Fact Sheet State of Environmental Protection Agency Big Darby Creek Watershed May 2005 Draft TMDL Report

What is the Big Darby Creek Big Darby Creek watershed in cleanup plan is required for each 2001-2002. Field work to measure impaired watershed. This cleanup watershed? physical and chemical conditions in plan, known as a Total Maximum key stream segments was done in Daily Load (TMDL) report, calculates A watershed is the land area from 2004. the maximum amount of pollutants a which surface runoff drains into a water body can receive and still meet specific body of water. The Big Darby standards. The TMDL report specifies Creek watershed covers 555 square What is the condition of the how much pollution needs to be miles of Central Ohio just west of the reduced from various sources and Columbus metropolitan area. Big Big Darby Creek watershed? recommends specific actions to Darby Creek originates in Logan achieve those reductions. County and flows more than 80 miles Many streams in the watershed Chapters 3 and 4 of the Big Darby before joining the near meet their standards for aquatic life Creek TMDL report provide the Circleville. Land use is mostly row quality. However, the upper and specific numeric goals for reducing crop agricultural, except for the middle segments of both Big and Little pollutants, including phosphorus, watershed’s suburbanizing eastern Darby creeks, and a number of pathogens and sediment. Ohio EPA edges along the border of Madison tributaries, do not meet standards. can address some of the Darby’s and Franklin counties. There is a slightly elevated risk of pollution problems through regulatory Big and Little Darby creeks are contracting waterborne illnesses while actions, such as permit limits for designated as State and National swimming or canoeing in these wastewater and storm water discharg- Scenic Rivers. The watershed con- streams due to pathogens. Mercury ers. Other actions, such as commit- tains among the most biologically and PCBs were detected in channel ting to adequately sized stream diverse streams of their size in the catfish, carp and freshwater drum. A corridors and flood plains, will be up to Midwest. It also provides habitat for fish consumption advisory issued in local authorities and private property several state and federally listed 2004 warns against eating more than owners. endangered species. one meal per month of these species Landscape features left by glacial caught in Big Darby Creek. activity play an important role in water Pollution in the Big Darby Creek quality in portions of this watershed. watershed is caused by excess What are the Cool ground water feeds numerous nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), recommended actions? tributaries in Logan and Champaign low dissolved oxygen, too much counties, helping reduce nutrient sediment and habitat destruction. A key objective in the Darby levels and flush out sediments. Sources of the pollution vary but are watershed is to balance human needs Ohio EPA divides this watershed most often associated with sewage with the natural ecosystem. Managing into four sub watersheds for evalua- treatment plants; agricultural runoff or pollutants during peak flows is tion: upper Big Darby Creek, middle agricultural practices; industrial especially critical. Chapter 5 of the Big Darby Creek, Little Darby Creek activity; and urbanization. TMDL outlines how to achieve the and lower Big Darby Creek. Among the most visible future pollutant reduction goals stated in threats to the Big Darby Creek Chapters 3 and 4. The implementa- watershed is conversion of farm land tion mechanisms are briefly summa- How does Ohio EPA to suburban and commercial land rized here. uses through poorly planned growth measure water quality? patterns. Storm Water Control – If not man- aged properly, storm water carries Ohio is one of the few states that large amounts of sediment into water measures the health of its streams by How will water bodies. Ohio EPA regulates storm examining the number and types of water through discharge permits. fish and macroinvertebrates living in quality get better? the water. Chemicals are also • Ohio EPA will evaluate issuing measured. Ohio EPA conducted its The Big Darby Creek watershed is general permits for runoff associ- most comprehensive physical, included on Ohio’s list of impaired ated with construction activity that chemical and biological survey of the waters. Under the Clean Water Act, a are specific to the Big Darby

Division of Surface Water, 122 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 644-2001 www.epa.state.oh.us Big Darby Creek Watershed Draft TMDL Report

