2O18 Impact Report

More Meaningful Moments Find comfort here. Contents 2018 Board Letter from CEO of Directors and Board Chair 3 OFFICERS 2018 By the Numbers 4 Kyle Kepley, Board Chair Daniel James, Vice Chair Letter from CFO and Edwina Hardee, Secretary Finance Committee Chair 6

Overview of Agency MEMBERS Expanding Our Presence 7 Jon Applebaum Frank Cagle Patient Care 8 Russell Compton Debbie Fanary Support Services 9 Ken Hall More Meaningful Moments Sid Proctor Campaign Update 10 Isabell Elaine Rector Tina Royal Letter from Community Nancy Wright Relations Director 11 Kelly Young Creating Your Own Community Legacy 12

Increasing Awareness/ Fundraising 13

Donor Lists 14

Ways to Give 27 find comfort here.

2 Find comfort here. our mission Letter from CEO and Board Chair

Reflecting back on 2018, we recognize it was a year of significant accomplishments. The most meaningful being entrusted to care for more than 900 patients and families in need of our services. Time and time again we hear “we couldn’t have gone through this without your team.” Our specialized care offers a different kind of hope for those facing the most difficult and vulnerable times in their lives. It is a privilege to be looked to as the expert in end-of-life care for our community. For the fourth consecutive year, Hospice of Davidson County was recognized by Healthcare First as a Only through your “Hospice Honors” provider by exceeding rigorous quality standards. This national recognition places us in the top group of hospices across the United States. More than 94 percent of families who completed continued support the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers Survey indicated satisfaction levels above the national average with the care Hospice of Davidson County provided for their loved one. can we move our The health care sector continues to rapidly change and the hospice medical specialty continues to respond to the challenges. Hospice of Davidson County remains committed to the mission to improve mission forward quality of life by providing expert physical, spiritual and emotional care for our community. in delivering the To help ensure we are prepared to meet our mission while keeping up with the ever-changing healthcare industry, the agency hired a full-time clinical educator to plan, develop, and implement an education highest quality program to promote clinical excellence. Additionally, thanks to grant funding through the NC Department of Health and Human Services, we built a state-of-the-art learning lab to provide hands-on education for end-of-life care for clinical staff to practice and refine their clinical and communication skills. From serving more patients and families than ever, to raising $1.8 million of our $2.3 million goal through our community! our More Meaningful Moments Campaign, we have been able to expand services, enhance our care models, and provide for future needs. Moving forward, we remain committed to being the expert in providing the best clinical, psychosocial, and spiritual support at end-of life care. We value your partnership in caring for our community.

Laura Owen Kyle Kepley Chief Executive Officer Chair, Board of Directors

Find comfort here. 3 2018 By the Numbers

Patient Visits Days of Care Access to Care Patients & families The Hinkle Hospice Physician office benefited from House team provided referrals for care more than 22,000 3,424 days of care 3,424 increased 20% 22,000 visits in across general inpatient, by over 20% in 2018. their homes or routine and respite residences from stays. our hospice care team members. Chaplain Visits Home Care & Facility Chaplains provided Average Census spiritual support 1,100 Admissions The average daily through over 1,100 visits. In 2018, 766 patients census for 2018 was 135 were admitted into 766 135 patients. Hospice of Davidson County's care. Facility Visits Members of the clinical care team provided 7,546 Donation Increase care for patients in clinical care facilities Giving increased through 7,546 visits. by $134,468 in 2018. $134,468

More Meaningful Moments

4 Find comfort here. Education Connections Social Work The addition of a 1,898 connections The Social Worker team state-of-the-art were made with provided psychosocial learning lab allows community 1,898 support through 2,900 for our staff to members through 2,900 visits to enhance critical skills. our grief support patients and services programs families. through telephone calls, visits, and the agency’s annual Satisfaction Grief Conference. Education and 94.1% of families who completed the Community Outreach Consumer Assessment 94.1% Hospice of Davidson and Healthcare Providers Volunteer Hours County hosted 85 Survey, indicated education events 4,212 satisfaction levels above Volunteers contributed for faith-based organizations, the national average 3,402 patient care 3,402 civic groups and healthcare for patient care. hours providing nearly $80,000 in cost savings. partners reaching 4,212 attendees.

To all of the staff for their tireless efforts... To every volunteer who selflessly gave their time and talents... To our donors who gave so generously of their resources...

Thank you for making 2018 such an incredible year! More Meaningful Moments

Find comfort here. 5 our growth

Letter from CFO and Finance Committee Chair

As part of our mission, Hospice of Davidson County supports patients and families in our community by Our cash flow providing the same level of high-quality care to all patients and families, regardless of the cost of their care or their ability to pay. We recognize that families benefiting from our care are navigating one of the increased $872,217 most stressful times in their lives. We are proud to be able to support them in ways that make the experience meaningful without adding the burden of worrying about the cost of care. and our reserves Our priority is delivering expert, compassionate care, while also being wise and monitoring expenses to ensure increased by financial stability. This practice is key to remaining financially strong today, and for decades to come. In 2018, we worked closely with local financial institutions to review our deposit and savings accounts to $276,042 to bring us increase interest earned. Additionally, we worked with leadership and mid-level management to revise our processes and reporting to enhance efficiency and effectiveness agency-wide. This new structure allows us to a balance of to provide more competitive compensation for our staff and helps to ensure financial sustainability to help the organization manage stable growth. $1,858,198 as of We ended 2018 in a positive position. Our cash flow increased $872,217 and our reserves increased by $276,042 December 31, 2018. to bring us to a balance of $1,858,198 as of December 31, 2018. These financial results provide strength and security so Hospice of Davidson County can manage anticipated changes in the healthcare landscape that may impact our future ability to provide these critical services to our community. Thanks to generous community support, it is possible to meet the growing demand for our services and bridge the gap between insurance reimbursement and the costs of providing care. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Daniel James Glen Hubbard Daniel James Chief Financial Officer Chair, Finance Committee

6 Find comfort here. OVERVIEW OF THE AGENCY Growing our reach Expanding Our Presence like never before. In 2018, we pressed forward in several ways to make our presence known to more people in the communities we serve. We visited more patients in their homes, in long-term care and skilled nursing facilities, and the Hinkle Hospice House than ever. Through our community outreach initiatives, volunteer services, and our marketing services, we dramatically increased awareness of Hospice of Davidson County’s mission.

And we achieved great success in growing our referral networks and donations.

Find comfort here. 7 Patient Care

Meeting patients where they are – literally in their homes, in care facilities, or in the Hinkle Hospice House – Our main focus is is what we do. Creating individual care plans to meet each patient's needs. Supporting patients, not just physically, but psychologically and spiritually. When we tell people they will “Find Comfort Here,” this is to help our patients a promise to provide comprehensive support to anyone facing a terminal illness, and help them realize the highest quality of life possible. We can only achieve these ends by having an incredible team of manage pain and professionals in place who work tirelessly to ensure EVERYONE in our care truly “Finds Comfort Here.” Achievements in 2018 to better serve our patients included: symptoms, and • Achieving recognition by Healthcare First as a “Hospice Honors” hospice center by exceeding 18 out provide spiritual of 24 quality standard metrics. This national recognition places Hospice of Davidson Count in the top group of hospice organizations across the United States who can quantify the quality of care we provide. and emotional • A 94.1 percent overall patient care satisfaction rate, which was achieved according to the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers. This was above the national average. support for patients • Home Care Nurses and Hospice Aides providing end-of-life care and education to those we serve and their caregivers. with nearly 10,000 home visits. The Facility Care team touched the lives of many more with more than 7,500 facility patient care visits. • Facilitating 766 total admissions; a 3% increase from prior year and highest year to date. • A 19% increase in facility referrals, meaning more facilities referred patients to us than ever.

8 Find comfort here. Support Services

Hospice of Davidson County provides far more than just patient care. Our holistic approach includes spiritual and emotional support that is available to family members and caregivers, as well as patients. We support not Facing the loss of a loved one is never easy, and the challenges can be compounded when one is also integral in their loved one's care. Our dedicated team helps families navigate the changes when caring for just the physical someone at the end of life. We also provide emotional and spiritual support to the entire family. Access to our care team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure patient and family needs are met needs of patients, any time day or night. Hospice services do not stop after the death of a patient, as many family members take advantage of Hospice of Davidson County’s grief support services. but the emotional In 2018, families benefited from Hospice of Davidson County’s care in the following ways: and spiritual • Hospice Chaplains provided spiritual support through over 1,100 home visits. • Home Care Medical Social Workers provided psychosocial support by making over 1,900 home visits, well-being of the an increase of 24% from previous year. entire family. • Nursing Facility Social Workers made over 1,000 visits in 2018, attending to the needs of our patients and the staff within the facilities we contract with in Davidson, Forsyth and Rowan County. This is an increase of 29% from previous year. • Grief support counselors provided more than 160 visits and 1,273 telephone calls to patients and families who requested counseling before, during, and after the death of a loved one. • Three new children’s support groups were launched: Healing Hearts, Brave Hearts, and Mend-A-Heart; which is a combination of HODC served and Davidson County children experiencing grief and loss.

Find comfort here. 9 More Meaningful Moments Campaign Update update Without community involvement and advocacy, Hospice of Davidson County would not be the thriving and vibrant organization it is today. The agency remains grateful for your support and commitment! Hospice of Davidson County works with patients and families to help them enjoy life to the fullest of their ability after a terminal diagnosis. It is a priority to help them create special memories that are meaningful. You are aware of the important role that Hospice of Davidson County plays in helping people whose lives are being impacted by terminal illness, grief and loss in our community. Because Hospice of Davidson County is a mission-driven, non-profit care provider, the work is supported largely by generous donors, like you, who make the agency’s mission a charitable priority. We work with In 2017, we launched our More Meaningful Moments campaign and through the generosity of the community, we were able to fund many important initiatives: patients and families • Expanding services through the implementation of a pediatric hospice program, including the training and equipment necessary to provide this specialized care. so that they may • Providing a place for reflection with our Serenity Garden. enjoy life to the fullest • Updating the Hinkle Hospice House with new furniture, equipment and refreshing many interior spaces to continue to offer a welcoming and comfortable environment for all. of their abilities, We remain committed to meeting the end-of-life care and grief support needs of our community. Many helping them create generous donors share our passion and commitment to those who rely on our agency for care. With your support, we will remain a trusted resource, operating under the unwavering principle that any person in special times and need deserves quality hospice care provided with dignity and respect. While we have completed many projects, the need still exists to further enhance and expand our care to memories together. better meet the growing needs of the community. Can we count on your support to help us meet the $2,300,000 goal? We hope that you will join us in making a meaningful gift to this significant campaign that will ensure More Meaningful Moments for those in need of our care.

With gratitude, Nancy & Gordon Wright Chairs, More Meaningful Moments Campaign

10 Find comfort here. Letter from Community Relations Directorour reach In 2018, Hospice of Davidson County made great strides in raising awareness inside and outside of Davidson County. The agency’s rebranding process in 2017 has visually driven brand recognition and helped to educate the community and providers to identify Hospice of Davidson County as the number one provider for end-of-life care and support in Davidson County. From our first Red Cross blood drive in January 2018 to our Night of Remembrance event in December, more than 4,200 people in the community benefited from our community education and outreach activities. We partnered with resources, like the Piedmont Triad Area Council on Aging, Davidson County Senior Services, and our community hospitals to better serve Davidson County residents. Additionally, Hospice of Davidson County’s three signature fundraising events, the annual Golf Tournament, Ride for Angels, and the Night of Remembrance raised over $49,000 to support patient care. While Medicare, Individual support is one of the most important ways Hospice of Davidson County is able to ensure care services and programs are available to our community. While Medicare, Medicaid, and most private Medicaid, and most insurance provide some reimbursement, there is always a gap between funds received and funds needed. As your view the 2018 Impact Report, we hope that you will take time to recognize the generosity private insurance of those in our community who join you in supporting community. It is because of this generous support provide some we are able to meet our mission to enhance quality of life by providing expert physical, emotional, and spiritual care for our community. reimbursement, At Hospice of Davidson County, our goal is to support patients and families so that they may enjoy life to the fullest of their abilities, helping them create meaningful moments and memories together. there is always Community support is vital to keeping a non-profit organization running. A gift of financial support to a gap between Hospice of Davidson County means opportunities to serve more patients in need, ensures that no one is turned away because of inability to pay, and funds compassionate grief support and spiritual care. funds received and Thank you for investing in Hospice of Davidson County. funds needed.

