Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Chameleon by Kyra Gregory The Story of. '' by . became one of the most iconic popstars of his generation when Culture Club burst onto the scene in the early '80s. Their song 'Karma Chameleon' was a huge hit around the world, and Boy George's androgynous appearance and soulful voice inspired many artists, and helped further the New Romantic movement. But what was their number one song actually about? Here's all the fascinating facts: Who wrote 'Karma Chameleon'? The song was written by Culture Club members Boy George, , Mikey Craig, Roy Hay and Phil Pickett. It was recorded for the group's second album , released in 1983. What is the meaning behind 'Karma Chameleon'? Boy George once explained about the song: "The song is about the terrible fear of alienation that people have, the fear of standing up for one thing. "It's about trying to suck up to everybody. Basically, if you aren't true, if you don't act like you feel, then you get Karma-justice, that's nature's way of paying you back." Boy George wrote most of the band's lyrics, and many of his words were inspired by his relationship with the group's drummer, Jon Moss. Their difficult romantic/professional relationship was also the inspiration for the line: "You're my lover, not my rival" in 'Karma Chameleon'. The relationship was hidden to the public, so it became an outlet for Boy George to communicate with him through their songs. It was alleged to have plagiarised another song. In response to claims from singer-songwriter Jimmy Jones that the song copies his hit 'Handy Man', George said: "I might have heard it once, but it certainly wasn't something I sat down and said, 'Yeah, I want to copy this.'" Culture Club members weren't big fans at first. Speaking to 60 Minutes Australia , Boy George revealed he wrote the song while he was on holiday in Egypt. The other members of Culture Club weren't too pleased about recording it at first, as they felt it sounded like a country and western song. Who played the harmonica part? The harmonica was played by Judd Lander, who was also a member of Merseybeat group The Hideaways in the 1960s. Lander also provided the harmonica on Culture Club's 'Church of the Poisoned Mind' and 'Say You'll Be There' by Spice Girls. Where was the music video filmed? Directed by Peter Sinclair, the video filmed at Desborough Island in Weybridge during the summer of 1983. The video is set in Mississippi in 1870, and shows a large multiracial group of people in late 1800s outfits, including some dressed in red, gold, and green (as referenced in the song's lyrics). Boy George is dressed in his signature look of colourful costumes, fingerless gloves, long braids, and a black bowler hat. The video shows a pickpocket and jewellery thief stealing from victims. The band and others board a riverboat, called The Chameleon. While four men are playing poker, the thief is discovered cheating and is forced to walk the plank. How did it perform in the charts? In the UK, it was their second number one after 'Do You Really Want to Hurt Me', staying at the top for six weeks and becoming the UK's biggest-selling single of 1983. It is still one of the best-selling songs of all time, selling 1.52 million copies in the UK alone, and over 5 million globally. Caring for Pet Chameleons. Characteristics, Housing, Diet, and Other Information. Pin Share Email. Hasan Behlivan / Getty Images. Chameleons are amazing creatures, but they aren't the best pets for everyone. Since their care requirements are quite specific and they are easily stressed, chameleons are not for the beginner herpetologist. But true chameleons (also referred to as old world chameleons) known for their ability to change color, make fascinating pets for those up to the challenge. Warning. Being territorial and solitary animals, chameleons should be kept by themselves; males are especially aggressive toward one another. Species Overview. Common Name: Chameleon. Scientific Name: Chamaeleonidae. Adult Size: Widely varies—27 inches at largest, and .5 inches at smallest. Life Expectancy: 3 to 10 years in captivity. Click Play to Learn More About Chameleons. Behavior and Temperament. Young chameleons are usually a dull gray/brown color and can change shades a bit. At around five months of age, the adult color and the ability to change colors develop, and a range of colors including green, blue-green, turquoise, and black can be seen. Changing colors provide camouflage, temperature regulation, and a means of communicating with other chameleons. Similar to anoles, chameleons change colors in response to excitement, stress, temperature, lighting conditions, the presence of another chameleon, and other influences. Generally, a dark brown to black chameleon is stressed, with the brighter colors reflecting a happier mood. Chameleons use their tongues to catch prey. A chameleon's tongue can be up to 1.5 times the length of its body, allowing chameleons to catch insects from a distance. They primarily eat insects, but some will eat vegetation and small invertebrates. Chameleon feet have three toes pointing in one