JANUARY 14–22, 2017




JANUARY 14–22, 2017

By Kevin Zimmer

Harpy Eagle (adult on nest), Darién NP, Panama, January 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

The undisputed highlight of this year’s tour was our successful mini-expedition into Darién National Park, in quest of seeing a Harpy Eagle at an active nest. What had seemed like a slam-dunk, just days before our trip, turned out to be anything but when I received the sad news that the Harpy nest that we planned to visit had just been depredated. Fortunately, the folks at the Canopy Camp had a “Plan B” (and “C”), and when the first option was snatched away, they swung into action, implementing a logistically challenging, but flawlessly executed plan to get us to another active Harpy nest. It involved a 4:00 a.m. breakfast, a 45-minute drive, a predawn boat trip along two rivers, a 40-minute drive employing a caravan of 4X4 pickups, and a sweaty, 4-mile (one-way) hike and an assisted stream-crossing over a makeshift rock bridge, but we made it, even arriving ahead of schedule. And boy, was it worth it! We spent over an hour watching an adult female Harpy Eagle sitting in its nest, situated majestically in the crotch of a towering Cuipo tree, some 50 m above the ground. The Harpy was alert

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 2 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 throughout, the feathers of her expressive, bifurcate crest erect one second and lax the next, a dynamic that was impossible for those of us with cameras to resist. And how cool was it to have two screeching Great Green Macaws fly right past the nest tree, allowing a lucky few to claim macaws and Harpy in the same binocular field? And just when we finally tore ourselves away to continue up the trail a short distance, the Harpy went for the encore, scrambling up out of the nest onto one of the main supporting branches of the Cuipo to stretch and look around, and in the process, treating us to the full Monty! All thoughts of continuing up the trail were quickly abandoned, as we hurried back to our previous observation point, this time to revel in views of the entire . The next half- hour flew past, as the great raptor preened and posed, showing off its massive talons and impressively thick legs. Then, with wings partially raised for balance, the Harpy tiptoed its way back into the nest and hunkered down, which was our cue to begin the hike back to Rancho Frio and our awaiting picnic lunch. En route, we managed to tape in a pair of Scarlet-browed Tanagers (and then enjoyed even better views of another pair back at Rancho Frio), a of restricted range, whose distribution outside of and nw is limited to a tiny slice of the Darién.

Harpy Eagle (adult at nest), Darién NP, Panama, January 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

The length of the hike in to Rancho Frio, combined with the desire to get to the Harpy nest as early as possible, meant that there was little window for birding stops en route (although we couldn’t help but stop for a perched Semiplumbeous Hawk and some noisy Purple-throated Fruitcrows). We were less time-constrained on the return hike, which enabled us to pick off a few avian gems, among them, Gray-cheeked Nunlet, White-

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 3 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 whiskered Puffbird, Great Jacamar, the very different (from Canal Zone ) cassini of Chestnut-backed , and Stripe-throated Wren. The return boat ride (this time, fully in the light) also treated us to both Common and Great black-hawks, and bunches of Cocoi Herons, among others.

The excursion into Darién National Park was merely the centerpiece of our week-long immersion into the avifauna of lowland Darién, and, as always, the Canopy Camp provided the perfect base of operations. With an active colony of Chestnut-headed Oropendolas situated right off the dining area deck, feeders and planted vervain buzzing with hummers of several species (including Violet-bellied, Sapphire-throated, Pale- bellied Hermit, Black-throated Mango, and Long-billed Starthroat), White-headed Wrens ducking in and out of view between the tents, a noisy troop of Geoffroy’s Tamarins making daily passes through the clearing, and leks of exquisite Golden-collared and Golden-headed manakins along the camp’s trail system, it was difficult to tear ourselves away to go anywhere else!

Nevertheless, we persisted, and, in the process, enjoyed good success in tracking down most of the special target birds. The so-called “Darién specialties” actually fall into one of three categories: 1) Birds with extremely restricted global ranges that are found nowhere outside of the Darién and adjacent w Colombia (most of these are found in the foothills and highlands of e Darién, to which access is currently difficult, but there are some lowland birds, such as Black Antshrike and Black Oropendola, which fit in this category); 2) Lowland and foothill birds with somewhat more extensive (but still restricted) ranges into w & n Colombia, and nw Ecuador or nw , which reach the northwestern limits of their distribution in e Panama (many of these being endemic to the “Chocó region of endemism”); and 3) Species with expansive ranges in lowland that are at the western limits of their distribution in e Panama (many of these seem to be expanding their ranges with increased deforestation), and which, are “specialties” only when viewed from a Central American or Panamanian perspective. During our week in the Darién lowlands, we succeeded in finding “specialties” from all three categories.

Day 1 saw us driving to Darién, with planned birding in the Bayano Valley region of eastern Panama Province en route. Bird activity was slower than usual, with relatively little vocalization, but that didn’t stop us from netting several good birds. Our first stop, at a quiet cove of Bayano Reservoir, turned up a juvenile Cocoi Heron and a dapper pair of Pied Water-Tyrants. We then drove several kilometers east to the Rio Mono, where we enjoyed great views of a snazzy Cinnamon Woodpecker, a pair of Cinnamon Becards, a lively group of White-eared Conebills, and a mixed-species flock with Red-rumped Woodpecker and Streaked Xenops. An hour spent along the Rio Tortí yielded, most notably, a pair of Pacific Antwrens, some responsive Golden-fronted Greenlets, and Yellow-olive Flycatcher, the latter representing the first in what would turn out to be a Tolmomyias hat trick for the trip. Our lunch stop served up generous portions of good food and an impressive diversity of hummingbirds at the feeders, including, among the latter, Long-billed Starthroat, Scaly-breasted Hummingbird, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Black-throated Mango, and Sapphire-throated Hummingbird. A couple of

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 4 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 hours later, we rolled into the Canopy Camp, with time for an hour of late afternoon birding in the camp clearing and at the top of the driveway. In addition to producing responsive pairs of Cinnamon Woodpeckers and White-tailed , and excellent studies of a Yellow-breasted Flycatcher (a recent colonist of the Darién from South America, first recorded in Panama in 2007), this hour was memorable for a lovely male Blue-throated Goldentail that had crashed into something on the deck, and lay stunned until I picked it up, examined it, and then placed it on a hanging plant, where it sat for several minutes before flying off.

Blue-throated Goldentail, Canopy Camp, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

The next morning was devoted to a more thorough exploration of the camp clearing and the ambient trails into the forest. Highlights were many, including some close-up looks at several canopy flycatchers, among them, Yellow-margined Flycatcher, Brown-capped Tyrannulet, and Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher. Our first pair of Double-banded Graytails, found along Nando’s Trail, was not nearly as obliging, and although they responded repeatedly to playback, they remained neck-breakingly high in the emergent trees. A responsive pair of Golden-crowned Spadebills was a nice pick-up, but the morning belonged to the stunning Golden-collared and Golden-headed manakins on their leks, a spectacle that many in the group returned to during subsequent afternoon breaks. That afternoon, we traveled east to near Yaviza, at the terminus of the Pan American Highway. Our primary quarry was the Black Oropendola, a true specialty of lowland Darién whose range extends only to adjacent Colombia. We found more than 30 of these striking birds, intercepting them on their afternoon commutes between foraging sites and their nesting colony. Most were seen only in flight, but we did manage scope views of a few that perched briefly. In the process, we found several other good birds, including

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 5 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Spot-breasted and Golden-green woodpeckers, Spot-crowned Barbet, White-necked Puffbird, Black-chested Jay, and Orange-crowned Oriole.

