to See it is to Feel it Vitoria-Gasteiz

European Green Capital 2012

Capital de la Gastronomía 2014

Published by: Vitoria-Gasteiz Turismo y Convention Bureau Design and layout: Departament of Communication Photography: Quintas fotógrafos, Daniel Llano, Erredehierro, Javier Agote, Vicente Perales, Foat, Martín Díez, Cuadrilla de Añana, Ayto. de Elvillar Printed by: Graficas DosBi Editión: 7/2015


Medieval wall and Icebox VISIT TO THE OLD QUARTERS

Vitoria-Gasteiz The heart of the Old Quarters (Almendra) Opening hours: 11:30 Includes a visit to the city walls. Monday to Sunday. Price: €5/person

Vitoria-Gasteiz clerics and knights Opening hours: 17:00 With access to the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Monday to Sunday.

Price: €6.5/person Villa Suso and Machete Square (Minimum 4 people). TOURS IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. (English, French). Artistic patronage in Vitoria Book 48 hours in advance. 945 161 598 GUIDED TOURS Tour starts: 20:30 Lantern Museum. Minimum 4 people. C/Zapatería, 35. Information and reservations: Tourist Office - 945 August: 1-14-22-29 161 598 September: 5-12-19 Price: €10/person. THEMED VISITS Love Stories: Storm and Passion. Ro- Night tours. mantic Vitoria. If you want to dive into history, book your tour. A Days: 18 July; 22 August and 12 September trip back in time through the beautiful medieval Time: 12:00 town of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Price: €5

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 5 Calle Correría

Follow your heart VITORIA OF LEGEND I. The original route. Day: 29 August and 19 September Days: 18 July; 22 August; 12 September. Time: 12:00 Opening hours: 21:00 Price: €5 Price: €6/person Information and reservations: Tourist Office. Tel: 945 161 598. VITORIA OF LEGEND II. Intrigues and betrayals. GUIDED MURAL TOURS Days: Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Have you always been curious about the murals Opening hours: 21:00 in Vitoria-Gasteiz? Do you want to know some Price: €6/person of the secrets hidden within them and a detailed Information and reservations; Guías Artea. description of how they came about? 945 148 794 Prize: €5€/person, with a minimum of 6 people or €30 per tour. Vitoria and the sons of king David (on Information and reservations: 633 184 457 the occasion of the Jewish New Year) Day: September; 23 Opening hour: 18:00 Price: €5/person Visit to the cemetery of santa Isabel Information and reservations: Information and reservations: 645 844 087 Kalearte 945 101 070 Visits to the “caños” (Reconditioned GASTEIZ, A TRIP TO OUR ORIGINS Medieval Sewage System): Days: Saturdays. Opening hours: July, Fridays 18:00h Time: 11:00 and Saturdays 11:00 Price: €6 September: Saturdays and Sundays: 11:00 Information and reservations: Enklabe. Price: €3/person 945 356 231 Minimum 6 people. Information and reservations UNIQUE PLACES: at Biblioteca ecologista Gaia. Opening hours; July; 10.00-14:00 Snack and drink (pintxo pote) with the September: 16:00-20.00 architect Olaguibel. Place: Die küche bulthaup. Mateo Moraza, 21 (10- 13:30 and 16:30-20) Mural en la Plaza de la Burullería Dates: Julio: 3, 17 y 24; September: 11, 18 and 25 GUIDED TOURS Time: 20:30 Price: 7 Euros. Limited places Information and reservations: 945 148 012 Theme-based performance with the architect Olaguibel (Juanjo Monago) in a unique venue: the arches and “covachas” between Mateo Moraza Street and Machete Square.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 7 “ON SITE” GUIDED TOURS

Tower of San Vicente Church of San Miguel Opening hours: 10:30 to 13:00. 17:30 to 19:00. Monday to Friday: Free admittance and tour. During festivities, consult at the Tourist Office.

Tower of San Vicente: Opening hours: 11:30 to 13:30 17:30 to 20:00 Monday to Sunday. Last visits at 13:00 and 19.30 Prize: €1/person

Church of San Miguel “ON SITE” GUIDED TOURS

Tower of San Vicente

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 9 Palais de Escoriaza-Esquíbel

Escoriaza Esquibel Palace Opening hours: 11:30 to 13:30 17:30 to 20:00 Monday to Sunday.

Casa del Cordón (The Cord House) Visit a fifteenth-century mansion with a medieval tower. Opening hours: July and September: Monday to Friday: 08:30 to 14:00 Tel.: 945 162 150 There is no guided tour service. Casa del Cordón Montehermoso Cultural Centre Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00 – 14:00 and 18:00 - 21:00 Sunday and holidays: 11:00 - 14:00

Montehermoso Cultural Centre EXHIBITIONS: Aztarnak-Rastros Our Festivities Montehermoso Cultural Centre – School of Fine Photographs: Municipal Archive Pilar Aróstegi / Arts of the upv-ehu, 2015. Texts: José María Sedano Selected projects. Curator: Haizea Barcenilla 9 June to 20 September, 2015. Claustro 2nd 3 July to 6 September, 2015. First floor floor2

Contemporary photography in the Telefonica Collection “ON SITE” GUIDED TOURS 18 June to 6 September, 2015. Depósito de Aguas (Water Tower)

Arqui tectus (“Lo oculto, elevado”) César San Millán 18 June to 6 September, 2015. Sala Jovellanos

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 11 SANTA MARÍA CATHEDRAL 13th-century Gothic church whose restoration is an open public process. The guided tour takes you back in the past through the “route of knowledge”

Visits to the Cathedral Daily guided tours. Price: €8.5 Cathedral and tower: Price: €10.5 Cathedral and city wall: Price: €10 Opening hours: 10:30 -14:00 and 16:30 -20:00

The gate of light A spectacle full of light and colour, unique in Europe. A trip to the past searching for the colour of which Santa María cathedral has been deprived over time. 1 July to 30 August, every day at 19:45. Price: €3 The entrance ticket must be withdrawn before 19:30 in the Visitors Attention Centre.

