Illinois; 16 April 1880; ISLNH ace. no. included a detailed description of the 220]. larger specimen (Illinois River), which Remarks: Original description based is herein designated the lectotype on syntypic series of 15 specimens, all (INHS 26954). Jordan and Nelson in of which are extant and in a good state Jordan (1877b: 25) concluded that the of preservation. Burr (1977:442) species identified by Nelson (1876) was designated the lectotype from a lot of not Pomotis aquilensis, but, in fact, a eight specimens (ISLNH ace. no. 220) new species that they named recovered by Smith and Bridges

Lepiopomus ischyrus and described by (1960:254). This lot is accompanied by bibliographic reference. Often consid- a handwritten label bearing the infor- ered rare, this species was subsequently mation "Types Lepomis symmetricus recognized in numerous manuals and Forbes." Measurements of type checklists (see Bailey 1938) including material determined by Burr (1977). The Fishes of Illinois (Forbes and Paralectotypes Richardson 1909, 1920 [2nd ed.]:250). [INHS 75005 (7, 32.7-36.2 mm SL); The validity of ischyrus was questioned collection data same as lectotype; by Jordan (1929a: 146) and Hubbs (in ISLNH ace. no. 220]. Jordan et al. 1930:299), both of whom [INHS 75006 (2, 50.1-51.2 mm SL);

thought it to be a hybrid. Based on locality data same as lectotype; 2 June specimens produced from experimental 1880; ISLNH ace. no. 226]. crosses, Hubbs and Hubbs (1932:436) Donated Material considered the name Lepiopomus Paralectotypes

ischyrus to be based on the hybrid [MCZ 25014 (1, 49.5 mm SL), CAS- Apomotis cyanellus (Rafinesque 1819) SU 1276 (3, 49.8-56.9 mm SL), USNM

x Helioperca incisor (Valenciennes 29864 ( 1 , 5 1 .0 mm SL); locality data 1831). Bailey (1938) examined the same as lectotype; 16 April and 2 June type specimen and effectively synony- 1880; ISLNH ace. nos. 220 and 226]. mized Lepiopomus ischyrus with the hybrid cross Lepomis cyanellus x L. macrochirus (= A. cyanellus x H. incisor of Hubbs and Hubbs 1932). October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 277

PERCIDAE Paratypes Missing: The second of the two Etheostoma aquali Williams and Etnier 1978. specimens indicated above

Williams and Etnier 1978:464, Fig. 1. (= paratopotype) is missing. In addi- Holotype tion, the original description mentions TU 105479 (55 mm SL, adult male); "numerous specimens in the State Flat Creek, tributary to Duck River at collection [ISLNH], some about 2 1/3 Tennessee Highway 64, Bedford inches long, taken by Prof. Forbes in

County, Tennessee; 13 April 1967. the Little Wabash River. . . in Allotype Effingham Co. [Illinois], in July

TU 105480 (43 mm SL, adult female). [ 1 877]." None of these specimens were Paratypes found at INHS. INHS 77826 (3); Duck River at mouth Taxonomic Status of Hurricane Creek, Humphreys = Crystallaria asprella (Jordan 1878a) County, Tennessee; [D.A. Etnier, G.F. Jordan and Gilbert (1883:488) placed Boronow, F.V. Oakberg, W.C. Pleurolepis Agassiz in Putnam 1863 in Dickinson, Clark and Henson]; 29 synonymy with Ammociypta Jordan

August 1973; [ex. UT 91.829]. 1 877b. The species asprella was later assigned to a new monotypic genus Crystallaria proposed by Jordan and

Gilbert in Jordan ( 1 885:78). Bailey and Gosline (1955:10) treated Crystallaria as a subgenus of . The subgenus Crystallaria was later diagnosed by Page (1981 :28). Based on a phylogenetic analysis of osteology and external morphology, Simons Pleurolepis asprellus Jordan 1878. Holotype. (1992:288) recommended the resurrec- INHS 26971, small rocky tributary of the Mississippi tion of Crystallaria as a monotypic

River [at Warsaw], Hancock County, Illinois (= genus. Page and Burr (1991) and Crystallaria asprella). Mayden et al. (1992) accepted the generic rank of Crystallaria, but Robins Pleurolepis asprellus Jordan 1878. et al. (1991) retained the use of Jordan 1878a:38. Ammocrypta. Collete and Knapp Holotype (1967:9) noted that Pleurolepis Agassiz

[INHS 26971] (4 1/3 in. long); small in Putnam 1 863 is preoccupied in rocky tributary of the Mississippi River Semionotidae (gars) by Pleurolepis

[at Warsaw], Hancock County, Illinois; Quenstedt 1 852 and thereby unavail- C.K. Worthen;[1877]. able as a generic name for asprella. Remarks: Original description

designated one of two specimens Percina aurora Suttkus and Thompson 1 994. collected from the locality above as the in Suttkus, Thompson, and Bart 1994:15, "type." A specimen recovered from Fig. 2. ISLNH measured 97.5 mm (3.80 in.) Holotype TL, 90 mm (3.51 in.) SL compared to TU 101392 (59.7 mm SL, adult male); 1/3 Strong River, tributary to Pearl River at 4 in. ( 1 1 1 . 1 mm) "length" (=TL?) given in the original description. The rapids, 0.2 mi upstream from Miss. specimen is presumed to be the "type" Hwy 28 bridge, 2 miles W Pinola (= holotype in Collette and Knapp (TIN, R3E, Sec. 28), Simpson County, 1967), the discrepancy in length Mississippi; R.D. Suttkus and D.

attributed to its severe desiccation. The O'Donnell Remington; 12 March 1969. specimen bears a tag with the informa- Paratopotype tion "Warsaw, 1877 CI." INHS 32133 (1); [R.D. Suttkus, J.S. 278 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Suttkus, and M. Andersson (RDS 91.2358 (6, 37-42 mm SL); Trammel 2697)]; 3 April 1958; ex. TU 17732. Creek, 6 km SSW Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky; [R.L. Mayden and Percina austroperca Thompson 1995. L.M. Page]; 13 April 1978; [both ex. Thompson 1995:3, Fig. la. INHS 79290]. Holotype UF 47334 (128.3 mm SL, adult male); Etheostoma bison Ceas and Page 1997. Holmes Creek, tributary to Ceas and Page 1997:518, Fig. 1H. Choctawhatchee River, near New Hope Holotype (T2N, R16W, Sec. 16-22), Washington INHS 37506 (53.5 mm SL, breeding County, Florida; G. Bass et al.; 16 male); North Fork Buffalo River, 5.6 January 1980. km N Three Oaks at US 43, Lawrence Paratype County, Tennessee; L.M. Page and INHS 86973(1, 101.4 mm SL); R.L. Mayden; 14 April 1978. Escambia Creek (Escambia River Remarks: Holotype was figured (Plate drainage), 6.4 km E Flomaton, Hwy. 29 30G) in Page (1983), where it is listed (TIN, R9E, Sec. 30), Escambia as 56 mm SL. County, Alabama; [D.L. Swofford, Paratopotype L.M. Page, and E.A. Lisowski]; 24 INHS 79311 (1, 56.0 mm SL). June 1980. Paratypes INHS 27851 (8, 32.8-46.5 mm SL); Etheostoma baileyi Page and Burr 1982. Brewer Branch (Buffalo River system),

Page and Burr 1982:2, Fig. la. 1 .6 km E Brace at Three Oaks Rd., Holotype Lawrence County, Tennessee; L.M. INHS 87484 (43.0 mm SL, adult Page, [P.A. Ceas, J.W. Armbruster, male); Little Sexton Creek, tributary of C.E. Johnston, C.A. Laird, and J.E. South Fork Kentucky River, 2 km E Janovetz];4 April 1992. (town of) Sextons Creek (37° 19'N, 83° INHS 32416 (20, 31.8-45.3 mm SL); 45'W), Clay County, Kentucky; W.L. Stewarts Branch, Hurricane Creek Keller, L.E. Cordes, and L.M. Page; 20 (Duck River system), 3.2 km NE May 1980. Hurricane Mills at Hwy 13, Humphreys Paratopotypes County, Tennessee; P.A. Ceas; 29 INHS 86871 (12, 30-42 mm SL). March 1994. Donated Material INHS 58182 (4, 37.2-46.8 mm SL); Paratopotypes Pinhook Branch, White Oak Creek KU 19109 (9, 29-41 mm SL), and UT (Tennessee River system), 1.6 km NE 91.2360 (9, 28-42 mm SL); [R.L. Woolworth at Hwy 13, Humphreys Mayden and L.M. Page]; 22 March County, Tennessee; L.M. Page and 1978; [ex. INHS 79197]. P.A. Ceas; 19 March 1990. Donated material Etheostoma barrenense Burr and Page 1982. Paratypes in Page and Burr 1982:15, Fig. lc. SIUC 25128 (5, 38.3-48.7 mm SL); ex. Holotype INHS 32416. INHS 87491 (48.8 mm SL, adult TU 177765 (5, 32.0-46.8 mm SL); male); Trammel Creek, tributary of locality data same as INHS 32416; P.A. Drakes Creek, 3 km SW Halfway (36° Ceas, H.L. Bart, and L.M. Page; 8 April 48'N, 86° 18'W), Allen County, 1988; ex. INHS 63898. Kentucky; L.M. Page and B.M. Burr; UMMZ 231178 (3, 41.0-45.6 mm SL); 25 May 1981. ex. INHS 58182. Paratopotypes USNM 3309905 (3, 44.5-48.9 mm SL); INHS 87492 (12, 32-47 mm SL). South Fork Buffalo River, 2.4 km N Donated Material Webber City at US 43, Lawrence Paratypes County, Tennessee; P.A. Ceas; 19 April KU 19110 (7, 33-43 mm SL), and UT 1990; ex. INHS 58418. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 279

