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Diploma22039500zadravecgreg UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT DIPLOMSKO DELO GREGOR ZADRAVEC LJUBLJANA, 2016 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT Športno treniranje Kondicijsko treniranje MORSKI KAJAK KOT KAJAKAŠKA DISCIPLINA – RAZVOJ IN ZNAČILNOST DIPLOMSKO DELO MENTOR red. prof. dr. Stojan Burnik Avtor dela: RECENZENT GREGOR ZADRAVEC doc. dr. Blaž Jereb KONZULTANT Andrej Jelenc, prof. šp. vzg. Ljubljana, 2016 ZAHVALA Zahvaljujem se vsem kajakašicam in kajakašem, ki so me učili, vsem, ki sem jih imel priložnost učiti, in družini, ki mi je stala ob strani. Ključne besede: morski kajak, razvoj, oprema, tehnika, reševanje MORSKI KAJAK KOT KAJAKAŠKA DISCIPLINA – RAZVOJ IN ZNAČILNOST Gregor Zadravec Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, 2016 Športno treniranje, kondicijsko treniranje 60 strani; 20 slik; 48 virov. IZVLEČEK Diplomsko delo opisuje razvoj discipline v svetu in pri nas, našteje vodilne organizacije, ki bdijo nad razvojem morskega kajaka in pojasni, kaj je sistem Barvna vesla in zakaj bi moral pritegniti prav morskega kajakaša. O disciplini je bilo v Sloveniji nekaj napisanega v obliki člankov, internih gradiv Kajakaške zveze Slovenije in v poglavjih publikacij, ki govorijo o kajakaštvu v širšem pomenu. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je prvič celostno opisati disciplino, njen razvoj in značilnosti ter morskemu kajakašu podati znanje/informacije na enem mestu. Učitelj morskega kajaka lahko diplomsko delo uporablja kot katalog znanj, ki jih mora prenesti na učence, učenci pa kot učbenik, ki podpre razlago in demonstracijo kvalificiranega učitelja morskega kajaka. Posebej pomembno je poglavje o reševanju. Veliko kajakašev v morski kajak namreč prihaja iz drugih disciplin ter ne razmišlja o tehniki v dolgem kajaku v izrazito dinamičnem okolju. Reševalni manevri so zato še bolj zapostavljeni, na terenu pa nujni in skoraj dnevno potrebni, če želimo v disciplini izkusiti še kaj drugega kot samo vrtenje po zalivu. Argumenta, da je naše morje majhno in mirno, seveda ne moremo sprejeti, saj nam je to isto morje že nekajkrat dokazalo, da je še vedno večje in bolj divje od človeka z veslom in s kajakom. Keywords: sea kayak, evolution, gear, skills, safety, rescue SEA KAYAK AS A KAYAKING DISCIPLINE – EVOLUTION AND FEATURES University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2016 Sports training, conditioning training 60 pages; 20 pictures; 48 references. ABSTRACT The thesis describes the evolution of sea kayaking in the world and in Slovenia. It lists the main organizations responsible for its development and evolution and clarifies what the Euro Paddle Pass system is and why it can be attractive especially to sea kayakers. Slovenia has seen some publications on sea kayaking before in the form of articles, internal materials of the Slovenian Canoe Federation, and in the works that describe general canoeing. The main goal of the thesis is to give a comprehensive description of the discipline, its evolution, and features so that the user can find all of the knowledge/information in one work. Sea kayaking coaches can use it as a catalogue of skills and know-how to be delivered to their students, while the students can use it as a textbook that supports the explanation and demonstration of a qualified coach. The chapter about rescue techniques is very important since a lot of sea kayakers come from other canoeing disciplines and don't think about the technique in a long kayak in a very dynamic environment. The rescue maneuvers are therefore neglected, although they prove to be at the same time necessary and needed on a daily basis if we want to experience more than just floating around in the cove. The argument that the Adriatic Sea is small and calm cannot be excepted, as it has been proven to us many times that the sea is still bigger and wilder than the human with a paddle and a kayak. Kazalo 1. Uvod................................................................................................................................... 9 2. Razvoj.............................................................................................................................. 10 2.1. Razvoj morskega kajaka...........................................................................................10 2.1.1. Razvoj v svetu................................................................................................... 10 2.1.2. Razvoj v Sloveniji.............................................................................................. 16 2.2. Organiziranost morskega kajaka.............................................................................. 17 2.2.1. Organiziranost morskega kajaka v svetu.......................................................... 17 2.2.2. Organiziranost morskega kajaka v Sloveniji..................................................... 17 2.2.3. Barvna vesla in implementacija.........................................................................17 3. Značilnosti morskega kajaka............................................................................................19 3.1. Pojavne oblike znotraj discipline...............................................................................19 3.2. Oprema..................................................................................................................... 21 3.3. Tehnika......................................................................................................................24 3.3.1. Dvigovanje, prenašanje in izplutje.....................................................................24 3.3.2. Pristanek naprej, vzvratno in bočno.................................................................. 25 3.3.3. Veslanje naprej.................................................................................................. 25 Visok osnovni zaveslaj naprej (angl. high angle forward paddling)...........25 Nizek osnovni zaveslaj naprej (angl. low angle forward paddling)............26 3.3.4. Nagib (angl. edge).............................................................................................27 3.3.5. Obračanje kajaka (angl. static turning)..............................................................29 Zaveslaj v loku naprej (angl. forward sweep stroke).................................29 Zaveslaj v loku nazaj (angl. reverse sweep stroke)...................................30 Obrat za 360 stopinj (angl. 360' static turn)............................................... 30 3.3.6. Ustavljanje in veslanje vzvratno........................................................................ 31 Ustavljanje..................................................................................................31 Veslanje vzvratno (angl. reverse paddling)................................................31 3.3.7. Krmarjenje zadaj in spredaj...............................................................................32 Krmarjenje zadaj (angl. stern rudder)........................................................ 32 Krmarjenje spredaj (angl. bow rudder)......................................................33 3.3.8. Bočno privlačenje (angl. moving sideways)...................................................... 34 Statično bočno privlačenje (angl. draw stroke)..........................................34 Dinamično bočno privlačenje (angl. draw on the move)............................34 3.3.9. Statična opora................................................................................................... 34 Nizka statična opora (angl. low brace) ali opora na veslo.........................34 Visoka statična opora (angl. high brace) ali vesa na veslu........................36 3.3.10. Dinamična opora............................................................................................. 36 Nizka dinamična opora (angl. braced handbrake turn)............................37 Visoka dinamična opora (angl. hanging draw).........................................37 3.3.11. Obvladovanje veslanja v obalnem valovanju..................................................38 3.3.12. Zavijanje v veter (angl. weathercocking).........................................................39 3.4. Posebnosti okolja morskega kajaka......................................................................... 40 3.5. Vreme in navigacija ..................................................................................................41 3.5.1. Vreme................................................................................................................ 41 3.5.2. Navigacija.......................................................................................................... 41 3.6. Nevarnosti, nesreče in pojavnost v medijih.............................................................. 43 3.6.1. Nevarnosti......................................................................................................... 43 3.6.2. Nesreče in pojavnost v medijih......................................................................... 43 3.7. Reševanje................................................................................................................. 45 3.7.1. Vleka..................................................................................................................45 3.7.2. Reševanje v paru...............................................................................................45 3.7.3. Samoreševanje..................................................................................................47
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