Jan Knox Director of Community Relations

Find comfort here. 11 Creating Your Own Communityestate Legacy planning If you own anything, you have an estate. After your lifetime, your estate is settled. Ideally, you have planned for your financial resources and property to be left to your family and loved ones. Many also decide to leave legacies to the charities they care about, including Hospice of Davidson County. In general terms, a will or living trust is a great way to legally coordinate the distribution of your assets after you pass on. A Will provides your instructions. Any assets titled in your name or directed by your will must go through your state’s probate process before they can be distributed to your heirs. (If you own property in other states, your family will probably face multiple probates, each one according to the laws in that state.) The process varies greatly from state to state, but it can become expensive with legal fees, As a service to the executor fees, and court costs. It can also take anywhere from nine months to two years or longer. With rare exception, probate files are open to the public, and excluded heirs are encouraged to come forward community, Hospice and seek a share of your estate. In short, the court system, not your family, controls the process. The more you plan with legal council, the better. of Davidson County Planning your estate will help you organize your records, often offers Advanced and correct titles and beneficiary designations Would your family know where to find your financial records, titles, and insurance policies if something Directive Services happened to you? What about usernames and passwords for online accounts? Planning your estate now free of charge. will help you organize your records, locate titles and beneficiary designations, and find and correct errors. Most people don’t give much thought to the wording they put on titles and beneficiary designations. You may have good intentions, but an innocent error can create all kinds of problems for your family at your disability and/or death. Beneficiary designations are often out-of-date or otherwise invalid. Naming the wrong beneficiary on your tax-deferred plan can lead to devastating tax consequences. It is much better for you to take the time to do this correctly now than for your family to pay an attorney to try to fix things later. The best time to plan your estate is now! None of us likes to think about our mortality or the possibility of being unable to make decisions for ourselves. This is exactly why so many families are caught off-guard and unprepared when incapacity or death does strike. Don’t wait! Visit HospiceOfDavidson.org/Estate-Planning to learn more.

12 Find comfort here. Increasing Awareness/Fundraising our reach The Hospice of Davidson County re-branding is now well into its second year, and we've made great strides in raising awareness inside and outside of Davidson County. • 206 Publicity Events Garnered 39,000,000 Impressions: From our first Red Cross blood drives in January to our Night of Remembrance event in December, we created numerous touch points for people in the community to learn more about us, as well as participate in a number of events, including the annual Golf Tournament, Ride For Angels, and the Night of Remembrance. These three signature events raised over $49,000! • Increased Social Media Presence: Our FaceBook page has proven to be a great outlet to make announcements, promote events, and generally raise awareness, which has tripled our activity and interaction by followers of the page. • Increased Volunteer Roles: Through traditional and online outlets, we recruited 43 new volunteers who completed training, including seven teenagers. This was a 55% increased from 2017 in the number of new volunteers joining us to help. • Volunteers provided more than 3,400 patient care hours: this was a 26% increase from 2017. • Partnered with More Community Resources to Better Serve Davidson County Residents: Organizations included Carolina Cancer Services, Davidson County Medical Ministries, FaithHealth NC, Family Services of Davidson County, and the Piedmont Triad Area Council on Aging. Many of these events encourage end-of-life planning, such as creative Advanced Directives and Will Planning.

Find comfort here. 13 2018 Partners in Care Sapona Charitable Foundation Ms. Betty Small Isley Corporation & $1,000+ Corporate Donors SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jackson Organizational Donors Best Disposal/Todco Sink Farm Equipment Mr. & Mrs. Jesse King A ACR Supply Co., Inc. Brasscraft – Thomasville Thomasville Emporium Mr. & Mrs. Seth Knox Advanced Home Care Aetna Foundation Turlington & Co. Ms. Catherine Koontz Center Towne Realtors Alliance One International, Inc. Center United Methodist Church Twin City Sprinkler Co. Inc Mr. & Mrs. West Lamoureaux Allied Foam Products, Inc. Charity League of Lexington Tyro United Methodist Church Mr. John Laughlin ALSCO, Inc. Choice Home Medical Wright Global Graphics Mr. Darrell Loman AmazonSmile Equipment, Inc. American Express Co. Younts Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Robert Lowe Employee Giving Program Citrin & Whitman, P.A. Mr. & Mrs. James Massey ASC-Taylor Brothers Dacotah Foundation 2018 Founders Circle Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Milam Bahnson Doak Finch Foundation $1,000+ Individual Donors Mr. & Mrs. Dan Moore Jr. Baker Construction Co. Bank of America Employee Giving Campaign Don Juan’s Mexican Restaurant Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Amos Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Myers Mr. Jon Applebaum Barbecue Center, Inc. The Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Family Dr. Bill Bean & Mrs. Nancy Nuckols Barnes, Grimes, Bunce & Fraley, PLLC Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Johnny S. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Mike O’Dowd Bayada Home Health Care First Bank Mr. & Mrs. Don Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Monty Oliver Beck’s Reformed Church First United Methodist Church Bell Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. James F. Black Mr. & Mrs. Brad Owen Folk, Round & Square Dance Dr. & Mrs. Karl Bolstad Best Disposal/Todco Federation of NC Mr. Donald Roha Bethany United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bonnett The Gabelli Foundation #2 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shinn ll Bethel Tabernacle Church Mr. & Mrs. Steven Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Ian Silversides Bethesda United Methodist Church Homer Shaw Memorial Bill’s Truck Stop Golf Tournament Ms. Alma Carlton Rev. Sarah B. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Dill Cecil Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina Jay Young Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Burr Sullivan Blue Ridge Endodontics Kaufman Trailers of NC, Inc. Mr. Maynard Cheney Mr. & Mrs. Mark Swaim Brancass Properties LLC Lauren’s Ladder Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Day Mr. Larry Swing Brandyberry & Associates Brasscraft — Thomasville Lexington Barbecue Mrs. Sara DeLapp Mr. & Mrs. Robin Team Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn Breeden Insurance Services, Inc. Lexington Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. David Troutman Briggs Funeral Home Novant Health Mrs. Patty Fayne Mr. & Mrs. Mike Turlington Brookstone Retirement Center Oak Forest United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Barry Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whitehurst Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Inc. Calvary United Church of Christ Ole North State Line Siders Sandy Fowler Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wright Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green Canaan United Methodist Church Parrott Insurance & Benefits, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young Carolina Alliance Bank Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gregg Paul’s Chapel Church Mrs. Martha Younts Carolina Farm Credit RCR Racing Ms. Gail Harris Carter Millwork, Inc. Cedar Grove Baptist Church Rich Fork Baptist Church Dr. & Mrs. Sam Harris Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Higgins Center Towne Realtors Center United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hodges Center United Methodist Church Faith More Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hubbard Seekers Class Meaningful Mr. James G. Hudson Jr. Central Baptist Church Moments 14 Find comfort here. Central Carolina Community First Bank Lauren’s Ladder, Inc. Parrott Insurance & Benefits, Inc. Covenant Church First Baptist Church of Denton Lavish Salon & Spa of Lexington LLC Path of Hope Central Davidson High School CTE Dept First Baptist Church of Lexington Lexington Area Community Foundation Paul’s Chapel Church Centrals Class of 1965 First Presbyterian Church Asheboro Lexington Barbecue Piedmont Corrugated Specialty Co. Chapel Hill United Methodist Church First Presbyterian Church Lexington Lexington Garden Club Pilgrim Reformed Church Chapter of Alpha Omicron First Reformed United Church of Christ Lexington Golf Shop, Inc. Pleasant Garden Baptist Church Charity League of Lexington First United Methodist Church Lexington Home Brands Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church Choice Home Medical Equipment, Inc. Floyd Baptist Church Lexington Ladies Golf Assoc. PostMark Citizens Insurance Group Folk, Round & Square Dance Lexington Memorial Lodge, No. 473 Quaker Lake Village Homeowners Assoc. Citrin & Whitman, P.A. Federation of NC Lexington Primary Care R & R Plot Excavation Inc. City of Lexington Forsyth Technical Community College Lexington Woman’s Club RCR Racing City of Thomasville Freedom Missionary Baptist Church LinTaylor Marketing Group, Inc. Red Velvet Cupcakes Clearview Baptist Church Friends at Abbot Downing Love of God Baptist Church Reeds Baptist Church Comfort Tech Heating & Air, Inc. Friendship Baptist Church Lucky Duck Farm Reynolds American Foundation Country Club Oaks Homeowners Assoc. Funder America, Inc. McLeod Addictive Disease Center Matching Donations County Line Cycles LLC Good Hope United Methodist Church McMillion Associates, Inc. Rich Fork Baptist Church Creative Carpets Discount Sales Governor’s Institute on Substance Abuse Mem United Church of Christ Women’s Guild Royal Manor Home Owners Assoc. Cynthia E. Lisk Estate Grubb Holdings Co. Memorial Evangelical & Reformed Church S & S Grill Dacotah Foundation Guil-Rand Fire Protective Assoc., Inc. Metal Works of High Point, Inc. Broken Vessels Sunday School Daimler Cares H & C Utilities Mountcastle Insurance Sapona Charitable Foundation Davidson County Harriss & Covington Hosiery Mills, Inc. Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church Seaman’s Awnings & Canopies Department of Social Services Hedrick’s Grove United Church of Christ Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville Davidson County Electrical Helping Others Prepare for Excellence Inc. Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church Sheets Memorial Baptist Church Contractors Assoc. Heritage Farm Homeowners Assoc. Mutual of America Life Insurance Co. Sink Farm Equipment Davidson County Health Dept. Hilltop Baptist Church My Sticker Man Smith Grove Baptist Church Davidson County Schools — Hog Salisbury NC Chapter 2019 Soldiers of Mercy Administration Office National Assoc. of Letter Carriers, BR 2560 Holladay Surgical Supply South Lexington Fire Dept. Davidson County Woodcarvers NC Assoc. of Clerks of Superior Court Holloways Baptist Church Southeastern Installation, Inc. Davidson Funeral Home NEG Industries Holly Grove Lutheran Church Southeastern Mfg. Supplies, Inc. Davidson Speed Printing New Friendship United Church of Christ Homer Shaw Memorial Golf Tournament Southside Baptist Church Davidson Water, Inc. New Jerusalem United Church of Christ HomeTrust Bank Southwood Teacher Assistants Davis-Martin-Powell & Assoc. Inc. Newsome Grading Co LLC Hoover’s Farm St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Doak Finch Foundation North Carolina Farm Bureau Hulin Septic Tank Mutual Insurance Co. Standell Properties Don Juan’s Mexican Restaurant IBM Employee Services Center North Carolina Housing Services State Electric DonateWell General Fund IH Services, Inc. & Management Corp. Steve Dozier Textile Co. Inc. Don’s Barbeque & Catering J.C. Green & Sons, Inc. North Lexington Baptist Church Stoner-Thomas School EDHS Class of 1976 Jay Young Foundation Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center Swing Insurance Service Edward Jones/David Snapp Jersey Baptist Church Oak Forest United Methodist Church The Benevity Community Impact Fund Elite Displays & Design, Inc. Kaufman Trailers of NC, Inc. Oak Grove High School The Duke Energy Foundation Elizabeth Carbide of NC Kernersville Civitan Club Oakhurst Textiles, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Emanuel Reformed Church Kirby Kanoy & Associates Inc. Old North State Trust Emmanuel Wesleyan Church Knox, Brotherton, Knox & Godfrey Olde Well Tavern LLC Evans Real Estate & Investment Properties Attorneys At Law Ole North State Line Siders Fairview United Methodist Church LaBella Assoc., P.C. Open Door Baptist Church Faith Church of Midway Landmark Builders, Inc. Order of the Eastern Star Denton, Chapter 216 Ferree Dinkins Group CPA’s, PLLC Lanier Hardware, Inc. Ornamental Mouldings Fidelity Charitable Donor-Advised Fund