Tours of the wall Night visits. Fridays and Saturdays at 22:00. Price: €5 Information and reservations for all tours: 945 255 135 – www. MARÍA CATHEDRAL SANTA

Medieval wall

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 13 MUSEUMS

BIBAT Bibat Archaeological and Four- nier Playing Cards Museum C/ Cuchillería, 54. Tel.:945 203 707 Please call to book guided tours

Museum of Fine Arts Paseo Fray Francisco, 8. Tel.: 945 181 918

Museum of Natural Sciences C/ Siervas de Jesús, 24. Tel.: 945 181 924

Museo de Bellas Artes Armoury Museum Paseo Fray Francisco, 3. Tel.: 945 181 925

Sacred Art Museum Cathedral of Maria Inmaculada. MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS C/ Cadena y Eleta, 2. Tel.: 945 150 631.

Sacred Art Museum

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 15 MUSEUM OPENING HOURS: Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 18:30. Saturdays: 10:00 to 14:00. Sundays and feast days: 11:00 to 14:00. Mondays: closed. The Museum of Fine Arts is extending its opening hours on Saturdays from 17:00 to 20:00. Mondays: closed.

PRICE: €3/person. Groups (more than 10 people): €2/person. Reduced prices: €1/person for: Young people aged 12 to 18 People over 65.

Museo de Ciencias Naturales Museo de los Faroles Museo de Armería Palacio de Congresos Europa

OTHER EXHIBITIONS: FUNDACIÓN HALL C/ Postas, 13 and 15 LANTERN MUSEUM Julio Galarta “El paisajista con alma” “José Mari Sedano: Gold medal of the city of (Landscapist with a soul) Vitoria-Gasteiz “ Opening hours: Content: Works and memories. From 18.00 to 20:30 hours (working days) Opening hours: 11:00 – 13:00 From 12 to 14 and from 18.00 to 20:30 hours (Sundays and Holidays) AMARICA HALL Plaza de Amárica, 4 EUROPA CONGRESS CENTER From 2 July to 13 September: “The way of Saint James” Juan Manuel Díaz Burgos ”Trópico de Green Hall MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS Cáncer”. From 15 September to 8 october From 24 September to 15 November: Opening hours: 17.00 to 20.00 José Luis Rámirez. Opening times: W-F: 19.00 to 21.00 Tuesdays and Fridays: 12.00 to 14.00 and 19.00 to 21.00 Sundays and Bank holidays: 12.00 to 14.00 Closed on Mondays.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 17 ARTIUM ARTIUM Basque Centre- Museum EXHIBITIONS of Contemporary Art C/ Francia, 24. Tel.: 945 209 020 Iconocracy Project on contemporary Cuban photography Opening hours: Tuesdays and Fridays: from 11.00 that brings together the creators of visual to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00 images exploring the iconography associated Saturdays and Sundays: from 11.00 to 20.00 with the Revolution. The exhibition presents (uninterrupted) Mondays except public holidays: later photographs that had to confront this closed. The ticket office will remain open until half visual tradition, with its mythology, and the an hour before closing time. need to transcend both its aesthetic discourse General price: €6. and myths. Price, You Decide: Every Wednesday throughout Disorder. The curious case of dishe- the year. You decide if you pay and how velled art much. The contributions will be used for the Artium Collection development of programmes and the sustenance “I want to be a poet and I am working to of the centre-museum. make myself a seer: you will not understand any of this and I am barely capable to expressing ARTIUM Free guided tour: ALL ARTIUM it. It involves attaining the unknown through the The best way to discover Artium, its unique derangement of all the senses.” Arthur Rimbaud to underground architecture, new exhibitions and Georges Izambard Charleville, 13 May 1871 outdoor artworks, is undoubtedly on a guided Unbreakable Toys tour. Unbreakable Toys looks back at the last seven years With this in mind, the Museum-Centre has of Mabi Revuelta artistic research, which is structured increased the number of free guided tours around three main themes: language, play and art during the months of July and August. education. This exploration stems from the book Book your place now! Abeceda (alphabet in Czech), published in Prague Free with your Museum-Centre ticket in 1926, a collaborative piece between the writer Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: 12pm and 6pm Vítezslav Nezval, the artist and designer Karel Teige Information and reservations: 945 209 020 and the dancer and choreographer Milca Mayerová

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 19 BASQUE CULTURE AND TRADITIONS

