





Ail the Words in the SCOTCH and IRISH Dialeds of the CELTIC, that could be colle&ed from the Voice, and Old Books and MSS.

By the Rev. WILLIAM SHAW, A. M.



Printed for the Author, by W. and A. Straham; And fold by J. Murray, Fleet-ftreet; P. Elmsly, Strand ; C. Elliot, J. Balfour, and R. Jamieson, Edinburgh; D. Prince, Oxford ; Meflrs. Merril, Cambridge j Wilson, Dublin; and Pissot, at Paris. MDCCLXXX. % T O








TN writing a Dedication to Your Grace, an extenfive field for

-*“• Panegyric is opened to my view.—It would be no flattery to

Your Grace, were I to mention the Greatnefs and Antiquity of the Houfe of Gordon, and enumerate the heroic Deeds and generous Actions of a long train of Anceftors, who have made a truly confpicuous figure in the Annals of Caledonia. Their

Virtues, My Lord, have defcended to our Days.—Every one who has the Honour of being known to Your Grace, may, with delight, furvey the private virtues of Domeftic Life, united with true Patriotifm and Generofity, to fland forth in defence of your

Country, when Danger threatens our happy Conftitution in

Church and State.


The early Encouragement Your Grace was pleafed to give this

Undertaking, has inclined me to put the Refult of my Labours under your Protection, as the Friend of Letters. It is a Depofit of the dying Language of Your Grace’s Ancellors, which was once famous in the Weftern World, and is ftill the fpeech of many of his Majefty’s faithful and loyal Subjects, who have ever been the firm Friends of Regal Government, and over whom Your Grace is fo confiderable a Chieftain.

I am happy in having this opportunity of fhewing my attach- ment to Your Grace ; and have the honour to be, with the moft profound refpeCt,


Your Grace’s

Much obliged, arrd

Moft obedient humble Servant, London, May 26, 1780.


THE human mind, from an innate curiofity, and the pleafure received from the contemplation of melancholy images, is more delighted by a retrofpeflive view of the pad, than any conjedtures fhe can form of the future. How much foever difconnedted by fituation, birth, or other circumftances, the patriotifm, virtue, learning, and bravery of individuals; the wealth, power, cuftoms, and manners, national charadler, and extent of territory, with the gradual decay and difmemberment of a people, fhe conliders with an attention highly interelled, and gently perplexed. And although, by the contingencies of human affairs, and the ufual fate of em- pires, a nation be reduced from its antient fplendour to an inconfiderable date amongd neighbouring powers, yet the underdanding of the philofophical enquirer> fet at liberty from the low and narrow diftates of a felfifh fpirit, being accedible to truth, and friendly to mankind, and having foregone the little didindfions of party, with liberal capacioufnefs of mind, indulgeth intelledlual appetites from every opening fource of gratification. Whoever affords entertainment for mental defires, or information to the fpeculative, renders an acceptable fervice to the friends of literature. Senfible of this, his inclination would have led the Compiler to embrace the prefent opportunity of enquiring into the different migrations of the Celtic nations over the various kingdoms of Europe, and of giving an account of their empire and power, attended with numerous viciffitudes, fince they parted with their pro- genitors Japhet and Corner, in Ada, until their prefent gradual decline and eve of exidence as a feparate people in the Britifh Ides, and prefent the reader with every gratification fuch an invedigation might afford ; but as this would lead into a tedious difcuffion of what hath been lately written for and againd Scoto and Ibero-Celtic antiquities, and exceed the compafs of a Preface, I fhall referve that for a feparate difquifition, and confine myfelf to an account of the prefent undertaking. The general encouragement the prefent age hath fo generoudy given to every work that can afford either pleafure or indrudtion, hath induced many to become candidates for fame in the republic of letters. Every fcience and art is improved; [ b ] every PREFACE. every fubjedl hath been impartially difcufied. Whatever can tend to information, to promote knowledge and the improvement of life, hath, on whatever fubjeft and from whatever fource offered, been cheerfully received. Not infenfible to the impulfe of ambition, nor indifferent in the purfuit of honeft fame, originally prompted by patriotifm, and infligated by fome learned men, I have been am- bitious to caft my mite into the flores of Literature, gleaned from the remains of the venerable Celtic. The approbation which the curious have beenpleafed to fignify of the Analyfis of the Scotch Dialed' of the Galic, publilhed at London in 1778, encouraged me to turn my thoughts towards the prefent work. But the difficulties attending fuch a laborious undertaking feemed fo numerous and infurmountable, that my expedations, however fanguine in theory, appeared irreducible to pradice. Some learned friends obferved, that fuch a work could only be effeded under the im- mediate aufpices of the Scotch and Irifh nations by a public fubfcription ; as & tour through thefe countries, to complete a Didionary, muft be performed. Being however inwardly perfuaded, that whatever is the bufinei’s of many is the bufinefs of nobody, I was difcouraged from any application of that nature. As the Public hath often been impofed upon, propolals were made for printing by fubfcription a Galic Didionary j and that my countrymen might be more con- vinced of my zeal and real intention of publifhing, payment only on delivery of the book was the condition. Obferving with regret the indolence and inadive zeal of my compatriots in the caufe of their expiring language, with the moft ardent entbufiafm I was impel- led to attempt fnatching from oblivion, and in her lad druggies for exidence preferve in a Didionary, as much as poffible of the greated monument of anti- quity perhaps now in the world : for the Galic is the language of Japhet, fpoken before the Deluge, and probably the fpeech of Paradife. Encouraged by the good wiffies of my friends, excited by a partiality for the fubjed, and a hope of realizing what had hitherto been little thought of or negleded by my countrymen, in the fpring of 1778 I undertook a journey from London to the Highlands of Scotland. Having made a progrefs into almod every corner of the Highland part of the continent, and vifited the mod confiderable of the , expofed to much fatigue and many inconvenien- cies, I paded over to Ireland, there alfo to purfue the Galic ; and returned to Lon- don in February 1779, after a perambulation of about three thoufand miles, with a colledion of near thirty thoufand articles for a Didionary. In the Highlands, there being few books, and dill fewer MSS. in the Scotch dialed, the language in the living voice was the only fource from which I could glean vocables. In the idand of Mull, however, Mr. Macarthur, one of the miniders there, who underdands the language well, laid before me about two hundred words, part of which I tranfcribed, uncertain whether I had feen them before. 6 The PREFACE.

The better clafs of the people every where with alacrity afforded every poffible information, and for that pnrpofe feldom fpoke to me but in the antient tongue, turning the converfation to various fubjedts, to give an opportunity of catching new words. But the common people, who are generally pofTeffed of whatever narration remains in the country, muft all be bought. They told me, I had been well paid by his Majefty for what 1 undertook, ocherwife I fhould not have been at fo much pains, and therefore they feldom opened their mouths before they were paid. Sir James Foulis, although of the Low Country of Scotland, and confequently once a ftxanger to the Galic, by ftudy is now better acquainted with it than many of the natives. This gentleman, in the fequeftered vale of life, hath employed his leifure hours in gleaning and depofiting in his library whatever remains of Celtic antiquities he could reach at; and perceiving that my defign was not to boaft of what learning the Galic contained, whilft l concealed it from public view, but at once prefent the world with the language itfelf, unlike to others, hid not the re- fult of his inveftigations and long labours under a bufhel, but generoufly allowed metheufeof his manufcript colledtion. His knowledge of a tongue, believed impoflible to learn, is a living inftance of what application, and a tafte for antient learning, can do; fome Bard, therefore, will write his epitaph, and every patriot Gaedheal add a ftone to his earn. In Ireland I have been chiefly obliged to Lieut. Col.Valiancy, who, by indefati- gable induftry, has acquired a thorough acquaintance with the Galic, and deferves much of all the friends of the antiquities of that nation. There are many valuable MSS. in his pofleflion, the ufe of which he generoufly granted me. Trinity College Library contains many books and MSS. in the old letter, and on a variety of fubjefts, to which I had free accefs by means of Dr. Cleghorn, and the indulgence of Dr. Leland. Thefe volumes, elegantly tranferibed, but fealed books to molt of the prefent age, whilft I furveyed and examined them, and looked back to the ancient flate of this once blefied and lettered ifland, produced emotions eafier conceived than deferibed. Having, thus, collefted my materials at a confiderable expence and wafte of time, I fat down to arrange the whole,probably facrificing more ufeful purfuits to a defire of recording what in a few years no labour or induftry could recover. The fmall number of fubferibers, and the expence I had already been at in procuring materials, made me apprehenfive I fhould never be able to publifh; and I was about to depofit my MSS. in fome public library, wheh fome Gentlemen in Lon - don, with true patriotifm in the republic of letters, encouraged the work on the plan of fubfeription. Amongft: thefe I hold myfelf particularly indebted to Lieut. General Melvill, who, adding to military fcience a tafte for ancient as well as modern learning, fhewed himfelf a zealous promoter of this undertaking in favour of PREFACE. of the Galic language. By thefe means I have been enabled to fend this work to the prefs, although on a more contra&ed plan than I at firft propofed. It however contains nearly every word in both the Scotch and Irifh dialefts, with an Encrlilb trandation oppofite, in the Firft Volume-, and the moft necefiary articles in the Engliftt, with their oppofite Galic terms, in the Second. The Galic reader will find no innovations in orthography for I have confidered it my bufinefs ra- ther to record words as they have been written in the ancient Irifh MSS. than attempt to write a Dictionary, by altering the fpelling from the received method, to what I might conceive it ought to be, according to the powers of the letters, and the philofophy of language. A fpeech fo fingular in its inflexions, fo ancient in its ftruXure, and fo copious in words as the Galic, although much written, cannot be fo fixed in its orthography as thole tongues which enjoy the benefit of Printing. With the Irifti, however, (whole dialed has always been the written and ftudied language) the difference was very in- confiderable. One vowel or diphthong isfometimes fubftituted fora fnnilar one, and the commutable confonants and combinations are interchanged. This has been the cafe with the Greek and Latin languages, as well as with the Galic.— The perfedion to which the laft arrived in Ireland in fuch remote ages is afto- nifhino-, and of which the perufal of this DiXionary is an indubitable proof I have, however, fometimes written the abftraX termination Orachd, for Mhorachd, Al, for Amhuil, and Lachd, for Amhuilachd.—Oppofite every Englilh word there are as many different Galic words as I could colleX. The moft common are firft, and the more ancient or obfolete laft, which the curious Orientalift may compare with fimilar words in the Eaftern tongues. As a DiXionary becomes perfeX only by different editions, and the induftry and abilities of the different editors, I do not intrude the prefent work upon the Public as a book to which nothing .can be added. It will anfwer the purpofes of a Galic and Englifh, and Englilh and Galic DiXionary ; and by it, and the affiftance of the Analyfis or Grammar, one may acquire a confiderable degree of know- ledge in the language, and be more able to form a juft idea of Celtic learning. If my labour affords the defired affiftance to thofe at home who may with to im- prove the knowledge of their mother tongue, or fatisfaXion to the curious abroad, that may be inclined to compare words in it with other dialeXs of the Celtic/or the Oriental languages -, and if, in thefe books, I have preferved in an intelligible and rational ftate, a tongue more copious, nervous, and fofter than is commonly allowed, I have obtained my wifh—for whatever adds to the ftores of Literature, I reckon gain. A

L I S T of SUB S C R I B E R S.

A. C.

HIS Grace the Duke of Argyle. His Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbury. His Grace the Duke of Athol. The Right Hon. Lord Cadogan. The Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen. The Right Hon. Lord Frederic Campbell. The Right Hon. the Earl of Aylesford. 2 Copies. Robert Adam, Efq; Sir David Carnegie, Bart. Mr. David Andrew, Throgmorton-ftreet. Sir George Colquhoun, Bart. Sir James Campbell, of Ardkinlafs, Bart. B. John Campbell, of Calder, Efq; Col. Charles Campbell, of Barbreck. His Excellency the Earl of Buckinghamfhire, Niel Campbell, of Duntroon, Efq; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. John Campbell, of Airds, Efq; Right Hon. the Earl of Berkeley. Alexander Campbell, of Glenure, Efq; Right Hon. Lord Binning. Alexander Campbell, Efq; London. The Hon. Daines Barrington. Alexander Campbell, Efq; Chamberlain of Sir Patrick Blake, Bart. Kyntire. Chriftopher Blake, Efq; Mr. Archibald Campbell, Minifter of Inve- Jofeph Banks, Efq; F. R. S. &c. rary. Rev. R. Beadon, Archdeacon of London. Mr. William Campbell, Minifter of Lochow. James Brodie, of Brodie, Efq; Robert Campbell, of Alknifh, Efq; Sheriff Edmund Burke, Efq; of Argyle. Michael Burke, Efq. James Campbell, Efq; of St. John’s. Doddor Beattie. Colin Campbell, of Scamadale, Efq; Guftavus Brander, Efq; James Campbell, Efq; Provoft of Inve- James Bofwell, Efq; Advocate. rary. James Bryant, Efq. Alexander Chifholm, of Chifholm, Efq; Ifaac Hawkins Browne, Efq; Shroplhire. W. Cunningham, of Entricken, Efq; LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS,

W. Calderwood, Efq; Captain of the Firft Sir James Forbes, Bart. Troop of Horfe Guards. James Fordyce, of Ayton, Efq; Mr. John Clerk, Land Surveyor, Edin- G. Fordyce, M. D. burgh. Alexander Frafer, of Struy, Efq; Captain Robert Cook. Alexander Frafer, of Culduthil, Efq; Mr. James Campbell, Covent Garden, 4 H. Frafer, of Efkadale, Efq. Copies. James Frafer, of Belladruim, Efq; Mr. Colvil, Burleigh-ftreet, London. Simon Frafer, of Daltullich, Efq; Mr. D. Campbell, Merchant, Campbel- Donald Frafer, of Ballone, Efq; town. John Frafer, of Garthmore, Efq; Mr. W. Frafer, Writer, at Invernefs. D. Mr. Arch. Fletcher, Writer, Edinburgh. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore. Hugh Frafer, Efq; Lieutenant in the Navy, The Right Hon. Vifcount Dudley. ' Mr. Paul Frafer, Minifter of Craignifh. Henry Dundafs, Efq; Lord Advocate. G. Dempfter, Efq; M. P. G. ThePIon. John Drummond. His Grace the Duke of Gordon. 5 Copies* Col. Debbeigh. The Right Hon. the Earl of Gower. Henry Dagge, Efq; Lord Adam Gordon. James Dundafs, of Dundafs, Efqj Baron Gordon. Thomas Dundafs, Efq; James Grant, of Shuglie, Efq; W. Dalrymple, Efq; Alexander Grant, of Corimonie, Efq; D. Davidfon, of Cantray, Efq; Alexander Grant, Efq; Lieutenant in the Mr. H. Davidfon, London. 2 Copies. 71ft Regiment. Harry Davidfon, Efq; Patrick Grant, of Glenmorifton, Efq; G. Drummond, Efq; Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Gordon, of Whitely, Efq; Advocate*. Lieut. Col. Harry Gordon. E. Glafgow, Univerfity of. W. Grey, Efq; of Jamaica. The Right Hon. Earl of Eglintoune. Mr. John Geddes, Valladolid. The Countefs of Elgin. Mr. Alexander Geddes, Fochabers* Bifhop of Ely. Mr. Alexander Gordon, Paris. Lord Elliock. Mr. James Elphinfton. Edinburgh, Univerfity of. H. Mr. Charles Elliot, Bookfeller, Edinburgh, Lord Haddo. g Copies. Sir George Elome, Bart. F. W. Hunter, M. D. Phyfician to the Queen. The Rev. W. T. Harvey, A. M. Redfor The Right Hon. Earl of Fife. of Quadrington and Normanton, Lin- General Frafer, of Lovat. colnfhire. Archibald Frafer, Efq; William Hall, Efq; Sir James Foulis, of Colington, Bart. ? Archibald Hamilton, Efq; LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS.

L "James Macpherfon, Efq; London. Ranald Macdonnel, of Scothoufe, Efq; Alexander Johnfon, M.D. London. John Macleod, of Raafay, Efq; Samuel Johnfon, L.L. D. Captain Mackintofh, of Balinefpick. Edward Jones, Efq; David Melvill, Efq; Dublin. Invernefs, Library of. Mr. Robert Macfarlane, Walthamftdw. John Mackenzie, Efq; Inner Temple. K. Archibald Maclean, of Lochbuy, Efq; Charles Mackintofh, Efq; late of Gibral- The Right Hon. Earl of Kelly. tar. Michael Keene, Efq; Counfellor at Law, G. G. Munro, of Breamore, Efq; St. Vincents. Colonel Archibald Macnab. The Rev. Dodtor Kippis. Dugald Malcolm, Efq; London. The Rev. Mr. John Kelly. James Morifon, Efq; London, 2 Copies. Colin Mackenzie, Efq; London. L. Donald Maclean, Efq; junior, of Kinger- The Right Hon. Marquis of Lothian. loch. J. Lament of Lament, Efq; John Macniel, of Ugdale, Efq; John Lloyd, Efq; of Denbighfhire. Niel Mac Neale, Efq; of Tirfargus. Martin Lindfay, Efq; Lothbury, London. Patrick Macdougal, of Galanach, Efq; Charles Maclean, of Kenlochallin, Efq; M. Mr. Kenneth Maclenan,Watchmaker, Lon« don. The Right Hon. Lord Mountlfuart- Mr. Maclaurin, Edinburgh. Sir Allan Maclean, Bart. Mr. Duncan Mackay, Probationer, The Hon. Major General Mackay- Mr. John Macdonald, Arran. Major Montgomery. Mr. Edmund Macqueen, Minifler of Barra. Normand Macleod, ofMacleod, Efq; Mr. Allan Macqueen, Minifter of North- Donald Maclachlan, of Clanlachlan, Efq; Uift. Lieutenant General Melvill. Mr. John Mackinnon, Argyle-ftreet. Angus Macalafter, of Loup, Efq; John Mackintofh, Efq; Lieutenant of Ma- D. Macdonnel, of Glengary, Efq; rines. Alexander Maclean, of Coll, Efq; Mr. Donald Macleod, Minifler of Glenelg. Lachlane Maclean, of Torlifk, Efq; James Mackintofh, of Faon, Efq; N. W. Mackintofh, of Holm, Efq; Andrew Macpherfon, of Benachar, Efqy His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. Lachlan Macpherfon, Efq; of Ralia. John Macpherfon, of Uvie, Efq; O. Captain John Macpherfon (of Colonel Maclean’s Regiment). Right Hon. Lord Onflow. John Macpherfon, Efq; M. P. The Hon. Sir Adolphus Oughton, Donald Mackintofh, of Dalmageree, Efq; Richard Ofwald, Efq. 6 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS.

P. Rev. G. Strahan, A.M. Re&or of Iflington G. Stewart, Efq; Devor.fhire-ftreet, Caven The Right Hon. the Earl of Pembroke. difh-fquare. Dr. Percy, Dean of Carlille. John Stewart, of Balachaolifh, Efq; Sir John Pringle, Bart. Major John Small. John Preftwich, Efq; London. John Hamilton Smythe, Efq; Mr. William Purfe, Strand. Mr. Alexander Shaw, London. Mr. John Shaw, Arran. Or St. Andrews (Univerfity of). His Grace the Duke of Queenfberry. T.

R. Governor Trapaud, Fort Auguftus. W. Tod, Efq; London. Right Hon. the Marquis of Rockingham. John Townfon, Efq; Grey’s Inn. FJght Hon. Lord Ravenfworth. Col. W. Roy. V. David Rae, Efq;’ Advocate. Allan Ramfay, Efq; The Right Hon. Earl Verney. Lieut. Col. Valiancy. S. W. The Right Hon. Earl of Sandwich. Right Hon. Lord Sandys. Lady Mary Walker. Sir George Shuckburgh, Bart. John White, of Benochy, Efq; G. Lewis Scot, Efq; John Henley Wall, Efq; Robert Shuttleworth, Efq; Lancafhire. Mr. W. Wright, Leith. A




In Galic called Ailm, is the firlt A. The relative that. letter of the Alphabet, is pro- A. A wain, carr, or chariot. Vide Glof- J nounced broad, as in the Italian fary of Collum Cille. and French languages, or a in the Englilh Ab. A lord, father, abbot. Vide Hebrew fall, tall. It has too many different fig- Abh, Chaldaic Abba, and the Greek nifications in the old MSS. and printed and Latin Abbas. books, the principal of which are as fol- Aba. Caufe, matter, bufinefs. low. Vide Galic Analyfis. Aba. Father. A. His, her, it’s. Ab, or ap. An ape ; in the antient Gaulic A. An afcent, hill, or promontory. any little animal: hence the Welfh ap A. Improperly a fign of the prefent and a fon, and Greek nepos. future tenfe. Ab. Negative, not, un. A. Improperly a fign of the vocative. Abac. Vide Abhac. A. Thus marked a’ is the article an, as Abach. The entrails of a beaft, a procla- a’ bhean for an bhean. mation. A. For ag, fign of the participle prefent, Abaidh. A bud. Vide Abbuidh. ought always to be written at length ag. Abaidachd. Abbacy. A. No fign properly of the vocative; it Abail, & abailt. Death. fhould be written o ; as <2 Dbia> o Dhia, Abair. Say thou. A. No fign of the infinitive. Abairam, or abram. To fay, fpeak. A. Is often improperly written for

Abaife. Cuftom, manner. Abhran. A fong. Vide Amhran, Abaft. Ironical joking. Vide Gloffary of Abraim. Vide Abaraim. C. Cille. Abran, abraon. The month of April. Abadh. A fatire, a lampoon. Abrann. Lullful, lecherous; alfo bad Abhac. A terrier, a ferret, inde abhaft- news. rach. Abhras. A ready anfwer. Abhach. A dwarf, or fprite. Abhras. Spinning ; flax and wool. Abachd. Gain, great doings. Abhus. A wild beall of any fort, a Hall Abhadh. A camp ; a fmall net in form of for cattle. a fack, to catch iifh. Abfdal. An apofile. Abhacoide. An advocate; not Galic. Abfdalachd. ApoMelhip. Abhal. An apple-tree, an apple. Vide Abhfan. A furrow or hollow place. Ubhal. Abfdoltachadh. Effeftual. Abhalghort. An orchard. Abu ! The war cry of the antient Iriflr, Abhain. Vide Amhuin. a common interjeftion. Abar. A marlh, a boggy piece of land. Abuigh. Ripe, ready, expert, alert. Abhantur. The good luck or fuccefs of an Abuigham. To ripen. undertaking. Abughadh. Ripening. Abhaftrach. The barking of a dog. Abulta. Able, llrong, capable. Abhar, or adbhar. Caufe, motive. Abultachd. Ability. Abhdhac. Lordly courage. Ac. A refufal, denial. , Abheil. Vide Aidhbheil. Ac. Speech, tongue. Abhcaid. A jell. Ac. A fon. Abhlan. A wafer. Aca-damh. Academy. Vide Damh. Abhlan coifrigte. The Eucharift. Acain vel acfuin. Tackle, furniture, tools. - Abhlan. Whatever is eat with bread in Acaideadh. An inhabitant, a tenant. way of condiment or fauce, vulgarly Acalla. A converfation. called kitchen. Acartha. Profit, the loan or ufe of a tbinsr. Abhlabhra. Mute, dumb. Vide Amh- Acca, accafa. With them, their. labhra. Accarachd. Gentlenefs, moderation, re- Abhaift. Cuftom, habit, falhion. fpeft. Abharach. A youth under age, but who Accartha. Gentle, moderate, refpeftful, afts as a man. obliging. Abhmhathair. Mother abbefs. Accain, ag accain. Complaining, fighing. Abhra, abhraid. Eyelid. Vide Fabh- Accaire. An anchor, an acre of land. radha. Accarfaid. A port, harbour. Ablach. A carcafe. Accaflair. An axle. Abra. A fpeech, faying, a poem. Accuin. Vide Acfuin. Abhra. Dark. Accuil. Backwards. Abrad. Far removed, exalted, from brad Acfuin. Tools, tackle. in the Gaulic a fummit, fovereign. It Acfuinach. Having tools or tackling, able, made many bralde. Chaucer. Fab. of fufficient. Dido. Vide Braid. Ach, achd. But, except. Ach, AGO A D H

Ach. A fkirmifli. Acras. Hunger. Vide Ocras. Acha. A mound or bank. Acrafach. | Hungry. Achaidh. An abode. Acrach. Achadh. A field. Acram. I come, agree. Achamair. Soon, timely, abridged. Acrann. A knot. ^ Achamaireachd. Abridging, abbreviation. Acrannach. Entangled. Achd. Cafe, ftate, condition. Achrannam. To entangle. Achiar, acar. Sharp, tart, four. Acuil. An eagle. Achdra. An expedition at fea. A d’. For a do, to thee, only a verb inter- Achdran, achdranach. An adventurer, a venes, a d’ mharbadh, come to kill thee. foreigner. A’ d\ For ann do. Achar. A diftance. Adag. A fliock of corn, a haddock. Acaran. Lumber. Ad. Water. Acais. Poifon. Ada. Vidtory. Achran. Intricacy. Adamhain. 7 . „ , , . f Play, diverlion,r fport. Achranach. Intricate. Adamhair. 5 Achd cheana. However. Adamhairam. To play, fport. Acharradh. A diminutive being, a fprite. Adamhra. Admiration. Achdam. To chafe. Adair. An adder ; I believe not Irifh. Achlais. Arm, arm-pit. Adbatham. To die. Achmhufan. A rebuke, cenfure, reprehen- Adbath. Slaughter, deftrudtion. fion. Adfed. Chafte. Achmhufanaicham. To rebuke, cenfure. Adfia. It is yours, your property; an im- Achfal. An angel. perfonal verb. Acht. A body. Adh. A law. Acladh, aclaidh. A fifhery. Adh. Fit to do any thing. Aclaidhe. Smooth, fine, foft. Adh, agh. Felicity, good luck. Acmac. A circuit, compafs. Adhmhor. Fortunate, lucky. Acht. Danger, peril. Adharc. A horn, trumpet. Acht. A ftatute, decree, deed. Adharcach. Having horns. Achtam. Topafsanadl: of parliament, to Adhaircain. A lapwing, touchet. ordain, order, command. Agh feidh. A hind. Acht. A nail, or claw. Adhart, adhartan. A pillow, bolfter. Achlaid. Chafing, purfuing. Adhairt. Front, van. Acmhaing, acmhaingeach. Puillant, co- Adhartar. A dream. pious, rich. Adantachd. A blufh. Ach beg. Almoft. Adhailg. Defire, will. Acomalam. To heap together, increafe. Adhailgne. The toll of a mill, military Acomal. An affembly, or heaping toge- law, poverty, ther. Adhaghabhail. A lawful taking. Aeon. A refufal, denial. Adhamhrach. BlefTedly. Acor, acobhair. Covetoufnefs, avarice, pe- Adhamh. Adam. nury. Adhamhradham, To blefs. 5 Adhainnam» A D II AES

Adhainnam. To lighten. Adhflath. Rightful, foveteign. Adhal. A flefh hook. Adhuathmhorra. Odious, deteflable. Adhall. Dull, deaf. Adhuathmharachd. Abomination. Adhall. S in, corruption. Adhghair. Lawful. Adhaltan. A dull ftupid fellow. Adhlacam. To bury, interr. Adhaltranach. An adulterer. Adhlacadh. A burial. Adhaltranas. Adultery. Adhlachan. Adhann. A pan or cauldron; the herb Adhlacanach. Burier of the dead, an un- Coltsfoot. dertaker. Adhanta. Kindled, exafperated. Adhladte. Buried, interred. Adhna. Kindling of the fire, fervour, heat. Adhlaic. A longing defire after what is Adharadh. Adoration. good. Adharam. To adore, worfhip. Adhlan. A champion. Adhradair. ] _ . , Adhm. Knowledge. _ ,, , ?Worfhipper, adorer. Adharach. 3 Adhma. Knowing. Adhaffiair. An halter. Adhmhollam. To extol, praife. Adhmoilaim. To negledt. Adhmholladh. Praife. Adhnacal. Admhulich. Warrant, furety. j| A burial, interment. Adhmhud. Timber. Admachd. Adharadh. To join, to flick clofe to. Adhnaclach. A fexton. Adhas. Good. Adhnadh. A kindling of fire. Adhbha, Adhbhadhan. Inflrument. Adhnairc. Shamefacednefs. Adhbhadh. A houfe, room, habitation, gar- Adhnaidhe. Old, antient. rifon, fortrefs, palace. Adhram. To adore, worfhip. Adhbhachd. A harmlefs joke. Adhradh. 7 A , . ,, } Adoration. Adhbhachdach. Jocofe; grofs, fat, cor- Adhras. J pulent. Adhrac. A refufal. Adhbharfeach. A comber of wool or flax. Admhall. Wandering, defultory, wanton. Adhbhal. Nimble, quick, thrifty. Adonathad. Sovereignty, old laws. Adhbhal. Vide Aidhbheil. Adudh. A circle, fire. Adhbhan trireach. A fort of mufick. Aduath. Horror, deteflation. Adhbhar. A caufe, reafon, matter, bufi- Aduathmhorra. Terrible, horrid, dreadful. nefs. Aduathmhorrachd. Horror, abomination. Adhbharas. Carded wool. Aduain. A flranger, foreigner. Adhbhe. Hail ! may you live ! Ae, aodh. The liver. Adhbo. A fhout, war cry, of which every Ae. One. Irifh prince had one. Aedh. The eye. Adhbhchlos. Great fame, vanity. Aeghe. The liver. Adhbhclas. Pleafure, joy. Aeidh. A trade, craft. Adhbhchlofach. Vainglorious. Aerdha. Vide Athargha. Adhbhuidh. Joy, merriment; a founda- Aerdhaite. Sky-coloured. tion. Aedhar, rather Athar. The air, fky. Adheitchidhe. Ugly. Aesfhear. God. Aetharag. A G H A I C

Aetharag. A walking fpirit.' Agharam. To expoffulate, challenge. Afolt. Gold. Aghgha. Contentious. Afraighe. Arifing to battle. Aghthar. A hot fkirmifh. Afrionn. Mafs or Eucharift offering. Aghet. Old wine. Ag. Sign of the prefent participle. Agna, eagnai. Wifdom, prudence. Aga. A fpace, the bottom of. any depth; Agfal. Generous, noble. why ? wherefore ? Agurad. Mild, coaxing, deceitful. Agad. For Ag do, with thee, thine. Agus. And. Agall. A fpeech. Ai. A caufe or controverfy. Agalladh. A dialogue. Ai. A fwan. Agallam. To fpeak. Ai, aoi. An herd ; alfo a fheep: or cow. Agamh. A doubt, fufpicion. Ai, aoi. A.region, . traCt or territory. Agamhal. Doubtful. Ai. Learned. 1 Agam, ag mi. With or at me, in my po.f- Ai, aoi. Inheritance of land, poffeffion. fehion. Aibh, aoibh. Similitude. Againn, againne. With us, our. Aibheis. The fea ; great boafting ; a-gulf, Agaibh, agaibhfe. With you, your. emptinefs. Agaram, .agartam. To plead, purfue; diff pute, plea. Agart. Pleading, purfuing. Aibhfeach. Wonderful, enormous, arro^ Agartas. A fuit, plea. gant. Agartach. Litigious., Aibhfeoir. ?Adverfary, the devil, -a gaf- Agamus. The adxion of ffrikingt Aibhafdair. conader. Agan. Precious, dear. Aibhfeoirachd. Curfing, imprecating, rodo- Agag. An habitation or fettlement.- montade. Agarach. A pretender, claimer. Aibhreann. A caftrated buck-goat. Agart. Purfuing, revenge. Aibrean. April. Agarthach. Vindictive, litigious. Aibhfioch. Great ; gay, joyous. Agh. Good fortune. VideAdh.. Aibhche. A fcholar. Agh. An ox, bull, or cow. Aibhe. All hail ! Agh.. Fear, aftonifhment, awe. Aibhidach. Huge* great. Agh. A conflict, battle. Aibhfe. A diminutive contemptible crea- Aghaim. To be afraid or aftoniflied. ture, a fprite. Aghach. Warlike, brave. Aibhfuigham. To be aftoniflied, fright- Aghaidh. Be merry. ened. . Aghaifach. Eafy. Aibid. A habit. Aghai, aghaidh. The face,-.countenance. Aibhle. A fpark. Aghais. Eafe. Aibhleach. Singed. Aghaifaicham. To eafe. . Aibhleog. A red coal, a fparkle; a flake Aghmhor. Vide Adhmhor. < of fnow. Aghnas. Pleading, argumentation., . Aibhleoga. Sparkling.. Aghnaidhafam. To plead. Aic. A tribe or family; nouriftiing, defire, Aghanidhe. An advocate, pleader. j Aice. A-prop. [CJ Aice, A I D A I G

Aice. At or with her, hers. Aidhchleadh. ^ .. ,, ,, {Mifchief, eye-biting. Aice, aiceachd. Leading. Aidhceall. J 1 6 Aiceam. To lead. Aidheach. A milch- cow. Aice. Near, clofe. Aidheitige. Ugly, deformed. Aicfeacht. Power. Aidhidhe. Bafhful, faithful, true. Aicear. Angry, cruel, fevere. Aidhilgneach. A dairy-maid. Aicid. Difeafe, ficknefs. Aidhlldheach. Demonftration. Aicideach. Sick perfon, difeafed. Aidhle. A cooper’s adz. Aicide. Accident. Aidide. Humble, refpedtful. Aiccidach. Unfortunate, that meets with Aidhme. Apparel, raiment, goods, chat- accidents. tels. Aicim. To pray, befeech, entreat. Aidhmhe. An inftrument. Aide, i Aidhme. A military drefs. A veil. Aicde.e. i Aidhme. Coarfe or rough land. Aicde. A bodkin, a ring Aidhne. Age. Aicde. A building, foundation. Aidhmhillam. To confume, deftroy, per- Aice. Led. vert. Aicme. A fort or kind, tribe. Aidhmhos. Vide Aighnasr Pleading. Aicme, Beauty. Aidhneas. Pleading. Aichear. Sharp, keen. Aidhnaidhe. An advocate, pleader. Aicidhad. A ftich, pain, ficknefs. Aidhnaireachd. Pleading. Aicidheach. Full of pains. Aidhneafoir. An opponent. Aichill. Great lamentation. Aidmhuigham. d Aichill. Able, potent. Aidmhailam. To confefs,declare, to own. Aichillidh. Dexterous, handy. Aidmham. J Aicillidhachd. Dexterity. Aidmhal. A confeffion, profeffion, decla-. Aicir. Vide Athair. ration. Aicne. Nature. Aidmhalach. A profeffor. Aidhmhean. Refuge. | Inheritance, patrimony. Aidmhighte. Confeffed. Aidhhean. Evil ; long. Aifir. Blame, fault. Aid. A piece, portion. Aifrionn. Holy mafs. Aid. Cold. Aig. At. Aidhbhean. Remote. Aige. At or with him, it his. Aidhbhean. A ftranger, foreigner. Aighe. A beam, prop. Aidhbhean. An inn. Aighe. A hind, a hill. Aidhfchrugh. Bewitching, eye-biting. > Aighe. Stout, valiant. Aidhbham. To fafcinate. Aigh. Generous, valiant. Aidhbheil. Huge, vaft, enormous. Aighar. Gladnefs, joy. Aidhbheil. A wonder, a boafting. Aigharach. Glad, joyful. Aidhbhfi. An old fort of Irifh cronan or Aigein. The deep, the ocean. fang. Aigefin. Thereat.. Aidhbhfin. A phantom or fprite. Aigeam. To go on. Aigeach. A I L A I L

Aigeach. The founder of a deep. Ailghean. Powerful, ftrong; foft, fmooth. Aighean. VideAdhann. Ailghean. Want. Aigionta. Intentions. Ailgeas. A defire, longing. Aigine. VideAigne. Mind, intention. Ailgine. Softnefs, fmoothnefs. Aighreire. A judge. Ailgeadh. Forgivenefs. Aighreiram. To judge. Ailag. Hickup. Aigantach. Chearful, high-minded, feftive, Aile. Smell. Aigantachd. ) , , , r Aillagan. A gew-gaw, any thing pretty. „ , r jollity, chearfulnels.r Aigantas. >J J Ailbhag cluaife. An ear-ring. Aighneachd. Liberality, generofity. Ailen. Orts. Aightha. Faces. .... , > Handfomenefs. Aigbheile. Terror. Aillad. ) Aigeorachd. Arguing. Ailne. Beauty. Aigeoram. To argue. Ailim. To entreat, pray. Aigal. Puffed up, elate. Ailam. To fofter, nourifli. Aigailam. To grieve, vex. Aill. A journey. Aigalain. Ear-ring, taffel, chain, tag. Aill. A fteep bank wafhed by the water. Aigilne. Truth. Aill. A bridle. Aigal. Bottom of a valley. Aill. Noble. Aighne. Nature. Aill. Praife. Aighneach. Liberal. Aill. Courfe, place, ftead, turn. Ail. A ftone. Aillam. To go, come. Ail. Shamefaced, noble, beautiful. Aillbhil. A bridle-bit. Ail. A fling, or pricklS| Aillbhruachach. Having fteep or rocky Aill. Will, pleafure. banks. Ail. Arms, weapons. Aillim. Alum. Ail. A rebuke. Ailleann. Elecampane. Ail. Mouth. Aille. Praife. Ail. A petition, requeft. Ailleachd. Handfomenefs. Ail. Time, while. Aillean. A caufeway. Ail. A blot in an efcutcheon. Aillean. A pet, a beau, a minion. Ailbhin. A fmall flock. Ailleanam. To make fine. Ailc. A ftone. Aillgean. Smooth, foft. Ailcne. Paving ftones. Aillgeafachd. Ardency. Ailce. Manners, behaviour, Aillgeafdha. Ardent. Ailhhech. Stones. Ailliadh, ailliath. Roaring:. Ailcith. A ftrand ftone. Aillis. VideAillfe. A canker. Ailear. A porch. Aillinbhus, A great falmon. Ailcneachan. A paver. Aillfe. A fairy, diminutive creature, a Ailcneachachd. Paving. canker; delay. Ailec, aileach. A ftone-horfe, Ailm. An elm ; the name of the letter a, Ailfes. A bridle-bit. Ailmeadh. A prayer. Ailgean. Noble offspring. Ailmeog. The elm. Ailionta, A I M A I N

Ailionta. Airy. Of the air. Ain. Honourable, praife-worthy, refped- Ailidh. White. ful. Ailligham. To beautify, make handfome. Ain. Not, un. Ailiionnoir. A caterer. Aine. Delight, joy, pleafure. Ailmh. A flint ftone. Aine. Agility, expedition, mufic, harmony, Aillin. Another. experience. Ailmfe. Miftake. Aine. A platter. Ailp. Any grofs'lump. Aineas. Joy. Ailt. Stately, noble, grand. Ainbeachlach. Rough, rugged. Ailt. Rather A«//, joints. Ainbheach. Manifold ; great rain. Ailt. A houfe. Ainbheach. A drone. Ailtire. An architedf, a carpenter. Ainbheil. Impudence,. fhame. Aimhdheoin. 1 Unwilling, againft confent, Ainbhfhios. Ignorance, rudenefs. Aindeoin. 5 in fpite of. Ainbhfhiofach. Rude, ignorant, headflrong, Aimheogan. Vide Aigain. refentfuj. Aimhean. Pleafant, agreeable. Ainbhfeile. Impudence, ftinginefs. Aimhe. Growing. Ainbhfeithach. Rude, ignorant. Aimid. A foolifh woman. Ainbhfine. A foreign tribe. Aimirtne. Voracity, greedinefs. Ainbhigh. Rainy weather. Aimhleas. Hurt, detriment, ruin, Ainble. Naughtihefs, badnefs, malice.- Aiminn. Smooth, pleafant. Ainbhreagh. Aimbeart. Evil device, mifehief. Ainbhith. A favage or ferocious animal. Aimbeartach. Mifchievous, poor. Ainbhfoil. Brave, valiant, intrepid. Aimhleifg. Drowfmefs, lazinefs. Aincheardach. A buffoon, an ingenious Aimhleafach. Foolifh, imprudent. fallacious fellow. Aimhleathan, 7 .. . .. Aincheas. r ^ doubt, dilemma, danger. > Narrow,T ftrait.n Aimhlionn. J Aincheift. J Aimhnach. Full of rivers. Ainching. A champion. Aimhneart. Force, violence. Aincheantais. A, toy or trifle. Aimhreidh. Difquieted, difturbed. Ainchial, ainchialtachd. Peeviftmefs, fro^. Aimhreidham. To difagree. wardnefs. Aimhreit. Diflurbance, quarrel. Ainchialtha. Tefty, peevifh. Aimhreis. Difficult. Ainchliu. A peevifh perfon. Aimhreitach. Quarrelfome, litigious. Aindeas. Awkward. Aimfir. Weather, feafon, time. Aindeife. Affli&ion, calamity. Aimfiral. Aindear. A young woman fit for mar- I Temporal. Aimfirtha. J riage. Aimhreidhe. Defiles, ftraights, faftneffes Aindhiarrigh. Angry. Aimhriar. Mifmanagement. Aindligheadh. Trefpafs. Aimhrioch. Difguife. Aindligheach. Tranfgreffor, lawlefs. Aimrid. Barren, fteril. Aineach. Horfemanfhip. Aimfiugham. To tempt. Aindiuid. Obflinacy in fin. Aimhgh eur. Edgelefs. Aineamh. A blemifh, ftain, blot. Aineamhaeh. A I N A I N

Aineamhach. Blemiftied, maimed. Ainmlite. t . , , }. A catalogue. Ainneart. Vide Aimhneart. Violence. Ainmchlar. ) Aineolas. Ignorance. Ainleog. A fwallow; a fling, a fnare. Aineolach. Ignorartt. Ainleog-mhara. A black martin. Ainfheadh. Plenteous, abundant. Ainleogam. To entrap, enfnare. Aingeis. A curfe, malediftion. Ainmhidh. Animal, brute. -» Ainbhthinne. A ftorm. Ainbhfhiach. A debt. Ainbhtheann. A ipring tide, a flood. Ainfhuail. Chamber-pot. Ainblem. A battle. Aindioflachd. Infidelity. Ainchead. To bury. Ainnamhag. A phoenix. Ainceoil. Evil upon them. Ainnir. A maid, virgin. Aincinneach. Skilled. Ainnis. Needy. Aincidh. A doubt. Ainnifachd. Low condition. Aincredhnis. Very thrifty. Ainghniomh. Wicked ; an evil deed. Ainchrionailt. Acutenefs. Ainghniomhach. Facinorous. Ainchrionnadh. Acute. Ainmnuigham. To name, denominate. Aincifeachd. Rejecting. Ainmnighte. Denominated. Aindreanngha. Peevifh. Aininne. Anger, ill will. Aineadargnaidh. Renowned, famous. Ainin. The herb Coltsfoot. Aineafach. Brave, hardy. Ainnimh. A wildernefs. Aineafgair. Unpolifhed, rude. Ainiocht. Oppreflion, cruelty. Aincis. A fkin or hide. Ainiochdmhor. Oppreffive, tyrannical. Ainfreagaraighte. Accountable. Ainghlimam. I _ . . . , , > I o perlecute. Ainer. Great, powerful, noble, Ainghlearam. 3 Ainbhfheoil. Proud flefh. Ainiomh. A fpot, blemifti in reputation. Ainghean. Exceffive love, Ainiomad. Too much; Aingeal. An angel or meflenger, fire, light, Ainius. A foothfayer. . funfhine. Ainle. A wild cat. Ainglidh. Angelical. Ainle. Fair, well featured. Aingen. The holy ones. Ainleachd. Fairnefs, beauty. Aingidh. Wicked, malicious. Ainleanmhuinam. To perfecute. Aingidheachd. Wickednefs, malice. Ainleanmhuin. Perfecution. Ainghiorradh. A fhort cut. Ainleas. Differvice, mifchief, theft. Ainicam. To fliun, avoid. Ainleathrom. Oppreflion, injuftice. Ainiarmharthach. Too powerful, too many. Ainmne. Patience. Ainm. Name, noun. Ainmheid. A wonder. Ainmai. f Ainmheafartha. Huge, immoderate, intem- . . , f Famous, noted. Ainmneamhuil. i perate. Ainmunach. Nominative, Ainmeafarthachd. Intemperance. Ainmunaiche. Denominator. Ainmheas. Recompence. Ainimhneach. A blemifh. Ainmhidhachd. Brutality. Ainadh. A gnafh, gaping at. Ainmhinte. A brute. Ainan. Liver. Ainmidighthe. Like a brute. [D] ' Ainmhiann. A I R A I R

Ainjnhiann. Defire, luft, paffion. Airbheartam. To lead, to move about. Ainmhiamiach. Liiftful, paffionate. Airbheartbhith. Life. Ainn. A circle, ring. Aire. A chell, or large granary. Ainne. A ring. Aire. Difficulty, ftraight. Ainneadh. Patience. Aircifeach. Difficult, llraight, hungry. Ainnighte. Made patient or tame. Aire. A lizard. Ainram. I underftand. Airc-luachrach. An emmet. Ainriochd. A pitiful condition. Airceachd. Herefy. Ainfearc. Hatred ; vehement love. Airchealladh. Theft. Ainfgian. Fury. Airchealtrach. A hind of the third year, a Ainfgianach. Furious. cow. Ainfgianta. Broken down, raging. Airchean. The end, border of a country. Ainfpiamach. A cruel perfon. Aire. A fow. Ainfrianta. Obftinate, debauched, un- Airceadal. Prophecy. bridled. Airchealladh. Sacrilege. Ainfriantas. Libertinifm. Airceann. Certain, pofitive. Ainfriantach. A Libertine. Airceas. Maturity. Ainteach. A fall from flefh. Airceas. Straightnefs, difficulty. Ainteann. Very llout, bold, ftiff. Aircheana. From thence forward. Ainteas. Exceflive heat, inflamation. Aircheafd. Waiting, meeting. Ainteafuighachd. Feverilhnefs. Airceallair. Genuine mirth. Aintigharna. A tyrant, oppreffor. Aircillam. To lie in wait. Aintigharnas. Tyranny, oppreflion. Aircineach. Taking one with the other. Ainteill. Falfe witnefs. Aircinneach. Chief of a clan. Aintreun. Ungovernable, very powerful. Airchionn. A fide. Ainteach. Boaftful. Airciofach. Greedy, gluttonous. Aipol. Apollo. Airchis. A complaint. Air. Upon. Airchifam. To expollulate. Air. Slaughter; Airchis. A pledge. Air. Arife. Airchifde. Lamentation for the dead. Air, airfan. On him, it. Airceach. Ingenious. Air. Number thou. Airceach. A plunderer. Air. Dellroyed. Airchill. Keeping. Airbhe. Ribs. Aire. Cork-tree. Airbhe. A llory. Aircain. A Hopper for a bottle. Airbhthe. Ribbed, furrowed. Airceadh. An earneft penny. Air ais. Back, backwards. Aird. A coaft, quarter, cardinal point. Airbheadha. Divifions. Aird. State, order, improvement. Airbheadham. To divide. Aird. Happinefs. Airbire. An armful. Airdbheandham. To cut. Airbhre. A multitude, legion, hoft, army. Airdcheannas. Superiority. Airbheart. Meaning. Airdcheann. A fuperior. Airbheartach. Sagacious. Airde. Height, eminence, highnefs. Aireach. A I R A I R

Aireach. A fhep'herd, herd. ing Brehon law, which was enaffed foon Airachas. Feeding of cattle, the office of after the reception of Chriftianity. Car a fhepherd, paftoral life. caite techta each adnacal o thuaich do Airidh. Shielding, keeping of cattle in the gach grad iar na miad do Eclais ? What mountains. are the lawful fees of burial, from the Airamhain. Complaining, miffing the ab- rufdc upwards, according to the rule:of fence of any thing. the church ? Imna ocairach tri feoit no a Airdceim. Dignity, eminence. logh. Imnabo-aireach u feoit no a logh. Airdceimam. To dignify, ftep majeftically. Imna aireach deafa X feoit no a logh. Airdceimneachd. Dignity. Imna aireach-ard u feoit X no a logh. Airdheanna. PofitioH of a thing. Imna aireach treifiu, XX feoit no a logh. Airdchur. Power. Imna aireach-foirgill XXX feoit no a logh. Airdhe, airdheal. A fign. Imna un cumala no a logh. i. e. Hymns Airdhi. A wave. for an ocaireach, three cows, or an equi- Airdgheoin. Great noife, tempeft, hurricane. valent. Hymns for a bo-aireach, five Airdhiobhadh. Execution, death, deftruc- cows, or an equivalent. Hymns for an tion. aireach-defa, ten cows, or an equivalent. Airdinntin. Haughtinefs, arrogance, high Hymns for an aireach-ard, fifteen cows, fpirit. or an equivalent. Hymns for an aireach- Airdfhogharach. Altifonant. trefiu, twenty cows, or an equivalent. Airdinntinach. High-minded. Hymns for an aireach-foirgill, thirty cows, Airdeannaibh. Conftellations. or an equivalent. Hymns for a king, Airdreachd. A fynod. feven cumala of cows (forty-two), or an Airdreim. High ftile, magnificence, flight equivalent. Hence we may range them in poetry, rant. in the following order : Airdleog. A fudden jerk, a pull. x. The king. Airdriogh. A monarch. 2. Aireach-foirgill. Airdriaghlaigham. To rule fupreme. 3. Aireach-treifiu, who has ennobled himfelf Airdfgeimhleoir. A curious inquifitive in war. perfon. 4. Aireach-ard. Airdthigarna. i 5. Aireach-defa, from his lands. Airdthriath. i Supreme lord, fovere.g,,. 6. Bo-aireach, from his cattle. Aire. Notice, attention. 7. Oc-aireach, from his eloquence and Aire. A fifhing weir. learning. Aire. A name to the different ranks of Aireach. Vigilant, attentive, fubtle. nobility. Aireach. Violent, hoftile. Aire. A judge. Aireac. Ingenuity. Aire. A fervant. Aireadha. Excellent, famous. Aireach. Noble, a noble perfon. Aireamh. A number, numbering, numera- There were fix degrees of aireachs or tion. nobles diftinguiflred by the antient Irifh, Aireamham. To number. in gradation, between the common people Aireamhach. A numerator, accomptant. and the king, as expreffed in the follow- Aireamhachd. Numbering, numeration. Aireannach, A I R A I R

Aireannach. A beginning. Airiomh. Plowing. Airear. A bay or harbour. Airis. Knowledge. Airear. Satisfaction, choice. Airfe, and airifm. Rehearfal. Airear. Food, pleafant. Airifin. An appointment, order. Aireafg. The apple of the eye, fight. Airleacam. To lend, borrow. Aireardha. Pleafant. Airleacadh. Lending, borrowing. Airel. A bed. Airleacthach. Ready, willing, he that lends® Airghe. A herd. Airguinam. To plunder. Airghean. A bridle rein, fymptoms, air- Airle. Counfel, loan. gheanna a bhais, fymptoms of death. Airleog. A fling, joftle, tofs. Airelam. To lay in bed. Airis. Hiftory. Aireleach. A fleepy perfon. Airis. Charcoal, a firebrand. Airfidach. Harmonious. Airifeach. A rehearfer. Airfideadh. Harmony. Airifam. Vide Aithrifam, to rehearfe, re- Airg. A prince. cite, repeat. Airgeadh. Regard. Airifne. Hereafter. Airgeadham. To regard. Airleach. Skirmifh. Airgad. Silver, money. Airliochtoir. Ufurer. Airghir. A cow-calf. Airm. Arms. Airgim. To atk, feek, demand. Airm. A place. Airgad-beo. Quickfilver. Airmchrios. A belt. Airgadeach. That hath money. Airmeart. An order or cuftom. Airgadgha. Silver, of filver. Airmghein. Well-born. Airgad-toit. Hearth-money. Airmheadh. A meafure. Airgim. To plunder, fpoil, drive away. Airmheacht. DiftinCtion. Airgne. Airmheadham. To weigh. | Robbery. Airgnadh Airmid. Honour, worfhip, reverence. Airmidineach. Venerable, refpeCtful. Airgtheachk' | A fpoiler, plunderer. Airgthoir. Airmhidh. An interdict, avow, promife. Airidhe. Speftres, vifions. Airmide. A cuftom. Airid. Certain, particular, efpecial. Airmid. A fwan. Airigh. Chief, fovereign. Airmham. To number, reckon. Airigh. Deferving. Airne. Sloe, plumb. Airigheachd. Sovereignty. Airne. Kidney. Airilleacb. A law. Airne. A watching, ftting up. Airde-tuath. The North. Airneag. A little floe. Airde-deas. The South. Airfneal. Fatigue, wearinefs. Airde-near. The Eaft. Airneadha. The feed of fhrub trees. Airde-niar. The Weft. Ai'rneadhach. Shrubby. Airillean. A faftiion. Airneamh, airtneamh. A grinding-ftone, Airiocht. FaCtions, parties. hone. Airiochtas. Tumultuous meetings. Airm-theine. Fire-arms. Airiocht. A cantred. Airmfhilgte. Miflive weapons. 3 Airneis. A I S A I S

Airneis. Cattle, chattels, moveables, fur- Aifdridh. A tranflation, digrefllon. niture. Aifdrigham. Totranflate. Airmlann. Armoury. Aifdruighadh. Viciflitude, revolution. id. A plum. Aifeirgham. To rife again. Airri. A tyrant. Aifeal. Jollity. Air neo. Elfe, otherwife. Aifeirghidh. Refurredtion, fome part of a Airrfce. The hinder part of the neck. mill. Airrfe. A vault. Aifeilg. Behind. Airrfidh. An arcade, arch. Aifne. A rib. Airteagal. Article. Aifghairmam. ? To call back. Airtin. A pebble. Aifghleodham.n. 3 Airtine. A flint ftone. Aiflceach. Crafty. Airteamh. An inch. Aifghinalaigham. To degenerate. Airfneal. Fatigue, wearinefs. Aifigam. To ferry over, reftore, to vomit, Airfge. Contemplation. Aifeilgam. To ftay behind. Ais. Back. Aifreimnuigham. To reciprocate. Ais. Hill, covert, ftrong-hold. Aifreimnughadh. Reciprocation. Ais. Dependence. Aifreimnuighach. Reciprocal. Ais. A loan. Aisfealbha. Reftitution. Ais. Carr, wain, cart. Aisfeidhmeachd. Ditbanding. Ais. Bafhful. Aisfeidmam. To difband. Ais. Shingles to cover houfes. Aifgeadh. A defire. Airgire. A petitioner. 1 Reftoration, a ferry, avomit. Aifloc. J ■> }■> Aifiocam. Vide Aifagam. Aifc. A requeft, petition. Aifion. A crovyn, diadem, a relick. Aifc. Damage, trefpafs; a reproach, chaf- Aifios. Inclination to vomit. tifement. Aiding. A dream. Aifg. A fpot or blemifh. Aiflear. A fpring tide. Aifg. A gift. Aifleine. A Ihrowd. Aifgidh. Gratis, freely. Aiflingam. Dream. Aifcam. To requeft, crave, fearch for. Aiflingeach. A dreamer. Aifceir. A ridge of high mountains. Aifphillam. To retort, return.

Aifde. 7 A Aifneidham. To name or tell. Aifdeadh. i A poem, mgenmty. Ai-fneis. Naming, telling. Aifdeach. A gay, diverting fellow; game- Aifneifam. To make manifeiL fome. Aifteidh. The hatches of a fhip. Aifde. Out of her, it. Aiftior. Vide Aftar. Aifdeachan. 7 „ Aiftiorach. A traveller. > Sports, diverfions, Jjefts. Aifdigheachd. i Aiftigheadh. Compofition, invention. Aifdighoir. Jefter, player. Aiftigham. To feign, invent, Aifcheimnigham. To retire, withdraw- Aiftighthoir. A merry Andrew, Jack Pud- Aifdar. Vide Aftar. ding. Aifdrein. An exchange. Aiftrioch. Inconftant. [E] Aifbrioghadh. A I T A I T

Aiftrioghadh. A progrefs, journey. Aithnuighadh. Knowing, knowledge, Aiftruigham. To travel. Aitheantam. To know, comment. Ait, aite. A place, {lead. Aitheirgam. To rife again. Ait. Glad, joyful. Altheas. Ablemilh, an upbraiding. Aitas. Gladnefs, joy. Aitheafc. Admonition. Aiteamh. A proof, convincing argument. Aitheifdacht. An appeal. Aitchim. To pray, beg. Aithfene. Redemption. Aitcheas. The concubine of a warrior. Aithghear. Brief, inftantaneous, Aiteann. Furz. Aithghinam. To regenerate. Aitigham. To inhabit; to prove. Aithgheinte. Regenerate. Aithghein. j „ Aitaghas. Inhabiting, dwelling, a colony. , , . ?■ Regeneration. Aitchimeach. A petitioner. Aithgheimamhin. ) Aiteach. Anxious, carefuL Aithghein, Like. Aith.. Quick, lharp. Aithid. A ferpent, afp. Aithche. A kiln, kilns. Aithidin. A little venomous creature, a Aith. Vide Ath, again, an iterative par- little beaft. ticle. Aithiobhar. Banifhment, expulfion. Aithamh. A fathom. Aithigh. Giants. Aith. An hill, an eminence. Aithine. A fire-brand. Aith. A Ikirmilh. Aithine. Charcoal. Aithadh. Elflhot. Aithir-lus. Ground-ivy. Aitham. To deny. Aithiorach. A myftery; trade, art, fcience. Aithnigham. To know, perceive. Aithis. A check, affront, abufe. Aithchreidamh. Apoftacy. Aith in. Liver. Aithifam. 1 ^ , Aithbhe. The ebb of the tide. . ^ JL o tiDuiCjr affront. Aithbhioradham. To blame, reprove. Aithifuigham. i Aithbhioradh. Reproach, blame. Aithifeach. An abufive perfon. Aithcheafam. To illumine, to play the Aithifughadh. Defamation. whore. Aithle. An old rag. Aithcheas. A whore. Aithle. After. Aithcham. To deny. Aithlinughadh. Delineation. Aithchimam. To border, welt, embroider. Aithlionadh. Reinforcement, recruiting.- Aithchumar. Brief, compendious. Aithleoireachd. Amufing. Aithcheodham. To difapprove, condemn. Aithmheal. Compunction, repentance. Aithe. Revenge. Aithmheas. The ebbing of the fea. Aithe. Keen. Aithn an la. Height of day. Aitheach. A fon, a giant, clown. Aithne. Store. Aitheach. Gigantick. Aithneach. Treafured, hoarded up. Aithne. Commandment, precept. Aithre. An ox, bull, cow. Aithnam. To command, enjoin. Aithreach. Penitent, forry. Aithne. Aithreachas. Repentance, regret. v Knowledge, acquaintance. Aitheantas.s. ) Aithreas. Healing, curing. Aithnighte. Known. Aithridhe. Tears, grief, fadnefs, repentance. Aithridach. ALA ALL

Aithridhach. Sorrowful. Al-eile. One by another. Aithrin. A fharp point, a fcold. Alain. White, bright, clear. Aithrine. A calf. Alaineacht. Beauty. Aithriogham. To dethrone. Alaim. To feize upon. Aithrigham. To awake. Alba.ia. 5 > Scotland, Aithris. Imitation, recital, rehearfal, re- Albin.nn. 5 port, narration. Albanach. Scotchman, Scotch. Aithrifam. To recite, repeat, rehearfe. Alb. Vide Ailp. Height, Aithrifeadh. Tautology. Albard. Halberd. Aithrifeach. 7 . . . , , Alfat. Caufe, reafon. „. , , V An imitator, a tale-bearer. . Aithnfteach. i Alfalach. Thoroughly hid. Aithfgriobham. To tranfcribe. Alga. 7 Aithfgriobhadair. A. tranfcriber, copyift. Algae. lNob,e’Sre,‘'- Aithfgriobhadh.- A tranfcript copy. Algachd. Nobility. Aitide. Submiflion. All. Great, prodigious. Aitreabh. 7 „ ... , ^ All. A bridle. j Dwelling, houfes, offices. All. Another. Aitreabhach. An inhabitant. All. A nobleman’s hall. Aitreach. A farmer. All. Foreign. Aitreabham. To inhabit. AIL A. rock, cliff. Aitreabhach. . Habitable. All. A generation, race. Aitrifam. To bid, order,: command. _ Alla. Wild, the Moll High. Aiti. Moift. AUabhair. Echo. Aitiol. Juniper. Allabhair. A great army. Al. A rock, ftone. Allabhar. Strange,^ wild, favage. Al. Nurture, food. Allaidh.. Savage, wild. Al. Fear. Alloil. Noble. Al, alach. Erood of any young. Alladh. To go, to meet. Al. A horfe. Alladh. Excellency, fame. Alach. A brood, crew, tribe, generationj Allan: , ’ | In former times. the nails in a boat. Allod. Alach ramh. A fet or bank of oars. Allbuadhach. A prince’s hall. Aladh. Wifdom, ikill, craft. Allbuadhach. Vidborious. Alach. A&ivity, alacrity, a requeft. Allchur. Tranfpofition. Ala. Nurfing. Allgloir. Jargon, gibberifk, Ala. A trout. Allglois. Mifchief. Ala. A wound. Allghort. An orchard. Aladhnach. Comical, crafty. Allmharach. A Arranger, foreigner. Ala. Speckled. Allmhargha. Exotic. Alacht. Big with young. Allmharghachd. Barbarity. Aladh. Malice, a lye. Allmuirceadh. The encreafe of days. Alaim. To falute, hail, to nurfe. Allmo. A drove, herd of cattle. Alaim. To fing praife. Allod. Formerly, antiently. 6 Allraon A M A A M H

Allraon. A foreign ' expedition or jour- Am. A prepofttive negative particle in ney. place of an before words beginning with AiIrion, Yonder road or way. f, b, p. Allfmhain. Knotty, full of knots. Am. Soft, moift. Allfmuainn. A great float or buoy. Ama. The collar of a cart-horfe. Alltadh. Wild, favage. Amach. A vulture or ravenous bird. Alltachd. Savagenefs. Amach. Out. Alltarach. Oppofite, reverfe. Amad. ) . , , , , [ A fool. Alluigh. Wild. Amadan. ) Allun. A hind. Amadan-montich. A dotterill. Alluin. Fair, handfome. Amadanach. | Foolilh. Almchadha. Charitable. Amadanta. Almoine. Almonds. Amidachd. | Folly. Alpa. Mountains. See Ailp. Amadanachd. Alon. A flone. Amail. Broken, loft; evil, mifchief. Alt. Nurfing. Amall.' A vifit. Alt. A high place. Amain fheithide. Amphibious beafts. Alt. A brook, a valley. Amain. Occupation. Alt. An action, deed, or fa£h Amail. as. Alt. A condition, ftate, order. Amhuil.!ii. SLike> Alt. A leap, foon. Aman. A river. Alt. A part, fedtion of a book, time. Amarcam. To be fond of, kind to. Alt. A joint. Amas. Hitting, marking. Alt. Exaltation. Amaifam. To hit. Altuigham. To give thanks, to falute. Amaraich. Scurvy-grafs. Altoir. An altar. Amafgidh. Profane, belter fkelter. Altughadh. Giving thanks, fainting, Amafgidhachd. Profanenefs. thankfgiving, grace at meat, Ambeath. Quick, nimble, adfive. Ameafg. Among. •AItra- iFoftering. Altranas. J Amghar. Afflidlion, tribulation. Altramam. To fofter, nurfe. Amh. Raw, unfodden, crude, bad, naughty. Altram. Nurfing. Amh. Even, alfo. Altrach. One that fofters. Amh. Ocean. Altcheangal. Articulation, inofculation, Amh. A fool, flmpleton. anafatamofis. Amh. Denial. Altamhuil. ArthritLck. Amha. A man, perfon. Altan. A fmall brook. Amhach. A dwarf. Vide Abhach. Aluda. Wounds in battle. Amhain. (River. Alughain. Potters clay. Amhuin. J Aluin. Handfome. Vide Alluin. Amhain. Only, alone. Am. Time, feafon, convenience. Amhaon. Twins, plurality. Amamhuil. Timely. Amhar. Mufick. • Amharc. A M M ANA

-Amhar. A veffel to hold malt in> Ammar-baifdaidh. A font. Amharc. The fight, look. Ammar-fuail. Chamber-pot. Amharag. Muftard. Amni. Generous. Amhaircam. To look. Amri. A cupboard. Amharc. A fault. Amuidh, A fool. Amhairg. Woe. Amuigh. Without, out. Amhantas. 7 Good luck, royal privi- Amus. An ambufh, furprize, violent onfet, Amhantur. S lege* Amus. Leifure. Amharcoll. ? Amufach. One that keeps his appointment. he letter X. Amhancoll. J An. The article the. Amharas. Doubt, fufpicion. An. Interrogative particle, an gabh tbu ? Amhrafach. Doubtful, fufpicious. will you take ? Amhrafachadh. Doubting. An. Privative, evil, not, un. Amharafaigham. To miftruft. An. A kind of veffel, water. Amhas. A wild ungovernable man, madman. An. Still, quiet. Amhafach. Dull, ftupid. An. True, pleafant, noble, fwift. - Amhafan. A fentry, frefli man. An. A lie. Amhafag. Silly woman. An. Pure. Amhra. A dream, poem. Ana. Riches. Amhran. A fong. Ana. Continuance of fair weather. Amhluadh. Confufion, diftrefs. Ana. A filver cup. Amhra. Noble, great, good j dark. Ana. Truly. Amhra. Hilt of a fword. Anabbuidh. Unripe. Amharchull. Aphthongs. Anach. A cleaning, walhing. Amhdhadh. Permitting, fuffering. Anach. A path. Amhradh. Mourning, lamentation. Anacail. Quietnefs. Amhghar. Afiliftion, tribulation. Anacal. A quiet perfon. Amhgharach. Afflidted forely, troubled. Anaclam. To preferve, watch over. Amhlabhair. Mute, dumb. Anacail. Prefervation. Amhlaifg. Bad beer. Anachain. Danger, misfortune. Amhlaifgach. A brewer of taplafh. Anachaim. To avoid, Ihun, preferve. Amhlair. ' A fool, oaf. Anac. A wound. Amhnas. Impudent. Anachan. One that keeps in the way. Amhnian. Folly. Anacht.. Quietnefs, tranquillity. Amhne. Himfelf. Anachrach. Full of pity. Amhnur. Shamelefs. Anachradh. A wretch, an objedt of pity,' Amhus. Refflefs. Anachras. Pity, compaflion. Amhuilam. To fpoil. Anaclachd. Reftleffnefs. Amid. A foolifh woman, Anacair. Afflidtion. Reftleffnefs. Amlagacth. Anainbreadh. Unfatiable. Curling. Amlach. Anart, Linen. Amm. Mifchievous, bad, Anart-buird. Table-cloth, Amm. To refufe. Ann aird. Aloft. Ammar, A trough. Anart-canaich, Fuftian. [F] Anairth. ANA AND

Anairth. Gentle, mild, humane. Anaghoirafach. Inconvenient. Anais. Backward, reverfed. Anacaithach. Squanderer. Anaifgam. To crave, beg. Anachaoinam. To deplore. Anaithne. A private man. Anachruas. Avarice. Anaithnam. I know not. Anacoimfeach. Vail, infinite, Anaithnighte. Unknown. Anamhfheoil. Proud flefh. Anal. Breath. Anbhaine. Extafy. Anal. t Not Irifh. Annals, chroni- Anbhal. Prodigious. Analaih. S cle. Anbhaine. Weaknefs. Analam. To breathe. Anbhail. Shamelefs, haughty, Annall. Anbhann. t , From beyond. A , (.Weak. Anallod. Anmhann. i Anam. Soul, life. Anbhor. A great fwelling. Anamoch. Late. Anbhas. A fudden death. Anamhac. Am animal. Anbhfoil. Courageous. Anamhach. Lively. Anbrith. Large, prodigious. Anamchara. A bofom friend. Anbhrod. A tyrant. Annamh. Rare. Anbhrodaim. To tyrannize. Anamchoidh. Brave. Anbhochd. Very poor. Anamhain. A panegyrilL Anbhuineachd. Weaknefs, faintnefs. Anaoibhin. Woe. Anbhathadh. Deluge. Anafcaim. To mix. Anchaint. Ill language, faucinefs. Anafcacht. Mixture. Anchaitham. To fquander. Anaois. Nonage. Anceadna. Exceffive. Anat. Plain, manifeft. Andan. Foolhardy. Anafgar. Reftlefs, irkfome. Andanadas. Prefumption. Anabas. Offscourings. Andiugh. To-day. Anabarrach. ExcefEve. Ande. Yefterday. Anabar. Excefs, too much. Andeirach. Mournful, of many tears.. Anaculach. Lean. Andeiflin. Squeamifhnefs. Anabhirach. Very pointed, fharp. Andach. Anger. Anaceift. Difficulty. Andach. Evil. Anacneafda. Cruel, difhoneft, unfafe. Andadh. Juft. Anacreidmhach. Infidel. Andeas. South. Anacreideamh. Infidelity. Andon. Although. Anacleachda. Inexperience. Andolas. Sadnefs. Anachuram. Care, anxiety. Andochafach. Sanguine, prefumptuous. Anacomhthrom. i . . Andualarafc. Catechrefis. , }■ Injuftice. Anaceartas. 1 Androbhlafach. A great fquanderer. Anabeachdalachd. Haughtinefs. Andras. A fury, infernal divinity. Anachintach. Uncertain. Anduine. A wicked man. Anamhras. Sufpicion, diftruft. Andul. Avidity. Anaghlais. Hog-wafh. Andlighach. A tranfgreflbr, illegal. Anafda. Stormy. Andoigh. Bad eftate, condition. Andrafd A N I A N N

Andrafd & aris. Ever and anon. Aniochd. Cruelty. Anebhachdach. Ineffedtual. Aniochdmhor. Cruel. Anebhachd. Inefficacy. Aniuid. Error, depravity. Anearbam. To diftruft. Aniudadh. Depraved. Anearbfa. Diftruft. Anius. A foothfayer. Ane ande. Yefterday. Anluchduigham. Tofurchargc. Aneagal. Aftonifliment. Anmhaoin. Strife, great riches. Aneadargnaidh. A ftranger. Anmeinidhe. Evil doing. Aneis. A fkin, hide. Anmhiann. Concupifcence. Anfobhrachd. A fkeleton. Anmhodh. Difrefpedl. Anfhairfuing. Vaft. Anmhor. Very great. Anfhuras. Impatience. Anmhugean. Oflentation. Anfadh. A ftorm. Anmhunam. To flay, tarry. Anfadhach. Stormy. Annan. A name of Ireland. Anfam. To flay. Anndeigh. After. Anfhlath. A tyrant. Anniugh. To day. Anfas. Fear, dread. Ann. In there, in him, it. Anfhocain. Peril, danger. Ann a’ dheigh fin. After that, afterwards® Anfhoralamh. Conftraint, danger. Annac. Evil. Anfhorlan. Puiffance,oppreffion, plundering. Annac. Anger. Anfhoth. Very watchful. Annach. Clean. Ang. Renown, great. Annai&e. Cleanfed. Ang. A firing, twift. Annadtam. To cleanfe, purify, Ang. Rank. Annadh. Delay. Angach. Vide Ingnach. Full of nails. Annamh. Seldom, rare, a wildernefs, Angadh. The gufFet of a Ihirt. Ann ceann a cheile. Together. Angangach. A fnare. Annas. Rarity. Angathlonnach. Glittering. Anncein. Afar, far off. Angclu. A championv Ann-cois. Nigh to, by, along. Angar. A flail for cattle. Ann-cais. Prefently. Angbhaidh. Valiant, flout j hard, unjufl. Ann car. Near to. Angcoire. An anchorite. Ann crochadh. Depending, impending, Anglonn. Adverfity, danger. Ann-coinamh. Oppofite. Anglonn. Very flrong. Annradh. Diflrefs, florm at fea, tempeff. Anghlaodh. A loud fhout. Annranach. Stormy, Angna. Refpite, delay. Annam. In me. Angnatha. Relations. Annad. In thee.. Angnathach. Unufual. Anninne. In us.. Angradh. Doating love. Annta. In them. Angradhaeh. Loving. Annfa. Dear, beloved; in the.- Angrais. An engine. Annfachd. Affedtion, the beloved, Angraibh. A ruler, chief. Annofach. Strange, unufual, Anios. Up. Annoid, A church. Annunn. ANT A O I

Amiunn. Over to the other fide. Antromughadh. Aggravating. Annroir. Laft night. Antruas. Great pity, fympathy. Annracht. The higheft degree of poetry Antruacanta. Pitiful, compaflionate. next the ollamh ; a fit of crying. Antomhaill. Gluttony. Annfin. i , , , . Antogradh. Evil defire. , „ , tinT that place, there, then. Annfud. i r Antomhailtoir. A glutton. Anois. Now. Anuinn. The eaves of a houfe. Anochd. To night. Anualach. A burden, over weight. Anpaccair cear. A foie, flounder. Anualigham. To burden. Anradh. A poet in the next degree of ho- Anuair. A ftorrn. nour to an ollamh, a boon, a petition. An uair. When. Anraim. To feek a boon. Anuafal. Mean, ignoble. Anradham. To grieve, afflict. Anuas. Down. Anro. Abundance. Anuabhair. Exceffive pride, Anrod. Tribulation. Anuaibhrach. Proud. Anrodhach. Afflidted. Anuais.. Fierce. Anfhocair. Reftleflhefs, difquietude. Aobhach. l Cheat,ful. Anfbocrach. Reftle-fs. Aobhinn. J Anfhogh. Adverfity. Aobrunn. Uncle. Anfgaineadh. A chafm. Aobh. Similitude. Anfcairt. A great clamour, a great thicket Aobhdha. Beautiful. of brambles. Aobhdhachd. Beauty. Anfcairtach. Shouting loudly. Aodann. The face, forehead. Anfcairtam. To fhout, bawl. Aodannach-freine. Front ftall of a bridle. Anflogh. A great hoff. Aodh. Fire, the liver. Anfhran. A ladle. • Aodach. Cloth. Anfamhlachd. Incomparability. Aodhar. A fiery defolation. Anfamhluighte. Incomparable. Aodarman. A bladder. Anfant. Covetoufnefs, avarice. Aodh. A fheep. Anfantach. Covetous, a greedy gut, gor- Aodhaire. A fhepherd, pafior. mandizer. Aodhnaire. An owner. Antrath. Wrong feafon. Aodhaireachd. Tending fheep, Antrathach. Abortive. Aodochas. Defpair. Antoil. Luft. Aodochafach. Full of defpair. Antoilal. Wilful, obflinate. Aogafg. Likenefs, image. Antoilalachd. Wilfulnefs, obftinacy. Aogh. Hugh. Antlachd. Difpleafure, diflike. .Aoi. A ftranger, gueft. A.ntlas. A great fair of cattle, a merry trick. Aoi, A fwan, confederacy, compadh Antlafach. A facetious merry fellow. Aoi. Inftrudtion, knowledge. Antlafam. To play pranks. Aoi. Honour, refpedt. Antoirdhear. The eaft. Aoi. An ifland, a trade, a hill, poiTeflion. Antrom. Grievous. Aoibh. A courteous, civil look. .Antromuigham. To aggravate. Aoibh. A patrimony. Aoibh. A O I AON

Aoibh. Pleafant, comely. Aineach. Failing. Aoibheal. Rejoicing, merriment. Aoinam. To faft. Aoibheal. Fire. Aoir. A curfe, a fatire, railing. Aoibheamhuil. Grateful, fatisfied. Aoire. A fatirift. Aoibhnach. Glad, joyful. Aoirain. A ploughman. Aofbhnas. Gladnefs, joyfulnefs. Aoireagradh. A reftipulation. Aoibhioll. Giddy. Aoireadh. Sheet or corner of a fail, a field. Aoibhillam. To be giddy, hairbrained. Aoirfuigham. To enhance the value of. Aoibhinn. Joyful, pleafant, fair. Aoireachdin. Exclaiming againft, blaming. Aoibhle. A fign, token, omen. Aois. Age. Aoibhligham. To mark, explain ap omen. Aoll. Lime. Aoide. A web. Aolain. Learning. Aoide. A youth. Aolainaiche, oileamhnach. A ftudcnt. Aoideanach. Well behaved. Aolainaigham. To educate. Aoideach. Youthful. Aolam. To inftrudf. Aoideag. A hair lace, fillet. Aollam. To lime. Aoidain. A leak. Aolladoir. Plafterer. Aoideo^aim. To bind the hair. Aol-tigh. A fchcol, college. Aoidaineach. Leaky. Aoll-phlafda. A parget, or plafter. Aoidhe. A fkilful perfon. Aolte. Inftrudted.

Aoidheach. 1 . n n Aollphlafduiche. A plafterer. Aoidhidhe. 1 A S”*- Aolamh. Vide Ollamh. Aoidheachd. Hofpitality, lodging, enter- Aolthoir. Fofterer. tainment. Aon. Excellent, noble. Aoidheachdam. To entertain, lodge. Aomam. To incline, bend. Aoig. A fkeleton. Aon. One, a country. Aoigh. A hero. Aomadh. Bending, inclination, Aoil. The mouth. Aonach. A hill, fir. Aoil. Pleafant, fair. Aonagraicham. To wallow. Aoilbbhreo. Limekiln. Aonar. Alone, folitary. Aoileach. A gazing-ftock. Aonarachd. Singularity. Aoileach. Dung. Aonaran. A folitary perfon. Aoilean. Fine, excellent, charming. Aonghnethach. Homogeneous, Aoileanta. Beautiful. Aonranach. ? „ Aoileannacht. Beauty. Aonardha. 1 S0',,!‘r>-' Aoilbhinn. A fmall herd, flock. Aondeug. Eleven. Aoilfeog. A caterpillar. Aoncathairach. Of the fame city, Aoilleadh. To chew. Aonda. Particular. Aoin. A rufh, honour, a faft. Aongam. Tomove, ftir. Aoinchineamhuin. One event. Aonachd. Unity. Aoine. Skill. Aonghuthach. Confonous. Aoinneann. Pleafant. Aonbhith. Co-eflentiality. Aoine. Friday, Aoninntin. One mind, unanimous. [GJ Aondathach’ A R A ARB

Aondathach. Of one colour. Ara, A bier. Aonadharcach. Unicorn. Arac. A conflidh Aonracan. A folitary perfon, widower. Arach. A ploughihare. Aono. The one, firft. Arach. .Strength, power, authority, re- Aonracanach. Alone. ftraint. Aono-deug. Elevenths Arach. A tye, bond, or collar on a beaft, Aonracanachd. Solitude. fifhing ware. Aonfiaith. Monarch. Arachas. Infurance. Aonflaithachd. Monarchy. Aracoir. Infurer., Aonfuirt. Wallowing. 2 Sam. Lx. Arachair. . Aonta. A leafe, licence, con fen t. Aracul. A cell or grotto, hut. Aontach. AccelTary. Arad. Strong, brave. Aonta. A man unmarried, celibacy. Arada. A fevere punilhment. Aontuigham. To confent. Arad, r A ladder. Aonriogh. Monarch., Aradh. ) Aontachd. Acquiefcence. Aradh, The reins, loins. Aontigheas. 7 „ , , . . Aradhain. Abufe. ... , , Cohabiting. Antigheachd. 1 0 Aradain. A defk, pulpit. Aos. A community, fet of people., Araigh. The reins of a bridle. Aofda. ) Araim. To plough, AofmhorJ 01J> aS'‘l- Aramhuil. Officious. Aofmhureachd. 7 . . . Aran. Bread. Aofdachd. S As'’ Aran cruinneachd. Wheaten bread. Aofdan. A foothfayer. Aran donn. Brown bread. Aontromas. Madnefs, levity. Vide Eat- Aran milis. Gingerbread. romas. Aran. The Kidneys. Aoth. Abell, a crown. Aran. Familiar converfation ; aran bodaigh Aothadh. Clean, pure. air bothar, a clown’s converfation on the- Aothachd. Ringing of bells. highway. Aothaim. To ring bells. Aranailt. A pannier,, bread bafket. Arancha. A pantry. \ Ri"- Aranoir. A baker. Apa, apag. An ape. Araoid. A cover, table-cloth. Aprainn. Mercy. Araon. Both. Apran. Apron. Aras. Vide Aros. A houfe, village, fettle- Apthacb. Mortal. ment. Ar. Our. Arafach. Habitable. Aj. Slaughter. Arafach. An inhabitant. Ar. Ploughing, hulbandry. Aarafaim. To dwell, inhabit, Ar. A bond, tye. Arba. Yet, neverthelefs. Ar. Guiding, condudd. Arbhadh. Deftrudbion. Ara. A conference. Arbhar. Corn, grain ; an holt, army. Ara. The loin. Arbaim. Todellroy., Aibharach. A R D A R L

Arbharach. Fertile, full of corn. Ardmharaich. An admiral. Arbharachd. Embattling an army. Ardollamh. Hiftoriographer royal. Arbharain. To array. Ardchathair. Metropolis. Arbhra. Vide Arbhar. Ardriogh. Sovereign, monarch. Arbhraigneach. Scarce of corn. Ardfhuidhidhoir. Prefident. Arbhraigneach. A fnare. Ardfgol. College. Arbhraignam. Toenfnare. Ardfhagart. High-prieft. Arc. Vide Aire. A cheft, ark. Ardinmhe. High rank, eminence. Arc. A body. Ardinmhach. Eminent. Arc. A dwarf. Ardfgeimhleoir. A cprious perfqn- Arc, arcain. A little pig. Ardchumhachd. i „ , , > Supreme power. Arc. A bee, a wafp. Ardchomas. ) Arc. A lizard. Ardcheannas. Supreme dominion. Arc. Impoft, tribute. Ardfeadhmanach. High-fteward. Arcan. A cork, (topper. Ardghaois. A liberal art. Arc luachrach. An adder, lizard. Ardghaoifire. A mafter of arts. Archu. A chained dog. Ardghul. Loud lamentations. Archon. A fierce dog. Ardhachdach. Great, grand. Archuifg. An experiment. Ardhamh. A plough ox. Archur. Sucking. Ardharch. A blazon, coat of arms. Arcis. A hide. Ardhafach. High, (lately. Ard. High, lofty, eminent, excellent. Ardreachtas. A convention, a fie mb ly.. Ardan. A height, eminence, pride. Ardog. Vide Ordog. A thumb. Ardanach. High, proud, elate. Argdha. Military, warlike. Ardaigham. To elevate, extol. Arg. A ehampion.

Ardruich. A houfe. Argnach. 7 ^ robb plunderer. Ardaghadh. Honour, elevation, prefer- Argnoir. i ment. Argnadh. Robbery, plundering. Ardarc. A blazon, coat of arms. Aig. Acornfkep. Ardaingal. Archangel. Argnaim. To rob, plunder. Ardchnoc-faire. A great or chief beacon, Argairim. To keep, herd. guide. Arguin. An argument. Ardeafbuig. Archbifhop, Argthoir. A deftroyer. Ard-dhuic. Archduke. Arigh. Chiefs. Ardorus. Lintel of a door. Arinn. Eriendlhip.. Ardbheandiuc. An archduchefs, Aris. Again. Ardchantoir. Archchanter, Arleog. A high flight, a projedL Ardbhreithamh. Chief juftice. Arleogach. Full of projects. Ardcheimnigham. To (talk. Arling. A corps de referve. Ardghulh. A great fhout, cryv Arlogh. Some part of the fide. Ardfhogharach. Altifonant. Arlodh. Bringing home the harveft ; feifd Ardghlorach, a. Loud fpeaking. an arloigh, harveft home feaft. Ardghloir, Altiloquence, bombaft. Arm. The army, armour. ArmaL A R R ASA

Arridh. Generous. ^rmal; \ Armed, warlike, Armach. J Arroidam. To corrupt. Armailte. An army. Arronnach. Becoming, fit. Aimailteach. Having armies. Arronaidham. To fit. Armachd. Feats of arms. Arrfantach. Old, ancient. Armam. To arm. Arruifach. Obvious. Armann. A chief, a prince. Arfa eifan. Said he. Armara. A rebuke, check. Arfachd. Age, being old. Armaire. A cupboard, clofet. Arfuighoir. An antiquary. Armhaigh. A buzzard. Arfuighachd. Antiquity. Armcha. 7 Arfon. For, in room of. l n armour ^rmth -f ^ '^ y> magazine. Arfneall. Sadnefs, forrow. Armhindam. To reverence, refpeft, Arfnalach. Sad, forrowful. Armtha, armte. Armed. Art; A bear. Armuinte. Bleffed. Art. A ftone, a tent, tabernacle, houfe. Armuintam. To blefs. Art. A limb. Arn. A judge. Art. God. Arnaidh. A band, furety. Art. Flefh. Arnath. Swollen, puffed up. Artach. Stoney, a quarry. Aroch. Straight. Artarach. A {hip boat. Aroch, A hamlet, a little fhielding. Artchailair. A quarry, ftone pit. Aroich. Field of battle. Artene. Pebbles, fand. Arne. A floe, reins, kidneys. Vide Airne. Arteine. A flint. Arcs. A houfe, habitation. Arthrach. A ftrip, , boat. Aroll. Great daughter, great deal, many. Arther. Eafterly.

Arol. Other. s Arthraigham. To navigate, to enlarge. Arr. A flag, a hind. Artragam. To do or make. Arra. Treachery. Artuirdhis. Augmentation. Arra. A pledge. Arufc. A lord. Arrachar. Steering, rowing. Arufg. The neck. Arrach A pigmy, dwarf, a fpectre, appa- As. Out, out of, out of him or it. Arracht .1 rition, centaur. Afam. Out of me. Arrachtach. Manly, effedlual, puiffant. Afad. Out of thee. Arrachtas. Power. Afinn, afinne. From, out of us. Arradh. An ornament. Afibh. Out of, from you. Arraghaidach. Negligent. Afda. Out of, from them. Arradh. Vide Earradha. As. Milk, ale, beer. Arraidh. Evil actions. Afach. A fhoemaker. Arraing. A ftitoh, convulfions. Afach. Milky, watery. Arraifam. To arrive or reach at. Afaighte. Shod. Arrchoghaidh. The hound that firft winds Afadh. Anchoring, refting, fettling, or comes up with the deer. Afam. To kindle a fire. Arroid. V ice. Afafirmam. To remove. Afaidh, A S C A T H

Afaidh. A refting, repofing, ftanza. Alias. A fpear, javelin. Afaire. A fhoemaker. Alteach. In, into. Afaidham. To rebel, revolt. Aftigh. In, within. Afaitigham. To abandon, evacuate. Allharruing. Abllradl. Afal. An afs. Aflranach. A guell, Arranger, traveller. Afam. To do, make. At. A fwelling. Afanta. Sedition. Atmhor. Swelling. Afarlaighachd. Magic, divination, intoxi- Ata. Is, am. cation. Ata. A hat, cap. Afard. Debate. Atan. A cap, garland. Afardoir. A litigious perfon. Atach. A requell. Afcaim. To afk, beg. Atach. Fermentation. Afcairt. A budding, fprouting; hards, Atachanam. To prate. tow. Atail. Deaf. Afgan. A grig. Atamhneachd. Redemption; Afgidh. Gratis, free. Atais. Woe. Afguil, The bofom, armpit. Atchuille. Aneurifm. Afcal. A conference j onfet; flowing of Ath. Again, equal to re in Latin, proxi- the tide. mate. Afcaoin. Curfe, excommunication. Ath. A ford. .Afcaointam. To curfe, excommunication. Ath, or aith. A kiln. A fear. A gueft. Athair. A father. Afcath, A foldier, champion. Athar. The air, fky. Afchu. A water-dog. Athair-ceile. ? r- . . ... , ? Iather-in-law. Afcnaim. To enter. Athair-ann-dhghe. J Afcnamh. Afcenfion. Athairamhuil. Fatherly. Afdar. A journey, way. Atha. A blall of wind. Afdaraigham. To travel. Athach. A giant. Afdairaiche. A traveller. Athach. Waves. Afdaroir. A porter. Athach gaoith. A blall. Afal. An afs. Athach. A fpace. Aiinnleachd. Devices. Athaile. Inattention. Afnag. A fan to winnow corn with. Athainne. A firebrand. Afgach. A winnower. Athair-baifdaich. A godfather. Afgaim. To winnow, cleanfe. Athair-faoifaidin. A father confelfor. Afion. A crown. Athair-lufa. Groundivy. Afleach. A requeli, temptation. Athairamhlachd. Fatherlinefs. Aflaigham. To beg, requeft. Athairaighachd. A patrimony. Aflonnadh. A difeovery,-telling. Athaireog. An aunt by the father. Afurlaigham. Tofupport. Athais. A rebuke. Aflain. Plates. Athaifam. To rebuke. Afcuch. An efcape. Athaifeach. Reviling. Afcuchahn. To efcape. Athal, Deaf. [HJ Athal, A T H A T H

Athal. A flefli hook. Athchuinge. A requefl. Athairdham. To adopt, Athchruinnigham. To rally. Athairdbadh. Adoption. Athchuingam. To requeft. Athargadh. A fharp engagement. Athcheimnigham. To recapitulate. Athairgaibh. Importunity, folicitation. Athchuiram. To furrender; to banifh. Atharmadltadh. Parricide. Athcheafnigham. Tore-examine. Atharaigham. To change, flit,- alter, Athchuir. Banifhment. Atharaghadh. Alteration, change. Athchumain. To deform, transform. Athathad, Reunion. Athhhairram. To call again, to repeat, tt>= Athbhach. Strength. echo. Athbhath. Second death. Athlamh. Expert, ready. Athbheoghaicham. To re-kindle, re-anl- Athamhal. A looking after, perceiving. mate. Athchoflas. Aftercofl. Athcaoid. Sicknefs, ailments, Aththinnas clainne. Afterpains. Athcaoideach. Sickly. Athlagham. To procraftinate. Athcaoin. Complaint. Athlaghadh. Procraftination. Athchagnam. To chew the cud, ruminate. Athghabham. ~) To take back, retake, re« Athchagnadh. Chewing the cud. Athghlacam. i fume. Athcairt. Renewal of a leafe. Athghearram. To fhorten, abbreviate. Athcafam. To return, to attack, to twift Athghlanam. To refine, furbifh. again. Athnuadhaicham. To renew. Athchafachdich. A repeated cough. Athnuadhachadh. Renovation. Athchafta. Strongly twifced, Athfmuintuigham. Torefleft, think, con- Athchomair. Brief, fhort, fider. Athbhualam. To re-aft. Athfgalam. To refound. Atha na furl. Corner of the eye. Athfmuintughadh. Refleftion. Athghairrid. Short, brief; a fhort way. Athfmuintidh. Second thought. Athbhrodam. To refufcitate. Athdhiolam. To refund. Athbhar, Aftercrop. Ath-la. Next day. Atharamharc. Aeorofcopy. Athlan-mara. Reflux of the fea, next tide. Athareolas. Aeoromancy. Athghloram. To refound. Athar-iul. Aerology. Athmhalairtam. To make a fecond ex^ Atharmheigh. A barometer. change. Athailte. A fear. Athmhalairt. Another or fecond exchange. Athchafaidam. Tore-charge. Athnacham. To give up, deliver. Athchoimhearan. A regiiter. Athneartuigham. To reinforce. Athchoimhire. An abridgement. Athnamh. Great flore, fpoil. Athchomhaircam. To fhout out again. Athleimam. To refound. Athchraim. To reflore. Athrach. A boat, wherry.

Athcharam. To mend, repair. Athuamhortha. Terrible, horrid, detefi;r Athchuimhnigham. To recolleft, able. Athchuimirc. Rehearfal of a caufe. Athuamhorthachd. Abomination. Athchuimhne. Recolleftion. Ath-uair. Second time. 4 Aththogam. A T H A U D

Aththogam. To rebuild. Athleafluigham, To reform. Aththoifaigham. To recommence. Athleaffughadh. Reformation, Athrainnam. To fubdivide. Athfgriobham. To tranfcribe. Athrochin. Recovering. Athfhealladh. Retrofpeft. Athreoruigbam. i To reconduft, to re- Athfhealbhachadh. Reverfion. Athfdiuram. j trieve. Athchuinginam. To retrieve. Athgheinmhin. Regeneration. Attin. Furze. Athgheinam. To regenerate. Audhallam. To be deaf.

BAG BAC Bis the fecond letter of the Irifh al- Bacag. A trip or fall. phabet, and is called beth, i. e. birch. Bacam, bacaigham. To flop, hinder, to It is a labial letter, and the article an is make lame or halt. , changed to am before it, as an bolg, the Bacal. An obftacle, hindrance. belly, is am bolg in nouns of the mafcu- Bacaifach. Hindering. line gender. For further information I Bacuidhe. Lamenefs. refer the reader to the Galic Analyfis. Bachul. A ftaff, crofier, crook. Ba. TVas, were, have been. It ought to be Bachlag. A lifp or flop in the fpeech 5 at written b’e, for bu e. little curl.

Ba. Cows. Plural of bo. Bachlagack. , n of ^ Ba. Good. Bachlach. ) Ba. Under. Bacudhas. Oven. Ba. Death. Bacala. A bakehoufe. Baan. The matrix of a cow. Bacalta. Baked. Bab, baban. A babe, baby. Bacan. Hinge of a door, any little Look. Baban. Short pieces of yarn or thread, a Bacal. A have, prifoner. taffel. Bach. Loving. Babanach. Having taffels. Bach. A breach, violent attack or fur^ Babhachd. Innocence, fweetnefs. prize. Babhoidin. Taffels. Bachanta. Prating. Babhuin. A bulwark, an inclofure for cat- Bachantachd. Garrulity. tle ; a milking place for cows. Bach. Drunkennefs. Bac, bacal, bacadh. A let, flop, hindrance, Bachaire., A drunkard. a prop, crook, fulcrum, Bachairiughadh. Drinking, lotting. Bachaim. To make drunk. ^aC‘ I A hook, hinge of a door. Bacan. J Bachallam. To clip round, to trim. Bacach. Lame, halt. Bachla. A cup, chalice. Bachar* B A G B A I

Bachar-. A beech maft, an acorn, the herb Baidal. A tower. Lady’s Glove. .Baghlach. Dangerous. Bachla. An armful. Baghthroidam. To wrangle. Bachlobhra. Pimples in the face from Baidalach. Towering. drinking. Baigh. Love, kindnefs, friendfhip. Bachthorman. The noife of drunkards. Baichbheurla. A folecifm. Bachoide. The bofs of a fhield. Bale. A tw'ift, turn. Bachtna. Strife, contention. Baicham. To touch, ftrike. Bad. A bunch, bufh, clufter, tuft. Baidh. A wave. Bad-mulaich. The top clufter, the hair on Baidhe. Predifting, prophecying. ,the top of the head. Baidheal. A cow-ftall. Bad. A boat. Baidheach. A eo-adjutor, comrade. Bad-aifaig. A ferry-boat. Baidheach. ■ Friendly, fair, noble. Bad-fada. A long-boat. Baighal. , Badan. A tuft of trees or hair. Baidheachd. Friendfhip. Badanach. Tufted. Baidheamhlachd. Prophecying. ‘Badach. Having boats, boat like. Baidheachas. Grace, favour. Badachd. Boating. Baidhte. Wafhed, drowned. Badh. Love, friendfhip. Baidham. To endear, to give one’s word, to Badhach. Loving, friendly. prophecy. Badhbh. A vulture, Royfton crow, any Baidin. A , a little boat, ravenous bird. Baifphiaft. A toad. ©adhfbh. A fairy woman, a fcold; the Baigham. Tofpeakto. North. Baighin. Awaggon. Badhghaire. A fot, a fool, a coquet. Baighle. A fawn. . JBadhbha. Evident, manifeft. Bail. A place, refidence. Badhbhachd. Croaking like a raven, hawk, Bail. Profperity, good luck. or vulture. Bail. The allowance of a mill to the Badhon. A little haven, road, rampart, poor. bulwark, a bay of the fea. Bailc. Bold, ftrong, alfo a ftraight, or li- Baganta. ) . , gature. S TT7Warlike, corpulent, tight. Bagach. > Bailceach. A ftrong ftraight man. 'Bagach. Fighting. Baile. A town, village ; plur. Bailte. Bagar. A threat. Baile mor. A large town. Bagaram. To threaten. Baile. A clan, tribe, Bagart. Threatening. Baile margaidh. A market town. Bagh, badh. Kindnefs; an eftuary. Baile-geamhraidh. Ground always plowed. Bagh. A promife, tie, bond. Baile puirt. A fea port. Bagh-thinnas. A furfeit. Baillam. To drink. Bagham. To give or pledge one’s word. Bailli. A bailiff. JBaghach, badhach. Kind, friendly, loving. Baiilein. A bofs, ftud, any round thing. Baghadh. Fighting, quarrelling Bailien. A drink. Baillcog.O B A I B A I

Bailleog. A tv/ig, fprout, or fucker. Baintigharna. A lady, a gentlewoman. Bailleagach. Full of twigs or fuckers. Baintreabhach. A widow. Bailm. Balm, balfam. Bairche. Strong, brave. Bailigheachd. A-bailiwick, province, dif- Bairche. A battle. tricl. Bair. A game, battle, a game at hurl- Bailteach. Full of towns. ina:. Bailgfhionn. Having a white or fpeckled Bairchne. A fight by women. belly.. Bairdheis. The end or point. Bailtachas. Planting towns, colonizing. Bairdheifam. To point. Baine. Milk. Bairead. A bonnet, cap. Baine. A drop. Baireatrom. Light-headed, quick, nim- Bainbh. A little pig. ble. Bainbhidheachd. Pigging, farrowing* Bairefc. The froth of water. Bainbhin. A fucking pig. Baircin. A ferret. Baincheadach. Authorized. Baircin. Crofs flicks or fide timbers for a. Bainceadam. To authorize. houfe. Baine-milis. New milk. Bairgeanta. Swift. - Baine-goirt. Butter-milk. Bairghean. A cake. Baine-binntighte. Thickened milk. B'airghean. A floor, plot of grounds Baine-nuis. Bieltings. Bairghin. A begotten fon. Taine ramhar. Curdled milk. Bairghintach. A bringer forth of fons.. Baine-gamhnach. Honey-fuckle, Bairin, A cake of bread. Baineach. Milky. Bairile. A helmet, a barrel. Baine bo. Cow’s milk. Bairinn. A firebrand. Baine caorach. Sheep milk.- Bairneach. Filial. Bainne. Whither. Bairneach. Perverfe, fretful. Bainalach. A dropping of rain. Bairnigham. To fret. Baineafag. A ferret. Bairneachd. Judging. Bainfirinfce. The epicene gender. Bairnam. To judge. Bainnfhreagaradh. A bond, ftipulation. Bairribhuaghbhail. A founding horn. . Baing. On a fudden. Bairricin. A. ferret. Bainghearrachd. A goddefs. Bairfeach. A fcold, fhrew. Bainni. Madnefs, fury, rage. Bairfgeoig. Top of the windpipe. Bainnionn. Female. Bairfeachd. Scolding, a fatire.- Bainnionnas. Muliebrity. Bairfeog. A young fcold. Bainnfe. Of the wedding. Vide Banis. Bairfigham. To fcold. Bainfeach. A plain or field, ftieepwalk, a Bais. Water. folitary place. Baifc. Round. Bainfeachd. Feafting. Baifchailc. . Ruddle. Bainfeaghadh. Deftroying, defolating.. Baifceall. A wild perfon.. Bainfgeal. A liar. Baifcne. A tree. Bainfpireag. A fparrow-hawk. Baifeach. Flat. Bainteoladh. A woman thief. Baifeachd. Palmiltry, [I] Baifde. ■ B A L BAN

Baifde, baifdeoir. Baptift ; a fornicator. Ballan-lofguin. A mufhroom. Baifdadh. Baptifm, rain. Ball-feirc. Beauty fpot. Baifdeam. To baptize ; to dip. Ball-dobhrain. A mole. Baife. Of the palm of the hand. See Ballan-binntachaidh. A cheefe vat. Bas. Ball-faobhrach. An edged tool. Baifeal. Pride. Ball-feargha. Membrum virile. Baifealach. Proud. Ballardadh. Proclamation. Baifin. A bafon. Ballardham. To proclaim. Baifleach. An ox, a handful of water, or Ballghalar. Plague. any thing. Ballnafg. A joint. Baite. Drowned. Ballog. The fkull. Baifter, baiter. Water. Ballog. A blot. Baiftidhe. Drops from a houfe. Balt. A belt. Baitheann. Inevitable, prefent death. Ballfgoid. A blifler. Baithis. The forehead, brow. Ballfgoidam. To blifler. Baiteach. Vide Bodach. Balt. A welt, border. Baitin. A little Hick. Ballach. Striped. Baitineachd. Beating with a Hick. Baltaidhe. Fetters. Ball. A fpot, mark ; a place; a ball, globe; Baltin. Health, fafety. a weapon, member, a cable. Ballchrith. Trembling. Ballach. Spotted, Ban. Pale, white, true; copper, copper Balach. A giant, a llurdy fellow, a fel- mine. low. Banag. Any thing white, a fhilling. Baladh. Fighting. Bannach. A bannock, cake. Balaighe. Profit, advantage. Bann. A bond, bill ; a chain, a girth, Balbh. Dumb, mute. belt ; a proclamation, a ball. Balbhachd. Dumbnefs. Bannal. A number, many, croud, wo- Balbhan. A dumb perfon. men. Balbhanam. To ftrike dumb. Bannlamh. A cubit, handcuffs. Bale. A hardnefs or cruftnefs in the earth Bani. Madnefs, frenzy. occafioned by the weather. Ban-talamh. Day ground. Bale. Strong, flout. Bann-taifoeunaidh. A bond of appear- Balcmhar. Great, corpulent. ance. Balg. A man of erudition. Ban. A woman, light. Vide Bean. Balgan-feidaidh. Fuz-ball. Bana. Death. Balia. A wall, rampart. Banab. Abbefs. Ball-deife. An inilrument, tool, ufeful Banaigham. To lay wafle, to bleach, weapon. whiten, grow pale. Ball-fampuill. An example, fpecimen. Banaghadh. Laying walle, whitening. Ball-oibre. A tool to work. Banais. A wedding. Ball-toirmaifg. An obftacle. Banaiteach. Serious. Ballan. A teat, udder ; a fliell, covering ; Banbh. A pig. broom, a churn. Banchonganta. A midwife. Banchoigle. B A O BAR

Banchoigle. A cup companion, a female Baothan. A jack fprat, nidget. goffip. Baothleimnach. Wild-leaping. Banfhlufga. Fluxus muliebris. Baois. Lull, concuprfcence, levity, mad Banda. Female. nefs. Bang. A nut, the touch, hindrance. Baoifgal. Shining, glittering. Bangadh. A promife. Baoifeach. Lafcivious. Banmhac. A fon-in-law. Baoifgam. To peep, look in. Ban-mhathair. A mother-in-law. Baoifleach. A brothel. Bann. Marching, journeying. Baoith. Youthful, light. Bann duirne. A wriftband. Baoithchreidmhach. Credulous. Banna. A band, troop. Baos. Capricious. Bannach. Adtive. Baofrach. Frenzy. Bannach. A fox. Baoth. Weak, foft, fimple. Bannachd. Subtlety. Baothan. A blockhead. Bannamh. A female faint. Baothchaifigh. Riotous. Bannleanaim. To a£l the midwife* Bar. Bread. Bannaoin. A goddefs. Bar. A fon, a learned man. Bannfach. An arrow. Bar. A dart. Bannfhaor. Free by law. Barr. A top, a crop, the hair of the head, Bannftiaorfachd. Freedom by law, licence, overplus. patent. Bar a bhrigein. Silver-weed. Bannfliaorfaigham. To licence. Bar braonan nan con. Tormentil. Bannfhorn. A kind of gridle or bake- Bara. Going, marching, anger. ftone. Bara. A barrow. Bannfhompla. An example. Bara-roth. A wheelbarrow. Banoglach. A fervant maid. Baramhuil. An opinion, fuppofition, con- Banrach. A fold ; a fmock. jecture. Banracham. To pent up. Baramhlaigham. To fuppofe, conje&ure. Banfgal. A woman ; effeminate. Baramhlaghadh. Suppofing. Banfglabha. A bondmaid. Baramhlach. Cenforious. Banfcoth. A fon-in-law. Barantas. A warrant, pledge, pawn. Banfear. A filly. Baranta. Warrantee, furety. Banta. A niece. Baran. A baron. Bantrach. Fingal’s feraglio* Baranachd. A barony. Baodh. Wild, foolifti. Baran taicham. Tov/arrant. Baodhan. A calf. Barantamhuil. Warrantable. Baodrod. Vide Bairfeachd. Barath. Lying in wait. Baoghal. Danger. Barbrog. The barberry bulh. Baoghalach. Dangerous, perilous. Barran. The tops of mountains. Baoibh. A foolifh mad woman. Barran. A hedge of thorns by a wall, ed- Baoil. Water j madnefs, a fit of mad- der. nefs. Barrachaol, A pyramid. Barrach. BAR BAT

Barrach. Tow, hards. Barddidhas.T Barrachd. Overplus. Bardachd. > Satire. Barriall. A thong, latchet. Barfeas. J

Bar baile. ? gatt]ementS} bartizans. Barrag. Weeds that float in water. B armor, i Barradhriopair. A butler. Bare. A bark, fmall flrip. Barramhais. A cornice. Bare. A book. Barrthonn. i „ . Barclann. A library. Barrchuft. J PenCramUm- Barcachd. An embarkation. Bas, bos. The palm of the hand. Barcaim. To embark. Bas. Death. Bard. A poet. Bafmhor. Mortal. Bard. Corporation. Bafmhorachd. Mortality. Bardachd. Poetry ; corporation town. Bafuigham. To die, ftarve. Bardal. A drake. Bafgluaidhe. Vermilion, red lead. Bardamhuil. Like a poet, fatirilh Bafal. Judgment. Bardas. A lampoon, fatire. Bafafcanas. The bafs in mufic. Barg. Red hot. Balbaire. A fencer. Barn. A nobleman, a judge, a battle. Baibruidheach. Lecherous. Barra. A barr, fpike. Bafbruidheachd. Lechery. Barr. Helmet, fon, head, top, end, feum, Bafc. Red. heap. Bafc. Round. Barrachad. A cottage, hut. Bafcach. A catchpole, a bailiff, Barradh. A hindrance. Bafcam. To apprehend. Barraghlach. Tops or branches of trees. Bafcairm. A circle. Barraighain. A mitre, turband. Bafcaid. A bafket. Barraift. Borage, green cale. Bafcall. A wild man in the woods. Barrarnhuil. Gay, genteel, fprightly, ge- Bafcarnach. Lamentation. nerous. Bafcart. Cinnamon. Barrabhailc. Entablature. Bafc-charnte. Globular. Barrachas. Curled hair. Bafc-chriadh. Ruddle. Barrchfaighte. Trimmed, clipped. Bafdard. A baftard. Barrbhuidhe. Yellow-head. Bafgam. Toftop, ftay. Barrdog. A box, pannier, hamper. Bafgaire. A mournful clapping of hands.. Barrog. A young girl. Baflog. A place of execution. Barrag. A Hitch, oppreflion in ficknefs ; Baflach. The palmful. grappling, wreftling. Bafmun. I fuppofe fomething medicL Barrfhionn. White-topped. nal.j Barrog. A knit, rod, fwitch. Baffoile. Vaffal. Barrogam. To grapple, to embrace. Baffa. Fate, fortune. Barlin. A rolling fea. Bata. A Hick, ftaff, baton. Barneach. A limpet, a dinner. Batail. A fkirmifh, fight. Bard-coimhioc. IA dramatift. Batair. A cudgeller. Bard-dealbhchluith. J Bataireachd. Cudgelling, Bath, B E A B E A

Bath. The fea. Bead. Flattery, a trick, pity. Bath. Slaughter, death, murder. Beadidheacht. Sweet mouthed, forward- Bath. Third:. nefs. Bath. Beadidh. Forward, impudent. ^ Drowning. Bathadh. Beadighan. A fcoffer, parafite. Batham. To drown', die, perifh, to faint. Beadidham. To be forward, to adf the pa- Bhthainte. A booty of cattle. rafite. Bathais. Forehead. Beadighe. A flatterer. Bathghorm. A light blue. Beadag. Lying woman, a gofllp. Bathlach, balach. A clown. Beaddarach. Frolickfome, fportive, fond. Bathlan. The flux of the fea, a calm, Beadan. Calumny. Bathlaodh. A helmet. Beadradh. Fondling, toying. Bathroid. A token. Beadanachd. Calumniating. Bathfhruth. A calm ftream. Beadfhoraobhadh. A regiPer, commentary. Batros. Rofemary. Beag. Little, fmall j is beag orm, I value- Bathar. Wares. not, I hate. B’e, for bu e. It was. Beag nach. AlmoP. Be. Night. Beagan. A little, a few. Be. A woman. Beaganam. To make little. Be. Life. Beagchionta. A foible. Beabh. A tomb, grave. Beagdhata. A Pingy fellow. Beabham. To die. Beageaglach. Void of fear. Beacan. A mulhroom. Beagluach. Of little value. Beac. Beal. Vide Beul. A bee. Beachan. Beal, or Beul. An orifice, hole. Beachan chapul. A wafp. Beal. The god Belus. Beacarna. A common proflitute. Beala. A veil. Beacht. A multitude, a ring; Beala. To die. Beacht. Perfedf. Beali. Broom. Beacht. A covenant, furet-y. Bealach. A gap, a highway or road. Beacht. Perception, feeling, idea. Bealadhv Anointing. Beachta. Carriage, behaviour. Bealbhach. A bit for the mouth.. Beachtam. To compafs, embrace, to cri- Bealbhan-ruadh. A fort of hawk. ticize. Bealcainteach. Talkative. Beachligham. To certify, aflu-re. Bealehrabhadb. Hypocrify. Beachdam. To meditate, confider, perceive. Bealchrabhach. A hypocrite. Beachtaire. A critic. Bealdruidam. To filence. Beachtamhuil. Circular, roundifh. Bealfhothargain. A gargarifm. Beachdidh. Sure, certain. Bealgach. Prattling, babbling. Beachlann. A bee houfe. Bealgradh. Diflimulation, flattery. Beachran. Wandering, Praying; Bealradh. A phrafe, fpeech. Beachrainnam. To grieve, to put aPray* Bealraidhteach. Famous, talkative. Bead. Mournful, forrowful news. Bealtaine. A compadf, agreement. [K] Bealteine. 'B E A B E A

Bealteiue. The firft of May. Teine Beil, Bean-nighaidh. A wafherwoman. or fire of the god Belus, i. e. Mayday in Beanriogh. A queen. Irifh, fo called from the fires which the Bean-fdiubhard. A houfekeeper. .Druids lighted on the fummits of the Bean-fdiubhardachd. Houfekeeping. higheft hills, into which they drov,e the Bean-fhiubhladb. A woman in childbed. four-footed hearts, ufing at the fame time Beanphriunnfa. A princefs. certain ceremonies to expiate for the fins Beaniarla. Countefs. of the people. This Pagan ceremony of Beanuafal. A lady or gentlewoman. Jighting thofe fires in honour of the Beanbhochd. A beggar woman. .Afiatic God Belus, gave its name to the Beandiuc. Dutchefs. entire month of May, which to this day Beanleigh. A female phyfician. is called Mios na Bealteine, in the Irifh Beandalta. A fofter daughter. language. Dr. Keating fays, the defign Bean-ofd. An hoftefs. of it was to keep off contagious diforders Beanridir. A knight’s lady. from them for that year, and that all the Beanabharain. A baronefs. inhabitants of Ireland quenched their fires Beanbaile. The lady of the place or Ilk. .on that day, and kindled them again out Beanmhaifdair. A miftrefs. of fome part of that fire. Beanarach. A fhepherdefs or milkmaid. Bean. A woman. Beandia. Goddefs. Beann. A degree, ftep ; a horn ; a fkirt, Beanogha. A grand-daughter. a drinking cup. Beanchliamhuin. A daughter-in-law, or Beann. A mountain; plur. Beannta. fifler-in-law. Bean. A goat. Beanbhuachaile. A fhepherdefs. Bean. Quick, nimble. Beanchruitire. A female harper. Bean. For Buin, touch thou. Beanchuiflainach. A female piper. Beanadh. Dulnefs, bluntnefs, Beancheile. A fpoufe. Bean-bainnfe. j . . ., Beanfhniomh. A fpinfter. I A bride. Bean-nua&hphofda. S Beanamhuil. Modeft, like a woman. Bean-laoch. 7 i Beantrach. A houfe of women, feraglio* FAA heroine. Bean-ghaifgaiche. > Beanntach. Full of mountains. Bean-tighe. A landlady, goodwife. Beannachd. A bleffing, farewell. Beanachas tighe. Houfewifery. Beannuicham. Toblefs. Bean-tuath. A country wench. Beandraoith. Enchantrefs, forcerefs. Beanaltra. A nurfe. Beanadhaltranach. Adultrefs. Bean-chaimhaidachd. A waiting maid, a Beannachadh. A bleffing, benedidfion, bride maid. grace to meat. Bean-chioch. A wet nurfe. Beannuighte. Bleffed. Beancharaid. A female friend. Beannan. A little hill. Beanchinnaidh. A female namefake, Beanam. To reap, mow, cut down. Beanoglach. A maid fervant. Beandachd. Effeminacy. Bean-ghluin. A midwife. Beangan. A branch, bough. Beantigharna. A lady, gentlewoman. Beanchomharba. A dowager. Bean-leoghain. A lionefs. Beanchobar. A horn. Beanann. B E A BED

Beanann. Furniture, goods. Beart-fhighaidh. A weaver’s loom. Beannach. Horned, fkirted, chequered. Beart-uchd. A poitrel. Beannaim. To ideal, thieve, cornute. Beartach. Rich. Beannog. A coif, linen cap. Beartas. Riches. Beanoighre. Heirefs. Beartaigham. To yoke, begin, to brandifh, Bear. A fpit. Vide Bior. flouriflr, play, meditate. Bear. A bear. Bearrthog. A razor. Beara. A judge. Beart. Judgment, clothes. Bearacht. Judgment. Beart. Carried. Vide Beiram.- Bearaim. To take away, to give. Vide Beart. A game at tables. Beiram. Beart. A covenant, agreement. Bearan. A young man, a pin. Beart. Threatening. Bearbhadh. Seethed, boiled. Beartaire. A brandifher. Bearbhaim. To melt, diffolve. Beartam. To threaten, point. Bearbhoir. A refiner of metals. • Bearrtha. Shaved, cropped. Bearg. Anger, a champion. Beartrach. A pair of tables, chefs-board. Beargachd. Diligence. Beartha. Clean, fine, genteel. Beargna. The vernacular language of a Beas. Behaviour, manners, cuflom. place. Beas. Certain, correft. Bearla. Vide Beurla. Beafcnadh. Peace ; a fpeech, dialedf. Bearla Fene. Lawyer’s Irifh. Beafach. Well behaved. Bearla tebidh. Mixed dialedd. Beafcnaidh. Accommodation, agreement. Bearna. A gap, breach. Beafcnaigham. To accommodate, agree. Bearnan-bride. Dandelion. Beafcon. A fyllogifm. Bearnach. Full of gaps. Beafg. A harlot. Bearr. Short, brief. Beaftan. A grievance. Bearra. A fpear. Beath. Birch tree. Bearra. Short hair. Beatha. Life. Bearrafgian. A razor. Beathach. A beaft, animal. Bearradan. Sciffars, fnuffers. Beathaigham. To feed, nourifh. Bearram. To clip, fhear. Beathaghadh. Food, nourifliment, educa- Bearra. A cut, flared, flice, fegment. tion, benefice, bread, or place. Bearradh. Tripping along, light. Beathmhan. A bee. Bearradh. The tops or cliffs of mountains Beathodach. A beaver. and rocks. Beathog. A bee, beech-tree. Bearrg. Angry, outrageous. Beathoguighte. Stung by a bee. Bearrthoir. ') Beathra. Water. Bearradair. IA barber, fhearer. Bee. A point, bill of a bird. Bearrthach. J Bechnel. Gavelkind. Bearna-mhiol; The hare lip. Bechdalachd. Ambition. Beart. An engine, machine, frame, mode Bed. A deed or adtion, injury, pity. of doing any thing, a bundle, trufs. Bed. Mournful, difmal. Beart treabhaidh. A plow. ! Bed. Fruit, 4 Bed- B E I B E S

Bedfoiriobhadh. A commentary.. Beithniur. St. John’s wort. Beg. Vide Beag. Little. Beithir. A bear. Beic. An outcry, roar. Beitir. Clean, neat. Beicam. To roar. Belra. A parifh, an ecclefiaftical divifion Beicaire. Bawler, prating fellow. of land. Beicighil. Outcry, roaring. Beltine. Month of May. Beidadh. Patching. Ben. Vide Bean. A woman. Beicliare. A beehive,. Beneigin. A rape. Beidhaidh. A lamprey. Beo. Living, alive, Beicleimnach. Dancing, (kipping. Beo. Cattle, any living creature, Beile. A meal of meat. Beochomhan. A warren. Reille. A kettle, caldron. Beodhacht. Courage, vigour. Beillean. Blame, reproach. Beodhaim. To quicken, enliven, Beilbhag. Corn poppy. Beochan. A fmall fire. Beilt. Of a belt, or cingle. Beochanta. Vigorous. Beim. A ftroke, blow, cut. Beo-eachdairachd. Biography, Beim. A tribe, flock, generation. Beo-luath. Plot embers. Beim. Help, a beam, piece of timber, Beoghaineamh. Quickfand, Beimcheip. A whipping-flock. Beoill. Fatnefs. Beimnach. Vehement, cutting, reproach- Beoil. Verbal. ful. Beol. A robber, Beinnid. Cheefe-rennet. Beolaoch. A lively lad. Beinc. A bin. Beolach. Talkative. Seine. A feparation, disjunction. Beolidhachd. Oral tradition. Seine. A champion ; the evening, Beoloidas. Beinin. A little woman. Beo-radharc. Quick fight. Beinn. A mountain, hill, the fummit. Beoftilainte. Life rent. - 1 Beirbhis. Anniverfary feafl, vigil, Beothachal. Lively. Beiram. To take, give, bring forth, bear,, Beothach. A beaft. to carry. Vide Bearaim. Beoir. Beer. Beiram fanear. To obferve.. Beoir-laidir. Strong beer. Beirt. Two perfons. Beolr-chaol. Small beer. Beirt. Help, affiftance. Beothal. Waving. Beirt. A burden. Beofach. Bright, glittering, brilk, dapper,., Beirthe. Birth, born, brought forth. fpruce. Beirtin. A little burden. Beofaigham. To beautify, deck out. Beiftin. A little beaft. Beofgaradh. A divorce. Beifgne. Peace, quiet, Beo-thorrach. Ready to lie in. Beit. Twain, both. Beo-thuifmighthach. Viviparous. Beith. A birch tree. Bes. And. Beitha. Of birch, birchen. Bes. The belly ; art, trade. Beitin. The fcorched or frofl-bitten grafs Bes. Manner, cuftom. of the hills. Bes. ExaCt, careful. Bes. B I A B I L

Bes. Vide Baos. Biadhchluan. A kitchen. Befcna. Peace, country. Biadhtach. An hofpitable man ; a certain Bet. A chariot. order of tenants in Ireland who procured Betheacht. Effeminate. provifions for the nobles. Betheignachadh. Forcing a woman. Biadhor. Efculent. Beterlach. The old law. Biail. An hatchet, an ax. Bethluifnion. The alphabet. Bial. Water. Beth. Birch, the letter B. Bian. A pelt, fkin, hide. Beul. The mouth. Vide Beal. Bian-leaffaiche. A currier. Beuloidas. Tradition. Bias, biafd. A beaft. Beul. The god Belus. Biafd donn (or) dubh. An otter. Beulmhach. Biata, biatach. Vide Biadhtach. The bit of a bridle. Beulanach. . Biatach. A raven. Beuldhraoithachd. Incantation. Biatas. Betony. Beulbochd. Pleading of poverty. Bibhfi. Deprivation. Beulphurgaid. Gargarifm. Bichearb, bichim, Mercury, quickfilver. Beulach, Fair fpoken. Biceir. A cup. Beulais. Prating, babbling. Bicheardcha. A tavern, vidtualling-houfe. Beul bi. A pretty little mouth. Bidain. A little bit. BeuFmaothain. Scrobiculum cordis. Bidag. A dirk, ftilletto. Beum. A cut, gap, reproach. Bid. A hedge. Beumnach. Full of cuts, gaps. Bidgh, bidhgadh. A fudden Hart. Beud. A deed, an evil deed. Vide Bed. Bidhis. A fcrew. Beudag. A little, idle, goffiping woman. Big, Little. Beus. Moral virtue, quality. Bigeun. A coif, cap, hair-lace. Beufach. Moral, civil, courteous. Bigh. Glue, birdlime. Beurtha. Genteel, well-fpoken. Bil. Good. Beurla. Speech, a word, phrafe ; the Bil. A beard, the mouth, a bird’s bill. Englifh language. Bil. A bloffom. Bha. Imperfect tenfe of atam, was. Bile. A tree, duller of trees. Bhar. Your. Bile. A border, welt. Bhi. Vide Bha. Bili. Lips. Bhos. On this fide. Bille. A bill. Bi. Killing, murdering. Bille. Poor, mean, weak. B’i. For bu i, it was Ihe. Vide Analy- Bille. A rag. fis, Ata. Bill. A leper, a fool. Bi. Small, little, fine. Billeachd. Poverty. Bi. Living. Billeog. Leaf of tree. Biach. Membrum virile. Billeog-bhaite. Water Lily. Biachachd. A priapifm. Bileogan nan eun. A fort of acid plant. Biadh. Meat, food. Billeoga an fpon. Tuffilago or Colts- Biadh ur eunan. Wood forrel, foot. Biadhta. Fatted. Bilich. Tuft. Binnain. B I O B I 0

Billch chuige. Marigold. Biolafgach. Talkative. Bim. Vide Bitham. Biolgada. Rowing. Binn. True; fweet, melodious, harmo- Bion. Readily, ufually. nious. Bior. A fpit, pin, bodkin. Binn. Vide Beinn. A hill, the hopper of Biorfhiacul. A toothpick. a mill. Bior. Water, a well or fountain. Binn. Accufation, fentence. Bior nam bride. Dandelion. Binn. A voice. Biorach. A two year old heifer. Binnain. A pinnacle or top. Biorach. Sharp-pointed, piercing, mucro- Binndain. Rennet. nated. Binnteach. Coagulative. Biorfhuilach. Sharp-fighted. Binndealan, Bioran. A little Hake, pin, needle. A forehead-cloth. Bindiol. Biorchoil. An inftrument for beheading. Binne. More melodious, Bioran. Strife. Bioranach. A contentious perfon, a pin- g. n^’ | Harmony, melody. cufhion. Binnalach. Melodious chirping. Bioranachan. A pinmaker. Binneach. Hilly, having horns. Bioranaighte. Vexed. Binnealta. i Pretty, neat, fine, melodi- Biorar. Watercrefles. Binnealtach. 5 ous. Bioriafg. A fifhing bait. Binneaduin. Hill of Howth. Biorbhogha. A rainbow. Binnean. A bell. Biorbhuafan. A water ferpent. Binntigham. To coagulate. Biorchomhladh. A water fluice. Binnear. A hill. Biordhach. Watery. Binnear. A hair pin, a bodkin for the Biorgon. A floodgate, a dam. hair. Biorphota. Urn. Binfe. A bench. Bioror. The brink of any water. Biochionnta. Common, general. Biorra an t iafgair. The bird called Kingf- Biodh. The world. Biorra. fiflrer. Biochiontas. State of being common. Biorra cruidin. Biodh. For Bithadh. Vide Ata, Analy-r Biorrach. A boat, fkiff. fis. Biorrac. Amarfnyfield. Biochuram. Anxiety. Biorraidh. A bullock. Biodanach. A tatler. Biorraid. Strife, an ofier twig, a cap or Biodhbha. An enemy. helmet. Biodhbhanas. Difcord. Biorranam. To hamper, perplex, diftracL Biodhg. A ftart. Biorran. Anguifh of mind. Biodhgam. To flart up. Biorranach. Diftradled. Biodhgamhuil. Adtive, lively. Biorranaire. A fomentor of ftrife. Biol. A mufical inftrument. Biorros. Water Lily. Biolar. C relies. Biorrfraobh. The old bed of a river. Biolafgadh. Talking, prattling. Biofar. Silk. Bioth- B I T B L A

Bioth-eoin. Birdlime, glue* Bitis. Beets. Bioth, high, i Gum of trees, pith of Bieci. A ftrong man. Bioth-craoibh. j wood. Bla. A town, village. Biothanach. A thief. Bla. Piety, devotion. Bioth, bith. Life, exillence, a being. Bla. The fea, a green field. Bioth. The world. Bla. Healthy, fafe, well. Biolar. Dainty, fine, fpruce. Bla. Yellow. Biothbhuan. Everlafting, perpetual, eter- Bla. A cry, flrout. nal. Bla. Fruit of the womb. Biothbhuantachd. Eternity, everlafting. Bla. Praife, renown. Biothghrabhachd. Cofmography. Bla. In the Brehon laws, he it enaiied. Bir, bior. Water. Vide Cairbre Liffeachar’s code, Bir. A fpit. Vide Bior. Blachd. A word. Bir. Short. Bladh. Renown, fame. Birag. The foretooth in brutes. Bladh. Smooth. Birag lodain. A bandftickle. Bladh. A flower, a garland of flowers.' Biread. A cap, bonnet. Bladh, blaidh. A part, fragment, por-- Biraidach. High-headed. tion. Birfheadan. A water-pipe. Bladh. Encreafe of fame. Birfhion. Metheglin. Bladh. Flattery. Birid. A breeding cow. Blaidham, bladham. To break. Birmhein. Oozinefs, moifture. Bladaire. A flatterer, foother. Birin. A little pin. Blad. A dirty mouth. Birrae. Standing water. Bladairam. To flatter. Birt. Loads, bundle. VideBeirt. Bladhach. Buttermilk. Birt. Hilt, haft, handle. Bladhachd. Breaking or crumbling to pie- Bis. A buffet, box. ces. Bis eagha. Icicles hanging from the eaves Bladhm. A flirt, a brag, boaft. of houfes. Blaghair. A blaft. Bifeach. Profperity, encreafe. Blaghaire. A boafter. Bith. A wound. Blaghaiream. To boaft. Bith. The world, a being, exiftence, be- Blaghantas. Boafting. ing, life. Blaghmanach. A boafting fellow. Bith. Cuftom, habit. Blai. The womb. Bithbheo. Everlafting. Blanag. Fat, tallow. Bitheamhnach. A thief. Blanigach. Fat. Bithbhrigh. Effence. Blaifam. Totafte. Bithe. Female, belonging to the female Blaith. Plain, fmooth. fex. Blaithe. Smoother. Bithre. Life-time. Blaith. A bloffom. Bitheamhanta. Thieviftt. Blaitheafch. Smooth, polilhed. Bithftiior. Everlafting. Blaithfleafg. A garland of flowers. Bitiorra. Chearful, blithe. Blaithanj. To fmooth, polifli. Blaith Hog, B L E E L 0

Blaithliog. A polifhed ftone. Bieathmhor. Fruitful. Blaithin. A fmall bloflbm. Bleathghlunach. In-kneed. Blame. Sound, healthy. Bleid. A cajole, or wheedling. Blandar. Flattery. Bleidh. A cup, goblet. Blanc. A farthing. Bleidh-mhiol. A whale. Blaoc. A whale. Blein. A harbour for boats. Blaodh-eun. A bird-call. Bleun. The flank, groin. Blaodh. A fhout or calling, breath. Bliaghain, blianadh. A year. Blaodhag. A noify girl or woman. Bliaghanamhuil. Yearly. Blaodhrach. Clamorous. Bliaghainchain. An annuity. Blaor. A cry. Blidham. To milk. Blaoram. To cry. Blimh, blinn. Spittle, froth of a dead body. Blar. A field, green, a fpot, a battle. Blincain. A torch, link. Blaran. A little field, green, fpot. Bliocht. Profit of a milk cow. Blaofc. A hulk or Ihell. Bliochdmhaire. Full of milk. Blaofcin. The Ikull. Blionach. A flow handlefs perfon. Bias. Tafle, flavour. Blioch. A whole. Blafaim. To tafte. Bliochan. Yellow marflr anthericum. Blafachd. Tailing. Bliofan. An artichoke. Blafda. Savoury. Blipfeachd. War. Blafdachd. Sweetnefs. Blith. Grinding. Blafpog. A fweet kifs. Bloach. A whale. Blath. A form or manner. Blob. Thick-lipped. Blath. A flower, bloflbm, fruit, ef- Blobaran. A flutterer. Blathan,J fects. Bloc. Orbicular, round. Blath. Praife. Blocan. A little block. Blath. White, clean, warm. Blochbharram. To turn in a lathe. Blathliag. A pumice-ftone. Blodh. A fragment, piece. Blathach. Butter-milk. Blodhach. Broken in pieces. Blathaigham. To flower; to polifh, fmooth. Blodham. To break in pieces. Blathaille. Mark of a ftroke. Blodhaire. A battery, a place from which Blathoibriughadh. Embroidery. an attack is made. Blatuigham. To warm. Blodhuideog. A fragment. Bleachd. Kine, milk. Bloinigain-garaidh. Spinnage. Blathas. Warmth. Blomas. Oftentation. Bleachdaire. A foothing, undermining fel- Blor. A voice. low. Blorach. Noify. Blathor. Having warmth. Bloracan. A noify fellow. Bleagham. Bios. Open, plain, manifeft. To milk. Bleaghanam.am. )\ Blofam. To make manifeft. Bleafghanach. Emulgent. Blofc. A congregation, light. Bleathach. That grindeth. Blofcach. A robufl clown. Bleatham. To grind. Blofcaire. A collector. Blofcam. B O C BOG

Blofcam. To found a horn or trumpet, to Bochdam. To impoverith. explode. Bochdaine. Poverty. Blofgadh. A found, report. Bochthonn. A fwelling furge, Blofcmhaor. A cryer to a court. Bofca. A coffer, box. Blot. A cave or den. Bocoide. Studds, boffes. Blotach. One that dwells in a cave. Bocum. A covering. Blotlach. A cave, den. Bod. A tail, a man’s yard. Bluch. Fatnefs. Bodach. A ruftic, old man, an Englifh Bluirid. Pinched. pint. Bluirc. Crumbs, a fragment. Bodach-ruadh. A cod-fifh. Blufar. A noife, outcry. Bodachamhuil. Surly, ruftic, boorifh. Bodar. Bo. A cow. Deaf. Bo. A fawn. Bodhar.4 Bo allaidh. A buffalo. Bodhar. Vide Bothar. Boag. A fea lark. Bodh-ar. Murrain of cattle. Lobhaith. A cowflaughter. Bodharfach. A deftrover of cows. Bo-bhainnadh. A milch-cow. Bodog. Rage, anger, fury; a yearling calf, Bobhadh. A bow. Bodogachd. Fury, rage. Boban. Papa. Bodagachd. An heifer that wants the bull. Bobeloth. An antient name of the alpha- Boel. Pith of any ftalk. bet. Boghtain. A building, roof, a vault. Bobas. I would not. Boghtainam. To build, roof, vault. Bobgurnac. A blaft, fart. Bog. Soft, penetrable.' Bobo ! O ! ftrange ! Bogach. i „ , , f A marih, moor, bog, fwamp. Boc. Deceit, fraud ■, a blow, ftroke, box. Boglach. i Boc. A he-goat, a buck. Bogadach. Gefture. Bocadh. A difcuffing or fifting of a matter. Bogadh. Tendernefs. Bocaide. The knobs in a fhield, a bofs. Bogaleo. A bumpkin. Bocam. To fwell; to fkip as a deer. Bogam. To move, put in motion, to wag, Bocan. A hobgoblin, fprite. wave. Bocan. A covering, cottage. Bogaicham. To foften, to mellow. Bocan' bearach. A mufhroom. Bogan. An egg in embryo. Bocan. A hook or crook. Boganach. A foft fellow. Bocanach. Hooked, bent. Bog-ghiogan. Sow-thiftle. Bocanam. To bend, make crooked. Bogghluafachd. Floating, moving. Bocar. Cow-dung. Bogha. A bow. Bochan. A cottage. Boghadair. An archer. Boch. Heyday. Bogha-frais. A rainbow. Bochd. Poor, needy. Bogham. To bend like a bow. Bochna. The fea, a narrow fea, mouth of Boghar. Vide Bodhar. a river. Bogins, buglofs. Ox tongue. Bocht. A breach ; fire. Bogbhuine. A bulrufh. Bocht. Reaping, cutting down. Bogluachairu IM] Bogun. B O I B O L

Bogun. Bacon. Boiltni^ngham. To fmell. Bogur. Threatening. Boillteanafam. Boguram. To threaten. Boin. A cow. Boicinach. A boy fourteen years old. Boinnaid. A bonnet. Boichde. Poverty. Boinnaid an lofgain. Brown boletus. Boichde. Poorer. Boineadh. Budding, fprouting. Boid. A vow. Boinne. A drop. Boidam. To vow. Boinean. A bud, fprout. Boideach. Tolerable well. Boinneach. Sprouting. Boideachan. A bodkin. Boinnanta. Stout, well-built. Boideis. Dr-unkennefs. Boineadh. A running fore. Boidh. Neat, trim, fpruce. Boinneog. A cake, bannock. Boidhe. Vide Buidhe. Yellow. Boir. An elephant. Boidhean. Yellow-hammer. Boirb. The brow of a ridge. Boidheach. Pretty. Boirbe. Fiercer. Boidhad. Beauty. Boirbeachd. Fiercenefs. Boidheafach. Yellow-jaundice. Boirb-bhriathrach. Vain-glorious, fierce- Boidheog. A goldfinch. fpeaking. Boidham. To thank. Boirche. An elk, buffalo. Boidhlia. Puddle. Boirchriadh. A kind of fat clay. Boidhliath. Pale yellow. Boifag. A box on the ear. Boidhmhios. The month July. Boifceall. A hind, a favage man or wo- Boidrealt. A comet. man. Boigbheulach. Open-mouthed. Boifgadh. A flafh. Boigh. A teat. Boifgam. To flalh. Boige. Softnefs. Boifaid. A belt. Boigiun. A bulrufh. Boitain. A bundle of hay or ftraw. Boigrean. Flummery. Boiteall. Haughtinefs, arrogance. Boigfhibhin. A bulrufh. Boiteallgha. Arrogant, prefumptuous. Boil. Iflue, fuccefs, ufe. Bol. A poet, art, fkill, Boile. Rage. Bol. A cow. Boileach. Altogether. Bolachd. Poetry. Boilg,.bui!g. A bubble. Bolann. An ox-ffall. Boilgphiaft. A belly-worm, maw-worm. Boladh. Smell. Boilg. Hulks of feeds. Bolb. A fort of caterpillar. Boilgain, bolgan. A quiver. Bolg. A bag, budget, belly. Boilgain beic. The fpongy mulhroom. Bolg-faigbaid. A quiver. Boill. A knob, or bofs. Bolg. A pair of bellows. Boillrinn. A ring, Bolgan beicach. A fuzball. Boillfgeanachd. Bulging out. Bolg. A pimple. Boillfgeanaibh. Hills, mountains. Bolg an ,t follair. A magazine. Boillfgeanam. To make round and bulg- Bolgach. The fmall-pox. ing. Bolgach Fhrancach. The French-pox. Bolgam.- BOR BOS

Bolgam. To blow, fwell, or blifter. Borbara. Barbarous. Bolgam. A fip, gulp, a mouthful, dram. Bord. A table, a board. Bolgan. A fmall budget, or quiver. Bord-beula. Starboard. Boll. Bofsof a bridle, a gorget. Bord luinge. The deck of a fhip. Bolla. A bowl or goblet. Bord-cula. Larboard. Bolla. Eighteen pecks. Bord. Border, boail, brink. Bolla. A fort of bladder upon nets. Bord-mor. Table of the green cloth. Bollog. A fhell, a fkull, top of the head. Borg. A village. Bollog. A bullock. Boroimhe. A tribute of cows and other Bollfaire. An antiquary, herald, mailer of cattle. ceremonies, cryer of a court. Borr. A knob. Bollfgaire buird. A meat carver at a prince’s Borr. Great, noble, grand, fplendid. table amongft the Irifh. Borrach. A haughty man. Bollfgairam. To proclaim. Borrachas. Hedtoring. Bollfgaire. A bawler, boafter. Borra. A fwelling. Bolltadh. A bolt, bar. Borrocha. A bladder. Boltanas. A fmell. Borradh. A file of foldiers. Boltnigham. To fmell. Borradh. A fwelling. Boluigh. Scented. Borral. Proud. Bolunta. Fine, exquiiite. Borradh. Parched. Bomanam. To boafl, vaunt. Borradhach. Valiant. Bomanachd. Boafting, vaunting. Borraidh. Borrage. Bomannachd. Spotted, chequered. Borram. To fwell, grow big and proud, to> Bomlachd. The cow and profit. parch. Bonn. A bafe, foie, bottom, foundation, Borras. Sodder. pedeftal. Borbham. To bail. Bonn. A piece of money, a coin. Boruaim. Noife. Bonn-fia. A halfpenny. Borrfhuileach. Full-eyed. Bonn. Good. Borrthoradh. Greatnefs, majefty. Bonnaine. A lacquey, footman. Borrun. The haunch,or buttock. Bonnamh. A tribe or family. Bos. A palm, hand. Bonnan. A bittern. Boflag. A flap on the face. Bonna. A fudden blail. Bos. Certain, abjeft, mean, low. Bonnog. A leap or jump. Bofan. A purfe. Bonnfeach. A dart, javelin. Bofarguin. Deftrudtion. Bonnfachd. Leaping, jumping. Bofd. Boafting. Bonnfaighanr To dart. Bofbhualadh. Clapping of hands. Bor. A fwelling, pride. Bofdal. Boafting. Borb. Fierce, cruel, favage, barbarous, Bofgaire. Applaufe. haughty, luxuriant, rank, ignorant. Bofgairdam. To applaud. Borb. A tyrant. Bofluath. Applaufe, alfo nimble-handed, Borbam. Tofwell. brifk. Borba. Haughtinefs, fiercenefs, barbarity. Bofuaillam, To extol. Bot, BRA BRA

Bot. Fire, a clufter, a bunch. Braghad. The neck, the top of the neck. Botach. A reedy bog. Braghadgha. Jugular. Botigar. A fork. Braghairt. A trufs, Both, -i A cottage, hut, tent, bower, Bragharuighibh. A gibbet. Bothag. S fhade. Braiche. A flag, buffalo. Bothach. Full of tents. Braicheamh.J Bothach, A fen, a bog. Braicam. A pack-faddle. Bothigh. An ox-ftall, cow-houfe. Braicne. A cat. Bothar. A lane, road, ftreet. Braicht. A mouth. Botin, botis. A boot. Braid. Upper part. Boudach. A pimp. Braigh. The throat, neck, upper part of Botinicham. To put on boots, any thing, tops of mountains.