Golden-collared Manakin, Canopy Camp, Darién, Panama, January 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Mornings on the El Salto Road sandwiched our full-day Harpy Eagle excursion and produced all kinds of special birds and experiences. Among the highlights: male and female Blue Cotingas; the first of what would prove to be an eventual tally of 8 Gray- cheeked Nunlets; a pair of Double-banded Graytails attending their outsized stick nest; a pair of Chocó Sirystes with their accompanying mixed-species flock; skulking Bare- crowned and White-bellied ; a male Olivaceous Piculet that descended to near eye level; nesting Long-tailed Tyrants; a plethora of puffbirds and trogons; a pugnacious pair of Sooty-headed Tyrannulets; more White-eared Conebills and Orange-crowned Orioles; a pair of Laughing Falcons; and a most confiding Double-toothed Kite. Morning and afternoon excursions to other nearby sites over the next few days filled in many holes on our checklists, with day-roosting Great Potoo, low-soaring King Vultures and Black Hawk-Eagles, near-endemic Black Antshrikes, a very rare (for Panama and ) Bicolored Wren, and a nesting pair of Spectacled Parrotlets among the prizes. Mammals got in on the action too, with some particularly nice studies of Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth, Mantled Howler Monkey, and Geoffroy’s Tamarin (a striking little primate with a decidedly goblin-like countenance) scattered through the week.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 6 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Double-toothed Kite, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 7 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Geoffroy’s Tamarin, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

On our last evening at the camp, we enjoyed a most productive night drive that treated us to Kinkajous, the aforementioned Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth, a Common Potoo perched on a fence post, and topped off with a spectacular Black-and-white Owl. The next day was devoted to the drive back to Panama City/Tocumen, but we did manage a few hours of productive birding at the San Francisco Reserve near Tortí, highlighted by a copulating pair of spectacular White Hawks, yet another low-soaring adult King Vulture, and by great studies of the Yellow-green Tyrannulet, a generally unremarkable little flycatcher that is nonetheless noteworthy for being among a handful of species of birds that are endemic to Panama.

All too soon, we were back in Tocumen, our Darién adventure over. I especially want to thank Nick and the entire Canopy Camp staff for taking such good care of us, and for orchestrating and navigating the complex logistics of (in particular) the Harpy Eagle excursion so flawlessly. Domi did an outstanding job as our local guide, and, as always, I really enjoyed working with him. The camp itself is a joy, not only for the many amenities and wonderful meals, but for the atmosphere and the abundance of nature that surrounds it. You all were a very fun group, and I greatly enjoyed getting to know you, and being able to share the natural wonders of the Darién with you. I very much hope that our paths cross on some future trip, in another fascinating corner of the world.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 8 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Black Oropendola, near Yaviza, Darien, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)


January 14 – Arrival at international airport (Tocumen); night at Riande Aeropuerto Hotel.

January 15 – Breakfast at 0530h; depart Riande Hotel at 0645h, driving east along Pan- American Hwy. to Lake Bayano. Our first stop was at “Heron Cove”, just across the Bayano bridge (0830–0900h). We then drove 6 km to the Rio Mono bridge, where we birded for about 1 hour before continuing on to Tortí, where we made a restroom stop and pre-ordered our lunch, before spending an hour birding at a nearby spot along the Rio Tortí until 1230h. We enjoyed some decent hummingbird action at the restaurant feeders while having lunch, and then left Tortí at about 1345h and drove straight to Canopy Camp Darién, Sansón, Darién Province Panama, arriving at about 1530h. After taking 45 minutes to settle into the tents, we reconvened at 1615h, and birded the camp clearing and the top of the driveway until 1730h.

January 16 – Breakfast at 0600h. Birded the main camp clearing from 0700–0900h, followed by a walk along a portion of Nando’s Trail until 1200h. Lunch and break from 1230h until 1500h, at which time we drove east on the Pan American Hwy to the “macaw

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 9 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 marsh” and the “oropendola spot”, both of which are 5-15 km west of Yaviza, where we birded until 1745h. Back to camp at 1845h.

January 17 – Breakfast at 0600h, departing camp at 0715h and driving east along the Pan-American Hwy for 7 kms to the El Salto Road, where we spent the morning (until 1115h) birding the first half of the road before returning to camp for lunch and break until 1530h. Following the break, we drove to the nearby Lajas Blancas Road, and spent 2 hours walking and birding the road through vine-rich secondary forest just beyond a bridge over the Rio Chucunaque. Back to camp just after 1800h.

January 18 – Harpy Eagle Excursion. Breakfast at 0400h, depart at 0430h for Yaviza (arriving 0515h). We loaded into a single long, motorized, dugout canoe, and took off down the Rio Chucunaque in the dark (0530h), spotlighting the river and using the largely full moon to guide the way. At the end of the Chucunaque, we turned up the Rio Tuira, and then docked at El Real at 0615h. After braving the oddly angled and very steep and slippery (coated with mud) stairs to get to the top of the bank, we were met by five 4X4 pickups, which transported us (after a stop at the police station to sign in and present our passports) to the trailhead for the trail into Darién NP & Rancho Frio. We began our 6.5 km (4 mile) hike at 0748h, and arrived at the NP entrance at 0915h. After a 20-minute drink/snack break, we crossed the Rio Pirresenico and hiked another 20 minutes to the Harpy Eagle nest, where we spent ca. 1.5 hours before heading back to Rancho Frio for lunch, followed by the hike back out (total roundtrip hike was 13 km or 8 miles), truck transport back to El Real, a return boat trip on the Tuira and Chucunaque to Yaviza, and the drive back to Canopy Camp, returning before dark!

January 19 – 0630h breakfast, with 0715h departure for El Salto Road, where we birded from 0745–1245h. We returned to camp for a late lunch and break until 1530h, when we drove to Yaviza to look for the Bicolored Wren, and then checked a few overlooks of the Rio Chucunaque for jacamars. We started back at 1815h, arriving back at the lodge by 1900h. Dinner was followed by an unproductive 45 minutes of owling around the camp clearing and the top of the driveway.

January 20 – Breakfast at 0600h, departing at 0645h for the Aligandi Road (Finca Don Cella), with an important first stop along the Pan American Hwy for Spectacled Parrotlet. The parrotlet ended up taking some time, so we didn’t make it to the Aligandi Road until 0830h. We birded here, largely on foot, until bird activity became negligible, returning to camp for lunch and break until 1530h. Optional late afternoon walk along the entrance road and down to the stream at the beginning of Nando’s Trail from 1530h–1730h. After dinner and bird list, we did a night drive down the entrance road to the highway, and then several kms out the La Peñita Road and back, lasting from 2000h–2230h.