UT 91.4754 (5, 30.0-54.6 mm SL); ex. Swift Creek (Black River), 4.0 km NW INHS 27851. Hendrickson at Hwy JJ, Butler County, Missouri, T26N, R5E, Sec. 9, SE/4; Percina brevicauda Suttkus and Bart 1994. P.A. Ceas, [L.M. Page, G.B. Mottesi, in Suttkus, Thompson, and Bart 1994:20, L.L. Foersom, and M. Molis]; [20] Fig. 3. March 1992; ex. INHS 27812. Holotype Remarks: Date incorrectly listed as TU 101393 (45.8 mm SL. adult male); "29" March 1992 in Ceas and Page Cahaba River, tributary to Alabama (1997:515). River at Alabama Hwy 52, 3.2 mi W of UAIC 11345.01 (5, 33.7-45.4 mm SL), Helena (T20S, R3W, Sec. 20), Shelby UMMZ 231175 (5, 37.2-43.4 mm SL), County, Alabama; R.D. Suttkus and TU 177762 (5, 37.0-43.4 mm SL);

G.H. Clemmer; 10 May 1965. unnamed tributary. Black River, 1 .6 km Paratopotypes SE Hendrickson at Hwy O, Butler INHS 32132 (4); [R.D. Suttkus and D. County, Missouri, T26N, R6E, Sec. 19, Nieland (RDS 7555)]; 16 May 1981; NW/4; P.A. Ceas; 24 April 1994; all [ex. TU 121415]. ex. INHS 32671.

Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus and Etnier Etheostoma chienense Page and Ceas 1992. 1991. in Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth Suttkus and Etnier 1991:15, Fig. 2. 1992:627, Figs, lg, 2g. Holotype Holotype TU 158216 (40.7 mm SL, adult male); INHS 58454 (57.8 mm SL, breeding Shoal Creek, tributary to Choccolocco male); Jackson Creek, 2.6 km NE Creek at Pine Glen Recreation Area, Water Valley on Roy Lawrence Drive, 8.1 mi N of US Hwy 78, (T15S, R10E, Graves County, Kentucky; L.M. Page Sec. 16), Cleburne County, Alabama; and P.A. Ceas; 18 March 1990. R.D. Suttkus and J.M. Pierson; 10 May Paratopotypes 1989. INHS 58221 (33, 34.5-71.4 mm SL). Paratypes Donated Material

INHS 59306 (2); Shoal Creek (Coosa Paratopotypes River system), 2.3 mi E White Plains at UAIC 9998.01 (5, 47.0-65.3 mm SL), Whitesides Mill, T15S, R9E, Sec. 12, SIUC 18067 (5, 46.7-63.9 mm SL), Calhoun County, Alabama; [R.D. UMMZ 217893 (5, 47.5-64.8 mm SL), Suttkus, G.E. Gunning, R.C. Cashner, USNM 313758 (5, 41.2-68.3 mm SL) and B.A. Thompson]; 14 October 1969; and UT 91.3849 (5, 47.1-67.9 mm SL); ex. TU 59644. P.A. Ceas, H.L. Bart, Jr., and L.M. Page; 7 April 1988; all ex. INHS

Etheostoma burri Ceas and Page 1 997 63920. Ceas and Page 1997:514, Fig. IE. Holotype Etheostoma chuckwachatte Mayden and INHS 37503 (50.1 mm SL, breeding Wood 1993. male); Mill Spring (Black River), NE in Wood and Mayden 1993:39, Fig. 3d, e. edge of town of Mill Spring, Wayne Holotype County, Missouri, T28N, R3E, Sec. 25, UAIC 9815.07 (45.5 mm SL, adult SE/4; P. A. Ceas; 25 April 1992. male); Hillabee Creek at Alabama Hwy

Paratopotypes 22, 1 1 .7 km NE of Alexander City, INHS 27904 (26, 29.5-51.2 mm SL). T23N, R22E, Sec. 16, Tallapoosa Donated material County, Alabama; R.M. Wood, R.L. Paratopotypes Mayden, B.R. Kuhajda, and S.R. USNM 339902 (5, 30.5-49.5); P.A. Layman; 3 February 1990.

Ceas; 1 1 April 1994; ex. INHS 32586. Paratopotypes Paratypes INHS 28459 (2, 37.5-39.7 mm SL); UT 91.4751 (5, 36.1-46.1 mm SL); [ex. UAIC 9815.02], 280 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Etheostoma corona Page and Ceas 1992. R.L. Mayden and B.R. Kuhajda; 2 in Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth March 1992; [ex. UAIC 10273.01]. 1992:631, Figs. Id, 2c. Holotype Wood and Mayden INHS 64073 (59.5 mm SL, breeding 1993. male); Little Cypress Creek (Tennessee Wood and Mayden 1993:38, Fig. 3c. River Drainage), 2.4 km NW Cross Holotype roads, Wayne County, Tennessee; P.A. UAIC 9169.14 (54.7 mm SL, adult Ceas, H.L. Bart, Jr., and L.M. Page; 8 male); Etowah River at Georgia Hwy April 1988. 52, 1 3.7 km NNE of Dawsonville, Paratopotypes Lumpkin County, Georgia; R.M. INHS 62819 (24, 23.5-64.4 mm SL); Wood, R.L. Mayden, B.R. Kuhajda, L.M. Page, C.E. Johnston, and P.A. R.H. Matson, and M.T. Ferguson; 5 Ceas; 13 April 1987. April 1989. Donated Material Paratopotypes Paratypes INHS 28460 (2, 45.6-46.6 mm SL); SIUC 18066 (3, 31.6-55.3 mm SL), [ex. UAIC9169.il]. UMMZ 217889 (3, 32.7-55.0), USNM 313754 (3, 36.1-49.5 mm SL), and UT Etheostoma flavum Etnier and Bailey 1989.

91.3848 (3, 33.2-67.1); Cypress Creek, Etnier and Bailey 1989:3, PI. 1. 9.7 km S Collinwood, Wayne County, Holotype Tennessee; M.E. Braasch; 15 April UMMZ 213929 (49.0 mm SL, adult 1978; all ex. INHS 84171. male); Elk Fork Creek at U.S. Hwy. 79, 9.5 air km NE of Guthrie, Todd Etheostoma crossopterum Braasch and County, Kentucky; C.R. Gilbert and Mayden 1985. F.A.Gilbert; 21 June 1957. Braasch and Mayden 1985:15, Figs. 2d, 3d, Paratypes

8, 10 (upper). INHS 68219 (23, [35-52 mm SL]); Holotype Whiteoak Creek (small eastern tributary KU 20896 (69.8 mm SL, breeding to lower Tennessee River) at co. rd. male); McKnight Branch, 8 km N 6261, 19.6 km NNW Waverly, Houston Readyville, Rutherford County, County, Tennessee; [W.C. Starnes, Tennessee; M.E. Braasch; 2 April 1980. W.C. Dickinson, A.E. Bogan, M.H. Paratypes Hughes, D.A. Etnier, G.A. Schuster, INHS 74918 (26, 29.0-57.0 mm SL); G.F. Boronow, T.J. Timmons, E.M. East Fork Stones River [Cumberland Scott, B. Bauer, and B. Martin; 26 River Drainage] at Lofton, Rutherford October 1974]. County, Tennessee; [M.A. Morris, B.M. Burr, and L.M. Page]; 14 March Etheostoma forbesi Page and Ceas 1992. 1976. in Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth:633, Figs, lc, 2d. Etheostoma douglasi Wood and Mayden 1993. Holotype Wood and Mayden 1993:37, Fig. 3b. INHS 58632 (73.9 mm SL, breeding Holotype male); Duke Creek, 3.2 km SE Hollow UAIC 10345.02 (51.2 mm SL, adult Springs, Cannon County, Tennessee; male); West Fork Sipsey River at P.A. Ceas; 19 April 1990. Lawrence Co. Rd. 6, Sipsey River Paratopotype Recreational Site, T9S, R8W, Sec. 8, INHS 58359 (1, 74.4 mm SL). Winston County, Alabama; R.M. Donated Material Wood, S.R. Layman, and A.M. Simons; Paratopotypes 14 March 1991. UMMZ 217892 (3, 46.8-58.3 mm SL) Paratopotypes and USNM 313756 (3, 42.7-54.5 mm INHS 28458 (3, 33.4-45.3 mm SL); SL); L.M. Page and P.A. Ceas; 19 March 1989; both ex. INHS 64680. 1