Boudag. A bawd. ra i ® ! t t.. ! Anhoftage. Bra. Brow. Braighdean thairis. J Brae. An arm. Braighaidain. A collar. Braca. A breaker, harrow. Braighe. A monofyllable. Bracam. To break, harrow. Braigheachd. Impriibnment, conftraint. Bracadh. Cabin, hut. Braighaidanas. Slavery, bondage. Bracaim. To embrace. Braighid. The neck. Bracan. Broth. Braighiflaid. A collar. Braccaille. A fleeve, bracelet. Braidhadh. A ,clap of noife, or thunder. Braich. Barley, malt. Braighire. A bag or budget. Brachadh. Fermentation, malting. Braile. Heavy rain. Bracham. To malt, ferment. Brailam. To feel; rejeft, flight. Brachan. Any thing fermented, leaven. Brain. A chieftain, alfo large, extenfive. Brachadair. A maltman. Brain. Beginning, front. Braine. ) „ . . . Brachd. Hatred. . > Captain of a fhip.n Brachd. A drop, increafe of wealth, reap Braineach. ' ing, mowing. Brainn. The womb. Brachd. Sap, juice. Brain. A quern. Brachdach. Subftantial. Brais. Fabulous, fertile in invention ; pa- Brachag. A pimple, fore eyes. roxyfm. Brachfhuileach. Blear-eyed. Braifad. Rapidity. .Bradag. A fly roguifli girl. Braifgeul. A fable, romance. Bradan. A falmon. Braifeagnach. j „ ,r , , A falfe accufation. Bradach. Thievifh. Rramonlach. J Bradhadair. fuel. Braithcheim. A Rag, wild ox. Braduighe. A thief. Braitheoir. An overfeer, fpedtator. Bradham. Toopprefs. Braitham. Toinfpeft, overfee, obferve. Bradhrudh. Ambufh. Braithlis. Wort. Bradogam. To flatter, charm. Bramach. A colt. Bramaire. j Brae. A market, fhop.. ^ , r AA noify fellow. Brafal. Deceit. -Bramanacti. j 2 Bxaman, BRA B R E

Braman. A crupper. Bratlion. A flieet. Bramanta. Unpolifhed, booriilij fulky. Brat. Judgment. Bran. Poor, black. Brat-urlair. A carpet. Bran. A raven, rook. Bratag. A worm, caterpillar, a rag. Branar. Fallow ground. Brat-broin. Mortcloth. Brancas. A halter. Bratham. To betray. Brandubhan. A fpider. Brath. Treachery, deftrudtion, defign, a Branghaire. Acorpfeleft inthe open air. mafs, a lump. Brann. A burning coal or ember. Brath, pronounced Brach. Forever. Brann. A woman. Brathadair. A betrayer. Brannra. The collar bones. Brathair. A brother. Brannradh. A trivet. Brathair ceile. Brother-in-law. Brannumh. Chefsmen. Braithairal. Brotherly. Brannumh. A coat of mail. Brathairalachd. Brotherlinefs. Brannrach. A pen, fold. Brathair-bochd. A frier. Braoch. The border of a country. Brathcadh. Corruption. Braoi. Eyebrows. Brathaireog. An aunt by the father. Araoighille. A crack, -flaw. Breab. A kick. Braoighille. A heavy fhower of rain. Breabam. To kick, fpum. Braonan. An earth nut. Breaban. A patch. Braoighillam. To crack, crumble. Bre. A hill, headland. Braollaid. Raving, dreaming. Breabadair. A weaver, kicker. Braoilladh. A rattling noife. Breac. Speckled, fpotted, parti-coloured j Braoilag. A whortle-berry. the fmall-pox. Braon. A drop. Breac-feunain. A freckle. Braoilag-nan-con. Bear-berries. Breac. A trout, a falmon, a wolf. Braonach. Dropping. Breac-bedi. A loach. Braonam. To drop. Breacam. To chequer, embroider, to pick Braos.as. 7 . a millftone, to carve, to mix. A a e Braoifg.3if J g P > ywn. Breac an t fiol. i Braofach. l . Bricein baintigharna. 1 wagtai . Braoifgeach. 1 Gap'"S- Breachoi. Indifference. Bras. Brifk, a£live, lively, fudden. Breacan. A Scotch plaid. Brafailte. A panegyrick. Breacfhoilfigham. To glimmer. Brafaire-buird. A fycophant. Breacfhollus. Twilight. Brafargnaidhe. A fophiiler. Breacag. A little cake. Brafchomhrac. Jufts, tilts, tournaments. Breachd. Doubt. Brafchomnadh. Counterfeiting. Breachtaire. A graving tool, a graver. Brafgalladh. A declamation. Breachdan. Wheat, a cuftard, frefh butter. Brafgan. VidePrafgan. The mob, Breaclion. A drag-net. Brafluidhe. Perjury. Breachdnuighte. Made party-coloured, Brafgeul. A romance. mixed. Brat. A cloke, mantle, veil, or covering. Breacmhuch. A magpye, [N] Bread, B R E B R E

Bread. A breach. Breathach, Judicial, critical. Breadh. Fine. Vide Breagh.. Breathamh. A judge. Breadhachd. Finery. Breathas. Folly. Breag. A lie. Breathamhnas. Judgment. Breagach. Falfe.. Breathnach. A Welfhman. Breagaire. A liar, diflembler.. Breathnas. Aclafp, bodkin, {Fewer, tongue Breagnuigham. To belie. of a buckle. Breagarfidh. Imagination. Breathnuigham. To perceive, judge. Breagh. Fine, dreffed. Brec. A wolf, brock, badger. Breagchrabhadh. Hypocrify. Breicin. A fprat, fmall trout. Breaghaicham. To adorn. Breichneoras. Sculpture. Breaghaidh. An enthufiaft. Breid. A kerchief, or head attire for women. Breaghachd. Ornaments. Breid-uchd. A ftomacher. Breagfaidhachd. Enthufiafm. Breidin. A coif or little rag, a web of frize. Breaghaflach. A dream. Breifne. A man’s hail, a hole. Breagluigham. To forfwear. Breifneach. Full of holes. Breaghaflaicham. To dream. Breig. A ruftic, boor. Breaghna. The river Boyne. Breignigh. A fiftion. Breagradh. Chearful. Breig. Falfe, counterfeit. Breall. A phymofrs. Breigriochlam. To difguife. Breallach. That hath a phymofis. Breigfhios. Enthufiafm. Brean. Filthy, {linking. Breim. Breaking wind backwards. Breanan. A dunghill. Brein. A Fink. Breananam. To {link. Breinan-brothach. Great daify. Breancrann. A certain tree. Breine. Adore Finking. Breantas. Filth, .{link, putrefaction. Breis. A tear, a diFilling. Breantadh. The fiflr Bream. Breifg. Quick, aCtive, brifk. Breantag. A Finking Hut. Breifgthe. Moved, provoked. Breas. A prince, potentate. Breifam. To break, crack, tear. Breas. A voice, great noife. Breifim. A war cry. Breafam. To reign. Brefnion. A writ, mandamus. Breafaontaidh. The royal affent. Breith. Taking, carrying, bearing, bring- Breafchathair. A throne. ing forth. Breas-cholbh. A fceptre. Breith. Judgment, penance. Breafda. Principal, aCIive, lively. Breitheamh. A judge. Breasfhora. A throne. Breitheamhnas. Judgment, lenience.- Breaflang. Deceit. Breithantach. Judicious. Breaflann. A palace, a court of juftice. Breithiontoir. A tiller. Breafnion. A royal mandate. Breithir. A word. Breafoirchifde. A prince’s treafure. Breithireach. Full of words. Breafrod. A king’s road. Breitireachd. Interpretation. Breath. Judgment, cenfure, confidence. Breo. Fine.. Breath. Clean, pure. ! Breoch. A brim, brink. Breochloeh. B R I B R I

Breochloch. A flint. Brigh. A hill, price, value ; virtue, Breochual. A bonfire, a funeral pile. force, a tomb, a miracle. Breochoire. A warming-pan. Brighide. A hoftage. Breodhraoithachd. Pyromancy. Brillin. Clitoris. Breog. A leveret. Brin. A dream, reverie. Breogam. To pound, bruife. Brindealan. A frontlet. Brindealbhadh. Painting, fculpture, pour- ^Ie0=>' 1 Weak, feeble. Breoghte. J traying. Breogach. A baker. Brindealbhoir. A painter, carver. Breogam. To bake. Brinneach. A hag, old woman, mother of Breoillean. Darnel. children. Breoghteachd. Illnefs, ficklinefs. Brinnighte. Hagridden. Breon. A blur or fpot. Briocht. Sorcery, witchcraft; colour, com- Breonam. To blur or fpot. plexion. Ereothadh. Confumption. Briocht. A wound ; art, trade; a beauty. Breothan. Wheat. Briochtaic. An amulet. Breug. A lie. Briogh. An effort, capacity, effence, Breuntas. Vide Breantas. elixir. Breugach. Lying. Vide Breagach. Brioghach, briogmhor. Efficacious, fub- Breugnaicham. To gainfay. ftantial. Breugnaichoir. A gainfayer. Brioghach. Hilly. Breugriochd. Difguife. Briollan. A pifs-pot, a urinal; a foolifh Breun. Stinking. Vide Brean. ignorant fellow. Bri. Anger, wrath ; a word, a hill, rifing Briollaire. A whoremonger. ground. Briollog. An illufion. Bri. Near to, an effort; eflence. Briollfgaire. A bully, bufybody. Briagh. A mortal wound. Brion. A fidlion, a lie; a drop. Brian. A word, compofition. Brionach. A liar. Briana. A warrant, an author, compofition. Brionnach. Flattering, fair. Brianach. Full of fair fpeeches. Briondatham. To counterfeit. Briongarfacht. Briar. A prickle, thorn, pin. A dream. Briathar. A word, a verb ; viftory, conqueft. Briongloid. Briathrachas. Elocution, phrafeology. Briot. Speckled. Chitter-chatter. Briathram. } affirrr)5 dictate, to Brifgam. To ftart up. Briathraigham. ) fwear to. Brifargnaidhe. Sophifter. Brib. A bribe, a fmall fum of money. Brifgarnach. Crackling. Bribheadaghan. One that affeds difficult Brionnal. Flattery. words. Brifam. To break. Brice. A brick. Brigis. Breeches. Bricliath. Greyifh. Briflhroifgam. To breakfaft. Bridne. A freckle. Brifglorach. That hath fmall talk. Bridag. Part of the jaw. Brifadh. Breaking, affimilation. Brideach. A virgin, bride; a dwarf. Brifg. Brittle.- Brifgaid. B R O B R O

Brifgaid. Bifcult. Bronnthach. A girth. Briflean. White taufy. Bronnag. A gudgeon. Brifleach. The derout of an army- Broifgam. To excite, provoke. Britheaghlaidh. Kind, gentle. Broifnin. A fmall faggot. Brium. An helmet. Broith. Carnation colour. Bro. Old, antient. Brolofgadh. Talkative. Bro. A champion, a grindftone. Brollach. The breafl, bofom. Broas. Old age. Brollach. A prologue. Brochan. Pottage. Brollachan. A ragged, naked perfon. Broc. A badger, grey. Brollaigh. Boldnefs. Brod. A goad, prickle, fling, a fpot, ble- Brom. Breaking of wind. mifli. Bromach. A colt. Brocach. Speckled in the face. Bromam. To break wind. Bred. Chaftifement; pride. Broman. A boor, ruftick. Broclach. A warren. Bromanach. Ruftic, rude. Brodamhuil. Proud. Bromurrudhufach. Bold, confident. Brodam. To fpur, flir up. Bron. Mourning, forrow, falling. Brodghainamh. Gravel. Bron-muilinn. A millftone. Brodh. A flraw, a ftem. Bron. Perpetual. Brodiafg. Needle-fifh. Bronach. Sad, forrowful. Bronadh. Dellrudlion. r 106 ^Brogbhreid.°^1 • i 13 ^ fand^i H - Bronnghabhal. Conception. Bro^ach. Shod. Bronnghabham. To conceive. Bro°a na cumhaig. Butterwort. Bronn. The belly, womb. Brogh. Filthinefs. Broun. 1 ^ ^ favour, track. Broghach. Filthy. Bronntas. ) Brog. Sorrow ; a houfe. Bronnam. To give, bellow. Broghadh. Encreafe, profit. Bronnfgaole. A flux. Broghaidhil. Filth, dirt. Bronnta. Bellowed. Broghain. Excefs, abufe. Brofdughadh. An incentive. Broghdha. Exceffive, fuperfluous, Brofduigham. To excite, Broghdha. Forcibly. Brofgaladb. Exciting. Broghdha. A footman. Brofgadh. An exhortation. Broice, broicne. A mole or freckle. Brofgalach. Prompt. Broicneach. Freckled. Brofna. A faggot. Broidineall. A rich garb. Brot. Broth. Broidinealta. Embroidered. Broth. A mole, ditch. Broigheal. A cormorant, fea-raven. Broth. A llraw, flefh, fire. Broimeis. Anger, boldnefs. Broth-luachra. A rulh. Broinn. Belly. Brothaire. A cauldron. Broinnag. A little rag, tatter. Brothairne. Down, fur. Brothaireargadh. 7 , , , Broin. A height ; large company. _ . . C bhambles, Dutclicry* Btoirindeargan. Robin-Redbreafl. Brothigh. 5 i Brothas. B R U 13 UA

Brothas. Farrago, brewis. Brui. The belly. Brothag. Bofom. Bruide. A brute. Brothlach. A place to drefs meat. Bruidamhuil. Beaftly, brutifti. Brothladh. Intent on mifchief. Bruidamhlachd. Brutality. Bru. The womb; a hind. Bruidhachd. A colony. Bru. A country, a bank. Bruidhlionta. Cloyed. Bruach. A border, brink, edge. Bruighin. A fairy hill. Bruachan. A little brink, a fawn. Bruighe. A farmer, a farm. Bruachairachd. Hovering about. Bruighean. A palace. Bruachbhaile. Suburbs. Bruighfeach. A womb with young. Bruachda. Magnificent. Bruimfheur. Switch-grafs. Bruachdha. A footman. Bruin. A cauldron, belly. Bruaidh. A peafant. Bruinneach. A nurfe, mother. Bruadar. A dream. Bruinneadach. An apron. Bruadaram. To dream. B-^uinneach. A glutton. Bruchag. A chink, cranny, eyelet. Brtnnnin. Knap of cloth. Bruchd. A belch, ejaculation. Bruindeargan. A Robin-Redbreaft, Brucach. Speckled in the face. Brqinteach. Great with child. Bxuchdam. To pour forth, belch. Bruis. Shivers. Bruchdadh. 1 Pouring forth, going for- Bruit. Curtains. Bruchdal. i ward. Bruite. Vide Brughte. Bruchlas. The fluttering of birds going to Bruith. Seethed, boiled. reft. Bruitham. To boil. Brudan. A falmon, fimmering. Bruithne. A refiner. Brudham, To bruife, fqueeze. Bruitin. The meafles. Brudhadh. A fqueezing, pounding. Bruithneach. Glowing hot. Brughadhoir. A peftle. Brullfgeantach. Impetuous. Brudeag. A foliciting. Brum. A broom. Brudhaiteach. A threadbare coat. Brun. A firebrand. Brug, brugh. A large houfe, a village, Brumaire. A pedant. borough; a little hillock, the refidence of Brus. Browfe. fairies. Brufam. To browfe. Brugh. An heap, monument; the belly, a faft. Brufcar. Baggage, broken ware. Brughan. Faggots. Bruth. Hair of the head. Brudan. A fimmering noife. Bruth. Heat in the fkin. Brughach. The face of a hill. Bruth. Any thing red hot. Brughte. Bruifed. Bruthchan. Broth, foup. Bruidhann. Noife of men, ftrife. Bruthineach. Sultry. Bruid. Captivity; pointed. Bruthmhaireachd. Fainting through heat. Bruidam. To torture. Bu. Was. Vide Anal. Ata. Bruidhann. Noife. Buabhal. Apron, unicorn. Bruidhnach. Noify. Buachar. Cow-dung. Brughaidhe. A farmer, burgher. Buadhbhall. Conquering. [OJ Buadh- B U A B U A

Buadhbhalachan. A trumpeter. Buaific. An antidote. Buac. Buck-yarn, cloth, bleaching. Buail. A flep, degree. Buac. Brow of a hill, crown of a vault, a cap. Buaileach. An oxftall. Buachach. Fine, beauifh. Buailidh. Dairy-houfe. Buacachan. A bleecher. Buailam. To ftrike, afflidb. Buachail. A cow-herd, fhepherd. Buailtair. A threflier. Buachailleach. Paftoral. Buailteach. That ftriketh, liable. Buacai-s. Wick of a candle. Buailtain. A flail. Buadh. Food. Buaillite. Water-lily. Buaidh. 7 Vi&ory, virtue, attri- Buailt. A locker,, a niche. Buaidh-laraich. i bute. Buailteachan. A flying camp, Buadhach. Vidlorious, having virtues. Buailte. Beaten, threfhed. Buadhal. Triumphant. Buainam. To cut, reap. Buadharg. A vidlorious champion. Buain. Cutting, reaping. Buadhach. Tribute. Buain. Equality. Buadhghallan. Ragweed. Buain. Deprivation. Buadhaire. A conqueror. Buaine. More durable. Buadhartha. Grieved, vexed. Buaine. Perpetuity. Buadhghuth. Clamorous, fhouting. Buaintoir. A reaper, mower. Buadhas. Vidfory, triumph. Bual. Phyfick; water. Buadhmhor. Sway, vidborious. Bualadh. Remedy, cure. Buac. Settlement. Bualadh. Threfhing, beating. Buaibhthe. Threatening. Bual a chrag. Balm-cricket. Buaf. A toad. Bualainle. A fea-lark. Buafadh. Poifoned, menacing. Bualchrannach. A float, raft. Buafach. Virulent. Bualchomhla. A fluice. Buafare. A viper. Buallghas. A millpond. Buafathair. An adder. Buallachd. A drove of cows. Buag. A fpigot, plug. Bualtrach. Cow-dung. Buagaire. A faucet. Buan. Lafting, durable. Buagairam. To tap. Buan. Good, harmonious, Buaice. A wave. Buan, A nurfe. Buaiceach. Giddy. Buana. j Buaicin. A veil, lappet. Buanidh. \ A heWer' Buaicinam. To blindfold. Buan-mharthanach. Everl ailing. Buaicis. A fmall wick. Buanna. A billetted foldier. Buaidham. To conquer, overcome. Buannachd. Quartering of foldiers. Buaidhirt. Tumult. Buanas. Perpetuity. Buairthe. A conqueror, Buanigham. To lalt. Buaidhradh. Temptation, difturbance. Bunchuimhne. Chronicle. Buaidhram. To vex, difturb, tempt. Buannachd. Profit, gain. Buaidhradair. Difturber, tempter. Buanfheafam. To perfevere. Buaifeach. Angry, fretting.' Buar. Oxen. Buarach. B U I B U L

Buarach. A fetter for cows in time of Builinach. A baker. milking. Builg. Bellows. Buas. The belly. Builgain. A bubble, blifter, pimple, yc* Buafarea. The 4iaphragm. fide. Buas. A breach, rout. Builg. A diftemper amortgft cattle. Buas. A trade, art. Builg. Seeds of herbs. Buban. A coxcomb. Builginach. Full of hulks, blifters. Buc. Cover of a book^ bulk. Builgam. To fwell, blifter. Bucamhuil. Bulky. Builgas. A blifter. Bucla. A buckle. Builgeafach. Spotted. Buclaigham. To buckle. Buillfgein. Center, middle. Budh. The world. Buime. A nurfe, mother. Budh. A breach, rout. Buinne. A tap, fpout, ulcer. Bugha. Fear; a leek. Buinne. 1 . Bugan. An unlaid egg. Buinneog. S A twl£’ fpr0ut> !>«■». Bugfa. Box-tree, a box. Buinneach. A flux, lax. Buich. A breach. Buinnean-leana. A bittern. Buie. Stags, goats. Buinneamh. Effufion. Buicead. A mouthful. Buinean. Feminine. Buicaid. A bucket, knob. Buinnire. A footman. Buicain. A pimple. Buinteach. One troubled with a flux. Buichiu. A young buck. Buinam. To touch, meddle, to belong, to Buidal. A bottle, anchor. take. Buidh. Thanks. Buintin. Touching, belonging, Buidin. A prickle. Buirbain. A cancer. Buidhe. Yellow. Buirbe. Fiercenefs, more fierce. Buidhe nan ningean. Spurge, Buireadh. Roaring, bellowing. Buidheach. Thankful. Buireadh. Gore, pus. Buidhach. The jaundice. Buiream. To roar, bellow. Buidhachas. Thanks. Buireadhach. Warlike. Buidhead. Yellownefs. Bnirfeach. An outcry, bellowing. Buidhag-bhuachaire. A yellow-hammer. Buirgeifach. A burgefs. Buidheann. A troop, company. Buirling. A fort or boat. Buidheacan. Yolk of an egg. Buifcin. A thigh, haunch, thigh armour. Buig-bhuinne. ) „ „ Buifte. A pouch, ferip. r, 6 . i Bullrufties. Buigneach. J Buite. A firebrand. Buige. Softer. Buitealach. Great fire. Buil. Fruits, effe&s. Buitfe. An icicle, Buile. Vide Baoil. Buitealadh. Fierce. Builigham. To improve. Buitfach. A witch. Buille. A blow. Buitfachas. Witchcraft. Builleach. That giveth blows. Bui. Manner, fafhion. Builin. A loaf. Buliftair, A bullage, floe. I Bullao BUN BUT

Bulla. A bowl, ball. Bunntais. Perquifites. Bulos. A prune. Bunnan. A bittern. Bullach. The fifli called Connor. Bhur. Vide Bhar. Your. Bunbhean. A woman of difcreet years. , .]■ A clown, boor, chufF. Bun. Keeping, taking care of. bundh. 5 Bun. Stump, root, bottom, ftock. Bur. A fwelling, anger. Bunabhas. An element. Burach. Exploits, a file of foldiers. Bunach. Tare of flax. Buralach. Sulky, crying. Bunadh. Origin, flock. Burach. A fwelling, fore. Bunadhas. Foundation, radix, authority, Buraim. To fret, make fore. Bunachar. 5 etymology. Buramaid. Wormwood. Bunudhafach. Authentic. Burdan. A gibe, a fing-fong. Bunailte, bunailtach. Steady, fixed, au- Burris. Caterpillar. thentic. Burg. A village. Bunait. A foundation. Buirdaifach. i , , g . j A burgefs, citizen* Bunaitam. To poflefs, inherit. Buntata. Potatoes. Buricaidach. A big fellow. Buncios. Chief rent. Burr. Great. Bunchiall. A moral. Burne. Water. Bundunach. Ungainly. Bus. Mouth, fnout, a kifs. Bunchiofaiche. A penfioner. Bufach. Sulky, having a fnout. Bundun. The fundament, blunder. Bufgam. To drefsj to flop, hinder. Bunaithigham. To found, eftabliftr. Buf-dubh. Name of a dog. Bunn. Work. Bufgadh. Coiffure, head-drefs. Bunfhath. Abfolute caufe. Bufiall. Muzzle. Bunnluchd. Aborigines. Butis. A boot. Bunmhais. Buttock. Buth. A fliop, tent. Bunnos. An old cuftom. Buta. A fhort ridge, a tun, boot. Bunnfeacha. Rods, ofiers. Buthal. A pot-hook. Buntop. Sudden, hafty. Buthal raimh. Fulcrum of an oar.


THE third letter of the alphabet, with fuitable initials. The letters are called Coll, i. e. Hazel ; for the called Feadha, r. e. Wood. The C is Irifh named their letters after natural ob- pronounced hard, as K in Englifh, Vide je£ts and trees, when the names began Analyfis. Ca CAB CAD

Ca. A houfe. Ca’ohra. Auxiliary. Ca’as. Whence ? Cabhrach. An auxiliary. Caab. Concord in finging. Cabraim. To join, unite, couple. Cab. The mouth, a head, a gap. Cac. Human excrement. Caba. Cap, covering of the head. Cacam. To go to ftool. Cabach. Toothlefs, full of gaps. Cacach. Dirty, filthy. Cabach. Babbling, talkative j a hoftage. Caca. A cake. Cabag. A cheefe. Cach. The reft. Cabag. A toothlefs woman. Cacadh. A yawl. Cabaga. A drab, a ftrumpet. Cacaim. To idle. Cabaile. A fleet, navy. Cachain. They fung. Cabaire. A babbler. Cachan. Profit, ufe. Cabaifachd. Cachla. A gate. ^ Prating, babbling. Cabaireachd Cachnam. To effeft, finifh. Caban. A capon; tent, booth. Cacradh. Cacophony. Cabadh. Breaking of land. Cacht. A maid fervant, the world. Cabam. To indent, break land, to catch. Cacht. Confinement j generally. Cabhag. A great hurry, a jack-daw. Cacht. A faft, falling. Cabhagach. Sudden, hafty. Cacht. A fhout. Cachanach. Day-break. Cachta. Hunger. Cabhlach. A fleet. Cachtamhuil. Servile. Caban. A cottager. Cad. Vide Coid. Cabar. A joint, confederacy. Cad. High. Cabar. A lath, a deer’s horn, antler. Cad. A friend; holy. Cabrach. Branching. Cadach. Friendfhip. Cabartha. United. Cadachas. Atonement. Cabhair. Help, aid. Cadad. An eclipfe. Cabhar. Any old bird. Cadaim. To fall, to chance. Cabhairam. To help, aflift, relieve. Cadal. Delay, fleep. Cabharthach. Helpful, aflifting. Cadalam. To fleep, delay. Cabafdah. A fort of curb. Cadall. A battle. Cabhan. A field, plain. Cadaltach. Sleepy. Cabhanfhail. Prop or beam of a houfe, Cadam. The fork of the hair. Cabhara. Vide Cathbhar. Cadam. Ruin. Cabhfair. A caufeway, pavement. Cadamach. Ruinous. Cabfanta. Dry, fnug. Cadan, cadas. Cotton, a pledget. Cabhfairaiche. A paver. Cadarus. Contention. Cabal. A cable. Cadarafaim. To argue. Cabluighe. tackle. Cadarus. Whither ? which way ? Cablacan. A mariner. Cadhal. A bafon; hide, fkin. Cablachda. Naval. Cadhal. Fair, beautiful. Cabog. A prater. Cadhal. Colewort, rail. Cabig. A pillory. Cadhan. A wild goofe, barnacle.' [PJ Cadhas. C A I C A I

Cadhas. 1 pr;en(j^;p5 honour. Caid. A rock, fummit, Cadas. J Caid. A part, fhare. Cadhafach. Refpedlful, honourable. Caidhce. Fine, calm. Cadhla. A goat. Caideal. A pump. Cadhla. Fat of the guts. Caideacha. A fpot, a ftain. Cadhlachal. A goat-herd, Caidh. Chafte. Cadhlaidh. Ajoker. Caidh. Order, manner. Cad-luibh. Cudwort. Caidh. Vide Cath. Cadhmus. Haughtinefs. Caidhe. Dirt, a blemiflr. Cadhnamha. Equal, alike. Caidheach. Polluted. Cado. A blanket. Caidheachd. Chaftity. Cadnaice. PolTeffion. Caidheamhuil. Decent. Cadnaicam. To poffefs. Caidhean. Alone, folitary. Cadranta. Stubborn, obftinate. Caidhean. A turtle-dove. Cadran. Contention. Caidhean. The leader of a flock of goats. Cae. A feaft, banquet. Caidhidhe. Covered with a hide. Cae. A hedge. Caidhidhe. The cover of a houfe. Caec. Blind. Caidhni. A virgin. Caemh. A feaft. Caidiol. A fun-dial. Caemh. Fine, handfome, pleafant. Caidhle. Finiftiing. Cag. Vide Cabhag. Caidhlighte. Finiftred. Cafradh. Vide Cathbrith. Caidhliche. Thick fur. Caghaidh. Lawful, juft. Caidreadh. Friendlhip, cherifhing; com- Cagaidh. Strangenefs. merce. Cagailt. Frugality. Caidreach. 7 . . . _ ., , , > Converfant, fond. Cagal. The herb cockle. Caidreamhach. J Cagalam. To fpare. Caidreadh. Difcourfe, Converfation. Cagallach. Frugal. Caidram. To converfe, to fondle. Cagar, cagairt. A whifper, whifpering. Caigalam. To lay up, to cover the fire. Cagaram. To whifper. Caigne, caignean. A fan to winnow. Cagladh. Sparing, frugal. Caigionnam. To link.. Cagnam. To chew. Cail. Condition, conftitution, voice. Cai. A way, road. C'ail. A fpear, fhield. Cai. A houfe. Cail. A ward, defire, longing. Cai. The cuckow’s bird. Cail. An appearance, or look. Caibhais. Giggling, laughing. Cail. An aflembly, commendation, Caibhdean. A multitude, a harlot. Cail. Difpofxtidn; behind. Caibhne.. Friendfhip. Cailbhe. A mouth, orifice. Caibal. A chapel, burying-place. Cailbheach. Wide-mouthed. Caibidil. A chapter. Cailbheacht. Yawning.. Caibne. The mouth. Cailbhearb. A cow-herd. . Caibinnachd. Prating. Cailc. Shield, buckler. Caicmhe. A neck-ornament. Carle. Chalk, lime. 8 Cailceata. C A I C A I

Cailceata. Hard. Cailtean, cailteanach. An eunuch. CailcamhuiJ. Chalky. Cailtearnach. A fhrubby place. Cailcin. A little fliield. Cailmhion. A light helmet. Cailcin. A diforder of the eyes. Cailpig. A mug, or jug. Caile. A young girl, a quean. Caillte. Loft. Caile-bhalaich. A cot-quean. Cailtin. Hazle. Caile. A ftrumpet, harlot. Caime. Crookednefs. Caimad. Caileamhuil. } Gullfh- Cairn. A fault. Caileachdar. Pallion of the mind. Caimeacan. Humpbacked. Caileach. Vide Caolach. Caimein. A mote. Caileachd. Nature. Caimean. Reproved, blemifhed. Caileas. Lethargy. Caimhdean. A multitude. Cailegin. Something. Caimheach. A protedlor. Cailaing. A feed, hulk. Caimis. A fliirt. Cailainag. Seedy, bulky. Caimfe. A Ihift. Cailg. A fling, refentment, Caimleir. A bent flick ufed by butchers. Cailgeamhuil. Pungent. Caimneach. Chafte. Cailgam. To flick, to prick. Caimpear. A champion. Cailicin. An old woman. Caimfiog. Falfehood. Cailidhir. Snot, phlegm. Cain. Chaftej beloved. Cailidheachd. Qualification, quality, genius. Cain. Rent, tribute, a fine; Cailigheach. A humourift. Caineach. A fatire, difpraife. Cailis. A chalice. Cainam. To fatirife, difpraife. Cailindha. Calends. Caindeal. A candle. Cailin. A little girl. Caindigheacht. A quantity. *■<.

Caill. A lofs, a trick. Caineog. A mote -r a farthing. Caill. To name. Caineog. Barley and oats. Caillam. To lofe. Caineog. Female privity. Caillchula. Old wives tales. Cainficam. To fine, amerce. Caille. A veil or cowl. CaingeaL A. hurdle, a reafon. Cailleach. An old'woman, a nun. Caingean. A rule, caufe. Cailleachag-cheanndubh. A titmoufe. Caingean. Afupplication, petition. Cailleach. A coward. Caingean. A compadt, covenant. Cailleach-chofach. A milliped. Caingnam. To argue, plead. Cailleachas. Dotage. Cainam. To difpraife. Cailleach-oiche. An owl. Cainneal. A channel,.cinnamon. Cailleadh. Emafculation. Cainneabhar. Dirt, filth. Cailleafg. A horfe or mare. Cainfeadh. Lavifhment. Cailleamhain. Lofs, damage. Cainfeoir. A./colder. Cailleamhnach. Defedlive. Cainfeoiracht. Scolding. Cailleam. Tocaftrate, Cainfi. The face, countenance,. Cailliog. A lofs. Caint. Speech Cainteach. C A I C A I

Cainteaeh. Talkative, malicious. Cairin. Lean meat. Cainteachd. Pronunciation. Cairine. Legs. Cainteal. A prefs, a lump. Cairle. Tumbled, tofted, Cainteoir. A babbler. Cairleam. J ^ , r , ^ , ?• To beat, tofs about. Caintic. A canticle, fong. Cairleacanam. J Cair.i"air. -I , Cairmeal. Wild peafe. , . . S- rI he gum, a grm. Cain’airain. S b > 6 Cairneach. A prieft ; an ofprey ; ftoney, Cair. An image. Cairpe. Accurfed. Cairb. A plank; a chariot. Cairigham. To mend. Cairban. A fail-fifh. Cairreal. Noife. Cairb. A fufee ; a (hip. Carraic. A rock. Cairbh. A carcafe. Carbthoir. A charioteer. Cairbhecan. A fliip-boy. Cairrfe. A club. Cairbham. To man a fleet; to fhake, to Cairreir. A carrier. quiver. Cairt. Bark, rind, a cart, card, chart. Cairbhin. A little Ihip. Cairt. A rock, ftone. Cairam. To mend ; fend away, lay up. Cairtcheap. A cart-wheel. Caiibbin. The gums. Cairteog. A tumbril. Cairbineach. A toothlefs perfon. Cairteal. Quarters, lodging, a challenge. Cairbne. A charioteer. Carteoir. A carter, waggoner. Cairc. Hair, furr, Cairthe. A chariot. Cairche. Muflck. Cairtlan. A cartulary. Cairceach. Hairy ; eager. Caife. Cheefe. Caircheas. A twift. Caiso Regard, love, efteem. Caircheas. A little veflel. Cais. Vide Cuis. Caircheafam. To twift. Cars. An eye; rent, hafte. Cairde. A bofom friend. Cais. Spruce, trim. Cairde. Friendftiip; delay, refpite. Caifan. Hoarfenefs, phlegm. Cairde-gaoil. Kinsfolk. Caifchiabh. A curl. Cairdeas. Friendftiip, a fponfor. Caifchiabhach. Curled. Cairdeamhuil. > „ . „ Caffe. A ftream, a cake, quicknefs. Cninieach. 1 Fr,endl)r' Caife. A wrinkle, fold, paffion. Cairdamhlachd. Friendlinefs. Caife. A muftiroom. Cairdhearg. A blufli. Caife. Difcord. Caireachan. A big-mouthed perfon. Caifan. Floarfenefs. Caireamhan. A flioemaker. Caifeach. Wrinkled. Caireog. A prating wench, Cais-fhion. White-footed, name of a cow. Cairrfhiadh. A hart, ftag. Caifeal. A bulwark, wall. Cairghios. Lent. Caifad. Steepnefs, fuddennefs. Cairgham. To abftain. Caifeog. The ftem of a weed. Cairgain. An herb. Caifeamhan. A ftioemaker. Cairam. To endear. Caifearbhan. Dandelion. Cairin, A darling. Caifg. Eafter, Caifgam. C A 1 CAL

Caifgam. To flop. Caithreamadh. Information. Cailiol. A ftone building. Caithriodhnach. A cave. Caifleach-fpuinc. Touchwood. Caithris. Watching. Caiflleachta. Polifhed, fmoothcd. Caitin. Shagg, nap of cloth. Caiflithe. Wrinkled, folded. Caitin. Bloffom of ofier. Caiflean. A caftle, garnfon^ Caitin. A little cat. Caifleoir. A projector. Caitineach. Curled. Caifli. Polifhed. Caitineach. A cloth dreffer. Caifmeachd. Alarm, march tune. Caitit. A pin, bodkin. Caifmeart. Heat of battle, armour, a band Caitfloan. Chaff. of men for fight. Caitte. How ? Caiffiolachd. Battlements. Caitte. Neceffary. Caifmiortach. An armed man. Caittiughadh. Invalid. Caifreag. A wrinkle. Cal. Colewort, kail; a joke, Caifreabhachd. Legerdemain. Cal-colag. Cauliflower. Caifdeal. A caftle. Cal. Sleep, flumber. Cait. A fort or kind. Cal-cearflach. Cabbage. Caifriminidhe. A wrinkle. Cal. To keep fafe. C’ait. Where ? for cia ait. Cala. Hard ; frugal, thrifty. C’ait as. Whence ? Cala. A port, harbour, ferry. Caileach, caiteog. A bafket. Caladh. Caiteach. Chaff. Calam. To enter port. Caiteach. Expenfive, prodigal. Calain. A Couch. Caiteach. A fhip’s main-ftieet. Calaire. A cryer. Caiteachas. Prodigality. Calaireachd. Burying, interring. Caiteog. A butter-pot, butter. Calaim. Tofleep. Caith. Chaff, a blemifh. Calaois. A cheat. Caith. Chafte, mild. Calaoifeach. A juggler. Caitheach. 7 „ „ , . Calb. The head. A Caithmhach.n -.c i, u )C Spendthrift. Calbh. Hardinefs. Caitheadh. Spending. Calbh. Bald. Caithte. Spent, old. Calbhachd. Baldnefs. Caithfeach. Nigh to. Calcare. To drive, caulk, Caitham. To winnow. Calchearcain. Shuttlecock. Caithmham. To confume, fhoot, wear. Calpa. Calf of the leg. Caithbheartach. A forner. Calbhthas. A buflcin. Caithfidh. It behoves, becomes. Calbhualadh. A hot battle. Caithear. j Calc. Chalk. „ . Oportet. Caithfighear. S Calcam. To drive with a hammer, to caul! Caithlioch. Chaff, hulks. Calcam. i ^ , f To harden. Caithamh. Confuming. Calcaigham. 3 Caithmhileadh. A foldier. Calcaighte. Plardened. Caithleam. We muft. Calcughadh. Obduracy. Caithreim. Triumph, famous. [ QJ Caldacl CAM CAN

Caldach. Mifchief; {harp* pointed. Carnal. A camel. Calg. A fword, a prickle, fting,. ha Caman. A hurling-club. Calgach. Sharp, prickly, Camanachd. Game of hurling. Calghaois. A cheat. Camhaoir. Break of day. Calgaire. A wheedler. Camdhan. lambick. Calgbhruid. Falfe imprifomnent. Camaran. An ideot. Calis. chalice. Camlurgin. Club-foot. Calgbhruidhan. Butcher’s broom. Camluirginach. Club-footed. Call. A church, veil, hood. Camhnaidh. Reft, dwelling, building. Call. Lofs. Camhnaidhachd. Settlement. Callach. A bat, a boar. Cam-mhuigarlach. Club-footed. Calldachd. Loffes. Cam-mhuinal. The bird wryneck. Callaidhe. A partner. Camog. A fmall bay, a clafp. Callaid. A cap. Camog. A curl, the temples. Callaidh. Adtive, nimble- Camogach. Crooked, curled. Calla. Tame^ Camoigin. A curled-headed child,] Callaind. Kalends. Campa. A camp. Callaicham. To tame. Campuigham. To encamp. Callaire. A crier. Campthuaim. Entrenchment. Callaireachd. Crying. Campur. Champion. Callan. Noife, Ihouting, Campar. Anger, grief. Callanach. Clamorous. Camparach. Vexing, grievous. Callois. Bufibonery. Camrath. A gutter, fewer, jakes. Callagam. To flatter. Camlhuileach. Squint-eyed. Calloid. A funeral cry, elegy. Cramfhronach. Crook-nofed. Caltag. Black guillemot. - Camus. A bay, regio perineum. Calltarnach. A. trufs of weeds.. Can. Whilft, when. Calma.. Strong. Can, can as. From whence ? Caiman. A pigeon. Can. A lake.

Calmachd. i courage, ftrength. Cana. A whelp, pup, a moth. Calmadas. J 5 ’ b Canach. Standing water,cotton, cat’s tail, Cam. A quarrel, duel. mofs-crops, deceit. Cam. Crooked. Canach. A tribute ; bombaft, a porpoife, Cam. Deceit. Canachd. Taxing. Cama. Brave. Canaen. The colleftor of a tax. Camam. To bend, to make wry Canaigh; Dirt. Camaillte. Rubbed. Canam. To fing. Carnal ta. Demure. Cangaruicham. To fret, vex, canker. Camchofach. Bow-legged. Cantin. Speaking, flinging. Camceachdta. The north pole. Canaighte. Sung. C’a mead. How much ? Canaib. Hemp. Camglas. A redfhank. Canal. A canal, conduit. Camach. Power. Canamhuin. A language. Canbhas, C A O C A O

Canbhas. Canvas, failcloth. Caochlaidach. Changeable, variable. Canmhuin. Pronunciation, accent. Caod Colum-cille, caod. St. John’s wort, Cann. A refervoir. Caodam. To come. Cannoin. Muttering. Caoda. How ? Cann. A veffel, full moon. Caodh. A tear. Canna. Moths. Caodh. Good order, condition; Cannran. Contention, grumbling. . Caoidham. To weep. Canna. A cann. Caodhamhlachd. Competency. Cannach. Sweet-willow, myrtle. Caoidh. Lamentation, a tear. Canoin. A rule, canon. Caodhan. A perfon in good condition. Cannranam. To grumble. Caogam. To wink. Cannta. A lake, puddle. Caogadh. Winking. Cantach. Dirty. Caogad. Fifty. Canntic. A fong, canticle. Caogado. Fiftieth. Cantaighoir. Singer. Caoi. A cuckow; ways and means. Cantail. Voting for, finging, audlion. Caoiche, caoichad. Blindnefs. Cantaireachd. Singing by note. Caoil. The waift. Cantalam. To fell by auction. Caoile. Smallnefs. Cantach. Dirty, muddy. . Caoille. Land. Cantaoir. A prefs. Cante. The quince-tree. Cao'mhal \ ^ent^e’ beloved. . Cantlamh. Caoimheach. A bedfellow. Strife. Cantol. Caoimheachas. Society. Cantol. Grief. Caoimheachan. An entertainer. Canuichte. Mulcted. Caoimhnal. Kindly. Canur. Cotton. Caomhfgiath. A buckler, fliield. Caob. A clod. Gaoimhnalachd. Kindnefs. Caobhan. A prifcn. Caoimhtheacht. Protedbion, a county. Caobh. A bough, a branch. Caoimhnas. Kindnefs. Caoch. Blind. Caoimin. The herb eye-bright. Caoch nan cearc. Henbane. . Caoimin. The murrain. Caochag. A nut without a kernel: - Caoiminach. A common for cattle. . Caocham. To blind. Caoin. Delightful, pleafing. Caocidis. A fortnight. Caoin. Right fide. Caochan. The fundament, a mole. Caoin. Mild-tempered, dry. Caochan. An eddy of air, or a ftream or rill; Caoineadh. Irifh lamentation. whifgy in the firft procefs of diftillation. Caoineachas. Peace. Caochog. Mufhroom, puff-ball. Caoineach. Stubbles, mofs. Caochag. A turned Ihell. Caoinuigham. To dry. Caochag. Blindman’s-buff. Caoineachan. A polifher of ftone. Caochlan. A fwift rill. Caoinam. To lament, cry. Caochlaigham. To change. Caoinfhuarach. Indifferent. Caochladh. A change. Caoinafgar. A garrifon. Caointeach, C A O C A G

Caointeach. Sad, forrowful. Caomhdha. Poetry, verflfication. Caoirbheirthach. Bearing berries. Caomhloife. A pleafant blaze of the fire. Caoirin. A little berry, a little (heep. Caomhnadh. Protedtion, a friend. Caoirin-leana. Great wild valerian. Caomhna. Nourifhment. Caoirle. A club. Caomhnach. A friend,-feeder. Caoirleachd. Tolling,with clubs. Caomhnadh. Frugality. Caoirlam. To beat with clubs. Caomhnam. To fpare, fave, referve. Caois. A furrow, a young pig. Caomhnaidhe. A bofom friend. Caoifeachan. A fwine-herd. Caomhnafgar. Defence. Caol. Slender, i'mall. Caomhantach. Saving, frugal. Caol. A calling an afferribly. Caomhfhrath. A pleafant village. Caol an duirne. The wrift. Caomhfaidhoir. A rehearfer. Caolach. The herb fairy-flax. Caomhtha. Society. Caolach. A cock. Caomthach. An aflociate, chum, Caolach-dubh. The. black cock. Caomhtheachd. Company. Caolach-fraoich. Heathcock. Caon. A refemblance. Caolach-gaoith. A weather-cock. Caonam. To referable, to hide. Caolach-fraincach. Turkey-cock. Caonar. Cotton. Caolach-uifge. A water-wheel, a bird cal- Caonaran. A folitary perfon. led waterin. Caonnag. A neft of wild bees, a fkirmiftn Caolach-aifrionn. Bell to prayers. Caonnagach. Riotous. Caolach-mios. Purging-flax. Caonbhuidhe. Gratitude. Caolam. To leflen. Caondualach. A carver. Caolan. Small gut. Caondubhrachd. Devotioru Caolfail. Nettles, the herb heiriff. Caonach. Mofs. Caolfhairge. A ftrait. Caonta. Private. Caolghlorach. Shrill. Caor. A berry, a candle. Caolas. A ftrait, frith. Caor. A firebrand, a thunderbolt. Caolmhaor. An apparitor. Caora. Bunches of berries. Caolmhiofachan. Purging-flax. Caora-bad-minn. Stone-bramble. Caomh. Gentle, mild, little. Caoradh. A fheep. Caomh. A feaft, running together. Caorachd. Sheep. Caomhadh. .Refemblance. Caorbhearthach. Bacciferous. Caomha. Skill, knowledge, nobility. Caoran. A dry clod. Caomhalach. Kindly. Caorgheal. Red hot. Caomhaigh. A man expert at arms. Caorlann. A fheepfold. Caomham. To protect, fpare. Caor-talmhain. Earth nuts. Caomhan. A noble perfon. Caor-teintjdh. A thunderbolt. Caomhantadh. Protected. Caor-dromain. Elder-berries. Caomharrach. Private, fecret. Caor-theine. A firebrand. Caomhchlodh. Exchange of lands. Caothruadh. Mildew. Caomhchladhach. One changing abode Caorthuin. Quicklime. .often. Caorrann. Service or mountain afli. 6 Cap, CAR CAR

Cap. A cart, tumbrel. Carbad. A chariot, coach, litter, bier, Cap. Cup, an old perfon. Carbad. A jaw. Capa. A cap. Carbadoir. A charioteer, driver. Capull. A horfe or mare. Carbal. Roof of the mouth. Capull-coille. The mountain cock,Caper- Carban. An unlucky body. cailly. Carbh. A ftiip. Capam. To renounce. Carbhan. A little fhip. Capat. The head. Carbanach. Matter of a fhip, Capflaith. Commander in chief. Carbhanach-uifge. A carp. Car. Brittle, fmart; a twift, bending, Carbhodach. A failor, clown. Car-neamhuin. A firing of pearls. Carbhus. Intemperance. Car. Care, the jaw, a trick, movement. Carcar. A prifon, a cotter. Car. A bar in mufic, apart. Carchaillam. To deftroy. Card. Sending, a card to comb wool. ^ar" i A friend, nigh to. Cara. 1 Cardaigh. Flelh. Carach. Meandring, deceitful, terrible. Cardais. To fetor lay. Caradach. Befriended. Cardam. To fend, to comb. Carachdich. Wreftling. Carfhocal. Antiphratts. Caradam. To befriend. Carghus. Lent. Carach-ullamh. An upper garment. Carinuigham. To feparate things mixed. Caradas. Friendfhip, alliance. Carla. A wool-card. Carac. Faithful. Carlach. A cart-load. Caraid. A friend. Carlachan. A wool-carder. Caraidd. Twain, a defence. Carlag. Floccus. Carachadh-ceille. Infanity. Carlaire. A carder. Caraidhe. A wreftler. Carlamh. Excellent. Caraigham. To move. Carmhogal. A carbuncle. Caraingal. A guardian-angel. Carn. A province, a heap of ftones, a Caraidheachd. Debate, difpute. fledge. Caraidham. To wreftle. Carnan. A little carn. Carachdach. Athletick. Carnan-caochain. A molehill. Carachdidh. Wreftling. Carnan-aolaich. Dunghill. Caradh. Mending, ufage. Carn-cuimhne. A monument. Caram. To love, to mend. Carn. 1 Flefh. Caraifteacb. A carrier. Carna. Caran. Crown of the head. Carna. A booty, prey. Carantach. Kind. Carnaid, Red, carnet. Caraois. Lent. Carnach. A heathenifh prieft. Caras. A firft-rate Ihip. Carnadh. Heaping, a pile, riddance. Carb. A balket. Carnam. To heap, pile, to rid. Carb. A chariot, a fliip. Carnal. A mote of ftones. Carb. A plank. Carfhuilach. Having rolling eyes. [R] Carnfadadh, CAS CAS

Carnfaiiadh. Hoarfe. Cas. Money, a fhaft, handle. Carnta. Piled up. Cas. Hafty, wreathed, fteep, paffionate, Carpat. Corrupted, Cafag. A coat. Caroid. Penitent. Cafach. An afeent. Carr. A cart, dray, waggon. Cafachdaich j Carr. A fpear. Cafachdas. ! CoUSh!nS’ couSh- Carra. A fcabby head. Cafachdaighe. The herb coltsfoot. Carra-meilghe. Wild liquorice, wood- Cafan. A path. peafe. Cafmhor. Difficult, arduous. Carra. Bran. Cafam. To bend, wreathe, to turn upon, Carrach. Scabbed, ftoney. to be angry, to twift. Carracan. A model. Cafadh. Twifting, wreathing, gnafhing. Carrthadh. An eredt ftone, a pillar. Cafaid. An accufation, complaint. Carraid. Diftrefs. Cafaidam. To accufe, complain. Carraidach. Diflreffed. Cafaidach. Apt to complain. Carraig. A rock. Cafar. A little hammer, a path. Carraidhin. The thick part of butter- Cafbaladh. Obvious. milk. Cafbanach. Side by fide, parallel, Carrfhiodh. A knot in timber. Caf-choifgach. Anti-peftilential. Carrfhiadh. A hart. Cafg. Stopping, a flop. Carran. A weed, a fickle, fillabub. Cafgchuing. Antafthmatick. Carran-creige. A conger, a prawn. Cafgthuitamas. Antipopledfic. Carridh. Seeking. Caifg. Falter. Carrudhe. A fcab. Cafair. A glimmering light from old tim- Car feal. For a while. ber in the dark ; it is called teine ghealain. Carruigag. A fort of pancake. Cafair. A thorn, buckle, clafp. Carfan. Hoarfenefs. Cafair. A fhower, hail. Carfanacb. Hoarfe. Cafair, cafarach. Slaughter, carnage. Carfughadh. Punifhment. Cafceim. A llep, pace. Cart. A quart. Vide Cairt. Bark. Cafaoid. Vide Cafaid. Cartam. To cleanfe, purge, tan. Cafaidaiche. Complainant. Carthanach. Charitable. Caifain-uchd. A bit cut off a Iheep from Carthan, carthanachd. Charity, friend- the lip along the belly to the tail, three fhip. inches broad. Cartach. Of bark, a cart-load. Cafarmanach. Free. Cartacha. Deeds, charters. Cafarnach. Lightning. Cartoit. Devout. Calbheart. Shoes and llockings, leg ar- Caltal. Mint. mour. Cart-iuil. A mariner’s compafs. Cafbhairneach. A limpet, a cunner. Cas. The plague, concern, fear, pity, dif- Cafcar. A cup. ficulty. Cas-cuirn. Draught-tree. Cas. A foot, hair of the head, a cafe. Cafda. Twilled, wreathed. Cafdlaoidh, CAT C E A

Cafdlaoidh. Curled hair. Cathbhar. An helmet. Cafgairam. To /laughter, cut and hew. Cathbruith. Sowens, flummery. Cas-chrom. A fort of Hebridian hoe or Cathbharun. A commander, officer. plough. Cathan-aodaich. A web. Cafla, Frizzled wool. Cathfhir. Warriors. Caflach. Children, Cathaighoir. A tryer, tempter. Cafrach. Slaughter. Cathaghadh. Temptation. Cafnaid. Split wood, chips. Cathfam. I muft. Cas-moidhaich. The herb haresfoot. Cathfuire. A caviller. Caffal. A ftorm. Cathlabhra. A general’s, fpeech. Gaft. Pure, undefiled. Cathmhilidh. A colonel, chief officeri. Caftearbhan. Succory. Catholach. | Catholic, univerfal. Caftearbhan-nam-muc. Dandelion. Catolice. Caftum. ■« Cathruichoir. Citizen. Cafthor. f A curled lock. Cathlun. A corn. Cas-urla. J Cathreim. Triumph. CalTarach. Branchy. Catluibh. Cudwort. Cafruifg. Barefooted. Ca trath. When ? Cat. Erroneoufly for Ciod. Cathris. Watching. Cat. A cat. Cathrifeach. Watchful, quick. Cataidh. Generofity, noble. Ce. The earth; night, a fpoufe. Cataigham. To honour, reverence, to tame, Ceach. Each, every. to try. Ceachaing. Hard to march, inacceffible. Cataighte. Tamed. Ceachair. Dirt, filth, penury. Cat-crainn. A rat-trap. Ceachardha. Dirty, dingy. Catadh. Taming. Ceachardhachd. Stinginefs, penury. Catanach. Freezy, rough, (baggy. Ceachlam. To dig, hackle, deflroy. Cath. Battle, companies. Ceachlath. Spent, worn. Cath. Pollard, hulks. Ceacht. Power, a lelfon. Catham. To fan, winnow. Ceachlar. Either, or. Catham. t , Ceachta. A plough. To fi ht Cathaigham.n .k • k \S S > Ceachtlach. Coal black. Cathadh. Winnowing, a breach, defile. Cead. Leave, permiffion, licence. Cathadh-cuir. Falling fnow. Ceadaigham. To permit, difmifs. Cathadh-mara. Spoondrift. Cead. Firfl. Vide Ceud. Cathag. A jackdaw, jay, Ceadach. Talkative, cloth. Cathair. A chair, bench, city. Ceadaigbtc. (Permitted, lawful. Cathairaiche. A citizen. Ceaduigthach. J Cathair-thalmhuin. Barrow. Ceadacht. Permiffion. Cathair-rioghal. A throne. Ceadaidh. A fitting. Cathair. A guard, centinel. Ceadaghadh. Difmiffing. Cathaifeach. Brave, (lout, quick. Ceadal. A , narrative. Cathan, A wild goofe with a black bilU Ceadal. Malicious invention. Ceaddointa C E A C E A

Ceaddaoine. Wednefday. Cealtmhuilleoir. A fuller. Ceadamas. In the firft place. Cean, ceana. Favour. Ceadhfadh. A fenfe, faculty, opinion. Ceanadh. Favouring, cherilhing. Ceadfadhach. Of the fenfes, fenfual. Cean, cion. Debt, fault, .crime. Ceadfaidheas. Senfuality. Ceana. Alike, the fame. Ceadhal. Full of fores, bliftered. Ceana. Even, lo, already. Achd ceana, Ceadhlaidh. Bliftering. howbeit. Cheadbhilich. Centaury. Ceanail. (Kindnefs, mildnefs. Ceadhna. Same. Ceanaltachd. $ Ceadthuifmeadh. Firftling. n ka Ceadnabhar. 7 Ceanamhail.n / -i ?5 Kind, mild, gentle, clean. , , I An element. Ceadthus. i Ceanfolaidh. Unreferved but virtuous love. Ceadthuightheach. Venial. Ceandail. Lice. Ceadtomailt. A breakfaft. Ceandachd. Identity. Cead-uair. Firft time. Ceann. The head. Ceal. Stupidity, heaven. Ceann-achra. Epiphany. Ceal. Death, concealing. Ceannach. A reward, a covenant. Ceal. Fine flour, ufe, forgetfulnefs. Ceannachd. Buying, purchafing. Cealadh, Eating. Ceannaigham. To buy. Cealam. To eat. Ceanair. } . , , , > An hundred. Cealairm. A hiding place. Ceanan. ) Cealchobhar. A fandluary. Ceannfhionn. White-headed, name of a Cealfhuath. A private grudge. cow. Cealg. Treachery, hypocrify, malice. Ceannfine. Chief of a tribe. Cealgach. Crafty, treacherous, hypocritical. Ceangail. A bond, reftraint. Cealgaire. Hypocrite, cheat. Ceangailte. Bound. Cealgaireachd. Hypocrify. Ceangalach. Obligatory. Cealgam. To beguile, deceive. Ceangalam. To bind. Cealgonadh. Diflimulation. Ceannghraimh. Motto, title. Cealgaiche. More crafty, fpiteful. Ceanngharbh. Rough, rugged. Ceallach. Contention, war. Ceannachtrach. Upper part of the throat. Ceall. A church, cell. Ceannphort. A founder, author. Cealladh. Cuftody. Ceann-adhairt. A bolfter. Ceallghaoid. Sacrilege. Ceanndubh. Vide Canach. Cealloir. Dung, muck. Ceannfath. Caufe, reafon. Cealloir. Superior of a monaftery. Ceannaich. Strife. Ceallmhuin. An oracle, prophecy. Ceannaiche, A merchant. Ceallphort. A cathedral church. Ceannaide. } Ceallfhlaid. S acrilege. Ceann-aimfti'. A date. Cealftol. A clofe-ftool. Ceannair. A driver. Cealt. Apparel, clothes. Ceannairc. Rebellion, perverfenefs. Ceallach. A Celt, a Gaul. Ceannaireach. Rebellious, perverfe. Cealltair. A ca.ufe, a fpear, a caftle. Ceannadhairceim. A plowman. 3 Ceannaircam. C E A C E A

Ceannaircam. To rebel. Ceanntreun. Obftinate. Ceannardach. Arrogant. Ceanntrom. Drowfy, fluggiflr. Ceannardachd. Arrogance. Ceanntire. A peninfula, promontory. Ceannas. Chieftainry, fuperiority, Ceanntar. Side of a country, cantred. Ceanafach. Haughty, mighty. Ceannuaifgineach. Raih, precipitate. Ceannbhar. A hat. Ceannfrait. Capitation, Ceannbheairt. A helmet. Ceannftuaighe. An arch. Ceannbhrat. Canopy. Ceann-uighe. End of a journey, goal. Ceanncaol. ) Ceap. A block, flocks, fhoemaker’s lafl. „ , • , -tsow of a ihip. Ceannbirach. ) Ceap. A fign fet up in time of battle. Ceannbhriathar. Adverb. Ceap. A head, flock. Ceannchlaon. Headlong, deep. Ceapan. A flump, or pin. Ceann-cinaidh. A chief of a tribe. Ceapanta. Niggardly, ftiff. Ceannchun. A goad. Ceapfgaolam. To propagate. Ceann a cheile. Together. Ceapadhrann. Scanning. Ceandeargan. A red-ftart, Ceapaire. A piece of bread and butter. Ceanndan. Pertinacious. Ceapairam. To fpread upon, daub. Ceannafg. The forehead. Ceapam. To flop, intercept. Ceanndanadas. Pertinacioufnefs. Ceapal. Stopping. Ceannfeadhna. A leader, commander. Gear. Offspring, progeny. Ceannfiodha. The end of a fhip-timber. Cearam. Toprefs, Ceannglachan. A bundle. Gear, ceara. Blood, red. Ceanlaidir. Headftrong. Cearachadh. Wandering, flraying. Ceannmaide. Blockhead. Cearb. Money, filver. Ceannrach. A tether, halter. Cearb A cutting, flaughtering. Ceannrithach. Headlong. Cearb. A rag, lappet, excrefence, Ceannruadh. Celandine. Cearbach. Ragged, aukward. Ceannphurgaid. A gargle. Cearban-feoir. A healing herb. Ceannfa, i Continent, bafhful, mild, Cearbchnaid. A fevere reflexion. Ceannfach. j gentle. Cearbhal. Maflacre, carnage. Ceannfachd. Continence, mildnefs. Cearc. A hen. Ceannfgalach. A chief leader, adtive. Cearc-fheancach. Turkey-hen. Ceannfgriobhin. Motto, title. Cearc-fhraoich. Heath-hen. Ceanfuigheadh. Subduing, reducing. Cearc-thomain. A partridge. Ceannfuigham. To fubdue, manage, fup- Cearcach. Having hens. prefs. Cearcal. A hoop, circle. Ceannfuighte. Subdued, conquered. Cearclach. Circular, like a hoop. Ceann-fimide. A tad-pole. Cearchal. A bolfter, pillow. Ceannurradh. A captain, chief. Cearchiall. Madnefs. Ceannfal. Cearcloch. A hen-rooft. I | Rule, government. Ceannfalachd Cearcmhanrach. A hen-coop. Ceannfaliche. A governor. Ceard. A tinker,, tradefman, mechanic. Ceannfuigeachd. Merchandifc Ceardach. A forge, fmith’s fhop. [S] Ceardaiche. C E A C E A

Ceardaiche. A mechanic. Ceaflach. Fine wool. Ceardachd. Tinker’s trade. Ceafda. Punifhed. Ceardamhuil. Well-wrought, artificial. Ceafachd. Grumbling, difcontent. Ceardamhlachd, Ingenuity. Ceafachdach. Difcontented, grumbling, Ceardcha. A Ihop. Ceafadh. Crucifying, paffion. Ceard-dhearg. Oker, keel. Ceafam. To crucify, to fuffer. Cearachur. A grave. Ceafadoir. Tormentor, Cearla. A clue. Ceafd. A queftion. Cearlam. To conglomerate. Ceafgam. To afk, enquire. Cearmnas. A lye. Ceaflach. Coarfe wool on the legs. Cearlach. Round. Ceaflaid. Sacrilege. Cearn. A man, vkitory. Ceafna. Necefiity, want. Cearn. Expence, a corner. Ceafnughadh. Queftioning. Cearnabhan. A corner. Ceafnach. Complaining. Cearnach. Four fquare, victorious. Ceafnuigham. To queftion, interrogate, Cearn-airrdhe. A trophy. Ceafnuighacht. . Complaint. Cearn-duais. Athletick laurel. Ceafnughadh. Corrediion. Cearnag-ghloine. Pane of glafs. Ceaftuigham. To corredt, amend. Cearnfearnadh. Deftroying. Ceatam. To fing, celebrate. Cearnluach. Prize. Ceata-cam. The feven ftars, Cearr. Left-handed, wrong. Ceatal, Singing. Cearraich. Mafter of his art. Ceatain. Month of May. Ceajrracan. A carrot. Ceatfadhach. Judicious, fenfible. Cearram. To kill. Ceatfadh. Conjedlure. Cearrbhach. A gamefter. Ceatfadacht. Lull, Ceart. Juft. Ceatha. A ftiower, Ceart. Little, fmall. Ceath. A fheep, cream. Ceartachadh. Adjufting. Ceathair. Four. Ceartaigham. To adjuft, cut, prune. Ceathairchearnach, i Square, quadrangu-

Ceart. 7 T n. Ceathaircuinnach. I lar. Ceartas. i Ju”‘Ce’ Ceathairchofach. Quadruped, four-footed. Ceartbhreith. Birthright, Ceatham. To Ikim. Ceartchreidmhach. Orthodox, Ceatharlhliofnach. Four-fided. Ceartfgriobhadh. Orthography. Ceathramh. ) „ , „ , l Pourth. Ceartughadh. Paring, pruning, rebuking, Ceathro, J amendment. Ceathair-deug. Fourteen. Ceartuighois. A correitor, regulator. Ceathro-deug. Fourteenth. Ceartlann. A houfe ofcorredtion. Ceathrachad. Forty. Ceartlar. Center, middle point, Ceathrachado. Fortieth. Ceas. Obfcurity, fadnefs, Ceathardha. Belonging to four. Ceas. Irkfomenefs, Ceatharbh. A troop. Ceafadh. Vexation, punilhment. Ceatharnach. A foldier, fatellite, tory. Ceafla. Oar? Ceathnaid. A Iheep, Ceathra. C E I C E I

Ceathra. Four footed beafts. Ceileir. Chirping of birds. Ceathramanach. Cubical. Ceille. Of fenfe, reafon. Ceathramh. Fourth, fourth part, ftanza, Ceiliram. To chirp, warble. lodging, quarter. Ceillidh. Wife, fober. Ceathramha. A trencher. Ceilgrunach. Litigious, deceitful. Ceathramhan. A quadrant. Ceilt, ceilte. Hid, concealed, fecret, Cearthrar. Four. Ceiltin. Hiding, covering. Cecht. Power, might, a leffon, lecture. Ceilt-ienntin. Equivocation, Cedas. At firft. Ceim. A ftep, degree. Cedudh. A bed. Ceim-toifaich. Precedence, pafs. Cedach. Stripes. Ceimhdhealg. Hair-bodkin. Cedaidh. To fit down, reft. Ceimhin. Cedghin. Firft-born. Ceimhleog. A fillet. Cedludh. Beginning. Ceimhionn. Cedluth. Firft, fhout, applaufe, Ceimhmhileach. . Ceibe. A fpade. Ceimheafas. Geometry, Ceibhin. A fillet. Ceimnigham. To ftep, go. Ceid. Firft, former. Cein. Whilft that. Ceide. A market, fair. Cein. Foreign, remote, ann ceinn. Ceide. A green, plain. Ceiniol. Children. Ceide. A hillock. Ceinmhaer. O ! happy ! Ceid-ghrinneacht. Ripenefs of age. Ceinmotha. Befides, except, without, Ceidhche. Till night. Ceinnliath. Grey-headed. Ceidiol. A duel, conflidt. Ceinnfacham. To appeafe. Ceigh. A wharf, quay. Ceip. A Ihoe-laft. Ceigainach. Thick, ftout. Ceip-tuillaidh. A ftumbling-block. Ceilt. Concealing, concealment, Ceir. Wax. Ceill. Senfe, reafon, expreffion. Ceir-bheachan. Bees-wax. Ceile. A fpoufe, hufband. Ceirbhadh. Carving. Ceile. A fervant. Ceire. A buttock. Ceile-de. The Culdees. Ceird. Trade. Ceile. Together, each other, Ceird-thomhfaighe. Sorcery. O cheile. Afunder. Ceirin. A poultice. Ceileabhradh. Leave, farewel. Ceirtighte. Conglomerated. Ceilabhram. To bid farewel, to celebrate. Ceirnin. A place. Ceilabhradh. Feftivity, folemnization. Ceiriocan. Water-elder-tree. Ceilg. Deceit. Ceirgham. To cere. Ceilgheallam. To betroth. Ceirgha. Waxen. Ceilam. To conceal. Ceirn, ceirnin. A difh, platter, Ceilidh. Vifiting. Ceirt. A rag, an apple-tree. Ceiliubhra. A concealment, Ceirt. Juftice. Ceilidham. To vifit. Ceirtach. Ragged. Ceill, cill. Church, cell. Ceirtag, A ragged girl. 3 Ceirtle* CEO C I A

Ceirtle. f Ceolan. A little bell. (r A bottom of yarn. Ceirtli Ceolrimham. To modulate, play mufick. Ceirtmheadhoin. A center. Ceolmhor. Mufical, harmonious. Ceirnine. Small dillies, plates. Ceoloilleifi. Dropping mifts, rain. Ceis. A bafket, hamper. Ceolraidh. Muficians. Cels. Lance, fpear. Ceolchuirm. Concert. Ceis. Loathing, want of appetite. Ceomilteach. Mildew. Ceis. Grumbling, murmuring. Ceor. A mafs, lump. Ceis. A furrow, a fow, pig. Ceos. Hip. Ceifchrainn. Polypody. Ceothran. A fmall fhower. Ceifin. A fmall baflcet, hurdle. Cerbheach. A gamefter. Ceifeog. A dip, youngling. Cerbufair. Banker. Ceifneamh. Whining, complaining. Ceren. A poultice. Ceifnam. To complain of poverty. Cet. The mouth, prophecy. Ceifd. A queftion, problem. Ceuchd. A plough. Ceifdeil. Sufpicious. Ceud. The firft. Ceifduigham. To queftion. Ceud. A hundred. Ceifdughadh. Examination. Ceudach. Centuple. Ceifte. Dear. Ceudghin. Firft-born. Ceitam. A vehicle of rods. Ceum. A ftep. Ceitain. May. Ceumal. Stately. Ceitainach. Of the fummer. Ceufam. To crucify, torture. Ceithairchearnam. To fquare. Ceudmheas. Firft-fruit tax. \ Ceithre. Four. Ceutach. Elegant. Ceithreamhna. Lodgings. Ci. To lament. Ceithairftiliofnach, Quadrilateral. Cia. How ? Ceithairramhach. Four-oared. Cia mar. How ? in what manner ? Ceithairfillte. Four-fold. Cia as. Whence ? Ceithairghobhlanach. Four-pronged. Cia dho. To whom ? Ceithearnach. Sturdy fellow, foldier. Cia. A man, hulband. Celchin. A fine. Ciaban. A gizzard. Cenel. Children. C.abh. i A flde Iock> Ceo. Mift, fog, vapour. Ciabhag.:• ) Ceo. Milk. Caibhag-choille. A wood-lark. Ceo, fceo. And. Ciabharthan. A fhower. Ceothach. Ciabh-cheanndubh. Deers hair. i Dark, mifty. Ceothmhor.r. J Ciabh chafda. Curled lock. Ceathmhorachd. Darknefs. Ciad. Firft, a hundred. Ceobanach. Small rain. Ciadan. Height. Ceobhach. Drunknennefs. Ciadlus. Curiofity. Ceo-bhraon. Milling rain. Ciabhach. Birfhy.' Ceobhran. Dew. Ciaddhuillach. Centifolious. Ceol. Mufick, melody. Ciach. Mift, fog, forrow, concern. Ciall C I D C I N

Ciall. Death, reafon, fenfe, meaning. Cigh. A hind. Ciall-chogair. A watchword. Cigilte. Tickled. Cialdha. Rational, prudent. Cigiltach. Difficult, ticklifh. Cialluighach. Significant. Cigiltam. To tickle. Ciaiiachadh. Signifying. Cigilam. Cialluicham. To fignify, interpret. Cigilt. Tickling. Cialtradh. A fentence. Cil. Ruddle. Ciamhair. Sad, weary. Cill. The grave, death, a chapel, cell. Ciabhbhachlach. Curl-haired. Gill. Partiality, prejudice. Cian. Long, tedious, far, diftant. Cilfin. The belly. Cian. Long fince. Cim. A drop, money. Cianal. Lamentable, folitary. Cimcheartuigham. To rifle. Cianfhulang. Perfeverance; invincible. Cimeach, cimidh. A captive. Ciapul. Strife. Cimam. To captivate. Cianmharthanach. Continual. Cinbeirt. A ruler, governor. Ciapam. To vex, torment. Cinnbheirtas. Dominion. Ciapalach. Contentious. Cincighis. Whitfuntide. Ciapalam. To encounter, to quarrel, Cine. A race, tribe, family. Ciapalaiche. A quarrelfome perfon. Cineadh. ) Ciar. A comb. Cineal. S An offsPnng’ Pr°geny- Ciar. A dark brown. Cineadh. Determining, decreeing. Ciarach. A young black girl. Cineal. Dainty. Ciaralach. Perverfe, froward. Cinealta. Kind, gentle, extra&ion. Ciarail. A quarrel. Cinadal. Fond of the name. Ciaran. Grey. Cinnealtus. Kindnefs, affedtion. Ciarog. A chafer. Cinel. A fort, kind, fex, gender. Ciarfain. Grumbling. Cinfideadh. Conception. Ciarfin, ciarfuir. A kerchief, Cing. Strong. Ciarta. Waxed. Cingeach. Brave. Ciafail. A difpute. Cingeachd. Bravery. Ciata. An opinion. Cinid. Belonging to a family. Ciatach. Graceful, efteemed. Cinmheath. A confumption. Ciatfadh. Admiration. Cinmhiol. Colours. Ciatuichad. Gracefulnefs. Cinmhioladh. A pidlure, image, art of Ciatfach. Honeft. painting. Cib. A hand. Cinmhiolam. To paint. Ciben. The rump. Cinn. Infledtion of Ceann, headlong.' Cibharg. A rag, a little ragged woman. Cinmhiolthoir. A painter. Cich. A greyhound. Cinadas. Kindred. Cidh. A fight, a view. Cinneachdin. Encreafe. Cidham. To fee. Cinnam. To encreafe, to happen, agree to. Cidhis. A mafk, a vizard. Cinneadh. Preparing, happening. [TJ Cinneamhna. C I o C I o

Cinneamhna. Accidental. Ciolog. A hedge-fparrow. Cinneamhnach. Fatal. Ciollach. Superior. Cinneamhuin. Chance, fortune, fate. Ciolrathadh. Chatterino;. Cinni. A megrim. Ciolratham, To chatter. Cinnine-cartach. A carter. Cioman. Carding, combing. Cinnlitir. A capital letter., Ciomam, To card, comb. Cinnmhiolam. To paint. Cioma. A fault. Cinnmhire. Broken down, frenzy. Ciomach. A prifoner. Cinnte. Certain, certainty. Ciombal. A bell. Cinntachd. Certainty. Ciomhas. A border, brim. Cinntach. Pofitive. Cion. A fault, defire. Cinntreun. Obftinate. Cional. Guilty. Cinteagal. A coarfe cloak., Cionaftam. To bear. Cinnfeach. Want. Cionchoran. A hook. Cintigham. To appoint. Cionda. Vide Ceadhna. Cintin. Happening. Cionfath. Occafon, quarrel. Ciob. A fort of grafs,. hards, tow.. Cionmhar. Becaufe. Ciobh. Vide Ciabh. Cionmhalcam, To bear. Ciobhal. The jaw-bone. Cionn, chionn. Becaufe. Ciocar. A hungry creature. Cionnas. How. Ciocarach. Long after, greedy. Cionnacha. The face. Cioch. Pap, bread:. Cionnfir. A cenfer. Cioch a mhuinail. The uvula^, Cionta. Guilt, crime. Ciocht. A carver, engraver. Ciontach. Guilty. Ciochtadh. Engraved work. Ciontaigham. To fin., Ciocht. Children. Ciontire. Tribute. Ciocras. A longing after. Cionag. A kernel. Ciochran. A fuckling. Cionradharc. Fate. Ciocrafan. A hungry fellow. Cionradharcach. Stingy, narrow. Ciochan. A titmoufe. Cionthar. Mulic. Ciochtam. To rake, fcrape. Ciopain. Vide Ceapan. Clod ? Ciodh ? What ? Cior. A comb, cud, jaw. Ciod chuige ? Why ? Cior. Hand. Ciodar Wherefore ? Cior-mheala. Honeycomb. Ciodh. A maid. Cioram. To comb.

Ciodhfa. j.wjlerefore i10w many. Cioradh. Combing., Ciodhfar. i 1 Ciorcal. A circle. Ciogal. A diftaff. Ciorbham. To take away, mutilate. Ciorbhadh. Taking away. Ciorbtha. Hurt. Ciol. Death. Ciordhubh. Coal black. CioJ. Inclination, propenfity. Ciorghal. Brave. Ciolarn. A veflel. Ciormairc. A fuller. Ciolcach. A reed. Ciormam. To wear out. Ciorrbam C I T C L A

Ciorrbam. To mangle, mortify; to be- Ciucaltoir. A hearer, auditor. come black. Ciuchaing. To walk. Ciorthamach. Lame, maimed. Ciuchair. Beautiful, dimpling., Cios. Rent, tribute, revenue. Ciuchlaitham. To hear. Cios. Sin. Ciuil. Mufic. Ciofachadh. Reftraining.. Ciuleabhar. A greyhound.

Ciofach. 7 T _ . Ciuin. Meek. Cioftchdach. S In,p0r,“n*tti “0,e"Iy- Ciuin. A gentle gale. Ciofal. Wages of a nurfe. Ciuine, ciuinas. Meeknefs, calmnefs., Ciofchain. Tribute, tax. Ciuinam. | To appeafe. Ciotach. Left-handed, awkward. Ciuinigham. Ciotag. The left-hand. Ciumhas. A felvedge, border. Cioth. A peal, heavy fhower. Ciura. Merchantable. Ciotfar. Seems meet. Ciuird. A trade. Ciothromach, Mean. Ciuirin. A covering. Cip. A rank, file in battle. Ciuirinuigham. To cover., Cir. A comb, key. Ciuram. To buy. Cir. Joined, united. Ciurtha. Bought. Cirain. A cock’s comb, creft. Ciuirt. A rag. Cirachan. A comb-cafe. Ciurthamach. Maimed. Cirb. Fleet, fwift. Ciuthramaicham. To hurt, harm. Cirbfire. A brewer. Ciuthrach. A bird having a red head,. Cireib. A tumult, infurre&ion, foul-houfe. Ciurrar. Hurting. Girin. A creft. Ciuirtach. Ragged. Cirainach. Crefted. Clab. An open mouth, a lip. Cirthanach. A kitchen. Clabach. Thick-lipped, wide-mouthed. Cis. Rent, tribute, tax. Clabaire. A babbling fellow. Cifchain. A poll-tax. Clabar. Clay, dirt, filth. Cifchear. A fhepherd’s crook. Clabarach. Dirty, filthy. Cifain. A little cheft, balket, pannier. Clabh. Vide Claimh. Cifde. A cheft, treafure, a cake. Clabhair. Mead. Cifdeamhuil. Capfular. Clabog. A feoff, blubber-lipped wo- Cifdeag. A little cheft. man. Cifmhangair. Engroffer. Clabhftur. A cloyfter. Cifeal. Satan. Clabfal. A column of a book. Ciftineach. A kitchen. Clach. A ftone. Cifel. Low, as between two waters. Clachair. A mafon. Cifteanadh. Rioting. Clachadairachd. Mafonry. Cifire. A romancer. Clachan. A village, hamlet, burying- Citear. It feems. place. Cith. A fhower, mift. Clach-oifm. Corner-ftone. Cithi. Ye fee. Clach-thochailtaiche. A quarrier. Cithurach. Showery. Clach na full. Apple of the eye. CJadachi C L A C L A

Cladach. The fhore, dirt, clay. Clais. A flreak, ftripc. Cladan. A bur, flake of fnow. Claifeach. A fword. Cladrin. Wreck, diforder. Claifceadal. Singing of hymns. Cladh. A bank, dike, burying-place, wool- Claifdachd. C Hearing. comb. Claiftine. 5 Cladhach. Digging. Claiftinam. To hear. Cladhaigham. To dig. Claithe. A jeft, ridicule, a game. Cladhaire. A coward, villain, rogue, Claithe. A genealogical table. Cladhairachd. Cowardice. Clamhan. A buzzard. Clag. A bell, clapper of a mill. Clamhan-gobhlach. A kite. Clagan. A little bell, noife. Clamhfa. A court, clofs. Claghartha. Sluggifh. Clamh. Mange. Claghartas. Sluggifhnefs. Clampar. Wrangling. Clagarnach. Noife. Clamhradb. Scratching. Clagun. A flagon, a lid. Clamhuin. Steel. Claibhe. VideClaimh. Clamhram. To fcratch as for the itch. Claibin. A top, fpigot. Clamhdair. A lazar. Claigeog. Deceit. Clamharach. Litigious, wrangling. Claigeach. A fteeple. Clamras. Brawling, chiding. Claigiunn. The fkull. Clanach. Virtue, fruitful perfons. Claig. A dimple. Clannmhar. Having iffue. Claighe. A burial. Clann. Children, tribe, clan. Claiguinnach freine. Headftall of a bri- Clannar. Shining, fleek. dle. Clannach. Hanging in locks, bufhy, fruit- Claidham. To dig, lay foundation. ful. Claidhamh. A fword. Clannadh. Thrufting. Claidheambairachd. Fencing. Clanntar. Was buried. •Claimh. Mange, itch. Claochladh. Alteration. Claidhamhal. Enfiform. Claochlaigham. To change, alter, die. Claimheach. Mangy, fcorbutic. Claoidham. To conquer, defeat. Clain. Engendering, children. Claoidhte. Defeat, overthrown. Clair. Boards, tables. Claoidhadh. Opprefling, defeating. Clairbheil. A lid, cover. Claoidhaire. A fugitive, filly fellow. Clairaodanach. Beetlebrowed. Claon. Partial, inclining. Clairam. To divide. Claonadh. Inclination, bending. Clarin. A fmall board, cripple. Claonam. To incline, bend. Clairineach. Crippled. Claonad. Proclivity. Clairfhiacla. The fore-teeth, Claonard. An inclining fteep. Clairfeach. A harp. Clapfhollus. Twilight. Clairfeoir. A harper. Clar. A board, trough, table, defk, Have. Clairthe. Dealt, divided. Clar-ainmughaidh. Title-page. Clais. A furrows pit, dike. Clarach. Bare, bald ; the floor, a ftory. I Clar- C L E C L I

Clar-innfaidh, ammais. Index. Cleatha. A goad, a rib. Claradh. Familiarity. Cleathard. Steep. Clarchofach. Splay-footed, Cleathar-fed. A milch-cow. Claragan. The fore-teeth. Cleathchur. Relation by blood. Claraineach. Flat-nofed. Cleathramh. Partiality, prejudice. Clarag. Wattled-work on a fledge. Cleibh. Vide Cliabh. Clar-aodain. The forehead. Cleibhin. A little balket. Claraodanach. Broad-browed. Cleir. Clergy. Clarfhiacuil. Foretooth. Cleirachd. . The church, clerkfliip. Claridh. Dividing. Cleireach. A clergyman, clerk, writer. Clarfeach. A harp. Cleirgha. Of the clergy. Clarfair. A harper. Cleite. i Penthoufe, eaves of a roof, a Clas. A play, craft, pit, furrow. Cleitean. ) quill, down. Clas. Melody, harmony. Cleitadh. A ridge of rocks in the fea. Clafach. Crafty. Cleith. Concealing. Vide Cliath. Clafaidheachd. Subtilty. Cleitach. Full of rocks, feathery. Clafba. A clafp. Cleithach. Private, feathery. Clafbam. To button, tye. Cleitham. To conceal. Clathe. Genealogy. Cleithachd. Lurking. Clathnaire. Bafhfulnefs. Clelamhach. Left-handed. Cle. Partial, prejudiced. ClealTa. Feats, tricks. Cle. Left-handed. Clethe. An oar, Hake. Cleachach. Thick, cluftering. Cleitog. A little quill. Cleachd, cleachda. A cuftom. Cleithmhiofgas. A private grudge.

Cleachdach. Accuftomed. Clemhana, Mifchief. Cleachdam. To accuftom. Cleoca. A cloak. Cleach-boid. A good flick. Cleocan .} Cleachdin. Accufloming. Cleocam. To cloak, cover. Cleamhnas. Affinity, copulation. Cli. Left. Clearadh. Familiarity. Cli. SuccelTor to an epifcopal fee. Clear an chaine. Poet of the tax. Cli. The body, ribs, ftrength. Cleas. A play, trick, feat. Cliabh. A balket, a man’s cheft. Cleafach. Playful, crafty, full of feats. Cliabhan. A fmall bafket, cage. Cleafachd. j „ ^ , Cliabhach. A wolf. Ckafachdich. r'rf°r“nE ^ playS' Cliabhrach. Side or trunk of the body. Cleafuigham. To perform feats, plays. Cliabh-fgeathrach. A vomit. Cleafuighachd. Craft, fubtilty. Cliadan. A bur. Cleafaidhe. An artful man, juggler. Cliadh. Antiquaries. Cleath. A wattled work, the body of any Cliamhach. A fox. thing. Cliamhuin. A fon-in-law. Cleath. Concealing, a fecret. Cliamhnas. Vide Cleamhuas. Cleathairachd. Rullicity, boldnefs. Cliar. Vide Cleir. A fociety, gallant, brave. [U] Cliaraidhe, C L I C L O

Cliaridhe, A fongfter. Cliu. Fame, renown. Cliaraidhachd. Singing. Cliucach. Hooked. Cliaranach. A bard. Cliudan. A little flroke with the fingers. Cliath. Breafl-, man’s chefl, bafket, hurdle, Cliutach. Famous, renowned. harrow, darning of a flocking. Cliudh. Squint-eyed. Cliath chliata (or) fhoirfidh. A harrow. Clo. A nail, pin, peg, print. Vide Cliathan. The breaft, Clodh. Cliatham. To harrow,, to tread as a cock Clo. Raw cloth. the hen. Cloch. A ftone, the herb henbane. Cliath. Vide Gliath... Clochach. Stony. Cliathach. A battle, conflift. Clochanam. Torefpire. Cliathag. A hurdle, the chine. Clochan. A pavement, caiifeway, ftone- Cliath-iarruin. A trivet. fteps to crofs a brook. Vide Clachan. Cliath-flreanachais. Genealogical table. Clochar. An afiembly, convent, wheezing Cliathrach. Breaft-high. in the throat. Clibain. A little piece, dewlap. Clochara. Set with ftones. Clibog. A filly. Cloch-chinn. Tombftone, topftone. Clibis. A tumult. Clochlain. The bird ftonechatter. Clibhifachd. Peevifhnefs, Clochfhuail. The gravel. Clichidh. Toaflemble. Clochfhneachd. j Clifing. A bottle. Clochmheallan. ) Clibhach. Curled, rough. Cloch-theine. A flint. Cliobam. To tear in pieces.. Cloch-reathnach. Polypody.. Clilamhach. Left-handed. Cloch na furl. Apple of the eye. Cliobhguna. A rug. Cloch-mhulainn. A millftone. Cliobog-eich. A fliaggy colt. Cloch-fhaobhair. A hone tvhetftone- Cliobain. The dewlap. Cloch-liobharain. A grindftone. Clioc. A hook. Cloch-chrocaidh. A fort of mortar. Cliogar, cliogartha. Croaking. Clochbhalg. A watchman’s rattle. Cliocam. To hook. Cloch-fhrealhal. A free-ftone. Cliolunta. Stout, potent, hearty. Cloch-uafal. A precious ftone. Clipe. A hook to catch fifh, fraud, de- Cloch-neart. The putting ftone. ceit. Clochbheimnaich. Stamping. Clipam. To hook. Cloch-iuil. A load-ftone. Clis. Active. Clod. A clod, turf. Clifgach. Skipping, flatting. Ch Ful1 of clods Cliotach. Left-handed. S°?Clodanach.‘ u \j - Clifgam. To ftart, fkip. Clodam. To clod. Clifte. Adlive, fwift. Clodan. A little clod. Clifteachd. Activity, dexterity, Clodairachd. Calling clods. Clith. Vide Cli. Clodh. A print, impreflion, tongs, prefs. Clitfa. Clofe, true. Clodh, Variety, change. Clodhair. C L O C L U

Clodhair. A printer. Clothach. Famous, illuftrious. Clodhghalar. A vertigo. Clothar. Chofen. Clodhlain. A piece of raw cloth. Clofaid. A ftudy. Clodhbhualam. To print, {lamp. Cluain. Deceit, a remote field j lawn, a Clodhbhuailte. Printed. bower, intrigue. Clodhbhualadh. Printing, ftamping. Cluaineorachd. > . i Flattery, deception. Clodhughadh. Drawing clofe together, Cluaineoras. V J making up. Cluainaire. A flatterer, feducer, hypocrite. Clodhuigham. To approach, draw clofe Cluaife. Of the ear. to. Cluaifin. A porringer. Clog. A bell, clock. Cluas. The ear, a handle ; joy. Cloga. Tares. Cluas an fheidh. Melancholy thiftle. Clogachd. Bellfry. Cluafach. Having ears, or handles. Clogad. A helmet, a cone, pyramid. Cluafag. A pin-culhion, a pillow. Clogam. To found as a bell. Cluafmhaothan. The tip of the ear. Clogan. A little bell. Cluafliath. Coltsfoot. Clogas. A bellfry. Cluaifain. A box on the ear, a pillow. Clogarnach. Tinkling. Cluan. j l A fecret field, a lawn. Cloichran. A ftonechatter. Cluanag. i Cloidheam. To punifli, fubdue. Cluantaireachd. Crookednefs, deceit. Clogfhnathad. A gnomon. Cluanaifach. Fond of going alone. Cloiche. Of ftone, ftone. Cluaran. A fpunge, a fort of daify. Cloichead. A paffport. Cluaranach. A thiftle. Cloichreach. A ftony place. Cluafdoille. Deafnefs. Cloidhe. A ditch, moat, rampart. Cluasfhaine. ) Cloigin. A little bell. Cluaiheud. ! Cloigineach. Curled, frizzled. Cluaifoil. Loud. Cloigmheur. The pin of a dial. Cluais ri Claiftin. Charafler in a romance. Cloigtheach. A fteeple, bellfry. Clubadh. A winding bay. Cloiflin. Vide Claiftin. Clud. A patch, clout. Cloifam. Vide Claiftinam. Cludam. To patch, cover up warm, to Cloithear. A champion. cherifh. Cloithag. A fhrimp, prawn. Cludaire. A botcher, cobler. Clomh, A pair of tongs, an inftrument to Cludhamhuil. Famous. drefs flax. Cludach. Ragged. Clomham. To drefs flax. Cluiceog. Fraud, deceit. Clonn. A pillar, chimney-piece. Vide Cluich. A play, game, battle. Columhan. Cluicheog. A little play. Clos. Hearing, report, reft. Cluid. A rag, nook. Clofach. A carcafe. Cluigain. A pendent, little clufter. Cloth. Noble, generous. Cluigainacb. Cluftering.

Cloth. Fame, praife. Cluig, cluigin. A little bell. ( Clotha, Was heard. Cluigain-cluaife. Ear-ring. Cluimh. C N A C N O

Cluimh. Down, wool. Cnaimfeach. A midwife. Cluimhealta. A Royfton crow, flock of Cnamh, cnaimh. A bone. birds. Cnamhan. Continual talking. Cluin. Fraud; an enclofure. Cnamhach. Waftino;. Cluinam. To hear. Cnamham. 7'o wafle. ’Cluintin. Hearing. Cnamharlach. A ftalk. Cluinte. Heard. Cnamhmhargadh. The fhamblcs. Cluinteorachd. Craftinefs. Cnamhnaireach. Demure. Cluinteoir. A hearer, auditor. Cnamhruighadh. A cubit. Cluifani. To hear. Cnaoi. A confumption. Cluiteach. Vide Cliuteach. Cnaoigheadh. Gnawing. •Cluithe. A game, play. Cnaoighte. Con fumed. Cluitheadh. Gaming. Cnaoidheam. Toconfume, languifh. Cluitham. To game, play. Cnap. A button, bump, knob, little hill. Clnmh. Down, feathers, wool, plumage. Cnapach. Full of knobs, &c. Clumham. To pluck feathers. Cnapan. A little bump, knob, bofs, &c. Clumtheach. Feathered, hairy. Cnarra. A fhip. Cluthuigham. To chace, run down. Cnead. A figh, groan. fCluthar. Clofe, fheltered. Cneadam. To figh, groan. -Cna. Good, gracious, bountiful. Cneadh. A wound. Cnabar. Drowfinefs, heavinefs, Cneadhach. Full of wounds. Cnadaire. A prating jefter. Cneamhaire. An artful fellow. Cnadar-bharca. . Cneas. Neck, the fkin, the waift, Cnadan. A frog. Cneafmhuir. A ftrait of the fea. Cnag. A knob, peg, wrinkle, crack or Cneafda. Modeft, meek, fortunate, omi- .noife, a knock. nous. Cnagach. Having knobs. Cneafgheal. White-fkined, white-bofomed. Cnagachd. Knottinefs, fternnefs. Cneafdachd. Mildnefs. Cnagadh. Knocking down. Cneafughadh. Healing. Cnagam. To knock down. Cneafuigham. To heal, cure. Cnagaid. A rap. Cneatrom. A kind of horfe-litter. Cnagaidh. Bunchy. Cneidh. A wound. Cnaid. A feoff, jeer. Cneidhfhliochd. A fear. Cnagaire. A gill. Cneidham. To wound. Cnagh, cnaoi. A confumption. Cneidhfhliochdach. P'ull of fears. Cnaib. Hemp. Cneimam. To erode. Cnaidteach. Fretted. Cneim. Erofion. Cnaigtheach. Sluggifh: Cniocht. A foldier, a knight. Cnaimhfhiach. A rook. Cniopaire. A poor rogue. Cnaimhgheoidh. A bird between a goofe Cniopaireacht. Adling the rogue. and duck. Cno. Famous, excellent, a nut. Cnaim-gobhail. The fhare-bone. Cnoc. A hill, the herb navew. Gnaire. A buckle. Cnocan. A little hill. I Cnocaireachd. COB COD

Cnocaireachd. Walking abroad. Cobhar. 7 Fr th f am fllIabub Cnocach. ) TT Cobhragach. f ° ’ ° ’ - Cnocanach. 1 H'Uy- Cobhartigh. A prey. Cnomhuine. A wood of hazles. Cobhla. A breach, catarat. Cnorachas. Honour. Cobhra. A fhield, target. Cnod. A piece joined to ftrengthen ano- Cobhthach. 7 ther. Cobhfach. 5 Viaorious- Cnodhaire. A nut-cracker. Cobhartha. 7 . Cnomh. A nut. Cobha.thach. i Affill,nS' rel‘',mS' Cnopftarra. A ball at the end of a fpear. Cobhtach. A creditor. Cno-fpuince. Molucca nuts. Coc. Manifefl. Cnu, cnumh. A nut. Coca. A boat, a cook. Cnuaifte. Gathered. Cocaire. A cook. Cnuas. A collection, acquifition. Cocaireachd. Cooking. Cnuafachd. A collection, recollection, pon- Cochar. Order, ceconomy. dering. Cochdurn. A buckler. Cnuafam. To gather together, aflemble. Cochal. A hulk, flrell, mantle, a nut. Cnuafaigham. To ponder, review, reflet, Cochallach. Capfular, having hulks, coat- ruminate. ed. Cnuafaighte. Pondered, refleted upon. Cochma. The parity of one thing to ano- Cnuafapuigh. Fruitful. ther. Cnuaftoir. A gatherer. Cochcaire. A flrainer. Cnudhaire. A nut-cracker. Cochcifoide. Corn-poppy: Cnuig, cnumh. 7 Cochmiche. Keys. „ > A maggot, worm. Gnuimhag. S Cocleifleife. Dropping rains. Cnuimhagach, cnuimhach. Full of worms. Cocroth. A fhield, target. Cnuimhithach. Infetivorous, Cod, coda. 1 . Cnumhfor. Fruitful. Codach. I A pieCe’ Part- Co Who ? which ? Codaicham. To help, add. Co. As. Cod. Vidfory. Co. Vide Comh. Codach. Invention, friendfhip. Cho. Not, whofe. Codadh. A mountain. Coach. A violent purfuit. Codaille. A fupping-room. Cho mhor. Almoft. Coda], comhdal. Convention, afTembly, Coan. Agreeable, well-feafoned. friendfhip. Coard. A hulbandman, a clown. Codalta, codaltach. Sleepy. Caorde. Hufbandry. Codaltachd. Drowfinefs. Cob. Plenty. Codal. Sleep. Cobh. Vitory, triumph. Codana. 7 Cobhach. A tribute, flout, brave. Codeia. 1 PartS' Cobhail. An inclofed place. Codalian. Mandrake. Cobhair. Afliftance. Codarfna. Contrary. Cobhaltach. Vitorious. Codhbhradh. A facrificing, offering. [XJ Cobhnach, C O I C O I

Cobhnach. A lord, great man, Coic. A fecret, myftery. Codhlam. To fleep. Coice. A mountain. Codlainean. Poppy. Coicme. An udder. Codeis. Indifferent. Coid. Sticks, brufhwood. Codhairteach. Barking. Coidhche, choidhche. Ever. Codramach. A ruftic, a clown, Coidhe. Chaftity. Codramacht. Equality. Coidhean. A barnacle, Codromtba. Uncivilized, foreign. Coig. Five. Coemh. Little, fmall. Coigar. A five, or the number five. Coemh. Soon as, as fwift as. Coigbhad. Fifty. Cofra. A cheft, box. Coigeamh. A fifth, a province. Cofrin. A little box. Coigmha, coigo. Fifth. Cogadh. War, warlike. Coigeamhach. Belonging to the five pro- Cogach. Rebellious. vinces of Ireland. Cogaidh. Juft, lawful. Coigealta. A conference. Coigalam. To preferve, fpare, to cover Cogairfeach. 1 »hi‘Per- the fire. Cogal. The herb cockle, Coigalta. Spared. Cogamhuil. Warlike. Coigeal. A noife, clap. Cogar. An infurredtion. Coigeart. Judgment, a queftion. Cogaram. To whifper, confpire, Coigeartam. To judge. Cogarfnach. A whifpering. Coigeas. Five ways. Cogaras. Peace, amity. Coigaladh. A fparing, keeping alive, Cochale. A wafh-ball. Coigbhilach. Quinquefoliated. Cognam. To chew the cud. Coigul. Vide Cuigal. A diflafF. Cognadh. Chewing, ruminating, Coigbliannach. Five years old. Cognamh. Gnafhing. Coigill. A thought, fecret. Cogoirfe. A well-ordered fyftem. Coigle. A companion, a fecret. Cograchal. Foreign. Coigleachd. A train, retinue. Cogthach. A warrior, rebellious. Coigligham. To accompany. Coguis. Confcience. Coigne. A fpear, javelin. Cogul. Rubbing off, chaffing. Coigrich. A bound, limit. Cogullach. Filings. Coigreach. A flranger. Coi. A poem. Coigreachal. Strange, foreign. Coib. A company, a copy. Coigfhliofnach. A pentagon. Coibche. A dowry. Coigrinn. Five parts or divifions. Coibchichte. Purchafed, procured. Coilbhin. A fmall {haft. Coibchichidh. Procuring, purchafing. Coil. A corner. Coibchicham. To buy, purchafe. Coilce. A bed, bed-clothes. Coibhdean. A troop. Coileafadh. A lethargy. Coibhgioch. Fierce. Coileir. The neck, collar. Coibhreocham. To comfort. Coileir. A quarry, a mine. Coibhfeana. Confeffion, exorcifm. I Coileach. Acock. Vide Caolach. Coibhthe. A hire. Coileach- C O I C O I

Coileach-ruadh. A heath-cock, Colmhchcanglam. To unite, couple, league, Coiligin. The cholick. Coimhcheafa. A protedtion. Coileain. A whelp, pup. Coimhcheimnigham. To accompany. Coilis. Cabbage, Coimhchliamhuin. Son-in-law. Coill, coille. A wood.- Coimhchreapam. To contradf. Coilleadh. ■ A hog. Coimhdeach. Safe,, fecure. Coill. Sin, iniquity. Coimhdheantacbd. A compofure. Coillag. A cockle. Coimhdhreimeachd. A competition. Coilleam. To blindfold, trefpafs, Coimhdhreachta. Conformed. Coillearnach. A woody place. Coimheach. Like, alike. Coillmhin. A young pig. Coimheafgar. A conflidt. Coillte, coillteach. Woods, forefts. Coimheignigham. To force, conftrain. Coillmhias. A wooden-difh. Coimheirge. Afibciates. Coilt. A young cow. Coimheirgam. To join with auxiliaries.

Coillteachal. ? _TT , , Coimhfeadhan. A company, troop. Coillteamhuil. S W”-*)-. Coimhfhear-cogaidh. A fellow-foldier. Coillte. Gelded. Coimhfhiofrach. Confcious. Coilpen. A rope. Coi'mhfhreagarach. Correfponding. Coimh, comh, fometimes Co. Equal to the Coimhficham. To difpofe, fet in order. Latin Con. Coimhfhreagaram. To correfpond, fit, Coimhchriollach, The confines of a coun- Coimhghleic. A conflidt, ftruggle. try. Coimhghne. Hiftorical knowledge. Coimde. Pradtice, cuftom, ufe. Coimhghlinnam. To fallen, adhere to. Coimde. A tub, keeve. Coimhghreamaicham. To adhere, cling Coimhde. A landlord. to. Coimear. Short, brief. Coimhiathach. Compatriot. Coimeas. Equality, comparifon. Coimhidhach. Strange, foreign, Coimeafam. To compare. Coimhioc. A comedy. Coimeafg. Mixture. Coimhionnan. Equal, alike. Coimeafgam. To mix. Coimhleapach. A bed-fellow, Coimheach. Foreign, carelefs, fecure. Coimhlionga. A race. Coimheas. Coolnefs of affedtion. Coimirc. Mercy, quarter. Coimhead. A watch, ward. Coimhlighe. Coupling. Coimheadach. A warden, keeper. Coimircidh. Guarding, Coimheaidachd. Waiting, attending. Coimhligham. To lay together, couple;. Coimheadam. > „ , . ,,, Coimhlinn. An affembly. ?• To watch, keep, hold. Coimhdam. 5 Coimhlionam. To fulfil, perform. Coimheafda. Of equal worth. Coimhlionta, Performed, fulfilled. Coimhaire. Without forewarning. Coimhliontachd. Completion. Coimhbheurla. A conference. Coimhmeartas. Comparifon. Coimhbheiram. To contribute. Coimhmeas. Equality, co-equal, Coimhcdeangal. A,joint, league, confpi- Coimhmeas, A confideration. racy, conjugation. Coimhmeafam. To compare, Coiinhmeafda, C O I C O I

Cpimhmeaula, Compared, of equal Coinbhearfaid. Converfation. worth. Coinbhile. The dogberry-tree. Coimhmortas. A comparifon. Coinbhliocht. Confiid:, battle. Coimhneartuigham. To confirm, ftrength- Coinbhraghad. A difeafe in the throat. en. Coince. Halle, expedition. Coanhneartuighte. Confirmed. Coinchinn. The brain. Coiinhneartughadh. Confirmation. Coinchinneafadh. Vertigo. Coimhneas. A neighbourhood. Coinchrioche. Gag-teeth. Coimhneafam. To approach. Coindealg. Counfel ; comparifon, fimili- Coimhreidh, Plain, even. tude, criticifing. Coimhreach. Affiftant. Coindealgam. To perfuade. Coimhrealt. A conftellation. Coindiur. As ftraight as. Coimhrainnam. To divide. Coindhreach. Mifchief. Coimhreimnigham. To affemble. Coindreach. InftruCtion. Coimhreir. Syntaxis, conftrufition. Coindreacham. To direft. Coimhriachdanas. Diftrefs, great want. Coindreagam. To feparate, divide. Coimhriatuin. Engendering-. Coindreamhan. Rage, madnefs. Coimhfheafamh. Equilibrium. Coindris. A dog-briar. Coimhfeacach. Confequent. Coineadh. Reproof. Coimhfeacachd. Confequence. Coinneal. A candle ; loan. Coimhfeacamhuil. Confequential. Coinnealbhathaidh. Excommunication. Coimhfigham. To perceive. Coinnalbhatham. To excommunicate. Coimhfighte. Provident. Coinneo. The dogberry-tree. Coimhflireagadh. A connedlion, rela- Coinfeafgar. The evening. tion. Coinfheafgarach. Late. Coimhtheachas. A living together. Coinfhodhairne. Otters. Coimhtheachaidhe. One that lives in the Coingiol. A qualification, condition; a fame houfe. pafs. Coimhthigh^fch. Cohabiting. Coingir. A pair. Coimhthion* An aflembly, congrega- Coineadh. Reproving. tion. Coineaghadh. Reftraining. Coimhthiorthach. A compatriot. Coingialldha. Conditional. Coimhthreunadh. A confirmation. Coiniofg. F urze. Coimhuc. A com^y. Coirinin. A rabbit. Coimin. A commony fuburhs. Coinniceir. A warren, a rabbit-burrow. Coimire. A brief, abridgement. Coinfhiacal. Canine madnefs. Coimpreadh. Conception. Coingeabhadh. Retaining. Coimric. Protection, famftuary. Coinnleoir. A candleftick. Coimpreamham. To conceive. Coinnlin. A Italic, a bud. Coimfeach. Indifferent; deliberate. Coinngiollach. A complaint. Coin. Hounds, dogs. Coinne. A meeting, rendezvous. Coinbheadh. A feaft, entertainment. Coinne, coinneamh. Oppofite. Coinbheadhach. A gueft at a feaft. Coinne. A woman. Coin nigh am. 5 C O I C O I

Coinnigham. To meet, to face. Coirme. A pot-companion. Coinneas. A ferret. Coirmeog. A female goftip. Coinnim. A gueft. Coirneach. A part, the kings'fifher. , Coinolachd. Vide Caomhnalachd. Kind- Coirrioll. Noife. nefs. Coirrioliach. Noify. Coinreachda. Hunting laws. Coirneul. A corner. Coinnathair. A father-in-law. Coirninach. Frizzled, curled. Coinfas. Confcience. Coirnfdial. A cupboard. Coint. A woman. Coirrcheannam. To make round at top. Cointin. A-controverfy. Coirrfcreachag. A fcreech-owl. Cointinneach. Contentious. Coirceann-ciogal. A whirlgig. Coinntine. A contentious man. Coirrdheabham. To fight with a fpear. Cointinoidach. Cuftom. Coirt. Bark, a cart. Coip. A tribe, troop, a copy. Coirteoir. A carter. Coip. Froth. Coirthe. A fin, fault. Coir. Juft, right. Coirtheach. Faulty. Coir. Juftice, right, property. Coirthigham. To fin, to blame, cen- Coir. Solitary. fure. Coir, coithre. Sin, fault. Cois. A foot, near to. Coir. An air, bufmefs. Coifagach. Snug. Coirce. Oats. Coifbheart. Shoes and ftockings, armour Coirceach. Abounding in oats. for the feet. Coirceog. A bee-hive. Coifceim. A ftep, pace. Coirdin. A fmall cord. Coifceimnigham. To ftride, walk. Coirdeas. Agreement. Coifeamhan. Afhoemaker. Coire. A kettle, cauldron. Coifeanuigh. Prefervation, deliverance, Coire togabach. A brewer’s cauldron. Coifeanuigham. ■* To conjure, to blefs one’s Coire. Juftice, right. Coifunam. J {elf. Coire. An invitation. Coifde. A coach, a jury of tweJVe men to Coireaman. Coriander. try according to the Englifh law. Coirgniomh. Satisfaction. Coifeona mi. I will prove. Coirigh. Ranges. Coifgam. Toftill, quiet, quell. Coiriabhuin. Copulation. Coifglidh. Still, quiet, diligent. Coiraifach. Important, with an air of bu- Coifidhe. 7 ^ JA footman. fmefs. Coifaiche. J Coirighte. Softly, delicately. Coifaigham. To walk. Coirigham. To fin. Coifin, A ftem, ftalk, Coirm. Vide Cuirm. A feaft. Coifinam. To win or gain, earn, Coiripeadh. } Coifir. A great feaft. Coiriptheachd. i Coifiunta. Earned. Coiripam. To corrupt. Coifleathann. Broadfoot. Coiripthe. Corrupted. Coifliathroid. A football. Coirm. Ale. Coifreacam. To blefs, confecrate. [Y] Coifreacan, COL COL

Coifreacan. Confecration. Colgag. The fore-finger. Coifreaftha, Confecrated. Colgan. A falmon. Coifridh. Foot-forces. Colganta. Lively, martial. Coifrioghan. Sandlification. Colgthroidam. To fight with a fword. Coifriomhadh. Scanning of a verfe. Colgbhruidhim. Butcher’s broom. Coifteachd. Hearing. Colgrafach. Prickly. Coifteoir. A coachman. Coll. A head, hazel-tree, name of the let- Coifteonaigh. VideCoftas. ter C. Coit, coite. A , fmall boat, ca- Colis. Cabbage. noe. Coll. Deftruclion, ruin. Coitcheadh. Public. Collach, A fat heifer, a boar. Coitchion. ^ . .. , Collaim, To fleep. i Common, public, general. Coitchionta. 5 ' b Colladh. Sleep, reft. Coitcheannachd. Community. Collaidh. A two-year old heifer. Coiteoran. A limit, boundary. Collaidh. Carnal, venereal. Coitair. A cottager. Collaidheachd. Carnality. Coitit. An awl. Colladar. They lodged. Coitaicham. To prefs, perfuade. Collag-lion. An earwig. Col. An impediment, prohibition. Collbhuine. 7 . , r , 1 f A wood or hazel. Colach. Wicked, impious. Collchoille. i Colagag. The firft finger. Collchnu. A filbert. Colaim. To hinder. Collotach. Soporific. Colaighneachd. A colony. Coll-leabaidh. A bedftead. Colaifde. A college. Colltach. A fleet. Colam. To plaifter. Colm, colum. A dove. Colamoir. The fifh called hake. Colmh. A pillar. Col. Inceft. Colma. Hardnefs; Colamhuin. ? . , , „ Colman-cathaich. A whoop. > A bed-poft. Colbh. 1 ^ Colman-coille. A queeft, ring-dove. Colmcha.a» 7 . ■ , Colamna. A cow-hide. ^ A prgeon-houle.r Colann. The body, flefti, fenfe. Colmlan. Colbh. A poft, pillar, ftalk of a plant. Colog. A fleak, collop. Colbhidh. Having pillars. Colpa. A fingle cow, horfe. Colbha. Scepter. Colpa. Vide Calpa. A leg. Colbha. Love, friendfhip, efteem, re- Colpach. A heifer, bullock, Peer, colt. gard. Colt. Meat, vidtuals. Colbham- To fprout, Ihoot, Coltach. Likely, probable. Colbhtach. A cow-calf. Coitair. Plowflrare. Colcach. A flock bed. Coltas. Likelihood, appearance. Colg. A prickle, fting, beard, awn, Coltra. Dark, gloomy. fword. Coltraighe. A razor-bill. Colgach. Prickly, fcaly, bearded, fretful. Colubhairt. Cabbage, I Colinn. COM COM

Colinn. A collection of dreffed victuals Comhad. An elegy, a comparifon, the two made all over the country on the new laft quartans of a verfe. year, by the poor people. Comhadh. Prefervation, a groan, a brite. Colum. ? . , Comh. To keep, preferve. \ A dove, pigeon. Columan. } Comhachd. Vide Cumhachd. Columhan. A prop, pillar, pedeftal. Comhachdachf Powerful. Com. The waift, middle, body. Comhacmach. A circuit. Coma. Indifferent. Comhagal. A conference. Comach. A breach, defeat. Comhaidh. A keeper, a reward. Comadair. A romancer. Comhaille. Pregnancy. Comadairachd. A feigned ftory. Comhaillam. To bear, carry. Comain. An obligation, debt. Comhailtam. To join. Comairce. Protection. Comhaimfirach. A cotemporary. Comaircam. To proteCt, defend. Comhaimfeardha. Cotemporary. Comairam. To liken, compare. Comhainm. A furname. Comann. Communion, fociety. Comhair. Oppofite. Comar. The nofe, a way, meeting. Comhairmham. To number. Comarc. A part, Ihare. Comhaire. A cry, outcry. Comamar. Comparifon. Comhairce. Mercy, quarter. ComarCihoir. A proteCtor. Comhaircam. To cry out, bewail. Comart. To kill. Comhairle. An advice, counfel ; fynod„ Comaoine. A benefit. council, convocation. Comaontaoir. A benefaCtor. Comhairleach. A counfellor. Comaradh. Helping. Comhairligham. To counfel, advife. Comas. Power. Comhaicheadh. Competition. Comafdair. A commiffary. Comhaitcheas. A neighbour. Comafdairachd. Commiffariot. Comhairp. i Emulation> ftrife> Comafach. Powerful. Comhairpas. i Comafg. Mixture. Comhaifdreach. A fellow-traveller. Comafgachd. A compofition, mixture. Comhal. A waiting-maid. Commafgghnumh. « A chaos, confufed Comhalla. A fofter-brother or filler. Comafgmhiol. J mafs. Comhal. The performance, execution of a Combach. A breach, defeat. thing. Combaidhe. Affiftance, friendfhip. Comhal. Bold, courageous. Combrughadh. Oppreffion. Comhal. To heap, join together. Combrugham. Toopprefs. Comhailam. To difeharge an office, duty, Combrughte. Cruflied. Comhaitaiche. A townfman. Comeirce. Dedication. Comhailtach. Fulfilled, performed. Comh. Sometimes. Coimh & eo, equal Comhaltam. To join. to the Latin Con. The mh is omitted Comhan. A fhrine. properly, when the word begins with a Comham. To defend. confonant. Comhaolachd. A college. Comhachag. An owl. Comhaontuigham. To confent. Comhaontughadh. COM COM

CoTihaontughadh. i ^ Comhcheahgal. A confederacy. ^ & ; Confent. Comhaonta. 3 Comhchialkch. Synonymous. Comhaontachd. Agreement, unity. Comhchoigrich. A border, or limit. Comhaois. One of equal age. Comhchongbhail. Honour. Comhaofda. Of equal age. Comchuan cogaidh. Theatre of war. Comhar. Oppofite. Comhchorp. A corporation. Comhartha. A mark, fign, print. Comhchuibhrigham. To concatenate. Comharba. Protection, a partner in church- Comhas. Good-fellowlhip. lands, a fucceffor, a vicar. Comhdach. A refuge, fhelter. Comharbachd. A vicarage. Comhdachadh. Refuge, fheltering. Comharbuigham. To fucceed. Comhdaicham. To cover, flrelter. Comhardachd. Agreement, -correfpondence Comhdhail. A meeting, an affembly. in poetry. Comhdailam. To coincide. Comharnais. .Emulation. Comhdhoieh. As foon as. Comharguin. A fyllogifm. Comhdhala. A ftatute, a law. Comhar fan. j . . , , Comheas. Society. ^ A neighbour. Coimharfanach. 1 Comhchnuafachd. Collection. Coimharfanachd. Neighbourhood. Comhchofmhuil. Alike. •Comhbhaidh. A fellow-feeling. Comhchoflas. Equality. Comhtharuighte. Marked, diftinguithed^. Comhchraite. Sprinkled, conquaffated. Comhbhrathair. A fellow. Comhchratham. To conquaffate. Comtharuigham. To mark, fign. Comhchras. Good-fellowfhip. Comhatheach. Competition. Comhchraoidheachd. Agreement. Comchorbadh. Deftroying. Comhchretoir. Fellow-creature. Comhbhith. Co-exiftence. Comhchruinnigham. To affemble, con- Comhbhithach. Co-exiftent. voke. Comhbhruach. The marches or confines-of Comhchruinnughadh. Congregation. a country. Comhchruth. Equiformation. Comhbhualam. To contaCt. Comhchruinnighte. Affembled. Comhbhruachach. Bordering upon. Comhchuiram. To difpofe, fet in order. Comhbhagaram. To comminate. Comhchudthromigham. To equalize, pro- Comhchaidreach. Correfponding. portion. Comhbhrioguchadh. Confubftantiation. Comhchudthrom. Equilibrium. Comhchairdreachd. Commerce, traffic. Comhchuifnigham. To congeal. Comhchaidream. To traffic. Comhdaigham. To build, prove, quote. Comhchaint. A conference. Comhdachadh. Quotation, proof. Comhchaochlaidhachd. Commutability. Comhdhaingnigham. To confirm,ftrengthen, Comhchaoidham. To condole. Comhdhealradh. Corradiation. Comhchaochlaidach. Commutable. Comhdhalta. A fofter-brother. Comhcharaidhachd. Mutual ifruggling. Comhdhaltas. Relation of fettering. Comhchomhairlaicham. To confult. Comhdhas. An equal right. Comhcharnta. Eleap together. Comhdhlutha. A compact. Comhcheolraiche. A chorifter. Comhdhluthadh. Contribution. Comhlutham, COM COM

Comhdhlutham. To frame, join. Comhla. Guards. Comhdhuanadh. Confirmation. Comhla. A horn. Comhdhunam. To conclude. Comhlamh. Together. Comhdhunadh. Conclufion. Comhlan. A young hero. Comhdhuthchais. i Of the fame coun- Comhabhairt. ; ^ , , , ,, !■ A conference, dialogue. Comhdhuthchafach. ) try. Comhlabradh. ) ’ 5 Comheud, RivaHhip. Jomhlabhraim. To confer, converfe. Comnfafgaim. To embrace. Comhlachtuighte. A folder-brother. Comfhogus. Confanguinity. Comhladh. A door, fluice. Comhfhafam. To concrete. Comhlaim. To rub. Comhfhuighleadh. A conference. Comhlair. Quiet, even-tempered. Comhfhuil. Confanguinity. Comhlan. A duel, combat. Comhfhurtachd. Comfort. Comhleaghadh. Coliquefadlion. Comhfhurtaichoir. Comforter. Comhleaghan. Amalgama. Comhfhurtigham. To comfort. Comhleagham. To amalgamate. Comhfhuirmam. Tocompofe. Comhlionam. To fulfil. Comhfhoghar. A confonant. Comhloin. Obligation. Comhfhaghrach. Confonant. Comhlofgadh. Conflagration. Comhfhoghair cluig. A chime of bells. Comhluadar. Converfation, company. Comhfhadthrath. Equinox. Comhluadaram. To accompany. Comhfhreagradh. Conformity. Comhluath. As fwift, as foon as. Comhfhulangas. Sympathy. Comhluchd. Partners. Comhghaol. Confanguinity. Comhluidhe. Alliance. Comhghabhal. Harmony, love. Comhmaoidheamh. A common joy, or Comhgharach. Near to. boafting. Comhghair. Conclamation. Comhmaoidheam. To congratulate. Comhghairdachas. Congratulation. Comhbhrathairachas. Confanguinity. Comhgaram. To furnifh. Comhbhrughadh. i Comhghairdaigham. To congratulate. Comhbhrughteachd. J ContritIon- Comhgufach. Kindred. Comhbhrughte. Contrite. Comhghluafachd. Fermentation. Comhbhrugham. To bruife. Comhiadhadh. Shutting up together. Comhbhuaireadh. Tumult, uproar, war. Comhfhlaithachd. Democracy. Comhnafgam. To join, compadd together. Comhfhlaith. A demagogue. Comhnadh. Help, affiftance. Comhghiol. Condition. Comhnaighe. A dwelling, habitation, reft. Comhghloir. Confonance. Comhnard. Even, level. Comhghnas. Genteel. Comnuighe. Always, perpetually. Comhghnathughadh. Converfation. Comhnuigham. To ftand ftill. Comhghnumtha. Heaped together. Comhnuightheach. Continuing. Comhghothach. A confonantc Comhnuigham. To dwell, continue. Comhghuilam. To condole. Comhoibruicham. To co-operate. Comhlach. A comrade. Comhoglach. A fellow-fervant. Comhitham. To eat together. Comhoibrach. Coefficient. [ZJ Comhoigre. COM COM

Comhoigre. A fellow- heir. Comhfheomraiche. A chum. Comholthoir. A pot-companion. Comhfhuireach. A rival. Comholcas. Defpite. Comhftrith. Strife, broil, quarrel. Comhortas. Emulation. Comhfhaighdair. A fellow-foldier. Comhortuis. Comparative. Comhthathadh. Articulation, fyntax, join- Comhra. A companion, a coffin. ing together. Cbmhphais. Compaffion. Comhthatham. To join, articulate. Comhphriofunach. Fellow prifoner. Comhthaincaghadh. Congratulation. Comhrac. A fight, battle. Comhthoifga. As early as. Comhracam. To fight. Comhthrom. Juftice; even, equal. Comhracoir. An encounterer. Comhthromach. Juft, upright, even. Comhrachadh. Afiembling together. Comhogha. A coufin-german. Comhracham. To affemble. Comhuidh. A prefent. Comhradh. A dialogue, converfation. Comult. Scratching. Comhraidham. Toconverfe. Comultam. To fcratch. Comhraidhteach. Converfable. Comircidh. A guard. Comhrangach. Wrinkled. Comhtha, comhthach. A companion, com- Comhrochdam. To meet. rade ; fidelity. Comhrogain. Eledlion, choice. Comhthaite. A compacl. Comhroigham. To choofe. Comhtharangte. Contradled. Comhrionn. A fhare, a meal, portion. Comhtharuingam. To contradl. Comhritham. To concur. Comhthathuighte. A mutual old acquaint- Comhrunaigham. To communicate. ance. Comhrunaghadh. A coni'piracy. Comhthional. Congregation. Comhfaighidh. Peace among you, quiet,reft. Comhthionolam. To aflemble. Comhftiugraiche. A play-fellow. Comhthoilaigham. To agree to. Comhfanach. Everlafting, perpetual. Comhthogam. Toconftrudt. Comhfgolair. A fchool-fellow. Comhthoimhfach. Commenfurable. Comhfhiorruidh. Co-eternal. Comhthras. j „ . „ ^ , , , , f Sweet fmell. Comhlhiorridhachd. Co-eternity. Comhthrachd. ) Comhlhliofnach. Equilateral. Comhthra. Sweet-fcented. Comhfheidam. To conflate. Comhthromuigham. To weigh even, to Comhfmugam. To vomit. make even, level. Comhfheirbhaifach. A fellow-fervant. Comhthruaighe. Compaffion. Comhlhruadh. r „ ■ Comhthruaigham. To compaffionate. t Confluencen ofc rivers. Comhfhruth. ) Comhthruacanta. Compaffionate. Comhftirutham. To converge, conflux. Comhthrufam. To contract.

Comhfhollus. > Conftellation> Comhthuaram. To co-indicate. Comhfhoillfe. S Comhua. Vide Comhoo-ha.D Comhlhuanam. To fleep, repofe. Comhuibhneoir. A pot-companion. Comhfpairnam. Towreftle. Comhmhaim. A wife. Comhfanuidhe. Arefidenter. Commairce. A riding together, friend- Comhfhe'rm., Harmony. Ihip. Commaithcheas. COM CON

Commaithcheas. Neighbourhood. Conalach. Brandifhing. Commas togha. Conge d’elire. Conaifleach. Bufy. Comhmheadh. Free quarters. Conall. Love, friendihip. Commor. The nofe. Conairtam. To hunt with dogs. Commain. A thing agreeable, a gratuity, Conaltradh. Converfation. obligation, favour. Conas. A difpute, a carcafe. Communn. Society. Conbach. Hydrophobia. Communaghadh. Communion. Conbhaidh. Stopping, withholding. Comon. But. Conbhaigheas. Abftinence. Comora. Comparing, kemping. Conbhail. Holding. Comoradh. An affembly, congregation. Conbhaigham. To hold, ftop, ftay. Comoraim. To gather together. Conbhaifcne. The dogberry-tree. Companach. A companion. Conbharfaid. Behaviour, converfation. Compantas. Fellowfhip, fociety. Conbhuidhean. A guard. Compluchd. A fet, gang. Conchliud. A conclufion. Comraighas. A form, falhion. Concubhar. A proper name. Compartuicham. To partake. Conafg. Whins, furze. Compas. A ring, circle. Conbhair. A dog-kennel. Compailt. A company. Conbhalas. A fupport, ftay. Compraid. Comparifon. Conclan. A comparifon. Comfuanadh. Reft. Concobhar. Help, affiftance. Comthach. A companion. Condafach. Furious. Commuifgam. ? , Condaighais. A countefs. ° c Ao mix, mingle. Commeafgam. J Condafachd. Rage, fury. Comhurfa. A neighbour. Condreagadh. A feparation. Comuiltam. To rub. Condualadh. Embroidery, fculpture. Con. Senfe, meaning. Confadh. Roaring, howling. Con. A dog. Confuadach. A vulture. Cona. Cat’s-tail or mofs-crops. Congantach. Helpful. Conablach. A carcafe. Congafach. A kinfman. Conach. A ftrirt, murrain. Congnamh. Help, affiftance. Conach. Profperity, affluence. Congraidhe. A relation. Conachlon. An equal, companion, fellow j Conga. The antlers of a buck. a kind of Irifh verftfication. Conga. A cotemporary. Conadh. Profperity, a greedy appetite. Congbhail. A houfe, habitation. Conadhaire. Therefore. Congbhalas. A ftay, help. ConaiL A plague that raged in Ireland. Congbhuifgam. Toreftrain. Conailbhe. Friendftiip. Congeals. A conqueft. Conailbheach. Friendly, upholding. Conghaireadh. Roaring. Conair. A way. Conghaiream. To roar, fliout. Conairde. As high as. Conghail. Gallantry, bravery. Conairt Hunting with dogs, a rout of Congnam. To help, affift. wolves. Congnamh. Help, affiftance. Comgra. CON COR

Congra. A narrative, relation. Contrachd. Misfortune, a curfe. Congraidhe. A relator, rehearfer. Contrardha. Contrary. Congraim. Cunning,craft; apparel,cloth- Contrardhachd. Contrariety. ing. Contruadh. Lean, poor. Congraidham. To occupy. Copan. A cup. Conla. Witty, fenfible, prudent, chafte. Copan-freine. Tofs of a bridle. Conlach. Straw. Copag. Dock-leaf, dock. Conlan. An affembly. Copagach. Abounding with dock. Conn. A meaning, fenfe, reafon. Copchaille. A coif. Conn. The frame, the body. Cor. A ftate, condition, circumftance. Connadh. Wood, fuel. Air Chor. So that. Connaidhneas. Ratiocination, argumenta- Cor air bith. At all, by no means. tion. Cor. Muftc. Connail. Prudent. Cor. A twift, turn. Connail. A civil farewel. Cor. A call, throw, a circular motion. Connaircam. To fee, behold. Cor. Surety, a corner. Connaircle. Indulgent. Cor. Near, neighbourhood. Connaoi. A preferving, proteding. Cora. Peace ; a wier, dam. Connartha. Earneft. Cora. A quoir. Conchas. Vifum eft tibi. Corach. Juftice. Connfachadh. Diffention. Coranach. The Irifti cry. Connfpoid. A difpute, difputing. Corag. A finger. Connfpair. A difputer. Corao-adh. Neatnefs, trimnefs. Confpeach. A wafp. Coraid. A pair, cheefe-rennet. Confpoidche. A difputant. Coraidh. A champion, hero. Confpoidam. To difpute. Coraidheachd. Recognizance. Contairifmhe. A prince’s court. Coraig. Although. Conntoirbhram. To allege, maintain. Coraife. A curtain. Conoidam. To heed, regard. Coraim. To turn. Conra. An agreement, compad. Corb. A coach, waggon. Conradoir. A bearer at a funeral. Corba. Lewdnefs. Confain. A confonant. Corra, corba. Lafcivious, lewd. Conftal. Counfel, advice. Corbadh. A caft, throw. Conftairfeach. Stift, opinionate. Corbaidhe. The cramp. Contabhairt. Chance, peril, peradventure, Corbaire. A cartwright. danger. Corboire.’ A coachman. Conntabhairtach. Doubtful, dangerous, Core. A large pot, cauldron ; a knife. fortuitous. Core. Children. Contagram. To affirm, allege. Corcach. A moor, marfh. Contagairt. Affirming. Corcuir. Red, purple, a red dye. Contar. A doubt. Corcuirach. Red. Contas. Vide Cuntas. Corcan. A pot. Contrail. Oppofttion. Corcach. Hemp. 2 Core. COR C OS

Core. A little knife. Com„Kl,. j Bjr hookeJ> Corcan-coille. A fort of flower. „ Cor ran ta. ) Corcog. A bee-hive. Corrachofach. A cheeflip, millipedes*. Corda. A cord or line. Corraghil. Gefture, ftirring about. Cordadh. Agreement. Corrbham. To carve, grave. Cordam. To agree. Corrocadh. To perfuade. Cordaidhe. Spafms.' Corrtha. Weary, fatigued. Corghas. Lent. Corrughadh. A motion. Corn. A drinking-cup or horn. Corruigham. To flir, move. Cornchlar. A cupboard. Corruigheadh. 7 _ . Cornadh. A folding, rolling, a fkirt, cor- Corruigh. i I"JUr)'> anSer- ner. Corfa. A coaft. Cornam. To fold, plait. Corfaicham. To cruize. Cornta. Folded. Corfair. A coafter, cruizer. Corog. A faggot, bavin. Cortas. Debt. Coron. A crown, chaplet. Corthoir. A border, fringe. Coroin-mhuire. A rofary of beads. Corudhadh. Coral. Corplein. A winding-fheet. Corughadh. An ornament, armour. Corp Chriofd. The Eucharift. Cos. The foot, leg. Corp. A body, corpfe. Cos. Confideration. Corpanta. Bulky, folid; Cofach. Footed, having feet. Corpordha. Bodily, corporeal. Cofaidham. To teach, inftrudt. Corr. A fnout, bill. Cofaint. A reply, defence. Corr. A comer. Cofair. A feaft, a banquet. Corr. Odd, not even. Cofair. A bed. Corr. A pit of water. Cofmhuil. Alike. Corra-margaidh. The rabble. Cofamhuilachd. Similitude, comparifon* Corr-mheur. An odd finger. Cho chuir Cofan. A foot-path. mi mo chorr-mheur air. I will not touch Cofainam. To keep off, defend, to pre* it. ferve, to avouch, to maintain. Corrlach. Overplus, remainder. Cofanta. Kept off, defended. Corr. Cofanta. Perplexed, entangled. Corrghridhin. ^ A heron, crane. Cofantach. ) f 1 he defender in a procefs. Corrghlas. Colantoir.r * r Corrach. Steep, a fetter, fhackle, a marfh. Cofaracha. Fetters. Corran. A fickle, prickle. Colboir. An objedl. Corrach. Wavering, inconfiftent. Cofc, cofg. A ceafing, failing, giving Corr-caigailt. Green and blue luminous over. particles, obferved at raking the fire at Cofc, cofg. An impediment, hindrance. night, refembling glow-worms, faid to Cofcim. A ftep, pace. forebode froft. Cofdam, To coft, expend. Corra-bhan. A ftork, Cofdas. Expence, coft. [A a] Cofdafach. COT C R A

Cofdafach. Rich, coftly. f Cothadh, A fupport, preferving, protec* Cofgar. A flaughter, havock. tion. Cofgaram. To flaughter, cut and hew. Cothan. ' A cough, anhelation. Cofcax. A triumph, rejoicing. Cothlon. Viaticum, victuals for a joux- Cofcarachd. 1 ^ . , ney. , > Victorious, triumphant. Cofgara. 5 Cothughadh. A ftay, fupport. Cofgrach. Slaughter, maffacre. Cothon. Frothy. Coflach. Like. Cotta. A cottage. Coflom. Bare-foot. Cottud. A mountain. Cofieathan. Web-footed. Couthartach. Plunder. Cofluath. Swift-footed. Grabhadh. ^ |^ Devotion, relia-ion.ret! Cofmhuil. lake. Crabhachd. Cofmhuilachd. Imitation,, fimilitude. Crabhach. Devout, religious. Cofmhuilachdidh. Figurative. Crabham. To worfhip. Cofnadh. Defence, prefervation. Crac. A crack. Cofnadh. Gain, earning, gaining. Vide Crabhdiadh. Mortification. Coifinam. Cracal. Cracking. Cofnam. To defend, maintain. Cracan. A hill- fide, a cracking noifev Cofnamh. Defence, battle, war. Cracaireachd. Converfation. Coftol. A footftool. Cradhgheadh. Vide Cnamhgheadh. Cofnamh. Swimming. Cradh. Pain, anguifli. Cofpanach. Vide Cafpanach. Parallel. Cracaire, A talker. Cofrach. Slaughter. Cradham. To pain, torment, vex. Coftag a bhaile gheamhridh. Coftmary. Cragh. Sleek. Coftafach. Expenfive. Craibhdhigh. Mortifying people. Cofuifge. Wild chervil. Crag. Vide Cnag.