direction and two that point the opposite way, which gives them a good grip on the tree branches they spend most of their time on. Many species also have prehensile tails. They have globular eyes that rotate like turrets and move independently, allowing them to scan a wide radius to hunt for food and look out for predators. Housing a Pet Chameleon. The natural habits of chameleons make them tricky to care for. Chameleons are arboreal, meaning they live exclusively in trees. They need cages with ample foliage for climbing and privacy, and the enclosure must be quite large. For the larger chameleons a cage measuring 3 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet tall should be provided, but the more space the better. Ample ventilation is required, and a cage screened on three sides is best with poly mesh or vinyl coated wire preferred to prevent toe injuries. Branches of various diameters need to be provided for climbing and the bulk of the cage space should be filled with these branches or live foliage. Ensure that the plants are not toxic, as the chameleon may eat the foliage. Substrate made up of small particles (such as gravel, sand, bark, or moss) should be avoided to prevent the chameleon from accidentally eating it while catching prey. Several basking areas of various temperatures must also be provided in a chameleon's enclosure. Some chameleons are happier at higher temperatures, others at lower temperatures. Be sure to research the specifics for your breed. Chameleons get their water from droplets on leaves so as a rule, they will not take water from a dish. Adequate water intake must be provided either through a drip system or by misting the enclosure at least twice daily. Drip systems can be purchased or fashioned from a water container with a pinhole placed on top of the cage, or even by placing ice cubes on top of the cage to melt slowly and drip into the cage. If a drip system is used, keep the watering location consistent so the chameleon knows where to find water. Misting will also help keep the humidity levels up. With a drip system, excess water should be collected and removed to prevent the humidity from getting too high. Light. Chameleons need exposure to UVA and UVB rays. In addition, allowing some exposure to natural sunlight through an open window (glass filters out nearly all of the necessary UV radiation) will help keep chameleons happy and healthy. The UVB lights should be on for 10 hours a day. ​ ​ Warning. Follow manufacturer directions to make sure you do not cause thermal burns on your chameleon. Food and Water. Chameleons seem to do best on a variety of insects so you should try to feed as many types of insects as possible to your pet. Crickets, mealworms, super worms, wax worms, wax moths, and roaches are all good items to feed. Prey food should be gut loaded with calcium prior to feeding and should be dusted with a calcium supplement. ​ ​ Some nutritious leafy greens (avoid spinach, lettuce, and cabbage) and other vegetables and fruits can be offered in small amounts as chameleons will occasionally eat these. Common Health Problems. Many chameleons suffer from calcium and vitamin A deficiencies, usually the results of a poor diet. They're also prone to mouth rot, or stomatitis, an infection around the mouth that shows redness and excess saliva or drooling. Another common ailment among chameleons is metabolic bone disease. ​ ​ This condition, which can be fatal if not treated appropriately, causes a chameleon's bones to become spongy. They'll look lethargic and may lose their appetite. As with any condition where your pet seems ill or stressed, it's best to consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles. Try to avoid home remedies before you've consulted a vet. Choosing Your Chameleon. When selecting a pet chameleon, it is best to find a captive bred one. Wild-caught specimens are usually extremely stressed, carry a heavy parasite load, and have difficulty acclimating to captive conditions. Chameleons are not the hardiest nor easiest reptiles to keep, and starting with a stressed pet will only make matters worse. In addition, the capture and shipping of chameleons (which fortunately is being more tightly regulated) results in the deaths of many animals. Many more die in transit than make it to the pet store. Once you've found a captive bred chameleon, observe them. They should be bright and active, able to change colors, and have a well-fleshed body. Different Species of Chameleon. There are several species of chameleons that are popular as pets. Here are a few options to consider: You can check out our other chameleon breed profiles here if you're still deciding which is the right pet for you. Cover: “Butterfly” and “Chameleon” by Kyra Gregory. Author Kyra Gregory has a new series coming out, Forgotten Children. The first book, soon to be release is “Butterfly” followed by “Chameleon”. Look for them coming soon to print and ebook! BLURB: Ellis McGowan, a child psychiatrist, thought he had seen and heard it all, especially with a wife, Jodie, in the same emotionally-draining profession. When the fire and collapse of an