January 21 – 0530h breakfast (bags out), followed by departure at 0630h for the Rio San Francisco Reserve near Tortí, arriving (after a few roadside stops and a bathroom stop in Tortí) at ca. 0830h. Birded the reserve until 1130h and then went straight to Tortí for lunch. Then back west along the Pan American Hwy. to Tocumen, with a brief stop at the Bayano bridge. Arrived back at the Riande at ca. 1600h.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 10 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

January 22 – Transfer to airport for flights home.


AR = Aligandi Road (Finca Don Cella) BA = Bayano region CC = Canopy Camp (including camp clearing, entrance road & forest trail) ES = El Salto Road and Trail along the river. LB = Lajas Blancas Road LP = La Peñita Road PA = Pan American Highway between Tocumen and Sansón. RCT = Rios Chucunaque & Tuira and El Real RF = Rancho Frio, Darién NP & the trail in and out. SF = San Francisco Reserve TO = Tortí (including the spot along the Rio Tortí) YA = Yaviza area (including miscellaneous spots along the Pan-American Hwy. within several kms of town). * = heard only

NOTE: The following list follows (for the most part) the and nomenclature employed by Ridgely & Gwynne 1989 ( A guide to the birds of Panama ), as modified by the American Ornithologists Union Checklist Committee (7 th edition and subsequent supplements). Any exceptions are clarified in the list.


TINAMOUS (Tinamidae):

Great Tinamou (Tinamus major )* - 1 heard at ES on 1/19 was our only record. Little Tinamou (Crypturellus soui )* - Heard daily around CC, and also very close (but not seen) near YA on the afternoon of 1/19.

STORKS (Ciconiidae):

Wood Stork (Mycteria americana ) - 1 over the PA on the afternoon of 1/19, and 2 over AR on 1/20.

CORMORANTS (Phalacrocoracidae):

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus ) - 3 at BA on 1/15; 1 along the Rio Chucunaque on LB on 1/17; and 25+ at RCT on 1/18.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 11 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

ANHINGAS (Anhingidae):

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga ) - 2 at RCT on 1/18.


Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias ) - 1 at AR on 1/20. Cocoi Heron (Ardea cocoi ) - 1 juv at BA on 1/15, and 25+ along the RCT on 1/18. Great Egret (Ardea alba ) - 1 at BA on 1/15; 30 along the RCT on 1/18. Snowy Egret (Egretta thula ) - 1 near YA on 1/16; 50 along the RCT on 1/18; 1 at AR on 1/20; seen along the PA on 1/21 and 1/19. Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea ) - 1 at BA on 1/15; 1 near YA on 1/16; 20+ along the RCT on 1/18; 1 at AR on 1/20. Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis ) - Common; seen daily along the PA and commuting flocks flying over most locales, including CC. Green Heron (Butorides virescens ) - 1 adult on a wire along the PA on 1/17; a Butorides seen along the PA on 1/15 Capped Heron (Pilherodias pileatus ) - 1 along the PA on the afternoon of 1/19. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea ) - 2 adults along the RCT on 1/18.

IBISES & SPOONBILLS (Threskiornithidae):

White Ibis (Eudocimus albus ) - 100+ along the RCT on 1/18. Green Ibis (Mesembrinibis cayennensis ) - 1 seen by a few folks in the front of the boat along the RCT on the morning of 1/18 was little more than a silhouette.


Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus ) - Abundant; seen daily and at all locales. Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura ) - Common; seen daily, and at all locales. King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa ) - 3 over CC on 1/15; 2 over ES on 1/19; 1 over AR on 1/20; and 1 over SF on 1/21.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 12 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

King Vulture, San Francisco Reserve, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

OSPREY (Pandionidae):

Osprey (Pandion haliaetus ) - 1 at BA on 1/15; 1 along the RCT on 1/18; 1 over the AR on 1/20.

HAWKS, EAGLES & KITES (Accipitridae):

Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus ) - 4 over CC on the morning of 1/17; 2 over RF on 1/18. Pearl Kite (Gampsonyx swainsonii ) - 1 perched bird along the PA that was barely visible through the fog on the morning of 1/20. Double-toothed Kite (Harpagus bidentatus ) - 2 over ES on 1/17, and a very cooperative perched bird there on 1/19; heard over RF on 1/18; 1 soaring bird over AR on 1/20; 1 at SF on 1/21. Common Black-Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus ) - 1 along the RCT on 1/18. Savanna Hawk (Buteogallus meridionalis ) - 1 at AR on 1/20 Great Black-Hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga ) - 1 along the RCT on 1/18. Roadside Hawk (Buteo magnirostris ) - 1 at CC on 1/16; 1 at YA on 1/16; 1 at ES on 1/17 and 3 there on 1/19; 1 along the RCT on 1/18; 3 near YA on the afternoon of 1/19; 3 at AR on 1/20; and 1 at SF and 2 along the PA on 1/21. White Hawk (Pseudastur albicollis ) - 1 heard at RF on 1/18; 2 (pair seen copulating) at SF on 1/20. Semiplumbeous Hawk (Leucopternis semiplumbeus ) - 1 perched at RF on 1/18.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 13 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Gray-lined Hawk (Buteo nitidus ) - 1 soaring bird being dive-bombed by a Bat Falcon over AR on 1/20. Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus ) - 1 at CC on 1/16; 1 at ES on 1/17; and 2 near YA on the afternoon of 1/19. Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus ) - Singles seen over CC on 1/15, and over ES on 1/17. HARPY EAGLE (Harpia harpyga ) - 1 adult female attending an active nest at RF on 1/20. Black Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus ) - 1 over CC on 1/17; 1 heard at RF on 1/18; 1 over AR on 1/20; and 1 over SF on 1/21.

Black Hawk-Eagle, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)


Gray-breasted Crake (Laterallus exilis ) - 1 heard at the “macaw marsh” near YA on the afternoon of 1/16.

PLOVERS & LAPWINGS (Charadriidae):


Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis ) - 5 near BA (at our rest stop) on the morning of 1/15, and 3 along the PA near YA on 1/16.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 14 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 JACANAS (Jacanidae):

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana ) - 2 at BA on 1/15.

SANDPIPERS & ALLIES (Scolopacidae):

Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius ) - 1 at BA on 1/15; 20+ along the RCT on 1/18. Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria ) - 1 at El Real on 1/18. Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla ) - 120+ along the Rio Tuira near El Real on 1/18.

PIGEONS & DOVES (Columbidae):

Rock Pigeon (Columba livia ) - 4 seen along the PA on 1/15; 6 in YA on 1/19; and recorded without numbers along the PA on 1/20. Pale-vented Pigeon (Patagioenas cayennensis ) - 25 seen along the RCT on 1/18; 2 over ES on 1/19. Scaled Pigeon (Patagioenas speciosa ) - 1 perched at ES on 1/17 was our only record. Ruddy Pigeon (Patagioenas subvinacea )* - Heard calling from way upslope at AR on 1/20, but it would not come in. Plain-breasted Ground-Dove (Columbina minuta ) - 4 seen nicely at AR on 1/20. Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti ) - Common; seen daily, particularly along the PA, where we recorded 200+ on the drive from Tocumen to CC on 1/15. Blue Ground-Dove (Claravis pretiosa ) - 1 male at BA on 1/15; 1 male at ES on 1/17; heard at RF on 1/18; 1 male at ES on 1/19; heard at AR on 1/20; and 4 (2 pairs) at SF on 1/21. White-tipped Dove (Leptotila verreauxi ) - Seen/heard daily in small numbers (1–10).