October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 281

Percina caprodes fulvitaenia Morris and Page Percina jenkinsi Thompson 1985. 1981. Thompson 1985:4, Fig. la. Morris and Page 1981:96, Figs. 1, 2b. Holotype Holotype TU 106075 ( 1 13.3 mm SL, adult male); INHS 75633 (127 mm SL, adult male); Conasauga River (Mobile Bay Drain- Big Piney River (Gasconade River age), Tennessee Hwy 74, 20 km SE Drainage), 5 km W Houston, Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee; County, Missouri; B.M. Burr and P.A. B.A. Thompson, D.A. Etnier, and Grubb;7May 1976. University of Tennessee students Paratypes (BAT-72-451); 1 July 1972. INHS 75631 (2, 56-99 mm SL); Paratopotype Gasconade River, 6 km S Jerome, INHS 74582 (1, 93.3 mm SL); [L.M. Phelps County, Missouri; [E. M. Page and D.W. Webb]; 13 October Lowry; 11-14 September 1948]. 1971. INHS 79415 (2, 127-131 mm SL); Big Piney River [Gasconade River Drain- Etheostoma kantuckeense Ceas and Page 1997 age], 1 km E Simmons, Texas County, Ceas and Page 1997:517, Fig. 1G. Missouri; [L.M. Page, P.W. Smith, Holotype and D.M. Smith; 25 April 1978]. INHS 37505 (46.2 mm SL, breeding Donated Material male); Sharps Branch, West Fork Paratypes Drakes Creek, 4.0 km S Franklin at TU 110587 86-98 (2, mm SL); Maries County Road 1522 (Lake Spring Road), River [Missouri River Drainage], 2 km 0.6 km W of US 31 W, Simpson S Westphalia, Osage County, Missouri; County, Kentucky; P.A. Ceas; 26 [P.W. Smith and L.M. Page; 1 March 1994. October 1969; ex. INHS 75634]. Paratopotypes USNM 219366 86-95 (3, mm SL), and INHS 32395 (15, 37.0-51.8 mm SL). UT 91.1716 (3, 70-85 mm SL); Pomme Donated material de Terre River [Osage River Drainage], Paratopotypes 3 km SW Hermitage [T37N, R22W, SIUC 25127 (5, 37.6-48.1 mm SL), TU Sec. 34], Hickory County, Missouri; 177764 (5, 38.8-46.8 mm SL), UAIC [E.M. Lowry; 11-19 May 1948; both 11347.01 (5, 38.7-47.0 mm SL), ex. INHS 75628]. UMMZ 231177 (5, 38.7-47.0 mm SL), USNM 339904 (5, 37.0-50.1 mm SL), Percina gymnocephala Beckham 1980. and UT 91.4753 (5, 39.3-50.2 mm SL); Beckham 1980:1, Fig. 1. L.M. Page and P.A. Ceas; 21 March Holotype 1989; all ex. INHS 64553. TU 106911 (63.8 mm SL, adult female); South Fork of New River at Etheostoma nigripinne Braasch and Mayden eastern crossing of co. rd. 1181, 7.0 1985. airmi. SE of West Jefferson, Ashe Braasch and Mayden 1985:28, Figs. 2e, 3e, County, North Carolina; E.C. Beckham 10 (bottom), 11. and E.B. Beckham; 22 September 1977. Holotype Paratypes KU 20000 (56.5 mm SL, breeding INHS 27291 [60.5-65.1 (2, mm SL]); male); Pikes Peak Branch, tributary to South Fork of New River at Co. Rd. the Tennessee River 1 .6 km W of TN 1 105, Ashe County, North Carolina; Rt. 20 bridge, Decatur County, Tennes- [H. Bart, R. Hozenthal, J. Grady, and see; M.E. Braasch; 5 April 1981. G. Laiche]; 24 March 1978; [ex. TU Paratypes 106912]. INHS 68092 (7, 33.8-62 mm SL); small tributary to Tennessee River, 0.5 km W Tennessee River on TN Rt. 20, 1

Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Decatur County, Tennessee; [M.E. Holotype Braasch]; 14 May 1978; [ex. KU INHS 58630 (56.0 mm SL, breeding 20893]. male); Mill Creek, 1.6 km S Wrigley at Hwy 100 bridge, Hickman County, Etheostoma olivaceum Braasch and Page Tennessee; L.M. Page, P.A. Ceas, and 1979. C.E.Johnston; 11 April 1987.

Braasch and Page 1979:2, Figs. 1, 2a, b. Paratopotypes Holotype INHS 62825 (35, 25.9-60.0 mm SL). INHS 75734 (50.5 mm SL, adult Donated Material male); Rock Springs Branch at Rock Paratopotypes Springs Church, 2 km N Buffalo Valley SIUC 18064 (3, 39.2-57.4 mm SL), (36° 10' N, 85° 47' W), Putnam County, UAIC 9997.01 (3, 43.1-54.3 mm SL), Tennessee; B.M. Burr and L.M. Page; UMMZ 217890 (3, 51.0-53.4 mm SL), 14 June 1975. and USNM 313757 (3, 36.0-61.2 mm Paratopotypes SL); P.A. Ceas; 16 April 1990; all ex. INHS 75735 (10, 36-58 mm SL), INHS 58452.

INHS 75576 (8, 35-64 mm SL); 1 December 1976. Etheostoma pyrrhogaster Bailey and Etnier Donated Material 1988. Paratopotypes Bailey and Etnier 1988:31, PI. 1 (upper). USNM 216895 (6, 34-46 mm SL), Holotype UMMZ 200208 (6, 35-48 mm SL), and UMMZ 213924 (56.6 mm SL, adult UT 91.1332 (6, 37-45 mm SL); all ex. male); Clear Creek, tributary to North INHS 75735. Fork Obion River, at unnumbered TU 101391 (6, 37-50 mm SL), UAIC county road crossing 2.7 air km S Co. 5341.01 (6, 39-48 mm SL), NLU Rd. 8172, 5.1 air km SW Puryear,

35160 (6, 41-51 mm SL); 1 1 December Henry County, Tennessee; J.E. Deck, 1976; all ex. INHS 75576. W.C. Dickinson, and J. Vaughn; 30 October 1971. Etheostoma oophylax Ceas and Page 1992. Paratopotypes in Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth INHS 68217 (3); [W.C. Dickinson]; 13

1992:629, Figs, lh, 2j. March 1972. Holotype Remarks: Collection date indicated as INHS 59110 (49.5 mm SL, breeding 31 March 1972 on handwritten tag with male); Little Bacon Creek (tributary of specimens. Big Sandy River), 3.2 km NE Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee; Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr and Page 1982. P.A. Ceas and L.M. Page; 24 April in Page and Burr 1982:9, Fig. lb. 1986. Holotype Paratopotypes INHS 87488 (47.5 mm SL, adult INHS 61820 (6, 39.0-73.8 mm SL). male); Barren Run, tributary of North Donated Material Fork Nolin River, 2 km NW (town of) Paratopotypes Barren Run (37° 30'N, 85° 48' W), UAIC 9999.01 (3, 44.7-54.7 mm SL), LaRue County, Kentucky; B.M. Burr SIUC 18065 (3, 37.4-59.7 mm SL), and L.M. Page; 29 May 1981. UMMZ 217891 (3, 38.6-66.7 mm SL), Paratopotypes

USNM 313755 (3, 39.5-52.0 mm SL), INHS 87482 ( 1 1 , 3 1 -48 mm SL). and UT 91.3847 (3, 41 .2-56.2 mm SL); Donated Material all ex. INHS 61820. Paratopotypes KU 19111 (11, 31-48 mm SL), UT

Etheostoma pseudovulatum Page and Ceas 91.2359 (1 1, 31-46 mm SL), SIUC 1992. 1025 (11, 32-44 mm SL); [all ex. INHS in Page, Ceas, Swofford, and Buth 87482].

1992:628, Figs, lj, k, 2h. Remarks: Published account of October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 283

paratype material incorrectly stated that Etheostoma smithi Page and Braasch 1976.

