PRADIP HAZARIKA of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Assam Product Code No. *************** INDIA SONITPUR ASSAM DISTRICT MARIGAON DISTRICT

o 4 8 12 Km ~ r--rl--r-~I --I ,~ ~~ , S ~



BOUNDARY, STATE ...... DISTRICT ...... REVENUE CIRCLE ...... C.D. BLOCK ...... RESERVED FOREST WITH NAME ~ ·~.Hi>.L~H:~T:. ~r~ HEADQUARTERS: D1STRICT,REVENUE CIRCLE ... @ @ R.C. Revenue Circle NATIONAL HIGHWAY ...... , ...... , NH 37 C.D. Community Development. STATE HIGHWA.Y ...... •...... _ ... SH IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD ...... _ ....______Some of Reserved-Forest boundaries shown on the RS RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, BROAD GAUGE: _~=""'~~ map are notional. RIVER AND STREAM, WATER BODIES ...... ---<(JJj) C.D. Block boundaries are notional. VILLAGE HAVING 5000 & ABOVE Bhuragaon Town C.D. Block Headquarters could not be shown POPULATION WITH NAME ...... due to lack of information. URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE-CLASS IV & VI ...••' ...... DEGREE COLLEGE .. . ••

© Government of India copyright.2006


Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary

Situated in the Marigaon district ofAssam at a little distance of 3 Kms from the NH 37, Pobitora is a little Garden of Eden with God's own natural treasures. This sanctuary, hides many salient features of world-wide importance; it is rhino habitat par excellence and has the highest concentration of great Indian one-homed rhinoceros in the world. This pachyderm, the 'star' and emblem ofAssam, migrated here between the years 1923-25. As per census of 1999, there are about 74 rhinos. Pobitora is equally a paradise for avian fauna. Myriads of aquatic as well as woodland birds flock here and 214 species have been observed. The humid and predominant grassland habitat )66.90%) interspersed with woodland (18.44%) and waterland (14.66%) has made Pobitora a heaven for a great variety of fauna, many of which are an endangered species. At least 80 species of butterflies have been recorded in Pobitora. These exquisitely coloured temperatures hat dance among the flora of Garden of Eden have enticing names like Jezebel. Among the revirne fauna, the Gharia! (Gavialis gangeticus) a crocodilian species is endangered, while the fresh water Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) is almost on the verge of extinction.


Pages Foreword (x) Preface (xii) Acknowledgement (xiii) District Highlights - 2001 Census (xiv) Important Statistics in the District (xv) Ranking ofTahsils in the District (xvii) Statements 1-9: Statement - 1: Name of the headquarters ofDistrictITahsil, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 (xviii) Statement - 2: Name of the headquarters of District/ CD Block, their rural- urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 (xviii) Statement - 3: Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to 2001 (xviii) Statement - 4: Area, number of villagesIt owns and population in district and tahsil, 2001 (xix) Statement - 5: CD Block wise number of villages and rural population, 2001 (xxi) Statement - 6: Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 2001 (xxi) Statement - 7: Villages with population of5,000 and above at CD Block level as per 2001 Census and amenities available (xxi) Statement - 8: Statutory towns with population less than 5,000 as per 2001 Census and amenities available (xxii) Statement - 9: Houseless and Institutional population oftahsils, rural and urban, 2001 (xxiii)


(i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Briefhistory of Marigaon District 4 (iii) Administrative set-up 6 (iv) Physical features 6 (v) Census Concepts 26 (vi) Non Census concepts 32 (vii) 2001 Census findings - Population, its distribution 36 (viii) Brief analysis of Primary Census Abstract data based on inset tables 1 to 36 37 Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town Directory data based on Inset tables 37 to 47 53 Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities ,Houselisting Census Operations, Census ofIndia 2001 based on inset tables 48 to 52 57 (ix) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and significant activities during the decade 62 (x) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance and places of tourist interest in the towns & villages of the district 62 (xi) Major charateristics of the district - contribution of the district in the form of any historical figure associated with the district 64 (xii) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 65 Pages

Part A - Village and Town Diretory 67-255 Section 1 - Village Directory Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 69 List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 200 I Census 72 Alphabetical list of Villages & Village Directory : RC Maps showing CD boundaries 73-84 Mayang CD Block : 87-145 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 89 (ii) Village Directory 92 Laharighat CD Block 147-189 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 148 (ii) Village Directory 150 Mairabari Pt. CD Block 191-205 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 193 (ii) Village Directory 184 Bhurbandha CD Block 207-235 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 208 (ii) Village Directory 210 Kapili Pt. CD Block 237-245 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 239 (ii) Village Directory 240 Dulonggbat Pt. CD Block 247-255 (i) Alphabetical list ofVillages 249 (ii) Village Directory 250

Appendixes to Village Directory: 257-272

Appendix I Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities in villages - CD Block level 259 AppendixIA Villages by number of Primary Schools 262 AppendixIB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 262 AppendixIC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 262 Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available 263 Appendix II-A Census Towns which donot have one or more amenities 263 Appendix III Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns / Non-Municipal towns 263 Appendix IV CD Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 264 AppendixV Summary showing number ofvillages having or not having Scheduled Castes population 264 Appendix VI Summary showing number ofvillages having or not having Scheduled Tribes population 264 Appendix VII A List ofvilJages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes population to the total population by ranges 265 Appendix VII B List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to the total population by ranges 268 Appendix VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (CD Block wise) 272 Appendix IX Statement showing number of girl's schools in the vilJages 272 pages

Section II - Town directory 273-284 Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 275 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) Statement I Status and Growth History 279 Statement II Physical aspects and Location of Towns 279 Statement III Municipal finance 280 Statement IV Civic and other amenities 281 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities 281 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 283 Statement VII Civic and other amenities in slums 283 Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth with population 284

Part B - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 285-429 Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 287 District Primary Census Abstract (General) 291 Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract, i.e., Urban blockwise figures of Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population 299 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 303 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 311 Community Development Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract: 319-421 Mayang CD Block 321 Laharighat CD Block 353 Mairabari Pt. CD Block 379 Bhurbandha CD Block 387 Kapili Pt. CD Block 407 Dulongghat Pt. CD Block 415

Urban Primary Census Abstract 423

Annexures: 431-451 Annexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 433 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality 1991 Census 433 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage,1991 Census 434 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 Census 435 Annexure V Brief account of main religions in the district / tehsil, 1991 Census 442 Annexure VI Marital status of population as per 1991 Census 443 Annexure VII Age, sex and education in the district, 1991 Census 445 Annexure VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 Census 448 Annexure IX Distribution of Scheduld Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1991 Census 450

********************** Foreword

""l""'he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 Census, j_ is one of the important publications in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc.

2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 Census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 Census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district Census Tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was in two parts : Part A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA upto tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns.

3. The 1991 Census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 Census, except the format of PCA was restructure of Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex-wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA Data instead of the traditional tahsiVtalukIPS level presentation. It was expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA Data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit.

4. The present series of 200 1 Census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of Gram Panchayat, wherever possible, has been provided. Apart from these, more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available (if not available in the village), are given. This includes educational facilities (namely primary and middle schools and college), medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity and Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health MARIGAON DISTRICT Centre), drinking water, Post and Telegraph (Post Office and Phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The information is given in case of all statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 Censuses. The basic amenities available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of 'motif' highlighting significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexures. The analytical notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to 0) percentage distribution of migrants by place ofbirthlplace oflast residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (iv) age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent of changes occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-200 I are analysed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all the villages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs.

5. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerised in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Shri P. Hazarika, Director of Census Operations, Assam. Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 Census data and the information brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Shri R.G. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agarwal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr. R.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of Maps. Whereas, Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director of data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Addl. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computerisation of village and Town Directory Data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible.

D.K. Sikri New Delhi Registrar General & Dated 17.10.2006. Census Commissioner, India.

xi Preface

~e District Census Handbook is the only publication brought out by the Directorate of Census Operations .J. on behalf of the State Government. The financial aspects of its publication are being taken care of by the State Government. This pUblication presents various demographic data down to the village level in rural area and to ward level of each town in urban locality. It depicts various amenities available in each village and town in the form of Village and Town Directory. Since the villages are the lowest units that constitute larger divisions like Revenue Circles, CD Blocks, Sub-divisions, Districts, the data both for Census as well as non Census are useful for micro planning and development at grass root level. The analytical note included here in this publication has been improved by including many more information from than that of earlier publication. This publication is also made more attractive by inserting demographical aspect of 1991 Census in the form of annexures. The Census Operations at Assam was initially conducted under the able guidance and supervision of Shri M. Das, lAS, Ex-Director of Census Operations, Assam. During my tenure, the Deputy Director, Shri Hiremath and Shri B.M. Talukdar, Asstt. Director,Assam were looking after Village Directory and Town Directory work. Now Shri B.L. Sarmah, DDCO and Shri N.C. Bhagabati, ADCO have been looking after all related works of DCHB and Shri B.M. Talukdar, Asstt. Director,Assam has also provided his valuable work in publication of this book. The Village Directory and Town Directory data were checked by a team of officials of which mention may be made of Mrs. P. Bhattacharjee, Sr. Compiler, Mrs. Khana Das, Asstt. Compiler, Mrs. P. Sonowal, Asstt. Compiler, Mrs. D. Sarmah, Asstt. Compiler and Mrs. D. Doley, Asstt. Compiler. The DCHB is drafted by Shri B.M. Talukdar, Asstt Director and all Computer works were done by Shri S. Dutta Data Entry Operator, Smt. Rupam Gupta Stenographer. The map Section has provided maps which are included in this book. I offer my thanks to all of the officials who are closely associated with this noble work. I am grateful to Shri J.K. Banthia, lAS, Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his constant valuable guidance. I much also record my gratitude to Dr. I.C. Aggarwal, Sr. Research officer for his sociological advice and Mr. S.L. Jain Deputy Director for his technical guidance

( P. Hazarika ) Director of Census Operations, 20th June, 2004 Assam, Guwahati. Acknowledgement

Editing and Supervision 1. Shri B.L. Sarmah Deputy Director 2. Shri K.C. Upadhyayya Deputy Director 3. ShriD. Roy Deputy Director 4. Shri N.C. Bhagabati Deputy Director 5. Shri B.M Talukdar Asstt. Director 6. Shri P. Asstt. Director 7. Shri K.C.S Bhagabati Research Officer

Drafting 1. Shri B.M Talukdar Asstt. Director

Village and Town Directory Unit 1. Shri J.N. Bordoloi Investigator Grade - II 2. Shri B.K. Bhattacharjee Investigator Grade - II 3. Smt. P.Bhattacharjee Sr. Compiler 4. Shri A. Hazarika Sr. Compiler 5. Smt. K. Das. Compiler 6. Smt. P. Choudhury Compiler 7. Smt. D. Sharma Compiler 8. Smt. D. Doley Asstt. Compiler

Data Processing and Editing and Final Setup 1. Shri Jayanta Ghosh Jr. Supervisor 2. Shri Satadal Dutta D.E.O Preparation of camera ready copy (CRe) 1. Shri Satadal Dutta D.E.O. 2. Shri Nimai Roy D.E.O. 3. ShriAjitKalita D.E.O. Mapping Unit 1. Shri Kailash Das Sr. Geographer 2. Smt. S.K. Chetia Sr. D/man 3. Smt. Minu Kalita Sr. D/man 4. Smt. Mamoni Kalita D/man 5. Smt. Biju Mahanta D/man 6. Shri Bhadra kanta Hazarika HPMO DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

District Highlights - 2001 Census

1 In Marigaon District, Mayang Revenue Circlel Tahsil is most populous having 203,641 persons while Bhuragaon Revenue Circle is the least populous circle having 106,140 persons.

2 Among the CD Blocks, Mayang CD has the highest population with 242,147 while Dulongghat CD Block with 48,735 is in the last position among all CD Blocks

3 In the district there are five Revenue Circles and six CD Blocks which comprise 636 villages including 44 uninhabited villages.

4 The district comprises two towns. Marigaon TC is the only statutory town of the district with 20,811 persons while Jagidoad Census Town CT is a large Census Town with 17,177 souls among all Census Towns of Assam

5 While the highest number (232) inhabited villages is found in Mayang CD Block and the lowest (20) inhabited villages is found in Kapili Pt CD Block.

6 The largest village by area is Pabitara with 1,341 hectares of land and situates in Mayang CD Block while in the district, Gerua ati is the smallest village in the area with 3 hectares of land. This village is under Laharighat CD Block.

7 The largest village by population is Bhuragaon( Rev) Town with 7,112 souls which is situated at Laharighat CD Block and the smallest villages are Chengrnari Gaon and Borkuloi Pathar with five persons in each and are both under Mayang CD Block.

8 The district is well known for her large number of Satras founded by followers ofVaisnavitee reformer Shri Shri Sankar Dev and Shri Madhavdev. Shri Shri was born at Patekibari village of this district

9 Marigaon district was also under powali (small) Kings at for a long period time who were allowed by Ahom to rule.

10 Jagiroad is a commercially important place more particularly for dried fish trade

11 Pabitara Wild Life Sanctuary located at Marigaon district is an important sight from the point oftourists.

12 Melas (Fairs) are most important religious occasion for the people of district. The old Barter System is till prevailing in lonbeel Mela where tribal people exchange their products.




ASSAM MARIGAON NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 26,313 636 Inhabited 25,125 592 Uninhabited 1,188 44

NUMBER OF TOWNS Statutory Towns 80 1 Census Towns 45 1


NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS Total Household 4,914,823 133,458 Normal 4,898,497 133,175 Institutional 13,200 237 Houseless 3,126 46

POPULATION TOTAL Persons 26,655,528 776,256 Males 13,777,037 398,926 Females 12,878,491 377,330

RURAL Persons 23,216,288 738,268 Males 11,939,945 378,832 Females 11,276,343 359,436

URBAN Persons 3,439,240 37,988 Males 1,837,092 20,094 Females 1,602,148 17,894

PERCENTAGE URBAN POPULATION Persons 12.9 4.9 Males 13.3 5.0 Females 12.4 4.7

DECADAL POPULATION Persons 18.9 21.4 GROWTH 1991 - 2001 Males 18.2 21.0 Females 19.7 21.7

AREA (in sq.km. ) 78,438 1,551

DENSITY OF POPULATION 340 500 ( persons per square kilometre)

SEX RATIO Total 935 946 (number of females per 1000 males) Rural 944 949 Urban 872 891

xv DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK ASSAM MARIGAON Number Percentage Number Percentage LITERATES Persons 14,015,354 63.3 367,292 58.5 Males 8,188,697 71.3 210,586 65.1 Females 5,826,657 54.6 156,706 51.5

SCHEDULED CASTE Persons 1,825,949 6.9 100,346 12.9 POPULATION Males 943,674 6.8 51,885 13.0 Females 882,275 6.9 48,461 12.8

SCHEDULED TRIBE Persons 3,308,570 12.4 120,730 15.6 POPULATION Males 1,678,117 12.2 60,797 15.2 Females 1,630,453 12.7 59,933 15.9

WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS TOTAL WORKERS Persons 9,538,591 35.8 262,824 33.9 (MAIN & MARGINAL) Males 6,870,960 49.9 200,430 50.2 Females 2,667,631 20.7 62,394 16.5

(I) MAIN WORKERS Persons 7,114,097 74.6 200,132 76.1 Males 5,849,032 85.1 176,782 88.2 Females 1,265,065 47.4 23,350 37.4

(II) MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 2,424,494 25.4 62,692 23.9 Males 1,021,928 14.9 23,648 11.8 Females 1,402,566 52.6 39,044 62.6

(III) NON-WORKERS Persons 17,116,937 64.2 513,432 66.1 Males 6,906,077 50.1 198,496 49.8 Females 10,210,860 79.3 314,936 83.5

CATEGORY OF WORKERS (MAIN & MARGINAL) (I) CULTIVATORS Persons 3,730,773 39.1 138,083 52.5 Males 2,634,068 38.3 108,200 54.0 Females 1,096,705 41.1 29,883 47.9

(II) AGRICULTURAL Persons 1,263,532 13.2 51,855 19.7 LABOURERS Males 832,508 12.1 35,728 17.8 Females 431,024 16.2 16,127 25.8

(III) WORKERS IN Persons 344,912 3.6 8,66] 3.3 BOUSEHOLDINDUSTRY Males 133,902 1.9 2,742 1.4 Females 211,010 7.9 5,919 9.5

(IV) OTHER WORKERS Persons 4,199,374 44.0 64,225 24.4 Males 3,270,482 47.6 53,760 26.8 Females 928,892 34.8 10,465 16.8 Note NIL number of Villages are fully covered as out growths (OGs) and therefore not mcluded under the Ltem "Number of Villages" DefimtLOn of CensusTown - All places which sattsfY or are expected to satisfy the followmg cntena are treated as Census Towns - I) A mlnlmum populatl0n of 5,000 11) At least 7S percent of the male working population engaged m non-agncultural purSUits, and tu) A denSity of populatton of at least 400 per square ktlometre (1,000 per square mile)



Sl In Term of Ma~ons Bhurasaon Laharishat Mari~aon Mikirbheta No. Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Total Population 203,641 106,140 5 183,420 2 164,835 3 118,220 4

2 Total area (in sq. kms.) 424.6 212.2 4 222.3 3 355.3 2 181.8 5

3 Density of population per sq.km. 480 4 500 3 825 464 5 650 2

4 Sex Ratio 938 3 927 5 934 4 964 2 969

5 Proportion Urban 8.4 2 0.0 0.0 12.6 0.0

6 Proportion Scheduled Castes 22.8 16.6 3 0.8 5 16.8 2 6.1 4

7 Proportion Scheduled Tribes 14.4 3 11.3 4 5.8 5 28.3 18.8 2

8 Proportion Literate 47.0 3 40.1 4 36.2 5 58.8 55.6 2

9 Work participation rate

(Main + Marginal Workers) 36.9 2 32.9 4 27.6 5 37.9 33.6 3

10 Percentage of villages having Primary School 88.3 2 66.4 5 83.5 4 85.0 3 98.5

II Percentage of villages having Primary

Health Sub-Centre 16.2 2.5 4 1.9 5 4.2 3 6.2 2

12 Percentage of villages having Well 58.7 4 82.8 3 33.0 5 85.6 2 96.9

13 Percentage of villages having Post Office 21.2 2 1l.5 5 14.6 4 16.8 3 29.2

14 Percentage of villages having Bus facility 38.0 3 24.6 4 11.7 5 68.9 67.7 2

15 Percentage of villages having approach

by Pucca Road 36.3 3 18.0 4 11.7 5 80.2 73.8 2

16 Percentage of villages having Electricity

for domestic purpose 59.8 2 47.5 4 32.0 5 56.3 3 87.7

17 Percentage of villages having forest area 1.1 2 0.0 1.0 3 8.4 0.0

18 Percentage of villages having Irrigated Area 5.0 5 52.5 4 74.8 60.5 2 53.8 3

xvii DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK STATEMENT - 1 NAME OFTHE HEADQUARTERS OF DISTRICT I TAHSIL, THEIR RURAL-URBAN STATUS AND DISTANCE FROM DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 2001 Serial Name of District / Tahsil Name of District / Tahsil Whether Distance from tahsil headquarters to district number headquarters Urban / Rural headquarters by road ( in km. ) 2 3 4 5 1 Mayong Jagi Bhakat gaon R 12 kms. 2 Bhuragaon Bhuragaon R 32 kms. 3 Laharighat Laharighat R 36 kms. 4 Marigaon Marigaon U Okms. 5 Mlklrbheta Mikirbheta R 30 kms.

The district Marigaon occupies 5 Revenue Circles! Revenue Circles. The status of all Revenue Circles Tahsils. The headquarters of Mayong Revenue Circle are rural except Marigaon Revenue Circle. The is at J agi Bhakatgaon and for the remaining Revenue distances from Revenue Circle headquarters to district Circls, the headquarters are at the same places of each headquarters are shown in the statement.


Serial Name of District / Name of District / CD Block Whether Distance from CD Block headquarters to number CDBlock headquarters Urban I Rural district headquarters by road (in km.) 2 3 4 5 I Mayang Mayang Rural 35 kms. 2 Laharighat Laharighat Rural 36 kms. 3 Mairabari Pt. Mairabari Pt. Rural 40 kms. 4 Bhurbandha Bhurbandha Rural 18 kms. 5 Kapili Pt. Jagiroad Rural 19 kms. 6 Dulongghat Pt. Jajuri Rural 18 kms.

Note 1 Astensk In column 2 denotes that the dlstnct I CD Block headquarters IS a raIl head 2 Astenk III column 4 denotes that the dlstnct / tahsil headquarters IS a statutoty town

The district Marigaon possesses 7 CD Blocks. Block. The status of all CD Blocks are rural. The The CD Block headquarters are at same places of distance from CD Blocks to district headquarters are CD Blocks except Kapili pt and Dulong ghat pt CD in the range of 18-36 kms.

STATEMENT-3 POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1901 TO 2001 DIstrict TotaV Census Persons Males Females Decadal popUlation variation RuraV Year Urban Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Marigaon Total 1901 65,638 33,424 32,214 1911 76,034 38,801 37,233 10,396 15.8 1921 100,319 52,611 47,708 24,285 31.9 1931 141,801 75,260 66,541 41,482 41.4 1941 163,602 87,740 75,862 21,801 154 1951 223,561 118,842 104,719 59,959 36.6 1961 308,260 163,049 145,211 84,699 37.9 1971 423,901 221,099 202,802 115,641 37.5 1981 1991 639,682 329,613 310,069 215,781 50.9 2001 776,256 398,926 377,330 136,574 21.4 xviii MARIGAON DISTRICT STATEMENT-3 POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1901 TO 2001 District Total/ Census Persons Males Females Decadal population variation Rural! Year Urban Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rural 1901 65,638 33,424 32,214 1911 76,034 38,801 37,233 10,396 15.8 1921 100,319 52,611 47,708 24,285 31.9 1931 141,801 75,260 66,541 41,482 41.4 1941 163,602 87,740 75,862 21,801 15.4 1951 223,561 118,842 104,719 59,959 36.6 1961 308,260 163,049 145,211 84,699 37.9 1971 423,901 221,099 202,802 115,641 37.5 1981 1991 606,693 311,755 294,938 182,792 43.1 2001 738,268 378,832 359,436 131,575 21.7

Urban 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 32,989 17,858 15,131 2001 37,988 20094 17894 4,999 15.2

The statement 3 shows the population of the From the table, it is noticed that during the period of district from 1901 to 2001. Marigaon district was an 20 years i.e. from 1971-1991 the district has registered integral part ofNagaon district till ptember, 1989. The +50.9 ercent increase of population. The decadal figures in the statement shows that in 1901 there were growth rate during 1991-2001 of the district is +21.3 65,638 persons in the district of which 33,424 were percent which is little above the state rate of +18.9 males and 32,214 females. The decadal population percent. Prior to 1991 Census, there was no urban variation during 1901-1911 was +15.8 percent. Since unit in the district. The decadal population growth there was no Census in Assam in 1981 due to during 1991-2001 in urban of the district is + 15.1 prevailing situation at that time, decadal change of percent. The state urban decadal growth rate during population during 1981-1991 can not be presented. 1991-2001 is +38.2 percent.

STATEMENT-4 AREA,NUMBEROFVlLLAGES/TOWNSAND POPULATION IN DISTRICT AND TAHSIL, 2001 Serial District / Tahsil / UA / Total/ Area in square Population per Number of villages number Town Rural/ kilometers square kilometer Urban Inhabited Uninhabited 2 3 4 5 6 7 Marigaon Total 15,51.0 500 592 44 Rural 15,34.6 481 592 44 Urban 16.4 2,316 0 0 2 Mayong Total 4,24.6 480 169 10 Rural 4,12.2 452 169 10 Urban 12.4 1,385 0 0 3 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 12.4 1,385 0 0 4 Bhuragaon Total 2,12.2 500 101 21 Rural 2,12.2 500 101 21 Urban xix DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK STATEMENT-4 AREA, NUMBER OFVILLAGES/TOWNSAND POPULATION IN DISTRICT AND TAHSIL, 2001 Serial District / Tahsil/VA / Totall Area in square Population per Number of villages number Town Rurall kilometers square kilometer Urban Inhabited Uninhabited 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Laharighat Total 222.3 825 95 8 Rural 222.3 825 95 8 Urban 6 Marigaon Total 355.3 464 162 5 Rural 351.3 410 162 5 Urban 4.0 5,203 0 0 7 Marigaon (TC) Urban 4.0 5,203 0 0 8 Mikirbheta Total 181.8 650 65 0 Rural 181.8 650 65 0 Urban

Serial District / Tahsil / TotaV Number of Number of Number of Population number UA/Town Rural! statutory census towns households Urban towns Persons Males Females 2 3 8 9 10 II 12 13 Marigaon Total 1 1 133,458 776,256 398,926 377,330 Rural 0 0 125,531 738,268 378,832 359,436 Urban 1 1 7,927 37,988 20,094 17,894 2 Mayong Total 0 I 34,752 203,641 105,074 98,567 Rural 0 0 31,048 186,464 95,818 90,646 Urban 0 1 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 3 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 0 1 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 4 Bhuragaon Total 0 0 16,556 106,140 55,083 51,057 Rural 0 0 16,556 106,140 55,083 51,057 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Laharighat Total 0 0 29,742 183,420 94,828 88,592 Rural 0 0 29,742 183,420 94,828 88,592 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Marigaon Total 1 0 30,762 164,835 83,913 80,922 Rural 0 0 26,539 144,024 73,075 70,949 Urban 1 0 4,223 20,811 10,838 9,973 7 Marigaon (TC) Urban 1 0 4,223 20,811 10,838 9,973 8 Mikirbheta Total 0 0 21,646 ll8,220 60,028 58,192 Rural 0 0 21,646 118,220 60,028 58,192 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 The statement 4 shows the area, number of population.Among Revenue Circles, Mayong villages and population in the district of Marigaon. Revenue Circle records the highest number of The total area of the district is 1551 sq. lans. In inhabited villages 169 and the lowest is Mikirbhata area Mayong is the biggest Revenue Circle with Revenue Circle with 65 villages. Mayong Revenue 424 sq. kms and the smallest is Mikirbheta Revenue Circle holds the highest number of households 31,048 Circle with 181 sq. lans. The density of population households and 186,464 persons and the lowest is in the district is 500 persons per sq. lan. From the Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with 16,556 households statement, it is noticed that there are 592 number of which cover 106,140 persons. There are only two inhabited villages and 44 number of uninhabited towns in the district. Marigaon Town records 4,223 villages. The number of households in rural are households and 20,811 population while Jagiroad 125,531 with a total popUlation 738,268 while in Town CT records 3,704 households and 17,177 urban, there are 7,927 households having 37,988 persons respectively. xx MARIGAON DISTRICT STATEMENT-5 CD BLOCK WISE NUMBER OF VILLAGES AND RURAL POPULATION, 2001 Serial Name of CD Block Number of villages Rural population * number Total Inhabited Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mayang 244 232 242,147 123,920 118,227 2 Laharighat 180 151 196,423 101,652 94,771 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 45 93,137 48,259 44,878 4 Bhurbandha 121 118 130,065 66,153 63,912 5 Kapili Pt. 20 20 39,364 20,008 19,356 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 26 37,132 18,840 18,292 District (Rural) Total: 636 592 738,268 378,832 359,436 • Excludes Statutary Towns and Census Towns

The statement 5 gives the CD Block wise Likewise, the lowest number of inhabited villages is istribution of number of villages and rural population. noticed in Kapili Pt CD Block with 20 villages while The highest number of inhabited villages 232 with the lowest population is noticed in Dulongghat Pt. with 42,147 persons are noticed in Mayong CD Block. 37,132 persons.

STATEMENT-6 POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS (INCLUDING CONSTITUENT UNITS) ITOWNS, 2001 Serial Name ofUAffown Urban status Name of tahsil where Population number town is located Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jagiroad (CT) CT Mayong 17,177 9,256 7,921 2 Marigaon (TC) TC Marigaon 20,811 10,838 9,973 District (Urban) total: 37,988 20,094 17,894

The statement presents the population of respectively. Jagiroad Town CT records 17,177 Towns. There are two towns in the district of which persons with 9,256 or 53.9 percent males and 7,921 arigaon Town TC is recorded the highest number of or 46.1 percent females. From the statement it is ersons with 20,811. Male and female population are noticed that the male population predominates females ,838 or 52.1 percent and 9,973 or 47.9 percent in both the towns.

STATEMENT-7 VILLAGES WITH POPULATION OF 5,000 AND ABOVE AT CD BLOCK LEVEL AS PER 2001 CENSUS AND AMENITIES AVAILABLE SI.No. Name of CD Block Name of village Location code Population Whether it is Tahsil Whether it is CD Block number headquarters headquarters 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Mayang Kuranibori 00879300 5,283 2 Laharighat Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 00891300 7,112 3 Mairabari Pt. Tatikata Pathar 00906700 5,759 4 Mairabari Pt. Mairabari Town 00907600 6,119 5 Mairabari Pt. Hatimuria 00907700 5,598 6 Mairabari Pt. Lengeribori 00909400 5,167 7 Bhurbandha Niz Dandua 00913500 5,340 8 Kapili Pt. Niz-Charai Bahi 00929300 5,223 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 9 Bhurbandha Silpukhuri 00930600 5,950

xxi DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK STATEMENT-7 VILLAGES WITH POPULATION OF 5,000 AND ABOVE AT CD BLOCKLEVELAS PER 2001 CENSUS AND AMENITIES AVAILABLE SI.No. Name of Amenities available CD Block Educational College Medical Primary Drinking Water Communication Banking Co- Senior Primary Health Sub- Tap water Railway station Commercial operative Secondary Health Centre centre Bank Bank School 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Mayang 0 0 0 0 No No 0 0 2 Laharighat I 1 I 0 No No 1 0 3 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 0 0 No No 0 0 4 Mairabari Pt. 1 I 0 1 No No I 0 5 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 0 0 No No 0 0 6 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 0 0 No No 0 0 7 Bhurbandha 0 0 0 0 Yes No 0 0 8 Kapili Pt. I I 0 0 Yes No 0 0 9 Bhurbandha 0 0 0 0 No No 0 0

The statement depicts the distribution of that three villages, namely, Bhuragaon (Rev) Town, villages with population of 5000 and above and the Mairabi Town and Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz-Sarai amenities available therein. Out of 592 inhabited Bahi) have one senior secondary school and one villages in the district, there are 9 large size villages college each respectively. Further, Bhuragaon situated in six CD Blocks. Most of the villages (Rev) Town, village has one Primary Health Centre shown in the statement, in spite of being the large and Mairabi Town village has one Primary Health size villages, have no accessibility to the important sub-centre and both villages have one Commercial amenities like Tap water, Primary Health Centre Bank each. The two villages having access to Tap or sub-centre and senior secondary school or water are Niz Nandua and Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz college. However, from the statement it is noticed Sarai Bahi).


Sl. Name Location Popul Whether Whether it is Amenities available No. of code ation it is CD Block Educational Medical Improved Communic Banking Town number Tahsil headquarters drinking water ation headquar Senior College Hospital Health Tap water Railway Bank ters Secondary Centre station School 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

There is no such statutory town in this district

xxii MARIGAON DISTRICT STATEMENT -9 HOUSELESSAND INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION OFTAHSILS, RURALAND URBAN, 2001 Serial District / Tahsil / Town TotaI/ Houseless population Institutional population number Rural/ Number of Persons Males Females Number of Persons Males Females Urban households households 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Marigaon Total 46 234 117 117 237 2,657 1,784 873 Rural 41 214 108 106 214 1,979 1,280 699 Urban 5 20 9 11 23 678 504 174

2 Mayong Total 29 178 90 88 81 996 719 277 Rural 24 158 81 77 73 769 538 231 Urban 5 20 9 II 8 227 181 46

3 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 5 20 9 II 8 227 181 46

4 Bhuragaon Total 3 6 2 4 22 195 120 75 Rural 3 6 2 4 22 195 120 75 Urban

5 Laharighat Total 4 14 5 9 39 349 221 128 Rural 4 14 5 9 39 349 221 128 Urban

6 Marigaon Total 5 14 7 7 54 763 486 277 Rural 5 14 7 7 39 312 163 149 Urban 15 451 323 128

7 Marigaon (TC) Urban 15 451 323 128

8 Mikirbheta Total 5 22 13 9 41 354 238 116 Rural 5 22 13 9 41 354 238 116 Urban

The statement shows the Houseless and males and 873 females. It is noted that the number Institutional population of Revenue Circles in rural of households and population both Houseless and and urban. From the table, it is noticed that in the Institutional are more in rural than in urban. Among district, there are 46 total number of houseless Revenue Circles, the highest number of Houseless households having 234 population during 2001 Census population and Institutional population are noticed in in which males and females are equal in number 117 Mayong Revenue Circle The former is recorded 178 each. Further, there are 237 number of institutional persons and the later is 996 persons respectively. households comprising 2,657 persons with 1,784 There are no Houseless population in Marigaon town.




(i) History and scope of District Census Part B with Primary Census Abstract data. Again, Handbook. the Part A had two sections. In Section-I the alphabetical list of villages with notes on codes in the District Census Hand Book is an important and Village Directory have been shown. The Village valuable publication brought out by the Census Directory had four appendices. The Section-II Organization of each state after each decadal Census. depicted note explaining the codes used in the Town This provides detailed information on some basic Directory, the Town Directory statements ( I to IV demographic and socio-economic aspects and ) and appendix to the Town Directory. The Part B availability of important civic amenities in each village revealed district Primary Census Abstract circle wise, and town of the district. It, thus, bears the proud CD Block-wise, village & town-wise Primary Census privilege of being only informative source of every Abstract. The Primary Census Abstract had an district of each state. It has, thus, proved to be of appendix as well as annexure to the appendix. The immense utility to the planners, administrators, District Primary Census Abstract to Scheduled Castes academicians and researchers. and Tribes at circle and town-level was also The District Census Hand Book was first initiated incorporated in this part of the DCHB. during 1951 Census with the collaboration of In the present DCHB some more information on respective state Governments. In 1951, only few availability of facilities such as Credit Societies, demographic as well as some economic information Banks, Recreation and Cultural facilities, Newspaper/ in village and town level of the district along with Magazine are included for the first time. Information some Census tables were incorporated in the on income and expenditure, important commodities publication. Since then, it had undergone tremendous manufactured, exported & imported items etc are also changes during the subsequent Censuses. The scope included to embolden the scope of DCHB. Similar and content of District Census Handbooks were additions are also carried out in Town Directory. further widened by addition of more Census tables and also some basic statistics on land-use pattern, The process of col1ection and compilation of agriculture, industry, administration, public health and relevant data take time and is a voluminous task. The medical etc in 1961.. The DCHB. of 1961 was, process starts with the village per revenue circle for therefore, considered as unique asset of the Census each district. Again the data so collected are organization. Again in 1971 Census further compared with data preceding the Census. These are improvements were made by enlisting many more sent to the Directorates of Census for further initiation. tables on village and towns under the broad heads of Likewise, Town Directory data are collected directly Village and Town Directory. Thus DCHB is consisted from the Commissioner/Chairman of Municipal of three parts. The Part A relates to the Village And Corporation and the Town Committees as the case Town Directory. The Part-B contains village & town­ may be. In case of data relating to Town Directory wise Primary Census Abstract and Part C deals with scrutiny and cross-checking are done as a routine work. administrative aspect and Census tables based on The agencies publishing such data are consulted upon Primary Census Abstract etc. The scope of DCHB to verify the authenticity and correctness of data. got widened in 1981 with the inclusion of data on According to the instructions received from the literacy, health care etc. The DCHB in 1981 was Registrar General, India the work of compilation and brought out with two parts i.e, Part - A & B. As then computerization are carried out. The incorporation Census could not be done in Assam only Part A portion of new information in 2001 DCHB and external was published. Again in 1991, DCHB made its validation of data so collected will definitely give a new appearance in two parts like the previous Census. dimension and importance. This will be an illustrative Part A is fed with Village & Town Directory and one to the data-users and researchers. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT (ii) Brief history of the district: Ratna Pala established a capital named Durjya in Marigaon district was a part of Nagaon district Jugijan near to Hojai ofNagaon district. It continued till September,1989 and was it was a prime and to be the capital of the Palas king till 1115 AD. Among important part of Nagaon district. The history of the successors of Ratna Pala, the most important and Nagaon includes the history of Marigaon. Marigaon powerful king was Dharma Pala who restored the has no independent history of its owo. Hence the lost glory of Kamrupa during the period of Gopala history of Marigaon is an integral part of the history and Harsapala regime. After the death of last king of Nagaon district. The past history ofNagaon was Jaypala in 1138 AD, the Pala dynasty came to an interlinked with the history of Marigaon. end. Ram Pala, the king of Gauda, conquered Kamrupa during the reign of J aypala. He placed Tingyadeva In the past, the entire N agaon district was under as a tributary king under him. Tingyadeva revolted rulers such as king of Kamrupa, the Jaintias, the Bara­ after the death of pala but his revolt was Bhuyans , the Koches and the Ahoms. Assam suppressed by Vaidyadeva, a minister of the court including the old Nagaon district was a part of the of Kamrupa, the king of Gaud and son of Ramapala ancient Kingdom of Pragjyotisha ruled by various Vaidyadeva became the king of Kamrupa after dynastjes Hke Bannan, SaJa Stambha, the PaJas of suppressing the rebel. He ruled Kamrupa till 1150 Pusya Varman constituted the first historical dynasty A.D. Prithu was succeeded the throne of Kamrupa of the Bhauma N araka family believed to have ruled after Vaidyadeva . It was in 1206 AD when the first in ancient Assam from about 355 A.D. According to Muslim invasion took place during Prithu under some historians Pusva Varman was contemporary of Mahammed Bin Baktivar, but this invasion was Samudra Gupta. repulsed. The second Muslim invasion led by Bhaskar Varman was well known and the greatest Ghiasuddin was took place in Kamrupa in 1226 which monarch of the Bhauma family who ruled over was successfully tackled. During region of Sandhya Kamrupa from 594-650 A.D. It was the great who was succeeded after Prithu, Muslim again tried Chinese Pilgrimage Hiuen -Tsang who visited to conquer Kamrupa but they again failed to conquer. Kamrupa during 643 A.D. recorded highly in the travel In 13th century, a king named Ari Matta of the Jitary account about Bhaskar Varman and of his family came from the north of the Brahamputra and administration.. With the death of Bhaskar Varman, conquered Nagaon and spread his kingdom up to the dynasty that ruled over Kamrupa for many of Jorhat district. Jongalbalahu, the son ofAri generations came to an end. The new family of Matta became the king of territory of his father. He Salastambha ascended the throne of Kamrupa. constructed a fort near Raha town named Jogalbalahu garh which is still in existence 10ngalbalahu was Salastambha was a famous and efficacious king. defeated by Kacharies and drowned himself in the There were as many as 21 rulers of the family of Kolang river. After this, Hindu families began to Salastambha who ruled over Kamrupa between 970 decline and many small principalities were come up to 990 A.D. The accession of Harsa, the throne of f, Khasis, Jayantias, and the Bhuyans in the 13th Kamrupa marked an era of prosperity and territorial century AD. In the 14th century AD, the Son-in-law expansion. He was a powerful king and offered his of the Behali king established a kingdom at Barhmapur daughter Rajamati in marriage to the king of Nepal. in Nagaon district who later on expanded his territory The discovery of the Hayun the grant of Harijan of kingdom up to Sonapur of Kamrup district by the Varman in Kopili valley proved that Nagaon was an middle of the 16th century, the northern part ofNagaon intrinsic part of his kingdom. Beside the Nagaon grant began to pass into the hands of Ahom kingdom . But found on the bank of the Kolang in Sutragaon near it was repulsed time to time by the Koches, Puranigudam and Uttarbarbari grant near Howraghat Mohammedans and Kacharies. in present Karbi Anglong district (Mikir Hills) during the region of Bala Varman III definitely prove that Bar-Bhuyan the descendants of Chandi came to Nagaon including Marigaon formed a part of the south bank of the Brahmaputra and took shelter Kamrupa during 10th century A.D. Brahmapala of at Batadraba in N agaon district to avoid aggression Palas dynasty became the king of Kamrup in 990 of the Bhutias. The Bhuyans provided valuable AD and extended his territory up to Nagaon district. contribution to Assamese religion and socio-cultural Ratna Pala succeeded the throne after the death of life. Shri Shri Sankaradeva, the great poet, philosopher his father. It is from Borgaon inscription proved that and the monastery of the Vaishnava movement in

4 ANALYTICAL NOTE Assam was a member of Bar-Bhuyans family. Shri the prisons and after bearing lots of struggle, the Sankaradeva , the saint of Vaishnavite was born at people ofIndia as well as Assam including Marigaon Patekibari in present Marigaon district in 1449 AD. achieved Independence. India's independence In the middle of the 16th century the modem part of became a reality on 15th August, 1947. Nagaon passed in to the hands of Ahom Kingdom During the British rule the Nagaon district included but it was over run by the Koches, Mohammedans a considerable portion of the Naga Hills, Mikir Hills and Kocharies. In 1685 AD, Ahom kingdom expelled and North Cachar Hills till 1853. In 1867 the portion the Mohammedans and extended their supremacy over of Naga Hills and Mikir Hills were separated and five districts of the Brahmaputra valley. In the formed into a separate district. But in 1898, a large beginning, the district Nagaon was administered from portion of Mikir Hills again transferred to Nagaon the Ahom capital Garhgaon by representatives . But and combined to be within N agaon till 1951. Again afterwards one Barphukan was appointed with its in 1951 Mikir Hills portion ofNagaon was separated headquarters at Guwahati who administered the area and combined with North Cachar Subdivision to form from Kaliabor of Nagaon district to Goalpara. The a new district to be known as United Mikir and North Ahom ruled over Assam for about 600 years. But by Cachar Hills district. In 1989 Marigaon subdivision the middle of the century the power of the Ahom which was a police station ofNagaon district in the began to decline. The Burmese invaded Assam for past, was separate from Nagaon to form a new district three times. In the meantime, quarrel arose between known as Marigaon district. the British and the Burmese. Under the former pressure, the Burmese evacuated the land without In Marigaon district, various changes took place striking a single drop of blood under the treaty of in all spheres along with political and social changes Yandaboo in 1826. Finally, Assam ceded to the East of the cOllntry during the decades. India Company and also Nagaon including Marigaon district. Origin of the name of Marigaon David Scott was appointed as agent to the The story goes that during regime of Ahom king Governor General to administer the province ofAssam th incJuding the district ofNagaon. Rapid changes and Chandra Kanta Singh in the 17 century, two princes improvements in civil, criminal and revenue of Darrangi Knowar came across from Darrang due administration had been carried out in the province. to conflict sprang up with the king. The two princes For administrative convenience, the British with their 72 families crossed the Government appointed Purander Singh a local prince at Chaul Khowa ghat and took shelter in a place as a ruler to rule the Upper Assam. In 1833 the known as Barbari. The Ahom king allowed the two British portion of valley was divided into four districts princes to settle temporarily in this place but later on Viz- Goalpara, Kamrup,Darrang, and Nagaon . Supradhawas Singh, one of two princes, was declared Nagaon was known as Khagarijan. The Headquarters as the king of Sukhangog by Ahom king. The king of Nagaon which extended to the Dhansiri on the Supradhawa had two sons who left Sukhangog due west was first established at Purnigudam and then to insufficient area of land. They proceeded through shifted in 1835 to Rangagora. The headquarters were the jungle in search of new land. After few days again transferred to Nagaon. they came across a long distance and took rest by the side of a big tank (beel). They made some Bhurs In Assam, Nagaon district played the most (raft) by using Botabari (a kind of local herb) and important role in the Quit India Movement. Because with the help of the Bhurs they went further in search of military atrocities, Nagaon earned the sobriquet of of new land. Hence from that time the place is known the Midinapore of Assam. Some important events as Bhurbandha. They settled at Bhurbandha for a which were taken place in Nagaon district during the short period. Later due to internal conflict between struggle for independence are Bebejia firing, two princes named Ram Singh and Bhim Singh, Ram 10ngalbalahu firing where many people died for the Singh along with his followers returned to his father's cause of independence. Nagaon was at the forefront kingdom. But Bhim Singh went forward and of the Quit India Movement. The Quit India afterwards he found a suitable place near by a beel Movement was yet to achieve its goal. But the middle (tank) and stayed for sometime. As the beeI was the of 1945 most of the Congressmen were released from dead stream of the river Kolang they named the pJace

5 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT as Morikolang (Mori=dead and Kolong=river Kolong). and the other Assistant Deputy Commissioners are To the east of the Mori Kolang, prince Bhim Singh looking after the administration of the district. At established a small village which was christened lower level there are Revenue Circle Officers for Marigaon. From that period of time the place was each revenue circle who are responsible for the entire known as Marigaon. The boundary of small Kingdom administration of the area under their respective of Powali (small) king Bhim Singh was Sarowagari revenue circles Rangamatijan on east, Bachaiaghat lKekuribari on the There are Senior Block Development Officers west, Lathabari on the north and Kalong river on the who look after development ofthe villages under direct South. After a few year, Bhim Singh changed his control of the Deputy Commissioner. resident from Marigaon to a village which was later known as Rajgaon . The minister and all kings of (iv) Physical Features: king's officers become penniless. All sons and grand The district lies between 26°313 and 91 °33 north sons of the king left the abode of Mari Kalong and latitudes and 91°593 and 92°35310ngitudes (measures settled in Lathabari in north comer of the boundary. from district map supplied by Survey Department, Now this place is known as Rajagaon which is now Government of Assam). On the east, district is merged with Marigaon town. The kingdom of the king bounded by Nagaon district on the north by the Bhim Singh became wasteland. The village from mighty river Brahmaputra, on the south by Karbi­ which he left is known as Aragaon. Anglong district and Meghalaya State and Kamrup lh the lSth century, the Ahom king honored Bhim district on the west. The district covers an area of Singh for his bravery shown against insurgency of 1704 sq. km. The district occupies 22nd position in Kacharis and he was appointed as a subordinate terms of area. This position is last but above the king of Marigaon under Ahom king. position of one district only. It has a total population of776,256. (iii)Administrative Set-up of the district: Topography - The natural topography of the Marigaon district is on the south bank of the district is a belt of flooded land. The great part of the Brahmaputra river in Assam valley. Marigaon had district is an alluvial plain criss-crossed with number been a sub-division ofNagaon district till September, of rivers and waterways and dotted over with beels 1989 It was declared as a district with its headquarters and marshes. In place like the banks of Kalong it is at Marigaon by the Government of Assam in densely populated. The area on the south bank of the September, 1989. It comprised the area of the Brahmaputra is liable to deep floods which are nothing erstwhile Marigaon sub-division of the old Nagaon but wide stretches ofwastelands usually covered with district. The district has no any other sub division tall grasses. But now waste lands are occupied by except sadar sub division Marigaon. For the the migrant people. The district comprises of scattered administrative convenience, the district is divided into small hills on the western part. The general five revenue circles. Under each revenue circles, appearance of the district is extremely picturesque. there are Mauzas comprising all kind of village. The During the rains, the district is covered with a green revenue circles are Marigaon, Mayong, Bhurgaon, carpet of rice which gradually tum to gold during Laharighat and Mikir Bheta along with Community harvest time and on every side there are swamps, Development Block. Marigaon is only town with the beels, rivers, small hills and woods which lend variety status of town committee and there is one Census to the scene. Town named Jagiroad. The greater part of the district is low-lying area The Deputy Commissioner of the district is the and is flood prone zone. Hence the growth of tree in over in-charge of the administration of the entire the district is very limited but in higher land different district .He also acts as the Collector in case of kinds of tree are growing in the district. revenue matters, as a district Magistrate in case maintenance of law and order and general The soil ofthe district is alluvial and mostly loamy administration, as a District Election Officer in case and consists of mixture of clay and sand in varying of conduct of Election, as a Principal Census Officer proportions. Marshy soil is mainly found in the low­ while conducting Census and so on. A number of lying water logged areas. These are black in colour. officers like Additional Deputy Commissioners, Sub­ The red soil is generally found in the hill slopes and Divisional Officers, Extra Assistant Commissioners foothill. The granite-gneiss as seen near Jagiroad is

6 ANALYTICAL NOTE a medium grained rock, gray to light pink in colour. life in Marigaon was however small in the above In this place, isolated outcrops of granodiorite are also earthquake. The earthquake of August 15,1950 had found. its epicenter of 28.5 degree Nand 96.7 degree E Drainage: and had a magnitude of 8.6 Richter. The magnitude of damage in this earthquake however, was small On the north ofMarigaon district the river mighty than the earlier earthquake. The shock was followed Brahamputra starting its maiden journey through by train of after-shocks some of which reached Assam meets tributaries of the district and the whole destructive magnitude near epicenter. There was no drainage of the district ultimately finds its way to it. loss of life or property in the district. The Brahamputra flows in the entire northern boundary of the district. The main tributaries are Flood: Kopali, Kalong, Killing, Sonai and Poikaria. During The flood which are so frequent in the raining seasons all the rivers get flooded with water. Brahmaputra cause tremendous changes in the river All tributaries and Jan and Juries of the district take courses and raise the riverbed by depositing the part to drain its water to the river Brahmaputra The detritus carried from the upper reaches. This is river Kalong is drained by a large watercourses of common feature of floods is big rivers flowing across beels and swamps. The Kalong acts as a receiver the alluvial soil. By early June the southwest monsoon for the Brahmaputra played a very important role in reaches the Assam valley and the continuous heavy the drainage system of the district. The Kopili which rains raise the river level rapidly and the Brahmaputra is another river of the district rises in the Meghalaya remains in spate registering a series of high flood . and flows north and northeast direction. It enters The floods overtop the main banks and inundate large in Nagaon district then it joins in Kalong of the district, expanses of land causing severe damage to life and Marigaon. It drains out the water of the district to property. Miseries caused by the high floods of the the Brahmaputra. Similarly river Killing, Sonari and Brahmaputra beggar description. Villages situated on Poikaria act as receiver and drain out water to the the rivers banks are submerged, paddy fields are Brahmaputra. turned into sheets of water, standing crops destroyed, Natural Calamities :­ cattle swept away and hundred of cultivators, Earthquake and Flood fishermen, and other people living in low-lying areas of the district are rendered homeless. All important Like the rest of Assam, Marigaon is a seismic lines of communication are snapped. Human along area and is liable to earthquake. The great earthquake with animals have lost their lives. When the flood of 1897 left over a big area of the district which subsides pestilence may also create havoc among men caused serious damage to life and property. Nagaon and animals. In spite of remedial measures taken by district was affected with heavy damage. In Marigaon the Government, still then the district has not been district, most of the houses and buildings were rendered unfit for habitation during the flood. Loss of made free from the flood and its menaces

Table 1 Area affected by flood and extent and of damages in Marigaon district

Year Area affected (hectares) Total value of damages (Rs.lakhs) Marigaon Assam Marigaon Rs. p/h Assams. p/h 2 3 4 5 6 7 1997 753,409 (9.6) 2,944.1 390 1998 77,624(45.6) 1,323,751(16.9) 4,764.41 6,139 49,695.0 3,754 1999 2,500(14.7) 223,107(2.8) 1,425 5,700 5,195.0 2,328

Note: Figures in parenthesis below the area total Geographical area of the district IState. .. . Source: Prepared on the basis of Table 32.11 and 3.05 of Statistical Handbook of Assam 2000, Directorate of EconomIcs and StatIstICS, Government of Assam.

7 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT The figures in the above table clearly show that Sarali hand and Pintail duck are some of the winter the gravity of flood in terms of both incidence and visitors ofthis district. Tortoises, Crocodiles, Lizards impact in relatively more in Marigaon district. The and snakes of different varieties are found in the percentage of area of land affected by flood is more district. Tortoises of various kinds are found in beels in 1998 and value of damages per hectare of flood and rivers. They came to the sandy shore of the affected land are also abnormally high then the state. rivers to lay eggs. Frogs and Toads equally of home in both land and water are found in the district. Fishes Flora and Fanna: are abound in the district. Flora: Botanically the forest of Marigaon district can Climate and Rainfall: broadly be divided into two divisions tropical Like the climate of other districts of Assam, the evergreen forests and miscellaneous forests. The first climate in this district is characterized by a highly category includes trees like Amari, Gonsarai, Sapa, humid atmosphere abundant rains and general Sam, etc. The second category consists of trees coolness. The cold season is from December to whose top canopies are deciduous and the middle February of each year. This follows by the season of and lower canopies are evergreen in nature. There thunderstorms from April to June. The southwest are Sal, Bhomira, Sida, Jamu etc. There are some monsoon season begins from the month of October. type of trees such as Simul, Siris, etc in the district. October and November comprise the post monsoon Some kinds of swamp type of trees are also found season. near to beels, marches and abandoned river channels. The average rainfall in the district is stated to be Fauna: 1925.8 mm. The rainfall generally increases from Fauna of Marigaon district is represented by southwest to the northwest. The actual rainfall in this most of the animals and birds commonly found in district during December 1998 to November 1999 was other part of Assam and the adjoining state. 1928.8 mm against a normal rainfall of 1772.4 mm. Animal of mammalian group are predominant in the The rainfall was highest 514.6 mm in the month of district. The most important animal of this group is August, 1999. There was no rainfalJ in the month of the one homed Rhinoceros which are found in the December, 1998 to February 1999. The season wise Pabitora. The forest of this district also teem with actual rainfall in Marigaon district is stated in wild Elephant, Tiger, (Dhekia Patia Bagh), Leopard, Statistical Hand book, Assam, 2000 as 0.0 mm in Panther or Nahar Phutiki Bagh, Ghug, San bar, winter season, 304 mm in summer season, 1377.0 Barking deer, Hog deer, Buffaloes, Methun , mm in Monsoon season and 144.2 mm in post Monkeys etc. Mongooses others Weasels Squirrels, monsoon season. Mice and Rats are also found everywhere in the district. Various kinds of colorful land and water Temperature: birds are seen in this district throughout the year. The cold season starts in the district by about the Fowls, Kukuha, Seven sister, Parakeets or Bhatau, end of November like other districts of Assam. In Hom bills or Dhanesh, Maina, Pigeons, Doves of this period both day and night temperature begin to various kinds, Trees pies , Green Bulbuls, fall rapidly. January is the coldest month of the year Borhoitoka etc. The birds which are associated in with the mean daily maximum temperature at about our daily life and who live in the neighborhood of 24° c and the mean daily temperature at about 10° c. human habitation are Crows, Sparrows, Salika, Temperature begins to rise from about the beginning Balimahi, Kite, Phesu Charai etc. Water birds of of March. The atmosphere over the district is highly various kinds of both indigenous and migratory habits humid throughout the year. In the period of February are seen in the district. Storks of Bartokolas, Bagali, to April relative humidity is comparatively low Pani Kauri, Ponds herons or Kanamuchari, Moor especially in the afternoon. Skies remain cloudy and hen or Kuruha, Water hen or Dauk, Kam charani, Ganga chilanbi etc., are some of the water and over-caste during monsoon season but with the march birds found in the jheels and marshy grass withdrawal of the southwest monsoon, the cloudiness land. Various kinds ducks are found in the beels of however decreases. Winds are generally light the district. The Chakai Chakua, common Teal or throughout the year. Cyclonic storm and depression

8 ANALYTICAL NOTE move into Assam during May and June from bay of Saivism: Another cult of is Saivism, the Bengal. Thus it affects this district also. counterpart of Saktism. It is concerned with the worship of male in the form of God Siva. There are People: only a few Siva Temples in the district. This type of The populace of Marigaon is composed mainly religion was not widely practiced in Marigaon district. of two reIigions- Hindus and Muslims The population Muslim: In Marigaon district there is a large exodus from other religions is very limited. Further divisions of Muslim immigrants. At the beginning of the 20th of caste and tribes of the population of the district century, the Muslim formed a small community in can be made as (1) indigenous population comprises the Brahmins, Kalita, Kayasthas, Baniyas, Barias, the district . They are free from Hindu superstition . Nearly all the Muslims in Marigaon district are of Ahoms, Chutias, Koches, Keots, Kaibarttas, Kumars, the Sunni sect. As per 1991 Census, out of the total Katonis, Muslime, Naths, Suts, various tribes such as population of the district, 45.3% are Muslims in Deoris Garos, Kacharis, Mikirs, Laung, etc. The other Marigaon and it grows to 47.6% in 2001 Census. It people comprise the Bengalies, Marwaris, Nepalese, is very interesting to note that the Muslims had only Punjabis, and SHms. The migrated population who are mostly resided in rural areas of the district are 5% of the total population of undivided Nagaon district in 1901. The large migration of Muslims to this area Muslims and Bengalis. The Hindus are divided into is indefinitely responsible for high growth rate ofthis (1) Saktism (2) Saivism and (3) Vaishavism community in the district. In Marigaon, Saktism: Most of the Hindus are followers of Sakti Mohammedans like other Assamese people, actively or worshippers of the reproductive powers as participate in different festivals of Assam that manifested in the female. Tantric rituals in their performed in Marigaon district. debased form are known to have been practiced in Assam in the centuries proceeding the Vaisnavism Other minor religious communities: It appears that other religious communities such as Christians, revival. Buddhist, Sikh and Jain which claim less than 1% Vaisnavism: Ahom monarchs were Hindu at first of the total population has not made much impact in initiated into Vaisnavism which was the predominant Marigaon district up to 2001. They are very minor faith at that time. However, successive rulers showed religious groups in the district. much respect towards Saktism and from the end of Social system: the 17ili century that faith became the creed of the Ahom sovereign. Vaisnavism, the worship of Visnu In the families of Hindu, the properly is generally is also prevalent in Assam from early times. held by the head of the family who manages it as its However, this faith slowly occupied a subordinate custodians. Among the Hindus, after the death of the position in subsequent centuries. Decay and father, sons and daughter inherit the property. The degeneration in the religions field led to revival of the marriage ceremony is usually preceded by a Vainsavite faith in the fifteen century under the ceremonious function known as Juran which take leadership of Sankardeva who was born in 1449 at place one or two days before the appointed day of Petekibari in Marigaon district. He was ably assisted marriage. The practice of dowry is not prevalent by several disciples, chief among whom was among Hindus people. Among Hindus, the caste Madhavada (1489-1596). Sankardava was the distinction is not as rigid as it was in the past. The founded of Neo-Vaisnavism in Assam. His creed is form of marriage among Hindus are the Humpura known as the Eka Sarana Nama Dharma or religion or full Hindu rite when the sacred fire is lighted and of the worship of only one God. through a Purohit (Priest) is engaged to perform the ceremony. recitation of his name, in hymns and prayers. His But Ahoms are often married by the Chaklong rite in religion is also known as the Bhagawati Dharma. which the box (temi) in which betel nut is carried Sankardeva was the founder of the satra movement and the knife ( Katari ) with which it is cut are in Assam. The satras are more or less religions exchanged and the nuptial knot is tied .Total prohibition colleges of the Hindus. The Satradhikara is the head of opium, ganja and bhang for oral use has been in of satra. Through the establishment of satra force in the district. Prohibition of liquor is also in Sankradeva brought about a religious, social, and force in Marigaon district. Drinking among tribal cultural revolution in Assam. people is very common. They use to drink rice-beer

9 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT prepared by themselves. However, non-tribal people on the bank of the Brahmaputra to a stiff clay which also begin to take drink a moderate scale. is quit unfit for cultivation. Marshy soil is chiefly found Homestead: In the past the homestead of rural in the low- lying areas of the district. These are black family generally consisted of two or more houses and red soil in colour. with betel nuts, plantains and vegetable gardens. The The rocks are exposed in the hilly areas of south whole premises being often surrounded by a fence part of this district. The granite gneiss as seen near of split bamboo presented a nice picturesque scene. Jagiroad is medium grained rock grey to light pink in In a rural family, the houses, which are generally colour. These rocks associated with porphyritic found , are as follows Charaghar ( reception house granites. This is a coarse grained rock, grayish in ), Barghar ( living house ), Gohainghar ( house for colour with large phenocrysts of feldspar. worship ), Bharal ghar ( storehouse or granary ), Mineral wealth: Pakghar ( cook shed ) and Gohalighar ( cow-shed ) . The houses are made of bamboo, ekra, thatch and No major minerals of economic importance have mud. However, the rural folk have started constructing so far been discovered in the district except road house in modem lines using corrugated iron sheet and metal, sands and brick clays. The clay found in the cement. Miri and Deori have their tribes typical district is suitable for manufacture of bricks and earth Chang-ghars for living. Changes have also taken place wares. in use of furniture. All old types and designs of Forest: furniture use in the past have been replaced by palang (wooden bed), sofa sets, chairs. tables, benches, alna Out of total 170,400 hectares geographical areas etc.) The changes took place in the use of utensils of the district about 17,626 hectares areas are under also. forest which comes to 10.3% of the total areas. Dress: Male dress includes dhoti, chadar, shirt, There are two types of forest in the district, trouser, pant and coat. Female dress consists of riha, tropical ever green forests and miscellaneous forest. mekhela, chadar and blouse and their ornaments Forestry has played an important role in the economy include keru, moni, kharu, jhang phai-keru, dugdugi , of the district. A vast majority of the people of the bena, necklace, chain, earring, bala etc. The traditional district depends upon forests for firewood to cook and typical Assamese ornaments found in the district their diet and for timber, bamboo, ekra, thatch, jengu, are dhol-biri, Jon-biri, bana, dugdugi, galpala, gamkharu tokopat, nal, khagari, cane etc for house building and thuria. Tribal women put the mekhela above their purpose. A number of forest based small industries breast. have been opened in the district. Every Assamese village of the district has a The Mayang reserved forest of the district is very or community prayer hall which also serves rich having various kinds of valuable trees which as a stage and auditorium to perform Bhoanas. are already mentioned in heading of flora and fauna. Assamese dramas are performed in the Narnghar in Land and Land-use pattern: the satras at a regular interval. The villagers hold prayer service known as Nam-Kirtan during religious Out of total geographical areas, of district festivals. Marigaon about 15.6% hectares of the land is not available for cultivation and is categorized as non Geology and Mineral wealth: cultivated land, the total cropped area in the district The geology of almost the entire district is thus, is about 89.2%.The area sown in the district is about concealed by alluvial deposits. The alluvium soil is 55.3% of the total geographical area. The following mostly loamy and consists of a mixture of clay and table shown the area of land put to different uses sand in varying proportion, ranging from pure sand and their percentages to the total area.

10 ANALYTICAL NOTE Table -2 Land-use-pattern in Marigaon district-1998-99 SL.No Land put to different uses. Areas in hectares percentage to total geographical areas 1 2 3 4 1 Total Geographical area 170,400 100.0 2 Forest area 17,626 10.3 3 Land not available 26,497 15.6 (a) Land out to non agricultural uses 21,377 12.6 (b) Barren and uncultured Land 5,120 3.0 4.0ther non-cultivated and excluding. fallow land 18,309 10.7 (a) Permanent pastures and other grazing land 10,852 6.4 (b) Land under misc. trees groves etc. included in net area. 6,489 3.9 (c) Cultivatable wasteland 968 0.6 5.Fallow land 2,073 1.2 (a) Fallow other than current fallow 1,027 0.1 (b) Current fallow. 1,046 0.6 6. Net area sown 94,260 55.3 7. Total cropped area. 151,980 89.2 8 .Area sown more then once 57,720 33.9

Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Government Of Assam. Basic Agricultural Statistics 1998-99. Note : Area figures in respect of forest which includes area under reserve forest and revenue forest related to the year 1996-97. From the above table it is clear that the area sown from sandy loams or clayed soils. Both old and hill in the district is more than 50% of the total area. The alluvial soils are acid in reaction deficient in calcium. cropped area is the highest in the district. Only 10% There are usually deficient in available phosphate and land is forest area in the district. potash also. As regards total nitrogen it varies from Major Characteristics of the district: high to low in case of old alluvial soils, it is medium in Agriculture and Plantation most of new alluvial soils while soil are usually comparatively rich in nitrogen apparently due to virgin Acconiingto previous Census, most of the population nature of the soil. The soils of Marigaon district are of the district is engaged in Agriculture. Agriculture is therefore rich in growing various crops- Paddy, Jute, highly depended upon the nature of soils. Sugar cane, Pulses and mustard are the major crops Soil: and Potato, Vegetable, fruits like banana, pineapple, The arable soils of Marigaon district may broadly orange, mango, etc. are subsidiary crops of the district be grouped into (1) old alluvial soils (2) new alluvial . Rice is the staple food. soils of riparian tracts and (3) hills soils. The major The following table presents data on different types portion of the arable soils of the district are however, of crops grown, area yield etc in the district, 1999 (fmal alluvial soils. The textures of soils in the district vary forecast ). Table-3 Area ,Production and Average yield of important crops­ Marigaon 1998-99(final forecast) SI.No. Types of crops. Area under cultivation Production (in Average in yield kg (p er (hectare) tones) hectare) 2 3 4 5

A Cereals 1. Autumn Rice 25,500 14,804 590 2. Winter Rice. 45,000 51,151 1,154 3. Summer Rice 40,000 103,600 2,590 4. Total Rice 110,500 169,555 1,550 5. Maize 79 400 24 6. Wheat 11,254 1,324 990 7. Other cereals and small millets. 155 443 130


SI.No. Types of crops. Area under cultivation Production (in Average in yield kg (per (hectare) tones) hectare) 2 3 4 5 Pulses I. Tur 180 120 665 2. Gram 250 69 275 3. Black gram 1,100 407 370 4. Green gram 540 102 189 5. Lentil 900 620 689 6. Peas 1,500 1,421 947 7. Other pulses 400 209 8. Total pulses 4,870 2,623 580 C. Oil Seeds l. linseed 600 265 475 2. Castor 20 4 180 3. Nizer 350 175 500 4. Sesamum 920 400 435 5. Rape and Mustard 12,500 4,975 398 6. total 14,390 5,839 406 D. Fiber crops l. Jute 6,000 59,862 1,796 2. Mesta 279 961 620 3. Cotton 17 7 70 Eo Miscellaneous 1. Sugar cane. 670 308,556 46,053 2. Topiaca 10 50 5,000 3. Potato 800 3,727 4,659 4. Sweet potato 350 1,050 3,000 5. Tobacco 20 5 231 F. Spices 1. Chilly 680 408 600 2. Onion. 600 1,680 2,800 3. Turmeric. 350 280 8000 Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Government of Assam, Basic Agricultural Statistics 1998-99. From the above table clear that rice is the of pulses, sugarcane and Oil seeds are grown staple food of this district and in addition, crops largely. Horticultural crops : Banana, Papaya, Pineapple, Orange, Areca nut and district. The table below gives a brief account ofthe Coconut are the important horticultural crops of the horticultural crops grown during 1998-99 in 1he district Table-4 Area, Production and Average yield of horticultural crops in Marigaon district 1998-99 (final forecast).

SL No. Type of Crop Area under cultivation (hectare). Production in Average yield kg (per (tones). hectare). 2 3 4 5 1 Banana. 2 Papaya. 480 5,620 12,000 3 Orange. 110 1,637 14,878 4 Pineapple 20 221 11,036 5 Areca nut 85 1.111" 13,075@ 6 Coconut. 1403 1239** 254@

Note: * Production of Areca nut in terms of dry cured nuts. H Production of coconut is in thousand numbers but not in tonnes . @ Average yield of areca-nut and coconut in nuts per bearing trees. There are some vegetable grown in the radish, lai ,Iafa, suka , cabbage, cauliflower, district and common among these are spinach , tomato, onion, etc .. 12 ANALYTICAL NOTE Tea industry The Guwahati Tea Auction Centre History and administration of Tea Estate. Marketing of tea has always been great problem The history of the tea industry in Assam dates for the industrialists. Before opening of Tea Auction back to the year 1826, when indigenous tea plants Centre, at Guwahati ,Tea Auction Centre in Calcutta, growing in the plains ofAssam came to the notice of arranged for sale of Assam Tea. Tea Auction the East India Company. The cultivation of this plants Centre, third of its kind in India started functioning at was first introduced in 1830 by the East India Guwahati from Sept. 1970.Tea which is subject to Company. It is mentioned in the Economic direct auction by way of excise duty, export duty Development of Assam by P.C. Goswami that a tea and a user under Tea Act, the industry makes garden was started by the Government in 1833 in the substantial direct contribution to central Revenues. Lakhimpur district. On 1835 a few indigenous plants Besides these taxes, tea industry is also subject to were taken from the forest at ''Ningroo'' bordering central income tax, supper tax (corporation) and the Singphoe country and grown at "Koondilmukh" agricultural income tax. Income tax along with sales at Sadiya. A company was formed in 1839 known as tax levied upon it inflates the income of the State the Assam Company. This was the first company in Government to a great extent. India to undertake the commercial production of tea Tea is the mainstay of the plywood industry. Tea and was the direct successor of the East India grown in different parts of Assam is packed in the Company. The headquarters of this company was garden factories in plywood chests for despatch. Tea formed at Nazira and remained till the shifting to estates require huge quantity of fertilizers for healthy Calcutta in 1956. The Government garden was carried growth of tea. Thus it gives a strong support to from 1840 to 1849. But due to certain difficulties, the fertilizer industry also. garden was sold to a China man named "Among' . This China man failed to improve the garden. In The labour force that engaged in the industry is 1851 through the instrumentality of Co lonel Hannay brought mainly from Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa he who contributed much to the development of tea and Madras. The industry provides ample scope for cultivation in the part of Upper Assam. The early employment from higher grad to lower grade sixties of 19th century i.e. from 1859 to 1860 was a workers. The tea estates in Assam are in different period of steady boom. After this period the tea geographical size. It varies from small garden to large industry received a great setback. But this trend was tea estates. The administration is also generally same cheeked by 1878. In 1881, the North India Tea Estate from each other. The responsibility of a tea estate is Owners formed the Indian Tea Association. The vested on the Manager. He is the head of the estate. industry grew continuously till 1890 and thereafter it He is assisted by 2/3 Assistant Manager. The Assistant Manager are given separate responsibility underwent through a depreciation for a short period such as production and supervision of garden and but soon recovered from this state of affairs. The labourers, financial affairs. stock and factory etc. major improvement have made in the yield of tea, in Each garden has a office in which there is a head the grouping of gardens under a limited number of clerk called "Borobabu" and he is assisted by some companies, in the progressive mechanization and clerks and peons. Social services provided to its rationalization of production and in increasing thdr employees by hospitals' qualified Medical Officer efficiency of productivity of labour. and staff. Most of gardens have their ambulance to The Tokolai Research Station was set up at Jorhat carry serious patient for better treatment to outside in 1911 with a view to carrying on research on the garden. cultivation and manufacture of tea in Assam . This has been very useful in increase of yield rate of tea. Due to majority of low-lying areas in Marigaon In the year 1932-33, it is again met with severe crisis district, tea garden has not made any headway. due to depression and over production of tea. This However , very few tea gardens are there in high condition was tackled by enacting the Indian Tea plain areas of the district. These are seen in Jagiroad Control Act, 1933 and by 1952 it reached an area. The details statistic regarding number of tea unprecedented prosperity. Recently Tokolai garden in the district is not available. There is only Experimental Centre had developed a machine known 35 tea garden in undivided Nagaon district in 1996 as Rotor vane. It is a continuous processing machine which cover an area of 7,524 hectares of lands with for use in a system of manufacture. a production of 12,888 thousand kgs in the same year. 13 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT The average yield per hectare land is 1,713 kgs. There year of excessive rainfall due to flood and fails in are 7 small tea growers with an area of total 7.35 year of drought. In times of drought people are hectares which are registered with Tea Board ofIndia compelled to irrigate their fields by digging canals up to 31.10.1999.( Tea Board of India. Calcutta from various streams. Indigenous way of irrigation is quoted in Statistical Handbook of Assam, 2000.) still prevailing in the district. The channels and ponds Nowadays, many young youth of the district are constructed to water the paddy as well as for have come forward to grow tea in their own lands other crops. Some minor irrigation projects are which provided not only income but also self­ installed in the district by constructing bunds cross employment . the streams and rivulets, drainage channels and silts channels to obtain silts deposit in low lying areas. Irrigation: Lift irrigation with electric pump has been also used Marigaon receives heavy rainfall during the in some parts of the district . To meet the demand of months May to July of the year. This is the wettest the agriculturists for regular supply of water, irrigation period of the year and these months account for schemes are initiated by the Government of Assam. more than 60% of the total annual rainfall. The cultivators of the district depend largely on rain water The following table shows the data on irrigation for their agricultural fields. Agriculture suffers loss in potential utilized during different seasons, additional potential created and targets and achievement, etc.

Table -5 Irrigation Potential Utilized and Targets and Achievement of additional potential created in the Marigaon district. Sl.No. Particular. Land area in hectares. 2 3

Irrigation Potential Utilized during 1997-1998 2,879.10 (i) During Kharif 2,072.00 (ii) During Rabi and Kharif. 807.1 2 Irrigation Potential created up to 31.3.1999 15,685.00 (i)Minor Irrigation 15,685.00 (ii) Major and Medium Irrigation 3 Targets for additional irrigation potential created during 1998-99 10 (i) Minor irrigation 10 (ii) Major and Medium irrigation

Source: Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department. Assam quoted in "Statistical Hand book, Assam 2000" by Director Economics and Statistic, Government of Assam .

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary: Marigaon district has full of livestock. Cattle provide them with nutritious diet. Roots and seeds of and Goats are very common domestic animals for improved grasses are freely distributed to the farmers most of the households of the district. Moreover, from the Government. farms. The Department of buffaloes, sheep. pigs, horse, ducks etc are found in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary has been constantly the district . People generally graze their domestic helping the farmers for their animals. In order to animals on the rice fields after harvesting of crops. improve the breed cattle , measures have been In the night , the animals are kept in sheds by the adopted by the above Department. Contagious and owners and give them paddy straw for food which infectious diseases are also prevalent in the district. are kept in stock in the courtyard. Besides, the village To protect animals from various diseases preventive grazing reserves where the villagers can graze their measures are taken by the Department. animals. There are 12 Dispensaries, 4 Block Dispensaries, For all-round development of livestock, emphasis 20 Primary Dispensaries and one Artificial has been given on the cultivation of fodder crops to Insemination Centre in Marigaon district.


Thble-6 Live stock and Poultry in Marigaon district as on 1997 livestock Census. SI.No Livestock and Poultry Nos. 2 3

I Cattle. 348,221 2 Buffaloes. 14,065 3 Sheep 4,322 4 Goats 94,166 5 Pigs 23,269 6 Horse 664 7 Fowls 452,136 8 Ducks 137,547

Source: Statistical Handbook Assam, 2000 Director of Economic and Statistics , Government of Assam.

From the above table it is seen that the number the government of India are provided training to a offowl is the highest among all livestock and poultry number of Fishery Officers of all district including and lowest is the horses. Marigaon for research breeding and also treatment Fishery: of fishes. The Fish man Development Agencies render all available technical training regarding fish Pisciculture is the becoming popular among all rearing and disease-control section of the people irrespective of caste and creed. Fisheries in Assam are of various kinds. These are Industry: beel, river, swamp, and forest and semi derelict, pond Marigaon is not industrially developed district of and tank fisheries. Beel and river can be either Assam. No any public sector industry is set up in this registered or unregistered. Various kinds of fishes are district till date except Jagiroad Paper Mill. The existing found in the beeIs, tanks, rivers, ponds and a nuas industries can be classified mainly into (I) food and (dead river) All varieties of big and small fishes are kindred products (ii) forest products (iii) usually found in the fisheries. Generally, the fish manufacturing excluding transport equipment and (iv) business was confined to a section of the people who cotton textile In Marigaon district, there is only one was known as Namsudra or Kaibartta or Dum or manufacturing industry of food product, 2 for wool, Das in the past. But with the passage of time it is silk, and synthetic, Fiber Textiles , 2 for wood and longer belonged to a particular section of people. It products furniture and fixtures, one for paper and is a profitable business particularly for the beel bidders paper product and printing and 2 for non-metallic who through auction can exploit either from the mineral products. Government from the local authority. Jagiroad Paper Mill : For the development of fisheries in the district a The Mill is established in 1985 at Jagiroad of number of schemes are undertaken by the Marigaon district. It is located at the distance of 60 Government after the independence with a view to kms from Guwahati City and adjacent to the National accelerating production offish as well as to improve Highway No.37. The Mill produces writing, printing the economy of the people. The Fishery Department and new print paper. In 1997-98, the Mill produces has undertaken measures to increase fish production 88,532 metric tones paper as against 6,388 m. tones by demonstrating scientific method of pisciculture. As in 1995-96. against the production of 6,700 tones of local fish in the district during1996-97, the demand for fish in the The prime raw material requires for running the district was 7,300 tones and the production was Paper Mill is bamboo. Assam is very rich in product 1 increased to 7000 tones in 1999-00 • of bamboo. The major party of the bamboo In the Marigaon district there are 35 registered requirement of the Mill is met up from the supply of Beel fisheries and 5 registered river fisheries. The Marigaon , Nagaon , Karbi-Anglong, Golaghat , Fishery Department of Assam in collaboration with Kamrup, and Darrang and bamboo also comes from

15 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT N .E. States also. The Assam Sun Silk Mills and in the rural economy of the state. But it had a period Assam Polytex Limited are two other m~or industries of crisis during the British rule. After the located at Jagiroad. independence, the Government of Assam had taken

Source': Marigaonar Abhash ,A Journal' Statistical Handboo~, keen interest for the development of Seri cultural Assam , 2000. industry. The Department of Sericulture and Weaving has been set up in Assam and various schemes The district is however, rich in college industries undertaken by it since then for development of like pottery, black smith gold smith and silver smith Agriculture which provided a fresh life to this cane and bamboo works, sericulture and weaving . industry. The Central Board of India has also been But these industries are facing acute financial crisis provided a great assistance to the state for as well as paucity of modern technical-know-how. upliftment of the industry. The Government is taking keen interest to boost IIp the condition of these small-scale industries. The In Marigaon • there are 184 Seri cultural villages Industries Department under 20 points programe has of which 3,057, families are being engaged in Eri, provided technical-know-how., finance and 82 in Muga and 445 in Mulberry. 193,82 and 139 machineries to young entrepreneurs in establishing hectares of lands under Eri, Muga ,and Mulberry small scale industries which have given such scope respectively are under Silk worm food plants. 19 for self employment to a good number of youths of thousands kgs of Eri-cut cocoons are yield in the the district. The total number of small -scale district during 1998-99 and 423 lakhs number of industries registered under Industries Department in Muga cocoons are also yield in the same period Marigaon district is 220 by 31 st December, 1998. The along with yield of 12 thousands kgs of Mulberry number is the second lowest among the districts of reeling cocoons. Assam. Pottery : Weaving: It is very ancient industry of undivided Nagaon Weaving has an important aspect namely its district. It has lost much of its past glory and is now artistic value in fine embroidery and decorative floral confined to making common earthen wares such as and creeper designs done over the pieces of cloth jars and pitchers. The State Khadi and Village made out of cotton. It still occupies a place of pride Industries Board, Assam provides valuable guidance in every Assamese household. Handloom weaving and help to switch over from traditional pottery is a universally practiced cottage industry ofAssat11. products to modern glazed pottery items. The Marigaon is not an exception of it . It was rare to Industries Department has also given various find an Assamese family without a loom in the past. assistance to potters for the development of their But with the passage of time, number of such family items in Marigaon district also. Bamboo and Cane decreased due to various reasons. However, weaving works of Assam earned wide appreciation in the of cloth which were and still are common in almost past. In making of bamboo and cane products is all the Assamese families. Weaving of Eri, Muga mainly a rural industry. The products are usually and Pat (Mulberry silk) were famous in Assam and required in every rural households. It provides a formed a common costume of the women ofAssam. subsidiary occupation to the villagers. But this industry Marigaon district is also well known for Eri­ has also faced competition with machine made production . But weaving industry faced keen products for which it lost its demand. competition from the mill-made cheap cloths which Besides above industries some small scale dominated the markets situated even in the remote industries such as brick making, steel furniture, areas. However, the industry is still existed in all bakeries, saw mills, carpentry , bee keeping , net part of Assam. It plays vital role in the economy of making, fishing implements, jewelers are also the district. growing up in Marigaon district. Sericulture: Trade and commerce: Sericulture is the most important cottage industlY In early days , a good overland communication not only for Marigaon but also in the State. It system was not developed and this condition affected practices during the agricultural off-season as a the scope of internal as well as external trade in the subsidiary occupation. It occupies an important place district. However, at present the position has gmdually 16 ANALYTICAL NOTE improved during the last few decades. The number modem days. It is an essential civic amenity for the of shops and business establishments have been development of the societies. Marigaon district does steadily increasing all over the district. not posses any power for generation of electricity ., Tea , rice, Jute, dry fish as well as raw fish , It has to depend entirely on supply from outside paper, are the most important items of export from the district. The responsibility of co-ordinate the district. Whereas cloth, sugar oil product and development of generation, transmission and many more products are imported from out side of distribution of power in the district vests with the the district. Hat are important rural marketing centres Assam State Electricity Board. where a great deal of retail business is transacted. In Marigaon district, the Statistical Handbook, Many fairs and melas are held in different parts of Assam, 2000 recorded the number of villages the district. electrified up to March, 1999 as 432 out of 636 total Jagiroad is the centre of wholesale business of villages in 200 I. Altogether 204 villages have to be dry fish. This centre is the biggest and only centre electrified so far. However 67% of total villages have of dry fish trade in Assam where from the dry fish been provided with electricity facilities and are enjoying are purchased by the whole sellers coming from the benefit of power by the villagers. various places ofAssam as well as from outside the Banking and Finance: state. As observed by the Assam Provincial Banking The principal trade centre for wholesale business Enquiry Committee in 1929, the history of indigenous in the district is Marigaon town and Jagiroad . Both bank in Assam is shrouded in obscurity. However, the place are well connected by network of roads with the development of the credit structure of the with other important trade centres and markets inside district took a concrete shape. Several banks have and outside the district. been set up in various parts of the district. In addition, Power and Electricity : Co-operative Credit Societies are also in operation. However, even now also the money lenders continue The development of agriculture as well as industry to be an important of rural credits. of any place cannot be thought of without the availability of power. In addition to it, the use of The following table explains the number of banks electricity has become indispensable part in the in the district and the position of deposits and credits.

'Thble-7 Position of Deposits and Credits in Banks as on December 31, Marigaon District. SI.No. Type of Bank Nose of offices Deposit (Rs Lakh) Credit (Rs Lakh)

2 3 4 5

I Scheduled Banks 28 7,651 3,163 2 Regional Banks 10 1,385 254 3 Total 38 9P36 3,417

Source: Quarterly Handout of RBI , Quoted in Statistical Handbook, Assam, 2000 There are 10 Lakhimi Gaonlia Banks in 10 Transport and Communication : different places of the district and 1 0 United Bank of The old accounts of Assam suggest that most of India at 10 different places of the district The State the travelers used horses, ponies, elephant , bullock Bank of India has its branches at 4 places in the drawn cats , palanquins, country boats and rafts for district. The Allahabad Bank of Boroda, Canara their cross country sojourns and hence the transport Bank and India Overseas Bank have their branches and communication system was not very much in Marigaon district also. The Assam Co-operative developed in Marigaon district in the past. However, Apex Bank Ltd and Marigaon Bank are also during the time, especially when the British came into functioning in Marigaon town and Jagiroad. occupation and there-after independence, there is a

17 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT tremendous improvement in road and other south part of the district. The public and private buses communication facilities in the district. Marigaon are regularly running from the Marigaon town to other district was connected by rail. It was only districts of Assam. communication in the past for Marigaon district. Now­ The following table indicates the length of roads a -days, roadways are developed . The National Highway NO.-37 runs through the district touching of different types in the district.

Table-8 Road length in Marigaon district (1997-98).

SLNO Category of Road Road length Km 2 3

National Highway 36 2 State Highway 87 3 Other PWD road 732 4 PWD road length per lakh of population 134 5 Road length per 100 sq. km of total geographical area. 502

Source:: Chief Engineer PWD (Road), Assam Note:: As per 1991 Census population

In the entire district, there are about 1,580 motor The lower level of development of the initial stages vehicles on the road during 1998-99, out of which of the start of the planning process has been one of 253 are registered in 1998-99. There are1306 two­ the reasons for accentuation of the difference in the wheelers, 94 trucks, 71 buses, 20 auto rickshaws, 26 level of development. cars, 33 jeeps, 15 Government vehicles etc. The road distance from Marigaon town to The role and share of different sector of the Guwahati is about 80 kms. There are two main routes economy of Marigaon district show that agriculture from Marigaon town to Nagaon. A new road through Jogi Bhakatgaon via Chandrapur is under construction plays on important role in terms of contribution to which will be a shortest route from Marigaon town the total GDP of the district and the percentage share to Guwahati. of total population engaged in agriculture. The Economic Development : following table gives the number of persons The district had not received due attention in employed in the different sectors of the economy as regard to the develop~ent during the British period. well as in Marigaon district.

Table-9 Percentage of Main Workers in different sectors of the economy, 1991Census

Males percentage to total males Females percentage to total females District Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary SI.No. 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Dhubri 37.7 2.8 8.9 2.6 0.3 0.9 2 Goalpara 35.9 2.2 10.2 7.1 0.6 1.2 3 Kokrajhar 41.3 1.7 7.5 14.9 0.2 1.1 4 Bongaigaon 35.6 2.4 10.9 8.9 0.3 0.7 5 Barpeta 36.3 2.4 8.8 3 0.3 0.7 6 Nalbari 32.3 2.6 10.3 4.8 0.8 I 7 Kamrup 22.3 5.5 20.5 2.7 1.1 2.7 8 Darrang 41 1.6 7.1 10.5 0.4 0.8 9 Sonitpur 37.1 2.4 ll.l 16.9 0.4 1.3 10 Lakhimpur 34.5 1.9 8.9 16.7 0.2 1.2 11 Dhemaji 37.3 1.3 7.1 19.5 0.1 0.9 18 ANALYTICAL NOTE

Males percentage to total males Females percentage to total females District Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Secondary Tertiary SI.No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 Dlbrugarh 28.7 3.9 13.7 19.9 0.1 1.7 13 Tinsukia 31.8 5.2 11.6 21.5 0.3 1.2 14 10rhat 28.3 3.6 14.2 19 0.6 1.9 15 Golaghat 36.4 2.4 9.1 20.4 0.3 1.2 16 Sibsagar 33.7 2.2 11 23.4 0.3 1.4 17 Nagaon 36.6 2.9 10.3 5.8 0.3 1 18 Marigaon 41.9 2.3 6.6 4.4 0.3 0.8 19 Cachar 32.8 3.1 12.8 7.6 0.3 1.4 20 Hailakandi 37.6 2.5 8.9 6.3 0.4 1.1 21 Karimganj 32.9 3.3 11.3 3.5 0.7 1.I 22 Kari-Anglong 40.8 2.3 7.4 23 0.3 l.l 23 N.C. Hills 29.3 42 18.1 19.2 0.4 3.3 ASSAM 34.4 3 11.1 10.9 0.4 1.3 Note: 1. Primary Sector: Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting, plantations, etc.; Mining and quarrying. 2. Secondary Sector: Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairing in Household Industry, Construction. 3.Tertiary Sector: Transport, Communication Storage and other Services Source: Census of India 1991, Primary Census Abstract.

In the above table it is seen that the percentage 36,526 lakh in which the share of primary sector is of main workers for male is highest in Marigaon district 60.9% and of secondary is 11.7% and 27.3% in tertiary than all other districts of Assam but it is lowest in . The per capital income (GDP) is recorded at Rs tertiary sector among the districts. 5,282 per annum. The data on GDP from different The Gross Domestic Product at factory cost during sector ofall districts and estimate of per capita GDP for the year 1994-95 for the district is estimated about Rs males and females are presented in the following table. Table-lO District-wise Gross Domestic Product at factory cost and per Capita GDP by Sex- 1994-95 (Value in Rs. lakbs) SI.No. District Primary Secondary Tertiary Total GDP Per Capita Per Capita GDP (Rs)* Sector Sector Sector GDP (Rs) Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Dhubri 42,698 15,177 26,750 84,625 5,8751 1,449 985 2. Goal para 18,661 8,868 15,029 42,558 5,892 10,580 1,924 3. Kokrajhar 35,235 7,101 15,362 57,698 6,666 11,187 2,974 4. Bongaigaon 23,518 8,146 19,290 50,954 5,837 10,528 1,823 5. Barpeta 54,272 15,508 28,106 97,886 6,534 12,639 1,127 6. Nalbari 27,994 15,139 22,556 65,689 5,978 10,871 1,754 7. Kamrup 34,757 48,797 105,806 189,360 8,758 15,785 2,278 8. Darrang 36,916 9,566 20,073 66,555 4,740 8,336 1,700 9. Sonitpur 49,683 I1,428 31,750 92,861 6,031 9,916 2,798 10. Lakhimpur 37,090 5,471 15,993 58,554 7,208 I1,521 3,787 II. Dhemaji 21,427 3,063 7,555 32,045 6,191 9,659 3,493 12. Dibrugarh 44,445 14,096 32,316 90,857 8,062 12,769 4,236 13. Tinsukia 64,642 12,872 26,493 104,007 9,998 15,117 5,971 14. lorhat 24,621 12,610 28,272 65,503 6,955 11,314 3,359 IS. Golaghat 32,273 8,130 17,745 58,148 6,496 10,297 3,461 16. Sibsagar 66,734 8,673 22,161 97,568 9,940 14,416 6,700 17. Nagaon 58,458 20,850 43,309 122,617 5,991 I1,146 1,451 18. Marigaon 22,249 4,290 9,987 36,526 5,282 10,021 1,128 19. Cachar 38,017 15,391 34,297 82,705 6,675 11,489 1,777 20. Hailakandi 13,652 4,341 10,231 28,224 5,813 10,647 1,592 21. Karimganj 22,086 13,315 21,013 56,414 6,309 11,886 1,467 22. KarbiAnglong 22,578 6,602 13,252 42,432 5,922 9,354 3,148 23. N.C. Hills 11,736 2,965 8,216 22,917 14,060 21,414 7,944 ASSAM 803,745 272,399 575,562 1651,703 6,816 11,864 2,497 19 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT

Note ·Col No 7 and 8 are calculated on the basIs sector - wIse GOP In 1994-95 and se no of persons employed m each In 1991 Total GDP for males and females are esttmated fir the basiS of no of males and females employed In each sector and thIS total GOP IS dlstnb among all males and females to arnve at per capita GOP Source 1 Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt of Assam, 2 Census of India peA 1991 Assam

About 281,135 person in year 1999 of the total and every person of the char are to follow his population of the district live below poverty line. As a instructions, guidance, and orders on the matters relating part of welfare programmes under pubJic distribution to the community affairs and routine life of the area schemes, several food and other essential items are and people. In tum, the Matbor is guided by the elderly supplied to the people as per the norms of the persons of his locality on all collective issues before Government through 1080 fair price shops of the any important decision is taken. However, the opinion district. or decision given by Matbor in respect of common Source:: Food and civil Supplies. Assam, Guwahati issue such as casting of vote to a particular candidate Char Areas: during election, dispute regarding any matter relating to land, religion or social has to be obeyed by all. The char Areas are those lands which are generally formed in the banks of big rivers. In Assam, such areas Profile of Char Areas : are usually found in low-lying flood prone zone from In Assam, there are as many as 2,235 Chars of Sadiya to Dhubri inside the mighty Brahmaputra river. varying sizes during 1993-94 in 14 districts. The The river Brahmaputra carries sand during rainy season highest number of Chars are found in Dhubri district annually and gets it deposited and settled in the middle (480) followed by (310) and then lorhat or on the corner of the main stream, which makes an district (293). The lowest number of Char are found island inside the river bed once the water level recedes. in Marigaon district (39). There is no Char area in 9 As a result of deposition of enormous load of sediments districts of Assam. The Chars of Marigaon district in the middle of the river course, a large number of covers an area of 680,466 hectares . almond shaped river island called as Chaparis or Chars Socio- Economic Status of Char population: are formed. In making of Char or Chapari, the river takes five to six years. The soils of the areas are of The socio-economic status of the people of the new alluvial nature. These are less acidic and moderately Char Areas are in fact miserable. They are mostly rich in plant nutrients. A particular section of people illiterates where just about 13 to 15% of the total begins to reside in these areas and starts cultivation popUlation of entire Char areas are literate. The too. But even though" these areas are not free from standard of attainment of education is mostly not the menace offlood. During flood when the water flows above primary level, where one may hardly find any through the chars, the settlers of these areas uses to matriculate. Nearly 55% of people are living below shift themselves to some other high lands to spend the poverty line in all Char areas,. Out of total 239,000 period of flood and come back to their original place hectares of Char areas of Assam , only 167300 hectares are cultivable land. There are altogether of abode after flood recedes. But sometimes due to 266,707 farming families in Char areas of Assam. tremendous changes of river course and heavy erosion, The economic activities of the inhabitants of Chars some chars are vanished while some may remain free are generally cultivation and fishing. The low-lying from the flood menace. But these phenomenon cannot Char areas are favorable for growing Ahu, Bao, Bora be treated as a permanent nature. rice and also Jute. The settlers of Char areas are Administration of Char areas : generally grow rice and potato in large quality. They These areas are looked after under some provisions grow various types of vegetable for sale. Whatever under the administration of the Revenue Circle. They the amount of crops grown here are not enough to meet even their basic necessities of life. are to abide by rules and regulations of the State Government like general people. However, they have The type of houses in the Char areas are mostly some kind of their own local self-Government also. In Kutcha structure made of thatch, bamboo, reed and mud. each char village, a person is selected by the villagers The houses are mostly huts and a very few families have as the head ofthe village called as "Matbor" (Headman.) their houses with C.1. sheets in roof. Houses in pucca in the Muslim dominated Char areas As a custom each structure with brick and cement are very a rare sight there.

20 ANALYTICAL NOTE The people of Char villages mostly use river water The socio-economic condition of char dwellers in as the source of drinking water during rainy season. Marigaon already explained above is also very poor, However, a very few villages have their hand pump/ in a sense that their earning is very limited . They tube well as a source of drinking water. The Char have no sufficient cultivable lands and whatever lands villages are not connected by road. The country boats have possessed are not fertile and moreover subject to are used as a means of communication during flood flood. Generally, all lands in Char areas are sandy. Only season. During winter season, the villagers come to a few verities of crops can be grown on a such lands. the nearest town by travelling on boat or bicycle Fishes and other river products though available in Development Programmes for Char Areas: rivers, each and every household cannot exploit such river potentials because oflack oftools and equipments. Some developmental programmes has been However, some are engaged in fishing but not for undertaken by the State Government for the welfare commercial line but for their own consumption. of the people of these areas. The facilities like safe drinking water, medical sub-centres etc. are provided The Char dwellers in Marigaon also are by the Government in some areas of different districts. maintaining a very low standard ofliving bare minimum Schools up to the level of primary and middle are amenities of civic life. The educational, medical, postal established in some Char area. For higher Education, , safe drinking water facilities etc. are very limited. the children have to go nearby town. The Assam There is no communication facility. The inhabitants of Government has set up a Char Development Authority the Char have to travel through small country boats at Guwahati for overall development of char people. and on other occasion they move on foots from their At the district level, officers of the project are to look residence to the nearest place where road into the projects undertaken for these areas. Various communication is available. kind of loans and grant-in-aids are also provided to the Prices and price indicates: villagers by this department. Records on economy of the district mention that In any case, the people of Char areas are in the past, the bare necessities were locally produced maintaining a poor standard of living from all respects. except a few items. However, at present due to change Though they are very hard workers still they are unable in consumption pattern including food items. Many of items are brought from outside the district. It is to over come their poverty and misery at any cost. therefore, the price situation in Assam is, though Char area development in Marigaon district: essentially a manifestation of all India phenomenon of rising prices, but the uprising of the price level here Out of total Char villages in Assam spreading in 14 has been more pronounced due to certain factors like districts, 39 char are in Marigaon district with 65,585 rapid growth of population, transport bottlenecks and populations covering an area of 6804.7 hectares ofland. virtual dependence on outside supply for essential There are 9,264 families in the Chars of the district. consumer goods! About 52.5% people are living below poverty line in The figures of price indices of different categories these Chars of the district . can be seen in the following table.

Table-ll Consumer price Index in Assam (base 1982-100)

Year CPI for working class CPI for industrial workers Guwahati Assam Guwahati Assam All India 2 3 4 5 6

1997 357 333 357 335 350 1998 405 (13.4) 374 (12.3) 405 (13.4) 380 (13.4) 405 (15.7)

Note: Figures in brackets show percentage increase during 1997-98. Source: Labour Bureau ,Government Of India and Directorate of Economics and Statistics , Government of Assam.

21 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT From the above table it can be seen that the prices (Development) is aided in this matter by the indices for Guwahati centre which is the centralized planning Cell of the Deputy representative of Marigaon district is slightly more Commissioners" office All departments involved in than Assam as a whole and equivalent with the all the developmental activities of the district like PWD, India level figures. However, the percent increase in Irrigation, Health, Education and many other works case of industrial workers is less than the all India in co-ordination and District Development committee leve1. headed by the Deputy commissioner has been in place Cross section comparison of CPI between food to ensure this co-ordination. Under the Government and non-food items (wholesale prices) in Assam policy ofrapid enlistment of rural population, a District show that the prices of non-food items are increasing Rural Development Agency (DRDA) is functioning more faster than food items. Same is the situation in the district which has the Deputy Commissioner between agricultural and non-agricultural commodities as the Chairman and one Project Director as its which indicate that the farmers and poor people are functional head. All schemes for Rural Development at more disadvantage than other population in the are implemented by agencies in co- ordination with district. some Development Blocks situated in outgoing rural areas of the district. These Development Blocks are General Administration:­ supervised by Block Development Officers ( BDO,s) Revenue Administration: and Senior BDOs . Revenue administration has historically been the Local Administration primary responsibility of the District Administration. For management and implementation of various This involves collection and fixing of land revenue, registration , mutation and over all management in developmental schemes, elected bodies are constituted at the level of Corporation, Municipality and Town regard to land both private and public. Besides the Committee for urban areas and Panachayat Bodies Revenue branch of the Deputy Commissioner's office for the rural areas. Marigaon Town Committee is which is looked after by the Additional Deputy only urban local administration body at Marigaon Commissioner (Revenue), there are 5 outlying district. Revenue Circles in the district supervised by Circle Officer . The Mouzadars under the Circle Officer As for the rural areas in Marigaon district, a are responsible for collecting land revenue (Khazana hierarchy of local administrative bodies is in place ) from land owners are required to submit "doul" with Zilla Parishad of the top (Sub-division level ) ( demand of revenue ) to the Deputy Comm issioner followed by Anchalik and Gaon Panachayats which , and after his approval , Mauzadars are to collect cover a total number of 636 villages in the district. revenue as per the demand. In the year 1995-96, the System of Local Self Government total collection of land revenue in the district was Rs. 675,000 against the total demand both current and The present system of Local Self- Government arrears ofRs. 5,522,000 which comes to about 12.2%. is a legacy of the British administration. However, some of Local Self- Government were in existence Development: even during the British period such as institution like A part from Revenue matter, district Development Namghar. Initially these Panachayats were constituted is one of the very important objectives of the District as local Boards in 1882. The Assam Panachayats Administration. As head of the District Administration, Act, 1959 which came into force in 1960, abolished the Deputy Commissioner is responsible for all round the Local Boards and under this Act, a three -tier development activities in the district under various panachayat Raj system was introduced in Assam. programmes such as MP.s Local Fund ( MPLAO), However, the Panachayat Act, 1972 which came into MLs Fund, United Fund, Sub-divisional plan scheme operation from 5th May 1973 changed over the two­ Fund, Border Area Development Fund and etc. For tier system of Panachayats instead of the three-tier these works, the Deputy Commissioner assigns one system and the intermediary Anchalik Panachayat ADC (Development) the specific task oflooking after have been abolished. and co- ordination various development al activities The urban units are categorized as Municipal under going in various sectors. The ADC Board, Town Committee and Munic ipal Corporation.

22 ANALYTICAL NOTE In Marigaon district there is only one town Marigaon It has the powers to establish primary school, with Town Committee. There is one Chairman and dispensary, market, road and bridge. The council is Vice Chairman in the committee. The Chairman is empowered to collect revenue by way oflevies, taxes the head of administration. He presides over meeting and royalty. of the town committee. He is entrusted with the Marigaon district is not come under Autonomous implementation of the schemes taken up by the District Council. committee. He has the financial power to manage the affairs of the town committee. The Town Law and Order Committee has some sources of revenue and in Maintenance of Law and Order is another addition, regularly receives annual grants from the important aspect of district administration and the Government. Beside the Government grants, they earn Deputy Commissioner also being the District revenues from levies, bicycles, stalls, open space, Magistrate is responsible for proper maintenance of markets, cinema house etc. law and order. The Deputy Commissioner is aided by Some important duties of the Town Committee the Additional District Magistrate and Sub- divisional are to maintain road and bridges under its jurisdiction Magistrate. The Circle Officers also function as and to look after sanitation, laying out of parks, Executive Magistrates and are responsible for establishment of Veterinary dispensary, library, fire maintenance of Law and Order. The District service, supply of safe drinking water, street light Magistrate and other Magistrates take necessary help etc. from the Police Department. The Police Administration of the district is headed by the Autonomous District Council Superintendent of Police. The Police Department in In case of districts, which have Autonomous Marigaon district has 7police stations , and 2 Out District Council most of the powers and function of post, in 1998 as recorded in the Statistical Handbook the Deputy Commissioner are transferred to the Assam, 2000. Council. This council has both executive and legislative powers. It has the power on the matters of The incidence of crime in the district is not much administration of land, forest, agriculture etc. It is compared to other parts of the State. The number empowered to take decision on the matters relating of different cases of crimes reported are presented to formation of village, town Committee or Council. in the following table. Table -12 Cases of crime reported in Marigaon district- 1998 Cases of crime No of cases reported Percentage of tota! crimes Assam Marigaon 2 3 4 1 Murder 1,665 23 1.4 2 Rape 744 20 2.7 3 Kidnapping. 1,474 25 1.7 4 Doca:iIy. 928 33 2.6 5 Rd:i::lecy" 1.,082 1.7 ;1..6 6 B 1.IIg:]aI;y 3,696 52 1..4 7 R:bts 3,548 44 1.2 Source: Additional Director General police (CIV ) Govt. Assam It is seen in the above table that the incidence of police has registered 53 road accidents which were Burglary and riots are relatively high compared to taken place on National Highway , State Highway other types of crimes whereas the cases of robbery and other roads on 1999 respectively. are less than all other crimes. The rates of conviction Health and Family welfare are very less both in the district and the state. In the ancient days, the aliments of people were Accident attended by Kavirajas and Ojahs.The treatment In the year 1999, about 133 person were injured made by them were popular in Assam even up to in road, out of which 27 persons were killed .The the early part of the British rule.Fever, bowel 23 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT complaints, Cholera, Small pox Kalazar etc used to returns of the whole district to the Director of Health take heavy tolls of life in Assam. But due to modem Services of the State. In case of railway station areas, scientific medical facilities in recent times, there is the Station Masters were keeping the records of birth a lot of improvement in the health condition of people and death of their jurisdiction and were reported to the ChifMedical Officer, North- east Frontier Railway Family Planning who were submitted the returns the Director of Health Services. Act 1969, the registration of Birth Good progress has been made in family planning and Death was not compulsory except in Tea Estates. in the district. During 1998-99, about 106 women Only after 1978 it was made compulsory under Assam undergone Tubectomy Operation. Further 949 women Registration of Birth and Death Rules 1978. Again in have adopted copper "T" besides 12,570 person are 1999, the Government ofAssam framed Registration using condom and 5,847 take oral pills in the district of Birth and Death rules 1999 under revamped in the same year. system of Civil Registration initiated by the Central ( Source: Statistical Handbook Assam, 2000). Government which is now in operation. Vital Statistics In Marigaon district, all births and deaths are registered by Registration Centres. These centres In the long past, Vital Statistics were recorded submit monthly reports to the Joint Director of Health by Gaonbura or Village Headmen in the Hat-Chithas services of the district who is designated as District . The Hat-chithas were submitted monthly to the Registrar of Birth and Death. The District Registrar Mauzadars who submitted these data to the District after compiling all records from all centres submits Medical Officer after compiling the data on a monthly to the Chief Registrar who is the Director of Health statement. This process has changed and the collection Services with a copy to the Director of Census of Vital Statistics was entrusted to the Secretary of Operations, Assam Guwahati. The Chief Registrar the Gaon Panchayat in 1959. He has to submit after compilation of all data for the state as a whole monthly record to the Block Development Officer sends to the Registrar General India, New Delhi, who, thereafter, submits a consolidate statement to periodically. the District Medical Officer and Civil Surgeon at that time. In the urban areas, Vital Statistics were received from the Chairman of Municipal Board or Town The people of Marigaon district took active part Committee .In the tea gardens, the registration of birth in the independent Movement. Many people courted and death was compulsory even prior to enactment arrest and faced humiliation from the British of Assam Panachyat Act, 1959. The. gardens Government. At last the Nation has achieved th Managers maintained the record of birth' and deaths independence in 15 August. 1947 and the Nation will and required to submit a monthly report t~ the District remain indebted to Marigaonians for the sacrifices Health Officer. The District Health Officers submitted made by them during the great struggle.


24 CENSUS & NON-CENSUS CONCEPT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS a length of not less than 2 metres and a breadth of (v) CENSUS CONCEPTS: at least 1112 metres and 2 metres in height. A room, however, which is used in common for sleeping, Building sitting, dining, storing and cooking, etc., should be A 'Building' is generally a single structure on the regarded as a room. An unenclosed verandah, kitchen, ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than store, garage, cattle-shed and latrine and rooms in component unit which are used or likely to be used as which a household industry such as a handloom is dwellings(residences) or establishments such as shops, located, which are not normally used for living or business houses, offices, factories, workshops, sleeping are excluded from the definition of a living worksheds, Schools, places of entertainment, places room for the purpose of this question. of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible that One is likely to come across conical shaped hut or building which have component units may be used for tent in which human beings reside. In such improvised a combination of purposes such as shop-cum­ accommodation, there will be no four walls to a room residence, workshop-cum-residence,office-cum­ and therefore, the above definition would not strictly residence,etc.Usually a structure will have four walls apply to such types of accommodation. In such cases, and a roof. But in some areas the very nature of the tent or conical hut etc., have been construed to construction of houses is such that there may not be be a room. In certain parts of the country, particularly any wall. Such is the case of conical structures where in rural areas, the pattern of housing may present entrance is also provided but they may not have any some problems. For example, a household may be in walls. Therefore, such of the conical structures are occupation of several huts put to different uses such also treated as separate buildings. as main residence, sitting room, store and even for sleeping at night. By strict application of the definition Permanent houses each one will be reckoned as a census house, but Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of this does not reflect the real situation. While huts used permanent materials. The material of walls can be as store or cattle shed pose no problems, those used anyone from the following, namely, galvanized iron as sleeping rooms beyond the main residence, should sheets or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, burnt be counted as rooms rather than separate census houses. If a garage is used by a servant and he lives bricks, stones or concrete. Roof may be made of in it as a separate household, it should be reckoned from anyone of the following materials, namely, tiles, as a room available to the servant's household. If the slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, asbestos servant is considered as a member of the household sheets, bricks, stones Or concrete then the garage room should be reckoned as an Semi-permanent houses: additional room of the household. A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has walls with a doorway Houses in which either the wall or the roof is and a roof and should be wide and long enough for made of permanent material and the other is made a person to sleep in, i.e. it should have a length of of temporary material. not less than 2 meters and a breadth of at least 1.5 Temporary houses : meters and a height of 2 meters. A dwelling room would include living room, bedroom, dining room, Houses in which both walls and roof are made drawing room, study room, servant's room and other of materials, which have to be replaced frequently. habitable rooms. Kitchen, bathroom, latrine, store Walls may be made from anyone of the following room, passageway and verandah which are not temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, normally usable for living are not considered as plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt bricks or wood. Roof dwelling rooms. A room, used for multipurpose such may be made from anyone of the following temporary as sleeping, sitting, dining, storing, cooking, etc., is materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, wood, mud, regarded as a dwelling room. In a situation where a plastic or polythene. census houses is used as a shop or office, etc., and the household also stays in it then the room is not RoomDwelling Room: considered as a dwelling room. But if a garage or A room should have four walls with a doorway servant quarter is used by a servant and if she/ he with a roof over head and should be wide and long also lives in it as a separate household then this has enough for a person to sleep in, i.e., it should have been considered as a dwelling room available to the 26 ANALYTICAL NOTE servant's household. Tent or conical shaped hut if definition of census house strictly in certain cases. used for living by any household is also considered For example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms, as dwelling room. A dwelling room, which is shared each room having direct entrance from the common by more than one household, has not been counted staircase or courtyard. By definition, this has to be for any of them. If two households have a dwelling treated as five census houses. If all these five rooms room each but in addition also share a common are occupied by a single household it was not realistic dwelling room, then the common room has not been to treat them as five census houses. In such a counted for either of the households. case, 'singleness' of use of these rooms along with Census house Rural-Urban area the main house should be considered and the entire flat was treated as one census house. On the other A 'census house' is a building or part ofa building hand, if two independent households occupy these used or recognised as a separate unit because of five rooms, the first household living in 3 rooms and having a separate main entrance from the road or the second household occupying 2 rooms, then common courtyard or staircase, etc. It may be considering the use, the first three rooms together occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or were treated as one census house and the remaining non- residential purpose or both.In certain peculiar rooms as another census house. But if each room situations, the manner in which buildings and census was occupied by an independent household, then each houses were identified for numbering in the field by such room was treated as a separate census house.ln the enumerators is described hereunder:Sometimes a case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door of each series of different buildings are found along a street room in which an inmate lives opens to a common which are joined with one another by common walls verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common room, on either side looking like a continuous structure. as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel! Hotel These different units are practically independent of building was treated as one census house. but if such one another and are likely to have been built at hostels/ hotels have out- houses or other structures different times and owned by different persons. In used for different purposes or the same purpose, then such cases, though the whole structure with all the each such structure attached to the main hostel/hotel adjoining units apparently appears to be one building, was treated as a separate census house.In some parts each portion was treated as a separate building and of the country, in rural areas, the pattern of habitation its constituent units as separate census houses.On is such that a group of huts, located in a compound, the other hand, one may come across cases, whether enclosed or unenclosed, is occupied by one particularly in large cities of multi-storeyed ownership household. While the main residence may be located flats. In these cases while the structure looks like in one hut, other huts may be used for sleeping, as one building, different persons own the flats. In case a kitchen, bath room, baithak, etc. Though each of of such multi-storeyed structures, having a number the huts was a separates structure, they form a single of fiats owned by different persons, the entire housing unit and therefore, have to be treated structure was treated as one building and each flat collectively as one building and one census house. If as a separate census house.If within a large enclosed some of the huts are used by one household and the area, there are separate buildings owned by different others by a second household as residence, then the persons then each such building is treated as a two groups of huts were treated as separate census separate building. There can be a situation where houses. However, if there were also other huts in the within an enclosed compound there are separate compound used for other purposes and not as part of buildings owned by an undertaking or company or the household's residence such as, cattle shed, even government that are actually in occupation of workshed, etc., these were treated as separate census different persons. For example, Indian Oil Corporation houses. On the other hand, in urban areas, where more colony where the buildings are owned by the than one structure within an enclosed or open Corporation but these are in occupation of their compound (premises) belonging to the same person, employees. Each such building was treated as a e.g., the main house, the servant's quarter, the garage, separate building. But if in anyone of these buildings etc., only one building number was given for this group there were flats in occupation of different households, and each of the constituent a separate census house each such flat was reckoned as a separate census number. Only cases where a structure with roof and house. Sometimes if becomes difficult to apply the pillars has come up was treated as a building. The

27 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT data in tables on Houses, Household Amenities and (b) All other places which satisfY or are Assets are presented separately for rural and urban expected to satisfY the following criteria areas. The unit of classification in this regard is 'town' simultaneously for urban areas and 'village' for rural areas. In the i) A minimum population of 5,000; ii) At least 75 Census of India 2001, the definition of urban area per cent of the male working population engaged in adopted is as follows: a)All places with a municipality, non-agricultural pursuits; and iii)A density of corporation, cantonment board or notified town area population of at least 400 per square kilometre (1,000 committee, etc. b) A place satisfying the following per square mile). three criteria simultaneously: i) A minimum population of 5,000;ii) at least 75 per cent of male working City population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; andiii)a Towns with population of 1,00,000 and above density of population of at least 400 per sq. km.(1,OOO are called cities. per sq.mile)For identification of places which would qualify to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, Urban Agglomeration as per the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban and above, a population density of 400 persons per spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically working population engaged in non-agricultural activity contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban were considered. To work out the proportion of male outgrowths of such towns. In some cases railway working population referred to above against b) (ii), colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., may the data relating to main workers were taken into come up near a city or statutory town outside its account. Apart from these, the outgrowths(OGs) of statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a cities and towns have also been treated as urban under village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each 'Urban Agglomerations'. Examples of out-growths such individual area by itself may not satisfy the are railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated as military camps, etc., that may have come up near a an independent urban unit but may deserve to be statutory town or city but within the revenue limits of clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread. a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. For the purpose of delineation of Urban Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy Agglomerations during Census of India 2001, the demographic criteria laid down at (b) above to following criteria are taken as pre-requisites:(a) The qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit core town or at least one of the constituent towns of but may deserve to be clubbed with the towns as a an urban agglomeration should necessarily be a continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data, statutory town; and(b) The total popUlation of all wherever presented, also includes the data for the constituents (i.e., towns and outgrowths) of an outgrowths of such towns. Urban Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 Village: (as per the 1991 Census). With these two basic The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village criteria having been met, the following are the possible which has definite surveyed boundaries. The revenue different situations in which Urban Agglomerations village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the would be constituted: entire village is treated as one unit for presentation i) a city or town with one or more contiguous of data. In unsurveyed areas, like villages within forest outgrowths; areas, each habitation area with locally recognized ii) two or more adjoining towns with their boundaries is treated as one village. outgrowths; and TownIU rban area : iii) a city and one or more adjoining towns with The following areas are treated as towns/ their outgrowths all of which form a continuous urban area spread. (a) All places with a municipality, municipal Household corporation, cantonment board or notified town A 'household' is usually. A 'household' is usually area committee, etc. a group of persons who normally live together and


take their meals from a common kitchen unless the Castes) Order, 1950, no person who professed a exigencies of work prevent any of them from doing religion different from Hinduism was deemed to be so. Persons in a household may be related or unrelated a member of a Scheduled Caste in addition to every or a mix of both. However, if a group of unrelated member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, Majhabi or persons live in a census house but do not take their Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala and East meals from the common kitchen, then they are not Punjab States Union were in relation to that State constituent of a common household. Each such person whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. was to be treated as a separate household. The Subsequently, in September 1956, by an amendment, important link in finding out whether it was a the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all subsequent household or not was a common kitchen. There may Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the be one member households, two member households Hindu and the Sikh religions were placed on the same or multi-member households. footing with regard to the specification of Scheduled Castes. Later on, as per the amendment made in the Institutional household : Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the A group of unrelated persons who live in an Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the institution and take their meals from a common same footing with regard to the recognition of the kitchen is called an Institutional Household. Examples Scheduled Castes. of Institutional Households are boarding houses, The lists containing the names of the Scheduled messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, Castes and the Scheduled Tribes applicable for the orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly Census of India 2001 in the State! Union territory perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001, are given below: (Each Census Directorate will it was specifically mentioned that this category or provide list(s) of the Scheduled Castes & the households would cover only those households where Scheduled Tribes as applicable in the State/Union a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and territory. In this connection, the publication 'List of share a common kitchen. the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, Houseless household : Census ofIndia, 2001' supplied by the ORGI is given below: Households who do not live in buildings or census houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, Scheduled Castes: in hume pipes, under fly-overs and staircases, or in 1 Bansphor the open in places of worship, mandaps, railway 2 Bhuinmali,Mail platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households. 3 Brittial Bania,Bania Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe : 4 Dhupi,Dhobi Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the 5 Dugla,Dholi President may, with respect to any State or Union territory, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts 6 Hira of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall 7 Jalkeot for the purposes of the Constitution be deemed to be 8 Jhalo, Malo,Jalo-Malo Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union territory. Article 342 similarly provides for 9 Kaibartta specification of tribes or tribal communities or parts 10 Lalbagi of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution 11 Mahara to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the various States 12 Methar,Bhangi and Union territories. In pursuance ofthese provisions, 13 Muchi, Rishi the list of Scheduled Castes and! or Scheduled Tribes are notified for each State and Union territory and 14 Namasudra are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or 15 Patni ,"pnion territory and not outside. It is important to 16 Sutradhar p.ention here that under the Constitution (Scheduled


Scheduled Tribes: (xxix) Sairhem L In the autonomous district: (xxx) Selnam 1 Chakma (xxxi) Singson 2 Dimasa,Kachari (xxxii) Sitlhou 3 Garo (xxxiii) Sukte 4 Hajong (xxxiv) Thado 5 Hmar (xxxv) Thangngeu 6 Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War, Bhoi, Lyngngam (xxxvi) Uibuh 7 Any Kuki Tribes Including: (xxxvii) Vaiphei (i) Biate,Biet 8 Lakher (ii) Changsan 9 Man(Tai Speaking) (iii) Chongloi 10 Any Mizo(Lushi)Tribes (iv) Doungel 11 Mikir (v) Gamalhou 12 Any Naga Tribes (vi) Gangte 13 Pawi (vii) Guite 14 Syntheng (viii) Hanneng ll. In the State of Assam excluding the Autonomous (ix) Haokip, Haupit District - (x) Haolai 1 Barmans in Cacher (xi) Hengna 2 Boro, Borokachari (xii) Hongsungh 3 Deori (xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol 4 Hojai (xiv) Jongbe 5 Kachari, Sonwal (xv) Khawchung 6 Lalung (xvi) Khawathlang, Khotalong (xvii) Khelma 7 Mech (xviii) Kholhou 8 Miri (xix) Kipgen 9 Rabha (xx) Kuki Language and Mother tongue : (xxi) Lengthang As per the census concept, each language is a group of mother tongues. The census questionnaire (xxii) Lhangum collects information on the mother tongue of each (xxiii) Lhoujem person and mother tongue is defined as the language (xxiv) Lhouvun spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the person. If the mother died in infancy, the language (xxv) Lupheng mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will (xxvi) Mangiel be the mother tongue. In the case of infants and deaf (xxvii) Misao mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother is considered as mother tongue. It is not necessary that (xxviii) Ring the language spoken as mother tongue should have 30 ANALYTICAL NOTE • script. The mother tongues returned by the preceding the date of enumeration) in any economic ,feSpondents in census are classified and grouped under activity is termed as 'Marginal worker' . appropriate languages according to their linguistic Non worker characteristics. A person who has not worked at all in any Literate economically productive activity during the reference A person age 7 years and above who can both period (i.e. last one year preceding the date of read and write with understanding in any language is enumeration) is termed as 'Non worker'. taken as literate. A person who can only read but Cultivator cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that For purposes of the Census a person is classified to be considered as literate, a person should have as cultivator if he or she is engaged in cultivation received any formal education or passed any minimum on land owned or held from government or held from educational standard. Literacy could also have been private persons or institutions for payment in money, achieved through adult literacy classes or through any kind or share. Cultivation includes effective non-formal educational system. People who are blind supervision or direction in cultivation.A person who and can read in Braille are treated as literates. has given out herlhis land to another person or persons Uteracy rate or institution(s) for cultivation for money, kind or share Literacy rate of the population is defined as the of crop and who does not even supervise or direct percentage of literates in the age group seven years cultivation in exchange of land, is not treated as and above. For different age groups the percentage cultivator. Similarly, a person working on another of literates in that age group gives the literacy rate. person's land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural labourer) is not Educational level treated as cultivator. Cultivation involves ploughing, The highest level of education a person has sowing, harvesting and production of cereals and millet completed crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc., and other crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, ground­ Work nuts, tapioca, etc., and pulses, raw jute and kindred Work is defined as participation in any fiber crop, cotton, cinchona and other medicinal plants, economically productive activity with or without fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may or groves, etc. Cultivation does not include the be physical andlor mental in nature. Work involves following plantation crops - tea, coffee, rubber, not only actual work but also includes effective coconut and betel-nuts (areca). supervision and direction of work. It even includes Agricultural labourer part time help or unpaid work on farm, family enterprise or in any other economic activity. All A person who works on another person's land persons engaged in 'work' as defined above are for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as workers. Persons who are engaged in cultivation or an agricultural labourer. Shelhe has no risk in the milk production even solely for domestic consumption cultivation, but merely works on another person's land are also treated as workers.Reference period for for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of determining a person as worker and non-worker is lease or contract on land on which shelhe works. one year preceding the date of enumeration. Household industry worker Main worker Household industry is defined as an industry A person who has worked for major part of the conducted by the head of the household herself/ reference period ( i.e. six months or more during the himself and or by the members of the household at last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in horne or within the village in rutal areas and only any economically productive activity is termed as within the precincts of the house where the household ·~in wdrker' . lives in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in household industry should consist of members of Inal worker the household including the head. The industry should ~ "'I\. person who worked for less than six months not be run on the scale of a registered factory which of the reference period ( i.e. in the last one year would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian 31 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Factories Act and should be engaged in manufacturing, network of mains and branches of underground processing, servicing and repairs of goods.It does not conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point include professions such as a pleader, Doctor, of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, Dhobi, industrial wastage are called separate sewers; those Barber, etc. or merely trade or business, even if such that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other professions, trade or services are run at home by surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those members of the household. carrying both sewage and storm water are called combined sewers. However, in some towns which Other worker: are not provided with such underground sewerage A person who has been engaged in some system, it is served by open surface drain, box drain, economic activity during the reference period but not sylk pattern drain, etc., in these towns. as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in Household Industry is termed as a 'Other Worker (OW)'. The Type of latrine andMethod of disposal of night type of workers that come under this category of soil 'OW' include all government servants, municipal There are three prevalent systems of disposal of employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation human wastes, viz.(i) underground sewerage, (ii) workers, those engaged in trade, commerce, business, sanitary water flush latrines with individual disposal transport, banking, mining, construction, political or systems, like septic tank, leaching cess pool and social work, priests, entertainment artists, etc. In collecting well, and (iii) dry type of latrines with effect, all those workers other than cultivators or manual scavenging. The system of underground agricultural labourers or household industry workers, sewerage provides for the street sewerage with which are 'Other Workers'. are connected the sanitary latrines constructed in the houses having water closets and fitted with flushing Work participation rate : cistern (or hand flushing). Through this sewer the Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total faecal matter is transported without the need for population scavenging. This system generally exists in cities and big towns. Where the streets sewer does not exist Population density : these sanitary water flush latrines are connected to Population density is the number of persons a local septic tank with a sub-soil dispersion system inhabited per square kilometre of the area. or a leaching pit. Here the liquid wastes from the water closet is disposed of locally in leaching pit, a Age: septic tank with a soil dispersion system is constructed. Age is measured in terms of the completed This dispersion requires an optimum travel through number of years the pores ofthe soil which renders the harmful liquid bacterially innocuous by the slow process of filtration Sex -ratio: through the soil traversed. Where the soil is Number of females per 1000 males in a impermeable, collecting wells are constructed and the population. sanitary water flush latrines are connected with them. These wells are cleaned at periodic intervals by a (vi) NON CENSUS CONCEPTS: suitable device. The dry type of latrines are of service type latrines from where human excreta is removed Improved drinking water by scavengers from house to house, in most cases If the household had access to drinking water carrying it on their heads or shoulders or in baskets supplied from a tap, hand pump, tube well or well with handle or wheel barrows. These are then (protected or covered) situated within or outside the collected in bullock carts or trucks or tractors and premises, it is considered as having access to trolleys for being carried to the dumping grounds. improved drinking water. It may be mentioned Fertility that such uniform definition may not be valid across all states. In demography, the word fertility is used in relation to the actual production of children or occurrence of System of sewerage births specially live births. Fertility is a measure of Generally, a sewerage system would mean a rate at which population adds to itself by births and 32 ANALYTICAL NOTE ,JaOrmally assessed by relating the number of births to General marital fertility rate (GMFR) . : _ full or part of the population, such as number of Number of live births per 1000 married women married women or number of women of child bearing in reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given age. The definitions of the terminology used in year. computing different fertility rates are mentioned below: Number of live births in a year Crude birth rate(CBR) GMFR = xlOOO Mid-year married female population rn the Ratio of the number of live births in a year to the age-group (15-49) years. mid year population, normally expressed per 1000 , population. Total fertility rate (TFR): It is obtained as the total of the age specific Number of live births during the year X 1000 CBR = fertility rates (number of children born per woman of Mid -year Population the particular age) for the entire reproductive age span. It provides the average number of children that Crude death rate(CDR) will be born to a woman under the fertility levels Ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the indicated by the age specific fertility rates assuming mid year population, normally expressed per 1000 that there is no mortality of women till the completion population. of reproductive period.

