A Brief History of and Addiction’s Impact on Us Today “There is a silent spring of intoxicants that flows through our lives and bodies. Whether we wake up with a sip of coffee or a sniff of , take a break with a cigarette or a beer, relax with a cocktail or marijuana, drift to sleep with a pill we purchased at the pharmacy or from our neighborhood dealer, we use drugs to change the way we feel.” INTOXICATION • From the Middle English – to poison; from Latin – to smear with poison ADDICTION The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit- forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. ADDICT v. To addict originally meant “to award as a slave”; an addict now is a slave to his/her habit, from the Latin addictus, which in Roman law, meant “a debtor awarded as a slave to his creditor”. The Role of Trauma Trauma and addiction have been called brother and sister maladies because they so often go together. They’re part of the same family. Yet even people who have suffered both for many years often don’t see the connection between them.

• Recovery from Trauma, Addiction, or Both by Lisa Najavits PhD “Addiction is a disorder in self- regulation. Individuals who become dependent on addictive substances cannot regulate their emotions, self- care, self-esteem, and relationships.” Addiction is an Attachment Disorder Phillip Flores Ph.D. 2004 I have a little bit of an addiction to work. So I'm always hiding in the bathroom with my Blackberry to work when I'm on holiday. - Penelope Cruz Williamson, WV • Pop 3191 • 20.8 million hydrocodone and oxycontin pills have been sold • That equals 6500 pills per person • Over the last 10 years two pharmacies have sold 10 million pills each • 2013 Trust for America’s Health showed WV had the highest drug overdose mortality • During a two day period in October 2007 38,000 pills were dispensed “You want your pills. You don’t want your marriage. You don’t want your children. You want your pills.” Deiara Warrix Recovering addict in Willamson, WV Like with other rural areas, West Virginia’s problems started with local miners turning to OxyContin to alleviate the pain and discomfort of their long hours and dangerous working conditions. A lack of a robust job market made these men increasingly dependent on the mines, willing to do anything to their bodies if it meant they could bring home a paycheck. Whether it’s OxyContin, Vicodin, or Xanax, what researchers call “social determinants” (poverty, poor education and lack of employment or living opportunities, to name the biggest such determinants) are what drives people to find any kind of relief they can, even if it kills them. “Ask not why the addiction ask why the pain” – Gabor Maté MD

“There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away. (107)” - Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian RAT EXPERIMENTS In the 1960s & 80s Bruce Alexander’s experiments with rats and cocaine & influenced our cultural understanding of addiction. The setup was this: the rat was isolated and had no contact with other rats (solitary confinement). The only visual stimulation was of the caretakers at the front of their cages. The rats were fitted with a contraption that they could use to self administer addictive drugs. Ultimately the rats killed themselves. RAT EXPERIMENTS II • In the next incarnation of his experiment, Dr. Alexander let the rats chose morphine water or regular water. The rats were still in Solitary confinement. • The rats drank the morphine water almost exclusively and died. RAT PARK • In the 80s, Bruce created “Rat Park” • In RAT PARK, rats lived with a community. They had friends to play rat games with, to have babies with, to eat with, to sleep with They had enrichment activities and jungle gyms and running wheels. • Bottles of morphine water and regular water were available to all of the rats. • The rats would try the morphine water in the act of figuring out the water bottles. Predominately the rats preferred water. “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.” – Johann Harri A History of Addiction in America • 1619 – The Virginia Assembly passed legislation mandating farmers grow hemp. • 1639 – New Amsterdam – The city’s tobacco smokers (the entire male population) camped outside the mayor’s office to protest in silence his ban on smoking. • 1774 – First Essay on alcoholism – Anthony Benezer’s, Mighty Destroyer • 1810 – Anti alcohol campaign was organized by reformist clergymen. Opiologia 1682 • 1825 – Alcoholism is called an “addiction to the sin of intemperance” a moral flaw. • 1853 – America’s first alcoholic president – Franklin Pierce. He was the son of a tavern keeper and alcoholic mother who saw his son killed. • 1861 – 1865 on the battlefields of the Civil War started a new drug problem – Morphine Addiction – Hypodermic needles had been invented in 1850 and injecting morphine became common. Dr. Bell’s Anti Pain • 1862 – Chloroform is a “popular recreational intoxicant” • 1879 - Dr. Leslie Keeley opens opens 120 institutes marking the beginning of franchised, private for profit addiction treatment. • 1880s – Sigmund Freud recommends Cocaine as a cure for opium. Bottled home cures will contain: opium, morphine, cocaine and cannabis. • 1885 – Coca Cola is invented as a patent medicine and is named for its ingredients coca leaves and kola nuts.