54 specimens were collected "with" the Page and Braasch 1976:2, Figs. 1, 2 (left), holotype. Forty-four specimens 3a, c (originally cataloged as INHS 87482) Holotype

were collected with the holotype, INHS 75013 (5 1 .7 mm SL, adult designated as paratypes and deposited male); Ferguson Creek at the Rt. 70 at the museums listed above. The 10 bridge (37° 6'N, 87° 24'W) 3 km E additional specimens designated as Smithland, Livingston County, Ken-

paratypes were collected at the type tucky; L.M. Page, B.M. Burr, and J. A. locality on 27 September 1980 and are Boyd; 26 April 1975. vouchered at the University of Florida, Paratopotypes Florida State Museum (UF 32482) as INHS 75014 (13, 25-51 mm SL). indicated in the description. Remarks: Date incorrectly indicated as 26 April 1971 in published account of Etheostoma scotti Bauer, Etnier and Burkhead paratopotype material. 1995. Donated Material Bauer, Etnier, and Burkhead 1995:2, Fig. Paratopotypes lb,c. KU 16227 (14, 15-41 mm SL); [L.M. Holotype Page]; 29 May 1972; [collected with UMMZ 223256 (47.2 mm SL, adult INHS 61 186 (3 specimens)]. male); McCannless Creek, trib. to NLU 32515 (13, 23-50 mm SL); [L.J. Shoal Creek, above GA Hwy. 108, at Stannard and L.M. Page]; 20 February jet. GA 108 and Darby Rd., 1.75 1973; [collected with INHS 61180 (22 airmi. S of center of Waleska, Chero- specimens)]. kee County, Georgia; N.M. Burkhead, TU 95964 (13, 30-43 mm SL); [L.J. B.J. Freeman, C.R. Gilbert, S.J. Walsh, Stannard and L.M. Page]; 27 May and J.D. Williams; 3 May 1990. 1971; [collected with INHS 61 177 (2 Paratypes specimens)]. INHS 29400 (7, 30-55 mm SL); Four UAIC 5021.01 (12, 23-47 mm SL); Mile Creek (Long Swamp Creek [L.M. Page]; 18 January 1972; [col- system) at Co. Rd. 52, 3.9 airmi. SE of lected with INHS 68354 (73 speci- Tate, Pickens County, Georgia; [N.M. mens)]. Burkhead, B.J. Freeman, C.R. Gilbert, UMMZ 197498 (24, 22-51 mm SL); L.A. Somma, and S.J. Walsh (NMB [L.M. Page]; 22 April 1971. 1292)]; 21 November 1991. USNM 214525 (24, 26-49 mm SL); INHS 29644 (13, 35-54 mm SL); Sharp [L.M. Page]; 20 May 1973. Mountain Creek (Sharp Mountain UT 91.1099 (8, 30-50 mm SL); [L.M. Creek system) at Co. Rd. 307, 3.7 Page]; 3 May 1971. airmi. SSW of Jasper, Pickens County, Remarks: Paratopotype material listed Georgia; [S.J. Walsh et al. (SJW 92- above was not cataloged in the INHS 23)]; 21 January 1992. collection prior to donation; INHS specimens collected with paratopotypes Etheostoma blennius sequatchiense Burr not included in published account of 1979. type material. Burr 1979:198, Fig. led. Holotype Percina stictogaster Burr and Page 1993.

INHS 77589 (61.7 mm SL, adult Burr and Page 1993:19, Figs. 1 (middle and male); Sequatchie River, 1.6 km SE bottom), 3. Ninemile (35° 39'N, 85° 7'W), Bledsoe Holotype County, Tennessee; B.M. Burr and INHS 28535 (61.1 mm SL, adult L.M.Page; 10 August 1977. male); Red Bird River, tributary of Paratopotypes South Fork Kentucky River, at mouth

INHS 77007 ( 10, 27-55 mm SL). of Jack's Creek, along Hwy. 66, at 284 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

1' Eriline (Lat: 37° 1 28"; Long: 83° 35' Percina tanasi Etnier 1976. 31"), Clay County, Kentucky; B.M. Etnier 1976:473, Fig. 1. Burr and R.R. Cicerello; 13 November Holotype 1992. TU 90858 (59.1 mm SL, adult male); Paratopotypes Little Tennessee River at Coytee INHS 64304 (16, 33.6-57.3 mm SL); Spring, River Mile 7, Loudon County, [L.M. Page and K.S. Cummings]; 23 Tennessee; G.F. Boronow, B.F. Clark, August 1988. Jr., D.A. Etnier, R.L. Hensen, W.C. Donated Material Starnes, and B.A. Thompson; 6 Paratopotypes November 1973. KU 23130 (2, 51.8-54.7); ex. INHS Allotype 64304. TU 90859 (54.6 mm SL, female). Paratopotypes Etheostoma striatulum Page and Braasch INHS 75000 (5); [G.F. Boronow, H.T. 1977. Carson, M.W. Clayton, D.A. Etnier,

Page and Braasch 1977:1, Figs. 1, 2a, 3a, b. A.F. Ingram, A.S. McDaniel, F.V. Holotype Oakberg, J.P. Richardson, E.M. Scott, INHS 75035 (44.2 mm SL, adult T.J. Timmons, and S.D. Waters]; 16 male); Wartrace Creek [Duck River August 1973. drainage] at the Tennessee Route 82 bridge, 2 km E Bell Buckle (35° 30'N, Etheostoma tecumsehi Ceas and Page 1997. 86° 22'W), Bedford County, Tennes- Ceas and Page 1997:516, Fig. IF. see; L.M. Page, B.M. Burr, and M.A. Holotype Morris; 14 March 1976. INHS 37504 (47.6 mm SL, breeding Paratopotypes male); unnamed tributary, West Fork INHS 75036 (16, 25-47 mm SL). Pond River [Green River drainage], 6.4 INHS 75037 (9, 26-37 mm SL); [L.M. km NW Fruit Hill at Johnson Mill Page and M.E. Braasch]; 7 November Road, Christian County, Kentucky; 1975. P.A. Ceas [PAC 95-131]; 4 April 1995. Donated Material Paratopotypes Paratopotypes INHS 36033 (10, 37.3-53.5 mm SL). UT 91.1174 (10, 22-37 mm SL), TU INHS 32703 (12, 28.7-43.9 mm SL); 97493 (10, 27-37 mm SL), NLU 33947 P.A. Ceas; 22 April 1994. (10, 26-38 mm SL), USNM 213789 Donated material

( 10, 23-36 mm SL); all ex. INHS Paratopotypes 75037. SIUC 25126 (5, 41.0-43.5 mm SL), UT 91.4752 (5, 42.0-48.5 mm SL); both ex. Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus and Etnier INHS 32703. 1991. UAIC 11346.01 (5, 41.7-49.6 mm SL),

Suttkus and Etnier 1991:3, Fig. 1. TU 177763 (5, 38.0-42.7 mm SL); P.A. Holotype Ceas; 26 March 1994; both ex. INHS TU 158215 (55.0 mm SL, adult male); 32400. Gold Branch, tributary to UMMZ 231176 (5, 28.0-38.5 mm SL), Channahatchee Creek at Alabama Hwy USNM 339903 (5, 28.5-43.1 mm SL); 63, 6 mi N of Eclectic (T20N, R21E, L.M. Page and P.A. Ceas; 22 March Sec. 29), Elmore County, Alabama; 1990; both ex. INHS 58147. R.D. Suttkus, R.J. Miller, H.V. Miller,

and J. DeAbate; 16 March 1957. Etheostoma wapiti Etnier and Williams 1989. Paratopotypes Etnier and Williams 1989:989, Fig. 1. INHS 59305 (4); ex. TU 15275. Holotype USNM 288069 (70.8 mm SL, adult male); Richland Creek at County Road

4209 crossing, 1 1 .2 air mi SSE of Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee; October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 285

W.C. Dickinson, D.A. Etnier, M.A. ISLNH Types Missing from INHS Etnier, C.E. Louton, J. A. Louton, and W.C. Pennington; 7 June 1982. CYPRINIDAE Allotype USNM 288070 (55 mm SL, adult Lythrurus atripes Jordan 1878. female). Jordan 1878a:59. Paratypes Lectotype INHS 68229 mouth of Indian (3); [USNM 26295 (46.0 mm SL)]; various Creek at Elk River Mile 52.5, Giles streams in Union and Johnson counties County, Tennessee; [L.M. Page]; 14 [restricted to Cache River, Johnson April 1985. County, by Snelson and Pflieger (1975:235)], Illinois; S.A. Forbes; [July Etheostoma zonistium Bailey and Etnier 1988. 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 43]. Bailey and Etnier 1988:39, PI. 1 (lower). Remarks: Original description based Holotype on syntypic series of an unknown UMMZ 213926 (55.5 mm SL, adult number of specimens measuring 2.5 to male); Leath Creek, tributary to 3 inches in length. USNM lectotype Chambers Creek, at unnumbered originally designated by Jordan and county road crossing 3.2 km NW Evermann (1896:300) and subsequently Counce, Hardin County, Tennessee; by Snelson and Pflieger (1975:235), B.F. Clark, G.A. Schuster, and E.M. who noted that the label with the Scott; 27 October 1973. specimen specifies Cache River. Paratypes Lectotype bears ISLNH ace. no. 43 INHS 68218 (6); North Fork of Beason (Williams 1996), which corresponds to Creek (Tennessee River drainage) at co. collections from "Cache R., Johnson rd. 8088 [2.5 mi. NW Crump], Hardin Co., Illinois, July 1877" according to County, Tennessee; [B.F. Clark, G.A. the ISLNH accession catalog. Schuster, and E.M. Scott; 27 October Paralectotypes 1973]. Missing: The syntypic series was originally cataloged and presumably ELASSOMATIDAE retained (in part) at ISLNH; however, no specimens of this series were located Elassoma alabamae Mayden 1993. in the INHS collection. Mayden 1993:2, Fig. la, b. Taxonomic Status Holotype = Lythrurus umbratilis cyanocephalus UAIC 10275.01 (17.4 mm SL, adult (Copeland in Jordan 1877c) male); Tennessee River drainage, According to Gilbert (1978:27), this Alabama, Limestone County, Moss form was regarded as a subspecies of L. Spring and effluent run into Beaverdam ardens by Jordan (1885:814) and as a Creek, 1.4 mi N of Greenbriar (T4S, subspecies of L. umbratilis by Jordan R3W, Sec. 16); R.L. Mayden, B.R. and Evermann (1896:300). Snelson Kuhajda, H.T. Boschung, T.S. and Pflieger (1975:235) placed atripes Jandebeur, and J.R. Tomelleri; 2 March in the synonymy of Lythrurus 1992. umbratilis (Girard 1856) and assigned