Coffumach. J Rubbi{h> Craidhte. Tormented, vexed, afflicted. Coffumail. j Craidhal. A cradle. Cot. A part, fhare, portion. Craidhlag. A bafket. Cota. A coat. Crag. A paw. Cotaigham. To cover. Craidhteachd. Mifery, vexation, pain. Cotaig. A good correfpondence,. harmo- Cragairam. To paw, to handle indeli- ny. cately. Cragairt. Cotaigham. To be afraid. I Pawing, handling. Cotchanibh. Cragairachd. ) | In parts. Cotchaibh. Craig. A rock. Cotan. A little coat, piece, a part. Craigeach. Rocky. Coth. Meat, victuals. Craimhor. Corpulent. Cota preafach, ingheain an riogh. The Craimpiafg. The torpedo. herb ladies mantle. Crain. A fow. Cothacha. Debate, difpute,. obftinacy. Crainam. To gnaw. Cothaigham. To contend, fbuggle, feed, Craintfeile. Tough phlegm. iupport. Crait. A fmall farm, field, glebe. 8 Crake. C R A C R A

Craite. Shrunk. Crahn-uifge. | The boltfprit. Cramhor.. Grofs. Crann-fpreoide. Cramhag. Caput mortuum. Crann-feunta. Sacred wood. Crampa. A knot. Crann-fgoide. The boom. Crampaid. A ferril. Crann-apricoc. Apricot-tree. Cranadh. Choofing by lots. Crann-firis. Cherry-tree. Cranagblach. A carpenter. Crann-fitroin. The citron-tree. Cranaidhe. An old decrepid man. Crann-coirnel. The cornel-tree. Cranachar. Lot, cafting of lots. Crann-pailm. The date-tree. Cranchuft. The bark of a tree. Crann-fioguis. The fig-tree. Crandolbh. Lottery. Crann-calltin. The hazel-tree. Cranfaiftine. Sorcery. Crann-limoin. The lemon-tree. Crann. A tree, a maft, a bar, bolt, a Crann-maoldhearc. The mulberry-tree. plough. Crann-neochdair. The nedlarine-tree. Crannag. A pulpit, hamper, round top. - Craobli-orainis. An orange-tree. Crann-critheach. The afpen-tree. Crann-pheitfeog. A peach-tree. Crann-ola. Olive-tree. Craobh-pheur. A pear-tree. Crannchu. A lapdog. Craobh-phlumbis. The plum-tree. Crann-dordain. A kind of mu lie made by Crann-grainabhuil. The pomegranate-tree. , putting the hand to the mouth. Crann-cuinnfe. The quince-tree. Crann-gail. Lattices before the altar. Crann-airnag. The floe-tree. Crannda. Decrepid. Crann-gallchno. The walnut-tree. Crannlach. Boughs, branches. Crann-fearna. The alder or arn-tree. Cranfaor. A carpenter. Crann-uinfionn. The alh-tree. Cranntarraing. A wooden pin. Crann-labhrais. The bay-tree. Crannchuiram. To ballot. Crann-faidhbhile. The beech-tree. Cranngafan. The herb henbane. Crann-beitha. The birch-tree. Crannam. To bar, bolt, barricade. Crann-bucfa. The box-tree. Crannlacha. Teal. Crann-fedair. The cedar-tree. Crannlochan. A churn. Crann-airce. The cork-tree.' Crannarbhair. A plough. Crann-canaich, The cotton-tree. Crannphiofan. Some miffive weapon. Crann-cuphair. The cyprefs-tree. Crannteach. An arbour. Crann-eboin. Ebony-tree. Cranntarach. Hoar-froft. Craobh-dhromain. An elder or bore-tree. Crann-tarfuing. A crofs-bar, a diame- Craobh-leamhain, no ailmog. An elm- ter. tree. Crannteante. A prefs, a printer’s prefs. Crann-giubhais. A fir-tree. Crann-tabhuil. A fling. Crann-tuife. Frankincenfe-tree. Cranntogalach. A crane. Crann-cuilinn. The hollin-tree. Cranntoifaich. The foremaft. Cranndearg-labhrais. The laurel-tree. Crannmeadhoin (mor). ThO main-mail. Crann-teile. The lime-tree. Crann-deiraidh. The mizen-mall. Crann-mhalpis. The maple-tree. Crann-riaflaidh. A fort of plough. Crann-meidil. The medlar-tree. Crann- C R A C R E

Crarm-daruich. The oak-tree. Cratham. To fhake, fprinkle, Crann-tuilm. The holm-oak. Crathrach. A plafhy bog. Crann-pion. The pine-tree. Cre. A creed. Crann-pobhuil. The poplar-tree. Creabille. A garter. Crann-feilaich. The fallow-tree. Creabhach. Dry brufh-wood. Craobh-chaorthuin. The fervice-tree. Creabhag. A twig, a young woman. Crann-fice. The fycamore-tree. Creabham. To crave, dun. Crann-feilaich-fhrancaich. The willow- Cre, creadh. Clay, duft, a body, being, tree. Creach. Plunder, an hoft, a wave, ruin. Craobh-iubhair. The yew-tree. Creach. Blind, grey. Craobh. A tree, branch. Creach, creachan. A fcolloped-fhell, a Craobh-caoimhnas-fgeoil. A genealogical cup. tree, Creacham. To plunder. Craobham. To branch, fprout. Creachach. Rapacious, having fhells or Craobh cbofgair. Laurel, trophy. cups. Craobhin chno. A clufter of nuts. Creachadoir. A plunderer. Craobhfgaolam. To publifh, promulgate. Creachan. Rocks. Craobhin. A bufh, bunch. Creachar. A veftry. Craochadh. Withering, blafting. Creachd. A wound. Craoidhte. Shod. Creachdam. To wound. Craoifin. A glutton. Creachdach. Full of wounds. Craos. Excefs, gluttony, a wide mouth. Creachairas. Sculpture. Craos-fhotharguin, A gargarifm, Creachdlorgach. Full of fears. Craofghlanam. To gargle, Creachram. To ftigmatize, mark, to Craofan.m fear. - l\ A* glutton,, Craofaire.aire. > Cread. What ? a creed. Crofach. Gluttonous^ Creadal. Religious. Craoifeach. Creadha. Clerkfhip. | A fpear. Craoifneach. Creadhla. Clergy. Craoifeach dhearg. A burning fpear. Creadhach. Wounded. Craofol. Drunkennefs. Creadhal. Religious, worfliipping. Crapadh. .Shrinking, crufhing, contrac- Creadmhail. Faith. tion. Creadradh. A chariot. Crapara, One that cr.ufheth, flrong. Creafog. Powder, duft. Craptha. Warped. Creag. A rock. Crapl.uigham. To fetter, bind. Creagach. Rocky. Crapfuifgil. The twilight. Creagan. A rocky place. Creagag. A fort of perch. ^raS; i The body. Craian. S Creagag-uifge. A perch. Crafgach, Corpulent. Creamam. To gnaw, corrode, pluck. Crafgach. A box, coffer. Creamh. Wild garlick. Crathi.dh. Shaking. Creamh-garaidh. A leek. Creamh- C R E C R E

Creamh-muice-fiadh. Hart’s tongue. Crechdach. Sinful. Creamh-nual. The noife of people carouf- Cred. Wherefore. ing. Credh. Ore. Creadhoule. A lamprey. Credh-umha. Ore of brafs. Crean. A buying, purchafing. Creic. A prey. Creanait. A market-place. Creideamh. Faith, belief. Creanam. To confume, remove. Creidam. To believe, credit. Cfeanadh air. Suffering for it. Creidas. Credit. Creanair. Sedition. Creidmhach, Faithful, believing, a be- Creannas. Neat-handed. liever. Creapal. Entangling. Creidmhafach. Creditable. Creapalam. To flop, hinder, flay. Creidte. Believed. Crearadh. Bending, crooking. Creidfin. Believing. Crearal. A retaining, withholding. Creidteoir. A believer. Creas, crios. A girdle. Creidhmh. A difeafe. Creafam. To fet or lay, to tire. Creidhmheach. Full of fores. Creas. Narrow, ftraight. Creidhmam. To gnaw, chew. Creafchas. A narrow houfe. Creig. A rock. Oreafgoinam. To wound. Creigach. Rocky. Creafmhuir. A ftrait of the fea. Creigag. A conger. Creas. A fhrine. Creigair. A grapple. Creafughadh. A girding. Creimam.n. 7 „ J 1 o gnaw. Great. The form or figure of one’s com- Creinam. plexion. Creimadair. A carper. Great. Terror. Creifineamh. A fear. Great. A fcience, knowledge, Creithir. A cup, a fieve. Creata. Earthen. Creithrin. A little cup or fieve. Creatach. A hurdle. Crennaighte. Terrified. Creatachan. A churning-ftick. Creithul. A cradle. Creatar. Faithful, religious, holy. Creodhar. A rail or fieve. Creatar Creopam. To feduce. . I A fandfuary, fhrine. Creatairair.air. '3 Crefan. A girdle. Creatoir. A creature. Crefean. Old earth, clay. Creath. A fwan. Crefean. Religious, pious. Creathadh. Trembling. Creuchd. A wound. Creatham. To caufe to tremble. Creuchdach. Full of fores, •Creathan. A fhaking, trembling. Creuchdam. To wound. Creathair. A fieve. Creumhach. A rock. Creathn-aigham. To tremble, fhake. Creun. The body. Creathnughadh. Trembling, fhaking. Creug. A rock. Creath-thalmhuinn. An earthquake. Creugan. A rocky place. Creatrach. A wildernefs. Creugach. Rocky. Creatuir, A creature. Creud fa. Wherefore ? why ? [Bb] Cri. C R I C R I

Cri. The heart. Griochnuighach. Finite. Criach, for crithach. Trembling,, ftiaking. Criochnuichoir. Finifher. Criadh. Earth, clay. Criochnuighachd. Finitude,- Criadhcheanglam. To cement.. Criochan. Striving. Griadh loifge. A potflierd- Criochdairan. The gag-teeth, Criadhaol. Mortar. Crioch-fgeoil. An epilogue. Criadha. Earthen. Criochfearainn. A land-mark.. Criadhadair. A potter. Criochfmachd. A government.. Criadhluch. A mole. Criodaigham. To pat, ftroke, Criadhuire. A hufbandman. Criodaire. A fondler. Criapach. Rough. Criodh, criodhe. The heart. Criathar. A fieve. Criodhamhuil. Hearty, cheerful. Griathar-meala. A honeycomb. Criodhar. A leech,-a woodcock. Griathram. To fift. Criol. A cheft, coffer, Criathradh. Sifting. Criomhthan. A fox.- Criathrach. A wildernefs. Criomadan. Bits, Grib. Swiftnefsjhafte, fpeed. Crion. Dry, withered! Grich. A territory, country. Crionach. Dry flicks, faggots. Grilidh. A buying, purchafing. Crionam, crionaigham. To dry, wither^, Gricein. Vide Lus nan ruiteachan. fade, Grimtheart. Second-milking. Crionaghadh. Withering, fading, Grimag. A morfel, bit. Crioncan. Strife. Grimchaig. Grumbling, refte&ing. Crioncanam. To flrive. Crindreas. A bramble. Crioncanadh. ? „ . . St V Grinlin,. A.box, coffer. Criencanachd. ! '‘ ‘”S- Crine, crineachd. Rottennefs, withering, Crionlach. Touchwood, Crineamh, cjoch na crineamh. The fatal,, Crionmon. A colledlion. or coronation ftone, of the Scotch kings; Grionna. Old, antient, fage, prudent, wife. it is commonly called Lia fail. It is at Crionnachd. Prudence, wifdom, wit. this day preferved as a monument of an- Crios. A belt,.girdle, cingje. tiquity in Weftminfter-abbey. : Criofach. Tight, having girdles. Crineamh. To fall. Criofach, for griofach. Embers. Crinlin. A writing-defk. Criofd. Chriff. Crinmhiol. A wood-loufe. j.: Criofdaighe. A. chriflian. Crinam. To gnaw, bite. i Criofdachd. Chriftendom, Crintach. Fretting, |; Criofduigh. Chriflian. Criobh. A jeft, trifle. Criofd. Swift, quick, nimble, Crioch. Preferment, confines, territory, a i Criofd-athair. A god-father, brier. i Criofleach. A limit, border, bofom.. Crioch. An end, conclufion. ! Crioflachadh. Girding the loins. Griochnaigham. To finilb, end, conclude, Crioflaigham. To gird. die. Criofluighte. Girded, Criochnuighte. Finiflaed. Crioflal. Cryflal. 3 Crioftalamhuil. C R O C R O

Crioftalamhuil. Tranfparent. Crobh -priachain. The herb cranes-bill,. Griotamhuil. Earthen, made of clay. Crobhal]. Genitals. Grioth. A lhaking, trembling. Crobhungaibh. Clufters.. Criotham. To flrake, tremble,, fhiver. Croc. Horns. Criothanach. Quaking. Crocach. Horned. Griothchumadair. A potter. Croc. An earthen veffel.- Criothnuigham. To tremble. Crocad. Barley-broth. Griothfdabhaire. A potter. Crocam. To beat, pound.. Criothfhuileacli. Purblind. Croch. Saffron. Crifcheangal. A fwaddlrng-band. Croch. Red. Criflion. Sinews. Crochadair. A hangman; Criplach. A cripple. Crochadan. A pendulum.. Criotacham. Vide Crioduigham. To hug. Crocham. To hang. Criplaichami To maim. Crochadh. Hanging, depending, grief, vex^ Criplachd. Decrepitude. ation. Cripagaicham. To rimple, wrinkle. Crochadairachd. Hovering about, the office Cripag,. A-wrinkle. of hangman. Grit. The back. Croch, croich. Gallows, a crofs. Criteagan. A. dwarf. Crochaire. An idle fellow, hangman, Crith, crioch. A region, country. Crochaid. Cockernony. Crith. Trembling. Crochaodach. Hangings.

Crith-thalmhunn. Earthquake. ; Crochar. A body, a bier. Crith. Fit of an ague, fhaking. Crocharfach. A fheepfold. Critheach. Shaking, quaking. Crochruaidh. A certain Irilh idol. Critheagal. Terror, aftonifhment. Crocharb, crocharbachd. A bier. Critheaglach. Aftonifhed. Crodh. Cattle, cows, a dowry, portion. - Grithean. The ^fpen-tree. Crodha. A flipper. Grithghalar. The palfy. Crodha. Valiant, brave, fmart. Crithide. Gaufe of fear and trembling. Crodhachd. Valour, bravery, prowefs.- Crithidh. Terrible, horrible. Crodhaidhe. An heir. Crithir. A drinking-cup. Crodhbhoinn. A bunch of berries. Crithneal. A fhower. Crodhghuta. The gout in the hand. . Githre. Sparks of fire from the clafliing of Crodhmhain. The wrift. arms, fmall particles of any thing. Grogan. A pitcher. Githreothadh. Weak ice or frofh Crodhain. Hoof of a cow or fheep. - Grindarnach. The hickup, yexing. - Crodhall. The crocodile. Griun. A wolf. Grog, A.paw, clutch. Cro, croth. A hut, cottage, hovel. Crogach. Having claws and clutches. • Cro. Death, an iron bar. Croibheal. Coral. Cro. Children, the eye of a needle. Croic. Difficulty ; a venifon feaft. Gro. Straight, narrow, clofe. Croich. A gallows. Groan. Gorredfion. Croichde. Hanged. Grobh. A.hand, a paw. Croicionn. The Ikin, hide. Croideach, - C R O C R O

Croideach. A portion. Cromleac. An altar for heathenifh wor- Croidhe. The heart. fhip. Croidhfhionn, White-hoofed. Cromaig. Gallows. Croidheachd. A portion, dowry. Cromnofg, gormrofg. Grey-eyed. Croidhean. A gallant, lover, fweetheart. Cromlus. Poppy. Croidhil-bais. Knell. Crom nan duilleog. The woodcock. Croidhebisrugh. Contrition, Crom nan gad. A fort of Hebridian Croidheog. A miftrefs, fweetheart. plough. Croilighe an bhais. The pangs of death. Cromlhlinainach. Hump-backed. Croimfgiath. A fort of crooked target. Cron. A fign, mark. Croinic. An annal. Cron. Brown, dun-coloured, red, fwarthy. Croinicam. To colour, paint; to try, pull, Cron. Time, to correft. Cronach. A mournful elegy at funerals. Crois. A crofs, a market-place. Cronam, cronaigham. To bewitch, to Crois-thochrais. A reel, or yarn-windles. blufh for fliame, to rebuke, reprove. Croisfighil. A crofs prayer, i. e. with Cronan. The bafs in mufick, any dull hands acrofs. note, the buzzing of a fly, purring of a Croifoid. A rail, barrier. cat. Croiflin. A diameter. Cronnog. A kind ofbafket or hamper. Croit. A hump on the back, a little emi- Cronntaigham. To loath, abhor, deteft, nence. Cron-feanachais. An anachronifm. Crois-fhlighe. A by-way, road. Cros. A crofs, hindrance. Croiftara. A fignal to take up arms in the Crofach. Streaked. Highlands, by fending a burning flick Crofadh. Hindering. from place to place with great expedition. Crofam. To flop, hinder. Croithte. Waved, toffed. Crofanach. , perverpe crofs obftinate, Croitheamh. An infedt. Crofanta. J Croloc. A place where malefactors are ^ ^ ? Perverfenefs, obltinacy. executed. Crofantachd. i J Croloitam. To wound mortally. Crofanachd, A kind of verfification. Croloitighte. Dangeroully wounded. Croftal. 1 ^ mof jyg feuillemorte, Crom-Conal. A plague in Ireland. Crotal. S 1 Crom. Stooping, bending, crooked. Crofra, crofrian. A crofs-road. Cromam. To Hoop, bend, bow. Crotach- Hump-backed. Cromadh. Bending, bowing, the fide of a Crotach-mara. A curlew. hill. Crotal. An awn, hulk, cod, a cymbal, rind Croman. 7 ^ of a kernel. Croman-lachdan. J Cretan. Purple dyePs lichen. Croman-luath. A fire-fhovel. Crottal. A kernel. Croman-loin. A fnipe. Crothadh, crathadh. Sprinkling. Croman. The hip, hip-bone. Crothnigheadh. Miffing. Crcmh. A worm. Croth. A form, or lhape. Cromhchruach. A famous Irifli idol.. Crotham. To coop, houfe. Crotha, C R U C R U

Crotha. A cymbal. Crubha-fithainn. A haunch of venifon. Crothait. A gravel. Crubinna faona. Dwarf mountain bramble. Cfothar. A bier, any vehicle. Crubghoin. A floodgate. Crottag. A fort of plover. Crubhafc. A crimfon-colour. Cru. Blood, gore. Crubog. A knot or contradlion of a thread Cruabairam. To crunch, chew. in weaving. Cruach. A rick, or heap of any thing. Cruca. A crook or hook. Cruachdadh. Heaping, hardening or dry- Crucach. A heap. ing. Crudh. Milking. Cruacham. To heap, dry, harden. Crudham. To milk. Cruachdalach. Coarfe. Crudath. A belt or fword-girdle. Cruachan. A heap, a drying, toafting. Cruimheachta. A crow. Cruach phadruic. The herb plantain. Crughalach. Hard, difficult. Cruad. A ftone. Cruidheata. Hard. Cruadail. Danger, courage, covetoufnefs.. Cruidhearg. Of a fcarlet-colour. Cruadh, cruaidh. Hard, difficult, firm. Cruidin. A king’s fifher. Cruadhach. Steel, of fteel. Cruighneachd. Wheat. Cruadhail. Hardfhip, diftrefs, difficulty, Cruithneachd. ftinginefs. Cruim. Thunder. Cruadhalach. Hard; ftingy, poor, puzzling. Cruimaodanach. Whole, entire, a down~ Cruadhcuing. Rigour, fiavery. looking perfon. Cruadhchuifeach. Difficult. Cruimam. To thunder. Cruadhmhuinalachd. Stiff-necked, obfti- Cruimfhlinean. A bunch on the back. nate. Cruimthear. A prieft. Cruadhnafgtha. Entangled. Cruinn. Round, circular. Cruadhagach. Stridt. Cruineafadh. A giddinefs,. Cruadhoige. Diftrefs. Cruinne. The globe of the earth, round- Cruaghadh. A ftrengthening. nefs. Cruaidh. Steel; hard. Cruinnughadh. An affembly. Cruaidhcheifd. A riddle. Cruinnuigham. Gathered, affembled. Cruaidheadh. Hardening. Cruinnam. To wrangle. Cruaidcheanglam. To tye faft. Cruinnlin. Orbit. Cruaidhte. Hardened. Cruinnioc. Dew, mift. Cruaidhaicham. To harden. Cruinneog. A little round woman. Cruaidhchriodhach. Hard-hearted. Cruinneolas Add refs. Cruaidh-lus. Sneeze-wort. Cruifcea. | A lamp. Cruan. Red. Cruifgin. Cruas. Hardnefs, rigour. Cruit. A harp, a fiddle, a cymbal, a hump Crub. 7 A horfe’s-hoof, a claw, fang, the on the back. Crubh. j nave of a wheel. Cruiteog. A female fiddler, harper. Crubach. Lame; difficult. Cruitire. A harper, fiddler, crowder. Cruban. A crab-fifh ; a crooked creature. Cruital. Pleafant, fprightly. Crubam. To contradf, creep. Cruith. Ingenious, lively. [Cc] Cruithe. C R U C u A

Cruithe, cruitheachd. Prudence. Crutbchaochlaigham. To transfigure, me- Cruitheocham. I fhall mention, prove. tamorphofe. Cruithin Tuath. The old Irifh name for Cruthchaochladh. Transfiguration, me- the Land of the Pidfcs. tamorphofis. Cruithneach. A Pidt. Cu. A dog. Cruithneachd, Wheat. Cu allaidh. A wolf. Cruitin. A hump-backed man. Cua. Flefb, meat. Crum. Vide Crom. Cu-eunaich. A fpaniel. Cruma. Half a quarter of a yard. Cu-luirg. A flow-hound. Crumba. A bowl. Cu-uifge. A water-dog. Crumam. To bow, bend, to worfliip. Cuamhargadh. The flefh-market. Crumb. A maggot. Cnabhacan. A flefh-hook. Cruman. The hip-bone. Cuabhruid. Itch, lechery. Crumhe. A hoof, fhoe. Cuac. Narrow. Cruman. A fort of inftrnment ufed by Cu-dubh. The name of a dog. chirurgeons. Cuacca, Empty. Crumag. A fkirret. Cuach. The cuckow. Crumanaidhe. A turner. Cuach, cuachag. A bowl, cup. Crumhar. Bloody. Cuachfholt. Curled hair. Crumfhuileachd. Sournefs of look. Cuachach. Curled, frizzled. Crun. A crown, diadem, five {hillings. Cuach-Phadruic. Plaintain. Crunam. To crown. Cuachan. The work of a bird’s nefL Crun na h airte. Ornaments in the de- Cuach-bhleothain. A milk-pail. fcription of a fhield. Cuacham. To fold, plait- Crunnan. A group. Cuachanach. Cupped. Cruog. Need, necellity. Cuachfhrann. A vehement fnorting. Crupam. Tocontradb. Cuadh. To tell or relate. Cruphutog. A blood-pudding. Cuagan. The hinder part of the head. Crupag. A wrinkle. Cuaghran am feoil. A kernel in the fiefh. Crufgaoileadh. The bloody-flux. Cuaicheanach. Curly-headed. Crutaire. A mufician, crowder, harper. Chuaidh. Went. Vide Racham. Cruth. A form, figure, fhape,, counte- Cuail. Coal; an impediment to marriage.. nance. Cuailain. A lock, curl, wreathe. Crut. The hand. Cuailain amalach. A curled lock. Crufhaigham. To prove, aver, affert, to Cuaill, cuaille. A pole or flake. create. Cuain. A corner. Cruthaighoir. A creator. Cuainte. Able. Cruthaighte. Created,, difcovered, expe- Cuairealta. Curious. rienced. Cuairt. A vifit, fojourning, circulation, Cruthughadh. A proof, creation, creating. tour.. Cruthuigheachd. The creation. Cuirtachas. A vifiting, goffiping. Cruthlachd. A, belt, fword-girdle. Cuairfgeadh. A. volume, Cuairtair. C U B C U G

Cuairtair. A vifitant. Cubet. Joking, fporting, ridiculing, fraud. Cuairgean. A wrapper, felly of a wheel. Cubam. To Iroop, bend. Cuairfgein. The core, the heart. Cubhachail. A bedchamber. Cuairfgam. To roll, wreathe, to twift, Cubhad. A cubit. wrap. Cubare. A black cock. Cuairfgte. Rolled, wrapped up, Cubair. A cooper. Cuaith. The country. Cubhaidh. Decent, becoming ; honour, Cual. Faggot. Cubhais. An oath. Cualin. A bundle. Cubhaing. Strait. Cuala, chuala. I heard. Vide Cluinam. Cubhag. A cuckow. Cuallach. Herding. Cubhag-ghliogarach. A fnipe. Cuallachd. Following,, dependants, a co- Cubhal. A religious habit. lony. Cubhar. A corner, foam, froth. Cuallaidhe. A companion. Cubhruinn. A coverlet. ’ Cuallaidheachd. Society. Cubhas. A tree. Cuallas. An afletnbly. Cucca, chucca. To them. Cuamhor. Fat, grofs. Cucclaidhe. A narrow way. Cuamhargadh. The fhambles- Cucamhar. A cucumber. Cuan. A t ay, harbour, haven. Cucht. A colour, kind, image. Cuauar. Soft. Cuchraidh, A maker, former. Cuan. The fea. Cuchtair. A kitchen. Cuanna. Handfome, neat, fine. Cuclaidhe. A refidence, habitation- Cuanna. A hill. Cudaim. To fall. Cuar. Crooked, perverfe. Cudaimeafadh. The falling ficknefs. Cuar cumaifg. A tour. Cudal. Bad, wicked. Cuara. A veffel. Cudachd. Alfo, likewife. Cuaran. A fock, a bandage. Cudam. A fear on the head,, a fault in the Cuaroga. Shoes or brogues made of un- hair, an eruption on the fide of a moun^ tanned leather. tain. Cuarfgeach. Twilled. Cudamach. Frail, corruptible. Cuart. Vide Cuairt. Cudarman. The vulorar.O Cuartag fhluganach. A whirlpool. Cudar.un. A cap or hood. Cuartuigbam.. To furround, fearch out. Cudh, A head. Cuartan. A maze, labyrinth. Cudinn, A little fifh called a cuddy.- Cuartughadh. Surrounding, a diligent Cudthrom. Weight. fearch. Cudhnodh. Halle. Cuas. A cave, .hollow of a tree, a cavity, Cudlhaoth. An apology. Cuafach. Concave, full of holes. Cudthromach. Weighty, important, Cuafachdach. A cough. Cueirt. An apple-tree. Cuafag. Honeycomb in hollow trees. Cufar. ) Cuafan. A hole, cavity. Cufrog. i A cyprefs-tree. Cua-uinne. Worm-eaten nuts. Cugadfa, ehugadfa. To you. Cub. A bending of the body. Cuguin, chugin. To us. 2 Cugann. C U I G U I

Cugann. Rich ftanding milk. Cuife. A pit. Cuib. A cup. Cuig. Five. Cuibh. A dog, greyhound. Cuigeadh, cuigo. The fifth, a province. Cuibhid. Worthy. Cuige. Therefore; chuighe fo, for this Cuibhe. Meet, competent. purpofej chuige agus uaidhe, to and Cuibheis. So much, enough. fro. Cuibhet. Fraud. Cuigeal. A diftaff. Cuibhiofach. Paffable. Cuigealach. As much flax or wool as is Cuihhreach. Bands, bonds. put on a diftaff at a time, a tafk. Cuibhrigham. To fetter, (hackle. Cuil, cuileog. A fly. Cuibhrighte. Bound, fettered. . Chuile. Every. Cuibhrionn. A portion, (hare. Cuil. A couch, a corner, a clofet. Cuice. Until. Cuil. Lead, wicked, prohibited. Cuid. A part, (hare, a fupper. Cuilas-dighthoir. An eaves-dropper. Cuid an trath. A meal. Cuilc. A reed. Cuid-alaich. A litter. Cuiltach. Corners, a place full of corners. Cuid-oiche. A night’s lodging.. Cuilche. Any clothes. Cuid ri. Along with. Cuilbhar. A fowling-piece. Cuidalachd. Pride. Cuilbheirtidh. Wiles. Cuidarun. A cowl. Cuilcheann. The noddle. Cuideachd. A troop, company, likewife, Cuilcheannag. A bribe. alfo. Cuilceach. A veil, cloth, hood j afleeple. Cuideachdaigham. To accompany. Cuileach. Party-coloured. Cuideachadh. Help, helping. Cuilc-chrann. Cane. Cuidacbal. Affifting. Cuilctharnach. A place where reeds grow. Cuidaigham. To help, affift. Cuildubh. A beetle. Cuideamhail. An intruder. Cuilag-fhionnachain. A glow-worm* Cuideamhuil. Meet, fit, decent. Cuilean. A whelp, pup, kitten. Cuidamhlachd. Decency, meetnefs. Cuileann. 7 Cuibheachd. Decency. Cuilfhionn. j H° y‘ Cuidbheachdach. Parted, fevered. Cuilear. A quarry. Cuidhal. A wheel, a fpinning-wheel. Cuileafg. A jade, a horfe. Cuidhealam. To wheel. Cuileog.' A gnat. Cuidhalairachd. Wheeling, rolling, (pin- Cuilfhinn. Handfome, lovely. ning.. Cuiliofal. Vile, little worth. Cuidigh. A midwife. Cuilidh. A cellar, florehoufe. Cuidigham. To help, fuccour, aid, afiift. Cnille. A quill, black cloth.

Cuidighteach. , ^ ^ he| Cuilioch. Flea-bitten. Cuidaiche. J Cuiileafga. Hazle rods or twigs. Cuidughadh. Aid, help, alfiftance. Cuilm. A feaft. Cuidmheadh. A feoff, jeer, a flout, ridi- Cuilmhionnachadh. Abjuration. cule. Cuilmhionnuigham. To abjure. Cuidridh. Common. Cuilog. A pair. Cuilfean.' C U I c u I

Cuilfean. The quilt or tick of a bed, Cuing. A yoke, band, duty, obligation. Cuilfe. Beating;. Cuing analach. An afthma, Cuilfheomar. A bedchamber. Cuingeach. A pair, couple. Cuilfinnteas. Delay, negligence. Cuinge. A felicitation, an entreaty, Guilt. A bed-tick, a bed. Cuinge, cuingad. Narrownefs, ftraitnefs. Cuilteach. A bakehoufe. Cuingir. A couple. Cuim. Entertainment. Cuingis. Pentrcoft. Cuim. Mercy, protedlion, a fhirt. Cuingam. To deftre, folicit, requeft, de- Cuimeir. Neat, proportioned. mand. Cuime. Hardnefs. Cuingcheangal. Subjugium. Cuin^eoladh. Wiping. Cuingdis. They ufed to keep or retain. Cuimhealta. Bruifing. Cuinghid. A requeft or petition. Cruimheamhachd. A competency. Cuingreach. A cart or waggon. Cuimhlan. A wheel. Cuingcear. A rabbit-burrow. Cuimhne. The memory, remembrance, a Cuinuigham, cuinigham. To affuage, mi- memorial, record. tigate. Cuimhneach. Mindful. Cuinneire. Noftrils. Cuimhnachan, A memorandum, keep- Cuinin. A rabbit. fake. Cuinion froine. A noftril. Cuimhnam. Cuinrein. A fnout. To remember. Cuimhnigham. Cuinfeal. A face, countenance, Cuimhnughadh. Remembering, memorial. Cuinfgeallan. A ftable. Cuimhnighthoir. A recorder, chronicler. Cuintearcham. To render. Cuimhre cuir. Said to be hart’s horn. Cuinn, from Conn. Quintius, a king of Cuimhrean. A portion, fhare, eating to- Ireland. gether, meffing. Cuinne. A corner. Cuimhleadh. Intermeddling. Cuinnfe. Quince. Cuimin. A little coffer or cheft. Cuip. Froth, foam ; A whip. Cuimim. Cummin feed. Cuirbeachta. Birds claws. Cuimide. An appointed time. Cuiraidach. Cunning. Cuiminibh. Suburbs. Cuirc. A knife. Cuimir. Neat. Cuirc. A whittle, a fwathe. Cuimne. Protedlion. Cuirce. Oats. Cuimfeach. Mean, little, indifferent. Cuirceog. A hive. Cuimfe. A mark, an aim. Cuird. A trade. Vide Ceaird. Cuine. When ? Cuire. A cauldron. Vide Coire. Cuinneog. A churn, can, pail. Cuireadh. An invitation. Cuineadh. A coin, mourning. Cuiram. To put, fend, to fow, plant, to Cuineam. To coin. invite. Cuineag. A copy. Cuire. A multitude, or throng. Cuineang. Narrow. Cuiram air lagh. To prepare, adjuft, aim. Guineas. Reft, ftlence, quietnefs, a calm. Cuireat. The knave at cards, Cuiniochthaoi. Ye fliall keep. Cuirfam. To tire, fatigue. [D dj Cuirin. C U L C U L

Cuirin. A fmall cauldron, or kettle. Cuitam. To quit. Cuirm. A kind of beer or ale amongfl: the Cuitigham. To recompenfe, render, re- old Irifh ; a feaft, banquet. ward, requite. Cuirnain. The head of a pin, or any fuch Cuiteach. A denial, revenging. thing, a ringlet. Cuitughadh. A requital. Cuirnaihach. In ringlets. Cuithbheirt. An helmet, head-piece, hat, Cuirpidh. Wicked, impious, corrupt. bonnet. Cuirpeachd. Wickednefs, corruption. Cuithe. A trench. Cuirpeoir. A carper. Cuitheach. Foam, froth ; rage, fury. Cuirt, cuirteog. An apple-tree, a wild- Cul. Cuftody, guard, defence. ing. Cul. The back of any thing. Cuirt. A court or palace, a yard. Cul. A chariot, coach, waggon. Cuirteamhuil. Courtly, courteous. Culag. Turf, peat, the cheek-teeth. Cuirtamhlachd. Courtlinefs, courteouf- Culaidh. Apparel, a fuit of clothes, a tool, nefs. inflrument, a boat. Cuirtais. Courtefy. Culaidh-Ihiuil. Canvas. Cuirtaifach. Ceremonious. Cul-taic. A defence, redoubt. Cuirteag. A kind of cup. Culam. To thrud: or pufh back. Cuirtin. A curtain. Culantas. Bafhfulnefs. Cuirtir. An eunuch. Cularain. Cucumbers. Cuis. A matter, affair, a thing, a caufe. Culb. An artifl. Cuifag. A flalk, a foot. Culbhoc. A wether-goat, a buck. Cuifcle. A private affair. Cuifdag. The little finger. Cukhii^dh. calumny. Cuifean. A crime. Culchainam. To backbite, dander. Cuifbhurta. A buffoon. Culdich. Retired, fet apart. Guide. A vein, a pipe. Culchainteoir. A backbiter. Cuideach. Full of veins. Culchoimeid. A rear-guard. Cuideog. A lancet. Culcheimnuchadh. Tergiverfation. Cuidean. A caffle. Cul-earalais. A corps de referve. Cuideanach. A piper. Culmhutairachd. Mutiny. Cuifne. Ice, froft. Culmhutaire. A mutineer. Cuifnigham. To freeze, congeal. Culidh-fanoid. A laughing-ftock. Cuide-mhor. An artery. Culidh-bhroftidh. An incentive. Cuidin. A pole. Culidh-mheallaidh. A dupe. Cuifneamhuil. Frofty. Culghairm. Recalling. Cuifnighte. Congealed, frozen. Culghairmam. To recall. Cuifon. Wife, prudent. Cul-ithe. Backbiting. Cuifte. A couch. Culla. A hood, a cowl. Cuit. The head. Cullach. A boar. Cuite. Sound, healthy, well. Cullin. Holly. Cuiteach. That recompenfeth. Culloid, great noife, rattling, fplut- Cuite. Quit. , ter. Culloideach CUM CUM

Culloideach. Noify, brawling, quarrel- Cumafgam, To mix. fome. Cummaraice. A valley; a people living in Culmhaire. A wheelwright. a country full of valleys and hills. Culmhionnuigham. ' To abjure. Cumas. Strength, power. Culradharcach. Circumfpedl:. Cumafach. Strong. Vide Comafach. Culfleamhnaigham. To backflide. Cumafg. A mixture. Cultharruinguicham. Toretradb. Cumhadh. Mourning;, forrow. Culuigheach. Apparel. Cumha. A bribe, reward, condition. Culthaideach. Prepofterous. Cumhac. Narrow. Culuran. A cucumber. Cumhag. A cuckow. Cum. Form, fhape, trunk of the body. Cumhag-bhogadh-toine.. A wagtail. Cum, chum. To, for, therefore. Cumhachag. An owl. Cum. A combat, fight, duel, battle. Cumhachd. Power, force. Cuma. Indifferent. Vide Comma. Cumhachdach. Powerful, mighty. Cumadh. A model, form, pattern, form- Cumhachdaiche. Mightier. ing. Cumhadhach. Sad, forrowful. Cumach. A breach, derout. Cumhaing. Narrow, ffraight. Cumachda. A command. Cumguim. Daring, adventuring. Cumadh. VideCamadh. Cumhainge. Narrownefs. Cumadoir. A framer, fhaper, fafhioner. Cumhaingam. To ffraighten, to narrow. Cumadoirachd. Device, invention. Cumhais. A felvase.O Cumam. To fhape, form, frame. Cumhal. A handmaid, abondmaid. Cumam. To hold, to fallen, keep. Cumhal. Obedience, fubjedfion. Cumagach. Curling. Cumhaldha. Belonging to a fervant. Cumal. Holding. Cumhang. Power, ffrength. Cumailam. To touch, wipe, rub off. Cumhan. Mournfulnefs; a ffrait. Cumailt. Wiping, rubbing. Cumhdach. A defence, veil, covering, co- Cumal. The price of three cows. ver of a book. Cumaineach. The communion. Cumhdach. An ouch ; cumhdach oir, an Cumaifc. Mixture. ouch of gold. Cumaifcam. To mix, mingle, blend. Cumhdachda. Fenced. Cumaifgte. Mixed, blended. Cumhduigham. To fence, maintain, fup- Cuman. A fkimmer, a fort of difh, a port. pail. Cumhgach. Straightnefs, diffrefs. Cumann. AfFedfion. Vide Communn. Cumhladh. Rubbing, wiping. Cumannach. Affectionate. Cumhlam. To rub, fcrape. Cummanta. Common. Cumhnanta. A covenant. Cumaoin. Obligation. Cumhnantgha. Federal. Cumar. A point or place where ffreams, Cumhnantuigham. To bargain, covenants roads, or anything elfe meet; confluence, Cumhra. Sweet-fmelling, fragrant. interfedfion. Cumhrachd. Fragrance. Cumarra. A proper name, a fea-hound, Cumhrog. Sweet apple-tree. Cumafgadh. Mixing. Cumraicham. To cumber, encumber. Cumhfgtha,. CUP CUR

Cumhfgtha. Moved, provoked. Cupla. A pair, couple. -Cumhthach. Bribery. Cuplam. To couple, pair. Cumhfgughadh. Marching, journeying. Cuphair. Cyprefs. Cumhul. Vide Cumhal. Cur. Sowing, fending, putting, throwing, Cumtha. Shaped, formed, raining, fnowing, prefenting ; as,Cur fiol, Cumthadh. Dear, coftly. cur air fhiubhal, cur as, cur cloich, cur Cumus. Power, ability. fneachd, cur failm amach. VideCuiram. Cumufg. A mixture. Cur-romham. Purpottng. Cumfgadh. Ringing. Cur. Power. Cun. A body. Cur. Wearinefs, defeat. Cunablach. A carcafe. Cur. Difficult. Cunabhaireas. Slothfulnefs. Cur air. A defeat. Cunganta. Helpers, affiftants, Curas. Extinction. Cungantach. Helpful. Cur as leath. Afcribing, imputing. Cunghas. Co-operating. Cur ann. Encreafing, preferring. Cunbhalam. To hold, fatten. Cur ann ard. Elevating. Cunbhailtach. Firm, durable. Cur amach. Addrefs, converfation. Curtha. Tired, fatigued. Cunbhailteachd. Firmnefs,Ik durablenefs. Cungaidh. Materials, tools, ingredients. Curach. A bog, marfh. Cunghnamh. Help, fuccour, aid. Curach. A coracle, a little boat. Cungarach. Exigent. Curachan. A fkifF. Cungir. A couple. Curach na cuaig. Small-leafed bell-flower. Cunna. Friendfhip. Curadh. An obftacle, fevere diftrefs. Cunnairc, chunnairc. Saw. Curaideach. Frifky, cunning. Cunnarthach. Betrothed, a cheap bar- Curaideachd. Frifkinefs, cunning. Curaidhe. A champion. Cunnla. Modeft. Curaighir. A mug. Cunnradh. A covenant. Curaidhe na craoibh ruaidhe. The heroes Cunnrathach. Agreed upon. of the Red Branch. A certain band of Cunntabhairt. warriors in the fervice of the king of | Doubt, danger. Cunntairt. Uifter. Cunntabhairtach. i ^ i -l./- i Curaighean. A cann, mug, tankard. i Dangerous, doubtiul. Cunnartach. 1 Curaighean. Cheefe-rennet. Cuntaidh. A county. Curam, care. A prey, prize. Cuntas. Account, counting. Curamach. Careful, folicitous. Cuntafach. Keen, fharp, narrow. Curamas. Care, diligence. Cuntam. To reckon, tell. Curanta. Courageous. Cunnuil. Objedtion. Curufan. A milk-pail or firkin for butter. Cupull. A cupple or rafter. Curantachd. Bravery, courage. Cupuil. Shrowds. Curbifeach. Additional. Cup. Curcag. A fand-piper, a bird. | A cup. Cupan Curcais. Hair, a bullrufh. Cupar. Conception, Curr. A corner, end, a pit. 5 Curn. c u s CUT

Curn. Vide Corn. A cup. Cufag. Wild muftard. Currach. A bog, fen where fhrubs grow. Cufal. Courage. Curra. i Sowing, a little farm. Cufbai 1, _ ^ ! J An objedt,J mark to aim at. Currachd. i & Cufpair. J Currac. A cap, a woman s head-drefs. Cufmunn. Cuftom, impoft. Curiae-conlaich. A bon-grace. Cufmafc. Diverfity. Curracaig. A lapwing, a cock of hay. Cufpoirachd. An objection or argument; Currac na cuaig. Blue-bottle. throwing, calling at a mark. Curagh. A burying-place. Cufpoiraidhe. An opponent. Curran. A root of the carrot, or radifh Cufpoiraidham. To objedl; to aim at a kind, daucus. mark. Curran-buidhe. A carrot. Cufp. A kibe, mouls. Curran-dearg. A radifh. Cufpach. That hath kibes. Currghalan. A bucket, a didapper, Cuflaire. A tanner. Currtha. Wearied, fatigued. Cuft. Skin. Curthigham. To tire, fatigue. Cutach. Bobtailed. Currel. Plain, manifeft. Cutag. Any fhort thing of feminine gender, -Curfa. A courfe or manner, row, rank, a fhort fpoon. order. Cutal, cuthal. Bafhful. Curfaigham. To courfe, traverfe. Cutallaidhe. A companion, comrade, part- Curfachd. Traverfing. ner. Curfach. Winding, folding, meandring; Cuth. A head. Brat-curfach, a loofe robe. Cutha. ? RagC fury, fiercenefs. 0 5 Curfachadh. A curfe, maledi&ion. Cuthach. J Curfon. A learned man. Cuthach. ^ ^ . Ra n ri,r,0 S Curta. Bad. Cuchaichte. } S' e’ “ ' Curftabha. A bucket. Cuthaileachd. Bafhfulnefs. Curfuir. A courier, meffenger, atten- Cutharlan. An onion, earth-nut, pig- dant. nut. Cus. A fubfidy, tribute. Cuthdarun. A fort of cap, a Montero- Cus. Enough. cap. Cufadh. Bending, inclining. Cuthbhar. An helmet.


D Called Duir, oak, is the fourth Da. Two. 9 letter of the alphabet, and is D’a. Off, or to, his, her, it. founded foft, as in the French. Da. If. [E e] Da-adharcach, D A I D A I

Da-adharcach. Bicornous.- Daighbhiorafg. Fuel. Dabhach. A tub, Daidhbhras. Poverty. Dabheothach. Amphibious. Daighchinnmhiol. Enamelling. Dabhlianach. A two-year old. Daigheadh. Giving, delivering. Dabhoch. A farm that keeps fixty cows. Daigham. To give. Dabhan. A pitcher, a bucket. Daighnigham. To cftablifh. Dachruthach. Biformed. Daighedh. Great odds. Dacheannach. Bicipitous. Dail. A delay, decree. Dachorpach. Bicorporal. Dail. Near, within reach, conjunction 5 Dachofach. Biped. ’N a dhail, towards him. Dachbheurla. An idiom. Dail. A fhare, portion. Da-dheug. Twelve. Dail. A feparate tribe. Dadadh. r A jot, whit, a trifle, fomewhat, Dail. Defire, willingnefs. Dad. i any thing. Dail. A meeting, convention. Dadhas. The buck of the fallow deer. Dail-chath. A pitched battle. Dadum. Something, any thing, a mote. Daileadh. Tradition, affiance. Dadhuilleach. Bifoliated. Dail-chuach. A fort of herb. Dadmun. A mote. Dailag. A date-tree. Dae. A man, a perfon. Dailein. A feoff.

Dae. A high dyke, a wall4 a houfe. Dailam. To give, deliver. Dae. A hand. Daille. Night, darknefs, blindnefs. Dafhoghair. Two vowels, a diphthong. Dailthe. Dealt, parted, divided. Dafhilte. Twofold. Dailthe. After. Dafhiaclach. Bidental. Dailtin. A jackanapes, puppy of a fellow, Dagh. Good. Vide Deagh, rafeal. Daga. A piftol. Dailtinnas. Scurrility, impertinence. Dagach. Armed with a piftol. Daimh. A houfe, friend, connexion, con- Daga-diolaid. A holfter. fanguinity. Dagham. Tofmge, burn. Daimh. Affent, free-will. Daghte. Singed, burned. Daimh. Tranflated by Mr. Macpherfon, Daghadh. An empyreuma'. Jiranger. Daghar. Wind. Daimh. A poet, a learned writer. Daibhi. David. Daimhal. Connedfed, allied, fyb. Daibhliag. A church. Daimheach. A companion, affociate. Daice. Belonging to a tribe. Daimhaodann. A frontifpiece. Daicheil, dathamhuil. Likely, well-look- Daimhfheoil. Beef. ed. Daimhiach. Of a powerful clan. Daicheilad. Likelinefs. Daimhliag. A church. Daibhbhir. Needy. Daimfin. A damfon-plum. Daif. Drink. Dain. The gen. of Dan. A poem. Daigh. Fire, pain. Daindeoin. Againft will, in fpite of. Daigh. Hope, confidence. Vide Doigh, Daingeann. Strong, firm. Daingean* 3 DAL DAM

Daingean. An affurance, contrafl:. Dalan-de. A butterfly;

Daingneach. ?A foI,ificatioll> Dalian. A great bulk. Daingneachd. j Dallan-cloich. A large ftone, a monument Daingnuicham. To fortify, fatten, efta- ftone. blifh. Dalladh-eun. Purblindnefs. Daingnuchadh. Fortifying, a ratification. Dalian. A fan to winnow with. Dainoide. A fchoolmatter. Dalbhi A lye, contrivance. Dair. An oak. Dalba. Impudent, forward. Dair, daireadh. Bulling. Dalbhdha. Sorcery. Dairam. To bull, take the bull. Dalgaol. Affinity. Dairbh. A kind of worm, a little per- Dali. Blind, puzzled. fon. Dalladh. Blindnefs. Dairbhre. An oak, a mirfery of oaks. Dallam. To blindfold, blind, puzzle. Dairbagj A tadpole. Dallaigeantach. i Dull-witted, foolifh, hea- Dairghe. An oak-apple. Dallintinneach. $ vy. Dairt. A clod, a heifer. Dallog. A leech, a buffet, a mole. Dairteach. Full of clods. Dallog-an-fhraoich. A flirew. Dais. A mow. Dallog-fheoir. A dormoufe, a mole. Daifgin. A writing-defk. Daltach. Betrothed. Daithte. Coloured. Daltan. A fofter-child, difciple. Daith. Quick, nimble, aftive, fupple. Dallta. Like, likenefs, in manner of. Daitean. i . „ • „ , Daltin. A ftripling. ^ i A fofter-father. JJaiteamhla. J Dam. A conduit, refervoir. Daithe. -j Damh. An ox. Daitheadhadh. J Re"'”S'- Damh. Learning. Daitheamhuil. Likely, comely, handfome. Damh dhamh. To me. Daitheamhlachd. Comelinefsj grandeur, Damanta. Condemned, damned. majefty. Damnam. To condemn, damn. Daitheafc. Eloquence, a fpeech, remon- Damnadh. Condemnation. ftrance. Damhan-eallaidh. A fpider. Daitheafc. Unanimoufly. Damhach. A vat. Daitheoir. An avenger. Damhadh. Permiffion, liberty. Daithle. After. Damham. To permit, fuffer, allow. Daithnid Sorry. Damhair. Earneft,- keen. Dal. A fhare, divifion, lot. Damh-feidh. A buck or red deer. Dal. An aflembly ; a tribe. Damhlann. An oxftall. Dal. A plain field, a dale. Damhoide. A fchoolmafter. Dala. News., an oath, efpoufals, a meet- Damhphupa. ing. Damhna. The matter out of which any Dala. A relation, hiftorical fa<3:. thing is or may be formed j Riogh damhna,, Dala. As to, as for. king elect. Dalaigham. To affign, appoint. Damhnadh. A band or tye. Dalaighidh. Affignment. Damh-nartaidhe. A bullock. Damhfadh; DAO D A R

Damhfadh. Dancing. Daoirfe. 1 . . Damhfadh deife. A Strathfpey dance. Daoirfin. 1 CaPtlvlty’ bondaSe- Damhafam. To dance. Daol. A bug, beetle, chafer. Damhfair. A dancer. Daolair. A lazy man. Damhafaire dubh an uifge. Water-fpider. Daolagach. Abounding with beetles. Damhamhuil. ? „ _ , Daolag-bhreac. A lady-cow. „ , , [A Undent. Damhtha. J Daolag. A lazy fneaking female. Damtha. Scholaftic. Daomhaifam. To ruin, demolifh. Damnuigham. To condemn. Daon. Toraifeup, afcend. Damnughadh. Condemning. Daonna. Human, humane. Damuinte. Condemned, damned. Daonnachd. Humanity, civility. Dan. Work. Daonnachdach. Civil, liberal. Dan. Fate, deftiny; bha e ’s an dan do, it Daonnan, for do ghna. Always, was his fate. Daonchon. The moral of a fable. Dan. A poem ; poetry. Daonfhuil. Akin, related. Dan, dana. Bold, impetuous, impudent. Daonghaoidhile. Moral philofophy. Dan-argaid. Money worth, goods. Daor. Dear, precious. Dana-loingais. A fleet, fquadron. Daor. Guilty, condemned. Daoram. To condemn, fentence. ! Boldneft. Danadas. i Daortha. Condemned, convicted. Danaigham. To dare, defy. Daoradh. Condemning. Dannartha. Impudent, ftubborn. Daorich. Drunkennefs. Dannarthachd. Stubbornnefs, froward- Daorara. 1 A „ A nefs. Daoranach. S Danair. A ftranger, foreigner. Daorbhodach. i . n A Danat. A nurfe. Daoroglach. 1 Dandha. Fatal. Daorfe, Slavery. Dant. A morfel, portion, Ihare. Daofgarfluaigh. The populace, mob. Dantuigheachd. Poetry. Daothain. Sufficiency. Daoch, daochag. A periwinkle, fea-fnail. Dar. By, through, whofe, whereof. Daochal. A morfel, a bit. D’ar. Unto our, your ; from off our, your. Daochan. Anger. D’ar. To our, your. Daochanach. Angry. Dara. Second. Daoi. A man ; wicked. Dara ait. Second place. Daoil. A leech. Darab. Improperly whofe. Daoine. Men, people. Darach. Oak. Daoineach. Populous. Darag. A ftone as large as a man can caff. Daoin. Thurfday. Darag-talmhuin. Germander, the name of Dainnas. Manlinefs. a bird. Daoirfhine. A fubjedled people. Darabhall. Oak-apples, galls, Daoirmheafdach. A tafkmafter. Dararich. Slapdalh. Daoirfe. Dearth, fcarcity. Darcan. An acorn. Darcan, DAT D E A

Darcan, na lagan. The hollow of the hand. Dathe. Agility. Darargnegheadh. Thought. De. Whence l from whence ? thereof. Darairgnegham. To think. De. Of God, genitive cafe of Dia. Daras. A home, a dwelling. De. Genitive of Dia, a day. Darb. A worm, a reptile. De, ande. Yefterday. Dabbh. A coach or chariot. Deabhadh. Hafte, fpeed. Darcain. A maft or acorn. Deabhadh. A Ikirmifh, a battle, encounter. Darcanam. To gather acorns. Deabham. To haften, to battle, encounter. Dardal. Bad weather, fevere time. Deabhlach, deabhthach. Contentious, li- Darn. A fchool. tigious. Darna. Thefecond. Deaccair. Strange, wonderful. Darriogha. Above or beyond kings. Deaccair. j , , _ . , > Hard,TT difficult. Daraidh. Rutting. Deaclach. ) Dart To bull a cow. Deach. Better. Dartan.’ A herd, drove. Deachadh. Paft tenfe of Racham, to go. Dars. A habitation. Deachair. A feparating, following, bright- Dartluich. Impoffible. nefs. Das. A defk. Deachairam. To follow. Dafachd. Fiercenefs. Deachain. Vide Feuchin. Dafachdach. Fierce. Deachdam. To didiate, debate, teach. Dafhioladh. A diffyllable. Deachdadh. Didlating, a law. Dafan. Binocular. Vide Dafhuilach. Deachdoir. A didlator. Dafan. To him. Deachmhaidh. A tenth, tythe. Dafidh. Furious. Deachmhugham. To tythe. Data. Pleafant. Deachnamhar. A decade. Datan. A fofter-father. Deacmhoradh. Courtefy, affability. Dath. Colour. Deachra. Separated. Dathach. Coloured, chromatick. Deachra. Anger, indignation. Dathadh. Dying, a tindture. Deachd. Divinity, Godhead. Dathadh. A prefent, a favour. Deachda. Didfates. Dathadoir. A. dyer. Deachduighte. Didlated. Dathag. A worm in the human body. Deachtoir. A dictator, teacher. Dathagmhortach. Anthelmintick. Deacmaic. Hard, difficult. Datham. To dye, to colour. Deacrachd. Difficulty, hardfhip. Dathamhlachd. Honour, decency, refpedf, Dead. A jaw, fet of teeth. comelinefs. Deadith. The tooth-ach. Dathamhnas. Decency. Dead. Meet, proper, decent. Dathamhuil. Pleafant, decent, comely. Deadhachd. Godlinefs, religion. Dathan. Colour, paint. Deadhan. A dean. Dathchlodhach. Parti-coloured. Deadhanachd. Deanery. Dathigh, dhathigh. A home, home, Deadhail. A releafing, weaning. Dathnaid.. A fofter-mother. Deadhbheachd. A civility. Dathughadh. A dying, colouring. Deadhbhal. Wretched, woeful. [ F f ] Deadhajj. D E A D E A

Deadhair. Swift. Dcaghmhifnachal. Confident. Deadhmann. A moth. Deaghmhifnach. Confidence. Deaghchruthach. Shapely, handfdme. Deaghnad. Froft. Deadhoil. The reparation of night and Deaghoibbra. Good works. day. Deaghoideafach. Difcreet. Deadla. Bold, confident. Deaghorduighte. Prudent, provident. Deadlas. Confidence. Deaghorduigham. To methodize. Deafhogharach. A diphthong. Deaghraidham. To love fincerely. Ddaganach. A dean. Deaghthoil. Benevolence. Deadhbheufach. Virtuous. Deaghthoileach. Favourable, friendly. Deathbholtanas. 7 . - ^ , Deaghuair. An opportunity. Deadhbholadh. S A fw“‘ rmd'’ 0d0Ur' D’ eagal gu. For fear that, left. Deaghbhaltram. To perfume, to cenfe. Deaith. Wind, air. Deaghbholtrach. Aromatick. Deaitheach. Windy. Deadhbhuil. Well-difpofed. Deala. Kindred, friendftiip. Deagh. Good, and is often prefixed in Deala. A refufing, denying. compofition. Deala. A cow’s udder. Deaghallam. To recal. Deala. A leech. Deaghainm. Good name. Dealachd. 7 . . t> i i- il i ^ divorce, lepsrstion* Deasharfo-air.O O A chronicler. Dealaghadh. i Deaghbhuilachadh. Frugality. Dealaigham. To feparate, divorce. Deaghbheus. Good habit, morality. Dealan. A coal. Deaghbheufach. Moral. Dealan doruis. A latch. Deaghfhuin. Good-will. Dealanach. Lightning.

Deaghghean. Favour. Dealan de. 7 A bimerfl Deaghla. Salutation. Dealbh ande. S Deaghmhuinte. Well-bred. Dealbh. The countenance, face, form, Deaghtheis. 7 image, frame, figure, ftatue. Deaglitheifdas. i A g0°J rep“"' Dealbham. ’To form, frame, make, con- Deaghthrial. A good gait. trive, to feign. Deadughadh. Accoutring. Dealbh. Poor, miferable. Deagailt. A difcharge, divorce. Dealbhach. Refembling, ingenious, in- Deaghnach. Laft. ventive, fpecious. Deaghbhla^. Flavour. Dealbhadan. A mould. Deaghbhlafda. Dainty, well relifhed. Dealbhchluith. A ftage-play. Deaghfhoclach. 7 , Dealbhthach. Pleafant. & J Well fpoken.r Deaghlabhartha. J Dealbhadoir. 7 A ftatuary, framer, in- Deaghiomchar. Good comportment. Dealbhthoir. 5 ventor. Deaghghuth. Euphony. Dealbhliobhoir. A painter. Deaghalbharthach. An orator. Dealbhthoireachd. Delineation. Deaghmhaifeach. Handfome, comely. Dealias. Zeal, quicknefs, hurry. Deaghmhaifaigham. To adorn. Deallafach. Hafty, quick, zealous. Deaghmhaifughadh. An ornament. Dealbhas. Mifery, poverty. Dealg. D E A D E A

Dealg. A thorn, wire, flcewer, prickle, pin, Deannam. To colour. needle. Deantacb. Pradlical. Dealgach. Prickly, Hinging. Deantus. Rhyming, poetry. Dealgcluaife. An ear-picker. Deantanas. Doings, deeds. Dealc-fuilt. A hair-pin. Deantafach. Aftive. Dealghionadh. Laying wafte. Dear. Great. Dealgnaidhe. Unjuft, unlawful. Dear. A daughter. Dealradh. Brightnefs. Dear. A denial, refufal. Dealradhach. Bright. Dear. Vide Deur. A drop, tear. Dealraidham. To fhine, brighten. Deara. Notice, remark. Dealt. Dew. Dearadh fe. Vide Deiram. Dealuigham. To divorce, feparate. Dearaointeach. Defpairing. Dealughadh. Separation, divorce. Dearbairde. Signs, tokens. Dealuigheach. Separable. Dearbh. Sure, certain, true, fixed. Dealuighte. Separated, divorced. Dearbh. Peculiar, particular. Deamah Dearbh. A churn or milk-pail. f A demon, evil fpirit. Deamhon.i. ) Dearbhach. Sure of. Deamh. Want, lack. Dearbhadh. Experience, trial, proof. Deamharruin. A myftery. Dearbham. To prove, confirm, try, ex; Deamhas. Sciflars, ftieers. perience. Deamhra. Vide Diomhair. Dearbhag. i A touchftone. Dearbhliag. ) jj'"- l Colour. Deann. ) Dearbharafc. A proverb. Deann. Force, impetus, hafte. Dearbheachd. Certainty, afiurance, Deanachdach. Vehement, keen. Dearbhchliamhuin.' A fon-in-law. Deanadh, deanamh. An aftion. Dearbhghniomh. An axiom. Deanadh, deanafach. Aftive. Dearbhann. Deanam. To do, a£t, work; come away, Dearbhtha. Confirmed, proved, tried. go on. Dearbhrathair. A brother. Deanamh. Doing. Dearbhrathair-athair. An uncle. Deanas. A fpace, a while. Dcarbhbhrathair-mathair. An uncle by the Deanbha. An effect. mother. Deanchoire. A cauldron. Dearbhbhrathaireachd. Society, brother- Deanchlodhach. Of changeable colours. hood. Deanmhafach. Prim. Dearbhphiuthar. A fifter. Deannag. A little quantity of any com- Dearbhthachd. Experiment. minuted matter, a pinch. Dearbhughadh. Alleging, protefting, af- Deannal. Stir, hurry, flafh. firming, fwearing. Deanmhufach. Coy. Dearc. An eye. Deangan. Vide Seangan. Dearc. A berry ; a lizard. Deantog. A nettle. Dearc. A cave, grave, grotto. Deante. Done, finilhed. Dearcabhal. An oak-apple. Deanmhas. An effedt. Dearc-bhallach. A fpeckled ferpent. Dearcam, D E A D E A

Dearcam. To fee, behold, to look ftedfait- Dearfaigheachd. Vigilancy, watchfulnefs. ly at. Dearfgam. To polifh, file, burnilh. Dearcadh. Looking, beholding. Dearfguithe. Complete, finifhed, bright, Dearcnach. Goodly, likely, handfome. polite. Dearca-francach. Currants. Dearfgaithe. Science. Dearca-fiaich. Blackberried heath. Dearfnughadh. Pvlaking polite, complete. Dearca-roide. Bilberries. Dearfgnuidheachd. Politenefs, excellence. Dearca-eidhuin. Ivy-berries. Dearthach. The apartment in a monaftery Dearca-fraoich. Blae-berries. calculated for prayers. Dearca-iubhair. Juniper-berries. Deas. South. Dearc-luachrach. A lizard, elk. Deas. Right. Dearcach. Berried, having berries. Deafadan. A repofitory. Dearg, deargan. Crimfon, red. Deaflamh. Right hand. Deargam. To redden, to paint crimfon, to Deaflamhach. Neat-handed. blufh, to kindle, burn. Deas. Neat, pretty, ready, elegant. Deargam. To make, prepare. Deas. Order. Dearganta. A plea. Deafaigham. To prepare, get ready, to bake, Deargan. The fifli called bream. drefs, adorn, mend, correct. Deargan. Crimfon, red dye, purple, rouge. Deafal. Round with the fun. Dearganach. A red-coat foldier, a whig, or Deafam. To flay, remain. one loyal to the Hanoverian houfe. Deafcadh. The laffl Dearglafadh. Flaming, red hot. Deafcheumach. Stately gait.

Deargan-alt. A keftrel. Deafcadh. j T Deargan-fraoich. A goldfinch. Deafguin. j Leess dregs, yeft. Deargchriadh. Ruddle. Deafghabhail. Afcenfion-day. Deargliagh. A furgeon. Deaflabhradh. Elocution, addrefs. Dearmad. Forgetfulnefs. Deaflamhach. Neat-handed, dextrous. Dearmail. Anxiety. Deafughadh. Mending, dreffing, prepar- Dearmadach. Forgetful. ing. Dearmhail. Huge, very great. Deaflamhachd. Ambidexterity. Dearmhair. Very great, excelfive, violent. Deasfhoclach. Ready-witted. Dearmhara. Wonder. Deafalan. A buffet. Dearna. Palm of the hand. Deafpoireachd. Difputing, arguing. Dearnam. To do, adt. Deafpoiream. To difpute. Dearnad. A flea. Deafgaram. To pluck off the ears. Dearnadaireachd. Chiromancy, palmiftry. Deafghnath. A ceremony. Dearal. Beggarly, poor, wretched. Deafmas. r Curious. Dearalachd. Want, defeat. Deafmiras. j Dearrafan. Hurry, ruffling. Deafoireach. Spicy. Dearfach. A ray, beam, beaming. Deafuighte. Prepared, ready, adorned. Dearfam. To ray, Urine, beam. Deatach. Smoak, vapour, exhalation. Dearfaigham. To watch. Deatach-thalmhuin. Fumitory. Dearfaigh. Watching. Deataigham. To fmoak. 3 Deatamhuil. D E I D E I

Deatamhuil. Full of fmoak. Deigheanach. Laft, hindermoft. Deachofa. Lo ! there ! fee 1 behold. Deigheanuighe. Later. Dechealt. Cloth. Deighlean. A quire of paper. Dechedfaidh. War, battle. Deighthiodhlaicthe. Goods. Dedhbhel. Poor, miferable. Deil. ) _ > A lath, a rod. Dedhel. A calf. Deilag. 1 Dedla. Bold, impudent, prefumptuous. Deilbh. A figure. Vide Dealbh. Defordal. Error. Deilbh. Fine, fair, fprightly. Deiade. Care, diligence, circumfpedlion. Deile. A deal, or plank. Deibheadh. A debate, fkirmifli, battle. Deilbhealach. The meeting of two ways. Deibheadh. Hafte, fpeed, expedition. Deilbhin. A little image, pidture. Deibhidhe. The firft fort of Dan direach, Deilchead. Ill, bad, fad. a kind of verfe which requires that the Deilcheannach. Biceps. hrll: quartan fhall end with a minor ter- Deilaodannach. Double-faced. mination, and the fecond with a major. Deileadoir. A turner. Dethabha. Jehovah. Deileala. The fpace of two days. Deich. Ten. Deileang. A two year old pig. Deichach. Decuple, tenfold. Deileas. Grudging through covetoufnefs. Deichmhadh. i Deiloidhche. Space of two nights. . , J- The tenth, decimal. Deicho. b Deilethorc. A hog of two years. Deichmhigham. To decimate. Deilf. A dolphin. Deichbhrighte. The Decalogue. Deijgionnadh. Wafte, havock. Deichmhios. December. Deilgionnam. To lay wafte. Deichnar. A decade. Deilgne. Thorns, prickles. Deich fithbhe. Decurio, a ferjeant, corporal. Deilgneach. Thorny. Deichlhliofnach. A decagon. Deilgneach. Spear-thiftle. Deiccir. Difficult. Deilam. To turn with a lathe. Deicfin. To fee, behold. Deilgreine. The name of Fingal’s ftandard, Deidag. Baubles. Deilin. A little deal or plank. Deide. Obedience, fubmiffion. Deilidham. To lean upon. Deidh. Defire, longing, a protedlor, de- Deillam. To feparate. Vide Deolutgham. fender. Deilm. A found, noife, trembling. Deideadh. The tooth-ach. Deiligheadh. Accufing. Deidhe. Two things, a double proportion. Deilfag. A box on the ear. Deidhal. Dellrous, fond of, addifted to. Deiltre. Druid-idols. Deifir. Hafte, fpeed, expedition. Deiltreadh. Gilding. Deifirach. Hafty, in hafte. Deiltharruinn. A trigger, or iron nail. Deifruigham. To haften, hurry. Deim. Lack, want. Deifreadh. Difference. Deimheas. A pair of fheers. Deifrimhearachd. Want. Deimhe. Darknefs. Deigh. Ice. Deimhin. True, certain. Deigh. After. Deimhne. Affurance, certainty. Deigh laimh. Afterwards, too late. Deimhnigham. To affirm, prove. [G g] Dein, D E I DEO

Dein,y« dhein. Even as. Deirrideach. Secret, hid, private. Dein. Clean, neat, ftrong, clofe. Deis. After. Deine. Cleannefs, neatnefs. Deis. Gen. of Dias. An ear of corn. Deineachdach. Rude, vehement, violent, Deifad. Neatnefs, exadtnefs. urgent. Deife. Of the right-hand. Deineachd. Keennefs, violence. Deife. Of the two. Vide Dual. Deinas. Rudenefs, violence. Deife. Neater, handfomer, fitter. Deineafach. Violent, forcing, fierce. Deifceart. The fouthern point or quar- Deineafaighe. Lightning. ter. Deinmeas. Vanity. Deifciobal. A difciple. Deinmheach. Void,, vain, frivolous. Deifcreide. Difcretion. Not Galic. Deinmheacha. Toys, trifles. Deife. A fuit of clothes. Deinmheachoir. A pedlar,, a toyman, Deifachd. Convenience, ornaments. Deinmhigham. To vanifh. Deifad. Neatnefs, elegance. Deinmhin. ] . . ... Deifeach. Towards the fouth. ^ . f A vain fellow. Demmheachm. 3 Deifibh. Lands. Deinmne. Swift, atlive, nimble. Deifidh. He fat or refted. Deir. Sav thou. Deifidham. To ftay, remain. Deiram. To fay, fpeak. Deifidhocca. They agree, or confented. Deir, i. e. Teine fiaidh. St. Anthony’s fire,, Deifmigheadh. Drefs, ornament. the fhingles. Deifean. Ugly. Deirbh. A churn. Vide Dearbh. Deifearrach. Sunny, fouthern afpeflr. Deire. The deep, abyfs. Deiftean. Diflike, fqueamifhnefs, difgufL Deirc. Alms; Thor deirc dhamh air ghaol Deifteanam. ?To hate, abhor, deteft, De, Give alms for the love of God. Deiftinaigham. i make fqueamifti. Deircach. Poor, penurious. Deifteanach. Difguftful, fqueamifh, Deircag. A narrow penurious woman. Deiftin. Numbnefs. Deirdas. They fay. Vide Deiram. Deithbhir. Legal. Deireadh. The end, rear, ftern. Deithbh'reachadh. Hafte, making fpeed, Deireannach. Laft, hindmoft. Deithbhrigham. To haften, make fpeed. Deirge. Redder. Deithide. Separation ; care, diligence, Deithineach. Dainty. S'"6'' ] Rednefs. Deirgad. 1 Deithneamhar. A decade. Deirgheine. He made. Deithneas. Hafte, fpeed. Deirginnladh. Red cattle. Deithneafach. Keen, hafty. Deirglidh. A buying, purchafing. Deithneafaigham. To make hafte. Deirgliaigh. A furgeon. Dennadh. Variation. Deirid. A fecret, myftery. Deabhronnta. Confecration. Deireannan. A defert. Deo. Breath, air; godeo, forever. Deiridh. Of the laft, hindmoft. Deoch. A drink. Deirli. A prefent, reward. Deoch an doruis. The parting drink, bon Deirmide, i. e. Dith-oirmidin. Difho- after. nour. Deoch-eiridin. Apotion. i Deoch- DEO d r a

Deoch-uafal. A coftly drink, foreign Dern. A box, buffet. drink. Des. Land, pi. Deifibh. Deecham. To embrace tenderly. Des. A fpot, fpeckle. Deochair. A difference, diflinftion. Defe. A number, multitude, troop. Deoch flainte. A health, toaft. Defcuidh. Godly. Deochal. Grudging. Det. Victuals, food. Deoig. Always. Detiach, deteigheach. The weafand, la- Deoigh. Therefore, for the fake of. rynx. Deoghbhaire. A cup-bearer. Deugaidhe. Wifh, wou’d to God. Deoin. Accord, will, purpofe. Deunam. To do. Deoirfeach. „ Deud. A jaw, fet of teeth. „ . „ . 5S A have, a porter. Deoirfeoir. 5 Deudidh. Toothach. Deoir. A tear, drop. Vide Deur. Deunach. Sad. Deoir. Will, pleafure, inclination. Deur. A tear, drop. Deoirfeoireachd. Going about from door, Deurach. That fheddeth tears, fad, mourn- to door. ful. Deolaidh. Aid, help, fuccour; a dowry. Deurghe. Quitting, leaving. Deolchar. A prefent. Deufin. An afpedl. Deonach. Agreeable, willing, grant- D’i. To her, it, from her, it. ing. Di. Little ; Di am, a little while. Deonachd. Pudendum. Di. Want. Deonaigham. To voucafafe, grant, allow, Dia. God. approve, confent. Dia. A day. Deontas. Willingnefs. Dia-domhnuich. Sunday, Deontach. Voluntary. Dia-luain. Monday. Deonnightheach. Willing* Dia-mairt. Tuefday. Deoradh. 7 An alien, fugitive, ftranger, Dia-ceadaoine. Wednefday. Deoraidhe. J outlaw. Dia-ceadaoine an luathraich. Afh-wednef- Deor. A tear, drop. day. Deoraidh. Strong, flout. Dia-daoirne. Thurfday. Deoraidb. A furety that withdraws him- Dia-aoine. Friday. felf. Dia-fathuirne. Saturday. Deoraidh. Difobedience. Diabail. Without fire. Deoraidheachd. Banifhment. Diabhal. The devil. Deoraidham. To banifh, expel. Diabhlaidh. Devilifh. Deoral. In tears, wretched. Diabheum. Blafphemy. Deoranta. Strange, cafhiered, banifhed. Diabladh, Twice as much, double. Deorata. Otherwife, foreign. Dia-aithadh. Atheifm. Deothadh. Henbane. . Diachair. Sorrow, grief. Deothal. Suck, fucking. Diacharach. Sorrowful. Deothalam. To fuck: Diadha. 1 Deothalagan. Honeyfuckle. Diadhamhuil. r Godly, godlike, divine. Deothafach. Defirous, defirable. Diadhidh. J Diadhachd. D I A D I C

Diadhachd. Godhead, godlinefs, theo- Dias An ear of corn. logy. Diafag .1 Diadhair. A divine. Diafach. 7 Diadhairachd. Divinity. Diafdach. |Ful1 of ears of corn. Diadheanamh. Apotheofis. Diafada. 7 Diadhuigham. To deify. Diafadach. j Long'bladed- Diaigh. An end, after. Diafradh. Gleaning. Diail. Quick, foon, immediately. Diafram. To glean. Di-airmhe. Innumerable. Diathraimh. Defert, defolate. Diail. Submillion. Dibheach. An ant. Diail. The arfe, breech. Dibheal. Old. Diallaid. A faddle. Dibhealach. Unpaflable. Dialon. A diary. Dibhearadh. Confoling. Dialing. . A bat. Dibhearam, To confole. Diamann. Food, fuflinence. Dibeadach. Negative. Diamain. Unfpotted, untainted. Dibeoil. Dumb, mute. Diamhaoin. The fubftance'of a church. Dibeartha. Banifhed. Diamhain 7T1, Dibearthach. A fugitive, exile. Diamhainach. I™'-”1"’ '™Y- Dibiram. To rout, banifh. Diamhanas. Idlenefs, vanity. Dibirt. Banilhment, banifhing. Diamhar. Huge, enormous. Dibh. Frormor off you. Diamhar. diamhair. Dark, occult, fecret, Dibhe. Of a drink. hid. Dibhe. Refufing, feparating. Diamhaireachd. A fecret place. Dibheargach. A robber j vindidlive. Diamhalladh. Blafphemy. Dibheirt. Vide Dibirt. Diamhafluighoir. A blafphemer. Dibhfheirge. Indignation, wrath, ven- Diamhafluigham. To blafpheme. geance. Diaimhladh. A place of refuge. Dibhir. Private. Diamlughadh. To make dark or co- Dibhirce. An endeavour. loured. Dibhirceach, Diligent; fierce, violent, Dian. Sad, vehement, violent, nimble, unruly. brilk. Dibhridh. Driving out. Dianas. Vehemence, violence. Dibine. 1 Dianairm. A place of refuge or fafety. Dibineachd. | Dianathchuinge. An importunate requeft. Dibir. Forgetfulnefs, neglefl. Dianchomhla. An aid de camp, an officer of Diblidh. Vile, drooping, wretched. the life-guards. Diblighachd. A drooping ftate, wretched- Dianlorgaireachd. Indagation. nefs. Diarath. Daily. Dibligham. To make or become vile, droop- Diardan. Surlinefs, anger. ing, wretched. Diarmuid. The name Dermid. Dibrigh. Contempt. Dias. Vide Dis. Dicheal, Forgetfulnefs. Dicheal. D I L D I N

Dicheal. Attempt, endeavour, diligence. Dileachd. i „, , > An orphan. Dicheallach. Diligent. Dileachdan, 1 Dichealltair. The fhaft of a fpear. Dileaghadh. Digefling. Dichealtair. A deer-park. Dileagham. To digefl: food. Dicheann. A man beheaded. Dileagradh. Addrefs. Dicheannam. To decapitate. Dileaglam. To reverence, revere. Dicheannadh. Decapitation. Dileamain. 7 . . f JLvOVCj kindneis, cIitcclioii* Dicheannta. Beheaded. Dileamhaon. i Dicheilam. To forget. Dileas, dilios. Dear, beloved, faithful. Dichreidamh. Difbelief. Dileafchoimhadh. Protection.

Dichreidmheach. An unbeliever, credu- Dilfe. "I T lous. Dilfeachd., I Love, affeCtion, lovingnefs,° \ faithfulnefs. Dichreidthe. Incredible. Dilfad. J Did. A pap, diddy. Dilghionn. DeftruCtion, plundering. Dideann. A fort, famStuary, protection, Dilgion, dilgionadh. Emptying. defence. Diliadhadh. Boiling, concoCtion. Dideannaigham. To defend, proteCt. Dilmain. Meet, proper, fit. Didein. Hafte. Dillain. Illegitimate, not in wedlock, un- Dioliochdadh. Delight. married. Didil. Great love, kindnefs. Dillanas. ■) ... y I ornication. Didionnoir. i „ _ Dillantas. ) , . I A protector, guardian. Didmghoir. J Dilib. A legacy. Difeadacha. Forward. Dilbiche. A tefiator, legator. Difir. Difterence. Dille. Dill. Difhulang. Intolerable. Dilin. For ever. Dighe. Gen. of Deoch. A drink. Dike. Nutriment. Dighe. Succour, fatisfaCtion. Dimchifin. To fee, behold. Dighe. Condign, adequate. Dimbrigh. Contempt. Dighdhe. A commendation, bleffing. Dimbuaigh. A crime. Dighdhe. Gratitude. Dimeas. Contempt, a bad name. Digham. To come, to arrive at a place. Dimeafam. To undervalue, defpife. Dighinam. To fuck. Dimeafal. Contemptuous. Dighiona. Morofe. Dimeafda. Defpifed. Dighreana. Bald. Dimeafdachd. DifrefpeCt. Digam, diugam. To cluck as a hen. Dimhe. Protection. Dige. A ditch. Dimhin. Vide Deimhin. Digeach. Full of ditches. Dimhinachd. Confidence. Diic. Sorrow. Dimnidhachd. Sadnefs. Dimhnigham, To affirm. ] A deluge, inundation. Dihonn. ) Dimnidhach. Sad. Dile-ruadh. The deluge. Dimreas. Need, neceffity. Dile. Love, friendfhip. Din. Pleafant, delightful, agreeable, fuck- Dileach. Beloved. ing. [H h] Dinaitam. D I O D I O

Dinaitam. To dillocate. Diobhartha. Exiled, banifhed. D ine, cine. A generation, age. Diobhratha. Difcovered. Dine. A beginning, the firft. Diobhratham. To difcover. Dineart. The power of God. Diobhuidhe. Ingratitude. Dineart. Imbecility. Diobhuidhach. Ungrateful. Dineartuigham. To. weaken,. to flank. Diobram. To forfake. Ding. A wedge. Diobradh. Forfaking, failing, wanting, Dingam. To urge, thruft, pufh. Diochioll. Endeavour. Dinafgadh.. Untying. Diochiollam. To endeavour. Dingadh. Thrufting, pufhing. Diochairtam. To peel, decorticate. Diniath. A helmet. Diochmairc. Theft. Dingir. Cuftody. Diochoifguidhach. Implacable. Dingthe. Wedged in, prefled, fqueezed. Diocholna. Without body. Dinam. To drink, imbibe. Diochuimhne. Forgetfulnefs.. Dinib. Drinking. Diochuimhnach. Forgetful. Dinmhiach. Idle. Diochonaire. Without any way or paf-- Dinn, dinne. From, off us. fage. Dinn. A hill, fortified hill. Diochra, diochur. Diligence. Dinnis. An oath. Diochron. Immediately, without time, Dinnis. Contempt. Diochuidh. Small. Dinneir. A dinner. Diocfa. Lofty. Dinnfair. A wedge,, ginger. Diodhailin. An atom, a mite. Dioach. For Diadhach. Divine. Diodhaoimeadh. Depopulation. Dioachd. Divinity. Diodhaoinam. To depopulate. Diobadh. A prick, a point. Diodhatham. To difcover. Diobain. To die without iffue. Diodhma. A fort, fortification. Diobbar. Difrefpedt, omiflion. Diodhnadh. To fatisfy. Diobh. Of them. Vide Dibh. Diodhuille. Without leaves. Diobhadh. Deftruciion, death, inherit- Diofhulang. Intolerable. ance. Diofhlain. Exanguious, pale. Diobhadh. A portion, dowry. Diofhochain. A muldt paid for not mar- Diobhaidh. Impious. rying. Diobhaighidh. Confuming. Diog. A ditch, dyke, pit. Diobhiil. Lofs, defeat. Diogg. A breath, life. Diobhaidham. To deftroy,.. confume.. Diogam. To ditch, enclofe, entrench. Diobhal. Old, antient. Diogan. Revenge, fpite, feverity. Diobhalach. Robbed, fpoiled, the abla- Dioganta. Fierce, cruel, revengeful, tive. Diogantachd. Revenge, cruelty. Diobhanach. Lawlefs. Dioggladh. Sucking clofe. Diobhargadh. Captivity, enflaving, nerfe- Diogha. The worff. cution. Dioghaltas. Revenge. Diobhargach. Keen, fierce. Dioghaltacb. i .n. Diobhlacha. Material,, of moment. Dio.haltafach. f reve.gtful. Dioghbhuth, D I O D I O

Dioghbhuth. Deftru&ion. Diolantas. Manhood. Dioghmhalach. Hurtful. Diolbhrugh. A fhop. Dioghrabham. Toleffen, diminifli. Diolcomhan. Confederacy. Dioghadh. Mifchief. Diolchuan. A {hop. Dioghann. Plentiful. Diolgadh. Difmiffion, forgivenefs Dioghais. High, tall, {lately. Diolgam. Todifmifs. Dioghalam. To revenge. Diolmain. Faithful. Dioghalt. Revenge. Diolamhnach. A hireling, a foldier; a Dioghalta. Revenged. Diolmhanach. brave flout man. Dioghaltoir. An avenger. Diolunach. Dioghartham. To behead. Diolanas. Fornication. Dioghbhail. Damage, deftruftion. Diolafchoimhed. Patronage, protedtion. Dioghbhalaeh. Hurtful, noxious. Diolafchoimhadaiche. Protedlor. Dioghiona. Morofe. Diolas, diolis. Faithful, loyal, true, dear. Dioghla. Revenge, injuflice. Diolta. Repaid. Dioghluim. Toglean. Diolfan. Dioghna. Contempt. Dioltoir. A feller. Dioghnas. Rare. Diollaid. A faddle. Dioghradha. Morofe, rude. Diollaidair. A faddler. Dioghrais. Conllantly, frequently. Diolughadh. Confumption, ddlrudtion. Dioghrogam. To belch. Diollait. Apparel, raiment. Diogras. Uprightnefs. Diollmhanach. A hired foldier. Dioghraifach. Beloved. Diolunta. Valiant, flout, , brave, . gene- Dioghuin. Forcing, compelling. rous.

Diograis. Diligence, a fecret. Dioluntas. ? TT r Diol. Worthy, fufficient. Dioluntachd. i Diol. An objeft. Diom, dhiom. From or of me. Diol-deirc. A beggar. Diomadh, diombuaidh. Difpleafure, anger, Diol. Selling, ufe, pay, fatisfadlion. indignation. Diol. An end. Diombagh. Grief, forrow. Diolabiche. A legator. Diombaghach. Sorrowful, mournful. Dioladh. Paying, filling, fatisfying, ran- Diombuan. Fading,, tranfitory. foming. Diomgha. Difpleafure. Dioladhmhaii. A receipt, difcharge. Diomdhach. Difpleafed. Diolacht. Blatnelefs. Diomhalach. Profufe, hurtful. Diolachtchomh. Protedtion. Diomhaltas. Caution, notice. Diolaidheacht. Payment. Diomhaonach. Idle, vain, lazy, trifling. Diolam. To pay; renew, change, recom- Diomhaonas, Idlenefs, vanity. penfe. Diomharr. Secret. VideDiamhir. Diolaim. To glean, leafe, write. Diomhargam. To quench, fupprefs. Diolaimhnighthoir. A weeder. Diomhagad. Enfranchifement, liberty* Diolathairachd. Abfence. freedom. Diolaithram. To pillage. Diomhagam. To make free. Diomh- D I G D I O

Diomhothaigheach. Stupid. Dionnfoighidh. Even to. Diomhoileadh. A demoliflaing. Dionfuighe. Unto. Diomhillam. To deftroy utterly. Dionnta. Turning about. Diomhrachd. Obfcurity, darknefs. Dionuighoir. A patron, protedor. Diomhran. A myftery, a hermit’s cell. Dionte. Defended. Diomaltoir. A glutton. Diopal. Severe. Diomoladh. Difpraife. Dior. Meet, proper, decent. Diomoltam. To difpraife. Dior. A law. Diomolta. Difpraifed, blamed. Diorachrach. Lawlefs. Diomoltoir. A flanderer. Diorach, direach. Juft, right, equitable, Diomrac. A temple. ereCl. Diomafach. Proud, haughty, arrogant. Diorain. A dropping. Diomus. Pride, arrogance. Diorgadh. Directing. Dion. A {belter, protection, covert, fence. Diorgham. To direCt. Dion. The fecond femimetre or leathrann Diorangam. To.belch. of a verfe, confifling of two quartans; Dioradaim. To annihilate. it is more commonly called Comhad. Diorgas. Uprightnefs. Dionach. Clofe joined, water-tight. Diorma. A troop, company, crowd. Dionachadh. Diormach. Numerous, infinite. ^ Security. Dionadb. Diorna. Quantity. Dionadair. A fender. Diorrafg. Suddennefs, fiercenefs. Dionam. To defend, proteCt. Diorrafach. | Froward, ralh. Dionairm. j ^ Diorrafgach. Dionait. Diorfan. Bad news. Dionaigham. To fecure, make water- Dioruaimeach. An atom, a mite.

tight. 0 C ?i !; - „ l Barren, dry, not giving milk. Dionafgadh. Disjoining, loofening, undo- Diolgadh. 1 ing. Diofgan. A gnaflring of the teeth. Dionafgam. To disjoin, loofen. Diofgam. To gnalh the teeth. Dionafgtha. Diffolved. Diofgadh. A noife. Diofgar. Dionbhreid. .An apron. The mob, rabble. Dionchofnam. Togarrifon. Diofgarnach. ! Dionchaint. A defence. Diofmugam. To fnuff a candle. Diongam. To match, equal, overcome. Diofnaidhm. Smooth, without knots. Diong. Worthy. Diofpoireachd. Vide Deafpoireachd. Diongmhalta. PerfeCt, effectual, worthy, Diot. Of thee, from thee. meet, proper, fuitable. Diot. A meal of meat, a dinner. Dionn. A hill. Diotadoir. An affiftant. Diongbhalar. Worthy. Dioth, dith, di. Want. Diongbhalta. Firm, fall, fixed. Diothchuiram. To force away, drive off. Dionnal. A fhot. Diothach. DeftruCtion. Dionnan. A little hill. Diothlathairughadh. DeftruCtion, con- Dionlongphort. A garrifon. fumption. 6 Diothreamb, D I T D I U

Diothreamh. A wildernefs, a defert. Dithche. Eating. Diothruaillam. To unfheathe. Dithcheal. Induftry, endeavour. Dipinn. A net. Dithcheallach. Diligent. Dire. A tribute. Dithchealtoir. A necromantic veil or co- Direach. Straight, upright, juft, frugal. vering that worketh charms. Dearachan. A perpendicular. Dithcheannam. To behead. Direadh. Afcending. Dithchioll. Induftry, attempt, endeavour. Direadham. To afcend, go up. Dithchiollach. Induftrious, diligent, Direachdas. Uprightnefs. Dithchiollam. To endeavour. Direachdam. To geld. Dithchuir. Forcing. Direadh. A panegyric. Ditheach. A beggar, empty. Direagadh. A direftion. Dithein. Darnel, corn-marygold, tare- D ireme. Without way or pafiage, out of Dithlachdach. An orphan. the way. Dithimh. A heap. Diribe. Bald. Dithinge. Dumb, mute. Dirigham. To make ftraight, direcft, guide. Dithifd. Two. Dirim. Numerous, plenteous, great. Dithleach. Forgetful. Dirifgleam. To ftrip bark. Dithreabh. An hermitage. Dis. Two, both, a pair, brace. Dithreabhach. An hermit, anchoret. Dis. Chilly, poor, miferable. Dithreachdach. Lawlefs. Difbeagam. To contemn, defpife. Diu. A long time, the worft. Difbeirt. Twofold, double. Diugh. To day. Difcir. Fierce, nimble, active, quick. Diubhracam. To caft, fling, throw, bran- Difgir. Sudden. difti. Difgreitfia. A difeafe. Diubladh. Refuge. Difle. Dearer, more loyal. Vide Dilas. Diuc. The pip, a flcknefs of fowls. Difle. 1 Love, efteem, friendfhip, fide- Diuc. A duke. Difleach. > lity, loyalty. Diucam. To cry out, exclaim. Difle. Property. Diudan. Giddinefs. Difle. A die, dice. Diudanach. Giddy. Diflean. A dice-box. Diugaighil. A fobbing, fighing. Difligheach. Uncouth, ftraggling, imper- Diughailfainn. Sucking. vious. Diugam. To cluck, cackle. Difleachd. Faithfulnefs, propriety. Diugam. To drink off. Difliogam. To hide, conceal. Diughe. The worft, extreme, bad. Difread. The afpergillum ufed at mafs to Diucain. The eyes. fprinkle the holy water on the people. Diucair. A bladder to keep up fifhing nets. Dit, do dhit. It remains. Diuid. i Tender-hearted, flexible. Dith. Want, defedt. Diuideach.i. i Dith. To fuck, give milk. Diulam. To fuck. Dithbhir. Difference. Diultam. To deny, refufe. Diteadh. Condemning, fentencing. Diultadh. A denial, refufal, negative* Diteam. To condemn, fentence. Diunach. Vide Deonach. [Ii] Diunlaoch. D L U DOB

Diunlaoch. A young hero. Dluth. An inclofure. Diur. Difficult, hard. Dluthas. Nearnefs. D iurnam. To gulp, fwallow. Dlutham. ? ^° tnake clofe, to pack, to Dius. Prote&ion. Dluthaigham. 5 approach, draw near, to Diuthadh. Worft. enclofe. Dlaidh, dlaoigh. A lock of hair, hand- Dluthcharcair. A labyrinth. Dlagh. 5 ful. Dluthuighte. Knit, compacted. Dlaimh. Darknefs. Do. The fign of the dative, and fome- Dlaoigh. A handful. times put before the infinitive, do dhuine, Dleachd. A law. to a man; do fgriobhadh, to write. Deafdanas. Duty, Do. Not properly a fign of the paft tenfe. Dleafdanach. Dutiful. Vide Analyfis. Dligead. A reparation. Do. Thy, the genitive of thou, and be- Dlighe. A law, ordinance; rights, dues. come the pofteffive thy, thine. Dligheach. Lawful. Do, for da. Two. Dlighidh. Do. A prepofitive particle of negation, as > Perfedt, excellent. Dlighthar.r. I do-rannfuighte, infcrutable. Dlightheach. Lawful, juft. Doacal. Afflidtion. Dlightheamhuil. Juft, fkilled in law. Do-aighneafach. Indifputable. Dlightheamhnach. A lawgiver. Do-airmheach. Innumerable. Dlightheoir. A lawyer. Do-aomidh. Inexorable. Dlighthinoir. A magiftrate, juftice of the Do-atharruighte. Immutable. peace. Dob. A plafter, a gutter. Dligam. To feparate. Dob, or do b’, do, the fign of the paft tenfe, Dlifteanach. Lawful. and b’ for bu, the fubftantive verb, as do Dlochd. b’ eigin, it Was neceffary. A ftrainer. Dlodan. Dob. A river, ftream. Dlochram. Toprefs. Dobadh. , Dloige. Looftng. Dobail. i D"1“"£ Dlomh. To tell. Dobam. To daub, to plafter. Dlomhadh. A denial, refufal. Dobhais. Immortal. Dlomham. To make plain or manifeft. Dobair. A plafterer. Dlomhaifin. Deftrudtion. Do b’ eidir. Perhaps ; it was neceflary. Dludh. A retribution. Dobholadh. A rank fmell. Dluige. A loofing, releafing. Dobheirt. Mifchief, harm, the devil. Dluigh. Adtive, nimble, prepared. Dobhar. Dark, obfcure. Dluimh. A cloud, darknefs, a blaze of fire. Dobhar, and dur. Water. Dluithin. A little ftudy or clofet. Dobhar-chu. 7 „ An 0t, r Dlumh. Much, plenty. Dobhran. S ' - Dluth. Near, clofe, tight, confined. Dobhar. The border of a country. Dluth. Warp of a web. Dobharfhoidheach. A pitcher, bucket. Dluth-ftol. A clofe-ftool. Dobhart. Vide Dobheairt. Dluth. Near. : Do bhrigh. Becaufe. Dobhran- D O D D O I

Dobhran-leaflathan. A beaver. Dodhealuighte. Indiflbluble, unalienable. Dobh. j Dodhail. Bad news. Dobhidh. S Boifterous’ dwelling, raging. Dodhealbhach. Unlikely. Dobron. Sorrow, grief, fadnefs. Doeth. Sicknefs, difeafe. Dobronach. Sorrowful, fad. Dofhaicfinach. Invifible. Dobronam. To be fad, forrowful. Dofhaghail. Hard to find. Docamhuil. , Doghailfi. Anguilh, perplexity. Docamhlachd. f A difficulty, hardflnp. Doflainn. Without blood. Docamhlach. Difficult, hard. Dofhuafgladh. Inextricable. Doch. One’s native country. Dogadh. Mifchieving, fingeing, fcorch- Docha. More likely, probable. ing. Dochad. Rather. Dofhulangte. Intolerable. Dochann. Doghadh. Singeing, fcorching. Dochar. Harm, hurt, damage. Dogaladh. Revenging. Dochaireas. Dogaltach. Revengeful. Dochannach. ? TT Doghaltas. Revenge. Docharach. 1 H“rtf"1- Do ghna. Always. Dochannam. To hurt, injure. Dogham. Toburn, finge. Dochas. Hope, confidence. Dogladte. Impregnable. Dochafgidh. Unruly. Doghte. Singed, burnt. Docheannfuighte. Unappeafable. Doghra. Sorrow, fadnefs, dullnefs, ftupi- Dochma. Weak, incapable. dity.

Dochoruighte. Immoveable. Doghran. ? A . T Dochoimeafgte. Immifcible. Doghruin. i AnSulfh’ Fixity, danger. Dochraith. Lull. Doganta. Fierce. Dochlaoidhte. Infuperable, indefatigable. Doghruinach. Dangerous. Docht. Strait, narrow, clofe. Doghartadh. Beheading. Dochlaoidtheachd. Infuperability. Doghiulan. Infupportable. Dochta. Inftructed, taught; documents. Doghluaifte. Immoveable. Dochreidfin. Incredible. Doghraineach. Painful. Dochtam. To ftrain, bind hard. Doib. A plafter. Dochtrail. Luxury. Doibealadh. Daubing. Do chum. To the end that. Doibh, dhoibh. To them, dative of tu. Dochuid. Doibhear. Rude, uncivil. Dochuingeadh. Disjoining. Doibheas. Vice. Dochum. An arbour. Doibhre. Sacrifice. Docra. Sadnefs. Doibrith. Sowens or gruel. Docran. Anguifh. Doich. Swift, quick. Docrach. Noxious. Doiche. The former, foremoft, hope, con- Docuracha. Careiefs. fidence. Do d\ To thy. Doicheadhfadh. War, firife. Dodhaing. Difficult, hard. Doicheannfa. Contumacious. Dodha. Of two, binarius. Doicheallach, Churlilh. Doicheall. d o r D O I

Doicheall. Churlifhnefs. Do-imchar. Intolerable. Doicheidhe. Rather. Doimh. Poor. Doichidh. Haftening. Doimheis. Infinite. Doicham. To haften. Doimhal. Stormy. Doichme. Ill-fhaped. Doimhann. Deep, profound. Doid. The hand. Doimhnaicham. To deepen. Doidgheal. White-handed. Dcimhne. ■> „ _! I Depth. Doid. A few acres of land, a little farm. Doimhneachd. Doiddeach. Fond of drefs, ftrong. Do-impoichte. Inconvertible. Doidheanta. Impoffible. Doineann. Inclement weather, a tem- Doidhche. By night. Doinnfhionn.J peft; melius, don-fhion. Doidhreann. A duel. Doineannta. Stormy. Doigheagla. Individual, indivifible, fpo- Doinne. Brown. ken of a fpirit. Doinnad. Doif. A potion. Do-innfidh. Unaccountable. Doigh. Hope, confidence, truft. Dointe. A fmall black infecf. Doigh. Ways and means, a guefs, fuppo- Doindearg. Of a reddifh-dun. fition, good order, condition, manner, Doineimh. Deep. a teftimony. Dointe. Intelligible. Doigh. Sure, certain, doubtlefs ; gu bu Doirb. An attempt. doigh an t fleagh, the fpear was fure. Doirbh. Peevifh, diffatisfied, quarrelfome. Doigheadh. Confuming. Doirbhcheiram. To frame, model, fafhion. Doighal. Well appointed, in good condi- Doirbhachd. Peevifhnefs. tion. Doirbhas. Anguifh, grief, forrow, adver- Doigheadh. Hoping, fingeing, adjufting. fity. Doigheam. To hope, confide. Doire. A wood, grove, thicket. Doighear. A fpear. Doireach. Woody. Doighliag. A touchftone. Doi-reama. Bye-paths, impaffable places, Doichthe. Pangs. Doiriardha. Difficult, ungovernable. Doighthe. Adjufted. Doiriata. Lewd. Doighniomh. Injury. Doirmidhafadh. Lethargy. Doilain. An eddying wind. Doirling. An ifthmus, beech. Doilainach. Eddying. Doirneag. Handle of an oar, a large Hone Doilleir. Dark, obfcure, myftical. to call. Doilbh. Dark, gloomy, obfcure, dufky. Doirfa. The plural of dorus a door. Doilbheas. > _ Doirneagach. Full of round Hones. ^ borrow, mourning. Dongheas. 5 Doirfeoir. A porter. Doilghe. Sore, hard, troublefome. Doirfeoirachd. The office of a porter. Doilgheafach. Grievous, forrowful, fad. Doirfach. Full of doors, open, expofed. Doilidheachd. Frowardnefs. Doirfin. Folding-doors. Doirt. Spilled, poured out. J Difficult, doleful, grieved. Doiligh.j Doirteal. A fink. Doille. Blindnefs. Doirteach. Spilling, that fpilleth. 6 Doirtam. DOM DON

Doirtam. To fpill, flied. Dom a inn. Speech. Doit. A grain of inebriating quality that Domairm. An armoury, magazine. grows amongfl: corn. Domharbhtha. Immortal. Doite. Burned, finged. Vide Dagham. Domharbhthachd. Immortality. Doite, daith. Quickj nimble, adfive. Domblas. The gall on the liver j anger, Doith. Soon. choler, difguft, bile. Doithcheall. Niggardlinefs, churlifhnefs. Do m’ dheoin. Of my own free will. Doithcheallach. Churlifh, grudging, nig- Domblafda. Unfavoury, difguftful, bili- gardly. ary. Doithir. A covenant. Dombuidheach. Unthankful. Doitham. Vide Dogham. Domhadh. The fecond. Doithir. Dark, gloomy, obfeure. Domhail. Bulky. Dol. A kind of fifhing-net. Domhain. Deep, hollow. Dol. A fpace, diftance. Domhaithte. Irremiffible. Dol. Going. Vide Racham. Analyfis. Domhan. The world. Dolabhartha. Ineffable. Domhan-fgriobhadh. Cofmography. Dolaidh. Lofs, detriment, defedl. Domhoin, doimhoin. Bad, naughty, idle. Dolaidh. Impatient, intolerable. Domhar. Water. Dolaimhgen. A two-handed fword. Domhghnas. Hereditary ; patrimony, in- Dolas. Grief, mourning, defolation. heritance. Dolas. Abhorrence, difdain, loathing. Domhghnas. Propriety. Dolafach. Sad, melancholy, Tick, mourn- Domhlios. A houfe furrounded by a moat ful. or watered trench, for a fortification. Dolbh. Sorcery. Domhlas. Bulk, a crowd, Dolbhad. Fiction. Domhl. Bulky, thick. Doleabhtha. Illegible. Domhnach. A great houfe, a church. Doleanmhuin. Inimitable. Domhnach. Sunday. Do-leighas. Immedicable, Domhnach. Lamentable. Dollidh. Damage. Domnach-inid. Shrove-funday, Quinqua- Doleafuighte. Irreparable. gefima. Dolfa. Hefitancy, flownefs. Domhnach Cingcis. Whitfunday: Doleirfin. Inexplicable. Domhnon. The Firbolg. Dolmha. Delay, loitering. Domhothuigheach. Imperceptible, unfeel- Dolidh. Difficult. ing. Dolubtha. Stubborn, inflexible. Domhothuighachd. Imperceptibility. Doluaidh. Unfpeakable. Domnafcam. To bind. Doluigheadh. Falling down. Domhuchaidh. Inextinguifhable, Dolum. Surly. Domhuin. Deep. Dom. A houfe. Domhuinte. Intractable. Do’m. To my. Don. Mifchief, evil. Doma. Scarcity, want. Donadh. Evil, bad, awkward. Do m’aice. Near me. Do’n. Of the, to the. Domain. Tranfitory. Donas. Mifchief, harm, hurt, ill-luck. [Kk] Donaigham, DOR DOS

Donaigham. To make bad, to hurt. Dorneag. A round ftone that a man can Donamharc. Naughtinefs. call. Donn. Dun, brown. Dornan. A fmall bundle, handful of flax, Donn. Pregnant. ftraw, or the like. Donnog. A fifh fo called. Dorn-dighe. A finger-fucker. Donnam. To grow brown. • Dornchur. 7 , , r The hilt of a fword. Donnalaich. Howling. Dornchul. 5 Donnaghadh. Deftroying. Dornam. To box.

Donnaladh. | How]i Hke a d Dornadair. A bruifer. Donnalach. 5 s & Dorr. Anger, wrath. Doradh. A line, a rule. Dorr, Harfh, rough. Doraidh. Intricate, ftrife, difpute. Dorrach. 7 Doraingeachd. Frowardnefs. Dorrda. \ RouSh’ rugged> auftere, Dorainnte. Indivifible. Dorrdha. Fierce, cruel. Dorar. A battle, conflict. Dorram. To grow angry. Doras. A door, gate. Dorrfprocht. Stirring to anger. Dorala. It happened. Dorruighe. Surly, grim. Doran. Pain, torment. Dorfeir. A porter, door-keeper. Dorangach. Pain, frowardnefs. Dorfan. A grafshopper. Dorannfughidh. Infcru table. Dorfeirachd. Keeping a door. Dorbruadhar. Rough, rufhing. Dortam. To pour out, fpill. Dorcha, dorch. Dark, black, dulky. Dortadh. Spilling. Dorchadas. Darknefs. Doruigfin. Unattainable. Dorchadh. . An eclipfe. Doruin. Pain, torment, danger. Dorchaigham. To darken, incloud. Dorubha. A line. Dorchcbaint. Ambilogy. Doruingeach. Uneafy, dangerous. Dorchchaintach. Ambilogous. Dorus. A door. Vide Doras. Dord. , . Dos. A bufh, a cockade, a bramble, thorn, p ^ j 7(A humming, muttering. thicket. Dordam. To hum like a bee. Dos. Froth, fcum. Do reir. According to. Dofach. | Bufhy. Dordan. A humming noife, buzzing. Dofrach. ^ Doreitighte. Irreconcileable. Dofal. Slumber. Dordhuille. Folding doors. Dofan. A little buih, as of hair or the like. Dorga. Defpicable. Dofan, dhafan. To him. Dorga. A fifhing-net. Do-fgartha. Infeparable. Do-riartha. Infatiable, furly, peevifh. Do-fgrudadh. Unfearchable. Do-riarthachd. Surlinefs, peevifhnefs. Do-fdiuridh. Intradlable. Doriaghlighte. Ungovernable. Dofgeul. A romance. Dorlach. A bundle, handful. Dofguidhachd. Extravagance. Dorling. A neck of land, ifthmus. Dolharta. Troublefome, difficult. Dorn. The lift, haft, handle, a box, Do-fiieachanta. Inevitable. blow. 5 Do-fhafuighte. Infatiable. Do- D R A D R A

Do-ffieallta. Invifible. Dragh. Trouble. Do fliior. Always, continually. Draghal. Troublefome. Dofgaidha. Evils of the year. Draghalachd. Troublefomenefs. Do-fhiubhal, Impaffable. Dragham. To peel, tug. Dofgidhachd. Morofenefs. . Draghadh. A pulling, dragging. Dofin. Thereunto. Draghair. A dragger, puller. Do-fmachdidh. ? , Draghairachd. Pulling, tugging, drag— ^ ^ , f Ubltmatenncorrioible. Do-fmachdighte. J ging- Do-fpionnta. Unfearchable. Draigheann. Thorn. Do-fmuintighte. Incomprehenfible. Draigh-bhiorafg. Fewel. Do-fpriochte. Stubborn, intradfable. Draighneach, draigneog* A blackthorn, floe. Dofraich. Buffeting of water. Dofraich Draighneach. A great rattling noife, as of nan ton fuidh fron. thunder. Dot. Vide Dod. Draighionn. A dog-rofe bufh. Dothadh. Vide Daghadh. Draillfain. A fparkling light. Dothar. A river. Drain, draint. ) Dotharchlais. A conduit. Drainnafcoradh. } GnnninS’ Dothchus. Hope. Draillfainach.7 Dothchufach. Confident, hopeful. Drailfante. ^Twmklmg, fparkling.. Dothchufam. To hope, truft, confide. Drainn. A hunch, a hump-back. Do-theagaifgte. Indocile. Drainneaforam, drainntam. To grin. Do-thomhaifde. Immenfurable. Drainc. A fnarling. Do-thomhas. Immenfurability. Draincanta. Snarling. Do-thogtha. Rejedfed, hard to rear, Dram. Much, plenty. Do-thuigfin. Unintelligible. „ . 1A dram of fpirits. Drab. A fpot, ftain. *- JJramaig. J Drabag. A dirty woman,' flattern,. Dram. Vide dream. Drabaire. , A dirty fellow. Dramaig. A.dirty mixture, crowdy. Drabafda. Dirty, indelicate. Dramhabtam. , _ , . ( i o kick, Ipurn, tread. Drabafdachd. Dirtinefs, indelicacy.. Dramhaim. } Drabh. A cart. Dramham. To grin. Drabh. Grains. Dramhdai m. To mutter, gru mble. Drabhag. Dregs, lees. Dran, dranog. Rhyme, metre. Drabhagach. Dreggy. Drandan. The whiftling of wind or fform ; Drabhin. Idle. humming noife or finging. Drabhlin. Trifles, idlenefs. Drand. Leaft bit, a fmall quantity. Drag. Fire, anger, a thunderbolt. Drannt, dranntan. Snarling of a dog,. Dragaighean. A fire-Ihovel. grumbling. Dragbhod. The leffer bear-ftar, i. e, a Dranutanach. 1 Snarling, envious, grudging, fiery tail. Drandanach. 3 complaining, humming. Dragart. A flint. Drandannachd. Singing, humming. Dragon, i Draoi, draoith. A druid, augur, charmer, A Dram. ] magician,.. Draoitheacbe, D R E D R E

'DraoitheachJ. Magic, forcery, enchant- Dreamhnach. Perverfe, foolifh, a cox- ment ; properly the Druidical worfhip and comb. facrifice. Dreamhnam. To rage, fret. Draolin. Tedioufnefs, inactivity. Drean. Bad, naughty. Draoithneach. Vide Draoi. Drean. Strife, debate. J ^ rao i phO nionn. T h or n. Drean. A wren. Drafda, ann-drafda. Hitherto, now, not Dreanad. } _ , 1 Cood. yet. Drearm, i Draos. Trafh. Dreandha. Repugnant, contrary, oppo- Draofda. j fite. , , ( Oblcene, fmutty. Draofdal.r ) Dreann. Contention ; grief, forrow, pain. Draofdachd. Obfcenity, fm.ut. Dreannad. Rafhnefs. Dre. A fled. Dreannam. To fkirmifh, encounter. Dreach. Form, figure, image. Drean comhac. A leg. Dreachach. That dreffeth, poliiheth ; drawn, Dreangcuid. A flea. figured, delineated. Dreanor. A prophet. Dreachamhuil. , _ , , Dreapam. To climb, clamber. ^ l Comely, well-looked. Dreachal. 5 Dreapairachd. Climbing, clambering. Dreachamhuil. A fiatuary. Dreas. Place, Head. Dreachadan. A mould. Dreas, dreafag. A briar, bramble. Dreachadh. A portraiture, polifhing, adorn- Dreaf-nan-fmiar. A bramble. ing. Dreafail. Small pieces. Dreachadair. A painter, houfe-painter. Dreafchoill. A thicket. Dreacham. To figure, delineate, adorn, Dreafgidh. I polifh. Dreafamhuil. > Prickly. Dreachda. A troop. Dreafamhuil. J Dreachdam. To fignify. Dreafarnach. A place where brambles Dreachfliompladh. A platform, ichnogra- grow. phy. Dreathan, dreathlan donn. A wren. Dreacht. A poem, draught, pattern. Drechd. A tale, flory. Dreachd. An article ; office, employ- Drecheng. Three perfons. ment. Dreibhfe. A fpace. Dreachta. Weaknefs. Dreibhfe o fin. A little while ago. Dreagadh. Advertifement. Dreige. A meteor, a candle put out. Dreaghuin. Prickles. Dreigaifach. Peevifh. Dreagam. To fight, wrangle; to certify, Dreim, An endeavour, attempt. give notice. Dreim le h anal. Gafping. Dream. A tribe, family, thofe, folk. A dreim. Comparing with. Dream , ^ handful of hay, or the like. Dreimineach. A gradation, degree. Dreamag. S Dreimam. To climb. Dreamanach. Fanatical, mad, frantic. Dreimire. A ladder, flair. Dreaman. Madnefs, furioufnefs. Dreimire-muire. The herb centaury. Dreimhne. D R t D R O

Dreimhne. Warfare. Driuchadh. A (landing on end. Dreogham. To rot, to wear out. Driuchd. Dew. Dreollan. A wren. Driuchdal. j Dreollan-teafbhuidh. A grafshopper. Driuchdach. S DeWy- Dreoighte. Rotten. Dro. A mafon’s or filher’s line. Dres. News, a ftory, rehearfal. Droblas. Drefbheartach. A tale-bearer. Drobhlafach. Miferable, pitiful. Dreafdh. A rehearfal, relation. Droch. Evil, bad ; a prepofitive word. Driachadaich. 1 Stilfnefs, inflexibility, ob- Droch. Right, ftraight, diredt. t)riachairachd. i ftinacy. Droch. A coach-wheel. Dricc. A dragon. Drochaid. A brido-e.O Dricc. Angry. Drochaid-thogalach, A draw-bridge. Driamlach. A fifhing-line. Droch-anfais. Miftruft, jealoufy. Dril. A drop. Droch-airidh. Unworthy. Drillam. To drop. Drochaillan. Idle naughty tricks. Drillfeach. Dropping. Drochaifleach. Idle, mifchievous. Drim. The back, a ridge of mountains. Drochbhail. Lavifhing. Drim a’ chrainn. The beam of a plough. Droch-anfaifeach. Jealous. Drim luinge. The keel of a flrip. Drochbholtan. 7 Drim uachdaran a’chairain. The upper pa- Drochbholadh. $ A bad late. Droch-bharal. Prejudice. Driodar. Dregs, lees; gore, corrupt mat- Droch-bhlas. A bad tafte. ter. Droch-bhriathar. Evil expreflion. Driodartha. Mixed with dregs. Drochbheart. Vice, evil deed. Driogam. To drop, diftill. Drochbheufach. Immoral. Driopam. To climb. Drochbheartach. Vicious, evil doing. Drip. Affliftion, a fnare. Droch-chomhairlaicham. To mifadvife. Dris, drifle,'drifleach. Drochd. Black, dark, obfcure. | A bramble, briar. Drifeag, drifleag. Drochchuinfachadh. Mal-adminiftration. Drifeach. 7 „ . , Droch-fhocal. A maledidlion. Drifeanta. } FietfuL Droch-imchar. Ill-behaviour, malapert. Drithle. ~i Droch-ghuidhe. An evil wi(h. Drithladh. ^A fparkle. Droch-iomradh. Evil report. Drithlag. J Drochmharbhadh. Murder. Drithlean. A rivet. Drochmhunadh. Bad breeding, infolence Drithligham. To fparkle. Drochmhuinte. Infolent, faucy. Dribhlach. A cowl. Droch-mhifnachal. Faint-hearted. Driuch. A beak, fnoutj fretfulnefs, an- Drochmhifnach. Pufillanimity. ger. Drochmhaoineas. Idle. Driuchal. Angry. Droch-(huil. An evil eye. Driuchalachd. Anger. Drochthead. A bridge. Driucham. To ftand on end as the hair on Droch-thoiltanas. Demerit. the head. Droch-thuar. An ill omen. [LI] Droch- D R O D R U

Droch-thuarafgbhal i An ill report, mifin- Dronchruichte. Perpendicular. Droch-fhaiftin. 5 formation. Drondunadh. Stopping, {hutting. Droch ghniomh. Mifdeed, crime. Drondunam. To {hut, flop. Droch-mhein. Ill-will. Drongadh. A troop, company. Drog. The motion of the fea. Dronnach. White-backed, name of a cow. Drogaid. Drugget. D ronnan. The back. Drogha. A fifher's line. Dronnag. Higheft part of the back, fum- Droibhal. Difficult, hard. mit. Droich. A dwarf. Dronuille. A right-angle. Droichal, droichanta. Dwarfifh. Dronuillinach. Redtangular. Droicham. To wrong, abufe, do evil. Drothanfais. Fear. Droichdhe. Taken up. Drothan. A breeze of wind. Droichliam. Shortnefs of breath. Drothla. A rafter, a wain-beam. Droicheoin. Deep waters. Drothloir. A carpenter. Droichtheiftam. To defame. Drothloireachd. The trade of a carpenter^ Droidheachd. Vide Draoitheachd. Druadh. A charmer, magician. Droigheal. Adlive, affedting. Druaip. Lees, fediment. Droighean. The deep, depth. Druathadh. Fornication. Droighionn. A floe. Druatham. To commit fornication. Droighneach. Thorns. Drubh. A chariot. Droimlin. Diminutive of Dromain. Drubh. A houfe, habitation. Droing. Vide Dream. Drubhoir. A cart-wright, or coach-ma- Droinn. To make, do, be. ker. Drol. A bay, plait, loop, quirk, ftrata- Druchd. A hearing ; a rifing up. gem. Druchd. Vide Driuchd. Droinnop. Tackle. Druchd na muine. An herb ufed for dy- Droltha. j . , , Druchdan monadh ing hair. ^ ,, S A pair of pothooks. Drolla, ) Druchdan. Whey, a drop. Drom. A back. Vide Druim. Druchta De. i. e. loith & bliochd. En- Dramadoir. A drummer. creafe of corn and cattle. Droma. A drum. Vide Druma. Drud. An enclofure. Droman. A dromedary. Drugaire. A Have or drudge. Droman. The bore-tree. Drugairachd. Slavery, drudgery. Dromain. The back. Druibhal. A dark place or recefs. Dromana. Declaring, for, renouncing a Druichdin. Dew. thing or perfon. Druid. i . „ Dromchla. A furface. Druidag j Rare, thrufh. VideTruid. Dromhaoineach. Idle.. Druid. Shut thou. Dron. Right, flraight. Druidam. To {hut. Dron. Sure, ftedfaft. Druidte. Shut. Dronadh. Dire&ion. Druidhean. Black-thorn. D ronain. A throne. Druidheam. To pour out, diftill, ooze, Dronam. To affirm, avouch. drop ; to operate upon. 3 Druidheadh. D R U D U A

Druidheadh. Dropping, diftilling ; a drop. Dtheodha. Henbane. Vide Deothadh, Druidhidhte. Dropped, diftilled, poured Du. Meet, juft, proper, fit. out. Du. A land, country. Druimleach. Vide Driamlach. Duach. A proper name of Irifh princes. Druim. The back, ridge of a hill or Duad, duadh. Labour, hardfhip. houfe. Duadh. Eating. Druimineach. Speckled. Duadhmhal. > Laborious, hard, difficult.. Druimbota. Duadhmhor. S ' A vault. Druimbogha. Duadhamhlachd. Hardfhip. Drain. Needlework. Duadhobair. A handicraft, hard labour.. Druinneach. An artift, one that works Duae. A dwelling-houfe. v/ith a needle. Duaichniugham. To disfigure. Druinneachas. Practice in needlework, em- Duaichnidh. Disfigured, ugly. broidery, artifice. Duaigh. Evil. Druis. 1 Duailc. Propriety. Druifamlachd. i Duaimh. Evil. Druifeach. Lecherous, a lecherous per- Duaillbhearta. A dialedl. fon. Duairc. Surly, ftern, ill-humoured. Druifeamhuil. Lecherous. Duairc. A furly ftern perfon. Druifalachd. Moifture. D’uairibh. At times. Druifam. To play the wanton. Duais. A reward. Druiflann. A bawdy-houfe. Duaifeach. Giving a reward. Druifleoir. A fornicator. Dual. A duty, law. Druiteach. Feeling. Dual. Flereditary. Druma. A drum. Dual. A loop, a fold, plait, a lock of Druman. Ridge, back, fummit. hair. Drumadair. A drummer. Dualach. In locks, thick. Druman. The back band of a cart-horfe. Dualadh. Carving. Drumchla. A houfe-top. Dualaidhe. A carver, engraver. Drumhac. A baftard fon. Dualaideas. Sculpture, engraving. Drunan. The back, ridge of a hill. Dualan. A trefs, lock. Drung. Vide Droing. Dualgas. Hire, wages, duty. Drus. Vide Druis. Dualphurtich. Shrieking, howling. Druth. A harlot. Dualadoir. An embroiderer. Druth. Foolifh, lafcivious. Dualam. To fold, plait, carve. Druthanog. A bawd. Duam. A city. Druthlabhram. To blab out. Duan. i ^ J A poem, canto, rhyme. Druthlabhradh. Babbling, blabbing. Druthmhancair.carr. 1 . . , Duan-mordha. An epic poem. > A pimp, pander, Druthbhofgair.air. 1 Duanaire. A canter, chanter. Druthmhac. A baftard. Duanaireachd. Canting. Druthlan. A bawdy-houfe. Duantachd. Verfification, poetry. Drutoir. A fornicator. Duantach. Full of poetry. Duanarteach. DUB DUD

Duanarteach. A Fenator. Dubhchofach. Name of a dog, blackfoot Duanchruitheachd i melampus. iJuangaois.. ^) Policy. Dubhchraige. A ring ouzel. Duar, duara. A word, a faying. Dubhchuil. A beetle. Duaridh. A dowry. Dubhdhaol. Dubadh. A pond. Dubh-Eirionnach. A wild Irilhman. Du bam. To dip, duck. Dubhghormadh. Making black and blue. Dubham. To blacken, condemn. Dubhghlas. Dark grey, Douglas. Dubairt. An earneft prayer. Dubhghorm. Dark blue. Dubh, dubhach. Ink, a black dye-. Dubhfhocal. A riddle, dark faying, para- Dubh. Black, dark. ble. Dubh. Great. Dubhith. A pudding. Dubhach. Vide Dabhach. Dubhach. Sad, forrowful. Dubhlhlan. I\ A challenge,& defiance. Dubhachas. Sadnefs, forrow. Dubhghall. A foreigner, Englifhman. Dubhdan. An empyreuma, foot. Dubhlochlanaich. The Danes. Dubhdanach. Having an empyreuma, footy. Dubhliath. The fpleen. Dubhadan. An inkholder, ftandifh. Dubhloith. Melancholy. Dubhadh. Mourning. Dubhneulam. To obnubilate. Dubhagan. Blacking, ink. Dubhadh. ? . , , Dubhaigein. The deep, ocean. Dubhogh. J A a e- Dubhailce. Vice. Dubh-feddidh feamh-leathann. One of the Dubhailceach. Vicious, wicked ; a wicked horfes to Cuchullin’s chariot. perfon. Dubhfhnamham. To dive. Dubhalladh. Want. Dubfhnamhaiche. A diver, didapper. Dubhatai. Doubtful, uncertaia. Dubhfraith. A foundation. Dubhan. A hook, a fnare. Dubuilte. Double, cunning, falfe. Dubhan-iafgaich. A filhing-hook. Dubuluigham. To double, fold, to diftill Dubhan. A kidney. a fecond time. Dubhan. Darknefs. Dubladh. Covering, lining, a fheath, Dubhan alia. Vide Damhan eallaidhan. cafe. Dubhar. Darknefs. Dubhram. I faid. Dubhchofach. The herb Maidenhair. Dubhras. A houfe, room, habitation. Dubhlachd. Wintry weather. Dubhairt. He, &c. faid. Dubhlidh. Wintry, dark. Dubhron. Grief. Dubhradh. A fhade. Dubhronach. Grieved. Dubhradhach. Shady. Dubhfhiubhal. Black ftream. Dubhrachd. Earneftnefs, fincerity. Dubhthoill. Hemorrhois. Dubhrachdach. Earneft, ftncere. Duchan, War. Dubhbhreac. A fmelt. Duchas. A vifage, countenance. Dubhcheift. Motto, fuperfcription, Duchas. Vide Dutchas. Dubhchios. A tribute. Dud, Tingling of the ear, the ear, a rag. Dudrcb. D U I D U I

Dudach. Ragged. Duilleoga. Folding-door. Dudag. A hunting horn, war trumpet. Duilgne. "Wages, hire. Dudaire. A trumpeter. Duilam. To take pleafure, delight. Dudaireachd. Noife of horns and trum- Duilleabhra. The leaf of a book. pets. Duilleabhrach. Full of leaves. Duda. Steel. Duilleachan. A-book or pamphlet. Dudag. A little ftroke on the ear, a fmall Duilleur. Belonging to a leaf. cup. Duillean. A fpear. Dudlach. jThe ftormy part of the year. Duilliafg. Palmated fucus, dilfe. Dudlachd. \ Vide Dubhlachd. Duilliafg-nam-beann. Mountain layer. Dughachtadh. A bequeathing. Duilleog-bhaite. White water-lily. Duibeal. Quick, nimble, adtive. Duillughadh. Bearing leaves. Duibh, dhuibh, dhuibhfa. To you, ye. Duilluigham. Toflourifh. Duibhchios. Tribute. Duillmhiol. Caterpillar, convolvulus. Duibhe. Darker, blacker. Duilich. Difficult. Duibhe. 1 gjacknefs Duilidh-tionfgnaidh. The elements,- Duibhad. 5 Duilin. Elements. Duibheagan. Depth, abyfs.. Duilinne. Tribute. Duibheartha. Vernacular. Duiliomaral. Error. Duibhgeann. A fword, dagger. Duillthaobh. A page»- Duibhseinte.D The Danes,y i..e. the black Duim. Poor, needy. nations. Duine. A man.- Duibleaid. A doublet. Duine-gan-diughe. Raca. Duibhir. Anxious, melancholy. Duineamhuil. Manly. Duinamhlachd. Duigham. To cluck as a hen. Manlinefs. Duil. An element, a creature. Duinamhlas. Duil. Delight, defire, hope. Duinan.. Amanikin. Duil. Partition, diftribution. Duineabhadh. Manllaughter.' Duileachd. Doubt,, fufpicion.- Duinn, duinne. To us. Duilbhir. Anxious, fad. Duinoircneach. An affaffin,- Duilbhirachd. Sadnefs, gloominefs. Duinte, dunta. Shut. Duile. A poor creature. Duir. Oak j the letter D. Vide Da- Duille. i ^ leaf, a fold, a fcabbard. rach. Duilleag. 5 Duirce daraich. Acorns. Duilleach. Foliage. Duire. A wood, grove. VideDoire.. Duille-fgeinne. The fheath of a knife. Duire. Harder. Duire. Duilleach. o fuU of leaveSj S Hardnefs, ftupidity. Duilleogach. S Duirad. S Duileamh. God. Duirmeabhraghadh. Caballing. ■ Duileamhuil. Skilled. Duis. A crow. Duileamhanachd. The godhead; Duis. A prefent, a jewel. Duileamhanta. Of the godhead. Duifchill. A fandfuary. [M m] Duifeal. DUN DUS

Duifeal. A fpout. Dunn. A doflor, teacher; Duifgiolla.. 7 . Dunte. Shut. „ 6 >A client. Duiloglach. j Dur. Dull, hard, flupid, obffinate. Duifighe, Awaked. Durain. A dull obftinate fellow. Duifughadh. Awaking. Dur. Water. Duifgam. To awake, roufe up. Duras. A houfe, room. Duilleog. Dilfe. Durain. Affable. Duit, dhuit. Unto thee. Durachd. Good-will, luck’s penny; di- Duithbhair. Deformed, ugly. ligence, fincerity. Vide Dubhrachd. Duithir na h oiche. The morning. Durachdach. Diligent, fincere. Dul. A fnare, trap, gin. Duraicne. A cabal. Dul. The terraqueous globe. Durain. Cooling in water. Dul. A fatirift. Durb. A diftemper, difeafe. Dul. Going. Vide Dol. Durbhath. A cell. Dula. A pin, peg. Durbhodach. A dunce. Dulam. To hook or catch with a loop. Durdal. Cooing ; Bhith-durdal, to coo. Dulbhar. Doleful, unpleafant, gloomy. Durdan. A humming noife. Dulbharachd. Dolefulnefs, gloominefs. Durdan. A bit of duft, a mote. Dulchanach. Dirty, miferable, pitiful. Durga. "I Dulchan, dulchanachd. Avarice, covet- Durganta. Surly. oufnefs. Durragha. J Dulchaon. A lamentation. Durlus. Water-crefTes. Dulchaointeach. Mournful. Durn. A fift, a hand. Dumha. A place of gaming. Durrog. A maggot. Dumhl. Bulky. Durfa, durfan. A crack, nolle. Dumhlas, dumhlad. Bulkinefs. Durtheach. A foundation, a cell, hut, Dun. A ftrong or fortified houfe or hill, a cabbin. fortrefs, faftnefs, ftrength. Dnrtheach. A pilgrim. Dun-aolaich. A dunghill. Durunta. Rigid, morofe. Dunan. A little hill or fort. Dus. > Dunadh. Shutting, buttoning, lacing. Duflach. lDuft‘ Dunadh. A camp, dwelling. Dus. In order to, to the end that. Dunam. To fliut, barricade, button, Dus. A fort. lace. Dufait. A place of refuge, fafety. D unaras. A habitation. Dufal. Dully. Dunbhallach. A mere fellow. Dufara. A client. Dunfhoilfighte. A manifefto. Dufoglach. Dunfuigheadh. Stopping. Dufacht. | Watchfulnefs. Dunlios. A palace. Du fas. Dunmharbham. To commit homicide. Dufcumhal. A woman client. Dunmharbhadh. Homicide, maflacre. Dufgam. To awake. Dunmharbhthach. A manflayer. Dufgairm, A calling, appellation. Dulling, D U T D U T

Dulling. Dull. Duthan. A nation. Duthchas. The place of one’s birth, an Duthchamhuil. Of a good family. hereditary right. Duthcha. Genuine. Duthchafach. Of one’s country, natural Duthith. A pudding. to one by his family, hereditary. Duthrachd. Vide Durachd. Duthaidh. A land, country. Duthrachdach. Vide Dubhrachdach.