Find comfort here. 15 The Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Family Waterway View Mobile Home Park Will Holland 2018 More Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Callicutt Foundation, Inc. WDHS Class of 1963 Anne Hood Meaningful Moments Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carle The Farmhouse Shoppe Weaver-Wagner Enterprises LLC Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Hood Ms. Alma Carlton The Gabelli Foundation #2 Welch Memorial United Ian & Jordan Knott Campaign Donors Mrs. Ruth Carlton The Law Offices of Perry R. Safran, PA Methodist Church Tony & Phylis Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Carolina Alliance Bank The United Way of Welcome Church of God Carolyn Jean Thomason Loman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Adkins Ms. Sue Carter Southwestern Wells Fargo Community Fred McIntyre Ms. Whitney Allen Center Towne Realtors The Winston-Salem Foundation Support Campaign Estelle McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Harry Allen Jr. Central Davidson High School Thomasville Area Chamber Wellspring Community Church Elizabeth & Mike McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Allred CTE Dept of Commerce Wendy Hanes Realty LLC Thompson Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Amos Charity League of Lexington Thomasville Emporium Wesley Heights United Bruce & Diane Mize Mrs. Meredith Andrews Mr. Maynard Cheney Thomasville North Carolina Methodist Church Wayne & Nancy Monk Anonymous (3) Ms. Mary Christine Clark Memorial Day Parade & Westfield Baptist Church Nancy Monk Mr. Jon Applebaum Mr. & Mrs. Durham Clodfelter Ceremony Inc. Westside Ladies Fellowship Larry & Linda Morrison Robin A. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. James Coble Thomasville Pediatrics WFBH — Lexington Medical Center Jan Morton Mr. Ken Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Tim Coltrane Thomasville Woman’s Club Inc. Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP Harold & Betty Ruth Myers Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Auman Ms. Kathy Compton TisBest Philanthropy Women of Moose Chapter 1169 Mike & Suzanne Niver Mr. Carl Auman Ms. Michelle Conerly Tom A. Finch Community YMCA Wright Global Graphics Triad Protection Inc. Sara Niver Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cook Yadkin Valley Chapter of Mr. Tom Barger Mr. Chris Cook Triad Radiology Associates PLLC The North Carolina Society Brooke & Scott Osborne Trinity United Methodist Church of Surveyors Sid & Miranda Proctor Mrs. Peggy Barnhardt Ms. Phoebe Cooper Troop E / District 1 Younts Insurance Agency, Inc. Mrs. Margaret Rimer Mrs. Sherry Batchelor Mr. & Mrs. Craig Cooper Truist Your Pharmacy of Lexington Wayne & Martha Rorex Mrs. Barbara Beck Mr. & Mrs. William Cotten Sr. Turlington & Co. John & Carmen Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bell Mr. Howard Cox Twin City Sprinkler Co. Inc Honorariums Talmadge & Ian Silversides Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bellamy Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Cunningham Mrs. Mary B. Berrier Ms. Catherine Cunningham Tyro United Methodist Church Billy Ann Allison Talmadge Silversides Mrs. Clatie J. Berrier Mr. James Cunningham United Methodist Women — Mount Mr. & Mrs. Dan Beck Mr. & Mrs. Eddie L. Simmerson Best Disposal / Todco Mr. Jacob Cunningham Pleasant UMC Jack & Joan Briggs Ronnie Stone Simpson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Best Mr. & Mrs. Neal Cunningham United Way of Davidson County Sparky Brooks Mrs. Betty Sink Mrs. Gail Biesecker Dacotah Foundation United Way of Forsyth County Billy & Susan Bryan Barry & Renee Sink Mr. Ron Black Mrs. Rebecca Daley United Way of Greater Atlanta Jim & Gayle Byrd Barbara Ann Sink Dr. & Mrs. Oscar Blackwell Mr. Robert D. Daniels United Way of Greater Greensboro Susan Calhoun Charles & Amy Snyder Mr. & Mrs. James Bland Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis United Way of Greater High Point Ron Childress Hospice of Davidson County, Staff Ms. Rochelle Bobo Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Davis United Way of Greater Russ & Tina Compton Hospice Angels & SNJ Dr. & Mrs. Karl Bolstad Mrs. Sara DeLapp Horace & Kathy Conner Bettie Stokes Uwharrie Capital Corp. Mrs. Joan Boyle Mr. Jim Dillon Dorothy P. Cramer Bobby Swiney & Family Valley of the Sun Mr. & Mrs. Jack Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Bill Distler Julee & Calvin Cunningham Robin & Katherine Team United Way Agency Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brooks Mrs. Sylvia Walters Drake Jennifer Davis, MD Daniel Timberlake & Family Wade S. Dunbar Insurance Ms. Sherry Brown Mr. David Dunevant Agency of Laurinburg Mrs. Sherry Eller Ms. Margot Walser Mr. & Mrs. Otis Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn WakeMed Andrew & Samantha Everhart Mrs. Margaret Ward Mr. James Burcham Ms. Jeanne Dyer Walker & Associates Danny & Pam Forrest David & Ellen Welborn Mrs. Louise Burton Mr. & Mrs. James J. Edmundson Sr. Walmart #1322 Many special friends Jackie White Mr. Cyrus Bush Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eller Becky Ginn Sherry Morton & Arron Woodall Bub & Kelly Wright Dr. & Mrs. Wally Butler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fanary More Nancy & Gordon Wright Mr. & Mrs. Steven Byerly Dr. & Mrs. Victor Farrah Mrs. Virgil Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cagle Brown F. Finch Foundation Meaningful Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Callicutt Doak Finch Foundation Moments Richard & Frances York 16 Find comfort here. Thomas Austin Finch Foundation Mrs. Merle Hodges Mrs. Margaret Marr Ms. Becky Poetzinger State of NC First Bank Mr. & Mrs. James L. Holmes III Mrs. Barbara N. Mason Ms. Donna B. Pope Ms. Darlene Steele First United Methodist Church Mr. Jimmy Holshouser Dorothy Mathews Mrs. Crissy L. Pope Mr. James Stephens Ms. Mary Flowe Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Hood Mr. Walt Mathis Renee Prevette Mr. & Mrs. David Suders Mrs. Martha Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Bert May Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Price Mr. & Mrs. Burr Sullivan Folk, Round & Square Dance Mr. James Hudson Jr. Mrs. Carolyn McCarn Ms. Patricia Price Ms. Vernell Heitman Sutherland Federation of NC Family of Willis Huneycutt Mr. Marshall McLamb Mr. & Mrs. Sid E. Proctor Ms. Nancy Swicegood Mr. & Mrs. Dan Forrest Mrs. Sue Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Parker McLendon Ms. Christy Pruess Mr. Larry Swing Mr. & Mrs. Joe Foster Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hutchens Mr. & Mrs. Freddie C. McMahan Mr. & Mrs. Don Pullum Mr. & Mrs. Greg Taylor Sandy Fowler Ms. Betty Small Isley Mr. & Mrs. Bill McMurray Mr. & Mrs. Tim Ragan Mr. & Mrs. Robin Team Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jackson Mrs. Elizabeth McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ragan Mr. Richard L. Thomas* Mr. & Mrs. Tom Freeman Sr. Mrs. Doris S. Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. John B. McWhorter Mr. Thomas Ramsey Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Ms. Ruth Fritts Mr. & Mrs. Daniel James Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Milam Mrs. Terri Reid Cassie Thornton Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller Mrs. Ruth James Ms. Cheryl Miller Mrs. Sandy Reynolds The Honorable & Mrs. N. Gabelli Foundation #2 Ms. Ruth Jarrett Mr. & Mrs. Thompson Miller Mrs. Mary Rickard Carlton Tilley Mr. Thomas Phillip Gallimore Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Miller Mr. Donald Roha Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Timberlake Jr. Mr. Tony Garitta Mr. Bobby Jones Mr. J.W. Milstead Jr Ms. Tina Royal Mr. & Mrs. Bob Timberlake Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jones Mr. & Mrs. Avon Mize Ms. Nancy Ruppert Mr. & Mrs. Mike Turlington Mr. Alonza Gillen Mr. & Mrs. Rod Kcuik Ms. Juanita Mobley Mr. Lester Sain Mrs. Margot Walser Mrs. Vivian Gilliam Mr. & Mrs. James Kearney Ms. Meredith Mode Mr. Stephen Schaeffer Mr. & Mrs. Eddie D. Warren Mr. & Mrs. T. Adam Ginn Ms. Ann Kirkman Mrs. Sheryl Mohn Mr. & Mrs. William B. Senhauser Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wehrle Ms. Jessica Goins Mr. & Mrs. Danny Kirkman Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Monk Shady Grove United Mrs. Jackie White Mr. & Mrs. Art Gray Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kivett Mr. & Mrs. Dan Moore Jr. Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whitehurst Mrs. Florence Payne Greene Ms. Sally D. Knight Ms. Arlene Pinnix Morrow Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shinn ll Mrs. Susan Whitesides Mr. & Mrs. Harry Grier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Seth Knox Mrs. Carol Myers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shipton Ms. Barbara Wiggins Mr. & Mrs. Clay Grubb Mrs. Frances Koonts Mr. James Myers Mrs. Freda Shoaf Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wikstrom Grubb Holdings Co. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lackey Mrs. Irene Myers Mrs. Dee Dee Shook Mr. & Mrs. Ms. Tracy Grubb Lanier Hardware, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neese Mr. & Mrs. Ian Silversides Mr. Philip Lohr Mr. Joseph F. Guerrieri Mr. John Laughlin Mr. & Mrs. James Noonan Darlene & Norm Simpson Witherspoon Rose Culture Gulf Coast Community Lauren’s Ladder, Inc. Dr. Bill Bean & Mrs. Nancy Nuckols Ms. Rebecca Sink Ms. Nancy Woods Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Judy Lecroy Mr. Bob Oates Sink Farm Equipment Mrs. Jane Dameron Worley Mr. Ken Hall Ms. Jean Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Mike O’Dowd Ms. Katherine Skipper Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wright Rev. & Mrs. Randy Hall Theodore P. & Jacqueline C. Ole North State Line Siders Mr. Tom Smith Mrs. Christine Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hanner Leonard Trust Old North State Trust Mrs. Martha Ellen Smith Mrs. Margaret Yarborough Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hardee Mr. & Mrs. Perry Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Monty Oliver Mr. Lorice Smith Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yost Dr. & Mrs. Sam Harris Mr. Robert L. Leonard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brad Owen Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young Ms. Gail Harris Lexington Area Community Mrs. Ollie Owens Mr. & Mrs. Guy Smith Mrs. Kelly Young Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hartzog Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Chester Owens The Eddie & Jo Allison Smith Jay Young Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hartzog Lexington Garden Club Mrs. Madeline Palmer Family Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Martha Younts Dr. & Mrs. Joe R. Hedgpeth Ms. Patricia Lilly Miss Ruth Parks Mr. Mark Smith Mrs. Stevie Hedrick Mr. Robert Lindsey Paul’s Chapel Church Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steven Smith Ms. Ann Hege Cynthia E. Lisk Estate Ms. Rebecca Jo Peoples Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hege III Mr. Darrell Loman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phelps Mr. John Smith Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt Helsabeck Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Lopp Ms. Kathy Philpott Special Events Portable Restrooms Ms. Marylyn M. Hilton Mr. Robert Lowe Mr. & Mrs. James Philpott Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sprinkle Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hodges Ms. Tammy Marlowe Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Philpott Mr. & Mrs. Benson D. Stalvey