Creek watershed. These would corrective action upon completion • Many small dredge-and-fill most likely be developed for the of further studies. projects are regulated under Hellbranch Run watershed, the nationwide permits issued by the Big Darby Creek headwaters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; areas, and the rest of the Big Point Source Dischargers – Sources Ohio EPA does not conduct a Darby Creek watershed. that discharge wastewater from a pipe site-specific review. Ohio EPA need individual permits from Ohio intends to evaluate removing • Each general storm water permit EPA. projects in the Big Darby Creek will be evaluated to ensure watershed from eligibility for a pollution loading targets in the • In the coming year, all such nationwide permit. This would TMDL are achieved. Permits will permits in the Big Darby Creek ensure continued progress toward include management practices watershed will be reviewed for meeting sediment, habitat and and discharge limits designed to compliance with the targets for flood plain width targets in the reduce sediment runoff and phosphorus, ammonia and TMDL report. protect sensitive aquatic life uses bacteria set in the TMDL report. in the watershed. They also must ensure that • Ohio EPA will consider developing sufficient dissolved oxygen is a general permit for routine ditch • Ohio EPA will continue to con- present in the stream. Permits will maintenance work to minimize sider construction companies as be modified if the limits need to be exposed soil during the construc- co-permittees on storm water revised. tion period and reduce sediment permits. They will share respon- reaching the channel at peak sibility with the developer for • Ohio EPA expects all facilities in flows. complying with permit conditions. the watershed that are not complying with their wastewater • The Big Darby Creek watershed • Developers will be expected to discharge permit limits will come action plan will allow a tailored evaluate their project’s effect on into compliance or be on an approach to improving conditions volume of flow and provide stream enforceable compliance schedule in each subwatershed. Petition buffers that reduce sediment by October 1, 2005. ditch maintenance and privately runoff. maintained drainage projects should use best management • Federal storm water regulations Drainage, Erosion and Flood practices. Conversion of traditional call for municipalities to obtain Reduction – Improved management ditch design and maintenance to storm water permits. When Ohio of agricultural drainage needs, stream innovative channel design features EPA issues these permits to local bank erosion control and flood reduc- and flood plain excavation that jurisdictions in the Big Darby tion projects are needed for the long more closely mimic natural Creek watershed, they will contain term health of Big Darby Creek. features is encouraged. pollution limits consistent with the These actions will increase the natural pollution reduction targets in the filtering of pollutants, provide instream • Local jurisdictions, through their TMDL report. Ohio EPA may habitat and shading, increase the authority to enact zoning and designate additional smaller capacity of the system to handle flood plain regulations, can protect municipalities to be part of this pollutants, and provide a flood plain to existing flood plains and make program. reduce the impact of sediment and wooded riparian corridors a stream flow energy. preferential land use in those • In the upper Big Darby Creek areas. By preventing land use area, there is an impact that may • When Ohio EPA reviews applica- and structures that are incompat- be associated with Honda that tions for permits and certifications ible with frequent flooding, local has not been clearly defined, but involving dredging or placement of jurisdictions are protected from is not due to violations of any fill in this watershed, it will having to spend public funds to existing permit conditions by consider water quality targets address flood damage. The TMDL Honda. Ohio EPA will continue to established in the TMDL report report recommends flood plain work with Honda to identify and seek mitigation downstream, widths ranging from 10 to 1,000 sources of pollutants that may be so the benefits of flood control and feet, depending on the stream contributing to this impairment filtering are not lost. segment. and to determine appropriate

2 Big Darby Creek Watershed Draft TMDL Report

loading of these pollutants by 60 to 85 percent. One key to sediment reduc- tion in this watershed is managing erosion at high flows.

• Agricultural practices that reduce loads for phosphorus and sedi- ment should be emphasized. Funding is available for some of these voluntary measures.

• Continued efforts by local soil and water conservation districts and Natural Resource Conservation Service staff are critical. They provide key support to landowners who wish to control the environ- mental impacts from their opera- tions through the use of voluntary best management practices.

• With respect to animal feeding operations, Ohio EPA will con- tinue to investigate operations where discharges are alleged and will require individual discharge permits to closely regulate the production area and land applica- tion of waste. Most of these operators will be required to attend training on water quality and manure management as a condition of their permit.

• All animal feeding operations should have updated manure management plans and avoid land application of manure during wet weather and winter.