“Aizkolaritza” Basque ball virgen blanca cham- Herri Kirolak (basque rural sports) pionship Speech and exhibition of various modes of Basque Dates: July; 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, 28 and 30 Rural Sports: Stone Lifting, Tree Cutting, Tronza (log at 18:30 sawing), Sokatira (tug of war)... August: 1-9 at 10:30 Txalaparta: Traditional Basque instrument Place: Fueros Square court wall. Includes tasting of local products: Idiazabal cheese, Price: free. wine, Txakoli. Organised by: Federación Alavesa de DATE: Saturdays 11:00 (Consult other dates and Pelota Vasca. times) PLACE: A hamlet in Alava Basque ball Virgen Blanca PRICE: €35/ person (consult for children) women’s championship INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS: ALAVITA Tel: Dates: July; 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, 28 and 30 635 723 515 at 18:30 5 August: 10:30 Rural sports exhibitions Place: Fueros Square court wall. Dates: August 5 -9 Price: free. Place: Fueros Square Organised by: Federación Alavesa de Opening hours; 12:00 Pelota Vasca. Dantza Plazan: Virgen Blanca basque ball tourna- Traditional Basque Country dances ment (professionals) in the city squares. AND TRADITIONS BASQUE CULTURE Dates: 5-9 august. Days: 4 to 9 August in Machete Square: “Larrain Place: Mendizorrotza Court Walls. Dantza” (Threshing floor dance) and “Txulalai”. Opening hours: 5, 6 and 7 August at 22:00 11 September in España Square. h. 8 and 9 August 17:00 h. Information and reservations: www.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 21 NATURE: GREEN BELT

Green route Vasco-Navarro BICYCLE RENTALS: Vitoria-Gasteiz is the perfect city to visit by bicycle. If you prefer, you can rent one at:

Actívate en 945.15.79.14 GREEN BELT NATURE: C/ Postas (Pasaje General Álava) 610.46.51.46 Campus Bike 945.25.30.66 Capus bike C/ Canciller Ayala, 7 651.31.50.79 [email protected] Capital Bikes 691.11.22.92 Koldo Mitxelena, 7 bajo administració[email protected]

Lokoloka 945.14.47.28 C/ Badaia nº1 y Avda Juan Carlos I, 14 (Salburua) 945.33.69.25

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 23 GUIDED BICYCLE TOURS Eco-Cultural Routes (Salburua Park, Armentia, Olarizu) Vitoria-Gasteiz is a city where riding a bicycle is a Time: Optional. pleasure. Bike lanes and urban routes invite you to Meeting point: 7 Koldo Mitxelena Street. visit the city by bicycle. Price: €29/pax (Discount for 3 or more “A Bike Ride through the Green Capi- participants) tal” Eco-Recreational Routes A pleasant guided tour starting in the centre Time: Every Saturday at 10:30 of Vitoria to discover the Green landscape Meeting point: 7 Koldo Mitxelena Street. surrounding the city. We shall ride through the Price: €26/pax (Discount for 3 or more Salburúa Wetlands where we can observe birds, participants) deer, crabs… in their natural habitat and then make our way back along the bike lanes to the Routes on demand Medieval Almendra (Old Quarter. Time and meeting point of choice. Price: based on Departure: Saturdays and Sundays estimate. Time: 11:00 INFO AND RESERVATIONS: 691 112 292 Place: C/ Postas, 32 [email protected] Difficulty: very easy Information and reservations: Actívate en Álava Tel. 945 157 914 - [email protected] ROUTES IN CHAUFFEUR DRIVEN TRICYCLES Chauffeur driven tricycle tours to discover one of the most beautiful parks in the Green Belt in a different way. Information and reservations at: Adbikers: 638 452 494

BALLOON FLIGHTS TO SEE THE CITY FROM THE AIR Touch the sky in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Experience the incredible feeling of seeing the Old Quarters and the Green Belt from the sky. Information and reservations: www. GREEN BELT NATURE:

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 25 FAMILY TOURISM

Mural of the Carnicerías st. GUIDED VISITS Begins on 29 June and ends on 10 July. Price: 230 euros Guided visits for children in the medie- Price for singles classes: 25 euros. val quarter Children from 6 to 12. Monday to Friday from Dates: July, 17 and 24 10.00 to 12.30 August: 14, 21 and 28 Begins on 13 July and ends on 24 July. Price: 230 Time: 17:30 euros Price: €5 child, (2 free admissions for adults Price for single classes: 25 euros. accompanying a child, the third and following Information and reservations: 945. 770 720 adults, €5). Visit recommended for 6-12 year old children. MUSEUMS:

Night-time family tours: Tell me about ARTIUM (Contemporary Art Museum) Vitoria-Gasteiz Francia St. Days: August: 15 and 29 September: 5. For youngsters and their families Time: 20:30 Welcome to paradise! TOURISM FAMILY Price: €5 child, (2 free admissions for adults Tuesday 11 to Sunday 23 August accompanying a child, the third and following (except Monday 17 August, museum closed) adults, €5). Visits recommended for children 8 We have set up a space for the month of and over. August where the youngsters of the family can experiment and have fun, while the adults COOKING CLASSES accompanying them can visit the cafeteria for a Intensive summer classes for children. snack, read a book... and enjoy the moment. Children from 13 to 17. Monday to Friday from On weekday mornings from 11.30am to 1pm, 10.00 to 12.30 our goal is to work on creating a large mural and in the afternoons from 5.30-7pm to experiment