Allotype it to the subspecies L. u. cyanoce- UAIC 10275.05 (17.4 mm SL, adult phalus. female). Donated Material Paratopotypes Lectotype INHS 28324 (10, 15-20 mm SL); ex. [USNM 26295] (see account above). UAIC 10275.06. Paralectotypes

[CAS-SU 1989 (2); collection data presumably same as for lectotype]. Remarks: CAS-SU types were located by C.R. Gilbert and bear only the 286 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

notation "Illinois" (Snelson and Nelson, McLean Co., 111., 1875" with Pflieger 1975). the annotation "= P. mirabilis." Neither the holotype nor any additional Codoma chloristia Jordan and Brayton 1878. specimens (= paratypes) of this form

Jordan and Brayton 1878:21. collected prior to 1 877 are presently Lectotype found at INHS. [MCZ 24380 (50.1 mm SL)]; Saluda Taxonomic Status River (Santee River basin) at Fair's = Phenacobius mirabilis (Girard 1856)' Mills, W of Greenville, [Greenville Nelson described liosternus as a variety County], South Carolina; D.S. Jordan, of Phenacobius teretulus Cope 1867.

A.W. Brayton, C.H. Gilbert, and a Jordan (1878a:61) placed it in syn- party of students from Butler Univer- onymy with P. scopiferus (Cope 1871), sity; summer 1877. a species whose distinctness from Remarks: Gibbs (1963:522) desig- P. mirabilis (Girard 1856) was ques- nated the lectotype. tioned by Jordan and Gilbert Paralectotypes (1883:205) and Jordan and Evermann

[ISLNH ace. no. 27533 (1); ? collec- (1896:303). Forbes and Richardson tion data same as lectotype]. (1909:159) included P. scopifera (of Remarks: A specimen from the Cope) in the synonymy of P. mirabilis, syntypic series was apparently depos- finding the two nominal forms "impos- ited at ISLNH as evidenced by the sible" to separate in their collections. accession catalog entry "Codoma chlorista Jor. (Type)." This specimen Notropis macrolepidotus Forbes 1885.

is not presently found in the INHS Forbes 1885:138. collection. Gilbert (1978:36) located an Holotype additional paralectotype BMNH [ISLNH ace. no. 28379] (length 2.1

1 880. 1 .2 1 .43 ( 1 ) with collection data in.); Illinois [Illinois River according to same as lectotype. Forbes (1884:76)]. Taxonomic Status Remarks: Original description based = Cyprinella chloristia (Jordan and on a single specimen considered Brayton 1878) holotype by monotypy. This specimen In a review of this and related forms, was deposited at ISLNH as evidenced Gibbs (1963:522) assigned chloristia as from the accession catalog entry a subspecies of Cyprinella analostana "'Notropis macrolepidotus, Forbes,

Girard 1859; however, it is currently type"; however, it is not presently accepted as a valid species (Page and located at INHS and presumed lost.

Burr 1991; Robins etal. 1 99 1 ; Mayden Taxonomic Status etal. 1992). = subjective senior synonym of Lythrurus fumeus (Evermann 1892)

Phenacobius teretulus liosternus Nelson 1 876. Forbes (1884:76) applied the name Nelson 1876:46. Notropis macrolepidotus (as a nomen Holotype nudum) to "a very rare minnow, taken [ISLNH ace. no. 28267] (adult); small thus far only from the Illinois River." streams in McLean County [Mackinaw- In its subsequent description (based on Illinois River drainage], Illinois; a single specimen from an unspecified [1875]. locality in Illinois) Forbes (1885:138)

Remarks: Nelson mentioned "a stated: "This fish . . . closely resembles number of specimens of this form" in Notropis atripes [= Lythrurus

the ISLNH collection, but restricted the umbratilis], from which it differs species description to a single "adult" especially in the larger scales, and in herein considered the holotype by the entire absence of any blotch at the monotypy. An entry in the ISLNH front of the base of the ."

accession catalog specifies "Type of Forbes and Richardson ( 1909: 154) later Phenacobius teretulus liosternus synonymized macrolepidotus with October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 287

Notropis umbratilis atripes (= L. it. older name macrolepidotus (Art. 79 of cyanocephalus), but distinguished three the International Code of Zoological different "varieties" among Illinois Nomenclature). specimens. They noted the variation

accordingly: "most . . . specimens have Notropis phenacobius Forbes 1885. the dark blotch at base of dorsal [fin] Forbes 1885:137. prominent, and anal [fin] dusky in Syntypes

males . (atripes): others . . much fewer [ISLNH ?] (10, length 2.5 in.); [Illinois in number have the spot faint or River] at Peoria, [Peoria County], obsolete (macrolepidotus); in some Illinois. specimens there are distinct traces of 3 Remarks: Original description based to 5 vertical bars of dusky on back on syntypic series of 10 specimens portion of sides and fore part of caudal originally deposited in the ISLNH peduncle (fasciolaris'?)" The name collection. However, through some macrolepidotus remained a question- "unaccountable misadventure" all but able synonym of Notropis umbratilis one were lost (Forbes and Richardson until Snelson (1973:168) pointed out 1909:139). The remaining type was not that the original description might located by Smith and Bridges (1960) apply to Notropis (= Lythrurus) fumeus and is still considered lost. Gilbert Evermann 1892. Snelson, however, (1978:69-70) noted that six specimens questioned this synonymy on the basis labeled as questionable types of of a statement in the original descrip- N. phenacobius (FMNH 70579) are not tion: "scale formula 6-40-3, 19 before of the syntypic series (he identified dorsal." Snelson interpreted Forbes' them as Notropis stramineus (Cope count (19) as the number of predorsal 1865)). scales, which was well below his range Taxonomic Status of predorsal scale counts for both N. = subjective senior synonym of fumeus (23-37) and N. umbratilis (not Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs and Greene given). However, Forbes' count does mHubbs 1951) fall within the range of predorsal scale Jordan and Evermann (1896:263) rows reported for N fumeus ( 1 8-27) by synonymized N. phenacobius with N. Snelson (1973:170). Distinction scylla (= N. stramineus), an action between "scales" and "rows" was not followed by Suttkus ( 1 958:3 1 3). made in the original description and the However, Forbes and Richardson two terms were applied somewhat (1909, 1920 [2nd ed.]) and Jordan et al. indiscriminately to counts in other (1930:134) retained this form as a valid species described in Forbes' (1885) species apparently on the basis of B.W. paper. Snelson also noted that N. Evermann's examination of the single fumeus is not currently known from the remaining type specimen. In Forbes Illinois River system (where L. and Richardson (1909:139) Evermann umbratilis does occur); however, its is quoted: "In some respects this past occurrence there is conceivable specimen resembles TV. blennius, but is (Gilbert 1978:58). In our opinion, much deeper and more arched, and the Forbes' accounts of atripes, head is slightly longer. We have macrolepidotus, and fasciolaris compared it with the type of "Cliola accurately discriminated species chlora Jordan,' which is considered a presently recognized as Lythrurus synonym of N. scylla [= Notropis umbratilis, L. fumeus, and L. stramineus], but it is not that species. . . fasciolaris, respectively. If you have any reason for believing Because the type specimen remains that this specimen is the type of your N. lost, it seems prudent to treat phenacobius, I would be disposed to macrolepidotus and fumeus as subjec- accept it as such and let the species tive synonyms and petition the Interna- stand as good." Gilbert (1978:70) also tional Commission to suppress the doubted the synonymy of phenacobius 288 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

with N. stramineus. He demonstrated Ichthyobus cyanellus Nelson 1876. that the original description and an Nelson 1876:49. illustration (head only) in Forbes and Holotype Richardson (1909:138) agreed well [ISLNH ace. no. 26440]; Illinois River with Notropis (= Hybopsis) amnis, a [between LaSalle and Pekin, Illinois]. species described by Hubbs and Greene Remarks: Nelson's original descrip- (in Hubbs 1951). Gilbert provided tion specified a "type" from the Illinois additional evidence to support the River herein considered the holotype. identity of N. phenacobius as a senior This specimen was apparently depos- synonym of Hybopsis amnis. Because ited at ISLNH as evidenced from the type specimens remain lost, the accession catalog entry 26440, which

suggested course of action is to treat the states "Type of Nelson's "Ichthyobus

two names as subjective synonyms and cyanellus' , Illinois River." This petition the International Commission specimen is not presently located at

to suppress the senior name Notropis INHS and is presumed lost. phenacobius (Art. 79 of the Interna- Paratypes

tional Code of Zoological Nomencla- [ISLNH ? (?)]; Illinois River, [Illi- ture). nois].