Find comfort here. 17 2018 Individual Mr. Donald Gary Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Reggie Bauguess Dr. & Mrs. James F Black Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Briggs Kim (Susanne) Burnside Donors Mrs. Diane Artz Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baugus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Black II Ms. Carol G. Briley Ms. Karen Burrow Ms. Judy Arwood Mrs. Sylvia Baugus Mr. Ron Black Mr. Gary Brinkley Mrs. Louise Burton Mr. Robert Abrahamsen Mr. & Mrs. David L. Askew Ms. Margaret Bayer Ms. Mary Joyce Black Mr. Dennis L. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Marty Burton Mr. & Mrs. William Adams Ms. Frances Atkins Ms. Lottie Beaumont Ms. Margie Black Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Brockman Mr. Thomas Burton Mr. Barry Adams Robin A. Atkinson Mr. Mark Beck Ms. Lynn Black Gayle Brookbank Ms. Debbie Butler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Ms. Kay Atwell Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beck Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brooks Ms. Meta Butler Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Adams Mr. Ken Atwood Ms. Janet Beck Michael Black Mr. John Brooks Ms. Norma Buttke Ms. Meggan Adams Mr. & Mrs. James Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Ken Beck Ms. Brenda S. Blackley Mrs. Ramona Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Danny C. Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Adams Mr. Carl Auman Mr. & Mrs. Hoy Beck Ms. Doris Blackley Mr. Sparky Brooks Lynne Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Caryl M. Adams Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Auman Mrs. Barbara Beck Ms. Kaye S. Blackwelder Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Steven Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Fred Adkins Mr. Dennis Ayers Ms. Penny Beck Dr. & Mrs. Oscar Blackwell Ms. Jean H. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. James V. Byerly Ms. Rosa Albertson Mr. & Mrs. Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Billy Beck Ms. Meloney J. Blackwell Pat & Hal Brookshire Ms. Janice Byers Mr. & Mrs. Donald Albertson Mrs. Sarah Bailey Mrs. Gail Beck Mr. & Mrs. Mark Blair Mr. Danny Brown Ms. Sallie V. Byrd Mrs. Donna Albright Mr. & Mrs. Howard Baker Jr. Ms. Wanda Beck Mr. & Mrs. Roger Blake Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Brown Mr. & Mrs. James R. Byrd Mr. Daniel Albright Ms. Jenny Ball Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ray Beck Mr. & Mrs. James Bland Jr. Ms. Chrystie Walker Brown Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Byrd Mr. Randy Aldridge Ms. Carol Ball Mr. Lloyd Beck Mr. & Mrs. George H. Ms. Sherry Brown Jesse Cabe Mrs. Genevieve Allen Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Johnny S. Beck Bloodworth Mr. & Mrs. Lewis F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles Caddell Mr. & Mrs. Harry Allen Jr. Mr. Marvin Ball Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Beck Ms. Rochelle Bobo Ms. Rebecca F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ben Cagle Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Allen Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ballard Mr. Bedell Mr. & Mrs. August E. Boette Ms. Rita Brown Cres Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. William Allen Mrs. Evelyn C. Barber Mr. & Mrs. George Begeant Mr. James Boger Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Brown Ms. Jill Caldwell Ms. Whitney Allen Mr. James Bare III Ms. Amy Begley Mr. & Mrs. Jim Boggs Ms. Betty Brown Ms. Debi Callahan Ms. Ann Allnutt Dr. & Mrs. C.D. Barker Mr. Allen Bell Dr. & Mrs. Karl Bolstad Mr. & Mrs. W. Edward Brown Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Callicutt Mrs. Billie Allred Bobbie Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bell Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bonnett Ms. Jane R. Bown Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Callicutt Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Allred Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Dannie Bell Mrs. Donna Boone Lee Browning Mr. & Mrs. Andy Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Allred Edwin Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bell Mrs. Lillian Boone Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bruff Mr. & Mrs. Larry Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Dean Allred Mr. James Barnes Sr. Mrs. Jerline Bender Mrs. Alma Little Bouchard Ms. Alice Bruff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Campbell Mr. Bobby Allred Mr. & Mrs. Levi Barney Mr. & Mrs. Mark Benge Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bovender Mrs. Patricia Bryant Mr. Tom Campbell Mr. & Mrs. J. Carl Allred Mr. & Mrs. George F. Barney Mr. & Mrs. James Benge Mr. Stanley Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Janie Bryant Mr. Carl Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Amos Mrs. Peggy Barnhardt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bennett Mr. Benny Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bryant Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cannady III Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Amos Mr. & Mrs. Don Barnhardt Mr. Graham Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bryant Mrs. Jackie Brady Cannon Ms. Mary Jo Anderson Mr. Michael J. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. William Berger Mr. Clarice Bowers Mrs. Jim Bryson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carle Mr. David Anderson Mrs. Billie Watts Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berrier Mr. Donald Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Otis Buchanan Ms. Alma Carlton Mr. & Mrs. Larry Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Barrier Mrs. Clatie J. Berrier Mr. William Bowser Ms. Sallie Buie Ms. Cynthia Carpenter Mrs. Meredith Andrews Ms. Patricia Barrier Mr. & Mrs. Steve Berrier Ms. Joyce Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Jay Buie Ms. Paula A. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Chris Angell Zeba Barringer Mr. & Mrs. James D. Best Ms. Sara Boyst Mr. Brad Bulla Mr. Ronald J. Carroll Mr. Jon Applebaum Mr. Johnny M. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Charles Betts Ms. Melissa Bradshaw Mrs. Barbara C. Bullin Dr. Athelene P. Carter Ms. Bonnie Appleton Ms. Brenda Bates Ms. Arnetta Beverly Ms. Johnise E. Brannon Ms. Anne Stone Bulluck Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Cartner Mr. & Mrs. Ben Arce Mr. J.W. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Bezuyen Mr. Bobby J. Bray Mr. & Mrs. David Bunn Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cashion Mr. & Mrs. William M. Arledge Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Bates Jacqueline Biesecker Ms. Sherry Brence Ms. Joyce Bunting Ms. Helen Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Danny Arney Ms. Judith Bates Mr. Ron Biesecker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brewer Mr. James Burcham Mr. Craig Thrift Dr. & Mrs. Terry Arnold Ms. Claire Batts Mrs. Gail Biesecker Adrian Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burge Ms. Barbara M. Caudle Ms. Evelyn Bingham Mr. James Brewer Dr. & Mrs. Jim Burke Mr. & Mrs. Dill Cecil More Mr. & Mrs. Don Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Scott Burkhart Mr. & Mrs. Ricky M. Cecil Mr. & Mrs. David E. Bittel Mr. & Mrs. Jack Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Burkhart Ms. Addie Chaney Meaningful Mrs. Ginger Briggs Moments Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bivens Ms. Carol L. Burkhart Mr. Alan Chapman 18 Find comfort here. Ms. Monette Chattin Mr. & Mrs. Wynn Conrad Ms. Victoria Daniels Ms. Jeanne Dyer Mrs. Leda Everhart Sandy Fowler Mr. Maynard Cheney Mrs. Nancy Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Gerome Danson Mr. William Eads Ms. Pattie Everhart Judge Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Childers Jr. Ms. Sondra Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Darr Mr. & Mrs. Grady O. Earnhardt Mr. Brian Everhart Ms. Laverne Fox Mr. & Mrs. Beau Chollett Mr. Larry Conrad Mr. Kenneth F. Darr Ms. Betty L. Easley Mr. & Mrs. Ted Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Frank Sunny Chrismon Ms. Joan Cook Mr. & Mrs. Chris Davila Mr. Gary Easter Mr. Brent Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Frank Ms. Christy Chrissley Mr. Chris Cook Ms. Gaynell Davis Mr. & Mrs. Olen Easter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Frank Ms. Michelle Church Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cook Mr. & Mrs. Howard Davis Jr. Ms. Shirley Eddinger Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Frank Ms. Misty Clark L.J. & Larue Cook Ms. Margaret Davis Mr. & Mrs. Don Edmonds Dr. Barbara Everhart Mr. & Mrs. David Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Clark Mr. Thomas W. Cook Ms. Vickie Davis Mrs. Cabell Edmundson Ms. Mary Ann F. Cooper Mr. William Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Willie Clark Ms. Melanie Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davis Mr. & Mrs. James J. Mr. & Mrs. James Fain Ms. Diane Frazier Ms. Mary Christine Clark Mr. & Mrs. Craig Cooper Tracy Davis Edmundson Sr. The Foxworth Family Trust Ms. Mary Regina Freedle Mrs. Donna Clark Ms. L.D. Cooper Mr. Jeff Davis Mr. John Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fanary Mr. & Mrs. Tom Freeman Sr. Mrs. Eva Rae Clark Mr. Tom Cooper Ms. Martha Davis Mr. & Mrs. Jay Egelnick Mr. & Mrs. Oliver A. Farabee Mr. Robert Freeman Mrs. Deborah Clarke Mr. R. Bruce Cope Mr. Clay Dawson Lester & Myra Ellen Dale Farlow, CPA Ms. Judy Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Clement Mr. Rob Coppedge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Day Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eller Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Farlow Mr. & Mrs. Barry Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clinard Ms. Venessa R. Corbett Mr. Kenneth Deal Mr. Robert Eller Dr. & Mrs. Victor Farrah Mr. Chris Frey Ms. Jenny Cline Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Corder Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mr. Jeff Eller Mr. & Mrs. Harold Faulkner Mr. & Mrs. James R. Fritts Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cline Ms. Betty A. Corner deBettencourt Ms. Bronda S. Elliott Mrs. Patty Fayne Ms. Pat Fritts Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Clodfelter Mr. & Mrs. William Cotten Sr. Ms. Gladys Decker Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Felder Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fritts Ms. Alice Clodfelter Ms. Annelle Courtney Mr. Marion E. Deerhake Mrs. Jane Elmore Ms. Julie Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Gene Fritts Mr. & Mrs. Durham Clodfelter Mr. Charles Grayson Covington Mrs. Sara DeLapp Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elmore Mrs. Whitney L. Ferguson Mrs. Rebecca Fritts Ms. Josephine B. Michael Mr. Greg Cowan Ms. Sara O. Deloache Mr. & Mrs. Dale Embler Ms. Michelle Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Bobby D. Fritts Mr. & Mrs. Mark Clodfelter Ms. Farrah Cox Ms. Stephanie Deloatche Mr. & Mrs. Connie Embler Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Finch Ms. Ruth Fritts* Mr. & Mrs. Tony D. Clodfelter Ms. Tamara B. Cox Ms. Velma Denmark Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Embry Ms. Phyllis Finger Mr. Roger Frye Mr. & Mrs. Jack Clodfelter Mr. & Mrs. James P. Craft Mr. & Mrs. Alex Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Donald Embry Mr. Jim Finley Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller Ms. Imogene Coates Mrs. Marlis Craver Ms. Deborah L. Denton Mr. & Mrs. John English Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fuller Mrs. Hazel Cockerham Mr. Bradley Craver Mrs. Jean DeSaix Ms. Linda Engstrom Mr. & Mrs. Barry Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fuller Mr. Dale Cody Ms. Mary P. Craver Mr. & Mrs. Sam Dilks Mr. & Mrs. Alan Epley Ms. Lauren Flax Sandra L. Fuller, DDS PA Mr. Robert E. Cole Mr. James Creekman Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Dilks Mr. & Mrs. Paul Epley Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Fleming Ms. Theresa Fulton Mr. & Mrs. John Cole Mr. & Mrs. Dan Crews Ms. Amy Dillard Mrs. Sue Epley Mr. James Flowe Mr. Larry Furr Mr. Jonathan Cole Mr. Danny Cromer Mr. & Mrs. John Dillard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Errington Ms. Mary Flowe Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Furr Ms. Louise S. Coleman Ms. Christy Cromer Mr. & Mrs. Terry D. Dillard Alice Ervin Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Dale Futrell Jesse Coleman Ms. Gloria Cross Mr. Jim Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Esposito Ms. Amy Foley Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Gallimore Ms. Karen S. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Crouse Mrs. Linda Dobbins Mr. Greg Essick Ms. Sharon Foley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gallimore Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Collett Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Crumbley Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Doub Mr. & Mrs. Larry Essick Mr. & Mrs. Mike Foltz Mrs. Voncille Gallimore Mrs. Jean Collins Ms. Nicole Cullison Mr. Larry E. Doub Mr. & Mrs. Joe Essick Ms. Jamie Lisa Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gallimore Mr. & Mrs. Craig Collings Ms. Candace Scott Culton Ms. Lucille Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Clay Essick Ms. Nancy M. Ford Peggy Gallimore Mr. & Mrs. John Collison Mr. & Mrs. Neal Cunningham Mrs. Sylvia Walters Drake Ms. Elizabeth A. Evans Mrs. Emily Ford Mrs. Heather Galloway Mr. & Mrs. Tim Coltrane Ms. Karin Currin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drum Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Everhart Ms. Betty Forline Mrs. Marilyn Gambrell Ms. Linda Combs Ms. Candice C. Curry Mr. Robert DuCharme Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Mr. & Mrs. Dan Forrest Ms. Beth Gamburg Mr. William Lee Compere Ms. Leona Maxine D. Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Duffey James Everhart Ms. Mary Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gardner Ms. Kathy Compton Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Damuth Ms. Andrea Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Everhart Mr. & Mrs. Joe Foster Mr. Jonathan Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Compton Mrs. Morgan Daniel Mr. & Mrs. David Duncan Mrs. Tracy Cooper Everhart Mrs. Debbie B. Foster Mr. Tony Garitta Ms. Michelle Conerly Mr. Robert D. Daniels Ms. Lucille Duncan Ms. Alice Everhart Mrs. Sylvia Foust Mr. Danny Garner Mr. & Mrs. Lester W. Conrad Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Gary Everhart Mr. & Mrs. George Fouts Ms. Christine Garner Mrs. Judith H. Conrad Mr. Jeremy Daniels Greg & Anita Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Dewey B. Everhart Mrs. Lisa Fowler Mr. Rob Garner