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 27 CHILDREN’S SHOWS with and explore different techniques TITEREANDO (painting, drawing, performance, TEATRO DE LA PLAZA “Revolución collage, photography...) and diverse en la cocina” Day: July, 12 materials. Time: 19:00 On weekends, Saturday and Sunday, Place: Plaza del Machete ZUPIT TEATRO, “Jai, Marinela” from 11.30am to 1pm and 5.30 Day: July, 19 to 7pm, we will continue with our Time: 19:00 experimental techniques and materials Place: Behind Fray Zacarías Street. Ice storage facility. workshop. Free with your Museum-Centre ticket YARLEKU “Numenak”. TEIA MONER “Pulgar Circus Day: July, 26 Moner” More information: 945 209 020 or Time:19:00 Day: August, 23 Place: Plaza del Machete Time: Sessions: 18.30; 19.15 and Basque language 20.00. Family visits to the BIBAT COMPAÑÍA DE TÍTERES ERRANTES Place: Plaza del Conde de Peñaflorida. “Paseando a Errabundo Pelele” 50 people each session. (Archaeology and Playing Cards Day: August, 2 Spanish Museum) Time: 18:30 LA MAR DE MARIONETAS “El niño Place: (Diputación, Postas, Plaza de que soñaba” C/ Cuchillería, 54 los Fueros) Day: August, 23 Visits and activities for children Spanish Time: 19.00. PANTHA RHEI “Astokillo” Place: Jardines del Palacio Etxanobe. First Saturday of the month Day: August, 2 Spanish Time: 12:00 Time: 19:30 PELELE “Au boeuf du fil” Free Access Place: (San Prudencio, Plaza del Arca, Day: August, 30 Dato, Postas y Plaza de la Virgen Time: 19.00. Tel.: 945 203 700 Blanca) Place: Plaza del Conde de Peñaflorida. Basque language COMPAÑÍA DE TÍTERES ERRANtes Y MEDIO TEATRO “Sie7e” & PRODUCIONES CACHIVACHE “Le Day: August, 16 petit Studio Cinéma”. Time: 12-14 and 18.30 - 20.30. Day: August, 30 Sessions each 10 minutes. Time: 18.00-20.00 Non-stop sessions. Place: Plaza del Marqués de la Alameda Place: Plaza de la Provincia. ATARIA Interpretation Centre of the Salburua Wetlands. Paseo de la Biosfera,s/n Bird-watching, deer-watching, hiking and biking Information: 945 254 759 Opening Times: 11 to 14 and 17 to 20. Mondays DIBERTIKALE closed. Bus 3. Stop Paseo de la Biosfera Street shows for children. Time: 19:30 “AKUA” PIRATE GALLEON Day: 13 July Children’s playground known as “Akua”, ‘Txatarra’ Malas Compañías. Castillo de Záitegi featuring a large, 33 metre-long ship, in a play Square (Ariznabarra Cultural Centre) area covering three thousand square metres. Day: 14 July The Galleon has masts and slides, a zip line from ‘Play’ with the group Circortito. The square a wooden tower, a swing-basket and a flying opposite the Abetxuko Sports Centre. carpet in an area designed for the disabled Day: 15 July How to arrive: Tram Ibaiondo direction. Stop: ‘Piratak’ Detraka .Senda Valentín de Foronda Lakuabizkarra. (Lakua Cultural Centre) TOURISM FAMILY Day: 16 July TREN TURÍSTICO (TOURIST TRAIN) ‘Tiritirantes’ Birly&Birloque. Caracas pedestrian Opening hours: 11:00 - 11:45 - 12:30 - 13:15 street (El Pilar Cultural Centre). and 17:00- 17:45 - 18:30 - 19:15 - 20:00 - 20:45 Price: Adults €4. Children €3 (3 to 12) Consult special tours in August

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 29 GASTRONOMY Star pintxos ARTIUM Art, Cinema and gas- Discover Vitoria-Gasteiz’s gastronomic jewels. tronomy Pintxos route to enjoy our best gastronomy this A combination of art, cinema and gastronomy to summer. enjoy an afternoon full of experiences. You can August and September. visit Artium to enjoy a guided tour, watch a movie Request a leaflet at the Tourist Office. and enjoy a meal and glass of wine at its Cube Action designed by Gasteiz On. restaurant. Wednesday, 12 August Pintxo Week The Party, Blake Edwards, 1968, 99 min. Participating establishments will offer their best Wednesday, 19 August proposals. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, Peter 9-20 September Greenaway, 1989, 123 min. Organized by SEA Hostelería-Ostalaritza Wednesday, 26 August Request a leaflet at the Tourist Office Chocolat, Lasse Hallström, 2000, 121 min. Wednesday, 2 September Julie and Julia, Nora Ephron, 2009, 123 min. GUIDED GASTRONOMY TOURS Original version with Spanish subtitles ENOGASTRONOMY Guided tour (20 minutes): maximum 25 people Taste Vitoria with friends Reservations: 945 20 90 20 Days: Saturdays and Sundays at 12:00 Price: €7.50 (€5 for Friends of Artium) From: NH Canciller Ayala hotel. Advance sales from 1 August Guided tour to the Medieval Quarter, 5 pintxos (tapas) and 3 glasses of wine Visit a bakery. Artepán Price: €30 Would you like to see what’s cooking in a bakery? Information and reservations: Actívate en Álava Days: Saturday, 1 August 610 465 146 Time: 12:00 to 12:20 fast tour. Information and reservations: 945 205 381 Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 31 Guided tasting sessions Enoteca Eguren Ugarte, Abastos Square. C/ Jesús Guridi, s/n Tasting sessions for leisure during which we also provide basic notions on tasting (colour, aroma and flavour). 2 options. Basic Tasting Session (3 wines and 1 pintxo) and Deluxe Tasting Session (5 wines, 2 premium and 1 pintxo) Time: Monday to Friday: 11, 12, 13, 18 and 19. Saturdays: 11, 12, 13 and 14. Information and reservations: 945 287 625

Wine tasting “Try our Alava Wine” Explanation on wine culture and preparation with a wine tasting session where our senses – smell, taste and sight – will enjoy the aroma and flavour of our land. The tasting session ends with a snack. DATE: Saturdays 19:00 (Consult other dates and timetables) price: 27 euros/person information and reservations: ALAVITA Tel: 635 723 515

