

Circle the letter of the answer that will best complete the statement.

l. The elements in today's are arranged according to their_.

(;) atom~c number Y. c. electron force d. oxidation number

2. Which sequence of elements is arranged in order of decreasing atomic radius?

@Al,Si,P b. Li, Na, K c. Cl, Br, I d. N,C,B

3. When a atom becomes an , the size of the atom __

a. decreases by gaining an electron @ decreases by losing an electron c. increases by gaining an electron d. increases by losing an electron

4. Elements that readily gain electrons tend to have _.

~ high and high Y. high ionization energy and low electronegativity c. low ionization energy and low electronegativity d. low ionization energy and high electronegativity.

5. Compared to atoms of , atoms of generally have_.

a. higher and lower ionization energies ® higher electronegativities and higher ionization energies c. lower electronegativities and lower ionization energies d. lower electronegativities and higher ionization energies

6. As the elements in I of the periodic table are considered from top to bottom, a lower element has a __ than an element higher up the column.

(a.) smaller first ionization energy Y. larger first ionization energy c. smaller number of d. larger number of electrons

7. Atoms of metallic elements tend to __

a. gain electrons and form negative b. gain electrons and form positive ions c. close electrons and form negative ions @ lose electrons and form positive ions

OVER 8. Determine which element would have characteristics of both a and a :

a. Ag b. K @As d. Xe

9. In early efforts to classify the elements, Mendeleev arranged the atoms in order of __ .

a. atomic number b. atomic radii @atomic mass d. ionization energies

10. Which ofthe following atoms has the largest atomic radius?

a. Na ®K c. Mg d. Ca

2 1 11. Determine the group, period and of an atom with the [Ar]4s 3d 04p4

a. group 14, period 4, d-block b. group 16, period 3, p-block c. group 14, period 4, p-block @ group 16, period 4, p-block

12. Moving down a group on the periodic table, which two atomic properties follow the same trend?

a. atomic radius and ionization energy ® ionization energy and electronegativity c. ionization energy and atomic radius d. ionic radius and electronegativity

13. Niobium (Nb) is a(n)

a. nonmetal ® transition element c. metal d.

14. It can be predicted that element 118 will have properties similar to_.

A alkali earth metals ® c. d. noble gases

15. When elements are arranged by increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their chemical and physical properties is known as the _.

a. GD periodic law c. Autbau principle d. Pauli Exclusion Principle 16. An indication of an atom's ability to attract electrons to itself during a chemical bond is_.

a. ionization energy b. o electronegativity d. electron configuration

17. The trend in atomic radii as one moves down a group is partially due to _.

a. decreased distance of outer electron b. increased charge in the nucleus A. increased number of electrons in the outer energy level ®. shielding by the inner electron

18. Choose the pair in which the second particle listed is larger than the first.

a. K,Ga b. Pb, C

19. Determine the electron configuration of the element in Group 14 and Period 4 of the periodic table.

a. [Ne]3s23p4 b. [Ar]4s2 @ [Ar]4s23dlo4p2 d. [Kr]5s24d2

20. The ionization energy as one moves from left to right across a period is that it

a. generally decrease ® generally increase c. remains the same d. varies randomly

21. The elements in the series are also known as the

,it alkali metals I.b) inner transition element c. nonmetals d. alkaline earth metals

22. Sb is classified as a raJ Y. c. metal d. nonmetal

23. Determine the electron configuration that represents the element with the largest atomic radius

a. Is1 '(]) Is22s1 C. 1s22s2 d. 1s22s22pi

OVER 24. Name the following ionic compounds:

a. BaF2 h. Na2S04 O. Lhcr04 SOi:>IUfY1 ~Ae.\UlY\ FUJol IDe S:.;LFmtF L, 7H/I}~ Crl4tJ»t'f1l;-

i. Mg(OH)2 p.Caiz

MA6Nf:;'SIVM, t/V!JlOY/Dr: (!A-LC11J4t To})I/)€'

c. ZnCh j. K3P04 q. Lh02

Po ms: IrJM fllOSJ'1tI14n;- LITH I UI'I1 [email protected] Y,I J)t!"

d. Ag2S k. FeC03 r. Ga2S3 S 11_VEJ'l...S lJ LFIl;) 6' rt21JtJ at.) CAIlbJ,JA7li"" Gt:JLLlVtVl SUU:1l>i:

e. Zn(Mn04)2 I. CsCl04 S. (NH4)zC03 Z,:«: ft£II("AfWl4'1n;- {!,PIVW/ &CHW/lATl-F All1mtJ,v1 VM l?FJ.e40A/A'Tl:

f. La(N03)3 m. Pb3P4 t. In(HC03)3

LlJtJ7lIJlA/ con N,71!ATl-- LEY-It) (IV) RfOSPH'/)c 1J.Jl;ivm 8ICIl,e&J~17;

-g. Be3Nz n. CU2S03 J3EI< YLUu/l1. ilt~{iJt3 CO (J,o~ (I1) SULt:"1 T£ 25. Write the chemical formula for each of the following compounds:

a. cesium bromide g. sulfate m. (II) bromide Cs8, s.SO,! NL .6rJ.

b. ammonium chlorite h. protactinium (IV) nitrite n. (II) fluoride Fa, !J Hl{ Cl ()d. Po.. (tJO~)1.f SYl

c. (II) permanganate i. tin (II) bicarbonate o. gallium

CLA (Mil 0,) J. S t\ (!-Ie0.3) ;), Ga (C;) J-I30~)3

d. chromium (III) carbonate j. osmium (rV) chromate p. calcium sulfite Cra (C03)3 (jS~(Cr(1J!( CClS03

e. gallium arsenide k. palladium (Iv) perchlorate q. perchlorate

Go.. As Pd.. ( ~C~O'1)

f. nitrate I. aluminum cyanide I15NOJ 4~ (CJJb