PRESENT: Cllrs David White (DW), Mark Danlel (MD) Mike Line (ML) - chairman ln attendance: D Dunning (Clerk) and 5 members of public

oBl20tg. No 1 APOIOGIES: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Jeffery. Cllr Aston was absent

0812019. No 2 DECLARATTONS OF INTEREST: in any items on agenda: None

o8l2OL9. No.3. ADOPTION of the MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting on 10th july 2019 were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the chair.

Ogl2O19. No. 4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Concerns were raised over the dangers caused by the lack of white lines delineating the end of the old road by New Cottages and the main Bristol Road following a near miss with scooters. A map was provided. A concern was raised by the pinch point caused by parking at the Chapel which is resulting in the wing mirrors of lorries hitting the wall of a house which could cause damage. The council agreed it would support an investigation into possible options. Full details will be forwarded to the Clerk. Representatives from the village Hall committee confirmed they would be interested in joining in with arranging events for VE Day celebrations and suggested a 40s themed night. There was a general hope that other groups or businesses in Cromhall would wish to come together to arrange events.

O8120t9. No. 5. PLANNING. 08l2OL9 5ai. P19/09768/NFU Barn At Bibstone Farmhouse Road Cromhall GL12 8AE. Prior Notification under Part 3 Class R of a flexible change of use from an agricultural building to a Class 81 (business) building from October 2019. Noted

O8l2Ot9 5aii. To record submitted response to P19/09056/F Land Adjacent To New Cottages Cromhall. Erection of 3 No dwellings with access parking and associated works. This site is in an extremely prominent position within the settlement boundory ond is adjacent to Allotment Row cottages which ore locolly listed due to their traditionol architecturol detailing ond vernoculor, which SGC Conservation Officer noted 'ore characteristic of estote cottages with steep roof pitches, modest scole, spacing strong solid-void rotion CInd the delicote noture of the design elements.' The position of the site means the proposal hos the potentiol to impact both these heritage ossets and the charocter ond distinctiveness of this part of the villoge (Policy CS9). Whilst in principle the council is not opposed to'o contemporory rather than postiche design' ollowing o cleor distinction between the odjocent Allotment cottoges, it hos concerns over the approprioteness of the design, density ond loyout of this proposal ond its impoct on the residential omenity of both Allotment Row ond Ducie Close and the wider village contert (Policy C51). Demogrophic trends show the populotion is ogeing, increosing the demond for smaller size (accessible) housing Policy C577:70.23 plus demand for affordoble housing (Policy C578) yet this proposol is for 3 x 3 bed dwellings ond is unlikely to be reflecting locol need.

References is mode to recent development ot the Burltons located opposite the site. The Burltons development, which has no occess onto the Bristol Rood, is predominotely screened behind toll boundary hedging which acts to soften its visuol appeoronce. ln contrast this development hos no such screening or green buffer olong the street. lt hos car porking immediately to the front of the dwellings which is not in keeping with the surroundings ond likely to couse o negotive visuol impact. Cars will be prominent os occupiers will be car dependant due to poor public

08/2079 minutes ({l (- Daphne Dunning Clerk and RFO Cromhall Parish Council [email protected] Contact details: 25 Parkfield Rank , South Gloucestershire 8516 9NR CROMHALL PARISH COUNCIL

tronsport or locol omenities. lndeed, in o previous failed opplicotion for the site, the lnspector considered lorge dccess opening to the site would remove the 'pleosing sense of enclosure ond continuity' along the street scene. Furthermore, the council hos found no evidence of ony integroted soft londscope proposals or net contributions to tree cover in the locolity (porticularly in urbon oreos) or consideration of biodiversity or odequote spoce for recycling ond composting (CS7). There does not appear to be any energy conservotion meosures or renewable and/or low corbon energy proposols (CS4).

The council is extremely concerned over the proposed occess onto the Bristol Rood. Not only is this rood subject to constont HGV traffic ond regulor speeding, the suggested occess is sandwiched between o crossroods and brow with limited vision in one direction and junction ond bend in the other. ln addition, the proposolwill impoct pedestrions including school children and the more elderly as it will cross the main povement potentiolly causing safety issues. The opplicont stotes thot unrestricted off-rood parking is ovoiloble odjacent to the site, presumably referencing Allotment Row. Parking in this locotion is often ot o premium.

