www.indaver.ie RINGASKIDDY RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTRE 2016 Planning Report PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACTS FINAL PLANNING REPORT ON THE PROPOSED RINGASKIDDY RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTRE, RINGASKIDDY, CO. CORK on behalf of the INDAVER Prepared and submitted in JANUARY 2016 Coakley O’Neill Town Planning Ltd NSC Campus Mahon Cork T: 021 2307000 F: 021 2307047 E:
[email protected] W: www.coakleyoneill.ie INDEX PAGE 1. Introduction and Purpose 4 2. Site Location and Zoning 4 3. Planning History 7 4. Proposed Development 10 5. Waste and planning policy considerations 11 6. Planning Assessment 32 6.1 Do Nothing Scenario 32 6.2 Locational Issues 32 6.3 Assessment of previous reasons for refusal 38 6.4 Environmental Impact 43 6.5 Community Gain 50 6.6 Consultation 50 6.7 Property Valuation 50 7. Conclusion 51 Appendix 1 Property Report 1. Introduction and Purpose This planning report has been prepared to accompany the application made under section 37E of the Planning and Development Act 2000 by Indaver Ireland Limited (“Indaver”) for permission to develop the Ringaskiddy Resource Recovery Centre, comprising a Waste to Energy Facility (waste incinerator with energy recovery, and associated works on lands located in the townland of Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork. The purpose of this planning report is to set out the planning policy context within which the proposed development is advanced, and to consider issues of compliance with the development management standards of the Cork County Development Plan 2014 and the Carrigaline Electoral Area Local Area Plan 2015. An assessment of the proposed development in the context of the planning history of the site, including reference against the previous decision of An Bord Pleanála is also set out in the report.