Number of deaths during the year 45-49 CDR = X 1000 Mid- year Population 5 x L ASFR 15-19 TFR Natural growth rate 1000 Growth rate is obtained as the difference between crude birth rate and crude death rate in the absence Total marital fertility rate (TMFR) of migration. Average number of children that would be born Age specific fertility rate (ASFR) to a married woman if she experiences the current fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span (15- Number of live births in a year to female 49) years assuming that there is no mortality of women population in any specified age group normally till the completion of reproductive period. expressed per 1000 women.

Number of hve births in a particular age-group 45-49 ASFR X 1000 5 x L ASMFR Mid-year female population of the same age-group 15-19 TMFR= Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR) 1000 Number oflive births in a year to married female population in any specified age group normally Age-specific mortality rate (ASMR) expressed per 1000 married women . Number of deaths in a particular age and sex Number of live births in a particular age-group group per 1000 population of the same age group. ASMFR X 1000 Mid-year married female population Number of deaths in a particular age-group of the same age-group ASMR ------xl000 Mid-year population of the same age-group General fertility rate (GFR) Number of live births per 1000 women in the ql Probability of dying between birth and age 1. reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. This can be used as approximate value of Infant

Number of live births in a year Mortality Rate (IMR) which gives the ratio of number of deaths in a year of children aged less ~\GFR = ------x 1000 Mid-year female population in the than one year to the number of births in that year. age-group (15-49) years q2 Probability of dying between birth and age 2. 33 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT q5 Probability of dying between birth and age 5. This Number of still births and infant deaths indicator is also known as Under Five Mortality Rate of less than 7 days during the year (U5MR) PMR = ------x 1000 Number of live births and still births Infant mortality rate (IMR) during the year Ratio of the number of infant deaths (deaths of Still birth rate (SBR) : children below one year) in a year to the number of live births in that year. Number of still births during the year = ------x 1000 Number of live births and still births during the year IMR Number of infant deaths during the yearx 1000 Number of live births during the year Maternal mortality rate(MMR) : Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz., Number of deaths of women in the age group Neo-natal mortality rate and Post neo-natal mortality 15-49 whilt} pregnant or within 42 days of termination rate. The neo-natal mortality rate also comprises of of pregnancy from any cause related to pregnancy two parts viz., Early neo-natal mortality rate and late and cbiJd birtb per 100,000 Jive births in a given year. neo-natal mortality rate. These are defined as: Number of maternal deaths to women in Ii'< Neo-natal mortality rate (NMR) the age group 15-49 MMR=------:x 100000 Number of infants dying within the first month of life (28 days or under) in a year per 1000 live births Number of live birth of the same year. Eligible couple (Couples per 1000 population)

Number of infant deaths aged 28 days or Number of currently married females in the age under during the year group15-44 years per 1000 persons of all ages. NMR= ------x 1000 Number of live births during the year Child woman ratio (0-4) 1. Number of children in the age group 0-4 years Early neo- natal mortality rate : per 1 000 women in the age group 15-49 years. Number of infant deaths of less than 7 daysDuring the year Child woman ratio (5-9) ------X 1000 2. Number of children in the age group 5-9 years Number of live births during the year per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years. Late neo-natal mortality rate Migration Number of infant deaths of 7 days to less than Migration is the third component of population 29 days during the year change, the other two being mortality and fertility. A ------x 1000 person is considered as a migrant by place of birth Number of live births during the year if the place in which he/she is enumerated during the Post neo-natal mortality rate (PNMR) census is other than the place of his/her birth. Similarly a person is considered as a migrant by place Number of deaths of 29 days to less than of last residence if the place in which he/she is One year during the year enumerated during the census is other than hislher ------X 1000 place of immediate last residence outside the village Number of live births during the year or town and not simply in another house or locality Peri-natal mortality rate (PMR) in the same village or town. Certain aspects concerning temporary movement/migration of people Number of still births plus deaths within 1 st week has been explained below as these are important of delivery per 1000 births in a year. components concerning migration :-

34 ANALYTICAL NOTE (i) Migration of persons in search of job is high in international migration. The present name of the the country. In many cases such migrants are on Iy country, state or district and not the name by which seasonal in nature. People migrate to other places they were known at the time of her/his birth or last for work in a particular season and come back again residence were recorded. to their usual place of residence after three or four months. All such workers are treated as migrants. Rural - Urban components of migration: Similarly, if a person moved to any other place for Rural or Vrban status in respect of migrants have attending short term vocational or educational course been determined as applicable at the time of migration that lasted for only few months of a year, she/he too and not with reference to any point of time after that. were considered as a migrant. The flow of migrants consists of four streams viz. rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and urban (ii) Where a person had merely gone out to another to urban. place or had been shifting from one place to another purely on tour, pilgrimage, visit to hospital for treatment Civic status of urban units or for temporary business purposes, such persons are Civic Status of a town/city is determined on the not deemed to have had another residence different basis of Civic Administrative authority of the town from the place where shelhe or herlhis family normally e.g., Municipal Corporation / Corporation, Municipal resides. She/he is not considered as migrant. (iii) Committee/ Municipal council, Municipality etc. A woman temporarily moves into a hospital or to her Size class of U A / town parents or other relative's house for delivery and if the. hospital or the parents/relatives houses is in a Size-class of VA/Town is based on the population place different from usual place of residence, the size of the VA/City/Town VAs.lTowns with 100,000 place where the hospital or parents/relative's house and above population are classified as Class I VAs. is the place of last residence of the child but not of / towns. These Class I VAs. / towns are now further the mother. A new response category 'Moved after sub classified in to seven sub classes namely MI to birth' was added in Census of India 2001 in the M7 depending on the population size of UA/City/ question on 'reasons for migration' to bring out Town. These are M7(5,000,OOO and above); additional migration patterns. Natural calamities or M6(2,000,000 to 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999) distress migration as a reason for migration for last M4 (500,000-999,999); M3(300,000-499,999), M2 residence migrants included in 1991 Census, is covered (200,000-299,999) & MI (100,000-199,999). towns under category of 'Others'. The reason for migration with, 50,000 to 99,999 population are classified as has been determined as applicable at the time of Class II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class migration and not in reference to any point of time III towns, population with 10,000-19,999 are Class after that. For example, if a person had moved from IV towns, population with 5000 and 9999 are Class the place of herlhis last residence for the purpose of V towns and towns with less than 5000 population education and subsequently at some point of time got are Class VI towns. employment there only, the reason for migration would Slum area be 'education' and not 'work/employment'. The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Internal and International migration : Act, 1956 which was enacted by the Central Govt. The migrational movements are of three types defined slums as a) Areas where buildings are in any respect unfit for human habitation; or b) are by reasons (i) Migration within the state itself with its components of dilapidation, overcrowding, fault arrangement and (a) Migration within the district of enumeration (intra design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty district migration) (b) Migration from one district of arrangement of streets, lack of ventilation, light or state to another district of state (inter district migration) sanitation facilities, or any combination of these (ii) Migration from one state to another State of the factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morals. country ( inter-state migration) Mega city (iii) Migration from one country to another country. The concept of 'Mega city' is a recent 'the first two streams together constitute internal phenomenon in the Vrban Sociology and is dermed in migration, while the last type of movement is called term of metropolitan city in the form of large size,

35 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT problem of management of civic amenities and than the state density (340). The sex ratio in the capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of district is 946 as against 935 in the State. Out of total population. Indian Census in 1991 treated the population of the district, 33.9% is total workers of population size of 5 million and above as the cut off which 50.2% and 16.5 % are male and female point to identify a place as the mega city. Whereas, respectively. The percentage of non- workers is 66.1 for the purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored % in the district. The worker are categorised as Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Mega Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household cities the Ministry of Urban Affairs and employment, Industry Workers and Other Workers. The Department of Urban Development adopted the percentages of these categories are 52.5 %, 19.7%, criteria of 4 million and above population as per 1991 3.3% and 24.4% respectively. Census for Mega Cities. In 2001 Census, cities with The literacy rate is 58.5% in the district of which I 0 millions and above population have been treated 65.1% is for males and 51.5% is for females. The as Mega cities. district literacy rate is above the state literacy rate (vii) 2001 Census findings - Population, its (63.3)%. distribution a) The total population of the district comes to 776,256 in 2001 Census. Male comprises 398,926 while female (viii) Brief Analysis of Inset Tables prepared from Primary Census Abstract : consists of377,330. Out of the total population ofthe district, 738,268 fall under rural and 37,988 are under As in previous Census, a number of Inset Tables urban areas of the district. In rural areas 378,832 are prepared from data which are incorporated in and 359,436 are males and female respectively. primary Census Abstract 2001 ,Census also. Alto­ Accordingly 20,094 and 17,894 are males and females gether 52 Inset Tables are presented in this volume respectively in urban of the district. The percentage from data of three sources namely Primary Census of urban population in the disrict Marigaon is only Abstract, Village and Town Directory and House and 4.89 . The district is a rural base place in which 95 Household amenities of Houselisting operations. The persons out of each 100 persons live in villages. Inset Tables 1 to 36 are based on Primary Census Abstract, Inset Tables 37 to 47 based on Village and b). The decadal growth rate of the district comes to Town Directory and Inset Tables 48 to 52 based on +21.4 which is higher than the state rate. In the houses and household amenities of 2001 Census. district, there are only 2 towns . Marigaon Town is The Inset Tables prepared are analysed properly for only town with Municipal Board and one town is easy understand of data users. It is a first step taken with Town Committee status. The density of the in all states and union teritories for 2001 Census, district is 500 persons per sq. lans. which is higher District Census Hand Books.

36 ANALYTICAL NOTE Inset Tables Based on Primary Census Abstract :- 'TABLE-l DECADALCHANGE IN POPULATION OFTAHSII.S BY RESIDENCE, 1991-2001 SI.No Tahsil Population Percentage decadal Percentage variation 1991-2001 urban population 1991 2001 1991 2001 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Mayong 157,973 140,571 17,402 203,641 186,464 17,177 28.9 32.6 1.3 11.0 8.4 2 Bhuragaon 96,858 96,858 106,140 106,140 9.6 9.6 0.0 3 Laharighat 149,396 149,396 183,420 183,420 22.8 22.8 0.0 4 Marigaon 134,531 118,944 15,587 164,835 144,024 20,811 22.5 21.1 33.5 11.6 12.6 5 Mikirbheta 100,924 100,924 118,220 118,220 17.1 17.1 0.0 District Total: 639,682 606,693 32,989 776,256 738,268 37,988 21.4 21.7 15.2 5.2 4.9

The table gives Revenue Circle wise decadal change with 17.1 percent and Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with of population in the Marigaon district. Among Revenue 9.6 percent are below the district rate. In urban, Marigaon Circles, Mayong Revenue Circle registered the highest Revenue Circle is recorded 33.5 percent decadal population with 203,641 and ofthese population 186,464 variation in 1991-2001 while Mayong Revenue Circle is are in rural and 17,177 are in urban and the lowest recorded a decreased growth rate of -1.3 percent. The population is found in Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with decadal population growth in 1991-2001 for total and 106,140 persons. The percentage decadal variation 1991- rural in the district are higher than the state proportion 2001 of the district is 21.4 percent which is above the but the district urban proportion of 15.2 percent is lower state growth rate of 18.9. Mikirbheta Revenue Circle than the state proportion 38.2 percent. TABLE 2 NUMBERANDPERCENTAGEOF INHABITED VILLAGES IN SPECIFIED POPULATION SIZE RANGES WITH THE RELATED POPULATION ,2001 SI.No District / CD Total number Total rural population Number Population less than Number and Block of inhabited and 200 percentage of villages percentage villages Persons Males Females of villages Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Mayang 232 242147 123920 1 ]8227 25 (10.8) 1451 13]5 48 (20.7) 2 Laharighat 151 196423 101652 94771 23 (15.2) 1158 988 18 (11.9) 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 93137 48259 44878 4 (8.9) 263 240 3 (6.7) 4 Bhurbandha 118 130065 66153 63912 22 (18.6) 1234 1095 23 (19.5) 5 Kapili Pt. 20 39364 20008 19356 1 (5.0) 28 30 1 (5.0) 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 37132 18840 18292 0(0.0) 0 0 5(19.2) DIstricts (Rural) Total: 592 738268 378832 359436 75 ( 12.7) 4134 3668 98 ( 16.6)

SI.No District / CD Population 200-499 Number PopUlation 500-999 Number Population 1000-1999 Number Block and and and percentage percentage percentage Males Females of villages Males Females of villages Males Females of villages 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Mayang 8,344 8,029 58 (25.0) 22,128 21,108 76 (32.8) 55,024 52,576 24 (l0.3) 2 Laharighat 3,067 2,864 28 (18.5) 10,415 9,760 SO (33.1) 38,883 36,006 31 (20.5) 3 Mairabari Pt. 563 512 8 (17.8) 2,994 2,743 13 (28.9) 10,290 9,603 13 (28.9) 4 Bhurbandha 3,962 3,799 27 (22.9) 9,825 9,595 25 (21.2) 17,538 16,988 19 (16.1) 5 Kapili Pt. 183 182 2 (10.0) 803 783 7 (35.0) 5,282 5,153 8 (40.0) 6 Dulongghat Pt. 895 865 4 (15.4) 1,653 1,689 12 (46.2) 8,884 8,724 5 (19.2) Districts (Rural) Total: 17,014 16,251 127 (21.5) 47,818 45,678 183 (30.9) 135,901 129,050 100 (16.9)


Sl.No District / CD Population 2000-4999 Number Population 5000-9999 Number Population 10000 and Block and and above percentage percentage Males Females of villages Males Females of villages Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Mayang 34,349 32,540 1 (0.4) 2624 2,659 0(0.0) 0 0 2 Laharighat 44,420 41,750 1 (0.7) 3709 3,403 0(0.0) 0 0 3 Mairabari Pt. 22,364 20,922 4 (8.9) 11785 10,858 0(0.0) 0 0 4 Bhurbandha 27,853 26,886 2 (1.7) 5741 5,549 0(0.0) 0 0 5 Kapili Pt. 11,073 10,624 1 (5.0) 2639 2,584 0(0.0) 0 0 6 Dulongghat Pt. 7,408 7,014 0(0.0) 0 0 0(0.0) 0 0 Districts (Rural) Total: 147,467 139,736 9 ( 1.5) 26,498 25,053 o ~ 0.0) 0 0 The table gives Revenue Circle wise decadal 17.1 percent and Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with change of population in the Marigaon district. Among 9.6 percent are below the district rate. In urban, Revenue Circles, Mayong Revenue Circle registered Marigaon Revenue Circle is recorded 33.5 percent the highest population with 203,641 and of these decadal variation in 1991-200 I while Mayong population 186,464 are in rural and 17,177 are in Revenue Circle is recorded a decreased growth rate urban and the lowest population is found in of -1.3 percent. The decadal population growth in Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with 106,140 persons. 1991-2001 for total and rural in the district are higher The percentage decadal variation 1991-2001 of the than the state proportion but the district urban district is 21.4 percent which is above the state proportion of 15.2 percent is lower than the state growth rate of 18.9. Mikirbheta Revenue Circle with proportion 38.2 percent. TABLE:3 NEWTOWNS,DENOTIFIED, DECLASSIFIED AND MERGED TOWNS IN 2001 CENSUS Name of town

(a) New (i) Statutory town Nil 1 2 3 (ii) Census town Nil I 2 3 (b) Denotified Nil (i) Statutory towns of 1991 census denotified and also did not satisfy the criteria to be treated as census towns 1 Nil 2 3 (ii) Statutory towns of 1991 census denotified but identified as census towns based on demographic and economic criteria 1 Nil 2 3 (iii) Census towns of 1991 census are notiified as statutory town in 2001 census 1 Nil 2 3 (c) Declassified 1 Jagiroad Paper Mill 2 3 (d) Wholly merged with other town(s) Nil 1 2 3 DeclassIfied means the census towns of 1991 census WhICh failed to satIsfY the demographIc and economIc cntena 38 ANALYTICAL NOTE

The table-3 indicates that the only a Census town 2001 Census. No any changes in urban has taken namely Jagiroad Paper Mill has been declassified in placed in the district.

TABLE-4 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY POPULATION DENSITY, 2001 Range of population Total number of villages in Percentage of villages in Population Percentage distribution density (per square each population density each population density of population kilometer) range range 2 3 4 5 0-10 10 1.7 1,605 0.2 11-20 3 0.5 252 0.0 21-50 14 2.4 932 0.1 51-100 33 5.6 5,916 0.8 101-200 70 11.8 24,581 3.3 201-300 53 9.0 28,115 3.8 301-500 \\6 19.6 109,594 14.% 501 + 293 49.5 567,273 76.8 Not known 0 0.0 0 0.0 District Total: 592 100.0 738,268 100.0

Population Density (Rural) of the district: 567.8

The table-4 shows the distribution of villages by followed by the range between 301-500 with 116 or population density. The population density in the range 19.6 percent villages having 109,594 or 14.8 percent of 50 1 + has the highest number of villages with 293 population respectively. The least number of3 villages or 49.5 percent of the district total number of viIIages is noticed in the density range between 11-20 constituting the population of 76.8 percent. It is population per square kilometer.

TABLE-5 SEX RATIO OF STATE AND DISTRICT, 1901 - 2001 Census Year Assam Marig;mn Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 1901 919 929 577 964 964 1911 915 923 627 960 960 1921 896 906 614 907 907 1931 874 886 575 884 884 1941 875 887 606 865 865 1951 868 879 664 881 881 1961 869 888 662 891 891 1971 896 913 745 917 917 1981 1991 923 934 838 941 946 847 2001 935 944 872 946 949 891

\Note: Sex ratio has been defined here as the number of females per 1000 males.

The table-5 indicates sex ratio of the district and the the sex ratio has gone down even to 891 in 1961 but it has state from 1901 to 2001 in total rumI and urban. The sex taken a upward trend from 1971 to onward. The same is ratio of the district in total, ruraI and urban are higher than the situation in rural also. The urban area in the district has the sex ratios of state. The sex ratio in 1901 in the district come up only from 1991. The sex ratio of the district, was much higher from the sex-ratio upto 2001.Afier 1901, however, is higher than the state.

39 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT TABLE-6 The table depicts the sex ratio of rural population by SEX RATIO BY TAHSILS, 2001 ranges. From the table it is seen that 163 villages or 27.5 SI.No Name of Sex ratio percent ofthe total villages having the population of275,476 Tahsil or 37.3 percent of the total population shows the sex ratio Total Rural Urban between the range 900-949. It is followed by 150 villages 2 3 4 5 constituting the population of 230,018 or 31.2 percent of I Mayong 938 946 856 the total population with the sex ratio in the range 950-999 2 Bhuragaon 927 927 3 Laharighat 934 934 and 122 villages with the population of 119,035 have the 4 Marigaon 964 971 920 sex ratio in the range 1000-1099. The lowest 5 number of 5 Mikirbheta 969 969 village with 445 persons have the sex ratio in the range District Total: 946 949 891 between 700-749. The table shows Revenue Circle wise distribution of sex ratio. The number of female per 1000 males in TABLE-9 the district are higher than the state sex ratio both in SEX RATIO OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS I rural and urban. Among Revenue Circles, the highest TOWNS, 2001 total sex ratio of969 is noticed in Mikirbheta Revenue SI.No. Name of U.A.I Urban status of Sex ratio Circle and the lowest is noticed in Bhuragaon Revenue Town town Circle with the sex ratio of 927. 2 3 4 TABLE-7 1 Jagiroad (CT) 856 SEX RATIO BY CD BLOCKS, 2001 2 Marigaon (TC) 920 SI.No. Name of C D Block Sex ratio 2 3 Sex ratio (Urban) for the district: 891 1 Mayang 954 2 Laharighat 932 The table shows the sex ratio of the towns. Between 3 Mairabari Pt. 930 two towns of the district, Jagiroad CT with sex ratio 4 Bhurbandha 966 of 856 is below the district sex ratio of 891. Marigaon 5 Kapili Pt. 967 TC has the sex ratio of 920 which is higher to both the 6 Dulongghat Pt. 971 urban sex ratio of the district and the state. District (Rural) Total: 949 The table gives the sex ratio by CD Block wise. Laharighat CD Block with 932 and Mairabari CD Block TABLE-I0 SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE with 930 show below the district sex ratio of 949. The AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR TAHSILS, 2001 highest among the CD Blocks is noticed in Dulongghat Sl. Name of Total / Total population in 0-6 age Sex Pt. with 971 females per 1,000 males. No Tahsil Rural/ group ratio for TABLE- 8 Urban Persons Males Females 0-6 age SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION group BY RANGES, 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 Range of Number Percentage Population Percentage 1 Mayong Total 38,576 19,669 18,907 961 sex ratio of of villages 2001 distnbution Rural 36,449 18,578 1,871 962 for inhabited in each of Urban 2,127 1,091 1,036 950 villages villages range population 2 Bhuragaon Total 21,830 1l,064 10,766 973 Rural 21,830 11,064 10,766 973 I 2 3 4 5 Less than Urban 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 41,847 21,229 2,068 971 700 13 2.2 1,152 0.2 41,847 21,229 20,618 971 700-749 5 0.8 445 0.1 Rural Urban 0 0 0 750-799 11 1.9 3,408 0.5 4 Marigaon Total 26,374 13,494 12,880 954 800-849 26 4.4 16,662 2.3 Rural 23,789 12,144 11,645 959 850-899 84 14.2 87,979 11.9 Urban 2,585 1,350 1,235 915 900-949 163 27.5 275,476 37.3 5 Mikirbheta Total 20,131 10,218 9,913 970 950-999 150 25.3 230,018 31.2 Rural 20,131 10,218 9,913 970 1000-1099 122 20.6 119,035 16.1 Urban 0 0 0 1100+ 18 3.0 4,093 0.6 District District Total: Total 148,758 75,674 73,084 966 70,813 967 Total: 592 100.0 738,268 100_0 Rural 144,046 73,233 Urban 4,712 2,441 2,271 930 Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 949 40 ANALYTICAL NOTE

The table gives the sex ratio of population in the of the district for total, rural and urban with 946, 949 age group 0-6. From the table, it is noticed that the and 891 respectively. Among Revenue Circles, the district sex ratio for the population 0-6 age group for highest sex ratio for 0-6 age group is noticed in total, rural and urban are 966,967 and 930 respectively Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with 973 and the lowest is which are higher to the sex ratio for total population noticed in Marigaon Revenue Circle with 954.

TABLE-U SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR CD BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of CD Block Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 age number group Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 1 Mayang 46,389 23,597 22,792 966 2 Laharighat 42,388 21,513 20,875 970 3 Mairabari Pt. 21,289 10,780 10,509 975 4 Bhurbandha 21,646 1l,049 10,597 959 5 Kapili Pt. 6,444 3,292 3,152 957 6 Dulongghat Pt. 5,890 3,002 2,888 962 District (Rural) Total: 144,046 73,233 70,813 967

The table shows the CD Block wise sex ratio 975 and 970 show the sex ratio above the district of population in the age group 0-6. Out of six CD rural sex ratio of 967. The lowest sex ratio among Blocks in the district, two CD Blocks viz. Mairabari the CD Blocks is noticed in Kapili Pt. CD Block with Pt. and Laharighat CD Blocks with the sex ratio of 957 females per 1000 males

TABLE-12 SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 BY RANGES, 2001 Range of sex ratio for villages Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Population 2001 Percentage distribution villages of villages of population 1 2 3 4 5 Less than 700 41 6.9 1,931 1.3 700-749 16 2.7 1,610 1.1 750-799 34 5.7 5,737 4.0 800-849 49 8.3 10,263 7.1 850-899 64 10.8 16,436 11.4 900-949 68 ll.5 23,335 16.2 950-999 77 13.0 30,780 21.4 1000·1099 119 20.1 35,814 24.9 1100+ 124 20.9 18140 12.6 District (RuraQ Total 592 100.0 144046 100.0 Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 967 The table presents the sex ratio ofrural population are 77 villages having the sex ratio in the range 1000- in the age group 0-6 by ranges. From the table it is 1099 and fi..uther increases to 124 villages in the range observed that the number ofvi11ages distnbuted are more 1100+. It is also noticed that the population in the age in the higher ranges ofsex ratio rather than those in the group 0-6 approximately 59 percent has sex ratio lower ranges. 1bis indicates that 1he bigger the number between the ranges 950-999, 1999-1099 and 1100+ ofvillages, 1he higher is 1he range ofsex ratio. There respectively



Serial Name ofUA" I Town+* Urban status Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 number of town age group Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Jagiroad (CT) CT 2,127 1,091 1,036 950 2 Marigaon (TC) TC 2,585 1,350 1,235 915 District(Urban) Total 4,712 2,441 2,271 930

The table gives the sex ratio ofpopulation in the age­ CTwith 915. However, in case of total population between group 0-6 oftowns in the district. Between the two towns, the two towns, Marigaon TC has slightly more population it is observed that Jagiroad CT with 950 sex ratio for 0- than Jagiroad C.T. Here in Marigaon Te, both.male and 6 age group is higher to the sex ratio recorded in Marigaon female population are almost equal.


Serial Name of Tahsil Total I Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of number Rural/ population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Urban Castes Tribes population to total population to total population population population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mayong Total 203,641 46,334 29,346 22.8 14.4 Rural 186,464 44,160 27,362 23.7 14.7 Urban 17,177 2,174 1,984 12.7 11.6 2 Bhuragaon Total 106,140 17,616 11,946 16.6 11.3 Rural 106,140 17,616 11,946 16.6 11.3 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 183,420 1,392 10,640 0.8 5.8 Rural 183,420 1,392 10,640 0.8 5.8 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 4 Marigaon Total 164,835 27,750 46,569 16.8 28.3 Rural 144,024 24,435 44,270 17 30.7 Urban 20,811 3,315 2,299 15.9 11 5 Mikirbheta Total 118,220 7,254 22,229 6.1 18.8 Rural 118,220 7,254 22,229 6.1 18.8 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 District Total: Total 776,256 100,346 120,730 12.9 15.6 Rural 738,268 94,857 116,447 12.8 15.8 Urban 37.988 5.489 4.283 14.4 11.3

The table presents the number and percentage of Among Revenue Circles, Mayong Revenue Circle records Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in the highest Scheduled Castes percentage of 22.8 and TahsilslRevenue Circles. The percentage of Scheduled Marigaon Revenue Circle records 28.3 percent which is Castes population in the district is 12.9 percent and the highest rate for Scheduled Tribes population. It noticed Scheduled Tribes population is 15.6 percent of total that the lowest percentage of both Scheduled Castes and population and both the percentages are above the state Scheduled Tribes population is found in Laharigbat Revenue percentage of 6.9 percent and 12.4 percent respectively. Circle with 0.8 percent and 5.8 percent respectively.


TABLE-IS NUMBERANDPERCENTAGEOFSCHEDULEDCASTESANDSCHEDULEDTFUBES POPULATION IN CD BLOCKS, 2001 SI.No. Name of CD Block Total population Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Percentage of Castes Tribes Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes population population population to total population to total population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Mayang 2,42,147 55,878 38,102 23.1 15.7 2 Laharighat 1,96,423 18,594 22,578 9.5 11.5 3 Mairabari Pt. 93,137 414 8 0.4 0 4 Bhurbandha 1,30,065 14,799 37,420 11.4 28.8 5 Kapili Pt. 39,364 2,619 4,586 6.7 11.7 6 Dulongghat Pt. 37,132 2,553 13,753 6.9 37.0 District (Rural) Total: 7,38,268 94,857 1,16,447 12.8 15.8

The table gives the number and percentage of in Scheduled Castes population and Bhurbandha CD Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population Block with 28.8 percent records the highest in CD Block. Out of 738,268 total rural population proportion in Scheduled Tribes population. Mairabari in the district, 12.8 percent belongs to Scheduled Pt. CD Block shows the lowest Scheduled Castes Castes and 15.8 percent to the Scheduled Tribes population with 414 and Scheduled Tribes population population. Among the CD Blocks, Mayong CD of 8 which approximately form 0.4 percent and zero Block shows the highest proportion with 23.1 percent percent respectively.

TABLE-16 PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN Vll..LAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Castes population Number of viii ages Percentage Scheduled Castes Percentage to total population Population 2 3 4 5 Nil 298 50.3 0 0.0 Less than 5 84 14.2 1,647 1.7 5-10 34 5.7 4,427 4.7 11-20 44 7.4 8,074 8.5 21-30 24 4.1 7,938 8.4 31-40 18 3.0 7,686 8.1 41-50 13 2.2 8,208 8.7 51-75 34 5.7 23,516 24.8 76 and above 43 7.3 33361 35.2 District Total 592 100.0 94,857 100.0

The table presents the proportion of Scheduled population and followed by the population in the Castes population to total population in villages. range of 51-75 with 23,516 or 24.8 percent of Out of 592 total number of inhabited villages, 298 Scheduled Castes to total population. The lowest or 50.3 percent villages have no Scheduled Castes proportion of Scheduled Castes population is population. The highest proportion of Scheduled noticed in the range of less than 5 percent with Castes population is noticed in the ranges 76 and 1,647 or 1.7 percent of Scheduled Castes above percent with 33,361 or 35.2 percent population in 84 villages of the district.

43 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT TABLE-17 PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN VILLAGES, 2001 Percent~ range of Scheduled Tribes Number ofvill~s Percentage Scheduled Tribes Percentage population to total population PopUlation I 2 3 4 5 Nil 276 46.6 o 0.0 Less than 5 44 7.4 835 0.7 5-10 33 5.6 3,928 3.4 11-20 37 6.3 8,120 7.0 21-30 33 5.6 14,234 12.2 31-40 25 4.2 9,175 7.9 41-50 20 3.4 ~608 &3 51-75 36 6.1 17,233 14.8 76 and above 88 14.9 53,314 45.8 District Total 592 100.0 116,447 100.0 The table gives the proportion of Scheduled with 53,314 or 45.8 percent is noticed in the Tribes population to total population in villages. range of 76 and above percent found in 88 Out of the total number of inhabited viIIages villages of the district Less than 5 percentage of 592, 46.6 percent or 276 number of villages range of Scheduled Tribes population is found have no Scheduled Tribes population. The in 44 villages having 835 or 0.7 percent highest number of Scheduled Tribes population Scheduled Tribes population. TABLE-18 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS/TOWNS, 2001

Serial Name ofUA A I Total Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled number Town*+ population Castes Tribes Castes population to Tribes population to popUlation popUlation total population total popUlation 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jagiroad (CT) 17,177 2,174 1,984 12.7 11.6 2 Marigaon (TC) 20,811 3,315 2,299 15.9 11 District(Urban) Total 37,988 5,489 4,283 14.4 11.3 The table gives the number and percentage Among the two towns in the district, Marigaon of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes TC is recorded the higher percentage of population in towns in which the former is Scheduled Castes population with 15.9 percent recorded 14.4 percent and the later is recorded whereas Jagiroad CT with 11.6 percent is 11.3 percent to the total population respectively. recorded the highest Scheduled Tribes population. TABLE-19 SEX RATIO AMONG SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN CD BLOCKS, 2001 SI.No. Nameof CD Block Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio 2 3 4 I Mayang 936 988 2 Laharighat 902 979 3 Mairabari Pt. 857 600 4 Bhurbandha 953 987 5 Kapili Pt. 999 1013 6 Dulongghat Pt. 1002 980 District (Rural) Total 935 986 The table presents the rural sex ratio among the CD Blocks, Dullongghat Pt. CD Block shows the highest Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in CD Blocks. sex ratio of 1,002 among the Scheduled Castes and The rural sex ratio among Scheduled Castes at district among Scheduled Tribes, Kapili Pt. CD Block shows level stands at 935 females per 1,000 males and the highest sex ratio of 1,013 females. The lowest sex Scheduled Tribes shows 986 females. However, the rural ratio among the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes sex ratio among the Scheduled Castes at the state level is noticed in Mairabari Pt. CD Block with 857 and 600 is 936 and Scheduled Tribes is 974 females. Among the females per 1000 males respectively. 44 ANALYTICAL NOTE

TABLE-20 SEX RATIO AMONG SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES INURBANAGGLOMERATIONS/ TOWNS 2001 SI.No. NameofU.A. /Town Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio 2 3 4 1 Jagiroad (CT) 842 959 2 Marigaon (TC) 966 1006 Sex ratio (Urban) for the distrid: 915 984 The table gives the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes and 984 among Scheduled Tribes. Marigaon TC is recorded and Scheduled Tribes in the towns ofthe district. The urban the higher sex ratio both for Scheduled Castes and sex ratio in the district is 915 among the Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes having 966 and 1006 respectively TABLE-21 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TAHSILS, 2001 SI.No. Name of Tahsil Total! Rural Number of literates and illiterates /Urban Number ofliterates Number of illiterates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mayong Total 95,758 55,802 39,956 1,07,883 49,272 58,611 Rural 83,234 48,575 34,659 1,03,230 47,243 55,987 Urban 12,524 7,227 5,297 4,653 2,029 2,624 2 Bhuragaon Total 42,522 25,272 17,250 63,618 29,811 33,807 Rural 42,522 25,272 17,250 63,618 29,811 33,807 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 66,437 37,896 28,541 1,16,983 56,932 60,051 Rural 66,437 37,896 28,541 1,16,983 56,932 60,051 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Marigaon Total 96,849 54,859 41,990 67,986 29,054 38,932 Rural 81,350 46,313 35,037 62,674 26,762 35,912 Urban 15,499 8,546 6,953 5,312 2,292 3,020 5 Mikirbheta Total 65,726 36,757 28,969 52,494 23,271 29,223 Rural 65,726 36,757 28,969 52,494 23,271 29,223 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 District Total: Total 3,67,292 2,10,586 1,56,706 4,08,964 1,88,340 2,20,624 Rural 3,39,269 1,94,813 1,44,456 3,98,999 1,84,019 2,14,980 Urban 28,023 15,773 12,250 9,965 4,321 5,644

SI.No. Name of Tahsil Total / Percentage of literates Gap in male-female Rural/ Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 10 11 12 13 Mayong Total 58.0 65.3 50.2 15.2 Rural 55.5 62.9 47.6 15.3 Urban 83.2 88.5 76.9 11.6 2 Bhuragaon Total 50.4 57.4 42.8 14.6 Rural 50.4 57.4 42.8 14.6 Urban 0 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 46.9 51.5 42.0 9.5 Rural 46.9 51.5 42.0 9.5 Urban 0 0 0 0 4 Marigaon Total 70 77.9 61.7 16.2 Rural 67.7 76.0 59.1 16.9 Urban 85.0 90.1 79.6 10.5 5 Mikirbheta Total 67.0 73.8 60.0 13.8 Rural 67.0 73.8 600.0 13.8 Urban 0 0 0 0 District Total: Total 58.5 65.2 51.5 13.6 Rural 57.1 63.8 50.1 13.7 Urban 84.2 89.4 78.4 10.9

45 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT The table shows number and percentage of rate in rural, registers at 63.8 percent in males and literates and illiterates in Revenue Circles. Out of the 50.1 percent in females respectively. The gap in male­ total population of 776,256 in the district, 58.5 percent female literacy rate is 13.7 percent in rural and 10.9 are literates and 41.5 percent are illiterates. The number percent in urban. Among the Revenue Circles, and the proportion of male literates are more than the Marigaon Revenue Circle shows the highest literacy female literates in both rural and urban of the district. rate of 70.0 percent with males 77.9 percent and The urban literacy rate stands at 89.4 percent in males females 61.7 percent. The lowest literacy rate is and 78.4 in females respectively whereas the literacy noticed in Laharighat Revenue Circle with 46.9 percent.

TABLE- 22 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN C D BLOCKS, 2001 Sl.No. Name of Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in male- CD Block Number of literates Number of illiterates female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mayang 1,12,496 65,121 47,375 1,29.651 58,799 70,852 57.5 64.9 49.6 15.3 2 Laharighat 75,884 44,588 31,296 1,20,539 57,064 63,475 49.3 55.6 42.4 13.3 3 Mairabari Pt. 33,075 18,580 14,495 60,062 29,679 30,383 46.0 49.6 42.2 7.4 4 Bhurbandha 72,144 41,114 31,030 57,921 25,039 32,882 66.5 74.6 58.2 16.4 5 Kapili Pt. 23,391 12,962 10,429 15,973 7,046 8,927 7L1 77.5 64.4 13.2 6 Dulongghat Pt. 22,279 12,448 9,831 14,853 6,392 8,461 71.3 78.6 63.8 14.8 District {Ruraf) Total: 3,39,269 1,94,813 1,44,456 3,98,999 1,84,019 2,14,980 57.1 63.7 50.1 13.7 The table shows number and percentage of Pt. CD Block in which the literacy rate stand at 49.3 literates and illiterates by sex in CD Blocks level. percent and 46.0 percent respectively, the literacy rate Out of 738,268 rural population in the district, 57.1 of all the four remaining CD Blocks in the district percent are literates of which 63.7 percent are male are above the district rate. Among CD Blocks, the literates and 50.1 percent are female literates. The highest literacy rate is noticed in Dulongghat Pt. CD gap in male-female literacy rate is 13.7 percent. With Block with 71.3 percent and the lowest is in Mairabari the exception of Lahari gh at CD Block and Mairabari Pt. CD Block with 46.0 percent. TABLE- 23 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE, 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Population Percentage distribution villages villages of villages of population 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 0.3 41 0.0 1-10 13 2.2 4,125 0.6 11-20 18 3.0 11,947 1.6 21-30 31 5.2 30,708 4.2 31-40 67 11.3 80,047 ]0.8 41-50 118 19.9 1,92,669 26.1 51-60 98 16.6 1,27,356 17.3 61-70 96 16.2 1,07,125 14.5 71-80 86 14.5 96,094 13.0 81-90 56 9.5 81,923 I l.l 91-99 7 1.2 6,233 0.8 100 0 0.0 0 0.0 District Total: 592 100.0 738.268 100.0 Literacy rate for District: 58.5 The table gives the distribution of villages by literacy rate between 61-99 percent there are altogether literacy rate range. Out of 592 total number of inhabited 245 number of villages covering 291,375 persons. It villages in the district, 345 number of villages covering may be mentioned that though the district literacy rate 446,852 persons show the literacy rate in the range is 58.5 percent till there are 2 villages with a total of between 1-60 percent. However, in the range of 41 population where the literacy rate is zero percent.


TABLE-24 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN URBANAGGLOMERATIONSI TOWNS, 2001 Sl.No. Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in male-female status of UAArrown N umber of literates Number of illiterates literacy rate Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I Jagiroad (CT) 12,524 7,227 5,297 4,653 2,029 2,624 83.2 88.5 76.9 11.6 2 Marigaon (TC) 15,499 8,546 6,953 5,312 2,292 3,020 85 90.1 79.6 10.5 District (Urban) Total 28,023 15,773 12,250 9,965 4,321 5,644 84.2 89.4 78.4 10.9

The table shows the number and percentage of rate which is higher in proportion to Jagiroad CT with literates and illiterates by sex in towns. The district urban 83.2 percent and the gap in male/ female literacy rate is percentage of literates is 84.2 percent with male literates recorded 10.5 percent for the former and the later recorded 89.4 percent and female literates 78.4 percent. Among 11.6 percent respectively. In both the towns male literates two towns, Marigaon TC is recorded 85.0 percent literacy are predominate the female literates. TABLE-25 NUMBERANDPERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BYSEX INC.D. BLOCKS 2001 Serial Name of Number ofliterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in number C.D.block Number of literates Number of illiterates male/female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Mayang 26,285 15,977 10,308 29,593 12,881 16,712 57.2 67.1 46.5 20.7 2 Laharighat 8,250 5,282 2,968 10,344 4,492 5,852 53.8 65 41.1 23.9 3 Mairabari Pt. 252 145 107 162 78 84 70.8 75.1 65.6 9.5 4 Bhurbandha 8,414 4,955 3,459 6,385 2,624 3,761 67.7 77.5 57.3 20.2 5 Kapili Pt. 1,786 991 795 833 319 514 81.1 89.8 72.4 17.4 6 Dulongghat Pt. 1,652 952 700 901 323 578 76.4 87.1 65.5 21.6 Disrict (Rural} Total: 46,639 28,302 18,337 48,218 20,717 27,501 59.4 69.5 48.6 21 The table shows the number and percentage of literates with 48.6 percent. The gap in male-female Scheduled Castes literates and illiterates by sex in CD literacy rate is 21.0 percent. Among the CD Blocks, the Blocks. Out of94,857 rural Scheduled Castes population highest percentage of Scheduled Castes literates is in the district, 59.4 percent are literates of which male noticed in Kapili Pt. CD Block and the lowest proportion literates with 69.5 percent are predominated the female is noticed in Laharighat CD Block with 53.8 percent. TABLE- 26 DISTRIBUTION OFVlLLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy rate for N umber of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Castes Percentage distribution villages villages villages Population of population I 2 3 4 5 0 5 1.7 I3 0.0 1-10 0 0.0 0 0.0 I 1-20 5 1.7 518 0.5 21-30 7 2.4 1,180 1.2 31-40 20 6.8 5,750 6.1 41-50 55 18.7 24,221 25.5 51-60 55 18.7 23,495 24.8 61-70 47 16.0 16,533 17.4 71-80 49 16.7 13,921 14.7 81-90 31 10.5 8,874 9.4 91-99 5 1.7 266 0.3 100 15 5.1 86 0.1 District Total: 294 100.0 94,857 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural): 59.4


The table gives the distribution of villages by total rural Scheduled Castes population have literacy literacy rate in range for Scheduled Castes rate above the district literacy rate 60.5% percent. population. Out of 294 total number of inhabited In 5 villages there is no literate Scheduled Castes villages having Scheduled Castes population in the population.Again in 15 villages there is cent percent district, 147 villages covering about 42.0 percent of literacy rate for Scheduled Castes population. TABLE -27 NUMBERANDPERCENTAGEOFSCHEDULEDCASTESLITERATESANDILLITERATES BYSEX INTOWNS, 2001 SI.No. Name and urban Number ofliterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in status of Town male/female Number of literates Number of illiterates literacy rate Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Jagiroad (CT) 1,433 845 588 741 335 406 76.3 82.9 68.4 14.6 2 Marigaon (TC) 2,227 1,213 1,014 1,088 473 615 78.3 84.6 71.8 12.8 Marigaon (Urban) 3,660 2,058 1,602 1,829 808 1,021 77.5 83.9 70.5 13.4 The table gives the number and percentage ofScheduled the district. the proportion ofmale Scheduled Castes literates Castes literates and illiterates by sex in towns. The proportion is higher than the female Scheduled Castes literates which of Scheduled Castes literates in the towns of the district is shows 13.4 percent the gap in male/female literacy rate. 77.5 which is little higher than the proportion of Scheduled Marigann TC is recorded 78.3 percent and Jagiroad CT Tribes literates in urban of the district. In both the towns of recorded 76.3 percent for Scheduled Castes population. TABLE-28 NUMBERANDPERCENTAGEOFSCHEDULEDTRIBESLITERATESANDILLITERATES BYSEX INC.D. BLOCKS, 2001 SI.No. Name ofC.D. Block Number of literates and illiterates Percent~ of literates Gap in Number of literates Number of illiterates male/female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mayang 19,641 11,473 8,168 18,461 7,697 10,764 62.2 72.6 51.9 20.7 2 Laharighat 10,136 6,144 3,992 12,442 5,266 7,176 54.6 65.9 43.2 22.7 3 Mairabari Pt. 5 3 2 3 2 1 100 100 100 0 4 Bhurbandha 18,367 10,891 7,476 19,053 7,938 11,115 59.1 69.8 48.3 21.5 5 Kapili Pt. 2,563 1,445 1,118 2,023 833 1,190 66 75.4 56.8 18.7 6 DulongghatPt. 7,369 4,307 3,062 6,384 2,639 3,745 64.6 75.2 54 21.2 District (Rural) Total: 58,081 34,263 23,818 58,366 24,375 33,991 60.2 70.8 49.5 21.3 The table gives the number and percentage of literacy rate is 21.3 percent which is higher than Scheduled Tribes literates and illiterates by sex in the gap 16.7% in the state for total population. CD Blocks. The district rural proportion of Among CD Blocks the highest number of literates Scheduled Tribes literates is 60.2 percent which is is noticed in Mayong CD Blocks followed by little higher than the proportion of Scheduled Castes Bhurbandha CD Block. The lowest number of literates of 59.4 percent. The gap in male/female literate is found in Mairabari CD Block. TABLE -29 DISTRmUTIONOFVILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION. 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribes Percentage distribution of villages villages villages Population population 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 1.6 5 0.0 1-10 0 0.0 0 0.0 11-20 6 1.9 970 0.8 21-30 4 1.3 600 0.5 31-40 15 4.7 5,048 4.3 41-50 40 12.7 13,378 1l.5 51-60 68 21.5 34,085 29.3


TABLE-29 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY UTERACYRATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribes Percentage distribution of villages vil1ages vil~s Population population 1 2 3 4 5 61-70 85 26.9 39,304 33.8 71-80 58 18.4 19,874 17.1 81-90 17 5.4 2,517 2.2 91-99 5 1.6 553 0.5 100 13 4.1 113 0.1 District Total: 316 100.0 116447 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural): 60.2 The table shows that out of total number of the Scheduled Tribes population in 13 villages covered 113 villages having Scheduled Tribes population in the persons is 100.0 percent. The literacy rate for 5 district, 178 villages have the literacy rate above the villages is found zero percent.. There is no villages in district rural literacy rate Of60.8. The literacy rate for the literacy range of 1 to 10 percent. TABLE-30 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2001 SI.No. Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in status of Town male/female Number of literates Number of illiterates literacy rate ~----~~~--~~--~~----~~--~--~--~----~~~~--~-Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 Jagiroad (CT) 1,351 769 582 633 244 389 77.6 86.9 68.1 18.8 2 Marigaon (TC) 1,472 806 666 827 340 487 75 82 68 14 Marigaon (Urban) 2,823 1,575 1,248 1,460 584 876 76.2 84.3 68 16.3 The table shows that the number and percentage of percent are litemte. The litemcy mte is 84.3 percent for Scheduled Tribes litem1es and illi1emtes by sex in the towns. male and 68.0 percent for female. In Jagiroad town, it is Out of 4,283 Scheduled Tribes population in urban 72.3 77.6 percent whereas in Marigaon town it is 75.0 percent. TABLE-31 NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN TAHSILS, 2001 SI.No. Name of Persons / Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers (Main Non workers Tahsil Males/ populati and marginal workers) Females on Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Mayong Persons 2,03,641 54,536 26.8 20,539 10.1 75,075 36.9 1,28,566 63.1 Males 1,05,074 47,496 45.2 7,072 6.7 54,568 51.9 50,506 48.1 Females 98,567 7,040 7.1 13,467 13.7 20,507 20.8 78,060 79.2 2 Bhuragaon Persons 1,06,140 27,263 25.7 7628 7.2 34,891 32.9 71,249 67.1 Males 55,083 24,587 44.6 3,043 5.5 27,630 50.2 27,453 49.8 Females 51,057 2,676 5.2 4,585 9.0 7,261 14.2 43,796 85.8 3 Laharighat Persons 1,83,420 44,542 24.3 6,129 3.3 50,671 27.6 1,32,749 72.4 Males 94,828 42,313 44.6 3,515 3.7 45,828 48.3 49,000 51.7 Females 88,592 2,229 2.5 2,614 3.0 4,843 5.5 83,749 94.5 4 Marigaon Persons 1,64,835 45,814 27.8 16,706 10.1 62,520 37.9 1,02,315 62.1 Males 83,913 37,865 45.1 5,407 6.4 43,272 51.6 40,641 48.4 Females 80,922 7,949 9.8 11,299 14.0 19,248 23.8 61,674 76.2 5 Mikirbheta Persons 1,18,220 27,977 23.7 11,690 9.9 39,667 33.6 78,553 66.4 Males 60,028 24,521 40.8 4,611 7.7 29,132 48.5 30,896 51.5 Females 58,192 3,456 5.9 7,079 12.2 10,535 18.1 47,657 81.9 District Total: Persons 7,76,256 2,00,132 25.8 62,692 8.1 2,62,824 33.9 5,13,432 66.1 Males 3,98,926 1,76,782 44.3 23,648 5.9 2,00,430 50.2 1,98,496 49.8 Females 3~ 77~30 23~50 6.2 39~044 10.3 62~94 16.5 3~142936 83.5 49 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT The table shows the number and percentage case of Marginal workers, female workers are of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non- more than male workers. However, female Non- workers by sex in Revenue Circle. Total workers workers are 83.5 percent as against 49.8 percent in the district are 33.9 percent of which Main male non workers. Among Revenue Circles the workers are 25.8 percent and Marginal workers highest portion of total workers 37.9 percent is are 8.1 percent. Main males workers are 44.3 noticed in Marigaon Revenue Circle and the lowest percent and female workers are 6.2 percent but in 27.6 percent is in Laharighat Revenue Circle. TABLE 32 NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OFMAINWORKERS,MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN CDBLOCKS 2001 SI.No. Name of CD Persons I Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers Block Males f Population (Main and marginal Females workers) Number Percent a Number Percent a Number Percent a Number Percenta

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 Mayang Persons 2,42,147 63,340 26.2 26,815 11.1 90,155 37.2 1,51,992 62.8 Males 1,23,920 54,572 44 9,241 7.5 63,813 51.5 60,107 48.5 Females 1,18,227 8,768 7.4 17,574 14.9 26,342 22.3 91,885 77.7 2 Laharighat Persons 1,96,423 49,472 25.2 11,431 5.8 60,903 31 1,35,520 69 Males 1,01,652 45,496 44.8 4,715 4.6 50,211 49.4 51,441 50.6 Females 94,771 3,976 4.2 6,716 7.1 10,692 11.3 84,079 88.7 3 Mairabari Pt. Persons 93,137 22,333 24 2,326 2.5 24,659 26.5 68,478 73.5 Males 48,259 21,404 44.4 1,843 3.8 23,247 48.2 25,012 51.8 Females 44,878 929 2.1 483 1.1 1,412 3.1 43,466 96.9 4 Bhurbandha Persons 1,30,065 35,321 27.2 12,714 9.8 48,035 36.9 82,030 63.1 Males 66,153 29,454 44.5 4,032 6.1 33,486 50.6 32,667 49.4 Females 63,912 5,867 9.2 8,682 13.6 14,549 22.8 49,363 77.2 5 Kapili Pt. Persons 39,364 9,444 24 2,342 5.9 11,786 29.9 27,578 70.1 Males 20,008 8,453 42.2 1,194 6 9,647 48.2 10,361 51.8 Females 19,356 991 5.1 1,148 5.9 2,139 ILl 17,217 88.9 6 DulongghatPt. Persons 37,132 8,848 23.8 6,214 16.7 15,062 40.6 22,070 59.4 Males 18,840 7,404 39.3 2,121 11.3 9,525 50.6 9,315 49.4 Females 18,292 1,444 7.9 4,093 22.4 5,537 30.3 12,755 69.7 District (Rural) Total: Persons 7,38,268 1,88,758 25.6 61,842 8.4 2,50600 33.9 4,87,668 66.1 Males 3,78,832 1,66,783 44 23,146 6.1 1,89,929 SO.1 1,88,903 49.9 Females 3,59,436 21,975 6.1 38.696 10.8 60,671 16.9 2,98,765 83.1 The table shows the number and percentage of Main ,against 6.1 percent female workers. But in Marginal workers, Marginal workers and Non-workers by sex in workers, Marginal female workers are more prominent CD Blocks. The Main workers in rural areas of the than male Marginal workers. Among CD Blocks district are 25.6 percent and Marginal workers are 8.4 Dulongghat Pt. is recorded highest total workers and percent. The Main male workers are 44.0 percent as the lowest is in Mairabar Pt. TABLE 33 NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS/TOWNS, 2001 S1.No. Name and urban Persons f Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers status ofUA/\ f Males f Populati (Main and marginal Town Females on workers) Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II )2 Jagiroad (CT) Persons 17,177 5,376 31.3 292 l.7 5,668 33 11,509 67 Males 9,256 4,908 53 205 2.2 5,113 55.2 4,143 44.8 Females 7,921 468 5.9 87 1.1 555 7 7,366 93 2 Marigaon (TC) Persons 20,811 5,998 28.8 558 2.7 6,556 31.5 14,255 68.5 Males 10,838 5,091 47 297 2.7 5,388 49.7 5,450 50.3 Females 9,973 907 9.1 261 2.6 1,168 11.7 8,805 88.3 District (Urban) Total:Persons 37,988 11,374 29.9 850 2.2 12,224 32.2 25,764 67.8 Males 20,094 9,999 49.8 502 2.S 10,501 52.3 9,593 47.7 Females 17.894 1,375 77 348 19 1,72.3 96 16,171 904 50 ANALYTICAL NOTE

The table gives the distribution of number and are 29.9 percent, Marginal worker is only 2.2 percent. percentage of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non-workers in urban is noticed 90.4 percent for Non-workers by sex in towns. Main workers in urban females which is much higher than males.

TABLE- 34 DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIESOFECONOMIC ACTIVITY INTAHSILS, 2001 SI.No. Name of Tahsil Persons / Total Total number of Category of workers Males / Population workers (Main + Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Females Marginal) Labourers Industry workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mayong Persons 2,03,641 75,075 43,435 11,762 1,552 18,326 (36.9) (57.9) (15.7) (2.1) (24.4) Males 1,05,074 54,568 31,578 6,710 719 15,561 (51.9) (57.9) (12.3) (1.3) (28.5) Females 98,567 20,507 11,857 5052 833 2,765 (20.8) (57.8) (24.6) (4.1) (13.5) 2 Bhuragaon Persons 1,06,140 34,891 19,053 8,180 562 7,096 (32.9) (54.6) (23.4) (1.6) (20.3) Males 55,083 27,630 15,429 6,200 273 5,728 (50.2) (55.8) (22.4) (1.0) (20.7) Females 51,057 7261 3,624 1980 289 1,368 (14.2) (49.9) (27.3) (4.0) (18.8) 3 Laharighat Persons 1,83,420 50,671 24,302 15,846 1,202 9,321 (27.6) (48.0) (31.3) (2.4) ( 18.4) Males 94,828 45,828 22,518 14,648 464 8,198 (48.3) (49.1) (32.0) (1.0) (17.9) Females 88,592 4843 1,784 1,198 738 1,123 (5.5) (36.8) (24.7) (15.2) (23.2) 4 Marigaon Persons 1,64,835 62,520 32,077 8,132 3,225 19,086 (37.9) (51.3) (13.0) (5.2) (30.5) Males 83,913 43,272 23,528 3,376 954 15,414 (51.6) (54.4) (7.8) (2.2) (35.6) Females 80,922 19,248 8,549 4,756 2,271 3,672 (23.8) (44.4) (24.7) (11.8) (19.1) 5 Mikirbheta Persons 1,18,220 39,667 19,216 7,935 2,120 10,396 (33.6) (48.4) (20.0) (5.3) (26.2) Males 60,028 29,132 15,147 4,794 332 8,859 (48.5) (52.0) (16.5) (1.1) (30.4) Females 58,192 10,535 4,069 3,141 1,788 1,537 {18.1} {38.6} {29.8} (17.0} {l4.6} District Total: Persons 7,76,256 2,62,824 1,38,083 51,855 8,661 64,225 (33.9) (52.5) (19.7) (3.3) (24.4) Males 3,98,926 2,00,430 1,08,200 35,728 2,742 53,760 (50.2) (54.0) (17.8) (1.4) (26.8) Females 3,77,330 62,394 29,883 16,127 5,919 10,465 (16.5) (47.9) (25.8) (9.5) (16.8)

Note: Percent of Worker to total worker are given in brackets

The table gives the distribution of workers by Circles, the percentage of cultivators is found the sex in four categories of worker in Revenue Circles. highest in Mayong Revenue Circle. In Marigaon It is seen in the table that the percentage of Revenue Circle the highest percentage is seen for cultivators is 52.5 percent followed by other workers other workers. The highest percentage in Agricultural with 24.4 percent. The percentage of Agricultural labourers is seen in Laharighat Revenue Circle and Labourers is 19.7 percent. The worker found in Mikirbheta Revenue Circle is recorded the highest household industry is very low. Among Revenue percent in household industry workers.


TABLE-35 DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN CD BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of CD Persons / Total Total number Category of workers number Block Males / population of workers Females (Main + Marginal) Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mayang Persons 2,42,147 90,155 53,968 14,501 2,274 19,412 (37.2) (59.9) (16.1 ) (2.5) (21.5) Males 1,23,920 63,813 39,342 8,141 894 15,436 (51.5) (61.7) (12.8) (1.4) (24.2) Females 1,18,227 26,342 14,626 6,360 1,380 3,976 (22.3) (55.5) (24.1) (5.2) (15.1) 2 Laharighat Persons 1,96,423 60,903 33,350 16,362 1,173 10,018 (31.0) (54.8) (26.9) (1.9) (16.4) Males 1,01,652 50,211 28,163 13,312 487 8,249 (49.4) (56.1) (26.5) (1.0) (16.4) Females 94,771 10,692 5,187 3,050 686 1,769 (11.3) (48.5) (28.5) (6.4) (16.5) 3 Mairabari Pt. Persons 93,137 24,659 10,005 7,664 591 6,399 (26.5) (40.6) (31.1) (2.4) (25.9) Males 48,259 23,247 9,784 7,536 250 5,677 (48.2) (42.1) (32.4) (1.1) (24.4) Females 44,878 1412 221 128 341 722 (3.1) (15.7) (9.1) (24.2) (51.1) 4 Bhurbandha Persons 1,30,065 48,035 27,548 7,838 2,660 9,989 (36.9) (57.3) (16.3) (5.5) (20.8) Males 66,153 33,486 20,634 3,783 652 8,417 (50.6) (61.6) (11.3) (1.9) (25.1) Females 63,912 14,549 6,914 4,055 2,008 1,572 (22.8) (47.5) (27.9) (13.8) (10.8) 5 Kapili Pt. Persons 39,364 11,786 5,178 2,074 398 4,136 (29.9) (43.9) (17.6) (3.4) (35.1) Males 20,008 9,647 4,455 1,399 94 3,699 (48.2) (46.2) (14.5) (1.0) (38.3) Females 19,356 2,139 723 675 304 437 (11.1) (33.8) (31.6) (14.2) (2004) 6 Dulongghat Pt. Persons 37,132 15,062 7,213 3,196 1,190 3,463 (40.6) (47.9) (21.2) (7.9) (23.0) Males 18,840 9,525 5,073 1,424 135 2,893 (50.6) (53.3) (15.0) (1.4) (30.4) Females 18,292 5,537 2,140 1,772 ,1055 570 (30.3) (38.6) (32.0) (19.1) (10.3) District (Rural) Total: Persons 7,38,268 2,50,600 1,37,262 51,635 8,286 53,417 (33.9) (54.8) (20.6) (3.3) (21.3) Males 3,78,832 1,89,929 1,07,451 35,595 2,512 44,371 (50.1) (56.6) (18.7) (1.3) (23.4) Females 3,59,436 60,671 29,811 16,040 5,774 9,046 {16.9} {49.1} {26.4} {9.5} {14.9} Note: Percent of Worker to total worker are given in brackets

The table shows the distribution of workers by categories are lower than the cultivators. The sex in four categories in economic activity in CD percentage of Agricultural Labourers is more for Blocks. The percentage of cultivators is found high females than males. Similar is the case in Household in the district as well as in all CD Blocks. The Industry workers also. The detail in respect of CD percentages fOT all CD Blocks in respect of other Blocks can be seen in the table itself.

52 ANALYTICAL NOTE TABLE-36 DISTRmUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMICACI'IVITY OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS/TOWNS, 2001 Serial Name and urban Persons / Total Total number Category of workers A number status ofUA / Males / population of workers Town*+ Females (Main + Marginal) Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Labourers Industry workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Jagiroad (CT) Persons 17,177 5,668 130 82 129 5,327 (33.0) (2.3) (1.4) (2.3) (94.0) Males 9,256 5,113 107 53 105 4,848 (55.2) (2.1) (1.0) (2.1) (94.8) Females 7,921 555 23 29 24 479 (7.0) (4.1) (5.2) (4.3) (86.3) 2 Marigaon (TC) Persons 20,811 6,556 691 138 246 5481 (31.5) (10.5) (2.1) (3.8) (83.6) Males 10,838 5,388 642 80 125 4,541 (49.7) (11.9) (1.5) (2.3) (84.3) Females 9,973 1,168 49 58 121 940 (11.7) (4.2) (5.0) (10.4) (80.5) District (Urban) Total: Persons 37,988 12,224 821 220 375 10,808 (32.2) (6.7) (1.8) (3.1) (88.4) Males 20,094 10,501 749 133 230 9,389 (52.3) (7.1) (1.3) (2.2) (89.4) Females 17,894 1,723 72 87 145 1,419 (9.6) (4.2) (5.0) (8.4) (82.4) !he table shows the distribution ofwOIkers by sex in fuur iI is high in Marigaon town. !he percentages of1he o1herclasses categories in economic activity in town. ill the towns the higher ofwOlkers are very low in both towns. However, a modemte peroentage ofwOlkers is generally seen in OtherwOIkers. Hence percentage of cultivator.> are seen in both towns. Inset Table based on Village Directory Data :- TABLE-37 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY OF DIFFERENTAMENITIES, 2001 SI. Name of CD Number of Type of amenity available No. Block inhabited Education Medical Improved Post Teleph - Transport Banks Agricultu- Approach Power villages drinking Office one communi ral Credit bypucca supply water· # -cations $ Societies road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Mayang 232 213 103 226 52 10 132 10 1 120 168 (100) (91.8) (44.4) (97.4) (22.4) (4.3) (56.9) (4.3) (0.4) (51.7) (72.4) 2 Laharighat 151 129 52 136 22 38 38 4 26 25 72 (100) (85.4) (34.4) (90.1) (14.6) (25.2) (25.2) (2.6) (17.2) (16.6) (47.7) 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 38 12 40 7 3 5 3 0 9 19 (100) (84.4) (26.7) (88.9) (15.6) (6.7) (11.1) (6.7) (0.0) (20.0) (42.2) 4 Bhurbandha 118 106 28 116 21 17 71 4 2 94 89 (100) (89.8) (23.7) (98.3) (17.8) (14.4) (60.2) (3.4) (1.7) (79.7) (75.4) 5 Kapili Pt. 20 19 10 20 4 8 13 2 3 11 16 (100) (95.0) (50.0) (IOO.O) (20.0) (40.0) (65.0) (10.0) (15.0) (55.0) (80.0) 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 26 14 26 8 1 19 0 4 22 25 (1001 (100.01 (53.81 (IOO.O) (30.8) {3.8} F3.1) (O.O) (l5.4) {84.6} (96.2) District Total: 592 531 219 564 114 77 278 23 36 281 389 {100) (89.7) (37.0) (95.3) (19.3) (13.0) (47.0) (3.9) (6.1) (47.5) (65.7) Note : - Percentages are given in brackets. • Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved 'or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump I tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly. # Post office includes Post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. 53 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT The table gives the distribution ofvillages according which is availed by 89.7 percent of the villages. Power to availability of different amenity in CD Blocks. The supply and approach by pucca road facilities are availed district is considered most advance in having access to by 65.7 and 47.5 percent of the villages respectively and improve drinking water by 95.3 percent of the total transport communication by 47.0 percent ofvillages. Other inhabited village. The next amenity is educational facility amenities are not very much available in all CD Blocks. TABLE-38 NUMBER AND PERCENT OF RURAL POPULATION SERVED BY DIFFERENT AMENITIESz 2001 SI.No. Name of CD Total Type of amenity available block populati Education Medical Improved Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricult Approach Power onof drinking Office comrnunic ural by pucca supply inhabited water ations Credit road villages Societies 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mayang 242,147 236,010 132,522 239,878 72,808 14,576 149,885 13,639 974 137,066 197,358 (l00) (97.5) (54.7) (99.1) (30.1) (6.0) (61.9) (5.6) (0.4) (56.6) (81.5) 2 Laharighat 196,423 190,701 97,164 193,172 50,936 61,249 62,397 15,782 43,584 43,434 103,497 (100) (97.1) (49.5) (98.3) (25.9) (31.2) (31. 8) (8.0) (22.2) (22.1 ) (52.7) 3 Mairabari Pt. 93,137 91,559 49,205 92,069 26,577 11,746 19,569 14,311 0 31,474 55,846 (100) (98.3) (52.8) (98.9) (28.5) (12.6) (21. 0) (15.4) (0.0) (33.8) (60.0) 4 Bhurbandha 130,065 128,916 67,921 129,682 42,859 38,219 97,324 8,070 7,535 116,760 115,846 (100) (99.1 ) (52.2) (99.7) (33.0) (29.4) (74.8) (6.2) (5.8) (89.8) (89.1 ) 5 Kapili Pt. 39,364 39,306 25,620 39,364 12,593 18,764 30,963 5,845 8,283 24,432 34,536 (100) (99.9) (65.1) (100.0) (32.0) (47.7) (78.7) (14.8) (21.0) (62. I) (87.7) 6 Dulongghat Pt. 37,132 37,132 26,423 37,132 14,581 1,800 32,210 0 5,571 29,807 35,449 (100) (100.0) (71.2) (100.0) (39.3) (4.8) (86.7) (0.0) (15.0) (80.3) (95.5) District Total: 738,268 723,624 398,855 731,297 220,354 146,354 392,348 57,647 65,947 382,973 542,532 (100) (98.0) (54.0) (99.1) (29.8) (19.8) (53.1) (7.8) (8.9) (51.9) (73.5) Note : - Percentages are given in brackets . .. Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as "Improved" or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump / tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as having access to "Improved drinking water source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly. # Post office includes Post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. The table gives the number and percentage of rural by educational facilities. Similarly, power supply facility popUlation served by different amenities. It is seen that is available to 73.5 percent of population. However, 99.1 percent of people in the district are having access the portion of population provided with other amenities to improve drinking water and 98.0 percent are served can be seen in the table itself. TABLE-39 DISTRIBUTION OF VllLAGES NOT HAVING CERTAIN AMENITIES, ARRANGED BY DISTANCE RANGES FROMTHE PLACES WHERE THESE ARE AVAILABLE, 2001 Village not having the amenity of Distance range ofplace from the villages where the amenity is available Less than 5 5-10 kilometres 10+ kilometres Total kilometres (Co1.2-4) 2 3 4 5 1. Education :- (a) Primary School 22 20 19 61 (b) Middle School 200 118 19 337 (c) Degree College 146 177 261 584 2. Medical:- (a) Hospital 158 104 329 591 (b) PHC 135 148 294 577 3. Post Office 290 158 30 478 4. Telephone 114 113 288 515 5. Bus Service 201 60 62 323 6. Banks (a) Commercial Bank 181 152 239 572 (b) Cooperative Bank 68 132 388 588 7. Agricultural Credit Societies 124 90 342 556 54 ANALYTICAL NOTE

The table shows the distribution of village not facilities are availed at places situated at different having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges distance ranges of less than 5 kms, 5-10 and 10+ lons. from the places where these are available. It is seen Similarly, 22 villages get primary school facility at places that out of total number of villages in the district, 61 located at a distance range of less than 5 ktns and so villages in the district are not having primary school on. In case of other amenities that are availed at and 337 villages have no middle school but these different distances can be seen in the table itself.

TABLE-40 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST STATUTORY TOWN ANDAVAll..ABILrrYOFDIFFERENTAMENITIES,2001 Distance range Number of Type of amenity available from the nearest inhabited statutory town villages in Education Medical Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach ( in kilometres) each range Office communications Credit Societies by Eucca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 less than 5 22 21 7 5 3 16 0 I 18 (100.0) (95.5) (31.8) (22.7) (13.6) (72.7) (0.0) (4.5) (81.8) 5 -15 196 178 71 41 28 106 13 9 105 (100.0) (90.8) (36.2) (20.9) (14.3) (54.1) (6.6) (4.6) (53.6) 16 - 50 362 320 136 65 46 153 10 26 146 (100.0) (88.4) (37.6) (18.0) (12.7) (42.3) (2.8) (7.2) (40.3) 51+ 12 12 5 3 0 3 0 0 12 (100.0) (100.0) (41.7) (25.0) (0.0) (25.0) (0.0) (0.0) (100.0) Unspecified 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 District total 592 531 219 114 77 278 23 36 281 (100.0) (89.7) (37.0) (19.3) (13.0) (47.0) (3.9) (6.1) (47.5)

# Post office includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. The table shows the distribution of villages having nearest statutory town and 178 villages are at the different amenities according to the distance from the distance range between 5-15 kms from statutory town. statutory town. Out of 592 total villages, 531 villages It is also seen that the availability of other amenities, the have education facilities and of these 320 villages are highest number ofviJ1ages are located at a distance range located at a distance range of 16-50 ktns. from the of 16-50 ktns from the statutory town. TABLE- 41

DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO POPULATIONRANGEANDAMENITlESAVAlLABLE2 2001 PopUlation Number of Type of amenity available range inhabited Education Medical Improved Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach Power villages in drinking Office communic Credit by Pucca supply each range water ations Societies road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1-499 173 117 29 147 9 5 63 1 5 74 84 (100.0) (67.6) (16.8) (85.0) (5.2) (2.9) (36.4) (0.6) (2.9) (42.8) (48.6) 500-999 127 124 39 127 IS 9 59 2 4 62 93 (100.0) (97.6) (30.7) (100.0) (11.8) (7.1) (46.5) (1.6) (3.1) (48.8) (73.2) 1000-1999 183 182 74 181 51 34 94 8 16 85 130 (100.0) (99.5) (40.4) (98.9) (27.9) (18.6) (51.4) (4.4) (8.7) (46.4) (71.0) 2000-4,999 100 99 69 100 32 26 56 10 9 53 74 (100.0) (99.0) (69.0) (100.0) (32.0) (26.0) (56.0) (10.0) (9.0) (53.0) (74.0) 5000-9999 9 9 8 9 7 3 6 2 2 7 8 (lOO.O) (100.0) (88.9) (100.0) (77.8) (33.3) (66.7) (22.2) (22.2) (77.8) (88.9) 10000+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'iiiStrict Total 592 531 219 564 114 77 278 23 36 281 389 (100.0) (89.7) (37.0) (95.3) (19.3) (13.0) (47.0) (3.9) (6.1) (47.5) (65.7)


# Post office includes Post office. Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. S Transport communication includes bus service. rail facility and navigable waterways. • Based on the improved drinking water source. drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved 'or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump I tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as havmg access to 'Improved drinking water source'. However. the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly. The table gives the distribution of villages population range of 1000-1999 the population and the according to population range and amenities available. second highest 124 villages getting educational facility Out of 592 total number ofinhabited villages, the highest are in the popUlation range of 500-999 by 99 villages number of 531 villages get education facility and of in population range of2000-4999. The detail in respect these villages, the highest number 182 villages are in of other amenities can be seen in the table itself.. TABLE-42 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO LAND USE, 2001 Serial Name of CD Block Number of Total area Percentage of cultivable Percentage ofirrig;tted area to number inhabited villages area to total area total cultivable area 2 3 4 5 6 1 Mayang 232 52,158 74.6 3.6 2 Laharighat 151 28,487 63.S 42.9 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 S,941 74.S 22.7 4 Bhurbandha lIS 27,735.85 70 37.8 5 Kapili Pt. 20 5,431 75 2.1 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 7,267 74.3 7.6 District Total: 592 130,019.85 71.3 20 Note : - Cultivable area = irrigated area + unirrigated area The table presents the distribution of villages area among all CD Blocks followed by Laharighat according to land use. The percentage of cultivable CD Block. However, the highest proportion of area to total area of the district is 71.3 percent and irrigated area to total cultivable area is noticed in percentage of irrigated area to total cultivable area is Laharighat CD Block with 42.9 percent and the 20.0 percent. Mayang CD Block is the biggest in lowest is in Kapili pt. CD Block with 2.1 perecnt. TABLE-43 PER CAPITA RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE IN STATUTORY TOWNS Serial Class, name & urban Per capita receipt Per cap ita exp enditure number status of the Town Total Through From all Total General Public health Public Public Other(s) taxes other Administration and works institutions sources conveniences 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II III Morigaon (TC) 15.9 2.3 13.6 14 4.7 0.2 8 0 1.1 District Total 15.9 2.3 13.6 14 4.7 0.2 8 0 1.1 The table gives the per capita receipt and sources it is13.6 percent. The highest per capita expenditure in statutory towns. There are two towns expenditure is on public work with 8.0 percent in the district of which Marigaon having the status following by that of general administration 4.7 of Class III town is the only notified town with Town percent. The expenditure on others and public health Committee. It is noticed that the per capita receipts and conveniences are seen very low with 1.1 percent of the civic administration of the town come from and 0.2 percent respectively. No expenditure is taxes which show 2.3 percent and from all other incurred on public institutions. TABLE-44 SCHOOLS I COLLEGES PER 10,000 POPULATION IN STATUTORY TOWNS, 2001 Serial Name and urban Type of educational institution number status of Town Primary Junior Secondary / Secondary / Senior College Middle Matriculation Secondary 2 3 4 5 6 7 Morigaon (TC) 4.S 1.9 2.4 1.4 0.5 District Total 4.8 1.9 2.4 1.4 0.5

56 ANALYTICAL NOTE 1he table gives the mnnber of schools/colleges per Matriculation at 2.4 nwnber. 1he proportion of Jtmior 10,000 population in statutory towns. Marigaon is only Secondary I Middle Schools is 1.9 nwnber while that of statutOlYtown in the district 1he proportion of primmy Senior SecondalySchoolis 1.4 number in each 101h>usan:l schoolamoogper 10,OOOpopuJation being1hehigreststands population Very few college level institution per 10,000 at 4.8 nwnber followed by the proportion ofSecondatyl population is noticed as 0.5 nwnber in Marigaon town. TABLE-4S NUMBER OF BEDS IN MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN TOWNS, 2001 SI.No. Name and urban status of the Town Number of beds in medical institutions per 10,000 population 1 2 3 1 Jagiroad(CT) 17 2 Morigaon(TC) 48 Distrct Total 34 The table shows the number of beds in medical two towns, Marigaon TC with the provision of 48 institutions in towns among 10,000 population. In number of beds in medical institution per 10,000 Marigaon district, the number of beds in medical population is higher in number to Jagiroad CT which institutions per 10,000 population is noticed 34. Between has 17 beds only for each 10,000 population. TABLE-46 PROPORTION OF SLUM POPULATION IN STATUTORY TOWNS, 2001 Sl.No. Name of the Town Total population Slum population Percentage of slum population to total population 1 2 3 4 5 MARIGAON T.C. 20,811 1,209 5.8 District Total 20,811 1,209 5.8 The table shows the proportion of slum population in the district has 1,209 slum population and forms the towns. Marigaon town which is the only statutory town in proportion of5.8 percent to the total population ofthe town. TABLE-47 MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITY EXPORTED OUT OF AND MANUFACTURED IN TOWNS, 2001 SI.No. Name and urban status of Town Most important commodity Manufactured Exported 2 3 4 Jagiroad (CT) Paper Rice Nil Jute Nil Mustard Seeds 2 Morigaon (TC) Nil Rice Nil Jute Nil Mustard Oil The table shows most important commodity exported manufactured. However, both towns Jagiroad CT and out of the town and manufactured in the town. In both Marigaon TC have exported the most important towns in the district, no any important commodity is commodities like- rice, jute, and mustard seeds/oil. Inset Table based on House listing Data :- TABLE -48 HOUSEHOLDS BY TENURE STATUS AND NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED IN THE DISTRICT, 2001 Tenure Number of dwelling Number of households status households Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Owned No exclusive room 1,720 1,683 37 335 325 10 290 280 10 One room 39,538 38,913 625 5,772 5,598 174 3,799 3,683 116 Two Tooms 45,956 44,250 1,706 7,179 6,898 281 10,042 9,784 258 Three rooms 22,251 21,003 1,248 3,387 3,222 165 5,031 4,839 192 3+ rooms 15,781 14,449 1,332 1,795 1,669 126 3,563 3,365 198 Median number of rooms 5 2 3 4 2 2 5 2 3 Rented No exclusive room 73 42 31 19 10 9 9 7 2 One room 1,960 589 1,371 317 114 203 143 47 96 Two rooms 1,428 575 853 183 104 79 137 66 71 57 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT TABLE-48 HOUSEHOLDS BY TENURE STATUS AND NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED IN THE DISTRICT, 2001 Tenure Number of dwelling Number of households status households Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Three rooms 485 182 303 53 29 24 65 30 35 3+ rooms 245 83 162 24 12 12 37 18 19 Median number of rooms 3 2 1 3 2 1 4 2 2 Others No exclusive room 109 103 6 17 16 1 6 6 0 One room 2,180 2,051 129 361 316 45 89 84 5 Two rooms 1,204 992 212 180 154 26 133 113 20 Three rooms 460 391 69 61 50 II 94 88 6 3+ rooms 254 199 55 27 23 4 53 48 5 Median number of rooms 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 District total 133,644 125,505 8,139 19,710 18,540 1,170 23,491 22,458 1,033 Data source Census of India 2001, H- senes "Tables on Houses, Household amenttIes and Assets "

The table indicates households by tenure status three rooms and one room respectively are more. In and number of rooms occupied in the district by case of rural and urban area, Scheduled Castes have Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as well as more households having two rooms houses and same total for the district. The owned houses of Scheduled is case for Scheduled tribes also. In case of rented Castes are more having two rooms, one room and houses, the Scheduled Castes households have more three rooms respectively. But in case of Scheduled houses having one room and the Scheduled Tribes Tribes, households having the houses with two rooms, households possess houses having two rooms. TABLE-49 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTlON OF HOUSEHOLDS LIVINGINPERMANENT,SEMI PERMANENTAND TEMPORARY HOUSES, 2001 Serial District! Total Rural Urban number Tahsil Permanent Semi- Temporary Permanent Semi- Temporary Permanent Semi- Temporary permanent permanent permanent 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 1 Mayong 26.1 22.2 26.6 19.7 19.4 26.2 45.8 52.5 46.1 2 Bhuragaon 5.7 ll.5 14.5 7.5 12.5 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 Laharighat 10.5 17.2 26.3 13.9 18.8 26.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 Marigaon 37.0 248 20.2 31.4 22.7 19.5 54.2 47.5 53.9 5 Mikirbheta 20.7 24.3 12.5 27.5 266 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 District total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Data source Census of IndIa 200 I, H- senes "Tables on Houses, Household amenitIes and Assets " Note - Permanent - I Permanent houses refers to those houses whose wall & roofs are made of pucca materials Ie, where, burnt bncks, G I Sheets or other metal sheets, stone cement concrete IS used for wall and tdes slate, shtngle, corrugated Iron, zmc or other metal sheets asbestos sheets, bncks, hme and stone and RBCIRCC concreate are used for roof Seml- permanent -2 Semi-permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of matenals Temporary -3 Temporary houses refers to those houses havmg wall and roofs made of Kutcha matenals I e where grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo mud, unburnt bncks are used for the constructIOn of walls and grass, leaves reeds, bamboo hatch, mud, unburnt bncks, wood etc are used for roofs The table gives the percentage distribution of Revenue Circle with 12.5 percent while households households living in permanent, semi permanent and living in temporary houses, the highest proportion is temporary houses. Out of 132,567 total number of noticed in Laharighat Revenue Circle with 26.8 households in the district, 93.9 percent are in rural. percent and the lowest proportion is in Mikirbheta The highest proportion of households living in Revenue Circle with 12.75 percent. In urban area of permanent houses in rural is noticed in Marigaon the district, Marigaon urban shows higher percentage Revenue Circle with 31.4 percent and the lowest of 54.2 percent and 53.9 percent of households in proportion is in Bhuragaon Revenue Circle with 7.5 permanent houses and temporary houses respectively. percent. In semi permanent houses, the highest But in semi permanent, Mayong urban area recorded percentage is noticed in Mikirbheta Revenue Circle 52.5 percent of households a little higher than with 26.6 percent and the lowest is in Bhuragaon Marigaon Revenue Circle. 58 ANALYTICAL NOTE

TABLE-SO PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING IMPROVED DRINKING WATER SOURCE, ELECTRICITY, BATHROOM, TOILET AND DRAINAGE FACILITY, 2001 Sl.No. Tahsil Total f Rural / Number of Number and percentage of households having Urban households Drinking water Percentage Electricity Percentage I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Mayong T 33,935 21,785 64.2 7,285 21.5 R 30,041 21,523 71.6 4,383 14.6 U 3,894 262 6.7 2,902 74.5 2 Bhuragaon T 17,104 15,795 92.3 617 3.6 R 17,104 15,795 92.3 617 3.6 U 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 Laharighat T 30,040 28,653 95.4 1,984 6.6 R 30,040 28,653 95.4 1,984 6.6 U 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 Marigaon T 30,959 23,450 75.7 7,855 25.4 R 26,714 19,557 73.2 4,960 18.6 U 4,245 3,893 91.7 2,895 68.2 5 Mikirbheta T 21,606 17,171 79.5 2,759 12.8 R 21,606 17,171 79.5 2,759 12.8 U 0 0 0 0 0 District Total T 133,644 106,854 80.0 20.500 15.3 R 125,505 102,699 81.8 14,703 11.7 U 8139 4155 51.1 5797 71.2

SI.No. Tahsil Total / Rural / Urban Number and percentage of households havin~ Bathroom Percentage Toilet Percenta~e Drainage Percentage 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Mayong T 4,077 12.0 17,778 52.4 3,091 9.1 R 1,873 6.2 14,028 46.7 1,385 4.6 U 2,204 56.6 3,750 96.3 1,706 43.8 2 Bhuragaon T 915 5.3 9,076 53.1 997 5.8 R 915 5.3 9,076 53.1 997 5.8 U 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 Laharighat T 2,200 7.3 22,333 74.3 1,269 4.2 R 2,200 7.3 22,333 74.3 1,269 4.2 U 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 Marigaon T 3,340 10.8 12,520 40.4 2,379 7.7 R 1,769 6.6 8,961 33.5 1,809 6.8 U 1,571 37.0 3,559 83.8 570 13.4 5 Mikirbheta T 1,678 7.8 11,BOO 54.6 1,320 6.1 R 1,678 7.8 II,BOO 54.6 1,320 6.1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 District Total T 12,210 9.1 73,S07 S5.0 9,OS6 6.8 R 8,435 6.7 66,198 S2.7 6,780 5.4 U 3,775 46.4 7,309 89.8 2,276 28.0

Data source: Census of India 2001, H- series: "Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets." • Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump / tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as baving access to 'Improved drinking water source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly.

Note: Percentage is to be given in brackets after the number of households . Bathroom means bathroom within the house Toilet means toilet within the house Drainage means closed and open drainage


The table shows that in Marigaon district, by Mayong Revenue Circle. The first position also Laharighat Revenue Circle has occupied the highest goes to Mayong Revenue Circle in which the percentage of households which have availed the highest percentage of households enjoy the facility benefit of having improved drinking water and in of bathroom. The facility of toilet is enjoyed by this respect, Bhuragaon Revenue Circle possesses the highest percentage of households in Mikirbheta the second position with a little less in percentage Revenue Circle and drainage facility by Mayong than Laharighat Revenue Circle. The facility of Revenue Circle. Generally all type of facilities are electricity is availed by the highest percentage of enjoyed by a major chunk of households in urban households from Marigaon Revenue Circle followed areas of Revenue Circle.

TABLE-51 NUMBERANDPERCENTOFHOUSEHOLDSBYTYPE OFFUELUSED FOR COOKING, 200t Sl.No Tahsil Total! Rural! Total house Fire wood Crop residue Cowdung cake Electricity Coal / Lignite Urban holds (charcoal) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mayong Total 33,935 26,715 2,091 1,445 23 11 Rural 30,041 25,085 2,028 1,439 23 10 Urban 3,894 1,630 63 6 0 I 2 Bhuragaon Total 17,104 13,849 2,446 356 0 1 Rural 17,104 13,849 2,446 356 0 1 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 30,040 23,882 5,195 380 4 0 Rural 30,040 23,882 5,195 380 4 0 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Marigaon Total 30,959 25,946 763 298 9 8 Rural 26,714 23,950 697 294 7 5 Urb5I\ 4,245 1,996 66 4 2 3 5 Mikirbheta Total 21,606 18,039 1,773 505 3 2 Rural 21,606 18,039 1,773 505 3 2 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marigaon Total 133,644 108,431 12,268 2,984 39 22 Rural 125,505 104,805 12,139 2,974 37 18 Urban 8139 3626 129 10 2 4

SI.No Tahsil Total! Rural! Cooking IJIS Bio-IJIS Kerosene Others No cooking Urban (L.P.G.) 2 3 10 II 12 13 14 Mayong Total 2,859 133 527 39 92 Rural 1,153 125 55 39 84 Urban 1,706 8 472 0 8 2 Bhuragaon Total 302 0 14 127 9 Rural 302 0 14 127 9 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 3 Laharighat Total 491 5 54 22 7 Rural 491 5 54 22 7 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 4 Marigaon Total 3,691 22 172 4 46 Rural 1,671 22 32 0 36 Urban 2,020 0 140 4 10 5 Mikirbheta Total 1,153 2 11 2 116 Rural 1,153 2 11 2 II6 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 Marigaon Total 8,496 162 778 194 270 Rural 4,770 154 166 190 252 Urban 3,726 8 612 4 18


The table indicates that fire wood is the prominent main source of fuel. It is the highest in Marigaon cooking fuel for almost all households of the district Revenue Circle. The crop residue is used by the following by crop residue and gas. The use of other highest percentage of households in Laharighat fuels in the district is very limited.At Revenue Circle Revenue Circle than other Revenue Circles. The cow level, the highest percentage of households use fire dung cake is also used by a few households in each wood for cooking in Marigaon Revenue Circle Revenue Circles. It is seen that the use of electricity followed by Mikirbheta Revenue Circle. In urban as a cooking fuel is almost nil only 39 households use areas of the Revenue Circle, the cooking gas is the electricity as fuel in entire district.

TABLE-52 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AVAll..ING BANKING SERVICES AND NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING EACH OFTHE SPECIFIED ASSET, 2001 Sl.No. Tahsil TotaV Total Total Availability of household assets Rural! number of number of Urban households households availing -:R~ad-;"!"io-:/;---;;:T-:el;-e-vl:-'s""io-n-:;T~e-;-le-p-;h-o-n-e--;:B:-:-ic-y-c-;-Ie-Sc~o-o-:-te-r-,---:C::""ar-,--:N;:-;-"o-ne-o':'"ft 77h-e banking Transistor Motor Cycle, Jeep, specified services Moped Van assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Mayong Total 33,935 5,018 10,237 4,889 619 17,456 932 354 12,769 Rural 30,041 3,419 9,151 3,038 319 15,956 568 235 11,535 Urban 3,894 1,599 1,086 1,851 300 1,500 364 119 1,234 2 Bhuragaon Total 17,104 1,357 4,519 779 254 6,998 205 86 8,514 Rural 17,104 1,357 4,519 779 254 6,998 205 86 8,514 Urban o o o o o o o o o 3 Laharighat Total 30,040 1,885 6,279 1,003 469 11,215 443 171 16,167 Rural 30,040 1,885 6,279 1,003 469 11,215 443 171 16,167 Urban o o o o o o o o o 4 Marigaon Total 30,959 4,597 9,113 5,098 1,171 17,590 1,535 478 10,450 Rural 26,714 2,918 7,712 3,226 484 15,113 901 254 9,414 Urban 4,245 1,679 1,401 1,872 687 2,477 634 224 1,036 5 Mikirbheta Total 21,606 3,128 6,154 2,188 379 11,754 630 212 8,494 Rural 21,606 3,128 6,154 2,188 379 1l,754 630 212 8,494 Urban o o o o o o o o o Marigaon Total 133,644 15,985 36,302 13,957 2,892 65,013 3,745 1,301 56.394 Rural 125,505 12,707 33,815 10,234 1,905 61.036 2.747 958 54,124 Urban 8,139 3,278 2,487 3,723 987 3.977 998 343 2,270

The table indicates the number of households followed by Marigaon Revenue Circle. This service who have availed banking services along with the for rural areas is more in all Revenue Circles. households having some specified assets as Availability of all assets mentioned in the table is mentioned in the table. Out of total households of more for the households of Marigaon Revenue the district, a total of 15,985 households have Circle except Radio and Transistor which are availed banking services. The banking services available Mayong Revenue Circle. The highest availed in urban areas of the district by the number of households which have none of the households is only 3,278 whereas it is 12,707 in specified assets IS found high in Laharighat rural areas of the district. In Revenue Circle level, Revenue Circle. It is seen that number of the number of households who have availed households having car. jeep and van are less in all banking service is more in Mayong Revenue Circle Revenue Circles of the district.



IX- Major social and cultural events, natur~1 and administrative developments and significant activities during the decade. The major social events ofMarigaon district are Bihu is a spring festival of dance and music. This feast,dance,bhona,namkritan etc which are celebrated at a time when nature opens out in light, performed regularly in different occasions at beauty and colour. Bihu dances are a superb different times. The Dol-Jatra festival is held in expression of a vigorous art. Dhol, Gagona, papa honour of Lord in February/March. The and Taka are the main instruments used in dance people indulges in throwing different colored powder and music, Bihu festivals and dances are the or colored water on one other in memory of Lord expression of genuine folk joy. As a spring festival Krishna's frolicking with the milkmaids ofBrindavan. it devotes mostly to the advent of the agricultural The people of all walks of life belonging to tbe season. In this season, monsoon brings the earth to Hindu faith observe the day with pomp and a state of fertility. The Bihu dances are a kind of grandeur. The Janmastami, Sivaratri, Nagpanchami, fertility ritual having emotional instincts of the heart. Rashpuja, Diwali (The festival of light), Durgapuja The dances depict the exuberance of youth. It is etc are some other festivals which are celebrated the preponderance of romance and sex. Bihu is a in Marigaon district in the day of each festival by popular social event which clos.ely associates with the Hindu people with much rejoicing, Now-a-days dance and song. This performed by all people Biswakarma is performed in all towns with great without keeping any kind barrier of castes, creeds gusto and fervour. and religions. Bihu is a observed as a national festival The biggest festivals of the people of Assam and it serves to promote unity among different are the three Bihus, the Rangali or Bohag Bihu, tbe sections of people.(page 10) Kati or Kangali Bihu and the Bhagali or the Magba No much remarkable natural and Bihu which are also celebrated by the people of administrative development has taken place in the Marigaon district. The Kati Bihu is not an occasion district for which mention can the made here. of very much importance. In this Bihu, the godde$s Some significant activities have been undertaken (Wealth) has been welcome by the by the government of Assam at a moderate scale cultivators. The Magh Bihu is the harvest home and during the decade in the district for its all round people/agriculturist take various type of home made development. The road communication has food prepared from paddy. As the people takes the$e developed as per need of the people. However it with joy so it is called Bhogali. The Rangali or Bohag needs further improvement.

X : Brief description of places of religious, historical and archaeological importance and places of tourist interest in the district. Mayong is located at a distance 45 kms frorn tourists . The general view of the place is very Marigaon town. It is situated north-west of picturesque with her various valuable trees, animals Marigaon . The Mayong is a low lying area. The and birds forest area of Mayong is known as Pabitra. The Mayong: name Pabitara is christened from the name of a beloved daughter of Mayong king who died in young Mayong is situated in the north western side of age. Pabitara is famous for her one horned rhinos Marigaon Town at a distance of 35 kms. Mayong not only in Assam but outside the state. In 196Z- is one of revenue circles of the district. The word 63 there were only 14 rhinos when the place was Mayong probably comes from the Dimasa language not declared as reserved forest. In 1971 it waS which means Elephant. Once the area was full of declared as reserved forest with an area of 1584. elephant for which the place was naIUed after 76 hectares and in 1987 it was treated as a wild elephant. On the other hand, a rice producing area life Sanctuary. The area of Pabitara compris~s is called Mayong in Boro and Tiwa language. It is 1587.76 hectare from Pabitara reserved, 1191.86 also opined by a section of people that Mayong hectares from Raja Mayong Reserved and 1106.24 means 'outsiders'. It is more authentic opinion that hectare as a new increased areas. The total area the Bengal General Mayan conquered Kamrup of Pabitara is 39 kms It is an interesting place for defeating the king Jaypal in 1125 A.D. and established

62 ANALYTICAL NOTE a town at Kajalimukh of Marigaon naming as Bohag Mah (14th April to 2nd Week of Jeth Mah 'Mayan Nagar'. With the passage of time this name (May) in different place at different dates within Mayan Nagar ultimately transferred to Mayong as the above period. On the day of Mela , the religious the place became the residence of the soldiers who book "The Bhagawat .. with Ashan brings out with came with Mayan were treated as a place of religious function from the Namghar to an open outsiders by the local people hence the name is place. Nam-Kritan has been performed in whole Mayong. day and in the evening the religious book" Bhagawat Mayong was famous as a place of Tantra­ " with Ashan has brought back to Namghar. Due to Mantra, Charms and incantations. The people this festival various big and small shops opened in believes that once the place was so strong in the the Mela places and a great business is transacted line of charms/incantations that people was turned where people gathered there coming from different into sheep with help of these charms. This type of places . In some places of Mela , the Bhaonas ( skill ofMayongians have lost in the long past as the drama ) are performed by the local artists. The forefathers of the past generation has not taught places and names of these melas are Mithabari such culture to their kids. In Mayong , there is an Mela, Bakarigaon Mela,Jiban Mela, Barna Satra image Ganesh measuring about ten feet in height. Mela, Tiyah Mela of Naokata, Bangiya Mela of The place is still interesting for tourists for her natural Daloichuba , Mela of Ujanichupa of Barngabari, beauty as well as curiosity to know about mantra­ Mela of Bhati-chupa of Barngabari, Mela of tantra . komeraguri, Mela ofKohibari, Danduwa Mela, Mela of Mikir bheta, Mela of Tehali, Mela of Baguri, Kaina Kanda Shil ( Bride weeping stone): king brings out Mela of Rajagaon etc. It is very interesting place of Marigaon which The different kinds of Melas (festivals) are is located about 10 kms from Marigaon town . The performed in different parts ofthe Marigaon district. story goes that there was a beautiful daughter of The most important among these is Jonbeel Mela , king Baghara. The son of king Mayong once saw There is no such definite evidence from when this the girl and he immediately fell in love. He came mela begins. However from some historical evidence back to Mayong. The king came to know about his it can be said that mela is started from the time of motive. The king immediately sent messenger to invasion of Bengal during the Ahom king Rudra Baghara king requesting to give king's daughter to Singha reign or from the time after the destruction his son in marriage. The Baghara king agreed to of temples in Assam by Kalaphar. (Source Prem give his daughter to the son of Mayong king in Amritar Nadi-Souvenir, 1999 ) In the mela, the people marriage. Accordingly the marriage was settled and of Koch, Karbi, Lalung and Tiwa are directly celebrated in a certain day. While returning to associated. The people ruled by the Paso Raja, Sato bridegroom home with bride after celebration of Raja and king of Khagarijan started performing the ceremony, a strong thunderstorm occurred which mela at Marigaon. After initation of mela by the had faced by the whole marriage party. To save king of Tapa, Kuehi the melas were started from the misfortune the bride entered in a stone performing at Barpujia, Mikirgaon , Kakamari and cave but the cave was broken to pieces and the Charaibahi . The mela performed at Charaibahi on bride was buried with stone where she was died 9th Jeth (May) is called Bangiya Mela. Job Beel and unable to recover her from the cave. As a bride mela is celebrated at the bank of a beel named was missing in cave with all her hope and aspiration Jonbeel and for this reason this mela is called so she is still weeping in the area in which she was Jonbeel mela. It is mela for enhancement of unity buried by stone. The people still now heard weeping among the people of hills and plains. The old Barter sound of Kaina ( bride )in that area of the big stone System is still prevalent in this mela through which laying there years together for which people terms hill people exchange their goods to get the necessary it as Kaina- Kanda Shil. articles / food stuff to celebrate the Magh Bihu. Mela: Every Assamese village of the district has a One of the cultural festival of Marigaon district Namghar or community prayer hall which also ~ ·melas which are celebrated only in this district serves as a stage and auditorium to perform ofAssam Generally Mela is called as "Gohain Uliwa Bhoanas. Assamese dramas are performed in the Mela"( God bringing out festival ). This is held within Namghar in the satras at a regular interval. The 63 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT villagers hold prayer service known as Nam-Kirtan A Buffalo of a village fights with a buffalo of during religious festivals. The Satriya dance are of another village. The fighting continues for about classical type introduced by the Vaisnavism leaders. half an hour. The defeated buffalo flees away from Mention is necessary to make about Ojapali. The the field of wrestling. The winning buffalo is tribal people of the district perform a variety of rewarded with cash or kind. This wrestling is still dance of their own. The exquisite and colorful tribal conducting in different places of the district. dances are reminiscent of their glorious traditions. Alipukhuril Patekibari: The death anniversary of Sankardeva and Alipukhuri is the birth place of Shri Sankardeva Madhavdeva are celebrated in the district. The , the founder ofVaisnavite .religion in Assam. He was born in 1449 AD. The old name of the place Janmastami is another festival, which is performed was known as Phata Shimalutal and Alipukhuri in the district. Muslims performs Iduz zuha, which is renamed as Patekibari a few decades ago. Muharram, Fatiha-I-Duazdaham and Id-ul-fitre. The place is located near Mairabari of Marigaon Buffalo's Wrestling: district. In the birth place of Shri Sankaradeva, a Than was constructed by giving the name "Patekibari" . Marigaon district is well known for the The most important feature of the Than is that buffalo's wrestling. There is no historical evidence though the Thans are basically of Hindu region but of this wrestling. However the people believe that the Patekibari Than was constructed by both Hindu it was performed during the reign of kings. The and Muslim of that locality. The Patekibari means (Pateki == Ring well ,and Bari == high place of wrestling is conducted mainly in the month of residence). The journey to Patekibari is a holy Magh (January I February). pilgrimage for all votaries and people.

XI - Major characteristics of the district,contribution of the district in the form of any historical figure associated with the district.

The undivided Nagaon district comprises present district is that the district is an agricultural place. Marigaon district along with some other district. The Most of the people of the district lives on agriculture. undivided Nagaon district was very important from The soils of the area are fertile for growing various point of history. It is evident that the undivided district crops. Fish is also another source of income for the Nagaon had been the capital of Ahom at Kharijan. people as well as the Government. It is available Marigaon as a part of Nagaon in the past was ruled both in river and beels fisheries. by various kings of different races. Marigaon had The district has produced many authors, poets, been under Darangi Knowar for a long period during writers, artists ,sportsmen, politicians, freedom Ahoms rule. Powali king Bhim Singha was appointed fighters as a subordinate king of Marigaon under Ahom king. and social workers. Their contributions in their There were different kings at different places such respective fields have enriched different aspects of as Baghara was ruled by the Baghara king and by the district as well as Assam's granary of culture Mayong king at Mayong of Marigaon district. and literature. The contributions given by the sons and daughters of the soil of the district can never Shri Shri Sankardeva, the great monastery of forget by the people in the future. Vaisnavite movement in Assam was a member of The people of Marigaon district took active part Bara Bhuyan family. Shri Shri Sankardeva was born in the independent Movement. Many people courted at Patekibari of Marigaon district. Some are opinion arrest and faced humiliation from the British that Sankardeva was born at Bordewa in 1449 A.D. Government. At last the Nation has achieved Whatever may be his birth place he provided independence in 15thAugust, 1947 and the Nation will valuable contribution to Assamese religions and socio remain indebted to Marigaonians for the sacrifices cultural life.One of the major characteristics of the made by them during the great struggle.

64 ANALYTICAL NOTE (xii) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory - Column beading wise explaination and coverage of data. The scope ofVillage Directory and Town Directory Town Directory: has already discussed in detail in earlier chapter of The Town Directory is decorated with seven this volume. statements presenting useful data on socio-economic Village Directory: and administrative sides of each town of each district. These statements deal with (i) Status and growth The Village Directory is depicted in the form of a history, (ii) Physical aspects and location oftown, 1999, statement contfri1ling 25 columns under various heads. (iii) Municipal finance 1998-99, (iv) Civic and other The Village Directory provides for each C.D. block amenities, 1999, (v) Medical, Educational and Cultural with the villages according to location code. In col.No. facilities, 1999, (vi) Trade and Commerce, industry and I.serial number is given. The name of village and banking, 1999 and (vii) Civic and other amenities in location code come in coI.No.2 and area in col.No.3. slum, 1999. The coI.No.4 and 5 represent total population of200 1 Statement 1- Status and Gr0wth hist0ry~ - Census and households respectively. The column 6 to 25 relate to the following amenities and facilities. This Statement deals with 22 columns which represent information serially from Serial Number, AMENITIES AND FACILITIES COLUMN Class, Name and Civic Administration, Status of town 1 Education 6 and so on. Statement 1 is presented in the Town 2. Medical 7 Directory in the same pattern that used in 1991. 3. Drinking water 8 Statement 11- Physical Aspects and Location of 4. Post, Telegraph and Telephone 9 town, 1999. 5. Commercial and Co-operative Banks 10 6. Agricultural, Non agricultural and other The statement is formed with 13 columns. Various Credit Societies 11 information such as rainfall, temperature (maximum 7. Recreational & Cultural facilities 12 and minimum), State Headquarters, nearest city with 8. Communications 13 population one lakh and also five lakhs, railway station, 9. Approach road to village 14 bus facility , navigable road etc.are presented in the 10. Nearest Town (in km.) 15 columns. This statement is also similar to that of 1991 11. Power Supply 16 directory except the columns of nearest city introduced 12. News PaperlMagazine 11 newly in 200 I Census. 13. Commodities manufactured IS Statement 111- Municipal Finance 1998-99 14. Land-use pattern of village 19-23 15. Name and Serial number of village 24-25 The statement deals with 17 columns and presents various data on Municipal f'mance ofall statutory towns Particulars of amenities and facilities available in of each district. In the statement columns are divided the villages are shown by way of some abbreviation, into two parts such as receipt and expenditure. which are explained in the beginning of the Village DirectOlY. Amenity, which is not available in any village, Statement IV- Civic and other Amenities, 1999. the distance in term of the nearest place where it is The statement contains 21 columns and information available, is shown in ranges i.e. <5 kms., 5-10 kIJ1s. on civic and other amenities are shown accordingly. and 10+ kms. The non-census data presented in the However, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Village Directory have been collected from various population are also indicated in respective columns. Departments of the State Government, Corporation, Information on types of latrine used, methods of Boards etc. The 200 I Census Village Directory is disposal of night soil, water supply, storage system, almost in the pattern of 1991 Census Village Directory fire fighting service, electrification etc. are presented However, in 2001 Census, some new items have in its respective columns. incorporated and a few are deleted which were in 1991 Census. For example, the information on market / hat Statement V- Medical, Educational, recreational are deleted. Never-the-less, the innovation and and cultural facilities, 1999. introduction ofnew items of information in the Village The statement deals with 20 columns and presented Directory, 2001 will be more useful and meaningful. data on medical, educational, recreational and cultural

65 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT facilities in each town in the respective columns. It is Statement VII- Civic and Other Amenities in on the same pattern that used in 1991 Census. Slums,1999. Statement VI- Trade, Commerce, Industry and This statement contains 17 columns and gives Banking,1999. information on Civic and other Amenities in Slums. Columns represent name of Slum, status of slum area, The statement consists of 11 columns and gives number ofhouseholds, population, paved road (in kms), information for each town on trade, commerce, industry system of sewerage, types of latrine used, method of and Banking, 1999. Columns 1 and 2 show serial number disposal ofnight soil, number oftap, electric connection and class and name of town. Columns 3 to 5 show the (domestic, road and others) in the statement. names of three most important commodities exported The data on amenities and facilities presented in out from the town in order of preference. Columns 6 the Town Directory are collected from the respective to 8 show the names of three most important Municipal Councils, Municipal Board, and Town commodities manufactured in the towns in order of Committee in respect of statutory towns and for Census their importance. The other columns represent the Towns from the revenue authorities of e s p e c t i v e facilities of banks. jurisdiction.


66 · Part A - Village and Town Directory

Section I - Village Directory

Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Column 3 : Area of the village village directory The area of the villages in hectares are The "Village Directory" is one of the traditional given. Wherever the area figures was not compilations of the Census. It gives the list of villages, furnished by the concerned department the their location numbers, their area, population, number column is left blank. of households, amenities such as educational, medical, drinking water, post and telegraph, commercial and co­ Column 4 : Total population operative banks, agricultural non-agricultural and other The total population of the village as per 2001 credit societies, recreational and cultural facilities, Census is given against this column. communication, approach to village, nearest town with a distance, power supply availability of newspaper and Column 5 : Number of households magazines, most important commodity manufactured The number of households as per 2001 Census and land use of each village. is given in this column. Village is a statutory recognized unit having a defInite Amenities: boundary and separate land records. In case, a complete village is treated as an outgrowth ofurban agglomeration, In column 6 to 23, availability in respect of different data on amenities for that village, have not been given amenities such as education, medical, drinking water, in the Village Directory but shown along with the urban post, telegraph, banks, credit societies, communication, component. The villages which are consider as a Census power, approach road etc. in each village has been Town , the amenities data are shown in the Town depicted with appropriate codes against the column Directory. For those villages which have partly merged concerned. Wherever the amenities are not available in in an outgrowth ofU.A., the amenities data are shown the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next in the Village Directory for that particular village. to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. <5 The • un-inhabited , villages ( villages with no kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place where population) have been indicated as such after furnishing the facility is available is given. Column wise details details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., Serial number, Name of are given below: village & location code number and area of the village Column 6 : Educational against column no. 4 to 18. The land use data for such villages are shown in col. 19 to 23. Classes upto class V included in Primary School. This will include nursery school, kindergarten school. The Village Directory format has 25 columns and Pre-basic school, pre-primary school, junior basic the details given under each column for the village are school upto class V. as follows: Classes from VI to VllI are included in the middle Columns 1 & 25 : Serial Number school. Self explanatory. All the villages within the C D Classes from IX and X included in High block are presented serially in the ascending order of secondary school. Classes XI and Xll are included their location code number. in senior secondary school.

Columns 2 & 24 : Name and Location Code In case of composite schools like middle school Number of village. with primary school or secondary school with middle school, these are also included in the number of The name and location code number of the village primary and middle schools, respectively. are shown against these columns. This also includes the forest and uninhabited villages. Accordingly any of the following types of institutions if exists within the village is shown as per DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT codes given below : Column 8 : Drinking Water (i) Primary School P The type of the drinking water supply sources (ii) Middle School M available within the village are indicated by codes as (iii) Secondary School H follows: (iv) Senior Secondary School PUC (i) Tap Water T (v) College C (ii) Well Water W (vi) Industrial School 1 (iii) Tank Water TK (vii) Training School Tr (iv) Tubewell Water TW (viii) Adult literacy class/centre AC (v) Handpump HP (ix) Others (specify) e.g. Sanskrit Path- 0 (vi) shala, Senior basic school, Navodaya River Water R Vidyalaya, Makhtab, etc. (vii) Canal C More than one institution of a type in the village (viii) Lake L is indicated by the number within brackets against (ix) Spring S the abbreviation, e.g. P(3), M(4), etc. (x) Others o Column 7 : Medical (xi) Summer Source SS Availability of medical facility within the village Column 9 : Post, Telegraph and Telephone is indicated by following codes: It is indicated by codes as shown below (i) Allopathic Hospital H whether within the village exists the following Ayurvedic Hospital HA amenities: Unani Hospital HU (i) Post Office PO Homeopathic Hospital H Hom (ii) Telegraph Office TO (ii) Allopathic Dispensary D (iii) Post & Telegraph Office PTa Ayurvedic Dispensary DA (iv) Telephone Connection PH Un ani Dispensary DU Homeopathic Dispensary DHom Column 10: Commercial aDd Co-operative Banks (iii) Maternity & Child Welfare MCW If the village is served by any banking (iv) Maternity Home MH service, commercial bank, co-operative bank etc. (v) Child Welfare Centre CWC the same is indicated in codes mentioned below (vi) Health Centre HC along with the number of banks in brackets. If not available the distance of nearest place where (vii) Primary Health Centre PHC the facility exist is given: (viii) Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS (i) Commercial Bank CM (ix) Family Welfare Centre FWC (ii) Co-operative Bank CP (x) T.B. Clinic TB (xi) Nursing Home NH Column 11: Credit Societies (xii) Registered Private Medical RMP If the village enjoys the services of Credit Practitioner Societies i.e. Agricultural Credit Societies, Non (xiii) Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP Agricultural Credit Society or Other Credit (xiv) Community Health Worker CHW Societies, the same is indicated in codes mentioned below along with the number of such societies in (xv) Others o brackets. In case the facility is not available within More than one institution of a type in the the village the distance of the nearest place where village is indicated by the number within brackets such facility exist is given : against the abbreviations, e.g. H(3), D(4), etc. (i) Agricultural Credit Society ACS 70 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (ii) Non-Agricultural Credit NCS (i) Electricity for domestic use ED Society (ii) Electricity for agricultural use EAG (iii) Other Credit Society OCS (iii) Electricity for other purposes EO Column 12 : Recreational and cultural facilities (iv) Electricity for all purposes EA If facilities such as Cinema I Video hall, Column 17 : News PaperlMagazine Sports Club, Stadium/Auditorium is available in the village. The same is recorded in these Ifvillage receives any News PaperlMagazines the columns. If not available the particulars of the same is noted in this column using following nearest place with the facility is recorded. The codes: information is indicated in codes mentioned (i) News Paper N below along with the number of such facilities in brackets: (ii) Magazine M (i) CinemalVideo Hall CV Column 18 : Most important commodities (ii) Sports Club SP manufactured (iii) Stadium!Auditorium ST The name of three most important commodities manufactured in the village is recorded against this Column 13 : Communications column. If the village is served by any mode of publici Column 19 to 23 : Land use i.e. area under private transport like Bus, Railway station or different types of land use Navigable water ways they are to be mentioned as follows; Land use data maintained by the State I D.T. Govts. are furnished against these columns. The data (i) Bus BS concerning area under Forest, Irrigated land (by (ii) Railway Station RS source), Un-irrigated land, Culturable waste and Area (iii) Navigable Waterway NW not available for cultivation in the village are shown against these columns. The area figures are given in Column 14 : Approach to village hectare(s) up to one decimal. Dash '-' is recorded wherever the information is not made available by Approach to village refers to the state of road the concerned department. The codes used for leading to village. The approach to the village is different types of irrigation facilities available in the indicated in following codes : village are indicated below : (i) Paved Road PR (i) Government Canal GC (ii) Mud road MR (ii) Private Canal PC (iii) Foot path FP (iii) Well (without electricity) W (iv) Navigable River NR (iv) Well (with electricity) WE (v) Navigable Canal NC (v) Tubewell (without electricity) TW (vi) Navigable waterways other than NW River, Canal (vi) Tubewell (with electricity) TWE (vii) Tank TK Column 15 : Nearest Town and distance (viii) River R The distance is given in kilometers in brackets against the name of the town nearest (ix) Lake L to the village. (x) Waterfall WF Column 16 : Power supply (xi) Others 0 Availability of Power Supply in the village, (xii) Total T whatever may be the form of its use is given by using The village directory also carries the following fOllowing codes : appendices. 71 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Appendix-I It gives the abstract of educational, Appendix-IV CD Block wise list of inhabited medical and other amenities available villages where no amenity other than in villages CD Block wise of the drinking water facility is available. district. Appendix-V Summary showing number of Appendix-I-A Indicates number of villages CD villages not having Scheduled Castes Block wise having one or more population. primary schools. Appendix-VI Summary showing number of Appendix-I-B Indicates number of villages CD villages not having Scheduled Block wise having primary, middle Tribes population. and secondary schools. Appendix-VII A, VII B Appendix-I-C Shows number of villages CD Block wise with different sources of The appendix shows the list of drinking water facilities. villages according to proportion of the Scheduled Castes and Appendix-II Indicates the list of villages with Scheduled Tribes to the total 5,000 and above population which do population by ranges. Since no not have one or more important Scheduled Tribe is notified in amenities. Chandigarh, therefore, data in Appendix-II-A Indicates list of Census Towns which appendix VII-B is not do not have one or more amenities. presented. Since there is no such census town Appendix-VIII Indicates CD Block wise number of in Chandigarh, therefore, data in this villages under each Gram Panchayat. appendix is not presented. Appendix-IX Shows number of different types Appendix-III It gives the land utilization data in of girls school in a village. Since respect of Census Towns/non­ there is no girls school in the municipal Towns. Since there is no villages of Chandigarh, U. T. such census town in Chandi-garh, therefore Appendix-IX has not therefore, data in this appendix is been presented. not presented.

