Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2019; 7(6): 752-755

E-ISSN: 2320-7078 P-ISSN: 2349-6800 A study on physico-chemical parameters of Lake JEZS 2019; 7(6): 752-755 © 2019 JEZS Pichola of () Received: 19-09-2019 Accepted: 22-10-2019

Amrita P Shivani Amrita P Shivani, Subodh K Sharma, Bhanu K Sharma, B Upadhyay and College of Fisheries, Maharana Gajanand Jat Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, Abstract The study was carried out to highlights the water quality status of lake Pichola, Udaipur (Rajasthan). The Subodh K Sharma historic lake Pichola has its ethnic and scenic importance for the tourism. However, the lake is facing College of Fisheries, Maharana anthropogenic pressure due to heavy human population and hotels around it. This has created threat to Pratap University of Agriculture shift its trophic level and alteration in its important physico-chemical parameters. The water samples and Technology, Udaipur, were collected on monthly interval from four preselected sampling stations. The range of important water Rajasthan, India quality parameter in the lake were- air temperature (19.88-36.88 0C), water temperature (18.75-30.90 0C), transparency (15.91- 72.27 cm), pH (7.20-8.80), dissolved oxygen (4.88-9.43mg/l-1), free carbon dioxide Bhanu K Sharma (0.00-11.75mg/l-1) total alkalinity (145.50-177.25 mg/l-1), total hardness (144.00-183.50 mg/l-1), total College of Fisheries, Maharana -1 -1 -1 Pratap University of Agriculture dissolves solids(187.51-273.51 mg/l ), nitrate-N (0.36-0.51 mg/l ) and orthophosphate (0.15-0.27mg/l ) and Technology, Udaipur, were observed. Water quality parameters were compared with reported optimum water quality standards Rajasthan, India prescribed for fish farming or aquaculture are found within limit. The results revealed that aquatic environment of Pichola Lake is conducive for fish growth and water is not only suitable for fish farming B Upadhyay but also for irrigation. Department of Agriculture Statistics and Computer Keywords: Anthropogenic, Pichola, water quality, Rajasthan Application, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, M. P. U. A.T., 1. Introduction Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Udaipur city is popularly known by the phrase “City of Lakes” as it is adorned with number of Gajanand Jat lakes. This study is thus aimed to achieve following objectives in one of the historical lakes of Department of Agriculture Udaipur the “Lake Pichola”. The Lake has a historical background and was created by Pichhu Chemistry and Soil Science, Banjara at the end of 14th Centaury which was later renovated in 1560 A.D. by Maharana Udai Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Singh [17]. The water is extensively used for fishery since several years and presently, the lake M. P. U. A.T., Udaipur, Rajasthan, India is facing degradation due to anthropogenic activities such as disposal of urban sewage, soil erosion due to destruction of vegetation in the catchment and dumping of waste from nearby habitations and even human defecation. This lake is extensively used by local people for their daily needs of bathing, washing and principally tourism which supports livelihood of many hotel industries located in and around the lake. Moreover, the lake is heavily surrounded by

human habitat which lays anthropogenic presser on the lake habitat. The lake is also enriched with a variety of fish fauna and serves as habitat to a variety of aquatic macrophytes. The impact urbanization on the lake is quite high and hence continuous monitoring of this water body is essential to ascertain sustainable productivity, fisheries and conservation. Life in aquatic environment is largely governed by physico-chemical characteristics and their

stability. These characteristics have enabled biota to develop many adaptations that improve sustained productivity and regulate Lake Metabolism. Studies on limnology of Udaipur lakes have been conducted with emphasis on different aspect [19, 20, 25]. The most characteristic criterion to assess the trophic structure of a lake remains to be its primary productivity. Studies on phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity have been made by many authors [3, 8, 12, 13, 16].

Aquatic life depends on the quality of water and a thorough assessment of the water quality is [9] an integral part of wetland evolution. Gupta and Sharma worked on seasonal variations of Limno-chemical parameters of Amarchand reservoir in Rajasthan and found inter relationship Corresponding Author: among the different parameters. Subodh K Sharma College of Fisheries, University of Agriculture 2. Material and Methods and Technology, Udaipur, 2.1. Climate of Southern Rajasthan Rajasthan, India The experimental zone has a subtropical climate and lies in Agro-climate zone IV A i.e. sub- ~ 752 ~ Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies humid southern plains. The average rainfall of Udaipur is 689 2.2. Study Area mm and relative humidity of 75-95 per cent during the Lake Pichola is situated in Udaipur city in Udaipur district of monsoon period. The summers are relatively hot and winter is Rajasthan at 24°68’N latitude and 73°68’E Longitude with a a bit cool having an average of maximum temperature during water spread area of 6.96 km2. The study area is depicted in May is 31.6 0C and minimum in January i.e. 160C the Fig. 1. respectively [12]. However, the overall range may vary from 10C to 45 0C. The elevation of the study zone is 582.17 m 2.3. Morphology of Pichola Lake above mean sea level. The details of morphometric features of Pichola are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Morphometric features of Lake Pichola, Udaipur (Raj.)