CUCKOOS (Cuculidae):


Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana ) - 2 seen at ES on 1/17 and heard there on 1/19; 2 at RF on 1/18; and 1 heard at AR on 1/20.


Striped Cuckoo (Tapera naevia ) - 1 real skulker eventually seen by all at the “macaw marsh” near YA on the afternoon of 1/16.


Greater Ani (Crotophaga major ) - 3 birds seen in camp (CC) on 1/16, 17, and 20; plus 1 seen along the RCT on 1/18.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 15 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani ) - Common in open country and pastures along the PA and associated side roads (including the entrance road to CC), where seen daily.

OWLS (Strigidae):

Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata )* - Heard upslope from CC on the evenings of 1/15 and 1/20. Black-and-white Owl (Ciccaba nigrolineata ) - Heard from CC on the evenings of 1/16 and 1/18; 1 seen beautifully at LP on 1/20.

Black-and-white Owl, Darien, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

NIGHTJARS (Caprimulgidae):

Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis ) - Heard most nights from camp; 1 flew across the entrance road in front of our van on the evening of 1/16 as we returned to camp, and I think Pete & Marianne spotlighted the bird around the camp clearing on at least one night.

POTOOS (Nyctibiidae):

Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis ) - Great studies of a day-roosting bird along the PA on 1/20. Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus ) - 1 spotlighted bird that was seen on our night drive out the LP road on 1/20 was still in the same spot an hour later on our return.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 16 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

SWIFTS (Apodidae):


White-collared Swift (Streptoprocne zonaris ) - Seen by several folks over RF on 1/18.


Short-tailed Swift (Chaetura brachyura ) - 15+ over AR on 1/20. Nice comparisons with the next species, which was present in the same flocks. Band-rumped Swift (Chaetura spinicauda ) - 20+ over AR on 1/20.

HUMMINGBIRDS (Trochilidae):


White-necked Jacobin (Florisuga mellivora ) - 1 male at TO (feeders) on 1/15, and another male at SF on 1/21.


Rufous-breasted Hermit (Glaucis hirsutus ) - Singles at BA on 1/15, ES on 1/17, and SF on 1/20. Pale-bellied Hermit (Phaethornis anthophilus ) - Seen very well by everyone at ES on 1/17, and individuals were seen at camp feeders by at least a few people on a near daily basis.


Black-throated Mango (Anthracothorax nigricollis ) - Seen daily, particularly at the CC feeders, where it was the dominant hummingbird in attendance. High count of 20+ seen on 1/15, between the CC feeders and the feeders at the lunch stop in Tortí. Long-billed Starthroat (Heliomaster longirostris ) - 1 at TO on 1/15; 1 at the camp feeders on 1/15,16, 17 and 20; and 1 at AR on 1/20. Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (Phaeochroa cuvierii ) - 3 at TO on 1/15 and 1/21; 1 at CC on 1/17. White-vented Plumeleteer (Chalybura buffonii ) - 1 at CC on 1/16 and again on the afternoon of 1/20; 1 at AR on 1/20. Blue-chested Hummingbird (Amazilia amabalis ) - Seen daily at the vervain around camp (up to 4 birds/day); singles at ES on 1/17 and 1/19. Snowy-bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia edward ) - 2 at TO on 1/15 and again on 1/21. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl ) - Seen daily at CC; also at TO on 1/15 and 1/21, and at ES on 1/19.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 17 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (Lepidopyga coeruleogularis ) - Lone males seen at TO and CC on 1/15; and again at CC on 1/16 and 1/20. Violet-bellied Hummingbird (Damophila julie ) - 1 feeding at vervain at CC on 1/16 and 1/17. Blue-throated Goldentail (Hylocharis eliciae ) - 1 male at CC on 1/15 crashed into something, and was picked up, stunned, from the dining room deck. After examining and photographing it in the hand, we placed it in a hanging plant, where it sat for several minutes before flying off to feed at some nearby flowers. So, it seemingly recovered, but we never saw the bird again.

Long-billed Starthroat, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

TROGONS (Trogonidae):

Slaty-tailed (Trogon Massena )* - 1 heard from along Nando’s Trail at CC on 1/16 was never seen. This species, which is common in the Canal Zone, appears to be very uncommon in Darién, possibly being largely replaced by the next species. Black-tailed Trogon (Trogon melanurus ) - Heard at BA on 1/15; 1 female seen at CC on 1/16; 4 (2 pairs) at ES on 1/17 and again on 1/19; heard at RF on 1/18; and at least 10 seen/heard at AR on 1/20. White-tailed Trogon (Trogon viridis ) - Pair seen at CC on 1/15, and heard there on 1/16; 2 at ES on 1/17; pair seen by some around camp during the afternoon break on 1/17. {“White-tailed Trogon” has been split into two species, with Panamanian birds and all populations west of the retaining the name “White-tailed”, whereas populations east of the Andes are now called “Green-backed Trogon”.}

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 18 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Gartered Trogon (Trogon caligatus ) - 2 (pair) at CC on 1/16, and 1 at ES on 1/19. {This is a split from what used to be called “Violaceous Trogon”. Populations east of the Andes in South America are now treated as separate species ( and ).} Black-throated Trogon (Trogon rufus )* - 1 heard repeatedly at SF on 1/21, but we couldn’t pull it in.

White-tailed Trogon (male), Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

MOTMOTS (Momotidae):

Whooping Motmot (Momotus subrufescens ) - 2 seen at CC on 1/16; heard at RF on 1/18 and at ES on 1/19. {This is a recent split from what was called “Blue-crowned Motmot”. That former species has been split into five separate species. Birds of eastern Panama (west to the Canal Zone), which give a single-note, drawn-out “whooop ” call are now called “Whooping Motmot”, whereas those from western Panama that give a shorter, double-noted “ woop woop ” are going by the new name of “Blue-diademed Motmot” or “Lesson’s Motmot”.} Broad-billed Motmot (Electron platyrhynchum )* - 1 heard at SF on 1/21.

KINGFISHERS (Alcedinidae):

Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquatus ) - 1 at LB on the afternoon of 1/17, and 2 along the RCT on 1/18.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 19 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 PUFFBIRDS (Bucconidae):

Barred Puffbird (Nystalus radiatus )* - 1 heard at ES on 1/19, but despite much effort, we were never able to see it. This species is normally more vocal and responsive. White-necked Puffbird (Notharchus macrorhynchos ) - 1 seen near YA on the afternoon of 1/16; a very confiding pair seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17; 2 seen along ES on 1/19; 1 heard at AR on 1/20; and another seen on a wire along the PA on 1/21. Pied Puffbird (Notharchus tectus ) - 1 heard at CC on 1/16; 1 seen at ES on 1/19; and 3 seen/heard at AR on 1/20. White-whiskered Puffbird (Malacoptila panamensis ) - 1 heard along Nando’s Trail at CC on 1/16; 1 seen nicely at RF on 1/18. Gray-cheeked Nunlet (Nonnula frontalis ) - We scored our first one along the ES on the morning of 1/17, then saw/heard 3 more at LB that same afternoon! We taped in a pair at RF on 1/18; heard 1 at ES on 1/19; and saw another at AR on 1/20. It was an 8- nunlet-trip!