Find comfort here. 19 Mr. & Mrs. Lowe Garner Ms. Barbara Groves Mr. John R. Hart Mr. Jim Hestikind Gary & Theresa Holt Mr. & Mrs. Kim James Mr. & Mrs. George Gasperson Ms. Tracy Grubb Mrs. Glenda Hartley Ms. Pamela Heye Mrs. Jamie Holt Ms. Betty B. James Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gayle Mr. & Mrs. Lavon Grubb Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Hiatt Mr. Kenneth B. Honeycutt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel James Ms. Lisa Geers Mrs. Babette L. Grubbs Mr. Bobby C. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hicks Mr. Jim Honig Mr. & Mrs. James Mrs. Ruth Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Guard Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hartzog Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Hood Ms. Ruth Jarrett Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gibson Mr. Joseph F. Guerrieri Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hartzog Mrs. Sharon Hicks Ms. Hannah Hooker Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jenkins Mr. Keith Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Gupton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harvell Mr. & Mrs. Hicks Ms. Amber M. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jenkins Mr. Robert Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gutshall Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harwell Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Jenkins Mr. Alonza Gillen Mrs. Charlene Haas Mr. & Mrs. Don Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hill Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson Mrs. Vivian Gilliam Mr. & Mrs. Bobby D. Hackler Mr. Charles Hathcock Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hill Marie Horn Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. & Mrs. T. Adam Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Hagan III Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hattaway Ms. Brittany Hill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Horne Mrs. Carolyn Johnson Ms. Jan Glover Mr. & Mrs. Stokes Hairston Ms. Jennifer Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Hill Ms. Margaret Ann House Mrs. Libbie W. Johnson Mr. Russ Gobble Mrs. Petra M. Halker Mrs. Carolyn Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ray Hill Ms. Amanda Howard Ms. Melissa Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Rev. & Mrs. Randy Hall Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hawks Mrs. Louanne Hill Ms. Mildred Hoyle Mr. Phillip Johnson Donald Goins Sr. Ms. Wilma Hall Mr. Glenn Hayes Mr. Ron Hill Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson Ms. Jessica Goins Mr. Buddy Hall Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hayes Mr. Jimmy D. Hill Ms. Christine Huckleberry Ms. Linda Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gooch Mr. Ken Hall Ms. Donna Hayes-Johnson Mrs. Devona Hill Ms. Steven Hudgins Mr. & Mrs. Murrell Johnson Ms. Julie Goodin Ms. Cathy Hall Ms. Christie Haynes Mrs. Janie Hill Mr. James G. Hudson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Johnsrude Mr. Lance Gordon Ms. Susan Hall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haynes Jr. Mrs. Betty Jo Hill Ms. Teresa Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jones Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Gordon Mrs. Joy Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. Gary Haywood Mrs. Helen Hill Mrs. Brenda Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Pete Jones Mr. Phillip Gordon Mr. Randy Hammitt Mr. B.J. Hayworth Ms. Marylyn M. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Tony Hughes Mrs. Cathy Jones Mrs. Melissa Graham Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Hancock Ms. Jan Hedgecock Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hilton Mr. Terry Hughes Mr. & Mrs. George Jones Ms. Whitney Graham Ms. Jeri Hand Dr. & Mrs. Joe R. Hedgpeth Ms. Ashley Hinkle Ms. Teresa Hughes Ms. Joyce Jones Ms. Diane Gray Ms. Amy Hanes Mrs. Stevie Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Davis Hinkle Ms. Angie Hughes Mr. John Wilson Jones lll Mr. Van Gray Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hanner Mr. Mike Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Grady G. Hite Mr. Cody Hulin Ms. Sandy Jordan Mr. & Mrs. David B. Graziano Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hardee Mrs. Doris Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hodak Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hulin Ms. Lynda D. Justice Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harden Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hedrick Ms. Anita Hodge Harold & Debbie Hulin Ms. Dora Kanoy Mr. Chris Green Ms. Vivian Hargrave Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Hedrick Mrs. Merle Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Milton Humphreys Ms. Susan Kanoy Mrs. Florence Payne Greene Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harmon Ms. Pam Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hodges Mr. & Mrs. David Hunt Mr. & Mrs. James Kearney Ms. Joyce Greene Mr. Graig Harmon Mrs. Janice P. Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Ted Keaton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Greene Mr. Robert Harper Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hunt Taylor Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joe Greeson Ms. Lisa Teetor Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie V. Hege Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mr. Billy Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gregg Ms. Gail Harris Ms. Martha Hege Clark Hodgin Mr. Robert L. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grice Ms. Teresa Harris Ms. Rosemary Hege Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoffman Mr. Walter Hunt Ms. Tina Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Harry Grier Jr. Mrs. Regina Harris Ms. Ann Hege Mr. Dennis Hoffman Mrs. Sue Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kepley Ms. Ann Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Sam Harris Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hege III Mr. & Mrs. Marc Holcomb Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hurt Ms. Susan Kerby Mr. Rick Griffin Ms. Jane C. Harris Mrs. Sharon Heiney Ms. Susan Holden Ms. Betty Huskey Ms. Kelly Ketison Mr. Brian Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Steve Harris Ms. Debra L. Helderlein Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Holden Ms. Shelby M. Hutchens Ms. Kim Key Mr. & Mrs. Neal Grimes Ms. Margaret Harris Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt Helsabeck Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Holder Mr. Tim Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. James Key Mr. & Mrs. Mal Grimes III Ms. Karen Harris Ms. Winifred Helton Mr. Ray Holder Ms. Edith Ingold Ms. Terri K. Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Jim Groome Ms. Betty Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Tim Henderson Rev. & Mrs. Jimmy Holland Mr. Steve Inman Mr. & Mrs. Kasmer A. Kielb Mr. Joe Grooms Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Harrold Mr. & Mrs. Randall Henion Mr. Andrew Holmes Ms. Betty Small Isley Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Kiger Mr. Michael Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. James L. Holmes III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kilgore More Mr. & Mrs. Wilson H. Hepler Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Holmes Ms. Fonda J. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John Kincaid Rev. Bernie & Ann Hess Mr. Jimmy Holshouser Mrs. Doris S. Jacobs Ms. Emma Kindley Meaningful Mr. David Holt Moments Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hester Jr. Bill & Terry James Ms. Deanna King 20 Find comfort here. Mr. & Mrs. Jesse King Ms. Sheila W. Lankford Mr. & Mrs. Benson Futrell Drs. Felizardo Mangundayao Mr. Fred H. McIntyre Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Miller Ms. Margaret King Ms. Kathy Lanning Ms. Freda Lockman Cammey C. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Jeff McKinney Ms. Ruth C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gene King Mr. Arthur Lantor Tobi M. Lockwood Ms. Mary Manor Mr. Josh McKinzie Mr. Johnny Miller Mr. & Mrs. James Kinlaw C.E. & P.D. Laprade Mr. & Mrs. Gary Loflin Ms. Debbie March Ms. Peggy McLaurin Micah Mills Mr. & Mrs. Bascom Kinley Ms. Sharon Lassiter Ms. Judith Loftin Mr. & Mrs. Marinucci Mr. & Mrs. Parker McLendon Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mills Ms. Paulette E. Kirk Mr. Charles Latham Ms. Priscilla Loftin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marion Mr. & Mrs. Freddie C. McMahan Mrs. Mary Mills Mrs. Michelle Kirk Ms. Pat Latham Ms. Carol Logsdon Mr. Johnny Marion Mr. & Mrs. Greg McMahan Mr. J.W. Milstead Jr Mr. & Mrs. James C. Kirkland Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Latham Mr. Philip Lohr Mrs. Margaret Marr Mrs. Lorraine McMichael Ms. Judith Misenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Danny Kirkman Mr. John Laughlin Mr. Wayne E. Lohr Ms. Angela Marsh Mr. Andrew McMillan Ms. Cathy Misenhiemer Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kirkman Mr. & Mrs. Noel Leatherman Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lohr Mr. & Mrs. Scott Martin Mr. & Mrs. Don McMillion Ms. Beth Mitchell Ms. Ann Kirkman Mrs. Judy Lecroy Ms. Louwon Loman Ms. Joyce Martin Mr. & Mrs. Todd McNeal Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchem Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Kirkman Ms. Lai Lei Lee Mr. Austin Loman Mr. & Mrs. Randolph N. Martin Mr. Marion M. McNeal Mr. & Mrs. Avon Mize Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Kirkus Mr. Robert L. Leonard Jr. Mr. Darrell Loman Ms. Christy Martin Mrs. Elizabeth McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Tony Mize Ms. Amanda Kissman Mr. & Mrs. Loyd Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lomax Mr. & Mrs. John Reese Martin II Mr. & Mrs. Gil McNeill Melanie Mize Ms. Becky Kloepfer Mr. & Mrs. Perry Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Long Sr. Mr. Joseph Marino Ms. Lucinda McNeill Dr. & Mrs. Fred Mock Mr. & Mrs. Dan Klutz Ms. Susan Leanord Mr. & Mrs. John Long Ms. Susan Mash Mr. Lee McPhatter Mrs. Barbara Mode Ms. Sally D. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Tim Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Long Jr. Mrs. Barbara N. Mason Mrs. Nancy McSwain Ms. Meredith Mode Mr. & Mrs. Seth Knox Mr. & Mrs. Briggs Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Chris Lookabill Ms. Angela Mason Dr. & Mrs. John B. McWhorter Debbie Moffitt Mr. Paul D. Koeppel Ms. Debra F. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Mark Loper Mr. & Mrs. James Massey Ms. Anita Medlin Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Monk Mrs. Frances Koonts Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Lopp Mr. Larry Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Paul Medlin Mr. & Mrs. Rick Monk Mr. Larry Koonts Lee Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lopp Ms. Theresa Matthews Ms. Mary Ann Medlin Ms. Tiffany Moody Mrs. Betty G. Koonts Mrs. Martha Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Lopp Mr. & Mrs. Paul Matyas Mr. & Mrs. Dan Medlin Mr. & Mrs. Willard Moody Mr. & Mrs. Justin Koonts Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Leonard Mr. William F. Lopp JD Mr. & Mrs. Bert May Mr. & Mrs. David Medlin Dale Moore Ms. Rebecca Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Micheal O. Leanord Mr. Wendell Louia Mr. & Mrs. Howard May Mr. & Mrs. David Melton Mr. & Mrs. James Moore Mr. & Mrs. Craig Koontz Ms. Becky Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Loveless Mr. & Mrs. Roger Mayhew Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mendenhall Mr. & Mrs. Owen Moore Ms. Catherine Koontz Mr. Frank C. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lovell Ms. Caroline McAbee Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Messer Mr. Alan Moore Mr. Ernest T. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Tony Mack Leonard Mr. Robert Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Deanna Michael Mr. & Mrs. Brett Moore Mr. & Mrs. Lee Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Dean Leonard Ms. Gladys Lowe W. McAllister Ms. Tiffany Michael Mr. & Mrs. Dan Moore Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kuhn Sr. Mrs. Andrea Leonard Mr. Earl Lowman Mrs. Donese McBride Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dean Michael Mr. Michael Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Kuhns Ms. Becky Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lowrance Ms. Mary McBride Ms. Debby Michael Mr. Clyde Morphis Mr. Fred Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leonard Mr. Howard Lozier Ms. Vickie McCarn Ms. Debra Michelle Ms. Ann A. Morris Ms. Lee Ann L. Banks Mrs. Marguerite Leonard Mr. Darren Luke Mrs. Carolyn McCarn Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Milam Ms. Jeannine Morris Mr. John Labban Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Leonard Mr. Earl Lupo Mrs. Erin McCloskey Mr. & Mrs. Roger Milan Ms. Stephanie Morris Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lackey Mr. & Mrs. Danny Leonard Mr. Greg Lupo Mr. & Mrs. John McCoy Ms. Linda C. Miller Ms. Arlene Pinnix Morrow Ms. Denise Lackey Ms. Maranda Leverette Mr. Greg Luth Mrs. Jean McCrary Ms. Cheryl Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lane Morton Mr. Sam Lamb Ms. Vickey Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. McCrary Mr. & Mrs. Rob Miller Mr. & Mrs. Rodney E. Morton Ms. Tabitha Lambe Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lewis Ms. Patricia Mac Neil Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Miller Ms. Susie Morton Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lambeth Ms. Patricia Lilly Ms. Melissa Macemore Mr. & Mrs. Greg McDade Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miller Mr. Dennis Moser Mr. & Mrs. West Lamoureaux Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lilly Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mackintosh Mrs. Paula McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ms. Christina J. Lampe Strain Mr. & Mrs. Lindler Mrs. Cathy Sowers Macy Mr. William J. McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Thompson Miller Lee Motsinger Mrs. Lesia Lancaster Mr. Robert Lindsey Kimball Madsen Ms. Melody McGahan Ms. Barbara Miller Ms. Stephanie Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lance Mr. David Lineback Mr. & Mrs. Garner Mahaffey Mr. & Mrs. Chris McGhee Mr. & Mrs. Jason Miller Mrs. Lois K. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Landreth Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Littleton Ms. Lisa Malek Mr. Ronald McGinn Mrs. Becky Miller Mr. Phil Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James Lang Mr. & Mrs. Littleton Ms. Cassandra Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Miller Mrs. Dene Murrell Mr. & Mrs. Scott Langford Mrs. Janie Livengood Mr. & Mrs. James Maness D. McGlamery Mr. Joel E. Miller Ms. Martha Musselman Mr. Dorian Lanier Mr. Charles Livengood Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mangum Ms. Sonya McGuire Mrs. Brenda Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Myers