Coffee tasting La Brasileña coffee shop (Paz St.) Days: Wednesdays (except on Bank Holidays) Price: €5 Information and reservations: At the coffee shop. COOKING WORKSHOPS Su Alai 15, Badaya St. Medieval Market 220 Grados Cooking Space 25-27 September. 78, Herrería St. Date: 15 July, Pizza for children (over 7) 17 July Talos (Basque “taco”) for children (over 8) Time: 11:00 to 13:00 Price: €15 Information and reservations: 945 279 580


Almond Market. ENOGASTRONOMY Days: 2, August and 6 September. Opening hours: 10:00 – 14:00 Marketplace Thursday and Saturday Opening hours: 10:00-14:00 Ail Market 25 July (Santiago Festivity) During all day at S. Francisco and Portal del Rey streets. Typical market

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 33 OTHER ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST

Festivities in honour of the Virgen Blanca Santa Isabel Cemetery at the light of music Night concert in Santa Isabel Cemetery with music by composers buried in this holy ground. Marta Extramiana Day: 14 and 21 August Time: 21:00 Price: 7 € Information and reservations at the Tourist Office: 945 161 598

Sumideros poetic itinerary 39 International Jazz Festival Vitoria- Grupo Pez Limbo. Gasteiz Place: Casa de Duchas, C/ Correría, 106 From 14 to 18 July Days: 31 July; 17:00 to 21:00. 22 August: 12:00 to 14:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 Rounds of the Auroros (People an- nouncing the Patron Saint Festivities) VII Chess International Open of Sunday, 2 August. Vitoria-Gasteiz Time: 09:00 to 11:30. From 26 July to 2 August Route: Niche housing the Virgen Blanca, San OTHER ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST Miguel Stairs, Virgen Blanca Square, Correría Korterraza Street, Burullería Square (“hot chocolate with 29 July to 1 August. cachochos” for those participating in the route), 20:00 concerts and 22:00 films. Santa María Square, Cuchillería, Cuesta de San Place: Artium internal courtyard. Francisco, Mateo de Moraza Francia St.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 35 Triathlon Vitoria 12 July.

Festivities in honour of the Virgen Blanca 4 to 9 August. Triatlón VI Festival. Vitoria-Gasteiz Television and Radio Festival 1 to 6 September.

XXVII Magialdia. International Conference on Magic 15 to 21 September

Medieval Market 25 to 27 September



Salt Valley TOWER PALACE OF THE VARONA FA- AÑANA: MILY (Villanañe) Valdegovia Tourist Office: 945 353 040 The tours are in Spanish unless otherwise booked Añana Tourist Office: 945 351 386 in advance, July and August: from Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 GUIDED TOURS am -2:00 pm and 4:00 pm -7:00 pm. Sundays Guided tour to the Tower Palace of the Count and 11:00 am -2:00 pm Countess of Orgaz in Fontecha and Salt Valley in September: Saturdays and on local holidays: Salinas de Añana 11:00 am -2:00 pm and 4:00 pm -7:00 pm July 19th and September 20th Sundays: 11:00 am -2:00 pm Price: €15 (this includes the bus journey there and Last visits 45 minutes before closing time. back, the two guided tours and lunch in a local Price: €3 per person, €2 for children, students, restaurant) pensioners and groups of more than 10 people. Information and booking: 945 359 063 from 8:30 Information and reservations: Kalearte 945 101 am to 3:00 pm 070

AÑANA SALT VALLEY (Salinas de Aña- na) General visit to Valle Salado (Salt Valley). Visit to the restoration site and the springs. Salt production. Salt-making workshop. Salt tasting. Salt SPA Price: €7 per person, SALT spa included. Children free up to the age of 12. Information and reservations: 945 351 111 www. Varona Palace-Tower NTRA. SRA. DE LA ASUNCIÓN CHURCH URBINA BASABE ANCESTRAL HOME (Tuesta) (Urbina Basabe) Interesting church displaying the transition Local Art and Ethnography Exhibition (). between Romanesque and Gothic. Guided tours. Battle of Andagoste (38 BC) Visitors Centre. Please call 945 353 040 to arrange a visit Photography Exhibition Price: €2 per person. Opening hours until September 13th Saturdays: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm to BACHICABO CHURCH (Bachicabo) 7:00 pm Enjoy the experience of viewing the two Sundays: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm altarpieces of the Church of San Martin de Free entrance. Guided tours for groups are Bachicabo. Please call 945 353 040 to arrange a available, call 945 362 600 to book (Town visit. Council of Kuartango) Price: €2 per person. SANTA CATALINA BOTANICAL GAR- IRUÑA VELEIA ROMAN CITY (Víllodas) DENS (Trespuentes) From Tuesday to Friday: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm ALAVA 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Saturdays, Sundays and local holidays: 10:00 am Saturdays, Sundays and local holidays: 11:00 am to 8:00 pm to 2:00 pm Price: €3 (free for children under 10). Closed on Mondays. Other options: tour + bread and honey tasting Guided tours from Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00 am session (2h30m) €4/person. to 2:00 pm by appointment 945 403 044 Possibility of a combined ticket to visit Valle Free entrance and guided tour. Salado

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 39 VALDEREJO NATURE PARK (Lalastra) ACTIVITIES Parketxea (945 353 146) opens from Tuesday to First Sunday of each month: farmers market at the Sunday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Closed on Villanueva de Valdegovía fronton court. Mondays. JULY VALDEREJO MOUNTAIN BIKE CENTRE – 4th: Santa Catalina Botanical Gardens: Medieval AÑANA (Angosto Camp Site-Villañane) performance Information point, departure point for the routes, 11th: Salt fair (Salinas de Añana) washing area, repair tools, showers, toilets, 11th: Light and sound show. €16. On the day of services and car park. 7 signposted routes. the show €20 (Salinas de Añana) Open daily from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. 25-26 Butterfly watching at Valderejo

