Joe Stone Trudeau’s 6/5/20 Workshop Training goals

• Joe is a wide receiver at football and he wants to improve his physical strength. What I mean by that is that he wants to be a stronger player on the field because sometimes it’s hard for him to play against stronger and bigger players than him. To help him get stronger I will make him do a lot of upper body and I will also focus on his balance by doing some one leg exercise or some exercise with blinded eyes. Since he is a football player he will also do a lot of cardio. Workout Routine #1

Side Lunges 1. Take one dumbell with two hands. 2. Make sure to go down to have a 90 degree angle while your down. 3. Come back in an explosive way 4. Inhale while going down Series: 5 Reps: 8 each side Weight: 30lbs Leg Curl 1. Start by lying flat on your stomach 2. Stretch your legs out fully. On an inhale, lightly grasp the support handles on each side of the machine. 3.Lift your feet smoothly as you exhale, keeping your hips firmly on the bench. 4.Inhale as you flex your knees and pull your ankles as close to your as you can. 5.Hold this position for a beat, allowing yourself to make sure you are focused as you prepare to lower your legs. 6.Inhale fully as you return your feet to starting position in a smooth, slow, controlled movement. Series: 5 Reps: 8 Weight: 90lbs One leg (Blinded eyes): 1. Take your both hands to hold one dumbell. 2. Hide your eyes with something 3. Go down like if you were doing a normal squat. 4. Try to get a 90 degree angle with your leg 5. Inhale while going down Series: 4 Reps:8 each weight:30lbs 10 minutes of bike and 10 minutes of run all with high intensity « Complete your workout #1 with stretches of your choice »

Workout Routine #2

Flat 1. Setup. Lie on the flat bench with your eyes under the bar. 2. Grab the bar. Put your pinky on the ring marks of your bar. 3. Take a big breath and unrack the bar by straightening your arms. 4. Lower the bar to your mid-chest while tucking your elbows 75°. 5. Press 6. Inhale while going down Series: 3. Reps: 12 Weight: 135lbs

Flyes (pecs): 1. Install yourself on a flat bench. 2. Take to dumbell in your hands. 3. Lay down put your to arms with the dumbell in front of you and slowly slide down your dumbell. 4. Inhale while going down Series: 3 Reps: 12 Weight: 30lbs Hammer Curl (): 1. Take a dumbell for your both hands 2. Stand up and make sure both of your arms are sticked to your body 3. Go down slowly and come back up with explosion 4. Inhale while going down Series: 3 Reps: 12 Weight: 25lbs Barbell Curl (Biceps) 1. Take a barbell and put a reasonable weight on it. 2. Stand up and make sure your arms are stuck to your body. 3. Go down slowly and come back up faster. 4. Inhale while going down. Series: 3 Reps: 12 Weight: 45lbs Run for 15 minutes at a high intensity and end the workout with a little walk and stretch Citations 1. “Download Wallpapers by Subject Sports.” GoodFon, 2. “American Football Wallpaper.” WallpaperSafari, 3. “Work Out Like A Wahoo: Strength and Conditioning Tips from UVA Experts.” Virginia Magazine, 4. Lord, Edward, et al. “Barbell Side Exercise Instructions and Video.” Guide, 15 Mar. 2020, lunge/. 5. “Inflight Multi -Leg Curl Machine (CT-MEC).” Exercise Equipment - Fitness Direct, 6. “Partial Single-Leg Squat.” Partial Single-Leg Squat : Quads, Glutes - MSN Health & Fitness, 7. Jakarta Post. “Stressed out? Lace up Your Shoes and Run for Your Health.” The Jakarta Post, 8. Williams, Laura. “The 6 Best Indoor Cycling Workout Apps.” Men's Journal, 4 Dec. 2017, 9. “Seeking out More about Flat Bench Press? Then Read on #Inclinebenchpress: Chest Workouts.” Pinterest, 10. Keys, Bradley. “Smith Machine Bench Press Vs. Barbell Bench Press.” Muscle D Fitness, 28 Dec. 2017, smith-machine-bench-press-vs-barbell-bench-press/. 11. “Multimed .” Multimed Gym - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes Muscles Worked:..., 562594797534302/. 12. curl%2F&psig=AOvVaw2_O1fZqNs5upZ_EOi6qAGe&ust=1588882366304000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCMC53JyGoOkCFQAA AAAdAAAAABAP 13. “Standing Hammer Curl • Wizard.” Bodybuilding Wizard, 7 Aug. 2015, 14. Lord, Edward, et al. “EZ Bar Curl Exercise Instructions and Video.” Weight Training Guide, 15 Mar. 2020, 15. “How To Get The Barbell Curl Right.” Coach,