IPING, , OVING. 38l a.cres ; population in 1851 wns 533. The Arun flows through the southern part, and the village is pleasantly situated on rising ground. The benefice is a rectory with ; patron, the Rev. L. V. Harcourt, M.A •• and the incumbent is the Rev. Caleb CoUins, M.A. The church, which was par­ tially take_n down in 1850, is rebuilt and enlarged, and now contains 200 sittings; it consists of a nave and chancel, with a tower containing five bells. The only seat is :Manor House, the residence of John Stoveld, Esq. Letters are received through , which is the nearest Money Order Office .. Collins, Rev. C. · I Stoveld, John, esq. Payne, Miss I Andrews, Alfred, farmer Luff, William, farmer Ayliag, William, farmer Newman, Richard, New inn Bacon, William, farmer Powtll, George, farmer Cover, Stephen, farmer Simmons, Richard, blacksmith Dolloway, John, shoemaker Tipper, William. farmer Knight, Thomas, farmer

IPING is a parish in hundred, l\1idhurst union, rape of Chi­ chester, "\Vest , and extends, from north to south, six miles; the average breadth is, however, less than half a mile ; it is on the Jiver West Rothcr; here is a paper mill. The village is situated in the valley, and contained in 1851, 438 inhabitants. The area is 1596 acres; the living is a rectory, annexed to Chithurst; patron, Colonel George Wyndham, and the incumbent is Rev. Charles Klanert, M.A. The church is built of stone, and has a nave, chancel, transepts, tower, and bell; in the Early style of English architecture. Here are National and British schools, for boys, ~rls, and infants. WOOLBEDh~G, in Easebourne hundred, Midhu!'st union, and rape of Chi­ chester, lies a short distance east of . The population in 1851 was D20. The church is a small builuing, with square tower, chancel, and three bells, and a very handsome stained glass window. The living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Honourable George Ponsonby,. who is lord of the manor. Letters are received through Midhurst, whieh is the nearest Offire for Money Orders. Klan ert, Rev. Charles Pewtress, Mr. B. ~rasett, J. esq. l Rogers, W. R. esq. Blunden, Thomas, farmer Lulf, William, farmer Bridger, Henry, blacksmith Pewtress and Co. paper manufactory Briggs, Alfred, National school Pursely, Thomas, farmer Foard, Michael, farmer Petters, J ames, farmer Heath, James, shopkeeper Smith, Samuel, paper maker Hunt, W. farmer Tilban, Miss, National school J" ameli, \Villiam, farmer Triggs, JohB, shoJJkeeper Knott, Miss, British school Wakeford, Gcorge, farmer Luff, William, farmer and carpenter Windbnck, Eli, blacksmith

OVING is an extensive parish, 78 miles from London, three miles east f1·om , in Box. hundred, rape of Chichester, and \Vest Hampnett