Abbey in the vicinity of their home leaves traumatised children of all ages displaced Ellis is ready to help in any way he can. Soon enough, he finds that everything is not as they imagined; more children than what were originally documented escaped from that building, many with no traceable origins and Ellis needs to find out why, prepared to go to great lengths to do so. Zack and Alex, the eldest known survivors, soon find themselves in an environment radically different from what they are used to. In a warm, inviting household and faced with a real family the two aren’t sure how to handle things but are certain they will never be able to tell others what went on in their pasts. Unwilling to lose all faith in the system, and his profession, Ellis is determined to get answers out of the boys to save them, and the others, from the torture they have been subjected to, even while knowing that the Abbey walls were easier to knock down than the ones that had formed around their hearts. The Print Version: And the matching facebook timeline cover image for “Butterfly” Chameleon Forgotten Children Book 2 eBook Kyra Gregory. Chameleon Forgotten Children Book 2 eBook Kyra Gregory. I loved this book. I was a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children and this book very clearly showed how they wanted just a piece of happiness, the difficulty in trusting that things might work out differently with different people, the courage it takes for them to risk trust as well as the mistakes people can make about their behavior. The author grabs your attention immediately and the evolution of the main character is thoughtfully and believably presented. You weren't sure the main character was going to make it but were cheering him on all the way. The author did not spend time on graphic display of the abuse - no cheap thrills here. It did show the kind of commitment and patience required for these children/teens to heal. I will be buying more of Kyra Gregory! Tags : Chameleon (Forgotten Children Book 2) eBook: Kyra Gregory: Kindle Store,ebook,Kyra Gregory,Chameleon (Forgotten Children Book 2),Kyra Gregory,FICTION Psychological,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary. Chameleon Forgotten Children Book 2 eBook Kyra Gregory Reviews. This is a young author, and she does a pretty good job of making the word "Chameleon" suprize. What starts out as a horror story evolves into a sensitive portrait of love and loss. Good job! Do you have sequel in mind? Kyra Gregory’s ‘Chameleon’ succeeds in reeling you in right at the get- go—main character Justin encounters a severely injured Ethan who, despite his injuries, still manages to threaten him and hold him hostage. The encounter quickly changes Justin’s previously ordinary, rotely repetitive life, as he tries to play “good Samaritan” to the injured boy, regardless of the provenance of Ethan’s injuries. And more what began as an awkward first encounter eventually cements a kind of friendship that will enthral you with its depth and scope. Needless to say, ‘Chameleon’ is a deeply heart-warming story of an unlikely friendship, of young people who find personal redemption and hope. Author Kyra Gregory has deftly fleshed out what otherwise would have been difficult to depict effectively—those unnameable, subtle shifts in feelings and perception that emotionally resonate with readers are just executed with grace and gravitas. Overall, ‘Chameleon’ is a delightful read that will stay with you even days after reading it. It is that kind of book you read on a relaxing weekend delightful to “inhabit,” and ultimately unforgettable. Five stars for this one. A bunch of teenagers start to care for this outcast teenage who had a rough life. Nuff said. I loved this book. I was a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children and this book very clearly showed how they wanted just a piece of happiness, the difficulty in trusting that things might work out differently with different people, the courage it takes for them to risk trust as well as the mistakes people can make about their behavior. The author grabs your attention immediately and the evolution of the main character is thoughtfully and believably presented. You weren't sure the main character was going to make it but were cheering him on all the way. The author did not spend time on graphic display of the abuse - no cheap thrills here. It did show the kind of commitment and patience required for these children/teens to heal. I will be buying more of Kyra Gregory! Chameleon. Chameleon is a ninja who utilizes camouflage during fights in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. He made his debut in the Sega Genesis/SNES versions of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Only through a Game Genie or Pro Action Replay; therefore, it's not his official debut). He also appeared as a hidden character in the PC, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn versions of Mortal Kombat Trilogy and as a playable default character in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon . Contents. About Chameleon. Chameleon first debuted in