Today's Concert The comment for each piece is a partial summary of the text.

Intonuit de celo ...... Andreas de Silva (Spanish? c.1478-c.1530) From Psalms. The Lord thundered from heaven and fountains appeared. Alleluia. His right hand exalted me. Alleluia. He made this day: We rejoice in it. Alleluia.

Ecce panis angelorum ...... Antoine Bruhier (French; d. after 1521) For Corpus Christi. The bread of angels. What you don’t understand, faith confirms beyond natural order. Good shepherd Jesus, make us see goodness of the earth.

Lauda Jerusalem Dominum ...... Maistre Jhan (French in ; c.1485-1538) From Psalm 147. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem. He has strengthened your gates, blessed your sons, made peace in your borders. He sends snow and ice; who could stand the cold? He sends his word and it melts, wind blows, water flows. He gave his word to Jacob and Israel. He did not do as much for any nation. Alleluia.

Tota pulchra es ...... Orlando de Lasso (Franco-Flemish; c.1532-1594 .From the Song of Songs. You are all fair, my love. Honeycomb, fragrant oils. Winter and rain are over, flowers appear. Come from Lebanon, you shall be crowned.

Te matrem Dei laudamus ...... Jean Lhéritier (French; c.1480-c.1552) We praise you, Mother of God. All entities of Heaven proclaim you holy. Prophets foretold your bearing of God. Martyrs and Confessors hail you. The chorus of holy virgins boasts of your virginity and humility. O loving one, have mercy on us.

Angelus ad pastores ...... Costanzo Festa (Italian; c.1488-1545) The angel proclaimed to the shepherds: Born is the savior of the world. The shepherds hastened to Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph and the baby, and worshipped him, saying the Word is made flesh by the Virgin Mary. Alleluia.


Nunc dimittis ...... Costanzo Festa From Luke 2, the words of Simeon. Now you let your servant depart in peace, for I have seen your salvation, prepared for all peoples. A light to Gentiles and glory to Israel. Glory to Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Christum ducem ...... (French; c.1452-1521) Christ the guide we praise. Your death, O Jesus, is our redemption. May spit, whips, lashings purify Christ’s gifts. May we lament your wounds and rejoice, O creator of the stars. Fill us with the gifts of your suffering, and grant us joys. Amen.

Magnus es, Domine ...... Josquin des Prez You are great, O Lord, glorious offspring of God, consolation to those grieving, unique reward of celestial citizens. You are refuge, medicine, hope, strength, and the way. To you alone I flee, my salvation. Help, lest my spirit falls asleep in death.

Elisabeth Zachariae ...... Jean de la Fage (French; fl.1518-30) From Luke 1. Elizabeth, Zachariah’s wife, bore the great John the Baptist, sent by God as the forerunner of the Lord. Holy John, pray for us. There is none greater than Jphn. He will drink no wine, and many will rejoice. Holy John, pray for us.

Congratulamini mihi ...... Costanzo Festa Rejoice with me, for while I wept at the tomb, I saw the Lord. Alleluia. An angel of the Lord came down and rolled away the stone, and said: Fear not, the Lord has risen, he is not here. Come and see the place where they laid him. Alleluia.

Thank you for listening!

See more about the Street Singers on the next page.