Els the fifth letter of the alphabet; Eabradh. Iron. it is one of the fmall vowels, and Eabron. A pan, cauldron. founds like epfilon in the Greek, or ee in Eabur. Ivory. Englifh. In Irifh it is called Eabha or Eacceart, eiceart. Iniquity, injuftice. Eadha, from Eadha, the afpen-tree, com- Eacartha. Stupid. monly called crann crithach, and is not Eaccomhlan. Injuflice, oppreffion. unlike the Greek name Eta, and Hebrew Eaccomhlaim. To omit. Heth. Eacconnach. Mad, doting, abfurd. E. The pronoun he, or it, and is founded Eaccon. Rage, madnefs, want of fenfe. broad, as the Greek Eta. Eaccon-duine. A filly foolifh man. E ! An interjedlion of furprife. Eaccofg. The face, countenance, likenefs, Ea. A diphthong, in which both vowels Eaccofg. A degree. are heard. Eaccofg; A framing or building; Ea. A negative particle ufed indifcrimi- Eaccofmhuil. Unlike. nately with ei. The negative particles are Eaccofmhuileachd. Difparity. enumerated in the following verfe: Each. A horfe. Neimh & an, amh, eag, fas, Each. Any. Ei, e, do, di, ni h ord dimheas. Eachach. Abounding in horfes. Ing mi, ni modh ceilge. Eachan. A wheel, an inftrument to wind Deich diultadh na Gaoidhlige. yarn. Eaban.? ,, , >Mud, mire. Eachan-gaoithe. A blaft of whirlwind. Eabar. \ Eachanach. Of blafts, ftormy. Eabha. The name of the letter e, the afpen- Eachann. Hedtor. tree. Eachaodach. Caparifon. Eabha. The firfl: woman, Eve. Eachchior. A horfe-comb. Eabhra. The Hebrew tongue. Each-freine. A courfer. Eabhrach. An Hebrew, Jew. Eachdaire. An hiftorian, chronicler. Eabhrach. Hebrew, Jewifh. Eachdairachd. Hiftory, chronicle. Eacbd, E A D E A D

Eachd. A condition. Vide Achd. Eadnan. A frontlet. Eachda. Clean, pare, neat, decent. Eadar, eidar. Between. Eachdam. To do, to a£t. Eadaradh. -iDivifion, interefl, reft at Eachlann. A ftable. Eadarthrath. ) noon. Eachlach. A fervant, poll-boy, news-car- Eadarghaire, eadarfgaradh. Divorce, fepa- rier, a foIdler’s boy. ration. Eachlafg. A rod, a goad, horfewhip. Eadarghna. Ingenuity. Eachleigh. A farrier. Eadarghnaim. To know, diftinguifh. Eachmac, eacbmong. To happen, fall out, Eadarghuidhe. Supplication, interceffion. come to pafs. Eadarnaidh. Fraud, malice, deceit. Eacnach. Blafphemy. Eadarfgain, eadargain. Interpofttion, part- Eachradh, eachri. Horfes. ing, quieting. Eachrais. Rowing. Eadaoirfuigham.. To naturalize. Eachrais. A fair.. Eadoimhann. Shallow. Eacht. An accident that moves forrow or Eadochas. Defpair. compaffion. Eadochafach. Defpairing, defponding. Eacht. An atchievement, feat, exploit. Eadochafaigham. To defpair, defpond. Vide Eibhachd. Eadfhulang. Intolerable. Eacht. A condition. Eadh. Time, opportunity, feafon. Eachtamhuil. Conditional, doing great Eadh. Yea, yes. things. Eadhadh. An afpen-tree. Eachtradh. An adventure. Eadhoin. Namely, to wit. Eachtran. •» « Eadmhor. Jealous, zealous, ^ , ? A foreigner,r Eachtranach. j Eadmhorachd. Zealoufnefs, jealoufy. Eacradh. A pen, fold, pound, cindlure. Eadmheadhonach. Immediate, mediate; Eatrocair. ■, A prey, fpoil, unmerciful- Eadoighigham. To defpair. Eatrocairachd. S nefs. Eadram. Between me. Eatrocairach. Unmerciful. Eadrad. Between thee.. Ead. Jealoufy, zeal. Eadrinn. Between us. Ead. Obloquy, reproach. Eadribh. Between you. Eadach, aodach. Clothes. Eadrochd. Plain, manifeft. Eadaigham. To clothe, drefs. Eadtairiofiochd. Alienation, ill-will. Eadail, eadal. Profit, advantage, treafure > Eadtairfiogham. To put out of doors* prey, fpoil, booty. Eadtlaith i Courageous, ftrong, un-- Eadailach. Having treafure, rich, Eadtlathach. J daunted. Eadailleach. An Italian. Eadtreoir. Imbecillity, irrefolution. Eadailt. Italy. Eadtreorach. Irrefolute, weak, ignorant. ■ Eadaingionn. Weak, defencelefs. Eadtorra. Between them. Eadaingneachd. Weaknefs, defenceleff- Eadtorras. Mediocrity. nefs. Eadtrom. Light, brifk, nimble, giddy. Eadaire. A jealous perfon. Eadtromachan. i Lightnefs, eafe, com- Eadairmeas. The art of invention. Eadtruime. 1 fort. Eadann, aodann. The forehead j Eadtromaghadh. Alleviating, alleviation. Eadtromuigham. 4 E A G E A L

Eadtromuigham. To alleviate. Eagmin. About, a winding circuit, mean- Eadtroman. A bladder. der. Eadtualang. Incapable, unable, Eagmin mall. A flow meander or winding Eadturlabhradh. A folecifm. of a river. Eadurchamh. Of old. Eagnaidh. Prudence, wifdom. Eag, eafga. The moon. Eagnaidhach. Prudent, wife. Eag. Death. Eagnaidhe. A philofopher, wife man. Eaga. Ice. Eagnach, eacnach. Blafphemy. Eagach. Deep. Eagnach. A complaint, refentment, caufe Eagal. Fear. of grief. Eagalach. Fearful, timid. Eagnaidham. To complain, accufe. Eaglam. To fear, frighten, deter. Eagnairc. Love. Eagan. A bottom. Vide Dubhhaigan. Eagnairc. Querulous, complaining. Eagan. A gizzard. Eagnais. Without. Eagar. Order. Eagnarcaire. A mediator. Eagar. A row, bank, bin. Eagcruaidh. Impotent, fick, feeble. Eagaram. To fet in order, or in rows. Eagraigham. To fet in order. Eagbroth. A carrion. Eagfamhuil. Singular, matchlefs, ftrange j Eagcaoine. A fob, dying groan, a com- various, diffimilar, mixed. plaint. Eagfamhlachd. Strangenefs, variety, diver- Eagchaor. A founding line. fity. Eagcruas. Sicknefs. Eagfamluigham. To diverfify. Eagcoir. Inj uftice. Eagfamhlughadh. Varying, diverfifying. Eagcofmhuil. Various, unlike. Eal, for neal. A fwoon. Eagfamhuilachd. The ftate of not being Eala, ealadh. A fwan. like a thing. Ealach. A pin to hang any thing on, as a Eagcofg. Likenefs, face, countenance, fi- hat-pin. gure. Ealadhain. Learning, fkill, an art, fcience. Eagceart. Unjuft, incorredt. Ealadhanta.' Artificial, curious, ingenious, Eagcruaidh. Sick, weak, feeble. alert, quick, ready. Eagcubhidh. Unfit, improper. Ealaidham. To fteal away, defert, toftalk. Eaglais. A church. Ealaidhtheach. A revolter, deferter. Eaglaifeach. Of the church, a churchman, Ealang. A fault, flaw. clergyman. Ealar. Salt. Eaglaifamhuil. Belonging to the church, Ealbha. A herd or drove. or clergy. Ealc. Malicious, fpiteful, envious. Eglais chathuighidh. The church militant. Ealcmhar. Envious, fpiteful; lazy, flug- Eaglais neamhcha* Church triumphant. gifo- Eaglan. A biting. Ealg. Noble, excellent. Eaglafda. Ecclefiaftical. Ealoghadh, ealughadh. Sneaking, ftealing Eagmhais. Without. away. Eagmhais. Reputation, fame. Ealuigham. To fneak off, fteal upon. Eagmhaifach. Very great. Eall. A trial, proof, eftay. [Nn] Eallabhair. E A N EAR

Eallabhair. } A vaft number, a great mul- Eanghach. A blad . Eallagair. 5 titude. Eanghlor. Of one voice or fpeech.; Eallaeh. A hearth ; rather Teallach. Eangla. An anniverfary feafl. Eallach. Cattle. Eanglaim. A lining. Eallach. A burden, load. Eanghlais. Small mixed drink. Eallach. An artful trick. Eanghnamh. GeneroAty; . dexterity at: Eallog. A log, bracket. arms, prudence.. Eallach. A battle. Eanghobhrag. Eallaighe. Houl'ehold fluff, furniture. Eangfad. They went forward or moved.: Eallamh. Wonder, aftonifhment. Eanluireachd. Fowling. Eallamh. Cattle given as a portion. Eanluith. Birds. Ealfcadh. Cozinefs. Eannec. Innocent. Ealta. Repentance. Eanfathadh. At once. Ealt, ealta. j A flock, herd, covey, drove, Eantog, feantog. A nettle. Ealtuin. J trip, rout, pace, fownder. Eantoifg. On purpofe, in one bulk. Ealta eun. A covey or flock of birds. Eantort. In any manner or fort. Ealta mhuc. A herd of fwine. Eanuair, aonuair. One hour, at once.. Ealta dhamh. A drove of bullocks. Eanuair, an-uair. Bad weather. Ealta ghabhar. A trip of goats. Eanuc. An eunuch. Ealta maduidhe alta. A rout of wolves. Eaondachd. Unity. Ealta affail. A pace of affes. Ear. A head. Ealta fiadh-thorc. A fownder of wild boars. Earadh. Refufal. . Ealta marcach. A troop of horfe. Earadh. Fear, diflruft. Eallach. Gregarious. Earadhain freine. Reins of a bridle. Eallaidhe. White. Earaim. Riding. Ealltin. A razor, fword. Earal. An exhortation, caution. Eamhain. Earalach. Cautious, provident. Double. Eamhanta. Earalas. The virtue of being provident. Eamhainfe. Wifdom. Earaligham. To exhort.1 Eampaid. A kind of flone. Earam. Torefufe, deny. Ean. A bird,a fowl. Earais. The end. Ean fionn. An ofprey, a kite. Earb, earbog. A roe. Ean, an. Water. Earba. To tell, relate. Ean uifge. i . . , . , Earb. An offer, command. 3 J- An aquatic bird. Ean fnamh. 1 Earba. An occupation, employment. Ean, aon. Any. Earbail. A truft. Eanchor. Any wife, at all. Earbull. A tail. Eanda. A Ample in medicine- Earbam. To truft, rely, conAde, bid, com- Eang. A year. mand. Eang. A track, footftep. Earbfa. Confldence, , truft. Eang. Point ofland, a guffet. Earbfach. Confldent, relying, trufting. Eangach. A flfhing net, a chain of nets for Earc. Speckled, red. falmon or herring fifhing-. Earc. A cow. 7 Earc. EAR E A S

Earc. A falmon. plete armour. Earc. A bee, honey. Earradha. Wares, commodities, accoutre- Earc. A tax, tribute.-. ments. Earc. Heaven. Earraidham. To fpring. Earcam. To fill. Earradhreas. The dog-briar. Earcamhuil. Pleafant, fweet, agreeable. Earraid. A miftake, fault. Earrlinn. ) Earcan. Delicacies. i Them end. Eearcdhath. Coloured red. Earrinn. J Earchaill. A prop, poft, pillar. Earraithear. To be ferved or attended. Earchaillam. To eraze. Earrunn. A fhare, portion, divifion. Earchaille. A barring, hindering, Earrufaid. A fort of loofe wrapper wore by Earchaomh. Noble. women in the Highlands of Scotland till Earcluachrach. A lizard, emmet. very lately, without fhift or any thing elfe. Earcra. A deficiency, eclipfe. Eafadh. Sicknefs, difeafe. Eardach. A feaft, folemnity. Eafafnadh. Expulfion, banifhment. Eardanal. A piper, trumpeter. Eafaidham To expel, banifh. Earfhlaitheas. Eafag. A pheafant, a fquirrel. ^ Ariftocracy. Earfhlaithachd. Eafaille. Difpraife, difparagement. Earfhloith. A noble perfon, grandee. Eafailuigham. To debafe. Earghabhail. A miferablecaptivity. Eafaituigham. To diflocate. Eargaim. To build, frame, makeup. Eafam. To make, to do. Earghabham. To apprehend, make prifoner. Eafamlair. An example, copy, pattern, Earghaire. Prohibition. fample. Earghairam. To congratulate; to forbid, Eafal. A tail. prohibit. Eafaontach. Diflenting, repugnant, difo- Earghalan. A piper. bedient, rebellious. Earghalan. Noify, clamorous. Eafaontas. j Erghnaidh. Magnificent, worthy, vir- Eafaontachd. S Agreement,difobedience. tuous. . Eafaontughadh. Schifm. Earghnamh. To prepare a feaft. Eas. 1 Eargna. Conception, quicknefs of appre- Ealar. > A eatarafl:, fall of water, cafcade. henfion. Eafard. J Earlamh. Noble, grand, auguft. Eafard. A quarrel, foul houfe. Earma, earmaidheafa. Galloping. Eafarguin. A tumult. Earmadh. Arms. Eafarluighachd. Incantation. Earn, eorna. Barley-. Eafba. Want, fcarcity, defect, abfence. . Earnagh. Iron.. Eafba broghad. The king’s-evil. Earnnail. A part, fhare. Eafbaigham. To want, lack. Earnnede. To watch, take care of. Eafbain. Spain. Earr. End, conclufion, tail, limit, boundary. Eafbaloid. Abfolution. Earr. A champion ; noble, grand. Eafbarta, eafporta. - Evening-prayers. Earach. The fpring. Eafbhuidh. Want. Earradh. Drefs, habit, military fuit, com- Eafbhuidheach In want, poor, empty. Eafbog. E A S E A S

F.afbog, eafbuig. A bifhop. Eafmail. A reproach, reproof. Eafbuigachd. A fee, prelacy. Eafmail. Power of, dependence. Eafc. Water; old. Eafmailteach. A reproachful perfon. Eafgaich. A quagmire. Eafnadh, eafnamh. Want of web for the Eafgaire. A warning. loom. Eafgair. A ftorm, bluftering wind, fur- Eafnadh. Mufic, fong, melody. prize. Eafnadh. Time. Eafcar, eafgor. Shooting into ears. Fafmaigh. A lath, fparr. Eafcar. A fall. Eafog. A weafel. Eafoman. A welcome. Eafaraid.S A» adverfary, enemy. Eafomoid. Difrefpedb, difhonour. Eafchriodhachd. Difagreement. Eafomoideach. Difrefpetffful, difobedient. Eafcoman. Dirty, filthy, nafly. Eafonoir. Diflionour, abufe. Eafcomata. Satisfied. Eafonorach. Difhonourable, abufive, ill- Eafcomlam. To die, depart life. bred. Eafcong. Water. Eafonoraigham. To difhonour, abufe. Eafcongra. A cry, proclamation. Eafontach. Rude. Eafconn. An old man, an elder. Eafordach. Faeffious. Eafconn. The moon. Eafordugh. Diforder, confufion, anarchy. Eafcra. A cup, drinking-vefiel. Eafordughadh. Wifliing things different Eafcradh. Walking, ftepping, marching. from what they are. Eafg, eafga. The moon. Eaforduigham. To wifh things different Eafgaidh. Eafy, fenfible, nimble, ready, from what they are, to confufe. active, officious. Eaforgain. Contrition. Eafgaine. A curfe, maledi&ion. Eaforgaim. To hurt, offend. Eafgal. A found, noife. Eaforgnadh. Squeezing, crufhing. Eafgan. 1 Eafpuig-fpeain. The herb ox-eye-daify. Eafga. / An eel. Latin, belles major. Eafcu. J Eafrannait. The world. Eafgbhaineach. Lunatick. Eafraoite. Loofe. Eafgleafadh. Confufion. Eafruadh. A cataracff on the river Earn, Eafgnaim. To climb up, afcend. county of Donnegal in Ireland. Eafgud. The hough, ham. Eaflaoth. Health. Eafgul. A wave. Eaftarruina;. Extraction. Eafidhe. Confpicuous, remarkable. Eafuainam. To fcum, fkim. Eafionnracas. Difhonefty, faithleflhefs. Eafumhal. Difobedient, irreverent. Eafionnruic. Difhonefl:. Eafumhlachd. Difobedience, obftinacy. Eaflabhra. Bounty, courtefy, affability. Eafumhluigham. To difobey.

Eaflain. 7 ^n£rm;ty. Eafurrudhas. Prefumption. Eaflainte. Eafurrudhafach. Prefumptuous. Eaflainteach. Eafurram. DifrefpeCt. Infirm. Eaffan. Eafurramach. DifrefpeCtful, ffubborn, a Eaflach. A lake, pool. rebel. Eafur • E C C E I D

Eafurramaigham. To revolt, difobey. Ece. Clear, evident, manifeft; ece an ta- Eafurramaghadh. Difobedience, rebellion. lamh, fee the land. Eata. Old, ancient. Ecna. Eating. Eatach. An elder, aged perfon. Ecfidhe. Apparent, manifell. Eatal. Pleafure, delight. Ed. Vide Ead. Eatal. Flight. Ed. Gain, profit, advantage. Eatal. The world. Ed. To make, receive, to handle. Eatha. Gone, fent. Ed. Defence, protection. Eathar. A veffel, fhip, boat. Ed, eid. Cattle. Eathla. Prayers, fupplication. Edal. A treafure. Eatla. Sadnefs. Edalach. Rich, having a treafure. Eatlaim. To fly. Edaoigh. Uncertain. Eatorra. Between them. Edreimam. To catch at. Eatrathach. Late. Edean. A receptacle. Eatroman. A bladder. Edearbh. Falfe, uncertain. Eatrom. Light. Edeighneach. Gelded. Eatruime. Lighter. Edel. Prayers, orations.

Eatruime. I ^ , r i ■ Edhon, eadhon. To wit, namely, that is. Eatraimad. 1 LlShtn'f!’ Edidh. Ugly, deformed. Eatromuigham. To relieve, lighten, alle- Edim. To catch, apprehend. viate. Edir. Vide Edar. Eatrocair. Cruelty. Edire. Hollages. Eatrocaireach. Unmerciful. Edirghlimam. To endure, fuller. Ebar. Mire, dirt. Edirmheadhontoir. A mediator. Ebrach. Miry, dirty. Edmhar. Jealous. Ebeirt, ebirt. Topography. Efeachd. EfteCt, great things. Ebhadh. The afpen tree, the letter E, Efeachdach. Effectual, that hath done great Ebhling. To fpringoffor on. things. Ebhlingadh. Skipping, leaping. Egmhil. Handfome. Ebhladh. A kilt. Eibhligham. To fparkle. Ebhladh. Eiblit. An interjection. i Burning coal. Ebhlag. J Eid. Tribute, tax, fubfidy. Ebhlach. Full of burning coals. Eiddighe. Ingratitude. Ebhrionta. A young gelded goat. Eide, eideadh. Cloth, apparel, raiment, Ebron. A kettle, cauldron. armour. Ebhul. Vide Ebhlog. Eidadh-gairdain. A bracelet. Eccnech. Reproof, reprehenfioru Eidadh-uchd. A breall-plate. Eccnairc. The time pall. Eidadh-muineil. A gorget. Eccnairc. A prayer, intercelEon. Eidadh-droma. A back-pieces Eccofg. Vide Eagcofg. Eeidadh-calpa. Greaves. Eccradach. Spiteful, unfaithful. Eideam. To drefs, attire, arm. Eccraide. Enmity, fpite. Eideadhach. Harneffed. [Oo] Eidarbtha. E I F E I L

Eidarbhtha. DilTolute, loofe. Eifeafach, Serious. Eidarfgaram. To fcatter, difperfe. Eigmhuis. Want, defedt. Eidheann. Ivy, genitive Eidhne of ivy. Eeigceart. Injuflice, iniquity. Eidhneach. Full of ivy. Eigciallidh. Abfurd, filly, foolifh. Eidhnean. j Eigcinnte. Hefitancy, doubt. -r-.j, > An ivyy branch or boueh. Fidheanog. J ° Eigcinntach. Uncertain, innumerable, un~ Eidhnen-thalmhuinn. Ground-ivy. refolved, undetermined. Eidhliomh, eidhliodh. A plea, a cafe; Eigeas. claim, demand of debt. Eigcneafda. Rude, impolite. Eidhre. T Eigcinte. Uncertain, doubtful. Eidhreagach. i Eigcneafdachd. Frowardnefs, rudenefs. Eididheach. A cuiraffier. Eigcrionna. Imprudent, impolitic. Eidimhin. Doutful, uncertain, fluctuat- Eigcrionnachd. Imprudence, folly. ing. Eigean. 1 „ . ! force, violence, compulfion, Eidinte. Doubtful. Eigintas. >■ . j r s Eidarfhollus. Twilight. Ei»in J neceffityj a tape, need. Eidar. Mull. Eigc. Web. Eidir. A captive, prifoner, hoftage. Eigin. Neceffary, certain, fome. Bidarcheart. An equal diftributive right. Elgin. Truly, furely. Eidirceart focal. An interpretation. Eigean. Lawful, rightful, juft. Eidirdhealughadh. A difference, feparation, Air eigin. Scarcely, with difficulty. divifion, diftinCtion. Eigintach. Neceffary, indifpenfable, need- Eidirdhealuigham. To feparate, divide, ful, needy. diftinguifh. Eigeas. A learned man. Eidirdilgin. A devaflation, ravaging. Eigipteach. An Egyptian. Eidirgin. Interpofition. Eigipht. Egypt. Eidirghleo. A decree, judgment. Eigcordadh. Jarring. Eidirghlaodham. To judge, decide. Eigcordam. Tojarr. Eidirghuidham. To intercede. Eigha. A file. Eidirghuidhe. Interceflion. Eighamh. A cry, fhout, call. Eidirghuaille. Regio dorfalis. Eigham. To cry, fhout, call. Eidirlen. Captivity. Eighamhthoir. A cryer. Eidirmheadhonach. IndireCtly, mediately. Eighi. Science. Eidirmheadhontoir. A mediator. Eiglidhe. Mean, abjecft. Eidirmheadhonairachd. Interceding. Eiglidheacht. Abjedlnefs. Eidirmhinuigham. To interpret. Eigne. A falmon. Eidirmhinughadh. Interpretation. Eignidham. To force, conftrain, compel, Eidirfallamh. Space. ravifh. Eidirfhollus. Twilight. Eignighte. Forced, ravifhed. Eidirthriath. Inter-regnum. Eignughadh. Forcing, ravifhing, a rape. Eifeaeht, Effedt, fenfe, confequence. Eigfeach. A fchool, ftudy. Eifeachdach. ? n . Eigfi. Art, fcience, learning. r Effectual. Eueachdamhun. i Eill, iall. A thong, latchet. Eill. E I R E I S

Eill. An ell. Eireachd, eireachdas. Congregation; Eileam. To rob, fpoil. Eirceachd. Herefy. Eile. Other. Eirerich. Night-waking,of the dead ; alfo Eile. A prayer, oration. drying of corn in a pot for grinding, as is Eileachdam. To alienate, part with, pafs done in the Highlands ; the grain and away. bread fo prepared. Eilighthoir. A creditor, accufer. EirgheQ . .. Eiligham. ‘ To accufe, charge. Eirigh. 5 A rfln®’ mutlny' Eilughadh. Accufing, accufation, charg- Eirgham. To arife, pafs on, advance. ing, calling to account. Eirghachd. The a£t of rifing. Eilid. A hind. Eirigh. A viceroy, chief governor. Eilain. An iiland. Eiric. An amercement, or fine for blood- Eilair, eilairan fheidh. Walk of deer. fhed, aranfom or forfeit, reparation. Eilimh. A plea. Eiridin. Nurfing a fick perfon, the perfon Eillgheadh. A burial, interment. nurfed. Eilne, eilnead. Uncleannefs, pollution. j?" I*" ^ | A command, or government. Eilnigham. To corrupt, fpoil, violate. Eimh. Quick, adtive, brifk. Eirgionnach. Purfuer. Eimhe, eighamh. A cry, call. Eiram. To ride, go on horfeback. Eimheachd. Obedience, compliance. Eirim. A fummary, abridgment. Eimham. Vide Eigham. Eirin. Ireland, i. e. iar-inn, weflern ifland, Eimhleog. A live coal. or according to an ingenious writer, Ein, ean. One. Vide Aon. I-iarruin,. ijland of iron, becaufe Ireland Eineach. A face, countenance. abounded in mines of iron, tin, and cop- Eineachas. i Bounty, goodnefs, courtefy, per. Eineach. 1 affability. Eirionnach. Irifh, Irifhman. Eineachlan. Protection, defence, lafe- Eiris. An aera, or account of time. guard. Eiris, A friend. Einfeachd. At once. Eiris; Miftruft. Einghin, aonghin. Only begotten. Eirle. j Einmheid. Of equal fize. Eirne. 1 A Einread. One thing, any thing. Eirlioch. DeftruCfion. Eipelam. To die, perifh. Eirneadh, A gift, prefent, favour, Eipiftil. An epiftle, letter. Eirnam. To require, call for. Eirag. A pullet, a young hen. Eirr. A Ihield. Eirbhearnam. To tranfgrefs, break. Eirr, earr. End. Eirbhir. Afking indireCtly. Eirr. Snow, ice. Eirbhirach. That afketh indiredly. Eirrfce. A trunk, flump, Eirbheirtam. To move, carry, Eirfam. To arife. Eirbheirt. Moving, ftirring, Eis. A band, or troop. Eirbheach. Awafp. Eis. A footllep, trace. Vide Tar-eis. Eirceach. An heretick. Eifc, eifg. Of fifh. Eireachdal. Fair, beauteous. Eifceach. Exception, excluflon. 6 Eifcam, E 1 T E N N

Eifcam. To cut off, except, exclude. Eitire. Vide Oittir. A ridge or bank jut- Eifdeachd. Hearing, attention. ting into the fea. Eifdam. To hear, liften, be blent, atten- Eiteaccal. Volatile. tive. Eiteach. A refufal. Eifeadh. Seeking,hunting after, refearch. Eiteag. A fort of white ftone; I fuppofc Eifean. He, himfelf. rather a feather. Eifeaftar. He prayed. Eitachadh. Refufing. Eifeirghe, aifeirghe. Refurrection. Eitaigham. To refufe, deny, forfwear. Eifeirgham. To arife again. Eitallach. Flying. Eifir. i Eitheach. A lye, untruth, miftake. EiMridh. t A" ‘'i'11"- Eitheor. A liar. Eifgin, eifglinn. A fifhpond. Eitheach. An oak. Eifgir. A ridge of mountains. Eithigham. To abjure, refufe, deny. Eifibham. To drink. Eithreach. Wildernefs. Eifidam. To fit. Eithre. An end, conclufion. Eifil, eifeolach. Rude, ignorant, unlkil- Eithre. A burden. ful. Eitam. Danger, hazard. Eifam. To trace. Eitleadh. Flight. Eifimh. Near, clofe at hand. Eitleog. A bat. Eifinnil. Weak, infirm. Eitlam. } ^ „ Eifiodhan. Uncleam Eiulam. ! T° "y- Eifiomal. Valour, courage, bravery, power Eitleorachd. Flying. of. Eitre. A trench, furrow. Eifiomlair, eifiomplair. Example, pattern, Eitreorach. Feeble, weak, ungirded. copy. Ela. A fwan. Eifiomlaireach. Exemplary. Elc, eaelc. Bad, naught, vile, malicious. Eifith. Debate, difagreement. Elchaire. Grief, forrow, pain. Eiflain. Sicknefs, forrow. Vide Eafian. Eleathraim. An election. Eiflinn. Weak, infirm. Eleathrain. A bier. Eillinneach, Pregnable. Eleathrach. One that carries a bier, a Eillis. Negledt, miftake, forgetfulnefs. bearer. Eifmeach. Lying, falfe. Ell, iall. A flock, multitude. Eifmeach. Unready. Ell. Hazard, danger. Eifreacht. An orphan. Ell. Battle. Eifredheadh. To loofe, untie. Ellea. Elecampane. Eifteachd. Death. Elteafaidheachd. Warmth, heat. Eiftam. To hear. Elton. Steep, up-hill. En, eun. A bird. e £-[ ” ^ A quill, feather, wing. En. Vide Ein, ean, the fame as Aon. Eiteach. Wings, fins. Encheannaigh. The comb of a cock. .Eitireach. Winged. Eneach. A fhirt, fmock. Eite. An addition to the ploughftiare Eneaclann. Reparation, amends. when worn. Enne. Behold ! fee ! Eo. E R C E U G

;Eo. A falmon. Ercheannchaidhe. Moft certainly, aflu- Eo. A peg, pin, bodkin, nail, thorn, redly. point. Erchrethe. Tranfitory. Eo. Praife, good, worthy, refpeiShible. Erebeirt. A burden, carriage. Eo, The yew-tree. Erin. Ireland. Eo. A grave, place of interment, tomb. Erinnach. Irifh, Irifliman. Eobhrat. Head-drefs, coif, cap. Email. A fign, prognoftication, fore- Eocha. Name of a man. Lat. Eucha- token. dius. Erog. Ice. Eochair, iuchair. A key. Erogach. Eochair. Brim, brink, edge. Erlamh. A faint, holy perfon. Eochair. A tongue. Err, earr. An end, tail, fin. Eochair. The rann of fifh. Earraid. An error, miftake. Eochair. A young plant, fprout. Efceptus. Oppofing. Eogan. Owen, the name of feveral great Efreimeach. Deviating. men in Ireland. Efs. A fhip or veflel. Eoghunn. Youth. Efs. 7 „ , I Death. Eoin. John. Etfeacht.r J Eoin. Of a bird. Etenge. A mute. Eoinfhiadhachd. Fowling. Ette. Age. Eoin-fliealgair. A fowler. Ettionach. An eunuch. Eol. j Knowledge, fcience, art; charm, Ettreifigham. To awake a perfon. Eolas. J noftrum. Ettuachail. Unhandy. Eolach. Knowing, acquainted, {killed, ex- Ettualang. Incapable, unable. pert. Eud, ead, eada. Jealoufy, zeal. Eolchaire. Sorrow, mourning, grief, con- Eudach, aodach, eadach. Cloth, clothes. cern. Eudadh, eidadh. Clothing, drefling. Eolchaireachd. Sad, forrowful, Eudmhor. Jealous, zealous. Eolgagh. Knowing, fkilful. Eudmhorachd. Zealoufnefs. Eoluidhe. A guide, director, Eudal. Treafure, wealth, riches, lucre. Eolus. Vide Eolas. Eudolach. Rich. Eonadan. A cage, aviary. Eudann, aodann. The forehead. Eondraoitham. To divine by the flight of Eug. Dying, death. birds. Eugam. To die, perifh. Eonfhaigam. Idem. Eugcoir. Wrong, injuftice. Eorbhrat. A coif, cap. Eugcorach. Injurious, unjuft. Eorna. Barley. Eugcruaidh. An infirm perfon, fick, weak. Eos, ad eos. It was faid. Eugcruas. Sicknefs, infirmity. Er. Great, noble. Eugnaidh. 7 „ ■l Irrational, Era. A denial, refufal. hucconaidh. J Eraidh. Apparel. Eugfamhuil. Matchlefs, various. Vide Ercheallan. A pole, flake. Eagfamhuil. [Pp] Eugas, E U G E U T

Eugas, eugafg. Likenefs, image,, Eunadan. An aviary, Eugfhaoghar. Diffonance. Eunadair. A fowler, bird-catcher. Eugfhaogharach. Diffonant. Eunadair-malluichte. The devil. Euladh, eulaghadh. Efcape. Eunadairachd. Fowling. Eulaigham. To efcape, fneak off. Eunbhrith. Broth, gravy. Eulaightheach. A deferter. Eunlion. A fowler’s net. Eulfartadh. Slumbering. Eun-uafal. A foreign bird. Eulogh. An efcape. Eunchriodhach. Timid, hen-hearted. Eun. A bird, fowl. Eurmaireachd. Galloping, riding. Eun-fionn. The kite. Eurn. The lake of Ern in Ulfter. Eunlaith. Fowls, birds. Eutrom. Vide Eattrom.


FIs the fixth letter of the alphabet, Fabharach. Favourable. and is called Fearn, the alder-tree. Fabhram. To favour, befriend. It has the fame power and found as in other Fabhra. A veil, curtain, eye-lid, fringe* languages, but is filent before h. Fabhranta. The eye-lids, eye-lafhes. Fa, fo, fuidh. Under. Fabhrantaeb. Ciliary. Fabhra. February. t Backwards, b a dhruim. i Fabhthoirfe. Negligence. Fa leath. 7 . , Fabhthoirfeach. Carelefs, negligent. — „ , > A part, one by one. Fa feach. i Facal. A word. Fa chomhair. Before. Faclach. Full of words. Fa thuairam. Towards, about. Fach. The hole of a lobfter. Fadheoidh. Finally. Fachaim. Matter, caufe, reafon, motive, Fa dheireadh. At length. Fachach. A puffin. Fa dho. Twice. Fachain. A calling, temptation. Fa re cheile. Together. Fachain. Fighting, engaging, Fa-thri. Thrice. Fachail, Strife. Fa. Sometimes unto, as Fachaill. Full of woods, Fan choill. Unto the wood. Fachtnach. Juft. Fa. Sometimes for bu, ba, was, were. Facht. A battlingO or fighting.OO Fabhal. A fable, romance. Fad, fada. Long, tall. Fabhal. An expedition, journey. Fad. Length. Fabhaltas. Profit, benefit, gain, income. Am fad. Whilft. Fabhar. Favour, friendfhip. Fadaigham. To ftretch, lengthen. Fadachadh* FAG F A I

Fadachadh. Stretching, lengthening. Fagifg, fogafg. Near. Fadadh. Kindling, lighting. Faic. A fparkle. Fadaidham. To kindle. Faicam. To fee. Fadadh-cluaife. Priming of a gun, a Faicin, faicfin. Seeing. match. Faice. A ftitch. Fadadh-cruaidh. Part of a rainbow in bluf- Faicealach. Evident, manifeft. tering weather, which failors call a Faicealachd. Evidence. dog. Faiceamhuil. Important, of a moment, in Fadadh-fpuince. Touchwood, tinder. a trice. Fadail. Delay, prolixity. Faiche. A field, green. Fadail. Lingering. Faiche-bhula. A bowling-green. Fadalach. Tedious, lingering. Faicheachd. Walking in the fields. Fadalam. To linger, procraftinate. Faicheal. Wages, reward, falary. Fadh,fadhb. A mole, opportunity. Faicheallach. A lamp, light, candle ; lumi- Fadchluafach. Long-eared. nous. Fadchofach. Long-legged. Faichios. Fear. Fadfhulang. Longanimity. Faicfinach. Vifible. Fadfhulangach. Long-fuffering. Faicji. Caution, guard, watch. Fadh. Cut. Faicilach. Cautious. Fadh. Science. Faide. Longer. Fadhb. A queflion, riddle, a knot. Faide mach. Remoteft, utmoft. Fadhb. A fault, a widow. Faide. Length. Fadhban. A mole-hillock. Faideocham. To deceive. Fadhlaidh. Loofing. Faideog. Lot, chance. Fadhlaim. To diftinguifli. Faidh. He went. Faid, faidh. Fadht. Breath. | A prophet. Fadog. To provoke. Faidheadoir. Fadlhaoghlach. Long-lived. Faidheadoirachd. Prophecying, prophecy. Faetham. To kill. Faideamhuil. Prophetic, critical, witty. Faethe, faetheadh. Laughter. Faidham. To find j to give up, to yield, Fafa ! O ftrange ! Faidhbhile. A beech. Fagam. To leave, quit, wreft. Faidhidin. Patience. Fagal. Leaving, quitting. Faidid. Diftance. Fagha, fogha. A fpear, an attempt, of- Faidhir. A fair. fer. Faidhirin. A fairing-. Faghal. Getting, finding, obtaining. Paidfeach. Lumpifh. Faghal. Power. Faigheoladh. Day. Faghaim. To get, obtain, find. Faig. A prophet. Faghaltach. ) advantageous. Faigfile, faighleadh. Words, converfa- Fdghaltaifeach. 1 6 tion. Faghaltas. Gain, profit, advantage. Faighleadh. Ivy. Faghraim. To favour, befriend. Faigin. A fheath, fcabbard. Faghbham. To flrip. Faigham. To fpeak, talk. I Faighidin. F A I F A l

Faighidin. Patience. Faill, foill. Leifure. Faighidinach. Patient. Faillbhe, faillbhachd. Emptinefs. Faighleadh. Converfation, taking hold Faille. Danger, decay. of. Faillean, Sucker of a tree, root, root of Faigh. Begging by patent or leave; in the ear. Scotland a thickfter. Faillol. Deceitful. Fail. The hickup. Failm. The tiller of a Blip. Fail. A ring, wreath, ouch, a ftall. Failnich. Trifling. Fail-fheula. Motto, fuperfcription. Faillfuigham. To fweat, perfpire. Fail, fial. Generous. . Faillfeach. Sudorific. Fail. Company, fo.ciety. Failleadh. Negledt, failure, otniffion. Fail. Fatal. Faillighe. Lapfe. Failbhe. Lively. Failligham. To fail, neglect, delay. Failbheas. Livelinefs. Failligheach. Drowfy. Failbeim. Blafting as of corn. Failte. A welcome, falutation, hail. Failbhigham. Failteach.. Welcome. | To quicken. Failbham. Failtigham. To.welcome, greet, falute. Failbheadh. Vegetation. Failtughadh, Saluting, greeting. Fail-mhuc. A hog-ftye. Failthin. An intermeddler, Fail-chuach. Violet. Faime. Border, hem. Fail-chon. A dog-kennel. Faimeam. To hem, Failc. A gap, opening, a hair-lip mouth. Faine. A ring. Tailce. Bathing. Faine. A wart. Vide Foine. Failceam, falceam. To bathe. Fainne. Weakening, leffening, languifh- Failce-teth. Hot-baths. ment. Failcis,. A pit. Faing, fang. A certain Irifh coin. Failceann. A lid. Faing, fang. A raven. Faije. Scent, fmell. Vide Aile. Fainge. An infignificant. Faile-cumhra. A fweet fmell. Fainnadh, fionnadh. The hair of the Failam. To fmell. body. Failais. A fhadow. Fainne. Ignorance. Faileachan. An ear-ring. Fair. Watch thou. Faileog. A hump or hillock, hickup, Fairam. To watch, guard. Faileabadh. Peath, Fair. The rifing or fetting of the fun. Failgeach. Poor. Fairb. Weeds. Failgam. To beat. Fairbre. A notch, impreffion ; a fault, ftain, Failidh. To exhale. blemifh. Failnughadh. A failing. Fairce. Extent. Failnigham. T'o fail. Fairche. Diocefe, epifcopal fee, FairceaL A reward. f A kernel, a hard lump of Jflefli. Failin. 5 ’ ^ Fairdhreis. A bramble. Faill. Ra:ber Aill. A cliff, precipice. Faire, fairadh. A watching, watchfulnefs ; Fail!. Advantage, opportunity. a watch-hill, height. Fai reach. F A I FA L

Faireach. Watchful. '' Faiffeanoir. A foothfayer, augur, pro- Faireog. A hump, hillock j a wax kernel, phet. gland. Faiftine. An omen, prophecy. Fairfonadh. Warning. Faiftineach. A wizard, foothfayer. Fairegach. Glandular. ell Faire ! Fie ! behold ! Faitcheas. J Fear’ aPPrehenfl°n. Fairigan. An interjedlion of admiration. Faital. Light. Fairge. The fea, a fea or wave. Faiteach. Fearful, timorous, fliy. Fairgfeoir. A fpy. Faiteal. Mufic. Fairigh. Aparilh. Faithche, faith. A field. Fairiogfionach. A brave champion. Faitcheachd. Stalking gait, walking in Fairigham. To watch, perceive. the fields. Fairughadh. Perception. Faitchal. Stately. Fairmheadh. Pofition, fituation. Faith. Heat, warmth. Fairmam. A train, retinue. Faith. Apparel, raiment. Fairnicam. To obtain, get, invent, de- Faithe. The hem of a garment. vife. Faitheimid. A field, green. Fairfpeag. A large gull. Faithne. A wart. Fairrigeoir. A failor. Faitighios. Reludfance, dread of bad con- Fairfeang. Wide, large, fpacious. fequence. Fairfinge. Plenty, largenefs, extent. Faithim, faime. The hem or border of a Fairfingam. To enlarge. garment. Fairfion. Upon. Faithioltoir. A broker. Fairthe. Soon, quickly. Faithirleog. A fwallow, a lapwing. Fairthe. A feaft. Faithlios. A wardrobe. Faifce. Cheefe, preflure, violence. Faithliofoir. The yeomen of the robes. Faifceadh. A penfold. Faithneam. A liking. Faifcre. Compullion, violence. laitfe. The fouth, fouthern point. Faifcre. I aitfeach. Southward, fouthern. Cheefe. Faifgre. Fal. A fold, penfold, circle. Faifg, faifgeadh. A fold. Fal. Wall, hedge. Faifgeadh. A fqueezing. Fal-dos. A thorn hedge. Faifgeamhuil. Flat, compreffed. Fal. A fcythe, fpade. Faifgam. To fqueeze, wring, comprefs. Fal mhonadh. A peat fpade. Faifgte. Squeezed, compreffed. Fal. A king, great perfonage. Faifgain. A prefs, a fpunge. Fal. Much, plenty, a trifle. Faifigham. To remain. Fal. Guarding, tending cattle. Faifneis. Speakable. Fala. Spite, grudge, malice, fraud, trea- Faifneife. Intelligence, rehearfal, rela- chery. tion. Falach. A veil, covering, a cafe. Faifneigham. To certify, prove, tell, re- Falachadh. Hiding. late. r alachda-fionn. Places in the fields, ac ■ [Q.qJ cording F A L FAN

cording to Keating, where Fingal and his Fallaineachd. a Wholefomnefs, healthinefs, fon ufed to light fires. Fallaine. } health. Faladair. Orts. Fallamhnachd. Rule, dominion. Faladh. Hatred. Fallamhnam, To govern, rule as a king. Falaigham. To hide, cover, keep elofe, Fallamhnas. A kingdom, dominion. conceal. Fallan. Sound, healthy. Falain. A whale. Fallanachd. Health, foundnefs. Falaifg. Moorburn. Falluinn. A mantle, cloak, a hood. Falamh. Empty. Fallofgadh. Setting on fire, burning, com- Falamhnughadh. Dominion, fovereignty. buftion. Falaightheoir. One who covers or Falloifgam. To burn. hides. Fallfa. Deceitful. Falaid. A glofs, polifh, meal put on a cake Fallfachd. Deceit, fallacioufnefs, philofo- to make it look white. phy. Falarafa. j Pacing, ambling, horfeman- Fall us. Sweat, perfpiration. Falarachd. ) {hip. Fallufuigham. To fweat, perfpire. Falaire. An ambler, pacer. Falmadair. A tiller. Falatas. Chaftifement. Falmuir. A hole. Falbhach. One troubled with the hick- Falra, falarachd. Pacing, ambling. ups. Falraigham. To pace, amble. Falbham. To go away. Falfa. Falfe, deceitful. Falam. To hedge, inclofe. Falfachd. Deceit, falfhood. Falc. Barren, fteril. Faltan. A welt, belt, ribbon for the head, Falc. Froft, fierility from drought. fnood. Falc. A flood. Faltanas. An occafion, pretence, quarrel, Falcare. A fcoffer, cheat. enmity. Falcam. To bathe. Falumhain. A fort of coarfe garment. Falcadh-teth. Hot baths. Fa’m, fo’m, fu’m. Under me. Falcus. A {hade, Ihadow. Famh. A mole. Falgha. A jeft. Famhair, fomhait. A giant. Falgleuta. A hedge. Famhthorr. A mole-hill. Falidh. Softly. Fa’n. Under the. Falla. Dominion. Fan, fana. Prone, propenfe. Fallam. To come. Fan. j A declivity, fteep, inclination, Fallamh. Empty. Fanadh. i defcent, headlong. Fallamhachd. Fan. Stay thou, wait thou. F allumhe. ( Emptinefs. Fanachd. Staying. Fallamhad. J Fanam. To ftay, wait. Fallamhuigham. To empty. Fanam. To precipitate. Fallaimhe. Emptier. Fan. A wandering, ftraying, peregrina- Fallamhaichoir. Emunctory, tion. Fallain, fallan. Healthy, wholefome. Fan. A church, chapel, fane. F anear. FAQ F A O

Fanear. Observation, notice, heed, Faodhbham. To Shout, cry aloud, pro- Fan-Lobuis. Name of a church in the claim. county of Corke. Faogh. PuniShment. Fanaictheach. Mad, frantic, fanatic. Faoghaid. Game, men that Start game. Fang, faing. A raven, vulture. Faoghaidaiche. Carnivorous birds. Fang. A pound to catch cattle in. Faoghar. A found, voice, confonant.. Fangam. To drive to a fold. Faoi, fuidh. Below, beneath. Fang, faing. An Irilh coin, gold or Silver Faoi. A vice or turn. leaf. Faoi dho. Twice. Fan-leac. An altar of rude ftone, a Hone Faoi fin. For that reaSon. in an inclined poSition. Faoibh. Dead men’s cloaths. Fanlonta. Slender. Faoichearbaire. An ufurer. Fann. I Faint, weak, infirm-. Faoichearbam. To lay out monev at in- Fannanta. 5 tereft. Fannad. Faintnefs, weaknefs. Faoidh. Departing. Fannthath. Ignorant. Faoidheamh.. A meffenger. Fanning. Weak. Faoidham. To Sleep, reft ; ro faoidh for Fanntais. Weaknefs, languiihing. leic, Slept on a rock. Fanntaifeach. Fainting, inclining to Faoidham. To go, to fend. faint. Faoidh; A voice, noile, found. Fannuighe. Away. Faoileach, faoilidh. Glad, joyful, thankful. Fannuidhideach. Negligent, carelefs^ Faoiligham. To rejoice,-be glad. Fannuigham. To faint. Faoilidh. Generous, hofpitable.

Fanoid.' Mockery, ridicule, derifion. Faoileann. 1 . r Fanoidaiche. A mimick, mocker. Faoileag. D Fanoideach. Derifive, mocking.. Faoill. Deceit. Fanntaloch. Waiting, refting. Faoilleach. i February, half of February Fanntin. Remaining, ftaying, Faoillidh. J and January, bad weather. Faobhar. Edge of a tool or weapon. Faoileach. Holydays, carnival. Faobham. To rob. Faoimh-chial. Interpretation. Faobharach. Sharp, keen-edged, adlive, Faoin. Weak, mean. nimble. Faoin. Sloping. Faobhairt. Edge, temper. Faoinam. To indulge. Faobharam. To whet. Sharpen. Faoinbleghan. Gentlenefs, mildnefs, Faoch. A field. Faoine. Faochadh. Crifis in ficknefs. Faoineachd. Vanity, idlenefs. Faochag-thuachaill. A whirlpool. Faoinas. Faochag. A periwinkle; the eye. Faoineachd. Enquiring, enquiry.. Faodalaiche. A foundling. Faoineadh. Indulging. Faodal. Waif. Faoinealach. Foolifh, filly. Faodh, faoi. The voice. Faoifdin. i Faoighle. Words, expreflion. Faoifide. }Co^Sfion, confefling.. Faoifeadh. F A R FAS

Faoifeadh. Helping, recovering, aid, reco- FarbhuiHadh. A back blow. very from ncknefs. Farainm. A nick-name. Faoifgeog. A filbert. Farcluaifam. To eaves-drop. Faoifneadh. Burfting from the hufk. Farcluais. Eaves-dropping. Faoite. Sending. Farchroicionn. Epidermis. Faol. Patience, forbearance. Fardach. -Quarters, lodgings, an houfe. Faol. Wild. Fardin. Farthing. Faolchu. A wild dog,-wolf. Farca teintidhe. A flaming thunder- Faoladh. Learning. bolt. Faoladh. Learned. Fardail. The major part of any thing, Faolam. To teach. Fardorus. The lintel of a door. Faolchon. The falcon. Faredrum. A faddle-back. Faolfhulang. A prop. Fargam. To kill, deffroy. Faoloch. A bird of prey. Farghbhais. That leaves behind. Faolfcadh. Burning, fetting on fire. Fari. Reins of a bridle. I'aollhnamh. Swimming. Farlaicam. To caff, overcome. Faomaidhteach. Submiffive, humble. Farmad. Envy. Faomh. Confent, permiffion. Farmbala. Eyelids. Faomham. To affent, to bear with. Farnaicam. Vide Farnicam. Faomhar. Harveft. Farrach. Violence, force. Faombathair. A predeceiTor. Farradh. Comparifon. Faon. Void, empty, feeble, fiaondra. Wandering. Far ri^ 1 comPany along with. Faofamh. Proteddion, relief. Farraidam. To enquire. Faofaid. Confeffion. Farraid. Enquiry, queftion. Faoitin. Finding, obtaining. Farran. Force, violence, anger. Far. For. Farranta. Tombs. Faradh. A ladder. Farranta. Great, ffout, generous. Farachdach. A mallet, beetle. Farrantas. Power, Fardh. Freight, naulage. Farfan. Explication. Faradail. Greater part. Farfing. Wide, large. Faram. To freight. Farfneachd. Width. Faradh. Litter put in a boat to receive Farfnigham. To widen, increafe, horfes. Parruineog. A lattice. Farall. A fample, pattern. Farufcag. Artichoke. Farallam. To bear, carry, offer, prefent. Farfpag. A gull. Faran. Wild garlick. Faruifg. Lees, dregs. Faran. A turtle. Faruin na beine. Opening between moun- Faraon. Together, at once. tains. Faraor! Alas! Farthadh. Hen-rooft. Farafda. Solid, fober, eafy, foftly. Fas. Growing, increafe, growth. Farbhonn. Upper-fole of a flioe. Fas. Grow thou. Farbhalla. Buttrefs. Fas. Empty, vacant, hollow. 6 Fas FAT F E A

Fas na h aon oich. A mufhroom. Fath. The breath, breathing. Fafach. A defert, wildernefs. Fathach. Prudence, knowledge. Fafag, feu fag. A beard. Fathach, athach. A giant. Fafam. To grow, increafe. Fathan. A journey. Fafaicham. To defolate. Fathas. Skill, poetry, prudence. Fafamhuil. Growing, increafing, wild de- Fathfhaim. The hem of a garment. fert. Fathaft. Seafonable, as yet. Fafan. Fafhion. Fathbhan. Mole-hill. Fafanta. Decent, fafhionable. Fathdhorus. A fmall door, wicket. Fafbhuin. Stubble. Fatche. A green. Fafchoill. A young erove. Fathoide. A fchool-mafler, ufiier. Fafd. Yet. Fathsgriobham. To fubjoin. Fasfhallamh. Ruinous. Fathfgriobhadh. Subjoining. Fafg. A prifon. Fathfgriobhte. Subjunctive. Fafgadair caife. A cheefe vat. Fatfeach. Southward. Fafgadh. Shelter, lee, refuge, fparks from Fatuaim. Law. red hot iron. Fe, fo, fa, fuidh. Under. Fafgadh. Wringing, fqueezing. Fe. A meafuring-rod, a rod to meafure Fafgadan. A fconce, umbrella, {hade. graves. Fafgidh. Sheltered. Fe. A hedge, pound, penfold, park. Fafgam. Vide Faifgam. Feab. Good. Fafgan. A mufcle. Feab. A widow. Faflaich, Vacuities. Feabh. As if. Faflairt. Encampment. Feabh. A conflict, fkirmifti. Faflomairt. An expeditious way of dref- Feabh. Means, power, faculty. fing victuals in the flomach of an animal Feabhal. Loch Foyle in Ulfter. amongft the Highlanders. Feabhas. ? Goodnefs, beauty, comelinefs, Fafnam. To cleanfe, winnow. Feabhus.J decency. Fafgnam. To purge. Feabhdha. Goodnefs, honefty, knowledge. Fafmhor. Lonely, folitary, defolate. Feabhra. February. Fafnag. A fan to winnow. Feabhfa. Rent. Fafne. i Feabhfa. Science. Fafneog ) A wheal, pimple, meafle. Feabhfach. Cunning, fkilful. Faffach. Stubble. Feac, Feach. The handle of a fpade, flraft. Faffradh. Harnefs. Feach. A journey. Faffuigham. To Hop, ftay, make faft, to Feacadh. A turning. hire. Feacidh. They put, fet. F^ftughadh. Fattening, fecuring, feizing. Feacam. To bow, bend. Fafuicham. To deftroy, lay watte. Feacc, focc. A tooth. Fath. Caufe, reafon, opportunity. Feach. See, behold. Path. Skill, knowledge. Feacham. To fee, behold, to try. Fath. A poem. Feachadh. A pick-ax, mattock. Fath. A mole, a field. Feachadair. A wizard, a feer. Fath. Heat. [Rr] Feachain. F E A F E A

Peachain. A view, fight, trying. Feadhaireacht. Strolling, idling, Feachd. Time, turn, vice, alternative. Feadhaim. To rehearfe, relate. Feachd. Journey, expedition. Feadhain. A band, troop, company,. Feachd. Danger. Feachd. Forces, trained-bands, levy. Feachda. Crooked. Feadhb. A fault, defedf. Feachdadh. Bending, moving. Feadhb. A widow. Feachdnan. On a certain time. Feadh-chua. Venifon ; an extenfive coun- Feachte. The cramp. try. Feachfaithar. They flrall be fent. Feadhanach. A breeze. Feachtha. Feadhmach. Potent. ^ Was fought, fent. Feachna. Feadhmadoir. He that hath the ufe of a Feadam. To teltell, relate, amhuil ad fead thing. leabhar Glinn da Loch, as the book of Feadhmam, feimam. To make ufe of, ta Glen dai Loch relates.i ferve, adminifter. Fead. Feadhmanach. A governor, overfeer, ftew- {a. Whittle, or fhrill noife. Feaduighioliighiol. J ard, fervant. Feadalach. Feadhmantas. ^ | Whittling, hitting. | Superintendence. Feadaireachd, Feadlimantachd. Feadam. To whittle* Feadhmanta. Official. Fead. A bulrufh. Feadhmghlacam. To make one’s own by Fead. A fathom. pofleffion. Fead. An ifland. Feadhmghnathughadh. Ufurpation. Feada coile. Bulruflies, wild forrel. Feadhna. A captain. Feadadh. A relation, rehearfal. Feagha. A beech tree. Feadag. A flute, a plover. Feag. A tooth, offence. Feadaim, Feudam. To be able. Feagadh. To fee. Vide Feacham*. Feadan. A pipe, reed, flute, a fpout, hol- Feagh. A fathom. low place through which the wind ed- Feagadh. Perhaps. dies. Feal. Bad, naughty, evil. Feadanach.inach. 1 . Feal. Treafon, fubtilty. > A piper, Feadaire,lire, j Fealb. A kernel, lump in the flefii. Feadanam. To pipe, whittle. Fealcaidh. Auftere, harfih, deceitful,knavifhF

Feadarlaigh. The Old Law or Teftament. Fealcaidheachd. Sharpnefs, fournefs2. Feadarthachd. Poflibility. knavery. Fead ghuile. Lamentation. Fealcaidheas. A debatej.difpute. Feadghaile. A noife the belly of fome horfes Feall. Treafon, treachery, confpiracy, make as they ride. murder. Feadh. Extent. , Feallam. To deceive, fail. Feadh. Whilft, during. Feallan. Felon, nefcock. Feadh, fiodh. Timber, woods. Feallghniomh. A vile adlion. Feadha. A calm. Feallduine. A bad man. Feadhaireachd. A gift or prefent, Feallmhian* A confpiracy. 7 Feallfa* F E A F E A

Feallfamh. j r , Fear-oibre. Workman. Feallfanach.i }| A philofopher. Fear-aifaig. Ferryman. Feallfa. Fear-labheirt. Speaker. | Philofophy. Feallfamhnachd. Fear-lagh. A lawyer. Feallfamhnach. A fophifter. Fear-iafachd. Borrower. Feallmhac. A learned man. Fear-breige. A puppet. Fealltamhuil. Murderous, traitorous* Fear faire na h aon fuil. A charafter in an Fealtoir. A traitor, villain. Irifh novel. Feamach. Grofs, fuperfluous, dirty. Fear-leathfgeoil. Excufer. Feamachas.. Superfluity, groffnefs. Fear-fearcluais. Eaves-dropper. Feamain. Bladder fucus. Fear-inntleachd. Engineer. Feamnach.lach. I „ , Fear-dana. A poet. >• Sea-ore,.fea-weed.r Feamuin.nn. J F eara-feoirna. ChelTmen. fleam. 1 . Fearamhail. Manly, brave. Feaman. J A 31 * Fearan. Wild garlick. Feancadh. Wreftling, wreathing, crook- Fearan. A queeft, ring-dove. ednefs.. Faran-eidhion. A turtle. Feanchas. Genealogy. Fearanda. A countryman, a boor,,farmer. Feanndag Ghreugach. Fenugrek. Fearann. Ground, land, country, Feanndag. Nettles. Fearann ban. Lay land. Feannam. To flay. Fearafadh. Imitation. Feannog. A Royfton crow, a whiting, Fearafoir. Imitator, mimick. Feannta. Full of holes. Fearb. A cow. Fear. Good.. Fearb. A word. Fear. A.man,.a hulband.- Fearb. A wheal, pimple, any excrefcence, Fear n’a bainnfe. Fearb. Goodnefs. > A bridegroom. Fearnuadh pofda. Fearbam. To kill, deftroy, maflacre. Fear, feur. Grafs, Fearbhan. The herb crow-foot. Fear tirim. Hay. Fearbhaire. A herdfman, Farachas. Manhood. Fearboc. A roebuck. Fearachas-tighe, Hufbandry. Fearbholg. A fcabbard, {heath, budget. Fear na cairn. An outlaw. Fearchuidreadh. Threefold. Fear-ceaird. A tradefman. Fearchur. A champion, manhood, courage,. Fear-ancheairt. A droll. Feardha. Male. Fear-brataich. Enfign-bearer, Feardhachd. Manhood, Fear-drabhlinn. Jefter. Fearg. Anger. Fear-cuiridh. Inviter. Fearg. A champion, warrior. Fearam. To aft like a man,.to fight* Feargach. Angry, paflionate. Fearachalbaile. CEconomy.. ' Feargachd. Anger, paffion. Fearairm. A hay-loft, hay-yard. Feargam. To vex, fret. Fearadhachd. i Force, might, power, man- Fearmhaic. Strong, able man. Fearamhlachd. f linefs. Fearmhar. Graffy. Fear-fuiridh. Suitor. Fearn. The elder-tree j .the letter F. Feart-foirneart. A robber, violent man,. Fearn, r e A F E I

Fearn. Good. Feasfhothargadh. Fearn. A flaield. Feafghlanadh. } A gargarifm. Fearna. Town of Ferns in Ireland, Feafgalaidhe. A herald. Fearna. The mafl: of a fhip. Feafgor. A feparation. Fearnaidhe. Mafculine. Feafog. A beard, feelers.; a herd. Fcarr. Better. Feaftreach. A muzzle. F'earradha. Vide Fearadha. Feat, feadam. To whiffle, hifs. Frarradhachd. Manhood. Feat. Mufic, harmony. Fearfa. A verfe. Feath. Learning, (kill, knowledge, Fearfaid. A fpindle. Feathadh. The fight. Fearfaid. A ftrand-pit, ulna brachialis, or Feath. A calm, tranquillity, a bog. cubit. Feathamhuil. Calm, ffill, quiet. Fearfaid. A wallet. Feathamhlachd. Calmnefs, fflllnefs. Fearfan.. A fhort verfe. Feathaigham. To quiet, calm, frill, be- Fearfcal. A man. calm. Fearfda. A pool, Handing water. Feathal. The face, countenance. Feart. A good or virtuous add. Feathal. A bowl, cup; a fur. Feart. Virtue, attribute, repute. Feathan. Fur,hair. Feartal. Reputable. Feathmaith. Sinewy. Feart. A miracle. Feathfgarileadh. The palfy. .Feart. A grave, tomb. Feb. Whilft, as long as. Feart. Country, land. Febhafaigam. To corredl, amend. Feartamhuil. Miraculous. Fee. Weaknefs, feeblenefs. Feartaigham. To bury. Fed. A narrative, relation. Feartaille. A funeral oration. Fedaim. To tell, relate. Fearthuin. i . Fed. Hard, difficult. ; Fearfhion. i Ram' Fedh. Calm, refpite. Feartuinach. Rainy. Fedhan. Flight. Feartmholladh. i A funeral oration, pane- Fedoil. Cattle. Feartghraimh. i gyrick. Feibh. As. Feas, fios. Knowledge. Feibh. A long life. Feafach. Knowing, fkilful. Feibh. Good. Feafag, feufag. A beard, fibre. Feicam. To be in a continual motion, to Feafcartha. Late in the evening. fidget. Feafcar. The evening. Feich, feith. A finew. Feofcorluch. A dormoufe, field-moufe.j a „ . , i A debto buzzing infedl that flies about in the feichnean. ) evening. Feidhil. Juft, true, faithful, chafte. Feafcarach. Late. Feideog. A green-plover. Feafd, am feafd. Never, ever; Feidhlidhe. A follower. Feafda. A feaft, entertainment. Feidhlidham. To continue true and faith- Feafda. A feftival, feflivity. ful. Feafda, feafd. Hereafter, henceforward. Feidhm, feim. life, employment. Feidhmcheufam. F E I F E I

Feidhmcheufam. Toufurp. Feimalachd. Neceffity, need. Feidhmghlic. Provident. Feimalach. A needy perfon. Feidmfhealbhaigam. To make a thing one’s Feimam. To need, require. own by long poffeffion. Feimglic. Providential. Feidhmal. Needful, neceffary. Feimdheadh. Denial, refufal. Feidhmalachd. Need, neceflity. Feimean. The feminine gender. Feidil. Faithful. Feimineach. Feminine, effeminate. Feidir, feadar. Able, pofiible. Feir. A bier, coffer. Feigh. Bloody. Fein. Self. Feigh. Sharp. Feine. A farmer, boor, ploughman. Feigh. Deer. Feinne. The celebrated militia of Ireland. Feighe. A warrior, champion, flaughterer. Feinfhiofrach. Confcious, experienced. Feighe. The top of a houfe, hill, moun- Feinfhios. 1 Confcioufnefs, experi— tain. Feinfhiofrachd. J ence. Feighligh. Long. Feiniorioflachd. Condefcenfion- Feighligham. To catch, apprehend. Feinfhoghintach. Self-fufficient. Feil. Secretly. Feinioriofal. Condefcending. Feil, feile. r Vigil of a feftival, holiday, Feinfhoghaintas. Self-fufEciency- Feighhil. 3 market. Feinghluaifair. Automaton. Feil. Long. Feinghluafach. Automatical. Feil-Michail. Feinmhort. Suicide. | Michaelmas. Feileoinrod. Feinfpeis. Self-conceit. Feil-Martuin. Martinmas- Feir. Of hay or grafs. Feil-Eoin. St. John’s day. Feirdhris. A. bramble, briar. Feilanriogh. Epiphany. Feiread. A ferret. Feirge. Anger, indignation- Felleachd. S G'n'r°r't>'’ lib"alitr- Feirn-feoil luinge. The lower end of amaft. Feile. Arrant, baddn. ahigh degree- Feirrfi. Strength,, courage. Feile-flaith. A bad mafter. Feirfde. The pits or, lakes of water on the Feilfios. The fecond-fight. fand at low ebb, whence beul na fearfde, Feiliocan. A May-bug. Belfaft. Feilios. Vanity, trifle. Feis. A convention, convocation, fynod.

Feilin. A fea-gull. Vide Faolann. Feis. 7 A . . „ Feiliofach. Frivolous, trifling. Feifd J An entertainment, feaft- Feilioflathrair. A wheedler, a fmall talker- Feifdam. To feaft. Feillmhian, Vide Feallmhiann. Feis. A pig,,fwine.. Feilirg. A feftilogium, calendar. Eeifain.n. ? .. > A young cat. Feille. A market-day, feftival, holiday. Feifag. Feis.. Carnal communications MiTghh,dh j F'am"fo keePb’sbo*^ays*' Feifte^ feifteas. Entertainment, accommo- Feilteog. A cod; dation. Feim. Need, ufe. Feifteas oiche. A night’s lodging. Feimal. Needful, neceflary. Feith. Hons.y-fuckle, [s q Feith, F E G FEU

Feith. A finew. Feoladairachd. Bufinefs of a butcher. Feithchrupadh. Spafm. Feoilithach. Carnivorous. Feith. Tranquillity, filence, calmnefs. Feolmhar. Flefhy, carnal. Feitham. To wait, attend, ilay. Feolmhorachd. Luff, carnality. Feithach. "i" . Feolmhach. Flefh-meat. Feithanach. i Feorag. I fuppofe a fquirrel. Feithamh. Waiting, attending. Feoran. A green, a mountain-valley, land Feithide. A beaft. adjoining to a brook, Feithis. To gather, affemble, keep, pre- Feoraigham. To afk, enquire. ferve. Feorachadh. Alking, enquiring. Feithleog. The hulk, pod of beans, peas, Feornan. A pile of grafs. &c. Feorlan. A meafure containing four pecks. Feitheamhaoir. Anoverfeer. Feotham. To wither. Feithin. A tendon. Feothan. 7 . ■p , > A thiftle. Feitheomh. A creditor. h eothanan. 3 Fel. Strife, debate. Feothas. Goodnefs, better. Feleacan. A butterfly. Feren. A thigh. Feleaftar. A flag. Feren. A cingle, girth. Fes. A mouth, an entry. FeW I Hon'eyfuckIe- Fefam. To kill, deftroy ; fes am milidh, rem. 7 . he fhall kill the champion. ^ ? AA wire,r lemen. 3 Feth. A finew. Fen. A wain, cart, waggon. Feth. Science, knowledge, inftrudlion. Fencheap. The ring of a waggon. Fetha. Fur, hair. Feneoir. A carter, waggoner. Fethlen. 7 „ . . }• Honeyfuckle. Feneul. Fennel. Fethleog. ) 1 Feneul-athaich. Fennel-giant. Feubham. To wait. Feocham. To droop, fade, decay. Feuch! See! behold! Feocullan. A pole-cat. Feucham. To fee, vifit, behold, try, Feodaidh. FTard. tafte. Feodhas. Better. Feuchadoir. A wizard. Feodhradh. A manner, fafhion. Feuchain. Trial, feeing, vifiting, a look, Feoghain. Folks. afpedt. Feoghaicham. To fade. Feud. Can, able. Feoil. Flefh. Feudam. To be able. Feoildhatha. Garnation colour. Feuddam. To v/hiftle. Feoilchroidhog. A flelh-worm. Feudd. A whiffle. Feoirling. A farthing. Feudag. A flute, a plover. Feoirna. Chefs. Feudan. A flute. Vide Feadan. Feoite. Faded. Feudairachd. ? Feol, feoil. Flefh. Feudalach. J Wh''»'"S- Feolghabhal. Incarnation. Feudin. Being able. Feoiadair. A butcher, fleflier. Feudmach. Potent, Feudhmantach, F I A V I A

Feudhmantach. Superintendent. Fiadha. A lord Feudhmantachd. Superintendence. Fiadh. Land. Feugmhas. Abfence, want. Fiadha. I Savage, wild. Feum. Need. VideFeim. Fiadhidh. S Feur. Grafs. Feurach. Grafly. Fiadhidhad. }SavaSenefs> wildnefs‘ Feuran. Sives. Fiadh. Meat, food, vidluals. Feurigham. To feed, graze. Fiadh. A deer. Feurachadh. Feeding. Fiadhach. Venifon. Feurithach. Graminivorous. Fiadhach. Detefting, hating. Feurcha. A hay-loft, hay-yard. Fiadham. To tell, relate. Feurdris. A bramble. Fiadhaighe. A huntfman. Feurmhor. Graffy. Fiadhachd. Hunting. Feurlochan. A lake that dries. Fiadhaile. A weed. Feurthan. A grall'y field. Fiadhain. Wild, favage. Feufog. A beard. Fiadhadan. A witnefs. Feufgan. The fhell fifh called a mufcle. Fiadhair. Lay land. Fi. Fretting, anger, indignation. Fiadhanta. Fierce. Fi. Bad, naughty, corrupt. Fiadhantachd. Fiercenefs. Fia. Land. Fiadhchullach. A wild boar. Fiabhras. An ague, fever. Fiadhfhal. A deer-park. Fiabhrafach. Feverifh. Fiadhath. A hunting-fpear. Fiabhrafchafg. A febrifuge. Fiadhfionn. A roe-buck. Fiacail. A tooth. Fiadh-lorg. A hunting-pole. Fiacla-carbaid. Cheek-teeth. Fiadhleana. Wild glens. Fiacal-leoghain. Dandelion. Fiadhmhuc. A wild boar or fow. Fiacla-forais. Late grown teeth; dentes Fiadhnuis. A witnefs, teftimony, prefence, fapientice. Fiadhnuifadh. Bearing witnefs. Fiaclach. Having teeth. Fiadhroidhis. Wild radifh, Fiaclaigham. To grin, fhew the teeth, be Fiadhnuifam. To bear witnefs. angry. Fiadhta. Froward. Fiaclaghadh. Growing angry. Fiafrach. Inquifitive. Fiacla-collaic. Boar’s tufks. Fiafruigham. To enquire, afk. Fiaclan a dhrannidh. Grinning. Fiafrughadh. 7

Fiac . i prj a debt, news. Fiafrich. ^ Enquiring, afking. Fiachan. ) Fiaile. Weeds, Dfhiachadh. Incumbent. Fiail-theach. A houfe of office. Fiach. A raven.. Fial. The veil of a temple. Fiach-mara. A cormorant. Fial ^ •% Fiali'dh > ^lenerous, liberal, bountiful. Fiachach ^ Worthy, worth, valuable. Fial. A ferret. Fiach, fiadhachd. Hunting. Fialachd. Bounty, hofpitality. Fialai. F I A F I L

Fialai. Confanguinity. Fiartha. Wreathed, twilled. Fiallach. A hero, champion, knight-er- Fias. I will tell, relate. Vide Fiadhatn. rant. Fiafda'r. Anger. Fialmhar. Bountiful. Fiatail. A weed. Fialmhuire. i Fiatghail. Vetches. it^• i i •- uj f Liberality,J bounty* r lalmhuireachd. \ Fibhras. Confufion, fever. Fialteagh. A place where ferrets are bred. Fich, fiudhuch. A fee-farm. Fiamarach. A glutton. Fich. A country village or callle. Fiamh. A footftep, trace, track. Ficham. To put or fell, to break. Fiamh. Fear, reverence. Ficham. To fight. Fiamhidh. Fearful, timid. Fichad. Twentv.j Fiamh. Ugly, horrible, abominable. Ficheall. A buckler. Fiamh. A chain, hue. Fideog. A fmall pipe, reed. Fiamhadh. A tracing, purfuing. Fideog. A fort of bird, a fmall diminutive Fiamhach. Modeft, fhy. worm. Fiamhachd. Modefty, fhynefs. Fidgheis. A fpear, lance. Fiamhlochd. , „ , . . r Fidgheadh. A cullom, manner, falhion. (A heinous crime ; tear, riamhan. J Fidhigham. To weave, knit. Fiamharrachd. 7 . n Fidhlin. A fmall fiddle. T,. , . > A moniter. ^ lamchoir. j Fidhal. A fiddle. Fian-bhoth. A tent, hut, booth, cottage. Fidhalach. Of a fiddle. Fiann Eirin. A kind of militia or trained Fidhalair. A fiddler. bands in Ireland, to defend their coaft Fidhalairachd. Playing on the fiddle. againft invaders, of whom Fionn mac Fidir. Confider thou. Cumhail, or Fingal was the commander, Fidirachdin. Confideration, compalfion, concerning whom many fables have been Fidir. A teacher. wril ten in fucceeding ages, and on which Fidiram. To confider, weigh, try. now the poems of Fingal and Temora are Fig. A flit. founded. Fighil. A prayer. Fiannach. A giant, Fingalian hero. Fige. A fig-tree, a fig. Fiannachal. Gigantick, augufl, grand. Figheacban. A garland, wreath. Fiar. Crooked, inclined, wicked,, per- Figham. To weave, plait, twill. verfe. Figheadh. A weaving, knitting., Fiaradh. 7 Inclining, twilling, wreathing, Figheadoir. A weaver. Fiarach. i llanting. Figheadora. The woof, weft.. Fiaram. To incline, bend, twill, wreathe, Figheadora. Of a weaver. wry. Figiodh.. A fig.. Fiarfoirinn. Impetuous.. Filbin. A lapwing. Fiaras. Crookednefs. File. A bard, poet. Fiarogha. Great-grandchild. Filin.. A little bard, poetaller. Fiarfuighe, fiafruighe. A quellion. Filidheachd. Poetry. Ffarghtorach. DilTembling.. Fileamhuil. Poetical. Fiarlhuileach. Squint-eyed. Filead. A fillet. Fileatei F I O F I O

Fileata. Poetic. Fioch. Land. Fileoir. A fpruce jemmy fellow, a crafty Fioch. Wrath, anger, choler, ferity. man. Fiochal. Angry, fierce. Filam. I am. ForBheilam. Fiochgha, fiochmhar. Angry, fierce, fro- Filleadh. A fold, plait, a cloth. ward. Fillag. A lhavvl or wrapper, a little plaid. Fiochmhorachd. Anger, fiercenefs. Filleadh-beg. The kelt or petticoat part Fiochra. Anger. of the highland drefs. Fiochuil. Vigefiangulus. Fillam. To fold, plait. Fiodadh. Laughter. Fillas. That betrayeft. Fiodam. To laugh. Fillam, pro Pillam. To return, imply. Fiodhan. A cheefe-vat. Fillte. Folded, plaited, implied. Fiodh. A wood, wildernefs. Fim. Drink, wine. Fiodhach. 7 , t.. , . I Shrubs, Fimineach. An hypocrite. f lodais. ( Fimineachd. Hypocrify. Fiodhain. A witnefs. Fine. A tribe, family, kindred, nation. Fiodhbhai. HollownefsT Finneal-cumhthra. Sweet-fennel. Fiodhbhadh. A wood, thicket, wilder- Finneal-fraide. Sow-fennel. nefs. Fineachas. An inheritance. Fiodchat. A moufe-trap. Fineadhas. A nation. Fiodchonnadh. Cord-wood, brufil-wood, Fineamhuin. A twig, ozier, a rod ; a vine, Fiodhnach. Manifefl, plain. vineyard. Fiodhghual, Charcoal. Fineur. A flock, lineage. Fiodhrach. Encreafe. Fineag. A mite. Fiodhradh. Fafhion. Fineagachadh. Growing full of mites. Fiodhrubha. A wood, thicket. Fineon. A buzzard. Fiog. A wall. Finiche. Jet. Fiogh. A braid or wreath. Finideach. Wife, prudent. Fiogha. The weather or windward- Finn, fionn. White j milk. fide. Finndhabhaigh. A counterfeit fight. Fioghait. A four-fquare figure. Finne. Attendance., teftimony. Fioghair. A figure, fign. Finnel. Fiogis. \ A fhield. ■jAfig. ■tree. Finnen. 5 Fiogog. Finngheallam. To profefs. Fiolidh. Vide Fialidh. Finnfhoilfuigham. To proteft. Fiomhalach. A giant, big fellow. Finnreicam. To profcribe, enflave. Fion. Wine. Finnreicadair. Enflaver. Fion. Truth ; old, fmall. Finndiolam. To enflave. Fion fionn. White wine. Finngheinte. The Norwegians. Fionach. Antique. Finnidheach. Vigilant, prudent. Fionas. Prefence of, a witnefs. Finnidheachd. Care, vigilance. Fionaifeach. Manifefl:. Finnfgeul. A romance, flory. Fion dearg. Red wine. Fiobhar, faobhar. An edge. Fiongeur. Vinegar. [Tt] Fion. F I O F I O

Fion. Small, little, few. Fionna-fada. The middle .finder. Fionabhal. 7 . Fionealta. Fine, whitened. Fiondearc. 1A SraP'' Fionealtachd. Finenefs. Fionach. Old, antient. Fionnaolta. White-wafhed. Fionail. A fine. Fionnafga. Bands wherewith vines are tied. Fionaghail. The Fingallians, inhabitants Fionnfadhach. Fine, fmooth, fenfible. of Fingal. Fionnfhuaradh. A cooling, refrefhing. Fionbhoth. A tent, booth, fcenery. Fionnfhuaram. To cool, refrefh. Fionchaor. A grape. Fionnchofmhuil. Probable. Fionda. Cceruleous. Fionnchofmhuileachd. Probability. Fionduille. A vine-leaf. Fionnmheug. Whey. Fioneamhuin. A vine, vineyard. Fionn-obthaidh. Sober, abftemious. Fioneamhnach. Full of vines. Fionns. A well. Fionfhaifgain. 7 . . Fionnfgoch. A flower. £ A wine-prefs.r Fiondlos. j Fionnfgiathach. White-ihielded; afirname.. Fionfadh. 1 beard, fine fur, hair. Fionntach. Having hairs on the body. Fionnadh. 5 Fionnua. A grandfon’s grandchild. Fionnfhuar. Cool.’ Fionuir. The vine-tree. Fionnfhuaireachd i Coolnefs, a gentle gale, Fior. True, notable, perfect. Fionnfhuaire. J frethnefs. Fioram. To make certain, to verify. Fionnfhuairuigham. To refrigerate. Fioraidheachd. Veracity. Fionfuirmeadh. A maxim. Fioran. Salutation, welcome. Fionghal. Treafon, murder of a relation, Fioreun. The eagle. parricide. Fiorchofmhuileachd. Probability. Fiongalach. A murderer, parricide. Fiordha. Sincere, true, righteous. Fionghort. A vineyard. Fiorghlan. Pure, clean, fincere. Fionlabhram. To verify. Fiorghloine. Sincerity, quinteflence. Fionmhor. Abounding with wine, a wine- Fior-iochdar. The lowefl: part, bottom. bibber. Fiormameint. The firmament. Fionn. White, pale, fair ; truly. Fiormhath. Perfectly good. Fionn. Sincere, true, certain. Fior-ordha. Illuftrious. Fionn. Little, fmall. Fiorraideach. Frivolous, trifling. Fionnlochlunach A Norwegian. Fiorraidheacht. Truth, veracity. Fiorraidheach. 7 Fionnachdin. Experience. . f That fpeaks truth, t lorraithns. > { Fionnad. A waggon, carriage. « Fionnadh. Hair, fur. Fiorfa. Neceffity. Fionnadhmach. Hairy, rough. Fiorthan. Long coarfe grafs. Fionnfirthean. Long coarfe grafs. Fioruigham. Tojuftify. Fionnam. To look upon, behold, fee; to Fioruifge. Spring-water. flay. Fiorthobair. A fpring well. Fionnan-feoir. A grafshopper. Fios.. Art, knowledge, fcience, meffage,. Fionnaobh. Neat, clean, clear. vifion, underftanding. Fiofach. F I R F I U

F iofach. , __ Firinne. | The truth. Fiofal. 5KnowinS’ exP£rt- Firin. Fiofaigham. To know. Firineach. A juft, righteous, faithful per- Fiofaiche. A forcerer, foothfayer. fon. Fiofaich mac Faiftin. Character in an Firineachd. Truth, verity.. Irifh novei. Firinfce. The mafculine gender. Fiogfaigheachd. Firionadach. A lieutenant. Sorcery, occult fcience. Fiofachd. Firlionam. To multiply. Fiofrach. j Inquifitive, bufy, pry- Firlionadh. Multiplying. Fiofraigbtheach. ) ing. Firmeoir. A farmer. Not Galic. Fiofraigham. To know* examine, enquire, Firochtrach. Innermoft, loweft. aile, vifit. Firniamham. To purify. Fiofraghadh. Enquiring, afking. Firfi. Strength, power. Fiothnaife. Sorcery, poifon. Firthean. Bound, obliged. Fir. Of a man. Vide Fear. Fireun. An eagl?. Firb. Swiftnefs. Fis. Colour, dying, tintfture. Firbolg. The third colony, according to Fis. A dream, vilion. Keating* that came into Ireland before Fis, fife. Of knowledge, vifion; a viflon- the Miiefians. ary. Firbhreige. Puppets. Fifag. A young cat. Firdhileas. Genuine, true, Fncere. Fit. A collation, breakfaft. Firdhris. A bramble. Fitag. A kind of grafs. Fire, fireachd. Truth, event. Fith. Land. Fireach. Hill* moor, a hill with a plain Fithe, fighte. Woven, wreathed, twifted* at top. braided. Fireadh. A bottom, truth ; a flower. Fitheam. Vide Figham. Firead. A ferret. Fitean. A quill. Firean, fireanach. Vide Firineach. Fitheach. A raven. Vide Fiach. Firean. An eagle. Fithean. A hog. Fireann. Male, mafculine. Fithchiod. Twenty. Fireann. A chain, a garter. Fithchiodo. Twentieth. Fireannach. A male. . Fithchioll. A complete fuit of armour. Fireannachd. Male kind, manhood. Fithil. A poetafter. Fireanta. True, juft, righteous, loyal. Fitchill, fitchille. Tables, chefs-board. Fireantachd. Integrity, righteoufnefs, loy- Fithir. A dodlor, teacher. alty, faithfulnefs. Fithreach. A fort of alga called duilleafg* Fireunam. or dilfe, which people eat. | To juftify, verify. Firinuigham. 5 Fiu. Worth, worthy. Firinughadh. Juftification. Flu. Edible, fit to eat. Firiomal. The utmoft coaft or limit. Fiu. Like, alike. Firin. A manikin. Fiubhas. Dignity, worth. Firineach. Juft, righteous, faithful. Fiuchach, That boileth. 5 Fiuchadh, FLA F L I

Fiueham. 'I'o boil up, 1’pring forth, fim- Flann. The name of fome Irifh chiefs. mer, dluate. Flanfgaoileadh . 7 ... , ( The bloody-flux. Fitrchadh. Heat, boiling, a boiling up, r lannbhuineach. 1 J fcatebra. Flanfhuileach. That hath red eyes. Fiughan. A cheefe-vat. Flath, flaith. A prince, hero. Fiughar. Earneft expedlation. Flathamhuil, Princely, generous, fhewy, b iudhe. Good fluff'. elegant. Fiughantas. Generofity. i Flatha. A fitting, feffion, a court. Fiughantach. Generous. Fleachdal. Foltor fleachdal air an fuidh. Fiughair. Memory. Fleadh. A banquet, feafl, entertainment. Fiughairach. That hath good memory. Fleadham. To feafl, banquet. Fiughidh. A hero. Fleadhachas. Feafling. banqueting. Finn, fiunas. A price, value. Fleafg. A rod, wand. , Fiuntach. Worthy, deferving. Fleafg. A wreath or rundle, ring, chain. Fiuntas. Merit, worth, dignity. Fleafg. Moiflure. Fiuran. A fapling, a certain rank weed Fleafg. A fheaf. that cattle eat; metaphorically a young Fleafgan. A treafure. man. Fleafgach. A fiddler, clown, rafcally fellow, Fiufach. Earnefl. bachelor. Fiuthi'dh. Perhaps an arrow- Fleafgachan. A ruflic, mean fellow. Flaiche. A hidden blaft or gull of wind. Fleafglamha. Land, a field, farm, tene- Flaichach. Windy, bluftering. ment. Flaindearg. Sanguine, murrey, a ftaynard Fleifdam. To flaughter as a butcher, to colour in heraldry, ufed to exprefs difgrace flay. or blemifh in the family. Fleifdair. A flefher, butcher. Flaindeargthachd. The bloody-fiux. Fleifdairachd. The bufinefs of a butcher. Flaith. A lord, a prince, a flower. Fleoidhte. Flaccid. Flaith. A kind of ftrong ale or beer amongfl Fleodruin. A buoy. the old Irifh. Fliche. Phlegm, moiflure. Flaithbhearta. Proper name of a man. Flicidheachd. Humours. Flaithchifde. A royal treafure. Fliche, fliuch. Water, more wet. Flaitheachd. Government. Flicheachd. Moiflure, oozinefs. Flaitheamhuil. Princely, generous. Flichmeadh. Any meafure for liquids. Flaitheamhlachd. Princelinefs, generofity, Flichne. Sleet. fhew, pomp. Flidh, fliodh. 1 > Lhickweed. Flaitheas. 7 Sovereignty, dominion, a Fl.g. J Flaithammas. S kingdom. Fliochd. The fecond dram taken before Flaitheas. breakfafl. Flaithamhnas. fleaven, the fky, abode of Fliodhan. An excrefcence, wen. Flaithanas. the blefled. Flios. Vide Flaith. Flaithinnis. Fliream. To water. Flamhnaidhe. A heathen priefl. Fliuch. Wet, moifl, oozy. Flan, flann. Blood ; red. Fliucham. To wet, water. Fliuchadh. F O C F O D

Tliuchadb. Wetting, rain. Focas. Profufe, prodigal. Fliuchlachd. Wet, wet weather. Fochaid' Scoffing. Fliuchfhuileachd. A running of water from Fochaidhe. A difeafe, diforder. the eyes. Fochain. A caufe, motive, reafon. Fliuchbheulach. That fhips water, that Fochain. Difturbance, quarrelling. fpits much. Fochair. Prefence, company, near to, be- Fliuchfhneachd. J , fore. ^ , , r Sleet. Fhthlhnachd. 5 Aochall. Dirt, filth, corrupt matter. Floch. Lax, foft. Fochan. Food, fodder, provender. Flochas, flocas. A lock of wool. Fochan. Young corn in the blade, a plant. Flur. Meal, flower, bloffom. Focheimnigham. To fucceed. Fluth. A wen. Fochla. A den, a cave; the worth, an of- Fo. Under, towards. fering. Fo. A king, prince, fovereign. Fochmhad. Scorn, contempt. Fo. Good. Fochrac. A reward, recompence. Fo. Eafy, quiet, unconcerned. Fochradh. Banifhing, routing. Fo. In compolition implies rarity. Fochraic. Happinefs, blifs, felicity. Foairm. A great number. Fochras. The bofom. Fobhille. A fmall ftroke. Fochras, a feart ann. Her grave was dug Fobhadh. Swift. there. Chron. Scotor. Fobhar. Vide Foghmhar. Focht. Interrogation, afking a queftion. Fodhuine. A little man. Fochuidhe. r A flout, jeer, derifion, Fo. Honour, efteem, regard. Fochuidmheadh. J fcorn. Foachd, fiafruigh. Enquiring, afking. Fochuidmham. To feoff, fcorn. Foairn. A fwarm; fairn foghlomtha, Fochuidmheach. Joking, fcoffing; a fwarms of learned men. Keating. mocker. Fobair. Begun, commenced. Focla. A propofition, maxim. F'obhaidh. Quick, fwift, nimble. Foclan. Vide Feoculan. Fobhailte. Suburbs. Focloir. A vocabulary, didtionary. Fobhaoile. A town without the walls, Fod. Art, /kill, fcience. fuburb. Fod. A clod of earth, glebe, foil, land, a Fobhair. Sick, infirm, weak. peat. Fobhair. A falve, ointment. Fodar. Straw, hay, provender, fodder. Fobhith. Becaufe, becaufe that. Fodram. To give provender. Fobhuidhe. Tawny, yellowifh. Fodach. Wife, prudent, difereet. Fobhualam. To beat gently. Fodaghadh. Obflrudlion. Fobhthan. A thiftle. Foduighoir. Obflrudtor. Foe. Obfcure. Fodhalam. To divide, diftinguifh. Focal. A word, a vowel, apromife; Fodhbhruid. » „ ,, , , f I lends, furies, Focalaiche. A good fpeaker. hodhehnumh. 1 Focal magaidh. A feoff, taunt, bye-word. Fodh. Knowledge, fkill. Focalfreumhachd. Etymology. Fodhail. A divifion, releafing, diffolving. Focalfreimhuighc. An etymologift. Fodhailam. To loofe, untie; divide. [U u] Foidhb. FOG F O I

Fodhb. A cutting down. Foghlumtheach. i A novice, apprentice,. Fodhin. Vide Fonn. Foghluinte, i fcholar. Fodhord. The humming of bees; a loud Foghlamta. Learned, ingenious. noife ; a confpiracy, plot. Foghlafam. Togrowpalei Fodhorous. A wicket. Foghlamam. To learn. Fodhuine. A plebeian, fervant. Foghlughadh. A ranfacking, robbing. Fodruair. Perceiving. Foghluigham. To ranfack. Fodurluafach. Bufy. Foghluigheachd. Rapacity. Fofiadha. A yard, park, inclofure. Foghluidhe. A robber. Fogailam. To teach, inftrudl, didlate. Foghmhar. The harveft; Fogairam. To command, publifn. Foghmharach. 7 Fogairam. To chace, purfue. itr oghluidheVi -jc fairge.r • >1 Afea-robber, a pirate.,r Fogairt. Chafing, purfuing, driving away, Foghnaidh. Enough. banifhing. Foghnam. To fuffice, to do good. Fogh. Entertainment, hofpitality. Foghnamh. Servitude, flavery. Fogarach. An exile. Foglaim. To loofe, untie. Fogartha. Gracious. Foghnas. Profit. Fogha. A dart, an attack, a rape. Fogradh. 7 A warning, charge, caution, a Fogh marach. A pirate. Foghraimh. 1 proclamation, decree, ordi- Foghail. An inroad into an enemy’s coun- nance, declaration. try, robbery, offence. Fogradh. Exile. Foghailam. To plunder, fpoil. Fograim. To warn, caution, order, decree* Fogaluidhe. A robber. Fogus. | Near, at hand. Foghal. The whole. Fogufg. Foghanam. rTo do good, to fuffice, to Foi. The name of a place. Foghnam. J ferve. Foi, fuidh. Under. Foghanta. Foiche. Under her, it.. Foghaintach. Good, profperous, fervice- Foicheall. A day’s hire, wages, falary* able, generous. Foicheimnughadh. A feries. Foghantachd. i Goodnefs, profperity, fuffi- Foichillam. To provide, prepare. Foghaintas. 1 ciency, generofity. Foid. A turf, peat. Foghannan. A thiftle. Foidhbiun. Quick, fmart, ready* Foghaoth. A gentle gale, blaft. Foideaftar. Is fent, gone. Foghar. A found, noife, voice, tone, ac- Foidheach. A beggar. cent, vowel. Foidhreach. A little ima^e. Fogarach. Echoing, refounding, loud, Foidhreachda. Likenefs. noify, clamorous. Foige. Topmoftpart. Foghard. Tingling. Foigeafge. Next, proximate. Foghairam. To make a noife, to tingle. Foigfeachd. Proximity. Foighid.lid. 1 Foghbhanan. A thiftle. Patience, forbearance. Foghladh. Trefpafs. Foighidin.ndin. J Foghlam. Learning, inftru&ion, difci- Foighidinach. Patient. pline. Foighidam. To bear patiently. T Foighin. F O I F O I

Foighin. A green plat, a mead, Foinnighte. Tempered. Foigfe. Nearer, next. Foi-neul. A little cloud, a gleam. Foil. Awhile. Foinnaigham. To temper. Foill. Deceit, fraud. Foinfe. -i „ „ . r i The afli-tree. Foill. Slowly, foftly. fiomleog. j Foill. Leifure. Foinfi. Wells, fprings, fountains. Foilbheuma. Fierce, cruel, terrible; fcan- Foir. Help, deliver thou. dal. Foiram. To help, deliver, fave. Foilcheadradh. Abjuration, conjuring. Foir. A Flip’s crew, a number of people Foilcheadraod- To conjure. flowed together. Foilcheadtoir. A conjurer. Foirailluigham. 7 , _ . ., c I ° deck, adorn, Foileaba. A truckle-bed. boirbham. J Foilead. A fillet, coif. Foirbham. Tobeprefent. Foileanam. To follow, go after, hang Foirbhailligh. Acceptable. after. Foirbhriathar. An adverb. Foilearbadh. Death, Foirbhreathnuigham. To divine, conjec- Foileafan. An afp. ture. Foilleachdach. A refearch. Foirbhrioch. Force, power. Foilleachd. A track, footftep. Foirceadal. Inftrudtion, exhortation, ad- Foilleamhna. Proper, expedient. monition. Foileanam. To follow. Foirceadalam. To teach, inftrudl, admo- Foilearbha. Death. nifli. Foileafan. An afp. Foirceannach. White-faced. Foillear. The bud of a flower. Foirceann. End, conclufion. Foilligheach. Negligent, fluggifh. Foirchrdicionn. Forelkin. Foilligh. Hidden, latent, that does not ex- Foircin. Application, fomentation, em- ternally appear. The old parchments on brocation. medicine ufe it frequently in this fenfe. Foircnuigham. To apply embrocations. Foillfigham. To reveal, publifh, (hew, dif- Foircheimnigham. To proceed. cover, exprefs, declare, manifeft. Foirciobal. A reinforcement. Foiluirm. A fea-gull. Foirdheirc. More excellent. Fo'ilfighte. Manifefted, declared. Foirdhealbh. Scheme. Foilfughadh. Declaring, manifefting ; a Foirdhealbhadair. Schemer. manifeftation, declaration, difcovery. Foireamhuil. Steep, headlong. Foilfughadh an tigharna. Epiphany. Foirdris. Sweet-briar. Foilmean. A bad drefs. Foireidam. To prevent. Foimeal. Confumption. Foireagantoir. Obftrudtor. Foimhdin. In expeftation of, againft. Foiregean. Violence, eonftraint. Foine. A wart. Foireignadh. Oppreffion. Fo’ inn. Under us. Foireignam. To opprefs, obtrude. Foineach. A demand. Foirfe. Old, ancient; perfect. Foinneamh. Genteel. Foirfeach. An elder. Foinneafach. Sightly. Toirfeachd, Perfection, old age. Foirfhiacla. F 0 I F 0 L

Foirfliiacla. The fore-teeth. Foirneadh. Inclination; air foirneadh, Foirghealla. Witnefs, teftimony. headlong, defcent. Foirghiol. A declaration, manifeftation. Foirneart. Oppreffion, high-hand, violence, Foirghiol na firin. Manifeftation of the mifchance. truth. Foirneartach. Oppreffive, violent. Foirghiollam. To prove, declare. Foirrril. Manifeft, apparent. Foirghlacam. To occupy. Foirfcith. Reft. Foirghlidhe. Nobility, truth. Foirfeadh. Harrowing. Foirglidhe. True, certain. Foirfair. An officer, fearcher, conftable. Foirglidis. They ufed to fwear. Foirfairachd. Rummaging, fearcfting. Foirgneamh. A building. Foirfeam.' Tp.harrow, rummage, fearch. Foirgnigham. To build. Foirftnolam. To propagate. Foirgnaghadh. Building. Foirfhioladh. Propagating. Foirghe. Taught. Foirlgeamham. To deck, adorn. Foiriarach. Prepofterous, .eccentric. Foirtbe. A cutting, oft’, a cut. Foiridinam. To prevent. Foirtbhreathnughadh. Divination. Foirifighin. To perform. Foirtchi. Black, fwarthy ; a fhoe. Foirigham. To ftay, wait, delay. Foirchi. A fhoe. Foirighthin. .Aid, help, relief, fuccours. Foirthir. Remote, eun foirthir, a bird of Foirim. To blefs, make happy, relieve, paffage. affift, heal, fave. Foirthoin. Enough. Foirimeal. The utmoft part, or limit. Foirthoil. Bold, ftout, adtive. Foirimalach. A front; extrinfic, on the Foirtheagafg. Rudiments, introduction. outfide, outward. Foirtible. Slaughter, maflacre. Foirin. Supply, aid, help, ftrength. Foirtil. Able, ftrong, hardy. Foiriomradh. A ceremony. Foirtile. More hardy. Foiriomraidhteach. Ceremonious. Foirtile. | Patience, greatnefs of foul, Foiriongantach. Prodigious. Foirtileach 5 courage, fortitude. Foiriongantas. Prodigy. Fois. Leifure,reft. Foirithin. Vide Foiri.n. Foifcionnach. Backbiting, malice, a cry. Foirleathad. Expanfe. Foifeamh. Recovery. Foirleathann. Extenfive, large, general. Foifgigham. To approach. Foirleathnughadh. Periphrafe. Foifam. To flop, reft. Foirleathanuigham. To extend. Foifte, foifte. A refting, refiding. Foirlion. Much, great many. Foifteadh- Hiring, wages. Foirlionadb. A completion, fupplement, Foifteanach. Serious; arranged, in good reinforcement, appendix. order. Foirlionam. To complete, make perfect. Foifteochoir. A hireling. Foirlionta. Complete, perfect. Foith. About. Foirm. A manner, form, image. Foithal. Plundering, prey. Foirmal. Formal, clever. Foithre. Woods. Foirmalachd. Formality. Foithreith. Hunger. Foirmheangam. To prevaricate. Fola. A fhort day, a little while. Foirne. Dwellers, inhabitants, a brigade. Fola. F O L F O M

Fola. A garment. Folladh. Government. Fola, full. Of blood. Follam. To make hollov/. Folabh. Going, moving, departing. Follamhan. A grace, ornament. Folobham. To go, depart, move. Follamh. Anceftors. Folabhan. Stirring or continual motion. Follamnuighadh. A ruling, governing as a Folabhair. A mover, follower, creeper. prince. Folabhach. Moving, that provides for it- Follamhnuigham. To rule, govern, fway. felf. Follaine. Better. Folabradh. A good fpeech, pleading, rea- Follas. Plain, evident, manifeft, kindred. foning. Follfcadh. A fcalding. Folach. Covering, hiding. Follfigham. Vide FoiHfigham. FoJachan. A concealment, hidden treafure. Follafdiol. Anadtion. Eolach, am folach. Hid, fecret, private. Follufglan. Clear, loud. Folachd. Bloodinefs, a feud. Folmhach. That makes hollow, or emptieth, Folachtain. Toleration, forbearance. Folmhaigham. To make empty. Folachtain. Water-fallad, water-parfnip. Folofcain. A tadpole. Foladh. A cover, covering. Folofg. A moor-burn, or mountain brook. Foladh. Power, ability. Folofgadh. Burning of heath. Vide Foth- Foladha. Cattle. lofgam. Foilaid. A wimple, muffler. If. iii. 23. Folt. The hair of the head, a tail. Folaidham. To hide, cover, fecret. Foltchib. A leek. Folaightheach. Secret, private, hid. Foltliath. Grey hairs. Folamh. Empty, void, vacant. Foludham. To be adtive, nimble. Folamhaigham. To empty, void. Foluaimneach. Stirring, adtive, nimble, Folaram. To command, offer, proffer. prancing. Folaramh. An offer, order. Foluaimain. A giddy motion, running Folarnaidheachd. Equality, parity. away, flying, fkipping. Folarnaidheach. Equal. Foluar. A footftool. . Folarthoir. An emperor. Foluigheach. Hid, fecret. Folartnidh. A fufficiency, enough. Folumain. Bad clothes. Folartnaigham. To fatisfy. Fom’. Under me. Folas. A fhoe, fandal, flipper. Fo d’. Under thee. Folcadh. A cleanfing of the hair by bath- Fomas. Obedience. ing, bathing. Fomafam. To obey. Folcam, falcam. To bathe, cleanfe. Fomhaol. A king’s flave. Foldath. Generous. Fomhumaghadh. Obeifance, humiliation. Folfaidh. Whole, entire. Fomhar. Harveft, autumn. Folg. Adtive, nimble, quick. Fomhardha. Autumnal. Folabham. Togo away. Fomhifgeach. Half-drunk, Folabh. Going, departing. Fomhor. 1 A pirate, a fea-robber, a Folabham. Going about, motion. Fomhorach. J giant. Follach. A kind of water-gruel, a cover- Fomofach. Month of Auguft. ing, garment. Fomifgeach. Half-drunk. [Xx] Fonadh, FOR FOR

Fonadh. Quantity, fufficiency. Forailaimh. Imperative. Fonuigbam. To fuffice. Foraillam. To offer. Fonamhad. Jeering, mockery. Foraimh. A journey. Fonal. Cold, rigour. Foraimheam. To remember. Fonatnbadach. A jeering perfon; that Forainm. A pronoun, a nickname, an epi - mocketh. thet. Fonamhadam. To jeer, fcofF, mock. Forair. A watch by night. Fonn. Land, earth. Foraire. A watch, ward. Fonn. Delight, pleafure, defire, longing. Foraitmheadh. Remembrance. Fonn. A tune, fong. Foran. Anger, wrath. Fonn diadhidh. Hymn. Forann. A fhort verfe, verficle, fong. Fonn. Inclination, delire. Foranta. Angry, refolute, prefumptuous.

Fonnadh. A journey, proficiency. Foraofaglach. Old, ancient; an old man4- Fonnmhor. Tuneful, melodious, willing, Foras. Knowledge, underftanding. defirous, meek, difpafiionate. Foras. Ford of a river. Fommhorachd. Melody, inclination, pro- Foras. Old, antique, ancient. penfity, meeknefs. Foras. Increafe, augmentation. Fonnomham. To jeer, hifs. Foras. A law, foundation.

Fonnfa. j A , . Foraos. A foreft. Fonfa. J A band- Foras, focal. An Etymologicon. Fonfair. A cooper. Forafda. Grave, fedate, fenfible, F'ontabram. To rejoice, be glad. Forafdachd. Gravity, fobriety. For. Before, beyond, fore in compound Forafna. Illuftrated. Words. Forb. A landlord. For. Over, upon. Forba. Land, glebe-land. For. Difcourfe, converfation. Forba. A tax, contribution. For. Protedlion, defence. Forbadh. Cutting, flaying, flaughtering. For. Enlightening, illumination. Forbiltigh. Acceptable. Forbairam. To grow, increafe. ^°ra’ i A feat, bench. Foradha. 3 Forbairt. Increafe, profit, emolument. Forabaidh. Early, ripe, before the time. Forbais. A conqueft. Forach. A difpute, controverfy. Forban. Banns of marriage, proclamation Forachair. A watchman. of an edidl. Foraich. Wages. Forban. Excefs, extravagance. F®raidheach. Fierce, cruel. Forbhas. A fnare, ambuifh. Foraidheachd. Fiercenefs, cruelty. Forbhriathar. An adjective. Foraigham, fairam. To watch, guard. Forbhrat. A cloak, the upper garment. Foraighis. A foreft, a fox-kennel, the haunt Forbhruach. A pinnacle. of a wild beaft. Forbhfaoileadh. Mirth, rejoicing. Forail. Excefs, fuperfluity. Fore. Firm, ftedfaft. Foraoil. Imperious. Fore. A fork. Foraileachd. Imperioufnefs. Forcam. To teach, inftrudt; to pitch with Forailaim. To command. a fork. Forcach, FOR FOR

Forcach. Forked. Forghlacam. To prevent. Forcar. Violence, a wooden hook. Forgla. For the moft part. Forchagra. A command, decree. Forgla. Eledlion, choice. Forchalmaigham. To prevail. Forghuin. A wound. Forchathreacha. Suburbs. Forgnuicham, To build. Forchaoin. A catch or quirk in words. Forgo. Jewels, precious things. Forchinntachd. Predeftin'ation. Forige. Sincere, true. Forchongradh. Perfuafion, advice, inftiga- Foriorg. A rudiment, trial of fkill. tion; command. Forlan Force, power; pain, fuperfluity, Forchongram. To bid, command. excefs, conqueft. Forchoimheadh. Watching, lurking for. Forlaimh. Leaping, bounding. Forchroiceann. The forefkin, fcurf. Forlamhnuigham. Topoflefs. Forcmaidh. i Forlamhas. Pofieffion. Forcaidh. S Superfluity, excefs. Formach. An increafe, fwelling. ForcomaL A binding together. Forma. A feat. Forcaidh. Rifing or dawning of day. Formad. Envy. Forcuth. The fore part of the head. Formadach. Envious. Fordall. Erring, ftraying. Formalach. An hireling. Fordhabh. A lid, cover. Formamhuil. Of a good form or figure, Fordharc. The light. fightly. Fordharc. Plain, manifeft. Forman. A type, mould. Fordhorus. A porch. Formna. Much, great deal. Fordhroin. A loin ; the womb. Fornaidhach. A glutton. Fordul. Error. Forneart. Violence. Fordulacb. Erroneous. Forneal. Appearance, colour.- Foreidam. To prevent. Fornaire. A command, offer. Foreigean. Force, a rape, violence. Forngabhail. Hardnefs. Foreigneach. Violent, ravifhing. Foroideas. A rudiment. Forf. A guard. Forordh. Renowned, famous. Forfaire. A watch, guard. Forodughadh. Predeftination. Forfhaireach. Watching, a watchman. Foroduigham. To predeftinate. Forfairam. To watch, guard, lay in am- Forrach. An -rod ; a perch. buih, to aflemble. Forraid. Near to, hard by, towards. Forfhocal. A byeword, proverb. Forreilam. To fliine forth, manifeft, dif- Forfhogradh. Advertifement. cover. Forfuinneog. A window-lhutter, lattice, Forrogheana. Served, did fervice or good. Forgairm. A convocation. Forroicam. To prevent. Forghairam. To provoke, call together, Forrumha. Fringes. fummons. Forrumha. Sent. Forgan. Keennefs, anger. Forfanam. To ftiine. Forghal. A lye, fable, romance. Forfaoiltam. Divination, forefight. Forghalam. To tell, relate. Forfgaite. Fore-knowing. Forghart, The fore part of the head. Forfhaothach. A bafon. Forlhuigham, F O S FRA

Fotfhuigham. To prefide. Fofgam. To approach. Vide FoifgS. Focfhuighoir. A prefident. Fofgadh. A fliadow, flrelter. Vide Faf- . Forfrauaintuigham. To premeditate. gadh. Forfmuintughadh. Premeditation. Fofgriobhadh. Poftfcript. Fortamhuil. Strong. Foflong. A manfion, dwelling-houfe. Fortan, firtbean. Tied, bound up. Foflongphort. An encampment, a camp, Fortan. Fortune, bound. harbour ; rinn iad foflongphort, they en- Fortanaeh. Fortunate. camped ; ag treigfin am follongphort, Fortartnaidheach. A glutton. raifing the fiege, decamping. Fortas. Straw, litter. Fofra. Releafing, difib]ution. Fortha. A feat. Fofrolaic. Fleavenly, fuperior. Forthach. A bafon. Foft. Gold. Forthan. Plenty. Foftam, faftaigham.. To hire, to flop. Forthan-fpreidh. Much cattle. Fot. A giant. . Forthunnach. Fruitful. Fot. Raging, ftorming, violent. Forthan graidhe. A ftud or breed offiorfes. Fotha. A foundation. Fortheagafg. Rudiments. Fotha. Taken away or out of. Fortil. Strong, hardy, patient. Fotha. Under them. Fortil la faoth. Strong for labour. Fothach. A cough, a difeafe in horfes. Fortheachdair. An ufher, or gentleman, Fothamas. A warning. ’fquire. Fothach. A lake, pond. Fortraigh. A rifmg. Fothanan. A thiftle. Fortraigh maidne. Rifing of day. Fothannan-beannuighte. Bleffed-thiftle. Foruadh. A baftard red, reddifh. Fothchathreacha. Suburbs. Forugaire. A command. Fothlainteach. An apprentice, novice. Forus. Knowledge. Fothorgadh. Cleanfing. Foruinneog. A balcony. Fothorgadh. !A bath, well of purifica- Forus fios air Erin. Notitia Hibernia, the Fothragfhoin. tion. name of an Irifh book. Fothragthobair. Fos» Yet, ftill, alfo; achd fos, moreover, Fothragam. To cleanfe, bathe, purify. but yet. Fothram. A great noife, ruftling. Fos, -fofadh. A delaying, Haying, refting, Fothughadh. A beginning. fixing, pitching; a prop, buttrefs, wall, Fotrus. Orts. or ditch. Four, foghair. Diphthongs. Fofadh. An atonement. Frach. Bleaknefs. Fofaidh. Ceffation. Frag. A woman, wife. Fofadh. Sloping, refting. Frag. A hand. Fofam. To ftay, reft, pitch, lodge. Frag. A ftiield, buckler. Fofcalam. 7 , . Fraidreaghadh. A floating. > f o open, unlock, ofgalam. } Fraigal. Oftentatious of ftrength. Fofcuike. i Open, unlocked, publicly, open- Fraigalachd. Shew of perfonal ftrength. Fofgailte. 1 ly. Fraigain. 6 F R E F R E

Fraigain. A little man with a martial ere£l: Freacaran. A wreilling-fchool, place gait. Freachnughadh. ^ ofexercife. Fraigaifach. Of, belonging to a fraigain. Freachruigham. To exercife, accuftom, Fraigh. A bufli of hair. difcharge an office or duty. Fraigh. The fea, an arch. Freacnairc. The prefent time. Fraileach. Sea-weed. Freadh. A pillaging, plundering. Frainc. France. Freagar. 7 . . ^ > An anfwer. Fraincis. The French tongue. freagaradh. i Francach. A Frenchman, French. Freagairt. Anfwering. Francachal. Frenchman-like. Freagaram. To anfwer, make anfwer. Franclus. Tanfy. Freagarthach. Anfwerable, accountable. Fraoch. Heath, ling, hadder. Freagarthoir. A refpondent, defendant. Fraoch. Anger, rage, hunger, fury. Freagnam. To work, labour. Fraochach. Heathy. Freagnairc. Converfation. Fraochal. i „ . . . . , Freagnamh. Labour. „ , . „ £ Angry, furious, fretrul. Fraochaidhe. J & Freagnaircam. To converfe. Fraochag. A wortle-berry. Freagram. To anfwer. Fraochan. A patch put on the toe or point Freagradh. An anfwer. of a fhoe, anger, fome part of a deer, Freamh. | A root, ftock, lineage; found Fraochanach. Angry, rippling. Freamhach. i deep. Fraochchearc. A heath-poult, groufe- Freamhachd. An original.1 hen. Freamhuigham. To take root, radicate. Fraoidh. Skirts. Freamhrollam. To extirpate. Fraon. Places of {belter in mountains. Freamhughadh. Taking root. Fraoidhnaifeach. Waving, flourifhing. Freamhuinean. A fucker. Fras. A fliower. Freamhamhuil. Radical. Fras. Hail, fmall {hot, feed. Freamhfhocal. An etymology. Fras. Ready, adlive. Freancam. To make crooked, to bend. Frafach. Fruitful, {bowery. Freancach. Winding, bending, turning. Frafrach. Like a {bower, {bowery. ' Freapadh. Medicine. Fraf-luaighe. Shot. Freapadh. Running, bouncing, {kipping^. Fras-caol. Small feed or {hot. kicking;. Fras-linn. Flax-feed. Freafc. Upwards. Frafam. To {bower, rain. Freafabhra. Oppofition, reluflance. Fras-cainab. Hemp-feed. Freafdal, Serving, waiting, attending ; pro- Freacadan. A guard, watch. vidence, lot, fate. Freacadanach. Watching, hovering about. Freafdalach. Provident, providential. Freacadan dubh. The black-watch, or forty- Freafdalam. To provide, ferve, wait, or fecond regiment of highlanders fo called. attend upon. Freacadanaiche. A fentry. Freafghabhal. Afcenfion into heaven. Freacair. Ufe, praftice, frequency. Freafgam | To climb, afcend. Freac. Crooked, bending. Freafghabham. J Freacar. Witnefs, teftimony. Frechoimheadam. To referve. [Y yj Freitach. F R I F R I

Freitach. Vow. Friothfailfidhear. That lhall be ferved. Freituigham. To vow, refufe. Frifcart. An anfwer. Fremhach. Fundamental. Frifcam. To hope. Frefci. A reflection, fuppofitioni Frifcis. Hope, expectation. Frefcre. Brittle, withered. Frifmbeartam. To betray, deceive, kill, Frefgadh. Climbing, waiting. murder. Frefligh. Anger, refentment. Frifneidh. Be told or faid. Freunaidhe. A foundation. Frifninnle. Attendance. Freunaidham. To found, eftablilh. Friogcabhfam. To (land up, arife. Fri, fria. The fame as re, air. Fritham. To find, to behave, aCt. Fri. Vide Frith. Frith. Mouth of a river, fate. Frialta. Free, fried. Frith. A wild mountainous place, a foreft, Fride. A tetter. furly look. Fridhan. A briftle. Frith. Small, little. Frioehnamh. Care, diligence, circumfpec- Frith. Profit, gain, advantage. tion. Frithbhachd. Barb of an hook. Friochnamhach. Diligent, careful, circum- Frithbhaile. Suburbs. fpect. Frithbheartam. To objeCt, contradict. Friochtalam. To fry, parch. Ffithbhualadh. Palpitation, pulfation, pit- Friochtan. i . a-pat. Friochtail. D Frithbhuaillam. To palpitate, Jftrike back, Friolifgam. iTo turn down and open Frithbhuille. A back ftroke, a little Friofaodham. 5 the mouth of a fack or ftroke. bag. Frithbhuailteach. In mfs» on medicine ; Friofgram. To anfwer. reperculliva, healing and repelling medi- Friotal. A word, interpretation. cines. Friotalach. Fretful, angry. Frithchoille. Underwood. Friothbhruth. A refufal, denial. Friththeitham. To fcuddle, Friothbharamhuil.thuil. 7 Frithchedfidh. A witneffing, ateftimony. 1 A paradox, Friothcheadfaidh.ndh. i Fritheilain. A floating or fmall ifland, Friothchantaireachd. Recantation. Fritheoilte. Servants, attendants. Friothchoidheas. Antipathy. Fritheagal. Surprife. FYiothlanna. ' Streamers. Fritheoladh. Difpenfation. Friothoibruigham. To wriggle. Frithighidh. Attending, ferving, wait-* Friothola. A covenant. ing. Friotholamh. ? „ . . Frithiafg. Bait for filh. „ , , > Service, attendance. Friotholadh. y Frithir. Earneft, eager, fervent. Friothalam. iTo ferve, attend, admi- Frithing. A relapfe. Friothalaigham. ) nifter. Frithirach. j _ . , „ . , . J Fretful, peevilh. Friotholaghadh. Attending, adminiftering. Fnthire. J r Friotholochal. Subfervient. Frithleim. A quick leap. Friothradham. To contradiCl. Frithleimam. To leap, bound. Frithne, F U A F U A

Frithne. An uninhabited wood or moun- Fuadhmhar. Odious, hateful. tain. Fuadhmhaireachd. Abomination, detella- Frithneafach. Fretful. tion. Frithoigheann. A warming-pan. Fuadar. Halle, preparation to do a thing. Frithreafa. Contradiction, peevifhnefs. Fuadarach. AClive, diligent. Frithfhearc. A return of love, mutual re- Fuadram. To crofs or hinder. gard. Fuaduighte. Taken or fnatched away. Frithfheafam. To refill. Fuaghail. Sewing, Hitching. Fritheachd. A returning back. Fuaghala. A ring, thimble. Frog. A fen. Fuagham. To few, Hitch. Frogan. Anger. Fuaigham. Frogach. Fenny. F uagartha. Proclaimed, publiflied, Frogganta. Pert, lively. Fuagra. A proclamation, edi£t. Froghim. Wrong, injury. Fuagraim. To admonilh, proclaim. Froghain. Injury. Fuaid. A remnant. Frointhadh. A tugging or plucking. Fuaidhlean. Anger, fury. Froithlin. A whirl. Fuaidram. To Hagger, reel. Fromham. To try, talte, examine, en- Fuailfeadh. Leaping, flopping. quire. Fuailfheadan. The ureter. Fromhadh. A trial. Fuaim. Sound, rebounding noife, echo. Fromhidh. Hoarfe. Fuaimir. Sounding. Fromhtha. . Tried, experienced. Fuaimnach. Great noife, frequent noife, Fros. Dark, obfcure. noify. Frothal. } Fuaimamhuil. Refounding, rebounding. t, , , ? A whirl. Frothlan. ) Fuaimnachal. Noify. Fu, fo, fa. Under. Fuaimeturaig. Herb fumitory. Fuach. Word. Fuairchritham. To fhiver with cold. Fuachd. Cold. Fuaire. Colder. Fuachaid. A jilt, tricking harlot. Fuaire. Coldnefs. Fuachas. A cry, outcry. Fuairad, fuairghreadadh, A cold blaH. Fuachafach. A den, cave, hole. Fuairam. To find, difcover. Fuachda. An engraver. Fuair, fhuair. Found. Fuachdan. A fore or kibe on the heel. Fual. Urine, water. Fuadh. A bier. Fualachtam. To boil. Fuadach. J A running away with, a Fualan. A chamber-pot, a pimp. Fuadaigham. I rape. Fualas. A tribe, family. Fuadachd. Robbery, depredation. Fualafcaidhe. Oziers, fmall twigs. Fuadaigham. i To elope with, run away Fualbhrofiach. A diuretic. Fuadaim. 1 wi to force away, im- Fualiofg. The Hranguary. prefs. Fual-lofgadh. Heat of urine. Fuadaigheach. Ravenous. Fuaman. A lhade, lhadow. Fuadh, fuath. Hatred, Fuaman. Whitenefs. Fuaman. 6 F U A F U I

Fuaman. A rebound. Fuafnam. To aftonilh. Fuamnain. , j Fuafnuidhtheach. Tumultuous. {■To rebound, refound,r ruamnigham. > Fuath. Hatred, averfion, abhorrence, Fuamfe. Under me. Fuatha’ mhaddaidh. Wolf’s bane. Ftian. Cloth, a veil. Fuath-muic. Hare bells. Fuanam. To cover, clothe. Fuathas. Fuar. Cold, chilly. Fuath. ?An image, fpectrej apparition. Fuara-cluaifa. A fhip’s earring. Fuaths. Fuaradh. A cooling, making cold. Fuatham. 7 „ , „ , . , ? To hate, abhor, diflike. Fuaradh. The breeze, blaft, the windward, b uathaigham. 5 the weather-fide. Fuathach. Hateful, hated. Fuarag. Meal and water mixed, croudy. Fuathadh. 7 t- , , A deteltation, abhorrence, Fuaram. b uathaghadh. > j To cool. Fuairaigham. Fuathais. A den, a cave. Fuaraighte. Cooled. Fuathafach. Dreadful, horrible,iJ frig-ht-O Fuaragham. To nourifh, cherifh. ful. Fuaraghadh. Cooling; eafe, relief. Fuathog. Armour, a coat of mail. Fuaralach. Cold, chilly. Fuathmhor. Hateful. Fuaralachd. Chillinefs. Fubal, pubal. A general’s tent, pavi- Fuaran. A fpring, fountain, a water for lion. cattle to ftand in to cool themfelves. Fubha. A hurt or fear. Fuaranta. Grown cold. Fubtadh. Threats, menaces. Fuarafdair. Judicious. Fucam. To full or mill cloth. Fuarbheann. A cold bleak mountain. Fucadh. Fulling. Fuarbholadh. An ungrateful fcent, flench. Fucadair. A fuller. Fuarbhodradh. Benumbing. Fud. Among; air-fud, amongft. Fuarchrabhadh. Hypocrify, indevotion. Fufaireachd. The Irifli cry or howling at Fuarchraibhtheach. An hypocrite. funerals. Fuarchrapadh. Benumbing. Fug, fuigham. To find. Fuardachd. Coldnefs. F ughog. A thrum, a loofe thread or end in Fuarlite. A cataplafm. weaving cloth. Fuarmharbham. To ftarve with cold. Fugufg. Patience, perfecution, fteadi- Fuarnadh. A controverfy. nefs. Fuafcradh. Fright, terror. Fuibige. An argumentator, difputant. Fuafcraim. To put to flight. Fuicheachd. Lufl, lechery. Fuafgaladh. A ranfom, redemption, liberty, Fuicheal. Reward. untying. Fuidbh. A knob, bunch, Fuafgalam. To redeem, fet at liberty, loofe, Fuidheach. With joy or thanks. untie. Fuidheal. i „ 1 Remainder, remnant, relick, Fuafgailte. Untied, diflfolved. b uidhlach. ) Fuafgluithoir. The Redeemer, Saviour. Fuidhir. Gain, profit. Fuafgailteachd. Loofenefs, eafe, opennefs, Fuidhir. A word, an hireling, a iimplicity. veil. Fuidhre. F U I F U L

Fuidhir. A hireling. Fuinnfeog coille. The herb virgo pafto- Fuidhre. Attendants, fervants. ris. Fuidhreach. Naked, expofedi. Fuinte. • Kneaded, baked. Fuidradh. Pafte. Fuinteoir j „ „ . , . > A baker, Fuidreachd. Mixing.. ruinadoir. ) Fuidram. To mix. Fuinteoirachd. ) t, . , - , , JThe trade of baking. Fuigheall. Judgments Puinadoirachd. J & Fuigheall. A word. Fuirbirneach. A flrong man. Fuigham. To get, obtain. Fuireachd. Delay, flaying, waiting, tarry— Fuigam. To leave, forfake, abandon. Vide ing. Fagam. Fuirean. Croud, multitude. Fuighle. Words, expreffions, language. Fuiras. Entertainment. Fuighlam. To fay, fpeak, tell, relate; Fuirnaifaigham. Tofurnifh, provide. Fuil. Blood, gore. Fuirnaifaighadh. Providing, furnifhing, Fuileach; > Fuirnam. To precipitate. Fuileachdach. /Bloody, cruel.- Fuireachair. Deliberate. Fuilteach. J Fuiraigham. To flay, wait, tarry, de- Fuilchionnta. Bloodguiltinefs. lay.. Fuilchiontach. Bloodguilty. Fuireadh. A preparation, feafl. Fuildhortadh. Bloodfhed. Fuireanal. An urinal. Fuileachd. Bloodinefs, bloodfhed. Fuiridhthe. Ready, prepared, fenfible, an— Fuileadh. Encreafe, profit, gain. tient, old. Fuileafan. An afp. Fuirion. Furniture, the crew of a fhip, ans Fuiliat. Bloody. afTociation or body of men. Fuilidhe. Blood-red. Fuirlicham. To overcome, defeat. h uilam. To be. Vide Bheilam. Fuirlughadh. 7 Fuilangach. Enduring, patient, Fuirluchdin. J 0vercomin£- tuilingeach. Armed with a fliield or Fuirm. A form, manner, fafhion.. fpear. Fuirmeadh. Travelling, going. Fuilmain. A bleeding toe, by flriking it Fuirmeadh. Humiliation, leflening.. againft a ftone. Fuirmheadh. A feat, foundation,. Fuilleadh. A reward! Fuirmheal.. Tired, fatigued. Fuilfiofri. Pumice. Fuirmhidh. Hard. Fuin. The end or termination of a thing ; Fuirneis. A furnace, flove.. will, purpofe. Fuis. Adtive, thrifty. Fuineam. To kneed, bake; Fuifeog. Vide Uifeog, Fuineadh. Baking, boiling. Fuite. A found, reiterating noife. Fuingeall. An idiot. Fuithe, fuiche, foiche. Under her, it; Fuinneog. A window. Fuith. A rag of cloth. Fuinnliuchath. A leaver, Fuithir. Good land. Fuinnfedn. Fulair. Satis efl, opus eft.; Cho’n fhulair, I Fuinnfeann. ^An afh-tree. mull. Fuinnfeog. Fulang. Patience, paffion, forbearance,.; [Z z] feeling;. FUR F U T

feeling.; foundationj fiiore, prop, but- Furas. Able. trefs, a ftud, bofs. Furafda. Eafy to do. Fulangas. Patience, endurance. Furchoimheadam. To beware. Fulangam. To bear, fuffer, endure. Furailam. To offer, incite, provoke. Fulanga na h aigne. Affeftions, paffions Furan. A welcome, falutation, entertain- of the mind. ment. .Fulangach. 'Patient, enduring, fufFering. Furanach. Saluting, courteous, civil, cau- Fulangaiche. A fufferer, patient. tious. Fulla. A lie, fallhood, untruth. Furbi. a A ftrong ftout fellow, a Fulla. A leaping, Ikipping. Furbarneach. 5 clown. Fullon. An ornament. Furfhogradh. Precaution. Tulpanach. Articulation, or joining Of Furbaidh. Wrath. things together. Furmuir. A prompting, exciting. Furm. A ftool, feat, form. rulfh'ruth. \ C“'"Ptb”- Furnaidhe. A dwelling, reffing, flaying. Fu’m’. Under me. Furfannam. To kindle. Fun. Land. VideFonn. Furtachd. Comfort, relief, eafe, help. (Funn. Defire. Furtaigham. To help, relieve, com- Funfada. Lands. fort. 1 Furachas. i Expiation, watching. Furtaighthoir. A comforter, helper. Furachras. i Furtughadh. Helping, relieving, comfort- Turachar. Watching, watchful. ing. Furachar mac an Ealaigh. A character Furthain. Satiety, fufficiency. in an Irifh novel. Furthanach. Plentiful. JFurail. J An offering,-command, in- Futamhuil. Foppifh. Furaileamh. J citement. Futha. Under them. -Furain. Plenty, abundance.