the PlayStation, Sega Saturn, and PC versions of MKT as a male ninja with partial transparency that changed color. In the Nintendo 64 version, he was replaced by Khameleon, a female counterpart who is actually an entirely separate character. There was initially little information about Chameleon as he had no storyline or game ending. All that was known about him is garnered from the hidden option to fight him (available upon beating the game), in which he is referred to as "one of Shao Kahn's deadliest warriors". [1] He later returned in MK:A with a completely new design and a backstory. Appearance. In his first appearance in MKT , Chameleon had the appearance of a male ninja with partial transparency which changes colors during gameplay. In his later return in Armageddon , Chameleon's skin was changed to a clear white skin in promotional renders, although his body is fully transparent during gameplay. He now has turquoise, glowing eyes without pupils. He still wears a similar garment that changes colors at random during gameplay (usually shown to be turquoise in promotional art). Upon using a special move, his costume changes to the color of whatever ninja the move belongs to. Combat characteristics. At his debut, Chameleon was depicted as a very adept and formidable fighter, possessing all of the abilities of every single male ninja to appear up to MKT . His body was transparent and would often fade into black before coming back into focus with new colors to signify the powers of whichever ninja he is currently mimicking. Unlike the other secret ninja characters before him, Chameleon moves at the same speed as every other character. In MK:A , his mimicking abilities are compressed into a single set instead to give him access to moves all at once, though he has none of the 'stun' moves his fellow ninja had. He is also depicted with nigh-invisible skin, only noticeable by faint outlines. Signature moves. Ninjas' Moves : In MKT , Chameleon constantly morphed into Ermac, Scorpion, Reptile, Classic Sub-Zero, Rain, Noob Saibot, and Human Smoke, using all their moves. ( MKT ) Green Wave : Chameleon fires a green fireball at his opponent. This move is taken from Ermac. ( MK:A ) Lizard Lightning : Chameleon raises his arms and summons a blue lightning bolt on his opponent, sending them into the air for a combo while they fall. This move is taken from Rain. ( MK:A ) Speedy Serpent : Chameleon dashes behind his opponent and delivers a successful elbow into their back. This move is taken from Reptile. ( MK:A ) Vanishing Kick : Chameleon disappears in a ball of fire and hits his opponent with a kick as he reappears from behind. This move is taken from Scorpion. ( MK:A ) Freezing Charge : Chameleon rushes the opponent with his shoulder, leaving a trail of ice on the ground behind him. This move is taken from Sub-Zero. ( MK:A ) Character development. It was discovered that Chameleon was playable in the Sega Genesis and SNES ports of UMK3 with the use of a Game Genie or Pro Action Replay cheat device, suggesting that he had been planned for the series prior to his official introduction in MKT . He was an unfinished character as he only used Scorpion's sprites (his sprite would change to Rain's when a decapitation Fatality was performed on him). He has no combos, special moves, or Fatalities. His versus screen picture was that of the typical male ninja made up of multiple glitched colors. Curiously, his picture on the "Choose Your Destiny" screen was that of Kano's. Chameleon is playable in MKT through the use of a cheat code at the character selection screen. Here, he is a palette swap of a random ninja who changes frequently into the other ninjas. In MK:A , Chameleon was not originally planned to be in the game, and would have been omitted as a playable character along with Motaro. However, due to great fan demand, both were added to the roster. Game information. Chameleon is similar to the Mortal Kombat 1 version of Reptile where he has no moves of his own, but rather has the moves of the ninja he is emulating. Where Reptile was named for being green, Chameleon was named for his color changing and camouflaging abilities, akin to a real-life chameleon. He is playable by selecting one of the seven male palette-swapped ninjas and holding a certain button combination. During gameplay, Chameleon switches between the seven ninjas randomly and can only perform the combos and special moves of whatever ninja he is currently impersonating. Upon winning, Chameleon will flash through all seven colors rapidly during his victory pose. In MK:A , Chameleon is now able to perform a select number of the other ninjas' moves at any time, and his costume will change to the color of whatever ninja the move belongs to. He did not receive a move from Noob Saibot, despite being able to turn black in color. He also did not receive any moves from Smoke, nor does he turn gray during combat, apparently ignoring Smoke's previous status as a ninja. Also of note is that Chameleon uses Scorpion's "Vanishing Kick" move which the latter only possesses in the previous title, Mortal Kombat: Deception , not Armageddon .