Subsidiary Legislation, 2007 1903

Kilimani Kileleshwa Parklands Kangemi Mountain View Uthiru/Ruthimitu Waithaka Mutuini Riruta Ngando Katina Made on the 30th October, 2007. MUSIKARI KOMBO, Minister for Local Government.

LEGAL NOTICE NO. 215 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (Cap. 265) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 5, 12 and 26 of the Local Government Act, the Minister for Local Government makes the following Order:— THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MUNICIPALITY OF MOMBASA) ORDER, 2007 1 . This Order may be cited as the Local Government (Municipality of Mombasa) Order, 2007. 2. The District of Mombasa is declared to be the Municipality of Mombasa. 3. The Municipality of Mombasa shall be divided into the thirty- two electoral areas specified in the Schedule, the 'boundaries of which are more particularly delineated, edged blue, on Boundary Plan No. REA(2) which is signed and deposited at the Office of the Electoral Commission of Kenya, , and a copy of which may be inspected at the Office of the District Commissioner, Mombasa. 4. There shall be established in the Municipality of Mombasa a municipal council to be known as the Municipal Council of Mombasa which shall consist of— (a) thirty-two elected councillors one of whom shall be elected from each of the thirty two electoral areas specified in the Schedule; and (b) not more than eleven councillors to be nominated by the Minister under section 26 (b) of the Act, of whom one shall be a public officer. 1904 Kenya Subsidiary Legislation, 2007

L.N. 200/2002 5. The Local Government (Municipality of Mombasa) Order, 2002, is revoked. SCHEDULE (paras. 3 and 4) THE MUNICIPALITY OF MOMBASA Electoral Areas: Tudor Four Tudor Estate Kipevu Port Reitz Airport Changamwe Mikindani Jomvu Kuu Miritini Mwakirunge Bamburi Estate Shanzu Frere Town Junda Mjiambere Mji wa Kale/Makadara Kongowea Nyali/Mkongani Maweni Kizingo Ganjoni Mtongwe Bofu Likoni Timbwani Shika Adabu Bondeni Tononoka Majengo King'orani Mwembe-Tayari Shimanzi Made on the 30th October, 2007. MUSIKARI KOMBO, Minister for Local Government.

LEGAL NOTICE No. 216 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (Cap. 265) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 5, 28 and 39 of the Local Government Act, the Minister for Local Government makes the following Order:—