COVID-19 PLANS / PROGRESS Covid-19 Closes Crestwood

 League games that were cancelled 5 O’clock Shadows, ESSC, Tuesday Sr. .

 The remainder of Club Championship games were cancelled.

 Marc Kennedy & Crestwood Mixed Bonspiel cancelled.

 Windup & Awards Night cancelled.

 Spring Pickleball cancelled.

 Golf Tournament rescheduled to September 12th, 2020.

 Casino Dates were slotted for 4th quarter 2020 (new dates unknown)

We have taken advantage of the Emergency Business Account (CEBA) which provides interest-free loans of $40,000

We also have taken advantage of the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy which covers 75% of employee's wages

Finally we also are taking advantage of the 10% Wage Subsidy that allows us to reduce the amount of payroll deductions required to be remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency.

Clean Facility & Safety of our Curlers & Staff We may require some volunteers to help our staff clean / sanitizer heavily used areas.

Disinfectant wipes will be available to clean rocks and other surfaces.

Hand Sanitizer available in multiple location for our facility users.

Our Partners who we are working with! Our General Manager Darcy has been involved in emails with several other managers from across the country on a return to play plan for Canada

Curling Canada is expected to release a return to play plan sometime in June. Curling has been communicating with the Province of Alberta, and clubs to see how they can assist clubs.

Club managers have had meetings every 2 weeks

They have discussing changes with COVID in their clubs and updates on possible operational plans for the upcoming season.

Clubs are hoping to have similar return to play plans so curlers who play in several clubs can adapt easily.

Club managers have had also had meetings with sports liaisons with the City of on plans to reopening.

Our work in progress Return to Play

 Registration cut-off  Facility opening August 1, 2020. dates (unknown)  Fees based on  Hoping to open as regular curling we normally would scheduled games. (late September)  Fees would be  We may need to prorated if we are start later if we are not able to play all not permitted to games. open or have a 2nd wave of pandemic.