[? USNM (?)]; Mississippi [River] at CATOSTOMIDAE St. Louis; collection of D.S. Jordan. Remarks: Original description based on "several specimens, measuring from Bubalichthys alius Nelson 1877. 8 to 9 1/4 inches in length." Nelson in Jordan 1877c:73. mentioned a "number of specimens [= Holotype paratypes] of this species" in the [ISLNH ?] (12 in. long); [Ohio River ISLNH collection, from the Illinois at] Cairo, [Alexander County], Illinois. River, and in D.S. Jordan's collection, Remarks: Original description based from the Mississippi River at St. Louis. on one specimen in the ISLNH collec- None of the type material is presently tion; considered the holotype by located in the INHS collection; the monotypy. The holotype was not found existence of paratypes elsewhere is at INHS and is presumed lost. unknown. Taxonomic Status Taxonomic status = Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque 1818) = Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque 1818) Jordan ( 1877c:74) examined the

Jordan ( 1878a:66) re-identified the type holotype and considered it "certainly specimens of Nelson's /. cyanellus as distinct from B. bubalus, Ag. juvenile Bubalichthys bubalus of [= Ictiobus bubalus}, and still more so Agassiz 1855, and commented: "the from B. [= Ictiobus] niger." Jordan

specific name 'bubalus ' is hardly (1878b:207) soon lost this distinction tenable for this species, if we conceive and relegated alms to the synonymy of that the bubalus of Rafinesque is an Bubalichthys bubalus Agassiz 1855. Ichthyobus." Jordan (1878a:66) This treatment was reversed in Jordan temporarily adopted the name and Gilbert (1883:116), who recog- Bubalichthys cyanellus apparently to nized Bubalichthys altus as the "oldest avoid its confusion with Rafinesque's tenable name, certainly belonging to the /. bubalus. Jordan (1878b:206) later species" and placed B. bubalus in its (and more appropriately) placed synonymy. Disparity in their relative Nelson's /. cyanellus in synonymy with placements ended when Jordan and B. bubalus Agassiz 1855. Both Evermann ( 1 896: 1 65) included both B. nominal forms were eventually altus and B. bubalus in the synonymy synonymyzed with Ictiobus bubalus of Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque 1818). (Rafinesque 1818). However, the October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 289

relegation of Nelson's /. cyanellus of bubalus." The specimen(s) may be (Jordan and Gilbert 1883:1 14) to of the type material identified by /. bubalus preceded that of Agassiz's Nelson; however, the status of this lot

B. bubalus (Jordan and Evermann at USNM is unknown and it is not

1 896: 1 65 ) apparently because one of generally considered to be a type lot (C. Nelson's type specimens was first Gilbert, pers. comm.). recognized as (i.e., most closely resembled) Rafinesque's Ictiobus bubalus (Jordan and Gilbert PERCIDAE 1883:114). The appearance of Ichthyobus cyanellus in the synonymy Poecilichthys asprigenis Forbes 1878. of Ictiobus cyprinella in Jordan and in Jordan 1878a:41.

Evermann (1896:164) is interpreted as Syntypes

an orthographic error because it is [ISLNH ?] ( 14, length 35-45 mm); inconsistent with both previous and small creek near Pekin, [Tazewell subsequent placements of this form. County], Illinois. Remarks: Original description based Ichthyobus ischyrus Nelson 1877. on syntypic series of 14 specimens, in Jordan 1877c:73. none of which were found at INHS. Syntypes Taxonomic Status

[ISLNH?](?, 11 1/2 in. long); = Etheostoma (Oligocephalus)

Mackinaw Creek [= River] in central asprigene (Forbes 1 878)

Illinois, a tributary of Illinois River Bailey ( 195 1 : 195) referred asprigene to [near Peoria, Tazewell County]. the genus Etheostoma. Using available Remarks: Nelson's description appears names to group species into subgenera,

to be based on a single specimen; Bailey and Gosline ( 1955: 17) assigned

however, it is followed by Jordan's asprigene to Oligocephalus, a subgenus

statement "Type specimens 1 1 1/2 later diagnosed by Bailey and Richards

inches long. . . Several younger (1963:3) and Page (1981:39). specimens also in State Collection Donated Material [ISLNH]." Later, Jordan (1878b:215) Syntypes mentioned his examination of "the type [CAS-SU 2201 (2, 38-39 mm SL);

of /. ischyrus'" in the ISLNH collection collection data same as ISLNH and referred to the type locality as syntypes]. "near Peoria." None of the type Remarks: CAS syntypes located by material is found in the INHS collec- Bohlke (1953:74) and measured by

tion. Collette and Knapp ( 1 967). Taxonomic Status = Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque 1818) Boleosoma camurum Forbes 1878. Upon reexamining the type specimen, in Jordan 1878a:40.

Jordan (1878b:2 15) relegated [ISLNH ?] (?, length 45-50 mm, also

/. ischyrus to the synonymy of Ictiobus given as 35-50 mm); several localities

bubalus, (Rafinesque 1818). The name in Illinois . . . Cache River and Clear

/. ischyrus subsequently disappeared Creek, Union County; Johnson County; from the literature. Pekin [Tazewell County]. Donated Material Remarks: Original description based ? Syntype(s) on syntypic series of an unknown

[USNM 20774] (?); Illinois River at number of specimens. Smith and Peoria [Peoria County, Illinois]; S.A. Bridges (1960:254) recovered ajar with Forbes. three lots of darters and a label stating Remarks: Jordan (1878b:217) listed "? types of Boleosoma camurum the above specimen(s) of/, ischyrus Forbes." The three collections are as with the annotation "very large; typical follows: INHS 59302, 6 specimens 290 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

from Peoria Lake, Peoria County, [USNM 27894 (2, 39 mm SL, fe Illinois, 23 October 1879, ISLNH ace. males); Peoria Lake, Illinois; S.A.

no. 181; INHS 59303, 1 specimen from Forbes; 27 October 1878; ISLNH ace. the Ohio River, Cairo, Alexander no. 211]. County, Illinois, 23 September 1879; Remarks: Material identified as ISLNH ace. no. 189; and INHS 59304, syntypes and measured by Collette and 20 specimens from the Little Wabash Knapp (1967:14); collection data River, Effingham, Effingham County, presumably based on information Illinois; June 1877; ISLNH ace. no. 44. housed with the specimens. Attention The specimens are identified as is called to specimens from "Peoria Etheostoma chlorosomum (Hay 1881) Lake," a locality on the Illinois River and are in fair to poor condition. No not mentioned in the original descrip- mention is made of the above localities tion. Pekin is about 10 river miles in the original description, and there is downstream of Peoria Lake and the two no indication on the original labels or in localities are generally recorded the accession catalog that these separately in the ISLNH accession specimens are types. Only one of the catalog. ISLNH catalog entry (ace. no. three lots (INHS 59304) was collected 211) indicates USNM 27894 specimens prior to the date of description; how- were collected 27 October 1878 from ever, these specimens (13.4-19.5 "Lake, Peoria." mm SL) are much smaller than what Forbes (in Jordan 1878a:40) indicated Etheostoma phoxocephalum Nelson 1876. (35-50 mm) in his description of Nelson 1876:35. B. camurum. Smith and Bridges ? Syntypes

( 1 960:254) did not consider any of this [ISLNH ace. no. 28271] (?); western material to be of the original syntypic part of state [Illinois], rather common series and presumed the ISLNH types in the Illinois [River] and its tributaries.

lost. Remarks: Described from a syntypic Taxonomic Status series of an unknown number of = Etheostoma (Vaillantia) specimens, none of which were found chlorosomum (Hay 1881) at INHS. The ISLNH accession entry The specific name chlorosomum Hay for 28271 reads "Type(?) of

1881 is applied to this form because Hadropterus phoxocephalus, Nelson, camurum Forbes 1878 is preoccupied Illinois, 1877." in Etheostoma by Poecilichthys Taxonomic Status camurus Cope 1870. Bailey and = Percina (Swainia) phoxocephala Gosline (1955:15) listed chlorosomum (Nelson 1876) in the subgenus Boleosoma, which was Bailey and Gosline (1955:13) assigned subsequently diagnosed by Cole phoxocephala to the subgenus Swainia (1967). Cole therein removed of the genus Percina. The subgenus chlorosomum from Boleosoma and Swainia was subsequently diagnosed diagnosed the subgenus Vaillantia by Page (1974:83).