OglzOLg 5aiii. To note applications for new premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003 for the following: Shanleigh Cabaret Bar & Kitchen, Unit R3, Riverside Leisure, , Bristol BS37 4AS Memo's Breakfast & Kebabs, The Centre, Shire Way, Yate, BS37 8YS Gloucestershire Football Association Ltd, Oaklands Park, Gloucester Rd, , Bristol BS32 4AG Tudor Raj Restaurant, 49 Rounceval Street, , Bristol BS37 6A5 Noted

Ogl20lg Saiv. P19/09962/IRE 8 Meadow Road Leyhill Wotton Under Edge. Work to reduce crown by 3.5m to L no. lime tree covered by SGTPO lLSlOG dated 14h November 2006. Noted

Oell0tg 5b. Planning decisions O8l2O19 sbi. PL9/48261F Springcottage Jubilee Lane Cromhall Wotton Under Edge South Gloucestershire. Erection of single storey side extension to existing outbuilding to facilitate conversion to L no. dwelling with associated works. Refusal Noted

ASlzOLg sbii. P19/3070/MW Land Opposite Cromhall Quarry Woodend Lane Cromhall South Gloucestershire GL12 8AA. Continued use of land for the storage, screening and processing of topsoil, hardcore, rock, clay, sand, and subsoils under planning permission (PTL311462/MW). Approved with conditions Noted

08l2OL9 sbiii. PLg17003/PNA Land to the west of Rectory Lane Cromhall. Prior notification of the intention to erect an agricultural building for housing cattle and agricultural storage. Refusal Noted

06/2016 5c. Planning enforcement None.

O8|2OL9. No.6|TEMS FOR ACTION Ogl20tg 5a. To received update from Cllr Aston and agreed any actions on village maintenance including: o road verge project o fencing at school playing fields as per lease agreement. Deferred to next meeting although it was noted that the fencing at the school playing fields only requires minor repairs and some vegetation had been cleared around stiles in the village.

08/2079 minutes {1c- Daphne Dunning Clerk and RFO Cromhall Parish Council [email protected] Contact details: 25 Parkfield Rank Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire BS16 9NR CROMHALL PARISH COUNCIL

OBlzOLg 5b. To receive suggestion to purchase a defibrillator and agree any actions. After careful consideration agreed the council would not progress any purchase.

Ogl2019 5c. To review and update existing Business plan Councillors agreed to review the objectives for L9l2O by the September meeting.

Oglz1tg 5d. To receive suggestions relating to the installation of a water fountain and agree any actions. Deferred to next meeting.

Ogl2OLg 5e. To receive notification that NALC has updated its modelfinancial regulations for 20L9 and agree any actions Councillors agreed to review changes made by the Clerk for approval in September. lt was noted that updated financial information needs to be included in the councils Standing Orders which will be reviewed by council in September.

O8|2OL9 5f. To agree clerk's attendance at the South West Regional Training Seminar in Cheltenham on Wednesday 30 Oct 2019 cost f90 Resolved to approve attendance.

Ogl2}1rg 69. To receive for information on gates project, if received from South Gloucestershire Council No information or paperwork received from South Gloucestershire Council despite requests.

O8l2O19 6h. To approve training and development policy Resolved to approve training and development policy.

Oglz0tg. No 7 ITEMS TO NOTE OglzOLg 7a. To note clerk's attendance at the Cyber protection briefing on L7lO9/19 (no cost) Noted o8l20L9l 8. REPORTS O8l2Ot9.8a To RECEIVE Report from Ward Councillor None

O8l2OL9.8b. To RECEIVE and NOTE a verbal report from the Clerk o Circulated details of lease agreement for school playing fields to councillors as requested. r Chased Shaun Wilson again over paperwork for gates project, no response. o Responded to member of public. o Responded to a request for grant information o Submitted S-Alive article re ideas for VE day event and arranged article for the website. . Updated website re Rectory Land extended closure untilthe lSAugust o Requested dedicated web page for information on councillors - will chase as should have been actioned by last week. o Registered council for LCAS Foundation level with NALC - f50 registration fee. . Updating policies. o Updated Financial Regulations. o Arranged for lan Southcott Cemex to attend meeting and give a presentation on 9th October. Cemex plan to hold a public display of the proposals at the quarry on Friday, October 11th and Saturday, October 12th; this will also include tours of the quarry. Full details and timings will be publicised in due course. o Populated notice board with information and displayed draft minutes. o Phoned HMRC to sort out payroll issues