S. No. Morphometric features Lake Pichola 1. Location Udaipur Rajasthan 2. Longitude 73 °68'E 3. Latitude 24 °58'N 4. Altitude 598m (MSL) 5. Average rainfall 640mm 6. Surface area of lake 6.96 km2 7. Catchment area 12700 ha 8. Maximum depth 8.5 m 9. Average depth 4.5 m 10. Maximum length 4 km 11. Maximum width 3 km 12. Average width 3 km 13. Type of Dam Masonry 14. Water volume 13.08 million m3 15. Catchment area 55 km2 16. Type of lake Fresh water 17. Tehsil (Girwa) Udaipur 18. Accesses Udaipur city 19 Year of construction 1362 A.D.

2.4. Sampling stations 2.5. Duration of study For the proposed study, four sampling stations were selected The study was carried out during August 2015 to July 2016 as shown in Figure 1, in Lake Pichola for collection of water with a view to investigation the water quality of Lake Pichola, samples. Station A was located on the South Eastern shore, Udaipur (Rajasthan). this station in relatively shallow isolated site. Whereas, station B was located near the North Eastern shore and is surrounded 2.6. Collection of water sample by maximum human habitation. Sampling station C was at the During the study period, surface water samples from four Northern end, this station site was also surrounded by human selected sampling stations of pichola were collected using a habitation and posing threat of entrophication due to solid and plastic bucket. The water samples thus collected were stored liquid waste disposal. And station D was selected near the in one liter pre cleaned laboratory grade plastic bottles with Western end of lake, this station is on the tail and of lake with air tight cap for analyses of certain parameters in the major water inlet through Sisorma river while brings silt and laboratory; whereas some of the parameters were assessed at agricultural runoff along with rain water. This station is also the sampling site itself. affected by cattle grazing (Fig 1). 2.7. Water quality analysis Water quality parameters such as temperature of air and water, depth of visibility, turbidity, electrical conductivity- EC, total dissolved solids, pH, carbonates and bicarbonates alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide were determined in the field itself, while for the analysis of nitrate- nitrogen and orthophosphate the samples were brought to the laboratory and analyzed as soon as possible using standard methods of Trivedi [24] and APHA [2]. The physical parameters such as temperature of air and water, pH and total dissolved solids were recorded by using digital meter. The transparency of water was measured by using Secchi disc.

3. Results and Discussion The temperature is an important factor which effects rate of chemical reactions of water and biological processes of aquatic organisms and thus has profound influence on the biotic communities. During the present investigation the

Fig 1: map of study area and sampling stations (A, B, C and D) average air temperature was 19.88-36.88 °C and water ~ 753 ~ Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies temperature was 18.75-30.90 °C. Similar results were of pH is stressful to the fishes. The present value of pH is lies recorded by many workers [4, 14, 16]. between the reported pH range which depicts that water Transparency is directly proportional to the amount of condition is grossly suitable for fish and fisheries. suspended organic and inorganic particulate matters. The The electrical conductivity depicts the presence of total other factors which affect the transparency of water body are soluble mineral contents in water. In the present investigation, plankton density, wind velocity, rainfall, nature of water body observed average value of electric conductivity was and prevailing weather conditions. In the present work range 581.71μScm-1. Mishra [15]. Reported an electrical conductivity of transparency were from 15.91 to 72.27 cm. The findings of of 500 μScm-1 in Lake Pichola. [5, 14, 15, 21] present study are in agreement with many researchers . Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important parameter which During the present investigation average value of pH was affects chemical as well as biological reactions in an observed 8.00. The pH of water appears to be dependent upon ecosystem. The average dissolved oxygen during research the relative quantities of calcium carbonates and bicarbonates. work was 7.30 mgl-1. Similar trends of DO were also As these being alkaline when the quantities of carbonates are observed by many researchers [26, 27]. Mishra [15] reported a high. Santhosh and Singh [18] reported that suitable pH range range of DO 5.28 to 6.63 mgl-1 in Lake Pichola. Which are is 6.7 to 9.5 for fish culture whereas above or below this level slightly lower than the present findings.