G ’Is the feventh letter of the Irifh al- young. Thus ghabh is nearly yabh, and phabet, and is called Gort, i. e. an gheall, yeall. In other refpects the fame ivy-tree, and fometimes Gath, a fpear or as in Englifh. javelin. In the Irifh dialedt it is fre- Ga. Sometimes for ag, a fign of the pre- quently commutable with c. Before the fent participle. afpirate h it forms a combined found or ’G a. For ag a, as ’g a thogal, railing power, nearly like yin yellow, you, your, it. 3 Ga. GAB G A F

Ga. For ca, whence. Gabhann. A gaol, prifon, a pound, flat- Ga, gath. A fpear, javelin. tery. Gabaifde. Cauliflower, cabbage, Gabhar. A gaol. Gabh. Take thou. Gabhar-oiche. A fnipe. Gabha. A fmith. Vide Gobhadh. Gabharlann. A goatfold. Gabhach. Dangerous, perilous. Gabhar-bhreac. A bucky fnail. Gahhadh. Want, danger, need, occa- Gabharach. Skipping, bouncing. fion. Gabhla. A fpear, lance. Gabhail. Taking, catching, making pri- Gabhlach. , i forked, divided. foners. Cabhlanach. J Gabhail-fhearain. A bit of land, little Gabhlam. To fpring, flioot out. farm. Gabhlan. A branch, fork of a tree or Gabhail. Spoil, booty, conqueft. branch. Gabhal-cine. The antient law of Gavel- Gabhlag. Any forked piece of timber. kind, by which the lands of a houfe were Gabhlughadh. Propagation, genealogy. divided amongft its branches. Gabhlas. Hate. Gabhal. A fork. Vide Gobhal. Gabhluigham. To fprout. Gabhal. Taking, burning into a flame. Gabhtha. 7 Gabhal. A day’s labour, a yoking. Gabhte. J Taken> caught- Gabhal. Regio perineum. Vide Gob- Gabhuin. A calf. hal. Gabhnach. A ftripper. Gabhal. Folding ; gabhal nan caorach, Gabhuin ruadh. A yearling deera, folding the fheep. Gabla. A cable. Gabhaltas. Land obtained by conqueft: j a Gach. Each, every. farm rented from a landlord. Gad. A withe, twifted twig, or ozier. Gabhaltuidhe. A farmer. Gadachd. Thieving, theft. Gabhagan. The bird called Titling, which Gadam. To fteal, take away. attends the Cuckow. Gada, A bar of any thing, as iron, Gabhad. An artful cunning trick. ingot. Gabhadaire. A cunning fellow. Gadtha. Stolen. Gabhadach. Cunning, artful. Gadaidhe. A thief. Gabhadan. A receptacle, ftore-houfe. Gad an. A voice, noife. Gabham. To take, receive, enlift, burn, Gadh, gath. An arrow, dart. require, to go, ling. Gadh. A Ikirmifh, fight. Gabhail. A courfe, direflion. Gadh. Peril, want. Gabhaltach. Capable, infectious. Gadham, guidham. To pray,dntreat. Gabham air. To beat. Gadhar. A dog, maftifF. Gabham trid. To go through. Gadluine. A flender feeble fellow, falmon Ghabh an teine. The fire burned. after fpawning. Gabham oran. To fing. Gaduighe. A thief. Gabh romhad. Get you gone. Gaduigham, gaidam. To fteal. Gabhidh. Dangerous, ftrange, wonder- Gaf. 7 Gafa S ^ any cr0°lce^ inftrument. Gafann. G A I G A I

Gafahn. Henbane. Gaillfhion, gaill-fhion. A florm. Gag. A cleft, chink. Gaillfhionnach. Stormy. Gagach. Leaky, full of chinks. Gaillian. Leiniter, a tribe of the Fir- Gagadh. Growing into chinks. bolg. Gagam. To grow into clefts and chinks, Gailliafg, A pike. to fplit, to notch. Gaillam. To hurt. Gaggan. Cackling, a knot in timber. Gaillimh. Galway. Gaggach. Stammering in fpeech. Gaillfeach. An earwig. a nimble infedl Gagganach, Noify fpeech, cackling. dangerous to go near a perfon’s ears. Gai, gaoi. A lie, untruth. Gaimhean. A fkin, hide. Gaibhne. Of a fmith. Gaimhgin. A fkillet. Gaibhneachd. A fmith’s trade. Gain. Gainneach. Gaibhtheach. A perfon in want, a conftant Sand. craver, complainant. Gainmh. Gaid. A father. Gainmhach. Gaid; Theft. Gain. Clapping of hands, applaufe, Gaid. Withes. Gaincheap. A pillory, flocks. Gaidhbhin. A little ftudy, clofet. Gaine. Hunger, fcarcity. Gaidin. A little withe. Gaine. A fhaft, fand. Gaige. A proud coxcomb. Gaineamhart. A fandy flone. Gaige. Stammering, fluttering. Gaineoir. An archer. Gail, gal. Smoke, vapour, fume. Gaing. Jet, agate-flone. Gail. Slaughter. Gainmhein. Sandy. Gaile. The flomach. Garnne. Scarcer, poorer. Gaileach. Extraordinary. Gainne. j piunger) fcarcity, fewnefs. Gailebhein. A great rough hill. Gainnad. J Gailbhinn. Storm at fea. Gainne. A reed, cane, arrow, fin. Gailbhach. Stormy at fea. Gainneach. A place where reeds grow. Gailchin. A fine for manflaughter.. Gair. An outcry, rejoicing, laughter. Gailam. To evaporate, boil, feethe. Gair-chath. Shout of battle. Gailin. A parafite. Gair na fairge. Noife of the fea. Gailineach. Flattering. Gair-theas. The glittering refledlion of the Gailmheachd. Flattery, foothing. fun from the fea, or a rock or luminous Gaill. A fulky look. body. Gairbhe. Gaille. A chop, cheek. ^ , , , I(1 Roughnefs, harfhnefs, tart- Gairbhachd. ^ „ r r Gailleach. That hath large chops. ■ , I nefs, coarfenefs. Gaillag. A cuff, a blow on the cheek. Gairbhad. J Gaill, adgaill. He fpoke to.. Gair-chreug. Echo. GaMchearc. A duke or drake. Gairbh-aodach. A coarfe garment. Gailleach. The gum.. Gairbhall. Big-limbed. Gailleamhuin. Offence. Gairbheoil. Big-lipped. Galilean. A ftrange or foreign bird. Gairbhin creugach. A fort of plant grow- Gaillian. A dart, arrow. ing on rocks by the fhore good for bruifes. Gairbhfhion. G A I GAL

Gairbhftiion. Rough weather, tempeft, Gairm-ghallan. Howling of dogs at bunk- ftorm. ing. Gairde. Sooner. Gairingean. A niece. Gairde. Joyfulnefs. Garraim. A Ihort form, compendium. Gairdeachas. A rejoicing, pleafure. Gairmionnach. Nominative. Gairdain. The arm, guardian. Gairrfhiach. A raven, vulture. Gairdaingha. Brachial. Gairre. Next, nearer. Gairdughadh. Rejoicing, congratulat- Gairrigeach. Rocky, full of rocks. ing. Gairifneach. Lewd, idle, nafly, terrible. Gairduigham. To rejoice, be glad. Gairfeamhuil. Wanton. Gairdin. Garden. Gairfeamhleachd. Lewdnefs, debauchery. Gaire. A laugh. Gairfen. Horror, fhuddering with fear. Gaireachdidh. Laughter. Gairfeicle. A fhort life. Gaireal. Free-ftone. Gairfneach. Horrible. Gaiream. To laugh. Gairte. A narrow path. Gaire. Reparation, amendment, good luck, Gairtein.nrtein. } . f A garter, aufpices. Gairteil.iirteil. ) b Gaireadh. Laughing, bawling, calling. Gais. A torrent, ftream. Gaireadh. A vault. Gais. A furfeit. Gairfecc. A dimple. Gaifde. A gin, trap, fnare. Gaifde. Armed, accoutred. Sa!rg | A diver, cormorant. Cjairgeann. 1 Gaife. A flaw. Gairge. Fiercenefs. Gaife. Boldnefs, valour, chivalry. Gairghean. A niece. Gaifdidhas. Painting. Gairghala. An outcry; Gaifdidhe. A painter. Gairgin. Dung, ordure. Gaifge. Bravery, feats of arms. Gairgun. Stale urine. Gaifgeamhuil. Valiant, brave, warlike. Gairgere. A diver. Geifgeamhlachd. The doing valiant ac- tions. ?!rgre- 1 A pilgrim’s habit. Gairgin- 5 Gaifdidheach. A champion, warrior. Gairid. Short, lately. Gaifgeachd. Feats, heroifm. Gairleog. Garlick. Gaifgeanta. Brave. Gairom. To extol, rejoice, laugh. Vide Gaifrn. Scanty crops. Gaiream. Gaifam. To flow. Gairam. To call, bawl, fhout. Gaifte, gaifteag. A fnare, gin, trap, wile. Gairmam. To call, qualify, dub. Gaiftam. To trepan, deceive. Gairm. A title, name, calling, qualifica- Gaiftin. A crafty fellow tion, proclamation. Gaiftincloch. A little bird of the fize of a Gairm-chaolaich. Cock-crowing. wren. Gairm pofaidh. Banns of marriage. Gaitin. A brief, an abridgment. Gairmghille. A cryer. Gaithean. A ftraightbranch. Gairmfcoille, An affembly of bards. Gal, gail. Smoke, vapour. [A a a] Gal, GAL GAG

Gal. A puff, gale, a blaft or flame of ftraw. GaHan. A branch. Gal. Warfare, battle. Gallan-greannchair. Tuflilago.- Gal, gaol. Kindred, relations. Gallan-mor. Butterbur. Gal. Weeping. Gallmhuileann. A mill-wheel. Gal abbas. A parafite. Galloglach. A cuiraffier, fervant. Galach. Valour,, courage, fortitude; vali- Galldruma. A kettledrum. ant, brave. Gallubh. Caithnefs. Galan. A gallon; a noife. Galopam. To galop. Gal aim. An enemy. Galma, galba. Hardnefs. Galanach. Noify. Galmas. A pledge. Galar. A difeafe, diftemper. Galrughdach. Divination. Galar-fuail. The gravel. Galoig. A fhoe. Galar-gafda. The flux. Galruigham. To punifh. . Galar-goilleach. The mort., Gamaineach. Scarcely, hardly. Galar-plocadh. Squinzy. Gamainighe, Scarcity. Galar-milighteach. Green-ficknefs. Gamal. A fool, ftupid perfon. Gallidh. Hot. Gama]. A camel. Galar-teth. The rot. G-ambun. A leg. Galaftair. They fpoke to. Gamh. Winter, corn. Galba. Rigour, hardnefs. Gamhann. A ditch. Galbhaigham. To be hot or warm. Gamhchogus. A dent, notch. Gallbholgach. The French-pox. Gamhnach. Unbulled, of a ftripper cow- Galgadh. Stout, valiant, a champion. Gamhuin. A calf, yearling, ftirk. Galia. An helmet, a military cap, a hat. Gan. Without. Galic. Vide Gaoidhealg, Ganail. A rail, fold. Gall. A ftranger, foreigner ; an Englilh- Gangaid. Falfehood, deceit, a buflrle; man, or Low Country Scotchman. light-headed creature. Gall. A rock, a (tone, pi. gailleacha, ftones. Gangaideach. Falfe, deceitful, light-head- Gall. A cock, a fwan. ed, pitiful, narrow-hearted. Gall. Milk. Gangaideachd. Craft, knavery, deceit. GaRda. Belonging to an Englifhman or Gann. Scarce, little, fhort, difficult. Low Countryman ; Arrange, foreign, fur- Gannail. Lattices. ly, poor-fpirited. Ganndas. A grudge. Galldachd. Low country of Scotland. Ganra. A gander. Galoban. A dwarf. Gantan. Hunger. Galltrumpa. A trumpet,.,clarion. Gantir. A prifon, dilemma. Galla. Brightnefs, beauty. Gaod. A fwan, Gallchno. A walnut. Gaoi. Prudence, wifdom. Gallad. A lafs, little girl, Gaoi, go. Untruth, a lie. Galla. A bitch. Gaoid. Wind, blafts, flatulence. Galluch. A rat. Gaoidbhein. A mountain in the ifle of Gallunach. Soap. Arran. Galltach. A Gaul. Gaoideanta. Idle, flothful. Gaoidheann. GAO GAR

Gaoidheann. Falfe colour, counterfeit. Gaoth. Theft. Gaog. Evaporation, flatnefs; air dol a Gaotha. Streams left at low water. ghaog, dead. Gaoth-near. Ealt-wind. Gaoidhal. An Irifhman, Highlander of Gaoth-niar. Well-wind. Scotland. Gaoth-deas. South-wind. Gaogan. Part of a thread fpun finer than Gaoth-tuath. North-wind. it ought to be. Gaothach. Gaoil. A family, or kindred ; love. Gaothanach. Windy. Gaoidhleag. The Irifh, Gaelic, or old Gaothmhor. Celtic tongue. Gaothmheigh. Anemometer. Gaoidhealtachd. The Highlands of Scot- Gaothmhor. Painful. land. Gaothinnifan. Anemofcope. Gaoilam. To boil, feethe, Gaothmhar. A painful wound. Gaoil. Boiling, anger. Gaothmhaireachd. Pain, great anguilh, Gaoilach. Boiling. flatulence, llorm. Gaoine. Good. Gaothraigham. To winnow. Gaoine. Goodnefs, honefty. Gar. Defert, merit, accommodation. Gaoirbh. The paunch of a deer. Gar, car. Near, nigh to, foon, ann gar, at Gaois, gaos. Wifdom, prudence. hand. Gaoifid. Hair of beafts. Gara, garach. Ufeful. Gaoifnain. A fingle hair. Garab. Not clofe. Gaoith, gaoth. Wind. Garabhan. Bran. Gaoithreog. A blaft, or blowing. Garachdal. Huge. Gaol. Love, liking, fondnefs. Garach. A brawl. Gaolin. Sweetheart. Garachdalachd. Hugenefs. Gaolach. A dear, mo ghaolaeh, my dear. Garadan. A regiller, note-book. Gaolbhola. Confanguinity. Garadh. A gratuity. Gaolam. To break. Garadh. A garden, hedge, dyke. Gaolach. Lovely. Garadh. A hiding place for wild bealls, Gaorfte. A whirlwind. den, cave. Gaorr. Dirt, dirt contained in the intef- Garaileamhathair. The great-grandfather, tines. filler, abamita. Gaorram. To cram, glut. Garam. To gratify. Gaoran. A little glutton. Garam. To warm. Gaofmhor. Prudent, fkilful, occafion. Garamhuil. Near, neighbouring, warm, Gaofneach. Hairy. fnug, comfortable. Gaoth. A dart, a flitch, fhooting pain. Garan. An underwood, forell, thicket. Gaoth. The wind. Garan, guirain. A blotch. Gaothruadh. A Mailing wind, mildew. Garathair. A great-grandfather, tritavus. Gaoth ghuartain. A whirlwind. Garbanach. Rude, raw, unexperienced. Gaoth. The fea. Garbhag-garaidh. Savory. Gaoth. Wife, prudent. Garbh. Rough, coarfe, rugged, boillerous. Gaoth. Pains. Garbhanach. A tall flout fellow. Garbhthonn. GAR GAT

Garbhthonn. A boifterous wave. Garrdha. Of a garden. Garbhfhion. A tempeft. Garrfhiach. A glutton. Garbhach. A grandfon. Garrthoir. A cryer, bawler. Garbhait. A rough place. Garruicam. To prattle, prate. Garbhchludach. A coarfe blanket, cover- Garruicachd. Prating. let. Garrunnach. Dirty, fhocking, horrible, Garbhchulaidh. A frieze-coat. Gart. Liberality, bounty. Garbhchrioch. A rough country, the High- Gart. A head, a threatening poflurc. lands of Scotland. Gart. Standing corn. Garbhghaineamh. Gravel. Gartan. A bonnet, cap, hat. Garbhan. Bran. Gartghlanam. To weed, examine. Garbhleafs. A fhout. Gartha. -i , „ _ ... I A fhout or 5great crv. Garbhlocc. A. crag, a thicket. Garthaich. ) Garbhleach. The rugged part of a country. Garthal. Warm, thug. Garda. A guard, garden. Gartlann. A corn-yard. Gardrich. A troop, company. Garua, garogha. A great-grandchild’s Garg. Auflere, fierce, cruel, rough, firm; grandchild. Adnepos. fore. Gas. A bunch, bough, ftalk, flem of an Gargachd. 7 Rudenefs, roughnefs, cruelty ; herb ; a military fervant, a boy. Gargad. J forenefs. Gafpidam. A hornet. Gargin. Dung. Gafach. Bufhy. Garidh. A cave. Gafra. t A band of domeftic troops, an- Garlach. A young infant becaufe it fcreams; Gafradh. } ciently mercenary foldiers. a naked flarving child ; a baftard. Air gafradh. Proud, hot as a bitch. Garluch. A mole, Gas. Strength, anger, wrath. Garmadh. A calling. Gai fguabaidh. A befom, broom. Garmadair. A cryer, proclaimer. Gas, gus. Unto, to. Garmain. A poll, pillar, a beam, Gafam. To fhout, fprout, to look. Garman. A gallows. Gafcorbhthach. A midwife. Garmhathair. A great-grandmother. Gafg. A tail. Garnaloir. A gardener. Gafgan. A puppy. Garneal. An ark, or magazine to hold Gafganach. Petulant. meal in. Gafgara. The pofteriors. Garoid. A fplutter, noife. Gaff. A fnare, wile. Garoighe. The next. Gaft. An old woman. Garrach. Gorbellied. Gafda. Clever, neat, ingenious, fkilful. Garran. A ftrong or hackney horfe. Vide Gaftachd. Ingenuity, clevernefs, neatnefs.. Gearran. Gaftog. A wile, trick. Garran. A grove, or wood. Gafun. A boy, a little forty fellow, gargon. Garran. A glutton, gorbelly. Gath. A fpear, javelin ; a ray or beam, a Garran gainmhaich. A certain little fxfh. fting. Garrbhuaic. A noife, clamour. Gath-dubh. A weed, the beard of corn. Garrbhuaiceach. Clamorous, noify. Gath-cuip. A medical tent. 7 iGath- G E A G E A

Gath-bolg. A trank for blowing darts* Gealbhhunn. j A fparrow, a common Gath-muinne. A mane. Gealun. J fire. Gath-greine. A fun -beam. Gealbhan lion. A linnet, lintwhite. Gath-fruigh. A poifoned arrow. Gealcadh. Whitenefs. Ge, ce. The earth. Gealcam. To whiten. Ge, gedhj Geadh. A goofe. Geall i A pledge, mortgage, bet, Ge. As, whence. Geall-barantus. i defire. Ge as air bith. Whence foever. Geal -daingnuchidh. Earneft-money, Ge, for ce. Who ? which ? what ? Gealladh. A promife. Ge. Though, although. Geallam. To promife, devote. Geabhaire. i , Geallamhna. A promifing, promife. „ , , . . }• A carper. Geabhiaire. J Geallmhor. Defirous. Geabham. To find, behave. Geallmhorachd. Defire. Geabhthaigheas. Fear, dread. Geallambuin. Promife, vow. Geachdaidheachd. A debate. Geallag-bhuachair. The bird called bunt- Gead. A buttock, haunch. ing. Gead. A fpot, a ftar in the forehead of a Geallog. A falmon-trout, a white-falmon, horfe. an eel. Geada. A ridge, bed, or final! fpot of Gealfiiuileach. Moon-eyed. ground. Geallta. Promifed. Geadh. A goofe, a taylor’s iron. Gealta. Whitened. Geadhlann. A goofe quill. Gealltin. Promifing. Geadh-dubh. A fpecies of goofe. Gealtach. Timorous, fearful, jealous, afto- Geadha. A pole, a boat-hook, nifhed. Geadus. A pike. Gealtachd. Timoroufnefs, fear. Geag, geug. A bough, branch, limb, mem- Gealtaighe. Jealoufy. ber. Gealtanas. A£t of promifing. Geagach. Having branches. Gealtuigham. To dread, fear. Geagamhuil. Branched, having boughs or Gealta. A bleecher, fuller. branches. Gealtuire. A coward. Geagam. ’ Tobranch, bud, fprout forth. Gealtran. Geal. Fair, white, bright. Gealltholl. A horfe-leech. Gealadhairc. An animal with a white horn, Geam. Ajem, jewel. the name of a cow. Geamanach. A fervant, lacquey. Gealadhairceach. White-horned. Geamhar. A blade of corn, corn in grafs Gealchos. White-foot, name of a dog. or blade. Gealan. The white of the eye. Geamh. | A branch, flip. Gealacan. The white of an egg, Geamhag, Gealach. The moon. Geamhladh. A chain, fetter. Gealaigham. To whiten, bleach. Gcamhlag. A crow of iron, lever. Gealaighte. Whitened, bleached. Geamhloch. Sandblind. Gealadh. Whitenefs. Geamhradh. Winter. Gealairgidh. A prickle. Geamhrachal. Wintry. [Bbb] ' Gean. G E A G E A

Gean. Fondnefs, love, favour, approba- Gearba. Bran, the itch, a tumour.. tion. Gearbach. Scabbed, rugged. Gean. A woman. Gearbam. To grieve, hurt, wound., Geanach. Of a pleafant humour. Gearblafda. Tart, four. Geanach. Greedy, covetous. Vide Gion- Gearcaifeadh. Smartnefs, brilknefs. ach. Geafchuife. Subtilty, fagacity. Geanachd. Chaftity. Gearchuifeach. Ingenious, fhrewd, fubtile.. Geanaidham. To deride. Geardhearc. A birberry. Geanair. January. Gearg. A botch, bile.. Geamhflniileach. Pink-eyed. Gearg, garg. Fierce, cruel. Geanair. Was conceived, or born. Geargha. A flrort dart, javelin. Geanamhlachd. Grace, beauty, comeli- Gearghlais. A glofs, fhort note. nefs. Gearleanam. To purfue, eagerly, perfe- Geanamhuil. Graceful, comely, acceptable. cute. Geanamhna. Chafte, pure. Gearleanmhuin. Perfecution. Geanas. Chaftity. Gearmhagadh. A farcafm, bitter jeft. Geanafach. Chafte, modeft. Gearmheafach. Neat. Geangam. To ftrike, beat. Gearradh. A. tax, tribute. Geanmchnu. A chefnut. Gearradh. A cut, rent. Geanmhaidhe. Pure, chafte, incorrupt. Gearrchumhain. A pack-faddle. Geanmnaidheachd. Gearr. Short; a ware for catching fifti.. Geanamhnachd. j5 Chaftity. Gearradair. A . Geanafachd. Gearram. To cut, bite, gnaw, firorten. Geangam. To ftrike, beat. Gearachoileir. Afiaffin, cut-throat.. Geangachd. Comelinefs. Gearradh-guirt. A quail. Geanmath. Good-will. Gearghath. A fhort javelin. Geannaire. A hammer, mallet. Gearran. A work-horfe, hack. Geannaireachd. Hammering, ftiarpening. Gearcuig. A brood. Gearr. Short, ftiortly. Gearrearballach. Bobtailed. Gearaghadh. A foliciting, enticing. Gearchuifle. Venefedtion. Gearbhreac. A guillemot. Gearrchofach. Short-footed. Geraigham, rather geuraigham. To fharp- Gearran-ard. A hobby. en. Gearrafgian. A dirk, ftilletto. Gearait. Holy, a faint. Gearrfhiadh. A hare. Gearait. Wife, prudent. Gearrfhoirm. An abftradft, abridgment. Gearait. A virgin. Gearrghuin. A horfe-leech. Gearam, geuram. To whet, fharpen. Gearrmhagadh. A farcafm. Gearan. A complaint, fupplication, groan, Gearrog. Fortune, fate, deftiny. figh. Gearrfliaoghlach. Short-lived. Gearanaicham. j „ . . , . Gearr-fporan. A cut-purfe. }• 1 o complain, condole. Gearanam. J / Gearrlliuileach. Short-fighted. Gearanach. Accufative, complaining. Gearfmachd. Severity, wrath. Gearb. A fcab. Gearfom, Entrance-money. Geart. GET G E I

Geart. Milk. Geil. Meaning, fenfe, expreffion ; for ceill, Gearthach. A flux. from ciall ; ciiiram ann geill, I will de- Gearthoir. A carver, hewer. clare. Gearuigheachd. Railing, fatirizing. Geille. Gives,-fetters. Gearuigham. To whet, fharpen, to fcold, Geille. j exafperate. Geill t Submiffion, obedience. Gearun. A gerund. Geilligham. | To ferve, obey, do homage. Geafa. A conjecture,,guefs, religious vow, Geillam. oath, enchantment, charm. Geillachdin. Obeying, reverencing, hum- Geafa droma draoitheachda. A kind of bling. Druidifh forcery, explained at large by Geillios. Kindnefs, friendfhip. Dr. Keating. Geillfine. Submiffion, homage. Geafadan. A fhrub. Geilmin. A pilchard. Geafadair. A wizzard, charmer. Geill, ingeilt. Pafture. Geafadoirachd. Divination, forcery. Geilt. Terror. Geafam. To divine, foretell. Geilt. A wild man or womans, a fliveftrous Geafan. An oath. perfon. Geafrogadh. Superftition, fuperftitious ce- Geilt. Mad. remonies. Geimhean. Reflraint, bondage*- Geaft, gioft. Barm, yeafl. Geimhleachd. A bond or chain. Geaftal. A deed, fa£t. Geimhre. Of winter.

Geaftal. Want, need, necellity. Geimhream. To winter,: to take wfnter- Geat. Milk. quarters. Geata, geatadh. A gate. Geimeam, geimneam. To low, bellow. Geatram. To adorn, .make neat. Geimreachj geimneach. Lowing,- bellow- Ged. But. ing. Gedal. A reed. Gein.- A conception, offspring. • Gedas. A pike-filhf. Geinn. A wedge. Gedh. A goofe. Geinnam. To prefs, fqueeze.- Geibheal, geall. A pledge. Geinnamhuil. Cuneiform. Geibheal, geimhal. Chains, fetters; Geinadh.- Generation, fpringing forth. Geibham. To get, obtain. Geinealach. A genealogy, pedigree, fa- Geibhion. Fetters, prifon,. any great dif- mily. trefs.- Geineamhuin. A birth. Geibleid. A floven. : Geineamhuineach. Genitive." Geibleidach. Slovenly. Geinearalta. General. Geibleidachd. Slovenlinefs. Gemeog. A gem. Geibhis. A-valley. Geinam. To beget children, to generate. Geibhligham. To fetter, put in-chains ) Geiniolach. A family, flock, generation. to pledge, mortgage, Geinmotha. Except, fave only, Geideal. A fan. Geinnag, A pundle. Geiifhreagradh. A ftipulation,, a reply. Geinteoir. A fewer, planter. Geilios. Traffic. ' Geintilach. A Gentile, Pagan. 5 Geintileachas. GEO G E U

Gcintileachas, 7 „ , Geochdach. Having a wry-neck. „ . > raganifm, idolatry, (j-eintueas. 1 Geocamhail. Strolling, gluttonous. Geir. Suet. Geocaire. A debauchee. Geire. More fharp, harfh. Geocthoir. A reveller, debauchee. Geire, geirad, geiraichad. Sharpnefs, four- Geodhlann. A goofe-pen. nefs, tartnefs. Geoidh. Geefe. Geireach. Grea.fy, Geogna. A hurt, wound. Geiram, geirgham. To whet, greafe. ' Geolach. Shoulder-bands put on dead Geirintleachd. Sagacity, fubtilty. men in the highlands. Germhinughadh. A glofs, or fhort com- Geolach ort. A common highland impre- ment. cation. Geirneal. A granary. Geolthadh. A yawl. Geirre. A brief, abridgment. Geoin. A confuted noife. Geirnin. A fnare. Geoin. A fool, foolifh perfon. Geirrfeach. A girl. Geoilrean. A fan. Geirrfgiath. A fhort fhield. . Geolan. Geis. A cuftom, an order; geifa na Teamh- Geofadan. A fmall ftalk, fliaft, arrow. ra, the cuftoms of Tara. Geofan. The belly. Geis. A vow, protefting againft a thing, Geoth, gaoth. Wind. a prohibition or injunfition. Geoth. The fea, ocean. Geis. A prayer. Geothadh. A bay or creek. Geis. A fwan. Getar. To hurt, wound. Geifas buar namhad fri fhleagha. That ob- Geuga. A branch, a man’s arms. tains the cattle of-his foes by his fpear. Geugach. Branchy. Geifeadh. Intreaty. Geugam. To branch out. Geifg. A creaking noife, creak, roar. Geulran. A fan. Geifgal. 1 Geurfhocal. Witticifm, gibe. Geifgadb. Geurfhocalach. Full of repartee, Geifgam. To creak, roar, clung. Geurainachd. Failing wit. Geifneach. Enchanted. Geurachdach. Sharp, Gen. A fword. Geuraigham. To fharpen, four, to whet, Gen. A hurt, wound. Geuraghadh. Souring, fharpening. Genchrios. A fword-bek. Geufchuireach. Stridf, rigorous. Gendeabham. To fence. Geur. Sharp, four, edged. Gendreanaire. A fencer. Geurad. Sharpnefs, fournefs. Gendreanam. To fence, fcuffle. Geurchaifeadh. Sharpnefs. Generalta. General, univerfal. Geurag-bhilach. The herb agrimony. Gentlidhach. A Gentile, heathen. Geurchluais. Short notice, quick heap- Geocaeh. A ftroller, vagabond, glutton. ing. Geocachd. Gluttony. Geurchuife. Subtilty. Geocaigham. To Itroll, gormandize, de- Geurchuifeach. Subtle, vour. Geure. Sharper. Geochd. A wry-ncck. Geurg. A bile. Geurgach. G I L G I O

Geurgath. A dart, javelin. Gille-mirain. A whirlgig. Geurinntleacbd. Subtilty. Gille-bride. An oyfter-catcher. Geurinntleachdach. Subtle. Gille-gorman. Corn fcabious. Giabhair. A proftitute, a whore, Gillefuinbrinn. A periwinkle. Gial, giall.. The jaw, cheek. Gilleachafionn. 1 A periwinkle that dyes Giallbhrat. A neckcloth. Gillefionntruin, j purple. Gialla. Softnefs. Gilmeinach. Dainty. Giall, gialla. Hoftages, a pledge, Gilm. A buzzard. Giamh. A defeft. Gilnemhog. A water-adder, Giamhach. Defedtive. Gimleach. One fettered. Gianach. Lazy. Gimlaid. A gimlet. Gianaire. A lazy perfon, Ginn. A wedge. Gibbach. Rough, hairy. Ginealach. A genealogy, pedigree,.family, Gibbaichad. Roughnefs. race. Gibbog. A little fheaf, bundle, Gineamhuin. A bud, fpro.ut, birth. Gibbogan. A fringe. Ginel. Species, race, flock, lineage. Gibhis, geibhis. A glen, valley, Ginnel. An order of battle in the form of Gibne. Thread. _ a triangle, or wedgewife. Gibne. A cupping-horn. Ginan. To beget, bud, fprout. Gibne. A greyhound. Gintin. Begetting, growing. Gidh. Who, what. Giob. The tail, rug. Gidh b’e air bhith. Whofoever. Giobach. Rough, hairy, Gidh, Giodh Giobaichad. Roughnefs. | Although, though. Gidheadh. Giobal. A garment, canvas, cafl clothes ; Gidhrean. A barnacle. fur, hair, a rag, clout. Gigill. Tickling. Giobalach. Full of hairs, ragged. Giglam. To tickle, Giobam. To tear, tug, pull. Gighis. A mafquerade, Giobadh. A pull, tug. Gighifairachd. Mafquerading. Giobag. A rag, a little fheaf,or bundle. Gil. Water. Giobogach. Ragged. Gilab. A chifel. Giodal. Flattery. Gilabam. To chifel. Giodar. Dung, ordure. Gilaid. A little creek, Giodh. Although, though. Gile. Giodhran. A barnacle. Gileachd. -Whitenefs. Giodheadh. However. Gilead. Giodhtrachd. Neverthelefs, howbeit; ufed Gile. Whiter. when the thread of a flory is refumed j Gille, giolla. A raan-fervant, a ftripling, jam vero. a male. ^ Giofach. Dutiful, officious. Gillagan. A doll. Giofachd. Officioufnefs. Gille mu leann. A fea-weed like a Giofaire. A client. rope. Giofog. A female client, a gipfey. Gille-boidhre. A fox. Giogach. A bag, budget. [C c c] Giogadh. G I O G 1 U

Giogadh. Cringeing. Gion. The mouth. Giogailam; To follow, purfue, Gionach. Hungry, keen, gluttonous, vo- Gioghram. A plain. racious. Giogun. A thiftle. Gionachd. Hunger, gluttony. Giole. A broom, reed, cane. Gionaire. A greedy-gut. Giolcamhuil. Made of broom, reed, or Gionbhair. January. cane. Giorac. Noife, talking. Giolcanach. Reedy., Gioracach.- Noify,. talkative. Gioleog. A reed. Gioracam. To prattle, chat. Gioladh. Leaping nimbly. Giorradain,. A periwinkle. Giolcair. A flippant fellow. Giorag. Dread, fear. Vide Giorac. Giolcanachd. Flippancy. Gioraman. A hungry fellow. Giolbheifd. A. Naiad. Gioramhach. Greedy-

Giolam., Gioramhachd. Greedinefs, covetoufnefs0 Giolaman. .Tattling,. Giorra. Shorter. Giolmanachd. Giorrach. Short and. dry heath or hair.. Giolmanach. Tattler. Giorraide. 7 . , !■ A buttock, haunch. Giolam-goilam. Tittle-tattle. Giorta. i Giolla. A man-fervant, lacquey. Giorruifge. Inconfiderate. Giolla-coife. A footman, runner, forerun- Giortolam. To patch, mend. ner.i Giofcan. The noife of a wheel or door,, Giolla-carbaid. A coachman, poftillion, gnafhing. charioteer. Giofcan-fhiacal. Gnafhing of teeth. Giolla-copain. A cup-bearer. Giofg. 7 . > .Hcirmj yean:, Giolla-graidh. A. fecretary, confident, chief Lriolgam.t fervant. Gioftairas. Old-age. Giolladha an t fluaigh. An army’s baggage, Gioflal. A fait, deed. alfo. the fervants of the army. Giota. An appendage, dependance, Giolla-fguain. A train-bearer. Girt. A girth, cingle. Giolla-each. A groom, oftler.- Girtam. To tie a girth, lace. Giolla-botin. Boot-catcher. Gifeil. A line. Giolla-brog. A. fhoe-black. Giubhas. Fir, pine-tree. Giolla-muchain. A chimneyTweeper. Giubhal. Chirping noife of birds. Giollamhuil. Belonging to fervants. Giubhafach. Fir-wood. Giollachd. Service,.management of an af- Giuban. A fly. fair, conduit. Giucram. Complaining noife, moaning. Giollas. Service. Giuig. A drooping chilly attitude. Giolmham. To folicit.: Giugach. Drooping, ftarved. Giomach. A lobfter. Giulan. Bearing,, carrying, a. burial, fu- Giomanach. A hunter. neral. Giomh.. A fault, a lock of hair, Giulan. Conduit, converfation, compoit- Giomhreann. A part., ment. Gion. Will,.defire. Giulam. To follow. Giulanam, G L A G L A

Giulanam. To bear, fufFer, carry; to com- Glagane. j A taikative perfon. fort, behave. Glaigin. > Giullachadh. Cherifhing. Glaib. Dirty water, puddle. Giurrad. Shortnefs. Glaic. A handful,.grafp, little glen. Giuran. The gills of a fifli. Glaidineachd. Gluttony. Giurre. Shorter. Glaicais. WrefHing. Giufta. A cann, tankard. Glaicaifach. Athletic. Giuftal. The games or athletic exercifes Glaimh. ) A- great r.oife, clamour, pitiful' ufed formerly by the Irifh at their aonachs, Claim. I complaint j a common report, a.. or aontheachd, or public meetings. yelling, howling., Glac. The palm of the hand, a prong, Glaimhin. A fpendthrift. fork, quiver. Glaimm. A large mouthful, gobbet. Glac. i A narrow glen ; glacag nam fea- Glaimfair. A voracious eater, muncher. Glacag. i dan, the valley of blafts. Glammam. To eat voracioully, cry out, Glacach. A ftrain in the hand, a difeafe in bawl. the hand fo called. Glamham, To catch at greedily. Glacan. A prong, fork. Glamhaire. One that catcheth at gree- Glacanach. i dily. Forked. Glacach. i Glamhaireachd'.-. Catching at with greedi- Glacadan. A repofitory. nefs. Glacadoir. A receiver. Glamhfan. Murmur. Glacadh. Acceptance, receiving, feeling. Glamhfoir. Murmurer. Glacam. To accept, take, receive, feize, Glaimhnigham. To roar, cry out. apprehend, feel. Glaine. Cleannefs, brightnefs. Glacaireachd. An imprefs, Glaine. Cleaner,. more bright. Glaclach. Glaineachd. | A handful, bundle. | Clearnefs, meatnefs. Glacallach Glainad. Glacleabhar. A pocket-book. Glaineadoir. Vide Gloinadoir. Glacoin. A bundle, a faggot. Glainne. Glafs. Glactha. Handled, taken, feized, Glainne-cian-amhare. A telefcope. Glainfiach. A glutton. | Seizing, handling, taking. Glaife. Poverty. Gladaire. A gladiator. Glaife. ^ Greynefs, a fhade, eclipfe, Glaedh. Vide Glaodh, Glaifeachd. > greennefs, verdure, ■ Glaedh. Broad. Glaife. More green. Glafaire. A babbler. Glaifain. A fort of fifli. Glafar. ~i Glaifain-daraich; A green-finch. Giafarnach. VNoife, din, prating, chatting. Glais-leun. Pepper-grafs, lefler fpear- Glafoide. J wort. Glagan. The clapper of a mill. Glaifain-fealaich. A willy-wagtail. Glagan-doruis. The knocker of a door. Glait.; Prepared. Glagartha. Flowing, flov/ly, fluggifh. Glam. An outcry, a fliout, noife. Glamajre, G L A OLE

Glatnaire. A noify, filly fellow. Glafliath. Greyilh. Glamaireachd. A conflant babbling. Glafmhaigh. A green field. Glamhin. A fpendthrift. Glafneulach. Pale. Gian. Clean, pure, fincere. Glafog. A water-wagtail. Glanam. To cleanfe, purge, purify. Glafruighe. Greens to eat. Glunadh. Wafliing, cleanfmg. Glafruigham. To make green, to prepare Glanamhuil. Abflergent. green thread for ufe. Glang. A flioulder. Glaf-uaine. Green. Glanlabhradh. Clearnefs of expreffion. Glasfheur. Grafs. Glanlach. A fence, dike. G!e.. Pure, clean. Glanlaigham. To fence, enclofe, intrench. Gle. Open, plain. Glanmhan. Clean -wtheat. Gle. Good. Glanbhar. A good head of hair. Gle. Enough, perfefily, a compofitive par- Glanta. Clean, wafhed. ticle. Glantaibhreadh. Clearnefs of expreffion, Gleac. A light, conflidl. evidence. Gleacam. To wreftle, flruggle. Glantoireachd. Cieanfing, weeding. Gleacaidhe. A combatant. Glanthoil'each. Curious. Gleachas. A gallery. Glaodh. Birdlime, glue. ,, I Tricks, lham, humour. Glaodh. A call. Gleadhna. > Tjlaodham. To call, bawl out, to glue. Gleagham, To bear leaves j to keep, fave. Glaodhach. Calling out, bawling. Gleaghadh. Induftry, Glaodh a chaolaich. Cock-crow. Gleaghtach. Frugal, faving. Glaodhan. Pith of wood. Gleghlan. Bright, clear, immaculate. Glaoidh. A heap, a pile. Gleghlanam. To purify, fpiritualize. Giaoghan. Pipes, tubes. Gle'gheal. Exceeding fair, or white. Glaoidheamhin. A wolf. Gleghrach. A loud cry, fhout. Glaoine. Glafs, cieannefs. Gleair. Neat, clean, fair. Glaoran. Flower of woo'd-forrel. Gleal. Exceeding white or clear. Glaothar. A noife, prating. Gleghealaigham. To blanch or whiten. Glaotharanta. Noify, prating. Gleamhfach. Tedious. Glaothran. A rattle. Gleamhfa. A flow long draught of li- Glas. A lock. quor. Glas. Grey, green, pale, wan, poor. Gleamhfan. Continual fpeaking. Glafdidh. Pale, wan. Gleanam. t To adhere, to flick clofe Glafaire. A prattler. Gleannam. f to. Glafam. To lock, fetter, become green. Gleann. A valley, vale. Glafamhuil. Greenilh, pale, wan, greyilh. Gleangarfach. Tinkling. Glafan. A fort of edible alga, fea wrack; Gleannach. j Of or belonging to a val- any fallad. Gleanntamhuil. J ley, fteep, fhelving. Glalbhan. Pale. Gleannan. A little valley, defile. Glafghort. A green plot. Glearam. To follow'. Glearthach. G L E G L I

Glearthach. Pliable, flexible. Gleogairachd. Stupid geftures. Gleas. A manner, order, condition, lock Gleothan. A clue. of a gun, key or gamut, inftrument. Gleten. Glue. Gleafam, gleufam. To prepare, make rea- Glethe. Clean. dy, to tune. Gleus. Order, lock of a gun, key or ga- Gleafann. A ftorehoufe. mut. Vide Gleas. Gleafta. Proviflon. Gleufam. To prepare, tune. Gleafta. Prepared, tuned, provided, good- Gleufta. Prepared, tuned. humoured. Gliadh, gliath. War, battle. Gleafdachd. Neatnefs, readinefs, order, Gliadrach. A drab. good-humour. Glib. A lock of hair, Hut. Gleaftoir. A farrier. Glib. Slippery. Gleic. Wreftling, joftling. Glibfhleamhin. Slippery with fleet, Gleicein. A fhuttlecock. Glic. Wife, prudent, cunning, crafty. Gleicam. To wreftle. Glidduicham. To move, ftir. Gleicair. A wreftler. Glifid. A noife. Gleigheal. Vide Glegheal. Glifram. To prate, make a noife. Glin. A generation. Vide Glun. S!e:,Ie- , , ^ Whitenefs, purenefs. Gleileachd. i Glingin. Drunkennefs. Gleire. Much, plenty, a great deal. Glinam. To follow, to cling. Gleire. Choice, ele£tion. Glinn. Light, the fky. Gleirmeifi. A commiflioner. Glinn. A fort, fortrefs, garrifon, Gleitham, gleagham. To keep, fave, to Glinn. Clear, plain. clear up, manifeft, cleanfe. Glinn. Of a valley, vallies. Gleithaire. A gadbee. Glinnach. Full of vallies. Gleithe. Grazing. Glinne. A habit, cloak. Gleith. Pure, neat, Glinneaftar ; le neart De do ghlinneaftar. Gleo. A fight, uproar, tumult, difturb- Hoc virtus Dei praeftitit. Brogan in vita ance. S. Brig. Gleogh. A figh, groan. Glinnigh, glinn. Manifeft, clear. Gleodh- Cleanfing, fcouring, polifhing, Glinnuigham. To obferve clofely, fee flumber. clearly. Gleodham. To cleanfe. Glinntheach. Flexible, pliant. Gleodhamanachd. Drowfinefs. Gliocas. Prudence, ingenuity, craft, cun- Gleodhman. A dro.wfy fellow. ning. Gleoid. A floven. Gliogar. Gleoidal. Slovenly. Gliogarfnaeh. r A tinkling ringing noife. Gleoite. Handfome, curious, tight, pretty, Gliofgarnaich. J neat. Gliogar. Slownefs. Gleofathach. Expert, clever. Gliogaram. To ring, tinkle. Gleorann. Crefles. Gliomach. A lobfter, a long-limbed fel- Gleofg. A vain filly woman. low. Gleofgaire. A vain ftupid fellow.. Gliomach-fpaintach. A craw-fiftr. I [Ddd] Gliongam. G L O G L U

Gliongam. A jingling noife, chink. Gloramas. Boafting talk. Gliofaire. A prattling fellow. Glormhar. Glorious, famous, celebrated. Glioftaire. A clyfter. Glormhaoidham. To boaft. Gliugal. Clucking of a hen. Glormheid. Boafling. Gliumh. Glue. Glotain. A bofom. Gliuftachd. Slownefs. Gloth. Wife, prudent, difcreet. Glocan. Vide Glacan. Gloth. A veil, covering. Glochar. j Breathing, refpiration with Glothagach. Frog-fpawn. Glocharnach. > difficulty, wheezing. Gluair. Pure, clean, clear. Glocaire. A lubberly coward. Gluaireachd. Brightnefs, neatnefs. Glocnid. The morning dram in bed, Gluais. A device, invention. Glochdan. A wide throat. Gluais. Move thou. Glogluinn. Rolling of the fea in a calm. Gluaifmhinughidh. Glofles, explications. Glog. A foft lump, Gluaife. Cleannefs, neatnefs. Gloine. Glafs. Gluaifam. To go, pafs, move, march. Gloilionta. Crammed. Gluaifdeach. Affedting, moving, pathe- Gloinadoir. A glazier. tick. Gloich. An ideot. Giuaifte. Moved, ftirred, provoked. Gloichal. Ideotical. Gluafachd. .Gefture, motion, pathos, ftir- Gloichalachd. Ideotifm. ring, diflurbing, provoking. Gloir. Glory, talk. Gluafog, glafog. A water-wagtail. Gloirais. Boaffing talk, prating. Glug. The motion and noife of water con« Gloiraifach. Boafting, babbling, verbofe. fined in a veflel. Gloraigham. To glorify. Glugan. Rolling like a fhip at fea. Gloirmhiann. Ambition. Glugaire. One that has an impediment in Gloirmhiannach. Ambitious, proud, vain- his fpeech. glorious. Gl ugach. Stammering.. Gloir-reim. Pomp, triumph, pageantry. Gluganach. Rolling, unfteady, totter= Gloiflionta. Full-ftuffed, crammed, thick- ing. fet. Gluine. The knees. Gloitireachd. Gluttony. Gluineafadh. The gout in the knee. Glomuin. The evening. Gluineach-bheg. Knot-grafs. Glomhar. An inftrument tied to the mouth Gluinfheacam. To bend the knee. of a lamb to prevent its fucking. Gluinein. A garter. Glonaid. A multitude.. Gluing. The fhoulder. Glonnmhar. Loathing, Gluifgheagach. Full of green leaves. Glonn. A fadl, deed. Glumagan.. A deep hole. Glonn. A loathing, qualm.. Glun. A. knee, a generation, ftep,, or de- Glonnra. Glittering. gree. Glor. A noife, voice, fpeech, Glunam. | To kneel. Glor. Clear, neat, clean. Glunlubam. Glorach. . Noify, clamorous. Glunlubadh. Genufledtion, Gloram, To found, make a noife,- Glundos. B andy-legged. Glus, G N I G O

Glus. Light, brightnefs.- Gniomh. A parcel, divifion of land} Gna, gnath. Manner, fafhion, cuftom, twelfth-part of a ploughland. ftature. Gniomh. A fadt, deed, an adfion, - ph. Gnabhlus. Cudweed'. Gniomhthara. Gnae. A woman. Gniomh-ingneaeh. A griffin. Gnais. The female privity. Gniomhnach. Active, adtual, bufy. Gnamhan. A fea-fnail, periwinkle. Gniomhachd. Efficieney.. Gnamhuil. Peculiar, proper. Gniomhadh. Acting, doing. Gnaoi. The countenance, a grin. Gniomham. To atchieve. Gnaoifhiofaiche. A phyfiognomih:. Gniomhchomafach, Powerful. Gnaofhiofachd. Phyfrognorny. Gniomhthoir. An adtor, agent, Gnas. A cuftom. Gnifgam. Gnath. A manner, fafhion, cuftom ; fta- Gnifam. ■ To bring, to pafs,,effect. ture. Gnifigham. _ Do ghnath. Always. Gnithe. Tranfadtions, deeds. Gnathbheurla. Vernacular tongue. Gnodhan. An angry groan, noife, moan. Gnathach. Cuftomary, common, continual, conftant. Gnothach. \ *#1*3. Gnathachadh. Practice, cuftom, manner. Gnothach. p Winning,, gaining,, pur- Gnaithaigham. To accuftom, ufe, inure, Gnothachadh. 5 chafing; profit. exercife, pra&ife. Gnothaigam. To win, gain, purchafe, get, Gnathuichoir. A pradtitioner. obtain. Guathas. Experience. Gnothaigheach. Bufy, adtive. Gnathchaoi. A beaten path. Gno. Famous, remarkable, notable. Gnatheolas. Experience. Gno. Jeering, mockery. Gnath-cuimhne. Tradition. Gnoig. Sulky frown. Gnathfhocal. A proverb, phrafe, bye-word. Gnogach. Sulky. Gne. A kind or fort, natural temper, man- Gnoigag. A. little fulky woman. ner, form, appearance. Gnuach. Leaky. Gne. An accident, or outward fenfible fign. Gnuis. The face,.countenance. Gnedhail. Shapely, mannerly, kindly. Gnuis. Hazard, danger, jeopardy, Gneghalachd. Tendernefs, kindnefs. Gnuis. A notch. Gneath. Was born. Gnuifmheallam. To counterfeit. Gnemhillam. To deform,, disfigure. Guifnaire. Bafhfulnefs. Gni. A voice. Gnumh. A dent, notch, Gnia. Knowledge.. Gnumh. A heap, pile. Gnia. A tree. Gnumham. To heap up, pile, amafs. Gnia. A fervant. Gnufadh. A notch. Gnia. A judge, a knowing perfon. Gnufadh. a The lowing of a cow to Gniadh. A doing fervice. Gnufachdich, 5 her calf. Gnic. Knowledge. Gnufgulach. Grunting. Gnidham. To eftedf, bring to pafs, to do, Go, gu. To, unto, until. make.. Go, GOG G O I

Go. Put before any adjeftive forms the ad- Gogam. To nod, gefticulate. verb of that adjective; luath, quick j go Gogaidach. A coquette. luath, quickly. Gogaidachd. Coquetry. Go. The fea. Gogailleachd. Dotage. Go, ga. A fpear. Gogcheannach. Light-headed, whofe head Go. A lye, deceit. fhakes. Gob. A bill, beak, fnout. Gogallach. The cackling of a goofe, duck, Gobach. Prating. or hen. Gobag. A dogfifh. Gogal. 7 Gobam. To bud, fprout forth. Gogan. S CacklinS> PratinS- Gob-labhartha. j Gogor. Light. Gobhlan-bhartha. S A reafllaniC- Goibin, gobag. A little bill j a fand-eel. Goban. A muffle ; any external hindrance Goibhin. A little hill. to fpeech. Goibhneachd. Smith trade. Gobanach. A prattler. Goibhrios. A falfe colour. Gobel. The harbour’s mouth. Goic. A feoff, taunt j a cocking up of the Gob-eafgidh. Snapping. head. Gobha. A fmith. Goical. Scoffing with an erefl: head. Gobha-dubh. A water oufie. Goid. Theft. Gobha-uifge. The king’s fifher. Goidheal. An Irilhman, or Scotch High- Gobham. To lefien, diminifh. lander. Gobhal. A poll, pillar, prop, fhore. Goidhealg. The Gaelic tongue. Gobhal. Regio perineum. Goidhealach. Irifh, Highland. Gobhlach. Forked, pronged. Goiglis. A tickling. Gobhlacan. Aftride. Goil. Prowefs, chivalry. Gobhlan. A prong, fork, weedhook, Goile. The ftomach, appetite. Gobhlanach. Pronged, forked. Goileamhuin. Grief, forrow. Gqblan-gaoith. A fwallow. Goilam. To grieve, cry, chatter. Gobhlan-gainmhaich. _A fand-martin. Goill. A fwollen angry face. Gabhar. A goat, formerly a horfe. Goill, War, fight, or whatever caufes Gobhar oiche. A fnipe. grief. Gobharr. A periwig. Goilline. The devil. Gobhacan,. The tilting. Goilmin. A chatterer. Gobhireong. 7 „ Goimh. Anguifh, vexation, a grudge. r, ,, , / Compaffes. Gobhalran. i Goin. A hurt, wound. Gocman. An u-fhetj or gentleman, Goin. A chapter, paragraph, Gochadh. Quality. Goin. Delufion. Gochdmun. A watchman. Goinad. Painfulnefs. Godach. Giddy, coquettifh. Goinam. To wound, hurt, Gog. A tittle, fyllable, nod. Goinnach. Voracious, that ftingeth, Gog-gheadh. A fmall goofe. prickly. Gogach. Wavering, reeling. Goinnanta. Keen, wounding. Gog&uileach. Having wandering eyes. Goire. Near, pro Car. Goirid. G O R G O R

Goirid. A fliort fpace. Goraiche. Goir. Call thou. Gorachd. Folly, foolifhnefs. Goiram, gairam. To call. Goraichad. Goireil. Snug, convenient. Goraiclais. Croaking. Goirmin. Woad. Goraiceadh. A croaking fhout. Golrgain-garaidh. Garlick. Goraical. Screeching, croaking. Goirnead, guirnead. A gurnard. Goraman. A hungry fellow. Goireas. Apparatus, tools. Goramhach. Greedy. Goirrige. A dolt, a fool. Goramhachd. Greedinefs. Goirifeadh. Convenient. Goran. A pimple. Goirfeadh. A target. Gorg, garg. Fierce, cruel. Goirrfgeatham. To retch. Gorge. Dotage, fretfulnefs. Goirt, genitive of gort. A corn-field. Gorgeach. Peevifli. Goirt. Sore. Gorgeachas. Dotage. Goirt. Sour, bitter, fait. Gorgaicham. To hurt, annoy. Goirt. Famine, hunger, ftarving. Gorghlantoir. A weeder. Goirt, gortach. Poor-fpirited, narrow, Gorm. Blue. mean. Gorm. Noble, illuftrious, excellent. Goirtbhrifeadh. Mifery, calamity. Gormam. To make blue or red. Goirthe. Warm, warmed. Gormghlas. Of an azure or blue co- Goirtain. A little field of corn. lour. Goiftidh. A goflip; the father of a child to Gormmhac. A brave flurdy domeftic or which one is godfather, is called that fervant. godfather’s goiftigh. Gormfliuilach. Blue-eyed. Goifte, gaoifde. A halter, fnare. Gormrod. A paflage through the fea. Goithne. A lance or fpear; a quick gait. An gorman. Woad. Gola. Gluttony. Gorn. An ember, firebrand. Golghair. Lamentation. Corn. The force of poifon. Golog. A budget. Gorrgeachas. Dotage, peevifhnefs, furli- Gona. With, along with. nefs. Gonadh. i A lancing, flinging, ftabbing, Gorfaid. A cuirafs. Gonadhaire. J darting. Gort. The ivy-tree ; the letter G. Gonadhairefin. Therefore, from whence, Gort, gart. Standing corn, a field, garden. whereupon. Gort, goirt. Famine, hunger. Gonais. A prick, a wound. Gortach. Hungry, greedy, ftarving; fpar- Gonam. To wound, fling, flab. ing, ftingy. Gont. Wounded, ftabbed, hurt. Gorteog. A hungry ftingy woman, a four- Goor. Light. apple-tree, a crab-tree. Gor. Advantage, profit. Gortaladh. Patching, mending. Gor. Short. Gortan. A hungry ftingy fellow. Gor. Laughter, pleafure, Gortghlanam. To weed corn. Gorach. Foolifh. Gortughadh. Hurt, .opprefiion, wrong, Goram, garam. To heat, warm. fouring. [Fee] Gortuigham. G R A G R A

Gortuigham. To hurt, opprefs, wrong; to Gradhughadh. Loving. four. Graduighte. Beloved, dear. Gortighean. The univerfal language be- Grafam. To write, infcribe, grub, fcrape. fore the confufion of tongues. Vide Grafan. A grubbing-ax. Keat. Grafchur. Grafted. Gortreabhadh. Mifery. Grafchuiram. To engraft. Gofda. A fpirit, ghoft. Grag. The noife of crows, croaking, a Goftaois. Old age. fhout. Goth. Straight, even. Gragaire. A glutton. Goth. A fpear. Gragallach. The clucking of a hen, or Goth. j crow. „ , ,, > A vowel. Gothadh. J Gargam. To cry out, bawl, fqueal, fhriek. Gothanach. Opprobrious. Gragan. A manor, village, diftridl. Gothadh. An appendix, tendency to bend. Gragan. The bofom. Gothadh. 7 Gragh, graigh. A ftud of horfes, breed of Go.hnadh.S mares.

Gothnadh. 1 . r r , . , Graibh. An almanack. Gothneid. S Ari,eartofightW‘th' Graibhchriolach. The archives, or repoH— Grabach. Notched, indented. tory of records. Grabadh. A let, hindrance, impediment. Graibhri. A title. Grabaire, grabog. A jefter. Graidal. A girdle to toaft bread with. Grabairachd. Gibble gabble. Graigh. A herd, flock, a ftud of horfes, Grabbam. To flop, hinder. breed of mares. Grabhaladh. Engraving. Graidhag. A beloved female.. Grabhalam. To engrave. Graigheach. i A ftallion. Grabhalaiche. An engraver, Graighaire. S Grablochd. Graidheoir. A lover, fweetheart. ^ A fault, error, blot. Grabhlhorb, Graifne. r Riding, horfemanfhip; aifc Grad. Sudden, quick. Graifneaghadh. S alarm. Grada. Vide Granna, Granda. Graige. "7 Gradh. Love, charity. Graigeachd. j Gradh, A degree, gradation. Graigin. A.glutton. Gradhduine. Philanthropy. Graigineas. Gluttony. Gradan. Parched corn. Graigham. To love,.regard, efteem. Gradhach. Loving, beloved, dear. Grain. Deformity, loathing, abhorrence.* Gradcharach. Nimble. nuifance. Gradleiman. To leap quick. Graince. Difdain, loathing. " Gradaigh. Of a fudden. Graincigham. To difdain. Gradhdan. The complaining noife of hens. Graineamhuil. Abominable, deteftable. Gradhmhor. Loving. Graineamhlachd. Abomination.

Gradhmhorachd. Fondnefs, lovingnefs; Graine. A grain, corn. lovelinefs. Graine-mulaich. The top grain on a Gradhuigham. To love. ftalk. Gfaiqein G R A G R E

G’raineln. A grain, a pinch. Grainithach. Granivorous, phytivorous. Grafaif1^3^3* | ^race’ favour5 aid, help. Grainuigham. Todeteft, abhor, deform. Grafda. Compaflionate. Graineog. A hedge-hog; cruafachd na Grafamhuil. ? _ . ^ , (Gracious, merciful. graineoig, a proverb, expreffing the folly Graimhor. 3 of worldly people, who part with all at Grafare. Arable ground. the grave, as the hedge-hog does with his Grata. Excellent, noble, diftinguifhed. crabs at his narrow hole. Gratarnach. Noify, clamorous. Grainnad. Uglinefs. Grathun. Awhile. Grainfeach. A. grain farm, grange- Gre. Vide Goirt. Graineach- Abounding in grain,, granu- Gre. Grey. lous. Greabhailte. A helmet. Grainfeoir. An overfeer.. Gread. A ftroke, blow. Grainte. 7 . Greadam. To burn, fcorch, to torment, „ . , , . JHoannefs.TT Crraintheachd. > whip feverely. Grain-abhal. A pomegranate. Greadan. Parched corn, fnuff, creaking.

Graifg. The common people, mobr ca- Greadanach. Babbling, chattering, clamo- naille. rous, obftreperous. Graifgeamhuil. Vulgar. Greadanta. Hot, warm, fcalding. Graifgamhlachd. Vulgarity- Greadh. Horfe. Gramadach. Grammar. Greadhanachd. Drolling. Gramaifg. The mob. Greadhaire. A ftallion. Gramafgar. A flock, company- Greadhairachd. Covering a mare. Grammaiche. A flefh-hook. Greadog. A griddle. Gramog. A buffoon, jefter. Greadtha; Scorched, parched, burnt.- Gran, granalach. Dried corn,-. Greadhuin. A great number, a band, Gran. Hail, fhot. troop, Greadhdach. Vide Graoinach, Granna* I Ugly. Grannda. ] ° ^ Greallach. Dirty. Granni. Long hair.. Grealloigh. Clay. Granfhobaire. The glanders. Greallag. A fplinter-bar, a fwing. Granlach. Corn,.grain. Grealfach. A fort of fifh. Grant. Grey. Greag. Greece. Graoina. Joyful, chearful, bright. Greagach. Greek, Grecian. Graoinachas. Joyfulnefs, chearfulnefs, Greagam. To deck, adorn. brightnefs. Greamaigham. To hold, faften, adhere Graoinagaicham. To provoke, irritate, in- to. - cenfe. Gream, greim. A bit, morfel, piece ; pl- Greamana. GraofJaclid. 1 Filthy’ obfc'ne- Greamana. Gripes, flitches. Graoltas. Obfcenity. Greamughadh. Faftening, holding, cleav- Grapadb. A dung-fork- ing ' to. Greamuighte. G R E G R I

Greamuigbte. Faliened,, cl inched, Greidal. A gridiron, .griddle, a 'baking- Grean. Gravel. iron. Greannach. Long-haired,, rough, uncomb- Greig. Greece. ed, briilly. Greigais. The Greek tongue. Greann. A rough uncombed look, a beard, Greiilain. A dagger, old rufty fword. fair hair. Greim. A bit, morfel, talk, hard ward, Greann. Love, friendfhip. difficult expreffion, ahold ; pi. Greimana. Greann. Hue, a joke. Greim. A flitch, bite, throb, pang. Greanaghadh. Exhortation. Greimaigham. To hold faft, take hold. Greannughadh. The hair {landing on end. Greimaire. A grappling, pincers. Greannuigham. To defy, to be angry. Greimughadh. Taking hold. Horreo. Greimailteach. Firm, faft holding. Greanghairbhas. Harrinefs. Greim-fola. The pleurify. • Greanmhar. Lovely,: facetious, witty. Greimhric. Samphire. Greannadh. Graving. Greimifg. Old garments, trafh, trumperyj Greanta. Carved, engraved. lumber. Greantafan. Graving. Greine, of the fun. Solar. Greas. A gueft. Greinbheachd. The zodiac. Greas. A manner. Greinferen. Greas. Protedlion, prefervation. Greis. Needlework, embroidery, furniture, Greafach, greas. Ufually. fine clothes. Greafam. To prepare, haften, drefs, adorn, Greifam. To fringe. accoutre ; to encourage, promote. Greis. Awhile, fpace of time. Greafachadh. Haftening. Greis-comairc. Protection. Greas, gen, greis. Fine clothes, gold Greis. A champion. . embroidery, furniture, needle-work. Greifchill. .SanCtuary. Greafachd. Haftening. Greifeachd. Soliciting,'enticing. Greafailt. An inn. Greifeach. Enticing. Greafaire. An inn-keeper. Greifghiolla. A client. Greafan. A web. Greifg. Greafe. Greafaidhe. A {hoe-maker, embroiderer. Greifteoir. A carter. Greath. A noife, cry, ftiout. Greit. A champion, warrior. Greatham. To drefs vidtuals, winnow. Greith. Drefs, ornaments, a jewel, pre- Greathadair. A drefler, winnower. cious ftone. Greathadairachd. Winnowing, drefling. Greliath. Grey hairs. Greathlach. The inwards, inteftines, pur- Greth. A gift, prefent. tenance, pluck. Grefach. Common. Grech. A hound. Greus. Embroidery. Grech. A nut. Greus-obair. Needlework. Grech, a. Salt. Griafda. A great warrior, champion, ■Greithte. Winnowed. hero. Greibhel. A gift, fairing. Grian, The fun. Grian. G R I G R I

Gr-ian. The ground, bottom of the fea,: Grimcharba. A female giant, an appari- lake, or river. tion. Grian. Land. Grimcharbad. A war-chariot, fuch as the Grian-bille. Glebe-land. Britons ufed. Grianach. r „ Grimamhuil. Warlike, martial, fkilful. „ . , 5 Sunny, warm. Cjrianmhor. > Grimifgeoir. A pedlar. Grianan. A fummer-houfe, a walk arched Grin. A piece, morfeL or covered over on a hill for a commo- Grinn. Workmanlike, artificial, neat,, dious profpeft ; a palace or royal feat. clean. Grianannta. Sunny. Grinn. A fort, garrifon. Grianchloch. ; Grinn, greann. A beard. A dial. Grianarc. Grinn, gen. of Greann. Love, facetiouf- Griangamhftad. The winter folltice. nefs. Grianfhamhftad. The fummer folllice. Grinn. Deliberately, ferioufly, profound- Grianchoinamh. Oppofite. ]y- Grianmhuine. Blackberries. Grinnachadh. An effort. Grianchrios. The zodiac. Grinnas. Neatnefs, gentility. Griandeatach. An exhalation. Grinneach. A young man. Grianraigham, To dry or balk, in the Grinnach. Shaggy. fun. Grinneadh. Dying, perifhing. Grianfgarradh. A cranny. Grinneal. 1 The bottom, bed of the fea or Grianftad. A folftice. Grinniol. 3 river, channel. Grib. An impediment* Grinnidham. To gather, to pierce. Grib. Dirt, filth. Grioblas. Clofenefs. Grib. A hindrance. Griogchan. A. conftellation,- Gribadh. A manger. Griollfam. To ftrike or flap. Grib. The feathers on the feet of hens,. Griomchallaire. A herald, one that pro &c. claims peace and declares war. Gribh. A finger. Griomcharbad. A war-chariot, currus fal- Gribh. A griffin, a fierce warrior.. catus. Gribhag. Hurry. Griomh. A man’s nail, a claw, talon.. Gribhagach. Timorous. Griomhaighil. Motiuncula. Gribhingneach. A griffin. Griomhfhronach. Hawknofed. Gribeach. A hunting nag. Grionach. Vide Grianach. Gridadh. Chillinefs. Griongal. . ,, . . , , t Care, affiduity, forrow. Grifach. The mealies. Gnongalachd. J 1 Grigag. A pebble, bead. Griongalach. Induftrious, careful. Griglachan. A conftellation. Gririongnach.. A griffin. Grim. War, battle. Griofam. To entreat, befeech, to abet.. Grim. A grey fubftance growing on trees. Griofach. Hot, burning embers. Grimchliath. Hurdles ufed in fieges, a Griofta. Stirred, provoked. kind of penthoufe. Griofuicham. To ftir the fire, to provoke. [ F f. f J Grioth. G R O G R U

Grioth. The fun. Grothan. Complaining, moan, noife, pur- Gris. Grey. ring. Gris. Fire, inflammation from heat, pim- Grothlach. Gravelly, a gravel-pie. ples. Grotonach. Corpulent. Grifdhearg7. A colour mixed with red and Gruadh, gruaidh. The cheek. grey. Gruag. The hair of the head. Grisfhionn. A fort of brindled colour, Gruag-bhreige. A periwig. Grifgin. Broiled meat. Gruag. A woman, wife. Grith. Knowledge, fkill. Gruagach. A woman giant; a ghoft, ap- Grithail. The grunting of young pigs. parition, fuperftitioufly fuppofed to haunt Gritheach. Learned, wife, difcreet, pru- houfes, called in Scotland a Browny ; al- dent. fo a girl; the chief of a place. Griuthlamhach. Quick. Grugaeh. Hairy. Griun. A hedge-hog. Gruaidh. A brow, cheek. Grobach. Serrate. Gruaim. A furly look, gloom. Groban. The top of a rock. Gruaimin. A filly fellow. Grod. Smart, proud. Gruama. 7 Obfcure, fullen, dark, gloomy, Grod. Rotten. Gruamach. J morofe. Grodam. To rot. Gruamag. A fullen little woman. Grod. Foam. Gruamachd. Gloominefs. Grod. Vide Grad. \ Grubhan. The liver. Grodan. A boat. Grudaire. A brewer, diftiller. Grodh-iarruinn. An iron crow. Grudairachd. Brewing, diftilling. Grog, gruag. The hair of the head. Grug. A lie, untruth. Groibleach. Long nailed, having large ta- Grug. Morofe, a wrinkle. lons. Grug. Weak, feeble. Groigh. A ftud of horfes, breed of mares. Grugach. Wrinkled, morofe. Groghach. Vide Gnothach. Grugare. Having long hair, noble. Groifaid. A goofeberry. Grufam. To engraft. Groifair. A goofeberry-bufh. Gruid. Grains, malt. Groifeanach. Mouthed. Gruig. Churlilhnefs, inhofpitality, a droop- Groifgeach. A droll. ing look. Gron. A ftain, blot, blemifh. Grullan. A cricket. 'Grontach. Corpulent. Gropadh. A gulley, fewer. Grumach. J Grim, furly, fevere. Gropis. Mallows. Grumachd. Surlinefs. Gros. Snout. Grunaigham. To ground, to found. Groflach. Having a large fnout or mouth. Grunnachadh. Grounding, founding. Groffal. 7 (-> Grunnadh. Gathering in heaps. > ^runtino-. Groffairachd. } Grunnafg. Groundfel. Groflaire. A grunter. Grunnt. The ground, bottom, founda- Grothal. Sand, gravel, tion. Grunfgigh. G U A G U I

Grunfgigh. A truce, ceffation of arms. Guas. Peril, danger. Gruntal. Having a foundation, folid, fen- Guafachd. Danger, jeopardy, adventure. fible. Guafachdach. Dangerous, dreadful ; pain- Gruntalachd. Solidity, fenfe. ful, in mfs. on medicine. Gruntas. Dreggs. Gubha. Mourning, lamentation. Gruth. Curds. Gubha. A battle, conflict. Gruthach. Curdled, having curds. Gubhthach. Mournful, forrowful. Gu, go. That, to the end that. Gucag. A bud, fprout, bell, bubble. Guall. Low. Gucagach. Cluftering. Guag. A light, giddy, phantaftical fellow; Gudham, guidham. To pray, wifh. an unfettled capricious perfon. Gudhb. A ftudy or fchool-houfe, armory. Guaillaigham. To go hand in hand. Gudhbach. Studious, afliduous, Guaillighe. i Gufurghoill. Falfe teftimony. Guaillair. \A comPanion- Gugail. Guaillfhionn. Name of a cow, a cow .yvith Gugullaigh. ^Clucking. fpeckled flioulders. Gugarnaigh. Guaimaifeach. Quiet, comfortable. Gugan. A bud, flower, a daify. Guairtain. A whirlwind, Guga. A St. Kilda goofe, a fat fellow. Guaire. The hair of the head, noble, a Guibheirneoir. A governor. briftle. Guidbhain. England. Guairfgeach. That hath hair on the head. Guidhe. A prayer, entreaty, intercefllon. Guais, guas. Danger. Guidhachan. An imprecation. Guaifbheartach. Enterprizing, adventu- Guidham. To pray, entreat, befeech, rous. Guidhuighoir. A prayer, fwearer. Guaitam. To leave off, let alone, be Guilam. To weep, cry, bewail. t . quiet. Guillag. Chattering ofbirds. 'Guailain. 7 . , , , Guilimne. Calumny. ^ A Durnt dead coal# Crualain. i Guilimneach. Calumnious. Gual. A coal, coals, fire. Guilimnigham. To calumniate, reproach,

Ua 1 a Guilneach. A curlew. ^ i. \ lAflioulder. Gualluin. J Guilugag. A cry of joy. Gualgha. Of coals. Guimionn. A holy relick. Guala. Vide Gola. Guin. Points, darts, pain. Gualabhran. A firebrand. Guincheap. A pillory. Guallam. To blacken, burn. Guinneach. Sharp-pointed, prickly, keen. .Guallach. Cords tying the {boulders of Guinam. To prick, ffing, wound. dead men; hence the imprecation of Guinnaire. The falling-ficknefs. geolach ort. Guinn. VideCruth. Guamach. Thick, plentiful, fmirking. Guinfcead. A fear. Guanach. Light, a&ive, nodding, wav- Guinfcidin. A little fear. Guanaifach. i ing. Guirbhrifam. To exulcerate. Guanalais. Wavering, ftrolling. Guirin. A fpot, blain, wheal, pimple. Guarthag-bleothain. Milch-cows. Guirm, Of blue. 7 Guirme. Guirme. Bluenefs, more blue^ Gunragadh. Erring, ftraying. Guirme. An inn. Gunta. An experienced^ Ikilful, prying, Guirmeachd. Bluenefs. man. Guirmin. Any blue dye. Gunta. Prepared. Guirnead. A gurnards Gunta. Wounded. Guifag. A ftraw, ftal-lt. Guntach. Coftivenefs. Guifeach. Leakly, full of chinks. Gur. That; .Gur maith-e, that it is good! Guifcad. A gullet, clock of a flocking. Gur. A blotch, a wheal. Guifeir. A flocking. Gur.- A brood of birds, incubation. Guifcead. A fear. Guram. To incubate, hatch. Guifam. To flow. Gur. Sharp, valiant. Guitair. A gutter* conduit, gully-hole. Guraiceach. A blockhead. Guiteas. Denial, refufal. Gurchliathach. A pallifadoe. Guite. A fan, fieve. Gurna. A cave, den. Guitineach. Balhful. Gurt. Pain, trouble, fiercenefs. Gul. Weeping, crying out, lamentation.- Gurtach. Fierce. Gulam. To weep. Gus. Until, as far as. Gulba. The mouth. Gus. Weight, force, ftrength* J Gulbroin.n- ? r j Gus. Death. Guldeur.r> J Eyedrop.. Gus. Anger. Gulfa. Narrow; Gus. A deed. Gumha. A battle. Gus. Sharp, keen.- Gun. For Gan, without.; Gufar. Sharply. Gu’n. For Gu an; thus, Gu’n rachadh fe,- Gus. A defire, inclination. that he might got Gufmhar; Valid, ftrong, powerful. Gun. A breachv Guftal. A burden. Gunbhuine. A fpear, javelinv Gufgul. Roaring,.making lamentations. Gunlann. A prifon. Gufgan. A hearty draught. Gunn. A ptifoner, an hoftage. Gufgurlach, A keen fliarp fellow. Gunncha. A prifon. Guta. The gout, puddle. Gunn. A gown. Gutach, cutach. Bobtailed. Gunna. A gun. Gutam. To gut filh. Gunna-glaic. Guth.. A voice, a vowel. | A fufee, fowling-piece. Gunna-caol. Guth. Ill-name, calumny. Gunna-mor. A cannon. Guthach. Noify, that hath a voice-.. Gunnair. A gunner. Gutolaidhe. A cuckold-maker. Gunnairachd. Engineering, firing guns. Gutturrdhufach. Confident. Guntabhart. Vide Cuntabhart. r ac I A L


H Although now admitted into the fis of the Galic Language, to which I } Galic alphabet, is more an afpi- refer the reader. The name of this let- rate than a letter, for there are no words ter or afpirate is Uath, the white thorn- in the language beginning with h. After tree. H, between two words, is a eu- a confonant, different combinations, new phonic ; thus, dheifd e ri a h oran, he. founds or letters are formed, as may be liltened to her fong. feen in. a fcheme laid down in the Analy-

i A cr I A I

IS' the eighth letter of the alphabet, lachdar. The bottom, foundation, lower founds as in Latin, French, and Ita- part, nether. lian, and is called lodha, vulgo, iubhar, lachdar-chanus. The baffus-cantus inmu- the yew-tree. The Galic admits of no fic. (I);confonant any more than the Greek,, lachdaruighe. Lower, lowefl, inferior, and it appears that the Latins did not lachadh 7 ufe it as a diflindf character, for they lachal. } Anoife, cry, howl. wrote peiius for pejus, and eiius for ejus. lacham. To fcream, yell, howl, Joined with the other vowels feveral diph- lad. They, them, thongs are formed. Vide Analyfis.. lad-fan. They, themfelves. I. An art, fcience, ladfa. Thefe. I, or fi. She. laddiin. i Thofe. I. Low, fhallow. ladfud. J I. Erroneoufly in. ladhadh. Shutting, joining, binding, I. An ifland, hence. ladham. To fhut, join, bind, I Cholum Cille. Icolmkill, or the ifland ladhte. Shut, clofed, joined, of St. Columbus. lagh. An ifland. I-fein. Herfelf. ladhfhlat. Honeyfuckle. lach. A falmon. larbhreith. After-birth, lach. A yell, fcream,. laircheann.. The noddle. [G £ g] larchak. I A R 1 A R lairegair. Confequence. larla. An earl, larfheur. larlus. An earneft-penny. lairfceart. The Weft, larlaithruighadh. A preparation, lairtreabh. An habitation, larmort. Riches. lal. Light, larmbreith. After-birth, fecundine. lall. A latchet, thong, larmart. Confequence, iffue of an affair, lall. God forgive you. larmart. 1 lall. VideEalt. larmad i Offspring,pofterity. lallachrann. Shoes. larmbeurla. A pronoun; indeclinable par- ticle. | A thong, ftioemaker’s thread. larmair. Remnant, lallach. Full of thongs, larmailte. The fkies. lal tog leathair. A bat. larmbuille. An after-clap, a back-ftroke. Ian. A veflel. larnibunudhas. Derivation, Ian. Blade of a fword. larmheirge. Mattins, morning prayer, riling Ian. A weafel. early. lar. Weft, larmfna. A remnant, lar. Dark, black, lama, i .A chain of thread, a fkain; con- lar. A bird, larnan. i fufion. lar. After. larnachan. An iron tool, lar-fin. After that, afterwards, larnaidhe. Irons, of or belonging to iron, lar, for air. At, upon, larndo. A fawn, lar, fiar. Back, backwards, the weft. larnaoifa. After-ages, larog. A weafel. IT'’larbheo. !} Still alive, larag. VideEirag. larbhleothan. After-milk, larog. Anguilh, grief, larchuimhe. After-game, larraigh.h. ? ^ > A requeft, petition, inftance. larcheann. The hind-head, larratas. larrum. To afk, feek, look for, enquire, larrataiche. A probe, larunn. Iron. larrataichan. Feelers, lardhonn. A hrownifh-black. larratoir. A beggar, lardhraoi. A remnant, larram. To alk, feek, look after, larfaidhe. Ward, cuftody. larrunn. Iron, larflath. A feudary lord, or one depending larrun-eafidh. Crifping iron, on a greater ; hence Earl, larrunaigham. To fmooth or iron linen, larflaithachd. Ariftocracy. larfceart. The weft, larculta. Churlifh, backward, larfceartach. North-weft, largan. Groans of the dying, forrow, pain, larfin. Afterwards, larganach. Uneafy, in great pains, af- larrunach feifaraigh. Plough-irons, flidtive. larfpealadh. After-grafs. larghaoth. Weft-wind. lartaracha. Weft. larguil. A fkirmifh, battle, ftrife. larfma. A relick, remnant; an incum- larguileach. Warlike, contentious. brance, burden; a new year’s gift. ,7 larlaighe. I C H I L G lartaighe. Defcendants, pofterity, domef- Id. Good, juft, honeft. ticks. Id. A ring. larthar. The weft, weft country. Idars. Towards. larthoir. A beggar. ladarfalamh. 7 A fpace, diftance of time or lafachd. Loan; advantage, profit. Idarfas. i place. Air lafachd. In loan, borrowed. Idarghuaille. Space between the fhoulders. lafachdaiche. i „ Idears. Towards. > A creditor, lafaid.T } Idearumnas. A diftance. lafalach. Eafy, feafible. Idh. A wreathe or chain; a ridge. lafalachd. Facility. Idh. Ufe. lafan. Saucinefs. Idhad. Chafte, clear. lafatach. Squeamifti. Idhal. An idol. Idho. The yew-tree, the letter I, ?^C' \ A fifh. lafg. 3 Idid. Col'd. lafg air chladh. Fifh at fpawning. Iddir. At all. lafgachd. Fifhing. Idir. Between, betwixt. lafgair. A fifher, fifherman. Idirgeanas. Diftance. lafgairachd. Fifhing, the art of fifhing, Iddarmanachd. Hydromancy. fifhery. Iddirrioghachd. Inter-regnum. lafgair-cairneach. An ofprey. Idirchur. Interpofition. lafgan. A little fifh, a mufcle, Idireug. Change of the moon, lafgloch. A fifh-pond. Idirgeanas. • Diftance. lafg-fliogach. Shell-fifh. Idirdreas. lafgithach. Pifcivorous. Idirdhealughadh. Diftin&ion, difference. lath. Land. Idirmhinuigham. To expound. latlu. A little feather or fin. Idirmeadhonoir. A mediator, interceffor. latham. To furround, move round, Idirtheangthoir. An interpreter. lathadh. Surrounding, moving round. Idarthamul. Interval. Ibh. A country, tribe of people. Idna. Arms, weapons. Ibh. Drink thou. Ifin. A goofeberry, Ibh. Ye, you. Ifrionn. Hell. Ibhear. Marble, Ifrionnach. Hellifh, a hellifh fellow. Ibhric. Ifrionda. Hellifh, of hell. Ibham. To drink. Igh. A ring. Ibhtheach. Soaking, that imbibes water. Igh. Tallow. Ic. A cure, remedy; a fupply, eek. II, ile. Much, plenty, great; well, a com- Ic. Balm. pofitive particle. Icam. To heal, cure; fupply, eeke. Ilbheufach. Arch, of varous ways and Iceadh. Healing, curing; fuffering, pay- humours, ing for. Ilcheardach. 7 . T , . „ T, , , . , } A Jack of all trades. Iclus. Healing by herbs. Ilcheardaighe. } Iclufam. To heal by herbs. Ilchoimeafgte. Mifcellaneous. Ichd air neachd. At any rate. llchumafg. Mifcellany. Ilchearnach. I M D I M L

Ilchearnach. Multangular. Imdhearbham. To prove. Ildealbhach. Well-featured. Imdhearbhtha. Proved, maintained. Ildheanadh. Variation. Imdheargadh. A reproof. Ildheannam. To vary. Imdheargam. To reprove, rebuke, re- Ildheanmudh. An emblem. proach,, difpraife. Ik. A great number of people. Imdheargtha.. Reviled, reproved, rebuked'. He, ileas. Diverfity, difference., Imdhiol. A feaft. Ileach. Vide Aoileach. Imdiol. Guile, deceit. Ilghnitheach. Of all forts, diverfe, various. Imdhorus. A back door. Hghraineach. Very horrid, ugly.. Imeachtraigh. Plough-bullocks,^ Ilgneach. Skilful. Imead. Jealoufy. Ugnetheca. Strange, unufual. Imeadmhor. Jealous.. Ilghreafach. An inn, lodging. Imdeadaire. A zealot.. Ilguidham. To vary, alter. Imeagal. Fright, fear.. Ulafan. The very fame people, themfelves. Imeaglach.. Fearful, terrible,. Illeabhar. A volume, or tome.. Imeaglam. To fear. Illeabhrach. Voluminous. Imeal. Edge, border, coaft. Ilphaifd. A ferpent, fnake, adder. Imeaforgain. A ftriking on all fidesi. Ilrincadh. A ball, promifcuous dance. Imeocham. We will go. Ilrincam. To dance in a promifcuous Imfheadan. A draught. dance. Imhoicheadh, Ilfheafamh. Diftance. Imfidh. A petitioner. Im. Butter. Imghaoth. An eddying wind. Imgha. Ofbutterj buttery.. Imhear. A marble. Im, for uime. About. Immarcach. Many, exceflive. Imad. Many. Itniadhag. A coupling, or joining together?. Imaduigham... To. multiply. Imileadadh. UnCtion. Imadaghadh. Multiplying. Imileadam. To anoint; Imaitbighidh. Ufe, cuftom, experience. Imligham. To. lick. Imafbhas. Tranfgreffion. Imiradh. A ridge of land,- Imarbhadh. Strife, contention, fkirmifh. Imirc. A journey, removing from a place?. Imairg, imairc. Plundering, devaftation, Imircam. To remove, change reftdence.. ranfacking. Imirtlan. A gaming-houfe. Imcheimnigham. To walk round.. Imirighe. An emigration. Imchian. Far, remote. Imlan. Full, perfedt. Imchill. About. Imlanachd. Fullnefs, perfedlion. Imcham. To refcue. Vide Imthigham. Imlad. Motion, ftirring. Imchubhuidh. Fit, proper. Imladam. To change, move, alternate?. Imchomhradh. Thefts. Imleabhar. A tome, volume. Imchubhidhachd. Fitnefs, propriety. Imlinn. Imdheagal. Pfoteftion. Imleag. The navel. Imdheal. A league, covenant. Imliocan., Imdhearbhadh. A proof. Imlioc. Bordering on a lake. Immain. IMS I N E

Immain. Driving. Imfliniomh. Care, diligence. Immainam. To drive. Imfhniomhach. Anxious, folicitous, un~ Immeal. Skirt, an end, border, limit, eafy. boundary. Imfhruth. Countertide. Imne. Thus. ^Imfiimbhlam. To walk about, ramble. Imtnalach. Remote, fequeftered. Imtheachd. A progrefs, migration; Exo- Immairt. Gaming, play. dus. Immiram. To row. Imtheachd. An adventure, feat, expedi- Immram. Rowing. tion. Immradh. Mention.. Imthigham. To go, emigrate, remove. Immradham. To mention. Imtheachdaighe. One about to depart*. Immradh teach. Famous, noted. Imthreafcram. To wrellle. Imneifigham.. To bind, tie. Imthus. A progrefs, expedition. Imnidhe. Care, diligence. Imthufa. Adventures, feats. Imnidheach. Careful, anxious, folicitous. In. Formerly ufed for Ann, in. Imnifi. Contention, difunion. In. Fit, proper, ufed in compound words. Imnifam. To yoke. In. A country. Impidh. A twig, rod. Ina, inas. Ufed in old mfs. for Na. Impidhe. A prayer, petition, fupplication, Inaituighte. Habitable. converlion. Inbhe. Quality, dignity, rank. Impidheach. An interceffor, petitioner, Idbheach. Eminent, forward, in high converter. rank. Impidham. i To befeech, entreat, pray, re- Inbhear. For Ann mhuir. The mouth of Impuigham. 1 q.ueft, convert. a river. Impire. An emperor. Inbheirt. A perfedi birth. Impireachd. An empire. Incheannuigh. That may be bought, mer- Impoighte. Converted. cable. Imreaccuibh. It happened, fell out. Inchinn, The brain. Imreas. 7 t... „ „ Inchomharuighte. Notable. j f j controverly, itriic# Inchreachadh. Blame, reproach, Imreafam. 7 „ _ . Inchreachadh. Gleaning or leafing Corn. T I To ltnve, difpute, contend. Imreafanam. 1 Inchreacham. To confider. Imreafanuidhe. Adifputant. Inchruinighte. Leviable. Imreafanadh. Striving, difputing., Indeanta. What may be done. Imreimnigham. To go about. Indine. A fight, engagement. Imram. To play, divert. Indicia. Vendible, fit for fale. Imram. A riding. Indioluighe. One able to pay. . Imfcin. A bed-room, clofet. Indiongbhala. Matchable. . Imfeach. Revengeful. Indlios. A court. Imfeachan. Rage, fury. Ineach. The lining of cloth in weaving, Imfeachtrach. A projedl. woof. Itnfeargna. Strife, contention. Ineach. Hofpitality, generofity, good houfe- Imfliniomh. Heavinefs, fadnefs. keeping. [Hhh] I-neachthreas, I N I I N'N

Ineachthreas. A fair or public meeting. 'Inis. Diftrefs, mifery. Ineagnuidhe. Deplorable. Inis. Tell thou. Inealta. Neat, well made. Inifam. To tell. Inealtachd. Neatnefs, being well done. Inifce. A reproach. Infeatham. To meditate. Inifiol. A fervant. Infhaicfm. Notable. Inifcighin. A garden, Infheadhma. Manlike adlion. Inithte. J Ed;bl eatabl^ Infheatha. Meditations. Inite. j Infhir. Fit for a hulband, marriageable. Inleadh. Making ready, preparing. Infhiochas. Choice, election. Inleighais. Incurable. Infifi. A fwelling. Inleathfgeula. Excufable. Infafda. Obnoxious. Inlam. To prepare, make ready. Ing. A negative particle. Inlaochtadh. Fit to bear arms. Ing. Force, compulfion; Inmhe. Rank, dignity; an eftate, patri- Ing. A ftir, move. mony, land. Ingaire. Herding. Inmheach. Eminent, high, ripe, advanced. Ingear. A level, perpendicular. Inmheallta. Deceivable. Ingedthe. Of twins in the womb j what Inmheafda. Commendable. comes to perfect birth. Inmheadhonach. Mean, moderate, inward, Ingiul. Confequence, conclufion. inmoft. Ingglain. Uncleannefs. Inmheadhonas. Temperance. Ingglan. Dirty, filthy, unclean. Inmhillein. Blameable. Ingill. Feeding, grazing, pafture. Inmhuin. Affable, courteous, loving, be- Ingillam. To feed. loved. Ingin. ' Inmhianna. Defirable. Ingean. V.A daughter. Inn. Us, we. Inghin. Inn. For Ann, in. Inghin-cheile. A daughter-in-law. Inn. A wave. Ingnidham. To nip, pinch. Innainadh. A want, deficiency. Inghreim. Ravening, perfecuting. Inne, innidhe. A bowel, entraih Ingir. A carpenter or mafon’s line. Inneach. Woof. Ingir. An anchor. Inneal. Reftraint. Ingir. Afflidtion, grief, forrow. Inneal. Service, attendance. Ingleid. A hook. Inneal. An inftrument, flate, condition ; Ingne. PI. of longa. Nails. mean, carriage, deportment, order or dif- Ingreimtheach. A perfecutor. pofition of a thing, drefs, attire. Iniatar. A bowel or entrail. Innealta. Well-adorned, neat. Inid. Shrovetide. Innealtradh. Pafturage.' Inidhe.7^ , Innealtram. To feed cattle, graze. . , kliowels, entrails, Ttmda. ^ Inneamh. Increafe, augmentation. Iniltam. To feed, graze. Innealladh. An inflrument, tool. Inirte. Weaknefs, feeblenefs. Inneidham. To tell, certify. Inis. An ifland. Inneir. Dung. Inneiridh. I N N I O D

Inneiridh. Sitting up, watching. Inntradh. Entrance, beginning. Inneoin. An anvil, the middle of a pool or Innfram. To begin, enter. pond. Inntras. Entry-money. Inneoin. In fpite of. Inoibrighte. Malleable. Inneoinadh. Striking, ftamping. Inphofda. Marriageable. Inneonam. To ftrikeor ftamp. Infce. t Sex, gender, a fpeech ; fir-infcne, Innighe. Entrails, bowels. Infcne. ) mafculine gender; bean-infcne, Innil. 7 the feminine gender. InnioltJ^6’ Pr°ne t0’ read^ Infgineach. Sprightly. Innil. Agin, fnare, inftrument. Infiubhal. Paflable. Innile. Cattle. Inte. Therein. Vide Innte. Innill. A fort, garrifon. Intleachd. Ingenuity, invention, contri- Innilt. A handmaid. vance. Innis. Diftrefs, mifery. Intleachdach. Ingenious, witty, fagacious, Innis. An ifland, a field to graze cattle'. fubtle. Innis-ealga. A name of Ireland. Inthomhaifte. Meafurable, artificial. Innifam. j Intreabh. Want. Innfam. tell, fay, rehtc. Intruagh. Miferable, pitiable, poor. Innfadh. Intuite. Apt to fall, ^ | Telling, relating. Inniudh. lobadh. Death, Inioc. A blow. loc. Payment, rent, Iniochadh. Agitating. loc-eiric. Kindred-money, ranfom. Iniochas. Choice. locaidhe. A tenant, farmer, tackfman. Innliugham. To aim, purpofe. locam. To pay; to fufFer, endure; t« Innlis. A candle. heal, cure, Innlidh. Forage. locas. Payment. Innorcam. To kill, deftroy. lochd. Clemency, humanity, confidence^ Innocain. Murder. good-nature, Inneaca. Vendible. lochd. Children, Innreachtain. A pudding. lochdamhlachd. Clemency, mercy, Innriomh. Preparation. lochdar. The bottom, Innfeaga. Scattered little fields of corn, as lochdarach. Lower, lowefi, nether, in the Highlands of Scotland. lochdaran. A fubjedt, inferior, underling, Innfgin. A pronoun. lochdmhor. Merciful, clement, Innte. A kernel. lochdmhoire. Mercifulnefs. Innte. In her, it, therein. lochroidheachd. Difcord. Innteach. A way or road, a gate. loci us. A healing by herbs, Inntile. A budget, wallet, fatchel. loclufam. To cure by herbs, Inntin. The mind. locfhlainte, A healing-draught, nedlar, cor- Inntineach. High-minded, fprightly, fen- dial. fible, hearty, jolly, merry. locflilainteach. Healing, benign, cor- Inntliomh. Treafure. dial. Inntliomhcha. A treafury. lodallach. An Italian. lodalt. x a i o M

Todalt. Italy, lolach. Mirth, merriment, (houting,. lodarchur. An interje£Iion. loiach. Lofs, damage, lodarfolamh. Area, court-yard.- lolagall.. A damage.. lodartnhala. Space between the. brows, lolam. 7 lodras. Towards., lolaram. ! T° Var>'’ chanSe- lodarthamub. Diftance.. lollahach. Bri(k, fprightly, perk, lodh. a The cramp or any fort of. pain, lolan. Sincere, lodha. > rheumatifm. lolar. An, eagle, lodh. A chain, collar. lolar-tiomchiollach. j lodh-Mhoruin. A collar or neck-chain, fo lolar-ghreagach. }ASiereaglc’ called from the IrUh judge Moran, who lolar. i W'o;e it. lolardhas. i Vane^ diverfit>r- lodha. The^ew-tree, the name of the let" liolairam. To annumerate. ter I. lolar. Much, plenty,

lodhaladhradh. 7 T . , lolardha. Diverfe, various., lodbalachd, 1 lolbheufach. Multifarious, lodhal. 7 ., , lolbhuagach. Vitflorious, triumphant, all- lodhaladhraidh-. SAn 1 ^ conquering. lodhaladhraghoir. An idolater.. lolchroidhach. Inconftant. lodhan. Sincere, pure, clean, undefiled.. lolchruthach. Comely, well-featured, in- lodhana. Pangs, torments, conftant, various,.multiform. . lodhat. Diet. lolchuire. Sadnefs, lamentation, lodhbairam. To facrifice, offer, loldanach. Ingenious, lodhbairt. A .facrifice, offering, loldathach. Of diverfe colours,

lodhbeirthach. A facrificer. loldamhfadh. A ball, promifeuous dancea, lodhlan. A leap, fkipping. country-dance.. lodhlanadh. Leaping, fkip. lolga. Tongs,., lodhlanam. To leap, (kip. lolghillach. Complex, lodhna. A fpear, lance, lolgha. 7 lodhna. Prote&ion, fafeguard. lolghuth. J0f™s tong^s. lodhnach. Valiant, warlike, martial, lolgneathach. Heterogeneous, lodhnaidhe. A flaying,, dwelling, lollan. Expert,, mechanical, lodhon. Vide Eadhoin. lolghleufach. Manifold, complicated, logan. A bird’s craw, lolicheachd. Contentment, logan. Deceit, fraud, lolmhadhach. Manifold, various. . loganach. Deceitful., lolmhaoina. Much goods and chattel,, loghaile. The pylorus, or lower orifice of lolphofadh. Polygamy, the ftomach. lolradh. Plural, loghlactha. Tradtable... lolfhliofnach. Polygon, loghlaithruigheam. To confume. lolfliioladh. Polyfyllable. logras. Uprightnefs. lolthilgte. Amphibolus. lol. Signifies variety, and is a compofitive lolforcas. Variance, debate, particle. lomachar, A bier. lomad. I O M I O M lomad. Much, plenty, a multitude, lomarbhas. Sin, banifhment. lomadach. Numerous, infinite, lomarcach. Very numerous, fuperfluous. lomadachadh. Multiplication, lomarcaidh. Superfluity. lomadaigham. To multiply, encreafe. lomarchur. Rowing, fleering with oars. lomadamheachd. Abundance, plurality, lomarchur. Tumbling, wallowing. multiplicity. lomartas. Induftry. lomadambuil. Multipliable. lomarfgal. Wreftling. lomadhall. Guilt, fin, iniquity, lomafcrach. An inn or lodging-place. lomadh. Many. lomarull. lomaduigh. Superfluity, too much, lombath. The adjoining fea, fea encom- lomagan. Flitting, paffing an ifland. lomagal. A dialogue, lombathadh. Overwhelming, fwooning. lomaguin. Anxiety, lombatham. To overwhelm, fall into a lomaghuinach. Anxious, diftracled. fwoon. lomagallaimh. Counfel, advice, lombhuaillam. To hurt or ftrike foundly. lomaidfi, iomhadh. Envy, lombholgadh. Filling, lomaigh. A border, lomchaifin. A looking, obferving. lomaigh. Champaign ground, lomchaomhnas. A queftion. lomaille. Together. lomcharmhail. A tribute, cuftom, toll, lomaine. For Uiminne, over us, about us. lomchafam. To murmur, complain, lomainam. To drive, to tofs, whirl, lomcharam. j To carry, move, ftir, deport, domain. Driving before it. lomchram. i behave, lomaire. A ridge, lomchar. Carrying, moving, comport- lomairachd. Courting, ment. lomaire. Removing, changing refidence. lomcharag. A female porter, lomaircam. To migrate, lomchaoire. Reflection, lomairam. To play, game ; to require, lomchaoireach. Reflective, need. lomchlaidheamh. Sword-fighting, lomairt. Playing, gaming, lomchlaidheamhoir. A fword-fighter, fen- lomairtaiche. A gambler, cing-mafter. lomairtach. Gameful. lomchomairc. A petition, requeft. lomaitham. To check, rebuke, lomchomharc. A gift, prefent, favour. • lomaithfhear. One that checks or re- lomchoire. Complement, bukes. lomchomhneart. Strong, able, lomall. A border, frontiers, lomchomhradh. A thefis. lomallach. Remote, external, lomchuidh. i Fit, meet, proper, de- lomaltar. A center, lomchubhidh. 1 cent, lomarafg. Deverbium. lomchubhidhachd. Fitnefs, meetnefs, pro- lomairaidfheachd. Decency, priety. lomairaidhe. Decent, becoming fit. lomdha. Anger. lomarbhadh. A lie, deceit, ftrife. lomdha. A fhoulder. lomarbhaidh. A debate, controverfy. lomdha. A bed or couch. lomsrbhaighe. Comparifon, lomdha. For lomadh, much, many. [I i i] lomdhathach. I 0 M I O M lomdhathach. Parti-coloured, lomluaimneach. Inconftantr lorndhorus. The lintel of a door^- lomluas. Ficklenefs. lomdhran. A drawing to- lomluafgadh. Commotion, lorndhruidam. To enclofe, fhut in, to lomne. As this, thus, fiege. lomnuaehar. Polygamy-, lomdhruidadh. A fiege, enclofing, iirpal- lomoill. Polygonous. ing-. lomoltoir. An altar, lomfhorail. Superfluity, excefs, extrava- lomor. Between, gance. lomorach. A border. lomfhorran. A fldrmifh, battle, lomorraiK A comparifon. lomfhorran. A comparifon. lomordadh. A reproach, expoftulation. lomfoicheadh. A- bawling, crying out. lomoireafcar. A wreftling, throwing down lomfoicham. To cry out, to bawl, fquall. each other, lomfhuafgailteach. Nimble, lomorro'. But. lomfhuafglach. At-propos, good at a lomorthaigh. Comparifon'. pinch. lompoidh. An exhortation towards a con~- lomfhulang.. Patience, longTuft'ering, verfion. lomghabhail. Erring, ftraying. lompoigheadh; A turning, a reeling, ftag- lomghaoth. An eddying wind, whirl- gering. wind. lompoigham. To turn, convert,-rout, reel, lomghnuis. Wonder, lompoighte. Turned, converted. lomghuim. A battle, lompol. An error. lomghuin. Pangs, .agony.. lomradh. Fame, report. lomhadh. Envy, lomradhadh. Thinking, mufing. lomhaidh. An image, ftatue. lomradham. To mufe, make mention. lomhog. Ivory. lomradhteach. Famous, eminent, renowned,. lomhas. Knowledge, judgment, erudi- Ipmramh. , f Rowing. tion. lomram. lomlaine. Maturity, perfedtion,. lomram. To row. lomladach. Moving, fickle, lomramham. lomladam. To move, exchange, lomramhaidhe. A rower, lomlaineachd.. Fulfilling,.accomplifhment. lomroil. Wandering, an error, lomlaiteadh. A rolling, turning, wind- lomraidheadh. Moving, ftirring-. ing. Tomraidheam. To publifti, divulge, report, lomlan. Full, complete, repeat. lomlafgadh. Anxiety, lomrolladh. Going off or away, departing. lomlat. Gefture. lomrollam. To go off, depart. lomlat, iomlad. Exchange, moving, ftir- lomruagadh, An invafion, routing, perfe- ring. cution. lomligham. To lick, lambe. lomruagam. To invade, rout, difperfe. lomluadham. To talk much, perfecute. lomluagal. Wandering, ftraying. lomruagaire. An invader, perfecutor. lomruinam. I O N I O N rbmruinam. Toaffign, appoint, lonaradh. Clothing, lomfgaoilam. Todifperfe. lonarbhadh. Banilliment, expelling, loinfgaoladh. Difperfion. lonarbham. To banilh, expel, exile, thruft lornTgarthadh. Separation. forth. lomfhniomhach. GhafHy. lonarbtha. Banifhed, exiled, lomfgoltadh. Superfluity, excefs, lonarbirdheil. A fluice. lomtha, j _ . lonas, ionnas. Treafure. _ , , > Lnvious, lomthach. ) lonbhaidh. The time of a woman’s bear- lomthaireag. A getting, finding, ing. lomthnuth. Zeal, envy, lonbholgadh. Filling, fwelling, extending, lomthnuthoir. A zealous lover, lonbholgam. To fill, fwell, extend, lomthoineadh. A digreflion, a year, loncamos. Ufury, interell. lomtholtaim. Free, voluntary, loncamoir. An ufurer. lomtothaidh. Wifdom, prudence. lonchoibhohe. Saleable, lonchoimeas. Comparable, I th hd | •^eParture’m'Srat‘on5 ^'x0^us* lenchoimhead. Confervable. lomthufa. Adventures, feats, loncholnadh. Incarnation, lomthus. Chance, loncholnaighte. Incarnate, lomthufa. As to, with regard to. loncollnuigham. To become incarnate, lomuinnc. About us, concerning us, lonchomharaighte. Remarkable, Tsmuireadh. Excefs, exacting. lonchonfpoideach. Debateable. Ion. In compound words fignifies fitnefs. lonchofg, Infrruftion, dodtrine. Iona. For Ann a, whereof, in which, lonchofgam. To teach, lonach. A dirk, lonchofgthoir. A teacher, lonad. For Annad, in thee, lonchofanta. Defenfible. lonad. A place, or room, lonchraffal. Excrement, lonadh. Admiration, wonder, lonchreimgha. Corrodible, lonaid. A vicegerent, viceroy, lonchuibh. Bowels. lonailgham. To wafh, cleanfe. lonchuir. Capable, comparable, engraft- lonaire. The decenteft word for convey- lng- ing the idea of the privities, male and londaortha. Condemnable. female. londitalta. Indidlable. lonaiteghte. Habitable. londiola. Vendible, lonaithionta. Knowable. londheanta. Feafible. lonaltradh. Failure. , l Deftreable. . Ibnaltram. To pallure, feed, graze. londuileamhuil.u j lonamhuil. 1 . . . londus. So that, infomuch. I Equal, the fame, lonnann. ) londran. Miffing. lonaolam. To white-wafli. londranam. Tomifs, lonar. Whither. londula. Fit. lonar. A kind of mantle. londuthras. Negligence. Ibnar. Bowels, lonfhoinn. Defireable. lonaram. To clothe. lonfhorran. A Ikirmilh, battle. 7 longa.. I O N I O N

Monga. A nail, claw, talon, hoof; pi. lonn. Upper part, the head, Ingne. lonnad. ForAnnad, in thee, longhabhail. Circumfpedfion. lonnuinne. For Anninnc, in ns. longhladta. 7 lonnaltoir. A bath, longhabhala. I lonnan. Equal, fame, longabbras. Without queflion, doubtlefs. lonnanas. Equality, longabhail. Management, conduct, lonnarachd. A gift, longhabham. To manage, conduct, re- lonnaradh. A reward, gulate, guide, lead ; to attack, fubjedt, lonnaram. To reward, reduce. lonnarbham. To confine, deftroy. tlongantach. Wonderful, furprifing, flrange. lonnus. So that, infomuch that, longantas. i xVonder, furprize, miracle, lonnchuireadh. Grafting, iongnadh. i lonnduras. Chaflity. longnadh do ghabhail. To wonder. lonnlaigh. Accufation. longnadh do ghlacail. To be aftoniflied. lonniaigham. To accufe. longbhal. Gefture. lonnlaighthoir. Accufer. iongglan. .Unclean. lonnoir. The bowels, longar. Matter, pus. lonolta. Potable, drinkable, longaraigham. To fuppurate. lonphianafda. Punifhable. longhuiram. To feed cattle, to herd. lonnrach. A medical tent, longnatha. The dead. lonnraic. Honeft, upright, chafte, faith- lonladh. Waflring; a thing acceptable. ful. ■lonlaid. Walhing. lonnracas. Integrity, uprightnefs. lonlam. To wafli. Xonnracan. An honeft, upright perfon. lonlaighte. Wafhed, lonnradh. Deftroying, plundering, laying lonlaighthoir. A waflier, an accufer, in- wafte. former. lonnradhach. That deftroyeth, pi undereth, lonleathfgeulgha. Excufeable. layeth wafte. lonlad. A wafhing. lonnradham. To lay wafte, plunder, de- lonlaoghas. Encreafe. ftroy. lonmhall. Heavinefs, fatigue, lonnran. An account, reckoning, lonmhaithte. Ignofcible, pardonable, lonnranam. To reckon, lonmhagaidh. Ridiculous, lonnrofg. A word, lonmhas. lonnfa. Grief, forrow. Treafure. lonnas. lonnfach. Sorrowful, fatal, lonmheallta. Fallible, lonnfaidh. An approach to, an attack, lonmholta. Commendable, praife-worthy, aflault, fally. lonmhathuighte. Perceptible, lonnfaigham. To approach, attack, aflault. lonmhuin. Kind, loving, courteous, de- lonnfaigheach. An aggrefior. bonair. lonnfmuaintighte. Imaginable, lonmhuinach. Beloved, lonnfamhuil. Such like, lonmhuinachd. Courteoufnefs, ftate of be- lonnftiorchughadh. Illuminating, enlight- ing beloved. ening. lonnfgathmhach. I o s I R R lonnfgathmhach. A loofenefs of the fkin. loflad. Lownefs. lonnfuigh. An invafion, attack, afi’ault. loflann. A ftorehoufe, larder, buttery, lonnta. Unawares, lofoip. Hyflbp. lonntabhartha. Allowable, Iota, iotan. Thirft. lonntlas. Long. loth. Corn. lonntodham. To roll, turn, tumble, wal- lothchruinuigham. To forage, purvey, low, to wind ; to fcorn, flight, lothghaireach. Fertile, lontuite. Fallible, lothghaireachd. Fertility, lorails. 7 T lothlann. A granary, barn, corn-yard, lorailtachd. lothlofgadh. A blafting of corn, lorailteach. Ingenious. lothros. Cockle, lorbal. A tail. Vid. Earball. lotmhor. Thirfty. lorcallach. A robuft, ftrong fellow. Iphin. The goofeberry tree, name of the lorchadach. Evil. diphthong io. lorchaire. Pofterity. Ir. Anger. lordhalta. Certain, continual. Ir. A fatire, lampoon. lorgadh. Guiding, directing. Ircilt. Side poll of a door. lorguil. Fray, ftrife, tumult, fkirmifh. Ircra. Scarcity. lorghuilach. Quarrelfome. Irchiullach. A monfter. lorghuis. Prayer, entreaty. Ire. Ground, land. lorlann. A cellar, buttery, larder. Ireas, Occurfion. lorna. 1 ^ or fpLndle of yarn, Irial. An anfwer, reply, falutation, greet- lornan. ) ing. lorpais. The dropfy. Irionn. A field, land, ground. lorrtaoifeach. The captain of the rear- Iriofal. Humble. guard. Irire. A cure, malediction, blame, anger. lorrlaochra. Triarii. Iris. Brafs. lorfubhaifgeith. The handles of a buckler, Iris. A hen-rooflr. los. For Sios, down; Anios & fios, to Iris. A friend, lover. and fro. Iris. An allignation. lofa. Jefus. Iris. A defeription, difeovery, a record, lofadh. Eating, chronicle. lofal. Low. Iris. An aera, epoch. lofam. To eat. Irifeas. A prefent. lofcad. Vid. Eafgud. Irifeach. Juft, judicious, equitable. lofda. A houfe, habitation, Irifich. Lawful. lofda nam bochd. The poor’s houfe. Iriflaigham. To humble. lofdan. A college. Irifeal. Humble, lowly. lofdas. Entertainment, accommodation, Irifleachd. Humility. lofdail. Convenient, meet, Irifleabhar. A diary, day-book. loflaigham. To humble, lower, degrade, Iriflachadh. Humiliation. loflaghadh. Lowering, humbling, Irifneartughadh. A confirmation. lofle. Lower. Irr. An end, conclufion ; a fifli’s tail. [Kkk] Irrfithbhe. I T H I U S

Irrilthbhe. j Commander of the rear- Ithiomradham. To flander, backbite.. Irrthreoruidhe. ) guard. Ithir. Corn-field, foil. Irt. Ithte. Eaten. Is. The fubftantive verb Am. Itropa. A head. Is. Contradbed improperly for Agus, and.. Itros. A headland, Is. Under. lubhar. The yew tree, Ifa. Whofe, whereof.. lubhar-talamh. ) . Ifa. i lubhar-beinne. SJuniper’ ireJShc- luchair. A key, fpawn. Uben. A faueer. lucharag. The female fifh. Ifean. A chicken, young fowl.. luchar. The dog-days, Ifeal. Low, privily, foftly. ludh. A day ; An iudh, to-day, Ifgeas. Doubt. ludiceachd. Judgment, Ifi. She herfclf. ludach. A Jew. Ifiol. Low. lul, eol. Knowledge, a guide, a fea com^ Iflain. A humble, poor perfon. pafs, way, fervice, attendance. Ille. Lower. lul. Month of July, Ifliughadh. Humiliation. lulmhor. Wife, judicious, Ifraeldha. Ifraelitilh. lullagach. Light, fprightly, cheerful, Iffa. In that, in that place.- lullagaiche. Cheerfulnefs. Ite. lumarach. Removing, changing place, > A feather, wing, fin. Itag.r. i lumhrach. A boat, Itagach. Feathered. lun. A naughty creature, Itachan. A bobbin for yarn. luna. Vid. lonadh. Itach. Winged.. lundran. Vid. londran. Italaich. Flying. lunnras. Face of the Iky ; hurricane, Italaicham. To fly. lunnfachadh. Learning, education, Ite. In like manner, alfo, to wit. lunnfaigham. To learn, Itche. A petition, favour, requeft. lunnfaighte. Learned, Ith. Corn. lur. The yew tree, Itheadh. Eating. lur. Plunder, flaughter. Itham. To eat. luran. A fort of luxuriant plant which Ithchomla. A file. cattle eat; metaphorically a handfome Ithdhias. An ear of corn, youth. Ithfen. A carr, or dray for corn. luarram. Fidgetingj the oar fong, along Ithiomradh. A murmuring, grumbling, libel or rhime. backbiting. lurpais. Reftlefs, neftling. Ithiomraidhteach. Slanderous, abufive, lufan. Levity. backbiting. L A C LAG


Is the ninth letter of the Gaelic al- Lachdan. [ Homefpun, grey, dun. phabet, and is called Luis, from Lachtna. S Luis, vulgarly Crithan, the quicken-tree. Lad. A water-courfe, a lade. It, as alfo N, R, never admits the afpirate Lad. A load. h after it in the infledfion of nouns or Ladh. A fending, miffion. verbs, but is founded in fuch fituations as Ladham. To fend. if a 11. Thus labhair e, he fpoke, is not Ladhar. A fork, prong, toe. as with the other letters lhabhair e, but Ladharg. A thigh. llabhair e, although never written fo. Ladhg. Snow. Vide Analyfis. Laddar. A ladle. La, lo, laoi. A day; pi. Laethe. Ladhgan. Flummery, La le Muire. Lady-day. Ladhna. Dumbnefs. La, lia. In old mfs. for Le, with, Ladhgraeh. Hafty. Laban. Mire, dirt. Ladhgraith. Rafhnefs, Labanach. A plebeian, day-labourer, Ladorn. Bold. Labanta. Of a plebeian or labourer. Ladornachd 7 Boldnefs. Labaonadh. DiiKmulation. Ladornas. 3

Labhairt. 1 . r , , , . Ladhuilgne. A day’s wages, Labhradh. 1 A rpe“h’ Ladron. A thief, highwayman. Labhar, labeir. An. ewer, laver, Laethamhuil. Daily. Lag. Weak, feeble,;, faint. Labhram. S T°'>>'*• Lag. A hollow, cavity. Labhartha. Said, fpoken, loud, noiiy. Laga. Praife, fame, honour. Labragan. Perhaps a walking-flick, Lagaigham. To weaken, diminifh, lef~ Labhras. A bay-tree. fen. Lach. A duck, drake, Lagaghadh. Weakening, Lachach.' Abounding in ducks. Lagan. A little cavity. Lacha-ceannruadh. The herb celandine. Lagan-meachaire, A dimple. Lacha-lochlannach. A dunter-goofe. Laganal. A gafp, aflhma. Lach a’ chinn uaine. A mallard. Lagatrag. The thigh. Lachadh. Diving like a duck, Lagchuifach. ) „ . , , • J Faint-hearted. Lacham. To dive, duck, Lagchnodhach. 3 Lachadair. 7 . Lagh. Law, order ; Cuiram air lagh bogha,, _ , . > A aiver, Lachaire. S to bend or prepare a bow. Lachmhor. Comely. Laghamhuil. Legal, lawful. Lachd. Milk. Laghamhlachd. Legality. Lachd. A family. Laghairt. A lizard. Laghar, L A I L A I

Laghar, lagharog. A prong, toe. Laimhthionnach. Defirous, eager, given te .'Laghrach. Pronged, forked. chiromancy. Xagfaine. Diminifhing. • Lain, d Lagfaine. Freedom, liberty, remiffion. Lainad. /'Fulnefs. Lagthaifde. An abatement in a bargain. Laine. J Lagrachar. Debility. Lainbhliaghanach.. Perennial. Laibh. Clay. Laincheatharn A guard, Laibhin. Leaven. Laincheimnigham. To wander. Laibhreach. A coat of mail. Lainchriochnuigham. To complete, per- Laidheachan. An ambufcade, fnare, lying fect, in wait. Laindeanta. Complete, finifhed . Laidham. To lay down. Laine. Fuller, more full. Laidionn. Latin. Laine. Chearfulnefs, merriment. Laidionnoir.- Latinilt. Laineachd. Glad, joyful, merry. Laidh-fhiubhla. Childbed. Lainne. Gen. of Lann, a fpear, blade. Laidireas. Lainneach. Armed with a fpear. Strength. Laidreachd. Lainnal. Handfome, buxom. Laidir. Strong. Lainneoir, laidionnoir. A Latinift. Laidre. Stronger. Lainmheirleach. A facrilegious perfon. Laidraigham. To ftrengthen. Lainreidham. To complete. Laige. Weaker. Lainfhoillfe. Tranfparency, diaphanity. Laige. Lainfiubhlam. To traverfe. | Weaknefs, debility. Laigfe Laiphaid. An inftrument ufed to form horn Laighe. A fpade, fhovel. fpoons. Laigbhigheaeh. Weakened, difmayed. Lair. A mare. Laighean. A fpear, javelin, halberd. Lair-affal. A Are afs.

Laigheann. The province of Leinfler. Laire. 7 m T . £ The thigh. Lailt. Mould, clay. Lairge. 3 Laimh, lamh. A hand. Lairge. Rather than. Laimh-ri. Nigh to, near. Lais. Vide Leir. Laimhbhafbam. To fence. Lais. A hand. Laimhcheard. A handycraft, any mechanic Laifde. A latch. trade. Laife. A flame, flafh. Laimdeachus. Captivity. Laifceanta. Fierce. Laimhdia. A domeftic god. Laifeadh. Throwing, caflring. Laimheadh. Handling, prefuming. Laifeam. To throw, call-down. Laimhuigham. To handle, take into cuf- Laith. A multitude. tody, prefume. Laith. Milk. Laimhfhoillead. A handkerchief. Laithe. Scales to weigh gold and filver. Laimhfgiath. A target. Laitheamhuil. Daily. Laimhfigham. To handle, finger, difcufs. Laithgheur. Verjuice, acetum. .Laimhrig. . A pier, ford. Laithigh. Dirt, mire. 3 Laithilt. LAM LAN

Laithilt. Weighing with fcales. Lamhragan. Lingering, handling. Laithre. A cow. Lamhfgriobhadh. Manufcript. Laithreach. Ruins of an old houfe. Lamhfgriobhaidh. Amanuenfis. Laithrigham. To appear, be prefent. Lamhfpeic. A handfpike. Laithreachd. Prefence. Lamna. A fpace of time. Laithreach. Prefent. Lampa. A lamp. Laitis. Lattice. Lamprog. A glow-worm. Lalach. A giant. Lamrag. An ignorant filly woman. Lamais. A poet. Lamruig. A black-bird with white fpots, Lamanta. Menftruous ; Mna lamanta, mu- fuppofed to be an Alien-hawk. . lieres menftruatae. Lan. Full, in compofition fignifies perfec- Lamh. A hand. tion, enough, well. Lamh an uachdar. Upper or whip hand. Lan-mara. The tide. Lamhach. Having hands, adfive. Lan. A church. Lamhaeh. Report of guns or cannon, war- Lan, lann. A fcale, fin. like manoeuvres. Lan. Before, in comparifon of. Lamhachas. Jdem ; Luchd lamhachais,bow- Lana. A. lane or walk. men, dingers, artillery. Lanamhuin. A couple, married couple. Lamhadh. 1 Lanamhnas. Carnal copulation. Lamhagan. i Handling’ groping. Lanbhuidheann. A garrifon. Lamham. To dare, prefume, Lanchoire. A cauldron-full. Lamhainn. A glove. Lanchomhlam. To perform, finifh, ac» Lamh-laidir. Strong hand, force. complifh. Lamh-dheas. Right-hand. Lanchriochnuighte. Fully accomplilhed. Lamh-chli. Left-hand. Lanchrodha. Courageous. Lamhainn-iaruinn. A gauntlet. Lanchumhachdach. Plenipotentiary. Lamhainneoir. A glover. Lanchumhachd. Plenipotence. Lamhanart. A towel. Landaingneachd. Perfeverance. Lamhannan. A bladder. Lang. Falfhood, treacheiy. Lamhairt. Handling. Langa. A fort of fifh. Lamhcheard. A mechanic. Langan. Noife, lowing of deer. Lamhcheardamhuil.. Mechanical. Langan-braghad. The weafand. Lamhcharam. To handle. Langach. Slim, flender. Lamhchomhart. A clapping of the hands. Langaiche. Slimnefs. Lamhchoille. A cubit. Langaid. Fetters for horfes. Lamhdeanas. A reftraint. Langaire. Soam. Lamhdhroithachd. Chiromancy. Langfethir. Fetters, chains. Lamhdhraoith. Chiromancer, palmiltry. Langhuin. A period. Lamhliaigh. A furgeon. Langerilach. A lamprey. Lamhmhuilleann. A hand-mill. Lanluach. Full-price. Lamhrod.’ A bye-road, foot-path. Lann. Land. Lamhrachdidh. A handling, large dealing. Lann. A houfe, repofitory, church. Lamhracham A handle, fhaft. Lann. A veil, a vizard. [L 1 1] Lann, LAO LAS

Lrnn. A fword, knife, blade. Laoghrach. Pronged, forked, having toes, Lann. A gridiron. Laogh. Snow. Lann. A ftud, a bofs. Laoi, la, lo. A day. Lann. A fcale. Laoidh. An hymn, a poem. Lanngan. The lowing of the hind after the Laoidheadh. An exhortation. deer. Laoidham. To exhort. Lannam. To cut, put to the fword. Laoileabhar. A diary. Lannadh. Peeling. Laoimheadhan. Mid-day, noon-tide. Lannadha. Studded. Laoireult. Morning-ftar. Lanngleuta. An inclofure. Laoinneach. Fine, ftately, fhewy. Lannoi r. A cow. Laom. A blaze of fire. Lanntoir. A pantry, partition. Laomdha. Bent, bowed, crookened. Lanphunc. A full period or flop. Laomhdhachd. Curvature, crookednefs. Lannuir. Gleaming, glitter, fplendor, ra- Laomfguire. Great, prodigious. diance. Laofboc. A wether goat. Lannruicham. To gleam, glitter, fhine, Lapach. Froft-bitten, benumbed. emblaze, befpangle. Lapadh. A paw or fill. Lanftruchadh. Gliftening, gleaming, glit- Lapadan. A kind of fea-fifh. tering. Lar. The ground-floor, middle, cen- Lannrach. A vafl flame. ter. Lanfaidhe. A pike-man. Larach. A field of battle, fite of a build- Lanfgrudadh. Perpenfion. ing, veflige. Lanfhoilleir. Evident, clear. Larach. A filley. Lanfhuileach. Full-eyed. Larum. An alarm. Lantladhd. A perfedt liking. Las. Light thou. Lantoileach. Perfe'dtly fatisfied. Lafach. Slack. Lantoil. Satisfaction. Lafachadh. Slackening. > Lanthurbha. A guard. Lafach. That burneth, fiery, flammable. Lantolladh. Perforation. Lafadh. Lighting, kindling, ftiining, flam- Laobh. Partial, prejudiced. ing. Laobhdha. Bending, inclining. Lafair. Flame. Laoch. A hero ; pi. Laochra. Laflag. Faggots, combuftibles. Laochamhuil. Brave, heroic. Lafair-choille. A goldfinch, a wood- Laochan. A little hero. pecker. Laochra. Militia. Lafam. To light, kindle, burn. Laodh. Vide Laogh. Lafan. Anger, paflion. Laodhan. Pith of wood, pulp, marrow. Lafanta. Pafflonate. Laodag. The little-finger. Lafantacht. Plabitude to anger. Laogh. A calf, a fawn. Lafarach. Flaming, burning. Laoghach. Abounding in Calves. Lafd. Ballaft, lading. Laogh-allaidh. A fawn. Lafar teintigh. A flafh of lightning. Laoghar. A claw, toe. La-fodhain. Therefore, by fo much as. Laoghfheoil. Veal. Lafiaire. A flafhy young fellow, a fpark. 3 Laftain. LEA LEA

Laftain. Hem, edge. Leabharagan. , A - Lat. A foot. Leabharlann ) Lath. A youth, champion, dog. Leabhar, libhearn. A fhip. Lathach. Mud, puddle. Leabhrach. Bookifh. Lathair. Prefence. Leabharan. A little book. Lathreach. Prefent. Leac. A flat ftone, a flate. Lathairamhuil. Immediate. Leacach. Flat ftones, full of flat ftones. Lathairce. A thigh. Leacadh. Deflroying. Lathar. An affembly. Leacam. To flay, deftroy. Lathar. A private ftory, or narrative. Leacanta. Rigid, precife, neat. Lathar. Strength, vigour. Leac-oidhre. A flake of ice. Lathar. Near. Leac-lithe. A grave-ftone. Lathroid. An affembly. Leacain. Side of a hill, the cheek. Lathuilgne. A day’s wages. Leacht. A grave, a pile of ftones in me- Lauba. An eye-brow. mory of the dead. Le. With. Leacht, leachtfa. With thee, thine. Lea. With her. Leacht. A leffon. Leab, leabog. A piece, fragment. Leachta. Flattened, molten. Leabe. A bed, pi. Leapacha. Leachtam. To fpread. Leabe-chul-beinc. A bed formed by the Leachtan. A ledture, inftrudlion. wall on one fide of a highland houfe, the Leachtuighe. A fepulchre. trunk of a tree on the other, between Lead. Breadth, extent. which is placed enough of heath or llraw, Lead, lead fe. He faid. and fome blankets, whither, as a public Leadan. Teazle. bed, the whole family and guefts, when Leadan-liofta. Burrdock. there are any, are promifcuoufly admitted. Leadan. Muflcal notes, litany. Leabe-chluimh. A feather-bed. Leadan. A head of hair. Leabe-fhloccuis. A mattrafs. Leadanach, Precife, mufical, that hath Leabe-fheiftior. A couch, pallet. line hair. Leabe-thogalach. A folding bed. Leadhman-. A moth. Leabag. A flounder. Lead-boife. A hand-breadth. Leabag-chearr. A foal. Leadurra. Elegant. Leabar. Smooth. Leadh, leath. Alternate. Leabhach. Awry, flaring. Leadram, liodram. To tear, rend, mangle, Leabhadh. Reading, a lecture. maim. Leabham. To read. Leagh. Melt thou. Leabhadair. A reader. Leag. Vide leicc. Leabhadoirachd. Reading. Leagam. To throw down, fall. Leabhar. A book. Leagadh. A fall. Leabhar. Long, trailing. Leaghad. A band, bandage. Leabhar-chlar. Pafteboard. Leaghadair. A founder, fmelter. Leabhar-reicadair. A bookfellert Leagharm To melt, thaw, diffolve. Leaghach. LEA LEA

Leaghach. Colliquant. Leanamhain. Goods, fubftance. Leagham. To read. Leann. Humours of the body. Leaghan. Liquor. Leann. Ale. Leaghthoir. A reader. Leann. A coarfe caflbck, coat of mail. Leaghte. Melted. Leann-loifg. Dregs from which ale is Leaglaidh. Ruflies. brewed. Leagaim. To lick, to clip, ftiear. Leannan. A favourite, fweetheart, pet, Leagail. Clipping, {hearing, throwing concubine. down. Leannan-fith. A familiar fpirit, fuccubus. Leam, leamfa. With me. Leannantachd. Whoredom, fornication. Leant leat, rium riut. A falfe perfon. Leanartuch. The herb tormentil. Leatnam. To nip. Leanghobhrag. A fnipe. Leamh. Fooliih, fnnple, infipid, mealy- Leanta. Paffions, humours. mouthed. Leaptha. Belonging to a bed. Leamh. A rower. Leapthach. Bedding. Leamhachas. ) ...... Lear. For Lear, with our. Leamh-d J simplicity, foohuinefs. .Lear. The fea. Leamhan. The elm tree, the inner rind of Lear. Clear, evident. a tree. Lear. Much, a great deal. Leamhan. A moth, night butterfly. Leardhromain. The ridge of a hill. Leamhdhanachd, Fool-hardinefs. Learfhaicfin. Seeing clearly. Learnhdanach. Fool-hardy. Learg. The rain goofe ; it is grey, neflles Leamhnachd. Sweet milk. within reach of the water, and never rifes Leamhnachadh, Stopping. during incubation-^-A fmall brown fort of Leamhnaireach. Coy. fcarth or cormorant. Leamhragan. A pimple on the eye. Learg. A little eminence, a beaten path. Lean, leun. Sorrow, ruin. Leargaidh. The floping fide of a country. Leana. A meadow, fwampy plain. Leargan. The fteepnefs of a fmall hill. Leanam. To follow, adhere, purfue. Leargach. Steep. Leanabh. A child. Learmhaddadh. A dog-flfh. Leanabh-liughach. A puppet, doll. Learfgail. A map. Leanabh-altram. A fofter-child. Learfinach. Acute, fharp-flghted. Leanaban. A little child. Learthaod. A fpring tide. Leanabanachd. Infancy, Learthoid.'' A foot-ball. Leanabas. 7 Childifhnefs, pufillani- Lear-uinuin. A fea onion, fquill. Leanabidhachd. i mity. Leas. A blifter, a blotch, a fpot. Leanabidh. Puflllanimous. Leas. The light. Leanag. A little meadow. Leas. A reafon, motive, caufe. Leanaill. t . Leas, lios. A court. ^ ^hollowing, adhering. Leafach. Full of blifters. Leanailtach. Following, perfevering, ad- Leafaigham. To blifter. hering. Leafachadh, Bliftering. Leanmhain. Following, adhering. i Leafachail. Epifpaftic, efcharotic. Leafainm. LEA L E I

T^eafainm. A nickname. Leathchruinne. A femicircle, hemifphere. Leafmhathair. A ftepfather; Leathchuid. Half fhare; partiality. Leafluan. ") Leathfhad. A declivity, Hope. Leafgoth. 5- A flepfon. Leathghrabal. A halfpenny. Leafmhac. J Leathid. The like, fuch. Leafluidh. Leaning upon. Leathlagfa. Somewhat weak and feeble. Leafmhurfaid. A galoon. Leath-leann. Small beer. Leafs. Good, profit, advantage. Leathluidhe. Leaning. Leaflachadh. Correfting, amending, re- Leathmhas. A buttock. pairing, manure. Leathniche. A rolling pin. Leaflaigham. To reftify, correct, amend; Leathnuigham. To enlarge, fcatter, to manure, clean fhoes. Leathog. A flounder, plaice. LeafTaighte. Rectified, repaired, manured. Leathphunt. ounces. Leafrach. Thighs. Leathrach. Leather. Leaftair. An arrow-maker. Leathrann. Half, a hemiftich. Leaftar. A cup ; ftale butter. Leathrannach. Partial. Leaftar. A final 1 boat. Leathre, Towards. Leaftar. The veffels and furniture ofahoufe. Leathrofg. Purblindnefs. Leiath-fiar. America. Leathrofgach. Purblind. Leat, leatfa. With thee. Leathchomalta. Half eaten. Leatadach, 1 Wide, large. Leathriogh. A copartner in government. Leath. Half, apart, feparate, Leathruadh. Somewhat red. Leatba. Gain, profit. Leathrod. A bye path. Leath-taice. A prop. Leathfgoiltain. A plank,’joift.. Leathach. Half, divided. Leathfgeul. An excufe. Leathad. Breadth. Leathfgeulach. Excufatory. Leatham. To half, divide. Leathfgeulaiche. A mediator. Leathadaigham. To augment, encreafe, Leathfhuileach. Monocular. enlarge. Leath-taobh. One fide, a flitch. Leathan. Broad. Leathtromach. - Oppreflive, partial; preg- Leathanach. A page of a book. nant. Leathainm. A nickname. Leathtruime. Oppreflion, counterweight, Leath-amach. i External, outward, out- pregnancy. Leath-amuigh. J fide. Leathuiluinn, Half fitting ; acute angle. Leath-aftigh. Internal, infide, inward. Legaid. A legate, ambaflador. Leathar. Leather. Legaide. A legacy. Leathbhrith. Parboiled. Leibeann. Alongftretch, ftride: Leathbhritham. T o parboil. Leibheann. The deck of a fhip, a fcaffold, Leathbhreac. Mate, fellow, marrow, cor- gallery; fide of a hill. relate. Lei,bh, leibhfe. With you. Leathcheann. Side of the head. Leice. NegledL Leathchearcal. A femicircle. Leicc, leug. A precious ftone, diamond. Leathchodlam. To dofe, lleep ill, In the highlands a large cryftal of a figure [ M m m ] fomewhat L E I L E I

fomewhat oval, which priefts kept to Leimfgian. A razor. ' work charms by. Water poured upon it, Leine. A fhirt, fhift. at this day, is given to cattle againft dif- Leine-aifrionn. A furplice. eafes. Th'efe ftones are now preferved Leingean. A ftepdaughter. for the fame purpofes by the oldefi: and Leinne. By or with us. the moft fuperftitious in the country. Leinbhbhreith. Childbirth. Leicead. Neat, elegant. Leinbhluafga. A cradle. Leiceanta. Exadt, neat, precife. Leir. Sight, perception. Leidmach. Strong, robuft. Go.leir. Altogether. Leidmhighe. An appetite. • Leir. Wife, prudent; clofe, managing. Leigiun. A legion. Leirg. A plain, a road, or way. Leigeadh. Permitting, letting, difcharg- Leirg. A reafon, motive. ing. Leirgam. To counterfeit, pretend. Leigadair. A fpigot. Leireadh. Tormenting, paining, pain. Leigam. To let, permit, difmifs. Leiram. To pain, torment, thrill, pierce. Leigal. Letting. Leirighe. Being in fight. Leigam gunna. To fire a gun. Leirfholach. A canopy. Leigam orm. To pretend. Leirfin. Sight, feeing. Leigam as. To loofe from the yoke, dif- Leirfinach. Seeing, intelligent. mifs. Leirfgrios. Utter defirudHon. Leigheadh. Permiffion. Leiriftin. A mallet, hammer. Leigh. A phyfician. Leirfmuine. Confideration, refiedtion. Leighean. Inftrudtion, erudition. Leirmheas. Ballancing, confidering. Leighas. A cure, remedy, medicine, heal- Leirte. Earneftnefs. ing. Leis. With him, it, wherewith, to the Leighafam. To cure, heal. leeward. Leighafta. Cured, healed. Leis, leife. Of a thigh. Vide L.gafs. Leigheoir. A mender. Leis. Apparently. Leighionn. Vide Leigheann. Leifbheart. Armour for the thighs. Leighin. A ftudent. Leifdhear. 7 . „ , . f A itep-daughter. Leighlofgadh. Cautery. Leiiinghean.T r 3 ° Leighloifgam. To cauterize. Leife. Happinefs. Leighthoir. A reader. Leifg. Sloth, lazinefs. Leighthoirachd. Reading. Leifg, leifgeamhuil. Lazy, ilothful. Leigteal. Any thing melted. Leifgeul. An excufe. Leim. A leap. Leite.' Water-gruel. Leim (Chuchullin). Loop’s head at the Leithe, leithad. More grey, greynefs. mouth of the Shannon. Leithe. Mouldinefs. Leimhe. Simplicity, folly. Leithe. The fhoulder-blade. Leimadoir. A dolphin; a leaper, jumper. Leitheach. A kneeding-trough. Leimam. 1 „ . Leitheach, leitheag. A flounder, plaice. f 1 0 leaP> jump. Leimnigham. j Leith, leath. A half. Leimneach. Leaping, defultory. Lcithbhe. Partiality, Leithdrechdam. LEO L I A

Leithdrechdam, Toexcufe. Leomaire. A fop. Leithead. Breadth. Leon. Affliction, wound, mouth. Leitheis; Derifion, Mockery. Leonam. To wound. Leithid. The like, a peer, paragon. Leonadh. A wound, fprain. Leitheolach. A novice. Leonta. Wounded, fprained. Leithiomal.' A border, partial. . Leontachd. Brave actions, keennefs of mo- Leithimalach. Bordering, fuperficial. rals. Leithinnife. ' A peninfula. Leor. Enough. Leithghlin. Denmark and Norway. Leor-ghniomh. Satisfaction. Leithneachd. Breadth. Leos. Reproof. Leithreachas. Separation. Leos. Light. Leithreachas. Unjufl: dealing. Leofam, To give light. Leithreadh. Of a fide, together. Leofchnuimh. A glow-worm. Leithleach. Leofghath. .7 ? Partial. > A ray of light. Leithridheach.1.3 Leolmheur.T r 1 ° Leithridhachd. Partiality. Ler. With which, whofe. Leithrigham. To appear, be in fight. Lere. Religion. Leithrinn. Fetters. Les. A bladder. Leithfgeul. An apology. Les-lafgtha. A clyfter. Leithfgeulam. To excufe,' apologize. Lefimob. The ureter. Leithfe. This fide. Lethe, letheachd. Hoarinefs. Leithtir. Side of a country. Leud. Vide Lead. Le mb With my. Leug. A diamond, gem. Vide Leicc. Lemhne. Fatnefs. Leuga lomhar. Brilliant gems or dia- Lenne. Faces, complexions. monds. Lentog. A little fiiirt or fhift. Leum. A leap, leaping. Leo. With them. Leumam. To leap. Vide Leim. Leumfgar. Clever. ^e0\ [Alien. Leoghan. ) Leur. Seeing. Leobhar. Long, tawdry. Leurgus. Sight. Leod. A cutting, mangling. Leus. Light. Leog. A marfti. Leus. A fpot. Vide Leas. Leogach. Marfliy. Leufach. Having light. Leoghadh. Flattery, Leufchnuimh. Vide Leafchnuimh. Leogham. To flatter, footh. Leufgath. Vide Leafgath. Leoghanta. Lion-like. Li, ligh, lithe. Colour, tinge. Leoghantachd. Inconftancy. Li. The fea. Leoir. Enough. Lia, le, ri. Leomach. Flirting, prudiflj, Lia. For Leathane, broader. Leomachas Lia. A hog, pig. | Prudery. Leom. Lia. Hunger. Leomhan. } Lia. A fiream, flood. A moth. Leomain. ■ Lia. A great ftone, Lia l r d L I O

Lia fail. The fatal ftone, called Cloch na Li-dealbhthoir. A painter, limner. cineamhna, on which the Scottifli kings Lie. Gen. of Leac. were wont to be crowned, now in Weft- Licag. A little flat ftone. minfter-abbey. Liclith. A grave-ftone. Liabhran. A little book. Licnean. A wedge. Liachac. Hog’s dung. Lide. A little bit. Liach. A fpoon. Lideach. Stopped. Liach. Bad news. Lig, leig. Allow, let thou. Liachd. Great many, a multitude. Ligach. Sly. Liachlan. A fpoonful. Ligham. To lick. Liachro. A hog-ftye. Lil. A following, purfuing. Liadh. A ladle. Lile. A lily. Liadhbhog. A flounder. Lilam. T'o follow. Liag. Vide Leag. Liltheach. Flexible, pliant. Liagan. An obelifk. Lin, lion. Flax, linen. Liaghdhealg. A bodkin, clafp, button Linn. A line, thread, feries. adorned with cryftal. Lingeadh. A fkipping, fly off, flinging, Liagh. A phyfician. darting. Liagh. The blade of an oar. Lingam. To fkip, go away, to fling a Liaphutog. A hog’s pudding, faufage. dart. Lias. Vide Lios. Linigham. To delineate: Lias. A hut for lambs. Linighthoir. A delineator, defigner. Liath. Grey, grey-haired. Linleanta. An ill habit. Liathag. A fifti of the falmon kind. Linn, linne. With us. Liathghath. A violent dart. Linne. A pool, the fea, water. Liathchearc. The hen of the black cock. Linn. An age, period. Liathdrus. Muftinefs. Linngineach. Roundifh. Liathach. Pale, blank. Linnin. Linen of clothes. Liathadh. Making grey, a grey tinge. Linnfgearadh. Genealogy. Liatham. To tinge grey. Linfeach. One clothed in linen.

Liathluachaid. •) TT , „ Linaodach. Linen cloth. Liathreothadh. \ Linte, lionta. Full. Liathlus. Mugwort. Liobor. A lip, a flovenly perfon. Liathradh. Sliding, rolling. Liobarnach. Slovenly, awkward. Liathram. To Aide, roll, fprinkle on. Liobafda. Slovenly. Liathroid. A ball, roller, a knob, chaff. Liobhadh. Smoothing. Liatis. Mouldy. ? To Smooth, polifh, file. . Liatruifg. A fieldfare. Liobhram. ^ Libh. Vide Leibh. Liobhan. A file. Libar. A lip. Liobhan. Vide Leamhan. Libheadhan. A dowry. Liobhtha. Libhearn. A fhip, houfe, habitation. Liobhte. "Polifhed, filed. Li.dealbhtha. Painted. Liobthara. 5 Liobhagach. L I O L I T

Liobhagach. A floating weed common in Liontachd. Satiety. ftanding water. Lionadair. A funnel. Liobhghruag. A wig. Lionchar. That.which delighteth, pleafes-, Liobharam. To deliver. Lionmhor. Numerous, plenty. Liobhairt. Delivery, delivering. Lionmhorachd. Plenty, multiplicity. Lioboidach. Slow, lingering. Lionmhoire. More plenty.. Liobrach. Thick-lipped. Lion-obbair. Net-work. Lioca. A cheek. Lionn. Ale. Vide Leann. Liocadan. A chin-cloth-. Lionn. A humour in the body. Liocard. A leopard. Lionn-dubh. Melancholy, gloomy fits. Liodan. A litany. Lionnughadh. Growing in humours. Liodart. Tearing in pieces. Lionradh. A web. Liodaram. To tear in pieces, bruife. Lionradh. A thin mixed unfubftantial Liodha. Strong, able. draught. Liod. Lifping. Lionta. Nets. Liodach.- That lifpeth. Lios. A houfe, habitation ; a palace, court, Liodaiche. A lifper. a fortified place; now the name of the Liodhraimhe. i Danilh forts to be feen in Ireland. . , j. I he blade of an oar. Lnogh.T i Lios. Enclofures or Halls for cattle. Liog.o Vide Leug.to Lios. The longing of a woman with Liogam. To whet, edge. child. Liogar. A tongue, Liofair. A garden. Lioghais. Power, ability. Liofda. Slow, lingering, tedious. Lioghan. A trowel. Liofdachd. Slownefs, tedioufnefs. Lioghdha. Fair, fine, foft. Liothadh. Frightening, difmaying. Liomhadh. Smoothing, polilhing. Liothra. Hair. Liomham. To polifh. Liothradharc. Pomp. Liomhan. A file.. Lipin. A fmall meafure in Scotland called Liomhtha. i burnifhed. a lippie. Tiomhara. ) Lipin. Trufting to, confiding in. Liomfa. VideLeamfa. Lis. Mifchief, evil. Lion. Flax. Lifam. To mean, imagine, think, of. Lion. A net, fnare. Lifg. Feelers... Lion. A parcel, number; Lit. Adlivity, celerity. Lion an damhain allaidh. A cobweb. Lite. Porridge. Lion fear ’us fear. One by one. Lith. Happinefs, profperity. Lionadh. Filling. Lith. Solemn, feftival. Lionadh-mara. The tide. Lithadh. That part of a river where the Lionam. To fill. water ftagnates.