OglzOLg minutes 3 Daphne Dunning Y1L Clerk and RFO Cromhall Parish Council [email protected] Contact details: 25 Parkfield Rank Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire 8516 9NR CROMHALL PARISH COUNCIL

Circulated emails:

Tortworth Parish Meeting Minutes June Meeting Chief executive's bulletin Weed control Hinkley Point C: consultation on cooling water - July UPDATE Consultation letter for PLg/O9OSGIF Land Adjacent To New Cottages Cromhall News release - Climate emergency declared by West of England Combined Authority Townwell Green Planning Review Update July VCH Gloucestershire newsletter Heritage Open Days - 13 to 22 September 2019 Avon Valley Railway Celebration weekend 3 and 4 August Article - Frome Valley Voice West of England JSP ln short - July 2019 Notification of ALCA Annual General Meeting Voluntary Sector Service Ebulletin for August Planning Review Update Bristol Airport - lnvitation to participate in an Airspace Change workshop

0812019.8c To RECEIVE report on Townwell play area No problems to report.

O8|2OL9.8d To RECEIVE any other reports. Cllr Daniel reported on Good Councillor training

O8(2AL9. No 9. FINANCE OSlzOLg 9a To receive financial and AGREE and s cheques Bank reconciliation July 2019 - as per bank statement Balance in bank at7/O7/t9

Balance asat29/O7/19

Cheques for signing August 2019

O8l2Ot9 minutes Daphne Dunning Clerk and RFO Cromhall Parish Council [email protected] y> contact details: 25 Parkfield Rank Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire 8516 9NR CROMHALL PARISH COUNCIL

Net Travel Expenses VAT Total

TRACCS 1503 Grass f250.00 f0.00 f0.00 f50.00 f300.00 Highways South cutting June Act 1980 West s96 Limited Grass f275.00 f0.00 f0.00 €ss.00 f330.00 f630.00 Highways cutting July Act 1980 s96

S Aston 1504 Wood for f6.98 f0.00 f0.00 f0.00 f6.98 LG(MP)A handrail 7976 s19(3)

HMRC HMRC tax July f0.00 f0.00 f0.00 f0.00 f0.00 LGA1977 overpaid €38.40 s112(2) f76.2 (- f 38.4=€37.80)

HMRC HMRC tax August f0.00 f0.00 €0.00 f0.00 f0.00 LGA 1972 overpaid f 34.00 s7L2(21 f37.80 (- f34=f3.80)

Daphne 150s Salary July f457.94 f35.78 f6.75 f0.00 fsoo.47 LGA 1972 Dunning & expenses sLr2(21

Daphne 1s05 Salary fffio.76 f23.8s f6.75 f0.00 f.477.36 LGAL972 Dunning August & sl72(2\ expenses

South 7507 Localism f156.36 f0.00 f0.00 f37.27 €187.63 highways Gloucester charges act 1980 shire s96 Council NALC r.s08 LCS f50.00 €0.00 f 0.00 f0.00 f50.00 LGA7972 registration s143 fee

8L,637.U €s9.53 €13.50 tL36.27 fL,w.4 eL,137.45

TOTAL Actual f39,015.:14

Reconciliations were approved and cheques signed by cllr Line and white

O8l2O19 9b To receive Q1 figures and agree any actions Resolved to approve Q1 figures oBl2O19. No 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Hedges and pavements

The Council meeting closed at 20.23hrs. Dote of next meeting: 1lth september 2019 at 7.30pm in cromhall village Hall

CHAIRMAN: - #,A LLth September 2019

08/20]-9 minutes 5 Daphne Dunning clerk and RFo cromhail parish councir [email protected] Contact details: 25 Parkfield Rank Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire BS16 9NR