Jordan and Brayton 1 878 for this Donated Material species. Syntypes Donated Material [UMMZ 187504] (2, 49-52 mm SL, Syntypes males); Illinois; S.A. Forbes; ex. IU

[CAS-SU 1683 ( 1 , 44 mm SL, female); 499, then IU 4702. Illinois]. Remarks: This material was located [MCZ 25053 (1, 38 mm SL, female); and measured by Collette and Knapp Peoria Lake, Illinois]. (1967:36), who noted that the apparent

[UMMZ 187505 (1, 39 mm SL); syntypes were not labeled as such nor Pekin, Illinois; ex. IU 506, then IU listed in the IU catalog as types. 4707]. Collection data presumably based on specimens. [USNM 23455 ( 1 , 44 mm SL, female); information housed with Illinois River, Illinois]. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 291


Cottopsis ricei Nelson 1 876. Nelson 1876:40. Holotype

? (?); shore of Lake Michigan near Evanston, [Cook County], Illinois; F.L. Rice. Remarks: Original description based on a single specimen considered holotype by monotypy. This specimen

was not found at INHS and its original deposition at ISLNH is questionable. Forbes and Richardson (1909:328) mentioned that access to Nelson's type specimen was lacking for their prepara- tion of this species' account in the The Fishes of Illinois. Taxonomic Status = Cottus ricei (Nelson 1876) Jordan and Evermann (1898:1941- 1942) placed Cottopsis Girard 1850 and several other genera of sculpins in the synonymy of Cottus Linnaeus 1758. 292 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

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America Biological Memoirs 1 5( 1 ): 1 -54. preliminaries de nouveaux taxa de la famille des Loricariidae. Revue Franchise Hubbs, C.L. 1926. A check-list of the fishes d'Aquariologie [1978] 5(4):86-l 16. of the Great Lakes and tributary waters, with nomenclatorial notes and analytical keys. Isbriicker, I.J.H. 1980. Classification and Miscellaneous Publications Museum of catalogue of the mailed Loricariidae (Pisces, Zoology, University of Michigan 15:3-77, 4 Siluriformes). Verslagen en Technische pis. Gegevens No. 22, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie (Zoologisch Museum), Universiteit

Hubbs. C.L. 195 1 . Notropis amnis, a new van Amsterdam. 181pp. cyprinid fish of the Mississippi fauna, with two subspecies. Occasional Papers of the Museum Jenkins, R.E., and N.M. Burkhead. 1994. Freshwater fishes of Virginia. American .

296 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, xxiii + States National Museum. III.A.-On the 1079 pp. distribution of the fishes of the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennes- Jordan, D.S. 1877a. Revision of genera and see, with descriptions of new or little known other ichthyological matters. Proceedings of species. Bulletin of the United States National the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- Museum 12:1-95. phia 29:76-82.

Jordan, D.S. , and B.W. Evermann. 1896. The Jordan, D.S. 1877b. Contributions to North fishes of North and Middle America: a descrip- American ichthyology. II.A. -Notes on tive catalogue of the species of fish-like Cottidae, Etheostomatidae, Percidae, vertebrates found in the waters of North Centrarchidae, Aphododeridae, Umbridae, America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part

Esocidae, Dorysomatidae, Cyprinidae, 1 Bulletin of the United States National Catostomidae, and Hyodontidae, with revisions Museum 47(l):lx + 1240 pp. of the genera and descriptions of new or little known species. Bulletin of the United States Jordan, D.S. , and B.W. Evermann. 1898. The National Museum 10:1-68. fishes of North and Middle America: a descrip- tive catalogue of the species of fish-like Jordan, D.S. 1877c. On the fishes of northern vertebrates found in the waters of North Indiana. Proceedings of the Academy of America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 29:42-76. 2. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 47(2):xxx, 1241-2183.

Jordan, D.S. 1 878a. A catalogue of the fishes of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois State Jordan, D.S., and B.W. Evermann. 1927. New Laboratory of Natural History l(2):37-70. genera and species of North American fishes. Proceedings of the California Academy of Jordan, D.S. 1878b. A synopsis of the Family Sciences, Fourth Series, 16(15):501-507. Catostomidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 12:97-237. Jordan, D.S., B.W. Evermann, and H.W. Clark. 1930. Check list of the fishes and fishlike Jordan, D.S. 1885. A catalogue of the fishes vertebrates of North and Middle America north known to inhabit the waters of North America, of the northern boundary of Venezuela and north of the Tropic of Cancer, with notes on the Columbia. Report of the United States Com- species discovered in 1883 and 1884. Annual missioner of Fisheries ( 1928): 1-670. Report of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries 13[1885]:787-973. Jordan, D.S., and C.H. Gilbert. 1883. Synop- sis of the fishes of North America. Bulletin of Jordan, D.S. 1929a. Manual of the vertebrate the United States National Museum 16[1882]: of the northeastern United States lvi+ 1018 pp. inclusive of marine species, 13th ed. World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New Lachner, E.A., and R.E. Jenkins. 1967. York, xxxi + 446 pp. Systematics, distribution, and evolution of the chub genus Nocomis (Cyprinidae) in the Jordan, D.S. 1929b. Forbesichthys for southwestern Ohio River basin, with the Forbesella. Science 70(1 803):68. description of a new species. Copeia 1967(3):557-580. Jordan, D.S., and A.W. Brayton. 1877. On Lagochila, a new genus of catostomid fishes. Large, T. [1903]. A list of the native fishes of Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Illinois, with keys. Appendix to Report of the Sciences of Philadelphia 29:280-283. State Board of Fish Commissioners for

September 30, 1 900 to October 1, 1902. 30 pp. Jordan, D.S., and A.W. Brayton. 1878. Contributions to North American ichthyology, Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. based primarily on the collections of the United Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 297

1980 (et seq.). Atlas of North American Mayden, R.L., and B.R. Kuhajda. 1989. freshwater fishes. North Carolina State Systematics of Notropis cahabae, a new Museum of Natural History, Raleigh, x + 854 cyprinid fish endemic to the Cahaba River of pp. the Mobile Basin. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 9:1-16. LeSueur. 1833. Aphredoderus, Pages ix, 445 in G. Cuvier and A. Valenciennes, eds. McPhail, J.D., and C.C. Lindsey. 1970. Histoire naturelle des poissons. F.G. Levrault, Freshwater fishes of northwestern Canada and Paris, France. Alaska. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin 173:1-381.

Leviton, A.E., R.H. Gibbs, Jr., E. Heal, and C.E.Dawson. 1985. Standards in herpetology Meinken, H. 1937. Beitrage zur fischfauna der

and ichthyology: Part I, standard symbolic mittleren Parana. III. Blatter fiir Aquarien- und codes for institutional resource collections in Terrarienkunde, 48(4):73-80. herpetology and ichthyology. Copeia 1985(3):802-832. Morris, M.A., and L.M. Page. 1981. Variation in western logperches (Pisces: Percidae), with Linnceus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna description of a new subspecies from the tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, Ozarks. Copeia 1981(1 ):95-108. species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata, Nelson, E.W. 1876. A partial catalogue of the Tom. I. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae. 824 pp. fishes of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History l(l):33-52. Matthews, W.J. 1987. Geographic variation in Cyprinella lutrensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Nelson, J.S. 1994. Fishes of the world, 3rd ed. United States, with notes on Cyprinella lepida. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, xvii + Copeia 1987(3):616-637. 600 pp.

Mayden, R.L. 1988. Systematics of the NEODAT WWW site (gopher:// Notropis zonatus species group, with descrip- fowler.acnatsci.org/). 13 September 1996. tion of a new species from the interior high- lands of North America. Copeia 1988(1):153- Nielsen, J.G., and M.E. Retzer. 1994. Two 173. new bathyl Neobythites spp. from the Carib- bean Sea (Pisces, Ophidiidae). Copeia Mayden, R.L. 1989. Phylogenetic studies of 1994(4):992-995. North American minnows, with emphasis on the genus Cyprinella (Teleostei: Olund, L.J., and F.B. Cross. 1961. Geographic Cypriniformes). University of Kansas Museum variation in the North American cyprinid fish, of Natural History Miscellaneous Publication Hybopsis gracilis. University of Kansas 80.189 pp. Publications, Museum of Natural History 13(7):323-348. Mayden, R.L. 1993. Elassoma alabamae, a new species of pygmy sunfish endemic to the Page, L.M. 1974. The subgenera of Percina Tennessee River drainage of Alabama (Percidae: Etheostomatini). Copeia 1974(1): (Teleostei: Elassomatidae). Bulletin Alabama 66-86. Museum of Natural History 16:1-14. Page, L.M. 1981. The genera and subgenera Mayden, R.L., B.M. Burr, L.M. Page, and R.R. of darters (Percidae, Etheostomatini). Occa- Miller. 1992. The native freshwater fishes of sional Papers of the Museum of Natural North America. Pages 827-863 in R.L. History, University of Kansas 90: 1-69. Mayden, ed. Systematics, historical ecology, and North American freshwater fishes. Page, L.M. 1983. Handbook of darters. TFH Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. xxvi + 969 pp. 271 pp. 298 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Page, L.M., and E.C. Beckham. 1987. Putnam, F.W. 1 863. List of the fishes sent by Notropis rupestris, a new cyprinid from the the museum to different institutions, in ex- middle Cumberland River system, Tennessee, change for other specimens, with annotations. with comments on variation in Notropis Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative heterolepis. Copeia 1987(3):659-668. Zoology 1(1):2-16.