Lionaighe tighe. i Qjejj tablature. Litheas. Solemnity, pomp. Lionigeadh. J Lithiughadh. Aftonifhment, furprife. Lionta. Full. Litimhaire. A difiembler. Liontach. Satiating. Litir. A letter, epiftle. PI, Litreacha. [N n. n] Litir•* L O C L O I

Litir-dhealaghaidh. A bill of divorce. Lochan. Chaff. Litir-ghrinnich. A challenge. Lochan. A little pool or lake. Liu. To follow, purfue. Locharman. A pigmy. Line. A fhout, noife. Lochafair. A fhower of rain. Liugadh. Creeping. Lochd. A fault. Liugach. Sneaking, creeping. Lochd, lochdain. A wink of lleep. Liug. A contrafted fneaking look. Lochbhleine. The region under the fhort Liumh. A cry, noife. ribs. Liumhadh. Crying out. Lochdach. Faulty, criminal. Liumham. To cry out, fhout. Lochdaigham. To blame, reprove. Liun. Slothful, fluggifh. Lochdaighte. Blamed, cenfured. Liunaidheas. Idlenefs, floth. Lochdughadh. Blaming, cenfuring. Liunchlos. Reft. Lochlonnach. A Dane. Liur. A prating noife. Lochran. A lamp or torch. Liurach. Noify, prating. Lochrannach. Lighted with lamps. Liuram. To beat, ftrike. Lochthomhaidhan. A fudden burfting of Liuth, liuthad. As many, fo many. water from mountains. Lo, la. A day. Locuift. A locuft. Lo. A lock of wool. Lod. Puddle. Lo. Water. Lodan. A light puddle. Lobaircin. A dwarf. Lodaigham. To ftagnate. Lobais. Craft, ingenuity. Lodam. To arrive at, contrive, feduce. Lobhadh. Rottennefs, rotting. Lodain. The flank or privy members. Lobh. Rotten. Log. A pit or dike of water, a dungeon, . Lobhadas. Rottennefs, fulfomnefs. a place. Lobham. To rot. Logan. A fmall pit, hollow of the hand. Lobhar. A leper. Logaidhe. A fool. Lobhgach. A cow with calf. Logha. ^ An indulgence, remiffion, jubi- Lobhradh. The leprofy. Loghan. j lee. Lobhtha. Rotten, putrified. Loghadh. A rotting, putrefaction. Lobhthachd. Rottennefs. Logham. To rot, putrify. Loc. A flop, hindrance. Loghaimhlachd. Foolery. Locam. To refufe, hinder. Loghda. Allowance. Locar. A place. Loghdha. Indulgence. Locaram. To plane. Loghmhar. Excellent, famous. Locarfgathaich. Shavings. Loghtha. Rotten. Loc. A place. Loghthachd. Rottennefs. Locc. A filthy mire. Loiceamhlachd. Dotage, foolery. Loch. A lake ; lough, arm of the fea. Loibain. One that toileth in foul and fair Loch. Black, dark. weather. Loch. Every, all. Loich. A place, a dirty huffey. Lochag. Vide Loth. Loichead. A light, lamp. Lochain. Sea-grals or wrack. .Loicheadaire. A chandler. Loige. L O I LON

Loige. Vide Laige. Loifi. A flame. Loigeic. Logic. Loifi. A fox. Loilgheach. A new calved cow, a milch- Loifgrean. Burned corn. cow. Loifteamhuil. Slothful. Loimdioghbhall. Poverty, want. Loiftin. A lodging, a booth, tent. Loime. Barenefs, poverty. Loiftich fuinidh. Kneading troughs. Loimic. A plaifter for taking off hair. Loit. A wound, wounding. Loin, gen. of Lon. Provifions. Loitam. To wound. Loin. A rivulet. Loitmhille. To candy. Loinear. Light, a gleam or flafli of light. Loiteog. Nettles. Loinag. A lock of wool. Loitfhealgaire. A rioter, debauched fel- Loineardha. Bright, finning. low. Loineardhachd. Brightnefs. Lom. Bare, lean. Loingeas. Shipping, a fleet. Lomadh. Baldnefs, {having. Loingbhrifeadh. A fliipwreck. Lomam. To flieer, {have, make bare, Loingfliaor. A ftnp-carpenter. chafe. Loingfeoir. A mariner, pilot. Lamadoir. A Braver, fheerer, plunderer. Loingfigham. To fail, fet fail. Lomain. A fhield. Loini. The fciatica. Loman. An enfign, banner. Loinn. A corn field or pen. Lomaifteach. Bare, bald, {horn. Loinn. Good condition, fatnefs, joy, glad- Lomanach. A bald man. nefs. Lomartha. Bald, bare, fliort, {haven. Loinnel. Lomchofach. Bare-footed. . , } Llegant, becoming. Loinneach.T ) Lomcoidh. To carry. Lonneis. Wavering, rambling. , Lomar. A fleece. Loinnream. To gleam, finne, lighten. Lomargain. Devaftation. Loire. A gammon. Lomeigin. Tearing, {tripping by force. Loirgaireachd. Searching, enquiry. Lomna. A cord, rope. Loirgairam. To enquire, look for. Lomnochd. Nakednefs, naked. Loirgbheirt. Leg-armour. Lomnochduighe. Nakednefs. Loirghniomham. To requite, make a- Lomnoir. A harper. mends. Lomhar. Brilliant, tranfparent, {lately, Loirgnadh. A ftalk. Lomhair-chon. A pack of hounds. Loife. A flame. Lomlan. Quite full. Loifceanta. Fierce, fiery, blafting. Lomoigh. A {horn flieep. Loifcionn. A locuft. Lompas. Sparing, niggardly. Lomradh. A fleece. PilF6’ 1 Burnt. Long. J Lomram. To fheer, clip. Loifgeadh. 7 Lomtha. Peeled, firipped. _ ° f Burning. Loifgneas. 3 Lomthoir. A barber, flieerer, Loifgeam. To burn, finge. Lon. Food, provifion. Loifgach. That burneth. Lon, londubh. An ouzle, blackbird. Loifgain. A burnt pimpernel. Lon. An elk, 2 Lon. L O N HOT

Lon. A marfh, pond, morafs. Lonnughadh. An abiding, continuance,., Lon, lonadh. Hunger, voracioufnefs. a dwelling, fojourning. Lonach. Voracious, greedy. Lor. Vid. Leor. Lonan. Boafting.- Lore. Murder. Lonid. A frothing ftick, a churn ftick. Lore. Fierce, cruel. Lonaigh. A feoff, jeft. Lore. The cramp. Lonaidh. He grew red, coloured.. Lorcchofg. Antifpafmodic. Lon lairge. Hip and thigh. Lor-daothain. Sufficiency. Loncha. A larder, buttery. Lorg. Progeny, offspring, Long. The fifli called ling. Lorg. A.footllep, trace, tradt,.print. Long. A fhip. Lorg. Blind. Long. A cup. Lorg. A troop, band ; a walking ftaff. Long. A bed. Lorga. A leg, fhin, ftalk of a plant. Long. The bieaftl. Lorgadh. i Searching, tracing. Long. A houfe, refidence. Lorgairachd. j Lorgam. 7 , Longadh. Supper. s To trace, fearch,r enquire. Longadh. Calling, throwing, devouring. Lorgairam. 1 Longain. A fhip’s crew. Lorgaire. One that traceth. Longam. To devour^.dellroy, worry. Lorgaire mac luirg. A novel charadler, Longas. Banilhment. Lorganach. A fluggard. Longbach. Shipwreck. Lorgbheirt. Foot-harnefs. Longbhraine, The prow of a Ihip. Lorgim. To wound. Longphort. A palace, royal feat; a fort, Los. The point or end of a thing... garrifon, tent, a camp; a harbour. Los. A tail. Lonloingean. The gullet, throat ; any Los. Sake of, intention, purppfe. pipe. Lofaid. A kneading trough. Long-chogaidh. A man of war, Lofg. A cripple, lame, blind. Longfhaor. A Ihipwright. Lofgadh. A burning, fealding. Long-fpuilin. A pirate. Lofgadh-braghad. The heart-burn. Longthogal. Ship-building. Lofgan. A frog, childhood ; a fort of dray Longfhada. A galley. v/ithout wheels 1 . Login. A lane or paffage for cattle. Loft. Vide Lofaid. Lonn. Strong, powerful. Lot. A wound, hurt, bruife. Lonn. Anger, choler. Lot, Wool. Lonn. High fv/elling of the fea. Lot. A whore, proftitute. Lonn. Timbers laid under boats in order Lotam. To wound, bruife, .commit form* to launch them the more eafily. cation. Lotadh. Gallery, a fcaffold, loft; form* Lonn. To be ftrong,, powerful ; to refide, dwell, fojourn. cation. Lonnogain. A pafllonate youth.. Lotar. A ruining, mangling. Lonrach. Ablaze. Lotar, lodar. They went. Lonrach. Shining, bright, brave. Loth, lothag. A colt, Alley. Lonnraigharo. Tolhine, brighten. Lothal. The plant brooklime. Lclhar* L U A L U A

Lothar. A congregation, affembly. Luaimneach. Leaping, ranging, fickle, Lothar. A cauldron. Luaimnithe. Waved. Lothar. Cloth, raiment. Luaintin. Nephritical. An Lothair. Lavender. Luain-eafadh. i .... _ , , r NephntickT pains. Lott. A drinking party, compotation. Luan-ghalar. j Lu. Little, fmall. Luaith. Duft, afhes. Lua. A foot, a kick. Luaithre. , . Lua. An oath. Luaithreach. ( A h s< Lua. Water. Luaithreamhuil. J ^ . Luach. Price, wages. Luaithreanta. 1 Luacha, Frofh Luaithrcadh. , ^ Luachair. A bulrufh. Luaithrean. i Luachairneach. A place full of rufhes. Luaithe. Quicker, fafter, fwifter. Luacham. To hire. Luaithad. Quicknefs, faftnefs. Luacharman. A pigmy. Luamain. A veil. Luacharn. A light, lamp. Luamh. An abbot, prior. Luachmhor. Precious, excellent. Luamhire. A pilot. Luachmhoire. More precious. Luamhnaic. Vide Luaimneach, volatile. Luachra. Luamhnachd. An abbotfhip. \ Of rufhes. Luachrach.i. i Luan. A loin, kidney. Luada. 7 . Luad. A warrior, champion, fon, a lad. .... > 1 he little finger. T.Luaidicin. i Luan. A greyhound. Luadli. Mention. Luan. The moon, Monday. Luadham. To mention. Luanaifg. Fetters, chains. Luadhairl. Motion, exercife. Luanafgbha. Fettered, chained. Luadhraidham. To report. Luarach. Fetters. Luag. A doll. Luardha. Vulgar, common. Luaga. Lefs. Luas. Swiftnefs. Luaghair. A reward. Luafcadh. Moving, rocking. Luaghlais. Fetters. Luafgach. Wavering. Luaghuta. The gout. Luafgam. To fwing, jolt, rock, drive away Luaidhe. Coition, copulation. Luafgan. A cradle. Luaidreannuidhe. A vagabond. Luafganach. That rocketh, fwingeth, Luaidreann. Vagary. Luafganachd. Rocking. Luaigh. Pleafant, cheerful. Luafganaidhe. A rocker, fwinger. Luaighe. Lead. Luath. The foot. Luaigheachd. A reward. Luath. Allies. Luaighthe. Asfoonas. Luath. Swift, quick, fleet. Luailleach. A mimic. Luath. Adlivity, agility. Luailteach. Full of geftures. Luathadh. Hailing, making hafte; fulling6?.- Luaimaireachd. Volubility of tongue. milling; moving. Luaimh. An abbot. Luatham. To hafleri, make hafte, move; Luaimhnighthe. A wave-offering. to full, mill cloth. [Ooo] Luatha, LUC LUG

Luatha. Belonging to allies. Luchdaghadh. Loading. Luathas. Swiftnefs, fleetnefs. Luchd-coimhaidachd. Retinue, fervants in- Luatharan. A fea lark. waiting. Luathghaire. Joy, gladnefs. Luch-fheoir. A field-moufe. Luathghaireadh. Rejoicing. Luchlann. A prifon. Luathghairam. To rejoice, be glad, Luchdmhor. Full, loaded, rapacious. Luathlamhach. Covetous- Luchidh fhdirge. Small black birds refem- Luathmhor. Swift, active. blina:O fwallows,y with crooked bills and Luathmharc. A race-horfe. webbed feet. They go into holes like Luathmharcach. A meffenger exprefs. mice. When they are taken, a quantity of Luathmhire. Boafling. yellow oil drops from their bills. They Luathrigham. To hallen. are found upon the ifland of StafFa, of Luathradh. Haftening. which Mr. Penant and Mr. Banks take Luathrighte. Haflened. fo much notice. The man who lives on Lub. A loop, inclination, bow, a thong; a that ifland, as I am informed, fays, that maze, meander^ winding ; cunning, craft. they hatch their eggs by fitting on the Lubach. Crooked, winding, ferpentine, ground, at thediftance of about fix inches * meandring ; cunning, crafty, fubtle- from it, and turning their face towards it, Lubaire.. A crafty fellow* continue repeating Gur le gug, i. e. Hatch Lubam. To bend, incline. with a fong, day and night, till it is Luban. A hoop, bow. hatched. This bird feems to be a fpecies Lublinnach. Curvilinear. of Pettrill, or what failors call Mother Lutha. The body. Cary’s chickens. Lubcheangal. A hinge. Luchmhaire. Abundance. Lubhar. Vide Lobhar. Luchthaire. A gulph, whirlpool. Lubhghort. A garden. Luchram. To rummage. Lubhra. Leprofy, infirmity. Lud, lod. A:pond. j> Lubhra. Work. Ludh. Appearance. j Lubhrach. Leprous. Ludairt. Waddling in dirt. Luch. I Ludn2n. A hinge. A moufe. Luchag. ^ Ludram. To dip and befmear with dirty Luch-fhrancach. A rat. water. Luch. A captive, prifoner. Luddartha. Sluggifh, flovenly. Luchair. A glittering colour, bnghtnefs. Ludragon. A fhambling fellow. Luchaire. A moufer. Ludufach. Powerful. Lucharman. A. pigmy. Lugach. Bow-legged. , Luchairt. A palace, retinue. Lugain. A fhort crooked fellow. Luchbhru. A white head of hair. Lugha. Lefs, leaft. Luchd. Folks, people; equal to the French Lugha. An oath. Gens. Lugadh. Thirft, want. Luchd. A pot, kettle, cauldron. Lughad. Littlenefs. Luchd. A cargo, burden, lading. Lugh. To leap. Luchdaigham- To load, laden. Lughadaigham. Toleffen, diminifh. Lughadaghadh.. L U I l u isr

Lughadaghadh. DiminiHiing. Luighe. Lying. Lughaird. Retinue. Vide Luchairt. Luigham. To tear, rend ; encourage, to - Lugham. To fwear. abet. Lughadh. Swearing by. Luighioch. Lying. Lughadag. The little finger. Luilgheoch. A milch-cow. Lui. Bow, branch. Luim, leim. Milk. Luibh. Luimain. A target, fhield. An herb. Luibhean.J Luimlinn. A ftream of milk. Luib. A corner, little glen. Luimneachda. An enfign-bearer. Luibheanchofach. Having toes, finger, and Luin. A fword or fpear. legs. Luingbrifeadh. A fhipwreck. Luithne. A dart, fpear. Luingbhrifam. To fuffer fhipwreck. Luibhne. The fingers, toes. Luingios. A fleet, navy. Luibhre. A coat of mail. Luingfeorachd. A voyage by fea. Luibhreagham. To put on a coat of mail. Luiniafg. A fword-fifh. Luithreach. Belonging to a coat of mail. Luinne. Anger. Luibhphiaft. A caterpillar. Luinneach. Merry, jovial. Luibin. A crafty fellow. Luinneag. A chorus, a highland catch. Tuibineachd. Craftinefs. Luinneagach. Frifking, Ikipping. Luid. A rag. Luinneinich. Toiling. Luidag. A little rag- Luinnfeach. A watch coat. Luidach. 7 _ , Luinnfaire. One that goes about idly ; a Luidagach. 1 E‘‘SSed- watchman. Luidh. An herb. Vide Luibh. Luireach. A coat of mail. Luidh. A word of endearment. Luirgne. Legs. Luidh an liugair. Lovage. Luis. The quicken tree, the letter L. Luidh. He went, he died. Luis. A hand. Luidh nan tri bheann. Plant of three leaves Luis. Drink. or corners. Luis. Weeds, herbs. Luidhe. A lying, fituation, pofition, go- Luifam. To dare, adventure. ing, death. Luifam. To drink. Luidhid m’inntin. I am content, pleafed. Luifiot. Badi naughty, evil. Luidham. To lye, lay. Luifne. A flame, flafk, a blufli. Luidham. Vide Lugham. Luithe, luaithe. Swifter. Luidhachan. An ambulh. Lulgach. A foldier. Luidhafam. To permit, allow. Lumain. A veil, coarfe cover, fackcloth,,a Luidhafachadh. Permitting, allowing. large great coat. Luidheolach. Skilled in plants. Lumhaire. A diver. Luidheolas. Botany. - Lunafd. Lammas. Luidin. The little finger. Lundach. Lazy. Luig. Gen. of Lag, a pit. Lundaire.'' A drone, fluggard. Luighe. A proof. * Lundaireachd. Lazinefs. Luighe, ^cauldron, kettle. Lung, Long. A ihip. I Lungi L U S L U S

Lung. An houfe, the handle of an oar. Lus na h oiche. Nightfnade. Lunn. A bond. Lus an fhucadair. Teazle, fuller’s thif- Lunnach. An aftive youth. tle. Lunnacha. Helved. Lus mhic riogh Brettuin. Wild thyme. Lupait. The name of that filler of St. Lus an fhograidh. ? . ... , . ° r Chafe the devil. Patrick who was brought to Ireland along LusT mhic Raonail. j with him, and fold into captivity in the Lus Cholum-cille. St. John’s-wort. county of Lowth, then .called Magh- Lus nan laogh. Orpine. murtemne. Lus nan cnamh. Samphire. Lurach. Pretty. Lus a ’ohrois. Dwarf honeyfuckle. Lurachan. Ramps. Lus a Chrubhain. Gentian. Lurag. A pretty female. Lus an leafaidh. A plant that raifeth blif- Lurg. The end. ters when applied. Lurga ! Behold ! fee ! Lus cneas Guth-ullin. Meadow-fweet. Lus nan eithreag. Cloud-berries. Lur^ann \ ^ Lus na fearnaich. Sundew. Lurginach. A {haft, .long-legged. Lus mor. Spearwort. Lup. Pith, ftrength. Lus mor. The herb fox-glove. Lus. An herb or plant, a leek. Lus nam broilag. 7 Bear whorde-ber- Lufan. 1 . , , , Lus nan geira bornigh. J ries. l A little herb. Luim.r r 5 Lus na ftalog. Berry-bearing heath. cLufach. Of or belonging to herbs, her- Lus mhic bethaig. Betony. baceous. Lus an t fiucair. Succory. Lufairnach. A .place where herbs grow. Sus na Spain. Pellitory of Spain. Lufca. Space of five years, a luftrum. Lus a’ bhalla. Pellitory of the wall. Lufca. Infancy. Lus phoinc. Piony. Lufca. A cave, fubterranean vault. Lus nan laoch. Rofewort. Xufca. Blind. Bus nan gorm dhearc. Blaeberfy-plant. Lufchuach. A caterpillar. Luas na mealla. Honeyfuckle-

Lufmhaoth. Bearing virtuous and .foft Lus a’ chorrain. s 0 , ,. .. > Spleenwort. herbs. LusT na ledge. i Lus mhic Cummin. Cumin. Lus nan tri ballan. Valerian. Lus a’cholmain. Columbine. Lus gan mhathair gan athair. A plant re- Lus a’ choire. Coriander. fembling lintfeed, found on the furface of Lus an t flanughaidh. Ribwort. fprings, with roots not touching the .Lns,a’ chromchinn. DafFodill. ground. Lus nan leac. Eyebright. Lufdradh. A proccffion. Lus a’ phiobair. Dittany. Lufcaire. , A troglodite. Lus an t faoidh. Fennel. Lufgam. To lurk. Lus leath an t fambraidh. .Gillyflower.. Lufradh. Herbage, Lus na fiotbchaint. Loofdlrjfe. Lufra nan fcor. Clown’s all-heal. Lus .an liagaire. Lovage. Lufrag. A charm with herbs. Lus-Mairi. Marygpld. Luftaire. A flatterer. Luflram. L U T L U T

Luftram. To flatter. Luthach. The finews or veins. Luth. Longing, earning. Luthghair. Vide Luthghaire. Luth. Strength, power. Luth-chleafa & gaifga. Athletic exercifes. Luthmhor. Strong, nimble. Luthaire. Cuchullin’s driver, Luthmhorachd. Strength, nimblenefs. Luthais. Ludovick. Luthmhoire. More adive.



Mis the tenth letter of the Gaelic Macamh-ballaich. A boy. alphabet, and is called Muin, a Macamh-mna. A girl, a young girl, vine. It founds the fame as in other Macamhuil. , at > £ Filial. languages, only that before h afpirate a Machanta. j new combination or letter is formed Macha. A Royfton crow. nearly as v. Thus Mathair, a mother, Machaire. A field, plain. do mhathair, to a mother, is Do vathair. Macanta. Meek, mild. Vide Analyfis. Macantachd. |' . }■ Meeknefs, mildnefs, Ma, madh. If. Macantas. J Ma. A breach. Machlag. The womb, matrix. Ma-reir. Loofe, at liberty. Macht. A wave or furge. Ma, uime. About, near about. Machdual. A fponge. Mac. A fon; pi. Macra, mic. Machtnadh. Deliberating on. Macan. A young or little fon, the young Machtre ! A Highland interje&ion. of beafts. Machtaim. To deliberate, confider on. Mac-mic. A grandfon. Machtnamh. Wondering, deliberating, Mac an abar. The ring-finger. Machuil. A fpot, ftain, defe£L Mactire. A wolf. Mac-muirigheach. The efcallop-fiflh, the Macleabhair. A copy of a book. fcolloped fhell-fifh. Mac. Clean, pure. Macmemna. The fancy, imagination. Macfamhailt. j The like, equal, em- Macnas. Licentioufnefs, wantonnefs, kind- Maca. S blem. nefs, fondnefs. Mac an dogha. Burdock. Macnafmemna. The fancy. Macadh. Bearing, carrying. Macnafach. Wanton, merry, tender. Macaim. To bear, carry, to fondle. Macne. A tribe, clan. Macamh. A youth, a lad. Macoimh. A ftranger. Mac-choinne. A daughter-in-law. Macraidh. A difeafe, diftemper, [P p p] Macra, MAG M A I

Macra. Young men, a band of young Magairt. Creeping, pawing, fingering. men, males. Magairam. To creep, paw, finger. Macramhuil. Like as. Magaran. Creeping on all fours. Macrafach. Peevifh, faucy. Magaranam. To creep, go on all fours, Macras. Sighing, fobbing, peevifhnefs. Magadh. Mocking, jeering, fcoffing. Mactach. Pernicious. Magamhuil. Jeering, fcoffing. Mactadh. Slaughtering, daughter. Magarle. A tefticle. Mactalla, mactulloch. Echo. Magh. A plain, level country. Mactam. To daughter, butcher. Magh-adhraidh. A plain or field of ado- Mactadh. A wondering, furprife, ration, where an open temple, confifting Macthoghadh. Adoption. of a circle of tall ftrait ftone pillars, with Mad. A hand. a very large flat ftone called Cromleac, Maddadh. A dog. ferving for altar, was conftrudted by the Maddadh-allaidh. A wolf. Druids for religious worfhip. Thefe Maddadh-ruadh. A fox. Druidical temples, whereof many are ftill Maddadh-donn. An otter. exifting in Ireland and Scotland, were Madh. An extafy, trance. built in the fame manner with that which Madh. A plain, field. was built by Mofes, as it is defcribed Madh. Beit, if it were. Exod. xxiv. 4. confifting of twelve ftone Madha. Unlawful, unjuft. pillars as an altar. Whether the object Madhana. Meadows. of the Druidifh worfhip was the true God, Madhanta. Coy. I cannot affirm. Several places in Ireland at Madhm. A breach, battle, derout. this day wear thefe names. There is one in Madhm. Any large round mountain. the , where the kings of the Madhm. As much grain, or any thing 0‘Brien race were inaugurated. Another, comminated, as may be taken up between about four miles north of Corke, now both the hands. called Beal atha magh-adhoir, from Madhmadh. An eruption, fally. which the valley called Gleann magh- Madhmam. To overthrow. adhoir, derives its name. Madhman. A Ikirmifti. Maghair. Plowed land. Madhm-feic. A rupture. Maghar. Fifh-fry, bait to catch fiftx. Madhm-fleibhe. A fudden eruption of wa- •Maghach, moidhach. A hare. ter from mountains. Maghar. A word, expreffion. Madh-beag. Few, little, a finall fhare. Maghfhal. >B k Madhramhail, July. Maghlann. 1 Madduin. The morning. Maglidh. Soft. Maddra. Dogs. Maghuifge. A winter lake. Maddar. The herb madder. Maglothuin, He cherifhed. Maddrach-alla. Wolves. Maibhin. Pouring forth. Madramhuil. Belonging to a dog, dog- Maicne. Kindred, relations. like, doggifti. Maide. Wood, timber, a ftick. Mag. A paw. Maide-milis. Liquorice. Magan. A little paw, a toad. Maidain. A little ftick. Maideqg. M A I M A I

Maideoe;. The {hell called Concha ve- Main, The hand. neris. Maineag. A glove. Maide-brifde. The tongs. Mainobair. Handicraft. Maide-fdiuraidh. A pot-ftick, a thivel. Mainbhitheach. Crafty. Maide-lxnglaidh. A fwingle-ftaff. Mainchille. A fleeve. Maide-fniomh. A diflafF. Maineachna. Negligence, inattention. Maidheog. A midwife. Maineachtnach, Indevout, negligent irv Maidhdean. A maid, virgin. devotion. Maidhdeanas. Virginity, maidenhead. Maineas. A miftake. Maidhin. A battle, fkirmilh. Mainneir. A fold, prifon, pen. Maidhm. A breach, eruption, Tally, flight. Mainigh. Madnefs, foolifhnefs. Maidhmam. To tear, burft. Mainis. A lance, fpear. Maidham. To be broke in battle, to be Mainneafach. Sluggifh. routed. Mainnis. Drawling, trifling. Maidham. To upbraid or boaft againft a Mainnifdair. A monaftery. man the favours he has conferred upon Mainnrach. A booth, hut, fold. him. Mainneamhuil. Early. Maidheanach. Slow. Mainfe. Maintenance. Maiddin. Morning. Mainfair. A manger. Maiddinughadh. Dawning. Mairbhghreim. The morphew. Maiddinag. The morning ftar. Maircairn. Cots. Maighean, A place. Maireafail. Life. Maigain. A toad, a little fat fellow. Maireun. A fmall falmon. Maighifdir. A mafter. Mairg. Woe. Maighiflriochd. Maflery. Mairgeach, mairgneach. Woeful, forrow* Maighifdir-fcol. A fchoolmafter. ful. Maighne. Great. Mairgnigham. To groan, bewail. Maigneas. A field. Mairthachdin. Laft, continuance, lafting, Maighre. A falmon. Mairtham. To live, continue. Maighreleun. A falmon trout, Mairthann. Being, life. Mailis. Malice. I doubt this to be Mairthionnach. Long lived, lafting. Galic. Mairthinnach. Lame. Mailifeach. Malicious. Mairlam. To bruife, crumble. Maill. Delay. Mairnam. To betray. Maillachan. The young of fprites, in Scot- Mairnealach. A pilot, mariner. land called Browny. It is a good-natured Mairneal. A let, delay. being, and renders good offices to fa- Mairnealach. Dilatory, tedious. vourites. Mairtirach. A martyr. Maille. Together with. Mais. A lump, heap. Maille ribh. With you. Mais, meas. An acorn. Maille riut. With thee. Maifcaor. A lump. Mailligham. To flacken, delay. Maife. An ornament, bloom, beauty, Main. The morning, day. grace. Maife M A L MAN

Maife. Food, vi&uals. Malcam. To bear, carry, to rot. Maifeach, Beautiful, graceful, handfome. Malcadh. Rottennefs, rotting, bearing, Maifeachd. | Elegance, handfomenefs. carrying. Maifeamhlachd. 5 & Mallchodach. One that fups late. Ma is feadh. If fo be, then, therefore. Malcthaire. A porter. Maifeamhuil. Handfome. Mallbheurlach. Slow fpoken. Maifigham. To adorn, deck. Mall. Slow, dilatory. Maifteog. The maftich-tree, Malldromach. Saddle-backed. Maiftir. Urine. Malla. Modeft. a Maiftirradh. A churning. M llachd. Modefly. Maiftiram. 7 ~ , Mallachd. A curfe. f Io churn. Maiitiruigham. J Malluighte. Curfe. Maith. Good, excellent. Malluigham. To curfe. Maith. Mallughadh. Curfing. ( Chieftains, nobles. Mai the, Malltriallach. Slow travelling. Maitheachas. ? -o • r j Maloid. A flail, fcourge, thong. I Forgivenefs, pardon. Maithmheachas. J Malraidham. To exchange, barter. Maitheamh. An abatement, flackening. Malratoir airgaid. A banker.. Maitheas. Goodnefs, bounty. Maloigheagh. To grow dull. Maitham. To forgive. Mall-fmuainteadh. Deep mufing or ftudy. Maithrean. An aunt by the mother’s fide. Malta. Mild, foft. Mai, mall. Slow, dilatory. Mam. A hand or fift ; a handful; vide Malis. A delay, let, hindrance. Madhm. Mai. Rent, tribute, tax, fubfidy. Mam. Vile, bafe. Mai. A king, prince. Mam. A mother. Mai. A poet. Mam. Might, power. Kal. A champion, foldier. Mam. A hill, mountain, a gap, a pafs. Mala. A bag, budget, mail. Mamm. A breaft, pap. Mala. The eye-brow. Mama. Alone. Malaid. A bag, budget. Mamas. Might, ftrength, power. Maladair. A farmer, renter. Matn-fioc. A rupture. Malair. A merchant. Man. The hand. Malairt. Exchanging, bartering ; ex- Ma’n. Before, ere. change, barter. Mana. A caufe, condition. Malairtach. Mutual, reciprocal. Manach. A monk, friar. Manachdal. Conventual. Malairtam. ? To exchange, barter. Malairtaigham. ) Manachan. The groin. Malairtughadh. Exchanging. Manadh. Fate, lot; Cur air mhanadh, Malairtain airgaid. A banker. foretelling. Malcair. A porter, bearer of burthens. Manadhis, A fpear. Malcaireachda. Of or belonging to the Manama. A glove. market. | Manchach. Of or belonging to monks. Malcaireas. Sale. Mancuairt. About. Manchnumh. MAO MAO

Manchnumh. A cheefe-mite. Maoitheach. Vain-glorious, boafting. Mandach. That maunteth. Maoitham. To boaft. Mandracach. A mandrake. Maoithmheachas. Boafting. Mang. Morofenefs, fournefs. Maoithmheach. An objection. Mang. A bag, budget. Maodal. Stomach, paunch, tripe. Mang. Deceit. Maodhadh. Boafting, reproaching, pro- • Mang. A fawn. claiming. Mangach.. Like a fawn. Maodhfeachlach. Apt to boaft, Mangaire. A taverner. Maol. Bald, blunt, without horns, hum- Mann. Wheat, food, bread. ble. Mann. A wedge, an ounce. Maol. A promontory, cape. Mannar. Loofening. Maol. A fervant, a fhaved perfon devoted Mann. A fin. to fome religious order. Mann. Bad, naught. Maolan. A beacon. Manntach. Tongue-tied, maunting, ftut- Maolaodanachd, Baldnefs. tering. Maol-Cholum-cille. Colum-cille’s fervant. Manrac. A gift. Maol-feachluin. St. Seachluin’s fervant. Manrach. A fheep-fold. Maol-aigeantach. Dull-witted, ftupid. Manrachd. Happy. Maol-Iofa. A Highland faint. Manradh. Deftrudbion. Maolchluafach. Tame, gentle, inadlive. Manran. Amorous difeourfe. Maoluigham. To become dull, ftupid ; to Manranach. Noify. allay, calm. Manras. Motion. Maoldorn. A fword-hilt. Manta. Demure, bafliful. Maoldorn fhionn airgaid. Silver-hilted Mantacht. Bafhfulnefs. fword. Mantaire. A lifping perfon. Maolchair na mailin. The fpace between Maoidhm. A hard word. the eye-brows. Maoithmheach. Maoldhearc. A mulberry. Vain-glorious. Maodhmheach. Maolfhaobhrach. Blunt. Maoidheadh, maoidheamh. Boafting, pro- Maolluin. A mule. claiming. Maom. Fear, terror. Maoile. Maom fleibhe. A torrent. Baldnefs. Maoilad.J Maon. Dumb, mute. Maoilin. The fummit, brow of a ridge or Maonas. Proper name of a man. hill. Maor. A fteward, officer, a fervant; for- Maoilaodannach. Bald-pated. merly a baron. Vide Mormhaor. Maoin. Love, efteem, Maor-eaglais. Apparitor. Maoin. Worldly fubftance. Maor-ftriopaich. A pimp. Maoirfeachd. Stewardfliip. Maorach. Shell-fifti. Maois. A pack or bag. Maoth. Tender, foft. Maois-eifg: Five hundred fifli. Maothalach. Emollient. Maoifeog. A little pack or bag. Maothalachd. Emollients. Maoifeach, maoifleach. A fire deer, doe. Maothan. A twig, ofier, bud j a carti-* [Q»q q]< lage. M A R MAR

lage, grillle; any thing tender, foft. Marbhthoir, A murderer, flaughterer. The Xiphoides, or griftle in the fcrobi- Marbraid. A fort. culurn cordis, Marc, marcan. A horfe. Maothla matha. Acorn and fruit. Marcach. A horfeman, rider. Maothmhuadh. Nice, delicate. Marcachd. r Maothfhuileachd. Watrinefs of the eyes. Marcaidhachd. f R‘ding, horfemanfh.p. Maothughadh. Moiftening. Marcuigham. To ride. Maothuigham. To moiften, irrigate. Marc-choimhliong. A horfe-race. Mar. As, like, where. Marclach. Any provifion of viftuals. Mar.fo. Thus. Marclann. A liable. Mar gu. As if. Marcreil. Mackerel. Mar-fin. So, in that manner. Marcfhluagh. Cavalry., Mara, Belonging to the fea. Marg. A mark in money. Marach. To-morrow. Marg fearainn. A markland. Marachd. Error, miflake, marine. Margadh. A market. Marag. A pudding. Margal. Marketable. Maran. Entertainment. Margadhluidh, A merchant. Maraon. Together. Marfonta. Marafgal. r Margha. Marine. Marafglachd. J J Marghan. A margin. Maras. Ten thoufand, a myriad. Marla. Rich clay, marl. Marbh. Dead, heavy, benumbed. Marmur. Marble. Marbhadh. Slaughter, mafTacre. Marros. Rofemary. Marbham. To kill, flay. Marri. With, along with. Marbhan. A corpfe, dead body, margin of Marris. Along with him, it. a book. Marria. With her, it. Marbhach. Deadly. Marrium. With me. Marbhchras. A carcafe. Marriut. With thee. Marbhdhraoithachd. Necromancy. Marrinn. With us. Marbhdhraoth. A necromancer. Marribh. With you. Marbhla. A ftill day. Marriu. With them. Marbhnach. An elegy. Marrifd. A match, hufband. Marbhlapam. To be benumbed, to be Marruigham. To moor, anchor, froft-bitten. Marrughadh. Mooring. Marbhphaifg. Dead men’s fhrouds and Maron. Sound. drefs ; alfo an Irifh and Highland im- Marfontachd. Merchandize. precation. Mart. A cow. Marbhortaliche. Lethargy. Mart. Month of March. Marbhthach. Mortal, cruel. Mar ta. Even, fuch as. Marbhrann. An elegy, death fong, epitaph. Martfheoil. Beef. Marbhranntach. Elegiac. Marthain. Being, life. Marbhfhruth. Wake of a fliip. Marthanach. Lafting, durable. 3 Marthannachd MAT M E A

Marthannachd. Duration, eternity. Mathair-iongair. The caufe of fuppura- Martham, mairtham. To laft, continue, tion. live. Mathair na lughadaig. The ring-finger. Marthuigh. Changing. Mathairdha. Of, belonging to a mother, Martram. Mathairdhachd. The right of a mother. To maim, lame. Martraigham. Mathairdhas. Motherhood. Martartha. Maimed. Mathairorn. Matricidium. Martineach. A cripple. Mathairornoir. Murderer of his mother. Marunno. Steady. Mathairamhuil. Motherly, tender. Ma is, ma’s. If. Mathairamhlachd. Motherlinefs, tender- Mas. A buttock, thigh, breech. nefs. Mas. Excellent, handfome. Mathamhnas. Forgiving. Mafan. Delay. Matham. To meliorate, manure. Mafanach. Slow, tedious. Mathdheanamh. Beneficence. Mafdidh. A maftifF. Mathas. Goodnefs, bounty. Mafeadh, ma is e. If it befo, then, there- Mathfadh. Doubt. Mathghabhuin. 7 . , . fore. , , , . f A bear, i. e. wild calf. Mafgam. To infufe, fteep malt for brew- Maghghamhuin. J ing. Mathan. The fucker of a tree. Mafladh. Reproach, flander. Mathfam. To doubt. Mafcair. A lump. Mathon. A bear. Maflach. Reproachful, ignominious. Mathflogh. A congregation. Maflim. Maftlin. Mathte. Forgiven, pardoned. Maflughadh. Reproaching, flandering. Me. Me, the accuf. of Mi, I. Mafluigham. To reproach, flander. Meabhal. Shame, fraud, deceit. Mafladh. Spiteful. Meabhalach. Deceitful, fraudulent. Ma ta. If fo be, neverthelefs, however. Meabhair. The memory. Mata. Great, dark, gloomy. Meabharach. Mindful. Mata. A mattrafs. Meabhrigham. To fcheme, plan,, plot. Math. Good. Meabhra. A fiiftion, lie. Math. Fruit. Meabhrach. Chearful, merry. Math. A hand. Meacan. A parfnip. Matha. Matthew. Meacan-uillionn. Elecampane. Meacan-buidhe. ? Mathadh. A pardon, pardoning. A carrot. Mathaim. To forgive, pardon. Meacan-raidigh. J Mathain. Mercy, difpofal. Meach. Hofpitality. Mathair. A mother, caufe. Meactroig. The ox next the plough. Mathair. Gore. Mead. Encreafe, bignefs, bulk. Mathair-abhair. Meadaigham. To encreafe, enlarge, im- | A caufe, primary caufe. Mathair-ail. prove. Mathair-uifge. A refervoir of water, fource Meadaighte. Augmented, enlarged. of water. Meadar. A churn, an anfated veffel, milk-. pail ; M E A M E A

pail ; the Irifh is four-cornered, and hol- Meam. A kifs. lowed with a chiffel; the Scotch round Meamam. To kifs. and hooped. Meambra. A fhrine. Meadar, meadarachd. Verfe, m,etre. Meamrum. Parchment. Meadbhronn. Dropfy. Meamhair. Memory. Meadh. A ballance, fcale. Meamhairam. To remember, confider. Meadh. Metheglin, mead. Meamhraigham. To mention, put in mind Meadhach. A ftallion. of. Meadhach. Fuddled with mead, Meamhairaighte. Studied, confidered of, Meadhachan. Force. mentioned. Meadhaigham. To weigh, ballance, con- Meamnarcam. To think. fid er. Meanadh. An awl. Meadail, maodal. A belly, paunch, Meanadh. J Meadhair. Talk, difcourfe, mirth. Meanan. S GaPlnS’ yawninS’ Meadhair. A forewarningof future events. Meanadh Foretelling, fate. Meadharach. Chearful, lively. Meanuir. He thought of. Meadhon. The midft, middle, center ; a Meanan. Plain, clear. mean inftrument. Meanbh. Small. Meadhonach. Mid, middle, intermediate, Meanbhchuilag. A gnat. inftrumental. Meanbhchuifach. Curious. Meadhon-la. Noon, mid-day. Meanfach. "1 Meadhrach. Glad, joyful. Meanfagadh. >Yawning. Meadhg, meidhg. Whey. Meanfuigheal. J Meag. The earth. Meang. Craft, deceit. Meall. A ball, lump, knob. Meangach. Crafty, deceitful. Meall. A hill, hillock, eminence. Meangan. 1 . , , , Meal a, mealgha. Of honey. Meanglan. 1 A Wh’ b°USh’ "'S' Meala. A reproach. Meangraidhte. Sophiftry. Meala. Grief, forrow. Meanma, meanman. Courage, vigour/ A’ mheali. Broom. Meanmach, meanamnach. Chearful, ir Mealb, mealbhog. A fatchel, budget, fpirits, elate. knapfack. Meanmaradh. Thought, Meall, meallach. Good, pleafant. Meanmlaige. Dullnefs, lazinefs, weak- Meall. An heap, lump. nefs. Mealladh. Deceiving, defrauding. Meanmnaigham. To regale, gladden. Meallag. The milt of a fifh. Meanmughadh. An exhortation. Meallcair. Hafty-pudding, pap. Meanmuin. Joy, gladnefs. Meallam. To deceive, defraud. Meann. Manifeft. Meallam. To enjoy, brook. Meann. Famous, illulbrious, celebrated. Mealltin. Enjoying. Meann. Dumb. Meallta. Deceived, defrauded, Meann. ) . at fA rib. Mealltoir. A deceiver. Meannan. > Mealltoireachd. Deceit, fraudulence. Meannath-athar. A fnipe. Meannad. M E A ME I

Meannad. A place, room. Meafam. To efteem, think, or fuppofe. Meanrachd. Happinefs, blifs, good-luck. Meafardhachd. ) Meantail. Deceit. Meafarthachd. f Meanntus. Spearmint. Meafchaor. A plummet, founding-line. Mear. Quick, fudden, merry, wanton. Meafchraobh. A fruit-tree. Mear. A finger, toe. Meafchruinigham. To gather acorns, to Mearachd. Miflake, error. gather in com. Mearachd-ceille. Madnefs, wrong in judg- Meafg. Among, amongft. ment. Bhur Meafg. Amongft you. Mearaigham. To miftake, err. 'Nar Meafg. Amongft us. Mearagan. Fingering, handling. ’N am Meafg. Amongft them. Mearaighe. A fool. Meafgadh, A mixture, mixing. Mearaithne. A flight doubtful knowledge Meafgam. To mix, ftir about, to move, of one. mingle. Mearardhachd. Sobriety. Meafghort. An orchard. Mearaghadh. Miftaking, erring. Meafog. An acorn. Mearbha. A lie, fiftion. Meafraigham. To temper. Mearbhal. A miftake, random. Meafuim, meafam. To prefume, fuppofe, Mearbhallachd. Erring. confider, obferve, efteem; to lay a tax, Meardhana. Foolhardy. to rate. Meardhanachd. Rafhnefs. Meata. Cowardly, fearful. Mearghradh. Fondnefs. Meatachd. Cowardice. Meargranta. , obffinaKi Meath. Decay. Mearmghte. J Meatha-dhala. At leaft. Mearle. ? Meath-challtin. Southernwood. Mearlachd. J Thef' Meathach. Periftiable, a degenerate per- Mearlach. A thief. fon. Meas. Fruit, particularly acorns. Meathach. Fat. Meas. Meafure, a rod to meafure graves. Meathadh. Withering, fading, flirink- Meas. A weapon, edge or point. ing. Meas. A pair of {hears. Meathaigham. To grow fat. Meas. A fofter-child. Meathaim. To fade, decay, wither. Meas. A falmon. Meathas. Fat, fatnefs. Meas. Refpedt, opinion, advice, con- Meathligham. To faint or die of cold. ceit. Meathufradh. Fallings. Meafa. Worfe, worft. Meaththinnas. A confumption. Meafamhuil. Refpedled, efteemed. Meathlughadh. Sinking under cold. Meafan. Meid, mead. Bignefs, magnitude. ^ A lap-dog. Meafchu, Meide. The neck. Meafaire. Juft weight or meafure. Meideach. A ftallion. Meafardha. Meidil. A medlar. > Temperate, frugal. Meafartha. 5 Meidhe. A ftump, flock, trunk. [RrrJ Meidhg, M E I M E O

Meidhg, meadhg. Whey. Meirneal. A merlin Meidghamhuil. Serous. Meirtneach I Feeble, fatigued. Meidhife. The middle, midPr. Meirthnidhe. \ Meidhleach, meilach. Bleating of fheep. Meis. Gen. of Mias. Meidhlam. , Meis. Bad, wicked. Meilam. S Meifcheolam. To fing, modulate. Meigh. A ballance, fcale. Meifde. Worfe. Meigiollach. } . Meifeamhnigham, To judge. Meigiodach. ! “““"S °f * ^ Meifge. Drunkennefs. Meigiollam. To bleat as a goat. Meifi. A judge. Meile. A hand-mill. Meifi. Fairies. Meileadh. Bleating. Meifin. A little difh. Meilam. To grind. Meifneach. Courage. Meilg. Death. Meifneamhuil. Courageous. Meilg. Milk. Meifnigham. To encourage, nourifh, che- Meill. A cheek. riih, refrefh, enliven, exhort. Meilliach. The globe. Meifriobhar. A bufhel. Meilt. Grinding. Meiffi. Ghofls, apparitions. Meilt. Calling, hurling. Meith. Fat, corpulent. Meillig. Rind. Meitheallach. A falling. Meimeadh. A poem. Meithle. Reapers. Mein. The mind. Meithrios. Fatnefs. Mein. Oar, a mine.. Meithreas. Kitchen-fluff. Meinn. Quality, mien, clemencymercy. Mele. A woman’s.coif. Meinneamhuil. Affable, well - difpofed, M’ele. A fluggard, cowardly foldier. kindly. Melg. Death. Meir. Gen. of Meat. Melghi. Point of death, death-bed. Meirbh. Slow,, tedious, weak. Meligham. To bleat as a fheep. Meirbhe. Weakness, dullnefs. Melinich. An ewe. Meirbhe. A. lie. Men, mein. Oar. Meirceann. A finger. Men. A mouth. Meirdreach. A whore, harlot. Mennan-athar. .A fnipe.- Meirdreachas. Fornication. Menm-ara. A whale. Meire, mire. Mirth, madnefs. Menighi. Lame, gentle. Meodhan, meadhon. A means. Meodhanach, meadhonach. Middletnoft,. Meirge. An enfign, ftandard, banner. fmall. Meirgeach. Rufty, full of rufl. Meogal. A medley, mixture; Meirgeall. Rough.nefs,. ruggednefs. Meomhrachan. A memorandum, record,. Meirghe. A band, troop, company. Meomhranach. i minutes. Meirin nam magh. Agrimony. Meomhair. The memory. Meirleachas. Treafon, rebellion. Meomhairach. Mindful, having a flrong Meirleach. A thief,, rogue,, rebel. memory. 2 Meomharaigham, M I A M I L

Meomharaigliam. To remember, mention. Mias. An altar. Meor, meur. A finger. Mic. Of a fon ; fons. Meorad. ~) Michadhas. Ingratitude. Meoracan. >A thimble. Michadhas. An affront. Meuran. J Micelmhe. An ill omen. Meothal. Help. Micheadfa. Indignation. Mertnigham. To weaken. Micheadfach. Difpleafed, vexed, difcon.- Mether. A veil, covering. tented. Methle. A reaping. Micheill. Madnefs, folly. Meud, mead. Greatnefs. Micheillidh. Foolifh, imprudent. Meudal. Vide Maodal. Micheilligham. To rave, date. Meug. Whey. Micheineamhuin. Mifadventure. Meugach. Having much whey. Michneafia. Inhumane, uncivil; perilous^ Meugamhuil. Serous. ominous. Me u nan. Gaping, yawning. Michreadamh. Unbelief. Meur. A finger, prong. Micheir. j Meurag. A pebble, a little clue of yarn. Michearta. iKmd’ Sentle* Meuran. A thimble. Midh. The fight, afpeft. Meuthas. Fatnefs. Vide Meathas. Midheamhaltach. Frugal. Mi. I, Midheamhuin. Meditation. Mi, mio. A compofitive and negative par- Midheang. Slender-waifted. ticle. Midhiomhalta. Doubtful. Mi, mios. A month. Midhion. Ill-coloured. Mi. A mouth. Mi-effeachdach. Vain, ineffe&uaL Miach. A bag, budget. Mighniofnh. Iniquity, lewdnefs. Miadh. Honour, refpedh Mighreann. Difdain, loathing. Miadhmhor. Honourable, noble. Migheur. Blunt. Miaduigh. A hog, fwine. Mil. Gen. Meala. Honey. Miadhach. 7 Mil. i ... ,, , t rrecious. Miadhal. j Mileadh. fA foldier, champion, Miadadh. Shutting. Milidh. J Miamhal. Mewling as a cat. Milanta. Brave. Miann. The will, defire, love. Milbhir. Mead, metheglin, Mianach. Oar, a mine. Milcaire. A parafite. Mianfhaolidh. A gaping. Milcheo. . Mlldew Miannach. f ^ r . . Milchruimheog. } - Miannmhor. 1 De^rous) longing. Mildeoch. Mead. Meannmhorachd. Appetibility. Mile. A thoufand, a mile ; pi. Milta, Miannghas. Inclination, favour, longing, Milneach. 7 flavour. Mineach. $ A thorn> bodkln- Miannghafach. Defirous. Milighe. The point of death, Mianndiultadh. Abnegation. Mileanta. Soldierly. Mias. A difh, platter. Milightheach. Pale, wan. Milis>. M I N M I O

IMili.s. Sweet. Mine. Pufillanimity. Mill. PI. of Meall. Mineite. A fmall feather. Millein. Blame, tax. Mineach. Mealy. Milleadh. Ruining, fpoiling. Mineachd. Softnefs, gentlenefs. Millam. To fpoil, marr, ruin. Mineaghadh. Politenefs. Milliudh. An ill eye, a fafcinating look. Minadurtha. Unnatural, ill-natured. Milfe. I Minchagnam. To mump. Milfad. > Sweetnefs. Min-eallach. Small cattle. Milfeachd. J Minfheur. Soft grafs. Milfean. Any fweet thing, fweetmeat, Mingheal. Soft and fair. cheefecurds. Minghearram. To hafli, mince. Milfainan. Dainty diflies. Minghaduighachd. Pilfering. Milfean-mara. A fort of fea-weed. Minidh. An owl. Milfeanta. Sweetened. Minicthi. Tame, gentle. Milfhliofneach. A chiliagon. Minn. Kids. Vide Meann. Millte. Ruined, fpoiled. Minnain. A little kid, fawn. Millich. Tufts of good grafs. Minnaid. A minute. Millteoir. An oppreflor. Minnaidach. Careful, fteady. Milltne. i „ Minneighadh. Adjuring. Milltneachd. 1 Minic. Frequent, often. Milmheacan. A mallow. Miniafg. Small fifh. Milfe. More fweet. Minughadh. Taming, fmoothing, explain- Milfuigham. To fweeten, mull. ing. Milta. PL of Mile. Minuigham. To explain, fmooth, polifti, Mimheafam. To undervalue, defpife. paraphrafe. Mimheafta. Mean, vile, defpifed. Minneach. A lye. Minheifnigham. To defpife, terrify. Minifdair. A minifter, fervant. Min. Fine, tender, delicate,foft, fmooth. Minifdralachd. Serving, adminiftering, Min. A plain, a field. miniftration. Min. Meal, flower. Minearghnas. Ignorance. Minanach. A minikin. Minlach. The fineft of grafs. Minan. Small of coal and other things. Minmhear. Hemlock. Minaois. Minority. Min-iaruinn. The filings of fteel. Minbhrifam. To bruife, comminate, Minrofgach. Meek-eyed. Mindreach. A little image. Minos. Unchaftenefs. Mine. Smoother. Minuach. The herb Millmountain, purg- Mine. ing flax. | Smootfinefs. Minad. y Minnfag. A young fhe-goat. Minad. Smallnefs, finenefs. Mio-adh. Bad fortune. Minag. A gentle meek woman. Mio-adhmhor. Untowardly, awkward, un- Minagach. Tender, meek. fortunate. Minbhean. A wife. Miobhal. Unthriftinefs. Minchruth. Miniature. Mioboile. Scab. Miobheufach. M I O M I O

Miobheufach. Impolite. Miodhreacham. To disfigure. Miobhuidhachas. Ingratitude. Miodhuiligham. To deteft, abhor. Miobhuineadh. Defpair, diflruft. Miodhuthrachd. Negligence. Miobhuileadh. Loathing. Midrach. An anfated difh. Miobhuilughadh. Mifapplying. Miodag. A knife. Miobhuiluigham. To mifimprove. Mio-eudmhor. Cold, difloyal. Miobhuidhach. Ungrateful. Miofhallan. Healthlefs. Miochaine. A prefent. Miofhoighid. i Miochaire. Loving, affable. Miof hoighiden. 1 Miochairthe. A monfler. Miof hoighidinach. Impatient. Miochas. Ingratitude, difefteem. Miofhortun. Misfortune. Miochadhafach. Ungrateful. Miof hortunach. Misfortunate. Miochean. Difguft. Miog. A fmirk, fmile. Miocheart. Unjuft. Miogfhiule. Laughing eye. Miochuinas. Difquiet. Miogfhuileach. Having laughing eyes. Miocheill. Folly. Miogach. Sparkling. Miochliu. Difpraife, reproach. Mioghean. Difaffecfion, diflike, Miochliutach. Infamous. Miogheamnidh. Lewd. Miochoingioll. Deceit, treachery. Miogheamnidhachd. Lewdnefs. Miochoingiollach. Treacherous. Miogheur. Blunt. Miochoirteach. Monftrous. Mio-iomchubhidh. Unfit. Miochomhghair. Difappointment. Mioghlic. Foolifh. Miochreidafach. Difcreditable. Mioghleatham. To hufband badly. Miochreidas Difcredit. Mioghleathadh. Bad management. Miochriodhal. Heartlefs, diftieartened. Mioghnaitham. To abufe, mifapply. Miochriodholachd. Difpiritednefs. Mioghnamhach. Lewd, mifchievous. Miochomhthrom. Unjuft, unequal. Miol. A loufe. Miochreidamh. Unbelief. Miol-caorach. A Iheep-tick, a ked. Miochumas. A donation. Miol-balla. A wall loufe. Miochuifeach. Bewitching. Miol-monadh. An animal that fwims on Miodadh. Gonfidering. the furface of Handing water, like a Miodal. Flattery, fair fpeeches. flea. Miodalach. Flattering. Miol-mor. A whale. Miodar. Good pafture. Miol-crion. A moth. Miodh. Metheglin. Miol gaile. A belly-worm. Miodhbhaidh. Protedlion. Miol-ingneach. A crab. Miodhchuairt. A whirlpool. Miolabhartha. Froward, fallen, fnarling, Miodhilis. Unfaithful. Miolach. Brutifh ; loufy. Miodhiadhidh. Ungodly. Miolag. Any fmall thing ; a melon. Miodhealbhach. Unlikely. Miolaineach. Thoughtful, melancholy. Miodhealbham. To misftiape. Miolafgach. Reftiff. Miodhuileadh. A loathing. Miolboidhe. A hare. Miodhreach. A bad look or appearance. Miolc. Whey. [S f f] Miocladh. m r o M l O

Miolcadh. Flattering, flattery, Mionadurtha. Unnatural, Miolcam. To flatter, fmooth. Mionbhughmhann. A haggefs, minced Miolcaireachd. P'lattery, foothing. meat. Miolchomhlan. A park. Mionca. Oftener, ofteneft. Miolchu. A greyhound. Mioncas. Atoms. Miolfcoiteachd. Eloquence. Mionaomh. Prophane. Miolfcoithe. Eloquent, affable, debonair. Mionaomhaigham. To prophane, Mioltag. A fly, gnat. Mionbhaile. Suburbs. Mioltag-leathain A bat. Mionbhar. Hemlock. Mioll'ach. Devouring. Mionbhradach. Light-fingered. Miomafg. A lancet, fpear. Mionbhruigham. To mince, crumble, Miamhacanta. Difhoneft. Mionchloch. A pumice. Miomhacantachd. Difhonefty. Mionchuileog. A gnat. Miomhinuigham. To mifinterpret. Mionduine. A manikin. MiomhifnachaL Difpirited, irrefolute. Miongraim. To gnaw. Miomhifnuigham. To difcourage. Mionn. A bell. Miomhifnughadh. Difcouraging. Mionn. The crown of the head, the Miomheas. Difrefpect. fkull. MiomheafaJ. Difrefpectful. Mionn. An oath. Miomhiannuigham. To difanimate. Mionn riogha. A royal diadem. Miomhifnach. Difcouragement. Mionnaigham. To fwear. Miomhadh. Scandal, reproach, uncivility, Mionrann. A fhort verfe. bad manners. Mionnughadh. Vowing, fwearing. Miomhodhal. Rude, uncivil, ill-bred, Mionnlachd. Gentlenefs. ruftick. Mionofach. Morofe. Miomhodham. To reproach, revile, pro- Mionos. Diftradfion ; a jug. phane. Mionriogh. A petty king. Miomhara. Impudent, mean, Mionfhuileach. Pink-eyed. Miomhuinighin. Diffidence, diftruft. Miontan. A fmall bird, a titmoufe. Mio-onorughadh, Difhonouring. Miontas. Mint. Mio-onoruigham. Todifhonour. Mionurach. A fmall pitcher. Mion. Vide Miann. Miophairt. Ingratitude. Mion. A diadem. Miorbhadh. To kill, deftroy. Mion. Small. Vide. Min. Mior. A bit. Vide Mir. Miun. A letter. Miorag. Vide Mirag. Mionach. Bowels. Miorbhuile. A prodigy, miracle, wonder, Mionach. Metal. Miorbhuilleach. Wonderful. Mionaire. Impudence, affurance, ef- Miorun. Ill-will, malice. frontery. Miorunach. Malicious. Mionaireach. Shamelefs, impudent, front- Mioriaghailt. Confufion. lefs. Mioriaghailteach. Rebellious, turbulent, Mionaiteach. Particular. irregular. Mionnan. A kid. Miortal. Myrtle. 2 Miortalnacb. M I O M I S

Miortalnach. A place where myrtle grows. Miotharbhach. Unprofitable. Mios, A month. Miothairbhe. Difprofit. Mais-buidh. July. Miothlachd. Contempt, difrefpedh, Moifach. The plant purging-flax. Miothlachdor. Difagreeable, contemp- Miofachan. An almanack. tible. Miofafta. Difpleafed. Miothoil. Ill will, unwillingnefs. Miofcais. Spite, hatred. Miothoileach. Unwilling, Moifcaifeach. Spiteful. Miothoilaicham. To diflatisfy. Miofcaith. A curfe. Miothoilichte. Diflatisfied. Miofdiuram. ) n Miothuigam. To mifunderftand. n r- /i ^ ( I 0 rmflead. Mjolheolam. i Miothuigfin. Mifunderftanding. Moifgan. A fmall veflel full of butter. Mir. A bit, part, piece. Miofgus. ) Mir. The top, fummit. Miofgin.lAsrudge’fpite- Mirain. Frolickfomenefs. Aliofhamh. Rough, rugged, hard. Mirag. Play, frifking. Miofhiofhalta. Uncivil, impolite. Miragach. Sportful, frifking. Miofin. A little difh. Mire. Levity, madnefs. Moifhuaimhnach. Reftlefs, uncomfort- Mireanach. The bit of a bridle. able. Mireann. A portion, fhare. Miofhuaimbnas. Difquiet. Mireannuigham. To fhatter. Miofheamhfor. Unlucky, ominous, Mireufonta. Unreafonable, irrational. Miofheamhas. Ill fortune. Mireufontachd. Unreafonablenefs. Mifheun. Ill fortune, infelicity. Miriaghalta, Untradlable, unruly. Miofneach. Courage,O Miriaghaltach. Irregular, informal, ex- Miofneachal. Couragious. centric. Moiftuama. Immoderate, intemperate. Miriaghalachd. Untradabltenefs. Miofhonadh. Unfortunate, unblefs’d. Miriaghuil. Rebellion, tranfgreflion. Miofur, A meafure. Mi He. A ball, a globe. Miofurachd. Menfuration. Mirra. Myrrh. Miotal. 7 Mirtail. A myrtle-tree. .> Metal. Miotailte. i Mis, mios. A month. Miothag. A bite, pinching. Mifeach. A young kid. Mithagaicham. To pinch. Mifeamhnach. Agreeable, pleafant. Moithaitnam. To difpleafe. Mifgeul. A calumnious ftory. Miothaincol. Ungrateful. Mife. I myfelf. Miothainc. ■» Mifheun. Adverfity, ill luck. In ratitude Miothaincolachd. f g - Miflmin-dearg, Bogmint. Miothur. Little, narrow. Mifimirt. Foul play. Miothurafa. An ill omen. Mifge. Miotag. A mitten. Mifgad. ‘Drunkennefs. Miothaitnamhach. Difagreeable, unplea- Mifgeamhlachd. _ fant. Mifgeamhuil. 7 ^ Miothapadh. Mifhap. Mifgacl, 1 DlU“k“- Mifgair, M 0 D M O I

Mifgair. A drunkard. Modh. Work. Mifleanach. Springing up. Modhaidheas. Hufbandry. Mifneach. Courage. Modhamhuil. Mannerly, well-bred. Miiheachal. j Modhamhlachd. Mildnefs, gentle beha- Mifnamhal. viour, good breeding. Mifnachadh. Encouraging, abetting. Modhan. Child-birth, travel. Mifnuigham. To encourage. Modhanach. Moral. Mifnuigboir. Encourager. Modhdhamh. A plough-ox. Mifte. Worfe, worft. Modhluinin. Tabernacle, tent. Miftiri. A fly creeping fellow. Modhmhargadh. A flave-market. Mitailte. Metal. Modhfaine. Slavery, bondage. Mitailteach. Mettled, keen, fmart. Mogach. Shaggy. Mitailtaiche. A mineralift. Mogal. A hufk, Ihell of any fruit; a Mitheir. Weak, crazy. mafh, a duller, branch. Mithfir. Weak, ignorant. Mogan. A young hero. Mithich. Mogan. A boot-hofe. Mithidh. r'Time, proper feafon. Mogul na fuil. Apple of the eye. Mithis. . Mogulach. Full of hufks, plenteous, like Mithlachd. Difguft, difcord. net-work. Mithlachdor. Difgufted. Mogh, modh. A manner, falhion. Mithlufor. Cruel. Moghaighe. A hulbandman, clown. Mithluforachd. Cruelty. Moghna. A falmon. Mithur. Niggardly. Moghur. Soft, mild. Miug. Whey. Moghfuine. Slavery. Miuran. A carrot. Moguidh, maggadh. Mocking. Miuran geal. A parfnip. Moiche. Earlier. Mligh. The point of death. Moichad. State of being early. Mna. Infledted cafe of Bean, a woman. Moid. i Mnamhal. Womanifh, effeminate. Moidghealladh. 5 V W Mnamhalachd. Effeminacy. Moid. A court, judgment-feat. Mnigh. An epitaph* Moid, moid meanman. The height of Mo, mogh. courage. A man. Modh. Moidaigham. 1 vow, fwear, afcertain. Mo. My, mine. Moidam. 5 Moa. Greater, greatefl. Moide. Greater, bettered. Moch. Early, foon. Moideach. A votary. Mochabuidh. Early ripe. Moidheach. A hare. Mochd. Promotion. Moidheamh. Boafling, bragging. Mochd. Great. Moidh, amuigh. Abroad. Mocheirigh, Early rifling. Moidthe. Devoted. Mochthrath. The dawning of the day. Moigh, muigh. At mofL Mod. A court. Moigh, magh. A plain. Modh. A manner, fafhioh, breeding. Moigheanar. Happy, fe.flive. Moil. MOL M O R

Moil. A kind of black worm. Moladh. Praife, praifing. Moil. A heap call up. Molam. To praife. Moill, maill. Delay, hindrance. Molan, mulan A fmall hill, heap. Moiltin, molt. A hogrel. Molaibh a ghabhail. To coin. Moim. The eruption of water from a Mole. Fire. mountain, torrent. Molcha. An owl. Moin. A mountain. Molfa. Great. Moinmhor. A mountain in Ireland. Moll. Chaff. Moine. Turf, mofs, a bog, peat. Mollachd. Vide Mallachd. Moinfheur. A meadow, mountain grafs. Molrach. A giant. Moingrealt. A comet. Molt. A wether. Moinfe. A peat pit. Moltair. Moulter. Mointeach, A peat-mofs. Moltach. That praifeth. Moipal. A mop, brufh. Molta. Praifed, extolled. Moir. In compound words for Mor, Moltfheoil. Mutton. great. Momhar. 7 Moirb. An ant, pifmire. Momharach. Fta l"’ Moircheart. Juftice, clemency. Mo’n, mu’n. If not, before that. Moireafadh. The falling ficknefs. Mon. A trick, a wile. Moireal. A borer. Monadh. Money. Moireis. Haughtinefs. Monadh. A mountain, extenfive corn- Moirfhearthunnach. Very rainy. mon. Moirghnithachd. Magnificence. Monaifach. Sedate, mild, applied to the Moirinntinach. Magnanimous. female fex. Moirmheafam. To magnify, efteem. Monaiftir. A monaftery. Moirneis. Great ftreams of water. Monar. Work. Moiriheifar. Seven. Monar. Murmuring, purling noife. Monaran. A certain berry growing on- M°irt- * Drees lees Moirteadh. 5 iJregS’ Iee9* mountains. Moirteal. A cripple. Monarcha. A fhop, workhoufe. Moirteal. Mortar, plaifter. Monathar. The inwards. Moirteur, A pounding mortar. Mong, muing. Mane or creft of a horfe. Moirtis. j A’mhongach mhear. Henbane, or hem- „ , A mortife, tenon. Mortis. 5 lock. Mois. A cullom, manner. Mong-fteudach. A fine crefted horfe. Moifleabhar. An Ethick-book. Mongar. Roaring. Moit. A fhort neck crefting up, fulkinefs. Monlach. Rough, brufhy. Moitamhuil. Pettifh, fulky. Monmhar. Murmuring, detraction, Mol. An affembly, flock, number. Monuar. Alas ! woe is the day. Mol. Loud, clamorous. Mor. Great, noble, bulky, many. Mol muiluinn. The beam that fets a mill Moracthachd. Rottennefs, corruption. in motion. Moral, Moramhuil. Majeftic, great, mag- Mol olla. A ball of wool. nificent. [Ttt] Moraigham M O R MGS

Moraigham. To magnify. Mordhraidheann. Agrimony. Moramhlachd. 7 „ , . „ . Moreifioch. Gay. Mordhachd. J Majefty, greatnefs. Morfhairge. The ocean. Moraigantach. Morfhas. Train oil. Morchriodhach. ^Magnanimous. Morfhliogh. Mafterwort. Morinntinach. Morfleadh. Epulation. Maraigantachd. 7 at . Morfhlath. Great chief. Morchriodhachd. Morgantach. Magnificent. Moralta. Moral. Morgha, muiramh. A fpear to kill filh, Moraltachd. Morality. Morghniomh. An exploit. Moran. A great number, multitude, ma- Morghrain. Abomination. ny. Morleathtromach. Advanced in pregnan- Moraonacb. A great affembly, market- cy. place. Morluaigh. 7 . , , , , . 7 Precious, valuable. More. A hog, a fow. Morluach. S ’ More. Great, huge. Morlibh. Lees. Morchlais. .. Mormhaor. A lord-mayor, high fteward, , ^Magnificence. Morgantachd. 3 an ear], lord. Morchoinneal. A torch, link. Mormhuigheamh. A brag. Morchoind. A fleet. Mormor. Efpecially, moreover. Morcholnach. Corpulent. Mormonta. Wormwood. Morcroid. A highway. Mort. Murder, murdering. Morchuis. Pomp. Mortair. A murderer. Morchuifach. Pompous. Mortam. To murder. Morchuifle. An artery. Mortla. Devaflation by fire. Morcfhaoth. 7 ... . . Morfhluagh. A multitude. The fallingf iicknefs.r Morcthuit. i Morthir. The continent, main land. Morcthas. 7 „ . Morthorach. Very fruitful. !• Corruption. Morgadh. 5 Mortis. A mortice or tennon. Morchuairt. Grand tour, vifitation of a Mortus. Gafconade, infolence. biflrop. Moruafal. Noble. Morchuidhtheach. Corrupt. Moruaifle. Nobility. Mordha. Worthy, noble, magnificent, Moruigham. To extol, exalt. epic. Morughadh. Magnificence, exaltation. Mordhachd. Greatnefs, majefty. Moruadh, moruach. A mermaid, a fea- Mordhail monfter. | Majeftic, vain-glorious. Mordhalach. S Mos. A manner, falhion. Mordhail. An afiembly, convention, par- Mofach. Of, belonging to manner, fa- liament. fhion. Mordhail Droma-ceit. The parliament of Mofach. Rough, briftly. Dromceit, county Derry, at which were Mofan. Rough trafh, fuch as chaff, &c. prefent Aodhgan king of the Scots, and Mofgalam. To awake. Collum Cille, abbot of I. Mofgaltach. Watchful. Mofgaltachd. M U C M U I

Mofgaltachd. Watchfulnefs. Mucfheoil. Pork; Lore mucfheoil, a gam- Mota. A mpunt, mote. mon of bacon. Moth. Male of any creature. Much. Smoke. Mothach. Fertile, fruitful, pregnant. Mucha. An owl ■ Mothaigham. To feel, perceive, know. Muchadh. Extinguifliing, extin&ion. Mothughadh. Feeling, fenfibility, touch. Mucham. To extinguilh, fmother. Mothuigheach. i „ ,,, Muchadoir. Extinguisher. ,} Senfible. Mothughal. $ Muchan. Chimney. Mothar. A park. Muchna. Dark, gloomy. Mothar. A high fea, loud noife. Mucnach. Hoggilli, morofe. Mothar. A tuft of trees. Mucnachd. Grimnefs, morofenefs. Mothchat. A he-cat. Mucraigh. A gammon of bacon. Muadh, muaidh. A cloud. Mucfhneachda. A fnow-ball, Muadh. An image. Mucufg. Swine’s greafe. Muadh. Middle, midft. Mudhughadh. Dying, perifhing. Muadh. Noble, good. Mudan-croicin. A bit of Ikin to cover the Muadh. Soft, tender. lock of a gun. Muadhaire. A rogue. Mudha. Dying, perdition. Muadham. To form, fhape. Mudharn. An ankle. Muadhbhlofg. Very loud, noify. Mudidh. Dun-coloured. Muadhbhraidh. A platform. Mudhladh. Killing. Mual. Summit, top of an hill, Mudhlaim. To kill. Muc. Sow, hog, pig. Muduighe. Cloyed. Mucin. A little fow. Mugan. A mug. Muc ainidhe. A fow with young. Mugha. Perdition, deftrudtion. Muc-alla. Echo, i. e. pig of the cliff, po- Mughraidhe. Slavery. tius Mac alia. Muicinnis. Ireland. Muc. An inftrument of war whereby be- Mughaim. To kill, deftroy. fiegers were fecured in approaching a wall, Mughard. Mugwort. like the pluteus of the Romans, covered Mugart. A hog. over with twigs, haircloth, raw hides, and Muich. Sadnefs, dullnefs. moving on three wheels. Muiche. Day-break. Muca-meala. Something vegetative, which Muiche-laoi. Dawning of day. I do not know; the words I met with in a Muicidhe, A fwine-herd. defcriptive poem of the ifland of Ar- Muicineach. A plebeian. ran. Muidhe. A churn. Muc-ghaine. A fhelf, quickfands. Muifled, A muffler. Muc-mhara. A whale. Muigham. To fail, faulter, fall, be de- Muc-bhirach. A porpoife. feated. Mucag. The fruit called hip. Muigein. A furly little fellow. Mucag. A cup. Muilcionn. Pennygrafs. Mucair. A fwine-herd. Muileag. Cranberries, 2 Muilaid, MUX M U I

Muilaid. A mule. Muinteardha. ' ^ Kind, friendly. Muill. Delay. Vide Moill. Muintiral. Muillain. , . . , , rc Muintirdhas. Kindnefs, fervice. I A particle orc chan-. Muilnen. j Muinteoir. A teacher. Muilaidachd. An ill fcent. Muir. The fea. Muileann. 7 Muir-teachd. Unnavigable fea. A mill. Muilunn. 5 Muiraidhe. Leprofy. Muille. A mule. Muirbhleaghadh. Amazement. Muilleadh. Preparing, to prepare. Muirbhruchd. A high tide. Muillean. A little bell. Muircheartach. An Iriffi proper name of a Muillair. A miller. man ; i. e. expert at fea. Muillair-luathaidh. A fuller. Muirchabhlach. A fleet, fquadron. Muillairachd. Grinding, the office of a Muirchreach. A wave. miller. Muirchu. a Irifli proper name of a Muilleathan. Flat-headed. Muireadhach. J man. Muime. A nurfe, ftepmother, godmo- Muirchudleadich. Afterfall. ther. Muireadhach. A fovereign. Muin. The back. Muireach. A failor, mariner. Air muin. Upon. Muirean. A woman. Muin. The thorn-tree, the letter M. Muireann. A dart, fpear; a woman’s Air domain. Upon thee. name. Muin. The neck. Muirfeachd. A fleet. Muince. A collar. Muirfidh. Will kill. Vide Marbham» Muine. A thorn, bufh, bramble, a moun- Muirgeag. A frith, narrow fea. Muirgheilt. tain. A mermaid. Muineach. Thorny. Muirimhgach.J Muineadh. Teaching, inftruaing. Muirginach. Dull, ftupid. Muinam. To teach; to pifs. Muirgineas. Dullnefs. Muineal. The neck. Muirighin. A great noife. Muing. A mane. Muirighin. A burden, charge, a family. Muingiall. I believe the headftall of a bri- Muirghinneach. Burthenfome, poor, ma- dle. ny. Muinghin. ) Confidence, trufi, hope ; Dea- Muirgrim. A naval engagement. Muinin. J nam muinghin ann, to con- Muirn. A troop, company. fide. Muiririn. A fort of alga that is eaten ; it Muinghinach. Confident. confifts of very long ftalks, and long nar- Muiniughadh. Pofleffion. row leaves. Muinle. A fleeve. Muirn. Natural affedion. Muinmhear. Hemlock. Muirne. Fondnefs, careffes. Muintir, People, men, parents, family, Muirneach. Fond, affedionate, carefled. clan, tribe. Muirneamh. An overfeer. Muinthead. A necklace, collar of efifes. Muirnigham. To burden, load. Muinte. Taught, infiruded- Muirnineam. To fondle, dandle. Muirnin. M U N M U T

Muirnin. ) A dearly beloved per- Munbhar. A backbiting, grudging, mur- Muirnineach. J fon. muring. Muirfcionn. A fpout-fifh. Mung, muing. A mane, hare. Muifcin. An Engliflr pint. Munloch. Puddle, dirty-water, mire. Muirt. Riches. Muntorc. A neck-chain, collar. Muifeag. Threatening. Mur. A wall, bulwark, a houfe. Muifean. Primrofe. Mur-ollamh. An academy. Muifiall. A curb. Mur. Unlefs. Muite. Mute, dumb. Mur. Many, much. Muith. Without, on the outfide; fouth- Murac. Murex or purple-fifli. ward. Muraim. To wall in. Mul. An axle-tree. Muran. Rents. Mul. A congregation, multitude. Muran. A carrot, fea-reed grafs. Mulach. Murbhuachile. A diver. A fea-calf. Mulbha, Murcach. Sad. Mulach. A top, fummit, hill. MurCas. Sadnefs. Mulachan. A cheefe, cheefe-curds, Murdhraidhan. Agrimony. Mulad. Melancholy, fadnefs. Murdhuchan. Sea nymphs. Muladach. Sad, melancholy. Murgabhal. An arm of the fea. Mulag. A mule. Murlan. A rough top or head. Mulan. A ftack, little hill. Murrtha. Succefsful. Mulcan, mulcha. An owl. Murfanach. A fubjedU Mulghart. T Murfantachd. Subjection. Mulcheann. >The pole. Murthaidhe. Men of the fea. Mulchuth. J Murufc. Sea-fhore, fea marlh, Mul-mhagan. A kind of large toad. Murthuila. A tide, flood. Mull, maol. Top or extremity of a thing, Murthoradh. ProduCt of the fea. a promontory. Murtill. Dull. Mulla, mullog. The patine of a chalice. Mus, mas. Pleafant, agreeable, hand- Mullach. A top, height, hill. fome. Mulladh. A mould. Mufgalam: To awake. Mullan. Vide Mulan. Mufgaltach. Watchful. Mulurt. Dwarf-elder. Mufgallachd. Watchfulnefs. Mumhuin. Munfter in Ireland. Mufg. A mufket. Mun. For, fake of. Mufgaid.aid. 1 Mu’n. Before that. Mufgam. To be mouldy, mufly. Mun. Urine, pifs, pilling. Muna. Unlefs, if not. Mufganachd. } Munadh. Inftrudtion. Mufgladh. Awaking. Munam. To make urine, pifs. Mufla. A mufcle. Munar. A fafl:, deed. Mut. Any fhort thing. Munata, A champion. Mutaiche. Mouldinefs. [U u uj Mutach, M U T M U T

Mutach, That is fhort, thick, and Mutan. An old muftyrag, any thing worn blunt. by time or difeafe. Muthairne. An ankle.


NIs the eleventh letter of the Irilh Naebh. A fhip. alphabet, and like L is never afpi- Naebhog. A little Jhip. rated. It is called Nuin, from Nuin, the Naid. A lamprey. afh-tree. N, when fingle, founds hard, Naidhe. Who ? which ? nearly as in Englifh, but doubled be- Naidhme. A bargain, covenant, comes fofter, or more nafal, as maybe Naidhmcheanglam. To confederate. feen from Bean, a woman; Beann, a Naidhm na Borumha. Obligation of pay- mountain j Cean, affedtion; Ceann, an ing the muldt, called Borumha. head. Nail. Another. Na. Than. Nailbheal. > Na. Not; equal to the Latin Ne. Nall. 1A br;dle-bit-

Na, no. Or, Nor, Neither. Naimhdal. 7 TT Na, ’n a. In his, in her. Namhaidach. JH°ftlle’ ,ClmicaL Na. Of the; gen. fern, of the article An Naimhdalachd. Hoftility. the. Naimhde. PI. of Namhaid. Na. The pi. of the article. Naimhdean. An enemy. Nabadh. A neighbour. Naimhdeanas. Enmity, hoftility.. Nach. Not. An interrogative and nega- Naimhdeas. Enmity. tive particle, is Beag nach do thuit mi, Naindean. Valour, chivalry; I had almoft fallen. Naing. A mother. Nad. The arfe, buttocks. Naingmhor. A grandmother. Nad, i. e. Ann do. In thy, Naird, An aird. Up. Nada. Nothing. Naire. Shame, bafhfulnefs. Nadh. No, not. Naire. Clean, neat.

Nadhmairdhe. ■) , n Naireach. Bafhful. Nadhmchomhthara. 5 A" P“ny- Naireachd. Baftifulnefs. Nadluga. Formerly, antiently, Nairaighe. More bafliful. Nadur. Nature. Nairaigham. To fhame, make alhamed. Nadurtha. Natural. Nairne. Sure, certain. Nae, nai, nui. A man, woman. Nai fair. *1 he old inhabitants of a coun-* Nae, a nae, ande. Yefterday. try. Naifc, N A O NAS

Naifc. A ring. Naomhaithifach. Blafphemous. Naiftin. Care, warinefs. Naomhartadh. To fandtify. Nalb. Long. Naomhaithifam. Toblafpheme. Nall. Towards us, from the other fide j Naomhmhallughadh. Blafpheming, blaf- Nall & anunn, hither and thither. phemy. Nallana. The time paft, anciently, for- Naomhmhalluighoir. A blafphemer. merly. Naomchifd. A facrifty. Nallod. Formerly. Naomhchoifreagadh. Confecration. Nallus, fallus. Sweat. Naomhdheanam. To canonize. Nama, namadh. Only, alone.. Naomhghoid. Sacrilege. Namh. Naomhreachd. The divine law. Namha. /"An enemy. Nacmhoran. An anthem. Namhad.. Naomhtha. Sandtified, holy. Namhadas,. vide Naimhdeas. Enmity, Naomhthachd. Holinefs. fiercenefs. Naomhthaifc. A veftry. Nan, nam. Gen. plural of the article. Naomhthreigfin. Apoftacy. Naochad. Ninety. Naomhtbreigach. Apoftate. Naochado. Ninetieth.. Naomhaigham. To fandtify.. Naoi. A man, perfon; Noah. Naomhughadh. Sandtification, fandtify- Naoi. Nine. ing. Naoi. A fliip. Naon. Certain. Naoidhe. -j Naomnhar. } , 1 The number nine, nine, Naoidhfeachan. Naonar.T i A babe, infant, fuckling. Naoidhenan. Naofga. 1 . r . Naoidhan. J Naofgach. S A fmpe* Naoidheachdha. The golden number,.. Naofgaire. An inconftant. Naoidheachdha. 'The nineteenth. Naofgaireachd. Inconftancy. Naoidheachda. A chief, principal. Nar. That not; lonnufnar, fo that not.

Naoidheantachd. 7 T r Nar. For Naire, fhame.. Naoidheafachd. I Nar. Good, happy. Naoidheanta. Infantine, like an infant. Narab. For Nar bu ; ut non fit. Naoidho. Ninth. Narach. Shameful, bafhful. Naoidhideadh. An hofpital. Naraigham, To fhame, affront. Naoidhin. An infant. Narachadh.. Affronting, caufing fhame.. Naoimh, naomh. Saints. Nard. Skill, knowledge. Naoimhghnigham. To fandtify. Nardaim. To know, be fkilled. Naoimhi. ) . , Narr. A ferpent. _ _ , . ; November.T Naoimhios. '• Na$. A band, tye, death. Naoimhiofdadh. A fandtuary. Nas. An anniverfary. Naoineal. Prowefs, chivalry. Naladh. A fair. Naoitheachdha. Chief, principal. Nafadh. Fame. Naomh. A faint. ’ Nafadh. Noble, famous. Naomhaithis. Blafphemy againft the Saints. Nafc, A tye, band, Nafc. N E A N E A

Nafc. A collar, chain. I Neamhain. Pearl. Nafc. A ring. Neamhaidhal. Unfortunate. Nafgad. An obligation. Neamhaife. Terrible, cruel. Nafgam. To bind, tye, to develope. Neamhaireach. Heedlefs. Nafgthte. Bound, tied down. Neamhaire. Inadvertence. Nafgaire. A furety. •Neamhaitheanta. Unknown. Nafcar. A defence, fortification. Neamhaithghinte. Heterogeneous. Nafgidh. Freely, -without price; alfo a Neamhaltach. Smooth. treafure, gift ; potius Afgidh ; Ann af- Neamhamhrafach. Indubitable. gidh, in a gift. Neamhaobhin. Joylefs. Nath. Science. Neamhathreachas. Impenitence. Nathach. Dark grey, Neamhan. A raven, crow. Nathair. A .fnake, adder, viper, ferpent. Neambhig. Agreeable; Nathair nimhe. A viper. Neamhbhog. Hard. Nathan. Noble, famous. Neamhbriogh. Contempt, infignificSnce. Nathrach. Of a ferpent. Neamhbhunaitach. Groundlefs, unfixed. Ne. Yefterday. Neamhbuaigh. Worthlefs, incapacity. Nenar, i. e. An e nar. Whether or no. Neamhbhriogh. Infignificance, contempt. Neabhan. .A Royfton crow. Neamhbrioghman. Adjective. Neach. Any one, one, fome one, he, Neamhbhrathahal. Unbrotherly. Neach. A fpirit, apparition. Neamhbhith. Non-exiftence. Neachtar. Neither. Neamhbheathal. Lifelefs, fpiritlefs, ina- Neachtar. Outwardly, without. nimate. Nead. A neft. Neamhbheachdidh. Indeterminate, dubious. Neadaghadh. Nettling. Neamhbheufach. Immoral. Neadaigham. To neflle, Neamhbhlafta. Taftelefs, infipid. Neag. A notch, indent. Neamhbheartuighte. Unyoked. Neagam. To jagg, indent. Neamhbhuairte. Undifturbed. Neal. A cloud. Neamhbhuan. Tranfitory. Neal. Noble. Neamhchnagach. Without knots. Neal. A trance, extafy. Neamhchoigilt. Unthrifty. Neallaire. A rogue. Neamhchoigilteach. Profufe, lavifh, li- Neambaoghal. Safety, fecurity. beral-minded. Neambaoghalach. Secure. Neamhchoimhtheach. Free, generous, hof- Neamh. Heaven, gen. Neaimh. pitable. Neamhabbuidh. Immature. Neamhchoingeallach. Ill-natured, perfi- Neamhach. A heavenly being. dious. Neamh. A compofitive and negative par- Neamhcharrthanach. Uncharitable. ticle, pronounced Neo, except when a Neamhchomhdach. Negligent. vowel follows—Neo is fonjetimes written Neamhchoruighte. Unfhaken. in this Dictionary. Neamhchoruigheach. Immoveable. Neamhgha. ) , ... Neamhchordach. Disjunctive. ^. . ... ( Hcsvcnlyj divine* Neamhidh.T 3 Neamhchordadh. Difcord. 7 Neamh chordam. N E A N E A

Neamhchordam. To difagree. Neambchumonta. Unufual. Neamhchoruigheachd. Immobility, fteadi- Neamhchruinuighte. Uncolledled, nefs. Neamhchruadalach. Unconcerned. Neamhchriochnuigbach. Infinite. Neamhchompanta. Infociable. Neamhchriochuighte. Unfinifiied. Neamhchrabhach. Indevout. Neamhchubhidh. Improper, unbecoming. Neamhchreidmhach. Dilbeliever. N-eanahchuid. Poverty. Neamhchoimhdheas. Incommodious. Neamhchuideach. Poor, indigent, impro- Neamhchoimhdheafachd. Inconveniences. vident. Neamhchoithreach. Inculpable. Neamhchuimhne. Forgetfulnefs. Neamhchomafach. Incompetent. Neamhchuimhnach. Forgetful. Neamhchomas. Impotence. Neamhchoimeafgte. Unmixed, pure, un- Neamhchuranta. Unwarlike, immartial. compounded. Neamhcheaduighte. Illicit. Neamhchuramach. Carelefs^ Neamchofmhuil. Difiimilar. Neamhchuram. Carelefsnefs, fecurity. Neamhchaochlaideach. Immutable, un- Neamhcheanalta. Indelicate. changeable. Neamchean. Difrefpeft. Neamhchaochlaidachd. Immutability. Neamhcheannfuighte. Unbridled, difib- Neamhchleir. The laity. •lute. Neamhchleirach. Lay, a layman. Neamhcheannfa. Immodeil. Neamhchleachdte. Unaccuftomed. Neamhchinta. Uncertainty. Neamhdha. Heavenly. Neamhchiontach, Innocent. Neamhdhaicholachd. Improbability. Neamhchiontas. Innocence. Neamhdhlightheach. Unlawful. Neamhchmntach. Uncertain, precarious. Neamhdheanam. To undo. N'eamhchiallach. Imprudent, unadvifed. Neamhdhubhrachd. Negligence, infince- Neamhcheadaigbam. To difallow. rity. Neamhchearbach. Not aukward. Neamhdhubhrachdach, Infincere, negli- Neamhchuimfeach. Infinite, incomprehen- gent. fible. Neamhdhiadhidh. Ungodly. Neamhchofruigte. Inconfecrated. Neamhdhiolte. Unpaid. Neamhcheartuighte. Incorredted. Neamhdhleafdanach. Undutiful. Neamhchuirtal. Uncourteous. Neamhdhleafdanas. Undutifulnefs. N.eamhchruthighte. Increated. Neamhdhilis. Unfaithful. Neamhchealgach. Undefigning, unafFedl- Neamhdhiomalach. Frugal. ed. Neamhdhuinal. Unmanly. Neamhchnuafaighte. Indigefted. Neamhdhuinalachd. Unmanlinefs. Neamhchomhthrom. a. f. Unjuft, uneven, Neamhdhiongbhalta. InfufEcient. difproportion. Neamhdhaonna. Inhumane. Neamhchomhthromuigham. To difpropor- Neamhdhearbham. To difprove. tion. Neamhdheas. Homely, not neat. Neamhchomhnard. Uneven, not level. Neamhdhifle. Faithleffnefs. Neamhchomharluighte. Unrefolved, un- Neodhuine. A nobody. advifed. Neamheagalach. Bold, unappalle^. [X x x] Neamheidam. N E A N E A

Neamheidam. To difarray. Neamhghrafmhorachd. Ungracioufnefs. Neamhefeachdach. Ineffectual. Neamhiulmhor. Unfkilful. Neamhefeachd. Inefficiency. Neamhiomchar. Abortion. Neamhealladhanta. Inartificial. Neamhiomlan. ImperfeCt, incomplete. Neamheolach. Unacquainted. Neamhiomlanachd. Imperfection, ineom- Neamhfhalfa. Unfeigned, fair. pletion* Neamhfhailigheachd. Care^ vigilance^ Neamhiomchubhidh. Improper, unfit, un- Neamhfhas. A grudge. qualified. Neamhfhaicfinachd. Invifibility. Neamhionmhuin. Unbeloved,, morofe. Neamhfhaicfinach. Invifible. Neamhionnan. Unequal. Neamhfheimal. Needlefs. Neamhionnanas. Inequality. Neamhfhabharach. Unfavqurable.- Neamhinntleachdach. Unartful. Neamhfhallan. Unhealthy. Neamhinntleachd. Unartfulnefs. Neamhfhoiftinach. Reftlefs. Neamhthoilicheachd. Difcontent. Neamhfhoiftin. Reftlefsnefs. Neamhlaghal. Illegal. Neamhfhoilfighte. Unrevealed. Neamhlaghalachd. Illegality. Neamhfhirinach. Unrighteous, difinge- Neamhleaffuichte. Unreformed'. nuous. Neamhlochdach. Innocent. Neamhfhoghlumte. Illiterate. Neamhloifgach. Not keen,, afbeftine, in» Neamhfliafanta. Unfafhionable. combuftible. Neamhfhreafdalach. Difficult. Neamhlathairach. Abfent. Neamhfhurafda. Unfavourable, improvi- Neamhluchduigham. To difburthen. dent. Neamhmharbhthach. Immortal. Neamhfhortunach. Unfortunate. Neamhmharbhthachd. Immortality. Neamhfhiofrach, Unconfcious. Neamhmhearachdach. Unerring, unerr- Neamfhonnmhor. Jarring. able. Neamhfhonnmhorachd. Jarr. Neamhmheas. Contempt.. NeamhgharamhuiL Incommodious. Neamhmheafardhachd. Excefs. Neamhghean. DifaffeCtion, hatred. Neamhmhealltach. Undiffembling. Neamhgheanmath. Difapprobation, difaff Neamhmheafardha. Interoperate, exceffive,. feCtion. immenfe. Neamhghlan. Impure, unclean. Neamhmheata. Fearlefs. Neamhghlanas. i Uncleannefs,, impurity, Neamhmhifgachi Sober. Neamhghlaine. ) pollution.. Neamhmhothuighach. Infenfible. Neamghlic. Unwife. Neamhmhothughadh. Stupidity, infenfibN Neamhghnathach. Unufual.. lity. Neamhghnothach. Idle. Neamhurras. Unprofitable, difficult. Neamhghealtach. Unappalled.. Neamhnuall. An anthem, hymn. Neamhgheamnidh. Unchafte. Neamhonn. A diamond. Neamhghaigham. Toceleftify. Neamhni. Nothing, non-entity. Neamhgheamnidbakhd. Inabftinence. Neamhnithachd. Nothingnefs. Neamhffhluaifie.. Upruffled. Neamhnitham. To annihilate. N eamhg hrafmhor. Ungracious. Neamhonorach. Ignoble. Neam N E A N E A

Neamhoireamhneachr Unbecoming, im- Neamhthrocairachd. Unmercifulnefs. proper, inadequate. Neamhthruaillidhaehd. Incorruption. Neamhrannphartuighte. Incommunicable. Neamhtharthalamh. A common field. Neamhphoitambuil. Sober, abftemious. Neamthruaillidh. Incorruptible. Neamhriaghalta. Heteroclite. Neamhthruaillighte. Unadulterated, unde- Neamhflialach. Undefiled. filed. Neamhfharuighte. Unconquerable. Neamhthoil. Unwillingnefs, nolition, dif- Neamhflieafmhach. Unftable, inconllant. inclination. Neamhfliailte. Unfeafoned. Neamhthoilach. Unwilling. Neamftraoighamhuil. Frugal. Neamhthoilalachd. Stubbornnefs. Neamhfhant. Loathing. Neamhthoiltinas. Demerits. Neamhfbuilmhur. Ghurlifti, morofe. Neamhthoiltinach. Undeferving. Neamhftiuidhichte. Dift'ufe, unfettled, un- Neamhthreoruighte. Undireded. fteady, difcompofed. Neamhthrathal. Unfeafonable. Neamhfgeaduigham. To undrefs. Neamthoidhrighte. Unfeafoned, unaccuf- Neamhfgathach. Undaunted. tomed. Neamhfihocruigheachd. Difquietude, un- Neamhtheagafte. Untaught. fteadinefs. Neamhthoiluighte. Diffatisfied, difaffed- Neamhfhocruighach. Unfteady,. difquiet. ed. Neamhfgarthamhuil. Infeparable. Neamhthoilachafinntin. Difaffedion, dif- Neamhfhuimal. Negligent, indifferent. content. Neamhfhuimalachd. Indifference. Neamhthoirt. Indifference, negligence, Namhfhonruighte. Indefinite. contempt. Neamhfhoilleir. Indiftindl. Nearnhthoilaigham. To diffatisfy. Neamhflioillirachd. Indiftinflnefs. Neamhthuitamach. Infallible. Neamhfhollarach. Improvident, fhiftlefs. Neamhthoirt. Indifference, difinclination. Neamhfhoirbhidhach. Unfuccefsful. Neamhthoirtal. Indifferent. Neamhfgeaduighte. Unclothed, undreffed. Neamhthuigfach. Abfurd, fenfelefs, inju- Neamhfgithuighte. Unwearied. dicious. Neamhfheargte. Undecayed. Neamhthuigfe. Senfeleffnefs; Neamhfholafach. Indelightful. Neamhthaitne. Difapprobation, difguft. Neamhthabhachdach. Ineffeftual, futile,, Neamhthaitnach. Difagreeable, unaccept- immaterial. able. Neamhthabhachd. Futility. Neamhthearinte. Infecure. Neamhthabhartach. Stingy. Neamhthearintachd. Infecurity. Neamhthachd. Heavenlinefs. Neamhthreabhte. Impenetrable. Neamhtharbhach. Unprofitable, fruitlefs. Neamhthraighach. Inexhauftible. Neamhthairbhe. Unprofitablenefs, fruit- Neamhthoirtfanearach. Inattentive, in con * leffnefs. fiderate. Neamhthorthach. Unfertile, unfruitful, Neamhthortfanear. Inattention, inconfi- Neamhthorthaichachd. Infertility. deratenefs. Neambthaomha. A.novice., Neamhthimchiollghearradh. Uncircumci- Neamhthrocairach. Unmerciful. fion. Neamh- N E I N E U

Neatnhthmacanta. Relentlcfs. Neiilin. A. fmall cloud. Neamhthimchiollghearrte. Uncircuracifed-^ Neim. | Brightnefs, fplendour. Neamhuafal. Ignoble, ung-enerous. Neimh. Namhuireafbhuidhach. Not poor. Neimh. Poifon. Nearrihullamh. Unprepared. Neimh. Sometimes wrote for Neamh, the Neamhurchoidach. Harmlefs. negative particle. Neamhuallach. Not proud, humble. Neimheadh. A poem, fcience. Neamhurcboidach. Innocent, fafe. Neimhead, quafe, neimh-iath. Glebe land, Neamhuras. Ufelefs. confecrated ground. Nean. An inch, a fpan. Neimheach. Glittering, finning. Nean. A wave, billow. Neimhedh. | Filth, dirt. Neannaidh. Neimhidhacht.t. ) Neant. •A nettle. Neimheilnidhe. Uncorrupted, unviolated. Neantao-.O Neimhi. Ants eggs. Neannaifg. That bindeft. Neimhim. To corrupt, fpoil. Near. A wild boar. Neimhneach. i Sore, painful, paffion- Near. Eaft. Neimhal. 3 ate. Nearach. Lucky, happy. Neimhalachd. Painfulnefs. Nearcluachra. A lizard. Neimhfeadh. Contempt. Nearrdheas. South-eaft. Neip. A turnep. Nearaid. Aplace wliere wild boars are Neith. A fight, battle, engagement. kept. Neithe. PI. of Ni, things. Nearnaim. To liken, compare. Neitheach. Falfe. Nearnadh. Likening, comparing. Neitheamhuil. Real. Nearthuath. North-eaft. Neimhain. Madnefs. Neart. Strength, power. Nemhan. A vulture, Royfton crow. Neartaigham. To {Lengthen. Neo. The pronunciation of the compofi- Neartmbor. Strong, powerful. tive particle Neamh. Neartughadh. Strengthening. Neo, or Air neo. Life, otherwife. Nea,s. A fortified hill. Neo. An. Neas. A weazle. Neoch. Good. Neas. A hurt, wound. Neoid. Bad, naught. Neas. Noble, generous. Neoil. PL of Neal, neul, a cloud. Neafa. Next. Neoni. Non-entity. Neafachd. Contiguity. Neonithachd. Nothingnefs. Neafan. The next place.. Neotheach. Cold. Neafg. An ulcer, a bile. Nefs. A promontory, peninfula. Neafgaid. A bile, ulcer. Neul. A cloud ; pi. Neoil, neulta. Neafgaidach. Lull of forest. Neul. Light, a glimpfe of light, co- Neafta. Juft, honeft. lour. Neathas. Manflaughter. Neul. A fit, trance, fwoon. Neid. A fight or battle, a wound. Neuladoirachd. Sneaking and gazing a- Neidhe. Wind. bout. I Neuladoir, N I M N O C

Neuladoir. An aftrologer. Nimghlic. Strong, impregnable. Neulfhurtadh. A flumbering. Nimhneach. Poifonous,. mortal, peevifh, Ngedal. A reed. pallionate. Ni. Not. Nimhneachan. Rheumatifm. Ni. A thing, cattle ; pi. Nithe, nei'the. Nin. An image. Ni headh, i. e. Ni e. Nay, not fo, it is Ningir. Sore, fick, bitter. not. Ninfci. One who interrupts another’s dif- Nia. A filler’s fon. courfe. Niadh. A champion. Ninneach. Pleafant. Niadhas. i Valour, bravery, chival- Niodha. Real. Niadhchus. i ry. Niomhdha. Bright, fhining. Nial. Neil, name of a man. Niomham. To Ihine, glitter. Nial. A letter. Niomhas. Brightnefs. Niamh. The brightnefs, colour, appearance Niomfgaoilte. Scattered. of a thing. Nion, nuin. An alh-tree, name of the let- Niar. Well. ter N. Niardheas. South-well. Nion. A wave, a letter. Niarthuath. North-well. Nion. For Nighan, a daughter. Niatal. A reed. Nionach. Pleafant, fpeckled, forked, catch- Niamham. To gild, colour over. ing. Niamhdha. Pleafant, bright. Nionadh. Prey, booty. Niamhachd. Brightnefs. Nionag. For Nighanag, a little girl. Niamhchuridh. Tenacious. Nionaim. To prey, plunder. Niamhghlas. Greenilh. Niopfam. I would not be. Nic. A daughter, in oppofition of Mac. Nior, nir. Not, comes before the paft Nid. For Gnid, they make. tenfes. Nid. Gen. of Nead, a nell. Nios, anios. From below. Nid. Manllaughter. Nis. For Nior. Nidhe. Time. Nife. Gen of Neas, a wound. Nigh, or ni. A daughter or niece. Nis. For Ni is; as, Nis laidire, llron- Nighan. A daughter. ger, that is ftronger. Nighanag. Pronounced Ninag, a little girl. Ni’s mo. No more, no longer. Nigham. To walh. Nis moa. Greater, that is greater. Nighadh. Walhing. Nitar. Shall be done ; fut. of Deanam. Nighte. Walhed. Nith. A battle, manflaughter. Nightin. Soap. Niue. A corner, nook. Nil. For Ni bheil, it is not. Niugh. To-day. Nilam. To be wanting, to be abfent. No. Noi, or. Nim. A drop. No gu. Until that. Nim. To do, make. No. New. Nimdhergfadh. Reproving. Nobhaidh. Time, feafon. Nimh. i Poifon, bitternefs, fournefs. Noch. Which? who? whofe ? Nimhe. J Nocha, nochad. Ninety. [Y y y ] Nochd, NOS N U I

Nochd, nocht. To-night, night. Nofaire. Soft. Nochd. Naked nefs. Notha. Difcovered. Nochd. Naked. Nua. Strong. Nochdam. i To make naked, uncover, Nua, nuadh. New. Nochdaigham. ) difclofe, peel, to ftrip. Nuacholla. Aftonifliing. Nochduighte. j , Nuachor, nodhchur. A companion, bride, > Uncovered, ducloied*r Nochta. 1 bridegroom. Nod.. An abbreviation 5 a-difficulty. Nuacoinfeach. A harlot, proftitute. Nod. Thus; Nod leaf, Obferve, take notice. Nuadh. New; it is often prefixed to words, Nodaire. An abridger. as Nodaireachd. Method of ufing abbreviations. Nuadhbhrioghughadh. Tranfubftantiation. Nodam. To underftand. Nuadhtheachd. Tidings, news. Nodadh. Underftanding. Nuadhfeinidhe. A novice. Nodaigham. To graff. Nuaidhmhilidh. An untrained foldier. Nodughadh. G raffing. Nuaidhfhianuis. A new law. Nodh. Noble, excellent. Nuadhthionfgantoir. Innovator. Nodhlag. Chriftmas. Nuail. A roaring, howling. Noere. A feaman, mariner. Nuailam. To howl. Noibhighis. Ordure, dung. Nuair, an uair. When, feeing that. Noibhisfach. A. novice. Nuail. Famous, noble. Noimhnidadh. A fool. Nuall. Lamentation, mourning. Noin. Noon, ninth hour of the day, ac- Nuall. An opinion, a freak. cording to the Roman calculation, Nuall gan ghaoi. A true faying. Noin-dorcha. An eclipfe of the fun. Noinean. Adaify. Nuailam'lUalladhl HowlinS> r°™ng> Noinreult. The evening liar. Nuallfurtach. } Nois, nos. A cuftom, manner. Nuallgubha. S roanng* Nois& beachda. Carriage and behaviour. Nuallfan. Noble, generous. Nois.. Noble, excellent. Nuamhanoir. Embroidery.. Noit. A church, congregation. Nuar. Alas. Noitheach. Noble. Nuas, anuas. From above, down. Nollag. Chriftmas. Nuathaigh. Heaven. Nonn. Beyond, to the other fide. Nuathar. A wedding. Nonn & annall. To and fro, hither and Nuidhifeachd. A lonely journey. thither. Nuige,. go nuige. Until. Norp. Houfeleek. Nuige fo. Hitherto. Nos. A falhion, cuftom, manner. Nuimhir. Number. Nos. Knowledge. Nuimhruigham. To number. Nos luingas. Alhip-dock. Nuimhirughadh. Numbering. Nos. White, pureft white. Nuin. The alh-tree, the letter N. Nofadh. Liking, approving. Nuna. Hunger. Nofa. Now, at prefent. Nunn, nonn. To the other fide, beyond. Nofaigham, Toenadt, approve. Nuridh, nuair-rith. Laft year. O B U O D H

OIs the twelfth letter of the alphabet, Oc. A poet. and is called Oir, the fpindle-tree. Ocaid. Bufinefs, an occafion. It is founded fometimes fhort, and fome- Ocar. Intereft, ufury. times long. Vide Analyfis. Ocaras. Hunger. O. From whence in the relative fenfe. Ocarafach. Hungry. O ! An interje&ion. Ocas. Intereft, annual rent. O. Since, feeing that. Och ! Oh ! O, ogh. An ear. Ochal. Moaning, complaining. Oar. A voice. Ochd, uchd. The bofom, breaft. Ob. Hops. Ochd. 1 Obha, obhuin. A river. Ochdar. 5 E'S * Obadh. A denial. Ochdach, A good key of voice. Obaim. To refufe, deny. Ochdmhacadh. Adoption. Obainne. Swiftnefs, haftinefs. Ochdmhadh. Eighth. Obair. Work, labour. Ochdmhad. Eighty. Obair ghreis. Embroidery, tapeftry. Ochdmhado. Eightieth. Obairuigham. To work, labour. Ochdmhios. Qdober. Obairaighte. Worked, wrought, done with Ochdlhliofneach. Odagon. art. Ochra. Shoes. Obair-uchd. A parapet. Ochras. Gills of a filh, Obair-lionan. /Network. Ochus. Itch. Obair-fhnathad. Needlework. Ocoth, A fhower. Obair-uairadair. Clockwork. Ocrafan. A glutton. Obair-ghloine. A glafs-houfe. Ocrach. i TT Obair-theine. A fire-engine. Octalach- 1 HUnSr!r- Obair-uifge. A water-engine. Ocras. | Hunger. Obair-cheardamhuil. An engine. Ocrus. Oban. A fmall bay. Od. From, thy. Obann. Quick, foon, nimble. Od, ud. There, yon, that there. Obar. Vide Obadh. Odh, oidh. Mufic. Obela. Open. Odh. O ftrange! Obhan, uabhun. Fear, dread, terror. Odh. The point of a fpear, fharp end of Obhan. Froth. any thing. Obhnach. Frothy. Odhall. Deaf. Obo! Interjedion oho! Odhann. A pan, kettle. Obuinn. Ralh. Odhar. Pale, wan, dunj a mixture of Obuinne. Ralhnefs. white and red, Odharog, OCR 0 I G

Odharog. A fcrat, young cormorant. Oi,ai, aoi. A fheep. Odharan. Cow-parfnip. Oibne, obbainne. Quiclenefs, fuddennefs Odharach mhullach. Devil’s bit. Oibid. Obedience, fubmiffion. Odhmhos. Refpedt, homage. Oibrigham. To work, to caufe, effedt, ope- Odhmhofach. Refpedtful, dutiful. rate. Offig. Office, officer. Oibrighte. Wrought. OfFraideach, offigach. A Druidifh prieft, Oibrightheoir. i f A workman. offerer. Oibruighe. » Offrail. An oblation, offering. Oibrughadh. An operation. Offralam. To offer. Oiche. The night, evening. Og. Young. Oiche. A water. Ogachd. 'I Oide. A godfather. Oganachd. ^ Youth. Oideadh. A maffacre, death. Oige. J Oidean. Love, tendernefs, generoflty. Ogachda. Virginity. Oide altram. A fofler-father. Ogal. Youthful. Oideas. Inftruction, counfel. Ogalachd. Youthfulnefs. Oidche. The night. Ogan. A bough, twig, branch. Oideachas. Inftrudtion. Ogain. | Oidhchmhearleach. A night-robber. Oganach. A young man. Oidhe. A gueft, traveller. Oigair. J Oidheacht. Entertainment, a night’s Ogbho. A heifer. lodging. Ogchiern, ogthiarna. A young lord. Oidheadh. Death. Ogchulloch. A grice. OighidhM Ogh. The ear. Oidheas. Freeftone. Ogh. Whole, entire. Oidhir.J Snow. Ogh. A virgin. Oighir. 3 Oidhirp. Attempt, undertaking. ^gh- ? Pure, fincere. Ogha. 3 Oidhre. Ice. Ogha. A grandchild. Oidhre. ’ J An heir, heirefs. Oghar. Vide Odhar. Oighre ^ Oghdhachd. Virginity. Oidhreachd. An inheritance. Oglach. A fervant, a youth, foldier, a Oidhreamail. Frofty. vaffal. Oidhreata. ^ Frozen. Oglachas. Slavery, vaffalage, fervitude ; a Oighreata fort of Irifh verfe. Oiffig. An office. Oglofgain. A tadpole. Oifigeach. Officer. Ogmhart. A heifer, a young beef. Oiffigeamhuil. Official. Ogmhadduin. The early dawn. Oifrionn. Mafs. Ogmhios. June. Oig. A champion. Ogluidh. Bafhful, afraid, awe-flruck. Oigbhean. A young woman. Ogluidhachd. Bafhfulnefs, awe, fear. Oige. A web. Ogri. The youth, young men. Oige. Younger. 2 Oigeacn

4 O I L O I R

Oigeach. A young colt, Oille, uille. Greater. Oigh. A virgin, maid. Oillmheadh. Ballances. Oighcheoil. Virginals. Oilltheud. A cable. Oighe. Fullnefs, entirenefs. Oilt. Terror. Oighe. A file. Oiltal. Terrible, fhocking. Oigheann. A pan, cauldron. Oin, on. A thing lent, loan. Oighiramhuil. Icy, frofty. Oineach. Mercy; liberalityk Oighidh. A fojourner, gueft. Oiiiicc. Liberal. Oigham. Obedience, homage. Oinigh. A harlot. Oigham. Fo behold, look upon. Oinme. With. Oighreir. A defpotic power, obedience. Oinmhidh. A fool, fillj perfon, nidget. Gighreachd. Inheritance. Oinmhideach. Foolilh, filly. Oighream. To freeze, fnow. Oinmhideachd. Folly. Orghreog. Froft, ice. Oinfeach. A harlot, abandoned woman. Oigthiarna. Heir apparent. Oinninn. A pebble, onion. Oigimh. A ftranger. Oir. For, becaufe that. Oil. A rock. Oir. Golden, of gold. Oil. A reproach, infamy. Oir. Fhe fpindle tree. The diphthong Oi Oilam. To nurfe, cherifli. . is fo called. Oilabhan. An elephant. Oir, Air. Upon, over, above. Oilbheim, Reproach, fcandal, offence. Oir. A hem, border. Oilbheimam. To Humble, take offence. Oirbheart. Good a&ions; Oilbhreo. A funeral fire. Oirbheartach. Great, precious. Oilcheas. A doubt. Oirbhidin. Honour, veneration. Oilcheafach. Doubtful. Oirbhidineach. Venerable. Oile, eile. Other, another. Oirc. A lapwing. Oileamhnach. Requifite, nourifhing. Oircain. A young pig. Oileamhnach. A ftudent, fcholar. Ojrceadal, Inflrudfion, dodlrine. Oileamhnam. To educate. Oirceart. A hurt, wound. Oileamhuin. Nurture, food; honeyfuckle, Oircheas. Neceffary, fit, proper. education. Oircheafachd. Need, neceffity. Oileain. An illand. Oircheafachd. A mefs. Oilear. i Oirchneis. The forefkin. A pil lim Oilearach. S S - Oirchil. Provifion referved for the abfent. Oilearadh. A pilgrimage. Oirchill. Againfl, in wait or expectation. Oilearam. To go on a pilgrimage. Oirchillam. To bear, or carry. Oilearcha. A nurfery. Oirchiabhach. Golden-haired. Oilathair. A fofter-father. Oirchios. Charity. Oilem. Inftrudtion. Oircifeach. A portion, Ihare. Oilicheadh. To frighten. Oirchifde. A treafury or bank of gold, a Oilthire. A pilgrim. precious magazine. Oilithreach. A pilgrim, belonging to a Oirchifdair. Treafurer. pilgrim. Oirchrios. A belt, an ornament. [Zzz] Oirdhearcam,

•swtT O I R O L L

Oirdhearcam. Toflourifh, be famou'3. Oirnam. To ordain, put in authority. Oirdheirc. Noble, honourable, excellent, Oirip, Eorp. Europe. illuftrlous. Oirpheal. Gilded. Oirdhearcas. Luftre, excellency. Oirthir. The fhore, coaft, borders. Oirdnibh. Splinters. Oirthir-ghainmhaich. A fand-bank.. Oireachdas. An affembly. Oiithear. The eaft, eaftern world,. Oireachas. Preheminence, fupremacy,. Oirthearach. Eaftern. Oireachda. Statute, decree. Oirthior. The day after to-morrow. Oiread, uread. As much, fo much, whilft. Oifbheas. An epicycle. Oireadh. Befitting, becoming. Oifbhreag. An hyperbole. Oiream. To befit, become. Oifchreidamh. Superftition. Oireagha. Chief,, excellent. Oifcheimnughadh. Eminence, fuperionty^ Oireagail. A wafte-houfe, habitation. Oifg. An ewe, fheep. Oireamhuil. Oiftn. A corner. | Meet, proper. Oireamhnach. Oiffin.. The fon of Eingal and a poet. Oireamhuin,. Pertinence. Oifionair. A taberd ; a habit formerly. Oireamhuirteach. Pertinent. worn over a gown. Oireamhuin. Influence. Oifire. An oyfter. Oireamhnaim. To adapt, make fit. Oiflgriobhin. A fuperfeription. Oirear. Pleafant. Oiffinam. To lie with the face upwards.

Oirfid. ? A/r r , , Oiflin. Charms. OirfidcaJh. J Mufic, melody. Oittir. A bank or ridge jutting into tho Oirfideach. A mufician, muficah . fea. Oirghreas. Ornament, piece of embroi- Oitag. A blaft. dery wrought by a needle-woman. Ol. Said. Oiridh- Devices in gold. Ol. Drinking, drink. Oiridh. Meet, deferving. Ola. Oil, olive. Oiriad. Vide Oiread. Olach. Given to drunkennefs. Oirim. To ferve. Olachan. Immoderate drinking. Oirghios. Cheer. Olam. Todrink.

Oirle. A piece,; fragment. Olann. Wool. Oirleach. An inch. Olart. A hone. Oirleach. Slaughter,, havock* Olartar. An ungrateful fmell. Oirleam. To cut oft'. Ole. Bad, naught, harm, damage. Oirlionam. To encreafe. Olcas. Naughtinefs, badnefs. Oirmhid. Credit, refpedt.. Olclabaireach. Blubber-lipped. Oirmhine. Offence. Olchobhair. Pleafure, avarice. Oirne. Upon, over us. Oldus. But. Oirnealta. Neat, elegant, ornamental. Oleach. Soaking. Oirneimham. To fliine like gold. Oleafach. Ufual, frequent. Oirneis. Goods, chattels,, inftruments, Oil. Great, grand. tackling. Olla, olgha. Woollen. Oirneis. A qualm of ftomach, naufeoufnefs. Ollamh, Vide Ullamh. 6 OHamh, O N A O R C

Ollamh. i A doflor, chief bard, gen. 01- Ong. Clean, clear. Ollamhan. S lamhun. Ong. Sorrow, grief, a figh. Ollamhan re lagh. Dodlor of laws. Ong. Healing, curing; a groan. Ollamhan re diadhachd. Doctor of divi- Ong. A fire, hearth. nity. Ongadh, Anointing, undtion, Ollamhan re leighas. Dodtor of Medi- Ongam. To anoint. cine. Ongbhron. A trefpafs. Ollamhain. The learned, literati; inftruc- Ongtha. Anointed. tion. Onnar. There is. Ollamhnuigham. To inftruct, teach, fo- Onn. A ffone. lemnize. Onn. A horfe. Ollabhar. A great army.. Onn. Furze, gorfe ; hence the letter O is Ollanachadh. Burial. called Onn by the ancient Irifh. Ollathach. Refentment. Onoir. Honour, refpedt. Olldas. Than,. more than, rather than. Onorach. Honourable. Glldrag. A funeral pile. Onoraiche. More honourable. Olleadh. Affront, indignity. . Onoraigham. To honour, reverence,- Ollghlor. Bombafl-. Onoruighte. Honoured. Ollmhucach. Plentiful of fwine. Or. Gold. Ollmhathas. Great riches, Or, oir. For, becaufe. Qlltuath, The great axe. Or. A voice, found. Olom. Crop-eared. Or. A border, coaft. Oluidh. A cow. Oracuil. An oracle. Oluin. Of wool, Qradh,,. Gilding. Qmal. Vide Tomaladh. Oragan. The herb organy, Oraid. An oration, prayer, declamation. oZ'. SAmb"- ■ Oraideach. An orator, declaimer. Omh. Lonefome, unfrequented. Oraidaigham. To declaim. Omhan. Fear, terror. Oraim. To pray. Omhnach. Terrible. Oraiun. Writing tables. Omhan. Froth, fillabub. Onnchon. A ftandard, enfign. Qmhnach. Frothy. Oraifde. An orange. Omhnear. An embryo. Oram, orm. Air me,, i. e. Upon me. Omna. An oak, a lance. Oran. A fong. Omna. A lance, fpear. Oranach. Full of fongs. Omoideach Obedient. Oranaiche. A fongfter. Omoidam. To obey, Orbhaire. Mercy, goodnefs, Qmrann. A divifion, {hare, Orbhann. A gold coin. Omur. A trough, cupboard.. Orbit. Humble, mild. On. Gain, profit. Orbhuidheach. The pure yellow called' On. A ftain.. Or or Topaz, in the arms of an earl or On. Sloth, lazinefs. lord, or Sol in that of a prince or king. Ona. Slow, fluggilh, inadtive* Oxcam, To kill, deftroy. Orcadhi O R M o s c

Orcadh. Killing, deftroying. Ormaidean. The morning, break of day. Ore. A hen egg. Ormheinach. Gold ore, a gold mine. Ore. A faltnon, a whale. Orn. Slaughter, malfacre. Ore. Vide Oircain. Orna. Barley. Ore. The cramp. Ornaighe. A prayer. Ore. A prince’s fon. Ornaigham. To adorn. Orcabhe. Whales of the ocean ; Orkneys. Orneach. Bits. Orchaon. A poetical incantation. Orneis. A qualm, naufeoufnefs. Orchoilier. A gold collar. Orp. Houfe-leek. Orcheard. A goldfmith. Orr.a, errtha. On them. Orchradh. Grief, forrow. Orrar. A porch. Orchoilen. A gold mine. Orrachda. A widower. Orc-iafg. The torpedo. Orraghan. 7 „ . . , , 1 Lharms, enchantments. Orclreth. A prince’s fon. Orruighachd. i Ord. An order, feries. Ort. On thee. Ord beannuighte. Holy orders. Orta. Be gone. Ord. A hammer, mallet. Ortaigham. To depart. Orda. A piece, fragment. Ortha. A colledf, Ihort prayer, a charm, Ordaigham. To order, command, defire. Orrtha. On them. Ordan. Love, generality. Orthuigear. After to-morrow. Ordha, Golden, of gold. Ortfa. On thee. Ordhuilleog. Gold leaf. Oruibh. Upon you. Ordin. A mallet. Orumfa. Oramfa. Vide Orm, Ormfa. Ordamhuil. Orderly. Os. Above, over, upon, and is ufed in Ordog. A thumb, great toe. compofition. Ordtigh. An order, decree. Os. A deer. Ordughadh. Ordaining, decreeing, order- Os aird. Publicly, loudly. ing. Os iofeal. Softly, privately. Orduglial. Set, ftudied, formal, regular. Ofadh. Defifting, ceffation. Orduigham. To order, fet in order, or- Ofaim. To defift, to ceafe. dain. Ofar. The younger. Orduighte. Ordered. Olbarr. Befides, over and above, from the Orgain. An organ. whole. Orgain. Slaugh:er. Ofcach. Eminent, fuperior. Orgham. To gild. Ofcar. Motion of the hands in fwim- Orghruagach. Yellow-haired. ming, Ofcar. A leap, bound. Orkfamhuil.t Shini”E lik' EOU- Ofcar. A gueft, traveller. Orleathair. An uncle by the father's fide. Ofcar. A champion ; the fon of Offian. Orleach. An inch. Ofcar. A ruinous fall. Orlughadh. Befpewing. Ofcardha. Renowned, famous. Ofcarlann. An hofpital. ^rm* J.i. e. Air me. Upon me. Oimfa. ) Ofcarthachd. Energy, emphafis, loudnefs. Ofcartha. O S N O T R

Ofcartha. Loud, clamorous, emphatical, OlTag. A blaft. energetic. OlTagach. Bluftering, fqually. Ofchomhaille. A meteor. OlTan. A flocking, hofe. Ofceann. j Oflanaiche. A hofier. Ofcionn. Oflar. A back, burthen. Ofcheimnigham. To exceed, excel. Oflaraidhe. 7 Ofcheimnughadh. Superiority, pre-emi- Offaroir. [ A Porter> carrier’ nence. Oftoir, An oftler. Ofchrabhadh. Superftition. Offraidhe. Cow-dung. Ofcuilte, Open, manifeft. Oflruidhe. Oflbry in Leinfter, Ofcul. The arm-pit. Ofladla. A league. Ofda. An inn. O taim. Since that I am. Ofdair. A.n inn-holder, hoft, landlord. Otar. Labour. Ofgarach. Frail, brittle. OthaL Sick, weak, wounded. Ofglam. To open. Othar. Wages. Ofgraibh. Superfcription. Otir. A ridge or bank jutting into the Ofgriobhan. Epigram. fea. Ofmharthach. Surviving. Othrach. Vide Otrach. Ofnadh. A figh, groan, blaft. Othras. A difeafe, diforder. Ofnadhach. Sighing, groaning. Othrafach. Sick, difeafed. Ofnaidhe. i Othrafcha. An hofpital. Ofnaidhal. i A gr0aninS* Otrach. Dung, a dunghill. Ofnaigham. To figh, groan.



Pis the thirteenth letter of the Galic our knowledge of the Latin, fince the alphabet—-This letter is called by the time of St. Patrick. In the old parch- Iriflr grammarians Peith-bhog, but they do ments thefe letters are indifcriminately not tell us from what tree, for the let- ufed, as Prutach, a boor or ruftic, for ters were commonly named after trees. Brutach, Peift for Beift, &c. With the It would, however, appear to be nothing afpirate H which it bears, it is pronounc- elfe than Beith-bhog, or B foft, i. e. P ed like the Greek Phi, and Ph in the is only a foft or mollifying way of ex- Englifh word Prophet. prefling B, and the reafon is, original- Pabhail. A pavement. ly they were the fame letter, and P Pac. A pack. Was not ufed in the Irilh language until Pacair. A pedlar. [4 A J Pacaigham, P A I PEA

Pacaigham. To pack^ Paifde. A child. Paclach. An armful. Paifdin. An infant. Pacalrachd. Bufinefs of a pedlar. Paifonadh. A faint. Padruic Paifgam. To ftarve of cold. - ?p,trick Padhruic. I 1 k' Paifgte. Starved of cold. Padhal. An ewer. Paiteach. Thirfty. Padhadh. Thirft. Paiteog. Butter. Padhuilun. A tent, booth, hut. Paitt. A hump. Paganach. A heathen. Paitrifg. A partridge. Paganachd. Gentilifm. Palas. A palace, regal feat. Paidir. The pater-nofter. Palin. A winding-fheet, fhroud. Paidiruin. A rofary of beads to fay a pa- Palmare. A . ter-nofter, a necklace. Palluin. A tent, tabernacle, booth.. Paidhadh. Pay, payment. Panna. A pan. Paidhlr. A pair. Panna-fiolaidh. A dripping-pan. Paidhiram. To pair, couple. Pannag. A pancake. Paidham. To pay. Pannal. A crew, a hand of men. Pailchloch. Paving ftones, Papa. The pope. Paileiris. 7 . Par. Parchment. Pairi.his. Paralais. The palfy. Pailliunn. A tent, pavilion. Paralus. A parlour, or room to enter- Pailm. The palm-tree. tain. Pailt. Abundant, plentiful. Parraifte. A parifh. Pailtas. Plenty, abundance. Parrathas. Paradife. Painachas; Bail, fecurity, infurance. Partach. Partaking. Painneal. A pannel. Partaidhe. A partner, partaker. Painidh. Strong. Partan. A crab-fifh.. Paintearam. To enfnare, trepan. Parn. A whale. Painte. Lace, firing to lace clothes. Pafcairt. A pannier. Paintair. A net, gin, fnare. Pafgam. To enwrap, fwa'ddle., Paintairam. To enfnare. Pafgan. A bundle. Paintairadh^ Enfnaring. Pafgte. Enwrapped. Paipair. Paper. Paflaghadh. A didapper, Pairc. A park, field. Pata. A veiTel. Paircam. To enclofe. Pata. A hare. Pairt. A fhare, portion, relation, kin- Patan. A leveret. dred. Patantachd. Thicknefs. Pairtach. Having a fhare, related, free- Patrun. A patron. hearted. Peabhcach. Neat, fine. Pairtaiche. A partner, afTociate, abettor. Peabhchaolach. A peacock. Pairtaigham. To partake, to communi- Peabhchearc. A peahen. cate. Peacach. Sharp-pointed, beautiful. Pais. Paffion, fuffering. Peaccach. Sinful, Peac, / P E I P E U

Peac, peuc, piac. Any fharp-polnted thing; and branches of trees, the whole covered the fprouting germ of any vegetable, a at the top with fkins of beafts, antiently long tail. ufed in Ireland. It is the name of diffe- feaccadh. Sin, tranfgteffion. rent places in the county of Corke at this Peaccaigham. To fin, offend againft. day. Peaccthach. A finner, tranfgreffor. Peliocan. A pelican. Peall. A horfe. Peinn, piann. Pain, punifliment, Peall. A. couch, pallet. Peindlighe. A penal law. Peall, pealltog. A veil. Peinnair. 7 Peallam. To mat, cover j to teaze, pull Peinreachd. !A afunder. Peinteal. A fnare. Peallaftair. A quoit, pejiny-ftone. Peircioll. A corner, the lower part of the Peanas. Punifhment. face, the jaws, the abdomen. Peanafaigham. Topunifh. Peire. A pear, pear-tree. Peann. A writing-pen, a reed. Peireadh. Rage, fury. Peannagan. A pen-cafe. Peiriacul. Urgent neceffity, danger. Peanfal. A pencil. Peirfe. A row, rank, a perch in length. Peannfair. A fencer. Peirfile. Parfley. Peanfuir. Pincers. Peifchearbhaire. 7 Pearla. A pearl, precious ffone. Peifghearrthoir. J CUt Pui^e’ Pearlach. Plaited, corrugant. Peiff. A worm, bealh, monfler. Pearlaigham. To corrugate. Peifteog. A little worm, infedf. Pearlughadh. Corrugating. Peit. A mufician. Pearlog. A partridge. Peiteadh. Mufic. Pearfa. A perfon ; pi. Pearfana. I’eitag. A waiftcoat. Pearfa. A verb. Peitain. A fhort jacket. Pearfaigham. To perfonify. Peitarlaichte. Verfed in antient or facred Pearfal. Parfiey. hiftoryv Pearfanta. Perfonable. Peitarlach. The old law or teftament. Peas. 7 Peitfeag. A peach. Peafan. ! A ['“rre- Peithir. A forefler, a thunderbolt. Peafan. A punchy forry little fellow. Pelag. A porpoife.

Peafohaduip;he l A Peodar. Pewter. Pea fiad ,on. I A P“=kP“to‘ Peodarair. A pewterer. Peafgadh. A gafh, cut. Pepog. A pompion. Peafgam. To cut and fiafli. Peffeir. Peafe. Peatruit. A halter. Peffeir-chappul. Vetches. Peic. A great tail. Peffair-luchag. Lentils. Peick. A peck. Peffrach. Of peafe. Peiciollach. That hath a long tail. Peffeir-tuilbhe. Heath-peafe, Peileir. A bullet, a bowl, a pillar. Peithbhog. The letter P. Peileir-tarnainaich. A thunder-bolt. Petadh. A pet, a tame animal. Peillic. A hut or booth made up of earth Peubar. Pepper, Peubaram, P I N P I S

■Peubaram. To pepper. Pintealta. Painted. Peur. A pear. Piob. A pipe, flute. Peurla. VidePearla. Piobadoir. A pipe-maker. Phairifneach. A pharifee, Piobaire. A piper. Phairifnachal. Pharifaical. Piobaireachd. The pipe mufic, a march Pharo. Pharaoh. tune, piping. Piagham. To hang up. Piobam. To pipe. Pian. Gen. Pein, pain; pi. Pianta, pangs. Pioban,, A fmall pipe, the throat. Pianadh. Afflidlion, tormenting. Piobar. Pepper. Pianam. To torment, to pain, punilh. Piobhar. A fieve, honeycomb. Pianair. The teaze. Piob-leigidh. Cock of a barrel. •Piantuighoir. A tormentor. Piob-thaofgidh. A pump. , Piaft. A worm. Piobfhionnaich. A pipe blown with bel- Piafgach. Rough, rugged. lows. Pib, piob. A pipe. Piob-uifge. A conduit-pipe. Pib-mhala. A bag-pipe. Piocaid. A mattock, pick-axe. Pibam. A pipe, the throat. Piocam. To pick, nibble. Pibbin. A lapwing. Piolaid. A prince’s palace. Pibhar. A purfe. Piolaid. Pilate, a proper name. Pic, pich. Pitch. Pioloid, pioloir. A pillory. Pic-mheallach. A Lochabar axe. Pioloidach. A pilot. Picil. Pickle. Piollam. To pick. Picilam. To pickle. Pion. i . Pighe. A pye. Piomiadh. 1 A P'"' Pighe-feola. A pally. Pionchrann. A pine-tree. Pighaid. A magpye. Fionas. Punilhment. Pighaidachd. Pye-coloured. Pionofta. Punilhed. Pighin. A penny. Pioraid. A pirate. A’ phighin rioghal. Pennyroyal. Pioroide. A parrot. Pi^adh. i earthen pitcher. Piorra. A pear. Pigtn. J Piorra. A fquall. Pile. Vide Feille. Piofa. A piece, a filver cup to drink Pileir. A pillar. whifgy. Pillam. To turn, roll. Piofan. A little piece, any little en- Pillin, pannel. A pack-faddle. gine or inllrument. Pilliur. A pillar. Piollal. A pillol. Pilfeir. A pilchard. Piofreog. Vide Pifeog. Pinchrann. A pine-tree. Piothan. A pye. Pincin. A gillyflower. Pis, peflir. Peafe. Finn. For Binn, a peek or cliff. Pifarnach. Whifpering. Pinnadh. A pin, peg. Pifeanach. Lentils. Pinnt. A pint ; i. e. two quarts. Pifeog, pifeoga. Sorcery, witchcraft. Pintealam. To paint. Pjfeogaiche. A forcerer, wizard. 2 Pisfinain. P L E P L U

Pisfinain. Vetches. Pleafgam. To crack, break, burft, ffrike, Piflach. Encreafe, good luck, bleffing, beat. Pip. Vide Pioban. Pleide. Spite. Pit. A hollow, pit, female privities. Pliathroid. A flipper. Piteania. Effeminate. Plibin. A plover. Piteantachd. Effeminacy. Ploc. A ftopper, bung, a large flump, Piutbar. A fifler. round head. Piutharal. Sifferly. Plocach. Having a round head, lumpifh. Piutharalachd. Sifterlinefs. Plocam. To knock on the head, bruife. Pla. A green plot, a meadow. Plod. A pool, a fleet. Placantachd. Coarfenefs. Plodadh. Floating, buoyancy. Plaghaim. To plague. Plodmhor. Buoyant, a float. Plaichid. A flagon. Plodam. To float. Plaigh. A plague, peffilence, contagion. Plodaigham. Plaide. A plaid. Plodan. A fmall pool. Plaighal. Contagious, plaguy, peffiferous. Plodanachd. Paddling and rowing in Plained. A planet. water. Piaitin. The fkull, a little pate. Plodhaifg. A bumpkin, looby. Plam. Curdled. Plaifg. Spungy, elaftic, dry and fpungy, Plana. A plane. inflammable. Planta. A plant. Plofg. Quick. Plantaigham. To plant. Plofgail. A found, noife. Plantaichoir. A planter. Plofgartich. Open, bold, panting. Plaofg. A hufk or fhell. Plofgartuigham. To pant, throb. Plaofgach. Of fhell. Plubam. To plump or fall as a flone in Plaofgadh. A found, noife. water. Plaofgam. To burff, to found, make a Plubrach. Plunging. noife. Pluc. The rot among fheep, a knot, a Plafda. 7 . bung.O FlaHach. 1 A ph,‘ler- Plucadh. Blowing the cheeks. Plafda. Feigned. Plucis. The flux. Plafdam. f Plucam. To puff up the cheeks. Pl.rdruigham. i T° P1"'*"' Plucaire. A fellow with large chaps. Plaflrail. . Plucaireachd. Impertinence. Plaftradh. | Plucmhalghach. Beetle-brow’d. Plata. A plate. Plucham. To prefs, fqueeze, conftringe, Platfeadh. A fquaffi. fmother. Plath. A glance. Pluic A cheek. Pkadhag. A fpade, dibble. Pluicach. Blub-cheeked. Pleaghan. A little oar. Plumba. A plummet. Pleaghanachd. Rowing with a little oar. Plumbis. A plum. Pleaghart. A buffet. Plur. Flower, meal, a flower. Pleafg, pleafgadh. A noife. Pluran. A flower. [ 4B J Plurach. PON P R A

Plurach. Full of meal. Pont. Auftere, cruel. Plutadh. A breaking down, fcolding. Popa. A mafter. Pobul. A people, tribe, congregation. Pore. A pig. Poc, boc. A he-goat. Por. Seed, or race for planting or propa- Poc ruadh, Boc ruadh. A roe-buck. gating. Pocadh. A pocket, or little bag. Por cochullach. Pulfe, Pocan. A little he-goat. Porcan. A fmall pig. Pog. A kifs. Porraifde. A parilh. Pogadh. Killing. Porraifdeach. A parilhioner.. Pogam. To kifs. Port. Severe, fierce. Pobhuil. 7 Port. A tune, jig. Poibleog. Port. A port, harbour ; a bank. Poiblioch. The common people. Ri port. Wind-bound. Poiblighe. Public. Port. A fort, garrifon, the area of a place. Poidin mearbhul. Jack with the lan- Port. A houfe. thorn. Portair. A waterman, ferryman.. Poireaga. Hollow. Portan. A crab-fifh. $ Poirfe. A porch. Portos. The mafs book. Poirfiun. A portion. Port-triaithe. A ftall-fed hog. Poifgheallam. To betroth. Forth. Severe. Poifam, To lug, haul. Pofadh. Marriage, wedlock. Poit. Great drinking. Pofam. To marry. Poitam. To drink. Pofda. Married. Poitairachd. Hard drinking. Pofgha. Bridal, nuptial. Poitair. A drunkard. Pofta. A poll, pillar. Poitchriadh. Potter’s clay. Poftam. To trample with the feet, Poitin. A fmall pot. Poltanach. That hath flout legs. Pota. i Potaire. A toper, drunkard. „ > A pot. Poite. ) 1 Potadoir. 7 . Pola. A pole. Potair. Polaire. A fign. Potaim. To drink. Polaire. A fearcher of holes and corners. Potchriodh. Potter’s clay. Poll. A hole or pit. Potfolach. A pot-lid. Poll. Mire, dirt. Poth. A bachelor. Pollaire. Noftrils. Prab. Quick. Pone. A point, article. Prab. Rheum, or the difeharge from the Poll-accairaidh. A bay to anchor Ihips. corner of the eyes. Poll-iafgaich. A filh-pond. Prabach. Having humours about the eyes, Poll-marcachd. A road for fhips. blear. Poncal. Diftinct. Prabar. A worthlefs fellow. Ponair. Beans. Praidhin. Earneft bufinefs, great hafle. Ponair Fhrancach. French beans. Praidhinach. Earneft, in great hafte. Poni. A little horfe. Prainfag. A haggefs. 6 Prais.