NORDIC WALKING CENTRE AUGUST In the Valdegovía Tourist Office walking sticks 1st: III Country Harvest Fair. Ancient Farm can be hired for this sport; the 6 routes are Machinery Exhibition. (Subijana de Álava) signposted. 10th, at night. Moon party in the Santa Catalina Botanical Gardens. Free entrance. SOBRON MULTI-ADVENTURE PARK(Sobrón) SEPTEMBER Adventure park with Zip-Wire, Kayak o Canoes, 6th: Angosto Fair (Villanañe), agriculture, livestock Stand UP Paddle, Paintball, Hiking, Abseiling, and crafts. Climbing and First Diving Experience. 20: II Half Marathon (Salinas de Añana Information and reservations: 945 359 016 or 686 983 861 SACRED ART MUSEUM AND THE AIARALDEA HOLM OAK SANCTUARY () Aiaraldea Tourist Office: 944 034 930 (Llodio) Saturdays and Sundays: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm For other opening hours call 945 396 066

MUSEUMS SANTXOTENA MUSEUM - WORKSHOP (Artziniega) LIQUOR MUSEUM () Saturdays: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm – Book in advance at 945 393 704 7:00 pm SACRED ART MUSEUM (Quejana) Sundays: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm July and September From Monday to Sunday: For other opening hours call 605 717 857 / 945 9:00 am -2:00 pm and 4:00 pm -7:00 pm 396 664 Free entrance. 945 399 414 Artziniega Ethnographic Museum Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm Sundays and local holidays: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm ALAVA Tel.: 945 396 664

QUEJANA MONUMENTAL SITE Guided tours only. By reservation only at 945 399 264

TXAKOLI WINERIES (White wine) At the Tourist Offices in Ayala and Vitoria-Gasteiz you can find a complete list of Txakoli wineries that can be visited. Visits are only allowed by prior booking. Quejana Monumental Site

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 41 ACTIVITIES CONDADO DE TREVIÑO July From July 18th to August 30st 11th: VI Txakolin festa. Txakoli tasting and www.condadodetreviñ exhibition. () Más información 945 101 070

August Beginning of August. Local Festivities (Amurrio) PARISH OF SAN PEDRO APOSTOL 14th: Agriculture Fair. (Amurrio) (Treviño) 15th-17th and 27th-31st: Local Festivities (Llodio) Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm and 16th: Livestock fair. (Amurrio) 17:00 -19:00 28th: Farmer’s day. Agriculture fair. (Llodio) Sundays: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Free entrance and guided tour of the parish. September 19 Medieval Market (Artziniega) PURÍSIMA CONCEPCIÓN CHAPEL(San 20: Shepherd’s day (Amurrio) Vicentejo) Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Free entrance and guided tour

CAVES OF SANTORKARIA (Laño-Lañu) Artificial hermits’ caves Tuesday to Sunday: 12:00 noon Duration: 1.5 hours Meeting point: The road by the Santokaria’s path. Price: €2 per person It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes. PLAINS OF ALAVA Salvatierra-Agurain Tourist Office: 945 302 931

“THE THREE JEWELS” TOUR Visit the painted Cuevas artificiales de Laño Churches of Añua, Alaiza Alaitza and Gazeo WALK THROUGH THE BEECH FOREST July and August: Tuesdays and Saturdays (Bajauri) September: Saturdays (book in advance The 22nd of August 945 302 931) Duration: 3h The tours start at 10:30 am in Añua, then go on

Meeting point: Bajauri Frontón to Alaitza at approx. 11:30 am and finally reach ALAVA It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes Gazeo at approx. 12:15 pm. Price: €5 per person CHAPEL OF SAN FORMERIO (Pangua) Children free up to the age of 12. Special opening during the pilgrim’s festivity From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm “COME IN, IT’S OPEN” TOUR Free entrance and guided tour Old Quarters of Salvatierra, Gazeo and Alaiza July and August: Thursdays and Sundays PURÍSIMA CONCEPCIÓN CHAPEL September: Sundays, booking not required. (San Vicentejo) The tour begins at 10:30 am in the Old Quarter 1st and 2nd August of Salvatierra-Agurain (San Juan, Santa Maria and 11:00 am to 2:00 pm town hall), it then continues with the paintings of Free entrance and guided tour Gazeo at 1:30 pm and Alaitza at 2:00 pm.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 43 Price of the tour: €5 full tour €3 if you only visit Salvatierra-Agurain or Gazeo and Alaitza. Children free up to the age of 12.