Gray-cheeked Nunlet, El Salto Road, Darien, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

JACAMARS (Galbulidae):

Rufous-tailed Jacamar (Galbula ruficauda ) - 1 heard but not seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17; another heard at ES on 1/19; and 2 (pair) seen nicely, with 6 others heard along the Rio Chucunaque near YA on the afternoon of 1/19. This species is normally much more vocal and conspicuous at this season than it was during this trip. Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 20 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 {Curiously, this species is absent from most of Panama, being found only in the far eastern and far western [a different subspecies] corners of the country.} Great Jacamar (Jacamerops aureus ) - 1 male seen nicely at RF on 1/18.

Rufous-tailed Jacamar (male), Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

BARBETS (Capitonidae):

Spot-crowned Barbet (Capito maculicoronatus ) - A pair seen near YA on the afternoon of 1/16 was a good pick-up, and our only record.

TOUCANS (Ramphastidae):

Collared Aracari (Pteroglossis torquatus ) - Heard at CC on 1/16; 5 seen at ES on 1/17; heard at RF on 1/18; 3 seen at ES on 1/19; seen at AR on 1/20. Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus ) - 1–5 birds seen/heard daily at CC; also seen/heard at ES, RF and AR. Yellow-throated Toucan (Ramphastos ambiguus swainsoni ) - 1–5 birds seen/heard daily at CC; also seen/heard at ES, LB, RF and AR. {Formerly treated as a separate species from Black-mandibled, and called “Chestnut-mandibled Toucan.” Now that the two are lumped, the modifier that has been adopted for the expanded species is “Yellow- throated.”}

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 21 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 WOODPECKERS (Picidae):

Olivaceous Piculet (male), Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Olivaceous Piculet (Picumnus olivaceus ) - 1 male that showed nicely at ES on 1/17 was the only one that we saw, but we heard another at AR on 1/20. Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani ) - 1 at CC on 1/16 and 1/21; 1 at ES on 1/19; 1 at AR on 1/20; and 1 at SF on 1/21. Red-crowned Woodpecker (Melanerpes rubricapillus ) - Seen at BA, TO and CC on 1/15; at CC on 1/16; at ES on 1/19; at AR on 1/20; and at CC and SF on 1/21. Red-rumped Woodpecker (Veniliornis kirkii ) - 1 at BA on 1/15; 2 (pair) at LB on the afternoon of 1/17; 2 at AR on 1/20; and 1 at CC on the afternoon of 1/20. Golden-green Woodpecker (Piculus chrysochloros ) - 1 that we taped in near YA (at the “oropendola site”) on the afternoon of 1/16 was our only record. Spot-breasted Woodpecker (Colaptes punctigula ) - 1 seen at the “macaw marsh” along the PA on the afternoon of 1/16, and 1 at the parrotlet stop along the PA on 1/20. Cinnamon Woodpecker (Celeus loricatus ) - 1 at BA and 2 at CC on 1/15; heard almost daily at CC; also heard both days (1/17 and 1/19) at ES; 2 seen at AR on 1/20; 1 heard at SF on 1/21. Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus ) - 1 seen nicely near YA on the afternoon of 1/16; 3 seen along the ES on 1/17; 1 heard at RF on 1/18; 2 heard at ES on 1/19. Crimson-bellied Woodpecker (Campephilus haematogaster )* - 1 heard at RF on 1/18. Crimson-crested Woodpecker (Campephilus melanoleucos ) - 2 seen in camp by some folks during the afternoon break on 1/17; 1 heard at ES on 1/19.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 22 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Golden-green Woodpecker (male), Darien, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)



Red-throated Caracara (Ibycter americanus )* - 1 heard distantly at BA on 1/15 was our only record. Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima ) - Singles along the PA on 1/15, 16 and 21 were, oddly, our only records.


Laughing Falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans ) - 2 (pair) seen nicely at ES on 1/19 (and Pete got an amazing flight shot of one of them); also heard at AR and CC on 1/20. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius ) - 2 (pair) seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17, and 2 seen at AR on 1/20. Bat Falcon (Falco rufigularis ) - 1 perched on the Bayano bridge on 1/15, and 1 seen dive-bombing a Gray-lined Hawk at AR on 1/20.

PARROTS (Psittacidae): Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 23 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus ) - 6 fly-bys at RF on 1/18. Spectacled Parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus ) - A pair at their nest cavity along the PA on 1/20 put on a nice show for us. Orange-chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis ) - Seen daily, and at all sites visited. Brown-hooded Parrot (Pyrilia haematotis ) - 2 (pair) seen perched at ES on 1/17; heard at RF on 1/18; and 1 fly-by at AR on 1/20. Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus ) - Seen/heard daily except for the travel days between CC and Tocumen. The high count was 50+ seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17. Red-lored Parrot (Amazona autumnalis ) - Small numbers of commuters seen each morning and afternoon from CC, where we also had a resident pair at a nest cavity. Also seen at ES (perched) on 1/17 and 1/19; at RF on 1/18; and at AR on 1/20. Mealy Parrot (Amazona farinosa ) - A pair perched for scope-filling views at CC on the morning of 1/16. Small numbers of commuters also seen over CC on other days (but outnumbered by Red-loreds), and at ES on 1/17 and 1/19, and at AR on 1/20.

Spectacled Parrotlet (male) beside its nest cavity, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

TYPICAL ANTBIRDS (Thamnophilidae):

Fasciated Antshrike (Cymbilaimus lineatus )* - 1 heard at SF on 1/21 was our only record. Great Antshrike (Taraba major ) - 1 male seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17; heard near YA on the afternoon of 1/19, and at AR on 1/20. Barred Antshrike ( doliatus ) - 2 (pair) seen at TO on 1/15.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 24 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Black Antshrike (Thamnophilus nigriceps ) - 6 seen/heard at LB on the afternoon of 1/17, and 1 heard at ES on 1/19. {This seldom-seen species has a tiny range – localized in e Panama and w Colombia – and hence, is not often found by birders. We saw it at the extreme western/northern end of its range.}