List of villages merged in towns and ontgrowths at 2001 Census

There is no above case in Marigaon district

72 Revenue Circle wise maps showing CD Boundaries t..l

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Km 1 3 Km


The tollo"ing PLCN could nol be shown due to lack 01 informAtion.

PLCN POPULATION SIZE 062 0 00899800 X 999 X 9000 X 001 X 002 X 003 X 005 X

BOUNDARY. DISTRICT. REVENUE CIRCLE .. . C.D. BLOCK ...... _...... VILLAGE WITH PERMANENT LOCATION CODE NUIIBER...... "' ...... 0091DODO HEADQUARTERS, REVENUE CIRCLE _ .. @ VILLAGE 'IIITH POPULATION SIZE, BELO'II 200. 200-499. 500--999. 1000-4999. 5000 & ABOVE 0.. •• UNINHABITED VILLAGES 'IIITH LOCATION CODE NUMBIJI ...... _ ...... _ .. X 003 STATE HIGH'IIaY ...... _...... "'" ...... IMPORTANT METALLED ROADS ...... UNMETALLED ROADS...... Total no of village : 100 RIVER AND STREAM ...... Total no of town = Nil POST OFFICE ...... __ .. _ ..... HIGH SCHOOL / HIGHER SECONDARY Total no of C.D. Bloc k: 2 (parUy) SCHOOL/PRE-UNIVERSITY I JUNIOR COLLEGE ...... R.C . ;; Revenue Circle BANK ..... C.D. = Community Development. !221 ERODED AREA

@ Govc["nment of India copyri,hl, 2006


K m 1 3 Km



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The tollolt'inc: PLCN could not be located due to lac k o( informAtion

Pu::N POPULATION SfZ~ J.t.lVllTl l!S 259 o 261 262 o 265 o PO

Total no of village;;; 167 ~ Tolal no of town = 1 Tolal no or C.D. Block = 2 (partly) R.C. = Revenue Circle C.D. = Community Development.

z Reserved Forest Boundaries shown on the map are notional. o

BOUNDARY, DISTRIct• .~ . _ __ . ______• _ • _ • •

KROLAK"T R.F. REVENUE CIRCLE ._ ...... OM ••• _ _ _ • _ • _ •• C.D. BLOCI( _____

I ;:~~~~N ·~~:E p~~::::~~ ___ I OOilOl00 I 'RESf.RVEO FOREST Wl'1'H NAVE ._ hmOUKlT Lr.1

HEADQUARTERS. DISTRlc:r_ OM ___ •• @ .- . I I VILLAGES WITH POPULATION S IZ E : BELOW 200, 200-(Q9,500-999, 1000-,(999 _ _ - a • • • , '" I '" " \ UNINHABlTtD VlLLAGES WITH PERMANENT \ .... '" ..... " LOCATION CODE NUIIBER_ ...... '." .. ' ".. -_ _-_d;J. URBAN AREA WITII LOCATION CODE.. (; NATIONAL HIGHWAY...... ~ __ ... _ _ NU n STATE HIGHWA.Y _ ....~ ._ ._ \)~ IWPORTAN'T METALLED ROAD. __ ._ ...... ______\.> KARB l\ N G ~:I~ ::~LL~~ER~~:- ;A;I;N ,-' B;O~D'~ G'~~G:= ==;5 = = == RIVER AND STREAM , .ATER BODIES .. _ .. __~

POSt' OfFICE._ _ . ~ _. ._ _ _. _ _ HIGH SCHOOL / HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL/PRE- UNIVERSITY / JUNIOR COLLEGE '" BANX .__ ... _ ...._ ... ._ ._ .__ . _ . ___ _

© Governm e n t ot India cop1ri,bt, 200

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CD Block wise Village Directory Data

VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon senal Name 2001 Census 1991 Census Serial Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 52 Chatabori Name of CD Block: Mayang 00882300 120010002000200126 53 Chengmari Gaon 120010002000200009 Name of Sub-Dist: 0001 00874000 54 Chengmari Pathar 00873900 120010002000200026 1 1 No. Burgaon 00876600 120010002000200073 55 Chenimara 00884900 120010002000200151 2 1 No. Murkata 00873400 120010002000200022 56 Chotogarnari Guri 00877900 120010003000300100 3 l.No. Bangalbori 00883200 120010002000200140 57 Chotogarjan 00872500 120010002000200048 4 l.No. Dungabori 00883800 120010002000200141 58 Darariguri 00870600 120010002000200015 5 l.No. C.agalmari 00874800 120010002000200053 59 Dayang 00884800 120010002000200155 6 2.No. Bangalbori 00885100 120010002000200145 60 Dayanial Gaon 00882600 120010002000200135 7 2.No.Borjari 00881500 120010002000200068 61 Deusa1 00886400 120010002000200166 8 2.No. Burgaon 00874900 120010002000200054 62 Dhaka1i 00887300 120010002000200176 9 2.No. Dungabori 00885200 120010002000200142 63 Dhekiabari 00873800 120010002000200007 10 2.No. Gagalmari 00872900 120010002000200041 64 Dibika 00878600 120010003000300107 11 2.No. Murkata 00874200 120010002000200023 65 Dimoruguri 00882400 120010002000200127 12 Ashighar 00876500 120010002000200074 66 Diprang 00879600 120010002000200029 13 Baghjap 00883000 120010002000200138 67 Faliarnari 00870700 120010002000200018 14 Bahakabari 00880800 120010003000300105 68 Faliamari Habi 00873000 120010002000200016 15 Bahakajari 00871100 120010002000200043 69 Gabhura Tup Gaon 00871800 120010003000300084 16 Balimukh P.UR. 00876300 120010002000200076 70 Gabhura Tup Pathar 00871700 120010003000300083 17 Bamungaon 00886200 120010002000200164 71 Gagalmari 00870900 120010002000200040 18 Bamunjari 00875200 120010002000200049 72 GagalmariAshighar 00875000 120010002000200052 19 Bangalpara 00872300 120010003000300091 73 Gaga1mari Pam 00875500 120010003000300093 20 Bangfor 00884700 120010002000200157 74 Gamariguri 00869900 120010002000200002 21 Bar Gamari 00878200 120010003000300097 75 Gamariguri 00878000 120010003000300101 22 Baral Tup 00872000 120010003000300086 76 Gaonalia 00887100 120010002000200174 23 Baramari 00874500 120010002000200038 77 Garakhia Dhap 00874600 120010002000200055 24 Bararnari Pam 00874700 120010002000200039 78 Garan Kushi 00887000 120010002000200173 25 Bardoloni 00883600 120010002000200065 79 Garjan 00875400 120010003000300078 26 Barhaitari 00870000 120010002000200003 80 Garubandha 00870400 120010002000200013 27 Barhampur 00879000 120010002000200113 81 GarumaraDoloni 00881600 120010002000200063 28 Barku10i 00883300 120010002000200123 82 Ghagua Pahar 00880900 120010003000300131 29 Barpak Jungle 00881700 120010002000200030 83 Ghunusha Habi 00885700 120010002000200149 30 Barukata 00880400 120010002000200108 84 Goroimari 00871300 120010002000200046 31 Batahbari 00872100 120010003000300088 85 Goroimari 00878300 120010003000300096 32 BebejiaHabi 00878100 120010003000300102 86 Guripathar 00885300 120010002000200143 33 Belguri 00881400 120010002000200119 87 Hariabori 00877800 120010002000200111 34 Belorbori 00871500 120010003000300081 88 Hariapar 00877700 120010002000200112 35 Bhakatgaon 00882500 120010002000200137 89 Hatiamukh 00884200 120010002000200158 36 Bha1ukaguri 00878400 120010003000300104 90 Hatiamukh Jungle 00884300 120010002000200159 37 Bhalukajuri 00874400 120010002000200037 91 Hatibhangi 00873200 120010002000200020 38 Bihita 00884400 120010002000200161 92 Hatigarh Y.UR. 00877200 120010002000200034 39 Bilimara 00880000 120010002000200069 93 Hatimuria 00873500 120010002000200010 40 Boha Dalani 00879700 120010002000200031 94 Hatiutha 00880100 120010002000200114 41 Boha Pahar 00881900 120010002000200066 95 JagiGaon 00882800 120010002000200134 42 Borjari No.1 00883500 120010002000200067 96 Jhargaon 00879100 120010002000200070 43 Borkuloi Pathar 00882100 120010002000200125 97 Junbeel 00884000 120010002000200152 44 Borkurani 00872700 120010002000200050 98 Kahua Habi 00876000 120010003000300094 45 Bormuri Pathar 00874300 120010002000200036 99 Kajali Pathar 00877000 120010002000200025 46 Bomalani Pathar 00882000 120010002000200120 100 Kakarjala 00885000 120010002000200147 47 BurhaBuri 00879200 120010002000200061 101 Kalbari 00878700 120010003000300109 48 Burha Mayang 00873700 120010002000200008 102 Kalsila 00870100 120010002000200004 49 Burba Mayang Parvat 00869700 120010002000200006 103 Kapoujari 00871400 120010003000300080 SO Chakumaku 00885500 120010002000200148 104 Karatipam 00872400 120010003000300079 51 Chanaka 00869800 120010002000200001 105 Kariguri 00870800 120010002000200017 89 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon Senal Name 2001 Census 1991 Census Seriiil Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 106 Karsuabori 00877600 120010002000200071 159 Raumari 00878800 120010003000300110 107 Kasarigaon 00871000 120010002000200042 160 Raumari 00886300 120010002000200165 108 Kasarigaon 00875300 120010003000300077 161 Saru Kuloi 00882200 120010002000200124 109 Kasarigaon 00881100 120010002000200136 162 Sarubori 00878500 1200]0003000300103 110 Kashasila 00870200 120010002000200011 163 SarumanahaBeel 00881300 120010002000200118 111 Katahguri 00870300 120010002000200012 164 Sat Sapori Doloni 00881800 120010002000200064 112 Katahjari Gaon 00872200 120010003000300087 165 Sat. Sapod Doloni 00875600 120010003000300092 113 Katahjari Pathar 00875700 120010003000300090 166 Shipaguri 00876700 120010002000200056 114 Kaurhagi 00877500 120010002000200072 167 Sildubi 00876900 120010002000200035 115 Khanagaria 00875800 120010003000300089 168 Sindhisar forest village 00886100 116 Khandajan 00883700 120010002000200122 169 SindhisarP.GR. 00886000 120010002000200163 117 Khandakhaiti 00870500 120010002000200014 170 Sonai Kushi 118 Kharbeel 00884100 120010002000200154 Reserve Forest 00886900 120010002000200172 119 Khatobori Mikirgaon 00871200 120010002000200045 171 Sonaikushi 00887500 120010002000200178 120 Kholagaon 00880500 120010002000200129 172 Sukati Puta Habi 00876200 120010003000300099 121 Kholoni Beel 00879900 120010002000200062 173 Sukatiputa 00871600 120010003000300082 122 Khutradal 00883900 120010002000200146 174 Tegheria 00885800 120010002000200156 123 Konwargaon 00881200 120010002000200128 175 Temiherua 00871900 120010003000300085 124 Kukuwari 00879400 120010002000200033 176 Teteliguri 00873300 120010002000200021 125 Kumarkushi 00887200 120010002000200175 177 Thakurduba 00884600 120010002000200160 126 Kumoi Gaon 00882700 120010002000200133 178 Thengbhanga 00879500 120010002000200028 127 Kumoi Pahar 00881000 120010002000200132 179 Udmari 00885900 120010002000200167 128 Kuranibori 00879300 120010002000200060 Name of CD Block: Mayang 129 Kuthari Bagisha 00887400 120010002000200177 Name of Sub-Dist: 0004 130 Kuyadal 00885400 120010002000200144 1 Ahatguri 00922700 120050002000200]24 13 1 Laukhowabari 00875900 120010003000300095 2 Ahatguri Pam 00923000 120050002000200103 132 Lecharibori 00875100 120010002000200051 3 Alisinga 00923600 120050002000200137 133 Lecharipar Pam 00876400 120010002000200075 4 Amguri 00924800 120050002000200155 134 Loonmati 00873600 120010002000200005 5 Amzari 00923400 120050002000200126 135 Majarbori 00878900 120010002000200116 6 BaItala 00926200 136 Manaha 00880300 120010002000200117 7 Bangaldhara 00921400 120050002000200106 137 ManahaKasarigaon 00880200 120010002000200115 8 Banpara Darapani 00925700 120050002000200150 138 Merar Habi 00872800 120010002000200044 9 Barati 00924300 120050002000200145 139 Morigaon 00880600 120010003000300130 10 Barbari 00923200 120050002000200125 140 Morisuti Pam 00877300 120010002000200059 II Barbari Pathar 00921600 120050002000200119 141 Morisuti Tup 00876800 120010002000200057 12 Bargog 00926400 120050002000200162 142 Nabahatia 00883400 120010002000200121 13 Bargog (Amsoi) 00926500 143 NakaraHabi 00879800 120010002000200032 14 Brujalah 00923800 120050002000200140 144 NakhulaGaon 00886600 120010002000200169 15 Barkhal 00924100 120050002000200143 145 Nakhula Grant 00886500 120010002000200168 16 Barpayak No.1 00924500 120050002000200152 146 NakhulaPahar 00886800 120010002000200171 17 Barpayak No.2 00925100 120050002000200158 147 NaldharaNuaBeel 00884500 120010002000200162 18 Basuadhari Jalsh 00923700 120050002000200132 148 Nandinibori 00872600 120010002000200047 19 Belguri 00920500 120050002000200082 149 Natun Bangalbori 00883100 120010002000200139 20 Bhalukaguri 00923300 120050002000200122 150 Niz Gharua 00880700 120010003000300106 21 BhugdubaBiII 00925500 120050002000200138 151 Pabhakati 00873100 120010002000200019 22 Bhugduba Habi 00925400 120050002000200139 152 Pabitara 00877100 120010002000200027 23 Bihubari 00921500 120050002000200120 153 PachimNagaon 00886700 120010002000200170 24 Block No.8 00923900 120050002000200141 154 Paliguri 00885600 120010002000200150 25 Chanuabari Pathar 00921700 120050002000200118 155 Panikauri 00876100 120010003000300098 26 Charal Pam 00923100 120050002000200123 156 Patekibori 00877400 120010002000200058 27 Chipiri 00922600 120050002000200104 157 Raja Mayang 00874100 120010002000200024 28 Dahali Makaria 00925300 120050002000200147 158 Rangthai Gaon 00882900 120010002000200153 29 Dahuti Habi 00924400 120050002000200146

90 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon senaI Name 2001 Census 1991 Census SenaI Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 2 3 4 2 3 4 80 Dakhin Dhararntul 00922200 20050002000200135 49 Moukhuliamjari 00926100 31 Dapunibari 00926300 120050002000200160 50 Muladhari 00922000 120050002000200133 32 Dihukicharnaka 00920800 120050002000200084 51 NaramariNo.l 00920400 120050002000200088 33 Durula Dubi 00922500 120050002000200105 52 Naramari No.2 00920300 120050002000200089 34 GegeraN.C. 00926700 120050002000200163 53 Neli Bagisa No.1 00924900 120050002000200156 35 Hatkhula 00923500 120050002000200136 36 Kalbari (Silsang) 00925900 54 NeliBagisaNo.2 00925000 120050002000200157 37 Khuapar 00926600 120050002000200161 55 Nizkhula 00925600 120050002000200148 38 Khulahat Forest 00926000 120050002000200159 56 Palahguri 00924200 120050002000200144 39 Khulapathar 00925800 120050002000200149 57 Patrabari 00920700 120050002000200083 40 Killing Bagicha 00924700 120050002000200154 58 Pub Dharamtul 00922300 120050002000200127 41 Kumarbari 00924600 120050002000200153 59 Rupaibari 00921100 120050002000200087 42 Lukakuchi 00920600 120050002000200066 60 Sarumati Parbat 00924000 120050002000200142 43 Makaria 00925200 120050002000200151 44 Mantabari 00921800 120050002000200128 61 Silbheta 00922100 120050002000200134 45 Matiparbat 00921900 120050002000200131 62 Telahi Bhatgaon 00921300 120050002000200099 46 Mikirgaon 00921200 120050002000200100 63 Thekera 00922900 120050002000200085 47 Morakolong 00922800 120050002000200086 64 Thekeraguri 00920900 120050002000200101 48 Morikolong 00921000 120050002000200102 65 Uttar Dhararntul 00922400 120050002000200121

91 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'01 .. e .-;n- .S ~ .., a .f ..c cu :-3 <.) c I C ~ ;;. 0 g 0 .~ ·E ~ u'" d- .g_ ... ] <.) o 1A .... OI~ 0 .!\:l c.. '-' ...... , 5 {! .r: ..0 ~.;; 0 ._ ~ fir ·i '" Ol <.) 1<1 ._ 8. 0 c ::: 6b ~ l:~ ~....:-~ '" 0 ., 0 gf ..go ..c01 ~ .§ ~ ~ 0 ~ c.. .. -;; 01 i - 5l ~ '"

Burha Mayang 1,055.0 ------Uninhabited ------Parvat (00869700)

P(2) - Chanaka 50 M« 5) H(10+) TW W SS- PO(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 2 76.0 360 CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (00869800) C(5-10) MCW(lo+) W PH(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(lO+) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW« 5)

Gamariguri ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 3 44.0 215 34 P M H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(lO+) (00869900) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS« 5) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(1O+) NW« 5)

CWC PM« Barhaitari H(IO+) TWWR - POtS· - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 4 6.0 202 32 5) C« (00870000) MCW(lO+) SS-W 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 5) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

Kalsila 5 18.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00870100)

PM« CWC H« HP TW _ Kashasila 5) MCW« - PO« ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 6 126.0 402 66 5) C« (00870200) 5)PHC« SS 5)PH(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) 5) ~RC ~~~~j 5) OCS(IO+) ST{lO+) NW« 5)

P(2) - NWBS« Katahguri CM(IQ+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 7 305.0 828 118 M« 5) H« 5) HP TW W PO(IQ+) 5) (00870300) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SS-W PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

P(2) Garubandha M« 5) H(IO+) HP TW R ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 8 292.0 1,093 136 PO(10+) CM(IO+) (00870400) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(10+) SS-TW PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST{lO+) NW(IO+)

Khandakhait ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 9 299.0 1,254 179 ~)~«~ H«5) HPTWW POPH(lO+) CM(IO+) i (00870500) - MCW« 5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 10) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) 92 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

-0 1 ~ !a ..a ..c:: .. u <=I !\i ~ .~ j 8 bJ) g bJ) :ij' .5 8 -0 ~<.> ., .§ .... ! ~., ~ ., :a ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ .(;j ., .s Q, .... -0 I .;;: ~ ~ I e ., ~ = .s g. -0 :g ___ .... ] ~ ~ Q 0 t:; .... Q, .§ bJ) <=I ., 1 8 t:; ·6 ~ o:s «i 0.. ~ .a .s:: ~ ~ !:: ·8in - > ., -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rZ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ en 14 15 l() 17 lIS 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

----.-•• Umnhablted ------1054 8 Burha Mayang Parvat

MR Mangaon (30) 316 443 Chanaka 2

MR Mangaon (22) 320 11 0 Gamangun 3

MR Mangaon (29) 39 2 1 Barhaltan 4

------Unmhablted ------181 Kalslla 5

MR Marlgaon (30) 102 80 108 7 Kashastla 6

PR MR Mangaon (70) ED 1003 33 201 5 Katahgun 7

PR MR Mangaon (70) 889 95 193 8 Garubandha 8

PR. MR Marlgaon (53) 2214 250 52 2 Khandakhaltl 9

93 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

ti3 t 5 '" .;:; ~ 0 Q "0 --;;;- "0 ~ 0'" ..01 ra .. ICI) ~ ..r:: ~ ~ ., '':: '"'0:: c ~ 0 g CI) 8 § .~ u t!, 'i.... ] ] CI) ·f 0 {g 13 ....l'"' ..& 8 .ft. ] 1f ~ gj t!, :g I C3 ~ ~ ., 'l' ~ § S.-. ] f 13 t! '1: '" gj .... § ~ ~ t ~ ....s _g 1 0:: Q)'" ~ 8. ..g 0 2 ::s ~ ~ " g ._ "" '1:: '3 '3 :a ~ .~~ 0"",-0 ~ .~ ., 0 ~ ~ Gi'l ~ f-< ~ ~ ~'" ~ ~ Q., u <~ ~:>~ 8t! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 IS 9 10 11 IZ lJ CWCFWC NW Darariguri PM ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 10 151.0 782 71 H(10+) HP TW W PO(;O+) CM(lO+) BS(lO+) (00870600) C« 5) NCS(lO+) SP(lo+) MCW(1O+) R SS-HP PH(IO+) CP(10+) RS(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

CWCH« PM« Faliamari 5) MCW« ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 11 209.0 851 lOS 5)C« HPTWW POPH(5-10) CM(10+) (00870700) 5) PHC« SS-W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 5) CP(IO+) 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

FWCCHW PM« Kariguri H(IO+) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 12 151.0 671 93 5) C(5- - PO(5· CM(-lO+) (00870800) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(lO+) SP(lo+) RS(IO+) 10) 10) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC PM« Gagalmari H(lO+) TWR SS- ACS(lo+) CV(1O+) BS(IO+) 13 168.0 1,132 162 5) POPH(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00870900) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+J

PM« BS Kasarigaon ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 14 272.0 1,496 223 S) H(1o+) TWWSS- POPH(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00871000) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(10+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+} OCS{lO+} ST(lO+l DPHS BS Bahakajari PMS H(IO+) TWWTK AC~(IO+) CV(10+) 15 249.0 1,701 251 CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00871100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W POPH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

Khatobori PM« H(IO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 16 Mikirgaon 75.0 1,130 142 5) - PO« CM(~O+) MCW(lO+) W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00871200) C(IO+) 5) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lo+) st(1O+) NW(10+)

CHW P(2) Goroimari H(IO+) TWRSS- ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 17 261.0 1,114 161 M« 5) - PO« CM(-lO+) (00871300) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(10+) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) 5) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHW PM« Kapoujari H(IO+) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 18 245.0 1,708 210 5) (00871400) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(10+) 94 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)* *

-0 -0 § i la oS ..<:: <> ~ 1il 1 e bO ·1 <=: bI) <:::.- .£ .5 ... -0 <> ... ] ~ (.) .. .S "OJ' ,§. s §. -0 '+-< ~ ~bI) -0 0 ~ Q, .§ ~ 1 .. ~ = .., "OJ '@ :l;' .J:: ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii 0 0 '" ... ~ ~ Ii ~ ~ .... ] :5 1u ~ ~ j 14 1:) 16 17 18 19 2U 21 22 23 2 ""1

PR MR Mangaon (52) 1232 126 15 1 Darangun 10

PR MR Mangaon (50) 1830 150 11 0 Fahamarl II

PR MR Mangaon (51) 1133 106 276 Karlgun 12

MR Marlgaon (21) 1429 25 1 Gagalman 13

MR Marlgaon (20) 2416 30 I Kasangaon 14

PR MR FP Marlgaon (13) ED 1936 168 38 9 BahakaJarl 15

PR MR Mangaon (19) 650 10 0 Khatobon 16 Mlkugaon

MR Mangaon (10) 2487 120 GorOlmarl 17

PR Mangaon (29) ED 1171 405 87 5 KapouJarl 18

95 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 Ions., 5-10 Ions. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'iii ....., e '00' .:; t;> .. 0 ]' c: ~ o@~ .g '"Q) 0 t) ~ ] Q) (J U ..:> '" ... Q) <= ..c: ... :.a .2 ~<1) <5 c: > :::: 0 g <:> .~ <> " '-ij u t!- i .3 ~ :§ .~ ]1 ___ :g §_ ~ .", ~ (Jf &I:! ~ "5 -<>§ ~;:;::; Q) Q) c: C 8 -e ·c rg .... S 0 -5 .S 0 ..c: <= ., &I:! 8..g § ~ E .... 1;l 1 ...J' •.." '" '.j:l 0 ..c: ~ ~ -arn-g .. .s 11 ~ '- "il ~ !;h § .. Po. 0 .~ ~ .... 0 t>ll ~ ·s <:: 0 = :5 ~ .~ ..c: § . ~ c. b '-ij "3 ~ §'ifi 0; Q) ..c B ~ ·c '3 -a e <> :.a ~ r;f ~ ~ iLa ~,g Q) 0 '0 ... 0 0 Q):'5!:I rn ~ E-< E-< :f ~ ~ i§ p.. U ~] ~>rn 8 ~ I 2 3 4 _5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CWCFWC PM« Belorbori H(lO+) HPTWR ACS(1O+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 19 137.0 985 147 5) - POe< CM(~ 5) (00871500) MCW« 5) SS-TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) 5) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) CWCFWC PM« Sukatiputa H(lO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 20 194.0 330 60 5) (00871600) MCW(IO+) SS-W 5)PH«5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(1O+) CP« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Gabhura Tup PM« H«5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(JO+) BS« 5) 21 Pathar 205.0 251 45 5) MCW(10+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM« 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00871700) C(IO+) CP« 5) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+) CWCFWC Gabhura Tup PM« H(IO+) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 22 Gaon 236.0 430 72 5) - PO(S· CM(~ 5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS« 5) SP(1O+) RS(lO+) (00871800) C(10+) 10) PH(5-1O) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

PM« H(S-10) Temiherua TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 23 72.0 )36 21 5) MCW(5- (00871900) TW 5) PH(lO+) CM« 5) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(JO+) 10) CP« 5) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+) PHC 10+ CWCFWC PM« Baral Tup H(IO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 24 214.0 241 52 5) (00872000) MCW(10+) SS-HP 5)PH« 5) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(JO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Batabbari PM H«5) TWR SS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 25 27S.0 263 69 - PO« CM(-lO+) (00872100) C« 5) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(10+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC Katabjari PM« H(IO+) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 26 Gaon 274.0 531 87 5) - PO« CM(-IO+) MCW(10+) TW NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) (00872200) C(lO+) 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

CWCFWC PM« Bangalpara H«5) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 27 247.0 417 69 5) PO PH« 5) CM«5) (00872300) MCW« 5) SS·W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS« 5) C(lO+) CP« S) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5) 96 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

'"0 '"0 § i til ~ ..c u <= j ij g .9 8 bO t;j e- .g bO 3 8 '"0 .§ G II> '" .s bO .~ ,g bO I<.> ..2 J 2 ... o '" ] a ] u ~ z 1'0. J ~ 1 :5 8 ~ ~ ! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 '"1

MRFP Mangaon (18) 1294 80 Belorbon 19

MRFP Mangaon (22) 1766 174 Sukatlputa 20

921 Gabhura MRfP Mangaon (20) 113 1 21 Tup Pathar •

MR Marlgaon (22) 2213 147 Gabhura 22 Tup Gaon

MRFP Marlgaon (25) 680 40 Temlherua 23

MRFP Mangaon (18) 1448 360 324 Baral Tup 24

MR Marlgaon (15) ED 2611 72 Batahbarl 25

MR Marlgaon (20) ED 2689 4 9 KatahJarl 26 Gaon

MRFP Mangaon (15) 2405 6 7 Bangalpara 27

97 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 lans., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O! ... .,e 'i .s .S 0 ~ I OJ ]' '" -0 .", "0 !i3 en ';;' ~ CI) 0 U U ..Q a .. t.) u ::s :.g of .c ~ OJ .. t.) 0 u § .iij== g 0== .~ 13 .~ u ~ u Ii> 0 ;; 1 c. «i .s:;J"' ~ <:> i.~ .E!::S~ ::s'" ..... :E0 !! 'i' 0<1 =.> ~ .c.., 8 .. -<>§ 6.-, Q) ] § .... -0 .= ~ ~ ~ .s .iij g ~ t .... Iii _~ ""i:~ "0 ·15 1: 0 J _" ...= .... «i ~ .!! ~ os 0 J _e! 0 a--,,~ ~ ~ ~ 8. 1 <> t.) .- ;l: ..... 0 0== OIl ..!l ... .e 0 Ii> «i c CI) .9 «i ] is ~ c. .iij u !! ~..c § d' Q) e ....: s ~ ::su :.:a ~ ..r .~~ 13~;a .., '"0 § ~:s!s ~ .~ ~ l ~ .z ~ ~ is ~ u ~13 >"" u ""1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ':I 10 11 12 13 CWCFWC PM CHW Karatipam TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 28 231.0 2,315 324 AC H(lO+) PO PH CM(IO+) (00872400) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(10+) PHC(5-10) CWC P(2) CHW Chotogarjan TWRSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(10+) 8S« 5) 29 142.0 1,632 219 M« 5) H(IO+) (00872500) 5) PH(IO) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TW + CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW«5) PHC <5 CWCFWC PM« Nandinibori H(IO+) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 30 161.0 338 45 5) (00872600) MCW(10+) TW 5) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Borkurani PM H«5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 31 357.0 2,790 421 RS(IO+) (00872700) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(10+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

PM« Merar Habi ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 32 128.0 1,240 162 5) H« 5) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) (00872800) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) W PH« 5) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

2.No. PM« BS H(IO+) TWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 33 Gagalmari 221.0 1,687 230 5) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(5-10) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) (00872900) C(lO+) CP(10+) NW(10+) PHqIO+l OCS{10+l ST{IO+l

Faliamarl P(2) H(IO+) HP TW W ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 34 Habi 315.0 2,057 324 M(2) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W PO PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00873000) C«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Pabhakati ACS(10+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 35 143.0 309 43 5) H(lO+) HP TW W PO(;O+) CM(lO+) (00873100) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-TW PH(lO+) CP(lo+) PHqlO+l OCS{IO+l ST!IO+l NW~5-10l PHSCHW Hatibhangi P(2) M ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 36 288.0 1,021 152 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(lO+) (00873200) C(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS« 5) MCW(lO+) TW PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(5-10) 98 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"'*

I:5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR Marlgaon (27) 1706 8 I 52 1 Karatlpam 28

MR Mangaon (14) 1177 24 2 ChotogllfJ3n 29

MR Mangaon (15) 1583 3 0 Nandlmbon 30

PRMR Marlgaon(19) 3316 25 1 Borkuranl 31

PRMR Mangaon (21) 1081 201 Merar Habl 32

PRMR Marigaon (22) 1946 132 134 2 No 33 Gagalmarl

PRMR Mangaon (52) ED 2791 111 25 1 Fahamarl 34 Habl

PRMR Marlgaon (70) ED 1383 50 Pabhakatl 35

PR MR Mangaon (70) 2440 44 2 Hatlbhangl 36

99 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 lans. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Tetehgun P M« H(IO+) HP TW R - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) NWBS« 37 1080 753 (00873300) 116 5) MCW(IO+) SS TW 5) PH(lO+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) 5) RS« 5) C(10+) - CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

CWC 1 No PM« H(lO+) TW R SS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BSNW 38 Murkata 2830 669 97 5)C« MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(JO+) RS(1O+) (00873400) 5) PHC(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) CWCH(5- 10) BS Hatlmuna P(2) M MCW(S- TWTKSS POPH(S-10) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 39 2600 1,241 182 TK CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00873500) S C 10) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW«5) PHC(IO+) DCWC PHS BS Loonmatl H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 40 2660 1,253 219 P(3) M RS(lO+) (00873600) C«5) MCW(lO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+) PHC(IO+) CWC Burha ACS(10+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 41 Mayang 990 564 94 PM H(10+) TW W SS- - PO(S CM(~ 5) C(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00873700) MCW(lO+) TW 1O)PH(5-10) CP(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

BS Dheklaban 494 83 P M H« 5) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) RS(lO+) 42 (00873800) 880 C« 5) MCW(lO+) TW PH(lO+) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) Chengman 43 Pathar 1480 ------Umnhablted ------(00873900)

Chengmarl P(lO+) H(lO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 44 Gaon 4800 5 PO(IO+) M(10+) MCW(10+) W SS-W CP(1O+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00874000) PH(lO+) C(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC BS RaJa Mayang ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 45 2360 1,994 342 P(3) M H(IO+) TWTKSS POPH(IO+) RS(IO+) C MCW(lO+) TK CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00874100) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) 100 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

"" "'"a ~<> .3 5 ""(,) ... .. ~ B .s . t\) ..s ~ <> e ~ ~ i<> ... t1f ~ ~ u ~ <>

PR MR Mangaon (70) 939 14 1 Tetehgun 37

MR Mangaon (30) ED 2270 558 1 No 38 Murkata

MR Mangaon (30) EA NM 199 5 60 1 Hattmuna 39

MR Mangaon (30) ED NM 187 1 122 670 Loonmatt 40

MR Mangaon (32) ED NM 857 13 4 Burha 41 Mayang

MR Mangaon (35) ED NM 679 201 Dhekmban 42

Chengman ------Unmhablted ------1483 43 Pathar

MR Marlgaon (30) 480 1 Chengmarl 44 Gaon

MR Mangaon (35) EA NM 2028 330 Raja 45 Mayang

101 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O:t ~ ., .., c:: ..c:: c:: ;; c:: :-e .1;f 0 ., <:> 0 .~ ~ .~ :.S u i: ~ f!.., 1 .:l ..... -a 0 <:> '" ..!ol Po. B ca..rr '" ....l j <:> .£ 9 .~ a::t--. ::t'" ~ ~ 0 _ 6--. ., ., c:: ] ""0 c!: 5 {! ·c co 0 ~::t ~ ~ ... oS .~ 0 !G ..c:: g ~ ~ &..g .., ..!!! ..c:: go fa _en""O .g ~ 0 «i ..r .~ .. .::1 .. .., ~ ""'., "3 '- ~ Po. 0 .. tb .. S .c:> .~ ~ ... 15 ~ 0 ...0 ~ 8- ., 'i§:;ii ..c:: 1 ., 'i .. i .; "3 '" ~ ~ <> ._ '':..., s ~ ~ i <: en U '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CWC 2No PM« H(IO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 46 Murkata 1790 880 143 5)C« MCW(IO+) R SS-W 5) PH(IO+) CM(5-10) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00874200) 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Bormun PM« H(10+) TWRS5- - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 47 Pathar 2140 589 74 5) MCW(lO+) TW 10) PH(IO+) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00874300) C(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« BhalukaJun H(IO+) HP TW SS· - PO(5 - ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 48 1510 123 20 5) (00874400) MCW(IO+) TW 10) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC CHW Baraman PM ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 49 2570 883 122 H(lO+) HPTWW POPH(lO+) CM(IO+) (00874500) 5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C« MCW(IO+) SS-W CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+)

GarakhIa PM« H(IO+) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lo+) B5(10+) 50 Dhap 1840 1,412 208 5)C« MCW(lO+) TW 5) PH(10+) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00874600) 5) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Baraman PM« CHW HPTWW - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 51 Pam 1060 471 65 5)C« H(IO+) 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(10+) (00874700) 5) MCW(10+) SS-W CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW« 5)

PHS 1 No BS PM H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 52 Gagalman 3300 2,374 331 PO PH(lo+) CM(IO+) RS(10+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(10+) Sp(IO+) (00874800) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

2No P(2) M H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV(lO+) BS(lO+) 53 Burgaon 2650 1,304 176 S - PO« CM(-lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00874900) C(10+) 5) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+2 OCS(IO+) ST~lO+) NW(10+2 Gagalman PM« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 2190 1,941 268 5) H(lO+) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) 54 Ashlghar NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) (00875000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC{lO+l OCS{lO+) ST{lO+) NW{10+) 102 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

"'" ~ "'"fa ~ ~ <.> ., 0 '""-§ ...<.> B . 5 G)' ~ ~ gp ~ B ...bll =.;;;: ~ ~ .Q ~ ~ i '" 1il B ~ ~0 ~ e ~ ~ B §: §. .." '"" .... 1<1 .g "0 0 ~ "l;; '" p. .§ ... bIl 'Vi' 1 ., "l;; <= e "l;; 1<1 u ... 03 p. ~ ~ ~ .§ > ..: 0 ~ '" ... ~ ~ ~ ~ &: ] :§ U lb ~ ~ en 14 15 "'"'16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

MR Mangaon (30) 1387 405 2 No 46 Murkata

MR Mangaon (20) ED EO 1602 534 Bonnun 47 Pathar

PR MR Marlgaon (70) 1386 12 8 BhalukaJufl 48

PR MR Marlgaon (55) 2236 120 209 Baramarl 49

MR Marlgaon (20) ED 1381 46 0 Garakhla 50 Dhap

PRMR Mangaon (54) 638 120 300 Baraman 51 Pam

PRMR Mangaon (22) 2596 700 1 No 52 Gagalman

MRFP Marlgaon (26) ED 1567 1085 2No 53 Burgaon

Gagalmarl PRMR Marlgaon (24) 2006 185 54 Ashlghar

103 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

03 :;; 5 'til' ..s ::s 0 .= 19 8 f -8 ., ~ .~ 0 I U .&> l '"u <> ..c:: ., ... :-8 '" ~ E := 8' == ,§_ u § .~ <.> .~ .~ U 8 <2'! <1) ~ -a .s::s <> 8 '" ..!:! .., OioSS '" .3 ~ <:> ~ ~ J _a::S- ::s'" ~ 0 'i _v§ .... _g !i ... _; ~ 0 ~ & ., - 0 .~§=al A Oi ., .~ ] ~ "30;:a '" '': ]I ~ ~.8;a ~ .~ ., ~ _".. 0~ C/) ~ ~ E-< 1 ~ ~ ;§ rf. U ~!l ~>£l 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 CWC(2) Lechanbon P(2) M H(IO+) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(JO+) BS(5-1O) 55 2670 1,845 261 (00875100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BamunJarl PM H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 56 1250 1,314 179 PO(lO+) CM(IO+) (00875200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

CWC PM« Kasaflgaon H(lO+) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 57 2380 406 63 5) - PO« CM(-JO+) (00875300) MCW(lO+) TW NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) 5) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW«5)

PM« BS GarJan H(lO+) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 58 1120 389 60 5) PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00875400) MCW(IO+) TW NCS« 5) SP(JO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+)

PHSCHW Gagalmarl PM« BS H(IO+) TWSS- - PO(5 - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 59 Pam 2090 263 42 5) RS(IO+) MCW(1O+) TW 10) PH(10+) CM(10+) NCS« 5) SP(1O+) (00875500) C(lO+) CP(10+) NW(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

CWC Sat Sapon PM« H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 60 Dolom 1870 139 18 5) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(10+) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(lO+) (00875600) C(JO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

KatahJarl P«5) H«5) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS(5-1O) 61 Pathar 2510 196 32 M«5) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) (00875700) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Khanagllna P« 5) H«5) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 62 2470 ISS 29 (00875800) M«5) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Laukhowaba BS RS« P« 5) H« 5) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 63 n 2500 70 23 - PO« CM(-IO+) 5) M« 5) MCW(lO+) TW NCS« 5) SP(IO+) (00875900) 5) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) 104 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 19991 Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

""0 ""0 Iii ~<> ~ 1<1 c § 0 i S 1bI) '.g bI) .f; g .5 ""0 '3 8 ., -5 ...<> j .5 '0' g !3 ..2 ~ ~ ~ ~ >. ~ >. j 'a l:> ~ ""0 .0 .s f£ c.. ., ~0 1;; B o. e I e g- ""0 ~ '- ;::I ~ 'Gl ~ c.. .§ ., bI) '0 0 c ... 'Gl t;;j ~-- c -;; ~ 1ii ~ ~ 'Gl Jl .1: ~ ~ Z ~ Z ~ "'- :§ :5 ~[ ~ ~ on 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Mangaon (17) ED 2510 159 Lechanbon 55

MR Mangaon (17) 111 3 13 6 BamuuJarl 56

PR MR Marlgaon (25) 2183 20 1 Kasarlgaon 57

PR MR Marlgaon (25) ED 896 100 121 GarJan 58

PR Marlgaon (24) ED 1859 100 13 1 Gagalmarl 59 Pam

4 0 Sat Sapon MR Marlgaon (25) ED 1593 233 60 Dolont

3 1 KatahJarl MR Marlgaon (20) ED 2477 61 Pathar

MR Mangaon (16) ED 2406 6 0 Khanagana 62

MR 63 Marlgaon (II) 2400 9 9 Laukhowabarl

105 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)


2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 KahuaHabi 64 233.0 (00876000) ------Uninhabited ------

Panikauri P M« H« S) TW SS- - PO(S· - ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS« S) 65 169.0 233 43 S) (00876100) C(10+) MCW(10+) TW 10) PH(S-10) CM(lO+) NCS(S-10) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(S-10) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Sukati Puta P M« H(IO+) TW SS - PO« - ACS« S) CY(IO+) BS« S) 66 Habi 30S.0 744 114 S) MCW( 5) TW - 5) PH(lO+) CM(10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00876200) C(lO+) < PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) CWC Balimukh P(3) CHW NWBS« H(10+) TW R SS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 67 P.G.R. 8[7.0 1,303 188 M« 5) S) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS« S) SP(IO+) 5) MCW(IO+) TW (00876300) C(IO+) CP(JO+} OCS« 5) ST(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC 10+ CWC Lecharipar CHW NWBS(S- - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 68 Pam 71.0 154 23 P« 5) H(IO+) TW R SS- 10) M«5) S) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS« S) SP(IO+) (00876400) MCW(IO+) TW RS(IO+) C(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) PHC 10+ CWC PM« CHW Ashighar - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 69 130.0 138 20 S) H(JO+) TW R SS- (00876500) S) PH(10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) R ~~i~:;) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW« S) PHC(JO+)

PHS 1 No. P(2) H(IO+) TW SS- 8S(10+) 70 Burgoon 268.0 1,819 266 M(2) S PO PH(IO+) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) (00876600) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

PM« - Shipaguri 390 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO(S· CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) 8S(IO+) 71 197.0 2,795 (00876700) C(10+) MCW(10+) W 10) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

CWC PAC CHW - NWBS(5- Morisuti Tup CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) 72 221.0 617 81 M« S) H(lO+) TW W SS- PO(lO+) 10) (00876800) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(10+) MCW(10+) W PH(IO+) RS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC(lO+ 106 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 "0 § til u ti3 of! -5 ~ .;::0= ]' bO ~ ..> :§_ bO 3 II> 0 ~ ~ 8 ., 0 .§ ... .~ 'V' <£ ~ 0~ e II> :a bO u E "'l! ~ {j ~ ..c:;. '" § '" 'ij E j .s ~ 1:: "0 I ~ 0 € i:i ~ -5 .s g. 0.. B .2.g c; .... ~.... 0.. § bO 0 ~ tl ""~ ·S'" ., ta ~ ~ ~ ~ 1;; e _g W ..= .t:: 0 0 ] ;§ ::> II> ~ ~ p., ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

------Umnhablted ------2331 KahuaHabl 64

PRMR Mangaon (23) ED 1294 400 Panlkaurt 65

PR Mangaon (28) 2803 10 1 15 1 Sukatl Puta 66 Habl

69 Baltmukh MRFP Mangaon (18) 8099 67 PGR

5 1 Lechanpar MRFP Mangaon (17) 65 & 6& Pam

MRFP Marlgaon (17) 1278 20 Ashlghar 69

PR MR Mangaon (20) EDEAG - 2102 571 1 No 70 Burgaon

PR MR Marlgaon (15) ED 1474 49 1 Shlpagun 71

R(55) 3 Monsutl MR NW Marlgaon (43) ED 1603 72 T(55) 55 Tup

107 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

CI>... 'V;' '"5 ~ ;;; ~ CI> '" ~ z "0 II>= ';a 0 'Vi' i..Q ... I ::> U .,'" <.> 1 ..., CI> ..c:'" ~ ~ .§ 0 ., 0 .. = ~ u 8 ..c: .~ j ~ i:: !is ~ ~ CI> (.) .... c. '" <:> {l ~ 3 ~ .go __ '" j <:> !! 'Sb .:;;:~ c:!. 0~ _<3§ 0"<1 :8.., "0 u 'l' ~~ CI> § § ;;; t! '1:: ;g ~ .~= '" .. ..c: .! .s t;j s 1 II> ~ 8..g .g i! 0 ..c: ~ ...:= ...,'" Jl ~ ""' ]! .. CI> <;j "!. 11 .. !! .. 0 .. ~ ..,I;b .~ ~ § ""'... E .- §:a~ '1S l Q.) = .~ ..c: § ° ., ~ c. .0 .~ ""§ 'B "3 ~ <;j= (.) eo.::! E :a 1;(' § .§ '1::.., ~ ~ .g I 'ii :S <>~] o 19 "-> fo- f0- ~ p;.) g ~ .- ~ ~ f 8 ~b >"-> U '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 9 10 11 12 13 KahuaHabl 64 2330 ------Unmhablted ------(00876000)

PM« Pamkaun H« 5) TWSS- - PO(S - ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 65 1690 233 43 5) (00876100) MCW(IO+) TW 10) PH(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

Sukatt Puta PM« H(IO+) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(10+) BS« 5) 66 Habl 3050 744 114 5) MCW«5) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM{lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00876200) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) CWC Bahmukb P(3) CHW NWBS« TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 67 PGR 8170 1,303 188 M«5) H(10+) 5) 5)PH(10+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) (00876300) C(10+) MCW(IO+) TW CP(IO+) RS(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) PHC 10+) CWC Lechanpar CHW NWBS(5- P« 5) TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 68 Pam 710 154 23 H(IO+) 10) M« 5) 5)PH(l0) CM(10+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) (00876400) MCW(IO+) TW + CP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) PHC 10+ CWC PM« CHW Ashlghar TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 69 1300 138 20 5) H(IO+) (00876500) 5) PH(10+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) R CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW« 5) PHC(IO+) PHS I No P(2) H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 70 Burgaon 2680 1,819 266 M(2) S PO PH(IO+) CM(lO+) MCW(lO+) TW NCS{lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00876600) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Shlpagun H(10+) TW W SS- - PO(5 - ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 71 1970 2,795 390 5) (00876700) MCW(IO+) W 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC PAC CHW - NWBS(5- Monsutl Tup ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 72 2210 617 81 M«5) H(IO+) TW W 55- PO(lO+) CM(IO+) 10) (00876800) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(10+) W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) RS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC 10+ 106 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"Q "Qa j ! § ~ j ...cu ..::- '">. ~ ';i :-= ~ t:: "Q .s 0 ., 1; ;. 0. e ~ ._ ~ ~ §. "'"Cj .... ;:> 1 ~ Q. .§ 11> b() g 0 <;;; "til 'E ]~ cu -;;= ~ I ~ ~ ~ '':: ~ :§ ;§ '" cu ~ _Z ~ ~ ::E & 8 ~ ~ ~ Vl 14 D 1() 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

------Umnhablted ------233 I KahuaHab. 64

PRMR Mangaon (23) ED 1294 400 Pamkaun 65

15 1 S ukat. Puta PR Mangaon (28) 2803 101 66 Habl

69 Bahmukh MRFP Mangaon (18) 8099 67 POR

5 1 Lechanpar MRFP Mangaon (17) 658 68 Pam

MRFP Mar.gaon (17) 1278 20 Ashlghar 69

PR MR Mangaon (20) EDEAG - 2102 571 1 No 70 Burgaon

PR MR Mangaon (15) ED 1474 49 1 Siupagun 71

R(55) 553 Monsut. MRNW Mar.gaon(43) ED 1603 72 T(55) Tup

107 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

._ ~ u ~ -;;;- oS ::s 0 d> ---- Q I l!:l .", -0 'a,_ ~ ~ u'" ior> ~ ~ 8 ..ccu i;J ...... u '';:: <:> g ;=: i:J <:> 'u Jf .51 :§, U ] ~ c:!.- .~ :; ..e (.) cu ~ ~ g ::;a P.. (,) .. .0 .3 '" 9 .~ .a::s~ c:!.- o f 0 _u~ c1d ~ -=u (.) '" § 1 -0 g a -e '': ~-~ ~ '"g ..c ~ .s .~ Iii ~ 8..,g ~ ~ g. "h '" .g 'E .....-= " ~ i;! ~ <'i ~ P.. 'j!

P(2) H(5-10) Sildubi TWWR - POe5· - ACSe 10+) CV(lO+) BS(lO+) 73 373.0 1,399 230 M(5-10) MCWe5- (00876900) SS-W 10) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(S-10) 10) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(10+)

Kajali Pathar 74 ------Uninhabited ------(00877000)

Pabitara P(10+) ACS(lO+) CV(10+) BS(lO+) 75 1,341.0 183 37 H(10+) TW WTK PO(;O+) CM«5) (00877100) M(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH(1O ) CP(lO+) QlO+} PHqlO+} + OCS{lO+} ST!IO+} NW!IO+} CWC Hatigarh PM« CHW H(S- TW W SS- - PO(5· - ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS(10+) 76 V.O.R. 229.0 220 44 5) C(5- 10) 10) PH(5-1O) CM(lO+) NCS(1O+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00877200) 10) MCW(lO+) W CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC 10+

Morisuti P« 5) H(lO+) TWWR ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 77 Pam 183.0 692 100 PO(lO+) CM(10+) M«5) MCW(lO+) SS-W NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00877300) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Patekibori H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 78 313.0 1,714 284 5) (00877400) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(lO+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(10+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

CWC P(2) CHW NWBS« Kaurhagi TWRSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 79 391.0 648 126 M«S) H(IO+) 5) (00877500) 5) PH(lO+) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(10+) MCW(IO+) TW CP(IO+) RS(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) PHC« 5) FWCH« Karsuabori P(5) M 5) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 80 391.0 3,981 652 (00877600) C«5) MCW(lO+) R SS-HP 5) PH( 5) CM(JO+) NCS« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(lO+) < CP« 5) 5) ST(10+) NW(JO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5)

CWC P(2) Hariapar H(10+) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS«5) 81 244.0 799 ll5 M«5) - POe< CM(-I 0+) (00877700) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(10+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) 5) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+) 108 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Leo area under different types of land use in hectare)··

-c -c M fa ..su t;J :0 .g fa til 0jJ§ ~ 8 bD <= bD > V :§ u ~U '" OJ ~ .... ~ '0' g . :;:: a ..0 S ~<1> ~0 -c ~ go c.. e ,..!,! ~ ~ "0 ~ "0 .... ~ t.... c.. 06 OJ bl) <= 0 ~ e ~ -.; c.. ~ ~ ~ t; :§ l~ '" 0t:: 0 ~ OJ ~ Z p... Z ~ ~ :§ ::3 8~ ~ ~ V) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Mangaon (30) ED NM 2786 940 Slldubl 73

------UnInhabIted ------Ka)ah Pathar 74

MR Marlgaon (30) ED NM 13412 Pabltara 75

Marlgaon (30) ED EO NM 2157 13 5 Hatlgarh 76 MR VGR

MRFP R(71) Marlgaon (42) ED 1300 458 Monsutl 77 NW T(71) Pam

MRFP Marlgaon (41) ED 2349 783 Pateklbon 78

MR Marlgaon (20) ED 3787 127 Kaurhagl 79

MRFP Marlgaon (25) ED 3639 27 0 Karsuabon 80

MR Mangaon (20) ED 2198 247 Hanapar 81

109 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"i ., ., :-8 <=l -= ;; ... § .~ <> ·til u ~ .... .:l t <.> ...... -a ., ~ <:> '" ..!! <> Ol.g '" .s <:> ::9 2 o(! ~ 'i .....B- <.> i ~ f<.> ~~ ... ~ ] ~ 13 t! '1: ;:g ~ o(! 0 1lP .s .g 5 B.. -= ] g ~ .s .g ~ ~ ..... ~ Ol ~:g 0 ...... -= .. «! 7i 'g t'j ~ ~ .. 0 ] ~ I;b a ._ .... 8.0 ... 0 01) .2 °e ·s ~ 0 t:>. ... '.::1 ta 0:: ., ''S§~1 ...c= 1 'Iii <> B "3 ~ '" . '1: "3 "3 '" :;::; ~ b is· .... ~ .~ Q) 0 1 ;g 1 0 CZJ ~ ~ !-< Z '" ~ a 1 u ]:! ~~~ 8$3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hanabon P(2) M H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 82 1760 716 115 (00877800) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W 5) PH(lO+) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) CP(tO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(tO+)

Chotogaman H«5) P« 5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 83 Gun 2740 292 51 MCW(5- M« 5) 5) PH(IO+) CM« 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) (00877900) 10) PHC(5- TW CP« 5) C(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW«5)

PM« Gamangun H« 5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(JO+) BS« 5) 84 3370 634 101 5) (00878000) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

CWCH« BebeJla Habl PM 5) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 85 2860 1,350 236 - PO« CM(~ 5) (00878100) C(10+) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CP(J 0+) NCS« 5) SP« 5) RS(10+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS PM« BS Bar Gamarl H(IO+) TWSS- PO«CP ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 86 1320 1,758 297 5) RS(lO+) (00878200) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(10+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Gorolmarl 87 2190 ------Umnhablted ------(00878300)

P(2) BS Bhalukagun - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 88 213 0 1,801 305 M(5-1O) H« 5) T TW SS- RS(IO+) (00878400) 5) PH(lO) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) T + CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS«5) ST(1O+)

DPHS P(2) M BS Sarubon CPCM« ACS« 5) SPCV(lO+) 89 2090 1,163 190 S H(10+) TW TK SS· PO PH(2) RS(IO+) (00878500) MCW(IO+) TW 5) NCS« 5) ST(IO+) C(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS«5)

FWC H« P(3) Dlblka 5) TWSS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 90 3730 1,366 234 M(2) - PO« CM(-IO+) (00878600) MCW(1O+) TW NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) 5) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW{lO+) 110 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

""" "0 ~ !a ~ ~ :0 "5 § a ..g§ i e bO g .€ bO .~ ., ] (.) ., ... ., ~ . 5 ~., ig .s :a ~ ..s! ., ~ ?Jl 1 ~ .;;: ~ 5l ~ ~ ... >. ·os ., .s ~ ~ i "0 I =.;;: ..c ...:: e [;j .s §. 8. "0 ~ ~ t... c:>.. .S bO ~- g """.,0 ~ 8 ~ ~ .a ~ '"il c:>.. ~ 1i: ~ ~ ~ bO :5 .:: 0 ::::g 0 '"3 ~ '" ., ~ ~ ~ ~ :E ::3 U !;b ..2 ~ U'l 14 15 "'"'16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Mangaon (20) ED 1707 4 8 Hanabon 82

MR Mangaon (24) 2377 36 4 Chotogaman 83 Gun

MR Mangaon (24) ED 3218 15 I Gamangun 84

MR Mangaon (12) ED 2388 21 451 BebeJla 85 Habl

TWE(30 MR Mangaon (12) EA 0) 720 291 Bar Gaman 86 T(30 0)

------Unmhablted ------2191 GorOlman 87

MR Marlgaon (15) ED 1579 54 7 Bhalukagun 88

MR Marlgaon (11) ED 1783 30 3 Sarubon 89

Mangaon (22) ED 3391 332 Dlblka 90

111 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

' 5 ::I ~ .:i ]' '" 0 2- ~ -8 ..c i -0 'a... 0 t> U .0 <> j fa '" .c.. :!:! 6 OJ 0- 0 $ '.g g U ] ~ .! ~ ::::! OJ -a e~ ., .. C 1 fa -0 C'" 8 t! 'r:: '" ~ ... co .:; .g ::I ... .c 8 o'C! 8..g c::: ~ _g g- a '"O> _"'-o .~ ~ .;;: ""'0 "3 .... ~ u 1;; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Kalbari PM H(5-10) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 91 348.0 919 153 (00878700) CCI 0+) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(5-10) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM(5- Raumari H(5-10) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 92 289.0 101 19 10) (00878800) MCW«5) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(5-10) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(IO+) PHCC5-10) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Majarbori 93 162.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00878900)

PM« BS Barharnpur H« 5) THPTW - PO« - ACS« 5) 94 242.0 1,199 217 5) CV« 5) SP(5- RS(IO+) (00879000) MCW(IO+) W SS-T 5) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) CCI 0+) CP(IO+) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5)

DPHS P(6) BS Jhargaon H(IO+) THPTW ACS« 5) CVSP 95 359.0 2,724 472 M(3) S PO PH CM« 5) RS(10+) (00879100) MCW(lO+) WRSS-T NCS« 5) ST(lO+) C CP« 5) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5)

P(2) M BS Burha Buei CWC PHC TW SS- ACS(lO+) CV(1O+) 96 227.0 4,846 783 S H(10+) PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00879200) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) CCI 0+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) OCS(1O+) ST(IO+) CWC CHW Kuranibori PM ACS« 5) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 97 347.0 5,283 840 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(IO+) (00879300) C(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW« 5) PHC <5 CWC PM« BS Kukuwari ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 98 75.0 1,799 279 5)CC< H(IO+) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00879400) MCW(IO+) W NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) 5) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(IO+)

PHS Thengbhang P(3) BS H(10+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 99 a 484.0 3,014 506 M« 5) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) R C SS-W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00879500) CCI 0+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) 112 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land use in hectare)**

-c -ca ~'-' ~ <= g 0 j a ''::: S t>Il t>Il '"> g .5 ''::: ~ -c 8 ., 0 .E "8 <> .. ., § .5 '0' ~ ~ ~ <> ~ ~ {l bO 1il oj ~ .Q :a !:l .s ~ Q.. ~., ~ -c ~ .;; 0 e iU = -= .s g- -c ~ '- 1 ~ Q.. "0 0 ~ tl .§ bO ~~ <= = 8 'E ~ <> OJ Q.. ~ ~ ~ tl ~ a -a > .:: '" <1> ~ Z r3: Z ~ & ] ~ 8 ~ ~ ~

PR MR Mangaon (23) ED 3130 35 1 Kalban 91

MR Mangaon (25) 2850 40 Rauman 92

------Unmhablted ------1616 MaJarbon 93

MR Marlgaon (22) ED 1818 60 6 Barhampur 94

MR Jagnoad (25) ED NM 2691 89 7 Jhargaon 95

MR Mangaon (29) ED NM 2064 21 1 Burha Bun 96

PR MR Marlgaon (24) ED 3080 39 2 Kurambon 97

MR Marlgaon (27) ED 673 81 Kukuwarl 98

Marlgaon (36) EAGEO 313 8 170 2 Thengbhanga 99

113 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

...... a ';;' .. .. :s ~ .g ;g ~ J <> i .... .f! 0 icu u ~ a cu'" ~ cu :-8 or '" .d '" ;; > .2 .g== g i'l <:> 0== ..::;'" :os 1;0 u .d i: ~ Co. 1 ~ u :s ;; :;g'" ~ i ea ..or. '" .3 j <:> ~ .~'" '" 0 '7' Z"'-- <> 'l' '" <> § !a -0 § G t! ..: oS'" :s'" .d S'iii == .-i "" ~ "i! cu u ] '" ·c "i! -0 ti § ~.8'5 § .§ ... l 0 1~ ... .- ,g o 1;0 en ~ ~ ~ 1 ;8 ~ 0 ~ U ~~ ~>"" U'lil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CWCPHS BS Diprang PM ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 100 255.0 835 145 H(IO+) HPTWW PO(;O+) CM(IO+) RS(10+) (00879600) C(10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) MCW(10+) R 0 SS-W PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NW(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) DCWC P(3) PHS BS BohaDalani HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 101 219.0 864 153 RS(10+) (00879700) M(5-10) H(10+) R C SS-W 5) PH(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) C(10+) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) PHC(IO+)

CWCPHC - BS NakaraHabi PM ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 102 282.0 1,296 185 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(IO+) CM(10+) RS(IO+) (00879800) C(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) MCW(10+) W PH(5-10) CP(10+) NW(10+) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+)

CWC Kholoni Beel P(2) M H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(10+) BS« 5) 103 294.0 2,134 363 (00879900) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

FWC P(3) Bilimara H(10+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) 104 325.0 719 120 M«5) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) (00880000) MCW(JO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(JO+) NCS« 5) RS« 5) C« 5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

FWCH« P(3) M Hatiutha 5) MCW« TW TK SS· ACS« 5) lOS 230.0 1,153 193 SC(5- - PO« CM(~ 5) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) (00880100) 5)PHC« TW NCS« 5) 10) 5) PH« 5) CP(10+) 5) ST(10+) RS« 5) 5) OCS« 5) NW(IO+)

P(2) DPHSH("" Manaha BS RS« CP ACS« 5) 106 Kasarigaon 245.0 1,251 222 M(2) 5) T TW W R PH PO« 5) CV« 5) SP« 5) NW« S(2) C« MCW(IO+) C SS-T CM(IO+) NCS« 5) (00880200) 5) ST(IO+) 5) 5) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5)

PM« BS Manaha H(10+) TWWSS- PO«CM ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 107 348.0 2,068 380 5) RS(IO+) (00880300) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(1O+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(10+)

P(2) M BS Barukata H(IO+) TTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 108 218.0 1,332 219 S RS(IO+) (00880400) MCW(IO+) SS-T 5) PH« 5) CM(10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(10+) CP(IO+) NW(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lo+) 114 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

.", ~ "'"fa ~ !a = -5 § j fa a .~ e bIl g .e .sbIl 3 ., .", ::s <.> 0 -g <.> "0 ... ., ~ ~., <2 .~ .~ :§. ~ "0 ~ .!l <.> ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...!l! .,... >. ~ .. B ~ ~ "0 -ac.. 0 e ., ..2 ~ ~ B ::s 1 "0 'oj -=g ., ....0 "l;; '" c.. .§"" CIl ~'Vl' 1 '" 1;l 'oj 8 8 "l;; ·e ... fa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" .1::... ~"" z "'- ~ ~ ~ ] :3 8 ~ ~ ~ ell 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

R(92) MRNW Mangaon (32) EAGEO NM 1502 960 Dlprang 100 T(92)

MR Mangaon (27) EAG 1391 S04 Boha 101 Dalanl

MR Mangaon (2S) ED 1646 11 7 I N akara 102 Habl

MR Marlgaon (26) ED 2174 763 Kholom 103 Beel

MR Jaglroad (25) ED 2493 409 350 Blhmara 104

MR Marlgaon (22) ED 1774 340 18 7 Hatlutha 105

MR Marlgaon (20) ED 2190 260 Manaha 106 Kasarlgaon

Mangaon (20) ED NM 3103 374 Manaha 107

Mangaon (IS) ED 1635 54 4 Barukata lOS

115 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

8 .-. t; ~ ] '" ~ ~ .... .s 0 ] o'?I 8...g -a .. ""3 ~ 1 .0 ., -I .~ ~ 0 .2 Oi Oi u ~ '5 "3 0 ;::I tf ~ .~ :a u.-8"O ~ .g ~ ~ E-< ~ ;g ~ la ,£ e <"l3 ~~ u~ '"I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 FWC P(4) M Kholagaon ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 109 2440 1,342 252 S H(lO+) TWWTK POPH(10+) CM« 5) (00880500) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« PHC BS Mongaon TWSS- PO«CM ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 1I0 1250 777 137 5) H(IO+) RS(lO+) (00880600) 5) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+)

P(2) M BS Nlz Gharua ACS« 5) CV(lO+) III 2580 1,607 272 S H(IO+) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(lO+) RS(lO+) (00880700) MCW(lO+) W NCS« 5) SP« 5) C(10+) CP(IO+) NW(10-t-) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+)

DCWC P(2) PHS BS Bahakaban TTWW - PO« - ACS«5) CV(lO+) 1I2 1610 671 1I9 M« 5) H(IO+) RS(IO+) (00880800) 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS-T CP(JO+) NW(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) PHC(lO+)

Ghagua 1I3 Pahar 2410 ------Unmhablted ------(00880900)

Kumol Pahar 1I4 6770 ------Unmhablted ------(00881000)

CWC PM« CHW Kasarlgaon TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 115 2660 772 154 5) H(10+) (00881100) 5) PH(10-t-) CM(lO+) NCS(lO-t-) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(10+) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5) PHC(IO+)

PM« BS Konwargaon H«5) TWWTK - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 116 1960 599 1I2 5) RS(IO+) (00881200) MCW«5) SS-W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) C(lO+) CP(JO+) NW(IO+) PHC(10-t-) OCS« 5) ST(lO+)

Sarumanaha II? Beel 373 0 ------Unmhablted ------(00881300)

116 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

'"0 '"0 fa ~c.> ., ...t> .S § -5 oS .~ 0 ,§_ ., ~ '"0 t> S ~ > o'<:! ~ '" ... I ·a ~ <1) .9 ~ ~ ~ '"0 I Q., :s: ;::s 8- e: ..2 1U ~ g.'" '"0 ~ ... ~ til P.. b£I g 0 ...'" .5 til 1 e til ~ ]1f "iii P.. fa ~ [!; ~ b£I :§ .. '" c 0 ·e .:i' ~ A-. ~ ~ .z :5 8 ~ ~ ~ f/)'" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Mangaon (17) ED 1814 348 27 7 Kholagaon 109

MR Mangaon (15) ED 549 702 Mongaon 110

MR Mangaon (15) ED NM 1742 83 5 Nlz Gharua 111

MR Mangaon (15) ED 322 129 0 Bahakaban 112

------Unmhablted ------99 2283 2 4 Ghagua Pahar 113

------Umnhablted ------6765 KumOi Pahar 114

MR Marlgaon (15) ED 2521 06 129 Kasarlgaon 115

MR Marlgaon (19) ED 1467 48 9 Konwargaon 116

Sarumanaha ------Unmhablted ------2797 932 Beel 117

117 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"O! S ...U til '" (.) I -'"ijl .~ ~ ...... :.= § 5 ::: s:: .~ .<:; J,f ,§, u 0 _g ~ ... ~ p.. ..I:l 1 cf! ::: ..2 8 ~ j'" ~ 0 :9 oS .~ F- ~ ]~e o(! > _g "0 uf .. - ;::s ~ U) a "0 6. g ~ '6 ~ '" ... g ell ... ~ .s til u o(! 8..-::: ...... j ] ]- 01",,"0 .~ Iu 0 ~ 7i .~ ., ~ ;::s .... 01 i!:: 01 (.) 1<1 g- o § .,to ·2 l3 'u .: - ~ '" on .= 0 '.::I '§ i!:: 0 p.. !is «I ;::s ell o=a~.s:: 1 "" ~ '~ <:) ~ 0 ,_ u .J:> "B ~ ,g- ';:::: '3 '3 .g 'iif ~ 'S, :e .g"O ., 1 0 8.);1 on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15 I>. 8 .;z~ ~>~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

PM« Bclgun H«5) TWWTK ACS« 5) CV(JO+) BS« 5) 1I8 3850 363 66 5)C« - Poe< CM(~ 5) (00881400) MCW«5) SS-W NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 5) 5) PH« 5) CP(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

PM« BS 2No BorJarl ACS« 5) CV(10+) 119 3590 158 26 5) H« 5) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00881500) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(10+) NW(10+) PHq<5~ OCS'<5~ ST!10+l CWCPHS Garumara P(3) M CHW HPTWW - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 120 Dolom 3570 1,916 281 AC CM(lO+) H(IO+) SS-HP PO(I 0+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(10+) (00881600) C(10+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW«5) cwPHC~lO+l Barpak CHW BS RS« PM ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 121 Junglc 2530 1,455 241 H(lO+) HP TW W PO PH(10+) CM(10+) 5) NW« C(10+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) (00881700) MCW(tO+) RC SS-W CP(tO+) 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) CWCPHS SatSapon PM« H(lO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 122 Dolom 3750 2,676 450 5) MCW(lO+) SS-W 5) PH(10+) CM{10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) (00881800) C(10+) CP(10+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(10+)

CWCPIIS P(4) BS BohaPahar H(5-1O) TWWR ACS(10+) CV(10+) 123 1710 950 185 M«5) PO(lO+) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00881900) MCW(lO+) C SS-W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) C(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(1(l+) ST(10+)

Bornalam P(2) H«5) HPTWW - PO« CM(-IO+) ACS(5-10) - BS« 5) 124 Pathar 2100 1,101 182 M«5) CV« 5) SP« RS(lO+) MCW«5) SS-W 5) PH« 5) CP(10+) NCS(5-10) (00882000) C«5) 5) ST« 5) NW~10+~ PH(~r5~ OCS~5-10~ CW BorkulOl PM« CHW TWSS- - PO« - ACS«5) 125 Pathar 1200 5 5) H(lO+) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) 5) PH(lO+) CM« 5) NCS« 5) (00882100) C(10+) MCW(lO+) TW CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) OCS« 5) NW«5)

CWC CHW NWBS(5- Saru KulOl PM ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 126 1270 257 53 H(IO+) ~W W SS- PO PH(lO+) CM(IO+) 10) (00882200) C(1O+) NCS« 5) SP(10+) MCW(10+) CP(IO+) RS(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) PHC(5-10) 118 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)··

13 -0 ~ til i ...c: 0= j ~ ~ .=0 S bO :§_ bO 3'" 8 ....<>'" ~ cS u .~ f ~ 2- ., E J t>Il 8 g 2 ~ O

MR Mangaon (20) ED 3464 235 150 Belgun 118

MR JaglfOad (18) ED 3530 61 2No 119 BorJarl

MR Marlgaon (26) ED 2766 80 2 Gammara 120 Dolom

MR Marlgaon (29) EAG 1166 1374 Barpak 121 Jungle

MR Mangaon (30) ED 2224 152 2 Sat Sapon 122 Dolom

MR Mangaon (25) EDEAG - 171 2 Boha Pahar 123

MR Marlgaon (20) ED 2033 6 9 Bornalam 124 Pathar

MR Marlgaon (18) 1063 13 9 BorkulOl 125 Pathar

PR. MR Marlgaon (18) EDEAG - 1189 8 0 Sam Kulol 126

119 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

C .0~ '" ... 0 8 a __g ~ _g .~ ] ' ... P.. ... "3 ~ <5 P.. <> .3 ~ <:> :9 'B 0 :a ~ 0 0 'th 1:g- i 01.1 ~ ..c.., -e <> '1' 6~ ...... c a c e t! 'c '" >. bJ) 0 ...... oS § ..c ] g ~ ~ 8. .'0.§ .., '" ..... 1;j ..c g. _ en .~ ~ .0 0 '- Ol .. B ~ o c ~ !;b Er:~ ~...J'~ .S:! ~ ..... =g- ...... a 0 0 '" .., .2 ..::l00l] ..c: ~ !a .~ -.; B Ol ... .0 <> =~ 7l 7l"" § :a tf o-e'O~ g .- '5 0 '6, oB oI.~ .lS 0/") ;g IQ_ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ iu ~~ .~ ;>. J5 u '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "'"'9 10 11 12 13 CWC CHW BS Chatabon PM TWWTK - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 127 2420 920 165 H(lO+) RS(10+) (00882300) C(IO+) 5) PH« 5) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(iO+) MCW(IO+) R C SS-W CP(10+) NW(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) PHC <5

PM« Dlmorugun H(lO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 128 2270 497 90 5) C(5- (00882400) MCW(lO+) R SS-HP 5) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS« 5) 10) CP(10+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

DPHS BS RS(5- Bhakatgaon P(2) M H(lO+) THPTW POTOPTO ACS(lO+) SPCV(5-1O) 129 2010 1,622 321 CM(2)CP 10) (00882500) SC(5- MCW(10+) WRCSS- PH NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) 10) PHC(lO+) T OCS« 5)

Dayamal PM« BS RS« H«5) TTWW - PO« - ACS(10+) CV(10+) 130 Gaon 2230 1,208 224 5) 5) MCW(IO+) SS-T 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(iO+) (00882600) C(lO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) DCWC BS KumOlGaon PM S PHS TTWWR ACS(10+) CV(IO+) 131 2430 1,357 241 H(IO+) SS-T PO PH(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00882700) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) MCW(IO+) CP(lO+) NW« S) OCS(10+) ST(iO+) PHC(S-10)

BS RS(S- Jag! Gaon PMS H«S) TTWR ACS(10+) CV(S-10) 132 2100 1,356 238 PO PH« 5) CM(IO+) 10) (00882800) C(5-10) MCW« 5) SS-T NCS(10+) SP(S-10) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC« S) OCS« S) ST(S-lO)

Rangthm PM« BS RS(S- H(10+) TTWW ACS(10+) CV(lO+) 133 Gaon 2440 873 IS6 5) C(S- CM(S-IO) 10) MCW(IO+) TK R SS-T PO PH NCS(IO+) SP(JO+) (00882900) 10) CP(5-10) NW(lO+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) PHS BS RS« BaghJap PM S ACS(IO+) CV(S-10) 134 1940 881 177 H(IO+) HP TW W PO PH« S) CM«S) 5) NW« (00883000) C«5) MCW(IO+) R SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(S-10) CP« 5) 5) PHC(lO+) OCS« S) ST(lO+)

P(2) CWCPHS Natun BS RS« M(2) H(IO+) HP TW W ACS(lO+) CV(S-lO) 135 Bangalbon 3370 799 140 CM« 5) 5) NW« S(2) C(5 MCW(JO+) R SS-W PO PH« 5) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-10) (00883100) CP(5-10) 5) 10) PHC(10+) OCS(5-10) ST(S-10) 120 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 ~ § (.) til ~ 'fi j ~ til .-;j=0 e bJl ,§. bJl Q) :§ u ~u u ~ ;::> ... . S ] .s 0~ Q) ~ J (.) Q) de! i ~ ~ I'" 'a E !:l .s .a: ~., ~ ,e: "0 i ~ 8.. ~ ~ ] ~ fir -§ "0 .... ~ Q. .§ ! 0 1 e t; 1 '"Q) Q) OJ Q. ~ ·e > ..= I ~ e 0 .:: ~ Q) ~ ~ & ~ ~ & ] § u I;h ~ ~ r:/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Mangaon (17) EA 2248 17 1 Chatabon 127

PR MR Mangaon (15) EDEAG - 2215 5 1 D!morugun 128

PR MR Mangaon (15) EDEAG NM 1608 40 2 Bhakatgaon 129

PR MR Mangaon (14) ED 2086 142 Dayamal 130 Gaon

PR MR Mangaan (15) EDEAG - 2388 40 KumOl 131 Gaon

PR MR Mangaon (14) ED NM 1085 301 70 9 Jag! Gaan 132

MR Mangaon (14) ED 1263 104 106 9 Rangtha! 133 Gaon

PR MR Mangaon (14) ED 1456 485 BaghJap 134

PRMR Mangaon(15) ED 2530 843 Natun 135 Bangalbon

121 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

] ~ !G ... gj -5 .S &'i' 0 .., '"a:: 2- "c::l ~ ... 0 U ~..0 ] '".., ~ <> I '"5l ...... '';: .; J:! a:: <:> ~ := <> § .., <:> 0 'y '';: ,.§_ u .~ '" .. .., ~ -a ",.0 .3 <:> ~ B 9- 'Ii gj o .., a:: "c::l % 8 t! '': C9 ~ OIl 0 ~ .... a'$ ~ .s '';: 0 fij g o i ::s '" en 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PHS I No P(2) BSRS(5- H(lO+) HPTWR - PO{< - ACS(IO+) CY(5-1O) l36 Bangalbon 1870 1,049 194 M« 5) 10) NW(5- MCW(IO+) SS-TW 5) PH« 5) CM(5-l0) NCS(lO+) SP(5-1O) (00883200) C(5-l0) CP(5-IO) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS« S) ST(IO+)

CWCPHS BS BarkulOl PM S H(IO+) HPTWW ACS« S) CY(IO+) l37 3160 1,158 233 POPH(IO+) CM«5) RS(IO+) (00883300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) R SS-W NCS« 5) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

CWCH« BS Nabahatla PM 5) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) l38 1630 332 82 RS(IO+) (00883400) C(lO+) MCW(1O+) W 5) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« S) ST(IO+)

FWC BS BOTJarl No I PM S H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) l39 3160 346 74 POPH(lO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00883500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) T SS-T NCS« S) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« S) ST(IO+)

CWCPHS BS Bardolom PM H(S-IO) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 140 2280 2,061 394 RS(lO+) (00883600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) R SS-W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

PM« BS KhandaJan H(lO+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 141 2370 1,185 207 5) RS(IO+) (00883700) MCW(lO+) SS-HP 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(IO+) CP« 5) NW(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) CWCPHS I No BS RS« PM S ACS« 5) 142 Dungabon 1900 1,029 188 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO PH(lO+) CM« 5) CY« 5) SP« 5) NW« C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS« 5) (00883800) CP« S) 5) ST(lO+) S) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) CWCPHC PM« BS RS« Khutradal H(S-lO) ACS« 5) CYeS-IO) 143 1820 781 98 S) C« TW W SS- PO PH(S-IO) CM« 5) 5) NW(5- (00883900) MCW(S- W NCS« 5) SP(S-lO) 5) CP« 5) 10) 10) OCS« 5) ST(S-IO)

CWC PAC BS RS« Junbeel ACS« 5) 144 2170 675 103 M(S-IO) H(IO+) TW SS- PO PH« S) CM«5) CY« 5) SP« S) (00884000) NCS« S) C(S-IO) MCW(lO+) TW CP(IO+) S) ST« S) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 122 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

.", ] ., 0 =<> <3= .. B .s 0- .s ~ ~ );:j ~ .", 0 5 ..2 '" <.> ~ B .g ., =.s;: d. :;j s 0.. ~ .", ~ ~ e ., ~ ~ '8 <.> ~ !it Iii"' .", ., ::> -= .., o 0 .. ~ '" 0.. .§ :g- c: ""'., = .. ~ til "" a ~ ., til ~ fa ~ ~ ~ :§ "5 ~ ~ ci? ~ ~ c2 :.5"" :§ 8 ~ ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PRMR Mangaon (16) ED 1401 467 1 No 136 Bangalbon

GC(24) MR Mangaon (12) ED R(365) 2641 132 BarkulOl 137 T(389)

MR Mangaon (14) ED 1112 257 259 NabahatIa 138

80 BorJarl MRFP Mangaon (20) EDEAG - 3080 139 No I

PR Marlgaon (30) EDEAG 1082 1202 Bardolom 140

MR Marlgaon (16) EDEAG - 201 1 258 99 KhandaJan 141

PR Marlgaon (15) ED 1167 734 I No 142 Dungabon

0(800) MR Mangaon (5) ED 600 200 223 Khutradal 143 T(80 0)

PRMR Mangaon (14) 1198 969 Junbeel 144

123 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 krns. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"01 .,.... e ,-._ iiU' ... 1 ~ ~ .g <=: ~ ·a ~ .0~ '" .... 8 _g ~ u'" 1 .~ <=: '"<=: ;:; g > .~ .9 g ... <:> 0 ",g'" ] ~ 1<1 u (:!, .::! ~ Q -a t <:> ~ ~ -<:> "'- ] ~. ,-._ '" .3 ~ ~ S ~ ~ 1 Q e ~ ;;- ~ ] ~ .;:"' - ::s e ...... § '" .", 1:l t! ·13 '" iiU' j .s .-= 5 ~ .a 8 ~ ~ 8...-=:1 § ~ t ...... c: a .~ tU :-:= 0 -;; 1<1 =., .ij ] :. -g > co -3 '0 <=: 1$: ~ ·13 ..... g. 0 bl) ~ E 0 -;; ~u 0-;;1 .~ ~. 1 ~ "'- .-= ~ :; ~ ·il ..c: -;; ... <> 12 0._ ·c '3 <>"' :a tf ~ .~ :B ~ .g j _-;2= ... 0 0 ~:2]

PM« BS RS(S- Kharbeel ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) 145 180.0 25 4 5) C(5- H(IO+) HP TK SS- - PO« CM(-IO+) 10) (00884100) MCW(IO+) TK 5) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(5-1O) 10) NW(IO+) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) FWCH« Hatiamukh P(3) M 5) MCW« ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 146 324.0 1,481 294 TWWSS- POPH(IO+) CM(lO+) (00884200) C(IO+) 5) W NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(5-1O)

Hatiamukh PM« H(1O+) HPTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 147 Jungle 217.0 275 48 5) MCW(IO+) SS-W 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) (00884300) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW«S) CWC P(2) CHWH(5- Bihita TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 148 208.0 751 134 M«5) 10) (00884400) W 5) PH« 5) CM(5-1O) NCS« 5) SP(5-10) RS« 5) C(5-10) MCW(5- CP(S-10) OCS« 5) ST(5-1O) NW«S) 10 PHC 5-

Naldhara BS P« 5) H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 149 Nua Beel 319.0 74 13 RS(IO+) M«5) MCW(10+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) (00884500) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(JO+)

Thakurduba P(2) M H(10+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) ISO 126.0 543 98 (00884600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(S-IO) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) CP(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

PHS Bangfor PM S H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) CY« 5) BSNW 151 355.0 1,172 231 (00884700) C«5) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS« 5) CP(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

PM« BSRS« Dayang H« 5) ACS(5-IO) 152 181.0 722 138 5)C« ~WW SS- POPH(lO+) CM(IO+) CV« 5) SP« 5) (00884800) MCW« 5) NCS(5-10) 5) CP(lO+) 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10)

PM« Chenimara H«5) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) 153 155.0 1,507 261 5) C« CV(: 5) SP« BS« 5) (00884900) MCW« 5) W 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) RS« 5) 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 5) ST« 5) NW(IO+) 124 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)++

"'" "" "'"Iii ~ t;; ~ .c § u 6 j ;l '.1:1 E3 ~ :§_ "" '.1:1 .~ :§"" ;; 8 tJ "'" -5 .... ~ .~ ., :§_ .Q ~ :a <>... W I s ~ =0 ~ > '" ~ t B ~ ~ I :a> ~ <1> j 0 € <1> ~ ~ B g- "0 "'""t;; .... -5 p.. ~~ "0'" 0 os ~ .§ <: 1 ...'" ~ <> ""t;; g_ ~ ~ 'E"" .a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - > 0:: ~ ~ J: ~ ~ & '6 8 8 ~ ~ ~ Of)'" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

MR Mangaon (14) 1797 Kharbeel 145

MR Marlgaon (18) ED 2298 93 9 HatJamukh 146

MR Mangaon (12) 1257 90 8 HatJamukh 147 Jungle

MR Mangaon (5) ED 1804 274 Blhlta 148

MRFP R(82) Mangaon (15) ED 3001 10 8 Naldhara 149 NW T(82) NuaBeel

MR Marlgaon (14) 1063 20 1 Thakurduba 150

MR JagJroad (4) ED 3197 354 Bangfor 151

PR MR Jaglroad (3) ED 1602 205 Dayang 152

PRMR MaTlgaon (4) EDEAG NM 1379 16 8 Chemmara 153

125 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

""iii 8 ...OJ .~ ~ B J .g 1 ~ 1:OJ 0 t .0~ OJ "e OJ U 1 '" ~ OJ :B '"'<= ..<: <= ;; :g .!:l 0 <= OJ <:> 0 .~ ~ •.:::1 U ] "i:: os <=- C!- ~ Q) ..on ...... -a t (;j.,O '"' os <:> ~ .5,e '"rg .s <:> :9 .s 9- _a::S~ "U § C!- ..<:o 0 os e~ ~ ~ Q) Q) ~ .. <= 1 '"0'"' 0 -5 .9 ..<: ij t :ill' ..... ~ t <= '"Q) ~_ eni:~ '"0 .j f :::: ~ ..<: ~ _" •.:::1 .;;: 0 ..... -.; -.; ill _~ ::> os .!l os "3 0 i:: ~ § on j "e, ~ .~ '"' i::_os ...... Q) •.:::1 ..<: .§ S 0 ~ ""8- Q) •.:::1 -.; <= "'3 o-.;i Q) .0 u .s ~ -.; fl '"':ij g .- ...;::: "5 :a .;:::~ "li e ~ .~ Q) "0 ~ en ~ E-< ~ ~ -~ ~ 0 &? U ~~ ~~~ 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

ACS BSRS« Kakarjala PM H« 5) TWSS- CV(S-IO) 154 117.0 974 146 PHPO« 5) CM«5) NCS« 5) 5) (00885000) C«S) MCW«S) TW SP(5-tO) CP« 5) OCS« 5) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(5-10) PHCH(5- 2.No. PM« 10) TWSS- - PO« - ACS(S-lO) 155 Bangalbori 131.0 1,222 182 5)C« CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) MCW(5- TW 5) PH(5-10) CM« 5) NCS(S-IO) (00885100) 5) CP« 5) 5) ST(5-10) RS« 5) 10) OCS(IO+) NW« 5) CWCPHC 2.No. PM« BS H(S-to) TWSS- ACS« 5) 156 Dungabori 154.0 1,431 238 S)C« POPH(S-IO) CM« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(IO+) MCW(S- TW NCS« 5) (00885200) 5) CP« 5) 5) ST(5-10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS« 5)

PM« Guripathar H«5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) 157 266.0 1,033 172 5)C« CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) (00885300) MCW«5) TW 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) 5) CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

PM« Kuyadal H(IO+) TTWW - PO« - ACS« 5) ISS 325.0 306 60 5) C« CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) (00885400) MCW(IO+) SS-T 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) 5) CP« 5) 5) ST(IO+) RS« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

Chakumaku PM H« 5) TWSS- - PO« - ACS«5) 159 193.0 2,490 400 CV(~ 5) SP« a5« 5) (00885500) C«S) MCW«5) TW 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

BSRS« PaJiguri PM H« 5) ACS« 5) 160 242.0 1,909 322 TW W SS- - PO« CM(~ 5) CV« 5) SP« 5) NW« (00885600) C«5) MCW« 5) W NCS« 5) 5) PH« 5) CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) 5) PHC«5) OCS« 5)

Ghunusha PM as RS« H(IO+) THPTW ACS(IO+) 161 Habi 157.0 2,268 418 ACC« - PO« CM(~ 5) CV« 5) SP« 5) NW« MCW(lO+) W SS-T NCS« 5) (00885700) 5) 5) PH« 5) CP(S-to) 5) ST« 5) 5) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5)

CWCFWC BSRS« Tegheria P(3) M H« 5) THPTW - PO« - ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) 162 390.0 4,563 1,034 5) NW« (00885800) C«5) MCW« 5) WSS-T 5) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP(S-lO) CP(5-IO) 5) PHC« 5) OCS(S-IO) ST(5-IO) 126 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)"

"0 Iii 1<:l a ::s "5 c ]' ~ 1il .~ e OJ) OJ) g .S 3 "0 ::s .. ~0 '-' '-' .. ..e<.> ... .. ~ .S § g ,£ t;j 0 :a gp <.> .. .., o'd ~ B ~ ~ .a ~ ';j ] .s ~ ~ "0 ~ g; OJ 0 ,€ ., ~ ~ ~ g-

EDEAG PRMR Jaglfoad (14) N 44 1124 KakarJala 154 EO

MR Marlgaon (6) 1127 187 2 No 155 Bangalbon

MR Mangaon (5) ED 1222 315 2 No 156 Dungabon

PRMR Mangaon (2) ED 2198 204 254 Gunpathar 157

PR MR FP Jaglfoad (2) ED 1585 1666 Kuyadal 158

PR MR FP Mangaon (2) ED NM 831 110 4 Chakumaku 159

PR MR Marlgaon (2) EDEAG - 2188 227 Pallgun 160

PR MR Mangaon (17) ED NM 623 94 4 Ghunusha 161 Habl

PIt MR Jagiroad (2) ED 2273 162 8 Teghena 162

127 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

·3.. i 1 03 '': en.. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CWC P(2) BSRS« H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO(5· - ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) 163 Udmari 232.0 1,591 280 5)NW(5- (00885900) M« 5) MCW« 5) W 10) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS« 5) SP(5-10) 10) C(5-IO) PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(5-1O)

Sindhisar BS RS« 164 P.G.R. 145.0 1,171 237 P(2) M H« 5) TW W SS- - PO« CM(~ 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) SP« 5) NW« (00886000) S C« 5) MCW« S) W 5) PH« 5) CP« 5) NCS« 5) 5) ST« 5) 5) PHC« 5) OCS«5) Sindhisar P M« H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO(S· - ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 165 Forest 189.0 404 Village 64 5) C(5- MCW(IO+) W 10) PH(S-lO) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(S-10) (00886100) 10) PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS{< 5) ST(5-1O) NW(5-10)

CWCPHS BS RS(5- 166 Bamungaon 179.0 1,315 254 P(2) M H(10+) TW W SS- PO PH« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV« 5) SP« 10) (00886200) S C« S) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) 5) ST« S) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS«5)

CWCPHS H(lO+) TW W SS- - PO« - 167 Raumari 73.0 1,129 217 P(2) M ACS(5-10) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« S) (00886300) C« 5) MCW(1O+) W 5) PH« S) CM(IO+) NCS(5-1O) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

CWCPHC ACS(5-10) - BS RS 168 Deusal 181.0 1,249 238 PM FWC TWW SS- PO PH CM« 5) (00886400) C« 5) H(IO+) W NCS(S-IO) CV« S) SP« NW(5-10) CP« 5) MCW«5) OCS(S-lO) 5) ST« 5)

DCHW Nakhula H(10+) THPTW _ PO« - ACS(IO+) BS RS« 169 Grant 197.0 4,099 789 PM CM(10+) CV« 5) SP« 5) NW« C«5) MCW(IO+) W SS-HP 5) PH« 5) NCS( 10+) (00886S00) CPClO+) 5) ST« S) S) PHC{

Pachim BSRS« PM H«5) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS« 5) 171 Nagaon 251.0 2,108 CV« 5) SP« 5) 400 C« 5) MCW« 5) W 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) (00886700) 5) ST« 5) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) CP« 5) OCS« 5) 128 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e area under different types of land use in hectare)"''''

.." i2 ""Ci .E! a <> ., :;;; ,g ~ 0 <> II> .... .S ] ..s "" l;j ., E J <>~ ., 1';1' ~ ~ ~ I., ~ .?> >. E t .s ~ c.. ~., ~ .", ~ ] ~ .J:> c..0 e ..!! § -5 .s ~ --0 ~ .... 'i;S ~ c.. 00 il~ -0 0 c .... ., .5 'i;S c ., '" 'i;S ~ ~ ;; ~ !a ~ ~ 00 .§ -.a > .t: 0 ~ E ;§ ., ~ ~ I>-.. ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ -~ ~

MRFP Jaglroad (4) ED 2167 153 Udmarl 163

MRFP Jaglroad (8) NM 1257 18 9 Smdhlsar 164 PGR

0(220) MR Jaglroad (8) 1560 11 0 Smdhlsar 165 T(22 0) Forest VIllage

PR Jagtroad (5) ED 1059 246 471 Bamungaon 166

PR Jaglroad (5) ED 258 161 306 Rauman 167

PR MR FP Jaglroad (4) ED 1368 443 Deusal 168

PRMR Marlgaon (17) EA NM 1112 854 Nakhula 169 Grant

PR Marlgaon (2) ED 1763 143 158 Nakhula 110 Gaon

PR Mangaon (2) ED 1839 209 463 Pachlm 171 Nagaon

129 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vizo < 5 kmso, 5-10 kmso and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O! ...... S ---g ..9 05 0 ~ J ~ ...0:: 1 -c of! 0 .0 f;3 '-' I ---'" U '" of _g ii! ... Q 0:: 0:: 0 :!:! or;~ ,g ... <=> 0 .~ u oj ] ~ °E G) ~ -a ... ;; -c'" <1.J c:>.. 0 'ii.o '" .3'" E <=> 'B 9 o~'" '" ~ "0 -0 0 il-fij ~ ~ ~ ..c:., Q '" G) § a -c '"~ 1.:l t! O§ ~ ,.g 0';:; f!l § g II ~ &0-::: !:) .... _g -= _",0.;::1 _en-o s 0 I~.. 2 > .... 'ii til ...... -3 o 0:: J ~ 00 on ~=~ o~ ~ .... g- bJl ... a 10: 0 ~ c:>.. t ca t ~ o~o '" u .0 o~ <> 'B -s -= l OJ::til ]i § '-' :a tf ~ 0:6 ~ g:a log" ... 0 ~ -0 en ~ E-< E-< Z loLl'" ~ a~ rf 8 j~ ~~~ 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Nakhula PM« H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS(5-10) - BS RS 172 Pahar 410 108 24 5)C« MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS(5-10) CV« 5) SP« NW(IO+) (00886800) S) PHC« 5) CP« 5) OCS(5-10) 5) ST(IO+)

Sona! Kush! Reserve P« S) H«5) - PO« - ACS« S) 173 1,466 388 WSS-W CV(~ S) SP« BS« 5) Forest M«5) MCW«5) S) PH« S) CM« S) NCS« 5) CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) (00886900) C« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

GaranKushl P« S) H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 174 8S 0 107 16 (00887000) M«5) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(10+) C(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CWC PM« Gaonaha H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 175 ISO 0 S90 97 5) C(5- (00887100) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(10+) RS(5-10) 10) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(5-10)

CWCPHS Kumarkush! PM H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 8S(S-IO) 176 2310 28S 38 (00887200) C(5-10) MCW(10+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(10+) NCS(S-10) SP(5-10) RS(S-10) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) NW(S-IO)

CWC PM Dhakah - PO« - ACS(S-10) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 177 1800 436 60 AC C(5- H(IO+) TW W SS- (00887300) S) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-10) 10) MCW(IO+) W CP(lO+) PHC(S-10) OCS(S-10) ST(S-10) NW(S-10)

Kuthan PM ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 8S« 5) 178 Baglsha SI90 1,003 172 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO PH(10+) CM(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(10+) (00887400) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Sonalkush! PM ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« S) 179 840 211 33 H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO(S CM(~ 5) (00887500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W 10) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nararnarl PM(S- H(S-IO) BS TWWSS- - PO(S - ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 180 No2 2120 430 69 10) C(S- MCW(S- W RS(IO+) 10) PH(5-10) CM(5-1O) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) (00920300) 10) 10) PHC(S- CP(5-IO) NW(lO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) 10 130 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

-c -ca ~<.> .::! !;;! -5 c j 1il I bO ~ bO :S ,~ ,~ -c :; ..u 0 ~ <.> § Q) .§ .... '~ 'G)' § '" .;::: ~ ] ] II.) ~ ~ rf ~ ~ ~ 8 .3 ~ ~ on 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

PRMR Mangaon (32) 321 67 24 Nakhula 172 Pahar

SonalKushl MR Mangaon (3) ED 173 Reserve Forest

PRMR R(S 6) Marlgaon (19) ED 655 28 158 Garan 174 NW T(56) Kushl

PR MR Jaglroad (10) ED 812 402 290 Gaonaha 175

PR MR Jagtroad (8) ED 1853 23 I 22 5 Kumarkushl 176

PR Jaglroad (18) ED 1442 286 64 Dhakah 177

93 Kutharl PRMR Jagll'(~ad (18) ED 1709 317 S 214 178 Baglsha

PRMR Jaglfoad (13) ED 621 69 15 1 Sonalkushl 179

PC(45 0) TW(381 PRMR Marlgaon (II) NM ) 2S 5 4S 8 32 6 Naramarl 180 No2 TK(25 I) T 1082 131 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in bmckets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'03 .... 6 .., II) ~ ~ .S II) J '" "Q 8 "Q ~ II)== 0 ~ ., "e u I., ;g U ..c :i3 '" ..c ., II) ;E ;; c ~ 8' 0== ·0 ..g ~ u5 0 0 .~ ·E ., ..... ~ "€. ., ~ II) <> ., iu '" 0 0 ::9'" .;::: .3 E 0 'B "'" '" ~ "Q I:§j o<:l ~ ..c 6<> ~ s,....._'" ... ., 0:: 1A fa "Q '" ~·c ~ ~ -5 .S! ..c U S .,.... E -:;; S t fa ~ .,'" <1d 8..- .S! i': 0 ..c -:;; -" .J:! o;"'-'''g ~ ""' "S .... 0; ~ ]! .. II) B ~ p.. 0 ~ ·0 ==-"< ~ ...... == ~ .a 0; .- ~c 0 1;3'" Ol .g",...c:I l 8- .~ u "" § - 0; ... -B -= ~ ·c '3 '3 u :a lif ~,g] ~ ..§ II) j ~ i ... .- "'-' ~ ~ ~ ~ :a c5 ci: u ~] 1><:>,,-> 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Nakhula PM« H(10+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(5-10) - BSRS 172 Pahar 41.0 108 24 5)C« MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS(5-10) CV« 5) SP« NW(IO+) (00886800) 5) CP« 5) 5) ST(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(5-10) Sonai Kushi Reserve P« 5) H«5) - PO« - ACS« 5) 173 1,466 388 WSS-W CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) Forest M«5) MCW«5) 5) PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) CP« 5) 5) ST« 5) RS« 5) (00886900) C« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) NW« 5)

GaranKushi P« S) H(lO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 174 8S.0 107 16 (00887000) M« 5) MCW(10+) W 5) PH(lO+) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) CP(IO+) C(1O+) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

CWC PM« Gaonalia H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(5-1O) CV(10+) BS(S-10) 175 IS0.0 S90 97 S) C(5- (00887100) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) 10) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(5-1O)

CWCPHS Kumarkushi PM H(lO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 176 231.0 285 38 (00887200) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(S-10) RS(S-10) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(5-10) ST(S-10) NW(S-10)

CWC PM Dhakali - PO« - ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 177 180.0 436 60 ACC(5_H(10+) TWWSS- (00887300) 5) PH« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) RS(5-10) 10) MCW(IO+) W CP(lO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(S-10) NW(S-10)

Kuthari PM ACS(5-1O) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 178 Bagisha 519.0 1,003 172 H(10+) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(5-1O) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) (00887400) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(5-10) ST(S-10) NW(10+)

Sonaikushi PM H(IO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 179 84.0 211 33 - PO(5· CM(~ 5) (00887S00) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W 10) PH« 5) CP(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Nararnari PM(5- H(5-10) BS TWWSS- - PO(S· - ACS(S-lO) CV(5-10) 180 No.2 212.0 430 69 10) C(5- MCW(S- W RS(IO+) 10)PH(5-1O) CM(5-10) NCS(5-1O) SP(S-10) (00920300) 10) 10) PHC(S- CP(S-10) NW(lO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(5-10) 10 130 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)"

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

24 Nakhu[a PR MR Martgaon (32) 321 67 172 Pahar

Sonal Kushl MR Marlgaon (3) ED [ 73 Reserve Forest

PRMR R(56) Marlgaon (19) ED 655 28 [58 Garan [74 NW T(56) Kushl

PR MR Jaglmad (10) ED 812 402 290 Gaonaha 175

PR MR Jaguoad (8) ED 1853 23 I 22 5 Kumarkushl 176

PR Jaguoad (18) ED 1442 286 64 Dhakah 177

PRMR Jaglroad ([8) ED 1709 3175 214 93 Kutharl [78 Baglsha

PRMR Jaglroad (13) ED 62 I 69 15 1 Sonalkushl [79

PC(45 0) TW(381 PRMR Martgaon (11) NM ) 255 458 32 6 Naramarl 180 No2 TK(25 I) T 1082 131 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ "., 1 ·8 l! '" ~ !f 0 § g ~ 8 ..r::: .~ ] 'E '-s C!- 0. .. ~ .!! 8- i<> '" .s .l'9 8 .9 9 .fib ] if ~ '"::s ~ ~ 0 'tS § e~ .. .. a '0 ~ <> 0 '" i;;' oS 1 ... ..r::: g ~ -= i'c § '- .! _g a J ~ f-< ;B ~ f J! 8 <~ ~>_! 8~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 FWC H(5- Telain 10) BS RS(S- P(3) M TTWW PO(S CM CP(S- ACS« S) SPCV(S-IO) 190 Bhatgaon 2600 1.922 356 MCW(5- 10) NW(S- C(S-10) 10) PH(S-IO) 10) NCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) (00921300) 10) PHC(S- TK SS-T 10) OCS(S-IO)

FWC P(5) M Bangaldhara H(IO+) TTWW ACS(IO+) SP CV(lO+) BSRS 191 4410 2.463 465 S C(S- POPH(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00921400) MCW(lO+) SS-T NCS(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(I()-t-) 10) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+)

P(2) M BS RS{S- Blhuban H(IO+) TTWW ACS(I()-t-) SP CV(I

Barbarl PM(S- H«5) TTWW - po(S - ACS(S-lO) CV(IO+) B5(S-10) 193 Pathar 2490 618 96 10) C(S- MCW(IO+) SS-T 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(<: 5) RS(S-IO) (00921600) CP(IO+) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(S-lO)

Chanuabarl 194 Pathar 2000 ------Uninhabited ------(00921700)

Mantaban PM(S- H«5) TTWW - PO(5 - ACS(I

PM(S- + BS RS(S- Matlparbat - PO(S - + ACS(5-10) CV(lO+) 196 1520 1,686 303 10) C(5- H(lO) TW W SS- 10) (00921900) 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO) NCS(I()-t-) SP(S-IO) 10) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(I()-t-) ST(lO+)

BS RS(5- Muladhan PM H(lO+) TWWSS- - PO(5 - + ACS(IO+) SPCV(IO+) 197 530 639 115 10) (00922000) C(S-lO) MCW(lO+) TW 10) PH(IO+) CM(IO) NCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+)

PM(S- as RS(5- Sdbheta - PO(S - ACS(lO+) SPCV(I()-t-) 198 1880 660 113 10) C(5- H(lO+) TW W SS- 10) (00922100) 10) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS(S-IO) ST(lO+) 10) MCW(IO+) TW CP(IO+) NW(lo+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lo+)

132 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

..." § ~u oS .. ~ § j a ~ '':::: e t>O .. t>O > ;§, .5 '':::: CI) ~ ..." ] <> 0 .E! !j c..> .£ ~ I E 0'/:1 0 ~ ~ ... ~ '" '"ij <1> g ~ ~ s .0 ~ ~ > .8 j !i- IQ.. .e: .E ..... ~ 1 c:>. CI) ibll 0 0 C '" .S ""1;1 c OJ til ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]' :5 8~ ~ ~ Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I PC(40.2) TW(30.7 PRMR Marigaon (10) ED NM ) 38.1 62.1 39 Telahi 190 . Bhatgaon TK(60.3)

PRMR Marigaon (20) ED NM 376.5 29.4 34.8 Bangaldhara 191

PC(43.2) TW(41.8 PRMR Marigaon (32) ED EO NM ) 96.1 101.1 45.9 Bihubari 192 TK(IO.7) R 12.3

PRMR Marigaon (20) ED EO NM 223.8 13.9 12.0 Barbari 193 Pathar

Chanuabari ------Uninhabited ------144.8 41.7 8.0 194 Pathar

PRMR Marigaon (20) ED EO NM 177.5 13.4 17.4 Mantabari 195

TWE(20. PRMR Marigaon (10) EA NM 0) 20.9 90.0 21.1 Matiparbat 196 T(20.0)

TWE(21. PRMR Marigaon (18) EA NM 0) 24.6 0.3 7.4 Muladhari 197 T(21.0)

TWE(42. PRMa Marigaon (10) EA NM 0) 100.7 45.8 Silbheta 198 T(42.0)

133 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krus., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O! 8 ~ ., 'U;' =s "§ .S i -0 ~ .",.. ~ U> ] 0 I<.> ~ i t> ., '" U .&J fa ~ ., § .,; ..c:: 0 .c:; <.> = 5 <:> § .~ ] .~ .~ a u ~ e1 oS <.> -a ] <:> U> 8.- '" j -<:> -0 .~ =s .3 N -B 'T' e'" ___ .._, "0 .", 0 ]~""' . -s .,§ '"0 ., O<:l 8..-::: ... -g. !a _= .. '.0'" .g ~ ~ 0 ~ ._..<:i ~ -;; -;; ~ ·c s :::I ~ ti § ~g] § .g ., ~ 1 .~~ ~:"5! ~ E-< ~ Z ;a ~ ~ ~ 8 ..('t; >'" u't;;o '" '"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13

Dakhin PM(5- RS(5- ACS(10+) SPCV(10+) as 199 Dharamtul 191.0 1,986 407 10) C(5- H(IO+) TTWW POPH(IO+) CM(IO+) 10) NW(5- 10) MCW(lO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) (00922200) CP(lO+) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

Pub as RS(S- P(2) H(IO+) TTWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 200 Dharamtul 210.0 S91 124 PHPO(5-10) CM(S-IO) 10) NW(5- M(S-IO) MCW(lO+) SS-T NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00922300) CP(5-10) 10) C(S-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

Uttar BS RS(5- PM(5- DH«S) TTWW - PO« - ACS(5-10) SPCV(lO+) 201 Dharamtul 222.0 792 14S IO)NW(5- 10) C(S- MCW(IO+) TK SS-T 5) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) (00922400) 10) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) 10) OCS(S-IO)

PM(5- as RS(5- DuniiaDubi ACS(IO+) SPCV(5-10) 202 271.0 249 44 10) C(5- H(IO+) TW SS- - PO« CM(~-IO) 10) NW(5- (00922500) NCS(IO+) ST(5-10) 10) MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) 10) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) as Chipiri P M(5- H(10+) TW SS- - PO« - ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) 203 310.0 525 94 RS(IO+) (00922600) 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) TW 5) PH(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(lO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(lO+)

PHS as RS(5- Ahatguri P(2) M H(IO+) TWSS- CMCP(5- ACS(5-10) SP CV(5-10) 204 231.0 2,044 391 POPH(IO+) 10)NW(5- (00922700) C(S-IO) MCW(IO+)TW 10) NCS(5-10) ST(5-10) 10) PHC(lO+) OCS(5-10)

as RS(5- Morakolong P M(5- H(IO+) TW SS- - PO(S· - ACS(5-10) SPCV(IO+) 20S 303.0 419 81 IO)NW(S- (00922800) 10) C(5- MCW(10+) TW 10) PH(5-10) CM(S-IO) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) CP(5-10) 10) 10) PHC(lO+) OCS(5-10)

as RS(S- Thekera PM(S- H(IO+) TWWSS- - PO(S· - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 206 233,0 308 68 10) NW(5- (00922900) 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) W 10) PH(S-IO) CM(iO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(lO+) 10) 10) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

PHS Ahatguri P as H(IO+) TWSS- CM ACS(IO+) SPCV(1O+) 207 Pam 372.0 SS3 87 M(IO+) POPH(10+) RS(IO+) MCW(lO+) TW CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) (00923000) C(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

134 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

1 ~ i 1 ~o .§

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TWE(SI PR MR Mangaon (16) EA NM 0) 1101 89 210 Dakhm 199 Dharamtul T(SI 0)

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED NM 1942 66 81 Pub 200 Dharamtul

TW(68) Uttar PR MR Marlgaon (33) ED EO NM TK(O 6) 926 760 23 3 Dharamtul 201 R(66)

PR MR Marlgaon (IS) ED NM 223 S 3S 1 125 Duruia 202 Dubl

MR Marlgaon (11) ED NM 1866 1009 222 ChlPIfI 203

PR MR Marlgaon (12) ED NM 2018 44 25 2 Ahatgun 204

MR Marlgaon (12) ED NM 2289 73 9 Morakoiong 205

PR MR Mangaon (10) ED NM 1962 22 I 143 Thekera 206

MR Marlgaon (18) ED NM 3276 128 31 6 Ahatgun 207 Pam

135 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"Ol -;;- I;) 5l ~ .~ ... c ~ i -;;- ... i ] of "'"8 i... U ..c '" .; c ..c '"c 8 ... ~ ~ <> .9 g ... 0 § ..::1 1;; u ..c E ] .~ ... ~ c.. <> <> 8 '" ..!! c.. l ;;~ .3 ~ 0 $ '" ~ ~ .~ o~ i!~i ES-~'" ... CI) C ta ""0 is t! ·c '" ;>, oS 0 .c o <> "3 ~ ~ 1;; ... .~ B '" . ·c ~ ~ of § ~ as :a § .g ... ~ 'c 0 en ~ !- l 1 ;E'" ~ 0 I'-. 8 ~1 ~~a5 8f1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PM(S- BS RS(S­ - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 208 Charal Pam 1420 39 9 10) C(S- H(10+) TW SS- IO)NW(5- (00923100) 10) MCW(IO+) TW S)PH(S-10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 10) PHC(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

BS RS(5- 191 P M H(IO+) TWSS- - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 209 Barban 4750 1,099 10) (00923200) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) TW 10) PH(IO+) CM(S-JO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) CP(S-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

PM(S- BS RS(5- - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 210 Bhalukagun 19S 0 4S6 97 10)C(S- H(10+) TTWW 10) (00923300) 10) MCW(lO+) SS-T 10) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

BS RS(S- P M(S- H(IO+) TW W SS- - PO(S, - ACS(JO+) CY(10+) 211 Antzart 2010 168 10) (00923400) 38 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) W 10) PH(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BS RS(S- 13S P« 5) H(IO+) TW SS- - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 212 Hatkhula 3390 673 10) (00923500) M(S-lO) MCW(lO+) TW 10)PH(l0+) CM(5-10) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) C(5-10) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

PM(5- BS 213 Ahsmga 2800 1,424 267 10) C(S- H(lO+) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) SP CV(10+) RS(JO+) (00923600) 10) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

Basundhan P M(S- H(lO+) TW W SS ACS(IO+) SP CV(IO+) BS RS(S- 214 Jalah 3760 1,747 303 10) C(S- - PO PH(lO+) CM(lO+) 10) (00923700) 10) MCW(1O+) W CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

BS - PO« - ACS(IO+) CY(S-IO) 215 BarJalah 58 P« 5) H« S) TW SS- RS(IO+) 2270 342 S) PH(IO+) CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00923800) M« S) MCW« 5) TW NW(IO+) C« 5) PHC« 5) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BS P(S-IO) H(S-IO) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CY(S-IO) 216 Block No 8 1260 444 RS(IO+) (00923900) 78 M(S-IO) ~C) WPH(~(5_ W 5) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(1O+) C(S -10) 10 136 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e area under dIfferent types of land use in hectare)··

"0 "0 Iii i 1;; 'E ..c: r= 0 Iii ~ .~ i e bO bO > g .S :3 ... "0 <> ... -@ ...e .S 13 Cl) 1:1' .s ~ 0 j ... : ..0 '">. ; .. ~ .. .9 c. ~ ~ "0 ,; c. CL> 0 e ..2 ~ Co "S:0 ] ~ ~ Iii' "0 ~ "{l~ Q .... 'i;l ... c. .§ 8 bO r= 0., r= e 'i;l ·s a ~ ~ ~ ~ e .§'" - > '" ..·5 ~ _z; rf ~ J ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~

R(20 5) PR NW Mangaon (16) ED NM 892 80 23 7 Charal Pam 208 T(20 5)

PR MR Marlgaon (32) NM 347 4170 88 150 Barban 209

PR MR Marlgaon (47) ED NM 1789 50 10 8 Bhalukagun 210

PR MR Marlgaon (20) NM 1975 27 10 Arnzarl 211

PRMR Marlgaon (10) ED NM 3162 144 02 79 Hatkhula 212

TWE(41 PRMR Marlgaon (14) EA NM 0) 2025 175 188 Ahsmga 213 T(410)

PRMR Mar.gaon (18) EA NM 3198 03 55 7 Basundharl 214 Jalah

PRMR Marlgaon (18) ED NM 2000 65 204 BarJalah 215

Pit MR Mangaon (20) ED NM 1263 Block No g 216

137 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

... C3e .5 j .s0 ~ I ';;;' U i.c '" <.> ., => ta .; ..c:: '<=3 - .~ .~ ~ U !::!- ..c:: .3 ~ <.> ., ..... c::>. ... '3 '"0 bO <:> c::>. <> .. .IS '" ....l <:> ~ i 0 ·ti .3"'~ '" ='" ~ 6 _"il§ o'Cl .s: _g <.> e~ i § :a :i tf .~~ ~~:a ~ .g ~ ~ i§ ~ o 19 U"l ~ E- l Z f13'" ~ ,x: U <~ ~>~ U '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SarumatJ P M(S- H(S-10) TW W SS- - PO(S - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS RS(5- 217 Parbat 1310 510 85 10) C(5- MCW(5- TW 10) PH(S-10) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 10) (00924000) 10) 10) PHC(5- CP(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+) 10

P M(5- H(10+) TW W SS- _ PO(5 - + ACS(IO+) CV(5-1O) BS RS(S- 218 Barkhal 1550 1,216 10 (00924100) 211 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) W 10) PH(IO+) CM(10) NCS(5-10) SP(10+) ST(S-NW) (10 ) 10) PHC(10+) CP(10+) OCS(IO+) 10) +

PM(5- BS - PO(S - ACS(S-10) CV(IO+) 219 Palahgun 2440 1,380 246 10) C(S- H(5-1O) TW SS- RS(IO+) (00924200) 10) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 10) MCW(IO+) TW NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(IO+)

Barah 220 (00924300) 1570 ------Unmhablted ------

H(5-1O) - PO(S - ACS(5-10) CV(5-1O) BSe5-10) 221 Dahutl Habl 1660 148 30 P(5-1O) MCW(5- W SS-W (00924400) M(5-10) 10) PHC(5- 10) PH(S-10) CM(5-1O) NCS(S-10) SP(S-10) RS(S-IO) C(5-10) CP(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(10+)

Barpayak P M H(IO+) TW W SS ACS(lO+) SP(3) CV(S- BS RS(S- 222 No I 2650 3,434 692 - PO PH(5-10) CM(5-10) 10) (00924500) C(5-to) MCW(IO+) W CP(5-1O) NCS(5-IO) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+)

P M(S- H(5-IO) TW W SS- _ PO« - ACS(lO+) SP CV(5-10) BS RS(5- 223 Kumarbarl 213 0 1,524 (00924600) 273 10) C(5- MCW(5- W 5) PH(S-IO) CM(5-1O) NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) 10) 10) 10) PHC(5- CP(5-IO) NW(10+) OCS(10+)

Killing P M(S- D H(5-IO) BS 224 Baglcha 2830 1,473 302 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) ~W W SS- PO PH(IO+) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) CV(5-to) RS(IO+) (00924700) 10) PHC(5-10) CP(5-1O) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) NW(10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+)

PM~ ~ Amgun 500 276 48 10) C(S- H« 5) TW W SS- PO PH(S-IO) CM(5-10) ACS(lO+) SP eV(5-10) RS(IO+) 225 (00924800) 10) MCW(IO+) W CP(5-1O) NCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 138 VILLAGE AND TOWN 01 RECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

'"0 '"0 § ~<> ~ til ::0 -5 c ij ~ ..;:0 i e bQ g bQ '"> ~ :aC ~ 0 ::0 u CI) <:; ... .S § <£ i ~ 0 :§. j :a <> ..2 gp I .s CI) ~ ~ ... ~ b s: '"ij E ... .s ~II) ~ '"0 ~ ~ 0 CI> ~ ~ .c g. Co. ~ 2 .s '"0 ... ~ ~ f c. .5 CI> b() ~~ g 0 1 ... ~ «! = ~ ... co eCo. ~ bQ :~ B fa ~ ~ - ~ '" 5 ~ ·e Vl ~ ~ rP. ~ .. ~ ~ :5 8 6h ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

Sarumatt PR MR Mangaon (18) ED N 1314 217 Parbat

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED N 1235 95 225 Barkhal 218

PR MR Marlgaon (20) ED 1910 90 431 Palahgun 219

------Umnhablted ------1573 Baratt 220

TW(451 ) MR Marlgaon (8) ED 202 TK(15 1) 370 281 204 DahuttHabl 221 T(60 1)

TW(152 ) PRMR Marlgaon (16) ED NM 780 597 61 2 Barpayak 222 304 TK(20 1) No 1 T(353)

PRMR Marlgaon (10) ED 1028 1101 Kumarban 223

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED NM Tea 1970 860 Ktlhng 224 Baglcha

PR MR Mangaon (18) ED NM 302 202 AmgurJ 225

139 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms • 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"O! Ei -;;;- ::0 .5 '"::0 ~ ~ J v;- 1 """ °e ] I ::I u .r> fa '" ~ ., ., ~ .J § '" 0 § > 't) .::l 5 -0 '.::1 ] i:: 1;! e u ~ ..::0 ~ c.> ~ "3 ::; p.. Y taL; '" .3 0 ~ .f .~ E::O~ gj o"Ij C! ij %Y -<>§ e~ d) : """a 5 -2 .§ ::0'" ... ~ t ~ ..::0 """a ::0 ..,'" o"Ij 8. '8 .j ~ ..0 ....0 ~ .8 ~ taCl)::I :f:>- '"3 .... Oi Oi .. .s .. 0 ::0 i f5b 't) ]" :~ ::0"":-< .::l ~ ...... 0 bQ .,... ~ 0 ~ 8: '.::1 ta ::0 -s ~ ~]] 3 . d) ~ e g ._ Ol :§ B .::l ~ § .~ r: 0 ..g li .~ '8 Y-o] .., j """ c§ 0 ~ CI) ~ f- l ~ ~ p., u ,.':l~ ~><'l 8 ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I3

Neh Bagtsa PM(5- - BS CMCP(5- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 226 No I 720 481 lOS 10) C(5- H(S-IO) TW W SS- PO PH(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) (00924900) 10) MCW(lO+) W NW(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

Neh Bagtsa BS P M(5- H(S-IO) TW W SS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) CV(S-to) 227 No2 1680 830 156 RS(IO+) 10) C(5- MCW(lO+) W 5) PH(lO+) CM(5-10) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) (00925000) NW(lO+) 10) PHC(IO+) CP(S-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Barpayak BS RS(S- PM H(10+) TTWW ACS(10+) SP(3) CV(S- 228 No2 340 743 164 POPH(10+) CM(S-10) 10) C(5-10) MCW(lO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) 10) ST(lO+) (00925100) CP(S-IO) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+)

PM(5- H(IO+) BS RS(5- Makana TWWSS- ACS(IO+) SPCV(S-IO) 229 290 108 24 10) C(5- MCW(5- W - PO« CM(~-IO) 10) (00925200) NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) 10) 10) PHC(5- 5) PH(lO+) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS(10+)

Dahalt PM(S- + BS RS(5- - PO« - ACS(lO+) SP CV(5-10) 230 Makana 2S60 975 186 10) C(5- H(lO ) TW W SS- 10) 10) MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(IO+) CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) ST(IO+) (00925300) CP(S-lO) NW(lO+) PHC(S-lO) OCS(lO+)

Bhugduba BS PM(S- H(lO+) TWWTK - PO(5 - ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) 231 Habl 1700 389 59 RS(IO+) 10) C(5- MCW(lO+) R SS-W 10) PH(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(10+) SP(10+) (00925400) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(S-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Bhugduba BS RS(S- PM(5- H(lO+) TWWSS- - PO« - ACS(IO+) SPCV(IO+) 232 Bill 1490 309 48 10) 10) C(5- MCW(IO+) W 5) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS(10+) ST(IO+) (00925500) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(lO+) CP(10+) OCS(IO+)

Ntzkhula PM H(IO+) THPTW - POtS - ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 233 16S 0 1,016 192 (00925600) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) SS-T 10) PH(10+) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) CP(S-10) PHC(5-10) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Banpara BS RS(5- PM H(IO+) TTWW - PO(5 - ACS(lO+) CV(S-IO) 234 Darapam 850 881 179 10) C(S-lO) MCW(lO+) SS-T 10) PH(10) CM(S-10) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) (00925700) + CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

140 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Diredory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)""

.", ~ .", B Iii .:::l a -5 c 0 j ~ ~ .~ E til) g til) .~ ., :a= "S <> ., ~ <> .a<> .... ., '0' <> . j 'a B -E: ~ .", ..0 ... I e ..2 ~ ~ ~ ~ g.. c. M .... § '!il .... c.. .5 "" til) ~~ g 0 c '!il M '" '0:::., ~ ~ ~ ~ :E & ] S 8~ ~ ~ CI:l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

Neli PRMR Marigaon (18) ED Tea 42.2 30.1 226 Bagisa No.1

Neli PRMR Marigaon (15) ED Tea 104.4 64.0 227 Bagisa No.2

TW(5.1 Barpayak PRMR Marigaon (16) ED NM Tea ) 7.1 10.0 22S No.2 TK(3.1

PRMR Marigaon (16) ED NM 17.S 2.8 8.5 Makaria 229

3) Dahali PRMR Marigaon (22) ED NM 30.1 TW(43. 42.1 68.2 37.1 230 Makaria I) TK 10.