Home Sewage Systems – Local evaluated for removal to improve health departments have a clear and • Since upstream transport of aquatic life habitat and reduce direct role in determining how to juvenile Clubshell mussels (an owner liability due to the known reduce pollution loads from home endangered species) is often public safety hazards that dams sewage treatment systems. Patho- dependant upon fish populations, present. gens and phosphorus need to be structures that inhibit fish migra- reduced to meet the targets set in the tion, such as dams, have potential Agricultural Management Practices TMDL report. to impact endangered species – Agricultural drainage is important to distributions. Ohio EPA strongly many in this watershed, yet improving • Local health departments need to discourages the addition of any water quality in the Big Darby Creek identify the areas where phospho- dams in the Big Darby Creek watershed depends on reducing rus, sediment and pathogen watershed. In addition, structures phosphorus and sediment runoff. The problems are the greatest, and that currently exist should be TMDL report recommends reducing determine how to meet the

3 Big Darby Creek Watershed Draft TMDL Report

reduction targets established in the watershed – have been targeted for Where can I learn more? TMDL report. This may be through more in-depth examination of current sewering or improved operation and and future sewage collection and The draft Big Darby Creek water- maintenance. treatment needs. These counties were shed TMDL report can be viewed on selected because of their population the Web at http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ • Local health authorities should and projected growth, and the sensitive dsw/index.html. evaluate forming a general home nature of the local water resource. To obtain a copy of the document sewage district, which has author- Ohio EPA will consider the TMDL or related information, make an ap- ity to collect fees for operation and findings and recommendations of the pointment to review related files or maintenance of home sewage external advisory group for the Environ- request to be notified when Ohio EPA systems. mentally Sensitive Development Area submits the document to U.S. EPA, (Hellbranch Run and other portions of please contact Mike Gallaway at Ohio • Home owners need to ensure that western Franklin County) when updat- EPA, Central District Office, 3232 Alum their treatment systems are ing the 208 plan in 2005. Recommen- Creek Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43207, operating effectively and upgrade if dations in the 208 plan will need to be (614) 728-3843. necessary to achieve pollution implemented to secure Ohio EPA reduction targets. approval of central sewer projects. How can I comment How can endangered Who is responsible on the draft report? species be protected? for taking action? On June 16, 2005, the public can ask questions and offer feedback on To protect endangered species Implementation of the recommen- the draft Big Darby Creek TMDL such as the Clubshell mussel, sedi- dations in this report will be accom- document at an Ohio EPA public ment runoff into the streams must be plished by state and local partners, meeting. The meeting is at the reduced. This can be achieved by including the voluntary efforts of Madison County Engineers Office, 825 maintaining the recommended stream landowners. State efforts will be U.S. 42 N.E., London, Ohio, at 6:30 setbacks and protecting intact, wooded accomplished through discharge permit P.M. corridors along the streams. Removal limits, storm water permits and an Ohio EPA will accept input on the of dams may also help protect these updated Section 208 plan for the draft report through July 15, 2005. species. Central Scioto River. Comments should be mailed to Mike Locally, a watershed action plan is Gallaway at the address above, or being developed through the Darby e-mailed to How does this report Creek Joint Board of Supervisors and [email protected]. the Big Darby Creek watershed fit into long-term water After considering comments, Ohio coordinator. The Hellbranch Water- EPA will submit the document to U.S. quality planning? shed Forum is addressing development EPA for approval. pressures in that subwatershed. Water quality management plans Columbus, Franklin County and are authorized under Section 208 of the numerous other local jurisdictions in Clean Water Act. These plans provide the Darby Accord have embarked on a the framework to develop a comprehen- joint land use planning effort that will sive approach for the treatment of take into account the pollution reduc- wastewater and for controlling water tions required by this TMDL. Contin- pollution from all point and nonpoint ued support and commitment from sources in a given area. these many partners is essential to The 208 plan for the central Scioto protecting the Big Darby Creek water- River Basin currently covers parts of shed. the Big Darby Creek watershed. Eleven counties in central Ohio – including the remainder of the Darby