Black Antshrike (female), Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Black-crowned Antshrike (Thamnophilus atrinucha ) - 2 (pair) seen at ES on 1/17 and 4 heard there on 1/19; also heard at LB on 1/17, RF on 1/18, and AR on 1/20; 2 seen at SF on 1/21. {Previously called “Western Slaty-Antshrike”. What was once considered to be a single species (= Slaty Antshrike) whose range extended from Mexico to , was shown in 1997 to consist of no fewer than 6 different species. More recently, genetic studies have confirmed that atrinucha is not the sister species to the other 5 members of the “Slaty-Antshrike complex” (a result that was predicted based on differences in stereotypical tail movements), which necessitated the most recent name change.} Moustached Antwren (Myrmotherula ignota ) - 1 seen with a canopy mixed-species flock along Nando’s Trail at CC on 1/16; 1 heard at ES on 1/17; 1 heard at SF on 1/21. Common by voice at RF, where we heard 12 during our 4-mile hike in to the Harpy Eagle nest on 1/18. Pacific Antwren (Myrmotherula pacifica ) - 2 (pair) at TO on 1/15. Checker-throated Antwren (Epinecrophylla fulviventris )* - 1 heard at RF on 1/18. Rufous-winged Antwren (Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus ) - 2 (pair) seen nicely at BA on 1/15, and 1 heard at AR on 1/20. Dot-winged Antwren (Microrhopias quixensis )* - 1 heard at RF on 1/18. Dusky Antbird (Cercomacra tyrannina ) - 2 (pair) seen at ES on 1/17, and heard there on 1/19.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 25 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Bare-crowned Antbird (Gymnocichla nudiceps ) - Heard at ES on 1/17, but a pair seen there on 1/19 (several good looks at the female, but the male was only glimpsed). White-bellied Antbird (Myrmeciza longipes ) - Seen only at ES on 1/19 (good looks at this skulker), but heard at CC, LB, RF and near YA. Chestnut-backed Antbird (Myrmeciza exsul ) - 10 seen/heard at RF on 1/18; also heard at AR on 1/20 and SF on 1/21. {The subspecies found here in eastern Panama is M. e. cassini, which differs from birds of the Canal Zone in having white-dotted wingbars in both sexes. Female cassini also differ in being mostly bright rufous on the underparts.}

Chestnut-backed Antbird (ssp cassini ), female, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 26 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

White-bellied Antbird, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 27 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 ANTTHRUSHES (Formicariidae):

Black-faced Antthrush (Formicarius analis )* - Heard on at least three different days from camp, usually near dusk, or at first light.



Scaly-throated Leaftosser (Sclerurus guatemalensis )* - 1 heard at RF on 1/18.


Plain-brown Woodcreeper (Dendrocincla fuliginosa ) - 1 seen nicely at CC on 1/16. Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (Glyphorynchus spirurus ) - Seen by some folks at CC on 1/16. Cocoa Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus susurrans ) - 1 heard at CC on 1/15; 3 seen at ES on 1/17 and 4 seen there on 1/19; 2 seen at LB on the afternoon of 1/17; 2 heard at AR on 1/20. {Split from “Buff-throated Woodcreeper”, although you should expect more changes in the species-limits in this group.} Streak-headed Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes souleyetii ) - 1–2 birds seen/heard at CC on most days. Also heard at ES on 1/19, with 5 seen/heard at AR on 1/20.


Streaked Xenops (Xenops rutilans ) - 1 seen with a mixed-species-flock at BA on 1/15 (where we have seen it before). Double-banded Graytail (Xenerpestes minlosi ) - 2 (pair) seen high overhead at CC (along Nando’s Trail) on 1/16; 2 (pair) at their nest at ES on 1/17; and a nest seen by KJZ at AR on 1/20.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 28 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Double-banded Graytail, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Double-banded Graytail at its nest, El Salto Road, Darién Panama, January 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 29 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 TYRANT FLYCATCHERS (Tyrannidae):


Brown-capped Tyrannulet (Ornithion brunneicapillus ) - Pairs seen exceptionally well (down to eye-level) at CC on 1/16 and at ES on 1/17; also heard at RF, AR and SF. Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (Tyrannulus elatus )* - Heard daily, and at virtually all sites visited, but none were responsive to playback. Forest Elaenia (Myiopagis gaimardii ) - Seen/heard daily, and at all sites visited, with a high of 8 at AR on 1/20. Gray Elaenia (Myiopagis caniceps ) - 1 seen and heard at RF on 1/18. Yellow-bellied Elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster ) - 2 at YA on the afternoon of 1/19 were the only ones seen, but we heard the species at LB on 1/17, at El Real on 1/18, and along the PA on 1/20. Yellow-green Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes flavovirens ) - This Panama endemic was seen exceptionally well at SF on 1/21. Sooty-headed Tyrannulet (Phyllomyias griseiceps ) - 1 seen at CC on 1/17 (and heard there on 1/16); 4 (2 pairs) seen at ES on 1/19 and at AR on 1/20; and 2 (pair) seen at SF on 1/21.

Sooty-headed Tyrannulet, Canopy Camp, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)


Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 30 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Southern Bentbill (Oncostoma olivaceum )* - 1 heard by KJZ at CC (along Nando’s Trail) on 1/16. Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum nigriceps ) - 2 (pair) seen nicely at CC on 1/16 and again on the afternoon of 1/20; also seen at AR on 1/20; heard both days at ES, and on 1/18 at RF. Yellow-olive Flycatcher (Tolmomyias sulphurescens ) - 1 seen well at TO on 1/15 was our only record. Yellow-margined Flycatcher (Tolmomyias assimilis ) - 2 (pair) seen very well at CC on 1/16. Yellow-breasted Flycatcher (Tolmomyias flaviventris ) - 2 (pair) seen very well at CC on 1/16 were also heard there on other days; also heard at ES and LB. {This species, although now locally common near the camp, is a recent colonizer to Darien from South America. The first Panama record was from 1992.} Golden-crowned Spadebill (Platyrinchus coronatus ) - 2 seen well along Nando’s Trail at CC on 1/16.

Yellow-breasted Flycatcher, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)


“Northern” Royal Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus coronatus ) - 1 seen by a few people along the stream at CC during the afternoon break on 1/16.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 31 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

“Northern” Royal Flycatcher, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (Terenotriccus erythrurus ) - 1 seen well at SF on 1/21, and another heard repeatedly at ES on 1/19. Tropical Pewee (Contopus cinereus ) - 1 at SF on 1/21. Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens ) - 1 seen at CC on 1/15,16, 17 & 20. Pied Water-Tyrant (Fluvicola pica ) - 2 (pair) seen well at BA on 1/15. Long-tailed Tyrant (Colonia colonus ) - 1 at CC on 1/16; 1 heard at RF on 1/18; 2 seen nicely at ES on 1/19; and 4 seen well at AR on 1/20.


