The London Gazette.

1 ' ' 11 . i III

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Prbm "Cncflaa*. September 15. to Sa-turDat* September 19. 1724.

Pox t Her Majesty remains ih her Apartment! Madrid, September II, N. & at the Buen Retiro.

HE Beginning of last Week tbe Conn, Trustee-? Office South-Sea House, Sept. 17, ij**v cil of Castile met several times, and iVi"f.ce is hereby given, That the Trustees for Raijing agreed to represent to King Philip, Money on the Estates of tht late DireBors of the South' T Sea Company and others, will enquire into the several that by the strictest Ties of Justice and Con­ Claims entered before tbem on tbe Estate late of Sir science he stood obliged to resume the Harxourt Master, Kt. {one tf th? said late DireBors) and Government of these Kingdoms, as Na­ al the- Publick Office of the said Trustees in Broad- tural King and Proprietor of the Monarchy sireet, London, on the Days, hereafter mentioned, viz? His Majesty ordered six Divines to be consult­ the Claims of Thomas Slade, Wills am Bowles, Tho­ mas Dunn , And Robert Swarm, on Wednesday tbe-ztfl ed, who advised bim to take the Regency of OBober next, at Ninetif tbe Clock in the Forenoon ", upoa him during the Ferdinand's the Claims of Nathaniel May, John Moriffeau, Willi­ Minority. The Pope's Nuncio being admitted am Norton, and Randall Baker, on Friday the z$d of to an Audience of bis Majesty, assured him the faii OBober, at Nine of the Clock in tbe Forenoon '• tbe Pope would intirely approve of his Resu­ when and where thesaid Claimants are hereby required to atiend. ming the Crown. On the 6th Instant bit Majesty signed a Declaration, importing, that -yielding to the Advice of his Council, be York-BuildingS House, Sept. 19, 1714. The Governour and Company of Undertakers for Rai­ would for tbe Good of his Subjects re­ sing-therThames Water in Tork-Butldmgs give Notice* sume the Crown of , reserving to That a General Court of thesaid Company will be held Bimself the Renouncing of the same again, at tbeir Publitk Hall in Winclesiersireet, en Monday when the Infante Don Ferdinand (hall be of next*, the zxft Instant, at Twelve in tbe Forenoon^ upon fit AfwJ and Capacity to Govern, provided no special Affairt. And they further give Notice, That great Inconveniencie* do then obstruct such the Books of tbe faidCompiny,for the late doubled Stody will be shut from and as ter Tuesday the zid Instant; bis Design. Hit Majesty likewise signified, and for tbe late purchased Half Stock, from ana after that the Cortet (hall forthwith, be assembled, Wednesday tbe t}d Instant, the laft Payment for com- in order to the Infante Dqn Ferdinand's be­ pleat'mg the faii late purchased Half Stock being to be ing sworn of . The made on or before tbe 1st Day of OBober, and the Books de Salazar, who was intrusted with the for tbe whole Stock compleated* will be opened on the Education of the Infante Don Ferdinand, it Stb of OBober next- appointed hit Governour as Prince* of Asto­ London-Assurance House, Sept. 18,1714. ria*, and upon that Occasion his Majesty has been pleased to create tbe said Count a The Court of DireBors do hereby give Notice, Tbat the Transfir-Books of thesaid Company will tie fiiut on Grandee of Spain. Tbe de Va Monday the iith of thit Instant September, in Order looze, who served King Philip in the Quality to a Dividend; and that the said Transfer-Books will of Master of the Horse during bis Majesty's be opened again on Tuesday the iotb of OBober next- Retreat at Sti Udefonso, is made Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to his Majesty. Tbe Office of Chelsea Water*Works at Bartram's Queen C^ing Lewis's Widow) was Yesterday Coffee-house in Church-Court in the taken with an Indisposition, which the Phy­ Strand, Sept. 18, 1714. sicians have this Day declared lo be (bfStsall The Court of DireBortgive Notice to the Froprietors tbat have subscribed for Ten Shares, or more, into the Joint