“IDIAZABAL” CHEESE MAKERS Saturdays Time: 17:00 Price: 5 € Limited places. Advance booking required: 945 302 931 Estíbaliz Shrine

HENAIO ANCIENT SETTLEMENT (Ale- with an exhibition on the Grey Dormouse and gría-Dulantzi) dedicated to renewable energy. Fortified settlement dating back the Bronze Age From Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am to 7 pm and the Iron Age (between 840 and 100 BC) Saturdays: 11:00 am to 14:00 pm PALACIO LAZARRAGA (Zalduendo) Price: €2 per person. Children free up to the age Renaissance palace with a stunning coat of arms of 12 of the “gizones”, grisaille paintings from the period and carnival subject matter inside. Romanesque in Álava. Interpretation Sundays from 12 am to 2pm Centre (Estíbaliz Shrine) Information 945 304 393 Sundays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm There is a possibility to visit the centre at other GARAIO PROVINCIAL PARK (Garaio) times with prior reservation: 656 718 115 Park on the banks of the Ullíbarri-Gamboa reservoir with a car park area, signposted paths, AIZKORRI-ARATZ NATURE PARK (Araia) viewpoints, sources, toilets in the beach area Located in the former hydroelectric power plant (bathroom), showers… Information Office (North Garaio) 695 782 498 bike for the route. There are bicycles for adults, (Bike hire, guided tours …) children and baby carriers, own helmet preferable. July and August: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am-8:30 Saturdays from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm pm. Weekends and local holidays: 9:30 am-9:30 to 7:00 pm pm Sundays from 10:30 am to 15:00 pm September: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am-2:30 pm. More information at: 945 410 577 / 945 405 424 Weekends and local holidays: 9:30 am -3:00 pm “LA TRAVIESA” VISITORS CENTRE OF Bike Hire: THE GR 38 WINE AND FISH ROUTE July and August: Daily from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm (Lagrán) From the 7th of September: Weekends and local Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and 7:00 holidays: 10:00 am-2:00 pm pm to 10:00 pm Price: €2 adults and €1 children. Deposit €5 Saturday, Sunday and Bank holidays: 10:00 am to Guided Tours (Great crested grebe Route, 10:00 pm discovering Garaio, Mendixur Ornithology Park) Monday closed. Information and reservations: 695 782 498 Tel.: 945 063 333 (The key is at the bar) ALAVA


BASQUE-NAVARRE GREEN ROUTE VISITORS CENTRE AND LOCAL TOURIST OFFICE (Antoñana) Information on the local area and the green route along the former Basque-Navarre railway line. Bicycle hire located next to the buses and managed from the visitors centre. You can hire a Interpretation Centre of the Basque-Navarran Railway Greenway. (Antoñana)

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 45 MOUNTAIN BIKE CENTRE (Urturi) THE IGNATIAN WAY Information about bike hire, GPS hire, bike This is the route Ignacio de Loyola followed washing points, changing rooms and showers. in 1522 when, as a knight, he travelled from Information point and tourist centre, public golf Loyola to Manresa. Two stages pass through the course, café, restaurant and car park. Opening Montaña Alavesa region. hours: 8:30 am – 7:00 pm 945 378 262 Information 945 410 577

GOLF COURSE (Urturi) ACTIVITIES A public golf complex ideal for everyone wanting July 12nd: II Urizaharra BTT to play or to start in golf. August 29th: Ethnographic day (Pipaón) The Urturi course, designed by Severiano September 20st: The Basque-Navarrese Green Ballesteros, is located in a beautiful natural Route Day environment. 8:30 am to 7:00 pm. Telephone: 945 378 262 IZKI NATURE PARK (Korres) Information point: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Closed ENOBUS. Rioja Alavesa Aromas and on Mondays. Landscape Tel.: 945 410 502 July: 11th and 25th USATXI ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM September: 5th and 19th (Pipaón) Departure: 9:00 am Saturdays and Sundays: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Departure point: C / Madre Vedruna, bus stop in Tel: 945 367 033 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Check departures from , and Laguardia, Eibar, Bergara and OPEN AIR ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM Arrasate-Mondragón) (Peñacerrada) Price: Adults €23, Children (11-17) and people over 65: €15, children under 10 free. (This Price: €2per person Wine cellar Ysios. Laguardia Information and reservations: 945 606 632

Themed Routes July: 10, 16, 24 and 31 at 9 pm August: 7, 21 and 28 at 8:30 pm Price: €3 per person. Children under 6 free. Information and reservations: 945 606 632

LABASTIDA. includes the bus journey there and back, Labastida Tourist Office. 945 331 015 panoramic tour, guided tours to villages and wineries with wine tasting sessions) Guided Tours of the Old Quarter Information and reservations: (With entry to the Temple Del Cristo and Ntra. Sra. Thabuca Wine and Culture Tourist Services de la Asunción church) 945 331 060. Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday at 11:00 am ALAVA Autobuses Arriaga. Bus Station, ticket window Price: €4 per person number 7. 945 282 787 Information and reservations: 945 331 015

ELCIEGO Guided Tour of the Ntra. Sra. de la Tourist Office: 945 606 632 Asunción church Information and reservations at the Labastida Guided Tours Tourist Office: 945 33 10 15 July and August Themed visit about the history of From Monday to Saturday: 11:00 am Torrentejo chapel and 5:00 pm Meeting point: at the recently Sundays: 11:00 am renovated medieval walls of September please enquire Labastida 945 606 632