• 1887 – Amphetamine is invented in Germany. • 1903 – Barbiturates are introduced. • 1905 – Bayer gets Nobel Prize in Chemistry • 1906 – The Emmanuel Club begins the practice of lay therapy and is the precursor of AA and 12 step programs. This is the beginning of the idea that addiction is a character defect. Methamphetamine And Phenobarbitol 10 & 15 mg

1964 •1907 – 1913 Sterilization of defectives: the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, alcoholics and addicts is mandated.

•1913 – MDMA/Ecstacy was created by Merck

•1914 – 1918 WWI Morphine used for diarrhea and pain and causes an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 addicts after the war. Known as “the army disease”. Alcohol was rationed to the troops as well as coffee and cigarettes.

• 1919 – The SCOTUS decision is handed down that it is an indictable offense for a doctor to maintain an addict on their customary dose. 25,000 physicians are indicted between 1919 and 1935. • 1919 - Methamphetamine was created in Japan. • 1919 – 1933 Prohibition • 1935 – AA is created – alcoholism was a character defect & a person could heal with connection to a community. Circa 1950s add for diet pills

Amphetamine • 1939 – 1945 World War II Methamphetamine is used by all of the armies to keep the troops alert and Morphine is used for pain relief. Soldiers use alcohol more that in any other war. • 1943 – LSD is discovered. • 1944 – Alcoholism is declared a disease. • 1948 – The Minnesota Model for chemical dependency is opened. Antabuse is introduced. • 1950’s – Methamphetamine is prescribed as a diet aid. Benzedrine Inhaler for High Altitude Flying personnel - 1943 & 1944 • 1950 – 1965 – PCP is used as an anesthetic in humans and animals • 1953 – MDMA/Ecstacy is used experimentally by the United States Army for unspecified reasons. • 1955 – Quaaludes synthesized and sold as a non-addictive sleep aid. • 1957 – Benzodiazepines are accidentally discovered. Paregoric Anhydrous Morphine Alcohol 43 – 46 % • 1959 – 1973 Viet Nam War – Marijuana and are the drugs of choice and are easily available. 40,000 veterans came back as Heroin addicts. • 1960’s – Injectable methamphetamine causes widespread abuse. • 1960 – Benzodiazepine – Librium launched. • 1966 – Two federal courts uphold the disease model • 1970s – Amphetamine and methamphetamine became illegal for most use. Circa 1960s • 1970s campaign begun to replace barbiturates with benzodiazepines. • 1970 -1978 PCP is made, sold and manufactured illegally • 1971 – The War on Drugs • 1980’s – Treatment consisted of confrontation which proved to be the opposite of what was effective. • 1984 – Quaalude (methaqualone) classified as Schedule I and is illegal to make, use prescribe, own. Cocaine Toothache Drops 1885 • 1985 – Crack Cocaine was introduced. • 1985 – MDMA/Ecstacy becomes a Schedule I drug. • 1993/94 – Harm Reduction Coalition was formed • 1995 – The Sackler Family of Purdue Pharma introduced Oxycontin as a time released NON-ADDICTIVE alternative to the current pain meds. This is the beginning of the epidemic. • 2008 – 2012 – Spice/K2 – synthetic marijuana is sold in convenience stores. Raymond Sackler: The Philanthropist Who Helped Spawn the Opioid Crisis 1920-2017