Page, L.M., and M.E. Braasch. 1976. System- Putnam, F.W. 1872. The blind fishes of atic studies of darters of the subgenus Mammoth Cave and their allies. The American Catonotus (Percidae), with the description of a Naturalist 6(l):6-30. new species from the lower Cumberland and Tennessee River systems. Occasional Papers Rafinesque, C.S. 1818. Description of two of the Museum of Natural History, University new genera of North American fishes, Opsanus of Kansas 60:1-18. and Notropis. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review 2(3):203-204. Page, L.M., and M.E. Braasch. 1977. System- atic studies of darters of the subgenus Rafinesque, C.S. 1819. Prodrome de 70 Catonotus (Percidae), with the description of a nouveaux genres d'animaux decouverts dans new species from the Duck River system. l'interieur des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, durant Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural l'annee 1818. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, History, University of Kansas 63:1-18. d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts 88:417-429.

Page, L.M., and B.M. Burr. 1982. Three new Rafinesque, C.S. 1820. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, species of darters (Percidae, Etheostoma) of the or natural history of the fishes inhabiting the subgenus Nanostoma from Kentucky and River Ohio and its tributary streams, preceded Tennessee. Occasional Papers of the Museum by a physical description of the Ohio and its of Natural History, University of Kansas 101:1- branches. W.C. Hunt, Lexington, Kentucky. 20. 90 pp.

Page, L.M., and B.M. Burr. 1991. Afield Retzer, M.E., and L.M. Page. 1997. guide to freshwater fishes of North America Systematics of the stickcatfishes, Farlowella north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Eigenmann & Eigenmann (Pisces, Boston, xii + 432 pp. Loricariidae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 147:33-88. Page, L.M., P.A. Ceas, D.L. Swofford, and

D.G. Buth. 1992. Evolutionary relationships Richardson, J. 1 836. Fauna Boreali-Ameri- within the Etheostoma squamiceps complex cana; or the zoology of the northern parts of (Percidae; Subgenus Catonotus) with descrip- British America: part third The fish. Richard tions of five new species. Copeia 1992(3):615- Bentley, London. 327 pp. 646. Richardson, R.E. 1904. A review of the Page, L.M., and C.E. Johnston. 1990. The sunfishes of the current genera Apomotis, breeding behavior of Opsopoeodus emiliae Lepomis, and Eupomotis, with particular

(Cyprinidae) and its phylogenetic implications. reference to the species found in Illinois. Copeia 1990(4): 11 76- 11 80. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 7(3):27-35. Pallas, P.S. 1771-1776. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Ride, W.D.L., C.W. Sabrosky, G. Bernardi, and Kaiserlich Akademie der Wissenschaften R.V. Melville, eds. International code of erschienenen Ausgabe, St. Petersburg. 504 pp. zoological nomenclature, 3rd ed., adopted by the XX General Assembly of the International Poss, S.G., and B.B. Collette. 1995. Second Union of Biological Sciences. 1985. Univer- survey of fish collections in the United States sity of California Press, Berkeley. 338 pp. and Canada. Copeia 1995(1 ):48-70. October 1997 Catalog of Type Specimens 299

Riggs, CD., and G.A. Moore. 1951. Some Suttkus, R.D. , and R.C. Cashner. 1981. Anew new records of paddlefish and sturgeon for species of cyprinodontid fish, Genus Fundulus Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma (Zygonectes), from Lake Pontchartrain tributar-

Academy of Sciences 1 949: 16-18. ies in Louisiana and Mississippi. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 6:1-17. Robins, C.R.. R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea, and W.B. Suttkus, R.D., and G.H. Clemmer. 1968. Scott. 1991. Common and scientific names of Notropis edwardraneyi, a new cyprinid fish fishes from the United States and Canada, 5th from the Alabama and Tombigbee River ed. American Fisheries Society Special systems and a discussion of related species. Publication 20, Bethesda, Maryland. 183 pp. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 15(0:18-39. Schrenkeisen, R.M. 1938. Field book of fresh- water fishes of North America north of Mexico. Suttkus, R.D., and D.A. Etnier. 1991. J.T. Nichols and F.R. LaMonte, eds. G.P. Etheostoma tallapoosae and E. brevirostrunu Putnam's Sons, New York. xii + 312pp. two new darters, subgenus Ulocentra, from the Alabama River drainage. Tulane Studies in Simons, A.M. 1992. Phylogenetic relation- Zoology and Botany 28(1): 1-24. ships of the Boleosoma species group (Percidae: Etheostoma). Pages 268-292 in R.L. Suttkus, R.D., B.A. Thompson, and H.L. Bart, Mayden, ed. Systematics, historical ecology, Jr. 1994. Two new darters, Percina and North American freshwater fishes. (Cottogaster), from the southeastern United Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, States, with a review of the subgenus. Occa- xxvi + 969 pp. sional Papers Tulane University Museum of Natural History 4:1-46. Smith, P. W. 1979. The fishes of Illinois. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. xxix + Swift, C.C. 1970. A review of the eastern 314 pp. North American cyprinid fishes of the Notropis texanus species group (subgenus Alburnops), Smith, P.W., and D.W. Bridges. 1960. with a description of the subgenus Hydrophlox, Ichthyological type specimens extant from the and materials for a revision of the subgenus old Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Alburnops. Ph.D. dissertation, Florida State Copeia 1960(3):253-254. University, Tallahassee. 515 pp.

Snelson, F.F., Jr. 1971. Notropis Swofford, D.L. 1982. Genetic variability, mekistocholas, a new herbivorous cyprinid fish population differentiation, and biochemical endemic to the Cape Fear River basin, North relationships in the family Amblyopsidae. Carolina. Copeia 1971(3):449-462. M.S. dissertation, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond. 193 pp. Snelson, F.F., Jr. 1973. Systematics and distribution of the ribbon shiner, Notropis Taylor, W.R. 1969. A revision of the catfish fiimeus (Cyprinidae), from the central United genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of States. The American Midland Naturalist higher groups in the Ictaluridae. Bulletin of the 89(1): 166-191. United States National Museum 282:vi + 315.

Snelson, F.F., Jr., and W.L. Pflieger. 1975. Thompson, B.A. 1985. Percina jenkinsi, a Redescription of the redfin shiner, Notropis new species of logperch (Pisces, Percidae) from umbratilis, and its subspecies in the central the Conasauga River, Tennessee and Georgia. Mississippi River basin. Copeia 1975(2):231- Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, 249. Louisiana State University 61:1 -23.

Suttkus, R.D. 1958. Status of the nominal Thompson, B.A. 1995. Percina austroperca: a cyprinid species Moniana deliciosa Girard and new species of logperch (Percidae, Subgenus Cyprinella texana Girard. Copeia 1958(4):307- Percina) from the Choctawhatchee and 318. Escambia rivers in Alabama and Florida. 300 Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Vol. 35 Art. 5

Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Wood, R.M., and R.L. Mayden. 1993. Sys- Science, Louisiana State University 69:1-19. tematics of the Etheostoma jordani species group (Teleostei: Percidae), with descriptions Vari, R.P., A.S. Harold, and D.C. Taphorn. of three new species. Bulletin Alabama 1994. Creagrutus melasma, a new species of Museum of Natural History 16:31-46. characid fish (Teleostei: Characiformes) from upland streams of northern Venezuela. Pro- Woods, L.P., and R.F. Inger. 1957. The cave, ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing- spring, and swamp fishes of the family ton 107(l):90-96. Amblyopsidae of central and eastern United States. The American Midland Naturalist

Warren, M.L., Jr. 1992. Variation of the 58(0:232-256. spotted sunfish, Lepomis punctatus complex (Centrarchidae): meristics, morphometries, pigmentation and species limits. Bulletin Alabama Museum of Natural History 12:1-47.

Warren, M.L., Jr., B.M. Burr, and J.M. Grady. 1994. Notropis albizonatus, a new cyprinid fish endemic to the Tennessee and Cumberland River drainages, with a phylogeny of the Notropis procne species group. Copeia 1994(4):868-886.

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Williams, J.D., and D.A. Etnier. 1982. Description of a new species, Fundulus julisia, with a redescription of Fundulus albolineatus and a diagnosis of the subgenus Xenisma (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas 102: 1-20.

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