I) Bhugduba PRMR Marigaon (IS) ED NM 25.1 TW(15. 30.1 45.2 19.5 231 Habi 2)

TWE(3 Bhugduba PRMR Marigaon (IS) EA NM 9.5) 102.2 7.5 232 Bill T(39.5)

2) PRMR Marigaon (22) ED NM TW(34. 30.1 41.6 18.0 Nizkhula 233 2)

PC(lO. 3) Banpara PRMR Marigaon (22) ED NM TW(lS. 14.1 27.2 12.7 234 Darapani 5) TK(5.1 141 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 lans., 5-10 lans. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

... ';;;' ... 1 ---- ~ Q I ~ ij'" "0 0 ';;;' j § .., 'f! Co> ~... u '" ..c '" ::; .. '.c 8' S <:> § .~ ] ::e .~ .~ 5 ~ !::!- ~ Co> ... '€..., W gjl ::; "8 as.D '" .3 <:> '" "2 9' 'Q ;g o(! !::!- '"Cl 0 ~.fij ~ Co> 'l' e~ II> 0:: ~ ~ a '"Cl == ... o£i 0 ..c a 8 ~ ! ij § ~ .... 'i ..c 2 .~ .s " 0 "'S .... ~ os ~'£ =V:~ 1 ....~ '" go ...0 ] ~ I;b ·2 _3 '00 .~ ~ 0:: 0 ~ P. os ., .~§~i ..c 15 • .., ~ "iii .~ 11 "3!! ."i!.: s § ::s(.) "Ii '5, :a ~~:a ~ ._g r:.n u '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PM(5- H(IO+) BS Khulapathar TWWSS- - PO(S· - ACS(IO+) CV(1O+) 235 193.0 489 96 10) C(5- MCW(S- W RS(lO+) (OO92S800) 10) PH(lO+) CM(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) 10) 10)PHC(S- CP(IO+) NW(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Kalbari P(S-lO) H(lO+) - PO(S· - ACS(10+) CV(S-IO) 8S(S-10) 236 (Silsang) 14.0 148 JO M(S-lO) MCW(lO+) W SS-W 10) PH(lO+) CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00925900) CP(5-10) C(5-1O) PHC(S-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Khulahat PM(S- BS RS(S- H(IO+) TWSS- - PO(S· - ACS(IO+) CV(5-1O) 237 Forest 6.0 228 41 10) 10) MCW(10+) TW 10) PH(S-IO) CM(S-lO) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) (00926000) C(lO+) CP(lO+) NW(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO)

Moukhuliam PM(5- H(S-lO) - PO(S. - ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 238 jari 29.0 337 56 10) C(S- MCW(S- WSS-W 10) PH(S-lO) CM(S-IO) NCS(S-lO) Spes-to) RS(IO+) (00926100) 10) 10) PHC(S- CP(S-lO) OCS(lO+) ST(S-lO) NW(lO+) 10

BS RS(S- Baltala PM ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 239 56.0 23 6 H(lO+) TW W SS- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) 10) (00926200) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(1O+) CP(1O+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

BS RS(S- Dapunibari PMS H(S-10) TTWW - PO(S. - ACS(S-10) CV(lO+) 240 216.0 72S 138 10) (00926300) C(S-lO) MCW(IO+) SS-T 10) PH(IO+) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BS 8argog P(S-IO) H(lO+) TWSS- - PO(S· - ACS(lo+) CV(IO+) 241 24.0 S78 109 RS(lO+) (00926400) M(S-IO) MCW(lO+) TW 10) PH(S-IO) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) C(S-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

8argog BSRS(S- P(5-;0) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 242 (Amsoi) 24.0 165 29 WSS-W PO PH(IO+) CM(IO+) 10) M(S-IO) MCW(S- NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00926500) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) C(S-10) 10) ST(IO+) p OCS(lo+)

PM(S- H(5-10) BS Khuapar TWWSS- - PO(S - ACS(IO+) SP CV(S-IO) 243 20.0 90 16 10) C(S- MCW(S- W RS(IO+) (00926600) 10) PH(lO+) CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) ST(IO+) 10) 10) PHC(S- CP(5-10) NW(lO+) OCS(lO+) 10 142 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

'0 ~ ] .s<> !a -5 <=I ]' ~ ~ e bI) ~ bI) > :.S .~ Q) .5 <.> '0 ] Q) -5 ... Q) B .~ 1 .., ..s 8 e ~ :a ~ 1;b

TWE(42 PRMR Mangaon (22) EA NM 5) 1275 57 172 Khulapathar 235 T(425)

Kalban MR JagJroad (10) 139 236 (SJlsang)

Khulahat PRMR Marlgaon (20) 64 237 Forest

MR Marlgaon (8) 295 Moukhuhanua 238 n

PR MR Marlgaon (10) EDEAG NM 536 15 1 0 Baltala 239

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED NM 06 209 8 45 o 7 Dapumbarl 240

PRMR Mangaon (20) 239 Bargog 241

Bargog PRMR Jaglfoad (10) 239 242 (ArnSOl)

Mangaon (20) 200 Khuapar 243

143 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 lans. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

t l ~ -5 .S ::I 0 ~ ., "0 2- "0 i '" ., 0 u 'ti>' ..Q~ § ~ OJ ~ ..,;'" <> ..c: ... ., ,,; '" C; > ?- .~ § ~ Q U ~ .~ ~ ~ u ~ ... 1;1 8 I Q. .. ~ .3 ~ 0 "Q'" 'E 1.~ '" t!- c _08B"''-'" dCl ~ ~ ~ 'l' e~ t1) t::: ] -0 tH~ ... 0 e ]I ..s '"0 .d § ~ ~ dCl 8. A§ § .... 'i'j ..c:'" g. _....,;:: _<,->"0 ..,; f 0 ~ =s: "3 ... ~ 1§ ~ ..;:J B-M o .. !ib ~ ofl ~ '- g- § ... ~ .9 .- 0 '" Q.. ., t;;-=~ i § 0:1' i ., ~ .2 ~ .. 'E "3 5! -a u ·c ~ t£ .~ :ii ~ ~ :a ~ .g ., '" _&_ ~ ~:s!s o S <'-> ~ l l ~ ~ ~ I U _< ~ >cn u '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P M(S- H(IO+) TW SS- BS RS(S- 244 Gegera N C 410 406 77 10) PO(I 0+) CM(IO+) ACS(lo+) CV(IO+) 10) (00926700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

T(33) D(12) P(299) W(154) CWC(69) M(94) TK(18) BS(124) PHC(7) PO(52) TO CM(8) Block Total 55641.0 242147 41422 S(30) RY(43) ACS CV SP(29) RS(4) PHS(31) no PH(ll) CP(4) C(4) TW(224) NW(16) FWC(22) AC(6) R(44) CHW(24) C(8)

144 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

] E "'"§ II> :§ ] <.> .... ~ .fi .~ .., § cS j J 18 .., o'

MR Marigaon (20) 41.2 Gegera N.C. 244

GC(2.4) PC(285.0 7) TW(290. 65) PR(120) ED(150) TWE(31 MR(220) EAG(I7) N(72) 6.23) 38742.0 2546.6 10865.8 FP(21) EO(U) M(69) 2084.2 TK(215. NW(16) EA(14) 06) R(136.4) 0(148.45 ) T(1394.2 6)


Village Directory Data of Laharighat CD Block DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT (C) Alpbabetical list of villages witb location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon serial Name 2001 Census 1991 Census ~Se:e;:;ri31;r-1Ni\j';;;amm;e:------"'27107iOTI7C;-;e~n:-::s:-:u""s--"19"'9""'1""""C"-e-n-su-s- number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 2 3 4 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Laharighat 49 Gerua Beel 00899400 120020001000100088 Name of SUb-Dist: 0002 50 Geruaaati 00898300 120020001000100081 I I.No. Borkur 00889300 120020001000100009 51 Gohainbori 00899200 120020001000100090 2 I.No. Borpathar 00897400 120020001000100072 52 Gorapar 00898800 120020001000100084 3 l.No. Jhaogarh 00889000 53 Goria Gaon 00893200 120020001000100037 4 2.No. Barunguri Beel 00890300 54 Haibor Gaon 00893300 120020001000100031 5 2.No. Borkur 00891500 120020001000100017 55 Haibor Pathar 00893400 120020001000100030 6 2.No. Borpathar 00897500 120020001000100073 56 Halowkandha 00891600 120020001000100016 7 3.No. Ghonsimloo 00888000 57 Handahkati 8 4.No. Jhaogarh 00888900 Kachnri Gaon 00894300 120020001000100094 9 Amaraguri 00898900 120020001000100083 58 HariaBiI 00899600 120020001000100085 10 Balidoonga 00892200 120020001000100019 59 Hatilarua Pathar 00895500 120020001000100051 II Balipara 00896200 120020001000100048 60 Hindu Japari 00897200 120020001000100070 12 Bamunmora 00893900 61 Hoobhaibheti 00893700 13 Banmuri Bil 00896700 120020001000100065 62 Jamadari 00897900 120020001000100077 14 Banmuri Gaon 00896800 120020001000100066 63 J apori Gaon 00897100 120020001000100069 15 Barakhibandha 00896500 120020001000100063 64 Jaribor 00896100 120020001000100050 16 Baralimari 00893100 120020001000100038 65 Jatiabori 00891800 120020001000100013 17 Baralimari Beel 00894700 120020001000100035 66 Jengpori 00893000 120020001000100039 18 Baruating 00889600 120020001000100004 67 Jorbeel 00890500 120020001000100029 19 Barukati 00891200 120020001000100006 68 Kahitoli 00889100 120020001000100011 20 Barukati Saharia 00890800 120020001000100026 69 Kamarbori 00899000 120020001000100082 21 Barunguri 00890200 120020001000100093 70 Kanphali Toop 00899500 120020001000100087 22 Barunguri Beel 00894900 71 Kapurpura 00892000 120020001000100015 23 Batabori 00895800 120020001000100053 72 Kathpori 00890000 24 Batalimari Gaon 00892500 120020001000100022 73 Kharuherua Beel 00899700 120020001000100086 25 Batalimari Pathar 00895200 74 Kherkata 00893600 120020001000100033 26 Bechamari Dooba 00898400 120020001000100060 75 Kherkata Bori 00894500 27 Betani 00894800 120020001000100036 76 Kherkata Gaon 00893500 28 Bhograth Beel 00888700 77 Kherkata Pathar 00894400 29 Bhukuamari Gaon 00896300 120020001000100061 78 Khertoli 00887700 30 Bhukuamari Paam 00895300 120020001000100047 79 Kubetari 00894600 120020001000100034 31 Bhumgaon 00889400 120020001000100046 80 Kupatimari 00891400 120020001000100008 32 Bhuragaon (Rev.) 81 Lengeri Gaon 00895100 120020001000100044 Town 00891300 120020001000100007 82 Lengeribori 00892800 120020001000100043 33 Bhuyanbori Paam 00898700 120020001000100058 83 Makarighila 00893800 34 Bihubari Beel 00889800 120020001000100002 84 Malabu 00890900 120020001000100025 35 Bihubari Kachari 85 Merbeel 00888400 Gaon 00889700 120020001000100003 86 Merbeel Habi 00888300 36 Boramari Kachari 87 Mirikamari 00890400 120020001000100032 Gaon 00892900 120020001000100042 88 Mohmari Pathar 00895900 120020001000100054 37 Bordooba Toop 00892600 120020001000100023 89 Naljari 00898000 120020001000100078 38 Borhalowkandha 00892100 120020001000100018 90 Neetmari 00891700 120020001000100012 39 Burhagaon 00889500 91 Niz-Gerua 00898200 120020001000100080 40 Darangi 00897000 120020001000100068 92 Ooguri Paam 00898500 120020001000100059 41 DholangKhaiti 00898600 120020001000100057 93 Oojagaon 00888800 42 DighaliAati 00891000 120020001000100024 94 Ootolabori 00896000 120020001000100055 43 DighaliAti Pathar 00897700 120020001000100074 95 Pabhakati 00891100 120020001000100005 44 Doongarpaar 00895000 120020001000100041 96 Pakariguri 00894100 45 Doowarmari 00887900 97 Patrabori 00899100 120020001000100089 46 Durabandhi 00890100 120020001000100001 98 Phaliamari Pam 00892400 120020001000100021 47 Ejariguri 00887800 99 Pholiamari Pathar 00895400 120020001000100049 48 Gamloo 00889900 100 Pithakhaiti 00887600 148 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :- Alpbabeticallist of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of tbe District: Marigaon Senal Name 2001 Census 1991 Census serial Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 101 Pokalagi 00896600 120020001000100064 18 Dakhin Chenimari 00901300 120030001000100029 102 Pokaria Beel 00894200 120020001000100092 19 Dewaguri 00903500 120030001000100061 103 Pookarkata 00896400 120020001000100062 20 Dhekeramari 00901000 120030001000100006 104 Rajabori 00898100 120020001000100079 21 Dhingarati 00902500 120030001000100052 105 Raumari 00897600 120020001000100075 22 Dhumkura 00900800 120030001000100007 106 Rupahi Beel 00897300 120020001000100071 23 Dhupaguri 00902800 120030001000100056 107 Saharia Gaon 00890700 120020001000100027 24 Duamari 00903600 120030001000100060 108 Salmara 00888200 25 Garaimari 00904800 120030001000100085 109 Salmara Beel 00899300 120020001000100091 26 Garakhia Khuti 00901500 120030001000100011 110 Salmara Paam 00897800 120020001000100076 27 Harangtoli 00900700 120030001000100012 111 Salmari 00888600 28 Jengarbori 00903400 120030001000100058 112 Seshguri 00888100 29 Kacharibori 00904100 120030001000100073 113 SeujiaPathar 00889200 120020001000100010 30 Kashipuri 00900200 114 Soondooba Toop 00892700 120020001000100045 31 Kathani 00901800 120030001000100031 115 Sootir Paar 00890600 120020001000100028 32 Kaurihagi 00900100 116 Talaugaon 00888500 33 Kisamguri 00900500 117 Taptola 00896900 120020001000100067 34 Laharipam 00904600 120030001000100084 118 Tengaguri 00895600 120020001000100056 35 Lalaibori 00904700 120030001000100083 119 Tengaguri Kachari 36 Laobhurunga 00904400 120030001000100079 Gaon 00895700 120020001000100052 37 Mahdola Bori 00903200 120030001000100075 120 Tengatoli 00894000 38 Mahmara Bill 00904900 120030001000100086 121 Tulsibori 00891900 120020001000}00014 39 Mikirgaon 00901700 120030001000100032 122 Udalbheti Pathar 00892300 120020001000100020 40 Moritoli 00902400 120030001000100053 Name of CD Block: Laharighat 41 Nagabandha 00905000 120030001000100089 Name of Sub-Dist: 0003 42 No.1 Tengaguri 00899900 1 Arnaraguri 00902600 120030001000100051 43 No.2 Tengaguri 00900000 2 Barchala Gaon 00905300 120030001000100070 44 Palahjuri 00905400 120030001000100069 3 Barkhabal 00901900 120030001000100035 45 Pambori 00901400 120030001000100030 4 Batabori 00903700 120030001000100059 46 Patiabandha 00904500 120030001000100080 5 Bhuyanbari Pathar 00902900 120030001000100076 6 Bogalipara Gaon 00902100 120030001000100033 47 Patua Kata 00905100 120030001000100071 7 Bogalipara Pathar 00902300 120030001000100054 48 Raja Gadhowa 00902000 120030001000100034 8 Borbori 00903800 120030001000100036 49 Roumari 00900900 120030001000100014 9 Borchala Pathar 00905200 120030001000100088 50 Salsingabori 00903100 120030001000100078 10 Boribandha 00904300 120030001000100081 51 Sapkati 00904000 120030001000100087 11 Borigaon Pathar 00901600 120030001000100010 52 Saruchala 00905500 120030001000100068 12 Borongoni Pathar 00903000 120030001000100077 53 Sialmari Gaon 00900600 120030001000100009 13 Bowalguri 00904200 120030001000100082 54 Sialmari Kachari Gaon 00900400 120030001000100008 14 Chatiantoli 00902700 120030001000100057 55 Tengaguri Gaon 00900300 15 Chenimari 00901200 120030001000100015 56 Tengaguri N.C. 00899800 16 Chetuai Khaiti 00902200 120030001000100055 57 Titatala 00903300 120030001000100074 17 Chutiagaon 00901100 120030001000100013 58 Udkati 00903900 120030001000100072

149 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amemtles available (if not avaIlable within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 krns. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)


~ t ;g ~ .~ ~ .., -c::l ~ -c::l 5'" 'a,__ 0 'Vi' 1 .., ICI.) U .L> ~ '" u :s ,.c:: ., ., ;:§ .,; § '" ;:; <= ;§, 5 0 0 ·0 .~ u .~ .:! ·E.., u CI.) ..... ~ -a ., 0 0 .;g ..2 c.. ca ~... <:> 0 I '" ....l ~ .~ .a:s~ '":s .;;:~ !::!, -a b -0 S ~ o'd ..c:: -c::l u 'l' - :s ., CI.) 1;l fa -c::l <= 8 t ..: bD -s = :s ... g i~ .,... '" ._ .~ _g -g. fa .,'" o'd 8...g ·3 i: =;;: 0 ._ OJ OJ f"':~ ] ~~ -g '" ~ ._ ]. 0 ~ lib :s u '" 0 ... § bD ..2 ·e ·a ~ 0 ~ c.. .., OJ <= - 0 .~o ..c:OJ i 1 ., ·til u ~ .. ~= :s o! ·cOJ '3 OJ u :a., ~ '

PM(5- Plthakhaltl H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 430 1,283 167 10) PO(S-IO) CM«S) (00887600) MCW(IO+) W SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Khertoh 2 40 ------Umnhablted ------(00887700)

EJangun P(IO+) H(10+) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 3 680 26 4 PO(10+) CM(10+) (00887800) M(10+) MCW(IO+) W SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Doowarman 4 1040 ------Umnhablted ------(00887900)

3No P(IO+) H(10+) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 5 Ghonslmloo 150 61 14 PO(IO+) CM(S-IO) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) WSS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00888000) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(1O+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Seshgun 6 740 ------Umnhablted ------(00888100)

Salmara 7 1820 ------Unmhablted ------(00888200)

Merbeel P(IO+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 8 Habl 2070 138 20 PO(10+) CM(IO+) M(10+) MCW(IO+) W SS-W NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) (00888300) PH(IO+) CP(10+) C(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Merbeel ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 9 1700 117 17 P(5-10) H(IO+) W TK SS- PO(;-IO) CM(W+) (00888400) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(10+) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) W PH(lO+) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Talaugaon 10 700 ------Umnhablted ------(00888500)

150 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR Jaguoad (12) 43 2 Plthakhaltl

------UmnhabIted ------38 Khertoh 2

MR Jaglfoad (15) 682 EJarlgun 3

------UninhabIted ------1045 Doowarman 4

MR Jaguoad (17) 155 3 No 5 Ghonslmloo

------Umnhablted ------739 Seshgun 6

------Unmhablted ------1820 Salmara 7

MRFP Jaguoad (12) 207 3 Merbeel 8 Habl

MRFP Jaguoad (18) 170 I Merbeel 9

------Umnhablted ------70 0 Talaugaon 10

151 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

«I ...u eu ~ .5 u ~ 2- J ~ 1 "'0 .<;... I ~ U .0 !a '" "8 ...... u u :-3 c:: 1! ;g 0:> 0 u c:: > .~ •.0 0:> _g .! ~ i:: os e U C!- .::1 <..> u c:>. u ill <5 ..2 c:>. iu .. .0" ;;g .3 E 0:> :9 B 'i' ·tb .a::l~ C!- _g "0 8 -<>§ ~ M a "0 ~ i~ j -5 .~ 0 ..c:: g r1 ! l:g ~ h .... os ..c:: a _en "0 .g .0 ~ 0 "3 '- os c:>. 0 .. .. i ~ .~ jg -" ~ .~ ~ § § ..2 l:~ c:: ...0 8. ... gjl .9OijA "iI l !iii • ra .E .~ ..<..> B "3 ~ "iI ..: '" ::I :a ~ 1if ~ .~ ;i3 ~ .~ u ~ .p u;;::~.8~ en ~ ~ E- ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 <~ ~ en 8.s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Salmari P(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 11 188.0 353 46 H(10+) W TK. SS- PO(;-10) CM(IO+) (00888600) M(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) TK. PH(IO+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhogratb 12 Beel 10.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00888700)

Oojagaon 13 20.0 ------Uninhabited --- (00888800)

CHW 4.No. BS P(5-10) H(IO+) HPTWW - ACS(IO+) CV SP(IO+) 14 Jhaogarh 37.0 77 10 CM(IO+) RS(IO+) M(5-lO) MCW(IO+) TK SS-HP PO(5-10) NCS(IO+) ST(1O+) (00888900) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) C(10+) PHC(5-10) PH(IO+) OCS(IO+) SMP LNo. PM(5- BS H(IO+) TW W TK - ACS{JO+) CV(IO+) 15 Jhaogarh 263.0 235 29 10) CM(lO+) RS(1O+) MCW(IO+) SS-W PO(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (00889000) C(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-lO) PH(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Kahitoli P(5-10) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 16 216.0 345 38 H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(;-10) CM(lO+) (00889100) M(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(lO+)

Seujia Pathar P(5-lO) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 17 183.0 52 7 H(lO+) W TK SS- PO(;-10) CM(IO+) (00889200) M(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS LNo. Borkur P(5-10) H(IO+) HP TW W - ACS(10+) CV SP(IO+) 18 263.0 120 18 CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00889300) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) TK. SS-HP PO(5-10) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(5-10) PH(IO+) OCS(JO+)

Bhuragaon 19 242.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00889400)

Burhagaon 20 66.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00889500)

152 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Iii eCI> '" ~ ~ ~ ~ '"c: ." ~ ~ 'f! I '" U.. i.c Iii '" 1 1:! ~ CI> ::; ..§ > ~ .g g <:> '.::I ] 8 ~ .e l ~ .. ::; j- 5 ;;;.0 ~ ..s E <:> :E'" .s gj 0 i0 '~ _g~j ~ o"d ~ (,,) e~ <1) c: '5 ] '" >. j -5 ,9 ::s'" .... .c: ] ~ i:~ j ._ ]i .8 go ..'" ! .g ~ ~ 0 ._ -.;; ~ ;;;""'"8 .. .s .. 6. 0 ~ lib l:~_ 5l c: _"-« ,!!! ~ ...... = gf ~ ~ .g -.;; 1 ~ 0 fii 8- .~ ]. B .. .c: 7i ..., u .~ '3 '3 ::s ." 'Ii ~ 13%] .~ '5 j ;§ 0 ·1 :a ~:"S! I CI) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & u .;'~ ><1) 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Baruating P(5-lO) H(1O+) W TK SS- PO(;-10) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(lO+) 21 307.0 476 65 CM(IO+) (00889600) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) TK PH(10+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) Bihubari P(2) THPTW BS Kachari ACM« H«S) ACS«5) 22 215.0 533 83 W R C SS- PO« 5) CM«S) CV« S) SP« RS(lO+) Gaon MCW«S) NCS« 5) 5)C« T PH(lO+) CP(lO+) S) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO) (00889700) S) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5)

Bihubari PM« ACS(lO+) CV(S-IO) BS« S) 23 Beel 182.0 IS3 28 5) C(5- H(1O+) T HP TW PO(~ S) CM(S-lO) NCS« 5) SP(5-1O) RS(10+) (00889800) 10) MCW(10+) W R SS-T PH(S-lO) CP(S-10) PHC« 5) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Gamloo 24 138.0 ___ Uninhabited ------(00889900)

Kathpori 25 38.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00890000)

Durabandhi P(2) M - ACS(lO+) CV(10+) BS(10+) 26 210.0 407 72 H(lO+) THPTW PO«5) CM(1O+) C(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00890100) MCW(10+) W R SS-T PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Barunguri 27 109.0 ______Uninhabited ------(00890200)

2.No. Barunguri ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 28 282.0 217 28 P(S-10) H(lO+) W SS-TK PO(5-10) CM(IO+) Beel M(5-10) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) (00890300) C(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Mirikamari 29 312.0 ___ -__ Uninhabited ------(00890400)

Jorbee1 P(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 30 H{lO+) W SS-TK PO(5-1O) CM(lO+) 143.0 82 15 NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00890500) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) 154 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare) ....

"'=' ~ f:l 1 1) 1;1 1:>1) g .S .S II> ., '"C ~ ~ .... ~ . 5 '0' oS .~ 1:;j ,§_ ~ '"C 2 ~ 1 ~ .B Od 5l j W'" ... ~ ~ 'OJ .s ~., '"C .,~ ~ '" 8: §' I e 2 ~ -5 ~ ~ ""CI :g_ .... '+-< 1 ~ .§ CJl g 0 c 8'" II> "'" ~ ~ '"

MRFP J agiroad (19) 188.5 Salmari 11

------Uninhabited ------10.1 Bhogratb Beel 12

------Uninhabited ------19.9 Oojagaon 13

PR MR FP Marigaon (19) ED 37 I 4.No. 14 . Jhaogarh

PR MR FP Marigaon (22) ED 263.1 I.No. 15 Jhaogarh

MRFP Marigaon (21) 216. I Kahitoli 16

MRFP Marigaon (20) 183.3 Seujia 17 Pathar

PR MR FP Marigaon (20) ED 263.0 I.No. 18 Borkur

------Uninhabited ------242.2 Bhuragaon 19

------Uninhabited ------65.5 Burhagaon 20

153 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types ofland use in hectare)··

-a ,§ -aa .su ! g .E .~'" 8 '"8 -a= g IU ... . ~ ~ .t:., ~ _z. ~ ~ ~ & :§ 8 ~ ~ ~ r;/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MRFP Mangaon (23) 3067 Baruatmg 21

MRFP Mangaon (24) NM 300 184 5 Blhuban 22 KachanGaon

TW(30 1 MRFP Mangaon (22) NM 904 30 I 301 Blhuban 23 ) T(30 I) Beel

------Unmhablted ------1381 Gamloo 24

------Unmhablted ------384 Kathpon 25

TW(35 I MRFP Mangaon (27) NM 105 I 350 350 Durabandhl 26 ) T(35 1)

------Umnhablted ------108 8 Barungun 27

2No MRFP Mangaon (28) 2817 Barungun 28 Beel

------Umnhablted ------3 II 5 Mmkaman 29

Mangaon (29) 143 I lorbeel 30

155 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vizo < 5 Ians , 5-10 Ianso and 10+ Ians of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

.. " ---~ u :€ c:= 1:! c:= ;:; ~ 8" u c:= 0'::: g U 0 _g =0 °E ~ ., ~ ~ ., u C; ""u t iu j <:> "" ~ :S! ~ 9- o~ ;;:l"" 0;;;: ~ _g ]~i ~ o'c! "'" 8 is t! Of:: § ta 0~ ~ .. "'" o(! og j -5 0'::: 0 8. t ...... c ta ~.~'" 0 -.; -.;= "i:iCl'l"g If -.; j ., '" .., ~ -3 ....o ~ c:= bI) 1 .~ .~ ~ ::I .... g- 0 .2 a °0 §:;fi 0 '"~ p.. t Oil -.; Oil ..c § " = .., <> ~ ~ ~ -.; <> e 0 :a Of:: ]I ]I ::I :a 0t1 :6 og .., ~ "li ~ ~.g!'l ~ en ~ ~ ~ 1 ;8 ~ a ~ 8_ en u %l I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PM« SootIr Paar ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 31 1700 753 116 5) H« 5) HP TW W PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) (00890600) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) R SS-W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW«5)

Sahana PM« H(5-IO) HP TW W ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 32 Gaon 1880 772 145 5) C(5- CM(5-1O) MCW(lO+) R SS-HP PH PO« 5) NCS(JO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) (00890700) 10) CP(10+) PHC(lQ+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Barukatt PM« H«5) HPTWW - ACS« 5) SP CV« 5) BS« 5) 33 Sahana 161 0 1,064 171 5)C« CM« 5) MCW(IO+) R SS-W PO« 5) NCS« 5) ST(lO+) RS(lO+) (00890800) 5) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) PH« 5) OCS« 5) NW«5)

FWCH« THPTW ACS Malahu P(3) M 5) - BS« 5) 34 172 0 2,585 367 PO PH CM«5) NCS« 5) (00890900) C« 5) MCW(IO+) WTKR CV« 5) SP« RS(lO+) PHC(IO+) SS-T CP(lO+) OCS« 5) 5) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

THPTW DlghahAatl P(2) M ACSOCS SPCV« 5) BS« 5) 35 2930 1,980 306 H« 5) WTKR PHPO« 5) CM«5) (00891000) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) RS(IO+) C«5) MCW(IO+) SS-T CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) NW(10+)

H« 5) Pabhakatt PM TTWW ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 36 1440 667 III MCW(S- PO« 5) CM«5) (00891100) C«S) RSS-T NCS« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(IO+) 10) PHC« PH« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« ACS Barukatt H(JO+) TTWW - BS« 5) 37 560 268 55 5)C« PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(10+) (00891200) MCW(lO+) R SS-T CV« 5) SP« RS(IO+) 5) PH« 5) CP(5-JO) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) 5) ST(10+) NW(10+) P(6) DDADH Bhuragaon M(2) BS PHC RMP HP TW W CM ACSNCS CV(3) SP (Rev) Town 2200 7,112 1,180 S(2) RS(10+) 38 SMP CHW R SS-W PO PH CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) (00891300) PUC C H(10+) NW(IO+)

FWC P(3) Kupattman ACS« 5) SPCV« 5) BS« S) 39 1590 1,742 254 M(2) H(lO+) HPTWW PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) (00891400) MCW(10+) R SS-HP PH« 5) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) RS(IO+) C« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(JO+) NW(lO+) 156 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

..." ] oS~ !i! -5 .:: m 0 i ean '.g e ;>- g an '';:: ~ "3 8 ....(,) N .. ~ t B ~ '" ~ =a 0.. ~0 i:; ~ ~ 0.. e: ~ ~ ..." '- -=g 1 "0 0 g ~ '"....= 8: .5 an e ~ ~ '6 j~ = .. -;; 0.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an - ;>- '': 0 0 '" .., ~ ~ ~ ~ ] § 8~ ~ ~

PC(35.1) MRFP Marigaon (32) NM 70.1 64.9 SootirPaar 31 T(35.1)

TW(31.l PR MR FP Marigaon (10) NM 93.4 31.1 31.1 Saharia 32 ) T(31.1) Gaon

PC(40.2) kati MRFP Marigaon (27) 70.3 50 3 Bru:u 33 T(40.2) Sahana

TK(43.0) PRMRFP . NR NW Marlgaon (28) ED EO N R(43.0) 43.0 2.0 41.0 Malahu 34 T(86.0)

TW(52.5 MRFP Dhing (28) ED EO NM ) R(20.0) 144.6 75.6 Dighali Aati 35 NRNW T(n.5)

PRMR Marigaon (25) ED NM 44.0 100.2 Pabhakati 36

PR MR Marigaon (20) ED NM 56.4 Barukati 37

PC(70.7) PR MR Marigaon (25) EDEAG NM 81.9 67 0 Bhuragaon 38 EO T(70.7) . (Rev.) Town

PRMRFP R(3.0) NR Marigaon (26) NM 67.9 88.0 Kupatimari 39 T(3.0)

157 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"0:1 ~ e >. oS .5 0 ~ ., s ..'" ~ ~c:: ..... -;; ;g tf § O> 0 .. .c:; .;:: 0 § .~ co :E- Co) .~ ~ .:! g ~ -& § "0 0- a '" ...:l ~ '" -§ .tj, ].g~_ u § '" a(! ~ ~ "<:I 8 e~'" c:: ~ ta " e t! .§ ~ 0 '" .... '" .... .s g c~ .,'" Od 8..-:= 0 ..... -;; ~ -;; - .. f ". 0 c:: ~ 1 '<3 ] .~ :l!....:'~ .... 0 '" 0 1 ~ -;; ~ .S1;I..c:: -;; ] '§l ~ ~ ~ 0- .~ <> ~ "'S ~ -;; 'J:: 3 ]i r% .~ ti~;.a ~ .§ ., 0 .g 0~ :a ~ 8~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RMPSMP P(2) CHW - 2.No. Borkur ACS« 5) CV« 5) BS« 5) 40 276.0 1,424 231 M« 5) H(lO+) HPTWW PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00891500) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(10+) C«5) MCW(lO+) R SS-W PH« 5) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5)

Ha10wkandh PM H«5) HPTWW ACS« 5) SPSTCV« BS« 5) 41 a 168.0 150 26 CM«5) C«5) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS« 5) 5) RS(IO+) (00891600) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS«5) NW«5)

PM« ACS BS Neetmari H« 5) HPTWW SPCV(10+) 42 195.0 290 48 5) CM(lo+) NCS(lO+) RS(IO+) (00891700) MCW(lo+) R SS-W PH PO« 5) ST(IO+) C(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) NW(10+) PHC(5-1O)

P(2) NWBS« Iatiabori ACS« 5) SPSTCV« 43 156.0 1,084 157 M«5) H(5-1O) HPTWW PHPO«5) CM(5-IO) 5) (00891800) MCW(10+) SS-HP NCS« 5) 5) C(5-1O) CP(5-10) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5)

Tulsibori P(2) M H«5) HPTWW ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 44 194.0 1,321 209 CM«5) (00891900) C« 5) MCW(10+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 5) ST« 5) NW« 5)

P(2) M Kapurpura H«5) HPTWW ACS« 5) SPCV« 5) BS« 5) 45 156.0 999 155 ACC« CM« 5) (00892000) MCW(lO+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS« 5) ST« 5) RS(1O+) 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) NW«5)

Borhalowkan PM H«5) HPTWW ACS« 5) SPSTCV« BS« 5) 46 dha 121.0 1,287 162 CM«5) C«5) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS« 5) 5) RS(10+) (00892100) CP« 5) PHC«5) OCS« 5) NW«5) FWC P(3) HPTWW Balidoonga H(10+) ACS« 5) CV« 5) BS« 5) 47 216.0 2,679 373 M(2) S PO« 5) CM(10+) (00892200) MCW(IO+) TK R SS- NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C«5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) HP OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Udalbheti P(2) THPTW ACS H«5) - BS« 5) 48 Pathar 118.0 1,834 209 M«5) MCW(lo+) WTKC PH PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(lO+) CV« 5) SP« RS(10+) (00892300) C«5) PHC(S-IO) SS-T CP(10+) OCS(IO+) 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

158 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use _(_As on 1999) Land llse (i.e. area under different types of land llse in hectare)**

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

R(5.0) PRMRFP M' (27) ED NM 65.6 205.7 2.No. 40 NR angaon T(5.0) Borkur

PC(37.2) MRFP Marigaon (35) ED NM 77.8 41 T(37.2) 53.4 Halowkandha

MRFP Marigaon (28) ED NM 109.2 85.7 Neetmari 42

MRFP Nagaon (30) ED NM 104.2 51.8 Jatiabori 43

PC(29.1) MRFP Nagaon (31) ED NM R(20.0) 85.5 59.1 Tulsibori 44 NR T(49.I)

PC(25.2) MRFP Nagaon (30) ED NM 97.9 32.5 Kapurpura 45 T(25.2)

PC(32.1) MRFP Marigaon (27) ED NM 78.2 11.0 Borhalowkand 46 T(32.1) ha

PRMRFP . R(2S.4) NR Mangaon (23) NM 55.5 135.6 Ba1idoonga 47 T(25.4)

TW(59.1 PR MR FP MBrigaon (27) ED NM 29.5 14.8 14.8 Udalbheti 48 ) T(59.1) Pathar

159 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 lons., 5-10 kms. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Iu j § C!. I ] i...o

J io 1u 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DHPHS PhaIiamari SMP CHW HP TW W ACS(IO+) - BS« 5) P(4) M H«5) TKRSS- PHPO«5) 49 Pam 261.0 3.046 446 CM« 5) NCS(10+) CV« 5) SP« RS(10+) S C« 5) MCW(IO+) W (00892400) CP(JO+) OCS(lO+) 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) DHSMP Batalimari P(4) CHWH« THPTW ACS BS 50 Gaon 167.0 2.313 275 M(2) 5) WTKR PH PO« 5) CM(lO+) NCS(lO+) CV« 5) SP« RS(lO+) (00892500) C« 5) MCW(lO+) SS-T CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) 5) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(5-10)

Bordooba P(3) FWC H« T HP TW CM CP« ACS NCS SP CV« 5) BSNW 51 Toop 218.0 2,800 401 M« 5) ~CW(lO+) W TK SS- PH PO« 5) 5) OCS ST(IO+) RS(IO+) (00892600) C«5) PHC(5-to) T

Soondooba P(2) M H(5-10) HP TW W ACS CV«5) BS 52 Toop 189.0 1,107 181 C« 5) MCW(5- R SS-W PO PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00892700) 10) PHC(5- CP(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

ACS Lengeribori P(2) M H« 5) T HP TW SPCV« 5) BS«5) 53 131.0 1,336 CM« 5) NCS« 5) (00892800) 239 S C« 5) MCW(IO+) W TK R PO PH ST(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS« 5) PHC(IO+) SS-T NW(lO+) Boramari P(2) H« 5) Kachari CM(5-10) ACS(5-JO) SP CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 54 187.0 331 50 M« 5) MCW(5- HPTWW PO(~5) Gaon CP(10+) NCS(5-10) ST(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) 10) R SS-W PH(S-IO) (00892900) OCS(5-10) NW(lO+) FWCH« Jengpori ACS(5-1O) SF CV(5-1O) BS« 5) 55 221.0 2.432 388 P(3) M 5) HP TW W PO(~ 5) CM«5) (00893000) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) RS(10+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) R SS-HP PH(S-to} CP(5-1O) PHC(10+) OCS(5-10) NW« 5)

HPTWW Baralimari BS« 5) 56 165.0 2.777 (00893100) 428 ~(~IO) ~~~llO+) TK R SS- PO PH(S-IO) CM(S-10) ~~~g~~ ~~~~) RS(IO+) PHC« S) W CP(IO+) OCS(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) HPTWW GoriaGaon CM(5-10) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 57 147.0 1,327 219 M(2) S H(IO+) TK R SS- PO« 5) (00893200) C(S-IO) MCW(10+) W PH(S-IO) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10) 160 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 TW(115. MRNR 5) Marigaon (25) ED NM 43.5 21.7 65 2 Phaliamari 49 NW R(15.0) . Pam T(I30.5)

TW(83.4 PR MR FP Marigaon (25) ED N 27.8 13.9 41. 7 BataIimari 50 ) T(S3.4) Gaon

TW(43.7 PR MR FP Nagaon (25) ED EO N ) 0(43.7) 43.7 33.7 53.7 Bordooba 51 Toop T(S7.4)

TW(47.2 PRMRFP . ) R(23.6) 23.6 Soondooba NR Mangaon (24) ED EO NM 47.2 23.6 52 0(23.6) Toop T(94.4) TW(32.7 ) R(16.4) MRFP Marigaon (27) ED EO NM 32.7 8.2 24.5 Lengeribori 53 0(16.4) T(65.4)

PC(37.0) MRFP Marigaon (30) NM SO.O 70 0 Boramari 54 T(37.0) . Kachari Gaon

TW(45.7 MRFP Marigaon (30) NM 95.2 80.2 Jengpori 55 ) T(45.7)

MR FP Marigaon (18) NM 164.9 Baralimari 56

MR FP Marigaon (19) NM 146.9 Goria Gaon 57

161 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

HaiborGaon ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 58 182.0 283 43 P(lO+) H(IO+) W TK SS- PO(;-IO) (00893300) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) TK PH(IO+) CM(1O+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Haibor 59 Pathar 144.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00893400)

Kherkata ACS(lO+) CV(10+) BS(JO+) 60 Gaon 42.0 38 9 P(lO+) H(1O+) W TK SS- PO(;-10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00893500) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) TK PH(IO+) CP(10+) C(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Kherkata 61 234.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00893600)

Hoobhaibhet 62 93.0 --•••• - Uninhabited -----•••••• i (00893700)

Makarighila 63 105.0 •••----- Uninhabited ------(00893800)

64 Bamunmora 71.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00893900)

Tengatoli CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 65 62.0 78 II P(ID+) H(lO+) WTKSS- PO(;-IO) (00894000) M(lO+) MCW(lO+) TK PH(IO+) CP(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

P(IO+) H(IO+) W TK SS- - ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 66 Pakariguri 29.0 24 (00894100) 4 M(lO+) MCW(IO+) TK PO(S·IO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Pokaria Beel 27 P(S-lO) H(IO+) HP W TK BS(IO+) 132.0 188 CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 67 (00894200) M(5-1O) MCW(IO+) SS.HP PO(S-IO) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) PH(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 162 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e, area under different types ofland use in hectare)'"

"0:::1 ~ ] ~ a -5 <= ~ ,9 j E ~ 1:0 g bO ,~ v u ~0 ~ .... c:: ~ . El ~ .;::: 'E

MRFP Marigaon (20) 181.8 Haibor 58 Gaon

------Uninhabited ------144.3 Haibor Pathar 59

Kherkata MRFP Marigaon (19) 42.0 60 Gaon

------Uninhabited ------233.9 Kherkata 61

------Uninhabited ------92.7 Hoobhaibheti 62

------Uninhabited ------105.0 Makarighila 61

------Uninhabited ------70.9 Bamunmora 64

MRFP Marigaon (20) 62.2 Tengato1i 65

MRFP Marigaon (21) 29.3 Pakariguri 66

MRFP Marigaon (21) 132.1 Pokaria 67 Bee1

163 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

.... Q) '"~ ~ ,8 ell '5 Q) I "0 2- "0 ~ fii ell ~ 'f! i., U ..0 § .,'" 8 ::s '-"I ell ...... U Q) :.= af -= 0 ,<: ,9= <= 5 0 =0 '5 '~ 1;S -=- u ~ Q) ., <= § "0 1~ "8 {! 'S ::s'" ~ ~ oS 0 ~ § g o'c! 8.. ,.@ ...Q) E '~ -= '" .g ~ ~ ""iii" .~., _en"O 15 '"3 -='+-< ""iii ""iii '" .::s '" .2l ~ 0 ~ ~ ... '" .... § bll .!! "g B .- os ~ 0 ~ §: ., '.g <= ""3 i;i 'i§'al -= ::s • 1 Q) B ""iii <> ] 'C 5 5 ~ ~ ~ ~] § ,~ u ;§ ~ '~] ~:5! r:/) ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ a:. U <2'", >en 8 %! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Handahkatt Kachan P(5-10) H(IO+) HPWTK ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 68 710 ISO 29 PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) Gaon M(5-10) MCW(IO+) SS-HP NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) (00894300) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kherkata ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 69 Pathar 2000 371 53 P« 5) H(IO+) TW W TK PO(;-IO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00894400) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) SS-TW PH(5-10) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lo+)

Kherkata 70 Bon 1090 ------Unmhablted ------(00894500)

Kubetan PM H(IO+) HPTWW - ACS(IO+) CV(5-1O) BS« 5) 71 1120 705 103 CM(5-1O) (00894600) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) R SS-W PO(5-1O) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

FWC Barahman P(4) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 72 Beel 2170 987 146 M«5) H(lO+) HPTWW POPH(lO+) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) R SS-HP NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00894700) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-1O)

P(2) Betam H(lo+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 73 2020 1,661 257 M«5) HPTWW PHPO« 5) CM(5-10) (00894800) MCW«5) RSS-W NCS(lO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) C(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW«5)

Barungun HPTWW P(2) M ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 74 Beel 1790 935 151 H« 5) < CM(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TK R SS- POe 5) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00894900) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) W PH(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Doongarpaar P(2) M ACS(5-10) SP CV(5-10) BS« 5) 75 1970 1,040 156 H« 5) HP TW W PO PH(5-10) CM(~-IO) (00895000) C(10+) MCW(IO+) R SS-W CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) ST(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) NW«5)

Lengen PM« H« 5) ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 76 Gaon 2530 645 97 5) C« HP TW W PO(~ 5) CM(5-1O) MCW«5) NCS« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(lO-l<) (00895100) 5) R SS-HP PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 5) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

164 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

] 1Q

MRFP Mangaon (23) 71 0 Handahkatl 68 KachanGaon

MRFP Mangaon (19) 199 7 Kherkata 69 Pathar

------Umnhablted ------108 7 Kherkata Bon 70

MRFP R(I3 5) Marlgaon (20) 775 207 Kubetan 71 NR T(13 5)

MRFP Mangaon (22) 2172 Barahmarl 72 Beel

TW(60 0 MRFP Marlgaon (14) 792 630 Betam 73 ) T(60 0)

PC(352) MR Mangaon (32) NM 78 I 65 0 Barungun 74 T(352) Beel

PC(40 2) MRFP Marigaon (28) NM 763 75 T(40 2) 80 0 Doongarpaar

PC(532) MRFP Marlgaon (17) NM R(80 0) 950 250 Lengen 76 Gaon T(1332)

165 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 krns. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

r: B rg t;- '" ..s'" .... ] g ~ ~ E .~ j ad 8..- .g ~ .J::> ~ 'S "3 1"'-0 ... 0 .. i ] -.~ '" § ... '" ""'.... § l:~ _~ 0; § -~ ~ = 0 1;3 8: .. -.g ] 12 :; ~ "!;i.e:: § . 0; .. <> ..I' o .~ -c ]I ]I -0 i ts g:a ~ -~

Batahman P(2) M SMP CHW T HP TW H« 5) ACS« 5) 77 Pathar 2350 2,110 292 Aq2) PO PH CM«5) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) MCW(IO+) W TK R NCS« 5) RS(lO+) (00895200) q< 5) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) SS-T OCS« 5) 5) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

Bhukuamarl P(3) SMP CHW T HP TW ACS ACM« H« 5) SPCV« 5) BS« 5) 78 Paam 2000 1,492 255 PH PO« 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) 5)C« MCW«5) WTKR ST(IO+) RS(IO+) (00895300) CP(lO+) OCS(lo+) 5) PHC(1o+) SS-T NW(IO+)

Phohamarl P(3) M SMP CHW T HP TW H« 5) ACSNCS SP CV« 5) BS« 5) 79 Pathar lI20 1,737 297 ACC« PO PH CM« 5) MCW(lO+) WTKR OCS ST(IO+) RS(lO+) (00895400) 5) CP(lO+) PHC(10+) SS-T NW(IO+) DDHSMP HatJlarua P(2) CHW T HP TW BS ACS« 5) SPCV« 5) 80 Pathar l320 1,374 208 ACM« H(IO+) WTKR PH POC< 5) CMCS-lO) RS(IO+) NCS(lo+) ST(IO+) (00895500) 5) C« MCW(IO+) SS-T CP(5-10) NW(10+) 5) PHC < 5 OCS« 5) P(2) M ACS BS Tengagun S H«5) THPTW CVSP 81 1960 2,247 334 CM« 5) NCS(IO+) RS(IO+) (00895600) AC(2) MCW« 5) WRSS-T POPH ST(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) C«5) PHC« 5)

TengaguTi P(2) DDHPHC BS Kacharl ACS« 5) CVSP 82 1840 1,642 279 AC M« H« 5) HP TW W PO PH CM« 5) RS(IO+) Gaon NCS« 5) ST(lO+) 5) C« MCW(IO+) SS-W CP«-5) NW«5) (00895700) 5) OCS« 5)

PAC Batabon H«5) HPTW W ACS« 5) < BS« 5) 83 1210 565 80 M« 5) CM«5) ~ (00895800) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS« 5) CV( 5) SP( RS(IO+) C«5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) 5) ST« 5) NW« 5)

FWCH« Mohman P(3) M BS 5) HPTWW P ACS« 5) SPSTCV« 84 Pathar 1940 3,371 556 SAC CM«5) RS(1O+) MCW(lO+) SS-W PO H NCS« 5) 5) (00895900) C«5) CP« 5) NW(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) DDH P(3) CWCPHC THPTW ACS BS Ootolabon M(3) S SP ev« 5) 85 2230 3,372 521 SMPH« W TK SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) NCS« 5) RS(10+) (00896000) AC(3) ST« 5) 5) MCW« T PH« 5) CP« 5) OCS« 5) NW(IO+) q< 5) 166 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"''''

"0 "0 ~ !a .a<> !a ::I -5 c 0 j ~ .~ ~ bO :§, bOc :E :a ::I 8 ~ <>...... § oS ~ .~ 0 :a <> 1 ... o'. ~ .s ~ ~a. ... ~ e "0 i:; ~ .s ::I go 8.. {il ..2 ._ Co bO ~~ "0 0 1 ~ '" .5 "8 <= <= e ~ 'tii .E! !'.l ... j ·c... ~ ~ rf ~ ~ & :.5 :5 8 ~ ~

TW(70.1 MRFP Marigoon (20) ED N ) R(30.0) SO.I 16.7 33 4 Bhukuamari 78 NR . Paam T(IOO.l)

TW(51.1 MRFP Marigaon (20) ED EO NM ) R(S.O) 18.7 18.7 18.7 Pholiamari 79 NR Pathar T(S6.1)

TW(44.1 MRFP Marigoon (2S) ED NM 44.1 14.7 29.4 Hatilarua 80 ) T(44.1) Pathar

) PRMRFP . EDEAG NR Marlgaon (2 I) N TWE(6S. 32.6 4.1 12.3 Tengaguri 81 EO 3)

PC(38.1) MRFP Marigaon (30) ED NM 99.3 46 S Tengaguri 82 T(38.1) . Kachari Goon

PC(35.1) MR Marigoon (37) ED NM 60.1 25.5 Batabori 83 T(35.1)

PC(60.1) MR Marigoon (30) ED NM 97.9 35.9 Mohmari 84 T(60.1) Pathar

TW(lll. 3) PR MR FP Marigoon (2) ED NM 41.7 41.7 Ootolabori 85 0(27.3) T(138.6)

167 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ Ions of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

i -;;; .t:., <;I) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 P(2) M ACS Jaribor S H«5) THPTW BS« 5) 86 261.0 2,279 342 WTKR PHPO«5) CM«S) NCS(IO+) SP CV« 5) (00896100) AC(2) MCW(lO+) SS-HP CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) RS(IO+) C« 5) PHC(S-IO) NW{IO+) DHSMP PM CHW H« T HP TW Balipara ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 87 121.0 1,246 184 ACC« S) WTKR PH PO« S) CM« S) (00896200) NCS(IO+) CV« S) SP« RS(lO+) 5) MCW(lO+) SS-T CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC 10+

Bhukuarnari PM SMP CHW T HP TW NCS 88 Gaon 83.0 418 65 ACC« H«5) WTKR PH PO« S) CM{IO+) ACS(IO+) SPCV(lO+) BS« 5) (00896300) 5) MCW(lO+) SS-HP CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) RS{10+) PHC(5-1O) NW(IO+)

P(3) M SMP CHW T HP TW Pookarkata ACS NCS SP CV(S-IO) 0+) 89 266.0 1,337 229 S H«5) WTKR PH PO« 5) CM« 5) :~(I (00896400) AC(3) MCW(lO+) SS-T CP(lO+) OCS ST(IO+) NW(IO+) C(5-10)

Barakhiband PM« H(lO+) HPTWW - BS(S-IO) 90 ha 18.0 827 CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 136 5) MCW(lO+) C SS-W PO(5-10) RS(IO+) (00896500) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(5-10) PH(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Pokalagi PAC DH(IO+) HPTWW - ACS(S-lO) CV(S-IO) 91 156.0 571 CM« 5) RS(IO+) (00896600) 89 M« 5) MCW(lO+) C SS-HP PO« 5) NCS(S-lO) SP(S-IO) C« S) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO)

PAC H(IO+) HPTWW Banmuri Bil ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS« S) 92 16.0 597 101 M(S-IO) MCW(S- R C SS- PO« 5) CM«S) (00896700) NCS(S-JO) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) C(IO+) 10) PHC(5- HP PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+) 10

Banmuri P(2) M H(IO+) HP TW W PO(; 5) ACS(S-IO) SP CV(S-lO) 93 Gaon 216.0 1,169 214 CM« S) :~(IO+) AC MCW« 5) R SS W NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW« S) (00896800) C(IO ) - PH(1O+) CP(IO+) + PHC(lO+) OCS(S-lO)

BS Taptola P M S H(IO+) HP TW W PO PH(l 0+) ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 94 267.0 1,369 RS(IO+) (00896900) 244 AC C(5- MCW« 5) R SS-W CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP« 5) 10) PHC(10+) CP(IO+) OCS(S-lO) ST(lO+) NW«S)

168 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 "0 t:a ~u CI> ...... , .~ ,£ 10 ]' E J <.> 1 ...!l o'Cl 1W ~ ~ '" ~ ...... =a E !:l s ~ ~ ~ "C I ~ s ]: e ...!l ~ ~ "CI ~ "0 .... ~ i bJl ~~ c 0 ~ ...'" .~ ~ ';j [ bI) !3 ~ ~ ~ 11 :§ -.a > '" ·c ] :§ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ 8 ~ ! ~ r/2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1 TW(llS. MRFP 5) Marigaon (18) ED NM 43.5 21.7 65.2 Jaribor 86 NRNW R(IS.O) T(130.S)

TW(45A MRFP Marigaon (2S) NM ) R(IS.O) 30.2 7.5 22.7 Balipara 87 NR T(60.4)

0(41.5) MRFP Marigaon (19) ED N 13.8 13.8 13.8 Bhukuamari 88 T(41.S) Gaon

TW(132. PRMRFP . 9) NR Marlgaon (18) ED NM 44.3 22.2 44.3 Pookarkata 89 R(22.2) T(lSS.I)

MRFP Marigaon (19) ED NM 9.8 8.4 Barakhibandh 90 a

MRFP R(28.0) Marigaon (25) ED NM 120.4 7.1 Pokalagi 91 NR T(28 0)

22 Banmuri MRFP Marigaon (20) ED NM 13.4 . Bil 92

PC(192.0 MRFP Marigaon (IS) NM ) R(11.0) 13.0 Banmuri 93 ED Gaon T(203.0)

PC(40.1) MRFP Marigaon (26) NM 110.S 116.0 Taptola 94 T(40.1)

169 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 lans. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHW PAC HPTWW BS DarangJ H(1O+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 95 1170 517 103 M« 5) PO« 5) CM« 5) RS(IO+) (00897000) MCW« 5) TK R SS- NCS(lO+) SP« 5) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-10) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) TW OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

CHW PAC BSRS« JaponGaon H(1O+) HPTWW 96 1670 1,208 194 M« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 5) NW« (00897100) MCW(lO+) RSS-TW PHPO«5) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) C(lO+) 5) PHC(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

PM H(IO+) BS HmduJapan 97 110 0 670 107 AC MCW(5- HPTWW PHPO«5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) RS(lO+) (00897200) C(IO+) 10) R SS-W CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) NW(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC 0+ FWC H(10+) Rupalll Beel ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 98 1870 I,ISS 172 P(3) M MCW(S- HP TW W PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (00897300) C(lO+) NCS(10+) SP« S) RS(lO+) 10) R SS-W CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW«S) PH 10+

BS 1 No P(2) H(IO+) HPTWW ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 99 Borpathar 3660 637 77 M« S) MCW« 5) R SS-W PH PO« 5) CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) (00897400) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lo+) NW«5)

CWC 2No PAC H(IO+) BS« 5) 100 Borpathar 2480 83 6 M« 5) HPTWW PO(~ 5) CM(5-10) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) MCW«5) RS(JO+) (00897500) C(lO+) R SS-W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW«5)

P M S H(lO+) 101 Rauman HP TW W PO(~ 5) ACS(S-lO) CV(S-tO) BS« S) 3020 819 t28 AC C(S- MCW(S- CM(5-1O) NCS(S-lO) SP« 5) ST(5- RS(10+) (00897600) R SS-TW PH(lO+) 10) 10) CP(lO+) OCS(5-10) 10) NW« 5) PHC(IO+) DlghahAti 102 Pathar 2030 ---Unmhablted ------(00897700)

Salmara P(2) M H(IO+) CM(5-1O) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 1980 757 116 AC MCW(5- HP TW W PO(~ 5) 103 Paam RS(1O+) (00897800) C(lO+) 10) R SS-TW PH(10+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) OCS(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(S-lO) PHC(IO+) 170 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 199~ Land use (i e. area under dIfferent types of land use in hectare)··

-0 ] .:!~ 1<1 "5 <=I ~ 5 j bIl ..g = bIl '" g .~ .9 :E -0 -0 8 0 <1) .E a <.> .. ! .~ ~ ., I e <1) .2 ~ .9 §. -0 1 ..= 03 ~ ~ ~ :§ ~ ~ 0 ....:: ~ ~ rZ :! ~ J2 ]' :5 u til ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PCC13 4) PR MR FP Mangaon (27) ED NM 852 180 Darangl 95 T(13 4)

R(54 0) MRFP Marlgaon (18) ED NM 1003 130 Japon Gaon 96 T(54 0)

PC(50 0) MRFP Marlgaon (19) NM 408 191 Hmdu 97 T(50 0) Japarl

PCC42 0) MRFP Marlgaon (20) NM R(356) S5 1 540 Rupalu Beel 98 T(776)

PC(664) MRFP Mangaon (20) NM R(IOO 0) 1500 500 I No 99 Borpathar T(I664)

PCCl27 0 MRFP Marlgaon (20) NM ) 1000 205 2No 100 Borpathar T(1270)

PCC22 0) MRFP Mangaon (17) ED NM 1500 l301 Rauman 101 T(22 0)

DIghahAtl ------Unmhablted ------2029 102 Pathar

PC(140) MRFP Marlgaon (18) NM R(54 0) 1130 170 Salmara 103 Paam T(68 0)

171 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 klns., 5-10 kms and 10+ klns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'iii .... E --Dl'" .s0 c g i .-;;;- -f i.J:J '" ] I., Dl ~ ., 1 .2 .; ..c:: > 0 § u g .. 'IS== .~ ._;:: :§_ u .~ ., C- ., ~ ~ ., '" Q ~ '" j ~ .0 ;!;! ! ]-§ ..... B '" C- _g 'a _<:>§ dd ~ %<> .. e~'" ., ., rg ] "0 ~ ~.§ '" 1;' oS § ... .,... ~ ..c:: fa ~ ~ dd 8..-::: .§ e; _g ~ go taVl-c:l .J:J ~ '0 '- B ~ 8~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PAC BS Jamadan ACS(S-IO) CV(S-lO) 104 330 1,468 225 M« S) H(JO+) HP TW W PO(~ 5) CM(5-10) RS(IO+) (00897900) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) C(5-10) MCW« S) C SS-TW PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(S-lO) ST(5-1O)

PAC NalJan ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) BS« 5) 105 80 103 13 M« 5) H(IO+) HP W C PO« S) CM(S-IO) (00898000) MCW«S) SS-HP NCS(S-IO) SP(5-1O) RS(lo+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(S-IO) PHCe5-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(5-1O) NW(IO+)

PAC R3Jabon H(IO+) HPWC ACS(S-IO) CV(5-IO) BS« S) 106 40 642 101 M« 5) PO« S) CM«S) (00898100) MCW«5) SS-HP NCS(S-lO) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) C(5-IO) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PRCeS-IO) OCS(S-10) ST(5-1O) NW(IO+) DPHS BS Nlz-Gerua PM S H(IO+) HPTWW CM ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 107 260 1,231 217 RS(IO+) (00898200) AC C(5- MCW(IO+) C SS-W PO PR(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(5-IO) SP(5-IO) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+)

P(2) M DR(lO+) - Geruaaatt ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 108 30 1,376 233 S AC MCW« 5) HP TW W PO« 5) CM«S) (00898300) NCS(S-IO) SpeS-to) RS(IO+) C(5-10) PHC(IO+) C SS-W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+) DSMP Bechaman PAC CHW THPTW ACSNCS SP CV« 5) BS« 5) 109 Dooba 2430 1,079 173 M« 5) H(lO+) WTKR PO(5-10) CM«S) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) RS(IO+) (00898400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T PH« S) CP(IO+) NW(10+) PHC(5-1O) DSMP PAC CHWH« THPTW ACS Oogun Paam 110 2050 594 1 I 1 M« 5) 5) MCW(S- W TK R PO« 5) CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« S) (00898500) C(5-10) 10) PHC(S- SS-HP PH« 5) CP(5-10) OCS(lO+) 5) ST(5-10) RS(IO+) NW(IO+) 10 PHSSMP Dholang P(2) M CHWH« THPTW ACS SPCV(S-IO) BS« 5) 111 Khaltl 2250 1,787 267 ACC(5- S) WTKR PHPO« 5) CMC5-10) NCS(lO+) ST(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) MCW(lO+) SS-T CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) (00898600) NW(lO+) PHC(lo+) DPHC Bhuyanbon ACS BS P(2) M SMP CHW T HP TW PH(2)PO« 1420 1,640 292 CM(5-10) NCS(1O+) CV(S-IO) RS(IO+) 112 Paam AC C(5- H« S) W TK R 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) SP« 5) ST(S- NW(lO+) (00898700) 10) MCW(lO+) SS-HP 10) 172 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)* *

1 ] til .M ...= <> <= ]' !ll f5 0 s b1) ·i 2- .€ .., "Q l <> .E! ~ <> .... .~ ,§. <£ ~ ..2 ::§ J 1'Jl i<> 2 .., .s: o'c! § I0 ~ bO .... ~ '" .;; ::§ .., .s ~ ~ 1:: >. -c ~ .s: §: 0 e .., ...!! 1';; -g .s § -c 1ij ..... 1 "t;; '" .§"" bO {l~ '8 ..,0 <= e "" "t;; ~ ·E iii ~ ~ ~ ~ bll a '"~ ·5 ~"" ~ ~ ~ ~ &' ]:; ~ 8~ ] ~ r/l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MRFP R(S.O) Marigaon (23) ED NM 19.9 79 Jamadari 104 NR T(5.0)

MRFP Marigaon (23) ED NM S.4 Naljari 105

MRFP Marigaon (17) ED NM 2.7 1.4 Rajabon 106

MRFP Marigaon (17) ED NM 21.6 4.1 Niz-Gerua 107

MRFP Marigaon (19) ED NM 0.2 2.5 Geruaaati lOS

R(31.0) MRFP Marigaon (IS) ED N 0(131.2) 20.7 20.0 40.4 Bechamari 109 NR Dooba T(162.2)

PC(S5.7) MRFP Marigaon (5) ED N R(17.0) 34.2 17.1 513 Ooguri 110 NR · Paam T(I02.7)

MRFP TW(75.1 Marigaon (IS) ED N ) R(75.1) 37.1 1.0 371 Dholang 111 NR · Khaiti T(ISO.3)

TW(35.6 MRFP ) R(35.6) 156 Bhuyanbori Marigaon (10) ED NM 27.6 11.9 112 NR 0(15.9) · Paam T(S7.0) 173 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz, < 5 lans" 5-10 kms, and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

til t .,S -q)' ,S ~ .,:::0 ~ .z c "0 ~ ';; -8 11) i ., ... 0 ~ ~., U ..c fa '" ,; '" ~ ., 0) =0 G -0 0 ] ~ j ~ .~ 'ii 6 u ~ . 11) § ., ] § ,_ [if .s.... 5 ..c ] c .,'" ~ t:~ .§ ~ ~ = 0 ...c !it ~ '.= 3 '0 .-B :;t § t0 § ..!! 0 .,... 0::: ""' ~ P. c;n 8ti! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SMP CHW T HP TW 113 Gorapar 288 P(3) M H«5) PH PO(5-to) CM(5-10) ACS NCS SP CV(5-10) 342.0 1,579 MCW(IO+) WTKR :~(10+) (00898800) C(IO+) CP(10+) OCS ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(lo+) SS-T

P(2) SMP CHW T HP TW AC(2) H«5) ACS NCS SP CV(S-10) BS« 5) 1I4 Arnaraguri 288.0 860 156 PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (00898900) M« 5) MCW(lO+) WTKR OCS ST(10+) RS(IO+) CP« 5) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) SS-HP NW(10+) P(2) ACS AC M« H« 5) HPTW W - 115 Kamarbori 156.0 554 CM«5) NCS(lO+) SP CV(lO+) BS« 5) (00899000) 89 5) MCW(IO+) R SS-W PO« 5) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) RS(lO+) C(1O+) PHC(lo+) PH(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS 1I6 Patrabori ACS(5-1O) CV(5-IO) 299.0 413 56 P AC H(IO+) HP TW W PO(~ 5) CM«5) RS(lO+) (00899100) M« 5) MCW« 5) C ss W NCS(S-IO) SP(5-10) C(IO+) - PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(5-1O) ST(5-1O)

PMS H(lO+) TWWC ACS« 5) - BS« 5) 117 Gohainbori 7.0 361 CM«S) (00899200) 65 AC C« MCW« 5) SS-W PO« 5) NCS« 5) CV« 5) SP« RS(lO+) 5) PHC(10+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) OCS« 5) 5) ST« 5) NW(10+)

PAC DH(IO+) - Salmara Beel ACS(lO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 42.0 222 37 M« 5) MCW« 5) HP TW W po« 5) CM«5) 1I8 (00899300) NCS(lO+) SP(5-1O) RS(lO+) C(10+) PHC(10+) C SS-HP PH(10+) CP(10+) OCS(lO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+) DHSMP p(2) CHWH« 119 Gerua Beel ACS NCS SP CV(IO+) 211.0 308 57 AC M« 5) T HP TW PH PO« 5) CM«5) :~(lO+) (00899400) 5) MCW(IO+) WRSS-T CP(IO+) OCS ST(IO+) NW(lO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) DHSMP Kanphali CHWH« THPTW ACS NCS CV(lO+) BSNW 120 Toop 100.0 77 14 P« 5) 5) WTKR PO« 5) CM«5) M« 5) OCS SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00899500) MCW(lO+) SS-T PH(lO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) ST(lO+) PHC(lO+)

PAC SMP CHW T HP TW BS H« 5) ACS NCS CV(lO+) 121 Haria Bil 193.0 1,017 184 M« 5) PH PO« 5) CM« 5) RS(IO+) (00899600) MCW(IO+) WTKR OCS SP(lO+) C(10+) CP(10+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) SS-T ST(10+) 174 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

""" ~ """!i3 ~ 1a 13 c j ~ 1a ..:;::0 s boO os ,§. boO .~ ., ~ "3 <.) 0 ...<.) ~ 'Qi' t ..s .~ 0 :3 J u otd ~ ~ B ~ j : .!:- '">. 'ij !:l S ~ a- ~il.> -r:::I ~ "'; B !p.. e ..2 ~ S it li-p.. "0 1;l .... = 1 .8 boO .g'-;)' g 0 == "!;l "iil ~ B U "iil ~ ~ ~ ~ 1>1) :5 ..: ~ U ~ ~ rf ~ ~ Il. ] :§ 8 ~ ~ ~ r/} 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I t'LtllS :» TW(171 PRMRFP EDEAG NR Mangaon (16) EO N I) 570 285 570 Gorapar 113 R(IO 0)

TW(143 MRFP 8) Mangaon (18) ED N 479 240 480 Amaragun 114 NRNW R(24 0) T(1678)

TW(782 MRFP Marlgaon (16) ED NM 26 I 260 260 Kamarbon 115 ) T(78 2)

R(255) MRFP Mangaon (23) ED NM 0(1305) 438 990 Patrabon 116 NR T(l56 0)

MRFP Marlgaon (20) ED NM 44 24 Gohatnbon 117

MRFP Marlgaon (23) ED NM 40 I 20 Salmara 118 Beel

TW(756 PRMRFP NR NW Marlgaon (14) ED ) R(30 0) 352 3S 2 3S 2 GeruaBeel 119 T(1056)

PRMRFP R(249) 250 Kanphah NR Marlgaon (13) ED N 499 120 T(249) Toop

MaFP TW(847 NR Marlgaon (12) ED ) R(12 0) 483 242 242 HarlaBl1 121 T(967)

175 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 krns, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ S .-., II) gj ~ Q ~ ~ ] 0 ..ci ] ..,'" <> I_g j ~ :E 0:: 0 ... ~ «l 0 g e <:> § '.:::I 1l ~ u t:!, a g, "S -! <:> 1- u ";;..0 '" ..:3 (Q <:>- ~ '5, rg = t:!, ~ al dCl ';;: 8 eo ~-5i ., ~.., ..., 8 ~ ·c '-' ---- § '"::s 1 § '" i:i' .... ~ -5 § <=I '- 0 a u 10:: 0 a 1c:>. -;a ""c: .~§~i ..c: § . II) ] 'il <> u I 2:! g .- ..'C "3 "3 ::t :.a 1£ .~~ ~ ,g .., '0 en ~ ~ ~ ~ "'-l ~ I a: 1U .;z~ ~;;~ 8~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kharuherua 122 Beel 62.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00899700) Tengaguri 123 N.C. 72.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00899800) No.1 124 Tengaguri 180.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00899900) No.2 125 Tengaguri 155.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00900000)

Kaurihagi 126 (00900100) 57.0 ------Uninhabited ------

Kashipuri 200.0 ------Uninhabited ------127 (00900200)

Tengaguri 128 Gaon 234.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00900300) Sialmari P(IO+) H(IO+) - 8S(1O+) Kachari ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 273.0 23 6 M(S- MCW(IO W TK SS-pO(5_IO) RS(IO+) Gaon CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) 10) +) TK PH(IO+) NW(IO+ (00900400) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

Kisamguri ------Uninhabited ------130 (00900500) 98.0

Sialmari P M« H(lO+) ACS(IO+) BS« 5) TWW CV(5-10) 131 Gaon 324.0 31 5 5) C(5- MCW(10 PO« 5) CM« 5) NCS(5- RS(IO+) SS-W SP(lO+) (00900600) 10) +) PHC« PH(IO+) CP« 5) 10) NW(lO+ ST(lO+)

P M« H(lO+) BS« 5) Harangtoli TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV(;O+) 132 33.0 299 42 5) MCW(S- PO« 5) CM« S) RS(IO+) (00900700) TW NCS(5- SP(lO+) C(lO+) 10) PH(lO+) CP« S) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+ PHC(S- OCS(IO+) ) 176 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.c. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

.., .., i til ~ til '5 0= j ~ a ..p 0 6 bO .. bO e. .S Q) ~ .., ~ <> ., 0 .§ <> B ., . ~ ';j .;; 8 ~ ~0 .., ., = '" e QJ ~ S ~ i i- 0. 1ij .... ~ 0. Q) bO :g- o 0 ...'" .5 T;l "'" tU ='" e T;l 16 ·e .a ~ = ~ 0. I ~ ~ !:! bO - > ..: '" Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & ] 8 8~ ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

Kharuherua ------Uninhabited ------61.9 122 Beel

Tengaguri ------Uninhabited ------71.0 123 N.C.

No.1 ------Uninhabited ------179.5 124 Tengaguri

No.2 ------Uninhabited ------153.8 125 Tengaguri

------Uninhabited ------56.0 Kaurihagi 126

------Uninhabited ------198.0 Kashipuri 127

Tengaguri ------Uninhabited ------233.0 128 Gaon

Sialmari MRFP Marigaon (25) 273.0 129 Kachari Gaon

------Uninhabited ------97.0 Kisamguri 130

TW(5.5) MR Dhing (10) NM 134.0 47.5 137.4 Sialmari 131 T(5.5) Gaon

TW(7.8) MR Marigaon (30) NM 19.0 2.8 2.7 Harangtoli 132 T(7.8)

177 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ lctns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 Dhumkura 133 (00900800) 144.0 ------Uninhabited ------

P M« H(10+) TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 134 Roumari 161.0 1,474 PO« 5) CM«5) (00900900) 227 5) 5) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW« PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

135 Dhekeramari P M« H(IO+) TW SS- BS« 5) 214.0 177 30 5) PO« 5) CM(S-IO) ACS(lO+) CV(5-10) (00901000) RS(lO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(10+) CP(5-lO) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Chutiagaon 253 P M H(10+) TW SS- BS« 5) 88.0 1,781 PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS(lO+) CV(5-lO) 136 (00901100) C(10+) MCW(lO+) TW RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-lO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) FWC 137 Chenimari 370 P(4) M H(IO+) TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 195.0 2,378 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00901200) C(lO+) MCW« 5) TW NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(1O+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dakhin P(2) - BS 138 Chenimari 179.0 2,932 449 M« 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO« 5) CM(5-1O) ACS« 5) CV« 5) RS(lO+) (00901300) C(lO+) MCW« 5) W PH(lO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

134 P M H« 5) TW SS- ACS(lO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 139 Pambori 112.0 825 PO« 5) CM«5) (00901400) C(lO+) MCW« 5) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(5-10)

Garakhia PM« - ACS(10+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 1,399 245 5) C« H(IO+) TW W SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) 140 Khuti 225.0 NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00901500) 5) MCW(lo+) W PH(10+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) - Borigaon ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 3 M« 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) 141 Pathar 183.0 15 NCS(1O+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00901600) C« 5) MCW(10+) W PH(lO+) CP« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

P(2) - ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 142 Mikirgaon 200.0 2,090 346 M« 5) H(10+) TW W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00901700) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C« 5) MCW(lO+) W PH(10+) CP«5) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) 178 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types ofland use in hectare)··

""~ ""fa ~ til ~ -5 ]' § 111 s "" ! a 0 .S"" 8 '8 ] ~u u ... N ~ ,§_ :a 8 ~ s'" ~ ~ .a ~ 8 ~ ~ ... ~ ~ '">. ~ ';1 .. S ., i e ... 1; ~ ~ §: fir "" :0 ~ til p. -0 0 '" .§ Q """' 1 e til "" Q) Oi p. !a ~ I>D '6 ~~ ~ ~ 'E * - ~ '': ~ ~ ~ Z J J2 * ;§ _l;/;b I 1 on.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

------Unmhablted ------1440 Dhumkura 133

TW(591 MR Mangaon (30) NM 937 39 47 Rouman 134 ) T(59 1)

TW(IOI MR Mangaon (30) NM 2) 1071 16 3 9 Dhekeraman 135 T(l012)

TW(268 MR Mangaon (30) NM 537 73 Chuhagaon 136 ) T(26 &)

TW(814 MR Mangaon (30) NM 1071 63 02 Chemman 137 ) T(81 4)

TW(535 MR Mangaon (30) NM III 9 69 68 Dakhm 138 ) T(53 5) Chemman

TW(427 MR Mangaon (30) NM 427 202 65 Pambofl 139 ) T(42 7)

TW(67) MR Mangaon (15) N 1806 11 1 25 7 Garakhla 140 T(67) KhutJ

TW(27) MR Dhmg (10) NM 886 228 684 Bongaon 141 T(27) Pathar

TW(163 MR Dhmg (10) N 150 1 68 274 Mlklrgaon 142 ) T(16 3)

179 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

-.a ~ 'in' .s ~ iil ~ !d. .! ~ II> 'il 'Vi' U'" .&0~ '" II> ;§ 0: ..c:: fa <5 ;;. §, -lB i ....l .. ~ t.!- o ·th _1!!"'~ '0 § '" <1d ~ ..r:: "0 ut .. B~'" !Ll Q ... 5 t! .1:: 0 ta § .'::: ... .s ..:: § <= ~.g§~i ~ § ~ 1 ., ~ Q. u ~ ~ .. .1:: "3 "3 <> :a ~ 1'1 § f3~:a i§ .§ 0> 0 0 l:i o en ~ ;Z ;§ p.. S ~ ~ 1 ::8 U ~~ ~>~ U '" I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 FWC P(3) Katham ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 143 2000 1,668 282 M(2) H(1O+) TW W SS- PO PH(5-1O) CM« 5) (00901800) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C« 5) MCW(IO+) W CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

P(2) Barkhabal H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 144 1340 2,364 328 M« 5) PO« 5) CM« 5) (00901900) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(JO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Raja PM H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 145 Gadhowa 1430 1,977 339 PO« 5) CM« 5) C(10+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00902000) PH(lO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bogahpara PM« H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 146 Gaon 2520 2,565 388 5) PO« 5) CM«5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00902100) C(10+) PH(10+) CP(5-1O) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chetual P(2) H(IO+) TWSS- ACS{IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 147 Khaltt 1620 1,582 245 M« 5) POPH(lO+) CM«5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00902200) C(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BogaJtpara PM H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 148 Pathar 1440 915 155 PO« 5) CM(IO+) C(10+) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00902300) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Marttal! H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 149 1390 1,490 199 5) PO(5-10) CM« 5) (00902400) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dhtngaratt P« 5) H(10+) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 150 1610 2,426 411 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00902500) M«5) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) FWC Amaragufl P(3) M H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 151 2890 3,348 502 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00902600) C(10+) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chatlantoh PM H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-IO) BS« 5) 152 2430 2,809 468 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00902700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) 180 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Diredory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (1 e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

""Cj e ""Cj .E fa Col la OJ ~ .. cu .6 ., !3 ~ . ~ 'a .Q S ~ ~.., cu 'S§ ..c §: IPo. e ::g ___ ~ Col S §' ""Cj .... 1 '0 0 ~ t; '" Po. .5 bI) <= '" ~ ~ cu = ~ ~ ~ ~ e .E E ~ .. _Z_ :§ ;5_ "'3 ~ _1'" 5 ~ ~ I ~ ~ u lib ~

TW(10 5 MR Dhmg (10) N 1491 112 295 Kathanl 143 ) T(lO 5)

TW(624 MR Mangaon (28) NM 602 01 114 Barkhabal 144 ) T(624)

TW(198 MR Mangaon (27) NM 739 397 95 Raja 14S ) T(19 8) Gadhowa

TW(S36 160 Bogahpara MR Marlgaon (30) NM 1821 01 146 ) T(S3 6) Gaon

TW(46 0 96 Chetual MR Marlgaon (27) NM 937 125 147 ) T(46 0) Khaltl

TW(229 3 1 Bogahpara MR Marlgaon (28) NM 669 513 148 ) T(22 9) Pathar

TW(583 MR Marlgaon (26) NM 706 10 94 Montoh 149 ) T(S8 3)

TW(336 MR Mangaon (27) ED NM 1016 36 222 DhmgaraU ISO ) T(33 6)

TW(133 9) MR Marlgaon (29) ED NM 210 26 336 Amaragun lSI 0(1061) T(240 0)

TW(783 MR Marlgaon (26) NM 1339 22 282 Chatl3ntoh 152 ) T(78 3)

181 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'- -.a := § 0 '0 '.;:l ~ _g .~ .~ e U ~ ~ .::! <> ., 0. tJ on '" 0 .;g '"<> ca.o .3 liP -0 i ~ .~ :g .;;;: d- ::g 0 _-u~13=--- ~ = ., e~ Q) Q) on §'" G i! '1: § 1 '" on '"c:: ~ oS .. ..c:: ] c Q) ~ 8.. ..g 0 ..<1J _g= .~ .... ~ go ~ .;;;: 0 ;3 .... -a "E ~ '-s <1J ~ = ·c-a "3 13 <> :.a ~ 1i .~ :a ~.g] ~ .g' Q) .g ·c Q I _;eg o !3 ~ ~ l Z'" ~ -~ ~ u ~>'" u on ""1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Dhupaguri P(2) M H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(JO+) CV(5-IO) OS(IO+) 153 181.0 908 164 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00902800) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Bhuyanbari PM« H(JO+) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV« 5) OS« 5) 154 Pathar 212.0 1,892 300 5) PO« 5) CM« 5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00902900) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWC Borungoni P(3) M OS ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) ISS Pathar 258.0 2,172 431 S H(10+) TWWSS- POPH(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(lO+) W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) (00903000) C(1O+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

PM« Salsingabori ACS(JO+) CV(IO+) OS« 5) 156 201.0 334 56 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM(iO+) (00903100) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W PH(JO+) CP{lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mahdola P(2) M ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 157 Bori 214.0 768 156 H(lO+) TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00903200) MCW(lO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) Titatala ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) OS« 5) 158 253.0 1,604 275 M« 5) H(lO+) TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM(5-10) (00903300) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PM« Jengarbori H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CV(5-to) OS« 5) 159 237.0 502 82 5) PO« 5) CM« 5) (00903400) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(iO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dewaguri PM ACS(JO+) CV(5-IO) BS(5-IO) 160 150.0 1,601 271 H(IO+) TWWSS- POPH(10+) CM(5-IO) (00903500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(tO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PM« Duarnari ACS(JO+) CV(5-tO) OS(IO+) 161 251.0 1,813 306 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM«5) (00903600) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(JO+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(5-tO) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 182 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.eo area under different types of land use in hectare)··

..., ..., !il ~<> >. ~ s ~ "CO., ;; IQ. e ..!! ~ ~ g. ..., 1<1 .... ~ Q. ..g~ -0 0 ~ "liS 05 bIl c ., i e "liS ~ os ~ -.a Q. iii ~ "liS bIl .a .. ~ e °E - > °C... ~ ~ £ ~ ~ ~ § 8 ~ ~ ~ <'-l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(535 MR Mangaon (26) NM 783 336 IS 4 Dhupagun 153 ) T(S3 5)

TW(62 0 13 6 Bhuyanban MR Mangaon (25) NM 937 425 154 ) T(62 0) Pathar

TW(69 0 MR Mangaon (25) ED NM 1268 384 19 6 Borongom 155 50) T(69 0) Pathar

TW(62 0 MR Mangaon (25) ED NM 1229 20 134 156 ) T(62 0) Salsmgabon

TW(62 I MR Marlgaon (25) ED NM 1242 113 166 Mahdola 157 ) T(62 1) Bot!

TW(IOO MR Mangaon (35) N 0) 400 250 879 Tltatala 15& T(IOO 0)

TW(8S 2 MR MarlgaoI:l (26) NM 1339 41 142 Jengarbon 159 ) T(8S 2)

TW(500 MR Marlgaon (25) ED NM 400 200 398 DewaguTI 160 ) T(50 0)

TW(95 0 MR Marlgaon (15) NM 600 350 613 Duamarl 161 ) T(95 0)

183 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 Ians., 5-10 Ians. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place where the facility is available is given)

J...... <:> i <:> u t!.-

I.... o j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P M« H(IO+) TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 162 Batabon 1600 651 124 5) PO« 5) CM«5) (00903700) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P M« H(10+) TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 163 Borbon 3130 1,512 207 5) PO« 5) CM«5) (00903800) NCS(lO+) SP(JO+) RS(JO+) C(lO+) MCW(lo+) TW PH(lO+) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) H(IO+) - BS(5-10) 164 Udkatl 1620 1,845 272 M« 5) MCW(5- TW W SS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) (00903900) RS(IO+) C(5-lO) 10) PHC(5- TW PH(IO+) CP(10+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+) 10 P(3) FWC ACS(10+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 165 Sapkau 1740 1,468 240 M« 5) H(IO+) HP TW SS PO(~ 5) CM«5) (00904000) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(5-lO) MCW(1O+) HP PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS« 5) 166 Kachanbon 2240 3,606 586 P(2) M H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(IO+) CVe5-tO) (00904100) C(S-JO) MCW(10+) TW PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(tO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

FWC P(4) BS ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 167 Bowalgun 3690 3,408 540 M(2) S H(IO+) HP TW SS PO(~ 5) CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00904200) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(10+) MCW(IO+) HP PH(IO+) CP(IO+) N":(lO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(lO+) ST(lo+) FWC P(3) M H(IO+) - ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 168 Bonbandha 1960 2,035 403 S MCW(5- TWWSS- PO«5) (00904300) CM(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) 10) PHC(5- TW PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO-i') ST(IO+) NW(lO+) 10

P~ - BS 169 Laobhurunga 240 0 1 809 341 M« 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) RS(IO+) (00904400) , C(IO+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lo+) SP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

PM« - 170 PatJabandha 2420 183 40 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- PO« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (00904500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W PH(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

184 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use_{_As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare) ......

-c -0 !il ~ lil <.::l ..c: § !il'" ~ •.;:1 i e bIl bIl j 6.., .€ .§ c:.> ., .a ...'"c:.> .., .S U' c:.> .s ~ 10 5 ., ~ :a till <> E ., ~ '" § ~ ....., ~ '";>., ~ oS ~ ~ ~ 5 -c ~ ~ .s: ..c: oS §' c.. e E .!! ~ "® c:.> §. "0 .... til ...'" c.. .5 '"till ~~ <= ..,0 <='" [ til 1 ~ ";l !ij ~ ~ e bO :5 -.a > ·c :§ '" .., ..'t Z & Z I & :.5 8~ ~ ~ CI:> 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(667 MR Mangaon (25) NM 803 57 75 Batabon 162 ) T(66 7)

TW(110 MR Mangaon (26) NM 7) 1740 277 Borbon 163 T(110 7)

TW(95 0 MR Mangaon (25) NM 350 152 180 Udkatl 164 ) T(95 0)

TW(I6I MR Mangaon (16) NM 1287 I 5 28 I Sapkatl 165 ) T(I6 I)

TW(105 MR Mangaon (28) ED NM 0) 500 260 43 I Kachanbon 166 T(1050)

TW(136 MRFP Mangaon (31) NM 6) 1796 483 40 Bowalgun 167 T(1366)

TW(6I2 PRMR Mangaon (25) ED NM 1224 55 66 Bonbandha 168 ) T(61 2)

TW(72 I MR Mangaon (25) ED NM 1442 I 8 169 ) T(72 I) 22 I Laobhurunga

TW(704 MR., Mangaon (25) ED NM 1408 1 5 289 Patlabandha 170 ) T(70 4)

185 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 lans., 5-10 lans. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O! 5 ~ l:l ... rg -s .5 0 ... '" '"0 ~ J '"0 ~ 'f 0 I rg ..0 fa ...'" tJ _g --- 8 :E of '" ...c:: ... tJ !il c:Q .~ 15 :§. u 0 .~ 1i 'j t:!- ~ 1;l tJ -a...... iu Iii ..£:j'" c: 0. j ~ 1l 'i' .~ rg := t:!-"" '"0 a"'---<3 § I=Q &d > 8 ] ~.;:: ... 0:: 1 fa '"0 % -5.. 0 '" i~ t;p .~ 0 l:l ..c:: fa g rJ &d &.~ .g ~ l:l '- ..Q'" . '';::

P(2) Lalaibori H(IO+) ACS{lO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 172 470.0 1,989 286 M(2) S HPTWW PO(;5) CM(1O+) (00904700) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+)' C(lO+) SS-HP PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) FWC Garaimari P(3) M H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) BS«5) 173 329.0 4,269 758 POPH(IO+) CM(1O+) S C« 5) MCW« 5) TW NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(1O+) (00904800) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS{lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mahmara PM H(10+) ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) 8S« 5) 247.0 1,631 299 TW W SS- poc; 5) CMCIO+) 174 Bill C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(10+) (00904900) w PH(10+) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+) FWC P(5) H(IO+) BS Nagabandha M(3) S CM ACS(IO+) CY(10+) 282.0 4,639 830 MCW(S- HP TW SS PO PH(IO+) RS(IO+) 175 PUC CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) (00905000) 10) PHC(5- TW NW(lO+) C(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) 10 FWC P(4) M PatuaKata . H(10+) TWSS- ACS{lO+) CY(IO+) 8S«5) 352.0 2,180 300 S C(5- POPH(IO+) CM« 5) 176 MCW(lO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) (00905100) 10) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWCH(5- Borchala - P(3) M 10) HP TW PO« 5) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BSRS 177 Pathar 477.0 2,375 394 CM«5) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) NW(10+) (00905200) MCW(lO+) TK SS-HP PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Barchala P(2) H(IO+) BS ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) 222.0 2,174 383 M« 5) MCW(S- : TW SS PO PH(lO+) CM« 5) RS(10+) 178 Gaon NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (00905300) C(lO+) 10)PHC(5- CP(10+) NW(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) 10 FWC P(3) Palahjuri H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(10+) BS« 5) 179 404.0 3,113 459 M«5) PO« 5) CM«5) (00905400) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(5-10) CP«5) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 186 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 "0 ta ..() ~ -5 4) ! .~ 4) :§_ d'd ~ ~ ~ >-. ~ :a E.;; ,Q El ~ ~ .. I e "CI ., iii -5 El ;r "0 ~ ..... § t:; ~ bll ~~ '0 0 0 .9"" t:; 0:: ., '" "" t:; ~ ~ Oi= l!S.. ~ ~ ~ e :§ a '': - ~ CD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :§ :5 8 ~ ! ~

TW(6S.3 PRMR Marigaon (24) ED NM 154.0 116.6 30.5 Lahariparn 171 ) T(68.3)

TW(134. MR Marigaon (27) ED NM 0) 273.0 59.1 4.3 Lalaibori 172 T(134.0)

TW(133. PRMR Marigaon (25) NM 9) 167.6 9.2 IS.7 Garaimari 173 T(133.9)

TW(93.S Mahmara MR Marigaon (2S) ED NM 124.5 11.0 174 ) T(93.S) 17.1 Bill

TW(2S.5 MR Marigaon (30) ED NM 223.4 13.2 175 ) T(28.5) 16.1 Nagabandha

TW(S7.5 MR Marigaon (25) N 38.6 90.1 136.0 PatuaKata 176 ) T(87.5)

TW(7.4) MR Marigaon (30) N 299.9 107.0 62.7 Borchala 177 T(7.4) Pathar

TW(16.1 MR Marigaon (42) NM 149.2 99 46.7 Barchala 17S ) T(16.1) Gaon

TW(S.O) MR Dhing(IO) 132.5 133.0 129.5 Palahjuri 179 T(S.O)

187 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 Ians., 5-10 Ians. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

O! ___ E! u .B .s ~ ~ 0 -8 .", ~., 0 I 'in' i.0 ta u ~ c.> u ::s 8 .,; ..Q ., ;g .. ;E c.> § .. 8 § .~ ·0 ·E ~~ ~ u C!- .g, ~ <.> u eQ) .. ;; Co. '" ~ i.5, .3 0 :S! ~ s::s'" ___ .> C!- 6 ]~i old = ..8 ] <.> % .. = ~ .", 0 '" ~ -5 .~ 0 a '" ! i:_g .g= t ...... Q = ..;::.. ]en"", f ~ 0 "3 .... OJ OJ _" ~ .. Co. 0 I ~ .~ '" 0 0 "2 o=~ .~ ~ 0 .. = Q) .;:: 1 ""' ~ Co. .. .~ OJ "3 ~ .",.e "'] OJ .. c.> I...r ..: ::s ~ ~ .5, :a ~g:a ~ .! ., ~ ~ 0 o a en E- E- i2 ~ U ~~b$ ~ 1 f ~

FWC ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 180 Saruchala 3020 3,276 539 P(3) M H(IO+) TW W SS- poe; 5) CM«5) (00905500) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

D(l1) DA P(241) DH(10) T(30) M(77) CWC(2) W(123) TK(4S) ACS(26) S(24) PHC(4) PO(22) CV(7) ST(4) 8S(37) Block Total 32017.0 196423 31382 PUC(2) PHS(3) HP(87) CM(4) NCS(ll) RS PH(39) SP(31) NW(9) C FWC(22) TW(132) OCS(9) RMP(2) R(S9) AC(SO) SMP(22) C(13) CHW(23)

188 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)**

.." ~ E <> 1 0 S OJ) ., g .sOJ) 8 ... ~...... <2 ~ ., 0 '6 f ..!:! 1W <> ]' i ~ . :a t S ~ ~ ~ -Q ~ 1;; ~ {i B .. 8. e ... i {ij< .." ~ ($ .... 1 ., t;; Po. OJ) ~~ 0 0: ...'" .5 t;; ... 0: t;; t::

TW(4.0) MR Dhing(lO) 73.2 101.3 122.8 Saruchala 180 T(4.0)

53) TW(493 0.28) TWE(65. PR(25) 29) MR(151) ED(72) N(121) FP(93) EAG(3) 50 TK(42.9 11570.4 1759.5 10880.3 M(102) • 8) NR(28) EO(9) R(980.21 NW(9) ) 0(536.11 ) T(7794.4


Village Directory Data of Mairabari Pt. CD Block

VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon senill Name 2001 Census 1991 Census seriill Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Mairabari Pt. 22 Haldhibari 00908700 120030001000100037 Name of Sub-Dist: 0003 23 Hatimuria 00907700 120030001000100044 I Bahalamukh 00909600 120030001000100049 24 Hogaltoli 00908400 120030001000100027 2 Barchapari 00906800 120030001000100019 25 LaJirpar 00909000 120030001000100048 3 Belabori 00909700 120030001000100062 26 Lengeribori 00909400 120030001000100064 4 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 00906500 120030001000100003 27 Leruamukh 00905900 120030001000100001 5 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 00906900 120030001000100018 28 Lochanabori 00909500 120030001000100047 6 Bhelouguri 00906600 120030001000100020 29 Madarguri 00907000 120030001000100004 7 Borbori 00908600 120030001000100050 30 Mairabari Gaon 00907900 120030001000100043 8 Borthal Dolaigaon 00907400 120030001000100024 31 Mairabari Town 00907600 120030001000100022 9 Borthal Kachari Gaon 00907500 120030001000100023 32 No.1 Rangrai 00905700 120030001000100093 10 Datialbori 00908500 120030001000100028 33 No.2 Rangeai 00905800 120030001000100093 11 Dungarpar 00908900 120030001000100039 34 No.3 Rangeai 00906300 120030001000100093 12 Dura Bandhi Bi! 00908000 120030001000100042 35 Norchingbori 00908800 120030001000100038 36 Sagunbahi 00907800 120030001000100045 13 Durabandhi Gaon 00909200 120030001000100046 37 Saharia Gaon 00909300 120030001000100066 14 Garaimari 00906200 38 Saharia Pam 00910000 120030001000100065 15 Garaimari Gaon 00906100 120030001000100092 39 Saulmari 00907200 120030001000100016 16 Garaimari Pathar 00906000 120030001000100002 40 Sitolimari Gaon 00905600 120030001000100090 17 Gariabori Gaon 00909100 120030001000100040 41 Sitolmari Pathar 00906400 120030001000100091 18 Gariabori Pathar 00908100 120030001000100041 42 Sunarigaon 00907100 120030001000100005 19 Gunaibori 00909800 120030001000100063 43 Tatikata Pathar 00906700 120030001000100021 20 Hahchara Gaon 00908200 120030001000100025 44 Ulubari 00907300 120030001000100017 21 Hahcharabori 00908300 120030001000100026 45 Uralkata Pathar 00909900 120030001000100067

193 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krns., 5-10 Ions. and 10+ Ions of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

Q) :s ..s0 .= .g '" 2- J j ~ ia Of! 0 ., 1 ] OJ ..0 '" <.> ... ::s U 1l ., II> :E <= 0 ..<= .~ 0 u 0 0 .~ ~ .~ g i:: u ..r:: <.> ., ~ ~ 0 ""cu i<.> '" .3 0 ~ "2 .~ ]-§~ '" ~ ~ '0 _U§ dd > ..r:: f<.> e~'" OJ ] o !§ ~ § t;- ... .s ." ..r:: ] <= ~ l:g ... "-' ...: •.;:1 ..'" .~ ~ 0 .. J ~ OJCJ"J-g 0 ~ "- OJ "S > .. 0 <= I !;O e .2 <=.....:'< .~ j "-' 0 ] .a ... g II> .g OJ 0 ~ ~ .~ 0; :; ~ .. ..r:: l § . II> I u ~ ~ "3 "3 g 'i3 til' ~ .5, :6 ~g:.a ~ .g CI"l... <,g 1 e3 e3 1 cil ~ f ~ 8 ~~~ 8ti! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CD Block MaIraban Pt 0003

Sttohman PO(S- - - + CY(S- P«5) H(5-10) TW S$- BS«5) Gaon 640 186 26 10) CM(S-IO) ACS(IO ) 10) M«5) MCW(IO+) TW RS(5-10) (00905600) PH(5- C(5-10) PHC(10+) CP(5-10) ~~~!~:~ SP(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) ST(lO+)

No 1 TWW P M(5-10) H(10+) PO(5- ACs(10+) Cye5- BS(10+) 2 Rangrat 1530 784 115 TKSS- CM(10+) C(lO+) MCW(10+) 10) NCS(10+) 10) RS(10+) (00905700) TW CP(IO+) PHC(10+) PH(IO+) OCS(10+) SP(lO+) NW(IO+) ST 10+ No2 P(10+) H(IO+) W TK SS-PO(5- ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 3 Rangral 740 33 6 CM(10+) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) TK 10) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(1O+) (00905800) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Leruamukh P(2) M H«5) TW SS- ACS(IO+) CY« 5) BS« 5) 4 3210 1,543 245 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00905900) C«5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Garatman P(lO+) H(lO+) W TK SS- PO(5- ACS(10+) CY(lO+) BS(10+) 5 Pathar 2760 496 84 CM(10+) M(5-10) MCW(10+) TK NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(10+) (00906000) 10) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(10+) PH(lO+) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

Garatmart TWW P M(5-1O) H(lO+} PO(5- ACS(IO+} CV(5- BS(IO+} 6 Gaon 2380 792 115 TK S$- CM(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(10+) 10) RS(10+) (00906100) TW 10} CP(10+) PHC(IO+) PH(10+) OCS(IO+) 81'(10+) NW(IO+) ST 10+

Garatman P(lO+) H(lO+) W TK SS- PO(5- ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS(lO+) 7 1460 125 22 CM(IO+) (00906200) M(5-10) MCW(10+) W 10) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) PH(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+~ No3 P(IO+) H(10+) W TK SS- PO(5- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 8 Rangral 240 159 22 CM(lO+) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) TK NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) (00906300) 10) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(10+) PH(10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Sttolmart P«5) H(IO+) TW SS- ACS(10+) CY(10+) BS(10+) 9 Pathar 1870 324 51 PO(10+) CM(10+) M«5) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(10+) 81'(10+) RS(10+) (00906400) PH(lO+) CP(10+) C(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(10+) 194 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

e "".g 11 ~ :a "5 § j ~ 6 .~ e bO ,§_ bO .."> .~ .9 "3 u'" .., "" "" ., . 9 -5 B ~ >. ~ ! .&J ~0 ~ j .. e -§~ __ ~ "5 i Ii' ." .... <;;; c::>. .§ 1bO -0 0 ~ '" <;;; .. u e'" 1;; ~ ·s .a ~ Ol ~ ~ ~ ~ e bO - > "5 ~ ~ ,£ ~ ~ &' ·s ~ 8 ~ ] ~

MR Dhmg(14) 643 Stt ohm an Gaon

PRMR Dhmg(19) ED 533 1000 No 1 2 FP Rangral

No2 MRFP Dhmg(20) 236 500 3 Rangral

Mangaon TW(20 1) MR N 2584 262 163 Leruamuk 4 (29) T(20 1) h

MRFP Dhmg(22) 62 270 0 Garruman 5 Pathar

PRMR Dhmg(23) ED 792 158 4 Garalmarl 6 FP Gaon

MRFP Dhmg(22) 487 975 7 Garalman

MRFP Dhmg (21) 8 1 160 No 3 8 Rangr81

MR NW Marigaon R(7 2) T(7 2) 803 100 0 Sttolman 9 (43) Pathar

195 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ Ians of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

til 6 ... II> ';;;' .5 ~ ., ~ ~ Q) j " ~ ~ U= i.c "'"Iii '" "'"8 Q) .; ..c II> ~ 0 ~Q) 0 .. '<3 = g 0 .~ 'ia U t!- ~ 0 .., ~ ...<:> <> '" ..3 <:> 3 Ie '" t!- o 'tb &?I :J "I0 1~~ 6~ Q) C!> ] ~ § ~ .... g '" ...... oS ..c "'"Iii II> Q) 'ia 5 '" ~_00"0 i:~ .g ~ E ....0 ..c ~ ~ ta"' On ';> ""3 .... ~ !;h .... _ !'3 B p., 0 .. :g.....l'~ 0 ~ a 0 '2 ~ .... '" 0 ... ..;:: = ~ .~ 0 !\i p., ., B ~ :; i otal..c 1 Q) .c .. ..0 ..·c ~ "til' § .~ ;:a l3 g] ~ .~ Q) ~ ~ 0 0 00 ~ E-< E-< ~ "'"~" ~ J jO.., u ~l3 ~~Vl 8 t! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Bhajakhaiti PM« H«5) TW ss- ACS« 5) 10 Gaon 175.0 663 99 5)C« PO« 5) CM«5) CV(~ 5) SP« BS« 5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS«5) (00906500) 5) PH« 5) CP{5-10) 5) ST(IO+) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS«5) NW(IO+)

Bhelouguri PM H«5) TWSS- ACS(10+) 11 147.0 1,264 210 PO« 5) CM«5) CV(: 5) SP« BS« 5) (OO906600) C« 5) MCW{lO+) TW NCS(IO+) PH(10+) CP« 5) 5) ST(10+) RS(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tatikata P(2) H«5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS(5-1O) 12 Pathar 374.0 5,759 913 M«5) PO« 5) CM«5) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00906700) C«5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) Barchapari H« 5) TW SS- ACS(10+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 13 134.0 3,440 598 M«5) PO« 5) CM« 5) (00906800) MCW(10+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C« 5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW{10+)

Bhajakhaiti P(2) H« 5) TWSS- ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 14 Pathar 129.0 1,548 268 M« 5) PO« 5) CM(IO+) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00906900) C«5) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Madarguri ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 15 169.0 255 36 P(IO+) H(10+) W TK SS- PO(;-IO) CM(IO+) (00907000) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) TK PH(IO+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

PM(5- Sunarigaon ACS(10+) CV{5-10) BS(IO+) 16 169.0 749 120 10) H(1O+) TWWTK PO(;-10) CM(10+) (00907100) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-TW PH(IO+) CP{IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P(2) M Saulmari ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 17 199.0 2,114 355 ACC« H« 5) HP TW SS PO(~ 5) CM« 5) (00907200) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 5) MCW(lO+) HP PH« 5) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Vlubari PM ACS(5-1O) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 18 234.0 1,749 243 H(5-1O) TW R SS- PO(;-10) CM(5-10) (00907300) C(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) MCW(lO+) TW PH(10+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

196 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999_l Land use (Le. area under different types ofland use in hectare) ....