Table 2: Water quality parameters of Lake Pichola. BIS- Bureau of Indian Standard

S. No Parameters Max Min Average SD CV (%) BIS values 1 Air temperature °C 36.88 19.88 30.41 5.98 8.04 - 2 Water temperature °C 30.90 18.75 27.08 4.36 7.71 - 3 Transparency (cm) 72.27 15.91 48.34 17.46 8.64 - 4 pH 8.80 7.20 8.00 0.60 9.68 6.5-8.5 5 EC (µS cm-1) 610.00 552.50 581.71 14.06 0.64 750-2250 6 Dissolved oxygen (mg l-1) 9.43 4.88 7.30 1.78 18.28 8 -1 7 Free CO2 (mg l ) 11.75 0.00 2.60 4.19 78.58 - 8 Total alkalinity (mg l-1) 177.25 145.50 162.46 9.53 1.90 - 9 Total hardness (mg l-1) 183.50 144.00 165.21 12.82 2.17 300 10 Total Dissolves solides (mg l-1) 273.51 187.51 234.90 30.00 2.33 500 11 Orthophosphate (mg l-1) 0.27 0.15 0.19 0.05 112.56 - 12 Nitrate- nitrogen (mg l-1) 0.51 0.36 0.44 0.05 49.19 -

The free Carbon dioxide dissolved in water is the source of natural resources has resulted in adversely affecting the carbon that can be assimilated and incorporated into the living biodiversity. matter of all aquatic autotrophs [14]. During the present study From the present investigations, it may be inferred that free carbon dioxide was present in some months. However, physico-chemical characteristics of Lake Pichola water varied -1 the average value of free CO2 was 2.60 mgl . considerably and comparable to the other freshwater bodies. Total alkalinity is the measure of the capacity of water to The results depict that the water of Pichola Lake is adequate neutralize a strong acid. It is generally imparted by the salts of with respect to essential nutrients necessary for primary carbonates, bicarbonates, phosphates, nitrates, borates, producers which in turn is favorable and conducive for better silicates etc. together with the hydroxyl ions in free-state. fish growth and production. All the physico-chemical During the present investigation average total alkalinity was parameters in general appeared within permissible limits found 145.50 to 177.25 mg l-1. Fluctuations in alkalinity prescribed by different researchers. Hence, it can be inferred might be due to alkaline particles and low production of that the Pichola Lake is suitable for drinking, irrigation, plankton [6]. Average orthophosphate was 0.19 mg l-1 during pisiculture etc. These findings can be useful for the the present investigation which is coinciding to the management and conservation of Lake and its fisheries. observations of other authors [1, 22]. In the present investigation average nitrate value was 0.44 mg 5. Acknowledgement l-1. These higher values of nitrates may be due to agriculture The first author gratefully acknowledges Department of runoff from catchment area as well as possible urban sewage science and technology (DST), New for providing in water near B and C stations. Ujjania [26] in Mahi Bajaj financial assistance in the form of INSPIRE fellowship. Sagar reservoir were similar to the present investigation. The statistical correlation were observed that water 6. References temperature, dissolved oxygen, had a significant positive 1. Ahmed M, Krishnamurthy R. Hydrobiological studies of relation with between EC, free CO2, total alkalinity, total Wohar reservoir Aurangabad (Maharashtra state), India, hardness, orthophosphate. However, negative correlations Journal of Environmental Biology. 1990; 11(3): 335-343. were also observed during the study period with transparency, 2. APHA. Standard methods for examination of water and nitrate-nitrogen. waste water (17thEdn.). American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 1989. 4. Conclusion 3. Ariyadej C, Tansakul R, Tansakul P, Angsupanich, S. In any aquatic ecosystem limnological characteristic can Phytoplankton diversity and its relationships to the affect both fauna and flora. Biodiversity contribute both physico-chemical environment in the Banglang directly and indirectly to human beings such as food for good Reservoir, Yala Province. Song Klanakarin Journal of health, livelihood, security, social relationship, life and Science and Technology. 2004; 26(5):595-607. freedom for choice etc. During last few decades’ people’s 4. Balai VK, Sharma LL, Ujjania NC. Diversity and interference with aquatic ecosystem and over exploitation of seasonal variations of zooplankton in Jaisamand Lake, ~ 754 ~ Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

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