Find comfort here. 21 Ms. Judy A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Edward Mr. & Mrs. James Penland Mr. & Mrs. Sid E. Proctor Mrs. Dawn L. Robertson Ms. Annette Schiller Ms. Betty Myers Overbaugh Ms. Hannah Pennell Mrs. Betty J. Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robertson Ms. Karen Schrader Mr. James Myers Mr. & Mrs. Brad Owen Mr. A.C. Pennington Ms. Christy Pruess Ms. Mary Rodgers Ms. Barbara L. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Myers Mr. Francis Mike Owen Ms. Rebecca Jo Peoples Mr. & Mrs. Don Pullum Dr. & Mrs. Hector Rodriguez Ms. Betty Scott Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Myers Mr. & Mrs. Chester Owens Mr. & Mrs. Larry Perdue Ms. Sandy Pullum Ms. Vicky Rogers Ms. Teresa T. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson R. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Owens Ms. Shirley Hanes Perkins Stacey Pullum Ms. Kathy L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John Scott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Myers Mrs. Megan Swicegood Mrs. Janie Perkins Mrs. Peggy Queen Ms. Coleen Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sechrest Mr. Thurman Myers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Owens Mr. & Mrs. Ed Perrell Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Rabon Mr. Donald Roha Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sechrist Ms. Cynthia Mynatt Ms. Barbara Owens Mr. & Mrs. Mike Perrell Mr. & Mrs. Tim Ragan Mr. & Mrs. Greg Roland Mr. & Mrs. David Barry Self Ms. Bonnie Myrick Mr. Frank Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Alan Perry Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Raines Jr. Ms. Miriam C. Roman Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mrs. Betty Nance Mr. & Mrs. James Palmer Mrs. Sharon Persiani Mr. Thomas Ramsey Ms. Margaret B. Rose Senhauser Mrs. Amelia J. Nance Mrs. Madeline Palmer Ms. Susan Pfaff Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Rand Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rosier Mrs. Patricia B. Severt Mrs. Nancy Nance Mr. David Palumbo Mr. Gary Pfohl Mr. Todd Rangel Mrs. Susan Ross Mr. Adam Sewell Ms. LeighAnn Nance Mr. & Mrs. Robert Papale Ms. Wendy Phelps Ms. Linda Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Walt Rouse Ms. Sherry Sharp Ms. Mary R. Nanney Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Paquin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Frank A Rankin III Mr. James Lee Rowe Ms. Lisa Sharp Ms. Patricia Neal Ms. Kimberly A. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Kent Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Rapp Ms. Amy Rowell Ms. Patricia M. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Neal Mr. & Mrs. Josh Parker Mr. & Mrs. Vick Phillips Mr. & Mrs. William Mr. & Mrs. Allen Roy Ms. Debbie Shepherd Mr. Johnny Needham Ms. Cindy Parker Mrs. Zana Phillips Michael Ratcliffe Ms. Tina Royal Mr. & Mrs. Haynes Sherron Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Neese Mrs. Marie Parks Ms. Shirley Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ratton Ms. Julie Ruby Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shinn ll Mr. & Mrs. Tom Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Randall Parks Mr. & Mrs. Ted Philpott Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Reagan Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Rumley Mr. & Mrs. William Shipton W. Reed Newell Miss Ruth Parks Ms. Kathy Philpott Ms. Lucy V. Reamy Robby Rummage Mr. & Mrs. Homer Shipwash Mr. & Mrs. Adam Newsome Ms. Jan Parnell-Pickett Mr. & Mrs. James Philpott Ms. Vanessa Reddy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rummage Mr. & Mrs. Shipwash Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Cloyd Philpott Mr. & Mrs. Steve Reece Ms. Elizabeth Runnberg Ms. Loretta Shirley Dr. & Mrs. L. Wiley Nifong Ms. Tiffany A. Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Roy Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reeder Mr. Charles Runyon Mrs. Freda Shoaf Nancy Nifong Mr. & Mrs. Mac Parrott Mr. James Pickett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Regnier Mrs. Linda Russ Mrs. Cathy Shoaf Mr. & Mrs. Mike Niver Ms. Katherine W. Paschal Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Ray Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Jedd M. Reid Ms. Pauline Thompson Russell Mr. Reginald Shoaf Ms. Doris E. Nixon Mrs. Sylvia Y. Passavant Mr. William Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Reid Mr. & Mrs. John Russell Mrs. Dee Dee Shook Mr. Chris Nobles Ms. Debra Passmore Ms. Ruth Pinyan Mrs. Terri Reid Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Ruth Sr. Ms. Kristi Short Ms. Deborah Nobles Mr. & Mrs. Paul Passmore Mr. Phil Plummer Mr. & Mrs. James Renas Mr. Lester Sain Mr. Mark Shue Mr. & Mrs. James Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Patterson Ms. Julie Plyler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rhyne Mrs. Brenda Saintsing Ms. Mamie Shuler Dr. Bill Bean & Ms. Debbie Payne Mr. & Mrs. Henry Podgaysky Mr. & Mrs. N.J. Rich Mrs. Mintie S. Saintsing Mr. Wayne Shuler Mrs. Nancy Nuckols Mr. & Mrs. John Payne Ms. Becky Poetzinger Ms. Janice Richardson Mr. & Mrs. A. Dean Saintsing Mr. & Mrs. David Shumate Mr. Bob Oates Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Payne Ms. Diane Poindexter Mrs. Mary Rickard Ms. Nicole Sammons Houser Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Shytle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Odom Mrs. Pattie Payne Ms. Mary Pollock Ms. Rita Ricker Mr. & Mrs. Rick Samuels Dr. & Mrs. Sim Siceloff Mr. & Mrs. Mike O’Dowd Ms. Deborah Paz Mrs. Crissy L. Pope Mr. Arnie Rider Ms. Kristin Sanford Mr. & Mrs. Ian Silversides Ms. Carolyn O’Keefe Ms. Linda Pearce Ms. Donna B. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ridge Mr. Edwin Santana Mr. & Mrs. James K. Simerson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oldham Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pearman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pope Mr. Tim Riecke Ms. Nancy Sappington Darlene & Norm Simpson Mr. Jeffrey E. Oleynik Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Fred T. Potts Mr. & Mrs. John Rierson Mr. & Mrs. David Sasser Ms. Carla Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Hubert E. Olive Jr. Mr. Eddie Peatross Mr. Charles Powell Drs. Sims & Cathy Riggan Mr. & Mrs. Louis L. Sasser III Mrs. Rebecca Sink Mr. & Mrs. Monty Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pell Ms. Donna Pratt Ms. Alice A. Riggs Mr. Michael E. Satterwhite Mr. John W. Sink Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pendry Ms. Anne Presnell Ms. Nadine S. Ritz Ms. Betty L. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sink Renee Prevette Mr. A. J. Rivenbark Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Scarboro Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sink Ms. Patricia Price Ms. Ann Johnson Robbins Mr. Stephen Schaeffer Ms. Aurelia Sink More Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Price Ms. Carolyn Robbins Ms. Mary Lou Scheets Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Sink Mr. Jeffrey M. Price Ms. Charlotte Roberts Ms. Georgia Schenk Mr. & Mrs. David Sink Meaningful Mrs. Carolyn Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Keith Sink Moments Mr. & Mrs. Michael Price Mr. Steve Schifrin 22 Find comfort here. Ms. Elizabeth Sink Ms. Lois M. Sowers Mr. & Mrs. William Summey Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Fremont Ms. Betty White Ms. Verlie Sink Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sowers Dr. Charles H. Surles Mr. & Mrs. Jon Thomas A. Vess Jr., D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Whited Mr. Dennis E. Sink Mr. & Mrs. Mick Spach Mr. & Mrs. Irving A. Surratt Mr. Randy Thomason Tarik Veysoglu Mr. & Mrs. R C Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Sink Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sparger Mr. & Mrs. Gilmer Surratt Mr. Greg Thomason Vivian & Kathy Voncannon Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whitehurst Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sink Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Sparks Ms. Vernell Heitman Ms. Beatric Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vosburg Ms. Jane Whitley Mr. & Mrs. David T. Skeen Mrs. Peggy Sparks Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Britt Wagner Ms. Mary Whitley Mr. John Slack Jr. Ms. Ann Ward Spence Mr. & Mrs. Mark Swaim Ms. Beckie Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Whitlock Ms. Amelia Slate Ms. Michelle Spencer Mr. Jimmie Swaim Mr. Danny Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wagoner Ms. Donna Whitman Katherine Dodie Sloan Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sprinkle Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Swayze Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David Wagoner Mr. William Whitman Jr. Mrs. Martha Ellen Smith Ms. Pamela Stallings Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Cassie Thornton Ms. Cynthia Wainscott Mrs. Rochelle A. Wiese Mr. & Mrs. Guy Smith Mr. & Mrs. Davey Stallings Swearengin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Steve Waitman Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Wiggs Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steven Smith Mr. & Mrs. Benson D. Stalvey Mr. & Mrs. Randy Swicegood Mr. & Mrs. Billy Thornton Mr. Kenneth Walker Mr. & Mrs. James R. Wikle Mr. & Mrs. Ray Smith Jr Mr. William W. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton The Honorable & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wall Ms. Connie Wilfong Swicegood Ms. Alma S. Smith Stanaland lll P.L.L.C. N. Carlton Tilley Mrs. Donna Walser Mr. Chad Williams Ms. Jo Stanley Mr. & Mrs. David B. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Timberlake Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Walser Ms. Rhonda Smith Swicegood Mrs. Capri A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stanley Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Timberlake Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Walser Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Smith Ms. Clara K. Swicegood Mr. Wes Williams Mr. Ralph V. Starr Mr. & Mrs. Jim Timmons Ms. Stephanie L. Walser Mr. Mark Smith Mr. Swicegood Mr. & Mrs. Jay Williams Mr. & Mrs. Colon Starrett Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Timpf Dr. & Mrs. W. Max Walser Mrs. Gayle Smith Ms. Peggy Swicegood Ms. Barbara P. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Steed Mr. & Mrs. Keith Tobin Ms. Ruth Walser Mr. & Mrs. David C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Belva Williams Mrs. Carolyn W. Smith Ms. Joyce W. Steel Swicegood Mr. & Mrs. Terry Todd Mrs. Margot Walser Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Smith Ms. Darlene Steele Mr. & Mrs. Charles Swiers Mr. & Mrs. Donna Towery Mrs. Ashley Walters Mr. & Mrs. Keith Williams Mr. Lorice Smith Mr. James Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Richard Swing Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Towery Ms. Christina Walton Mrs. Evelyn B. Williard Ms. Robin Smith Mr. & Mrs. Marty Stephenson Mr. Barry Swing Mr. & Mrs. Steve Treadway Mr. & Mrs. William Walton Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Smith Ms. Suzanne Stevens Mr. Larry Swing Mr. & Mrs. Ike Trexler Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Warfford Mr. Donald Wilson Mr. David Smith Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Marty Swing Ms. Blair Trexler Mr. & Mrs. Eddie D. Warren Ms. Ashley Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Smith Mr. Brandon Stewart Ms. Jeanette Swing Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Trotter Rep. & Mrs. Sam Watford Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wilson Ms. Wilma D. Smith Ms. Yvonne Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Tague Mr. & Mrs. David Troutman Mrs. Donna M. Watson Mr. Randy Wilson J.D. Smith Ms. Brenda Gates Stiers Mr. Philip Tarr Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Troutman Dr. & Mrs. Tom Watts Mr. Richard Wilson Mr. Tom Smith Ms. Nancy Stimson Mr. Carl Tate Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Truell Mr. & Mrs. Levon F. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Smith Sheli Stokes Ms. Deborah Tate Mr. & Mrs. Garry Truitt Ms. Elizabeth Pullen Weaver Eugene Wilson Ms. Carolyn Smith Ms. Sharon Stone Ms. Nancy Tate Mr. & Mrs. Hinley Truluck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wehrle Ms. Patricia Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Smith Mr. Thurman A. Stone Mrs. Crystal Tatman Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Tucker Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Weiser Mr. & Mrs. Efird Wilson Mr. Jerry Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stoner Mr. Jerry Taylor Mrs. Betty Tucker Ms. Virginia Weisner Ms. Linda L. Wilson Mr. John Smith Mr. & Mrs. David Stott Mr. & Mrs. Greg Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tucker Mrs. Becky Weisner Ms. Audrey Winebarger Rev. Sarah B. Snell Ms. Nancy Stout Ms. Dee Taylor Ms. Joy Tucker Ms. Ruby Welch Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wingate Mr. David Snider Dr. Hunter Strader Mr. & Mrs. Rex Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Don Tuggle Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Wellborn Mr. Hal W. Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Mike Snider Mr. Chris Strickland Mr. Donald Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Mike Turlington Ms. Stephanie Weller Gaenel Witherspoon Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Snider Mr. Bob Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Jerold D. Teague Mr. & Mrs. John T. Turner Ms. Leanne Werth Ms. Bethany LeighAnn Wood Ms. Stacey Snider Dr. & Mrs. Bob Stroud Jr. Ms. Gina H. Teague Mrs. Linda S. Tysinger Mr. & Mrs. David West Ms. Angela Woodard Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Snider Ms. Carol Jean Stutts-Wall Mr. & Mrs. Robin Team Mr. Charles Vaden Neighbors of West Mr. Wayne Woodell Minister Court Ms. Diane Snider Mr. & Mrs. David Suders Ms. Barbara H. Temple Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Vanhoy Ms. Amy Woodruff Mrs. Kathleen Westmoreland Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Snyder Ms. Haley Suits Mrs. Susan C. Terrell Mrs. Flora Vanhoy Mr. Brad Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wheless Ms. Toni Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Burr Sullivan Ms. Jane Tesh Ms. Mildred Vann Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wooten Mrs. Jackie White Ms. Amy Snyder Ms. Margaret Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Tester Ms. Kathy Varner Ms. Ruth Wooten Mrs. Elizabeth Shoaf White Mr. & Mrs. Dermont P. Solan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Summer Mrs. Harriette Tew Mr. Brandon Vereen Mr. Kevin Wrenn Ms. Virginia White Mr. & Mrs. Southern Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lee Summers Mr. Shane Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Vernon Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wright