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 47 July: 5, 19 and 26 at 8:00 pm typical festival parade music at 12.00 noon, 1.00 August: 2 at 8:00 pm pm, 2.00 pm, 5.00 pm, 8.00 pm and 10.00 pm Information and reservations 945 331 015 (visitors are advised to be there 5 minutes before the times indicated) LAGUARDIA Laguardia Tourist Office 945 600 845 Celtiberian Lake of La Barbacana. South section of Calle Mayor. Church of Santa Maria de los Reyes Lake dating back to the Iron Age that stored more Guided tour of the Church of Santa María de los than 300,000 litres of water, the largest of its Reyes which features the famous polychrome kind in Europe. PORTICO. Information and reservations: 945 600 845 Price: €2 per person Price: €2 No visits on Sundays and local holidays in the afternoon. Groups require advance booking “Racimo” Tourist Train. Information and reservations: Tourist Office 945 Vineyard routes by train. Stop: Portal de Paganos 600 845 Street. Timetable: 629 830 148 Church of San Juan and Tower €5 adults, €3 children Price: €1 per ticket- Visit without guide Check times at the Tourist Office: 945 600 845 Villa Lucía Thematic Wine Centre 500 m from Laguardia, in the direction of Abbey Tower Logroño. Panoramic view of Rioja Alavesa Thematic wine museum. Wine tasting courses Check times at the Tourist Office: 945 600 845 lasting two hours are organised on Saturdays. Price: €1. The tower will be closed if it rains Tuesday to Saturday: 11.00 am -12.30 pm 5.00 pm 6.30 pm (Saturdays also at 10:15) Plaza Mayor Clock Sundays: 11.00 am - 12.30 pm Carillon clock with dancing hands depicting the Visit price: €6.50, visit and tasting: €11.00 dancers of Laguardia who dance to the rhythm of Tel. 945 600 032 La Hoya Prehistoric Settlement Dolmen Chabola de 700 m from Laguardia, in the direction of Vitoria, la hechicera. Elvillar Elvillar crossroads. Archaeological site from the Bronze Age and Museum. Tuesdays to Fridays: 11:00 am -2:00 pm and 4:00 pm -8:00 pm Saturdays: 11:00 am -3:00 pm Sundays and local holidays: 10:00 am -2:00 pm Mondays: closed Tel.: 945. 621 122 DOLMENS IN RIOJA ALAVESA Last visits are half an hour before closing time. There are seven dolmens in the region. “La Free entrance. Chabola de la Hechicera”, 5 kilometres from The Laguardia Lagoons Laguardia, in Elvillar, is one of the most stunning. ALAVA Protected area which includes the marshlands of WINERIES IN RIOJA ALAVESA “Carralogroño”, “Carravalseca” and “El Prao de At the Tourist Offices in Rioja Alavesa and Vitoria- la Paul”. The latter has a path around the lake Gasteiz you can find a complete list of wineries where one can enjoy the landscape and go bird that can be visited. watching. ACTIVITIES LANCIEGO Guided tours of the traditional oil mill (Please July require Oil tasting from Rioja Alavesa). 4th-12th: “Music among vineyards”. Daily Price: €2 concerts in Rioja Alavesa Information and reservations: 664 481 660 12th and 13th: Medieval Market (Labastida) Minimum 4 people. 13th to 19nd: VII Wine and Music Week: Tasting,

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 49 concerts, Wine & Music Matching followed by a and traditional beer. picnic, themed visit and a stroll through vineyards • Romanesque monuments in by the l Racimo Tren (Elciego) • Old quarters and cheese making. Minimum group: 4 people August Information and reservations: 945 243 828 - 645 8th-11th: “Reliquias” festivities (Labastida) 844 087 15th: Day of the Virgin (Laguardia) Languages: Spanish, Basque and English From 15th to 17th: Festivities (Elciego) Prices: from €2 to €5 28th and 29th: San Juan “Degollao” festivities (Laguardia) HONEY MUSEUM (Murgia) Oregi House. 945 430 440/945 430 167 September Open Saturdays and Sundays 6th-11th: Festivities (Elciego) July and August: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 20th: Grape Harvest festival of Rioja Alavesa September: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. (Elciego) Free admittance

POTTERY MUSEUM (Elosu) - GORBEIA District of Ollerías in Elosu 945 455 145 Monday to Friday: 10:00 am-1:00 pm and 4:00 Zuia Tourist Office (Murguia): pm -7:00 pm 945 430 440/ 945 430 167 Saturdays: 10:00 am-2:00 pm Sundays and local holidays: closed GUIDED TOURS Free entrance • The reservoir: 50 years ago… • Castles and Palaces • Folklore in Zuia. • Mythology in Zuia. • Romanesque architecture in Zuia and NORDIC WALKING GUNEA Bengolarra, Ondategi 94546 40 62 La-Red-de-Centros-NW/nw-zigoitia Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy new facilities dedicated to Nordic Walking in Zigoitia. There are four routes from 3.8 km to 19 km long that take Summit of Gorbea from 1 to 3.3 hours. Walking poles rental service.

GORBEIA NATURE PARK (Sarria) ACTIVITIES Visitor Centre 945 430 709 July Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 am -7:00 pm. Mondays 4th and 5th: Festivities (Ibarra de ) closed 4th: Zuia-Bira (Murgia) GORBEIA CENTRAL PARK EXPERIENCES 4th: Urkabustaiz Duathlon (Izarra)

Enjoy the Gorbeia Nature Park www. August ALAVA 1st and 2nd: Eguzki jaia, Zigoitia festivities Enjoy Gorbea through 20 unique experiences that (Ondategi-Gopegi) will enable you to come into contact with nature, wildlife and traditions: Shepherd and beekeeper September for a day, Ceramics, Gorbea beer… 13th: Zigoitia euskaraz (Zigoitia) 13th: Urkabustaiz MTB route HONTZA EXTREM FUN AND ADVENTU- 26th: Aitor Arana mounting hiking route (Aramaio) RE IN A NATURAL ENVIROMENT 27th: Txirritola Day (Ibarra de Aramaio) Oleta. 633468947 / 26th-29th: Festivities (Murgia) Hontza extrem is an installation with three diferent activities: the adventure park over the trees, archery and climbing trees.

Summer in Vitoria-Gasteiz 51 Vitoria-Gasteiz Tourist Office Plaza de España, 1 945 16 15 98