Prais. Brafs, pot-metal. Pribadh. Twinkling. Praifeach. A pot. Pricam. Toiling, prick. Praifeach. Broth, pottage. Priginam. To haggle. Praifeach. A manger, crib. Primh, priomh. Chief, great, prime, ety- Praifaiche. A brazier. mon. Pramh. Sleep; Priomhachd. A fource. Prann. A wave. Priomhathair. A patriarch. Prantaire. A hammer. Priomharcal. The main beam. Prafcan. A mob, a gang. Priomhadh. A primate. Preab. A kick. Priomhbhlofgam. To prickle, fparkle. Preabadh. Stamping, kicking. Priomhchiall. Great underftanding, Preabam. To kick, ftamp, fpurn. Priomhchoflas. Arch type. Preaban. A court-yard. Priomhchlar. Autograph, original. Preaban. A patch, a patch on a fhoe. Priomhchleirach. Protonotary. Preabanaiche. A botcher. Priomhdha. Wifdom. Preabaire. A.hearty brave man,. Priomhdhraoith. An arch-druid. Preabog. A wincing horfe. Priomhfhaidh. An ancient prophet. Preabraigh. Patching,, clouting, Priomhlongphort. A royal feat. Preabaireachd. A&ing bravely or gal- Priomhuachdaran. The chief ruler. lantly. Prionnfa A prince. Preach. Hold, {land, flay. Priomhghleus. A beginning, foundation. Preachan. A crow, kite, or ravenous Priomhlaoch. A prime-foldier. bird. Priomhthus. A foundation. Preachan nan cearr. A ringtail. Priomhughdar. The original author. Preachan ingneach. A vulture. Primidil. Firftlings. Preachan ceannan. An ofprey. Prine. A pin. Preachoine. A cryer. Prinachan. A pin-cufhion. Preacham. To punilh. Priofan. A prifon. Prealaid. A prelate, bifhop. Priofonach. A prifoner. Preas. A buih, brier. Priofonachd. Imprifonment. Preas nan ros. Rofe-bulh. Priotchadh. Preaching. Preas nan fpiontag. The currant or rizar Priotchaim. To preach, exhort. bufh. Priotceach. A preacher. Preas nan geardhearc. The berberry-bufli. Priofal. Precious. Preas nam fiontag. Blackberried heath* Pris. Price, value. Preas. A wrinkle, plait. Prifealachd. Value. Preafam. To plait, rimple. Prifein. Bulhes. Preafarnach. A fhrubbery. Proantain. Provender. Preas fubh craoibh. Ralberry-bufli. Probhal. A conful. Preat. Boggy. Procadoir. A prodlor. Priacail. Danger. Proghain. Care, anxiety. Priceadh. Pricking. Proimplheillain. A drone, beetle. Pribam. To wink, to twinkle. Proinnuighadh. Dining. Proinn, P V I PUT

Proinn, prainn. A dinner, a meal, ‘vora- Puicne fcreabhal. A fpangle. cioufnefs. Puilpid. A pulpit. Proinnuigham. 7'o dine. Puinfion. Poifon. Proinnlios, A refeddory, dining-room. Puinfonaigham, To poifon. Proinnteach. Id. Vide Chron. Scot. Puirleagach. Crefted, tufted. Proifdeal. A bottle. Puirtin. A fmall fort, turret. Proifal. Bold. Puirt. Ports for guns, tunes. Promhadh. A proof. Puifgam. To beat, whip. Promt. Pollard. Puifm. A lip. Pronn. Smooth. Puift. Of a poft or pillar. Pronnam. To pound, bruife, mince. Puitric. A bottle. Pronnan. Fragments. Pullog. The fifh called Polluck, I believe Pronnog. Any thing minced. the porpoife ; a pantry. Pronnfam. To bray, grind. Pune. A point, article, jot, tittle, whit. Pronnghloir. Loquacity. Puncal. Diftindf, articulate. Pronnghlorach. Loquacious, a fmall- Punan. A fheaf of corn, bundle of hay talker. or ftraw. Pronndol. A low noife. Pun-glafs. Purple melic-grafs. Pronnufc. Brimftone. Punnt. A pound. Prop. Vide Prab. Punnt fafgunnach. A pound fterling, Profda. Strong- Puntuin. Benumbing. Pruchlais. A den. Pupal. Vide Pobul. Pfailm. Vide Sailm. Pur. Neat, pure. Pubal. A tent, tabernacle, booth, marquee. Purpi. Poppy, purflain._ Publicanach. A publican. Purpair. Purple. Publigh. Public. Purgaid. A purge. Pucan. Vide Pocan. Purgadoirachd. Purgatory. Pudar. Powder. Purt. A fort, tower, town. Pudarach. Powdered. Futadh. f A Pudhar. Hurt, harm. PU„aJh.i Pudharacha. Suppuration. } To polh. Puiblighe. Publicly. Putam. J r Puibligham. To publifh, proclaim, Purraghlas. Name of a cat. Puic. PI. of Poc. He-goats. Pus. A lip. Puichain. A little impudent flanking fel- Pus. A cat. low. Putag. A pudding, a thowl or oar-pia. Puicin. A veil or cover over the eyes, Putan. A hare. blind-man’s buff. Puttrall. A lock of hair, RAD R A I

RIs the fourteenth letter of the al- Radh. A faying. phabet, and with L and N does not Radham. To fay, relate, admit of the afpirate H. R in general Raha. A bidding. founds the fame as in other languages. Radharc. Sight, fenfe of feeing. It is called Ruis from Ruis the elder-tree, Radmuillam. To dream. anciently fo called, but now Troman. Rae. A field, plain. Ra. A going, moving. Rae. Much, plenty. Rabach. Fruitful, plentiful. Rae. A battle. Rabhadh. Advertifement, caution, a pre- Rae. A falmon. cedent, example. Rafta. A gallery. Rabhadar. They were. Rag. A wrinkle. Rabhagach. Vide Rabhach. Rag. Stiff. Rabhan. A long repetition, rhapfody. Ragach. Stiff, wrinkled. Rabhladh. Boafting. Ragaim, meacan ragaim. Sneezewort. Racadh. A rake. Raghait, i. e. Rangadar. They reached. Racaire. A rake, prattler. Ragairachd. Violence. Rac. A king or prince. Ragmhuinalach. Stiff-necked. Rac. A bag, pouch. Rai. Motion. Racadal. Horfe-radifh. Rai, ad rai. He arofe. Racam. To rake. Raib. Rape. Racam. To rehearfe, repeat. Raibe. A turnip. Racaireachd. Raking, repeating, romance. Raibh. Was. Racan. Mifchief, noife. Raicneach, A queen. Racham. To go. Raidh. Will. Rachdam. To arrive at, come to. Raidhe. Quarter of a year. Rachdan. A bowling. Raidhe. An umpire, arbiter. Rachgan. A harrow. Raidhmheas. A dream, romance. Rachin. I would go. Raidhmhaifeach. Fabulous, romantic, gaf- Rachoil. A winding-lheet. conading. Racht. He arofe, got up. Raidhteachas. A faying, report. Racht. A fit. Raidhteachas. A contefl, trial of flail. Racht, reachd. A law, ordinance. Raidhtionga. A comma in writing. Rachtaire. A law-giver,judge, adairy-man. Raidhreach. A prayer, requeft. Rachdmhor. Giving laws, legiflative. Raidis. Aradifb. Rad. Vide Rod. Raittine. Laughter, laughing. Radaim. To give up, deliver. Raidolach. Craft. Radaireal. Wandering, ftrolling. Raigeamhlachd. Impetuofity. Radan. A rat. Raigh. An arm. Vide Ruigh. 1 [4 C] Raigh. RAM RAO

Raigh. Frenzy. Ramhaim. To row. Raighbheirt. A fleeve, wriftband, brace- Ramhdhraidheann. Buckthorn. let. Ramhlong. A galley. Raidhmheis. A cubit. Ran. A crumb, morfel, truth. Raidhtheoir. A peafant, boor. Ran. Plain, manifeft, noble, nimble. Raighe. A ray. Rann. A verfe, flanza, fedtion; a Fong, Railge. A church-yard. poem. Raimhdeas Rannach. 7 . . „ Fatnefs, being Fat. , IA fonglrer. Raimhre. Ranntaiche. > Raimhe. Fatter. Ranaighe. A romancer, {lory-teller. Raimh. Brimltone. Ranaim. To make manifeft. Raimhad. Fat, fatnefs. Ranca. A ftep. Rainidham. To reach. Ranc. Rank, order. Rainmillam. To abrogate-, abolifh. Ranntachd. Verfe, poetry, verfification. Rainn, rinn. The point oF a Fpear or Randach. A partizan. Fword. Randonaigham. To abolifh, abrogate.. an RainneFidhe. Ranges, ranks. k- »- ? bank; of a river. Rainn. A diviFion. Rangan. > Rainn-ann-ruiFg. Eyebright. Rang, rangan. A wrinkle. Rainn. PI. of Rann. Rangach. Wrinkled. Rainn-da-leath. Bipartition. Rann. A part, divifion, fong, genealogy. Rainnin. A fliort verFe. Rannach. Diftributive. Rainfgriofam. To abolith. Rannadh. Beginning, commencing. Raiteachas. Pride, arrogance, conteft. Rannan. The lowing of deer. Raiteachas. Saying, fpeech. Rannaim. To divide, fhare. Raitean. Pleafure. Rannbhallardam. To proclaim. Raith. He went. Ranntuarchorthach. Fertile, fruitful. Raith. On account oF, For the fake of. Rannphairt. Participation, participle. Raithneach. Fern, brake. Rannphairteach. 7 _ , . , 1 PartakingD of. Raith. Entreaty, fpeech, interceffion. Rannphairtamhuil. J Raithne. It fhined. Rannphartuigham.. To communicate,. Raithe. Quarter of a year. Rannphartuighe. A partaker. Raithal. Quarterly. Ranfughadh. Searching, rummaging, Raithe. An umpire. Ranfuighara. To fearch, rummage. Raithre. It pleafed. Raod, rod. A thing, Ralaim. To happen, to commit, to make. Raogha. Choice. Raoghnam. , Ramh. An oar. „ , . , (. I o choofe. Ramhaiche. A rower. Raoghnaigham. 5 Ramhad. •» . , Raoimeadh. Depredation, plunder. . L A way, road. Ramhadoir. $ Raomadh. Phlegm. Ramhar. Fat, grofs, thick Raonadh. A way, road, haunt. Ramhraigham. To fatten. Raon. A field, plain, a green. Ramhilleadh. Raving in ficknefs. Raona. Breaking, tearing. Raonam REA REA

Raonam. To turn, change. Reabach. That teareth. Rap. Any creature that digs. Reabalach. A rebel. Rapal, Noife, Reabalachd. Rebellion. Ras. A fhrub. Reabh. A wile, craft, trick. Rafach. Full of fhrubs. Reabhach. Subtil, crafty. Raffaidhe. A rambling woman, gipfy, Reabhlangar. Skipping, playing, fport- huffy. ing. Raffaidhicf. A bile, blotch. Reabhlangam. To fkip, play. Rafan. Underwood, brufhwood, Reabhradh. A fkipping, playing. Rafchrann. A flirub-tree. Reac, reic. Sell thou. Rafcradh. To part, fcatter, Reacam. To fell. Vide Relearn. Rafdal. A rake. Reacadoir. A feller. Rafdalam. To rake, gather. Reacar. Swift, hot, quick growing. Rafmhaol. A fea-calf. Reachd. A law, ftatute, ordinance. Rafmhaidhe. A flirub. Reachdaire. A judge, lawgiver. Raftach. A churl. Reachdaire. A dairy-man. Rat. Motion. Reachdairm. A court of judicature, Rath. Good-luck, profperity. Reachdcheanglam. To article. Rath. A furety. Reachdhaingneadh. A decree. Rath. Fern. Reachdamhuil. Regular, lawful. Rath. Wages. Reachdmhathair. A mother-in-law. Rath. A fortrefs, garrifon, a village, an Reachdmhor. Subftantial. artificial mount or burrow, a prince’s Reachdfhaoirfeach, Licenfed, authorifed. feat. Reachfad. I will go. Ratha, Quarter of a year. Vide Raithe. Reacht. A man. Ratha. Running, racing. Reacht. He came. Rathach. A hough.. Reacht. A juft law. Rathachadh. Profperity. Reacht. Power, authority. Rathadar. They ran. Reachtaire. A lawgiver, king, judge. Ratham. To make profperous, profper. Reachtach. Strong. Rathamhnas. Profperity, happinefs. Reachtam, riachtam. To arrive.

Rathmhor. 7 „ r Reachtfgoth. A fon-in-law. Rathoil. SProfPerous> haPPy- Read. A thing. Rathfhollus. Between the fore and back Readan. A pipe, a reed. doors. Readchord. The reins of a bridle. Re. The moon. Readh, go readh. Yet. Re. For Le, with. Readh. Rage, fury. Re. For Ri, ris; at, to, by, of, againft. Readhg. A mad bull or ox. Re. Time, duration, life, exiftence. Readhlabhrachd. Eloquence. Re. Sign of the future participle to. Readhlabhra. Eloquent. Re, ad re. He arofe. Readhfgaoileadh. A flux. Reabadh, reubadh. Tearing. Reag, Night. Reabam, reubnm. To tear. Reagdhall, Purblind. Reaghloracb, REA R E I

Reaghlorach. Refounding Rear. Provifion. Reaghtghe. Juftice. Rearacht. A rifing, rearing up. Reaith. A ram. Rearidh. A fenior, elder. Reaithin. A little ram. Reareidham. To go, proceed. Real!, realt. A ftar.' Reafan. To plead, allege. Real tan. Reafeach. Prattling, talkative. An aftrolabe. Realtangrais Reafonta. Reafonable. Realtbhuidheann. .A conftellation. Reafonaigham. Toreafon. Realtchuirt. The ftar-chamber. Reafort. Prefervation. Realtchofgaire. An aftronomer. Reaftraim. To bring back, reftore. Realtog. A fmall ftar, an afterifk. Reafun. Reafon. Realtoir. An aftrologer. Reafunachadh. Ratiocination. Reamain. A beginning. Reat. With thee. Reamaire. A traveller, wayfaring-man. Reatas. Enmity, hatred. Reamh. For Roimhe, is ufed as a eompo Reatha. Running, racing. fitive particle. Reathadh. A ram. Reamhain. Foretelling, prognoftication. Reathachas. R.amming, rutting. Reamhainmuighte. Forenamed. Reathaim, ritham. To run. Reamhar. Thick, fat, grofs, coarfc. Reataire. A clergyman, clerk. Reamhaithnuigham. To foreknow. Rec. A thing done in hafte. Reamhaithne Recail. Went down. •Foreknowledge. Reamhfhios. Recearnaim. To recreate, divert, pleafe, Rgamheadradh. P'orcnoon. delight. Reamhorduigham. To foreordain. Rech. Grief. Reamhtheachdaire. A forerunner. Recne. Sudden. Reamhfhealladh. Forefight. Red. To thy, with thy. Reamhaithrifam. To forebode. Redhealbham. To form again. Reamhchroiceann. The preputium. Redhe. The Fauns, orgods of the woods. Reanshlon. A viaticum. Re dhiol. To be fold. Reamhofeadh. Rheumatifm. Redhreim. } , . , , climate. Reamhraigbam. To fatten, clot, concrete, Redhreicnreachd. 3 Regh. A crofs, gallows. coagulate.D vReamhrach. Coagulative. Reibh. With you. Reamhrughadh. Grofiiiefs, fatnefs, grow- Reichdeheadach. Licenfed, authorifed. ing fat. Reicam. To fell, vend. Reamhradhte. Forecited. Reicadolr. A feller, vender. Reamhradh. A preface. Reidh. A plain. .Reamhradhaim, To preface. Reidh. Plain, level. Reamhfmuinuigham. To foreimagin*. Reidhlain. A level field, green for play. Reanga. Reins of the .back. Reidh, Ready, prepared. •Reanna. Stars. Reidh. A rope, wythe. Reannaire. An aftrploger. Reidheachd. Ready fervice, officioufnefs. Reannan. A ftar. Reidheadh, Affeiit, agreement. Reidhighe. R E I R E U

ReidKighe. An agreement. Reifaid. A raifin. Reidham. To prepare, provide, agree. Reifghiobhar. A harlot, proflitute. Reidhreamhanach. Lunatic. Reifrn. Sooner than, before that. Reidhteach. A plain, level. Reifidhe. A rehearfer, romancer. Reidhteach. Union, harmony, propitia- Refiot. Congealed. tion. Reifmeirdreach. A harlot. Reidh. Plain, open. Reite. An agreement, fettlement, contrail:. Reighdam. To judge. Reiteach. Harmony, reconciliation. Reighlios. A church, fhrine. Reiteach. A plain. Reightioch. To fadge. Reitaigham. To agree, fettle upon, ratify,. Reil. A ftar. reconcile. Reii. Clear, manifeft. Reithe. A ram. Reil. Lawful, rightful. Reithe-raobtha. A battering-ram. Reileag. A church, church-yard. Reitheadh. Rammed. Reiltin. An afterifle. Reitricoir. A rhetorician. Reim. Power, authority, great fway. Rem. With my, to my. Reim. A way, progrefs, feries. Remfeuchadh. Forefeeing. Reim. A calling out. Remfheucham. To forefee. Reim- A troop, band. Remhain. Pleafure. Reim. Evennefs of temper. Remhraidham. To foretel, proclaim. Reimamhuil. Bearing great fway or autho- Remhaithnuigham. To foreknow. rity, perfevering, conftant, even, ram- Reo. Frofl. pant. Reoleach. ‘ Tee. Reimam. To ramp. Reoghleac.' Reimhbhriathar. An adverb. Reoleacam. | To freeze, congeal. Reimhbhlaifam. To foretafte. Reoghleacam. Reimhchinam. To affign, appoint. Reomham, romham. Before me. Reimhe. Thicker, fatnefs, pride. Reomhad, romhad. Before thee. Reimheach. Arrogant. Reomhinn, romhinn. Before us. Reimhamhuil. Belonging to the roads. Reomhpa, rompa. Before them. Reimheas. Time. Reon. A fpan. Reimhgheallam. To pre-engage, to pro- Reothadh. Froft, ice. mife. Reotham. To freeze. Reimnigham. To go, to walk. Reothte. Frozen. Reimhorthonn. Forefkin. Rer. With our, unto him. Reimfe. A club, a Raff. Rerchearc. A heath-poult, or groufe. Refealadach. By turns, alternate. b' {Timbers of afhip. Reingach. J Refbaid. A beggar’s brat. Reir. Will, defire, pleafure; Ma reir, at Retlan. A fpark. liberty- Retnughadh. To imagine. Reir, do reir. According to. Reubadh. Tearing. Reir, roir. Laft night. Reubam. To tear, lacerate. Reis. A fpan, nine inches long. Reubair. A robber, violent perfon. [4 D] Reubin. R I A R I F

Reubin, Plundering. Riaghalta. Ruled, governed. Reudan. A timber-worm. Riaghlach. An old woman. Reudanach. Full of worms. Riaghluicham. To rule, govern. Riaghluichoir. i . , Reuladh. A declaration. , ... : A ruler, governor. Reulag. A ftar. Riaghalloir. j Reulagach. Starry. Riaghaire. A hangman, a rogue. Reulldhraoith. Aftrologer. Riama. A victory. Reuleolas. Aftronomy. Riamh. Ever, at any time, before. Reultiafg. A fifh with (Fining teeth. Riamhach. Precious, valuable. Reult. Aftar; pi. Reulta. Rian. The road or way, a path, fpot- Reult-buidheann. A conftellatioc. ftep. Reuma. Phlegm. Rian. A fpan. Reumamhuil. Phlegmatic. Rian. The fea. Reufun. Reafon. Rian cruinith-tuatha. The country of the Reufonaigham. To reafon. PiCts. Reufunta. Reafonable. Rianuighe. A wanderer. Ri, riogh. A king, fovereign prince. Riar. Diftribution. Ri, ris. To, againft. Riaradh. Pleafing, fatisfying, diftribution.. Ri ! An interjection of furprize. Riaraidhe, An oeconome, difpenfer of Ria. With her, againd her. meat and drink. Riabhach. Brindled, greyilh. Riarachd-inntin. Contentment. Riabhaichad, Brindlednefs, greyifhnefs. Riaram. 1T0 pleafe, fatisfy, diftri- Riabhag. A lark. Riaruigham. ) bute. Riabhag-monaidh. A titlark. Riartha. Content, ferved, diftributed. Riabhan. A handfome young fellow. Riafg. A moor, fen, marfh, lay-ground. Riach. Grey, brindled. Riafgach. Moorifh, (tiff. Riach. He came, rippling up. Riafgal. Indocile, rigid, wild, moorifh. Riachan. Any thing grey. Riatha. Hire, rent, intereft, rib, a fnare. Riachdailleas. Neceffity. Ribe. Riachdanas. Want, neceffity, duty. Ribeog. > A hair, whifker, a doffil. Riachdanach. Needy, neceffitous, incum- Ribin. j bent, dutiful. Ribach. Rough, hairy. Riadh. A running, racing. Ribh. To you, againft you. Riadh. Correction, taming, fubduing, grief. Ribeacha nan cuinnein. Hairs of the nof- Riadhadh. Hanging. trils. Riadhach. Darkifh. Ribheid. A reed, pipe. Riadhlann. A corre£tion-houfe. Riblach. A line or long ftring. Riagh. A crofs, gallows. Richead. A kingdom. Riagh. Religious. Richis. A flame. Riaghaim. To hang, crucify. Ridire. A knight. Riaghuil. A rule, government. Ridul. A fieve, a coarfe fieve. Riaghailt, A rule, directory. Ridhail. A parliament. Riaghailtchearnadi. A fquare. Ridgileanach. A redfhank. Riaghailtach. Regular, fober, peaceful. Rif. Bent. Ri®-lachan, R I N R I O

Riglachan. A ridgling. Rinn. A foot. Rig. A fpy. Rinn. The liars. Rigam. To reach. Rinn. The perfect tenfe of the verb Dea- Rigam a leafs. I need not. nam. Righ, ri. A king, fovereign. Rinne. Unto us, againll us. Righ. j The arm from the elbow to the Rinn na ruifg. Apple of the eye. Righe. > wrift. Rinnadoir. A carper, fpy-fault. Righeachd. One’s reach, attainment. Rinnbhearthag. A hillory. Righeadh. To need, reach at a thing. Rinne. The underltanding. Righam. To reach, ftretch, to confent. Rinne. Ireland. Righchifte. A royal fifcus. Rinneach. | Sharp-pointed. Righe. Reproof. Rinngheu Righfheinnidh. A generaliffimo. Rinnag. A liar. Righin. Tough, adhefive, fluggifh, drow- Rinnag earbail. A comet. fy, dilatory. Rinnag Iheabhais. A wandering liar. Righineachas. Rinnec. Grafs. Roighneas. Rinnfeatham. To defrgn, intend, forecaft. Righmhionn. A diadem. Rinnicne, A graving tool.i Rigimeachd. A gift, favour, prefent. Rinnimh. The heavenly conftellations. Righnigham. Tomakeftiff, to delay. Rinnreim. A conftellation. Rightheach. An arm. Rinnmhor. Having fins. RigTeachd. An ambaffador, envoy. Riobhar. A fieve, honey-comb. Righthigham. To be wanting. Riobhlach. A rival. Rillean. A riddle, coarfe fieve. Rioboid. A fpendthrift. Rilleam To fift with a riddle. Rioboideachd. Prodigality. Rimh. Number. Rioboideach. Prodigal. Rimham. To number. Rioboidam. To riot, revel. Rimhiadh. i Riochd, riuchd. The lhape, likenefs. Rimheighe. iPr,de- Riochuaidh. A plague, contagion, pefti- Rimhfheinnam. To play mufic. lence. Rimnin. A conftellation. Riodh. A ray. Rincadh. Dancing. Riodham. To ray. Rinceoir. A dancer. Ribdhnachd. A gift. Rincam. To dance. Riogh, righ. A king. Rincne. A lance, fpear. Rioghachd. A kingdom. Rinfheitbiomh. Contemplation. Riogha. | Royal, kingly,, princely. Ringeadh. Hanging. Rioghamhui Ringheibhionna. 7 . Riogham. To reign. . > Chains. Rmgheimhleacha. 1 Rioghan. Ringthe. Torn, parted. Rioghbhin. >A queen. Rinmheas. Scanning of a verfe. Rioghbhean. Rinn. The point of a weapon. Rioghcholbh. 1 Rinn. Mulic, melody. Rioghfnlat. J A fcePtre’ 2 Rioghchoran, R I S ROC

Rioghchoran. A royal crown. Rifeach. A romancer. Rioghdhach. A palace, court, Rifgineach. A brave foldier. Rioghdhail. A parliament. Rifion, rifean. An hiftorian. Riogh-damhna. A king in fieri, a prince Rifion. Againft him, to him, it. defigned. Rifteal. A fort of plough ufed in the iftand Rioghe. A reign. of Lewes. Rioghlaoch. A prince, a refpeftable old Rith. A courfe, flight. man. Rith. I t, Runmn Rioghlann. A palace, king’s court. Ritheach.| S- Rioghnathair. A cockatrice. Rith, righe. An arm. Riogbphubal. 1 , . Rithadh. A fhielding. . , , , , > AA king s tent. Rioghbhoth. ) Rithleimnach. Quick. Riom. With me, againft me. Ritheadh. A grove. Riomh. Number, reckoning. Ritham. To run. Riomham. To number, reckon. Rithlearg. An extemporaneous verfe. Riomhach. Precious, valuable, fond of. Riu. Unto them, againft them. Riomhaidh. Fondnefs. Riubh. Brimftone. Riomhaireachd. Arithmetic. Rium. Unto me, againft me. Riomhaiream. To reckon, count. Riut. Againft thee, unto thee. Rion, rian. A way, road. Riutha. Againft them, unto them. Rionadair. A ruler, Reward. Ro. Very, too much, over much. Rionaidhe. An engraver. Ro. For Roimh, firft, before. Rionaigham. To carve, engrave. Ro. For Do, fign of the paft tenfe. Rionaidheas. Ro. To go to, reach a place. > Sculpture. Rional. Roba. A robe. Rionghach. A flrong man. Robhaidheach. Very thankful, gracious. Rionluas. Career. Robhairidhe. A monument. Rionnadh. Rednefs. Robham, rabham. To admonifh, warn. Rionnach. A mackerel. Robhar. A fieve. Riofaithris. Robheag. Very fmall. Mimicking. Riofalaigheadh. Robhro. Very ancient, very old. Riot, riut, riutfa. Againfl thee, to thee. Robuin. Robbery. Rioth. Running, racing. Robuin-eaglais. Sacrilege. Riotham- To run, race. Robuift. Cuftody. Rdotfa. With thee. Roc. Tops of fea weeds that appear above Rireadh. ? ■ n -i . water. _ . 1 Senoufiy,n verily, true. Do rireadh. i Roc. "A rock. Ris. Unto him, it; againft him, it. Rocach. Rocky. Ris. Hiftory. Rocach. Curly. Ris. A king. Rocan. A cottage, hut. Ris. Intelligence, knowledgfe. Rocan. Rolling. Ris, aris. Again. Rocan. A plait, fold, a wrinkle. Rifa. Bark. Rocan. A hood, mantle, furtout. Rochaidheamhuil, R O G R O I

Rochaidheamhuih Very decent, becoming, Rogh. A wreath. proper. Rogh. Choice. Rochairdeamhuil. Very courteous and Roghaim. To choofe. obliging. Roghainach. Optative. Rochar. A killing, flaughtering. R°gha- ? • Rochdaim. To reach, arrive at. Koghain. i Rochduin. An afcent, arriving at, reach- Roghainiocadh. Chofen, eledled.. ing. Roghanigham. To choofe. Rochdan. A thicket. Roghear. Very fharp, fevere. Roehora. The belt, the chief. Roghlach An eledlion of foldiers.- Rochtaire. A cuflomer. Roghlach. Very angry, enraged. Rochuaid. A lamprey. Roghmhal. Eledlion of a prince. Roclifde. Expert. Roghmhar. Digging. Rochurlleach. Terrible, very dangerous. Roghmbar. Very dangerous, valiant. Rochuram. Anxioufnefs, exceeding care. Roibin. A fmall rope, or cord, a whilker.- Rochuramach. Vigilant, over-careful. Robhreadha. Excellent. Rocus. A rook. Roibne. A lance, dart. Roc. A plain, a field. Roicam. To tear. Rod. A way, road. Roichidh. Infomuch that, fo that. Rod-mor. A highway. Roicham. To come to, arrive at; to ap- Rodacht. A covering, fence. pertain.

Rodadh. j T . .. . Roi&adh. A great cry. Rodail. ! La“a'’S’ Roid. Gale. Rodamhuil. Frofperous. Roid. Momentum, force, race, Rodh. Water edge or mark. Roidam. To run fall. Rodhbadh. Was loft, undone. Roidheas. Very handfome, pretty. Rodhbath. Breaking. Roidin, mearbhull. Wildfire. Rodheidh. Striving. Roigham. To attain to, arrive at, Rodhoineanta. Veryftormy. Roighlic. Very prudent, wife. Rodhuil. Jealoufy. Roighne. Chief, choice. Rodhuin. A commoner, a rogue. Roighneadhadh. Eledtion. Rodhubhrachdach. Very earneft, careful. Roighnam. To eledt, choofe. Ro-eolach. Familiar. Roilbhe. Mountains. Ro-eolas. Familiarity. Roilbheoir. A-mountaineer. Rodi. Shrunk, rotten. Roilig. A church, Rodmuim. A fox. Roille. Together. Ridruoraim. To effedi, bring to pafs. Roille. Darnel. Rofhial. Very hofpitafcle. Roimh. The city of Rome. Rofhoghtharach. Very gracious. Roimh. Earth, foil, the burning place of Eofhonn. An earneft longing. any family. Rofhonnmhor. Very well pleafed, willing. Roimh, roimhe. Before, before that. Rofhuachd. Great cold. Roimhchubhidh. Fitted, adapted. Rogh. An order, cuftom. Roimheolas. Precognition. [ 4 R 1 Roimbheachd. 11 O I R O P

Roimhbheachd. Preconception. Roithreabhar. Moft prudent. Roimhordaghadh. PredeRi nation. Roithreim: A rufhing. Roimhe cheile. Higgledy piggledy. Roithrich. Rhetorick. Roimhfheuchin. Forecaft. Roladh. j -p. ,, > A roll, volume. Roimhthoghta. Forechofen. Rollan. i Roimhfc. Sin, iniquity. Rollagfheoir. A fwathe. Roimhradh. A preface, preamble, Rolaim. I'o roll. Roimbbhriathar. Adverb. Rollair. A cylinder. Roimfe. A pole, (lake. Romach. Hairy. Roine. A hair, Freak, Romhad. Forward, before thee, through Roineach. "j thee., Rpineagach. k Hairy. Romhair. A rower. Roinigh. J Romhaifeach. Very handfome. Roineadach. j Romhaith. Excellent. Roinfaith. > Haircloth. Romham. Before me, through me. Roinchailt. j Romhar. Digging. Roin. Gen. of Ron. Romharam. To dig. Roinn. A fbare, divifion, clafs. Romhan, French wheat, brank. Roinn. A point, edge. Romhianghas. Earneft defire. Roinnam. To divide, fhare. Romhoide. Greatnefs, excefs. Roinne. Horfe-hair. Romhradh. The fight. Roinneadh. Divifion. Romhuibh. Before you. Roinnphartach. Sharing, partaking. Romhuinn. Before us. Roipeir. A tuck, rapier. Romnacois. Yellow and grey. Roifceal. A fentence, decree, verdidt. Rompa. Before them, through them. Roifeal. The loweft, moft bafe. Ron. A fea calf. Roifeir. Angry. Ron. The hair of the mane or tail of a Roifg. Vide Ruifg. horfe, cow, See. Roifgmhearleach. A Tory. Ronadh. A club, flake. Roncam. To fnore. Roifaid. I R0nn- Ronga. • A joining fpar. Roifire. Anger, choler. Rongais. Roifteach. A roach. Rongalar. , A rheumatifm. Roiftim. To arrive, attain to. Ronn. Saliva. Roiftin. A gridiron. Ronnaigham. To fpit, flaver. Roith. A wheel. Ronn. A chain, tie, bond. Roithleoir. A wheelwright. Ronnach. Full of faliva, dirty with fpittle. Roithidh. Until. Ronnadh. A club, ftaft’. Roithleagan. A circle, wheel. Ronnfaghadh. Search, inquiry. Roithlinge. A breach. Ronnaireachd. Saliva dropping from the Roithnam. Topleafe. mouth. Roithre. A babbler, prating fellow. Ront. Fierce, cruel. Roithreachd. Loquacity, rhetorick. Ropadh. A rope. Ropan. R U A R U C

Ropan. A little rope. Ruadhlaith. ■t Choler, cholera mor- Ropaire. A rapier, treacherous, violent Ruadhlaithineas. i bus. perfon. Ruadhr. Declivity. Ropadoir. A ropemaker, Ruagadh. Chafing and hunting away, ba- Roppam. To entangle, ravel. nifhing. Rordaim. To run, to race. Ruagam. To hunt, chafe, put to flight. Rortaim. To pour out. Ruagaire. A hunter, any inftrument to Ros. A rofe, a difeafe fo called. drive a thing from its place ; fwan fhot. Ros. Science, knowledge. Ruagaireachd. Hunting. Ros. Pleafant. Ruaichillam. To buy, purchafe. Rofal. Judgment. Ruaichillte. Bought, purchafed. Rofam. Ruaidh. Red. To roaft. Rofdam. Ruaidhneach. Hair. Rofd. Grillade. Ruaidhe. A difeafe fo called. Ruaidham. To redden. dh' ' Roafting. Rofann. 1 6 Ruaidhrin. A fharp point. Rofarnach. A place where rofes grow. Ruaig. Flight, chafe. Rofbhan. The apple of the eye. Ruaim. A fifhing-line. Rofg. An eye; Rofg aluin, a beautiful eye. Ruaimle. Standing water impregnated Rofg. The underftanding. with clay. Rofg. Profe. Ruainne. A hair. Rofgchlochd Ruainidh. Charitable. Idea. Rofgmudh :d1 Ruamh. A fpade. Rofg catha. A fpeech to an army. Ruamhar. Delving, digging. Rofgdhalladh. Error, miftake. Ruamharam. To dig, delve. Rofs. A promontory. Ruamnadh. Reproof, reprehenfion. RofTachd. Enchantment, charm or witch- Ruanidh. Red, reddifh. craft. Ruanidh. Strong, able. Rofta. Roafted. Ruanaigh. Anger. Roth. A wheel. Ruar. An expedition. Roth. A hoary white froft. Ruaracan. Floundering. Rotheredha. A bodkin. Ruarach. A liar. Rothlein. A whirl. Ruathar. 7 . _ . Ru, run. A fecret. Ruato-ar j ^ expedition. Ru, run. Yellow lady’s bedftraw. Ruathradh. To higgle. Ruadh. Red, reddifh, ftrong. Rubam. To rub. Ruadhag. A young hind. Rubha, Patience, longanimity. Ruadhan. Any thing that dyeth red, red- Rubha. A wound. difhnefs. Rubin. A ruby. Ruadhbhuidhe. Of reddifh yellow. Rucas. Frifking, Ruadhbhoc. A flag. Ruihail. Tearing, cutting. Ruadhbhoine. Flood water. Ruchan. The throat. Ruadhchriot. Red, ruddle. Ruchd, xiochd. Stead, room. Ruchd, R U I R U I

Ruchd. Sudden, vehement. Ruigfin. j Arriving, reaching, attafn- Rucht. A fow. Ruigeachd. 1 ing. Rucht. A great fhout, clamour. Ruigham. To reach. Ruchdam. To cry out. Ruigheanas. Brightnefs. Rucis. Arrogance. Ruimneadh. Catling, throv/ing. Rud, rod. A thing. Ruine, roine. Horfehair. Rudan. A knuckle. Ruine. A llreak. Rudhbluaithre. Sawduft. Ruinn. A divifion. Rudhrach. A fojourner. Ruinnecc. Grafs. Rudhrach. Very ftraight, long. Ruinnfeam. To whip, fcburge. Rudhrach. Darkening. Ruinnte. Divided. Rudhrachas. Length. Ruinreathoir. A fecretary. Rug. Perfect tenfe of the verb Beiram. Ruire. A champion, a knight. Rug. A wrinkle. Ruireach. Famous, renowned, celebrated. Rugach. Wrinkled. Ruireach. Vide Ruire. Rugadh. A paft tenfe of Beiram. Ruireachas. Lordfhip, dominion. Rugadh. Was hurt or wounded. Ruifg. i A veffel made of bark of Rugaire. A bar, latch. Rufo-an.O J trees. Rugga. An old perfon. Ruis. A way, road. Rugh. Rue. Ruis. An elder-tree, the name of the let- Rugha. A fmall point of land jutting into ter R. the fea. Ruifeanta. Hafty. Rughadh. Hanging. Ruifg. A fkirmifh. Rudmhodh. A bond-llave. Ruifg. Naked. Ruibe. A pair. Ruifg. PI. of Rufg. Ruibh. Brimftone. Ruifgam. Toftrip, peel, undrefs. Ruibhne. A lance. Ruifgam. To fmite, Itrike, pelt. Ruibheachtain. A prop, fupport. Ruifam. To tear in pieces. Ruibhneach. Armed with a lance, a fpear- Ruifgte. Stripped naked. man. Ruifglhuil. Hairs of the eyelids. Ruibhneach. Strongly guarded. Ruith. An army, troop. Ruibhneadha. Great bands. Ruith. Running. Ruibin. A riband. Ruitheach. Moving, on the march. Ruice. A rebuke, reproach. Ruitham. To run. Ruiceach. Exaltation, lifting up. Ruiteag. Rednefs. Ruicead. A collection. Ruiteach. Ruddy. Ruiceat. Exalting, lifting up. Ruithean. Red-hot, blazing. Ruidheadh. Reproof, cenfure. Ruithean. Delight, pleafare. Ruidheadh. A ray. Ruitheanam. To fhine, glitter. Ruidhleas, rodhilas. Very faithful. Ruitheanas. Glittering, brightnefs.

Ruideis. Frifking. v Ruithneadh. A flame. Ruigam. To reach, arrive at. Ruitin. The ankle-bone, a fetlock, pof- Ruigh. An arm. tern. RuLadhu 5 RUN RUT

Ruladh. Maflacreing, flaughtering. Runphairtam. To communicate, confult, Rum. A floor, a room, place or fpace. advife with. room. Rurgoid. Rhubarb. Rumaicham. To make room. Rus. Knowledge, {kill. Rumhar. A mine. Rus. A wood. Rumhram. To dig, mine. Rufg. The bark of a tree, hulk, {hell, a Rumpal. A rump. fleece. Run. A fecret, fecrecy, myflcry. Rufgadhal. Epifpaftic. Runach. Confident, trufty, dark, myfte- Rufgam. To ftrip, heal, undrefs, to gall, rious. Inde, Runick. chafe, (have. Run. A purpofe, defign. Rufgan. A piece of fkiir peeled off; a {hip Run.’ Love, inclination. made of bark. Runbhocan. A pretence. Rufgam. To ftrike vehemently. Runaigh. Dark, obfcure, myftical. Rufs. A check. Runaighe. A difcreet perfon, a confident. Ruftaca. Rude, ruftic. Runairm. A council-chamber. Ruftacachd. Rudenefs, rufticity. Runchleirach. Ruftach. A boor, clown, churl. | A fecretary. Runghraibhthoir. Ruftan. A lump, hillock. Rundiamhair. A fecret myftery. Ruta. A herd, rout, a ram. Rundiamhrach. Myftical. Ruta. A tribe of people. Runnadh. Ruth. Wages. A divifion. RunntaiL Rutha. A thornback. Runphairtach. Partaker of a fecret. Ruthadh. A point of land in the fea. Runpartuighte. Communicable.



Is the fifteenth letter of the Irifh al- Sab. Death. phabet. Before and after E and I, Sabad. A fquabble. it founds like fh, in other refpects as in Sabail. A granary, barn. the Engliflh language. The Irifti have Sab, famh. A bolt, bar of a door. called it Suil. Vide Analyfis. Sabh. t Sa. In, in the. Sabhlach. i Spml'- Sa, & fe. Self, felves; Thufa, thyfelf; Sabha. Sorrel. Mife, myfelf. Sabhadh, To quarrel. Sa. Whofe, whereof. Sabhadh. A faw. Sa, ’us a. And his. Sabham. To faw. Sab. Strong, able. Sabhadoir. A fawyer. [4 Fj Sabhadoir- SAG s a r

Sabhadoirachd. Sawing, Sagftam. To drink, fuck. Sabhan. i A cub, a young maftiff Sagharlachd. Delight, content. Sabhairle. > dog. Saghin. A little bitch. Sabhail. ■) Saving, {paring, protecting. Sagmhaire. A fink, kennel. Sabhaladh. j prefervation. Sagfun, Safgun, Sacfun. England, Sabhailach. Careful, fparing. Sagfonach. Englifh, an Englifttman. Sabhailam. To fpare, fave, preferve, Sagsbheurla. The Englifh tongue. Sabhas. Sauce. Sagsbheurlamhuil. According to the Eng- Sabbafair. A faufage. lifh tongue. Sabhul. A barn, granary. Saibhir. Plentiful, rich, opulent. Sabhadh-fgriobe. 7 , , . . Saibhiram. To make rich, wealthy. Sabhadli-duime. 1 A wh'^- Saibhreas. Riches. Saboid. The fabbath. Saibhfeir. A faucer. Sac. A fack, bag. Saic. PI. of Sac. Sacadh. Saich. Plenty, bellyful!, enough. Sacaghadh. LPrefling in a fack. Saicdhiolaid. A pack-faddle. Sacail. Saiceadach. Sackcloth. Sacaigham. To prefs down a fack, to Saichfiot. They came. fill. Saide. ] ,Sacan, faicin. A finall bag. Saidhifte. i A feat’ Sacan. An unmannerly trifling fellow. Saidheadh. A fitting, feflion, aflize. Sacarbhuig. Confeflion. Saidh. A treafury ; prow of a fhip. Sacham. To attack, fet upon. Saidolach. Bafhful. Saccraigbe. Baggage. Saidolachd. Bafhfulnefs. Sacfrathair. A pack-faddle. Saifear. A faphire-ftone. Sachir. Reft. Saigain. A little fliort man. Sadhall. A faddle. Saighead. An arrow, a dart. Sadhaile. NegleCt delight, fatisfadtion. Saighaidoir. A foldier, archer. Saddach. Mill-duft. Saighaidoireachd. Brave actions, the army. Sadhail. Pleafant, a good houfe, habita- Saighaidairamhuil. Like a foldier. tion. Saigheas. Oldnefs, antiquity. Sadhbh. Salve, any thing good. Saighnen. Lightning, a hurricane. Sadhbh. Proper name of a woman, com- . Abeam; pi. Sailteacha, mon in Ireland. Sail. A heel; pi. Salltan. Saelan. A ftandard. Sail. A guard, cuftody. Sacghulan. A king or prince, a judge, a Sail. ? A willow-tree, a name of the fenior, elder ; a pillar. Saileog. ' letter S. Sagart. A prieft." Sagartachd. Priefthood. Saileas ^ ^t_water» t^e ^"ea‘ Sagartamhuil. Prieftly, holy, pious. Sailbhreaghadh. A rejoicing, merry-mak- Sagh. A bitch. ing. Saghaidh. An attacking. Sailbhrughadh. A bruife in the heel. Saghal. Nice, tender. Sailbhrugham. To bruife the heel. Sailchucah. S A I SAL

Sailchuach. A violet, a panfy. Saindrean. A feat, fociety. Sailgha. Brinifh. Saine. . „ . > V anety. Sailghad. Brinifhnefs. Saineas. J ■ Sailghiolla. A footman, page* Saine. Sound. Sailam. To falute, hail. Saine. Good, divers. Sailin. An arm of the fea. Saineadh. Variation. Sailleadh. Pickle, brine. Sainfhios. Etymology. Saillair. A faltcellar. Sainam. To vary, alter. Saillam. To fait, pickle, feafon. Sainre. A reddifh-purple, fanguine co- Sailleann. A fort of pafte ufed by lour. weavers to fmooth their thread. Saintheafam. To differ. Saill. Fat, fatnefs. Saint. Covetoufnefs. Sailleach. Being fat. Saintreabh. A houfe, family. Saillte. Salt, failed, feafoned. Sair, far. A compofitive particle fignifying Sailm. A pfalm. very, exceeding. Sailmadoir. A pfalmift. Sairbhrigh. An attribute. Sailfpiorad. A guardian fpirit. Sairfhios. Certain knowledge. Sailtairt. Treading. Saifde. Sage. Sailtairam. To tread upon, trample. Saitean. A foil. Sailthein. Beams. Saith. A vertebrum. Saim. Rich. Saith. Satiety, fufficiencv. Saimh. Sweet. Saith. 7 r, . , , . 1A fwarm. Saimh. Pleafure, delight. Saitheamhuin. ) Saimh. A pair, couple. Saith. Vulgar» vile. Saimhbhearthach. Bearing twins. Saith. A thruft, piercing. Saimhbhriathraigham. To flatter, fpeak Saith. A treafure, ftore of money. fair. Saithe. A fpace, a multitude. Saimhbhriochdam. ) _ Saitheas. Vilenefs, cheapnefs. . , . f ° allure, entice. Saimhgnolam.n r J Saithionmhais. A treafurer. Saimhbhriochtadh. Allurement. Saitge. A fpace. Saimhcheilg. Hypocrify. Saithach. Glutted, fated. Saimhchealgach. Hypocritical. Sal, failin. A heel. Saimhdile. A mallet,, beetle. Sal. Drofs, ruff. Saimheachd. Pleafure, delight. Sal-cluaife; Ear-wax. Saimhghriofadh. Enticement. Salach. Unclean, dirty. Saimhnigheadh. A yoking, coupling. Salachadh. Defilement, defiling. Saimhnigham. To yoke, couple. Salaigham. To defile, pollute. Saimhrighe. Lovers of pleafure. Salaim. To wait on, follow. Saimhrigheacht. Eafe, quiet, fatisfadtion. Salann. Salt. Saimhrigheach. Eafy, fatisfied. Salannan. A falt-pit. Saimhfeler. A counfellor. Sallaraim. To procure, provide. Sain. Unequal. Sallartha. Provided, procured, Sainchreach. Healed; Salchar. Naffinefs, filth. i- Salchadh. SAM SAG

Salchadh. Dirt, pollution. Samhlughadh. Comparing, a fimilitudej Salchaim. Vide Salaigham. image. Salchuach. A violet. Samhluigham. To compare. Sail. Bitternefs, fatire. Samhna. Of All Saints-tide. Sallann. Singing, harmony. Samhradh, i.e. Samhthrath. Summer, .plea- Salmaire. Pfalmift, chorifter. fant feafon. Salmaireachd. Singing pfalms. Samhrog. Clover. Salmcheatlach. A pfalmift. Samhfheafamh. A diftance. Salmcheatladh. Singing of pfalms. Samhthach. A helve, handle. Salmhor. Salty. SamhuH. i . Salt. Colour. Samhuilt. i 1*Ce' Saltacha. Beams. Samhuilt. Comparing, likenefs, image, Saltair. A pfalter; the title of feverai apparition. Iriftt chronicles, as Saltair na Teamhrach, Samhuiltam. To compare. Saltair Chaiffil. Samhfa. Sorrel. Saltoir. A faltmonger. San ’s An. In the. Saltairam. To tread, trample. San. Holy. Saltairt. Treading, trampling. San. Put after pronouns, and particularifes Sam. the word to which it is joined. I The fun. Samh. San cann. Thither and hither. Sam. I am. Sanadh. Releafing. .Samh. That part of ..forrel that beareth Sanam. To releafe, diftblve. feed. Sanarc. Red orpiment. Samh. Sanas. A fecret, a whifper, knowledge* | Pleafant. Samhach Sanas. Greeting, falutation. Samhach. Still, calm, pleafant. Sanas. A gloflary, etymology, Samhaghe> tuaighe.s? The edge of a hatchet. Sanafanuidhe. An etymologift. Samhadh. A congregation. Sandt. Holy. Samhail. Like, alike, equal. Sandtoir. A fandtuary. Samhain. All Saints tide, hallovvday, gen. Sandrong. A fed!:. Samhna. Sannadh. Loofenefs. Samhan. Savin. Sannt. Greed, covetoufnefs. Samhas. Delight, pleafure. Santachd. Samhaircain. A primrofe. Santach. Covetous. .Samhafach. Pleafant., agreeable. Santaigham. To covet, delire, to lull. Samhafaiche. A futtler. Santughadh. Coveting, lulling after. Samhaftdheanta. Fadfitious. Santbhiodh. Appetite. Samhghubha. Sea nymphs. Saobh. Silly, foolilh, mad, afide. Samhlachas. A fample, pattern. Saobbadh. To amufe, delight, charm. Samhlachadh. A fimilitude. Saobhadh. Going afide. Samhlaim. To refemble. Saobham. To infatuate, lead aftray. Samhla. Apparitions. Saobhchiall. Nonfenfe, folly. Samhlut. Briflc, adtive. Saobhchaint. Gibble-gabble. Saobh-. S A O S A R

Saobhchrabhadh. Hypocrify. Saor. A carpenter, wright, joiner. Saobhchreideamh. Heterodoxy. Saor-chloch. A mafon. Saobhdholbha. Enchantment. Saor. Woe. Saobhmhiannach. PuniStilious, Saoradh. Freedom, exemption, deliver- Saobhnos. Anger, indignation, bad man- ance. ners. Saoram. To free, acquit, deliver, rcfcue, Saobhnofach. Morofe, peevifti. liberate. Saobhfhruth. An eddying tide. Saoranach. A freeman. Saobhfgriobhadh imchaine. A libel. Saorchriodhach. Candid. Saod. A track, a journey. Saorchriodhaiche. Candour. Saod. Care, attention, ftate, condition. Saorcuairt. Circulation. Saoduigham. To take care of. Saorcuairt na fola. Circulation of the Saoghal. The world, life, an age, gene- blood. ration. Saordhail. Acquittance. Saoghalach. Worldly, long-lived. Saordhalach. Cheap, free. Saoghalta. Secular, worldly. Saorfanach. A helper at work. Saoghaltachd. Worldlinefs. Saorfa. Freedom. Saoghalan. An old man. Saorfin. Salvation, deliverance. Saoi. Good, generous, godly. Saoth. Labour, tribulation, punifhment. Saoi, faoith. A worthy, generous man ; a Saothair. Labour, pains, travel, work, man of letters. drudgery. Saoithfgeal. Idle ftories ; the gofpel. Saoth. A diforder, difeafe. Saoidh. Hay. Saothach. A veffel,. difh. Saoidhadair. A mower, hay-cutter. Saothach ionnlaid. A bafon. Saoidhadairachd. Mowing, hay-cutting. Saothach-fgeulachd. Angiography, Saoilam. To think, fuppofe, imagine, Saothadh. Exculpating. feem. Saotharcan. A fort of grey plover. Saoiltin. Thinking, fuppofing, imagining. Saothdhamh. A labouring ox. Saoir. PI. of Saor. Saothmhor. Toilfome, laborious. Saoirad. Cheapnefs. Saothoir. A torturer, wrecker. Saoirfe. ) Freedom, liberty, releafe ; Saothphurt. An impofthume. Saoirfeachd. ) cheapnefs. Saothrach. Servile, hard-working, diffi- Saoirfe. Belonging to a carpenter. cult, plodding. Saoirfeach. 1 Saothraiche. A working manj labourer, Saoirfeamhuil. r-Free. plodder. Saor. J Saothraighthoir. A hufbandman. Saoirfeachd. j The trade of a carpenter, Saothraghadh. Tillage. Saoirfineachd. J joiner, &c. Saothruigham. To labour, work, till. Saoirfi. Any art, freedom. Sar. Very, exceffive. Saoithcheap. A pillory. Sar. 7 A loufe. Saoithe. A tutor, guardian. Sarog. i Saoitheamhuil. Expert, fkilful, generous. Saraigham. To conquer, overcome, to Saoitheamhlachd. Generofity. wrong, injure. [4 G] Saraghadh. SAT S C A

Saraghadh. Conqueft, victory, Sathrach. Vide Saothrach. Saraiglite. Forced, taken by force, con- Sbairn. Awreftle, exertion, contelE quered. Sbairnam. To wreftle, drive earneftly. Saraightheoir. A violent refcuer, a con- Spairnamhuil. Given to wreftling. queror, infringer. Sprogal. The dewlap, a crop, craw. Saraghadh. Refcuing illegally, conquering, Sc & Sg Are ufed indifcriminately. diftrefs, fatigue. Scabadh. Difperfion, difperfing, fcattering. Saraigham. To refcue violently, overcome, Scabal. A helmet, hood, a fcapular. exceed, injure, opprefs, to tire, fatigue. Scabam. To fcatter, difperfe. Saruighte. Tired, fatigued, conquered, in- Scabar. Thin. jured. Scabhal. A booth, hut, a fhop, fcaffold, Saruightheach. An opprefl'or, extortioner. a fcreen covering the entrance at a door. Sardil. A fprat. Scabhal. A cauldron, kettle. Sarmhaith. Excellent. Scabhas. Good. Sarnigh. An endeavour. Scabhaifte. Advantage. Sarog. A glofs. Scafa. A llciff or cock-boat. Sarralam. To prefent, Scafal. Scaffold. Sartulidh. Strong. Scafthroid. A naval engagement. Saruich. Trefpafs. Scagadh. A {training, cleanfing, burfting, Sas. An inftrument, means, arms, en- a chink. gines. Scagaim. To ftrain, cleanfe, to burft, Sas. Capable. fhrink. Sas, Ann fas. Faft, laid hold of. Scagaite. Strained, cleanfed, burft, fhrunk. Sas. Straitened. Scaich. To finifh. Safa. Standing. Scail. A fhadow. Safachd. Sufficiency. Scailain. A fan, umbrella. Safadh. Satisfaction, comfort. Scaileach. Shady. Safaigham. To fatisfy, fatiate. Scaileachd. Darknefs. Safaighte. Satisfied, fated. Scailam. To caft a fhade. Safamh. An amends, pleafure, fatisfac- Scailp. A cave, den. tion. Scainnea. A fudden eruption or attack. Safat. Sufficient, capable. Scainam. To burft. Safdach. Eafy. Scainadh. Burfting, a rent. Safdadh. Eafe. Scair. Any place where a thing is laid to Safmhort. A mafiacre. dry. Sath. Food, plenty. Scaireacht. Crying, fhrieking. Sathadh. A pufh, thruft. Scairap. Lavifhnefs. Satham. To pufh, thruft, fhove. Scairt. The caul of a beaft, pi. Scartacha, Sathch. Full. the midriff. Sathach. A veffel, difh. Scairt. A thick tuft of fhrubs or branches. Sathairn. Saturday, the fabbath of the Scaiteach. Cutting, ftormy, ruinous. jews. Scala. A great bowl. Sathhhach. A helve, handle. Scaithte. Cut, drfperfed, deftroyed. 2 Seal. S C A S C E

Seal. A man, a champion. Scarthanaigh. Dawn, parting of light and Scalbhain. A multitude. darknefs. Scallach. Bald. Scat. A fkate. Scallachan. An unfledged bird. Scath. A fhadow, fhade, a veil, covering, Scalan. A fliadow. pretence, fake of protection, bafhfulnefs Scalog. A fervant, an old man. or fear. Scalois. A bowl. Scathach. Shady, bafhful, timid. Scaluighe. Balances. Scathadh. To fhun. Scamhghlonn. 7 . . . , , Scathan. A mirrour. bcamhibhain.o ■ i7 A prank, •villainous deed, Scathmhor. Fearful, timorous, bafhful. Scanbughadh. A reproaching, fcandaliz- See. The white thorn, hawthorn. ing. See. Vide Sceith. Scann. A fwarm, multitude. Sceach. A bufh, bramble, brier. Scannal. Scandal, flander. Sceachog. A hawthorn-berry, a haw. Scannalach. Scandalous, flandering. Sceachradh. A prickle. Scanncricd. A herd, drove. Sceal. Gen. Sceil, a relation, ftory, tale. Scannan. A thin membrane, fldn. Scallan. A kernel. Scannan faille. The cawl. Scealp. A cliff, a fplinter. Scanradh. Difperfing, a furprife, fright. Scealuidhe. A tale-bearer, romancer, hif- Scanram. 7 To difperfe, fcatter, to con- torian. Scanraigham. J found, affright. Sceath. Vomiting, Scanraidhte. Difperfed by fright. Sceathach. Bufhy, full of brambles. Scaoile. A loofenefs. Sceathrach. A vomit. Scaoileadh. A loofing, untying. Sceatham. 7 , tlo vomit, fpue. Scaoilam. To loofe, untie, fcatter, dif- Sceathraigham.0 1 perfe, difmifs, to unfold. Scecer. A gander. Scaoilte. DifmifTed, untied, unfolded. Sceile. Mifery, pity. Scaoilteachd. A loofenefs, lax, a difperfed Sceilm. Boafling, vain-glory. {fate. Sceimh. A fcheme, draught. Scaoin. Peace. Sceimhard. High bloom, good plight, Scaoth. A fwarm, multitude. good habit of body. Scarachdin. Separating, feparation. Sceimhach. Handfome, bloomy. Scaradh. A feparation. Sceinmneach. Swift, quick, nimble. Scaram. To feparate, to part, quit, to un- Sceinnead. An eruption, gufhing forth, fold for drying. bouncing, Aiding. Scaramhain. Parting. Sceip fheillan. A bee-hive. Scarbh. A cormorant. Sceir. A fharp fea rock. Scaramhuil. Separable. Sceite. Scattered, difperfed. Scarloid. Scarlet. Sceitham. To vomit, fpew, to fpawn. Scaroid. A table-cloth. Sceith. Vomiting, fpewing, fpawning. Scartha. Separated, parted. Sceng. A bed, a fmall bed-room. Scartail. Vigorous, bold. Sceo. Much, over and above. Scafla. A fleiff' or boat. Sceot. A target. Seen], S C I SCO

Sceul. A ftory, tale, news Sciuram. To purge, fcour. Sceimh. Sciurin. A fcouring. { Beauty, bloom. Sci, fciamhi. 1 Sciurlang. A fugitive. Sciach, fciathach, fciog. A hawthorn. Sciurs. A whip, woe, affli&ion. Sciamh. Beauty. Sciurfadh. Whipping, afflicting. Sciamhach. Beautiful, fair. Sciurfam. To whip, fcourge. Sciamham, To beautify, adorn. Sclabhuidhachd. Slavery, fervitude. Scian. A knife. Sclabhadh. i . n Scianbheartha. A razor. Sclabhaidhe. i A llaVe> Sciath. A wing, a fhield, buckler, fin. Sclamhadh. Seizing and fnatching by force. Sciathan. A little wing or fhielcf. Sciamham. To feize or fnatch away by Sciath. A twig bafket. force. Sciathach. Winged, having a fhield or Sclamhaire. An ufurper ; one that feizeth buckler, ftreaked with white. violently. Sciathch. A cow that has white Breaks on Sclamhachd. A violently feizing on. her fide. Sclat. A date. Sciathanach. Winged. Scleo. Shade, mifery, compafflon. Scib. A hand, fift. Scleo. Great pomp of words, high puffing. Scib. A fhip, fkiff. Scleoid. A filly fellow. Sciberneog. A hare. Sclongaide. Copious fnot. Scibhordan. A fyringe. Scloid. Filth. Scibeadh. The courfe or order of a thing. Scod. i A corner of a cloth, fheet of a Scibbadh. A crew. Scodan. ) fail. Scile. Affright, conflernation. Scoid. A neck. Scildaimhne. A minnow. Scoidais. Coquetry, flirting. Scinnam. To fpring, gufh out. Scoidaifach. 0 -n „■ n ■, , -i ( Coquetifh, flirting, formal. Sciobal. A barn, granary. Scoidamhuil. p Sciog. A hawthorn. Scoil, fcol. A fchool. Sciorram. To flip. Scoilair. A fcholar. Sciordam.' To purge, fquirt. Scoilardha. Scholaftic. Sciordain. A fquirt. Scoilairdhachd. Scholarfhip. Sciorbhe. Gall. Scoiltain. A flit, dice, fplinter. Sciot. A dart, arrow. Scoiltam. To flit, rend, tear, burff. Sciothach. White thorn. Scoilteadh. A cleft. Sciothag. A haw. Scoinnadh deifgadh. Cutting off,. Scioth. A partition of tods wattled, a Scoineam. To withdraw. partition. Scoitiche. A quack, mountebank. Scioth. Tired, fatigued. Scoitichachd. Quackery. Scicthaigham. To fatigue, tire. Scolb. A prick, prickle, a fkirmifh or bat- Sciothaghadh. Tiring. tle with knives and dirks. Sciothas. Fatigue. Scolb. r A fpray or wattle ufed in thatch- Scitena. Scythia. Scolbach. ) ing with ftraw. Sci along. A deferter, fugitive. Scolb. A fplinter. Scoltadh. SCR S C U

Scoltadh, A flit, cleft, flitting, cleaving, Screapal. A fcruple in weight. Scornan. Scretidhachd, i ., , The throat. } Abhorrence, Scornach.• I bcreamh. j Scor. Much, many, plenty. Scribhinn. A rugged rocky fide of a hill. Scor. A champion. Scrid. A breath, leaft breath of life or air. Scor. A notch or mark made by the Serin. A fhrine. ftroke of a knife or fword. Scriob. A fcratch, ferape, a furrow. Scor. A concealed rock jutting into the Scriobach. The itch. fea, the tail of a bank. Scriobam. To fcratch, ferape, to curry a Scoraid. A table-cloth. horfe. Scoradh. Scarification. Scrioban. A curry-comb, Scoram. Tofcarify. Scriobhadh. Writing. Scot. Much. Scriobhadoir. i A writer, notary, clerk, feri- Scot-bheurla. The Scotch tongue. Scriobhneoir. » vener, feribe. S-coth. A difeafe. Scriobham. To write. Scoth. The choice or beft part of any Scriobhte. Written.. thing. Scriobhadoirachd. The profeflion of writing, Scoth. A flower. Scriobhuin. A bill, evidence. Scottan. A fmall flock. Series. Ruin, deflrudtion. Scrabach. Rough. Scriofam. To fweep the fkin, the furface, Scraidain. A diminutive little fellow. &c. off from a thing, to deftroy, ruin. Scraidag. A diminutive little female. Scriofadair. A deftroyer. Scraifte. A fluggard, flothful perfon. Scriofadairachd. Flaying or fweeping every Scraifteachd. Lazinefs, flothfulnefs. thing away, deftroying. Scraifteamhuil. Slothful, lazy. Scriofta. Deftroyed, Scraifteamhlachd. Lazinefs, floth. Scriotachan. A little fquawler, an infant, Scrantha. Divided. Scrobadh. Scratching. Scrath. A turf, fod. Scrobam. To fcratch. Scrathal. Tearing, deflxudtive. Scroban. The crop or craw of a bird. Screab. A fcab, efchar. Scrobha. A ferew. Screabach. Scabbed. Scrubaire. A ferub. Screach. A fcreech, fhriek. Scrudadh, An examination, fearching, Screachadh. Screeching, flirieking. Scrudam. To fearch, examine. Screachag, A jay. Scruduighte. Examined, tried, fearched. Screacham. To fhriek, fcreech. Scruinge. An enfign. Scread. A cry, fhout, bawling. Scuab. A fheaf, a befom. Screadadh. Crying, fhouting, bawling. Scuabadh. , Sweeping, fweepings. Screadag. A fharp, four drink. Scuabachan. A little brufh or befom. Screadam. To cry out, bawl, fhout. Scuabag. A little fheaf. Screadan. The noife of any thing rending. Scuabam. To fweep, brufh. Screadal. Shrieking, crying. • Scuaptha. Swept. Screadalach. Crying, bawling. Scuablion. A drag, or fweep-neft. Screitidh. Abhorrent. Scuchfam. To pafs, proceed, go. [4 H] Scud. S D U SEA

Scud. A fliip. Sduipeal. Wandering, roving. Scud. A clufter. Sdujr. Vide Sdiuir. Scuird. The lap. Se. He, it, him. Scuiram. To ceafe, defift. Se. For Is e, ’tis he, it. Scuifeadh. To go, proceed. Se. Six. Scuite, A wanderer. Seabhac. A hawk, falcon. Sculog, fcalog. An old man, a fervant. Seabhacoir. A falconer. Scur. Ceafing, defifting. Seabhag. The fpleen. Sda. Ufe. Seabhacamhuil. Hawk-like, fierce. Sdad. ) . „ . „ . , Seabhaidach. A wandering, {fraying. Sdadadh. i A * let- Seabhais. A wandering, {, ffray- Sdadam. To flop, ftay, remain. ing. Sdaid. State, condition, a furlong. Seabhaifach. Difcurfive. Sdaipal. A ftopper, cork. Seabhrach. Certain, fure, true. Sdair. Hiftory. Seaca. Gen. of Sioc. Froft. Sdairgha. Hiilorical. Seacadh. 7 _ , , , „ 7 Parched, dried, Sdeall. A call: of water as from a fyringe. oeacanta. 3 Sdealladh. Squirting. Seacaghadh. Parching, drying. Sdealladoir. A fquirt, fyringe. Seacaigham. 7 g ^ I o parch, dry, freeze. Sdeallam. To fquirt. Sdeig. A flice of meat, a {leak. Seach. A turn, rather, elfe, afide. Sdeig-bhraghad. The gullet. Seach a cheile. One by or from ano- Sdeigh. Protection. ther. Sdeud. A {feed. Seachad. By, afide, out of the way, Sdiallach. A ftripe, frreak, fplit of a plank, paft. chop taken from any thing. Seachadadh. Tradition. Sdiallach. Striped, ftreaked. Seachadam. To deliver, furrender. Sdiobhart. A fteward. Seachadtha. Delivered, furrendered. Sdiorap. A ftirrup. Seachaduighe. Further. Sdiuir. A rudder, rule, guide. Seachuimfe. Beyond, before me. Sdiuram. To fleer, guide, direCt. Seachain. Idle tales. Sdiuradh. Steering, guiding, directing. Seachainam. To avoid, fhun, feparate. Sdoc. A trumpet, a flock. Seachantach. Straying, wandering. Sdodach. That kicketh. Seachantachd. A fhunning or avoiding. Sdoid. Sulkinefs. Seachaintach. Difmal, ominous, to be a- Sdoil. Beads. voided, {hunning. Sdoirm. A ftorm. Seacham. Beyond me. Sdoirmamhuil. Stormy. Seacham. To pafs by, to pafs over. Sdol. A ftool, a feat. Seacbamhal. Further. Sdol-coife. A foot-flool. Seachbho. A heifer. Sdopadh. A meafure of capacity, a ftoup. Seachcang. Space of feven years. Sdor, fdoras. Provifion, ftores. Seachd. i _ Sduic. PI. of Sdoc. Seacfiduan, SEA SEA

Seachduan. i Seachtmhain. A week. Seachdhrud. J ° Sead. A way, road, a feat. Seachdhubla. Sevenfold. Sead. The likenefs of a thing. Seachdmhadh. 7 „ Seadaire. A dolt. , , >Seventh, beachdo.0 3 Seadal. A fhort time, fpace. Seachdmhain. A week, Sedar. The cedar-tree. Seachdmhain an luathreimhain. Ember- Seadchoimhadaighe. Keeper of a mufeum. week. Vide Cimeliarcha. Seachdmhad. Seventy. Seadchomhthara. An attribute. Seachdmhado. Seventieth. Seadh. Yes, be it fo. Seachdmhios. September. Seadh. Senfe, meaning. Seachdrinn. The feven ftars. Seadh. A difcourfe, a dialogue. Seachdfhliofnach. A heptagon, hepta- Seadh, feach. By turns, alternately. gonal. Seadh. Strong, able, flout. Seachgaifam. To call allde or apart. Seadh. The crop or craw of a bird. Seachlabhradh. An allegory. Seadha. A faw. Seachlabhram. To allegorize. Seadham. To efteem, to value. Seachlabhrach. Allegorical. Seadham. To faw, fmooth, plane. Seachluigham. To lay apart. Seadhbhail. Sawing. Seachloc. A park, a field. Seadh-fuirigh. A love-token. Seachmaillam. To forget. Seafaid. A heifer. Seachmal. Forgetfulnefs, oblivion. Seafnadh. A blowing, breathing. Seachmall. Digrelfion, partiality. Seafnaim. To blow, breathe. Seachmhallach. Oblivious. Seagal. Rye. Seachmalta. Forgetful. Seagh. Efteem, refpedl, worth, value. Seachnadh. Avoiding, fhunning, an avoid- Seagha. i _ , s Curious, ingenious. ing. Seagh ar. S 0 Seachnam, To feparate, avoid, efcape. Seaghach. Courteous, gentle. Seachnain. By or through. Seaghach. A he-goat. Seachoileabhar. For another caufe, there- Seaghlan. An old man. abouts. Seal. 1 A-while, fpace, diftance, courfe, Seachraith. Filth, dirt. Sealad. ) or time. Seachran. An error, ftraying. Seala. A feal, fignet. Seachrannach. Erroneous, ftraying. Sealadh. Yet, one’s courfe or ftead. Seachranam. To go aftray. Sealadach. Alternate, by turns. Seachrod. A bye-way. Sealadh. Sealing. Seachtair. Without, on the outfide, before, Sealaidh. A cutting, hewing. beyond. Sealaidheachd. A viciffitude, change. Seachtar. The number feven. Sealanta. Rigid. Seachtdeug. Seventeen. Sealbh. A herd, drove. Seachto-deug. Seventeenth. Sealbh. Pofieffion, inheritance. Sead, feod, feud. A jewel, precious ftone; Sealbh. A field. a prefent, favour, fubftance. Sealbh. A pretence, colour. Sealbhaghadh.' SEA SEA

Sealbhaghadh. Pofielfing. Seanaidh. To fow corn, to drop, pour. Sealbhaigham. To poffefs, enjoy. Seanaidhe. A fenator, member of parlia- Sealbhuighe. i A proprietor, owner, occu- ment, antiquary. Sealbhadoir. J pant. Seanaidham. To fend. Sealbhag;. Sorrel. Seanailtiras. A decree. Sealbhag nam fiadh. Round-leaved moun- Seanam. To blefs, to defend from the- tain forrel. power of enchantments. Sealbhan. A great number, drove, herd, Seanan. Torefufe, deny, decline. multitude. Seanafan. Etymology. Sealg. Plunting, a chafe. Seanmhor. 7 TI . Sealg. The milt of fwine, the fpleen of Seanamhuil. S HapP>'’ Pr»rP““s- man or beaft, belly-ach. Sean-aois. Old-age. Sealgaire. A fportfman, fowler, falcon- Seanarafg. A proverb, old faying. er. Seanas. Shortnefs of fight. Sealgaireachd. Hunting, hawking. Seanathair. A grandfather. Sealgam. To hunt, fowl, hawk. Seanbhean. An old woman. Sealgbhata. A hunting-pole. Seanbheanachd. Anility. Seall. Behold thou, fee. Seadbholadh. An old fmell. Sealladh. A fight, profpedl:, view. Seanchas. Antiquity. Seallam. To look at, behold, to fee. Seancha. i An antiquary, genealo- Sealladh-nafach. A raree-fhow. Seanchuidhe. S gift. Sealta. Sealed. Seanchomhartha. An old token, a monu- Sealtuir. A fword. ment. Seaman. A fmall nail rivetted. Seanchuimhne. Tradition. Seamar. 7 Seanchus. Antiquity, a chronicle, regif- > Trefoil, clover, beamrog.0 J ter, a genealogy, pedigree. Seamh, feimh. Mild, modeft, keen, fmall, Seanda. j . . . , „ „ > Antient, antique, aged. tender. Seandidh. j Seamhas. Good-luck. Seandachd. Age, a being antient. Seamhafal. Fortunate, lucky. Seanduine. An old man. Seamhfganach. Quick, foon. Seanfhocal. An old faying, proverb. Seamfa. A nail, a peg. Seanfhoirne. The old inhabitants. Sean. Old, antient. Seang. Small, flender, flender-waifted. Sean. Profperity, happinefs. Seangaim. To make flender or thin, to di.~ Sean. A charm. minifh, grow flender. Seanach. Crafty, cunning, wily. Seangal. Wife, prudent. Seanachidh. An antiquary. Seangan. An ant, pifmire. Seanachas. Antiquities, hiftory, narra- Seangarmhathair. The great-grand fathers tion. or great-grandmother’s mother. Seanadh. A denial, refufal j a fynod, coun- Seanghaid. -j . , , t A grandmother, cil of elders. beanmhathair. ) Seannadh. A bleffing, benedi&ion, Seanghain. A child about to be born. Seanaid. A fenate. Seanghein. A child begot in old age. Seanghille. SEA SEA

Seanghille. An old bachelor. Searcamhuil. Affectionate, loving. Seanlith. Happinefs. Searcog. A fweetheart, a miftrefs. Seanma. Mufical. Searcall. Flefh, delicate meat, the befr

Seanmhuire. , rT . . _ . flefh. Seanmhuireachd. | Happmefs, profpenty. Searcthoir. A gallant, a lover. Seanmhur. Happy, profperous, great, huge. Searg. Dry, withered. Seanmoir, fearmoin. A fermon. Seargam. To wither, dry, pine away, con- Seanmoirighe. A preacher, fermonift. fume. Seonmoiram. To preach, exhort, pro- Seargadh. Withering, confuming. claim. Searganach. Dried up, withered. Seanmor. Very great, huge. Seargfamh. A confumption, wafting. Seannach. A fox. Seargtha. Dried up, withered, confumed. Seannachaigham. To play the fox. Searmoin. A fermon. Seannachal. Cunning, crafty, fox-like. Searmonaigham. To preach. Seannfair. A chanter. Searmonaighe. A preacher. Seanoir. An elder, fenator, an old bard or Searn. A youth, ftripling. Druid. Searnadh. Extenfion, yawning, ftretch- Seanoireachd. Old-age. ing. Seanradh. An old faying, a proverb ; pi. Searnam. To loofe, untye. Seanraite. Searpan. A fwan. Seanfgeulachd. Archaiology. Searpan. An order, cuftom. Seanta. Bleffed, having a charm of protec- Searb. Theft. tion, refufed, denied. farr- ?A colt, a foal, Seantiomria. The Old Teftament. oearrach. 3 Seanuaire. Good luck. Searrachal. Like a foal, fmall, Aim. Seapam. To flinch back, fneak off, to pur- Searr. A fcythe, fickle. fue clofe. Searrag. A bottle. Searb. Theft, felony. Searraigh. The herb pilewort. Searbaid. The rowers feat in a boat. Searraim. To yawn, ftretch the limbs. Searbh. Bitter, four. Searraim. To reap, mow, daughter, kill, Searbhadas. 7 . . . make havock. V Bitternefs, fournefs. bearbhas. i Searrdha. An edge or point, edged. Searbhadair. A towel, napkin. Searfhuil. Squint-eyed. Searbham. To embitter. Searthonn. A chief poet or prince. Searbhan. Oats. Searthonna. Art, fkill, knowledge. Searbhghal. Blue, azure. Seas. Stand thou. Vide Seafam. Searbhos. A deer, flag. Seas. A board from land to the fide of a Searbhraite. 7 ^ boat for paffengers to go out and in by. Searbhghloir. S C““Ph“>'' Seafachas. Sitting, a truce. * Searbhubhal. Coloquintida. Seafadh. Standing. Searc. Love, affection. Seafal. A fan. Searcam. To love, be in love. Seafam. To ftand, rife up. Searcairminnam. To reverence. Seafamh. Standing up. [4 I] Seafda, S E G S E I

Seafda. A defence. Segh. An ox, buffalo, a hind of the moofe Seafdubh. A ftandifh. kind. Seafg. Dry, barren, unprolific. Seic. A bone. Seafgad, feafga. Sixty. Seich. A combat. Seafo-ado.D Sixtieth. Seich. An adventurer. Seafgach. Seven battles. Seicham. To follow, purfue. Seafgachd. A herd of barren cattle/ Seichdmhi. September. Seafgaidhe. A barren cow. Seicibtan. Whenfoever. Seafgaire. At eafe, quiet, well fixed or leiCh; l A hatchel. fettled. Seical. J Seafgaire. 1 Cozinefs, reft, quietnefs, Seicladh. Hatcheling. Seafgaireachd. ) beihg in an eafy way. Seiclam, To hatchel. Seafgaireach. Delightful, calm. Seicilte. Hatcheled. Seafgan. A fhock or handful of gleaned Seicin. i The fkull, pellicle of the brain, corn. Seicne. 1 meninx. Seafgan. Land that hath been gleaned. Seic. ] . > The peritoneum. Seafganach. A bachelor. Seicne.0 i Seafgar. Soft, effeminate, ftill. Seid. Blow thou. Seafgbho. A heifer, barren cow. Seidadh. Blowing, a blowing, a blaft. Seafgchorpacb. Barren, Seidain. A panting, anhelation. Seafmhach. Stiff, ftedfaft, firm, perfever- Seidam. To blow, breathe upon. ing. Seidean. Quickfand. Seafmhachd. Firmnefs, fteadinefs,. con- Seidigh. Afpiration. ftancy. Seidthe. Blown upon. Seafrach. A lad, youth*. Seidd. A full belly, tympany. Seafuir. Seafon. Seigh. A hawk. Seafunta. Profperous, Seighion. A champion, warrior. Seata. A quean. Seigheoir. A falconer. Seathadh. A hide, fkin*. Seighnean. A hurricane, tempeft; light-, Seathadair. A fidnner. ning. Seathbhog. Marjoram. Seighar. Vide Seaghar. Seathnar. Number fix. Seilbh. Poffeffion, a herd, drove. Seathar. A ftudy, library. Seilchide.. j ... , J A fnail. Seathar. Strong, able, good.. beilichag.c S .4§^|fiar. God. Seiladan. A fpitting-box. Seathardha. Divine'. Seile. Spittle. Secnach. A body. Seileach. Mucous. Sed. A cow with calf. Seileach. A willow. Sed. A way. : Seiladan. } . . , > A handkerchief, Sed gabhala. Augmentation, s Seileadach,.c 1 Seilair. A cellar.. Sedditjh. S F“U “de- '' Seilg. Hunting, fowling ; venifon. Segh. Milk. 1 Seilighide. A fnail. 2. Seiliffham,. S E I S E O

Seilighatn. To fpit. Seirfin. A girdle, a band. Seilafdair. Yellow flower de luce. Seirt. Strength, power. Seilloin. A bee, humble bee. Seis. Pleafure, delight. Seis. Skill, knowledge. Se“i0di‘- } A (heep ked. Seuiunn. } Seis. A troop, band, company; one’s Seilt. Dropping, drivelling. match or equal. Seimh. Mild ; little, fingle. Seis. He fat. Seimhachd. Mildnefs. Seifde. A fiege. Seimhdrean. A duel. Seifdadh. Befieging. Seimilair. A chimney. Seifdam. To befiege. Seimhidh. Vide Seimh. Seife. A tumult, noife, buftle. Seimhide. A fnail. Seifeach. Chearful, pleafant, agreeable. Seinne. Elder. Seifeachd. Pleafure, fenfuality. Seineachd. Old-age. Seifeadh. The fixth. Seinifter. A window. Seifean. He, he himfelf. Seinn. Sing thou. Seifeilbh. Talk, difcourfe. Seinn. Singing. Seifain. Sellion, filing of a court; affixes. Seinnam. To ling, play. Seifg. Sedge, bog-reed. Seinfirachd. Elderlhip, feniority. Seifg. Vide Seafg. Seinfiras. Antiquity in a place. Seifgeann. A fenny boggy country. Seipeal. A chapel. Seifir.. j Seipinn. A quart, chopin. Seifim. 1 S,X- Seirbh. Vide Searbh. Seifim. To fit. Seirbhe, feirbhachd Bitternefs^ Seifreach. A plough of fix horfes, a plough, Seire. A meal of victuals. Seifreachfearainn.. A plowland. Seir. A heel. Seitche. 7 Seirbhais. Service. Seiteach. S A Wlfe- Seirbhaifach. A fervant. Seithe, feith. A Ikin, hide.. Seirbhaifaigham. To ferve. Seilreach. Neighing, braying, fneezing, Seirc. Charity, afFedlion. Seilide. j . . A fnail.r Seircal. Charitable, affediionate. Seilmide. } Seirceoir. A wooer. Selian. A rill. Seircin. A darling, a beloved.. Semeann. A fmall fnail. Seircin.. A jerkin, coat. Sen. A birding net. Seirdin. A pilchard. Sene. A fupper. »» Seirg. Clover, trefoil. Sengilbhroth. Venifon of wild boar. Seirg. A confumption, decay. Seo. Subftance. Seirglidhe. Withered. Seod, feud. A jewel. Seirgne. Sickly. Seodcha. A treafury, mufeum. Seiric. Silk, fuperfine filk. Seodchomhartha. A tomb, or grand mo- Seiric. Strong, able. nument ; a triumphal arch, Seiricean. A flIk worm. Seoid. A hero. Seirfeanach. An auxiliary. Seoid. Jewels, Scold S E U S G A

Seoid aonaich. A fairing. Seunta. Denied, facred, enchanted. Seoid. Strong. Seunmhor. Enchanted. Seol. A bed. Seun. A charm for protedlion. Seol. A fail. Seuntas. > Stench, Seol. A weaver’s loom ; mode or way of Seunbholadhr. ) doing a thing ; method. Sforrach. A perch. Seolmara. The tide. Sg, fc, Indifcriminately written. Seoladh. Sailing, diredfing, teaching. Sga, fgath. Sake of. Seoladair. A failor. Sgabadh. Scattering. Seoladaireachd. Sea life. Sgabam. To fcatter, difperfe. Seolam. To fail, diredt, inftrudt, guide, conduct. Seolbhata. .A goad, ftafforclub for guiding Sgabaifte. Robbery, rapine. cattle. Sgabard. A fheath, fcabbard.

Seolta. Digefted, fet in order, fkilful, me- Ssabl,™*. , Club,foot^ thodical. ogabhrag. 3 Seoltachd. Skilfulnefs, neatnefs. Sgabul. A garment. Seomar. A room, chamber. Sgadan. A herring. Seomar-leape. A bed-chamber. Sgadan garbh. The fifh called Alewife. Seomar na culidh. A veltry. Sgaire. A bold hearty man. Seomar na droitte. A dining-room. Sgafanta. Spirited, hearty. Seomar-araich. A nurfery. Sgaffa. Vide Scaffa. Seomrach. Full of chambers, cellular, Sgaffadh. Codded. vafcular. Sgaga. To cleanfe, winnow, filter; to Seomradoir. A chamberlain. fplit, fhrink. Seona faobha. Augury, forcery, druidifm. Sgagadh. A fplit, chink. Seorfa. A fort, fpecies. Sgagham. To fort, digeft. Seothach. Meaning. Sgaifirr. The ftern of a fhip. Seothag, feabhag. A hawk. Sgaighnean. A winnowing fan. Sepeal. A chapel. Sgail. A flame, brightnefs. Seibos. A hart, flag. Sgail. A fhade. Ses. A befom. Sgailbhain. A multitude, fwarm. Seuch. Vide Seach. Sgailc. A bumper of whilky in a morn- Seth, Go feth. Severally. ing. Seud. A jewel. Vide Sead. Sgailcara. That giveth hard blows. Setid. A way, path. Sgailin i An umbrella, veil ; a little dilh, Seudcha. 1 Sgaileog. 3 plate. Seudachan. [-A jewel-houfe, mufeum. Sgailleas. Difdain. Seudlann. J Sgailleafach. Difdainful. Seudoir. A jeweller. Sgailleog. A fmall difh. Seula. A feal. Sgailtam. Vide Sgoiltam. Seuladh. Sealing. Sgailtean. A billet, or cleft wood. Seulam. I o feal. figaineadh. Splitting, cleaving. Sgaineam. S G A S G A

Sgaineam. To fplit, cleave, burft. Sgamhchnaoio; O O Phthiflc, or confumptlon Sgaipeadh. Dil'perfing. Sgamho-'nalar. O O of the lungs. Sgaipam. To difperfe. Sgamhfaoth. Sgaipitheach. Profufe, lavifli. Sgannalach. Scandalous, abufive. Sgaird. A (mock. Sgannan. The caul, a film, an awn. Sgairneil. Shrieking, crying out. Sgann. A membrane. Sgairnich. Separation, broken pieces. Sgann. A multitude. Sgairioch. Prodigal. Sgannairbhuartha. Confufed, confounded. Sgairp. A fcorpion. Sganram. To difperfe through fear. Sgairt. i A loud cry, fhout, crying, Sganruigh. Defamation, aftonifliment. Sgairteachd. ) roaring. Sgaoigh. A rout, herd, drove. Sgairteoir. A cryer, bawler. Sgaog- A foolifli giddy fickle woman. Seairteach.O That bawleth loud. Sgaol. Spread, fcatter thou. Sgairtaim. To cry, bawl. Sgaoladh. Difmifling, feparating, ripping Sgairtal. Vigorous. up, untying. Sgaiteach. Sharp, deftruddive, ftormy. Sgaolam. To difmifs, feparate, untie. Sgaith. A flower. Sgaolteach. Profufe. So-aithin.O A fmall fhadow. Sgaolte. Loofe, fpread. Sgal. A flrriek, a loud flirill cry. Sgaolteachd. Profufenefs. Sgal. A man, a calf. Sgaoll. Fright, flrynefs. Sgala. A bowl. Sgaollaire. A fliy, timid creature. Sgalam. To ring, tinkle, to give a fhrill Sgaollmhor. Timid, fliy. cry. Sgaollmhorachd. Shynefs, coynefs. Sgalain. A hut, cottage. Sgaoim. Fear. Sgalan. A fcaffbld. Sgaoth. A fwarm. Sgalanta. Loud and {hriH founding. Sgapam. Vide Sgabam. Sgaldach. Stubble. Sgarachdin. Separation, parting. Sgaldruth. A fornicator. Sgaradh, fgarachdin. Separating. Sgallach. Troublefome, bald. Sgaram. To feparate. Sgallam. To trouble, difturb, to fcald. Sgartha. Separated. Sgalladh. A burning, fcalding. Sgarbh. A cormorant. Sgallagach. Bird-feed. Sgarbh. A ford, {hallow water. Sgallta. Burnt, fcalded. Sgarbham. To wade. Sgallta. Bare, bald. Sgardadh. Pouring, fprinkling, reparation, Sgallog. A ruftic, fervant. Vide Scalog. Sgardaire. A water-gun, fquirt. Sgamail. Scales. Sgardam. To fprinkle. Sgamal. Exhalation. Sgarnal. A fcreaming, fcreeching. Sgamh. J Sgat. A {kate. Sgamhan. >The lungs. Sgath. A fhadow, fear. Sgamhog. J Sgath. For the fake of. Sgamhangha. Pulmonary. Sgath. A large bundle of rods tied to- Sgamhar. Saw-duft. gether, ufed in the Highlands inftead of a Sgannal. Abufe, fcandal, offence. door. [4 KJ Air S G E S G I

Air fgath. For the fake of, behind. Sgeanadh, fgean. A wild, mad look. Sgath. Deftruftion, wafte. Sgearach. Happy. Sgatham. T o lop, cut oft, deftioy. Sgeathach. Vide Sgeach. Sgathach. Shady, fearful, timid. Sgeathach. Emetic. Sgathachan. A tail, the privities. Sgeathchofg. Anti-emetick. Sgeatham. 1 „ . . Sgathach. Loppings. b C -F0 vomit, reject,a .Sgathadh. A fegment, fhred, fkirmifhing, Sgeathraigham. I bickering. Sgeigaire. A buffoon. Sgathaire. A fpruce fellow. Sgeigairachd. Buffoonery, waggery. Sgathamh. A while, flrort fpace. Sgeil. Skill, knowledge. Sgathan. A mirrour. S'geilamhuil. Skilful, knowing. Sgathanam. To behold. Sgeil, gen. of Sgeul, fgeal. A ffory. .Sgathara. Hewing, lopping. So-eilbhearthach.O A tale-bearer, tale-bear- Sgathbharra. A parafol. ing. Sgathbhard. A fatirift. Sgeiltheachdaire. A tale-bearer. Sgathbhordachd. Satire, Bilingfgate-talk. Sgeimh. Beauty, ornament. Sgathlann. A booth, {hop, cover. Sgeimham. To beautify, adorn, to fkim, Sgathag. Trefoil in flower. to fcum. Sgeimhiolta. A fcout. Sgathmhor. Sharp. Sgeach. ) . , Sgein. Flight. ° {A haw- Sgeachog. ) Sgeinam. To bounce, leap up. Sgeachchaor. A white thorn berry. Sgeinmeile. *} Sgeinmeach. C Quick, fmart, fwift, nimble. Sgeach. A buft. Sgeachfpionnan. A goofeberry-bufli. Sgeinmneach. J Sgeadach. Speckled, Iky-coloured. Sgeip. A bee-hive. Sgeadachadh. Drefs, clothes, ornan.ent. Sgeir. A rock in the fea. Sgeaduigham. To drefs, adorn. Sgeith. The better part of any thing; Sgeadaighoir. A decker. rather Scoth. Sgeadas. Ornament, various colours. Sgeith. Vomit. Sgeith. Gen. of Sgiath. Sgea 1 b^HHn^b. A fplinter. SgeallagachT®Wild muftard. Sgeithin. A little buffi. Sgeitinnfeis. The quinzey. Sgeallan. A flice, a kernel. Sgealpag. A pinch, fplinter, a rent. Sgeitram. To crafli. Sgeaipach. In pieces, in fplinters. Sgeo. Underftanding. Sgeog. Vide Sgeachog. Sgealpam. To tear, rend, fplit, to pluck, Sgeolach. One of Fingal’s cups fo called. fnatch. Sgethe. The handle of a target. Sgealptha. Torn, fnatched away. Sgeul. A ftory, news. ! Polypody. Sgeamhchratrin. > Sgeulaiche. A newfmonger. Sgeulachd. Hiftorical narration. Screamhaim.O ' I o reproach. Sgeamhcrom. A pinch. Sgeun. Affonifhment. Sgeamhle. Afkirmifh. Sgeunal. Pruned, neat, in good order. Sueamhlaigham. T o bicker, Ikirmilh. Sgiamhach. Beautiful, adorned, lovely. Sgiam- S G I S G O

Sgiamhaiche. More beautiful. Sgiollam. To {hell or prepare grain, by Sgiamhaichad. Beautifulnefs. grinding the hulks of it. Sgiamhalach. Squalling. Sgiollta, So prepared, neat, tight. Sgiamhbhreacam. To gild> adorn. Sgiorram. To flip, ftumble. Sgian. A knife. Sgiorradh. Mifchance. Sgianadhaircach. Name of a flieep having Sgirthan. A Humbler, a flipper. fharp horns. Sgiothal. Ridiculous. Sgianadhaircach. Having fharp horns. Sgioth. A partition of wattled rods. Sgian-bhuird. A table-knife. Sgiothlaich. A haunch. Sgian-chollag. A chopping-knife. Sgire. 7 . . , , ( A panflr. Sgian-bhearthaidh. A razor. ogireachd.c 1 Sgiath. A wing, pinion, target, buckler. Sgillhire. A prater, talkative. Sgiathach. Winged, fhielded, having a Sgite. The filh called Maiden-ray. buckler. Sgith. Wearied, tired, fatigued. Sgiathanach. Winged. Sgiths. i . . . . „ . , IWeannefs,r fatigue. Sgibheal. Eaves of a roof. Sgiothas. 1 ° Sgiberneag. A hare. Sgitham. 1 ^ . b. , . , f To tire, fatigue. Sgige. A jeering, derifion. Sgithaigham.c j Sgigeamhuil. Scornful. Sgithaghadh. Tiring, fatiguing. Sgigam. To jeer, deride. Sgiucham. To ftartle, leap. Sgigthe. Ridiculous. Sgiurs. A fcourge. Sgilghre. Gravel. Sgiurfadh. A whipping, whipping. Sgille. Quick, foon. Sgiurfatn. To whip. Sgilleog. A fmall pebble. Sglaigin. A draught tree, beam of a wain. Sgillin. A fhilling. Sglamham. To fcold, wrangle, fnatch. Sgillin Albanach. A penny. Sglamhoide. A glutton. Sgillin Shafgunach. A fhilling. Sglamhidhe. One that fnatcheth away. Sgimheal. A pent-houfe. Sglamhach. That fnatcheth. Sgiomhiolach. A fcout. Sglata. A flate, tile. Sgimhleaghadh. An excurfion. Sgleip. Oftentation. Sgligeanach. Speckled. ,>«!** Sgliurach. A flut, bad woman, flattern. Sgineadhach. Apt to ftart, fkittifh. Sgliurachd. Idle goffiping. Sgineog, A flight. Sgoballach. A piece, morfel. Sgiobair. A fkipper, mafter of a {hip, Sgoid. A lappet. helmfman. Sgobam. T pluck from. Sgiobadh. The crew, men at work. Sgobadh. A pluck, or pull. Sgiobal. A barn, granary. Sgoidaifach. Shewy, flirting, fop pi Hr, Sgiobtha. Snatched away. Sgoidais. Pageantry, {hew, flirting. Sgiopidh. j Sgoignean. A fan. Sgioptidh. >Tight, tidy, neat, fpruce. Sgoilt. Split thou. Sgiobalta. J Sgoiltain. A fplinter. Sgiolladh. Decidence. Vide Sgiollam. Sgoilte. Cleft, fplit. Sgoiltam. S G R S G U

Sgoiltam. To fplit, cleave. Sgraitach. Ragged, fhabby. Sgoithin. The prime, bed:. Sgrait. A rag. Sgol. Sgraith. i | Loud laughter. Sgolghaire Sgrathog. ) A tUrf’ greCn fod, green-fward- Sgol. A fcull or great quantity of fifh ; a Sgrathal. Deltrudtive. fchool. Sgramneirachd. Extortion. Sgolb. A fplinter, a wattle, doubt. Sgreabh bhathais. Baptifmal fees. Sgolbanach. A ftripling, a youth. Sgreabhal. An annual tribute of three- Sgolbanta. Thin, flender. pence, paid at the command of the mo- Sgolog. An olive tree, a ruflic, a fervant. narch by the provincial kings of Ireland, Sgoloide. A fchoolmafter. to St. Patrick; a favour given by new Sgoltadh. A fplit, crack, chink. married people. Sgomhalfgartha. Aftride. Sgreabhog. Cruft. Sgonaire. A trifler, whiffler. Sgreach. A moan, a fcreeching. Sgonafach. Trifling. Sgreachal. Crunkltng. Sgonbabhraim. To blab out fooliflrly. Sgreacham. To make a noife, to whoop, Sgonog. A hafly word, a fart. fliriek, crunkle. Sgor. A dud of horfes or mares. Vide Sgreachag, fgreachag reilge. An owl. Scor. Sgreachan criofach. A vulture. Sgoradh. Lancing, fcarifying. Screachtadh. A jocofe bantering. Sgorani. To lance, fcarify, cut in Sgread. A fcreech. pieces. Sgreadadh. Screeching, fhrieking. Sgorn. Sgreadam. To fhriek, fcreech, fquawL Sgornach. >The throat. Sgreadaire. A cryer. Sgornan. Sgreagan. Rocky ground. Sgorn frathrach. The pin or peg of a Sgreagmhar. Rocky. ftraddle. Sgreafta. Deftrudtion. Sgorchailbhe. The epiglottis. Sgreataidham. To hate, abhor. Sgorthanach. A ftripling. Sgreatachd. Hate, abhorrence. Sgot. A fhot, or reckoning. Sgreatidh. To be abhorred, fearful.. . A flower, fon, a fkiff. Sgreathail. Fearful, frightful, Sgothadh. A pull. Sgreigam. To frig. Sgotham. To pull, Sgribhin. A writing. Sgothasr. A cut. Sgribhifg. Notes, comments. Sgothlong. A yacht. Sgrid. A breath. Sgrabach. Rough, rugged, fcarce. Sgrideil. Lively. Sgrabanach.J Sgrin. A fhrine. Sgrabachan. Roughnefs. Sgriob. A notch, a furrow, rut of a wheel, Sgram. To wipe off. an itching of the lip fuperflitioufly be- Sgragall. Gold foil, a thin leaf, ray of lieved to precede an approaching kifs from gold or filver ; a fpangle. a favourite, or a feaft. Sgraibhfaidh. A hand-faw. Sgriobach. The itch. Sgraideog. A fmall puny perfon. Sgrutach Sgriobadh. S G U S I 4t

Sgriobadh. Scratching, rubbing, graving, Sguitfeam. To threfh, beat, to drefs flax. ' picking. Sgula. I Sgriobam. To fcrape, fcratch, write, en- Sgulag. V An old man, a little old man. grave. Sgulin. J Sgriobaire. A graving tool. Sgum. Scum. Sgriobadoir. A grater. Sgumadoir. A fcummer. Sgrioban. A wool-card, a rake. Sguman. The train when tucked up. Sgriobhadh. A writing, writing. Sgumhara. Fat, good plight. Sgriobhadoir. A writer, clerk, notary. Sgumrag. A fort of fire-fhovel, a cinder- Sgriobham. To write. wench, a dowdy. Sgriobhan. A grammar. Sgur. Ceafing, defifting. Sgriobhantoir. A grammarian. Sguradh. Scouring. Sgrios. Ruin, deftruftion. Sguram. To fcour. Sgriofam. To deftroy, cut ofF. Vide Scrio- Sgurtha. Scoured. fam. Sguthaigh. A ftepping. Sgriobtuir. The fcripture. Shiar. Eaft. Sgrobam. To fcratch, fcrape. Si. She, her. Sgroban. Crop of a bird. Sia. Far ofF, the utmoft, remoteft from Sgroth. A long rhime. you. Sgrubal. A fcruple. Sia. Six. Sgtuibleach. Rubbifh. Siabhra. A fairy, hobgoblin, Sgrudadh. Searching, fcrutinizing. Siabham. To rub, wipe. Sgrudam. To fearch, examine, fcrutinize. Siabhaidhe. Fairies. Sgruigain. Neck, neck of a bottle. Siabunn. Soap. Sgruta. An old man. Siachadh. A fprain. Sgrutach. Lean, meagre. Siacham. To fprain. Sguab. A fheaf, befom. Siachearnach. Hexangular. Sguabag. A little flreaf. Siacht. He came. Sguabadh. Sweeping, fweepings, refufe. Siachtar. They came. Sguabam. To fweep. Siad. They. Sguab-aodaich. A clothes-brulh. Siadhail. Sloth, fluggifhnefs. Sguab-lair. A befom. Siadhan. Confufed, topfy-turvy. Sguab-lion. A fweep-net. Siair. Afide. Sguain. A train, tail. Sian. A voice, found. Sguaine. A fwarm, croud. Sian. Storm, rain. Sguibhir. An Efquire. Sianal. Screaming, roaring. Sguileach. Rubbifh. Sianaklhe. One that cries out, a bawler. Sguille. A fcullion. Sianaidheacht. A yelling. Sguird. A fhirt, fmock, a lap. Sianmhedh. An accent. Sguir. Ceafe, defift thou. Sianfa. Harmony, melody, pleafure. Sguiram. To ceafe, defift. Sia. Backwards, behind, the weft, awry, Sguitfeadh. Threfhing. Siarthonna. Art. [4 L] Siafair. S I L S I N

Siafair. He fat. Silin. A cherry. Siafar. A feiTion, affixes. Silfigham. To fhine. Siafhliofnach. A hexagon, hexagonal. Silt. Spittle, an iffue, a drop. Siat. A tumour, fwelling. Siltain. A drooping creature. Siataim. To puff, fwell up. Fadin droo in thin Siathnail. Vide Sianal. Silteach. \ S’ P g> - Sibal. Garlick, a leek. Siltear. For Saoltar, it feemeth. Sibh. Ye, you. Simide. A mallet, beetle. Sibht. A fhift, induftry, contrivance. Similear, fimne. A chimney. Sibht. Providing, fhifting, making a fhift. Simontachd. Simony. Sibhteamhuil. Provident. Simplidh. Simple, mean, plain. Sibhtamhlachd. Forefight, a providing Simplidhachd. Simplicity, plainnefs. for. Sin. The pronoun That. Sibhealta. Civil. Sin. Vide Sion, Sian. Sic. Dry. Sin. Round. Sic. Vide Sioc. Sine. Weather, bad weather. Sichd. Theinfide of the fkull. Sineadh. Singing, from Seinnam. Sice, Sycamore, Sinne. A dug or teat, nipple of the Sid. A lair, that there. breaft. Sinne. -Eider, eldeft. S‘d/- . ^ 1A blaft. Sidheadh, fighe. ) Sinneach. A wen. Sidhean gaoithe. A whirlwind. Sineadh. A ftretching, extending. Sidheang. Infamy. Sineam. To ftretch. Sidhigham. To prove. Sineamhfeadha, A yew tree. Sidhiuccan. A reed, cane. ? Single,6 5 alone, unmixed. Sigh. Spiritual, of the other world, be- Singilte. i ’ longing to fpirits. Singlicham. To mix, adulterate. Sinm. A fong or tune. sffdh. SA Eoblin' Siniolach. A nightingale. Sighaire. A mountaineer. Sinin. A nipple, little teat. Sighbhrog. A fairy, fairy-houfe. Sinn, finne. We, us. Sighdhraoithachd. Enchantment with fpi- Sinfe>moir. i . > Great grandfather, rits, interference-with fpirits. binfeanathair. > Sighin. A fign, token. Sinfeanmhathair. A great grandmother. Sighinigham. To mark, fign. Sinfior. An elder. Sigir. Silk. Sinfior. A yew tree, Sigireun, A filk-worm. Sinfir. The prefbytery. Sigle. A feal. Sinfireachd. Elderfhip)feniority, chieftain- Sileadh. A dropping, fpittle. fhip. Silim. Vide Saoilam. Sinfireachd. A right by fiicceffion. Silam. To drop, diftil, to fow. Sinifean. Uvula. Sileadh nan full. Twinkling of the eye. Sinfirra. Anceftors. Silain. A dropping, dropping. Sinte. Stretched. Sinteach, S I o S I o

Sinteach Straight, long. Siolain. Dropping. Sintag. A ftraight line. Siolarnach. Snoring, fnorting. Siobal. } Siolaftair. A flag, fedge, wild flower de [ A fcallion, onion. Siobaid. ’ luce. Siodadh. Blowing. Siolbhruifneach. A nurfery. Siobag. A blaft of the mouth. Siolidh. A ftallion. Siobam. To blow. Sionlchonlach. Fodder. Sioban. Drift, the blaft. Siolchur. Sowing. Siobhag. A ftraw. Siolchurtha. Sown. Siobhal. A thorn, a pin. Siolflafga. Running of the reins.- Sobhalta. Civil, courteous. Siolgam. To pick and choofe. Siobhaltachd. Civility. Siollo. Ajill, a fyllable. Siobhas. Rage, madnefs. Siollairamh. Scanning of a verfe. Siobhafach. Frantic, furious. Siollam. To ftrike, fmite. Siobhrag. A fairy. Siollruin. A diaerefis. Siolmhor. Bearing feed, full of feed, fer^ ^°C’ \ Froft. biocan. J tile. Sioc Hath. Hoar froft. Siolmhorachd. Fertility. Sioc. Regio umbilicus, or groin. Siolradh. A ftock or breed, offspring. Siocaighte. Dried up, frozen, obdurate. Siolta. A teal. Siocaim. To freeze, dry up, grow hard. Sioltaiche. A goofeander. Siochaire. A very little creature. Sioltagham. To filter. Siocair. A motive, reafon, a natural caufe, Sioltaghan. A ftrainer. opportunity. Sioltreabh. A family. Sioda. Silk. Sioltfhuileas. The running of the eyes. Siodamhuil. Like filk. Siom. Them, the fame as ladfan. Siodgha. Silken. Sioman. A rope, cord. Siodhchan. Atonement. Siomaide. A mallet. Siodlamnaim. To leap, bound. Sion. A chain, bond, tie. Sioflachan. Vide Siothlag. Sion. Any thing. Siog. A ftreak, a rick. Sion. Weather; a ftorm, fnow. Siona. Delay. Si°Sach- | Streaked. Siogamhuil. 5 Sionan. The river Shannon. Sioghfurnadh. A hilling,, whifpering. Sionbuailte. Weather-beaten. Sioghann. Vide Sithann. Sionnach. A fox. Siogidh. A fairy, pigmy. Sionnachla. A weathergaw. Siol. Seed, iffue, a tribe or elan. Sionnadh. A reproof, fcoffing, Siolam. Race, offspring of beafts. Sionradhach. Single. Sioladh. A fyllable, dropping, the prow of Sionfa. A cenfer. a fliip. Sior. Continual, long. Siolaim, To fow,. to drop, fpell, drivel, Siorathearrach. Variable, inconftant. Siolchuiram. To fow. Siorblofgadh. } A continual rufiling, or Siolanam. To ftrain, filtet. Siorbhraoirleadh. > rattling noife. Siorbhai. S I o S I R

Siorbhai. Thievery, theft. Siofmaire. A fchifmatic, whifperer. Siorchainteach. A babbler, eternal talker. Siota. A pet, ill-bred child. ^ ■Siorchafaim. To turn to and again. , Siotaidhe. A trifle, a jot. Siorda. A great favour or prefent. Sioth, fith. Peace, quietnefs. Siordanam. To rattle. Sioth. Spiritual, belonging to fpirits and Siordha. i Everlafting, for ever, perpe- the other world. Siorruidh. i tual. Siothadh. A gnalh, rufhing at. Siorruidheachd. Perpetuity, eternity. Siothal. Peaceable. Siordhaigham. To eternize. Siothaichan. Fairies. Siorfhuigham. To condole, lament. Siothaigeantachd. Placability. Siorghairam. To giggle. Siothbhalraidh. Having long limbs. Siorghlacam. To gripe, rough-handle. Siothbhalta. Civil. Siorgnathuigham. To ufe often or much. Siothbholfaire. A herald to proclaim peace. Siorghnath. Continual ufe. Siothbhuan. Perpetual. Sioriomairc. Tranfmigration. Siothchaint. Peace. Sioriarridh. Importunity. Siothchainteach. 7 t, \ Peaceable, pacific. Sioriarridhach. Importunate. Siothchanta. i r Siormharthanach. Everduring. Siothchaintaiche. A peace-maker. Siorlamhach. Long-handed. Siothchoimhadaiche. A conftable. Siorlofgadh. Everburning. Siothlaetha. Days of peace. Siorob. Sparing, frugal. Siothlag. A ftrainer or filter. Siorol. Hard drinking. Siothlaigham. To filter, ftrain. Siorofdam. To gape, yawn often. Siothlan. A ftrainer, filter ; a cullender, a fack. rr oiorralach.c-° \ u Ii Broomrape. Siothlodh. Peace, making of peace. Siorfan. Good news or tidings. Siothmhaor. A herald. Siothmhalta. Civil. 1 Siorfanach. Slow,.tedious. J Siorfuidham. To linger, loiter. Sir, fior. In compound words fignifies per- Siortaire. An executioner. petual. Siortam. To fmite. Sireadh. Seeking, afking, looking for. Siortha. Sought, begged. Sireamh. A difeafe. Siortham. To afk, beg. Siram. Tofeek, afk, enquire after. Siorthoir. A beggar, petitioner; a flut. Sirchleachdam. To exercife, ufe often. Siorthoireas. A requeft. Sirdiolam. To fell much or frequently. Sioruifge. Continual rain. Sirbiodaire. A vain tattler. Sios. Down. Siredam. To handle much. Shios. Below. Siriomcharam. To bear often. Sios-fuas. Topfy-turvy. Sirfheuchin. A fleady look. Siofa. A court, parliament. Sirfheucham. To look ftedfaflly. Siofurnaich. Hilling. Sirreach. Lean, poor. Siofur. A pair of Iheers, fciflars. Sirreachdam. To foak. Siofma. A fchifm, private conference, whif- Sirriam. AfherifF. pering. Sirfilt. Continual dropping. 5 Sirt. S I u SLA

Sirt. A little. Stubhlach. Fleet, fwift. Sill-. A time, a-while, Siubhlaim. To walk, go, travel, depart, Sifteal. A flaxcomb, a cittern. die. Sit-fit ! Whitt ! Siuc. Dry, parched up. Sithbheach. Civil, of the city. Siucar. ) „ Siteirtnin. A fmall cittern. Siucra. \ S0B"- Siteog. Nice, effeminate. Siudam. To fwing, rock to fleep, to dan^ Siterne. A harp. die, to nod. Sith. Peace, reft, reconciliation. Siulbhre. Chearfulnefs. Sithbhe. A rod. Siulmhaire. Delight. Sithbhe. Continual, perpetual. Siulmhor. Bright, chearful, delightful. Sithbhe. A general. Siunas. Lovage. Sithbhe. A city. Siunfa. Senfe. Sithbhein. A fort or turret. Siur. A fitter.

Sithbheo. ) T , Siurdanadh.. A rattling or making a noils. Sithbhuan. i Lal,,nB’ pere“n“L Siurdanam. To rattle, make a noife. Sithbhrog. A fairy or fairy-houfe. Siurram. A fherilF. Sitheadh. Bending, declining. Siurtach. A ftrumpet. Sitheal. A dnnking-cup, a trowel, a Siurtachd. Whoring. body. Siurtag. A fudden fally or fkipprng. Sitheann. Venifon. Siurtagach. Frilkv. Sitham. "I Siufan. A humming noife. Sithaigham. I To pacify, reconcile. Siufarnadh. A whifpering. Sithghnidham. J Siutharras. A wandering or ftrolling. Sithfhear. A ftrong man. Slabhagan. A fort of edible fea-weed ga- Sithne. Of venifon. thered from rocks, but different from dilfe Sithghliocas. Policy,- cunning. or duilliafg. Sithbhrifteacb. A rebel, rebellious. Slabhridh. A chain, a pot-hanger, a Sithcheanglam. To confederate. crook. Sithdruim. An old name of Cafliel. Slacairt. Beating as with a mallet. Sithfhearc. Conftant affedfion. Slacairam. To beat with a mallet. Sithim. A fequel, confequence. Slacan. A beetle or bat. Sitreach. The neighing of a horfe. Slacan-draoitheachd. A magical wand. Sitrigham. To neigh, bray. Slad. Theft. Sitroighthoir. A hulbandman. Sladadh. Thievery, robbery. Sittig otrach. A dunghill. Sladaighe. A thief, a robber. Siu. Before that, before. Sladam, flaidam. Torob, tteal. Siu. Here. Sladmharbham. To rob and murder on the Siu & tall. Here and there. highway. Siubhal. A going, moving, walking. Sladmhoir. i , . . , . . . IA thief, a robber. Siubhalbhach. A ftroller, wayfaring-man. Sladthoir.n 5 Siubhal. A meafure in mufic between faff Sladmhoireachd. [ Robbery. and flow. Sladuigeachd. [4M1 Sladthe. SLA S L E

Sladthe. Robbed, ftripped. Slapog. A flut or dirty woman, Slas. Killing flaughtering. Slaiteoir. i A th‘ef' Slafaidheachd. ] Slaib. Mire on the ftrand or river*s bank. Slafdachd. J A Pr‘^te S^ge. Slaibhre. A purchafe. Slat. A rod, a yard, Slaibhreas. Chains. Slatag. A twig. Slaid. Theft, robbery. Slatarra. Straight, tall, {lately. Slaighe. Slaughter. Slat-riogha. A fceptre, baton. Slaighdean. A cough or cold. Slatbhroid. A goad. Slaigham. Today or kill. Slat-mhara. Tangle. Slaighre. A fword or fcymitar. Slat-mharcachd. A whip. Slaim. Great booty. Slat-fliuaichiontas. A mace. Slainte. Health, falvation, a toaft or Slat-reul. An aftrolabe. health. Slat-fhiul. A fail-yard. Slainteamhuil. Healthy, falutary. Slat-iafgaich. A fifhing-rod. Slaiteoirachd. Thievery. Sleachd. Vide Sliochd. Slait, flatra. Strong, robuft. Sleachd-cuimhne. A monument. Slam. A lock or flock of hair or wool. Sleachdadh. A lancing, cutting, Ratify- Slamam. To draw and card wool. ing. Slammam. , ... Sleachdadh. . Kneeling, {looping, bowing I Curdled milk. Slagan. $ Sleachdin. \ reverently, adoration. Slamhan. An elm-tree. Sleachdam. To kneel, {loop, bow reve- Slamhagan. Locks. rently. Slamhach. A frothftick. Sleachtam. To cut, difiedl. Sian. Healthy, found, entire. Sleagadh. Sneaking off, drawling. Sian. A defiance, challenge. Vide Dubh- Sleagach. Drawling. fhlan. Sleagaire. A drawler. Slanaidheachd. A paffport. Sleagam. To fneak, drawl. Slanaigham. To heal, cure. Sleagh. A fpear or lance. Slanaighthoir. A healer, faviour, faid of Sleaghan. A fort of turf-fpade. Jefus as the healer of the world. Sleaghach. Armed with a fpear. Slanaghadh. Healing, faving. Sleamhain. Smooth, flippery, plain. Slanlus. Ribwort. Sleamhan, The elm tree. Slaod. A raft, float, a fledge. Sleamhnan. Smoothnefs,, flipperinefs. Slaodam. To drag after,-to Aide. Sleamhnachd. Mucoufnefs. Slaodan. A cough or cold; the tfit of a Sleamhnaghadh. Slipping, Aiding. wheel. Sleamhnaigham. To flip, Aide. Sladrach. A hinge. Sleamhnad, Slipperinefs. Slapach. Lukewarm. Sleantach. A flake, a flice. Slapar. A ikirt, the trail or train of a no- Sleas. A mark, a fign ; a fide, a ridge. bleman or king’s robe. Sleafgadh. A crack. Slaparach. Having long Ikirts. Sleafgam. To crack. Slapaire. A floven. Sleibh. Gen. of Sliabh. Sleibthe. S L l S L O

Sleibthe. i Sliocht. A track, imprefllon, print. PI. of Sliabh. Sleibhte. J Slioge. A {bell, a bomb. Sleibhteach. Mountainous. Sliogeach. Full of {hells. Sleimhne. Slioge creachuin. A fcollopped {hell which ? Slipperinofs, polifh. Sleimhneachd!• 3 in antient times was ufed generally over Sleimhneach. Slipping. the Highlands and Ireland as a drinking- Sleifs. The thigh. cup ; it is not yet out of falhion. Sleifde. Gen. of Sliafid. Slioge-neamhuin. Mother-of pearl. Sleithe. A fedtion, divifion. Slioge tomhais. The fcales of a bal- Slethe. Cutting, ftriking. lance. Sleogam. To make fick or naufeate. Sliogam. To fmooth, {Irdke. Sliabh. A mountain of the firft magnitude, Sliogard. A pumice. a heath land whether mountain or plain. Sliogarnach. Made of {hells. Sliabhaire. A mountaineer. Shorn. Slim, fleek. Sliachadairachd. Craft. Sliommam. To flatter. Sliachtadh. To pierce through. Sliomair, fliomfhear. A thief. Slias. TThe thigh, the coarfe part of a Slioncam. To beat. Sliafaid.^ thread. Shop. A lip. Sliafparam. To daggle. Slios. A fide,, fide of a county. Sliafpairt. Daggling. Sliofda. Fair, courteous, flattering. Slidach. Sly. Slis. , Slige, fligean. A (hell. Slifeog | A C”1P’ a thiH board. Sligeanach. Sky-coloured, fpotted. Slifam. To flice. Slighe. A way, a road. Slifcheimnughadh. A digreflion. Slighbhreac. Indifferency. Slifagaicham. To chip, flice. Slightheach. Sly, artful. Slifagan. Shavings. Sligheadoireachd. The practice of ftrata- Slifneach. Chips, fcales. gems. Sliudhacach. 1 Slighthoireachd. Craftinefs. Sliudhacanach. i Horned- Slinn. A flat ftone or tile. Sliughtheadh. A ftratagem. Slinn. A Weaver’s fleay. Sloch fine. A flake of fnow. Slinnain. A {boulder, flioulder-blade. Sloe. A pit, hollow. Slinnteach. Houfe-tiles. Slocan. A little pit, hollow. Slintchrann. An enfign-ftaff. Sloc-guail. A coal-pit. Sliobham. To polifli. Slod. ) Sliobhram. To drag. Slodan I ^ 111 6 “and‘n§ water- Sliobhtha. Sharp-pointed. Sloidhe. A fedlion, divifion. Sliobhtha. Polifhed, fmoothed. Sloighthe. Beaten; obbair floighthe, beaten Sliobradh. A draught. work. Sliochd. Seed, offspring, a tribe, defend- Sloighreadh. A fword. ants, poft'erity. Sloinne. A firname, patronymic. Sliocht. A troop, company, a rout, mul- Sloinnam. To give a firname. titude. i Slointe fios ann. Pointedly explained. 2 Sloitire. S M A S M I

Sloitire. A thief, villain. Small. Snuff of a candle. Sloitireachd. Villainy. Smallam. To fnuff a candle, to blow up. Sloitireach. Villainous. Smalladoir. Snuffers. Slomfliobh. Sharp. Smallog. A fillip. Sluagh. An army, multitude, hoft. Smaogal. A hulk. Sluagh-coife. Infantry. Smaolach. A thrulh, an ouzle. Sluagh-imirc. A marching army. Smaofrach. i Sluaigheachd. An expedition. Smaoftrach. j A ^triage, gnflle. Sluafaid. Smarag. An emerald. A Ihovel. Sluafghad. Smeacadh. A palpitation, panting. Slucham. To ftifle, overwhelm. Smeach. A neck, a fillip. Sludhach. Smeach. 7 A horn. „ , t I he chin, Sludhacan.,\ bmeachan. 5 Sludraighe. 7 . . Smeanrachd. Groping. , , >A foundation.r Slaodrach. j Smear. Greafe, tallow. Slugaire. A glutton, fpendthrift. Smearadh. . A greafing, unCtion. Slugadh. The fwallowing. Smearaim. To greafe, anoint. Slugaid. A Hough, deep miry place. Smearthachd. Greafing. Slugam. To fwallow, devour. Smeartha. Befmeared with greafe, &c. Slugach. That fwalloweth. Smearthachan. A kitchen-brat, lickplate. Slugthan. ■> Smeathroid. A coal. Slugpholl. S A’'1'"1?”'- Smederneach. Slumber. Sluigain. The neck of a bottle. ?Anod, a wink. Sluinn. A telling, declaring. Smeidag. i Slufam. To diffemble, counterfeit. Smeidadh. Nodding, winking, hilling. Smachd. Reproof, correction, awe, fubjec- Smeidach. One that winks. tion, authority. Smeidam. To nod, beckon, wink, hifs. Smachda. i Reproved, corrected. Smeig. 1 Smachdaighte. J Smeigad. ^ The chin. Smachdaigham, To reprove, chaftife, af- Smeigin. J fliCt. Smell. A pale, chill, ghaffly look. Smachdaghadh. 7 „ . , Smeilain, A poor, puny, pale creature. „ ,, > Reproof, chaltifement. Smachtadh. i Smeirne. A fpit, broach. Smachdal, Authoritative, commanding. Smeilag. A pale puny female. Smachtbhann. A penal law, penalty. Smeorach. A mavis, a linnet, name of a Smachtlann. A houfe of correction. lap-dog. Smadan. Soot, fmut. Smeoradh. Anointing. Smadanach. Smutted. Smeorne. The point of a dart. Smag. A paw. Smeorthoigh-theine. Firebrands. Smaig. Authority. Smeur. A blackberry, brambleberry. Smal. I Duft, forrowfulnefs, decay, ob- Smeurach. Full of brambleberries- Smalan. i fcurity, dimnefs. Smid. Mum, not a fyllable. Smalan, A hillock. Smigeadach. A chincloth. Smig, S M U SNA

Smuintighe. Thought, imagination. j The chin, mirth. Smigem. i Smuir. A beak or fnout. Smiol. Philomela. Smuirnein. A mote. Smior. Marrow, ftrength. Smuis. Sweat. Smior caillaich. A poor puny fellow. Smuit. A beak, fnout. Smiot. An ear. Smur, fmurach. Duft. Smiot. A fmall portion of any thing. Smutach. Short-fnouted. Smiota. Of, belonging to the ear. Smutan. A block, log. Smiftam. To finite. Snadhadh. Protedlion, defence. Smiftin, A fhort thick flick. Snadh. A fup. Smodan. i . Snadhghairm. An appellation, naming, Dirt fnlUt: bmoigleadh.C ■ , ju () ’ - appeal. Smogairneach. Large-boned. Snag. The hickup. Smoit. Sulkinefs. 0 . , J A woodpecker. Smoitach. Sulky, techy. Snagardarach.n j Smol. Snuff of a candle, coal, ember. Snagaighil. A Hammering. Smoladan. Snaglabhram. To Hammer, hefitate in Smoladair. K Snuffers. fpeech. Smolghlantoir.. Snaidhadh. A cutting down, lopping, Smot. whetting. | A mouthful, a pluck. Smotan, Snaidham. To cut down, defalcate, lop, Smotan. A block, log, flock. whet; to protedt, defend, patronize. Smuaineadh. A thought, refleiffion. Snaidhm. A knot, band. Smuainam. To think, imagine, devife. Snaidhmcheanglam. To confederate. Smuaintughadh. Meditation. Snaidhmam. To knot, fplice. Smuaintid. A thought, fentiment. Snaighte. Cut, lopped. Smuaintigham. To think, confider. Snaigheoireachd. Cutting chips. Smuairain. Grief. Snaigheach. "J Smuais. In pieces, broken in fliivers. Snagach. /-Creeping, crawling. Smucil. Snoring. Snamhaighil. J Smudan. A ringdove, quefl. Snaigheam. 7 „ f I o creep, crawl. Smug. Snot, fpittle. Snagam. J Smug na cumhag. Woodfeare, cuckow Snagan. A flow creeping motion. fpittle. Snaggan. A fliort drink or draught. Smugadh. Spitting. Snaimias. A rout, multitude. Smugam. To fpit. Snamh. Swimming. Smugaighil. Nofe phlegm. Snamhaiche. A fwimmer. Smuid. Vapour, fmoke. Snamhaim. Tofwim, float. Smuideamhuil. Smoky. Snamhluath. Swift in fwimming. Smuidam. To ffnoke, exhale. Snamhuighill. Floating. Smuigeadh. Filth, dirt. Snamhan. Slow fwimming or failing. Smuigeadach. A handkerchief. Snaoi. A bier. Smuintigham. To imagine, think, defign. Snaoir. A flice. [4 N] Snaoifin, S N O S 0 C

Snaoifin. Snuff, powder. Snoigham. To hew, chip. Snaoifmadh. Calcination. Snuadh. A river, brook. Snaoifmam. To reduce to powder. Snuadh. Hair of the head, hue, colour, Snapam. To pull the trigger of a gun. appearance. Snapach. Thatfireth, ftriketh faff. Snuadhmhor. Well-looked. Snas. Decency, elegancy, colour. Snuadham. To flow, frream. Snafadh. Analyfis, analizing. Snuadhchlais. The channel of a river. Snafam. To analize. Snuot. An ear. Snafmhor. Neat, elegant. So. This, this here. Snafta. Brave, gallant. So. In compound words, fignifies good- Snaftu. Colour. nefs, or aptnefs, or eafy, equal to the Snath. Thread, line. Englilh termination Ble. Snatha. An eafing, riddance of pain, grief, So. Young. trouble. Soaclach. Eafy. Snathad. A needle. Soadh. A bed. Snathadachan. A needle-cafe. Soadh, fodh. An eclipfe. Snathaim. To fup. Soadhbharaigheachd. Towardnefs. Snathfuaidhail. Pack-thread. Soailce. A good falhion. Sneachd. Snow. Soainmhne. Vegetable. Sneachda. Snowy. So-airamh. Countable. Sneagh. A nit. Soak. A good leap. Sneaghach. Full of nits. So-aomidh. Flexible, exorable. Sneigh. Straight, diredt. Soas. Experience. Sneigh. Little, fmall. Sobha. Sorrel. Sneigh. Sadnefs, forrow, vexation. Sobha-craobh. Rafberries. Snig. Vide Sneagh. So-bhintighte. Coagulable. Snidhe. A drop, drops of rain through the Sobha-talmhuin. Strawberries. roof of a houfe; a tear. Sobholadh. A fweet fmell, fragrance. Snidham. To drop, diftil, let in water. Sobholtanachd. Fragrancy. Snidhach. That droppeth. Sobhlafda. Savoury. Snightheach. Creeping. Sobhogtha. Moveable, pliable. Sniomh. Spinning, twilling, winding. Sobhrach. Primrofe. Sniomham. To fpin, twill, wind. Sobhrifde. Frangible. Sniomhain. Curling, that curleth, helical. Sobhuailtach. Eafy to ftrike. Sniomha. A fpindle. Soc. A plough-fhare, a beak, fnout, Sniomhare. A wimble. chin. Sniofiot. They encountered. Socach. Having a fnout, beak. Snilin. Snuff, Socair. Eafe, reft, mildnefs. Sno. Vifage, appearance. Socarach. Eafy, quiet, mild, fmooth, plain, Snodhach. Sap, juice. equal. Snoidheadoir. A hewer. Socamhuil. Reft, eafe. Snoighte. Hewn, chipped, pleafant, de- Socamhlach. Eafy, mild. cent. 5 Socan, focin. Dim. of Soc. Sochaidh. SOD S O I

Sochaidh. r ^ army5 hoft, multitude, Sodar. A trotting. oochuidh. i Sodaram. ? ^ c , (To trot, Sochairde. Good friends. oodram. j Sochairdeas. Friendfhip. Sodarthoir. A trotter. Soehar. Profit, emolument, an obliging Sodh. A burning, winding, changing. deed, a favour. Sodhaing. Still, quiet. Socharach. Yielding profit, obliging. Sodhan. Profperous. Sochafta. Handy, manageable. Sodham. To turn. Sochd. Silence. Sodhoirte. Apt to pour out, free in talk- Sochdar, focarach. Stayed, fedate.. ing. So-chiuinuicham. Eafy to appeafe.. Sodhochanta. Damageable. So-chiuinuighte. Placable. Sodhraife. Eafy to fhut. Sochla. Fame, reputation, renown^ Sodheanta. Eafy to be done, pollible. Sochlairthe.- Parted, divided. Sodhearbhtha. Evincible. Sochlaochloidh. 7 ,, ,.. . Sodhionta. Defenfible. _ , , . „ ^ Changeable, convertible, bochloidh. J Sofais. Vegetative, apt to grow. Sochlaonadh. Towardnefs. Sofhaigfeach. 7 TI..- , Sochluintin. Audible, eafy to be heard. Sofhaicfinach. i V‘r‘b,e’ “Pp!,'e"t- Sochmhor. Abftemious. Sofhaotin. Acquirable, impetrable. Sochobhaifte. Conformable. Sofar. 7 Sochoduighte. Addible. Soforaith. SSm,nS’IW-

Sochomhraidhe. } . w , , Sofhirinachadh. Juftifiable. Sochomhraidhte. !Affab1'- Sofholach. Concealable. Sochomhthodha. Convertible. Sogh. Profperity, delicacy, eafe, pleafure, Sochonradh. Cheapnefs. fumptuoufnefs. Socra, focras. Eafe, tranquillity. Soghamhuil. ( Pleafant, chearful. Socrughadh, Quieting, afifuaging, com- Soghan. i fort. Soghmhor. 7 0 ^ r Sochraid. A multitude of people. So h h j oumptuous, profperous. Sochraide, fochairde. Friends. Soghchu. A greyhound. Sochramhte. Digeftible. Soghda, Provocation. Sochroidheach. Kind, good-natured. Soghiulan. Portable. Socraigham. To mitigate, affuage, quiet, Soghlacaighte. Acceptable, agreeable. calm, appeafe. Soghluaifte. Moveable, tractable, waver- Sochuidhe. A number, multitude of peo- ing:.O ple, an affembly. Saghnaidh. Fair, comely. Sochumte. Mouldable. Soghnuifeas. Comelinefs, beauty. Socul. Eafe, tranquillity., Soghointe. Vulnerable. Sodal. Vide Sotal. Soghradhach. Acceptable, a primrofe. Sedan. Joy. Soghraidham. To love exceedingly. , Sodanach. Joyful, glad. Soghfur. Fatnefs. Sodarnach. Able to trot, ftrong and found Soib. The hand. for marching. Soibheufach. Well bred. Soibhi S O I S O I

Soibb. For So, in compounds beginning Soilleirachd. Clearnefs, perfpicuity. with vowels. Soilleiruigham. To manifeft, clear, ex- Soibbfgeul. The gofpel. plain, dilucidate. Soibhfgeulaiche. An evangelift. Soilleirfe. An axiom. Soibhfgeulam. To preach the gofpel. Soilioftair. Vide Seilifdair. Soicead. A focket. Soillear. A cellar. Soiche. Until. Soilleog. A willow, fallow. Soicheadfaghach. Senlible. Soillfe. Brightnefs, clearnefs. Soichearnfa. Liberality, generofity. Soillfeach. Bright, clear. Soicheal. Joy, mirth. Soillfaghadh. Brightening. Soicham. To reach, arrive. Solllfigham. B o fhme, brighten. Soi-chinealta. Noble, high-born. So-iomchar. Tolerable, portable. Soi-chinealtas. Nobility, noblenefs. Soimhianngha. Defireable. Soichle. Pleafure, mirth, gladnefs. So-impoighte. Convertible. Soichreidche. Soin. A found. | Credible. Sochreidfin. Soin. For Sin, that; ofhin, from thence. Sochreidmheach. A credulous" perfon. Soinas. Sulkinefs. Soidheach. A veffel. Soinchearb. Synalaepha. Soidealach. Rude, ignorant. Soinean. 7 Fair weather, i. e. So-fliion, Soighdeoir. A foldier, archer. Soinneann. ) chearfulnefs, gaiety. Soighdiurtha. Exercifed in military difci- Soineannta. Meek, well tempered, plea- pline, brave. fant. Soighead. A dart, arrow, fhaft. • Soinam. To found, make a noife. Soigheam. A precious ftone or gem. Soinine. Gen. of Soinean. Soighne. Soinmheach. Happy, fortunate. Pleafure, delight. Soighneas. Soinneach. A race-horfe. Signhne. I A thunder-bolt, flalh of light’ Soinnion. A blaft. Soighnein. 5 ning. Soinnfidh. Effable. Soighnidh. To do good. Soipin. A handful, wifp. Soighnean gaoithe. A blaft, puff. Soir, fhoir. The eaft. Soighniomhach. A benefactor. Soirbh. Affable, eafy, pliable, profperous. Soighnifam. To do good. Soirbhigham. To profper, fucceed. Soilbheim. A flafh or bolt of light, a Soirbhaghadh. Profpering. thunder-bolt. Soirbhas. Profperity, fuccefs, a fair wind. Soilbhir. Happy, chearful. Soirbheachd. Affability. Soilbhire. ) Chearfulnefs, good hu- Soirbhrifte. Ductile. Soilbhireachd. > mour. Soirche. Clear, manifeft, bright. Soilbheachd. A jell. Soircheacht. Brightnefs. Soileaghta. Fufible. Soireidh. Convenient, agreeable. Soileas. OfFicioufnefs. Soircubthachd. Brittlenefs. Soileafach. Officious. Soireann. Serenity, mildnefs, pleafantnefs, Soilfeachd. A charm. chearfulnefs. Soilleir. Clear, manifeft. Soireannta, Serene, mild, pleafant. Soixin. SOI, SON

Soirin. Eaftern. Solathar. A provifion, earning. Soirnliach. A baker’s peel. Solathraim." To provide, prepare, Soirthe. Readinefs. So-leabhtha. Legible. Soirthe na cloine. The womb. So-leaghta. Colliquable. Soifgeul. The gofpel. So-leighas. Curable, medicable, Soifgeuladh. Good news, tidings. So-leonta. Vulnerable. Soifgeulaidhe. An evangelift. Soli. Bait to catch fifh with. Soifciod, Even unto. Sollain. A welcome. Soifil. Proud, haughty. Sollus. Light. Soifhinte. Dudtile, pliable. Sollufta. Lighted. Soifhion. Freedom, privilege. Sollamuin. Solemnity. Soilior. Younger. Sollamunta. Solemn, folemnized. Soifle. Brightnefs. Sollamuntachd. Solemnization. Soifien. A fnining. So-loghtha. Venial, pardonable. Soiftean. A good habitation, refidence. So-loghthachd. Pardonablenefs, flightnefs So-ithte. Edible. of a fault. Soithe. Till, until. So-lubidh. Flexible. Soitham. VideSoicham. So-lubteachd. Flexibility. Soitheach. A veffel, pitcher. Soma. A flock of fwans. Soithleag. A circle. Somalta. Bulky, eafy, gentle. Soitheamh Somaltachd. Negligence. | Comely, gentle, pliable. Soithidh. So-mharbhtha. Mortal. Soithearthe. Theyoungeft. So-mharbhthachd. Mortality. Soithinneach. Defirous. Somharcin. A primrofe. Soithnuigham. To allure. Somhlan. Safe and found. Sol. Ere, before. So-mhuinte. Tractable. Solabhra. Affable, exorable. Sompla. A pattern. Solaitheach. Venial. Son. Sake, caufe, account of. Solamh. Quick, ready. Son. A voice, found. Solamhrachdich. Tangible. Son. A word. Solar. A provifion, providing.' Son. Tall. Solaraim. To provide, prepare. Son. Good, profit, advantage. Solas, folus. A round ball thrown into the Son. A flake, beam. air in honour of the fun, but it now Son, fonn. Here. means a coit. Sonadh. Happy, bleffed, profperous. Solas. Comfort, confolation, vaftpleafure; Sonairte. Strength, courage. applied to the intellects. Sonas. Happinefs, blifs, profperity. Solafach. Comfortable, full of pleafure. Sonann. Fertile land, profperous foil. Solafaim. To comfort, confole. Sonn. A club, (laff. Solafda. Bright, luminous. Sonn. A hero. Solafdach. Sonnach. A wall, a caflle. i Brightnefs. Solafmhaire,nre. ) 6 Sonnadh. Contention, llrife. Solafmhor. Luminous. Sonnmharcach. A courier on horfeback. [4 O] Sonnaim S O R SOT

Sonnaim. To pierce through, to thruft, to Torn. A flue of a kiln or oven ; a fnout. opprefs. Sornach. Long-chinned. Sonnta. Bold, couragious. Sornaireachd. The baker’s trade, baking. Sonntach. Vide Sundach. Sornam. To forn. Sonntachd. Boldnefs, confidence. Sornan. A tump, hillock. Sonrach. ? Sornan. A Ikate-filh. p ,, , > special, particular, sonradhach. J Sorn-raca. An oven-rake or fwoop. Sonradhachd. Efpecialty, feveralty. Sort. A fpecies, fort. Sonraic. Righteous. Sortan. Praife. Sonraichte. Particular. Sorthan. Reproof. Sonraigham. To particularize, fignalize. Sorthan. Profperity. Sontach. Bold, .merry. Soruaifleaghadh. Contempt, So-oibruighte. Figurable. Soruite. Parted, divided'. Sop. A wifp, handful, bundle; the top or Sos. Knowledge. creft of a hen or other bird. ( Sos. A ceflation, giving over. Sopan. A little wifp. Sofa. Civil behaviour, Soplach. A wifp of ftraw. Sofar. The younger, youngefiv Sopar. A well. Sofciodh. Even to. Sop-reic. A tavern-fign. So-fgoilte. Fiflible. Sor. To hefitate. So-fharuighte. Conquerable. Sora. Soap. So-fdiuridh. Governable. Soraideadh. Salutation. So-flieachanta. Avoidable. Soridh. Bleffing, farewel, compliments. So-fgaolte. Diflbluble. So-riaghlighte. Governable. So-fhamhlaghadh. Application. So-raonuighte. Eligible. So-fhamhluighte. Applicable.. So-reamhraighte. Coagulable. So-threobhach. Arable. So-rainnte. Divifible. So-thollidh. Borable. Soridh. Happy, fuccefsful. So-theitheach. Ceflible. Sorb. A fault, blemifh ; foul, dirty. So-fheolta. Navigable. Sorbam. To pollute, defile. Sofia. An abode, habitation. Sorb-aorachas. A lampoon, fatire. Softan. A noife, cry. Sorbcharn. A dunghill. Softanach. Clamorous. Sorda, forcha. Light. Sotal. Pride, flattery. Sorcha. A woman’s name. Lat. Clara. Sotalach. Proud, arrogant, fawning, flat- Sorchaghadh. A manifeftation, clear de- tery. claration. Sotalaigham. To boaft, brag, flatter. Sorchaigham. To manifeft, make clear. Sotla. Pride, arrogance. Sorchaineadh. A fatire, lampoon. Soth. Offspring. Sorchan. A little Pool or eminence. Soth. Luxury. Sorchan-leigaidh. A gawntree. Sothamhuil. Luxurious. Sorcoir. A cylinder. Sothamlachd. Epicurifm. Sord. Order, thriftinefs. Sothaire. A fpruce fellow. Sorda]. Thrifty. So-thaofga. Exhauftible, eafily drained. 2 So-tharrangtha. SPA S P E

So-tharrangtha. Eafily drawn. Spairn. An effort, wreftling. So-theagafgte. Docile. Spairnachd. Wreftling. Sotlaige. Harm, damage. Spairnam. To wreftle. Sotlaigh. Bad, naughty. Spairt. A turf, clod, a fplafh of water. Sotinge. A judge. Spairtam. To fplafh. So-thuigfiona. Intelligible. Spaifdebirachd. Walking. So-thuigthe. Senfible. Spaiftram. } f i o walk about. So-uinfughidh. That may be wielded. Spautngham. ) So-uifgeamhuil. Moift, waterifh. Spal. A weaver’s fhuttle. Spad. A clod, flat, dead, Spalag. The cod or hufk of peafe or Spadach.- Full of clods. beans. Spad, fpadhad. A fpade. Spalla. A wedge, a pinning in building; Spadag. A fillip. the fragment of a ftone or wall. Spadal. A paddle, a plough-ftaff. Spallam. To beat, ftrike. Spadam. To knock in the head, knock Spalpaire. A fpruce fellow. down, to fell. Spalpam. To obtrude. Spadanta. Mean, niggardly. Sparaig. The bit of a bridle. Spadantachd. Sluggifhnefs, niggardlinefs. Sparan, fporan. A purfe, pouch, the fcro- Spadchofach. Flat-nofed. tum. Spadchluafach. Flat-eared. Sparan. A crifping-pin. Spadphluicach. Blub-cheeked. Sparn. A quarrel, wreflde. Spag. A claw, a club-foot. Sparnam. To difpute, quarrel, wreftle, Spagach. Having claws, club-footed. Spatnaidheachd. Wreftling, quarreling. Spagaire. An aukward club-footed fel- Sparnpupa. A champion, chief-wreftler, low. Sparr. A joift. Spagaire-tuinn. The bird called a little Sparra. A fpar, nail. grebe. Sparram. To faften, drive a nail, to rivet, Spaid. A clod. to enforce an argument. Spaid. Heavy, dull, unfruitful, infipid. Sparran-doruis. The bolt of a door, a door- Spaidhair. The pocket-hole of a petticoat. nail. Spaidthalamh. Unfertile ground. Sparfan. A dew-lap. Spaideamhuil. Sluggilh. Spart. A clod. Spaideamhlachd. Sluggifhnefs. Sparthhlucach. Blub-cheeked. Spaidfhion. Dead or flat wine. Spe. Froth. Spaidam. To benumb. Speal. A fcythe, mowing-hook. Spaidthinnas. Lethargy. Speal. A little while. Spaig. A lame leg. Spealadoir. A mower. Spailleadh. A check, abufe. Spealaire. One that cutteth fall. Spailp. Notable. Spealadoireachd. Mowing. Spailpin. A rafcal. Spealam. To cut, mow. Spain. A fpoon. Spealanta. Acute, cutting, ready fpoken.. An Spain. Spain. Spealantachd Acutenefs. Spairn. A log of wood. Spealg. A fplinter. Spealgach, S P I S P o

Spealgach. Splinters. Spinan, fprionan. A goofeberry-bufli. Spealgadh, Cutting, fplitting, fhiving. Spiochog. A purfe or bag. Spiochan. A wheezing in the throat. Spcalg™. 1 To fplit, fhive. Spealtam. J Spiod. An affront, reproach. Spealtain. Shavings. Spiodam. To reproach. Spearthach. A fort of fetter for cattle. Spionadh. Motion, adlion. Speic. Spionadach. A little ftirrinT. A bar, fpar, prop, ftroke. Speice. Spionadh. Pulling, plucking. Speicam. To put bars, to ftrike. Spionam. To pluck, pull, fpoil. Specialta. Efpecial, peculiar. Spionnadh. Strength, force. Speicleir. Spe&acles, glaffes. Spiontag. Currants. Speid. A great river-flood ; a being bu- Spiorad. A fpirit. fy. Spioradalta. Spiritual. Speidal. Bufy, induftrious. Spiorthacha. PI. of Speir, a ham, hough. Speidalachd. Notablenefs. Spios. PI. of Spiofra, fpice. Speil. Cattle. Spiothog. A fmall flone, fuch as one calls Speilagraicham. To climb. at an objedt. Speilp. A belt, armour. Spiothoire. A fpy, fcout. Speir. The ham, hough; pi. Speirthacha. Spiothoireachd. Spying. Speir, fpeur. The Iky, firmament. Spiris. A fort of hammock. e'r* ? ^ fparrovv-hawk. Spirlin. Chance. bpeirge. i Spirfog. A fparrow-hawk. Speirag, A flender-limbed female crea- Spiulgan. Picking. ture. Spiullam. To pick or fhell, to decorti- Speireach. Slender-limbed. cate. Speis. A liking, fondnefs, attachment. Spiunadh. Strength. Speifal. Fond, cleanly. Spiunaim. To ftir up, examine. Speifalachd. Fondnefs, cleanlinefs. Splanc. 7 A fparkle, blaze, flafii of Speur. The Iky, firmament. Splancradh. ' fire. Speurgha. Belonging to the Iky. Splancam. To fparkle, blaze, flalh. Speurghlan. Fair weather. Splancadan. Snot. Spice. A fpike, long nail. Spleadh. i Flattery, dependance, boafl- Spialam. To pull afunder. Spleadhachas. > mg, vain-glory, exploits. Spialadair. Pincers. Spleadhach. Flattering, fabulous, ver- Spid. Spite, malice. bofe. Spiddeal. A fpital or hofpital. Spliuchan. A bladder, purfe, tobacco- Spideamhuil. Spiteful. pouch. Spideamhlachd. Contempt, reproachful- Spocham. To rob. nefs. Spochaim. To provoke, affront. Spideog. A nightingale, Philomela. Spogach. Vide Spagach. Spidfhuileach. Purblind. Spodhla. j A joint of meat, a frag- Spigeam. To mock, feoff. Spolla. ) meat. Spile. A wedge. Spol. A weaver’s fhuttle. Spoldaich. S P R S R A

Spoldaich. Slain bodies.^ Spruan. Brufhwood. Spolla laoigh. A loin of veal. Spruifal. Neat, fpruce. Sponc. Tinder, fpunge. Spruifalachd. Neatnefs, fprucenefs. Sponog. A fpoon. Spuaic. Callofity, pinnacle of a tower, pet- Spor. A fpur, a gun-flint, a talon. tifhnefs. Sporach Having fpurs or claws. Spuilin. i . „ J Plunder. Sporam. To fpur, ftir on. Spumeadh.c 1 Spors. Sport, derifion. Spuinam. To plunder. Sporfal. Sportful. Spuinadair. A plunderer. Sporfalachd. Sportfulnefs. Spuinc. A claw. Spotham. To geld, caftrate. Spuife. A pocket. Spothadair. A gelder. Spuirfe. Spurge, milkweed. Spracadh. t Strength, vigour, exertion, Spurfan. A gizzard, giblets. Spraic. J fprightlinefs. Sput. An eunuch ; hog wafli, a word of Spraical. Strong, aftive. contempt for bad drink; a fpout. Spraicalachd. Adtivity, exertion. Sputam. To fpout. Spraid. A blaft, puff. Srabh. Much, plenty, diffufion. Spre, A fparkle, flafh of fire. Srabhan. Superfluity. Spre. ( Cattle, herd, the portion of a Srabhach. Plentiful, fquandering. Spreidh. new married wife. Sracadh. A young twig, fhoot, fucker ; a Spreaghadh. Stirring up, provocation, re- rent, a thruft. proof. Sracaire. An extortioner. Spreagaim. To blame, chide, reprove, Sracaireachd. Extortion, tearing away. prompt, to prefs, enforce any thing. Sracaireach. Given to extortion or tearing, Spreaghadh. A fudden burftor blow. Sracanta. Oppreffive, tearing. Spreigham. To fcatter, difmifs, to lunge, Sracam. To tear, pull, rob, fpoil, to burft fuddenly. Srad. i Spreidhte. Difperfed, fcattered. Sradag i ^ ^Par^ ^re- Spreilleach. Blubber-lipped. Sradaidhe. Idle. Spreote. A ufelefs thij a fragment; a Sradaidheachd. Idlenefs, drone, idler. Sradam. To fparkle. Sprineog. A pebble. Sraid, fraidin. A flreet; a lane. Sprios. A twig or wicker. Sraideog. A mat. Spriofan. A fmall twig. Sraiden. A lane. Spriuchar. A fling. Sraidin. The herb Shepherd’s pouch, Spriumhacan. A budget, fatchel. Sraidmachd. Walking abroad. Spriunan. Currant or corinth. Srait. A tax or fine. Sprochd. Sadnefs. Sraith. A layer, ccurfe, line or fwath of Sprogaille. Dewlap, a craw. hay cut down by the mower. Sproth. A fprat. Sraith. The quartering of foldiers. Spruille. Sraith, frath. A bottom or valley, the fide Spruileach. ■ Crumbs, fragments. of a valley on the banks of a river, Sprunnan. marfhy grounds. [4^1 Sramh. S R E S R U

Sratnh. A jet of milk gufhing from a cow’s Sreathnaighte. Spread, fcattered. udder. Sreathnaigham. To wet, moiften, to ex- Srann. A fnoring. tend. Srannam. To fnore, make a fnoring noife. Sreinglion. A calling net. Srannaidch. Snorting. Srian. A bridle, reflraint. Srannan. A great hoarfenefs, or rattling in Srianam. To bridle, check, pull down an the throat. enemy. .Srannan feididh. A fort of vvhirlgig. Sruitan. A long and quick repetition of Sraodh, fraoth. A fneezimg. news or poetry. Sraodham. To fneeze. Sro. Vide Stro. Sraoileag. A dirty huffey, flovenly woman, Srobadh. A pufh,.thrufl. quean. Sroghall. A whip, rod. .Sraoilleam. To tear. Sroineadach. A handkerchief. Sraoilleanach. A fcullion- Sroineifeach. Snorting. Sraoin. A huff. Sroiniall-freine. Mufrol. Sraoinais. Huffingly. Srol. Sattin, filk, gauze, or Cyprus. :Sraonadh. The impetus of one walking Srolgha, froii. Of or belonging to Srol, faft. Sron. The nofe, a promontory. Sraonam. To turn, fcatter. Sronagraigham. To fmell. Srath. A tax, general fine. Sronagrich. Smelling. Srath. The bottom of a valley, fields on Sronamhuil. N'afal. the banks of a river; a Sratb, vide Sronfaith. Grunting. Sraith. Sroth. A flream. Srathac. Abounding in Sraths. Srothan. A brook, rivulet. Srathair. A pack-faddle, flraddle. Srothfurtach. Sneezing. Srathaire. A ftroller. Srotham. To flow. Vide Srutham Sratham. Srothfhaobha. A gulph, whirlpool. i To tax, affefs. Srathaigham.i. J Sruamach. A meeting of flreams. Sread. A herd, troop, flock. Sruban. A drawing or fucking in. Sreadaidhe. A herdfman. Scrubadh. Inhauflus. Sreadaigheachd. Herding. Srubam. Inhaurio, to fnufF. Sreamh. A ftream, a fpring. Srudhar. In fmall pieces. Streamham. To flow. Sruich. A fpeech. Srean. A wheezing. Sruith. Knowing, difcerning. Sreang. A firing, cord. Sruth. A flream. Sreangach. Stringed. Sruthan. A flreamlet, brook, rivulet. Sreangam. To draw, extend, to tear. Sruthach. Full of flreams. Sreangtart. A load-ftone. Srutb. A man in religious orders, a clerk, Sreangthartadr An opprobrious word for a man of letters. a thin raw-boned fellow. Srutham. To flream, flow, pour, derive. Sreath. A row, fwath, rank, order, clafs. Sruthanach. Full of flreamlets. Sreathaigham. To put in rows. Sruthchlais. A brook, channel. Sreathal. That is in rows. Sruthladh. Rinfing, cleanfing. Sruthlam. S T A S T E

Sruthlam. Torinfe, cleanfe, Stalacaire. A fowler, gazer. Sruthfhleach. Channel of a river. Stalacam. To Hare, gaze. Sta. Stand. Stalcadh. Growing fliff. Sta. Ufe. Stalcadair. Stiffening, ffarch. Stabha. A veflel. Stalcam. To ffiffen. Stabhaigham. To llraddle. Stalda. Stale, warm drink. Stabham. Toftave. Stallam. To make drink lukewarm. Stabhach. Afunder, wide-forked. Stalic. A thump. Stabul. A liable. Stalicam. To thump. Stac. A flake. Stalin. Steel. Stacan. A thorn. Stam. To Hand. Staccadh. A Hack. Stamh. Tangle; the ifle of Staffa. Staccan. A little Hack, Stamha. A vafe. Stacach. Deaf. Stamnidh. Manageable, pliable. Stad. A Hop, delay, hindrance, period. Stang. A ditch. Stadaighil. A Handing Hill. Stanna. A tub, vat. Stadam. To Hand, flop, flay. Stannart. Stint, a yard wand, a yard. Stadh. The Hays of a fhip. Staoig. A collop, flake, a piece. Stadthach. Apt to Hop. Staon. Awry, oblique. Staduid. A flatute. Staonadh. Bias, bending, inclination. Staid. A craft, wile. Staonaim. To decline, abflain. Staid. A furlong. Staonard. A creek in the neck. Staid. State, condition. Stapal. A link, torch. Staidhg, lleig. iThe gullet or wind- Staplan. Noife of the fea. Staidhg bhraghad. J pipe. Starbhanach. Firm, Heady,

Staidal. 7 0 , , Stargha. A Ihield. Scaidmhor. S ^tate port'y. Stat. Pride, haughtinefs. Staidamhlachd. 7 „ Statamhuil. Proud, Hately. _ ., , , . > Statehriefs, portlinefs.r Staidmhorachd. 3 Statamhlachd. Statelinefs.