Find comfort here. 23 Mrs. Jane H. Wright Memorials Marie Hitt Belke Lydia Meadows Bull John Henry Cockerham Patricia Disher Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wright Melva D. Adams Dannie William Bell John Bulluck Calvin Joseph Coe Olin Disher Ms. Irene C. Wright Bessie Adams Donald L. Berrier Linda Sue Gilbert Bundy Tammy Cole Edwin Disher Ms. Ruby Wright Dorothy C. Alexander Papa Jake Berrier Sandra Everhart Burcham Walter Coleman Robert Disher Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wrublewski Jerry Don Alford “Granny” Martha Berrier Otha Burgarner Mearl Collins Nancy Willard Donley Mrs. Christine Wyatt Billy Ann Allison Dewey Matthew Berrier Bob & Kay Burkett Bill Combs Jewel Dorsett Mr. Jerry R. Yarborough James H. Allred William Berrier Darrell Burkhart Paul Congdon Jane Dorton Mrs. Margaret Yarborough Mike Allred Homer C. Biesecker Wayne Burkhart Ruth Underwood Connor Joey Doss Mr. & Mrs. Sandy Yarbrough Francis T. Amos Agnes Biesecker Katherine Craver Burkhart Margaret Cook M. Kathleen DuCharme Ms. Wanda Yates Patsy Moran Amos Don H. Black W. Claybern Burkhart Diane Cook Hubert Ray Dull Jr. Ms. Vickie Yates Margaret B. Arney Donna Hall Black Delmar & Doris Burleson Ernest Cook Ray Dull Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Yates Terry Arney Wilbur Earl Blackley Sr. Annie Cook Burns Nancy Coppley Hubert Ray Dull Jr. Ms. Dana Yates John “Larry” Ashe Geneva Blake Barrett Burns Clarke Corner Jeffery Leo Dunn Ms. Carolyn H. Yocum Jim Atkins Reid Block Charlie Burrow Carl Covington Larry Richard Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. York Henry James “Jim” Atkins Terry & Nanette Bonnett Robert “Bob” Burton Crystal Brown Covington Sonny Dye Mr. & Mrs. Philip Young James Atwell Jr. Gary Boone Mike Butler W. Howard Cox Anthony Stephen Dyson Ms. Creacy M. Young Franklin & Miriam Austin John Borgman Bobby Byerly Sr. Dorothy P. Cramer James Duke Dyson Ms. Margie Heilig Young Franklin “Buddy” Austin Harry Borneman Jr. Zachary Byerly Kitty Craver June & Louise Easter Mrs. Buddy Young Miriam W. Austin Gurlie Hinkle Bowers Julia Ann Byerly Coy Craver Libby Eddinger Ms. Lisa Young Doyle Joseph Baker Pamela L. Boyd Mike Byers Danny Craver Ruby Walser Edmonds Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Young Betty Bell Ball Brandon Boyles Roger Samuel Canada Katherine “Kitty” Craver Arlena Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Young Phyllis Ballard E. Boyst Lloyd & Eulis Carlton Coy Craver W.F. Edwards Mrs. Kelly Young Betty Barber Tim Bradley Dewey C. Carlton Debra Craver Guy Darin Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Mark Young Sr. Mary Eleanor Rothrock Barker Philip Branch Ray Carpenter Jean Crawford Ramona Edwards Mrs. Shirley Younts Cathy Barlow Maurice Creed Brandenberg Julian Wade (Red) Carrick Dan Crisp Sr. Jimmy Elliott Mr. Michael Younts Grace Rector Barrett Jackie D. Braswell Charles Carson Joann Cromer Sandra Elrod Mr. & Mrs. Walter Younts Irene Barrier William Smith “Bill” Briggs Mary Thacker Carter Ronnie Cromer Garland Thomas “Bill” Embry Mr. & Mrs. Pepper Younts Mary M. Barton Peggy Rhodes Briggs Jimmy Carter Dale Cross Beona England Mrs. Martha Younts Betty Smith Bates Dolan Briggs Edna Ruth Cashatt Phyllis Crotts Howard Joseph (Joe) Engle Mr. Charles F. Yountz Garland Beck Donald Joseph Brinkle Jr. Troy Swicegood Caudle Vivian Swing Crouse Eldon Engstrom Ms. Nancy Yountz Dermont & Gladys Beck Jane Todd Brinkley Alice Catherine Sowers Cecelia Crowe Hazel Engstrom Causey Mr. Marcus Zachary Mary Beck Nancy York Brinkley Rhonda Darr William Epley Mavis Elliott Causey Mr. Stephen Zaytoun Eunice Anne Auman Beck Clyde Albert Bristow Jr. Nellie Davis Frances Bryant Essick Donnie Ray Causey Michael Beck Warren Odell Bristow Paul Davis Myrtle Everhart Bob Cecil Norman Beck Mrs. Alma Brockman John Paul Davis Peggy D. Everhart Clarence Cecil Garland “Bud” Beck Randall Scott Brooks Karey Allen Davis Ella Mae Everhart Robert Chaffin Brasco Beck Ruby Brown Brittany Dawn Kenneth “Shag” Everhart Elizabeth “Betty” Cheney Margaret Cook Beck Marshall Lee Brown Ethel Deal Ray Von Everhart Ron Childress Garland Beck Peggy J. Brown Arnold Dean Sr. Boyd H. Everhart Tommy Shaw Clark Sr. Robert Beck Crystal C. Brown Herbert Dehart Alice Everhart Lamar Clark Bobby Belcher Derek Brown Emily DeLapp Marjorie L. Everhart Verna Brown Douglas Murray Clayton Bill DeLapp Jim Falk Donald Ray Brown George Lee Clifton Judith Dickens Mrs. Denise Farnar More Donald & Thelma Brown Jerry Cline Amy Holder Dickerson Wiley D. Fayne (Neal) Lt. Jimmie Bryson Reid Clodfelter Elizabeth Jarrell Dietrich Mr. Bill Ferguson Meaningful Sherry Tuttle Clontz Moments Ray Buie Joe Von Dillard Harold Fields 24 Find comfort here. Jesse Flake Dr. & Mrs. Frank Greer Lillie Hill Jackie Shore Key Bill L. Livengood Sr. Jerry Wayne Miller Isabel Flatau Norman Gregoire John & Geneva Hines Dixie Kidney Danny Lloyd Bob Miller Robert “Bob” Fletcher Shorty Grimes Thurman L. Hinson Winona S. Kimrey Pat Lockart Patsy F. Miller Edna Berrier Hester Fletcher James H. Grubb Robert Hipp Sylvia Kinney Roger Loftis Cynthia Ann Anderson Miller Paul Floyd Eugene Hairston Mike Hodge James W. Kirk Maxine Lohr Lois Ann Miller Donnie Floyd Angela Kennedy Hall Margaret Hodges Lucille W. Kirk Jimmy Lookabill Junior Mills James E. Forrest Gene Hall Nonnie Holland George C. Kirk Clarice D. Lopp Robert Mode Homer Foster Doris Everhart Helms Margaret D. Holt Faith Berrier Kirkman Mary Louia Jeanette Hankins (Byrd) Mrs. Bertie Foster Selma Walker Hamilton Ricky Holt Karl R. Knopf lll Gay Nell Love Montgomery Nell Fouts Betty Hammitt Curtis Holt Alice Jane Knox Joyce H. Lovell John Moore John Fowler Cindy Hammitt Edna Haynes Honeycutt Jane Knox Eunice Lowder Barbara Joanne Carrie Lee “Pat” Frank David “Sam” Hampton Anne Hood Fred Kozee Jr. Mary Hundley “Hun” Squires Morphis Ruby Frank Earnest Hanes Dr. John Sidney Hood Jr. Tommy & Katie Koonts Philpott Lowe Margaret Morris Arvel Frazier Mary B. Hanes Harvey B. Hoover Willie Joe Koonts Joyce Lucas Curtis Morrow Brenda Free Nellie B. Hardister Billy Vernon Hoover John Van Koontz Talmage L. Luffman Ronald Motley Thomas C. Freeman Jr. Janice Harris Ronald L. Hornady Don Hulin Koontz Janet Macias Marie Moultrie Winky Friedrich Dorothy W. Harris Gene Horne Mildred & Corl Koontz Shelbia Magee Larry Murdock Donald Fritts Inez Harris Tom Hudgins Mrs. Carl W. Lackey Mr. Miles Manship Denny Myers Robert “Don” Fritts Hazel Hartley Bea Hughes Eleanor Langan William “Bill” Manual Jr. Tot Myers Qureatha “Granny” Viola T. & George Hartley Mabel “Bea” Hughes Edna & Ardell Lanier Alna Markham Katealeen Myers McCray Frye Lynda Hartman Mary E. Hughes Max Lanning Ted C. Mason Oaklyn Rileigh Myers Doris Frye Carl Hawkins Francis Snyder Hughes Hoy S. Lanning Sr. Carolyn Mast Betty “Mozelle” V. Myers Shelby Futrell Willard Hayes Carol Hunt Max Gene Lanning Arlena Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Sam Nance Frances Gallimore Ralph Hayes Richard Hunt Frank Lansdell Jr. Sam McBride Jerry Neal Albert Gallimore Alice Louise Hays Jerry M. Isley Kay Martin Latham Hubert McConnell Clarence Nealey Treva Hill Garner Rachel & Robert Hebert Florris Isom John Laughlin Sam McCrickard Nancy Nifong Lucy Garner Hollis Hedgecock Ed Ivey John & Edna Leath Richard Harper McKenzie Russell Junior Nifong Inez Garrison Delos & Mary Lee Gerald Jackowski Mickey LeCroy Bonnie Hicks McKinney Georgia Niven Harry Gates Hedgecock Jack Jarrett Sr. Ruth J. Lee Charles H. McKinney Melvin Nixon Mamma Gaynell Jimmy Hedrick Foster Thomas Jenkins Martha Grayson Leonard Frances McLendon Michael Noah Ronald W. Gearren Linda M. Hedrick Jack & Gladys Johnson Allen “Pete” Leonard Sue McPhatter Foy & Shirley Owen Nellie George Joe C. Hedrick Johnnie Mae Johnson Jerry W. Leonard Carlotta Medford Mildred Owen Jimmy George Carl Willis Hedrick Mary Frances Hogan Johnson Curtis Leonard Susan Medlin Cora Lee Palmer Scott Gibson Pat Briggs Hedrick Billy Ray Johnson Martha G. Leonard Paul Medlin James Panter Charles “Chuck” Gibson Linda Hedrick Pete & Rita Jones Harold Dean Leonard Carl Memmer John R. “Gunny” Paquin Sandra Glosson Van C. Hedrick Judy Jones Mozelle & Bob Leonard Joyce Meredith Bill Parks Parmalee Hill Glover Ramona Taylor Hedrick Tim Jones Mitchell Henry Leonard Betty Metters Marie Parrish Bonnie Gobble Dwanda Pat Briggs Hedrick Elinor Church Jones Hubert M. Leonard Peggy Davis Michael Buster Keaton Patterson Bettie Lou Goodyear Virginia Hedrick Charles Edward Jones Franklin Leonard Betty Michael Judy H. Peele Ken Gordon Mrs. Carolyn Heitman Rhonda Roberts Jordan Howard Dean Leonard Martha Faye Owen Michael Edna Pennington Doris Nell Thomas Gordon Mrs. Margaret Everhart Hiatt Dickie Joyce Allen “Pete” Leonard Fay Michael Jim Perkins Elizabeth Gordon Mildred Hill Hilda Kanoy Harold Wayne Leonard Cristy Michael Mary James Perry Gail Koontz Graves Roy Garland Hill III Claire N. Kendall Kelvin Dale Leverette Flynn Michael Peggy Perry Mr. Wingate Greathouse Leo Jackson Hill Don Kepley Jenny Davis Link Louise Berrier Michael Lois Perryman John & Dorothy Green Kenneth Hill Mary Ina Leach Kestler John Linville Pauline Milam Jim Phillips R. Eddie Greene Max Hill Sally Key Cindy Lisk Gene Miller Clifford Phillips