] ] ..su ~ 0: §'" 9 j 6 ~ t;i bO 2- .5 <> ~ u f ] u ... <> ., .6 ~ .. ~ t;l .. .5 ..s :.a u~ '-' .!! ., E ~ 13 .£ ~ ad 0 [(j ~ ~ ..0 '" ~ !:> s:>. ~ .... ~ = .s ~ ... ~0 "'0 &; ;; .9 g. s:>. e ..... ] ~ "'0 ~ '0 0 1 -:;; s:>. .§ .£ ~- ., 8 D -:;; -:;; .a ~ = '" s:>. ~ ~ ~ bO ·e - > .. ...:: ~ ·E'" ~ ~ ",., ~ ~ ~ ~ 8~ ~ ~ en.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MR Dhmg (10) ED NM 948 683 11 0 BhaJakhaltl 10 Gaon

0(174) MR Mangaon (25) ED N 1238 01 58 Bhelougun 11 T(l74)

PRMR Dhmg (10) ED NM 2979 213 54 4 TaUkata 12 Pathar

MR Dhmg (10) EDEAG NM 971 146 22 3 Barchapan 13

24 0 BhaJakhaltl MR Dhmg (10) ED NM 981 72 14 Pathar

MRFP Dhmg (19) 1692 Madargun 15

PR MR FP Mangaon (25) ED 1690 Sunangaon 16

TW(145 MR Dhmg(IO) NM 1634 21 2 Saulmarl 17 ) T(14 5)

Mangaon (32) NM 2289 04 45 Ulubarl 18

197 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges vizo< 5 lanso, 5-10 kmso and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

"t;j ecu ..... '00' .B 09 ~ 0 2- ~ cu 1 ~ 0 'Ui' ..0 "'" tU "'"U I 8 !a '" .<:: ;:; g ~ 1:£ § '"~ o~ :§_ 0 liJ ] ~ U ~ ... ~ ., g>" .... -& ., ] ., 0 '" Oj~ '":g ] 0 ~ 9' 0!,1, ~ ] 0 ., ~-5i III ~ ~ u <.> u .. 0.g OJ - g 0.godl A ;::I • 1 ~ $ ;::I '" 01 tU u °1 0:6 ~ g 0- 0':., ~ i ~ tf ~ o~ E-< j~ Vl ~ ~ Z ~ ~ J rZ 8 ~~~ 8 ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 FWCH« Borthal P(3) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 19 Dolalgaon 3420 3,727 573 M(2) 5) HPTWW PO(~ 5) CM«5) NCS(5-1O) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00907400) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SS-W PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Borthal P(4) FWCH« BS Kachan M(3) 5) HP TW SS ACS« 5) CV« 5) 20 2550 4,019 657 CM«5) RS(lO+) Gaon S(2) C(5 MCW(IO+) TW PO PH NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) (00907500) 10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) P(5) o PHS H(5- Malraban BS M(2) CM ACS(IO+) CVSP(IO+) 21 Town 1030 6,119 1,045 10) TW W SS- PO PH RS(IO+) S(2) MCW(IO+) W CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) (00907600) NW(IO+) PUC C PHC(IO+) OCS(10+)

FWCH« Hatlmuna P(6) M 5) MCW(5- TW SS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 22 299 0 5,598 874 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00907700) S C« 5) 10) PHC« TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(5-10) S) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWCH« P(4) Sagunbahl S) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 23 3750 3,020 504 M(3) PO«5) CM«5) (00907800) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS« S) C«S) PH« S) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWCH« Manaban P(3) M 5) TWSS- CMCP« ACS(1o+) CV« 5) BS(5-10) 24 Gaon 2630 4,802 769 PO« 5) C« 5) MCW(10+) TW 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00907900) PH« 5) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) 5T(l0+) NW(lO+)

Dum Bandhl P(2) M H«5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 25 Bli 1610 814 134 PO« 5) CM« 5) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lo+) SP(IO+) RS« 5) (00908000) PH« 5) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

Ganabon PM H«5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 26 Pathar 1470 2,207 3S2 PO« S) CM« 5) C«5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lo+) SP(1O+) RS« 5) (00908100) PH« 5) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Hahchara P(2) THPTW ACS« 5) CV« 5) BS(5-10) 27 Gaon 2040 2,563 429 M«5) H(5-10) W TK 5S- PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(lo+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00908200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) T PH« 5) CP(5-1O) PHC(5-10) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) 198 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

-c:::I e -c:::I .E! !ii (.) t. =i Q) s ~., -c:::I ~ ..d §: e ..2 ru ._~ l;j ~ fir I -c:::I {l~ ~ '0 0 1";; '" .5 ! <:: <:: ... 1";; Q) e "" ~ ·e a ~ Ol ~ ~ ~ e - ~ '" ·5 ~ Z ~ Z ~ ~ ]' ~ 8~ ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 '" 1

0(20.1) PRMR Dhing (10) ED NM 234.8 16.3 71.2 B~rthal 19 T(20.1) Dolalgaon

TW(29.5 PRMR Dhing (10) ED EO NM 158.8 4.1 629 Borthal 20 ) T(29.5) . Kachari Gaon

Furniture, PR MR FP Dhing (10) ED NM 18.0 56.1 29.2 Mairabari 21 Pottery Town

TW(88.9 MRFP Dhing (10) EDEAG N 178.0 2.7 29.4 Hatimuria 22 ) T(88.9)

TW(116. MR Dhing (15) EDEAG N 7) 223.4 1.5 33.6 Sagunbahi 23 T(1l6.7)

PRMR Dhing (10) EDEAG NM 201.0 8.5 53.4 Mairabari 24 Gaon

TW(58.1 Dura MRFP Dhing (10) N 80.1 13.5 25 ) T(S8.1) 8.8 Bandhi Bil

TW(36.9 3 6 Gariabori MRFP Dhing (12) N 104.8 1.8 26 ) T(36.9) . Pathar

TW(16.1 MR Dhing (10) ED NM 157.6 4.4 26.0 Hahchara 27 ) T(16.1) Gaon

199 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

,-. ~ 5 .S'" ~ ~ -8 -;;;- I i 0 i U .&l ] ~ f U ., ::s .::1 c ..c:: IU ~f 0 .,:a g > ;§, u .~ ~ ·E 'i ., C!.- !c:>. 4'3 ., c.> ::; ..2 ... '" j t1f 0 ~ i '" = C!.- ~ 9" ·tb &! ~ .> 8 1~]' §=~ .!:! ~ co 1..2 ] .a ....0 ~ B ~ ·i ~l

P(2) Hahcharabor H(5-1O) HPTWW ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 28 198.0 1,608 271 M« 5) CM{< 5) i (00908300) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH PO« 5) NCS(S-IO) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) C«S) CP(S-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

Hogaltoli P(2) M H(1O+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-to) BS« 5) 29 143.0 1,278 201 PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00908400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(1O+) PHC«S) OCS(1O+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

FWC Datialbori P(4) M H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(IO+) 30 347.0 4,723 779 PO«5) CM«5) (00908500) S C« 5) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS P(2) M Borbori H(IO+) TWSS- CM ACS(IO+) CV SP(IO+) BS(IO+) 31 120.0 3,390 581 S POPH(IO+) (00908600) MCW(IO+) TW CP(1O+) NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Haldhibari H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« S) 32 94.0 S68 79 5)C« PO«5) CM«5) (00908700) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 5) PH(lO+) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Norchingbori P(2) M H(IO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 33 138.0 1,330 lSI PO« S) CM« 5) (00908800) C«S) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(tO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

PM« Dungarpar H« S) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 34 106.0 816 130 5)C« POPH(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00908900) MCW(1O+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(to+) 5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(tO+) NW(IO+)

PM« Lalirpar H« 5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 35 81.0 551 92 S) C« PO« S) CM« 5) (00909000) MCW(1O+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(tO+) S) PH« S) CP(tO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gariabori H« 5) PM TWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) 36 Gaon 140.0 1,454 240 MCW(5- PO« 5) CM« 5) C«5) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS« 5) (00909100) 10) PHC« PH« 5) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 5 200 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare) ••

..., ..., a ~ Iii .:g ..c u c 0 ~ 16 '.::1 i S "" os g .5"" .~ CI> u ] CI> ] u ~ .. .~ CI> § » '" 'a j :u ~ ..., .s:: .0 .s ~ € I 1; 5 ~ §. 8- ..., ~ ... til 1: c:>.. .§ bO 0 c ~ ~ CI> '" 1c:>.. fa ~ til ~ :§ i~ ~.:: ~ CI> <- ~ j:>.., ~ ~ & :§ ;§ ai ] ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 ""I

TW(ll 0 MR Dhmg(17) ED NM 1497 66 28 ) T(ll 0) 30 3 Hahcharabon

MR FP Dhmg (15) ED N 1245 8 I 103 Hogaltoh 29

TW(937 PRMR Dhmg(15) ED NM 1824 245 466 Dattalbon 30 ) T(93 7)

TW(268 MRFP Dhmg (15) ED NM 412 195 327 Borbon 31 ) T(26 8)

TW(268 MRFP Dhmg(IS) 310 1 8 343 Haldhlbarl 32 ) T(26 8)

TW(669 MRFP Dhmg(IS) N 486 02 33 ) T(66 9) 22 6 Norchmgbon

TW(402 MRFP Dhmg(IS) 477 18 I Dungarpar 34 ) T(40 2)

TW(279 MRFP Dhmg(lO) 317 11 202 Laltrpar 35 ) T(27 9)

TW(426 88 Ganabon MRFP Dhmg (10) N 882 36 ) T(42 6) Gaon

201 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 klns. and 10+ kIns ofthe nearest place where the facility is available is given) . 'Ca 5 ~ .5 f CI) '" ~ ~ "0 cu<= ~ ~ u 1.0 ] II> ... 8 I_g ::s ., ., :E'" oS <= '" 0 <= > 1G .2 .9 g <::> '.::1 :a c: t;:j ., a ~ ~ II> U -&., !l 0 '" -a.g- '" .3 ~"" 0 ::9 ]i ::I'" Q!, 0 ~ ~ ~ .c "0 uf ~-ai '-" ---. ., ., ., § 1c!: ~ ·c § rg "0 t! oS '.::1 ij g ~ ~ 8. ..@ ..., E _,,-,"0 .... • '.::1 .1 f .0 0 .. ..8 ~ 1G 1G ., .. .:= 's: ;; .... 1G i!= ° '" 2 .. 0 <= 1., _ '00 .2 ~ '- 0 2 a 0 ....., ~ ., ~ 8: '.::1 1G B '-iS:;ll .,L':I -a til u .2 B ~ I.g. '" "0 eo] °C., ~ .g 'Ii ! °ti :.a .,0-8 .-

FWCH« Sahana BS P(4) M 5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(S-to) 38 Gaon 2370 2,334 359 POPH« 5) CM« 5) RS(lo+) C« 5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (00909300) s CP(S-IO) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

FWCH« P(4) BS Lengenbon 5) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(S-to) 39 4710 5,167 786 M(2) PO PH« 5) CM(S-IO) RS(IO+) (00909400) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lo+) 5) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) C« PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

FWCH« Lochanabon P(4) M S) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 40 3230 4,732 7S1 PO PH« 5) CM(5-10) (00909500) S C« 5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lo+) RS(lO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bahalamukh P(2) M H(1O+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(S-IO) BS« 5) 41 2180 1,807 282 PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00909600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lo+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-lO) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Belabon PM H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 42 1770 1,444 221 PO« 5) CM(5-1O) (00909700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gunalbon P(2) M H(lO+) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 43 2370 2,215 349 PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00909800) C(S-IO) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Uralkata PM« H(1O+) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 44 Pathar 1790 1,364 230 S) PO« 5) CM(5-10) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00909900) C(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(1O+)

202 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e, area under different types of land use in hectare)**

"c:::I "c:::I M !a .s<> fa -5 <= 0 ~ !6 '.::I i S bIl bIl > g ,5 '.::I'" 8 ~ -g , "8 § 8 .... :;b '!;j

TW(706 MRFP Dhmg(IO) N 706 47 12 3 Durabandhl 37 ) T(70 6) Gaon

TW(469 MR Mangaon (25) NM 1763 03 13 8 Sahana 38 ) T(46 9) Gaon

TW(407 MR Mangaon (25) NM 3644 353 300 Lengenbon 39 ) T(40 7)

TW(150 MRFP Dhmg (14) 1) 151 1 21 19 3 Lochanabofl 40 T(150 1)

TW(937 MRFP Dhmg(IS) N 898 5 1 41 ) T(93 7) 29 3 Bahalamukh

TW(92 0 MRFP Dhmg (16) 800 06 40 Belabon 42 ) T(92 0)

TW(114 MRFP Dhmg (15) 8) 1148 13 57 Gunalbon 43 T(1l48)

TW(937 MRFP Dhmg (14) 537 166 IS 3 Uralkata 44 ) T(93 7) Pathar

203 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

e U "" >. 'Vi' oS ]' ::s 0 ~ ~ ~ ';6 ~ i ] 0 t:: (,) .&J """ .,'" <.> ., ::s !ii .; -= '" ;;: Us:: .";.. u § 5 '.::1 ~ u <=> ] ] 'E '.g ~ II> 0 ...... '"t 0 p.. is '" j j 0 :9 9 .~ '" i 0 ~ 1~]' S_ cId ~ .8 ] 0 B t! .;:: ... ~ ~ '" ~ .s .§ -= ] cId 8. ..g .§ i: t E .... "liS .8 g. C;;("/.:I"g "t;; .2 ~ 0 ~] ~ .g ., '0 i§ ~ i 1~ o ~ Vl 1 I-< ! ~ tE ~ U ~~ ~>Vl U '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "'"'9 10 11 12 13

P(2) H(5-1O) BS SahariaPam TW SS­ 45 212.0 1,930 275 M« 5) MCW(S- PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(lO+) CV(S-lO) RS(lO+) (00910000) TW C(5-IO) 10) PH(5-10) CP(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) NW(lO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(lO+) PHC(10+)

P(86) T W(12) M(3t) TK(9) PO(7) DS(S) Block Total 8941.0 93137 149168(10) D PHS(2) HP(S) CM(3) CV(2) PH(J) NW PUC C FWC(lO) TW(40) AC R

204 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

'"0 '"0a oSi !il ::s -5 c g 0 j bO 'iii ~ bO e :® 8 v of ~ ,-., -5 ... .~ ... .s '" ~ g 0 :a <.>~ ~ ~ ~ 1;h ';> o(j ~ 0 ~ k;> b 0 g. '">. ~ 'S , ~ ~ ~0 '"0 1::; ;; g. e .2 ~ u s ~ §. '"0 ~ .... ~ g. bO ~~ g 0 C ...'" .5 t:l ['" t:l ~ 'E .a 3 '" OJ ~ ~ ~ e - > '" '5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] ;§ 8 ~ ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 "" 1

TW(53.5 MR Marigaon (24) NM 137.2 1.9 197 Saharia 45 ) T(53.5), . Pam

TW(147 PR(9) 2.42) ED(19) MR(4S) N(2S) R(7.2) EAG(4) 5170.2 545.7 1707.1 FP(26) M(17) 0.0 0(37.48) EO NW T(1517.1 )


Village Directory Data of Bhurbandha CD Block DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :- Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon SerIal Name 2001 Census 1991 Census SerIal Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 2 3 4 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Bhurbandha 51 Hatihulunga 00918300 120050002000200116 Name of Sub-Dist: 0004 52 Jarabari 00914600 120050003000300029 I Ahaturi Natua Gaon 00914000 120050003000300043 53 Jerengabari 00917000 120050002000200096 2 Ajarbari 00917800 120050002000200110 54 Jurgaon 00918200 120050002000200115 3 Athubhanga 00918800 120050002000200107 55 Kachmari Pathar 00913600 120050003000300047 4 Auguri 00913200 120050003000300022 56 Kalbari 00917100 120050002000200093 5 Aujari Pathar 00916000 120050003000300057 57 Kruiajari 00910100 120050003000300001 6 Aujarigaon 00915900 120050003000300059 58 Kanphala Bori 00911900 120050003000300003 7 Bagharagoon 00916500 120050002000200073 59 Karaibari 00918000 120050002000200112 8 Bagharapathar 00916300 120050002000200074 60 Karaiguri 00918700 120050002000200108 9 Bahakajari Pathar 00916200 120050003000300038 61 Katahguri 00913300 120050003000300048 10 BakariChapari 00917300 120050002000200076 62 Katalamara Bari 00914700 120050003000300037 II Bakharbari 00911400 120050003000300015 63 Khatarbari 00910900 120050003000300020 12 Banpara 00920200 120050002000200065 64 Khokhanagog 00916700 120050002000200094 13 Barangabari 00911100 120050003000300023 65 Konwargaon 00914200 120050003000300033 14 Bardalpathar 00918100 120050002000200114 66 Lathabari 00910300 120050003000300008 15 Barigaon 00919800 120050002000200064 67 Losonabari 00920100 120050003000300050 16 Bar-Manipur 00914900 120050003000300040 68 Maidhali Pathar 00919300 120050002000200070 17 Barunguri 00916100 120050003000300039 69 Malputa 00912700 120050003000300025 18 Basanaghat 00915800 120050003000300060 70 Manipur No.1 00915000 120050003000300041 19 Bhairaguri 00914100 120050003000300044 71 Manipur No.2 00915100 120050003000300042 20 Bhangamur 00912800 120050003000300032 72 Marakolong No.1 00917400 120050002000200077 21 Bhurbandha 00911000 120050003000300021 73 MarakolongNo.2 00915600 120050002000200071 22 BlockNo.27 00911800 120050003000300004 74 Meruagaon 00917900 120050002000200111 23 Block No.29 00912300 120050003000300028 75 Mikirbari 00918600 120050002000200117 24 Boruguri 00911500 120050003000300014 76 Naukata 00913100 120050003000300046 25 Borthal [Patkomai] 00912400 120050003000300027 77 Niz Dandua 00913500 120050003000300051 26 Buhagaon 00915400 120050002000200062 78 Nowagaon 00915200 120050003000300056 27 Chakdharbari 00914300 120050003000300034 79 Pakamura 00914800 120050003000300036 28 Chamkata 00912000 120050003000300005 80 Parajari 00910600 120050003000300010 29 Chanuabari 00918500 120050002000200129 81 PasatiaMorigaon 00919400 120050002000200063 30 Chanuabari Dikchang 00918400 120050002000200130 82 Patidaya 00910700 120050003000300018 31 Charabari 00910800 120050003000300019 83 Raina Pathar 00915500 120050002000200061 32 Charaihagi 00919000 120050002000200090 84 Rajagaon 00913900 120050003000300054 33 Chatanguri 00912900 120050003000300024 85 Ralipathar 00911700 120050003000300007 34 Chutiakhal 00912500 120050003000300031 86 Rupahi Bari 00911300 120050003000300016 35 DaChikabari 00912100 120050003000300006 87 Srumari 00920000 120050002000200067 36 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 00917700 120050002000200109 88 Salmari Mikir Gaon 00919900 120050002000200068 37 Daloichuba 00913700 120050003000300052 89 Salmari No.1 00919600 120050002000200080 38 Damal 00918900 120050002000200098 90 Salmari No.2 00919700 120050002000200081 39 Danduabilar Tup 00919500 120050002000200069 91 Sapkati 00913400 120050003000300049 40 DhekiphalaBari 00912200 120050003000300013 92 Saru Doani 00914500 120050003000300030 41 Dighrubari 00910500 120050003000300011 93 Sidhabari 00913000 120050003000300045 42 Dombaha 00910400 120050003000300009 94 Silsaku 00916600 120050002000200075 43 Dopni 00914400 120050003000300035 95 Simaluguri 00910200 120050003000300002 44 Garmari 00911200 120050003000300017 96 Singimari 00915700 120050002000200072 45 Gashbari 00913800 120050003000300053 97 Tengaguri 00919100 120050002000200078 46 GhoramaraPathar 00915300 120050003000300055 98 Tetelia 00916800 120050002000200113 47 Gunamara No.1 00917500 120050002000200091 99 Tetelia Pahar 00916900 120050002000200095 48 Gunamara No.2 00917200 120050002000200092 100 Uabari 00917600 120050002000200097 49 Hagrutali 00911600 120050003000300012 101 Udari 00912600 120050003000300026 50 Hakanarnara 00919200 120050002000200079 102 Ulubari 00916400 120050003000300058

208 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon seIial Name 2001 Census 1991 Census Serial Name 2001 Census 199} Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Bhurbandha 9 Mikirbheta 00928200 120040003000300029 Name of Sub-Dist: 0005 10 Parasu Tangani 00927600 120040003000300021 11 Rangadoria 00927300 120040003000300006 1 Barangabari 00927100 120040003000300004 12 Sataribori 00927700 120040003000300022 2 BhehGuri 00930500 120040003000300017 13 Silpukhuri 00930600 120040003000300008 3 Borigaon 00927200 120040003000300005 14 Sukdal Barbari 00928000 120040003000300025 4 Dangaria Gaon 00927000 120040003000300003 15 Sukdal Sarubari 00928100 120040003000300026 5 Dighali Pathar 00927500 120040003000300019 16 Surat Bori 00928300 120040003000300020 6 Hakudangbori 00928400 120040003000300030 17 Tamulibori 00927800 120040003000300023 7 Hatibat Simaluguri 00926900 120040003000300002 18 Tarabori 00927900 120040003000300024 8 Kalikajari 00926800 120040003000300001 19 Tumukabori 00927400 120040003000300007

209 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 Ians. and 10+ kIDs ofthe nearest place where the facility is available is given) .... ~ id' ~ ~ U~ .J:Ji la ~.g .. <> .::: y .,; c:: ~ i 8 g 1t .s 5 Q _g .;:l ~ .~ :S U .s ~ <> o:! ~ e<> '"' 0.. "" '" ~ g '"0 "" i.~ ;g .3 '" i 9 _] til~~~ ~ "0 0 § i:!l clI$ .c <.> ~ Q) :::> .c ..: ... 1 "Q rg ... ~ clI$(,) "Qas ._s 'i~ iiP .s Q) .c:: r::: Q) 15 ._ _g a '" .- "Q .g ~ 0 ._ o:! til til>:::> ~ os ~ 0 ~ ~ .~'" .s~ ..... ] OJ) .£ °2 l:~ 1r::: 0 ~ ..... Q) "3 ~ .g ] e Q) .- ..: S S ~ ~ ., ~ 0 ·it :a .~.6 ] I.~ CFJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a: £ u ~~ ~oo 8::1 1 2 3_ 4 5 6 J ~ 9 10 11 12 13 CD Block: Bhurbandha {OOO4}

BS Kaliajari P(2) M(<: H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 99.0 137 24 TW TK SS- PO(;-lO) CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00910100) 5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) TW PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

H« BS Simaluguri P(IO+) 5) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 2 180.0 58 10 PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00910200) M(lO+) MCW(lO+) W NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) C(lo+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

BS Lathabari P(5-ID) H(10+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 3 150.0 37 6 TW W SS- poe; 5) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00910300) M(S-IO) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(S-lO) W PH(S-lO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) C{lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

PM(S- BS Dombaha H(lo+) ACS(lO+) CV{lO+) 4 144.0 193 39 10) TW W SS- PO(;-lO) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00910400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) C(lO+) W PH(S-lO) CP{lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

FWC H(IO+) T TW W SP BS Dighalbari P(3) M ACS(IO+) 5 2S9.0 2,S31 423 PO PH CM(W+) CV(lO+) RS(lO+) (009IOS00) S C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+)

- H(S- - BS Parajari P(2) M(5- 10) MCW(S- T TW W ACS(IO+) 6 39S.0 S39 98 PO« 5) CM(S-lO) eV(S-IO) RS(JO+) (00910600) 10) C(5- 10) PHC(S- SS-T NCS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) SP(S-IO) NW(lO+) 10) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO)

- BS Patidaya P M C(S- PHS H(S-IO) T TW W ACS(IO+) 7 596.0 I,9S2 333 PO PH(S- CM(S-IO) eV(S-IO) RS(IO+) (00910700) 10) MCW(S-IO) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(1O+) + PHC(lO+) 10) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(lO )

H(S. PM(S- SPCV(S- BS Charabari 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- PO(;-lO) ACS(S-ID) 8 318.0 923 150 10) C(S- CM(5-10) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) (00910800) NCS(S-IO) 10) 10) PHC(S- W PH(5-1O) CP(S-IO) to) NW(lO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

H(S. PM(S- - as Khatarbari 10) MCW(S- T TW W ACS(S-IO) CV(S-tO) RS(lO+) 9 415.9 1,779 284 10) C(S- PH PO(S- CM(~-lO) (00910900) 10)PHC(S- SS-T NCS(5-10) SP(S-IO) NW(IO+) 10) 10) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-lO)

210 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use m hectare)"''''

§ Ii! -5 <=: g 9 ]' bI) 1;; bI) g .~ !3 ·5 ., "0 ..", "3 c.> 0 .a c.> <:> .. ., .§ .s 0- ~ ~ .., .;; ctc:I ~ 8 .B = '" i... ~ 10 .s ;J ~ "0 ~ =;; i g. e ., .£ ~ ,.... -5 .s ::s I] .", 1;; ~ ..'" .13 ~ ~~ g 0 ,::: e'" "" ~ ::s ~ "" a ~ ... "" I ~ ~ l! :5 - > '" .. ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ &! ] :5 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PC(30 3) TW(lO I) PR MR Mangaon (15) - NM 25 I 161 17 5 KahaJarl T(40 4)

PC(40 1) TW(28 3) PR MR Nagaon (26) NM 63 I 28 I 54 Slmalugun 2 0(15 3) T(E3 7)

MR Nagaon(l3) NM 136 S 79 53 Lathaban 3

MR Nagaon (11) NM 1419 10 10 Dombaha 4

PRMR Marlgaon (18) ED NM 2322 112 154 Dlghalban 5

PC(72 4) TW(45 5) PRMR Nagaon (12) EA NM TWE(380) 790 653 942 ParaJarl 6 T(1559)

PC(1I02) TW(1304) PRMR Marlgaon (16) EA NM TWE(ll 0) 292 61 I 739 Patldaya 7 TK(85 3) R(95 4) 0(11 0) T(443 3)

PC(68 1) W(32 2) TWE(783) PRMR Mangaon(8) EA NM 202 352 55 Charaban 8 TK(38 6) R(40 2) T(2574)

PC(45 1) PRMR Marlgaon (6) EA NM TWE(75I) 452 952 603 Khatarban 9 TK(95 0) T(21S 2)

211 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

JQ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 DPHS Bhurbandha Bhurbandha PM sC(SH(S-IO) TTWW 10 306.0 1,814 10 306.0 1,814 (00911000) (00911000) 361 10) MCW(5- SS-T 10) PHC« 5) PHS H(5- 10) Barangabari Barangabari 916 P(4) M(2) MCW(5- T TW W 11 423.0 4,943 II 423.0 4,943 (00911100) (00911100) S C(5-10) 10) SS-T PHC(S- 10)

H(5-1O) Garmari Gannari MCW(5- TTWW 12 389.0 1,086 12 389.0 1,086 196 P M(S-IO) (00911200) (00911200) C(S-IO) 10) SS-T PHC(5- 10) H(5-10) RupahiBari Rupahi Bari 80 P M(5-10) MCW(S- TTWW 13 172.0 497 13 172.0 497 (00911300) (00911300) C(5-10) 10) SS-T PHC(5-

Bakharbari Bakharbari 306 P M(5-10) H(IO+) HPTWW 14 228.0 1,683 14 228.0 1,683 (00911400) (00911400) C(S-IO) MCW(IO R SS-HP +)PHC(S- 10)

H(IO+) Boalguri Boalguri 37 PM(5-10) 15 107.0 186 IS 107.0 186 MCW(IO HPTWW (00911S00) (00911500) C(lO+) +) PHC(5- R SS-W 10)

H(IO+) Hagalta1i Hagaltali 57 pes-to) MCW(10 TWWSS- 16 103.0 318 16 103.0 318 (00911600) (00911600) M(5-10) +) W C(5-10) PHC(IO+ )

H(10+) Ralipatbar RalipathlU 26 PM(IO+) MCW(10 TW w SS- 17 208.0 182 17 208.0 182 (00911700) (00911700) C(IO+) +) TW PHC(lO+ ) 212 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY ViUae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

"'"fa !a -5 <=: j ~ .~ g •.;::l > ., ~ .ff "3 <> 0 "'"-§ <> g .s'" ~ <.E:.. ~ .!!3 !;j g -c:J ~ ..!l ~ <> e:::I .9 .1> oC! ~ 0 ~ .a '" .. .,.. .s Q. ~~ -c ~ 1 e ~ ~ ~ ~ t 8.2 -c:J -5., !t .. -0 0 1;; Po ~~ .5 Jg 1;; ~ ""' a §. "liI :::I ~ ·s .a ~ = .. ""iii ~ ~ ~ ] ;§ - ~ .1:: ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~. .~ 8 tb ~ ~ In.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 :.W 21 2:2 :l3 2 1 NCS ACS(5- - BS PO PH(5- CM CP(5-10) 10) CY(5-1O) RS(IO+) 2486 44 I 129 Bhurbandha 10 10) OCS(lO+ SP(5-IO) NW(IO+) ) ST(5-10)

ACS NCS(5- - BS PO PH(5- CM(S- 10) CY(S-IO) RS(lO+) TWE(75 0) T(7S 0) 3002 250 22 9 Barangaban II 10) 10) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+ SP(S-IO) NW(IO+) ) ST(S-IO)

ACS(S- 10) SPCY(S- BS PC(4S S) W(20 I) PO(S-IO) CM CP(S-IO) NCS(S- 10) ST(S- RS(10+) TW(7S 0) TK(70 0) 481 98 I 321 Garman 12 PH(S-IO) 10) 10) NW(IO+) T(210 6) OCS(IO+

ACS(S- CY(S-IO) 8S(5-IO) PC(22 2) TW(12 2) PO(5-1O) - CM(S- 10) 50 I 272 30 2 Rupalu Ban 13 PH(5-IO) 10) CP(S-IO) NCS(S- SP(5-IO) RS(lO+) TK(30 I) T(64 6) 10) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

ACS(5- SP BS PC(4 0) TW(l 3) PH PO(S- CM(5- 10) CY(IO+) RS(IO+) TK(IO 7) R(13 4) 1103 526 33 6 Bakharbarl 14 10) 10) CP(lO+) NCS(5- ST(IO+) NW(IO+) WF(3 3) T(32 8) 10)

ACS(IO+ SP BS PC(37 I) TW(18 3) PO(5-1O) - CM(S-) CY(IO+) RS(IO+) 152 201 63 BoaJgurl 15 PH(IO+) 10) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+ ST(IO+) NW(lO+) TK(IO 2) T(65 6) )

ACS(lO+ ) CY(;O+) BS PO(S-10) CM(IO+) NCS(JO+ SP(S-iO) RS(JO+) 843 142 45 Hagaltah 16 PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) ) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+

ACS(lo+ ) BS TW(S7 6) TK(20 I) PO(S-lO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+ CY(IO+) RS(lO+) 433 S72 29 5 Rahpathar 17 PH(5-10) CP(lO+) ) SP(lO+) NW(IO+) T(77 7) OCS(IO+ ST(IO+)

213 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) .... -;;;- ::s .s ~ 0 0 .: ~ ~ ... .s 0 ..c OC! -8 .g ~ ~ ~ § .~ ~ ~ .... '" 0 bO .g .$a "ftI § .-§ . c 0 !a 8.. t .... Oi 0:: 1i !iI S 0; ... <.) .2 ·c '3 '" "0 ~ 'llf ~ .g

H(IO+) Block No.27 Block No.27 P(IO+) MCW(lO TWWSS- 18 102.0 114 18 102.0 114 20 (00911800) (00911800) M(IO+) +) TW C(IO+) PHC(IO+ )

H(IO+) Kanphala Kanphala P(2) M MCW(IO TWWSS- 19 Bori 146.0 1,052 19 Bori 146.0 1,052 165 C(IO+) +) TW (00911900) (00911900) PHC(IO+

BS Chamkata P(2) M« H(IO+) HPTWW - ACS{lO+) CY(IO+) 20 232.0 347 74 CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00912000) 5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TK SS-TW P0(5-1O) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

P(2) Da Chikabari H(lO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 21 120.0 991 176 M(IO+) PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00912100) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dhekiphala SP P(S-IO) H(lO+) TWWR BS(5-10) 22 Bari 280.0 229 63 PO(5-10) CM(5-10) ACS(5-1O) CY(lO+) M(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS-W RS(IO+) (00912200) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) ST(IO+) C(5-1O) PHC(5-1O) OCS(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Block No.29 23 79.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00912300)

Borthal P(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 24 [Patkomai] 158.0 7 2 WSS-W PO(S-lO) CM(IO+) M(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00912400) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

- BS Chutiakhal peS) M PHS H(S-lO) HP TW W ACS(5-1O) 25 182.0 921 173 PO(S-10) CM(5-10) CY(S-IO) RS(lO+) (00912500) S C(5-IO) MCW(5-JO) SS-W NCS(5-1O) PHC(5-10) PH(5-10) CP(5-1O) SP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(5-1O)

SP BS Udari PMS H(lO+) THPTW PO ACS(5-10) 26 266.0 1,301 241 CM(S-lO) CY(IO+) RS(lO+) (00912600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) WRSS-T PH(IO+) NCS(5-10) CP(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-1O)

214 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae;e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"d Iii a ii .:: ]' ~an ~ _g an .;::1> ., '§ <> ~ ] <> ... Q) .s ~ .~ 0~ ~ ~ :.a <.> ~ ., '" 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ :§ :3 8~ ~ ~ en 14_ 15 16- 17 18 19 2U 21 22 23 2 1 ACS(IO+ ) BS P0(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(10+ CY(IO+) RS(lO+) 752 204 55 Block 18 No 27 PH(IO+) CP(lO+) ) SP(1O+) NW(1O+) OCS(IO+ ST(IO+)

ACS(IO+ BS ) CY(IO+) PC(21 1) TW(40 3) PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) 291 272 17 8 Kanphala 19 NCS(IO+ SP(IO+) RS(lO+) TK(IO 2) T(71 6) Bon PH(IO+) CP(IO+) ) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS 10+

PC(42 1) TW(75 1) PR MR Mangaon (24) - 483 237 15 5 Chamkata 20 NM TK(28 1) T(l4S 2)

PC(267) TW(38 2) PR MR Mangaon (11) - NM 73 182 124 Da 21 TK( 17 8) T(82 6) Chlkaban

GC(78 I) W(12 2) 44 7 Dheklphala PR MR Mangaon (10) - NM TK(6 4) R(18 3) 35 \ 846 22 Ban T(115 I)

PCCIS 4) W(II 4) ------Unmhablted ------18 S 00 13 9 Block No 29 23 0(200) T(46 8)

PCC24 I) W(IS 2) TW(\6 I) TK(12 1) MR Mangaon (24) - 200 29 Borthal 24 R(24 I) 0(44 2) [Patkomal] T(l3S 6)

PCCl4 4) W(33 5) PR MR Mangaon (7) ED EO N M TW(26\) TK(14 7) 167 244 8 0 ChutJakhal 25 0(444) T(133 1)

PC(40 2) TW(l2 2) PRMR Mangaon(ll) EDEO NM TK(2 7) R(19 7) 844 98 I 84 Udan 26 T(748)

215 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) ... CI) ~ ..s ~ !il 0 C "0 ~., CI) i rl -§r. ~... I., ::s U .c a *.:=U ~ ..c CI> ., .f c ;g 0 c «I <> .~ g uCI) -0 ·t a i5!! .e: CI) !::!.- E! ~&. u <> ;::; iu u ] «len ~ -0'" '" .3 0 "0 1i 9' .~ ::s'" !::!.- "0 0 a:::fj E9-.__ otd ~ ..c., <> .;: "3 ~ .c fa -0 ~ § gj .... '"' 0 .s j ~ •.;:J ., ..c 8 ., '"§ ...CI> _g i '" otd -8 .- ..;:J .... "t;! fir til .- "0 0 til til .. ~ '" .... ~ !;D 0:: :> " .... 0 § ·2 l:~ .~ '" 1 ...CI) 0 Q.. .~ til .0 '" I 1 !a ;; i ~ Ei 1 CI> i «I <> ~ .~. ::s :a'"' ~ .~ ::a ~ CI)] ·c., ~ s 1 4) .S ..... z ;E ~ uI ~ .=: ::2 f <~ c:>::: ~ '" 8~ '"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 'I IO II 12 13

PM(S- SP Malputa H(lO+) HPTWW ACS(IO+) as(s-IO) 27 154.0 132 27 10) PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) CV(IO+) (00912700) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC(S-lO) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- PM(S- Bhangamur lO) MCW(S- HP TW W ACS(5-lO) SP CV(S- as(~ 5) 28 243.0 1,016 181 10) C(S- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00912800) lO)PHC(S- SS-W NCS(S-lO) 10) ST(S- RS(lO+) 10) PH(S-IO) CP(S-lO) 10) OCS(IO+) 10) NW(IO+)

H(S- - as Chatanguri P(2) M 10) MCW(S- TTWW ACS(5-1O) 29 360.0 2,94S 572 PH PO(5- CM(~-lO) CV(S-IO) RS(lO+) (00912900) C(S-10) 10) PHC(S- TKSS-T lO) CP(S-IO) NCS(5-10) SP« 5) lO) OCS(5-1O) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

P(2) M(S- PHS H(S-IO) T TW W Sidhabari ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) as(S-IO) 30 321.0 2,OS3 351 PH PO(S- CM(~-IO) (00913000) 10) C(5- MCW(5-lO) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) 10) PHC(S-IO) 10) CP(S-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

- H(S- SPCV(5- as Naukata P(2) M(5- 10) MCW(S- T TW W ACS(S-IO) 31 262.0 848 lSI PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) 10) ST{5- RS(IO+) (00913100) 10) C(5- 10) PHC(5- SS-T NCS(S-IO) PH(S-IO) CP(S-lO) 10) NW(IO+) 10) 10) OCS(S-lO)

FWCH(5- NCS - as Auguri P(3) M 10) MCW(S- TTWW 32 252.0 2,801 S2S PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) RS(lO+) (00913200) C(5-10) IO)PHC(5- TKSS-T PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) SP(5-1O) NW(IO+) 10) ST(S-IO)

- H(5- NCS - as Katahguri P(2) M(S- 10) MCW(S- T TW W 33 231.0 1,68S 294 PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) ACS(S-10) CV(5-10) RS(IO+) (00913300) 10) C(S- 10) PHC(S- SS-T PH(5-lO) CP(5-1O) OCS(5-10) SP(S-IO) NW(lO+) 10) 10) ST(S-IO)

H(S- Sapkati P MC(5- 10) MCW(5- TTWW ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 34 417.0 2,143 385 PO PH CM(5-1O) (00913400) 10) 10) PHC(S- SS-T NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(S-IO) ST(5-10) NW(lO+)

P(7) FWC H« 5) SPCV« as NizDandua M(2) THPTW ACS« S) 3S 337.0 S,340 984 MCW« 5) PO PH CM« 5) 5) ST« RS(IO+) (00913500) S(2) C« WSS-T NCS« 5) PHC« 5) CP« 5) 5) NW(lo+) 5) OCS« 5)

216 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY VilIa2e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le, area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"Q Iii !:3 ..c:: <> <= 0 ~ '::2 j CD c bI) ;.- c .0 ,5 '::2'" cu ..;:; "Q 0 <> cu .El "8 <= <> ...... '!;j ~ 0- ,g

PC(16 I) TW(13 3) PRMR Mangaon (II) - NM TK(6 9) WF(38 8) 202 92 40 Malputa 27 0(455) T(120 6)

PC(30 8) TW(II 0) TK(l4 7) R(96 3) PRMR Mangaon (9) ED EO NM 174 04 79 Bhangamur 28 WF(36 I) 0(28 I) T(2I70)

PC(82 0) PRMR Mangaon (S) EA NM TWE(742) 450 401 S31 Chatangun 29 TK(65 5) T(22 I 7)

MR Mangaon (10) EA NM TWE(26 0) T(26 0) 2805 33 108 Sldhabarl 30

PC(I2 I) TWE(4 0) PR MR Mangaon (7) EA NM 100 810 1476 Naukata 31 TK(IO 1) T(26 2)

PR MR Marlgaon (5) ED EO N M 2260 163 lO I Augufl 32

PR MR Marlgaon (5) ED N M 2195 10 10 I Katahgun 33

PR MR Marlgaon (7) ED N M 3942 58 174 Sapkatl 34

PC(lO 0) PR MR Marlgaon (2) EA NM TWE(18 0) TK(5 4) 810 1289 938 NIZ Dandua 35 T(334)

217 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) ~ .., 0 ~ ttl -§"' -g 'tii' 1 ] ] c.> Iu ::s .0 .~ <3 en J...... , ..," ..= c <:> .!:l § .., <:> e ~~ 0g :.§_ j .j E ~ u !;:!.. p. ~ u "3 8- ...en 0 c.> en j'" ~ 0 .~ ::s !;:!.. 1l _]~---- 'il § o'~ e~ ~ ::s ..= '1:: en u !a '0 ~ >. ~ .s .c fa ~ ~ ~ ~ .g § ~ ~ .~ u .c '0 J ..... 'il ....:' '.;:l ];>'B ~ ., 1 'il e .~ 0 c i .!:l 6. bO a E c.> J ..... 0 0 .!l 'g 'il c "3 .g ~ § • ~ u ~ ~ ~ 'il <> .:::l ~ ~ .= ·c ::s ~ ti .~ :a <> .S ] ~ .g

SPCY« BS Daloichuba P(2) M - H« PO ACS« 5) 37 23&.0 1,60& 30& 5) MCW«5) TTWW CM«5) 5) ST« RS(IO+) (00913700) C« 5) PH(13) NCS« 5) PHC« 5) SS-T CP« 5) 5) NW(lO+) OCS« 5)

Gashbari 38 57.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00913800)

- H« BS Rajagaon P M« 5) ACS« 5) CY« 5) 39 129.0 1,991 393 5) MCW«5) TWWSS- PO(5-10) CM(5-lO) RS(IO+) (00913900) 5) NCS« 5) SP« 5) C« PHC« 5) W PR(5-10) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST« 5) FWCR(5- Ahaturi SPCY(5- BS P(4) M 10) MCW(5- TTWW ACS(5-10) 40 NatuaGaon 211.0 2,478 466 PO(5-10) CM(5-10) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) C(5-lO) 10) PHC(5- SS-T NCS(5-10) (00914000) PR(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(lO+) H(5- Bhairaguri P M C(5- 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) SP CY(S- BS(~ 5) 41 139.0 541 107 P0(5-1O) CM(S-10) (00914100) 10) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) PR(1O+) CP(5-10) 10) OCS(IO+) 10) NW(IO+)

H(5- PM(5- SPCY(5- - Konwargaon 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 42 167.0 853 ISS 10) P0(5-10) CM(S-IO) 10) ST(S- BS(5-1O) (00914200) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) 10) RS(IO+) 10) OCS(10+) NW(IO+)

H(5- PM(5- - BS Chakdharbari 10) HPTWW ACS(10+) 43 129.0 2S4 42 10) PO(5-10) CM(S-IO) CY(5-10) RS(10+) (00914300) MCW(lO+) SS-W NCS(lO+) SP« 5) + C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(1O+) ST(5-10) NW(IO )

H(5- SPCV(S- BS Dopni ACS(5-10) 44 104.0 819 160 P M C(S- 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- PO(;-10) CM(5-1O) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) (00914400) NCS(5-tO) 10) 10) PHC(5- TW PH(S-tO) CP(S-10) to) NW(tO+) 10) OCS(IO+) H(5- PM(5- SPCV(5- - Saru Doani 10) MCW(S- HP TW W ACS(5-10) 45 125.0 195 34 10) C(5- PO(5-10) CM(5-10) 10) ST(5- BS(5-10) (00914500) 10) PHC(5- SS-TW NCS(5-10) 10) PH(5-10) CP(S-10) 10) RS(10+) 10) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) 218 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villaf!e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

14 15 16 17 18_ 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR Marigaon (6) ED EO N M 24.9 95 Kachmari 365.5 . Pathar 36

PC(14.1) W(70.4) PR MR Marigaon (3) EA N M TWE(27.0) 43.1 40.0 20.0 Daloichuba 37 TK(23.1) T(134.6)

------Uninhabited ------35.5 10.2 10.3 Gashbari 38

Steel PR MR Marigaon (5) ED NM Utensil, II6.1 12.6 Rl\iagaon 39 Bakery

PR MR Marigaon (5) ED EO N M 196.1 1.4 12.6 Ahatun 40 NatuaGaon

PC(33.5) W(20.0) PR MR Marigaon (10) ED EO N M TK(I.3) WF(36.1) 12.8 0.6 5.6 Bhairaguri 41 0(29.5) T(120.4)

PC(36.1) TW(15.2) PR MR Marigaon (l0) ED NM TK(12.1) 0(81.7) 19.4 1.4 1.5 42 Konwargaon T(145.1)

PC(16.1) 0(78.0) PR MR Marigaon (I 0) ED NM 28.1 3.1 43 T(94.Q) 4.0 Chakdharbari

PC(20.0) W(9.6) PR MR Marigaon (5) ED NM TW(I 0.0) TK(0.3) 26.4 6.9 3.8 Dopni 44 0(27.4) T(67.4)

PC(17.4) W(II.4) PR MR Marigaon (5) ED NM TW(8.8) TK(l5.4) 20.7 7.3 5.6 Sam Doani 45 0(38.2) T(91.1)

219 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is ..available is given) 'Q;' oS'" .,. Fil 0 ... .,,; I "0 =CI) oo.,g 0 ~ 'Vi' U ..0~ § °e to) Fil .., ., :e u .; c ..c::'" c ;; > 0 g .. <:> § :0 {! .~ U ..c:: .~ 0 ·E ~ ~ c:>.. l';l to) ;; ~'" <:> ""0'" ~ i .3 ~ ·th ;:-~ ::s'" ~ "0 .,,; .::.. .. .+=1 <.> ~ .. e

Katalamara P« 5) H(IO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 47 Bari 165.0 17 4 PO{< 5) CM(10+) M«5) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(JO+) RS(lO+) (00914700) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) H(5· Pakamura P« 5) 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS« S) 48 174.0 II 3 PO« 5) CM(5-1O) (00914800) M« S) 10) PHC(5- TW NCS(5-10) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) C(5-10) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-10) NW(10+) H(S· SPCV(5- BS Bar-Manipur P M« 5) 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 49 128.0 760 132 PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) 10) ST(5- RS(lO+) (00914900) C(S-IO) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) NW(10+) 10) OCS(IO+) H(5- Manipur SP CV(S- BS P(2) M 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(S-IO) 50 No.1 160.0 2,143 367 PO PH(S- CM(~-lO) 10) ST(S- RS(IO+) C(5-1O) 10) PHC(5- w NCS(S-IO) (00915000) 10) CP(5-10) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

FWC H(5- Manipur SPCV(S- BS P(3) M 10) MCW(5- TWWSS- ACS(5-10) 51 No.2 124.0 1,191 221 PH PO(S- CM(~-IO) 10) ST(5- RS(10+) S C(5-1O) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(S-IO) (009ISI00) 10) CP( 5-10) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

- H{< SPCV« BS Nowagaon P(2) M« ACS« 5) 52 208.0 974 181 5) MCW« 5) TW W SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) 5) ST« RS(IO+) (00915200) 5) C« 5) NCS« S) PHC«S) W PH« 5) CP« 5) 5) NW(lO+) OCS« 5)

Ghoramara - H« BS PM« 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) 53 Pathar 114.0 253 47 5) MCW« 5) T TW W PO« 5) CM«5) RS(lO+) C« 5) NCS« 5) SP« 5) (00915300) PHC« 5) SS-T PH« 5) CP« 5) NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST« 5) H(5- PM(5- SPCV(5- BS Buhagaon 10) MCW(5- T TW W ACS(IO+) 54 193.0 II 2 1O)C(5- P0{5-1O) CM(5-1O) 10) ST(5- RS(10+) (00915400) 10) PHC(5- SS-T NCS(IO+) 10) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+) H(5- PM(5- - BS Raina Pathar 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 55 205.0 164 28 10) C(5- PO(S-IO) CM(5-1O) CV(5-1O) RS(IO+) (00915500) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) SP« 5) 10) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-lO) NW(IO+) 220 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villa2e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 § lil i3 c ill ]' t>I) .~ £, t>I) ... ~ ~ ~ <> 0 .§ <>... ~ § ~ .s o~ 0 ... g ~ gp <> ... ~ ~ ~ f E t ~"O >."" .Sl ~ ~ ~ "0 ~ i ~ .Sl g. §. o ~ e ... ~ il "" <.> --g ~ '0 '- ::> ~ 1;; '" o§ ~ bI) ii- c 0 c "" 1;; ::> ... ~ OJ bI) E B ta ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 - > .. c °E OJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (3 ~ ~ ~

PC(4 0) TWE(28 1) PRMR Mangaon (7) EA NM TK(2 7) R(2 4) 937 88 78 Jaraban 46 T(372)

TK(4 I) 0(45 5) MR Mangaon (10) ED NM 133 100 I 1 9 Katalamara 47 T(496) Ban

TK(l3 9) 0(46 6) MR Marlgaon (9) ED NM 149 938 47 Pakamura 48 T(60 4)

PC(16 5) W(9 4) PRMR Marlgaon (13) EAG NM 268 48 39 Bar- 49 0(664) T(92 3) Mampur

PC(268) W(17 6) PRMR Mangaon (9) NM 227 01 99 Mampur 50 0(83 0) T(127 4) Nol

GC(12 1) PC(20 1) W(6 1) TK(13 7) PRMR Marlgaon (8) ED EO NM 193 02 85 Mampur 51 WF(J6 1) 0(281) No2 T(96 1)

PC(26 8) 0(164 I) PRMR Marlgaon (3) ED NM 1 7 53 99 Nowagaon 52 T(190 9)

TW(27 I) TK(7 2) PRMR Marlgaon (3) ED NM 241 422 14 0 Ghoramara 53 T(342) Pathar

PC(1O 2) TW(30 J) PRMR Marlgaon (25) ED EO NM 321 563 390 Buhagaon 54 TK(25 3) T(65 6)

PC(40 2) TW(48 2) PRMR Marlgaon (20) ED EO NM 35 I 472 142 Rama 55 TK(20 0) T(108 4) Pathar

221 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ ~ .s ill 0 .g J.§ 'ti)' 5 ~ gJ.g 0 I., U ..0 ] <> ill OJ :13 -u c .<:: .,c ;; c:: .. 8 g u <:> _g .~ ] .:g'0 'E .~ ~ p.. "3 t ... .. on 0 ;; -c ..2 8- 'iI"-' '" .3 ~ <:> ~ 0 'th B-l',,"", .;;: ~ 0 d _'il§ ~ u -.....-~ """' <1) ~ is on 1 -c 0: B ~.§ ~ ~ .,... ~ .s.... _g ~ ra g ~ -~ ._-8 -g.-::: .9 [!: S 0 -l' '.:::1 'ii£ ;> '- 'iI 1- d ~ o ~ lib ~ .~ :g><: .S:! ~ '+-< g- ... § bI) ..2 ~ 0 ~ p.. ., '.;::l 'iI u "3 ~ .g"

- H« BS RS(S- Basanaghat P MC« ACS« 5) CV« 5) 58 1890 1,317 249 5) MCW« S) T TW W PO« S) CM«S) 10) NW(S- (009IS800) S) NCS« S) SP« 5) PHC« 5) SS-T PH« S) CP« S) 10) OCS« S) ST« 5) H(S. SPCV(S- BS AUjarlgaon P M C(5- 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- PO(5-1O) ACS(5-10) 59 1690 1,144 225 CM(5-10) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) (0091S900) NCS(S-IO) 10) 10) PHC(S- W PH(5-1O) CP(S-IO) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

AUjarl Pathar 60 IS90 ------Unmhablted ------(00916000)

H(5· PM(S- Barungun 10) MCW(5- T TW W ACS(S-10) CV(IO+) BS« S) 61 3340 282 SS 10) PO(S-10) CM(IO+) (00916100) 10) PHC(5- SS-T NCS(S-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(1O+) PH(S-lO) CP(lO+) 10) OCS(S-10) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Bahakajarl P M(S- H(IO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) 62 Pathar 1680 S93 92 10) P0(5-10) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) (00916200) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lo+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

H(S· PM(5- Bagharapatha ACS(S·10) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 63 371 0 31 7 10) C(5- 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- PO PH(S- CM(~-tO) r (00916300) NCS(S-10) Spes-tO) RS(lO+) 10) 10) PHC(S- W 10) CP(S-10) 10) OCS(S-IO) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

SP BS Ulubarl P M« S) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) 64 1020 639 III TWWSS- PO(~5) CM(10+) CV(IO+) RS(lO+) (00916400) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

DH(IO+) SP BS Bagharagaon PM TWWSS- ACS(IO+) 65 2240 873 173 MCW(IO+) PO PH(5- CM(-10+) CV(IO+) RS(lO+) (00916500) C(lO+) W NCS(IO+) PHC(lO+) 10) CP(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+) OCS(IO+) 222 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY VilIae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

"0 § !a -5 § a •.;::l i bll os bll a ~ .S ~ 8 ] <>... ~ .. Co> <£ 0 e ~ J Co> -- ..2 G(3 ·1 U ~ ~ gj ~ j ~ ~"O '" iii t S ~ Co "0 ~ ..0 o ~ e ..2 ;; ~ Q.c.> .. ._ s t "0 ] ~ Q, "0 0 ~ .. .5 ~ 8 ti ~~ c:: ~ e ~ ::s ~ .. .a ~ II> OJ ~ ~ ~ :5 - > c 8: ]:

PC(45 I) TW(50 I) PRMR Mangaon (31) ED EO NM TK(25 4) R(40 2) 30 I 20 I 29 I Marakolong 56 No2 T(160 7)

TK(24 0) R(14 4) PR Mangaon (20) NM 667 25 13 I Smglman 57 - 0(80 5) T(J 18 8)

pe(IS 1) TW(50 2) PRMR Mangaon(2) ED EO NM TK(5 1) R(IO 1) 491 423 169 Basanaghat 58 T(80 4)

PC(54 9) 0(67 0) PRMR Mangaon (7) NM 136 231 106 AUjangaon 59 T(1219)

PC(40 2) 0(63 5) ------Umnhablted ------101 435 I 7 AUjarl Pathar 60 T(1036)

TK(6 0) 0(25 6) MR Marlgaon (10) ED NM 129 2812 79 Barungun 61 T(31 6)

TK(O 0) 0(19 6) MR Marlgaon (13) ED NM 77 107 I 33 9 Bahakajarl 62 T(196) Pathar

MR Marlgaon (9) ED NM 3594 0(1 4) T(I 4) 101 63 Bagharapatbar

MR Mangaon (13) ED NM 0(81) T(8 I) 108 724 II 3 Uluban 64

TK(17 0) 0(11 2) PltMR Mangaon(10) ED NM 121 1740 65 T(282) 9 4 Bagharagaon

223 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 lans., 5-10 lans. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is ..available is given) .-;;;-- .. ~ ::l ~ il' .g ~ ~ ~ rlJj ] <> '" U .ci "'"a <> ~ ~ ...... ''::: '73 § = ::; > 11 8' g ... =0 .~ .~ °i u ~ ..c ] <> ... "" 0. ~ t ::; ...0. <> '" ~ ] .. -]§ e~ u ... ] .:: '" >. § ::l'" e o '': ~ -5 ... "'" ~ -8 ._.s ...... ~ _g a ~.~ ~ 0 -3 .... -a -g .~ I -s .. o ~ 'C) .~ ~ :::s .... g- = bI) 1u .a 0 ..u .!2 ~ .!2 O! § • ~ 0. -a ... -=s ~ 1;j 1 = 1;j <> = 'B e -a .. <> ~ § '': '3 '3 :a ~ 1£ .~ :a ... 0 0 ~ j.~ ] 8 .~

- R« SPCV« Tetelia PMS ACS« S) BS« S) 68 113.0 498 91 S) MCW« 5) T TW W PO« S) CM« S) S) ST« (00916800) C«S) NCS« S) RS(IO+) PHC(< S) SS-T PR« S) CP{< S) S) OCS« S) NW(IO+) R(S· PM(S- Tetelia Pahar ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 69 482.0 376 79 10) 10)MCW(S- WSS-W PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00916900) lO)PHC(S- NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PR(S-IO) CP(5-10) 10) OCS(5-10) ST(S-IO) NW(lO+)

Jerengabari P M(IO+) H(lO+) TWWSS- ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS(S-IO) 70 246.0 390 69 PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (00917000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PR(IO+) CP(IO+) PRC(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

SP(2) BS Kalbari P(3) M FWC R(IO+) T TW W 71 2S4.0 1,032 193 PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) RS(JO+) (00917100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T PRC(IO+) PR(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(S-IO)

Gunarnara SP BS PMS H(IO+) TWWSS- PR(2) ACS(S-IO) 72 No.2 173.0 1,225 201 CM(IO+) CV(lO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) W PO(S-IO) NCS(S-IO) (00917200) CP(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PRC(IO+) OCS(S-10) H(S' Bakari P M(5- 10) MCW(S- RP W SS- ACS(S-IO) CV(5-10) BS(S-IO) 73 Chapari 210.0 370 76 10) C(S- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) 10) PHC(S- W NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-IO) (00917300) 10) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(lO+) ST(S-IO) NW(S-lO)

Marako1ong P(2) M(S- H(I~+) HPWR ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 74 No.1 ISS.O 190 30 PO(IO+) CM(IO+) 10) C(S- MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) (00917400) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gunarnara PM(5- H(IO+) HPWR ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 7S No.1 229.0 28S S6 10) P0(5-IO) CM(lO+) MCW(10+) SS-W NCS(10+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) (00917S00) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 224 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

j g cu <> :a~ ~ : .Q S ~ p.. ~ ...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TK(2.0) 0(70.3) MR Marigaon (6) ED NM 14.1 104.8 89 Silsaku 66 T(72.3)

TK(0.5) 0(16.1) PR MR Marigaon (8) ED N M 14.1 59.2 67 T(16.7) 14.6 Khokhanagog

TWE(4.6) 0(7.4) MR Marigaon (I) ED EAG N M 13.5 67.0 20.6 Tetelia 68 T(l1.9)

Tetelia MR Marigaon (10) - NM 468.8 0(0.9) T(0.9) 12.2 69 Pahar

PR MR Marigaon (23) ED NM 174.4 63.7 8.0 Jerengabari 70

PRMR Marigaon (28) ED EO NM 226.0 21.7 5.9 Kalbari 71

PRMR 60 Gunamara Marigaon (15) ED EO NM 147.8 IS.7 . No.2 72

PC(IO.7) R(12.4) Bakari PR Marigaon (7) NM 68.0 33.5 73 0(S1.2) T(104.3) 4.5 Chapari

TK(3.9) 0(27.3) PR Marigaon (11) NM 112.0 0.5 11.1 Marakolong 74 - T(31.2) No.1

TK(7.S)R(S.I) IS 6 Gunamara Marigaon (1S) NM 139.4 7.1 75 - 0(51.2) T(67.1) No.1

225 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place where the facility is available is given) ... -v;- ::s .s ~ 0 J§, 0 _g= .= ~ tl ·E ~ u ~ ~ ., c.> ., p. ~ 8. 0 ;; ..2 0 '" i '" .....:l .! 2:! ]V:~ e::s'" ___ ~ '" e ~ ~ '" ::s i0 .... = bO ..2 l:~_ ·13 ~ ...0 '"~ p. u .~ ~., .~] = ., .. 2:! ::s ~ l «! c.> e ., .- S § .. :a ~ -sf ~ .~ :a c.>.5 ] 8·- 0 o ~ ;8 I~ U til li 1 ~ ~ I ~ 8 & U ~~ U "" ""I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 R(S- PM(S- SP CY(S- BS Uabari 10) MCW(S- T TW W ACS(IO+) 76 193.0 871 162 10) C(5- PO(5-1O) CM(5-1O) 10) ST(S- RS(IO+) (00917600) 10)PHC(5- SS-T NCS(IO+) 10) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) NW(lO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

Dahuti R« PM(5- Padum 5) TTWW ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 77 108.0 357 65 10) PO(5-10) CM« 5) Pukhuri MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP« S) RS(lO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) (00917700) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

PM(5- BS Ajarbari H(lO+) TWWSS- POPH« ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) 78 162.0 374 74 10) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00917800) MCW(1O+) W 5) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) C(1o+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

PM(S- Meruagaon H(lO+) THPTW ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 79 184.0 556 113 10) P0(5-10) CM(lO+) (00917900) MCW(IO+) WRSS-T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) H(5- PM(S- Karaibari 10) MCW(5- TW W R ACS(S-IO) SP CY(S- BS(;-IO) 80 125.0 219 37 10) C(5- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00918000) 10) PHC(5- SS-W NCS(5-10) 10) ST(5- RS(1o+) 10) PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(IO+) 10) NW(lO+)

PM(5- BS Bardalpathar H(lO+) TWRSS- ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 81 311.0 395 79 10) PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00918100) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) H(5- PM(S- Jurgaon 10) TWRSS- ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS{5-10) 82 261.0 295 48 10) P0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00918200) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) C(10+) PH(5-10) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

PM(S- Hatihulunga H(lO+) TWRSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 83 193.0 123 22 10) PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00918300) MCW(lO+) TW NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) C(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chanuabari P{< 5) H(lO+) TTWW ACS(S-lO) CV(IO+) BS{lO+) 84 Dikchang 221.0 137 25 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) M(5-10) MCW(lO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00918400) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chanuabari P(3) M FWC H(IO+) TW W TK ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 85 282.0 940 154 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00918500) S C(IO+) MCW(10+) SS-W NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PHC(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 226 VilLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 199~ Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

] a -5 c ii1 ]' bLl .~ g bLl ..:> ., ~ ~ g (,) ... 0 ;::I .... .~ ~ 'Q)' ! oS j J 8 ~ ...!:! ... ~ .g ~ O'd 0 ~ .... ~ ~"O '" j :a .9 p,. ~ "0 .&J ~ o r;; ~ '" g §' p,..,~ e: ... -£ §. "0 't;j z_ '- ... tl '".... p,. .13 of! bLl ~ 0 ~ t;! ;::I tl ~ ... ., ~ ~ ~ I::! 1i '1': ~ ·S ... ~ ~ rP ~ ~ ~ t2 "" :§ ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~l22 23 2 I

TWE(3.3) TK(9.1) PRMR Marigaon (12) EA NM 95.0 20.2 51.7 Uabari 76 R(13.4) T(2S.8)

Dahuti PRMR Marigaon (21) ED NM 93.5 8.8 6.1 Padum 77 Pukhuri

PRMR Marigaon (15) ED EO NM 130.5 27.4 3.8 Ajarbari 78

TK(1.3) R(12.1) MRNR Marigaon (21) ED 131.3 36.3 3.4 Meruagaon 79 T(13.4)

TK(2.6) R(6.3) MR Marigaon (8) ED NM 88.4 14.3 4.8 Karaibari 80 0(8.9) T(l7.8)

TK(6.7) R(9.4) MRNR Marigaon (15) 197.5 86.6 81 - T(J6.1) 11.2 Bardalpathar

TK(1O.7) R(6.7) MRNR Marigaon (21) ED 230.6 7.8 5.6 Jurgaon 82 T(17.4)

PCC13.4) TW(18.2) MRNR Marigaon (21) - TK(5.4) R(6.7) 137.9 0.7 10.5 Hatihulunga 83 T(43.7)

PRMR 5 4 Chanuabari 84 Marigaon (15) - NM 167.7 47.4 . Dikchang

PRMR Marigaon (16) - NM 211.3 63.0 7.9 Chanuabari 85

227 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 krns. and 10+ lans of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

... >.. ~ ~ ~ cu <:: -..:;; j ""cu ~ ..g-- 0 <> j ] ~ <> u u .~ u j ...... u cu <:: ..c eo 8' 0 5 eo § .~ t! ''::: §, ] ~ .~ U ~ <) u ...... -a '" <:> ~ <> ~~ j ~ ::s!'" '" '" 0 ~ t -~ oC! ~ -..:;; ~~i E9.-'" ...... ~ 8 ..c -~ cu Q) § ~ a § B .,s ... ..c '" ~ ... .~ 0 ] <:: ~ ~ .8 .g"d .§ Q) «I ._ ~ E ...... c'" ~ ~ 0 '- «I .f '.g «I ~ ~ 0 ~ til CI>~ ._~ ~ .... '" ~ ... § 13 '(3 1 0 ~ Po ... .~ «I ]I "3 Sl .g'" '"s ] «I <> J u -- § '': '" :a I '1 -~ :6 e I -.::: Q) ~ ~ ;§ rg j_'S ] ~ f-< f-< l ~'" ~ p... 8 ~~ u'" _8~ '"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13

Mikirbari PM H(10+) ACS(S-IO) CV(10+) BS(S-10) 86 250.0 532 93 T HP W SS· PO(;-10) CM(IO+) (00918600) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(1o+) SP(10+) RS(10+) T PH(5-10) CP(1O+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM(5- Karaiguri H(10+) TTWW ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 87 234.0 587 110 10) PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00918700) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lo+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+) H« Athubhanga P« 5) 5) TWSS- ACS(lO+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 88 264.0 44 6 PO« 5) CM« 5) (00918800) M« 5) MCW(JO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP« 5) C(10+) PHC(1o+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

- H« SPCV« BS Damal P M«5) POPH« ACS« 5) 89 267.0 1,152 203 5) MCW« 5) T TW W CM« 5) 5) ST« RS(lo+) (00918900) C«5) 5) NCS« 5) PHC« 5) SS-T CP« 5) 5) NW(10+) OCS«5) H(5- PM(5- - BS Charaihagi 10) MCW(s- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 90 171.0 562 103 10) C(5- PO(s-10) CM(s-lO) CV(5-10) RS(IO+) (00919000) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) SP« 5) 10) PH(5-10) CP(5-1O) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(s-10) NW(IO+) H(s- PM(5- SP CV(s- BS Tengaguri 10)MCW(5- TTWW ACS(IO+) 91 201.0 355 74 10) C(5- PO PH(5- CM(~-lO) 10) ST(5- RS(10+) (00919100) 10) PHC(5- SS-T NCS(IO+) 10) 10) CP(5-1O) 10) NW(lO+) 10) OCS(IO+) H(s- PM(5- Hakanamara 10) MCW(s- TW W SS- ACS(lO+) SP CV(5- BS(;-IO) 92 239.0 743 129 10) C(5- PO(5-10) CM(s-IO) (00919200) 10)PHC(5- W NCS(lO+) 10) ST(s- RS(10+) 10) PH(5-1O) CP(5-1O) 10) OCS(IO+) 10) NW(10+) H(s- Maidhali PM(5- 10) MCW(s- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) SP CV(5- 8S(;-IO) 93 Pathar 165.0 183 39 10) C(5- PO(5-1O) CM(5-10) 10) PHC(5- W NCS(IO+) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) (00919300) 10) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) OCS(IO+) 10) NW(IO+) FWC H(5- Pasatia SP CV(5- BS P(3) M(5- 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 94 Morigaon 180.0 345 65 PO(s-IO) CM(5-10) 10) ST(5- RS(IO+) 10) C(5- 10) PHC(S- W NCS(IO+) (00919400) PH(5-10) CP(5-1O) 10) NW(IO+) 10) 10) OCS(IO+)

Danduabilar P« 5) H(IO+) TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS(5-1O) 95 Tup 63.0 135 24 PO(5-1O) CM(5-10) M(5-IO) MCW(IO+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00919500) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) C(5-10) PHC(lo+) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+) 228 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY ViIlae:e Diredorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)··

.", ij !il ii ~ ]' 00 .~ e 00 ~ :§ ::I 8 ~ ::I <.> ... "0 ... .S 'U' .s ~ ~0 <> ,§_ ~ :a <> ...::s ... S ~ 0 ;.- old ~ gp ;;g ~.", '">. j ·8 !l .s -E: ... .", ~ §' e ~ ~ "® ~ g. 8.~ "0 ~ '- ::I 1 1;; ...'" c. .5 J9 on ~~ g 0 <:: ~ ::I 1;; ~ ... ~ fa ~ ·e .a rl 01 ~ e :§ § - > ·c.. ~ ~ &: ~ ~ ~ ti: 8 ~ ~ ~

PR MR Mangaon (16) ED N M 1876 254 365 Mlklrban 86

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED EO N M 1909 380 5 3 KaralgurJ 87

MR Marlgaon (20) - 1965 663 1 5 Athubhanga 88

PC(553) PRMR Mangaon (3) EA NM TWE(60 2) TK(4 0) 922 308 68 Damal 89 R(17 4)T(\36 8)

TWE(20 8) TK(7 4) PRMR Mangaon (22) EA NM 400 253 632 CharaJhagl 90 R(14 8) T(42 9)

PC(28 7) TW(30 I) PRMR Mangaon (28) ED EO NM TK(43 3) R(24 1) 153 371 225 Tengagun 91 T(1262)

PC(50 1) TWE(202) PRMR Marlgaon (20) EA NM 401 350 280 Hakanamara 92 TK(45 1) R(20 2) T(1357)

PC(27 1) TW(4S 1) PRMR Marlgaon (II) ED EO NM 14 I 311 242 Mmdhah 93 TK(23 I) T(95 3) Pathar

PC(40 I) PRMR Martgaon (25) EA NM TWE(24 1) TK(2 5) 220 751 164 Pasatla 94 Mongaon T(667)

PC(IO 1) TW(12 1) 1 1 DanduabJIar PRMR Marigaon (22) NM TK(173)R(190) 10 28 95 - Tup T(S85)

229 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

--;n- ~ ::s ~0 ., '"a::: -c z -c ~ ., of 0 i rl -§"' <.> i... ~ U ., .0 a .::: u .u c:: ..c:: .,c ;; <> .~ :.::-= u 0 .8 '5t! 'E ... ~ 0.. ~ 8. bO ::; ..2 '" '"' o:s 0 -c'" i .3 B "i ·c ]~~ '" ~ ] ~ _«l§ ~ ~ ., (.) g..d .c e..-.'" ., ] -c ~ 0() § ::s'" f c!d .go ._B ~ .,... ~ .s..... _g a a::: '" .~ .,~ ~ 0 ..... «l 1 «l «i" .~ ]>"9 o:s ~c.. 0 I lib B '0 .~ ~ 1 0 ... 'e .0 til a::: 0 ~ 0.. ., al u 1 ""'., (.) "3 ~ ~ e s " al ;a ~ .;::: ]I ·1::s ti .~ :a ~ .g II> ~ j~] Vl ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ u <~ ~ Vl 8t;! j f 1 2 4 :; 6 IS 9 10 11 12 13 H(S- PM(S- - BS Salmari No.1 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 96 144.0 32S 60 10) C(S- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) CV(S-IO) RS(IO+) (00919600) 10) PHC(S- W NCS(IO+) SP« S) 10) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(lO+) H(S- PM(S- SPCV(S- - Salmari No.2 10) MCW(S- HP TW W ACS(IO+) 97 29S.0 I,S92 328 10) C(S- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) 10) ST(S- BS(S-IO) (00919700) 10) PHC(S- SS-W NCS(IO+) 10) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) RS(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« THPTW SPCV« BS Barigaon P(2) M ACS« S) 98 223.0 2,946 S83 S) MCW« S) WTK SS- PO« S) CM« S) S) ST« RS(IO+) (00919800) C(S-IO) NCS«S) PHC«S) T PH« S) CP« S) S) NW(IO+) OCS« S) H(S- Salmari SPCV(S- BS P M« S) 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 99 MikirGaon 173.0 1,IS9 215 PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) 10) ST(S- RS(IO+) C(S-IO) 10) PHC(S- W NCS(IO+) (00919900) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

H(S- SPCV(S- BS Salmari P M C(S- 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- ACS(IO+) 100 248.0 424 76 PH PO(S- CM(~-IO) 10) RS(IO+) (00920000) 10) 10) PHC(S- W NCS(IO+) 10) CP(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+) H(S- SPCV(S- - Losonabari P(2) M 10) MCW(S- T TW W ACS(S-IO) 101 203.0 60S 117 PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) 10) ST(S- BS(S-IO) (00920100) C(S-IO) 10) PHC(S- SS-T NCS(S-IO) 10) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) 10) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) FWCH(5- P(4) SPCV(5- BS Banpara TTWW ACS(S-IO) 102 393.0 3,S29 621 M(2) C(S- 10) MCW(S- PH PO(S- CM(~-IO) 10) ST(S- RS(IO+) (00920200) 10) 10) PHC(S- SS-T NCS(S-IO) 10) CP(S-IO) 10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+)

peS) FWCH« S) Kalikajari TWWTK ACS(S-IO) CV(~-lO) BS RS(S- 103 389.0 4,748 869 M(3) S MCW(S-IO) PO« S) CM« S) 10) (00926800) CSS-W NCS(S-IO) C« S) PHC«S) PH« S) CP(5-10) SP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) DFWCH« Hatibat P(3) M 5) TW W SS- PO PH« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) 104 Simaluguri 293.0 1,072 214 CM« 5) S C« S) MCW(IO+) W S) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00926900) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS« S) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Dangaria FWC H« 5) P(3) M TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) lOS Goon 337.0 3,S68 661 MCW(IO+) PO« 5) CM(5-1O) C« 5) W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00927000) PHC(S-IO) PH« S) CP(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 230 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villaec Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)·· ..., fa ~ ..c (,) 1;1 ._'15 j OJ) :.§, .€ OJ) '" <1> -0 <> 0 ~ ~<> ... ~ .... <1> .S c£ ~ !;j § :.§, :.a <.> E ~ ~ ... ~ Od ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~"'a >. ~ '2 .0 s ~ ... o ~ -0 ~ ¥ S g. r:>. ~ e ..!l ._ § g -0 ~ ~ Q.. bI) ~~ is 0 til .5l .s <= <= e til ;::I til ~ ~ ... ta r:>. ~ ~ ... :5 B ·c ~ - > '" v ~ ~ tf Z_ ~~ ~ ;§ .;5 8 ~ .~ ~

PC(20.J) W(12.1) PRMR Marigaon (20) EA NM TWE(6.0) TK(40.1) 14.1 16.8 Salmari 96 No.1 R(35.1) T(I13.4)

PC(41.1) TWE(28.1) PRMR Marigaon (19) EA NM 85.3 42.2 39.8 Salmari 97 TK(28.1) R(30.2) No.2 T(127.5) PC(40.1) TWE(49.2) PRMR Marigaon (1) EA NM 12.0 10.7 14.0 Barigaon 98 TK(27.2) R(70.3) T(186.8)

PC(28.1) PRMR Marigaon (11) EA NM TWE(40.2) 22.1 40.2 275 Salmari 99 . MikirGaon TK(15.2) T(83.5)

PC(lS.I) TWE(5S.0) PRMR Marigaon (20) EA NM 40.1 28.1 41.4 Salmari 100 TK(40.1) R(28.3) T(138.4)

PC(45.3) TW(S7.2) PRMR Marigaon (8) ED NM 34.7 41.2 6.2 Losonabari 101 TK(18.2) T{l20.6)

PC(5S.1) TW(4S.I) PRMR Marigaon (9) ED EO NM 91.2 60.2 78.6 Banpara 102 TK(62.1) T(162.2)

PRMR Marigaon (13) ED EO TW(20.1) T(20.1) 171.6 48.1 149.7 Kalikajari 103

PRMR Marigaon (16) ED EO W(8.0) T(8.0) 216.0 15.8 52.7 . Hatibat. 104 Stmalugun

75 8 Dangaria PRMR Marigaon (19) ED EO TW(6.0) T(6.0) 236.8 18,6 lOS Gaon

231 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ kIns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) IS ::s ~ j .., '""'"<= '"0 .., Os 0 1 ] ~.g I u ~ <..> J:l ~ .., '+=l "6 ., § ..,<='" 0 g! g 0 § '+=l iEi! .~ U ~ 'E .., ~ -a ..,f! "3 ~ 8. 1;! 0 ...!!:! Co. <> .s 0 .s 's, ]~~ 6ra ___ ~ ~ ~ 6 _"iil§ .:,j ;.- ..<::.., <..> .., ., <= § .::'" ::s -= .;::: bI) -0 0 u 0 s .s .9 ~ 0::: .:,j ~._ .,... .!;! .... 1"g ·1 ( ~ "3 .... OJ y 1 ~ ~ 1 .;:::., "6::s ::s "llf ~ 'S, ::a ~.5 ] ~ .,8

P(2) H« Parasu BS M(2) 5) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) III Tangani 352.0 1,310 251 PO« 5) CM«S) RS(10+) PUCC(S- MCW(JO+) SS-HP NCS(JO+) SP« 5) (00927600) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) H« BS Sataribori P M« 5) 5) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 112 288.0 1,308 254 TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM« 5) RS(IO+) (00927700) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) C« 5) TW PH« 5) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) H(5· Tamulibori P(2) M 10) TWWSS· ACS(IO+) CV(10+) BS« 5) 113 241.0 551 113 PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00927800) C(S-IO) MCW(10+) TW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

D H(IO+) BS Tarabori TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 114 234.0 2,178 402 P(2) M MCW(IO+) PO PH CM« 5) RS(IO+) (00927900) TW NCS(IO+) SP(10+) S C(5-1O) PHC(S-IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Sukdal P(2) D H(IO+) BS TWWSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 115 Barbari 385.0 1,328 239 M(2) S MCW(IO+) PO PH CM« 5) RS(lO+) W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC(S-10) CP(10+) NW(IO+) (00928000) C« 5) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+) 232 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ ';";;' ~ ., ~ ...~ -g '' 1., ] ~~ ... Co) I ::I -,a ..<::... ~ ., c::s ...- '"c <:> ... <:>- § '" ~ U ·s ] '5 'f -I e ~ 4! 8- 1;l <> ... ~ lif ;; ]- 5 .... <1"> .3 <:> 2 .~ .a",:~ E9.;g ___ ~ .:c! ~ i<> -]§ § "" 0';:: § ~;g .= 5 ~ ~ -5 ... "'"Ii! g .:c! ~ ..g Ii> ~ .... _g .- .~'" .~ ~ 0 .... 1- ...... ;:;:"g B ~ ~ o .... ~ lib 'g .5:1 .... "" g- .§ bJJ ...!l ] ·N ~ 0 ~ Po Ii> .... ., .g ~ i 1 1;l Co) 2 ~ ~ <> .... ]i Co) ...r '" e 'f:: ::I U) ~ .~ :6 ~.S ] <> !ii' ~ j Z f-; ~ ci3 .~ ~ rZ 8 ~~ ~urJ'J UO;11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lS 9 10 11 12 13

Sukdal DH(IO+) - BS P(2) M TWWSS- PO ACS(IO+) 1I6 Sarubari 246.0 601 1I7 MCW(IO+) CM«5) CV(5-10) RS(IO+) C« 5) W PH(10+) NCS(10+) (00928100) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) SP(5-to) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

P(3) M D H(IO+) ACS BS Mikirbheta TTWW CM CV(IO+) 117 282.0 2,592 485 PUCC« MCW(IO+) PO PH NCS(IO+) RS(lO+) (00928200) SS-T CP(lO+) SP(IO+) 5) PHC(5-to) OCS« 5) NW(IO+) ST(IO+)

H« P(2) M« BS Surat Bon 5) TTWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 1I8 316.0 1,015 169 5) C(5- PO« S) CM«S) RS(to+) (00928300) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 10) PH«5) CP(IO+) NW(to+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) P(3) FWC H« 5) BS Hakudangbor M(2) THPTW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 119 478.0 2,462 486 MCW(1O+) PO« 5) CM« 5) RS(IO+) i (00928400) S(2) C« WSS-T NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) PHC(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) 5) OCS« S) ST(IO+)

FWCH«5) BhehGuri P(3) M TTWW ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 120 198.0 2,733 486 MCW(S-IO) PO« 5) CM(5-1O) (00930500) C(10+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC(5-1O) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

FWC H«S) BS Silpukhuri P(5) M TWWTK PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 121 426.0 5,950 979 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00930600) S C« 5) SS-W PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC(5-to) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

T(43) P(187) W(l13) M(S8) D(9) PHS(S) TK(8) PO(21) ACS(2) 81ockTotal 28030.9 130065 23801 S(21) CM(4) SP(4S) 8S(71) FWC(17) HP(21) PH(30) NCS(4) PUC(4) TW(lll) 0 R(13) C

234 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e, area under different types of land use in hectare)··

] 1;1 -§ s:: ]' ~ .~ btl ,g ,e ,S ,~ "CI "CI "3 8 0 <.> ~ .. ~ .S ~ ,g oS j :a 1;1 -- ., gf 8 ~ o a .e: ] .£ ..... ~ -r;; '" c.. ,5 ~ '"bO ~~ g 0 1 e ... -r;; ~ ... <;! ~ ~ 1bO a ~ e 'E :~ - > ] '5 ~ ~ rf ~ ~ I tf :5 8~ ~ tIO 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 2 1

PR MR Mangaon (20) ED EO N M TW(10 0) T(10 0) 2549 146 1 S4 0 Barangaban 106

PR MR Marlgaon (21) ED EO TW(4 0) T(4 0) 1977 166 68 5 Bongaon 107

MR Marlgaon (23) ED EO 2860 388 S94 Rangadona 108

MR Marlgaon (26) - 1749 35 I Tumukabon 109

MR Marlgaon (27) 1412 515 280 Dlghah 110 - Pathar

PRMR Mangaon (20) 2800 148 S7 1 Parasu III - TangaOl

PRMR Mangaon (20) ED EO 2243 133 508 Satanbon 112

MR Marlgaon (16) ED EO TW(4 0) T(4 0) 1604 265 503 Tamuhbon 113

PR MR Mangaon (17) ED EO TW(6 0) T(6 0) 1425 246 602 Tarabon 114

PRMR Marlgaon (13) EDEO TW(IO 0) T(IO 0) 2565 237 944 SukdaJ 115 Barbarl

233 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villa2e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

~ ..c::ta 1il'"' i bI) g .·1.;::: ..., .~ .S "3 <> ] ...<> .S ~u .s: ~ 1;j 10 g ..., 'i3 <.> ~ Od ~ 0 :g >. ...., : ..... 'i ~ ..0 .9 ~ -a ~ ~11 I p. ..., [;; 'r> .9 :::s §. 8.a e "'" ..... § ] '" Q. _ :::s "0 0 0:: .13 of! t;; "'"~ i ~- 0:: u bI) 'e a ~ os -a ~ I ~ ~ e - > ·c..., ~ ~ rf ~ ~ ~ & ] 8 8 ~ ~ ~ IZ> 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~2 23 2 I

PR MR Marigaon (14) ED EO TW(2.0) T(2.0) 116.6 73.0 54.9 Sukd~1 116 Sarubarl

PR MR Marigaon (23) ED EO N M 226.9 55.0 Mikirbheta 117

PRMR Marigaon (25) ED EO NM 267.3 48.8 Surat Bori 118 FP

PR MR Marigaon (24) ED EO NM 341.0 136.8 Hakudangbori 119

PR MR Marigaon (34) ED EAG - TW(26.8) T(26.8) 126.7 18.2 26.2 Bheh Guri 120

PR Marigaon (36) ED EO N 169.9 44.0 212.6 Silpukhuri 121

GC(90.17) PC(I727.08) W(289.11) PR(94) ED(67) TW(1147.22) MR(llJ) EAG(3) N(98) TWE(766.36) 12152.0 4196.9 3372.6 FP EO(36) M(97) 828.2 TK(1194.62) NR(4) EA(21) R(708.62) WF(130.5) 0(1436.95)


Village Directory Data of Kapili Pt. CD Block

(C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :­ Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the Distrid: Marigaon sertaI Name 2001 Census 1991 Census SenaI Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number I 2 3 4 2 3 4

Name of CD Block: Kapili Pt. 10 Kashadhara Sat Gaon Name of Sub-Dist: 0005 (Kashadhara) 00929900 120040092009200057 1 Bar Bhagia 00930000 120040092009200058 II Majaorbori 00929600 120040092009200052 2 Baramara Pathar 12 Majgaon 00930300 120040092009200060 (Barama Pathar) 00929500 120040092009200053 I3 Mikirgaon 00928900 120040092009200048 3 Barsaka Baha 00929100 120040092009200047 14 Niz-Charai Bahi 4 Bhumuraguri 00930200 120040092009200044 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 00929300 120040092009200045 5 Garmari 00928500 120040092009200050 15 Niz-Mikirgaon 00930400 120040092009200063 6 Ghurabak Pathar 00929200 120040092009200046 16 Patua Kata 00929000 120040092009200051 7 Jaluguti 00929700 120040092009200054 17 Rahdhala 00929400 120040092009200056 8 Kahibari 00930100 120040092009200059 18 Takuna Bori 00929800 120040092009200055 9 Kalmoubari 00928700 120040092009200027 19 Tarajan 00928800 120040092009200049 20 Thengkhali 00928600 120040092009200028 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CD Block: Kapili Pt. (ODDS) H(S· Gannari 10) MCW(S- HP TW W ACS(IO+) CY(5-10) BS« S) 2SS.0 1,364 231 P M«S) PO«5) CM« 5) (00928S00) C«S) 10) PHC(S- SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(S-lo) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP« 5) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(5-lO) NW(IO+)

H(S· - BS Thengkhali 2 267.0 2,793 472 P M C(S- 10) MCW(S- TW W SS- PO(~ S) CM« S) ACS(S-IO) CY(S-IO) RS(10+) (00928600) 10) 10) PHC(5- W PH« 5) CP(S-IO) NCS(S-10) SP(S-lo) NW(10+) 10) OCS« 5) ST(S-JO)

PHS H(5-10) - - BS Kalmoubari P(2) M MCW(S-IO) TW W SS- PH PO(S- CM« S) ACS(IO+) CY(5-10) RS(IO+) 3 194.0 2,143 409 C(5-10) (00928700) PHC« 5) TW 10) CP(5-1O) NCS(lO+) SP(S-lo) NW(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-lO)

Tarajan 101 P M« 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- ACS(10+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 4 242.0 613 CM« 5) (00928800) C« 5) MCW(IO+) TW PO« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-1O) PH« 5) OCS(S-IO) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

FWC H(S- - BS Mikirgaon 10) MCW(S- HP TW W ACS« S) 5 435.0 2,386 4S0 P(3) M PH PO« CM« 5) CY(S-IO) RS(10+) (00928900) S C« 5) 10) PHC(5- SS-HP 5) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP« 5) 10) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-lO) NW(IO+)

P(2) PatuaKata ACS« 5) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 6 366.0 1,525 273 M(2) S CM« 5) (00929000) ~~~llO+) ~~~~S~ POPH NCS(S-10) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) HP OCS(S-10) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

Barsaka Baha 411 P(2) M ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 7 207.0 2,222 (00929100) C«5) ~~~lIO+) ~-:.: TK ~~ PO« CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PHC(S-lO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

Ghurabak 9 P(IO+) 8 Pathar 230.0 58 H(IO+) TW W TK PO(S-IO) CM(lO+) ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) BS(lO+) M(5-10) (00929200) MCW(lO+) SS-TK PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) Niz-Charai P(8) DCWCH(5- ACS SP BS Bahi (Niz­ M(4) 10) THPTW 9 541.0 5,223 958 PO PH« CM« 5) NCS(10+) CY(IO+) RS(IO+) Sarai Bahi) S(2) MCW(IO+) W SS-T 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) (00929300) PUC C PHC« 5) H« 309 P(2) M« S) MCW(5- TW W TK ACS« 5) CY(5-IO) BS« 5) 10 Rahdhala 219.0 1,646 PO«S) CM« 5) (00929400) 5) C« 5) 10) PHC(5- SS-TW NCS(S·10) Spes-to) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) 10) OCS(5-10) ST(5-10) NW(IO+) 240 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY VilIa2e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)··

14 15 16 17 19 2u 21 22 23 2

PR MR Mangaon (15) - 1828 408 311 Garman

MR Mangaon (18) - NM 1848 09 815 Thengkhah 2

PRMR Mllngaon (16) ED EO R(19 0) T(19 0) 895 521 331 Kalmouban 3 NR

MR Mangaon (16) - 172 6 334 366 Tarajan 4

MR Mangaon(10) EDEO 3752 246 35 2 Mlklrgoon 5

MR Mangaon (12) ED EO NM 3032 181 443 PatuaKata 6

MR Mangaon (11) ED EO NM 1400 259 41 1 Barsaka 7 Baha

97 Ghurabak MRFP Mangaon (19) 2185 14 8 - Pathar

Nlz-Charal PRMR Mangaon (14) ED EO NM 4462 268 67 6 Bahl (NIZ- 9 Saral Bahl)

MR Mangaon (8) ED EO NM 1432 2 1 731 Rahdhala 10

241 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Pathar H« 11 (Barama 1850 973 167 P M« 5) 5) MCW(S- TW W SS- PO(~ 5) CM« 5) ACS« 5) CY(S-IO) BS« 5) C«5) Pathar) 10) PHC(S- W PH« 5) CP(S-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) 10) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+) H(S- - BS MaJaorbon 10) MCW(5- HP TW W 12 2090 1,488 291 PM« 5) PH PO« CM« 5) ACS« 5) CY(5-10) RS(IO+) (00929600) C« 5) 10) PHC(S- SS-HP 5) CP(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP« 5) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(5-1O) ST« 5)

Jalugutl P M S H CWC PHC HP TW W PO TO CM CP(5 ACS(5 10) SP CV(5- BS 13 1750 3,129 608 PUC C« - - 10) ST(S- RS(IO+) (00929700) MCW(S-to) SS-HP PTO PH 10) NCS(S 10) 5) - 10) NW(IO+) OCS(5-1O)

DCWCPHC - BS TakunaBon CM CP(5- ACS« 5) 14 2100 2,716 513 P(2) FWC H(5- T HP TW PO PH CY(S-IO) RS(lO+) (00929800) M(2) C 10) MCW(5- W SS-T 10) NCS« 5) SpeS-to) NW(IO+) 10) OCS« 5) ST(S-IO) Kashadhara - H« ACS - BS Sat Gaon 15 1910 1,062 180 P MC« S)MCW(S- HPTWW PO«S) CM«5) NCS(3) CV(S-IO) RS(IO+) (Kashadhara) 5) 10) PHC« 5) SS-W PH« 5) CP« 5) OCS SP« 5) + (00929900) ST(5-10) NW(lO )

BS Bar Bhagla FWCH«S) THPTW PHPO« 16 1850 3,155 557 P(4) M ACS« 5) CY(IO+) RS(lO+) (00930000) C«5) MCW(IO+) W SS-T 5) CM« 5) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) NW(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) CWCPHS BS Kahlban H« 5) TTWW ACS{< 5) CY(IO+) RS(lO+) 17 4440 3,153 580 P MC« PO« 5) CM« 5) (00930100) 5) MCW(1O+) SS-T PH« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) CWCPHS Bhumuragun H« 5) TTWW ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS 18 3570 1,352 227 P(3) M PO« 5) CM«5) (00930200) S C« 5) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS MaJgaon P(2) M CWC H« 5) T TW W ACS« 5) CY(IO+) RS(IO+) 19 2600 365 PO« 5) CM«5) (00930300) 73 S C« 5) MCW(10+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(5-to) NW(to+) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(to+)

242 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY VilIaee Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare) .... 1 ~ -8g g ]' OIl ·til :§_., OIl :E <> ~0 4> tl ~ .. ~ .~ ... ~ ..s ~ :a ~ e .!! ..!!! <> ~ 2 ~ ~ 0 1il ~ ,.e. '" :;a ~ b .B p.. "0 ~ , ..Q € .!! ~ ~ §' I] '+-< s ~ "0 ., M 0 1 1;1 .5 ~ ~ bO 1il~ E t 1il 8 4> ~ ~ ~ 1;1 = 2:! .. 'E a ~ OJ ~ - > ·cu ~ ~ &. ~ ~ ~ & ] § a~ .{ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 l2_ _20 21 22 23 2 1 Baramara MR Marigaon (to) ED EO 165.6 18.9 Pathar II (Barama Pathar)

PRMR Marigaon (9) ED EO NM 192.6 0.8 15.8 Majaorbori 12

PR MR Marigaon (8) ED EO N 98.7 3.4 73.2 Jaluguti \3

MR Marigaon (8) ED EO NM TW(42.7) T(42.7) 59.4 23.4 85.0 TakunaBori 14

Kashadhara PC(5.4) TW(10.7) PRMR Marigaon (9) ED EO 92.9 8.1 74.2 Sat Gaon 15 T(16.1) (Kashadhara)

PRMR Marigaon (II) ED EO NM TW(7.3) T(7.3) 64.0 12.9 101.1 Bar Bhagia 16

PR MR Marigaon (10) ED EO TW(1.4) T(1.4) 376.3 35.5 30.5 Kahibari 17

PR MR Marigaon (12) ED EO N 300.9 51.1 4.8 Bhumuraguri 18

PR MR Marigaon (12) ED EO 244.6 1.3 13.7 Majgaon 19

243 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) .,... --;;;-- ~ ::I ~ ~ '"0 .", 5'" ",.0- ·2 0'" ~ § u I U ..0 ..c:'" ..... ·M ~ § <::> § •.::1 '"> .~ :§, <::> ~t! c: ·il J C!- ~ 8- ... <.> t 0 (>., t '" i.~ rg 9 .3 E I i%l C!- .", 0 a~i .:c! ~ <> "3 ..<:I .t:: l'" Iii .", ... '" Jl .§ .. Iii r::~ ~ .g .~ .... 1d ~ •.::1 '" ..0 ~ 0 .8 ~ 1 '" '" > "3 '+-< ~ !;b t1: iI 0 ] .~ ~ § '" 0 CI) E ·0 ....0 §: Ii; -;;; ~., .g -at ] § • .. ~ .~ "3 5l CI) B 03 03 <.> e'" eQJo ...... § § .t:: ]l ::I :a § ., -0 li 0 -t1 ;:a u.5 ] o .~ 1 ;i3 .~u en ~ ~ E-< Z ~ f ~ U ~ti ~ t/l U1;; 1 2 3 _i_ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P(7) D PHS H« Niz- M(3) ACS BS 5) THPTW SPST 20 Mikirgaon 259.0 1,998 370 S(2) PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) RS(JO+) MCW(lO+) W SS-HP CV(IO+) (00930400) PUC PH« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) + P(45) H D(3) T(7) M(21) CWC(6) W(20) PO(4) ACS(3) Block Total 5431.0 39364 7189 S(9) PRC(2) TK(4) TO PTO CM(2) NCS(3) ST SP(3) BS(13) PUC(3) PHS(4) RP(10) PR(8) OCS C(2) FWC(3) TW(20) R

244 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae:e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"'·

"'"ij li3 '5 =0 ~ .~ j bIl :.§, bIl 3 ... :ij' ~ ;:I u 0 E u <> ...... , § <;' .s j .~ 0 :.§, ~ E <> ~ B .., dd 0 ~ .... ~ .E:- '" ... E .., >. .0 S ~ lQJ ~"'" -0 ~ IS: o e o ... ~ ~ '5 s ::s g- M t;! ..... § 1;; '" c.. .S""'0 .:! "'" bIl ~ ~ to 0 '" ... 1;; ~ '" 0 = e - ;:I '8 _g ... = "a ~ ~ ~ bIl > .. 'J:: "'" ~ 'E ;:I 0 ... ~ ~ d:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U !;b ~ ~

PRMR Marigaon (16) ED EO NM 138.3 27.7 93.0 Niz- 20 Mlktrgaon

PR(ll) PC(5.35) ED(16) N(ll) MR(20) 0.0 TW(62.04) R(19) 3989.5 390.0 963.2 EO(16) M(9) FP NR T(86.39)


Village Directory Data of Dulongghat Pt. CD Block

VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY (C) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 :- Alphabetical list of Villages (CD Block wise) Name of the District: Marigaon senat Name 2001 Census 1991 Census SenaI Name 2001 Census 1991 Census number of village location location code number of village location location code code number code number number number 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Dulongghat Pt. 12 Ghumati Gaon 00932500 120040003000300043 Name of Sub-Dist: 0005 13 Haladhi Ati 00931100 120040003000300014 I Bamun Bori 00932900 120040003000300065 14 KahuaAti 00931200 120040003000300015 2 Bar Hulung 00931700 120040003000300035 15 Kapahera 00933200 120040003000300061 3 Bar Manipur 00932100 120040003000300038 ] 6 Kasai Bori 00932700 120040003000300040 4 Barsila 00931600 120040003000300034 17 Khalapia 00931300 120040003000300016 5 Bhakat Gaon 00932600 120040003000300042 18 Kuji Satra 00930700 120040003000300009 6 Boruguri 00930800 120040003000300010 19 Mulan Kamura 00932000 120040003000300037 7 Chari Punia 20 Paghrui 00932800 120040003000300039 (Charia Punia) 00932400 120040003000300031 8 Chotamonipur 00932200 120040003000300041 21 Pruahguri 00933]00 120040003000300062 9 DeoraBori 22 Parali Guri 00931500 120040003000300032 (Dura Bori) 00931400 120040003000300018 23 Pub Borigaon 00931900 120040003000300036 10 Etakru 24 Simruuguri 00931000 120040003000300012 Sabukdhara 00932300 120040003000300033 25 Sonaruguri 00933000 120040003000300064 11 Ga-Khajua 00930900 120040003000300011 26 Tup Gaon 00931800 120040003000300013

249 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) )..., -;;;' ::s oS ., 0 J c:: '"0 '"0 ,-. ...'" 'E! I.., gj U 1J:l § ~~ 8 .c:: ., :-e "0 <5 ~ .2: 8' g 11 c 0 ~ 'j€ u ~ :§ .!! .~ E -,-. '" (:!.. '"0 6 _::;;§ al'" otd ~ ~ <.> ., c:: fa '"0 ::s § 5 -; '15 i~ ~ .9 '" c:: "8 .. .!! ~ "3 ..... «I !;b (':S .. 0.- 0 i 0g !3 '0 § -« ~~ .... 0 § ~ 0 § ~• 0 ~ 0.- b .~ «I ~ ~ i ., .0 i "3 '" . l] 01 <.> e .,.- .t: "3 Ei :a ~ 'Ii § .~] 0.8 ] § .§

DH(10+) • BS Kuji SatTa HPTW 377.0 1,536 283 P(2) M(2) MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM(IO+) ACSNCS CV(IO+) RS(IO+) (00930700) W SS-W C(IO+) PHC(10+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) OCS SP(lO+) NW(10+) ST(IO+)

THP Boalguri P(2) M H«S) ACS(10+) CV(10+) BS(S·IO) 2 299.0 874 161 TWW PO«5) CM(10+) (00930800) C(S·10) MCW(10+) NCS(10+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) TK SS-T PH«5) CP(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(lO+) CHWH« THP BS Ga-Khajua P MC(S- 5) PO ACS(10+) CV(10+) RS(IO+) 3 107.0 1,055 186 TWW CM«5) (00930900) 10) MCW(10+) PH« 5) SS-T CP« 5) NCS(10+) SP(10+) NW(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

D H(10+) THP - • BS Simaluguri P M C(S- ACS(10+) CV(10+) RS(IO+) 4 188.0 577 105 MCW(10+) TW W R PO«5) CM(10+) (00931000) 10) PHC(10+) SS-T PH(S· CP(10+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) NW(10+) 10) OCS(10+) ST(lO+)

HPTW HaladhiAti P M«S) H«5) ACS(JO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) S 222.0 1,082 20S WRSS- PO« 5) CM«S) (00931100) C(S-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(10+) W PH«5) CP(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) Sf(10+) NW(10+)

THP - BS Kahua Ati PMS PHCH«S) TWW 6 226.0 1,498 274 PO« 5) CM(S-10) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) RS(10+) (00931200) C(S-IO) MCW(10+) SS-T PH(IO+) CP(10+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) NW(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+)

BS Khalapia P M C(S- H«S) TWW 7 287.0 1,683 271 PO«S) CM(S-10) ACS«S) CV(IO+) RS(10+) (00931300) 10) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH(IO+) CP(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) }'..'W(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+)

Deora Bori -- P(2) M« H(lO+) BS«S) 8 (Dura Bori) 271.0 91S 171 T TW W PO«5) CM(S-IO) ACS(10+) CV(10+) 5) C(10+) MCW(IO+) RS(IO+) (00931400) SS-T PH(10+) CP(10+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW{10+)

Parali Guri P(2) M H«S) TTW ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 9 2S7.0 1,117 192 PO«5) CM(IO+) (00931S00) MCW(IO+) TK SS-T NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(10+) C«5) PH(10+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) Sf(10+) NW(lO+)

250 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villae;e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)**

-0 ij til c 1 0 OJ) .~ .¥f '';:: -0 -s .E! <.> <.> ... U' ;§_ ,£ .2 ., 0~ ~ '" ...~ r ... -0 ~ .;;: E € .2 ~ e -0 .... ~ ~ "0 0 c c= ~ II>'" II> "" > ...... :~ 1::t 0 '5 :§ :5 u 6h ~ ~ <10 14 15 16 17 18 1'.1 20 21 22- 23 2 I

Kuji PR MR Marigaon EDEAG - 188.4 69.4 119.4 (25) Satra

TW(35.5) PR MR Marigaon EDEAG - 184.7 58.2 20.1 Boalguri 2 (25) T(35.5)

EDEAG TW(26.8) PRMR Nagaon (19) EO 59.6 2.0 18.7 Ga- 3 T(26.8) Khajua

TW(16.1) PR MR Nagaon (19) ED EAG - 155.6 3.2 13.4 . al . 4 T(16.1) Slm ugurl

EDEAG TW(29.5) Haladhi PR MR Nagaon (18) EO 152.5 20.5 20.1 5 T(29.5) Ati

KaItua PR MR Nagaon (26) ED EO 162.3 24.4 39.1 Ati 6

PRMR Nagaon (20) - 241.0 45.1 7 Kha1apla

DeoTa Marigaon TW(lO.O) PRMR EDEAG - 126.9 26.5 107.1 Bori (Dura 8 (30) T(10.0) Bori)

Marigaon TW(20.1) PRMR ED 221.2 3.4 129 Parali 9 (30) T(20.1) . Guri

251 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz, < 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) t ';;;' £ 0 ... ~" .f .", ~ Q) ~.g- 0 1 § °e <> I." u ~ ..8 "0 ..c:: ~ ;; ... ." ,~. :5 g Q) 0 § ,~ ~t! ., u (:!., ~8. ., ''''<> ." ...... e 0 1- 8- i '" .3 :f 0 "]l 9 '~"" ]~~ '" (:!., ~ .", 0 _'"a§ d'd ';;: <.> e~" ." "0 " ..c:: 'c =0 1i a 0<:1U "0g ,_.s ;g ~ £ 0 .... is t § ~ Q) ., E ..... '.g ..= -a '" ,- .", ~ 's; 0 "3 ...... -" '.c '"a>" 'i ... p.. 0 .. i:!: ti, '" 4> § <: <> ...... '" 0 .... § CD ... ~ E 'u 'j§ i:!: 1 0 ra p.. Q) '.c '"a "]l -.c '" 4> = ~ '" e 1 .. ~ :a"" ti = e 11,) .- § ,~ '5 ~ "0 4> ~ 0~ r:/'J ~ E- ~ I ~" ~ 0 ~ u ~] I~ '-'e"N r:/'J ~T1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BS Barstla P(2) M S H«5) THP PO - ACSCI0+) CY(10+) 10 4250 1,792 326 RS(IO+) (00931600) C«5) MCW(IO+) TW W R PH«5) CM(5-10) NCSC 10+) SP(IO+) SS-T NW(10+) PHC(10+) CP(10+) OCSCI0+) ST(10+)

BS Bar HulWlg P M«5) H«5) TTWW - ACSCI0+) CY(IO+) 11 3600 371 67 CM(10+) RS(10+) (00931700) C(10+) MCW(10+) SS-T PO«5) NCSCIO+) SP(IO+) PH«5) CP(10+) NW(10+) PHC(10+) OCSCIO+) Sf(IO+)

Tup Gaon P M«5) H«5) TWW ACSCI0+) CY(10+) BSC<5) 12 910 400 66 PO« 5) CM(10+) (00931800) C(5-10) MCW(lO+) SS-W NCSCI0+) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH«5) CP(10+) PHC(10+) OCSCI0+) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Pub ACS BS P M«5) H«5) 13 Bortgaon 2210 455 86 T TW W PO(~5) CM«5) NCSCI0+) CY(10+) RS(10+) C(10+) MCW(10+) (00931900) TKSS-T PH«5) CP(10+) OCSCI0+) SP(10+) NW(lO+) PHC(10+) ST(10+) FWCH« Mulan BS P(5) M(2) 5) TTWW - ACSCI0+) CY(10+) 14 Krunura 2280 3,127 620 CM(10+) RS(10+) S(2) C«5) MCW(10+) SS-T PO«5) NCSCIO+) SP(lO+) (00932000) PH«5) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCSCI0+) ST(10+) FWC Bar BS P(3) M(2) H(10+) TTWW PO ACSCI0+) CV(10+) 15 Manlpur 2530 3,399 620 CM«5) RS(10+) SC«5) MCW(10+) TK SS-T PH(lO+) NCSCI0+) SP(10+) (00932100) CP(lO+) NW(10+) PHC(lO+) OCSCI0+) ST(10+)

Chotamom P(2) M« H(5-10) ACSCIO+) CY(IO+) BSC<5) 16 pm 151 0 246 55 TTWW PO(~5) CM«5) 5) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCSCIO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00932200) SS-T PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCSCI0+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) CWCH« Etakah BS P(3) M S 5) TTWW PO ACSCIO+) CY(10+) 17 Sabukdhara 4550 1,538 255 CM«5) RS(10+) C«5) MCW(10+) RSS-T PH(lO+) NCSCI0+) SP(IO+) (00932300) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(10+) OCSCI0+) ST(IO+) Chan Pwua FWCH« TTWW BS (Charla P(5) M(3) 5) ACSCIO+) CV(IO+) 18 5470 2,410 421 TK R SS- PO« 5) CM« 5) RS(10+) Puma) S(2) C« 5) MCW(IO+) NCSCIO+) SP(10+) T PH(10+) CP(10+) NW(IO+) (00932400) PHC(10+) OCSCI0+) ST(IO+)

Ghwnatl ACS BS P(2) M H(lO+) TTWW PO 19 Gaon 3820 1,486 268 CM(10+) NCSCI0+) CV(lO+) RS(10+) C(lO+) MCW(10+) SS-T PH(lO+) (00932500) CP(10+) OCSCIO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(10+) ST(10+) 252 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY ViIlaee Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"

] til 13 = ~ 0 ]' bO ·i bO > g .€ .~ "Q :§ ""3 8 ., 0 .a ...<> .S ,-_ <> 4> ., g oS "Q.~ ~ ~ 4> ~ 1:1' <> 13 ... .;;: ~ 0 ... '" j E .. ~ .0 $l ~ ~. .5 ... ~~ g 0 ...'" .s 1;; tiS i ... -;;= e bI) ·e a ~ ~ ~ ~ e - > ·c ~ ~ rP. ~ ~ i & ·e ;§ 8 ~ ~ ~

TW(335) PR MR Nagaon (17) ED EAG - 338 1 32 1 21 2 BarsIla IO T(335)

PRMR TW(295) Bar Nagaon (19) ED EAG - 1900 11 FP T(295) 1402 Hultmg

EDEAG TW(12 I) PRMR Nagaon (19) NM 449 150 187 Tup 12 EO T(12 I) Gaon

TW(134) PRMR Nagaon(16) EDEAG NM 1736 1 6 325 Pub 13 T(13 4) Bongaon

PRMR TW(IO 1) Mulan Nagaon (16) ED EAG N M 1314 530 14 FP T(IO 1) 335 Kamura

EDEAG MR Nagaon (16) TW(7 0) T(7 0) 1268 727 465 Bar 15 EO Mantpur

TW(12 I) MR Nagaon (19) ED 1098 29 I Chotamon 16 T(121) IPur

Etakalt PRMR Martgaon ED EAG - R(29 5) T(29 5) 3065 509 684 Sabukdhar 17 NR (27) a

Chan Marlgaon TW(30 1) Pwua PRMR ED 415 I 305 71 1 18 (28) T(30 1) (Charta Punta)

PRMR TW(40 2) Nagaon (I9) ED EO NM 2536 292 594 Ghumatt 19 FP T(40 2) Gaon

253 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kIns., 5-10 kIns. and 10+ Ions of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ ' .!:! g 0 0 '<=1 ~t! ~ u'" !::!. ..c cS c.> ., s:>.. ~ a fi on ;; ~ Ol'" '" 0 -0'" i gj .3 ~ "0 B ~ .~ a _' '"' ~ "0 0 ctd ~ ~ <> '3 ]L§ e~ c § "0 .!: <> 0 C ~ t;- .s 0 .. ..c § 8 ~ ctd ~ .g .. '- ~ j ~ , .= _ .- -0 ..8 ~ 0 '3 '- Ol i:!: ~ B ~ ~ .. 0 § ~ '0 .. '" .~ ..J' e ., .- !§ .§ ·c 1 :a ~ Of> .~ :€I (.).S] '" ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ;§ ~ u~ ~~ ~u 8~ '"I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '-'12 '" I3 Bhakat P(4) M(3) D H(lO+) - ACS BS 20 Gaon 351 0 2,094 393 S(3) puc MCW(IO+) T TW W PO CM«5) NCS(IO+) CV(IO+) RS(IO+) SS-T (00932600) C(5-IO) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) sr(10+)

Kasal Bon P M«5) H«5) TWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS«5) 21 2500 288 51 PO« 5) CM«5) (00932700) C(10+) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(1O+) PH« 5) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) sr(IO+) NW(IO+) FWCH« THP BS Paghab P(3) M S 5) ACS« 5) CV(10+) 22 2270 3,392 632 TWW PO« 5) CM«5) RS(10+) (00932800) C«5) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) SS-T PH« 5) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) sr(IO+)

PHCH(5- BS Bamun Bon P(3) M ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 23 3570 1,800 348 10) T TW SS-PO PH CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00932900) C(IO+) T NCS(10+) SP(10+) MCW(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(lO+) OCS(10+) sr(lO+) FWCH« BS Sonarugun P(3) M« 5) T TWW PO ACS(10+) CV(lO+) 24 277 0 1,417 263 CM«5) RS(10+) (00933000) 5) C« 5) MCW(10+) SS-T PH«5) NCS(10+) SP«5) CP(10+) NW(lO+) PHC«S) OCS« 5) sr« 5)

D H(IO+) BS Palahgun P MC« ACS(10+) CV{lO+) 25 1740 976 193 MCW(lO+) T TW W PO«5) CM(10+) RS(1O+) (00933100) 5) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) PHC(IO+) SS-T PH«5) CP(10+) NW(10+) OCS(10+) sr« 5)

DH«5) BS Kapahera P(3) M S ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 26 2840 1,604 309 MCW(10+) T TW W PO«5) CM« 5) RS(1O+) (00933200) C«5) NCS(10+) SP« 5) PHC(10+) SS-T PH« 5) CP(10+) NW(10+) OCS« 5) sr« 5) T(21) D(S) P(S6) W(24) CWC ACS(4) Block 1K(5) PO (8) 7267.0 37132 6821 M(2S) PHC(2) NCS BS(19) Total S(13) HP(S) PH FWC(S) OCS PUC 'IW(26) CHW ReS

254 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Villa2e Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)"''''

"0 !ii ~ -5 d ia 0 j btl '.g 0 btl ~ :a .S 8 0 ~ (!) ] <> '".... til ! '4>' .,£ .ra .§ <.> g i;P "0 ~<.> .!! i;P g B .Q ~"O '" $3 ~ 0. "0 ~ ~ ..8 .c $3 e: ~ f 8.~ "0 ..... § ~ tl ~ I 0 <= .5 ~ i ~~ g "" tl ~ ·s a ~

PRMR TW(20 1) Bhakat Nagaon (23) ED NM 2472 195 645 20 FP T(20 1) Gaon

TW(IO 0) Kasal MR Nagaon (17) ED NM 1379 858 16 1 21 T(10 0) Bon

MR Nagaon (15) ED EAG - TW(8 0) T(S 0) 1856 79 257 Paghall 22

PRMR TW(IS 7) BamWi Nagaon(l4) EDEAG NM 2775 95 503 23 FP T(IS 7) Bon

PR MR Nagaon (22) ED EO NM 20S 2 11 4 566 24 Sonarugun

PR MR Nagaon (22) ED EO NM Furmture 1332 104 30 1 25 Palahgurl

PRMR Nagaon(19) EDEO NM 214 1 173 527 26 Kapahera

PR(22) ID(2S) 1W(382.S3) MR(26) EAG(J5) N(JO) 0.0 R(29.45) 4985.4 654.3 1212.3 FP(5) EO (9) M(IO) 1{4J1.98) NR


Appendix to Village Directory

VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - CD Block level

Name of the District:MARIGAON Serial Name of CD Total Total Educational institutions No. Block number of population of inhabited CD Block villages Primary school Middle school Matriculation / Secondary school Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Mayang 232 242,147 , 213 299 87 94 28 30 2 Laharighat 151 196,423 129 241 65 77 23 24 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 93,137 38 86 24 31 8 10 4 Bhurbandha 118 130,065 106 187 47 58 18 21 5 Kapili Pt. 20 39,364 19 45 14 21 7 9 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 37,132 26 56 18 25 9 13

District(Rural): 592 738,268 531 914 255 306 93 107

Serial Name of CD Educational institutions (contd.) No. Block Higher Secondary I College (graduate and Adult literacy Others No PUC J Intermediate / above) classes/centres educational Junior college facilities

Villages Institution Villages Institutions Villages Institutio Villages Institutio 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Mayang o o 4 4 6 6 0 0 19 2 Laharighat 2 2 1 1 42 50 0 0 22 3 Mairabari Pt. 1 1 I 1 1 I 0 0 7 4 Bhurbandha 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 12 5 KapiJi Pt. 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 6 Dulongghat Pt. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

District(Rural): 11 11 8 8 49 57 1 1 61

Serial Name of CD Medical institutions No. Block Hospital Dispensary Primary Health Centre J Primary Health Sub- Health Centre centre

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Ins t itut ions Villages Institution 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Mayang 0 0 12 12 7 7 31 31 2 Laharighat 0 0 17 22 4 4 3 3 3 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 4 Bhurbandha 0 0 9 9 0 0 5 5 5 Kapili Pt. 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 6 Dulongghat Pt. 0 0 5 5 2 2 0 0

District(Rural): 1 1 47 52 15 15 45 45


Name ofthe District:MARIGAON Serial Name of CD Medical institutions No. Block Maternity Family Community Others No medical and Child Welfare Health facilities Welfare Centre Workers Centre/ Villages Institutions Vill~s Institutions Villages Numbers Villages Institutions 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 I Mayang 68 69 22 22 24 24 0 0 129 2 Laharighat 2 2 22 22 23 23 22 24 99 3 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 33 4 Bhurbandha 0 0 17 17 0 0 0 0 90 5 KapiJi Pt. 6 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 10 6 Dulongghat Pt. I I 5 5 I 1 0 0 12

District(Rural): 77 78 79 79 48 48 22 24 373

Serial Name of CD I Drinking water source No. Block Tap Well Tank Tubewell River Fountain Canal Others More than No drinking one source water facilities

2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

I Mayang 33 154 18 224 44 0 8 43 177 0 2 Laharighat 30 123 45 132 59 0 I3 87 122 0 3 Mairabari Pt. I 12 9 40 1 0 0 5 15 0 4 Bhurbandha 43 113 8 111 13 0 1 21 115 0 5 Kapili Pt. 7 20 4 20 1 0 0 10 20 0 6 DuJongghat Pt. 21 24 5 26 5 0 0 8 26 0

District(Rural): 135 446 89 553 123 0 22 174 475 0

Serial Name of CD Post, Telegraph & Telephone No. Block Post office Telegraph Post & Post office & Telegraph Post, Phone office telegraph phone office & telegraph office phone office & phone

I 2 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 1 Mayang 52 1 1 7 1 I 10 2 Laharighat 22 0 0 8 0 0 38 3 Mairabari Pt. 7 0 0 2 0 0 3 4 Bhurbandha 21 0 0 8 0 0 17 5 Kapili Pt. 4 1 I 3 I 1 8 6 Dulongghat Pt. 8 0 0 I 0 0

District(Rural): 114 2 2 29 2 2 77


APPENDIX 1- Village Directory Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - CD block level Name of the District:MARIGAON Serial Name of CD Transport communications Banks Power supply No. Block Bus service Railway Navi~le Villages Number of Available Not available station waterway commercial and co-op erat ive banks

2 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 Mayang 124 4 16 10 12 168 64 2 Laharighat 37 I 9 4 4 72 79 3 Mairabari Pt. 5 0 I 3 3 19 26 4 Bhurbandha 71 0 0 4 4 89 29 5 Kapili Pt. 13 0 0 2 2 16 4 6 Dulongghat Pt. 19 0 0 0 0 25 1

District(Rural): 269 5 26 23 25 389 203

Serial Name of CD Credit societies No. Block Villages Number of Villages Number of non- Villages Number of other agricultural credit agricultural credit credit societies societies societies

2 61 62 63 64 65 66

I Mayang 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Laharighat 26 26 II 11 9 9 3 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Bhurbandha 2 2 4 4 0 0 5 Kapili Pt. 3 3 I 3 1 6 Dulongghat Pt. 4 4 1 I 1

District(Rural): 36 36 17 19 11 11

Serial No. Name of CD Recreational facility Newspaper / Magazine Block Cinema/ Sports club Stadium / Auditorium! News paper Magazine News paper& Video hall Community hall Magazine

2 67 68 69 70 71 72

1 Mayang 1 29 0 72 69 69 2 Laharighat 7 31 4 121 102 102 3 Mairabari Pt. 2 0 0 28 17 17 4 Bhurbandha 0 45 0 98 97 97 5 Kapili Pt. 0 3 1 II 9 9 6 Dulongghat Pt. 0 0 0 10 10 10

District(Rural): 10 108 5 340 304 304


APPENDIX lA - Village Directory Villages by number of Primary Schools Name of the District: MARIGAON Serial number Name of CD Block Total number Number of primary schools of inhabited villages None One Two Three Four + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mayang 232 19 156 38 13 6 2 Laharighat 151 22 57 43 21 8 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 7 13 14 2 9 4 Bhurbandha 118 12 62 23 13 8 5 Kapili Pt. 20 I 8 6 2 3 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 0 10 7 6 3

District Total: 592 61 306 131 57 37

APPINDJX IB - Villa2e Directorv Villages by Primary, MidcDe and Secondary Schools Name of the District:MARIGAON Serial Name of C D Total number of Type of educational institutions available number Block inhabited villag,;:s No School At least one primary At least one At least one middle school and no middle primary school and school and one school one middle school secondary school 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Mayang 232 19 126 87 28 2 Laharighat 151 22 64 65 23 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 7 14 24 8 4 Bhurbandha 118 12 59 47 18 5 KapiJi Pt. 20 5 14 7 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 0 8 18 9 Total: 592 61 276 255 93

APPENDIX 1 C - Village Directory Villages with ditTerent sources of drinking water facilities available , District:MARlGAON Serial Name of CD Number ofvillages with different sources ofdrinking water available number Block Only tap Only well Only tube Only handpump More than one well source only from tap, well, tube well, handpump 2 3 4 5 6 7

Mayang 6 48 0 157 2 Laharighat 0 6 23 0 113 3 Mairabari Pt. 0 0 30 0 9 4 Bhurbandha 0 2 I 0 111 5 Kapili Pt. 0 0 0 0 20 6 Dulongghat Pt. 0 0 0 0 26

District Total: 1 14 102 0 436

262 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY APPENDIX II - Village Directory Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities Name ofthe District:MARIGAON 81. Name of village Location Name of CD Popul- Amenities not available ( indicate N. A. where amenity not available) No. code block ation --;Se:--n':-·o-r--;:C:--:-:II:----::P:-:-·o ege nmary ---....,T=----:::B~-~--~h-::::--- ap us Approac Commer- number Secondary Health drinking facility by Pucca cia! School Sub water road Bank Centre 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Kuranibori 00879300 ~ayang 5,283 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 2 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 00891300 Laharighat 7,112 Available Available N.A. N.A. Available Available Available

3 Tatikata Pathar 00906700 ~airabari Pt. 5,759 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 4 ~airabari Town 00907600 ~airabari Pt. 6,119 Available Available Available N.A. Available Available Available 5 Hatimuria 00907700 ~airabari Pt. 5,598 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

6 Lengeribori 00909400 ~airabari Pt. 5,167 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. 7 Niz Dandua 00913500 Bhurbandha 5,340 N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available N.A. 8 Silpukhuri 00930600 Bhurbandha 5,950 N.A. N.A. N.A. N .A. Available Available N.A. 9 Niz-charai bahi 00929300 Kapili Pt. 5,223 Available Available N.A. Available Available Available N.A. (Niz-Sarai-bahi)

APPENDIX II -A Census Town Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities Name ofthe District: Marigaon SI. Name of Location Name of CD Population Amenities not available (indicate N.A. where amenity not available) No. census code Block town number Senior College Health Tap Bus Approach Banks Secondary Centre drinking facility by Pucca School water road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I Jagiroad 40901000 ~ayang 17,177 Available Available N.A. N.A. Available Available Available

APPENDIX HI - Village Directory Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns I non-municipal towns Serial Name of Census town Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in hectare) number and CD Block within brackets Total Forest Irri!?flled by Unirri~ed Cuhurable waste( including Area not area source gauchar & groves ) available for cuhivation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Data not available for this Appendix

263 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT APPENDIX IV - Village Directory CD Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available Name of the District:MARIGAON Serial Location code Name of village Serial Location code Name of village number number number number 2 3 1 2 3 Name of CD Block: Mayang 21 00900400 Sialmari Kachari Gaon I 00874000 Chengmari Gaon 2 00877900 Chotogamari Guri Name of CD Block: Mairabari Pt. 3 00925900 Kalbari (Silsang) 22 00905600 Sitolimari Gaon 23 00905800 No.2 Rangrai Name of CD Block: Laharighat 24 00906000 Garaimari Pathar 4 00887800 Ejariguri 25 00906200 Garaimari 5 00888000 3.No. Ghonsimloo 26 00906300 No.3 Rangrai 6 00888300 Merbeel Habi 27 00906400 Sitolmari Pathar 7 00888400 Merbeel 28 00907000 Madarguri 8 00888600 Salmari 9 00889100 Kahitoli Name of CD Block: Bburbandha 10 00889200 Seujia Pathar 29 00912400 Borthal [Patkomai] II 00889600 Baruating 30 00918400 Chanuabari Dikchang 12 00890300 2.No. Barunguri Beel 31 00918800 Athubhanga 13 00890500 lorbeel 32 00919500 Danduabilar Tup 14 00893300 HaiborGaon 15 00893500 Kherkata Gaon Name of CD Block: KapiJi Pt. 16 00894000 Tengatoli 17 00894100 Pakariguri 33 00929200 Ghurabak Pathar 18 00894200 Pokaria Beel 19 00894300 Handahkati Kachari Gaon Name of CD Block: Dulongghat Pt. 20 00894400 Kherkata Pathar Nil

APPENDIX V - Village Directory Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population Name of the District:Marigaon Serial number Name of CD Block Total villages Uninhabited Inhabited N umber of inhabited villages having villages villages no Scheduled Castes popUlation 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Mayang 244 12 232 85 2 Laharighat 180 29 151 93 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 0 45 42 4 Bhurbandha 121 3 118 54 5 KapiJi Pt. 20 0 20 12 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 0 26 12 District Total: 636 44 592 298 APPENDIX VI - Village Directory Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population Name of the district:Marigaon Serial number Name of CD Block Total villages Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having villages villages no Scheduled Tribes population 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Mayang 244 12 232 100 2 Laharighat 180 29 151 98 3 Mairabari Pt. 45 0 45 44 4 Bhurbandha 121 3 118 22 5 Kapili Pt. 20 0 20 9 6 Dulongghat Pt. 26 0 26 3 District Total: 636 44 592 276 264 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY APPENDIX VIIA- Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges

Name ofthe District:MARIGAON

Range of Location Name ofvillage Range of Location Name of village Scheduled code Scheduled code Castes number Castes number population population (percenta~es ) (percentages) I 2 3 I 2 3 Name of CD Block: Mayang 00924100 Barkhal 00885300 Guripathar Less than 5 00886700 Pachim Nagaon 00882000 Bomalani Pathar 00924500 Barpayak No.1 00875800 Khanagaria 00920600 Lukakuchi 00923600 Alisinga 00882200 SaruKuloi 00920900 Thekeraguri 00882600 Dayanial Gaon 00872200 Katahjari Gaon 00883300 Barkuloi 00883100 Natun Bangalbori 41-50 00877700 Hariapar 00873600 Loonmati 00926400 Bargog 00880200 Manaha Kasarigaon 00877600 Karsuabori 00886200 Bamungaon 00876300 Balimukh P.UR. 00871800 Gabhura Tup Gaon 00881600 Garumara Doloni 00924800 Amguri 00923200 Barbari 00877100 Pabitara 00871700 Gabhura Tup PathaT 00872100 Batahbari 00879100 Jhargaon 00874100 Raja Mayang 00886400 Deusal 51-75 00879600 Diprang 00883500 BOTjari No.1 00885200 2.No. Dungabori 00881900 BohaPahar 00876200 Sukati Puta Habi 00884000 lunbeel 00923400 Arnzari 00881400 Belguri 00874300 Bormuri Pathar 00883700 Khandajan 00875100 Lecharibori 00875500 Gagalmari Pam 00877500 Kaurhagi 00872000 Baral Tup 00922700 Ahatguri 00925800 Khulapathar 00879200 BurhaBuTi 00922400 Uttar Dhararntul 00871100 Bahakajari 00885800 Tegheria 00882400 Dimoruguri 00880800 Bahakabari 00884600 Thakurduba 00873800 Dhekiabari 00921000 Morikolong 00885900 Udmari 00869800 Chan aka 00924700 Killing Bagicha 00926500 Bargog (Amsoi) 00886500 Nakhula Grant 76 and above 00922800 Morakolong 5-10 00876100 Panikauri 00879900 Kholoni Beel 00886900 Sonai Kushi Reserve 00924000 Sarumati Parbat Forest 00922600 Chipiri 00886000 Sindhisar P.GR. 00872500 Chotogarjan 00884900 Chenimara 00874200 2.No. Murkata 00886300 Raumari 00870300 Katahguri 00883900 Khutradal 00922200 Dakhin Dharamtul 00923000 Ahatguri Pam 00923500 Hatkhula 00870000 Barhaitari 00874900 2.No. Burgaon 00883000 Baghjap 00873100 Pabhakati 00871500 Belorbori 00875300 Kasarigaon 00921200 Mikirgaon 00881700 Barpak Jungle 00883600 Bardoloni 11-20 00885500 Chakumaku 00873300 Teteliguri 00922500 DurulaDubi 00879500 Thengbhanga 00880500 Kholagaon 00%76600 1. N~. B\l~goon 00880000 Bilimara 00874500 Baramari 265 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT APPENDIX VllA- Village Directory List ofvillages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges

Name of the District:MARIGAON

Range of Location Name ofvillage Range of Location Name ofvillage Scheduled code Scheduled code Castes number Castes number population population (percentages) (percentages) 1 2 3 1 2 3

00926000 Khulahat Forest 00893300 HaiborGaon 00870200 Kashasila 00896800 Banmuri Gaon 00879700 BohaDalani 00874600 Garakhia Dhap 31-40 00897200 Hindu Japari 00873200 Hatibhangi 00873400 1 No. Murkata 41-50 00894800 Betani 00874000 Chengmari Gaon 00874700 Baramari Pam 51-75 00897300 RupahiBeel 00923100 CharalPam 00895100 Lengeri Gaon 00923300 Bhalukaguri 00892600 Bordooba Toop 00888000 3.No. Ghonsimloo Name of CD Block: Laharighat 00898000 Naljari Less than 5 00905000 Nagabandha 00893000 Jengpori 00905100 Patua Kata 00895300 Bhukuamari Paam 00901700 Mikirgaon 00895200 Batalimari Pathar 00891700 Neetmari 00902000 Raja Gadhowa 76 and above 00898400 Bechamari Dooha 00898300 Geruaaati 00898100 Rajabori 00903700 Batabori 00892700 Soondooba Toop 00892800 Lengeribori 00893500 Kherkata Gaon 00895900 Mohmari Pathar 00897400 l.No. Borpathar 00901100 Chutiagaon 00896700 BanmuriBil 00893200 GoriaGaon 00894900 Barunguri Beel 00890800 Barukati Saharia 00895000 Doongarpaar 00891400 Kupatimari 00894700 Baralimari Beel 00898800 Gorapar 00896300 Bhukuarnari Gaon 00903200 Mahdola Bori 00897500 2.No. Borpathar 00895700 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 00898200 Niz-Gerua Name of CD Block: Mairabari Pt. 00890600 SootirPaar Less than 5 00907900 Mairabari Gaon 00907600 Mairabari Town 5-10 00896500 Barakhibandha 00892100 Borhalowkandha 5-10 00908600 Borbori 00902900 Bhuyanbari Pathar 00891000 Dighali Aati Name of CD Block: Bhurbandha 00891300 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 00898500 Ooguri Paarn Less than 5 00911100 Barangabari 00902500 Dhingarati 00919800 Barigaon 00930600 Silpukhuri 11-20 00897600 Raumari 00910800 Charabari 00896600 Pokalagi 00916700 Khokhanagog 00902700 Chatiantoli 00927900 Tarabori 00894400 Kherkata Pathar 00913500 Niz Dandua 00893100 Baralimari 00913100 Naukata 00892900 Boramari Kachari Gaon 00917900 Meruagaon 00901800 Kathani 00912200 Dhekiphala Bari 00892500 Batalimari Gaon 00916400 Ulubari 00894600 Kubetari 00919700 Salmari No.2 00913700 Daloichuba 21-30 00897800 Salmara Paam 00927100 Barangabari 266 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY

APPENDIX VllA- Village Directory List of villages according to tbe proportion oftbe Scheduled Castes to tbe total population by ranges

Name oftbe District:MARIGAON

Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name ofviIlage Scheduled code Scheduled code Castes number Castes number population population (percenta~es ) (eercenta~es ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 00914400 Dopni 00917200 Gunamara No.2 00918900 Damal 00915200 Nowagaon 00914200 Konwargaon 00916800 Tetelia 00916500 Bagharagaon 00911000 Bhurbandha 00928100 Sukdal Sarubari 00916600 Silsaku 00915500 Raina Pathar 76 and above 00918100 Bardalpathar 00914300 Chakdharbari 00911400 Bakharbari 00914900 Bar-Manipur 00919300 Maidhali Pathar 00911500 Boalguri 5-10 00913000 Sidhabari 00917500 Gunamara No.1 00914100 Bhairaguri 00913300 Katahguri Name of CD Block: Kapili Pt. 00911200 Garrnari Less than 5 00928900 Mikirgaon 00910600 Parajari 00929700 JaJuguti 00912500 Chutiakhal 00930100 Kahibari 00930400 Niz-Mikirgaon 11-20 00913200 Auguri 00915900 Aujarigaon 5-10 00929300 Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz- 00928200 Mikirbheta SaraiBahi) 00916900 Tetelia Pahar 00915000 Manipur No.1 11-20 00930000 Bar Bhagia 00920200 Banpara 00928000 Sukdal Barbari 21-30 00929800 TakunaBori 00912800 Bhangamur 00919100 Tengaguri 76 and above 00929900 Kashadhara Sat Gaon (Kashadhara) 21-30 00919000 Charaihagi 00915600 Marakolong No.2 00917600 Uabari Name of CD Block: Dulongghat Pt. 00914000 AhatuTi Natua Gaon Less than 5 00930900 Ga-Khajua 31-40 00915100 Manipur No.2 00932100 Bar Manipur 00912700 Malputa 00931400 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) 00913900 Rajagaon 00933100 PaJahguri 00912900 Chatanguri 00931900 Pub BOTigaon 00932400 Chari Punia (ChariaPunia) 41-50 00912100 Da Chikabari 5-10 00932600 Bhakat Gaon 00914600 Jarabari 00931600 Barsila 00928400 Hakudangbori 11-20 00931200 KahuaAti 51-75 00917300 Bakari Chapari 00931100 HaladhiAti 00914500 SaruDoani 00912600 Udari 21-30 00930800 Boalguri 00917400 Marakolong No.1 00931000 Sirnaluguri 00911300 Rupahi Bari 00932800 PaghaIi 00915800 Basanaghat 00930700 Kuji Satra

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Castes Population have been excluded.


APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory List or villages according to the proportion or the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Name orthe District:MARIGAON Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name ofvillage Scheduled code Scheduled code Tribes number Tribes number population population (percentages) (percentages) 2 3 1 2 3 Name of CD Block: Mayang 00877700 Hariapar 00887000 Garan Kushi Less than 5 00879200 BurhaBuri 00924800 Amguri 00876600 1 No. Burgaon 00880100 Hatiutha 00882800 JagiGaon 00884400 Bihita 00873500 Hatimuria 00922800 Morakolong 00878700 Kalbari 00886200 Bamungaon 21-30 00920600 Lukakuchi 00922700 Ahatguri 00880300 Manaha 00920400 Nararnari No.1 00925800 Khulapathar 00923600 Alisinga 00924600 Kumarbari 00872500 Chotogarjan 00886300 Raumari 00922600 Chipiri 00871100 Bahakajari 00884900 Chenimara 00886600 Nakhula Gaon 00885700 Ghunusha Habi 00871500 Belorbori 00874100 Raja Mayang 00884000 Junbeel 00883500 BOIjari No.1 00924500 Barpayak No.1 00882600 Dayanial Gaon 00871600 Sukatiputa 00873800 Dhekiabari 00921400 Bangaldhara 00885400 Kuyadal 00883300 Barkuloi 31-40 00883400 Nabahatia 00881900 BohaPahar 00878100 Bebejia Habi 00925000 Neli Bagisa No.2 00883200 I.No. Bangalbori 00879100 Jhargaon 00921800 Mantabari 00925100 Barpayak No.2 00884600 Thakurduba 00886500 Nakhula Grant 00886000 Sindhisar P.UR. 00883000 Baghjap 00878600 Dibika 00922200 Dakhin Dhararntul 00924200 Palahguri 00880000 Bilimara 00885900 Udmari 00873700 Burha Mayang 00883800 l.No. Dungabori

5-10 00877200 Hatigarh Y.GR. 41-50 00880500 Kholagaon 00924700 Killing Bagicha 00878200 Bar Garnari 00886900 Sonai Kushi Reserve 00876100 Panikauri Forest 00884200 Hatiamukh 00872400 Karatiparn 00923400 Arnzari 00924100 Barkhal 00922500 DurulaDubi 00882000 Bomalani Pathar 00880700 Niz Gharua 00871700 Gabhura Tup Pathar 00882700 Kumoi Gaon 00923200 Barbari 00922400 Uttar Dhararntul 00884800 Dayang 00887400 Kuthari Bagisha 51-75 00920900 Thekeraguri 00885600 Paliguri 00875800 Khanagaria 00922900 Thekera 11-20 00879600 Diprang 00886800 Nakhula Pahar 00921000 Morikolong 00925200 Makaria 00884500 Naldhara Nua Beel 00872200 Katahjari Gaon 00920700 Patrabari 00921500 Bihubari 00876900 Sildubi 00926600 Khuapar 00885800 Tegheria 00881200 Konwargaon 00921100 Rupaibari 00920800 Dihukichamaka 268 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY

APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

Range of Location Name ofvillage Range of Location Name ofviIlage Scheduled code Scheduled code Tribes number Tribes number population population (percentages) (percentages) 1 2 3 2 3 00880600 Morigaon 00896500 Barakhibandha 00875900 Laukhowabari 00886700 Pachim Nagaon 11-20 00889800 Bihubari Beel 00875400 Gatjan 00899100 Patrabori 00926200 Baltala 00896100 Jaribor 00880400 Barukata 00901400 Pambori 00899200 Gohainbori 76 and above 00871800 Gabhura Tup Gaon 00896900 Taptola 00877900 Chotogamari Guri 00904700 Lalaibori 00886400 Deusal 00890100 Durabandhi 00925300 Dahali Makaria 00904300 Boribandha 00877800 Hariabori 00890800 Barukati Saharia 00872300 Bangalpara 00898400 Bechamari Dooba 00881100 Kasarigaon 00903800 Borbori 00874400 Bhalukajuri 00890700 Saharia Gaon 00871900 Temiherua 00905100 Patua Kata 00872000 Bara! Tup 00872100 BatahbaTi 21-30 00902600 Amaraguri 00878500 Sarubori 00905200 BOTchala Pathar 00875600 Sat. Sapori Doloni 00898200 Niz-Gerua 00921600 Barbari Pathar 00896600 Pokalagi 00878000 Gamariguri 00875500 Gagalmari Pam 31-40 00903300 Titatala 00880800 Bahakabari 00903200 Mahdola Bori 00882900 Rangthai Gaon 00898500 OoguriPaam 00886100 Sindhisar Forest Village 00925600 Nizkhula 41-50 00898300 Geruaaati 00887200 Kumarkushi 00899500 Kanphali Toop 00925900 Kalbari (Silsang) 00878400 Bhalukaguri 51-75 00897600 Raumari 00887100 Gaonalia 00902300 Bogalipara Pathar 00925700 Banpara Darapani 00901500 Garakhia Khuti 00884700 Bangfor 00896800 Banmuri Gaon 00875700 Katahjari Pathar 00904400 Laobhurunga 00878800 Raumari 00884100 Kharbeel 76 and above 00903700 Batabori 00887300 Dhakali 00897800 Salmara Paam 00887500 Sonaikushi 00899400 GeruaBeel 00920500 Belguri 00903100 Salsingabori 00926700 GegeraN.C. 00892900 Boramari Kachari Gaon Name of CD Block: Laharighat 00903000 Borongoni Pathar 00903400 Jengarbori Less than 5 00890600 SootirPaar 00904500 Patiabandha 00891300 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 00898800 Gorapar 00903500 Dewaguri 00896400 Pookarkata 00901800 Kathani 00898900 Amaraguri 00898100 Rajabori 00902800 Dhupaguri 00902700 Chatianto Ii 00899600 HariaBiI 00897900 Jamadari 5-10 00893000 Jengpori 00899000 Kamarbori 00905400 Palahjuri 00899300 Salmara Beel 269 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT

APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Name of the District:MARIGAON Range of Location Name ofvillage Range of Location Name ofvillage Scheduled code Scheduled code Tribes number Tribes number population population (percentages) (percentages) I 2 3 2 3 Name of CD Block: Mairabari Pt. 00916600 Silsaku

Less than 5 00908600 Borbori 41-50 00914400 Dopni Name of CD Block: Bhurbandha 00913200 Auguri 00912800 Bhangamur Less than 5 00919800 Barigaon 00920200 Banpara 00914000 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 00912700 Malputa 00917400 Marakolong No.1 00916200 Bahakajari Pathar 00914300 Chakdharbari 00919000 Charaihagi 00917800 Ajarbari 00918500 Chanuabari 00919700 Salmari No.2 00927800 Tamulibori 51-75 00917100 Kalbari 00930600 Silpukhuri 00915600 Marakolong No.2 00912500 Chutiakhal 00920000 Salmari 00915100 Manipur No.2 5-10 00928200 Mikirbheta 00916700 Khokhanagog 00915800 Basanaghat 00912100 Da Chikabari 00911100 Barangabari 00919100 Tengaguri 00913400 Sapkati 00910900 Khatarbari 00927200 Borigaon 00915200 Nowagaon 00910800 Charabari 00910400 Dombaha 00915300 Ghoramara Pathar 00912000 Chamkata 00913500 Niz Dandua 00914800 Pakamura 00916900 Tetelia Pabar 11-20 00918100 Bardalpathar 00911400 Bakharbari 76 and above 00916100 Barunguri 00912900 Chatanguri 00918900 Damal 00914600 larabari 00911800 Block No.27 00911200 Garmari 00915900 Aujarigaon 00913100 Naukata 00912200 Dhekiphala Bari 00927600 Parasu Tangani 00913000 Sidhabari 00910600 Parajari 21-30 00928400 Hakudangbori 00915000 Manipur No.1 00917600 Uabari 00914100 Bhairaguri 00926900 Hatibat Simaluguri 00910700 Patidaya 00927100 Barangabari 00910100 Kaliajari 00913900 Rajagaon 00915500 Raina Pathar 00917200 Gunamara No.2 00911700 Ralipathar 00916400 Ulubari 00918400 Chanuabari Dikchang 00927000 Dangaria Gaon 00918300 Hatihulunga 00911000 Bhurbandha 00914900 Bar-Manipur 00916800 Tetelia 31-40 00927900 Tarabori 00911900 Kanphala Bori 00911300 Rupahi Sari 00910200 Simaluguri 00914500 SaruDoani 00916300 Bagharapathar 00920100 Losonabari 00911600 Hagalta1i 00919900 Salmari Mikir Gaon 00918600 Mikirbari 00912600 Udari 00918700 Karaiguri 00917300 Bakari Chapari 00917000 Jerengabari 00914200 Konwargaon 00910500 Dighalbari 00913300 Katahguri 00917900 Meruagaon 270 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion ofthe Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Name of the District:MARIGAON Range of Location Name of village Range of Location Name of viiiage Scheduled code Scheduled code Tribes number Tribes number population population (percentages) (percentages) 2 3 1 2 3 00914700 Katalamara Bari 5-10 00932700 Kasai Bori 00915400 Buhagaon 00931900 Pub Borigaon 00917700 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 00933200 Kapahera 00918000 Karaibari 00918200 Jurgaon 11-20 00932800 Paghali 00918800 Athubhanga 00933000 Sonaruguri Name of CD Block: Kapili Pt. 00931400 Deora Bori (Dura Bori)

Less than 5 00930000 Bar Bhagia 21-30 00932900 BamunBori 00929900 Kashadhara Sat Gaon 00932600 BhakatGaon (Kashadhara) 00932100 Bar Manipur 00929100 Barsaka Baha 00932500 Ghumati Gaon

5-10 00929800 TakunaBori 31-40 00931000 Simaluguri 00929700 Jaluguti 41-50 00930700 Kuji Satra 11-20 00929300 Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz- 00931500 ParaliGuri SaraiBahi) 51-75 00931600 Barsila 21-30 00930300 Majgaon 00930800 Boalguri 00928900 Mikirgaon 00930100 Kahibari 76 and above 00931100 HaladhiAti 00931200 KahuaAti 31-40 00930400 Niz-Mikirgaon 00930900 Ga-Khajua 00932400 Chari Punia (Charia 51-75 00930200 Bhumuraguri Punia) Name of CD Block: Dulongghat Pt. 00932300 Etakali Sabukdhara 00931700 Bar Hulung Less than 5 00932000 Mulan Kamura 00931800 Tup Gaon

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Tribes Population have been excluded.

271 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT APPENDIXvm- VlLLAGEDIRECI'ORY Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (CD Block wise) SI. Name of Area of Number of villages Number of Total Total Total Income and expenditure no gram gram with location code households population Scheduled Scheduled of panchayat/Gram panchayat panchayat numbers Castes Tribes panchayat(in Rs.' 000) and location in hectare Number Location population population Total Total code code income expenditure number numbers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(Data is not available for this apendix)

APPENDIXIX- VlLLAGEDIRECfORY Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages Serial Name of Village location Name of Number of girls school number CD Block code number village Primary Middle Matriculation I Higher Secondary I PUC I School School Secondary School Intermediate I Junior college

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(Data is not available for this apendix)

272 Town Directory

Section II - Town Directory

Note explaining the abbreviations nsed in the Town (xiii) Industrial Notified Area INA directory (xiv) Industrial Township ITS Town Directory statements (I to VII) (xv) Township TS (xvi) Town Panchayat TP Statement 1 : Status and Growth History (xvii) Nagar Panchayat NP Column (2) : Class, name and civic adminis­ (xviii) Town CommitteelTown Area Committee TC tration status of town (xix) Small Town Committee ST Class has been introduced to facilitate analysis (xx) Estate office EO of town directory data at the state and all India levels. (xxi) Gram Panchayat GP It is presented according to 2001 Census Population (xxii) of the town as follows : Census Town CT Others columns need no comments. Population Class Statement II : Physical Aspects and Location of 100,000 and above I towns, 1999. 50,000 - 99,999 II Column 3 to 5 : Physical Aspects 20,000 - 49,999 III In this columns the Rainfall and Maximum & 10,000 - 19,999 IV Minimum Temperature of the town is recorded. 5,000 - 9,999 V Column 6, 7 and 8 : Below 5,000 VI Name of the State headquarters, District Town with a population of one hundred thousand headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with (I,OO,OOO)and above is treated as a city. distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to The civic administration status of the towns is be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned in indicated within bracket against the name of the town. these columns are the same as the referent town itself, The following abbreviations are used to denote civic the distance is recorded as (0) zero. status of town. Column 9 & 10 : (i) Municipal Corporation M. Corp. Name of the nearest city with one lakh and more (ii) Municipal Committee MC and five lakh and more population are recorded. (iii) Municipal Council M Cl Column 11, 12 and 13 : (iv) City Municipal Council CMC (v) Town Municipal Council TMC If referent town enjoys the facility of railway station, bus route facility or navigable river/canal. Its (vi) Municipal Board MB name is to be mentioned. If not available, then the (vii) Municipality M name of nearest place with distance, where such (viii) Cantonment Board/Cantonment CB facility exists is to be mentioned. (ix) Notified Area NA Statement III : Municipal Finance 1998-1999 (x) Notified Town NT (xi) Notified Area Committee/ NAC Item-wise amount of receipt and expenditure in Notified Area Council thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the (xii) Notified Town Area NTA town for the year 1998-99 is to be recorded. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Statement IV : Civic and Other amenities, 1999 Column 13 and 14 : Water supply Colnmn (1 to 5) : Self explanatory. Source and capacity of storage system. The following codes are used in these columns: Column (6) : Road length (in kms.) Column 13 : Information about kutchalpucca road is to be recorded separately for the roads within the limits of (i) Tap water T the referent town. (ii) Tube-well water TW (i) Pucca Road PR (iii) Tank Water TK (ii) Kutcha Road KR (iv) Well water W Column (7) : System of Sewerage Column 14 : Generally, by sewerage system is implied the (v) Over Head Tank OHT network of mains and branches of underground (vi) Service Reservoir SR conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those that (ix) Pressure Tank PT carry storm water from roofs, streets and other surface are known as storm water drains, while those carrying The information on major source of water supply both sewage and storm water are called combined are given in column 14 and the storage capacity sewers. against each in kilo-Htres (in bracket) are presented in column 15. The codes used for different types of drainage system are as follows : Column 15 : Fire Fighting Service (i) Sewer S In case the fire fighting service is available in the (ii) Open Surface Drains OSD referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility is not available within the town. The name of the nearest (iii) Box Surface Drains BSD place having this facility with its distance from the (iv) Sylk Drains SD referent town has been recorded. (v) Cesspool method CP Column 16 to 20 : Electrification (Number of (vi) Pit System Pt connections) (vii) Others a Different types of electric connections have been Column 8 to 11 : Number of latriues shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic, Industrial, N umber of various types of latrines both Public Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others. and Private are given in these columns. Statement V : Medical, Educational, Recreational Column 12 : Method of disposal of night soil and Cultural Facilities, 1999 The various prevalent method of disposal of night Column 1 to 3 : Self explanatory. soil are given below with codes : Column 4 & 5 : Head Loads HL The data covers all such medical institutions run Basket B by or aided by Government/Semi GovernmentILocal Wheel Barrows WB bodies and Charitable institutions or Social agencies Septic Tank ST like the Missionaries. Where the family planning Pit System Pt centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child welfare centres or Primary Health Centres, may be Sewerage S treated as independent units and counted separately Others a using following codes :

276 TOWN DIRECTORY (i) Hospital II Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed. College, (ii) Dispensary D Teacher's Training Institute, MusiclDance School, (iii) Health Centre He Nursing School etc. are covered under 'Others'. (iv) Family Welfare Centre FWe Column 11 to 14 : (v) T.B. Clinic TB Higher SecondarylIntermediate/Senior Secondary/ (vi) Nursing Home NIl PUC/Junior College level, SecondarylMatriculation, (vii) Others 0 Middle Schools/ Junior Secondary and Primary Schools. I case of more than one institutions of any type,it is indicated within brackets the number of such School up to class V are treated as Primary or institution (s) e.g. D(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions elementary schools. These include Nursery schools, have further been distinguished by providing additional Kindergarten schools, Pre-Primary schools, Junior codes within the bracket as given below : Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools upto class N. Ayurvedic A Schools upto VIII are considered as Middle UnaniU school or Junior Secondary. Homoeopathic Hom Schools upto class X are considered as Column 6 to 9 Matriculation or Secondary schools. The codes used for these columns are as Schools upto XI or XII classes are considered as Higher SecondarylIntermediatelPre University /Junior follows: College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes whether (i) Arts only A held in schools or college. (ii) Science only S If there are composite schools like middle schools (iii) Commerce only C with primary classes or Secondary schools with Middle (iv) Arts & Science only AS classes, these are also included in the number of (v) Arts & Commerce only AC Primary and Middle schools, respectively. For (vi) Combined for all categories - ASC example, if in a town, there are two Primary Schools Arts, Science and Commerce and one Middle school with Primary classes, the number of Primary schools in the town is given as (vii) Law L three and that of Middle schools as one though there (viii) University U are only three educational institutions. (ix) Others 0 If there are more institutions of a type in the town, the number is indicated within bracket along with the Column 10 : Recognized shorthand, typewriting abbreviation, e.g. P(4), M(3). and vocational training institutes "Recognised" should mean recognised by some Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres statutory authority, like education department, This column has been introduced keeping in view commerce department, labour department etc. of the the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning government or semi government or autonomous Commission. There are number of Adult Education bodies, public sector undertakings etc. Centres which are included in these columns. The following codes are used : If an educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance (i) Vocational Trainning Institute VT in kilometres from the town where the facility is (it) Shorthand SR available is mentioned. (iii) Typewriting Type Column 16 : Working Women's hostels with (iv) Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type number of seats (v) Others 0 The vocational institutions like - Applied Art! The number of working women's hostel if available in the referent town is mentioned with 277 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT number of seats. If the facility is not available in the exported and names of three most important town the name of nearest place with distance where commodities manufactured in the town are the facility is available is recorded. recorded. Column 17 to 19 : Recreational and Cultural Column 9 : Number of Banks Facilities Number of Banks available in the referent town Stadium, Cinema, Auditorium/DramaiCommunity both Commercial and Co-operative banks are Hall are covered under recreational & cultural recorded against this column. facilities. The particulars of permanent recreational facilities are considered for these columns. Column 10 & 11 : Number of Agricultural Credit Column 20 : Public Libraries. Reading Rooms Societies and Non Agricultural Credit Societies Number of public libraries and reading rOoms The total number ofAgricultural Credit Societies available in the referent town are recorded in codes and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent as follows: town are recorded against these columns. 0) PubJjc Ubrary PL Statement VII: Civic and other Amenities in Slums, (ii) Reading room RR 1999 Statement VI : Trade, Commerce, Industry and This is the statement on civic and other amenities Banking, 1999 in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns Column 3 to 8 : having statutory bodies, like municipality, Municipal Name of three most important commodities Corporation, Town area committee etc.


278 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT -I STATUS AND GROWTH HISTORY SrI. Oass, name and Location Name of Talukl Name of Area I\tJrrber of Population and grow th rate No. civic status of code TahsiVPolice CD Block (in sq. krn.) households (in brackets )of the tow n at the town nun1>er Station/Island incl.houseless Censuses of etc. households (2001 Census) 1901 1911 1921 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IV lagiroad (CT) 40901000 Mayong Mayang 2.5 3,704 2 III Morigaon (TC) 40902000 Marigaon 4.0 4,223

SrI. Oass, name and Population and growth rate (in brackets) Density Sex ratio No. civic status of of the tow n at the Censuses of (2001 1981 1991 2001 town Census) 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

IV Jagiroad (CT) 13,611 17,177 6,954.3 828 856 (+26.2) 2 III Morigaon (TC) 15,587 20,811 5,202.8 875 920 (+33.5)

In Marigaon district, there are two towns one The growth rate in Marigaon town is +33.5 in 1991- having town committee and the other is Census 01 as against +26.2 in Jagiroad CT. The density is town. The area of these two towns is 4.0 kms2 in more in Jagiroad CT than Marigaon town. The sex Marigaon town and 2.5 kms2 in Jagiroad CT. The ratio is 920 in Marigaon town and 856 in Jagiroad number of households is more in Marigaon town CT. The sex ratio in both towns has increased from than Jagiroad CT. Both the towns existed in 1991. that of 1991


Name of and road distance in kilometer(s) Physical aspects form Sl.No. Class, name and civic Rainfall Temperature (in centigrade) StateHQ. District HQ. status of town (inmm) Maximum Minimum 2 3 4 5 6 7 IV Jagiroad (CT) 2121.1 36.5 8.1 Guwahati Marigaon (65) (25)

2 III Morigaon (TC) 2121.1 36.5 8.1 Guwahati Marigaon (85) (0)



Name of and road distance in kilometer(s) from Sub-division Nearest city with Nearest city with Railway Bus Navigllble SI.No. Class, name and ffaluk!rahsillPolice popUlation of one popUlation oftive station facility river/canal(if civic status of town stationlDevelopment lakh and more lakh and more within ten Blockllsland HQ. kilometers) 2 8 9 10 II 12 13

IV Jagiroad (CT) Mayong Guwahati Guwahati Jagiroad Yes Kapili (R) (8) (65) (65) (0) (0) (6)

2 III Morigaon (TC) Marigaon Guwahati Guwahati Dhararntul Yes (0) (85) (85) (10) (0)

The rainfall and temperature both maximum having more than 5 lakhs and above population and minimum are equal for both towns. Marigaon from both towns. Marigaon town has no railway town is far away from State Headquarters, station which is available at a distance of 10 kms. Guwahati than Jagiroad CT. Jagiroad CT is situated The bus service is available in both towns. Jagiroad at a distance of 25 kms from the district CT has navigable river within a distance of 6 kms. headquarters and it is 8 kms far from Mayang But Marigaon town has no navigable river/canal Revenue Circle. Guwahati is the nearest city facility within 10 kms distance.


SI.No. Class, name and Receipt (in Rs.'QOO) Receipt (Contd.) (in Rs. '000) civic status of Receipt through Revenue derived Government Loan Advance Other Total town taxes, etc. from municipal grant sources receipt properties and (specifY) power apart from taxation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

IV Jagiroad (CT)

2 III Morigaon (TC) 480 871 1,804 162 3,317

SI.No. Class, name and Expenditure (in Rs. '000) civic status of General Public safety Public health and Public works Public Others Total town administration conveniences institutions (specify) exp enditure 2 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 IV Jagiroad (CT) ..

2 III Morigaon eTC) 978 227 42 1,659 2,906

The Municipal finance for the year 1998- receives a major share of income from the 99 is indicated for Marigaon town. As the government grant. It has a total receipt of Census town does not fall under the preview Rs.3,317,OOO as against a total expenditure of of any kind of town authority hence cols Rs.2,906,OOO. The town has a surplus budget against this town is kept blank. Marigaon town in the above year. 280 TOWN DIRECTORY

STATEMENT -IV CIVICANDOTHERAMENITIES,I999 SI.No. Class, name Civic Population Population 2001 Census Road System of and civic status administration status (2001 Census) Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes length (in km. (s) ) sewerage oftown ~in 2000~ 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 IV Jagiroad (CT) 17,177 2,174 1,984 KR(54) PR(50) OSD 2 III Morigaon (TC) 20,811 3,315 2,299 KR(8) PR(6) OSD

SI.No. Class, name and civic Number oflatrines Number of latrines Method of status of town Total Water borne Service Others disposal of night soil Source of supply 2 8 9 10 II 12 13

IV Jagiroad (CT) 3,180 1,500 560 1,120 ST, Pt TW 2 III Morigaon (TC) 4,063 670 663 2,730 ST, Pt TW,W

SI.No. Class, name and civic Fire fighting Electrification (mnnber of connections) status of town System of storage with service· Domestic Industrial Commercial Road lighting Others capacity in kilolitres (in (points) brackets) 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

IV Jagiroad (CT) OHT Yes 2,500 40 1,000 450 100 (200) 2 III Morigaon (TC) SR Yes 2,318 25 443 490 100 (30)

In this statement, civic and amenities have methods disposal of night soil are common for been shown clearly. Marigaon TC has the towns. The source of water TW is common for highest population. Both the towns have the towns. The source of storage is OHT for Scheduled Castes and Tribes population almost in J agiroad CT and SR for Marigaon town. The equal proportion . The road length both kutch a fire fighting service is available in both towns. and pucca are shown in the statement. The The electricity connections are available for all system of sewerage is same for both towns. All purposes in towns of the district. The road three types of latrines are in both towns. The lighting (points) are almost same in all towns.


SI.N 0 Class, name and Population Medical facilities· Educational facilities· civic status of (2001 -;H";'o-s-p-:i~tal-:-s-ID;;::-:-is-p-e-n-s-ar-:-ie-s-;/--:B;:;-ed--'-s-:in:--m-ed--;-:i-cal~in-s-:t-::it-u:-:ti:-o-n-s Arts/Science! Commerce! Law! town Census) T.B. clinics etc. noted in column 4 Other colleges (of degree level and above) 2 3 4 5 6 IV Jagiroad (CT) 17177 H D FWC 30 AS TB-Guwahati (65) NH-Guwahati (65)

2 III Morigaon (TC) 20811 H D FWC 100 AS TB-Guwahati (85) NH-Guwahati (85)



SI.No. Class, name and Educational facilities· civic status of town Medical Engineering Polytechnics Recognised shorthand, Higher secondary / colleges colleges typewriting and vocational Intermediate! Senior training institutions Secondary / PUC (Pre- university college)/ Junior colle~ level 2 7 8 9 10 11 IV Jagiroad (CT) Guwahati(65) Guwahati(65) Guwahati(65) SHType 0(5)

2 III Morigaon (TC) Guwahati(85) Guwahati(85) Nagaon(46) SH Type (3) 3

SI.No. Class, name and civic Educational facilities (COntd ....) status of town Secondary/ Junior secondary Primary Adult literacy Working women's Matriculation and Middle schools classes/ centres, hostels with number of schools others (specifY) seats 2 12 13 14 15 16

IV Jagiroad (CT) 4 4 14 14 Guwahati(65)

2 III Morigaon (TC) 5 4 10 J agiroad(23 ) Guwahati(85)

SI.No. Class, name and civic Number of recreational and cultural facilities status of town Stadium Cinema Auditorium / Drama! Public libraries including reading community Halls rooms 2 17 18 19 20

IV Jagiroad (CT) PL(2) RR(2)

2 III Morigaon (TC) PL RR

.. If a medical or educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place and its distance in kilometer(s) from the town where facility is available is given.

In this statement, various amenities that availed Marigaon has one recognized shorthand and typewriting by the towns of the district are indicated. The column along with 5 other institutions. Jagiroad CT has three n03 indicates population of towns. Both towns receive short hand typewriting institutions. Both the towns have same medical facility but beds are more in medical higher secondary, secondary, junior and primary schools. institutions of Marigaon town. The T.B. center and There is no adult literacy center in Marigaon town . Nursing Home are available at Guwahati for both towns. There is no working women's hostel in the towns ofthe The Medical College, Engineering College and Poly district. All other amenities mentioned in cols no 17 to technical facilities are not available in both towns. 20 are availed in both towns of the district.


SI'ATEMENT - VI TRADE, COMMERCE, INDUsrRYAND BANKING, 1999 SI.No. Class, narne and N arne of three most imp ortant N arne of three most Number Number of Number of non­ civic status of commodities exported important commodities of banks agricultural agricultural credit town manufactured credit societies societies 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

IV Jagiroad (CT) Rice Jute Mustard Seeds Paper Nil Nil 2 2 2 III MOI:igaon (TC) Rice Jute Mustard Oil Nil Nil Nil 4

From both towns, rice, jute and mustard seeds have banks but number is double of Jagiroad CT are exported to other places of the district and from that of Marigaon TC. There is no agricultural also outside the district. The paper is credit society both in towns. The non agricultural manufactured in Jagiroad CT and there is no credit societies are present in both towns of the manufactured item in Marigaon town. Both towns district.

STATEMENT-VII CIVIC AND OTHER AMENITIES IN SLUMS, 1999 SI.No. Class and name of Name of the Is it notified No. of households Population of Paved roads (in System of town slum (approximate) the Slum kilometers) sewerage (approximate) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

III Marigaon T.C. 1. Aragaon No 30 182 NIL 2. Hairagaon No 65 325 NIL 3. Moia Polly No 41 210 3 OSD 4. Na-Bhati No 57 312 NIL 5. Lothabori No 30 180 NIL

SI.No. Class and name Number of latrines Method of No. of tap Electricity connections of town Private disposal of points/public Domestic Road Others water service others night soil hydrants installed lighting Community borne for supply of protected water 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 III Marigaon T.C. 10 5 Pt 2 8 5 30 10 25 2 Pt 5 12 10 15 5 15 2 Pt 7 5 25 8 20 Pt 3 6 4 10 8 5 Pt 5

In Marigaon district, Marigaon town is only latrines are more in all pockets. In two pockets there statutory town which has slum population also. It has are community latrine also. The method for disposal 5 pockets but these are not notified. It has altogether of night soil Pt is common for all pockets. The tap 1,209 slum population having 223 households. Only points also are available in three pockets. In one one pocket has paved road which has OSD sewerage pocket there is no electricity connection for domestic system. The number of water borne and others purpose. The road lighting is there in all pockets. 283 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT

Appendix to Town Directory Towns showing their outgrowths with population District :Marigaon Serial N arne of the town with location Population of Name of outgrowth Population of number code core town outgrowth 2 3 4 5 Jagiroad (CT) 17,177 2 Marigaon (TC) 20,811

There is no Outgrowth in marigaon district Only Marigaon Town with town circle status with 20,811 popu­ J airoad Census Town with 17,177 populatiom and lation .



Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

~e first census of the third millennium and twenty 1,028 million records were scanned and processed _j_ first century the Census of India, 2001 was the within a span of only 10 months starting October, 2002. 14th continuous and uninterrupted Indian census since Task Force on Quality Assurance 1872. Thus, 2001 Census will provide data on population and its characteristics marking transitiod After the data is processed, it is expedient on from one century and millennium to another. the part of the data producing agency to satisfY itself about its quality before putting the same in public The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration domain. This has to be done mainly through the (considered by many to be the single largest and process of internal consistency, comparison with similar complex peace time administrative exercise in the data in the past and also through validation with world) was made possible due to the door to door likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by often the local knowledge and perception has to be about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering brought into play to understand both the existing and 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and the new emerging trends of population distribution and 638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household characteristics. The other very important aspect of Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three the data quality is to ensure complete coverage of all parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the geographical areas especially for the population Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right Particulars and Part III contained questions for up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward Household engaged in CultivationIPlantation The part level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and 23 coverage and correct geographical linkage of each questions all of which were universally canvassed and enumeration block was one of the major planks of the no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. quality control, specially for small area population Data Processing statistics. A quantum leap was made in the technology front A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism while processing the Census 2001 data both for was put in place to objectively examine the preli-minary Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The Census Census 2001 Population Enumeration results and finally schedules for both the phases were scanned through clear them for use. The responsibility of the final high speed scanners in fifteen data centers across the clearance of data was with the Task Force on Quality country and hand-written data from the schedules were Assurance (TFQA), headed by the Registrar General converted into digitized form through Intelligent and Census Commissioner, India. The other members Character Reading (ICR) software for creation of of the TFQA were the Heads and senior officers of ASCII records for further processing. The designing the Census Division, Data Processing Division, Map and formatting of the Household Schedule had to be Division, Demography Division and Social Studies done very carefully using specialized software so as Division. The Directors of Census Operations were to ensure uniformity, which was an essential pre­ co-opted as members whenever the TFQA discussed requisite for scanning. The selection of appropriate the data for their StateslUnion territories. The Directors state-of-art technology in data processing has made it and their senior officers were required to make possible to produce all the Houselisting as well as detailed presentations of data for their own state both Population Enumeration tables on full count basis for in respect to the quality and the coverage and only the first time in the history of Census. For Census after the full possible cleared. 2001, about 202 million schedules consisting of about There has been a major departure in Census 2001 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON from the past in respect of the procedure followed scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and the Territories under the overall supervision and monitoring Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier censuses, of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes General, India with active cooperation and support of populations were finalized at the time of the manual the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts (PCA) Data Dissemination Division and Map Division. at the Regional Tabulation Offices which were specially set up for this purpose. The individual Primary Census Abstract Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes popUlation The Primary Census Abstract which is yet onother for each state was finalized much later based on manual important publication of 2001 Census gives basic coding done by the coders. In 2001 Census, each information on Area, Total Households, Total individual Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes have been coded directly on the computers by the population, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Data Entry Operators through a process known as Main workers and Marginal workers classified by the Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) and taken up along four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, with the processing of PCA data. The CAC process (ii) Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Industry Workers involves pulling down, from the relevant dictionary of and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, on characteristics of the Total Population includes Scheduled the computer screen and coding from the dictionary Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless by referring to the image of the specific individual population and are presented by sex and rural-urban entry in the Household Schedule appearing on the residence. This data is presented at different levels, screen. The CAC of the response on Religion namely, India, StateslUnion territories, Districts and wherever required, was also undertaken along with Cities, Urban Agglomerations (Population 1,00,000 and the processing ofPCA. This is because the Scheduled above) in three different tables. In addition, the Castes status had to be determined in relation to the Appendix of said publication provides Houseless and religion of the individual. Two Special Task Forces, Institutional Households and their population by one on Religion and the other on Scheduled Castes/ residence and sex for 2001 for India, State and Union Scheduled Tribes were constituted for scrutiny and territory. appropriate classification of these responses. Apart from the India and StatelUnion Territory The main task ofthe Special Task Force on Religion volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District was to appropriately merge or group the new responses encountered and code it into the appropriate religious Census Handbook contains District Primary Census Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census community based on available literature and local knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Abstract, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries encoun­ Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban Primary tered and classified these into appropriate category of Census Abstract of the concerned district in the state. the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes principally n was for the first time at the 1981 Census that based on the Presidential Notification and the available the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was brought out literature. Thus a very systematic and scientific for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes separately on the pattern of General Primary Census mechanism was operationalised to firm up the individual Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 also. religion and the individual Scheduled Castes/Tribes In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, such data were made returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled available in Table C-VIll-Social and Cultural table and Tribes population in 2001 Census, is thus being finalized to some extent in the series 'Special Tables for by aggregating the popUlation data for individual Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes at The format of Primary Census Abstract has been appropriate geographical levels. restructured slightly in the 2001 Census as compared to The entire work relating to the data validation and that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial classification 288 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT of main workers given in the Primary Census Abstract also. This will help the data users in better analysis and of 1991 Census has been discontinued and its place, four­ understanding of this literacy data. fold industrial classification of both 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. In 1981 census only Level of presentation in District Census Handbooks: main workers were presented in to four categories. One The Primary Census Abstract data in different of the novel features of the primary census abstract of PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of 1991 census was the presentation of data of the presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as population of age group 0-6 is continued in 2001 Census under: Name of the Primary Census Abstract Level of presentation 1. District Primary Census Abstract District/CD BlocklUAlCitylTown 2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes District/CD Block/Town 3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes District/CD BlockITown 4. Village Primary Census Abstract CD BlockIVillage wise 5. Urban Primary Census Abstract TownlWard level

The PCA Data for villages was presented CD presented at various level in the Primary Census Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This Abstracts are as follows: practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data Area Figures for each CD Block is presented both for rural and urban areas separately. All the villages within the CD The area figures supplied by local revenue Block constitute the rural portion and the Census authorities of the district in respect of tehsils, Police Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is given in square kilometers. The area figures of the spread over two or more districts, than portion which villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have been falls within the district is presented, the data pertaining converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in the CD Block is the total of the village areas coming the concerned District Census Handbook. The data under each CD Block. The area figures for the district in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of as well as for town with outgrowths in the district are India to maintain uniformity at the national level. The presented. The data for all the wards and the total area figures of all the tahsils/CD Blocks within outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented the district may not tally with area figures of the district separately below the concerned town(s). because former represents land use area only. Similarly, the total of all the villages may not tally with the entire The District Primary Census Abstract is rural of Police Station/Tahsil. The difference may be presented in 59 columns. The Primary Census Abstract due to the fact that while the area covered by hills, for Scheduled Castes and Primary Census Abstract forests and rivers etc, have been accounted in the Tahsils for Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 columns. and P.S. level the same may not be covered under the The Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban area of the villages. Apart from this it may also differ Primary Census Abstract are presented in 58 columns. due to varying methods of computation adopted at The concepts and definitions used in the column different levels. heading are explained under the sub heading' Census An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total has also been furnished showing urban enumeration Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the block-wise particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes populations. The explanation regarding area figures Population for each town.



DISTRICT PRIMARY Location District! CD Total! Area of Town! Number of Total population (including Population in the code Block! U.A.! RuraV Ward in square households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number City! Town Urban kilometre EOEuiation2 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 09 Marigaon Total 1551.00 133,458 776,256 398,926 377,330 148,758 75,674 73,084 Rural 1534.60 125,531 738,268 378,832 359,436 144,046 73,233 70,813 Urban 16.40 7,927 37,988 20,094 17,894 4,712 2,441 2,271 0001 Mayang Total 45,126 259,324 133,176 126,148 48,516 24,688 23,828 Rural 41,422 242,147 123,920 118,227 46,389 23,597 22,792 Urban 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 12.40 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036 0002 Laharighat Total 31,382 196,423 101,652 94,771 42,388 21,513 20,875 Rural 31,382 196,423 101,652 94,771 42,388 21,513 20,875 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 14,916 93,137 48,259 44,878 21,289 10,780 10,509 Rural 14,916 93,137 48,259 44,878 21,289 10,780 10,509 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 23,801 130,065 66,153 63,912 21,646 11,049 10,597 Rural 23,801 130,065 66,153 63,912 21,646 11,049 10,597 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 7,189 39,364 20,008 19,356 6,444 3,292 3,152 Rural 7,189 39,364 20,008 19,356 6,444 3,292 3,152 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 6,821 37,132 18,840 18,292 5,890 3,002 2,888 Rural 6,821 37,132 18,840 18,292 5,890 3,002 2,888 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 12.40 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 4.00 4,223 20,811 10,838 9,973 2,585 1,350 1,235


CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Total! District! CD Block! Rural! U.A.I City! Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 3 2 100,346 51,885 48,461 120,130 60,797 59,933 367,292 210,586 156,706 Total Marigaon 94,857 49,019 45,838 116,447 58,638 57,809 339,269 194,813 144,456 Rural 5,489 2,866 2,623 4,283 2,159 2,124 28,023 15,773 12,250 Urban 58,052 30,038 28,014 40,086 20,183 19,903 125,020 72,348 52,672 Total Mayang 55,878 28,858 27,020 38,102 19,170 18,932 112,496 65,121 47,375 Rural 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 911 12,524 7,227 5,297 Urban 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 5,297 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 18,594 9,774 8,820 22,578 1I,41O 11,168 75,884 44,588 31,296 Total Laharighat 18,594 9,774 8,820 22,578 11,410 11,168 75,884 44,588 31,296 Rural Urban 414 223 191 8 5 3 33,075 18,580 14,495 Total Mairabari Pt. 414 223 191 8 5 3 33,075 18,580 14,495 Rural Urban 14,799 7,579 7,220 37,420 18,829 18,591 72,144 41,1l4 31,030 Total Bhurbandha 14,799 7,579 7,220 37,420 18,829 18,591 72,144 41,114 31,030 Rural Urban 2,619 1,310 1,309 4,586 2,218 2,308 23,391 12,962 10,429 Total Kapili Pt. 2,619 1,310 1,309 4,586 2,278 2,308 23,391 12,962 10,429 Rural Urban 2,553 1,275 1,278 13,753 6,946 6,807 22,279 12,448 9,831 Total Dulongghat Pt. 2,553 1,275 1,278 13,753 6,946 6,807 22,279 12,448 9,831 Rural Urban URBAN 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 5,297 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 3,315 1,686 1,629 2,299 1,146 1,153 15,499 8,546 6,953 Urban Marigaon (Te)


DISTRICT PRIMARY Location District! CD TotaV code Block! U.A.I RuraV Illiterates Total workers Main workers number City/Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 09 Marigaon Total 408,964 188,340 220,624 262,824 200,430 62,394 200,132 176,782 23,350 Rural 398,999 184,019 214,980 250,600 189,929 60,671 188,758 166,783 21,975 Urban 9,965 4,321 5,644 12,224 10,501 1,723 11,374 9,999 1,375 0001 Mayang Total 134,304 60,828 73,476 95,823 68,926 26,897 68,716 59,480 9,236 Rural 129,651 58,799 70,852 90,155 63,813 26,342 63,340 54,572 8,768 Urban 4,653 2,029 2,624 5,668 5,113 555 5,376 4,908 468 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 4,653 2,029 2,624 5,668 5,113 555 5,376 4,908 468 0002 Laharighat Total 120,539 57,064 63,475 60,903 50,211 10,692 49,472 45,496 3,976 Rural 120,539 57,064 63,475 60,903 50,211 10,692 49,472 45,496 3,976 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 60,062 29,679 30,383 24,659 23,247 1,412 22,333 21,404 929 Rural 60,062 29,679 30,383 24,659 23,247 1,412 22,333 21,404 929 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 57,921 25,039 32,882 48,035 33,486 14,549 35,321 29,454 5,867 Rural 57,921 25,039 32,882 48,035 33,486 14,549 35,321 29,454 5,867 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 15,973 7,046 8,927 11,786 9,647 2,139 9,444 8,453 991 Rural 15,973 7,046 8,927 11,786 9,647 2,139 9,444 8,453 991 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 14,853 6,392 8,461 15,062 9,525 5,537 8,848 7,404 1,444 Rural 14,853 6,392 8,461 15,062 9,525 5,537 8,848 7,404 1,444 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 4,653 2,029 2,624 5,668 5,113 555 5,376 4,908 468 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 5,312 2,292 3,020 6,556 5,388 1,168 5,998 5,091 907


CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Total! District! CD Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers Rural/ Block! U.A.! Urban City/Town Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Persons Males Females 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 3 2 110,619 98,628 11,991 28,903 26,179 2,724 3,995 2,209 1,786 56,615 49,766 6,849 Total Marigaon 109,871 97,933 11,938 28,784 26,085 2,699 3,742 2,008 1,734 46,361 40,757 5,604 Rural 748 695 53 119 94 25 253 201 52 10,254 9,009 1,245 Urban 40,171 35,002 5,169 5,944 5,028 916 1,089 764 325 21,512 18,686 2,826 Total Mayang 40,061 34,909 5,152 5,889 4,986 903 979 666 313 16,411 14,01l 2,400 Rural 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Urban 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 28,662 26,389 2,273 11,530 11,004 526 736 444 292 8,544 7,659 885 Total Laharighat 28,662 26,389 2,273 11,530 11,004 526 736 444 292 8,544 7,659 885 Rural - Urban 9,471 9,335 136 6,476 6,419 57 406 212 194 5,980 5,438 542 Total Mairabari Pt. 9,471 9,335 136 6,476 6,419 57 406 212 194 5,980 5,438 542 Rural - Urban 22,354 19,042 3,312 2,972 2,178 794 1,231 531 700 8,764 7,703 1,061 Total Bhurbandha 22,354 19,042 3,312 2,972 2,178 794 1,231 531 700 8,764 7,703 1,061 Rural - Urban 4,535 4,120 415 1,057 886 171 135 68 67 3,717 3,379 338 Total Kapili Pt. 4,535 4,120 415 1,057 886 171 135 68 67 3,717 3,379 338 Rural - Urban 4,788 4,138 650 860 612 248 255 87 168 2,945 2,567 378 Total Dulongghat Pt. 4,788 4,138 650 860 612 248 255 87 168 2,945 2,567 378 Rural - Urban URBAN ltO 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 638 602 36 64 52 12 143 103 40 5,153 4,334 819 Urban Marigaon (TC)


DISTRICT PRIMARY Location District! CD Block! Totall Industrial category of marginal workers code U.AJ City/ Town Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 09 Marigaon Total 62,692 23,648 39,044 27,464 9,572 17,892 22,952 9,549 13,403 Rural 61,842 23,146 38,696 27,391 9,518 17,873 22,851 9,510 13,341 Urban 850 502 348 73 54 19 101 39 62 0001 Mayang Total 27,107 9,446 17,661 13,927 4,447 9,480 8,639 3,166 5,473 Rural 26,815 9,241 17,574 13,907 4,433 9,474 8,612 3,155 5,457 Urban 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16 0002 Laharighat Total 1I,43 I 4,715 6,716 4,688 1,774 2,914 4,832 2,308 2,524 Rural 11,431 4,715 6,716 4,688 1,774 2,914 4,832 2,308 2,524 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 2,326 1,843 483 534 449 85 1,188 1,117 71 Rural 2,326 1,843 483 534 449 85 1,188 1,117 71 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 12,714 4,032 8,682 5,194 1,592 3,602 4,866 1,605 3,261 Rural 12,714 4,032 8,682 5,194 1,592 3,602 4,866 1,605 3,261 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 2,342 1,194 1,148 643 335 308 1,017 513 504 Rural 2,342 1,194 1,148 643 335 308 1,017 513 504 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 6,214 2,121 4,093 2,425 935 1,490 2,336 812 1,524 Rural 6,214 2,121 4,093 2,425 935 1,490 2,336 812 1,524 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 558 297 261 53 40 13 74 28 46

296 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of marginal workers TotaV District! CD Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers RuraV BlockJ U.A.I code workers Urban Cityl Town number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2 4,666 533 4,133 7,610 3,994 3,616 513,432 198,496 314,936 Total Marigaon 09 4,544 504 4,040 7,056 3,614 3,442 487,668 188,903 298,765 Rural 122 29 93 554 380 174 25,764 9,593 16,171 Urban 1,314 235 1,079 3,22 1,598 1,629 163,501 64,250 99,251 Total Mayang 0001 1,295 228 1,067 3,001 1,425 1,576 151,992 60,107 91,885 Rural 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Urban 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 437 43 394 1,474 590 884 135,520 51,441 84,079 Total Laharighat 0002 437 43 394 1,474 590 884 135,520 51,441 84,079 Rural - Urban 185 38 147 419 239 180 68,478 25,012 43,466 Total Mairabari Pt. 0003 185 38 147 419 239 180 68,478 25,012 43,466 Rural - Urban 1,429 121 1,308 1,225 714 511 82,030 32,667 49,363 Total Bhurbandha 0004 1,429 121 1,308 1,225 714 511 82,030 32,667 49,363 Rural - Urban 263 26 237 419 320 99 27,578 10,361 17,217 Total Kapili Pt. 0005 263 26 237 419 320 99 27,'578 10,361 17,217 Rural - Urban 935 48 887 518 326 192 22,070 9,315 12,755 Total Dulongghat Pt. 0006 935 48 887 518 326 192 22,070 9,315 12,755 Rural - Urban URBAN 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 103 22 81 328 207 121 14,255 5,450 8,805 Urban Marigaon (TC) 40902000


Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT APPENDIX TO DISTmCTPRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL,SCHEDULEDCASTESANDSCHEDULEDTRlBESPOPULATION-URBANBLOCKWISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of urban Total Scheduled Scheduled Code block I EB number population Castes Tribes Eo~ulation ~o~ulation 2 3 4 5 6 7 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EB No.1 681 102 13 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.2 511 48 195 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.3 547 125 8 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.4 522 171 5 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.5 574 175 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No.6 534 232 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.7 639 92 36 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No: I EB No.8 358 150 13 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EBNo.9 526 38 6 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.10 521 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 11 330 35 7 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 12 280 14 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.13 652 77 5 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.14 577 15 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.15 561 61 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.16 492 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 17 776 5 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 18 689 130 3 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 19 507 11 10 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EBNo.20 457 66 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.21 681 196 14 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 22 631 49 98 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 23 520 11 234 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 24 602 366 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 25 366 22 138 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 26 554 119 73 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 27 300 8 71 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 28 642 16 316 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.29 510 53 129 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 30 372 34 121 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EB No. 31 615 36 84 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. I EB No. 32 482 88 5 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Ward No. 1 EBNo.201 168 29 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EB No.1 382 29 3 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EB No.2 543 8 9 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EB No.3 500 16 5 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. I EB No.4 488 14 46 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EBNo.5 587 4 93 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EB No.6 612 168 27 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 1 EB No.7 602 96 61 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No.8 611 95 4 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No.9 491 130 29 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 10 500 183 42 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 11 570 85 5 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 12 566 43 30 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 13 736 25 494 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 14 593 85 391 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 15 555 297 44 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 16 584 124 124 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 17 712 97 367 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 18 579 488 28 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 2 EB No. 19 466 172 228 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 20 563 137 9 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 21 581 403 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 22 545

301 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL,SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of urban Total Scheduled Scheduled Code block / EB number population Castes Tribes 2°2ulation 2°2ulation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.23 497 60 13 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.24 635 4 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No.3 EB No. 25 736 6 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.26 680 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.27 654 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.28 515 242 5 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EB No. 29 495 223 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.30 594 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 3 EBNo.202 135 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.31 690 67 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 4 EB No. 32 753 12 203 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 4 EB No. 33 620 5 10 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.34 734 10 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Ward No. 4 EBNo.35 707 3 13

302 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location DistrictJ CD TotaU Number of households Total population (including Population in the code Block/Town RuraU with at least one institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number Urban Scheduled Caste member ~o~ulation2 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09 MIll"igllon Total 17,809 100,346 51,885 48,461 17,154 8,728 8,426 Rural 16,599 94,857 49,019 45,838 16,389 8,314 8,075 Urban 1,210 5,489 2,866 2,623 765 414 351 0001 Mayang Total 10,154 58,052 30,038 28,014 10,203 5,225 4,978 Rural 9,639 55,878 28,858 27,020 9,908 5,064 4,844 Urban 515 2,174 1,180 994 295 161 134 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 515 2,174 1,180 994 295 161 134 0002 Laharighat Total 2,969 18,594 9,774 8,820 3,248 1,645 1,603 Rural 2,969 18,594 9,774 8,820 3,248 1,645 1,603 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 82 414 223 191 58 30 28 Rural 82 414 223 191 58 30 28 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 2,910 14,799 7,579 7,220 2,366 1,186 1,180 Rural 2,910 14,799 7,579 7,220 2,366 1,186 1,180 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 479 2,619 1,310 1,309 418 207 211 Rural 479 2,619 1,310 1,309 418 207 211 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 520 2,553 1,275 1,278 391 182 209 Rural 520 2,553 1,275 1,278 391 182 209 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 515 2,174 1,180 994 295 161 134 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 695 3,315 1,686 1,629 470 253 217


FOR SCHEDULED CASTES Literates Illiterates Total workers Total! District! CD Block! Town Rural! Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2 50,299 30,360 19,939 50,047 21,525 28,522 37,908 27,442 10,466 Total Marigaon 46,639 28,302 18,337 48,218 20,717 27,501 36,256 26,005 10,251 Rural 3,660 2,058 1,602 1,829 808 1,021 1,652 1,437 215 Urban 27,718 16,822 10,896 30,334 13,216 17,118 22,259 15,963 6,296 Total Mayang 26,285 15,977 10,308 29,593 12,881 16,712 21,542 15,320 6,222 Rural 1,433 845 588 741 335 406 717 643 74 Urban 1,433 845 588 741 335 406 717 643 74 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 8,250 5,282 2,968 10,344 4,492 5,852 7,358 5,413 1,945 Total Laharighat 8,250 5,282 2,968 10,344 4,492 5,852 7,358 5,413 1,945 Rural Urban 252 145 107 162 78 84 117 112 5 Total Mairabari Pt 252 145 107 162 78 84 117 112 5 Rural Urban 8,414 4,955 3,459 6,385 2,624 3,761 5,402 3,854 1,548 Total Bhurbandha 8,414 4,955 3,459 6,385 2,624 3,761 5,402 3,854 1,548 Rural Urban 1,786 991 795 833 319 514 695 622 73 Total Kapili Pt. 1,786 991 795 833 319 514 695 622 73 Rural Urban 1,652 952 700 901 323 578 1,142 684 458 Total Dulongghat Pt. 1,652 952 700 901 323 578 1,142 684 458 Rural Urban URBAN 1,433 845 588 741 335 406 717 643 74 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 2,227 1,213 1,014 1,088 473 615 935 794 141 Urban Marigaon (TC)


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT LocatIOn DlstncU CD Block! Town l'otaV Mam workers IniIustnal category code RuraV Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 09 Marigaon Total 27,145 23,727 3,418 16,777 14,894 1,883 2,045 1,623 422 Rural 25,571 22,336 3,235 16,650 14,774 1,876 2,018 1,599 419 Urban 1,574 1,391 183 127 120 7 27 24 3 0001 Mayang Total 15,593 13,758 1,835 10,300 9,217 1,083 1,198 973 225 Rural 14,907 13,136 1,771 10,296 9,213 1,083 1,193 969 224 Urban 686 622 64 4 4 5 4 1 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 686 622 64 4 4 5 4 1 0002 Laharighat Total 5,371 4,645 726 3,728 3,169 559 399 341 58 Rural 5,371 4,645 726 3,728 3,169 559 399 341 58 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 115 III 4 2 2 2 2 Rural lIS III 4 2 2 2 2 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 3,965 3,397 568 2,128 1,936 192 324 225 99 Rural 3,965 3,397 568 2,128 1,936 192 324 225 99 Urban 0005 KapiJi Pt. Total 539 513 26 152 148 4 41 39 2 Rural 539 513 26 152 148 4 41 39 2 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 674 534 140 344 306 38 59 23 36 Rural 674 534 140 344 306 38 59 23 36 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 686 622 64 4 4 5 4 I 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 888 769 119 123 116 7 22 20 2


FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Marginal workers Totall District! CD Block! Town Household industry workers Other workers Rurall Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2 805 455 350 7,518 6,755 763 10,763 3,715 7,048 Total Marigaon 748 403 345 6,155 5,560 595 10,685 3,669 7,016 Rural 57 52 5 1,363 1,195 168 78 46 32 Urban 270 213 57 3,825 3,355 470 6,666 2,205 4,461 Total Mayang 248 192 56 3,170 2,762 408 6,635 2,184 4,451 Rural 22 21 1 655 593 62 31 21 10 Urban 22 21 1 655 593 62 31 21 10 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 108 63 45 1,136 1,072 64 1,987 768 1,219 Total Laharighat 108 63 45 1,136 1,072 64 1,987 768 1,219 Rural Urban 15 15 96 92 4 2 Total Mairabari Pt. 15 15 96 92 4 2 Rural Urban 308 120 188 1,205 1,116 89 1,437 457 980 Total Bhurbandha 308 120 188 1,205 1,116 89 1,437 457 980 Rural Urban 13 6 7 333 320 13 156 109 47 Total Kapili Pt. 13 6 7 333 320 13 156 109 47 Rural Urban 56 7 49 215 198 17 468 150 318 Total Dulongghat Pt. 56 7 49 215 198 17 468 150 318 Rural Urban URBAN 22 21 I 655 593 62 31 21 10 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 35 31 4 708 602 106 47 25 22 Urban Marigaon (TC)


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Industrial category code Rural! Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry number Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Females 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 09 Marigaon Total 4,929 1,601 3,328 3,723 1,292 2,431 619 81 538 Rural 4,928 1,600 3,328 3,713 1,287 2,426 604 76 528 Urban 1 1 10 5 5 15 5 10 0001 Mayang Total 3,419 1,013 2,406 2,142 786 1,356 314 50 264 Rural 3,419 1,013 2,406 2,142 786 1,356 313 49 264 Urban 1 1 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban I I 0002 Laharighat Total 734 354 380 903 262 641 26 4 22 Rural 734 354 380 903 262 641 26 4 22 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total Rural Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 668 186 482 327 121 206 198 21 177 Rural 668 186 482 327 121 206 198 21 177 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 7 4 3 63 35 28 6 6 Rural 7 4 3 63 35 28 6 6 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 100 43 57 278 83 195 61 2 59 Rural 100 43 57 278 83 195 61 2 59 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 1 I 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 10 5 5 14 4 10


FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of marginal workers Non-workers Total! District! CD Block! Town Location Other workers Rural! code number Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1,492 741 751 62,438 24,443 37,995 Total Marigaon 09 1,440 706 734 58,601 23,014 35,587 Rural 52 3S 17 3,837 1,429 2,408 Urban 791 356 435 35,793 14,075 21,718 Total Mayang 0001 761 336 425 34,336 13,538 20,798 Rural 30 20 10 1,457 537 920 Urban 30 20 10 1,457 537 920 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 324 148 176 11,236 4,361 6,875 Total Laharighat 0002 324 148 176 11,236 4,361 6,875 Rural Urban 2 297 III 186 Total Mairabari Pt. 0003 2 297 111 186 Rural Urban 244 129 115 9,397 3,725 5,672 Total Bhurbandha 0004 244 129 115 9,397 3,725 5,672 Rural Urban 80 70 10 1,924 688 1,236 Total Kapili Pt. 0005 80 70 10 1,924 688 1,236 Rural Urban 29 22 7 1,411 591 820 Total Dulongghat Pt. 0006 29 22 7 1,411 591 820 Rural Urban URBAN 30 20 10 1,457 537 920 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 22 15 7 2,380 892 1,488 Urban Marigaon (TC) 40902000


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location District! CD Total! Number of households Total popUlation (including Population in the code Block/Town Rural/ with at least one institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number Urban Scheduled Tribe member population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09 Marigaon Total 22,006 120,730 60,797 59,933 20,511 10,538 9,973 Rural 21,065 116,447 58,638 57,809 19,931 10,247 9,684 Urban 941 4,283 2.159 2.124 580 291 289 0001 Mayang Total 7,316 40,086 20,183 19,903 6,781 3,486 3,295 Ruml 6,880 38,102 19,170 18,932 6,537 3,358 3,179 Urban 436 1,984 1,013 971 244 128 116 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 436 1,984 1,013 971 244 128 116 0002 Laharighat Total 4,041 22,578 1l,410 11,168 4,008 2,081 1,927 Rural 4,041 22,578 11,410 11,168 4,008 2,081 1,927 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 2 8 5 3 3 2 Rural 2 8 5 3 3 2 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 6,761 37,420 18,829 18,591 6,334 3,227 3,107 Rural 6,761 37,420 18,829 18,591 6,334 3,227 3,107 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 851 4,586 2,278 2,308 700 362 338 Rural 851 4,586 2,278 2,308 700 362 338 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 2,530 13,753 6,946 6,807 2,349 1,217 1,132 Rural 2,530 13,753 6,946 6,807 2,349 1,217 1,132 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 436 1,984 1,013 971 244 128 116 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 505 2,299 1,146 1,153 336 163 173


FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES Literates Illiterates Total workers Totall District! CD Block! Town Rural/ Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2 60,904 35,838 25,066 59,826 24,959 34,867 51,426 31,881 19,545 Total Marigaon 58,081 34,263 23,818 58,366 24,375 33,991 50,192 30,861 19,331 Rural 2,823 1,575 1,248 1,460 584 876 1,234 1,020 214 Urban 20,992 12,242 8,750 19,094 7,941 11,153 17,291 10,773 6,518 Total Mayang 19,641 11,473 8,168 18,461 7,697 10,764 16,697 10,268 6,429 Rural 1,351 769 582 633 244 389 594 505 89 Urban 1,351 769 582 633 244 389 594 505 89 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 10,136 6,144 3,992 12,442 5,266 7,176 9,921 6,069 3,852 Total Laharighat 10,136 6,144 3,992 12,442 5,266 7,176 9,921 6,069 3,852 Rural Urban 5 3 2 3 2 2 2 Total Mairabari Pt. 5 3 2 3 2 2 2 Rural Urban 18,367 10,891 7,476 19,053 7,938 11,115 15,929 9,832 6,097 Total Bhurbandha 18,367 10,891 7,476 19,053 7,938 11,115 15,929 9,832 6,097 Rural Urban 2,563 1,445 1,118 2,023 833 1,190 1,493 1,108 385 Total Kapili Pt. 2,563 1,445 1,118 2,023 833 1,190 1,493 1,108 385 Rural Urban 7,369 4,307 3,062 6,384 2,639 3,745 6,150 3,582 2,568 Total Dulongghat Pt. 7,369 4,307 3,062 6,384 2,639 3,745 6,150 3,582 2,568 Rural Urban URBAN 1,351 769 582 633 244 389 594 505 89 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 1,472 806 666 827 340 487 640 515 125 Urban Marigaon (TC)


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Main workers Industrial category code Rural! Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 09 Marigaon Total 34,070 27,168 6,902 24,772 20,064 4,708 2,930 1,866 1,064 Rural 32,944 26,203 6,741 24,588 19,899 4,689 2,885 1,829 1,056 Urban 1,126 965 161 184 165 19 45 37 8 0001 Mayang Total 10,936 8,888 2,048 7,839 6,388 1,451 696 442 254 Rural 10,400 8,413 1,987 7,786 6,342 1,444 658 410 248 Urban 536 475 61 53 46 7 38 32 6 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 536 475 61 53 46 7 38 32 6 0002 Laharighat Total 6,708 5,426 1,282 5,302 4,364 938 814 607 207 Rural 6,708 5,426 1,282 5,302 4,364 938 814 607 207 Urban 0003 Mairabari Pt. Total 2 2 Rural 2 2 Urban 0004 Bhurbandha Total 11,373 8,614 2,759 8,607 6,701 1,906 868 440 428 Rural 11,373 8,614 2,759 8,607 6,701 1,906 868 440 428 Urban 0005 Kapili Pt. Total 1,211 976 235 693 567 126 165 104 61 Rural 1,211 976 235 693 567 126 165 104 61 Urban 0006 Dulongghat Pt. Total 3,250 2,772 478 2,200 1,925 275 380 268 112 Rural 3,250 2,772 478 2,200 1,925 275 380 268 112 Urban URBAN 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) Urban 536 475 61 53 46 7 38 32 6 40902000 Marigaon (TC) Urban 590 490 100 131 119 12 7 5 2


FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Marginal workers TotaV District! CD Block! Town Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2 742 320 422 5,626 4,918 708 17,356 4,713 12,643 Total Marigaon 732 312 420 4,739 4,163 576 17,248 4,658 12,590 Rural 10 8 2 887 755 132 108 55 53 Urban 189 117 72 2,212 1,941 271 6,355 1,885 4,470 Total Mayang 183 112 71 1,773 1,549 224 6,297 1,855 4,442 Rural 6 5 I 439 392 47 58 30 28 Urban 6 5 I 439 392 47 58 30 28 Urban J agiroad (CT) 105 46 59 487 409 78 3,213 643 2,570 Total Laharighat 105 46 59 487 409 78 3,213 643 2,570 Rural Urban 2 2 Total Mairabari Pt. 2 2 Rural Urban 363 118 245 1,535 1,355 180 4,556 1,218 3,338 Total Bhurbandha 363 118 245 1,535 1,355 180 4,556 1,218 3,338 Rural Urban 19 14 5 334 291 43 282 132 150 Total Kapili Pt. 19 14 5 334 291 43 282 132 150 Rural Urban 62 22 40 608 557 51 2,900 810 2,090 Total Dulongghat Pt. 62 22 40 608 557 51 2,900 810 2,090 Rural Urban URBAN 6 5 439 392 47 58 30 28 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 4 3 448 363 85 50 25 25 Urban Marigaon (TC)




FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES Industrial category of marginal workers Non-workers TotaI/ District! CD Block! Town Location Other workers Rurall code Urban number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 806 426 380 69,304 28,916 40,388 Total Marigaon 09 759 399 360 66,255 27,777 38,478 Rural 47 27 20 3,049 1,139 1,910 Urban 338 190 148 22,795 9,410 13,385 Total Mayang 0001 307 172 135 21,405 8,902 12,503 Rural 31 18 13 1,390 508 882 Urban 31 18 13 1,390 508 882 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 89 33 56 12,657 5,341 7,316 Total Laharighat 0002 89 33 56 12,657 5,341 7,316 Rural Urban 6 3 3 Total Mairabari Pt. 0003 6 3 3 Rural Urban 271 136 135 21,491 8,997 12,494 Total Bhurbandha 0004 271 136 135 21,491 8,997 12,494 Rural Urban 23 15 8 3,093 1,170 1,923 Total Kapili Pt. 0005 23 15 8 3,093 1,170 1,923 Rural Urban 69 43 26 7,603 3,364 4,239 Total Dulongghat Pt. 0006 69 43 26 7,603 3,364 4,239 Rural Urban URBAN 31 18 13 1,390 508 882 Urban Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 16 9 7 1,659 631 1,028 Urban Marigaon (TC) 40902000


CD Wise Primary Census Abstract

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF MAYANG C D BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CDBlock- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0001 Mayang (Total) 56,881.0 45,126 259,324 133,176 126,148 48,516 24,688 23,828 0001 Mayang (Rural) 55,641.0 41,422 242,147 123,920 118,227 46,389 23,597 22,792 0001 Mayang (Urban) 1,240.0 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036 Mayang (Rural) 00869700 Burha Mayang Parvat 1,055.0 Un-inhabited 00869800 Chanaka 76.0 50 360 182 178 82 45 37 00869900 Chmnariguri 44.0 34 215 122 93 47 25 22 00870000 Barhaitari 6.0 32 202 103 99 38 14 24 00870100 Kalsila 18.0 Un-inhabite 00870200 Kashasila 126.0 66 402 218 184 64 31 33 00870300 Katahguri 305.0 118 828 440 388 154 86 68 00870400 Garubandha 292.0 136 1,093 591 502 284 142 142 00870500 Khandakhaiti 299.0 179 1,254 669 585 275 140 135 00870600 Darariguri 151.0 71 782 406 376 197 103 94 00870700 Faliamari 209.0 108 851 429 422 171 83 88 00870800 Kariguri 151.0 93 671 342 329 188 105 83 00870900 Gagalmari 168.0 162 1,132 557 575 324 155 169 00871000 Kasarigaon 272.0 223 1,496 776 720 413 222 191 00871100 Bahakajari 249.0 251 1,701 892 809 338 176 162 00871200 Khatobori Mikirgaon 75.0 142 1,130 568 562 317 148 169 00871300 Goroimari 261.0 161 1,114 556 558 328 159 169 00871400 Kapoujari 245.0 210 1,708 877 831 428 206 222 00871500 Belorbori 137.0 147 985 523 462 272 154 118 00871600 Sukatiputa 194.0 60 330 173 157 65 29 36 00871700 Gabhura Tup Pathar 205.0 45 251 131 120 57 28 29 00871800 Gabhura Tup Gaon 236.0 72 430 216 214 79 37 42 00871900 Temiherua 72.0 21 136 74 62 32 17 15 00872000 Baral Tup 214.0 52 241 135 106 55 26 29 00872100 Batahbari 275.0 69 263 156 107 40 25 15 00872200 Katahjari Gaon 274.0 87 531 285 246 94 61 33 00872300 Bangalpara 247.0 69 417 202 215 72 31 41 00872400 Karatipam 231.0 324 2,315 1,173 1,142 615 312 303 00872500 Chotogarjan 142.0 219 1,632 839 793 317 161 156 00872600 Nandinibori 161.0 45 338 178 160 83 46 37 00872700 Borkurani 357.0 421 2,790 1,441 1,349 722 367 355 00872800 Merar Habi 128.0 162 1,240 630 610 311 143 168 00872900 2.No. Gagalmari 221.0 230 1,687 866 821 501 257 244 00873000 Faliamari Habi 315.0 324 2,057 1,080 977 531 243 288 00873100 Pabhakati 143.0 43 309 165 144 57 33 24 00873200 Hatibhangi 288.0 152 1,021 509 512 217 112 105 00873300 Teteliguri 108.0 116 753 427 326 151 83 68 00873400 1 No. Murkata 283.0 97 669 362 307 116 59 57 00873500 Hatimuria 260.0 182 1,241 626 615 163 77 86 00873600 Loonmati 266.0 219 1,253 641 612 169 86 83 00873700 Burha Mayang 99.0 94 564 277 287 92 48 44 00873800 Dhekiabari 88.0 83 494 237 257 86 38 48 00873900 Chengmari Pathar 148.0 Un-inhabited 00874000 Chengmari Gaon 480.0 1 5 4 I 00874100 Raja Mayang 236.0 342 1,994 1,066 928 293 134 159 00874200 2.No. Murkata 179.0 143 880 466 414 150 82 68 00874300 Bormuri Pathar 214.0 74 589 304 285 134 71 63 00874400 Bhalukajuri 151.0 20 123 58 65 29 12 17 00874500 Baramari 257.0 122 883 473 410 184 101 83 00874600 Garakhia Dhap 184.0 208 1,412 773 639 263 143 120 00874700 Baramari Pam 10{i.0 65 471 254 217 78 38 40 322 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name ofViUage

Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males 19 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 52,672 Mayang (Total) 58,052 30,038 28,014 40,086 20,183 19,903 125,020 72,348 47,375 Mayang (Rural) 55,878 28,858 27,020 38,102 19,170 18,932 112,496 65,121 5,297 Mayang (Urban) 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 Mayang (Rural) Burha Mayang Parvat Un-inhabited Chanaka 257 129 128 176 104 72 36 Gamariguri 37 21 16 116 80 23 Barhaitari 16 7 9 68 45 Kalsila Un-inhabited Kashasila 4(H 217 184 58 46 IZ 58 Katahguri 682 365 317 194 136 128 Garubandha 357 208 149 322 194 341 195 146 Khandakhaiti 151 83 68 Darariguri 337 179 158 Faliamari 250 128 122 Kariguri 306 160 146 Gagalmari 461 255 206 Kasarigaon 269 Bahakajari 1,057 570 487 383 186 197 714 445 156 93 63 Khatobori Mikirgaon 146 Goroimari 198 100 98 332 186 121 Kapoujari 547 280 267 354 233 67 Belorbori 93 57 36 234 127 107 193 126 92 48 44 211 124 87 Sukatiputa 30 Gabhura Tup Pathar 119 62 57 18 9 9 97 67 55 Gabhura Tup Gaon 4 3 335 165 170 177 122 117 62 55 54 35 19 Temiherua 39 Bara! Tup 5 4 212 113 99 136 97 54 Batahbari 3 3 232 125 107 167 113 141 Katahjari Gaon 211 114 97 295 158 137 328 187 90 Bangalpara 63 27 36 345 170 175 226 136 133 72 61 511 318 193 Karatiparn 244 Chotogarjan 1,290 653 637 12 11 1 593 349 45 Nandinibori 41 22 19 96 51 611 332 279 Borkurani 155 88 67 Merar Habi 363 192 171 2.No. Gagalmari 468 283 185 Faliamari Habi 60 Pabhakati 292 154 138 149 89 129 Hatibhangi 1,021 509 512 354 225 77 Teteliguri 724 407 317 282 205 89 I No. Murkata 669 362 307 259 170 290 Hatimuria 166 83 83 670 380 328 Loonmati 7 4 3 736 408 170 Burha Mayang 72 37 35 26 13 13 370 200 138 Dhekiabari 9 7 9 4 5 292 154 16 Chengmari Pathar Un-inhabited Chengmari Gaon 5 4 1 2 2 566 Raja Mayang 27 18 9 23 22 1,400 834 161 2.No. Murkata 715 380 335 411 250 60 Bormuri Pathar 349 182 167 155 95 37 34 Bhalukajuri 18 12 6 105 46 59 71 127 Baramari 876 469 407 321 194 164 Garakhia Dbap 1,409 770 639 482 318 75 Baramari Pam 471 254 217 222 147 323 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0001 Mayang (Total) 134,304 60,828 73,476 95,823 68,926 26,897 68,716 59,480 9,236 0001 Mayang (Rural) 129,651 58,799 70,852 90,155 63,813 26,342 63,340 54,572 8,768 0001 Mayang (Urban) 4,653 2,029 2,624 5,668 5,113 555 5,376 4,908 468 Mayang (Rural) 00869700 Burha Mayang Parvat Un-inhabited 00869800 Chanaka 184 78 106 188 99 89 188 99 89 00869900 Gamariguri 99 42 57 125 69 56 125 69 56 00870000 Barhaitari 134 58 76 1I8 64 54 118 64 54 00870100 Kalsila Un-inhabited OOS70200 Kashasila 344 172 172 273 152 121 269 151 \lS 00870300 Katahguri 634 304 330 361 253 108 331 236 95 00870400 Garubandha 771 397 374 218 203 15 182 175 7 00870500 Khandakhaiti 913 474 439 360 285 75 185 168 17 00870600 Darariguri 631 323 308 172 169 3 172 169 3 00870700 Faliamari 514 250 264 354 227 127 352 225 127 00870800 Kariguri 421 214 207 149 139 10 142 133 9 00870900 Gagalmari 826 397 429 325 252 73 244 239 5 00871000 Kasarigaon 1,035 521 514 341 324 17 244 235 9 00871100 Bahakajari 987 447 540 490 453 37 426 408 18 00871200 Khatobori Mikirgaon 974 475 499 377 276 101 266 264 2 00871300 Goroimari 782 370 412 225 216 9 224 215 9 00871400 Kapoujari 1,354 644 710 476 459 17 318 314 4 00871500 Belorbori 792 397 395 532 274 258 236 234 2 00871600 Sukatiputa 119 49 70 183 95 88 163 90 73 00871700 Gabhura Tup Pathar 154 64 90 1I0 69 41 50 44 6 00871800 Gabhura Tup Gaon 253 94 159 188 109 79 83 79 4 00871900 Temiherua 82 39 43 101 56 45 45 37 8 00872000 Baral Tup 105 38 67 180 107 73 120 76 44 00872100 Batahbari 96 43 53 215 130 85 112 100 12 00872200 Katahjari Gaon 203 98 105 267 148 ]]9 199 126 73 00872300 Bangalpara 191 66 125 143 89 54 100 88 12 00872400 Karatipam 1,804 855 949 539 463 76 425 410 15 00872500 Chotogarjan 1,039 490 549 648 412 236 329 319 10 00872600 Nandinibori 242 127 115 85 81 4 79 78 I 00872700 Borkurani 2.179 1,109 1,070 1,185 730 455 616 569 47 00872800 Merar Habi 1,085 542 543 271 267 4 271 267 4 00872900 2.No. Gagalmari 1,324 674 650 493 325 168 310 303 7 00873000 Faliamari Habi 1,589 797 792 671 563 108 500 496 4 00873100 Pabhakati 160 76 84 142 86 56 82 54 28 00873200 Hatibhangi 667 284 383 491 297 194 278 259 19 00873300 Teteliguri 471 222 249 390 221 169 225 216 9 00873400 1 No. Murkata 410 192 218 258 195 63 144 138 6 00873500 Hatimuria 571 246 325 682 377 305 239 228 11 00873600 Loonmati 517 233 284 683 366 317 393 319 74 00873700 Burha Mayang 194 77 117 242 144 98 155 133 22 00873800 Dhekiabari 202 83 119 110 103 7 78 75 3 00873900 Chengmari Pathar Un-inhabited 00874000 Chengmari Gaon 3 2 1 I 1 1 1 00874100 Raja Mayang 594 232 362 841 572 269 528 510 18 00874200 2.No. Murkata 469 216 253 222 216 6 214 209 5 00874300 Bormuri Pathar 434 209 225 282 154 128 151 150 1 00874400 Bhalukajuri 52 21 31 39 25 14 22 22 00874500 Baramari 562 279 283 264 234 30 230 226 4 00874600 Garakhia Dhap 930 455 475 402 389 13 401 388 13 00874700 Baramari Pam 249 107 142 128 126 2 128 126 2 324 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Industrial category of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 40,171 35,002 5,16? 5,944 5,028 916 1,089 764 325 21,512 18,686 2,826 Mayang (Total) 40,061 34,909 5,152 5,889 4,986 903 979 666 313 16,411 14,011 2,400 Mayang (Rural) 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Mayang (Urban) Mayang (Rural) Un-inhabited Burha Mayang Parvat 184 95 89 4 4 Chanaka 123 67 56 2 2 Gamariguri Il2 60 52 6 4 2 Barhaitari Un-inhabited Kalsila 266 150 116 1 1 2 2 Kashasila 298 208 90 17 16 I 6 4 2 10 8 2 Katahguri 104 102 2 64 63 1 I 1 13 9 4 Garubandha 117 114 3 23 22 1 45 32 13 Khandakhaiti 35 35 133 132 I 4 2 2 Darariguri 257 139 118 86 80 6 9 6 3 Faliarnari 66 65 1 46 46 30 22 8 Kariguri 148 146 2 88 87 I 8 6 2 Gagalrnari 123 121 2 69 67 2 1 I 51 46 5 Kasarigaon 322 312 10 22 21 1 4 4 78 71 7 Bahakajari 227 226 1 26 25 1 13 13 Khatobori Mikirgaon 215 209 6 I 1 2 6 5 1 Goroimari 252 250 2 46 46 20 18 2 Kapoujari 208 206 2 10 10 18 18 Belorbori 153 80 73 10 10 Sukatiputa 42 40 2 3 3 5 4 Gabhura Tup Pathar 78 74 4 3 3 2 2 Gabhura Tup Gaon 42 35 7 3 2 I Temiherua 114 73 41 3 2 1 2 2 Baral Tup 99 91 8 11 7 4 2 2 Batahbari 183 114 69 4 3 12 11 1 Katahjari Gaon 83 75 8 3 3 1 1 13 10 3 Bangalpara 274 270 4 70 68 2 4 I 3 77 71 6 Karatipam 254 252 2 35 35 2 2 38 30 8 Chotogarjan 37 37 34 34 8 7 1 Nandinibori 506 489 17 82 55 27 13 13 15 12 3 Borkurani 261 260 1 1 1 4 4 5 2 3 Merar Habi 269 267 2 26 26 15 10 5 2.No. Gagalmari 333 329 4 151 151 2 2 14 14 Faliamari Habi 76 50 26 2 2 2 I 2 1 Pabhakati 259 240 19 5 5 14 14 Hatibhangi 205 197 8 11 10 I 2 2 7 7 Teteliguri 104 104 18 13 5 1 1 21 20 1 1 No. Murkata 141 140 1 2 2 2 2 94 84 10 Hatimuria 271 222 49 15 5 10 7 5 2 100 87 13 Loonmati 105 99 6 11 11 17 4 13 22 19 3 Burha Mayang 44 43 2 2 32 30 2 Dhekiabari Un-inhabited Chengmari Pathar 1 1 Chengmari Gaon 299 292 7 30 26 4 199 192 7 Raja Mayang 170 167 3 16 16 3 3 25 23 2 2.No. Murkata 151 150 1 Borrnuri Pathar 18 18 1 1 3 3 Bhalukajuri 212 211 4 4 1 1 13 10 3 Baramari 327 322 5 23 23 3 3 48 40 8 Garakhia Dhap 122 122 6 4 2 Baramari Pam 325 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name ofViJlage Industrial categoQ!: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0001 Mayang (Total) 27,107 9,446 17,661 13,927 4,447 9,480 8,639 3,166 5,473 0001 Mayang (Rural) 26,815 9,241 17,574 13,907 4,433 9,474 8,612 3,155 5,457 0001 Mayang (Urban) 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16 Mayang (Rural) 00869700 Burha Mayang Parvat Un-inhabited 00869800 Chanaka 00869900 Gamariguri 00870000 Barhaitari 00870100 Kalsila Un-inhabited 00870200 Kashasila 4 1 3 3 1 2 00870300 Katahguri 30 17 13 9 8 1 15 7 8 00870400 Garubandha 36 28 8 15 14 1 16 12 4 00870500 Khandakhaiti 175 117 58 16 15 1 115 84 31 00870600 Darariguri 00870700 Faliamari 2 2 1 I 00870800 Kariguri 7 6 1 6 6 00870900 Gagalmari 81 13 68 68 1 67 12 11 1 00871000 Kasarigaon 97 89 8 6 5 I 66 64 2 00871100 Bahakajari 64 45 19 45 30 15 14 10 4 00871200 Khatobori Mikirgaon III 12 99 105 8 97 3 I 2 00871300 Goroimari 1 I I I 00871400 Kapoujari 158 145 13 99 88 II 54 52 2 00871500 Belorbori 296 40 256 286 39 247 7 6 00871600 Sukatiputa 20 5 15 20 5 15 00871700 Gabhura Tup Pathar 60 25 35 60 25 35 00871800 Gabhura Tup Gaon 105 30 75 104 29 75 1 I 00871900 Temiherua 56 19 37 29 13 16 27 6 21 00872000 Baral Tup 60 31 29 5 2 3 55 29 26 00872100 Batahbari 103 30 73 23 4 19 79 25 54 00872200 Katahjari Gaon 68 22 46 55 21 34 00872300 Bangalpara 43 I 42 42 1 41 00872400 Karatipam 114 53 61 15 10 5 82 36 46 00872500 Chotogarjan 319 93 226 18 7 11 244 67 177 00872600 Nandinibori 6 3 3 3 1 2 1 I 00872700 Borkurani 569 161 408 271 90 181 267 60 207 00872800 Merar Habi 00872900 2.No. Gagalmari 183 22 161 53 8 45 13 3 10 00873000 Faliamari Habi 171 67 104 130 47 83 33 16 17 00873100 Pabhakati 60 32 28 41 19 22 13 9 4 00873200 Hatibhangi 213 38 175 154 30 124 I 1 00873300 Teteliguri 165 5 160 154 3 151 7 1 6 00873400 1 No. Murkata 114 57 57 23 20 3 85 31 54 00873500 Hatimuria 443 149 294 77 18 59 351 122 229 00873600 Loonmati 290 47 243 219 36 183 38 6 32 00873700 Burha Mayang 87 11 76 55 6 49 18 4 14 00873800 Dhekiabari 32 28 4 I 1 23 21 2 00873900 Chengmari Pathar Un-inhabited 00874000 Chengmari Gaon 00874100 Raja Mayang 313 62 251 209 6 203 100 56 44 00874200 2.No. Murkata 8 7 1 3 2 1 00874300 Bormuri Pathar 131 4 127 128 4 124 2 2 00874400 Bha1ukajuri 17 3 14 6 3 3 00874500 Baramari 34 8 26 14 6 8 00874600 Garakhia Dhap I 1 00874700 Baramari Pam 326 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1,314 235 1,079 3,227 1,598 1,629 163,501 64,250 99,251 Mayang (Total) 0001 1,295 218 1,067 3,001 1,425 1,576 151,992 60.107 91.885 Mayang (Rural) 0001 19 7 12 226 173 53 11.509 4,143 7,366 Mayang (Urban) 0001 Mayang (Rural) Un-inhabited Burha Mayang Parvat 00869700 172 83 89 Chanaka 00869800 90 53 37 Gamariguri 00869900 84 39 45 Barhaitari 00870000 Un-inhabited Kalsila 00870100 1 1 129 66 63 Kashasila 00870200 4 4 2 2 467 187 280 Katahguri 00870300 5 2 3 875 388 487 Garubandha 00870400 44 18 26 894 384 5 I 0 Khandakhaiti 00870500 610 237 373 Darariguri 00870600 497 202 295 Faliamari 00870700 522 203 319 Kariguri 00870800 1 1 807 305 502 Gagalmari 00870900 24 20 4 1,155 452 703 Kasarigaon 00871000 5 5 1,211 439 772 Bahakajari 00871100 3 3 753 292 461 Khatobori Mikirgaon 00871200 889 340 549 Goroimari 00871300 5 5 1,232 418 814 Kapoujari 00871400 3 3 453 249 204 Belorbori 00871500 147 78 69 Sukatiputa 00871600 141 62 79 Gabhura Tup Pathar 00871700 242 107 135 Gabhura Tup Gaon 00871800 35 18 17 Temiherua 00871900 61 28 33 Baral Tup 00872000 1 48 26 22 Batahbari 00872100 12 12 1 264 137 127 Katahjari Gaon 00872200 1 I 274 113 161 Bangalpara 00872300 1 I 16 7 9 1,776 710 1,066 Karatipam 00872400 2 2 55 19 36 984 427 557 Chotogrujan 00872500 2 1 1 253 97 156 Nandinibori 00872600 26 10 16 5 I 4 1,605 711 894 Borkurani 00872700 969 363 606 Merar Habi 00872800 117 II 106 1,194 541 653 2.No. Gaga1mari 00872900 7 4 3 1,386 517 869 Faliamari Habi 00873000 6 4 2 167 79 88 Pabhakati 00873100 5 5 53 8 45 530 212 318 Hatibhangi 00873200 4 1 3 363 206 157 Teteliguri 00873300 6 6 411 167 244 1 No. Murkata 00873400 4 3 II 8 3 559 249 310 Hatimuria 00873500 13 13 20 5 15 570 275 295 Loonmati 00873600 9 9 5 1 4 322 133 189 Burha Mayang 00873700 4 4 4 2 2 384 134 250 Dhekiabari 00873800 Un-inhabited Chengmari Pathar 00873900 4 3 I Chengmari Gaon 00874000 3 3 1,153 494 659 Raja Mayang 00874100 5 5 658 250 408 2.No. Murkata 00874200 307 150 157 Bormuri Pathar 00874300 II 11 84 33 51 Bhalukajuri 00874400 19 18 619 239 380 Baramari 00874500 I 1,010 384 626 Garakhia Dhap 00874600 343 128 215 Baramari Pam 00874700 327 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code ViUagein Number of EOEulation~ a~e-~oUE 0-6 number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00874800 l.No. Gagalmari 330.0 331 2,374 1,251 1,123 674 370 304 00874900 2.No. Burgaon 265.0 176 1,304 677 627 258 137 121 00875000 GagalmariAshighar 219.0 268 1,941 1,040 901 472 253 219 00875100 Lecharibori 267.0 261 1,845 961 884 381 182 199 00875200 Bamunjari 125.0 179 1,314 672 642 317 156 161 00875300 Kasarigaon 238.0 63 406 195 211 77 31 46 00875400 Grujan 112.0 60 389 201 188 84 38 46 00875500 Gagalmari Pam 209.0 42 263 130 133 58 28 30 00875600 Sat. Sapori Doloni 187.0 18 139 72 67 22 8 14 00875700 Katahjari Pathar 251.0 32 196 113 83 39 22 17 00875800 Khanagaria 247.0 29 155 78 77 28 15 13 00875900 Laukhowahari 250.0 23 70 36 34 12 4 8 00876000 Kahua Habi 233.0 Un-inhabited 00876100 Panikauri 169.0 43 233 114 119 54 27 27 00876200 Sukati Puta Habi 305.0 114 744 411 333 168 87 81 00876300 Balimukh P.UR. 817.0 188 1,303 695 608 274 137 137 00876400 Lecharipar Pam 71.0 23 154 83 71 33 13 20 00876500 Ashighar 130.0 20 138 74 64 30 19 11 00876600 1 No. Burgaon 268.0 266 1,819 955 864 309 165 144 00876700 Shipaguri 197.0 390 2,795 1,452 1,343 717 371 346 00876800 Morisuti Tup 221.0 81 617 335 282 181 100 81 00876900 Sildubi 373.0 230 1,399 730 669 243 129 114 00877000 Kajali Pathar Un-inhabited 00877100 Pabitara 1,341.0 37 183 101 82 27 14 I3 00877200 Hatigarh V.UR. 229.0 44 220 138 82 30 16 14 00877300 Morisuti Pam 183.0 100 692 336 356 181 85 96 00877400 Patekibori 313.0 284 1,714 856 858 441 209 232 00877500 Kaurhagi 391.0 126 648 322 326 157 78 79 00877600 Karsuabori 391.0 652 3,981 2,073 1,908 914 462 452 00877700 Hariapar 244.0 115 799 410 389 191 80 III 00877800 Hariabori 176.0 ll5 716 374 342 154 89 65 00877900 Chotogamari Guri 274.0 51 292 143 149 67 38 29 00878000 Gamariguri 337.0 lOl 634 321 313 124 59 65 00878100 BebejiaHabi 286.0 236 1,350 684 666 252 128 124 00878200 Bar Gamari 132.0 297 1,758 892 866 335 177 158 00878300 Goroimari 219.0 Un-inhabited 00878400 Bhalukaguri 213.0 305 1,801 889 912 359 182 177 00878500 Sarubori 209.0 190 1,163 585 578 210 III 99 00878600 Dibika 373.0 234 1.366 704 662 196 96 100 00878700 Kalbari 348.0 153 919 448 471 I31 64 67 00878800 Raumari 289.0 19 101 52 49 16 8 8 00878900 Majarbori 162.0 Un-inhabited 00879000 Barhampur 242.0 217 1,199 596 603 180 90 90 00879100 Jhargaon 359.0 472 2,724 1,367 1.357 433 216 217 00879200 Burba Bud 227.0 783 4,&46 2,472 2.374 936 471 465 00879300 Kuranibori 347.0 840 5,283 2,624 2,659 1,346 657 689 00879400 Kukuwari 75.0 279 1,799 926 873 446 230 216 00879500 Thengbhanga 484.0 506 3,014 1,577 1,437 557 287 270 00879600 Diprang 255.0 145 835 433 402 161 83 78 00879700 Boha Dalani 219.0 153 864 416 448 175 78 97 00879800 Nakara Habi 282.0 185 1,296 667 629 354 180 174 00879900 Kholoni Beel 294.0 363 2,134 1,090 1,044 440 229 211 00880000 Bilimara 325.0 120 719 358 361 149 79 70 00880100 Hatiutha 230.0 193 1,153 574 579 175 90 85 00880200 Manaha Kasarigaon 245.0 222 1.251 661 590 193 104 89 328 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 462 268 194 l.No. Gagalmari 1,184 611 573 532 339 193 2.No. Burgaon 310 186 124 Gagalmari Ashighar 1,102 571 531 678 422 256 Lecharibori 361 187 174 417 257 160 Bamunjari 384 185 199 130 81 49 Kasarigaon 90 47 43 277 143 134 90 55 35 Gatjan 5 2 3 253 125 128 108 69 39 Gagalmari Pam 129 65 64 70 49 21 Sat. Sapori Doloni 196 113 83 III 79 32 Katahjari Pathar 60 32 28 83 40 43 62 35 27 Khanagaria 47 24 23 18 13 5 Laukhowabari Un-inhabited KahuaHabi 12 5 7 95 42 53 93 47 46 Panikauri 409 225 184 244 173 71 Sukati Puta Habi 572 310 262 292 205 87 Balimukh P.G.R. 21 17 4 Lecharipar Pam 46 28 18 AshiglIar 1,800 945 855 722 451 271 1 No. Burgaon 371 208 163 Shipaguri 170 99 71 Morisuti Tup 240 127 113 178 89 89 867 510 357 Sildubi Un-inhabited Kajali Pathar 2 1 126 77 49 Pabitara II 6 5 154 106 48 Hatigarh V.GR. 170 96 74 Morisuti Pam 297 183 114 Patekibori 395 191 204 183 116 67 Kaurhagi 1,741 899 842 1,249 789 460 Karsuabori 342 175 167 116 62 54 204 142 62 Hariapar 77 42 35 592 307 285 234 139 95 Hariabori 229 107 122 122 77 45 Chotogamari Guri 601 303 298 268 190 78 Gamariguri 155 73 82 430 225 205 647 388 259 BebejiaHabi 704 369 335 748 444 304 Bar Gamari Un-inhabited Goroimari 1,790 885 905 753 452 301 Bhalukaguri 1,067 540 527 488 299 189 Sarubori 193 92 101 466 241 225 946 532 414 Dibika 1 1 698 367 331 Kalbari 101 52 49 69 44 25 Raumari Un-inhabited Majarbori 274 141 133 882 476 406 Barhampur 1,323 688 635 65 31 34 1,762 983 779 Jhargaon 2,974 1,533 1,441 1 1 2,233 1,305 928 BurhaBuri 1,439 811 628 Kuranibori 381 212 169 Kukuwari 2,903 1,519 1,384 955 631 324 Thengbhanga 437 226 211 87 44 43 409 248 161 Diprang 862 415 447 458 259 199 BohaDalani 433 245 188 NakaraHabi 1,621 807 814 851 509 342 Kholoni Beel 268 140 128 33 16 17 354 204 150 Bilimara 190 102 88 739 414 325 Hatiutha 8 5 3 860 484 376 Manaha Kasarigaon 329 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workerii( code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00874800 l.No. Gagalmari 1.912 983 929 547 534 13 547 534 13 00874900 2.No. Burgaon 772 338 434 464 381 83 397 371 26 00875000 Gagalmari Ashighar 1.631 854 777 622 596 26 482 462 20 00875100 Lecharibori 1.167 539 628 568 483 85 310 294 16 00875200 Bamunjari 897 415 482 403 289 114 253 248 5 00875300 Kasarigaon 276 114 162 192 108 84 103 103 00875400 GllIjan 299 146 153 197 105 92 103 99 4 00875500 Gagalmari Pam 155 61 94 III 64 47 96 64 32 00875600 Sat. Sapori Doloni 69 23 46 72 40 32 62 38 24 00875700 Katahjari Pathar 85 34 51 77 46 31 69 39 30 00875800 Khanagaria 93 43 50 99 51 48 43 43 00875900 Laukhowabari 52 23 29 49 29 20 27 27 00876000 KahuaHabi Un-inhabited 00876100 Panikauri 140 67 73 94 61 33 53 48 5 00876200 SUkati Puta Habi 500 238 262 413 237 176 183 173 10 00876300 Balimukh P.UR. 1,011 490 521 713 396 317 366 351 15 00876400 Lecharipar Pam 133 66 67 75 45 30 41 38 3 00876500 Ashighar 92 46 46 28 28 28 28 00876600 I No. Burgaon 1,097 504 593 877 576 301 520 474 46 00876700 Shipaguri 2,424 1,244 1,180 831 717 114 556 543 13 00876800 Morisuti Tup 447 236 211 302 153 149 292 151 141 00876900 Sildubi 532 220 312 393 368 25 346 338 8 00877000 Kajali Pathar Un-inhabited 00877100 Pabitara 57 24 33 60 53 7 46 43 3 00877200 Hatigarh V.UR 66 32 34 84 79 5 70 70 00877300 Morisuti Pam 522 240 282 181 166 15 5 5 00877400 Patekibori 1,417 673 744 465 408 57 390 376 14 00877500 Kaurhagi 465 206 259 192 186 6 176 170 6 00877600 Karsuabori 2,732 1,284 1,448 1,025 978 47 998 966 32 00877700 Hariapar 595 268 327 373 205 168 339 184 155 00877800 Hariabori 482 235 247 178 174 4 142 142 00877900 Chotogamari Guri 170 66 104 146 71 75 145 71 74 00878000 Gamariguri 366 131 235 137 135 2 134 132 2 00878100 BebejiaHabi 703 296 407 788 417 371 316 302 14 00878200 Bar Gamari 1,010 448 562 1,092 605 487 531 473 58 00878300 Goroimari Un-inhabited 00878400 Bhalukaguri 1,048 437 611 1,002 494 508 770 465 305 00878500 Sarubori 675 286 389 365 309 56 140 131 9 00878600 Dibika 420 172 248 622 384 238 399 326 73 00878700 Kalbari 221 81 140 556 313 243 414 254 160 00878800 Raumari 32 8 24 44 30 14 23 22 I 00878900 Majarbori Un-inhabited 00879000 Barhampur 317 120 197 504 341 163 303 297 6 00879100 Jhargaon 962 384 578 1,336 736 600 808 645 163 00879200 BurhaBuri 2,613 1,167 1,446 1,297 1.234 63 1,223 1,176 47 00879300 Kuranibori 3,844 1.813 2,031 1,694 1,263 431 1,228 1,075 153 00879400 Kukuwari 1,418 714 704 488 441 47 381 339 42 00879500 Thengbhanga 2,059 946 1,113 1,033 822 211 757 664 93 00879600 Diprang 426 185 241 323 251 72 207 180 27 00879700 BohaDalani 406 157 249 439 228 211 219 194 25 00879800 NakaraHabi 863 422 441 346 325 21 312 300 12 00879900 Kholoni Beel 1,283 581 702 774 564 210 519 492 27 00880000 Bilimara 365 154 211 371 222 149 370 221 149 00880100 Hatiutha 414 160 254 630 319 311 363 234 129 00880200 Manaha Kasarigaon 391 177 214 568 360 208 313 291 22 330 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUSABSTRACI' Mayang Industrial category of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 421 420 III 106 5 3 2 1 12 6 6 I.No. Gagalmari 301 301 10 10 59 37 22 27 23 4 2.No. Burgaon 384 375 9 84 79 5 3 2 1 11 6 5 Gagalmari Ashighar 256 250 6 21 20 1 2 2 31 22 9 Lecharibori 235 231 4 10 10 2 2 6 5 1 Bamunjari 99 99 4 4 Kasarigaon 97 95 2 3 2 1 2 2 Garjan 90 60 30 2 2 3 3 Gagalmari Pam 59 35 24 2 2 Sat. Sapori Doloni 66 36 30 3 3 Katahjari Pathar 43 43 Khanagaria 27 27 Laukhowabari Un-inhabited KahuaHabi 47 44 3 I I 2 3 2 Panikauri 168 159 9 I I 14 13 Sukati Puta Habi 356 343 13 5 3 2 2 2 3 3 Balimukh P.GR. 41 38 3 Lecbaripar Pam 27 27 1 I Ashighar 438 431 7 3 3 78 39 39 I No. Burgaon 255 254 I 194 192 2 107 97 10 Shipaguri 287 147 140 I I I 3 3 Morisuti Tup 298 293 5 5 5 12 12 31 28 3 Sildubi Un-inhabited Kajali Pathar 12 12 2 2 32 29 3 Pabitara 22 22 2 2 I I 45 45 Hatigarh VGR. 5 5 Morisuti Pam 279 276 3 75 71 4 I 35 28 7 Patekibori 103 100 3 66 63 3 I 6 6 Kaurhagi 688 670 18 86 78 8 9 7 2 215 211 4 Karsuabori 337 184 153 I I I Hariapar 141 141 I I Hariabori 140 68 72 3 2 2 2 Chotogamari Guri 125 124 1 9 8 1 Garnariguri 261 256 5 11 9 2 44 37 7 BebejiaHabi 415 386 29 48 33 15 5 4 63 50 13 Bar Gamari Un-inhabited Goroimari 718 421 297 I I 3 I 2 48 43 5 Bhalukaguri 83 81 2 16 15 I 1 1 40 34 6 Sarubori 343 277 66 13 11 2 4 4 39 34 5 Dibika 378 222 156 1 I 1 1 34 31 3 Kalbari 22 21 I 1 I Raumari Un-inhabited Majarbori 244 242 2 10 9 I 3 3 46 43 3 Barbampur 490 383 107 110 90 20 25 21 4 183 151 32 Jhargaon 423 415 8 211 199 12 16' 14 2 573 548 25 BurhaBuri 689 612 77 310 292 18 6 5 I 223 166 57 Kuranibori 227 204 23 128 123 5 8 2 6 18 10 8 Kukuwari 621 540 81 93 85 8 19 15 4 24 24 Thengbbanga 107 104 3 43 38 5 15 15 42 38 4 Diprang 171 151 20 7 3 4 4 4 37 36 I BobaDalani 192 186 6 112 106 6 8 8 NakaraHabi 374 360 14 70 61 9 10 9 1 65 62 3 Kholoni Beel 332 193 139 12 7 5 8 6 2 18 15 3 Bilimara 335 217 118 15 10 5 8 2 6 5 5 Hatiutha 195 190 5 3 1 2 2 2 113 98 15 Manaha Kasarigaon

331 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categoo: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00874800 I.No. Gagalmari 00874900 2.No. Burgaon 67 10 57 61 5 56 3 3 00875000 Gagalmari Ashighar 140 134 6 136 131 5 2 2 00875100 Lecharibori 258 189 69 209 164 45 21 17 4 00875200 Bamunjari 150 41 109 76 18 58 34 15 19 00875300 Kasarigaon 89 5 84 88 5 83 00875400 Garjan 94 6 88 91 5 86 2 1 00875500 Gagalmari Pam 15 15 1 1 14 14 00875600 Sat. Sapori Doloni 10 2 8 10 2 8 00875700 Katahjari Pathar 8 7 1 8 7 I 00875800 Khanagaria 56 8 48 52 8 44 3 3 00875900 Laukhowabari 22 2 20 22 2 20 00876000 KahuaHabi Un-inhabited 00876100 Panikauri 41 13 28 39 13 26 00876200 Sukati Puta Habi 230 64 166 6 I 5 224 63 161 00876300 Balimukh P.UR. 347 45 302 341 43 298 6 2 4 00876400 Lecharipar Pam 34 7 27 32 5 27 2 2 00876500 Ashighar 00876600 I No. Burgaon 357 102 255 314 80 234 00876700 Shipaguri 275 174 101 217 119 98 51 49 2 00876800 Morisuti Tup 10 2 8 10 2 8 00876900 Sildubi 47 30 17 8 4 4 34 24 10 00877000 Kajali Pathar Un-inhabited 00877100 Pabitara 14 10 4 11 7 4 00877200 Hatigarh v.GR. 14 9 5 10 8 2 2 2 00877300 Morisuti Pam 176 161 15 80 79 I 77 77 00877400 Patekibori 75 32 43 27 16 11 47 16 31 00877500 Kaurhagi 16 16 15 15 00877600 Karsuabori 27 12 15 10 5 5 13 4 9 00877700 Hariapar 34 21 13 14 5 9 20 16 4 00877800 Hariabori 36 32 4 36 32 4 00877900 Chotogamari Guri I I 1 1 00878000 Gamariguri 3 3 00878100 BebejiaHabi 472 115 357 51 27 24 388 76 312 00878200 Bar Gamari 561 132 429 469 117 352 88 13 75 00878300 Goroimari Un-inhabited 00878400 Bhalukaguri 232 29 203 195 23 172 27 27 00878500 Sarubori 225 178 47 161 132 29 59 41 18 00878600 Dibika 223 58 165 146 30 116 75 28 47 00878700 Kalbari 142 59 83 133 56 77 7 I 6 00878800 Raumari 21 8 13 21 8 13 00878900 Majarbori Un-inhabited 00879000 Barhampur 201 44 157 157 35 122 19 6 13 00879100 Ihargaon 528 91 437 402 45 357 101 41 60 00879200 BurhaBuri 74 58 16 27 26 1 9 4 5 00879300 Kuranibori 466 188 278 48 43 5 239 83 156 00879400 Kukuwari 107 102 5 5 4 1 102 98 4 00879500 Thengbhanga 276 158 118 112 60 52 138 87 51 00879600 Diprang 116 71 45 16 14 2 85 56 29 00879700 BohaDalani 220 34 186 3 I 2 211 27 184 00879800 NakaraHabi 34 25 9 18 14 4 16 II 5 00879900 Kholoni Beel 255 72 183 147 39 108 100 31 69 00880000 Bilimara 1 1 1 1 00880100 Hatiutha 267 85 182 180 52 128 50 22 28 00880200 Manaha Kasarililiaon 255 69 186 226 52 174 20 9 11


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 00880300 Manaha 348.0 380 2,068 1,029 1,039 250 133 117 00880400 Barukata 218.0 219 1,332 678 654 211 121 90 00880500 Kholagaon 244.0 252 1,342 703 639 176 81 95 00880600 Morigaon 125.0 137 777 389 388 131 69 62 00880700 Niz Gharua 258.0 272 1,607 806 801 232 116 116 00880800 Bahakabari 161.0 119 671 335 336 120 64 56 00880900 Ghagua Pahar 241.0 Un-inhabited 00881000 Kumoi Pahar 677.0 Un-inhabited 00881100 Kasarigaon 266.0 154 772 388 384 102 52 50 00881200 Konwargaon 196.0 112 599 305 294 109 59 50 00881300 Sarumanaha Beel 373.0 Un-inhabited 00881400 Be1guri 385.0 66 363 185 178 57 26 31 00881500 2.No. Borjari 359.0 26 158 78 80 36 18 18 00881600 GarumaraDoloni 357.0 281 1,916 989 927 352 194 158 00881700 Barpak Jungle 253.0 241 1,455 775 680 261 144 117 00881800 Sat Sapori Doloni 375.0 450 2,676 1,370 1,306 629 330 299 00881900 Boha Pahar 171.0 185 950 503 447 159 85 74 00882000 BomaIani Pathar 210.0 182 1,101 583 518 199 104 95 00882100 Borkuloi Pathar 120.0 1 5 2 3 1 1 00882200 Saru Kuloi 127.0 53 257 128 129 43 18 25 00882300 Chatabori 242.0 165 920 468 452 115 54 61 00882400 Dimoruguri 227.0 90 497 254 243 85 46 39 00882500 Bhakatgaon 201.0 321 1,622 803 819 157 76 81 00882600 Dayanial Gaon 223.0 224 1,208 612 596 103 57 46 00882700 Kumoi Gaon 243.0 241 1,357 664 693 186 103 83 00882800 Jagi Gaon 210.0 238 1,356 693 663 118 58 60 00882900 Rangthai Gaon 244.0 156 873 436 437 119 63 56 00883000 Baghjap 194.0 177 881 453 428 III 58 53 00883100 Natun Bangalbori 337.0 140 799 418 381 104 62 42 00883200 I.No. Bangalbori 187.0 194 1,049 527 522 182 90 92 00883300 Barkuloi 316.0 233 1,158 573 585 154 72 82 00883400 Nabahatia 163.0 82 332 185 147 59 33 26 00883500 Borjari No.1 316.0 74 346 189 157 45 29 16 00883600 Bardoloni 228.0 394 2,061 1,040 1,021 302 141 161 00883700 Khandajan 237.0 207 1,185 608 577 158 80 78 00883800 l.No. Dungabori 190.0 188 1,029 504 525 174 89 85 00883900 Khutradal 182.0 98 781 393 388 192 100 92 00884000 Junbeel 217.0 103 675 335 340 137 70 67 00884100 Kharbeel 180.0 4 2S 13 12 5 3 2 00884200 Hatiamukh 324.0 294 1,481 744 737 209 103 106 00884300 Hatiamukh Jungle 217.0 48 275 145 130 55 37 18 00884400 Bihita 208.0 134 751 392 359 120 68 52 00884500 Naldhara Nua Beel 319.0 13 74 40 34 9 4 5 00884600 Thakurduba 126.0 98 543 275 268 103 48 55 00884700 Bangfor 355.0 231 1,172 572 600 172 98 74 00884800 Dayang 181.0 138 722 353 369 79 37 42 00884900 Chenimara 155.0 261 1,507 744 763 366 176 190 00885000 Kakarjala 117.0 146 974 506 468 262 131 131 00885100 2.No. Bangalbori 131.0 182 1,222 635 587 288 149 139 00885200 2.No. Dungabori 154.0 238 1,431 731 700 333 180 153 00885300 Guripathar 266.0 172 1,033 523 510 248 132 116 00885400 Kuyadal 325.0 60 306 154 152 37 17 20 00885500 Chakumaku 193.0 400 2,490 1,295 1,195 543 303 240 00885600 PaIiguri 242.0 322 1,909 997 912 377 207 170 00885700 Ghunusha Habi 157.0 418 2,268 1,160 1,108 453 226 227 334 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 447 240 207 1,513 812 701 Manaha 996 510 486 986 533 453 Barukata 482 244 238 537 285 252 866 520 346 Kholagaon 154 79 75 516 252 264 440 259 181 Morigaon 465 229 236 779 389 390 936 531 405 Niz Gharua 21 12 9 647 321 326 279 173 106 Bahakabari Un-inhabited Ghagua Pahar Un-inhabited Kumoi Pahar 659 328 331 457 259 198 Kasarigaon 79 39 40 372 192 180 350 202 148 Konwargaon Un-inhabited Sarumanaha Beel 6 3 3 242 140 102 Belguri 44 26 18 2.No. Borjari 879 455 424 865 527 338 Garumara Doloni 1,387 744 643 698 417 281 Barpak Jungle 286 136 150 937 558 379 Sat Sapori Doloni 15 6 9 21 12 9 564 330 234 BohaPahar 422 224 198 76 39 37 461 275 186 Bornalani Pathar I 1 Borkuloi Pathar 178 97 81 SaruKuloi 679 375 304 Chatabori 311 153 158 358 192 166 Dimoruguri 374 179 195 1,259 668 591 Bhakatgaon 5 3 2 20 8 12 1,002 517 485 Oayanial Gaon 6S8 326 332 980 513 467 KumoiGaon 209 106 103 1 1 1,130 603 527 JagiGaon 845 418 427 570 330 240 Rangthai Gaon 76 39 37 30 14 16 668 375 293 Bagq;ap 4 2 2 447 289 158 Natun Bangalbori 186 100 86 337 165 172 560 320 240 l.No. Bangalbori 5 2 3 23 11 12 671 339 332 Barkuloi 102 S4 48 119 82 37 Nabahatia 5 3 2 4 2 2 267 142 125 Borjari No.1 1,973 994 979 1,042 639 403 Bardoloni 22 13 9 850 492 358 Khandajan 148 74 74 403 195 208 572 324 248 l.No.Dungabori 59 28 31 346 194 152 Khutradal II 8 3 163 83 80 211 109 102 Junbeel 25 13 12 14 9 5 Kharbeel 170 82 88 614 314 300 963 531 432 Hatiarnukh 114 69 45 Hatiarnukh Jungle 144 81 63 127 55 72 395 238 157 Bihita IS 4 11 9 6 3 47 30 17 Naldhara Nua Beel 346 172 174 177 92 85 335 192 143 Thakurduba 1,167 570 597 746 404 342 Bangfor 65 31 34 516 273 243 Oayang 93 40 53 15 10 5 407 245 162 Chenimara 404 241 163 Kakarjala 218 122 96 377 224 153 2.No. Bangalbori 777 397 380 511 319 192 2.No. Dungabori 390 193 197 242 137 105 Guripathar 33 18 15 6 3 3 226 127 99 Kuyadal 890 464 426 814 513 301 Chakumaku 255 129 126 188 98 90 950 567 383 Paliguri 259 134 125 23 15 8 1,178 705 473 Ghunusha Habi 335 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00880300 Manaba 555 217 338 1,005 574 431 662 531 131 00880400 Barukata 346 145 201 455 352 103 300 284 16 00880500 Kholagaon 476 183 293 491 300 191 434 298 136 00880600 Morigaon 337 130 207 392 213 179 221 211 10 00880700 Niz Gharua 671 275 396 1,174 604 570 436 308 128 00880800 Babakabari 392 162 230 452 228 224 287 191 96 00880900 Ghagua Pabar Un-inhabited 00881000 KumoiPabar Un-inhabited 00881100 Kasarigaon 315 129 186 439 225 214 308 193 lIS 00881200 Konwargaon 249 103 146 310 169 141 172 150 22 00881300 Sarumanaba Beel Un-inhabited 00881400 Belguri 121 45 76 159 83 76 85 83 2 00881500 2.No. Borjari 114 52 62 67 32 35 30 30 00881600 Garumara Doloni 1,051 462 589 769 589 180 562 535 27 00881700 Barpak Jungle 757 358 399 559 391 168 414 360 54 00881800 Sat Sapori Doloni 1,739 812 927 920 633 287 585 569 16 00881900 BohaPahar 386 173 213 266 235 31 248 229 19 00882000 Bornalani Pathar 640 308 332 352 313 39 242 235 7 00882100 Borkuloi Pathar 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 00882200 SaruKuloi 79 31 48 168 91 77 76 63 13 00882300 Chatabori 241 93 148 560 318 242 381 267 114 00882400 Dimoruguri 139 62 77 242 134 108 145 133 12 00882500 Bhakatgaon 363 135 228 677 411 266 537 381 156 00882600 Dayanial Gaon 206 95 111 327 270 57 281 252 29 00882700 Kumoi Gaon 377 151 226 374 338 36 373 337 36 00882800 Iagi Gaon 226 90 136 379 336 43 324 297 27 00882900 Rangthai Gaon 303 106 197 376 225 lSI 234 214 20 00883000 Baghjap 213 78 135 274 216 58 234 214 20 00883100 Natun Bangalbori 352 129 223 326 213 Il3 219 192 27 00883200 l.No. Bangalbori 489 207 282 609 348 261 240 225 15 00883300 Barkuloi 487 234 253 505 350 155 495 345 150 00883400 Nababatia 213 103 110 88 85 3 88 85 3 00883500 Borjari No.1 79 47 32 101 95 6 100 94 6 00883600 Bardoloni 1,019 401 618 789 609 180 667 570 97 00883700 Khandajan 335 116 219 628 354 274 529 311 218 00883800 l.No. Dungabori 457 180 277 529 307 222 359 258 101 00883900 Khutradal 435 199 236 273 218 55 186 173 13 00884000 Iunbeel 464 226 238 158 153 5 157 152 5 00884100 Kharbeel 11 4 7 6 5 1 6 5 1 00884200 Hatiamukh 518 213 305 656 431 225 218 200 18 00884300 Hatiamukh Jungle 161 76 85 70 67 3 68 65 3 00884400 Bihita 356 154 202 326 185 141 201 182 19 00884500 Naldhara Nua Beel 27 10 17 49 24 25 24 24 00884600 Thakurduba 208 83 125 164 134 30 138 131 7 00884700 Bangfor 426 168 258 666 330 336 387 305 82 00884800 Dayang 206 80 126 333 180 153 187 179 8 00884900 Chenimara 1,100 499 601 410 349 61 330 322 8 00885000 Kakarjala 570 265 305 240 224 16 237 222 15 00885100 2.No. Bangalbori 845 411 434 353 344 9 339 331 8 00885200 2.No. Dungabori 920 412 508 349 331 18 326 308 18 00885300 Guripathar 791 386 405 339 245 94 217 208 9 00885400 Kuyadal 80 27 53 85 83 2 85 83 2 00885500 Chakumaku 1,676 782 894 693 638 55 550 521 29 00885600 Paliguri 959 430 529 632 460 172 525 399 126 00885700 Ghunusha Habi 1090 455 635 817 589 228 569 524 45

336 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Industrial categoQ:: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 553 437 116 12 6 6 4 4 93 84 9 Manaha 242 230 12 16 15 1 42 39 3 Barukata 320 284 36 95 1 94 5 2 3 14 11 3 Kholagaon 187 182 5 7 6 I 27 23 4 Morigaon 366 256 110 17 12 5 7 3 4 46 37 9 Niz Gharua 242 172 70 24 3 21 I 1 20 16 4 Bahakabari Un-inhabited Ghagua Pahar Un-inhabited Kumoi Pahar 266 160 106 9 6 3 32 26 6 Kasarigaon 102 93 9 15 9 6 54 48 6 Konwargaon Un-inhabited SarumanahaBeel 76 76 9 7 2 Belguri 28 28 I I I I 2.No. Rm:iari 465 451 14 32 28 4 13 10 3 52 46 6 Garumara Doloni 302 265 37 62 55 7 11 9 2 39 31 8 Barpak Jungle 381 377 4 112 110 2 5 5 87 77 10 Sat Sapori Doloni 102 94 8 71 69 2 3 I 2 72 65 7 BohaPahar 204 200 4 16 14 2 I 1 21 20 1 Bomalani Pathar 2 2 Borkuloi Pathar 62 55 7 2 2 1 I 11 7 4 SaruKuloi 295 208 87 18 10 8 26 15 II 42 34 8 Chatabori 83 79 4 6 3 3 56 51 5 Dimoruguri 326 206 120 12 7 5 13 11 2 186 157 29 Bhakatgaon 123 117 6 4 2 2 1 1 153 132 21 Dayanial Gaon 198 198 I I 25 II 14 149 127 22 Kumoi Gaon 133 131 2 17 14 3 I I 173 151 22 JagiGaon 160 156 4 14 2 ]2 5 3 2 55 53 2 Rangthai Gaon 145 139 6 2 2 87 73 14 Baghjap 158 152 6 5 4 I 6 2 4 50 34 16 Natun Bangalbori 136 134 2 43 37 6 8 5 3 53 49 4 l.No. Bangaloori 351 270 81 4 2 2 46 4 42 94 69 25 Barkuloi 83 80 3 5 5 Nabahatia 64 62 2 36 32 4 Borjari No.1 255 244 II 232 161 71 6 6 174 159 15 Bardoloni 462 250 212 1 1 1 ] 65 59 6 Khandajan 226 161 65 46 28 18 15 8 7 72 61 11 I.No. Dungabori 123 III ]2 26 25 ] 37 37 Khutradal 153 148 5 4 4 Junbeel 5 5 1 1 Kharbeel 134 126 8 4 2 2 80 72 8 Hatiamukh 65 63 2 I 1 2 I I Hatiamukh Jungle 194 177 17 7 5 2 Bihita 24 24 Naldhara Nua Beel 105 100 5 10 9 1 23 22 1 Thakurduba 327 259 68 8 3 5 2 50 42 8 Bangfor 151 149 2 4 2 2 32 28 4 Dayang 140 139 1 83 81 2 107 102 5 Chenimara 116 114 2 48 41 7 73 67 6 Kakarjala 213 209 4 29 29 97 93 4 2.No. Bangalbori 155 150 5 70 61 9 I I 100 96 4 2.No. Dungabori 144 138 6 5 3 2 3 3 65 64 1 Guripathar 42 42 15 14 1 28 27 1 Kuyadal 186 182 4 87 74 13 17 17 260 248 12 Chakumaku 294 203 91 52 40 12 21 17 4 158 139 19 Paliguri 78 74 4 12 12 9 8 I 470 430 40 Ghunusha Habi

337 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial catego!}! code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00880300 Manaha 343 43 300 332 40 292 8 2 6 00880400 Barukata 155 68 87 142 63 79 00880500 Kholagaon 57 2 55 5 5 00880600 Morigaon 171 2 169 136 1 135 35 1 34 00880700 Niz Gharua 738 296 442 691 271 420 29 12 17 00880800 Bahakabari 165 37 128 136 36 100 2 I 1 00880900 Ghagua Pahar Un-inhabited 00881000 Kumoi Pahar Un-inhabited 00881100 Kasarigaon 131 32 99 87 20 67 43 11 32 00881200 Konwargaon 138 19 119 82 8 74 40 6 34 00881300 SarumanahaBeel Un-inhabited 00881400 Belguri 74 74 9 9 65 65 00881500 2.No. Borjari 37 2 35 2 1 I 35 1 34 00881600 GarumaraDoloni 207 54 153 66 40 26 137 10 127 00881700 Barpak Jungle 145 31 114 95 11 84 41 16 25 00881800 Sat Sapori Doloni 335 64 271 278 29 249 30 29 I 00881900 Boha Pahar 18 6 12 6 1 5 4 3 1 00882000 Bornalani Pathar 110 78 32 63 39 24 41 34 7 00882100 Borkuloi Pathar I 1 I 1 00882200 Saru Kuloi 92 28 64 32 12 20 49 15 34 00882300 Chatabori 179 51 128 41 3 38 61 15 46 00882400 Dimoruguri 97 I 96 78 78 17 17 00882500 Bhakatgaon 140 30 l10 97 10 87 27 12 15 00882600 Dayanial Gaon 46 18 28 4 3 1 13 3 10 00882700 Kumoi Gaon 1 1 00882800 Jagi Gaon 55 39 16 19 19 14 8 G 00882900 Rangthai Gaon 142 II 131 4 3 1 137 S 129 00883000 Baghjap 40 2 38 37 2 35 3 3 00883100 Natun Bangalbori 107 21 86 36 7 29 13 3 10 00883200 I.No. Bangalbori 369 123 246 3 3 324 111 213 00883300 Barkuloi 10 5 5 7 4 3 00883400 Nabahatia 00883500 BOljari No.1 I I 00883600 Bardoloni 122 39 83 52 17 35 62 15 47 00883700 Khandajan 99 43 56 20 19 I 78 24 54 00883800 I.No. Dungabori 170 49 121 52 19 33 100 29 71 00883900 Khutradal 87 45 42 74 38 36 13 7 6 00884000 Junbeel 1 00884100 Kharbeel 00884200 Hatiamukh 438 231 207 247 181 66 126 40 86 00884300 HatiamukhJungle 2 2 2 2 00884400 Bihita 125 3 122 125 3 122 00884500 Naldhara Nua Beel 25 25 25 25 00884600 Thakurduba 26 3 23 1 1 25 2 23 008&4.700 Bangfor 279 25 254 30 10 20 248 15 233 00884800 Dayang 146 1 145 15 1 14 131 131 00884900 Chenimara 80 27 53 8 6 2 38 17 21 00885000 Kakarjala 3 2 1 1 1 1 00885100 2.No. Bangalbori 14 13 1 1 8 7 00885200 2.No. Dungabori 23 23 5 5 8 8 00885300 Guripathar 122 37 85 20 5 15 99 29 70 00885400 Kuyadal 00885500 Chakumaku 143 117 26 19 18 1 78 64 14 00885600 Paliguri 107 61 46 9 1 8 78 43 35 00885700 Ghunusha Habi 248 65 183 7 I 6 59 I3 46



