Extensions of Remarks E317 HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK HON
March 15, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E317 the American Story for All, early and under 2% of Boy Scouts. This uncommon accom- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTION budget, to the President of the United States. plishment is precisely why, Mr. Speaker, I rise OF DELTA ENTERPRISES IN AS- Since that time, the notion of a Smithsonian today to recognize Michael and Cheryl SISTING THE MOST VULNER- American Latino Museum has continued to Paradiso. On Saturday, March 16, 2013, Dan- ABLE VICTIMS OF SUPERSTORM gain support from a diversity of people and iel Paradiso will be the fourth child of Michael SANDY places. Despite that long-standing support and and Cheryl to attain scouting’s highest honor. almost 20 years later, we are still not there Their daughter, Stephanie, has achieved the HON. MICHAEL G. GRIMM yet, but we are getting closer. OF NEW YORK Gold Award in Girl Scouting and their three To move forward in our effort, the House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sons, Tony, M.J., and now Daniel have all and Senate must pass the Smithsonian Amer- Friday, March 15, 2013 ican Latino Act. Our bill would do 3 things: earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Designate the now-vacant Arts and Indus- A century has passed since Arthur Eldred tries Building (AIB) within the Smithsonian In- recognize the contribution made by Delta Chil- earned our Nation’s first Eagle Award. One dren’s Products and it’s President, Mr. Joseph stitution as the location of the museum, includ- hundred years later, dedicated parents Mike ing an annex that would be constructed under- Shamie, in assisting the most vulnerable vic- and Cheryl Paradiso provide the guidance, ground and adjacent to the AIB.
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