Find comfort here. 25 Josephine Phillips Floyd Edward Schall Ray Von Smith Mildred D. Thomas Roberta C. Wagner Fred Williams Jim Phillips Sr. Michael Joseph Scimenes John D. Snellings Rose & Keith Thomas Rev. Charles B. Walker Anthony Wayne Williamson Doris G. Pierce Lois Hope Sechriest Ethel Lanier Snellings Imogene Thomas Shirley Walker Jack Williamson Doris L. Pierce Celia Diane Shaw Severt Sandy Mark Snider Mildred Thomas Pamela Wall Sandra Willoughby Robert Philmore Plummer Sr Faye Beckerdite Sharpe Glady Snider Thurmond Ray Thomas Bill Wallace Roland Wilson Mary Lee Myers Poe Jack W. Sharpe Sandra Kaye Gallimore Snider Paul Thomas Lelia Young Wallace Donald Wilson Jacqueline Jones Polinski John F. Shaughnessy Millie K. Snider Richard Lowell Thomas Helen Walser Harold Wilson Cindy Polley Craig Shelley Margo Southern Bobby Ray Thompson Murphy & Helen Walser Donald Newal Wilson George Lee Pollock James “Jim” Shelton John Sparger William Benton Thompson Coy, Louise & Terry Walser Harold E. Wilson Betty Jean Todd Pope Jeff Taylor Shields Roger Sparks Jurlean Thompson Carl Ward Betty Winebarger Ola Mae Pope Boyd E. Shirley Sandy Spikes Carl Thompson Esther Ward Diana K. Wolfe Bobby Powell Edith W. Shoaf Brent A. Stabler Jack D Thrift Sr Aunt (Charlotte) Sue Ward Kay Wolfe Odell L. Powell Glen R. Shoaf Ruth Elizabeth Stanford Ophelia “Tink” Thurman Charles Warren Nancy Wood Jo Anna Powers Shirley Silvestro Jerry Stiers Kathryn Tobin Johnny Watson Paul Samuel Wood Charles Ray Presley Laura Guntang Simerson Clarence Stinson Elneida Todd John Watson Terry Wood Frank Price Claude Sink Sr. Evelyn O’Neil Goins Stout Gus Tomlin Betty S. Weaver Patsy L. Woodruff E. B. Pullen Louise Sink Lillie Jane Barnes Stutts William McNair Tornow Toby Weaver Rodger Harold Woods Brenda Pullum Willard F. Sink Charles Sutherland Linda Susan Towery Levon Franklin “Toby” Weaver Ellen Wrenn Jacqueline Pullum Tom & Alice Sink Frances Moorefield Isabelle King Trimpey John & Margaret Weavil Joel Frank Wrenn Juanita Ransom Alice Sink Swicegood Nell Lee Trotter & Sons Gary Wayne Wright Lucille Ray James Eddie Skeen Joyce Swicegood Neill Trotter Zenna Wellborn Kathy Wright James Reep Margaret “Peggy” Slack Gwen Pullen Swing Kenneth Troutman Crystal Wheeler Patricia Wunderlich Gurney Richard Reid Barbara Lohn Smith Joyce Swing Harold N. Tucker John Wheeles Virgil Wyatt G. Richard Reid Rennie H. Smith Jr. Tina Jo Swing Rev. Wade Dennis Tucker Sr. Phil White Wade H. & Nell Wyatt Larry Eugene Ritz Paul R. Smith Richard Switzer Geraline Tussey Estus “Sonny” Bowers White Linda C. Yarbrough Ted Robbins Earl B. Smith Lester & Dorothy Taylor Irene Clapp Tysinger Iris P. Whitley Donna Gay Hartley Yates Margaret Rogers H. Richard Smith Bill Taylor Kenneth Dell Tysinger Bill & Arlie Whitley Billy Joe Yates Sarah Roha Kyle Smith Richard Tedder Dave Ulmer T.O. & Iris Whitley Herbert Lee Yates June Roha Richard W. Smith Dick Tedder Sylvia Utt Elizabeth Whitman C.P. Youmans Rebecca “Becky” Jody Smith Dorothy “Dot” Teleshak Judy Vaden Jean T. Wilkerson Buddy Young Embler Rorex June Smith Shirley Harrison Terrell Robert “Bob” Voyles Sr. Timmy E. Williams Anna Caitlyn Young Cathy Ross Steven Smith Jay Wesley Terrell Josephine Wagner James “Peppie” Williams Ettie K. Younts Johnnie Rothrock Carrie Mae Carter Smith Joe R. Tew Jack Wagner Michael Williams Martha Younts Robert & Brenda Rumley Carroll Smith Jack D. Thrift Sr. Clarice Geraldine Wagner Tim Williams John Reid Yountz Jr. Robert Rummage Carrie Mae Smith Dorothy Jean Rushing Joseph Ronald Smith Jerri Russell Mark Smith Jane Rutherford Grace Smith Elizabeth “Lib” Samuels Peggy Oneal Smith Donald P. Sanford Mark Jackson Smith * deceased Betty Jo Clement Saunders Bertha Smith Please note that every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of name spelling and acknowledgment of participation of everyone who donated to Hospice of Davidson County. If you see an error or omission, please accept our apology and let us know of any correction by More emailing [email protected] or call 336-475-5444. Meaningful A revised report will be posted on our website. Moments 26 Find comfort here. giving Ways to Give

For 33 years, Hospice of Davidson County has worked to deliver the best possible care for our patients and their families. Our donors’ support makes it possible for the agency to serve countless families across our community facing the challenges of a life-limiting illness, regardless of their medical coverage or ability to pay. Our donors’ support We reach for a goal that is always elusive. For those who give us a very special trust at a difficult time makes it possible for in their lives, there will invariably be more that we can do. We continually look to expand our services, enhance patient care, and to support stable growth to help more people in the community. Donor support the agency to serve enables us to give families the precious gift of more meaningful moments with their loved ones. • Our More Meaningful Moments Comprehensive Campaign launched in May 2017. It has been a decade countless families since we have been in a campaign to ask for support in expanding our services and resources for our community. With a goal of $2.3 million, the generosity of our donors enabled the agency to raise across our $1,442,945 by the end of 2017. Many projects have been completed through the campaign, but a community facing need still exists to fund several important initiatives across the agency. • The Founder’s Circle is an exclusive giving society recognizing individuals who make annual gifts at the the challenges of a leadership level ($1,000) or higher. The society honors the dedication and determination of our agency’s first leaders while elevating the importance of preparing for our agency’s future. life-limiting illness, • The Partners in Care program recognizes business leaders in our community that support the agency regardless of their at the leadership level ($1,000) or higher by providing year-long visibility through our many marketing ventures and events. medical coverage or • Friends and Family members often choose to make a gift in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one whose life has been touched by Hospice of Davidson County. We will send a special notification letter ability to pay. to your loved one’s family or to the person you are honoring. Thank you for being a part of our story through your support, advocacy and prayers. With your help and commitment, we are poised and ready to meet the needs of our community and continue to provide exceptional end-of-life care for those we serve. To learn more about giving to Hospice of Davidson County or the More Meaningful Moments campaign, please contact us at 336-475-5444 or visit HospiceOfDavidson.org.

Find comfort here. 27 200 Hospice Way Lexington, NC 27292 336.475.5444 | 800.768.4677 HospiceOfDavidson.org

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