VILLAGE PRIMAR CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00885800 Tegheria 390.0 1,034 4,563 2,426 2,137 507 254 253 00885900 Udmari 232.0 280 1,591 823 768 309 153 156 00886000 Sindhisar P.UR. 145.0 237 1,171 617 554 196 100 96 00886100 Sindhisar Forest Village 189.0 64 404 204 200 100 51 49 00886200 Bamungaon 179.0 254 1,315 683 632 164 89 75 00886300 Raumari 73.0 217 1,129 577 552 204 93 111 00886400 Deusal 181.0 238 1,249 620 629 201 94 107 00886500 Nakhula Grant 197.0 789 4,099 2,113 1,986 878 462 416 00886600 Nakhula Gaon 207.0 375 1,973 1,045 928 226 118 108 00886700 Pachim Nagaon 251.0 400 2,108 1,090 1,018 274 144 130 00886800 Nakhula Pahar 41.0 24 108 S5 53 20 7 13 00886900 Sonai Kushi Reserve Forest 388 1,466 754 712 162 74 88 00887000 Garan Kushi 85.0 16 107 56 51 23 11 12 00887100 Gaonalia 150.0 97 590 302 288 HI 57 54 00887200 Kumarkushi 231.0 38 285 137 148 44 20 24 00887300 Dhakali 180.0 60 436 208 228 97 47 50 00887400 Kuthari Bagisha 519.0 172 1,003 487 516 224 96 128 00887500 Sonaikushi 84.0 33 211 105 106 44 18 26 00920300 Nararnari No.2 212.0 69 430 223 207 116 54 62 00920400 Nararnari No.1 285.0 425 2,447 1,243 1,204 460 221 239 00920500 Belguri 386.0 40 245 125 120 45 25 20 00920600 Lukakuchi 210.0 188 1,061 S35 S26 193 98 95 00920700 Patrabari 260.0 152 875 453 422 124 69 55 00920800 Dihukichamaka 234.0 52 327 169 158 56 31 25 00920900 Thekeraguri 192.0 159 870 447 423 138 77 61 00921000 Morikolong 288.0 196 963 500 463 156 86 70 00921100 Rupai bari 415.0 421 2,295 1,147 1,148 310 165 145 00921200 Mikirgaon 234.0 536 2,843 1,471 1,372 419 215 204 00921300 Telahi Bhatgaon 260.0 356 1,922 963 959 229 108 121 00921400 Bangaldhara 441.0 465 2,463 1,207 1,256 310 156 154 00921500 Bihubari 371.0 339 1,814 880 934 233 108 125 00921600 Barbari Pathar 249.0 96 618 302 316 52 27 25 00921700 Chanuabari Pathar 200.0 Un-inhabited 00921800 Mantabari 208.0 134 784 385 399 146 66 80 00921900 Matiparbat 152.0 303 1,686 837 849 513 250 263 00922000 Muladhari 53.0 115 639 341 298 147 83 64 00922100 Silbheta 188.0 113 660 345 315 184 91 93 00922200 Dakhin Dharamtul 191.0 407 1,986 1,022 964 335 168 167 00922300 Pub Dharamtul 210.0 124 591 298 293 86 52 34 00922400 Uttar Dharamtul 222.0 145 792 401 391 93 42 51 00922500 Durula Dubi 271.0 44 249 118 131 48 23 25 00922600 Chipiri 310.0 94 525 280 245 98 63 35 00922700 Ahatguri 231.0 391 2,044 1,007 1,037 265 145 120 00922800 Morakolong 303.0 81 419 212 207 86 43 43 00922900 Thekera 233.0 68 308 154 154 43 15 28 00923000 Ahatguri Pam 372.0 87 553 269 284 159 79 80 00923100 Charal Pam 142.0 9 39 21 18 10 7 3 00923200 Barbari 475.0 191 1,099 600 499 260 156 104 00923300 Bhalukaguri 195.0 97 456 243 213 77 42 35 00923400 Arnzari 201.0 38 168 89 79 34 18 16 00923500 Hatkhula 339.0 135 673 318 355 104 49 55 00923600 Alisinga 280.0 267 1,424 703 721 291 133 158 00923700 Basundhari Jalah 376.0 303 1,747 846 901 523 244 279 00923800 Barjalah 227.0 58 342 163 179 84 37 47 00923900 Block No.8 126.0 78 444 227 217 120 68 52 340 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 139 77 62 601 302 299 3,472 1,967 1,505 Tegheria 58 30 28 614 302 312 841 512 329 Udmari 72 35 37 387 192 195 563 350 213 Sindhisar P.UR. 394 196 198 148 93 55 Sindhisar Forest Village 12 6 6 4 3 1 993 541 452 Bamungaon 75 40 35 254 120 134 634 385 249 Raumari 18 8 10 981 485 496 592 351 241 Deusal 153 78 75 124 65 59 1,401 859 542 Nakhula Grant 360 199 161 456 227 229 1,453 830 623 NakhulaGaon 5 2 3 1,418 727 691 1,374 792 582 Pachim Nagaon 58 31 27 62 38 24 Nakhula Pahar 81 47 34 78 34 44 1,275 674 601 Sonai Kushi Reserve Forest 16 6 10 20 15 5 Garan Kushi 587 300 287 187 115 72 Gaonalia 281 135 146 153 87 66 Kumarkushi 436 208 228 157 93 64 DhakaJi 95 42 53 266 163 103 Kuthari Bagisha 211 105 106 32 21 11 Sonaikushi 144 80 64 Naramari No.2 11 7 4 1,103 633 470 Naramari No.1 245 125 120 108 64 44 Belguri 4 3 224 105 119 661 362 299 Lukakuchi llO 63 47 630 341 289 Patrabari 208 114 94 212 119 93 Dihukichamaka 344 177 167 465 236 229 514 306 208 Thekeraguri 618 321 297 108 60 48 637 358 279 Morikolong 243 121 122 314 151 163 1,628 869 759 Rupaibari 282 147 135 1,734 985 749 Mikirgaon 1,458 765 693 Telahi Bhatgaon 613 304 309 738 348 390 1,626 886 740 Bangaldhara 481 238 243 1,016 483 533 1,271 700 571 Bihubari 577 281 296 364 207 157 Barbari Pathar Un-inhabited ChanuabariPathar 182 88 94 255 127 128 368 216 152 Mantabari 107 69 38 Matiparbat 239 143 96 Muladhari 206 123 83 Silbheta 1,729 883 846 76 37 39 1,092 662 430 Dakhin Dharamtul 341 188 153 Pub Dharamtul 24 12 12 389 198 191 556 321 235 Uttar Dharamtul 89 44 45 119 55 64 129 63 66 DurulaDubi 409 217 192 4 3 1 275 152 123 Chipiri l,250 625 625 8 5 3 1,455 766 689 Ahatguri 317 168 149 73 29 44 287 160 127 Morakolong 87 43 44 165 81 84 201 118 83 Thekera 43 20 23 232 103 129 Ahatguri Pam 39 21 18 20 11 9 CharalPam 511 273 238 83 45 38 427 268 159 Barbari 456 243 213 274 164 110 Bhalukaguri 98 53 45 70 36 34 114 67 47 Arnzari 594 276 318 445 236 209 Hatkhula 559 27 284 7 2 5 690 396 294 Alisinga 460 261 199 Basundhari Jalah 71 51 20 Barjalah 119 58 61 112 73 39 Block No.8 341

PRIMARY CENSUS~::"'~ TRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Industrial catego!):: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males lemale~ Persons Males lemale! Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 87 76 II 118 96 22 4 3 1 1,151 1,083 68 Tegheria 294 283 II 33 31 2 3 2 1 76 69 7 Udmari 108 105 3 53 49 4 5 2 3 77 74 3 Sindhisar P.GR. 127 88 39 4 4 Sindhisar Forest Village 29 27 2 6 1 5 6 5 362 267 95 Bamungaon 89 82 7 2 2 6 6 174 149 25 Raumari 91 80 II 12 to 2 7 4 3 120 108 12 Deusal 59 47 12 54 45 9 15 II 4 744 650 94 Nakhula Grant 133 123 10 28 23 5 6 5 I 435 378 57 Nakhula Gaon 205 200 5 25 19 6 4 2 2 365 307 58 Pachim Nagaon 10 10 18 18 - Nakhula Pahar 8 7 1 1 1 409 375 34 Sonai Kushi Reserve Forest 22 18 4 7 3 4 Garan Kushi 121 101 20 57 41 16 2 2 4 4 Gaonalia 63 60 3 3 3 - Kumarkushi 93 92 1 4 3 1 Dhakali 344 185 159 22 11 11 3 2 119 60 59 Kuthari Bagisha 97 53 44 2 1 1 2 1 1 Sonaikushi 48 45 3 68 66 2 3 3 - Naramari No.2 320 309 11 93 82 11 15 IS 191 178 13 Naramari No.1 74 70 4 4 2 2 I 3 2 1 Belguri 186 172 14 26 20 6 7 7 62 56 6 Lukakuchi 158 157 1 6 4 2 2 1 49 45 4 Patrabari 60 57 3 4 4 20 19 1 Dihukichamaka 142 1I0 32 27 19 8 6 2 4 60 57 3 Thekeraguri 95 91 4 9 8 1 32 22 10 91 78 13 Morikolong 341 310 31 1 1 16 7 9 217 178 39 Rupaibari 425 402 23 54 50 4 7 5 2 253 219 34 Mikirgaon 216 213 3 6 6 4 3 1 292 257 35 Telahi Bhatgaon 287 268 19 40 39 1 12 5 7 165 150 15 Bangaldhara 392 285 107 16 13 3 6 4 2 100 89 11 Bihubari 86 77 9 1 1 40 37 3 Barbari Pathar Un-inhabited Chanuabari Pathar 116 105 II 21 19 2 20 16 4 Mantabari 229 228 I 5 5 2 2 1 1 Matiparbat 111 103 8 9 9 1 Muladhari 137 136 1 2 2 1 1 Silbheta 210 204 6 14 11 3 17 9 8 235 179 56 Dakhin Dharamtul 151 88 63 16 3 13 13 7 6 5 4 I Pub Dharamtul 139 127 12 1 I 1 I 67 62 5 Uttar Dharamtul 42 42 4 4 27 22 5 DurulaDubi 150 90 60 28 15 13 II 11 Chipiri 316 292 24 13 11 2 16 II 5 165 143 22 Ahatguri 90 84 6 I 1 28 23 5 Morakolong 48 45 3 37 33 4 Thekera 77 67 10 24 21 3 55 16 39 Ahatguri Pam 12 7 5 - CharalPam 84 73 11 16 13 3 2 2 11 10 Barbari 81 77 4 22 17 5 1 I 19 19 - Bhalukaguri 34 33 1 10 8 2 Arnzari 48 47 I 3 2 I 16 6 10 88 82 6 Hatkhula 145 135 10 32 24 8 1 I 80 67 13 Alisinga 228 226 2 73 69 4 50 39 II Basundhari Jalah 50 45 5 3 3 - Brujalah 153 93 60 6 6 - Block No.8 343 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categon: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00885800 Tegheria 53 5 48 33 2 31 II 11 00885900 Udmari 78 21 57 I 1 68 13 55 00886000 Sindhisar P.uR. 187 75 112 61 33 28 105 30 75 00886100 Sindhisar Forest Village 65 I 64 62 1 61 3 3 00886200 Bamungaon 90 62 28 2 I 1 3 2 I 00886300 Raumari 73 54 19 11 10 1 4 4 00886400 Deusal 190 98 92 35 34 I 33 17 16 00886500 Nakhula Grant 336 254 82 80 53 27 20 14 6 00886600 Nakhula Gaon 171 62 109 104 31 73 38 21 17 00886700 Pachim Nagaon 94 64 30 29 26 3 42 25 17 00886800 Nakhula Pahar 00886900 Sonai Kushi Reserve Forest 4 3 1 00887000 Garan Kushi 12 3 9 2 1 1 10 2 8 00887100 Gaonalia 72 10 62 26 6 20 44 4 40 00887200 Kumarkushi 96 22 74 90 22 68 5 5 00887300 Dhakali 135 20 115 135 20 115 00887400 Kuthari Bagisha 38 12 26 13 6 7 4 4 00887500 Sonaikushi 20 5 15 14 4 10 3 3 00920300 Naramari No.2 00920400 Naramari No.1 67 41 26 15 10 5 29 19 10 00920500 Belguri 70 I 69 4 1 3 66 66 00920600 Lukakuchi 78 36 42 40 14 26 24 15 9 00920700 Patrabari 161 33 128 I 1 98 31 67 00920800 Dihukichamaka 48 3 45 40 2 38 6 6 00920900 Thekeraguri 171 52 119 74 22 52 81 22 59 00921000 Morikolong 212 69 143 40 27 13 54 26 28 00921100 Rupaibari 395 117 278 294 102 192 5 2 3 00921200 Mikirgaon 412 135 277 82 38 44 84 46 38 00921300 Telahi Bhatgaon 1I5 87 28 50 46 4 9 3 6 00921400 Bangaldhara 360 144 216 116 55 61 165 66 99 00921500 Bihubari 320 89 231 167 65 102 73 15 58 00921600 Barbari Pathar 1 I 00921700 Chanuabari Pathar Un-inhabited 00921800 Mantabari 225 56 169 112 23 89 110 32 78 00921900 Matiparbat 194 128 66 131 81 50 25 21 4 00922000 Muladhari 32 27 5 10 8 2 22 19 3 00922100 Silbheta I I I 1 00922200 Dakhin Dharamtul 409 105 304 118 26 92 40 9 31 00922300 Pub Dharamtul 63 38 25 49 29 20 5 3 2 00922400 Uttar Dharamtul 162 40 122 132 38 94 2 1 1 00922500 Durula Dubi 00922600 Chipiri 80 30 50 63 20 43 13 9 4 00922700 Ahatguri 248 37 211 197 32 165 38 3 35 00922800 Morakolong 112 13 99 112 13 99 00922900 Thekera 88 22 66 86 22 64 00923000 Ahatguri Pam 80 18 62 43 II 32 14 7 7 00923 100 Charal Pam 8 2 6 6 2 4 1 I 00923200 Barbari 314 206 108 158 109 49 152 97 55 00923300 Bhalukaguri 5 I 4 00923400 Amzari 1 1 00923500 Hatkhul 47 24 23 9 8 1 18 10 8 00923600 Alisinga 196 129 67 108 57 51 32 21 1I 00923700 Basundhari Jalah 88 33 55 52 7 45 31 23 8 00923800 BaJjalah 1 1 1 I 00923900 Block No.8 37 11 26 4 4 33 11 22


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00924000 Sarumati Parbat 131.0 85 510 275 235 101 57 44 00924100 Barkhal 155.0 211 1,216 623 593 207 113 94 00924200 Palahguri 244.0 246 1,380 699 681 220 123 97 00924300 Barati 157.0 Un-inhabited 00924400 Dahuti Habi 166.0 30 148 73 75 45 23 22 00924500 Barpayak No.1 265.0 692 3,434 1,775 1,659 685 367 318 00924600 Kumarbari 213.0 273 1,524 781 743 262 130 132 00924700 Killing Bagicha 283.0 302 1,473 726 747 279 129 ISO 00924800 Amguri 50.0 48 276 147 129 50 30 20 00924900 Neli Bagisa No.1 72.0 105 481 230 251 93 42 51 00925000 Neli Bagisa No.2 168.0 156 830 426 404 126 67 59 00925100 Barpayak No.2 34.0 164 743 375 368 1I0 48 62 00925200 Makaria 29.0 24 108 55 53 17 8 9 00925300 DahaJi Makaria 256.0 186 975 499 476 145 73 72 00925400 Bhugduba Habi 170.0 59 389 177 212 108 45 63 00925500 Bhugduba Bill 149.0 48 309 161 148 68 36 32 00925600 Nizkhula 165.0 192 1,016 :539 477 164 96 68 00925700 Banpara Darapani 85.0 179 881 435 446 140 65 75 00925800 Khulapathar 193.0 96 489 230 259 84 35 49 00925900 Kalbari (Silsang) 14.0 30 148 75 73 33 16 17 00926000 Khulahat Forest 6.0 41 228 119 109 32 17 15 00926100 Moukhuliamjari 29.0 56 337 164 173 67 31 36 00926200 Baltala 56.0 6 23 13 10 3 2 I 00926300 Dapunibari 216.0 138 725 351 374 106 42 64 00926400 Bargog 24.0 109 578 279 299 117 51 66 00926500 Bargog (Amsoi) 24.0 29 165 88 77 35 17 18 00926600 Khuapar 20.0 16 90 48 42 13 7 6 00926700 GegeraN.C. 41.0 77 406 195 211 83 35 48 Mayang (Urban) 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) 1,240.0 3,70 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036

346 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Y illage

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2 396 213 183 204 129 75 Sarumati Parbat 459 230 229 77 38 39 351 225 126 Barkhal 299 146 153 512 261 251 821 467 354 Palahguri Un-inhabited Barati 39 19 20 DahutiHabi 10 5 5 957 501 456 1,390 767 623 Barpayak No.1 414 213 201 342 173 169 798 488 310 Kumarbari 54 28 26 77 34 43 669 403 266 Killing Bagicha 3 2 1 44 22 22 107 60 47 Amguri 188 119 69 Neli Bagisa No.1 115 50 65 19 9 10 567 322 245 Neli Bagisa No.2 157 77 80 22 13 9 524 287 237 Barpayak No.2 58 31 27 62 37 25 Makaria 766 387 379 633 367 266 Dahali Makaria 168 82 86 BhugdubaHabi 101 62 39 BhugdubaBiII 997 529 468 569 325 244 Nizkhula 877 433 444 396 232 164 Banpara Darapani 13 6 7 106 48 58 271 137 134 Khulapathar 147 74 73 32 22 10 Kalbari (Silsang) 227 118 109 154 89 65 Khulahat Forest 138 90 48 Moukhuliamjari 17 9 8 9 6 3 Baltala 107 52 55 456 248 208 Dapunibari 250 123 127 167 115 52 Bargog 123 64 59 79 53 26 Bargog (Amsoi) 51 27 24 55 34 21 Khuapar 406 195 211 123 75 48 GegeraN.C. Mayang (Urban) 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 5,297 Jagiroad (CT)

347 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00924000 Sarumati Parbat 306 146 160 280 160 120 204 114 90 00924) 00 Barkhal 865 398 467 365 297 68 351 288 63 00924200 Palahguri 559 232 327 515 353 162 343 311 32 00924300 Barati Un-inhabited 00924400 Dahuti Habi 109 54 55 38 37 1 35 34 1 00924500 Barpayak No.1 2,044 1,008 1,036 1,157 912 245 968 833 135 00924600 Kumarbari 726 293 433 715 426 289 516 397 119 00924700 Killing Bagicha 804 323 481 623 368 255 574 350 224 00924800 Amguri 169 87 82 90 61 29 77 52 25 00924900 Neli Bagisa No.1 293 III 182 230 1I4 116 222 1I0 1I2 00925000 Neli Bagisa No.2 263 104 159 235 207 28 172 156 16 00925100 Barpayak No.2 219 88 131 222 187 35 179 155 24 00925200 Makaria 46 18 28 57 30 27 39 29 10 00925300 Dahali Makaria 342 132 210 515 277 238 376 234 142 00925400 Bhugduba Habi 221 95 126 91 85 6 62 59 3 00925500 Bhugduba Bill 208 99 109 163 88 75 90 72 18 00925600 Nizkhula 447 214 233 491 314 177 195 182 13 00925700 Banpara Darapani 485 203 282 314 254 60 253 239 14 00925800 Khulapathar 218 93 125 159 126 33 131 122 9 00925900 Kalbari (Silsang) 116 53 63 43 41 2 41 40 I 00926000 Khulahat Forest 74 30 44 68 59 9 65 58 7 00926100 Moukhuliamjari 199 74 125 85 74 II 83 73 10 00926200 Baltala 14 7 7 16 8 8 8 8 00926300 Dapunibari 269 103 166 325 187 138 181 176 5 00926400 Bargog 411 164 247 144 110 34 115 86 29 00926500 Bargog (Amsoi) 86 35 51 57 46 11 33 32 1 00926600 Khuapar 35 14 21 13 11 2 12 10 2 00926700 Gegera N.C. 283 120 163 172 119 53 91 87 4 Mayang (Urban) 40901000 Jagiroad {CT} 4,653 2,029 2,624 5,668 5,113 555 5,376 4,908 468


Indu!;!trial categQQ: of main worker~ Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 109 103 6 23 23 4 1 3 68 10 58 Sarumati Parbat 97 90 7 17 14 3 1 1 236 183 53 Barkhal 172 168 4 19 15 4 9 7 2 143 121 22 Palahguri Un-inhabited Barati 21 21 8 8 6 5 1 Dahuti Habi 304 280 24 64 45 19 7 6 1 593 502 91 Barpayak No.1 196 160 36 108 65 43 9 6 3 203 166 37 Kumarbari 35 31 4 4 3 1 2 2 533 314 219 Killing Bagicha 52 34 18 25 18 7 Amguri 2 1 I 220 109 III Neli Bagisa No. I 26 25 1 13 10 3 3 3 130 118 12 Neli Bagisa No.2 19 17 2 4 3 I 17 16 139 119 20 Barpayak No.2 22 16 6 9 7 2 2 2 6 4 2 Makaria 208 121 87 64 29 35 7 3 4 97 81 16 Dahali Makaria 44 44 5 5 2 I 1 11 9 2 Bhugduba Habi 73 58 15 4 3 J I 12 10 2 Bhugduba Bill 117 115 2 2 2 1 75 66 9 Nizkhula 192 183 9 10 9 1 1 50 46 4 Banpara Darapani 75 70 5 22 22 34 30 4 Khulapathar 27 27 8 8 6 5 1 Kalbari (Silsang) 27 24 3 3 2 34 31 3 Khulahat Forest 64 56 8 3 2 15 15 Moukhuliamjari 8 8 Baltala 131 130 50 46 4 Dapunibari 33 33 I I 81 52 29 Bargog 9 9 11 11 3 2 10 10 Bargog (Amsoi) 2 2 4 2 2 6 6 Khuapar 32 32 9 7 2 42 41 8 7 GegeraN.C. Mayang (Urban) 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Jagiroad (CT)

349 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CDBlock- Location Name of Village Industrial categoD::: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00924000 Sarumati Parbat 76 46 30 12 7 5 5 2 3 00924100 Barkhal 14 9 5 7 5 2 2 1 1 00924200 Palahguri 172 42 130 125 17 108 35 18 17 00924300 Barati Un-inhabited 00924400 Dahuti Habi 3 3 1 1 I 1 00924500 Barpayak No.1 189 79 110 43 24 19 60 24 36 00924600 Kumarbari 199 29 170 27 3 24 110 13 97 00924700 Killing Bagicha 49 18 31 33 9 24 5 1 4 00924800 Amguri 13 9 4 4 4 00924900 Neli Bagisa No.1 8 4 4 00925000 Neli Bagisa No.2 63 51 12 13 11 2 28 25 3 00925100 Barpayak No.2 43 32 II 12 S 4 00925200 Makaria 18 1 17 14 1 13 4 4 00925300 Dahali Makaria 139 43 96 115 38 77 14 3 11 00925400 Bhugduba Habi 29 26 3 2 2 25 23 2 00925500 BhugdubaBiIl 73 16 57 19 5 14 52 10 42 00925600 Nizkbula 296 132 164 200 75 125 31 7 24 00925700 Banpara Darapani 61 15 46 21 7 14 37 6 31 00925800 Khulapathar 28 4 24 21 1 20 6 3 3 00925900 Kalbari (Silsang) 2 I I I I 00926000 Khulahat Forest 3 I 2 2 2 00926100 Moukhuliarnjari 2 1 ] 1 1 00926200 Baltala 8 8 2 2 6 6 00926300 Dapunibari 144 11 133 60 59 83 9 74 00926400 Bargog 29 24 5 1 1 00926500 Bargog (Amsoi) 24 14 10 14 9 5 5 2 3 00926600 Khuapar 1 I 1 1 00926700 Gegera N.C. 81 32 49 37 15 22 16 9 7 Mayang (Urban) 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16

350 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mayang of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 1 58 36 22 230 115 115 Sarumati Parbat 00924000 I 4 3 1 851 326 525 Barkhal 00924100 2 10 6 4 865 346 519 Palahguri 00924200 Un-inhabited Barati 00924300 1 1 llO 36 74 Dahuti Habi 00924400 38 8 30 48 23 25 2,277 863 1,414 Barpayak No.1 00924500 62 13 49 809 355 454 Kumarbari 00924600 10 7 3 850 358 492 Killing Bagicha 00924700 9 9 186 86 100 Amguri 00924800 8 4 4 251 116 135 Neli Bagisa No.1 00924900 I 1 21 14 7 595 219 376 Neli Bagisa No.2 00925000 5 3 2 26 21 5 521 188 333 Barpayak No.2 00925100 51 25 26 Makaria 00925200 3 3 7 2 5 460 222 238 Dahali Makaria 00925300 2 1 1 298 92 206 Bhugduba Habi 00925400 I I I I 146 73 73 BhugdubaBiII 00925500 5 2 3 60 48 12 525 225 300 Nizkhula 00925600 3 2 I 567 181 386 Banpara Darapani 00925700 1 1 330 104 226 Khuiapathar 00925800 1 1 105 34 71 Kalbari (Silsang) 00925900 160 60 100 Khulahat Forest 00926000 252 90 162 Moukhuliamjari 00926100 7 5 2 Baltala 00926200 400 164 236 Dapunibari 00926300 28 23 5 434 169 265 Bargog 00926400 2 2 3 3 108 42 66 Bargog (Amsoi) 00926500 77 37 40 Khuapar 00926600 21 5 16 7 3 4 234 76 158 GegeraN.C. 00926700 Mayang (Urban) 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Jagiroad {CT} 40901000


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF LAHARIGHAT CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY " CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0002 Laharighat (Total) 32,017.0 31,382 196,423 101,652 94,771 42,388 21,513 20,875 0002 Laharighat (Rural) 32,017.0 31,382 196,423 101,652 94,771 42,388 21,513 20,875 0002 Laharighat (Urban) Laharighat (Rural) 00887600 Pithakhaiti 43.0 167 1,283 668 615 336 170 166 00887700 Khertoli 4.0 Un-inhabited 00887800 Ejariguri 68.0 4 26 13 13 6 4 2 00887900 Doowarmari 104.0 Un-inhabited 00888000 3.No. Ghonsimloo 15.0 14 61 36 25 14 9 5 00888100 Seshguri 74.0 Un-inhabited 00888200 Salmara 182.0 Un-inhabited 00888300 Merbeel Habi 207.0 20 138 74 64 42 21 21 00888400 Merbeel 170.0 17 117 64 53 25 13 12 00888500 Talaugaon 70.0 Un-inhabited 00888600 Salmari 188.0 46 353 186 167 96 57 39 00888700 Bhograth Beel 10.0 Un-inhabited 00888800 Oojagaon 20.0 Un-inhabited 00888900 4.No. Jhaogarh 37.0 10 77 47 30 22 12 10 00889000 I.No. Jhaogarh 263.0 29 235 III 124 63 28 35 00889100 Kahitoli 216.0 38 345 185 160 95 42 53 00889200 SeujiaPatbar 183.0 7 52 22 30 10 3 7 00889300 l.No. Borkur 263.0 18 120 75 45 14 7 7 00889400 Bhuragaon 242.0 Un-inhabited 00889500 Burhagaon 66.0 Un-inhabited 00889600 Baruating 307.0 65 476 250 226 115 58 57 00889700 Bihubari Kachari Gaon 215.0 83 533 276 257 63 29 34 00889800 Bihubari Beel 182.0 28 153 78 75 31 IS 16 00889900 Garnloo 138.0 Un-inhabited 00890000 Kathpori 38.0 Un-inhabited 00890100 Durabandhi 210.0 72 407 210 197 66 22 44 00890200 Barunguri 109.0 Un-inhabited 00890300 2.No. Barunguri Beel 282.0 28 217 119 98 62 34 28 00890400 Mirikamari 312.0 Un-inhabited 00890500 lorbeel 143.0 15 82 48 34 19 11 8 00890600 SootirPaar 170.0 116 753 401 352 145 76 69 00890700 Saharia Gaon 188.0 145 772 391 381 136 69 67 00890800 Barukati Saharia 161.0 171 1,064 577 487 232 122 110 00890900 Malahu 172.0 367 2,585 1,335 1,250 576 281 295 00891000 DighaJi Aati 293.0 306 1,980 1,071 909 406 217 189 00891100 Pabhakati 144.0 III 667 350 317 117 63 54 00891200 Barukati 56.0 55 268 149 119 56 29 27 00891300 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 220.0 1,180 7,112 3,709 3,403 1,073 532 541 00891400 Kupatimari 159.0 254 1,742 904 838 415 207 208 00891500 2.No. Borkur 276.0 231 1,424 764 660 329 170 159 00891600 Halowkandha 168.0 26 150 79 71 41 17 24 00891700 Neetmari 195.0 48 290 144 146 72 31 41 00891800 latiabori 156.0 157 1,084 560 524 221 106 115 00891900 Tulsibori 194.0 209 1,321 691 630 339 177 162 00892000 Kapurpura 156.0 155 999 533 466 224 108 116 00892100 Borhalowkandha 121.0 162 1,287 700 587 225 121 104 00892200 BaJidoonga 216.0 373 2,679 1,374 1,305 589 297 292 00892300 Udalbheti Pathar 118.0 209 1,834 959 875 430 230 200 00892400 PhaJiamari Pam 261.0 446 3,046 1,576 1,470 722 371 351 00892500 BataJirnari Gaon 167.0 275 2,313 1,199 1,114 521 268 253 00892600 Bordooba TooQ 218.0 401 2,800 1,483 1,317 416 205 211 354 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 18,594 9,774 8,820 22,578 11,410 11,168 75,884 44,588 31,296 Laharighat (Total) 18,594 9,774 8,820 22,578 11,410 11,168 75,884 44,588 31,296 Laharighat (Rural) Laharighat (Urban) Laharighat (Rural) 163 144 19 Pithakhaiti Un-inhabited Khertoli Ejariguri Un-inhabited Doowarmari 37 24 13 11 10 3.No. Ghonsimloo Un-inhabited Seshguri Un-inhabited Salmara 22 14 8 Merbeel Habi 5 3 2 Merbeel Un-inhabited Talaugaon 23 12 11 Salmari Un-inhabited Bhograth Beel Un-inhabited Oojagaon 3 3 4.No. Ihaogarh 20 13 7 l.No.Ihaogarh 44 24 20 Kahitoli 7 4 3 Seujia Pathar 8 6 2 I.No. Borkur Un-inhabited Bhuragaon Un-inhabited Burhagaon 66 47 19 Baruating 184 121 63 Bihubari Kachari Gaon 16 7 9 34 19 15 Bihubari Beel Un-inhabited Gamloo Un-inhabited Kathpori 57 27 30 252 155 97 Durabandhi Un-inhabited Barunguri 57 30 27 2.No. Barunguri Beel Un-inhabited Mirikamari 26 13 13 Iorbeel 29 15 14 1 1 209 140 69 SootirPaar 148 71 77 492 277 215 Saharia Gaon 15 9 6 172 95 77 371 257 114 Barukati Saharia 918 559 359 Malabu 134 67 67 781 521 260 Dighali Aati 378 221 157 Pabhakati 104 74 30 Barukati 554 290 264 12 8 4 4,145 2,35 1,790 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 26 10 16 356 198 158 Kupatimari 456 258 198 2.No. Borkur 38 25 13 Halowkandha 45 22 23 Neetmari 394 235 159 Jatiabori 410 236 174 Tulsibori 310 169 141 Kapurpura 72 40 32 399 244 155 Borhalowkandha 1,187 658 529 Balidoonga 765 415 350 Udalbheti Pathar 1,044 563 481 Phaliarnari Pam 380 196 184 730 417 313 Batalimari Gaon l,603 832 77l l,334 843 49l Bordooba TOOl> 355 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village JlJiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0002 Laharighat (Total) 120,539 57,064 63,475 60,903 50,211 10,692 49,472 45,496 3,976 0002 Laharighat (Rural) 120,539 57,064 63,475 60,903 50,211 10,692 49,472 45,496 3,976 0002 Laharighat (Urban) Laharighat (Rural) 00887600 Pithakhaiti 1,120 524 596 374 368 6 351 348 3 00887700 Khertoli Un-inhabited 00887800 Ejariguri 26 13 13 6 6 6 6 00887900 Doowarmari Un-inhabited 00888000 3.No. Ghonsimloo 50 26 24 17 17 17 17 00888100 Seshguri Un-inhabited 00888200 Salmara Un-inhabited 00888300 Merbeel Habi 116 60 56 34 34 34 34 00888400 Merbeel 112 61 51 36 36 36 36 00888500 Talaugaon Un-inhabited 00888600 Salmari 330 174 156 105 105 105 105 00888700 Bhogratb Beel Un-inhabited 00888800 Oojagaon Un-inhabited 00888900 4.No. lhaogarh 74 44 30 39 26 13 14 14 00889000 l.No. lhaogarh 215 98 117 105 66 39 41 41 00889100 Kahitoli 301 161 140 156 91 65 68 67 00889200 Seujia Pathar 45 18 27 27 14 13 13 13 00889300 I.No. Borkur 112 69 43 42 42 41 41 00889400 Bhuragaon Un-inhabited 00889500 Burhagaon Un-inhabited 00889600 Baruating 410 203 207 132 130 2 132 130 2 00889700 Bihubari Kachari Gaon 349 155 194 148 135 13 131 124 7 00889800 Bihubari Beel 119 59 60 36 35 I 36 35 I 00889900 Garnloo Un-inhabited 00890000 Kathpori Un-inhabited 00890100 Durabandhi 155 55 100 96 95 83 82 00890200 Barunguri Un-inhabited 00890300 2.No. Barunguri Beel 160 89 71 65 47 18 39 38 00890400 Mirikamari Un-inhabited 00890500 lorbeel 56 35 21 48 28 20 17 17 00890600 Sootir Paar 544 261 283 212 207 5 212 207 5 00890700 Saharia Gaon 280 114 166 177 174 3 176 173 3 00890800 Barukati Saharia 693 320 373 446 293 153 274 272 2 00890900 Malahu 1,667 776 891 594 567 27 572 549 23 00891000 DighaliAati 1,199 550 649 589 485 104 566 466 100 00891100 Pabhakati 289 129 160 183 168 15 138 133 5 00891200 Barukati 164 75 89 94 85 9 81 76 5 00891300 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 2,967 1,354 1,613 1,944 1,846 98 1,878 1,797 81 00891400 Kupatimari 1,386 706 680 503 424 79 396 385 II 00891500 2.No. Borkur 968 506 462 395 372 23 349 332 17 00891600 Halowkandha 112 54 58 49 44 5 39 34 5 00891700 Neetmari 245 122 123 119 73 46 79 73 6 00891800 latiabori 690 325 365 317 245 72 218 202 16 00891900 Tulsibori 911 455 456 353 346 7 349 343 6 00892000 Kapurpura 689 364 325 280 264 16 271 262 9 00892100 Borhalowkandha 888 456 432 329 317 12 326 316 10 00892200 Balidoonga 1,492 716 776 668 614 54 606 577 29 00892300 Udalbheti Pathar 1,069 544 525 488 450 38 428 419 9 00892400 Phaliarnari Parn 2,002 1,013 989 759 716 43 730 697 33 00892500 Batalimari Gaon 1,583 782 801 618 600 18 536 519 17 00892600 Bordooba Toop 1,466 640 826 1,140 843 297 731 709 22

356 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUSABSTRAcr Laharighat Industrial categol::!: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 28,662 26,389 2,273 11,530 11,004 526 736 444 292 8,544 7,659 885 Laharighat (Total) 28,662 26,389 2,273 11,530 11,004 526 736 444 292 8,544 7,659 885 Laharighat (Rural) Laharighat (Urban) Laharighat (Rural) 317 314 3 19 19 14 14 Pithakhaiti Un-inhabited Khertoli 6 6 Ejariguri Un-inhabited Doowarmari 17 17 - 3.No. Ghonsimloo Un-inhabited Seshguri Un-inhabited Salmara 34 34 Merbeel Habi 28 28 8 8 Merbeel Un-inhabited Talaugaon 103 103 Salmari Un-inhabited Bhograth Beel Un-inhabited Oojagaon 14 14 4.No. lbaogarh 41 41 l.No. Jbaogarh 68 67 Kahitoli 13 13 Seujia Patbar 14 14 27 27 I.No. Borkur Un-inhabited Bhuragaon Un-inhabited Burbagaon 88 86 2 44 44 Baruating 46 45 1 76 71 5 9 8 Bibubari Kachari Gaon 12 12 20 20 4 3 Bihubari Beel Un-inhabited Gamioo Un-inhabited Kathpori 76 76 7 6 Durabandhi Un-inhabited Barunguri 36 35 I 2.No. Barunguri Bee) Un-inhabited Mirikamari 5 5 11 11 I 1 lorbeeI 118 118 41 41 53 48 5 SootirPaar 147 145 2 I I 28 27 1 Saharia Gaon 245 245 14 13 15 14 1 Barukati Saharia 213 209 4 201 195 6 14 13 1 144 132 12 Malabu 303 239 64 169 140 29 7 4 3 87 83 4 DighatiAati 80 80 7 7 51 46 5 Pabhakati 47 43 4 1 1 33 33 Barukati 240 234 6 123 119 4 48 35 13 1,467 1,409 58 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 83 82 1 247 245 2 2 2 64 56 8 Kupatimari 41 41 227 226 1 4 3 1 77 62 15 2.No. Borkur 6 6 28 28 4 4 1 1 Halowkandha 51 48 3 22 21 1 6 4 2 Neetmari 155 151 4 49 38 II 14 13 1 Jatiahori 143 143 188 187 1 18 13 5 Tulsibori 133 132 1 124 123 1 3 3 11 4 7 Kapurpura 214 208 6 70 70 2 2 40 36 4 Borhalowkandha 248 248 209 202 7 8 4 4 141 123 18 Balidoonga 142 139 3 174 173 1 7 5 2 105 102 3 Udalbheti Pathar 358 352 6 235 233 2 4 1 132 108 24 Phaliamari Pam 234 227 7 156 154 2 2 144 136 8 Batalimari Gaon 374 373 1 22 19 3 8 1 326 309 17 Bordooba Toop

357 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial cat!<~oo:: code ~arginal vvorkers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0002 Laharighat (Total) 11,431 4,715 6,716 4,688 1,774 2,914 4,832 2,308 2,524 0002 Laharighat (Rural) 11,431 4,715 6,716 4,688 1,774 2,914 4,832 2,308 2,524 0002 Laharighat (Urban) Laharighat (Rural) 00887600 Pithakhaiti 23 20 3 19 16 3 2 2 00887700 Khertoli Un-inhabited 00887800 Ejariguri 00887900 Doovvarmari Un-inhabited 00888000 3.No. Ghonsimloo 00888100 Seshguri Un-inhabited 00888200 Salmara Un-inhabited 00888300 ~erbeel Habi 00888400 Merbeel 00888500 Talaugaon Un-inhabited 00888600 Salmari 00888700 Bhograth Beel Un-inhabited 00888800 Oojagaon Un-inhabited 00888900 4.No. Jhaogarh 25 12 13 14 12 2 00889000 I.No. Jhaogarh 64 25 39 28 25 3 00889100 Kabitoli 88 24 64 22 20 2 00889200 SeujiaPathar 14 I 13 1 1 00889300 l.No. Borkur 1 I 00889400 Bhuragaon Un-inhabited 00889500 Burhagaon Un-inhabited 00889600 Baruating 00889700 Bihubari Kachari Gaon 17 11 6 16 10 6 00889800 Bihubari Bee! 00889900 Gamloo Un-inhabited 00890000 Kathpori Un-inhabited 00890 I 00 Durabandhi 13 13 10 10 00890200 Barunguri Un-inhabited 00890300 2.No. Barunguri Beel 26 9 17 23 6 17 3 3 00890400 Mirikamari Un-inhabited 00890500 Jorbeel 31 11 20 31 11 20 00890600 Sootir Paar 00890700 Saharia Gaon I 1 1 00890800 Barukati Saharia 172 21 151 151 9 142 19 11 8 00890900 Malabu 22 18 4 8 6 2 5 4 1 00891000 DighaliAati 23 19 4 2 I I 11 8 3 00891100 Pabhakati 45 35 10 12 7 5 10 10 00891200 Barukati 13 9 4 8 4 4 00891300 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 66 49 17 7 6 00891400 Kupatimari 107 39 68 5 5 17 16 00891500 2.No. Borkur 46 40 6 12 10 2 22 22 00891600 Halovvkandha 10 10 3 3 7 7 00891700 Neetmari 40 40 40 40 00891800 J atiabori 99 43 56 5 4 1 91 37 54 00891900 Tulsibori 4 3 1 3 3 00892000 Kapurpura 9 2 7 4 2 2 3 3 00892100 Borhalovvkandha 3 1 2 00892200 Balidoonga 62 37 25 9 8 1 14 11 3 00892300 Udalbheti Pathar 60 31 29 23 15 8 6 6 00892400 Phaliamari Pam 29 19 10 13 9 4 II 10 00892500 Batalirnari Gaon 82 81 1 66 65 1 13 13 00892600 Bordooba TooJ2 409 134 275 20 18 2 370 104 266

358 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUSABSTRAcr Labarighat of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 437 43 394 1,474 590 884 135,520 51,441 84,079 Laharighat (Total) 0002 437 43 394 1,474 590 884 135,520 51,441 84,079 Laharighat (Rural) 0002 - Laharighat (Urban) 0002 Laharighat (Rural) 909 300 609 Pithakhaiti 00887600 Un-inhabited Khertoli 00887700 20 7 13 Ejariguri 00887800 Un-inhabited Doowarrnari 00887900 44 19 25 3.No. Ghonsimloo 00888000 Un-inhabited Seshguri 00888100 Un-inhabited Salmara 00888200 104 40 64 Merbeel Habi 00888300 81 28 53 Merbeel 00888400 Un-inhabited Talaugaon 00888500 248 81 167 Salmari 00888600 Un-inhabited Bhograth Beel 00888700 Un-inhabited Oojagaon 00888800 11 11 38 21 17 4.No.Ihaogarh 00888900 36 36 130 45 85 I.No. Ihaogarh 00889000 66 4 62 189 94 95 Kahitoli 00889100 13 13 25 8 17 Seujia Pathar 00889200 78 33 45 I.No. Borkur 00889300 Un-inhabited Bhuragaon 00889400 Un-inhabited Burhagaon 00889500 344 120 224 Baruating 00889600 385 141 244 Bihubari Kachari Gaon 00889700 117 43 74 Bihubari Beel 00889800 Un-inhabited Garnloo 00889900 Un-inhabited Kathpori 00890000 2 2 311 115 196 Durabandhi 00890100 Un-inhabited Barunguri 00890200 152 72 80 2.No. Barunguri Beel 00890300 Un-inhabited Mirikarnari 00890400 34 20 14 Iorbeel 00890500 541 194 347 Sootir Paar 00890600 595 217 378 SahariaGaon 00890700 2 1 618 284 334 Barukati Saharia 00890800 9 8 1,991 768 1,223 Malahu 00890900 10 10 1,391 586 805 DighaliAati 00891000 3 3 20 18 2 484 182 302 Pabhakati 00891100 5 5 174 64 110 Barukati 00891200 7 6 52 42 10 5,168 1,863 3,305 Bhuragaon (Rev.) Town 00891300 2 2 83 18 65 1,239 480 759 Kupatimari 00891400 12 8 4 1,029 392 637 2.No. Borkur 00891500 101 35 66 Halowkandha 00891600 171 71 100 N eetmari 00891700 2 I 767 315 452 Iatiabori 00891800 1 1 968 345 623 Tulsibori 00891900 2 2 719 269 450 Kapurpura 00892000 .- 3 1 2 958 383 575 Borhalowkandha 00892100 1 38 17 21 2,011 760 1,251 Balidoonga 00892200 9 9 22 10 12 1,346 509 837 Udalbheti Pathar 00892300 2 2 3 3 2,287 860 1,427 Phaliarnari Pam 00892400 1 2 2 1,695 599 1,096 Batalimari Gson 00892500 3 2 16 11 5 1,660 640 1,020 Bordooba Toop 00892600

359 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code VilJage in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00892700 Soondooba Toop 189.0 181 1,107 584 523 191 98 93 00892800 Lengeribori 131.0 239 1,336 696 640 209 104 105 00892900 Boramari Kachari Gaon 187.0 50 331 149 182 72 26 46 00893000 Jengpori 221.0 388 2,432 1,261 1,171 443 223 220 00893100 Baralimari 165.0 428 2,777 1,442 1,335 594 312 282 00893200 Goria Gaon 147.0 219 1,327 687 640 354 190 164 00893300 Haibor Gaon 182.0 43 283 155 128 70 39 31 00893400 Haibor Pathar 144.0 Un-inhabited 00893500 Kherkata Gaon 42.0 9 38 18 20 3 2 00893600 Kherkata 234.0 Un-inhabited 00893700 Hoobhaibheti 93.0 Un-inhabited 00893800 Makarighila 105.0 Un-inhabited 00893900 Bamunmora 71.0-- -Un-inhabited 00894000 Tengatoli 62.0 11 78 45 33 18 11 7 00894100 Pakariguri 29.0 4 24 15 9 4 3 1 00894200 PokariaBeel 132.0 27 188 99 89 34 13 21 00894300 Handahkati Kachari Gaon 71.0 29 150 84 66 17 9 8 00894400 Kherkata Pathar 200.0 53 371 176 195 88 40 48 00894500 Kherkata Bori 109.0 Un-inhabited 00894600 Kubetari 112.0 103 705 371 334 165 88 77 00894700 Baralimari Beel 217.0 146 987 528 459 164 86 78 00894800 Betani 202.0 257 1,661 867 794 380 204 176 00894900 Barunguri Beel 179.0 151 935 488 447 133 63 70 00895000 Doongarpaar 197.0 156 1,040 552 488 165 85 80 00895100 Lengeri Gaon 253.0 97 645 338 307 158 85 73 00895200 Batalimari Pathar 235.0 292 2,110 1,116 994 466 253 213 00895300 Bhukuamari Paarn 200.0 255 1,492 758 734 299 138 161 00895400 Pholiamari Pathar 112.0 297 1,737 869 868 435 213 222 00895500 Hatilarua Pathar 132.0 208 1,374 732 642 311 168 143 00895600 Tengaguri 196.0 334 2,247 1,165 1,082 483 231 252 00895700 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 184.0 279 1,642 848 794 383 202 181 00895800 Batabori 121.0 80 565 281 284 115 49 66 00895900 Mohmari Pathar 194.0 556 3,371 1,768 1,603 826 419 407 00896000 Ootolabori 223.0 521 3,372 1,673 1,699 757 383 374 00896100 Jaribor 261.0 342 2,279 1,153 1,126 560 266 294 00896200 Balipara 121.0 184 1,246 648 598 310 149 161 00896300 Bhukuamari Gaon 83.0 65 418 223 195 96 51 45 00896400 Pookarkata 266.0 229 1,337 692 645 286 160 126 00896500 Barakhibandha 18.0 136 827 409 418 143 64 79 00896600 Pokalagi 156.0 89 571 280 291 110 56 54 00896700 Banmuri Bil 16.0 101 597 316 281 108 54 54 00896800 Banmuri Gaon 216.0 214 1,169 614 555 204 III 93 00896900 Taptola 267.0 244 1,369 720 649 230 119 111 00897000 Darangi 117.0 103 517 259 258 101 54 47 00897100 Japori Gaon 167.0 194 1,208 655 553 219 105 114 00897200 Hindu Japari 110.0 107 670 356 314 121 66 55 00897300 Rupahi Beel 187.0 172 1,155 605 550 286 143 143 00897400 1.No. Borpathar 366.0 77 637 355 282 101 52 49 00897500 2.No. Borpathar 248.0 6 83 49 34 14 8 6 00897600 Raumari 302.0 128 819 411 408 154 78 76 00897700 DighaJi Ati Pathar 203.0 Un-inhabited 00897800 SalmaraPaam 198.0 116 757 377 380 183 98 85 00897900 Jamadari 33.0 225 1,468 750 718 233 118 115 00898000 Naljari 8.0 13 103 54 49 16 6 10

360 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Labarigbat Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name ofViUage

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 1,014 532 482 519 325 194 Soondooba Toop 11 6 5 750 469 281 Lengeribori 47 23 24 282 125 157 139 82 57 Boramari Kachari Gaon 1,,671 878 793 166 79 87 1,132 720 412 Jengpori 330 167 163 1,022 614 408 Baralimari 17 8 9 305 169 136 GoriaGaon 64 31 33 80 56 24 HaiborGaon Un-inhabited Haibor Pathar 36 17 19 22 14 8 Kherkata Gaon Un-inhabited Kherkata Un-inhabited Hoobhaibheti Un-inhabited Makarighila Un-inhabited Bamunmora 10 5 5 Tengatoli 1 1 Pakariguri 28 23 5 Pokaria Beel 48 31 17 Handahkati Kachari Gaon 44 17 27 95 48 47 Kherkata Pathar Un-inhabited Kherkata Bori 137 72 65 195 128 67 Kubetari 987 528 459 452 291 161 Baralimari Beel 687 356 331 698 434 264 Betani 909 475 434 493 323 170 Barunguri Beel 1,039 552 487 593 385 208 Doongarpaar 367 193 174 211 145 66 Lengeri Gaon 1,457 776 681 750 458 292 Batalimari Pathar 1,027 534 493 493 313 180 Bhukuamari Paam 815 433 382 Pholiamari Pathar 472 255 217 Hatilarua Pathar 940 524 416 Tengaguri 43 23 20 636 345 291 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 208 114 94 Batabori 34 14 20 1,119 628 491 Mohmari Pathar 1,144 599 545 Ootolabori 261 131 130 913 489 424 Jaribor 388 217 171 Balipara 418 223 195 164 105 59 Bhukuamari Gaon 1,300 671 629 566 368 198 Pookarkata 45 23 22 77 34 43 357 236 121 Barakhibandha 63 32 31 169 88 81 215 135 80 Pokalagi 574 301 273 232 145 87 BanmuriBil 269 140 129 809 434 375 418 272 146 Banmuri Gaon 166 83 83 911 537 374 Taptola 229 136 93 Darangi 666 416 250 Japori Gaon 267 140 127 395 247 148 Hindu Japari 651 338 313 362 231 131 RupahiBeel 608 341 267 237 167 70 l.No. Borpathar 83 49 34 41 29 12 2.No. Borpathar 84 38 46 411 207 204 439 248 191 Raumari Un-inhabited Dighali Ati Pathar 156 80 76 597 294 303 108 62 46 SalmaraPaam 1,468 750 718 571 350 221 Jamadari 67 34 33 40 31 9 Naljari

361 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Location Name ofVilJage Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00892700 Soondooba Toop 588 259 329 447 317 130 274 261 13 00892800 Lengeribori 586 227 359 364 329 35 266 257 9 00892900 Boramari Kachari Gaon 192 67 125 81 76 5 69 64 5 00893000 Jengpori 1,300 541 759 866 652 214 509 485 24 00893100 Baralimari 1,755 828 927 845 670 175 632 596 36 00893200 Goria Gaon 1,022 518 504 367 337 30 194 189 5 00893300 Haibor Gaon 203 99 104 86 78 8 74 72 2 00893400 Haibor Pathar Un-inhabited 00893500 Kherkata Gaon 16 4 12 16 14 2 15 14 00893600 Kherkata Un-inhabited 00893700 Hoobhaibheti Un-inhabited 00893800 Makarighila Un-inhabited 00893900 Bamunmora Un-inhabited 00894000 Tengatoli 68 40 28 24 24 24 24 00894100 Pakariguri 23 14 9 16 10 6 7 7 00894200 Pokaria Beel 160 76 84 89 49 40 75 46 29 00894300 Handahkati Kachari Gaon 102 53 49 65 43 22 43 38 5 00894400 Kherkata Pathar 276 128 148 62 60 2 62 60 2 00894500 Kherkata Bori Un-inhabited 00894600 Kubetari 510 243 267 196 194 2 192 190 2 00894700 Baralimari Beel 535 237 298 358 265 93 253 232 21 00894800 Betani 963 433 530 505 426 79 432 381 51 00894900 Barunguri Beel 442 165 277 324 290 34 216 213 3 00895000 Doongarpaar 447 167 280 301 299 2 296 294 2 00895100 Lengeri Gaon 434 193 241 221 159 62 202 149 53 00895200 Batalimari Pathar 1,360 658 702 796 576 220 737 528 209 00895300 Bhukuamari Paarn 999 445 554 715 467 248 584 376 208 00895400 Pholiamari Pathar 922 436 486 602 446 156 431 398 33 00895500 Hatilarua Pathar 902 477 425 412 370 42 350 332 18 00895600 Tengaguri 1,307 641 666 589 561 28 556 533 23 00895700 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 1,006 503 503 483 457 26 378 370 8 00895800 Batabori 357 167 190 104 101 3 97 94 3 00895900 Mohmari Pathar 2,252 1,140 1,112 902 838 64 792 747 45 00896000 Ootolabori 2,228 1,074 1,154 884 775 109 707 675 32 00896100 Jaribor 1,366 664 702 700 542 158 553 498 55 00896200 Balipara 858 431 427 416 369 47 401 362 39 00896300 Bhukuamari Gaon 254 118 136 127 118 9 100 98 2 00896400 Pookarkata 771 324 447 614 361 253 378 333 45 00896500 Barakhibandha 470 173 297 317 208 109 166 165 1 00896600 Pokalagi 356 145 211 279 144 135 105 99 6 00896700 Banmuri Bil 365 171 194 299 162 137 107 103 4 00896800 Banmuri Gaon 751 342 409 708 381 327 511 323 188 00896900 Taptola 458 183 275 655 421 234 475 353 122 00897000 Darangi 288 123 165 145 144 I 142 141 I 00897100 Japori Gaon 542 239 303 332 311 21 299 280 19 00897200 Hindu Japari 275 109 166 328 202 126 151 145 6 00897300 Rupahi Beel 793 374 419 555 364 191 300 288 12 00897400 1.No. Borpathar 400 188 212 343 202 141 341 201 140 00897500 2.No. Borpathar 42 20 22 43 28 15 43 28 15 00897600 Raumari 380 163 217 367 195 172 180 148 32 00897700 Dighali Ati Palhar Un-inhabited 00897800 Salmara Paarn 649 315 334 359 187 172 359 187 172 00897900 Jamadari 897 400 497 615 364 251 463 329 134 00898000 Naljari 63 23 40 52 31 21 28 28

362 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat Industrial categoD:: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 127 125 2 61 58 3 30 30 56 48 8 Soondooba Toop 188 188 29 29 17 16 32 24 8 Lengeribori 53 52 I 16 12 4 Boramari Kachari Gaon 374 373 1 41 30 11 4 4 90 78 12 Jengpori 280 275 5 129 118 II 4 4 219 199 20 Baralimari 123 122 1 17 14 3 54 53 I GoriaGaon 52 51 1 16 16 3 3 3 2 1 HaiborGaon Un-inhabited Haibor Pathar 13 12 1 - Kherkata Gaon Un-inhabited Kherkata Un-inhabited Hoobhaibheti Un-inhabited Makarighila Un-inhabited Bamunmora 24 24 - Tengatoli 7 7 - Pakariguri 63 44 19 4 4 8 2 6 Pokaria Beel 38 34 4 5 4 I Handahkati Kachari Gaon 56 55 I 2 2 4 3 1 Kherkata Pathar Un-inhabited Kherkata Bori 124 122 2 60 60 7 7 - Kubetari 174 164 10 39 30 9 39 37 2 Baralimari Beel 262 219 43 83 75 8 87 87 - Betani 185 183 2 7 6 I 24 24 - Barunguri Beel 289 287 2 1 6 6 - Doongarpaar 137 95 42 4 4 14 3 II 47 47 - Lengeri Gaon 648 449 199 5 4 I 22 20 2 62 55 7 Batalimari Pathar 465 290 175 38 31 7 29 5 24 52 50 2 Bhukuamari Paam 264 262 2 57 57 1 I 109 78 31 Pholiamari Pathar 145 141 4 120 120 6 2 4 79 69 10 Hatilarua Pathar 258 252 6 172 170 2 8 5 3 118 106 12 Tengaguri 187 185 2 145 143 2 2 2 44 40 4 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 74 74 13 13 I I 9 6 3 Batabori 322 298 24 347 341 6 12 7 5 111 101 10 Mohmari Pathar 278 275 3 259 258 26 12 14 144 130 14 Ootolabori 198 189 9 234 229 5 9 7 2 112 73 39 Jaribor 205 204 1 109 108 1 I 1 86 49 37 Balipara 65 65 1 1 33 32 I Bhukuarnari Gaon 280 262 18 82 59 23 16 12 4 Pookarkata 152 151 1 4 4 10 10 Barakhibandha 68 66 2 15 II 4 22 22 Pokalagi 102 100 2 1 4 3 I BanmuriBil 335 192 143 56 25 31 I 119 105 14 Banmuri Gaon 421 307 114 16 15 1 5 4 33 30 3 Taptola 126 126 16 15 1 Darangi 178 177 5 5 116 98 18 Japori Gaon 100 100 24 21 3 2 2 25 22 3 Hindu Japari 114 112 2 9 9 1 1 176 166 10 RupahiBeel 318 186 132 3 I 2 20 14 6 I.No. Borpathar 43 28 15 - 2.No. Borpathar 132 123 9 15 9 6 19 3 16 14 13 Raumari Un-inhabited Dighali Ati Pathar 348 181 167 I I 5 4 5 4 I SalmaraPaam 424 298 126 14 9 5 25 22 3 Jamadari 26 26 1 1 I 1 Naljari

363 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categoo;: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00892700 Soondooba Toop 173 56 117 3 3 164 49 115 00892800 Lengeribori 98 72 26 1 1 96 70 26 00892900 Boramari Kachari Gaon 12 12 12 12 00893000 Jengpori 357 167 190 233 87 146 86 45 41 00893100 Baralimari 213 74 139 21 20 I 177 44 133 00893200 Goria Gaon 173 148 25 5 3 2 166 145 21 00893300 Haibor Gaon 12 6 6 7 3 4 3 3 00893400 Haibor Pathar Un-inhabited 00893500 Kherkata Gaon 00893600 Kherkata Un-inhabited 00893700 Hoobhaibheti Un-inhabited 00893800 Makarighila Un-inhabited 00893900 Bamunmora Un-inhabited 00894000 Tengatoli 00894100 Pakariguri 9 3 6 00894200 Pokaria Beel 14 3 11 00894300 Handahkati Kachari Gaon 22 5 17 3 2 00894400 Kherkata Pathar 00894500 Kherkata Bori Un-inhabited 00894600 Kubetari 4 4 4 4 00894700 Baralimari Beel 105 33 72 94 27 67 8 3 5 00894800 Betani 73 45 28 30 23 7 40 21 19 00894900 Barunguri Beel 108 77 31 81 66 15 24 10 14 00895000 Doongarpaar 5 5 5 5 00895100 LengeriGaon 19 10 9 13 4 9 00895200 Batalimari Pathar 59 48 11 29 27 2 21 20 1 00895300 Bhukuamari Paam 131 91 40 72 53 19 47 33 14 00895400 Pholiamari Pathar 171 48 123 14 12 2 16 15 1 00895500 Hatilarua Pathar 62 38 24 23 22 I 9 6 3 00895600 Teng~ri 33 28 5 6 6 19 19 00895700 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 105 87 18 23 17 6 60 55 5 00895800 Batabori 7 7 2 2 4 4 00895900 Mohmari Pathar 110 91 19 20 15 5 82 74 8 00896000 Ootolabori 177 100 77 17 17 52 48 4 00896100 Jaribor 147 44 103 25 19 6 37 21 16 00896200 Balipara IS 7 8 2 2 4 3 I 00896300 Bhukuamari Gaon 27 20 7 23 17 6 00896400 Pookarkata 236 28 208 48 9 39 181 18 163 00896500 Barakhibandha 151 43 108 12 4 8 138 38 100 00896600 Pokalagi 174 45 129 146 36 110 26 7 19 00896700 Banmuri Bi! 192 59 133 158 46 112 34 13 21 00896800 Banmuri Gaon 197 58 139 58 21 37 56 11 45 00896900 Taptola 180 68 112 151 63 88 18 3 15 00897000 Darangi 3 3 3 3 00897100 Japori Gaon 33 31 2 13 12 18 17 00897200 Hindu Japari 177 57 120 1 I 176 56 120 00897300 Rupahi Beel 255 76 179 75 12 63 2 1 1 00897400 l.No. Borpathar 2 1 1 1 1 00897500 2.No. Borpathar 00897600 Raumari 187 47 140 136 39 97 4 4 00897700 Dighali Ati Pathar Un-inhabited 00897800 Salmara Paam 00897900 Jamadari 152 35 117 101 17 84 45 14 31 00898000 Naljari 24 3 21 2 1 1 22 2 20


of marginal workers Name o{VilIage Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 6 4 2 660 267 393 Soondooba Toop 00892700 I I 972 367 605 Lengeribori 00892800 250 73 177 Borarnari Kachari Gaon 00892900 2 36 34 2 1,566 609 957 Jengpori 00893000 15 10 5 1,932 772 1,160 Baralimari 00893100 2 2 960 350 610 Goria Gaon 00893200 2 2 197 77 120 Haibor Gaon 00893300 Un-inhabited Haibor Parhar 00893400 22 4 18 Kherkata Gaon 00893500 Un-inhabited Kherkata 00893600 Un-inhabiteo Hmmbaibbe\i 001'.93"100 Un-inhabited MakarighUa 00893800 Un-inhabited Bamunmora 00893900 54 21 33 Tengatoli 00894000 9 3 6 8 5 3 Pakariguri 00894100 13 3 10 99 50 49 PokariaBeel 00894200 18 3 15 85 41 44 Handahkati Kachari Gaon 00894300 309 116 193 Kherkata Pathar 00894400 Un-inhabited Kherkata Bori 00894500 509 177 332 Kubetari 00894600 3 3 629 263 366 Baralimari Beet 00894700 2 2 1 1 1,156 441 715 Betani 00894800 1 1 2 1 611 198 413 Barunguri Bee! 00894900 739 253 486 Doongarpaar 00895000 6 6 424 179 245 Lengeri Gaon 00895100 5 I 4 4 4 1,314 540 774 Batalimari Pathar 00895200 6 2 4 6 3 3 777 291 486 Bhukuamari Paam 00895300 141 21 120 1,135 423 712 Pholiamari Pathar 00895400 13 12 17 9 8 962 362 600 Hatilarua Pathar 00895500 8 3 5 1,658 604 1,054 Tengaguri 00895600 21 15 6 1,159 391 768 Tengaguri Kachari Gaon 00895700 I 1 461 180 281 Batabori 00895800 2 2 6 2 4 2,469 930 1,539 Mohmari Pathar 00895900 14 I 13 94 34 60 2,488 898 1,590 Ootolabori 00896000 11 2 9 74 2 72 1,579 61l 968 Jaribor 00896100 9 2 7 830 279 551 Balipara 00896200 4 3 1 291 lOS 186 Bhukuamari Gaon 00896300 6 6 I I 723 331 392 Pookarkata 00896400 1 1 510 201 309 Barakhibandha 00896500 2 2 292 136 156 Pokalagi 00896600 298 154 144 BanrnuriBiI 00896700 1 82 25 57 461 233 228 Banmuri Gaon 00896800 3 3 8 2 6 714 299 415 Taptola 00896900 372 115 257 Darangi 00897000 2 2 876 344 532 Japori Gaon 00897100 342 154 188 Hindu Japari 00897200 178 63 115 600 241 359 Rupahi Beel 00897300 I 294 153 141 l.No. Borpathar 00897400 40 21 19 2.No. Borpathar 00897500 38 37 9 3 6 452 216 236 Raumari 00897600 Un-inhabited DighaJi Ati Pathar 00897700 398 190 208 Salmara Paam 00897800 6 4 2 853 386 467 Jamadari 00897900 51 23 28 NaIjari 00898000

365 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00898100 Rajabori 4.0 101 642 344 298 136 64 72 00898200 Niz-Gerua 26.0 217 1,231 616 615 167 72 95 00898300 Geruaaati 3.0 233 1,376 697 679 189 92 97 00898400 Bechamari Dooba 243.0 173 1,079 557 522 199 98 101 00898500 Ooguri Paam 205.0 111 594 295 299 128 67 61 00898600 Dholang Khaiti 225.0 267 1,787 910 877 434 219 215 00898700 BhuyanboriPaam 142.0 292 1,640 817 823 438 220 218 00898800 Gorapar 342.0 288 1,579 782 797 338 182 156 00898900 Amaraguri 288.0 156 860 453 407 93 48 45 00899000 Kamarbori 156.0 89 554 274 280 103 51 52 00899100 Patrabori 299.0 56 413 231 182 68 38 30 00899200 Gohainbori 7.0 65 361 166 195 46 20 26 00899300 SalmaraBeel 42.0 37 222 118 104 52 31 21 00899400 Gerua Beel 211.0 57 308 166 142 58 31 27 00899500 Kanphali Toop 100.0 14 77 41 36 3 2 I 00899600 Haria Bil 193.0 184 1,017 514 503 202 103 99 00899700 Kharuherua Beel 62.0 Un-inhabited 00899800 Tengaguri N.C. 72.0 Un-inhabited 00899900 No.1 Tengaguri 180.0 Un-inhabited 00900000 No.2 Tengaguri 155.0 Un-inhabited 00900100 Kaurihagi 57.0 Un-inhabited 00900200 Kashipuri 200.0 Un-inhabited 00900300 Tengaguri Gaon 234.0 Un-inhabited 00900400 Sialmari Kachari Gaon 273.0 6 23 10 13 5 3 2 00900500 Kisamguri 98.0 Un-inhabited 00900600 Sialmari Gaon 324.0 5 31 18 13 6 3 3 00900700 Harangtoli 33.0 42 299 166 133 59 34 25 00900800 Dhumkura 144.0 Un-inhabited 00900900 Roumari 161.0 227 1,474 782 692 365 199 166 0090 I 000 Dhekeramari 214.0 30 177 90 87 47 23 24 00901100 Chutiagaon 88.0 253 1,781 920 861 405 203 202 00901200 Chenimari 195.0 370 2,378 1,241 1,137 553 276 277 00901300 Dakhin Chenimari 179.0 449 2,932 1,445 1,487 710 346 364 00901400 Pambori 112.0 134 825 455 370 182 99 83 00901500 Garakhia Khuti 225.0 245 1,399 696 703 276 131 145 00901600 Borigaon Pathar 183.0 3 15 9 6 5 4 1 00901700 Mikirgaon 200.0 346 2,090 1,091 999 393 207 186 00901800 Kathani 200.0 282 1,668 854 814 311 150 161 00901900 Barkhabal 134.0 328 2,364 1,205 1,159 650 329 321 00902000 Raja Gadhowa 143.0 339 1,977 997 980 487 230 257 00902100 Bogalipara Gaon 252.0 388 2,565 1,342 1,223 622 329 293 00902200 Chetuai Khaiti 162.0 245 1,582 809 773 387 180 207 00902300 Bogalipara Pathar 144.0 155 915 456 459 213 99 114 00902400 Moritoli 139.0 199 1,490 791 699 377 207 170 00902500 Dhingarati 161.0 411 2,426 1,242 1,184 528 286 242 00902600 Amaraguri 289.0 502 3,348 1,696 1,652 777 397 380 00902700 Chatiantoli 243.0 468 2,809 1,446 1,363 715 347 368 00902800 Dhupaguri 181.0 164 908 454 454 159 83 76 00902900 Bhuyanbari Pathar 212.0 300 1,892 989 903 444 229 215 00903000 Borongoni Pathar 258.0 431 2,172 1,095 1,077 325 174 151 00903100 Salsingabori 201.0 56 334 163 171 52 24 28 00903200 Mahdola Bori 214.0 156 768 385 383 131 74 57 00903300 Titatala 253.0 275 1,604 823 781 379 185 194 00903400 Jengarbori 237.0 82 502 257 245 88 41 47 00903500 Dewaguri 150.0 271 1,601 836 765 354 181 173 366 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name ofViUage

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 562 298 264 4 3 1 233 154 79 Rajabori 42 23 19 361 194 167 849 480 369 Niz-GeTUa 7 2 5 617 316 301 908 530 378 GeTUaaati 874 450 424 193 102 91 421 277 144 Bechamari Dooba 47 26 21 220 109 III 183 102 81 OoguriPaam 737 411 326 Dholang Khaiti 541 303 238 Bhuyanbori Paam 27 14 13 1,431 710 721 680 409 271 Gorapar 852 449 403 304 200 104 Amaraguri 554 274 280 284 161 123 Kamarbori 46 26 20 139 92 47 Patrabori 42 18 24 274 138 136 Gohainbori 222 118 104 86 54 32 SalmaraBeel 244 132 112 95 64 31 GeruaBeel 35 17 18 62 37 25 KanphaJi Toop 1,013 511 502 313 202 III HariaBil Un-inhabited Kharuherua Beel Un-inhabited Tengaguri N.C. Un-inhabited No.1 Tengaguri Un-inhabited No.2 Tengaguri Un-inhabited Kaurihagi Un-inhabited Kashipuri Un-inhabited Tengaguri Gaon 7 3 4 Sialmari Kachari Gaon Un-inhabited Kisamguri 7 4 3 Sialmari Gaon 90 56 34 Harangtoli Un-inhabited Dhumkura 346 193 153 Roumari 46 25 21 Dhekeramari 20 8 12 646 355 291 Chutiagaon 811 455 356 Chenimari 1,094 567 527 Dakhin Chenimari 95 52 43 297 177 120 Pambori 861 429 432 646 376 270 Garakhia Khuti Borigaon Pathar 7 5 2 841 485 356 Mikirgaon 246 130 116 9 3 6 825 470 355 Kathani 787 428 359 Barkhabal 7 2 5 533 301 232 Raja Gadhowa 808 452 356 BogaJipara Gaon 589 322 267 Chetuai Khaiti 484 243 241 356 202 154 BogaJipara Pathar 430 231 199 Moritoli 217 118 99 1,010 541 469 Dhingarati 720 357 363 1,152 647 505 Amaraguri 322 185 137 20 10 10 917 556 361 Chatiantoli 900 451 449 452 269 183 Dhupaguri 121 65 56 717 398 319 Bhuyanbari Pathar 1,885 949 936 1,168 692 476 Borongoni Pathar 274 127 147 191 116 75 Salsingabori 16 II 5 244 116 128 484 266 218 Mahdola Bori 496 250 246 484 286 198 Titatala 438 223 215 318 187 131 Jengarbori 8 4 4 525 299 226 Dewal;l;uri 367 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00898100 Rajabori 409 190 219 310 169 141 157 149 8 00898200 Niz-Gerua 382 136 246 446 345 101 377 336 41 00898300 Geruaaati 468 167 301 494 380 114 406 365 41 00898400 Bechamari Dooba 658 280 378 380 323 57 316 307 9 00898500 Ooguri Paam 411 193 218 186 150 36 139 134 5 00898600 Dholang Khaiti 1,050 499 551 361 346 15 350 338 12 00898700 Bhuyanbori Paam 1,099 514 585 434 388 46 356 335 21 00898800 Gorapar 899 373 526 713 413 300 518 380 138 00898900 Amaraguri 556 253 303 489 261 228 208 179 29 00899000 Kamarbori 270 113 157 260 151 109 165 137 28 00899100 Patrabori 274 139 135 237 137 100 68 65 3 00899200 Gohainbori 87 28 59 200 108 92 148 99 49 00899300 Salmara Beel 136 64 72 86 50 36 44 40 4 00899400 Gerua Beel 213 102 111 106 79 27 69 66 3 00899500 Kanphali Toop 15 4 11 47 24 23 21 20 1 00899600 Haria Bil 704 312 392 445 281 164 233 214 19 00899700 Kharuherua Bee1 Un-inhabited 00899800 Tengaguri N.C. Un-inhabited 00899900 No.1 Tengaguri Un-inhabited 00900000 No.2 Tengaguri Un-inhabited 00900100 Kaurihagi Un-inhabited 00900200 Kashipuri Un-inhabited 00900300 Tengaguri Gaon Un-inhabited 00900400 Sialmari Kachari Gaon 16 7 9 8 6 2 8 6 2 00900500 Kisamguri Un-inhabited 00900600 Sialmari Gaon 24 14 10 9 9 9 9 00900700 Harangtoli 209 110 99 77 76 61 61 00900800 Dhumkura Un-inhabited 00900900 Roumari 1,128 589 539 416 408 8 270 266 4 00901000 Dhekeramari 131 65 66 42 42 42 42 00901100 Chutiagaon 1,135 565 570 499 460 39 447 425 22 00901200 Chenimari 1,567 786 781 623 608 15 610 596 14 00901300 Dakhin Chenimari 1,838 878 960 756 648 108 632 605 27 00901400 Pambori 528 278 250 329 191 138 191 170 21 00901500 Garakhia Khuti 753 320 433 433 373 60 325 321 4 00901600 Borigaon Pathar 15 9 6 4 4 4 4 00901700 Mikirgaon 1,249 606 643 709 550 159 563 504 59 00901800 Kathani 843 384 459 521 456 65 462 426 36 00901900 Barkhabal 1,577 777 800 476 462 14 462 455 7 00902000 Raja Gadhowa 1,444 696 748 455 437 18 421 405 16 00902100 Bogalipara Gaon 1,757 890 867 587 552 35 565 537 28 00902200 Chetuai Khaiti 993 487 506 438 386 52 299 285 14 00902300 Bogalipara Pathar 559 254 305 249 234 15 249 234 15 00902400 MaritoH 1,060 560 500 383 375 8 353 348 5 00902500 Dhingarati 1,416 701 715 572 546 26 537 516 21 00902600 Amaraguri 2,196 1,049 1,147 1,110 800 310 917 753 164 00902700 Chatiantoli 1,892 890 1,002 775 742 33 767 736 31 00902800 Dhupaguri 456 185 271 307 238 69 289 226 63 00902900 Bhuyanbari Pathar 1,175 591 584 516 493 23 514 493 21 00903000 Borongoni Pathar 1.004 403 601 1,131 612 519 566 517 49 00903100 Salsingabori 143 47 96 195 95 100 61 58 3 00903200 Mahdo1a Bari 284 119 165 399 213 186 199 191 8 00903300 Titata1a 1,120 537 583 645 459 186 386 380 6 00903400 Jengarbori 184 70 114 149 144 5 149 144 5 00903500 Dewaguri 1,076 537 539 414 402 12 410 398 12 368 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat Indu~trial categoD:: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industty Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 146 143 3 8 3 5 1 1 2 2 Rajabori 201 183 18 24 21 3 152 132 20 Niz-Gerua 246 234 12 56 47 9 2 1 102 83 19 Geruaaati 113 108 5 46 45 1 1 1 156 153 3 Bechamari Dooba 112 108 4 13 12 1 2 2 12 12 OoguriPaam 245 241 4 55 53 2 2 2 48 42 6 Dholang Khaiti 201 191 10 98 97 1 10 7 3 47 40 7 Bhuyanbori Paam 458 333 125 32 26 6 11 7 4 17 14 3 Gorapar 199 172 27 7 6 1 2 I 1 Amaraguri 118 109 9 33 18 IS 13 10 3 Kamarbori 65 62 3 2 2 1 1 Patrabori 104 66 38 15 12 3 8 6 2 21 15 6 Gohainbori 30 26 4 10 10 4 4 Salmara Beel 43 42 1 17 16 1 9 8 GeruaBeel 16 15 1 5 5 Kanphali Toop 189 178 11 28 22 6 2 2 14 12 2 HariaBil Un-inhabited Kharuherua Beel Un-inhabited Tengaguri N.C. Un-inhabited No.1 Tengaguri Un-inhabited No.2 Tengaguri Un-inhabited Kaurihagi Un-inhabited Kashipuri Un-inhabited Tengaguri Gaon 5 4 1 2 2 Sialmari Kachari Gaon Un-inhabited Kisamguri 2 2 7 7 Sialmari Gaon 44 44 17 17 Harangtoli Un-inhabited Dhumkura 74 74 151 150 4S 42 3 Roumari 6 6 36 36 Dhekeramari 84 84 228 220 8 3 3 132 1I8 14 Chutiagaon 304 296 8 255 255 1 50 44 6 Chenimari 313 305 8 187 181 6 1 1 131 1I9 12 Dakhin Chenimari 159 13 5 4 1 4 2 2 10 5 5 Pambori 222 2 92 91 1 9 8 1 Garakhia Khuti ~4 4 Borigaon Pathar 369 337 32 130 114 16 9 2 7 55 51 4 Mikirgaon 163 161 2 189 186 3 16 6 10 94 73 21 Kathani 314 314 61 60 1 6 1 5 81 80 1 Barkhabal 213 208 5 171 .... 162 9 2 2 3S 33 2 Raja Gadhowa 207 197 10 278 268 10 9 4 5 71 68 3 Bogalipara Gaon 195 192 3 59 58 1 2 1 I 43 34 9 Chetuai Khaiti 107 104 3 115 108 7 5 4 1 22 18 4 Bogalipara Pathar 217 216 1 109 108 1 5 4 I 22 20 2 Moritoli 155 154 I 161 160 1 10 9 1 211 193 18 Dhingarati 506 414 92 266 234 32 25 6 19 120 99 21 Amaraguri 427 418 9 258 251 7 7 5 2 75 62 13 Chatiantoli 176 150 26 85 60 25 8 8 20 16 4 Dhupaguri 238 237 1 208 194 14 6 2 4 62 60 2 Bhuyanbari Pathar 432 402 30 6 5 1 5 1 4 123 109 14 Borongoni Pathar 58 56 2 3 2 1 Salsingabori 170 167 3 1 1 27 22 5 Mahdola Bori 201 200 1 165 160 5 19 19 Titatala 141 139 2 8 5 3 Jengarbori 348 343 5 28 28 7 7 27 20 7 Dewaguri

369 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categolJ:: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00898100 Rajabori 153 20 133 17 7 10 136 13 123 00898200 Niz-Gerua 69 9 60 53 3 50 9 2 7 00898300 Geruaaati 88 15 73 59 10 49 28 4 24 00898400 Bechamari Dooba 64 16 48 11 7 4 53 9 44 00898500 Ooguri Paam 47 16 31 3 2 I 15 6 9 00898600 Dholang Khaiti 11 8 3 5 4 I 2 I 1 00898700 Bhuyanbori Paam 78 53 25 15 5 10 41 36 5 00898800 Gorapar 195 33 162 143 27 1I6 39 6 33 00898900 Amaraguri 281 82 199 208 76 132 73 6 67 00899000 Kamarbori 95 14 81 65 II 54 23 2 21 00899100 Patrabori 169 72 97 155 68 87 14 4 10 00899200 Gohainbori 52 9 43 44 7 37 4 2 2 00899300 SalmaraBeel 42 10 32 25 4 21 17 6 II 00899400 Gerua Beel 37 13 24 23 7 16 14 6 8 00899500 Kanphali Toop 26 4 22 26 4 22 00899600 Haria Bil 212 67 145 198 66 132 14 13 00899700 Kharuherua Beel Un-inhabited 00899800 Tengaguri N.C. Un-inhabited 00899900 No.1 Tengaguri Un-inhabited 00900000 No.2 Tengaguri Un-inhabited 00900100 Kaurihagi Un-inhabited 00900200 Kashipuri Un-inhabited 00900300 Tengaguri Gaon Un-inhabited 00900400 Sialmari Kachari Gaon 00900500 Kisamguri Un-inhabited 00900600 Sialmari Gaon 00900700 Harangtoli 16 15 14 13 00900800 Dhumkura Un-inhabited 00900900 Roumari 146 142 4 2 2 121 121 00901000 Dhekeramari 0090 II 00 Chutiagaon 52 35 17 6 2 4 40 29 11 00901200 Chenimari 13 12 I 6 6 6 6 00901300 Dakhin Chenimari 124 43 81 4 I 3 112 37 75 I 00901400 Pambori 138 21 117 38 11 27 13 6 7 00901500 GarakhiaKhuti 108 52 56 29 7 22 78 45 33 00901600 Borigaon Pathar 00901700 Mikirgaon 146 46 100 39 21 18 61 5 56 00901800 Kathani 59 30 29 12 10 2 26 15 II 00901900 Barkhabal 14 7 7 I I 7 6 1 00902000 Raja Gadhowa 34 32 2 16 16 00902100 BogaliparaGaon 22 15 7 2 2 8 8 00902200. Chetuai Khaiti 139 101 38 5 5 88 82 6 00902300 BogaliparaPathar 00902400 Moritoli 30 27 3 1 1 22 22 00902500 Dhingarati 35 30 5 11 10 I 14 14 00902600 Amaraguri 193 47 146 75 10 65 107 34 73 00902700 Chatiantoli 8 6 2 3 2 1 5 4 1 00902800 Dhupaguri 18 12 6 II 5 6 5 5 00902900 Bhuyanbari Pathar 2 2 I I 00903000 Borongoni Pathar 565 95 470 443 72 371 lIO 15 95 00903100 Salsingabori 134 37 97 134 37 97 00903200 Mahdola Bori 200 22 178 72 18 54 127 4 123 00903300 Titatala 259 79 180 14 12 2 245 67 178 00903400 Jengarbori 00903500 Dewaguri 4 4


CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 332 175 157 Rajabori 00898100 6 4 2 785 271 514 Niz-Gerua 00898200 1 882 317 565 Geruaaati 00898300 699 234 465 Bechamari Dooba 00898400 28 8 20 408 145 263 OoguriPaam 00898500 4 3 1 1,426 564 862 Dholang Khaiti 00898600 8 8 14 12 2 1,206 429 777 Bhuyanbori Paam 00898700 13 13 866 369 497 Gorapar 00898800 371 192 179 Amaraguri 00898900 7 6 294 123 171 Kamarbori 00899000 176 94 82 Patrabori 00899100 2 2 2 2 161 58 103 Gohainbori 00899200 136 68 68 Salmara Beel 00899300 202 87 115 GeruaBeel 00899400 30 17 13 Kanphali Yoop 00899500 572 233 339 HariaBil 00899600 Un-inhabited Kharuherua Beel 00899700 Un-inhabited Tengaguri N.C. 00899800 Un-inhabited No.1 Tengaguri 00899900 Un-inhabited No.2 Tengaguri 00900000 Un-inhabited Kaurihagi 00900100 Un-inhabited Kashipuri 00900200 Un-inhabited Tengaguri Gaon 00900300 15 4 11 Sialmari Kachari Gaon 00900400 Un-inhabited Kisamguri 00900500 22 9 13 Sialmari Gaon 00900600 222 90 132 Harangtoli 00900700 Un-inhabited Dhumkura 00900800 1 22 18 4 1,058 374 684 Roumari 00900900 135 48 87 Dhekeramari 00901000 5 4 1 1,282 460 822 Chutiagaon 0090 1I 00 1 1 1,755 633 1,122 Chenimari 00901200 8 5 3 2,176 797 1,379 Dakhin Chenimari 00901300 53 53 34 4 30 496 264 232 Pambori 00901400 I I 966 323 643 Garakhia Khuti 00901500 1I 5 6 Borigaon Pathar 00901600 26 4 22 20 16 4 1,381 541 840 Mikirga

372 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Laharighat Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 576 336 240 Duamari 4 2 2 507 248 259 239 151 88 Batabori 281 130 151 326 168 158 Borbori 433 269 164 Udkati 554 332 222 Sapkati 1,125 680 445 Kacharibori 1,278 769 509 Bowalguri 320 147 173 1,276 733 543 Boribandha 1,317 683 634 829 498 331 Laobhurunga 165 78 87 66 37 29 Patiabandha 707 411 296 Laharipam 276 138 138 710 423 287 Lalaibori 1,610 913 697 Garaimari 524 306 218 Mahmara Bill 12 7 5 1,470 870 600 Nagabandha 6 4 2 425 226 199 722 432 290 Patua Kata 674 341 333 1,002 603 399 Borchala Pathar 973 572 401 Barchala Gaon 233 122 III 1,189 75;1. 437 Palahjuri 1,176 702 474 Saruchala

373 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00903600 Duamari 1,237 633 604 508 499 9 506 497 9 00903700 Batabori 412 171 241 188 167 21 183 165 18 00903800 Borbori 1,186 604 582 403 391 12 353 343 10 00903900 Udkati 1,412 695 717 436 418 18 327 315 12 00904000 Sapkati 914 429 485 385 370 15 379 364 15 00904100 Kacharibori 2,481 1,144 1,337 883 860 23 726 710 16 00904200 Bowalguri 2,130 1,000 1,130 885 870 15 860 846 14 00904300 Boribandha 759 297 462 665 514 151 557 488 69 00904400 Laobhurunga 980 421 559 916 469 447 542 426 116 00904500 Patiabandha 117 53 64 70 52 18 63 52 11 00904600 Laharipam 1,251 619 632 511 494 17 476 462 14 00904700 Lalaibori 1,279 628 651 567 555 12 494 484 10 00904800 Garaimari 2,659 1,278 1,381 1,138 1,049 89 1,088 1,008 80 00904900 Mahmara Bill 1,107 550 557 453 446 7 408 403 5 00905000 Nagahandha 3,169 1,507 1,662 1,239 1,128 III 1,123 1,069 54 00905100 Patua Kata 1,458 694 764 578 542 36 518 497 21 00905200 Borchala Pathar 1,373 625 748 768 641 127 767 640 127 00905300 Barchala Gaon 1,201 573 628 539 517 22 525 513 12 00905400 Palahjuri 1,924 895 1,029 759 705 54 714 701 13 00905500 Saruchala 2,100 1,033 1,067 894 873 21 832 815 17

374 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUSABSTRAcr Labarighat Industrial cate!1;!2D: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 316 313 3 152 152 5 3 2 33 29 4 Duamari 171 156 15 12 9 3 Batabori 257 255 2 74 72 2 22 16 6 Borbori 249 242 7 52 51 I 5 2 3 21 20 1 Udkati 264 259 5 75 75 3 3 37 27 10 Sapkati 423 420 3 202 198 4 7 7 94 85 9 Kacharibori 654 644 10 148 148 II 10 47 44 3 Bowalguri 467 414 53 25 25 2 2 63 47 16 Boribandha 465 382 83 26 10 16 36 19 17 15 15 Laobhurunga 42 42 1 1 20 10 10 Patiabandha 150 149 1 248 245 3 I I 77 67 10 Laharipam 366 361 5 100 100 I 1 27 22 5 Lalaibori 375 362 13 457 444 13 73 36 37 183 166 17 Garaimari 256 256 113 110 3 3 3 36 34 2 Mahmara Bill 389 381 8 474 466 8 18 6 12 242 216 26 Nagabandha 361 354 7 94 89 5 9 9 54 45 9 Patua Kata 453 360 93 255 224 31 I I 58 55 3 Borchala Pathar 371 366 5 108 103 5 7 6 39 38 1 Barchala Gaon 487 481 6 200 198 2 I 1 26 21 5 Palahjuri 453 448 5 253 252 1 6 6 120 109 II Saruchala

375 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categoQ: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00903600 Duamari 2 2 2 2 00903700 Batabori 5 2 3 5 2 3 00903800 Borbori 50 48 2 38 37 12 II I 00903900 Udkati 109 103 6 2 2 104 99 5 00904000 Sapkati 6 6 4 4 I I 00904100 Kacharibori 157 150 7 20 20 129 128 00904200 Bowalguri 25 24 I 14 14 7 7 00904300 Boribandha 108 26 82 83 20 63 24 5 19 00904400 Laobhunxnga 374 43 331 243 19 224 128 23 105 00904500 Patiabandha 7 7 6 6 00904600 Laharipam 35 32 3 4 4 26 26 00904700 Lalaibori 73 71 2 13 13 58 57 I 00904800 Garaimari 50 41 9 12 10 2 25 23 2 00904900 Mahmara Bill 45 43 2 33 32 1 8 8 00905000 Nagabandha 116 59 57 35 33 2 16 16 00905100 Patua Kata 60 45 15 15 7 8 39 35 4 00905200 Borchala Pathar 1 I 1 1 00905300 Barchala Gaon 14 4 10 13 3 10 00905400 Palahjuri 45 4 41 1 1 3 3 00905500 Saruchala 62 58 4 27 27 28 28

376 377

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF MAIRABARI CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Total) 8,941.0 14,916 93,137 48,259 44,878 21,289 10,780 10.509 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 8.941.0 14,916 93,137 48,259 44.878 21.289 10.780 10.509 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Urban) Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 00905600 Sitolimari Gaon 64.0 26 186 104 82 45 23 22 00905700 No.1 Rangrai 153.0 115 784 422 362 221 111 110 00905800 No.2 Rangrai 74.0 6 33 ]7 ]6 I] 6 5 00905900 Leruamukh 321.0 245 1,543 796 747 361 196 165 00906000 Garaimari Pathar 276.0 84 496 264 232 ]38 71 67 00906100 Garaimari Gaon 238.0 115 792 406 386 230 113 117 00906200 Garaimari ]46.0 22 ]25 65 60 27 12 ]5 00906300 No.3 Rangrai 24.0 22 ]59 77 82 33 17 16 00906400 Sitolmari Pathar 187.0 51 324 173 151 82 41 41 00906500 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 175.0 99 663 353 310 182 99 83 00906600 Bhelouguri 147.0 210 1,264 661 603 280 144 136 00906700 Tatikata Pathar 374.0 913 5,759 2,980 2,779 1,369 719 650 00906800 Barchapari 134.0 598 3,440 1,741 1,699 790 361 429 00906900 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 129.0 268 1,548 810 738 362 182 180 00907000 Madarguri 169.0 36 255 126 129 44 18 26 00907100 Sunarigaon 169.0 120 749 392 357 121 63 58 00907200 Saulmari 199.0 355 2,114 1,091 1,023 483 231 252 00907300 Ulubari 234.0 243 1,749 896 853 367 ]95 ]72 00907400 Borthal Dolaigaon 342.0 573 3,727 1,944 1,783 824 436 388 00907500 Borthal Kachari Gaon 255.0 657 4,019 2,044 1,975 890 432 458 00907600 Mairabari Town 103.0 1,045 6,119 3,245 2,874 1,129 584 545 00907700 Hatimuria 299.0 874 5,598 2,896 2,702 1,232 627 605 00907800 Sagunbahi 375.0 504 3,020 1,575 1,445 645 340 305 00907900 Mairabari Gaon 263.0 769 4,802 2,470 2,332 1,096 553 543 00908000 Dura Bandhi Bil 161.0 134 814 415 399 183 78 105 00908100 Gariabori Pathar 147.0 352 2,207 1,137 1,070 470 239 231 00908200 Hahchara Gaon 204.0 429 2,563 1,337 1,226 550 287 263 00908300 Hahcharabori 198.0 271 1,608 835 773 346 179 167 00908400 Hogaltoli 143.0 201 1,278 644 634 328 148 180 00908500 Datialbori 347.0 779 4,723 2,426 2,297 1,180 600 580 00908600 Borbori 120.0 581 3,390 1,762 1,628 685 351 334 00908700 Haldhibari 94.0 79 568 296 272 155 80 75 00908800 Norchingbori 138.0 151 1,330 675 655 342 173 169 00908900 Dungarpar 106.0 130 816 433 383 190 1I0 80 00909000 Lalirpar 81.0 92 551 277 274 139 79 60 00909100 Gariabori Gaon 140.0 240 1,454 776 678 298 150 148 009092()0 Durabandhi Gaon 158.0 274 1,574 829 745 337 181 156 00909300 Saharia Gaon 237.0 359 2,334 1,229 1,105 528 269 259 00909400 Lengeribori 471.0 786 5,167 2,664 2,503 1,302 627 675 00909500 Lochanabori 323.0 751 4,732 2,433 2,299 1,166 589 577 00909600 Bahalamukh 218.0 282 1,807 916 891 467 228 239 00909700 Belabori 177.0 221 1,444 744 700 378 184 194 00909800 Gunaibori 237.0 349 2,215 1,175 1,040 519 281 238 00909900 Uralkata Pathar 179.0 230 1,364 703 661 305 152 153 00910000 SahariaPam 212.0 275 1,930 1,005 925 459 221 238

380 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUSABSTRAcr Mairabari Pt. Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 414 223 191 8 5 3 33,075 18,580 14,495 Mairabari Pt. (Total) 414 223 191 8 5 3 33,075 18,580 14,495 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) Mairabari Pt. (Urban) Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 7 7 Sitolimari Gaon 19 16 3 No.1 Rangrai 1 I No.2 Rangrai 221 128 93 Leruamukh 87 55 32 Garaimari Pathar 96 49 47 Garaimari Gaon 3 2 I Garaimari 9 6 3 No.3 Rangrai 12 8 4 Sitolmari Pathar 150 85 65 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 351 200 151 Bhelouguri 1,990 1,138 852 Tatikata Pathar 968 518 450 Barchapari 282 173 109 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 31 21 10 Madarguri 160 94 66 Sunarigaon 627 373 254- Saulmari 683 358 325 Ulubari 1,361 741 620 Borthal Dolaigaon 1,338 743 595 Borthal Kachari Gaon 181 99 82 3,404 1,915 1,489 Mairabari Town 2,701 1,509 1,192 Hatimuria 1,160 634 526 Sagunbahi 28 15 13 2,086 1,160 926 Mairabari Gaon 344 208 136 Dura Bandhi Bil 994 550 444 Gariabori Pathar 884 480 404 Hahchara Gaon 728 404 324 Hahcharabori 445 232 213 Hogaltoli 1,489 832 657 Datialbori 205 109 96 8 5 3 1,486 853 633 Borbori 120 73 47 Haldhibari 463 240 223 Norchingbori 168 100 68 Dungarpar 229 115 114 Lalirpar 499 261 238 Gariabori Gaon 784 463 321 Durabandhi Gaon 879 502 377 Saharia Gaon 1,512 882 630 Lengeribori 1,526 867 659 Lochanabori 649 353 296 Bahalamukh 357 206 151 Belabori 671 391 280 Gunaibori 402 220 182 Uralkata Pathar 699 415 284 Saharia Pam

381 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloc:k- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Total) 60,062 29,679 30,383 24,659 23,247 1,412 22,333 21,404 929 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 60,062 29,679 30,383 24,659 23,247 1,412 22,333 21,404 929 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Urban) Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 00905600 Sitolimari Gaon 179 97 82 57 57 55 55 00905700 No.1 Rangrai 765 406 359 228 224 4 220 220 00905800 No.2 Rangrai 32 17 15 10 10 10 10 00905900 Leruamukh 1,322 668 654 505 455 50 387 382 5 00906000 Garaimari Pathar 409 209 200 144 143 I 140 140 00906100 Garaimari Gaon 696 357 339 200 199 I 200 199 00906200 Garaimari 122 63 59 37 37 36 36 00906300 No.3 Rangrai 150 71 79 42 41 I 37 37 00906400 Sitolmari Pathar 312 165 147 90 88 2 79 78 1 00906500 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 513 268 245 179 166 13 179 166 13 00906600 Bhelouguri 913 461 452 367 354 13 322 312 10 00906700 Tatikata Pathar 3,769 1,842 1,927 1,511 1,424 87 1,303 1,231 72 00906800 Barchapari 2,472 1,223 1,249 1,016 893 123 701 662 39 00906900 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 1,266 637 629 476 455 . 21 417 397 20 00907000 Madarguri 224 105 119 79 77 2 69 67 2 00907100 Sunarigaon 589 298 291 204 199 5 196 192 4 00907200 Saulmari 1,487 718 769 585 558 27 406 398 8 00907300 Ulubari 1,066 538 528 494 478 16 436 421 15 00907400 Borthal Dolaigaon 2,366 1,203 1,163 1,003 969 34 878 846 32 00907500 Borthal Kachari Gaon 2,681 1,301 1,380 930 892 38 818 796 22 00907600 Mairabari Town 2,715 1,330 1,385 1,632 1,515 117 1,597 1,492 105 00907700 Hatimuria 2,897 1,387 1,510 1,338 1,283 55 1,261 1,213 48 00907800 Sagunbahi 1,860 941 919 789 770 19 773 755 18 00907900 Mairabari Gaon 2,716 1,310 1,406 1,257 1,150 107 1,110 1,027 83 00908000 Dura Bandhi Bil 470 207 263 224 217 7 224 217 7 00908100 Gariabori Pathar 1,213 587 626 900 602 298 709 568 141 00908200 Hahchara Gaon 1,679 857 822 712 658 54 628 596 32 00908300 Hahcharabori 880 431 449 472 441 31 458 434 24 00908400 Hogaltoli 833 412 421 318 305 13 308 296 12 00908500 Datialbori 3,234 1,594 1,640 1,185 1,135 50 1,131 1,099 32 00908600 Borbori 1,904 909 995 903 851 52 799 766 33 00908700 Haldhibari 448 223 225 149 143 6 147 141 6 00908800 Norchingbori 867 435 432 265 262 3 234 231 3 00908900 Dungarpar 648 333 315 263 262 1 263 262 1 00909000 Lalirpar 322 162 160 122 119 3 122 119 3 00909100 Gariabori Gaon 955 515 440 476 468 8 465 458 7 00909200 Durabandhi Gaon 790 366 424 408 383 25 385 365 20 00909300 Saharia Gaon 1,455 727 728 582 554 28 565 537 28 00909400 Lengeribori 3,655 1,782 1,873 1,248 1,203 45 1,199 1,162 37 00909500 Lochanabori 3,206 1,566 1,640 1,113 1,090 23 1,045 1,027 18 00909600 Bahalamukh 1,158 563 595 466 459 7 422 416 6 00909700 Belabori 1,087 538 549 364 356 8 345 338 7 00909800 Gunaibori 1,544 784 760 543 538 5 484 479 5 00909900 Uralkata Pathar 962 483 479 323 321 2 320 318 2 00910000 SahariaPam 1,231 590 641 450 443 7 450 443 7

382 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mairabari Pt. Industrial categoD:': of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 9,471 9,335 136 6,476 6,419 57 406 212 194 5,980 5,438 542 Mairabari Pt. (Total) 9,471 9,335 136 6,476 6,419 57 406 212 194 5,980 5,438 542 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) - Mairabari Pt. (Urban) Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 48 48 7 7 Sitolimari Gaon 198 198 20 20 2 2 No.1 Rangrai 10 10 No.2 Rangrai 167 165 2 198 198 21 19 2 Leruamukh 44 44 47 47 49 49 Garaimari Pathar 127 127 26 26 47 46 Garaimari Gaon 8 8 27 27 I 1 Garaimari 10 10 27 27 No.3 Rangrai 37 37 41 41 I 1 Sitolmari Pathar 9 9 141 138 3 29 19 10 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 85 84 I 175 172 3 5 1 4 57 55 2 Bhelouguri 355 347 8 206 205 37 26 11 705 653 52 Tatikata Pathar 243 238 5 315 308 7 6 1 5 137 1I5 22 Barchapari 1I5 1I5 205 202 3 4 3 I 93 77 16 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 47 47 I 1 21 19 2 Madarguri 5 4 1 184 183 1 I 6 4 2 Sunarigaon 219 218 I 145 144 3 1 2 39 35 4 Saulmari 207 201 6 156 156 I I 72 63 9 Ulubari 525 511 14 192 188 4 7 5 2 154 142 12 Borthal Dolaigaon 393 385 8 174 174 6 6 245 231 14 Borthal Kachari Gaon 40 32 8 64 64 51 41 10 1,442 1,355 87 Mairabari Town 371 363 8 214 209 5 8 8 668 633 35 Hatimuria 330 330 327 326 1 1 I 1I5 99 16 Sagunbahi 358 347 11 216 208 8 17 15 2 519 457 62 Mairabari Gaon 86 85 1 91 90 1 1 I 46 41 5 Dura Bandhi Bil 310 304 6 166 164 2 126 16 110 107 84 23 Gariabori Pathar 262 258 4 235 233 2 24 12 12 107 93 14 Hahchara Gaon 293 279 14 134 133 1 2 2 29 22 7 Hahcharabori 176 172 4 78 77 I 8 8 46 39 7 Hogaltoli 469 464 5 416 416 27 20 7 219 199 20 Datialbori 150 148 2 209 209 32 24 8 408 385 23 Borbori 90 88 2 51 51 6 2 4 Haldhibari 125 122 3 69 69 40 40 Norchingbori 205 204 53 53 5 5 Dungarpar 85 84 21 21 16 14 2 Lalirpar 275 274 172 170 2 3 3 15 14 1 Gariabori Gaon 132 131 154 154 3 3 96 77 19 Durabandhi Gaon 293 293 179 178 1 14 7 7 79 59 20 Saharia Gaon 605 600 5 404 400 4 9 5 4 181 157 24 Lengeribori 743 735 8 251 248 3 4 3 47 41 6 Lochanabori 278 278 106 105 1 I 1 37 32 5 Bahalamukh 188 185 3 135 133 2 1 1 21 19 2 Belabori 355 354 1 105 105 2 1 22 19 3 Gunaibori 199 199 113 113 8 6 2 Uralkata Pathar 248 247 180 180 22 16 6 SahariaPam


VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial categorY code ~arginal vvorkers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons ~ales Females Persons ~ales Females Persons ~ales Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Total) 2,326 1,843 483 534 449 8S 1,188 1,1l7 71 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 2,326 1,843 483 534 449 8S 1,188 1,1l7 71 0003 Mairabari Pt. (Urban) Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 00905600 Sitolimari Gaon 2 2 2 2 00905700 No.1 Rangrai 8 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 00905800 No.2 Rangrai 00905900 Leruamukh 118 73 45 81 36 45 36 36 00906000 Garaimari Pathar 4 3 1 1 1 2 2 00906100 Garaimari Gaon 00906200 Garaimari 1 1 1 1 00906300 No.3 Rangrai 5 4 1 1 3 3 00906400 Sitolmari Pathar 11 10 2 2 8 8 00906500 Bhajakbaiti Gaon 00906600 Bhelouguri 45 42 3 3 3 39 38 1 00906700 Tatikata Pathar 208 193 15 60 60 110 108 2 00906800 Barchapari 315 231 84 26 10 16 230 190 40 00906900 Bhajakbaiti Pathar 59 58 1 15 15 39 39 00907000 ~adarguri 10 10 2 2 00907100 Sunarigaon 8 7 1 5 5 00907200 Saulmari 179 160 19 18 18 126 118 8 00907300 Ulubari 58 57 1 21 21 29 29 00907400 Borthal Dolaigaon 125 123 2 4 4 112 111 1 00907500 Borthal Kachari Gaon 112 96 16 29 24 5 65 62 3 00907600 ~airabari Tovvn 35 23 12 3 3 3 2 1 00907700 Hatimuria 77 70 7 15 15 26 26 00907800 Sagunbahi 16 15 1 15 15 00907900 ~airabari Gaon 147 123 24 30 27 3 39 37 2 00908000 Dura Bandhi Bil 00908100 Gariabori Pathar 191 34 157 11 9 2 23 20 3 00908200 Hahchara Gaon 84 62 22 14 12 2 41 41 00908300 Hahcharabori 14 7 7 5 1 4 8 5 3 00908400 Hogaltoli 10 9 1 1 9 9 00908500 Datialbori 54 36 18 5 5 27 26 00908600 Borbori 104 85 19 66 66 00908700 HaJdhibari 2 2 2 2 00908800 Norchingbori 31 31 24 24 5 5 00908900 Dungarpar 00909000 LaJirpar 00909100 Gariabori Gaon 11 10 1 5 4 6 6 00909200 Durabandhi Gaon 23 18 5 7 7 11 10 00909300 Saharia Gaon 17 17 9 9 6 6 00909400 Lengeribori 49 41 8 23 23 18 16 2 00909500 Lochanabori 68 63 5 46 43 3 19 19 00909600 Bahalamukh 44 43 1 34 33 9 9 00909700 Belabori 19 18 1 18 17 00909800 Gunaibori 59 59 58 58 00909900 Uralkata Pathar 3 3 2 2 1 1 00910000 Saharia Pam


CENSUS ABSTRACT Mairabari Pt. of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 5S 56 57 58 2 185 38 147 419 239 180 68,478 25,012 43,466 Mairabllri Pt. (Total) 0003 185 38 147 419 239 180 68,478 25,012 43,466 Mairabari Pt. (Rural) 0003 - Mairabari Pt. (Urban) 0003 Mairabllri Pt. (Rural) 129 47 82 Sitolimari Gaon 00905600 556 198 358 No.1 Rangrai 00905700 23 7 16 No.2 Rangrai 00905800 1 1,038 341 697 Leruamukh 00905900 1 352 121 23 1 Garaimari Pathar 00906000 592 207 385 Garaimari Gaoll 00906100 88 28 60 Garaimari 00906200 1 117 36 81 No.3 Rangrai 00906300 1 234 85 149 Sitolmari Pathar 00906400 484 187 297 Bhajakhaiti Gaon 00906500 3 1 2 897 307 590 Bhelouguri 00906600 14 8 6 24 17 7 4,248 1,556 2,692 Tatikata Pathar 00906700 13 3 10 46 28 18 2,424 848 1,576 Barchapari 00906800 2 1 1 3 3 1,072 355 717 Bhajakhaiti Pathar 00906900 8 8 176 49 127 Madarguri 00907000 3 2 I 545 193 352 Sunarigaon 00907100 15 8 7 20 16 4 1,529 533 996 Saulmari 00907200 I 1 7 7 1,255 418 837 Ulubari 00907300 1 8 7 1 2,724 975 1,749 Borthal Dolaigaon 00907400 1 1 17 10 7 3,089 1,152 1,937 Borthal Kachari Gaon 00907500 6 2 4 23 16 7 4,487 1,730 2,757 Mairabari Town 00907600 5 1 4 31 28 3 4,260 1,613 2,647 Hatimuria 00907700 1 1 2,231 805 1,426 Sagunbahi 00907800 8 6 2 70 53 17 3,545 1,320 2,225 Mairabari Gaon 00907900 590 198 392 Dura Bandhi Bil 00908000 83 3 80 74 2 72 1,307 535 772 Gariabori Pathar 00908100 11 11 18 9 9 1,851 679 1,172 Hahchara Gaon 00908200 1 I 1,136 394 742 Hahcharabori 00908300 960 339 621 Hogaltoli 00908400 14 2 12 8 3 5 3,538 1,291 2,247 Datialbori 00908500 2 1 1 36 18 18 2,487 911 1,576 Borbori 00908600 419 153 266 Haldhibari 00908700 2 2 1,065 413 652 Norchingbori 00908800 553 171 382 Dungarpar 00908900 429 158 271 Lalirpar 00909000 978 308 670 Gariabori Gaon 00909100 5 I 4 1,166 446 720 Durabandhi Gaon 00909200 2 2 1,752 675 1,077 SahariaGaon 00909300 5 4 3 I 2 3,919 1,461 2,458 Lengeribori 00909400 2 2 1 3,619 1,343 2,276 Lochanabori 00909500 1 1,341 457 884 Bahalamukh 00909600 1 1,080 388 692 Belabori 00909700 1,672 637 1,035 Gunaibori 00909800 1,041 382 659 Uralkata Pathar 00909900 1480 562 918 SahariaPam 00910000


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT BHURBANDHA CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0004 Bhurbandha (Total) 28,030.9 23,801 130,065 66,153 63,912 21,646 11,049 10,597 0004 Bhurbandha (Rural) 28,030.9 23,801 130,065 66,153 63,912 21,646 11,049 10,597 0004 Bhurbandha (Urban) Bhurbandha (Rural) 00910100 Kaliajari 99.0 24 137 72 65 31 15 16 00910200 Simaluguri 180.0 10 58 34 24 17 10 7 00910300 Lathabari 150.0 6 37 23 14 2 I 1 00910400 Dombaha 144.0 39 193 107 86 27 17 10 00910500 Dighalbari 259.0 423 2,531 1,284 1,247 462 237 225 00910600 Parajari 395.0 98 539 277 262 123 61 62 00910700 Patidaya 596.0 333 1,952 1,022 930 394 210 184 00910800 Charabari 318.0 ISO 923 482 441 215 99 1I6 00910900 Khatarbari 415.9 284 1,779 918 861 347 167 180 00911000 Bhurbandha 306.0 361 1,814 893 921 239 124 1I5 00911100 Barangabari 423.0 916 4,943 2,562 2,381 651 351 300 00911200 Garmari 389.0 196 1,086 550 536 202 98 104 00911300 Rupahi Bari 172.0 80 497 250 247 88 43 45 00911400 Bakharbari 228.0 306 1,683 845 838 283 143 140 00911500 Boalguri 107.0 37 186 100 86 34 17 17 00911600 Hagaltali 103.0 57 318 159 159 51 28 23 00911700 Ralipathar 208.0 26 182 96 86 32 18 14 00911800 Block No.27 102.0 20 114 61 53 26 13 13 00911900 Kanphala Bori 146.0 165 1,052 544 508 191 105 86 00912000 Chamkata 232.0 74 347 190 157 47 27 20 00912100 Da Chikabari 120.0 176 991 502 489 158 78 80 00912200 Dhekiphala Bari 280.0 63 229 139 90 37 22 15 00912300 Block No.29 79.0 Un-inhabited 00912400 Borthal [Patkomai] 158.0 2 7 5 2 00912500 Chutiakhal 182.0 173 921 474 447 137 73 64 00912600 Udari 266.0 241 1,301 660 641 172 86 86 00912700 Malputa 154.0 27 132 62 70 9 6 3 00912800 Bhangamur 243.0 181 1,016 515 501 98 44 54 00912900 Chatanguri 360.0 572 2,945 1,494 1,451 507 274 233 00913000 Sidhabari 321.0 351 2,053 1,029 1,024 326 149 177 00913100 Naukata 262.0 151 848 431 417 93 47 46 00913200 Auguri 252.0 525 2,801 1,428 1,373 365 197 168 00913300 Katahguri 231.0 294 1,685 840 845 206 98 108 00913400 Sapkati 417.0 385 2,143 1,082 1,061 263 149 114 00913500 Niz Dandua 337.0 984 5,340 2,689 2,651 754 372 382 00913600 Kachmari Pathar 400.0 6 42 19 23 5 4 I 00913700 Daloichuba 238.0 308 1,608 815 793 162 88 74 00913800 Gashbari 57.0 Un-inhabited 00913900 Rajagaon 129.0 393 1,991 1,028 963 277 140 137 00914000 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 211.0 466 2,478 1,279 1,199 370 192 178 00914100 Bhairaguri 139.0 107 541 273 268 96 49 47 00914200 Konwargaon 167.0 155 853 430 423 138 67 71 00914300 Chakdharbari 129.0 42 254 13Q 124 54 32 22 00914400 Dopni 104.0 160 819 396 423 145 73 72 00914500 SaruDoani 125.0 34 195 103 92 37 22 15 00914600 Jarabari 148.0 54 284 147 137 44 23 21 00914700 KatalamaraBari 165.0 4 17 8 9 2 I 1 00914800 Pakamura 174.0 3 11 8 3 2 2 00914900 Bar-Manipur 128.0 132 760 370 390 136 75 61 00915000 Manipur No.1 160.0 367 2,143 1,071 1,072 386 194 192 00915100 Mani~ur No.2 124.0 221 1,191 602 589 218 103 115 388 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 14,799 7,579 7,220 37,420 18,829 18,591 72,144 41,114 31,030 Bhurbandha (Total) 14,799 7,579 7,220 37,420 18,829 18,591 72,144 41,114 31,030 Bhurbandha (Rural) Bhurbandha (Urban) Bhurbandha (Rural) 124 64 60 68 45 23 Kaliajari 56 32 24 29 21 8 Simaluguri 24 19 5 Lathabari 129 68 61 73 52 21 Dombaha 2,518 1,279 1,239 1,293 759 534 Dighalbari 45 24 21 445 227 218 273 171 102 Par.yari 1,647 850 797 868 578 290 Patidaya 74 36 38 418 264 154 Charabari 1,066 535 531 712 428 284 Khatarbari 43 18 25 506 247 259 1,138 621 517 Bhurbandha I 1 361 172 189 3,530 2,018 1,512 Barangabari 85 38 47 199 103 96 678 391 287 Garmari 266 133 133 151 79 72 321 175 146 RupahiBari 1,381 686 695 264 138 126 1,041 597 444 Bakharbari 179 96 83 91 63 28 Boalguri 313 157 156 134 84 50 Haga1tali 171 88 83 99 60 39 Ralipathar 87 45 42 67 41 26 Block No.27 1,010 524 486 498 303 195 Kanphala Bori 246 132 114 205 124 81 Charnkata 413 202 211 563 291 272 409 239 170 Da Chikabari 1 1 186 104 82 120 76 44 Dhekiphala Bari Un-inhabited Block No.29 4 3 I Borthal [Patkomai] 79 44 35 42 21 21 677 371 306 Chutiakhal 680 347 333 429 212 217 918 519 399 Udari 49 22 27 62 28 34 78 38 40 Malputa 172 93 79 429 226 203 663 370 293 Bhangarnur 1,145 582 563 495 248 247 1,714 969 745 Chatanguri 110 61 49 1,671 832 839 996 602 394 Sidhabari 2 2 166 85 81 610 348 262 Naukata 297 149 148 1,170 598 572 1,841 1,071 770 Auguri 127 61 66 614 300 314 1,039 597 442 Katahguri 166 79 87 1,507 819 688 Sapkati 8 3 5 470 242 228 3,705 2,026 1,679 Niz Dandua 34 14 20 Kachmari Pathar 10 7 3 1,234 660 574 Daloichuba Un-inhabited Gashbari 743 389 354 519 250 269 1,451 809 642 Rajagaon 742 381 361 5 4 I 1,659 958 701 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 34 17 17 453 225 228 287 165 122 Bhairaguri 536 275 261 310 151 159 445 271 174 Konwargaon 11 9 2 3 2 1 165 85 80 Chakdharbari 8 3 5 342 157 185 457 249 208 Dopni 100 51 49 63 35 28 122 67 55 SaruDoani 122 67 55 48 28 20 189 107 82 Jarabari 17 8 9 7 5 2 Katalamara Bari 8 6 2 I 1 Pakarnura 35 18 17 720 350 370 397 225 172 Bar-Manipur 327 169 158 1,781 883 898 997 587 410 Manipur No.1 404 213 191 646 316 330 610 357 253 Manipur No.2 389 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CDBlock- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0004 Bhurbandha (Total) 57,921 25,039 32,882 48,035 33,486 14,549 35,321 29,454 5,867 0004 Bhurbandha (Rural) 57,921 25,039 32,882 48,035 33,486 14,549 35,321 29,454 5,867 0004 Bhurbandha(Urban) Bhurbandha (Rural) 00910100 Kaliajari 69 27 42 58 32 26 52 30 22 00910200 Simaluguri 29 13 16 21 13 8 19 12 7 00910300 Lathabari 13 4 9 22 15 7 16 13 3 00910400 Dombaha 120 55 65 95 54 41 74 49 25 00910500 Dighalbari 1,238 525 713 1,277 661 616 1,029 597 432 00910600 Parajari 266 106 160 281 142 139 276 138 138 00910700 Patidaya 1,084 444 640 1,190 619 571 1,042 573 469 00910800 Charabari 505 218 287 498 261 237 370 240 130 00910900 Khatarbari 1,067 490 577 824 505 319 480 423 57 00911000 Bhurbandha 676 272 404 543 451 92 454 413 41 00911100 Barangabari 1,413 544 869 1,500 1,293 207 1,374 1,220 154 00911200 Garmari 408 159 249 329 276 53 269 261 8 00911300 Rupahi Bari 176 75 101 252 128 124 209 110 99 00911400 Bakharbari 642 248 394 608 470 138 430 384 46 00911500 Boalguri 95 37 58 78 54 24 54 45 9 00911600 Hagaltali 184 75 109 147 81 66 147 81 66 00911700 Ralipathar 83 36 47 40 35 5 40 35 5 00911800 Block No.27 47 20 27 26 22 4 26 22 4 00911900 KanphalaBori 554 241 313 583 313 270 376 248 128 00912000 Chamkata 142 66 76 ll8 99 19 1I7 98 19 00912100 Da Chikabari 582 263 319 563 290 273 304 227 77 00912200 DhekiphalaBari 109 63 46 101 65 36 82 64 18 00912300 BlockNo.29 Un-inhabited 00912400 Borthal [Patkomai] 3 2 I 3 2 1 3 2 I 00912500 Chutiakhal 244 103 141 556 291 265 299 215 84 00912600 Udari 383 141 242 367 351 16 364 348 16 00912700 Malputa 54 24 30 40 36 4 39 35 4 00912800 Bhangamur 353 145 208 428 277 151 406 263 143 00912900 Chatanguri 1,231 525 706 1,293 836 457 883 705 178 00913000 Sidhabari 1,057 427 630 1,034 581 453 681 523 158 00913 100 Naukata 238 83 155 438 266 172 239 199 40 00913200 Auguri 960 357 603 1,086 730 356 726 654 72 00913300 Katabguri 646 243 403 872 473 399 426 391 35 00913400 Sapkati 636 263 373 843 529 314 536 467 69 00913500 Niz Dandua 1,635 663 972 2,285 1,426 859 1,305 1,127 178 00913600 Kachmari Pathar 8 5 3 20 II 9 11 11 00913700 Daloichuba 374 155 219 548 419 129 439 411 28 00913800 Gashbari Un-inhabited 00913900 Rajagaon 540 219 321 554 492 62 481 440 41 00914000 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 819 321 498 840 605 235 582 543 39 00914100 Bhairaguri 254 108 146 275 136 139 274 136 138 00914200 Konwargaon 408 159 249 214 195 19 214 195 19 00914300 Chakdharbari 89 45 44 64 58 6 59 57 2 00914400 Dopni 362 147 215 175 162 13 175 162 13 00914500 Saru Doani 73 36 37 52 45 7 39 38 1 00914600 larabari 95 40 55 80 73 7 73 68 5 00914700 KatalamaraBari 10 3 7 15 7 8 6 6 00914800 Pakamura 10 7 3 8 5 3 1 1 00914900 Bar-Manipur 363 145 218 390 206 184 182 174 8 00915000 Manipur No.1 1,146 484 662 711 537 174 554 488 66 00915100 Manipur No.2 581 245 336 344 316 28 312 294 18 390 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bburbandha Industrial categon: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 22,354 19,042 3,312 2,972 2,178 794 1,231 531 700 8,764 7,703 1,061 Bhurbandha (Total) 22,354 19,042 3,312 2,972 2,178 794 1,231 531 700 8,764 7,703 1,061 Bhurbandha (Rural) Bhurbandha(Urban) Bhurbandha (Rural) 47 26 21 4 3 Kaliajari 19 12 7 Simaluguri 12 10 2 I 3 2 Lathabari 72 49 23 2 2 Dombaha 835 467 368 71 21 50 10 7 3 113 102 11 Dighalbari 215 102 113 45 21 24 16 15 1 Parajari 772 514 258 194 24 170 43 5 38 33 30 3 Patidaya 295 204 91 2 2 42 4 38 31 30 1 Charabari 372 363 9 25 3 22 8 7 1 75 50 25 Khatarbari 289 278 11 2 2 7 5 2 156 128 28 Bhurbandha 738 657 81 8 5 3 27 24 3 601 534 67 Barangabari 226 223 3 5 4 I 38 34 4 Garmari 144 80 64 1 1 39 7 32 25 23 2 RupahiBari 187 168 19 61 49 12 10 7 3 172 160 12 Bakharbari 16 16 5 2 3 33 27 6 Boalguri 138 73 65 2 1 I 7 7 Hagalta1i 36 31 5 1 I 2 2 Ralipathar 21 18 3 5 4 I Block No.27 326 212 114 6 6 44 36 8 Kanphala Bori 114 95 19 3 3 Chamkata 263 191 72 7 4 3 3 2 1 31 30 Da Chikabari 81 63 18 t- 1 1 Dhekiphala Bari Un-inhabited Block No.29 3 2 1 Borthal [Patkomai] 125 93 32 79 30 49 11 10 84 82 2 Chutiakhal 259 249 10 7 5 2 4 4 94 90 4 Udari 34 30 4 1 1 4 4 Malputa 234 229 5 5 1 4 139 7 132 28 26 2 Bhangamur 449 419 30 65 45 20 176 62 114 193 179 14 Chatanguri 528 398 130 25 13 12 15 7 8 113 105 8 Sidhabari 174 144 30 3 3 62 52 10 Naukata 463 419 44 10 4 6 11 11 242 220 22 Auguri 223 214 9 43 31 12 14 10 4 146 136 10 Katahguri 326 281 45 40 29 11 20 16 4 150 141 9 Sapkati 497 447 50 169 129 40 33 28 5 606 523 83 NizDandua 8 8 3 3 Kachmari Pathar 219 212 7 13 9 4 10 10 197 180 17 Daloichuba Un-inhabited Gashbari 53 50 3 8 2 6 11 10 I 409 378 31 lUYagaon 331 326 5 19 13 6 21 11 10 211 193 18 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 192 72 120 13 1 12 1 1 68 62 6 Bhairaguri 157 148 9 24 16 8 33 31 2 Konwargaon 48 47 I 2 2 1 I 8 7 I Chakdharbari 153 143 10 7 6 I 15 13 2 Dopni 26 26 9 8 4 4 SaruDoani 37 37 17 16 18 15 3 larabari 6 6 Katalamara Bari I 1 Pakamura 149 144 5 2 2 31 28 3 Bar-Manipur 517 456 61 6 5 5 5 26 22 4 Manipur No.1 236 224 12 5 4 71 66 5 Manipur No.2 391 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloek- Location Name ofViUage Industrial categoo: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 0004 Bburbandha (Total) 12,714 4,032 8,682 5,194 1,592 3,602 4,866 1,605 3,261 0004 Bhurhandha (Rural) 12,714 4,032 8,682 5,194 1,592 3,602 4,866 1,605 3,261 0004 Bhurhandba(Urban) Bhurbandha (Rural) 00910100 Kaliajari 6 2 4 6 2 4 00910200 Simaluguri 2 1 1 2 1 1 00910300 Lathabari 6 2 4 4 2 2 00910400 Dombaha 21 5 16 16 5 11 00910500 Dighalbari 248 64 184 120 17 103 119 40 79 00910600 Parajari 5 4 I 2 I I I 1 00910700 Patidaya 148 46 102 42 16 26 23 7 16 00910800 Charabari 128 21 107 58 12 46 38 2 36 00910900 Khatarbari 344 82 262 70 41 29 255 37 218 00911000 Bhurbandha 89 38 51 57 19 38 5 3 2 00911100 Barangabari 126 73 53 14 10 4 44 15 29 00911200 Garmari 60 15 45 54 13 41 00911300 Rupahi Bari 43 18 25 23 14 9 9 3 6 00911400 Bakharbari 178 86 92 22 6 16 78 38 40 00911500 Boalguri 24 9 15 2 I I 12 2 10 00911600 Hagaltali 00911700 Ralipathar 00911800 Block No.27 00911900 Kanphala Bori 207 65 142 133 50 83 00912000 Charnkata I I I I 00912100 Da Chikabari 259 63 196 177 43 134 4 1 3 00912200 Dhekiphala Bari 19 I 18 12 1 11 00912300 Block No.29 Un-inhabited 00912400 Borthal [Patkomai] 00912500 Chutiakhal 257 76 181 14 7 7 207 52 155 00912600 Udari 3 3 1 1 00912700 Malputa I I I I 00912800 Bhangamur 22 I4 8 14 14 00912900 Chatanguri 410 131 279 222 73 149 53 14 39 00913000 Sidhabari 353 58 295 169 25 144 110 23 87 00913100 Naukata 199 67 132 187 63 124 6 1 5 00913200 Auguri 360 76 284 216 23 193 117 28 89 00913300 Katahguri 446 82 364 95 21 74 125 31 94 00913400 Sapkati 307 62 245 150 26 124 lIS 33 82 00913500 NizDandua 980 299 681 202 68 134 676 178 498 00913600 Kachmari Pathar 9 9 9 9 00913700 Daloichuba 109 8 101 7 6 101 7 94 00913800 Gashbari Un-inhabited 00913900 Rajagaon 73 52 21 7 4 3 00914000 Ahaturi Natua Gaon 258 62 196 24 4 20 83 44 39 00914100 Bhairaguri 1 I 1 00914200 Konwargaon 00914300 Chakdharbari 5 4 3 2 00914400 Dopni 00914500 SaruDoani 13 7 6 3 I 2 8 5 3 00914600 larabari 7 5 2 I I 6 4 2 00914700 Katalamara Bari 9 1 8 9 I 8 00914800 Pakamura 7 4 3 5 2 3 2 2 00914900 Bar-Manipur 208 32 176 169 29 140 3 3 00915000 Manipuf No.1 IS7 49 108 18 4 14 101 41 60 00915100 Manipur No.2 32 22 10 1 2S 17 8 392

DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00915200 Nowagaon 208.0 181 974 490 484 135 73 62 00915300 Ghoramara Pathar 114.0 47 253 135 118 36 21 15 00915400 Buhagaon 193.0 2 II 6 5 4 3 I 00915500 Raina Pathar 205.0 28 164 82 82 24 10 14 00915600 Marakolong No.2 241.0 102 607 315 292 130 66 64 00915700 Singimari 201.0 48 289 154 135 41 22 19 00915800 Basanaghat 189.0 249 ],317 683 634 182 79 103 00915900 Aujarigaon 169.0 225 1,144 603 541 158 92 66 00916000 Aujari Pathar 159.0 Un-inhabited 00916100 Barunguri 334.0 ~5 282 140 142 59 28 31 00916200 Bahakajari Pathar 168.0 92 593 304 289 108 60 48 00916300 Bagharapathar 371.0 7 31 14 17 3 3 00916400 Ulubari 102.0 111 639 341 298 96 56 40 00916500 Bagharagaon 224.0 173 873 427 446 124 62 62 00916600 Silsaku 200.0 106 613 31I 302 79 42 37 00916700 Khokhanagog 105.0 137 730 361 369 83 37 46 00916800 Tetelia 113.0 91 498 242 256 85 42 43 00916900 Tetelia Pahar 482.0 79 376 183 193 75 43 32 00917000 Jerengabari 246.0 69 390 194 196 57 32 25 00917100 Kalbari 254.0 193 1,032 505 527 147 71 76 00917200 Gunamara No.2 173.0 201 1,225 642 583 229 127 102 00917300 Bakari Chapari 210.0 76 370 190 180 73 34 39 00917400 MarakolongNo.l 155.0 30 190 108 82 32 22 10 00917500 Gunamara No.1 229.0 56 285 150 135 35 12 23 00917600 Uabari 193.0 162 871 429 442 121 64 57 00917700 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 108.0 65 357 189 168 34 19 15 00917800 Ajarbari 162.0 74 374 185 189 51 24 27 00917900 Meruagaon 184.0 113 556 286 270 105 50 55 00918000 Karaibari 125.0 37 219 105 114 48 21 27 00918100 Bardalpatbar 311.0 79 395 199 196 71 42 29 00918200 Jurgaon 261.0 48 295 144 151 40 22 18 00918300 Hatihulunga 193.0 22 123 68 55 19 9 10 00918400 Chanuabari Dikchang 221.0 25 137 71 66 36 20 16 00918500 Chanuabari 282.0 154 940 487 453 148 84 64 00918600 Mikirbari 250.0 93 532 253 279 76 36 40 00918700 Karaiguri 234.0 1I0 587 308 279 109 61 48 00918800 Athubhanga 264.0 6 44 21 23 11 4 7 00918900 Damal 267.0 203 1,152 582 570 224 107 117 00919000 Charaihagi 171.0 103 562 292 270 83 45 38 00919100 Tengaguri 201.0 74 355 172 183 71 27 44 00919200 Hakanamara 239.0 129 743 395 348 202 109 93 00919300 Maidhali Pathar 165.0 39 183 100 83 29 16 13 00919400 Pasatia Morigaon 180.0 65 345 179 166 76 45 31 00919500 Danduabilar Tup 63.0 24 135 66 69 25 15 10 00919600 Salmari No.1 144.0 60 325 167 158 68 41 27 00919700 Salmari No.2 295.0 328 1,592 787 805 216 108 108 00919800 Barigaon 223.0 583 2,946 1,515 1,431 459 226 233 00919900 Salmari Mikir Gaon 173.0 215 1,159 599 560 171 96 75 00920000 Salmari 248.0 76 424 219 205 65 33 32 00920100 Losonabari 203.0 1I7 605 289 316 103 48 55 00920200 Banpara 393.0 621 3,529 1,788 1,741 534 272 262 00926800 Kalikajari 389.0 869 4,748 2,417 2,331 1,208 602 606 00926900 Hatibat Simaluguri 293.0 214 1,072 547 525 196 109 87 00927000 Dangaria Gaon 337.0 661 3,568 1,789 1,779 581 272 309 00927100 Barangabari 433.0 542 2,578 1,233 1,345 372 179 193 394 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 12 8 4 591 290 301 495 280 215 Nowagaon 21 14 7 150 85 65 Ghoramara Pathar 11 6 5 5 3 2 Buhagaon 7 3 4 150 75 75 58 37 21 Raina Pathar 140 73 67 311 164 147 215 130 85 Marakolong No.2 195 116 79 Singimari 778 396 382 92 49 43 704 411 293 Basanaghat 146 65 81 890 481 409 579 362 217 Aujarigaon Un-inhabited Aujari Pathar 214 107 107 139 88 51 Barunguri 284 148 136 333 194 139 Bahakajari Pathar 30 13 17 17 9 8 Bagharapathar 3 2 1 172 99 73 428 244 184 Ulubari 578 285 293 591 317 274 Bagharagaon 24 15 9 232 118 114 443 244 199 Silsaku I 1 405 198 207 609 314 295 Khokhanagog 10 2 8 474 232 242 299 165 134 Tetelia 57 25 32 278 138 140 226 121 105 Tetelia Pahar 386 192 194 133 80 53 Jerengabari 528 255 273 639 352 287 Kalbari 758 404 354 321 159 162 530 323 207 Gunamara No.2 185 96 89 125 60 65 161 102 59 Bakari Chapari 101 59 42 1 _1 101 64 37 Marakolong No.1 277 146 131 193 122 71 Gunamara No.1 223 108 115 182 86 96 602 326 276 Uabari 357 189 168 181 112 69 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 9 5 4 278 148 130 Ajarbari 2 2 554 284 270 238 141 97 Meruagaon 219 105 114 127 71 56 Karaibari 323 163 160 60 27 33 225 135 90 Bardalpathar 295 144 151 127 66 61 Jurgaon 116 66 50 84 51 33 Hatihulunga 129 67 62 10 8 2 Chanuabari Dikchang 462 242 220 539 334 205 Chanuabari 525 249 276 272 161 111 Mikirbari 580 303 277 289 180 109 Karaiguri 44 21 23 13 8 5 Athubhanga 12 9 3 875 438 437 524 321 203 Damal 126 71 55 271 135 136 335 199 136 Charaihagi 68 32 36 206 98 108 157 81 76 Tengaguri 144 74 70 Hakanamara 169 93 76 96 63 33 Maidhali Pathar 152 82 70 Pasatia Morigaon 58 23 35 Danduabilar Tup 169 86 83 Salmari No.1 9 5 4 50 23 27 1,202 637 565 Salmari No.2 2 1 1 5 4 1 2,062 1,134 928 Barigaon 380 188 192 761 427 334 Salmari Mikir Gaon 223 tl5 108 203 117 86 Salmari 197 90 107 304 170 134 Losonabari 550 280 270 1,530 751 779 1,797 1,027 770 Banpara 1,217 725 492 Kalikajari 233 118 115 598 339 259 Hatibat Simaluguri 964 484 480 1,898 1,082 816 Dangaria Gaon 22 13 9 653 310 343 1,722 902 820 Barangabari 395 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloek- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 00915200 Nowagaon 479 210 269 601 299 302 354 238 116 00915300 Ghoramara Pathar 103 50 53 186 100 86 135 72 63 00915400 Buhagaon 6 3 3 5 2 3 5 2 3 00915500 RainaPathar 106 45 61 107 54 53 79 40 39 00915600 MarakolongNo.2 392 185 207 236 133 103 113 108 5 00915700 Singimari 94 38 56 74 67 7 67 60 7 00915800 Basanaghat 613 272 341 286 275 II 271 261 10 00915900 Aujarigaon 565 241 324 400 330 70 332 318 14 00916000 Aujari Pathar Un-inhabited 00916100 Barunguri 143 52 91 70 65 5 54 52 2 00916200 Bahakajari Pathar 260 110 150 121 97 24 116 95 21 00916300 Bagharapathar 14 5 9 16 8 8 8 6 2 00916400 Ulubari 211 97 114 257 184 73 170 167 3 00916500 Baghrurngaon 282 110 172 444 269 175 247 217 30 00916600 Silsaku 170 67 103 353 193 160 165 161 4 00916700 Khokhanagog 121 47 74 241 210 31 228 201 27 00916800 Tetelia 199 77 122 255 146 109 125 118 7 00916900 Tetelia Pahar 150 62 88 161 95 66 90 77 I3 00917000 Jerengahari 257 114 143 146 96 50 91 87 4 00917100 Kalbari 393 153 240 393 290 103 261 245 16 00917200 GunamaraNo.2 695 319 376 441 341 100 365 296 69 00917300 Bakari Chapari 209 88 121 201 105 96 149 101 48 00917400 MarakolongNo.l 89 44 45 87 52 35 44 39 5 00917500 GunamaraNo.l 92 28 64 92 81 II 72 66 6 00917600 Uahan 269 103 166 402 234 168 265 178 87 00917700 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 176 77 99 104 90 14 88 82 6 00917800 Ajarbari 96 37 59 190 104 86 163 97 66 00917900 Meruagaon 318 145 173 147 135 12 122 121 I 00918000 Karaibari 92 34 58 103 53 50 47 45 2 00918100 Bardalpathar 170 64 106 198 100 98 88 81 7 00918200 Jurgaon 168 78 90 175 88 87 6 4 2 00918300 Hatihulunga 39 17 22 47 37 10 29 29 00918400 Chanuabari Dikchang 127 63 64 81 44 37 00918500 Chanuabari 401 153 248 384 255 129 346 233 113 00918600 Mikirbari 260 92 168 267 144 123 149 121 28 00918700 Karaiguri 298 128 170 228 148 80 196 141 55 00918800 Athubhanga 31 13 18 12 8 4 12 8 4 00918900 Dama1 628 261 367 542 315 227 467 293 174 00919000 Charaihagi 227 93 134 292 164 128 290 164 126 00919100 Tengaguri 198 91 107 157 105 52 149 105 44 00919200 Hakanamara 599 321 278 275 232 43 259 220 39 00919300 Maidhali Pathar 87 37 50 62 56 6 54 50 4 00919400 Pasatia Morigaon 193 97 96 105 96 9 97 90 7 00919.500 Danduabilar Tup 77 43 34 26 25 1 25 25 00919600 Salmari No.1 156 81 75 71 69 2 71 69 2 00919700 Salmari No.2 390 150 240 673 432 241 489 402 87 00919800 Bangaon 884 381 503 763 711 52 721 687 34 00919900 Salmari Mikir Gaon 398 172 226 492 308 184 289 283 6 00920000 Salmari 221 102 119 121 107 14 86 83 3 00920100 Losonabari 301 119 182 186 148 38 184 148 36 00920200 Banpara 1,732 761 971 1,251 882 369 854 768 86 00926800 Kalikajari 3,531 1,692 1,839 1,463 1,124 339 1,010 957 53 00926900 Hatibat Simaluguri 474 208 266 309 245 64 271 232 39 00927000 DangariaGaon 1,670 707 963 972 806 166 746 714 32 00927100 Barangabari 856 331 525 960 630 330 653 554 99 396 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha Industrial categoQ: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 262 165 97 6 6 12 6 6 74 67 7 Nowagaon 123 60 63 2 2 10 10 Ghoramara Pathar 5 2 3 Buhagaon 72 37 35 6 3 3 1 1 Raina Pathar 99 98 1 3 2 1 2 2 9 8 Marakolong No.2 63 58 5 I I 2 1 I I 1 Singimari 31 28 3 4 4 236 229 7 Basanaghat 199 193 6 14 13 119 112 7 Aujarigaon Un-inhabited Aujari Pathar 46 46 1 1 6 4 2 Barunguri 108 88 20 3 3 5 4 1 Bahakajari Pathar 6 6 2 2 Bagharapathar 117 116 1 2 2 51 49 2 Ulubari 143 131 12 37 23 14 2 2 65 61 4 Bagharagaon 128 127 I 12 12 25 22 3 Silsaku 155 150 5 15 12 3 15 6 9 43 33 10 Khokbanagog 67 64 3 19 18 1 6 6 33 30 3 Tetelia 42 40 2 25 16 9 4 3 19 18 1 Tetelia Pahar 84 80 4 I 1 1 1 5 5 Jerengabari 181 174 7 21 20 I 6 2 4 53 49 4 Kalbari 249 224 25 44 11 33 10 9 1 62 52 10 Gunamara No.2 131 92 39 12 4 8 6 5 1 Bakari Chapari 37 34 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 Marakolong No.1 62 59 3 3 I 2 7 6 I Gunamara No.1 192 124 68 21 10 11 52 44 8 Uabari 70 69 1 I I 11 7 4 6 5 1 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 84 66 18 23 3 20 56 28 28 Ajarbari 110 110 4 3 1 8 8 Meruagaon J3 33 8 6 2 2 2 4 4 Karaibari 65 60 5 8 7 I 15 14 Bardalpathar I 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Jurgaon 24 24 5 5 Hatihulunga Chanuabari Dikchang 330 219 111 2 1 13 12 1 Chanuabari 109 95 14 2 5 4 33 24 9 Mikirbari 186 134 52 3 2 7 6 I Karaiguri 12 8 4 Athubhanga 358 208 150 42 34 8 15 6 9 52 45 7 Darnal 225 125 100 I 1 30 8 22 34 31 3 Charaihagi 54 54 18 18 25 4 21 52 29 23 Tengaguri 91 84 7 2 2 166 134 32 Hakanamara 11 II 16 14 2 2 2 25 23 2 Maidhali Pathar 7 7 4 4 86 79 7 Pasatia Morigaon 25 25 Danduabilar Tup 69 67 2 2 2 Salmari No.1 404 333 71 18 8 10 1 66 61 5 Salmari No.2 508 501 7 3 3 5 5 205 178 27 Barigaon 206 206 14 13 68 64 4 Salmari Mikir Gaon 79 76 3 1 1 6 6 Salmari 34 31 3 81 51 30 69 66 3 Losonabari 424 414 10 106 53 53 71 67 4 253 234 19 Banpara 457 450 7 340 320 20 8 5 3 205 182 23 Kalikajari 146 132 14 66 49 17 59 51 8 Hatibat Simaluguri 479 466 13 91 86 5 10 10 166 152 14 Dangaria Gaon 334 319 15 36 24 12 42 8 34 241 203 38 Barangabari 397 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON

VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Industrial catego[Y code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00915200 Nowagaon 247 61 186 46 25 21 39 28 11 00915300 Ghoramara Pathar 51 28 23 43 22 21 4 3 1 00915400 Buhagaon 00915500 Raina Pathar 28 14 14 28 14 14 00915600 MarakolongNo.2 123 25 98 2 1 1 120 24 96 00915700 Singimari 7 7 6 6 1 1 00915800 Basanaghat 15 14 1 1 1 13 12 1 00915900 Aujarigaon 68 12 56 18 3 15 49 8 41 00916000 Aujari Pathar Un-inhabited 00916100 Barunguri 16 13 3 12 11 1 00916200 Bahakajari Pathar 5 2 3 4 1 3 00916300 Bagharapathar 8 2 6 3 1 2 5 1 4 00916400 Ulubari 87 17 70 53 5 48 34 12 22 00916500 Bagharagaon 197 52 145 184 47 137 7 7 00916600 Silsaku 188 32 156 8 3 5 180 29 151 00916700 Khokhanagog 13 9 4 1 1 00916800 Tetelia 130 28 102 87 18 69 38 8 30 00916900 Tetelia Pahar 71 18 53 48 12 36 23 6 17 00917000 Jerengabari 55 9 46 3 2 1 52 7 45 00917100 Kalbari 132 45 87 88 29 59 15 5 10 00917200 Gunamara No.2 76 45 31 28 21 7 39 21 18 00917300 Bakari Chapari 52 4 48 3 I 2 00917400 Marakolong No.1 43 13 30 2 2 2 2 00917500 Gunamara No.1 20 15 5 17 13 4 2 1 1 00917600 Uabari 137 56 81 121 49 72 8 2 6 00917700 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 16 8 8 11 8 3 1 1 00917800 Ajarbari 27 7 20 7 4 3 4 2 2 00917900 Meruagaon 25 14 11 20 12 8 4 1 3 00918000 Karaibari 56 8 48 47 7 40 8 1 7 00918100 Bardalpathar 110 19 91 90 16 74 18 1 17 00918200 Jurgaon 169 84 85 154 72 82 00918300 Hatihulunga 18 8 10 17 7 10 00918400 Chanuabari Dikchang 81 44 37 75 41 34 00918500 Chanuabari 38 22 16 13 8 5 23 13 10 00918600 Mikirbari 118 23 95 20 5 15 22 21 00918700 Karaiguri 32 7 25 32 7 25 00918800 Athubhanga 00918900 Damal 75 22 53 62 16 46 3 3 00919000 Charaihagi 2 2 2 2 00919100 Tcngaguri 8 8 00919200 Hakanamara 16 12 4 3 2 00919300 Maidhali Pathar 8 6 2 1 1 6 4 2 00919400 Pasatia Morigaon 8 6 2 2 2 2 2 00919500 Danduabilar Tup 1 1 00919600 Salmari No.1 00919700 Salmari No.2 184 30 154 151 18 133 30 12 18 00919800 Barigaon 42 24 18 18 12 6 7 5 2 00919900 Salmari Mikir Gaon 203 25 178 17 5 12 182 18 164 00920000 Sahnari 35 24 11 31 21 10 3 3 00920100 Losonabari 2 2 2 2 00920200 Banpara 397 114 283 18 5 13 347 84 263 00926800 Kalikajari 453 167 286 99 56 43 280 97 183 00926900 Hatibat Simaluguri 38 13 25 9 2 7 26 9 17 00927000 Dangaria Gaon 226 92 134 85 20 65 124 58 66 00927100 Baran~abari 307 76 231 58 25 33 156 24 132 398 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 149 4 145 13 4 9 373 191 182 Nowagaon 00915200 4 3 1 67 35 32 Ghoramara Pathar 00915300 6 4 2 Buhagaon 00915400 57 28 29 Raina Pathar 00915500 371 182 189 MarakolongNo.2 00915600 215 87 128 Singirnari 00915700 1,031 408 623 Basanaghat 00915800 744 273 471 Aujarigaon 00915900 Un-inhabited Aujari Pathar 00916000 4 2 2 212 75 13 7 Barunguri 00916100 I I 472 207 265 Bahakajari Pathar 00916200 15 6 9 Bagharapathar 00916300 382 157 225 Ulubari 00916400 6 5 429 158 271 Bagharagaon 00916500 260 118 142 Silsaku 00916600 2 2 10 8 2 489 151 338 Khokhanagog 00916700 3 2 2 1 1 243 96 147 Tetelia 00916800 215 88 127 TeteliaPahar 00916900 244 98 146 Jerengabari 00917000 12 12 17 11 6 639 215 424 Kalbari 00917100 6 6 3 3 784 301 483 GunamaraNo.2 00917200 3 3 46 3 43 169 85 84 Bakari Chapari 00917300 8 8 31 11 20 103 56 47 MarakolongNo.l 00917400 1 1 193 69 124 GunamaraNo.l 00917500 8 5 3 469 195 274 Uabari 00917600 4 4 253 99 154 Dahuti Padum Pukhuri 00917700 6 6 10 9 184 81 103 Ajarbari 00917800 1 409 151 258 Meruagaon 00917900 1 116 52 64 Karaibari 00918000 2 2 197 99 98 Bardalpathar 00918100 13 10 3 2 2 120 56 64 Jurgaon 00918200 1 1 76 31 45 Hatihulunga 00918300 4 2 2 2 1 56 27 29 Chanuabari Dikchang 00918400 1 1 1 1 556 232 324 Chanuabari 00918500 39 39 37 17 20 265 109 156 Mikirbari 00918600 359 160 199 Karaiguri 00918700 32 13 19 Athubhanga 00918800 3 3 7 6 610 267 343 Damal 00918900 270 128 142 Charaihagi 00919000 6 6 2 2 198 67 13 1 Tengaguri 00919100 13 10 3 468 163 305 Hakanamara 00919200 1 1 121 44 77 Maidhali Pathar 00919300 4 2 2 240 83 157 Pasatia Morigaon 00919400 " 1 1 109 41 68 Danduabilar Tup 00919500 254 98 156 Salmari No.1 00919600 3 3 919 355 564 Salmari No.2 00919700 5 2 3 12 5 7 2,183 804 1,379 Barigaon 00919800 1 3 2 1 667 291 376 Salmari Mikir Gaon 00919900 1 1 303 112 191 Salmari 00920000 419 141 278 Losonabari 00920100 13 10 3 19 15 4 2,278 906 1,372 Banpara 00920200 49 49 25 14 11 3,285 1,293 1,992 Kalikajari 00926800 I 1 2 2 763 302 461 Hatibat Sirnaluguri 00926900 4 2 2 13 12 I 2,596 983 1,613 Dangaria Gaon 00927000 55 55 38 27 11 1,618 603 1,015 Barangabari 00927100

399 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00927200 Borigaon 287.0 445 2,276 1,170 1,106 288 144 144 00927300 Rangadoria 384.0 502 3,092 1,624 1,468 684 331 353 00927400 Tumukabori 210.0 309 1,714 877 837 392 193 199 00927500 Dighali Pathar 221.0 113 648 327 321 159 79 80 00927600 Parasu Tangani 352.0 251 1,310 645 665 155 78 77 00927700 Sataribori 288.0 254 1,308 649 659 189 99 90 00927800 Tamulibori 241.0 113 551 273 278 74 40 34 00927900 Tarabori 234.0 402 2,178 1,115 1,063 292 130 162 00928000 Sukdal Barbari 385.0 239 1,328 664 664 229 1I4 1I5 00928100 Sukdal Sarubari 246.0 1I7 601 302 299 74 42 32 00928200 Mikirbheta 282.0 485 2,592 1,305 1,287 403 204 199 00928300 Surat Bori 316.0 169 1,015 523 492 158 93 65 00928400 Hakudangbori 478.0 486 2,462 1,248 1,214 365 193 172 00930500 Bheh Guri 198.0 486 2,733 1,420 1,313 647 340 307 00930600 SilQukhuri 426.0 979 5,950 3,052 2,898 1,331 682 649

400 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bburbandba Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 181 93 88 1,695 937 758 Borigaon 1,262 778 484 Rangadoria 598 371 227 Tumukabori 149 100 49 Dighali Pathar 258 120 138 916 481 435 Parasu Tangani 635 326 309 Sataribori 19 7 12 424 224 200 Tamulibori 3 3 657 353 304 1,438 842 596 Tarabori 223 114 109 750 414 336 Sukdal Barbari 398 204 194 418 224 194 Sukdal Sarubari 366 181 185 158 81 77 1,601 889 712 Mikirbheta 652 356 296 SuratBori 1,064 555 509 499 248 251 1,586 885 701 Hakudangbori 891 546 345 Bheh Guri 6 3 3 268 129 139 1,606 926 680 Silpukhuri

401 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00927200 Borigaon 581 233 348 674 546 128 613 507 106 00927300 Rangadoria 1,830 846 984 892 728 164 753 655 98 00927400 Tumukabori 1,116 506 610 614 440 174 508 399 109 00927500 Dighali Pathar 499 227 272 211 179 32 178 165 13 00927600 Parasu Tangani 394 164 230 388 335 53 339 316 23 00927700 Sataribori 673 323 350 345 317 28 293 271 22 00927800 Tamulibori 127 49 78 107 104 3 107 104 3 00927900 Tarabori 740 273 467 917 576 341 684 522 162 00928000 Sukdal Barbari 578 250 328 347 299 48 314 280 34 00928100 Sukdal Sarubari 183 78 105 203 133 70 139 123 16 00928200 Mikirbheta 991 416 575 844 629 215 540 494 46 00928300 Surat Bori 363 167 196 477 296 181 267 206 61 00928400 Hakudangbori 876 363 513 918 609 309 581 541 40 00930500 Bheh Guri 1,842 874 968 864 708 156 709 690 19 00930600 SilEukhuri 4,344 2,126 2,218 1,314 1,256 58 980 934 46

402 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha Industrial categoD:: of main workers Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 293 265 28 48 22 26 39 II 28 233 209 24 Borigaon 389 383 6 124 124 67 2 65 173 146 27 Rangadoria 233 231 2 83 82 23 12 11 169 74 95 Tumukabori 105 104 I 53 53 20 8 12 Dighali Pathar 179 170 9 66 59 7 4 4 90 83 7 Parasu Tangani 173 172 I 27 27 2 2 91 72 19 Sataribori 87 85 2 1 1 2 2 17 16 1 Tamulibori 455 328 127 20 9 II 12 I II 197 184 13 Tarabori 213 200 13 7 5 2 3 1 2 91 74 17 Sukdal Barbari 82 75 7 10 10 1 1 46 38 8 Sukdal Sarubari 253 231 22 42 40 2 22 22 223 201 22 Mikirbheta 205 155 50 8 8 4 2 2 50 41 9 SuratBori 344 328 16 93 84 9 3 3 141 126 15 Hakudangbori 507 497 10 162 162 to 6 4 30 25 5 BhehGuri 633 618 15 146 146 3 2 I 198 168 30 Sil~ukhuri

403 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Location Name ofViJlage Industrial cate2oo: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00927200 Borigaon 61 39 22 18 17 1 30 16 14 00927300 Rangadoria 139 73 66 15 9 6 22 20 2 00927400 Tumukabori 106 41 65 13 11 2 20 20 00927500 DighaJi Pathar 33 14 19 7 7 7 7 00927600 Parasu Tangani 49 19 30 34 9 25 13 8 5 00927700 Sataribori 52 46 6 5 5 14 14 00927800 Tamulibori 00927900 Tarabori 233 54 179 185 37 148 28 6 22 00928000 Sukdal Barbari 33 19 14 15 12 3 3 2 1 00928100 Sukdal Sarubari 64 10 54 62 8 54 00928200 Mikirbheta 304 135 169 156 52 104 102 52 50 00928300 SuratBori 210 90 120 188 69 119 18 18 00928400 Hakudangbori 337 68 269 240 41 199 91 22 69 00930500 Bheh Guri 155 18 137 52 14 38 17 4 13 00930600 Sil[lukhuri 334 322 12 17 16 1 291 283 8

404 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bhurbandha of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 6 6 7 6 1 1,602 624 978 Borigaon 00927200 24 2 22 78 42 36 2,200 896 1,304 Rangadoria 00927300 16 2 14 57 8 49 1,100 437 663 Tumukabori 00927400 1 1 18 18 437 148 289 Dighali Pathar 00927500 1 1 1 922 310 612 Parasu Tangani 00927600 33 27 6 963 332 631 Sataribori 00927700 444 169 275 Tarnulibori 00927800 8 7 12 10 2 1,261 539 722 Tarabori 00927900 9 9 6 5 1 981 365 616 Sukdal Barhari 00928000 2 2 398 169 229 Sukdal Sarubari 00928100 12 3 9 34 28 6 1,748 676 1,072 Mikirbheta 00928200 1 I 3 3 538 227 311 SuratBori 00928300 2 1 4 4 1,544 639 905 Hakudangbori 00928400 86 86 1,869 712 1,157 BhehGuri 00930500 2 2 24 23 4,636 1,796 2,840 Sil2ukhuri 00930600


PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF KAPILI PT. CD BLOCK DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0005 KapiJi Pt. (Total) 5,431.0 7,189 39,364 20,008 19,356 6,444 3,292 3,152 0005 Kapili Pt. (Rural) 5,431.0 7,189 39,364 20,008 19,356 6,444 3,292 3,152 0005 Kapili Pt. (Urban) Kapili Pt. (Rural) 00928500 Garrnari 255.0 231 1,364 707 657 366 197 169 00928600 Thengkhrui 267.0 472 2,793 1,466 1,327 583 321 262 00928700 Kalmoubari 194.0 409 2,143 1,108 1,035 400 208 192 00928800 Tarajan 242.0 101 613 304 309 151 67 84 00928900 Mikirgaon 435.0 450 2,386 1,214 1,172 414 235 179 00929000 Patua Kata 366.0 273 1,525 768 757 261 131 130 00929100 BarsakaBaha 207.0 411 2,222 1,126 1,096 421 215 206 00929200 Ghurabak Pathar 230.0 9 58 28 30 13 6 7 00929300 Niz-Charai Bahi 541.0 958 5,223 2,639 2,584 647 323 324 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 00929400 Rahdha1a 219.0 309 1,646 838 808 317 154 163 00929500 Baramara Pathar 185.0 167 973 499 474 178 90 88 (Barama Pathar) 00929600 Majaorbori 209.0 291 1,488 731 757 265 119 146 00929700 Jruuguti 175.0 608 3,129 1,611 1,518 536 273 263 00929800 Takuna Bori 210.0 513 2,716 1,361 1,355 401 198 203 00929900 Kashadhara Sat Gaon 191.0 180 1,062 538 524 193 97 96 (Kashadhara) 00930000 Bar Bhagia 185.0 557 3,155 1,604 1,551 387 191 196 00930100 Kahibari 444.0 580 3,153 1,583 1,570 434 222 212 00930200 Bhurnuraguri 357.0 227 1,352 710 642 202 116 86 00930300 M~gaon 260.0 73 365 183 182 40 19 21 00930400 Niz-Mikirgaon 259.0 370 1,998 990 1,008 235 110 125

408 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kapili Pt. Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 2,619 1,310 1,309 4,586 2,278 2,308 23,391 12,962 10,429 Kapili Pt. (Total) 2,619 1,310 1,309 4,586 2,278 2,308 23,391 12,962 10,429 Kapili Pt. (Rural) Kapili Pt. (Urban) Kapili Pt. (Rural) 312 195 117 Garmari 1,222 701 521 Thengkhali 839 489 350 Kalmoubari 184 113 71 Tarajan 9 6 3 599 304 295 1,261 692 569 Mikirgaon 940 516 424 Patua Kata 99 49 50 1,053 579 474 Barsaka Baha 22 14 8 Ghurabak Pathar 364 185 179 869 435 434 3,984 2,187 1,797 Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 907 519 388 Rahdhala 508 258 250 Baramara Pathar (BaramaPathar) 966 527 439 Majaorbori 12 5 7 207 101 106 1,794 990 804 Jaluguti 710 350 360 162 82 80 1,902 1,009 893 TakunaBori 1,030 524 506 4 2 2 638 363 275 Kashadhara Sat Gaon (Kashadhara) 428 215 213 6 2 4 2,372 1,303 1,069 Bar Bhagia 27 11 16 851 421 430 2,065 1,140 925 Kahibari 974 512 462 708 426 282 Bhumuraguri 84 42 42 251 140 111 Majgaon 39 14 25 731 328 403 1,463 801 662 Niz-Mikirgaon

409 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Illiterates Total workers Main workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0005 Kapili Pt. (Total) 15,973 7,046 8,927 11,786 9,647 2,139 9,444 8,453 991 0005 Kapili Pt. (Rural) 15,973 7,046 8,927 11,786 9,647 2,139 9,444 8,453 991 0005 Kapili Pt. (Urban) KapiJi Pt. (Rural) 00928500 Garmari 1,052 512 540 323 294 29 170 162 8 00928600 Thengkhali 1,571 765 806 818 697 121 621 581 40 00928700 Kalmoubari 1,304 619 685 829 619 210 621 551 70 00928800 Tarajan 429 191 238 145 138 7 131 127 4 00928900 Mikirgaon 1,125 522 603 1,052 687 365 732 586 146 00929000 Patua Kata 585 252 333 429 379 50 360 344 16 00929100 Barsaka Baba 1,169 547 622 612 584 28 556 538 18 00929200 Ghurabak Pathar 36 14 22 24 14 10 24 14 10 00929300 Niz-Charai Bahi 1,239 452 787 1,553 1,241 312 1,247 1,078 169 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 00929400 Rahdhala 739 319 420 372 343 29 368 342 26 00929500 Baramara Pathar 465 241 224 335 243 92 215 207 8 (Barama Pathar) 00929600 Majaorbori 522 204 318 427 394 33 390 366 24 00929700 Jaluguti 1,335 621 714 934 823 III 770 691 79 00929800 Takuna Bori 814 352 462 764 715 49 702 672 30 00929900 Kashadhara Sat Gaon 424 175 249 296 272 24 210 202 8 (Kashadhara) 00930000 Bar Bhagia 783 301 482 921 704 217 705 649 56 00930100 Kahibari 1,088 443 645 1,040 739 301 728 592 136 00930200 Bhumuraguri 644 284 360 428 327 101 423 326 97 00930300 Majgaon 114 43 71 18 16 2 18 16 2 00930400 Niz-Mikirgaon 535 189 346 466 418 48 453 409 44

410 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kapili Pt. In!o!lI~lIii!1 Ci!1S;I:;s!O:: S!! w!!in workS;[:1 Name of Village Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 4,535 4,120 415 1,057 886 171 135 68 67 3,717 3,379 338 KapiJi Pt. (Total) 4,535 4,120 415 1,057 886 171 135 68 67 3,717 3,379 338 Kapili Pt. (Rural) Kapili Pt. (Urban) Kapili Pt. (Rural) 143 137 6 to 10 1 1 16 15 1 Garmari 325 320 5 146 138 8 16 4 12 134 119 15 Thengkhali 461 419 42 41 27 14 5 2 3 114 103 11 Kalmoubari 52 52 58 56 2 4 3 1 17 16 I Tarajan 367 319 48 183 115 68 7 5 2 175 147 28 Mikirgaon 198 198 55 51 4 6 2 4 101 93 8 Patua Kata 316 313 3 113 107 6 127 118 9 Barsaka Baha 15 10 5 9 4 5 Ghurabak Pathar 584 488 96 62 55 7 19 15 4 582 520 62 Niz-Charai Bahi (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 106 101 5 67 60 7 3 1 2 192 180 12 Rahdhala 84 82 2 29 26 3 2 2 100 97 3 Baramara Pathar (Barama Pathar) 180 176 4 63 59 4 8 1 7 139 130 9 Majaorbori 195 188 7 73 58 15 8 5 3 494 440 54 Jaluguti 149 146 3 81 74 7 9 7 2 463 445 18 Takuna Bori 78 77 I I 1 5 5 126 124 2 Kashadhara Sat Gaon (Kashadhara) 357 346 11 34 30 4 9 9 305 273 32 Bar Bhagia 405 320 85 36 14 22 14 9 5 273 249 24 Kahibari 322 241 81 15 8 7 86 77 9 Bhumuraguri 3 2 1 15 14 1 Majgaon 195 185 10 5 5 4 4 249 215 34 Niz-Mikirgaon

411 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY CDBlock- Location Name ofVilJage Industrial categoQ: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0005 KapiJi Pt. (Total) 2,342 1,194 1,148 643 335 308 1,017 513 504 0005 KapiJi Pt. (Rural) 2,342 1,194 1,148 643 335 308 1,017 513 504 0005 Kapili Pt. (Urban) KapiJi Pt. (Rural) 00928500 Garmari 153 132 21 75 75 39 36 3 00928600 Thengkhali 197 116 81 34 21 13 87 61 26 00928700 Kalmoubari 208 68 140 98 39 59 52 9 43 00928800 Tarajan 14 11 3 2 2 11 9 2 00928900 Mikirgaon 320 101 219 191 49 142 77 27 50 00929000 Patua Kata 69 35 34 41 19 22 23 12 II 00929100 Barsaka Baha 56 46 10 23 17 6 29 25 4 00929200 Ghurabak Pathar 00929300 Niz-Charai Bahi 306 163 143 80 36 44 168 91 77 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 00929400 Rahdhala 4 1 3 1 1 00929500 Baramara Pathar 120 36 84 12 3 9 40 26 14 (Barama Pathar) 00929600 Majaorbori 37 28 9 8 8 15 9 6 00929700 Jaluguti 164 132 32 24 23 1 100 79 21 00929800 TakunaBori 62 43 19 17 17 23 8 15 00929900 Kashadhara Sat Gaon 86 70 16 4 3 5 3 2 (Kashadhara) 00930000 Bar Bhagia 216 55 161 5 2 3 142 40 102 00930100 Kahibari 312 147 165 24 17 7 204 76 128 00930200 Bhumuraguri 5 1 4 00930300 M!\igaon 00930400 Niz-Mikirgaon 13 9 4 5 4 1

412 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kapili Pt. of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 263 26 237 419 320 99 27,578 10,361 17,217 Kapili Pt. (Total) 0005 263 26 237 419 320 99 27,578 10,361 17,217 Kapili Pt. (Rural) 0005 - Kapili Pt. (Urban) 0005 Kapili Pt. (Rural) 21 3 18 18 18 1,041 413 628 Garmari 00928500 32 3 29 44 31 13 1,975 769 1,206 Tbengkhali 00928600 36 7 29 22 13 9 1,314 489 825 Kalmoubari 00928700 I 1 468 166 302 Tarajan 00928800 12 3 9 40 22 18 1,334 527 807 Mikirgaon 00928900 I I 4 4 1,096 389 707 Patua Kata 00929000 4 4 1,610 542 1,068 BarsakaBaha 00929100 34 14 20 Ghurabak Pathar 00929200 12 3 9 46 33 13 3,670 1,398 2,272 Niz-Charai Bahi 00929300 (Niz-Sarai Bahi) 3 3 1,274 495 779 Rahdhala 00929400 61 61 7 7 638 256 382 BaramaraPathar 00929500 (Barama Pathar) 3 3 11 11 1,061 337 724 Majaorbori 00929600 7 6 33 29 4 2,195 788 1,407 Jaluguti 00929700 1 1 21 18 3 1,952 646 1,306 Takuna Bori 00929800 4 4 73 64 9 766 266 500 Kashadhara Sat Gaon 00929900 (Kashadhara) 59 3 56 10 10 2,234 900 1,334 BarBhagia 00930000 6 5 78 53 25 2,113 844 1,269 Kahibari 00930100 5 4 924 383 541 Bhurnuraguri 00930200 347 167 180 Majgaon 00930300 2 5 3 2 1,532 572 960 Niz-Mikirgaon 00930400



VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Location Name of Village Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Village in households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number hectares popUlation) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Total) 7,267.0 6,821 37,132 18,840 18,292 5,890 3,002 2,888 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 7,267.0 6,821 37,132 18,840 18,292 5,890 3,002 2,888 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Urban) Dulongghat pt. (Rural) 00930700 Kuji Satra 377.0 283 1,536 842 694 219 122 97 00930800 Boalguri 299.0 161 874 429 445 165 82 83 00930900 Ga-Khajua 107.0 186 1,055 531 524 189 97 92 00931000 Simaluguri 188.0 105 577 290 287 59 34 25 00931100 Haladhi Ati 222.0 205 1,082 547 535 165 77 88 00931200 Kahua Ati 226.0 274 1,498 768 730 239 141 98 00931300 Khalapia 287.0 271 1,683 861 822 416 198 218 00931400 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) 271.0 171 915 448 467 177 76 101 00931500 Parali Guri 257.0 192 1,117 550 567 269 136 133 00931600 BarsHa 425.0 326 1,792 887 905 351 173 178 00931700 Bar Hulung 360.0 67 371 179 192 79 34 45 00931800 Tup Gaon 91.0 66 400 205 195 70 36 34 00931900 Pub Borigaon 221.0 86 455 230 225 48 18 30 00932000 Mulan Kamura 228.0 620 3,127 1,678 1,449 439 246 193 00932100 Bar Manipur 253.0 620 3,399 1,753 1,646 511 265 246 00932200 Chotarnonipur 151.0 55 246 121 125 56 23 33 00932300 Etakali Sabukdhara 455.0 255 1,538 741 797 271 132 139 00932400 Chari Punia (Charia Punia) 547.0 421 2,410 1,222 1,188 385 196 189 00932500 Ghumati Gaon 382.0 268 1,486 738 748 210 109 101 00932600 Bhakat Gaon 351.0 393 2,094 1,025 1,069 263 130 133 00932700 Kasai Bori 250.0 51 288 160 128 66 38 28 00932800 Paghali 227.0 632 3,392 1,730 1,662 559 293 266 00932900 Bamun Bori 357.0 348 1,800 911 889 233 122 III 00933000 Sonaruguri 277.0 263 1,417 707 710 179 87 92 00933100 Palahguri 174.0 193 976 486 490 119 59 60 00933200 Kapahera 284.0 309 1,604 801 803 153 78 75

416 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Dulongghat Pt. Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name of Village

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 2,553 1,275 1,278 13,753 6,946 6,807 22,279 12,448 9,831 Dulongghat Pt. (Total) 2,553 1,275 1,278 13,753 6,946 6,807 22,279 12,448 9,831 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) Dulongghat Pt. (Urban) Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 444 228 216 726 411 315 1,023 621 402 Kuji Satra 195 94 101 509 250 259 478 262 216 Boalguri 2 1 1 948 475 473 531 294 237 Ga-Khajua 132 58 74 210 109 101 425 234 191 Simaluguri 206 102 104 856 435 421 607 365 242 HaladhiAti 204 98 106 1,279 664 615 855 519 336 KahuaAti 363 217 146 Khalapia 13 6 7 170 85 85 440 251 189 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) 545 274 271 350 207 143 Parah Guri 148 16 72 1,037 500 537 847 467 380 Barsila 355 169 186 159 90 69 Bar Hulung 400 205 195 205 125 80 Tup Gaon 10 5 5 27 11 16 398 209 189 Pub Borigaon 41 26 15 2,145 1,197 948 Mulan Kamura 28 17 11 772 389 383 2,105 1,142 963 Bar Manipur 124 69 55 Chotamonipur 1,466 707 759 840 467 373 Etakali Sabukdhara 61 33 28 2,278 1,150 1,128 1,287 773 514 Chari Punia (Charia Punia) 399 201 198 1,074 568 506 Ghumati Gaun 118 69 49 472 229 243 1,506 797 709 Bhakat Gaon 17 11 6 153 100 53 Kasai Bori 977 480 497 478 244 234 2,044 1,147 897 PaghaJi 379 199 180 1,385 757 628 BamunBori 246 129 117 876 482 394 Sonaruguri 15 8 7 783 409 374 Palahguri 143 73 70 1,276 679 597 Kapahera

417 418 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Dulongghat Pt. Ingusu:ial cats;gon: of main wQrkers Name ofViIlage Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers W rker Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 4,788 4,138 650 860 612 248 255 87 168 2,945 2,567 378 Dulongghat Pt. (Total) 4,788 4,138 650 860 612 248 255 87 168 2,945 2,567 378 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) Dulongghat Pt. (Urban) Dulonggbat Pt. (Rural) 188 185 " 3 14 10 4 4 3 137 126 11 Kuji Satra 114 114 28 25 3 4 4 56 52 4 Boalguri 178 171 7 32 23 9 1 I 26 23 3 Ga-Khajua 86 84 2 15 II 4 2 2 33 32 I Simaluguri 232 210 22 1 1 33 27 6 HaladhiAti 217 211 6 35 29 6 1 1 92 77 15 KahuaAti 143 139 4 97 95 2 15 13 2 Khalapia 200 170 30 45 30 15 2 2 35 33 2 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) 193 187 6 63 55 8 15 15 18 17 I Parali Guri 94 90 4 14 12 2 I 69 62 7 Barsila 83 50 33 24 13 11 21 18 3 Bar Hulung 88 49 39 28 13 15 I 21 19 2 Tup Gaon 81 79 2 2 2 59 48 II Pub Borigaon 174 172 2 38 37 1 40 7 33 557 530 27 Mulan Kamura 189 183 6 11 10 1 11 4 7 434 404 30 Bar Manipur 34 31 3 8 6 2 7 I 6 24 24 Chotamonipur 230 I 193 37 10 7 3 5 5 67 63 4 Etakali Sabukdhara 455 421 34 43 29 14 5 3 2 67 63 4 Chari Punia (Charia Punia) 158 142 16 17 15 2 6 6 94 81 13 Ghumati Gaon 271 186 85 73 30 43 12 5 7 152 124 28 BhakatGaon 14 14 10 9 I Kasai Bori 333 306 27 90 49 41 95 5 90 355 326 29 Paghali 297 194 103 103 72 31 3 3 139 125 14 BamunBori 331 197 134 22 17 5 14 12 2 88 71 17 Sonaruguri 141 123 18 8 5 3 8 8 105 89 16 Palahguri 264 237 27 42 19 23 15 12 3 238 III 127 KaEahera

419 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Location Name ofViJlage Industrial categoQ:: code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Total) 6,214 2,121 4,093 2,425 935 1,490 2,336 812 1,524 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 6,214 2,121 4,093 2,425 935 1,490 2,336 812 1,524 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Urban) Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 00930700 Kuji Satra 188 65 123 5 2 3 160 50 110 00930800 Boalguri 146 23 123 13 10 3 132 12 120 00930900 Ga-Khajua 277 57 220 97 26 71 178 29 149 00931000 Simaluguri 36 9 27 22 6 16 13 2 11 00931100 HaiadhiAti 121 II 110 117 II 106 3 3 00931200 Kahua Ati 582 161 421 140 40 100 433 120 313 00931300 Khalapia 218 139 79 215 136 79 1 1 00931400 DeoraBori (Dura Bori) 201 35 166 146 20 126 54 14 40 00931500 Parali Guri 88 18 70 39 6 33 47 12 35 00931600 Barsila 417 284 133 124 121 3 289 159 130 00931700 Bar Hulung 60 12 48 34 5 29 25 7 18 00931800 Tup Gaon 51 14 37 30 7 23 20 7 13 00931900 Pub Borigaon 10 3 7 2 1 1 00932000 Mulan Kamura 158 99 59 11 11 40 36 4 00932100 Bar Manipur 618 220 398 71 58 I3 57 47 10 00932200 Chotamonipur 68 12 56 25 7 18 5 5 00932300 EtakaliSabukdhara 525 146 379 329 106 223 191 39 152 00932400 Chari Punia (Charia Punia 507 113 394 413 99 314 23 6 17 00932500 Ghumati Gaon 272 109 163 123 45 78 59 48 11 00932600 Bhakat Gaon 317 109 208 106 47 59 88 28 60 00932700 Kasai Bori 114 55 59 2 2 41 36 5 00932800 Paghali 524 175 349 103 75 28 144 55 89 00932900 Bamun Bori 265 60 205 151 30 121 106 24 82 00933000 Sonaruguri 208 91 117 44 29 15 149 56 93 00933100 Palahguri 93 24 69 4 4 61 11 50 00933200 Kaeahera 150 77 73 61 36 25 15 12 3

420 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Dulonggbat Pt. of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 935 48 887 518 326 192 22,070 9,315 12,755 Dulongghat Pt. (Total) 0006 935 48 887 518 326 192 22,070 9,315 12,755 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 0006 - Dulongghat Pt. (Urban) 0006 Dulongghat Pt. (Rural) 8 8 15 13 2 1,005 453 552 Kuji Satra 00930700 1 I 526 211 315 Boalguri 00930800 2 2 541 256 285 Ga-Khajua 00930900 I I 405 152 253 Simaluguri 00931000 1 695 298 397 Haladhi Ati 00931100 8 8 I I 511 289 282 Kahua Ati 00931200 2 2 1,210 475 735 Khalapia 00931300 I 432 178 254 Deora Bori (Dura Bori) 00931400 2 2 740 273 467 Parali Guri 00931500 I 3 3 1,197 438 759 Barsila 00931600 1 183 86 97 Bar Hulung 00931700 I 211 109 102 Tup Gaon 00931800 5 5 3 2 I 303 100 203 Pub Borigaon 00931900 60 6 54 47 46 I 2,160 833 1,327 Mulan Kamura 00932000 339 9 330 151 106 45 2,136 932 1,204 Bar Manipur 00932100 31 1 30 7 4 3 105 47 58 Chotamonipur 00932200 4 I 3 1 I 701 327 374 Etakali Sabukdhara 00932300 65 3 62 6 5 1 1,333 593 740 Chari Punia (Charia Punia) 00932400 14 I 13 76 IS 61 939 385 554 Ghumati GaOll 00932500 76 4 72 47 30 17 1,269 571 698 Bhakat Gaon 00932600 39 2 37 32 15 17 150 82 68 Kasai Bori 00932700 229 7 222 48 38 10 1,995 869 1,126 Paghali 00932800 2 I I 6 5 1 993 457 536 Bamun Bori 00932900 11 2 9 4 4 754 319 435 Sonaruguri 00933000 11 2 9 17 11 6 621 237 384 Palahguri 00933100 28 7 21 46 22 24 895 345 550 Kal1ahera 00933200


URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON URBAN PRIMARY Location Name of Townl Ward Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Town/Ward households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number in square QOQulation} Kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) 12.40 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036 0001 Ward No. I 3,704 17,177 9,256 7,921 2,127 1,091 1,036

40902000 Marigaon (TC) 4.00 4,223 20,811 10,838 9,973 2,585 1,350 1,235 0001 Ward No. 1 735 3,714 1,934 1,780 442 220 222 0002 Ward No. 2 1,465 6,963 3,585 3,378 923 480 443 0003 Ward No. 3 1,301 6,630 3,461 3,169 867 461 406 0004 Ward No.4 722 3504 1858 1646 353 189 164

424 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Name ofTowni Ward

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 5,297 Jagiro!ld (CT) 2,174 1,180 994 1,984 1,013 971 12,524 7,227 5,297 Ward No.1

3,315 1,686 1,629 2,299 1,146 1,153 15,499 8,546 6,953 Marigaon (TC) 335 166 169 244 124 120 2,927 1,610 1,317 Ward No.1 1,824 917 907 1,786 883 903 4,958 2,736 2,222 Ward No.2 1,069 548 521 33 14 19 4,718 2,603 2,115 Ward No.3 87 55 32 236 125 111 2,896 1,597 1299 Ward No.4


CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial categon:: of main workers Name ofTownl Ward Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Jagiroad (CT) 110 93 17 55 42 13 110 98 12 5,101 4,675 426 Ward No. 1

638 602 36 64 52 12 143 103 40 5,153 4,334 819 Marigaon (TC) 33 30 3 2 2 7 5 2 1,113 941 172 Ward No. 1 260 244 16 28 21 7 43 36 7 1,602 1,388 214 Ward No. 2 260 249 11 21 21 71 55 16 1,607 1,317 290 Ward No. 3 85 79 6 13 10 3 22 7 15 831 688 143 Ward No. 4

427 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON URBAN PRIMARY Location code Name of Townl Ward Marginal workers Industrial category number Cultivators Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40901000 Jagiroad (CT) 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16 0001 Ward No.1 292 205 87 20 14 6 27 11 16

40902000 Marigaon (TC) 558 297 261 53 40 13 74 28 46 0001 Ward No.1 175 56 119 5 1 4 36 6 30 0002 Ward No.2 126 78 48 16 13 3 17 8 9 0003 Ward No.3 224 148 76 31 26 5 5 4 I 0004 Ward No. 4 33 15 18 16 10 6

428 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Non-workers Name ofTowni Ward Location Household industry workers Other workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Jagiroad (CT) 40901000 19 7 12 226 173 53 11,509 4,143 7,366 Ward No. 1 0001

103 22 81 328 207 121 14,255 5,450 8,805 Marigaon (TC) 40902000 42 4 38 92 45 47 2,384 902 1,482 Ward No. 1 0001 42 16 26 51 41 10 4,904 1,818 3,086 Ward No. 2 0002 15 2 13 173 116 57 4,447 1,671 2,776 Ward No. 3 0003 4 4 12 5 7 2,520 1,059 1,461 Ward No. 4 0004



Annexure - I: Number of villages under each children born alive during the last year were Gram Panchayat canvassed. The first three questions were asked for (Data has not been collected on Panchayat Level) all ever-married women while the last question was canvassed for only currently married women. The Annexure - II: Note on Fertility and Mortality, measures of fertility are based on F series tables of 1991 Census 1951 Census as well as district profile, 1991. Various Growth of population over the period if time for fertility measures have been defined in forgoing a given geographical area is the combined result of chapters concerning detmitions. Not a single fertility number of birth, death and spatial mobility taking measures give complete understanding of fertility place during the intervening Period. Birth adds up trends thus it depends upon various fertility the population whereas death lessens the figures measures. CBR is the most common but fertility (subtracts). Spatial (geographical) mobility is caused measures ASFR and ASMFR are more refined either under compulsion or in a hope to take out fertility measures. Fertility beyond marriage as a better and safe living. Birth minus death over the taboo in India. Marriage is an important aspect of time is known as natural growth whereas people Indian social life. Thus population censuses and large coming for settlement minus leaving the area under scale demographic surveys invariably collect data consideration over the time period is called net on the martial status of population separately for migration. males and females. Age at effective marriage of females is a key factor which influences fertility. Census of India 200 I has shown that India is the second most populous country of the World after Mortality: th China. Every 6 person of the world is Indian. India During 1991 Census information on the questions has crossed one billion mark and her growth rate is on children ever born and children surviving were higher than China, though it has shown declining canvassed for all ever married women (mothers). trend. The rising population is a matter of great From this estimate of child mortality can be worked concern to Planners, Demographers and out. The various measures of mortality estimated Administrators. The components of population through the Sample Registration System are crude change are births, deaths and net migration. death rates (CDR), infant mortality rate (IMR) and Demographically, they studied under fertility, age specific mortality rate which are also defined in mortality and migration respectively. the earlier portion of write up. The sources of fertility and mortality data are :- The crude death rate is the most common i) the decennial census. measure of mortality. Infant mortality rate shows how many children of the age 0 years i.e. below ii) compulsory registration of births and death one year die per thousand live births. Infant mortality under Civil Registration System. rate comprises of two parts, viz, neo-natal mortality iii) Simple Registration System. rate and post neo-natal mortality rate. The neo-natal mortality rate also comprises of two parts. Early iv) other studies. neo-natal mortality rate and late neo- natal mortality Fertility : rate. The country is passing through s demographic In scientific symbol probably of proportional transition marked by a fairly high fertility and success is taken as P and that of failure as q. Death moderate mortality. The period 1981 - 2001 has is considered as failure. Estimates of child mortality shown high growth rate with the signal of declining indicates are shown in the form of q(I), q(2) and growth rate. In comparison to the great size of Indian q(5) for probability of deaths by age 2,3, and 5 population role of migration is not very substantial. respectively. Thus, fertility is a major component of growth The concepts and definitions of various measures population. In the 1991 Census, questions on fertility relating to Fertility, Mortality and Migration are related to age at marriage, number of surviving explained in detail in earlier chapter on non Census children, number of children ever born alive and concept DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT

Annexure - III : Various measures of Fertility the Marigaon District it may be seen that the GFR and mean age at Marriage, 1991 Census of 128,GMFR of 183, TFR 4.0 and TMFR of 6.1 against the respective figures at state level are at Fertility : 135, 190, 4.2 and 6.0. Various measures of fertility As seen through various indicators of fertility in related data are presented in the following Table:

Table- I Various measure of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census SI.No. Fertility Measure M aril?flOfl district Assam 1 2 3 4 1 G F. R. 128 135 2 GM.F.R. 183 190 3 T. F. R. 4 4.2 4 T.M. F.R. 6.1 6 5 Crude Birth Rate 30.5 31.5 6 No. of Children ever born two women in age Group 5.9 5.2 45-49 7 Mean age at Marriage 18 18.3 8 Child - Woman Ratio (0 - 4) 675 575 9 Child - Woman Ratio (5 - 9) 818 735

In all fertility measures the levels are found low Marigaon district is somewhat lower than that of the in Marigaon district than the state levels except TMFR state. It is, thus an indication of early marriage. The and no. of children ever born per woman than that of sizes of child woman ratios in both age groups are the state average. But the mean age at marriage in very high in the district than the state levels. Table-ll District - wise various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census StateIDistrict GFR GMFR TER TMFR CBR No. of children Mean Age at ever born per ever Marriage of married women in currently age- group 45·49 married women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assam 135 190 4.2 6 31.5 5.2 18.3 I Dhubri 170 230 5.1 6.9 38.2 6.2 16.9 2 Kokrajhar 172 241 5.3 7.5 39.7 4.8 18.2 3 Bongaigoan 124 178 4 5.8 29.3 5.6 17.6 4 Goalpara 149 213 4.5 6.6 35.2 5.9 17.5 5 Barpeta 202 281 6.4 8.9 43.2 6.1 17.8 6 Nalbari 213 271 6.3 8 47 5.5 18.1 7 Kamrup 114 165 3.4 5.4 28.3 4.9 18.4 8 Darrang 185 246 5.5 7.3 42 5.5 18.0 9 Sonitpur 141 201 4.4 6.5 34 5.0 18.6 10 Lakhimpur 149 211 4.7 6.8 34.1 5.1 18.2 11 Dhemaji 104 157 3.3 5.3 25.9 6.2 18.5 12 Marigoan 128 183 4 6.1 30.5 5.9 18.0 13 Nagaon 152 215 4.8 6.9 33.2 5.6 17.9 14 Golaghat 138 196 4.4 6.3 32.1 4.8 18.8 15 lorhat 133 193 4.4 6.1 31.5 4.5 19.0 16 Sibsagar 136 196 4.3 6.3 31.1 4.5 19.0 17 Dibrugarh 110 213 3.4 6.8 24.4 4.2 19.1 18 Tinsukia 165 225 5.1 6.9 37.5 4.7 18.6 19 Karbi-Anglong 140 207 4.4 6.8 33.1 5.1 18.8 20 N. C. Hills 127 187 3.8 6.4 29.7 5.5 19.2 21 Karimganj 196 291 7.1 9.3 48.5 4.8 18.2 22 Hailakandi 136 196 4.2 6.4 32.1 5.0 18.2 23 Cachar 137 190 4.1 6.1 32.6 4.5 18.5

434 ANNEXURES Mortality: The mortality figures in the district confirms and mortality. The mortality rates are shown below to the general theory of relation between fertility in the following Table: Thble-Ill Age Specific marital fertility levels in Assam and Marigaon district, 1991 Census Age Group District: Mari~n State: Assam T R U T R U 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 - 19 0.178 0.179 0.147 0.151 0.152 0.133

20-24 0.275 0.278 0.235 0.214 0.219 0.165

25 -29 0.242 0.284 0.14 0.183 0.192 0.12

30-34 0.176 0.179 0.123 0.134 0.14 0.093

35 -39 0.127 0.129 0.09 0.087 0.094 0.042

40-44 0.085 0.089 0.017 0.049 0.052 0.022

45-49 0.061 0.063 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.025

The Age Specific Marital Fertility levels are found high rural. In respect of urban, measures in the district are in all age groups in Marigaon than Assam in total and found higher than the state except in age group 40-44. Thble-IV Estimate of child mortality, 1991 Census Mortality Measure Mari~n Assam 1 2 3 Q.I Person 88 92 Male 106 96 Female 97 87 Q.2 Person 127 101 Male 131 104 Female 124 98 Q.3 Person 131 104 Male 139 106 Female 104 101 QA Person 136 116 Male 141 Il8 Female 127 lIS Q (1) in the above annexure shows the infant Mortality rate in Marigaon District are such higher Mortality rates and Q(2), (3) and (5) indicate the size than that of the state rates. It can therefore, be of Child Mortality in the age group below 2,3, and 5 presumed that the health status in the District is not years respectively. It is seen in the table that the satisfactory in comparison to the state.

Annexure IV : Percentage distributor of migrants by place of birth! place of last residence, 1991 and 2001 Census. Migration: The detail data may be seen in the following Table.

435 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Table-I Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth, 1991 Census, Assam Total migrants From other districts StateIDistrict Person Male Female Person Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assam 2,331,877 1,118,913 1,212,964 62.4 55.9 68.5 I.Dhubri 78,093 29,670 48,423 50.5 45.7 53.4 2. Kokrajhar 84,972 39,766 45,206 61.3 58.5 63.7 3. Bongaigoan 131,356 59,620 71,736 66.3 59.8 71.7 4. Goalpara 62,218 29,317 32,901 66.6 60.5 72.1 5. Barpeta 74,281 27,480 46,801 59.5 42.1 69.7 6. Nalbari 94,1l9 38,100 56,019 78.6 70.1 84.4 7. Kamrup 331,098 176,589 154,509 63.3 59.0 68.2 8. Darrang 121,789 57.205 64,584 62.3 54.9 68.9 9. Sonitpur 161,558 80,576 80,982 63.0 58.9 68.0 10. Lakhimpur 63,688 31,067 32,621 72.6 64.8 80.1 II. Dhemaji 115,029 61,141 53,888 84.8 82.5 87.5 . 12 Marig20an 52,176 20,523 31,653 73.6 61.8 81.3 13 Nagoan 149,411 71,247 78,164 47.2 38.2 55.4 14. Golaghat 93,585 45,063 48,522 77.2 71.7 82.3 15. lorhat 66,639 29,962 36,677 68.8 54.3 80.6 16. Sibsagar 60,201 26,520 33,681 68.4 52.4 81.0 17. Dibrugarh 118,684 58,060 60,624 59.7 49.5 69.5 18. Tinsukia 140,479 76,794 63,685 54.2 48.6 61.0 19. Kl9.Anglong 104,789 57,106 47,683 60.1 57.4 63.4 20. N.C. Hills 30,346 18,762 1l,584 73.3 73.0 73.8 21. Karimganj 68,166 28,507 39,659 35.4 25.9 42.2 22. Hailakandi 32,821 12,802 20,019 62.0 49.9 69.7 23. Cachar 96,379 43,036 53,343 42.4 34.2 49.0

From other states From other countries StatelDistrict Person Male Female Person Male Female I 8 9 10 II 12 13 Assam 23.0 27.6 18.8 14.6 16.6 12.7 1. Dhubri 312 29.4 32.4 183 25.0 142 2. Kokrajhar 23.0 22.8 23.3 15.7 18.7 13.0 3. Bongaigoan 16.4 192 14.0 17.3 21.0 143 4. Goalpara 13.6 16.5 11.0 19.8 22.9 17.0 5. Barpeta 11.6 17.5 8.1 28.9 40.4 22.1 6. Nalbari 10.9 15.9 7.6 10.5 14.1 8.0 7. Karnrup 28.3 32.3 23.7 8.4 8.7 8.1 8. Darrang 21.3 25.7 17.5 16.4 19.4 13.7 9. Sonitpur 25.3 28.6 22.0 112 12.5 10.0 10. Lakhimpur 17.9 24.3 U.8 9.5 11.0 82 11. Dhemaji 9.0 10.7 7.0 62 6.8 5.6 12 Marig20an U.s 172 7.7 14.9 21.1 10.9 13. Nagoan 20.4 24.3 16.7 32.5 37.5 27.9 14. Golaghat 19.8 24.8 152 3.0 3.5 2.5 15. lorhat 27.7 40.9 16.9 3.6 4.9 2.6 16. Sibsagar 28.3 43.1 16.7 33 4.5 2.3 17. Dibrugarh 34.6 43.8 25.7 5.7 6.7 4.8 18. Tinsukia 373 42.5 31.1 8.5 8.9 7.9 19. Kl9.Anglong 30.0 32.1 27.4 9.9 10.5 92 20. N.C.HiIls 20.1 19.7 20.7 6.6 7.4 5.4 21. Karimganj 21.4 20.6 22.1 432 53.5 35.8 22. Hailakandi 18.7 24.6 15.0 19.3 25.5 15.3 23. Cachar 20.1 22.7 18.0 37.6 432 33.1

436 ANNEXURES In the above Annexure it is clear that out of total of Assam . But in case of persons born in other population born out side the District 73.6% are states and countries, the male migrants is higher migrated from other Districts of the State and 11.5% than female migrants. are from other states out side of Assam and 14.9% Similar data on migration in respect of migrants are from other countries of the world. The data also shows that portion of females are higher than males classified by their place of last residence are in the category of migrants born from other districts presented in the following Table. Table - II Percentage distribution of migrants b,r (!Iace of birtb- 2001 Assam Statel District Total migrants From elsew here in the district From other districts outside the place of enumeration Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Assam 6,630,435 2,577,532 4,055,103 4,387,640 1,557,499 2,831,557 1,536,085 627,311 909,294 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.2 60.4 69.8 23.2 24.3 22.4 Kokrajhar 293,326 130,451 162,875 217,481 100,639 116,842 49,208 18,044 31,164 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.1 77.1 71.7 16.8 13.8 19.1 Dhubri 350,729 92,131 258,598 281,506 71,296 210,210 39,543 11,157 28,386 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.3 77.4 81.3 11.3 12.1 11.0 Goalpara 199,662 72,584 127,078 133,063 43,603 89,460 49,928 20,341 29,587 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.6 60.1 70.4 25.0 28.0 23.3 Bongaigaon 235,100 83,980 151,120 119,387 37,168 82,219 82,691 29,985 52,706 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.8 44.3 54.4 35.2 35.7 34.9 Barpeta 349,442 87,519 261,923 286,165 69,953 216,212 47,774 9,601 38,173 100.0 100.0 100.0 81.9 79.9 82.5 13.7 11.0 14.6 Kamrup 866,694 407,816 458,878 457,848 191,722 266,126 284,460 142,044 142,416 100.0 100.0 100.0 52.8 47.0 58.0 32.8 34.8 31.0 Nalbari 332,953 126,428 206,525 256,908 100,029 156,879 64,043 19,698 44,345 100.0 100.0 100.0 77.2 79.1 76.0 19.2 15.6 21.5 Darrang 350,153 116,363 233,790 254,818 75,775 179,043 67,326 25,155 42,171 100.0 100.0 100.0 72.8 65.1 76.6 19.2 21.6 18.0 Marigaon 164,949 51,122 113,827 119,706 36,993 82,713 36,884 9,404 27,480 100.0 100.0 100.0 72.6 72.4 72.7 22.4 18.4 24.1 Nagaon 471,973 163,420 308,553 339,307 105,938 233,369 80,744 28,968 51,776 100.0 100.0 100.0 71.9 64.8 75.6 17.1 17.7 16.8 Sonitpur 391,159 170,133 221,026 226,053 90,290 135,763 119,601 54,850 64,751 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.8 53.1 61.4 30.6 32.2 29.3 Lakhimpur 186,222 67,711 118,511 118,428 36,967 81,461 51,883 20,774 31,109 100.0 100.0 100.0 63.6 54.6 68.7 27.9 30.7 26.2 Dhemaji 168,885 83,673 85,212 78,573 36,070 42,503 77,814 40,036 37,778 100.0 100.0 100.0 46.5 43.1 49.9 46.1 47.8 44.3 Tinsukia 285,524 145,554 139,970 145,812 70,721 75,091 80,795 39,225 41,570 100.0 100.0 100.0 51.1 48.6 53.6 28.3 26.9 29.7 Dibrugarh 318,761 140,836 177,925 208,400 90,269 118,131 72,614 28,408 44,206 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.4 64.1 66.4 22.8 20.2 24.8 Sibsagar 215,291 81,416 133,875 139,242 48,948 90,294 54,141 17,909 36,232 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.7 60.1 67.4 25.1 22.0 27.1 Jorhat 232,479 97,740 134,739 155,396 64,690 90,706 52,123 17,367 34,756 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.8 66.2 67.3 22.4 17.8 25.8 Golagha't 241,962 101,588 140,374 154,861 60,478 94,383 65,835 28,269 37,566 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.0 59.5 67.2 27.2 27.8 26.8 Karbi Anglong 224,582 114,227 II 0,355 129,152 64,220 64,932 60,088 29,053 31,035 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.5 56.2 58.8 26.8 25.4 28.1 North Cachar 59,553 32,863 26,690 32,767 16,865 15,902 20,154 11,733 8,421 Hills 100.0 100.0 100.0 55.0 51.3 59.6 33.8 35.7 31.6 Cachar 348,926 109,472 239,454 272,068 74,773 197,295 34,242 12,427 21,815 100.0 100.0 100.0 78.0 68.3 82.4 9.8 11.4 9.1 Karimganj 218,830 66,572 152,258 167,763 46,520 121,243 22,451 6,984 15,467 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.7 69.9 79.6 10.3 10.5 10.2 Hailakandi 121,080 31,733 89,347 91,488 22,210 69,278 21,219 5,362 15,857 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.6 70.0 77.5 17.5 16.9 17.7 437 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Table-II Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth- 2001 Assam State/ District From other States From other countries Person Male Female Person Male Female 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 Assam 516,090 290,060 226,216 190,620 102,661 88,036 7.8 11.3 5.6 2.9 4.0 2.2 Kokrajhar 17,971 7,134 10,837 8,666 4,634 4,032 6.1 5.5 6.7 3.0 3.6 2.5 Dhubri 21,993 5,756 ]6,237 7,687 3,922 3,765 6.3 6.2 6.3 2.2 4.3 1.5 GoaJpara 8,8 II 4,657 4,154 7,860 3,983 3,877 4.4 6.4 3.3 3.9 5.5 3.1 Bongaigaon 20,369 10,009 10,360 12,653 6,818 5,835 8.7 11.9 6.9 5.4 8.1 3.9 Barpeta 6,512 3,295 3,217 8,991 4,670 4,321 1.9 3.8 1.2 2.6 5.3 1.6 Kamrup 108,217 65,010 43,207 16,169 9,040 7,129 12.5 15.9 9.4 1.9 2.2 1.6 Nalbari 6,425 3,674 2,751 5,577 3,027 2,550 1.9 2.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 1.2 Darrang 18,243 10,229 8,014 9,766 5,204 4,562 5.2 8.8 3.4 2.8 4.5 2.0 Marigaon 4,350 2,528 1,822 4,009 2,197 1,812 2.6 4.9 1.6 2.4 4.3 1.6 Nagaon 25,791 14,566 11,225 26,131 13,948 12,183 5.5 8.9 3.6 5.5 8.5 3.9 Sonitpur 34,877 19,260 15,617 10,628 5,733 4,895 8.9 11.3 7.1 2.7 3.4 2.2 Lakhimpur 12,943 8,303 4,640 2,968 1,667 1,301 7.0 12.3 3.9 1.6 2.5 1.1 Dhemaji 9,454 5,856 3,598 3,044 1,711 1,333 5.6 7.0 4.2 1.8 2.0 1.6 Tinsukia 50,983 31,195 19,788 7,934 4,413 3,521 17.9 21.4 14.1 2.8 3.0 2.5 Dibrugarh 34,225 20,122 14,103 3,522 2,037 1,485 10.7 14.3 7.9 l.l 1.4 0.8 Sibsagar 20,737 13,906 6,831 1,171 653 518 9.6 17.1 5.1 0.5 0.8 0.4 Iorhat 23,546 14,844 8,702 1,414 839 575 10.1 15.2 6.5 0.6 0.9 0.4 Golaghat 19,540 11,894 7,646 1,726 947 779 8.1 11.7 5.4 0.7 0.9 0.6 Karbi Anglong 28,713 17,074 11,639 6,629 3,880 2,749 12.8 14.9 10.5 3.0 3.4 2.5 North Cachar Hills 5,434 3,496 1,938 1,198 769 429 9.1 10.6 7.3 2.0 2.3 1.6 Cachar 19,142 9,828 9,314 23,474 12,444 11,030 5.5 9.0 3.9 6.7 11.4 4.6 Karimganj 12,462 4,609 7,853 16,154 8,459 7,695 5.7 6.9 5.2 7.4 12.7 5.1 Hailakandi 5,186 2,588 2,598 3,187 1,573 1,614 4.3 8.2 2.9 2.6 5.0 1.8 In the above table it is seen that out of the total The data also shows that females are higher migrants in the District of Morigaon 72.6% are in the category from elsewhere in the district from elsewhere in the district outside the place of of enumeration and from other district of state, enumeration, 22.4% are from other district of the In the other two categories male migrants are state, 2.6.% are from other state and 2.4% are from higher. other countries.

438 ANNEXURES Table-lli Percentage distribution of migrants by place oflast residence. 1991 Census Assam

Total migrants From other districts StateiDistrict Person Male Female Person Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assam 739,960 351,477 388,483 74.6 69.5 79.2 I. Dhubri 27,740 9,510 18,230 68.5 71.6 66.8 2. Kokrajhar 24,430 10,080 14,350 75.2 78.1 73.2 3. Bongaigoan 42,978 18,130 24,848 82.7 79.4 85.1 4. Goalpara 20,794 9,682 11,112 84.7 81.0 87.9 5. Barpeta 24,989 8,979 16,010 82.2 71.0 88.4 6. Nalbari 26,078 9,138 16,940 86.7 77.1 91.9 7. Kamrup 133,682 71,482 62,200 71.9 69.3 74.8 8. Darrang 30,932 12,995 17,937 82.6 76.4 87.0 9. Sonitpur 53,810 26,478 27,332 74.3 71.0 77.5 10. Lakhimpur 18,306 8,780 9,526 77.9 68.8 86.4 11. Dhemaji 31,175 15,595 15,580 86.5 83.5 89.4 12. Marigoan 17,927 7,353 10,574 84.5 78.7 88.6 13. Nagoan 34,170 15,120 19,050 12.8 65.1 78.9 14. Golaghat 28,010 13,830 14,180 79.5 71.4 87.5 15. Jorhat 24,215 12,808 11,407 73.8 66.5 82.0 16. Sibsagar 22,020 11,020 11,000 67.0 52.4 81.7 17. Dibrugarh 37,612 19,066 18,546 68.0 60.0 76.3 18. Tinsukia 40,240 21,490 18,750 68.4 63.6 73.9 19. K.Anglong 27,854 15,066 12,788 71.6 69.2 74.4 20. N.C. Hills 14,122 9,018 5,104 79.7 78.6 81.6 21. Karimganj 16,492 6,429 10,063 64.0 60.8 66.1 22. Hailakandi 11,406 4,856 6,550 72.7 64.8 78.5 23. Cachar 30,978 14,572 16,406 56.5 50.4 61.9

From other States From other countries StateiDistrict Person Male Female Person Male Female 1 8 9 10 11 12 13

Assam 22.9 27.6 18.6 2.5 2.8 2.2 I. Dhubri 29.5 25.0 31.8 2.1 3.4 1.4 2. Kokrajhar 21.7 18.8 23.7 3.1 3.2 3.1 3. Bongaigoan 15.1 17.9 13.0 2.3 2.8 1.9 4. Goalpara 13.3 16.1 10.8 2.0 2.9 1.3 5. Barpeta 13.3 21.5 8.7 4.5 7.5 2.9 6. Nalbari 11.3 19.3 7.0 2.0 3.6 l.l 7. Kamrup 26.4 29.1 23.3 1.7 1.7 1.8 8. Darrang 15.2 20.9 11.1 2.2 2.7 1.9 9. Sonitpur 24.5 27.8 21.3 1.2 1.2 l.l 10. Lakhimpur 20.2 29.3 11.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 11. Dhemaji 12.4 15.2 9.6 1.2 1.4 1.0 12. Marigoan 134 19.2 10.3 1.56 2.2 l.l 13. Nagoan 23.1 29.7 17.9 4.1 5.2 3.3 14. Golaghat 19.8 27.9 11.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 15. Jorhat 25.0 32.0 17.2 1.2 1.5 0.9 16. Sibsagar 32.2 46.6 17.8 0.7 1.0 0.5 17. Dibrugarh 31.1 38.9 23.1 0.9 l.l 0.7 18. Tinsukia 29.6 34.5 24.0 2.0 1.9 2.1 19. K. Anglong 26.8 29.1 24.1 1.7 1.8 1.5 20. N.C. Hills 18.2 18.6 17.4 2.1 2.8 1.0 21. Karimganj 29.9 30.3 29.6 6.1 8.9 4.3 22. Hailakandi 24.9 31.5 20.0 2.5 3.7 1.5 23. Cachar 30.1 35.7 25.1 13.5 13.9 13.0


It is found that the migrants from other districts share than the males. The migrants from outside the within the state consists the major part of the total state consists 14.0% of total migrants whereas these migrants 84.5% and in this females have slightly higher from other countries consists simply 1.6% in the district Table -IV Percentage distribution of migrants by place of Last Residence - 2001 Assam State! District Total migrants From elsewhere in the district outside the place of enumeration Person Male Female Person Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assam 13,288,669 5,166,421 8,124,448 9,942,188 3,642,062 6,301,735 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.8 70.5 77.6 Kokrajhar 6,792,826 2,648,757 4,144,069 5,090,650 1,875,534 3,215,116 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.9 70.8 77.6 Dhubri 356,710 94,505 262,205 297,889 76,572 221,317 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.5 81.0 84.4 Goalpara 202,642 73,993 128,649 151,163 51,247 99,916 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.6 69.3 77.7 Bongaigaon 239,225 85,939 153,286 141,406 46,405 95,001 100.0 100.0 100.0 59.1 54.0 62.0 Barpeta 357,120 90,559 266,561 311,865 77,335 234,530 100.0 100.0 100.0 87.3 85.4 88.0 Kamrup 885,397 416,283 469,114 566,473 249,341 317,132 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.0 59.9 67.6 Nalbari 342,463 130,302 212,161 297,789 113,958 183,831 100.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.5 86.6 Darrang 362,890 122,401 240,489 290,232 91,887 198,345 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 75.1 82.5 Marigaon 169,790 53,145 116,645 139,159 42,970 96,189 100.0 100.0 100.0 82.0 80.9 82.5 Nagaon 483,893 168,986 314,907 389,038 127,792 261,246 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.4 75.6 83.0 Sonitpur 399,773 174,195 225,578 282,479 118,204 164,275 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.7 67.9 72.8 Lakhimpur 190,827 69,743 121,084 137,071 45,375 91,696 100.0 100.0 100.0 71.8 65.1 75.7 Dhemltii 174,346 86,433 87,913 104,836 50,087 54,749 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.1 57.9 62.3 Tinsukia 291,966 148,870 143,096 188,516 94,084 94,432 100.0 100.0 100.0 64.6 63.2 66.0 Dibrugarh 328,057 145,068 182,989 248,621 107,879 140,742 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.8 74.4 76.9 Sibsagar 221,317 84,506 136,811 167,205 60,429 106,776 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.6 71.5 78.0 Jorhat 241,415 101,690 139,725 195,611 81,589 114,022 100.0 100.0 100.0 81.0 80.2 81.6 Golaghat 247,229 103,970 143,259 189,890 76,898 112,992 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.8 74.0 78.9 Karbi Anglong 231,243 117,676 113,567 161,800 82,300 79,500 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 69.9 70.0 North Cachar Hills 60,873 33,572 27,301 37,740 19,862 17,878 100.0 100.0 100.0 62.0 59.2 65.5 Cachar 357,473 112,159 245,314 282,800 78,727 204,073 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.1 70.2 83.2 Karimganj 224,328 68,547 155,781 172,701 48,318 124,383 100.0 100.0 100.0 77.0 70.5 79.8 Hailakandi 124,666 32,922 91,744 95,617 23,706 71,911 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.7 72.0 78.4


Annexure-IV Percentage distribution of migrants by place of last Residence - 2001 Assam State! District From other districts From other States From other countries Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Assam 2,290,303 944,028 1,346,670 800,019 442,902 357,262 256,159 137,429 118,782 17.2 18.3 16.6 6.0 8.6 4.4 1.9 2.7 1.5 Kokrajhar 1,164,069 478,780 685,289 407,141 224,189 182,952 130,966 70,254 60,712 17.1 18.1 16.5 6.0 8.5 4.4 1.9 2.7 1.5 Dhubri 32,540 9,445 23,095 20,260 5,382 14,878 6,021 3,106 2,915 9.1 10.0 8.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 1.7 3.3 1.1 Goalpara 40,698 17,151 23,547 6,615 3,536 3,079 4,166 2,059 2,107 20.1 23.2 18.3 3.3 4.8 2.4 2.1 2.8 1.6 Bongaigaon 70,820 25,784 45,036 18,831 9,293 9,538 8,168 4,457 3,711 29.6 30.0 29.4 7.9 10.8 6.2 3.4 5.2 2.4 Barpeta 34,490 7,769 26,721 5,123 2,526 2,597 5,642 2,929 2,713 9.7 8.6 10.0 1.4 2.8 1.0 1.6 3.2 1.0 Kamrup 221,176 109,198 111,978 87,413 52,047 35,366 10,335 5,697 4,638 25.0 26.2 23.9 9.9 12.5 7.5 1.2 1.4 1.0 Nalbari 37,988 12,590 25,398 3,684 2,139 1,545 3,002 1,615 1,387 Il.l 9.7 12.0 1.1 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.2 0.7 Darrang 52,432 19,375 33,057 13,634 7,635 5,999 6,592 3,504 3,088 14.4 15.8 13.7 3.8 6.2 2.5 1.8 2.9 1.3 Marigaon 24,931 6,958 17,973 3,389 1,980 1,409 2,311 1,237 1,074 14.7 13.1 15.4 2.0 3.7 1.2 1.4 2.3 0.9 Nagaon 59,479 21,861 37,618 19,508 10,818 8,690 15,868 8,515 7,353 12.3 12.9 11.9 4.0 6.4 2.8 3.3 5.0 2.3 Sonitpur 83,856 38,057 45,799 26,828 14,332 12,496 6,610 3,602 3,008 21.0 21.8 20.3 6.7 8.2 5.5 1.7 2.1 1.3 Lakhimpur 42,079 17,136 24,943 10,157 6,402 3,755 1,520 830 690 22.1 24.6 20.6 5.3 9.2 3.1 0.8 1.2 0.6 Dhemaji 61,607 31,637 29,970 6,627 4,018 2,609 1,276 691 585 35.3 36.6 34.1 3.8 4.6 3.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 Tinsukia 60,603 28,936 31,667 37,637 23,025 14,612 5,210 2,825 2,385 20.8 19.4 22.1 12.9 15.5 10.2 1.8 1.9 1.7 Dibrugarh 51,908 21,125 30,783 25,232 14,700 10,532 2,296 1,364 932 15.8 14.6 16.8 7.7 10.1 5.8 0.7 0.9 0.5 Sibsagar 37,855 13,128 24,727 15,518 10,552 4,966 739 397 342 17.1 15.5 18.1 7.0 12.5 3.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 Iorhat 29,344 10,195 19,149 15,583 9,405 6,178 877 501 376 12.2 10.0 13.7 6.5 9.2 4.4 0.4 0.5 0.3 Golaghat 42,934 18,468 24,466 13,428 8,069 5,359 977 535 442 17.4 17.8 17.1 5.4 7.8 3.7 0.4 0.5 0.3 KarbiAnglong 43,821 20,478 23,343 21,420 12,508 8,912 4,202 2,390 1,812 19.0 17.4 20.6 9.3 10.6 7.8 1.8 2.0 1.6 North Cachar Hills 17,640 10,160 7,480 4,698 3,045 1,653 795 505 290 29.0 30.3 27.4 7.7 9.1 6.1 1.3 1.5 l.l Cachar 34,719 12,566 22,153 19,160 9,790 9,370 20,794 11,076 9,718 9.7 11.2 9.0 5.4 8.7 3.8 5.8 9.9 4.0 Karimganj 23,428 7,382 16,046 12,941 4,809 8,132 15,258 8,038 7,220 10.4 10.8 10.3 5.8 7.0 5.2 6.8 11.7 4.6 Hailakandi 21,493 5,451 16,042 5,064 2,526 2,538 2,492 1,239 1,253 17.2 16.6 17.5 4.1 7.7 2.8 2.0 3.8 1.4

From the above table it is seen that migrants district it is 14.7 %, from other state it consists from elsewhere in the district out side the place of 2.0 % and from other countries it is 1.4 % of of enumeration consists of 82.0 %, from other the total migrants.


Annexure V : Brief account of main religions in the district/ tahsil as per 1991 and 2001 Census Religion: A brief account of religious composition in the district along with state is presented in the following Table.

Table-I Main religions in the Marigaon district and Assam state, 1991 Census

Percentage District/State Religion Number of followers Percent to total population Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 Assam Total population 22,414,322 100 88.9 1 I.I Hindu 15,047,293 67.1 86.2 13.8 Muslim 6,373,204 28.4 94.7 5.3 Christian 744,367 3.3 96.0 4.0 Buddhist 64,008 0.3 93.0 7.0 Jain 20,645 0.1 21.9 78.1 Sikh 16,492 0.1 31.3 68.8

Marigaon Total population 639,682 100 94.8 5.2 Muslim 289,835 45.3 98.2 1.8 Hindu 348,989 54.6 92.2 7.8 Christian 147 0 68.7 31.3 Jain 498 0 61.7 38.3 Buddhist 87 0 4.6 95.4 Sikh 87 0 4.6 95.4 The figures in the above annexure show that religious community in the district. Hindus occupy compared to the state as a whole the proportion a share of 54.6% in the District. Christian consists of Muslims is more in the district. The Muslims 0.0% as against 3.3% at State level which is also who constitute about 28.4% of total population at on lower side. However, in case of Jains and Sikhs State level but in the district their percentage is in the District shares are less than the state much high with 45.3%. It is the second largest averages. 'Thble-II Main religions in the Marigaon district and Assam state, - 2001 Census District :-Marigaon (09) N umber of Percent to total District/State Religion followers population

Assam All Religions 26,655,528 100.0 23,216,288 87.1 12.9 Hindus 17,296,455 64.9 14,477,966 83.7 16.3 Muslims 8,240,611 30.9 7,714,619 93.6 6.4 Christians 986,589 3.7 936,008 94.9 5.1 Sikhs 22,519 0.1 7,634 33.9 66.1 Buddhists 51,029 0.2 44,546 87.3 12.7 Jains 23,957 0.1 3,603 15.0 85.0 Others 22,999 0.1 21,608 94.0 6.0 Religion not stated 11,369 0.0 10,304 90.6 9.4

Marigaon All Religions 776,256 100.0 738,268 95.1 37,988 4.9 Hindus 405,302 52.2 373,750 92.2 31,552 7.8 Muslims 369,398 47.6 363,236 98.3 6,162 1.7 Christians 759 0.1 712 93.8 47 6.2 Sikhs 69 0.0 21 30.4 48 69.6 Buddhists 84 0.0 64 76.2 20 23.8 Jains 308 0.0 149 48.4 159 51.6 Others 5 0.0 5 100.0 0 0.0 Religion not stated 331 0.0 331 100.0 0 0.0 442 ANNEXURES The figure in the above table shows that the lower than the state percentage, followed by Muslims Hindus in the district constitute 52.2 percent which is 47.6 percent, Christians 0.1 percent. Annexure VI : Marital status of population as per 1991 and 2001 Census. Marital Status : The data on marital status of population Assam for males and females are presented below in the as well as in Marigaon district for each age-group following Table.

'ThbIe-I Age, Sex and Marital Status of population in Assam, 1991 Census Percentage of populatIOn ill each age-group Total population Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Age group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II All-ages 11,657,989 10,756,333 622 536 362 403 15 57 01 04 0-9 3,186,918 3,111,567 100 100 0 0 0 0 o 0 Oct-14 1,392,328 1,324,066 991 980 08 19 0 0 o 01 15-19 1,138,194 1,090,133 975 762 24 231 01 02 01 03 20-24 1,010,899 1,015,221 802 319 194 665 02 08 01 08 25-29 995,859 1,016,294 455 105 536 871 06 15 02 09 30-34 818,991 721,874 194 43 792 917 1 1 3 1 02 09 35-39 752,586 603,728 6 5 18 919 922 14 53 02 07 40-44 557,963 434,903 35 14 941 879 22 10 I 03 07 45-49 464,996 355,057 23 08 947 837 28 150 02 05 50-54 376,277 312,731 22 09 925 732 50 254 03 05 55-59 257,597 197,790 16 04 923 675 59 316 02 05 60-64 259,569 225,265 1 9 06 882 508 97 481 02 05 65-69 137,334 110,001 14 03 878 472 105 520 03 05 70-74 122,787 96,862 19 10 845 347 134 641 02 03 75-79 552,441 39,760 14 08 83 335 152 65 I o 2 50 80+ 84,290 63,351 60 28 729 262 202 704 60 06 Age not stated 46,160 37,730 91 1 894 69 79 07 09 05 04

Note: Data on unspecified mantal status are not taken Into account but they are Included m the figures shown tn Col No 2 and 3 'ThbJe..ll Age, Sex and Marital status of population in Marigaon district, 1991 Census Percentage of population m each age-group Age- Total population Never M arned Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 All ages 329,613 310,069 626 533 359 403 14 6 01 04 0-9 99,169 97,862 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oct-14 41,100 37,190 993 978 07 22 0 0 0 0 15-19 31,559 29,880 964 692 35 299 01 04 0 05 20-24 25,180 26,677 750 23 1 248 746 02 1 1 01 12 25-29 26,856 28,771 399 72 596 897 04 28 02 0 30-34 22,038 19,660 161 33 826 919 01 39 03 09 35-39 20,314 17,288 48 15 941 913 10 64 01 08 40-44 14,530 12,340 22 10 96 863 17 119 01 08 45-49 11,950 9,001 1 8 06 96 815 22 176 0 04 50-54 9,670 8,590 12 05 941 726 45 26 02 09 55-59 6,381 5,400 13 04 936 685 50 304 02 07 60-64 7,475 6,740 09 02 891 574 96 323 04 02 65-69 3,930 3,170 13 03 870 473 115 524 03 0 70-74 3,954 3,160 15 06 856 405 124 585 05 03 75-79 1,840 1,320 22 08 821 333 158 659 0 0 80+ 2,707 2,210 19 14 716 253 266 724 0 09 A~e not stated 960 810 906 889 63 86 21 12 10 0

Note : Data on unspecified marital status are not taken mto account but they are Illcluded III the figures shown 10 Col No 2 and 3

443 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT A comparison of the district level figures of higher than the state. The higher percentage of marital, status with that of the state averages re- married male and female are seen in age-group 40- veals that the percentage of never married males is 44 and 30-34 in the district and the respective fig­ slightly higher and the same is slightly lower in ure in the State are found in age group 45-49 and female than that of the State averages .In case of 35 - 39 respectively. 16.1% males in the age group married males and females, the percentages are 30 - 34 is unmarried in the district as against 19.4% almost same with the State. In all other categories in the state which reveals that males do not wait to of marital status, the percentages for females are higher ages for marriage in the district

Table - III Age, Sex and Marital Status of population in Assam - 2001 Census

Percentage of population in each Status Age-group Total Population N ever married Married Widowed Divorced/Sep arated Males Females Males% Females% Males% Females% Males% Females% Males% Females%

All ages 13,777,037 12,878,491 59.7 51.0 38.7 41.8 1.5 6.7 0.2 0.5 0-9 3,377,526 3,260,173 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-14 1.717,969 1,614,674 99.5 98.3 0.4 1.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 15-19 1,368,367 1,242,426 97.4 79.4 2.5 20.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 20-24 1,157,866 1,157,272 78.5 36.2 21.2 62.3 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.8 25-29 1,125,381 1,190,550 45.9 13.9 53.3 83.7 0.5 1.5 0.2 0.9 30-34 1.006,114 972,087 22.1 6.3 76.7 89.5 0.9 3.1 0.3 l.l 35-39 1,020,991 900,579 8.1 3.3 90.2 89.9 1.4 5.6 0.3 l.l 40-44 765,738 603,378 3.4 2.6 94.2 85.7 2.0 10.5 0.4 1.2 45-49 633,848 508,502 1.9 1.7 95.0 81.6 2.7 15.6 0.4 1.0 50-54 467,765 375,830 1.5 1.5 93.9 71.9 4.2 25.7 0.4 1.0 55-59 317,679 281,473 1.3 1.0 92.9 68.0 5.5 30.2 0.4 0.8 60-64 288,977 288,107 1.5 1.4 89.2 49.5 8.9 48.4 0.4 0.7 65-69 191,204 190,879 1.5 1.4 87.6 44.6 10.5 53.4 0.4 0.6 70-74 157,066 138,963 1.6 1.6 83.8 31.6 14.2 66.3 0.4 0.6 75-79 75,158 60,373 2.3 1.9 80.6 31.1 16.7 66.4 0.4 0.5 80+ 88,180 81,459 3.4 3.2 73.3 24.6 22.8 71.7 0.5 0.5 Age not stated 17,208 11,766 62.9 63.3 35.4 30.4 1.4 6.0 0.2 0.3 Less than 18 5,920,190 5,607,460 99.7 98.1 0.3 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Less than 21 6,836,042 6,503,581 98.6 92.3 1.3 7.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1

444 ANNEXURES Table-IV Age, Sex and Marital Status of population in Marigaon - 2001 Census

Percentage of pop ulation in each Status Age-group Total Population N ever married Married Widowed D ivorced/Sep arated Males Females Males% Females% Males% Females% Males% Females% MaJes% Females% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 All ages 398,926 377,330 60.6 S1.1 38.2 41.9 1.1 6.3 0.1 0.6 0-9 110,086 106,610 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-14 50,864 47,793 99.5 98.2 0.5 1.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 15-19 38,712 33,309 96.7 73.4 3.2 25.9 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.4 20-24 31,363 31,947 74.7 26.2 25.0 71.8 0.2 0.9 0.1 1.0 25-29 31,043 33,795 38.7 9.8 60.8 87.4 0.3 1.7 0.2 1.1 30-34 27,795 27,563 17.3 4.8 81.8 90.6 0.7 3.3 0.2 1.3 35-39 27,411 24,683 6.5 2.6 92.5 90.7 0.9 5.5 0.2 1.2 40-44 20,996 16,526 2.8 2.4 95.6 86.0 1.5 10.2 0.2 1.4 45-49 16,810 13,874 1.4 1.7 96.6 82.7 1.8 14.6 0.2 1.0 50-54 12,588 10,836 0.9 1.3 95.7 71.8 3.1 25.9 0.3 0.9 55-59 7,976 7,580 0.9 1.0 94.8 69.9 4.0 28.4 0.3 0.8 60-64 7,983 8,476 1.1 1.2 91.8 52.4 6.7 45.9 0.4 0.5 65-69 4,922 5,176 1.3 1.2 90.0 51.2 8.5 47.0 0.2 0.6 70-74 4,754 4,166 1.0 1.4 88.4 38.5 10.3 59.5 0.3 0.6 75-79 2,191 1,737 1.9 1.2 85.1 38.2 12.6 60.2 0.4 0.5 80+ 3,157 3,077 2.2 3.2 77.6 28.0 19.7 68.2 0.4 0.6 Age not stated 275 182 54.9 62.6 44.4 33.0 0.7 3.8 0.0 0.5 Less than 18 184,537 174,352 99.6 97.9 0.3 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Less than 21 210,842 199,280 98.4 91.2 1.5 8.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1

A comparison of the district level figures of marital The highest percentage of married males and status with that of the State averages reveals that the females are recorded in the age group of 45-49 percentage of never married males and females is and 35-39 in the district being 96.6 percent and 90.7 slightly higher than the state average. In case of percent respectively. The corresponding figures in married males and females the percentage are almost the State level for males and females are recorded the same with that of the state average. In case of in the same age group. Never married males and widowed males and females percentage is slightly females being 17.3 percent and 4.8 percent lower than the state percentage. Again in case of respectively in the district which is lower than the Divorced / Separated males percentage is lower and State percentage of 22.1 and 6.3 percent females is higher than the state percentage. respectively.

Annexure vn : Age, Sex and Education in district, 1991 and 2001Census

Education and literacy rate:

Age-group wise literacy rates for males and females in respect of both at state and district level are presented in the following Table.

445 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT Table-I Age,Sex and Education in Assam, 1991 Census Percentage oi'population 6y age-group sex 7-1'1 13-19 ~[I-4g 3[1-39 il(H: Educational Level MiiIe PemiiIe ~iile t:'emiile !Vi ale ):'emiiIe JiJille Female Mille Femme I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total population 2,340,647 2,252,721 1,138,194 1,090,133 4,601,294 4,147,077 633,874 510,521 659,221 535,239 Literates 1,562,919 1,310,299 805,343 640,122 2,796,286 1,548,467 333,273 91,227 285,238 62,609

Percentage of Literates population 66.8 58.2 70.8 58.7 60.8 37.3 52.6 17.9 43.3 lL7

Without any formal Education Level 1.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.9 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.9 0.0 Below Primary 43.6 44.1 5.9 5.8 9.6 10.5 15.4 20.6 21.1 26.1 Primary 37.3 36.2 19.4 18.2 25 29.7 36.6 48.1 43.8 51.1 Middle 17.5 18.0 45.9 48.3 27.3 29.7 23.1 18.8 19.2 13.1 Matric / Secy. 0.6 0.7 23.3 22.9 20.5 17.9 13.2 6.7 9.0 4.1

HS/lnt.med.l PUC/Sr.sec 0.0 0.0 4.5 3.9 7.7 5.6 3.2 1.2 1.7 0.9

Non-tech. Dip. Or Certificate not equivalent to degree 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1

Tech. Dip or certificate not equivalent to degree 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.1 Graduate &above 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 8.3 SA 6.7 1.9 3.1 1.0 Note: L Percentage ofliterates is to total population. 2. All other percentage is proportion ofliterate population Thble-D Age! Sex and Education in Marigaon district2 1991 Census Percent8@ofpopulation by ~group sex '-1:1 B-E) 20-49 Si)-S9 (ii)+ Educational Level Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ATotal popUlation 69,576 65,530 31,559 29,880 120,868 113,737 16,051 13,990 19,906 16,600 B. Literates 43,016 37,740 20,471 16,820 66,282 36,773 7,471 1,460 7,264 750 C Prcent of literate 61.8 57.6 64.9 56.3 54.9 32.3 .465 lOA 36.5 4.5 Population Literates 1. Without any formal 390 280 100 80 700 340 130 10 100 20 Education 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.9 1.7 0.7 1.4 2.7 2. Below Primary 19,616 18,150 1,460 1,110 8,910 5,706 1,651 480 2,104 250 45.6 48.1 7.1 6.6 13.4 15.5 22.1 32.9 29 33.3 3. Primary 16,270 13,220 4,451 3,390 18,840 12,866 3,170 750 3,410 380 37.8 35.3 21.7 20.2 28.4 35 42.4 51.4 46.9 50.7 5. Middle 6,570 5,900 10,390 8,880 19,610 11,232 1,640 190 1,310 70 15.3 15.6 50.8 52.8 29.6 30.5 22 13 18 9.3 6. Metric/Sec 150 190 3,430 2,960 10,130 4,280 640 20 270 20 0.4 0.5 16.8 17.6 15.3 11.6 8.6 1.4 3.7 2.7 7. HSllnt.med./PUC/Sr.sec 20 0 570 340 3,800 1,250 90 10 10 10 0.1 0 2.8 2 5.7 3.4 1..2 0.7 0.1 1.3 8. Non-tech. Dip orCertificate 0 0 0 0 40 10 IO 0 0 0 not equivalent to degree 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 9. Tech. Dip or certificate 0 0 20 0 350 9 10 0 0 0 not equivalent to degree 0.00 0.00 0.1 0 0.5 0 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 10. Graduate &above 0 0 50 60 3,902 1,080 130 0 60 0 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.4 5 .. 9 2.9 1.7 0.0 0.8 0.0

Note : 1. Percentage of literates is to total population. 2. All other percentage is proportion of literate population. 446 ANNEXURES

In the district, the literacy rates for males and males and females. However, it is low than the state females in all age groups are very low than that of averages. Literacy rates are seen high up to middle the state rates. It is seen that the literacy in age group levels in all age groups. In the higher educational 15-19 is high than in all other age groups, both for levels, the literacy rates are found poor in the district.

Table-ill Age, Sex And Educational Status of Population In Assam- 2001 Census Educational Level Percentage of population by age-group sex Percentage ofpopulation by age-group sex 7-14 15-19 20-49 50-59 60+ Af!!I! not stated Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female A. Total 2,806,379 2,665,888 1,368,3671,242,426 5,709,938 5,332,368 785,444 657,303 800,585 759,781 17,208 11,766 population

B. Literates 2,016,619 1,796,463 1,073,835 891,3984,087,8052,759,004532,871 215,235468,726160,107 8,841 4,450

C. Percentage 71.9 67.4 78.5 71.7 71.6 51.7 67.8 32.7 58.5 21.1 51.4 37.8 of Literate population 1. Without 20,885 14,970 15,360 10,268 108,322 67,768 18,996 8,884 22,291 10,697 2,548 1,301 Formal 1.0 0.8 1.4 1.2 2.6 2.5 3.6 4.1 4.8 6.7 28.8 29.2 Education

2. Below 1,141,579 1,004,125 144,707 104,309 725,480 507,408 139,497 79,739 179,655 77,601 1,765 924 Primary 56.6 55.9 13.5 11.7 17.7 18.4 26.2 37.0 38.3 48.5 20.0 20.8

3. Primary 648,573 575,941 234,495 171,264 718,373 523,669 109,096 54,627 110,299 41,055 1,273 674 32.2 32.1 21.8 19.2 17.6 19.0 20.5 25.4 23.5 25.6 14.4 15.1

4. Middle 204,816 200,890 339,485 304,664 749,721 585,168 89,039 29,367 57,017 13,880 1,026 569 10.2 11.2 31.6 34.2 18.3 21.2 16.7 13.6 12.2 8.7 11.6 12.8

5. Matric/Sec. 0 0 290,798 260,847 950,376 648,355 98,951 28,141 60,773 11,695 1,220 583 0.0 0.0 27.1 29.3 23.2 23.5 18.6 13.1 13.0 7.3 13.8 13.1

6.HS/lnt.medl 0 0 48,365 39,891 420,240 231,479 25,583 5,484 11,436 1,925 427 213 PU C/Sr.Sec 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.5 10.3 8.4 4.8 2.5 2.4 1.2 4.8 4.8

7.Non-tech. Dip. 0 0 30 12 754 191 131 13 116 9 2 0 Or Certificate not 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 equivalent to degree

8.Tech. Dip.or 0 0 465 119 15,248 1,959 2,335 114 1,424 43 21 4 certificate not 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 equivalent to degree

9. Graduate 0 0 0 0 398,600 192,878 49,092 8,854 25,552 3,172 558 181 & above 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.8 7.0 9.2 4.1 5.5 2.0 6.3 4.1

10.Unclassified 766 537 130 24 691 129 151 12 163 30 I I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

447 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT TABLE-IV AGE,SEXAND EDUCATIONAL STATUS OF POPULATION IN MARIGAON - 2001 CENSUS District - Marigaon 09 Educational Level Percentage of population by age-group sex Percentage of population by age-group sex 7-14 15-19 20-49 50-59 60+ Age not stated Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female' Male Female A. Total population 85,276 81,319 38,712 33,309 155,418 148,388 20,564 18,416 23,007 22,632 275 182 B. Literates 57,212 55,038 28,076 23,762 101,168 70,339 12,764 4,551 11,258 2,954 108 62 C. Percentage of Literate population 67.1 67.7 72.5 71.3 65.1 47.4 62.1 24.7 48.9 13.139.3 34.1 I. Without Formal Education 596 481 453 281 2,741 1,801 495 207 595 248 23 13 1.0 0.9 1.6 1.2 2.7 2.6 3.9 4.5 5.3 8.4 21.3 21.0

2. Below Primary 33,502 31,635 4,544 2,949 20,772 15,250 3,897 2,088 5,008 1,693 34 13 58.6 57.5 16.2 12.4 20.5 21.7 30.5 45.9 44.5 57.3 31.5 21.0

3. Primary 17,946 17,368 6,440 4,747 19,649 15,513 2,789 1,250 2,708 653 20 17 31.4 31.6 22.9 20.0 19.4 22.1 21.9 27.5 24.1 22.1 18.5 27.4

4. Middle 5,167 5,554 8,657 8,396 19,822 15,856 2,202 557 1,344 207 I3 11 9.0 10.1 30.8 35.3 19.6 22.5 17.3 12.2 11.9 7.0 12.0 17.7

S. Matric/Sec. 0 0 6,890 6,556 21,397 14,020 2,179 352 1,170 118 7 4 0.0 0.0 24.5 27.6 21.1 19.9 17.1 7.7 10.4 4.0 6.5 6.5

6. HSllnt.medIPU C/Sr.Sec 0 0 1,086 831 9,158 4,949 482 34 169 16 4 3 0.0 0.0 3.9 3.5 9.1 7.0 3.8 0.7 1.5 0.5 3.7 4.8 7 .Non-tech. Dip.Or Certificate not equivalent 0 0 0 0 16 10 1 3 0 0 0 to degree 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

8. Tech. Dip.or certificate 0 0 6 2 211 18 41 4 10 0 0 not equivalent to degree 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

9. Graduate & above 0 0 0 0 7,379 2,922 674 58 248 18 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 4.2 5.3 1.3 2.2 0.6 6.5 1.6

10 Unclassified 0 0 0 23 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

In the district, the literacy rate for males and females male and female, though it is lower than the state in all age group are very low as compared to the state percentage. In the higher educational level it is found to rates. It is also seen that percentage of literates is high be very low as compared to the state rates excepting in the age group 15-19 than in all other age group both graduate and above in age group 20-49.

Annexure VIII: Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 and 2001 Census Language and Dialect :

The detail information on number of population and their percentages speaking different language are presented below in the following Table.

448 ANNEXURES Table-I Distribution of population by different Mother Tongues, 1991 Census No. Persons classified by their tongue Mother tongue Assam State Mari.!?}lOn District Total No. percentage to total Total No. %percentageto total 2 3 4 5 1 Assamese 1,284,174 57.3 529,239 82.7 2. Bengali 4,820,573 21.5 66,960 10.5 3. Bodo I Boro 1176,,635 5.3 4. Hindi 769076 3.4 9,471 1.5 5. Nepali 432,351 1.9 1,707 0.3 '6. MirilMissing 381,562 1.7 7. Karbi I Mikir 354,781 1.6 3,450 5 8.0riya 136,201 0.1 189 0 9. &ntali 134,663 0.6 10.Mcnpn:i 126,987 0.6 11.Blnj::uri 115,918 OS .1,811 03 12.Gcno 113,408 OS 13.Ra1:ha 112,408 os 14.~ 104,567 OS 384 O~ 15.DinaEa 84,371 0.4 5,169 08 16 . M c:n::'h 75,324 03 17 .K Ul1.lkh,b:rzn 54,202 02 18 . B:is:lI.JpI:iya 37,222 02 19.LalJrg 32,633 02 15,124 23.6 20.Khasi. 25,891 O~ 21 . 'I'el.J3U 22,816 O~ 169 o 22 .Hajrg,H a:ij:r:g 19,325 O~ 1,130 02 23.Hmar 19P54 O~ 24.Dani 15,955 O~ 25.Kuki 14P35 O~ 26.Pcnjlbi 13,893 O~ 88 o 27.Scntali 577 0.1 28.RajBl1a1i 122 o 29.MutDari 30 .si:'la'l,Sa::ivi o therm other'I'c:1"g.E 378,727 .1.7 4P92 0.6

As can be seen in the above annexure, the Bengali 10.5%. About 1.5% people speaks Hindi. The number of persons speaking Assamese consists the population with all the remaining mother tongues do major portion with 82.7% of total popUlation in the not constitute even 1% by each . District followed by Lalung with 23.6% and

Table- II Distribution ofpopuJation by different MotherTongue-2001 Census SI.No. Mother Tongue Assam Total M arig;lOn Total No. % to Total Total No. % to Total 2 3 4 5 6 I Assamese 12,623,234 47.4 515,247 66.4 2 Bengali 7,255,880 27.2 219,039 28.2 3 BodolBoro 1,292,950 4.9 12,059 1.6 4 Hindi 1,017,424 3.8 15,725 2.0 5 Nepali 564,734 2.1 2,871 0.4 6 MirilMishing 517,170 1.9 6 0.0 7 Karbi 406,160 1.5 1,195 0.2 8 SadanlSadri 341,614 1.3 331 0.0 9 Santali 240,770 0.9 300 0.0 10 Oriya 223,638 0.8 192 0.0 11 Manipuri 154,059 0.6 150 0.0 12 Garo 143,257 0.5 0.0 449 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: MARIGAON DISTRICT

Table -II Distribution of population by different Mother Tongue -2001 Census SI.No. Mother Tongue Assam Total Marig;ron Total No. % to Total Total No. % to Total 2 3 4 5 6 13 Bhojpuri l36,269 0.5 1,747 0.2 14 Rabha l30,875 0.5 17 0.0 15 Dimasa 107,070 0.4 2 0.0 16 Munda 92,942 0.3 5 0.0 17 KurukhlOraon 72,304 0.3 12 0.0 18 Rajbangsi 51,225 0.2 0 0.0 19 Khasi 29,292 0.1 2 0.0 20 Telugu 27,354 0.1 107 0.0 21 Lalung 26,480 0.1 5,461 0.7 22 Haijong1Hajong 25,177 0.1 0 0.0 23 Hmar 24,866 0.1 16 0.0 24 Deori 23,366 0.1 3 0.0 25 Punjabi 21,292 0.1 64 0.0 26 Mundari 20,045 0.1 0 0.0 27 Zemi 15,514 0.1 0 0.0 28 Kuki 15,423 0.1 0 0.0 29 Mura 12,673 0.0 0 0.0 30 Serna 10,346 0.0 0 0.0 31 Total of Other Mother Tongues 1,032,125 3.9 1,704 0.2

As can be seen from the above table, the number by Bengali with (28.2%) and Hindi (2.0 %). The of persons speaking Assamese consist of the major popUlation with all the other mother tongues each portion (66.4%) of total population in district, followed constitute a negligible percentage.

Annexure IX: Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population,1991 Census Scheduled Castes:

Out of total population 639,682 in the District, wise Scheduled Castes population of some prominent 88,136 are Scheduled Castes population. The caste Scheduled Castes are presented below:

Thble-l Distribution of Scheduled Castes population among some prominent Scheduled Castes Marigaon, 1991 Census N arne of Scheduled Caste Percentage Total Scheduled Castes % To total Scheduled Castes % To total population of the Population population District SI. No 2 3 4

I Namasudra 44,688 50.7 7 2 Kaibartta or Ialiya 18,908 21.5 3 3 Hira 16,045 18.2 2.5 4 Jhalo, Malo or Ihalo-Malo 4,193 4.8 0.7 5 Muchi, Rishi 1,498 1.7 0.2 6 Brittaial-Bania, Bania 1,202 1.4 0.2 7 Dhupi, Dhobi 445 0.5 0.1 8 Others 1,157 1.3 0.2 Total all Schedule Castes 88,l36 100 4.8 639682 N. B. L Other Includes Bansphor. BhummalifMali, DuglalDhoh, Jalkeot, Lalbegl, Mahara, Mehtor/Bhangi, Patni, Sutradhar and unclassIfied castes 2 Bracketed figure IS the total population of the district. 450 ANNEXURES

It is depicted in the above annexure that Out of the total population of the district, Namasudra is the main caste of the district with a Namasudra occupies 7.0% population followed by share of 50.7% of the total Scheduled Caste Kaibartta 3.0% and Hira 2.5%. The rest castes population followed by Kaibartta with 21.5% and occupy less than 1.0% population by each in the then by Hira 18.2%. The rest castes constitute less District. than 5.0% by each.

Scheduled Tribes: The Scheduled Tribes constitute 15.4% ofthe total major Scheduled Tribes of the district are presented population of the district. The data relating to some below in the Table.

Table-II Distribution of Scheduled Tribes population among some prominent Scheduled Tribes Marigaon district, 1991 Census Percentage Total Scheduled Tribes percentage to total Scheduled percentage to total population of Name of Scheduled Tribes population Tribes population the district SI.No 1 2 3 4

Lalung 81,740 83 12.8 2 Boro, Bro Kachari 9,592 9.7 1.5 3 Kachari Sonwal 5,970 26.1 0.9 4 Hojai 302 0.3 0.1 5 Mid 139 0.1 0 6 Others 740 0.8 0.1 Total of Scheduled Tribes 98,483 100 15.4 639,682

Note: I. Other includes Deori, Mech, Rabha and unclassified tribes. 2. Bracketed figure is the total populatio of the district. In the above annexure it is depicted that the remaining tribes have a very limited representation Lalung is the prominent tribe in the district having in the district. Out of the total population of the a share of 83.0% among total Scheduled Tribes district 12.8% is represented by Lalung. The population. The next tribe is Boro Boro Kachari with concentration population of other tribes in the district 9.7% and Kachari Sonwal with 6.1 %.The other is very limited.
