Faiz Marileh,, International College Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, E-Mail: [email protected] Aj: Benjapol Worasuwannarak, International College Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand E-Mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The building airports in Betong of to make progress and attract tourists, both domestic and abroad as well. The Betong district of and have a landscape with hills in the district, so very hard to travel. So that build airports in the Betong district, so it's good to bring revenue into the country very well. It is the important step in the development of the economy, with the province and the country. Keywords “Betong” , “Building” , “Airport”

INTRODUCTION Mr. Akhom Toemphityaphaisit(อาคม เติมพิทยาไพสิฐ) Minister of transport, and Mr. Supnat Siranthawineti(ศุภณัฐ สิรันทวิเนติ) Secretary General of the Centre for the southern border provinces Administration (SBPAC) with the Board, space tracking progress on the airport construction project Betong Yala, to see the progress of construction of the airport. Expected to be completed and ready for use in early years this 2020. Mr. Akhom Toemphityaphaisit Minister of transport Revelations that the airport construction projects, Betong Now there are overview progress to about 54 percent by construction work, space 30 meters wide runway and 1,800 meters to accommodate aircraft ATR 72 or 80-seat Q-400 and there are plans to expand another 300 metres in length, is 2,100 meters to level up to the international airport in the future. Minister of transport said that the creation of the airport, Betong. In addition to the convenience of the travelling public and people, with tourists already. Also to attracting tourists to visit in the area to build a career. Generate revenue as well as to improve the quality of life in accordance with the project triangle economic wealth, sustainable stability of Government. In addition, the creation of Betong airport is also build confidence with investors from abroad. Unpretentious. Research Methodology Criticism

The survey found that building an airport Betong is especially gratifying. The people of Betong agree to build the airport due to the recent economic problems. Because the road to Betong is very difficult, curves and winding road If in the future have the airport will help facilitate more tourists to Betong. The businessman have joined the investment.

Objective To study the characteristic of Betong Airport. To find the advantages of Betong Airport.

Conclusion The people of Betong agree to build the airport. People in the area of Betong district wants to have the airport construction for a long time. As an alternative, the journey of the people in the area. And to improve the route 410 Yala - Betong. Along with the construction of the airport. In order to facilitate to people at the same time. Discussion and Recommendation Objective to build an airport Betong is to stimulate the economy, southern region. Both investment and tourism. Increase the capacity of air transport. And used as one of the strategic air international. To accommodate the liberalization of ASEAN.


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2- Betong airport opened 2020 years sustain tourism Thailand - . (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2019, from