Bright-rumped Attila (Attila spadiceus )* - Heard daily, at CC, LB, RF, YA, AR and SF, but none of them showed themselves. Choco Sirystes (Sirystes albogriseus ) - 2 (pair) seen at ES on 1/17 and again on 1/19 were a good find. {What was called simply “Sirystes” has recently been split into four different species, based upon pronounced vocal and plumage differences. Birds west of the Andes in Colombia, nw Ecuador and into Panama are now called “Choco Sirystes”. When I first started birding Panama in the mid-1980s, this species was still of regular occurrence in the Canal Zone, primarily on outer Pipeline Road, but there have been no records from there that I’m aware of, for at least the past 10-15 years.} Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer ) - 2 (pair) seen at BA on 1/15 were the only ones seen, but we did hear them at ES on 1/19, and at AR and CC on 1/20. Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus ) - Common; seen daily, and at all sites visited, with a high count of 20 at ES on 1/19.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 32 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 (Pitangus lictor ) - 2 (pair) seen at AR on 1/20 was our only record. (Pitangus sulphuratus ) - 2 seen at the parrotlet site along the PA on 1/20, was, remarkably, our only record. (The apparent scarcity of this normally common and vocal species is interesting. One of many such species that are common in the Canal Zone, but oddly absent or rare in the Darién lowlands.) Boat-billed Flycatcher (Megarynchus pitangua ) - 1 at LB on 1/17; 1 at ES on 1/19; 1 near YA on 1/19; and 1 at CC on 1/20. Rusty-margined Flycatcher ( cayanensis ) - High count of 8 at BA and TO on 1/15; also seen at ES on 1/19, YA on 1/19, AR on 1/20, PA on 1/20, CC on 1/20, and SF on 1/21. Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis ) - 4 at BA and TO on 1/15; 2 at YA on 1/19. Streaked Flycatcher (Myiodynastes maculatus ) - Seen/heard daily, including at TO, CC, LB, ES, YA, AR and SF. Piratic Flycatcher (Legatus leucophaius ) - Resident pair seen daily at CC; also seen/heard at ES, LB, RF, YA, and AR. Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus ) - Common; seen daily, and at virtually all sites visited, but particularly along the PA. Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savanna ) - 1 seen at AR on 1/20.

Choco Sirystes, Darién, Panama, January, 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)


Russet-winged Schiffornis (Schiffornis stenoryncha )* - Singles heard at RF on 1/18, ES on 1/19, and SF on 1/21.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 33 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Cinnamon Becard (Pachyramphus cinnamomeus ) - Point-blank views of a pair at BA on 1/15; 1-2 seen at CC on 1/16, 1/17 and 1/20; 3 at ES on 1/19; 2 near YA on 1/19; also seen at AR on 1/20, and at SF on 1/21. White-winged Becard (Pachyramphus polychopterus ) - 1 male seen nicely at AR on 1/20, and 1 female seen at CC that same afternoon. Masked Tityra (Tityra semifasciata ) - 4 at ES on 1/17, and 2 there on 1/19; 4 at AR on 1/20. Black-crowned Tityra (Tityra inquisitor ) - Seen at CC on 1/15 and 1/16; 2 (pair) at the parrotlet site along the PA on 1/20, and 6 at AR later that same morning.

COTINGAS (Cotingidae):

Purple-throated Fruitcrow (Querula purpurata ) - Heard at ES on 1/17; 2+ seen at RF on 1/18; 2 (pair) seen in camp on 1/19; heard at SF on 1/21. Blue Cotinga (Cotinga nattererii ) - 1 female seen at ES on 1/17, and a stunning male seen there on 1/19. Rufous Piha (Lipaugus unirufus )* - 2 heard several times at RF on 1/18.

MANAKINS (Pipridae):

Golden-collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus ) - Seen/heard daily, including BA, ES, RF, and AR, but best by far was the active lek along Nando’s Trail at CC, where 8–12 males were seen displaying on 1/16 by everyone, and during the afternoon breaks on 1/17 and 1/20 by some folks. Red-capped Manakin (Ceratopipra mentalis ) - 1 female seen at CC on 1/16 and again on 1/17. Golden-headed Manakin (Ceratopipra erythrocephala ) - 3 males seen along Nando’s Trail at CC on 1/16 (and seen by a few folks in the same spot during the afternoon break on 1/17); also seen at AR on 1/20. {This species is widespread in northern South America, but in Central America, it is restricted to the Darien.}

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 34 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Golden-headed Manakin (male), Canopy Camp, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

VIREOS (Vireonidae):

Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus ) - 1 seen at CC on 1/16. Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis ) - 2 seen at BA on 1/15. Scrub Greenlet (Hylophilus flavipes )* - Heard repeatedly at BA on 1/15, but the little devil never did come in. Golden-fronted Greenlet (Hylophilus aurantiifrons ) - 2 (pair) seen well at TO on 1/15. Lesser Greenlet (Hylophilus decurtatus ) - Heard at RF on 1/18 and ES on 1/19, but 3 seen at SF on 1/21. {Another species that is common in the Canal Zone, but surprisingly absent/scarce in the Darien lowlands.}


Black-chested Jay (Cyanocorax affinis ) - 10 near YA on 10/16; heard at RF on 1/18; seen also along the PA on 1/21 between CC and TO.

SWALLOWS (Hirundinidae):

Gray-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea ) - 2 at BA on 1/15; common along the RCT on 1/18; seen at AR on 1/20, and along the PA on 1/21.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 35 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta albilinea ) - 1 at the bridge over the Rio Chucunaque at LB on 1/17, and several along the RCT on 1/18. Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis ) - 1 seen perched and in flight at El Real on 1/18. Southern Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis ) - 1 at TO on 1/15; common along the RCT on 1/18.

WRENS (Troglodytidae): House Wren (Troglodytes aedon ) - 2–6 seen/heard daily, from virtually all locales, including the resident pair at camp. White-headed Wren (Campylorhynchus albobrunneus ) - Seen almost daily around the CC clearing. Bicolored Wren (Campylorhynchus griseus ) - 1 at YA on 1/19 was a treat. This species appears to be in the early stages of colonizing eastern Panama from neighboring Colombia. Black-bellied Wren (Pheugopedius fasciatoventris ) - 4 seen at ES on 1/17; heard at CC, LB, RF, YA, and AR. Stripe-throated Wren (Cantorchilus leucopogon ) - 1 taped into vine tangles above our head at RF on 1/18. (This species has a very restricted Panamanian range, being found only in the Darién and a few locales in eastern Panama Province.) Isthmian Wren (Cantorchilus elutus )* - Heard along the PA on 1/15. {This is a recent split from what used to be called “Plain Wren”.} Bay Wren (Cantorchilus nigricapillus ) - 2 (pair) seen at SF on 1/21. Buff-breasted Wren (Cantorchilus leucotis ) - 2 seen well at BA on 1/15 and at YA on 1/19; heard at LB on 1/17 and at AR on 1/20.

White-headed Wren, Canopy Camp, Darien, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 36 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

GNATCATCHERS (Polioptilidae):

Tropical Gnatcatcher (Polioptila plumbea ) - Singles or pairs seen with mixed- species-flocks at CC on 1/16, ES on 1/17 and 1/19, LB on 1/17, YA on 1/19, and SF on 1/21; also heard at RF on 1/18 and AR on 1/20.


Clay-colored Thrush (Turdus grayi ) - Common at the Hotel Riande (Tocumen) and along the PA to TO on 1/15, but not seen again until 1/20, when we found it along the PA at the parrotlet site, and the next day on the return drive and at the lunch stop in TO. (Another common Canal Zone species that is surprisingly scarce in lowland Darien.) {Formerly known as “Clay-colored Robin”.}


Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus gilvus ) - Seen only at the Riande Hotel in Tocumen on the first and last days.


Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis ) - 1 seen at CC on 1/16 and again on 1/19. Tennessee Warbler (Oreothlypis peregrina ) - 2 at ES on 1/19; 10 at PA (parrotlet site) and AR on 1/20; and 3 at SF on 1/21. Tropical Parula (Parula pitiaymi ) - 1 at BA on 1/15. Bay-breasted Warbler (Setophaga castanea ) - 2 at CC on 1/15, 5 on 1/16, and 2 on 1/20; 5 at ES on 1/17; 2 at LB on 1/17; also seen (numbers not recorded) at AR on 1/20, and at SF on 1/21. Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia ) - 1 at CC on 1/15; 1 at ES on 1/19; 2 at the parrotlet site (PA) on 1/20; and 1 at SF on 1/21. Buff-rumped Warbler (Myiothlypis fulvicauda ) - 1 at TO on 1/15; 2 (pair) at CC on 1/16 (and heard there on 1/20); and 2 (pair) at RF on 1/18.

TANAGERS & ALLIES (Thraupidae):

Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus ) - Several per day, and at all sites visited. Palm Tanager (Thraupis palmarum ) - 12 on 1/15 (TO & CC); also seen at ES on 1/19, and along the PA (parrotlet site) and at AR on 1/20. Golden-hooded Tanager (Tangara larvata ) - 6 at CC and 2 at YA on 1/16; 2 at ES on 1/17 and again on 1/19; also seen at AR on 1/20, and at SF on 1/21. Plain-colored Tanager (Tangara inornata ) - 2–12/day; seen daily and at all locations except for RF on 1/18.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 37 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 White-eared Conebill (Conirostrum leucogenys ) - 6 at BA on 1/15; 2 at ES on 1/17 and again on 1/19; heard at AR on 1/20; 2 at SF on 1/21. {Another eastern Panama specialty. The range of this bird extends east into the Llanos of n Venezuela, but we saw it at the western limit of its range.)

White-eared Conebill (male), Rio Mono, Bayano Valley, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Scarlet-browed Tanager (Heterospingus xanthopygius ) - 6 at RF on 1/18, including some nice scope views of the fancy males. {From a Central American and Panamanian perspective, this is a Darién specialty, and is at the extreme western edge of its range. The species has a limited distribution in n Colombia and the Choco region of w Colombia and nw Ecuador.}

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 38 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Scarlet-browed Tanager (male), Rancho Frio, Darién NP, Panama, Jan. 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)

Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina ) - 4 at BA on 1/15; heard along the PA on 1/16; common at El Real on 1/18 and at AR on 1/20; seen at SF on 1/21. Gray-headed Tanager (Eucometis penicillata ) - 1 near YA on the afternoon of 1/19. White-shouldered Tanager (Tachyphonus luctuosus ) - 2 at BA on 1/15; 1 at CC on 1/16; 4 at ES on 1/17. White-lined Tanager (Tachyphonus rufus ) - 1 female seen by some folks at the parrotlet site along the PA on 1/20. Crimson-backed Tanager (Ramphocelus dimidiatus ) - 2–8 seen daily, except for 1/18, when none were recorded. Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus ) - 1 at BA on 1/15. Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana ) - 1–8 seen daily, and at all sites visited. Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola ) - 2–6 seen daily, and at all sites visited. Variable Seedeater (Sporophila americana corvina ) - 10 at BA on 1/15; 1 male at AR on 1/20. Ruddy-breasted Seedeater (Sporophila minuta ) - 2 seen at the “macaw marsh” along the PA near YA on 1/16. Buff-throated Saltator (Saltator maximus ) - 2 at TO on 1/15, and 1 at SF on 1/21.

GENUS Incertae sedis :

Dusky-faced Tanager (Mitrospingus cassinii ) - Seen at SF on 1/21.

CARDINALS & ALLIES (Cardinalidae):

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 39 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra ) - 1–2 seen/heard at CC on most days; 2 at LB on 1/17; 1 at ES on 1/19; 1 at YA on 1/19; 1 along the PA (parrotlet site) on 1/20; and 1 at ES on 1/21. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus ) - 1 seen by some folks at CC on 1/15 was the only record. Blue-black Grosbeak (Cyanocompsa cyanoides ) - 1 male glimpsed by some at BA on 1/15; heard daily from the forest-edge at CC (but it never responded to playback); and 1 seen as it flew across the road at SF on 1/21.


Red-breasted Blackbird (Sturnella militaris ) - 1 male at the “macaw marsh” along the PA near YA on 1/16. Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus ) - Abundant along the PA between Tocumen and TO on the first and last days; the only other record being a female near YA on 1/16. Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis ) - 2 at AR on 1/20. Giant Cowbird (Molothrus oryzivorus ) - 2 in camp on 1/16, and 1 flying overhead at YA on 1/19. Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius ) - 3 at TO on 1/15. Yellow-backed Oriole (Icterus chrysater ) - 2 at ES on 1/17, and 3 there on 1/19. Orange-crowned Oriole (Icterus auricapillus ) - 3 near YA on 1/16; 2 at ES on 1/19. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula ) - 1 at TO on 1/15. Scarlet-rumped Cacique (Cacicus uropygialis )* - Heard at RF on 1/18. Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela ) - 1 that was hanging out in the Chestnut- headed Oropendola colony at camp was seen daily; also seen both mornings at ES and at AR (1/20); and common around YA on the afternoons of 1/16 and 1/19. Crested Oropendola (Psarocolius decumanus ) - Small numbers seen daily, and at most locales visited. Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri ) - A colony of ca. 30 birds in camp were a constant presence; also seen at YA, ES, LB, and AR. Black Oropendola (Psarocolius guatimozinus ) - 35 near YA on the afternoon of 1/16, with a few seen in the same area on 1/19; also a few seen along the RCT on 1/18. {Along with the Black Antshrike, this species has a tiny global range in extreme e Panama and w Colombia, and thus, must be considered one of the true specialties of this region.}

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 40 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017

Black Oropendola, near Yaviza, Darién, Panama (Kevin J. Zimmer)



Yellow-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia luteicapilla ) - Seen/heard daily in small numbers and at all locales. Thick-billed Euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris ) - Seen daily, particularly at CC, where 10 were seen on 1/16 (including many immature males). Fulvous-vented Euphonia (Euphonia fulvicrissa ) - 1 female at CC on 1/16; 1 male at ES on 1/17; heard at ES on 1/19; 1 seen at AR on 1/20; 1 female at CC on 1/20.


House Sparrow (Passer domesticus ) - 20 at YA on the afternoon of 1/19.

Total = 244 species


Common Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis ) - 1 seen by Pete & Marianne at camp. Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus variegatus ) - BA, CC, ES Geoffroy’s Tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi ) - Seen/heard daily, particularly around camp.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 41 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017 White-throated Capuchin (Cebus capuchinus ) - CC Mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta pallidata ) - CC, ES Red-tailed Squirrel (Sciurus granatensis ) - TO, CC, ES Brazilian (Forest) Rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis ) - CC Unidentified (fruit?) bat - CC Greater Bulldog Bat (Noctilio leporinus ) - RCT Kinkajou (Potus flavus ) - CC

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth, El Salto Road, Darién, Panama, Jan. 2017 (Kevin J. Zimmer)


Brown Basilisk (Basiliscus vittatus ) Masked Toad Loads of butterflies , including lots of Heliconids and Morphos.

Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 42 Panama’s Darien Lowlands: Canopy Camp, January 2017