Staidhair. 1 . „ . n Steach, affeach. Within. Staighre. ! A fa,r’ “'P' Steacham. To enter. Stall. A throw. Steaffag. A Haft', Hick, club. Stailadh. Stile, title. Steal!- A Ihot of water from a fquirt, or Stailc, A flop, impediment, flubborn- otherwife. nefs. Steallach. That fquirteth. Stain, llainadh. Latten, tin, Steallam. To fquirt, fprinkle. Staipal. A Hopper. Steallair. A fyringe, fquirt. Stair, fdair. Hiflory. Stearnal. A bittern. Stairiceach. Light. Snearnal tigh ofd. An innkeeper’s fign. Stairfeach. Threlhold. Steic. Vide Staidhg. Stairtheoir. An hiflorian. Steic-bhraghad. The wind-pipe. , Stal. A flallion. Steighe. A foundation. Stalacach. That flareth. Steilin. A gawntree. Steilcach. S T O S T R

Steileach. Laxative, loofe. Stothfhronach. Having a camois nofe, Steille. A lax, loofenefs. crook-nofed. Steinle. The itch, mange. Strabaid. A proftitute. Steinligham. To exulcerate. Strac. A ruler to meafure grain in a difh, Stiall. A ftreak, ftripe. a ftripe, ftreak. Stiallach. Striped, in ftripes. Stracam. To rule, meafure a difh by draw- Stiallam. To make in ftripes, to rend in ing the rule along the brim. pieces or fhreds. Strach. An arch, vault. Sticin. A little ftaff or club, Straic. Pride. Stillam. To divide. Straical. Proud. Stim. A hair-lace, fnood. Straicain. A truncheon. Stinleog. Hinge of a trunk. Straif. A floe-bufti. Stiobhard, A fteward. Straighlich. The rattling of arms or other Stioram. To benumb. implements. Stirrin. A fturgeon. Straill. r ^ „ Stiuram. Vide Sdiuram. S.raille. j HUay, neglefl. Stobam. Toftab. Straille. A carpet, a mat. Stobham. Toftew. Straillam. To pluck, tear in pieces. Stoc. A founding horn, a trumpet. Strangadh. Plucking, twitching. Stoc. A ftock, root, poft, or pillar. Strangam. To pull, draw. Stoc leapa. The bed-fide. Stranglaim. To pull, twitch. Stoc, ftoc luinge. A gunwale. Strangtha. Pulled, plucked. Stocaire. A trumpeter. Strangadh. i Strife, contention, lazi- Stoca. A wallet-boy, one that runs at a Strangaireachd. ) nefs. horfeman’s foot. Strangaire. A lazy fellow. Stoca. A flocking. Strantrich. Snorting. Stocaigham. To grow ftiff or numb. Straoidhach. Prodigal, wafteful. Stocach. An idler about the kitchen of Straoileadh. A flut, floven. great folks, and will not work for fub- Straoileog, A drag-tail. fiftence. Straoidham. To wafte, fquander. Stoich. Funk, ftink. Straoidhair. A wafter, or prodigal one. Stoid. Sulks, pet. Straoilam. To pull, draw after. Stoir. Stepping ftones. Straoithal. l Noife. Stoirm. Storm. Straithlidh. J Stoirmal. Strath. The ftay betwixt the top-maft and > Stormy, Stoirmach. i fore-maft, by which it is fupported. Stoite. Prominent. Strathnaigham. Tofpread. Stol. A ftocl, feat. Streachla. A trifle. Stolda. Steady, at leifure. Streachtan. ) . . , A Stonta. A tub, vat. Streachlair. ! ^

Stor. 1 n Streachla. Torn, rent, ripped, n >■ Store, ammunition Storas. ) Streachlaghadh. Sport. Storafach. Full of ftores. Strillin, A garter, Streap, 3 S T U S U A

Streap. 1 Strife, infurre&iori, fkir- Stuircin. A creflr. Streapag. j mifh. Stuirt. Huffinefs, pride. Stribrid Stuirtal. Stately, proud. ^ , 1 A whore, a harlot, Strioboid.aid. ) Stuirtalachd. Statelinefs, pride. Strioc. A ftreak. Stumpe. A poll, flump. Striocach. Streaked. Stur. Dufl. ' Striocam. To fall, fubmit, ftrike, to be Sturach. Uneven. humbled. Sturric. Summit of a hill, pinnacle. Striolla. A girth. Stuth. Stuff, matter or fubflance, corn. Striopach. A whore, proftitute. Suabh. Mannerly, well-bred, mild. Striopachas. Fornication. Suabhais. Mildnefs, gemlenefs. Striopachamhuil. Whorifh. Suachgan. , ( An earthen pot. Stro. Prodigality. Suacan. $ Stroda. A ftrand, a fhore. Suadh. Prudent, difcreet. Stroic. A fhive, piece. Suadh. Counfel, advice. Stroicam. To tear, cut off. Suadh. A learned man. Stroidham. To fquander, wafte. Suadidh. Moving. Stroidhair. A fquanderer, waiter. Suaichiontas. Vide Suaithchiontas. Strothamhuil. Prodigal. Suaigh. Profperous, fuccefsful. Strothamhlachd. Prodigality. Suaill. Small, little, mean. Stroighin. Cement, mortar. Suaillmheafta. Homely, ordinary. Stroill, llraill. Delay. Suaim. A tone, accent. Struth. t , Suaimhnas. Reft, quietnefs, pleafure. An btruthciamhull.c l - u n 1S oilnch. Suaimhneach. Quiet, calm, fafe, plea- Stuacach. Gruff? boorifh. fan t. Stuadh. A fheet, a fcroll. Suaimhnaicham. To pleafe, charm. Stuadh. Suaimhneafach. Full of pleafure. | A gable, a pinnacle, a ridge. Stuaidh. Suain. Sleep, deep deep; Sweden. Stuadhbhraghdeach. Stiff-necked. Suainartarch. That fleepeth heavy or faft, Stuaic. A little hill or round promon- foundly. tory. Suairc. Civil, facetious, kind, affable. Stuaim. Device, air, mien. Suanam. To deep. Stumach. , ,, , „ Suarcas. Facetioufnefs, affability, kind- „ „ t Modelt, temperate, . Stumadn. \ nefs, mirth, urbanity. Stuamachd. Moderation. Suaidinam. To lay with the face up, to lay Stucach. Stiff, rigid, horned. fupine. Stucaire. Shot-free. Suaite. Kneaded, mixed. Stucan. A little hill jutting out from Suaiteachd. A tempering or mixing toge- another. ther, fatigue. S'tuidear. A ftudent. Suaithchiontas. A dag, colour, endgn, ftan- Stuideartha. dard, an efcutcheon. | Studious. Stuidearthach. Suaitheantais. A prodigy, portent. Stuidaradh. Study. Suaithreach. A foldier, [4 QJ Sual. S U D S U I

Sual. A wonder. Sudh. Secure. Suall. Famous, renowned. Sudog. A cake. Suan. Sleep, deep deep. Sudrall. Light, brightnefs. Suanach. A Highland plaid, a fleece. Sudire. A tanner. . Suanairtn. A bed-chamber, dormitory. Sugach. Merry, chearful, pleafant. Suanghalar. A lethargy. Sugaidham. To be merry or droll. Suanmhar. Inclined to fleep. Sugaighal. Joy. Suanmharachd. A being inclined to fleep. ®,,g"JhelA droll. Suantach. Drowfy, fleepy. Sugaire. J Suarach. Infignificant, trifling. Sugan. A ftraw rope. Suaraighe. Cheapnefs, meannefs. Sugancha. A ropery. Suaraichas. Negledl, indifference. Sugh. Juice, liquor. Suarcas. Mirth, drollery. Sughainte. ~) A , . C A whirlpool, 0gulf. Suarcrodh. Endowed. Sughmhaire. J Suas. Up, upward. Sugham. To fuck in, attradb. Suafmhollam. To flatter, puff, footh, to Sugradh. Mirth, playing, fporting. magnify, extol. Suibhealtan. A parafite. Suathain. Lafting, perennial. Suibhealtas. Sponging, fliarking. Suathadh. Kneading. Suibh. A flrawberry-tree. Suatham. To knead, rub, mix. Suibhe. A feflion, aflize. Suathameafg. Chaos. Suidh. A hero. Suathleus. Dazzling. Suidhe. ”J Suathran. A vertigo. Suidheachan. A feat. Subh, fugh. Juice. Suidheog. J Subh. A berry. Suidhuicham. To fet, plant. Subh-craobh. Rafpberry. Suidhughadh. Setting, planting. Subh-lair. 3 „ „ Suidhuighte. Set, planted, fedate. AftraWb ry Sl,bh,almhi„J " ' Suidham. To fit, to prove, enforce an ar- Subha. Pleafure, delight. gument. Subhach. Merry, chearful. Suidheann. The cable of a veffel. Subhachas. Mirth, chearfulnefs, gladnefs. Suidhiomh. A proof. Subhailce. A virtue. Suidhal. Quiet, calm, fedate, noble. Subhailceach. Virtuous. Suidhte. In order, well-proportioned. Subham. Suidhte. Proved, maintained. | To fuck in, inhaurio. Sucham. Suidhteachd. Steadinefs, eqdanimity. Subhan. Juice, flap. Suigeort. A frifking, gladnefs. Subhled. Exprefl'ed juice, liquor. Suigeortach. Frifking of joy. Subhrifteach. Brittle. Suigleadh. Snot. Subhrifteachd. Brittlenefs, weaknefs.. Suil. The eye, hope, expectation. Subftaint. Vide Sufbuin. Su'd. Tackle. Suchadh. Sudlion, a wave, evaporation. Suilach. Having eyes, fharp, quick-light- Sucridh. Eafy. ed. Sud. That there, yonder. Suilag. A little eye, orifice. Suilagach. SUL S U T

Suilagach. Full of little holes. Suit. Mirth, joy, jeft, delight. Suilaire. A Soland goofe. Suit, f. Fat. Suilbhire. Delight, chearfulnefs. Sultmhar. Fat, fertile. Suilbhir. Chearful, pleafant. Sultmhor. Pleafant, jocofe. Suilbhireachd. Chearfulnefs. Sultmhuire. Mirth, facetioufnefs. Suilchrith. A quagmire. Sumhar. A fpring. Suilgha. Ocular. Sumhl. Clofe packed. Suilmhalari. A cockatrice. Sumhlachadh. Packing clofe. Suilmhangaire. A foreftaller of the mar- Sumhlaigham. To pack clofe. ket. Sumhlichte. Packed. Suilmhear. A wave. Summag. A pack-faddle. Suilradharcam. To fafcinate. Summaineadh. A wave. Suim. A fum, refpeif, regard, confidera- Sunach. Vide Suanach. tion. Sunais. Lovage. Suimal. Refpe&ful, regardful of. Sunn caiflean. A fortified caftle. Suinean. Fair weather. Sunnd. Joy, chearfulnefs, good-humour. Suineann. Stammering. Sunndach, Good-humoured, merry. Suipeir. Supper. Sunghaoth. Boafting. Suinich. Late. Sunrach. Particular, fpeciah Suire. Sea nymphs, mermaids. Suntaidh. Quick, adbive, Suiridh. Nimble, aflive, Suntraigh. Strong, flout. Suiridh. Courting, wooing. Sur. A fearch, enquiry. Suirigh. A fool. Suraim. To inveftigate, enquire, Suiridheach. A fweetheart, fuitor. Suram. To follow. Suifte. A flail. Surd. Induftry. Suiftaram. Tothrefti. Surdal. Induftrious. Suitchearnach. A prefent, donation. Surdalachd. Induflry. Suithean. The mob, multitude. Susbuin. Subfiance, flrength, virtue* Suithche. Soot. Suth. The weather. Suithinge. Merry, joyful. Sutli. Juice. Sul. The fun, an eye. Suthbrith. Decodlion. Sulairam. Vide Sollaram. Suthor. Juicy. Sulbhaire. Oratory, eloquence. Sutche. a Sulbeim. Bewitching with the eye. Suthaigfie. J 00t* Sulchor. Quick-fighted. Suthaig|ieach. Sooty. Sulradharc. Forefight, fate. Suthain. Profperous, eternal, everlafling. Sulradharcam. To look before, provide, Suthuineacht, Eternity. forefee. TAB TAD


TIs the fixteenth letter in the Galic Tabhartas. A prefent, tribute. ^ alphabet, and is foft as in the Ita- Tabhartha. Given, delivered. lian. It bears an afpirace, and then is Tabhuigham. To profit, exadt. mute; as Tog, lift up; Thog e, he Tabhul. A horfe-fly, a breeze. lifted up, is Hog e. The Irifh writers Tabhun. Baying of dogs. have called it Teine, and no one of them Taboid. A broil. has given the reafon of that appellative. Tac. Time. A leafe. This letter hath often, in the Irifh ma- Taca. Near, valuable. nufcripts, been commuted for D, as G Taca. A prop, a tacket, peg. hath for C, which is prejudicial to the af- Taca. A furety. finity roots in one language beareth to Tacaid. A tacket. thofe of another. Vide Analyfts. Tacaidheachd. Giving fecurity. T Is euphonic before nouns beginning Tacamhuil. Firm, folid, able. with S. Tacamhlachd. Firmnefs, folidity. Ta. I am, is. Tacan. A fhort time, a minute. Taachd. Dull of hearing. Tacar. Provifion, gleaning, plenty. Taag. A blow on the cheek. Tacar. Good, agreeable. Taainm. A nick-name. Tacha. Scarcity. Tabar. A tabor, timbrel. Tachalofgadh. j , W he itch. Tabh. A fort of fifhing-net, the ocean. ™1 achas. i Tabhachd. Effect, good ufe. Tachan. A fort of martin. Tabhachdach. Beneficial, efficient, valid. Fachair. He came, arrived. Tabhachta. State, condition. Tachar. A fight, battle, fkirmifh. Tabhagh. To pull. Tachairam. To meet. Tabhuan. Perfeverance. Tacharan. An orphan, a fprite. Tabhair. Give thou. Tachaifam. To fcratch. Tabhairn. The fea. Tachdadh. Strangling, choaking, Tabhairn. A tavern, inn. Tachdam. To ftrangle, choak. Tabhairneoir. An innkeeper. Tachdaighte. Strangled. Tabhairt. Giving. Tachdar. Many, provifion. Tabhairtach. Dative, generous. Tacheoll. Subftantial. Tabhairam. To give, beftow, confer,. Tacmang. A compafs, circuit. Tabhal. A fling, out of which darts and Tacmangam. To encompafs, furround. Hones were caff, as from the Roman ca- Tacmangtha. Surrounded. tapulta; a chief. Tacoid. A peg, fmall nail. Tabhartana. A leader, a general. Tad. Lownefs of fpirits. Tadh. TAG T A I

Tadh. » Taghar; A fight, diftant noile. • A thief. Tadhad. J Tagmhodh. A poem. Tadhal. The fenfe of feeling. Taghte. Chofen. Vide Tagham. Tadhal. A flefh-hook. Tagraim. To plead a caufe, to debate, Tadhallam. To vifit often, frequent, to fpeak. haunt. Tagradh. Proceeding, feries. Tadhafg. An account, news. Tagrach. Argumentative. Tadhbadh. Tagradoir. An advofcate, pleader. | A fpedtre. Tadhbhaifteadh. Tai, taoi. Silent, mute. Tadhbhachd. Subftance, confequence, e- Taibh. The ocean. fteem. Taibheirt. Difparagement. Tadhbhachdach. EiFedfual, important. Taibhle. Tables. Tadhbhas. Solidity, firmnefs. Taibhle fileadh. Planed tables, whereon Tadhbhas. A fhewing, appearance. the Irifh wrote before they had parch- Tadhbhafach. Solid, weighty. ment. Tadhg. A poet. Taibhleoir. An ambafiador. Tadhg. A man’s name. Taibhleoirachd. Sporting, playing. Tadhlach. Hard, difficult. Taibhreadh. A dream, vifion, appearance, Tadhorduigham. To predeftinate. revelation, difcovery. Taecht. Unfavourinefs. Taibhreal. Laurel. Taem. Heed. Taibhream. To dream, to appear intellec- Taen. The root of bent. tually, fpiritually, or in dream. Tafach. An exhortation. Taibhfe. A vifion, apparition, phantom. Tafach. Craving. Taibhfigham. To feem, appear. Tafatgham. To prefs, urge. • Taibhfion. A fhewing or appearing. Tafan. A yelping, barking. Taibhe., Vide Taibhle. Tafanaim. To yelp, bay, bark to expel, Taibid. A fquib in fpeech. drive aw’ay, rout. Taic. A quantity, dependence, prop, near, Taga. Teazle. in conjundlion. Tagaidh. Come ye on, advance. Taiceachd. A man’s utmoft exertions. Tagair. Plead thou. Taiceam. To recommend. Tagairam. To plead. Taiceamhuil. Firm, flrong, folid. Tagairt. Pleading. Taicamhlachd. Strength. Tagam. To deliver, furrender. Taichre. A combat, battle. Tagar. An order, courfe. Taicial. A provider. Tagaradh. A pleading. Taide. A beginning, commencing. Tagarthoir. A pleader. Taidhe. Theft. Tagartha. Pleaded. Taidhean. A troop, multitude. Tagbhais. J „ , Taidhin. A mill-pond. Tagbh.il. SA haP’ ch““' Taidheoir. A pleader, difputant. Taghairm. A fort of divination. Taidhim. To apply, join. Vide Ta- Taghal. A feeling, fenfe of feeling. tham. Tagham. To choofe, kick out. Taidhleach. Pleafant, delightful, fplendid. [4 RJ Taidhleachd^ T A I T A I

Taidhleachd. Delight, fplendour. Taincal. Thankful. Taidhleoir. An ambaffador, meffenger. Tainic. Came. Taidhuir. Objedding. Tainfiomh. A reflection, cenftire, re- Taifnighte. Driven, forced away. proach. Taifnam. To banifli, expel. Taip. A mafs, lump. Taifeid. A bow-ftring. Taipeiftreach. Tapeftry. Taig. Habit, cuftom. Tair. Contempt, reproach. Taigh. Vide Tigh. Tair. Vile, bafe. Taigais. A haggefs ; the fcrotum. Tair, thairis. Over. Taighleachd. Delight. Tairal. Contemptuous. Taigiar. Pleafant. Tairbert. A peniniula. Taill. Subftance, produdf, a lump. Taire. Safer. Tailcanach. Stately. Tairad. Bafenefs. Tailcas. Defpite, reproach, contempt. Taireachd. Contempt, low life, bafenefs, Taileafg. Sport, chefs. Tairbh. PI. of Tarbh. TaileoL Solid. Tairbhe. Profit, advantage. Tailgean. A holy name fuppofed to have Tairbhealach. A ferry, paffage. been given by the Druids to St. Patrick. Tairbheartach. Profitable, beneficial. Tailmh. Ailing-. Tairbhfheach. A thigh. Taille. Wages. Tairc. A clod. Tailm. A tool, inftrument. Taircheadalt. Prophecy. Tailp. A bundle, bunch. Taircheimnughadh. A paflage over. Taim. I am. Tairchreich. Defert, merit. Taimh. Death, mortality, fainting. Taircfionach. Mean, vile. Taimhfhion. Dead wine. Tairdhingam. To force, thruft through. Taimhleachd. A burying earn, or heap of Taireadh. Praife, commendation. loofe ftones railed by thofe who accompa- Taireag. Provifion, preparation. ny corpfes on the highway to the burying- Tairealbh. Shewing, reprefenting. place, each perfon carrying a fingle ftone Tairean. A defeent. to be thrown into the heap or earn. The Taireim. Difpraife, difrepute. cuftom Hill continues in the Highlands, to Taireimadh. Difparagement. which I have been an eye witnefs, and Taireofg. A faw. have added a ftone to the heap. Taireis. After, afterwards. Taimhliofg. Chefs. Tairgeal. An offering, oblation. Taimhneam. Tobanilh. Tairgeag. An imp, graft. Taimhneul. Slumber, trance, extacy. Tairghrim. To prophecy. Taimhneulam. To flumber. Tairgam. To try, endeavour, offer. Taimhthin. A natural death. Tairgam. To efcape, get away. Tain. Water. Tairgire. Prophecy, divination, Tain, tan. A land, country, region. Tairgne. A nail. Tainad. Rarity, thinnefs. Tairgnine. A little nail. Tairgnachd. Prophecy. . , i Thanks, gratitude. Taincalactid. $ 5 Tairic. He came. T airigam. T A I T A I

Tairigam, tairgam. To render, offer. Tairthiudh. News, tales. T airgfe. Tairthreoiram. To convey, carry over. An offer, proffer. Tairgfin. Tairthreortha. Conveyed. Tairal. Contemptuous. Tais. Wet, moift, dank. Tairam. To live, exift. Taifaigham. Tomoiften. Tairiofgluathre. Sawduft. Taifaodach. Winding-fheet. Tairiotalaim. To fly over. Taife. \ Moifture. Tairis. Trufty, loving, kind. Taifad. Tairife. i Lovingnefs, affedfion, friend- T aifalachd. Wet, rain, moifture. Tairifeachd. $ fhip. Taifal. Soft. Tairis, thairis. Over, beyond, by. Taife. Dead bodies, ghofts, relicks, extacy. Tairifam. To love; ftay, remain, conti- Taifbeun. A vifion, appearance. nue. Taifbeunaid. A {hew, revelation. Tairifce. A file. Taifbeunam. To fhew, prefent, produce, T airifcam To fhave off-, file. appear, reveal. Tairifin. A band, tye. Taifbeunta. Revealed, fhewn, prefented. Tairifiomh.. Dear, intimate, friendly, Taifceallach. Efpying, viewing. trufty. Taifcealladh. A betraying. Tairifiomh. Tarrying, continuance, Taifceallam. To view, obferve, reconnoi- dwelling. tre. Tairifionach. Good. Taifdeak A journey, voyage. Tairleach. Moifture. Taifeachd. Moifture. Tairlearach. Tranfmarine. Taifeag. Reftitution. Tairleofaim. To appear through. Taifealbhadh. A reprefentation, likenefs. Tairm. Necromancy. Taifealbham. To perfonate, reprefent. - Tairmcheal. A circuit. T ' * f ^ | A pledge, ftake, treafure. Tairnge. A nail, pin, peg. Tairngam. To pull, draw, to brew, diffil. Taifg. Keeping, laid up. Tairngthe, Drawn. Taifgairm. An armoury. Tairngthoir. A drawer. Taifgam. To lay up, to keep fafe. Tairnig. Was finifhed. Taifgealach. A pilgrim, paffenger. Tairpeach. Strong, grand, pompous. Taifgealachd. Pilgrimage. Tairreimniughadh. Tranfition. Taifgidh. A hoarding, laying up. Tairrianach. From beyond fea. Taifgiodan. A ftorehoufe. Tairrngam. To pull, draw. Taifginntin. Equivocation. Tairrngire. A promife. Taiflio-ham.O To be wet or moift. Tairfeach. Hinge of a door, threfhold. Taiflighte. Wetted. Tairfgam. To offer. Taifmangadh. Birth. Tairfgiona. An offer. Taifte. Taches. Tairfhliabhach. Beyond the mountains. Taifteal. A journey, voyage, ftraying, Tairfiubhlam. Topafsover. wandering. Tairtbhe. A circuit, compafs. Taiftealach. A vagabond, traveller. Tairtbigham. 'Tofave. Taiftealam. Toftray, travel. Taiftigham. T A L TAM

Taiftigham. To water. Talifg. Some irifli inftrumentof war. Taifteamhuil. Momentary. Talfuin. A hoe. Taifteog. Moment. Talgadh. A quieting, pacifying. Tait. Pleafyre. Tall. Theft. Taithcheannach. E.-.change, traffic. Tall, thall. Over, beyond. Taitheafg. A repartee. Talla. A hall. Taithleach. Peace, quietnefs. Tall. Eafy. Taithleach. Peaceable, quiet, depending Tallaim. To cut. on. Tallaithe. Robbed, fpoiled. Taithliagh. A chirurgeon. Tallan. A talent. Taithligham. Toappeafe, mitigate. Talbhe. He that bereaves a man of a Taithlioch. An excufe. thing. Taithmhead. Remembrance, memorial, Tallthoir. A robber. monument. Talmhan. Gen. of Talamh. Taithneamh. Splendour, brightnefs, a Talmhuidhe. Terreftrial. thaw. Talpa. The tranflator of the Irifh bible Taithneamhach. Bright, fhining, fair, ufes this Latin word for a mole, although beautiful. the language,at leaft the Scotch dialed!:, af- Taithneamhas. Pleafantnefs. fords one. There are no moles in Ireland. Taithnam. To thaw. Talradharc. Warinefs, caution. Taitneach. Agreeable, acceptable. Tam. Truly, certainly. Tal. A cooper’s ax or adze. Tamach. Dull, fluggiftr. Taldeis. ) , . . . Tamailte. Slothful, weak, faint, humili- „ , £ A fort of planes. 1 alcuu. J ating, difparaging. Talach. Difpraife, reproach. Tamailtin. Abufive ftories. Talach. Diffatisfied, murmuring. Tamal, tamul. Space, a little while., Tala. An elegy. Tamil. Reft, quiet. Taladh. To hufh, rock to reft. Tamh. The ocean. Talaidh. Vide Aile. Tamh. Plague, peftilence, extacy. Talamh. The earth, ground, foil. Tamhach. A dolt. Talamh-chumfgughadh. An earthquake, Tamhaich. Inhabitants. Talamhchrithach. Earthfhaking. Tamhaighe. Dulnefs. Talamhanta. Mineral. Tamhaigham. To fettle, refide, inhabit. Talamhuidh. Earthy, earthly, terreftrial. Tamhaim. To be filent. Talan. Feats of arms, chivalry. Tamhait. Habitation. Talban. A partition. Tamhan. A trunk, body, block, flock. Taka. Force, vigour, courage., Tamhanach. A dolt, blockhead. Talcanta. Strong, lufty. Tamhanta. Doltifh, ftuggifh, fplenetic. Talchara. A generous lover. Tamhantas. Slownefs. Talcarr-a. Sturdy, corpulent. Tamhafg. A fool, Talcuil. A cooper’s plane. Tamhafg. A fool. Talcumha. A tub. Tamhnaim, To behead, lop off. Taleog. Deliver thou. ! Tamhlhuan. A trance, extafy. 2 Tan, T A O T A O

Tan, An tan, An tam. When. Taobhfhlighe. A bye-way. Tan. A herd of cows. Taobhtha. Tmfted, joined. Tan. A country, region, territory. Taobhthoir. A creditor, commiflary. Tanadh. i , Taobhthrom. Pregnant. „ >■ Thin, rare, flender. 1 anaidhe. ) Taod. Going, coming. Tanaidheachd. Thinnefs. Taod. A halter. Tanaigham. To make thin, flender, dimi- Taodbhalc. Very ftrong, puiflant. nifh, rarify. Taodhaire. An apoftate. Tanaifte. A lord, dynaft, governor of a Taoghach. Eledtive. country, heir apparent in Ireland to a Taoghal. A frequenting, vifiting. prince. Taogham. To choofe, eledt. Tanaifte. The middle finger. Taoghte. Eledted. Thanaifteachd. Thaniftry, law of regal Taoidham. To turn, revolt. fucceffion. Taoi. A trope, turning, winding. Tanaifteach. Swaying, adding like a Taoi. Deaf, filent. Thane. Taoibhreim. f Tanalich. Shallow water. Taoibhreimnughadh. 1 'greflion. Tanas. Dominion, lordfhip, government. Taoibhmheife. i ™ , , IA commiflary. I aoibhmheithamh. i ■'

Tanaf i ^ fpirit of the deceafed. Taoicreidhm. J t Tancard. A tankard. Taoieafadh. } A g'ddl^ dtzzmefs. Tangadar. They arrived, came. Taoig. A fit of paffion. Tangmangadh. An environing, guarding. Taoim. Bilge water in a fttip. Tangnachd. Fraud, malice, grudge. Taois, taoife. Of dough. Tanic, thanic. Came. Taoifeach. A chieftain, general. Tannaladh. Often bellowing, agony. Taoifg. Nearly full. Tannaidh aodaich. Woof. Taoifnaigham. 7 „ , , ™ . f I o knead. Tanfin. Then, at that time. 1 aoilnam.r 3 Taobh. A fide. Taoifnigbte. Kneaded. Taobh amuidb. Outfide. Taoitheannach. Silent. Taobh aftigh. Infide. Taoitheannachd. Silence. Taobhach. Partial. Taolomach. A parricide. Taobhachd. Prefumption. Taom. A fit of ficknefs, madnefs, or paf- Taobgha. Lateral. fion. Taobhadh. Trufting, relying, a commif- Taom. Lave, empty thou. Vide Taoim. fion. Taomach. Subjedl to fits j emptying. Taobham. To join, take part with, in- Taomam. To lave, pour out, to pump. cline, come nigh to, truft, depend. Taoman. A veflel to lave with. Taobhan. A rafter. Taomaire. A drawer, a pump. Taobhcheimne. Digreflion. Taombaoile. A mad fit. Taobhghabhail. A hankering, kindnefs^ Taos. Dough. Taobhgheal. Having a white fide. Taothchoir. Blame, difpraife. Taobhghreim. A ftitch in the fide. Taofchua. A fiefti pie. [4 SJ Taofga. ( TAR T A R

Taofga. Rather, firft, fooner than. Tarbhanta, Grim, flern, bull-faced. Taofgach. Brim-full. Tarbhaidh. A hindrance, impediment, Taofgadh. Pumping, draining. misfortune. , Taofgam. To drain, pour out, pump. Tarbheiram, To carryover, transfer. Taofgoir. One employed at the pump. Tarbhochnach, Tranfmaririe. Taofgtha. Drained. Tarbhaillam. To pierce, thruft through. Taothalam. To come, vifit. Tarbh-tana. A parifh or public bull. Taothal. Subfidy. Tarcabal. Sins, tranfgreffions. Tap. ” Tarceann. Moreover. Quick, adtive. Tapidh. 1 Tarcheann. Although, though. Tap. Tow or wool on the diftaiF. Tarcim fuain. A deep fleep. Tapadh. j . Tarchomhladh. A going, marching. Ta a hd i ^uccelsi adrivity, good chance. Tarcchonnair. A ferry, paffage. Tapaidham. To haften. Tarchuiram. To pafs over. Tapag. Accident, chance words, a flip. Tarcodhach. Naught, bad. Taphuinam. To bark. Tarcuis. 7 f Contempt. Taphun. Barking. I arcuifne. J Taplich. A repofltory of fmall things, a Tarcuifneach. Contemptuous, defpicable. wallet, Tarcuifnigham. To defpife, revile. Taponta. At your peril, doing quickly. Tard. He gave. Tar. Beyond, out of. Tardharc. Squinting, looking afkew. Tar. Come thou. Tareis. After, afterwards. Tar, tair. Contempt. Tarfhairmheadh. A palling over. Tar. Rather than, before. Tarfas. An apparition. Tara. Adlive, a multitude. Tarfuinneog. A cafement. Tarachd. Adtivity. Targadh. A governing, ruling. Tarachair. An augre, gimlet. PTdh- 1 An aflembly. Tharad. Over thee. 1 arglomadh. J ' Taradharc. Squinting. Targaid. A target. Tarail. To go round. Targaidach. Armed with a target. Taraifeach. From beyond the mountains. Targhan. A noife. Taralpach. Tranfalpine. Targhraidh. An expedition. Tharam. Over me. Targhno. Ill-countenanced. Taran. The ghoft of an unbaptized Tharibh. Over you. child. Tharis. Over, over him, it. Tarbert. A neck of land. Tharinn. Over us. Tarbh. A bull. Tarla. He, it came to pafs, happened. Taibh uifge. A fea bull or cow. Tarlaic. He threw, call. Tarbhan. A little bull. Tarlaid. A drudge. Have. Tarbhach. Profitable, fubflantial. Tarlaidham. To colled!, bring together, Tarbhachd. Gain, profit. feize, lay hold on. Tarbhach-iuil. A good guide, fkilful Tarlodh. A draught, leading in of corner man. hay. 3 Tar- TAR TAT

Tarlaidham. To meet, vifit. Tarruingham fuas. To take up with a per- Tarlodham. Vide Tarlaidham. fon, cultivate acquaintance. Tarmadh. To dwell, to fettle. Tarruing air ais. Revulfion. Tarman. A fanctuary, protection. Tarfa. Over, paft, over them. Tarman, torman. Noife. Tarfnan. A tranfom, crofs beam, or flick. Tarmchruthughadh. Transfiguration. Tarfin. Acrofs, awry, athwart. Tarmochan. Tarfnamham. To fwim over. 11 | The bird termagant. Tarmonach. Tarfoillfeach. Tranfparent. Tarna. Crofs, bye. Tarfoillfigham. To be tranfparent. Tarnac. It was finifhed. Tart, Thirft, drought. Tarnach. 3 Tartan. A party-coloured fluff worn by _ • , f I hunder. Tarnainach. ) Highlanders. - Tarnachd. Forwardnefs, perverfenefs. Tartar. Noife. Tarp. A clod, lump. Tartarach. Noify, Tarpan. A clufter. Tharte. Over her, Tarr. The loweft part of the belly. Tharta. Over them. Tarrachtin. Revenge. Tarthadoir. | A faviour. Tarrachtair. Jt happened. T arthalaidhe. Tarradh. Protection. Tarthach. A girth. Tarradh. A drawing, draught. Tarthaigham. To affift, depend. Tarraghalaidhe. A prophet. Tarthail. Help, affiftance. Tarraighil. Prophecy. Tarthailam. To affift, proteCt. Tarraghlaim. To prophecy, foretel. Tartmhor. Thirfty, dry. Tarrang. Tas. A dwelling, habitation. A nail. Tarrann. Tas. A whip, fcourge. Tarrangart. A load-ftone. Tafaim. To dwell, remain, Tarrangoir. A nailer. Tafan. A flow, tedious, plaintive dif- Tarrangtha. Drawn, pulled. courfe. Tarraftair. It happened. Tafanach. Slow, tedious. Tarrfhionn. Having white buttocks. Tafoeunam. To reveal, fhew, prefent. Tarrghraidh. A journey,- Tafc. Fame; Tarringireacht. A prophecy. Tafcor. A navy. Tarrnochd. Stark-naked. Tafcor. An affembly, cavalcade, mark, Tarrfa. Come thou. Tafcoram, To march, migrate. Tarrthaigham. To fave, deliver. Tafdail. To examine. Tarrthail. Prefervation, fafety. Tafg. A report, rumour. Tarrthaim. To feize, lay hold of, to affert, Tafga. A talk. affirm. Tafgaire. A flave, fervant. Tarthaim. To grow. Tafgamhuil. Renowned. Tarrudh. A drawing, Tafgidh. Laying up, peeping, Tarruing. A haul-yard, draught. Tafs. Half done. Tarruingam. To draw, pull, teaze, Tatag. A clafh. launch, diftil. Tath, Slaughter. Tath, TEA TEA

'Tafh. Solder, glue. Teachd amach. Encreafe. Tath. Withered. Teachd. Innavigable. Vide Muir. Tath. A fide. Teachda. 1 Tatha. Bail, fecurity. Teachdach. j-A meffenger, poll, ambaflador. Tfathad. They have. Teachdaire. J Tathaigheach. Converfant, acquainted. Teachdaireachd. Meflage, embafly, errand, Tathaigheachd. Ufe, familiarity. legation. 'Tathaigham. To frequent, haunt, ufe. Teachdaighte. Strangled. Vide Tatham. Teachdmhor. Fruitful. Tataim. To kill, deftroy ; to dye. Teachtadh. PoffeiTion. Tathaire. A fluggifh trifling fellow. Teacmaic. It came to pafs, happened. Tathalam. To call, vifit. Teacmhuail. Afflidfion, at death’s floor. Tatham. To apply, join by articulation. Teacmoc. Riches, wealth. Tathamh. A nap of fleep. Tead. A rope, cord, chord. Tathaoir. Heavy, dull. Teadidh. Quick, afltive. Tathaoir. A reproach, contempt, difre- Teadaidhe. A harper. gard. Teadarrachdoir. An avenger. Tathoiram. To reproach, defpife. Teadham. Togo. Tathas. He gathered, aflembled. Teaga. Perhaps. Tathbheim. A mortal blow ; antiently Teagamh. Doubt, perhaps. the exercife of cafting darts -and other Teagar. Provifion. miffiles from the Cranntabhuil. Teagafg. Teaching, dodtrine, text, in- Tathfan. Barking, baying. ftrudtion. Tathfanam. To bark. Teagafga. Sorcery, druidifm. Tathlaigham. To tame, fubdue, pacify. Teagafgam. To teach, inftrudt. Tathlan. A reproach, calumny. Teagafgte. Taught, inftrudted. Tathughadh. A foldering, joining, future. Teagafgthoir. A teacher. Tathuighe. Acquaintance, haunting, fre- Teagbhall. Afflidled even to death. quenting, refort. Teagh. A houfe, a room. Tathuigdiam. To be accuftomed. Vide Teagh. Vapour, exhalation. T athaigham. Teaghais. A fmall room, clofet; a cafe. Tathuighte. Frequented, accuftomed, pub- Teaghalach. A family, houfehold, habi- lick. tation. Tathunn. Bay of a deer. Teaghalach. Belonging to a family or Te, An te. She, fhe that, whofoever. houfe. Te, teth. Plot. Teagh am. To heat, warm, to grow hot. Teacclaim. A colledfion. Teaglachas. Soothing, flattery, playing Teaccmais. A hindrance, impediment. the parafite. Teach. A houfe. Teaghlach. A family or houfehold, coifrt, Teachadh. A ftrangling. palace. Teachc re teachd. Coming, to come. Teaghladhach. Fair-fpoken. Teachd ann tir. Livelihood, fubfiftence. Teaghlaigham. To footh, flatter. Teachd afteach. Income. Teagmhail. Meddling, interfering, ftrife. T eagm- TEA TEA

Teagmhailach, Contentious, contending, Teanngug. Stiff and ftrong. ftriving. Teannaire. The roar of the fea in a cave. Teagmhaim. To meet, to ftrive, con- Teannam. To (train, prefs, bind ftraight, tend. embrace, to hold or get away, to be- Teagmhach. Doubtful. gin. Teagmhuis. An accident. Teannfaifgam. To prefs, wring, fqueeze Teagmhuifeach. Accidental, peradventure. clofe, Tealach. A loofing. Teannlamh. A tinder-box. Tealgadh. Cafting, throwing. Teannradh. Shewing, manifeltation, dif- Tealgam. To caft, throw. covery. Teannfhaith. Abundance, full meal. Teanntan. A prefs, bruifing. Teallachag. A domeftic concubine. Teannta. Joined. Teallaid. A bunchy woman. Teanntraidhe. Grief, forrow. Teallam, To fteal. Teannorcanus. The counter-tenor in mu- Teallur. The earth. ffck. Cantus medius. Tealfanach. A philofopher. Tearbadh. A feparation. Tealfanachd. Philofophy. Tearbaidham. To feparate; Tealfanta. Philofophical. Tearc. Few, rare. Tealtic. Silly, cowardly^ Tearcadh, teirce. Fewnefs, fcarcity, rare- Tealtachd. Simplicity. nefs. Teamhair. i Pleafant ; Tara or Temora, Tearinam. To defcend, go down hill. Teamhra. J the feat of the kings of Meath. Tearifchuidachd. Paftime. Teampull. A church or temple. Tearmann. j A limit, glebe land, protect Tean. Vide Teann. Tearmunn. > tion, fandtuary. Teanal, tional. Colledting, gathering;. Tearmannoir. i 0 „ •f A patron, protector. Teanalam. To lay up, gather, glean. 1 earmanmndhe. ) Teanalaiche. A gleaner. Tearnadh, Defcending, going down hill. Teanalta. Gleaned. Tearnam. | To defeend, efcape. Teanam. To writhe, twift. 1 earnodham. } Teanbhuaidhreadh. Fervency. Tearnam. 7 To efcape, fly from, evade, Teanchair. Pincers, tongs ; a vice. Tearnodham. i recover; to fall into a Teanga. A tongue, dialect, language, pi. pit. Teangtha. Tearnodh. A fall, hap, chance. Teanga mortair. Peftle. Tearnadh. An efcape, recovery from flck- Teanga mhion. Dead nettle.. nefs. Teangach. Tongued. Tearr. Pitch, tar. Teangair. A linguift. Tearrgha. Of pitch. Teangas. A pair of pincers. Tearram. To tar, pitch, daub; Teann. Stiff, rigid, bold, powerful, Tearran. Anger, vexation. tenfe. Tearuinam. To fave, deliver. Teannadh. Stiffnefs, rigidnefs, violence, Tearuinte. Safe, delivered. beginning to. Tearuinteaehd. Security; U T] Tea“ TED T E I

Teas. Heat, warmth, a mefiage Tedhbhais. A phantom. Teafach. A fever. Tednos. Fiercenefs, feverity. Teafaire. A meffenger. Tegearrach. A purchafer. Teafairgte. Saved, delivered. Tegh, teth. Hot, Raiding. -Teafargin. J Refcuing, faving, delivering Teghbhal. Ground-rent. Teafargadh. S from danger. Tegus. A purchafe. Teafargaim. To fave, deliver, refcue. Teibiadh. A drawing, taking away. Teasbhach. Sultrinefs, hot weather. Teibhearfam. To drop, diftil. Teasbuala. Hot-baths. Teibidh. Smart, pedantic. Teafdaigham. To prove, try, fail. Teibidh. Phyficians. Teafdughadh. A trial. Teich. Flee thou. Teafgaigham. Topreferve. Teichd-reult. The north. Feafgal. A fcorching wind, a ftorm, a Teiclidh. Quiet, peaceable. v;ave. Teid, theid. Shall go. Teafgam. To cut, lop oft'. Teide. A fmooth plain hill. Teafghradh. Fervent love. Teidealtach. Valetudinary. Teafmhach. Vide Teafbhach. Teidin. A fmall cord or rope. Feafruigham. To deliver, refcue. Teidhm. Death. Teafruiguin. Deliverance, Teidhmneach. Perverfe. I eaftaghadh. Experience, trial, difcuffing, Teigeamhus. Shall happen, befal. fifting of a matter, abfence. Teighiollas. A falimander. Teaftaigham. To teftify, bear witnefs, to Teile. 7 _ 1 A lime or linden-tree. lack, need, want. 1 eileag. j Teaftail. Want, defedt. Teilgin. Calling, throwing, vomiting. Teaftun. A groat, fourpence. Teilgam. To vomit, call, throw, over-, Teafuidhe. Hot, burning. turn. 1 eafuidheachd. A heat, warmth. Teilglion. A cafting-net. Teath ! Hold off ! a page. Teiligham. To refufe, rejedt. Teathadh. A flight, running away. Teiligham. To build. Teathaigham. To celebrate, folemnize. Teilightheach. Fertile. Teathadh. Flight. Teilis. A houfe, habitation. Teatham. To flee, run away. Teimeal. Drofs. Teathmhach. Fleeting. Teimheal. Dark, obfcure. Teathra. The fea. Teimheal. A fhadow, fhade, covert. Teathra. A Royfton crow. Teimhliughadh. A darkening, obfcur- Teh. Unrefolved. ing. Tebidich. Irrefolution. Tein. Coming.O Tebim. To fruftrate. Teinn. Great hafte, hurry, or diftrefs, Tec. A bone. power, force. Tedaidh. Wild, fierce. Teinnbhealach. Perverfe, obftinate. Tedarrachd. Revenge, vengeance. Teinne. Fire, link of a chain. Tedarnach. Revengeful. Teinne, teinngha. Of fire. Tedhmneach. Furious, headlong. Teinnas. Vide Tinnas. I Teinnmheach. i T El TER

Teinnmheadh. A cutting, dividing, open- Teithneas. Hafte. ing. Teithneafach. Hafty, in hafte. Teinne. feverity, rigidnefs. Teitne. A player on the tabor or tim- Teinnad. i 1 ■ brel. Teinne-athair. Lightning. Tel. Fertile ground. Teinne-chrios. An iron to ftrike fire from Telightheach. Fertile. a flint. Tellur. The earth. Teinnteach. Lightning ; pi. of Teinne. Temhe. Death, ficknefs. Teinntidh. Fiery. Tenam. I pray thee. Teinntein. The hearth. Teochriodhach. Warm-hearted. Teinntreach. Flathes of lightning ; pi. Teoghradhach. Kind, affedlionate, zealous. of Teinne, a link. Teoilt. 7 Teinntrigham. To caft lightning. Te It'c S ^ ealc ln temPcr* Teirbeirt. Fatigue. Teoir. Thrice, three. Teirbheirt. Diftributing, beftowing. Teoirfheac. A trident. Teir. Shall fay. Teoiriolach. 7 „ . , _ ... }. 1 numph. Teirachdin. Decaying, weary, wafting. 1 eorghairde. J Teirce. Scarcity, fewnefs. Teoirinneach. Three-footed, three-fork- Teircfheolach. Lean, meagre. ed. Teireadh. A commendation. Teoitachan-mhias. A chaffing-difh. Teiricam. To be fpent, to fail, wear. Teol. Plenty, abundance. Teirin. A defcent. Teol. A thief. Teirinam. To defcend. Teora, teoran. A border, limit, boun- Teiris. Said to quell cattle when they dary. quarrel. Teora. Three, thrice. Teirmafg. A milhap, misfortune. Teorchan. The fpace of three hours. Teirmafgach. That meeteth with many ac- Teorghar-athair. The great-grandfather’s cidents. great grandfather. Teirme. Seafon, while. Teorchofach. Three-footed. Teirmafgam. To meet with, to find. Teorghabhlach. Three-pronged. Teirphonta. Three pounds weight. Teorlaethan. Three days fpace. Teisbeirt. Increafe, growth. Teoruilleann. 7 A . , Teifidh. They halted. Teoruile. D Teifite. A dropping, diftilling. Teoruileannach. Triangular. Teifruigham. Vide Teafargam. Teotham, teothaicham. To warm. Teifruig. Refcue thou. Teothaighte. Warmed. Teifteadh. To be wanting. Teothair. A halter, tether. Teith. Hot. Teothram. To tether. Teith. Flee thou. Teothchriodhach. Open and warm-heart- Teithcheamh. ed. | Flight. Teitheadh. Teothughadh. Excandefcence. Teitham. To flee. Ternodh. Falling. Teithmheach. A fugitive, rennagade. Ternodh. Efcaping. Vide Tearnadh. Tefdughadh; T I A T I G

Tefdughadh. Trial. Tiarna. A lord, prince, ruler; Teftiall. Spouting up water. Tiarnas. Dominion, lordfiiip. Teftar. A fhilling. Tiarpan. A tefticle. Tet. A tabor, drum. Tiarrthoch. A tripe. Tet, tethe. The north.. Tias. A tide. Teth. Hot, fcalding, Tiafgadal. Induftry, contrivance. Teth. Fine, fmooth. Tibheadh. Laughter. Tethin. The fun. Tibham. To laugh. Teuchd. Deeds. Tibhfhiacal. The fore-teeth. Tend. A firing, cord, rope, fiddle-fixing. Tibharfan. Springing, fproutinr, over- Teudach. Stringed. flowings Teudchleafaidhe i Tibhad. Thicknefs. Teudlhiubhlaiche. !A Tibhghra. Afieveration. Teudaoire. A tack-rope. Tibhre. A fool. Teullodham. To fteal away. Vide Ealaig- Tibhreach. Given to laughing. ham. Tibhram. To fpring. Teum. Expert. Tig., Come. Teumadh. To bite. Tigam. To come. Teumam. To teach, break to any things Tigh. Ahoufe; Gen. Tighe. Teurnadh. Defcending, paffihgaway. Vide Tighe, tigheachd. Thicknefs, fatrcef$» Tearnadh. Tigh-leanna. An alehaufe. Ti. He, he who, him that; An ti is oige, Tigh-ofd. An inn. the youngeft. Tigh-moid. A court-houfe. Ti. Unto, to ; Go ti fo, hitherto, Tigh-cainach. A cuftomhoufe. Ti. Defign, intention. Tigh-cuinaidh. A mint. Ti mhor. The Supreme Being, God. Tiachair. Perverfe, ill-difpofed. Tiachra. Prudence. Tigh-fcoil. A fchool-houfe. Tiachdidh. A common haunter, reforter, Tigh-eiridin. An infirmary, gueft, cuftomer. Tigh-togalach. A brewhoufie. Tiachtam. To accompany, attend, go to, Tigh-bainne. The dairy. arrive at. Tigh-beg. The jakes. Tiacht air. Talking, treating of. Tigh-nighadairachd. A wafhing-houfd. Tiadhan. A little hill, ftone, tefticle. Tigh-cearc. The hen-houfe. Tiag, tiachog, tiagh. A bag, wallet, Tigh-malairt. A houfeof exchange. Tiaghais. A manfion, dwelling-houfe. Tigh-nuadh-nofda. A night-wake. Tiaghuim. To come to, to vanifh, to ap- Tigheamhuil. Domeftic, belonging to a peal. houfe. Tiamhdha. Dark, obfcure., Tigheadas. Houfekeeping, hufbandry. Tiamhdha. Slow, tedious. Tigheadafach. Diligent, careful, bufied Tiamhidh. Solitary, gloomy. about houfekeeping. Tiamhidhachd. A folitary gloom or fad- Tighean. A bag or fatchel. nefs. Tighearna, Vide Tiarna. Tigh- T I M T i O

Tighearnamhuil. Lordly. I imhealach. Dark, obfcure. Tighearnalachd. Lordlinefs. Timearnam. To celebrate, folemnize. Tighearnas. Vide Tiarnas. Timich. Enticing. Tigheafach. A houfekeeper. Timtire. A minifter, fervant, agent. Tigheas. j Houfekeeping, hufban- Timtireachd. Service, miniftration. Tigheafachd. i dry. Tinam. To rtnelt, foften. Tigheafaim. To manage a farm, follow Tin. A beginning. hufbandry. Tin. P'at, tender. Tighim, tigam, To come, go. Tinchreachadh. A prey. Tighin, tein. Coming. Tinciofdal. A march. Tigh mail. A hired houfe. Tineach. Kindred. Tii. A welt, mark of a wound. Tineas. Thicknefs, clofenefs. Tile. Much, plenty, a great deal. Ting. A tongue. Tileadh. A fhip’s poop. Tinn. Sick. Tilig. Call thou ; a fhot, throw. Tinn. Vide Teann. Tiligam. To caff, throw, vomit. Tinge, tinne. Strange, wonderful. Tiligadh. Tinge, tinne. Almort. Carting, vomitin 2. Tiligin. Tinnas. Sicknefs. Tillam, To turn, to return. Tinnas cloinne. Travail, childbirth. Tilladh. A returning. Tinneafach. Evil. Tim. Fear, dread. Tinim. To thaw, difiblve. Tim. Time. Tinm. Underftandino-. Timchioll. About, circuit, compafs. 1 inne. The letter 1' according to O Timchiollach. Circuitous. Flaherty. Tiomchiollam. To furround, environ, en- Tinne. A chain. Vide Teinne. compafs. Tinneafach. Stout, rtrong, literally ftrong- Timchiollghearradh. ribbed. O | Circumcifion. Timchiolltheafgadh. Tinnriomh. A conclufion. Timchiollghearram. Tinnfcra. A portion, dowry. To circumcife. Timchiolltheafgam. Tinnteach. Lightning. Timchiollghearrtha. Circumcifed. Tinnteagal. Corruption. Timchiollfgriobham. To circumfcribe, de- Tinntean. The hearth. fine. Tinntighe. Fiery. Timchiolltha. Surrounded, environed. Tinntuirfeach. Miferable. Timtheanamh. Form, fafhion. T infceadal. Inftrudlion, judicioufnefs. Timdhibhe. A lertening, abatement, ruin, Tint. A ton weight. deftrudfion. Tinteannas. Great hafte, expedition. Time. Pride, dignity, eftimation ; thence Tiobar. ) A well; O thiobraidh, from the the Latin Eftimo. Tiobrad. ) mountains. Time. Heat, warmth. Tiocfaid. They fhall come. Vide Tig- Time. Fear, dread. am, Timeach. Hot, warm. Tioch. i fatchel. Timheal. Darknefs, glimmering light. ' Tiochog. £A bag’ budg£t’ [4 U 3 Tiodal, T I O T I O

Tiodal. A title, epitaph, monument. Tionail. Colledting, gathering. Tiodhlacadh. A gift, prefent. Tionailam. To aflemble, congregate. Tiodhlacaim. To prefent, beftow. Tioncam. To attend. Tiodhlaictheaeh. Bountiful. Tionlacadh. A funeral. Tiodhnacadh. 7 A prefent, offering, fa- Tioncar. 7 > Attendance. Tiodhn-acaL S vour. 1 lonramh. y Tiogar. A tiger. Tionchaifin. The fight. Tiolpadh. Snatching, cutting away. Tionchofg. Inftrudtion. Tiolpam. To fnatch, cut away. Tionndadb. A turning about or back. . Tiolpadair. A cutpurfe. Tionndaigham. To turn. Tiom. Soft, tender, fearful. Tionfgnadh. n A beginning, device, pro- Tiomachd. Softnefs, tendernefs. Tionfgnamh. 5 ject, plot. Tiomaltas. Victuals, eatables. Tionfgnam. To begin, devife, plot. Tiomallaim. To eat. Tionnfgra, A reward, portion, dowry. Tiomam. To foften the paflions. Tionnur. A ilumber, nap. Tiomanaim. To drive, turn away, pufh, Tional. A congregation. thruft off. Tionolaim. Vide Tionalam. Tiomargadh. A colledtion. Tionfaigham. To affemble, gather toge- Tiomargaim. To collect, gather toge- ther. ther. Tionfanadh. A dropping, flowing down. Tiomarnadh. A command. Tionfanam. To drop, diftil. Tiomarnaim. To command, order. Tionfcantach. Adventurous, diligent, in- Tiomchaire. Pity, mercy. duftrious. Tiomchriodheach. Tender-hearted. Tionfcra. A buying, purchafing j a re- Tiomchuairt. A friendly viftt.; a pe- ward, ftipend. riod. Tionfgain. A beginning, element. Tiomchuairteach. Periodical.. Tionfgiodal. A managing, projedting, in- Tiomghaire. A requeft. duftry. Tiomghairam. To afk, require. Tiontanas. Hafte, fpeed, expedition. Tiomna. A will,, teftament. Tionuigh. Frequenting, fojourning in a Tiomna-nuadh. The New. Teftament. place. Tiomnaim. To make a will, to fwear. Tionur. A tenon. Tiompan. A timbrel.,, tabor, drum, cym- Tionus. A tan-yard. bal . Tiopal. A water-fpider. Tiompanuiche. A harper, minftrel. Tior. Vide Tir, Tiomfaigham. To collect.,, bring, toge- Tioradh. Drying, fcorching. ther. Tioram. To dry, to kiln-dry. Tiomfughadb. Colledtion. Tiortha. Dried on a kiln. Tiomuinam. To deliver, commit,, com- Tioramh. Threfhing., mend, entruft. Tioranach. A tyrant. Tionadh. Melting, diffolving. Vide Ti- Tioranachd. Tyranny. nam, Tiorcomhrac. An affembly. Tionad. Whereas. Tior-fhochraic. A reward. 3^ TJormachcL T I U T L U

Tiormachd. ) „ , . . „ Tla. Soft. r-p , , , > Drought, thirfl. 1 ■lormalachd. ) Tlachd. Pleafure, delight, will, inclina- Tiormaigham. To dry up, make dry, de- tion. ficcate. Tlachd. The earth. Tiormachal. Deficcative. Tlachd. A fair, market. Tiorthach. Born of a country, a patriot. Tlachd. A garment, vefture, colour, Tiortha. PI. of Tior or Tir. Tlachdairm. A market-place. Tiotal. A title. Tlachdadh. A burying. Tiotan. The fun. Tlachdaigham. To inter, bury. Tiotadh. 5 Tlachdam. To colour. A moment. I lotan. ) Tlachdbhaile. A market-town. Tipeadh. A regulating, difpofing things Tlachdbhogadh. A quick-fand, quagrqire^. in order. Tlachdbhoth. A booth in a fair. Tir. A land, country, region. Tlachdchomhthroman. A roller,, cylinder.- Tir-mor. A continent. Tlachdchorughadh. > „ , . Tirachas. Colonization, planting. Tlachdchumargadh. 1 An Tiraigham. To colonize. Tlachdgha. A fire kindled for fummoning Tiral. Snug, comfortable! all the Druids to meet on the firft of No- Tire, tirgha. ' Of, belonging to a country. vember to facrifice to their gods. They Tirbheartha. Proper, peculiar to one’s burnt the facrifice in that fire, nor was country. there any other fire to be kindled in Ire- Tlachdgrabhaiche. 7 . , land that night. Vide Keat, in Tuathal ° S- A geographer. Tirebheartaidhe. i teachtmhor. Tirim. Dry. Tlachgraibhachd. Geography. Tirimaigham. Vide Tiormaigham. Tlachdmhor. Pleafant, handfome,:fmooth, Tir re thol. A church-yard. Tlachdmhach. Fumitory. Tirteach. Demefnes,. a manfion-houfe. Tlachdfhubh. 1 . n A Tifean. A grudge. Tlaichcllheift. 1 Tith. Near. Tlachdthomhas. Geometry. Tithin. The fun. Tlaith. Weak-fpirited, timorous, flack. Tiubhram. To give, deliver. Vide Fabh- Tlaim. A handful of wool or flax.. airam. Tlamadh. Teazing. Tiubruid. A well, ciftern, Tlamam. To teaze, Tiucfam. To cottie. Vide Tigam. Tlas. i Tiuchag. ) , Tlafach. !A fa'r- Tiuchan. lAp0r'- Tlas, tlus. Cattle; Tiugh. Thick, clofe.- Tlath, tla. Soft, tender. T uighe. Tlathas. Softnefs, . weaknefs.. Thicknefs. Tiughad .1 Tlathaigham. To. reduce,, weaken.,. Tiughmhuilleann. A tucking-mill. Tli, Colour. Tiughaigham. To condenfe, thicken. Tlu, tiugh. A pair of fire-tongs. Tiughalach. i The thickeft of liquids, Tlus. A lie, untruth. Tiughalachd. i dregs. Tlufaigheachd. Diflimulation. Tim, TOE T O I

Tnu, tnuth. Gen. Tnutha. Fire. Tochlaim. Vide Tochailam. T.nu, tnuth, tnudh. Envy, indignation, Tochradh. A gift, prefent, dowry. expectation. Tocht. A piece, fragment. Tnuthach. Envious, jealous, a rival. Tochtam. To filence. Tnuthaim. To envy. Tochtha. Chofen. Tnuthmhor. Envious. Tochus. Vide Tachas. Tnuthoir. A jealous lover. Tocomhladh. A ilepping, finding. To. Dumb, mute. Tocfaid. A hogfhead. To. Silence. Tod. A clod, fod. To. A tongue. Todan. A fmall clod. Toamhlachd. Todarn. To caft clods. Silence. Toanche. Todhas. Silence. Tobach. Sudden, furprifing. Todhernamh. Punifnment. Tobar. A well. Todhochaide. The future, time to come. Toban. A cowl. Tofas. Topaz. Tobar-fiorghlan. A fpring-well. Togaidhe. Chofen, choice. Tobar-tarruinge. A draw-well. Togal. i A lifting up, raifing, taking, Tobhach. To wreiK Togbhal. i fhevving, demonftrating. Tobhtha, taoghtha. Chofen, elect. Togbhalach. A builder, one that raifeth. Tocadh. Profperity. Togam. 1 To raife up, lift, to take, to Tocha. Love, loving. Togbham. 3 build, brew. Tocha. Choice. Togar. Defire, will, plcafure. Tochailt. Digging, a mine, quarry. Togarach. Defirous, keen. Tocbailaiche. A miner, pioneer. Togha. A choice. Tochailam. To dig, mine. Toghaidh. Attention, refpedl. Tochailta. Dug, digged. Toghairm. A fummons, citation. Tochailteach. Foflile. Toghairm. A prayer, interceffion, petition, Tochamlaidh. Marched. requeft. Tochar. A caufeway, pavement. Togham. To choofe. Tochar. A croud, multitude, great quan- Togh-ghuth. Confent, voice, choice. tity. Toghtha. Chofen, eledt. Tochar, tocharadh. A portion, dowry. Toghuil. A deftrudtion. Tocharais. Winding, reeling thread or Togra. A defire, choice. yarn. Tograim. I'o defire, to pleafe, choofe. Tocharaifam. To wind or reel yarn or Togtha. Heaved, lifted up, built, brewed thread. or diftilled. Tocharaifta. Wound up. Toi, taoi. A bearing, birth. Tochd. A fit or trance, filence. Toibheim. Reproach, ftain, blemifh. Tochd. A bed-tick. Toibheimach. Reproachful. Tochas. Vide Tachas. Toibhram. To appear. Tochdach. Still, filent. Toic, toice. Wealth, riches, a fwelling. Tochdaim. To be filent. Toice. An opprobrious name for an ill- Tocheim. A flow ftep, pace. behaved young woman. Toiceach. T O I T O I

Toiceach. Toilltanach. Deferving, meritorious. | Rich, wealthy. Toiceamhuil. Toilltanas. Defert. Toicam. To fwell. Toilfeimhnighe. Enjoyment. Toich. Land, ground, territory. Toil teach. Voluntary. Toich. A natural right or property. Toilteamhlachd. Willingnefs. Toiche. Wall-eyed. Toimhdigh. A tindture. Toicheal. A journey. Toimhela. Difmounting, hindrance. Toicheamach. Gradually, ftep by Hep. Toimhfhreagraim. To anfwer. Toiched. An arreft, confifcation. Toimhlam. To eat. Toichedte. Confifcated. Toimhfeach. A farm. Toichiol. Vidbory. Toimhfeachan. A meafure, balance. Toichim. A going, departing. Toin. Gen. of Ton. Toichiofdal. Arrogancy, prefumption. Toin. Tone,, accent. Toichiofdalach. Prefuming, felf-opinion- Toineal. A trance, aftonifhment. ated. Toineamh. A falmon. Toichneadh. A fafi:. Toineamh. A monument. Toid. Whole. Toinifg. Senfe, underftanding. Toidhearnamh. Toiniudh. A coming, going. Punifhment. Toigearnamh. Toinnam. To twift, wreathe, fpin. Toidhligh. A flame, blazing fire. Toinnadh. Twitting, fpinning, Toidhrighte. Seafoned to a thing. Toinneamh. Death. Trcifliun. Heat, warmth. Toinneolas. Profody. Toifliunach. Hot, fcalding. Toinngrith. Idem. Toigh. A houfe. VideTigh. Toinnleafiaichoir. A tanner, currier. Toigh. Agreeable. Tointe lin. A fpindle of yarn. Toighe. Notice, attention. Tointain, A long thread in fpinning. Toil. The will, defire. Toir. A church-yard. Toileach. Willing, voluntary. Toir. Belonging to a church. Toileachaf'inntin. Contentment. Toir. For Tabhair, give thou. Toileamhuil. Wilful, obftinate. Toir, thoir. Give thou. Vide Tabhairam, Toileas. The will. Toir. A purfuit, diligent fearch. Toilamhlachd. Wilfulnefs, willingnefs, Toirais. A keen enquiry, anxiety. obftinacy. Toiraifach. Anxious. Toilfheidhmnigham. To enjoy. Toireacht. A purfuing, fearching for. Toiligham. To be willing, to pleafe, in- Toirdhealbhach, Turlogh. Name of a dulge. man. Toilighte. Pleafed, fatisfied. Toirbheartas. Delivering, tradition, a dofe, Toilirel. Obftinate. bounty, difpenfation or gift. Toill. Deferve thou. Toirbheartha. ) „ Toillam. To deferve, merit. Toirbhirt. S ’ & r Toille. A hollow, cavity. Toirbheirt. 7 Giving up, delivering, dif- Toillin. A little hollow. Toirbhreadh. J penfing. Toilltin. Deferving. Toirbheirtach. Bountiful. [4 XJ Toir- T O I T O L

Toirbhram. To give, deliver, yield, fur- Toifaghadh. Beginning. render ; to affign. Toifg, A wholefome admonition. Toirbbleafgadh. To rumble. Toifg. A thing, circumflance. Toirchimeach. Benumbed. Toifgal. Left, finifter. Toirchimeachd. Stupidity. Toifgbheodha. Expeditious in travelling. Toirchimam. To burden, benumb. Toit. Smoke, vapour. Toirchios. A conception, foetus, encreafe, Toit. A fragment, piece. plenty. Toit. Whole, entire. Toirdas. Dotage. Toit. A fmall rick of corn. Toireamh. A plowman. Toitam. To perfume, to fmoke or roaft Toireimnuigham. To walk ftately. expedition fly. Toirigham. To purfue, follow clofely. Toiteamhuil. Smoky. Toirighthe. Purfued, chafed. Toitean. Burning, a fat collop, fleak. Toiriofg. A faw. Toitear. Lumpy. Toirleimam. To alight. Toith. Stink. Toirm. Noife, found. Toithghiobhair. A whore, proftitute, Toirmeafg. A hindrance, impediment. Toithleannan. A concubine. Toirmeafgam. To forbid, hinder, impede. Toithfhearach. A filly or colt. Toirmeafgte. Prohibited, reftrained. Toithealach. Vainglorious. Toirn. A great noife. Toitheaflal. Arrogancy. Toirnam. ? To thunder, make a loud Toitrigham. To bdrn, fcorch. Toirnigham. 1 noife. Tol. A church-yard. Toirneach. 7 Tola. A church officer. _ . it hunder. 1 oirneis. } Tola. Superfluity. Toirrcheaghadh. Impregnating, begetting. Toladh. Deftrudtion. Toirrchigham. To impregnate, get with Tolaibh. A multitude. child, conceive. Tolanta. Holland. Toirrchios. Fruit, conception. Tolch. A hole, crevice. Toirriomchram. To carry over. Tolc. A wave. Toirrfe. A lamp, torch. Tolg. A bed. Toirfe. VideTuirfe. Tolgdha. Proud, haughty, warlike. Toirfeach. Vide Tuirfeach. Toll, Poll. A hole. Toirt. Quantity, bulk, value, refpedt. Toll. Hollow. Toirtal. Tight, flout; refpedlful. Toll. A head. Toirtean. Ufeful, ferviceable. Tollachd. A hollow, cavity. Toirtheamhuil. Fruitful, plentiful. Tollam. To bore, pierce, penetrate, per- Toirtheamhlachd. Fruitfulnefs, plenty. forate. Toirtin. A thin cake. Tollthach. Piercing, penetrating. Toirtis. A tortoife. Tolteanas. Vide Toilteanas. Toifcidhe. Will, defire. Tollta. Bored, perforated. Toifeach. The beginning, van, a leader, Toll-cluaife. A touch-hole. chief. Tolman. A hillock. Toifaigham. To begin. Tolmag'.I Tolmanach, TON TOR

Tolmanach.^r- „ . ^ Tonnach. Glittering. „ f Full of fmall hills, i olmagach. 3 Tonnach. A mound, rampier. Tom. A bulh, a thicket. Tonnadh. Poifoned water, undulating. Tomach. -Full of bulhes. Tonn a chladaich. The herb thrift. Toman. 1 , „ ,, , ^ Tonnach. Undulous. ^ } A fmall bull], tuft. 1 omag. ) Tonnam. To undulate, dip in water. Tomadh. A dip. Tonnadair. A tunning dilh. Tomag-mhaddaidh. Tonnadairachd. Tunning liquor. Tomam. To dip, drench. Tonnchaftach. A turn-coat. Tombaca. Tobacco. Tonnag. A duck or drake, any aquatic Tomhaidhm. A rupture of water. palmiped. Tomhailt. To eat. Vide Toimhlam. Tonnghail. Wavy. Tomheifam. To unriddle, guefs, refolve j Tonnluafgadh. Wave-toft. to weigh, meafure. Tonnta. Waved. Tomhaifughadh. 1 Meafuring, menfura- Topnafca. A ball, bottom of yarn. Tomhas. S tion. Tor, torr. A tower. Tomhalhlat. A meafuring wand. Tori A bufh, fhrub, fear. Tomhfean. Weights. Tor, toras. Wearinefs, fatigue. Tomhfeacham. A riddle, rebus. Tor. A fovereign, lord. Tomhaitheamh. Threatening, threats. Torachd. Purfuit of, enquiry, fearch, re~ Tomhra. Protedlion. taliation. Tomhraidhe. A patron, proteftor. Toradh. Regard, fruit, profit. Tomhurus. Silence. Toraidheach. Fertile, fruitful. Tomhus, tomhfeachan. A riddle, paradox. Toraidhtheach. Flexible, pliant. Tomlachd. Thick milk, curds. Torain. A fort of vermin that deftroys Tomonta. Rude. feed corn. Tomthach. One that threatens, a fwag- Toram. To reign. gering fellow. Toramh. An augre. Ton. The breech, arfe. Toran. A founding or great noife. Tona. A tune. Toras. Wearinefs, a journey. Tonach. A fhirt, covering, garment. Torathair. A monfter. Tonalais. Cringing. Tore. A hog, fwine. Tonnag. A wrapper round the fhoulders of Tore. The heart, face. women in the Highlands like a fhaul ; a Torcar. Killing. {haul, veil. Torcbhaill. The prsecordia. Tonchlodhach. A turncoat. Torchar. A fall. Tonlagan. Going or Aiding on the breech, Torchair. He fell, died, was killedT it Tonn. A wave, billow. happened. Tonn. Strengthening. Torchathair. A throne. Tonn. A hide, fkin, pelt. Torchios breige. A mooncalf. Tonn. Quick. Torchios anabaidh. Embryo, foetus. Tonna. A tub, tun. Torchraim. To fall down, die, perifh, Tonnach. Waved, undulated. happen. Torchuirt. TOR T R A

Torchuirt. Over-turning. Tortaobhthach. A commifiary. Torchur. A ferrying, paffing over. Torthach. ? Fierce. Torcmhuin. The neck of a hog. Torthamhuil. $ Tordhan. An elegy. Torthuin. Exuberance, great fruitful- Torg. A killing, deftroying. nefs. Torgan. A noife. Torughan. Bafe in mufic. Torin. Thunder. Toruibh. Over you Torla. A furety. Toruig. Event. Tormach. Increafe j feeding of cows or Toruigheachd. Purfuit, purfuing. their being near calving. Toruigham. Topurfue. Tormachaim. To magnify. Toruinnfe, tarinnfe. Over us. Tormaghadh. Encreafing. Torufcadh. To fall, beruined, killed. Tormaigham. To encreafe, augment. Tofach, toifach. A beginning, front, foun- Tormaightheoir. An augmenter, improver. dation. Torman. A noife, found, the drone of a Tofaiche. Former. bagpipe. Tofaigham. To begin. Tormanach. Noify, having drones. Tofanaibh, Thorns. Tormanaim, To make a noife, murmur, Tofd. Weighty, deadly. tingle. Tofd. Silence. Tormuilt. Eating. Tofdacfi. Silent. Tornalaim. To turn with a lath. Tofdaigham. To confute. Torpan. A crab fiflr. Tofgaire. Ambaflador. Torr. A tower, heap, pile, body of men. Tofgughadh. Motion. Torrach. Pregnant, with child. Tofguigham. To move. Torrachd. Round. Toftal. Arrogance. Torrachtaim. To make round. Toftalach. Prefumptuous, arrogant. Torrachtain. Going to vifit. Tot. A wave, fod, turf. Torradh. Heaping, piling. Tota. The rower’s feat in a boat. Torradh. A burial, watch, guarding. Totchornhua. A fhe coufin. Torram. To heap, pile. Toth, Feminence, female. Torramhuim. To watch, guard, to wake Totham. To tow, lead aftern. the dead, to vifit holy places as a pilgrim. Tothbhachain. A lafs. Torrthach. Tothbhall. The female parts of generation. .. I Fruitful, fertile. Torrthamhuinl. i Tothmhaol. A fhe Have. Torrthamhlachd. Fertility. Totta. A fhaft. Torrunn. Thunder. Tra. Vide Trath. Seafon, time. Tort. A cake, little loaf. Trachant. Ebbing of the tide. Tort. By you, afide. Trachd. A treatife, tradf, draught. Tort. Giving. Vide Tabhairam. Trachdaire. An hiftorian. Tort-fanear. Attention, obfervation. Trachdam. To treat of, handle, negotiate. Tort-fanearach. Regardful, obferving. Trachdalaighe. A negotiator. Tortaobh. Confidence. Trachhdh. Toloofen. Tortaobtha* Confiding, depending on, Tracht, Strength, bank or fhore of a river. Trachat. T R A THE

Trachta. A treatife, difcourfe. Trath. Prsyer-time, canonical hours. Trachtaladh. Trade, negotiation. Trath-nona. Noon, noontide, noontide- Tradh. A lance. prayers; and noon of the antients, or ninth Tradanach. Quarrelfome, contentious. hour, being three in the afternoon ; Trath- Traghrod. A way by the fea-fliore. nona fignifies alfo the afternoon and Traid. Quick, adtive. evening. Traide. Firft. Trathal. - , . „ , , C in good or due time. Traideach, troideach. A war-horfe. 1 rathamhuil. J ° Trathrach. Traigh. The fea-Orore, ebb, „ , . (A little ftalk of grafs. Traigh-gheadh. A fhore-goofe. Trathnin. i Traigham. To ebb. Trathfoin. Then. Traighadh-mara. Ebb-tide. Tre, trid, tres. Through, by. Traighighe. A tragedian. Treabh. A tribe, family, clan; pi. Treabh- Traighigheachd. Tragedy. tha. Traighlaightheoir. A fcout. Treabhach. Pertaining to a family or tribe, Traill. A flave, fervant. powerful, valiant. Traill. A kneading-tub, trough, tray. Treabhachas. Great feats. Traillidheachd. Treabhadh. A ploughing, cultivating. ‘ ^ Slavery. T raillamhlachd. Treabham. To plough, till, cultivate. T raillidh. Treabhaire. A plowman, a furety. Slavifh. Traillamhuil. Treabhan. A tribune. Trainigham. To cull, choofe. Treabhar. Skilful, difcreet. Traifgam. To be hungry. Treabhlacht. A family, houfhold, tribu- Trait. A cataplafm. lation. Treabhlaim. Traitham. Vide Traigham. | To trouble, diftruft. Traocham. To drain. Treabhlaigham. Traochluithe. Tilts, tournaments. Treabhtha. Ploughed, earing. Traogh. Empty, ebbed. Treabhtha. A village, homeftal. Traogham. To empty, ebb. Treabhthach. A farmer, hufbandman, one Traoigh. A foot in length. of the fame tribe. Traoileadh. To drag. Treabhthaire. A plowman. Traona. A rail. Treabhur. A flock or kindred. Traonoir. Idle, vacant. Trecheann. Three tops, heads, or ends. Traonoirachd. Leifure, eafe. Treachladh. A loofing. Traotham. To leffen, abate. Treacail. Digging. Trapan. A bunch, duller. Tread. A herd or flock. Trafda. Hitherto; crofs. Treadach. Having flocks. Trafgairam. To abrogate, deftroy. Treadhan. A fall.

Trafgradh, i jye{trudl:ion, oppreffion. Treadhmo. Wounds. Trafgar. S Treaduighe. A fhepherd, herdfman. Trafgraim. To opprefs, overwhelm. Treagh. A fpear, trident. Trafnan. A ledge. Treaghaim. i To pierce through, pene- Trath. Time, feafon ; foon, fpeedy. Treaghdaim. i trate. [4 Y3 Trealamh. T R E T R E

Trealamh. Apparel. Treibhain. Steps. Treall. A fhort fpace, time. Treibfe, treibhfe. Room, place, Head. Treallich. Lumber, trafh. Treibhdhiras. Set apart. Treamaghadh. Binding, obligation. Treibhfeachd. Viciflitude, change: Treamaigham. To bind, tie, fallen unto. Treibhfeach. Apt to change. Treamham. Through him. Treid. Vide Troid. Treampa. Through them. Treidhim. To pierce through. Treanadh. Lamentation, wailing. Treigeal. A departure.

Treanadh. The week from Thurfday be- Treigean. i T . . ., . fore to Thurfday after Whitfuntide. Treigfin. i L“'',nE> Trean ri trean. The bird called a corn- Treigam. To leave, forfake, quit, aban- crake. don. Treanam. To lament. Treighanas. AbHinence from flefli. Treanas. Abftinence. Treigthe. Forfaken. Trean, treun. Strong, brave, (lout. Treighthe. Virtuous qualifications. Trean lamhchomhairt. Clapping of hands. Treightheach. Virtuous. Treananta. Triangular. Treighion. A lofs. Treartha. Art, fcience. Treimhdhirach. Upright, fincere. Trearthach. Artificial. Treimhdhireas. Sincerity. Treas. Treine. > The third. ^ Mignt, power. Treafo. Treine. More powerful. Treimhid. 1 ^ Treinfhear. A brave man, champion. Treas. A fkirmifh, a battle. Treinfe.1 A trench. Treas. Adverfity. Treis. A-while, fhort fpace of time. Treafumha. Drofs. Treife. Force, flrength. Treaftarruing. Thrice diftilled. Treifmhor. Strong, powerful. Treata. A plaifter. Treifiner. A treafurer, as of a church. Treath. Vide Treagh. Treite. Embrocation. Treathaid. A pain, Hitch. Treith. Weak, ignorant. Treathan. A wave. Treitiol. A champion, warrior. Treathan. The fea, high water. Treodas. Food. Treathan. A foot. Treodfa, tridfa. Through, by thee. Treathlich. Luggage, lumber, Treoghdham. To pierce, bore. Treatuir. A traitor. Treoir. Strength, force, direction. Trcatuirachd. Treafon, rebellion, trea- Treoradh. | A leading, direction. chery. Treoraghadh. T reacheann. Three heads. Treoraghtheoir> A guide, leader. Trebi. Strong. Treoraigham. To guide, diredl, lead.. Tred. Tread. Vide Treud. Treoraighte. Directed, guided. Tredeinas. For three days. Treoran. Three parts or pieces. Tredheanas. Abflinence from flefh. Treot. Trotting. Trefid. Blowing, a blaft. Treotam. To trot, come. 5 Tres. T R I T R I

Tres. For, becaufe. Tricad, Frequency. Trefc. Brewers grains. Trichofach. Tripedal. Treuille. A triangle. Trifiolaidh. A trifyllable.. Treuilleach. Triramhach. A trireme.. | Triangular. Treuillineach. Trichad. Treubha. A rail. Triochad. Treubhachas. j Bravery, virtue, chival- Trichado. ? . . ~ . $• rhirtieth.. . Treubhantas. > ry. 1 nochado. i Treud. A flock or herd. Trid. Through. Treudach. Gregarious. Trid amach. Utterly, wholly.. Treudaighe. A fliepherd, herdfman. Trid a cheile. Helter-fkelter, promifeu- 7 icun. | Strong, brave. oufly. I reunmhor. J Tri-deug. Thirteen.

Treunas 7 gtren ^ bravery. Tridne. By us, through us. Treunachas. S 6 Tridfa. By thee. Treun ri treun. The bird corn-crake or Tridfan. By, through him. rail. Tridfhoillfe. Tranfparency. Tri. Three. Tridfhoilfeach. 'l^ranfparent.. Trid. Through, by means. Trifillte. Threefold, triple. Triach. Vide Triath. Trilis. Bufhy hair. Triachan. A fock or flioe. Trilifeach. Bufhy hair, crefled. Triad. Through thy means. Trilfm. A fmall torch, lanthorn; Triaghairdham. To triumph. Trileonta. A quivering found. Trial. A journey, going, gait. Trillachan traighe. Collared oyfler-catch- Trial. A purpofe, defign, plot, device. er. Trialaire. A traveller. Trimfa. By, through me. Triallam. To go, march, walk, move. Trimheas. Three pounds weight. Triallam. To imagine, devife, plot, de- Trinfe. A trench. fign. Trinnfair. A trencher. Triallan. A wayfaring-man. Triobloid. Trouble, afflidbion. Triamhin. Weary, fatigued. Trifhoghar. A triphthong. Triamhna. Weaknefs, lownefs of fpi- Trioll. A plot, ftratagem. rits. Triollachan. A grey plover.. Triamhuin. A wailing, lamentation. Triolonta; Trifling. Trian. A third part. Trionoid. The trinity, godhead.. Trianach. Three by three, of the third Triopol. A bunch, clufter. part. Trifhrumhan. A triangle. Triantan. A triangle, three-cornered bread. Trifl. A curfe ; tired, fad. Triath. A lord, king. Triubhas. Trowfers. Triath. A hog, fow. Triucha. A canthred, fmall tripe.. Triath. A wave. Triugh. The hooping-cough. Triath. A hill, hillock. Triun. Poor. Trie. Often. Triune.. Poverty.. Triur. T R O T R O

Triur. Three, number three. Trom. Protedlion. Triufan. Trowfers, or breeches and {lock- Trom. Blame, rebuke. ings in one piece. Trom-tric. Pell-mell. Trocair. Mercy. Tromam. - To aggravate, make heavy, Trocairach. Merciful. Tromaighatn. 3 to load, burden. Trochladh. A loofening. Tromaghadh. Making heavy. Trochlughadh. Profaning. Troman. A great weight, bore-tree. Trod. Scolding, itrife, an elephant. Tromara. A client. Trodach. Quarrelfome, riotous, Trombhanoglach. A woman client. irodanach. 1 Trombhod. Vervain, mallow. Trodamhuil. Serious, fcolding. Trombhuidhann. A tribe, clan of vaf- Trodhain. i . . . fals. i AA raven, bird ofr prey. Troghan. i Tromchafair. A great fhower. Troghr Children. Tromchumhal. A woman Have. Trogbhail. A difpute, wrangle. Tromchuifeach. Important. Trogha. Miferable, unhappy. Tromdha. Weighty, heavy, grave. Troghain. Sun-rifing. Trominntin. Dejection. Troghtheach. A footman, foot-foldier. Trominntinach. Dejedled, melancholy. Troiath. An helmet. Tromluidhe. 1 „ . . !■ I he night-mare. Troich. A dwarf, evil body, bad perfon, I romlighe. 1 coward. Tromluidham. To overlay. Troid. A fighting, quarrelling. Tromm. The elder-tree, bore-tree. Troidam. To ftrive, fcold, contend, wran- Trom mhathair. A matron. gle, quarrel. Tomoglach. A client, a fervant. Troidh, troigh. A foot. Trompa, trompaid. A trumpet, trump. Troighe. Sorrow, grief. Trompairachd. Playing on a trump c.r Troighin. A brogue, flipper. trumpet. Troighleathann. A broad flipper. Trompoir. 7 „ ■ 1 A trumpeter. Troightheach. A footman, foot-foldier. I romroir. } Troighthin. A fock, dizzinefs. Tromthura. A tribe of vaflals. Troimchill. A fanctuary. Troraid. A fpire.' Troimdhe. Tutelary gods. Trofdamhuil. Serious, faithful.

1 roime. ? jjeavjnefS} more heavy. Trofdan. A pace, foot. Troimad. J Trofg. A cod-filh. Troimeachd. Heavinefs, weight. Trofgair. One that catcheth cod-filh. Troifgeadh. Falling, a fall. Trofgadh. A fall, falling. Troifgeach. Severe, rigid, given to fall- Trofnan. A crutch. ing. Trolla. A crack. Troifgam. To fall. Trollal. Dwarfilh. Troifle. A three-foot llool, tripod. Trollamhlachd. Serioufnefs. T rothailte. Troirthligham. To confume, pine away. | Walled, confumed. Troitarachd. Treafon. Trothlaighthe. 'From. Weighty, heavy. Trotlughadh. Candying. Truacanta. THU T U A

Truacanta. Compaffionate, pitiful. Trufdar. Dull, filth. Truacantachd. Compaflionatenefs, pity. Trufdalaim. To trufs up, gird up the Truadh. Lean, piteous. loins. Truadhas. Leannefs. Trutham. To feparate, funder. TTruaghan. A poor, wretched creature. Trutrach. Chattering. Truagh. Pity. Tu. Thou, you. Truaghanta. Lamentable. Tua. Silence. Truaighe. Mifery, woe ; favour, pity. Tuachail. Prudent, cunning. Truaighmheil. Compaffion, pity, mifery. Tuachioll. Winding, eddying, moving Truaill, A fheath, fcabbard. round againft the fun, left about. Truaill. A body, carcafe. Tuachiollach. Vortical, vermicular. Truailleaghadh. Profanation, polluting, Tuadh. A hatchet, axe. adulterating. Tuadhmaoile. Fair, bufhy hair. "T'ruaillidheachd. Corruption. Tuadh. Fame, renown. Truaillidh. Miferable, wretched. Tuadhana. Fleams. Truailligham. i To pollute, unhallow, pro- Tuadh. Vide Tuath. Truaillam. J fane, adulterate. Tuagh. Dominion; Truaillanach. A niggard, mifer, wretch. Tuagha. Hooks, hinges, crooks* Truas. Pity, compaffion. Tuagh rod. A way, road. Trucha. A fhort life. Tuai. Bad, naughty. Trudaire. A ftammerer. Tuaichle. Wit, cunning, prudence, au- Truid. gury. | A ftarling, flare. Truideog. Tuaileach. The twilight. Truili. A kind of veflel. Tuaileas. Reproach, calumny.

Fruime. J j-^eavjer^ heavincfs, Tuaileafach. Reproachful, calumnious. Truimad.} Tuaileafam. To reproach, accufe. Truinfigham. To inclofe, intrench. Tuaileafog. A fcold. Trull. A head. Tuailam. To be able. Trumpa. A jewifh harp. Vide Trompa. Tualang. Able, capable. Truis. To tear ; a fuit of cloaths. Tuailt. A towel. Trumpadoir. Vide Trompair. Tuaim. A village, farm, a dyke fide, Truifbhraghad. A neck-lace. moat, hillock, rifing ground, a grave, Truifaladh. The clothes when tucked up tomb. from the ground. Tuainalach. Giddinefs. Trufam. To gird, trufs up, gather, warp. Tuaiphair. A boor, clown, aukward fel- Trufadh. Gathering, girding up. low. Trufach. A flreaf; that gathereth. Tuairim. A guefs, opinion, conjecture, Trufc. Vide Trofg. drift. Trufaros. A ward-robe. Tuair. Chief. Trufcan. A fuit of clothes. Tuairimam. To conjecture, guefs. Trufcan. A fmelt or fparling. Tuairifg. An account, detail, a fymbol. Trufgan. Goods, chattels, furniture. Tuairnin. A mallet, hammer. Trufgar, Oarweed. Tuairnair. A turner. [4 ZJ T uaifaid. T U A TUG

Tuaifaid. A quarrel, wrangle. Tuathchaint. Gibberifh. Tuaifceart, The north quarter.: Tuatha fiodhgha. The name of fome Bri-- Tuaith. 1 tons who ufed poifoned darts in Ireland, > IN orthern. I uaithean. \ K. ad A. M. 2737. * Tuaith. A tradt, territory. Tuathachd. A krrdfhip, feigniory. Tuaitheach. A country-man, ruftic. Tuathal. Left, aukward, ungainly. Tuaithe. Rural. Tuathallach. Aukward. Tuaithleas. A ruftic trick, cunning. Tuathallan. An aukward, ungainly per~ Tualaing. Patience. fon. Tualaingam. To endure, bear patiently. Tuathamhuil. Rude, ruftic. Tualthachd. PolSbility. Tuathamhlachd. Rufticity. Tuama. A tomb or grave. Tuathchuird. Sorcery. Tuamain. Fierce, morofe. Tuathlios. Calumny. Vide Tuaileas. Tuapholl. A whirlpool. Tubag. A tub, vat. Tuar. An omen, prefage,.- fore-runner. Tubag-fhiolaidh. A dropping-tub. Tuar. Foreboding. Tubaift. Misfortune, mifchief. Tuara. Satisfaction. Tubaifteach. Unlucky, unfortunate. Tuara. Growth, life. Tubaifteachd. Acc'identalnefs. Tuaraim. To bode, portend. Tubha. A fhew, appearance. Tuarcaim. To knock, ftnite. Tubhe. Thatch. Tuargabh. Was taken. Tubhailt. A towel. Tuargnadh. Sedition. Tuc, teec. A bone. Tuargnach-cath. Chief commander, ge- Tuca. A tuck, rapier. neraliflimo. Tuccaid. A caufe, reafon. Tuarufgbhail. A report, character. Tucalam. To full. Tuarafdal. Hire, wages, a fee. Tucaluidhe. A fuller. Tuarafdalaigham. To hire. Tuchairaim. To rub. Tuareip. Confufton, a foul houfe. T uchan. Hoarfenefs,.. a hoarfe-fon-sv Tuas. Above, before. Tucbanach. Hoarfe. Tuafaid. Tumult, buftle, quarrel. T ucra. Meat; Tuafaideach. Tumultuous. Tuchr. A pore. Tuafgeart. Northern, the north. Tucht. A form, fhape. Tuaflagadh. A releafing, diflblving. Tucht. Time. Vide Trath.

Tuata. > 0f countj-yj northern. Tuchlach. Powerful. Tuath. ) T uchtaigham. T o choofe. Tuath. The north, a lordflrip. Tudan. A fmall heap, as a cock of hay* Tuath. The country, the laity or people. Tudanachd. Making fmall heaps. Tuathanach. A countryman, farmer, ruf- Tudhamlach. Carriage, behaviour. tic. Tudhchadar. They came. Tuathach. A north country perfon, a lord, Tudhcham. To come, arrive. fovereign. T udhohaidham. Tuathade Danann. The fourth colony of Tufog. Crepitum. Ireland. Tug, Gave, brought* T ughe. T U I T U I

Tughe, tuighe. Thatch, ftraw. Tuinnachas. Sojourning. Tugham. To thatch. Tuinnidhe. A den. Tughte. Thatched. Tuinnidhe. PolTeffion. Tughnaim. To apply, adjoin. Tuir. Pi. of Tor. Tuidhle. Pleafant, delightful. Tuir. A lord, fovereign, general. Tuidhme. A confederacy, conjun&ion, Tuirbheach. r _ . , , v Shame-faced, balhful. Tuidhmeach. A yoke-fellow. 1 uirmheach. I Tuidhraim. To join, yoke. Tuirchimigham,^ To make forry, grieve, Tuighe. Straw, thatch. trouble. Tuigham. To thatch. Tuirchreich. A reward, Tuigam. To underftand, difcern, per- Tuirean. A troop, multitude. ceive. T uireann. Wheat. Tuigfe, tuifgin. Underftanding, know- Tuireadh. A requeft, crying,, weeping, a ledge, fkill. dirge. Tuigfeach. j Knowing, Ikilled, intelli- T uireann. A fparkle of fire from an anvil. Tuigfineach. i gent. Tuiriofg. A faw. Tuile. A flood, deluge,; rain, pi. Tuil- Tuiridh. A pillar, fupporter of an edifice. teach. Tuirigham, To reign. Tuile ruadh. Noah’s flood. Tuirighin. Atongue, a prince, a judge. Tuil. Sleep, reft. Tuirifc-taidhe. Convidfion of theft. Tuilbhein. A torrent. Tuirlin. A defcent. Tuilcheimnughadh. Progrefs, proceflion. Tuirlingam. Todefcend. Tuilg. A hillock. Tuirlifteoir. A manger. Tuiligham. To overflow, encreafe. Tuirmheach. Modeft, bafhful. Tuill. Holes. Tuirmheachd. Modefty, fhamefacednefs. Tuillim. To fleep. Tuirfe. Wearinefs, fadnefs. Tuille. More, a remnant, addition. Tuirfeach. Weary. Tuillefos. Moreover. Tuirfigham. To weary, tire, fatigue. Tuilleamh. Wages, hire. Tuirtheachda. A rehearfal, relation. Tuillam. To augment, encreafe, enlarge j Tuirt. Time, quantity, confideration. to deferve, earn. Tuis. Incenfe, frankincenfe. Tuillin. _ Defert, merit. Tuis. A gentleman, jewel. Tuilfam. ^To fleep. Tuis, tus. A beginning, origin. Tuillte. Floods-. Tuifbeanadh. A front. Tuillthe. Earned, deferved. Tuifdeach. 7 > A parent. Tuilm. Elm, oak tree. Tuifdigh. Tuimpe. A pump. Tuifdin. Creation. Tuinge, An oath. Tuifeach, taoifeachi A commander, offi- Tuinidhe. Immoveable. cer. Tuinaifg. Senfe, underftanding. Tuifear. A cenfer. Tuinneamh. - Death. Tuifill. A trefpafs. Tuinnam. 7 ™ , (To dwell, foiourn. a AftumblinS ddIverin I umnicham. > TuifligiIe’S ’ 2> X Tuifle. T U L T U R

Tuifle. The hinge of a door. - Tulchoir. Obflinate. Tuilligham. To ftumble, to bring forth, Tulchlaon. Declivous. deliver. Tulchuifeach. Confident, bold. Tuillighte. Fallen, {tumbled, delivered. Tulghaiream. To provoke. Tuifmeadh. j Delivery, travel, or bring- Tulglan. A handfome hillock. Tuifmeaghadh. > ing forth young. Tulghluafachd. Promotion. Tuifmigham. To {tumble, bring forth Tulbhallfgadha. Spots, freckles. young. Tullog. The filh called Pollock. Tuifmighthoir. A parent. Tulradharcachd. Providence, forefight. Tuiftiun. A groat. Tulradharcach. Provident, forefeeing. Tuilteamhach. Frail, ruinous, ready to Tulradharcam. To forefee. fall. Tulfcan. A fpreading, loofening. T uith. A fide,, Tulttaonachd. A declivity. T uitam. Tultaradh. By mere chance, accidentally. | To fall. Tuitim. Turn. A bufli. Tuitam. A fall, chance, refult. Tuma. Vide Tuama. Tuitamach. That falleth, accidental. Tumadh. A dipping. Tuitamachd. Contingence. Tumaim, tomam. To dip. Tuitamas. The falling ficknefs. Tumtha. Dipped. Tul. The front, countenance, face. Tumthaire. A dipper, diver. Tul. A beginning, entrance. Tunicam. To know. Tui. More. Tunna. A ton. Tul. Quick, foon. Tunnog. A duck or drake. Tul. A manner, faftiion. Tur. Dry, bare, alone. Tul. Naked. Tur. A requelt, petition. Tula. 1 Tur, go tur. Totally, altogether. Tulach. kA hill, hillock. Tur. A refearch. Tuloch. J Tur. A tower. Tulaga. A change of labourers. Tur. Heavinefs, wearinefs. Tulagam. To rock, move. Tur. A journey, tour. Tulagan. Rocking. Tura. Much, plenty, abundance. Tulaidhe. Treafure. Turadan. Nodding. Tulaigne. Intention. Turas, turus. A journey,, expedition, Tulgach. Jolting much. voyage. Tulta. A green or common. Turafgar. Sea ore, .fea weed, {hell-fifh. Tulbhreicneach. Spotted, freckled. Tufufan. A pilgrim. Tulca. Bands. Turbit. A turbot, rhomboid.

Fulcach. )jrull ofhilloclcs> Turbhaidh. Mifchance, misfortune. Tulcanach. ) Turcach. A Turk, Turkifli. Tulchan. Dim. of Tulach. Turchar. Riches. Tulchomhraic. An aflembly, congregation. Turchomhroc. An aflembly, congregation Tulchromachd. ) . , ... Turgaibh. He took up. Tjilchlaonachd. i A Turgabhail greine. Courfe of the fun. Turgbhala T U R TUT

Turgbhala. Guilt, iniquity. Turufan. A traveller. Turgabhalach. Guilty. Turufgur. Giblets. Turgnaitn. To colleft, gather. Tus. A beginning, commencement. Turlach. Ground covered with water in Tufa. Thou, thou thyfelf. winter. Tufcarnadh. Fidfion. Turna. A furnace, a fpinning-wheel. Tufdin. The beginning. Turna. A job of work. Tufga, toifaiche. Rather, the former. Turnaidhe. A minifter, fervant. Tufga. Incenfe. Turnaim. To humble, defcend. Tufimtheachd. Anti-ambulation. Turnamh. A defcent. Tuflogach. Defultory, fkipping. Turnamh. Reft, quiet. Tullog. A leap, or little jump. Turnoir. A turner. Tuflogam. To leap, fkip. Turric. A pufh, thruft. Tufmhodh. A bond-flave. Turricam. To pufh over. Tufornach. A parricide. Turfach. Sad, weary, exhaufted infpirits. Tut. Stink, filth. Turfcolbadh. Frequent fkirmifhes, a fplin ■ Tutach. Stinking, filthy, ungainly, auk- ter. ward. Turfe. Wearinefs, dejedfion. Vide Tuirfe. Tutaighil. Dirt, filth, aukwardnefs. Turfgan. Implements. Tuthan. Reproach, Hander. Turtuir. A turtle. Tutaire. A dunghill. Turus. A journey, voyage, expedition.


u U A G UIs the feventeenth and laft letter of as the grammatical reader muft be no the Galic alphabet. Grammarians ftranger to the frequent commutations have called it U, which according to Fla- mh, bh, v, u, and w, little here need be harty fignifies Heath, i. e. in Galic faid on that head. Fraofch. It hath alfo, and with greater Ua. From, of, a defcendent, grandchild, propriety, been called Ur, i. e. Ubhar, commonly in Englifh written O, as lubar, or the Yew-tree. Its power and O’Connor, O’Neil, O’Brian. found is the fame as in the Latin and Italian Uabhan. Fear, dread, horror. languages. U feems once commuted for Uabhar. Pride, pomp, vainglory. V in the name Ualtair, Walter, which Uabhrach. Proud, haughty, arrogant. the Gael pronounce Valtair. Bh and mh Uacha. From them. having the force, with little difference Uachd. A will, teftament. from each other, of V, fometimes fupply - Uachdar. The top, furface, cream,. fum~ the place of V in other languages; and mit, upper part." [ J A ] tlachdaxachi U A I U A M

Uaehdarach. Uppermoft, higheft. Uainad. Greennefs. Uachdaraiche. Topmoft, uppermoft. Uainn. , „ b rom us. Uachdaran. A governor, ruler. Uainne Uachdaranachd. Government, fovereignty, Uainnarach. Secret, retired. fupremacy. Uainnaras. Retirement. Uadha. Uair. Vide Oir. From him, it. Uaidhe. Uair. An hour. Uadhbhachd. Terror, horror. Uairachan. An horary. Uadarfan. Eating. Uairadair. A clock, time-keeper. Uadhbhafach. Terrible. Uairadairaiche. A watch or clock maker. Uagh, A grave. Uairiodhach. Chilly. Uaghbha.. A choice, eledtion, option. Uairlan. A fun-dial. Uaibh. From you. Uais. Noble, well defeended. Uaibhreach. Proud, vainglorious. Uaifle. Nobility, gentry j generofity. Uaibhreas. Pride. Uaiflad. ' Gentility. Uaiche. From her, it. Uaifleachd. ) Uaidh. I Uaifligham. To ennoble. Uaidhe. r From him. Uaiflughadh. Making noble. Uaidhefan. J Uait. From thee. Uaigh. A den, grave, cave. Uaithcligham. To difmay. Uaighreir. Full of arbitrary fway. Uaithdhligheadh. Privilege. Uaignas. Secrecy, privacy, folitarinefs. Uaithchrith. Horror. Uaigneach. Lonefome, folitary, fecret. Uaithi, uaithe. From her, or it. Uaill. Wailing, lamentation, howling, cry. Uaithle. Horrible. Uaill. Vanity, pride, vainglory. Uaithne. Menftrua muliebria. Uailleot. Vain, boafting, proud. Uaithne. Green, greeniftmefs. Uaill. Famous, illuftrious, renowned. Uaithne. A pillar, poft. Uailleadh. A roaring, howling. Uaithne. Union, i. e. Comhardughadh, Uaillfeartach. Howling, yelling. which fee. Uailligham. To roar, howl. Uaithnigham. To prop, fupport. Uaillmhiannach. Ambitious. Uallach. A burden, charge, talk. Uailtheart. The howling of a wolf or dog. Uallaigham. To load, burthen, encumber. Uaim, fuaim. A found, report. Uallach. Vide Eolach. Uaim. Notes on the harp. Uallach. Vain, vain-glorious, oftentatious, Uaimh. A den or cave. freakifh. Uaimhneach. Dreadful, terrible, horrid. Uallaire. A coquet. Uaimhinn. An oven. Uallaigh. I.ewd. Uaimhnigham. To terrify. Uallachus. Sillinefs, vanity, conceit. Uaiminiche. A club. Uallachan. A coxcomb. Uain, uine. Time, opportunity, refpite. Uallfult. Treafon. Uain. Loan. Ualmhaigham. To howl, roar. Uaineachd. Vacation. Ualmhurnach. An outcry. Uaine. Green. Uam. From me. Uamchafaim. U C H UGH

Uamchafaim. To encompafs, furround. Uchdach. An afcent, fteepnefs, ftomacher, Uamh. A cave, den, oven. breaft-plate, extenfion of voice, delivery Uamhann. Dread, terror. in fpeech. Uamhainach. Uchdal. That carrieth the head high, > Dreadful, terrible. Uamhafach. i eredf. Uamhortha. Dreadful, abominable. Uchdan. A hillock. Uathmhorthachd. Abomination. Uchdmhac. An adopted fon. Uan. A lamb. Uchdmhacachd. Adoption. Uan caifg. The pafchal lamb. Uchdaodach. Clothes, or armour for the Uan. Froth, foam. VideOghan. breaft. Uanid. A chief or great perfon. Ud, od. That there, yon. Uarcin. Side of the head. Uddacag. A woodcock. Uarach-mhullaich. The herb Devil’s Bit. Udal. Diftrefs. Uarach. Temporary. Udail. Inhofpitable. Uas. Upon, more than, upwards, above. Udalach. Wavering, Uafal. Noble, gentle, well-born j Sir, a Udalan. A fwivel. gentleman. Udhbhrann. A joint. Uath. Fear, dread. Udhmadh. An inclofure. Uath. The earth, mould. Udhmadh. A withe ufed to bolt the door Uath. A hawthorn, white thorn. of a cow-houfe. Uath. A fmall number. Udhthair. A bile. Uathmhar. Dreadful, terrible. Udmall. Quick, adlive, ftirring, waver- Uathmhorachd. Dreadfulnefs. ing. Uath. Lonefome, folitary, alone ; N’a Uga. Choice, eledtion. uath’s n’a aonar, all alone. Ugadh. Birth. Uatha. Single. Ugh. An egg. Uathadh. A little, fmall quantity, a few. Ughaim. Horfe-harnefs, traces. Uathamhuil. Single, folitary. Ughachd. A will, teftament. Uathartan. A pocket. Ughaimam. To accoutre, to harnefs. Uathbhas. Aftonifhment, furprife, won- Ughagan. A cuftard. der. Ughamtha. Harnefled, equipped, accou- Uathbhafach. Shocking, dreadful, ter- tred. rible. Ughamhuil. Oval. Uathchomhradh. Ughbreithach. Oviparous. | Soliloquy. Uathlabhradh. Ughbhuidheacan. Yolk of an egg. Ubh. The point of a weapon. Ughchrath. Spawn, ovaria. Ubhal. An apple. Ughdar. An author. Ucaire. A cottoner or napper of frize, a Ughdarcha. ) . , , , ? Authentic. fuller. TTUghdarafach.r > Ucfaim. To abolifh, extinguifh. Ughdarach. Authoritative. Uch. Oh ! alas ! Ughdaras. Authority. Uchd. The breaft, boforn. Ughdarafaim. To authorize, empower, au- Uchbhadach. Groaning. thenticate, Ughra. U I L U I M

Ughra. A conflict, fkirmifla, fight. Uileghlic. All-wife. Ugin, Fore-part of the neck. Uile-iomlan. All-perfedf, all-fufficient. Uiateach. A farmer’s houfe. Uile-iomlanachd. All-Efficiency. Uibhir. A number. Uile go leir. Altogether. Uibne. A fmall pitcher, or cann. Uilidh. All; Go h uilidh, univerfally. Uibne. Drinking. Uille, oille. Greater. Uidh. Care, heed. Uilleann. Honeyfuckle, name of the diph- Uidh. A degree, ftep, fpace; Uidh air thong ui. uidh, gradually, ftep by ftep. Uillean. Vide Uileann. Uidhe. A journey. Uille. Oil. Uidhghiolla. A running-footman. Uillgha. Oily, of oil. Uidheach. Mufical, harmonious. Uim. The earth. Uidhidheachd. Harmony, melody. Uim. Brafs, copper. Uige. A jewel, precious ftone. Uimcheallach. 7 . , .. i Any clofe private place. Uige. A web, carded wool for fpinning. TTUimcheallog. ) Uige. Knowledge, fkill, ingenuity, under- Uimchrith. An earthquake. ftanding. Uime. About, about him or it. Uigh. Pleafure. Uime-fin. Therefore. Uighdeall. Trembling. Uimedim. To encompafs, embrace. Uiginge. A fleet or navy. Uimfhalraftaim. To amble, pace. Uil, for Uidhil. The Jews. - Uimitalaigham, ' To circumvolate. Uilc, PI. of Ok. Evils. Uimitalaich. Circumvolution. Uile. All. Uimtabhradh. Circumlocution. Uile. i An elbow, nook, corner, an- Uimfheolam. To circumnavigate. Uileann. 5 gle. Uimchladhadh. Circumvallation. Uile^jiach. Angled, cornered. Uimfhilladh. Circumplication. UileacSd. Univerfality, generality. Uimftiuidhachadh. Circumpofition. Uilechiffinhachd. Omnipotence. Uimfhruth. 7 . „ . 5-Circumfluence. Uilechurrihachdach. Omnipotent. Uimfhruthadh.TT S Uilelathairachd. Ubiquity. Uimlhruthach. Circumfluent, circumflu- Uilelathairaeh. Omniprefent. ous. Uileleirfin. Attribute of feeing all things. Uimdhortam. Tb circumfufe. Uileinntinacb. Without refervation. Uimdhortadh. Circumfufion. Uilechruthach. Omniform. Uimrothladh. Circumgyration, revoluti- Uilechinntach. All-fufficient. on. Uilefhiofrach. Omnifcient. Uimrothlam. To circumgyrate, revolve. Uilefhiofrachd. Omnifcience. Uimpe. About her, it. Uileleirfineach. i . Uimhir. Number, arithmetic. Uilefhaicfinach. f A11-feeinS- Uimhirach. Numerous. Uilebheothaighach. All-chearirig. Uimhrachal. Arithmetical. Uilebheannuighte. Truly bleffed'. Uimhrachan, Arithmetician. Uilethorach. All-bearing. Uimleac, uimleacan. The navel. Uileftilugach. All-devouring. Uimleachta, Umbilical. U immheirg,. U I R U L L

Uimmheirg. Ruft. Uirlis. Tools, inftruments. Uimphliochdam. To embrace. Uirliocan. A vomiting. Uimreamhar. Very fat. Uirlios. A walled garden. Uinamaid. Ointment. Uirneis. A furnace, Uinche. A battle. Uirre. Upon, unto her. Uinge. An ounce. Uir-reathadh, A mole. Uine. Time. Uirreachaire. Readier, more watchful. Uinne. Blind. Uirtreana. Pits of water in the fand left by Uinneamh. Strength.O the ebb. Uinneog. A window. Uis. Humble, obedient. Uinrun. An onion. Uis. Ufe. Uinfiunn. An afh-tree. Uifal. Snug, comfortable. Uinfi. Is, it is. Uifedeolachd. Supplication-. Uinfuigham. To manage, fway. Uifeog. A lark. Uir. Mould, earth, duft. Uifg. PI. Uifgidhe. Water,, a river. Uir. Fire. Uifge. Uirchur. A cricket, chur-worm, fen- Uifgebeatha. i. e. Aqua vitae, whifgy. cricket. Uifge neartmhor. Aqua fortis. Uircin. A pig, grice. Uifgeul. A fable, ftory. Uirdhuighadh. An eclipfe of the fun, or Uifgeulgha. Fabulous. confonants. Uifgeulaiche. A fabulift. Uirdhreachadh. A delineation. Uifgamhuil. Watery. U ire. More frefh, frefhnefs. Uifgamhlachd. Waterinefs. Uireafbhach. Indigent, needy, a needy per- Uifgeacha. Waters. fon. Uifgaigham. To water, irrigate; Uireafohuidh. Want, indigence, Uifire. An oyfter, ufurer. Uirfhiacla. The fore-teeth. Uifiarram. To befeech, humbly entreat.- Uirghairdachas. Rejoicing. Uifiarrthach. Importunate. ; Uirghairdaigham. To rejoice. Uifneach. An old name of the county of Uirghiol. Eloquence, utterance, a com- Longford. mand. UTachd. Colour. Uirghiollach. Eloquent. Uirghreannachd. Puberty, ripenefs of age. Uraghadh. Renewing, refrefhing, refr-efh- Ulog. A pulley. ment. Ullaigh. Ultonians. Uirad. A fliare, portion, as much as. Ulaidh. A pack-faddle, a hoard or hidden Uirid. Whilft, as long as. treafure. Uirigh. A couch. Ulbhuadhach. All-vi£!orious,. triumphant. Uiriofal. Bafe, mean, flavifh, cringing. Ullcach. The quinfey. Uiriofle. 7 Ulcha. A beard., . . 1 Eowhnefs, meannefs. TTUinolleachd.n ) Ulla. A place of devotion, a burying— Uirioflaigham. To debafe, difparaga. place, the crofs or calvary of a cathedral Uirliofteoir. A manger. church. [5 £] Uldachi. U M H U R

Uldach. A burden. Umhaloid. Agony.

Ullobheift, . A lamprey. Umhalacbd. 7 VT ... TT , , . , , , \ Humility, obedience. Ullamh. Vide Ollamh. Umhlaigheachd. i Ullamh. Ready, prepared. Umchlodh. A vertigo. Uilamhaim. | To prepare, procure, pro- Umhladh. Obedience, fubmiffion ; a fine. Ullamhaio-ham.O 5' vide. Umhlaigham. To obey, fubmit, hum- Ullamhaghadh. Preparation, preliminary. ble. XJllamhaighte. Prepared, provided, made Umhlughadh. Humbling, humiliation, ready. making obeifance, faluting. Ullmhoid. A preparation, provifion. Umlabhradh. Circumlocution. Ullchabhacan. An owl. Umorro. But, even, moreover. Ulmudh. Tongs. Umpa. About them. Ullthach, ualach. A burden, load, arm- Umpidh. An ideot. ful. Umfhuidham. Tobefiege. Ultach. Ultonian.. Una. Hunger, famine. Um. For Uime, about, near. Una. Proper name of women common in Um. With, together with. Ireland. Unfairt. Umad. About thee, upon thee. | Wallowing. Umainn. About us. Unfairtich. Umaibh. About you. Unfairtam. To tumble, tofs, wallow, nef- Umaidhe. Vulgar, ignorant. tie. Umpa. About them. Unga. Brafs, an ingot. Uman. Human. l longa. The nail, claw, hoof. Umaire, iomaire. A ridge. Unga. 1 Umar. A trough, a veffel. Ungadh. Unftion, ointment. Umar-baifdaidh. A font. Unga dheirionach. Extreme undtion. Umbracam. To embrace. Ungam. To anoint. Umchafadh. A vertigo, dizzinefs. Ungtha. Anointed. Umchriodheal, The pericordium. Unich. Buftle, hurry. Umchadh. Ready. Unicham. To tumble and tofs. Umdhruidam. To fhut up clofe, to be- Unfa. An ounce. fiege. Umfhuidham. To befiege. Umdhruidte. Clofed up, fhut up, be- Untas. A windlafs. fieged. Uptha* Sorcery, witchcraft. Umfaifgam. To embrace. Ur. Frefh, new. Umghaoth. A whirlwind. Ur, uir. Mould, earth. Umghlacam. To gripe or grafp. Ur. Evil, mifchief, hurt. Umha. Copper, brafs. Ur, ar. Slaughter. Umha, uamha. A cave, den. Ur. Generous, noble-hearted. Umhail. Heed, attention,- confideration, Ur-fhliochd. Noble race. doubt. Ur. A brink, border. Umhaire. A tinker, brazier. Ur. Heath; hence the letter U takes its Umhal. Obedient. name. Ur. 3 U R C U R II

Ur. A beginning. Urchuiram. To fltoot, caff, throw. Ur. Fire, hence. Urchuidmheadh. A denial, put off, ex- Urchuil. A cricket, falamander, or fire- cufe. fly. Urchuidmhigham. To excufe. Ur. A moifl: place, a valley. Urdhaithe. Defedl. Ur. Very. Urdhubha. A darkening, eclipfe. Ural. Frefh, flourifliing. Urfomhar. Autumn. Urghranna. Very ugly, monflroiis. Urgbhail. A lifting, or taking up. Uriofal. Very humble. Urghairdeach. Joyful. Urach. Earth, a beginning. Urghairdeachas. Rejoicing, congratulation. Urach bhallach. Orchis. Urghairdam. To rejoice. Urach. A bottle, pail, fmall tub. Urghais. An exchange, alteration. Urachair. A fhot. Urgnamh. A feaft. Urchairam. To {hoot, caft. Urnamhog. A goflip. Uracht. A fupport. Urgnamhoir. A fmell-feaft. Urad. As much, many. Urla. f , , J A lock of hair, hair, front. Uraiceachd. An accidence^ primer, rudi- TTUrlamh. i ments of education. Urlabhair. 7 Uraige. The former. Urlabhradb., Utterance> lpeech- Uran. Courtefy, affability, a fong. Urlaidhe. A Ikirmilh, conflict. Uranach, An upftart. Urlaimh. Pofleflion. Uras. A fprout, bud. Urlaithe. Quick, adtive, ready. Urbhaidh. A ward, cuftody. Urlaimh. Quick, ready. Urbhaidhe. Bane, ruin, deffrudfion. Urlamhuidh. A pofieflbr. Urbhidh. Ruffling, noife, tumbling and Urlamhus. Pofleflion, fupreme power and tolling. authority. Urbhlaith. Fruitful, full of bloffbm, Urlann. A ftaff. Urbhath. A hut, cottage. Urlar. A floor. Urcain. A pig, grice. Urlar-buailte. A threffiing-floor. Urchail. Fetters, {hackles. Urlataidh. Adtive of body, tumbling. Urchaillte. Fettered, {hackled, forbidden. Urluachair. Green ruffles. Urchailach. A heifer of a year and a half Urmhor. Frefli, cooling, flourifliing, bud- old. ding. Urchoid. Hurt, harm, detriment, malice, Urmhorachd. Freftirlefs, coolnefs, new- mifchief. nefs. Urchoideach. Mifchievous, malicious, fac- Urmam. To erafe. tious. Urmais. Herefolved, intended. Urchoidam. T'b hurt, damage, bear ma- Urmumhin. Ormond. lice. Urflinaidhm. A knot, tie5 a pin or jack Urchofg. A prefervative againft evil, an- to fallen the chords of a harp. tidote, a fpell- Urnaigh. A prayer. Urchradhachd. Wretched, miferable. Urradh. A furety, good author, defend- Urchur. A throw, caff, {hot. ant in a procefs. Urradh. U R S U T H

Urradh. A chieftain. Urful. A pair of tongs. Urradh tighe. Houfehold furniture or Urthaidhe. An oath. goods. Uruladh. An altar. Urrae. Obedience, fubmiflion. Urufa. a Urrad. High. Urufda i £'ar^’ feafible’ Pta^icable. Urraid. A principal perfon. Us. News, tidings, a narrative, ftory. Urram. Refpedf, honour, obedience, de- Us, for Agus. And. ference. Ufa. Juft, righteous, true. Uraigham. To renew, refrefh. Ufachd. Power, faculty. Urrain. A ftay, fupport. Ufa. , ^ Urramach. Refpeflful, fubmiffive, Ufaidhe.r^ Urramachd. Homage, fubmiffion. Ufarb. Death. Urran na leife. The hip orhuckle bone. Ufga, tufga. Incenfe. Urranta. Bold, daring, dauntlefs. Ufgaraim. To clear or rid. Urrflugaim. To vomit.. Uflain. Play, fport, joftling, wreftling. Urflugidh. Emetic. Uilainneach. Chearful, brifk, merry, nim- Urrflugan. Vomiting. ble, adlive. Urras. Awe, bond, check, infurance. Uflainneachd. Chearfulnefs, brilknefs, ac- Urrudhas. 1 Security, furetyfhip, courage, tivity. Urras. $ undauntednefs. Ufpairneachd. Wreftling, ftruggling, ftrife, Urrudhufach. Bold, confident, fecure. contention. Urrtha. Upon her, it. Ufpag. A pang, thou. Urrthaigh. An oath. Ufpairnam. To ftruggle, ftrive, contend* Urfa. 7 fuJe pofl; 0f a door. Ufuir. An ufurer. Urlin. J Ufuireachd. Ufury. Urfa. A bear. Uulp. A fox. Urfcar. 7 , , r Utan. A knuckle. Urfcartadh. 1 A Utraid. A way for cattle,. Urfgeul. A fable, novel, llory. Ut ! Out! Urfgar-bhraghad. A necklace. Uth. Udder, dug. Urfag. A little bear.




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